#based on the very real situation that happend to me
sizu-p · 7 months
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art struggles
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eccho-system · 2 years
This blog was part of my journey and part of my life for years. I've been on this website for more than a decade now (how crazy to place it like that 😅) and my blog changed a lot while I grew.
It has always been a safe space for everything that had no room in my everyday life. I don't know if I'm gonna use it to share my story or if I do it somewhere else, but I'm trying to figure out a way to somehow turn my experience into something that helps other people.
I've been through years of ongoing s*xual and emotional abuse and violence, starting with my parents in my early childhood. Because the abuse started preverbally and continued for all those years it took a long time for me to make sense of everything around and inside me.
I always needed my writing and my diary as an extension for my mind, because I was never able to make sense of who I was.
Step by step I figured that the way I was experiencing myself wasn't "normal", because nobody could ever relate. It took me years to accept that I don't always have full controll over what I'm doing or over who I am and another few years to figure out that it doesn't have to be that way.
Sometimes I had amnesia, sometimes I watched myself doing things, sometimes I knew I thought or felt something, because I had written it down, but none of those lines belonged to me. Very often I had to figure out what I did, because I found myself in a situation and didn't know how I got there. In a lot of moments I was just scared as hell and confused and pushed that feeling down and continued doing whatever I was doing to not be noticed.
Being a system is hard when you know you are a system, but before you do, life can be hell. Luckily I had my diary, my art, my writing. I only had the chance to make sense of my life, because I could read about what "I" was feeling or doing, I could work out what might be something that "I" wanted and over the years I recognised different thinking patterns, different emotion based decisions, different "me's" and I still just went on with my life still scared as hell to admit that even though I could process things based on my writings after they happend, I had no chance to change or to even decide what I was doing in everyday life.
It took a lot of courage to open up about that to a professional and to even admit that what they suspected was even a possibility. I though: "how can it be that bad, if all of my memories don't feel that bad" and "how did it affect me so much when I can talk about everything I have been through without breaking down immediately". And "sure, I show all the signs, but I just have random breakdowns and emotional flashbacks and panick attacks. They are not connected to trauma, I'm just weak and pathetic." Until I realised that this was part of the things I was told to believe.
I've been in denial up to a point where it was almost ridiculous, but looking back I think it's no wonder that realisation kicked in the moment I was able to handle it. After my first abuser died. And even then it was and still is a long way to discover how our system works, who's even there and what happened.
It's a lot of hard and confusing work. There's no magical wall that disappears and suddenly you're able to talk to people in your head or discover your "inner world" like you're walking through a video game. But tbh your not really left with a choice, because the trauma is real and it's there and being a system instead of having a connected sense of self is not something you chose and it won't disappear by ignoring it.
So here I am, trying my best 😅 and maybe sharing parts of my journey on how to handle life as a system might help those who relate and it might help others to see that systems are living and breathing and feeling human beings, just as everyone else and not some fiction psycho thriller fantasy.
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makahimetenshi · 1 year
Follow me inside the wastelands - Chapter 2 -Arthur Maxson x Female Sole Survivor Fanfic
This one will be a long fic with a lot of chapters, I already write the concepts. Since I don’t play as Nora in Fallout 4 because Nate for me is the real protagonist the personalities and ideas are pretty fanbased from another fanfics I read
 If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and coments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive coments of wanting to know what happends next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
 He did in fact his homework.
Gather a meeting with every head rank in the Prydwen and bases around the Commonwealth, all must arrive before the dinner time he promised the sentinel, this was important, she was a sentinel.
Everyone confirmed, some know about the operation less than the others, even the four paladins of the brotherhood that were the tanks of the operation with her were there.
-Why I wasn’t informed? –ask Arthur to all the people reunited- this was like a big party surprise gift but this is not the way
-Because…-a scribe talked- because of the The Chain That Binds, she investigated and use that old brotherhood rule, that rule, despite we don’t kinda use it here in our everyday we cant just say no, is beneath us, her rank is very beneath all of us, she is the only one here almost as important as you
-In fact you are the only one a superior rank of her -said a Lancer around, calling Maxson attention.
He bite his tongue, is right, that is a undeniable brotherhood rule, it affected operations as it was seen now that’s why he decided to…not really use it himself or with the paladins and knights, but is unbreakeable and it existed, it is right.
-Still none of you, even the paladins informed me anything.
-We don’t have to, she is our superior, we respond to her commands, we cant go a higher rank from her
-But we never do things like that before –said Maxson.
-I understand, but she is right –said an scribe- the chain that binds is important, and a cause of severe repercussion to not follow specially if is summoned by someone so important as a sentinel
-It was actually a small operation from the brotherhood, only the four of us were asked to get laser ammunition, gamma mines and rifles, not much more.
-More ammo that anything –another paladin nooded next to the one he said that.
-A considerable amount? –asked Maxson
-Pretty much I would say, neither of the four of us can disobey but we did understand when we arrived there that day, the idea for us was to be the front tanks, she also was with a power armor.
-A mercenary she has around, third party, shut down the people on the towers and patrol, first step of the operation
-When they realized that their people was been taking down a group came from the insides of the hardware store to defend the surroundings, a group of Minutemens appeared shooting to be the bait, and as they approatched, a supermutant called Strong emerged from behind the group of civilians, he was crawling until he was close enough to start taking down raiders with a hammer -Arthur crossed his eyebrows, he said a supermutant? –I know, it was hard to believe, but we cant defy her
-How long since this happened?
-Day and half
-The sentinel Nora also started to shoot Fatmans on the groups of raiders where Strong wasn’t around, the small group of Minutemens took another positions to shoot with normal bullets, normal guns, modified
Arthur was trying to imagine the situation.
-We were on the wait behind some old cars with another groups of Minutemens, Nora was clinged on a energy post with Sthealt Boys, the mercenary protected her from being shoot since the Fatmans were very obvious were they came from and she couldn’t just change positions from the highs
-Yeah but it was necessary, fatmans doesn’t go very far away –another Paladin nooded
-The supermutant and the minutemens fighted until no one wanted to come out from the hardware store.
-He was also, intelligent, cooperate with the Minutemens that came in his help to assit him with steampacks.
-Well he was necessary, and obey to her commands
-You worked along the supermutant? –Ask Maxson
-Not necessary around, she knew to make us stay away from him, and clear that subject from the beginning we joined the mission
-Not freacking touch the supermutant paladin, he will do as I say –repeated a paladin and the others agree. –it was strange but we cant…say no to a sentinel
Everyone was so submerjed into the story, like a tale.
-When the homicidal rampage ended, he just stayed there and went to the energy post were the fatmans where launched, left the hammer behind in the floor and wait for her to appear from the invisibility.
-And just catch her in the air when she jumped down the ground, like It was nothing.
-Also she trow away the fatman before jumping, I tried to recover it later but it smashed and break, no use.
Maxson took air from the nose, impressed.
Yeah, crazy stories where common, he was open to believe them too.
-Theres someone else in the brotherhood that can confirm your story? –asked Maxson
-You don’t believe us elder?
-Is hard to even imagine that she jumped from the air to a supermutant arms –said Lancer Kells
-Besides that I don’t want to send a patrol of our men believing in a organized story, as you know sentinel Nora has others conections beside the brotherhood of steel, I don’t care what fame the Minutemens has of being weak, she is a very capable person to do whatever and I don’t want to be toy with someone who is not 100% brotherhood–said Maxson not feeling shame of being cautions
The four paladins looked at each other actually pretty annoyed for not being trusted by their dearest elder.
-I know that the last stage of the sentinel plan was to convert the hardware store into a brotherhood base…let me offer myself and my squad to be the first ones to set there if you doubt of us…and our habilities…-said one of the paladins, Maxson move a hand to his chin.
-Let me offer my squad to arrange the preparations for the set up and armory for the future base then, while the squad number one arranges the organization for the set up of our brotherhood mens and commodities, squad number two will prepare the guns, ammunition, turrets…anything we need to defend that post.
-And my squad will plan along with the scribes the best way to get rid of the enemys around, the supermutant and raiders settlement not so far from the hardware store –said a third paladin.
The last paladin didn’t offer anything
-Ill stay here as a guarantee that I was on that mission and I stand with the brotherhood.
-You are putting a lot of thrust –said a Lancer around the room
-Sir, we were there, if you don’t like our answer go with a ventibird there, a group of Minutemens will receive you, me and my squad will scort and protect you –said the paladin who offer to set up there.
Maxson cut the chat there with a single hand gesture, he didn’t want to cause a fight.
-Don’t you trust sentinel Nora? –asked the paladin who offer to search for the armory needed to defend the base.
-It all sounds just so perfect to not…have doubts –said a knight around.
-She destroyed the institute, almost alone –Arthur spoke loud, he cant let people on his command to have serious doubts about the rank bellow him, after all he was the one giving her that rank, if they don’t trust her they wouldn’t trust him and his choices of who he is promoting, better be carefull of how this conversation is managed –well be always thankfull with the sentinel for the excellent work, same with you all paladins, but we all be cautious too like always and with anybody, no matter the importance of its rank –the face of Danse crossed his mind for a second and put that thought away-expect me to arrive in that hardware store any time, start preparations and reforms, I want to see the brotherhood units working on that place, Ad Victoriam –as soon he finished the conversation, everybody in the room made the classic old gesture of the hand in the chest, Arthur open the door, and everyone retired…
Now…about that dinner…
Nora went to the dinner just with makeup, brotherhood clothes, she barely used them but this time seemed…important…is been long time since anyone invited her to a dinner but this was just work anyway, a pair of soldiers scolted her to Maxson cuarters.
Wooow he had a really big department, she had only been in the reunion saloon but it had corridors to go to some other places like a big living room! It wasn’t anything really expensive, just a big room with a big table with a lot of chairs...and a proyector…and a chalkboard, obviously all for business.
There was candles over the table and a big feast, which surprised Nora a lot.
-I don’t think I ever seen this much food since I wake up from the cryo pot, its anyone joining us?
-Not for today, if everything goes fine over the days I plan to trow a small party, having a new base are excellent news for everyone. Please sit –Arthur pulled out a chair in front of the one that will be his and the woman made her way to sit, he went to his own chair and grab a folk –serve yourself as much you want, no need to hesitate –Nora nooded and went to grab a salad pot, serve a little on her plate and also grab a bottle of whine.
-So did you make your protocol research? –she said chluking a bit, Maxson blushed a bit of shame but he answer accordly.
-Yes…the four paladins were here –he wouldn’t tell her that a full consultation committee was here to doubt her words.
-A funny afternoon we all had don’t we?
-Indeed, jumping in the supermutant arms from a 20mts post is not something you do everyday –the bottle shaked In Noras hand as she was puring the liquid into the glass.
Her face changed, turning down the bottle and also her gaze.
-Strong is a third party not part of the brotherhood, you cant ask me to execute him –oh no, Arthur swallowed saliva-I will not encourage anyone different to be around the brotherhood business for their own safety.
-Its not about that –Arthur raised a hand, he didn’t want to move the chat over that dark place- I just mention it because it sounds so brave and amazing and…
-He is an smart supermutant, dumb but also capable of reason, he can obey, understand, follow and comprehend conversations and commands, is a valuable asset for me and the Minutemen.
-Sentinel –he call her attention, she looked at him with an actually menacing look that put Arthur a bit uncomfortable-the paladins told me about the moment you get on your power armor and smashed the front doors the five of you, taking all the shoots
-I feared that they would trow explosives at us but apparently they had the same fear as I with the chemicals, we take the front shoots and when most of them where on the floor with laser burns the minutemen enter into action to tackle down the rest, we were fortunate that they didn’t want to shoot inside the hardware store and directly when to fight us by hand.
-It was so severe that if you shoot real ammo with gun pouder everything will explode? –he said as he picked up some cheese and ate
-I don’t know, im no expert, but the reality is that there weren’t carring much gun power and decided to not use them on us when we enter-Nora started to play with the fork in the plate, making Arthur strange about it
-Where are this raiders now? –he picked up a plate of meat and started cutting up, not loosing attention of her movements over the food
-The ones alive, hostages, undecided what to do with them, the dead ones are in a pile outside the hardware store as I commanded, undecided what to do with them, I don’t know how the brotherhood will decide to dispose the bodys, by burning or making a small cementery…
-I preffer the use of the land in something better than mourning a motherfuckers raiders, burn them
-Yes elder
-Didn’t kill the hostages?
-I believe they can reform…I once meet a kid that run away to become a forged…a raider type that has a thing with the fire…he was just sick of his parents like every kid becomes and when he found out they wouldn’t be safe  from them just because they were his family…became desesperate to run away and undo the error…I ended up killing all the raiders in that base and returning the kid to his family
-The base…Saugus Ironworks right? –Nora nooded- heard of it.
-I don’t know how people pay for their crimes other than death.
-There are around the country prisions but…too far away from here…
-Heard of it –she smiled.
-Speaking of which I know were you have been busy most of the time in this year…-Nora raised an eyebrow confused as she drank her wine- The chain that binds…
-Well I was a lettered before the bombs exploded…im a lawyer –now Arthur was confused so she explained–we defended people acussed of crimes back then and a judge decided if they deserved years of jail or some other way to repay the victims based on our defenses.
-I see…we don’t have lawyers and that proccedures are most made for military purposes –Arthur ate his meal as he talked.
-Like a martial court
-Im familiar with the term, read about it, more informal but yes…-the elder gasped and Nora looked at him-you haven’t touch the food at all.
-I don’t actually eat…any of this…-she blushed- I know its rude to just reject fresh cooked food
-What do you eat then? –well that was strange
-Canned food from before the bombs exploded –at seeing Arthur confused face she explained- the radiated food that grows on the earth or the animals you can kill has a…very metal taste, like drinking blood…is all about the taste anyway, not the nutricious aspect or if I get sick or not to eat that
-But I see you eating noodles at the dining room before
-Please, they existed before the bombs, the amount of sodium camuflages the rad taste –Nora laughted for a moment- it’s the exactly same process now than then, I investigated and read about it, I mean I know that a tato has the same nutrients and caloric values as a real potato from before the war but…the taste…is like a cardboard with ketchup on top –she looked at her plate and started separating the tatos pieces from the cabbage- cabbage soup I will eat, as far as I read is nutricious
-You do your homework right? –the woman raised his shoulders and Arthur called for one of his guards that were waiting outside, when the soldier enter, a very ashamed Nora looked at the elder and hide her face behind the hair- changes in the menu –he said as he took the salad pot and give it to the soldier in front of him- bring us cabbage soup please –the soldier retired without saying anything with the pot and went off the living room- don’t be ashamed, the dinner is for the both of us, you should told me about being a picky eater
-Is not…picky eater...this is easy for all of you because is everything you know but i…knew better –she bited her tongue, sometimes it was difficult to talk nice things about the wastelands, there wasn’t almost anything nice to say about- I search to scavage inside vaults to see if I can found some seeds or froze or preserved plants but…they all turned into this rad types…I don’t know if its anything on the air or the ground but I even planted tomato normal seeds inside a vault earth ground and they turned into tatos…the taste was disgusting as a normal tato plant growing outside the vault, I truly believe it’s the air or the conditions of our planet changed after the big 2 hours bombing because its not making sense that dry up seeds grow up differently that the way they were intended to be
She was well informed, she knew, despite not knowing much about this world she made the effort to understand, Arthur was impressed.
-Im so sorry, I never thought  about that aspect for the generation from before the bombs-after saying that he had an idea, but he smiled at being such a genious and decided to save it for a surprise.
-I believe that someday I will found normal plants of vegetables inside a vault but I hadn’t see many yet, the problem there will be cloning it imitating that seeds or fruits to make them reproduce
-So not grilled radroach to you hu? –she smiled, and he laughted –alright
-I do believe we are lacking of condiments to hide the bad taste of most foods –there was a knock on the door and Arthur let them pass, a soldier with a cup of cabagge soup enter the room, he placed it in front of Nora and take out the lid to let all that steam run free.
-Hope you enjoy this meal –she laughted a bit as the aroma of the soup warm up her nose too.
-Thank you elder-the soldier left another cup of soup in front of Arthur, make the same process and left the room to let them talk- what do you wanna do with the hostages in hardware town?
-Do you want the brotherhood to take care of that subject?
-I preffer, the minutemens lack on education as and I researched theres no…a common law or agreement to try to set a trial…too soon for that after 200 years yet –she raised the cup and started drinking, body getting warmer from the food.
-A single person cant know or do everything, don’t feel bad about it
-I just suppose –Arthur will continue to eat his meat and serve himself some mierluck egg omelette
-You did a great job  sentinel, for the brotherhood or not, excelent execution of stages as I was told –he saw her drink more of the soup and then drink a glass of wine.
-Since…the minutemens and the brotherhood are going to…coexist and cowork in the same place can we…establish some trade routes? My settlements has overproduction of some crops sometimes in some settlements, its difficult to hire caravans that wants to travel that much distances with such heavy cargo, since its pretty low value they don’t wanna risk they bramins and the journeys are longs to be that much exposed on the roads
-Sure, well see at the need of the moment but I can talk to other chapters of the brotherhood if they need vegetables and fruits –Nora nooded- taking it in ventibirds will be much safer and productive than using animals, after all a bahim plus two people and their cargo will equal in much more cargo of food on crate boxes, smart idea, good job sentinel.
-Have a lot of this projects…-she whisper low but Arthur was really putting a lot of attention.
-Please I love to hear more about, do you want anything more than soup?
-Water, if I keep drinking wine I will not be able to wake up tomorrow –the elder went to grab a glass jug and went to serve her water, they where at confronted sides of the table but that feeled really…close…like an intimate action.
Arthur heard her swallowing saliva, for a moment their gazes meet, but as soon the cup was filled he separated and sit again at his place.
-Well your operation was an absolutyl victory, are you heading there again?
-Yes, you cant clean a place full of raiders and let it unattended or more will be to take the place again, that happened to me a lot, I want to clear more bases for the brotherhood in the future so raiders cant take them.
-Please consult me first so I can ask for more soldiers to arrive in this chapter, If you continue to make new bases well run out of soldiers and resources, this has to be organized-she nooded, this time drinking water.
As soon the glass was down, this time, unlike with the wine, he see that with the clear water a mark of her red lips was on the glass.
-ill head there by the morning, wanted to rest a bit and…
-One of the paladins and their squad will scort you there on a ventibird –Nora had a confused face- its already talked, I believe is going to take some weeks to have the place fully operational for us to live and stay there…
-Right now my Minutemens are only taking guards until I arrive back, the first thing we planned is to bring bed and matress so everyone can rest and take turns to sleep
-Sleeping bags will be best, they can be washed –Nora smiled at the idea, it was nice to have collaboration
-Do you want anything for dessert?
-It may be difficult to get
-Challenge me
The woman sit comfortable and smiled, if he say so…
-I want a old glory donut is one with frosting shaped like the 13 stars and red and white stripes of the United States flag.
Arthur smiled, crossed his lips, bited them, and laught.
-If you are willing to wait an hour more to bake it…
-Why not, we can talk a bit more
That words resonated in the elders mind for a few seconds…wa-wat? She wanted to expend time together? Alright…his heart stopped for a moment but he recover his cool and temper quick to not be so exposed.
-Alright –again, he called one of the soldiers and this time whisper into his ear, when the man asked what the heck he went up to a desk nearby and take out a piece of paper and a pen.
-If it is so much problem…-said Nora at seeing all the big fuss around a piece of pastery
-Not at all Sentinel…-said Arthur from the next room, after finishing he gave the soldier the writing and he left, at coming back at the table she looked pretty ashamed.
Well isn’t his one a beauty?
-I didn’t know there was a master pastery in the Prydwen…it was just a joke…
-Its one of the brotherhood best keeped secrets –he laughted at sitting back on the table, he was going to finish his meal so he grabbed some multifruit salad and started eating with a folk-let me ask you something –for the first time in the night, he captured her attention. Well well well how was it? You can conquer a men by conquering his stomach? In this case a woman –why the minutemens? Why be his general? You have your own forces here at the brotherhood if you have a natural gift with people
-Why not them?
-In the brotherhood you have soldiers with discipline, education, training, gun management, experience or knowledge at medical treatment…
-Well not everyone…
-Most of them, you have been a sentinel for a year and didnt make up a team
-I work better solo or with one or two companions, no more. Besides i…see a lot of death all around, better not be someone I catch up, after all from Danse squad only two members stays alive, he feeled a lot their deaths I don’t want the same pain even If I know it’s a situation we have to be prepared
Well fuck, Danse will always be the elephant in the room between both.
-Its alrigt sentinel, we cant carry all the weight of the dead ones in our shoulders, if that’s the case I have a lot of blood In my hands from missions I planned and failed
-But isn’t that the case? I failed to protect minutemens that came to help me when I was in distress, people that thinked in helping me and…ended up being cold corpses I cant even retrieve to their familys because some creature eated up at the next day I came back to take them
-I see your logs and you took ventibirds to help a lot of distress signals over this year, you could end up being a cold corpse we cant retrieve either to help a brotherhood member
-That’s okay for me, I don’t want to die but im the one that make the dangerous choice to go and help
-So the Minutemens do the same with you
-No, its not like that, they do it because they want to make the Commonwealth a better place, a pack of radroaches less is not a danger for a family of farmers,  a group of raiders wouldn’t menace to come and start a fire on a small community if they are kicked out the near places,  a settlement close to an abandoned school could suffer an attack of ghouls if we don’t help…the minutemen do the small little big things to make people lives better, the brotherhood wouldn’t do that work and its okay, both can coexist and do their own things…besides you arrived later here and I was already helping settlements so…
Ah…Arthur felt again something hit his chest…he may be crushing.
Why does she sound like a careless non radiated angel? With good heart and the capability to do anything.
He pushed those thoughts away, he meet a lot of capable womans in his life and never tried romancing them.
All his life he was encouraged to find the perfect partner to continue the Maxson lineague, but a lot of womans could be candidates except for the fact that…he didn’t like them that personally and of course he was in his right to be, after all, he was encouraged not obligued yet, he was young, the sooner the better and he wasn’t against to start a family even right now to pass on his surname…but the opportunity hasn’t arrived
Everything was too perfect to be real, there has to be some kind of trick or flaw hidden.
-The brotherhood of steel its not a government, we are just an organization, we don’t claim the land so some other tribes and groups can be around and we…help, of course the much we grow the better but…
-It would be nice to grow up enought so everyone choose 3 meals a day in exchange for some service to a cause, I preffer that lifestyle for the people than believing in the atoms for example.
-Sounds like you would have stay with the Institute, to have a life full of commodities
-Its no commodities, its basic, and I have reasons to not stay with the institute in that moment
-Like wat?
She stayed in silence, took a breath, and look away.
-Lets just say…that as a mother, I would never raise and teach someone to become someone so horrible to justify the dissaparence and replacement of innocent people for no… enough important reasons…
Maxson didn’t understand her answer, but there was something heavy in the air that didn’t make him want to ask for more
-Im glad you stayed with us sentinel, no matter what the reasons are.
Nora looked at him and drink a glass of water.
The door open, a soldier with two small plates covered with lids came.
-Well that was fast –she said, sitting better actually impacient for the surprise.
-What can I say? I have only the best of the best
-Will you give me the number of you pastery?
Arthur looked at her confused.
-The number?
-Never mind, pre-bomb joke
The soldier left the plates on the table and left, both looked at each other and lift the lids…Arthur smilled silly when the woman cover his mouth with gasp of surprise. She looked cute excited.
-That’s not a proper soldier reaction…-he said laughting a bit, grabbing the colored donut admiring the good work of his pastery master, he would gave later the man a tip of caps, the face of Nora payed it.
-But look at this! Is perfect! Its exactly what I had in my mind! I used to eat one of this after work the entiry month of july –wow, she looked happy, really really happy- I almost don’t wanna eat it
-Please do, I want you to stay strong
-For the brotherhood of steel? –she said with a big bright smile, her eyes were watery, almost crying.
Was she overwhelmed on emotions or just very happy?
It was cute to see…someone on his side so cheerfull. He made someone happy today.
-Ad victoriam sentinel –he said giving the first bite looking at her directly, it took a few seconds of staring before she was ashamed enough to eat and chew.
Nora was right now…satisfied with her work from yesterday
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onyxolay · 3 years
The two new members…
The day had been quite the average one for the group; They had been exploring new areas of the nether, got loot, mined, etc. Today though, was gonna be a different one…
Thord, Grayson, Archie, and Calvin were all walking together in a birth forest where they spotted 2 familiar people siting together chatting on the porch of a cottage, well, they were familiar to Archie at least. The two illagers on the porch turned there heads and locked eyes with Archie; The 2 sitting on the porch was an old royal gaurd of archies named Daniel, while rough, Archie always new him as a gentle giant. He was the type that was brave, but at the same time extremely lovable. He never let it show obviously cause of his status but he sometimes just couldn’t help it.
The other guy was an armored pillager by the name of James. He wasn’t very high on terms of status unlike his best friend Daniel, but he didn’t really care and when it came to personality… Well, It honesty depended his mood that day but over all he was a curious type guy.
They both ran up to Archie and picked him up for a hug. Archie gladly excepted the hug but got a little uncomfortable wiht being called, “your majesty”
Archie: Boys, plz don’t call me that…you know I’m not a king anymore!
Daniel: Well sir you never told us your real name!
James: Yeah! We just knew that you were the king and that was that!
Archie: oh! Well.. Um, my name is Archie. Plz call me that from now on!
Daniel: As your wish your majesty- I mean Archie!
James: On it archie!
Archie sighed and Calvin went to give them a hug too. The two old royal guards Reconized thord and Greyson, they asked how they were and told them about the marriage. They were shocked for a minute but wasn’t that surprised; They weren’t really all that surprised about Archie and Calvin either, back at the place they were always flirting with each other, They didn’t make it obvious or anything, but they did flirt every now and again.
They all had a conversation with each other that led to this question by Archie…
Archie: After I left… what happend?
Daniel: Well… a lot of people stayed at the palace, fixing it in hopes that you would return but you never did…There’s a lot of people still back at the palace.
James: But there’s currently a huge Problem going on at the moment!
Daniel: Half the Empire are saying that they should all go look for you and bring you back!
James: But the other half is saying that they should look for another king!
Daniel: We went to go look for you ourselves but…
James: We got lost…ówò
Daniel: and so We figured it would be best to set up a bit of a temporary base here in a birch forest, you always did say that they were the safest so that’s where we went!
Archie: Oh my goodness! A-are you serious?!
James: Yep! People have been arguing front, back, down, right and center about this! You either need to come back to rule the empire, or at least tell them that your no longer the king before you permanently leave!
Daniel: Yeah Archie, Everyone has been a mess sense you left! You have no heirs of your own to tend to the Thorne soooo we’re kinda stuck!
Archie: I am so sorry to here! Hey, when we get the time, me and Calvin will try our best to go back and tell them that I won’t be king no more alright?
Daniel: Thank you archie! Finaly this will al be resolved! Hopefully…
Braxton: Guys it’s getting dark we gotta go home!
Thord: Your right, bye boys! Cya!
Daniel+James: Cya!
The quartette met back up with everyone else and went back to the mansion where they discussed what happened over dinner. All of them were intrigued about the situation, They did it think anyone besides Calvin would stay faithful to Archie after he had failed to hold the empire up, but I guess they were wrong!
Lucas: It’s almost time to go to bed everyone, Goodnight! 
Everyone said good night to Lucas and went off into there own rooms, Calvin and Archie like usual stayed up a little bit to Wind down.
Archie was laying face up in calvins lap when all of a sudden they heard a loud explosion far in birch forest next to there home base, They looked onward out the window to see a fire, a huge fire, coming from the area where they had met Daniel and James. They were up in an instant and woke the crew up to go have a look.
As the group approached the fire they were shocked to find the two illagers cottage on fire! They saw Daniel looking at the burning home with a look of pure anger on his face, meanwhile James was trying his hardest to put out the fire; but it didn’t help…
Lucas: What the hell happened here?!
Daniel: Some randum ass evoker woman just blew up our entire home!
Archie: did she have green eyes?
Daniel: yeah.
Archie: Did she sound rough and very pissed off?
Daniel: umm yes???
Archie: Okay so that was walda.
James: CMON!!!!! Not THAT! Bitch again!
Archie sighed and Lucas told the duo to just stay with them till further notice letting them use the one spare room they had left. By that point they weren’t staying permanently, just temporarily.
The next morning the duo left with Archie and Calvin to go back to the palace, Everyone was very exighted to him. (Archie) But to there dismay Archie announced that he would not be king anymore; and That he and Calvin had found home else where. A lot people did not like this, But in the long run they understood. People asked if Daniel and James were gonna stay, Daniel and James thought for a bit and said no.
They wanted to live a different life and start fresh, and so they left… the 4 Had left back to the mansion discussing the explosion on the way, they soon made it back to the outcasts base and explained the situation. Lucas asked Daniel and James if they wanted to build another base and there immediate answer was a hard no; It had taken them a while to build the cottage they had, and considering that they were pretty tired after what happened, they didn’t wanna do that all again.
Lucas: Okay then…
Lucas thought for a moment…
Lucas: Boys, Come with me…
What do you guys think is gonna happen? Find out in part 2!
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not-ur-normie · 3 years
Cristal witches, aka Sasha making headcanons for the world of Eldarya
I have this idea since forever at this point, so I figured it wouldn't hurt a fly to talk about it a little. It comes from years before when I wanted my OC to not be human but some kind of magic creature, so here we go.
English is not my first languange, so I am apologizing in advance.
Note: Throughout the post, the timespan is after the Blue Sacrifice, but I will talk about that too later on.
Who are cristal witches?
Cristal witches are witches who hold power connected to maana.
The bigger maana surronds them, the bigger their powers get
The reason they are called cristal witches is because they can form a connection with the Crystal
They are creatures with big potencial to play big roles in Eldarya, but that is exactly the point where things go wrong
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More about witches
Most cristal witches are women, it's really rare when a male is born and inherits magical power, but there are cases when it happens
There were never any worry about them dying out, since the genes are VERY strong
When a male and female cristal witch have a child who is also one, they turn out way stronger then the others who only have one parent being one
Don't get me wrong, one parent makes the kid already strong as it is, but two parents are just a whole new level
Cristal witches all have tattoos, all in different colors. Most of the time the colors don't have anything to do with the powers they can hold, but lighter colors indicate lighter powers, meaning: lighter colors can't use magic that requires bigger maana usage, like black magic, or healing magic
(If you play the game, you sure know the voodoo outfit, I based the tattoos on those tattoos, so you can see the colors if you google it)
Since cristal witches are a heavily mixed community thanks to the overload of women, there are times where kids inherit both of their parents specific genetics
It's rare tho, because of the witch genes mixing up with other races' is not that common
But when it happens, it always gains attention
Cristal witches are not just cristal witches because they are connected to the Crystal, but because they literally have crystals all over their body
These crystals are mostly small ones and has the color of the tattoos
They are really human-like, so if they can hide their tattos and crystals they can perfectly blend in, which did come handy at some point
Their lifespan is about 150-200 years
They are able to open the portal to the human world
(here you can see the children of my OC [Chrystal] and Ezarel, who were lucky enough to inherit both of their parents genes, so they are witches with elf ears.)
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How did they live?
Back then cristal witches lived in small communities, mostly small villages, but there where some communities living a full nomad life
Since they live so long, there were not many of them to begin with
These smaller communities lived close to each other way back then, but the nomad communities started to move around after a while
These are highly spiritual communities, especially that they are fully able to communicate with the Oracle if they wish so
They had special type of education, where witches were learning to use basic magic, while non-witches who lived with them learned alchemy
They had strict rules, that everybody needed to follow, they weren't allowed to use their power randomly
They needed to get an approval to use magic that requires more manna than your basic magic, and also to use dangerous or risky magic
If somebody went against this rule more than 5 times, they got their magic taken away
They choose new leader every year, although if a leader was good, they sticked with them and kept on picking them
The leader was not leading alone, although they made the final decisions
There were many smaller position available next to the leader, which are also chosen by the other witches
Overally they are really pieceful, so the conflicts are not that common
Cristal witches are able to do many things with magic, but it takes a lifetime to gain a really controlled power, so older, well-educated witches are highly respected and the leader was chosen from them most of the times
Some really strong witches are even able to bring back people from the death, but only if they're right there when the death happens
The Blue Sacrifice
The reason that Cristal witches were never part of the council that planned out the Sacrifice was that the races forming the council agreed that Eldarya could need them in the future (and they were damned right)
Before the Sacrifice taken place, witches were not that strong than after it happend
I imagine it the way, that once the sacrifice was made, Eldarya alone had more maana than when the two worlds were one and since witches' powers are mostly maana based, it made their powers grow way stronger than before
(I hope this makes sense lol)
Where things went wrong
As I mentioned before, they are creatures with big potential
When the Blue Sacrifice went wrong, the races in Eldarya needed the witches help the most
Almost every community, town, villige, whatever had at least one witch living with them to help out whenever there were high need
The problem is, that there was always high need; as we know Eldarya was in trouble
With the help of the witches it was easier to go for supplies to the human world, although only those communities could do this who had stronger, more experienced witches
There were even witches who were able to cast spells and make the field able to grow some edible plants
And this is exactly where things went terribly wrong
Since cristal witches have a high value, there were many who hunted them or tortured them for their powers
Why? Well, I know all the above reasons would be enough, but there are more to it
Cristal witches' blood is able to make the lifespan of whoever drinks it longer
And not just that, but it can completely function as food, it stops hunger for longer periods of time (weeks, sometimes months, depending on power) and makes the immune system 100% healthy
It was also used for really expensive medication
You know what else is really valuable? The tears of witches.
It can fasten healing and was used for many medication as well as their blood
But only tears that hold heavy emotions count, since the tear drops turn into little crystals
These informations spread real fast after a while and witch hunts became so serious that at one point several communities started to think that it would be better to sacrifice them as well so maybe Eldarya could gain its full balance [the Guard of El also wanted this, just in case you were curious]
Witches would've 100% sacrificed themselfs if they got asked by the time the Blue Sacrfice happend
But after all the terror they went through, their trust was completely broken
They did not want to die for all these selfish folks wanting to murder them, not thinking about their race for a single second
So one day they completely vanished
Nobody knows how exactly, the common guess was that they opened the portal and moved to the human world, giving up on their magic
I mean everything was better than dying for your murderers
After the vanish
Of course, not all of the witches vanished, but the witch communities that lived together
Those who lived in certain places helping out stayed there
Back then the Guard of El had a witch with them too
Sadly, they got scared of her possibly gaining control over the guard, since she was very much loved... So they decided to kill her [yes, they wanted to sacrifice her, and then killed her, way to go]
The last known cristal witch was a male, living with the Fenghuangs, but he died just before The Origins' story starts
But... Are they really all gone?
Okaaaay soooo I bet there are stuff in this which doesn't exactly fit the story and/or I remember incorrectly, but it is what it is.
On the very first art you can see my OC named Chrystal. Well, she arrives to Eldarya the same way Erika did in the original story, the main difference is that she turnes out to be a cristal witch and this fact leaves the guard in a numb shock. Suddenly the only living cristal witch is with them and that is changing their situation entirely.
I am sure I will write down Chrystals story with illustratons and whatnot, but currently I am working on my Moonligh Lovers' OC's illus, so that will take some time.
Anyway, this will have another part, I wanna at least introduce Chrystal so you can see a cristal witch in action, hurray.
Ah, yeah, if there are facts from the game messed up, feel free to tell me, I am not biting. You can also use this idea for your ocs, I don't mind. Hugs<3
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hurt-buck-archive · 3 years
I wonder sometimes in season 2 when doug gets maddie and stabs chimney what would have happend if buck came home before chimney? What would have happend? Would doug have waited or would he still have gone through with his plan and stabbed buck? And what would have happend if chim found buck bleeding out on the floor? How would he have reacted to that?
It’s kind of everywhere if you’re like me and think based on technicalities. If Buck showed up before Chimney, was it before Doug, too? Or is it just that Buck arrives when Doug is arriving there?
If Buck was in Chimney’s place altogether, it’s kind of hard to know if he’d stab Buck, or just knock him out to get him out of the way. He may be aware enough to know that Maddie wouldn’t forgive him for killing her brother vs a man she was about to date, or there’s the very real possibility that he wouldn’t have cared and tried to kill Buck to remove any ties to a life outside of Doug for Maddie.
Now, there’s also the “what if he was inside?” possibility. If he had been home when Doug came in, would he have heard Doug from whatever room he was in? Or would he have been with Maddie when she got the call from her divorce lawyer and been wondering what was going on. Then Doug would have had to subdue both of them. Makes me wonder if he would have pulled a weapon or burst into immediate action by knocking Maddie aside and then advance on Buck and get into a fight with him.
I personally would have loved to see the situation in which Buck gets into a fight with Doug, but loses. I imagine Doug could have hit Buck hard enough to make him black out for a second, but it’s long enough to grab Maddie and drag her out. In this situation, Doug could still have stabbed Chimney, who Buck would see when he comes to and immediately runs out of the door. With Doug and Maddie already gone, he would immediately tend to Chimney and the rest would play out as seen on the show, aside from Buck using getting a check up at the hospital (because he got beat up and he, let’s give him some bruised ribs maybe!) as his excuse to get the phone to Chimney and unlock it.
There are so many ways that the night could have played out different had Buck shown up first or he’d just been home when things went down. It’s so fun to think about it!
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couloredgrey · 3 years
I'm a victim of abuse in my childhood. But... deep inside me i think my trauma isn't valid.
I wasn't abused in a physical or sexual way. Well, once my mum hit me when she was drunk. But other than that... Never. Not from my parents nor my surronding.
Most of what had happened i'm not able to remember. My mind ist just empty when i think about my past. Most of the time i don't even think about my past because i can't recall memories, feelings, situations,... it isn't there. Everything i know is due to flashbacks or people telling me about it. It doesn't feel like it was and is real. And i'm kind of struggeling to believe that it indeed happend. Sometimes i think it's just a way for my brain to deal and to have a reason, a apology why my mental health is just such a mess - an imagination to justify my mental health.
I can't really pinpoint the exact trauma. It's not like "my father hit me whenever i did this or that" or something like that. There were so many situations which - from an objective point of view - fall under emotional abuse by the parents against their child. But till today i don't even know how all of those situations really happened and if my understanding of the real past isn't just imagination. Wether i'm even possibly be responsible for what happened and that everything is kind of my own fault.
And here we are at one of the emotional traumas... i was gaslighted and manipulated by my father for years. A few years back i was so insecure about what was real and what wanted my father me to think was real. My own memories versus what my father manipulated into me even over the most simple talks were so different and at some point i couldn't longer distinguish between them. And that also applied to many experiences and fellow traumas from my earlier childhood. Till today the gaslighting by my father follows me into my mind and how i see my traumas.
That is just one example of i have experienced emotional abuse. We are talking about hundreds of sentences my parents spoke to me. Thousands of different situations. The abuse is a complex web of many different details and experiences which form the trauma as a whole.
But also society doesn't make it any easier: Emotional abuse is often overlooked and not fully recognized. People think that physical and sexual abuse is more dangerous to a child. That thos childrens suffer more due to it. But that's wrong. It's scientifically proven that emotional abuse isn't less harmful to the children. It isn't okay to compare different abuse of different childrens with each other and decide which did more harm, which is more valid. And it's not okay to say emotional abuse isn't abuse. Childrens suffer from it and we can't deny it.
And not every abused person acts the same. Childrens how suffered of emotional abuse often end up as adults who are very insecure and self-doubting, who always want to please others and thus often get involved in toxic relationships. They base their decisions on the will of their fellow human beings and can only very poorly stand up for themselves. But that isn't true for everyone.. i'm not one of them. Currently i'm often seen as an egoistic person with a big mouth who fights for her will and doesn't care in an empathatic way at all for the well-being of other people. Yes, i'm insecure and have a lot of self-doubt. I'm struggeling with social interactions a lot. I like being alone and being able to do stuff my way. I have mental health issues, but for many people they aren't directly visible. Did i suffer less from the abuse in my childhood? No. Did i handle it a different way? Yes. Is this way better? No. There shouldn't even have been abuse at all.
Abuse is different. How people experience their abuse is different. How to deal with it is different. How it affects people is different. How the trauma is seen is different. Is your abuse valid? Yes.
Is my abuse real? Yes. Is my abuse valid? Yes.
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braunyreiss · 4 years
How many Parallels/hints/panels has isayama done for EH over the arcs+timeskips because I seen the way on how isayama puts theses two character's together very closely and that shows us something. What do you think about their relationship.
Hello anon! im sorry for the late answer, i was so busy and didn’t have time enough to take a look at tumblr.Parallels between those two. The ones not that important and more random like attitudes or random datas. Most of the parallel images im going to use, i took them from twitter long ago.Before start, i apologize for my english, but i hope you understand my point.Lets start:
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1-Killing their first titan, the emotion, the pose and the movement
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2-Worried about their close friend
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3-Never needed to happend. 
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4-The way they cry laughing
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5-Their parents trying to inject them
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6- Mothers killed in front of them
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7-Killing their fathers
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8-Overprotective friends, hitting them with their head lol
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9-Worried about each other and saving each other
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10-Half-siblings with royal blood
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11-Destroying the world
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12-the pose lol
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13- having their fathers memories
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14-Boring and routine childhood
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15- being interested in something for the first time by reading a book
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16- Fake previews, AU, where they both feel so bored about their lifes (And she is the one who understands him).Historia was a kid who received no love and being despised bullied and ignored. While time passed, she didn’t understand what did she do wrong. she felt depressed, insecure, feeling that her existence was unnecesar, that everyone would be happier if she wasnt alive. She blamed herself for everything. She had no goals, only wanting to commit suicide so people will love her for doing sth heroic, and also making other happ with her death. Then, Ymir appeard, she finally felt what life was, she wanted to live, Ymir made her to love herself, she was the one who inspirated her but then she left her saving the warriors, making Historia feeling lost again, the only person who she cared left her, and was alone again. But then Eren appears. She opened to someone else than Ymir, cause he saw through her mask and knew there was sth wrong with her. Then, he said what she needed to be told since the very begining. All she wanted is to be a normal person. She still was kind of lost and depressed (totally normal) and they even wanted her to make her the queen. With all her insecurities and fear because of rejection (something she experience along her entire life) of the whole people in the walls. She had the pressure but she accepted fearfull. Then, she met her father, he said sorry for everything, but he needed to do that in order to protect her, and now is the one who gonna save everyone being the new goddes by having the founding titan. What this meant for her, is that everything was a lie, she was loved, she was special, and finally she had a duty protecting hmanity from titans. But for this she had to kill Eren, and she was going to do it, she blinded herself because how nice everything sounds, and how everything that made her suffer was a lie. She was prepared to sacrifice Eren but not for humanity, for herself, beleiving she was special, her father loved her, a new goal.Eren on the other hand, he was totally different from Historia, a confident kid, with forcefulness goals, killing titans, those who destroyed his life. While he was growing, he kind of thought that he was someone special because of his titan power. And also, there was a big pressure on him with big expectations from soldiers and humanity. He had the title of being the hope of humanity. He kept confident until the Rod Reiss speech. This young boy who was so confident, now was broken for those words, wanting to die in order to, at least, make something good for humanity with his death. Everything about being special was a lie. He never needed to happened. That’s what he said. And Historia heard him. She totally felt that, she knew those feelings. here is the most importan parallelism that made their relationship that strong. Historia opened her eyes, her father was using him, she saved Eren, who still wanted to die and she hits him, being on his side, telling him that humanity is the one who must be destroyed, that she is the enemy of humanity. The enemy of humanity because she didn’t accept her duty, she wanted to live by herself, didn’t accept to be a goddes, a special person for humanity. And because she saved Eren, the “guilty” of everything. Doing this, means that she is on his side (and bc of this, enemy of humanity) so he is not alone. Now she was the one who was trying to make Eren gain some self esteem. Also she wanted to make sure that it wasn’t true that he was no needed. Some chapters later, watching Historia’s development, he understood he was not special, that feeling actually made him weak. But even if he is not special, he must help because he CAN, even without being different of the rest. He needed to chose his path, took decisions, as Historia, who finally decided her path but she wanted to do something in order to become more confident and to overcome herself. She chose to not be a goddes, but a normal person that fight and do what she can do for humanity, and that’s what Eren did, she inspired him, (if im not wrong, isayama said that he was inspired watching Historia in a guidebook). There is no need to be special, just do what you can, broke the chains. Both Eren and Historia were chained by their respective fathers. Historia got rid of this, and then also Eren. He respects her so much since all this situation. She was so important to Eren’s development. Seems that they become close. 
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Here you can see when he starts talking about the blondie. He understands her. (Also he ignores Jean trying to bother him with provocations)
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Here you see them having a serious talk
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Then changing the topic, finally Eren changing his countenance, and then just kidding like close friends. Also Historia
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Also, you see how Historia takes a box and kept walking but then she decided to wait and walk with Eren but not with the other ones. You she how she is closer to him than with the rest and feel confortable with him.This relationship is based on empathy, muttual support and inspiration. Both of them were for each other when both weren’t psychologically in a good way or needed help, even if they weren’t that close in the beginning. He was the only one besides Ymir that saw the real her, and supported her. She was the only one who could understand, support, and inspire him in his worst situation. And you see how much Eren is concern about her and protects her. How he smiles when she is arround and sees her happy. You will never imagine that he would smile again after shiganshina’s battle with that traumatic experience, but he still smiled because of her. For me, all of this is beautiful. How positive they are for each other, how they helped each other when they were down in their worst situation. I appreciate that so much and i love it!I don’t think this relationship was built for nothing (not necessary in a romantic way).
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mysterygirl51 · 5 years
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Jill Roord and Vivianne Miedema: best friends and teammates  with a magical connection ♡
Part three of this interview with Vivianne Miedema and Jill Roord (translated from Dutch, you can find part one here and part two here)
VM: “My career in the national team has been a rollercoaster. Before we went to the World Cup in 2015, I had made 18 goals in 18 games. I was very young, but everyone expected that I would make The Netherlands the world champions. I had just finished my first season at Bayern and I had to train a lot more than I was used to, so I was very tired. I felt the pressure that I was the one who had to do it. When you’re 18, you don’t know how to handle that kind of pressure. In Canada [during the WWC 2015] I felt homesick for the first time. 
JR: “Me too. We were far from home and the time difference with The Netherlands was big [6-9 hours]. I had just turned 17 and had joined the national team shortly before the tournament.The world cup was a nice experience, but also disappointing. I had hoped to make my debut, which didn’t happen.”
VM: “The atmosphere in the team wasn’t as good back then as it is now. We weren’t a real team. There were two groups of ‘oldies’ who had been through a lot together but who weren’t on the same page. We as youngsters were stuck between those two groups. That was on an emotional level pretty difficult. During the Euros in 2017 that was different. We made a fresh new start with a group of young girls. I was two years further in my development. Of course I felt a bit of pressure, but because of the experience in Canada I now knew how to handle it. I think I also showed that in the final games with some goals.”
JR: “Ahead of the euros I was close to a place in the starting 11, but I still ended up on the bench during the euros. I was the number 12, always the first sub. That was difficult. I really wanted to be important for the team but it just didn’t click. I didn’t complain. I’m not really good at that anyway. The eleven girls who were playing played so well, I wanted them to hold on to that feeling. I was genuinely happy with that title, only during the tournament there were definitely moments that I wasn’t happy.”
VM: “After the euros I had a lot of small injuries after one another and I missed quite a lot of games. I was very tired and needed a rest. I had played football non-stop for 6 years and had never really had a break during the summer. During that period I didn’t really manage to score for a while. All strikers go through that sometimes. It’s very frustrating when you can’t score during 4 consecutive games. It damages your self confidence a bit and can end up in sort of a syndrom [idk how to translate this sentence, sorry!]. In a situation like that you have to hope for a chance that’s unmissable or a lucky shot that goes in. When that happens, it’s a big relief. Suddenly the confidence is back and then it can go really well again.”
VM: “At the start of last season I was a lot more fit and fresh. At Arsenal it immediately felt right and I scored a lot of goals. Still in October I wasn’t allowed to start for the WC qualification play off games against Denmark, because I had a few small pains at the beginning of that week.”
JR: “It was fun to sit on the bench together for a change.”
VM: “As a team it was important to win from Denmark, but at the same time I was working on getting fit again. Back at Arsenal I showed that I was fit and that I was supposed to be playing at Oranje. A month later against Switserland, that happened.”
JR: “Because of Jackie Groenen’s injury I was allowed to start the second game against Switserland. It was a big game, we could qualify for the World Cup if we won this. I was really looking forward to playing. But when Anouk Dekker got a red card after 7 minutes of playing, I knew what was going to happen. You [viv] said to me that you were going to be taken off the pitch now. I said that she wasn’t going to be taken off, that I was. I was right. It felt really bad. In the changing rooms there were some tears. That always happens when I’m angry. Anouk felt really bad for me, but I told her she couldn’t help it. When we ran on the pitch after the final whistle, when we celebrated qualifiying for the World cup, I felt awkward. I was happy, but I also felt bad. Later that night I felt better again. I can switch quite easily, I don’t see the use of drowning in disappointment. No one gets something from that.”
VM: “After the play-offs I continued scoring with Arsenal. Last season I scored 22 goals in 20 games during the league, and there were some goals with those that I thought of: goals like that are never going to happen again. Apparently you kind of enforce luck like that. Besides winning the league I was named best [female] player in England. That was a really nice honor and appreciation, especially because I was chosen by people from the football business, so people who knew what they were doing. It was also nice that Virgil van Dijk won the [male] best player award. Two dutchies the best players in England, that might never happen again.”
Next generation
VM: “After we won the euros everyone at Oranje saw that this was the moment to take a step. Not only we as a team, but the whole female football has undergone a huge development. The only thing that was still behind was the money we got for it. With a few girls from the players association I negotiated about that with the KNVB [Dutch football association]. Lieke Martens and I spoke out on behalf of the group, we wanted the get the best possible for the team. For people on the outside it’s easy to think that that was only the opinion of Lieke and I, but it wasn’t like that. I didn’t really notice the criticsm in The Netherlands that came because of that, because I was in England. Look, here teams have to pay their players a minimal wage. Still, the differences [with men’s football] are immense. Mesut Özil earsn 350.000 euros a week. In our team no one makes that a year. We do train at the same training complex as the men and use the same facilities. That’s really great. I think that’s a nice development. We see the men daily and talk a bit. Petr Cezh is a real fan us ours.”
JR: “Just look at the followers on our social media and you can see how popular women’s football has become theses past years.”
VM: “In the past, we walked around with Van Persie or Huntelaar [dutch football players] jerseys. Now girls have Miedema or Roord on their jerseus. That’s the biggest step we made. It’s really nice that we are an example for so many girls. We know what we are fighting for. Not just for ourselves, but also for the next generation.”
JR: “And it’s not just girls. My little brother and his friends are also fans. They all think it’s really interesting.”
VM: “My little brother Lars plays with the ‘promises team’ of PEC Zwolle. When he plays, the first thing you hear in the stand is ‘Huh, isn’t Miedema a girl?’. He has to handle the pressure of being ‘the brother of...’. Apparently right now it’s not just interesting what for example Frenkie de Jong does, but also what we as internationals do.”
Strong connection
JR: “The loss in Norway which resulted in us having to play play-offs to qualify for the Worl Cup was good for us. It brought us back down to earth. For a long time everything happend almost on its own, and we had a lot of luck. Because of that loss we realized we really had to work for it again. The play-offs brought us closer together as a group.”
VM: “The world cup will be a very different tournament from the euros. We know that. It’s not realistic to say we’re big favourites. We just have to try to get in the same flow as during the euros. With my 22 years I’m technically a youngster, but I don’t feel that way. I’ve played almost 75 interlands and belong with the experienced girls.  I can even become The Netherlands all time top scorer just before or during the World Cup. That’s really cool and an honor.”
JR: “We have already been through everything together, and I haven’t even played everything. Sometimes I talk with national team coach Sarina Wiegman about my role in the team, but that’s often the same conversation. It’s basically that I’m playing well, that I have to continue this way and that it’s just unlucky that there’s so much competition on the midfield.”
VM: “I want to play with Jill. She has the qualities to be one of the starting 11.”
JR: “I can’t do anything else besides showing my worth during practice and during the playing minutes I get. I’m only 22, I still have the time. But sometimes it is frustrating.”
VM: “For some people it’s sometimes hard to see that natural connection between us. When I’m in the same team as Jill during practice, we immediately feel that click. That means we can come across pretty strong together against coaches or teammates. They are afraid we exclude the others or they wonder why we have that click and other people don’t.”
JR: “I think they’re scared we have a negative influence, but that’s not based on anything. That connection we have is just there and will always be there.”
VM, laughing: “But nowadays we do do less hakkepak [a word in twents, the dialect from the region Jill is from, for jumping on someone’s back]. That wouldn’t be good for my back. Now we only do it when we score.” 
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awhisperinthenight · 4 years
4, 5, 6, 15 for both mon & twatr, 19 for twatr 6 20 for mon :)) - alexa, xoxo
thank u so much for asking ! <3
so for both twatr and mon  :
4. what puts you in the mood to write ? movies, music, tv shows, books? im inspired by books and movies, and it gives me all sorts of ideas, but music is really something that makes me feel like im into the story im writing, with my ocs, mostly when i listen to some epic soundtrack or something haha
and i already answered 5 ! <3
6. do you find it difficult to keep consistent character voices ? hmmm i dont know, i think not? it happend a few time that two of my ocs had basically the same personality so it was hard to tell which one had to do what, that was a littl unconsistent. but the ocs i have, ive known them for years, so i know their voices pretty well, and their personalities too, so its not that hard.
15. what sort of romantic relationships do you write, if any? favorite types of characters to fall in love, favorite kinds of situations, etc? for memoirs of nhymisa, love stories are not the main plot, there’s a past relationship between 2 characters that is very important in the plot, but there’s not really any romantic relationships that are like important. there’s of course some oc that falls in love, but yeah, that’s about it. and for twatr; the love story is the main plot, it’s about a witch and a redhead falling i love, and i adore writing it! the witch, jay, doesnt trust people easily, and it’s fun to see them trust each other more and more, and flirt together, etc.
19. for twatr : do you base characters off real people? for this story, not at all! they’re completely made up, both inspired by other stories and pics seen on the internet but that’s about it
20. for mon : what’s your favorite thing to think up when you’re worldbuilding? i passed so many hours building this world, nhymisa, search for the names of the places, the cities, i even drew a map at some point, and the story wouldn’t be the same at all without this world. my favorite think is to think about the aesthetic of the place, about the legends people tell about it, about what happend there, and what will happpend in my story.
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK S3E19 Poll Results (Manga Reader Version)
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The poll closed with 295 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results of the manga reader poll. Anime only watchers are suggested not to read if you do not wish to be spoiled about certain events! Anime only viewers, click here to view your poll results!
RATE THE EPISODE 285 Responses
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This episode raked in high reviews as the rest of the season did, although less people enjoyed it as much as they enjoyed the previous episodes.
The animation was odd in the first half of the episode, but it was absolutely incredible in the second half. Overall an amazing episode, somehow making filler scenes brilliant
It was a little rushed (which is understandable), so 4/5 stars. Overall a really good episode, I think.
I will be honest: the episode was very average. The basement reveal was animated very well. Eren and Mikasa's memories also were very emotional. However, in the scene with Armin & the rest of group the quality of animation dropped harshly. I know that not every scene in the anime can be animated on the highest level, but this one was just looking really bad.
Animation quality took a drop but I still loved it!
I really enjoyed it, and seeing Faye was surprisingly moving given that I'm not really a bit fan of the switch to Marley.
The animation wasn't as good as previous episodes but I didn't really mind, especially because there was a frame in there that made it look like Levi was sMILING and I am so here for that
I've been waiting so long for this episode.
what a beautiful episode, in all ways.
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Seeing young Grisha and Faye in Marley was the clear highlight of this episode for manga readers, with 37.6% of the vote going to the after-credits scene! Behind that at 12.1% was the scene of Eren and Mikasa nostalgically walking through their hometown, and 9.3% of respondents got a kick out of Levi opening the door in his own way.
I live for animated moments of Dad! Levi to his squad.
At first I was worried that they would just show the photo as the cliffhanger, but once we got the post credit scene I was blown away
I loved the first moments with Faye and young Grisha. Awww! Faye was so extremely cute and innocent. I would love to hug her! I thought that Historia was the sweetest as a kid, but now Faye takes 1st place :)
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36.5% of respondents believe that Armin is hearing and seeing Bertolt’s emotional pain over everything that’s happened to him. 27.1% think that this scene highlights part of the process of memory transfer from one holder of the titan to the successor. 12.8% feel that this is meant to highlight more the process of transferring the titan power to a new host.
A mixture of the Bert's physical and emotional pain, the transfer through paths and the extra creepiness. Bert here is behaving like a typical Japanese ghost who was killed in a brutal manner; notice the paths here are devoid of lights. Bert needs someone to exorcise him.
He's hearing Sasha saying 'It hurts' and because he's only half conscious and still possibly linked to Bertolt's memories, he's projecting it onto Bert. I think his subconscious knows he's eaten Bert at this point.
It has to do with the titan power, and how it hurts to carry such a burden of great power
Bert has been suffering too, just like Reiner, so a little bit of everything.
Foreshadowing of what Armin’s burden is going to be. He is going to have to kill a lot of people if he wants to protect the people within the walls. It’s a depressing fact for one of the more pure-hearted characters who just wants peace.
I think it’s an excellent presentation how Titan inheritors are connected both physically and emotionally
it's a pretty good summation of all those things tbh. Everything Bert went through can be summed up with "it hurts" tbh
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Overall the fandom has neutral responses (33.7%) to the short clip of Carla with short hair, with just a slight edge of people (18.9%) who thought it was a good look on her. 16.2% of responses disliked the short hair.
I answered the Carla hair question with 3 because there is no "I don't care" option
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Respondents felt that WIT did a good job at sticking to the source material again this episode, even though they stretched some scenes out with filler.
The pace was a little long but I really liked the episode's poetry and all the scenes in Shiganshina of the four walking, Hanji and her shadow reflecting next to a flower, Levi and the broken glass, Eren and Mikasa children ... it was very lyrical!
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56.2% of the fandom enjoyed the extended scene of Eren and Mikasa walking through Shiganshina, feeling that it helped to amplify the nostalgia and grief that they felt as they finally revisited their old home. 22.3% felt that the scene had a lot of emotional impact, saying that it tugged at their heartstrings. 11.6% felt the filler wasn’t necessary but still enjoyed it nonetheless.
They just came for my whole entire heart huh
Honestly, it was a little boring to watch,  I want to believe that it was stretched for the sake of that masterpiece of end scene.
It was a lovely and poignant time-killer.
The walk to EM's house was really well done, it took me some tears, and i loved the additional scenes...
Somebody hug these two please and thank you. I thought for a moment they were gonna show us the untouched insides of buildings. But it was indeed pretty good.
THAT SHIT WAS ART!! I got real chills
It was better in the manga. It was badly executed in the anime.
Just seeing Hannes again made it worth it. Also it was a good throwback to episode 1.
It honestly highlighted how terrible the animation was in this episode, because the flashbacks had much higher quality
Literally my favorite part, I think it added a lot of gravity to the situation. Like we know it's their hometown, but the way this was animated really brought you back to where it all started, which also adds weight to the whole, "Oh god, we accomplished our second-biggest goal (getting to the basement) but we're still not finished at all" thing.
The concept of it was fine, and it touched my heart for the first bit of it, but it went on far too long.
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We finally reached the Grisha Files™ and got to see Marley portrayed in the anime! 40.5% of respondents say that it felt incredible to finally see Marley come alive through animation, color and sound, while 38.1% marked it down as a surreal experience. 11.1% simply felt that it was neat.
I love Marley arc, seeing it animated and different vibes of music, and voice acting are very good. Can't wait what they have when marley arc fully animated
Animation was shit. Really disappointed they dropped the ball on animating Marley.
It was my favorite part of this episode. I truly love Faye. She is way cuter in the anime and so innocent. Everything about that moment was perfect.
I really dislike everything that came after the basement so reaching this point was sad for me.
I could never picture it in my head before, and now I can! Liberio is so grey and sad!
Omg Faye is the cutest thing ever!!! I don't want to see what happend to her, I'm not ready!
I hoped they would save it for the next episode.
I’m not ready to face Marley or Marley arc Eren. Go back. Please go back.
The way they put that whole scene after the ending was weird
I never thought I’d be alive to see the day the beginnings of Marley getting animated; I know the next episodes are going to be perfection :’)
Marley music was 👌
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36.8% of respondents found the confirmation of the glasses man being Xaver to be an interesting detail, while 19.1% believe that this helps to further support the fan theory that Xaver and Kruger were working together all along. 15.6% of the fandom thinks that Xaver being familiar with Grisha since he was a boy makes his actions Zeke all the more disturbing.
How old is Xaver?? If that was him he has to be around 25-30 here. Which would make him 45+ with Zeke.
I believe it was Xaver all this time. It’s good to have a name with the face now.
There's no fucking way he wasn't working with Kruger. This is all connected lads
Just how fucking old is Xaver jfc also he knew grisha by name since childhood wtffff
I thought that was already obvious in the manga?
Nice easter egg, but that's all
The Xaver timeline makes sense, but it's a bit complicated.
The tidbit about Xaver was interesting. When I saw him in the anime it did remind me of Xaver since we've just been introduced to him, but I would never have guessed it was actually him. When you think about it, that day Grisha stumbled upon two people that later really shaped his life and set things into motion in the story. A nice coincidence to think of.
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It was a close call this time! 40.8% of the fandom are most looking forward to seeing Eren’s reaction to Eren inheriting his father’s memories and figuring out that Dina was the Smiling Titan. 39.4% are excited to see Grisha and Kruger meet for the first time. At a distant third, Grisha and Faye going beyond the wall to see the zeppelin got 10.4% of the vote.
Dogs are cute, Faye is cute. Combine the two, and you're shou tucker.
I'm not ready for Faye's fate !!! ;_;
there's so many things to look forward the next episode, initially I was pondering between the Kruger meeting and Fay's death but eventually I chose Eren's memories because I don't remember that part in the manga.
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Nearly 70% of respondents feel that Isayama’s story continues to get better as it goes on. 17% say that it didn’t meet their expectations from season 1, but that it’s not a bad thing at all! 8% are simply still here for the ride, but are still enjoying the series anyway.
I'm one of the apparent minority who actually prefer the tone and content of the story post-basement reveal. I've always cared more about the human aspect of the narrative, and at this point SNK is nothing if not a tale of the human condition, in all its beauty and horror.
Animation wise, I feel like aot peaked with season 2 and they just got lazy or were under a lot of time constraints while making season 3. Other than that, didn’t care for how they handled Uprising and the direction for Shiganshina has felt pretty unoriginal and hallow. I just hope the new studio can adapt the next season with quality that can match season 2 or at least season 1.
I'm ambivalent about it. I preferred the atmosphere of season 1, but I'm still interested in seeing where the story goes. For me the emotional and moral climax of the story happened on the roof in Shignashina though, and I've not been as convinced by what's happened since - so far at least.
Met and exceeded. Thank you isayama.
I will continue watching, but it feels like Isayama is making things up in the fly and doesn’t really have a clear idea of how the storyline is going to work.
This is the peak of the story for me, I look forward to the next seasons because of thar, I want to see if the direction of the anime could make the next arcs more appealing to me
I initially liked the direction in which the manga went but I am finding it hard to like the way the story progressed, and how the original characters are treated, compared to the new ones. I am really disappointed in Isayama's writing at this point, character wise.
I love Armin
The animation quality dropped compared to the latest two episodes. The first half of the ep was kinda weird... like the hug, seemed like two different animators did it, because the lineart changes between s1 (thicker lines) and s3 style... Also they didn't do justice to Armin's abs...
Glad I'm a manga reader because this anime reveal was pretty underwhelming.
Imma say it, I didn't like that they showed a tiny snippet of Marley. I would have preferred if they'd ended on the photograph and the words "humanity has not perished". I have anime only friends who watched the Grisha/Faye scene and were like "...I feel like I don't have enough to even chew on right now?" Like it wasn't a punch in the gut like cutting on the photograph would have been, and it wasn't a full-fledged reveal so there isn't enough to go nuts over and debate and hypothesise. I mean it's still really good and I liked the episode, but the way they've sequenced the reveal isn't optimal to me.
I think they took a little too long to get to the basement. I understand why they wanted to, and the walk there was still really well done! But I think it'll now be a little tough to cram all the information they need to if they plan to end the season with chapter 90, which they of course do.
Faye is too adorable, there will be riots next week.
glad we're getting into the GOOD SHIT. give me marley
I love the soundtrack. It feels very different(in a good way) props to Sawano.
Tbh, the animation and pacing felt lacking in this episode, but we got Armin looking both like a Cinnamon bun and an Arman, and I am there for that.
I liked the story more when it was a creepy titan apocalypse instead of, well... this. But it's too late to back out now.
The additional material of this episode was really good in my opinion and the OST used on it was a pretty good election too, it fulfilled the purpose of make the viewer felt nostalgic, but the animation in the beggining was really "meh".  And speaking about seeing Marley animated, for me the experience was literally a yelling and a "NO WAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!" I am so excited to see Grisha's backstory in colors! I can finally ear Kruger's voice, see the sunset falls down while Grisha take the photo and accept his mission, while Kruger give to him his final smile. Frankly this is my favorite "mini-story" of the manga, too shocking and enlightening. And to finish this, the appear of Xaver was too misplaced or it is just my idea? the timeline just doesn't fit into the story in my opinion. I think it was just a easter egg or something for the manga readers, I hope so lol.
For a long time I was scared that they were gonna leave out Eren hugging Armin and I'm so glad they didn't. Also the scene where Eren and Mikasa walked through the ruins of Shiganshina made my heart disintegrate. Thanks for amplifying the angst, WIT. 😭
When I read the manga, I remember fearing the idea about this getting animated because this part truly changes the entire story. But I feel that the story is getting better and better and more complex but still the same flare of Isayama Hajime's story telling.
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Thank you again to everyone who participated. See you again in a few days!
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ainstgirl · 5 years
Summary: It’s your first day at the academy where you’ll become a soldier.  The academy is already difficult but even more so when you are a woman and you have Sergeant Hanks as Captain, luckily another captain will help you overcome the challenges. I’m very bad with  summaries, just give it a try.  English is my third language so im sorry if there’s any misspelling.
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers x Reader
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Your whole body hurts from yesterday's exercise. You had fallen asleep so you had missed breakfast, thankfully Lily brought you something to eat. You just wanted to stay in bed but today you had an important meeting. Everyone stand up when Captain Rogers enters the room. As soon as you see him, the memory of the blonde woman in his bed comes to you. God, you have to forget about him. "Today we have a new mission, these men" Several photos of men appear on the screen "they are planning an attack in New York, our mission is to infiltrate and discover where they intend to attack, these men will be in different buildings so we will form pairs and we'll infiltrate, we don't want to attract  attention, if you see that you are going to be discovered you abort the mission" he takes a moment before continuing "Frank, Josh, Mark and Joey this man will be your target, in this file you have all the information you will need, Lily, you will go with Sam, he will inform you of everything" "who's Sam?" Lily asks. "Sam Wilson, he will help us in this mission" Steve explains. "OMG i'm going to a mission with Falcon" Lily says excitedly. "And Y/N you'll go with me" He gives you a file "here you have all the information" Great, how are you supposed to forget about him if you have to spend the night with him? "he will be at a party at his house, I left a dress in your room ... Natasha has chosen it, I think it will be your size" "I'm going to read the report" Great now you have to wear the dress that the girlfriend has chosen for you. "I'll pick you up in 20 minutes, we'll talk about the details on the way to the party" he says before going to talk to other soldiers. 
"I can't believe I'm going on a mission with Sam Wilson!!!" Lily screams when she enters the room.
"I did not know you were a fan" you say.
"he's hot" She stops when she sees you "you look amazing!" "thanks" Captain America's girlfriend has good taste, It is a bit tight and short of what you are used to but it is beautiful. "You'll have Steve Rogers distracted all night" You were going to say something when someone knocked on your door. "Y/N are you... ready?" Steve seems surprised when you open the door. "yes, i'm ready for the mission" you say grabbing your bag "good"  he says and you would have sworn to have seen him blush. "be careful" You hug Lily before leaving "Don't worry, she'll be fine, she'll be with Sam" Steve smiles at you as he opens the car door for you. The party must be close if he was driving. "so... what's the plan?" you asks. "we are a couple" You almost choke when you hear him say that but he continues explaining the plan "here I have the invitations for the party at his house, in his office he has to have the plans of where he wants to attack, once we know where, we leave" "sounds good" you say looking out the window, it seems that his mission is to torture you, you try to forget him but you can't do it if you have to act like his girlfriend.
40 minutes later you arrive at the party. "Are you sure they won’t recognize you?" you say getting out of the car, Steve had dyed his hair dark, people usually know him blond and without a beard but he had been letting his beard grow for weeks, maybe for this mission. "I guess we're going to find out" Steve puts his arm so you can grab him. Steve was right, they didn’t recognize him. "this house is huge where do we start?" you say it in a low voice. "we have to dance first" He says surprising you. "what?"  "we have to act normally, we can't arrive and start looking, we have to be seen together" he explains.
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The room was full of couples dancing, Steve places his hand on your waist and you put yours around his neck. "I had never danced like that" you admit. "Just follow my steps, it's easy" he says smiling seeing you nervous "you look beautiful Y/N" he says. "Your girlfriend has good taste" You say jealous. "my girlfriend?" He says confused. "Natasha" you say still dancing. "she's not my girlfriend, she's the black widow" he says with a big smile. "she's not? wait... you mean the black widow?" God, you are stupid. "Did you think she was my girlfriend?  Banner would kill me" Having this conversation while you were dancing with him was not a good idea. You were sure you were flushed "but your right, she has good taste, that dress suits you very well" "It's a little short for my liking" you see how Steve bites his lip when you talk about how short the dress is. "you're perfect...the dress, the dress is perfect" he explains quickly "They have already seen us dance, we have to ... find his office" he says taking a step back. "Of course, the mission..." For a moment you had forgotten the real reason why you were dancing with him.
You and Steve go upstairs where the rooms were. You enter several rooms but you can’t find anything, at least until you enter the last room, his office. "we have to hurry" he says searching in his desk. "Wait, there is something here" you say and Steve approaches you "information about the hours with the most passengers in Grand Central Station, there are pictures of the whole station....the security cameras and the guards are marked with an x" "We already know where they are going to attack, but when?" Steve asks next to you. "i don't know..." You were looking for more information when you hear the door open. You don’t give Steve a chance to say anything when you kiss him. He only takes a second to surround you with his arms and correspond the kiss. "what are you doing here? You can't be here" says the man you're investigating. "oh my god..." You say embarrassed walking away from Steve "We just wanted to be alone, you know" You say acting. "get out" he says angry. "Sorry about this, we're leaving" Steve speaks for the first time. Steve takes your hand to leave the room and does not let go until you get in the car.
"that was close..." you say to Steve. "luckily for us you think fast" "yeah... about that...i'm sorry i just..." you start to say. "No, It was a good kiss"  You see how Steve blushes when he realizes what he has said "i mean that it was a good idea" "yeah... it was" you say biting your lip, now it was going to be impossible to forget him, not after that kiss "At least now we know where they are going to attack" "yes, but we don’t know when" he says with a frown. "Actually ... I think I know when they will attack" He looks at you surprised "I found a train ticket for the 27th and that date was marked on the desk calendar" you explain. "you are amazing Y/N" You have never seen him smile like that. The rest of the trip to the base you spend it in silence, you don't know what he is thinking about, but you can't stop thinking about that kiss. "You've been incredible tonight, thanks to you we're going to avoid the attack"  he says opening the car door. "save lives, that's our job....good night Captain Rogers" You say closing the door.
Steve was going to take care of delivering the information that you had found so you go to your room where Lily was already waiting for you. "OMG Y/N i think i'm in love with Sam" she says when you enter. "what? what happend with the mission?" "the mission went well, we don’t know where they are going to attack but we know where the bombs come from but there was a man who was bothering me and before I could show him my fist “she smiles” Sam starts hitting him, it was the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life" she says fanning himself with her hands. "Are you drunk?" Her breath smelled of alcohol. "Noo...Well a little bit" she says laughing "Sam insisted we had to celebrate" "Okey, why don't you go to bed? we'll talk tomorrow" You say covering her with a blanket. Two seconds later she was already snoring. You were jealous of how easy she falls asleep,  because once again you were in the training room practicing your punches. You couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss, how you felt when you were in his arms.
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"we have to stop meeting here" Steve says scaring you. "shit... you scared me" "language" he says with a smile. "what are you doing here?"  you dry the sweat on your forehead. "i culdn't sleep" he says. "me neither... Lily is drunk" "Sam is also drunk, I've left him sleeping in my room, I think Sam likes Lily" he says. "i know for sure that Lily likes Sam.... but that would be inappropriate, we can't have relationships with superiors." You almost want to laugh at the situation, talking about the feelings of others instead of yours. "What a stupid rule" Steve was staring at you. "lenguage" you joke. "I had a great time tonight, it's been a long time since I danced with someone" he says. "I had a great time too" You remain silent, It seems that he wanted to tell you something but seeing that he doesn’t say anything.... "I leave you alone so you can train" you add. "actually... i wanted to ask you..." Steve seems nervous  "the thing is that...The other day Nat gave me some advice and I think I should listen to her" "okay..." yo say confussed. "At times like these I would like to be able to get drunk" Suddenly Steve shortens the distance that separates you and kisses you , the kiss was short but intense "I'm sorry if..." but you shut him with a kiss, this time the kiss is more intense, he clings to your body as if you were to disappear if he let go. "I've been wanting to do this for a long time" you admit.
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"me too... I know I shouldn't feel this way, I'm your superior and there are rules ... but I can't help it, since I saw you the first day I can't stop thinking about you" He says before kissing you again. "What impressed you the most, that I couldn't do the push-ups that Captain Hanks ordered or the beating that Frank gave me?" you say biting your lip. "I had to control myself to not throw him against the wall when I separated him from you" he says caressing your face. "so... what now?" you asks. "We have to see each other in secret, at least until the end of this year....if you want this ... well, I should have asked and not take it for granted ...." he says nervously, apparently Steve Rogers speaks fast when he is nervous. "yes...we won't tell anyone" You caress his cheek before kissing him. "Today has been a long day, you should go to bed" he kisses you "I'll see you tomorrow in training" he says before kissing you again and you cant help but smile, Steve Rogers was kissing you, how was it possible? "good night Captain Rogers" you say goodbye to him, when you get to your room you're still smiling, thank goodness that Lily is still asleep or you could not hide that stupid smile.
Part 5
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askthenewhopespeak · 5 years
March 3rd, 2021- Arrivals
Station seven, ??? (Invdia base? Maybe?):
(plan notes: well, here’s hoping the device works as you understood. And also that no one shots you.)
-there is technically a stop at the jail, but Sora doesn’t count it, as she’s there only for a second.
-The device she found, it’s odd, and she has no idea how it works, but she has coordinates and that’s all that’s important.
-There’s a quick stop to figure out what this coordinates mean, but it’s fast enough and soon enough she’s where she hopes is the Invdia base, feeling like she’s about to vomit when she knocks on the door.
(You can’t turn back now, Sora. You went too far.)
Station eight, Invdia base:
(plan notes: don’t die)
*Sora knocks on the door that she hopes is the Invdia base.*
Sora: Hello?
*She doesn’t receive an apparent answer… however, a swarm of small devices begin to seep through the cracks in the door.*
*Sora takes a step back. *
Sora: Is this the Invdia base? I’d like to join.
???: Stand still. *The Nerada begin to surround her*
*Sora freezes in place*
Sora: You do realize that tiny robots surrounding you is creepy, right?
???: Shut up, and stand still.
*Sora obeys, though she slightly pouts as she does so. She doesn’t mean to be rebellious, not so fast, but she can’t stop herself completely.*
*After a few minutes, the Nerada retract, and a male voice speaks.* Drop your phone on the ground and step on it until it breaks.
Sora: Really? I just bought this thing. Man, Dami is going to kill me. *She places her phone on the ground and steps on it.*  Can you actually do break it? It’s a brick, I’m not sure it can break.
*The Nerada come back out and swarm over the phone, and when they retract, it’s been destroyed.*
Sora: Welp, he is definitely going to kill me, given I gave him that number. Anything else you need me to do, Mister?….Miss? Miks? It’s very hard to tell which gender robots identify as, most of the time.
???: You can enter.
*Sora enters, spinning a hair with her finger. It was ages since she walked around with her hair lose like this.*
*She almost walks right into the tip of a crossbow bolt, as an older woman who she guesses to be around her mid 20s is pointing it right at her face. Other people in the room are a young blond man who looks away from Sora, disinterested, and a dark haired man of around the same age who regards her with mild curiosity*
Sora: *Sora pauses* Oh, sorry! Do you always aim crossbows at people like this? This can get very dangerous.
Cate: No shit. You’re what, 13? Why the hell are you here kid?
Sora: I’m four-dammit, fifteen. I keep  forgetting. And I’m here because… well, because I don’t want people to hurt my family.
Cate: I can get that. But I’m sorry, we’re not in the buisness of putting minors at risk. *She retracts the crossbow.* We’re here to keep families safe, kid, not make them watch when some sick freak gets his hands on their little girl.
Sora: I can’t keep them safe from home, and… I can fight for myself! I have a knife and I can use it. *She laughs, a little mockingly. * Dad would probably be proud. He was doing the same in my age.
Ryouko: Sora? *She’s entered the room through a door, and is standing there, shocked.*
*Sora waves to her*
Sora: I have a present for you! *She searches her bag to pull the picture Mitsuru wrote on, one of him holding the baby Mitsuru*, Congratulations, you are a big sister. Please tell this lady I can join Invdia! It’s not like my dad would be mad!
Cate: You know-
Ryouko: It’s a long story that I will explain, if you’ll just give me a minute… *she pulls Sora into another room* What the hell are you doing here?
Sora: *she yells to Cate* I’m going to marry her brother one day! *and then back to Ryoko* I’m going to keep them safe, because I currently have zero trust in you. Isn’t it obvious?
*Ryouko puts her head in her hands* Oh my god… your plan is even worse than mine..
Sora: I let some people know the general idea of what I’m doing before coming here. And I don’t have a baby brother to take care of. So no, I think my plan is still better.
Ryouko: You’re also a fifteen year old throwing yourself into a situation where it’s highly likely you’re going to have to either kill someone or get killed yourself, either by some maniac that Crane thinks we can take or… *she hesitates, but the implication is clear. Ryouko doesn’t trust that other members of Invidia won’t hurt or kill Sora.*
Sora: Aren’t you like five? *she understands what Ryoko means, she actually does, but she is trying to not think about it because she doesn’t want to regret. * I am not going away, Ryoko. I can kill jerks. I am fine with that. *she is trying to convince herself in that too*
Ryouko: Are you? Are you really, Sora? Because I sure as hell am not.
Sora: Already helped to kill one, remember? And… if so, why the fuck are you even here? Just take your boyfriend and go home.
*Ryouko wordlessly holds up her phone, and Sora sees a long list of audio files dating back a good few months.*
Sora: If you planned to turn them to the police you’d have done so months ago. I am not stupid, Ryoko.
Ryouko: I don’t agree with a lot of the stuff Crane does, but there’s no denying that the police are useless. But there’s more here than just a vigilante group wanting to take down criminals for the sake of justice. I don’t trust Crane in the slightest, and I’m pretty sure there’s something bigger that she and the blond guy are cooking up. Do you know that they’re both related to Maverick?
Sora: I didn’t know their names up until three minutes ago, who would I know who they are related to? And didn’t he murder most of his family? I thought I read something about that once, but this may have not been the case here… Or I might just be remembering wrong, honestly.
Ryouko: Exactly. So I’ve got to wonder why the hell they’re still alive. Not to mention… she wasn’t in the room but Alyssa is here. She knows who you are. Sly and I didn’t bother with any sort of cover so she didn’t have that to leverage over us, but you…
Sora: Did anyone actually ever tell her my real name? It’s not like I actually talked to her…. ever… she kind of scares me.
Ryouko: I don’t know. And honestly, she scares everyone… *she sighs* I’m not gonna be able to talk you out of this, am I?
Sora: Duh. I’m too stubborn for my own good… this were your words, by the way. Future-you, anyways.
*Ryouko sighs* Just… let’s keep the exact details about our family a secret, yeah? Especially the whole time travel stuff.
Sora: Never planned on this. Don’t worry.
*The pair exit the room*
Cate: Gonna marry your brother, huh?
Ryouko: So she thinks.
Sora: I’m working on it!
Cate: Look, I can’t say I’m a massive fan of letting a kid into this group-
Kyokuna: You let Alyssa in.
Cate: She’s an exception. But… you are eager, and you found us…
Sora: So, am I allowed in your little organization?
Cate: Don’t expect much in the way of going out and getting too involved with taking down bad guys. At least for now, you’ll be in a mission control type role. out of danger.
Sora: *she pouts a little, but sighs* Fine. But I want that in the record that I have had more weapon training than most adults and definitely more than Ryoko.
Cate: And you’re still a kid.
Sora: Aren’t you the group that lets a nine year old to go to missions?
Cate: Like I said, Alyssa’s an exception.
Sora: This is bullshit, but I do want to be here and help, so fine, I guess. Again, for the record, I’m probably more qualified than Ryoko and have a 3 dimensional eye sight, but that’s your choice. *she is now  arguing for the principal of it, really. she doen’t like being treated like a kid.*
Cate: I’m sure. Don’t get too comfortable though, policy is whenever someone new finds us we move out within a couple hours.
Sora: Sounds like fun. But really, can I get a phone or something to tell my cousin no one shot me? He kept bringing this idea up. Just… So he won’t worry much?
Ryouko: I vouch for her, she won’t give any details about where we are or who she’s with.
*Cate thinks for a moment.* You can, but I want to be right by you to listen to your call.
Sora: sounds okay with me.
*Cate goes digging in a nearby bag and pulls out a burner phone, handing it to Sora.*
*Sora closes her eyes for a moment, and after a moment of thought, calls. *
Sora: Mitsi?
Mitsuru: SORA?! Where are you?!
Sora: I can’t tell you that, and even if I could we’re moving soon. But I wanted to let you know I am okay, and breathing, and no one shot me or anything of this sort.
Mitsuru: I…I can tell. Otherwise, I’d wonder if I’d forgotten when I carried out a summoning ritual’ .
Sora: You say this as if these don’t work. But I’m here, and they are not going to let me do anything, so you don’t need to worry about that, and can you please grab damian from his shoulders and tilt him a lot of he buries himself in work again?
Mitsuru: First things first, are you hurt at all?
Sora: No. I swear, I’m completely fine. Nothing happend.
Mitsuru: What about Invidia?
Sora: I found them. She’s here. I’m still mad at her as a concept. There are other pepole here, but I was specifically was told to not give any details about them.
Mitsuru: Did you find my sister?
Sora: …who did you think I meant when I said she literally a second ago? Because Kaede isn’t here, I can promise that.
Mitsuru: How is she? Do you know?
Sora: she seems fine, as much as I could tell. She is definitely in an okay physical shape.
Mitsuru: Where is she? Where are you?
Sora: She’s right across the room from me, in the place I already told you I can’t tell you where is. I think. Did I not tell you that?
Mitsuru: Why not?
Sora: first, because you will absolutely rat me to m-miss Naomi, won’t you? She currently has better things to do then to go chasing me. second, because I was specifically told that I can’t tell you that.
Mitsuru: By who? You need to get out of there ASAP!
Sora: Mitsi, my cute boyfriend, I told you I was going to do this. I’ve joined Invdia, and one of the terms for this phone call was that I wouldn’t talk about where I am or who is here. So please, just drop it.
Mitsuru: You’re….so insufferable sometimes.
Sora: You have known me for fifteen years? Is it the first time you realized it? How?
Mitsuru: *Sigh* Just…get everyone back here, please. And don’t die.
Sora: I told you, I will keep everyone safe. *she sighs.* I love you, Mitsi. Tell Damian that the phone number I gave him wouldn’t work, my device broke. Have a good day.
Mitsuru: I will. I love you too, Sora. Don’t do anything stupid. Please.
Sora: will do my best, but no promises. *she blows him a kiss*
Mitsuru: *Reluctantly, once she hangs up, he does so as well, sighing*
*Sora hands Cate the phone back, sighing.*
*Cate nods, then turns to the group.* Like I said before. Everyone pack up and get moving, we’re leaving in ninety minutes!
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chungha-supremacist · 5 years
No Borders - Chapter 5 (the ending)
word count: 2742
“It’s just us 5 right?”
“No men allowed… ever. Let’s promise to eachother that we will never let any man come in between us!”
Naive promises told at a young age, just between 5 best friends. They promised their world to eachother, “best friends ‘till death breaks us apart”. 10 Years passed. The same 5 girls, but no longer blinded by those “stupid promises”. It will be broken. The promise of a lifetime. The lust of love is what makes us all see unclear. We lose our friends, or soulmates, we fall for the unknown, we fall for lies and for the feeling of being important to someone who will drag us far away from who truly matters.
“Forget about the world… forget about them… right now, it’s only me and you. They don’t need to know that I love you.”
Fandom: RED VELVET (Band), NCT (Band)
Relationships: Park Sooyoung / Kim Yerim; Bae Joohyun / Kang Seulgi; Son Seungwan / Nakamoto Yuta
Characters: Park Sooyoung; Kim Yerim, Bae Joohyun, Kang Seulgi, Son Seungwan, Seo Youngho, Jung Jaehyun, Nakamoto Yuta, Dong Si Cheng, Wong Yuk Hei, Lee Taeyong, Chung Ha
Additional Tags: friendship,angst, mistrust, lies, cheating, lesbian interactions, smut, fluff, fashion, models, rich life, etc
Wendy slowly opens her eyes which seem glued together.
She takes some time to adjust her sight to the sun peeking right to her through the blinds that were covering only half of her window.
Something is off. She can’t feel the warmth of her loved one next to her. She feels lonely now. It’s not like its an unusual feeling for her, but she hates it. She hates loneliness more than anything in this world.
She finally opens her eyes fully and scans her bedroom, no sight of Yuta, his clothes or even her clothes.
‘Was it all a dream?’
‘Did he leave me?’
‘Was this all my imagination?’
Still, she is confirmed by the sticky, half-dry white semen on the sheets and sticking on her.
‘So it was real.’
She slowly gets up from the messy bed and she slowly trips on her way to the bathroom. She takes her silky bath-robe and goes to look for Yuta.
As she opens her bedroom door she can hear sounds in the kitchen. She feels relieved.
‘This must be him.’
She goes in the living room which was connected to the kitchen and her heart starts beating so fast when she sees the man of her life in her kitchen, cooking breakfast for them.
“Oh, Good Morning, princess.” He says and he comes to give her a small peck on the forehead while holding a pan with pancakes.
“It smells amazing.” Wendy says as she is sniffing the air that smelled like vanilla and cinnamon. And well, like him. His skin impregnated with the most godly scent in the world. Her new favourite aroma.
Yuta is soon done with the pancakes he was cooking and he places a plate with a 3 pancakes one on top of eachother, topped with honey, cinnamon and he made a heart from strawberries.
Wendy must’ve left out the dumbest smile in the whole world, as she was looking at the pancakes in such awe. She hugs his waist and he kisses her head before taking a seat in front of her.
“How did you sleep, baby? Did you take a shower yet?” he asks while munching on his pancakes.
“Not yet, wanna take one with me when we’re done?”
“That is a great idea.”
 Some minutes later, they are both in the bathroom, slowly stripping to get into the shower that was already opened for the water to be the perfect temperature when they will get in.
“I am so sticky goddamn.” Says Wendy looking at her chest which was covered in dry cum.
Yuta chuckles shyly and gets in the shower, giving a hand to Wendy to invite her in aswell.
“Turn around, I will start with washing your back, okay?” Yuta says as he grabs a showering sponge and pours some chocolate scented shower gel.
He parts Wendy’s hair to not get shower gel in it and starts to place slow rubs on her back.
“You are so gentle…” whispers Wendy while enjoying the hot water pouring on her.
Yuta places a kiss on her bare shoulder and his hands go around her waist.
“Let’s stay like this for a moment” and he rests his chin on her shoulder, making the whole scene insanely romantic and sweet.
Wendy turns around, searching for his lips.
She kisses him softly, their lips matching perfectly, like they were shaped to be together. She bites his top lip and he smiles in the kiss.
They are both giggling now. Yuta continues to wash Wendy’s body, now on her chest.
His eyes were running carefully on her body, analyzing every spot that needed to be cleaned. He looked like a sculptor carefully paying attention to every detail of his muse. Wendy felt slightly intimidated as he was rubbing her boobs and she was careful not to leave out any moan and make the whole scene erotic.
“Let me wash you too.” She says as she grabs now the sponge and starts rubbing it on Yuta’s toned chest. She wears she never laid eyes on a more perfect body.
She tries not to stare and admire him too much, but she couldn’t help. He was a God. The God of pleasure and romance, only for her.
Yuta puts his hands over hers and starts guiding them on his body, dragging them lower and lower.
Wendy’s face turns red as her hands were now on his V line, touching his proeminent veins.
Yuta starts breathing heavily as Wendy’s fingers start tracing lines at the base of his penis.
“Fuck…” he mumbles as Wendy’s fingers are now on the tip of his cock, slowly caressing it.
“Senpai, I feel like I haven’t pleased you enough last night, may I do it now?”
“Princess, there is no such thing as not pleasing me, you did so well last night. But now I want your mouth on my cock, please your Senpai.” Says Yuta as he slowly pushes Wendy on her knees and he seeks the wall of the shower with his back, for stability.
Wendy places her hands on his thighs and she starts giving kitten licks on the tip of his cock. The scene wouldn’t look so erotic if Wendy wouldn’t look into Yuta’s eyes the whole time. She was showing him how happy she is to be filled with him.
She inserts the tip in her mouth now, slowly circling it with her tongue inside. Now her mouth starts going up and down on his length. She can’t take it all in, it would be impossible, but she tries to take in as much as she can, without gaging.
“Holy shit Wendy, fuck you’re so good! You are so hungry for me baby!” Yuta says as he slowly thrusts into her mouth.
Wendy starts moving faster and faster, but Yuta pushing aswell made his cock reach her lungs which made her have an insane gag feeling, but she didn’t complain, she was a good cocksucker. She was used to gaging.
They go on like that until Yuta releases his load deep into Wendy’s throat which made her cough a little bit, but she thanked her man by kissing him passionately.
“I love you”
“I love you too, endless.” And they stay hugged in the shower for the next ten minutes.
Irene is at work, typing some emails lazily on her computer, when she gets a text.
‘I’m waiting you outside. I am with my car. Don’t make me wait ~ your one & only S’
Irene smiles incontrolably at the cuteness of her girlfriend. She packs her stuff and leaves.
There she was, Seulgi was standing besides her car, in a black dress and a leather jacket, making her look very badass and intimidating, but Irene knew what a soft teddy-bear she actually was.
She runs to her in a heartbeat and they both stay hugged for about a minute.
“I missed you, how was work?” Seulgi asks with big eyes as she opens the car door for Irene to go inside.
“As always, tiring, boring. No photoshoots today.” Replies Irene as she was putting on her seat-belt.
They talk all the way to Yeri’s place where they were supposed to go spend some time with her.
They knew what happends between her and Sooyoung, how Sooyoung hurt her. Yeri is not okay till this day. Sooyoung’s words keep replaying in her head and it hurts her the more and more she thinks about them: ‘I think you should find someone Yeri, and I think I will give a chance to Doyoung.’
She hasn’t contacted Sooyoung ever since. She keeps wondering if she already went out with Doyoung… What if Sooyoung is in a relationship with him now… What if Sooyoung forgot about her?
Yeri gets starled by the knocks on the door.
‘Who even knocks in the 21st century?’ she asks herself sassily.
She opens up and she is greeted by Seulgi and Irene…. Holding hands??
‘What the fuck is up with these two?’ she thinks.
“Ummm hello, come in.” says Yeri unsure.
Irene smirks seeing the younger one being so confused. She cant wait to see her shocked face when she will find out.
They all sit lazily on the couch and Yeri brings some cookies for the girls.
“I’m sorry, not much of them left. I ate all of them in the middle of my mental breakdowns…” says Yeri trying to make a funny thing out of her depressing situation.
“It’s ok, Yeri, how have you been?” asks Seulgi worriedly as she pats Yeri’s shoulder.
“No. Girls, do you know is Sooyoung has anyone?” she asks with big, almost teary eyes.
“No, Yeri. We don’t know but we are sure Sooyoung isn’t dating.”
“Yeah, you know her. She hardly finds someone she likes and even if she finds one, it takes her lots of time to get comfortable with that person and go out with him.” Reassures Irene.
“I guess…” Yeri says while pleading her head…
“Com on, Yeri! We’re not here to see you cry! We’re here to keep you company and shower you with love!” Seulgi says as she jumps on her like a small child.
Irene smiles and joins the hug.
“Thank you girls…”
 The girls spent the rest of the day cuddled all together and talking, laughing together. Irene and Seulgi made themselves official to Yeri and she almost choked on her cookie when she heard it, but she was happier than no one else for them. Even if things between her and Sooyoung didn’t work out, she is at least happy that her loved friends are now together since they loved eachother for God knows how long.
 The girls left and now Yeri is back at being alone, sitting on her sofa and looking blankly at the TV. She hates how sad her life is without her friends around… without Sooyoung around.
She almost falls asleep when she hers her doorbell.
She looks at her phone: 11pm.
‘What kind of psychopath is at my door…?’ thinks Yeri.
‘Should I grab my knife?’
‘Omg Yeri stop being so negative! It’s probably a neighbor asking for flour… at 11pm…’
She slowly, tip-toe approaches the door and looks on the eyehole. She gasps at the sight of Sooyoung being in front of her door. But… what was wrong? Why was she here so late…? Why at her?
She opens.
Sooyoung looked devastated. Her rimmel was running on her face from tears. She was wearing a red, short, sequined dress and she looked as if she was coming from an important place… or perhaps… from a date…
“Why are you crying S-Sooyoung?” Yeri asks terrified as Sooyoung takes a step into her house.
“I’m lost. I’m nothing without you. I made a huge mistake.”
She said all these words so soulless. She was looking in a certain direction, but not at Yeri. She seemed dead.
“I’m coming from a date with Doyoung.”
“He is amazing. But I am the problem… I can’t. I just can’t date anyone… your image would come into my mind. I told him Yeri at some point. The poor guy was so confused.” She says still looking blankly, not a Yeri.
“W-what…? You’re thinking at me?” asks Yeri stuttering and trembling.
“Yerim. What do you feel for me? I don’t wanna waste your youth… I just wanna know how you feel. And I will leave you alone to live your life.”
“SOOYOUNG! I don’t need you to leave me alone! I need you in my life!! And not as a friend!! I need you… to be mine.”
There she goes. She said it. Yeri was shocked by the words she just verbalized.
“Me too. I want you to be mine. I want to be yours.” Says Sooyoung, now looking straight into Yeri’s eyes.
They both stare at eachother for some seconds, before Sooyoung grabs Yeri’s head and kisses her.
Yeri had no time to react. She slowly closes her eyes for her to fully enjoy the taste of Sooyoung’s lips on hers. They were so soft, so velvety… she wants to kiss them forever.
Yeri puts her hands on Sooyoung’s shoulders, looking so small compared to the tall Unnie.
“Grab me in your arms.” Yeri mumbles into the passionate kiss and Sooyoung grabs Yeri’s waist close to her gently.
Sooyoung doesn’t realise but her back meets a wall and she whines at the sudden contact with it making Yerim smile on her lips.
“You are heavenly… My angel…” says Sooyoung as she was now looking at Yeri’s face while caressing her soft hair. “I don’t think I will ever get sick of looking at you, princess.”
Yeri kisses her Unnie again to thank her for the words and also show her how much she loves her back. Yeri was very bad with words, but her actions said it all.
 They were both upstairs, in Yeri’s bedroom and Sooyoung was not getting dressed in some comfy clothes from Yeri’s wardrobe.
“They look so small on you.” Chuckles Yerim.
“Yeah… your body is so small.” Laughs Sooyoung as she tries to stretch a tight shirt Yeri gave her.
Sooyoung was definitely bigger. Taller, longer legs, stronger arms, bigger chest.
Yerim was the mini version of her. This is what made them adorable for eachother, they were complete together.
Sooyoung jumps on Yeri who was lying on the bed.
“Can I call you my girlfriend?” asks Sooyoung straightforwardly.
“Y-yes. That’s what we are after all.” Giggles Yeri as she kisses Sooyoung’s cheek.
The two young lovers spend the rest of their night cuddled together and expressing their everlasting love.
 --- 1 year later, Yeri’s Birthday
 “Come on Irene! She’s going to be there any minute now!” screams Seulgi from the living room while inflating some balloons.
Irene was decorating a cake with candles, while Wendy and Yuta were decorating the rest of the house.
Sooyoung rushes into the apartment “She just entered the building!”
They all start panicking and find a place where to hide.
“Turn the lights off dumbass!” screams Wendy to Yuta while spanking his ass to go to the switch.
“Ouch!” he dramatizes as he closes the lights and joins Wendy to her hiding spot behind the sofa.
 The door is opened and Yeri opens the lights revealing her whole apartment decorated, decorations which she most certainly didn’t make. She sees Sooyoung standing on the couch, dressed in an insanely stunning long red dress, revealing one of her slender legs.
“Happy Birthday, love!” Sooyoung says as she approaches to kiss Yeri.
“What is all of this??” asks Yeri in shock but with a wide smile on her face.
“It’s how much me and your friends love you…” and with this, the rest of them pop from their hiding spots screaming the clicheic “Happy Birthday” and run to hug and congratulate Yeri.
 They are all sitting at the table, eating the delicious cake made by Irene and recalling memories from their past.
Who would’ve thought that they would all be sitting again at the table, but in a new formula. And with a new person in the “group”. 
Yuta was welcomed with open arms by the girls and he was getting along with all of them just like they were his sisters. Wendy was on cloud nine to see her friends getting along so well with her beloved fiancée, because yes, Yuta made the big step one month ago when he proposed to Wendy on their romantic trip to Japan, under the cherry blossoms.
 Irene and Seulgi were like a married couple. Always had small fights which they solved in bed, but at the end of the day, they were inseparable. Their love was beyond borders and they promised love to one another through the promise rings Irene bought for them.
 As for Yeri and Sooyoung, the two of them were the heart of the group. The cutest couples you could ever meet. Never afraid to show pda in public and they were so proud of one another. Yeri was quite the jealous type so everytime a guy would look at Sooyoung, she would grab her woman and kiss her while looking straight into the soul of the person who would dare to lay eyes on what’s hers.
 From now on, anyone who would dare to criticize their love, they would just answer “Love has No Borders.”.
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miyomiikonran · 6 years
So, I finally watched it all. And tbh I sat to watch it with a lot of negative thoughts I took from this site, but it wasn't "end of Voltron" like I saw some people were announcing. But to the point, firstly what I liked about this season:
- HUNK DEVELOPMENT. FRICKIN FINALLY. 100/10 I'm proud of our kind yellow boi. He deserved it and it was really good. Let him be happy with his family for now. And Shay cus our ship is sailing again <3
- Plot. There was a lot of teamwork, something I like the most. In first half I was a little frustrated with how many problems team had to face, but in the end I think it was a good move. We got to see them struggle and oh my, this question if they're really team and family. MY HEART. They're teens/young adults and been through so much. LET THEM REST AND BE SILLY. Also there was a lot of action and whole fight for Earth was amazing to watch. A little nerve-wrecking in episodes 11-12, but cool. I won't talk much about plot as I'm not an expert but I liked it the most, even more than 1-2 seasons. And as there was less screentime for Keith and finally some more for rest of the cast I'm even more pleased. Sorry, I don't like him that much. He's nice but creators should finally let him step aside and be just leader without gathering all attention to his own story (BoM, his mom or rescuing Shiro for x time). Or let him help other paladins (*cough*LANCE*cough*) like he helped Hunk in this season, that was so suprising and great.
- FAMILIES. YES, OMG. Sam and Carelle (?) Holt were amazing. Their teamwork and love while helping Garrison, yes give us more of that. AND LANCE'S FAMILY! I WAS WAITING FOR THEM SINCE FIRST SEASON! Veronica is gorgeous and you can't tell me otherwise. I love her almost as much as her sweet little brother. Lance's niece and nephew were so cute! The best welcoming ever.
- Lance having more situations to prove his worth. I love when they use his sharpshooter's skills. And when he defended Hunk from Keith's anger? That warmed my heart. Also Hunk looking so kindly and softly at Lance hugging with his family. I love that they started to add more proofs of their friendship. In that scene I just shouted "GO JOIN THEM HUNK" but that's just my headcanon that they're almost parts of each others families.
- Our new four cadets. The one Keith beat in the past is mean but I can handle him. They work very well and the remaining three are fun and useful. I could have them in Atlas permamentely.
- Cosmo is great and I want to pet him. Romelle is also good, if she could only take Allura's place... I can dream right?
- ZETHRID AND EZOR. I SHIP IT AND YOU CAN'T TELL ME OTHERWISE. No one's gonna tell me that one scene was meant with different intention. I'll take it in place of Adashi...
So, here's some main things I liked in this season. Maybe I forgot about something but I can tell at the moment. Now what I didn't like:
*Strong langueage ahead! It was written directely after watching, sorry*
- Overhyping and luring fandom with Adam and Shiro's relationship. It was clear bullshit to raise the hype before season airs. That's not what fandom was hoping for, let's kill all the gays thrope and stuff. I'm sure there're people who adressed this issue better than me.
- What happend with Atlas in last episode. It's the biggest bullshit I have ever seen in this universe. Did Sam Holt build it blindfolded with Garrison's crew? How they could don't know ship is capable of changing it's shape? I could believe in combining machines when they were done by Alteans and Galra, not by humans who were mostly basing on plans Sam Holt bringed with him. It came out of nowhere and I didn't like it. I really liked that ship as I thought it's clever reference of mythological Atlas, the titan who carried the sky so it won't crush the lands, so our Atlas would protect the Earth in similar way as our danger also comes "from above". But no, they decided to give us another motherfucking robot. B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T
- Episode 4, can we pretend this shit doesn't exist? I'm sick of using Lance as comic relief and calling him stupid. Also I was disappointed by Keith's answer why his choice was Lance. Someone please teach this angry boi how to be nice to your teammate because he forgot how after season 3 (I guess that was it?).
- Forced Allurance. Just no. Allura still doesn't deserve our sweet, caring Lance. Now she noticed him? Oh I forgot, Lotor isn't around anymore, so she has to find someone else. Go fuck yourself Allura. Even if in this season she didn't do anything important, other than helping with Shiro's new arm and just being here, those forced moments made me sick. I'm all in for Lance finding his significant other and I would be happy with any person who can appreciate him for who he is and making him happy. Shance, Klance, Hance, Plance, Romellance, whatever you call it, I'm a multishipper. Just no this OP princess, at least until she'll appreciate him for real. What I guess won't happen soon.
- Lance almost dying again because someone thought that he is the best one to have problems with summoning his Lion. REALLY? Allura's less experienced, WHY LANCE? Ugh I'm just wainting for a moment when Voltron's crew will grow bored of thinking of ways to kill Lance. What is this, some sort of competition with Shiro we don't know about?
- Mrs. Admirall or whatever her name was. I JUST WANTED HER TO DIE MOST OF THE TIME. AND I WAS HAPPY SHE FINALLY DID. I understand she was needed for the whole drama, but I hated almost from the beginning. Her overgrown ego and naivety costed lives of who knows how many pilots (including Adam) and citizens. She should be glad her death was so light.
I think that's all, that's enough of this rage. Don't get me wrong, I really liked this season. We can't look at it just in terms of ships, but we can't fully excuse what they did with Adashi, that was not fair in my opinion. But overall it was a good season.
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The one that got away | Isaac Lahey imagine
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Summary: You were one of the most promising new actresses at the moment and you were in beacon hills to shoot a movie, there you fell in love with Isaac.
Request: Hey! Would you write an Imagine with Isaac for me? requested by  @mylittlenarnia
A/N: I really hope you like it and that there is enough drama haha, I tried but drama is not really my strong suit. I still hope you enjoyed! btw I used Theo Raeken as famous actor cause I thought he could be one.
You were one of the most promising actresses at the moment, but you hadn’t booked anything major yet, until you got a call from your agent to audition for a new movie based on a trilogy. You had auditioned and had gotten the part. You were extremely excited and couldn’t wait to start shooting. The paparazzi was all over you and you did some interviews about it, talking about the story and other actors that had signed the project. You were set to shoot in Beacon Hills, a small town in Caifornia.
You had never been there before but you were excited to visit. You had arrived a week before shooting so you could get to know the place you would be staying for a while, you were set to shoot for a few months so you wanted to get to know the place and the people. 
You had rented a little place in the centre of beacon hills so you’d be close to everything. You decided to check out the little bakery that was across your place. The smell of fresh bread was everywhere, you decided that this was going to be your favorite place here.
‘‘Can I help you?’‘ A tall guy with curly hair smiled friendly at you. You smiled back at him ‘‘I’m just looking around, can you recommend me anything?’‘  he grinned and made his way over to you ‘‘Well if I’m honest’‘ He pointed at some donuts ‘‘The donuts are pretty good’‘ You laughed ‘‘Donuts are Always good’‘ He laughed ‘‘You got a point there’‘ he looked at you ‘‘I’m Isaac’‘ you smiled ‘‘Y/n’‘ you shook his hand.
‘‘This may be a little straight forward but, can I ask you out?’‘ You laughed ‘‘I was hoping you would’‘ the two of you talked a little more and you gave him your number. You actually did buy some donuts that day.
You had been in Beacon Hills for some months and had been dating Isaac ever since you met him in the bakery. The two of you were enjoying a walk in the park when the paparazzi jumped the two of you making pictures and asking questions ‘’Y/n are you cheating on Theo?’’ ‘’Y/n what’s going on?’’ ‘’Y/n what happend to you and Theo?’’ ‘’y/n’’ ‘’y/n’’ You were getting ambushed. You hadn’t told Isaac everything about yourself, he of course knew you were an actress but didn’t know you were this popular. 
Rumours about you and Theo Raeken started a while ago, he was playing your love interest in your new movie and people had made up rumours that the two of you were dating. You obviously weren’t but the media made up their own stories.
‘’Theo?’’ Isaac had gotten you away from all the paparazzi and the two of you were at his place. ‘’Come on you know that isn’t true’’ Isaac frowned, he wanted to believe you but he had been reading some stuff online ‘’I read some stuff about the two of you’’ You scoffed ‘’Come on you know that stuff is made up’’ Isaac sighed ‘ ‘Y/n I don’t know, I saw pictures of you holding his hand and stuff..’’ he looked at the ground. You rose from where you were sitting and stood in front of him ‘’That’s probably pics from set, he is playing my love interest Isaac’’  He looked at you ‘’I just feel like I am playing your love interest, this is all so much y/n. I can’t even go outside without getting ambushed and people are talking about my girlfriend with some other guy’’ 
You nodded, you knew this would happen eventually. It Always did, it was hard to date someone famous and you understood. You just hoped that Isaac wouldn’t leave you ‘’Are you..’’ you looked at him, he avoided your eyes ‘’I don’t know but maybe we should take a break’’ You nodded, tears forming in your eyes. ‘’Bye Isaac’’ You left as he watched you go silently.
He liked you, hell he could even love you but it was hard dating someone that wanted. The media portrayed him as some guy keeping their favorite couple apart. Everyone wanted Theo and y/n together, how could he compete with that? He worked in a bakery for fucks sake. He sighed, he just felt really conflicted about the whole situation.
It had been a while since you and Isaac had decided to take a break. You were spending more and more time with Theo, trying to get your mind off of Isaac. Theo was a nice distraction but nothing more, Theo knew that too. Theo had fallen in love with someone in Beacon Hills as well and the two of you had just decided to pretend for promotion of the movie but also to get a little peace.
This made things with Isaac worse, you hadn’t talked to him since the talk, but you just knew it was over and he wanted nothing to do with you. You just wanted to film the movie and get away, the whole Isaac situation had really hurt you and you just wanted to escape it. 
It was your second to last day in beacon hills, you were shooting the big and intense kissing scene today that would blow everyone’s mind when watching the movie. You and Theo were chatting on set before the shoot, the scene was shot at a local park and the crew was getting everything ready ‘’And let’s go’’ You and Theo were doing the scene when Isaac walked by, he needed to see you before you left. 
He ducked behind some bushes, he could only see you and Theo, the camera people were blocked by some trees. He saw the two of you smiling and talking and then kissing, Isaac was furious, you had told him that there was nothing between you and Theo. Isaac rose from his spot making some noise.
You had finished the scene when you saw Isaac. You were shocked, did he come for you? ‘’Isaac!’’ you yelled his name. He shook his head, he couldn’t believe you. He ignored your yelling and walked away.
You were upset, why would he show up just to ignore you? You wanted to go after him but you couldn’t, you still had to finish some scenes. 
You left Beacon Hills hoping you’d see Isaac again but you didn’t, you were sad. You really did like him and cared for him, maybe it just wasn’t meant to be. The movie had gotten really big in a short time, the book trilogy was very popular so you had seen it coming but it was still amazing how well loved it was.
Isaac had decided to see the movie just because it was so popular, it was hard for him to watch you. When he saw the kissing scene, he recognized it from the park and figured out that it was for the movie and it wasn’t real. Isaac could hit himself, he had made a huge mistake.
He tried to reach you but couldn’t, you were a big movie star now. So he decided to chase you, he would go to the premiere of the movie and would talk to you there, he had to, he couldn’t let you go yet.
It was the night of the premiere and Isaac was waiting for you,it had been months since he had last seen you but he had to try.
You had moved on, Isaac never called you or messaged you when you left Beacon Hills so you moved on, you met the guy at some party and you were actually happy with him. Sure you stil missed Isaac a little but you had to move on, for your own sake.
You arrived at the movie premiere, this was the premiere for your movie. It felt so surreal. You got out of the car, people everywhere screaming your name and people taking pictures.
Isaac saw you, you looked gorgeous. You were wearing a long red gown, your hair was down in curls and your lips were ruby red. He would wait till you were inside to talk to you. Until some other guy got out of the car.
Isaac recognized his face but couldn’t remember from what he probably was an actor, the guy wrapped his arm around you and kissed your cheek. Isaac sighed, he could’ve expected this. He turned around and left the scene, he felt like an idiot for messing everything up. Maybe the two of you would meet again someday, but for now your were the one that got away.
A/N: wow this has gotten way longer than I had expected to, I hope you all enjoy it and don’t forget you can request something!
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