#bag pipes
scotianostra · 11 months
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On June 6th 1944 Allied forces stormed the beaches of Northern France on what became known as D-Day.
There were no doubt many acts of bravery on that day when the tide started to turn against the Nazi regime that ultimately ended World War Two. I shall concentrate on one, but will also tell you about a German sniper that day and a wee tenuous brave Canadian.
‘Piper’ Bill Milllin landed on Sword Beach on the Coast of Normandy as part of the 1st Special Service Brigade in the second wave of the operation.
Pipers were banned from being on the frontline during the Second World War because of the number of casualties seen during the First World War. The enemy figured out that the piper helped boost morale to the Allied troops, and they were slaughtered because of this. This led the War Office to restrict their presence in camps as well as on the frontline.
Millin pointed this out to his Commanding Officer  Brigadier Lord "Shimi" Lovat  Fraser, hereditary chief of the Clan Fraser, who was a law unto himself. “Ah, but that’s the English War Office, Millin,” Lovat told him. “You and I are both Scottish so that doesn’t apply.”
As Bill Millin embarked from the landing craft and waded through chest high water making his way toward dry land, high above his head he carried his pipes, the only weapon he would need that day. Around him bullets flew, mortar shells exploded Bill_Millin1and his friends, comrades and countrymen died, but Bill carried onward.
It was what came next that made Bill Millin a legend! Lord Lovat, the Chief of Clan Fraser and Brigadier of the 2,500 commandos, instructed the 21 year old Bill Millin to fire up his pipes and play a tune to inspire the men. And with the five words ‘Give us “Highland Laddie” man!’, the Legend of ‘Piper’ Bill was born.
Amid the carnage and destruction Bill Millin played as he had never played before. While marching up and down the beach of Normandy, Millin played the tunes ‘Hielan’ Laddie’, ‘The Road to the Isles’ and ‘Blue Bonnets over the Border’, and at one point added ‘The Nut Brown Maiden’ for a redheaded French girl who had strayed out of her home.
The day would see Millin and his unit march four miles inland to a point known as Pegasus Bridge, which was a strategically vital point for the German 21st Panzer Division. D-Day was the turning point in the Allies’ battle against Hitler and ‘Piper’ Bill Millin stands a reminder of the bravery and sacrifice made by ordinary people in extraordinary times.
Facing the soldiers coming ashore that day was Horst Hrubesh, German machine gunner, he too can be seen as a hero of sorts, if you read the poem he penned, I will let you decide;
Scottish soldier play your pipes
Even though your in my sights
Just like me you have a wife
I aim above your head
For full five minutes i fire up high
Keep my bullets up in the sky
No mad piper, you will not die
I will not lay you dead.
Now at my Nazi captains call
He wonders why you do not fall
They drag me from my post in haste
Another gunner i am replaced
In a cell now i await
Whats sure to be a bloody fate
Jack boots stamp across the yard
By my cell with windows barred
Soldier friends i stood beside
Now gather in a long straight line
Blindfold no i did decline
To see their faces full of guilt
As they take my life for i shalt not kill.
Horst Hrubesh was German , but not a nazi, he paid the price for his act on D Day.
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The third person to get a mention today is James M. Doohan who landed ashore at Juno beach. Later that day se would be shot 6 times, survive and go on to become Scotty on Star Trek.
Doohan was a commissioned lieutenant with the 14th Field Artillery Regiment of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division, and was tasked with invading an area of Normandy code-named Juno Beach. As the meme states, Doohan successfully led his men across the beach littered with anti-tank mines, and also managed to take out two German snipers:
Lieutenant Doohan was however not shot by a German sniper. He had been shot by a nervous, trigger-happy Canadian sentry.
Doohan said. "We landed safely, thank God, through those Y-shaped steel barriers you see in the film, tracer bullets, all that, none of our men hurt, and dashed 75 yards to the 7-foot tall dunes," Doohan said. 
"Crossed a minefield, found out about it later: It was meant to blow up tanks, and we weren't heavy enough. Moved up through a down - hardly a town just a village - called Graye Sur Mer, saw a church tower that was a machine-gun post, firing off to our left. 
Doohan took out the machine-gun post with a couple of shots. "I don't know if they were killed or wounded, but it shut them up," he said.  The Canadian soldier later said he didn't notice the gunshot wounds in his legs until he got to the medic who told him;
'You also have four bullets in your left knee.' I said: 'Well, I walked here.'"
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temiree · 1 year
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A very Celtic colored sketch page commission for DJBlueWolf, featuring their character, Darian! This was an interesting one to do, having to draw a few things I've never drawn before. =P
DJ gave me some great music that he attributes to this character. You can listen to it here; it's a banger! -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U28W_TyJUhQ
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t13shoots · 1 year
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sportsandlaughs · 1 year
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hezigler · 2 years
Watch "they said she couldn't play BLUES on BAGPIPES..." on YouTube
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thefisherqueen · 1 year
This makes me so happy
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thimbleb3rries · 4 months
Happy holidays! :D
They are decorating cookies 🫶
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my silly little guys omg i could just scrunch them up and put them in my pocket they are so beloved to me
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twistedcerulean · 1 year
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My girl Twizzly Gummy Cookie ordered absolute CHAOS, froze the game, didn't leave a review, paid with ghost coins that didn't even count, left with the cake, AND THEN CAME BACK as if the cake never existed. I am stuck in a time loop. This game is self-aware.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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Old Town
Random pics from Edinburgh Old Town
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asexualbookbird · 28 days
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I'm tired! So no gif! Slim month for reading, but I did some neat crafts and made great progress on Secret Knitting Project I. Kicked some ass at Project Sekai, started rewatching Leverage, life goes on.
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The Foxglove King by Hannah Whitten ⭐⭐ - A strong start, but it quickly went downhill once we got to the court. It was boring, everyone sucks, and the magic is not as cool as it originally seemed to be.
Among Thieves by MJ Kuhn ⭐½ - I was SO hyped for this when it was released. It's been sitting on my shelf since because of who I am as a person, like an IMPOSTER. Took more than half the book just to get to the heist, and the heist wasn't even GOOD. Too many POVs, no one felt fleshed out enough, and the Secrets were just handed to the reader in the first third. It will no longer live on my shelf.
Mislaid in Parts Half Know by Seanan McGuire ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - not my favorite Wayward book, but still enjoyable. I thought it rehashed the ending of Antsy's last book a little too much, but it was nice to see more of her and go back to the Store. Also loved seeing Kade's Door and Cora's ending.
I have one (1) concrete book plan for April, and that's Midnight Riot by Ben Aaronovitch. Consider me successfully bullied (friendly). I very much want to finish Secret Knitting Project I so I can move on to Secret Sewing Projects and Momther's Blanket I'm still waiting on a few audio holds too, so that will be fun for crafting purposes. Haven't been in the mood to do much art, but I have some fun ideas for paint! Let's go!
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illustratus · 4 days
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Childhood Friends by Carl Spitzweg
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idrawstuffo-o · 4 months
I made one piece sugar cookies!
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projectmayhem-stims · 1 month
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🎀 🎀 🎀
🌸 🌸 🌸
💕 💕 💕
4: Your Favorite Color: pink!!! i also really like black, but theres so many nice pink stims, so i went with pink!!
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horrors be damned the magnus protocol knows how to be funny.
you’re telling me that this guy got really into crypto and ruined his reputation before running off a cliff to get money. and then he survives only to get attacked by A Creature™️ while leaving a very angry voicemail because he actually lost money by jumping off a cliff. i’m so here for it
the ARTISTRY of putting this right after hits such as “fnaf-ified mr blobby ruins a bachelors party by ripping everyone’s arms off and eating people at the strip club (episode titled “getting off” for a lovely touch)” and “passionate horror movie fan ignored the genre he was in to watch a movie called voyeur which he decidedly does not like.”
fruity man made of needles calls 911 while hugging a man to death and doxxes the operator when he doesn’t think he’s scary? impeccable? losing my shit?
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hezigler · 2 years
Watch "they said she couldn't play BLUES on BAGPIPES..." on YouTube
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ribbononline · 8 months
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oh yeah non garde fusions masterpost, featuring a lot of miltank
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