#at least we can still boop each other this way?
princesstuxedosam · 2 months
Blessed be the Boop. 🐾
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ama0310 · 6 months
The President's Daughter (2)
Character: Finnick Odair
Requested: Sorta lol
Type: Angst/Fluff
Summary: Arianna Flemings-Snow, the adopted daughter of Coriolanus Snow, bravely volunteers for the 75th Annual Hunger Games. Now it's training day for the tributes.
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Arianna would be lying if she said she didn't like training.
She did. She trains everyday for at least two hours. Last week she threw knives at holograms for four hours straight and loved it.
Even after winning her games she knew she had to be prepared for everything. At fifteen she realized how unprepared she was for life, and she was never going to feel that way again.
What she didn't like was having to train with nineteen other people that will want to murder her for their own survival. Obviously minus Mags, Finnick, her district partner, and Johanna.
It's not that she was worried. She just never wanted to return to how inhumane she was all those years ago. Training for fun was one thing, but training for the Hunger Games was completely different.
"Snow White in the flesh. What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" She smiles instantly turning around finding Finnick in his uniform.
"My fisherman." He laughed and put his arm around her walking her through the training center towards Mags.
She looked at each District pairs stopping her eyes at the District 1 pair throwing their knives at the holograms. Gloss smirks at Cashmere before meeting Arianna's eyes and winks.
Finnick pulls her her towards him glancing at the man, "What's that about? Making an alliance with the Careers?"
She shakes her head looking around to District 3 trying to create fire, "Nope." She then turns to see Finnick staring right at her. "I'm serious. Gloss invited me to the Careers and I told him I would ask you. You're the only alliance I really care about and you know it."
"I was thinking about the newbies." Though Arianna knew that's where he was heading she was skeptical. The girl seemed nice, but her father gave her one rule and it was to not fraternize with the enemy. And Katniss is his #1 enemy currently. "Unless you weren't?"
She runs a hand through her hair, "Can we even trust them Finn? At least with the careers we know they'll have our back until the end."
"I'm sure Gloss would stab me before we even make it halfway." Jealousy bright in his eyes. Gloss definitely had a crush on Arianna, he doesn't blame him though, everyone does.
She ruffles his hair up a bit, "And I would make sure every ounce of blood drains slowly and agonizingly out of his body if he does that."
"My wicked Snow White." He smirks at her threat. He knows if the roles were reversed he would do the same thing. That's how their relationship goes. Even outside of the games every time there was a possible threat towards his girl he was always one step ahead already ready to rip some heads off. She boops his nose before continuing their walk down the pathway.
The moment they made it to the hooks sections she immediately hugged Mags, "Let me see what you're doing Mags." The old lady smiles big before licking her fingers and continuing her work.
Finnick couldn't help but admire the girl as she was following Mags' directions. She was captivating. He couldn't help but stare. Realizing he was staring a little bit too long he starts observing the rest of the Victors. He then noticed Katniss on the other side looking at the ropes. He comes up next to her and grabs onto the rope she was tying (horribly).
"Girl on Fire can't even tie a rope. Hm interesting. Here let me. "He starts wrapping the rope around his hand twirling each strand beautiful. "Let me show you the best knot in the arena." Katniss still stares at him annoyance visible on her face making him chuckle. "Arianna better not see you staring at me. Look at the knot not my beautiful face. This is the bit where it gets complicated."
He then puts it around his neck, tightens it until it's snug against his throat. He grabs the end of the rope, "And this is for...well you know..." He then pretends to be hanging.
The girl in front of him smiles sarcastically, "Fun"
He turns to the girl offering her the end of his rope, "Do you want to take me for a walk?"
Katniss glared at the man about the leave when she retorts, "Shouldn't you be asking your girlfriend that?"
He chuckles keeping the rope around his neck before pointing to the Knives section. "She's a bit busy being a badass right now."
The duo walks towards where all the tributes seem to be admiring the young girl.
As the first holographic target flickered to life, Arianna's hand moved with lightning speed. A gleaming silver knife soared through the air, embedding itself precisely in the center of the target.
A particularly challenging hologram materialized—a ferocious muttation with razor-sharp teeth. The tension in the air thickened as Arianna locked eyes with the holographic beast.
With a swift, controlled motion, she flung a set of knives in rapid succession, hitting the muttation's vulnerable points. The hologram dissipated in a burst of light, and the crowd erupted into cheers
Arianna, unfazed by the attention, took a moment to acknowledge the crowd with a nod and a confident smile then hugs a proud-looking Mags. "This is my go-to knife and now it's yours. Use it well."
As people were finally going back to their training she stops in front of Katniss and Finnick.
She looks at the rope around his neck while raising her eyebrow. She twirls the loose end of the rope around her hand and tugs hard making him immediately lose his balance and lean towards the girl smirking. "I like this."
Finnick couldn't help but reciprocate the feeling. "You and me both...I was just showing Girl on Fire here the best knot in the arena."
Arianna ties her up in a ponytail before crossing her arms. " You learned from the master. He was the one to teach me many years ago how to do that. When he wasn't even my mentor." She then points to where she was. "I was teaching Mags how to throw a knife. I think she was too busy hyping me up to actually be looking."
"Couldn't leave Snow White in distress. The best part of the Hunger Games is the rope tying." Arianna lightly hit his chest. "And let's be honest here Mags definitely agreed to the demonstration so she can show you off. Very wise woman she is."
Katniss cleared her throat making the duo look at her. Peta also decided to stand next to his fiancé. "That was impressive."
The short compliment made the girl smile, "Don't worry you won't be at the end of my throws." Peta sighed in relief making the duo laugh out loud. "Hopefully we'll be able to be allies, right Finnick?" He nods and winks at Katniss before following the girl pulling his rope.
"If I knew you liked being dominant I would've given you a rope a long time ago." Arianna couldn't help but laugh letting the rope go and taking it off him, she caressed her hand around the rawish area. An intimate yet beautiful moment between the two. Both looking at one another intensely.
Peta and Katniss were still looking at the pair who were a few feet away from them. "So what do you think?"
Katniss really didn't know what to think. Finnick's threat last time ran through her head. Seeing them now definitely solidifies her thoughts of them being together.
It's very interesting seeing those two claim they're not together yet so openly show their care for one another. A part of her loves the idea of a true love connection at the games, but she can't really see the playboy of the capitol and the tyrants' daughter together as a symbol of love.
Now the two were at the plants section with Arianna quickly matching all the plants correctly. "She's brilliant and skilled, but I don't trust either of them."
Peta liked the duo. He understands Katniss' skepticism, but he also doesn't want the duo as possible enemies especially if they're so willing to be allies.
He put an arm on her shoulder, "If we get Arianna, then we get Finnick, Mags, and Johanna by association. It honestly makes sense."
"Well, sweetheart, you got your pick of the litter." Haymitch folds his hands giving their duo a smile.
"I want Arianna."
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teardrop-scales · 7 months
Heyo saw your LMK sun wukong post and I love your writing!
Can you make general dating headcanons?
I love him sm he’s so silly :3.
Sun Wukong dating/relationship headcannons 🍑
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A.N: Thank you for your kind words! And same, he's so goofy and I love him for it <3
Also, these turned out quite long (and I probably could've made them even longer, given how much I love this character), but I think/hope that you won't mind lol.
Also, not proofread, so sorry about any mistakes! Headcannons are below the cut.
First of all, he definitely calls you 'Peaches' or 'Peach' like, all the time. He will only call you by your name if he wants to show you that he's serious. Also he will occasionally use other nicknames, such as 'babe', 'honey', 'sweetheart'. But that's rare, 'Peaches' is still his favorite.
You are probably the only person he's willing to share his peach flavored chips with.
Also, he's kinda clingy and touch starved as hell. Can you really blame him though? This monkey was pretty much all alone for a few centuries.
So Wukong is almost always touching you in some kind of way when you are near him, even when you're somewhere public or not hugging or cuddling. Either hand holding, or he will curl his tail around your ankle or some more subtle things like that.
He will often groom your hair in search for bugs the way monkeys do if you sit next to each other. He knows you take good care of your hair and there's absolutely no way any bugs or insects could be in it. But it's an instinct, he can't help it. You don't mind however, he's so gentle when he does that that it's actually very relaxing.
He's touch starved to the point when if you have to get up while cuddling, he will whine quietly. But if you ask/tease him about it, Wukong will huff and deny it while claiming that you're just hearing things.
I have a headcannon that while he is very strong and all, his body isn't actually that muscular. In fact, he is a bit chubby. He's quite soft and squishy in a good way- I mean just look at him in the beach scene in season 4, he totally has a 'dad bod'- and you love it. Wukong's body is perfect for hugging.
I imagine his hugs being just the right amount of tight 👌 He's always warm and soft and actually smells really good- he smells of peaches and leaves.
Wukong loves hugging and being hugged, so you can hug him almost whenever you feel like it and he absolutely won't mind.
Call him Sunshine or Sunny or anything Sun related. Please do, he will literally melt.
Overall, Wukong's main love languages are: words of affirmation, quality time and touch.
We already know from the show that Wukong has no problem with words of affirmation, seeing how he constantly encourages MK and it is visible that he means every word. So this monkey will always and often tell you that he loves you and that you mean so much to him. You can count on him if you want some kind words to make you feel better. He may not be the best in terms of logical advice, but somehow you believe him every time he says it's going to be okay. Wukong also makes sure to tell you each day how good you look and say "I love you" at least once a day.
As for quality time, Sun really loves to spend time with you, it doesn't matter what activity. Although he prefers activities either at home or away from big crowds. He doesn't like to show himself in public spaces, the most he'll do is go with you to the cinema or maybe some not very well known restaurant or something. But he really loves to watch movies on his TV or laptop with you snuggled up to him on the couch. Wukong also loves taking you on walks around Flower Fruit Mountain or taking you for flights on his cloud. Honestly, as I said, to him it doesn't really matter what you do as long as he gets to spend time with you.
I already said some things about touch, but I can add that for some reason Wukong loves when you scratch him behind the ears, boop/gently pet his nose with your finger or pet his tail. These parts of him are quite sensitive, and he loves how gentle you are. He will literally turn into a puddle in your hands lol.
This monkey loves kissing you on the cheeks. Or poking you on them.
Generally when he's in the right mood he likes to teasingly poke you in various places on your body. And if you do it right back at him, it turns into either a poking or tickling battle, ending up with both of you laughing your butts off and snuggling with each other.
Sun sometimes likes to rub his cheek against yours.
Okay enough touch for now, I could go on and on about Wukong and physical affection lmao
You sometimes watch your boyfriend train MK when you have the time. You roll your eyes often at Wukong's smugness but at the same time you can't help but think how cool and badass he can be.
The Monkey King loves it when you watch them train, MK not so much, due to the fact that Wukong shows off a lot more when you are around and thus he is a bit harsher in training and more distracted, making it difficult for poor MK (that doesn't change the fact that MK really likes you and appreciates how happy you make his mentor).
This man is such a tease and a flirt sometimes honestly. He uses the most basic and overrated pick up lines just to annoy you. Be careful not to get flustered by any, because he won't ever let you forget it and will be proud as a peacock. Although it is slightly adorable that he's so proud that he got you flustered.
But sometimes you engage in his pick up lines shenanigans and tease him back or make fun of those lines.
"Did it hurt when you fell from the Celestial Realm Peaches?"
"Yeah, it hurt like hell, I landed on my butt."
Causing you both to laugh your butts off for a few solid minutes lmao.
Peaches or peach chips are the main things he eats, so prepare for always having a peach taste in your mouth after kissing him. Not that you complain, you actually like that fruit (although not as much as Wukong does).
By the way, he will absolutely swoon if you kiss him in front of other people out of nowhere (especially if you pull him by his shirt in order to do that); lovesick smile, dreamy eyes and tail shaped like a heart, the whole package lol.
Sometimes Sun likes to visit you at work or randomly pop in while you're somewhere public in the form of a bird or other small animal and just hang out with you, whispering comments about everyone and everything into your ear in this funny high pitched voice (I actually have a headcannon that while transforming his voice is higher the smaller the animal and the other way around)
If you're up for it, Wukong would love to teach you a few fighting or defense techniques. It would also make him much more relaxed and calm knowing that you have at least some basic knowledge on how to protect yourself, just in case. He'll always try to be there to protect you, but he can't promise that he will always make it on time or at all. He may be retired but still has some duties and other things to do.
A bit of a sad thing is, you both often think to yourselves; am I good enough for him/her? How in the world did I deserve such an amazing person as him/her in my life?
Wukong always tries to be happy, and hides his problems, fears or negative emotions behind his jokes and goofy attitude. I'm not saying that his personality is fake, he is a happy and goofy person most of the time, but there are some random days when he has trouble keeping it all in and fails to put on the facade that everything is okay.
If you want to help him in these times, basically all you have to do is sit there with him and be by his side. Give him a tight hug and sit with him in silence or maybe hum/sing something quietly if you want. Honestly your presence alone brings him a huge comfort; knowing that there is someone who loves him even with all his flaws, accepts him with everything he hides inside and with his past mistakes.
Overall, Sun Wukong has his problems and flaws, but he really tries to be the kind of boyfriend he thinks you deserve. And honestly you think he's doing a very good job; he is a very good boyfriend, maybe even the best in all the realms as you like to say <3
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avatarmerida · 1 year
So on twitter the other day, @rebeccaartsy mentioned she was thinking about how different things would be if Hunter was there from the beginning and it really got my mind moving.
So like my totally self indulgent headcanon or whatever,is that Hunter in season one is spending his time hunting wild witches and no one really takes him seriously so the whole time he’s trying to prove himself by trying to capture the most famous wild witch, Eda. But I like to think he doesn’t have a very strong artificial staff at this point and isn’t seen as much of a threat. He’s also either not the Golden Guard yet or just wears normal scout stuff to draw less attention. So he is always setting traps and stuff and Luz meets him and his vibe is like an annoying neighbor kid. He just gets roped into the occasional adventure because he’s there and just when he's starting to question life in the coven he gets promoted to coven head and he works even harder to be taken seriously.
Because I love how Hunter and Willow meet so much where they see the true version of each other right away in a way no one else has, I imagine their first meeting is still outside Luz and everything. Like, Hunter is messing with something plant related (maybe making a trap or liking for a rare plant to help Belos, idk) and gets tangled in some aggressive vines and Willow finds him and helps him. But the vines are from like a really complicated plant that requires extreme patience and talent and he’s like even Terra would have trouble with it and while his spitting facts Willow just untangles him effortlessly. She’s just like “boop! You’re good :)” and at first he’s worried she’s gonna tell someone or blackmail him but she’s just “no prob yo.” But she’s also very impressed that he found the plant that he did, cause they're super elusive and he’s like uhhh thanks.
So he offers to walk her to where she’s going and they start talking and he’s info dumping things on plant magic and they’re vibing and he realizes no one has ever let him talk so much before. And she likes talking to him. Then he realizes exactly where they are and before he can make an excuse to leave, Luz comes out to greet Willow and when she sees Hunter she groans. And they dive into their sibling banter slinging shots back and forth and Willow just stands there thinking like “huh, this is the guy who’s always annoying her? He’s not that bad.”
And so it’s just like a little bit where he’s always like “ugh you guys are the worst! But not you Willow, you’re great obvi.” Like he has no idea anyone would ever think she’s weak because he still met her in her element and she just thinks he’s a dork. But the crushing doesn't really start until Understanding Willow because I love that episode and I say so:
“Gus, listen,” said Hunter, as he walked through the open door of the Owl House. “Obviously, there is much I can’t divulge but upon consideration I am willing to grant you an interview for your class. The Emperor’s Coven values education, and so I could definitely offer you information on our selection process which I’m sure your teachers will find impressive and- why is Willow upside down?”
“Oh, Amity set Willow’s mind on fire and now she’s losing all her memories,” said Luz with a nervous chuckle. “But uh, what’s up with you?”
“What?” He said running over to her side and helping her sit correctly on the couch. “Is she okay?”
“Don’t worry blondie, we’re gonna get these knuckleheads in there to set things right,” said Eda. “Or at least less wrong.”
“You’re gonna entrust Willow’s mind in the hands of… them?” Said Hunter in disdain as he glared at Luz and Amity who honestly couldn’t argue with him. “They were the ones who put her in this situation in the first place! Not to mention, this location isn’t zoned for a spell of that caliber and as a member of the Emperor’s Coven I could-.”
“Listen, do you want it done soon or do you want it done legally?” Asked Eda. “Cause by the time we get the permits to do it your way Goldie, there won’t be any of Willow’s memories left to save.”
“Very well then,” said Hunter, pretending as though it was a hard decision. “I’ll allow it. Just… be careful with her.”
“Alright then,” said Eda. “Lemme whip up something to put her to sleep. She’s not gonna wanna be awake for this.”
“Oh look, the prince is here,” giggled Willow, leaning on Hunter’s shoulder for support as she noticed his presence for the first time. “Helloooo, your highness.”
“Uh, hi,” he said, not expecting her to be this close to him. “A-re you oka-.”
“Shhh,” she said, putting her finger to his lips, whispering as though it was the most serious thing on earth. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
“What?” he said despite his lips being smushed, hanging on to her words with concern.
She took a deep breath. “You have beautiful eyes.” She whispered with intensity.
His face turned bright crimson as he tried to laugh, assuming it must be a joke of some sort. But Willow’s voice didn’t carry the disdain most jokes at Hunter’s expense carried. She wasn’t in her right mind, but maybe that didn’t mean she wasn’t serious.
“Oh uh… thank you?” He said, clearing his throat. “So uh so do you?”
“Hmmm,” she giggled then hiccuped, squinting at him and then leaning in closer as though she couldn’t quite see something. “Do they make you wear that mask because you're so handsome all the time?”
“Woo, you could cut something with that jaw ouch,” she said, her voice low and playful before erupting into another sea of giggles.
“I uh, I don’t think that’s-.”
“Nap time!” Said Eda, and Willow instantly fell asleep, leaning forward onto Hunter’s shoulder. He was unprepared to say the least, but tentatively put an arm around her to keep her steady, his eyes wide as his movements were careful.
“Alright coven boy, you keep Princess Planter comfy while I tell these two how to keep things from getting worse,” instructed Eda, pointing to Luz and Amity.
“Yeah sure okay,” replied Hunter, barely listening. Eda was telling Luz and Amity something but all Hunter could hear was the gentle sound of Willow snoring, her breathing slow and deep and peaceful. He has never been so close to her, he could see every delicate freckle that decorated her face. Her glasses were askew so he carefully removed them, because it just seemed like the thing to do. Her mind was on fire, the least he could do was make her more comfortable.
He watched as her eyes shifted behind her eyelids as she… dreamed? Would she think this was all a dream? She would mumble things occasionally, hopefully that meant something good? She just looked so-
“Hey Hunter, you want in on this?” Asked Gus.
“Huh?” He looked up quickly as though he was being accused of something. He hadn’t been listening. Hadn’t he been tasked with monitoring her? Is that what Eda said or had he just done it naturally? “Sorry, what?”
“King and Eda are competing to be the subject of my interview,” repeated Gus. “You want in?”
Hunter had forgotten all about being the subject of Gus’ report as he became engrossed in watching Willow sleep. Was that creepy? He didn’t mean it to be. He just felt… protective. He felt responsible. He could never fall asleep like this with anyone unless he trusted them completely. He had never fallen asleep around anyone. And he knew Willow did not have a choice in the matter but he wanted to be worthy of her trust anyway.
“Uh, no thanks maybe next time,” he said, uncharacteristically soft. “Someone should keep an eye on Willow.”
“Eh, she’s not going anywhere goldie,” said Eda as a twinkle entered her eye. “Buuuut when she does wake up, she’s probably gonna be hungry. Having the essence of your inner being threatened really takes alot out of you.”
“Oh yeah, sure,” said Hunter, looking at her in wonder. She seemed to be doing fine, but no doubt there would be brutal side effects. “Should I-.”
“Snacks! Snacks! Snacks!” chanted King.
“Oh yeah, uh I guess I could… do that,” he said softly. He wasn’t sure why he was being quiet, no one else was. But his usual tone didn’t seem fitting now. Normally, he would not take orders (or even suggestions) from civilians but if it was for Willow then it didn’t feel like succumbing to rank. It felt like helping. It felt purposeful. He carefully removed himself from Willow’s presence, mourning the loss of warmth for only a moment, and placed her comfortably on the couch. As he made his way to the kitchen, his eyes were glued to her until it was impossible to continue. Eda,King, and Gus were too occupied in their debate to notice.
Willow was going to be fine, she had to be. Everyone would be acting more worried if she wasn’t, right? She had always been strong and capable, he knew her mind couldn’t be much different. He turned his focus from concern into purpose. He wouldn’t admit it to the others, but he was thankful for the distraction. He felt foolish just sitting there not being able to do anything for her. He had never actually made something before, but how hard could it be? He had studied under the head of the Potions coven, how different was baking from that?
As he looked through Eda’s cupboards, Willow’s words echoed in his ears. Well, not all of them. There was one in particular, occupied by the way the ends of her mouth turned up as she said it that made his stomach flip.
No one had ever called him that before, not even ironically. Did she really think that? Why did he care so much if she did? Why, suddenly, did he want so much for her to?
Was it really suddenly though?
Ugh! Why hadn’t he said something cooler? He wasn’t sure she’d even remember saying it, but if she did he didn’t want his surprised reaction to prevent her from possibly repeating herself! He had never had issue thinking of clever retorts (though, to be fair he did do a fair deal of practicing in his bedroom mirror each night) and they often fell into a comfortable conversation. But sometimes she would say something a certain way or look at him too long and it would throw him off. Not in a bad way, no nothing at all like that, just… unexpected. She laughed at the jokes people would roll their eyes at or ask him to continue where normally he was cut off and all the little things just kept adding and piling up until Hunter didn’t know how he was supposed to carry them. She was so many little things, like the way she tilted her head when she asked him a silly question or how her glasses would slide off her edge of her knows when she got excited or the way she would stand close to him and sometimes their hands would brush like she didn’t care if they-
Focus! He thought, taking ingredients from the cabinets. There wasn’t much and what there was seemed to have no organizational system but he could resolve that after he figured out what to whip up. Something simple, something to show Willow he wanted to help. He didn’t know her well enough to enter her mind with Luz and Amity, but secretly he hoped he was getting there.
He managed to make something that resembled cookies, the smell filled the kitchen and it surprisingly wasn't an awful smell?. He remembered Willow mentioned once she was eager to get home as her father had made some and they were waiting for her. Truthfully, Hunter had never tasted a cookie but he had seen them when he walked by the bakery in town and knew the basics of their structure. Surely if he had taken a wrong turn the smell would reflect that, right? He imagined the look on Willow’s face when she saw his creation, and maybe even liked it. The flipped feeling returned to his stomach and spread through his whole chest like a wild fire when the potential look of delight on her face graced his mind.
In his efforts, he had made quite the mess. But he couldn’t help but feel pride as he quickly plated his creation, eager to return to Willow’s side. He didn’t think too much into this, he was always excited to see Willow. He tried not to think too much into that, chalking it up to the fact that she was interesting and a good listener and funny and smart and pretty and-
The point was she didn’t find him totally annoying, so why shouldn’t he enjoy her company?
And if she happened to think he was a little handsome then, well, that wasn’t the worst thing.
As he set the cookies to cool, he heard a sudden commotion from the next room. He quickly ran to see the cause, hoping it was a good sign. There was a bright flash and then he heard Luz and Amity. He stood back a moment, trying to deduce their tone before he heard Willow speak. Her voice was horse and soft, but he could tell she was back to normal. Good, he thought, feeling as though he could finally breathe again. She’s okay, she’s okay.
He went to greet her but before he could leave the kitchen, he was stopped by Luz. Before he could offer a snarky question as to what exactly she thought she was doing, she looked at him with wide, concerned eyes.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, furrowing his brow. He tried to looked past her to see what was going on. “Is she okay? Did something happen to-?”
“Willow’s fine.” she assured him, putting her arm up to stop him. “There was just some… complications.”
“What complications? Was she hurt? Does she need-?”
“No no, nothing like that but um there were some memories… we couldn’t save,” said Luz carefully.
“Like what? Did she forget something for a test she has? Because I can always-.”
“No, no uh there were more… recent memories,” Luz tried to figure out the nicest way to say this. ”Hunter, I’m sorry but we were still figuring out how things worked and it all happened so fast but… Willow doesn’t remember you.”
“What?” He felt something shatter.
“I’m so sorry, but hey, it’s an easy fix! Right? We can just introduce you now!”
“Yeah, uh I guess…” he said, looking at his current state. He had thrown on an old apron and was covered in flour, his hair a mess. This night was already so chaotic, it hardly seemed like a time Willow would want to meet someone new.
And then it dawned on Hunter: he had a second chance at a first impression.
Their first meeting had been… interesting. If you count hanging upside down by your ankle until a girl who took a wrong turn stumbles upon you helps untangle you interesting. Hunter did. But he had been so grumpy and flustered, and he wouldn’t have been had he only known who exactly had come to his rescue. She didn’t seem to care or be bothered by it, but he had come to value her opinion and he’d like to start again on the best foot possible. He had a chance for her to see him exactly as he wanted to be seen from the beginning and it felt like a chance he needed to seize.
His mind made up, he looked around for a way out before the human could return with Willow. Quickly, he climbed out the window and landed in a bush, He ducked beneath the window and pressed his back againythe wall as he heard Willow and Luz enter the kitchen,
“Huh, where did he go?” he heard Luz wonder.
“Who was this again?” Willow asked, her voice still raspy as though she was utterly exhausted.
“Uh, it’s kinda hard to explain,” Luz admitted. “But, he’ll be around again. I know he really wants to meet you!”
“Okay,” said Willow, uncertain. “If you say so.”
He couldn't help but think about the chill that went up his spine when she looked into his eyes. He didn’t understand exactly what it was but he knew it wasn’t nothing. He wanted Willow to know a better version of him. He cared what she thought. When she met him this time, he wanted it to be a meeting worth remembering.
And so for the rest of the series up until ASIAS he’s trying to work up the nerve to meet Willow again as Hunter. Just when he’s ready, he gets promoted to coven bead and that’s when I’m also promoting him to Golden Guard or maybe like Golden Guard full time. So now he has more on his plate and he gets a more advanced staff and now he’s a real threat. But of course because he’s a loser and can’t stay away from her so they do interact when he’s the Golden Guard and he has that masked confidence. He’s still getting to know her so he’ll like run into her in the market or something and flirt but didn’t realize it’s flirting and he’s planning the perfect way to “re-meet.” The whole time Willow is like bugging because there’s something so familiar about him but she doesn’t know what and the others don’t tell her because they’re like still figuring out his deal. So when he does come to Hexside during ASIAS it’s much more thought through and intentional and feelings have already been caught.
Anyway sorry for a long pointless post but that’s just been on my mind k thanks bye.
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Silver Springs Part 9
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~13.5k
Summary: Wanda tries to leave her mob life behind to start a family with you
A/N: Finally! The confrontation we’ve all been waiting for. So excited for them to call Vision out for being a little shit. ❤️
Chapter Warnings: Sexual content, blood, violence, and torture
Unsurprisingly you’re tired when you wake up, but you drink another cup of coffee with breakfast before heading out to work. You talked to Wanda about confronting Vision after you come home because you want to be present for whatever piss poor lie he tells. You want him to see you as something other than stunned because he can’t have the satisfaction of knowing you were upset. Wanda reluctantly agrees to wait, and decides to contact a couple of people about how to deal with Vision. She doesn’t say who it is of course, but she talks to her brother and then two of her best people for this particular job because she has nothing else to do but wait.
She considers talking to Nat or Yelena about what you told her, but she’s not sure she wants to. She is a little frustrated with them for keeping your secret when it affected your wellbeing to the point that it has. However, she’s equally glad that you have people that you can count on when it really matters. She’s just not sure she can get into it with them without asking why they didn’t try to get her to fire Vision.
Wanda sighs as she stares out the window from her kitchen counter. She doesn’t know what to do with herself and it’s not even noon. She briefly entertains the idea of wandering around, but she doesn’t want to draw attention to herself. She never is really seen unless she has something to do, or if something is wrong. Not to mention, people are still a little on edge about the aftermath of the Clark incident.
Fletcher jumps up on the counter a ways away, and Wanda sighs before she holds her hand out for the cat. The tabby hurries over to head boop her before trying to stick her head in her coffee mug. Wanda pushes her away while scratching her chin and Fletcher just bats at her with a meow.
“What should we do today, Fletch?”
The tabby just purrs as she steps into Wanda’s lap and nuzzles her before licking her chin. Wanda sighs as she just scratches her for a few minutes and thinks about how things have developed over the past few days. Someone, probably Vision, sends you flowers at work the same day that someone’s stalking you. Rumlow barely shoots Boone in the middle of the night through the window, but then he just flees. Thinking back on it, it seems like a pretty pointless trip overall. Rumlow clearly wasn’t told to kill Boone, but maybe just to scare them and get them thinking they weren’t safe. She wasn’t sure what Vision was trying to accomplish with that, but then you were poisoned the next day.
Wanda thinks back to your hospital stay, your very short stay and frowns. Again, if Vision really wanted you to suffer, he would have made sure you stayed in the hospital longer, right? Why was he just toying with them and half-assing everything? If he was smart, which Wanda hates to admit it, but he is, he wouldn’t do things pointlessly. Each effort costs money, and time and risks revealing him, so what was the point?
She tries to think about each event as an isolated incident. When you were sent flowers, you immediately texted her a picture asking if they were from her. The only thing that did honestly was make her a little jealous, but you’d soothed her jealousy easily enough. That same night someone surprised you after work, but they just ran away after placing a creepy doll in your car that amused you more than anything.
Suddenly Wanda remembers what Clark told her seconds before dying. He’d mentioned that Vision wanted to ruin her marriage. This was hardly news, but having him orchestra these honestly poor attempts at doing this exact thing was confusing to say the least. She’d figure that if Vision was going to have a go at this, that he was going to do a better job. He’d only worked alongside her for years, and had enough time to figure something more devastating out. It wasn’t that she wanted this per se, she was just underwhelmed and as a result suspicious of what was to come.
Would confronting him now with very insubstantial proof of his involvement be worth it? She honestly didn’t need proof that he was involved to want him dead, to actually kill him. He was a pain in her ass and based on what you told her, a despicable human being. She wanted him gone, but she was reluctant to do it quite yet.
Maybe when she confronts him tonight, she’ll have Steve, Bucky, and whoever else is free be there. Have him outnumbered and cornered for when she interrogates him.
The thought of what he’s done makes her blood boil and she tries to take a deep breath to calm down. She doesn’t want you to be there tonight, she really doesn’t because she’s not sure she’ll be able to hold herself back in front of you. Whatever justification, whatever lie he comes up with, she’ll want to punish him for it, and if that means a bullet between his eyes, she’ll be the one to do it. Despite your anger at him, she’s not sure you want to witness this, but she doesn’t feel right asking you to sit it out. You’re just as involved as she is, more so even and you deserve to see this through.
Wanda stands up with a sigh before rolling her shoulders and looking around the room. She has nothing that she wants to do here, so she may as well go blow off some steam. She texts Steve that she’s heading down to the shooting range and to join if he wants.
When Steve sees her text, he’s quick to get ready and meet her down there. Wanda only goes to the range for three reasons. One, she has something she needs to prepare for like a particular hit or a meeting that won’t end well. Two she’s training with you or someone else, or three she’s angry and wants to pretend the targets are someone’s face. Steve’s not quite sure which one it is, either option one or three, but there’s no way of finding out unless he goes down there with her.
He arrives to the private range to find her already going through an entire magazine on a target at the far wall. She’s wearing her earmuffs and she didn’t see him come in, but she still somehow knows he’s there. She turns to him before setting the gun down and ejecting the empty magazine and replacing it. She slips her earmuffs off so she can talk to him.
“Hey. Have you talked with Bucky?”
Steve just nods because he’d been in touch a little while ago just to check in. He says this before moving next to Wanda and setting down his case that has three of his guns in it.
“Yes, Y/n’s fine, busy.”
Wanda shakes her head before pressing the button nearby for a new target. She watches Steve open his case and get his guns set up before sighing in exhaustion. She’s tired and she really wants this all to be over. She’s hoping that the end is near, and she doesn’t mean hers.
“No, I meant if he told you about last night at all?”
Steve doesn’t have to think about his answer, and he nods as he loads his handguns and sets them down beside his rifle. Bucky had told him that Wanda was thinking about going after Vision sooner than initially planned. She was losing patience and he was getting bolder and pissing Wanda off.
“He said that Vision’s telling lies and you’re thinking of confronting him later today.”
Wanda just nods before agreeing that she’s planning on talking to him tonight. You just wanted to be involved, so they were waiting until tonight.
“Ideally we’ll have Nat and Yelena there too, the more the merrier.”
Steve almost laughs at this, but he realizes that Wanda’s serious. She’s serious and she’s anxious about what’s going to happen. She’s probably down here to blow off steam and think about what she’ll do. She has enough information to reach a verdict, but she does want someone else, her closest confidants to be on the same page so they can understand.
Steve understands why their presence is necessary and he nods before taking out his phone.
“I’ll see if they’re free after this.”
Wanda nods before smiling in thanks and putting her earmuffs back on. She picks up her gun before taking aim and shooting once again.
You are having a pretty good day considering the night you’d had. After making an announcement about labeling all food items left in the back, you resumed your normal day and saw your many appointments. Most of them were easy, and a few interesting, but your mind wasn’t really on work today. You were thinking about Vision and how everything he’s done in the past week, assuming he’s responsible, has just been a nuisance more than a real threat. If he’s wanted you dead, he would have found a way to do it by now. He was toying with you or trying to piss you off with only a little success.
You have some time between appointments, and you find yourself wondering what it takes to make someone like him go to such lengths. You assume his endgame is to win over your wife, and despite his less than stellar start, everything he’s done seems to be with that goal in mind.
He wants you out of the way but given that Wanda knows he’s responsible, does he really believe she’ll choose him?
You sigh in defeat as you see that your next appointment is here, and you grab your stethoscope before heading downstairs. You only have a couple of more hours until you’re back at the compound and can confront Vision with Wanda and the rest of the gang. You just hope it’s worth it.
Vision is not surprised to be called in by Wanda later in the afternoon. He claims he has some things to finish up but that he can be there later tonight. She agrees and Vision just smiles as he sits back down at his desk and fiddles with the device in his hand. He’s contemplated sharing the recording on his phone, but then he feared it would be confiscated and then he wouldn’t have it anymore, so he’d put it on a USB and was going to give it to you or Wanda depending on his mood.
He's already drafted a text to you with an audio file of the recording so you can have it just minutes before he shares it. He wants you to be able to go over it in agonizing detail to your heart’s content. He smirks at the idea before pocketing the drive and stifling a yawn. He’d called Rumlow earlier and gone over the plan with him for later this week.
He was getting bored of dragging this out, so he was going to do his best to make sure this all comes to head by the end of the week. He just needs to make sure that you and Wanda are still fighting by then, but considering what he’s going to share in just a few hours, he’s certain that won’t be a problem.
When you finally leave work, you’re a little sore from your last appointment. You’d done most of it on the ground next to a nervous dog and your knees ached from kneeling on the tile floor. You feel older than your years as you get into your car with Boone settling in the back seat as usual. You take a deep breath before speaking into the emptiness of your car.
“Are you ready for this, Bucky?”
He’s been in contact with Steve and then Wanda while you worked and was able to confirm that Vision would be there at 7. That gave you just enough time to get home, change and meet with everyone who would be in attendance besides the blonde. He tells you this and you just nod to yourself. You feel your anxiety increase at the thought of this meeting’s outcome. Vision has to be prepared for Wanda to call him out for lying to you, but you’re just uncertain of how he’s going to react.
You’re not afraid for Wanda. You know, despite hating him for it, that Vision would rather hurt you ten times over before laying a finger on your wife. You’re not even particularly worried for yourself because your very capable friends will be in attendance and they will certainly be armed.
You suppose you’re mostly worried about Vision surprising you again with his insidious way. You’re afraid of being humiliated in front of all of your friends, and ridiculed about your insecurities and you’re not looking forward to it. You don’t tell Bucky this because despite the fact that he knows some of what Vision did, you don’t think he knows everything. You trust Nat and Yelena to keep it a secret, but now Wanda knows, and you’d be shocked if she doesn’t bring it up during the meeting.
You’re almost disappointed when you arrive to the compound and you take your time to get Boone out of the car before meeting Bucky at the elevator. He realizes you’re tense and he just offers you a smile before patting you on the back.
“Try to relax for a few minutes. Get something to eat, and remember to bring Boone to the meeting.”
You had forgotten about this detail. His presence always made you feel better, and if things got rough you knew having him close could calm you down. He was also still your security detail until further notice, and he had a gun, knife, and pepper spray in his harness pouch.
You nod in agreement before telling Bucky you’ll see him soon. Boone leads the way to your rooms and you take a deep breath before opening the door.
You call out into the quiet room to find the immediate areas empty. There’s food on the stove, but you can’t entertain the idea of eating until you find your wife. You lay your bag down on the counter before heading toward the bedroom.
You find Wanda sitting in bed with her eyes closed with Fletcher wandering the room. You can tell that she’s already ready for the meeting given how she’s dressed in a suit and she has a gun sticking out from under her jacket. Her legs are crossed and she’s taking deep breaths every few seconds. You realize she’s trying to calm herself down as well and you just move to the closet to find what you’re going to wear.
“How was work?”
You turn back around and see that Wanda’s eyes are still closed so you start undressing with a shrug. You move a little slower when removing your pants but she doesn’t notice as she continues to focus on her breathing.
“It was fine. No one fed me and no one bit me.”
Wanda smiles slightly at your words before she opens her eyes to see what you’re up to. You’re buttoning your shirt and reaching back into the closet for a jacket. Wanda waits until you make your selection and slip it on before speaking up.
“Are you sure you want to go to this, Y/n?”
You knew this was coming so you already have your answer prepared when you turn to see Wanda looking at you with an unreadable expression.
“No, not really, but I feel like I need to go. Plus, everyone will be there, so I’ll feel like I’m missing out if I don’t.”
Wanda thought this would be your response so she just nods and starts to stand up. She wants to get this over with, but she also wants to make sure you’re as prepared as possible. She holds out her hand to you, and you don’t hesitate to close the distance and take her hand with a sigh.
“Okay. I want you to be prepared though. If he says something disgusting or incriminating someone will hurt him.”
You assumed this would happen, but Wanda not saying specifically that it would be her makes you wonder what she expects. You nod before bringing her hand to your lips with a smile.
“As long as I get to watch.”
This gets a small smile out of your wife and you count that as a win before you drag her out to the kitchen. You both should eat something before you go, and you manage to lie down for ten whole minutes before it’s time to leave.
You’re a little anxious as you follow Wanda, and she can tell so she squeezes your hand. “It’ll be okay, detka. We’re all going to be there with you.”
You nod before following Wanda into Pietro’s office that is more than spacious enough for the small crowd that’s gathered.
Yelena’s sitting on the window sill staring outside at the moonlit grounds while Nat’s chatting with Steve on one of the couches. Bucky’s standing in the corner behind the desk where you assume Wanda will be sitting. You follow Boone’s lead and greet Yelena before sitting in one of the chairs in front of the desk. Wanda takes survey of everyone in the room before sitting behind the desk with a sigh. You’re the only one not armed as far as she can tell, but that’s fine for now. If you end up needing a gun then there’s going to be a lot of trouble.
“Thank you all for coming. Y/n and I appreciate your support.”
Wanda sets her laptop on the desk and opens it briefly to make sure her notes are all there. She’s written everything down because it helps her organize her thoughts and reach her decision on how to handle this. When there’s a knock on the door, she sits up straighter in her chair before calling Vision in.
The blonde had expected only two fewer people than were in attendance. He knew you’d be there as well as the body guards, but Yelena and Nat’s presences are a bit of a wrinkle. Still, he smiles slightly as he closes the door behind him and fiddles with his tie.
“I wasn’t expecting a full house, but okay.”
Wanda frowns and everyone follows suit as he turns to you briefly before addressing Wanda. Boone’s staring at him and his hackles are up as he prepares for whatever happens next. Wanda gestures for the chair beside you silently.
“Good to see you again, Y/n.”
You just frown before offering a tight smile and saying the only thing you plan to during the meeting.
“Vision, I wish I could say the same.”
He doesn’t seem surprised by your response, if anything he expected it and he’s smiling to himself. He opens his mouth to say something, but Wanda cuts him off with a scowl.
“The reason for the full house, Vision is that I wanted to ask you something that they’re all going to hear the answer to eventually.”
Wanda’s jaw clenches as she watches Vision turn to her with a curious look as if he doesn’t know why he was here. She takes a breath to compose herself before deciding to get to the point and save them all some time.
“What can I answer for you, Wanda?”
You grit your teeth as Vision eyes your wife curiously. You realize you’re going to have a harder time at this than you thought if he’s going to be oh so eager to help the entire time. Wanda feels similarly and she cuts right to the chase to save them all from the disingenuous performance.
“Why did you lie to Y/n about what happens during interrogations?”
Vision frowns in confusion before shaking his head in response. You feel your phone vibrate in your pocket, but you ignore it as you watch Vision try to pull one over on your wife.
“I’m not sure I know what you mean.”
Everyone knew what she meant, including Vision, but apparently, he wanted Wanda to say it. She glared at him before leaning forward to bite out her response.
“You told her that I have sex with them, with Clark. Why?”
Vision actually smiles and you feel your hatred for him increase ten-fold at the sight. You force yourself to stay in your chair, but your grip on the armrests is painfully tight as Vision just deadpans.
“Because you did, Wanda. What’s the point of lying when I have proof?”
Wanda’s on her feet in a second and she practically snarls at Vision in anger.
“That’s bullshit! You can ‘t have proof when it didn’t happen.”
Vision merely reaches into his pocket and everyone but you, stiffens in anticipation. Yelena’s hand goes to her gun and Steve and Bucky stand up straighter, ready to move if needed. When Vision just pulls out a thumb drive and just holds it out to Wanda everyone is confused.
“Why don’t you look at that and then say that again.”
Wanda’s baffled by Vision’s insistence that this truly happened. Is he that delusional or did he scrounge up something he believes backs up his story? She just stares at it angrily, but makes no move to take it from him as she considers her options. Vision simply places it on the desk before he sits back in his chair and shrugs. He turns to you and you instantly brace yourself.
“If you’d rather, Y/n, you can look at that text, it has the file attached to it.”
You frown in confusion and hate that you’re already reaching for your phone. You see a text from an unknown number, presumably Vision and it has an audio file – nearly 2 minutes long attached to it. You look to Wanda who seems as confused as you are, but you put your phone back in your pocket right as your wife goes to grab the drive.
“That’s probably a better idea.”
You and Wanda glare at him again as the redhead opens her computer and inserts the drive hesitantly.
“I don’t know what the fuck you think this is--.”
Wanda trails off as she opens the file and plays the recording attached for everyone to hear. You’re confused at first as it starts, but this slowly becomes horror as you recognize the voice as your wife’s. The breathy moans and the accompanying pleas make your jaw drop.
Oh god, fuck, fuck – ah shit, please!
The second voice that you hear a few seconds later is one that you’ve only heard once but given how recently this was you recognize it immediately.
Fuck yeah. God you’re so good. Je—
The recording is stopped once Wanda manages to snap herself out of her shock and horror. However, it’s too late and the very damning proof that Vision insisted on has already been heard. Wanda’s still trying to figure out how the fuck Vision made this happen as she slams the computer shut and yells at him.
“What the fuck! How the hell did you manage this you bastard? That’s not--!”
Wanda trails off because she can’t say it’s not her. She unfortunately recognizes her own voice, and Clark’s and despite never even touching him she can’t explain what Vision’s given her. She storms around the desk, ignoring her friends’ shock, confusion and disgust as she grabs Vision by the shirt and yanks him out of his chair.
“You did this. You screwed with something, made this to fit with your lie. I never did this! Tell them I never did this!”
Wanda’s wide-eyed and breathing heavily as she throws Vision to the ground. He just smiles wickedly up at the bewildered redhead before turning to you. You’ve said nothing this entire time, you’re just sitting as stiff as a board while you barely breathe. You’re still trying to convince yourself that it’s a lie, but you just can’t put it together, not with so little time, and not with so many people watching you.
“I guess you really aren’t enough, hmm, Y/n?”
This catches your attention and you turn to Vision at the same time that Wanda pulls her gun on him. She’s shaking she’s so angry, but she’s looking at you as you continue to look dazed and overwhelmed. You realize you need to get out, and you stand slowly before you start to retreat.
“I-I need to go.”
Wanda keeps her gun trained on Vision who is still smiling up at you as she takes a step towards you.
“Y/n, no, please. Don’t go--.”
It’s too late and you’ve already turned around and fled before anyone could stop you. Boone races after you and the door slams shut behind him. Vision’s laughing but it’s cut off as Wanda slams her foot into his chest forcing him to the ground. She considers shooting him right now, but she’s more worried about you and needs to run after you.
“You son of a bitch!”
Wanda tucks her gun away and runs to the door, but not before shouting over her shoulder. “Don’t let him leave!”
When the door slams again, everyone but Vision is left with whiplash and no one speaks for a full minute. It’s Bucky who speaks first since he’s reached his decision the fastest. He doesn’t—he refuses to believe that Wanda would cheat on you. This entire thing, this entire week has been orchestrated by Vision as some sick scheme to break his friends up. This was just part of that, and the tape, regardless of how disturbing and incriminating, it couldn’t be real.
He moves  from where he’s standing and hovers over Vision with a scowl as he contemplates how to punish the blonde.
“You sick fuck! How did you manage to pull this off?”
You don’t even know where you’re going when you start running. You just run for the nearest door and storm up the stairs before finding an elevator. You frantically press the button and mutter a curse under your breath when you hear the door to the stairwell open behind you.
“Y/n, wait!”
As soon as the door opens you rush in and press the close door button praying that it closes before Wanda catches up to you. You breathe a sigh of relief when it closes and you press the button for the top floor before pressing the two below that. You don’t want Wanda following you, and this is the only way you can think of to stop her. You can barely see past your tears and you jump when you see something move in your periphery. You spin around and see Boone standing behind you and you kneel down to pull him into a hug.
“Hey bud. We’re going to play a game, okay?”
Wanda waits until she knows which floor you’re going to before heading for the stairs. She doesn’t even know what she’s going to say to you. She has no idea how she’d react if she were in your place. It’s not something she’d ever want to experience and she hates that Vision’s managed to take all of her expectations and throw them out the window. She thought he was simply going to admit to being a liar before addressing his entire plot. She didn’t even get to mention any of that and Wanda hates that he’s managed to manipulate them all so easily.
She’s breathing hard by the time she runs up four flights of stairs, but as she exits the stairwell, she doesn’t see you anywhere. She doesn’t hear anything and as she hurries down the hall there’s no sign of you or Boone.  After spinning around uselessly for too long, she reaches into her pocket for her phone with shaky hands. It takes her three tries to unlock it but then she goes to her app that’s connected to your tracking devices. There’s one in your car, phone, and then one in your shoulder. The two dots on the map aren’t very far from her and she turns around before heading in your direction with a confused frown. It’s not until she reaches the door to the roof that she realizes where you are. She puts her phone away and swipes her keycard before pushing her way through the door and hurrying up the stairs.
When she bursts into the cold night air, she doesn’t see you immediately. Rather she sees two glowing eyes staring at her off in the distance. She realizes belatedly that it’s Boone and she goes to move toward them when she hears something behind her. She turns but doesn’t see anything immediately and is about to turn around back towards Boone when she realizes there’s something at her feet.
She kneels down to pick it up and her heart stops when she realizes it’s your phone. She curses under her breath before taking her phone out again and checking on you again. She sees you moving and takes off back towards the door with Boone on her heels. She realizes you used him as a distraction, and by leaving your phone, she assumes you know about that tracker but probably not the one in your shoulder. She’d juggled with the idea of planting one on you just in case, but she’d never told you about it. She still feels guilty about it, especially now when she realizes you really want to be left alone, but at the same time she’s glad that she can keep track of you.
You just need to get out of this building. You can’t spend another second here and as soon as you arrive to your room you start packing a bag. You grab what you’ll need for work tomorrow as well as your money and some of Boone’s food. You feel guilty about leaving him on the roof, but you knew Wanda would find him. You just needed to buy yourself some time to get away. You can’t talk to your wife right now because you’ll just scream at her and you don’t want to say anything you’ll regret. You don’t know what to make of Vision’s weird sex tape and as much as you hate it you’re going to have to listen to it later to try and figure out what it means.
You leave quickly, letting the door slam shut behind you as you head for the stairs again. You push the door open only to see your wife rushing down the stairs in front of you. You sigh in defeat before shaking your head and turning back around. There’s no point of getting exercise now. You’ll just use the elevator since Wanda’s already found you. Boone comes running out of the stairwell too and you’re at least glad to see him.
“Y/n, detka, please. Don’t go. Let’s talk about this, please.”
Wanda starts to panic when she sees you have a bag, and you won’t even look at her as you continue to shake your head as you make your way to the elevator. You press the button before she reaches out for your arm, and you react immediately.
“I swear I didn’t do this. I don’t know how, but Vision--.”
She’s cut off as you yank your arm away and step back from her. You can’t do this right now. You need to get as far away from her as possible.
“Let go. I-I can’t talk about this right now. I need space, okay?”
Wanda looks to you and then Boone who’s got his ears pinned back as he reluctantly growls at her. He’s not sure what’s going on, and he’s not used to his mothers fighting, but he knows whose side he’s always on. Wanda doesn’t reach out for you again but she does try to get you to stay.
“Okay, okay. Just don’t go. I’ll sleep somewhere else tonight, please.”
You shake your head again as you take a deep breath and look to your wife. You nearly break down when you see how upset she is. She’s crying and she’s flushed from running after you for so long. She sees tears in your eyes as well and feels a desperate need to hug you, but she’s aware of Boone watching her carefully, so she holds back.
“No, you stay here. I just—I’m going.”
Wanda realizes that short of forcing you to stay she’s not going to stop you from leaving. You don’t want it, but Wanda reaches into her pocket and puts your phone in your hand.
“At least take Bucky with you.”
You are going to refuse this too, but honestly, it’s not a bad idea. Sure Vision’s accounted for right now, but who knows who he’s enlisted for help. The last thing you want is to be killed while you’re running from Wanda. You sigh in defeat as you step into the elevator and push the button for the parking garage. Boone’s by your side immediately and Wanda’s at least grateful that he’ll be with you if no one else.
“I’m leaving in 3 minutes.”
The doors shut between you two and Wanda’s already pulling out her phone to call Bucky.
The four friends didn’t just stand around and wait for Wanda to return. Yelena was the first to stand up and punch Vision in the face. She curses at him in Russian before spitting on him in disgust. He was a sorry excuse for a man and she needs Wanda to get rid of him. After all the hurt he’s caused you, he pulls something like this? She’s not sure how he pulled it off, but Wanda’s reaction said it all.
All of them had been horrified and struck dumb by what they heard, but despite what it sounded like, it couldn’t be right. There were ways to alter things to fabricate a story, and despite how unsettling it is to think of Vision having basically a sex tape of Wanda, it would be less disturbing than Wanda actually cheating on you with Clark.
“Come on Vision, fess up. Tell us how you did it.”
The blonde just lays on the ground with blood gushing from his nose as he stares at her in stubborn silence. Nat and Steve are sitting on the desk in front of him, watching as he tries and fails to keep the blood off his shirt. Bucky’s about to hit him again when his phone rings and when he sees that it’s Wanda, he hurries to answer it.
“Hey, did you--?”
He trails off as Wanda starts trying to explain what happened. Given how quiet the room is almost everyone overhears her frantically telling Bucky that you’re leaving and that he needs to follow her.
“She won’t talk to me, Bucky. She’s leaving for the night or longer, and I need you to go with her, please.”
Bucky’s already heading out the door and shooting everyone a look as he leaves. Vision’s smiling at the fact you’re apparently leaving, and despite how distraught Wanda sounds, he’s glad that his plan has worked so far. He doesn’t have much time to gloat before Steve’s hitting him again and forcing him onto his back. He pins him to the ground much like Wanda had before glowering at him.
“You think this is funny? You’re trying to ruin her marriage so she’ll run to you, is that what you think will happen, huh? Talk!”
Vision just starts laughing and Steve’s about to hit him again when Nat speaks up. She reaches out for Steve, putting a hand on his shoulder to stop him as she gives Vision an appraising, disgusted look.
“He’s waiting for Wanda. This is all just a sick game to him. I hope you know she’s going to beat your ass for this, Vision.”
Steve frowns at this but can’t argue with what Nat’s saying. He doesn’t even get a chance to think about it when the door flies open, and slams against the wall signaling Wanda’s return. She storms over to Vision seeing him still on the ground she goes to haul him to his feet as she screams at him.
“You piece of shit! Why would you do this to me, Vision? Why do you hate me so fucking much?”
Wanda slams him against the wall once, twice and then a third time before preparing to punch him. She’s wiped out from running all the way back here, and she needs to sit down before she passes out, but more importantly she needs to beat Vision until he can’t see or think anymore.
“I don’t hate you.”
This is the first time he’s spoken since she left the room and everyone turns to him in confusion. It certainly seems like he hates her, and even after she punches him in the nose again, and throws him onto Pietro’s desk he’s still smiling. He lands on the ground in a bloody heap and Wanda is still seething as she watches him crawl towards her.
“It sure feels like it.”
He’s shaking his head and Steve comes to stand beside Wanda because he’s sure she’s going to want to take this downstairs soon. He’s also slightly worried that she’s going to pass out. She’s breathing heavily and she’s flushed from more than just anger, but she stands steady as she looks down on him.
“I don’t. I love you, and if you were with me you wouldn’t have to step out to be satisfied, Wands.”
Wanda grabs Steve’s shoulder to steady herself as she kicks Vision in the face sending him flying backwards onto the ground again. He’s passed out and everyone’s grateful for it as Wanda takes a deep breath and glances around the room. Nat’s watching her with an expression that gives nothing away, and Yelena looks pleased with Vision’s current state. Steve’s eyeing her with concern but she ignores it for now as she forces herself to breathe.
“Let’s get him to the basement.”
Bucky’s shocked to find you waiting by your car with Boone when he charges into the garage. Without a lot of notice, he’d almost neglected to go by his room and grab a bag and a couple of extra magazines. He’d taken 5 minutes but he was certain you’d be peeling out of the garage and getting out as fast as you could. Instead, you were waiting patiently for him to arrive before greeting him with a blank face that gave nothing away.
“Buck, you don’t have to come with me. I won’t tell her if you don’t.”
Bucky nearly laughs at this but he holds back since he has a feeling you wouldn’t appreciate it right now. Your lack of enthusiasm and the fact that you don’t say Wanda’s name makes him realize you’re trying to distance yourself from what just happened, at least until you’re alone.
“Not a chance, kid. Lead the way.”
You look at him for a moment before you just nod and get in your car. You let Boone sit up front because it’s that kind of night, and you pet him with one hand as you steer with the other as you head to your destination. You only see this hotel practically every day on your drive to work, and you figure being close to there will benefit you tomorrow when you have to go in on very little sleep.
The ride’s silent and that reminds you that you didn’t bring your coms and you won’t be able to communicate with Bucky during work tomorrow, but that’s okay for now. You’re too ticked to really care about anything other than listening to the recording that’s practically calling you from your pocket. You park in the hotel lot before you reach into the back seat and grab Boone’s service animal vest. He’s never felt like more of service animal to you than in the past week, and you switch his harnesses out and replace the supplies carefully as he licks your face.
“Thanks, Boone.”
You get out of the car and grab your bag from the back seat already thinking about how poorly you’d packed.
You turn to find Bucky and are grateful that he doesn’t say anything before following you inside. You walk to the front desk not really paying any mind to the looks you get with Boone by your side. The person behind the desk notices his vest so she simply smiles before greeting you and Bucky once she knows you’re together.
“Good evening, how can I help you?”
You have a lot of answers to that, but you merely smile back before requesting two rooms. If this throws off the clerk, she doesn’t mention it before asking if you want them to be adjoining. You think about saying no because he’s going to undoubtedly hear you crying your eyes out, and that’s going to be embarrassing. However, you also don’t want a complete stranger to hear you either. You turn to Bucky deferring to him.
“Whatever you want.”
He nods before asking for rooms near the stairwell and the brunette offers a smile before handing you two key cards. You thank her and look around the lobby briefly taking stock of your options before heading to the elevator.
“Rooms 505 and 507.”
Boone steps in the elevator first and you and Bucky follow him wordlessly. You sigh in exhaustion before putting a hand on your stomach with a groan. You’re not sure if you’re hungry or nauseous honestly, you’re a bit of both, but you ignore it for now as you watch the floors go by.
“Are you okay?”
You decide to answer this in the easiest way possible. You figure he’s asking about your stomach and you just nod before deciding to lie. Any unsettled feeling is almost certainly from tonight’s events and you’re going to believe that until proven otherwise.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I apologize ahead of time, Buck. Tonight’s not going to be pretty.”
He just nods as the doors open on your floor and you step outside with a grimace. You are not looking forward to spending the next night or so here. You knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep next to let alone in the same room as Wanda tonight, but maybe running away to a hotel was a little premature. You were feeling guilty, but didn’t want to go back to your wife until you had answers. Or at least a little clarity about the entire situation.
You feel Bucky reach out for you as you arrived to the room you’ll be sharing with Boone. You turn to him and see his kind smile and you almost start crying immediately.
“I understand, but I’m here for whatever you need, okay?”
You nod in understanding and whisper a quiet goodnight before leaving Bucky standing in the hallway. He sighs before entering his own room and pulling out his phone. He looks around the room with a sigh before throwing his things on the bed. He’s exhausted from the events of tonight, but he’s going to stay up for a while longer. He opens one of his bags to check his things before he decided to just get it over with. He texts Wanda that you’re set up for the night before taking a deep breath and looking to the door between your room and his.
Tonight, definitely wasn’t going to be pretty.
When Vision comes to, he’s been stripped of his jacket, phone, gun and his tie. They’re thrown haphazardly in the corner, and Wanda just sits in a chair in the corner as she stares at him. Steve is standing beside her and Yelena and Nat, although gone, have checked in. She’d sent them to Vision’s place to see if they could find anything that would help her exonerate herself. She hates to admit it, but after thinking on it, she figures that if Vision had one recording of her, he likely had more. Despite how violated it makes her feel, she’s almost hoping to find something that she can use to get you back to her. She’s distraught because she’s afraid you believe what Vision claims, and she hates that you won’t talk about it with her. She understands your confusion, frustration and your betrayal, but she just hopes you take the time to really think about it and realize that she couldn’t have done this. She wouldn’t have done this to you.
She didn’t remember about the copy that Vision had sent you until a few minutes ago, and she dreads the idea of you listening to it. She had briefly seen how long it was, and she couldn’t even consider what the rest of it held. She wanted to reach out to you, but she needed to respect your desire for some space even if it killed her. She’s brought back to the present by the sound of Vision groaning and she just scowls as he looks around before his gaze settles on her.
“Good you’re awake.”
Wanda didn’t really mean this. Honestly, she wouldn’t have minded if he never woke up, but part of her wanted answers for this, and she was going to get them. Despite being present, she didn’t plan on giving Vision the satisfaction of being touched by her. If she had to guess he’d probably get off on it and that was the last thing she wanted for him.
He turns to Steve with a frown before turning back to Wanda with a disappointed look.
“You know, I was really hoping this would be just us.”
Wanda grits her teeth before rolling her eyes at his insistence on being such a pain in the ass.
“And I was hoping to be in bed with my wife, but you fucked that up too.”
Vision just grimaces at the thought before he shakes his head and looks to Steve again with a glare. He doesn’t want the older man here, but he doesn’t get a chance to say this again before Wanda speaks up with a scowl. She leans forward in her chair and tilts her head slightly as she cuts Vision’s bitching off.
“What I really want though, is for you to tell me how long you’ve been a fucking pervert.”
Vision strains and pulls against the ropes around his wrists when Wanda says this and he just shakes his head before offering an unsatisfying answer.
“I’m not a pervert, Wanda, I--.”
He’s cut off when Steve backhands making him curse under his breath from the force. He scowls and spits out some blood and maybe a tooth before gritting his teeth. Wanda just watches him unamused before she sits back and crosses her arms.
“Wrong answer. Try again.”
You realize the fault in your plan as soon as you sit down on the bed and pull out your phone. You stare at Vision’s text and the sound clip that’s 1 minute and 49 seconds. That seems like an agonizingly long time to listen to your wife have sex with someone else. You stop at this and clench your teeth at the thought with a shake of your head. This isn’t something that actually happened and you need to keep that in mind as you listen to this. You take a deep breath before digging in your bag for your headphones. You’re not playing this out into the room because it feels wrong. Not to mention Boone is lying on the ground at your side and he’s going to undoubtedly be confused by the sound.
So you take your headphones and put them in your ears and just lie back in bed. You hold your breath as you try to remember what Wanda told you earlier this week. She told you that she loves you and that she would never even consider being with anyone the way she is with you. You keep this in mind as you press play on your phone.
Even the first few seconds that you’d already heard are brutal and you’re clenching your teeth hard to keep from screaming, or crying or both. You realize that lying in bed was a terrible idea and you jump up and walk around as you continue to listen to the recording of your wife and Clark. You’re about half way in when you realize how odd it sounds. You retreat into the bathroom, and Boone follows you curiously. You feel your face grow hot and your tears start to fall as you climb into the bathtub and start to cry.
You flinch at each loud moan from either person and you shake your head as you start to mutter under your breath.
“It’s not real. It’s not real.”
You don’t realize that Boone’s joined you in the bathroom. He stares at you in confusion before he sits on the floor beside the tub. You try to control your breathing but you’re still near panting by the time the recording ends. You take a moment to recover from it as you think about what you just heard. You could tell a couple of things just from your first run through. Wanda sounded different, and you weren’t sure how, but you were going to figure it out. Second, Clark sounded off too. You couldn’t be sure because you didn’t know him and you’d never had sex with him, but he sounded forced.
You couldn’t put a name to it and you groan loudly when you realize you’re going to need to listen to it again. You decide to be strategic about it, at least as much as possible and you decide to listen to Clark this time. You open your eyes and nearly jump at the sight of Boone watching you over the tub. You sigh before patting your lap and your dog quickly jumps to his feet to hop in the tub with you. He lays down beside you with his head in your lap and you sigh happily before kissing his head.
You look back to your phone and unlock it before pressing play.
Wanda’s beginning to worry that Vision isn’t going to crack. He just continues to insist that he’s not creepy (which he is) and that he’s in love with her (which unfortunately she believes). She sighs as she decides to take a different approach. Vision’s so bloodied that he probably can’t see out of his eyes well, so Wanda moves to take Steve’s place. He sits down in her chair reluctantly once she gestures to it before she sighs heavily.
“Vision, I don’t understand why you won’t tell me when this started. Have you been listening to me in bed with my wife for years?”
Wanda continues to circle Vision until she’s standing in front of him again. She shoots him a smile that he barely sees as she kneels in front of him.
“Does that kind of thing get you off? Or is it something else?”
Wanda waits for him to give any indication that he’s going to answer, but after a little while she gives up. She sighs before walking over to where his phone is sitting on his jacket. She picks it up and turns it on only to see its security is set to be unlocked by a face. She laughs slightly realizing this might be an issue. Still, she gives it a shot and walks back over to Vision and holds it in front of him.
He looks up in confusion until he realizes what she’s trying to do, but it doesn’t matter. His phone doesn’t recognize him and Wanda just chooses a different unlock option. The code takes six digits, and Wanda takes a second to think about it. She puts her birthday in and it immediately unlocks, and she can’t help but scoff.
“My birthday? Seriously?”
Vision just shifts uneasily as Wanda begins to look through his phone. She goes to this gallery first which is mostly boring. She doesn’t see anything particularly incriminating until she goes to his downloads and sees the audio files. They’re just labeled by date and the first one is from nearly 10 years ago. She frowns at this before digging into her pocket and yanking out a pair of headphones. She’s not making this mistake again, and despite how stoic Steve is, she doesn’t want him to hear her have sex twice in one night.
Vision tenses when he realizes what she’s doing, but he’s powerless to stop her. He jerks slightly but she pays him no mind as she puts her headphones on and listens to the first file. She doesn’t say anything as she listens, but she stiffens and turns to face Steve with a stricken look on her face. He doesn’t get to ask before Wanda moves to the next file which is dated around the same time.
Again, she listens and her jaw drops in shock. These are all her. Each one of these recordings are her in bed with someone, most likely you, she can’t be sure but given the timeline that would make the most sense. She doesn’t listen to them long enough to hear her say a name, and the recording is distorted so it muffles any noise that isn’t coming from her. She listens to one more to confirm her suspicion before scrolling through the list of nearly 2 dozen files. The most recent dating last week. This tells Wanda that whatever he’s done over the years has continued since they moved back to the compound. She listens to the most recent one and her face flushes at what part Vision’s kept and she turns it off immediately at the thought of him listening to this.
She shoves his phone in her pocket before spinning around to glare at him. She’s breathing deeply to try to calm herself down because honestly beating him more at this point won’t get him to talk. She’s certain he’d rather die than admit to being jealous of you.
“You sick fuck. You’re disgusting. I can’t—I can’t believe you’ve been listening in for years and saving it on your fucking phone.”
She can’t help but smile as he flinches and she reaches out to grab his face to force him to look at her. He groans in pain but doesn’t resist much as Wanda shoots him a taunting look.
“Do you listen to them every night pretending that you’re the one fucking me? Are you that pathetic Vision?”
He doesn’t say anything in response, but his eyes harden at her jibe. She lets go of him before watching him squirm as she stares him down. She twirls the ring on her finger, wishing that you were here with her as she taunts and tortures Vision.
“You’re getting off on this aren’t you? That’s why you’re not talking. You want me to touch you, tease you a little? Well, that’s not going to happen. I’ll leave you here to rot before I give you anything.”
Wanda stands up and turns toward the door intending to leave. Vision realizes this as Steve stands up, and he speaks up to stop her from leaving.
“Then you won’t know how to stop it.”
Wanda groans under her breath before she turns around to face Vision with an unamused look. Steve’s already gathering up all of the weapons on the table and packing them up. If Wanda really is going to leave him here, there needs to be nothing in the room when they lock it behind them.
“Stop what, Vision? Your recordings? You don’t have to worry about that.”
Vision shakes his head before smiling cruelly at the redhead who’s halfway out the door.
“No, the hit I’ve already put out on Y/n.”
Two hours and a dozen times listening to the recording later you’ve come to one important conclusion. This was doctored. It’s not really Wanda with Clark and you thank whoever is listening that you know this for a fact. You’re not sure how Vision pulled it off, but if he was working with Clark maybe he’d had him record his part with someone else, either way you didn’t want to think about it.
You also certainly didn’t want to think about the implications of Vision having a recording of your wife having sex. You realized the more you listened to this one that Wanda was younger, this was years old and the possibility that Vision had been recording her somehow, recording both of you made you sick. You nearly gagged at the thought of Vision listening to this and doing who knows what. You curse under your breath as you rip the headphones out of your ears and stand up. Boone startles as well and is quick to follow you back out into the room. He’d fallen asleep with you after you didn’t appear to be doing much, but when you grab his leash, he gets excited.
“Let’s go for a walk, Boone.”
He just barks in excitement and you hush him before grabbing your jacket, keys and phone. You stop short of opening the door and decide to grab the gun from in his pouch and stick it in your pocket. You almost want to go home now that you know Vision’s really just continued to prove himself as a manipulative shit by making up something this elaborate. You sigh in defeat as you open the door to your room and find Bucky standing outside of his waiting for you.
“How did you know?”
He just shrugs and you groan in response before waving him along. You’re starving and you need to eat before you go to bed. It’s nearly 11 but you knew a grocery store around here that was 24/7.
“I’m starving, let’s go to Sprouts.”
Bucky just nods as he follows after you in silence. He’s a little surprised to see you looking pretty good all things considered. Sure your eyes are red and you’ve obviously been crying, but you almost seem lighter and less burdened by Vision’s lies.
He doesn’t get a chance to ask about this when his phone buzzes with a text from Nat. He takes it out as you ride down the elevator and his eyes widen.
Look what we found in Vision’s place.
Attached to the text is a photo of what Nat and Yelena must have found and laid out on his bed. There were hundreds of pictures of Wanda, with a dozen or more tapes and recorders laid out on top of them. There are a couple of articles of clothing and a gun or two that he doesn’t recognize but that doesn’t matter as much as the other stuff. The idea that Vision has been listening in on you and Wanda for years is disgusting, horrifying and unbelievably creepy. He lets out a breath as the elevator doors open and he follows you out without a word.
If you wonder what the text was about you don’t ask. You’re distracted by your desire to eat and you just hurry to the front door and to the parking lot. You stop and let Boone pee on a tree before you pull out your keys.
“Come on, I’ll drive.”
Bucky just nods and swallows the bile he tastes rising up his throat at the thought of Vision stalking your wife.
Steve’s phone beeps as Wanda stares down Vision and he pulls it from his pocket to see a text from Nat. His eyes widen and of course Wanda notices this but she decides to focus on the more pressing matter.
“Let me guess. You have Rumlow going after her? You’re hoping she’ll stay away from here, from me long enough to be an easy target?”
Vision doesn’t speak immediately. He’s a little surprised by how easily Wanda came to this conclusion. She scoffs before shooting him an offended look that he honestly doesn’t know what to do with.
“Do you honestly think I’m stupid? I knew you were behind everything that’s happened in the past week as soon as Clark ratted you out. I was just giving you time to fuck up and reveal who you were working with, but I’m tired of waiting.”
She shuts the door behind her again before taking out her gun and pointing it at Vision. He looks startled and a little concerned when she aims down. She considers just killing him or being spiteful and shooting him in the crotch, but in the end, she decides to shoot him in both of his legs. Now he won’t be able to run away even if he does get out of here.
Wanda leaves him screaming in pain as she locks the door behind Steve and hands him the key. She doesn’t plan to come back for Vision, but she might ask him to finish him off or clean him up later depending on which comes first.
“What did Nat send?”
Steve can’t help but flinch slightly but he doesn’t hesitate to show Wanda his phone as they walk to the elevator.
“They’re bringing it back, but it’s all just proof that Vision’s a pervert.”
Wanda looks at the picture and feels a chill run down her spine. She shudders before handing his phone back with a shake of her head. She’s so creeped out she can’t even put it into words. She feels violated and betrayed by someone she used to trust. She’s also furious that they didn’t have this proof before you left earlier.
“That’s just so disgusting. Have you heard from Bucky?”
You get in the driver’s seat and wait for Bucky to get settled before you start the car. You are about to back out of the spot when you just sigh and put the car back in park and look to your friend. You feel bad about dragging him around with you, and you know you need to do better. He turns to you not quite sure what to expect, but when you turn the car off, he just waits for you to gather your thoughts.
You’re starving, truly starving, but the idea of going out to get food and then come back to this depressing hotel room makes you feel horrible. You want to be home right now and you want to see your wife.
“Bucky, don’t hate me, but I want to go home.”
He surprises you by just smiling and nodding in agreement. He gets unbuckled before opening the car door and following you back inside.
“I’ll get us checked out.”
Steve shakes his head as he looks to his phone again to see that nothing new has come in since Bucky told him that you two were at the hotel. He’s not sure how he feels about you leaving Wanda. He understands that you were overwhelmed and that you just didn’t want to talk about it, but to leave so suddenly? He supposes you don’t know that Wanda’s a wreck and now dealing with the revelation of Vision’s transgressions, but either way he wishes you were here.
As he looks to Wanda who just frowns and nods in defeat, he wishes he had something good to tell her.
Wanda arrives to her dark and quiet rooms and immediately breaks down. She’s so exhausted, so emotionally drained from this evening that she doesn’t even have the energy to move from where she’s collapsed on the floor. She’s so mad at Vision for doing this to her, to both of you, and for still being a threat despite bleeding out downstairs. She hates that the precious time she’s spent with you over the years, just the two of you at your most vulnerable has been invaded and exploited by someone so sick.
She wipes at her eyes and opens them at the sound of Fletcher yowling certainly out of anger. She’d been left alone for much longer than planned and she was expressing her discontent now that someone’s returned. She head butts Wanda’s legs and puts her feet up to try and climb her, but Wanda pushes her off. She’s not in the mood and this makes Fletcher madder. She lays on her back in front of Wanda flicking her tail angrily as she watches the redhead continue to cry.
“Not now, Fletcher.”
When Wanda manages to make herself stand and head to the bedroom, she’s near catatonic. She doesn’t know what she’s going to do about Vision, or what she wants done with all of the creepy stuff from his apartment. She certainly doesn’t want to listen to it. Maybe once you’re back you both can have a bonfire.
This makes her remember about the most recent recording she’d listened to. That had certainly happened in this very room and she immediately jumps out of bed and starts looking around for a bug. She takes out her phone and uses the flashlight to look under the bed, but when she doesn’t see anything there, she moves to the bedside tables. She looks at the lamps, flipping them over before practically slamming them down when she spots nothing suspicious. She curses as she opens the drawers to the bedside tables before getting on her knees to look under them. She stops at the sight of something that doesn’t look outright suspicious but she can tell it’s not supposed to be there.
Wanda reaches into her pocket and grabs Vision’s phone before unlocking it again. She’s not sure if the device is connected directly to his phone, but she decides to check. There are the standard apps that she doesn’t care anything about, but there’s one she doesn’t recognize that she immediately opens. She sees a list of three devices: Bedroom 1, bedroom 2 and car. The first and the last are shown as offline, but the second one is online. She grabs the circular device from underneath the table and throws it on the ground. She then pulls out her gun and smashes it against the device until it breaks. She looks back to Vision’s phone and watches as it switches to offline and she feels her breath catch.
That little…
Wanda breathes a sigh of relief as she throws Vision’s phone aside and gets to her feet. She takes a look around her room and wonders how long she’ll have to be in it alone. The thought of you makes fresh tears fall. She’s not sure what she’ll do if you stay mad at her. She wants you to come back, but she knows reaching out to you tonight will only make things worse. She just hopes that you are being safe wherever you are, and that Bucky and Boone are watching out for you.
“Boone, watch it.”
You nearly trip over your dog as you tiredly make your way into the elevator. It’s nearly midnight and you drove all the way back to the compound because you didn’t want to be alone with your thoughts anymore. You also just wanted to see your wife and apologize for overreacting and leaving her when you should have just talked it out. You stifle a yawn as the elevator climbs to your floor before reaching out for Boone.
“Ready to sleep buddy?”
He starts panting excitedly and jumping around and you just smile before patting his head. You feel bad about dragging him all over tonight, but you know he doesn’t really mind as long as he’s with someone. You start at the ding signaling your arrival and you take a deep breath as you step out. You hope Wanda isn’t too mad at you.
Wanda’s awoken by the sound of a door shutting nearby, and despite being only half-awake she jumps up and reaches for her gun. She hadn’t even gotten around to changing before she crashed and her clothes were wrinkled and her hair a mess. However, that’s not her priority at the moment because as far as she knows she’s alone and probably will be for a while. She hurries out to check out the noise when she sees a shadow bending over in front of the front door.
“Don’t move.”
You had expected it to be dark when you got back, but you hadn’t realized Wanda was still awake until she came running out of the bedroom. You set your things down and are about to turn on the lights when you see her point something at you and your hands fly up. She tells you not to move and you don’t but you open your mouth to apologize for surprising her.
“I know you’re probably mad, but don’t shoot.”
Your voice immediately makes Wanda drop the gun and you take that opportunity to turn on the lights so you can see her.
She’s shocked to see you here, that you’re back already but you don’t give her a lot of time to process it before you move towards her. You shoot her a questioning look as you raise your arms and Wanda nearly tackles you in a hug before you can even ask.
“Y/n! You’re back. Thank God.”
You smile widely as you hug your wife back tightly. You sigh in relief, exhaustion, happiness, maybe all three as you shake your head and just revel in the feeling of holding Wanda in your arms.
“I’m back. I’m sorry for leaving, I shouldn’t have done that. I just needed time and a chance to work things out on my own.”
Wanda just shakes her head as she pulls away from you just enough to look at you. She’s exhausted and she can tell that you are too. Your eyes are red and you look like you feel guilty and nauseous at the same time.
“No, it’s okay. I get that. I just—are we okay? What did you work out?”
You sigh heavily before you just take Wanda’s hand and lead her to the couch nearby. You’re about to fall asleep standing up and you need to sit down before you actually collapse. You’re about to tell Wanda what you found out, but her soft hiss catches your attention. You frown as you turn back to her and realize that you caused it when you look at her hand. Your frown deepens and you carefully hold her hand closer to inspect the red, broken skin over her knuckles.
“Babe, you need to take care of this.”
It doesn’t take a lot of thought to figure out what happened, and you feel your guilt hit you again for leaving your wife to deal with this alone. Well, she’d had your friends but you should have been there with her as well. You stand up to go find something to clean her wounds with but she stops you before you can go far. She squeezes your hand with a pleading look and you are powerless to resist.
“First tell me if we’re okay, please.”
You don’t hesitate to nod and you offer Wanda a sad smile as you pull her gently to her feet. You’ll walk and talk to appease her and yourself. You look to her other hand and as you suspected that one is a little banged up too. You just hope that Vision hurts more than she does.
“We’re okay, Wands. I-I listened to the recording because I just had to know.”
You don’t realize you’re leaving Wanda hanging as you look for the hydrogen peroxide underneath the bathroom sink. You find it and set it on the counter as you look around for gauze or cotton balls with a sigh.
“Do you know now? “
Wanda’s question makes you stop and when you turn and see how anxious she looks you drop what you’re doing and stand back up to hug her again. You curse yourself for not being more reassuring before you rush to explain yourself.
“Yes, I’m sorry. Vision is a disgusting; devious fuck and I really hope you killed him.”
When Wanda shakes her head, you can’t help frowning, but she explains before you can ask. She holds you close before closing her eyes at the thought of what was discovered.
“Not yet. Nat and Yelena searched his apartment, and they found a lot more.”
You stiffen at her words but you try to focus on cleaning up her bruised and battered hands. You carefully put band aids on the spots that look the worst before daring to ask.
“A lot more what exactly?”
You finish cleaning Wanda up and she shakes her head as she decides not to tell you. Unfortunately for her, you’re smart and you realize what she’s trying to tell you. You feel yourself growing angry at the thought of Vision having more of what you’d heard. How could he have done this for so long without you knowing about it? That’s something you don’t want to consider, and you shake your head as you scowl in distaste.
“That fucker.”’
Once Wanda’s wounds are taken care of and you finally get some food, the two of you fall into bed. You’re exhausted and already grieving the fact you’re only going to sleep for a few hours before you take a deep breath. You hold Wanda close to your front as you cuddle her from behind. You kiss her shoulder before you shift so you’re holding your wife even tighter against you.
“I’m sorry about tonight. I really am.”
Wanda sighs and is about to tell you that it’s fine, that she understands, but she stops short. Despite this being true, she was also terrified when you left tonight. She thought you were going to leave her and not come back. You scared her tonight, and she doesn’t want to make you feel bad, but she knows that being honest with you is important.
“You scared me tonight, Y/n. I thought you were gone for good.”
You frown hating to hear that you caused Wanda so much distress. You just try to make up for it by reassuring her that you’re here now and you don’t plan on leaving anytime soon.
“I promise I’m not going anywhere, Wands. You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
Wanda just holds you tighter in response, and you close your eyes and let your exhaustion send you into a dreamless sleep. You sleep so soundly you don’t realize your alarm is going off for nearly two minutes. Both you and Wanda are exhausted enough to not hear it, and it’s only Boone barking and jumping on you that gets you to wake up.
You curse as you pull away from your wife to defend yourself from the large dog who’s trying to climb in bed with you.
“Boone, no! Get down.”
You groan loudly as you push Boone off the bed and then fumble around for the device that is still screeching loudly. You don’t realize that Wanda is reluctantly getting up as well until she looks over to you and Boone who are glaring at each other. You sigh in defeat as you give up and climb out of bed. Boone sticks his face to the carpet and starts sniffing a pile of broken plastic that you hadn’t noticed last night, and you hurry to stop him.
“Leave it, Boone. Don’t eat that.”
Wanda watches as you bend over to pick up the scraps of plastic from the recording device with a grimace. She’d meant to clean that up before you saw it, but now she just had to talk about Vision first thing in the morning and she frowns at the thought.
“What’s this?”
You’re still picking up the tiny shards of plastic so Boone won’t eat them when you look around for more and see a phone you don’t recognize. You reach out for it and Wanda’s getting out of bed before you can ask about that.
“That’s Vision’s phone and bug that he’s been listening to us with. It’s obviously broken now.”
You turn back to Wanda with a shocked expression that quickly turns to disgust before you shake your head. You hand Wanda the phone because you figure she wants to hold onto it before tossing the destroyed bug into the trash.
“That gross fucker…where is he now?”
Vision is passed out by the time Wanda visits him later in the morning. Despite wanting to gloat a little, you decide to take Wanda’s advice and not visit him quite yet. She wanted to see if he had a contingency plan for if he ended up not being able to talk to Rumlow about your hit. If it was already scheduled maybe he would change this if you and Wanda weren’t fighting.
It was unlikely but Y/n only had two more days at work before her weekend, so she was just going to be extra careful and only go from point A to point B. They were just going to have to see how things went.
Wanda is trying not to worry too much about that right now, but she honestly just has to believe that everything she’s done will be enough to keep you safe. She plans on talking to Vision again soon, but for now she just needs a bit of a break. She heads back up to your rooms to lie down for a while. Despite Boone not being allowed in the bed because of how much he sheds, Fletcher is somewhat immune to rules. She at least seems to think she is because after Wanda falls asleep, Fletcher comes to curl up next to her.
You are at work wishing you could curl up and go to sleep when lunch rolls around. You’re tired and today’s not even half finished, but you take the lunch hour to catch up on work and check in with Wanda. She’d told you that she was going to let you know how it went with Vision, but she hadn’t reached out yet. You pulled your phone out and started to dial Wanda when Bucky speaks up in your ear. You kept forgetting he was there.
“Hey, Wanda says she’s about to call you.”
You nod at this before you decide to call her first. You thank Bucky and take out your com and place it on your desk. You wait for a few seconds as it rings, but eventually you hear your wife’s tired voice.
“Hey detka.”
You cringe slightly before looking at the clock. You hadn’t realized that Wanda would be asleep.
“Hey, sorry did I wake you up?”
Wanda sits up in bed before shaking her head. She had just been resting and doing some reading when you’d called. She’d visited Vision this morning and was still mulling over what he’d said. She told you a little about how Vision was entirely unhelpful in regards to telling her how you were going to be targeted. This wasn’t a surprise to you despite being a disappointment and you sigh before nodding in understanding. Of course Vision wouldn’t do anything to help you, even if Wanda asked for it. You think about what to ask first but Wanda beats you to it.
“I’m sorry he wasn’t any help. I can go back and try again later, but he’s really out of it. I probably need to have someone treat him or give up. He’s on his last leg.”
You hum at this as you try not to be too pleased about hearing that Vision is near death. As much as you hate him and he hates you, it doesn’t seem like good karma to gloat about his current condition. You just sigh as you try to ward off the headache that’s been creeping on you all day.
“Whatever you want to do, Wands. I don’t think he’s going to do anything that might help me though.”
Wanda scowls because she hates to admit it, but she’s almost certain that you are right. Short of giving Vision everything he wants, meaning leaving you for him, there is no way he’d spare your life. She curses him once again for being a vindictive and insecure asshole. Wanda is about to say that she agrees with you, but your office phone rings indicating that someone’s paging you.
“One sec, sorry.”
You answer the phone and have a brief conversation with one of the assistants about an end of day work in euthanasia. You hate adding those at the end of the day, but you won’t say no since it sounds like the dog is in bad shape.
“That’s fine. Go ahead and add it. Sure, thank you.”
You try not to think about how you won’t be home until late as you turn your attention back to your wife.
“Sorry. Did you catch any of that?”
Wanda nods and says exactly what you’re thinking and you just smile before nodding in defeat.
“Yeah, sounds like you’ll have a late night.”
Taglist: @whitewidowsbite, @exclusivitymajor, @natswifeysblog15
Part 10
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real sweet, but i wish you were sober - r. lupin
summary; you tell several nice things to remus, even confess your love to him. but he wishes you were sober.
warnings; nothing really, maybe remus being KINDA an asshole, but we still <3 him
a/n; pt 2
you and sirius swayed your bodies to the beat to the music. his hands were on your waist as yours were wrapped around his neck.
people, at the sight of you, would think you two shag on daily basis, but that was not true at all as you both were interested in someone else. and well, sirius's interest was not someone who identified as a woman.
suddenly, you almost fell. you would if sirius didn't catch you in time.
"oh, love, you okay?" he asked.
"ouch," you whined in pain, the leg you hurted leaving the ground. "i knew i shouldn't wear those heels! curse you, black!"
he chuckled. "who would have thought you'd walk so ridiculously in them!"
you glared up at him as his smile faded.
"right," he coughed. "do you want me to help you to the sofa?"
"no, i'll be okay."
"okay," he blew you a kiss and went back to dancing. now he joined mary and marlene.
you rolled your eyes and made your way over to the sofa, where remus was sitting, on one leg and jumping.
"hello," you smiled and sat down, throwing your legs over his lap.
he smiled back. "are you enjoying yourself?"
"i do, yes," you said and then frowned. "but you don't much, do you?"
he took a sip of the beer in his hand. "i'm not really in mood to party and dance."
"wanna dance with me?" you asked hopefully.
"you know i'd love to, bun, but you barely walk. i advice you to go to your dorm and rest. do you want me to help you upstairs?"
you pouted. "but i'm having so much fun! besides, i could get upstairs perfectly by myself without any problems."
"sure you could." he stood up and before you knew it, you were in his arms. he was carrying you upstairs in a bridal style, making you giggle.
he smiled at the happy sound you let out.
you admired his side profile. "you have a very cute nose."
and when he turned his face to face you, you booped it. he furrowed his eyebrows as the corners of his mouth turned upwards. after he turned his face away, you kissed his cheek.
if it was more light, you would see him blushing.
after he walked to you dorm, he walked over your bed, he carefully put you on it and then searched in your wardrobe for something you could wear.
"moony, you're so kind," your head hit the pillow as you put your hands above your head.
he hummed.
he turned to you, now holding an oversized t-shirt.
"do you need help with changing your clothes or are you capable of doing it yourself?" he asked.
you grinned. "at least you're respectful even if you want to take my clothes off."
his eyes widened. "wha– no, i—"
"relax, moony," you took the clothes out of his hands and ruffled his hair. "i would let you do that."
remus was speachless.
he watched you taking off your dress, leaving you only in your underwear. he then looked at his feet instead, because although he knew you wanted him to watch, you were drunk.
you then called his name.
"i'm too pissed to unclasp my bra," you said. remus already knew where this was going. "would you be kind enough to do it for me?"
"uh, can't you do it yourself?
"please?" you showed him your puppy eyes
with shaky legs, remus stood up and walked closer to you. with trembling hands, he reached for your bra and carefully unclasp it. his touch gave you chills.
"thank you, a kind soul."
"yeah," he replied. "you're welcome," he paused. "i can go now, can't i?"
he was about to walk away but you reached for his hand.
"can you stay here with me, please?" you saw he hesitated. "i don't bite."
remus chuckled. "well, i do."
"only once a month," you smiled and lead him in to your bed. you two were now lying next to each other.
you wrapped your arm around his waist and he carefully did the same while keeping his other arm under your head.
you nuzzled your face into his sweather and took in the scent.
you sighed happily. "you smell really nice."
poor boy was a blushing mess. "uh, thanks."
you sighed again, not happily this time. "why are you so oblivious to my feelings?"
his eyes widened as he lifted his head to properly look at you. "what do you mean, y/n? have i done something to hurt you?"
you shook your head. "no," you paused. "i really like you, y'know?"
"i- i really like you too."
you looked up at him, shaking your head again. "you are misunderstanding me. i love you, remus."
"i fell for you and your stupid charm," you explained, your heart beating fast. "all i want to do is kiss you. is that too muc—"
"you're drunk, y/n—"
"at least i know what i am saying if that's what you're implying to. ask sirius, i told him everything!"
"then tell me again tommorow! those things you said are real sweet, but i wish you were sober!"
you sat up, obviously angry. "don't you get it, remus? i don't have the courage to confess when i'm sober, so don't expect me to do so."
"fine!" he got up from the bed. "then don't.
remus was walking to the door when you yelled,
"fine, i won't!"
with that, he close the door behind him, leaving you alone in the dark room.
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purplekoop · 8 months
So like. I think people already figured out where I was going with this.
Ashe B.O.B.
Role: Tank Health: 500 (250 normal, 250 armor)
So when I implied that I'd be turning "Ashe" into a Tank, I think at least somebody saw through me there. Obviously there's a number of thematically appropriate ways to bulk up one of the existing non-tank heroes into a tankish stature, but Ashe is probably the farthest removed of any of the cast from the kind of biological or mechanical shenanigans I've been relying on for tankifying the cast so far. Luckily, I didn't need to, because B.O.B. is right there, and I feel like playable B.O.B. is what people have wanted since late 2018 anyways. So, here we are.
B.O.B. is a character design who I think needs no substantial changes to fit as a playable Tank. He's big, he's made of metal, and that's enough justification for me. In the lore he's actually specified to have his chassis fit with extra armor plating, so it makes sense then that he can take a hit better than other "civilian class" Omnics like Zenyatta.
There is one thing I feel would need to change about B.O.B. though for him to fit as a playable hero: he probably needs a voice. This is for technical reasons more than anything. Overwatch as a game very much relies on audio cues to communicate a lot of information, with things as obvious as ultimate voice lines and automatic callout voice lines to things as subtle as the sound of your weapon changing when you're running out of ammo. The only hero who doesn't talk is Bastion, but I doubt another hero who uses non-verbal sounds to communicate wouldn't work as well in addition to Bastion. It'd be a bit confusing to discern what beebly-boops are coming from who, especially for new players. This is also (at least presumably) why Roadhog talks a lot more in-game than he does in the supplementary media, where he tends to only admit one or two lines per story compared to only being slightly less chatty than other heroes in actual matches. Of course, the very obvious and inherently agreeable solution here is to give B.O.B. a very stereotypical posh british butler accent. Between that and at least one of his abilities, I'm imagining a personality somewhere between Alfred from Batman and Dudley from Street Fighter.
But alright, enough yapping already, time to get into the Big Omnic Butler's kit. In general, B.O.B. would be a more aggression-focused tank that plays better in offensive scenarios, but still offers his team with substantial protection while impeding the enemy.
His simplest ability is one we're used to and terrified of already in game: his Arm Cannons. I actually had to do some in-game testing to see how the animation for his firing actually works, so I'll explain how it'd work for the playable version. The Arm Cannon is a 6-barrel rotating weapon, as you can see here.
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Each pair of barrels will fire two hitscan shots one after the other rapidly before switching to the next pair via rotation in a seamless fashion with no downtime between rotations. However, the weapon's fire rate will speed up as it spins up, making continuous fire build up to an increased DPS. However, the spread of bullets will also increase as the spinning speeds up. The cannons also don't need to manually reload, instead relying on an overheat system like (normal OW2) Orisa, which will cause the weapon to malfunction for just shy of two seconds. The bullets also have damage falloff that favors close-range usage harder than most hitscan weapons. While this weapon can headshot, it has a reduced 1.5x multiplier instead of the standard 2x, making precise aim less mandatory. This weapon excels at laying down suppressive fire with minimal downtime, especially at close range, but has a risk-reward element in balancing the spin-up speed and the overheat mechanic. Also worth noting that for the sake of simplicity, B.O.B. only has a right-hand Arm Cannon, unlike his non-playable counterpart who swaps hands whenever he switches targets.
B.O.B.'s first ability is... admittedly something I made up for the sake of him functioning better as a protective defender style of tank, Portable Barricade. B.O.B. tosses down a device that extends into a rod-like shape with small wheels on the sides, then projects a barrier upwards. It's a rectangular barrier not as wide as normal Rein's but just about as tall, and it does barrier things like the normal game ones. However, Portable Barricade's unique trait is that after 1 second of being deployed, it will roll forward in the direction it was placed at about half of the normal forward move speed for players. This, obviously, is meant to encourage it be used for advancing pushes instead of holding ground, though the initial one second before it starts moving should give players on both sides time to react to its presence. The Barricade has about 1,000 HP, and will last after either rolling ahead for 6 seconds or if it collides with a wall and can't move any further. If it rolls to a ledge, then it will remain in place on that edge for the remainder of its duration. The ability itself has a somewhat long cooldown that starts as soon as it's thrown out.
This next one should feel a little more familiar: Running Upper. B.O.B. takes a split second to ready for a dash, then runs ahead at high speeds with his left arm ahead, and his right arm ready to swing an uppercut at any foes he collides with. The logistics of this ability are also pretty similar to Reinhardt's Charge, though the startup period is more brief. You still run ahead much faster, but your turning speed is restricted. B.O.B. also takes half damage from the front while charging, but this does not block any other effects of that damage. The uppercut itself functions like you expect still knocking any enemies near the impact range upwards, though its damage is reduced from 120 to 80. The duration of the dash is shorter than it is for the non-playable B.O.B., and it can be cancelled early by pressing the ability input again, causing B.O.B. to dig his feet into the ground to grind to a stop. It also will collide with other "Charge" abilities, such as Doomfist punch and another B.O.B.'s Running Upper, causing both players to fall to the ground briefly on collision. Just like the non-playable version of the maneuver, this ability is a versatile tool for both traversing the map faster and setting up for some potentially lethal team combos.
B.O.B.'s last normal ability is an homage to part of his iconography that isn't actually showcased in-game: Sign Swing.
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B.O.B. manifests a convenient road sign to pull out of hammerspace, then swings it from right to left like a baseball bat. The swing is similar to a big Rein hammer swing (I sure am comparing these guys a lot huh), dealing 75 damage but in a slightly farther range than the hammer. The swing also does heavy knockback, launching enemies it hits flying a good distance in the aimed direction. This alone makes it a solid ability for swatting aggressive enemies away, but it has one more feature: any projectiles hit by the swing will be deflected back as B.O.B.'s own attack! The logistics of this are just like Genji's deflect, though the timing is significantly tighter to pull off due to the minimal time this deflection is active for, making it much harder to pull off a deflect on hitscan attacks, but not impossible.
His ultimate ability though, as you might've predicted, brings this role reversal to its logical conclusion: Burnout. B.O.B. calls in a favor from his long-time charge, and from the skies drops a series of dynamite-loaded crates. 5 crates drop in total, which B.O.B. can manually call drop points for by pressing Primary Fire during the ult's initial duration. The crates will explode after a few seconds, but B.O.B.'s entire team can speed up the detonation by firing at them, creating powerful explosions that ignite enemies caught in their blast, and even leave behind a lingering fire that can rapidly damage and ignite enemies who walk through it (though weaker than normal Torb's Molten Core). However, they can also damage other exploding crates, causing chain reactions where as soon as one crate blows, the entire battle field can be set ablaze. (honestly this ult is the concept I'm the most iffy about for this kit, but I like it fine enough)
So that's B.O.B. as a playable Tank hero! A faithful bodyguard through and through, he defends his team with both directly defensive abilities as well as means of tossing around the enemy if they get too close to his team for comfort, or he can just gun them down directly in tandem with those abilities.
Overall pretty proud of this one! Like Ashe is as a damage hero, I wanted B.O.B. to be a pretty straightforward tanky bruiser, with simple abilities that can be used creatively with a good deal of skill expression. I love the idea of B.O.B. teeing up an enemy into the air with his uppercut, then hitting a home run with them with Sign Swing. I don't think a flanking Genji (er. in this AU's case, I guess flanking Zenyatta?) would be too eager to dive back in for round two after that. The comparisons to Reinhardt were also me reaffirming his role as one of the more conventional tanks of this requeued roster. I have the vague goal of making sure that the broader niches of the roster are still cohesively filled even in this sweeping reiteration of the cast.
So who's next? Symmetra is another easy one that I've already made the bulk of a concept for, but I could also continue the Deadlock theming and do Cassidy as a support. Aside from the ultimate and maybe wanting one extra ability, I've already got most of that one figured out.
Outside of Role Requeue though, I actually would be down to figure out kits for other non-playable characters in the main canon! There's a couple that come to mind now, but the only ones I'm thinking of would I think fit best as supports, maybe one DPS, so I'm all ears for extra suggestions for the sake of variety. Not doing Mauga because like. That's literally just asking to be outdated and make me look like a silly doodoo head when I get it wrong. I'm gonna look like a silly doodoo head and get details wrong when we actually get teasers of his kit at Blizzcon anyways but I wanna save being wrong for the appropriate time.
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cornflowerblue10 · 8 days
❤️How Poob and Lampert Met Each Other - A Short Fanfic❤️
Based off of this post of mine
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Beginning of fic ⬇️
"If it's fine with you, may I ask about the story of how you and Poob met?" Split asked, putting the straw in her banana milkshake. "You guys are like two bananas in a bunch!
"It's actually a really funny story." Lampert said. "You see..."
- - - - - - -
It was just another day in ROKEA for me. I was just exploring the place around when I heard the Regretevator stop here. I knew that the players in there were going to be looking for me, so I quickly climbed on top of some shelves so that I can get a bird's eye view of the players whilst being able to run away if I need to.
There was this one guy. Yellow head and arms, green legs and blue torso...
- - - - - - -
"Are you describing Poob?" Split asked, taking a sip of her banana milkshake.
"I am, actually," Lampert said, "now lemme get back to my story."
"Oh my bad for interrupting," Split said. "I wouldn't want to deelevate the mood!"
"Oh don't worry! As I was saying..."
- - - - - - -
There was something about this noob that just made it really nice to look at him. Of course, I still kept my distance, but I still stole a glance here and there.
The other players tried real hard to find me, but I was able to stay out of their sight whilst keeping Poob in my sight. It was quite difficult to say the least.
Then as I was peeking around the corner, I saw Poob looking around for me before we made eye contact. When he looked at me, I quickly turned back away from the corner. That's when I had a crazy thought...
Was I... in love with him???
I turned back around the corner to him eagerly sprinting towards me. I immediately ran away.
- - - - - - -
"Wait didn't you say that you were in love with him? Why would you run away?" Split asked.
Lampert paused for a moment before responding.
"Well back then I really valued my own privacy. Feeling very shy, I didn't want anyone near me, especially someone who made me feel so... warm???"
"Oooh I get it. I think the puzzle pieces are starting to connect. Like a corner piece!"
"Okay. Anyways..."
- - - - - - -
I ran like the wind. I ran as fast as I can like I always did. I jumped over furniture, scaled walls, and more. Yet he still persisted. I look behind me and there he was.
One part of me wanted to continue socially isolating, but another part of me wanted to slow down and check this guy out. Maybe talk to him, hold hands...
I then accidentally, well maybe it wasn't an accident but still, tripped and fell on my back. I layed down and watched as he got closer and closer. I obviously felt anxious, but I also felt something that I hadn't felt before. My feeling only got confirmed as he got close to me.
He towered over me, just cutely staring at me. Gosh, the way I was screaming in my mind. Then he did something that I'll never forget.
He bent over and tapped me on the forehead. He said "boop! :D" while he did it. Oh my good it was so, I can't even.
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(in the image, Lampert's light bulb is turned on and he is thinking: "AAAAAAAA", "hear me out", "so cute!", "JUST MARRY ME ALREADY", "🩷🩷".)
- - - - - - -
Lampert then took a sip of some water and said, "After that, we walked back to the Regretevator. We started to hang out more and more, and now the love of my life is my boyfriend."
"Well that's just wholesome," Split said, placing her empty styrofoam milkshake cup into the trash. "I'm really glad that things are going well with you two."
~The end~
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 1 year
omg um um... anarcia with kiss #46 (and!! it's their first kiss >:])
ooo i like how you think my friend!! also baking gfs because i say so 🥰<3
46. Soothing kisses
“Are you sure your know what your doing?”
“Relax! I’ve made these at least 100 times. Nothing’s going to be set on fire.” Marcia said as she tied the apron around her waist. Anetra watched her from the door frame still looking unsure.
“But is this really like an emergency you texted me for?” It was true. Maybe she was a little overdramatic as she texted her roommate 911 when all she wanted was help making this batch of brownies.
“Yes it is now get over here and start helping.” She laughed, hands pulling her blonde hair into a messy bun with her hair clip. Anetras eyes seem to watch her for a moment before she stepped into the tiny kitchen.
They had plenty of fun, laughter filled the kitchen as their hands and clothes got messier the longer they baked. Marcia had flour on her nose from Anetra booping it and Anetra had a smear of chocolate across her forehead when Marcia decided to recreate the Lion King. Their sides hurt from laughing and finally, the brownies made ether way into the oven.
As they cleaned the counters, eyes wandered over to each other. Pale blue glanced over to Anetra, who was leaning over the front counter and making her butt very prominent to see. Warm brown caught every instance Marcia adjusted the straps of her bra under her shirt.
“So why did you want to make brownies again?” Anetra asked, sitting on top of the counter now.
Marcia shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s a little cold outside and we had all the stuff for them, why not?” The brunette nodded, nails tapping against the marble counter top. Marcia was by the sink, drying off her hands and her eyes wandered again up Anetras body.
Her gorgeous and well sculpted legs, the small bit of skin peeking out from under her shirt that exposed her tanned stomach, how strong her arms looked as she flexed and unforced them subconsciously, and then finally those pillow soft lips she dreamed of feeling.
“What?” The older girl asked, breaking Marcia’s trance. “What’re you staring at?”
Marcia blinked and shook her head. “N-nothing! I just got lost in thought. I think they’re good to pull out.” She said quickly, turning her face away to hide her pink cheeks. She reached into the heat and pulled out the pan, careful of course but when Anetra came up next to her heart raced.
“They look really good right now. They just need to cool off and then we can- OW!” The metal pan clattered on top of the stove and Marcia clutched her hand.
“Marcie! What happened?” She was immediately by her side, hands on her shoulders as the blondes eyes welled with tears.
“I think I touched the pan.” She hissed, looking down at her injured hand. “It hurts.”
“Come on, let’s run it under some cold water.” She moved her away from the oven and turned on the faucet. Her hands went to Marcia’s, tenderly cradling the injured one and gently pulling it under the water. “How is that feeling?”
Marcia was doing her best to fight of the scarlet on her cheeks. Anetras hands were holding her hands and they were everything like she imagined. Strong and warm and gentle even with the little crackle of how dry they were.
Her eyes glanced up to her and she realized how close they were. This was her chance. She steeled her stomach and said, “Netra?”
Her head whipped away from Marcia’s hands and focused on the pale girl. “Yes?”
“I think I know what can help me feel better.”
“What is it? I can get it for you.”
Here goes nothing. “Can you kiss me?”
Her dark brow furrowed for a moment as she turned off the water. “Like kissing your burn better?”
“Yeah. Well, kinda but not really in a way. What I mean is- god this was so stupid.” She said quickly, pulling her hands away as her eyes started to water.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. How could she think that she would want to kiss her?
Her wiped under her eyes when she felt a hand come up to her cheek. She stiffened as the hand gently turned her to look right into those warm brown eyes.
“Marcie,” she said softly. “I want to kiss you.”
“You do?” She asked quietly, afraid she would wake up from this beautiful dream and she certainly didn’t want that.
The brunette nodded and smiled softly. “Yeah. I’ve wanted to for a while. Is it alright if I kiss you?”
A small bear filled the air before Marcia quickly nodded. “Yeah. I’d like that a lot.” A small ghost of a smile graced her lips.
Anetra smiled back and slowly leaned in. The blonde did the same and before they knew it, their lips pressed against each other.
She had her hands on Anetras shoulders and pulled her in closer, deepening the kiss as her arms wrapped around her neck. Those same gentle hands found their place on Marcia’s waist.
It felt unreal and she needed someone to pinch her. Her worries melted away and she just lived in the moment, enjoying the kiss before they parted for air. They were both a little out of breath, both of their cheeks were rosy and Anetra had a soft look in her eyes.
Marcia smiled back at her. “I think the brownies still need sometime to cool. Would you want to wait in my room?” She asked excitedly, biting her lip to keep from smiling like a maniac.
Anetra chuckled and nodded. “That sounds like a perfect idea. Lead the way.” Marcia grinned widely, taking one of Anetras hands in hers and pulling her down the hallway. They smiled at each other before the door opened and they went inside, closing the door behind but not before their lips connected again.
Who knew that getting burned would be so fun.
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kokorowoutsu · 4 months
-- RP: @skullboneandunown
"Well, that's true. I mean, I can't understand my Pokemon the way Donovan does, but we understand each other enough." What she would give to be able to actually speak to and understand Pokemon. She smiles at Leon, and lets out a chuckle. "Oh, I can tell she takes after Ashe in terms of personality. How much you wanna bet she grows up to he taller than her?" As Bahamut and Kumiko exit the back door, they are greeted by Ted, his face still unnervingly calm and peaceful. He raises a hand in greeting before returning to his meditation. Back inside Donovan shakes his head at Ashe from his seat. "Hey, at least I can get out of bed now. I was going stir crazy and-" He flinches as Willow darts toward him, causing his dad and godfather to snort and laugh. "Oh my goodness! I-I thought you were gonna tackle me for a second." He takes a minute to collect himself, and she smiles at the little girl. "Hey, I kinda remember you. I saw you for a minute before I had to leave." He looks up to her parents, and gives them a soft, tired smile. "You guys went through a lot in that distortion, huh. Came back with a little bundle of energy." He gently ruffles Willow's hair with a shakey hand, and boops her nose. His godfather wheels himself forward a bit, and chuckles. "She's quite the energetic one, isn't she?" He politely offers Leon a hand. "Xavier. Charles Xavier. I'm an old friend of the family, and Donovan's godfather."
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Leon offered a soft laugh of sorts at Flannery's comment. Watching the scene unfold, Willow giggles to herself before rushing back to Mewtwo. "Mewtw'!" She points at the book with one small chubby finger. "Read!" Ashe had to hold back some laughter before moving over to her friend and greeting him with a hand to his shoulder and a forehead touch as per custom of the Fae. Pulling back, she offers him his tea then. "I'm just glad you're still alive, Donovan. Wouldn't be right in this world without you." She points out before moving to take a seat nearby, keeping a watchful eye on her daughter.
Leon takes a moment to shake Charles' hand, giving a firm nod and a smile. "That she is. Runs in my family, unfortunately." He offers a laugh. "Donovan's godfather...?" He looks over at Donovan for a moment before looking back to Charles. "Might I ask what it is you do? Your accent is Galarian if i'm not mistaken...?"
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saveourskinship · 9 months
Thankathankathank youuuuu @akorah for the tag 🥰
Three Ships:
Dramione. Because kissing someone furiously while grumpily saying "You. It's you. It's always you but... Why does it have to be you" is my jam, bread, butter, marmalade and vegemite [marmite if you're heathen ie smutty]
Zutara. Because they make each other better. They move each other forward. Because fire. Because water. Because lightning. Because ice. Because scars. Because healing. Because because because.
Skam and Beadie. This is cheating because they are original characters I am writing. They are not even a couple but God help me am I the hell leaving space to write my own fanfiction about them. Maybe an HEA where they don't all die at the end. *shrugs*
First Ship:
In anything: Barbie and Action Man. Before I was even in school my sister and I would steal our brother's Action Man as Barbie's partner. Ken's job was Beach. Our Barbie needed a man with a plan.
In media: Sora/Kairi from Kingdom Hearts. I used to devour fanfic about them. Shout out to the one which sticks in my brain and introduced me to My Chemical Romance when Kairi got married to Squall because of something to do with Mickey being an little shitprick which I think was because of some soul signature nonsense? I can't remember and anyway Demolition Lovers was their wedding song and the bane of my mother's existence - Save's Emo Phase was born.
Last Song:
Girls Like You - The Naked and Famous (shit, this is actually a lie, but it's the last 'proper' song I listened to since I don't count the demo I'm making for my friend's satire girlpunk band she decided to create last night as a real song yet. It just has boop-boop-boops. Night Lunch can pull off songs with only doof-doofs and boom-booms. I cannot. So the demo won't be real until Sasha does the drums at least.)
Last Movie:
What A Girl Wants. Look. It's Amanda Bynes. I love Amanda Bynes. It is also Colin Firth and blue blood upper crust English vibes (done poorly, sure, but still). The last chapter of rose-petal compliments is needing all the help I can get it right now.
Currently Reading:
Harrow the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir
Lesbian necromancers in space. Need there be another reason?
Currently Watching:
Jujitsu Kaisen Season Two (Gojo, my love. I salivate, I wither, I breathe so much ecstasy I lack oxygen and die.)
Taskmaster NZ (rewatch. Like, no shade to my country or anything [said under the world's largest umbrella] but fuck we're shit.)
Last Thing I Wrote:
Like, as in finished? Because otherwise it would be this, right?
I wrote delivery instructions for a food order earlier today. Can't have done it very well because the driver still got confused and had to call me.
In terms of Things with Titles that are Complete™️, then an original folktale called.... fuck, what did I call it? I can't remember. It's about an unnamed protagonist and a boatman though. Still waiting on my rejection emails from the magazines I've submitted it to 😂
Currently Writing:
Let's skip over the arseholiness of me saying that I'm currently writing this again, shall we? (Let's not turtles-all-the-way-down my mentioning it either.)
Okay. Here we go:-
rose-petal compliments: dramione. Quiet luxury, Hermione is wealthy. Set in the Muggle world.
sacreligious inferences of a midnight paradise: dramione. Trope soup. Marriage law/fake dating/date or die. (Plus a bunch more tropes because why not?)
The Absolute and Total Defeat of One Draco Malfoy. Multi-ship. Crack. Crack from crest to cunt.
What's Owed When. Dramione. Unexpected Pregnancy. France. Delectomancy. Draco pines so hard he's basically a forest.
foil&fall. Tansy (Teddy Lupin/Pansy Parkinson). Fluff. Epistolary.
Untitled warfic. Dramione. My attempt at All Plot, No Vibes. Yes, you read that right. I'm trying to write something with NO VIBES ALL PLOT. (Draw a pentagram and sage for me, I bloody need it.)
The Environmental Suicide Club. Original YA speculative fiction. This is the one Skam and Beadie are from. Grief. Environmentalism. Nihilism. Set one generation in the future. Everyone dies at the end. A Fun, Very Good Time! Completely unmarketable! Wheeee!
Untitled socmed. Theomione. Writing this one with @they-call-me-megs A bunch of fun and one we return to when we're struggling for inspiration elsewhere.
Aster, the Star-Sailor. Original children's series. Sci-fi, pirate adventure. Came from writing the Tansy and I fell in love with it. Thanks, Pansy.
Fate and Free Will series. Urban fantasy six-book series. Currently undertaking a massive rework of the structure.
wander/wonder. A Luna Lovegood POV story Christmas visual novel. Story is written and am hoping I can finish the video in time for December.
There are a few more but these are the ones I work on a least a little bit every week.
Tagging @they-call-me-megs @thusatlas @paandreablack
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grailfinders · 1 year
Fate & Phantasms TDoV special!
we're getting a little too close to 1000 followers for my liking, so it's time to celebrate the Transgender Day of Visibility! /j
sadly we don't have the time to create a whole new build for a famous historical transgender person, but we still have time to do a roundup of all the trans people already in fate, whether through their historical source or in fate itself. we're also including any servant who intentionally doesn't care about the gender binary in here, because its our list and we'll do as we'll please. we're also not including genderbends on being genderbent alone, or else we'd be here all day.
so, if you want to get a trans D&D party together for the Transgender Day of Vengeance, check out some of the options below!
Artoria Pendragon: we're including her not because she's a genderbend, but because she spent her entire life laboring under a gender role that slowly crushed her physically and mentally. Big mood, as the kids say.
Chevalier d'Eon: obviously putting modern labels of sexuality on historical figures is a fraught game at the best of times, but we can definitely say that the historical d'Eon was intersex, and chose to present as female towards the end of her life, so whatever she was it definitely wasn't cisgender.
Cú Chulainn: Cu isn't explicitly transgender in either his source nor in Fate, but it's not that hard to get a trans interpretation from the Ulster Cycle, what with its emphasis on how small and beardless Cu is, plus how he was immune to that curse Medb used to give all the men of Ulster birthing pains. plus this is our list so fuck it, we stan.
Sir Francis Drake: now admittedly this is our shakiest logic yet, but hear me out- her bio explicitly says that her crew sees calling her a woman as "rude" to her. there's a lot of ways to read into that, and this is one of them.
Jack the Ripper: ...can you reject the gender you were assigned at birth if you were never born? still, this one's just a numbers game- at least one of those abortions would've been assigned male, right? also, a screaming amalgam of the dead back for vengeance is great energy to bring to the party.
Mordred Pendragon: their gender? knight.
SHIKI, Shiki, and Shiki: being multiple people does wild things to gender. problematic fave tbf
Astolfo: Astolfo.
Hundred Personas: again, this one's a numbers game. ...do they still count as trans if they have their own bodies now? also, give them the male tag lasengle. you cowards.
Minamoto-no-Raikou: we're not including this one just because she's a genderbend, but because she's spent her whole life under the burden of a gender role she never wanted. also I've met plenty of tranfemmes who are just as obsessed about motherhood and want that exact kind of body.
Leonardo da Vinci: nonbinary queen, we stan
Enkidu: literally genderfluid, I can respect a good pun.
Prince Nezha: does not give a shit about their gender. good for them, best beep-boop.
Sieg: the yggdmillenia family didn't bother giving their mana batteries genders, so Sieg's canonically intersex! he's also a fucking great looper, if you got him you should level him.
Shi Huangdi: at some point the first emperor of china kind of forgot gender existed. god I wish that was me.
Kama: they can transform, Lasengle. you said so yourself. give them a male skin, you cowards
Sima Yi & Reines: ...I mean, I hear people call being trans like, "having a man's soul in a woman's body", and that's literally this.. does this count? I don't know, but the important thing is it's raising the question.
Maou Nobu: I've met them and they're trans, that's good enough proof for me.
Caeneus: ditto.
Van Gogh, Nemo, and Taira-no-Kagekiyo: I'm sorry for lumping these three together, but they're all right next to each other and they're all just "being multiple people does weird things to your gender" again.
Kiichi Hogen: see Kama.
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litgwritersroom · 2 years
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Part Five of All's Fair in Casa Amor
read it on AO3 | chapter written by @i-boop-you
It's the last morning of Casa Amor. Astrid and Bobby share a moment alone before brunch begins. NSFW chapter ahead.
| Part One | Part Four |
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Astrid awoke before the boys. The sun had arisen before her and the heat was already beating down on them. The rays were harsh, like they were being punished for indulging in their late night raucous, for consuming so much of the pish-beer on offer.
Her tongue was dry, the horrid taste of the alcohol from the night stale at the back of her throat despite her thoroughness with the toothbrush last night. Hey, she needed a fresh mouth for getting into bed with Bobby after all. The beginnings of a concentrated headache were threatening her. She was dehydrated and needed to counter that, fast.
Despite how much she didn’t want to leave the bed and leave Bobby, she had to. He looked so peaceful, Astrid couldn’t help the regret that washed over her as she scuttled from his sleeping embrace. She kissed his knuckles, her soft lips grazing his gorgeous hands; now her head was ablaze with thoughts of where else those knuckles could be, where they had been last night … God dammit, Noah.
His snores weren’t as harsh as they usually were during the night, something Astrid had picked up to mean he was close to waking up. She grabbed his water bottle along with Bobby’s and her own and made her way to the kitchen.
By the time the bottles were full of fresh, cold water and plenty of ice cubes, Bobby and Noah were stirring properly. She heard a yawn, followed by some groaning that accompanied the sight of their arms stretching out into the warm morning air.
“Morning, sleepyheads!” She yelled over, hooking the handle of the bottle lids onto a finger each. “How did we all sleep?”
Noah twisted his head around to look at her through one squinty eye. A slow smile spread over his face. It disappeared as Bobby called back out to her, out of her sight as he lay squashed down on the bed, “Astrid, where are you? Come back to bed, it’s still legally snuggle time.”
“I didn’t realise it was contractual,” she replied, the words coming out in a giggle..
“For at least half an hour after you wake up, snuggle time can be demanded. That’s the rules of bed buddies.”
When Astrid made her way back over, Noah was already sitting up out of the other bed, bare feet on the decking. He yawned, accepting graciously the water bottle she’d filled. “Thanks, A.”
“Aren’t you sweet,” Bobby said. He budged for her so she could take a seat next to where he was lying down. He wrapped his arms around her, tugging her closer. Sleepily, he groaned, “Sweeter than a sugar sachet.”
Noah yawned again, stretching his long arms and elongating his back, making himself look like a giant. “Aw, man,” he said, tired, rubbing the morning bags that were darkening under his eyes. “I think I’m gonna grab a shower while everyone else is still sleeping.”
“Beat the crowds, smart man,” Bobby said. His eyes were shut again, his head resting up against Astrid’ warm skin.
Astrid waved Noah off with a smile. She hoped it wasn't too suggestive. Her thoughts swirled now that she and Bobby were truly and utterly alone.
She was trained on his retreating form all the way until he was fully out of sight, making sure he wasn’t going to detour back for any reason. He was gone, but before Astrid could act, the arm Bobby had slung around her waist, he suddenly used to hoist her over him, slinging her playfully into the middle of the bed. It sent her into a fit of laughter at once as Bobby sprang up to lumber on top of her.
He was tickling her, but it was soft and playful. Not the menacing kind, just tender enough that she barely noticed when he stopped. His gentle touch changed to a grip, his fingers firmly on her hips and waist as his lips found hers, the giggles and echoes of laughter silencing instantaneously.
His breathing was hot and heavy already, the kiss open and drawn into something infinitely more passionate than it had right to be so early in the morning. It was like he was trying to drink her all in, like he’d awoken with nothing but a thirst for Astrid.
Astrid loved it, levelling up the kiss with her tongue, showing him how dexterous she could be with it. She loved the way he stilled, allowing her to kiss him and show off, how it made his lower body grind down on top of her. She arched up, grazing her breasts against his bare chest, the feel of the soft fabric pyjamas on her nipples driving her even more wild than before.
Quickly, his hands moved up and under her top, going straight to her breasts. Uncovered by the duvet, he didn’t dare expose her more. He plied at her stiffening nipples, gently twisting them between his fingers, going harder and turning again and again with each moan he stole from her, using her body as a gage; the more she thrust up against him, the more he played, moving his lips from hers and gently making his way to her neck; his breath hot, his lips soft, combined with the gentle nip of his teeth and Astrid was losing her ability to remind herself of exactly where she was.
She locked her legs around the back of his, bearing him down on her, wanting nothing more than the chance to determine how big he was just by rubbing him between her legs. She was not disappointed.
She didn’t want to stop. Not this time.
She didn’t want it to end.
She wanted more.
“Come here,” she muttered, shuffling up on the bed, already reaching to pull the duvet back. When Bobby realised what she was doing, he was quick to follow, ending up beneath the sheets before she was. He was so quick she almost never got a chance to eye greedily at the generous bulge in his sleeping shorts.
Underneath the sheets, it was hot and stuffy, but above all, private. Ish.
Astrid rolled on top and Bobby wedged one leg between hers, his thigh riding up to press against her. Every move was purposeful, full of motive, passion, lust. There was no denying this, no faltering, no stopping.
For her, it hadn’t been that long since she had last had some action, but it had been a long while she’d had some great action. While she hadn’t asked Bobby, Astrid knew that he hadn’t had some for a few weeks now, so there was a lot of need riding in this moment.
Astrid was getting too caught up to properly kiss him back. She spun, rolling onto her back, as Bobby followed, never letting up from nibbling down her neck and sucking on her earlobe.
As he kissed her, already knowing the best methods for winding her up, Astrid had one hand screwed up in the sheets and the other scrunching his boxers between her fingers. It hit her that she had been absently tugging down his boxers, but the only thing either one of them seemed to care about was that she wasn’t doing it fast enough.
His name fell from her lips in a gasp. “Bobby…”
Edging away just a little, and Astrid could properly run her fingers along the length of his dick. His whole body shuddered at her touch. Since it had been a long time for him, she didn’t want to tease him too much. Also, for herself. She was already so ready to feel him within her in any and all capacity.
His lower half was twitching madly, his legs almost locked awkwardly together. “Fuck,” he muttered, so quietly that if he hadn’t been right at her ear she may never have heard him. “I need to slow down.” He reached below and she could feel him adjusting the front of his shorts.
He kissed her collarbone, his sweet lips leaving a trail downwards, until he was at her chest. Deftly, he rolled her out of the confines of her sleepwear down to her waist. His mouth encased one of her nipples, sucking sweetly as his tongue brushed over her skin. He kept lowering her pj’s down her body, slowly shimmying her out of them completely. And then his lips passed her breasts, to her ribs, and down and down, beyond her stomach, until he was between her legs, his tongue stroking up the damp slit until it met her clit.
Astrid tried to keep quiet, but it just meant her body betrayed her in other ways. Without the escape of sound, of letting her satisfied moans escape her lips, her twitchy legs gave out, jerking to close in on Bobby’s head.
He took to stroking her outer thighs, caressing her in a light and ticklish manner that kept him locked between her quivering thighs. It drove her mad to think he was loving it.
Soon she had to give in, letting the moans fall free and fast as he was driving her closer and closer to orgasm. She could feel him trembling through the small, pulsating jolts of the mattress. He reached up to take her hand in his, and the way he held her, his grip so fucking tight, it was almost like he was the one on his back and she was the one who had a mouth full of him instead.
He kept that hold of her; tight and unyielding.
His movements between her legs were getting less sturdy. He was becoming uneven, less focused. Going hard and fast, and then so specifically concentrated, like he was trying to keep her on the precipice of the most intense orgasm of her life.
Astrid was getting so close, so near, so fucking close -
And he let up.
Forehead resting against her pelvis, his shuddering breath hit her so hard, the heat spreading over the perfect spot that she almost came then and there. He held her thighs gently still, running his hot skin against hers, as he nuzzled into the thick flesh softly, planting her with desperate kisses.
He was still shuddering, but it was more than just his laboured breath, his hold body seemed to be on edge. Bobby made his way up beside her, burying his face in her neck again. He barely kept himself from collapsing over her.
Astrid stroked one hand down his back, hugging him close to her, breathing him in, the smell of him as intoxicating and inviting as a garden in full Springtime bloom.
“Fuck,” he muttered, “sorry, fuck I’m so sorry.”
She kissed him gently. “What?” She asked, confused, inching back so she could look at him. He kept his face half turned from her like he was embarrassed. “Bobby, what’s wrong?” Her voice was a little hoarse, her throat dry already. She wanted to kiss him again, to kiss him deeply and never stop.
He chuckled, but it faded out into an embarrassed moan. “I uh … I almost came just eating you out.”
The flood that poured through her at that moment, with his words, was something biblical.
He buried his face in her again, hiding his face as he exclaimed softly, “Ah fuck, you turn me on so fucking much.”
She held him tighter, lacing one hand into his dreads. More satisfied than if he had brought her over the edge, Astrid added, “And that’s the Astrid guarantee.”
He laughed into her, the feel of it tickled her skin, sent tingles throughout her body again. From the way her legs were wrapped around his waist, she knew his boxers were off already.
Their lips found one another’s, both of them unable to resist the pull. Naked beneath the sheets, their bodies not quite yet tangled together in a passionate throw, Astrid knew she was a goner. She had to have him now. She broke off again, asking, “Are there condoms out here?”
His eyes went wide, the corners of his mouth rose into his blushing cheeks. “There’s condoms everywhere, Astrid. Everywhere.”
And with that, he brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear and … came back with a condom in hand.
She shut her eyes, biting down hard on her bottom lip. She allowed one snort before she kissed him again. As much as she just wanted to devour him whole then and there, she held back so that he could prepare down below.
He turned to her again, looking as nervous as he had before their first kiss outside a challenge; there was such a vulnerability in his eyes, Astrid felt an overwhelming need to protect him from everyone and everything. She was certain more than ever that it had been the right thing to come here with her heart and head set on this Scottish Baker Boy.
Though he was clearly on edge, his whole body shivering in the baking heat, Bobby would not look away from her once. He held her gaze, and held it right back, like what they were sharing was the most precious and fragile thing in the world. They both gasped, sucking in a deep, low breath as Bobby slid inside of her.
He stopped, lip quivering, to gather himself. Astrid wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him back down onto her, her legs wrapped around his, too. She held him close, held him tight, never wanting to let go or let this feeling stop.
Slow. He was slow. Just to begin with. Adjusting to how good it felt, making sure he wouldn’t go overboard too quickly. The thought of him nearing while he was just going down on her was still on her mind, still making her crazy. Never had anyone been so turned on to be with her. She needed everything about him. She needed him to know how much he turned her on, too.
At the drop of his name, his fingers dug deeper into her skin; he groaned, burying his head to her again; he drove into her harder, faster, spurred on by her soft words.
He groaned, her name landing on her neck as he moaned it out. Lightly, she scratched down his back. Bobby threw his head back, gearing himself up, one hand on the headboard above her head. He leveraged himself, focusing, determination in his eyes.
He was nearing, she could tell. The struggle was all over his face; his lips were pulled into a tight line, he was looking on with deep concentration, his knuckles near white as they gripped the headboard.
But he was holding on. For her.
Seeing him trying to keep it together only made her fall so much more maddenly hard for him.
Astrid arched upwards, taking her lips to the crook of his neck, showing him just how she liked it. She kept pushing, thrusting upwards, and in one swift motion, she had Bobby on his back, straddling him. She was taking control now.
His eyes were wide, but in awe; his heavy breath she could feel even though his face was inches away. He left his hands on her side, holding her, not to control her or her movements, but because he had to hold onto something; he needed to stay grounded, to keep himself from blowing over.
With one hand on the headboard where Bobby’s had been moments before, Astrid used it to keep herself steady while she eased them into a rhythm.
Having her tits bouncing in his face probably wasn’t helping; he couldn’t keep his hungry eyes off of her, but Astrid found an absolutely divine angle, one that left her gushing over his cock, each grind thrusting out a moan from her. Keeping quiet was incomprehensible, she was getting louder and louder, unable to stop herself.
Her thighs tightened around him; she rocked herself over him, riding his dick, and quickly became the one who was unable to concentrate. She felt Bobby’s eyes on her, and let her gaze drift over him, seeing him now with one knuckle in his mouth, biting down hard to stop himself from going over the edge too soon.
He was shaking, his whole body rigid in the effort of it all, but he couldn’t take his eyes from her. It left Astrid a whimpering mess.
Her forehead came down to his, her hair curtaining around them. She moaned, screwing her eyes shut, her quivering lips hovering just inches above his hands. The muffled noises he was trying to dampen were the final straw, Astrid was quickly overcome -
She went rigid alongside him, her finish encompassing her whole. Bobby clutched her, held her close, ripping his hand away from his mouth so that he could crash his lips onto hers, his hands holding the back of her head. He thrust up and stayed levelled, and they both remained like that for what felt like an ungodly amount of time. Astrid collapsed over Bobby, panting into the crook of his neck like she was still going through the motions of cumming.
Bobby held her; arms wrapped tightly around her despite the heat and how much they were both sweating already. His haggard and distorted breath synced enough with hers as they fell into their own rhythm again. He held her so close, so tight, like he was afraid of ever letting her go. She accepted it, welcomed it, never wanting to be in someone else’s arms like this ever again.
Eventually Astrid came to enough to regain a sense of awareness of her surroundings. Bobby was stroking her hair gently; his breathing had grown so faint she would have thought he’d fallen back asleep if not for his constant caressing.
She planted one gentle kiss to his neck before she shifted, stiffly detangling herself from him to get into a more comfortable position.
Astrid put her back to him, laying half across him so that they could look out over the rising sun together. She rested her head against him and he did the same back, letting his fingers run through her hair again. She sought his other hand with her own and brought it over her chest so she could hold him between both hands. Bobby planted a soft, lingering kiss on the top of her head.
She hadn’t realised she had fallen asleep again until she was being woken up by the producers, telling them they needed to clear out so that the crew could set up for the morning.
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Astrid had to sadly say goodbye to Bobby - just for now. They parted with a kiss at the top of the stairs. She went to shower in the bathroom while he went to shower outside with a few of the other lads.
When Astrid got to the dressing room, only Siobhan, Emily, and Blake were there. Emily gave Astrid the most dog-shit glare, but the other’s greeted her warmly. Sitting down by Blake’s side, Astrid got out her hair products to give herself that sleek and glossy look, putting her head close to Blake’s.
“Anything to report?” She asked.
Blake’s eyes lit up. “There might have been a lot going on with our hands under the sheets…”
Astrid gasped deliciously. “Oh my God, spill. Who initiated?”
Before Blake could drop the details, Ali appeared. Both girls welcomed her into the fold, and thus began the swapping of nightly shenanigans. 
If things were handsy for Blake and Lucas, they were ‘mouthy’ for Gary and Ali, but there wasn’t the conversation flowing. Then it was time for Astrid to dish on her night…
“Yeah, so last night,” she began, suddenly feeling a bit self conscious. Sure the other girls had let loose, and they all knew that by this point Ibrahim and Shannon had been going at it, with her clearly mounting him under the sheets the past two nights, but there was something … something holding her back from revealing everything.
“Noah told us,” Ali laughed, covering her giggles with her hand. “He said he heard you two beginning to get heavy last night before you remembered he was there.”
Astrid snorted. “I mean … yeah, that’s not wrong. We got a bit heavy, but nothing major.” The look of disappointment on both their faces was clear. “Last night, anyway. We’ve still got tonight to go though, ladies!”
From the other side of the room, there was a scoff. All three of them looked over. Emily was applying her false lashes carefully. Shannon and Siobhan were also looking her way, making it very clear who had made the noise.
“Something the matter, Em?” Astrid asked.
She stopped what she was doing to turn to Astrid, fluttering her half-done lashes. “You’re very confident you’re still going to be here for another sleepover.”
“Why wouldn’t she be?” Shannon said, sounding oddly a little hostile. “Everyone knows by this point that Bobby’s picking her. You tried your best, Em, but you’ve been out-played.”
Emily looked hotly affronted, and Astrid wasn’t surprised. Shannon had always been at Emily’s side near enough, so this was unexpected.
Also unexpected was the arrival of some of the skimpiest pieces Astrid had ever seen. The girls were instructed to wear them for the upcoming brunch they were to host for the boys. It would be one of their last opportunities to speak to the guys before tonight, and Astrid didn’t hate that she’d be wearing a skimpy maid’s skirt that barely covered half of her ass.
The girls were ushered outside first. The boys weren’t hanging around in the bedrooms for once, but Astrid could hear them giddying each other up in the living room as they passed by the door.
A proper spread had been put on; six tables placed across the lawn with plates stacked with yummy breakfast treats. The girls were told which tables to take and which way to face once the boys came out, and so all that was left was for the boys themselves to make an appearance.
Bobby came out on Gary’s back, the big lug giving him a piggyback all the way out the Villa. It brought a huge smile to Astrid’s face and she and Ali laughed out loud at their guys.
The pair were so busy capering around, that they ended up at the back of the pack quick enough. Lucas and Ibrahim were standing with the deepest looks of admiration on their faces before Blake and Shannon in no time. Emily didn’t hesitate, and grabbed a hold of Henrik, dragging him away before he could finish telling them all how succulent they looked.
The ghost of her humour was still on Astrid’s face when Noah came up at her side. His dark features were eyeing her hungrily. “Whoa, Astrid, you keep blowing me away with these looks. Just when I think you can’t get hotter.”
“Aw, thanks, Noah, hun,” she replied. Ali gave her hand a squeeze then ran off to join Bobby and Gary.
“So, I was just wondering if for the brunch -?”
Bobby barrelled into her, grabbing her around the waist, lifting her off her feet, and spinning her around so hard that Noah had to step back. A shrieking Astrid nearly fell to the ground once he stopped, and would have if not for Bobby’s arms still encasing her. She let him hold her up until her laughter subdued.
“I hope you’re hungry,” he said. “Looks like a feast.”
Siobhan approached. “Noah, babe, who are you sitting with?”
He looked at Astrid, who looked away awkwardly, turning to gift Bobby with a huge smile. There was a pause before she heard Noah reply, “I dunno, do you fancy joining me?”
“I thought you’d never ask!” Siobhan said, laughing at her own joke and she and Noah headed off.
Bobby was grinning, eyes only for Astrid again. She was so excited to hear what he had to say about this outfit, for him to compliment her, for -
“You look like the feather duster from Beauty and the Beast.” He said.
Her smile turned into a thin line.
“Weirdly, I always fancied the feather duster.”
She snorted. “Come on, let’s go eat. God knows we’ve worked up an appetite this morning.” 
Astrid took his hand in hers and they swung their arms all the way to their table.
“Oh wow,” Bobby said while getting in his seat, eyes now on the platter of food in front of them. “This looks amazing.” With a flash, his eyes were on Astrid. “Though, after seeing you in that outfit, there’s nothing that’s going to top it.”
Astrid waved him off in one sarcastic little motion. “We could always get you in this skimpy maids outfit. Now that’s a sight I’d like to see.”
“Ha!” He barked out, reaching for the small jug of orange juice placed at their table. With a nod over at her that meant ‘would you like?’, she replied with her own smile and nod. Bobby poured them both a glass, draining nearly the full jug. “Actually, I do think I could pull that off now that I think about it.”
“You’ve got the killer legs for it.”
“I’ve seen you eyeing them up.”
“Amongst other things. Like your cute butt.”
A single croak of laughter escaped him. “You’re one to talk, with that ass of yours.”
Astrid flipped her hair over her shoulder. “I’m glad you’ve noticed.”
His eyes slid downwards despite her ass being currently out of view. “How could I not?” He asked, bringing his glass to his lips. Astrid did the same and they locked eyes over their cups. Their gaze never broke as they each sipped away half the glass.
“Right, time to tuck in, I think,” Astrid said, eyeing her plateful. She rubbed her hands together joyfully.
“Wait, wait, hold your horses,” Bobby said, picking up his own plate. “First,” he added, twisting the plate in his hands to show off the delicious looking croissants on his plate. Astrid spied the soft chocolate spread within, done so thickly that it was seeping out of the sides.
Envy and longing hit her, the pangs harder than hunger itself, but she never let it show. Instead, she mimicked Bobby, lifting her plate up. Bobby stared at her. Astrid clinked her plate off of his, announcing loudly, “Cheers!”
The moment she brought her plate back, her goofy smile still pleasantly on her face, Bobby flatly informed her, “Astrid. Take the croissants.”
Her mouth hung open, cheeks feeling fit to burst. All that managed to come out of her mouth was a simple, “Huh?”
Bobby’s elbows hit the table. He thrust his plate forward more. “I wasn’t toasting, you weapon,” he laughed, now unable to hold back his laughter. “You told me all about croissants with nutella being your favourite, so I was offering you mine since you never got any.”
Her mouth fell open even further, near hitting the table as her lapse of judgement hit her nearly as hard. At once, the embarrassment overcame her, and all she could do was scream out a laugh which was quickly joined with Bobby’s.
“Oh my God,” she wheezed, getting up from where she had laid herself off the corner of the table. “I’m such an idiot, holy jeez.” She was still giggling even as she reached over and plucked a perfect croissant from Bobby’s plate.
“Honestly, I’m surprised that wasn’t me,” Bobby said, sighing happily. “You’re always so cool.”
Astrid snorted. “Looks like I’ve successfully tricked you then.”
They locked eyes again; all mirth was electrified with sexual tension in an instance, replacing the goofy fun times. Bobby pressed his closed knuckles to his lips. Softly, the words escaped his mouth, “You’ve done something to me, Astrid.”
She let her food drop back down onto the plate. This conversation was turning into so much more. She didn’t want to be stuffing her face with strawberries as they got serious.
“I can honestly say I’ve not felt this way about anyone in a long time,” he went on, letting his hands run down his arms as he held himself together. He leant onto the table, angled towards her, like he couldn’t resist getting closer to her in any capacity. “I can properly say, I don’t remember the last time I felt this way. I don’t know … I’m just excited to be around you.”
Astrid mirrored him near perfectly; she was angled over the table, leaning her opposite shoulder his way, hand over her mouth, biting the end of her finger. His confession sparked such a rising spike of gratitude and emotion within her.
She had to look away, a blush crawling across her face. Despite herself, and even though it was no laughing matter, a small, nervous chuckle escaped her. “Bobby…” she said, reigning herself in, “you sweetie.” She paused to take a deep breath. “I feel the same way. I honestly couldn’t be happier with how things have gone. I’m glad we had this chance.”
There’s a moment where the only noise comes from around them; the laughing and jokes and last minute grafting from the other tables. Astrid removed her hand from her lips, letting it fall across the table towards him, stealing over to let her fingers brush his arm. Bobby let his own arm come to rest beside her, allowing his hand to fall into her grasp, and in a moment, their fingers were entwined.
More than ever, it felt like it was meant to be. More than ever, one small touch opened up so much more. They weren’t just holding hands, and they were no longer just Astrid and just Bobby. This was it. This was the showstopper, the one to end it all.
Astrid felt it mind, body, and soul; Bobby was very much the one.
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Next Time
He had glanced over at Noah as part of his usual talking with his hands. But what he’d seen had stopped him mid-sentence. The smallest, most subtle smirk on Noah’s face, as he stared directly into Bobby’s eyes.
Part Six.
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ageless-aislynn · 1 year
WIP ask game for the following: the blue lady ships it, au the war crime part out, and …or possibly like this on the condition 'heat' is something like Pon Farr and not omegaverse
boops gently
*rubs hands together gleefully* Thank you so much!
1. The blue lady ships it (Halo) aka "Untitled Cortana (and the marines) totally ship John/Kai" 😁 Sadly, this one ended up having large parts of itself "donated" to other fics and so would have to be redone if I ever decide to finish it but here's the original opening, for your reading pleasure, lol!
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Cortana made sure to manifest her holographic self down at the bottom of the hill, well away from where John and Kai had just finished mopping up the last of the Covenant infantry. She'd learned the hard way that, if they felt like she was watching them, then they'd scurry away from each other.
And yet they're standing on a hill with a bunch of marines looking up at them and somehow that's not "being watched?" Maybe it's simply the distance, the false sense of privacy?
Or maybe it was because once, just once she’d appeared right next to them, practically with digital popcorn in hand, wanting a front row seat for The Big Moment?
Come on, Chief, take your helmet off. Show her those adoring eyes… she thought but was careful not to project herself into his auditory cortex. He hadn't responded well to that, either.
Kai took off her helmet.
Also acceptable. He can't resist when she's all battle-flushed. He removed his helmet as well, both of them going off comms. Not that it mattered because being literally housed in his head meant he couldn't actually shut her out; she had to choose to give him privacy. Which she was doing, thank you very much.
Watching from a distance didn't count. Ask anybody. Ask the group of marines next to her, none-too-covertly studying the Spartans and taking bets on who'd make the first move.
False sense of privacy was her favorite new thing.
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2. I wasn't sure if I should make a funny scene out of a war crime 👀 Guess I'll have to AU the war crime part out, yep *nodnod* (Halo series)
Aka the completely awkward John/Makee sexytiems scene we all REALLY deserved. 😇😂 I totally, completely AU'd the war crime out of it, though, so now we can chuckle at all of the awkward, 10,000% guilt free! *nodnods* 😁👍 Still in progress, may even be completed and posted one day, who knows? Would also be my first posted John/Makee fic. 😁
3. Yeah so if Spartans went into heat, I’d probably write it like this... (Halo gameverse)...or like this (Halo gameverse, different game)...or possibly like this (Halo series) 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Technically, they're all variations on the same idea, which is why I probably won't ever write them. But they each have at least one distinct scene that lives rent free in my head, what can I say? Okay, so, with a wave of my hand, I've just given the gameverse Spartans the hormone pellets of the TV series Spartans. And with another wave of my hand and a little flourish of my fingers, I've added a condition to the pellets where, at certain times, to keep the pellets and the Spartans operating at peak efficiency, they have to go off of them.
And y'all know what I think would go on at that time. *coughcoughs in "Side Effect" NSFW* But imagine it as being more controlled than that, something scheduled, maybe a nice, out of the way place for Spartans on similar cycles to go and ahem, take care of each other, just an accepted part of being a Spartan and all that.
Annnnnnd in each of those 3 ideas, we get a pellet malfunction where game!Chief, Noble Team and TV!Chief ends up Trapped Alone With The Reader™. Not at the same time, not at the same place and not with the same Reader, I should mention. I mean, that would be one very tired Reader and quite a swingin’ Spartan party, woah, lol! 😳😂
I have a surprisingly well-defined, really more of an OC character for game!Chief, with a whole developed backstory and everything. And it's not ALL of Noble Team, just 2 of 'em. (That one actually came from a dream where the Reader was giving a report to Carter who is getting more and more flummoxed at how calm she is considering what all she's telling him. "And you're saying that you... handled them both. One at a time, right?" "Well, there might've been a one at a time in there but, honestly, it was just more expedient to double up." 😂) Then TV!Chief has a Reader no one has met before, someone who gives off this shy, reserved demeanor but who is an absolute wildcat underneath, who can give a malfunctioning-hormone-pellet Spartan a run for his money. I don’t know why but I want to see a scene where the rest of Silver Team finds them and they’re kinda running in like, “Okay, we’ve got to see if the non-enhanced human is all right. She might need medical aid!” and she’s all composed and walking out of the room like, yeah, he’s in there. And there’s John just totally worn out, asleep and snoring, lol! 😂 However, since John and Kai went through "Side Effect" together, I doubt this one would ever be written just because it's a rather close idea. I dunno. We’ll see! 😉
And *drum roll* there we have it! Thanks so much for asking! 😎👍
WIP folder ask game
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heartsofminds · 2 years
i got tagged by @gretagerwigsmuse for this ask tag so here we go! thanks for the tag (from quite literally one of the coolest people ever)!
nickname - so my name is so very common but my last name isn't and it's two first names with double letters (it's LL, and you could probably guess what it is lol) so growing up (even though I was the only girl in my grade with that name) i was always addressed as my first and last name in like a sing-song voice? idk one of the TAs at my elementary school started doing it and it stuck. my dad calls me boopy loopy (a derivative of boop-a-loop from when i was a baby). first grandchild and only granddaughter privileges have deemed me "baby girl" to all of my extended family which is somewhat of a subtle flex if you ask me.
sign: leo sun, scorpio moon, pisces rising. cursed. i'm aware.
height: 5'1 and certainly done growing.
last thing i goggled: "succession of the president" (one of my friends and i were in a heated debate on who would be president if the pro tempore of the senate happens to bypass the presidency. i was right (so humble of me, i know) and it's the secretary of state if you were wondering).
song stuck in head: love of my life - harry styles
number of followers: 2,151 which amazes me that you all stick around for my bullshit?? on a real note, i'm so grateful for you all!
amount of sleep: 6 and a half hours... the life of an overwhelmed college student the week before finals 🤭
lucky number: hmm. not really a lucky number but just my favorite one to write?? i LOVE writing the number 8. i do the two circles on top of each other instead of that figure eight bullshit because it's way more satisfying.
dream job: i want to be a district attorney eventually, but right now my passions lie with the prosecution of special crimes as an assistant district attorney! i still have a year and a half left of undergrad, three years of law school, and at least four years of slop work with the DA before i can probably achieve that, but they don't call me bullheaded for nothing! have also dabbled in writing things under an anonymous pseudonym just for shits and gigs alongside this too.
wearing: a large sweatshirt with a student org on it that i'm certainly not in, but stole from my student org's closet because it hadn't been claimed yet, black nike running shorts i've had since my freshman year of high school (because i go to an SEC school and the american south is fucking 68 degrees fahrenheit right now), and some white running shoes. not the most stylish, but comfy i guess.
movie/book that summarizes you: i really relate to nadine in the edge of seventeen which isn't good at ALL but that damn scorpio moon in me sees so much of my own turmoil in her. i also relate to a lot of the feelings in the angst that i write (published on here and still sitting in my google docs) because it's so hard to verbalize the overwhelming sadness and guilt i feel sometimes? idk. but on a much lighter note, the live-action cat in the hat (the terrifying one) and the movie surf's up with the penguins sculpted my childhood and my sense of humor so we're able to cope with humor! 🤪
favorite song: UGH i despise this question. absolutely hate it. i'll gi you a top three of all time from the past two years maybe? so in no particular order, pool by paramore (which is where the title of 'cause no one breaks my heart like you' came from lol), chit chat by beach weather, and perfect places by lorde! i have so many others and would LOVE to give y'all the link to my spotify if you wanna check some of them out! oddly specific named playlists are my niche attachment.
favorite instrument: i love the versatility of the piano, but i'm gonna have to go with the cello. the amount of times i've listened to bach's cello suite no. 1 in high school so i could be "deep and intellectual" is a testament to how far i'll go to force myself to like something. it would be borderline offensive to not put it in there.
aesthetic: i've been DYING to speak on this. i love love LOVE 70s vibes (the flare pants, denim/corduroy jumpsuits, velvet everything, conversation pits. you know. the works) and also love the kind of cool aunt who travels and no one really knows that much about her vibe? like dakota johnson but less of an industry baby? the aunt from the ramona books by beverly cleary kind of thing? it's really hard to explain but my pinterest encapsulates that perfectly. i swear!!!
favorite author: i LOVE maya angelou, sonia sanchez, amy tan, and a few others! i recently read yusef salaam's memoir and loved it! i also want to get more into poetry and other classics but just haven't really had much time to read much of anything other than school readings or proofreading my own works.
fun fact: okay so i have a literal dent in the middle of my head? like i've had it for as long as i can remember and when i was little, i used to fill it up with water in the shower. it's like my literal fun fact that i accidentally disclose whenever i've had a few tequila shots and am literally bouncing off the walls with half-written thoughts in my head. i’m kind of obnoxious, if you couldn’t tell 😵‍💫
tagging a couple of other people because this was actually so fun?? i hope you all enjoy this as much as i did!
@hangmanapologist @sunlightmurdock @callsignvalley @currentlybradshaw
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Alchemy of Souls, Part 1, Episode 2
Is our man Jang his son and the spell is put by the mage shifting right back or is the king still there I am confusion
The master whooshed away his force field with a wave of his hand like ‘enough of this nonsense’
LMAO that was so smooth and he’s protecting her eyes too! but I feel like that’s going to be found out quite quickly
can no one else see the soul shifting eyes 🤨 they’re under the same moonlight
But also I love them 😭✋
Jang’s enjoying this so much 😭 I love blondie !!!
talking so loudly when everyone’s on guard and anyone can hear you #protagonisttingz
I love her. Threatening to kill someone while also calling yourself cute is something I need to note down for future ✍️
I absolutely adore the comedy in this like it comes out of nowhere and it just hits 😂 like the ground actually started caving in.
‘why is your face down there?’ aggressively yanks her head up ‘it wasn’t intentional’ 😭💀
something about anyone having Jin in their names being drop dead gorgeous like look at Ms Spring!!!
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why was she so surprised to see Jang Uk lol
the subtitles going ‘epic percussive music playing’ 😂
I knew it was that man standing beside her!!! (Ofc they did a fake out) but also wasn’t he around them like constantly. I think he was there near that weird cave where they kept her body too like I’ve seen him in the last episode!
ohhh they were engaged? spring queen and our winter boy? they look gorgeous 😭
blondie is truly my favourite person on this show rn. my city might be sweltering but go off summer!
I assumed she’d be with our wind guy? I forgot what his powers were I’m assuming he’s wind or autumn but I love that she was with Uk 😂 and they’re beefing
be careful when you kiss someone. he’s so real. and I guess that answers my why didn’t anyone else see that mark in her eyes in the same moonlight. they need to be at a kissing distance 💋 (I adore Uk)
look at them (or mostly him for now) helping each other.
oh he’s so real for breaking that dog but his ex is going to get his ass.
does no one else find his actions even remotely suspicious though 😭
now how did that master just slip off the stairs lmao but also I love it 😂
blondie giving us context and humour and giving our lil shape shifter adorable boops on the head. oh how i adore him
extreme cold and extreme heat can kill him (insert meme: bitch me too, the fuck) but also lmao @ him being the winter representative here
bae I know you’re saying you’re leaving but that’s the fastest way of ensuring you’ll be around him in the next 5 minutes
lmao he’s talking in pout, all in pain and adorable and our girl is scarfing a chicken leg and asking for fireworks. #thatsmyotpnow
my girl said I’d sell your amulet for a piece of chicken!
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now we’ve got another person eyeing that amulet 😭 sneaky people are kind of the worst
they did a face reveal for her teacher as if we’d know who that is
everybody looks so serious and i can’t follow a single thing like who is this king? why is her master here? who is that gorgeous lady? why does the authoritative guy look like he’s wearing a suit?
the old man is the biggest Songrim stan lol, love that for him
one thing about period dramas (the way I’ve only seen 2 💀) the king is always a little helpless in situation like why does the buzz cut guy already have an upper hand. well not buzzcut but a cut I guess
oh even she doesn’t know how he looks
love when the audience has additional intel but also hate it because now we see people being dumb or walking into traps.
is he actually just going to give him that sword so casually
LMAOOO he did. along with a menacing not yet ??? hmmm 🤨🤨🤨
whoever this lady is that stole the amulet from naksu is so beautiful but I think she’s walking to her death 😭
I think the other lady saved her from getting her eyes detected by pulling her away
well at least she knows
well she’s not getting that body back
oh she put that together so fast #thatsmygirl but also that ensures she won’t fall in any traps #real
how was she the only one left. my lil baby 😭💔💔💔
WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS IN THE OPEN BALCONY where anyone can see them?! like what if someone’s watching !?! 😭
I knew she’d get zapped
ahh both of their hopes are breaking ( I recently saw a tv show with veteran actors and maybe they can learn subtlety from this show because see how they didn’t overdo it and I got exactly what they wanted to say!!! Catch this stray aditi rao hyadri)
Uk ‘then go for’ subtitles: melancholy music playing
the way this is the same Netflix that also doesn’t translate other languages in tv shows sometimes and here we get music subtitles. 😂
harmonious music playing. I’m a hoe for flute !!!
I feel like he’s going to save her but also she isn’t dying just because he told her to because of his frustration 💀 she really wanted to die as a warrior. let’s see where this goes though. I actually didn’t think she’d do it. Naksu fight back !!!
OKAY SWORD !!! go off
the way she was casually settling in the water and the sword was like show time bitches 🗡️
I thought it was a lake??? this place is giving sea, river and tributary at the same time
I love him being funny as hell as soon as she wakes up. Oh wow and being crafty! he got someone to hide her soul shifting eye marks!?
pensive music playing
I did not see that coming. I thought when she mentioned herbs she was going to make him unconscious not poison him ☠️
oh he’s red red
this poor man has to go through all of this to unlock his energy that his dad blocked and that’s on daddy issues 😔 honestly not daddy issues, like daddy created this issue. why did that man make it his mission to do this to his son
don’t reveal yourself sister !!!
they loved him enough to open it
how connected does he feel to her already like he’s been going around trying to save her a little too emotionally #real
why did they just leave her alone chilling on the ropes like that ??? they do not care about security here. 😭
Alchemy of Souls, Part 1 Episode 3
just threw him in the air like that. these people are so 💀
but also is that his baby or the king’s like I’m so confused rn
A demon baby 🤨
The songrim guy looked cute as hell in the flashback but am I just supposed to ignore that he did this to Uk
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I knew he’d take responsibility for her actions but like how are we going to go unscathed from this? surely someone’s going to keep an eye out for selener 👁️
oh I guess they’re just dropping this matter with a yell for now
lmao the way his caretaker’s mouth literally dropped open when he said mu deok goes with him too
why did I realise I was recapping episode 3 already. how did I not notice clicking next 😭😭😭
the way the take they did with her rn, most of her injuries were gone 💀
songrim, turns dramatically, ‘I can’t even look at them rn’ sir you yeeted a baby!!! this baby !!!
The ribbon on Uk’s hair is adorable
Autocorrect stop showing me the Union Jack everytime I write uk challenge
he says get up, she gets up #real
uh oh the eyes
the caretaker having to carry her on her back LMAOOO and him piggybacking on his friend 😭
the old man having lost ten years of his life and energy because of mu deok and uk’s shenanigans 😭 cutie
Him asking Songrim to get him some wine oh i stan him !!! Songrim’s so dramatic like yes he wants some wine, he’s tired and cold, stop the side eye!
‘why would there be wine in my office’ ‘oh it’s right there, you drink it when you get lonely’ LMAO get him
does anyone have a gif of Songrim screaming I DO NOT GET LONELY!!!
did he like Do Hwa too?! is this why he’s soft on Uk? 😭 besties stop liking the same woman challenge
LMAO the old man literally pushed him away and took the jar of wine 😂
uncle and nephew got a wine chugging problem. also I’d assumed Songrim was our autumn boy’s uncle. got that wrong. at least he’s trying to piece her story together
run dangu run!!
classic is she breathing let me put my ears to her nose scene !!! (my never letting Mr queen references go ass is LIVING) 😭💔
songrim well is kinda laid back on punishments
awww a little callback moment. she did the same to him and now he’s also whispering next to her face how she’s the only one who risked something for him
they’re so adorable every 3 seconds my dumbass wants to yell KISS!
pupil master, servant master (weird power imbalance romance angle but we move !!!)
a contract that says they’ll separate. we know how that goes ;)) im being so cocky for someone whose going to sob if they actually walk in different directions
lmao him pouting I will respect your decision to abandon me
the bad guy’s lair door is giving worli painting
I love when bad guys lie to each other. To be fair the mark was not on her shoulder.
so he backstabbed his great mage magician teacher. is that what we’re learning 🤨
the spirit plaque is missing and y’all are not looking for it 😭
I love this because I once read a fanfic where the main character time travels but ends up in the wrong body and they had the same problem where their new body that they were not expecting was kinda terrible 😂
AAH I love their training day 1 so much. But also it’s so public, what if someone saw y’all 😭
proud of the actors for doing all of this on what appears to be rocks because my knees would’ve left this planet
songrim and ms kim dissing each other by pointing out how they’re both in or were in love with uk’s parents enough to stay single for 20 yrs
LMAO he really said when Jang (UK’s father) said he liked acorn jelly she climbed the trees like a squirrel 🐿️😭
kind of feel bad for Songrim, he’s gotta be the bad guy for a reason
I love Ms Kim 💀
I adore the wine loving blush on his cheeks old man master
LMAO I’m kinda loving the flipping of how initially he was playing around with innuendoes and getting her flustered and now he’s flustered. to be fair she is undressing him extremely fast 💀😭
is she gonna steal some extra energy
old man with blush is slay but he’s a little too nonchalant with leaving his energy in Uk
them spying on Yul (autumn 🍁) guy 💀😭 honestly if he’s that good he should probably know they’re spying
lmao I love Uk I thought he’d be offended that she’d touch Yul but he’s offended that he was deemed easy 😭
the earrings on blondie. he’s such a baddie. Does he have the it girl fancams??? he should!
blondie is me I am blondie we’re both amused at these two
lmao his dramatic ass coughing and holding his stomach
lmao he’s still mad at the medicine stealing goats, honestly I’d be too! goats are a little too devious
the locations are so beautiful
not the jugs of wine, nay, GALLONS of wine. master heo, we stan!
oh that beautiful swanky Jin lady was Ms Spring’s mother. should’ve guessed. they’re gorgeous and so is their eyeliner
lmao it even took me a second to realise she dead ass said she wished her sister was alive so she could’ve married anyone she wanted, in front of her MOTHER 😭✋
Ms Spring’s gonna marry Yul isn’t she
girl you’re about to get caught at this rate be serious
dangu (summer) hanging from the shelf about to fall asking if mu deok is okay a #real man!
dangu is such a cutie. look at him making them work together lmao a #shipper
girl please protect your eyes!!! don’t let your guard down
subtitles: whimsical music playing
their ears are so red 😭
LMAO she’s so 😭💀
I love when people declare love with ulterior motives. It just happened in Link too. All my girl wants is to touch Yul’s stomach 😭✋
at least he’s smart and got it. at the same time girl PROTECT YOUR EYES
she got her whistle back
she was so pretty as a child. the actress is a cutie but also she has similar eyes to mu deok!!! it was all fate (me deluding myself with 2 hrs of sleep watching this)
is he going to find out she’s naksu too
he’s a pretty man
hehehe master heo is drunk. he’s so cute being carried like that 😭🫶
LMAO look at uk being the one who gets the breath technique
she’s so cute trying to do this swap but aww that whistle means so much to her and she’s insisting it’s useless to her. my bb 🥺
yeah I’m fully team ukdeok (I’ll have to check the ship name sorry!) But Yul pulling her hand to his stomach with the whistle moved something in me
i guess something moved in uks stomach too
I love she kinda tells the truth casually all the time 😂
at least he remembers the eyes!
he’s adorable
this man is wearing a hanbok (?) but it always looks like a boss man suit. he’s got a cute laugh
ohhh him and Yul are on the same level
poor Uk man, born as chaos and has to go through all of this by no choice of his own
a complete nobody with that much grace? I don’t think so
like they said he should be a complete nobody and he walked in like a baddie
dangu looks so proud 😭
this got so extreme so fast
my man keeps getting beaten and punished I’m so tired. Dangu gets it ! Yul kinda gets him too I guess
okay I know this is really dumb to expect in dramas but this is right after Link and I need adults to just be honest sometimes. he’s 20! let him know about his destiny or whatever his dad warned like let him know!
Especially about his survival
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