#astrological phenomena
yrotic11 · 21 days
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Narcissus in the 7th house. You may be prone to the phenomena of dating people who look similar to you/dating your doppelgänger. If you show someone a pic up of you and your boo and you ask the person looking at it if you two were lovers or siblings, they’d probably say siblings.
Narcissus in Greek mythology was obsessed with himself. Since this asteroid can’t act in its normal fashion (which would be in the 1st house or conjunct your sun or venus) it’s not gonna manifest as simply you being obsessed with yourself, the 7th house brings OTHER people into this psychological phenomena of self obsession.
Not so rainbows and lovely but having narcissus in the 7th could mean you may be prone to projecting narcissist type tendencies in relationships but also this is likely due to the effect that you attract various types of narcissists in relationships as well.
Is it the thrill of it? Who knows🙃
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fieldofhate · 16 days
My dog loves this music lol
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uwmspeccoll · 6 months
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It’s Fine Press Friday!
Today we will be discussing Weather Opinions, a book with quotations on various “weather subjects”, compiled and arranged by Jennie Day Haines, published in 1907. The book consists of a variety of passages and poetry associated with the weather of each month. Each month is accompanied by illustrations of the astrological sign associated with the month in the headers. Between the months, there are similar quotations about greater weather patterns or seasonal phenomena. Also included in the book is a color frontispiece made by printmaker Gordon Ross (1873-1946).
The book was printed on Normandy Vellum with typography by John Henry Nash (1871-1947) at the Tomoye Press in New York City; it was published by Paul Elder & Company. Nash worked on typography and book design with Paul Elder (1872-1948), who was in charge of the publication and selling of the books the two created until 1911, when the partners had a falling out and Nash left the Press.
Our copy is another gift from our friend Jerry Buff.
View more Fine Press Friday Posts.
– Sarah S., Special Collections Graduate Intern
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panvani · 1 year
The Luna and Faustina are twins theory is another very very silly easily disputed one that nonetheless sticks around because people really want to be able to put 2 things together and pat each other on the back
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wanderlust-----witch · 11 months
This is gonna sound really silly, but I low key want other to be able to say "maybe go ask Wander that question, they know a bit more about the subject". I miss being knowledgeable. I miss tutoring on the side. I miss being the one who stood up and taught algebra instead of the TA on a day where everyone in the class was struggling but me. I miss the feeling of having knowledge.
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I drank the bug that landed in my nucleus
Like swallowing golf from an egg
Cooked or no(t)
Play on with proceeds
The yolk
Is surely naughty known
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promithiae · 3 months
Hogwarts houses are out. Unseen University disciplines are in. Choose your side
Indefinite studies
Recent Runes
Inadvisably Applied Magic
Cruel and Unusual Geography
Post Morthem Communications
Applied Astrology
Approximate Accuracy
Applied Anthropics
Extreme Horticulture
Liberal studies
Illiberal Studies
Morbid Bibliomamcy
Recondite Architecture and Origami Map Folding‎
Recondite Phenomena
Slood Dynamics
Esoteric Studies
Wooly Thinking
Op you forgot-
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lunarlianna · 9 months
Planets in the 8th house
I know a lot of you may don’t really like this house but trust me it’s more lovely than it seems and as with any other house it has it’s ups and downs. Now let’s understand what it’s up with this house, first it’s where Scorpio and Pluto rules, also as a side note Mars feels pretty comfortable here as well, in traditional astrology Mars was the ruler of Scorpio. It dives deep into subjects such as intimacy, sex, secrets, fears, death, rebirth, shared money and possession. It’s the house of transformation and occult, deep psychology inside as well. It’s also a pretty karmic house. Here is how each planet behaves in the house.
The Sun: an individual with the Sun in the 8th house seeks deep, intimate relationships but may face challenges as they tend to give excessively. They might experience ups and downs due to others' casual approach to relationships. Healing often involves addressing a father's emotional impact and seeking fulfilment through connections. The path to growth lies in balancing self-reliance with meaningful, committed partnerships, allowing for personal shine and transformation through shared resources. A curiosity for mysticism and the occult converges with a aspiration for financial stability, potentially influenced by inheritance.
The Moon: drives a deep desire for security, sometimes leading to seeking it through others' resources. This can evoke self-doubt, possessiveness, and psychic sensitivity. Transformative partnerships or marriages might bring financial gain. They approach relationships seriously, often overextending, leading to turmoil; finding balance through self-sufficiency brings happiness. Sensitive to unspoken nuances, they find peace by releasing expectations, channelling probing curiosity into worldly understanding, seeking connection through intimate relationships and a quest for broader meaning. Gains or inheritances linked to women are common, yet a sense of connection remains elusive.
Mercury: in the 8th House gifts you with analytical powers, suited for research, detective work, and understanding complex matters like taxes or insurance. Your inquisitive nature drives you to unravel the depths of life's mysteries, though this may lead to concerns over finances and a tendency to gossip. Your mind dwells on profound subjects like death, healing, and psychic phenomena. Mercury's presence here offers a valuable perspective, helping you discuss and process intense emotions, easing the pain associated with this house. It enhances rational clarity within the realm of misunderstood emotions, serving as a valve for emotional release and facilitating conscious understanding.
Venus: in the 8th House grants you access to material comforts and potential prosperity, often through a partner's contributions or inheritance. While you enjoy sensual pleasures, be mindful of avoiding overindulgence or laziness. Your attraction to healing, metaphysical pursuits, and magic might thrive. This placement bestows a harmonious touch to intimate connections, making give-and-take feel natural, appreciating the sensual without burdening the relationship. Challenges, such as losses and responsibilities, are handled with understanding, adding a sense of kindness to your relationships.
Mars: in the 8th House fuels your drive for research, uncovering secrets, and intense pursuits, but challenges arise as desires clash with the give-and-take nature of relationships. Financial issues, possibly through a partner, highlight the need to diminish money's importance. Struggles may emerge in sharing resources and emotions within partnerships, causing emotional outbursts. Learning to channel Mars' willpower constructively, alongside exploring healing or surgery interests, can lead to personal growth despite these challenges. Understanding and managing the intensity of your desires and their impact on relationships becomes key.
Jupiter: in the 8th House blesses you with optimism and faith in humanity. Financial gains through partnerships, marriage, or inheritance are possible. Your strong emotional depth can be harnessed for psychic abilities, enabling you to bring upliftment and healing to others. Jupiter's presence in this house facilitates an effortless give-and-take dynamic, aided by your universal outlook, allowing you to avoid getting entangled in overly emotional relationship issues. Your emphasis on genuine, giving connections attracts reciprocal generosity.
Saturn: in the 8th House endows you with diligent work ethic and patience, yet your pursuit of financial security might lead to self-imposed social and sexual restrictions. Transform this drive into soul growth via wisdom gained through partnership relationships. Issues around abuse, power, and past hurts may arise. Challenges involving inheritances, shared finances, and intimacy emerge due to Saturn's hesitance to let go. This position can make relationships tough, leading to commitment issues. Overcoming Saturn's grip fosters eventual happiness and harmony, teaching valuable lessons of release and trust.
Uranus: with this placement, your intuition and psychic senses are heightened, drawing you to the mysteries of life and the occult. Nervous tension may arise, and unexpected gains or losses in shared resources are possible. Balancing your need for freedom with emotional connection is key, as Uranus' resistance to commitment can challenge relationships. Remember to stay open to intimacy while navigating life's uncertainties.
Neptune: in the 8th House enhances your intuition and empathy, but it's important to set clear boundaries to avoid relationship challenges. Embrace healing and afterlife interests while ensuring honesty in financial matters. Remember to balance selflessness with self-care, fostering healthier and more fulfilling connections. Your compassionate nature is a strength in navigating these dynamics.
Pluto: In the 8th House, your intuition and business sense thrive, drawing you to metaphysical realms. While inheritance and clairvoyant potential shine, be cautious of financial complexities in partnerships. Transformative experiences spark a fascination with life's mysteries. Pluto's influence urges open communication to ease power struggles, offering healing through release and growth. Embrace vulnerability for stronger, more compassionate relationships.
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transmutationisms · 5 months
In what way are phrenological principles still foundational to research psychology & neurology, and science in general? Asking out of ignorance and wanting to know more.
so, phrenology throughout the 19th century was a broad program of research principles, self-help advice, and social-hygienic prognostication. we tend to think of it now as being reducible to a craniometric chart and a crank trying to divine personality traits from a person's skull shape—this did happen, but phrenology encompassed much more than that. it was a driving force in the increasing acceptance of ideas like brain localisation (that the brain did not act as one, but had distinct parts that could behave differently and independently to one another), the related position that human psychology and personalities could be classified / taxonomised / measured (like, 'attention' as being a faculty distinct from 'judgment' or 'reason' or so forth), and the belief that organic derangements of the brain accounted for a person's individual social / economic / intellectual success, as well as social phenomena like crime, delinquency, or addiction.
by about the 1890s, the word "phrenology" had become more or less dismissed in mainstream french and british scientific circles, and it was portrayed as a pseudoscientific perversion of respectable craniometry / anthropometry. this happened for many reasons, including that british and french medicine were professionalising over the course of the 19th century and that phrenological practitioners were often unlicensed and operating more in a marginal self-help space (akin to many of today's astrologers) than in institutionally sanctioned scientific circles. additionally, after world war ii, phrenology's association with eugenics made it even more unpalatable; it was now seen to be politically dangerous even to those who had previously endorsed eugenics. the same happened to many other theories and disciplines of social-hygienic or degeneration-theory ideas.
however, the rejection of phrenology that began in the late 19th century and intensified in the late 20th has been largely superficial, and 'modern' science has never really grappled with the phrenological roots of so much neuro-deterministic and anthropomentric thinking, from psychiatry to a great deal of moralistic public health to the incredibly deeply entrenched, yet blatantly prejudicial in every way, idea that a person's appearance is indicative of their character or morality. fundamentally phrenology was a major driver in the acceptance (in many different fields) of scientific 'naturalism', a general rejection of prior christian teleological thinking and search for universally deterministic scientific laws instead. rendering mental action into the category of 'natural thing governed by natural laws' was foundational, for example, to darwin's conception of evolution and his effort to distinguish his own theory from the teleological evolutionary theory of robert chambers.
none of this is to say that scientific naturalism ought to be inherently rejected, or replaced with christian metaphysics; however, failing to grapple with the fuller legacy of phrenology, and eugenics more generally, because we don't want to upset what philosophical boundaries we think we've erected between religion and 'modern' science allows such eugenic thinking to retain its centrality in current scientific practice.
it is also always worth emphasising that phrenology, like a lot of scientific theories of self-improvement, has frequently been employed as a vehicle of liberal ideology, particularly in britain. although phrenological practitioners have at various times tried to ally themselves with a superficially radical sort of 'common man's' rejection of the élite scientific institutions, phrenology has at the same time followed a general trajectory whereby it emphasises more and more an idea of personal responsibility for one's own neuro-biological traits and associated character flaws. this is often seen as more palatable than outright hereditarian thinking because, rather than tacitly endorsing the expurgation of the biologically 'unfit', the liberal phrenologist affirms that people simply need to overcome, tame, or temper their own neurobiological defects in order to live productive, socially desirable lives. cf. 'negative' versus 'positive' eugenics.
if you're interested in this i would recommend roger cooter's 'the cultural meaning of popular science: phrenology and the organisation of consent in 19th-century britain' (1984) and philip rehbock's 'the philosophical naturalists: themes in early 19th-century british biology' (1983). cooter was an avowed marxist and his account of phrenology, science, and their relationships to industrial capitalism—while not flawless—is markedly different from any other prior literature on the topic. rehbock's book is less politically daring and less focussed on phrenology specifically, but clarifies some aspects of scientific naturalism and what is meant by distinguishing a 'modern' scientific episteme from earlier practices and principles.
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ryin-silverfish · 23 days
Headcanon: Dragons of the Four Seas
(inspired by a recent discussion with @the-monkey-ruler)
-Although Chinese dragons are water deities, there are dragons who control stuff other than water: Cold Dragons under the Dragon King of the North can freeze stuff, and Bailong Ma used to be a Fire Dragon in pre-novel variants of JTTW.
"Wouldn't it be interesting if the four major lineage of dragons all have their unique side-power, apart from water and weather manipulation?"
-It starts off as this, then spins out of control and becomes one giant worldbuilding exercise.
East Sea:
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-The eastern direction is traditionally associated with the Wood element. However, I feel like plant manipulation will be too obvious.
-So instead, they are the master of Thunder and Wind——the trigrams that represent these two things, Zhen and Xun, are both Wood-aligned.
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-Their lightning has a notable azure hue, and have adapted the force of Thunder specifically for underwater usage, creating highly potent sonic blasts as well as what basically amount to a sonar spell.
-They kinda consider themselves the archetypal dragon, representative of their kind, and certainly have the attitude to match.
-Like, they claim to be descended from the Azure Dragon of the East, even though the idea that a Divine Beast of the Four Directions, stellar guardian of the entire eastern section of the sky, can reproduce is...dubious at best.
-Don't you mention the time Ao Guang got bullied by Wukong. Or Nezha. Or Huaguang. Or the Eight Immortals. They are very touchy about that. Violently touchy.
-They also have close relations with water-dwelling Yakshas, who act as a sort of elite mercenaries in their military campaigns against other seaborn demons and rogue flood dragons.
-Basically, the proud generals of dragonkind, with a vast weapon collection to match. The dragon king's family also name their kids after Celestial Stems and Earthly Branches, much like the ancient Shang dynasty rulers.
-The East Sea dragons are the only lineage who has an official representative of the Celestial Host stationed in their territory, who's only known by his title, the "Water-dividing General of the East Sea".
-He seems to be an older sort of god, the half-man, half-beast ones who look like they walk out of an illustration of the Book of Mountains and Seas.
-Most of the time, he takes the form of a seal, lounging around on rocks and watching sunrises, and has the personality of a sarcastic old man.
-Whether he's here to keep an eye on them, or they are supposed to keep an eye on him, no one can say. Ao Guang certainly treats him like an old acquaintance, though.
West Sea:
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-They are a bit tricky. West is associated with Metal, and the two Metal-aligned trigrams, Qian and Dui, represent Heaven and Marsh...which don't neatly map onto weather and natural phenomena.
-Then I had an idea. What if they have a natural affinity for heavenly bodies? In ancient times, the movements of stars are believed to affect weather, after all, not to mention the sun and the moon.
-This affinity can be figurative——their lineage has a strong relationship with the stellar deities of the 28 Lunar Mansion and Dipper Mansion——or literal.
-Like a natural talent for divination and astrology, predicting the future from the patterns of stars. They are no governors of fate, unlike the actual Star Lords, they are just fate's weather forecast guy.
-This puts them in an awkward position, though: the stellar gods act according to the Jade Emperor's orders, some of which are very much secret and beyond their clearance levels, but the best scions of the West Sea can just infer it from the movement of stars alone.
-Which makes them obsessed with proving their loyalty, as well as enforcing a draconian standard of secrecy, just so they wouldn't get into trouble for knowing something they weren't supposed to know.
-Even more rarely, they can harness the power of astral light. Most of the time, such light is of lunar nature——Star Lord Taiyin also holds sway over the ocean's tides, though it is an easily forgotten power.
-But sometimes, that light comes from a fiery, lively, or ominous star, and the power that results is just as temperamental as their stellar origins.
-Enters Ao Lie, Third Prince of the West Sea, who has highly potent fire powers despite not being a South Sea dragon, and became the subject of some rather tasteless gossips about his parentage the moment it awakened.
-All dragons love their pearls: it's kinda like an ordinary yaoguai's "inner core", an orb of solidified Qi that can be spit out and store separately from the body, but much more powerful and culturally significant.
-Well, the West Sea dragons use their pearls in the same way a Feng Shui master uses their geomantic compass, or a Zhou Yi diviner, their turtle shell and copper coins. The ones left behind by venerable ancestors are especially treasured, believed to lead to clearer insights and more reliable readings.
-Through that lens, Ao Lie's burning of one such pearl is the equivalent of descrating the dead + destroying a priceless, irreplacable supercomputer.
-Intentional or not, to a lineage that is so serious about their discipline, taboos, and absolute loyalty to the Celestial Host, it is enough to warrant death.
-To no one's surprise, they are the diplomats, the inter-department coordinators when it comes to weatherly business. Not just between relevant celestial bureaus like the Thunder and Water Bureaus, but also between local dragon kings of rivers and lakes.
-As a result, the West Sea lineage is the most open to marrying non-oceanic dragons, even though these are often out of practical and political needs.
-That's my explanation for why, in JTTW, Ao Run's nine nephews either guard rivers or work for JE/the Buddha. The West Sea lineage has really turned nepotism into an art form.
North Sea:
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-In JTTW, we know that they have Cold Dragons that can chill stuff. It is certainly not too much of a stretch to imagine them as the ice-and-snow specialists, the ones you summon when you are sick of the heat or need to insta-freeze something.
-Historically, the "North Sea" in Chinese texts refer to Lake Baikal. However, I think it is cooler if their palace is literally in the arctic zone, under the ice caps.
-Instead of garden-variety shrimp and crab soldiers, they have lots of cultivated marine mammals. And elite legions of belugas and narwhals and bowhead whales.
-The smallest and most isolationist lineage also carries the grimest duty, as border patrols and prison wardens. Not only is the North Sea a hotspot of rifts that lead to the Underworld, it also conceals the portal to the Evil-Vanquishing Mansion of the North Pole——realm of Emperor Zhenwu, Lord of the North.
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-Kind of like the Lord Father of the East and Queen Mother of the West, he is the sovereign of the northern direction and the Water element, as well as the direct superior of Xuanwu, one of the Four Divine Beasts.
-And his job? Subduing demons. The Evil-Vanquishing Mansion is basically a fleet of giant, hollowed-out icebergs, packed to the brim with powerful demons, ghosts, and rogue immortals.
-Any prisoners that make an unlikely escape will emerge into the North Sea, where the vigilant army of the dragon king awaits. However, that is not their main duty; it is the Eye of the North Sea that they swear to eternally guard.
-And the prisoner of the Eye is none other than Shen Gongbao, the infamous traitor of the Chan Sect who was behind most major conflicts in the War of Investiture.
-It was said that, though his body was stuffed into the Eye of the North Sea as punishment, in the end, his soul still gets deified as a minor water god.
-However, if there is only a mindless body left in there, why the need for such heavy security? Only the most experienced elders and veterans are allowed to go into the Eye's vicinity to check on Yuanshi Tianzun's seals, and repeated visit by the same people is strictly prohibited.
-Perhaps, instead of a split of soul and body, deification has split the soul itself: one half is exorcised of all the undesirable qualities, the other left to stew and simmer in them until it mutates into something unrecognizable.
-Such is the rumor among the North Sea's younger scions. But folks will make up anything to pass the time in those long, cold arctic nights, and whatever the truth is, it doesn't matter, as long as the seal still holds.
South Sea:
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-Their element, Fire, is directly opposite to the North Sea's; much like the Cold Dragons, the Fire Dragons of the South Sea are heat specialists, creators of droughts and wildfires as well as bringers of warm winds.
-And their fire is a peculiar variant of Earthly Fire. Unlike Heavenly Fires, which draw from the blaze of the Three-legged Sun Crow, or the True Fires immortals used in internal alchemy, Fire Dragons channel the power of earth's flaming veins: that is, undersea volcanos and thermal vents.
-Though they usually display their power in less flashy ways——steam clouds, a playful whiff of sulfur, a blast of warm wind on a winter night, a Fire Dragon fully on the offensive is just like a mini live volcano, unleashing streams of magma and scalding smoke clouds.
-When dragons are mentioned as one of the Eight Classes of Demigods in Buddhism, more often than not, they are from the South Sea lineage.
-Like, the most popular Bodhisattva in Asia, Guanyin, resides in the South Sea. It's all but granted that the local dragons would also be heavily influenced by Buddhist teachings, in the same way their northern kins are drawn to the entourage of Zhenwu.
-Fun fact: the imagery of dragons has appeared in Chinese art since the Neolithic period, but the specific worship of dragons as gods of the Four Seas is a result of Buddhist influence.
-Prior to that, the gods of the Four Seas in the Book of Mountains and Seas are all beasts with human faces, wearing snakes as earrings or standing on a snake.
-And in Sui-Tang era works, some variants merged the Four Seas gods with the Four Directions gods of ancient times, and said that the god of the South Sea was Zhurong.
-A.k.a. the fire god that defeated Gonggong (in the most well-known version of the tale), who, being the sore loser he is, went and knocked over the sky support pillar with his head. Thus, Nvwa's patching of the sky.
-Legends of the South Sea lineage claim that the Fire Dragons draw their power from Zhurong's embers, and their king is descended from the two dragon mounts of the primodial fire god.
-To the outrage of more traditionalist dragons, they often intermarry with Nagas, the serpentine water gods of the Western Lands. Guanyin's dragon girl attendant is born of one such union, between the Naga lord Sagara and a princess of the South Sea.
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-Their palace is located inside an underwater volcano, said to be the remnant of Zhurong's great forge. Giant tube worm gardening is a popular hobby among the South Sea nobility; however peculiar it may appear to outsiders, these colorful creatures thrive in the union of Fire and Water, much like the lineage itself.
(Pictures of the Four Dragon Kings come from Nezha 1979.)
(The animated film makes the dragon king of the West a black dragon, and the North, a white one, a reversal of the colors traditionally associated with the two directions——West = White, North = Black.)
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cryptotheism · 1 year
Elden rings sorcery is almost definitely based on the work of John Dee. He was THE sorcerer-astrologer. The idea of learning spells by observing astrological phenomena is an idea Dee plays with as early as the Monas Hieroglyphica.
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vindelllas · 10 months
Bouncing off of the last post, what is the difference between revati chandra and revati surya?
the difference between your surya, chandra, and lagna - what determines planetary dominance the most (a revati case study) 🎀
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🎀 i am so glad you asked this question because it alludes to a larger conversation in astrology: the differences and similarities between the manifestation of the same nakshatra in differing luminaries. you will likely find yourself relating to celebrities or familiar friends who share similar nakshatras or rashis as your top three, but wherein lies the difference between you both?
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🎀 you surya is representative of the father, the king, power, authority, your soul, and the way you appear to other people. how bright your outward projection is depends upon the strength of your surya placement. surya controls the vital energy within you that drives you towards attaining fulfillment. whereas, your chandra is representative of the mother, the queen, intrapersonal and interpersonal emotions, mental clarity, familial relationships, and the matters of the mind. it is not inherently your intelligence (as this is under buddha's rulership), but how your emotions shape the expression and drive of your intelligence. additionally, your ascendent is considered the most important house in sidereal astrology, as it rules one's body and personality. do not confuse this with denoting luck, career, and wealth, as these are the more centralized likes of other houses in the chart. in my opinion, it is simply the basis for our being.
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🎀 this is ultimately why the lagna is often said to influence one's appearance the most, as it is our core foundation. however, the potency and effectivity of your surya or chandra fluctuates depending on its placement and strength. for example, having a leo uttara phalguni surya in the first house tightly conjunct your lagna that serves as your atmakaraka is more likely to you make solar dominant than having a taurus krittika surya in your twelfth house that is conjunct shani and is your darakaraka. it is all about relativity and strength! this is ultimately why i encourage people to really explore their chart (as there are instances where your big three nakshatra's vimshottari rulers may not be your dominant grahas). look at your karakas, rashis, mahadashas, aspects, lagna lords, yogas, etc..
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🎀 rant aside, how people interpret a nakshatra that occupies a chandra or surya is entirely dependent on the previous detailed factors. just remember your surya is the outer self, which can be altered according to your choice and situation while your chandra is the inner you, your true self. surya takes twelve months to traverse all rashis, i.e. remains for a full month within one rashi, therefore, the predictions made can be used for a single month. however, your chandra moves more quickly and is only in a particular sign for approximately two and a half days. Hence, the predictions on the basis of moon sign are more precise and accurate, therefore having a certain nakshatra in your chandra is considered to be generally more significant than your surya (relative planetary strength willing). to see this phenomena, let us examine the differences between different revati surya, chandra, and lagna natives
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🎀 above are two revati lagnas, bette midler (left) and shakira (right). both natives look similar to one another with their slightly arched, high brows; almond eyes with a downturned inner corner, prominent nose, oval facial shape, defined cheek apples, and perfectly symmetrical lips. despite both women sharing no prominent placements (shakira is a shravana surya and punarvasu chandra native, midler is an anuradha surya and and swati chandra native), they both are comparable as far as physical facial appearance.
*see my previous post on rahu and shani's, specifically swati and anuradha, correlations to looking alike with other individuals
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🎀 anya taylor-joy (left) and carly chaikin (right)
🎀 chaikin has an uttara bhadrapada surya and potential revati chandra. whereas, taylor-joy has an ashwini surya and potential revati chandra. despite both celebrities being potential revati natives, we can see their overall facial characteristic differences. despite them sharing similar nasal structure and facial shape, their eye distance, brow shape, and mouth shape are incredibly different. thus, suggesting that other grahas are influencing their appearance more so than revati.
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🎀 paulina porizkova (left) christina moore (right)
🎀 moore is a revati surya and potential ashlesha chandra native. conversely, porizkova is revati surya, pushya chandra, and vishakha lagna native. interestingly, both women have shukra conjunct their surya within a degree. these two natives look more alike than taylor-joy and chaikin despite them having differing primary placement energies. this overall dominance of revati in their appearance (aforementioned lightly arched, high brows; almond eyes with a downturned inner corner, prominent nose, oval facial shape, defined cheek apples, and perfectly symmetrical lips) is likely attributable to their surya being their atmakaraka, meaning the graha most indicative of one's soul in their chart. therefore, it is likely these natives resonate more with their revati surya than other placements in their chart.
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🎀 i hope this helped better understand the physical differences witnessed within different nakshatras. i hope to speak about the internal differences in a later post <3
* all of these placements were found using astrotheme/.com and/or astro-charts/.com. it is important to note that some chandra (moon) placements may be off by up to 6 degrees and lagnas (ascendants/rising signs) as well, due to the fact that many websites do not have 100% accurate birth times for the given celebrities.
xoxo, angel 💋
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Beginner Class - Correspondences 101
Ancient Craft & Occultism
Correspondences 101
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Welcome back to another lesson! Today, we're diving head first into the world of correspondences. What exactly are they? Why do we use them? We're going to discuss that and more in this lesson! Let's get to it.
What Are Correspondences?
In essence, correspondences are objects or aspects of objects that represent symbolism in direct correlation with a specific energy. Practically anything and everything has the potential to be a correspondence, therefore correspondences are subject to change depending upon the individual practitioner. Some of you may find yourself attributing certain emotions with colors - this itself is an example of a correspondence. Everything has its own energy, and using the energy that is in direct relation to your spellworking allows for that energy to be amplified and released into your work.
As Antoine Faivre (a French Occultist) states in his book Access to Western Esotericism:
"Symbolic and real correspondences (there is no room for abstractions here!) are said to exist among all parts of the universe, both seen and unseen....These correspondences, considered more or less veiled at first sight, are, therefore, intended to be read and deciphered....The principles of noncontradiction and excluded middle of linear causality are replaced here by those of the included middle and synchronicity. We can distinguish two kinds of correspondences. First, those that exist in nature, seen and unseen, e.g. between the seven metals and the seven planets, between the planets and parts of the human body or character (or of society). This is the basis of astrology - correspondence between the natural world and the invisible departments of the celestial and supercelestial world, etc. Next there are correspondences between nature (the cosmos) or even history, and revealed texts. Here we find the Kabbalah, whether Jewish or Christian, and varieties of 'physica sacra'....Ultimately the world stage is a linguistic phenomena."
Or as Pierre Riffard (a French philosopher) states in his book Dictionnaire de L'ésotérisme:
"The doctrine of analogy and correspondence, present in all esoteric schools of thinking, upholds that the Whole is One and that its different levels (realms, worlds) are equivalent systems, whose parts are in strict correspondence. So much so that a part in a realm symbolically reflects and interacts with the corresponding part in another realm. For instance, the Sun in the mineral realm is the counterpart of the Lion in the animal realm. The relation between A and B is similar to the relation between C and D. The microcosm and macrocosm are analogous, that is, equivalent, similar in their structures, even though they are outwardly dissimilar. The parts are in strict correspondence, closely knit together and closely interacting: thus feet/pisces, veins/rivers."
This is exactly why you use specific herbs, go for specific timing or moon phases, use certain colored candles, and much more.
Why Do We Use Them?
When raising our energy and directing our energy towards our goal, it's very useful to have elements that align with that as a means to amplify the energy. It takes less energy on the practitioner's end, as the natural energy of the objects being utilized is aligned with the energy needed in the work. A lot of it has to do with association, as that's a natural way for our mind's to process information. If you're doing a spell or ritual that is about healing, and you include a solar symbol or something orange, your mind may focus on a different energy rather than healing, which would interfere with the energy of your working.
It's important to make sure all correspondences are considered with your personal associations of things as a means to help you raise and direct energy.
Can I Make My Own Correspondences?
As stated above, the energies connected to particular items are known as correspondences, and they can be employed to increase the power and efficacy of your spell while also giving additional energy. These energies are influenced by a variety of elements, such as nature, colors, history, and culinary and medicinal applications. You would probably find at least one or two lists of correspondences for frequently used items in any book on witchcraft, especially for herbs and crystals. While the majority of correspondence lists are excellent, there are occasionally those that contain ambiguous correspondences, thus it is crucial to investigate any correspondences you are unsure about. Even if I wholeheartedly endorse the usage of these lists, especially for novice practitioners, how can we do away with them, particularly those in which we are unsure about the source of the information?
Look At Practical Uses
Examining the object's beneficial uses is the simplest method to get started writing your own correspondences. How do you utilize the item on a daily basis? What role does it play in the home? Take the broom, for instance. The broom's primary use is to sweep up dirt and debris from the house. Brooms can therefore be used to tidy up an area. Is the plant you're looking at utilized for cooking? What flavor does it have? What flavor does it add to the food? Is it able to glue the elements together, thicken, or color them? What is it used for if it has therapeutic uses? Does it relieve pain, calm rashes, improve focus, promote sleep, or treat infections?
Cayenne peppers, for instance, are hot and add long-lasting heat to the dish. They can also be used medicinally to reduce pain, increase metabolism, and hasten digestion. Based on these real-world applications, cayenne can be used to speed up a spell for a long time, eliminate rivals, or ignite your romantic life. We can begin to deduce some of their elemental correspondences from these practical applications. The cayenne pepper, which is hot and red, is related to the element Fire, whereas the broom, which is sturdy and purifying, is related to the element Earth.
Historical Uses
Once you have examined an item's practical applications, you might explore its history. Most things we use every day, especially those found in nature, are covered in folklore. To start figuring out other correspondences for an object, I advise consulting mythology, urban legends, medical books, and other historical documents. It takes time and needs critical thought to determine correspondences, but the effort is definitely worth it.
Scientific Nature
Next, start examining the object's scientific nature. The easiest way to do this is to use natural objects like plants, rocks, fungi, animals, insects, and other living and nonliving things that are present in your local environment. Where is the item often located? What features or qualities distinguish it from other things? What function does it serve in the ecosystem? Does it exhibit any distinctive behaviors? Take the flavor of mint. Almost all mint species develop swiftly and prolifically. If you don't watch them, your entire yard will be taken over. They are associated with abundance, prosperity, and fertility because of their prodigious nature. Some of these scientific correspondences are simple to infer, while others require some additional research.
Your Intuition
When determining an object's correspondences, the first three ways use logic; your intuition uses your psychology and emotions. Intuition is one of a witch's strongest weapons, although our contemporary culture frequently downplays its accuracy and trustworthiness. Start by wrapping your consciousness around the item in meditation before using your intuition to find correspondences. What does your intuition have to say about the thing? What comes to mind when you think of the thing you're looking at? Personal correspondence frequently starts in this area. At least for you, your personal connection to an object and the correspondences you create by employing your intuition have incredible power.
Consult With Spirit
Finally, you can speak with the object's spirit to learn more about its correspondences. The concept of animism holds that all things, both living and nonliving, have a spirit that we can interact with and form relationships with. This is easier said than done, and before attempting this kind of communication, you must be able to distinguish between your own intuition and mental chatter. It's normal for some witches, especially novice witches, to struggle with this correspondence determination process. This is an excellent chance for you to develop your spiritual gifts. Start by grounding and meditating with the object in issue, just like you would when using your intuition to determine correspondences. However, leave yourself open rather than putting your mind into the thing.
Keep the general mental chatter at bay and concentrate on the work at hand. Set out with the goal of listening rather than speaking. Depending on the object, you might hear it speak loud and clear in full sentences, or you might only see a flash of color or experience an emotion. But the secret is to approach this situation with no expectations. The item may not speak to you at all because you are not entitled to a dialogue with it. However, by building a relationship with the object beforehand, you can increase the possibility that it will communicate to you. Offer it gifts, communicate with it, take care of it, etc. Do essentially everything you would to make a new friend.
You will gain a strong understanding of how to employ the object in your own magical practice after combining these five techniques. Additionally, it will improve your magical practice overall and reinforce your bond with the object, enhancing its effectiveness as a component of your spells. The object will be considerably more likely to help you if you can communicate with its spirit.
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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The Galactic High Council 🛸 To The Ascension LightWorker Collective:
As you navigate through transitions activating change, endings, and new beginnings, know that you are now equipped with healing and insights that empower you to move through this phase effortlessly. Prepare to witness the unveiling of mysteries and illusions, representing a major global awakening drawing us much closer into the frequency of divine light.
Embrace the newly activated energies pulsating through you, igniting a profound connection to your soul's purpose and beckoning you to honour your true essence. A deep-seated urge to align with your authentic self will guide you towards significant lifestyle shifts and healthier ways to express and release emotions, transcending impulsive reactions.
During this transformative new earth stage karmic cycles and patterns are undergoing drastic shifts or completions. Past life, family, and childhood karmic wounds may also resurface, presenting you with many opportunities to fully release and heal. the profound healing energies that surround you now are supporting ascending individuals to navigate through this phase of intense personal and spiritual development .
Eclipses are a profound cosmic phenomena, That hold immense significance in astrological and spiritual realms. Reminding all ascending that everything is occuring for the highest good of self and all . These celestial occurrences stand as the pinnacle of annual transits, acting as portals to higher dimensions.
Their divine purpose is to create a higher vibrational energetic space that accelerates cosmic recalibration and destined metamorphosis. In their essence, eclipses also catalyse the unfolding of fateful events, bringing in a surge of higher energy that brings in profound shifts in the fabric of our existence.
This next Eclipse on the 25th of March represents a significant juncture in time, where the universe will orchestrate many unexpected events and opportunities, compelling swift decision-making and serving as a catalyst for profound change. Within their cosmic realms this next eclipse will serve to clear and intertwine timelines, harmonising past, present, and future to propel ascending individuals and the collective towards a new paradigm of authentic being.
Through their disruptive yet enlightening influence, the next 2 eclipses will guide many Ascending towards a much higher state of Conscious awareness and being, beckoning all of us to embrace the transformational power of these celestial forces now at play .
In this new ascension season and chapter the focus shifts towards connecting with genuine souls on a path of true healing and authenticity. Whether in business partnerships, friendships, or relationships, the emphasis is on aligning with individuals dedicated to their inner growth work emotional maturity, and pursuing their divine purpose.
This next stage of the journey transcends mere surface-level connections, it is about finding others who aspire to authentically Ascend and are committed to their personal evolution.
Gone are the days of seeking external validation or striving to embody an idealised image of how success should look like , Instead, the focus now lays in developing genuine connections based in vibrational alignment, authenticity, commitment, and loyalty. Recognising your inherent worth and value and the depth of your reflected inner work, Many ascending are now raising their standards and surrounding the self with those who resonate with the soul's journey.
Commonly reported Starseed Ascension Symptoms have included flu-like symptoms, waves of nausea, third eye pressure, headaches, body aches, dizziness, digestive issues difficulty balancing, extreme fatigue, sleep disturbances, heightened emotions, dull headaches, accelerated dehydration, and back/kidney pains, as well as continued third eye pressure and sinus issues. It is advised to prioritise self-care during this process.
Embracing this transformative shift means stepping into a space where mediocrity has no place, and the pursuit of exceptional connections becomes non-negotiable. By upholding these higher standards in self , you are able to create a fertile ground for enhanced consciousness , mutual support, and a collective shared purpose, connecting with those that nourish the elevating spirit to elevate the collective consciousness.
Starseed activations are now unfolding at a rapid and an unprecedented pace, catalysing a new era unlike anything witnessed in our solar system. The Love Revolution of New Earth is taking shape as we collectively embrace living from the heart space with increasing ease and grace. Within our Family of Light, a shared consciousness is emerging, paving the way for a collective shift towards multidimensional existence.
As Starseeds awaken to their true essence and purpose, they are aligning with the energies they were destined to embody. It is a moment in time where each ascending individual is called to come online to fully embrace their unique gifts and purpose . The threads of connection among Starseeds are weaving a tapestry of unity and higher awareness, propelling us towards a reality where multidimensional living is not only possible but absolutely inevitable.
This cosmic awakening marks a pivotal juncture in our evolution, as we stand on the threshold of a brand new earth paradigm one characterised by unity, unconditional love, and expanded consciousness. Embrace this moment, for it is your time to shine Starseed , to contribute your expanding light to the collective experience of planetary and cosmic evolution.
Eclipses have the power to unveil what is out of alignment and in need of change, revealing truths through revelations. While they may introduce chaotic energy and unexpected events, eclipses will always offer significant opportunities for deeper healing, clearing old energies, clearing stagnation to start afresh and anew. Physical changes during and after eclipses will accelerate personal transformation, marking the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one.
In loving and dedicated Ascension service
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Not an Insect
But still beautiful, Telescope and IPhone
It’s that flash not a star but something
On Eastern night sky
Flashy something
Not a Planet not a Sun
Flash light, Buddy, in cool blue bottle and pictured my dear friends and family and all families not knot not damned in this forsaken place we find all our faces in, walking upon the Earth and carrying on and carry, we take pictures, it’s all for the holidays!
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seafoamreadings · 8 months
week of sunday august 27th, 2023
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: if it feels like a bit of a lead weight on your soul all week, that's a saturn thing. this week's full moon in your 12th house is conjunct saturn, so you have a lot of feelings and it can seem like they're dragging you into a viscous horrible fluid by a lead anchor on your feet or concrete shoes. it isn't all as bad as it feels. the way out is to accept it, maybe retreat into a sort of hermit mode, sit with and listen to the emotions. on the other side of the full moon you start to float back up.
taurus: uranus goes retrograde in your sign. more retrograde phenomena are to follow next week. meanwhile also a full moon in pisces suggests a quiet night or two or several at home, even though socializing can be beneficial on ordinary full moons. this is not one. the stereotype that weird things happen and emergency rooms are more busy on full moons has to do with lunar antics like this.
gemini: focus on your home life, your family of origin, and your ancestry this week, especially if you have ancestral wounds or trauma and no one but yourself to heal your lineage. retrograde activity supports you in this work. it's not always fair that you have to do it, but you can heal the past and the future.
cancerians: the pisces full moon is one you can connect to viscerally as a water sign. but be advised it is conjunct saturn within a couple degrees and this can make it feel heavy and mundane compared to ordinary pisces full moons. therefore it likely takes on a melancholy tone and is less energizing for you than you would prefer. yet you're just as psychic and intuitive as ever, if you commit yourself to listening.
leo: you are the only sign i think this week's full moon on saturn REALLY benefits. if you have a magical practice or if you love to manifest, whatever you work on under that auspice gets plunked down into the 3D earth by heavy saturn. if you're not that sort at least launch a project or work on a goal or wish on a star or something!
virgo: a full moon in pisces highlights your relationships. maybe they go a little nuts. maybe YOU go a little nuts. that's okay. saturn keeps things somewhat realistic although if you refuse to see certain truths you may find things get more depressing than they needed to. try to keep your chin up! saturn brings wisdom when you work with him. that can lead to brighter times.
libra: be advised that if you've been neglecting your health in anyway it is likely to force you to deal with it this week due to the full moon conjunct saturn. and if it isn't about health it's about some aspect of your daily life, perhaps something you thought was too boring or ugly to bother about until now.
scorpio: many MANY changes are brewing in your life right now, in almost every facet of it, this week and next. fortunately you're the zodiac's alchemist, no question. don't neglect to turn the lead of this week's saturn vibes into gold, by hook or by crook. life is a spell and you are, certainly for now, the cauldron.
sagittarius: like your opposite sign gemini, you're slated to do ancestor work this week. if you're not typically the family genealogist you may find yourself deep in research or stories about your family's past. some will be good and others not so good. you will see how it affects you psychically, and find ways to heal. for you a bright light is cast on a dark shadow no one has acknowledged in a long time, in your lineage or your earliest years.
capricorn: keep a notebook or something close by this week. the astrology brings you inspirations and brilliant ideas and yet, so saturnine as the week is, if you wait too long to get it out of your head it will become too heavy to extract.
aquarius: retrogrades of your ruling planet are long and in the end just part (almost half) of the texture of life. but the one starting this week is a little unique as it occurs among many other retrogrades. furthermore the moments (days) surrounding the station either direction are typically strange. and by strange i mean not in a gradual way, but lightning bolts of things too serious to be coincidence. at the same time, the full moon in pisces cautions you against irresponsible spending or hiding your values, although it may be tempting.
pisces: a melancholy, saturnine full moon occurs in your sign this week. don't let any depressive episode drag you down, at least as well as you can help it. douse yourself in golden sunlight, and gold jewelry, and you will likely also respond very well to silver, and to music. especially if you can find something upbeat and happy to listen to (or compose!) or at least something catchy.
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