#basketball court services
Slam Dunk Success: The Comprehensive Guide to Basketball Court Flooring and Construction
Basketball is more than just a game; it's a lifestyle, a passion, and a community. Whether you're a professional athlete or a casual player, the quality of the basketball court you play on can greatly impact your performance and overall experience. From the material used to the construction process, every aspect plays a crucial role in creating a safe, durable, and high-performance court. In this guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about basketball court flooring, installation services, construction, and materials.
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Basketball Court Flooring:
The foundation of any great basketball court is its flooring. When it comes to basketball court flooring, durability, traction, and shock absorption are key considerations. Popular options include hardwood, synthetic materials like rubber or polypropylene, and acrylic coatings. Hardwood flooring offers excellent bounce and responsiveness, while synthetic materials provide durability and weather resistance. Acrylic coatings can be applied over existing surfaces to create a seamless, uniform playing surface. Read more
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ricochet-surfaces · 5 months
Badminton Court - Ricochet Surfaces LLP | Basketball Court Flooring
Title: Elevate Your Game with Top-notch Sports Flooring in Jaipur by Ricochet Surfaces LLP
Introduction: In the vibrant city of Jaipur, where sports culture is flourishing, Ricochet Surfaces LLP stands as a beacon of excellence in providing high-quality sports flooring solutions. From Badminton Court Flooring to Synthetic Basketball Court Flooring, Ricochet Surfaces LLP has established itself as a leading provider in the industry, ensuring that athletes have the best playing surfaces for their sporting endeavors.
Badminton Court Flooring in Jaipur: Ricochet Surfaces LLP takes pride in offering state-of-the-art Badminton Court Flooring in Jaipur. The company understands the unique requirements of badminton players and provides flooring solutions that enhance performance while ensuring safety. The Badminton Wooden Flooring in Jaipur is crafted with precision, utilizing materials like Maple Wood and Teak Wood, known for their durability and resilience.
Basketball Court Flooring in Jaipur: For basketball enthusiasts in Jaipur, Ricochet Surfaces LLP presents top-tier Basketball Court Flooring. The surfaces are designed to withstand the rigorous demands of the game, providing an excellent grip, shock absorption, and consistent ball bounce. Whether it's a professional court or a recreational space, Ricochet Surfaces LLP ensures that every basketball court in Jaipur is equipped with flooring that meets international standards.
Wooden Sports Flooring in Jaipur: Ricochet Surfaces LLP specializes in Wooden Sports Flooring, utilizing premium materials such as Maple Wood and Teak Wood. The wooden surfaces not only add a touch of elegance to sports facilities but also deliver superior performance. The company's expertise in crafting Wooden Sports Flooring in Jaipur has made them a preferred choice among sports facility planners and architects.
Glass Back Wall System in Jaipur: Incorporating innovation into sports infrastructure, Ricochet Surfaces LLP introduces the Glass Back Wall System in Jaipur. This system not only adds aesthetic appeal to the badminton courts but also enhances the spectator experience. The transparent glass allows spectators to witness the fast-paced action, creating an immersive atmosphere for both players and fans.
Synthetic Football Turf in Jaipur: Catering to the rising popularity of football in Jaipur, Ricochet Surfaces LLP offers high-quality Synthetic Football Turf. The turf provides a consistent playing surface, ensuring optimal ball roll and player comfort. It is an ideal solution for football clubs, schools, and recreational spaces looking to create football facilities with low maintenance requirements.
Flooring Installation Service in Jaipur: Ricochet Surfaces LLP goes beyond just providing flooring solutions; they offer professional Flooring Installation Services in Jaipur. The experienced team ensures that every aspect of the installation is carried out with precision, adhering to strict quality standards. This turnkey service has made Ricochet Surfaces LLP a trusted partner for numerous sports facility projects in Jaipur.
Synthetic Basketball Court Flooring in Jaipur: Ricochet Surfaces LLP presents Synthetic Basketball Court Flooring in Jaipur, designed for optimal performance and durability. The synthetic surfaces offer excellent traction, impact resistance, and longevity, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor basketball courts. With Ricochet Surfaces LLP, Jaipur's basketball enthusiasts can enjoy the game on surfaces that meet international standards.
Conclusion: In the realm of sports flooring in Jaipur, Ricochet Surfaces LLP stands out as a pioneer, delivering cutting-edge solutions for various sports. From Badminton Court Flooring to Synthetic Basketball Court Flooring, the company's commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction is evident. Elevate your sports experience with Ricochet Surfaces LLP, where every step is a leap towards excellence in sports flooring.
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ladykailitha · 4 months
The Harrington Pattern Part 1
Hey, guys! Sorry I'm late uploading today, but I went to bed early last night and forgot to schedule this.
But! Welcome to what I've been calling Steve is a History Nerd agenda. We see in season two on Steve's essay for colleges that he can link his grandfather's military service with his prowess on the basketball court.
It is also surprisingly well written. *shakes fist at the Duffers stop telling us he's stupid and then showing the opposite, please! Let him be smart, too!*
Summary: The Renaissance Fair is finally back in Hawkins after three year absence (Starcourt was built on the fair site and after the fire it was bulldozed back to it's original field). Everyone is excited, even Steve to everyone's amazement. But Steve is hiding other hidden depths as he offers to help the kids make their costumes for the Fair.
Lucas is struggling with being both a nerd and a jock and fears the judgment of his friends. Steve sets out to help him overcome those doubts to be himself.
Tagging the untaggable: @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Nobody expects Steve to be excited for the Renaissance fair. Dustin, Will and Lucas spend hours plotting bribes, schemes and out and out manipulations to get Steve to agree to take them. Even Robin expected him to side with her about the dust and the filth. Eddie expected him to be dismissive of the fantasy aspect of it.
Boy were they all wrong.
For it was Steve to bring up to the group after a rather successful D&D session.
In his hand was a bright pink flier and a wide grin on his face.
“Guys! The Ren Fair is back this year,” he said in lieu of a greeting. “I’ll finally be able to show off that tunic I’ve been working on.”
All heads turned to Steve in shock.
There was a cacophony of questions.
“Since when did you know how to sew?”
“What do you mean back? I didn’t even know Hawkins had one to begin with!”
“You want to go to the Ren Fair?”
“Why would you want to spend all day in the heat and dirt?”
Steve looked around at all off his friends in shock.
“Guys, I love the Ren Fair,” he muttered. “Didn’t you guys know?”
All their jaws dropped.
And Eddie? Eddie felt an icicle to the heart at the sight of Steve’s hurt expression.
“You’ll pardon the peasants, my liege,” Eddie said, bowing grandly. “I’m afraid we have all be harboring under the delusion that Ren Fairs were beneath your notice.”
Steve blinked at him a moment. “But I love that stuff. It’s the history and sword fights and jousting. It’s the like medieval Olympics. It’s the romance and chivalry of knights fighting for a fair maiden’s hand. It’s getting to dress up in fancy clothes and rip into turkey legs like a savage. What’s not to like?”
Dustin frowned. “Who here knew Steve liked history?”
Robin and Nancy raised their hands. They looked around waiting for me people to join them. But they stayed down.
Steve ducked his head and scuffed the floor with the edge of his sneaker.
“The ex-girlfriend I’ll buy,” Dustin continued. “But Robin didn’t become friends with Steve until after he graduated so how did she know?”
Robin blinked at them owlishly. “You mean you guys don’t know?”
Everyone looked around each other and then shook their heads.
“Steve was in my AP history class my junior year,” she said as if this was know fact.
“You do know that AP stands for advance placement, right?” Mike asked.
Eddie smacked the back of his head. “She was in it, dude. Don’t be an ass.”
Steve looked up at him and smiled a little.
Good, Eddie thought. Nothing like a little Mike violence to cheer up Steve.
“He wrote an essay for early placement college exams,” Nancy said. “He didn’t get a chance to turn it in because of our second go round with the Upside Down, but it was really good. It needed a little neatening up with the actual writing, but the history was solid.”
Steve blushed. “Thanks.”
Dustin looked skeptical. “What’s your favorite part of history?”
Steve opened his mouth and then closed it again. “I liked hearing about my grandpa’s time in the US army during WWII, but that was more because he made it interesting. But I really like the Industrial Revolution. Or rather the first Industrial Revolution. There have been four. The first one was from 1760-1840 and featured heavily in the textile movement.”
The room was silent.
“Why textiles, Stevie?” Eddie asked as the silence grew awkward.
Steve lit up like a child at Christmas morning and he began talking about the British textile movement.
“What the hell?” Dustin huffed, breaking into Steve monologue.
Steve ducked his head again and blushed. “Just because I’m not interested in science and fantasy doesn’t mean I’m stupid.” He straightened up. “And yeah, sometimes I get things wrong. But everyone does at some point. In fact I get a hell of a lot more flack for my intelligence than Eddie does and he repeated his senior year twice!” He took a deep breath and then ran his fingers through his hair.
“No offense,” he said waving to Eddie.
Eddie looked up at him with earnest eyes. “None taken. I concur.”
They all looked around at each other in shock. Like they hadn’t realized that they had done that.
After a few moments, Steve put his hands on his hips and pointed at all of them.
“So do you guys want to go or what?”
Eddie sat back with a smile as everyone roared their approval.
“No corsets,” was Robin’s only firm and fast rule for Steve when it came to dressing her up for the Ren Fair.
Steve looked her up and down. “Why on earth would I want you in a corset? Have you looked in the mirror?”
“Uh...” Robin said. “Is that a trick question? Of course I have. I don’t what that has to do with saying no to corsets though...”
Steve rolled his eyes. “In order to give you the curve you need to match the proper silhouette you would need to be cinched to hell. And as this is supposed to be fun.”
He grabbed her hand and started hauling her toward his car.
“Where are we going?”
“Thrifting!” he said with glee.
It took three different stores and a stop at the mall to get everything he needed.
“Give me three days,” he told her when he dropped her off at her house. “And I think you’ll like what I come up with.”
Robin eyed him warily. “If you say so.”
Steve laughed.
He crashed the next D&D session, showing up early to pick them up.
“What is everyone wearing to the Ren Fair?” he asked with a note pad on his lap and wagged the pen in his fingers.
“You want us to dress up?” Mike asked, eyes wide.
“Why not?” he asked with a shrug. “I’ve made my costume and currently reworking some thirfted threads for Robin’s outfit.”
Eddie blinked. “You made your costume?”
Steve shrugged again. “Yeah. I like sewing.”
There was suddenly an uproar and he held up a hand. “I can’t make you a full outfit before the Fair, but I can make over already made clothes to make them more historical. And maybe for next year I’ll have the time to make something special for everyone.”
Dustin eyed him suspiciously. “Like what?”
“Like tailoring pants to a tighter fit,” Steve explained “adding a sash or belt, turning old coats into vests and cloaks, things like that.”
They still weren’t sure how that would work out.
“Now I talked to Joyce and Claudia,” he continued. “And they’re both willing to help out in making sure everyone has something nice to wear. That includes Max and El.”
“Are the fair maidens joining us?” Eddie asked.
Steve nodded. “Yeah. Joyce is doing El and Will, Claudia is doing Dustin and Mike, and I’m doing Lucas and Max. Eddie said he already had a costume, so I didn’t have to worry about him.”
Eddie grinned. “You better believe it, pretty boy.”
Steve ducked his head and blushed. “So we’re all going thrifting with a $5 limit for each of you. But I wanted to brainstorm some ideas of what you wanted to go as so we don’t waste time wandering around.”
Everyone started shouting at once and it took Steve a good ten minutes before he got everyone calmed down enough to get what they wanted. Dustin wanted to go as a hobbit, but Steve had to nix that one.
“You don’t want to go running around the grounds barefoot,” he explained with a wince. “It’s not safe.”
“I’m going to have to agree with Stevie on this one,” Eddie said. “You guys have never been but there is all sorts of stuff laying around. It’s not indoors and the pathways are dirt lined. Think the state fair. It’s more like that then going to comic book convention.”
Dustin grumbled but conceded the point. Steve got them to decide on... well not quite peasant gear, but more rough around the edges than what Steve would be wearing.
Well, all but Lucas. He didn’t want to wear what they were wearing but he refused to say what he did want to wear.
So Steve dropped him off at home last.
They pulled into his driveway and Steve turned to him. “Do you not want to dress up? Because I won’t make you.”
Lucas picked at the loose string on his sweater. “It’s not that. I just remember the last time we did a group costume and they all thought I should be Winston because I was black like he was.”
Steve frowned for a moment. “The Ghostbusters, right?”
Lucas nodded. “I knew if I brought it up they’d shoot me down again.”
“So what did you want to go as?” he asked.
Lucas huffed out a sigh. “It doesn’t matter. It’s a stupid pipe dream anyway. Especially since you have to make Max’s dress and Robin’s costume, too.”
He opened the door to get out, but Steve reached over and slammed it closed.
“One, Robin’s costume is almost done,” he said counting out on his fingers. “Two, do you really think your girlfriend is going to want to wear a dress? And three, let me be the judge on what’s too much for me, okay?”
Lucas huffed a laugh at his second point. “Yeah, that was dumb of me.”
“So what is it?”
Lucas looked down again and heaved out a sigh. “An elf.”
Steve’s mind was whirling with the possibilities. “What colors?”
“What?” Lucas asked, not sure he heard Steve right.
“What colors would you want it to be?”
He pulled out the notebook and scrambled for a pen. Lucas pulled a pencil out of his bag and handed it to him.
“Uh I was thinking of a light blue and with a silver trim?” he said hesitantly.
Steve sketched something out. “Like this?”
Lucas leaned over to look at the drawing. “A little shorter so I’m not tripping over it and maybe those puffy pants?”
Steve adjusted the drawing and Lucas nodded.
“Yeah, like that.”
“All right,” Steve said. “I know exactly what to do and how to do it. It won’t be perfect because I don’t have time to do it right so I’ll be doing a lot of cheating. But yeah, it’s doable.”
Lucas gave him a hug. “Thanks, man.”
Steve called the one person he knew he could help him.
“Eddie,” he said the second the other man picked up. “I need your nerd connections to do a huge favor for Lucas.”
“Wha’cha got, big boy?” Eddie asked with a grin.
“You wouldn’t happen to know any Trekkies would you?” Steve asked chewing on his bottom lip.
“That depends, Stevie,” Eddie replied, “what’s the need?”
“Pointed ears.”
Eddie hummed. “I’m assuming you’re thinking Trekkie because of Spock and that’s a good thought. But I’m guessing since we’re going to the Ren Fair our stalwart ranger is wanting to be an elf?”
“Yeah,” Steve said. “Do you know anyone who can help?”
“Better than that,” Eddie said. “I know where to get the ears in the right... shade?”
Steve perked up. “Oh? I’m guessing Jeff?”
“Right in one, darlin’,” Eddie said with a soft smile. “I’ll give him a call and then call you back.”
“Thanks, Eds,” Steve breathed. “You’re the best.”
“Thanks, doll.”
I am so excited for this, guys. You have no idea. I'm little history nerd myself and this really fun to play around with.
Just a heads up. We WILL be addressing Mike's casual racism from the Ghostbusters scene because I don't like that it's never been addressed.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 @artiststarme ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual
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spliffymae · 1 year
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kio’s notes - some sfw headcanons inspired by this connie fic i read on wp a while back. it was my first connie fic and the start of this connie brain rot. i wish it was still up 🤧 shit was soooo good!
also inspired by @chrollohearttags rockstar!eren series and @privateparty3 rapper!connie
also check this
⊱ ──────── {.⋅ ✺ ⋅.}──────── ⊰
now let me say this,
connie mfn springer had a golden ear!
he could make a song out of anything, truth be told. his abuela used to tell him he was blessed with “god’s gift.” yeah, he had a voice as soothing and smooth as velvet. but put it over a track with a piano medley and some soft beats, oh baby! the man had a voice that made the greek muses swoon.
musicproducer!connie had a couple of his own songs out on streaming platforms. he mostly used spotify and apple music for his official music, and soundcloud for official music or for quick ideas he wanted his followers to hear. he loved singing, but not as much as he loved to create. producing was where connie truly felt he belonged. he couldn’t count the number of times he’s fallen asleep at his desk, drooling on his piano keys because he pulled an all nighter to finish a song because he got a sound stuck in his head and just needed to bring it to life.
(honorable mentions to the times he hears songs not by him and thinks “i can make this better” and just completely changed the entire vibe of the song)
but musicproducer!connie loved sounds. everything and anything had potential to be a song. whether it be the crunching of the fall leaves under his boot, or the bounce of the basketball he dribbled in his backyard court, or even the sound of his car’s indicator—connie found music in any sound.
if you asked musicproducer!connie what he couldn’t live without, he would describe to you in detail his music setup. his laptop, the hard drive with all his songs, his drum pad, his bass guitar, his red beats headphones, the software he uses…he would go on forever!
musicproducer!connie would be the genius behind his friends’ music as well. they would come to him either with a chopped up idea of what they wanted or sometimes come to him empty handed with nothing but a hope. either way, connie would be sitting in his home studio with his friends, working on a song. he loved helping them, so he looked at it as great bonding time too.
musicproducer!connie was also quite big on social media. he had a following of 700k on instagram and over a million listeners across his streaming services. he also had a twitch, where he would post at least twice a week, one of those times being him making instrumentals from scratch with his viewers watching and helping. he loved to interact with his followers. knowing there were people out there who connected with his music on a deep level made him so happy. hell, the first single he dropped he was kicking his feet at all the supportive feedback he was getting.
musicproducer!connie even did shows here and there! they would be house shows, with maybe 1000 people at least. he would sing some of his hits, but would mainly be the dj, working the booth for his friends. he always and only performed with his friends.
honestly, music was everything to connie and then some. it was his passion. it was what made him who he is. but most of all, it was something he always did with you.
yessir! musicproducer!connie would be telling a lie if he said he became the artist he is today on his own. if it weren’t for you, he probably would’ve quit a long time ago, when his sophomore project didn’t receive as much hype/attention as his debut.
you were always his biggest fan, though. you would use your social media following to promote his work, much to connie’s joy. what he loved more than sharing his music was you sharing it, because in turn you would be showcasing the relationship between you and connie to your hundreds of thousands of followers.
like those times he would be sitting on the floor of his living room, creating a song on his laptop. you would be behind him, sitting between the couch and him with the side of your face pressed against his back. he would be in his own world with his headphones on, you would be busy on your phone, and yet connie felt it was one of the best ways to spend time with you.
your glossy lips would be in a faint pout as you recorded yourself, stretching your arm up and out to show connie’s entire back, this tan freckled skin showcasing the tense of his muscles whenever he would reach for his pen to scribble away notes in his notebook.
you would simply post the video to your snapchat, captioning it “1/2 of us is in their creative bag rn”. you would follow up that snap with another short video, this time it being you leaving small kisses along the expanse of connie’s back. because of your gloss the lip prints were visible and you would smile mischievously.
musicproducer!connie loved you. he loved to have you near him. so when he would go on these red carpet events with his friends, you would be at his side, the two of you dressed beautifully as you smiled for the cameras. connie would make it his mission to have you flustered the whole night, giving you soft neck kisses and whispering both sweet and naughty things in your ear while he held you close. like,
“you look so beautiful tonight, i’m so lucky to have you, mi cielita.”
“i can’t wait to take this off of you, baby.. give you the proper attention you deserve.”
“been missing my lil’ songbird so much.” he would just miss the shell of your ear with his teeth, looking down at you with his eyes droopy with lust. “have you missed me, baby?”
“of course, baby. but the show ain’t even start yet.” you said with a squeal, already feeling the blood rush straight to your cheeks. there was no doubt the cameras caught that. if they somehow didn’t, then they sure must’ve captured the lovestruck look connie gave you whenever his eyes would fall on you.
“i can’t help it, mami. just love having you.” he would mumble, giving you the softest of pecks as to not mess up your lipstick.
musicproducer!connie was in deep when it came to you. and if it wasn’t obvious by the way he showered you with physical affection, then it must be from the way he had you as his producer tag, the five second audio starting with you giggling, then in your best ‘smooth r&b’ voice, saying “issa connie springer production.” connie remembers the first project he used that on—a joint lover’s ep onyankopon wanted him on. til this day, how many years later, every time a song from the ep comes on, your cheeks get hot and body all tingly at the flustered feeling that overwhelms you. it was your first time ever being on a record
musicproducer!connie used you for a lot of his songs, it was mainly on the background vocals of different projects he would do. but he also used you as inspiration. he moonlighted as a songwriter, mainly helping other artists with filler lyrics or strengthening what they already have. it would be rare connie was asked to write a song start to finish, but whenever he did, he found he was thinking back to your relationship. both good and bad times, just thinking of you filled him with enough inspiration to create several masterpieces.
yeah, musicproducer!connie loves you. he has what seems to be an endless amount of ways to express his love to you. but if all else fails, he knows his music will do it’s job every. damn. time.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Take It Out On Me Part 9 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: Idk where this came from but it hella flowed from my angsty brain. Enjoy :) There is a phone conversation in this one. Steve's will be in red.
Warnings: Daddy Steve and Sir Eddie and all that implies (I regret nothing!), Smut, angst, with a dash of fluff, degrading and spanking, reader gets hurt and ends up going to the ER (not because of anything they did! They would never hurt her like that.) Injury is mentioned in detail (bleeding and stitches), I think that's all.
Word Count: 5792
“Hey Maze.”
Your best friend grins at Steve and Eddie as they sit beside her on the bleachers in the rival school gym. The girls Hawkins basketball team had made it to finals and unbeknown to you the boys had made it a priority to be there especially Eddie who postponed Corroded Coffins band practice to come watch you. 
It had taken some time but Masie eventually grew fond of both boys even coming out with you guys to the movies or dinner at the diner in town. After the game began, she couldn’t help but laugh when the metalhead would clap when everyone else did with a vacant expression in his eyes. 
“Do you have any idea what’s going on?”
“No. I just know Y/N is playing and the ball goes in the hoop.”
“Eh. That’s enough.”, Steve grinned as he nudged his friend with his shoulder. 
Hawkins was ahead in score and after every quarter the opposing team seemed to get more and more aggressive. One of the girls seemed to always be on you the same way Billy had with Steve. 
“I’m going to murder this girl if she touches her again.”, Masie growled.
It happened so fast even you barely had time to register it. One minute you were running up the court, the next an elbow was colliding with your face, knocking you hard to the ground. When you didn’t get back up before a whistle even blew Eddie and Steve were on the court. 
The sound of sneakers skidded to your side. “Y/N?! Honey, I need you to look at me, ok?”, Steve lifted your head as Eddie slid his jacket behind it. Your coach knelt beside him as she spoke on the phone with emergency services. “Y/N! Come on, babe.”
“…Fuck me, that hurt…” You try to reach for your head but your limbs feel heavy. 
“No, hey, no. Don’t move, ok? How are you feeling?”
“Heavy…but that could be because I am.” They laugh as you flash them a tiny smile.
“Well, at least your making jokes.” Steve’s eyes meet Eddie’s as he brushes your hair back to expose where you were bleeding. Your head turned slightly towards Masie who was kneeling by your side as your eyes began to tear up. 
“I’m scared.”
The guys hated this. They had never felt so helpless and it was killing them. 
EMS arrived and started treating you before pulling you onto the stretcher. 
“Sweetheart, we’ll meet you at the hospital, okay?!”, Eddie called after you as they began wheeling you away. 
You grinned as all three of them walked into your room while the nurse was putting a bandage over the stitches near your temple. 
“If you ever scare me like that again, I’ll kill you.” Masie practically pushed the lady out of her way as she hugged you. 
“Oh, look at that. She’s definitely on some good drugs.”, Eddie grins. 
“Yeah, seven stitches and a lot of morphine later.”, the nurse giggled. “She’s going to be feeling it tomorrow though.” She collected her mess, exiting the room, and Masie followed her out saying she had to find a phone to call her parents letting them know she would be late coming home. 
Eddie came up to your side, gently gripping your cheeks as he kissed your forehead. It was honestly the softest thing you had ever experienced with him, making you want to collapse into his chest.
“Are you okay?”
“I…can’t really feel anything…but I think so.”, you smile. 
Steve’s hand slides into your own. “You did good out there tonight. So good in fact that bitch had to take you out completely.” He grinned as you lazily laughed. “Is this a pattern for you? Bleeding and getting into fights.”, he teased. 
“Oh yeah. On graduation, I’ll get my “fuck bitches up” girl scout badge.”, you slurred as the medicine really began kicking in. “Thank you both…for being here.”
Eddie ran his hand through your hair behind your head right as the hospital door flew open again. 
“Sweetheart! Are you okay?!” 
Eddie and Steve immediately pulled back as your mom came in and tugged you into her arms. 
“Yeah, mama. I’m fine—”
“What happened?!”
“Why are you two here?”, you dad asks sizing up the boys with his eyes. 
“We’re, um, her friends.”
“No. Masie is her friend. She’s never mentioned you especially you.”, he points at Eddie. 
“Dad, please… they are my friends.”
“Hm. We’ll talk about that when you are feeling better. You two can leave now.”
The metalhead’s fists clenched in defiance at the way your dad commanded him. Even worse, you were hurt and they didn’t want to leave you, making them feel helpless all over again. 
“Come on, Ed. Let’s…let’s head back. Y/N, call us later, okay?”
You nodded as you watched them hesitate, dragging their feet as they finally leave. 
“Shit. You guys are in for it now. Her parents are about to make this a lot harder for you.” Masie smiled at them with empathy before entering the room as they left.
Masie wasn’t joking around with her statement. They tried to call you but they were always met with a busy signal. You missed the next few days of school and your friend said that your parents kept checking in on you at night so they couldn’t sneak in again. 
It had been three days since they had seen your face or heard your voice and their anger began to leak through in their every day. Steve got in trouble for snapping at one of his teachers and Eddie tried to clear his mind with a new D & D campaign but he couldn’t focus long enough to get anything together. 
At 2am on a school night, the metalhead found himself glaring into the void, cigarette loosely hanging from his lips as he strummed his guitar when his phone ringing jostled him back to reality.
“Yeah, what.”, he answered angrily. 
“Baby? Hey, hey.” He moved his instrument to the side as he removed the cigarette and balanced it in a nearby ashtray. “Hey. Are you okay?”
“Yes, Sir. I’m fine. Am I bothering you?”
“No, sweetheart, you’re never bothering me. Do you want me to get, Steve?” He quickly puts you on hold as he dials the man’s number.
“Yeah?”, he grumbles sleepily. 
Without saying a word, Eddie pulls him through. “He’s here, Y/N.”
Steve’s eyes shot open at the sound of your little voice. “Honey? Jesus fucking Christ, it’s good to hear your voice. Are you alright?”
“I’m so sorry for disappearing. My parents were worried because I got hurt and then quizzed me about you both. My dad saw you both touching me in the hospital and he pitched a fit. He said I wasn’t allowed to talk to you guys. This is the first time in the last few days I haven’t had them looming over me.”
“We can worry about all that later. What matters to us is how your head is.”
“It still hurts but not as bad as that first morning. It was awful. I…I just wanted you two to hold me and tell me everything would be ok…”
“Hey, hey now, baby girl. Everything IS ok. When are you coming back to school?”
“Tomorrow afternoon. I have an appointment with the doctor in the morning so I should be back by lunch.” Your sniffles filled their receivers. “Are you two alright? I heard Daddy got in trouble.”
“Yeah, Steve got feisty with one of his teachers.”, Eddie chuckled. 
“I don’t like feeling out of control…”, Steve exhaled heavily. 
 “We were just worried about you, princess. It’s our job to take care of you.” You’re end suddenly disconnected and with that you were gone again. “Ugh! Fuck this bullshit.”, Eddie growled as he picked up his cigarette again.
“Thanks for calling me, Munson. Fuck, I can’t wait for tomorrow. I need to see her face.”
Steve leans against one of the poles outside while Eddie paces during their lunch period in the front parking lot as they wait for you. 
“Where the hell is she?”
Steve shrugs, checking his watch for the millionth time. 
“God damnit! I fucking hate this!”
“Eddie, relax, dude.”
“Don’t tell me to relax, Harrington. I know you feel the same way. I fucking hate this helpless feeling. This is WORSE than when she was in New York. At least then we knew she would call us to tell us she was ok. Now when she actually fucking needs us, there’s nothing we can do?!”
“Eddie?” Their heads whip around to the sound of your voice. “What’s wrong? Why are you both out here?”
For over three days, this is what the metalhead had been waiting for, you in front of him, but seeing you now had him frozen in place. You had a different type of bandage covering your wound than the last time they saw you at the hospital. Your eye just below it was a light shade of purple as it slowly began fading. 
The mixture of feelings coursing through your own body had you stuck as well. You noticed it before they turned around; the erratic energy surrounding them as they waited. You felt it to; the helplessness of not being able to even call them and hear them comfort you. While you rested you often thought about how they behaved at the gym to the hospital. Steve’s panicked tone as he held you commanding you to keep your eyes open. The fear in Eddie’s eyes and the gentle touches when he brushed your hair back as you spoke to them. 
You also couldn’t help but be a little self-conscious of the injury itself. It looked (and felt) a lot worse those first couple of days to the point where even blinking had you wincing. It was beginning to heal though and the doctor said soon they would be able to take out the stitches. You had so many other unorthodox questions you wanted to ask but didn’t know how. For example, with the current state of your injury, could you still be held down and fucked senseless by two handsome men? 
Seeing them now you kind of wish you had because not only did they seem like they had things they needed to release but you desperately wanted them to because you needed it to. You needed them to take out the frustration of the last few days on you because you needed to let it go as well. 
Eddie’s palm ran through your hair down to the side of your cheek. “I-I didn’t realize she hit you that hard. Are you—does it—”
“Not as bad, no. I didn’t either but they are taking the stitches out Friday and he said I can even start playing again by next week. Not much point now…the season is pretty much over.”, you chuckle. “Why are you guys out here? I was sitting with Masie waiting for you.”
“You said you’d be back by lunch so we were waiting for you to park. We… oh fuck this.” Steve’s hand shot to grab the back of your neck, pulling your lips to his. His kisses couldn’t be described any other way besides hungry. When he pulled away, he placed his forehead on yours careful not to hurt you. “We don’t like feeling out of control…”
“I’m sorry, Daddy. I tried, I swear, but—”
“No. You were bleeding in our arms. You were scared and there was nothing we could do about it in that moment. Then you were all alone… we couldn’t get to you…”
Eddie tugged lightly on your arm and you fell into his chest. “We felt helpless… It’s nothing you did. I just keep thinking about you in the hospital with those big, sad eyes and we left you.”
“No, hey, no.” You lean back looking up at him. “You didn’t leave me by choice. I know that.” Following Steve’s lead, you reach for his chin and tilt his lips to yours.
The sound of the bell forces you both apart. “I’m not sure if it’s my head or what but that sound is way more fucking grating.” You grin as they laugh, the beautiful noise shooting straight to your heart. 
The rest of the week was a different kind of hell. Everyone kept staring at your face as you walked by, some even asking for the gory details. Masie being the ever-present best friend made sure to shoo them as far away as she could before looping her arm in yours and walking you to class. 
It was wonderful being able to see the guys again but your parents were still hovering over you not even allowing you to go to Masie’s house after school if you asked. Eddie and Steve started behaving a bit differently as well. Friday you finally got your stitches out and by that following Monday you were feeling a lot better. The cut was still visible of course but the bruising and swelling had subsided greatly. 
Even though you couldn’t go to their house, you at least expected them to utilize the time at school like they had previously but they didn’t. It was almost like they were afraid to touch you. 
“Mom, please. I need to get out of the house! I’m much better, let me hang out with Masie.”
Your parents glanced at each other from their place on the couch. “Just Masie?”
“Of course—”
“You know I don’t want you hanging out with that freaky Munson kid or the Harrington boy especially if they are associated.”
“I know, dad.” You tried to hold in your growl as he insulted them. 
“Fine. Are you going to spend the night?”
They nodded when you asked if you could and you excitedly ran to your car as you headed for Eddie’s trailer.
“Hello there.” A tall, older man opened the door for you gesturing for you to come in. “I assume you’re here for Eddie. He’s…” The metalhead came into view when he saw you from his room. “…right there. I’m Wayne, his uncle. Are you Y/N?”
“Hi, I am. It’s nice to finally meet you.”, you beam. 
“Likewise. I’ve heard some great things about you.” He grins down at you before turning to collect some things from the couch and tugging on his hat. “Alright, Ed. I’m off to work. Don’t burn anything down.”
“Yeah, yeah.”, Eddie waves after him nonchalantly. “I see the wardens set you free.”
“They did. I thought the three of us could spend some time together.” You coyly run your hand down his shirted chest as you smile. To your dismay, he lightly grabs your wrists and places it on your side. 
“That sounds like fun. Steve is on his way right now, actually. We were going to smoke and listen to some music.”
“Oh…um…ok. I’m not intruding or anything, am I?”
“No, sweetheart, no. Go sit on my bed and I’ll be right there.”
“Yes, Sir.”
He paused then, glancing to the floor before flashing you a half-hearted smile. 
Did…Did I do something wrong? Why he is being like this? Maybe Steve will help.
After doing what he suggested, you looked out to his bedroom window to see the boy smoking on his front steps. A few moments go by before a BMW slowly pulls up to the trailer. His eyebrows furrow in confusion when he sees your car and they both have what seems like a heated conversation. Eddie tosses the cigarette in the dirt, dusting off his shorts before they come inside. 
“Hey, honey. Nice to see you out of your prison.”
You softly smile as you rise to hug him but something’s off. Steve usually wraps his arms tightly around you, pressing your head to this chest as you inhale him. This time his arms encircled you for all of five seconds before letting you go. 
“Are you both mad at me?”
“No, baby. Why would we be mad at you?”, Eddie asks as he sits on the floor and reaches for his black tin lunch box. 
“You’re just acting weird… less…like you were before.”
“I have no idea what that means.”, Steve chuckles. As he sits at the end of the bed, you notice his shoulders tense. Neither of them seemed relaxed at all. 
“Oh? You have no idea? Hm. That’s cool. Maybe Billy Hargrove may know.” You gaze shifts between them, gauging their reaction hoping to get any at all that wasn’t whatever they were displaying now. Eddie froze as Steve’s breathing became a bit more erratic but neither responded to you verbally. “Really? Nothing to say? Misters I-take-what-I-want and call-me-by-my-titles have absolutely nothing to say to me?!”
Eddie moved everything to the side as he listened to you speak. Steve still hadn’t really looked at you so you took it upon yourself, reaching for his chin and turning him to face you. His hand roughly reached for your wrist but instead of acting on your action…he let you go.
“Wow.”, you huffed. “Never thought I’d see the day when the freak and the king became bitches yet here we are. What was it, hm? Is it because I made you guys feel something other than lust? Or are you just afraid to live up to your names because I got hurt. I assure you both I just cracked my head open yet I have more fire than either of you this past week!”
You shook your head, rising to your feet and heading towards the front door. A hand abruptly grabbed your arm and spun you back towards the hallway. “Go.”, Eddie pointed towards his bedroom. “NOW!” He shouted into your face causing you to jump as you turned and quickly did as he asked. 
He brought a chair from the living room and placed it in the middle of his bedroom. “Sit.”
As you took your seat, he sat across from you beside Steve whose eyes were clouded over with rage. 
“I always love when you get angry like you just did. It really gives me insight into how you see us and this relationship.” Eddie’s tone was light but his tense body language betrayed him as he lit a cigarette. “We feel things for you other than lust every fucking day but the helplessness was new. This kind of helpless anyway. The kind that makes you want to do whatever you have to…to make sure the person you care about is ok.”
“But I guess that was all for nothing since we don’t care about you. We just want to fuck you. It’s just Daddy, Sir, and Baby, right?”, Steve glared at you. “It’s just titles, sex, and money… Even if that’s the case, we still wouldn’t have played with you because you were hurt.”, he snickers before he continues. “Can’t really play with a toy when it’s damaged.”
Your eyes start to water at his words but you fold your arms and regain your composure as you sit up straighter. You’re not going to show them your pain. 
“Hurts, doesn’t it? Being referred to like that.” Eddie takes a drag from his cigarette and blows smoke in your direction. “Imagine how it makes us feel when you constantly say things like that. That just because you belong to us all we’re capable of is having sexual feelings for you. That we don’t think about you every god damn day and wonder how you are.”
“If you’re alright…did she eat? Did she get enough sleep since stays up till 2am doing her homework? Are Tommy and Carol leaving her alone because she already has enough on her plate with things at home and school…”
“When is she going to spend the night again because my pillow doesn’t smell like her anymore? Why is the clock moving so fucking slow? I just want it to be lunch so I can hear her laugh across the lunchroom. Is it the end of the day so I can wrap my arms around her before we walk her to her car.”
You wiped the stray tear that escaped as they continued. 
“Those feelings were amplified by ten when we couldn’t reach you. I know she’s in pain but I can’t…hold her. I can’t tell her everything is okay. I can’t fucking kiss her and take care of her like we should.” Eddie squishes his cigarette and lights another. “I hope…I hope she doesn’t think that we’re fine without her.”
Steve glances at him as the boy looks down at the floor. “Because we weren’t… Y/N, when you didn’t get back up and you were struggling to even open your eyes… it scared the hell out of me; out of us.”
“Is that why you won’t touch me?”, you ask.
“Yes and no.”
Eddie blows smoke in your direction again. “Yes because it scared us and no because… fuck it, Harrington. I don’t know how else to say it so I’m just going to. Sweetheart, we have a lot of fucking buildup of emotions from everything that happened and the feeling of not having control. We know that Miss I-like-to-be-used would allow us to release some of that energy but, baby, we…can’t promise we’d be gentle.”
“And with your injury we aren’t sure what you can handle… and we know that if we touch you we, we may never stop so…”
“Then don’t.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, their answer to your question turning you on. “Please… I need it just as bad as you do.”
They hear it to; the neediness in your tone pleading with them. Their cocks twitch in their pants as you squirm in your chair. 
“Maybe when you’ve fully healed, baby.”
“I’m fine, Daddy. I promise. The stitches are out and it doesn’t even hurt anymore. Please…”
“No.” Eddie didn’t say that with any kind of confidence so you knew you getting through.
Standing from your chair, you kicked off your jeans before taking a seat again making sure to leave your legs wide open. 
“But, Sir, I need you. I need you to make me cum.” Your fingers dip under the fabric of your underwear as you run them through your folds. 
“Seem like you’re doing just fine. I’m not sure what a couple of bitches like us could do, right Stevie?”
Steve was losing his resolve; he wasn’t as strong as Eddie. It had been a couple of weeks since he tasted you and all he wanted to do was bury his face between your legs. 
“I’m sorry for being rude to you. I just…it hurt me that you didn’t want to touch me.”
“Hey. It’s not that we didn’t want to—”
“I know, Sir. I know. You were looking out for me. Thank you for always being so good to me.” Your eyes met his as your fingers slide into your entrance. “Fuck… please. Your fingers are so much bigger than mine.”
His eyes narrowed in your direction. “Did you just interrupt me?”
A cocky grin spread across your face. “Yes, Sir, I did.”
Eddie snapped his fingers and motioned for you to stand in front of them. You did as you were told, shivering when his hands finally made contact with your skin as he lifted off your shirt and slid down your panties. 
“Kneel.”, he commands as he points towards the floor. 
They weren’t sure if you could tell but they were struggling so hard to keep their composure. Seeing you like this, on your knees in front of them as you looked up with those big, beautiful, needy eyes, was torture in it of itself. 
Steve’s palm reached out to touch your face as his thumb traced your lingering wound. Your check turned into his touch as you delicately kissed the pads of his fingers. 
“I’m ok, Daddy. I promise. I wouldn’t lie to you…to either of you.”
Eddie’s foot suddenly slid between your legs. “Why don’t you finish what you were doing, princess? Make yourself cum.”
You hesitated slightly, wrapping your arms around his calf as your started to grind your hips, whining when you couldn’t seem to get enough friction. 
“Need something bigger, pretty girl? I like we spoiled her, Stevie.” He chuckles as his hands grip your biceps pulling you onto the bed on top of him. You bit your bottom lip to stifle the moan as he took off his shirt and tossed it to the floor. “Up, up.” He called as he patted his tummy. 
Eddie quirked his eyebrow as if to say you can continue and a whimper left your chest as you slowly began grinding your pussy against him. He grinned as he placed his arms behind his head, watching you. 
“Harrington, you should really come up here. The view is quite nice.”
“I don’t mind what I’m seeing back here.” Steve’s palm lightly came down on your ass eliciting a soft moan. You could tell he was testing the waters so you offered some encouragement of your own. 
“Jesus, Daddy. I like that.”
This time Eddie spanked you a bit harder. “Say it correctly.”
“I—mmm—I like Daddy spanking me.”
“Yeah, you do. I can feel you fucking dripping.”
Balancing on his chest, you rub your hips harder against him, his happy trail tickling you in the best possible way. The sound of the boy’s moan underneath you gave you pause as your eyes fluttered open and met his.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“I…I’m not hurting you…right?” It takes Eddie a moment and a cursory glance towards his friend to realize what you mean. His palms grip either side of your face as he brings you closer to his own. 
“Grind.”, he commands. You hesitate before continuing, gripping his wrist for leverage. “Look at me, Y/N. Stop worrying about your body. You should be more concerned about this…”, his thumb glides over your forehead before coming down to caress your stomach. “…than this. You trust us, right?”
“Yes, Sir. I trust you and Daddy.”
He smiles as you correctly answer his question. “Good girl, princess. We know not only how to take care of you but ourselves. If I couldn’t handle a beautiful girl like you rubbing her pretty little pussy on top of me, I would never have put you in that position. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
“Yes, Sir, I understand…fuck me.” Your body trembles above him as you cum, the hair on his stomach now coated with you. “Please…please, use me.”, you beg. “I know you both went through a lot these past few days. I did to. I missed you so much. Please…”
Eddie gestured for you to get off him, standing to remove his shorts and boxers. As you waited, a now naked Steve patted the mattress, signaling for you to lay down on your back next to him.
“Tap twice to get my attention, ok?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
His fingers smoothed your hair back as he sat up on his knees and pressed the tip of his mushroom head to your lips. “Open.” Steve placed his cock between your mouth, guiding it in and out with an obnoxious pop before fully settling in. 
The bed shook underneath you as Eddie placed himself between your legs, holding your thighs open for a good view as he spit into your cunt. After lifting your leg over his shoulder, he sheathed himself inside of your core, your eyes rolling back at the feeling. 
He wasn’t ruthless but he definitely wasn’t gentle as he jackhammered his hips into yours. Steve held the back of your head as he pumped into your mouth, biting his lips as both men pushed themselves deeper into you. 
“That’s it, babe. Taking me and Steve like the good fucking slut you are. Fuck, I missed this fucking pussy.” His thumb came down to play with your clit and you mewled as you jerked your head away from Steve. 
“Fuck! Yes, Sir. Please…”
“Yeah? Is that the spot, sweetheart?” 
The other boy wrapped his hand around your throat, lightly squeezing as Eddie slammed into you. Steve’s lips came down to meet yours as you panted against them as you came. The metalhead aggressively placed his hands on your ass, holding you as tightly to him as he could get before roughly thrusting his seed inside of you.
The boys head hung as he tried to catch his breath, his hair blocking his face from your view. His arm slowly rose, wrapping around your thigh as his palm rested on your mound. A tiny gasp left your lips as his thumb casually began flicking your clit again. 
“So sensitive…”, he grinned. “I bet I can make you cum again by just doing this without moving my cock.”
“It’s not hurting you?”, Steve chuckled making Eddie’s grin stretch further along his gorgeous face. 
“A little.” He licks his lips as his eyes remain on himself inside of you and his thumb moving against you. “But, again, Harrington, the view is worth it. F-fuck. She’s just fucking pulling me in.”
Eddie grunts as his face scrunches together, slowly pulling halfway out before your pussy tightens around him and he slides back in. Your eyes roll and close as he moves faster against you bundle of nerves, your hand blindly reaching for Steve’s cheek so you can feel his lips. 
His tongue sloppily glides along yours as his fingers delicately brush your hair away from your face. You pulled away, moaning as the sound of slick filled the room. 
“There you go, honey. Let go and just cum. Don’t think about anything else except the way Eddie feels touching you. God, baby girl, I can’t wait to be inside of you. After you cum on my cock I’m going to cum in this pretty mouth. Do you want that?”
“Y-yes, Daddy. Please.”
“God damn it…”, Eddie mewled, your cunt squeezing him like a vice as you cum. 
Steve kisses your forehead before he and the metalhead switch places. After lifting you up and leaning his back against the headboard, he positions you on top of him so you were facing away with your legs bent at the knee on either side of him. Unsure of what you should be doing, he guided you with his hands, raising your hips and bringing you down gradually on to his dick. 
“That’s my good girl. Fuck. L-lean forward, baby, and balance on your hands.”
You followed his instructions, pushing on to your hands and using them for leverage as you bounced your hips against his own. Eddie sat on his knees in front of you, his hands cupping your face as he kissed your lips.
“How does he feel, sweetheart?”
“Mmm—so good.”
“Yeah? Funny. I thought you said you had some aggression you wanted to get out to. Doesn’t seem like you’re fucking him that way.”
You whimper as you roll your waist, Steve’s hand coming down to smack your ass.
“Come on, Y/N. I know you can do better than that.”, Eddie coos.
“Fuck, yes, honey.” The other man grunts from behind as your lower half hits his as hard and fast as you can go. 
“I know, baby. I know.” Eddie tangles his fingers into your hair as he presses your face to his shoulder while Steve begins thrusting upwards to meet your actions with aggressive motions of his own. 
Crying out, your body shutters as you tumble of the edge.
“Good…good girl, babe. Shit…come…come put those beautiful lips…on my cock.”, he panted. 
His friend released his hold on you as you slid off his lap and adjusted yourself so you could take him in your mouth. Steve held you still as he pumped into until you felt his spend hit the back of your throat. You quickly bobbed your head, utilizing your tongue to grab every last drop you could before swallowing him down. 
You collapsed on to your back trying to catch your breath until a hand slid behind your head lifting it up till your lips touched glass. 
“Drink this, sweetheart.” As soon as the water hit your tastebuds, your hand reached for the cup and chugged the rest of its contents. “Good, baby. Let’s go take a shower really quick, ok?”
You nod as you allow him to take your hand and lead you to his bathroom before preparing the shower. Standing silently in your bliss, you allow him to clean you. 
Eddie is startled slightly when your arms wrap around him and you nuzzle into his chest. He smiles as he holds you to him. 
“I’m glad you’re okay. It’s been a while since I was…panicked like that. When we couldn’t be there for you, I felt like I failed you.”
“No, Sir. Please, don’t think like that. I know my parents made it harder with how they reacted. Maybe after we graduate, we can look for a place together. That way you know I’m safe.”
“You’d want that?”
You lean back, meeting his eyes. “Of course. I’m yours. I’d love to be able to see you guys every day. I mean, we can talk about it. You and Steve don’t have to say yes or no right now.”
Eddie’s phone blares angerly on his bed side table making Steve cringe into your shoulder and pull you tighter to his chest. The metalhead groaned as the hand you had resting on his back slid off as he rolled over to stop the God awful noise from continuing. 
“Yeah?!...Hey Wayne…Yeah, she’s still here and Harrington to.”
He presses the phone to his chest and without opening his eyes, addresses you both. “My uncle is on his way home and wants to know if we want anything from the diner for breakfast.”
“He doesn’t have to do that.”, you answer groggily. 
“Yeah, Wayne. My girlfriend says she would like eggs and bacon with some coffee and we’ll have the same. Thanks, man.”
Eddie places the device back down and rolls over on his side facing you. 
“You said girlfriend…”
“Jesus H Christ.”, the boy sighs before opening his eyes to meet your glowing ones. “Do you not want to be?”
“No…I mean yes…I mean…”
Steve chuckles behind you. “You’re cute when you’re flustered.”
“Am I your girlfriend to?”
“I kinda thought that obvious with the speech we gave you last night.” 
Excitedly, you plant a kiss on each of them as they groan playfully. “Now, boyfriends, I think we should at least put clothes on before Eddie’s uncle comes home and asks some really awkward questions.”
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@wroteclassicaly @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
@siriuslysmoking @raptorbait529 @miarosso
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streneesims · 4 months
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The Desert Fitness Center is perfect for Oasis Springs. This gym includes an indoor pool, full-service spa, juice bar, basketball court and everything your Sims could need for health and wellness.
SPECIFICATIONS: Lot Type: Gym World: Oasis Springs Bathrooms: 2 Bedrooms: 0 Levels: 2 Lot Size: 40x30 Value: 171,414 Value Unfurnished: 71,174 Custom Content: No Play Tested: Yes
@sssvitlanz @mandy-ccfinds @maxismatchccworld
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misguidedasgardian · 8 months
I want to steal the bride (2)
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2. Desserts, Yi-ti and old things
Summary: Aemond finds himself without you for the first time in ten years, so he starts to realize certain things 
Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x BestFriend!Reader, Cregan Stark x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, Aemond goes around hehe, Criston is sort of a red flag, but that is nothing new, since its an adaptation of the movie, I will be using sort of stereotypes, and there are some jabs about marriage and married men in this part.
Wordcount: 3.8 k
Disclaimer: This is a direct adaptation of the movie “Made of honor” and its script! also the pictures of the header aren’t mine, I took them from Pinterest 
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It hasn't even been a week, and Aemond already missed you terribly, he had barely spoken to you, you whined with him about not getting service anywhere, and you were almost always disconnected from him
But he had his weekly meeting with his friends and his brother, and he was ready to play basketball and keep his mind off of things for a while
He met with his brother Aegon, and his friends Criston and Adam Velaryon 
“So, how was the old man’s wedding?”. teased Aegon
“You would have liked it, the bride I mean”, he muttered while tying up his laces of his shoes 
“What was this one? the fifth?”
“Sixth actually”, he said, Aegon chuckled
“For the gods!”, he laughed, “I’m guessing you went with Looooove”, he teased
“Yes, next wedding you go instead please”, he said seriously
“Oh please, you love to find any excuse to take her everywhere”, he mocked, they walk back towards the group and find the guys arguing
“I'm not gonna be able to play today, man. My back”, whined Addam
“If we don't have a fourth, we're gonna end up with Tiny Shorts Guy”, complained Criston
“How's it going?”, Larys Strong appeared with a basketball in his hands, he was known on the court for not being very handy with the ball, and for wearing booty shorts when he played, it was not pretty, “need another?”
“No, our friend Ramsay, with longer shorts, is coming”, said Aemond, he laughed and left, cleary not getting the hint
“No he is not coming!”, remembered Addam, Myranda signed him up for some art-walk thing”
“Art walk? Are you serious? Tell me something, what do you think Myranda did with his balls when she cut them off?”, mocked Criston
“Gods”, mocked Aemond, I go to art walks with (y/n) all the time”, he defended 
“Oh, come on, guys, marriage isn't that bad”, defended Addam
“I agree”, said Criston, playing with the ball in his hand, “without marriage, there'd be no divorce. So, without divorce, I wouldn't have my condo in the Vale”
“There you go”, laughed Aegon, “Good one” 
“I'm serious, man. You're missing out on the best parts of life”, continued the only current married man in the group, now speaking only to Aemond and Aegon, “the most important part of life”
“This coming from the guy whose wife won't let him go to bars”, said Aegon
“Hey, I thought we weren't gonna talk about that, huh?”, he said back, “and besides you are you to talk?”, asked Addam, annoyed, “you are single and you've been single ever since… What was her name, in sophomore year?”
“Um, Cer-, Cerse….Ceresse!” said Criston mockingly, everyone laughed, except for Aegon
“Ceresse, that's it!”, laughed Addam, “Ceresse dumped you for him sophomore year”, he mocked pointing at Aemond
“You've never been the same. You haven't been able to sleep”, mocked Addam
“Scarred”, mocked Criston
“Yeah. You have no idea how nice it is to have someone who's gonna be there for you, no matter what, forever”, concluded Addam
“And you don't know how nice it is to sleep with a different girl every night”, snapped Aemond
“That's true”, said Criston
“Nice rebuttal”, peached in Larys
“You know, you got the best of both worlds, Aemond”, said Criston
“It's true. I can sleep with whoever I want, but I still get to hang with (Y/N) afterwards. It's a perfect setup”, he said with the brightest of smiles, only thinking of you
“Well, maybe not for her”, muttered Addam, Aemond’s smile got wiped out pretty quickly
“What's that supposed to mean?”, he asked
“Come on, Aemond. She's a woman”, continued Aegon
“Yeah, I got that”
“You sure?”, mocked Criston
“Dude, she's pushing 30. You think her idea of happily ever after is coming home to you and hanging out after you got laid?”, mocked Aegon, Aemond frowned 
“Makes you think, right?”, asked Larys, sneaking into the group
“Yeah”, nodded Addam
It did made him think
You had never shown yourself annoyed when he discussed his conquests with you, you loved hanging out with him on fridays, and… anytime, yes you were annoyed when he asked you to go to his grandfather’s weddings with him, but… anyone would, right?
With a sigh, he picked up the phone, and dialed you
It rang a couple of times, until you picked up
“Hello?”, he asked enthusiastically
“Hey”, you whispered lowly
“What’s going on?”, he asked, “were you sleeping?”, he mocked 
“Its very late here Aem”, you whined 
“How's the weather in White Harbor?”, he asked
“It's great. Only I'm in Winterfell”, he had woken you up, you were exhausted 
“Oh, right. Right”, his smile didn’t waver as he listened to your voice, “So, it's sunny”, he assumed 
“It's 3 in the morning”, you whined
“Oh, right. Sorry. So it's dark”, he said
“Hey, have you seen the Big black wolf yet?”, he didn’t hear anything back, so he just dropped it, “I know, a terrible joke. Anyway…”
“Is there something important?”, you asked, falling asleep with phone in hand 
“Yeah, you'll never guess what happened”, he said with an enthusiastic tone
“They filled in the pothole”, he said matter-of-factly
“The pothole?”, you asked, frowning
“On 83rd”
“Terrific. Hey, Aemond?”
“Yeah?”, he asked
“I'm gonna go back to sleep now”
“Oh, okay. Sure”, he said, finally catching on
“Love you”, you whispered, and Aemond jumped on his seat, it wasn’t the first time you had said it, but clearly it played with his mind
“Good night. Call me Tomorrow”, he said but you were already gone, and he hadn't said it back
He was more confused than before
He loves hearing your voice, and he missed you, but he didn’t know what to think, he didn’t even know what he was hoping for, what he expected with just one phone call, if that could give him more clearance 
It hadn’t
No, he shook his head, he couldn’t, no, he couldn’t
You were his best friend 
But his male friends were right, you… were a girl… a woman, you have had boyfriends before and it's not going to be long before you get another one, maybe one day you’ll get married…
The thought frightened him, he realized with surprise
The thought of being without you scared him to death
So he came to a conclusion…
A bad one…
He invited the last girl in his little black book, to meet her in the vintage store you both liked going to, it had to work… You were going to move on from him, and even though that scared him, he had to be prepared
He was with women all the time, he was going to prove everyone else wrong, he could get girl-friends….
“This stuff's all old”, Jeyne mumbled, looking everywhere, bored out of her mind
“Yeah. That's the point”, he answered, she looked back at him and shoot him a wink and a smirk
“Let's go to Fendi”, she said, perhaps it was a mistake to tell her how much he gained
“Fendi? No. No, no”, he said dismissively
“Yes!”, she shrieked 
“We're here. Let's just stay here”, he said, trying to convinced her
“I'm not into old stuff”, she whined like a little girl
“Why are you talking like a six-year-old?”, he said, immediately regretting his choice 
“I'm not”, she answered sharply
So the next day, he invited Floris to the famous bakery, to try his luck
“This line is too long. Can't we just go somewhere else?”, she asked, anoyyed
“No. This is the best bakery in the world. That's why it's worth waiting in line”, he said simply, but as she looked terribly annoyed, those stilettos she was weaning weren’t making her any favors to stay for two long on her feet, he tried a bit harder
“Come on, we'll play a game. Wanna play a game?”, that seemed to pick her interest
“Yeah, we can play a game”, she said, visibly more engaged
“Okay, good”, he said, now more confident, “Tell me what to order”, he teased
“Why?”, she asked back
“We are playing, that’s the game! you'll see. It'll be fun.Make a suggestion.
“A cookie”, she suggested
“No, no, you have to be specific, like what type of cookie?”, he pushed
“A really big cookie”
Alright this was a bad idea 
“Aemond, your phone's ringing”, said Alys Rivers, the girl he had been seeing every week, he ran back from the bathroom to pick it up, it was you! it had to be you
“Hello?”, he desperately asked into the phone, but there was no answer, only noise, “Hello?”, he asked, but no answer
“What's wrong?”, Alys asked when she say him sighing loudly and desperately
“Missed an important call”
“That's because you're an important person”, she teased. He looked at her, she was gorgeous, he liked having sex with her
“Do you like Yi-ti food?”, he asked curiously 
Half an hour later he was sitting on the same table he used to sit with you, and Alys was right in front of him
The cart was approaching and she smiled widely
“Hey, come to mama”, she giggled, “Uhh, we will have, um, two fried dumplings, two of the wontons, and six of the, uh, fried porky thingies”, she ordered
“Yeah, but that's fried”, he said, annoyed, once her order was on the table, she grabbed a fried piece with her chopsticks 
“Come on”, she teased
“It's not healthy”, he said seriously
“Have some of the fried. It won't hurt you”, she insisted, nearing the fried piece into his mouth. She dropped it, making the piece fall into his pants and staining them
She gasped apologetically
“Thank you”, he said, rolling his eyes
This was a bad idea 
It’s been weeks, he had dated, actually taken on dates, many women, and none of them, not one, had made him feel the way you do
He missed you
He realized there was no replacing you, there is no other woman he rather be with… and… that was driving him insane
So today he decided to calculate the hour properly, and call you early, it was nighttime still, but at a  night he knew you were going to be awake 
But it was a glitchy call, he knew it from the beginning
“Hello?”, he tried, rubbing his forehead
“Hey. Hello?”, your voice, so beautiful and melodic, it made Aemond feel like everything was well, like he was at peace, relaxed 
“Hello?”, he repeated, “Love?”
“Hello?”, you asked back
“Hey”, he said, excited of actually being able to talk with you
“Aemond? Aemond, is that you?”, you asked, “Aemond?”
“Hello?”, he asked, annoyed
You could barely hear him, you were on a two day trip to a castle on the outskirts of Winterfell, it started pouring, the road was a mess and you were surrounded by huge cows, they were everywhere
“Hello?”, you asked back, actually, the thought of hearing your best friend right now is just what you needed, but you couldn’t
“You're cutting out. I can't hear anything you've said”, you whined, “I'm stuck in a thunderstorm. I'm surrounded with a herd of cows. Listen, I'll call when I get to the hotel”, you tried to explain
“Love, I can't hear you”
“Aemond?”, you asked, “Hello?”
“Hello? Hello?”, you were interrupted, and hang up when someone knocked on the window of your car, you smiled apologetically, and found yourself in front of the most handsome man you had ever seen
“Oh Hello”
“You lost lass?”
. . .
“Oh, I hate Winterfell”, whined Aemond and threw his phone away to bag, it was basketball day again, and he need to get ready
But his mind was thousand of miles away
As the days passed he realized there was no other like you, you are the only one he liked to hang around with, he loved being with you, he… he loved you 
And the thought scared him
“C’mon C’mon C’mon!”, called Criston, but Aemond was barely able to move before Addam snatched the ball from him 
“We're having a hard time”, mocked Criston, “We're having a hard time”
“Oh, yeah? Want a hand?”, asked aegon, who got the bal and had no problem avoiding Aemond and threw a three pointer from half the court
“Give it up, baby”, he mocked
“Come on, Aemond. Aemond, Aemond”, called Criston, but Addam intercepted him
“Easy”, he mocked, Aemond tried to grab him, tired of failure
“Aemond, foul. That's a foul, Aemond”, called Aegon, “what's the matter with you today??”
“I don't know”, he whined, stopping in the middle of the court, “I think I might have feelings for (y/n)”
“Oh, come on, come on. Let's just play”, mocked Criston, but Aegon and Addam shared concerned looks 
“It's just... without her, something's off”, he explained, like it pained him, “It's got me thinking that, maybe, there's more to life than just sleeping around”
“I don't understand”, said Criston
“I-I'm not following”, muttered Aemond
“Come on, let's just play”, dismissed Aemond 
“I know exactly what you mean, Aemond”, said Addam with a shy smile on his face. Aegon and Criston shared concerned looks and passed the ball to each other
“I'm gonna tell her, when she gets home… I'm gonna tell her that I wanna be with her”, he said with a wide smile, “nothing about marriage, just be together”, Addam’s smile wiped out pretty quickly
“Yeah, that's romantic”, mocked Aegon
From hare, and for the next few weeks he still had ahead of him without you, he could breathe a bit more easy
. . . 
You have one unheard message.
A message from you! Aemond was so excited when he heard it
“Hey, Aem, I'm back. Gods, I cannot wait to see you! I don't care what you're doing tonight, cancel it. We're going to dinner”,  he smiled at the sound of your voice, this was going to be perfect, he knew exactly what he was going to say. “Meet me at that new trendy place next to the small Bravoosi  place we hated that used to be the Mantari-fusion place we loved. Meet me there, at 8 o'clock. I have so much to tell you!”
He had heard the voice message like eight times already while ha changed clothes, he was so so excited, he had his apartment cleaned, his suits pressed, his cologne, - the one you liked- stocked, his hair fixed, tonight, he was going to tell you that he had feeling for you, that he wanted to explore it further
With any luck, he was going to take you back to his palace for the night
You were going to be the first woman even going up there
And he was okay with that 
He entered the new place, it was very nice, as could turn into a date kinda nice, he looked at the flowers he bought on the street for you, and took a long breath as he told your name to the receptionist who led them to the back of the restaurant 
And there you were, gorgeous, like always
He could recognize you everywhere, anywhere 
But as he catched your glance and you smiled at him, you look back to someone else, and there it was, some guy, tall handsome, he hadn't seen him, instead he hugged you and kissed your neck
Fuck no
No no no no
Who was that?
he got so distracted that he didn’t see the waiter coming at him at full speed
They clashed scandalously, plates flew as the flowers and Aemond fell to the ground, not very elegantly, on top of the poor waiter
“AEMOND!”, you called, running to him. He was whining on the floor, “Aemond. You okay?”, you asked sweetly
“I'm all right. Are you all right?”, he asked, turning to the waiter who was moaning and wheezing in pain
“I think I broke a rib”, you helped Aemond up from the floor, and he smiled apologetically at you 
“His rib. I'm fine. I'm fine”, said Aemond, helping the poor waiter up on his feet, he was fine, he hoped 
“Are you okay?”, you asked to Aemond
“I'm so sorry”, muttered Aemond, the manager approached you
“I'm sorry, sir. Here are your flowers”, she said apologetically, trying to grab them front he floor
“Oh, but…”
“You had flowers?”, you asked him
“No, they're not my flowers”, he said dismissively
“They're your flowers. Those are yours”, said the waiter, grabbing his side
“I didn't have flowers”, fought Aemond, grabbing you softly and walking away from the scene. He finally turned to you and smiled
“Hi. It's good to see you”, he purred softly, his eye shining excitedly
“I missed you”, you admitted, hugging him quickly, “there's someone I want you to meet”
Aemond wanted to be the one that broke a rib
“Oh, good”, he said, not expecting you to notice the change in his demeanor 
“Aemond, this is Cregan”, there it was, this tall, handsome, beautiful man
“oh”, they shook hands, and Aemond didn’t know what to think
So fifteen minutes later, with a drink in hand, Aemond was pinching his own leg under the table, because he wanted to scream 
“It started pouring and suddenly it was just me in a field of cows…”, you laughed, Aemond watched in horror the way you were looking at that man, “of course, we're in the North there are no street signs anywhere and it's getting dark…”
“I think she thought she was in some bad werewolf movie”, he chipped in, and Aemond even hated to hear the sound of his voice, "Stay off the moors, lassie.", he continued
He only had eyes for you
“So, anyway, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, Cregan comes riding up on horseback”, your eyes are finally back on him, so he had to muster a weird smile. You laughed excitedly, Aemond had never seen you like that, “Can you believe it?”, you asked him “A horse! And asks me if I need any help”
“Wow!”, he said, faking it, not that you’d notice 
“You were a lady in distress. What was I gonna do?”, he said, Aemond wanted to throw up
Dammit Cregan, we are in a public place! Aemond was sure that if a policeman would have been here he would have arrested him, for public indecency and being a creep
“It was right out of a Valyrian novel”, you said lovingly, you could see that Aemond wasn’t that invested, so you smiled at him, what he had said that you where a “love slut” came back to you, “So, anyway, he shows me to this charming little inn where he proceeds to buy me the most awful dinner I have ever had”, you said, with a bitter taste in your mouth
Probably Aemond thought this was stupid, that you were being silly 
“Right. Okay. Aye. It was pretty bad, even by Northerner standards”, Cregan agreed with you
“Then, we just spent the next month traveling around the country, getting to know each other, and visiting museums. It was…”, you sighed, looking into Cregan’s eyes
“It was perfect”, he said right there with you, looking into yours
“So, when it was time for (y/n)  to leave, I just… I don't know, I just… I couldn't let her go”, Cregan finally found it in himself to look at Aemond
“Ah…”, he muttered
“So, I got down on one knee…”, you smiled widely, showing Aemond your hand, and the huge rock that decorated your ring finger
“And he proposed, and I accepted”, you said excitedly
Aemond was never a man who let himself be controlled by his emotions, that being said, he never thought he even had a nervous breakdown, or a panic attack… until now
He felt his heart beating sot wrongly he thought he was going to pass out 
“Wow, that's just… It's huge, it's…”, he couldn’t stand it, his legs were getting numb
“So, the wedding's coming together very quickly”, you continued
Oh suit fuck, shit, he started looking for the emergency exit, couldn’t find it anywhere 
“Ah, it sounds like it”, he managed to say, his mouth was dry
“We're gonna get married in Winterfell, at Cregan's parents' summer home”, you continued, another nail on his coffin
“It's gonna be a pretty small thing. We can't expect too many people to make the trip overseas in just a fortnight”, Cregan chipped in
“A fortnight”, he said, trying to calm himself
“Right!”, you said
“That's two weeks”, he said seriously
“It's crazy, isn't it?”, you asked him, he seemed to notice how incredibly nervous you were
“Have you ever been to Winterfell, Aemond?”, asked Cregan
“You know, I haven't”, he said, trying to smile, but his cheeks were numb too
“You should see the little church where we're exchanging our vows in”, that smile on your face, Aemond’s heart broke, if he could be the one that caused it, it was so beautiful and bright, filled with love, “It's the same church that Cregan's parents were married in”
“It's pretty spectacular. Just across the loch from our distillery”, of course
“Yeah, Cregan's family owns the largest whisky distillery in the North”, you said with a knowing smile
Did you expect him to like this Cregan person?
“Aemond, look…”, oh shit, he thought, “If you were getting married I'd expect to be your best man”, you said surely, and he paled even more, “Aemond… will you be my maid of honor?”, you asked excitedly 
“Your maid of honor?”, he asked, it felt like the knife this Cregan guy had plunged into him, was being twisted, he got up, he needed to get out of this place, he needed to run,t o scream to
He turned and BAM
He crashed against the same waiter, both ended up in the floor covered in some warm soup
“Oh, I'm so sorry”, he whined
“WHAT IS IT WITH YOU MAN?”, he screamed high pitched
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@snh96 @sagelovesreading @toodlesxcuddles @ammo23 @bananzaa @ttkttt @at-a-rax-ia
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We have seen converted schools, but this is different- it's a gym. If you love B-Ball, sports, local history, or need a HUGE home, you'll like this. I must say, it doesn't have much curb appeal, though. The 1922 gym is in Wilkinson, Indiana, has 4bds, 3ba, and the price was just dropped $15K to $584,977.
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Everything in this home is super-sized. This big slate-floored room is the entrance foyer.
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They did a neat job, but it's so vast, and the floors are so light, you'd be doing nothing but washing floors.
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I wonder if it echoes in here.
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This is the current living room area, but you can put it anywhere you want to, b/c there's so much empty space.
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That's a service window and counter to the kitchen. You can put some stools there.
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The kitchen has nice gray cabinets but needs a backsplash. Looks like they may have purchased used oak cabinets and painted them.
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I guess the original floor was ruined, but they replaced the whole thing with brand new basketball court flooring. I can't even imagine how much it would cost to heat & cool this place.
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Family room with a little counter.
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One of the bedrooms.
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Another entrance and an empty space with stairs going up to the 2nd level.
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A home gym has a nice neon basketball, if it conveys.
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Laundry room and storage.
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More space on the 2nd floor.
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Must be the primary bedroom. It has a walk-in closet on the left.
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The baths are pretty basic with nice flooring, but no tile on the walls.
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One of the old basketball courts is still intact. You can see the original floor in here.
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There's a large loft up there.
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In the loft, they have seating and tables & chairs.
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The bedrooms are very large, but nothing particularly special.
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Not lovin' the open closets.
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Out back they have a small deck and an above-ground pool.
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Under the deck is a patio.
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The lot measures 3.61 acres with lots of grass to mow.
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callmerainman · 3 months
If you're up to you, maybe some headcanons for dating Mitsui or Sakuragi?
Dating Hanamichi Sakuragi
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When I tell you this boy is head over heels in love with you.
You had to be the first one to confess, because Sakuragi after being rejected so many times became so DENSE and didn't have a clue that you liked him although there were signs.
And when you do, he's actually convinced that Yohei and the rest of the gang are playing a prank on him.
But when he realizes that you're being serious, he has to take a day off from school to process that.
After you become a couple, Sakuragi is all about BRAGGING.
Always has an arm around your waist, or shoulders, having you sit on his lap. And with the biggest smug face anyone has ever seen.
He likes to show you off but not in a materialistic way, he's seriously proud of you (and himself for landing you lmao).
Introduces you to the gang, they like you a lot and you love spending time with them!
Always up to some shenanigans with you and the troupe.
Takes you on sooo many dates at first, he had a date-wish list since he started middleschool, just in case he ever got a partner.
Despite still being a hot-head and arrogant, he's so sweet and caring.
You go to all his games and cheer on him the loudest.
If he's whistled by the ref, he'll shout at him in anger for embarrassing him in front of you.
Dating Hisashi Mitsui
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Mitsui would wait for a partner until he's more mentally okay, so you two would get together after he joins the team back.
Mitsui is very regretful of his past, and would try to hide it for as long as he can during your relationship.
He likes you so much, he doesn't want his delinquent past to be a deal-breaker.
But he finds it hard to keep secrets from you and eventually will tell you everything.
He feels so grateful to have you when you wrap his arms around him and reassure that you still love him no matter what, and that you're so relieved that he's in a better place now.
You helped a lot honestly.
Mitsui would think about the most perfect dates. Going out for a walk in the park, then out for a drink, a fancy restaurant.
Honestly I think you would be his first experience, since he was at first too focused on basketball, and then too lost to think about a relationship.
But he's doing so well, he treats you right.
His love language would be acts of service and gifts I think.
Not that big on PDA, he can get embarrassed, but he loves to hold your hand in public or have his arm wrapped around your shoulders while walking.
Sometimes his insecurities strike him back and you have to cheer him up and reassure him that he's good enough.
He will try his best at games knowing that you're watching.
If you're a sporty type, he'll suggest trying some basketball basics in a street court.
He tries to teach you 3-point throws!
Introduces you to the Shohoku team and invites you to team dinners, if they have any.
In general, although sometimes he underestimates himself, Mitsui would be such a thoughtful, caring partner.
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astrosky33 · 2 years
Where you’ll meet people based on your Composite Chart Ruler together
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Your Composite Chart Ruler can show you how you’re going to meet someone/how you met someone. Here are the steps to finding it if you don’t know how:
1) Check your Composite Chart with the person that you’re curious about - How to find Composite Charts
2) Check the chart ruler of your Composite Chart and what house that it’s in - How to find chart rulers
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1st house: At a fight (for ex: at a boxing match or maybe you fight/are involved in controversy upon first meeting), at some type of race, one of you may catch the other off guard when meeting, at a fashion show, somewhere involving athletics/sports, or it could just indicate meeting near topics surrounding the chart rulers planet itself
2nd house: While buying something, at a store (a mall, grocery store, etc.), at a restaurant, through a job (usually a short-term one), at a bank (or somewhere involving money), near somewhere involving singing (ex: choir)
3rd house: Through social media (likely in a group-chat), through your siblings, in school (high, middle, elementary, pre-k), a cell phone store, in some type of transportation (not air only ground transportation - such as an uber), through being neighbors, near somewhere involving literature/writing
4th house: Through your family, through your mother, in a house, through real estate (for ex: maybe they’re a real estate agent and helping you find a house), during a holiday/tradition occurring or some type of holiday event, nursing home (odd but a possibility)
5th house: Through your children or near children somehow, at a concert/entertainment event (not a party though that would be 11H), near a playground, through a hookup, while on vacation, at a casino, near somewhere involving drama, while playing a game/at some type of game, while doing one of your hobbies (ex: playing piano)
6th house: At the gym, at a location involving health (for ex: a health food store), a doctors office/hospital, at a pet store (or near pets), near animals (ex: a zoo), at a place you routinely visit/go to daily (ex: if you go to the coffee shop every morning you could meet this person there), they could be your coworker, you could meet them while volunteering, through your step-siblings, through your best friend (not friend group but BEST friend)
7th house: At a wedding, through a couple, through someone you dated/are dating, at a dance/while dancing, through business partners, while signing a contract, through one of your agents, through an enemy of yours, while there’s a conflict occurring, you may be enemies with them upon first meeting, or it could mean you just meet the person while they’re with their gf/bf
8th house: During a hard/transformational time in your life/lives, at a crime scene, near the police, at a funeral (odd but a possibility), at a big business (usually one you’re in), through a psychologist/near somewhere surrounding psychology, near a place involving spirituality or black magic
9th house: At college/uni, while traveling, through or near television/media, could be during an interview of some sort, at an airport, on an airplane, at or near a church, at a court (could be any type such as a basketball court, a courthouse, a tennis court, etc), at a library, somewhere involving the law
10th house: Through your career, through your father/father figure, through one of your bosses/managers, through a famous person, at a meet & greet, somewhere in public/at a very public place
11th house: Through friends, at a party, through technology, at a convention, near film/technology, at a social event, while doing community service of some kind, through your step parents or step/half children, at a hotel, somewhere involving politics, at a club (not just the ones you drink at it could also be at a type of club like chess club for example), near somewhere involving science
12th house: Somewhere involving spirituality (for ex: a crystal shop), in a place that’s a bit hidden or in solitude, while high/drunk, in a place involving sleep or while you’re asleep maybe you wake up to them (kind of weird but a possibility), during a lockdown (maybe while a pandemic is happening similar to the covid-19 one), in prison, while you’re trying to escape from something/somewhere, places involving mental health
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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lbulldesigns · 1 month
AITAH For accusing my former best friend of trying to break up my relationship, and promptly ending our thirteen-year long friendship?
Posted 18th of May, 2021
I (18 M) need some outside opinions.
Background information. I have been best friends with Pow (18 F) since we were six, I first met her when my Godfather Benny introduced me to his best friend's newly adopted daughters. Both girls had been in the foster system for nearly a year after their parents died, and were lucky enough to get adopted out by their Godfather Van after he was able to track them down and prove to the courts and children's services that he was a safe option.
At first, I was a little intimidated by the older sister, we'll call her Daisy (she's named after a flower and I don't think she'll appreciate me using her real name) because she seemed angry at everyone but quickly put on a friendlier face when she saw how nervous I was.
When I saw Pow, I felt an instant attraction to her (not romantically, I was just interested in how pretty her blue hair was) and ended up spending our first encounter trying to get her to open up and talk to me. She was traumatized by the past year and had turned silent as a result. I felt so proud when I finally got her to smile and giggle, we became thick as thieves afterward, she was my best friend.
We shared everything together, our interest in academics, such as art, mathematics, video games, dancing, robotics, computers, and later DND.
There were some things we did separately. Pow competed in gymnastics, and I would take part in skateboarding competitions. And without fail always came to each other's thing to show our support.
Pow had some difficulties with her older brother Lo (fake name), he constantly took his frustrations out on her and everyone pretty much gave up on him ever getting a clue and stopping. So, we all tried to get Pow to stand up for herself, we figured if she stood up to her "bully" then he would learn to back off. However, Pow was a shy one and never spoke up for herself. As a result, she was hesitant around others and had difficulty making any friends outside of myself.
This became more apparent once we got to high school. We had a few classes away from each other and in these classes, I made some new friends, from there I got convinced to join the basketball team when some of my new friends told me it could help with my college perspectives. In lieu I convinced Pow to try out for the cheerleading squad, as per my new friends' advice, I made it onto the basketball team but Pow didn't make it onto the squad which I was surprised by because she's a pretty decent dancer.
Because I was on the basketball team, I wasn't able to participate in most of the same clubs as Pow and ended up moving on from these interests to focus more on my future, which is understandable because I can't spend every day playing make-believe anymore.
Pow was set in her ways however and seemed to want to continue playing make-believe and seemed determined to hate my new friends. She constantly avoided them and would rather sit alone during lunch than hang around me when they were around, she would always get a sour look on her face whenever they were around me (which was a lot of the time) and would decline invitations to hang out with them, she made no effort to get to know them properly and this hurt. But I still persisted with our friendship because, despite everything, I do care for her.
And then I met my now GF Kara (not her real name), Kara is sweet and funny, she writes me poems and little love notes with cute little love hearts and takes her academic future seriously. She has been trying to convince me that my friendship with Pow is toxic and understands why I couldn't just end the friendship but says that I wouldn't be the bad guy if I did.
I would get uncomfortable whenever she brought this up, but more and more recently I began to see things from Kara's perspective, albeit guiltily. I brought up my concerns with Daisy and her GF, and they were convinced that Pow is probably a bit possessive considering their own problems with her. Pow hates Cat (the GF) and even made her cry after Cat made an offhanded comment about law enforcement that seemed to trigger her. Daisy promised to speak to Pow about everything after everything between them had cooled down, she and Daisy got into a massive blowup about making Cat cry, something that Cat was feeling seriously guilty about.
So, when, three days after Kara and I decided to become official, Pow pulled me aside during lunch and confessed that she "loved me" and didn't want to just be friends anymore. I lost it.
I actually shouted at her in the middle of the lunch crowd and shamed her in front of the whole school. I called her a "possessive psychopath" who can't let anyone be happy, she pretended to look confused and asked what I was talking about, and I reminded her I was in a relationship as in I have a girlfriend. She managed to conjure up some tears and said that she didn't know, but I wasn't falling for it. I flat out, told her that I was done with her and this "friendship" and left her standing there.
At the time I couldn't feel anything but angry, and vindicated. My friends were laughing and joking about the situation, and Kara was super cuddly with me and kept asking me if I was okay and saying that I didn't do anything that wasn't due.
But now I'm questioning myself, with the anger cooled off. All I can see is Pow's sad doe-eyed look and the sound of the rest of the school snickering at her. She didn't turn up for classes for the rest of the day, and on my way home I heard a group of girls sl** shaming her.
Zer, my one new friend that Pow actually gets along with, called me an AH, and she thought I was a better person than that, and that she was now reconsidering her friendship with me.
So, Reddit. AITAH for ending a toxic relationship?
(This is a fanfic, please read tags)
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covenofthearticulate · 2 months
10. What TV shows they watch together, and which ones they hide from the other
Gonna bend the rules a bit and ask for Daniel and Louis in a Home Court Advantage-esque friendship-with-optional-making-out scenario
Send a Ship!
LOL yes!!!! I mean obviously they watch basketball and football together all the time but tbh I think Daniel secretly loves watching a bunch of different game shows with Louis too! Louis is a very weird creature LMAO he likes to feel smart but he also gets so pissy when he doesn't get the answers right so Daniel finds it endlessly entertaining to sit next to him while Jeopardy is on, and shout out the correct answers to some of the pop culture categories before Louis can guess them (or shout out completely wrong questions just to get Louis all twisted up). Every time Daniel guesses the wheel of fortune puzzle before Louis can, Louis throws a huffy fit lol!!
I don't know if they specifically hide anything from each other...honestly Louis watches more tv than Daniel these days because Daniel is so fed up with all the different streaming services and shit that he loses interest in most stuff pretty quickly whereas Louis tends to fall down rabbit holes pretty easily which means occasionally Daniel will walk in to find Louis sitting two feet in front of the tv screen with a thoughtful little frown. "Daniel, I'm 7 seasons into Friends and I still don't understand the obsession with Rachel. Why do people like her?"
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thunderon · 10 months
alright more pre-crash yellowjackets thoughts! this time: shitty high school jobs they had! (i worked 5 different shitty minimum wage jobs between the ages of 15-18 and have thought about the concept with more gravity than it deserves sorry)
shauna: was a tutor during the school year for literally every subject. she was the only reason jeff and randy passed their junior year. even though she could use the money, shauna never charged any of her teammates if they needed some help. when school was out during the summers, she had a seasonal job at the concession stand at the local concert venue. pretty easy money and she liked listening to the bands play
jackie: unemployed. being the coolest girl in school is a full time job, after all! note: tried to get a job with shauna at the concession stand. it was a complete and utter disaster. she lasted a week, and only made it that long because of how much shauna covered for her. after that didn’t pan out, when shauna worked weekends, jackie would always buy a concert ticket… just to hang out by the concession stand and talk with shauna for the whole show
nat: her first job was working at the local pizza parlor. was employed there for 6 months until it got shut down because, as it turns out, the whole thing was a money laundering front for the mob (which explains why nat never got fired despite being actually kinda bad at making pizzas). after that, she goes to work the 6pm-midnight shift at the grimiest gas station in wiskayok. except for the occasional stick up, it was a quiet job where no one bothered her and she could buy her own cigarettes. however she was constantly sleep-deprived having to get up for school in the mornings. definitely created energy drink concoctions that would send most people into cardiac arrest. van and the other yellowjackets would always stop by to see her on shifts and nat always gives them free slurpees
van: started working at the movie theater in the mall when she was 14 (the owner needed the help and did not ask enough questions). van is the rare sort of person that is absolutely beloved by both customers and her fellow employees and no one was surprised when she became a manager. she has the best customer service and will help out all the other employees with whatever they need. to this day she still holds the record for most Employee of the Month awards. also i just know van was the ultimate hookup and snuck her friends into shows and definitely took home the leftover popcorn after her shift. if she knew nat was on shift at the gas station, she’d stop by on her way home and give her some
taissa: never worked during the school year because she took way too many classes and extracurriculars (she was a 3-sport athlete: cross country in the fall, basketball in the winter, soccer in the spring. also did debate team AND student gov). her parents actually tried to talk her out of getting a summer job, but taissa has never relaxed a day in her life. she took a job at a clothing store in the mall and claimed she chose it for the employee discounts. the fact the store was located in the same mall as the movie theater was unrelated to anything whatsoever (tho taissa and van’s break schedules coincidentally always lined up and they’d hang out and go to the arcade where they’d have competitions… loser had to buy the winner food from the food court afterwards).
anyways tai would have been a perfect employee… if she didn’t have the world’s worst customer service (“for the fifth and final time, i am not going to give you a goddamned refund if you don’t have the RECEIPT and if you try putting that ugly ass blouse in my face again i will shove it up your-”) …had to have routine talks with HR throughout her tenure there. her manager gently suggested therapy, once.
lottie: didn’t need the money but definitely got a job out of boredom. decided to lifeguard as a summer job. it was basically getting paid to tan and tell kids to stop running. she had a sixth sense for when it’s about to start storming. her coworkers stopped questioning it after a few months and now when lottie says to get everyone out of the pool, they get everyone out of the pool. from lifeguarding lottie actually learned enough about pool maintenance to do the work and check the chemical balances on the pool at her own house. her father thinks the whole thing is ridiculous, her mother thinks it’s nice she has a hobby
laura lee: didn’t work a paid job but volunteered. she played piano for the local church services and on weekdays she worked evenings at the local food bank. if she sees anyone from school show up, it stays between her and God. she has managed to rope each of the yellowjackets into volunteering with her at least once
mari: worked at a local restaurant. tried to be a waitress, but on her very first day she got three different customer complaints about her attitude and so the owner put her in the kitchen where she became a linecook. she had more healthcode violations in her 1.5 years of working there than every other employee combined. the manager fired her on a weekly basis but she always just showed up to work the next day like nothing happened and the boss always took her back because mari is the best damn linecook he ever had
akilah: she��s a baby and was too young to work an actual job but definitely did babysitting (mostly for family). definitely was the kid-whisperer. had plans to work at library once she turned 16
misty: volunteered at the local retirement home and developed a love-hate relationship with an 85yo named Ethel (and by love-hate i mean: misty loved ethel, ethel hated misty)
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shadowuponstorm · 1 month
Stay Away From The Coach's Granddaughter
A/N: I recently started watching One Tree Hill and when I searched it, I noticed it's rarely posted about on this platform. So, I thought "Why not write up something for it and be a part of those who want to keep it alive?". Hope you 'Ravens' enjoy! (I just wanted to mention, I love all the endgames! This is just another scenario separate from the show)
Summary: Coaching basketball for Tree Hill always seem to be first place on the list of Brian "Whitey" Durham's pride and joys, when it's in actually fourth place. The third place belongs to his son, Dale, the second for his granddaughter, and the first place is always reserved for Camila. When he gains custody of his granddaughter, he vows to always have her best interest at heart, even if it means warning his boys to stay away from her. What would happen if one of them breaks one of Coach's rules?
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I was about to sit down to eat dinner when a knock came on the door. I grumbled as I tried to get out of my recliner, complaining that all I needed was peace and quiet. I opened the door to see two police officers standing there, with the lights on the squad cars still on.
"You Whitey Durham?" The officer on the left asked as I nodded my head and confirmed I was, "Your son, Dale, was in a car accident. I'm sorry to inform you, sir, that he didn't make it to the hospital."
Hearing those words, ripped a chunk of my heart out. "No, no, not my boy." I kept thinking over and over again, trying to stay upright.
"Thank you for coming all this way to tell me," I said to the officers as they nodded in understanding of my reaction to the shocking news I've been given, "H-have you informed his ex-wife? What about my granddaughter, was she with him?"
"Someone is going over there right now to tell her," The officer on the right responds, he then tells me, "As for your granddaughter, we have her in the back of the squad car. She wasn't in the accident with your son."
I sighed in relief as I looked past the cops' shoulders to see her just sitting there, looking devastated, and I couldn't blame her, she just lost her dad. I asked, "Is there any way you can allow her to stay with me? I mean, her mom lives pretty far from-"
"Oh, Mr. Durham, she isn't going to her mom. Social Services came by the hospital and explained to her that she was to live with you if something were to happen," the officer says as I see his partner go down the steps of my porch and get her out of the car.
"Why don't you go on in? I'll finish this up as quickly as I can," I told my granddaughter as she passed by me to enter the house.
After a few more minutes, the police left and I shut the door behind me to see Charlotte sitting on the couch, as quiet as she could be. She turned to look at me after hearing the door shut and whispered, "What am I going to do without my dad? I'm only 13."
"Oh, sweetheart," I said as I took a seat right next to her and pulled her into a hug, "I know this is going to be hard, but we'll get through this. That's what us Durhams do."
"I'm glad he and Grandma Camila are reunited at least," I hear Y/N whisper as I tell her that was a good way of thinking.
I will do everything in my heart to keep her safe and protect her as best I can from harm's way.
-PRESENT, Charlotte's POV-
"Come on! Let's Go!" I hear Grandpa shout at the boys as I try to study on the bleachers, "Focus on practicing the plays, not showing off!"
I chuckle to myself and roll my eyes as I witness Tree Hill's star player, Nathan Scott, doing the exact opposite of what he was "asked" of. My phone buzzed beside me and I picked it up to see a text from Haley.
Haley: "Hey, wanna study at Karen's cafe?"
I text back, "Have to ask Grandpa first, but that would be greatly appreciated!"
After I put my phone back down, I glanced back at the court to see Nathan looking in my direction and proceeded to wink at me. I looked around to see if Peyton was sitting nearby, but couldn't see her anywhere.
"Nathan, you got something in your eye son? If not, stop blinking!" Grandpa yelled as the other boys laughed and I shook my head.
I packed up my stuff and headed down the bleachers toward Grandpa to ask him, "Hey, Haley texted me asking if I wanted to study over at the cafe. Can I go?"
"Sure, go ahead," Grandpa said as he glanced his attention to me for a split second, "Stay safe and remember to keep your phone."
"Yes sir," I respond as I walk toward the exit, but not before turning my head to yell over my shoulder, "See you guys at the game!" prompting the guys to hoot and cheer, much to Grandpa's annoyance.
After I arrived at the cafe, I sent a quick text before opening the door to see Haley helping Karen out behind the counter.
"Oh hey sweetie," Karen says as she spots me walking in and putting my schoolbag on the counter, "Your grandpa's yelling was too much for you?"
I laugh at her little joke and respond, "I wish I could say I'm not used to it, but I'm used to it. He's stressed about the big game and Nathan was busy showboating. Speaking of Nathan, he did something strange."
"What did he do?" Haley asked as I pulled out my notes and textbooks, "Did he flirt with you?"
"Okay, one, you know my grandpa's rule about me fraternizing with his "boys" so flirting is out of the question as well as dating. Two, no, he winked in my direction, but Peyton wasn't on the bleachers or there."
"Hold on, you say he winked in your direction, but Peyton wasn't around?" Haley asked as I nodded my head, "Charlotte, he was winking at you."
"No, he wasn't," I respond skeptically as I look over at Karen, who has the "Yeah, he definitely winked at you" expression on her face, "There's absolutely no reason that Nathan Royal Scott, who is taken mind you, would want to wink at me."
"Why not? You're intelligent, funny, and such a beautiful girl," Karen says as Haley voices that she agrees with that.
"Nathan lives up to his father, which means, he is not going to go for the smart and nerdy girl, he's going for the pretty cheerleader," I respond before mentioning, "No offense to Peyton, she definitely rocks it."
"Well, believe me when I say this, something is going off in that boy's brain when you're around," Haley says as she grabs a biscotti from the jar.
"Who are you guys talking about?" Lucas asks from behind, making me jump a little, "Oh, sorry, thought you heard the door open."
"It's fine, we're good," I said as I turned my body in his direction, "Also, none of your business who we were talking about because it's nothing of importance."
"Nathan winked at her and she thought Peyton was nearby," Haley responded as I shushed her from going further than that information.
"Well, they're always breaking up and getting back together, so I didn't know," I said as Lucas nodded his head in understanding of my theory before mentioning, "He and Peyton have broken up for good."
"There, now you have a shot at becoming the star player's girlfriend," Haley says as I roll my eyes and remind her that I'm also the Coach's granddaughter, so there's a little to no possibility of that happening, "You never know, maybe Whitey will go soft at the fact you're finding love."
Despite doubt running through a loop in my mind, maybe Haley's right about this. Grandpa is always telling stories about how he and Grandma were soulmates in love, he would want me to have a similar experience.
"Hey Charlotte, if we win this game, how about we grab some dinner together?" I hear Tim shout at me, making me roll my eyes and yell back, "In your dreams! Now focus before he chews off your head or worse, benches you for the rest of the game."
I could've sworn I saw a little smile on Grandpa's face when he heard me rejecting Tim's offer. After my dad's passing 4 years ago, it was in writing that Grandpa was to get full custody of me since my mother wasn't acting like an actual mother and being reckless with everything regarding money, drugs, and especially men. It was honestly the best decision my father made because he didn't want me to be exposed to the fact my mom put those first instead of my health and well-being. I understand why the "Stay Away From The Coach's Granddaughter" rule is in place, but doesn't help when most of the boys are actually really nice.
"Hey Charlotte!" I heard someone shout and I looked to see who it was, "Down here!
I turned my head in the direction of the voice to see it was Martin McFadden, or what he likes to be called, Mouth.
"What Mouth?" I asked as I walked down the bleachers to his spot, "Did you need extra help with something?"
"No, it's not that, here," Mouth says handing me a folded-up piece of paper, and before I can ask, he mentions, "If your grandpa asks, just say it's my number so we can keep in touch in case we're working on something."
"Got it," I respond as I put the paper in my pocket and head back to my spot on the bleachers, with part of me itching to want to read the note now.
As always, the Ravens kicked ass and my grandpa gained another win to his record. Grandpa and I were on our way home when he asked, "What was that kid giving you? The one with the big lips."
I laughed a little before saying, "His name is Martin, but he goes by Mouth as a nickname. He just wanted to give me his number for his phone in case we're to be working together on a project."
"You sure it isn't a love note? It was folded up pretty good," Grandpa responded as a little joke, prompting me to shake my head.
"No, just a friendly communication between the sportscaster and the granddaughter of the coach," I say as Grandpa parked the car in front of the house.
After dinner had been eaten and dishes cleaned, Grandpa went into the den to watch TV in his favorite recliner as I went into my room. I pulled the paper from my pocket and unfolded it to see a very recognizable handwriting, Nathan.
"Hey, I know this is not ideal, but you know, your grandpa has that rule of his set in stone and I don't want to be benched for the rest of the season. Here's my number xxx-xxx-xxxx, in case you want to talk or text."
I chuckle at how bold this boy is, using his friend to give me this note and bypassing my grandpa's rule. I pull out my phone and text the number, "If this is a prank, I very much don't appreciate that."
Nathan: As fun as that sounds, it's not. Guess you got my note ;)
Me: You know very well I did, it happened right in front of you, and you also had Mouth help you. Good game today.
Nathan: Thanks, that wink was towards you by the way.
I looked at my phone screen in confusion before texting back, "I know, you texted it to me just now."
Nathan: No, I mean earlier. You were looking around like it was meant for someone else.
Me: Can we switch over to a phone call?
Nathan: Wouldn't Whitey overhear you?
I closed my phone and put it in my pocket as I left my room to head towards the den.
"Hey, is it alright if I go for a night bike ride? I won't be gone long," I said as Grandpa nodded his head, "I have my phone on me."
"Stay safe, love you," Grandpa shouts as I yell, "Love you too."
After I shut the door behind me, I started biking down the road that goes toward the River Court. I pulled my phone out and called Nathan as I leaned my bike against the bleachers. He answered on the first ring and said, "So what excuse did you give?"
"Har har, very funny, I gave him an honest one. He's used to me doing rides at night, as long as I'm not out too late," I respond as I hear Nathan laugh, "What? I'm serious, I've never broken any of his ground rules, as of now."
"What a way to break the old man's heart, betrayal," Nathan said as I rolled my eyes and rebutted, "At least I'm always on his good side."
"Touche, question, why were you looking around when I winked at you?" Nathan asked as I ran my hand over my face and groaned.
"It's embarrassing," I respond as Nathan hits me with a "Try me."
After I took a breath, I said, "I thought Peyton was around, so when you winked at me, I looked to see if it was for her since she's usually your girlfriend."
Nathan laughs a little before saying, "We do break up a lot, don't we? Yeah, we're done for this time. Don't worry, that's not something to be embarrassed about."
"Jeez thanks, Scott," I respond jokingly before pulling my phone away from my ear to see the time, only have 15 more minutes before I have to start biking home.
"How much longer do we have on this call?" Nathan asked and before I could ask how he knew, he said, "I heard you pull the phone away."
"We have 15 more minutes before I have to bike home," I respond before I hear his voice change when he asks, "I'm sorry? Did you say bike?"
"Yeah, I thought I mentioned that," I said before clarifying, "I don't have a car yet and I think we both know how my grandpa feels about your dad, so there's no way my car is coming from him."
"Yeah, probably best if you don't," Nathan agrees as I add in, "Sorry, know he's your dad and all, but he can sometimes be an ass."
"Oh no, feel free, I feel the same way," Nathan responds as I start to feel bad about the way how unhappy he is talking about Dan.
To change the topic, I asked, "So, what's the real reason you wanted to talk to me?"
"Just to get to know you, the real you. You know, finally know your personality, not just the fact you happen to be related to my basketball coach," Nathan responds as I feel the inside of my body warm up and blush.
"Didn't know Showboater Scott actually had a heart," I say sarcastically as Nathan laughs and mentions, "Just takes the right person to make it skip a beat."
"I really should get back before Grandpa sends a search party, I'll see you tomorrow," I respond as Nathan agrees and tells me goodnight.
After I told him goodnight back, I closed my phone and started biking back up the road. I entered the house to look into the den to see Grandpa snoring and see the TV was playing a video of an old Ravens game. I grabbed a blanket to cover him up and I kissed him on the forehead to whisper, "Goodnight, Grandpa."
My phone buzzed to signal a text came through as I entered my bedroom, I pulled it out to see Nathan texted me.
"Had to tell you goodnight again, hope your dreams are sweet and have me in them ;)"
I laughed before putting my phone on charge and getting dressed for bed. Maybe tomorrow will bring something more into my life.
"Have a good day today, I'll see you later," Grandpa says as we both exit the car and head toward the school.
After I told Grandpa to have the same, I headed toward my locker to see Tim leaning against it. I thought to myself, "Great, another day to reject his advances, again."
"What do you want Tim?" I asked as I stopped in front of him and shoved his shoulder to get him to move, "And get off my locker."
"Just thought I'd try to serenade you to go out with me, no one can resist my charm," Tim says smugly like he thinks he'll be successful in his attempt today.
Before I can say something, I hear someone say, "Tim, she's never going out with you, so stop. Besides, Turner's looking for you, it looks like you're in trouble as always."
"Aww man, I gotta hide," Tim nervously says as he bolts down the hall and keeps looking in all directions to try to avoid our principal.
I turned around to see Nathan standing there with a smile on his face.
"Clever, is Turner really looking for him?" I asked as Nathan shook his head and said, "Nope, thought I'd save a damsel in distress."
I open my locker to get my textbooks before saying, "I could have handled it myself, but thank you. I swear he just never gives up."
"Yeah, that's Tim for you," Nathan responds as I laugh, "Did you make it home in time? You didn't respond to my text."
"I did, thanks for being concerned. I did get your text, was nice," I said as he plastered an "I take offense to that" expression as a joke and whispered, "How dare you? I worked on that text for hours."
"Fine, it was funny, better?" I respond as Nathan nods and looks around for who I assume is my grandfather to make sure he isn't nearby before he leans in, "I really enjoyed our phone call, we should do it again."
The school bell rings and everyone starts rushing the hallways, causing my attention to be distracted and when I looked back, he was gone. So I pulled my phone out to text him, "We should."
I entered class to take my seat and the teacher started teaching his material when I saw a folded piece of paper get thrown on my desk. I looked towards the person who put it there and they shrugged their shoulder, meaning they were only told to give it to me. I started to unfold the paper when the teacher called my name.
"Yes sir?" I asked as he glanced toward the paper in my hand and asked what I had in my hand, "I'm not sure, I was given this just now."
I handed it to him after he asked for it, knowing he believed me since he knew I was not the type of student to break school rules, opening it to see what it said, before folding it back up.
"Sir, isn't it your rule to read notes aloud?" I hear a student asks before the teacher responds, "Yes, but in this case, I'm not going to."
"Not fair to the other times you did it," Another student says before the teacher looks at me with a somber expression and apologizes before he unfolds the paper to read what it said.
"Charlotte, you should wipe your existence off Planet Earth because of how ugly you are, no wonder your daddy is dead and your mommy didn't care to want you."
My stomach dropped and my veins turned cold hearing those words,
"I-I-" I tried to say but sentences weren't forming in my brain nor connecting with my mouth, "I can't."
I suddenly grabbed my bag and ran out of the classroom with tears streaming down my face. I didn't even know I was going outside the school until I was actually outside, standing on the sidewalk.
"I can't stay here, I don't want anyone to see me like this, especially Grandpa," I kept thinking over and over in my head.
I walked back into the school and towards Turner's office, who was surprised to see me.
"Charlotte, how can I-. Is everything alright?" He asked as I shook my head and told him, "I'm feeling sick and can't stay for the rest of the day. Do you mind telling my grandpa I went home?"
"Of course, hope you feel better soon," Turner says after I thanked him and left the office towards the parking lot to grab my bike.
After I biked home, I got in the house and that's when I finally decided to let out a scream and started sobbing, where no one could hear or see me this way. I've been bullied like this a lot by Rachel, and no one knows about it, not even Grandpa. I don't know why she's doing it, she's only been in Tree Hill for a few months. "I wish she would just stop."
I went into my bedroom and practically slammed my whole body onto the bed to grab a pillow to hold. I must've fallen asleep for a few hours because my phone buzzed with a text and I looked at the screen name to see it was Nathan.
"Hey, where were you? All the guys asked Whitey and he said you'd gone home sick."
Me: I did. A bug must be going around and I caught it.
Nathan: You looked fine this morning so I know that's a lie. What's going on?
Me: Nothing, I'm fine. Aren't you supposed to be practicing?
Nathan: Practice is over, didn't you see the time?
I looked at the time to see it was 5:30, which meant Grandpa would be home in an hour or so from mingling with his friends.
Me: Didn't realize, oops. Sorry, I had to miss seeing Grandpa yell at you guys.
Nathan: I need to hear your voice, phone call?
I sighed and tried to make my voice sound like I hadn't been crying before pressing the call button.
"Hey, how did practice go?" I say with a hint of crackling in my voice, which I silently curse that I let it slip
"About how it is sometimes, are you really okay?" Nathan asked with concern in his voice.
"Yeah, I might've just caught what's been going around. I'll be fine," I said as I heard a car door shut nearby, "Shoot, Grandpa's home early, I'll talk to you later."
After Nathan and I said our goodbyes, I made it look like I'd been sleeping since I got home. The door creaks open as Grandpa's footsteps enter my room and they stop as he sees my appearance. I hear him set down something on my desk and walk over to kiss my forehead to whisper, "Hope you feel better sweetheart, whether the bully is getting to you or you're actually sick."
I open my eyes to see a soup container and by the smell, it's from Karen's cafe, which means it's bound to be delicious. First, I need to talk to Grandpa, so I exit my bedroom to enter the den.
"Listen, I'm really sorry-" I started to say before Grandpa stopped me and said, "I know, your teacher got worried so he came to see me and showed me the nasty note. Then Turner came and told me you left because you weren't feeling good."
"Does that mean I'm barred from going to the next game?" I asked as Grandpa shook his head and told me the skipping class rule doesn't apply to me, "I promise, it's a one-time thing."
"Oh really? So, you're not going to skip class even if Nathan asks you to?" Grandpa asked, making my eyes widen in shock, and before I could ask, he said, "I see the way he looks at you, and I admit, maybe my rule is a little harsh."
"It's not, I understand why," I responded as I mentioned, "He doesn't know about the note or the bullying. This is all recent."
"Well, you outta tell him, he was worried about you when he didn't see you in the bleachers," Grandpa said as I sighed and responded, "I know, I just- I don't know why I'm allowing their words to hurt me."
"Those words hurt me too, seeing those awful things said to part of my whole world, hit me in the core," Grandpa said as I went to sit on the sofa, "You know your daddy loved you so much, loved you to the point he thought of the world of you and ensured you'd be with me as well as protected."
"I know, and I appreciate him for that. The mom part though, struck a chord since it's true, she loves those things more than me," I mention as Grandpa shakes his head yes, "At least I have the best parental figure take her place, because it makes me miss her less."
"Now you're just pulling my leg," Grandpa says to try to make me laugh. I shout, "I'm not! I'm serious."
"I know, just wanted to see that smile of yours, which I hope you've been showing Nathan," Grandpa responds as I blush and say, "We just started recently talking on the phone, but you can say he has since I have a tiny crush on him."
"As much as I don't like the fact he broke my rule, I'm glad," Grandpa said as he smiled and mentioned, "He'll be excited to see you back in the bleachers."
I sighed, trying to keep the butterflies at bay, before pushing open the door to the gym to enter the basketball game. I looked up at the scoreboard to see the Ravens are winning by 5, hopefully making Grandpa pleased.
"Hey Charlotte, glad to see you're feeling better," I hear Peyton say to me as I walk near the cheerleaders, causing me to turn my head and respond, "Thanks, Peyton."
Before I even passed by the cheerleaders fully, I heard from behind me, "You look like you need a good purging, why don't you go into the bathroom real quick?". Rachel, she's on the squad?? I decided to ignore her and keep walking, but she apparently didn't like that because the next thing that came out of her mouth was, "Hey fatty, did you hear what I said to you?"
"Rachel, stop," Brooke said, genuinely worried, "Don't you realize who you're speaking like that to?"
"Oh I don't care that her grandpa is some big-shot coach, doesn't excuse the fact she looks like that. Probably why her parents didn't want to be near her," Rachel responds with a smug look on her face.
Before I could turn around and call her out on her disgusting behavior, I heard Nathan shout, "That is enough!" causing the whole gymnasium to be quiet.
"Oh come on, you know it's true," Rachel says as if she believes Nathan is on her side and will get the others to join in.
"No, it is not. And you have no right to speak to her like that," Nathan responds as he inches forward, "Ever since you came to Tree Hill, you've been acting like a real bitch to Charlotte, who has never done anything to you. Despite what you've done to her, she remained silent because she knew what it would mean if she spoke up."
"It's not like I'm going to get in trouble for this," Rachel says as Turner speaks up, "Rachel, we know it was you who wrote that note to Charlotte, we'll be discussing your punishment."
When Rachel turns to look at me, she had pissed written all over her face. "You are so fake! People need to know the truth about the real you." Rachel shouts, looking desperate for attention to be on her.
"She's not fake," Nathan says as he moves to be closer to me, "She has a heart of gold, she's kind to everyone around her, she's so smart, she's funny when she thinks she isn't, and doesn't pay any notice if someone is admiring her from afar."
"Nathan, I-" I started to say, fear of my grandpa's rule creeping in when he said, "He gave me permission, it's okay." He took my hand in his and squeezed it in comfort before whispering, "Now, you have another person in your life to love."
I looked up into his eyes to see sincerity swimming in them before I pressed my lips against his and kissed him. I felt him wrapping his arms around my midsection and picking me up, causing everyone to cheer and hoot. Meanwhile, Rachel stormed off with a fuss, but no one was paying attention to her. I pull away before whispering against his lips, "Now go kick some ass, boyfriend."
"Not a problem, girlfriend," Nathan said as he put me down and I smiled as I watched him run back onto the court.
I looked over to see my grandpa smiling back at me and I gave him the thumbs up before going to my seat next to Haley.
"Camila and Dale, you would be really happy and proud of our girl. She's doing amazing and found herself the best boy I'd imagine she falls in love with and he treats her like she deserves to be treated. Keep watching over us and blessing us with what we need most.
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ateez-himari · 3 months
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Himari 🐯| AM 9:20
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Tiny-Ya, did you know that Yoongi oppa turned 31 years old today? My big brother's getting older...it's kind of strange ㅋㅋㅋ I can't post it on other platforms since he's not a part of ATEEZ but please go send lots of love to him! Translated by Google
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Mikah | AM 9:20 Happy birthday to the Hand of Midas! A real musical genius❤️I hope you two had at the chance to spend at least a little bit of time together!
Himari🐯| AM 9:21 He came by during Lunar New Year 🤗We all played basketball together at an old court we used when we were kids! Seeing him without hair again was weirdㅎㅎㅎ
Nyangnyangari | AM 9:22 seeing pictures of them together always makes my day 🥹i love how she's so much like him even though they're not biological siblings
Joonghosteddybear | AM 9:22 I can't wait to see more of their interactions in Yoongi's movie🥰It kind of feels weird to have watched both of them grow up cuz it all went by so quickly
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[2 NEW MESSAGES FROM 'Little Tiger 💕']
'Oppa happy 31st birthday! 🎉Thank you for filling the past year with lots of memories before leaving for your service, I hope we can make more music together when you come back! I don't know when your gift will come since I sent it yesterday and forgot that they take a little while to get to base 😿The members say happy birthday too, I'll send you the video after this message! Stay healthy this year so that we can have lots of fun again when you're back. I love you big brother❤️'
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