#based on DC: The New Frontier
dc-multiverse-week · 2 months
Earth-21: In a world where JFK never died and is ready to lead the United States to the stars. This Earth is protected by young science heroes and pioneers of the Justice League of America
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ufonaut · 9 months
"space case": the pre-2005 martin jordan
these days the quintessential hal jordan is easily defined by two traits: a distinct lack of fear, and a penchant for wearing his father's air force jacket. hal's father is his hero, you all know that. or, that's what you've been led to believe by the post-2005 geoff johns era of green lantern that has completely overshadowed everything that had come before and worked hard to erase the slightest hint of friction between hal & his father.
first things first, the post-2005 continuity can be looked at as half a fanboy's wish and half editorial mandate -- the biggest inspiration for hal's hero worship of martin (+ the whole deal with his jacket) and his overall attitude comes from darwyn cooke's elseworlds dc: the new frontier 2004, its unparalleled commercial success was undoubtedly a leading factor in the changes that followed and cooke had once spoken about being asked to work on green lantern secret files and origins 2005 (the one-shot that would jumpstart the 2005 ongoing series after the rebirth miniseries) for precisely that reason.
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(graphic ink: the art of darwyn cooke)
secondly, for thirty (count 'em!) years of hal jordan's existence there had been no mention of his parents whatsoever. he had brothers, cousins, uncles come in and out of his life throughout green lantern 1960 but never parents. that all changed in 1989 with green lantern: emerald dawn #1, the first real attempt to give hal an origin (see below).
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lastly and most importantly, martin had undoubtedly been an abusive father to hal and remained one of his few deep deep actual fears.
i'll be your guide through these pre-2005 appearances and mentions of martin and his relationship with hal, presented in chronological order based on real life release dates rather than internal chronology.
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("you just can't make me proud of you, can you, son?" emerald dawn 1989 #2)
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("well, he's still like he always was. i guess i'll always be a failure in his eyes, that's all. nothing i can do is going to change that", green lantern 1990 #48, published 1994)
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("my fault! all my fault. father always said i'd be a failure!", superman: the man of steel (1991) annual #4, published 1995)
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("the problem with you, hal, is you always got your head in the clouds", unpublished 'emerald interlude' originally slated for legends of the dc universe 1998 #33)
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("screwed up again, didn't you, space-case?! just once i'd like you to get something right!", legends of the dc universe 1998 #35, published 2000)
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("you become what you know. and what you didn't know you knew. like what you learn at the end of someone's arm. you learn to go blank. like maybe things with him would change if you could just give him what he wants. if you could just take it like a man", dc comics presents: green lantern 2004 #1)
interestingly enough, each of these stories is the work of different writers and between legends of the dc universe and dc comics presents: green lantern the narrative woven throughout becomes explicit -- hal perceives martin's abuse as abuse of power first and foremost, and doesn't just fear becoming 'what he knows' but also fears that he already did by abusing the power of the green lantern as parallax. all in all, it's an incredibly complex narrative seldom afforded to superheroes nowadays and an entirely vital part of hal's characterisation that we've been robbed of for far too long now.
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fantastic-nonsense · 1 year
Harley Quinn's insane popularity during the mid-2010s is a super interesting phenomenon precisely because her abrupt rise in popularity was less about her unique appeal as an individual character and more about everything else DC Comics was doing at the time
Harley's New 52 aesthetic revamp from her classic harlequin costume to a corset, booty shorts, and two-toned hair happened entirely because people loved her look in the Arkham games and DC was trying to capitalize on it. Also almost entirely on the basis of her popularity in those games (and because the company was in desperate need of positive PR after mass criticism about their treatment of female characters in the early New 52, including Harley), editorial greenlit a solo book for her.
Her 2014 solo book outsold most of DC's line partially because of the character, story, and the creative team of course; there's no way it could have been that successful without people liking those things. But its success was massively helped by Harley being one of the few characters who (outside of Glass's Suicide Squad run, which was promptly yeeted into oblivion and never mentioned again) wasn't completely fucked over by the reboot and whose book DC editorial largely left alone during the notoriously micromanaged New 52 era.
She also had one of the few decent "fun" books at a time when DC's offerings were mostly either grimdark and edgy, disliked, or doing something radically different with their protagonists than normal (for example...Lobdell's Teen Titans and Red Hood and the Outlaws, making Supergirl a Red Lantern, and having Dick Grayson fake his death and go undercover as a super spy), making Harley Quinn a breath of fresh air for anyone seeking to escape the melodrama of Forever Evil, Future's End, and Convergence or find a new book after the ones they were reading ended or became unpalatable.
Over in the DCEU, people had two lukewarm movies they weren't really that excited about despite starring DC's Trinity. And then you got Suicide Squad, which was kinda hot garbage and a critical failure but made bank and had the wonderful Margot Robbie playing Harley Quinn. No one else really made it out of that movie looking good, but Margot's depiction of Harley was widely praised and her look in that movie became wildly popular, selling tons of merch. So DC went "oh she's a seller!" and then greenlit the Harley Quinn cartoon and Birds of Prey 2020 while generally refusing to acknowledge that the lack of decent DCEU movies overall, Robbie's performance compared to her co-stars, and Harley's grunge Hot Girl look were the main drivers of Harley's seemingly unique popularity following the movie's release.
Basically: Harley got incredibly lucky because she got a major internal editorial push as a character at the exact same time basically every other character whose comics would have normally outsold hers got fucked over, and then got lucky twice when DC cast Margot Robbie to play her in Suicide Squad while the movie's Hot Topic Aesthetic™ was still somewhat en vogue.
Combine those two things with the fact that her relationship with Poison Ivy (an A-list Batman Rogue) was confirmed at the same time same-sex marriage was legalized and DC was looking to promote a diverse character slate...and you get the wild popularity she's enjoyed since ~2012 that nonetheless is obviously starting to slowly return back to base levels. Which you can tell when you look at, for example, Harley's sales numbers post-Rebirth/Infinite Frontier (since facing actual competition from DC's staple characters) and the number of new Harley-led projects that have been greenlit since the 2020 management massacre that took out Didio.
At the end of the day, The Harley Phenomenon is less about Harley Quinn and more about what happens when a company capitalizes on a character's aesthetic appeal and Cool Girl Status while largely abandoning the goal of making quality content starring the rest of their staple characters. She's certainly popular on her own and has individual appeal, but she never would have achieved the level of mainstream popularity she's enjoyed over the past 10 years without an astounding set of major coincidences all falling in her direction.
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gigachad-joker · 2 years
The Joker: A Comic Masterlist
Disclaimer: This list will be subject to changes (comic addition and comic removal), as well as possible changes to its labeling system as this list is continually adjusted. If you see that a certain comic is missing please message me and make sure to include the comic's official title, number, and series of origin. The timeline organization of both single issue and collected editions is based on biased research.
Single issues with several following numbers are to be read as a collected edition.
This list will also include a link to where the comics below can be read for free.
Batman Comic's 1940 to 2011
These single-issue comics follow the familiar formula of, 'hero catch's villain'. In my opinion, they really showcase Joker's goofiness and criminal intelligence.
Batman #1, Batman #4, Batman #5, Batman #7, Batman #11
Batman #16, Batman #23, Batman #37, Batman #40
Batman #44, Batman #55, Batman #73, Batman #148
Batman #163, Batman #251, Batman #286, Batman #291
Batman #294, Batman #321, Batman #450, Batman #451
Batman #496, Batman #546, Batman #563, Batman #570
Batman #596, Batman #614, Batman #625, Batman #643
Batman #650, 649, 648 (Jokers more, 'there in the background')
Batman #655, Batman #663
BATMAN R.I.P: #676, 678, 679, 680, 681, 682
Batman Detective Comics 1937 - 2011
Batman DC #124, Batman DC #128, Batman DC #149, Batman DC #168
Batman DC #180, Batman DC #193, Batman DC #332, Batman DC #341
Batman DC #338, Batman DC #365, Batman DC #475, Batman DC #476,
Batman DC #532 Batman DC #569, Batman DC #570, Batman DC #617,
Batman DC #623 Batman DC #661, Batman DC #737, Batman DC #740,
Batman DC #741, Batman DC #781 Batman DC #826,
Batman DC #870, 869, 867, 866
Batman DC #875, Batman DC #879, Batman DC #880,
Link to comic Here
Gotham Central
Issues #12-15
Link to comic Here
Batman Confidential
Issues #7-12 Link to comic Here
Batman: The Man Who Laughs
Batman The man who laughs explores the idea of what would Batman and Joker's relationship look like if it had continued from Batman #1.
Link to comic Here pgs 1-70
Joker #1-15 2021 AND The Joker: Clown Prince of Crime (1975-76) series
The Joker: Clown Prince of Crime Series is a spin-off series with other villains such as Lex Luther, The Riddler, The Creeper, and more.
Joker 2021 #1-15 is a different series following the events of Infinite Frontier #1 involving Jim Gordon getting contracted to kill the Joker. To best understand this series I would suggest reading Batman: The Killing Joke, Joker War, and Black Mirror first.
This link will give you access to both collected editions.
Batman: The Killing Joke
Originally released in 1988, Batman: The Killing Joke was adapted from the 1951 short story The Man Under The Red Hood. This comic was also adapted into an animated movie in 2016.
Link to comic Here
Batman: A Death In The Family
A Death in the Family begins when Batman relieves Jason Todd of his crime-fighting duties. Jason begins a search for his biological mother but ends up being tortured by The Joker. This leads to his presumed death.
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The Three Jokers
 The Three Jokers is a 'spiritual' successor to Batman: The killing Joke and Batman: A Death In The Family. Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood (now Jason Todd) explore a lead on The Joker, who, as the title suggests may have been 3 different men this whole time.
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Batman Europa
Batman is about to be taken out by a virus that has no cure and his only salvation is The Joker.
Link to comic Here
Singular Stories
Batman: Cacophony
The major plotline is that someone has taken the Joker's poison and created a new club drug called Chuckles. It's taking over the street scene.
Link to comic Here
Jokers Last Laugh
Joker finds out he has cancer and starts a riot
Link to comic Here
Batman: Joker Switch
Joker gets a joke played on HIM! TW: Body horror
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Batman: Dark Detective
Joker attempts to run for president
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Batman: Joker Times
Joker agrees to be psychoanalyzed on live TV
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Batman: I, Joker
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BATMAN NEW 52 2011 - 2015
Batman New 52 carries multiple Joker storylines. Below I have sectioned them out for your consumption:
Death Of The Family: Batman New 52: #13 - #17
Batman Zero Year starts #21 and we see Joker's first appearance in Zero Year in issue #23.1 and then again in #24. Batman Zero Year then ends and
Batman Endgame begins at #34 - 40.
From #41 - #52 onward we begin Batman: Superheavy and start to tell the story of Mister Bloom. This storyline also leads to the amnesia of Bruce Wayne and the retired Joker storyline.
Link to full comic Here
Batman Detective comics faces of death VOL 1
Batman Faces of Death: #1 pgs 1-30 (Joker gets his face cut off by Dollmaker)
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Batman: Death Of The Family (Extra)
This version of Death Of The Family also contains Detective Comics 16-17, Catwoman 13-14, Batgirl 14-16, Red Hood and the Outlaws 15-16, Teen Titans 15, Nightwing 15-16, Batman and Robin 15-17, Batman 17.
Link to comic Here
Batman: Zero Year ARC 2
Arc 2 of Batman's Zero Year is titled Secret city. We delve into Bruce Wayne’s past with the Red Hood Gang and his run-ins with aspiring District Attorney Harvey Dent!
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Arkham Unhinged
I have never read this and do not know what it is about but it seems to have a similar format to Legends of The Dark Knight.
Joker is in issues: #7-9, #26-31, #35-37
Link to comic Here
Legend of the dark knight (1989-2021)
These are stories that can be told anywhere in the timeline, past, present, and future.
The 2021 run: Joker is in issues 2 and 3
Link to comic Here
The 2015 run: Joker is in issues, #4-6, #7-10,
Link to comic Here
The 1989 run: Joker is in issues, #50, #65-68, #105-106, #142-145, #162-163, ##200
Link to comic Here
Batman Rebirth carries out multiple Joker storylines. Below I have sectioned them out for your consumption:
Batman Rebirth: #25
Batman Rebirth #26-32 The War of Jokes and Riddles'
Batman Rebirth #48-50 The Best Man
Batman Rebirth #66
Batman Rebirth #86-91 Their Dark Designs (this leads into the Joker war)
Batman Rebirth #93 - #101, The Joker War
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Journey to the joker war is just a fun little prelude to the joker war #1023 and 1024
The Joker War (Extra scenes)
As part of the Batman: Rebirth series Joker manages to steal Bruce Wayne’s fortune. With his newfound riches, he proceeds to take over Gotham city leading to an epic, explosive, battle.
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Joker war collateral damage, the aftermath of the joker war.
Doomsday Clock
Doomsday Clock is a story about what happens when Doctor Manhattan, in all his logic and power, becomes aware of the inherently illogical, nonlinear main DC continuity
Joker shows up in issues; 4-7
Link to comic Here
2019 Onward...
Batman: Last Knight On Earth
This is not part of any series and is under a black label meaning its not part of the DC continuum
Link to comic Here
Joker Killer Smile
Joker gets psychoanalyzed.
Link to comic Here
The Joker Presents: A puzzle box
The G.C.P.D have a mysterious corpse, a magical box, and a murderer's row of the city's most dangerous villains sitting in a jail cell. Now all they need to figure out is what exactly happened.
Link to comic Here
The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing
The world once again holds its breath as The Joker strikes again! But how far is he willing to go this time?
Link to comic Here
Thank you, everyone. Please don't forget to reblog and share! @lankylordoflevity @katekanemybeloved @killerant @unordinaryachilles @luxamea @the-hopeless-fanboy @gothamsfinestdummy @muslyedirector @icedgarlic @gothamurbanist @creature-of-the-night-esq
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Cool answers!
1: what “earth” is your universe in? Like new earth (pre-flashpoint) new 52 earth (post flashpoint), rebirth etc…
2: speaking of flashpoint, due to the flash creating it, (based in my knowledge) almost everybody’s personality & team has changed, how would the duo’s personality & squad mates change?
3: do you know in-universe there are comics & shows & stuff inside the dc universe with like fake names, what would be the in-universe names for them? Like in one of the teen titans books with the young justice group, there was a flashback of Superman having the name of dirk dirkman (last time I checked)
4: what’s the duos first experience with bullying?
5: in both titans of tomorrow & starknights, who’s the strongest, weakest, & the person with the “plans?” (The Batman person)
6: whose more likely to shake the booty while dancing? XD
Why Thank You very much. Here, have some more XD
1) Basically I would describe my universe here as a Blend of Pre Flashpoint Prime Earth, Rebirth, tiny dashes of Infinite Frontier/Dawn of DC, all with a nice hefty input of both the Teen Titans Animated Series Canon and DCAU/Timmverse.
If it were to have a designation in the Multiverse, I would have it be Earth-4080
2) In the event of this Earth going through a Flashpoint style reboot…very little would change in terms of Chris and Jake’s personalities, tastes and closeness as friends. That said what would change is Chris’ arrival to Earth and in particular the timing of it. Instead of arriving at six years old and growing up under the care of the Kents, developing a bond with the younger Jon as brothers in that time, he can instead arrive at the age of 12, having lived under Zod’s custody for longer (maybe suffering a but more by his hands…sorry Chris) and instead of Clark by himself who lands him safely in Metropolis, the latter would be accompanied by Grayson-And’r family in the heart of Bludhaven instead.
They barely have enough time to allow Chris into Lois and Clark’s care and for him to officially meet Jake before then the rift in the Phantom Zone truly tears up, allowing Zod and his armies to invade Earth. From here, similarly Zod is defeated and sent back to the Zone and after also trying to run away out of fear of rejection and feeling at fault for this invasion for the month, Chris does realize he’s accepted by these people he’d just met with Clark finally filling out the adoption forms to accept Chris into his household.
Similarly, The first ever time Chris and Jake team up would be altered as well; Jake gets captured in his civilian identity by the Court of Owls who’d have some ex Cadmus scientists in their employ to start creating clones of him, breeding a small army of Tamaranean Talons they hope to control to further their agendas while Talonizing Jake in the process. Chris is the one to help discover what happened to his friend in the midst of the investigations. As he leads both the Grayson family and Jon to the Owl’s location, while they’re too late to stop them from extracting samples (I.e. Blood, sweat, tears and saliva samples) from Jake for their cloning process, they are successfully able to stop them from forcibly injecting him with Electrum and brainwashing him. It’s not an easy fight though as the older Talons are summoned to stop them, some with Kryptonite blades to match the Kryptonians. In the middle of the battle, Jake finds himself back to back with Chris as they’re cornered by Talons, desperately trying to fend them off. There, they can see Mar’i and Jon pinned down by bigger sized Talons with their blades right on their throats, poised to strike the final blow. Their sibling instincts kicking into full overdrive, the two steam roll and plow their way through the undead assassins, saving their sister and brother respectively and turning the tide of the battle thanks to their powers and skills either combing for dual moves or pulling each other out of tight spots and taking down Talons one by one. Eventually, the Kent brothers and the Graysons knockout the last Talon cold, making the Owls flee and their base now deserted. Cue an emotional hug from Jake to his family in light of this terrifying experience, more thankful his family are okay than himself.
After that particular misadventure the next time they meet up, Chris and Jake realize the potential they have when working together, Jake also being incredibly thankful for Chris being the one to find him first in his rescue. From their their friendship grows and they decide on being a regular team with each other
Hence here, the rebooted version of the Starburst Duo was born.
I’m Officially now dubbing this rebooted version of my canon Earth-8403 cause why the heck not lol
3) Had the Duo gotten an adaptation of their adventures in universe for an animated Saturday morning show or whichever, They were probably would be called The Twilight Warriors, starring GhostBeak and CloudParrot. Chris and Jake themselves aren’t exactly too fond of those names for their adapted counterparts BUT since the writers ask them for advice and consulting for their adventures they can utilize for episodes, it’s very appreciated by them.
4) Chris pretty much witnesses his first tastes of bullying upon first enrolling as a new ‘transfer student’ to Jon’s school, at first looked upon with suspicion and weary looks from some of the other boys in his second grade class due to his then stilted English and his tendency to keep his distance from everybody except his adoptive brother Jon
As for Jake, the bullying was mainly brought up when first ever attending Bludhaven Academy for First Grade. Mainly it was through proxy as the real target of the bullies back then was his big sister because of her more obvious Tamaranean features. Over time though as Jake begin to bring over lunches with a Tamaranean flare to them as well as sometimes mumble his Romanes Chib and Tamaranean when tired, he too started getting unwanted attention from everyone for his heritage. Though it can be both of the Graysons really first started getting bullying on them when first going into first grade if anything because of their Dad Dick being circus folk and given Bludhaven and Gotham’s history with clowns, they made for easy targets for said bullies.
5) In terms of power level and physical strength, it’s a tie between Chris and Robbie for the strongest while solely Lian is the weakest if only because of her being the sole purebred human. As for their master planners that draw out both Teams’ contingency plans, Mar’i and Jake equally share that role as they’ve been taught by Bruce well. Though he does allow them to share their plans with their friends since Bruce knows the consequences of keeping said plans in complete secrecy against his own friends and he doesn’t want his grandkids going through the same
6) Apologies my friend but Chris and Jake are not doing any of that whatsoever as kids. Both of them might cancel each other’s brain cells when next to each other but they both know much better that any booty shaking is something mainly grown ups do which is a dance meant for them when they get naughty. They’re clean like that. Again my apologies
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beevean · 4 months
I've seen stans claiming issue #67 gets to take place after Frontiers and so there was a huge time skip of months based only in the fact Sonic called Amy to lunch as they apparently spend a time without meet each other (???) (Is not it some long running gag in the games that the characters can take long weeks or months to see each other again, thus being already used to this?)
But why?? Why is it so important to set this passage of time?! Do they are really desperate in make the link between games and comics? Because that really makes the comic's narrative sound and look pretty worse:
1- It would mean then that Surge and Kit has been a far more time hidding in Eggman's abandoned base than you would expect, that makes them look even more lazy losers than they already do and clash a lot more with the image of Thirsty For Revenge the comics insist in pass, since they moved NOT a finger in almost half a year (???) (Idk the exact time they want to claim and much less I care) But it makes the arguably near 0 effort of them become a surely negative effort.
2- So then, Blaze is still in vacation in Sonic's world??? Really? She just forgot her kingdom? Are the Sol Emeralds just in Sonic's world as if there was no risk of the universe to collapse (okay, that's a more overkill than what the game really states) if the Chaos Emeralds are reunited and put close to them? Just like that? As if she wasn't all afraid of get some vacantion in the start?
3- Then Mimic has already gone in missions with the DC for real, right? He's bonding with them, right? Surprisingly, there were NO real volunteers after all this time before Surge and Kit finally met Clutch, heard his plan, came to accept his conditions and just gone to the Restoration HQ by the front door, (assuming any of these step even passed by Surge's father head) right? Or, if had, then they left... Geez, guess a bossy rude bitch with a rock hard head can't be a inspiring leader after all, what a surprise, no?
4- The only positive thing of this time skip ideia is that it explains why everyone is so chill of the drooling psychic walking around as well as make no objections to him about use his powers... And why Silver is so chill after the whole fiasco... Buuuuuut, now he's acting Just Exactly the way Lanolin accused him to act when she made the scandal to kick him out the Diamond Cutters (Not only the absence of security helmets or vests, he's playing with the food of the thousands of hungry kids he meant to help, Ian Flynn, a master of self sabotage)
Btw, sorry for this rant, feel free to just ignore if you prefer... And sorry for bringing the Lanolin discourse all over again...
Now that I think about it, it's been a year since Frontiers came out and IDW still hasn't referenced it. Even considering that it takes multiple months for issues to be finalized, I'd say enough time has passed that anything Flynn and Stanley have written since, say, December 2022 has been released. So huh, not even a small reference to that talkative moon, or anything to reflect the supposed new life goal of the gang. It's like it's not canon after all :)
Anyway. Time skips in IDW are indicated. This is how we know that the camping arc takes place months after the beginning of the MV arc because the apocalypse lasted the whole winter, and how we can say that it's complete bullshit because Sonic should have been dropped dead from exhaustion. No time indication, no significant time skip. This is a moot point for me, so I don't have much to add.
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t4tails · 4 months
Based on what you've seen of her in DC animation thus far, what are your overall thoughts on Wonder Woman and how she is handled in animation?
LOL badly. from best to worst: i liked her in the dcau, but in comparison to batman and superman she was massively underutilized. she was cool in the new frontier, but that whole movie is pretty mid imo so thats not hard to do in comparison. she wasnt particularly noteworthy in crisis on two earths and doom, but she wasnt bad either. shes done exactly jackshit in young justice so far. superman/batman apocalypse MASSIVELY underutilized her, and i know its mainly about clark and kara, but i think having her be distant and cold to a young girl struggling is honestly completely ooc. and finally wonder woman 2009... oh wonder woman 2009. what dogshit anti-feminism does to a movie 🙄.
shes supposed to be part of the trinity with supes and bats but her already low level of content is so middle of the road its actually sad.
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skaruresonic · 10 months
I don't really think seniority matters as much as the willingness to research and play the games. I'm not sure if I feel comfortable calling myself a "veteran" fan, because while I technically have played a lot of Sonic games, my knowledge base doesn't feel comprehensive enough outside of the general range of the early Adventure games to warrant discussion. Can't talk about TSR or Riders, for instance, because racing games bore me and so I never finished them. Or '06, which I refuse to finish on the basis of it being an utter soul-suck of a game. I've been a Sonic fan since 2002, though sometimes I forget that fact because I go through "gap years" in which I feel distant from the series for some reason or another. Back in 2006-2010 it was the inability to play new releases because broke. In 2014, it was Boom, which everyone was sort of... weird... about. Nowadays it's the alienation I feel for the utter hype surrounding IDW, Prime, and Frontiers. This ride is for life, but it's not always a smooth one.
In addition, real life needs attending to, my knowledge of the games tends to become hazy and vague after a while, and I don't necessarily have the time to play and refresh my memory. There are also details about the games that I've overlooked the first time around, such as the fact that Sonic and Shahra both call the antagonist "the" Erazor Djinn multiple times throughout SatSR, implying his name is a title, as opposed to fandom which simply refers to him as "Erazor Djinn," implying it is a name.
I've been in the privileged position of growing up with my preferred era of games. During my childhood, a new Sonic game would come out roughly every year. These days it's harder to access that era of games because some of them, like Shuffle or Battle, are abandonware.
While these roadblocks are real and valid, on the other hand... In this age of having practically any information you want to know available at your fingertips, it's no excuse to just Say Whatever you want about those games. There's the inability to access the game, and then there's the refusal to meet it halfway. Far too often you encounter the latter over the former.
Certainly, I won't pretend to know about every single Sonic game there is. That's why I don't talk about them. I talk instead about the handful of games I do know about. Hopefully, I might say something interesting about them every once in a while. hello yes can I gush about those semi-transparent reflections in SA2 DC I promise I'm normal about it
The other day @woodchipp and I were talking about how modern fandom seems to base their impressions of a game on "vibes" rather than playing the games for themselves. This is how you get wild takes divorced from reality, when folks value aesthetics over accuracy. In any case, my stance has always been that you don't necessarily have to know every single little detail about any given game; you just need to know what you're talking about in a general overarching sense. I'll know you haven't played the game when you neglect basic, unmissable plot points.
For example: "Tails found Emerl on the beach in Battle" tells me you haven't played Battle, because Sonic finding Emerl on the beach is what kickstarts the entire game. "SA2 never shows us where Shadow stole the Chaos Emerald from" tells me you haven't played SA2, because the game specifies that detail twice - once in recap, once during a cutscene - and you would have known that had you been paying attention.
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linkspooky · 1 year
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I’m evolving from a manga blogger to my final form a comic book blogger. If you know anything about me, you know Teen Titans is my favorite thing ever, so after neglecting the Teen Titans and pushing them to the side for years DC’s push to finally put the Teen Titans in the spotlight has me really excited. So I’ll be trying to write up my monthly thoughts for each new issue as long as the comic is running!
Happy comic book Tuesday everyone! My thoughts on the first issue below!
First and foremost, after two successive reboots the newest run of Titans has returned to the original New Teen Titans lineup, Nightwing, Donna, Starfire,  Raven, Cyborg, Beast Boy, with Wally as a member at least on rotation. 
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How much of the old continuity is back has yet to be seen, but considering Roy and Lian are back in the Green Arrow comics, they mention that Garth, Donna and Dick are founding members of the original Titans Team I am going to assume they’re bringing back old continuity. 
From what I can tell, Infinite Frontier did a sort of soft reset of both of the New 52, and Rebirth Teen Titans series, and our current team is continuing on from what was probably a few years after the events in (2003). 
I base this off the fact that the newest Young Justice comics also mention the fact that Tim, Connor, Bart and Cassie all were on the Teen Titans at one point before they went back and reformed Young Justice, so graduation day still happened. 
The fact that Beast Boy and Raven are dating too is something that indicates we’re continuing from the events of (2003), because them officially getting back together is the last thing they did on panel before the reboot hit. 
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The New Cyborg comic that came out today as well also mentions that the first team he was ever on was the Teen Titans, with a flashback that looked like the 80s lineup.
Anyway, I went out of my way to establish what continuity I think we are working with, because since we’re back at the New Teen Titans lineup, there’s a lot of interesting parallels in this first issue. 
1. Garfield Logan / Beast Boy
A pretty commonly overlooked fact about Beast Boy is that he suffers from  C-PTSD, and depression. He’s basically been orphaned twice. This was especially prevalent in the start of New Teen Titans, because when the Doom Patrol had just recently died when Garfield joined the team. 
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Garfield’s mental illness is more disguised because unlike other comic book characters that tend to lash out a lot more (like say, no one is ever going to argue about the fact that Jason Todd has c-ptsd it’s pretty hard to miss there), Garfield instead spends most of his time playing off his trauma like it’s nothing to him. 
That’s not to say Garfield doesn’t lash out, he has multiple times. He’s tried to kill Slade Wilson, he nearly killed Madame Rogue (and then she died anyway). However, Garfield tends to spend a lot of time trying to hide his symptoms, so he can come off as a friendly, safe, reliable person to be around. 
Which is what makes Garfield so unique of a character to me, his unaddressed trauma manifests in subtle ways. Beast Boy’s immature, and kind of an eternal child because he doesn’t want to grow past his trauma since that would require facing it. He’s also like, compared to Dick Grayson who is a well-oiled machine who is THE LEADER, the HERO, a lot more incompetent and whiny. Which is because they have similiar traumas that manifest in different ways, Dick’s trauma makes him overwork himself to death trying to be good at his job as a hero because that’s the one thing he does well, and Beast Boy’s trauma makes him self sabotage. 
Beast Boy’s writing is unique because his trauma stunts his growth in a way that’s really down to earth and realistic. A lot of people complain about how fifteen year old Beast Boy is constantly making women uncomfortable by hitting on them, or how his relationship with Terra is about HIS FEELINGS and not hers and therefore selfish, and yeah, both of those things are true but it’s because Beast Boy is a child who doesn’t know how to behave that’s looking for validation and in this case he’s looking for it from women in his life. 
New Teen Titans isn’t the most progressive comic in the world, but the writers were aware of the fact Beast Boy’s behavior was not alright, he gets called a chauvinist multiple times. So Garfield is capable of being immature, selfish, and he can even have some toxic attitudes and deeply repressed anger and these things are all deeply hidden under the surface, because he’s also Beast Boy and he’s Baby. 
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The new Titans run has said that Beast Boy’s trauma from being shot by Slade Wilson in Dark Crisis is going to be one of the themes explored starting out in Titans, and as I’ve established above Beast Boy’s always been a sufferer of CPTSD. 
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The fact that it was Slade specifically who shot him too is interesting, because Beast Boy had a pretty long running relationship with Slade in new Teen Titans (more of a relationship than he ever did with Dick, TBH). Starting with the fact that Slade nearly murdered him, Beast Boy’s relationship with Terra, all led to a point where Beast Boy tried to murder Slade out of vengeance.
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Which is where I once again bring up the point that, Beast Boy’s just repressed all of his trauma he has not processed literally any of it. However, when Beast Boy tries to kill him, of all things what happens is they end up sitting down at a diner and talking things out. I have mixed opinions on this scene I definitely do not like the victim blaming of Terra that goes on, but there is something about Slade having just enough humanity to talk Beast Boy down off of a ledge. The gist of the conversation is more or less “Don’t become like me Beast Boy, I’m not a good person.” I credit Slade “I hate children, I’m glad I was never one of them” Wilson with having at least that much self-awareness. 
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It’s actually a pretty nuanced take to point out that Beast Boy only wanted to murder Slade, because he wanted to vent all of the hatred and anger he was holding inside of himself because he didn’t have any way to express it, and killing Slade for those reasons would not have made him feel better. 
After that conversation, Slade and Beast Boy have a weird relationship where Beast Boy starts seeing him as more human, to the point where when Slade becomes Deathstroke again post Titans Hunt he’s really disappointed in him because he wanted to see the good in him. Which makes sense because Beast Boy has like no healthy role models for masculinity in his life, of course he’d cling to one guy who was kind of nice to him once when he was at a low point. 
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So Beast Boy being shot by Slade of all people, and then rocking an eyepatch covering the same eye that Slade has missing is a neat visual parallel to Slade considering all their history. Which is interesting because Slade is an interesting foil to Beast Boy. Beast Boy has some hidden toxicity inside of him as a result of his trauma he has trouble processing, and which often causes him to act out, and Slade Wilson is toxic masculinity personified. 
Slade is also a sufferer from PTSD, he’s a vietnam vet, and evil captain america, he’s said multiple times in his series that coming back from war he basically felt nothing which is what made him adopt the Deathstroke persona. Slade’s like the worst, most toxic possible future for Beast Boy, the bad ending fromt he darkest timeline. It’s why he was the one who talked Beast Boy down from that ledge originally because Slade knew, that violence never fixed anything about him. 
In action comics 1051 they dive inside Beast Boy’s mind because post-dark crisis he’s been losing control of his transformation, and his inner world is represented by several angry animals lashing out to defend their territory, and then a little baby boy. Because Beast Boy is Baby, but like once again Beast Boy will act incredibly aggressive and violent to defend the child within himself. 
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Because Beast Boy’s reaction to his trauma has always been about hiding it. Which is more or less why the child within hasn’t grown up. So considering all of his past trauma, if they’re still in continuity then you could even look at being shot by Slade as him being re-traumatized. Especially since he’s almost been killed by Slade in the past before, and it was a pretty major trauma for him at the time too. 
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It seems like in this issue, Beast Boy’s way of dealing it so far has been his usual one too, which is just to you know, avoidance and passing himself off as fine. He transforms into a mouse in his sleep because Beast Boy wants to pass himself as harmless and someone its okay to be around. 
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The sentiment in this first panel though, sort of reminds me of what Beast Boy said to Raven in the last issue of the 2003 Teen Titans run, about taking the good with the bad. 
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Which you know if we’re really just continuing Beast Boy and Raven’s relationship from where they were in 2003, growth for Beast Boy because he’s not just seeking validation in a relationship as a way to fix himself, he’s just looking for comfort and support from his partner. 
Okay, that was the longest section of the post, but I like Beast Boy so I’m biased. Moving on!
2. Raven / Rachel Roth 
Raven’s New Teen Titans characterization, and her post revival in 2003 characterization are wildly different. This might just be me wanting her old characterization back, but I caught a couple of signs of old Raven in this first issue? The first is the way she talks, she’s not being snippy or sarcastic she’s talking in a kind of reserved, stiff and formal way. 
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The second thing is she’s not throwing things around with telekinesis or participating in the fight, while everyone else was fighting we saw her doing crowd control and teleporting which is what New Teen Titans Raven did. She had two moves which was teleporting in and out of places, and calming people down. 
3. Dick Grayson / Nightwing
There’s not much character work for Dick per-se in this first issue, but the push DC is doing to have the Titans finally step up and act in the place of the new Justice League has a lot of implication for Dick’s character. 
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Number one, the move to Bludhaven means that for the first time in decades being the leader of the Titans is a big priority for Dick’s character again. Basically post Dick quitting the team, and the Chuck Dixon era, Dick operated solo in Bludhaven for a long time, and even when the team reformed with Dick as a leader he was still operating solo out of the Bludhaven which I always thought didn’t make a lot of sense to split his focus like that. 
Moving the Titans Tower to Bludhaven pretty much solves that problem, it allows Dick to still have solo Nightwing things in Bludhaven, but also make being team leader a priority of his character as it ought to be. Not only does most of Dick’s character development come from separating himself from Batman and being with the Teen Titans, it’s also just Dick’s greatest strength as a character is his leadership skills so when he’s separated from the TItans he loses that aspect of his character. 
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Number two, the Titans replacing the Justice League as the mai defender of worldwide threats. Which is again, another good move for Dick’s character. Dick was never going to join the justice league, he can’t be Batman because honestly he’s already better than him. If DC actually sticks to their guns here and lets the Titans actually step up it’s a pretty interesting premise. 
The Titans have handled worldwide threats before, so it’s not really a problem of whether or not they’re strong enough. The Titans in their prime weren’t really a one-city team, they flew all over the place and got into all sorts of adventures. The lack of members isn’t really a problem either, unless you’re watching Justice League unlimited, it’s usually just one core team of members with the Titans, and the Titans have a bunch of auxiliary members they can call on. However, there is one pretty big difference between the League and the Titans which would make them function differently. 
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The League are Earth’s Greatest Heroes, they’re like the All-Star Team that gets handpicked from the best of the major leaguers. They don’t really have the kind of complex in-group relationships that the Titans do. The Titans on the other hand are just kind of a bunch of traumatized kids who were thrown together at one point. As a whole too, the Titans are more likely to work without the system than within it. 
So, there is an interesting conflict you could set up for Dick which is to have the Titans take on the level responsibility that the Justice League had, but with a team that functions in almost an entirely different way than the Justice League did, because they’re living together and they all grew up together. The Titans solving the Justice League level problems, but learning to do it in the Titans way. 
4. Aqualad / Garth
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So, Garth’s totally been brainwashed by Brother Blood, right? 
On a more serious note, the scene with Garth is interesting because both Garth and Roy have been despite being founding members, more like sixth stringers of the Teen Titans as a whole throughout most of the Titans runs. Basically the only run where they are regular members of the team is the Titans run in the 90s. 
One of the events that caused the breakup of the original Teen Titans from the silver age is the fact that Garth was so insecure about his place on the team that he literally faked an illness so he wouldn’t have to go out on missions. 
If he’s not being brainwashed though, Tom Taylor has explored ideas of the atlanteans being a little more extreme about environmentalism before in the Injustice 2 comic. It’s a potentially interesting plot-thread considering DC recently has been taking a more sympathetic view of environmental extremists like Poison Ivy making them lean more into being anti-villains / anti-heroes. 
It could be an interesting turn for Garth, because he is a distant member of the team, and he’s also got other priorities besides being a hero on the surface. I for one, think it would be great if Garth turned into Namor, but that’s just my huge crush on Namor speaking. 
That’s pretty much all of my thoughts for now. If you enjoyed me rambling about Beast Boy, and some other nerds whatever their names were, please feel free to send me asks!
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A fanfic idea I've always had for HalBarry that I've BEEN WANTINGGG to write is a mission dealing with the Music Meister but the whole thing turns into confessing to each other about how they feel infront of everyone but through a musical style. Music Meister's power is being able to sing and control people to sing AND dance. I also want to mix the ability of CW Music Meister, his powers contain the ability of creating this figment that is like a sorta daydream sequence. (That's so silly and cool I love it and he's also my favorite villain in general but there's barely anything on him)
I'm still debating what songs they would sing but it would be based on how they feel INTERNALLY and through complex topics like what they are worried about. For example, from gaining the feeling that they'd lose the other if confessing was the way or being afraid of saying the truth directly to someone OR entering a relationship at all. ("What would they say? How would they react? What do I look like to them??" etc. etc.)
Give the other JL members little song sequences and singing. 'If Only He Can Love Me' duet between Dinah and Ollie in Brave and The Bold... OR BRUCE BEING ABLE TO SING. ARTHUR TOO, he's so silly in that episode.
I'm also including Music Meister HEAVILY from 'Mayhem of The Music Meister!' from Batman: The Brave And The Bold S1 E25. Having Neil Patrick Harris be Music Meister for that...I'm amazing. ANDDD AND, the fact that Neil also played Barry Allen in DC: The New Frontier film
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thevindicativevordan · 7 months
What do you think about these rumors about Scott Snyder launching some sort of ''Ultimate DC''? And also, if you were tasked with such a job, what would you do?
Alright so for those of you not obsessing over DC rumors, Bleeding Cool claims that the word going around NYCC was that Scott Snyder has signed on to curate an "Ultimate DC" line of books. Quoting them:
Whatever this DC Ultimate Universe-style publishing line is, it is expected to be bigger and more comprehensive than Marvel's Ultimate line was – or will be. And it will also encapsulate a lot of classic DC Comics continuity, reshaped and refigured for the modern day, and emphasising creative freedom. Earlier attempts to mirror the Ultimate Universe with the Earth One graphic novel didn't go entirely as planned. But this… whatever it is… is meant to be very different.
Do I think there's merit to these rumors? Surprisingly yes. Now I have two other things to add to what BC shared: First off, I think Scott Snyder seeded the base for this at the end of Death Metal.
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Remember "Earth Alpha", the Elseworld introduced at the end of Death Metal? Set up as the replacement for Earth 0 as the center of the Multiverse? It had a twin, Earth Omega, which became Darkseid's prison and was followed up on in Infinite Frontier. Earth Alpha however was seemingly forgotten and never touched on again. Apparently Williamson was asked about that and all he could say is that it was another creator's story to tell. Given Williamson is the one who brought back the Parallax Hal from Convergence when everyone else had forgotten the guy, he's not one to just ignore huge loose ends like there being another Earth which is at the center of the Multiverse. Snyder probably left this as a backdoor for him to do his "Ultimate DC" line if he ever came back, which is why Williamson never brought it up.
Second, someone on reddit shared that they had talked to Snyder around the time Death Metal was wrapping up, the two of them went to the same LCS, and he shared that Snyder told him he was pitching this. Seems Snyder was talking about his plans for Superman under this initiative, which that person thought sounded cool. Rando making unverifiable claims for attention? Maybe, but Snyder has always been bad at keeping secrets. I stopped reading his interviews because he would spoil entire lines of dialogue word for word. Doesn't feel at all unbelievable that he would share something like this.
I bet Snyder pitched a "Alpha Universe" starring the classic heroes while Didio did 5G with the main guys. We know Snyder was not on board with the 5G plans, to the point he asked Morrison to help him stage an "intervention". This likely was envisioned by him as an alternative: Didio could do his radical reboot, while Snyder and co reimagined the classic heroes on a new Earth. Understandable why Didio would reject that - if all your big names are working on the classic heroes, who would want to read the 5G guys? Who would read Luke/Jace Fox Batman while there's a new Bruce Wayne ongoing? Much like Earth One got rendered pointless via the New 52, 5G would have been overshadowed by the "Alpha DC".
Now though, I could see something like this happening. It's a chance to do the New 52 right, the mainline continuity is all fucked up, DC needs an easy way in for new fans. Gunn is about to reboot DC in theaters, perfect time to roll out a new onboarding for casuals that everyone hopes are going to check out Superman: Legacy. And just like how Gunn is going to start his new universe with Superman, I bet Snyder is going to be writing the "Alpha Superman" book. Towards the end of his tenure at DC, he was on something of a Superman kick: Supes and Lex both had very key roles in Last Knight on Earth, Lex was obviously a big part of his JL run, he gave Supes a lot of cool moments in Death Metal, etc. I think he finally clicked with the character and had an idea for what to do with him. Might be he is finally coming back to do his shot. I noticed he was taking lots of pics with other DC creators at NYCC this year: King, Taylor, Aaron, Kaminski, Williamson. Perhaps those were the guys he was talking to about this line? Hope he brings in some new blood, confident he will since in the past he either directly brought in creators like Tynion, or mentored those who eventually found their way to DC like Rosenberg and PKJ.
TL:DR I do believe this is happening, I think it will be called Alpha DC, I think Snyder will be writing the Alpha Superman book, and I expect we will get an announcement at SDCC 2024 if I'm right.
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As for what I would do, part of why the original Ultimate Marvel line succeeded was that they kept the line small. Four books at most: USM, Ultimates, UXM, and UF4 with the occasional mini here or there. Hickman's new line seems set to maintain that number. BC claims that this will be much larger in scope, which frankly I think is a mistake. Copy the number of Ultimate Marvel books at 4, and here's the lineup I would do:
Alpha Superman - Do the basic concept of the New 52 Superman as envisioned by Morrison again. Clark Kent is just starting out in his career, around six months in. He's wearing an outfit with a Fleschier style symbol, it can be either the t-shirt and jeans or a proper suit, I don't care. He can't even fly yet merely leap, he's working at the Daily Star not the Planet, he's roommates with Jimmy Olsen, and he's not dating Lois yet. Do not pair Clark with Lois or with Diana, do something else. I'd pair him with Leslie Williams, they both co-host a podcast for the Daily Star and are dating, with the relationship going south after Leslie becomes Livewire. Since they're alive on Earth 0, kill the Kents here. Pa is likely going to be dead in Superman: Legacy anyway. First year should focus on Superman fighting Ultra-Humanite, Intergang, Toyman, and Bloodsport. Brainiac and Lobo show up for Year 2. Scott Snyder writing and Miguel Mendonca on art.
Alpha Batman - Don't envy anyone trying to launch yet another Batman reboot, but I guess the appeal of this could be seeing Bruce actually start off alone, recruit Dick Grayson for Robin, and get to grow from there? It's Batman there's nothing new left to do with him, but a gritty realistic Batman book could compliment the over the top nature of the main Bat book. Get Christopher Priest to write and Ivan Reis to draw.
The Alpha Authority - The big twist of this universe under me is that Superman does inaugurate the age of superheroes - but not the age of superhumans. Those have been around for a while, but metahumans are forced to serve their governments as WMDs. A new kind of war has covered the globe - the Super War. Everyone is racing to create the most powerful metahuman, and the Authority serve as America's metahuman defense under the umbrella of Stormwatch. Their current mission: retrieving the Century Baby Jenny Quantum, reincarnation of Jenny Sparks, who has just manifested her powers in Singapore, before rival nations can acquire her. Si Spurrier writing, Jorge Jimenez on art.
Alpha Shadowpact - Our magic team composed of Zatanna, Swamp Thing, Constantine, Dr. Fate (Khalid), Deadman, Detective Chimp, and Etrigan. Khalid is the new guy and point of view character for the audience. He just recently finished training with his grandfather Kent Nelson, and has inherited the mantle. For ages magic has slumbered, but the birth of Tim Hunter has changed all that. The Books of Magic have manifested and every magician and sorcerer across the world is seeking them out, for they hold secrets of magic long forgotten, as well as the way to unlock new magical sources of power. And of course Tim himself has drawn the attention of everyone, for he is fated to be magic's brightest hero or it's darkest villain. PKJ writing and Rafa Sandoval on art.
In this new world, Superman and Batman are the first of a new kind of breed: superheroes. Outlaws with powers or tech who refuse to bow to governments. Ultimately I would have the World's Finest first team-up come about to bring down the Authority and Stormwatch, which threatens to turn the Super War hot as now America no longer has it's metahuman protectors. A new team must form to replace the Authortiy - a Justice League Alpha. The Authority book would last for about three years, and then give way to the Justice League book. I could see a Wonder Woman book happening later if the sales are good, but everyone else would just get minis. You would have to read JLA to get updates on Aquaman, GL, The Flash, Vixen, and Martian Manhunter. Is that would Snyder is going to do? Probably not. I expect he will have all seven of the Leaguers get books, but I hope he holds off on a JL book for a while. Build the universe up first, then do the big team up.
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Tonight's movie is gonna be Venom.
Mostly because I found something out about Eddie that I can guarantee I could've lived without, but what's done is done.
....I'm never gonna be able to watch any movie with Venom in it the same....
Apparently, Eddie is aroused by Venom.
I could've lived without that knowledge (I've never read the comics)
You all probably could've lived without that knowledge
Anyway, I'll be back to share my thoughts on the movie once I get it up and playing after dinner.
Space. The final frontier. These are the-
Wrong movie.
Spaceship crashed in East Malaysia.
At least it wasn't New York
Let's go inside it!
Venom's so dramatic! I love him.
He's like s husky.
The movie score only adds to this point.
Eddie's a mood.
"Meeting? Oh, shot, yeah. My meeting."
Eddie and Peter would get on like a house on fucking Fire.
Eddie would hate Tony, no matter the fact that he no longer makes weapons.
Oooooo! He snoopin'!
He snoopin'!
Eddie's gone off script. He's revealed info he's not supposed to be privy to.
There goes his job.
There goes his girl
Poor Annie.
Poor Eddie.
Subtle, Venom. Very subtle.
Eddie's sloched.
Homeless lady is absolutely awesome. What a deal she ran.
The store clerk is also a queen. She doesn't deserve the gun to the face.
Eddie's a good guy.
Poor Eddie. Can't even hear his own scream of frustration at his shitty neighbor.
Also, Drake is giving Supervillain vibes.
"No need to be frightened," my ass.
Starting human trials the minute a single animal trial is successful.
And now he's twisting the Christian Bible to suit his needs. Just like Christans
Poor Issac was not prepared to be possessed by a symbiote.
Ope, now he's dead.
Doris! She's cool.
Eddie won't even give her the time of day.
It's kinda funny. If we ignore the context of why she's approached Eddie.
I love Eddie.
Doris is having none of his shit.
It's funny.
Hi Venom.
Eddie is suddenly a lot stronger than he remembers and is very confused.
He's also very thirsty and very hungry.
I wonder how much fun Tom Hardy had with this role.
Venom: "Eddie."
Eddie: "Wtf?!!"
Basically their first meeting: Venom: Oogily Boogily Bitch!!
I mistook the other symbiote as Venom. Forgive me. Either way, I maintain that Venom is a dramatic bitch.
Poor Eddie did not sign up for this.
Dan is chill.
Poor Venom does not like the MRI.
Poor Eddie.
I love Venom. He's a little murder puppy.
Don't do it, Doris! Don't trust him!
Damn it.
I told ya not to.
I know Eddie's from NYC, living in LA, but he's such a Midwesterner
Is being restrained to a wall, I foot in the air: "You have a brain tumor, Eddie."
I love him so much.
I also love his bike.
Look at Venom keeping Eddie alive!
Venom!!! Look who's come out to play!
Venom has no lips. Hos smile is literally all teeth
Also, him threatening Eddie to cooperate or die as if they don't become best friends (friends with benefits in the comics.....kinda) is based.
I'm literally Eddie, dude!! 🤣🤣
"Jump." doesn't jump. "Pussy."
Also, Eddie and Venom working in tandem after only knowing each other for two hours at most is amazing. I wish I had a friend like that.
DC reference!!
Venom is an anti hero.
I'm sending a pattern with some of my favorite characters. Deadpool, Red Hood, Venom.... they're all anti heros.
I love Venom and Eddie. They're besties already.
Drake just got a symbiote.
Venom doesn't like Dan. He likes Anne, though.
"What happened to 'we'?" "We're done."
Eddie, you sound like you just broke up with him.
Venom, do nOT-! And he's possessed the dog.
Comic Book Eddie is a monster fucker!!🤣🤣
Drake, stfu.
Your symbiote said "I" before you corrected him to "We". You are expendable to him, Drake.
Anne as Venom!!
Venom made Anne and Eddie kiss!
.........I can see how similar comic and movie Eddie are.........whether on purpose or on accident.
"What made you change your mind?"
"You did, Eddie."
They are in love, your honor!
Or they could just be besties to the end. Either way, they have a great relationship and I love them.
Venom, hurry and save him!!
I think he's angy...
You can't just save the world and peace out like that, Venom!! That's not how that works.
I can't wait for Along Came A Spider to come out.
Venom's playing wingman for Eddie. He's failing, but he's trying and it's based.
Stan Lee Cameo!!!
Eddie setting ground rules?
Venom following them?
Eddie allowing Venom to eat bad people?
"Bad guy?"
Venom threatening Bad Guy™ by calling him a turd and then eating him is so funny.
"We are Venom."
I love it.
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legacy-hq · 5 months
𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙇𝙚𝙜𝙖𝙘𝙮.
"We stand today on the edge of a New Frontier.."
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Quick Nav -- Atlas | Rules | Taken | Apply
Admin Activity Schedules -- Morph (always) | Pepper (at random)
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Brief Write Up -- LEGACY, also known as Legacy HQ or Earth-10, is a multifandom Discord roleplay server that encompasses both Marvel & DC along with their derivatives, MCU, DCEU, and the future DCU. On an Earth where both have somehow collided, Legacy is character-driven and plot-based, promoting the old chestnut of communication above all else. 
We find our heroes attempting to acclimate to this rapid lifestyle change within this newfound and complex frontier. With more heroes and even more villains seeping into our basic society, it is hard to maintain some sense of normalcy. The world has become much more extensive between Gods, Spiders, wealthy industrialists, foreboding champions, and time-traveling companions. The people involved just didn't know it yet.
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Notes -- All graphics were and will be made by Admin Pepper; Write up / Formatting was done by Admin Morpheus. We also do utilize fandoms for certain things; specifically Morpheus' created Wiki known as Donuts.
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legacyhqpromo · 5 months
𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙇𝙚𝙜𝙖𝙘𝙮.
"We stand today on the edge of a New Frontier.."
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Quick Nav -- Atlas | Rules | Taken | Apply | Discord
Admin Activity Schedules -- Morph (always) | Pepper ( evenings )
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Brief Write Up -- LEGACY, also known as Legacy HQ or Earth-10, is a multifandom Discord roleplay server that encompasses both Marvel & DC along with their derivatives, MCU, DCEU, and the future DCU. On an Earth where both have somehow collided, Legacy is character-driven and plot-based, promoting the old chestnut of communication above all else. 
We find our heroes attempting to acclimate to this rapid lifestyle change within this newfound and complex frontier. With more heroes and even more villains seeping into our basic society, it is hard to maintain some sense of normalcy. The world has become much more extensive between Gods, Spiders, wealthy industrialists, foreboding champions, and time-traveling companions. The people involved just didn't know it yet.
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Notes -- All graphics were and will be made by Admin Pepper; Write up / Formatting was done by Admin Morpheus. We also do utilize fandoms for certain things; specifically Morpheus' created Wiki known as Donuts.
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Dead Cells Animated Series Premieres Next Year
Dead Cells joins the growing list of video games getting animated series adaptations with a show based on the popular action roguelike slated to arrive next year.
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XDefiant Open Beta Launches June, Full Game Later This Summer
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After a series of closed beta periods, XDefiant is ready for public testing. Announced during today's Ubisoft Forward, the series-spanning mashup shooter will enter into a brief open beta period later this month, from June 21-23. The event will be available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.
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Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector Announced
Today's PC Gaming Show presented an exciting update, and much sooner than expected: Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector is currently in development.
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Dead Island 2 roadmap details two story expansions
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The first expansion, Haus, will arrive in the fourth quarter of 2023, with the second, SOLA Festival, following in the second quarter of 2024.
Both expansions are included in the game’s $29.99 / £24.99 Expansion Pass.
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Overwatch 2's first story missions are coming August 10th, along with a new PvP mode and Support hero
Blizzard may have abandoned their plans for a fully-fledged Overwatch 2 PvE mode, but they do still want to tell us some stories. They've just announced Overwatch 2: Invasion, a big update that'll include three story missions, a new PVP game mode, a new Support hero and a handful of hero-specific training missions. It'll land on August 10th.
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Microsoft Reveals 1TB SSD Xbox Series S
For those in the market for an Xbox Series S with more storage, Microsoft has unveiled a 1-terabyte SSD model of the console that launches on September 1. This carbon black version of the slimmer Xbox boasts roughly double the storage of its original white counterpart. That also means it’s more expensive, retailing for a hundred bucks more at $349.
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Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora’s release date has been confirmed
Revealed during Ubisoft Forward, the game based on the James Cameron Avatar franchise will release on December 7.
A trailer shown off during Ubisoft Forward showed a Na’Vi using rifles and other human weaponry. It also gave a brief glimpse at the open world of Pandora. The game will see the player fighting against another invading human threat.
13 Game Pass Titles Announced At Xbox Extended Showcase 2023
The Bookwalker: Thief Of Tales (June 22, 2023)
Techtonica (July 18, 2023)
The Wandering Village (July 20, 2023)
Sea Of Stars (August 29, 2023)
The Lamplighters League (October 3, 2023)
Mineko's Night Market (October 26, 2023)
Galacticare (Late 2023)
Another Crab's Treasure (Early 2024)
Harold Halibut (Early 2024)
Lightyear Frontier (Early 2024)
Go Mecha Ball (2024)
Little Kitty Big City (2024)
Neon White (TBD)
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PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium June lineup
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As June rolls along, both tiers will gain access to the following titles:
Far Cry 6
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge
Rogue Legacy 2
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Killing Floor 2
Lonely Mountains: Downhill
Vampire: The Masquerade – Coteries of New York
Hundred Days: Winemaking Simulator
A Hat in Time
Dodgeball Academia
The Wild at Heart
Redout 2
MX vs ATV Legends
PAW Patrol Mighty Pups: Save Adventure Bay!
My Friend Peppa Pig
DC League of Super-Pets: The Adventures of Krypto and Ace
The Talos Principle: Deluxe Edition
Elex 2
While Premium tier subscribers also get the below:
Killzone: Liberation (PSP)
Worms (PS1)
Herc’s Adventures (PS1)
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Embracer announces "comprehensive restructuring program" to close studios, cut jobs
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Embracer has announced a "comprehensive restructuring program" which will result in studio closures, project cancellations and job losses.
The Swedish umbrella company has grown enormously through acquisitions over the past five years, and now owns a swathe of studios such as Tomb Raider developer Crystal Dynamics, Borderlands maker Gearbox, rights to franchises such as The Lord of the Rings, and an array of other publishers such as Plaion, Saber and THQ Nordic.
But while amassing its empire, Embracer is yet to see a big return. Last year's big bet, its Saints Row reboot, was a critical and commercial failure. More recently, the company suffered a body blow when a major unannounced $2bn deal fell through, prompting its shares to plummet by an eye-watering 40 percent.
Today's reckoning seeks to make Embracer a "leaner, stronger and a more focused, self-sufficient company", the company's boss Lars Wingefors wrote in an open letter published this morning.
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cluepoke-archive · 1 year
hiiii!!! any thoughts/opinions about hal or any other lanterns? ^_^
NOT MANY... but I think about them alll the time... I used to read stacks of my parents old comic issues and I have such a huge core memory of seeing Kyle for the first time and really loving his character despite only having like. Two issues...(their was alot of batman and daredevil and xmen comics... not much gl!! But but!!! I did recently look through the old stack again and read through some old JL comics that heavily featured Guy Gardner and my interest is SO PEAKED I never thought about him much before now..) I need to get into reading about the lanterns properlly SO BAD.. I've read a little on spectre but I want to get my hands on a physical copy soon...
Fun fact though? I grew up reading darwyne cookes new Frontiers and I thought that was canon DC for SO SO LONG that looking at hal from other writers just. Makes my brain insane wdym his dad wasn't kia during ww2 and hal didn't suffer some sort of Korean war related ptsd and almost became an astronaut and. raHHHH. I swear I was so entranced by hals whole arc in New frontiers and it's always in the back of my mind the writing and art is so stunning and the composition of the animated movie is really good too... it was just so Bold to me as a kid. And shocking!! And also!!! Batman changed his whole costume based off ONE(1) Kid being afraid of his appearance at the begining and it always stuck out to me and I'm SORRY I've gone off on a tangent here!!
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