#at least win has an actual chance of coming back. i still believe he will return to us one day given his actor didnt post flowers
rosemirmir · 1 year
Remembering the 3 week period where I was smacked with a frying pan about GiroriWin, and got unexpected brain worms over them. Only for Win to get exploded the next episode... following by Girori getting fired
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I think the key to understanding show!Aziraphale is in some lines that are in the book but not the show. Because these lines represent a place that our show Aziraphale hasn't hit yet.
Before I get into this, let me explain why I think things that aren't in the show can be so important to understanding where the show will go.
For another example, let's look at the ending of the book/s1. In the book, Adam is not impressed with Aziraphale and Crowley. There is no pep talk. He actually has a pretty stern message to them about "not messing people around."
A lot of s2 might not have worked the same way if they had gotten that message. It would have cut off room for growth. The whole plotline with Nina and Maggie for one would have been much less likely. So by holding off the stop messing with people message to the end of s2 (and then only giving it to Crowley), it provides more room for the characters to change at a pace befitting a multi-season show.
So what else do I think will end up working this way?
Well, there's a scene I love in the book that hasn't made it into the show yet. It happens after Aziraphale is discorporated. In the show, he goes to heaven, then to Madame Tracy. In the book, he bounces around possible hosts first, including a televangelist. The televangelist is going on about the rapture and such, and Aziraphale cuts in with this:
"Well, nice try...only it won't be like that at all. Not really.
"I mean, you're right about the fire and war, all that. but that Rapture stuff well, if you could see them all in Heaven - serried ranks of them as far as the mind can follow and beyond, league after league of us, flaming swords, all that, well, what I'm trying to say is who has time to go round picking people out and popping them up in the air to sneer at the people dying of radiation sickness on the parched and burning earth below them? If that's your idea of a morally acceptable time, I might add.
"And as for that stuff about Heaven inevitably winning...Well, to be honest, if it were that cut and dried, there wouldn't be a Celestial War in the first place, would there? It's propaganda. Pure and simple. We've got no more than a fifty percent chance of coming out on top. You might as well send money to a Satanist hotline to cover your bets, although to be frank when the fire falls and the seas of blood rise you lot are all going to be civilian casualties either way. Between our war and your war, they're going to kill everyone and let God sort it out-right?
"Anyway, sorry to stand here wittering, I've just a quick question-where am I?"
Because even this more cynical version of Aziraphale is adorable, the scene ends with "Gosh," he said, "am I on television?"
We didn't get this in the show, but I can't help feeling that it might be in season 3, assuming we get a season 3. It might even fit in better there, assuming we are going with a "second coming" plot. In the show, Aziraphale hasn't reached this level of cynicism (yet). I can't picture s1 or s2 Aziraphale giving this speech. Sure, he's seen what a mess the archangels are, he was willing to go against heaven to stop them from starting the end of the world, but I'm pretty sure show Aziraphale still believes in the goodness of God if not the goodness of the way heaven is run. It makes sense that show Aziraphale sees heaven as a fixable mess, an organization that isn't living up to what it should be. Because the show is taking Aziraphale's struggle with morally complex situations and questioning God and making it a longer arc.
My guess it that, as his tenure as archangel is likely to go terribly and not give him any more answers (or at least not answers he likes), he will get to the point where he could give this speech in season 3. My guess is that he's likely to also end up in a horrendous mental state once he reaches these conclusions (a perfect opportunity for some hurt/comfort). He's likely to build himself back up after that, but with a clearer look at the world.
End conclusion: if you are telling a longer story, sometimes you need to hold some things back to give your characters room to grow. So, it isn't a sign something is wrong with a story when partway through a character hasn't hit upon an obvious point.
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snakejar · 2 months
the whole williams thing is so bizzare and i am sure absolutely nobody wins from it.
i get that alex is the objectively better driver. i get how important points or even positions are in the bigger picture of the constructors championship and finance wise, and i get that alex has a far better shot of doing better. but this leaves such a sour taste in everyone's mouth that im not sure its worth it.
if you look at the current scene on social media, its a shitshow. williams' comments sections are filled with disapproval, and people are hating both alex and logan with vigour. this is horrible moment for williams.
and what if alex gets into the points? what if he actually does deliver and bumps williams up the rankings? its not a good look anyway. people are going to say he hasnt earned it, he doesnt deserve it, and they're going to be annoyed. the f1 crowds love drama and they love it when drivers fail. they come into the race with expectations that alex is going to fail and fumble the second chance that williams has given him in the form of logan's car, and if he doesnt, then they're going to be pissed that their expectations haven't been fulfilled.
but what if alex doesnt get any points? people are going to point and laugh and they are going to turn their backs on alex and williams more than they have on friday and saturday. again, people love mocking mistakes and disappointment. worse yet, what if alex crashes again? sends it into the wall in turn 8 the same way he did in fp1? he and williams will never hear the end of it.
i cannot imagine the hit this will do to logan's confidence. he was the last driver to get resigned in 2023, but by signing him, williams have put faith in him. they have put trust in his development and his performance for 2024. the level of disrespect this is to logan is genuinely crazy. logan has done nothing but do his best and play for the team, but he has to pay for alex's mistake, and now it is another missed opportunity for him to prove himself. if you look at free practice results from the aus gp, logan and alex's times weren't even separated by a massive margin. there's a huge probability that logan is not going to get resigned for the 2025 season, and there are very few chances for him to prove himself this season. by doing this, williams is telling logan that they have no faith in him, they don't believe he'll perform when they need him to. im afraid this might be the start to the end of logan's f1 career.
what's worse is that williams has lately been the team that appealed to the fans. even if they consistently drove around in the back of the field, fans still loved them for their team dynamic and their drivers and being a small team. they need fan support, because if they dont have the best drivers or a decent cars, then they need to at least have people backing them. but this is just so cold and so un-williamslike, and is going to take a hit on the amount of support they have going forward.
at the end of the day, f1 will always be a game of money. time and time again formula 1 has proved that it cares more about profit than the careers of their drivers. teams will obviously do what will get them the most points, positions, and ultimately prize money. but unless alex pulls off a goddamn miracle in the race tomorrow, i really do not think that any of this is worth it in the end.
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t-0ne25 · 3 months
There’s nothing in this world a quiet walk in the sun can solve, right? At least that’s what your brain always manages to make you believe when sunbeams collide with your skin on the first day of spring, warning you up from outside as if they’re some magical elixir. But it’s just mother nature providing you vitamins and serotonin for free, while helping you clear your head.
The birds are chirping, beautiful flowers are taking over the field, enlightening your view in all the colours the rainbow can offer. You take a deep breath, allowing your whole body to relax just how it deserves. Cool. Your anxious thoughts are basically gone. There’s no need to worry.
When you pass one of the cafés near, you head to the counter and purchase one of your favourite iced drinks. They finally changed the menu to the one specifically made for spring, which eases your heart and mind further.
Everything is perfect. Problems? You’ve never heard of them.
Until you sit down on one of the wooden and dark green coloured benches back in the park again—getting a great panorama view of the pond and the ducks playing and swimming inside.
At first, you don’t notice him. He’s just as shy and anxious as you tend to be, especially whenever he’s with you. Well, usually he plays it cool, pretending to be confident and you believe him. The teasing tells it all. But deep down he knows he’d basically faint if you ever made a move on him.
Oh, no. Problem number two that you were trying to escape found you. Dammit.
“Hey, Ji. You’re here too?”
No, I’m one of the ducks and turned into an illusion of Han Jisung, he thinks but doesn’t speak out loud. Minho and his sarcasm aren’t a good influence on him as it seems.
“Yeah… I’ve been trying to clear my mind and all.” His gaze is fixated on the ground, as he looks down at his shoes. His hands and fingers are fidgeting, showing how nervous he is.
“Are you okay, Jisung?”
His eyes shoot up towards you, “Yeah! I’m fine. I’m fine.”
It’s hard seeing him like this. You wonder what’s going on and if it possibly has something to do with you. Until you push that idea aside. This isn’t about you. Jisung seems to be plagued by some thoughts and you’re his friend, always ready to help and listen.
“Do you wanna talk? Tell me what’s going on?”
He awkwardly chuckles, “I’m… not sure.”
You tilt your head, stepping a few steps towards him. Jisung’s heartbeat quickens and he prays you don’t notice.
“Come on, you can tell me everything,” you reassure him.
He blinks a few times. “Even if it involves my guilty conscience and you?”
Could he perhaps mean…?
No, there’s no way. Sure, with all the teasing he’s brought to daylight whenever you’ve been in a room with him one could think he does actually like you more than a friend. Hell, Han Jisung flirts with you as if he’s trying to win an Olympic gold medal. The fact you’re still not considering the chance that he has some type of crush on you is almost ridiculous.
“Yeah, even then,” you say. “What is it?”
Now you’re the one whose heart is bursting out of their chest, impatiently awaiting and answer.
“I will tell you… but perhaps, not here? Like in public and all?”
“We can go to my place. It’s not that far from here,” you suggest.
Twenty minutes later, you find yourself inside your apartment since it’s closer to the park where your paths accidentally crossed. You offer Jisung a glass of water and fill one for yourself too before the two of you plop down on your sofa. He’s never been here before and it shows—like a child, his eyes are roaming all over the walls and furniture inside your living room, truly amazed of how much of a copy of yourself this flat is. It reflects you like a mirror.
But your friend gets dragged out of his focused state, when you speak, “So, whenever you’re ready, yeah?”
He gulps, nervousness striking all over his pretty face.
“I know I shouldn’t feel this way and I am sure this won’t even surprise you… but I like you. More than a friend. And, God, you’re so fucking attractive but also freaking adorable, it messes with my head.”
“Wait, I’m not done yet,” he interrupts you back. “I know I shouldn’t feel that way, after all Minho and you–“
“We aren’t… dating. If that’s what you think,” you tell him.
For a moment Jisung can see sparkles of hope running in front of his eyes, ready to be caught. Until they vanish away, bringing him back to reality.
“But you like him,” he speaks through gritted teeth.
“I do,” you admit.
His head is hanging low now and so are his shoulders which he shrugs. Jisung’s speaks in a soft voice when he begins again, “I knew it. Well, it was nice–“
“But I like you too, more than a friend, Han Jisung,” you tell him with a wide grin.
He nods, a bright laughter slipping past his lips, “The usage of the government name makes it feel so serious.”
“Because I am,” you emphasise. “I am serious. I’m sorry for all this mess.”
He takes a step towards you, reaching for your hands and suddenly all the anxiety disappears. “No. Don’t apologise. There's no mess if we don’t create one.”
You’ve never expected someone like Jisung who makes jokes throughout the whole day would be so mature about this. You’ve absolutely misjudged him on that matter.
“What do you mean?”
You still want to make sure you’re on the same page and he’s not just saying that as a joke again.
“We can discuss things later with Minho,” he explains. “But can I be selfish for once and kiss you?”
The smile on your face is hard to miss, “What are you waiting for, hm?”
He grins, right before he smashes his lips into yours. And it feels like you’ve just cheated your way into heaven. This is perfect. More than perfect. His mouth feels so smooth against your own, as his tongue carefully asks for entrance when he lets the tip graze over your lower lip. You grant him just that, inviting it in, as a mischievous grin makes it up to your face. He’s so shy, so different from all the teasing it’s adorable.
Soon, you wrap your arms around his neck, before your kisses go on a little journey, hovering over his cheek, his jawline, down to his neck. Jisung lets you do the work, melting under your touch and basically turning into a puddle. His head is thrown back, his hands are gripping your waist.
“If we don’t stop very soon,” he starts then, speaking in between small whimpers, “I don’t think I will be able to hold back, baby.”
You chuckle, “That’s my plan, Ji.”
He lets go of you for a second, his eyes finding your own. “What about Minho?”
“Let’s be selfish for a bit. We will talk to him later, yeah?”
Jisung nods, before his mouth crashes into yours again. You feel hypnosis taking over you, when you guide him towards your bedroom. He kicks the door open with his foot, before you drag him further towards the mattress. A little push is enough to make him land on the bed, so you can crawl on top of him. Usually, in any conversation, Jisung is the one to lead, so you’ve been dying to know if he’d be the same in the bedroom. So far it seems to be quite the opposite and you don’t mind at all.
A second later, your friend feels you on top of him, straddling his lap before your arms seize around his shoulders. Your lips are attached to his neck again, drawing the prettiest pattern he’s ever witnessed that will leave a fond memory of today for everyone to see. You guide them further, while you help him out of his shirt, before they travel more.
You’re scooting down, leaving his thighs and forcing a small whine to spill from Jisung’s lips but he doesn’t complain. Not when you’re already making your way further south, hastily fumbling with his belt before you slide down his jeans. His hardened cock is straining against the material of his boxers, begging to be let free. But to tease him a bit more—he deserves it after all—you start slowly palming him through the fabric, applying only a bit of pressure to drive him even crazier.
“Tell me what you like, Jisung,” you tell him in the softest voice his ears have ever witnessed.
“Anything… just touch me, please.”
You decide to free him from the torture, pulling down his boxers just to realise he’s completely naked now whereas you’re still fully dressed. You make quick work when your hand wraps around his throbbing length. He’s thick, promising to fill you nicely but this has to wait for now. You start pumping him, listening to the sweet little whimpers he lets out as if they’ve just become your favourite melody.
“I wanna make you feel good,” you confess, before you slide down. Jisung parts his legs and you settle right between them, getting into a comfortable position. You’re on your knees for him, your mouth dangerously close to his dick. Then he feels saliva drip onto his tip, before you smear the liquid over his shaft.
“I’ve thought about this moment so many times, fuck–“
His words get cut off, when he feels your warm and wet mouth around him. His brain basically shuts off at this point, as he watches your head move up and down, taking in as much as you can fit. Slurping sounds are echoing through your bedroom, while you start drooling all over his length. The fact you’re moaning while doing all the work doesn’t make things any easier for him—Jisung said goodbye to the last hopeless piece of his sanity a while ago.
You let his dick slip out of your mouth for a moment, just to whisper, “You’re such a good boy, Sungie. You’re so good for me.” He almost cums when he listens to those words but is able to cold back. Just for you to take him into your mouth again, nearly triggering your gag reflex. Your friend feels himself getting closer and closer, knowing he’s practically tasting that sweet relief, but then–
You pull away. And give him the most teasing grin he’s ever seen.
“Fuck, why’d you stop?”
“I’d prefer it, if you came inside of me,” you confess, cocking your head.
Jisung—despite the fact that he’s absolutely down for it—panics in an instant, “I– I don’t have a condom with me, Y/N. I didn’t exactly expect this to happen when I went out to the park for a nice walk and–“
“I’m on the pill. I’m fine without one if you are,” you reassure him.
“Jesus Christ, is it my birthday already? I thought it’s March,” he says, hyperventilating, while he looks at his wrist although he isn’t even wearing a watch that would tell him today's date.
You snicker, “Stop joking around, baby, and fuck me already.”
And for some reason, you can’t even explain it yourself, something shifts in his mood. Something quite dangerous, if you will.
“Ask nicely, angel,” he teases. Of course, he’s back with the teasing. He wouldn’t be Han Jisung after all.
You give him a faux pout, “Would you please fuck me, Jisung, and make me cum on your cock?”
“You’re truly an angel because you can’t be real,” he whispers, before his hands find your waist and he turns your around.
“You sure you don’t want me to… prepare you first?”
His fingers are wandering under your skirt, while you spread your legs for him. Jisung lets his hand wander further, until he’s grazing over your wet underwear.
“No… Please don’t make me wait any longer.”
He nods, before he slides the ruined fabric aside, playing with your clit a little while two of his fingers are circling around your entrance.
Jisung scoots closer and aligns his cock with your hole. He dips the tip inside and when you give him a small nod, he adds some more of his length, taking his time to allow you to get used to the feeling.
He is definitely more on the girthier side, stretching you deliciously open and you wonder what life would have been like if you had allowed him to do all this with your body yesterday.
Or, perhaps, even way before that. Because you can’t deny—as pathetic as it sounds—that some of his flirtatious comments have made you a little wet in the past, especially when you were back home, on a lonely night, your fingers passing your underwear while you touched yourself, thinking of the man who’s currently spreading you open with his length.
“This feels so good, you’re so good at this,” you praise him, arching your back.
“Hmm, who would have thought that you could be a good girl too, huh?”
“Only for you, Jisung,” you admit in between moans, letting your friend rail you into oblivion. The feeling drives you crazy, how he fills and pleases you, especially when two of his fingers reach around you and start rubbing your clit again.
“Well, I sure hope so. You’re such a good slut for me,” he groans through gritted teeth. 
You nearly see stars when you listen to those degrading yet praising words, “Make me cum, Ji.”
“Oh, I absolutely will.” He chuckles, driving you closer to the edge of snapping. “Come on, let go, angel, I’ve got you.”
And you follow suit. You clench around him, as your legs begin to shake and your vision gets filled with sparkles. The sensation takes over you, your whole body and soul while Jisung guides you through it. With how much your walls are tightening around him, his own relief gets triggered too and hot seeds shoot into your cunt, filling you to the brim.
Jisung glides his now softening cock out of you, watching the mixture of cum trickle down your thighs.
“So, how about we take a quick shower and head back to my place? We can discuss everything with Minho there, if you like,” he suggests.
“Sounds good.”
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Thank you lots for reading 🩷 ENJOYED THIS STORY? Go back to the main part and leave a comment, reblog or send an ask my way if you feel like it! I’d appreciate it so much. 🌷
© j-One25 2024 | copying, translating or stealing my work is prohibited
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erroramended-blog · 1 year
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 Tada! wholesome! As suggested by @paintsplash1712​  Annnd, it inspired a little fic which I will include below the read-more.
“Ok, just A liiiittle further back.”
Hunter held up his thumb and index finger at a distance that was practically touching already, but Luz gave the joy stick another nudge. Predictably the claw jerked back with a wild swing, and by then they’d fiddled with the positioning so long that time ran out, so the claw dropped. It was a long plushy though, so the claw still managed to get a good grip on it. Maybe this time they’d actually—
Aaaand it slipped right out again.
“Urgh! How does anyone win anything around here?!” Vee complained, dragging her fingers down her cheeks in frustration.
Luz let her head thump against the glass. So far they’d burned through half their credits and won absolutely nothing.
The whole trip had been Luz’s idea. She’d heard about this new arcade bowling alley restaurant thing opening up a town over, and it was huge and had a lot of stuff from japan. It looked like a ton of fun, and since Hunter had his license now they wouldn't need a ride, aaaand they all had human money from picking up odd jobs during summer break so they could afford it, so with some convincing, mama said yes.
“I wonder if the others are doing any better.” Hunter thought out loud.
Amity, Willow, and Gus had come along too because of course she wouldn't leave them out. The only reason they weren't all plushy hunting together was because right at the start Luz had had the brilliant idea of splitting everyone into two teams and making the whole thing a competition. Whoever wins the least prizes buys lunch.
“Probably not,” Luz said, glaring at the rotten machine. “It’s all rigged.”
“But there has to be some sort of strategy to it,” Hunter said, rubbing his chin, “how else would so many people be walking around with prizes?”
“Maaaaan, I wish I could just stretch my arm, reach in there, and grab them!” Vee said, staring longingly at the big wolf plush they’d all been trying at.
A thought suddenly occurred to all three of them at once.
“I mean...I could, but, yah know,” Vee said, pointing up “cameras.”  
They all nodded and miserably shuffled off to try the next machine.
The place was big enough that they’d decided to have each team take opposite sides and work their way to the middle by lunch time— which was growing ever nearer. At this rate, If the other team managed to get even one plushy they’d win.
“That's it, I'm getting that prize one way or another!”
Willow's eyes flashed a glowing green for a second before both Amity and Gus jumped to stop her. To her credit though, Willow hadn’t been serious. She was frustrated, yeah, but she wasn’t actually going to tear the place apart.
“Ugh,” she sighed, “This is impossible!”
“These are worse than the games at the Bonesborough fall carnival.” Amity agreed, and she was right too. Those games could result in flaming chaos, or loss of limb, but at least you could get a mold fish out of it. “There's just no way.”
“Hmm,” Gus said, and Willow knew that thoughtful hmm. That was the thoughtful hmm of someone with an idea. “Well, there miiiight be a way.”
Gus smiled a devious smile, and lifted the flap of his shoulder bag just enough for a certain someone to peak her head out.
“Welp, that's the last chance we had.”
Vee threw her hands up in defeat and turned away from the claw machine.
“How could we have failed this badly?” Hunter said from his spot on the floor. From the look on his face, he seemed to be rethinking all of his life choice.“Not one single success? Where did we go wrong!?”
Luz could hardly believe it. All that time, all that money, and convincing, and planning, and this is how it ends? With nothing but regrets and heartbreak? This was supposed to be fun, but the three of them were completely crestfallen. Absolutely woebegotten! Anguished and downcast! And all the other synonyms she could think of!  
It wasn’t fair! It was—
“Woh, look at those guys!” Vee said, pointing.
Luz turned to look, amongst the last people in the whole place who weren't already staring at the three walking piles of plush toys and prizes. Luz almost moved to get out of the way, but piles seemed to be heading in her direction and—
“Hey guys,” A voice said, muffled by fluff and fuzz “Look what we won.”
“Gus!?” Hunter said, slack jawed in shock “Wha- How did you— What!?”
“It was no big deal,” Willow chimed in, “We're just that good.”
“No way,” Vee argued, “There is no way that you guys di—...”
Vee was about to accuse them of cheating, but she realized that she probably shouldn't say that outloud with all the people that were watching them.
“Diiiid such a good job,” Vee finished, glancing around. “Guess you really are that skilled, haha. Just takes a magic touch huh?”
“It wasn’t my idea!! I sw—”
“Sweeeeet”Luz said, cutting off Amity's confession before it could get started. “Sweet haul guys, haha, you win, ok lets go.”
A pair of workers whispering to each other had started heading there way, so the six of them booked it out the door and back to the car. Thankfully, no one followed.
“I’m sensing some foul play here,” Hunter said, opening the trunk. “What did you three do?”
“Er, well we maaaayy have had some help.” Willow confessed as she dropped her load of plushies in. Said help had been in the form of a certain blue chameleon palisman who could fit into the prize shoot.
“We didn’t make it obvious though,” Gus added, letting his palisman climb onto his shoulder as he put his things down, “Emme can be practically invisible when she tries.”
The little paliman shut her eyes and smiled, proud of her handy work.
“You guuuuys!” Luz said, rubbing her face in exasperation. “You can’t just— what about the cam— we could have gotten in so much trouble.”
Which was kind of ironic coming from the student of one of the biggest troublemakers in the boiling isles, who was also a frequent troublemaker herself. Willow understood though. Luz really had to push to get permission for them all to go on this whole roadtrip thing without an adult coming along.  
“Sorry,” She said. “We shouldn’t have risked the trouble like that.”
Gus and Amity followed up with there own apologies and the three decided to cover lunch despite winning.
“Also, if it helps, we did win a bunch of stuff with you guys in mind.” Gus said, fishing in the trunk for a specific one. “Behold!”
Gus held out the Holler Knight plushy they’d picked for Luz, which Luz instantly loved.
“Ok, you guys are officially the best.” Luz said, hugging the big squishy little guy from the game. “Aaannd I’m actually pretty glad you stuck it to the scammy jerks and their rigged machines!”
With a laugh, and all around agreement, they split up the prized and picked a lunch destination.
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dragonsdendoodles · 2 months
similar vein to that other ask but opposite, what do you think enoch and horace would argue about non trivially, like the worst disagreement theyve had
Oh good lord angst time. Buckle up kids today we’re going over why my friends yell at me. Fair warning this one’s also gonna be long
So there are two scenarios. One where Horace is the one hurt, and one where Enoch is.
I think whatever it is either way, it started small. I think generally they’d be good at communication, having picked that up from Hugh and Fiona, but it was, at the time, a small issue. It was not a stupid issue, because if it were a stupid issue it would turn into an argument about the argument itself.
The two things that made the first scenario significantly worse:
1. We have seen how Enoch is just in general. He has zero filter and he’s a jerk and sometimes it’s funny and sometimes he takes it a bit too far. I think, very similarly to myself, he can’t actually tell. He can tell when he’s hurt someone, but he doesn’t actually know what it was that hurt them. We’ve also seen him argue with people quite a lot, which leads me to believe he can be pretty volatile.
2. My headcanon for Horace being upset is that whenever he is, he gets in his head until he’s convinced himself that if he voices his concerns with whoever upset him (especially Enoch) he’s either going to be yelled at again and it’ll go nowhere or he’ll bother them more by bringing it back up and that combined with blaming himself for the whole thing means that eventually he just kind of shuts down. Stops talking. Waits for it to go away.
Normally, if I were writing them in this fashion (surprise surprise, I have a fic draft where I am,) Enoch would pester Horace about whatever he’s upset about until he fesses up, they talk it out, kiss a little, after an hour of trying to get this out of him it’s over in ten minutes.
However, if they were to get into a Big Actual Fight about whatever it was, I think Enoch would not have the patience to sit and deflect Horace’s “I’m fine/nothing’s wrong/you didn’t do anything/I’m just being stupid”s for as long as he usually has to. If Horace’s stubbornness wins out instead of Enoch’s and Enoch is both upset that Horace won’t ever fucking talk to him and doesn’t have near enough patience to keep pushing the issue to be able to have the information to resolve it, Enoch decides fine. If you’re going to be like this, then I’ll let you fucking be like this until you can be a fucking adult and actually fucking talk to me. Except that doesn’t come out like that, it’s Enoch, so it comes out as insults. Horace snaps back because the insults were uncalled for, Enoch snaps back because oh we’re doing this now, and neither knows who raised their voice first but now they’re both yelling. It gets messy. Someone gets called unreasonable, the other asks why he’s even still with him if he’s so horrible, the first asks why the hell he’d even say that when he knows why (the answer is he’s not, they’re both just pissed off and throwing words at each other to see what sticks,) it goes on for maybe twenty minutes tops. They get tired of crying and screaming at each other so depending on how bad they need one, one of them hugs the other and they actually talk about it or one of them goes away to calm himself down and process everything and then they hug and talk about it. Things are a little shaky for a while, but for the most part they’re just relieved it’s over and for some reason the other is still here and still loves them and isn’t leaving anytime soon. They apologized, they solved the issue by sitting down and talking about it, so for the most part everything’s okay now. There might be a day or so of walking on eggshells for fear of it happening again, but for all the hurt and all the shouting, chances are they don’t even remember what they were arguing about in the first place.
The important canon point and headcanon for the second option: Horace is shown in (at least my reading of) the books to be a bit of a people-pleaser. He does not like confrontation, he does not like upsetting people, he is too anxious and would much rather just Not Deal With That. Because of this, I am of the opinion that when he is in a particularly anxious mood or if he can sense that something is going wrong and he needs to fix it, he’ll make something up to hopefully dissipate the situation. (Think Dear Evan Hansen but on a lesser scale. It would not go farther than one person in this instance.) He knows it’s a terrible habit to have, and he is genuinely trying to fix it, but occasionally something slips out involuntarily and he feels horrible about it.
The biggest problem with that, other than the habit of being a compulsive liar: it doesn’t work. It works on people he doesn’t know, because they don’t know what his face means when he says something and then immediately gets even more nervous, but his friends and Miss Peregrine absolutely do. He knows they can tell and he is genuinely trying to fix it, so he just as quickly apologizes and corrects himself. It still hurts the other person, but it’s better than doubling down, which used to be how that would go because this all started to get himself out of trouble.
It hurts everyone involved and Horace absolutely hates that he does it, but the worst person he could do it to is Enoch. Because now his own boyfriend can’t fucking trust him and if there is one thing that pisses off Enoch more than pretty much anything else, it’s being lied to. And Enoch can and will call him on it. Immediately. Horace is doing his best to stop that from happening and chooses his words very carefully when he’s nervous in an effort to prevent it, but occasionally he gets paranoid that he’s done something Enoch won’t like and then he gets careless and forgets and then it’s just about getting out of this and uh oh.
When that happens, Enoch stops talking to him for a while. If Horace tries to say something, they fight about it and it’s an argument Horace cannot win because Enoch’s right. He should be able to trust and be honest with him, but for some reason he was scared enough to convince himself he couldn’t, and now Enoch can’t trust him. Once Enoch comes back from processing everything, they have a serious talk about why he said what he did and the thought process behind it and why Horace thought lying to him about whatever the completely innocent thing was would be a good idea and this cannot happen again. Horace understands and apologizes and tries to make up for it because that’s all he can do, and Enoch’s still upset about it for a while, but eventually he trusts Horace again and the issue is resolved. Neither of them feel good about the situation until it’s all but forgotten in a few weeks, after they’ve built that trust back up.
In writing this I realized that one can very easily lead into the other, so for all intents and purposes if we start with one and it becomes two, the argument stays two and two cannot turn back into one. It’s no longer about whatever actually caused it, it’s about the fact that now one of us is just saying things to appease the other and that habit happens to be the one thing that had it been literally anyone else that relationship of any kind would have been over.
Neither of these happens often. They are very good at communication generally, having been friends and best friends long before they were boyfriends, so 99.9% of the time if something happens that would cause an argument, they sit down and actually talk it out and it’s fine. This is just that .1% where it gets pretty bad. They understand each other better than even they think they do sometimes, so they come out okay, if not for a couple bad memories. They do talk about those bad memories sometimes as well, especially if it started with an insecurity of one of them, and they make sure that whatever it was all is forgiven and nothing is permanently damaged. If there’s damage left over, they talk about it immediately and do whatever needs to be done to resolve it. Neither holds grudges against the other.
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some fans said they set up Aemond with that line about Daemon and it was cringe but what if all his lines are cringe😔 some people are still making fun out of his rant to Cole in episode 9
Hi, and thank you for the ask!
I'd like to begin by saying that I personally don't find Aemond's line about Daemon cringe. Yes, there is something worth an eyeroll about it; but IMO it's not the fact that Aemond considers himself good enough to be able to stand against Daemon - it is that he thinks Daemon fears him.
When it comes to them potentially facing each other in combat Daemon definitely has an advantage thanks to his experience with actually fighting to the death, which is a completely different thing from being trained even by the best of the best. But let's not forget that Aemond has something on his side too, namely youth. And even if we discard this, I still don't think that Daemon is so superior to Aemond as a swordsman that it is ridiculous to even think the latter could have a chance at winning.
However, implying that Daemon would hesitate to face him... Come on, sweetheart.
And yet, even that does not feel cringe to me because it is 100% in character for Aemond. He was bullied and underestimated by his peers, including his brother, for years - and then, still a child, by claiming Vhagar he managed to accomplish a feat no one had thought him capable of achieving. So it's quite possible that from that moment on Aemond felt like he was meant to be the victor - in every situation; him managing to overcome his partial disability and become an excellent fighter surely helped as well. And this must have made his frustration with having to be behind Aegon - at the very least where the right to rule was concerned - grow stronger.
Aemond is dead sure he knows where to find his brother (but he doesn't); he rants about himself being a good candidate for the throne (which quite soon turns out to be quite arguable). And remember this -
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He has got off the back of the largest living dragon - of course he would be able to do just as he says and face no consequences. How could it not be true? How could it not feel true? Leo Ashton just nailed capturing this newly discovered aspect of Aemond's personality.
So did Ewan - and I can't wait to see him developing it further in Season 2. One of the most wonderful things about his Aemond is that he combines arrogance and overconfidence (which initially came from the place of insecurity) with vulnerability - sometimes even with gentleness.
Sorry, it got kind of ranty:) To finish this, I would like to say that there certainly are ways to ruin Aemond's character - but as far as I am concerned making him believe in his utter invincibility is not one of them.
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alicentsgf · 1 year
could you please elaborate more on the daemon loving/being interested in rhaenyra because she was the closest thing to viserys?
Yes I can 😌
Daemon suffers from the same debilitating disease as every other man in HOTD - an inability to see (high-born) women as anything other than extensions of their fathers or husbands. The way Viserys relates to Rhaenyra is all about his own selfish feelings, and he so easily accepts Alicent into an advisory role when shes only 15 probably because at least in part he's seeing Otto. Otto basically sees Alicent as an extra limb of his own body, and he likely sees Rhaenyra as an extension of Viserys - he probably ensured Alicent was made her companion for that reason. Daemon also sees Alicent as an extension of Otto and thats why he uses her to taunt Otto at the tourney - asking Alicent for her favour was Daemon all but mockingly asking for Otto's. And in every move Daemon made with Rhaenyra, not just the neck-grabbing scene, you could feel Viserys presence.
This man is obsessed with his brother. He spends pretty much Viserys' whole life desperately trying to get his brother's attention/force himself into a position of trust. He wants Viserys love and admiration so badly he will tear other people apart for it. His violent nature itself is his love for Viserys made manifest, as well as an outlet through which to vent his frustrations over Viserys dismissal. As a second son he stood to inherit nothing, but if he could be the finest warrior... perhaps he could convince Viserys he was worthy of a place at his side. He was the one rallying an army to fight for Viserys throne before the great council /for his brother/. If he kills and maims all the criminals in Kings Landing then (not only does it feel good) but to his mind he's doing a service /for his brother/. Then, when spurned, he fights a war to prove to himself he doesn't need Viserys... only to run right back when he wins in the hope of a pat on the head.
Where he respects Viserys, his relationship with Rhaenyra stinks of grooming and flippant disregard; She's a game. She's a distraction. She's a means to an end. He plays with her because, in her youth especially, she makes him feel powerful and desired, all the while reminding him of Viserys. But she's still not Viserys, and he happily leaves her vulnerable and alone in a dangerous situation on a whim. He gambles with her future for his own gain, and lets Viserys believe he took her virginity just for the chance of being Rhaenyra's consort… because if he's Rhaenyra's consort then Viserys can't send him away from court anymore, not without sending Rhaenyra away too. His place would be at Viserys' heir's side. Who cares if he ruins Rhaenyra's life, if it gets him one step closer to Viserys. And Viserys understood it wasn't (just) lust for Rhaenyra that drove Daemon to do such a thing, but it wasn't the throne he was after either - he only ever wanted to be Viserys' Hand. It's what he's always wanted. He tells Viserys this. He wants to be the person his brother relies on. But Viserys keeps removing him from the council and sending him away… so how is he supposed to prove himself worthy? 
I wonder… why did Daemon run from the brothel? I certainly believe he meant to go through with it, he'd let it go far enough, and there's no doubt he wanted Rhaenyra. It looked like guilt to me. Maybe a hint of confusion? (Maybe he'd just never experienced guilt before lmao). (Edit: Going off what someone just told me in the notes I had an ephiphany: In that moment hes only too aware of Rhaenyra's desire and the fact that she actually wants him. Here is this representation of Viserys in front of him Wanting him which he's never truly experienced and the lack of control over the situation and the guilt and desire and conflict is all just fucking with his mind to the point where he has to run away and drink himself into a stupor.)
Daemon is as Targaryen as they come. His parents and grandparents were siblings. He's grown up in this environment where friendships between siblings of the opposite gender are immediately sexualised. If Daemon had been born a girl, he would have no doubt been married off to Viserys. What does that knowledge do to a person? Especially when Daemon is (according to the cut scenes anway) canonically bisexual.
Whether he "desires" Viserys, or ever did, in any normal sense is kind of irrelevant, because this situation is not normal; we're literally talking about a man pursuing his niece because of a psychosexual fixation on his own brother. It's about the Targaryen sexualisation of sibling bonds. It's about the deeply rooted misogyny present in Daemon Targaryen. He can't fully invest in any partner he has; he's too misogynistic to see any woman as an entire person, and too Targaryen to emotionally invest in someone outside his own family. Not to mention the fact he finds power and having control too sexually alluring to consider what his own brother represents as King anything less than erotically enthralling.
Daemon has this sense that he was always meant for Viserys and he just can't shake it. On some level he knows that in another life he would have been Viserys' Queen, but in this life he can't have that. He tries to get as close to that reality as he can, but Viserys denies him. So he focuses on Rhaenyra; if his brother won't take him on as Hand or keep him as his heir then he can be Rhaenyra's consort, he can be Rhaenyra's Hand, he can give Rhaenyra heirs. He spends so much of his existence using Rhaenyra to desperately grasp at all the pieces of that other life with Viserys he might still be able to reach. Is it any wonder that when Rhaenyra reveals Viserys thought even less of Daemon than he believed, he lashes out at her - the person he's always seen as a substitute for the man he really wanted.
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kerubimcrepin · 4 months
Episode 46 - The Hacienda's Fever (Part 1)
AKA Kerubim Crepin's Divorce Ballad
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Kerubim and Simone besties moment number 84593845345.
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This episode is so meta for making Kerubim fucking hate a breakup song and in response singing an even worse one.
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I don't think I need to point out that, very likely, 50-90% of this episode is some shit Kerubim is making up on the fly as he sings to Joris and Simone.
This is less telling of what actually happened at that fucking club, or whether The God Ecaflip Himself was there that night, — and more telling of his divorce issues.
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His dance is too well animated. I can't believe I had to rewind to watch it two times (while withstanding the "singing")
And it has to end with this ass shot each time. I can't do this anymore.
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It is tempting for me to assume that this episode takes place after Ecaflip city.
The clues for that interpretation being: The lyrics, her hairstyle, and the fact that he keeps apologizing for some betrayal that we never learn about.
This would point to the fact that, perhaps, she regained her memories, and left him, — and then he had to win her heart back, and they got together again (with this being an idealized depiction of what happened), but eventually, it became too much, and she left him for real.
That would mean that their break-up was a long time coming after Ecaflip city, even if they did try to make things work after she regained her memories, and would line up perfectly with the tenets 1, 4, 5, and 6 of divorce theorising.
She left sad, and unlike many other times, without any anger for Kerubim.
She left Luis with him to watch over him.
She also left Luis because he couldn’t go with her, but that could mean many things.
She left after Ecaflip City, obviously, and at that time, their relationship seemed the healthiest. (Well, as healthy as it could be.)
Unlike all the other times, Kerubim didn’t go searching for her. It seems this separation was final in a way no other was, and there had to be a reason that he didn’t go and try to make up. An unsolvable issue.
Both Luis and Kerubim blame Kerubim, and the first one uses this to make the second one angry.
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But thinking about this a bit deeper, — it is just as likely, if not more likely, that Kerubim simply goes into a sad-ass vent song on his post-divorce issues in the middle of that story and never gets back on track for the rest of the episode.
He is singing all of this out loud, after all. There isn't as much of an emphasis on accurate storytelling, when all you're thinking about is singing.
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The lyrics would... certainly fit that.
Though it could be a combination of both. Perhaps it is after Ecaflip city, — but a lot of lyrics are tinted by his present regrets, with him blaming himself for not saving their relationship somehow.
Perhaps he is envisioning a world where simply singing a Cooler song, all about how sad he is, at Da Club could have fixed everything.
Or maybe I am fucking insane for reading into this.
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His poor homeless orphan ass did NOT go to school or wear glasses. He is making SHIT UP for rhyme's sake. I HATE his ass. Anyway, that book in his hands may say "ERER", or "FRFR", or perhaps "RLRL". It's way too small for me to really tell.
It doesn't seem to be "KEKE", at least.
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Chances are, Indie, who has known Lou for as long as Kerubim has, is still her friend even after all the romantic tension disappears from between them.
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And I think if he knew about Kerubim's fucky wucky in the Ecaflip city, he would not feel kindly about it. It would probably completely undo the friendly rivalry and mutual respect they managed to develop over the years.
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Keke is making more shit up, considering this has never happened, but it does tap a little bit into the "he thinks he's entirely to blame, and Lou isn't" thing ("I was so clueless") and "he has self-worth issues" thing ("So afraid they'd like him less").
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Yet another clue towards "this episode is a vent for him" theory.
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I can't stand him. I can't stand Joris either.
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Truly said like a man who developed clinical depression and hoarding tendencies, opened a shop, ruined his shop, and then went to wars for fun after this divorce, before adopting a kid to love him instead.
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Men will do anything but go to therapy.
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lunar-years · 7 months
Tell us about the Time Loop lad?
the full note for it in my Notes app is "time loop but its going from established rjk to Jamie traveling back to s2 roykeeley at their peak relationship, reliving man city over and over" which I vaguely remember dreaming up and then dismissing soon after as being too depressing even for me lol.
The full idea I think was that Jamie gets sent back to a bit earlier in the s2 timeline and tries to get Roy and Keeley to remember that like, in the "real" current timeline they're all together and happy!! But Roy and Keeley don't remember anything and Roy is still in his #1 Jamie Hater era, so Roy gets pissed that Jamie is talking to Keeley again and accuses him of trying to get back together with her, which makes roy hate jamie even more, etc. Still, Jamie is trying to slowly win them over when Man City approaches. Jamie in the current day has come a long way in terms of healing and distancing himself from his father, so he's like fuck this i don't need this and tells security before the game that if his dad tries to come into the locker room he's not allowed. So the confrontation never happens, but then neither does Roy comforting him of course, and nothing changes, and then Jamie wakes up and he's back to where he started in s2.
Repeat cycle, and Jamie has to keep reliving man city in different ways whilst trying to find a way to both stop his dad from abusing him at wembley AND get roykeeley to believe him about the time loop and help him. Nothing seems to work. For example, one time he tries not giving his dad tickets at all, and then Bug and Denbo come and beat him up so badly he can't play at all. He wakes up in the hospital and Roy and Keeley are there, but Jamie's so out of it on drugs he can't stay awake long enough to talk to them, and by the time he wakes up--bam he's back to the start again. Another time he has a heart to heart with Sam and gets Sam to believe him about the time loop, and he's feeling so good about at least winning his friend back that he forgets about his dad until he's in the locker room, only this time Sam steps in first and shields then hugs Jamie, so he again never has that moment with Roy.
Eventually this culminates in Jamie deciding Roy never would have warmed up to him if he hadn't witnessed Jamie being abused and then "felt so sorry for him" that he took him home afterwards. Like, he gets in his head that Roy pitying him is the only way to get Roy to eventually love him (obviously this isn't actually true, but it's very heartbreaking in jamie's head for a bit). anyway, there's lots of angst and jamie has to decide whether it's worth letting his dad mock him exactly how he did in canon, even though every instinct inside him is screaming at him to prevent that from happening again, if there's a chance it will jolt him back to the present. Because nothing else he does seems to get Roy to CARE. and then he has to reckon with why he even wants that relationship back when he thinks it's just built off his trauma.
I have about a 95% chance of never writing this tbh because 1) the wonky timeline/time travel/time loop combo is too wonky for my pea brain to keep track of 2) i have zero clue how this would end??? 3) truly idk what i was on when I thought this one up because??? damn. that's depressing as shit.
but anyway there you have it!
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hargreevesd · 5 months
BAUKLÖTZE. Hange Zoë x reader Ackerman
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Chapter One
Wall Sina
Year 850
"Hange, let me guess, are you about to visit the kid?"
"Of course, do you want you come with me? He needs someone to accompany him and he has to be out in 20 minutes."
"Do we really trust him?" I asked her with a shaky voice. He was just a little kid after all.
"Levi said he is worthy to trust, I think this says enough." Hange replied with confidence. This was enough for me to believe.
"I will wait for you in the door, don't be late, we don't have time."
The kid I was talking about, Eren Yeager, apparently could transform into a Titan. That would bring us so many chances to win against Titans. Could anyone even imagine that we could just use a Titan against others? He could fix the broken entrance of Wall Maria and we could retake back our land. Lots of our problems would be solved. But... Is he trustworthy? I heard from Erwin that he plans to join the Scout regiment. Besides from what he wants...
We have to succeed in this court. We have a plan but it's still difficult to win their trust. After all, they look at us like we are already dead.
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Wall Sina
Year 830
"Ackerman! Why don't you go and live with your other family back to Wall Maria in the underground? You don't belong here"
Comments about my blood family, the Ackemans, were made every other day. I couldn't really avoid it so I just accepted it. Something that crossed my mind though every day was 'why would they leave me and I ended up being adopted?' Not that I don't want my parents, but what if? Or what if they never kept my real name? I could be Y/N Stones. Or else I could be secret underground spy? Why would I even want that? I don't care about the history of my name. All I just want is to be historian.
"I'm so sorry for them, they are not bad, they just can't express their feelings we'll! " A kid in front of them told me as the others left. They were from my class, their hair were in a messy bun and they were carrying some big science books.
"I didn't ask." Look who was talking. Their friends have not stopped a single minute judging the very single move I do. At least it were them all alone and not with the things they talk with.
"Ackerman right? I always wanted to meet one actually, I find your family history really interesting."
"Yeah right, thank you." Of course it's always my family that they are interesting, not me.
"I'm Hange Zoë by the way, we are in the same class but we never really talk much so..
"Y/N." I just stood there staring at her because I had no intention of starting an actual conversation. Why would I?
"Come on Hangeee, leave the freak alone and join us!" all of her friends were screaming from behind but she didn't leave. She stayed there looking at me.
"We could be friends if you want to..." I guess she saw that I was not in the best mood for company. I was looking down like I was not even listening to her. But I did. And I wanted a friend. But not her. She already had her stupid friends anyway.
"Or I guess another time, see you around Ackerman!"
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Wall Sina
Year 850
I turned around and saw Miche with Hange and right besides them, Eren. Hange was calling me from far behind. She truly liked calling me by my last name, not only in public but in general. And I just let her. Just her.
"Oh and here is Captain Y/N Ackerman, the greatest soldier we have alongside with Levi" Hange introduced me with the biggest smile she could wear. Why would she even say that, I told her many times to not introduce me again like that.
"Ackerman?" The kid asked.
"That's right kid. You must be Εren Yeager?"
"Ri-right" He seemed confused. Did I say something weird? Did I scare him?
"Be careful out there kid. It will be hard, but have faith in our Commander." I held his arm and showed him the way to the court.
"I know it's selfish, but we have no choice than to blindly trust you." Hange said and pushed him through the door.
"Do you believe we can win?" Hange asked me.
"We will."
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"I told you we would win! I'm so excited to see what future holds us with this kid." Hange told us as we were walking out of the court.
"Yeah..." I heard what she said but I was just zoned out that moment. I was thinking about Eren's friend, Mikasa I believe it was her name. Do we happen to be relatives somehow? The backstory of my biological parents will probably haunt me forever, since I never got to know them. They could be dead. Or they could be hiding. Or-
"Y/N. Are you here?" and that's when I came to my senses. Why do I care about them anyways? They left me.
"Yes. Sorry, I was thinking about something."
"You always think about something Y/N, take a break." a familiar voice joined us.
"Agh!... Hello Erwin!" I smiled and I gave him a hug. "You can't really give advises on that topic when you are worse yourself" I looked behind him and I saw Levi with Eren holding some bandages to help with the bleeding. I couldn't not notice the steam... He really was a Titan after all. We joined all together a room to help Eren. Hange took care of him so she could take a better look on his wounds.
"Levi you could be more gentle. He is a kid after all." I broke the silence of the room.
"Tsk, nonsense, he seems just fine to me. Plus we needed to ensure he is trustworthy." Levi replied to me with his old time serious face.
"Does it hurt?" Hange asked Eren who was sitting on the bed with his hand on his head.
"A little..." he whispered.
And those two sat there, with Hange examinating Eren's teeth and screaming about how cool it was that he is healing himself and Eren totally confused. Our lives were about to change with this kid. I hope it was the best choice to join us and continue our journey. I had a feeling that Erwin is already planning an exhibition. He seemed skeptical.
I looked at Hange again and this time she was writing down her conclusions. I wish I had her patience sometimes, she looked so peaceful and excited. I was sitting in a chair near the window and I looked outside. The only thing I could see was a carriage and some horses. How much I missed my bed at the moment, I haven't slept at least for 48 hours. Right after our exhibition, the wall broke and I think I didn't have five minutes of peace from back then.
Me and my team, Sara, Celia, Rien and Floris alongside with Levi's team went to the old Scout Regiment headquarters. Hange was busy calculating her results from some experiments on her two titans, Moblit tried to keep his sanity over super excited Hange.
Levi was cleaning up the mess and I was reading at the library. Yet after so many books that I've read in my life I'm still learning. And I stayed there till very late. I was reading about our economic history. Economics are probably the hardest history you could find. Specific numbers, terms etc. I was sitting next to a massive desk with a candle and I was holding that big dusty book in front of me. My team and everyone were probably sleeping. They had to rest after all. I believe hard times are coming. Maybe we did find a solution with Eren, but it could also be our doom. As I was thinking all of these I heard a sound. I left the book I was holding and rushed to the door to listen what was going ok outside. I didn't heard anything so I opened it. The room next to the old library was the meeting room. I went inside and I found Hange all alone sitting on the floor.
"Hange... What are you doing on the floor?" I asked her and I started walking towards her.
"Eh, you know, just thinking..."
"Thinking of what in the floor? Where's Moblit? I thought you two were together thinking about experiments." I reached her and joined her on the floor. We are doing this at least one time a week. She finds it comfortable to sit down like that and I just join her.
"He was tired and I gave him the permission to leave..." She let it a sigh. "Everyone was tired actually. Why aren't you asleep? Pretty sure it's late and you must be tired..."
"I was reading and I heard a noise, probably you falling to the floor as I see." I smiled softly. What a typical night for Hange.
"Probably" She laughed, but seconds later she went silent again.
"Go on." I expressed.
"What?" She looked at me with a weird look. "What do you mean go on?"
"Tell me everything. We have all night."
"Re-really? Lydia no, you are tired." She stopped but my face was dead serious and immediately she got up and started jumping. "Can't decide where to start! Wait no I know. Get up!" She grabbed my hands and pulled me so I could get up.
"Hange please!" I started laughing.
"No laughs, no Hanges! We have job to do Ackerman! So look first of all-..."
And she rambled the whole night. About almost everything she had on her mind. And I didn't stop her. Not once. I was always there to listen when Hange needed to talk. No other reason, but I found her way of thinking extraordinary. I was always surprised by her knowledge. Even when we were kids, or when we joined the scouts ten years ago. Even that cold and stormy day where the exhibition went... Not time for that. She just... She just never proved me wrong.
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Days passed and we had no improvement in everything. Neither with Eren or with Hange's Titans. I spent many nights awake alongside with Hange and Moblit exchanging theories and facts. That way maybe we could find something. Something well hidden. Most of the time I was in my room writing, thinking, googling, writing again, throwing papers away then the same thing all over again.
Erwin had a plan and we were just waiting for the news. So until that day I did the same thing again and again and again.
"Captain!" I heard a voice from behind and I turned around to see Celia. She seemed upset. Or to word it more correctly, amazed.
"Eren transformed. Section Commanders Hange and Moblit are heading there at the moment." She was out of breath as she was saying this. She probably ran a long way to inform me.
"Thank you Celia for informing me. Get some rest while you can." I said to her and as she was leaving I started tiding the mess I had made before. If Eren finally successed and he managed to transform and expedition would start soon. That means no time to even think. When I rushed outside, everyone was returning. I was late but at least everyone was okay. Eren seemed so confused and terrified. Levi's team also. That was new. What happened? I wasn't with them for one time and they return like this? I turned my head to look around but Hange was nowhere to be found.
"Moblit where is she?" I asked nervously.
"She returned to Trost, pretty sure she is testing some new ideas."
"Oh thank you Moblit."
I understand that she went to see her Titans but I was expecting her point of view with Eren's transformation.
Some days later back to Trost, I woke up from Hange's screaming. Her room was next to mine. She asked for this when she was announced Section Commander and me Captain, so we could work without bothering others. Why would she be screaming that early? She does that a lot, but from the voice of hers I could tell something was off. Did anything happen? Is she okay? Why was I sleeping? What if? I tried to get ready quickly and went to knock their door but they didn't answer. How is that? She was screaming a moment ago. And then I heard her from outside. Outside? What would anything ne outside so import- wait. Don't tell me.
Did we just lost... No.
My mind was full of thoughts while I was running to find Hange. And then I found her.
Who could do this?
Those monsters Hange loved were important for us. The only thing I could do was to get down and comfort her so they could stop screaming and crying. They were her kids, we spend days talking about them. Why? How?...
She didn't push me away, she did the exact opposite. Hange grabbed my hand like they were saying 'please don't let me go' and I didn't. I couldn't.
"It will be okay Hange, you are with me now."
A traitor? No. Y/N you are thinking dramatically, something more logical happened. No. There's no other way. Someone killed them. Someone knew it all and destroyed our hope. I would find them. No way I would let them get away with this.
I had years to see Hange like that. Not after that day. The day my life changed. So I held them close, just like back then.
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Wall Rose
knock. knock.
I knocked their door again.
"Cadet Zoë?"
"May I come in?"
"Go ahead." she didn't sound so happy. I mean how could she?
I opened their door and I found them on the floor with the legs spread and their hands on their head.
"Section Commander Erwin send me, how are you doing?"
"Incredible. I think you can see it..."
I didn't say anything. After all... that happened, it was the least she could do about it. Try not to think. Try not to see something that reminds you of them.
"You know, we can go for some training to clean your mind... Or to the library, it has so many great books. I can suggest you some! Or um we can go eat something? Or definitely-" I didn't finished with the suggestions since she interrupted me.
"Thank you for trying, but I don't want any of those. You can go to Erwin and tell him I'm alright."
"Hange. You don't seem alright." I declared, no way I would leave her like that.
"Well of course!" She shouted.
"Look I know, it's hard. I've been there, but life doesn't stop. If you stop fighting you will lose. If your walls fall, you have to re-build them and start again." I sat down next to her and I pointed out side the window, where the walls were visibe.
"What like toy blocks like we were kids?"
"Exactly. You never thought of this before?"
"No... Not really. I mean it's not the most common comparison you could hear." Hange replied.
"I know... I know. But if you think like that maybe it will change something in your life. You can go out and seek revenge. Risk your own life. Or you could stay here, forever, trying to fix a wound that probably won't close because you yet don't believe it happened." I explained.
She didn't say anything back. She wrapped her eyes and stared the wall.
"Hange... I can leave you if you want me to, it's okay if you don't want to come with me..."
"Where to Captain?" She finally smiled. I knew them for so long, but I truly met ther yesterday.
"Captain? Me? I could never. You're funny after all."I laughed with her comment. "Library. My favorite place that I assure you it will cheer you up!"
I offered her my hand and then I showed her the way. When I was feeling down I always went to the library. It's always there for you. From what I remember from school they liked science so I went to that section.
"Go on choose!"
Her smile lightened the library.
"Tea? Coffee? What can I make you?"
She started reading something and they totally ignored me now. Agh at least they have a good time. "Hange, want me to bring anything?"
"Oh, sure yes, some black coffee! Bring something for you also and sit with me. We can analyse this facts, how a star even though-"
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Wall Rose
Year 850
Knock. Knock.
"Hange. It's me."
"Come in." she finally answered.
I opened their door and stepped into her room. I was assuming Moblit to be there but he wasn't. They were at their desk, papers thrown everywhere, in the floor, in the bed, in the desk, in the window...
"Let me guess, Erwin send you?"
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deathsbestgirl · 6 months
Was catching up on some tags that I missed during the shadow ban era (what a time that was) and came across a thought of yours that I'd love to hear more about:
In my One Son meta, I said Scully would have walked away if Mulder hadn't shaped up; and you proposed-- rightly, I believe-- that she wouldn't have. I guess I meant it never reached that point w/ them (even during the Revival breakup) because Scully knew Mulder would always take what she had to say into account and prove her or him right and wrong. Even in One Son, she still gave him an unspoken chance to make it right and still called him no matter what while on her way to get Cassandra from the train car.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't believe they've ever truly gotten to that unrecoverable point (well... I mean other than the fact they're still together) because even though Mulder and Scully are "messy" with each other at times (withholding necessary information from each other because of their fears, not wanting to face the truths each tells the other), their bone-deep trust wins out each time.
What say you? :DDDDDDDD
yes yes yes. because they always listen to each other, even when they disagree. they have a basis of the truest respect i've ever seen, and as long as they have that and they're able to hear each other, they won't lose that or their trust. two fathers/one son really tested their trust, which they really earned through season one giving them a solid foundation reinforced the other years. this is the first time it was so personal to them, to their relationship.
scully says something about, 'without the fbi, personal reasons are all she has left' so if he 'takes that away' then she 'can't help him anymore.' but that's really in respect to his quest if he's going to continue trusting diana. but it's personal to scully outside of mulder, which is why she immediately jumps when she hears about cassandra. her & cassandra are the only two left and as much as mulder can't give up, neither can scully (not at this point). and even though to scully, mulder isn't trusting her, she still trusts him and despite things they've kept from each other, she doesn't usually keep the work from him (only when it involves her & she's afraid to face it).
and this is why his touchstone speech in amor fati was so important. mulder finally knows the truth about diana, but he reaffirms scully. finally telling her what she needed to hear, and then later after william, "the truth they both know."
between iwtb & the revival is different. there was a fic taking place during the revival, that i should find again, that has scully pushing mulder away when he tries to get her to come home because she wasn't good for him and i think that's the only thing that could get her away from him. like when she tried to leave in fight the future. she wasn't helping him, he didn't need her, she held him back.
them being apart has a lot more to do with their individual struggles & beliefs & insecurities than it does their actual relationship. at least that's how i see it.
did that answer your question? 😂😅
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helluvabinge · 9 months
I saw a post wondering why a super powerful Goetia and a Demonic Prince didn't just bust into Crimson's lair to bust out Fizz (and similarly, why Striker seeks to keep getting the drop on these royals) if they're as powerful as we have been led to believe.
To be fair, we have seen Stolas at least demonstrate some pretty impressive abilities (namely his abilities in Truth Seekers and the fact that he can turn demons/imps to stone just by looking at them). It's unclear how powerful Ozzie is (Crimson does call him the weakest of the 7 deadly sins), but certainly he seems more powerful than the average imp or demon. They should be able to take on pretty much any imp or group of imps and win very easily, so I'm going to need some pretty compelling reasons for why they don't do these things.
Luckily, we get those.
In Western Energy, we see Stolas transform into his more powerful form until Striker lassos him with a blessed rope that limits his demonic abilities. This could feel like a rather convenient and contrived plot point, if blessed weapons to weaken demonic royalty wasn't Striker's entire shtick right from the beginning. But because we got the assassination plot with the blessed gun in Striker's intro episode, it feels entirely plausible that he would have tracked down a weapon like this.
In the latest episode, we are reminded right from the start that kidnappings are a pretty normal thing in hell. This is not the first time we were made aware of this, of course. When Stolas takes Via to Looloo Land, he is very aware of the possibility of kidnapping. (we know it's kidnapping because the imps that actually succeed in swiping him don't try to kill him outright. They just throw a bag over his head and tie him up) Stolas demonstrates at the end of the episode that he was never really in danger of being kidnapped, but we all knew from the start that it was an incredibly contrived excuse to spend more time with Blitzo anyway.
So in this episode, it really doesn't come as a shock that Ozzie is worried about kidnappings. The detail about the city named Ransom just bolsters the idea of kidnappings being normal. It also reinforces the fact that these kidnappings are generally business transactions, especially in Greed. The point isn't to put the kidnapped person in danger. It's just to use them as a hostage to get some money.
Of course, being kidnapped still can't be the safest thing, so it makes sense that Ozzie wants to get him back quickly, but it also makes sense that he and Stolas treat it as a business transaction. Ozzie is worried and impatient, but still fully believes that Fizz will be returned if he just agrees to whatever contract Crimson is presenting.
Now Stolas is a little more cautious. As he tells Ozzie, a deal with a demon as powerful as Ozzie could be everlastingly binding (which has some intriguing implications for Stolas's deal with Blitzo, but that's another topic entirely). He wants to make sure that the contract is clear and fair, but he is also approaching this just like a simple business deal.
And while some people may wonder why Stolas isn't telling Ozzie how much danger Fizz may be in around Striker, I think you could just as easily argue that Stolas is opting to go the route of the contract precisely because he knows how dangerous Striker is. Stolas almost died last time he was in the same room as him. As powerful as Stolas is, if Striker has any blessed artifacts on him (as he frequently has in the past), that's a big risk for both demons. Meanwhile, if they can simply work out a contract for Fizz's return, they may have a much better chance of getting out of this with everyone unscathed. That calculation may have been different if he had known that Blitzo was there, but that was never actually revealed to him.
This show definitely has some plot holes, but I actually don't think Stolas's power level is one of them. They have taken great care to make sure that there is always good reason behind why Stolas doesn't use his powers to immediately get everyone out of any trouble they are in.
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orgasming-caterpillar · 8 months
Dancing On Your Heartstrings
Chapter 17 (prev chapters)
Raghav POV
Raghav cried for a long time after Ranveer had left. 
Crying would be an understatement. He choked on his sobs and hated the tears streaming down his face. Considering what a shithole he was in earlier, it was a bitter surprise that he had somehow managed to fuck everything up even more. 
Firstly, he hated himself for disappointing Ranveer. The least he could've done for the guy was take care of his body so that they could win the competition like he dreamed to. But no, he tried -and failed, miserably- to punch someone and got his fucking wrist hurt. He spent all that time getting Ranveer back to the studio only to hurt himself and sabotage their best move. 
He also hated himself for not being able to keep his mouth in control. If they still had any chance of somehow making it to the competition, he ruined it by running his mouth and outing himself to Ranveer. He couldn't believe the words that had come out of his mouth. He couldn't believe he had told Ranveer that he was gay. 
It wasn't that he was homophobic, but Raghav doubted any straight guy would want to dance with a gay guy, especially one who acted like a wife who just got cheated on when he saw you catching up with your ex. Let alone one with an injury. It was too goddamn complicated. Raghav made it complicated. 
Would Ranveer smile at him like he used to, now that he knew Raghav was gay? Would he lend him a helping hand and help him up by his waist whenever he fell, knowing Raghav probably liked it? Would he still take sneaky candids of Raghav when they sat down to relax after an exhausting rehearsal? That is, if they still continued dancing. 
Out of all things, he hated that godforsaken hope the most. 
Why was he still hoping? He just made sure everything goes straight to shit. He just fucked up everything and fucked it up again for good measure.
But the way Ranveer sounded when he said, 'You're not straight?'...
Raghav had pretended to sleep. Gods knew what could happen if he hadn't. He didn't even trust himself to do so much as breathe until Ranveer left the room. 
His phone chimed in his pocket. There were four texts from Karan, which he didn't give a damn about; two from an unknown number, which he didn't give half a damn about; and twelve from Madhuri, which he guiltily ignored because his heart was already picking up speed at the single text from Ranveer. 
His Royal Thighness 
Are you alright now? 
A bitter feeling was clogging Raghav's throat. He wished this was all a dream and he would wake up to find that today had just been a long nightmare, that he's actually still just as close to Ranveer as he used to be, even if it hurt. That they were still 'friends' and the feelings in his chest were cheap enough for him to save Ranveer's number as silly nicknames. 
He swallowed the lump in his throat and began typing out a reply. 
Message has been deleted
Do you expect me to be? 
Message has been deleted 
Raghav wiped a few more tears in vain, more just kept coming, and typed out a furious passage, 'No I'm not fucking alright and nor will I be as long as you're here. Do you think I can be alright?? When you're right here talking to pretty girls all day??? Do you t hi ink i can be fucking ALRIGHT whrn you wont stop looking at me like I'm worth something to you even when im not? Im not alright Ranveer why can't you fucking see that i…'
His fingers froze where they were. 
His Royal Thighness
Raghav's hands were shaking now. He tried to read the passage he had written but couldn't bring himself to look at his own words. Gods, what if Ranveer had seen that??? He was being too reckless. He hated that Ranveer made him behave that fucking recklessly. 
Raghav began deleting his rant. His heart was in his throat, because Ranveer was still typing. 
His Royal Thighness 
What the hell have you been typing for three whole minutes? 
Raghav sobbed. 
If only. 
If only he could just say what the hell he had been typing. If only Ranveer wasn't straight. If only they were more than just an impossibility. 
His heart was rampant in his chest, temples throbbing with how hard he had been crying. Another 'Typing…' bubble appeared on Ranveer's side. Raghav threw his phone against the wall. 
The crack of his phone breaking wasn't enough to pull his thoughts away from Ranveer. He was regretting it, but not because his phone was broken. It was because he didn't get to see what Ranveer wanted to say to him. Raghav sobbed again, cringing at his own patheticness. 
He managed to get out of bed to pick his phone up. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw tear stains the size of his own face on the pillow. Pathetic.
The phone was completely wrecked. Screen shattered to bits and pieces, a dent in the side that crashed against the wall, it wouldn't even turn on. Raghav cursed at himself and threw it across the room. What the fuck is even happening anymore? Why was he doing this? What was he thinking? Why did he still want to see what Ranveer had texted him? 
Raghav didn't care if anyone heard anymore. He didn't want his mother to come in, didn't want her invasive questions, but he didn't have the capacity to press it down anymore.
And he couldn't even blame Ranveer. It wasn't his fault that he was straight. How could Raghav blame anyone when he broke his own heart? 
The door burst open and startled him out of his misery for a moment. 
"Abhi nahi na, mumm-" he begged before he realised who actually was at the door. 
"What the fuck happened, Raghu?" 
He stared at Madhuri, open mouthed, watching her expression turn from angry to surprised to concerned. She quickly crossed the distance between them, her caring persona taking over. 
More tears welled up in Raghav's eyes. He wasn't sure how he would explain this, any of this, to Madhuri. 
She started to kneel beside him on the floor, confusion and care overflowing in her eyes. "M-Madhuri, I-"
"Chup kar," she snapped, bringing him in for a rib-crushing embrace. 
Gods knew he needed that. 
She held him tight as his body shook with violent sobs; tried to hold together the boy shattering in her arms. Raghav was clinging to her like she was the only object of warmth in a sea of ice. It was then that he realised how stupid he was to think he would ever have to explain himself to her. 
Madhuri was smaller than him, shorter, leaner, despite being older. But she definitely didn't lack any of the elder-sisterly love. She was so full of love, so unashamed of expressing it, that it was hard to believe she had been absent for years from his life. She didn't try to get him to talk, didn't even try to stop him from crying. She just let him shed his tears while she patted his back. 
"Raghu?" she said once he stopped shaking, and there was such a softness in her voice that for a moment all of Raghav's worries didn't feel so daunting anymore. 
"You know I'd rather have you cry to me for hours instead of shedding a single tear alone." 
Raghav hugged her tighter, his chest already feeling lighter.
When people think of love, they think about romance. That's the biggest tragedy of life. They think of love and how lucky they would be to have someone love them, want them, desire them. That isn't what love is at all. 
Love is when you show someone the cracks in your armour, where the sheathing ends and skin begins. Love is when you give someone a knife and trust them not to stab. 
Raghav hadn't cried like this in ages, especially not in front of anyone. Not that he felt embarrassed. 'Embarrassed' was a word that never existed between him and Madhuri. 
He wiped his eyes, letting her pat his rumpled hair down. "Tu yaha pe kaise?" he asked, voice hoarse. "I thought you were staying with Manorama."
Madhuri looked at him as if he had truly gone insane. "Pagal, tune hi to mujhe aaj aunty aur uncle ke sath dinner ke liye bulaya tha."
Oh. He completely forgot about that. 
"Sorry, I forgo-"
"I can see that, idiot. Ro kyu raha tha?"
This was why he was so god damn miserable. Hiding things from Madhuri always made him miserable. And if there was one thing that could bring him out of this wreck, even to a little extent, it was her. 
"Uh, you know Ranveer?"
The furrow in her brow flattened and she narrowed her eyes in judgement. Not the 'What did he do?' judgement, but the 'I knew it' judgement. It was worse, somehow, because now he felt guilty about hiding this from her knowing that she knew he was hiding something from her. Of fucking course she knew. 
So Raghav told her more. 
• • •
Ranveer was late. Again. 
It was unusual for him to be late two days in a row. 
Even the simple thought brought back memories of the previous day. Maybe he was busy talking to his girlfriend again. Not a girlfriend, he remembered. And then scolded himself for whatever came to his mind next. Mujhe kya. 
He opened his messages app-in the phone Madhuri had lent him until he got another of his own- and saw four new messages since last night. He recognized one of the numbers: Eric, one of his high school friends he still talked to after coming back until a while ago. 
Eager for a distraction, he called back. 
"Hello?" came from the other side on the third ring.
"Raghav? Remember me?"
"Yeah, dude. What's-" The door opened at that accursed time, revealing Ranveer. With his t-shirt and long hair both wet from the drizzle outside, he managed to bring Raghav's vocal abilities to verbally express his thoughts down to that of a stuttering toddler. "Uhhh."
"You okay?" asked Eric.
Ranveer's eyes met his, and something sparked like the beginning of a forest fire in his chest. "Hello?" Eric asked again. Bhaad mein ja, yaar. 
Raghav cleared his throat. "Yeah, what were you saying?"
Ranveer tore his gaze away, approaching the bench on the other side of the room. Eric started to ramble about something of which Raghav understood only snippets. (High school reunion, a party of about fifty people, all his old crushes will be there)
Because his eyes were focused on, despite his best efforts, him. He took off his t-shirt, with his back to Raghav, and searched for something in his bag. 
"You up for it?" Eric concluded. "Are you sure you don't have any other plans on the weekend?"
Ranveer took out a spare flannel and put it on, tying his hair back into a half-bun. He glanced back at Raghav, who fumbled for something to say to make himself seem busy. "Yeah, dude, for sure."
"Nice. I'll text you the details later. When are you coming?"
Ranveer made his way to him with his phone and speaker. "I have a big event tomorrow. I'll take a flight the day after that, hmm?"
"Nice," Eric whooped. Like, literally whooped. What the fuck was he excited about? Raghav felt like throwing up. 
"Kaisi flight?" inquired Ranveer. 
Would crying be a bad idea right now? It sure seemed like a tempting option. 
Raghav faked nonchalance. "I'm going back to the UK."
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nokingsonlyfooles · 3 months
“It’s my hope, Mr. President, that you listen to us, that you choose democracy over tyranny.” - Abdullah Hammoud, Dearborn Mayor and Voter
YES! I can't fuckin' believe the media accurately reported this as a protest and printed/publicized the words of the voters explaining why they did it. AND NOBODY HAD TO ATTEMPT SUICIDE! This is big and it could get even bigger! But it's a qualified bigness, because...
Walz, a major supporter of Biden’s reelection campaign, said Michigan’s “uncommitted” results were a healthy demonstration of democracy. “I think they feel passionate, as they should, about an issue we all care about,” Walz said, adding that he expected most protest voters would eventually return to Biden’s side in a likely November rematch with former President Donald Trump, who himself has struggled with college-educated voters and suburbanites in his ongoing Republican primary against former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley. “I’m much more convinced there’s a chance bringing those folks home is much greater than bringing the ‘Never Trump’ folks back home,” Walz said.
Yeah. I know this song and dance. I've seen it happen in person, at protests, in reatime. They come out to "do voter outreach" and they're all smiles to start. "Yes! Please do continue to act upon your freedom of speech in a way I, an advocate for the status quo, find nonthreatening. Your feelings are valid, ha-ha! I expect nothing to change, and indeed I will act to change nothing, but good for you!" A few folks always believe the message has been received and quiet down, that's why they do it. But wait and see what happens to that smile when a few people start interrupting and yelling, "THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!"
At least this guy's willing to suggest Biden would pick up more votes by moving left than moving right, although I doubt he actually expects anything radical. A few more forgiven student loans or somewhat cheaper drugs aren't much of a problem, and that's leftist too! So we don't really have to worry about the ongoing genocide.
The thing is, if/when this picks up momentum and the DNC starts to think they might have to change something or lose, it will become something other than a positive demonstration of free speech. It'll be childish tantrum-throwing, pointless, uncivil, attention-whoring, astroturfed, counterproductive foreign interference, and whatever else sounds bad. If any of you out there in internet-land already feel threatened by it, you're probably saying that right now. (Go ahead and comment, you'll boost this with other people who think like you, and I might change some minds.)
And, if you are comfortable with it and want voters to do it instead of threatening to withhold votes from Biden in the general, check your privilege. Not every state offers this. Unless something changes real fast (at least, I THINK it hasn't changed, it's hard to do a search when "uncommitted" brings up SO MANY news articles about Michigan 😁), mine won't. I can't do this. I can't vote in a third party primary either. It'd be all blue or nothing. And neither of those things will get me any press, so I gotta keep talking. Maybe I'll motivate someone who can vote uncommitted! Or scare a politician! I still think I'm doing more good by staying alive, and I'm a bit distant from any property I might meaningfully damage (although I am open to suggestions that won't get me arrested and silenced), so this is the only thing I got that won't injure a human being.
Tumblr, no matter how you actually intend to vote, if you're not up for living in a two-party system where both parties think they can do a little genocide and stay in power, you have ways of making yourself heard. There are options beyond falling in line behind the lesser evil. Don't let anyone tell you there aren't. And when you start hearing "stop!" or "you can't!" that means you have something they want. A cessation of hostilities! Well, now you might be in a position to negotiate terms! Don't give up!
Please, please, please don't give up. There is so much to be done.
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thyandrawrites · 9 months
How do you think Reo would've treated Nagi if kunigirireo won the match and they picked him?
Good question 🤔 thank you for sending it over! I had fun playing around with the idea before I could come up with a response. I'm not too good at what if scenarios tho so take my thoughts on this with a grain of salt!
I think that winning Nagi back under those circumstances would exacerbate their miscommunication more than it would solve it, you know? Here's my reasoning for why.
A big factor in why Reo forgave Nagi in the NEL arc was not that Nagi chose him, per se, but that Nagi asked Reo along in Nagi's own dream. Reo's attitude until Nagi offers that is still fairly cold. He's not moved by Nagi needing him, or by his apologies, or by his compliments. It's specifically the fact that Nagi grew enough to develop his own aspirations, and that he wanted to share them with Reo just as much as Reo originally wanted to share his with Nagi. This, I believe, because Reo too matured enough in their time apart to recognize he basically forced his dream on Nagi instead of giving Nagi room to grow one on his own. 
Now, if they were to reconcile before that development… 
The main difference with the NEL arc is that it wouldn’t be Nagi asking Reo along, but once again Reo picking Nagi, and Nagi going with it. Of course, by this point Nagi at least has enough motivation to want to stay in blue lock, but flipping their positions to mirror their earlier stances negates the reciprocity that their bond had just acquired in the NEL arc. 
It also wouldn’t fully assuage Reo’s insecurities, imho. On the one hand, Reo would likely feel vindicated. He won Nagi back from Isagi, thus proving to himself that he deserves to stay at Nagi’s side more. Proving it to Nagi is a whole other matter. For that, given Reo’s perfectionism and sky-high standards, he would want Nagi’s approval from the man himself (oblivious to the fact he had it all along). Even more so after a win. He would want to be sure Nagi prefers him over Isagi, at the very least. However, I doubt Nagi would be very receptive. Since from Nagi’s pov his partnership with Reo is a given, and he was never looking for a replacement, he would not rise to meet Reo’s need for validation. 
So. They wouldn’t talk about it. Then I’d expect their soccer to get worse on top of that, too. 
Reo would go back to relying on Nagi's genius, and without the threat of elimination and giving up on his dream he wouldn't feel as compelled to develop his chameleon style. And Nagi would go back to relying on Reo’s creativity and revert from the growth his playstyle just had with Isagi. So their monster combo would actually get worse, without their respective soccer growth factoring in. 
my soccer meta on this: Nagi’s ego (or at least his motivation) isn't active but reactive. It sparks in response to a challenge that shakes off his boredom. Back in team V, Nagi was at his most apathetic when he was up against opponents much weaker than him and Reo combined, while his head was actually in the game when he met egoists that made him work for a victory. Isagi understood this side of him much better than Reo imho, what with them being the same in that respect. Nagi adapts well to Isagi's playstyle because Isagi is a monster constantly seeking stronger rivals to devour, and Nagis' ego thrives off that "excitement" too. Then, when he played with Isagi, Nagi was more involved in the game, more proactive. Whereas when he goes back to Reo, he mooches off Reo's own vision of a goal.
As for Reo, his real strengths lies in his dexterity as an allrounder and in his aptness at replicating highly specialized plays, both of which are skills he fully hones only to play a soccer that is at Nagi’s level of genius. With Nagi readily available, he would simply pass to him and never develop his chameleon style, the thing that drew Nagi back to him in the first place. 
Basically, by relying on Nagi too much, Reo would open up the chance of making his own playstyle too “boring” to sate Nagi’s newfound soccer curiosity. And by reverting to the role of Reo’s right hand man, dulling his own genius and his spark for the game, Nagi would exacerbate Reo’s belief that Nagi only ever tried hard for Isagi, and thus that Reo’s inferior to him. 
Of course, I might be wrong about this. Things could get better if Nagi still developed his dream of beating Isagi and if he still asked Reo along. But they could also get a lot worse if Reo misconstructed it as Nagi only having eyes for Isagi now, even after Reo “won him back”. With the added weight that without Reo’s chameleon style this time around, Nagi wouldn’t think their combo would be strong enough to beat his rival and thus wouldn’t seek Reo’s aid and prompt the conversation that leads up to their reconciliation 
I hope this makes sense! and thanks again for sending me such an interesting question!
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