#ask star airy
teddyissi · 26 days
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Finally made a little ref for Star Airy and Casey! I hope y'all like it :)
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aaronhotchstuff · 1 year
☆ put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. It's time to spread positivity 💜🧚🏻‍♀️
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boorines · 8 months
as sweet as peaches | jeon wonwoo
wonwoo sits cross-legged on the floor, ikea manual laying open on his lap. the half built coffee table sits upside down in front of him, loose screws and nails scattered around the piece of furniture.
“did you find the piece that goes in this corner?”, you ask in confusion from your spot on the floor opposite wonwoo, one hand holding what you think is one of the legs of the table. “is it this one?”
your boyfriend looks up at you and breathes out an amused laugh, cheeks puffing up. “that’s the spare piece, gorgeous”.
you look at him, cocking an eyebrow, “you sure, wonu? because the last time you said something was a spare”, you point at the singular leg attached to the table, “that fell off”.
he grins sheepishly, “well… uh, maybe it could come in handy”. you shoot him a fond smile.
you both work on the piece of furniture for a while, sneaking glances at each other and giggling at lame jokes, before you stand up and wordlessly walk over to the kitchen. wonwoo follows your movement with his eyes, pushing his glasses up his nose as he does so.
you disappear behind the kitchen counter before re-emerging with a plate of sliced peaches and tangerines. setting it on the floor beside wonwoo you mumble, “odd combination, but it’s all i could find”. you peer at him and the softness you see in his eyes makes heat crawl up your neck.
“i love you”, he whispers.
“because of peaches?”, you ask shyly, taking a seat beside him.
“nope”, he breathes out, “peaches are just a bonus”. he picks up a fuzzy slice and holds it up to your lips. you accept the bite gratefully.
“the tangerines, then”, you mumble around a mouthful of fruit.
wonwoo laughs, it’s a very pretty sound, you think. low and deep, yet airy and relaxed. your giggles join his, the room filling with innocent laughter.
the two of you continue to tinker with the coffee table, occasionally nibbling on pieces of fruit. with the build almost complete, you lean back on the heels of your palms, surveying your work.
“not bad for two amateurs”, you declare with a grin. “i think we could build all of ikea if we wanted to”.
wonwoo chuckles, “we’ll have many days of building furniture in our future”. you look at him in question. “dressers, bookshelves, cribs”, he elaborates.
your eyes widen and you feel your cheeks burn fiery red. cribs… baby cribs? did you hear him wrong? did he say it on purpose?
he turns to you, eyes dancing and cheeks slightly pink. oh. definitely on purpose.
you look at him, lips parted ever-so-slightly.
“one day, i mean… if you want to”. he whispers.
you don’t have a response. you’re breathless and giddy and so in love.
leaning forward, you press your lips against wonwoo’s. soft and careful. he hums in contentment against your mouth, kissing you back with fervour.
his hand trails up your arm to your cheek, cupping your face like you’re as delicate as fine china. his other hand snakes around your waist, resting against the small of your back. he kisses you slowly, and when he feels you smile against his lips he melts. to him, this is bliss.
you pull away, breathless and heart racing. and suddenly, you’re 16 again. too shy to meet wonwoo’s eyes, a soft blush colouring your cheeks when he squeezes your hand with a hum.
“baby?”, he peers at you, trying to catch your attention.
when you finally look up at him, he’s dazzled by the stars in your eyes. the very same ones he thinks you hung up in the sky.
“you’re too much”, you mumble, just above a whisper. the chuckle it coaxes out of him drives the feeling deeper.
he drops a quick kiss to your cheek, his eyes dripping honey.
you point to the unfinished coffee table in front of you with furrowed brows, “we’ve been neglecting our magnum opus”.
his bright laughter booms throughout the room. “i don’t think an ikea coffee table is our magnum opus, baby”. he thinks he knows what will be, but he doesn’t say it. he’s hinted at it enough today. instead, he picks up a handful of screws and the last remaining leg of the table.
you take up a purely supportive role. handing him missing screws or nails you see him hunting for. you lean against the couch behind you, silently watching your boyfriend finish the rest of the build. you admire the way his hands move deftly to hammer in nails, the way he pushes the sleeves of his sweater further up his arms, the way he adjusts his glasses on his nose when they start to slip.
you’re happy, you think. just silently being in his company.
“finished”, he declares, pushing himself off the floor and offering you a hand to pull you to your feet. you stand beside him and look down at your work.
“not bad, jeon wonwoo”, you praise.
“not bad yourself”, he responds with a squeeze of your hand. he smiles fondly when he feels you squeeze back.
he looks at you, eyes warm, and drops a chaste kiss to you lips.
warmth floods your body. he’s just so sweet, you think.
“you taste like peaches”, he mumbles.
he’s as sweet as peaches.
ahh wonwoo…
writing this was really fun!! sweet wonu thinking about how urs and his masterpiece will be ur baby…omg
i hope u enjoy this one! as always, my requests and asks are open <3
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pasukiyo · 2 months
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remus lupin x f!reader word count; 2,224 summary; even just the smallest things remus lupin did was enough to have your belly full with butterflies. you trace it all back at three thirty a.m. to find that something that night turned in your heart...
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 “I don’t understand how you can call yourself a bookworm yet, you haven’t read a single Jane Austen book.”
 Remus casted his gaze to the ground beneath their feet and smiled sheepishly, tucking his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. “Does that discount my self-proclaimed ‘bookworm’ title?” He asked and she huffed, rubbing her palm up and down the expanse of her opposite arm when London’s autumn breeze snuck like a phantom beneath her coat. 
 “Perhaps,” she replied as Remus closed the small distance between them. “You should at least…” she trailed off when his arm slithered its way around hers and warmth pooled in her cheeks when he guided her hand in his coat pocket. She blinked a glance his way to find he already stared, waiting expectantly for the rest of her answer. 
 How could he be so casual while touching her like so?
 “…read Pride and Prejudice,” she managed to breathe through a shiver, his hand wrapped so tenderly around hers turning her brain to mush, a cocoon erupting somewhere deep in her belly, the warm, fluttery feeling of butterflies in her stomach making her feel light, airy. Remus said nothing, only simply gazed at her with a sentiment so warm and earth-shattering, she wondered if she’d melt and ooze like magma right there on the pavement in the midst of fall. 
 “Yeah?” He spoke and she turned away, willing herself to breathe. She hummed, nodding. “It’s a classic,” she replied, cursing her voice for sounding so meek. A lump had appeared in her throat and she forced it back down to her belly. 
 “Is it your favorite?” Remus asked, a gentle tug of his hand on hers to guide her around the corner. Her lips parted in a gasp at the subtlest of dominance, her heartbeat thundering so loud in her chest, she could hear it in her eardrums. For a moment, she caught a glimpse of Remus’s face, wondering if he could hear it too. She swallowed again, “well, no. If I had to choose a favorite by Jane Austen, I’d have to go with Emma.”
 “Then why Pride and Prejudice?” He questioned and Merlin, it was such a simple inquiry, but even the mere notion that he was interested in what she was interested in made her feel like she’d catch on fire any moment now. Her palms suddenly felt clammy and she flushed, desperately hoping he could not feel the sweat that was surely beading them. 
 “Because I think it is the best introduction to her writing and style,” she answered as they neared her flat, dread already beginning to lace her bones like a poison. How foolish she’d become for Remus Lupin, how desperate she’d become to always have him in her sight.
 The longer she spent with Remus Lupin, the more she was beginning to realize that she craved spending time with him, craved their conversations, even their debates over books, whether coffee or tea was better. She loved when they’d stare at the stars at night, listening as he told her each and every single constellation’s story, when he laughed at her jokes and brushed her hair over her ear and told her she was brighter than any star in the entire sky. 
 “Is that right?” Remus’s voice sliced through the syrupy mush of her brain and she blinked, clearing her throat and nodding. “Yes,” she hummed. “And if you read it, I’ll let you borrow my heavily annotated copy of Emma.”
 Remus’s lips parted in a devastating smile that she had to tear her gaze away from before she quite literally turned to putty in the palm of his hand. She nodded, brushing an astray strand of hair behind her ear with the hand not in the pocket of Remus’s coat as they approached her flat building. Disappointment struck like an earthquake in her bones and she deflated as she forced herself to pull her hand away from his, lacing her fingers in front of her hips as she turned to face him. 
 “I must get to reading then,” he said and the corners of her lips twitched. “Glad to hear it,” she said in hardly a murmur. For a moment, a silence fell upon them, neither seemingly wanting to find a reason for the evening to end. 
 Eventually, she willed her eyes to find his, no matter how much his gaze made her want to draw herself into him, deep enough that she’d never be able to be pried away. 
 “I… had a really good time with you today, Remus,” she said, eyelashes fluttering against her cheeks. His smile only grew at that, a blush creeping onto his face, a light pink to contrast the fading red of his scars. “And I as well,” he replied before his eyes widened, as if remembering something he’d almost forgotten. “I almost forgot.”
 She blinked, watching as he rummaged through the pocket on the inside of his coat, revealing a small, light pink bouquet to match the blush on his cheeks. The flowers were a bit wilted, more than likely from being stuffed inside his pocket for too long. The dusty pink on his cheeks deepened into a rosy color, his smile sheepish as he held it out towards her. 
 “It’s a bit… well,” he tittered as she reached for the stems, the brief brush of their fingers igniting a spark, a ray of electricity surging through her veins. Her face was so hot now, she was certain she’d be reduced to an oozing stream of lava any second now. “Been in my pocket all day.”
 A laugh tumbled from her lips as she brushed the pad of her forefinger across one of the soft, pink petals, holding the bouquet close to her chest. 
 “They’re beautiful, Remus,” she whispered. “Thank you.”
 Remus stuffed his hands back in the pockets of his jeans again, kicking rocks around on the pavement. “Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl,” he said after a moment, as if he’d been mustering the courage to speak in the first place. “Seems only fair.”
 Her lips parted, unable to breathe for a moment, her heart beating so fast now, it was a miracle it hadn’t leaped out of her chest by now. She wasn’t even sure what to even say, what to do— Remus Lupin thought she was beautiful. 
 What was she even supposed to do with herself now?
 “Remus, I…” she trailed off, unsure what to say. Remus’s gaze lifted from the ground, surging into hers and her heart skipped a few beats, her stomach doing a couple of somersaults. She knew she’d never before felt the way she did now, never felt so tender, so warm, so foolish, enough that she felt like she could break into a dance right now without a single care in the world. 
 She realized she felt this way every time she was with Remus Lupin, like she could dance, sing, scream into the night without a mere thought. She felt like nothing else mattered, as if every idiotic thing she did no longer mattered when she was with him. She didn’t recognize herself when she was with Remus and she realized that it was because of him that she was becoming someone entirely brand new. 
 Somewhere deep down in her heart, she knew this change was meant to be. 
 “…I want to see you again,” she spoke breathlessly, chasing air back into her lungs with a rather large inhale. The warmth of the smile Remus gave her was enough to challenge the sun itself, even on its brightest day in the midst of summer. Truly earth-shattering a thing, Remus Lupin was. 
 “Of course,” he said, stepping in closer, leaning down until his lips could press against the apple of her cheek. She blinked, pressing her lips together to stifle her gasp as he ruffled the hair atop of her head, pulling away. “I want to see you again too. And that’s a promise.”
 She was frozen, turned to a statue by Remus’s lips like staring into Medusa’s eyes had done to people in the myths. She hardly remembered saying their goodbyes, watching as he disappeared further down the lamp lit street, hardly remembering her feet whisking her way up into her flat. 
 She hardly remembered unlocking the door, closing it behind her and locking it again. Hardly remembered putting the light pink bouquet in a vase, hardly even remembered getting herself ready for bed. 
 But she did remember lying awake that night. She remembered tossing and turning, staring into the darkness of her ceiling, turning to face the buildings on the other side of the street from her window, the moon peeking its head over the rooftops. She remembered watching it as if it were an old friend as it disappeared over the top of her window, remembering every ticking of the clock on the other side of the room. 
 Never once did her thoughts stray from Remus Lupin. She still remembered the first day they met, the first time she saw him in the park, sitting on the bench where the primroses grew, holding a copy of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. She remembered him looking up and catching her eye, remembering how neither one of them seemed to be able to look away. 
 She was so bewildered, hardly believing she’d been able to catch his eye in the way that she did. She couldn’t believe that he wanted to talk to her, that he said that he wanted to see her again. She remembered the beating of her heart then, every single time he looked at her, talked to her, smiled at her. 
 She remembered their first date, when he took her stargazing, which she still was convinced was only so he could tell her about the constellations. He seemed so passionate then and she was so entranced, enthralled with the way he spoke. She still remembered the way her heart beat and fluttered around her chest when she felt his fingertips brush against her ear when he swiped away her hair, the way her eyes flickered to his lips when he tenderly told her she was brighter than any star.
 She sighed— how she regretted not listening to that voice inside of her head that told her to kiss him. 
 She could still feel the shape of Remus’s lips on her cheek from when he kissed her there earlier. His kiss haunted her, lingering like a phantom on her skin. 
 Remus Lupin haunted her, bewitched her as if he’d cast her under some sort of spell, until her every thought was of him. 
 She glanced over at the clock, just barely making out the time.
 Three thirty.
 Something began to shift from within and she sat up with a gasp at the realization that indeed, she was irrevocably, hopelessly, undoubtedly in love with Remus Lupin. 
 She practically leaped from her bed, uncertain what she was doing, unable to control herself. It seemed like foolish things were all she could do since she met Remus, such as picking up the phone, dialing in his phone, anxiously twirling the cord around her forefinger. 
 For Merlin’s sake, it was three thirty in the morning, why was she calling him?
 The phone rang for a few moments and she sighed— why did she expect him to pick up? He was asleep, she shouldn’t be bothering him like this—
 Remus’s groggy voice whispered through the receiver and her breathing hitched at the base of her throat. He picked up? 
 Her lips parted with the intent to speak but nothing came out— what was she even going to say?
 “Hello?” Remus said again, yawning. 
 She squeezed her eyelids shut, willing herself to just speak. 
 “Well… I’ll be hanging up now…”
 “I’m in love with you.”
 For a moment, she wondered if he really had hung up, a flush warming her cheeks. She was about to put the phone down, to trudge back to her bed and wallow in the depths of her own despair, until he softly whispered her name, so faint, she almost didn’t quite catch it. 
 “Remus,” she whispered back, her vision glossing over with the bitter sting of tears. She crossed an arm over her chest, the heel of the hand not wrapped around the phone digging into her brow. “I’m sorry for waking you, I just… I just…”
 “You’re in love with me,” he said, repeating it as if to confirm it was real, as if he weren’t still sleeping and this wasn’t all just some cruel dream he’d be waking from. She sniffed, nodding, “I’m in love with you. And I wish you were here right now.”
 Another silence. 
 Her heart did a waltz around her chest even despite the anxiety bubbling like acid in her throat. Would he reject her? Did she read him wrong? Maybe she was really a fool after all, for thinking that he would love her back, that he would feel the same way she did. Perhaps this would be the last time she’d ever hear from him, perhaps she’d never see Remus Lupin ever again and will forever be haunted by what could’ve—
 “I’m in love with you too.”
 She blinked, speechless. 
  "I can be at your flat in ten minutes if I run.”
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a/n; a little rushed but i've always thought this song was just so remus coded :( i'm seeing laufey for the second time next week and i'm really hoping she performs this one! she didn't perform it for the u.s. bewitched tour and i'm still so salty 😭 hopefully there's other lauvers reading this and if not, i encourage you all to listen to the song that inspired this fic!
🎀 if you enjoyed this one, i would appreciate a reblog or even just a reply to let me know! thank you so much for reading! 🫶
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Prompt: Ace’s day just isn’t right unless he pounds you stupid first thing in the morning.
Warnings: smut, unprotected vaginal sex, slight breeding kink, afab!reader, established relationship, biting (only once), praise kink, “baby” as a pet name, servicedom!ace if you squint, dry humping, cream pie.
It’s early, far too early. The heaviness of sleep tugs at you dragging your mind in and out of consciousness. You can see the sun creeping slightly from the horizon but the stars try their best to convince you it’s still time to sleep.
You feel him against you, probably in a similar state of limbo. Warmth emits from him like a soft fire as you snuggle closer, desperately hoping to settle down.
“Morning baby, c’mere,” groggy and hoarse as his voice is, you still find it sexy to hear early morning like this. Ace’s warm hands pull your plush body on top of him like a weighted blanket. He capitalizes off the heat you bring him, letting your knees rest on either side of his hips.
The comforter wraps around the two of you, shielding you from the harshness of the world before the bitter day starts. It’s like he’s missed you since he’s been asleep with the sheer hold he has around your bare back.
You love being chest to chest with him, skin to skin, letting your hearts have a conversation that no one else can hear. Your arms wrap around his broad shoulders while you play with long hair at the base of neck, as a reminder you’re there thinking of him even in silence.
He returns the gesture, the pad of his thumb works circles on your lower back, occasionally drawing shapes or spelling “I love you.” Some part of him always seems to find itself touching you.
It’s supposed to start out like this, soft and intimate as he holds you there to his chest. However, the combination of his morning wood and your obscenely warm pussy just hovering over his boxers makes it unbearable. He can’t take it for long, his need for you can’t be satiated by this intimacy alone. He needs more.
The thing about Ace is, he can’t seem to just ask for what he wants, so he bides his time grinding his half hard erection into you. The hand that used to soothe your back begins to push your hips downwards with every upwards rut of his groin.
Once even breaths turn airy in his ear as he rocks into you deliciously slow. His legs rise up the bed as he settles you on top of him, essentially cradling your tired form to fit his toned warm body. “Need you sweet thing, gonna miss you all day,” and it’s true. There isn’t a fallacy in Ace’s words. It crushes him to part from you day after day like a sick dog.
He wishes he could always lay with you and feel your hands in his hair like some kind of hedonistic freak. He can’t stand the physical pain he feels in his chest when your soft skin hasn’t graced his finger tips in a few hours.
Despite his complicated feelings, your lips meet his as an answer. Your wet tongue exploring his in a hot sloppy mess, desire licking at every inch of your body. The hands he loves so much tug at his raven strands in an effort to bring him closer to consume him entirely. Ace was so good to you, so receptive. Low groans spill from his mouth into yours but you swallow them up readily.
“You’ll miss me too mama, right?” The slow draw of his hips across your folds keeps your clit snug against him, dragging against the fabric. The sensation is ecstasy as his possessive lips suck against your neck.
“Ace, stop teasing me. It’s always you baby. Only want you.” Your body moves in time with his, the grip he has on your hip almost makes you feel like you’re melting into one on top of him like this. He’s just so warm it makes you crazy.
That was all he wanted to hear, the confirmation that it’s him you need. Someone somewhere was waiting for him to come back everyday. Your intimacy somehow always makes him that much hornier. He’s convinced he’s sick and depraved the way he could get off on assurance from you alone.
Too impatient to take his boxers off he only pulls them down far enough to fish his fat cock out.
“Just put it in, please,” you couldn’t care less about the burn right now, you’re just hungry for the growing glob of pre oozing from his tip.
Ace couldn’t be happier to oblige you, loving the way he splits you open when you sheath him. You sit up on his chest, letting him line himself up against your opening. He can’t stop from coating his cock in your slick first, rubbing his girth through your folds trying to use his earnings.
If there’s a feeling you wish you could replicate every time you fuck Ace, it would be how unreal his cock feels sliding through your lower lips. It knocks the wind out of you how smoothly he glides in, like he’s always been meant to be there with his tip kissing your cervix.
“So t-tight.. and wet and so fucking warm every time,” he can feel his balls pulsing already, you’re so snug. “You’re killin’ me here baby.”
This position lets you feel every vein that lines Aces cock drag against your gummy walls, your pussy sucking his dick like candy every time he reluctantly drags it out of you. It makes you lose your mind whenever he fucks you like this raw and he knows it, he can feel how creamy his baby gets when you whine about how bad you need him.
Your head is tucked into his shoulder as he makes a mess of your cunt. A mix of him and you currently leaks down his balls with each squelch of his girth stretching you out. He doesn’t mind doing the work, especially with tight cunt like this; the kind that forms a nice white ring around his thick base as he fucks you.
“So good Ace— oh my, oh my god baby,” you leave soft kisses on his face and neck, tasting the salty sweat that’s accumulating at his hairline. His tan face turning red from desperation and exhaustion, but he moans your name from the praise. Letting his head fall back on the pillows as his dick twitches for release deep inside you.
He needs to cum and he needs to cum bad; hot, heavy, and hard inside you. Ace grabs your hips and stuffs you full to the brim, sliding your bodies up the bed as he grabs a mass of your hair in his hand.
“Give it to me,” you beg. With his hand on your waist and another in your hair, he starts to bounce you on and off his dick. Letting your pussy lips keep him inside you as you slide up and down his shaft.
Ace bites into your shoulder as he fucks your pussy with everything he’s got, he loves to feel like your good boy. Pleasing you with everything he has in him. Nothing brings him any greater joy than watching you fall apart on him.
The sound is obscene, skin on skin filling the room as he pounds you raw. His teeth in your neck burn in the best way sending heat to your core. Everything with Ace was hot, the sex, the romance, the intimacy. It lit you on fire.
“Cum with me mama, please baby I can’t without you.” With his thumb pressed to your clit he eventually milks it out of you, sending the rubber band snapping within you as you clamp down on him.
Ace’s brain can’t think when your cunt sucks him in like this, your walls rapidly convulsing and begging him to release. The only answer it can think to give is spewing his hot thick cum in loads deeper in you. He holds your body flush against his, praising everything you do as he comes down from his high.
Your breaths fall into unison again as you lay there, only basking in the presence of each other. Maybe you both can sleep a few more minutes. Right?
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andersonfilms · 2 months
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whats hers is mine | abby anderson
tags: eighteen+, wlw, sexual content, gf’s roommate!abby, toxic!abby, cheating (don't go cheating on your partners this is for fantasy purposes babe), abby fr is menance in this.
an. yeah! i was horny so...this literally came out of my brain so smoothly. do i hate it? yes. but am i still going to post it nd fight my brain telling me not to? yeah! happy reading my h*rny pals.
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abby being your girlfriend’s roommate who you harbor a slight attraction towards. it’s nothing big, you have this under control, or at least it’s what you tell yourself. she’s hot, gorgeous, so incredibly muscular it makes you see stars. it tears you apart thinking of all the ways her strength could make you submit to her will.
make you hers.
fuck. but you have a girlfriend.
it’s a reminder you have to repeat over in your mind anytime you catch yourself being too flirty with her, but then she gives it to you right back. now, every night you dream of her milky skin, stunning blues looking right at you, and those soft lips caressing every inch of your skin, leaving marks in their path as abby stakes her claim. yet, you wake up with your girlfriend’s arm around you with your chest feeling warm at the fantasy of someone else. you have to avoid abby before you do something completely idiotic.
yet, she’s the first one to make the first move.
abby knows you’ve been avoiding her like the plague, so when she’s presented with a perfect opportunity, the conflict at hand is met with absolutely no resistance.
“abby, you’ve blocked my car in. can you move yours?” you ask through the shut door. she gives you a soft yes and when you’re two seconds from walking downstairs to meet her in the driveway.
she opens the fucking bathroom door.
water drips down sunkissed freckled skin, glistening from the shower she obviously took. her blonde hair darker than usual, falling down her back. the smirk there is vile, begging you to look further than her blue eyes.
with the way abby is looking at you, there’s no fucking way she doesn’t want it. clearly, she’s more patient than most, waiting for you to drop the eye contact.
“well?” abby lifts her left eyebrows, cocking her head to the side as she waits for you to react, crumble, cry. you’re not sure what exactly she’s looking for. the confidence radiating from her is irritating just as it is enticing.
when you shake your head silently, repeatedly too, the tall blonde takes a one step forward, the pad of her thumb places pressure on your chin, guiding your gaze where she wants. happily, you comply.
jesus fucking christ, you’d fully believe she was made just for you if someone told you.
the auburn towel is secured around hips loosely, her toned abdomen on full display, her small breasts sit beautifully, nipples hardened from the cool air. it’s not fair how fucking perfect she looks. there’s not a damn thing you want more than to wrap your lips around her pink nipples and suck.
“now, are you going to stop pretending you don’t want to fuck me, baby?” abby taunts, her voice light and airy but it shoots right to your core.
“i-i, abby, this is wrong we shouldn’t be doing this. you need to get dressed.” you try to great some distance but abby pulls you towards her as you enter the bathroom with her, left arm shutting the door as she locks it.
“mhm, you’ve been dating for what? two months? don’t be stupid baby, think with that pretty pussy of yours. know she wants me and you do too, babygirl.” abby grabs your hand placing it on her towel, looking at you through half-lidded eyes.
“you can take it off if you want. do you wanna see my pussy baby?”
your fingertip plays with the fibers, before you can process what you’re doing, it’s unraveling off her strong hips exposing more of her built physique for your greedy eyes. quads are flexing as you take her in, the muscle rippling as you feast on her.
you have never been so truly and royally fucked.
meticulously, she removes each piece of clothing you’re wearing as her lips attack your own. as if she’s been planning this moment since she laid eyes on you. she bends you over the sink, your pretty ass in the air for her and her fingers smooth over your delectable cunt, enjoying the inconsistent twitching your taut body provides.
“now, be a good girl for me and let me fuck my baby, yeah? ‘m gonna fuck you better than she ever would.”
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reblogs are appreciated! ♡
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eiightysixbaby · 10 months
Having dirty thoughts about Eddie letting reader wear his guitar pick necklace for good luck at a job interview or something and later on when she’s riding him he can’t stop starring at his necklace dangling on her bare chest in front of him 🥵
i just ran with this hehehehehe hope u enjoy
18+ piv sex, slight choking, hickeys
“Fuuuuuck, baby. Takin’ me so well,” Eddie grunts, bottoming out inside of your wet cunt.
All you can do is whine, the air nearly knocked out of your lungs. The euphoria that takes over your body when Eddie fills you is like no other, your hands gripping onto his shoulders to sturdy yourself. You’d gotten a new job today, a great offer at a place you’ll be truly happy at, and this is how you’re celebrating - with Eddie’s cock stuffed deep inside of you. You’d been so nervous for the last week in anticipation for your interview, pacing the house all last night and barely able to sleep. Eddie had been nothing but reassuring the whole time, soothing your every worry. This morning he’d even given you his necklace to wear, calling it a good luck charm. “So you have a piece of me cheering you on the entire time,” he’d said when he clasped the chain together at the back of your neck, placing a kiss on the soft skin there.
It was the perfect reminder of him as you sat in the waiting room for your interview, heel bouncing nervously on the floor. And it was the perfect piece of comfort as you rattled off well-prepared answers to the questions they’d asked you, your fingers finding the guitar pick and squeezing it tight when you needed an extra bit of encouragement and confidence. When you left the interview, one new accepted job offer under your belt, you’d grasped the red plastic pick, holding it to your heart as you let your smile break loose. Eddie had been elated when you got home and told him the news, picking you up and spinning you around and kissing you all over till you were out of breath from giggling so much. “My perfect, amazing, badass baby girl,” he’d praised, making you flush with adoration.
One thing led to another, and now he has you split open for him, celebrating your win by giving you the best treatment he knows. You pull off your top, putting your breasts on display for him. Eddie’s hands immediately cup them over the silky fabric of your bra, groaning as he squeezes the flesh. His eyes rake up and down your frame, and he notices something he nearly forgot. His guitar pick necklace, the pendant resting perfectly in the valley between your tits.
“Fuck,” he breathes, the shiny silver chain enticing him.
He removes your bra slowly, gliding the straps over your shoulders, letting them droop. Skilled fingers unclasp the garment at the back, pulling it off of you and discarding it onto the floor. The necklace looks even better on your bare chest, and his mouth waters. He thrusts up into you harder, making you cry out his name. One of his hands grips the chain of the necklace, tugging just enough to make you pliant but not enough to break the chain.
“You look so fucking gorgeous wearing my necklace, baby,” he purrs, rolling his hips up again. “Love marking my fucking territory,” his voice turns to a growl, his other hand squeezing the flesh of your hip.
“Fuck, Eddie,” you whine, gasping when his hand climbs upwards and his thick fingers clasp around your throat, applying enough pressure to make you blissfully hazy.
“D’you like wearing my necklace, sweet girl?” he asks, twisting the chain and tugging again.
“Y-yeah, fuck, reminds me who I belong to,” your voice is airy, bordering on a whimper. You couldn’t help but find your thoughts trailing off on your drive home earlier, thinking about the way this very necklace sways in your face every time Eddie fucks you. You’d managed to keep those thoughts at bay during your interview, but they’d been rampant in your mind since.
Eddie releases your neck, gripping your hips with both hands now as he holds you steady. His hips buck into yours, setting a brutal pace as you bounce atop him. He watches your face, watches it contort into expressions of pure bliss, watches his necklace dangling as it hits your skin and then bounces away again with each of his thrusts. He tilts his chin up, his mouth pressing messy kisses to the base of your neck. He sucks hickeys into the skin there, leaving a trail of bruises that decorate the curve of it . You can feel what he’s doing, panting his name as his tongue soothes the sore skin. He pulls back, admiring his work, his cock still spreading you apart in delicious strokes. He pulls you even closer, his lips close to your ear as a low groan escapes him.
“There, sweetheart,” he drawls, “I think I like that necklace even better.”
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lagomoz · 6 months
Proseka headcanons
-as rui’s childhood friend, nene has extensive fire safety knowledge
-shizuku is adopted, hence why she looks so different from shiho. she was adopted shortly before the moon rabbit event and it contributed to her clinginess
-shiho forgets this fact sometimes. she’ll casually mention something like shizuku got all mom’s good genes so unfair and ichika has to be. um. shiho
-kanade is mildly nearsighted/myopic but spends so much time at her computer she hasn’t noticed
-emu is buff. she climbs multiple stories without breaking a sweat and is canonically part of the swimming, handball and rhythmic gymnastic clubs, you can’t tell me she doesn’t have some muscle
-saki helps out as a human notepad for tsukasa, reminding of him things he would otherwise forget within 5 minutes
-the vocaloids also help. at first it was unnerving to have hatsune miku be an extension of his psyche that knows his darkest secret (stole saki’s candy when he was 6) but now his phone has a more reliable catgirl themed reminder system
-you know that classic nightmare of leaving the house without pants? tsukasa has legitimately done that as a kid. he forgor. (saki will never let him live it down)
-in the kamiyama student council/hall monitor room, an has put up at sign saying “_ days since last kamishiro incident”
-the shinonome siblings both figured out the other one was gay before they figured it out about themselves
-airi’s great at trivia from her time as a variety show star. she still can’t beat minori at idol trivia, though
-ena keeps a diary with fort knox level security. try to read it and you’ll lose a finger
-saki learned to crochet from the old ladies in the hospital
-shiho’s most treasured phenny is a somewhat lumpy crocheted phenny holding a very lumpy crocheted bass guitar
-tsukasa snores. he falls asleep in 10 seconds and sounds like a dying lawnmower
-mizuki has learned a small bit of french from their sister and uses it exclusively to teach rui and an how to swear in french
-emu still celebrates her grandfather’s birthday, even if he’s not there to celebrate with her
-ena is allergic to dogs, the middle point to airi’s cat allergy and akito’s dog phobia
-rui has various small scars from his experiments over the years, but nobody ever believes the real causes (rocket launcher, robot bite, exploding balloon animal, etc.) so he just makes up a new cause every time someone asks
-mmj! has had repeated incidents of minori and airi’s little siblings walking into frame when streaming at their houses. shiho understands the concept of a livestream but has still been caught failing at creeping past like that one new broadcast of the guy crawling along the floor
-kanade has pots & eds, this one I have a reason for look at her symptoms. chronic exhaustion, heat and cold intolerance, comorbid sleep issues and depression, dizziness when standing up, fainting after standing up, very pale skin, family history of medical issues, pain at normal physical activities, exercise intolerance, vertigo at mild exertion, she just fucking dies during the entire baseball event, I could go on. she canonically gets pain in her hands from opening a jar girl that is not just being out of shape that is physical disability. this one I will go conspiracy board on listen to me I’m right
-kohane ate bugs as a kid. an is horrified, toya is confused, akito is impressed
-ena and airi got in trouble in middle school because they’d keep starting fist fights in defense of the others honor. if they saw the other in a fight they’d jump in guns blazing no hesitation no questions ask ready to throw the fuck down
-vbs!rin and len were given a skateboard by an and then promptly had the skateboard confiscated by meiko for property destruction
-haruka is horrible with slang. she asks the stream chat what poggers means and immediately uses it completely wrong, killing all viewers on impact
-minori is torn between thinking it’s cute and wanting to die
-toya has been banned from arcades before because he made them lose too much money/they suspected he was cheating
-ena brought kanade over for girls night and nearly scared akito half to death because he went down to get a late night snack and there was some Ghastly Creature looming in his kitchen
-kohane's parents stick out like a sore thumb when going to her live shows. it mortifies her that everyone on vivid street can recognize them as the only milquetoast middle aged couple dressed in normal clothes loudly going YOU'RE DOING GREAT SWEETIE that don't know the first thing about music
-minori knows basic programming. she mostly uses it for forums, blogs, html, other web design things usually related to idols as a hobby, but she's become the groups designated anti-shizuku tech support
-mafuyu has always been able to see ghosts but after adults figured she was just playing pretend as a kid so she shrugged and figured it was normal and not worth bringing up again
-honami has one of those massive extended families and somehow keeps track of them all. at any given time cousin #57 can crawl out of the woodwork and she remembers their new job, favorite food, past three romantic relationships and list of allergic reactions
-mizuki does doll customizing as a hobby. they prefer making human sized clothes, but it's fun to make them miniature too. they've introduced shizuku to it and she loves it, but doesn't have the heart to do anything that would hurt the doll (sawing limbs off, dunking them in boiling water, shoving wires in them, etc.)
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teddyissi · 2 months
Plot twist @ask-star-airy's hat was given to him by his wife and that's why he's so protective over it (but that's just a theory)
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mimisplayground · 4 months
What do you think in soft s m u t to dr ratio?
Veritas would be so soft and gentle with you :( have you relaxing in a bubble bath with him, asking you sweetly to read a book to him. Feeding you berries and nice wine and helping when you get stuck on a word.
Massages your shoulders and groans when you set the book down to massage his. Grinding upwards and burying his face in your chest.
“Wanna be dumb together?”
Would prep you slow and gentle, kissing you between breaths and gazing at you like you had personally hand painted the stars just for him.
Would thrust up into you when you were ready for him, massaging your hips as you moan out and drool on him. And he’s practically drooling on you as well.
Words are hard to find as you both grind into each other, Veritas kissing your neck and sucking hickies into it.
Asks you to hold off when you’re close, begging to feel you both cum together. Warns you when he’s close and rubs your sex as you both reach your peak.
Softly runs hot water over the both of you, replacing the bath water and kissing you softly, bending down to lap at your lower regions. Sucks and licks you clean as you whine and cum again on his tongue with an airy gasp.
Cuddles you in the tub and tells you how much he absolutely loves and adores you :(
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rumisgf · 2 months
"TOO PRETTY" - denki kaminari x black!reader
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summary: you're just so pretty. your face is just too much to resist, denki can't help himself. warnings: quirkless!au, college!au, oral (m!recieving + f!recieving), lots of praise, lowkey face fucking, corruption kink if you blink, denki straight babbling while you giving him top (my bad LMFAO), denks is just very horny and in very in love
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you're just too pretty.
the way your freshly done lashes bat up at him, how plush your cheeks look, how soft and plump your lips are- it's just too much. you're way out denki's league and he thanks his lucky stars you even let him breath the same air as you.
"whatcha lookin at, kami?"
your giggly, airy tone snaps him out of his trance. your head is laid on his chest, thigh draped over his legs. he swears he's dreaming right now: you're laying on him, in his bed with only his hoodie and shorts on. "baby.."
"you're too pretty for me." he sighs. you smile at him sweetly, flushing his cheeks even more. the thing is, he has no idea how whipped he has you. you bury your head into his chest, muttering a shy "thank you" as you try to hide how flustered just got. but no, he wants to see your face. he takes his hand and cups your cheek, taking you in. admiring all your features and completely adoring your pure beauty. and then,
"...are you hard?"
his dick wants to admire you too.
he can't do a thing but chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. his hand then finds your thigh and massages your bare skin. "shit, sorry baby.. can't help myself with you lookin' like this." his voice becomes lower in tone, and he's now smirking. "well, you want help?" you ask sounding so painfully innocent. his eyes widen with both shock and excitement, his hard-on feeling much tighter in his loose sweatpants.
"i-i mean... please?"
you giggle at his response, biting your bottom lip. then, you lower hand to his erection, slowing palming him as your lips find his. he whimpers into the kiss, already grinding onto your hand.
denki had already found out you had never really got far with a boy before. you just never felt like you wanted to, not even after you had graduated and were exposed to the hookup culture in college. he was the only person you ended up falling in love with and feeling comfortable enough to be that vulnerable. although it was by choice, sometimes he gets hard just knowing he's your first. no- he gets so hard knowing he's the only boy who've you given head to, gotten head from, and importantly: the only boy who's been inside you. it boosts his self esteem more than he'd ever admit.
while he gets lost in the taste of your lips, he suddenly feels you pulling him out his boxers. he gasps at your touch as his hands finds yours at instinct. you look up at him as he breaks the kiss to pull down his sweatpants. "you want me to-"
before you can even finish the question, he lays on his back and pulls you toward him. he can't help his eagerness, he needs you bad.
you shuffle on the bed, laying down and positioning yourself in front of his lap. you take in the sight in front of you; precum already leaking out his raging, pink tip. his eyes are glued onto you, anticipating your next move. finally, you lean forward and begin kissing his tip. not even to tease- his dick is so pretty to you. almost as pretty as the soft sounds spilling out his mouth. "baby, please.. need you to work that pretty mouth f' me."
following his request, you begin to slowly take him in your mouth. his head throws back in pure bliss and he swears his eyes rolled to the back of his head. "f-fuck just like that, so good." he looks down at you; your curled lashes atop of your lids and your lips wrapped around his throbbing dick. he loves this.
"good girl, so pretty f' me... love you s-so much pretty.." his smooth, sweet voice is going straight to your cunt and you can feel yourself get wetter with his words. he cups your cheek, softly caressing the skin with his thumb. he subconsciously bucks his hips upwards, making a small gag come out your throat. "fuck baby- faster f' me please?
he likes letting you take your time with him and practically make love to his dick, but the tears budding up in the corners of your beautiful eyes is really doing something to him. looking up at him, you wrap your tongue around his length. you moan on him as you begin bobbing your mouth up and down, placing a hand on his lower stomach for support. "o-oh! oh shit- fuck baby~" his eyes squint as his hand moves to grip your hair (you'll surely kill him later after you come back to your senses, but he can't worry about that now). "mhm just like that, good girl.. look so pretty like this, mouth so pretty on my dick.."
a tear rolls down your cheek as you take all of him. he's definitely not small, you both know that. "s-shit..my pretty little slut. mhm? you're good little slut aren't you?" by the hum he felt vibrate on his dick, he knew that was your way of saying yes. "t-that's right- oh my god. suck me up just like that." you work your tongue around him, coming back up then swallowing every inch of him. you felt him twitch on your tongue and you knew he was close- if it wasn't for his grip tightening on your head. knowing this you blink up at him, making eye contact with him and he melts right there. "oh baby- don't do that gorgeous.."
but, he doesn't let himself break eye contact. he has to look at you when he finishes. "fuck baby 'm gonna cum soon, gonna- oh d-dont stop, please." you begin deep throating him much faster and earn a loud, pornographic moan out of him. by now you're slobbering all over his dick and denki is long gone. strings of moans leave his mouth as his legs flex, bending one of his knees. as you drive him over the edge he begins guiding your head up and down, creating his own pace. your eyes nearly shut and more tears threaten to come down your face. "gonna- fuck-! gonna fill up that pretty mouth, yeah? you gonna let me fill it up pretty girl?" you moan in response, and you're sure your slick is staining your shorts by now.
his hips grow a mind of their own as he starting bucking up into your mouth, pushing the tears out your eyes. "baby, sh-shit i'm-" his orgasm comes washing over him, cum beginning to spurt out his cock. "fuckkk.. c-cummin- baby i'm cumming-!" he spills out loud moans and curses as he shoots heavy loads down your throat, head thrown back into the pillow under his head.
you lift off him with a pop! sound, taking a minute to catch your breath. your hand strokes him slowly as he comes down from his high, then you lick him clean. the taste is slightly bitter, but still sweet. he's been eating better and staying hydrated for you, just for times like this. "taste good, kami~" you hum sweetly. half lidded and dazed, he looks down and smiles at you, reaching down to caress your cheek. "thank you, pretty baby."
he takes a moment to catch his breath, then he tugs his sweats back up. but, how could he not return the favor?
he pulls you up, laying you down and finding his way between your legs with a swiftness. instantly, he takes notice of the noticeably large wet spot that is 100% his fault. "want help, pretty?" he's teasing you on purpose, even though you just had him moaning and whimpering like a mad man. all you can do is nod and he basically rips off the clothing covering what he wants. now your dripping pussy is finally in front of his face. this is heaven. he can't help but admire it- this really is all for him. he looks up at you with the sweetest face, "such a pretty pussy~"
you whine, the sentence making you even more hot and bothered. he can't help but laugh, and his thumb finds his way to your clit "s' cute.." without missing a beat, he shoves tongue in your leaking hole, slowly thrusting it in and out. another whine falls out your lips, much longer with more volume. if he had any less self control, he'd cum again right now.
his tongue ran between your folds, finally replacing his thumb as he sucks on the sensitive bud. "k-kami~!" you cry out, your hands now gripping his hair. he laps at and kisses your clit at a steady pace. he moans against you, the taste of you making him rock hard again. but if that wasn't enough, he is reveling in your face right now. eyes rolling back, your soft lips parting as you moan for him, eyebrows slightly furrowed, you looked so perfect. "b-baby.. please.."
one thing he loved more than you choking on his dick: eating you out. you had the prettiest pussy, and you always get so wet. he can feel your slick start to drip down his chin. and he loved making it more messier than it already is- running his tongue through your folds and spreading your wetness everywhere. he thinks you look beautiful with your legs spread, shivering under his touch as he makes you cum.
"i-i'm gonna- fuckkk.."
he plunges his fingers into you, finger fucking you as he fully tends to your clit to bring you over the edge. you nearly scream, back arching off the mattress. strings of "m' cumming!" "fuck" and "kami~" stumble out your mouth frantically as you let go on his fingers. he lifts his head and slowly brings his fingers out of you. he looks up at you purposefully as he brings them to his mouth, licking his fingers clean. "taste so sweet, baby."
you giggle a bit, still dazed from your orgasm. he comes up from between your legs, kicking his sweatpants off in the process. he looks at you, basking in your beauty. "can we make love, beautiful? wanna show you how pretty you are." smiling, you nod. he kisses you, pressing his forehead against yours. his lips eventually move to your neck as he lines himself up at your entrance.
"you just look so pretty like this, baby. y' don't know what you do to me"
© rumisgf
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fayeriess · 7 months
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⋆。‧₊°♱༺ ON A PILLOW OF
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astarion ancunin x fem!reader
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summary: you and astarion take much-needed time to yourselves in a field kissed by the sun. blueberries are the fruit of the occassion, as messy and sticky as they were. sometimes though, messy is a good thing.
warnings: 18+, smut, oral, ejaculation, deep-throating (??), a bit of nipple play if you squint hard enough, astarion's very vocal ( i don't make the rules ), astarion licks fruit juice off reader's chest, slight worshipping, not proof-read
a/n: wrote this at two am with a foggy mind and rusty smut skills. but alas, here's a small gift of an idea that refused to leave me. now, i can rest easily, bless.
The sun - a ball of fire in the abyss of the sky - is the brightest star. It burns the surface of your skin in vibrant rays of light, warming you from the inside; and setting you aflame. It wasn’t a foreign feeling, just one you learned to appreciate in the years you’ve been on this plane, a hug without drastic intentions, a heated embrace. Aside from the fruit in your hand; cobalt in color, soft-skinned, ripe, and dripping sour juices. It pools on the surface of your tongue alongside sugary essence once the sharp ridges of teeth puncture through; mixing in with warm spit, tricking down the chin and onto the expanse of your chest, loose, low-cut blouse leaving little to the imagination. 
The feeling you get from it is almost erotic, you think, as your lover laps at stray sweetness making its way to the base of your neck, right under the spot he adored so very much. The wet muscle of his tongue skims across your collarbone, his long, cold fingers hovering above your hip, the other keeping himself steady, hand sinking into the softness of the sheet below. His touches give off a certain urgency although his actions show otherwise. Astarion wants to take his time with you; albeit having seemingly all the time in existence to do so. 
A sigh escapes your lips involuntarily, airy as the hairs on your arms raise every millisecond that his body inches closer to yours, craving skin-to-skin through the thin layers of fabric. It causes you to straighten your spine, almost as if you were a stick wedged in damp soil, letting it mold further into you, keeping your soul in place. Every single bone within you was practically screaming. They didn’t mind being constricted like this, a small jumble of voices bouncing back and forth. 
It made you chuckle, a sound that had him humming against your skin in curiosity. “What’s so funny, my love?” 
Smiling,  you lock your irises onto a cluster of stray curls above you, hand moving to twist around them - an action that makes him visibly shiver.
“I’m supposed to be feeding you.” 
With a raise of his head, you could see just how big his pupils had dilated, ruby eyes just a shade or two darker than usual. His low-lidded gaze traveled down toward the valley of your chest, a purple tint left in streaks adorning your collarbone; evidence of his affection. “Are you not already?”
You roll your eyes, clicking your tongue against the roof of your mouth as you shuffle about next to him on your side, propping your chin on the palm of your hand, elbow digging into the ground beneath the white linen of the sheet. “No, you’re far too busy being a tease.”
At your words, he chuckled, face dropping to the left side of your neck with such swiftness that you raised your hips further into his at the feeling of plump lips on your pulse point. Although you couldn’t see him anymore, the way his fingers squeezed at your clothed hip told you everything you needed to know.  
“If you wanted me to bite you, all you had to do was ask.”
A breathy sigh left your lips, nails moving from his silver curls down to his back, his tunic wrinkling under your touch, preventing him from escaping. Hot white heat pooled in your lower stomach; a longing to have him touch you in your most intimate of places - desperately. Desire envelops you whole, just like the sparkle of the sun.
“Please Astarion….”
Shivering at the coolness of his lips against your neck, your face grew hot in sudden embarrassment. The organ that was your heart hammered erratically in your sternum as he sucked on your flesh, setting your skin ablaze in a way where it was somewhat painful… a delectable pinch as his fangs pierced the skin.
Astarion was no stranger to drinking your lifeblood, and the act itself wasn’t a rare occurrence. He enjoyed it - no, he craved it as if it were the finest, most expensive brand of wine he had ever tasted in all his years. It satiated his thirst.
His cheeks hallowed as he sucked once - twice more before pulling away, thumbing at the corner of his lip before parting his lips, tucking his bloody thumb into the heat of his mouth. “Delicious…”
Astarion was sure that his body had started to relax as your blood flowed through his veins, sloshing around in the confines of his belly as if he were a drunkard. 
The ridges of your front teeth sunk into the pillowed flesh of your bottom lip, and you watched cautiously as he toyed with the edges of his tunic, lifting it to his naval. Slight hesitation embedded itself in his hands before he flexed them a bit, ridding himself of the fabric completely. Despite having been bare in front of you countless times - even if not fully on display, he found himself growing somewhat small under your fixated look, opting to stand and plop himself in a bed of grass a couple of feet away. 
He extended his arms outward, blades of deep green tickling his knuckles, creating an itch that he refused to scratch. Filling his mouth with fresh air, his chest rose before deflating, the hairs in his nose burning. “Sometimes, I forget how to breathe.” 
Lashes fan against his skin as he closes his eyes, his undead lungs trying to find a comfortable rhythm, steady.  You can’t help but admire him from your place, eyebrows unfurrowing from their constant state of distress. 
The light had moved in his direction, clouds changing their position to make way as it shone down on his figure, drawn to him like magnets to metal. It casts shadows on his face, carving out every gentle dip of his abs, the flexing of his biceps as he raises a hand in front of his face, blocking his vision from the viciousness of it all. Instead of irritation filling his undead heart, it was a foreign sense of calamity. A feeling that he held dear for as long as it lingered.
“This feels nice.” 
His ears perk at the sound of your feet crunching grass, alongside the periodic chirping of birds perched on enormous tree branches above. A gust of wind weaved through tendrils of curls, seeping into his scalp, metaphorically dousing him in cold water. For a second, he indulged in the thought of bathing in a nearby lake wherever camp was set up for the night, taking his time to let it take over every inch of his body. 
A clench of his stomach muscles sends his eyes shooting open, neck craning to stare down at your hand traveling down the ‘v’ of his naval, tracing patterns on the way. Your unexpected compliment was nothing but a whisper in the wind that made the tips of his ears grow as red as his eyes. 
“You’re beautiful.” Leaning down between his wide legs, your sticky lips graced his icy skin, sending a jolt of heat through him, a gasp caught in his throat as you painstakingly peppered his abdomen in an abundance of kisses. 
Astarion was by no means ashamed when it came to eliciting pretty noises in response to your touch; need apparent in the way his head fell back, cushioned by grass and a halo of dandelions, his adams apple bobbing as your fingers hooked in the waistband of his pants.
“Let me worship you Astarion. You deserve to be tasted.” 
He propped himself on an elbow, staring down at you with an expression that could only be described as that of some sort of challenge at your request, his unoccupied hand stretching out to grip your chin loosely in his hands, fingers tapping on the fullness of your cheeks. “Needy little thing.” 
The low tone of his voice caused you to rub your thighs together, trying to soothe the developing ache between them, a feeling you knew wouldn’t go away unless he helped you - until he conjured every single facet of his love and adoration for you to the tips of his fingers. “Who am I to refuse my love’s desires?” 
Loosening his grip on your face, he allowed you to tug at the fabric of his pants, lifting his hips slightly as you shed them off of him completely, fingers dancing up his thighs, eyes greedily taking in his cock that lay hard before you, slightly curved and sensitive. His tip glistened with wetness that formed a waterfall of saliva in your mouth to coat him with. 
It practically begged for attention, some sort of relief that you were more than willing to give by darting out your tongue, bobbing your head down his length, and taking him down your throat as far as you could.
Through spit-covered teeth, Astarion hissed lightly as you palmed him gently, the extra layers of skin doing little to help him catch his breath. It stretched at every tug of your hand, at every bob of your head as you took him further in your mouth, cheeks hollow and mouth wet, shining under mustard yellow hues from the surrounding landscape of the hidden field. 
He was fucking perfect lying beneath you like this, devoid of any sharp remarks, and scandalous comments - just a blubbering mess. A man formed by all things precious, and a subtle sort of stunning. 
“Gods, just like that, pet.” He bucked his hips upward, hitting the back of your throat so violently that you gagged, an encouraging hum causing his cock to throb in the expanse of your warm mouth. 
He could stay here forever, your lips closed around him, cheeks stained with tears, fingers from your other hand tracing figure eights on his pubic bone to occupy yourself further with pleasing him. Even with a brain filled with endless fog, the pale elf couldn’t recount the last time you had sucked him as if your entire existence depended solely on his pleasure. 
Hell, he wasn’t complaining at all. The noises escaping his esophagus were more than enough proof, and you were more than happy to make it known. 
You swirled your tongue around his tip, gathering the taste of him, pubic hairs tickling your nostrils as the tip of your nose made contact with the base of his shaft. His lower stomach couldn’t help but clench tightly, only contracting when your lips widened, jaw slacking as you quickened your pace. 
White heat coiled in his stomach, a sensation so euphoric to him that his back arched slightly, brows furrowing, a chorus of broken, muffled cries leaving his parted lips. He released his seed, spurting his arousal down your throat, something you swallowed without hesitation as you pulled away from him.
Finding the strength to open his eyes, Astarion narrowed them at the white puff of clouds painting the sky above through vibrant leaves, a tingle vibrating throughout his body as you straddled his hips, rocking against him gently as he peaked at you. “Isn’t there something else you crave?” 
The flesh of your mouth meets his pointed ear and his spine grows rigid, then he shudders in anticipation, in desire. His hands are under your blouse before you can utter anything else, following the dip of your lower back as you press yourself against him. 
“I want to be inside of you.” 
There it was. 
The seven words you’ve been wanting to hear ever since he took your hand and whisked you away into the horizon, a basket full of berries that currently sat discarded somewhere around the crumpled blanket, rotting away in the heat.
“I’d rip this off of you if you’d let me.” He whispered, thumbing at your shirt, hair tousled and out of its usual format of precise placement. 
He looked like heaven. He tasted like heaven. He felt like heaven. 
It was a mantra that you repeated in your head as he discarded the shirt that covered the swell of your breasts, nipples perking when he pinched them between his fingers, taking one of them in his mouth almost immediately after as if he were still famished. 
Fidgeting with the ends of your long skirt, you bunched the fabric up your thighs, fingers disappearing under the material to move your soaked underwear to the side, throbbing with need. “You know I would if the circumstances were different.” 
Ah, yes, the fact that you two were fucking like rabbits out in the open. A thrill that never ceased to make your heart beat quickly no matter how many times you both found yourselves in this position. 
“Yet you’re letting me take you in broad daylight.” 
It was hard not to smile at that. 
After all, he did have a point.
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tags: @tallymonster, @astariongf, @scandalcus
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yandere-daydreams · 6 months
Title: Undetered.
Continuation of Unrequited.
Pairing: Arlecchino x Reader x Furina (Genshin).
Word Count: 1.1k.
TW: Obnoxious Sapphic Pining, Lesbian Melodrama, and Spoilers for the Fontaine Story Quest. Live Dove: Tender and Sweet.
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Truly, you were fortunate to have such a persistent suitor.
And, truly, Arlecchino was lucky to be so desperately in love with someone who so often left their windows unlocked.
Lady Furina – or, rather, Miss Furina now – might not have had the limitless means of an archon, but her manor was still sizable enough to leave convenient gaps between patrolling guards. Vaulting the stone gate was child’s play, climbing to the second floor a task that would’ve been easily passed off to one of her less capable subordinates, remaining unseen as she worked a dagger between the glass pane and its wooden frame until the mechanism gave and she could slip into your bedroom an art she’d perfected over decades of careful practice. She never expected to use her talents for a matter so personal, but still, expertise couldn’t be denied.
Although Furina’s burdens weren’t quite as heavy as an opera star as they’d been as an archon, you still took care of her affairs dutifully – ever the loyal companion despite your favored idol having been proved false. Even now, in the dead of night, you were chained to your desk, your fingertips stained with ink and your quill abused to the point of dullness. It took a moment for you to take notice of the draft, to straighten your back and glance blearily in her direction, but whatever exhaustion stole your attention from her seemed to disappear the moment you met her eyes. You scrambled to rise, to call for your guards, but she was already closing the distance between you, already trapping you against the edge of your desk, an arm caging you in on either side. Too breathless to spare a proper greeting, she took your hand in her own and held it to her chest. If she had a heartbeat, you might’ve been able to hear it racing. “My love, my light,” You opened your mouth, undoubtedly preparing one of the dismissive platitudes you so often offered her, but just this once, she refused herself the pleasure that was listening to your voice. Time was precious, tonight, and she couldn’t afford to be so indulgent. “I’m leaving for Snezhnaya at dawn, and I will only dare to ask this once—” She paused, forced herself to breath. “Come with me.”
Your eyes remained wide and horrified. “Lord Arlecchino.” And then, after a short lapse, “You’re in my bedroom.”
“If you must serve a god,” she went on, unfazed by your shock. “Then serve me. I know you think you’ve found a purpose in Furina, but there is nothing in the world she can give you that I can’t. There’s nothing she does for you that I’m not willing to.” She raised your hand to her mouth, her lips grazing over your knuckles. “You don’t have to love me. All I ask is to be able to pretend you might, one day.”
It was your turn to manage a ragged inhale, now, to draw yourself out of her hold with a quick shake of your head, a dry swallow. “You can’t—” You started towards the door, then thought better of it, taking to pacing as you glared daggers towards the carpeting. “You cannot be here. You have to leave, and you have to make sure no one sees you.”
“I’m not afraid of a few guards,” she cut in. “If I had to fight a thousand men for your hand, I’d draw my sword without a second thought.”
“You don’t understand. She thinks I don’t know, but—” You groaned, burying your face in your hands. “She writes these— these fictions, and if she finds that you’ve broken into her estate in the middle of the night wearing—” You gestured vaguely to her, or more specifically, to the pitch-black bodysuit she usually wore to her less scrupulous encounters. “—that, I’ll have to travel far past Snezhnaya before I ever hear the end of it.”
With an airy chuckle, she found her way back to your side. As gently as she could, she took you by the arm, and when you failed to protest, drew you into a delicate embrace. “What are you afraid of, dear?”
You slackened against her chest. “I… I honestly don’t know how to explain it,” you admitted. “It’s just, ever since you first came to Fontaine, she’s been inf—”
This time, you were interrupted by the door to your bedroom slamming open, your mistress appearing above the threshold – already posed with one hand on her waist and the other curled around the handle of a mahogany cane, her eyes shut and her smile wide. “Teyvat’s brightest star has returned!” She declared herself with a turn on her heel – a dramatic flourish worthy of a retired archon. “You would not believe how well rehearsal went, there’s already a—”
Her eyes flickered op, and whatever she meant to tell you died on her tongue as her gaze fell onto Arlecchino. Immediately, you wrenched yourself out of Arlecchino’s arms, rushing towards Furina. “My lady, it’s not—"
“Save your excuses.” Her voice was low, her tone steely. Furina posed no threat to you, much less to her, but Arlecchino still had to temper the urge to step in front of you – if only out of some long buried, sickeningly knightly instinct. “I can see what’s going on.”
A beat passed in silence, then another. Ultimately, Arlecchino took it upon herself to break it. “…you can?”
“For exactly what it is.” She pressed the back of her hand to her forehead, gasping sharply. “My greatest foe, here to use my closest confidant against me. I will not allow it! Whatever you plan to do with them – let me take their place. No matter what you plan to take – my mind, my soul, my body, I insist that you take it from me!”
Her rambling went on, but Arlecchino diverted her attention, sparing you a glance out of the corner of her eye. “She’s got a bit of a crush,” you whispered, smiling apologetically. “This is just how she behaves when she’s nervous.”
Arlecchino’s looked back to Furina. Upon closer examination, her cheeks were flushed, her movements erratic. As she described the torture she would go through for your sake in truly graphic and well-imagined detail, Arlecchino cleared her throat. “With as little respect as possible,” she cut in. “You’re not the one I’m here for, Furina.” She took up your hand, intertwining her fingers with your own and falling to one knee. You pursed your lips, but didn’t protest, content to let the gesture stand – if only for the sake of your mistress. “It’s your confidant who has my heart, despite how callous the hands I’ve entrusted it to may be.”
“But, my lady, my loyalty is with you.” For the first time, Arlecchino watched your expression wither. Your worry – not for your mistress’ safety, but purely for her happiness – would’ve been touching, if her selfishness hadn’t been the cause of your concern. “And… my love, as well. If you’d care to accept it.”
It was a pitiful confession, pale in comparison to even the meekest of hers, but it seemed to be enough. Furina took a moment to examine you, to evaluate Arlecchino where she kneeled. Slowly, she straightened herself, squaring her shoulders. “If that’s the case,” she began, finally, taking on an air that could be easily mistaken for dignified. “Then as the former sovereign of your nation and the mistress of this estate…”
She raised a hand, a near radiant grin painting itself across her lips as she encompassed you both in one sweeping gesture.
“I demand a threeway!”
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elsweetheart · 6 months
Startling Hazel by sitting on her lap at like a party… she’s kinda faded but then you come out and she’s like fuck my life????
yissss yipyipyipyipyip this ends kinda abruptly sorryyy ❀
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whenever hazel gets drunk or high, she kinda gets this blissed out smirk on her face that just won’t budge. i mean, there’s a reason people call her ‘haze’, cos she’s all dazed and relaxed and adorable. she’s pretty sure she has sunk into the couch at this party, the music a low thrumming as she chuckles at a joke she didn’t even hear fully.
someone treads on a beer can making it crunch beneath their foot, followed by a light airy giggle which takes a few seconds to register as you in hazels mind. she looks up, suddenly and wide eyed like a deer caught in headlights — startled all the same as one too when you’re suddenly directly infront of her, smiling like you’d just won the lottery.
“haze!” your voice carries like a windchime over the filthy low bass and a dumb, open mouthed smile spreads on her face. she wanted to slap herself.
“hey, you!” she subconsciously mimics your tone, pressing her lips together and swallowing hard when you steady your tipsy self by placing your hands on her shoulders where she sits. by instinct, she rests her hands on your hips. fuck my life, she thinks. fuck me, she thinks again.
“theres literally nowhere to sit.” you roll your eyes light heartedly, and anyone else would have taken the hint but hazel just stares up at you, starstruck before her lips turn down and she shrugs casually.
“damn, that sucks.”
you blink for a second, not sure what to respond and simply giggle— which makes her laugh, even if she’s not sure what the two of you are laughing at. another voice that doesn’t belong to either of you cuts through.
“this is cute and all but jesus just sit would you?” pj tugs hazels shoulder so she leans back a little before physically grabbing you and placing you on hazels lap like you were little lego pieces for her to construct.
“jesus, man.” hazel is blushing, arms hovering for a second before wrapping around your waist. you suck in a breath and turn into her, clinging to her a little in satisfaction.
“just until a seat opens up, i guess.” you smile sheepishly, faces so close to one another and hazel shamelessly looks at your mouth when she responds.
“i— yeah… unless, well — i don’t actually mind you sitting here. i quite like it.” she blabs, immediately regretting it. god, why was she so fucking awkward?
“okay good, wanted to sit here all night.” your voice is quieter due to the proximity and if you weren’t sitting directly on her she’d probably start crossing her legs all tight.
your words sink in and she guffaws awkwardly, nearly choking on her spit. “you… really? here? like, on my lap?” she asks, bouncing you on her knee in gesture slightly. she didn’t mean anything by it, but you grip her a little tighter and go all doe eyed so she assumes she did something right.
“yeah! you look… you’re cute.” your smile just gets bigger and this time she can feel herself getting red hot. she assumes that’s why you’re giggling, which only makes things worse. she drops back, leaning against the couch cushions now and covers her face with both hands, rubbing the skin there as if trying to manually remove the tint.
“man, what the hell. fuck my life.” she groans and you giggle more, pulling her hands away to look at her and fixing her hair for her, your knuckles brushing her cheek as you twiddle some of the face framing strands. she stares at you like you hung the moon and stars.
“hazel…” you sigh, and it comes out a sort of whine. she swallows, eyes wide with deep intrigue, briefly scanning over your expression before meeting your eye again, sitting back up straight.
“yeah?” she breathes.
“why’re you blushing?” your cheeks push up, and she can tell you’re actually nervous too. she throws her hands up a little, gesturing to your position.
“you try having a pretty girl in your lap, hello?”
“you think i’m pretty?” you’re practically twirling your hair.
“uh-huh.” her voice is soft, soft enough to melt you closer to her.
“you ever kiss pretty girls?” she can feel your breath over her mouth. she swallows, like she’s trying to snack on your oxygen.
“w—uh…” she was never good with words, so she leans forward and kisses you instead. you ignore pj and josie nudging eachother in your peripheral, hazels hand coming to hold your jaw to keep you where she wanted you.
you didn’t expect her to be this good, jesus.
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deerlottie · 2 months
☢️ — knight in shining armor
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summary: lucy has a thing for your knight armor. warnings: 18+ MDNI, suit kink, riding, knight!reader, gn!reader, not proofread
the first time lucy saw you she held her breath until she saw black spots.
she had never seen a Knight in real life before, and when you took off your helmet to introduce yourself, she was star struck — all wide eyed and blushing and stuttering her name when you had asked for it.
she thought you suited the armor perfectly.
you can always feel her staring at you when you're in it, and at first, you thought she was still amazed by being friends with a knight, but the more you hung out with her in the wasteland, the more intense her looks became — her hooded eyelids staring at the center of your suit, her breathy voice whenever you'd touch her with your metal fingers to ask if she was okay, and by the 20th time you caught her staring, you connected the dots.
so, you started to wear it more.
you became obsessed with your effect on lucy, reveling in how shy she got around you, even in your red jumpsuit. and when a couple of raiders stole your fusion core, she quite literally scoured half of the wasteland to find it and bring it back to you with the biggest grin on her face.
"are you almost done fixing it?" lucy pops up behind you, making you jump. she apologizes, chuckling softly while admiring how shiny the metal looks as you wipe it down.
"yep," you nod, finishing the last touches before you stand back, looking over at her. "how does she look?" you ask, a faint smirk on your lips as you notice her dusty pink cheeks.
"uh-really good! dandy even." she gives you a thumbs up.
"great." you toss the rag to the side and open the suit, ears perking as you hear lucy's breath hitch as you get inside. "help me close the back?"
lucy's fingers twitch and she gulps hard before she runs her hands along the metal as if it were your arms. she shakes her head as she gets lost in thought, hurrying to shut it and clearing her throat as she steps back.
"alright," you distorted robot voice says, hands on your hips as you face her. "if we get a move on now, we should reach the observatory by sunset." you start heading into the forest, and it takes you a little while to realize lucy isn't following behind. "luce?"
"lie down."
"excuse me?" you tilt your head, almost laughing at how sudden she spoke. she walks up to you, licking her lips before letting out an exasperated sigh and trying to push you to the ground, groaning when you don't budge.
"i'm gonna go insane if i keep this in any longer." she whines, zipping down her blue jumpsuit until she's just in her bra and panties. you gasp and look away, and she takes advantage of your frozen state to push you, successfully making you fall back onto your ass. "i need to ride you."
lucy gets on top of you, settling down on your middle plate and letting out a satisfied moan as she begins grinding down. she holds onto your shoulders, throwing her head back in pleasure as the ridges hit her clit in just the right way.
after getting over your initial shock, you bring a metal hand up to her chest, experimentally squeezing. she whimpers, leaning into your touch as her tongue lolls out. "o-open your mask, i want to see your face."
yes ma'am.
you open it and she shudders as your sweaty face is revealed. leaning into kiss you, she arches her back as you grip her ass to make her grind down on you even more. her orgasm is already approaching, the feeling of finally fucking you being too much for her body to handle.
"i've dreamed of doing this since we first met." she confess, voice airy and light. you groan, lifting your hips up as if you were pounding into her. she stutters out your name as she cums hard, her body shaking as she collapses on your body. "holy moly."
you smile at her silly expression and kiss her forehead, running your hands in her hair. "now i'm gonna have to clean it again."
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diorcities · 1 year
angel tears
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pairing haechan x afab!reader genre smut content possessiveness, slight bondage, mirror sex, overstim, degradation, cry kink, make up sex wc prbly 1.8k
you start to question everything you've done in the last two hours when haechan follows you to the bathroom.
he slams the door behind your back before you can realize he was behind you, and now you're locked with him and his rage. and you don't have to look to know how pissed he is. his heavy, audible breathing causes you to shrink into place and try to run away, but you're trapped. “you have to be kidding me, dove,” he says, “what the fuck was that?” the low tone of his voice, the way he pronounces every word slowly, how every one of them is full of venom, makes you shudder.
“what was what?” you ask, finally gathering the strength to look at him. the image you had visualized of him annoyed does not even come close to what your eyes see. with a tense jaw, twitching muscles, and a red face, his whole body screams anger and fury. oh, he's very upset. you can't help but feel fear as you remember that he is upset with you. “don't play fucking dumb right now, yn.” he shortens the distance from your bodies, but you drift away again by taking a few steps backward. “me talking with mark, you mean?” you pronounce.
haechan lets out a laugh, without grace. his hand caresses his jaw in a stimulus he uses to calm himself. “you talking with him ” he emphasizes the words. “do your fucking hands have to be touching him that way while you were chatting?” he asks, approaching you, until your back hits the wall. leaving you with no place to put distance between your bodies. “oh my god, haechan, we were just talking...” you try to reason with him, but he dodges it. “bet you love to know that he likes you,” he states, throwing blades at you with his piercing eyes. “what? n-no.”
he kisses you. the way your legs melt and your being becomes liquid. with teeth and rage. with passion and tongue. your senses become alert, your emotions in point while you return the kiss, fervent, airy, with the intensity of a thousand suns. so much that it hurts. so overwhelming that it takes your breath away. haechan's teeth drift away to your neck, biting, and marking your skin while claiming possession. groping your waist, and every flesh his hands can reach. touch. pinch. he wants you whole. bruised and saint. wicked and holy.
“it makes you nervous?” he coos, “know that he probably jerks off with your pictures?” he says, clenching his jaw. “would you like that type of attention from him?” with each question, his body gets closer to you, pinning you against the tile wall. “no,” you breathe. “bet you want to fuck him, by the way you were looking at him.” his hands rest on each side of your body, trapping you inside. you swallow when your mouth feels dry. he takes that as a yes. his lips let out a short, breathy laugh. “i'll break his jaw,” he sentences, getting closer to your face. their breaths mingle in the narrow space of your mouths, “you're. fucking. mine.”
“i should remind you who you belong to,” he says before putting his hand under your skirt and touching the clothed surface of your pussy. wet and longing for him. his cold rings send you shivers through your limbs when he starts rubbing your clit. your hands shoot up to his chest, but he pulls them away from his warmth with his available hand, restraining them behind your back. “no touching,” he declares, “you don't deserve it.” as he runs his digits down your folds, and inserts them inside you.
he uses his strength with you while his fingers do wonders. not allowing you to move while he fucks you without mercy. relentlessly twirling his fingers inside you, stimulating the right areas that make you hold your breath and feel a thousand stars explode in your stomach. “o-oh... s-shit.” he touches you so right, stimulating the right areas, shoving his fingers deep inside your cunt, feeling his rings every time he introduces his digits, that you become a bundle of gasps and trembling. “shit,” he says, feeling your walls throbbing and clenching, “only one minute, c'mon, dove,” he coos, watching you struggle to stand. “you can do better.”
he doesn't leave you time to respond when his fingers start moving again on the sensitive area. your mouth opens to let out a whimper because of the overwhelming sensation. “does it hurt? huh?” he wants to know, drinking the view of you, in a mess of babbling sounds. “j-just right,” you breathe. he lets go of your hands, adorned with pink bruises due to the force he used to keep them still. his pretty lips go to one of them, leaving a kiss before he moves them to your mouth.
you hold onto his broad shoulders, feeling again the sweet burn in your pussy, as haechan hits your spot repeatedly. your mind is flooded with the haze of desire, leaving you alone with the primitive instinct of violent lust, groaning and moaning his name. “look at you,” he mocks, “so pathetic.” his lips catch yours in a fiery kiss, stifling your moans in his mouth. you squirm when his pace increase in speed. “fuck.” a whine escape from your lips. your eyes fluttering as you feel your climax approaching. head tilting back, revealing the soft flesh that haechan marks with his mouth.
the floppy sounds of your wet pussy make him drunk and dazed. he catches every moan, hiss, and pant you make when you finally release on his fingers, walls pulsing around his digits, as he rides you to your high. body flowing in the sea of spasms that your orgasm leaves, feeling haechan's fingers finally pulling out. your walls clenched around nothing now, as you watch him bring up his fingers to his lips and licked your arousal.
your mouth wants to feel his lips. you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him fervently. hungry. violent. wanting to have everything from him. wanting to print your lips with his, until you run out of breath, until you feel that they hurt. haechan kisses you back, with the same intensity, pressing against him, tattooing his footprints on your skin. and you want him to mark you all. let him mark you as his own.
he drags you like nothing towards the mirror, and turns you on your axis with ease. his arm muscles tightening under his browned skin. hearing him struggle with the buckle of his pants while resting one hand on your thigh. lifting up the fabric so he can have access to your swollen pussy. he tosses your underwear to the side and aligns his cock soaked with his precum. the head pushes against your hole, starting to stretch you out to accommodate him. a strangled noise falls from your lips from how big he is. using his two hands on your waist while pushing himself in you, looking at his features contracted with pleasure as his mouth slips out a soft contended whine.
both of you stand there, still, drinking the sensation while a sweet burning invades you. he looks at you in the mirror, and smile, “too much for you?” as your expression change, eyes fluttering and teeth biting your lip. you whisper something under your breath, that he barely catches and makes you repeat it, “i can take it.” his cock twitches with your statement.
he bends you over the sink with a hand firmly on your shoulder, as his hips smash your ass. burying his length that releases waves of pleasure all over your limbs. your legs tremble when he pulls out and go back again. the wet sound of your pussy filling the air every time he shoves his dick in your cunt without compassion. the carousel of pleasure and sensations causes your eyes to close and your jaw to clench, drowning out moans in your throat.
“open your eyes and look,” he urges you, and you know you don't want him to repeat it, so you do, seeing stars floating in your vision. blurred. cloudy. “f-fuck!” you moan when he increases the pace of his rhythmic thrusts. jaw clenching and eyes flooded with tears. your reflection looks back at you. mascara ruined and mouth open letting out choppy sounds. at this moment, you don't really care if the music is too loud to muffle your screams or not. you know for sure that haechan doesn't even care, you can even say that he is passionate about others hearing you. eager to let mark hear you.
“so fucking tight, taking my cock so well.” he hasn't stopped looking at you through the mirror, a grunt escapes from his mouth at the sight of you crying due to the arousal. “bet mark won't fuck you like this.” your pussy clenches around his cock, feeling a sweet pain spreading right where he's hitting. “s-shit...” you feel stargazing, sensing this rare feeling that you're about to piss. “o-oh, god.”
your hands go to one of his veiny arms, feeling how hard he's grabbing you. your body shudders as a white noise fills your senses. the numbness seizes you, shutting your eyes while haechan takes you to the edge. body shutting down when you finally explode, sobbing in a high-pitched moan because haechan doesn't stop pounding you.
your body ends up being a mess of spasms and squirms until you feel haechan tenses behind you. cock twitching and pulsing while he empties his load into you. feeling the warm seed painting your walls, hearing his throaty whimpers while he milks his dick in your cunt. shoving it deeper as he gets closer to you. back pressing his chest.
his voice releases venom when he says “dare you to talk to mark again.” you know that it's better to listen to him, but little does he know that all this was a scheme of you to make him fuck you senseless.
so, of course, you'd do it again.
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