#average skyrim fan doing average skyrim things
calhaspam · 2 years
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bigjimbopickens · 11 months
hi sorry to bother you i know this is like a dead issue now but i was a massive fan of kevin before the hogwarts legacy shit, i’m a trans guy and i stopped watching him because of it. i really miss his content though, his channel is pretty much all the games i like and my sense of humour, but i feel so conflicted about wanting to go back to his content. i was just curious what your thought process was around rejoining the cult? i know it’s kinda weird to ask now since it’s been like 6 months since it happened but i feel really weird about it.
also like. no pressure to answer i don’t know if this is crossing a line or anything sorry
It’s okay don’t worry :) enough time has passed, to me at least. Tbh this is the first I’ve heard about this in a while lol.
It’s okay to feel conflicted. I don’t speak for everyone here but everyone I talk to regularly has forgiven him but won’t forget that this happened.
I do believe he learned from this, he hasn’t done anything HP related since then, besides for a few ps1 Hagrid cameos (which is fine, ps1 Hagrid has been a channel meme for a while). I just hope this doesn’t age poorly.
What started getting me back was a bit after the apology post I noticed that other YouTubers were doubling down on their decisions or just not saying anything, including ones I used to respect. Even though I wished Kevin did more than just a Reddit post, I’m glad he didn’t stay silent and admitted he fucked up. His intention wasn’t malicious, unlike a lot of other creators, which is why I was more forgiving with him compared to others. Though I still lost a lot of respect which was regained over time.
Oddly enough what got me to really respect him again was his video on those American Superpastors and Megachurches. Having grown up in one (though in Canada, they exist here but aren’t as big) it was very healing. He couldn’t say it because he didn’t want to get sued, but he was very heavily implying that he believes it’s all a huge scam and they’re exploiting people. But he’s right, I’ve witnessed it myself. Never would’ve expected him to make a video like that and be so bold with it. I’m glad Europeans see what goes on here and think “what the fuck?!” Great video definitely recommend.
Other than that, mainly just enough time passed where I no longer feel that way. I missed the sense of community which is why I rejoined the fandom but it’s not my main one anymore. I mostly do my own thing these days. It was awesome going to Vancoufur as Werewolf Jim and meeting CMK fans there too, I could’ve sworn I was the only British Columbian in the entire fandom. Though I don’t fully trust the fandom still, mainly people I don’t recognize. But not anyone here, Tumblr isn’t really the site for those people.
Not much else has really changed in his content, just no more HP videos in general (as of July 22, 2023) and the fast-paced editing has mostly stopped. He now only uploads on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays now + any 2nd channel content, song covers or streams. The community has changed a lot though. The Reddit protests caused the subreddit to shut down so it’s gone, so there’s now no longer one big gathering spot besides Discord, which is the one side of the community I’m not in.
It’s really your choice if you wanna start watching again, anonymous user. Do whatever makes you happy :)
Since this is related, I haven’t heard a thing about HL since February. It really was just a mid game that was only popular because it was controversial. Transphobes really spent a lot of money on this, they’re the real losers. I know single player games get less players overtime but a lot of them still get talked about, replayed or are still relevant. Idk just my thoughts. If you really want a magic game with custom spells, play Oblivion’s Mages Guild questline or modded Skyrim.
Also sorry if I got back to this so late. I haven’t had a stable connection for a while until now. I’ve been away, escaping wildfires. Average Canadian summer activities.
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venacoeurva · 1 year
IRT the slavery jokes, and the tag about how bad it must have been years ago: I’ve been in the fandom for almost twenty years, and it honestly wasn’t too bad until Oblivion came out? The fandom shifted from quiet nerds to mainstream very quickly. Could be that I was insulated to some specific forums where the biggest drama was “stop asking us where the puzzle cube is” and one of the mods wanted to make dremoras and atronachs kiss, but I don’t remember much in the way of slavery jokes and offensive bullshit until Oblivion happened and attracted a bunch of randos, a lot of whom were edgy teens who started the whole thing. Worryingly, a lot of people also came in and played Morrowind out of curiosity, then walked away thinking the whole Dunmer xenophobia thing was “cool.”
HOMOPHOBIA, on the other hand, was a big deal even before Oblivion. Lots of people gnashing their teeth over Vivec being canonically bi and AlienSlof making mods that had assless chaps for men. It’s kind of funny that Voryn/Nerevar is the big ship nowadays because I can still remember all the dudes who felt personally threatened by mesh shirts for elves, and screaming “IM NOT GAY” while staring at the Nude Better Bodies option on GameSpy.
Yeah, I can see that happening (keep in mind I was like 6 when mw came out and I wasn't exactly Online), Oblivion promo was everywhere around when it came out and permeated everything for YEARS (at least around here, everyone had it, everyone was playing it, same with Skyrim, but I feel like Oblivion was a BIG big thing because the high fantasy sort of appeal, the lore wasn't prohibitive for new players, and it looked graphically ambitious for the time). I think the aughts were around when being a Gamer started being seen as a semi-cool/acceptable subculture, too, so I'm sure that emboldened a lot of those dickweeds because they felt like revolutionaries or something and circlejerked, including their shared bigotry (and then the skyrim nazi problem happened). Biiig gateways to get people into the older games.
But yeah, I remember constant homophobia and every other [minority]phobia was just a Fandom Problem in general regardless of series... at least the fragility of homophobic dudebros toward even the most basic shit like a male character being shirtless or had tight pants, or having long hair (or a female character having short hair, because they're afraid that's too gay for them) was funny and pathetic as hell when they weren't expressing a wish that people like me die or something. The fact that people still act like this makes me wonder how they survive.
I saw it in multiple places. I think it helps along with general social progress that social media is more than mostly just forums, old style blogs, webcomics, and dA so more lgbtq+ people can just be out there and not get flamed and harassed to the point of just leaving all available mainstream platforms for fans of something and sites are (usually) more proactive about preventing as much hate speech and the average person will shut down or ignore and simply report/block anyone trying to be bold with it.
Also yeah it's kind of funny it's so big suddenly? I think people just really like running with subtexts with fanbases in general these days instead of just sticking to staunch, outright and stated canon that's put directly in your face (which is kind of moot with dying on that latter hill for this series lmao) because people used to just fight you on that shit back in the day for any series, and going nuts and finally have the freedom to do so. New people coming in with their pre-established behavior and accepted norms from other fandoms helps as well I'm guessing. And judging by tags on my art, gay dudes just really like Voryn and see him as a projection character/he was a gay awakening for some of them? I think being on the gay trans website in an era that shipping is its own subculture within fandoms helps
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alexanicholsauthor · 1 year
Questions To Ask A Wild Rampaging Alexa...
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Ripped from the website Ponly
What books can you recommend?
So many. My favorites are the Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor Lavey, The Great and Secret Show by Clive Barker, and numerous other occult and metaphysical books... my interests are all over the place!
What was the last joke that made you laugh?
I tend to laugh at everything, especially TikTok videos and memes. I can't even remember.
How would you characterize your best friend?
Selfless and brave.
Do you have a character you often compare yourself to?
No. I'm too weird to even attempt that!
Do you spend weekends with your family?
I try, but most of the time, I can't. I make up for this during the week as much as possible. Of course, my 'family' pretty much amounts to my baby squirrel and my big brother, so...
Who is your favorite foreign singer?
What was the last fear you were able to overcome?
It took me a while to think of an answer to this. Not because I don't have any fears, of course, but because most of the things I would consider 'fears' were conquered a looong time ago. I think the last fear I conquered would have to be social media. For most of my life, I didn't partake in it; I didn't see the need. That and all the horror stories I kept hearing acted as a serious deterrent. Now? I practically live on Twitter.
What is the weirdest game you have ever played?
Harvester. I loved, hated, and was creeped out by it - all at the same time.
What is the most mind-blowing piece of art you have ever seen?
I'm amazed by most forms of art, especially those done with obvious passion. I'm a huge fan of passion; it makes for fantastic creative works.
What is your favorite computer game?
Skyrim! Though The Witcher 3 is rapidly moving up on my list of favorites.
What things would you like to change in the world?
1. Racism. It baffles me how something as simple as skin pigment can make people feel at odds with one another. We seem to be the only creatures on the planet that does this... why?
2. Sexism. The idea that just because I'm female, I am somehow less than or weaker. Physically, yes, I understand, but there are far more important things than physical strength. In today's society, physical strength is low on the totem poll.
3. Religious entitlement. Just because someone has a different religion than you doesn't mean they are any better or worse. They are simply different. That would be like hating someone because they eat American cheese and you don't. Food tastes are different depending on the person... so is religion.
What dish would you never be able to refuse?
Eggs Benedict. They are the bane of my existence (health-wise).
What type of stereotypes are you most sick of?
That women are or should be subservient to men. That we like to be catcalled and anointed with endearing names like 'honey' or 'dear' by absolute strangers. That we want to be hit on or touched by people we don't even know. That we want unsolicited pictures of dicks.
Is there something you are afraid of asking in public?
I hate asking people for anything, even small, simple things. My big brother scolds me for this all the time. He says I have too much pride; I say I'm fiercely independent. That 'pride' has made me strong, self-sufficient, and smarter than your average. However, I do see his point: I can sometimes get overzealous...
If you could start this day anew, what would you do?
Find ways to get even more accomplished than I did. I'm huge on efficiency.
Between DC and Marvel, what would you choose?
Marvel. I don't think I've ever read a DC comic, while at one point I was actually collecting Marvel!
What is/was your favorite class at school?
Athletics. I've always been naturally athletic, so this was my favorite class. Academically, it would have to be English. Especially when we studied classical literature, like myths and pantheons. I fell in love with writing because of those.
What do you think happiness consists of?
True Friendship.
When you feel there is someone annoying at a party, how do you react?
I actively avoid/ignore them.
Have you ever had an urge to leave your city and live somewhere in the countryside surrounded by rivers and magnificent mountains?
Oh, hell no. I am way too bougie to make it in the country! I love my conveniences; there is no way I could live without them. I mean, I COULD, but I definitely wouldn't like it!
Do you have an animal you adore?
Dragons. I've always had a deep fascination with them, even when I was a little girl. If you're talking about real animals, it would have to be dogs. I love them so much. I like cats too, but I adore dogs way more.
Hearing a well-respected person criticizing your loved one, what would you do?
Light. Them. Up!
What is your happiest childhood memory?
I have so many that it would be difficult to emphasize just one. Most include my big brother; very few have anything to do with my 'parents.'
What is the thing you are most grateful for?
Would you never try rather than die trying?
I try to never say never, but skydiving is high on the list. And Bungie jumping.
Have you ever had any experiences to meet your favorite artist?
I don't have a favorite artist. More on that in a bit.
Can you cut relationships with people pulling you down?
Yes. I have a history of it. In fact, I've become good at it!
What is your dream job?
Being a writer.
What makes you feel proud of yourself?
Completing a story and then receiving feedback on said story. I put a lot of work into my works, so when it's all finally finished and in the hands of my readers - and they take time out of their lives to give me their opinions on it - bliss. I mean, they could be doing anything else, but they used their precious time to read one of my works. Fucking mind blowing!
What inspires you the most?
My baby squirrel. This little wench has not only beat cancer and was a trooper throughout the entire thing but also quit smoking and drinking cold turkey. I am honestly in awe of her, and she inspires the shit out of me when I'm undertaking, well, anything.
Do you think money can buy happiness?
Actually, yes. I know conventional wisdom says 'no,' but I believe it can.
What is your favorite flower?
Actually, I'm not too fond of flowers. Venus fly traps, maybe? Black Dahlias? Black roses?
What are three words that make you smile?
I love you. I could insert some weird or funny answers, but honestly, those three words mean a lot to me. They always put a smile on my face (not when said by strangers, though. That's creepy).
Can you name a place where you have never been to but wish to go?
Japan! (That one was so easy 😄)
What human qualities do you cherish?
Loyalty and honesty.
What language do you want to learn?
Who is the person you admire?
I admire several people, but I'm going to assume you mean "the most." That would be my big brother.
What is your favorite midnight cocktail?
I don't drink alcohol, and even when I did, I never drank cocktails. So I have no idea.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
This is easy: "Don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose."
Who is your favorite artist?
I don't have favorite artists of any genre of work; I have favorite works. And they are legion. I've always wondered about people that are fans of other people, stating that everything they make is golden. That isn't possible, nor is it true. Yes, you can have artists that resonate with you more often than not and be fond of those artists, but I don't. Not truly.
How do you deal with criticism?
It honestly depends on the person and reason. I firmly believe in the Rorschach (ink blot) test, which states that people project themselves onto you. Their observations, tone, and worldview are truly representative of the way they think and how they see themselves. People will snitch themselves off pretty quickly if you allow them to speak long enough.
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snugglyporos · 30 days
@light-and-lightning ( Weirdly, I actually find the trademark grindy nature of the DQ quests to be comforting. Predictability makes the chaotic world seem less scary. But i also loved the first DQ game so much I beat it in one day skjdfh )
So I am okay with that... in a straight turn based rpg. Where you can do strategy and think about things. In a Dynasty Warriors game, the average time for being in a level is like 5 minutes; that means that you're in and out a lot, and that helps break up the monotony. In a turned based rpg, it's much the same; you're in the battle, then you're out of the battle. There's a separation between the two things.
In DQH2, the problem is that there's no separation. It's just constant. it's exhausting. I think that was kind of my issue with Strikers too; there's never a break between things. It's just always there.
I'm a huge fan of old DQ games; I believe that 3 is the best game in the series, because at the very least it's the one I've returned to. I've beaten every monsters game. They're good RPGs.
But action games are not rpgs. There are action rpgs, but this usually requires some breakup between them. Or at least, they did. This was mostly because of limitations in the hardware; your Ninja Gaidens and Onimushas worked well because they could break things up.
The problem with action rpgs in the modern gaming landscape is that hardware limitations have removed the NEED for those breaks. And so you get things like DW9, you get things like DQH2, you get things like Persona Strikers.
I think what's been lost is the need for set pieces; sure, everyone thinks hack and slash with dynasty warriors, but everyone can absolutely remember battles they liked or didn't like. The battles themselves were a setup, and that setup colored the action. For example, Wu Zhang Plains is almost always the worst. Terrible battle to play.
Now DQH2 does have set pieces. And that's to it's credit I think. But it makes the game feel kinda like it's doing two things okay and nothing great. If the game was focused ONLY on open world combat in the vein of like, idk, a Bethesda game, that might work. If the game was focused ONLY on set pieces, I think that might work too.
I think part of the problem is that for a game with an open world setup, the maps are small because the fastest you can go is on foot. And that's pretty slow even while running. Whereas in something like Skyrim, you get a power to speed yourself up, or a horse, or something to that effect. In Just Cause you can fly, in something like TOTK you have airships, whatever. Open world action games require movement to work.
I don't think that DQH2 is a bad game. I do think that if it wasn't riding on the brand, it wouldn't be a good one though. And I don't know that it has much to offer in general?
The problem with musou games is that they've become so focused on BIG that they forgot to make them meaningful. And I think that I wanted more focus from DQH2. Like I was so disappointed when I realized that you weren't so much collecting monster medals as you were temporarily acquiring them, because I was like, okay so I have to grind and I'm not really grinding FOR anything because I don't really have meaningful goals to shoot for.
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Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Best Nexus Mods You Need To Install
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 With much better controls, more combat-focused gameplay, and even better dialogue, ME2 quickly made its way into the hearts of many fans who continue to play it from time to time. For those of you interested in making this game the best it can be, here are my picks for the absolute best mods you have to check out. Check Out This Mod. While the original buns are low-quality tangles of unkempt hair with a pretty strange hairline, these textures by user LiasFfalenn look like FemShep actually took the time to brush that hair before tying it up in a bun. Skipping these manually takes little time. While these images were greatly reduced in quality to improve performance, ten years is a long time in the gaming world. Your average modern gaming rig can handle HD textures without a hitch. Proficient ME2 mod creator CreeperLava took it upon themselves to track down each of the original high-quality Hubble pictures and used them to make new textures for the game. Skyrim mod veterans and other mod connoisseurs know few things are as useful as a reliable console that lets you level up, spawn items, and good stuff like that. Do you feel like mapping the galaxy and scouring every planet is already hard enough? Especially considering limitations like lack of fuel and not enough probes. All it does is increase max fuel from to , and max probes from 30 to , greatly streamlining the process. You could probably do this with the ME2 Cheat Console as well. As you gather new weapons in ME2, choosing the right loadout for each mission starts getting more and more complicated. More Hair ME2 tries to alleviate the problem by giving you 16 additional hairstyles , all taken from other characters in the game. And even I could find something I wanted to try despite my initial disappointment. And this mod by R0B0LUT10N just speeds up the animations to 60fps, making them play four times as fast by making them more fluid. BioWare has always made smart use of lighting and effects to make their games look much better than if every texture was laid bare under the sun. On vanilla, it makes the game look washed out. As previously stated, vanilla Mass Effect 2 uses many effects to make the game look better by obscuring low-quality details. Especially if you also install the HD textures add-on. Modern Weapon Pack by modder Tajfun eases the transition by adding 12 new weapons to your ME2 repertoire, eight of which are ported from ME3. Modder BlueJay9 is a total Asari aficionado. And he took it upon himself to create high-resolution textures for every blue lady in ME2. For obvious reasons, Liara gets special treatment. Her entire body is re-textured from head to toe. Even her tongue and teeth! Creator GoldenSkans9 graciously offers Alien Aliens, which replaces all of the alien NPC textures for more detailed versions with a higher resolution. Originally, only male Commander Shepard has any chance at romancing Miranda, the super-sexy Cerberus operative introduced in ME2. It also fixes issues created by modded-in same-gender romances with Kaidan and Ashley original Mass Effect, letting you continue your journey across the galaxy as a proud and out Shepard from start to finish. The best part is that this mod will run perfectly in any gaming rig that runs the base game at virtually no performance cost. Even after several official updates to cull their numbers. This mod by Moho25 not only fixes a ton of these small errors, but patches up bits of broken lore with new information from ME3 and other content, restores some cut material, and turns ME2 into the best version of itself. Replacing textures in your game for better ones is as easy as running a search on Google and copying some game folders. But what about pre-rendered cutscenes? Then with this mod you get all those HD videos automatically put back together into glorious p versions. Not only is it an amazing improvement over vanilla cut-scenes, but the amount of work and ingenuity put into this mod is frankly astonishing. The engaging gameplay and exciting story are still there, but the graphics slowly get left behind by modern standards. Nelson Chitty is a Venezuelan expat living in Argentina. His ideal weekend is spent between leisurely playing games of Civilization VI and looking for the next seinen anime to marathon. If you buy something we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you. Learn more. Stay Connected.
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smutty-skyrim · 4 years
Hadvar || NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare
Hadvar tries to be caring after sex, but is more often than not found laying in a blissed out haze. He's perfectly content laying sprawled out on the bed indefinitely afterwards, indulging in lazy pillow talk.
If it was a particularly rough session he'll take time to gently caress your body, subtly checking for any injuries as he mutters about how good you did.
B = Body Part
Hadvar likes his arms. He was a scrawny boy growing up and worked hard for his muscles. Having them admired will make him smile without fail, with pride swelling inside him. He'll find excuses to show off his strength for you.
He is fond of your breasts. He hasn't been able to get them out of his mind since he caught a glimpse of you changing while you two were at an Imperial camp one evening. He loves playing with them - rolling your nipple beneath a calloused thumb and taking them in his mouth.
C = Cum
Hadvar isn't the sort to paint you with cum of his own accord. You're going to have to specifically ask for it. His favorite place to cum is in your mouth, but there's something to be said about watching it drip from your pussy while you bask in your afterglow.
D = Dirty Secret
You were the first thing Hadvar got off to after the Helgen attack, and were a recurring fantasy every few nights since then (often more). He was convinced he'd never see your face again, until that fateful day your paths crossed on the battlefield.
He came to the thought of you with him again that night.
E = Experience
Hadvar has been with a few women. Three, to be precise. Two of them were long term girlfriends and the third was a woman he met on the road with the Legion. They spent a few nights together until he left town. He doesn't have the most experience but he has enough to be confident in what he is doing. He's quick to learn and adapt to your body.
F = Favorite Position
Hadvar has a preference for your legs on his shoulders. He likes being able to stare down at your breasts and watch them as he pounds into you. He enjoys seeing each little expression on your face, and the way your lips curl into a smile as you pant his name.
G = Goofy?
Hadvar is serious in the moment. Sometimes a little too serious, but even when this leads to moments of awkwardness they can comfortably end in a laugh. Once he's more comfortable with you his sense of humor may shine through more at times, but it's still rare.
H = Hair
Hadvar keeps his hair trimmed and neat, when he can. As he's often on the road with the Legion, he doesn't have much time to worry about things like that.
I = Intimacy
Despite the brutish nature of his career and the way he often carries himself, he's gentle and patient in bed. He takes time to figure out what his partner likes. Hadvar isn't one to rush the act. He'll treat you as if you're the only thing that matters, with tender kisses and gentle hands.
J = Jack Off
Hadvar has to resort to masturbation often in the Legion. This is one of the reasons he keeps a pair of your underwear tucked safely in his bag. He'll bury his nose in them as he bucks into his hand, desperately wishing he was buried inside of you.
K = Kink
Breastplay - Hadvar loves your tits and enjoys playing with them, no matter the size. Though he isn't usually eager to cum on your body, your tits tend to be the exception to that rule. He'll be particularly thrilled if he can fuck them.
Public Sex - It's something he discovered in the Legion. You two often have to sneak off to find time together in highly patrolled woods, or keep as quiet as you can in your tents.
L = Location
He's not particularly picky. He'd be inclined to say his favorite is a nice warm bed, as they are a rarity for him, but it would be a lie. His favorite place to fuck you is probably busy forts the two of you fought to clear out together. He'll pull you into dark hallways and unused closets and have his way with you.
M = Motivation
Hadvar enjoys watching you in the more quiet, natural moments. Sometimes you'll be making dinner by the crackling fire, and others you'll be curled up with your nose in a book. In these little moments when your guard is down and you look so vulnerable and human you are absolutely beautiful.
He's also a big fan of your body in general. He loves visuals - whether this is you teasing him while you bathe together, or giving him a strip tease.
N = NO
Hadvar has a limit when it comes to rough sex. He'll fuck you hard no issue. He loves the feeling of your hips slamming together. He'll pull your hair within reason and choke you lightly if you beg for it, but he's never going to hit you. He doesn't really enjoy using that kind of brute force in the bedroom. You might get him comfortable spanking you, though.
O = Oral
Hadvar isn't the most skilled at oral, but he makes up for it with enthusiasm. He loves burying his face in your pussy, moaning softly against your lips and massaging your thighs with wandering hands. It might be one of his favorite things to do with you.
He enjoys getting blowjobs, but rarely goes out of his way to request them. They're something he appreciates if his partner decides to give him one.
P = Pace
Unless it's a public quickie, Hadvar tends to begin slow. How it escalates depends on your preference. He enjoys savoring the moment, but if you'd rather get straight into the action he's more than happy to oblige.
Q = Quickie
It should be obvious, but quickies and Hadvar go hand in hand. With his enjoyment of public sex they tend to pop up a lot.
R = Risk
The biggest risk Hadvar takes is public sex. He's hesitant to try most risky kinks because the last thing he wants to do is genuinely harm his partner. He also worries that he's not going to know what he's doing and lacks a bit of confidence when it comes to going outside of his comfort zone.
S = Stamina
The buildup may go on for a while, but Hadvar doesn't last the longest in bed. He's often eager and sensitive by the time he starts fucking you and is desperate for release. He needs some time to recover between rounds, but he'll happily go again (and again).
T = Toy
Hadvar wouldn't go out of his way to use a toy on you (there aren't many available in Skyrim), but if you wanted him to he'd happily give it a shot.
Modern!Hadvar would enjoy slipping a vibrator down your panties and teasing you with it throughout the day.
U - Unfair
Hadvar isn't much of a tease. Even when he's dragging things out, it's always clear where they'll end up. Sometimes he'll wait for you to beg but more often his own will cracks before yours would and he can't hold himself back.
V = Volume
Hadvar is excellent at being quiet. His penchant for taking you in risky places makes this a necessity. You're used to hearing uneven pants and hitching breath, and the sound of his cock thrusting into you. But when you're alone you'll often hear soft groans, and your name leaving his lips in a whisper.
W = Wild Card
Hadvar praises you often, whether it's because of your eagerness for his cock or how well you take it. If you go down on him without him asking (which he rarely will), you'll find his fingers tangling in your hair as he groans, "That's a good girl."
X = X-Ray
Hadvar's body is well muscled, with a light layer of hair across his chest and arms, trailing down his stomach. His dick is about 6 ½" long and rather girthy.
Y = Yearning
Hadvar's sex drive is average. He enjoys sex, and enjoys it often, but he can easily go some time without it, not even masturbating daily. Sometimes he prefers to put it off for a couple days in order to build up the tension and craving.
If you let him lay in his bliss too long, he's likely to doze off. It's important to try and initiate a round two before he gets too lost in his head, and soft snores begin to fill the room.
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thessalian · 3 years
Thess vs Greedfall
So, I bought Greedfall - it’s on sale on Steam at the moment and payday’s Wednesday and I had enough, so I figured, fuck it, why not?
Is it good? Ish. I mean, it isn’t exactly thrilling me to my core here. The combat system’s a little simplistic and doesn’t open up until higher levels. (So’s the ability tree, for that matter, but we’ll get to that.) The design is kind of like if you took Skyrim, swapped the open world for limited zones, and then dipped it in brown paint and Georgian Era colonialism. The plot is reminiscent of the second act of Dragon Age 2 so far, in that you are Somebody Important in a place that you were not born and everyone is asking you to sort out their damn lives, including your friends, while there’s something much bigger and potentially eldritch lurking in the background about to eat half the world. The graphics are okay for what they are but I am not the best judge since nine times out of ten I don’t give a shit for graphics. The voice acting isn’t revolutionary but hasn’t made me want to throttle anyone yet, so that’s okay. The subtitles, on the other hand, have the kind of glaring spelling issues that makes me, who hates playing a game like this without subtitles, want to turn them off - the perils of a French company not hiring decent translators and approaching American English spellings from first principles. (Yes, I know the Americans use a Z instead of an S in some things, but that only works for verbs so spelling the noun ‘merchandise’ with a Z is actively painful.)
So it’s not great, is what I’m saying.
Is it bad, though? No. It acknowledges that not everyone manages well with that particular combat style by having a very wide range of difficulty settings, including a mode they call “Discovery”, which is effectively Story Mode+. It’s not quite god mode invincibility, but it’s close, and for someone who just wants to get through the fighting to figure out what the fuck is going on, that’s all you need. I haven’t found the combat intolerable despite its limitations, so that’ll more than do. And while lower levels do limit you somewhat in terms of what you can do, the options themselves are fairly interesting, giving you options beyond “go in there and hit the dude until he stops moving”. You can just crouch in stealth mode, but there’s also a disguise mechanic, which is sensible; keep your head down so your hat partly hides your face, and the uniform you’re wearing will be all the cover you need to go where you want. While picking locks is the only way into some chests, it’s not the only way into all locked buildings, as you are given the option to make a small bomb and blow a hole in a door, wall or other obstacle. Want to talk your way into and out of trouble? Charisma and Intuition, and you can do that. While it’d be nice to start with more than one of those skills (especially since they share the same skill tree with some of the physical abilities like climbing and balancing and wearing decent armour), the fact that they exist makes it worth playing. And not having to juggle a whole bunch of manoeuvres is good anyway.
So it’s not bad, it’s not great - it’s average, and that’s fine. It’s a game I can play when I’m not in the mood for either an open-world trek or micromanaging a team (DA:I and PoE respectively), and I want to do something fun without being overtaxed. So I’d pretty much recommend it but only if you can get it on sale because I’m not sure it’s worth the full $40 or so USD.
(And if it helps, it’s got Ramon Tikaram - the voice actor known to most of you as Dorian Pavus - and Alastair Parker - aka Blackwall - in it someplace. Oh, and for SW:TOR fans? Lydia Leonard - aka Lana Beniko. And for the FFXIV crowd, Michael Maloney - Varis voz Galvus - and antony Byrne - Biggs. ...Oh gods, Gyuri Sarossy’s in here, and the only thing I know that one from is as Inbeda’s Noh mask in TSW... Basically there’s a lot of voices you’ll find familiar in here and the IMDB Voice Actor game is a lot of fun with this game.)
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Ok, after nearly 60 hours in the game we finally finished Pokemon Legends Arceus yesterday. Originally i wasn't going to talk about it but now that I've seen quite a few reviews on the internet i kinda wanna... rant talk about it anyway
First of all i want to say: Lisa and I really fucking loved the game and we'll probably play quite a bit more in the future but i saw a few points that are brought up all the time by people who apparently didn't like the game
(and to be clear here. It's totally fine if you didn't like the game. In fact there are a few things i wasn't a fan of either and I'll get into those at the end but some of these points are just stupid...) so let's get to it...
"The open world is empty / boring" I feel like these are the same people who say that the world in skyrim or fallout is empty...
it isn't.
It's full of wild pokemon, resources to gather, interesting landmarks...
sure there aren't a lot of NPCs all over the map but that wouldn't make sense. The galaxy team has just gotten to hisui and most of them are just civilians who are probably afraid they would just get killed by wild pokemon and the two clans logically stay mostly in their settlements too. I would do the same if i was living in this world...
"The graphics / framerate / artstyle is just bad" Okay, let's ignore that the thing about the artstyle is completely subjective, I personally really liked it.
I get the argument about the graphics actually...
of course there are PC/Console games that look way better. And yes, Pokemon is one of the biggest franchises out there...
but the Switch isn't a PC the Switch is barely even a console...
The Switch is a handheld that you can connect to your TV...
Gamefreak couldn't make the graphics (much) better...
well... they could but that would be like the witcher 3 on switch... looks good at fist but becomes a completely unplayable slideshow as soon as more than two characters are on screen...
and... well...
okay I guess there's no way around it...
the framerate...
I just don't get that point...
no really. I don't understand why people care so much about that. 60 fps, 120 fps, 240 FPS!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!? I mean movies usually have 24 fps and no one complains about that... the average human eye can't even tell the difference once we go over 45 fps (sure there are people who can but we're talking about the average here)
I personally always limit framerate at 30 fps on PC and crank up the resolution instead... runs just as smoothly but looks way better... anyway I ranted enough about framerates in the last 10 years at least and I'm honestly tired of it... on to the next point
"The wild Pokemon just stand there" This one obviously comes from people who haven't actually played the game. Because if you have played it you would know that it's simply not true.
Pokemon don't just stand there. Every pokemon reacts to the player in different ways... some run away as soon as they spot you, some are suspicious and will watch you but keep their distance and others just straight up try to murder you...
"The story is boring / predictable / otherwise bad" I really don't get this argument... in my opinion the story is by far the best any pokemon game had up until now (note: I haven't played many of the spin-offs like XD, Colosseum or ranger) the only one that even comes close was Black & White.
I mean at least in this game the climax of the story actually comes... you know... at the end of the fucking story not about two thirds of the way and then you go back to just fighting gyms again.
Also there were quite a few twists that I didn't see coming. like Volo being the antagonist. And over all the story really went in a very different direction than I thought. For example I thought that eventually the two clans would end up fighting each other and you would have to choose a side. Or that it would be revealed that there is a third clan that has infiltrated the others (that was mainly because of the way Arezu was framed at the beginning and the fact that giratina exists).
The predictable thing would have been if Cylene, Arezu, Coin and some ancestor of Jupiter would have been the bad guys and you and Volo worked together to stop them.
"There is no voice acting" I mean... true... but do we really need voice acting? Can't you read? Do we really want to repeat BotW? (Okay, this may not apply to the English localization but the German voice acting in that game was horrible)
"There are no gyms / online-battles / breeding / insert other feature here" Again... true... but SuMo didn't have gyms either and everyone seemed to love that. Online-battles were in no spin-off as far as I know. Abilities weren't in Let's Go... Breeding isn't really useful if there are no Online-battles (and shinys are obtained way easier by other means)... and that's all the removed features I can think of right now...
"The game is too easy" So this is the same argument that pops up with every pokemon game since gen 5 (or at least that was the first time i heard it) and also probably the only common argument that i usually agree with.
However... not in this case.
Yes, BDSP was way too fucking easy but that is a topic for another time.
Legends Arceus was not too easy... it wasn't unbeatable but there were several points in the game where we genuinely had to stop the main story and grind up our pokemon to catch up with the enemies. Sure if you want you could try catching one of the overpowered alphas and just sweep through the game but that's like saying 'you could just transfer a lvl 100 pokemon from pokemon bank and sweep through ORAS'
technically that's true but that is a conscious decision to make it easier for yourself while in BDSP even if you only fought the battles you couldn't avoid you wouldn't end up too under-leveled and thanks to the affection system you would probably still not have many problems until you reach the elite four, or more specifically Cynthia. In this game we were regularly ten or more levels below the opposing pokemon...
Ok, i think that's enough... i could keep defending this game for... probably until the next pokemon game comes out (i mean I'm probably the only person alive still regularly defending both mass effect 3 and andromeda) but that's not the point of this post... and as i said there are things i didn't like about it so let's talk about those.
NPCs: Ok, I admit this point is probably very specific to me and no one else but it kinda bothered me how many NPCs were ancestors of existing characters from other games...
it wouldn't have been so bad if it had been only a few key-NPCs or if it was all of them but this way every time a NPC showed up and wasn't obviously connected to another character I literally paused the game to think about which characters they could be ancestors of...
so far the only NPCs I haven't found to be connected to other characters are Irida, Iscan, Melli, Palina and Laventon. (I would also put Adaman here but bulbapedia says he is the brother of Mai so that would mean he's connected to Marley)
Side note: it took me an embarrassing amount of time to figure out Volo was supposed to resemble Cynthia and not Volkner
Fast Travel: this is a simple one... I would have liked it if I could fast-travel from one area to another without having to go to jubilife first...
EVs & IVs: Listen...
I know I just defended a lot of missing features from earlier games not being in this one... and if this “Legends”-thing becomes it's own spin-off series that's fine...
but I've seen a lot of people who were actually happy that the EV & IV system isn't there anymore and...
I just don't get that...
yeah in earlier games the IVs were often a pain in the ass but since SuMo and especially since SwSh it is incredibly easy to get competitive pokemon:
you just catch a pokemon, pump it full of  vitamins, mints, EXP-candies, TMs/TRs and bottlecaps and you have a competitively viable pokemon (Ok you still might need to breed them for egg-moves or shinys but that's not the point) especially now that Hidden Power isn't dependent on specific IVs anymore you have no reason not to max them out...
Far away Pokemon: If I can see a Pokemon on my screen and hit them with a jet-ball I should be able to catch them with said jet-ball...
I have failed so many capture-attempts simply because the pokemon was hit but not caught
Lock-On: Lock-On should never require you to hold a button...
just let me tap the button and then keep the cursor locked to the pokemon...
I need both the L/R buttons to switch between items/pokemon but I can't use the L button if my finger has to hold the ZL button and if my satchel is full it takes way too long to completely circle through all my items using only R (this by the way is why I never used the stun-items)...
also it should work if I'm more than two meters away from the pokemon I want to catch...
Illusion of Choice: Look... If you want to tell a linear story that's great but please don't ask questions and then just repeat that question until I say yes... either give me the choice to say no or don't ask questions...
and that's all I can think of... like I said I overall liked the game and really hope that it turns into its own spin-off series but i'm not sure if I would want this to be the new direction for the main games... maybe that’s just me but i don’t like it when long runing franchises change their gameplay drastically...
that’s why i stopped playing metroid after fusion and only started again when dread came out...
i’m sure the prime games are great games but they are not metroid games... they are spin-offs...
and it’s the same with pokemon... i started playing pokemon with the blue edition... in fact that was the second video game i ever played (the first one was mario kart at a friends birthday) and the gameplay has stayed pretty much the same... that’s why i still like them
anyway this wasn't supposed to be such a long post I just really wanted to talk about the game.
regular posts will continue as soon as i find motivation...
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jiubilant · 3 years
id rlly love to post microfics abt my tes ocs on here? but on the other hand im scared of, like. being not lore-friendly enough. but then i see ppl like u and many others post amazing little ficlets abt ur amazing little characters and im like wow :0 i wanna do that too
HEY DO IT. DO IT. DO NOT BE AFRAID one of my favorite things about tesblr is the oc content that people produce for it and i'm sure i'm not the only one <3
if you don't want advice on writing stuff like that IGNORE ME FROM HERE ON but whenever i sit down to write something about my own characters that i plan to post here, these are the three questions i keep in mind
if my own characters are the main focus of the piece, have i provided enough background information about their situation that people who don't know the characters might still be interested?
if i'm writing something lorebreaking (here's your concern), is its relationship to the established lore still clear enough that the reader won't be confused / require more context?
is the piece self-contained enough to stand without that extra context, either in regard to the characters or the lorebreaking premise?
the way i personally address point 1 is usually by referring to my characters with epithets ("the dragonborn," "the archmage," "the hero of kvatch," etc) rather than their names, which immediately clues the reader in to their history and place in the story—if you've played oblivion then you already know who the hero of kvatch is and what they've done, and i the writer get to skip explaining all that to you. it's sort of the same principle as newspaper headlines. the reason you see "local woman saves child from burning building" in the paper rather than "jane doe saves child from burning building" is NOT to separate jane doe from her actions or at all devalue what she's done, it's so readers who are skimming the paper don't go "who the hell is jane doe, i don't care about this" and go check instagram instead. to be clear i am absolutely not saying "YOU MUST USE EPITHETS. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO GO"—there are LOTS of other ways to introduce a character in a way that gets the reader's interest. i just want to stress that it's important to get that interest. there's an immediate "why should i care" threshold in every reader that the writer has to find a way around, and that threshold is particularly strong (especially in a fan space) when a reader's introduced to a character they're unfamiliar with. other ways to establish familiarity or interest are to begin the piece with something funny, intriguing, frightening, or surprising, provide context early in the piece that tells the reader who the character is (this can be as simple as writing a sentence like "[your nerevarine's name here], slayer of gods, stares fearfully at the cockroach" and then continuing to drop little contextual clues as needed), or just to post about your characters a whole lot beforehand (hype generation) so that the people reading your story already know who they are. that'll work in this context
for point 2...to use an example, i wrote a piece awhile back about a character of mine whose mail was delivered by a dragon courier. the non-canon element i introduced in that piece was "years after alduin's fall, dragons have made peace with mortalkind, and one dragon is even working as a mail-deliverer." this was an unfamiliar idea to the reader that i couldn't just drop on them and expect them to accept, so i introduced it by making the piece's focal character (it was ravi) an audience stand-in—the concept of a dragon courier is just as new to ravi as it is to the reader, and he reacts to it with the same skepticism and surprise as the reader might. i the writer then get to introduce and explain this lorebreaking idea in a way that's integrated naturally into the story. skyrim does a form of this with its "what are stormcloaks. what's a thalmor. what are hamburgers" dialogue options
and point 3 is really just to say that it's usually a good idea on a scrolling platform like this to post something that your average scroller doesn't have to click on anything else (i.e. a "read the next installment here" or "click here for additional context" prompt) in order to understand, because your average scroller doesn't want to do that. your average scroller wants to scroll
uh yeah that's it i think. roll credits
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eponymous-rose · 4 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E96 (February 25, 2020)
Tonight’s guests are Taliesin Jaffe and Liam O’Brien!
Announcements: The Chicago live show and C2E2 are imminent! The live show will be on Thursday night, but an hour earlier than usual, at 6 PM Pacific/8 PM Central! Liam will be at the live show, but unfortunately has to leave C2E2 early and won’t be able to make it on Sunday. On Friday, the first behind-the-scenes video for The Legend of Vox Machina animated series was posted on YouTube, introducing the writing team!
Episode 96: Family Shatters
Stats for this week’s episode! Of the 16 times Caleb has cast Teleportation Circle, the M9 have remembered to contact someone prior to their arrival 7 times. Of those 7 times, they were successful at contacting someone at the location only 3. Taliesin: “We’re playing this game like Skyrim, we’re just going through people’s houses breaking pottery.” Caduceus got the straw hat that he gave to Clarabelle in episode 31, about 188 in-game days ago. There were 17 cow-related puns. Dani: “Is that above or below average for a Critical Role episode?”
“Clay was kind of built relatively quickly. I didn’t give Matt a ton to play with. I gave him the order in which they left, I gave him Clay’s attitude and his impression of his family members, which was usually just one sentence, and some basic idea of what their power set might be if they had one. I always thought of him as, from a family perspective, of what would have happened to Percy if nothing went wrong.” He was happy to be the one to run the family business and just hang around at home and run the shrine. “I think the rest of the kids’ wanderlust probably put them at odds quite a bit.” He liked being able to play that conflict and show what Caduceus was like when he was annoyed. Cad took after his father, the girls generally wanted to leave, and Colton is “just sort of a doofus.”
Caleb was an only child, so seeing this many kids was a lot. “They clearly had their grudges and their different dynamics with each other, but that’s normal, for sure. Caleb’s very unfamiliar with it.” He also keeps looking at Nott and thinking about how everything he’s doing is about wanting to rebuild his family, whereas Nott is so conflicted about going back to hers. “He doesn’t understand it, but he doesn’t want to push it” or judge her for it. “I thought I had a really defined direction at the start of the campaign, but my seven best friends have knocked it silly.”
What’s keeping Cad with the Nein? “Caduceus is not ready to go home at all. He’s not done with his walkabout. He feels like he wants to see a bit more. He feels he has an intense debt to pay. He feels he has a mission to see everybody else through, at the very least. Or at least he’s telling himself that. So he’s saved his home, or at least he thinks he’s saved his home, and his family’s all right, so now it’s debts that must be paid. He’s not somebody who thinks you can just get off the bus.”
“Caleb was going to ask [the hag] about the ability to travel backward through time, not really believing that she could do that, but was still like, show me what you’ve got.” Even if she’d said it, he would have thought she was a liar. “Probably would’ve offered to kill the M9″ in exchange, then would’ve turned around to hit her with a surprise Disintegrate. Liam notes repeatedly that nothing could possibly have been as cool as what Laura wound up doing.
On the Nein not worrying about places Cad considered sacred ground, Caduceus “is fine with conflict. He doesn’t even really have to have conflict, he could assert himself if he were so inclined. It’s that he’s aware that there are limits to what these people can do. It’s very much the philosophy of ‘children and drunks can do no wrong’.” He’s picking his battles.
Was there a defining moment where Caleb started seeing the Nein as family? No single moment. “It’s like love by a thousand cuts.” Liam notes that he’s still not sure how Caleb would react if he suddenly had the means to carry out his plans. “He’s got the recovering-addict mentality.”
Cosplay of the Week: an amazing Pumat! (CriticalHitical, photo by Minniemooncos on Twitter)
Taliesin notes that Caduceus is definitely feeling more connected to the group. “If anything, Caduceus is really embracing his role as the spiritual guide to the group. He feels like he really has a lot to offer from that perspective of being the roving therapist. Or at least, he thinks he’s a roving therapist.” Liam notes that Cad is the most mysterious of the group to Caleb. “He’s the most religious character I’ve ever played, too. He’s fun! He really came together very nicely.”
On Caleb being more lighthearted on occasion: “He’s been out of practice being a human being for a long time.” The Nein’s brand of ridiculousness is rubbing off on him.
Why hasn’t Cad been pranking the Nein? “They don’t treat him poorly in that way yet. Siblings, man. I have quite a few siblings, and there is an energy. It’s the same way like when you’re around your parents, you revert to a 15-year-old.” Same with siblings. “There’s just something-- just the urge to torture them is so overpowering.” The moment he got the whistle, he knew exactly what he was going to do with it. Liam was reminded of Taliesin’s real-life siblings while watching these interactions in the game.
On Caleb’s laying on compliments for the Traveler: “The thing about time travel is it’s so implausible. It’s so implausible that I could see us finishing this campaign and Caleb will still have it in the back of his head for the rest of his life. But maybe Artagan could help with that. He certainly sees the potential in Artagan, and it was a balance between wanting to support everything Jester has devoted her life to, so it just felt like everyone was ready to write it off. Life is often like this, life isn’t what you thought it would be, it is what it is. Let’s not damn this yet, let’s feel it out. And if I can use this situation to possibly eradicate ultimate evil, that’s a win.”
Cad found it tough to have family and friends in the same room and play both roles. “I don’t know how much it came across that he was trying to keep them, not necessarily separated, but ‘family, guys, guys, family, ANYWAY.’” He did want to get his family on their way as quickly as possible. Cad is the equivalent of his early 20s, so something like 85-120 years old for a firbolg. 
Liam is asked about the conversation between Caleb and Yasha on watch several episodes ago. "You know what one of the best parts of that scene that played out was, is about 20 minutes or 30 minutes before that happened, I texted Ashley at the table and said, ‘Want to take watch? I have nothing planned, it could be fun.’” He wasn’t expecting it to go that far. “I think he had such an extreme reaction because he felt that he had done a good job of hiding things, and he was suddenly worried that he was transparent, that everyone had been able to read him this whole time when he’d thought that he was-- well, he’s a little in love with Jester Lavorre, and has been for a while, uselessly in love with her. The waltz was probably a little pebble. And in that moment-- this doesn’t play out verbally too much in the show, but he just was worried that this thing that he’s never going to admit to because it’s useless, she’s finding herself, and has her whole life ahead of her, and has other people around her who care about her and are a whole lot better for her than he is. And he’s aware of the way those two [Fjord and Beau] feel as well. It’s just there in the background fucking up his shit. It’s really just a problem. Big fucking problem.” 
Fan art of the week: a gorgeous Clay family portrait! (by Teaweltzer on Twitter)
On Clay being absent for the renewal of his home: “I don’t think his arc’s ending off-screen. I think his arc ends when he comes home to see what’s become of it.”
Is Caleb worried about Beau since the confrontation with her father? “Of course he is. She’s ignoring all the advice that she gave him. He doesn’t like to see her that hard on herself when she’s so competent and probably the backbone of the group. It’s the most judgey Caleb’s been of anybody, really, but he’s very aware of the pain of family and personal stuff. She knows her, and even though he broke his shit in half, he could still see the dynamic in the room when we visited his family, so he feels for her. We need you and we love you and we will miss you, you don’t fucking get to go.”
Each of the temples has a secondary god; what was the Blooming Grove’s other god? “The Blooming Grove is for the Archeart because it is a gift of beauty. It’s the Allhammer, the Changebringer, and the Archeart. It’s kind of a powerplay from the Wildmother, in my opinion. They’re all three based off of very specific types of funereal practices that are common throughout the world.”
Caleb saw giving over the transformation spell to Essek as a returning of one of his many favors. “Caleb likes Essek a lot. They’re like two highly gifted kids at school together. And, you know, he’s quirkily charming and handsome. There’s just no reason not to, in his mind. Outside of the M9, he’s probably the only person that Caleb would see as a friend that he’s made. Everyone else is just sort of scenery around the M9.”
What’s next for Cad? “It’s a little bit of finding himself, or at least finishing himself would be the way to put it.” (cue snickering from off-camera) “He’s also vaguely aware of some of the things that are going to possibly emotionally damage the party on the horizon, and he wants to be ready to deal with, in vague order, whatever’s going to happen to Jester, and then whatever’s going to happen to Fjord, and then whatever’s going to happen to Nott, and Yasha, and Caleb. He doesn’t know how to deal with what Beau’s going through. It’s the one thing he has no experience of, because he has no experience with that family dynamic. When he met people with that family dynamic, it was always at the end of it.”
Some fans sent in death whistles. Brian encourages Taliesin to play one on the plane.
The hat for Calliope was a last-minute thought. The flute could also have gone for Colton, depending on “who I could sneak up on”.
Caleb took a symbol of the Archeart from the Labenda Swamp. “I think it was familiar to me. I think I might have either correctly or mistakenly thought it reminded me of the woman who helped Caleb in the Sanatorium.”
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obikenobis · 3 years
i was tagged by @mandah-lorian​ !!! thank you so much kiana!!! 💖💖💖
nickname: i umm....don’t really have one i guess lmaoo, my brother and i call each other noob so much that it’s basically a nickname so i’ll just count that
pronouns: she/her 
star sign: im a leo (even tho 90% of the time i dont feel like it lol)
height: 5′2 :(
time currently: 5:13 pm
birthday: august 14th!!
favorite groups/bands: i listen to a lot of Mumford & Sons, Snow Patrol, All Time Low, Coldplay, I guess The Beatles, The Decemberists, The Killers, Aly & AJ (their music fucking slaps) and if i add any more it’ll be wayyy too much lol
favorite solo artist: TAYLOR SWIFT i’ve been a fan since i was 7 years old, Lorde, Phoebe Bridgers, beabadoobee, Regina Spektor, Sleeping at Last (who is technically a solo artist i think,) Noah Reid, Julien Baker, the list goes on
last movie you watched: lmao robots (2005) because it’s an anti-capitalist cinematic masterpiece and also ewan mcgregor’s in it (the whole movie is basically just ewan fake screaming with an american accent sjdfkhs)
last show you binged: i’m binging how i met your mother right now because it’s been a looong time since i’ve watched it so i thought why not
when you created your blog: damn i literally made this sideblog in february so this blog is still pretty fresh, but i’ve been on tumblr since 2013
last thing i googled: “how to get anvil minecraft” ..............
other blogs: my main is @laleelawadee !! and i’ve got a marvel sideblog that i should probably use more lmao @eliizabetholsens 
why i chose my url: when i first made this blog i was just sort of absentmindedly typing in a bunch of semi-canon names, not expecting any of them to stick, and of course my fav man is obi-wan so i was trying some obi names and this one was somehow available lmaoo
do you get asks: i mean i usually expect zero asks so the fact that i’ve actually gotten some is a surprise to me lol
how many people you are following: 209
how many followers: 625 seriously yall im blown away thank you!!
average hours of sleep: it’s either 4 hours or 11 hours there is no in between
lucky number: 14!! im basic and it’s just my birthdate lol
instruments: i play the ukulele!! i’ve got two—an ebony wood one and a pretty teal one <3
currently wearing: a blue striped shirt, some jeans, my taylor swift cardigan and my one ring necklace lmao
dream job: a graphic novelist or a storyboard artist at disney/cartoon network :) 
dream trip: i’ve technically been in tokyo.....’s airport, but i wanna actually go to tokyo and explore the city!! also anywhere in europe really, like scotland or ireland!!
favorite food: spaghetti #1 (my dad makes this tomato vinegar sauce thats SO good) and literally anything with rice: eggs with rice, nuggets with rice, shrimp with rice, chicken with rice, squid with rice, i can go on forever
favorite song: saturn by sleeping at last, a truly gorgeous song that hits me with a shockwave of emotions every single time
top 3 fictional worlds to live in: oh star wars ofc, but also middle earth!!! and umm third world, skyrim i guess lol, i wanna be a khajiit 
(no pressure!!) tagging: @emilykenobi @myonly-hope @obihoekenobi @kenobismullet @radiantskywalker @reyobi-wan (also if you’ve done this before feel free to just ignore this lol)
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Why Oblivion is Still the Best Elder Scrolls Game
With their acquisition of ZeniMax Studios finally complete, Microsoft is poised to challenge Sony’s recent reign of exclusivity dominance by potentially making the next generation of Bethesda releases exclusive to Game Pass platforms. For the moment, though, the biggest benefit of this acquisition is undoubtedly the ability to access a good portion of Bethesda’s library of classic games via Game Pass.
While most of the Bethesda games recently added to Game Pass are worth playing for one reason or another, few are more intriguing than The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Sandwiched between the releases of the revolutionary Morrowind and the eternally re-released Skyrim, Oblivion is sometimes thought of as the middle child in the modern history of one of gaming’s most beloved RPG series. Nearly 15 years after its release, though, it’s remarkably easier than ever to appreciate the many ways that Oblivion represents the very best of the Elder Scrolls franchise.
Don’t believe me? Use its recent addition to the Game Pass library as an excuse to play Oblivion again (or perhaps for the first time), and you’ll find these reasons (and more) why it remains arguably the best Elder Scrolls adventure so far.
Oblivion Has (By Far) the Best Elder Scrolls Quests and Stories
Let’s start with one thing that few Elder Scrolls fans will argue against. When it comes to quests and stories, Oblivion is a far better game than Morrowind or Skyrim.
I’ve talked about this more extensively in my look at the best Elder Scrolls quests ever, but I remain truly amazed at how much thought and creativity went into even the most “average” quest in Oblivion. That baseline level of quality is really the key point here. While many of Oblivion’s biggest quests (such as the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild assignments) are obviously memorable, even the little quests along the way that you may have forgotten about offer something special that helps them stand out.
I don’t know why the Elder Scrolls quest design and writing teams were at the top of their game at this time, but I doubt even The Elder Scrolls 6 can top the work they did here.
Oblivion Found a Nice Middle Ground Between Accessibility and Depth
For quite some time, the line on Oblivion has been that it’s the “middle” game between Morrowind and Skyrim. While that’s obviously true of its release date, that idea speaks more to the suggestion that Oblivion represents Bethesda’s struggles to balance the more hardcore RPG ideas of a game like Morrowind and the accessibility improvements featured in Skyrim.
Some say that means Oblivion doesn’t truly excel at either pursuit, but I don’t see it like that. In Oblivion, you get a taste of Morrowind’s incredible RPG philosophies and mechanics without having to deal with that game’s most annoying aspects. At the same time, Oblivion manages to be much more playable than its predecessor while still feeling deeper overall than its successor from a role-playing perspective. 
Oblivion doesn’t necessarily combine the best of Skyrim and Morrowind, but it finds a nice middle-ground between those styles that’s easy to appreciate to this day. 
Shivering Isles is Still the Best DLC Expansion Bethesda Has Ever Made
Granted, I can’t (and would never try to) defend most of Oblivion’s DLC. There’s a reason that “Horse Armor” is still used as the gold standard for exploitative and uninspired video game microtransactions.
However, it’s easier to forgive Oblivion‘s DLC stumbles when you realize they all eventually led to the Shivering Isles expansion. That was the expansion that finally dared to answer the question “What if The Elder Scrolls just got weird with it?” By transporting players to a land ruled by Sheogorath (the often hilarious Daedric Prince of Madness), Shivering Isles dropped most of the stuffier fantasy elements of the franchise in favor of allowing the talented Oblivion design team and writers to breathe life into their wildest ideas.
The golden age of single-player DLC expansions was highlighted by the idea of letting studios break free and truly experiment with new and strange creations that would otherwise not likely see the light of day. Shivering Isles is perhaps the greatest example of that era.
Oblivion’s Atmosphere is Consistent and Helps Tell a Story
I will freely admit that the province of Cyrodiil isn’t always the most interesting place. There are certainly times when it comes across as “Capital City, Fantasyland.”
Yet, there’s a consistency to Oblivion’s atmosphere that I remain fascinated with years after its release. While Morrowind’s alien-like worlds are hard to beat from a pure design perspective and Skyrim’s tundras offer a welcome deviation from the most common fantasy tropes, there’s something about the way that everything flows in Oblivion that I’d argue Bethesda has never quite replicated.
Individual regions of Oblivion’s map manage to remain distinct while also feeling like the logical progression of the area you just arrived from and the area you’re going to. There’s also something to be said for how Oblivion sells the idea of people battling to protect their land from invasion and corruption by presenting a fantasy world that you might actually want to live in.
Get Past Their Voice Acting, and Oblivion Might Have the Best NPCs in any Elder Scrolls Game
I’d like to argue that Oblivion’s “bad” voice acting and awkward NPC designs actually give the game a personality you don’t find in refined titles, but I understand that some rough edges are hard to ignore.
Instead, let’s focus on the ways that Oblivion’s NPCs are advanced even by modern design standards. Nearly every NPC in Oblivion has a personality of their own, something unique to say to you, and will legitimately go about a daily schedule that even changes from day to day due to their ability to make dynamic decisions rather than simply follow a tightly scripted path.
At a time when developers are sometimes more interested in putting more characters on-screen rather than crafting richer NPCs (looking at you Cyberpunk 2077), there’s something undeniably refreshing about a game that emphasizes offering more unique interactions rather than simply relying on the quantity of NPCs.
Oblivion Let You Build Wild (and Broken) Characters
The “highlight” of Oblivion‘s character-building system in the minds of many fans will undoubtedly be the time they discovered it’s possible to make a truly invisible character who can pretty much do whatever they want. That kind of mechanical exploitation is certainly one of the most noteworthy examples of how Oblivion let you run wild with the characters you created.
Yet, when I think back on my hours with Oblivion, the kinds of broken characters I appreciate most are the ones who didn’t make it far. While Oblivion’s enemy scaling system has been (often rightfully) criticized for its shortcomings, there’s something to be said for how the game’s attempts at offering a consistent challenge level meant that your design decisions were tested more often throughout the game.
It wasn’t a perfect system, but when compared to a game like Skyrim, or even titles like Destiny, where building a viable character is really about reaching higher levels and reaping the rewards, I miss, at the very least, Oblivion’s attempts to challenge me to master the character I built and the times it would actively punish my worst decisions.
Oblivion is Less About Combat and More About Adventure
In terms of pure combat, Skyrim is really in a class of its own when compared to the other Elder Scrolls games. Its improved controls, cinematic qualities, and smoother animations are more than enough to make it the favorite among Elder Scrolls fans looking for the best action.
I certainly recognize that some of Oblivion’s combat system problems are the result of bad decisions and outdated technology, but years later, I really appreciate how the game was never really about the action; it was about the adventure. Much like how Fellowship of the Ring utilized action sequences as the response to danger that our heroes otherwise tried to avoid, combat in Oblivion is just one of those things that you’ll come across as you explore but isn’t necessarily meant to be the grand set piece or the big draw.
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While Oblivion’s main questline betrays this philosophy somewhat during its most action-heavy (and often worst) moments, there’s still a sense that the game is more about exploration, storytelling, and the little discoveries you make along the way rather than a desire to get you to the next big sequence or other chances to simply fuel a power fantasy.
The post Why Oblivion is Still the Best Elder Scrolls Game appeared first on Den of Geek.
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volzaannir · 4 years
The 30 LDB questionnaire
So there was that 30 LDB questions ask meme floating around, and I decided to answer them all for the sake of character building and reference for myself skjfhksdjhf
Questionnaire below!
1. What is their background and backstory?
Signe was born in a small home in the Rift on the 9th of Evening Star, 4E 173, to Ragnar and Freyja, two Nords who abandoned their lives to be with each other and start a family. Ragnar (aka ‘Ragnar the Berserkir’) was an infamous mercenary in Skyrim, who would be hired through out the land and even some places beyond for his battle prowness and seemingly inability to fucking die. Freyja was an assassin for the Dark Brotherhood, an archer/mage type who was going to be chosen as the next Listener until she dropped all connections after meeting Ragnar.
She was raised a warrior and avid hunter by her father, and a novice mage and singer by her mother. Unfortunately, at the age of 6, a fire engulfed her home one night after sneaking out to climb trees. It killed both her parents and left a nasty scar on her face after some debris sliced it while trying to free the two. Signe was taken to Honorhall, where she was bullied most of the time by other kids and of course Grelod, some accusing her of starting the fire - even though she swears it was a dragon that had started it. They say grief can make a child believe many things.
At age 17, with only a few more months to go before getting kicked out of the orphanage, she encounters Brynjolf. He’s a few years older than her, and is on his own mission to prove that he’s a valuable asset to the Guild at such an age. She assists him in his little heist, and runs away to join the Guild.
At age 28, after a small mistake during a heist near the border to Cyrodiil, she attempts to cross the border to escape being caught. Of course this doesn’t work, and thus brings us to the events of the game!
2. What “class” do they follow (i.e. warrior, archer, mage, thief, etc.)?
She’s a warrior, archer, and thief! 
3. How do they feel about being Dragonborn- does the identity feel right for them and did they embrace it immediately? Do they consider themselves a true dragon?
At first, Signe took to it slowly, still rattled from the suddenness of it all. First Helgen, then needing to tell the Jarl, then fighting a dragon and absorbing its soul, then being yelled at by four old men at the top of a mountain, and being thrown into quests here and there for so many reasons. She takes to it easily and enjoys the bouts of praise here and there during the events of Dawnguard, but it’s not until after defeating Alduin that she realized how much of a toll it takes on her mentally. While the authority is nice, she’s still too humble to go about bragging about it to those who don’t know her off the bat. She wished she could have earned her reputation like her father, rather than becoming a legend overnight. 
4. At present, how are they perceived by the people of Skyrim? By the general population, and by different factions?
By the general public, she’s of course seen as a hero, but a hero that causes a little too much damage for what’s needed. Not to mention she’s chaotic, loud, disrespectful, sleeps around, and takes no shit. But they know she’s necessary.
She’s a constant contract by the Dark Brotherhood and Morag Tong, competition to fractions like the Comonna Tong and Summerset Shadows, and always pressured into joining the Companions. (She would, but they don’t offer a big enough thrill for her- not to mention the whole werewolf thing)  
5. How were they perceived before their Dragonborn identity became widely known?
She was a Thieves Guild member and Nightingale, so within the ranks she was looked up to and respected. Outside of the ratways, though, she was just any other Nord citizen; only few knew of her amorous adventures though, as she makes sure it’s kept under wraps.
6. How are they perceived by the major villains- Alduin, Harkon, Miraak, etc.?
Alduin: He sees her as he sees the LDB in game; an obstacle and threat he needs to eradicate.
Harkon: An asset that immediately turns into a threat when she refuses to help them.
Miraak: Similar to Alduin, but grows more and more frustrated with how skilled she is in her young, young age. 
7. How much do they utilize the power of Thu'um? Do they actively try to expand their inborn abilities through research and exploration? Or are they less invested?
Signe uses Aura Whisper like how we need to breathe to live. She uses it to see where she should either avoid or take caution of, as well as alert her followers where enemies may be! It helps for when she’s looting too, as she need to plan how to knock them out first. Signe doesn’t like to kill innocent folk. As for others, she uses Unrelenting Force mainly when she’s annoyed by something in her way, Dragon Aspect when the enemy is insanely powerful, and Storm Call when she needs a distraction! The Thu’um is useful, but she’s not heavily invested in it, until way later on in her journey after the events of Dragonborn.
8. If they were to invent a shout, what shout would they create? Bonus if you can come up with the words of the shout in dragon language.
It works similar or such to Dragon Aspect, but could like, literally turn you into a dragon for a short time. I thought since the DB has the blood and soul of a dragon, then with some effort surely they can call forth their soul to turn their flesh to match, right?
It would be a Shout containing some from of these words: Ofan (Bestow), Dov (Dragon), Slen (Flesh), Sil (Soul), Rii (Essence), Gron (Bind); I haven’t found an order that really ‘rings’ yet. 
Otherwise, it would be the name given to their dragon soul, like how you call to Odahviing. In Signe’s case, it would be ‘Volzaannir’: Vol (Horror), Zaan (Shout [as in yell, shriek, etc.]), and Nir (Hunt). All three words are reference to a barn owl, which is her pet/familiar, since they’re known for their horrific shrieking and astounding hunting skills.
9. Whether they are magical or not- if they were to invent a spell for their own uses, that does not already exist in Skyrim, what kind of spell would they come up with?
Conjure dragon familiar! A spectral dragon will appear to fight for you for 90 - 300 seconds.
10. Which factions are they aligned with? Including civil war sides, Thalmor, guilds etc.
Thieves Guild, Dawnguard (not active), and TECHNICALLY the Imperials even though she considers herself a neutral force who just wants this shit to end.
11. If they had a pet or magical familiar as in ESO (excluding the dogs in Skyrim) what creature would it be?
She actually already has one! It’s a barn owl named Hyl (Danish for ‘shriek’).
12. Which standing stone have they used for the longest and why?
Thief stone, since it levels up sneak and such easily. 
13. Dungeon delving- are they a fan? Do they do it for fun, or money, or just because of circumstance? Do they prefer Dwemer or Nordic ruins?
Signe did it in the past for the loot, and still kinda does, though after becoming Dragonborn it’s kinda become her daily tasks lmao. She’s more familiar with Nordic ruins, but Dwemer ruins are unique and fun to explore.
14. What is their personal favorite place in Skyrim- a town, hold, home, dungeon, or just a natural spot they happen to have a fondness for?
One is an area just above the Twilight Sepulcher, where you go to defeat the Guardian Bear in Kyne’s Sacred Trials; there’s a fairy ring and a shrine to Akatosh here, as well as a beautiful view!
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Another one is where I also envision her old home being, before it was burnt down, as there are remains of a possible building there. It’s a little Northeast of Ivarstead, on top of a hill where you would meet a Whispmother.
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15. What is their personal LEAST favorite place in Skyrim- somewhere that annoys them, or comes with bad memories, or otherwise?
Windhelm. It’s a beautiful city, of course, but the PEOPLE…. They’re just so awful and rude (Not including the Grey Quarter). Every time she’s there she always finds herself getting into a fistfight with some racist Nord asshole.
16. Where did they choose to live and what drew them there? Does it really feel like home?
She chooses to settle in Lakeview Manor, as it’s close to Riverwood - one of the only places Teldryn finds habitable, and she can agree. Although, she always finds herself missing the beautiful golden and red birch of the Rift. If she could have one of the homes from ESO in the Rift, she’d absolutely choose one of those. 
17. What’s their style- do they tend to wear armor and if so, what sort? Otherwise what’s their average day-to-day clothing?
Signe’s armor is an alteration of Nordic carved steel mixed with dragon scales/bones, and has a variety of rune engravings and patterns befitting a walking prophecy. Before being Dragonborn, she normally wore the usual Thieves Guild attire, or her Nightingale uniform. Her day to day wear is typically a comfy fitting tunic and pants with well worn boots, and her sleepwear is similar to a miner shirt, but longer and only the shirt.
18. Your Dragonborn is now an actual dragon- what do they look like? Do they possess any unique features or abilities?
Signe actually has a dragon form! But she doesn’t harness it till way later in the game, after all the main quests. Her Dragon Aspect form reflects some of it, however.
Her dragon form is called Volzaannir [see question 8 for details], and she’s what I would call a Crested Dragon; a dragon that is partially feathers, the end of their muzzle is beaked, and is a tad thinner to allow more fluid aerodynamics. She utilizes shouts that call upon more natural forces, or invoke fear/frenzy, or conjure a variety of types of thralls. (Storm Call is a common one, Animal Allegiance, Cyclone, Dismay, Drain Vitality, Marked for Death, Soul Tear, and sometimes Frost Breath if fighting head-on).
19. Which NPC have they killed and regretted it?
Signe doesn’t like to kill, at all. It stems far before she even joined the Thieve’s Guild, and was thankful that they valued that rule as well. But, just because she doesn’t like to, doesn’t mean she won’t; she has to survive after all, and that means killing when justified. 
She hasn’t regretted any of her intentional kills; however, she does mourn the loss of lives when they have become collateral damage. After a dragon attack, or rescuing travelers being attacked by bears, anything like that, there’s always lives she could not save in the pursuit of rescue. She often times feels survivors guilt - terribly so after Helgen, especially.
20. Which NPC have they killed and absolutely NOT regretted it (excluding the major villains)?
Ulfric and Mercer Frey.
Mercer was the first person she ever intentionally killed, driven near mad at the hurt from his betrayal. She squeezed his throat and held him under the water of Irkngthand, effectively drowning him slowly, eyes locked on his water-distorted face. The pure bloodlust she felt frightened her afterward, leaving her shaken and vowing to keep whatever that was under check.
She did not personally kill Ulfric, but she was the one who decided his fate in the end. When the Civil War is won, she summons Ulfric to death by Blood Eagle, and remains face-to-face with him until he dies - making sure her disappointment is the last thing he ever sees.
21. Do they worship any of the Divines, and if so, which do they have the strongest affinity for?
Kyne and Akatosh! (Or any name they go by in each culture). She mainly worships Kyne, feeling the strongest connection to her through culture, history, and soul.
22. Which Daedric Prince(s) do they end up most aligned to, if any? Which artifacts do they own and which do they actively make use of?
She aligns to Nocturnal majorly, thanks to being a Nightingale, and finds her to be surprisingly well-tempered and benevolent sometimes. Signe also finds herself more familiar with Azura, thanks to traveling with Teldryn most of the time - but she holds no judgement, and encourages worship if it brings others comfort or clearance.
While Nocturnal’s artifact, the Skeleton Key, is in its rightful place, she still holds the powers of Nocturnal’s Agents; typically switching between the Agent of Shadow and Subterfuge. 
23. Which non-Daedric artifacts/magical items do they make regular use of?
A Stahlrim bow, dragonbone arrows, dragonbone swords (dual wield, one has electrical damage and the other traps souls), and two Stahlrim daggers affectionately named Frostbite (frost damage) and Freezer Burn (fire damage).
24. How did they respond to Miraak and what do they feel about him? Do they regret killing him? Did they spare him?
She saw Miraak as a threat at first, obviously, but there is of course that melancholy feeling of wishing he wasn’t so power-obsessed… He is the only other Dragonborn she (or anyone, in the 4th Era) has ever met, and he could have helped her in her quests, in defeating Alduin, in teaching her how to live with these powers and their consequences - being a mentor. Signe had planned on sparing him, attempting to convince him to escape Apocrypha with her, to live a new life on Nirn… But in battle, when his mask falls off, she finally gets a solid glimpse at his soul through his eyes, and realizes his mind is too far gone to save. Too tortured, too desperate, too power-hungry. Death is the kindest thing she could give him, while still keeping Nirn safe.
25. Which of the Dragon Priest masks do they favor and wear the most? If the answer is Konahrik, pick the second favorite too.
Signe doesn’t wear the masks, as she feels there’s too much evil floating around in them, no matter how fuckin’ cool they look. She’s not against the Dragon Priests themselves, just that the history and power held within the specific masks makes her anxious and uncomfortable. If she were to create her own (and she does), then she would wear it.
26. Which follower(s) would they never go anywhere without? On a personal level, what is their relationship with the follower(s) in question like and why do they stick with them?
TELDRYN. SERO. He’s her partner in crime, the only one brave enough to be her damage control, and who's always been at her side at the worst of times… and still willingly chooses to be. Signe met him when she was delivering a letter to Glover from Delvin (well before the main quest, but after Dawnguard), and decided to rest a bit in the Retching Netch overnight before heading back to Skyrim. His stupid charm and humor was enough to convince her to let him tag along, and she’ll never regret it.
Not only does she find out later on that he used to be good - if not best - friends with her father, the two of them being infamous mercenaries for hire in their respective countries. They slowly fall in love, cliche I know, but trust me - after the shit they’ve been through and bond over, how could they not?
27. If your Dragonborn were an in-game boss fight, what would their lair be like? What enemies would help them in the fight (if any) and what quest might lead to another hero having to fight them?
Ohhhohohoo boy, this one’s a fun one. 
First off, her lair would be similar to ruins like Skuldafn, or the Blades headquarters, somewhere difficult to get to and holding this ancient aesthetic to it. Either that, or her very own plane of Oblivion, a pocket containing a strange mix of both Apocrypha, the Evergloom, and the Quagmire. A place of knowledge and wisdom and history that still holds unimaginable terror and secrets and madness. 
What could lead to battling her perhaps is due to how she devotes her life after the events of Skyrim; seeking to bring forth her dragon blood and soul forth to not only give her a dragon form, but extend her life as well, as she has an underlying fear of death. If she cannot go to Sovngarde and be with her parents due to her soul being promised to Daedric Princes, then the afterlife is not something she looks forward to. However, she did not anticipate the toll an extended life would take on her human mind. Perhaps Teldryn and Ondolemar passed away somehow and she can’t bring herself to take another lover, she can’t make friends because she knows she’ll see them die too, and dragon companions to not hold the same kind of compassion or humor or affection her fellow mortals could. 
She becomes reckless, often times falling into episodes of paranoia and madness, and people have noticed. Some worship her like the Dragon Priests in ancient times, but the others fear what she may be capable of. Signe may have holed herself away in that lair of hers, but the public still fears her power, and knows she was not meant to live as long as she has. Soldiers and mages and wizards and heroes alike are sent to grant her death, but are never successful, as her insanity and fear has brought her to sending dragons of all kinds after anyone who dares try and approach her with malice-intent. If your aura holds no hostility, however, you could be lucky and hold a conversation with a possible demi-god such as her; beware, as her dragons watch over your every move from the stone arcs and towers above.
She is the Last Dragonborn, and you WILL show her respect, even if it means getting on your knees and praying to her as if she were a god. And perhaps she is.
28. What are their greatest assets, both in terms of in-game skills and otherwise? What gave them the upper hand that allowed them to defeat Alduin?
Archery, dual-wielding, sneak, lock-picking, pick-pocketing, charisma/speech, and smithing have been the most helpful throughout her life thus far. As for defeating Alduin and Miraak and Harkon, though, it would have to be her resilience and determination to protect the life amongst Nirn. Without such personal strength and wit, she would have given up for sure.
29. What do they do post-Skyrim, once all the main quests are finished? What happens to them in the aftermath?
It’s tough for Signe to come to terms with the thought that technically, everything is over. The journey’s have made her an adrenaline junky, they’ve brought new nightmares, and there are fractions up the wazoo who still want her dead despite doing nothing to harm them. The Black Books and Herma Mora haunting her have caused her to act relatively ‘insane’ at some points; she’s gained too much of a reputation as a hero to really return to her Nightingale days; and being a mercenary isn't up her alley. 
Her overall dream in life was to just settle in a cottage somewhere in the Rift and carve wood and bones for a living, take up smithing and open an armor and weapons shop called “Helm of Awe”. But of course after having her life altered so intensely in such a short time, it’s taken its toll on her, and left her too restless to fully settle down. 
So, she takes her band of Merry Mer (Teldryn and Ondolemar lmao) and they travel all over, looting burrows and taking high-risk jobs. 
She also takes up researching and meditating on Words of Power, aiming to create a Shout that allows her to harness the entirety of her dragon soul - all the way to flesh. Signe also looks into ways to bring her dragon blood and soul more forward, less buried in her spirit, to lengthen her life more; purely for the sake of her Mer lovers, though there’s an underlying fear there too. [See question 27]
30. Are they proud of themselves? Do they see themselves as a hero?
She is proud, deep down, because she knows in the end it’s for the betterment and safety of the world. A hero? Absolutely. Signe may be humble in the present about her position, but not even the kindest person on Nirn could pass up the chance to brag about saving the world thrice over.
VERY IMPORTANT BONUS QUESTION: In their opinion, who is the best dog in all Skyrim?
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History has recorded that the Dwemer disappeared under mysterious circumstances many millennia ago. They were a resourceful people possessing wonderous technology, knowledge, and wealth, but at the pinnacle of their mastery over their world, they vanished entirely. Or did they? This is the tale of the last Dwemer who awakens to find themselves in a far different world than they left. 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Elder Scrolls Online, Elder Scrolls Characters: Original Dwemer Character(s), Various Skyrim Characters, College of Winterhold
Ratings and warnings are subject to change.
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My dreams are filled with the sibilant sound of escaping steam, the whir of flywheels, and the rhythmic clank of metal cogs stepping through the gears one lash at a time. The constant noises are comforting in their way, like a mother’s heartbeat, echoing through the darkness of the womb.
My nightmares are different. They are filled with the horror of artificial silence, hunger and desperation, and the acrid scent of sweaty fear. The nightmares seem both immediate and distant in my mind and I do not like to dwell upon them.
I don’t know if my eyes are open or closed; darkness envelopes me in a constant state with no relief. I am neither warm nor cold. I cannot feel my body, assuming that is, that I still have one. I’m not aware of the passage of time, a blessing and a curse that I will come to understand later.
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“Carefully now. We do not know what dangers may await us.” A ball of light zoomed into the middle of the pitch-black room then hovered lazily, rising slowly toward the ceiling of the cavernous space. “We don’t need a repeat of yesterday.”
Status: Initializing…
“Understood, professor,” a male stated, nervously clearing their throat.
“Dwemer ruins are notorious riddled with traps. Wards at the ready. Phinis, a little bit more light, if you please.”
Six people, five humans and an Argonian, cautiously entered the room, their eyes darting from shadow to shadow, looking for dangers. A middle-aged man, balding and with a confident stride, came first, sending globes of light up into the air. The two younger human men, twin brothers and Nords by appearance, jostled each other as they came through the door. A Redguard woman walked cautiously next to the Argonian. An elderly looking man, grey hair and beard neatly trimmed despite the unkempt look of his robes, brought up the rear.
Several more globes of light shot into the room distributing themselves into a ring, illuminating the space with a pale blue light. Smooth stone walls gleamed with collected moisture and crystallized mineral deposits. Rays of light, weak and watery, filtered down through the fractured stone. Metal glinted in the wavering light, twinkling in and out of view as the balls of light shifted on the air currents created by steam that rose from the single piece of machinery still working.
“Remarkable, simply remarkable,” the elder stated, craning his head to look around. “These ruins are unlike any we’ve discovered previously. Carefully now.”
The room was circular in shape with only the single door they entered by. At the center of the room stood a narrow waist-high pedestal with two rows of buttons, a single button glowed with a green light. Fanning out from it by narrow metal conduits were a dozen larger tubes, circling the available space like markers on an incomplete sundial. Most tubes were dulled and broken, but one glowed like polished moonstone in the magelight.
“Never have we seen construction such as these. Remarkable.”
“Yes, Professor Tolfdir.” The younger members of the group looked at each other and rolled their eyes at the elder’s rambling. None of them had any real interest in being there but as the oldest apprentices at the college, they had the dubious honour of being farmed out for such research expeditions.
Above each tube, ominously familiar round metal hatches were pressed into the wall. They were not the usual dull gold of dwarven metal either but silver, pitted and tarnished black with age. Nonetheless, these were easily recognized by the explorers. Most were ajar and empty, their contents of sleek silver metallic spiders, lay broken and dormant on the crumbling stone floor. Several hatches remained closed despite the broken tubes, but from within one, a green gem began to glow. The gem slowly rotated within the gyroscope housing that served as the spider’s head to focus on the interlopers.
Status: Analyzing…
“Look!” one of the Nords, the nervous male, stated excitedly, “one of them is still working!” He hurried forward, tripped over one of the conduits and froze at the ominous clacking of metal on metal.
When nothing further happened, everyone gave a slow sigh of relief.
“Apprentice Rundi! Would you please restrain yourself… by the door!” The professor’s voice had slipped from its normal calm tone to something much sharper and impatient.
“Yes, professor. I’m sorry, professor.” He carefully walked back past the group, slouching his head and shoulders forward with shame. His brother shoved his shoulder as he passed, making him stagger slightly.
“Borvir! This is neither the time nor the place for roughhousing of that nature.”
“Sorry, professor.”
“Now, where were we—?” Tolfdir muttered to himself, sounding bemused, before his eyes lit up with renewed focus. “Ah, yes. It is truly remarkable to see equipment of this age still functional! You can see that even here, the walls and floor have fractured with the upheaval of the mountain at some time during the past; however, the ingenuity and redundancy of the Dwemer design has allowed the machinery to continue to function despite damages.”
“What do they do exactly?” The Redguard, Yisra, asked, cocking her head to the side as she carefully studied the steam outlet on the single working tube.
“We have no idea.” The students stopped in their tracks and turned back to look at him with an assortment of incredulous and confused looks on their faces. “We have only recently discovered two of these ruins and they significantly pre-date the oldest known ruins of Nchuand-Zel, Alftand, or Bthardamz. Those ruins do not contain these circular vaults. They are an intriguing curiosity. Perhaps it would be best to have Calcelmo join us before we proceed further.” He turned around and looked startled to find a student at the door. “Oh! Borvir…”
“Yes, professor?” Borvir replied, standing next to him.
“Oh!” Tolfdir blinked repeatedly, then realized he had confused the twins. “No, no. Rundi—please fetch Master Calcelmo from the other chamber. Tell him we have a working example.”
While they waited, the students carefully examined the silent tubes and compared them to the single working one. The tubes, slightly longer than the average Altmer and wider than a Nord, were oval in shape instead of the expected round. The surface was slightly warm to the touch, slick as polished marble in some places, pitted and rough in others with the accumulation of minerals similar to the deposits on the surrounding walls. Pairs of pipes entered and exited either end, with gauges marked with illegible figures. Only the gauges on the functional tube flickered to suggest some unknown activity within.
“This tube is open,” Borvir said sticking his fingers under the edge of what looked like a lid and lifted. A loud creak of hinges made everyone freeze in their tracks.
Status: threat assessment pending...
The gem turned yellow and its legs flexed for the first time in millennia, the joints popping with a soft hiss of steam.
The tube was empty except from some sort of mineral deposit fused to the inside bottom of the surface that he scratched at with his fingernails. “What do you suppose was in them?”
“It’s hard to say. They could have been storage tanks for fuel or food. Perhaps fermentation…”
Borvir threw his hands up into the air as his brother returned with the Altmer mage, Calcelmo. “Dwemer mead!”
Phinis shook his head and rubbed at his temples in frustration at his students’ behaviour. He wasn’t the only one as their fellow student, Yisra curled her lip in disgust. “You and your stupid mead. One day you’ll freeze to death toasting to your own stupidity.”
“Now, now… Master Calcelmo. The students have found a working example of the Dwemer devices.”
“So your student said Master Tolfdir, although I very much doubt that,” Calcelmo said as he strode into the room, shooing the students out of the way as he entered, “but I suppose I can see what you have found. Ah!” He walked around the tube that continued to emit a jet of steam with perfect mechanical timing. He walked around the adjacent tube that had been pulled open. “Fascinating. There is no outward sign of hinges or latches, and yet they can be opened. But how? There must be some mechanism—”
“What about this?” Rundi asked, running his finger over the green light on the pedestal.
“Do not push—” Phinis called as the button depressed under Rundi’s finger.
Status: unauthorized input...awaiting bypass command...
The gem started to pulse.
The room fell abruptly silent as the methodic rhythm of the device’s gears ground to a halt and the vent of steam tapered off with a waning hiss.
“How many times must you be told—"
“Of all the stupid—"
Status: eliminate threat...
The gem turned red as the weapons system activated.
A loud chime rang startling them all into silence. They had never heard such a thing before in a Dwemer ruin. It nearly drowned out the swish of the remaining hatches on the walls, opening and spilling out their mechanical eight-legged guardians.
The spiders rapidly climbed over their fallen brethren, their metal legs tapping sharply on the stone floors as they advanced. Lightning arced through the air sizzling across hastily erected barriers.
Spikes of ice exploded against the spiders sending them tumbling across the floor only to right themselves with acrobatic leaps before charging back at the mages, razor-sharp edges slashing against fabric and flesh.
“Ice doesn’t work!” Rundi screamed, tripping over his own feet as he retreated.
“Then use fire, ice-brain,” Yisri barked, blasting the spider advancing on the scrambling Nord with a fireball. The spider flipping onto its back, legs kicking, then burst apart in a shower of sparks.
“Don’t panic. Work together now,” Phinis called out as he brought his conjured sword down onto a spider.
“Remember your wards, apprentices!” Tolfdir reminded them, his own glowing blue ward crackled but held firm against a bolt of lightning.
The spiders were vastly outnumbered and quickly overpowered by the mages. The final spider staggered upright again on its remaining five legs, two of which dragged on the floor from broken joints. It snapped its single functional scissor-like front legs aggressively at the intruders before being slammed back against the wall with a glancing ball of fire.
The spider’s inner workings hissed and spun in a mindless effort to fulfill its directive. The gem pulsed with red light, weaker than before.
Status: critical failure…
It burst apart in a shower of sparks and scattered legs to collapse in a silent heap.
The mages panted with exertion, sucking in gasps of ozone scorched air, all the while glaring daggers at a now-sheepish Rundi. “Sorry.”
“And that, young man, is why we do not go pushing buttons with abandon like a skooma-raddled khaj—”
A loud crack echoed off the stones abruptly ending Calcelmo’s tirade. Wards and destruction spells bloomed as they all rapidly scanned the room for new threats. Their hands slowly lowered as nothing came at them. Indeed, even the alarm bell had fallen silent.
“Oh, it’s leaking!” Yisra exclaimed, jumping back from the previously functioning device as a gold-coloured, viscous fluid started to pour out of the tube and splashed onto her shoes. The device had become hinged like its counterparts and was rapidly losing its contents.
“Quickly now,” Calcelmo darted forward with surprising agility, holding out a flask pulled from the inner folds of his voluminous robes, “get a sample before it all runs away.”
“Ew!” she protested even as she held the glass under the slowing flow of liquid. She held her hand up and rubbed her fingers together. It felt creamy, not greasy or sticky as she had expected. She wrinkled her nose; it was still disgusting. She wiped her fingers on Borvir’s shirt.
“Well, I think there is no longer any harm in opening this the rest of the way, do you?” Tolfdir asked Calcelmo.
“No. I think what’s done is done. Let’s take a look inside.”
The lid opened smoothly after some initial resistance and more fluid spilled out to reveal the contents.
“Xarxes Backside!” Calcelmo exclaimed in an uncharacteristic display of shock.
“Is that—is that—”
They stared in stunned amazement at what appeared to be a female body, coated in the remnants of the golden liquid, lying in repose at the heart of the tube.
“A Dwemer,” Calcelmo said in awe upon finally collecting himself. “This is the find of a lifetime. All my research, my work as the pre-eminent scholar—”
The body jerked once, then again; gold fluid started to bubble at the mouth.
“It’s alive!”
“Nonsense. That’s not possible.”
Phinis gestured with his hands and each one of them in the room glowed with a red light in reaction to the life detection spell he had cast. And so, too, did the body before them.
“It’s not possible. To be alive after having slept for seven thousand years—”
The body jerked again, less violently, with another bubble of fluid rising from the mouth to burst and spill over the cheeks. The lingering red glow of the spell began to flicker.
“If we don’t do something quickly,” Phinis barked at them, “it’s not going to live for very long. It’s drowning!”
Ilas-Tei, the Argonian, jumped forward, “turn it on its side to drain the lungs. Dryskins are always drowning.”
“Yes, carefully now,” Tolfdir directed them.
“It’s softer than I expected,” Borvir said, his hands were wrapped over the hip and thigh.
“What did you expect? Metal?” Yisra asked, wrinkling her nose at the draining fluid as she held the head steady.
“Well yeah,” he said with a shrug. “Dwemer made things out of metal.”
“They made things out of metal, but they weren’t constructed of metal themselves, you frost-brain.”
“Apprentices! There that should do it. Carefully now, onto the back.” Tolfdir stood up and looked to Calcelmo. “Now what should we do?”
He waved his hand at the now breathing body. “I study ruins. I don’t know anything about caring for—” he waved his hand again, “bodies, persons. You look after it. You have healers, restoration experts at the college. If it survives, I’ll have questions. Until then, it's your responsibility,” he added as he strode out of the room.
Tolfdir scratched at his beard thoughtfully. “Well then. Suggestions?”
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ironic-artist · 4 years
So I got tagged by @miyomiikonran to do this lil "about me" post, so... That's a good thing to come form the dead with I guess?
Rules: Repost and tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
Birthday: 5th of Jun
Star sign: Gemini~ ♊
Gender: Non-binary! I do prefer male pronouns or just “they”
Height: 1,60m which is arooound 5'2
Sexual Orientation: Totally pansexual, baby ✨
Romantic orientation: Still pan 🍳
Favourite colour: Violet~ *as if it wasn't obvious at this point XD*
Time and date at the current moment: March 22nd, 6:40 pm
Average hours of sleep: From 3-5 on weekdays to 10 on free days
Lucky number: 4
The last thing I googled: "function key lock lenovo" xD
First word that comes to mind: ImSoFucked
One place that makes me happy: My Cave of Shame My flat
How many blankets do I sleep under: One, I just change it to thicker one during winter
Favourite fictional character currently: Must be Bismuth from Steven Universe Future, luv the new look✨
Favourite famous person: Do Utaite count as famous? Does Soraru count?
Celebrity crush/es: Tom Holland 4ever ✨
Favourite books: I used to love all the old horror books of John Saul but those are hard to get sadly. So now I'm pretty much Dean Koontz's fan
Favourite animals: All of them, but mostly cats, sloths & pandas 🐼
Favourite shows: I will always love and recommend Good Omens to everybody. I'm also pretty into Steven Universe and BNHA (that one shounen I really like c':)
Favorite musician/band: Currently it's One Republic & Panic At The Disco ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and of course already mentioned Soraru and MafuMafu (do they count??)
Favorite games: Right now it's Skyrim I'm finally playing, I'm also the Sims freak xD But I also love the RPG Maker horror games
Last movie I’ve seen in the cinema: Little Women! Beautiful one!
Dream Holiday: Sweet time in Venice ✨ And besides that a lil cabin in the middle of nowhere with my sweetheart is all I need
Dream job: Even tho I study psychology and actually plan to be school psychologist, my dream is to be an artist and live off it
Wearing right now: old tank top, no pants. Love living alone c:
Last book I read: "The Interpretation of Dreams" by Sigmund Freud c': master thesis is coming help
OKAY so I don't really have many people to tag becuz most of my tumblr friends got tagged already, so I'll tag them again :'D
@purple--hurricane, @byhikarii, @acertaincritic and @lightbluesskrill2014 if that tumblr is still active
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