#avenger. ( connections / carol danvers )
arlana-likes-to-write · 6 months
I'll Be Home for Christmas
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Summary: You loved November, well to be more acurate you loved when Thanksgiving was over so you could start celebrating Christmas. Since it was your first Christmas with your girlfriend, you wanted it to be a good one but her Avengers take her away. Will she be back for the holidays?
Note: Look I know it's still November BUT Thanksgiving is techincally over for me so I say we can start posting Christmas one shots. I have more planned so hope you enjoy them!
Warning: fluff, angst with a happy ending
Word count: 2k
November was your favorite month. It was not because you liked Thanksgiving but because it was the Christmas season kick-off. The Christmas decorations came out as soon as everyone ate food and left. You were doing that while your girlfriend of 6 months was putting the rest of the food away. It was your first Christmas with Carol, and you were determined to make it good. While you were climbing down the attic stairs with the start of your decorations, your foot slipped, and you yelped as you fell off the ladder. Before you landed on the ground, Carol caught you in her arms. “Awe, how cute, you are still falling for me,” she smirked. You blushed but rolled your eyes.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Danvers,” you said, putting your feet on the ground. “But I do appreciate the save, Captain Marvel.” It was her turn to roll her eyes. You kissed her cheek before walking into the living room.
“How many more boxes do you have?” She asked; the sound of her socked-covered feet following you. You clicked your tongue on the roof of your mouth as you thought. You’ve downsized over the years. The Brooklyn brownstone was your grandmother’s that you inherited when she passed away. The woman loved Christmas more than you did. It was your priority when you moved into the place. You kept the sentimental pieces, gave some to your parents and siblings, and donated the rest. The woman had an unhealthy obsession with Christmas gnomes.
“Probably eight plus the tree,” your girlfriend made a noise in the back of her throat as you placed the tote near the couch. Spinning around, you put on your best smile and puppy dog eyes. “Can you grab the rest of them, darling?” You asked, stepping closer and placing a hand on her chest. The captain rolled her eyes.
“What’s in it for me?”
“My undying love and affection.” She scuffed and pushed you away slightly.
“I thought I already had that,” she said, walking back toward the attic.
“You do,” you called after her. “But now it’s Christmas-themed.” The sound of Carol’s laughter echoed against the wall, and it made you smile.
“Baby,” you were being gently rocked awake. “Baby, wake up.” You groaned, burying your face deeper into the pillow. The action caused your girlfriend to chuckle. “I know, but I need to see those beautiful eyes.” Mustering strength, you turned to face your girlfriend and opened your eyes. Carol wore a white muscle shirt, and her suit was loosely tied around her waist. She looked hot; any other time, you could compliment her on your looks, but your brain wasn’t at total capacity.
“You’re leaving,” you sat up, and the blanket that protected you from the coldness of the room fell. Carol nodded.
“Just got the call,” she said. “I’m needed in space.” The pout that appeared on your face wasn’t intentional. During the day, you were better at hiding your disappointment when her duties as Captain Marvel took her away from you. “I know,” She quickly placed her hand behind your head and connected her lips with yours. The kiss was slow as she savored the taste of you. No matter how often you kissed Carol, your heart seemed to drop. She pulled away a little too soon for your liking.
“How long will you be gone?” You asked.
“I don’t know,” she admitted. “But I will be home for Christmas.”
“Promise?” In the back of your mind, you knew having her make such a promise was harsh and a little unfair. The line of work was unpredictable. But she smiled, kissed you again, and without speaking a single word, she promised to be back in time for Christmas.
“You look hot,” you rolled your eyes at the archer as you applied your lipstick. Kate had your love for Christmas, so when she got two tickets to Radio City Christmas Spectacular, you were her first call. Kate was the reason you met the Avengers and Carol. She was a regular at a coffee shop your family-owned. Although you were a few years older than the girl, you became close friends. Wildly, when her one-eyed Golden Retriever rushed into the shop and pushed down a display of mugs, her girlfriend always wanted to remind her of the story.
So, the two of you were having a full-blown Christmas day—a trip to Bryant Park, some Christmas shopping, dinner, and now the show. “Give me your phone,” she took it before you gave her your consent. “Have to capture this so you send it to Carol,” you faced the archer so she could take a few solo pictures and then a selfie. “Ready to go?” You grabbed your bag and coat.
“I am,” While you walked out of her apartment to grab a cap, you sent a picture to Carol.
“So I’m thinking after the show, we grab drinks.” A cab pulled up, and you got in the back. Kate told the driver where to go. You chuckled.
“Do you have an off switch?” She punched you playfully on the shoulder.
“Hey, going out is better than sulking in your home because you miss your girlfriend,” you huffed and crossed your arms.
“I have not been sulking,” you defended. It has been a week since Carol left. You’ve kept busy, spending hours at the coffee shop until your parents told you to go home. But your Brooklyn brownstone was too quiet, too cold, even with all the Christmas decorations you and Carol put up. As the driver pulled up to Radio City, your phone dinged. It was Carol.
‘You look beautiful,’ Another ding. ‘I’ll be home for Christmas.’
“I don’t like grocery shopping,” you said into your headphones. Carol laughed. She had some downtime and asked if she could call. It happened while you were grocery shopping for last-minute baking essentials. You and Wanda were making Christmas cookies, probably enough to feed a small army. The witch could wave her hand, and the cookies would appear, but that would go against the Christmas spirit.
“Well, it is December and the busiest time of the year,” you rolled your eyes even though she couldn’t see you. “Don’t roll your eyes at me.” You huffed, grabbing a few bags of chocolate chips. “I am sad. I miss your baking.” You smiled, knowing that wasn’t a lie. Whenever you had to try out a new recipe for the coffee shop, Carol was there to try it out.
“If you give me an address, I’ll mail you some,” Carol laughed. The sound always made your insides go warm and gooey. “I miss you.” She sighed.
“I miss you too, baby, but have fun with Wanda and send me pictures.” You agreed, hung up, and walked over to the register.
“WANDA!” You shirked as the witch dumped flour onto you. You made one little joke about her and Vision, and she turned to her witchy powers for revenge. Her magic grabbed onto a cup of flour you were measuring and dumped it on you. The Sokovian laughed. “Oh, you are so on, Maximoff.” You grabbed onto the bag and chased the Avenger around the shared kitchen. It was only a short time before the kitchen, you, and her were covered in flour.
“Children,” you froze at the Black Widow’s voice. Natasha was smirking and holding her phone to capture the scene before her. “I thought we were making cookies, not a mess.” She put her phone down.
“We are,” you defended. “We were taking a break.” The redhead pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Just clean it up.”
“Aye, aye, captain,” Wanda giggled and summoned a broom of you to use. You took it from her.
“This is your fault,” you mumbled and began to sweep the floor. Wanda whipped down the counters. The ding of your phone interrupted the soft Christmas music playing. You placed the broom against the counter and picked it up.
‘I thought you were making cookies,’ Carol sent you the video Natasha took of you and Wanda. ‘Looks like you are having fun.’ You smiled. ‘I’ll be home for Christmas. You can count on me.’
“If you fall,” Yelena said, sitting beside you on the bench. “I will laugh and then ask if you are okay.” You laughed.
“Thanks, I appreciate it,” you put on your ice shakes and tied them tight. “I used to play hockey when I was younger.” The sport ran deep in your family. Your siblings, father, and grandparents played it. Every Christmas, your family would go out and play. But an injury to your right knee forced you to stop playing. You were devastated.
“Yes, but you are going ice skating with two Russians. You will still look like a foul.”
“Thanks, Belova,” you sighed. “What happens when your girlfriend falls?” The blonde smirked, but her green eyes showed a fondness for them.
“I will also laugh.”
“I heard that!” The archer sat on your other side to put her skates on. “You are awful.” The blonde merely shrugged her shoulders. You wanted to go ice skating, but going alone was less fun. A quick text to Kate: she got a small group to join you on your adventure. It was a beautiful day in Central Park, perfect to hit the ice.
You walked over to the ring and slid onto the ice. Ice skating was freeing—the wind through your hair and the crisp air that filled your lungs. Every worry in your mind was gone, and you felt at peace.
Your phone vibrating in your pocket caused you to move towards the edge of the ring. ‘I wish I were there,’ Carol sent you a picture she received. ‘You look so peaceful. Please have snow and mistletoe and presents by the tree.'
It was Christmas Eve. Tony always liked to throw a party, especially for the holidays. You were still recovering from the hangover you received from Halloween. So you were sipping on a mocktail that Maria made. The party was in full swing, with Avengers, politicians, and agents dancing to the music or eating the food provided. You stayed off to the side and watched the party around you. “Not having fun,” Natasha said, standing next to you.
“No, I am,” you sighed. “Just-”
“Missing your girlfriend?” She suggested. You nodded, staring into the red liquid. “She said she’ll be back, right?”
“Yeah, not going to hold my breath,” you pushed yourself off the wall and maneuvered your way through the party to a balcony. The crisp winter air caused goosebumps to cover your arms. You shouldn’t be disappointed; being with an Avenger was hard, and it was a life you signed up for. There were moments you wished Carol wasn’t part of the team because she was missing so much on Earth, not just with you but with her friends. Sighing, you rested your arms on the metal railing.
“You know,” you spun around at the sudden voice. Carol landed on the balcony, still in her uniform. “You are going to get sick standing out here.” She was here. Carol was here and in front of you. Right? Your eyes weren’t fouling you.
“Cutting it a little close,” you chuckled.
“I like to keep you on your toes,” she smiled. “Besides, isn’t it in the song?” You raised a questioning eyebrow at her. “Some Christmas fan you are,” she cleared her voice. “Christmas Eve will find me,” she sang and held out her hand. “Where the love light gleams,” you took her hand. She was always so warm. It was perfect for the colder weather. "I'll be home for Christmas."
"You are such a sap," you jumped into arms, and she held onto you right. You felt her let out a shaky breath. "I missed you so much." You whispered against her skin.
"Missed you too, baby," she kissed your head. "Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas."
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burningfudge · 25 days
Rogue & Carol Danvers
Rogue and Carol’s relationship has been spoken about quite a bit over the years, and a ton of people want them to meet in the MCU (me included), but I always love it when they interact just because of the DRAMA. As a Carol Danvers fan, her best moments are when she’s full of raw emotion, and there’s so much of that whenever she interacts with Rogue (ironic, I know, since Rogue absorbed her memories, powers, and emotions). I also became a Rogue fan by reading about Carol's time with the X-Men.
Their first meeting was in Avengers Annual #10, but Carol was already in a dark place due to Avengers #200 (easily the worst Marvel comic ever made), where she gave birth to a son who rapidly aged and sexually assaulted her in the same issue, leading to him becoming his own father. If that wasn't bad enough, the Avengers saw nothing wrong with it, even congratulating her on the birth of her son when Carol wasn't even pregnant a few days before. I don't know how that was ever approved by editorial. It's not the focus of this post, so I won't go into detail, but here is a fantastic post about it:
Ms. Marvel gives birth to the man who kidnapped and impregnated her - Avenger #200 AKA the worst issue in the history of the Avengers
Thankfully, Chris Claremont was rightfully outraged at Carol's treatment and took over for Avengers Annual #10, where Rogue was introduced.
Destiny had prophesied to Mystique that Carol would harm Rogue, so Mystique wanted to prevent it from happening. Therefore, Rogue took things into her own hands and got to Carol first, but due to Carol's strength, Rogue held on for too long and absorbed her powers and memories. She then threw her off the Golden Gate Bridge into the water below, but thankfully, Carol was saved by Jessica Drew, who then became a long-time confidant and best friend, although everyone knows they're girlfriends. Carol survived the attack only because she was a human-Kree hybrid. After that, Rogue attacked the Avengers the next day. Teenage Rogue was a menace, lmao. Professor X then helped Carol remember who she was, and she absolutely dragged the Avengers for letting Marcus kidnap her. It's glorious. She then left the Avengers and hung around the X-Men for a while, where she could be under Claremont's supervision and not some other trash writer.
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All Ms. Marvel was—all I was—she is. And will be—forever.
Uncanny X-Men #158
What I love most about this relationship is that these two irrevocably changed each other. They would not be who they are today without each other. Rogue, literally, wouldn’t be who she is because she absorbed a part of Carol’s personality, so a part of Carol will always live within her. Plus, while Rogue can’t fly anymore, she did for a while, and that’s only because she got the ability from Carol.
Rogue's even expressed how she doesn't know which parts are her and which parts are Carol and how she believes the best parts of her are Carol. She believes that she became a hero instead of a monster due to Carol's psyche in her brain, but it's actually quite sweet that Carol later acknowledges Rogue's growth and states that she wouldn't have come as far as she did if she didn't want to change. I also like that Carol acknowledged that they will never be friends, but they've gotten to a point where they can work together. I think it’s realistic that they’re not best friends and a part of Carol will always resent Rogue, but they can work together when required.
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Mr. & Mrs. X (2018) #9 | Captain Marvel (2019) #5
While Carol literally shaped Rogue, Rogue shaped Carol in a much more traumatizing way. After Rogue took Carol's powers, she was a blank state and only remembered who she was with Xavier's help; however, she didn't have the emotional connection to her memories.
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Uncanny X-Men #158
She was kidnapped and experimented on by the Brood, gaining her powers back and making her more powerful than ever by becoming Binary. Binary is my second favorite Carol-era (the first is her as Ms Marvel), and she has sooo much growth. Even though she was going through a really dark time as Binary since she was struggling with her memories, rape, and both the Avengers and X-Men letting her down, Binary shaped so much of Carol's character today as she became more of a space adventurer when before, she was just on Earth.
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Uncanny X-Men #164
She didn’t know who she was and didn’t feel like Carol Danvers because she had no emotional attachment to her memories, so she ran away from Earth and stayed in space. However, she eventually realized that she was running away.
Binary is when she also first got her photon blasts; she only had super strength and flight when she was Ms Marvel, and this eventually helped her become Captain Marvel.
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Carol’s first photon blast!
Uncanny X-Men #164
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Uncanny X-Men #171
I love this panel because both sides are absolutely correct. Rogue left the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and went to Professor X for help because she kept hearing Carol’s voice in her head. Charles, obviously, will never turn away any mutant, and by joining the X-Men, Rogue achieved her true potential and gained a better life than she ever would have had if she stayed with Mystique. Rogue became one of the best X-Men because Charles gave her another chance.
On the other hand, even though Carol understands why Charles would take Rogue in, she feels betrayed because both the Avengers and the X-Men have discarded her feelings, so who else does she have on Earth? After this, Carol would stay in space with the Starjammers as a coping mechanism. She would later rejoin the Avengers in the late '90s, where she's dealing with fluctuating power levels, leading her to drink due to the trauma of her rape, Rogue, and fluctuating power levels. The Avengers removed her from the team due to her alcoholism and tried to help her, but she started to spiral and lash out. Plus, due to Rogue, Carol couldn't form emotional connections with friends and family on top of her trauma from her rape, so she drank even more. After a long struggle, she eventually accepted help and became sober at Iron Man's insistence, as he knew exactly what she was going through and became her Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor. It's why I've always loved Carol and Tony's friendship. All in all, it's...not a great time for her, but I found Carol's struggle with alcoholism to be complex and heartbreaking.
(Also lol, Kitty saying that she'll never like Rogue when she and Rogue are now friends.)
While Carol was dealing with her alcoholism, Rogue was going on adventures with the X-Men, exploding in popularity. Life went on, and both characters went on their own paths.
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Ms. Marvel (2006) #10
For context, an alternate version of Carol arrived to kill Rogue because Rogue attacking Carol is a constant in every universe. To Rogue's credit, she has repeatedly expressed remorse for what she did and has apologized many times, but how are you supposed to get over something like that? Therefore, Carol pretended to forgive her while also harboring resentment toward her.
In this comic, Carol also recounts what Rogue did to her and says, "Rogue hurt me in a way worse than physical pain. Her attack ripped my memories out, leaving me in a blank state. I was no one. A nonperson. I was unconscious for days as Xavier telepathically reassembled my mind. Afterwards, Charles was concerned that I rest and recover properly. Not that it's the kind of thing you ever recover from. It's been years and I still feel dirty. I've changed my costume. I've changed my name to Warbird. I've done everything I can to move on, but it's never worked."
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X-Men: Legacy #270
Carol eventually truly forgave Rogue and was able to work together with her. I love it when they do. And it's important to Carol that Rogue asked if she could borrow Carol's powers because she's been powerless (physically and otherwise) for some traumatic moments in her life.
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Captain Marvel (2019) #49
They finally buried the hatchet recently as Rogue shared the burden of Carol's powers to save the day, as Carol would've died from the power load. I love this moment.
All of this started because Destiny foresaw a possible future, leading to Carol’s life getting ruined, which makes Carol’s actions in Civil War II all the more frustrating. During CWII, she utilized the help of a young Inhuman, Ulysses, who saw a possible future, much like Destiny, and Carol prevented horrible events from occurring. The only problem was that she sometimes went too far, handing out punishment before the crime. Carol lost everything because Rogue attacked her before she could attack Rogue as per Destiny’s vision, which hadn’t come to pass yet. I know Bendis is infamous for ignoring continuity, so I probably shouldn’t expect anything else. Maybe it can be said that hurt people, hurt people and it’s a cycle of violence, but I think that’s giving him too much credit for one of the worst Marvel events in recent history.
In the end, Rogue and Carol will always be intertwined. Carol went on a traumatic path and hit rock bottom, but she came out of it stronger than ever, while Rogue went on a path of redemption and became one of the best superheroes in the Marvel universe.
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yesbutmakeitgay · 1 month
Once Upon A Time I Used To Know A Girl
Chapter 9
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Carol Danvers x Reader
Masterlist | This work's masterlist | AO3
Summary: You confront Valkyrie about your nightmares.
Angst, Slow Burn, Amnesia.
Word count: 818
You Could Be The Death Of Me
You barge righteously into Valkyrie’s provisional room finding that it is bigger and much nicer than yours. You try to pay no mind to the differences and walk straight up to her in the parlor.
"What is this?" You show her a drawing you made of your last nightmare, it’s the symbol you saw on the blonde hero’s uniform.
King Valkyrie is not impressed by your lack of manners, but she is stunned by the information you’re presenting her, "Where’d you get that?" She keeps her poker face on.
"I saw it in my nightmares," you say indifferently.
"The weird dreams?"
"It’s just the one, wakes me up every night. Some men dressed in black take me and tie me to a metal table, they hook my head up to a machine and they put all these little monitors over my body," you reluctantly explain, unable to make eye contact, "every time I wake up they inject something into my neck." Val leans closer, recalling the scar she noticed before, "I can never move or talk or open my eyes, but this one time I did and I saw this on a screen," you push the drawing closer to her, "and someone saying something about a Captain." Valkyrie is still appalled and finds it impossible to produce a response, "What is it?" you insist, growing impatient.
She looks you in the eye with worry and sadness, guilt and regret, "I really wish I could help you," she says as sincerely as she can, you scoff, "you're onto something, keep going." Her brown eyes never leaving yours.
You can’t believe the words coming out of her mouth, "Why do you have to make this so difficult? Why can't you just tell me what it is? Why does everyone have to be so patronizing about this?" You stand up, unable to contain your anger.
"I wish I knew." She’s aware of the way her words sound to you, but she really doesn’t understand what Carol wants to get out of this or if she even knows anymore.
"Why are you protecting her?" Your voice is somewhere between a plea and a demand.
Valkyrie takes your hand, urging you to sit back down and not close off, "I’m not," she states firmly, "if I knew it was safe to tell you I would, but I worry she might turn on little Marv when I’m not around to stop her." The mere thought that someone would hurt Kamala when she's just trying to help makes you see red.
You straighten your posture, "Try me, I’m not letting her anywhere near Kamala." You’re ready to take on anything to get some answers.
"You don't know what you're saying."
"How strong can she be?"
"You have no idea." She sees the danger in your naivety, "I’m not stronger than her, but I know how to talk to her," she pauses, "you used to know how to do it too."
"Then talk to her!" You yank your hand away from hers.
"She’s not listening, she hasn't been for a while, that's what worries me, she's gone rogue." Her tone is strong, but measured, she’s really trying to get you to grasp the depth of the situation.
Your hands turn into fists "Where is she?"
Val chuckles, "I can't even tell you her name, you think I can tell you where she is?"
"But you do know," you mutter, finally calming down. She can only give you a tight lipped smile. You begin to connect the dots, "She's a Captain, what kind?"
"The most powerful one," she concedes without any understatement, "I’m sorry I can't be of more help to you, but I trust that you can get there on your own." Her features soften slightly.
Your eyes start filling with frustrated tears, "No, I can't, Val, it's been months and I still can't remember. I don't know what else to do, no one will tell me anything." You slump back on the couch.
She knows you’re tired, confused, and desperate, "I’m so sorry, Princess, but we are all weighing our options here and we're doing what's best."
"Best for whom? For me? For her? For the stupid Avengers?"
"For the universe," she makes sure you hear her clearly, "she has the power to reignite a dying star and the self control of a child when she's upset, and right now she is very upset."
Your eyes narrow, "What exactly did she make you do?"
Val snorts in genuine amusement, "I don't take orders from Marv." She only realizes what she said a moment too late.
"No!" Her stoic composure is now abandoned.
"Captain Marv…" you sound out slowly.
"I didn't say that!"
"Little Marv?" Your brain is quickly putting the pieces together.
"Stop it," she urges you.
"Captain Marvel."
The King has screwed up majestically, "Keep that to yourself unless you want Kamala annihilated."
Chapter 10
How are we feeling so far?
Tags: @graniairish @carols-photonblast @thelittleliars @unicorniusfallapatorius @prplepeony
Let me know if you wanna be tagged :)
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thatsastepladder · 3 months
Headcanon I came up with just now as I work on my Avengers fanfic: Carol Danvers didn't just lose the emotional connections to her previous memories when Xavier restored what Rogue absorbed from her psyche. It became extremely difficult for her to form meaningful emotional connections at all, and that difficulty only intensified over time as she threw herself more into the Captain Marvel role.
She doesn't have close friends besides Jessica Drew (the first person she met after the Rogue incident), she can't get in a romantic relationship that is anything but bland, and she throws herself into her work because it's the only thing that stirs up anything remotely close to emotional resonance with her - but even then she's a generic Great Value brand superhero.
I would need to read more of Carol's solo series to make sure this checks out, but I'm kind of liking the idea.
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twinsunstars · 1 year
What We Now Know of The Marvels
(I apologize in advance if I missed something, please bring it to my attention!)
The Marvels teaser trailer finally got released on Youtube on April 11, 2023, and has a release date set for November 10, 2023. Being part of Phase Five of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are new plot points to explore after the conclusion of Phase Four, and explore a character that now fits the story after being introduced in Phase Four. In this post, I will go through the teaser trailer and discuss some points that stood out.
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The teaser begins in the vast scenery of space, with Nick Fury instructing a space-suited Monica Rambeau to head towards a multi-colored border standing in space. When I saw it, the border somewhat looks exactly like the color and texture of Kamala Khan's powers. It's unknown what Fury and Monica are doing out in space, but Monica was clearly instructed to go and investigate this powerful border.
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As Monica reached out for the border and made contact with it, she immediately got thrown back, and it isn't Monica's scream that we start to hear. Kamala Khan, or also known as Ms. Marvel, floats towards Fury, who squeals with delight when she sees THE Nick Fury. Kamala floats away uncontrollably, asking, "Is this an Avengers test?" Gosh, I love her.
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Who knows what they are, but Monica was whipped away to what looks like the moon, and is forced to fight these aliens.
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If you've seen Ms. Marvel, you know from the end credit in the finale that Kamala was thrown back by the powers of her bangle, causing her to wreck her closet door. When she stands up, it's not Kamala we see, but Carol Danvers. Carol is very shocked to see the atmosphere of Kamala's bedroom, seeing posters and drawings of herself. I mean, just look at the drawing Kamala drew of herself being friends with Captain Marvel! Carol immediately runs out of the room, and we'll see what happened right after that shot when we see the movie.
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Moments later, Monica and Fury pay a visit to Kamala's home, meeting her family and asking for her. Kamala appears quickly, giddy to see Fury again, which makes her family confused. They sit down with Kamala's family as Monica explains that their powers are somewhat connected. How? Start making room for theories before the movie comes out.
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Kamala decides to show her powers to everyone, and despite warnings, she uses her powers, which causes her to be thrown back again. Carol shows up again instead of Kamala, furious that she was transported somewhere else. Kamala's mother questions where their daughter is, concerned for her safety.
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The place where Carol was before being transported to Kamala's house again is where Kamala was transported to. She lands in a sci-fi themed area on the ground, where she has a fateful meeting with Goose the cat/flerken; yes, the same lovable cat from the first movie, and also the cause behind Fury's eye. Kamala witnesses him beat a bunch of people with those tentacles that come out of his mouth, leaving her fearful. In a small clip of the teaser, we see multiple cats running down stairs, so are we going to see more of Goose's kind?! I can't wait to see more cats (I mean, flerkens) on my screen.
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There are a few vibrant sceneries we get to see, as this will definitely be a movie filled with some brightly colored humor. The people on the right were dancing, and to me, it looks like a huge Bollywood scene.
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Carol is wearing something that looks like a jellyfish that hides her face atop her head, and when she peeks out, she looks visibly concerned. Something tells me this planet will have some kind of chaos ignited.
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We will be introduced to some new characters for the MCU in The Marvels, and fans are raving about it. Park Seo-joon, known for his roles in the South Korean dramas What's Wrong with Secretary Kim and Itaewon Class, will be playing the role of Prince Yan D'Aladna, and in the teaser, he appears to be leading his soldiers towards something, shouting as a battle cry. On the right, we see Zawe Ashton, who is set to play a character named Ael-Dan, and fans are loving to see the footage of her already. I can't wait to see more of these two characters.
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JUST LOOK AT HER FACE! Kamala gets the opportunity to travel through space with Monica and her hero, Carol. Kamala will love every second of it, and she definitely accepts that they're all a team, even if Carol and Monica disagree.
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Please, they're definitely a team. The three women are ready to shine and show off their powers, and we'll be here for it.
Captain Marvel is one of the movies that mean a lot to me as a woman, and I am a big fan of Ms. Marvel with its Muslim representation, unique cinematography, and how relatable Kamala Khan is; a big fangirl of the Avengers and loves to write fanfiction. I know that Monica will definitely mean a lot to young black girls out there, as they get to see another strong Black female superhero on their screens. These women will display strong empowerment and have us cheering at the screen, and I can't wait to see them fight in their new suits.
The Marvels is set to release November 10, 2023.
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ComicList: Marvel Comics New Releases for Wednesday, September 27, 2023, by Charles LePage.
Avengers #5 (Cover A Stuart Immonen), $3.99
Avengers #5 (Cover B Alex Ross Avengers Connecting Variant Part D), AR
Avengers #5 (Cover C Alex Ross Avengers Connecting Sketch Virgin Variant Part D), AR
Avengers #5 (Cover D Mark Brooks Corner Box Variant), AR
Avengers #5 (Cover E Aaron Kuder Avengers 60th Anniversary Variant), AR
Avengers #5 (Cover F Ben Harvey), AR
Avengers Annual #1 (Cover A Paco Medina), $4.99
Avengers Annual #1 (Cover B Bryan Hitch), AR
Avengers Epic Collection Volume 10 The Yesterday Quest TP, $44.99
Avengers Omnibus Volume 5 HC (Gil Kane Book Market Cover), $100.00
Avengers Omnibus Volume 5 HC (Rich Buckler Direct Market Cover), $100.00
Blade #3 (Cover A Elena Casagrande), $3.99
Blade #3 (Cover B Javier Fernandez), AR
Blade #3 (Cover C Martin Coccolo Stormbreakers Variant), AR
Captain Marvel The Saga Of Carol Danvers TP, $34.99
Carnage Reigns TP, $29.99
Dark X-Men #1 (Of 5)(2nd Printing Cover A Stephen Segovia), $4.99
Dark X-Men #1 (Of 5)(2nd Printing Cover B Adam Hughes), AR
Death Of The Venomverse #2 (Of 5)(2nd Printing Cover A Luciano Vecchio), $4.99
Death Of The Venomverse #2 (Of 5)(2nd Printing Cover B Ryan Stegman), AR
Death Of The Venomverse #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Bjorn Barends), $4.99
Death Of The Venomverse #5 (Of 5)(Cover B E. J. Su), AR
Death Of The Venomverse #5 (Of 5)(Cover C Gabriele Dell’Otto Connecting Variant), AR
Death Of The Venomverse #5 (Of 5)(Cover D Gabriele Dell’Otto Connecting Virgin Variant), AR
Death Of The Venomverse #5 (Of 5)(Cover E Mark Bagley), AR
Death Of The Venomverse #5 (Of 5)(Cover F Ryan Stegman Venom The Other Variant), AR
Death Of The Venomverse #5 (Of 5)(Cover G Gurihiru Design Variant), AR
Death Of The Venomverse #5 (Of 5)(Cover H Sean Galloway Saturday Morning Variant), AR
Immortal Thor #2 (Cover A Alex Ross), $4.99
Immortal Thor #2 (Cover B George Perez), AR
Immortal Thor #2 (Cover C George Perez Virgin Variant), AR
Immortal Thor #2 (Cover D Gabriele Dell’Otto), AR
Immortal Thor #2 (Cover E Jan Bazaldua Stormbreakers Variant), AR
Invincible Iron Man #10 (Cover A Lucas Werneck), $4.99
Invincible Iron Man #10 (Cover B Meghan Hetrick Homage Variant A), AR
Invincible Iron Man #10 (Cover C Meghan Hetrick Homage Variant B), AR
Invincible Iron Man #10 (Cover D CAFU Avengers 60th Anniversary Variant), AR
Invincible Iron Man #10 (Cover E George Perez), AR
Invincible Iron Man #10 (Cover F George Perez Virgin Variant), AR
Invincible Iron Man #10 (Cover G Bob Layton Wraparound Variant), AR
Invincible Iron Man #10 (Cover H Chris Allen Stormbreakers Variant), AR
Invincible Iron Man #10 (Cover I Lucas Werneck Wedding Crossover Virgin Variant), AR
Jean Grey #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Amy Reeder), $3.99
Jean Grey #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Walt Simonson Jean & Wolverine Variant), AR
Jean Grey #2 (Of 4)(Cover C Ejikure), AR
Jean Grey #2 (Of 4)(Cover D Peach Momoko X-Men 60th Anniversary Variant), AR
Marvel Masterworks The Amazing Spider-Man Volume 2 HC (Steve Ditko Book Market Cover)(ReMasterworks), $75.00
Marvel Masterworks The Amazing Spider-Man Volume 2 HC (Steve Ditko Direct Market Cover)(ReMasterworks), $75.00
Marvel Previews Volume 6 #25 (October 2023), AR
Marvel Unleashed #2 (Of 4)(Cover A David Baldeon), $4.99
Marvel Unleashed #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Ron Lim Lucky Variant), AR
Marvel Unleashed #2 (Of 4)(Cover C Ron Lim Throg Variant), AR
Micronauts #1 (Facsimile Edition)(Cover A Dave Cockrum), $4.99
Micronauts #1 (Facsimile Edition)(Cover B Dave Cockrum Foil Variant), AR
Micronauts #1 (Facsimile Edition)(Cover C Blank Variant), AR
Miracleman By Gaiman And Buckingham The Silver Age #6 (Cover A Mark Buckingham), $4.99
Miracleman By Gaiman And Buckingham The Silver Age #6 (Cover B Emanuela Lupacchino), AR
Miracleman By Gaiman And Buckingham The Silver Age #6 (Cover C Iban Coello), AR
Miracleman The Complete Original Epic TP, $49.99
Monica Rambeau Photon TP, $15.99
Moon Knight City Of The Dead #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Rod Reis), $3.99
Moon Knight City Of The Dead #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Ario Anindito), AR
Moon Knight City Of The Dead #3 (Of 5)(Cover C E.M. Gist), AR
Moon Knight City Of The Dead #3 (Of 5)(Cover D E.M. Gist Virgin Variant), AR
Ms. Marvel The New Mutant #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Sara Pichelli), $3.99
Ms. Marvel The New Mutant #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Jamie McKelvie Design Variant), AR
Ms. Marvel The New Mutant #2 (Of 4)(Cover C Amy Reeder Homage Variant), AR
Ms. Marvel The New Mutant #2 (Of 4)(Cover D Federico Vicentini Team Homage Variant), AR
Ms. Marvel The New Mutant #2 (Of 4)(Cover F Adrian Alphona), AR
Ms. Marvel The New Mutant #2 (Of 4)(Cover G Adrian Alphona Virgin Variant), AR
Realm Of X #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Stephanie Hans), $3.99
Realm Of X #2 (Of 4)(Cover B David Lopez), AR
Silver Surfer Ghost Light TP, $17.99
Spider-Man India #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Adam Kubert), $3.99
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #36 (Cover A Derrick Chew), $4.99
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #36 (Cover B Chris Sprouse Return Of The Jedi 40th Anniversary Variant), AR
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #36 (Cover C E.M. Gist Ahsoka The Clone Wars 15th Anniversary Variant), AR
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #36 (Cover D E.M. Gist Ahsoka The Clone Wars 15th Anniversary Virgn Variant), AR
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #36 (Cover E Josemaria Casanovas Droids Connecting Variant), AR
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #36 (Cover F Luciano Vecchio), AR
Star Wars The Mandalorian Season 2 #4 (Cover A Daniel Warren Johnson), $4.99
Star Wars The Mandalorian Season 2 #4 (Cover B Ryan Brown), AR
Star Wars The Mandalorian Season 2 #4 (Cover C Giuseppe Camuncoli), AR
Star Wars The Mandalorian Season 2 #4 (Cover D Concept Art Variant), AR
Star Wars Volume 6 Quests Of The Force TP, $17.99
Storm #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Alan Davis), $3.99
Storm #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Geraldo Borges), AR
Thor By Donny Cates Volume 6 Blood Of The Fathers TP, $19.99
Ultimate Invasion #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Bryan Hitch), $8.99
Ultimate Invasion #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Francis Manapul), AR
Ultimate Invasion #4 (Of 4)(Cover C Leinil Francis Yu), AR
X-Men Days Of Future Past Doomsday #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Geoff Shaw), $3.99
X-Men Days Of Future Past Doomsday #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Mateus Manhanni), AR
X-Men X-Verse Wolverine TP, $9.99
Marvel Zombies The Hunger Novel SC, $16.95
Amazing Spider-Man #26 (Peach Momoko ComicXposure Variant Cover), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #28 (Ariel Diaz ComicXposure Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond Distribution), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #29 (Peach Momoko ComicXposure Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond Distribution), AR
Marvels The Hero I’m Meant To Be HC, $17.99
World Of Reading Level 2 This Is Loki SC, $5.99
Marvel Studios Thor Love And Thunder The Official Movie Special HC, $24.99
Marvel Animated Venom 1/7 Scale Bust, AR
Marvel Legends In 3D Comic Daredevil 1/2 Scale Bust, AR
Marvel Legends In 3D Comic Moon Knight 1/2 Scale Bust, AR
POP Keychain The Marvels Captain Marvel, AR
POP Keychain The Marvels Ms. Marvel, AR
POP Keychain The Marvels Photon, AR
POP Marvel Holiday Deadpool Sweater Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Marvel Holiday Iron Man With Bag Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Marvel Holiday She-Hulk Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Marvel Holiday Spider-Man Sweater Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Marvel Holiday Wolverine With Sign Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Marvel Werewolf By Night Werewolf Vinyl Figure, AR
POP The Marvels Photon Glow In The Dark Previews Exclusive Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Vinyl The Marvels Dar-Benn Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Vinyl The Marvels Prince Yang Vinyl Figure, AR
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spacefinch · 1 year
Avengers + Star Trek AU
Ship name: USS Avenger, designation NCC-616
Senior Crew:
Commanding officer: Captain Steve Rogers or Sam Wilson (after Steve’s retirement)
First officer: Commander Natasha Romanoff
Second officer (and Chief Engineer): Lt. Commander Tony Stark
Chief of Operations: Lt. Virginia “Pepper” Potts
Chief Science Officer: Lt. Bruce Banner
Chief Medical Officer: Dr. Stephen Strange
Helm: Lt. Commander Carol Danvers
Navigation: Lt. Clint Barton
Chief of Security: Lt. Commander James “Bucky” Barnes
Other crew members:
Lt. Hope Van Dyne (security)
Lt. Phil Coulson
Ensign Kate Bishop
Ensign Peter Parker (Cmdr. Stark’s assistant)
Ensign Yelena Belova
Lt. Scott Lang (science officer)
Lt. Thor
Ensign Wanda Maximoff (command)
Ensign Pietro Maximoff
This crew exists both in the 23rd and 24th centuries. They’re originally from the 23rd century, but they all get yeeted forward in time.
Steve and Bucky are originally from the 22nd century (Star Trek Enterprise era.) The “some people found Steve frozen in ice and thawed him out” applies to this AU.
Bucky is an ex-Borg drone in this AU. I don’t have much reasoning except it sort of fits his character narrative and he already has a metal arm.
None of these characters have their canon MCU superpowers, except for Steve, Bucky, and Vision.
Everyone thinks Dr. Strange goes by a nickname. No matter how many times he tells them it’s his real name.
Connections and other headcanons:
Steve and Bucky knew Captain Archer and his crew. Since I haven’t watched Enterprise, I have no further headcanons.
Yelena and Kate were in the Academy together, along with Pavel Chekov. They were quite the chaotic trio, and still are when they visit each other!
And yes, Nat and Yelena get to have a happier youth than they did in Marvel canon.
Scott and Hope are fairly new to the crew, being from the 24th century.
Peter Parker is another 24th-century crew member. Before his first assignment as an ensign, he had only read about Tony Stark. He couldn’t believe he got to meet him in person, much less serve on the same ship.
The USS Avenger is unique among Starfleet vessels for its advanced computer system, designed by Tony Stark himself. The original computer, JARVIS (also known as “Vision”) came to be regarded as a beloved crew member during the 23rd century.
When the crew traveled to the 24th century, it became clear they’d need a more up-to-date computer, so Stark created a new system, called FRIDAY. He kept Jarvis/Vision around though, this time as a sentient hologram. (Much like the Voyager crew’s EMH.)
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artbyblastweave · 2 years
So I haven’t really dug into any of the new Ms. Marvel promo material yet, but this is something that’s been dogging me ever since they announced they were MCU-ing Kamala:
What is Carol Danver’s public profile like, in the MCU? She was active on earth for a few days in the 90s before ducking out to fight the kree for 30 years, she was explicitly doing the deep-space equivalent of what the Avengers were doing on earth and thus would have had minimal profile on earth during the blip. So what’s the seed of Kamala’s initial bout of hero worship?
This wasn’t something that bugged me in the comics. Marvel’s got this fun thing where a lot of heroes are big deals in-universe without being financial juggernauts out-of-universe. Wasp is an example of this, because in-universe it’s like if Coco Chanel were a vigilante who saved the world a bunch of times. Ms. Marvel was another character. One of her huge character beats was her desire to be taken seriously, making bids at reputation building and image-making, trying to claw her way out from under her beloved predecessors legacy, trying to play catch-up in the public eye after being depowered, sexually assaulted, and having her crises ignored by people who were supposed to be her friends, trying to avoid becoming b-list cape tabloid bait, trying to manage her stress and substance abuse issues and mental health. She kept rebranding, kept trying to find herself and make a name for herself, and when she finally became Cosmic Head Honcho it was after years spent grinding away at a world that gave her no breaks, but! It was absolutely a world that she’d spent a ton of time in, a world that had some idea of who she was before she exploded in popularity, she’s a person whose career was on full display for anyone who cared to look, she’s a superhero a little girl looking for examples of female superheroes would absolutely be aware of. She was trying to be.
 And so when Kamala Khan looks up to her and wants to grow up to be like her, just the very premise of that was a touching emotional beat for me, that she’s finally the kind of person people want to be like instead of the kind of hero who gets used as a cautionary tale. 
And, you know, the movie hits all those same beats, more or less, the not-being-taken-seriously, the learning not to care about what people think, but it hits them all at once in the span of three days instead of having it be a years-long process of self-acceptance, and that makes for a character arc pretty alien to the one she had in the comics! And more importantly it makes for a public profile pretty alien to the one she had in the comics, because MCU Carol is a woman who gives absolutely zero shits about getting her name out there, absolutely zero shits about networking with other capes beyond being on call in emergencies.
 So, like, can anyone connect the dots for me on this one? What got her on anyone’s radar?
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themosleyreview · 7 months
The Mosley Review: The Marvels
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Recently, the fandom surrounding the Marvel Cinematic Universe has become splintered into two types. On one side, you have the die hards that have enjoyed everything up to this point, but will also admit that there is a problem in the quality control with the films and television shows. On the other side, you have those that believe that we are currently experiencing superhero fatigue and Marvel has really gone down hill and should stop. Well, I'm of both camps. I have been there since day 1 and have enjoyed seeing these heroes have their stories told in a grounded manner. I also whole heartedly agree that ever since Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: No Way Home, the franchise has been floundering when it comes to the great storytelling and truly is running out of gas. The clear vision of where these stories were leading to has been so vague in this "Multiverse Saga" and it has truly hindered any hopes of recovery. Now comes this film that seeks to continue the cosmic portion of this saga by bringing us a sequel to a film that did nothing truly special for its titular character, but at least she gets some help. It should make for a fun and engaging story that helps further each character in development and maybe right the ship a little bit. Right? Unfortunately, that is not the case here and especially for Captain Marvel. I thought Thor was being miss handled in his third and fourth films, but man this character was all but destroyed in just her second film. Its a sad day when all that is worth watching in your big budget space adventure is your main three leads and only one of them is the true star.
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Brie Larson returns as Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel and she was better this time around as the character. She had genuine moments of humanity as we see her become not so perfect. Where it all falls apart is when she continues to be the battering ram of a character that has no regard for authority or the lives of others when making her decisions. There are almost no consequences for her actions and she ultimately becomes the true villain of the story in my opinion. Teyonah Parris returns as Monica Rambeau and she continues to be a fun addition to the universe and I liked the growth of her character. She gets to let loose a little more and not be as tight and focused all the time. Her emotional connection to Carol comes full circle and it was one of the highlights of the film. Iman Vellani makes a joyuss return as Kamala Khan / Ms. Marvel and she truly was the star of this film. Her adorable and youthful energy really saved so many scenes and you really connect with her as her worldly views expand. The chemistry between all three of them is where the film shines and makes the film entertaining. Samuel L. Jackson returns as Nick Fury, but I was saddened by him. For half of the film, Sam IS Nick Fury and the other half is Sam being Sam as he just reacts to things and is just there for the ride. His connections to Monica and Carol are still good to watch but other than that, he really didn't have much to do in this film. Gary Lewis was really good as the leader of the Skrulls, Emperor Dro'ge and he highlights one of the biggest problems of the film. He carries the devastating torch left from the Secret Invasion series and it was so depressing. The so called "hero" Captain Marvel just makes things worse for him and his species. Speaking of problematic, Zawe Ashton was fantastic as the main antagonist Supremor Dar-Benn. Its always more interesting when a so called villain is trying to do something for the greater good, even if their methods are cruel. She embodied that and I empathized with her. The reason why I say shes problematic, is that there wasn't really anything else interesting done with her. She had all the fixings to become a truly memorable villain, but she falls into that predictable trap of just fighting all the time and not trying to solve the problem logically. The action scenes between her and The Marvels were all great, but I wish she had time to actually shine.
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The score by Laura Karpman was good and puncuated the action scenes. I did like the theme this time around for Captain Marvel. It was more heroic and slightly more memorable. The action set pieces were the highlight of the film and there's plenty of it. So with all of the action sequences and spectacle stripped away, what do you have? A film about consequences for brash actions? No. Character growth of an older hero learning how to reconnect with humanity from another younger hero? No. How about using your head to solve a crisis for the betterment of a dying planet and/or its people? Not at all. What you have is a film that's all spectacle and none of the substance the Marvel films were known for in the past. For example, once we get to a solution for the antagonist that could benefit everyone, its as if the writer was like "Nah. That's boring. Make them fight and blow more stuff up!" and then the film is over. Honestly, the plot could've been solved in less than twenty minutes. Oh and don't get me started on the post credits scene. Its a cool reintroduction of a beloved character, but its an unnecessary over CGI'd version. I know the character looks more comic book accurate, but their practical version that was done years ago was so much better. This wasn't the worst Marvel film to date, but it didn't do Captain Marvel any favors. This was just a waste of time in the end. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in comments below. Thanks for reading!
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trikruismybitch · 9 months
Feel free to use them (tag me) even if you change the characters!
(Mainly angst bc i was going through a bad breakup ):
• Wandas your soulmate but she leaves/chooses Vision instead (said the stones connect them in an even more powerful way then the words on your hip) Your left heartbroken. Natasha isn’t close to you but she knows how it feels to be rejected so she becomes your rock through the pain. (Your Soulmark slowly fades away) One day new words appear on your skin on your wrist (or over your heart) they’re the first words Natasha spoke to you. (Nat x Reader, PastWanda x R)
• Hope and Reader are dating and so are Josie and Landon. Turn out Hope and Landon cheated on their girlfriends with each other. They end up finding out and breakup with them. They lean on each other bc they can both understand what they’ve been through they end up falling in love tho. Josie x Reader endgame based off of Rush by Lewis Capaldie and Jessie Reyez
• Hope & Y/n are dating. Y/n finds out Hopes cheating on her with Landon and at first denies it until the evidence it basically
• Natasha and R were dating but Nat was a push and pull so R ends it bc Nat was too hot and cold and leaves New York and ends up in National City ends up dating Kara but Kara basically acts like R needs constant protecting etc. (based off of All I want Olivia Rodrigo) R tells Kara she can take care of herself and has proven it time and time again but Kara continues even Alex tries w/ Kara but Kara constantly treats R like a damsel in distress. Avengers end up in National City with Nat wanting R back . R has to choose Nat or Kara or Herself. (readers vote in who Y/n ends up with!)
6. Carol Danvers x Reader (That’s us by Anson Seabra) off n on again relationship. At first it was steady but Carol was away and Y/n was always so busy. They love each other very deeply but it’s like the universe is making everything against them but time and time again they find their way back to each other. Ending is probably open ended.
7. One night Wanda’s walking home from the library when she looks up and sees you standing on the edge of a roof. Everyone goes about there business no one seemingly notices. She goes into the alley and flies up when she gets there she watches as you sit on the ledge leaning your stomach against the pole that wrapped around the ledge. You pull out a joint and smoke when she creeps on behind you you must’ve sensed her coming bc you pulled out your headphones and looked at her. Dialogue prompts - “I’m not going to jump, don’t worry” you say notices the worry in the strangers eyes, “Why are you sitting here then?”, “Because I want to jump but I won’t”, “You want to but you won’t?, “Yes, everything in me screams at me to jump to finally have peace from this beautifully broken world but I won’t. I cant leave my family no matter how much I want too I don’t want them to have to bear the pain of my death.” “It might be selfish of me to want to leave but it also feels selfish of them to make me stay. If I’m unhappy with my life why not do something to fix that unhappiness right? But I can’t because they’ll be in pain and they’ll hurt. No matter what I choose I lose.” “Have you always felt like this?”, “The thing with depression is, it never goes away, no matter how much medication you take, how many years go by, it’s there. It’s always there.”
8. Y/n is Jules sister and when Nate Jacobs gets kicked off the football team they need a new QB which is Y/n. Cassie and Maddie both find her attractive and make a bet to see who could score a date w/ her first. They ask her all kinds of questions about if she likes anyone etc. she answers them and some of the questions point to her liking one of the girls. They ask if it’s anyone they know and she replies with yes. Eventually they get tired of the back and forth and ask her which one of them she likes (they’d go on ‘dates’ but Y/n always thought they were friend hangouts) bc she can’t have both. Y/n confused asks what they mean and explain to which she replies she thought they were just being nice and trying to be her friend. She apologizes and slyly looks behind them to meet Lexi’s eyes and replies she doesn’t like either of them but Lexi and proceeds to ask Lexi out. See on Y/n’s first day at in town she ran into Lexi and they hit it off.
9. Y/n is a neurologist who has the powers of intuitive aptitude (she can learn things despite how complex it is extremely fast) things and ends up on the avengers. Y/n can’t really understand social cues so she’s kinda awkward but she studies humans brains and bases how she acts on what she’s learned. Natasha or Wanda has a crush on her and tries to ask her out or flirts with her but she doesn’t know they are. One of the avengers gets fed up with seeing Wanda or Nat (better yet both maybe a WandaNat x Reader) pine after Y/n and flat out tell Y/n WandaNat has a crush on her so Y/n goes up with them tells them to pick her up at 8 or something like that.
10. When Fury stops by in Age of Ultron he brings Y/n who has energy manipulation. She was in Struckers program except she didn’t volunteer she was taken. She knew pietro and Wanda but In a mission was captured by SHIELD (Coulson’s team) anyways she jumps at the chance to go help the avengers and try to bring Wanda & Pietro back on the good side. She saves Pietro but gets hurt kinda bad in the process Wanda kisses her which shocks her but reciprocates bc she cares deeply for her.
11. Y/n L/n loves Natasha has since they were children, problem is Natasha didn’t love her, not in that way. They always had each others backs and it was always Natasha & Y/n until Bucky Barnes. A series of events caused by Bucky lead to Natasha’s death. Y/n never understood what Nat saw in Bucky and no matter how many times Bucky fucked up forgetting date night, missing anniversaries, yelling at her for little things, coming homs drunk at 3 in the morning, she always went back to him. She’d tell Y/n “love is hard and who am I to give up on love?” Bucky gambling and getting into a deep debt unbeknownst to Nat costing her, her life. With Y/n telling Bucky “you never deserved her” “and you did?” “I would have treated her better then you ever could’ve. I loved her through everything and even if she didn’t love me I was always there for her, not you” She totally punches Bucky. No matter what it was always Natasha no matter how many times she broke Y/n’s heart she’d always choose Natasha. (Maybe a flash forward to Wanda x Y/n in the future. Y/n visits Nats grave the day after she married Wanda. Then again the day after Natalia (her daughter) was born. Y/n telling her she still loves her she’ll always love her and that she misses her and wishes that she could’ve met Wanda and Natalia. Another one where it’s been awhile since she’s visited her and she talks about how Natalia is so much like Nat when they were kids too curious for her own good, extremely smart, and she loves ballet saying she wanted to be like her Auntie Nat)
none of these are proofread and i wrote them when i was like 16 so don't judge and im just clearing my drafts rn lol
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crankynewt · 1 year
MCU Phase 5 & 6 Predictions and Theories
Clearly I’ve had too much time on my hands lately, but please feel free to reply with your thoughts and own predictions! Links to sources have been provided in cases where tweets, articles, or interviews are referenced!
**Quick disclaimer that these are merely my own theories and predictions, not necessarily what I want or hope to happen, but are based on patterns and predicted storylines.**
Regé-Jean Page as Reed Richards/Mr.Fantastic.
I am pretty sure that Secret Invasion tweet error was a copy/paste issue from a cast list provided to social media reps of cast members so he has likely been cast in something. However, I doubt it is Secret Invasion and it would not be a minor role, and he would be a perfect choice for the smartest man alive.
Cillian Murphy will not play Doctor Doom, but he will be cast in a non-F4 project.
Although he has been fancast by many as Doctor Doom and would do a great job playing the villain, I really doubt we see him take up that mantle. However, I do believe we may see him take on another anti-hero or grey character as that he would do just as great a job as. 
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau cast as Victor von Doom/Doctor Doom.
This rumour has been circulating a while and seems the most likely scenario in my opinion, more so than other popular choices among fans such as Murphy and Cavill. Marvel has successfully cashed in on the Game of Thrones appeal of many actors in the past and they are sure to again. 
**Although Coster-Waldau is a phenomenal actor and would play a MCU villain very well, it must be noted that Victor von Doom is a Romani character and should in fact be played by a Romani actor. Yet as Marvel has unfortunately not been competent in their appropriately cast Romani or Jewish characters of actors of a shared heritage, I find it difficult to believe that this behaviour will be amended in time for this casting (which may have already taken place).**
Laura Dern in New Asgard.
We saw Jeff Goldblum and Sam Neill in Thor: Ragnarok, giving us 2/3 of the original Jurassic Park trio, and both were set to be in Thor: Love and Thunder (but only Neill did as Goldblum’s scene was cut), I NEED DR. GRANT AND DR. SATTLER TOGETHER IN THE MCU. Possibly as actress Frigga in an Asgardian play? Maybe the Grandmaster could be in the audience?? I don’t care how this would happen as I don’t see Thor 5 happening, but it is very important to me personally that it does. (This is the only personal indulgence prediction I promise). 
Sylvie will die in Loki Season 2, Loki returns to New Asgard. 
Both of them won’t make it out of the next season, yet I see Loki being a more likely option to survive in this case as he would return to New Asgard as a whistleblower about how dangerous Kang has become. However, none of the Avengers would believe him until Scott Lang confirms following the events of Quantumania.
Valkyrie adopting a much larger role in the MCU, dates Carol Danvers.
As we are nearing the end of our time with Thor and Loki, Valkyrie will likely be our link to Asgard. It’s also about time they give our King a girlfriend, and it being Carol Danvers would make them the ultimate power couple. 
Nova announcement for Phase 6. 
It’s overdue that Nova be introduced into the MCU, and with the Guardians making their exit in May it is the perfect timing to introduce a new connection to the galactic aspect of the MCU. It would also possibly be something hinted towards or appear in a post-credit scene in GotG vol. 3, and be connected to Adam Warlock’s future in the MCU. 
Midnight Sons announcement for Phase 6 or 7. 
This one feels pretty obvious given the introduction of Moon Knight & Mr. Knight, Blade, Werewolf by Knight, Man-Thing (Ted!!!) and Elsa Bloodstone, we’re seeing much more characters falling into the darker and monster-related side of the MCU who are all tied to the Midnight Sons. In addition to the fact that other affiliates are likely being introduced soon, including Wolverine and Ghost Rider, and others including Doctor Strange, Wong, and Mordo already present, it is certainly in Marvel’s plans for the future.
Antony Starr cast as Dracula in Blade.
Another highly rumoured casting, this time based upon Starr tweeting about being busy with little explanation and other alleged leaks. He is amazing as Homelander in The Boys, so him undertaking a villain such as Dracula would be great.
“Ralph Bohner” revealed as Peter Maximoff, explains Deadpool and the X-Men’s introduction to the MCU. 
Given the possibility that Ralph Bohner is the member of WITSEC that Jimmy Woo was going to Westview to visit, a theory I explain more in depth here as WITSEC is not typically FBI jurisdiction, it would make sense that he will be connected to Deadpool and the X-Men entering the MCU, albeit with a different cast. Peter and Wade would be from the same universe, with the new X-Men being from another, thus explaining the discrepancy of having seen the first reboot of the franchise in Deadpool 2.
Daniel Brühl’s “surprise” return as Helmut Zemo in the Thunderbolts.
We were all expecting that Zemo was going to be in the Thunderbolts given that he plays a significant role in the comics, and Brül addresses this by reminding fan’s that Zemo is “not dead” and “even if he could [explain], he couldn’t” tell fans if he will return. Yeah, he’s definitely coming back. Marvel’s probably just waiting until the trailer drops or even hiding it until the film’s release to generate hype closer to it’s release. 
Okoye returns in Thunderbolts and Wakanda plays a large role in the plot.
Given Bucky’s history with Hydra, it’s difficult to see Bucky joining Valentina given her ties with the organization, leaving two scenarios plausible: he is not aware of them, or is a double agent. If the possible rumours that it involves a heist in Wakanda, especially considering how Valentina likely has a vendetta against them for aiding Ross in escaping, it is surely the latter as I cannot see Bucky so blatantly defying Wakanda after all they did for him unless there is a more pressing threat at hand (ie. in TFATWS/CAATWS). And, if this is true, a large threat such as the Hydra under the guise of the U.S. Government classifies it as that. 
Andrew Garfield appearance in Venom 3.
This is pretty popular, but considering his line in Spider-Man: No Way Home that he “want[s] to fight an alien,” it feels foreshadowing. That, plus the fan reception of his return and performance as Peter Parker, makes it natural that Sony would want to continue featuring him in their non-MCU universe, and have him face off with Venom or join forces against a common foe.
Milly Alcock cast as Gwen Stacy.
Another GOT/HOTD related casting prediction, Milly Alcock as Gwen Stacy is something I have seen discussed as a fan cast rapidly growing in popularity. And, as mentioned before, Marvel has historically favoured actors who featured in GOT, including Richard Madden, Kit Harrington, and Emilia Clarke in the MCU, with Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams in the XCU. Not only has she proved herself a great actress and bears a striking resemblance to the comic and Into the Spiderverse depictions of the character, but Gwen Stacy needs to be played as independent, strong and proactive in her behaviour. In her portrayal of Rhaenyra Targaryen, she has proved herself capable of portraying these traits as a strong female lead tenfold. 
Donald Glover Returns as Aaron Davis/Prowler along with Miles Morales.
Again, another pretty obvious development, but I do not think Glover’s role of producing and starring as the titular character of Hypno-Hustler, a Sony film about another Spiderverse villain, will impact his role as Prowler unless we explicitly hear him confirm that he will be handing the reins of the role over to another actor. And, of course, it is incredibly likely we see Miles Morales introduced within the next few Spider-Man films. 
Scott Lang is the one Avenger who remembers Peter Parker.
We know that there has been some exploration of the possibility that one Avenger remembers Peter Parker, and the one possible option is Scott Lang. It is through the Quantum realm that we know time travel is possible, and it may have been something being experimented with by Scott, Hope, Hank, Janet, and possibly Cassie, at the time of the spell being cast. We also don’t know what other kind of characteristics the Quantum realm may possess with regard to impacting how the spell may effect someone in it and/or absent at the time it was cast. However, this is just one of many possibilities. 
Hank Pym dies in Ant-Man: Quantumania.
Pretty self explanatory, but I think as this is most likely the final Ant-Man movie, especially with Paul Rudd, that one of their main characters will die and, since they just got Janet back, Hank seems like the most emotional loss for the other characters. 
Druig will adopt a more villainous role by the end of Phase 6.
I love Druig and Makkari so much, but in the comics, Druig is a villain that the Eternals fight against as well as being related to them. I don’t see them killing off Makkari and would be devastated if they do, but I think she may be injured or have something happen that would send Druig on a spiral. We would probably not see this until after Eternals 2 or the next Avengers films, but I fully expect Druig to have a character arc quite similar to Wanda’s.
Richard Madden returns as Ikaris in Eternals 2.
Arishem has the power to recreate any of the Eternals he wishes and, given that Ikaris was his most loyal follower and would be difficult both emotionally and physically for many of the Eternals to fight again, it would be in his best interest to bring him back.
Upcoming Avengers movie(s) death predictions:
Stephen Strange, Thor Odinson, Bucky Barnes, Scott Lang, Bruce Banner, Nick Fury.
Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3 death predictions:
Rocket, Nebula, Drax, and Peter Quill.
Henry Cavill cast as any character.
He needs to be petty and go to DC’s competition lmao.
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binkywinky · 2 years
do you think carol visited earth during the blip?
There was a moment in WandaVision when that salty bitch Hayward told Monica that he knew about her history with Carol Danvers. Given that Carol wasn't around before The Blip and that he mentioned it like it wasn’t common knowledge, the only explanation would be that Carol was around during The Blip - and more specifically, around Maria. I suspect Carol was around while Maria was in the hospital and that he found out during the time when they were figuring out who would be Maria's replacement. Or at minimum, she was at Maria's funeral and he learned their connection from there.
Adding to that, when the remaining Avengers were meeting with Nat in Endgame, she asked Carol if they’d be seeing her next month. That came across to me that she had been making regular trips there.... which would also explain how she has so much of a presence on Earth. Posters, shoes, general merch - hell, someone even wrote a book on her. She had to have been around for some time for that all to build up.
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Avengers : Kang Dinasty Fan-Team
So bene che prima dell'arrivo del nuovo film sulla nuova squadra degli Avengers, ci vorrà un bel po' di tempo e la messa in scena di altri film e serie tv targate Marvel.
Ho pensato però intanto a quale potrebbe essere la prima nuova formazione degli eroi più potenti della terra. Una formazione, quella degli Avengers che cambierà sicuramente e ancora nel corso del secondo nuovo film dedicato ovvero : Avengers SECRET WARS.
Tra i vari nuovi personaggi alla fine ho scelto loro nonostante abbia qualche dubbio su Carol Danvers e Stephen Strange.
Carol Danvers: La prima seppure non abbia ancora avuto modo di brillare pienamente a causa dello scarso screen-time, l'ho sempre vista, anche per sua stessa ammissione più come una protettrice dello spazio che delle terrà.
Magari nel film di prossima uscita THE MARVELS, cambierà i propri piani e il suo status quo.
Stephen Strange: Dall'altra parte, Strange. Personaggio che è stato abbastanza centrale nelle vicende dell'MCU nelle ultime fasi della saga dell'infinito eppure nonostante due film e un aria di mentore, non lo vedo come il nuovo Tony Stark.
Restano Sam Wilson, come il nuovo Cap.America che potrebbe essere lui il nuovo leader del gruppo andando ad occupare definitivamente il posto di Steve Rogers anche in catena di comando e simbolo del paese.
Peter Parker, l'amichevole Spider-Man di quartiere che per il momento con una "nuova identità segreta" e uno dei pilastri degli Avengers che saranno.
Ant-Man (Scott Lang) che ha affrontato Kang e scoperto il regno quantico, motivo per cui avrebbe una connessione e il giusto inserimento.
She Hulk, semplicemente per il fatto che, non credo utilizzeranno Bruce Banner di nuovo come un Avengers ma per progetti futuri di stand alone.
Queste sono le mie fan-scelte che potrebbero essere tranquillamente rimescolate avendo lasciato fuori al momento Wanda, Shuri, Shang-Chi, Kate Bishop ma ci sarà tempo per formare i NEW AVENGERS.
E la vostra? Quale potrebbe essere?
I know that before the release of the new film about the new Avengers team, it will take some time and the production of other Marvel movies and TV series. However, in the meantime, I've been thinking about what could be the first lineup of Earth's mightiest heroes. This lineup of the Avengers will undoubtedly change throughout the course of the second new film dedicated to Avengers SECRET WARS.
Among the various new characters, I've chosen them, although I have some doubts about Carol Danvers and Stephen Strange. Despite not having had the opportunity to fully shine due to limited screen time, I've always seen Carol more as a protector of space than of Earth, even based on her own admission.
Perhaps in the upcoming film THE MARVELS, she will change her plans and her status quo.
On the other hand, there's Strange. He has been quite central to the events of the MCU in the later stages of the Infinity Saga. However, despite two films and a mentor-like presence, I don't see him as the new Tony Stark.
Remaining are Sam, as the new Captain America, who could potentially be the new leader of the group, permanently filling the shoes of Steve Rogers both in terms of command and as a symbol of the country.
Peter Parker, the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, currently with a "new secret identity," will also be one of the pillars of the Avengers.
Ant-Man (Scott Lang), who has faced Kang and discovered the quantum realm, would have a connection and a rightful place in the team.
She-Hulk, simply because I believe Bruce Banner won't be utilized as an Avenger again, but rather for future standalone projects.
These are my fan-picks, which could easily be reshuffled, considering that Wanda, Shuri, Shang-Chi, and Kate Bishop have been left out for now. However, there will be time to form the NEW AVENGERS.
What about you? Who do you think could be part of the team?
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My Fan Avengers Team
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rhodestoruin · 11 months
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≛ main ≛ bio ≛ face ≛ muse ≛ starters ≛ wishlist ≛
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
Rhodey is a mix of Earth-616, MCU, and headcanons, all of them meshed them together for Earth-3490. All details vary based on verse, and I'm happy to write him into AUs and fandom crossovers. His characterization is heavily inspired by The Components of Construction. All post-CW threads in an MCU timeline are written with the faceclaim Gabrielle Union. I do not acknowledge any of the D+ shows in my verses.
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I'm happy to ship Rhodey with other Marvel characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry, but unless they're on my OTP list, they need plotting and interaction first. There is never any pressure to ship with me, even if they're on my list.
OTPs: Carol Danvers, Clint Barton, Tony/Natasha Stark Possible Ships: most Avengers NOTPs: n/a Family: Safe to say he'd love to be the Cool Uncle to all of Tony's various canon and AU children, but given the age difference, this is probably not the Rhodey they grew up with. Other: TONY TONY TONY. Whether it's bros, romance, or platonic soulmates, I'd love all the Tony connections.
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default verses:
616: A mix of comics and headcanons where Rhodey and Clint Barton were dating pre-Civil War and chose opposite sides, ending the relationship. As this is not an MCU verse and Vision was not involved, Rhodey wasn't seriously injured.
3490: A blip universe in the comics where Steve Rogers and Natasha Stark are married, and the Avengers' Civil War never happens. I'm most comfortable writing this version of him, so feel free to have your muse playing tourist in his dimension or vice versa, especially if the age is off.
multiverse!madness: Various comics universes collide, whether Marvel/DC/etc. have always existed on the same Earth, or other-dimension shenanigans are at work. Duplicate friendly!
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verses by request only:
I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
alt!3490: A blip universe in the comics where Stephanie Rogers and Natasha Stark are married, and the Avengers' Civil War never happens. (fem!rhodey / fc: vanessa morgan)
alt!postblip: An MCU timeline where Steve Rogers stays in the present timeline, Tony Stark doesn't die, and the snap brings back Natasha Romanoff. Jane Rhodes was paralyzed from the waist down in the Avengers' Civil War and uses Stark tech leg braces to walk. She identifies as homosexual and only ships with female muses. (fem!rhodey / fc: Gabrielle Union)
college!verse: A modern/realistic AU where Rhodey is an engineering and ROTC student at MIT.
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wii-brains · 1 year
Let’s Discuss the Infinity Stones
I’m world building for a fic largely inspired by dls’s “If You Had This Time Again,” which is a time travel fix-it focusing on the infinity stones. So of course I pulled out my stack of papers containing infinity stones info and I had the thought to post what I have on here just in case someone would like to use it. Forewarning, this information focuses on the stones in relation to the movies.
As we know, there are six stones all together. Here they are in no particular order:
Soul Stone
The soul stone is an orange stone located on the planet Vormir, or more accurately can be accessed on the planet Vormir. It’s location was unknown until Gamora, a daughter of Thanos, discovered it’s whereabouts in 2014. The Nazi Johann Schmidt, aka Red Skull, transported to Vormir in 1945 and was appointed the guide to the stone. According to Schmidt, a soul is required to obtain the soul stone. Not just any soul but a soul loved by the acquirer. “You must loose that of which you love. A soul for a soul.”
The orange gem grants mastery of the soul. Meaning the wielder can alter and manipulate all souls. It can also preserve the soul to allow for life after death, resurrect the dead, and conjure the spirit of a dead being. The soul stone has its own pocket dimension only accessible to the user.
My personal head canon is that Schmidt is only telling a half truth. He’s both harming and helping the visitors. I don’t think the soul has to be loved to get the stone but I do believe that the stone respects the sacrifice more and you are only allowed to hold the stone in hand when it contains a soul connected to yours. I also think the stone is less likely to twist your commands for this reason.
Mind Stone
The mind stone is a yellow stone that was housed inside a scepter. This scepter was given to Loki by Thanos to help with his invasion of New York, United States, Earth in 2012. It was then taken by SHIELDRA and used by Baron Von Strucker to give the Maximoff twins their powers between 2013-2015. (sorry I don’t know when exactly their experiments took place) The Avengers recovered the scepter in 2015 and placed it in Avengers Tower where it corrupted Ultron and then was finally placed inside Vision’s head.
The yellow gem gives its wielder the power of telepathy. It can be used to influence a person’s thoughts or actions. It also grants the user a sense of all-knowing intelligence mainly via their ability to access minds.
Power Stone
The power stone is a purple stone that was covered by an orb structure kept on the planet Morag. Peter Quill, aka Starlord, took the orb from Morag and it was then used by the Guardians of the Galaxy to defeat Ronan and save the universe in 2014. Afterwards, the Guardians placed the power stone under the protection of the Nova Corps on their planet Xander.
The purple gem does as it’s name suggests. It amplifies the wielder’s abilities or actions to that of a superior quality. No matter who the wielder is fighting against their strengths will be above the opponent’s.
Space Stone
The space stone is a blue stone housed inside a device called the Tesseract. Hydra used it in the 1940s during WWII. During the final fight between Captain America and Johann Schmidt, the Tesseract transported Schmidt to Vormir. Howard Stark found the Tesseract when looking for the Valkyrie wreckage, or more precisely Steve Rogers’s body, before 1970. He shared it with SHIELD who allowed it to be used for project Pegasus. Carol Danvers obtained her powers in 1989 when she was doused with Tesseract energy attempting to keep Yon-Rogg from getting it. In 1995, Carol became Captain Marvel and entrusted Nick Fury with the Tesseract. SHIELD kept the Tesseract until 2012 when they traded the Scepter for it. Thor then took it to Asgard where it was placed in Odin’s vault.
The blue gem allows for instantaneous teleportation through space. The wielder can travel across the universe or just twenty feet in a blink. This travel happens via portals instead of atoms disappearing and then reappearing.
Time Stone
The time stone is a green stone that has been on Earth for centuries. It was found by Agamotto, the first known magic user on earth, who then stored it in a magical amulet that became referred to as the “Eye of Agamotto.” Ever since Agamotto’s death it became the responsibility of the Sorcerer Supreme to protect the time stone as well as time itself. Doctor Stephen Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to save the universe and defeat Dormammu in early 2017. Dr. Strange was then appointed Sorcerer Supreme and tasked with protecting the time stone and the sacred timeline.
The green gem allows the wielder to manipulate and travel through time. Its user can control time from a single source to all of life. They can see into the past and the future. Also, the user can access a diagram of timelines.
Reality Stone
The reality stone is a red stone that was referred to as “the Aether” by the Dark Elves. When worshiped by the Dark Elves, the Aether was a free moving red liquid. The Aether inhabited Jane Foster in 2013 when she traveled to the Dark Dimension. After removing the Aether from Jane and stopping Malekith’s invasion of Greenwich, London, England, Earth Thor with the aid of the Warriors Three and Lady Sif gave the reality stone to the Collector on Knowhere.
The red gem grants its user the ability to manipulate any and all reality. Meaning the wielder can turn an object into whatever they wish, change the laws of nature, make any fantasy come true, and create their own version of existence. It also gives them access to the multiverse. This ability is possible because of their control over reality. If they can control it of course they have access to all forms of it.
Now if you are wondering how exactly Thanos was able to wield all six I’ll tell you. Firstly, he had a conduit made by the best welders in the universe. Welders who literally make sentient weapons from dying stars that can kill gods so that was a bit helpful. Also him being from a powerful race of conquerors all whose baseline is above superhuman didn’t hurt. Secondly, the stones are meant to be used together well more accurately they can be used circularly.
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I don’t think any being, even those above god status, would be able to wield all six if the stones weren’t influenced by each other. If someone has mastery of one stone then in theory they can control all the stones. Which we see from Thanos; the stone he used the most was the power stone.
If you are into Tony/Loki and time travel fix-it I suggest reading “If You Had This Time Again.”
Here’s a link:
Also there is a Darcy fic about the Infinity Stones and them being drawn to each other I read a couple years ago. I’d like to read it again but like an idiot I didn’t save it. If anyone knows what fic I’m talking about please comment below.
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I don’t really know much at all about Dazzler. Can anyone tell me why she is wearing a Hala Star? Isn’t she a human mutant with zero connections to the Kree? I’m not super well read so I’m sure I’m missing something!
I immediately knew Greg Land did the art in that first photo because Allison looks 100% exactly the same as Carol Danvers in the recent All-Out Avengers lol.
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