#bass mutual
splat1316 · 6 months
Which of my mutuals plays bass? I know one of my Green Day pals is learning bass and has posted clips of them playing but I can't remember who and it's driving me crazy!
Sorry I can't remember which, but you sure learn the bass line to Song Gol Mae.
Bit of a silly song but i think the bass slaps
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merlyn-bane · 7 months
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A gift of some She Plays Bass Codywan for my moots, bc I know some of you have had kind of a rough go of it lately and I love you all <3<3
The Mando'a on Cody's denim jacket says 'fuck cops' and the patch on her shoulder says 'PRO FUCKING CHOICE' :)) The pose is based off of the many, many pictures of Bruce Springsteen and Clarence Clemmons kissing on stage, and I was going for a sort of Springsteen-but-make-it-even-Dykier vibe for Cody's outfit. Obi-Wan's is supposed to be a bit more British punk.
I hope this brings y'all some joy 🥰🥰🥰
Tagging @dontbelasagnax, @lttrsfrmlnrrgby, @goddammitjim, @ferretrade, and @wrennette, just because I know y'all especially love Sapphic Codywan 😁😁
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c28hunter · 8 months
Holy Trinity? Holy Trinity!
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I was an atheist untill I saw the Holy Trinity in my phone 🛐🛐🛐
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cjoatprehn · 22 days
My Villain Aesthetic via Pinterest (These are fun to do) | feat. @BassRebels & @CapCutofficial
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rotisseries · 9 months
you guys know that one tumblr AITA post about "these two people are always cheating on each other and with the same people but they refuse to try polyamory I think they just get off on this and I'm trying to date them both"? yeah. stoncy au
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snalsupremacy · 11 months
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Mechanism, it never die
Dragona is my favorite guy
Stand, I'm wanting more
Tell Rohan "stop the war"
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every day I care less about Taylor Swift actually sorry to say
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obsidianghoul · 7 months
any bass players out there have any pick recs? I seem to have lost mine when I moved >:(
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concert was fun. each group played three songs (thank god i would’ve survived four) and the flute choir had some pretty good ones? which was surprising considering the conductor for them isn’t the greatest at picking songs. plus we got to hang out at a burger place afterwards
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i feel like we should actually talk so ermmm, favorite pjo book(s) and why + favorite pjo character(s) and why?
please send help how am i supposed to pick favourites
uuuuuh i like TLO because while yes it always makes me scream, it still feels like its the point in time for character interaction and stuff. i remember pretty much nothing from any of HOO but I remember absoloutly loving hazel and frank's characters. ToA as a whole just felt like a fever dream lol (don't even get me started on MCGA, that shit was great).
favourite character tho, thats a hard one. I love Clarisse, couldn't tell you why, not even I know. something about her character just tickles my brain. Will is one of my favourite characters to write and project onto (I'm making him suffer in one of my WIP...it wasn't my intention but its just happened lol). honestly if you want to know favourite characters at any point in time specifically my ao3 bookmarks are a pretty safe place to look lol
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cluelylikesporn · 2 months
hi gang!! ive been super inactive js bc i dont know what to post lmao also i have like no mutuals so HI
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texas-bbq-pringles · 6 months
thanks for the tag @nessie-stardust and @sulkyrie and @iheartjakekiszka
clear water, milkshakes, crystals, agave, candy dishes, converse, seashells. your essence is seafoam: you lose yourself in dreams and drift away from reality. happiness is easier when alone; your sensitivity has borne you too many scars to risk honesty again. your imagination and intuition help you dive deep into introspection, at the cost of truly unfurling. you are the dreamer. you are the wallflower. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of teal, jade, sky, and sage, who similarly value their authenticity. you are also drawn to the diligent honeysuckle and coral, who will help you grow and turn your thoughts to reality. however, you may struggle to get along with the stubborn personalities of pearl and tawny who have no room for contradiction.
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no pressure tags <3 @stardustvanfleet @kenobicoffee @sanguinebats @tommie-gvf @via-fm @brattyjake @itsafullmoon and anyone else that wants too :)
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moshieee · 3 months
Good afternoon my friend, happy birthday, I have a pop quiz question for you:
What animal(s) can undergo the process of photosynthesis?
1) not yet
2) wow I wonder i truly do... Perhaps the animal in your pfp?
(sea sheep)
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baeshijima · 2 months
Sophie I'm back and it's about bass player Blade again
Imagine if Blade was good at playing the guitar. Like REALLY good. Lemme be delulu and say he's as good as this guitar god ( https://youtu.be/DSBBEDAGOTc?si=Gbo8Kow4RjIAEeY- ) . But he hates the spotlight and all the extra work that comes with it. So he plays bass.
And you know what? Let's amp up the delulu. Let's say Blade in this AU has sound-color synesthesia (not too far-fetched from canon since Yingxing WAS a master craftsman and it's usually the artistically inclined who have synesthesia). Thus, every note he plays registers to him as a color. So, a reason why he isn't exactly inclined towards the guitar is because the notes it produces (the notes he can or has to play on it) are akin to bright, flashy hues, which aren't suited to his aloof personality. It's like an artist having to paint using colors he doesn't really like — you'll never pull a magnum opus from him that way.
Thus his liking for the bass, whose notes produce deep, velvety, muted hues — think bordeaux, phthalo, midnight, true indigo. These are *his* hues; they comprise the tapestry he — and only he — can weave to deepen the other colors his band produce.
Just as shadow can add drama, gravitas, and a sense of completion and mastery to an artwork, so too do songs feel empty without an underlying bass.
(Thank you for attending my TED Talk, and sorry if I was incoherent in any way ><)
STOP THATS SO?????? blade having sound-colour synesthesia... that checks out so much... like him taking on the bass role to avoid having a sensory overload of sorts with the brighter colours he associates with guitar chords and much preferring the low baritone chords of the bass. if someone asked him why he doesnt play the guitar, he would say smth along the lines of "...it's too flashy" and ppl not understanding what he means, but chalking it up to something only a prodigy/gifted can understand.
but also the guitarist in the video... blade with a muscle tee and sleeve tattoos on display as he plays the bass in the bands concerts or outdoor busking with his mask and shades.... thoughts running wild......
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makeyouminemp3 · 2 years
when they're chuck bass antis without even watching gossip girl>>>
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also idk enough about music and how this works to explain it but there's a very specific way Pete Wentz plays bass and it's so fun to single out in a song and listen to it
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