#as we exchanged gifts since i gave him his late birthday present while he gave my present which was nice
legosloth16 · 10 months
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why yes it is my 21st birthday today, yay for getting older and still not feeling like an adult.
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hsfan94 · 1 year
Christmas Prank
An: I ran out of time to make this as great as I wanted but I hope you like it. Merry Christmas lovies!
Y/n had been wanting to pull a prank on Harry for a while. It all started when he got her good on his birthday this year.
“Happy birthday, Harry!” She sang as she skipped into their bedroom with fresh chocolate chip pancakes for him.
“It’s not a very happy one, Y/n,” he said.
“What do you mean, my love? You just woke up?”
“We need to talk.”
“What?” She started to panic. She set his food down next to him. “What’s going on? Are you okay?”
“I just don’t think I want you to be my girlfriend anymore.” He sat up and took a sip of the coffee she brought him. He seemed so unbothered.
She had no idea where this was coming from.
“What, why? Since when?” She felt her heart drop.
“I don’t know. I’m just kind of tired of calling you my girlfriend.”
He leaned over and opened his bedside drawer. She couldn’t focus on his movements though as her whole world was falling apart.
“Harry, where is this coming from? Did I do something wrong? I love you, I can't live without you.”
She started sobbing and that caused him to pull her to the bed next to him. She could feel something in his hand on her back but she couldn’t open her eyes.
“Lovie, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have listened to Niall.”
Now she was really confused.
“Huh?” She pulled back from where her head had been buried in his neck to look at him. He was pouting at her.
“He said this would be a funny way to do it and it would catch you off guard.”
He pulled his arm from behind her back, revealing the object in his hand to be a small black velvet box.
“Oh.” She saw where this was going and although she was livid, she was also speechless.
“All I want for my birthday is for you to agree to be my wife, although now I think I’ve ruined my chance.”
He opened it up to reveal the most beautiful ring ever.
“I’d love to be your wife. I’m so glad you don’t want to break up.” She kissed him. “However, this was horribly mean of you so I don’t know when, I don’t know how but I will get you back.”
He smiled and put the ring on her finger.
Despite being so excited to officially be the future Mrs. Styles, she still owed her fiancé some payback.
Harry was on tour until the 13th so he asked her to do the shopping for him and that was his mistake. He gave her a great idea. Y/n bought real presents, the ones Harry had on his list, as well as gag presents for Anne and Gemma. She had called them a couple weeks ago when she was out shopping to let them in on it and get their help. They were excited to be a part of her plan. She had everything wrapped up and in the car ready for their drive to Holmes Chapel and he was none the wiser.
Now, everyone (Anne, Darren, Gemma, Michael, Harry and Y/n) was sat around the living room about to exchange gifts and Y/n was practically buzzing in her seat.
“Baby, do you want to give your mum and sister theirs first?” She leaned her head back to look at her fiancé.
She had been sitting on the floor with Harry on the couch behind her with his legs on either side of her shoulders. Her head was resting on his knee as she peeked up at him.
“Sure. Will you hand them to them?”
She nodded and practically jumped up to give the gifts to her in-laws. She winked at them as she handed them their gifts.
“Harry picked these out for you guys.” She couldn’t contain her smile.
She sat back down, this time on Harry’s late so she could look at his reaction up close.
Anne went first, slowly pulling the tissue out of her bag. Before showing the family what it was she gasped in excitement for dramatic effect.
“You picked this out, Harry? How did you know I’ve always wanted one?”
“I sure did. And you talk about it all the time.”
Y/n snickered and Anne took that as her cue to keep going. She pulled out an intricately laced black teddy. Y/n looked at Harry because his grip on her leg had tightened. His eyes were blown wide and his cheeks were starting to pink.
“I love it. Thank you both very much.”
“I- I-“ He stumbled on words.
It was priceless, Y/n thought.
“Gemma, you go next,” she said. Her arms, which were draped around her fiancé, pulled him closer in an attempt to seem unbothered.
“Darling, what happened to what was on the list?” Harry finally whispered in her ear.
“I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean.” She looked at him and brushed his hair back. Then, she turned to her future sister-in-law and said, “go on Gem.”
Gemma didn’t drag it out as her mother did. In fact she took a completely different approach overall. Pulling out a red laced teddy she looked at her brother with a horrified expression.
“Harry! How do you think these are appropriate gifts for your family?”
“I- I don’t. I don’t know what’s happening.” He looked at Y/n as if waiting for an explanation.
“Please darling, you and I both know that’s not true. You made the list and I did the shopping.”
Was this gaslighting? Maybe she was taking it too far but she was getting a kick out of it.
His mouth opened and closed a few times, pure shock on his face. He looked around the room a few times.
After Y/n felt she’d had enough she busted out laughing. Anne and Gemma followed her.
“Baby, I’m sorry. But I never got over your proposal so I wanted to get you back. The real presents are still under the tree.” She pulled him close and kissed the side of his head.
“You should have seen your face, Harry,” Gemma said, a huge smile on her face.
“What? You guys were all in on this?” Harry was shaking his head and rubbing his eyes as if it was some kind of dream.
“Sorry, love but your missus called me and Gem a few weeks ago and told us about how she wanted to get you back and the idea seemed really fun. You seriously owe her a new proposal.”
Harry seemed to have gotten over it as his hands snaked around Y/n’s waist and pulled her close.
“You’re so mean.” It was mumbled into her neck but everyone heard.
“So are you.” She laughed. “That’s why we fit.”
He pulled his face from her neck and smiled.
“I guess I do owe you a do over.”
He gave her a soft quick peck on the lips.
“Alright enough. You guys can open your real gifts now. Thank you for playing along.”
The rest of the day was spent opening gifts, drinking hot chocolate and talking about what happened this year and what’s to come in the new year and Y/n was sure she’d never been happier.
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angelkait · 1 year
Flashback (elliot x sunshine)
(Here is your Redacted Winter Gift Exchange fan fiction story written by yours truly I really hope you enjoy and have an amazing holiday season)
TW: none
Elliot was only a baby when his family adopted him which meant he got to experience everything with them including Christmas. Christmas was one of Elliot's favourite days of the whole year. He would wake up his parents as soon as he saw presents under the tree and checked every hour. He was too excited to sleep so when his parents told him to go back to bed for a little while he would just stay up staring at his alarm clock. Elliot moved out when he was nineteen and one part he hated about it was now he had to wake up alone on Christmas and drive all the way to his parent's house. But now he was 21 and things were different. He had his wonderful girlfriend Kes. She made him the happiest he has ever been since he moved out 2 years ago.
Elliot held Kes close to his chest while they laid in bed watching cheesy Christmas movies under their fuzzy blankets. Kes had almost been asleep when Eli interrupted their sleepy and peaceful bliss, "Sunshine are you ready for bed? because if you are we need to get you changed into our matching PJs". "Mmmm" was the only so-called response he got before he knew to get her ready. He stripped the blankets off her to scoop her up by the thighs and settle her on his waist with legs wrapped around his back. "come on babe let's get you ready for bed" he said placing her down on the bathroom sink. Eli got Kes changed and her teeth brushed. He placed Kes into the bed as gently as possible and brushed her beautiful hair out of her content face. "Baby will you tell me a story please" Kes pleaded. "Hmm alright but only if you promise to give me cuddles if I do" he gave her those adorable puppy dog eyes. She scooted closer to snuggle into his chest and peck a few kisses on his face. "Okay, Sunshine I will tell you a story what do you want to hear?" She thought for a good minute and then gave him an answer he was surprised to hear. "Tell me what Christmas was like for you when you were a kiddo!"
Eli had been excited to hear that his sunshine cared about an essential part of his life. He took a deep breath and began his hour-long rant. "Well when I was little like around the age of 5 or 6-ish my brother and I would get up really early I'm talking like 2 AM to wake up our parents but they would always send us back to bed and tell us to give them about an hour. So like they said we would go back to our room for an hour but we would never really go back to bed we would just stay up staring at each other shaking with excitement. After we were sent back to our room for the 5th time they finally gave in at around 7 in the morning. We would buzz right down the hall into the living room to open gifts and wait for our grandparents to come over. They would always come over for our big holiday dinner. I always made dessert it was my job. then it would be all over and we would do it again next year." Elliot looked down at sunshine who was basically asleep now, he took the blankets and covered her in them like a little burrito and, gave her a kiss on the head and lips and to sleep they went. "goodnight sunshine I love you sleep well".
The next morning Kes was left to wake up in bed by themselves but was pleased by the smell of Elliot's famous waffles and bacon. Kes got Eli that waffle maker for his birthday. The waffles come out shaped like little Yoshi's. When she was shopping online she couldn't resist the urge to buy it so now it's become a very welcomed item in the house. Kes let out a big cat stretch and lifted the blankets off of them. She stumbled out of the bed and down the hall to hug her lovebug from behind while he was making their delightful breakfast. He jumped a little at her touch but not enough to scare him shitless. He turned around to give her a long passionate kiss and a proper hug. They sat down at their table together and ate their amazing breakfast. After coffee and waffles, they sat down on the couch to exchange their gifts with each other. "You know when I saw this in the store it was a must-get for you I just thought it was the perfect gift." Elliot beamed with joy as he handed the wrapped box to Kes. She tore right into it and screamed with happiness when she was what it was. Eli had gotten Kes a one-of-a-kind jumbo size hello kitty plushie it was almost 5 feet big and a bunch of full-size candy bars spilled out of the giant box. "Aww, Elliot I love it!" Kes was so very happy about her new plushie to add to the collection she had next to their bed. Kes had got up and walked to the kitchen so she could climb up onto the fridge to get into the cabinet above it. she pulled out a heavy box and handed it to Elliot who was holding them by the waist to make sure they wouldn't fall. They walked back to the couch so he could open it. Once the wrapping paper was off and the amazon box had been cut open he pulled out another box that said, Oculus Rift. He had almost dropped it in shock he was so more than excited to get started playing with it that he nearly clawed it open out of the box. "Thank you so much sunshine!" He wrapped her up in his arms and squeezed her so hard she thought her lungs popped. He was very excited so they spent the rest of the day playing with the VR headset. They had an amazing day with each other.
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stardustincarnate · 3 years
DANCING IN THE DARK // Light Yagami x Reader
word count : 4992 genre : fluff, crack summary : it’s your birthday, and the yagami siblings have prepared some tricks up their sleeve.
a/n : made this for my birthday last year because why shouldn’t i and honestly light is my comfort character. also i keep on saying this but the internet needs more light fluff fics :) and for anyone reading this on their birthday, may you have a wonderful day! <333
"Happy birthday [Y/N]! Thanks for inviting us!"
"Oh Sayu, behave yourself!" Sachiko scolded her daughter who was running in circles around you before hugging you. You shook your head, implying that it's alright. You were close with her anyway. "Happy birthday [Y/N]. We hope you'll like these small presents we got you."
"Thank you! But you shouldn't have.. Really." You blushed. They only clicked their tongues friskily. "Hah! Though that's nothing compared to what Light got you!"
"Oh, where are your parents dear?"
"They're in the kitchen preparing and.. stuffs. Come on in you two before it starts—" You barely even summoned the rain, but there it went, an immediate, hostile rain invaded the city just as you had expected. They quickly stepped inside and before closing the door, you checked it there was anyone—someone in particular— who'd come running to your doorstep. But there wasn't.
"Mr. Yagami's still at work?" Sachiko nodded. "He'd be here by dinner time. I told him to go straight here."
"I understand." You replied meekly and shifted your gaze to the window. "How about Light? Where is he? Is he coming?"
"Of course dear! Why even ask? That boy wouldn't miss it for the world. He should be here in some minutes. He said he was gonna pass somewhere before heading here."
Before you could reply, as if summoned at the mention of his name, came Light casually barging in the front door. You thought he looked more like a thief rather than a prince coming to see his damsel who's not really in distress.
A thief drenched in the rain, that is, holding a bouquet of roses and nicely wrapped boxes of different sizes. He sure got you a lot of presents.
"Light! What did I tell you about bringing a raincoat?" Sayu huffed.
"Haha I said I'd be quick though— and it's fine.. Hello there [Y/N]. Good evening." He ran to you, handing you the presents and bouquet before hugging you tightly, the rainwater on his clothes permeating on yours. Of course you couldn't properly hug him back since your hands were occupied. You merely gave his cheek a peck and he whispered, "Happy birthday [Y/N]," before pulling away with a grin.
"Thank you Light! Although I really appreciate your gifts, what I don't is this." You pointed to your clothes with your lips, looking at them. His grin widened. He anticipated this to happen. "You are soaking wet."
"Yeah. I'll go change clothes. Be right back!"
"It's raining cats and dogs! You're gonna get even more drenched!"
"I already am so that won't matter when I enter the house."
You watched the siblings continue to quarrel. You sighed fondly and handed Light an umbrella. "There ya go. Though you really should've brought an umbrella or raincoat first."
"I'm sorry then, Ma'am." He chuckled. "You should go and change too." And with that, he headed back to his house, three blocks away from yours. Sayu snorted. "I thought he was incapable of being a dummy. Guess that can't be helped."
"I heard that!"
You giggled and put down the presents before going upstairs to change clothes.
Surprisingly when you went down he was already there. Guess you took too long to change. He seemed to be having that kind of conversation with your father. On the other hand, your moms were talking and laughing to themselves. You had no plan of interrupting either of their conversations so you went to Sayu who was idly playing with her hair, sitting on the carpet. As expected, she was full of topics—mostly just about girly stuffs which you didn't really mind— especially her continuously fangirling to that TV actor, Hideki Ryuga. And, well, you actually were too. It wouldn't kill you to fangirl sometimes, right? It went on like that for about some minutes.
A hand being suddenly placed on your shoulder was enough to startle you. You turned around, gazing up to see Light whose brow was raised.
"Oi oi Sayu. Don't brainwash her into joining you and your addiction to that TV star."
"I'm not brainwashing her! I mean, who wouldn't fall for Hideki Ryuga? Right [Y/N]?" She squealed.
"Precisely!" You winked. Light heaved a sigh dramatically as he sat beside you. "Psh. I am more handsome than him, and [Y/N] can attest to that."
"Who says I can?"
"I— whatever. Can't believe you'd choose that actor over me." He huffed and looked at you with disdain.
"Of course I will! Any girl will dump her boyfriend for Ryuga—"
"Hmm. Are you really older now? Or just a thirteen-year-old trapped in that body?"
"Hey! What makes you say that?"
"Nevermind me. Go and join Sayu in her silly fangirling and keep your childish mode activated." He rolled his eyes and was about to stand up, but you clung to his arm and began to act like a cat by playfully rubbing your head against his cheek— which was odd to say the least. He gave you a dubious and irritated glance.
"Oh! Is my Light jelly? My my, you look like a girl on her period, which is kinda adorable."
"Cut it out! Do you mean to say, you on your period?"
You slapped his arm. "I don't act like that during my red days! I certainly don't!"
"Oh yeah because you act way worse than that."
"Augh. You're just jealous! Come onn saaay it! My babyboy is jelly~"
"Good Lord, would you mind cutting it out? If admitting it is gonna make you stop then yes, I am jealous."
He was internally dead. Seeing his reaction made you laugh maniacally (c̶o̶u̶g̶h̶s̶ ̶k̶i̶r̶a̶ ̶l̶a̶u̶g̶h̶), even getting your parents' attentions.
"Talk about being childish, hah! Babyboy got jealous over an actor~ Ah, you are so adorable that I might even squeeze you to death!"
"Shut up. You're no fun."
"Oh, but you're enjoying this, aren't you babyboy?"
"One more of that ridiculous nickname and I swear I'll kill you."
"Shut up, or I'll shut you up!"
"I dare you babyboy!"
He looked severely annoyed when he glared at you and leaned his face closer to yours. He looked like he was going to eat your face rather than kiss you, but then—
There went Sayu, whose presence was completely forgotten by the both of you.
"Oh. Would you mind leaving us alone? We need privacy. Kids aren't supposed to see what's next."
"No way! You're taking her all to yourself Light! That's no fair."
"Fair enough since I'm her boyfriend."
"And I'm her bestfriend?!?! You're just her boyfriend. Bestfriends come first before boyfriends!"
Sayu rebuked, clinging to your other arm and pulling you away from Light. He had no rebuttals and only clung to your other arm, keeping you away from Sayu who was also determined to get you away from him. You already knew where this was going.
'Good Lord' you mentally sighed. And yup, there they went, playing tug of war, with you as the rope.
"I came first, so get your ass away from us, Light!"
"You get your ass away from us!"
"No you!"
"..Err...Sorry." The two Yagamis murmured and let go of you. You three soon heard a chuckle coming from behind. It was your mom.
"While you guys wait for the food, why don't you try out the karaoke? I'm sure you are great singers. Hmm my [Y/N] may be an exception though."
You whined at your mom's comment. You stood up and Light grabbed your arm before Sayu could, giving her a sharp glare. "She's gonna stay with me, got it?"
"Hmph. Fine then. Enjoy it while it lasts, big brother."
She pointed her fingers from her eyes to his before playfully winking at you. You grinned and shook your head as you made your way to the sofa. You had no idea that their exchanged glares had a double meaning to it.
After they finished picking song numbers and it was your turn, Light secretly handed Sayu two eggs, telling her to be careful in handling those.
Yup, he had five eggs—no not including his own and certainly NOT the number of his own—hidden inside his jacket's pockets the whole time.
You three had made it clear that you were the first one to sing even though you were all fully aware that you suck at that. They innocently looked at you when you glanced at them. You eventually entered the numbers and just as you were about to murder your first notes you heard a loud CRACK! You thought something fell somewhere in the kitchen, but then the second CRACK! came. It felt like something fell on top of your head. And you were right.
But you were already too late when you saw egg shells falling down your hair. And they weren't the only thing—
"What in the nine circles of hell is this?! Oi—" CRACK! CRACK! and CRACK!
The last one missed but by the time you were already a mixture of skin and eggs. The worst part was that one yolk was dripping on the right side of your face, and your mouth was opened due to shock at the same time so some of it got inside your mouth. You absolutely hated the smell and worse— you were sticky! You looked at the siblings who then burst out laughing. The adults were too.
"Now that's what I wanna have for breakfast." Light quipped.
"SHUDDAP! Were you guys all on this?!"
They didn't respond. You walked towards the siblings who were now slowly backing away. You scowled and raised your hands, about to touch them, but they scurried away, with Sayu using her brother as a shield.
"I am so gonna get you two! Sayu, why must you betray me?"
"It was Light's idea!"
"Hey no—" The three of you continuously ran in circles in the living room, with them (mostly just Sayu) screeching and frantically flailing every now and then the closer you got.
They were terrified of the egg monster that you were.
"Don't be mad [Y/N]. Did you know that eggs will do wonders for your hair? At least you don't need to go to the salon now."
"I know but it wasn't only my hair! I am so gonna get you, Light, you little ass!"
"Welp there you go [Y/N]! He's all yours!"
Sayu halted and tripped not only her brother but you too since you were accelerating too fast. Light fell on his chest, and you fell on his back, the gooey substance dropping to his jacket. And to make it worse, you nuzzled his hair with your yolk-covered one. He squirmed, panted, and whined ridiculously.
When he regained his strength he immediately wiggled you away from him. He stood up and removed his jacket, but the smell still lingered since his hair and nape were also covered with yolks and egg whites.
"This wasn't part of the plan.. Sayu..."
You dramatically threw your hands up and wheezed to get their attention.
"This is very unfair. I just changed clothes and now I definitely need to take a shower to get rid of this yucky smell."
"I may have to as well."
"Are you implying that we'll shower together?"
"Of course not! Unless you want to— but on second thought, no way! I'll go back home and return—"
"Nope, you're not going anywhere. I had it worse than you! You can easily wipe it away."
"But the smell—"
"You'll have to live with that until the party's over, mister."
You glared at him and walked upstairs to straight-up take a shower that took about thirty minutes. Even though you used as many shampoos as you could, there was still a slight smell left. You honestly weren't anticipating that.
As you languidly made your way downstairs you heard the clicking of metals, indicating that they had already started eating without you, the fucking birthday girl. Mr. Yagami had also arrived. Guess you really took too long and missed some tea— if there ever was.
Light glanced at you and gave a smile of mischief. You raised your middle finger but quickly hid it when your mom glanced your way.
No other choice but to sit beside your stinking boyfriend since it was the only vacant seat left. And you couldn't help but laugh when you saw the egg remains there.
"Let's properly start dinner then." Your dad announced. "Huh? I thought you guys had already started."
"We did. But it wasn't official. Of course we won't officially start without the birthday princess~"
"What difference does it make? And really, dad?"
After the prayer you eventually started eating. Just looking at the food already made you feel full and you were sure that you'd soon look like a pregnant woman after eating all those. Of course, there also had to be some entertainment otherwise it wouldn't be a normal dinner for you.
"Few visitors, huh?" Light elbowed you. "Obviously."
"Why didn't you invite the other neighbors?"
"Do I look like I'm close with those vivacious people?"
"Of course not." His grin somehow irritated you. He's doing this on purpose.
You puffed your cheeks. It was true though— you only had limited visitors this year, specifically the Yagami household. Let's just say that they're the only benevolent family in the neighborhood. You weren't really acquainted or interested in befriending your other neighbors and their kids since first of all, they're literally kids. And even though some of them were at the same age as you and Light, you couldn't really vibe with them. You had lots of friends though, but their houses were too far from yours. You could've had invited them too but it was raining cats and dogs. They might get stranded and you weren't really a fan of sleepovers. They did greet you via text earlier. Although, it was still rather saddening.
Both your parents shifted the topic to your university lives, the rankings and all that stuffs, including reminiscing old times, but they weren't comparing. It was all good to them.
"As expected! Your son is number one as always." Your mom smiled to Sachiko. Your dad then butted in, "Oho, I heard [Y/N] once swearing to beat him. Would you let that happen Light?"
"No way." He chuckled. You shook your head. "Watch me do it."
"I've been doing that for years."
"Tch. I was always first but then you stole the spotlight. Be thankful I don't hold a grudge on you." You jested. Him and your parents chuckled in unison.
"The spotlight isn't the only thing I stole from you though."
"Wow, you are capable of being cheesy too?" You coughed to apparently hide your smile and avoided your parents' sly looks. "Yes yes, you stole my heart too Mr. Know-It-All. You were supposed to be my rival but you cursed me."
"Did not. My charms were only being effective."
"Wow, you two might be the smartest couple I've ever seen! But you know my teacher once told me if two smart people were to collide then it'd be chaotic." Sayu butted in.
"Why is that?"
"Because they'd keep on contradicting each other with their own beliefs and when they get into arguments it'd be super long but very logical. She also said it's not good because there's no contrast between them. They're already perfect and too much perfection isn't good."
They may be some truth to what she said. You and Light exchanged glances, mentally communicating.
"There's a bit of rivalry. Sometimes. And it's rather fun." He replied. You nodded in agreement. "Besides, we're not entirely perfect. Look at your brother, he's very meticulous in mapping out scenarios and good at speculating probabilities. He's the school prodigy. But that school prodigy has a secret. Wanna know what? He dances like a withered vegetable being shaken up in someone's hands." You, except for him, all giggled. But he had a comeback of course.
"I can dance, excuse me. Hiphop just isn't my style. And you know what? Not only does [Y/N] destroy a song's purity, she can never be a match for any sports for me."
You harshly stepped on his foot, earning a loud groan from him.
Dinner went smoothly. You felt like you didn't need to eat for at least three days, however there were still some desserts to eat. The conversation regarding each families' personal matters continued with you being quite invested in it. Then eventually, the 'most' awaited part arrived—they actually saved it for last—wherein they sang you a happy birthday as you made your wish. Who knows what it was? Only you know the answer to that. You blew your candle and they clapped happily. It made you feel like a kid but it was fun. And then you continued to eat. Cake, ice cream—and there were a lot more. For some reason you also requested a bag of potato chips.
And you already felt bad for the horrors your toilet was about to see.
It was the karaoke's time to steal the spotlight, again. You only watched them sing, although a bit out of tune they were clearer better than you completely murdering those notes. You tried ushering Light to sing but he irritatedly responded a no to you for the nth time. There were only two times you heard his singing voice— and damn, he really is a talented man. But it wasn't exactly his main forte so he refused to do it again.
"Let's get drunk too!" You jested, looking at your parents who were now acting like drunk and cheesy teenagers. Welp they had some drinks.
"[Y/N], you know I don't drink." Light shook his head and sighed, sensing an incoming annoyance at the way you were acting.
"Oh? If that's the case then mind you explaining to me why you're still alive because-not-drinking-would-lead-to-dehydration-which-apparently-leads-to-your-death-if-not—"
"You know that's not what—"
"Let's get high on caffeeeeeine insteaaad!! One cup of bullshit and the other crappuccino!"
Your parents glared at you. Your boyfriend was beginning to get highly concerned. "Why is she like this?"
"Perhaps too much coffee is really unhealthy, that's why, son."
"Whaddaya mean coffee? She didn't even drink any! All she drank was milk! Eight glasses every other day! Blame the milk!"
'What did I do to deserve this?'
He thought, and there you went again with your maniacal laughter. If Light and you hadn't known each other he'd definitely think you're a complete psychopath.
"Oh dear! Did I just say that? God, why did I do that? Liiiiiight..." You shook him. "If I ever start acting like that again please stop me."
"You are acting lke that right now. That's not cute. You're not even drunk."
"Quit being a killjoy, I'm enjoying my 'drunk' state. This is an experiment."
"What the hell? You are sober yet you're doing things worse than people who aren't do."
"But it's honestly fun."
"I can't blame you for being so irritatingly childish since it's your birthday, but it's time to stop that. Stop it. Get some help."
"Stop me then. You're the good guy here."
"How can I stop someone so crazy?"
"They say a kiss on the forehead can stop someone doing crazy stuffs.."
"You're only making that up."
"So what if I am? I speak facts. So, go on, please."
He pressed his lips together and thought about it. It was barely visible but you were sure that he's blushing.
"HAHAHAHA! I forgot my babyboy can't kiss without feeling so yucky about it."
"Psh, don't bite on me mate! I'll do the honor then." You were already kissing his forehead the moment he thought about running away. You weren't able to hold back a smirk as you did. He was grimacing the whole time, but he was actually enjoying it. But of course, he'd never let it show.
To 'annoy' him more, you butterfly pecked your way to the tip of his nose. You pulled back at least an inch or two from his face. And to your surprise, he pecked your lips.
It was so light that you thought it felt like hair on your skin. Thankfully your parents and Sayu—or maybe not Sayu—were too busy to give a damn about it.
You wordlessly sank back, face the reddest it could ever get.
"You stay still now."
"Heh... How about one mor—"
"Absolutely not. That's a kiss worth for three months. We had a deal back then, didn't we?"
"I'm starting to regret that deal."
"It was your idea."
"Let's disregard that deal."
"Nope. I gave my word. You did too."
"Oh come on!"
"'Kissing is a waste of time,' you say."
"I take it back!"
"You don't." He chuckled. You elbowed him and groaned.
You then were idly eating more of the chips as you watched your parents dance shamelessly. They began to coax you and Light to do the same because it was your special day after all. You and Light had different opinions about it. And, he was in.
"Why not? Afraid of your true skills being exposed?"
"Why should I be afraid to expose talent? Heck it's just not my liking. Besides, didn't we already dance?"
"Yeah but that was last year on your 18th birthday. You danced with other guys too. So maybe, maybe— just maybe, I only want to solo you right now."
"Wha— pfahahahaha! Did you just say that? Say that again!"
"Ah? No. Nevermind. Forget it."
"Awe sorry. It's just rare to see that side of yours. Hmm, how can I refuse now?" You pressed your lips in order not to laugh at the way he looked, as if he was regretting everything he did in his life. You stood up and offered him your hand, in which he refused to accept since it was his job to do in the first place.
"Oh! But I don't wanna dance here. Let's go to my room. I have an idea." He merely nodded. "Mom, dad, we're just going to go upstairs! In case you'll wonder why we suddenly disappeared."
"Can I come with you? I don't really want to dance or sing with them." Sayu jumped at you. You shook your head and Light spoke on your behalf. "Kids aren't allowed. Let us have our privacy this time."
"—Sorry but he's right. I do have some games you can play for you to pass the time. Or books, over there if that piques your interest. Don't worry, we'll be back quick to make sure you won't be lonely."
"Alright! Thank you!"
"Ah but why not join us here?" Your mom frowned.
"We have some business to do in my room—" That came out vague, but it was too late. Your mildly drunk dad had already replied, "Don't forget the protection, okay?" Leaving you, Light, his parents, and your mom to have that 'What the fuck?' look on your faces.
You two raced to your room nonetheless, quickly locking it. He was surprised to see how much of a mess it was. Mostly just the bed and the heap of completely random things on top of your cabinet. If he's a neat genius, you're the untidy one.
"Do you ever seriously clean?"
"Why clean it when it'll just eventually turn into a mess again? I can work perfectly fine in this state."
He shook his head and picked up a pillow and the bedsheet lying on the floor, but you stopped him before he could lay his hands on your one-hell-of-a-mess bed.
If you two ever do get married someday, the marriage would certainly include a lot of chaotic things and arguments about the chaos you've bestowed upon your damned house.
"I didn't bring you here to be my personal cleaner. Stop that."
"I'm actually doing you a favor???"
"We have other business. Cleaning is uninteresting. As your girlfriend, it's my duty to stop you investing yourself in such a boring activity."
"You're not really much of a good influence, are you? Fine. But I'm gonna do it once we finish anyway."
You snorted and opened the curtains to add a slightly relaxing view to the scene.
The rain hadn't stopped, still hostile and loud. You were lucky your room had a nice view of the streetlight. Though it would've looked better at dusk— more romantic to a lovers' liking when they dance as the sun sets, coating the sky in a mixture of lively, serene colors, with the streetlight slowly coming to life and they wouldn't realize it because they're lost in their own world.
You smiled at the thought. You wanted to do that with Light even though you knew you would never say it out loud— or who knows?
While your boyfriend was looking at the window, you turned on your lamp and the purple LED lights you had hanging on the walls and turned off the ceiling light. The room was then turned to a dull purple one. But it looked better than before—if you were to ignore the tangled mess on your bed of course, in which case was thankfully barely visible now— and at least to set a specific mood.
"Outdoing ourselves, aren't we?"
"Yes, well.. doesn't it look more.. romantiiiiiic to you?"
"Maybe. All that's missing now is the music. And maybe roses too, hmm? But it's alright. I have the prettiest rose here already."
"Oh my God. Are you really Light Yagami, or just a spirit who had taken over?"
"Shut up. I thought the word romantic was never in your dictionary."
"Ah, but I have a lot of words in my dictionary, so you'll never know, my dear." You winked and took one rose out of the bouquet he had given you. You handed it to him. "There goes your rose."
He cringed, but he was smiling too. He tucked your hair behind your ears and placed the rose on top of it. Now all that was left to do was to play the music.
"Hey Light. We're gonna regret being this overly romantic one day, aren't we?"
"Probably. And all that cheesy stuff. But who knows? We may or may not end up like our parents and continue whatever this saga is."
"Yep. But I also think we'd regret it more if we don't grab the chance to do it."
"Well said, [Y/N]."
You grinned and went on to play the music on your vintage gramophone. Needless to say you were quite the quaint one. And Light knew well of this.
"Shall I have this dance, my lady?"
"Why, I thought you'd never ask."
You hid a smile as well as he. You loosely wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands were on your waist and you two slow danced, the rest of the world falling away. You thought whenever someone would say it, they're just exaggerating. But you were wrong. It really did feel like it that it might have been the closest to heaven you'd get.
Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you...
His eyes were locked on yours. This time, he wasn't holding back anymore. He was feeling the moment just as you were. And who cares if your movements weren't completely in sync with the music that was barely audible due to the rain?
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you...
The smile you were hiding broke out when he pulled you closer. It was definitely a rare event so you had to savor it. Slow dancing in the dark, just like old lovers.
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be...
You might've had already ran out of steps halfway to the song. You two stood still, bodies pressed with you looking up at him. He rested his forehead against yours. Your faces were so close that you swore you could already feel his lips against yours.
Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you...
And at that moment you really felt that you wanted him to take your whole life. You couldn't dream a world without your Light anymore.
To your surprise, he cupped your face and kissed your forehead, his lips lingering there for a while as your bodies merely swayed to the rhythm of the song.
You love this man. He's not entirely perfect, but he's the best for you. He's your match. He's your lover. He's your rival. You were his, too.
"Psst, Light. I love you.." You whispered, pecking his cheek.
He stared at you with amusement, his adorable smile growing wider.
"I love you too."
"Even if you smell like shit right now..."
"You too. But did I complain?"
"Oh shush." You laughed. His arms tightly embraced you, and you rested your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes and smiling to yourself as you two continued to lightly sway your bodies. He as well closed his eyes, leaning his cheeks against your head.
He considered this moment to be one of the bests where he's genuinely happy.
And outside, unbeknownst to you, stood a lonesome fellow under the streetlamp, drenched in the rain, a wistful smile on their face as they looked up to witness a moment like that from you two, wishing that one day they'll get to do that with someone too.
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fallen-in-dreams · 3 years
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Also on AO3. Pairing: Gaara/Sakura. Summary: Sakura overhears a spicy rumour about her relationship with Gaara and their friendship will never be the same again. GaaSaku. Canonish. Prompt: Week 1: Dating. Rated: T. Words: 4,433. Status: Complete.
Author note: My first of the weekly prompts for the tumblr GaaSaku Events. *Cross your fingers that I can do all of the ones I'm trying to finish.* Enjoy. ^_^
Warnings/tags: Just some mild angst and mentions of ShikaTema.
This is for the 2021 GaaSaku Event @gaasaku-fanfests​. I seem to be posting for events late or barely on time this year. Sorry. :)
“Sometimes your heart sees what your eyes can’t.”
  It was supposed to be just another harmless outing. Sakura often took Gaara with her when she went shopping for presents. He was so hopeless at remembering birthdays and holidays like Christmas that she was doing him a favour by dragging him around with her.
And picking out gifts from both of them.
She hadn’t really thought there was anything wrong with that. Or that anyone would read more into it than it really was. Of course, the Kazekage spending time with a foreign kunoichi would get everyone’s attention, but like all exciting new things it would get old, and they’d soon move onto other things.
This was why, all these months on from their first public shopping outing, Sakura was still brushing off the curious glances as she pulled Gaara along, by the sleeve of his work robes. Twelve months she’d been in Suna. Six were spent aiding in a joint training of medical personnel as a part of a healing exchange program to further relations, and then eight weeks as the head of the hospital because Gaara was adamant nobody was doing it better. The last four months had been her lazy months, which consisted of her usual physical training regimen but also acting like a tourist and dragging Gaara along for the ride. So just what she’d been doing before, minus the teaching and hospital visits. Sakura had already achieved what she’d set out to do in this mission, but it hadn’t even crossed her mind to cut her time here short.
And she was finally used to being a constant source of scrutiny for the people of Wind. So here she was, for the second time this week, dragging Gaara out of his office on the rare occasion that he didn’t have either a shit load of paperwork or overdue training of his own to do.
The retailer looked up at them as they stepped into her shop, then smiled and bowed lightly.
“Welcome, Lord Kazekage. Haruno-san.”
“Kitana-san,” Sakura addressed her quickly before tugging on Gaara. He obediently followed and as usual, she did not notice the knowing smile of the elderly woman as she led the redhead around. Her eyes perused the rows of trinkets instead. They were supposed to be getting an engagement present for Temari and Shikamaru. It had been three weeks since the date for their party had been announced and nothing seemed to be good enough.
“Maybe we should get them each a present,” she thought out loud. “What do you think, Gaara?”
His eyes widened slightly. “One from each of us?”
“No, I mean one each from both of us.” He still looked confused. “A total of two presents,” she added, and he nodded. She didn’t remark on how he had stiffened and then relaxed at her words. Gaara was just weird like that.
“Ino got them a weird sex toy,” she said, rubbing her cheek with her finger as Gaara’s face turned pink. “Uh, and I think Hinata said she wanted to get her some wind scrolls.” Her friends’ letters had been all over the place. Everyone was excited that Temari and Shikamaru had finally gotten official and were moving their relationship forward.
“I…uh.” He crossed his arms over his chest, which was actually more of a nervous habit for him these days. “Well… we can do better.”
She giggled and locked arms with him. “Of course. I was thinking,” she said as they moved through the shop slowly. “Temari’s always gotta pretend to be this tough, warrior woman. But I’ve smelled the candles coming from her room. I was thinking of bath salts, but it isn’t a good gift for Shikamaru. But that was before this whole individual gift idea.”
Gaara thought that Shikamaru could use a decent salt bath. They could use it together. The idea of it made him blush and he pointedly avoided eye contact with Sakura as she babbled on about clothes accessories. Apparently, Shikamaru had once confessed to her that he thought belts were interesting.
“Maybe bath salts and candles.” Gaara said, interrupted her gushing about the embroidery on a handmade belt. “His & Hers style.”
Sakura squeezed his arm affectionately. “Brilliant idea.”
She pulled him along gently, not needing to tug too hard because he was fine with following her lead. This shop was mostly popular among young women and older couples. Their wares ranged from scented candles to antique dolls and handmade clothes.
“What do you think about this one?” Sakura asked, taking a strange bust off a shelf. Maybe his mind just went to stationery too quickly, but it just looked like an oversized paper weight to him.
“No good?” She asked when Gaara didn’t respond. He sighed and she tossed it aside. “Okay, next odd little smelly thing.”
He let out a light chuckle at that. Gaara pointed out a few more ideas and they half-heartedly argued over them. They picked up a few bath salts anyway, since Sakura was interested in some for herself, before leaving the story without a present for his sister and future brother-in-law.
“We’ll just have to keep looking,” Sakura said, nodding to herself as they made their way through the crowds of the downtown market. She was oblivious to the interested stares and giggling children.
Truth be told, Gaara was fine with letting Sakura make the decision for him. He hadn’t had to worry about choosing gifts for almost a year and he was happy with that. Growing up with no childhood had ensured he had little experience in the matter, but she was a good teacher when it came to social situations.
They agreed their last chance for a good gift would be the ninja resource store on the edge of the market. Such a place would normally not be in the civilian district, but the proprietors were very good at preventing civilians from buying shinobi utensils. Gaara bought an ornate spear from them two years ago that had been imported from the Land of Iron. He’d started collecting special weapons and suggested to Sakura that they have something ordered in.
It would solve the problem and save time. Not that he wasn’t enjoying himself. Gaara looked forward to these outings more than he was willing to admit out loud.
“Geez.” She hip-butted him. “You’re full of great suggestions today.”
Sakura watched as he blushed and mumbled about looking for something for himself in the shop and as he wandered away, this gave her the perfect time to sneak away. She knew full well he was collecting unique weapons and had one in mind for him. It wasn’t a gift for any special occasion, and she didn’t bother guying things for his siblings unless it was for something in particular, but Sakura couldn’t help herself with Gaara. Her friendship with him was on another level compared with Kankuro and Temari.
When it came to birthdays, Christmas, or just her wanting him to have something special, she’d long ago stopped agonising over the “what does one even buy a kage who doesn’t seem to want anything?” question. Personal gifts that showed she knew him were always well-received. He still had the katana shaped candlestick ornament that she’d bought him for his birthday, sitting in his study. Temari said he never lit it up, which to anyone who knew him, meant he loved it. It would never get used and therefore last.
Sakura kept one eye on where Gaara was in the shop at all times, and the other on the aisle of antique weapons as she perused. That was how she ended up standing in an aisle listening to two gossiping kunoichi. She’d just been minding her own business, looking over a row of ornamental kunai, when the voices carried over to her from the other side of the shelf she was leaning toward.
When she heard her own name being uttered, Sakura peered through the gaps in the shelf. They were a couple of chunin and either had below average sensory skills and didn’t notice her or didn’t care that she was eavesdropping. Sakura didn’t recognise them, so they definitely weren’t a part of the medical units she’d trained, nor did they frequent the hospital. They were also both staring off in the direction that Sakura knew Gaara to be.
The blonde giggled. "Lord Kazekage dotes on Sakura-san, it’s so cute! They just have to be dating!"
The brunette nodded. “Of course. But why haven’t they announced it?”
“Because they’re shy, silly.”
“Yeah right.”
“I’m serious. Minamo said everyone’s talking about it.”
“He’s probably still innocent I bet.”
Sakura rolled her eyes. It was so weird to hear people claiming she had a romantic relationship with Gaara while discussing whether or not he had sexual experience. But it was just a couple of awe struck chunin (and the claim of some random friend of theirs). She decided to turn away but stilled at the next line out of the blonde’s mouth.
“Maybe Sakura-san took his v-card,” the girl snickered, much to the appreciation of the other chunin. “Can you just imagine?”
Sakura flushed from head to toe, struggling to hold her composure. She didn’t want to imagine that. Her heart might just explode. Sure, Gaara was… attractive. But would she have sex with him? He was her friend. They’d never been anything other than friends.
Not that I would want more, she told herself, holding a hand to her chest.
“I bet he’d be a tender lover,” the other girl said, sighing deeply. “Haruno-san is so lucky.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” the blonde said, a devious look on her face. “I think Lord Gaara’s hit the jackpot too. Sakura-san has all that medical knowledge about the body. Imagine what she could do with it.”
“Like what?”
“Get his blood pumping. Warm him up. You know,” the blonde waggled her eyebrows and they both giggled. “She’d have him hard in no time!”
They giggled again and the brunette snorted before covering her mouth, mortified at herself.
Sakura stood there like a stunned mullet as they turned away from watching Gaara and started giggling and whispering among themselves. What the hell had she just heard?
She spun on the spot, startled. She hadn’t noticed his approaching chakra, engrossed in the conversation she was overhearing. Sakura turned beet red. He looked concerned when she opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. When he made to move toward her, Sakura went into panic mode, charging at him and grabbing his arm. She ushered Gaara away, hoping he hadn’t heard any of that conversation. Knowing him, he wouldn’t even realise what they were talking about.
Gaara leaned in to whisper in her ear, “I found something special for you” and Sakura let out an involuntary sound she’d never heard before.
“Are you okay?”
Am I okay?
Two random chunin had just inserted mental images of her having sex with Gaara into her head. She was not okay. But she nodded anyway, not wanting to explain why her heart was now thumping. Blood rushing to her head. His hand fell to the small of her back. The warmth of his touch had never been more prominent than it was right now as he added a slight pressure to steer her toward the front counter. He wasn’t pushing her. Gaara never pushed her. He was always kind to her. It was so stimulating when he did that.
Feelings she’d kept buried for almost twelve months started bubbling to the surface and Sakura wasn’t prepared for the onslaught. How could she have forgotten this? Suddenly, she remembered the first time his touch had affected her. They’d known each other for years and two weeks into her long-term mission to Suna, she’d been lonely and exhausted when quite suddenly, Sakura realised those warm and fuzzies she’d been feeling were directed at a certain Kazekage. Her twenty-first birthday had come and gone, and she didn’t have any life goals other than revolutionising the medical world. It was a great goal. Professionally.
But after an innocent comment from Hinata about her love life, her birthday had gone from celebrations of “I have my whole life ahead of me” to morose “I’m going to die alone” thoughts, which were reflected in her spending the rest of the night drunk and being shadowed by Ino who was worried she might bring down a building or two, in her destructive angst.
Gaara continued to watch her as she worked through her mental problems but said nothing. He didn’t need to tell her he was concerned. It was written all over his face. It was just another thing she loved about him.
“Let me take you home,” he said. That deep voice of his made her shiver. Sakura felt her body flush again when she heard giggling behind her. (Were those girls following them now?) There was no way they hadn’t heard that.
After a few moments, he started rubbing her back in what he obviously thought was a soothing manner and she blinked heavily at him. Right. She needed to get out of here.
She cleared her throat. “Sure,” she said, her voice a little strained. Out of habit, she wrapped her arm around his. He was a lifeline as she tried to sort out her dysfunctional thoughts. The chunin girls’ conversation had opened a can of worms and she didn’t know how to put them back in.
Sakura glanced backwards in time to catch the women whispering behind their hands and staring at her and Gaara unabashedly. When had her outings with Gaara started such salacious rumours?
And more importantly: why did these people think they were dating?
  “Gimme a screaming orgasm!”
Kankuro took the seat next to Sakura as she made her order to the bartender and chuckled.
“You might want to tone that drink down a little,” Kankuro said with a wink. “Gaara might get jealous.”
“Ugh!” Sakura groaned. “Not you too!”
“Whatever do you mean?”
She pointed a finger at him. “You all are talking about me behind my back. Starting rumours and talking about my sex.”
Kankuro snorted. “Your what?”
“I’m a joke, Kankuro-chan.”
“Please don’t call me that.” He grimaced.
She sighed. “What are you doing here?”
Kankuro waved a hand at the bartender. “Another screaming orgasm, please.”
Sakura snorted. “You’re getting more than I am, then.”
He chuckled. “Never delved into the local cuisine since you got here?”
Well, there was this one guy she danced and flirted with the first weekend after she started this mission, but her burgeoning feelings for the Kazekage wouldn’t let her do anything more. She wasn’t a slut and she appreciated that Gaara wasn’t one of those guys that slept around and used their testosterone to excuse it, either. So, she’d been able to settle into routine with him. Friends who gravitated toward each other. Friends who had dinner with each other (alone) quite often. Friends who decided important decisions together instead of alone. Friends who rarely had eyes for anyone else. Friends who didn’t have lives outside of each other...
She groaned and dropped her head on the bar. The awareness of her situation was painful. She wished she could go back to being oblivious. Because it was clear now that Sakura had been accidentally dating Gaara for almost twelve months. Did he know? Or was he as oblivious as her? Everyone had noticed apparently, according to two chunin and their friend. Did Kankuro and Temari know.
“I’m secretly but not secretly dating Gaara,” she mumbled. “And I didn’t know.”
Apparently, even though her face was pressed into the bar, Kankuro had heard her.
“I didn’t know it was supposed to be a secret.”
Sakura groaned again. “We’re not dating!”
“Uh-huh.” He clearly didn’t believe her. “Going back and forth then. You’re in denial.”
“Why are you here?” He didn’t respond and Sakura lifted her head up slowly. “Kankuro?”
“He’s lonely,” he said, staring into his drink thoughtfully. “I know everyone thinks Gaara’s put together and doesn’t need anything more in life than family and friends. But I know that under that oblivious and calm exterior that he’s a romantic at heart. He wants what you two have. But he just doesn’t know how to go about getting it.”
She frowned at him. His seriousness was giving her a bad feeling. Everything had come together so quickly, and she wasn’t even sure what to do with her feelings yet, let alone whatever Gaara might be feeling.
“He’s a bit clueless.”
That was an understatement. Sakura used to think he wasn’t clueless, since he often said things with such confidence that she believed he was more aware than he let on. But then moments like that day in the shop with the chunin girls and Gaara seemed completely oblivious to what was going on. She had no idea what to think of him anymore.
It was why she’d been ignoring him. She couldn’t handle the idea that he might actually return her feelings. She was a coward.
Kankuro put his drink down and patted her on the back. “Just… don’t hurt him, okay?”
Right. Easier said than done.
  There were many things Gaara was good at. And so many things he sucked at.
He was proficient with multiple types of weapons and political nuances. But in matters of the heart, he found that he still hadn’t learned anything. He had no idea why Sakura was avoiding him and why his siblings were being more careful about how they talk to him. It felt like it had been back when he housed Shukaku and went on rampages.
The knock on his door startled him and Gaara debated ignoring that chakra signature out of spite but gave in and called her in.
He looked up and the slight drop in her smile told him that she’d seen the hurt in his eyes. She’d been avoiding him, and they both knew it.
“I need to tell you something.”
Gaara swallowed heavily and braced himself. Her contract in Suna had only a few weeks left but since the particulars of the mission had already been fulfilled, she was free to leave at any time, if she wanted to. This made his hear race. More than anything he didn’t want her to go. He enjoyed her company and valued her friendship. What he truly wanted from her was more than that and it had taken him months of going along with her intrusion into his life for him to realise what that “more than that” meant for him.
Gaara wanted to date her. He wanted to be doing all the things with her that Temari did with Shikamaru and that Kankuro was currently trying to do with Matsuri. And for that to happen, she had to stay in Suna.
Temari and Shikamaru are dating and he’s still living in Konoha, he begrudgingly reminded himself.
But he didn’t care.
Gaara sat back in his office chair as Sakura closed the door behind herself and shuffled her feet, twiddling her thumbs. She was nervous. And worried about his reaction. He attempted to smile and shift his body language to put her at ease. It seemed to work and before he knew it, she was approaching him with a sad smile and sitting down across the table from him.
“Does this have something to do with why you’ve been avoiding me?”
She nodded, biting her bottom lip. “I, uh… found out something. And kind of overreacted to it, got drunk, and took it out on Kankuro.”
Gaara couldn’t help the snort that accompanied a chuckle. “Story of my life.”
She smiled a little wider now. “It does seem easy to do that.”
“Did you hit him?”
“A little. In the training grounds,” she added quickly. “He’ll be fine.”
She went back to twiddling her thumbs.
“You wanted to tell me something.”
Sakura nodded. “There’s no easy way to say this so I’ll just come right out and say it. The whole village thinks we’re dating.” She paused to see his reaction, but he just stared, stone faced at her. “And uh… we kind of have been.”
“All the outings and joint gift giving.” Not to mention how he treated her so preciously in public.
Sakura frowned. There was no question in his voice, just his usual factual tone. He wasn’t surprised. “You knew?”
Slowly, he nodded.
“Why… why didn’t you say anything?”
He blinked heavily and lowered his gaze to the table. Parchments were lined neatly across it as he rarely let them fall out of place. The only matter in his life that Gaara let get messy were his relationships. They were inherently messy, so he had no problem dealing with them as such. Which was why he was so anal about everything else.
Gaara didn't seem to want to explain himself.
He didn’t want to deny or confirm that he may or may not be dating the Fifth Hokage's protégé, to the public. He let the rumours spread and did nothing to quell them. Gaara had even played up to them which he’d known was wrong but couldn’t help himself. There was no way that admitting this to Sakura would go well for him. Perhaps he could inform her over time, but right now the realisation of what had been going on was too raw for her.
And she could see his hesitation for what it was. Avoidance of setting the record straight. Sakura frowned. Was it because of appearances? Or something more personal? It could be embarrassment. She knew he’d grown up with little human contact, none of which would’ve prepared him for adult relationships. It left him in the lurch for so many important social interactions.
But why wouldn’t he want to fix this? It would look bad for the village if the Kazekage was pretending to date someone. Especially since she was going home in a few weeks. Her heart clenched at that, and she had to close her eyes to stop herself from losing control. Sakura had only just allowed herself to remember and acknowledge that she’d developed feelings for Gaara months ago, she didn’t want to break down in front of him now.
Why didn’t he tell me?
What was he playing at?
Maybe it was because he liked her? Sakura felt her skin flush at that. No. It was probably pride or indolence. Likely, he didn’t fully understand the ramifications.
“He’s a bit clueless.”
Had Kankuro meant that romantically? Or sexually? Or perhaps socially? She bit her bottom lip as Gaara turned his head away. The skin along his neck was tinged pink and his face looked slightly flushed.
All of the above, then.
Maybe he really was too embarrassed to push back at the rumours. Gossip was a poison though. In order to successfully rebuke it, you had to do so fast. And with the truth, not silence or denial on their own. Sakura knew this from experience back when she was still listening to Ino’s ramblings about Sasuke. This rumour had run its full course and nothing short of a very public breakup would get them out of it.
“Is it…” he started slowly, breaking her out of her thoughts. Gaara looked up to catch her gaze. “Is it really so bad?”
Is the idea of us really so horrible?
She heard that unsaid question loud and clear.
Sakura stood up and circled the table to stand in front of him as he swivelled on his chair to face her. “No.”
Gaara smiled. But it didn’t reach his eyes.
“You want this?” She asked.
This was the moment of truth. He could lie and revert their relationship to the way it was before, except with them being more conscious about not appearing to be a couple. Or he could take a hold of her and ask for the one thing that had been plaguing him for months. He swallowed heavily and she watched the way his Adam’s apple bobbed. Was it weird to be turned on by that?
“Yes,” he said huskily.
Desperately, yes.
She didn’t react for a moment, just scanning his face. He held his breath, waiting. Then Sakura leant forward, closing her eyes as his widened. But he didn’t pull away as she pressed her lips to his gently. His hands went to her hips as she rested hers on the arms of his chair, caging him in.
Gaara deepened the kiss, making her gasp and then plundered her mouth. He’d never done this before, that much was obvious to her. So, she took control, slowing their pace and sucking on his lips gently when he tried to hasten her. Sakura fell into his lap, her hands tugging at his hair as he wrapped his arms around her waist. As she straddled him, she lost herself to the feel of his body beneath hers and Sakura moaned.
The sound broke their reverie and the Kazekage bit her lip. Without pulling out of their kiss, he sent his sand out to lock the door and knocked everything from his desk with no concern for their wellbeing. Fuck caring about that right now.
Sakura grinned into their kiss as he pushed her back onto the table. This had been the right choice after all.
  Sometime later, Sakura emerged from the Kazekage's office to find his siblings nearby, like they’d been waiting to find out the result of her talk with Gaara. She knew she needed to reprimand them, but she was too happy right now to care.
Kankuro raised an eyebrow at her. She looked dishevelled. Like someone had snogged the crap out of her. He fought to keep himself from grinning like an idiot.
She cleared her throat and stared down at him. “You’ll be interested to know that Gaara is no longer clueless.”
Temari groaned as the Leaf kunoichi sauntered out of hallway. Kankuro waited until Sakura was out of earshot and gave his sister a shit eating grin then stuck his hand out expectantly.
“I won,” he said.
She scoffed. “No, you didn’t.”
“Hey! I said they’d end up dating!”
Temari shook her head and took a sip of her drink to hide her smirk, then said, “you said they’d sleep together within an hour of resolving this. They clearly just made out.”
“Temari!” Kankuro pouted.
“Not paying up,” she sung, before following Sakura’s lead and sauntering off.
He huffed. Siblings were evil.
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munchcorner · 3 years
Birthday Present (BakuDeku)
Midoriya had always been the first person to greet Bakugou happy birthday. He's also the first one who gives his gift to Bakugou but not today.
Bakugou wasn't expecting much for his birthday. He doesn't usually like being the center of attention when it comes to his birthday, but he does want to be the center of Midoriya's attention on this day.
Bakugou walks out of his room during the usual time he and Midoriya would meet at the hall to eat breakfast together and talk about what he learned from their training with All Might the night before but minutes passed, and Midoriya doesn't come out. Bakugou grows irritated when Cheeseman comes out of his room.
"Oi! Navel, where's Deku?" Bakugou asks, making Aoyama turn to him.
"Oh, I think he's eating with Iida and Uraraka in the kitchen. I heard them talking earlier," Aoyama answers, "do you need him for anything?"
Bakugou grits his teeth but ends up sighing, "no,"
Bakugou lets it go and walks down the hall to the kitchen to eat with Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero.
"Oh, you're not eating with Midoriya today?" Kirishima asks and shoves a fish in his mouth.
"Yeah, you've been eating with him since you started to train with him and All Might to help him control his quirk," Kaminari adds with his mouth full of rice.
"Did you guys get into a fight? I saw Midoriya eat with Iida and Uraraka," Sero comments and eyes the group, making the other three turn to where Sero's looking.
"But don't they always fight? Remember ground Beta?" Kaminari comments, making Bakugou snap towards him.
"Will you stop talking like I'm not here, fucking assholes," Bakugou says and angrily starts to eat his breakfast, making all three exchange questioning gazes before shrugging it off.
"Did something happen?" Kirishima asks in concern. Silence ensues for a few minutes before Bakugou speaks, "I don't know. He just fucking went and eat with them,"
"Maybe you did something horrible to him," Sero says, making Bakugou scoff, "that idiot would forgive me no matter what I do to him," he says, his voice low and almost inaudible, but you can hear the shame in it.
"Come on, don't make a big deal out of it!" Kaminari suddenly says. Kirishima, Sero, and Bakugou raise their head to look at him with wonder, "it's Bakugou's birthday, come on, stop being so moppy. It's not something serious, Bakugou. I'm sure,"
Bakugou glares at Kaminari, but it did make him feel a little bit better. Maybe it is nothing, and he's just overthinking it. So, he switches the topic, and the table became a little livelier as the three converse about something they saw online while Bakugou just listens and throws a few side comments from time to time.
The day proceeded with Bakugou staying with his squad. Midoriya never approached him nor threw him a glance while the others walked up to him, greeted him, and gave him their gifts. It was slowly starting to annoy Bakugou, but he pushes down his emotions and focuses on their tasks.
But it really pressed his bottoms when even during the team-up battle, Midoriya still refused to talk to him. Midoriya was talking to everyone in the team except for him, and it annoyed Bakugou for some unknown reason, so when he pulled Midoriya away from the team to talk to him privately when he got the chance.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Bakugou asks, his voice low and growling, but Midoriya just averts his eyes, "why? Is there something wrong, Kacchan?"
Midoriya was definitely hiding something. Bakugou could tell from the nervous timbre of his voice that there's something Midoriya isn't telling him.
"Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about," Bakugou says through gritted teeth.
"I really don't, Kacchan," Midoriya denies, but the way his eyes continued to stare at the ground told Bakugou that he's lying.
"Deku," Bakugou says in a low, threatening tone, "why have you been avoiding me?"
Midoriya immediately snaps his head towards Bakugou to answer, but a loud explosion a few kilometers away from them catches their attention, "I'll tell you later. There are more important matters to attend to,"
Midoriya sprints off after his sentence, and Bakugou's left with no choice but to put the activity first.
The team battle proceeds and ends with their victory as a team, but the look on Bakugou's and Midoriya's faces didn't seem like one of someone who just won. The atmosphere around them was tense, and no one dares to comment on it.
Everything felt like their first year at UA once again, and no one knew how to act. So, they act normally, hoping both of them could fix their problem together.
The class ends with Bakugou leaving the class first, which was unusual because he used to wait for Midoriya before leaving for training in the school gym.
"Midoriya, is there something wrong between you and Bakugou?" Iida asks Midoriya, who silently sits on his chair with his eyes locked on the door Bakugou had just exited.
Midoriya gives them a small smile before standing to leave, "it's nothing. I'll talk it out with Kacchan later,"
"Are you sure?" Uraraka ask as everyone gathers around him.
"Will you guys be fine during the party?" Mina asks with concern, "maybe we can do something to keep you guys away from each other later?"
Midoriya shakes his head, "it's fine. I'll make the adjustments,"
"We can talk to Bakugou, but we don't really know what to tell him if we don't know why you're avoiding him," Kirishima says and rubs his neck, "I haven't seen Bakugou that upset in a while, though,"
"Yeah, but whatever happens, we won't take sides," Kaminari says and gives Midoriya's shoulder a quick squeeze.
"Thank you," Midoriya says and smiles at them, "I'll have to go. I still have to train with All Might in the gym,"
Everyone nods and lets Midoriya leave, but before he completely walks out of the classroom, he says, "you guys can call me if you need me for something,"
"We will," Iida says and gives Midoriya a reassuring smile.
"Good luck with your training, Midoriya-kun," Yaoyorozu cheers which earns her a smile and a nod from Midoriya.
The rest of class A leaves the room to prepare their surprise party for Bakugou. Mina, Uraraka, Iida, and Aoyama were in charge of putting up the decorations, while Yaoyorozu, Sato, Koda, Tokoyami, and Tsuyu were in charge of cooking. On one side of the common room, Kaminari, Todoroki, Jirou, Mineta, and Hagakure worked on the sound system and set up the karaoke. As the rest were preparing for the party, Shoji and Ojiro were given permission to go out and buy sodas and chips while Sero and Kirishima keep Bakugou in his room by talking to him.
It was difficult not to make Bakugou suspicious, but it seems like he was too preoccupied to notice that Kirishima and Sero were doing their best to keep him from going to the common room. Sero and Kirishima kept track of time, and when seven-thirty came, they forced Bakugou to go to the common room with them.
"What the fuck?! I'm not going to play with you this late at night! You'll make me stay up until ten again!" Bakugou protests while thrashing around.
"Come on! Being this difficult isn't manly!" Kirishima yells as they pull him down.
"Yeah! It's not like you'll die if you don't get to sleep at eight-thirty!" Sero adds.
They continue to yell at each other until they reach the common room and are greeted with party poppers going off accompanied by a loud, "Happy Birthday, Bakugou!"
Music starts to play, and everyone sings for him, making him flush red, while Kirishima places a party hat on his head. Bakugou's eyes scan the room for Midoriya, but he wasn't anywhere, which made his mood turn sour instead of feeling happy.
"I don't need this," Bakugou says and turns around. The class goes silent, but Sero and Kirishima try to salvage the situation by grabbing each of Bakugou's arms and asking him to stay.
"Come on, Bakugou, everyone worked hard for this," Sero pleads but is pushed off with Bakugou saying, "I didn't ask for you to prepare anything for me,"
"But it's your special day!" Kirishima yells but suffers the same fate of being pushed off by Bakugou, "you're right. It's my special day, so shouldn't you respect what I want?!"
Kirishima and Sero let go of Bakugou after hearing what he said because he was right. Bakugou resumes climbing up the stairs but stops when the door creaks open, and he hears the voice he's been wanting to greet him for the entire day, "I'm sorry I'm late! Where's Kacchan?"
"Party's canceled," Kaminari answers and points at Bakugou, who's walking up the stairs, making Bakugou throw a quick glance at Midoriya. Their eyes briefly meet before Bakugou says, "fine, I'll stay and eat whatever the fuck you extras prepared for me,"
The class releases a sigh of relief before they proceed to play the music. Everyone was having the time of their lives as the party goes. Mineta, Tokoyami, Ojiro, and Uraraka were having fun with the karaoke, Iida, Shoji, Tsuyu, Todoroki, and Hagakure were chatting in one corner, Midoriya, Jirou, Yaoyorozu, Aoyama, Koda, and Sato were talking about recipes, while Bakugou, Sero, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Mina were playing beverage games. Well, they were except for Bakugou.
The birthday boy's eyes were locked on the person he's been wanting to spend the day with. He never really told Midoriya what he feels, but he wished Midoriya would notice through his little actions. But today told Bakugou that actions alone won't be enough for Midoriya to know.
"I'm turning in," Bakugou says when he realized that he won't receive any greeting from Midoriya.
"But it's still early, Bakugou!" Mina yells, catching everyone's attention.
"I think we should let him sleep. We've kept him past his bedtime," Yaoyorozu says.
"That's true. Besides, we still need to clean up," Iida adds.
Kaminari, Mina, Sero, and Kirishima whines but do obey their president and vice president's words by saying, "okay,"
Everyone started to clean up as the party ended. Bakugou was about to go up to his room when someone grabs the hem of his shirt, "for fuck's sake, when will-"
Midoriya lets go, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk to you before you go to bed,"
"You've been avoiding me for the entire day and ask me to talk to you now?" Bakugou asks and raises a brow at Midoriya.
"You don't have to if you don't want to. I completely understand," Midoriya says, "I just wanted to say happy birthday and-"
"Let's talk outside," Bakugou cuts him off and walks out of their dorm with Mirodiya trailing behind him. He stops a few meters away from their dorm to make sure no one sees or overhears them.
"Spill," Bakugou says with his arms crossed as he waits for Midoriya to speak.
"I'm sorry for avoiding you. I just didn't know how to give you your gift," Midoriya says with his eyes locked on the ground and his arms behind his back.
"Just fucking hand it to me. It's not that hard to do. You've been giving me gifts every year. What makes this one so difficult to give?" Bakugou asks, making Midoriya flush, but Bakugou couldn't see that, not when it's so dark outside, and the only light they have is the moonlight.
"Well, I might be thinking too highly of myself, but I wanted to gift you my feelings," Midoriya says and raises his head to finally meet Bakugou's eyes.
Those green orbs look so sincere as they stare at Bakugou's.
Bakugou takes a sharp inhale to calm himself. He needed some time to take in Midoriya's confession before he pulls him into a hug.
"You idiot," Bakugou whispers, "that's the best gift you could fucking give me,"
"Kacchan," Midoriya says as he hesitantly wraps his arms around Bakugou.
"I like your nerdy ass too, dimwit," Bakugou says and chuckles before pulling away and pressing a kiss on Midoriya's forehead, "I just didn't know how to tell you, so I decided to show it to you through my actions. I should've known that your dense ass won't notice,"
Midoriya blushes even more and covers his face with his hands, "I've been avoiding you because I was so nervous that maybe I'll back out, but you feel the same way?"
"Yeah, dumbass," Bakugou says and flicks Midoriya's forehead to make him remove his hands on his face, "you've been stressing us out for no reason,"
Midoriya laughs, "I'm sorry, Kacchan,"
"It's fine, just don't do it again, okay?" Bakugou asks and walks closer to Midoriya to press another kiss on his forehead, "now let's go back in because I'm fucking sleepy,"
"We just had an entire confession, and you're worried about your sleep. Don't you want to spend more time with me?" Midoriya teases as he lets Bakugou hold his hand on their way back to the dorms.
"Why should I worry about spending some time with you when we're cuddling to sleep in my room tonight?" Bakugou asks with a smug smile on his face.
Midoriya freezes, and his eyes went wide as blood runs up his cheeks, "what?"
"Do you want us to sleep in your room? I'm honestly fine with it," Bakugou says with a shrug and tugs at Midoriya.
"I'm fine in your room," Midoriya says and tries to hide his blushing face as they approach the dorm.
"It's settled then," Bakugou says, and they enter the dorm to cuddle till the next morning but not without going through the entire class teasing them.
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sincerelyravens · 3 years
wtDRABBLES - Prompt 2
based on this post i made and this gorgeous fan art
posted on AO3
When Sander arrived at Robbe’s house, his green school bag over one shoulder and his black duffle bag—full of a weekend’s worth of clothes—over his other shoulder, he could hide the warmth that soared through his chest. This past week had been a tough one, full of group meetings and shifts at the coffee shop, and he had hardly been able to see his boyfriend of over a year all week. There were a few times where they were able to exchange late-night phone calls, after each of their families was fast asleep because they couldn’t stop talking until they fell asleep. When Robbe had called him on Wednesday, announcing that his mother would be visiting her aunt and inviting Sander to join him for the weekend so he wasn’t alone, Sander did not hesitate to accept his offer. Sander would always be happy to drown and get drunk on anything Robbe could provide—even if the only thing they did over the weekend was do homework.
Jogging the final few strides to the front door of Robbe’s mother’s two-story house, his forehead sweaty from the short walk from the bus stop, Sander dug his string of keys from his bag. There was the one for his house and his studio at the Academy—his bike lock—and others that he needed to get back to Adi. He sorted out the keys until he found the silver one—attached to the round keychain with magenta, yellow, and aqua stripes that Milan had gotten him for Christmas—the one that opened the front door to Robbe’s house.
Opening the door to the house, he was immediately hit with the smell of food—croques, his favorite. To his right, there was a coat rack and Robbe’s signature brown coat was hanging on the closest hook to the front door. His beat-up white sneakers were on the floor, kicked off over by his half-open backpack. The entire house looked like Robbe, felt like Robbe, and Sander couldn’t help dropping his bags by the door, kicking off his converse, and calling into the house, “I’m here!”
Somewhere down the hallway, sounding from where the kitchen was, Robbe called, “Welcome home!”
Instantly, Sander could feel the smile bloom on his face, the warmth pooling in his cheeks. There was a strong pang of longing in his chest—the kind that always happened whenever they were alone in one of their houses—knowing that it was going to have to end soon, that they would have to go their separate ways temporarily because they lived in different places. But, there was still a shot of warmth and hope in his chest, soothing the longing, because he knew that eventually, they would move into together, in their own two-bedroom apartment—with the second bedroom being a half-art studio, half-editing booth—and Sander knew he could survive until then.
When Robbe poked his head around the door to the kitchen, his long-mess of brown curls pulled up onto a small bun, Sander beamed over at him. “Hey.”
“Hey,” Robbe said, giggling in glee. Unable to help himself, Sander could feel the laugh slip out of his lips, mirroring the happiness on his boyfriend’s face. Robbe took a step into the hallway and moved into Sander, practically colliding against Sander’s chest, one arm tucked behind his back. Robbe stood on his toes, pressing a gentle kiss against his lips. When Robbe pulled away, Sander brought him back in, tangling his fingers into the loose curls that had slipped free from the elastic band, and Robbe giggled against his lips.
“Missed you,” Sander breathed out between kisses.
Robbe smiled, the corners of his lips turning up in their kiss. Sander half-expected Robbe to say something like “I know”, in that sultry voice he sometimes liked to use on him. However, Robbe simpled pulled back up, blinking his warm, love-filled brown eyes up at him, and said, “Missed you too.” Robbe pressed a kiss against his lip again and Sander tilted against him. “So much.”
Sander laughed, shaking his head as he brushed their noses together. “Maybe next week, we can meet up on Wednesday like normal,” Sander said. “I have the day off.”
“Sounds great,” Robbe said.
Sander smiled, scratching his nails lightly across the growing stubble of Robbe’s jaw. Normally, Robbe was religious about shaving every morning, a morning routine since they first started to date—since that week that Sander saw for the first time when he stayed over at the flatshare for a week—but lately, he had stopped shaving every day, leaving it at every other day or every three. Frankly, Sander thought it was stupid and unfair how good Robbe looked with some stubble on his jaw. Somehow, if at all possible, Robbe looked older than Sander when he didn’t shave—a fact that the Broerrrs found hilarious. But, Sander also couldn’t be bothered by it. He loved every shade and type of Robbe—short-haired with a clean shave and long-haired with a stubbled jaw.
“I got something for you.”
“Huh?” Sander asked, pulling back. “It’s not my birthday.”
“Not yet,” Robbe said, waving his eyebrows suggestively. Sander snorted. “But, the other day while I was shopping online, looking for your actual birthday gift if you must know, I saw this and I couldn’t resist buying it for you. And, it came in today so I wanted to give it to you.”
Smiling nervously at him, Robbe pulled something from behind his back—a bundle of black fabric wrapped up tightly in a roll—and placed it in Sander’s awaiting hands. Taking it from Robbe’s hands, he shot his boyfriend a curious glance before he unrolled it. Once Sander flipped it over, his eyes finding text of white, magenta, yellow, and blue with three colors pans, he could see the nervous smile pulling on his face. On the front of the black shirt, there was a piece of text that made the corners of his lips pull up:
I was never In the Closet I was in the Cupboard With The rest Of the Pans
Smiling over at Robbe, Sander pressed a fleeting kiss against Robbe’s lips before saying, “This is cute. Thank you, baby.”
“You like it?” Robbe asked, a nervous look in his eyes.
“Yes,” Sander said. “I like anything you get me.”
“Well, you know you don’t have to wear it just because I gave it to you—”
“I know, Robbe. I love it,” Sander said. Finally, the nervous look slipped from Robbe’s features, returning his beautiful brown eyes to the happy ones he loved so dearly. A bright smile bloomed on Robbe’s face, exposing the divots at the corner of his mouth. “Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome,” Robbe said, his voice barely a whisper. He tilted his head up, asking, practically begging, and Sander obliged him, leaning forward to press their lips together fleetingly. Robbe smiled brightly, looking down at the shirt. He reached out, rubbing his palm across the art of the colored decal of the pans. “When I saw this, I couldn’t resist getting it for you.” There was a briefly nervous look in his eyes. “It reminded me of—”
As they had been from the moment in his art studio, the moment that Robbe had accepted him—all of him, even the broken and dark demons of his soul—and loved him for it too, they had been on the same page. Somehow, Sander knew exactly what he was talking about. “The beach house,” Sander said. “The first croques we ever made together. When I asked you to find a pan...”
Robbe smiled, brightly. “Yeah,” he said. “I couldn’t help but buy that after I remembered.”
Sander grinned down at the shirt.
Now, after a year of being together, that week at the beach house felt like a lifetime ago.
Their trip to the supermarket had been the first time that Sander had felt seen in so long, with Robbe smiling at him so lovely and interested. Now, being seen every day was a normal occurrence—in his love for art, for David Bowie, for photography—and Sander couldn't believe there was a day that he thought of settling for anything less. That morning in the kitchen, bent over a cooking croque together and sharing a single joint, had been an invigorating and addicting feeling, one that Sander hoped would never go away. And, it didn’t in a way, just more quiet and subdued, warm and comforting and present with every interaction.
Standing next to Robbe, his boyfriend of over a year—nearly a year and a half now, Sander could picture the shy Robbe he met. The one that wouldn’t dare meet his eye for longer than necessary. The one who would stare at him across the fire in longing, unaware that Sander felt the same. The Robbe on his knees, unaware, twirling the pan in his hands that he asked for—the Robbe blissfully unaware that Sander had already fallen head-first, drowning in the ocean waters, all because of a simple sight in a moonlit garage and hope.
Smiling over at Robbe, Sander grinned, “Thanks, baby.”
“You’re welcome,” Robbe said. They kissed one more time—longer, deeper—before Robbe pulled back, grabbing him by the wrist and pulling him toward the kitchen. “Come on. The croques are done.”
“Sounds delicious.” Sander wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pressing a kiss against Robbe’s temple. Robbe let out a giggle, hugging his side.
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feminaexlux · 3 years
Hot Chocolate
Merry Christmases & Happy New Years & Happy Valentineses, and Happy Super Belated Birthdays to @fenheart87 and @mamanabeille and @motherofwoofers AND @MAL HAH (I’m so bad at this) 😹😿🧡
This was a Christmas exchange for LBSC for @mamanabeille and I hope it’s cute at least if not massively overdue o m g
On AO3 here!
Marinette wasn't sure how she strung the words together into a coherent enough sentence to convince Luka to take a walk with her on a lightly snowing afternoon, cruising for a little café to find some hot chocolate together. He probably understood most of what she'd been trying to say (or ramble, more likely) since they'd been friends for years.
Actually now that she thought about it, it probably hadn't been coherent at all, but Luka came along anyway because they were friends.
Friends. Close friends? Close enough that she loved his company with his generally good natured chillness and kissing his face with little bises in thanks.
They'd always been comfortable with casual intimacy like that. She always felt so… warm and comfortable with him near. That must have been the reason she was so panicked when she heard from him that he'd be leaving a few days after Christmas to tour with the one and only Jagged Stone as lead guitarist at age 19. It was huge for him, Marinette knew that. But to face that sudden dearth of his presence made her uneasy, to say the least.
It had gotten to the point where she forgot about making a Christmas gift for Adrien. She'd just repurpose one of her many Adrien Birthday gifts, so that wasn't too bad. But she wanted to make something important for Luka. Something that would hopefully show him just how much he meant to Marinette. And maybe it'd be something for him to remember her by.
She had been up all night working on Luka's Present. Well, she'd been up late a couple of nights working on it. She maybe had about 8 hours of sleep in the past 3-4 days.
Kitty Section had wanted to throw one last hurrah for Luka "moving up in the world", and along with it a mini-concert for Christmas and New Year's for their closest friends. Marinette had shown up late to the Liberty and nearly fell overboard crossing the gangplank but Luka had sprinted forward and caught her.
She blamed her unsteadiness for holding onto him the next couple of minutes after that. He kept an arm around her shoulder and they'd been just fine. She was warm. She was comfortable. The GirlSquad™️ that were present gave her looks. Marinette pretended that she didn't notice.
As it turned out the Liberty had run out of coffee. Marinette had rambled on that she preferred hot chocolate anyway and that she'd go out and get some while Kitty Section was just setting up. At least, that had been what she was trying to say, but it turned out she'd said something else that convinced Luka that he'd have to accompany her.
Or maybe it was because she was still a little wobbly. So she held onto his arm on their walk to find some hot chocolate. Luka didn't seem to mind. She slipped on something icy and instinctively threw her arms around him to steady herself. "Oh God I'm so so sorry," she squeaked.
"Are you alright?" He looked concerned but had on a smile. "Hey, let's find somewhere to sit down for a bit."
"Noooo, no I'm okay," she said hurriedly. "I don't wanna make you miss the party."
"They can deal," Luka shrugged.
"But it's for you! It's important!" It was important, wasn't it? Marinette was a little sleep-drunk, but her mind had registered this party as "For Luka" so it was automatically labeled IMPORTANT with big red letters and underlined 3 times.
"You're more important to me," he said quietly.
For some reason, Marinette giggled. "I know," she said, squeezing him tight. "But this is for you so I want everything to go right and have it be spectacular!"
He laughed. "The party is just for close friends, you know that, right?"
"It's for you," Marinette said. She straightened herself up and stepped back, having realized after the fact that she'd been talking to him all this time with her arms around him. "It's… it's for you and you're gonna be… gonna be with Jagged and people will notice you and you'll become a big star, I can… I can feel it!" She'd gotten wobbly again, and she hadn't even noticed that she'd been waving her arms to emphasize her points so hard that she'd lost her footing. She slipped again and landed on her butt. "Oof!"
"Alright, we're finding a place to sit down now," Luka decided. He took her hands and helped her to her feet, wrapping one arm around her shoulder again. "Hold onto me," he said.
Marinette giggled again. "Always," she mumbled, wrapping her arms around him tight. Luka stopped for a heartbeat but pressed on. He found a bench along the Seine that they could rest at for a few minutes. He sat her down first, then stood in front of her with a hand on her shoulder to make sure she was steady.
"Looks like there's a café nearby. Let me get you something warm, alright? I'll be a few minutes."
"Mmkay," she said sleepily.
He chuckled. "Try not to fall asleep out here. Are you cold?"
"No, I'm alright," she yawned. "I'll be awake, promise," she smiled, looking up at him. He did look a tiny bit concerned (a little like he doubted her to be honest) but then jogged off. Marinette let her focus soften and turned her head up to the light snow, the chill helping to keep her awake. She felt a few flakes land on her cheeks and closed her eyes just for a second, the white clouds fading out to black.
The heat from where he had held her had radiated out, leaving her colder than she liked. She wanted him back so she could lean herself against him and feel him near. Ugh, she was soooo close to dozing off. She shook her head and patted her cheeks, dusting off the snow that had started to cover her.
She better keep herself busy. She pulled out her phone and was momentarily confused. She wasn't so sure what made her upset staring at her phone until her brain unfuzzed after a few seconds. Her phone backsplash was of Adrien Agreste and it didn't feel right… She needed to change that. She went into her settings and tried to find a good replacement picture. She did think Adrien was cute and all, but… her tastes had… well, they weren't quite the same anymore. She had barely thought about Adrien until now. That background had just been… there, static, as the scenery for ages.
She found herself being embarrassed scrolling through her photos. Her most recent pictures had been selfies with her friends and pictures of her crafts or baking. Anything more than a year ago had mostly been pictures she stole off the internet of Adrien. He'd definitely grown more handsome over time she had to admit, but it was… kind of cringey just how many pictures she had of him. She started deleting the Adrien pictures that hadn't been taken by her or her friends. It just didn't have the same appeal anymore.
As she kept going further back in time in her photos she saw sketches of the prototype kittycorn masks she had made for Kitty Section. Wow she really needed to update those sketches, and maybe she could ask Luka if he wanted a custom logo? If he did she needed to go back and tweak some of his Christmas presents, but it'd be worth it to see Luka's reaction.
Marinette desperately hoped he'd like what she made for him.
She'd been setting her phone background to the pink and blue lightning bolt of Luka's kittycorn mask when he came back with 2 takeout cups. "Sorry to keep you waiting."
"Thank you," she smiled up at him. She took the cup that was offered to her, then wedged the cup in between her thighs to take off her gloves to feel the warmth more directly. She picked the cup back up and loved that feeling of the heat suffusing into her hands. She leaned in and smelled the hot chocolate.
He sat down next to her and had taken the lid off of his… she couldn't really smell what it was but he did have whipped cream on top of that drink. He took a sip and got some of that cream on the tip of his nose and on his lips.
Before he was able to wipe it away, and before even Marinette knew what she'd been doing, she reached out and wiped her thumb across his lips and licked off the stolen cream from her finger.
Then, because she still wasn't thinking about it, she did the same with the whipped cream on his nose when he turned to face her, giggling after mentally adding a boop. Ugh, it was that cream that came out of an aerosol can. Too much air, not enough body. "What'd you get?" she asked. She noticed his eyes were pretty wide, and she hadn't fathomed what had surprised him except maybe the drink?
"Uh…" he trailed off, looking a little red. "C-Coffee?"
She leaned against his shoulder and sipped her hot chocolate, feeling it warm her up inside. "This is good," she sighed happily. "Feels really nice."
"Yeah," Luka said absently. "Nice. Did… I didn't ask if you wanted… any whipped cream… I can get…"
"Hmm? I'm okay," she murmured, drinking the rest of her hot chocolate. Plus she really didn't want him to go anywhere. He was warm and it felt like she could sit here with him forever. It'd be nice if they could snuggle together in her bed or something like that. She should ask if she could steal him away for a cozy snow day. That was a grand idea.
"Marinette," Luka started, then just. Stopped. He'd been looking at her, eyebrows furrowed. It was a few seconds during which Marinette turned back to face him, pressing part of her face against his shoulder. He exhaled, then smiled his lopsided smile. "Nah. It's alright." Part of him looked… resigned, maybe?
"I want you… to be as comfortable with me as I am with you," Marinette said sleepily. "I'm… I feel like it's so easy to be with you," she added. "You're so good for me," she sighed, letting her body lean back against the bench. The hot chocolate was working its magic and she felt parts of herself relax.
She woke up feeling slightly more rested but still overall groggy. Ugh, what happened? Wait. Wait. Oh no, she'd been with Luka and she'd just… she'd just dozed off? Wait, where was she? She sat up and blinked a few times, rubbing sleep from her eyes. She was back in her own room?! Her winter gear had been taken off as well as her shoes, but she'd been tucked back into her own bed by her mom by the look of it.
Marinette threw off her blankets and rushed downstairs. Oh God it looked like it was already evening -- did she miss the concert? Ugh, Marinette why did you have to be so lame?! "Maman?! Papa?!"
"Did you rest well, hon?" Sabine asked. "Luka brought you back a few hours ago--"
"HOURS AGO?! Oh no! Oh no oh no," Marinette yelled, pulling at her pigtails. She'd definitely missed the concert. Luka's last concert with Kitty Section!
"He also came back to bring the rest of your things from the Liberty," Tom added. "He stopped by just a minute ago! He can't be far, dear, why don't you see if he's still nearby?" Her dad handed her purse and gloves back to Marinette from where they were sitting near the register.
Marinette was ready to run out when Sabine tossed her a jacket. "And don't forget your shoes!" Sabine added, tossing boots at her daughter as well. Marinette didn't see the calculating smiles her parents exchanged with each other after she hurriedly put her gear on and ran out the Boulangerie.
Her mind was scattered but one thing seemed pretty clear: if it'd been a minute or two and Luka was heading back to the Liberty, Marinette would most likely find him in the subway station waiting for the next train. She didn't know the trains by heart but they came really quickly. She might have already missed him but if there was even the slimmest chance that she could catch him before he left she'd try.
She flew down the steps of the nearby subway entrance going toward the Liberty and saw only a few people milling around, but there was definitely a train pulling into the station right then and Marinette felt the rush of air buffeting her. There was one familiar figure in the distance and she ran toward them, hoping her gut instincts had it right. "Luka!"
Of course, as soon as she was close enough she tripped. She'd overstepped something or other and caught the edge of… something. If it hadn't been Luka she was hoping whatever kind soul she had just launched herself at would stop her from faceplanting. "Whoa!" a voice yelled out. Gloved hands braced her and pushed her back upright. "Marinette?" Yes, yes, yes, thank God, she thought looking back up at Luka, her world finally feeling right.
She promptly burst into tears after the relief faded. "I'm so sorry I missed it!"
Luka smiled, shaking his head slightly as he pulled her in for a hug. "The concert? Doesn't matter to me, I'm glad you got your rest."
Right, the sudden and inevitable betrayal of her body just because she'd stayed up a few nights makiNG PRESENTS OH SHOOT SHE NEEDED TO GET THOSE TO HIM! She snapped her head back to look up at him and slammed her head into his chin instead. "Ouch! Oh I'm so sorry oh no--"
Luka just started laughing after rubbing his chin. "God I'm gonna miss you," he said breathlessly, wiping away tears of his own, though his were caused by laughing too hard. The train next to them closed its doors with a hiss and started moving away. "Ah, whoops," Luka sighed. "I'll catch the next one."
This moment stretched in her mind as her mind raced. When he said he was going to miss her… it just reminded her how horribly she was going to miss him. Why had she been so freaking indecisive all this time? How was she going to deal with the Luka-shaped hole in her heart? How had she not realized that she'd wanted him and needed him until right as he was leaving for another freaking country and what if he was gone for a year or maYBE 10 YEARS or what if he decided he didn't want to come back and found himself someone else and she'd gone ahead and thrown this all away because she'd been too shy and too scared and too freaking stupid to realize she was in lo-- Oh, oh no.
Oh no. Don't freak out now, you saw this coming! Don't let him leave! she yelled at herself. Not yet. Not… yet, anyway.
"Wait! Wait, um, I-I have your presents pack at the packery--back at the bakery! I-I-If it's okay did you want me to get them now?"
He raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you already bring one to the Liberty?"
Marinette pressed her lips together in a wan smile. "One's not enough," she said quietly. "There are more. I… wasn't able to carry all of them." HE won't be able to carry all of them, she thought angrily at herself. But there was one that she wanted to give him in person, in private. Now was as good a time as any, if he was willing.
He looked a little worried, but then Luka shrugged. "Sure, I don't have anything else right now. I'll head back with you. Thanks, by the way… You know you didn't have to get me anything."
"How long have you known me?" Marinette sniffed.
His smile broke through again. "Fair enough." They walked back up the stairs back to surface streets and walked to the bakery when the pedestrian light was green. Tom and Sabine looked delighted that Marinette brought Luka back. "Hey again. It's been a while," Luka joked.
"Go on upstairs, we'll bring you some snacks in a little bit!" Sabine said cheerfully. Marinette noticed that there wasn't any room for argument in what her mom said. It'd nearly come across as a command.
"Stay as long as you'd like!" Tom added unnecessarily.
Luka just smiled and nodded politely and followed as Marinette decided she'd best leave right then. They went up the stairs past her parents' bedroom floor and into the main floor. Luka almost went up the Marinette's bedroom ladder behind her but decided against it. "I can wait down here unless you need help getting it down?" he offered.
Marinette wondered why he was getting weird about going into her room now, of all times. "Just come up?" Luka let out what was the tiniest sigh and he relented, going up the ladder. She waited until he was finished climbing. "I didn't get a chance to wrap this up yet, but… I want to make sure it fits properly anyway." She took a long leather jacket off of her mannequin and presented it to Luka. "This is yours. I made this for you. Can you try this on?"
He just stared for a minute. "That looks… pretty damn incredible, Marinette," he said in awe. He took off his current jacket and handed it to Marinette when she offered to take it from him. She pretended she didn't feel just slightly awkward watching his lean form emerge from his bulky outerwear, pretended she didn't notice that his gray shirt underneath fit snug around his chest, pretended that she didn't keep getting drawn to the lines and curves of the muscles he usually kept hidden underneath hoodies.
He put on the jacket she made. Most of it was black leather lined in fleece, but she left the arms and the hood a softer, more pliable fabric so he wouldn't have his arms constrained by the stiff leather. The dark gray fabric of the arms extended out past the wrist to cover the palms and backs of his hands, and had slits for him to put his thumbs through. He pulled the hoodie over and smiled at Marinette. "Feels pretty good," he said.
Marinette moved his arm so it extended out, looking at the pull of the fabric and making sure that it was fitting well. She made some minor adjustments to the way the jacket sat on him, checking the length, checking seams, checking if there were any problems at all before she realized she was probably being weird on him. "Oh! Sorry, I just--just wanted to… um. A-anyway, how is it?"
Luka had just taken her hovering around and fixing things with quiet dignity. "It's great. It's… like I said, incredible. This must have taken a lot of work," he said with clear praise in his voice. "I honestly can't believe you're giving this to me. Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Since you're l-leaving in winter I wanted to make sure… that you're warm." Like you keep me warm. "And comfortable." Like you keep me comfortable. "And it's… it's not obvious but I also have something on the back. Here, you can check it in the mirror," she said, pulling him toward her full length mirror. He faced away from the mirror but checked over his shoulder to look. In the light Luka could tell that she had painted the leather in subtle blue and pink, more stains of color under the light than distinct painted lines. "I wasn't sure if you'd like it but… I put in the lightning bolt from your Kitty Section mask. So that way you even if you're not part of Kitty Section anymore, you can bring them with you? Am I making any sense?"
"I got it," he nodded, still checking out different parts of the jacket. "God, I don't have words for how amazing this is."
"I'm glad you like it."
"Marinette, I love it." He paused suddenly after looking back up at her. He was a little surprised when he saw that she was crying again. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" He moved to her and pulled her into another hug.
"I'm just," she sighed, burying her face into his chest. "Seeing that on you. It makes it real that you're going." Luka took in a breath like he'd wanted to say something, but he let it go without saying anything. For a few heartbeats they stood there like that.
They heard Tom shuffling below and the hatch opened. "Hey kids, I brought some crois-- Oh, that looks wonderful, Marinette! That jacket turned out very nice!"
Marinette sighed and pulled away from Luka. "Thanks Papa," she laughed, taking the proffered plate of steaming hot bread.
"Eat them up while they're still warm!" Tom beamed, going back down the ladder and closing the hatch behind him. At least her dad didn't make a comment on how he found her and Luka. Maybe he was saving that for later… ugh.
"Want one?" Marinette giggled. "They are best straight from the oven."
"Sure, I'll take one."
Marinette handed one to Luka and ate one for herself, feeling pretty self-conscious at how awkward it got again. She put the plate of croissants on her computer table. "So um… The other presents for you are just… um. I guess there might be a lot to carry now that I think about it, ha."
"Keep them," Luka said between bites. Keep them? As in he didn't want them? Marinette froze in place. "Here," Luka added belatedly, smiling after he finished his croissant. "Keep them here. I'll be able to pick them up when I come back in the summer." He took a step toward her and leaned in close, placing his fingers against her cheek. Marinette blushed at the contact but she didn't shy away.
He pulled an errant flake of pastry off the corner of her mouth and ate it. "H-hey," Marinette grumbled. Well, it was probably her fault for expecting something… different. "That was mine," she added lamely at the end.
"What, you want it back?" He chuckled. "Dunno how--" She grabbed his lapels and pulled him in to kiss him hard. Then she heard Tom shuffling around again and shoved Luka at the chaise lounge just in time for Tom to open the hatch.
"I brought hot chocolate!" her dad announced with a huge grin, though it faltered a little as he took a slight pause to look back and forth between his daughter and the startled young man on her chaise. The kids were blushing pretty hard and Marinette just knew Tom was formulating some conclusions on what happened.
"Thanks Dad, we're good on snacks for now," Marinette said, trying to emphasize that she did not want anymore interruptions as she took the cups from Tom.
Tom grinned again. "Sabine and I added a little Dupain-Cheng magic in the cocoa, let us know what you think, alright? We'll leave you alone now," Tom winked.
UGH. She handed a cup over to Luka who took it automatically, still staring at her in a slight shock. Oh God maybe he didn't like her like that? "I-I'm sor--" she started.
"Don't," Luka interrupted. "Be sorry. Don't be sorry, I mean." He looked a little panicked and laughed nervously. "I didn't. Think. That you. Were…" he continued, speaking in fragments at a time. "Are you? Was that…"
Marinette sipped her hot chocolate nervously, her cup shaking slightly in her hands, but asked "Are you?" for some reason.
"How long have you known me?" Luka barked out as a laugh. "I've always liked you. Always."
"Me too. Really." Marinette said quietly. "I… it just. I suck at timing, you know?"
"Yeah," he breathed out, nodding.
She pouted. "But since you're leaving… it was something that… it just scared me."
"You know I'm coming back right?" He put his cup of cocoa on the floor. "Especially if you're waiting."
"You-you could meet someone new…?"
Luka furrowed his eyebrows. "I'll let you know if that happens. Is that what you're worried about?"
Marinette sighed. "No, orrrr ummm, sort of but not really. I just… didn't want things to change. And by that I mean I didn't want to… I didn't want to make… make any mistakes. With you." She chugged her hot chocolate, tasting the hints of buttery toffee and cream with a pinch of sea salt, then set her mug aside. "You've let me just hang out, you know? Let me be… me. And I was so afraid I'd screw something up if there was… anything more between us, if anything changed between us."
"But now things are changing anyway?" Luka replied. "Because I'm leaving for a while."
Marinette nodded. "Yeah. So, I thought I'd… well, give you that," she pointed at the jacket, "at least. So a little part of me can go with you."
Luka got back up to his feet and took off the leather jacket. "Then I'll only wear this when I'm away. Right now I'm here," he said. "And you're here. And I've always liked you. If you want me, I'm yours."
"That simple, huh?" Marinette smiled shyly.
"Always been."
Marinette drew herself into his arms and hugged him tight, feeling him wrap his arms around her. "I do. W-want this I mean. You. I really do suck at timing," Marinette sighed.
"Yeah, you do," Luka laughed. "But you've just given me some of the best Christmas presents I've ever gotten." He drew her face up to look at him and smiled. "And something to look forward to when I come back." He leaned in and kissed her.
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fan-fic-writer · 3 years
Pinky Promise | Christmas Bonus Chapter
Before we get started, I just wanted to thank you guys again for 100 followers!! I love you all so much and i hope you have, or are having a great Holiday!!! This was my first time writing a kiss scene so im sorry if it seems akward or poorly written!!!! Enjoy!!
Scraps of wrapping paper littered your room as you finished wrapping presents for Takanobu. It had taken you ages to figure out what to get for the gentle giant since he never really showed interest in anything but volleyball and his pet turtle, Ichigo. Well, that was until the two of you took a trip to the closest shopping mall to get some last-minute Christmas presents.
It had just turned noon as you and your boyfriend entered the shopping mall for some last-minute Christmas shopping. As expected the mall was packed, it was nearing Christmas after all, so you held onto Takanobu’s hand so you wouldn’t get separated from each other.
“Nobu! Look at this charm!” you and the giant were in some store when you held up a small turtle charm, “It looks like the one I gave to you when we were in elementary school! I still can believe we lost it on a field trip, it was so cute.”
If you hadn’t known him like you did, you would’ve missed the small smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth, “I still feel bad about losing that…” he signed before walking away to look at something on a shelf. The first birthday party of Takanobu’s you went to was in elementary school, the year you had met him. You had gotten him a keychain with a turtle charm on it since you knew he loved them. He loved it and always had it on him, whether it was clipped on his school bag or in his pocket, he always found a way to keep it with him. A few years later, during your last year of elementary school, he had lost the keychain on a school field trip, that was the first time you had seen him cry. He loved that keychain more than anything and he had lost it, it felt like he lost a part of you, the part that he could take anywhere.
You knew that he had kept looking at the keychain, so while he was in a different store, you quickly bought the keychain and hid it in your bag. You knew he would love it, and you might even get a kiss out of the shy boy.
You heard your phone go off next to you, signaling that it was almost time to get to the Christmas party that Shoyo was throwing. Since he and Takanobu were close, you of course got close to him as well, meaning that you two were always invited to get-togethers and parties. You quickly tucked the small box into your bag before checking yourself out in the mirror, making sure that you looked as good as you did when you first got ready. The oversized sweater hanging off one of your shoulders, the black leggings that framed your legs, and your black boots that waited for you at the front door.
“Nobu! It’s time to go!” you yelled from your shared bedroom before rushing out to the living room, “oh good, you’re already down here. Do you have your Secret Santa gift ready?” Shoyo had decided that a Secret Santa would be better than having to worry about getting everyone gifts, and you had luckily drawn Takanobu while he had drawn Shoyo. 
“I’m ready when you are.” he signed standing from where he sat on the couch, a box covered in wrapping paper. “Where is your Secret Santa gift?” he pointed to your empty hands.
Laughing, you take the small box out of your bag to show him, “It’s right here Nobu, now get your shoes on, we’re going to be late.” you looked at the clock on the wall before quickly putting on your boots, watching Takanobu do the same before heading out of the apartment and towards the parking lot.
The drive to Shoyo and Kageyama’s shared apartment was quick and one the both of you knew well. And the path to the door was even quicker, the two of you entering the apartment.
“Y/N, Aone! I’m glad you guys could make it, we were just about to start the Secret Santa exchange.” Shoyo led the two of you to a familiar living room where Kageyama, Nishinoya, and Bokuto were(Tsukishima didn’t come because of the crowd), “Alright, who wants to give out there present first?”
“I can go!” Bokuto said with his normal amount of enthusiasm, “The person I got was Kageyama. I didn’t really know what to get, so Akaashi helped me.” he gave the ravenette a soft-looking present, “I hope you like it!” Bokuto said with a blinding smile.
Kageyama tore away the wrapping paper before laughing. In his hands sat a blanket with milk cartons on it, “Bokuto, this is… I love it thank you.” the ravenette wrapped the blanket around himself, “Funnily enough, I got you Bokuto, so here.” Kageyama passed a neatly wrapped box to the other.
Bokuto practically shredded the pretty blue and white wrapping paper before opening the box beneath it. You all slightly leaned towards Bokuto to get a glimpse at what Kageyama had gotten him, “This is epic!!!” he held up a golden trophy with something engraved in it, “It says “The Worlds Best Ace And The Worlds Thickest Ass” on it!!! That’s amazing!!” the entire room laughed along with the enthusiastic man.
“I guess I’m next then.” Nishinoya spoke when everyone had finally calmed down, “For the second prettiest person in the room, I still hold first place of course.” he teased as he passed you a, not so neatly, wrapped box before winking at you, “I already know you’ll love it.”
You laughed taking the gift from the former libero, unwrapping it to reveal a framed picture of you and Date Techs boys volleyball club from when you were in high school. It had been so long since you had seen everyone, and you missed them, more than you’d like to admit, “Noya, how did you...” tears pricked the corners of your eyes, “I love it, so much. Thank you.” you whipped your eyes as you let Tankanobu take the photo into his hands.
Shoyo went next, handing Nishinoya a Christmas themed bag, “I didn’t want to ask Kageyama for help wrapping it, so you get a bog instead.” He laughed, scratching the back of his neck.
Nishinoya eagerly opened the bag, taking out a sweater, “another to add to my collection! “Kurasuno’s Guardian Angel” Man, this takes me back to the old days of high school!” He turned the sweater around so the rest of you could see it, “Thanks Shoyo!!” 
Takanobu cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention, “I can go now, this is for you Shoyo. I hope you like it.” He signed before handing Shoyo a lumpy gift, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
Shoyo unwrapped the gift to reveal new kneepads and new volleyball shoes, “How did you know I need new shoes and kneepads? You noticed when we did our weekly practice together didn’t you? Thank Aone-Kun! I’ll start using them as soon as possible!” Shoyo smiled wide, flashing everyone with a blinding smile.
Finally, your turn, and boy were you ready. You turned to face your boyfriend, pulling the small package out of your bag, handing it to him, “It’s smaller than everyone else’s, but I think you’ll like it just as much. I hope.” you smiled warmly, a small blush dusting your cheeks.
He carefully unwrapped the small gift before looking at you with a shocked expression that turned into a smile. He held up the small turtle keychain. The others looked at the two of you with confused looks, unaware of the significance of the keychain.
“When we were in little I got us matching key chains, but Nobu lost his on a field trip in our last year of elementary school.” You explained, “He was so upset when he lost it, I think that was the first time I ever saw him cry. This one looks exactly like the one he lost, so now we match again. It’s kinda silly, but I think he likes it.” you said giving him a peck on the cheek, your cheeks now rightfully pink.
“Hey Y/N! Can you and Aone-Kun go grab some more cups from the kitchen for me?” You heard Shoyo call from across the room, “I would but Bokuto-Kungot his finger stuck in the sink again.”
“It’s no problem Shoyo, we’ll be right back!” you called before taking Takanobu by the hand towards the kitchen. Once you arrived you grabbed a pack of plastic red cups from the counter, “Who knew six people could use so many cups?” you joked before walking back to the main room where the party was being held. But instead of being met with the sight of Nishinoya and Kageyama laughing at poor Bokuto, you were met with everyone snickering at the two of you. “Do I have something on my face? Does Nobu?” They shook their heads as Bokuto pointed above your heads. A mistletoe.
“That means you two have to kiss!!” Bokuto shouted with a smile plastered across his face, “Kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss!!!” he chanted, the others joining in.
“How about it Nobu? Shall we give them what they want?” you nudged him with your elbow, a smile on your face as Takanobu nodded, “Then come here.” You pulled him down to you buy his shirt collar, pressing your lips to yours. 
The kiss was slow, your lips connecting like puzzle pieces. Your hands moved to wrap around his neck, his hands coming up to cup your cheeks. Both of you felt like the only people in the world, well that was until you heard Nishinoya whistle at the two of you, Bokuto and the others cheering.
Takanobu was the one to pull away first, pressing his forehead to yours, “Merry Christmas my love.” He spoke, shocking not only you but the others as well, “I love you.”
“I love you too Nobu.” You pecked his lips again before hugging him, pulling him closer to you.
❤︎ Taglist❤︎:   @bnha-butterfly,  @kuroolongtea, @tinynarutobookmark, @feifood
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cheshirehatter666 · 4 years
Surprise Kenma!!
Pairing: Kozume Kenma x Reader
Word Count:1,422
A/N: This is just a quick little thing for Kenmas Birthday.
Kenma woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes, turning to your side of the bed only to find an empty space. He figures that you had let him sleep in since he had a late stream session the night before, and for that he was grateful. Getting out of bed he dragged himself to the dining room expecting you to be there with a plate of his traditional birthday breakfast that you have made for him every year since middle school. But when he turned the corner and didn’t hear your usual ‘Happy Birthday Ken-Ken’ he was confused. Looking around the empty dining room he went into the kitchen to find his birthday breakfast left on the counter with a little glass dome on top of it along with a note.
“Hi Ken-ken, Happy Birthday!!!! I’m sorry I didn’t wake you but you were up so late last night I didn’t want you start off your birthday with a headache. I’m also sorry that I can’t be with you this year, but this business trip to Miyagi is very important. Tendou-san and I have to seal this deal today or we lose the location, but I promise tomorrow I will spend the ENTIRE day with you. 
Love you,
Reading through the note he vaguely remembered you mentioning this at last nights dinner, you and Tendou have been business partners ever since you both had made a connection with each other after meeting abroad at a culinary school. The both of you had opened up a few pop up pastry shops throughout Tokyo and had been trying to bring one to Miyagi for some time now, so he understood the urgency. And its not like you hadn’t spent his birthday apart before, but he had planned on popping the question at the dinner you two were supposed to go to tonight before this opportunity popped up. Smiling down at your cute little signature one last time a placed it aside and began eating the breakfast you left for him while scrolling through all the birthday notifications on his phone.
After he placed his plate in the sink there was a knock at the door, looking through the peep hole and seeing a head of orange hair he opened the door with a smile, only for it to fall the instant he saw who was behind Hinata. “Go away” he said with a glare as he pulled Hinata inside by the arm slamming the door in Kuroo and Bokutos faces. Turning towards his tangerine friend he gave him a small smile as he said his thanks when given the usual birthday greeting, and ignoring the shouts of protests on the other side of his door.
“What are you doing here Shoyo?” he asked as he walked into the kitchen to grab two bottles of orange juice. (A/N: Canabalism?) Hinata nervously glanced at the front door as the two other men continued to knock angrily. “Ummm, (Y/N)-chan said that she wouldn’t be able to take you out on your birthday this year and asked us if we could.”
“You guys don’t really have to I just planned to play some games today anyways, but you can stay Shoyo we can play LBP”
After saying that he heard the automatic lock on the front door activate then looked up to see Kuroo and Bokuto burst in with Akaashi following the two. Shocked he glared at the first two before nodding towards Akaashi who seemed to be on the phone with someone. Akaashi nodded back as he held  out the phone towards him. 
“Ken-ken, you have to go out with them tonight, I am not letting you spend your birthday the same way you spend any other day off you have.” he heard you grumble over the line, he could just imagine the cute little pout you had. 
Completely ignoring your order he smiled and asked if you arrived in Miyagi safely, but knowing what he was trying to do you just said that you did and if he wanted his present he would have to go out with the boys. At this he glared slightly at the floor mumbled an okay, and after exchanging I loves you and hanging up he handed Akaashi his phone. 
“How did you idiots even know (Y/N) could unlock the door remotely?” he grumbled out as he was dragged to his room to get ready by Kuroo and Bokuto, Hinata and Akaashi trailing behind them. “Oh we didn’t, Akaashi was the one who called her after he parked the car.” Bokuto replied as he went your shared closet. With sighing in defeat he sent a glare towards the silent glasses wearing man as he stood to the side texting someone, allowing his boyfriend to basically destroy his side of the closet. While Kuroo and Hinata seemed to know exactly where to got to get his clothes, apparently you had planned this out with the rooster head the night before, even picking out the outfit he would wear. Which was a pair of black slacks, a light pink button up, and a pair of black high tops. Kenma grumbled as he went to the connecting bathroom to put them on and his frown only deepened when he came out and Kuroo threw a black blazer at his face. Putting it on properly he glared at the group as they basically dragged him out of his apartment and into Akaashi’s car, driving off to who knows where. 
(Time Skip: 4 hours later) 
Kenma wouldn’t admit it but he had a good time, when he got out of the car he noticed the others were dressed similar to him, and despite the way they were dressed their destination didn’t match their supposed dress code. Apparently, you had booked them an entire three hours at his favorite gaming bar, along with inviting his other friends and old teammates. Near the end after everyone else had left and he was left with the original four who had dragged him out he couldn’t help thinking that it would have been an even better day if you were there with him. As he was climbing up the steps towards your apartment he couldn’t help but smile at his four friends in front of him, he really had some amazing people in his life, not that he’d admit it to them. 
Arriving to his front door he reached for the keypad to unlock the door he paused and turned towards his friends, he whispered a small thank before turning back and opening the door before they could reply, only to be stunned by a bunch of confetti being thrown at him and shouts of ‘Surprise!’. In his stunned state Kuroo took advantage and placed a birthday hat on his head while laughing at the shocked look on his childhood best friends face. 
All the commotion died down and he was taken out of his shocked state when the lights dimmed and you came around the corner holding a birthday cake you probably made, with candles lit on top singing ‘Happy Birthday’ finishing the song when you stood right in front of him “Happy Birthday, make a wish.” you whispered as he smiled back fondly. Blowing out the candle everyone cheered as someone turned on the lights.
Tendou, who had helped you set up, took the cake out of your hands so that he could take it to the kitchen to plate it up. Your back was to Kenma as you spoke to the red head telling him where the cake knife and plates were. As Kenma stared at you with a smile on his face he couldn’t believe he was ever so lucky to end up with someone like you, so when Hinata asked him what he wished for he decided that he was going to do it now. So when you turned around to ask him if he liked his gift you gasped when you saw him down on one knee holding out the most beautiful ring. 
“My wish is for (L/N) (Y/N), to agree to marry me and become Kozume (Y/N)”
With tears in your eyes and your knees giving out you knelt in front of him as you breathed out a shaky ‘yes’ in reply as cheers broke out and he placed the ring on you finger, pulling you into a deep kiss.
Pressing your foreheads together you couldn’t help but giggle at the big grin on his face. 
“Happy Birthday Kenma!”
Permanent Tag List: @sckyie
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siot-siot · 3 years
Nonexistent Love
Tumblr media
Genre: Angst
Warnings: slight cheating, pure angst, no happy ending?
You did it very often, at first it was hard and there were a lot of arguments. But in the end you did it. You walked over your own pride, let him do what he wanted even if it didn't include you. And at first it worked, he was happy and you were glad he was. Just what about your happiness?
Did not matter, more important was to be a good girlfriend. And you were, eventhough he never acknowledged it.
You did not know what happened but lately, no not lately, since a while everything and everyone was of more importance than you and you weren't even an overly jealous person either.
"Y/N, can you pass me my coat?" he asked you.
》Where are your going, I just cooked?《
"Sure", you answered as you always did. Getting teary while grabbing the coat just to turn around with a happy smile.
"Have fun", you said and he was gone as soon as he grabbed the dark brown coat.
Would it have hurt him to just give you a peck, even if it was just on your cheek?
So that's how your planned dinner, of which you had told him last week on the phone because that was the only way to reach him, went downhill.
Looking at the dinnertable, full of his favorite food, you lost your appetite. You did not like most of it anyways, only having cooked it for him. So you packed all you could up, put it in the fridge and boiled some ramen noodles. What a waste, half of it was in the trashbin. Lost in your miserable thoughts, you almost missed the ring of your phone.
It was Mingi calling and even though you in fact liked his friends, you were everything but in the mood for talking.
"Hey, what's up? We are going bowling, thought he'd invite you to join?" he excitingly almost screamed.
You winced at his loud voice, forcing a short giggle and asking who we meant.
"What? Of course all 8 of us, who else?" he cheered and you could hear them in the background bickering.
So that's where he went.
You kept the call short, explaining you were just busy and hanging up as soon as possible. Mingi was right he could have invited you, but to your surprise it did not even disappoint you anymore. Eating alone was something you were now used to, having lost your friends over some little argument such as the identity of your now almost nonexistent boyfriend. If you knew what would happen you wouldn't have sacrificed your supposedly best friends. They weren't the best but at least you did not have to eat alone.
It was dark when you woke up, as usually when winter started. Getting ready for work was exciting in the past, you were always almost late to work due to the phone call of your boyfriend every morning. Now you did not remember much of it, most times he rambled on about his work and while you enjoyed it, part of you just wished to talk as well.
"It is dark when you go out, as a good boyfriend and gentleman I have to make sure you get there safely", he dramatically said in the lowest voice he could muster. How he managed to be in such a good mood every morning was a secret even to you. And that was your excuse, maybe he now was a grumpy morning person just like you.
The day went by fast, no calls and no texts, just your boss that screamed orders around as usually.
Today was a day where you normally went to the two pair of arms that could comfort you, but instead you went down to a small coffee shop in the corner. The bitter taste of coffee which you hated was now your favorite as well as the cute waiter working there. The same waiter that flirted with you for weeks now.
There was something strangely comforting in the way he found you attractive enough to try and get your number, when your own love did not seem to care anymore and eventhough the terrible act of cheating crossed your mind, you could not do it. Stupid of you, because the temptation of it could still lure you in, as this waiter was definitely your type, but on days like this you needed this, an ego boost.
Smiling his biggest gummy smile he took your order, going as far as to brewing it himself.
"It is on the house, Y/N you are our VIP guest by now", he said. And he was right, days like today were becoming a norm these days. When your boyfriend broke another part of your heart, when work seemed to hate you and the air became tight around your throat, your feet wandered on its own to this coffeeshop.
Grateful you took your coffee with your two extra cookies, while thanking him.
Sighing when he was out of sight, you turned on the lockscreen of your phone.
"Wooyoung how about we go pick a birthday gift for Hongjoon tomorrow", you texted him, hoping for an answer in the next few hours.
Just as you were about to put your phone away, the cute waiter approached.
He asked:"I hope I don't disturb you, but I wanted to ask for your kakaotalk."
Flustered you nodded and gave him your contact data.
It was a quick exchange as he was called to another table.
Should you now feel guilty?
Days passed, you missed Hongjoons birthday having sent him a small present through Wooyoung, as he already picked his before you and everyone had schedule on this day.
You phone however was vibrating nonstop.
The cute waiter called Minseok. He was a student earning some pocket money while going after his hobby of brewing coffee. The visits to the shop now being a daily routine as he was teaching you the ways.
Especially today, where you needed his consoling voice, explaining the different varieties of coffee beans distracting you from the bad night you had.
You were midsentence when he entered the small front of the cafe, taking in his handsome appearance. A mask on his face and a cap on his head, would fool fans but not you. You recognized him immediately and while you did not want to admit it, he was as handsome as he was the day you fell for him. And of course he noticed you.
"What are you doing here, you hate coffee Y/N?" he wondered.
And just as he spoke Minseok came from the backroom with the new handmixer.
"Y/N, here you go. If you don't mind we can grab a drink after my shift", he offered, not seeing Wooyoung yet.
Your eyes widened, looking at your boyfriends reaction and hoping for the best. Of course, a scrowl made it on his face and he raised one eyebrow.
"Oh, a customer! What can I get for you?" Minseok politely asked.
Wooyoung looked him up and down, ordering a coffee and a hot chocolate for his lovely girlfriend.
Your face was beet red by now, he caught you.
It was silent as Minseok got to work on his order with your help. You tried your best to put a bit of distance between the both of you, scrambling to get the work done faster.
There was no way he did not pick up one the way the both of you acted.
"Babe, I didn't know you had a new job?" he asked while taking his drink and giving you the other one.
That was when Minseok got a grasp of the situation. Slamming the door as he stormed into the backroom.
"And I did not know we broke up already, seems you found yourself another lover?" he said in a low voice, jaw clenching.
A nightmare, one of the many you had recently. Your guilty conscience was scolding you. You didn't cheat, there was no dating or anything of this sort, only him teaching you. But you could sense he hoped for more and unknowingly to him it egged your head on to raise red flags.
Just as you were about to go Wooyoung called.
"Y/n, I have a the rest of the day off. Let's grab something to eat and watch a movie", he invited you.
One sentence and you were over the moon, agreeing happily. It had been ages since the two of you met and did anything. So you rushed home, put on your best makeup and a lovely dress you knew he liked and made your way to the dorms. Heart bumping and speeding up the way it always did when you met him. Minseok long forgotten as you rushed to your love.
Just to be met with a bitter taste, worse than the strongest coffee you tasted.
They were all there, blankets laid out and cuddled together, watching the newest movie and occasionally throwing around the popcorn bag. Wooyoung greeting you from next to San, the both of them in their homewear cuddling, as he shortly signaled you to join.
What did you expect?
Nevertheless you still enjoyed the company, though short lived as you missed most of the movie and most of them were back in their rooms after, including Wooyoung.
You made your way out when Seonghwa called you in the kitchen.
"What's up with the both of you?," he knowingly asked as he washed the dishes.
And you felt the disappointment of the months you had spent running up your eyes as he dried his hands the dirty kitchen long forgotten.
Now you were quietly sobbing, leaning your head on his shoulders and him gently leading you to his room. Locking the room, lucky for him Hongjoong did not join them today so he had the room for himself. You were glad he didn't ask further and just let you cry. As the oldest he did not need an explanation, knowing what was wrong the first few weeks he saw Wooyoung spending 99% of his time elsewhere and not picking up the at the start violently vibrating phone.
So you cried yourself to sleep, while he slept in his roommate's bed.
"Who is Minseok?" he sternly asked. 
You panicked, fumbling with your words while clumsily trying to explain that he was of no importance. For him it was self explanatory with your reaction. He was obviously a lover of yours. 
"I know your relationship with Wooyoung is crumbling a bit, but cheating? Are you out of your mind?," he screamed. And that's where everyone woke up. Slowly peaking into the room. Seonghwa was shouting at you and scolding you until he came. 
"Wait, Minseok? Who is Minseok?" Wooyoung said trembling and with tears in his eyes. 
You did not know what to answer.
“I was busy working and you went out having fun with another man? Did you ever love me? Why did I even date you?,” he shouted while throwing all the things you gifted him in the past at you.
Another nightmare, nothing new anymore. You woke up alone, puffy eyes from crying. Seonghwa left you a note with a glass of water on his nightstand. They had schedule in the morning, lucky for you though you know he wouldn't notice your horrible state.
While slowly adjusting to the sunlight you were startled, your phone, which was still in the bag you came with, went off. Three unread messages, all from the source of your recent dreams.
"Hope you had sweet dreams"
"Will you be there today?"
"I miss you already"
Even though you were there yesterday, he was definitely a sweetheart. So you got ready to spent your day.
You were pleasantly surprised, work was fun and you were productive today. Crying it out felt good, you were not all alone. Seonghwa knew and that alone was a relief.
And you never would have expected Wooyoung to call. He was updating you on his day while you had your break, just as he did in the past. A date, after months. He asked you if it was alright to ask you out for a date today or if you already had something planned and of course you agreed.
So you happily finished work early, cancelled plans with Minseok and dolled yourself up.
A red mini dress and high heels, your hair in a ponytail to show off your now visibly thinner shillouette. You felt uncomfortable, but it was worth it, he loved this look on you. Throwing on a leather jacket, you took a taxi to where you were supposed to meet. The new restaurant that quickly rose to fame in town, with their gourmet chef and chic design. Made for selfies and a romantic date night.
Paying the taxi you made your way into the pearl with walls decorated with dozens of roses. He was apparently waiting at the table at the rooftop. An expensive seat, fitting for the months of nothing.
Wooyoung was inspecting the menu when he noticed your appearance.
Sitting down, you were anticipating the compliments he would always give you seeing you dolled up for him.
"Hey, Y/N! Seonghwa gave me tickets and said I should invite you. He will pay," you boyfriend exclaimed.
A hit in your gut, but you noted to thank him for the tickets.
"Since Seonghwa is paying let's order Samgyeopsal, Gopchang and Sundae, oh and some beef," he suggested and instantly ordered.
You hated all of that, this whole combination of meat dishes.
"What? Why are you so quiet?", he continued.
What were you supposed to say? What would a good girlfriend say?
"Nothing, just happy to see you, you look handsome," you said.
Wooyoung was grinning at you, answering:" Of course, I am an idol."
Swallowing the sigh you continued listening to his talk about his busy idol life.
The waiter was attractive, reminding you of Minseok. If you were with him instead of your boyfriend would you be more happy?
All sorts of meat was spread across the table and without further ado Wooyoung was savoring it while you picked at the contents in your plate. He was done talking after a while and spent now more time looking at his phone instead of listening what you were saying. He did not even notice you stopping to talk and waiting for him to answer.
That was how the night went, he cut it short with an excuse and you were on your way to the alley you walked down everytime sadness was coating your mind and you were in need of someone. 
Minseok was finishing his shift and about to close the store when he saw you.
Your mind was occupied with disappointment so you did not care much for your outfit choice, so you did not expect him to question to what occasion wore this. Wondering whether today was some special event, but you only shook your head and silently went in for a hug.
He was surprised but did return it and was soon leading you into the back of the store. You hugged while you fought against your tears and he must have noticed since he was petting your back and telling you that everything is alright and if you wanted to he would listen.
But what could you say? My Boyfriend does not love me anymore and by the way I am not single?
So you did not say anything and he did not force you to waiting patiently for you to calm down. And you did, loosing the arms around him and looking him in the eyes while his lingered on your lips. 
And then it happened, a small kiss turning in a longer one, you lost yourself. You were missing the butterflies when kissing Wooyoung but this was not bad, you needed this. How long has it been since you were kissed last? Since someone touched you?
His hands were grabbing your waist but before it could turn into a full make out you pulled back.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to take advantage of your state, it’s just, I love you”, he confessed.
Warning sirens in your head, you should not have ignored all those red flags. So you excused yourself, saying you needed some time to rethink. Running home and sliding down the front door. How could you come back from this? This was cheating no sugarcoating it anymore. There was no way you could look Wooyoung in his face, not after today and not matter what he did, this was wrong. You never intended to take it that far with Minseok, he was just a boost to your bruised ego and comfort for your bleeding heart.
This was the last straw, you could not go on with this self destruction. So you dialed his number asking him to come over for a talk.
After nights of bad dreams you were glad to not have dreamed for once. With your again puffy eyes, you called in sick at work and waited. Pondering on whether you should confess what you did and imagining his reaction. But the more you thought the more you couldn’t do it. The shame and the argument that would follow there is just so much a heart could take. 
Wooyoung was early, he had work for the day so he said that he would come in the morning. You heard him typing in your door code and entering the apartment with a cheery hello and taking in the mood he fell silent on your serious face.
“Let’s break up”, you forced yourself to whisper.
The atmosphere was thick, gears turning in his head registering what you just told him. 
And then he started crying for the first time in front of you. “Why? What happened? Everything was great, wasn’t it? Let’s talk this out no need to break up”, he rambled. 
But you only shook your head telling him there was no hope for the both of you. You hadn’t looked up at him, he was standing just in front of you and grabbed your chin, kissing you furiously to no vail. Your now from Minseok sullied lips, shame overcame you and you pushed him away screaming at him to just leave and never come back.
And he did, he threw his phone across the room in his anger and stormed off, slamming the door shut and leaving you in the empty space you called your home, filled with once happy memories. 
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winryofresembool · 3 years
Things We Lost in the Fire, ch 32
aka Caleo uni au
Fic summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out…
Chapter summary: At Waystation (again) and a bit elsewhere too
A/N: We're (finally) getting closer to the end of the 'Waystation arc'. I don't think I have that much to say about this chapter, but I'd like to dedicate it to Cecid as a late birthday present, because she has really kicked my butt to continue this story!
Enjoy, and let me know what you think!! It's super important (<- Lizzie Bennet Diaries reference)
(Ps. Fellow Europeans, vote for Finland in ESC!!!)
Words: 2950
Genre: romance & hurt/comfort
Warnings: none
previous chapter / AO3
The silence that fell into the room after Leo stormed out got more and more overwhelming until finally, Calypso couldn’t take it anymore. She could feel the two women and their daughter stare at her, but they were too astounded to say anything.
“I… I don’t understand what I did wrong,” Calypso mumbled eventually. “They were just matches. I didn’t mean that he should use them immediately; it was just my way of trying to tell him that I believe he can get over his fear one day.”
The women exchanged dark looks.
“Georgie, could you play with Festus outside for a moment? He looked like he needed to burn some energy,” Emmie suggested, wanting to get the girl out of the hearing distance.
“Ugh, fine,” Georgie pouted because she would have preferred admiring her gifts, but left anyway.
Once she was gone, Jo sighed. “About what just happened… you did nothing wrong, Calypso. It’s just…” She stopped to contemplate her next words. “Christmas is always a hard time for Leo. He tries his best to participate and make his jokes and all that, but his eyes betray him. He’s just… not there.”
“I want to understand…” Calypso stepped closer to Leo’s mothers. “Did something happen to him on some Christmas?”
“Yes, you could say that,” Emmie replied sadly. “Leo’s mother died on Christmas day several years ago.”
Calypso’s eyes widened as she understood what Emmie was trying to say.
“Oh gods… And she died in a fire, right? He did mention it once… No wonder he didn’t want to touch the matches, especially today.”
“Yes,” Emmie confirmed. “She did die in a fire. But there’s more to it. Leo probably wouldn’t want me to tell you this but in this situation it might be better that you know: he blames himself for the fire.”
“I probably shouldn’t ask, but… why?” Calypso asked, feeling more sickened every moment as she pictured a young boy mourning his mother and his home. “What happened?”
“We have only gotten some bits and pieces from here and there, but it seems the fire most likely started from some papers he had left near a fireplace. Accidentally, of course, but he doesn’t see it that way,” Jo sniffed. Suddenly Calypso realized that Leo’s pain must have hurt his family more than he probably even realized. They really cared about him a lot… She couldn’t help but feel just a tiny bit jealous because at least Leo had people supporting him. But she quickly pushed that unnecessary thought aside.
“That’s awful… I guess he’s afraid that he might accidentally make something like that happen again and that’s why he doesn’t want fire near him.” Calypso knew the fear of hurting someone she cared about and the guilt all too well. She would never forget the flashing lights and the loud crash that followed. Her nightmares made sure of that.
“Yes, it’s likely he feels that way. Since he moved here, he’s been seeing a therapist every once in a while but it’s clear he’s still a work in progress. He doesn’t talk about his mother a lot to us either. Just when we ask something general, and even then the answers are usually quite short.”
Bitterly, Calypso thought that was how she acted when someone brought up her family.
“I realize now that the matches were a big mistake,” she finally said. “I wish there was something I could do… I hate just watching helplessly when someone I… um...” She stopped mid sentence when she realized what she was about to reveal too much.
“Just be there for him,” Emmie suggested, luckily ignoring Calypso’s stuttering. “Despite everything, I think he’s still shown good progress the past few months. Sometimes time and patience and care can do amazing things.”
“Yeah. I think you are right there.” Calypso agreed. She herself had asked her friends, including Leo, to be patient with her as well. It was only fair she’d do the same with him.
“And Calypso?” Emmie eyed her worriedly. “Remember to take care of yourself as well.”
Calypso didn’t understand how the woman had seen through her that well. There was no way she could know what was going on in her mind because she hadn’t told even Leo everything. And Emmie and she had only known each other for a couple of days so far.
“I… sure. I will try my best!” she promised, instead of questioning Emmie’s comment.
“Good. I can’t say I know you all that well yet but know that people who are important to Leo are important to us.”
For a moment Calypso imagined what it would be like to have a mother like that. For some reason the thought made her emotional. “Thank you. You are so kind.”
“No, just doing what’s necessary. Now, I suggest you go and get dressed for the day and do what else you need to do; we might need some help with lunch soon. Besides, Georgie might need some supervision because she gets hyper when she eats too much chocolate. Funny how she and Leo are not biologically related but they still have a lot in common,” Emmie ended with a slightly amused remark.
Calypso did notice that she didn’t say anything about trying to find Leo, but she understood. He probably wanted to be on his own for a moment, and she’d respect that. Hopefully she’d get to talk to him eventually, but until then it was better to try to do something helpful rather than spend the whole day worrying. But even while she was doing her morning chores, she could still see Leo’s angry eyes when he saw her gift in her mind.
Leo didn’t know where he should go so he just followed his instinct. He didn’t want to hide inside; the pictures from his nightmare were still too fresh in his mind and he needed to be somewhere where he could breathe fresh air. As he was crossing the yard, Festus tried to follow him, and he wagged his tail cheerfully to make his favorite human happier, but this one time Leo didn’t want his company. He apologized to the dog and told him that he’d take him for a walk after getting his thoughts cleared.
He kept walking until finally, he reached a certain park where he and Jason used to jog often. Seeing a log bench on the side, he decided to sit down for a moment. Someone had made a campfire nearby earlier and Leo glared at the remaining ashes like they were the reason for all his troubles. He could feel the panic rise up his throat as he was reminded of the fire again, but he challenged himself to stay there for at least a moment. Finally, he sighed.
He knew he had totally overreacted to Calypso’s gift. Surely she had meant good but she didn’t know why fire and Christmas were not a good combination when it came to Leo. If he had just ignored the matches, nothing would have happened. Now he’d have to explain to her why he had freaked out like that and that wouldn’t be easy.
He wasn’t sure how long he had been staring into nothing when he suddenly felt a knock on his shoulder. Having not heard anyone arrive, he startled at the touch, but quickly recovered when he recognized the newcomer.
“Pipes! What brings you here?” he exclaimed, briefly noticing that her brown hair was now shorter than it had used to be and somehow her whole demeanor seemed a bit different. He attempted to put on a smile for her but he knew he was probably failing.
“Funny, I was gonna ask you the same question,” Piper noted, sitting down next to Leo. “I thought you would be at Waystation with your family. It’s Christmas day, after all.”
“Oh, yeah, I was there.” Piper raised her eyebrow so he quickly added: “You know me; this holiday and I don’t exactly walk hand in hand so I needed to get out for a moment.” Leo hoped that would be a sufficient explanation. She did know what had happened to his mother, even if not to the full extent.
“But Calypso was there with you. I thought that would cheer you up,” Piper pointed out.
“Funny you should say that,” Leo chuckled, although there was nothing amusing about the situation. “If you wanna know the truth, I’m kind of trying to escape from her right now.”
“You’re trying to escape…” Piper repeated with confusion. “Why? What happened? I thought things were going fine between you two. Especially after what happened after the party…”
“Not everything is how it looks to outsiders, Pipes,” Leo stopped her. “Things haven’t been amazing lately. I mean, in many ways. Yeah, I like her and somehow she also likes me, apparently. Yeah, I know, pretty unbelievable.”
Piper gave him her best ‘wow, you’re really breaking the news there, Leo’ look. He didn’t get disheartened, though, instead continuing: “But we have, um, decided that we shouldn’t get together for various reasons so we’ve been trying to find some kind of a golden mean where we can still continue being friends but it hasn’t been working out that well. One sec we are at each other's' throats for whatever stupid reason, and the next we’re acting all flirty and ignoring the rules we set. I was hoping that this Waystation visit would give us a chance to get to know each other better in an environment where we have others around us… And I think it was actually working for a while. I feel more comfortable there, and I think she was feeling more comfortable too… But today I went and messed things up again.”
“What did you do?” Piper sighed disapprovingly.
“I may or may not have gotten mad about her Christmas present,” Leo confessed finally, cringing because he realized how bad it sounded.
“Oh, Leo…” Piper shook her head. “Why would you get mad about something like that? You’re not usually someone who’d get mad that easily.”
“Yeah… I know I’m not, but… I had a pretty rough day to begin with. Not that that’s anything new to me, but…”
“But what?” Piper inquired.
“I saw a nightmare about my mom’s death right before I woke up. I was still kinda on the edge when we were opening the presents so when I saw the matches…”
“She gave you matches?” Piper tilted her head slightly as she was trying to figure out what Leo was saying.
“Yeah,” Leo shrugged. “To be clear, though, they were only a part of the present. She had made me a real nice tool belt, probably way better than any of those that they sell in some stores. The matches were in one of the pockets. And now I can see you’re gonna say: ‘well, maybe she just wanted you to try to get over your fear’, and maybe you’re right, but the timing…”
“You have not told her about the anniversary,” Piper concluded. “I’m sure you have figured out by now that you can’t blame her for something she didn’t know about. That’s not fair.”
“I know that!” Leo exclaimed. “I’m not really blaming her; I just overreacted! But how will I explain that to her? ‘Sorry I yelled at you; I just happened to burn my entire house 11 years ago today so I’m not exactly fond of fire right now?’”
“You know what I’m thinking?” Piper interrupted Leo’s unhealthy thought process. He didn’t answer. “I think you two have some serious communication issues. I know that Calypso isn’t good at opening about her past, and she has also admitted to me she has a tendency to push people back if she’s afraid they’re getting too close to her. But guess what, Leo? You’re the same. I’ve noticed that even though you’re kind of loud sometimes and you like to tell bad jokes…”
“Hey!” Leo protested.
“Shh, let me finish. My point is, you don’t often tell us what you’re really thinking. When you’re having one of your rougher periods, you withdraw into your workshop for days. All I’m trying to say here is that please talk to us. Specifically, talk to her. When she notices that you trust her enough to talk about something that personal, she might open up to you more as well. If she really likes you, she’ll understand.”
“Beauty Queen, I hate it when you see through me that well,” Leo muttered. “I dunno. I guess I’ll have to talk to her when I go back. If my moms don’t murder me first.”
“Nah. They wouldn’t. I mean, you may not get any presents next Christmas but that’s a small price to pay when you stormed out like that,” Piper teased him.
“You sure know how to make a man regret his bad deeds.” Leo rolled his eyes. “Anyway, we’ve established why I’m here right now but what about you? Shouldn’t you be with Jason or something?” Suddenly Piper didn’t seem as determined to scold Leo anymore.
“I… Jason and I are having a break.”
“A break? As in…?” Leo asked with confusion.
“As in a break,” Piper repeated more firmly. “What part of it you don’t understand? He and I are seeing if we are happier apart.”
Leo spent a moment taking the information in. “But I don’t get it. You guys have always been the most stable couple I’ve known. Why this kind of a decision all of a sudden?” He couldn’t say that he was entirely surprised by this piece of news after his talk with Jason before Christmas, but it still felt different to hear it from Piper. More final.
“I don’t think it’s all of a sudden. It’s been coming for a while now,” Piper confessed.
“Really? And you’re telling me only now?” Leo raised his eyebrow.
“It was something I needed to figure out on my own. Now, please don’t think I’ve just been playing with him, or something. I do love Jason. He’s my best friend. But… I’m starting to feel we’ve progressed too fast. That there’s a whole world out there for me to see that I missed because I was so busy getting together with Jason. I want to get to know who I am and where I really belong.”
“But… you have a house and everything together…” Leo said, suddenly feeling like a child whose parents were telling him they were breaking up, forgetting his own problems for a moment. “How are you gonna deal with that?”
“The plan is for now that we both keep living in our house until we make our final decision. I don’t want to go back to my dad and Jason would want to live with his dad even less. Of course it’s possible that we decide to continue our relationship, but if not, then we’re going to sell the house. But we are not rushing that. For now, we’re just trying to be friends, and not… exclusive.”
Leo was slightly relieved to hear that at least his best friends were still on speaking terms.
“Alright… if that’s what both of you want, then I’ll support it,” he said. “It’d suck to lose touch with either of you because of this.”
“Don’t worry,” Piper reassured him. “You won’t.” She ruffled his hair a little as if he was her little brother. “Everyone needs a Super-sized McShizzle in their lives, don’t they? It’d be pretty empty otherwise.”
Leo gave her a lopsided smile. “Glad you admitted that.”
“Anyway, enough about my boring relationship issues!” Piper decided to change the topic. “So, you told me Cal got you a tool belt and matches, but what did you give to her? It’s important, Leo.”
“You really think I’m gonna reveal it to you, Beauty Queen? I’m smarter than that,” Leo pointed out.
“I know what you did at our uni’s freshman party and I’m not afraid to tell it to Cal if I need to.” Piper winked at him in response.
Leo rolled his eyes. “Pshhh, that was freshman year. That excuses everything.”
“Alright, don’t tell me then.” Piper turned to leave.
“If you really must know,” Leo said before Piper got too far, “it was a jewelry box. With a bracelet in it. But it was not new so it wasn’t a big deal.”
“Not a big deal?” Piper asked with amusement. “You know things get serious when you give a girl a piece of jewelry.”
“Wait, what? For real?” Leo was shocked for a moment until he noticed Piper had a hard time not bursting into laughter. She was just messing with him. “OK, remind me to never tell you anything serious ever again.”
“You know you can’t resist my charm,” Piper chuckled. “Once you have forgotten what you just said, please tell me what really has happened at Waystation recently.”
Leo couldn’t help but shake his head at Piper’s enthusiasm but eventually started to tell her the whole story. He noticed that it helped him to forget about the negative thoughts for a moment so he didn’t really mind even though Piper had a tendency to be a bit pushy when it came to his feelings towards Calypso. And he assumed that Piper welcomed the distraction happily as well, because she must have felt conflicted about the whole Jason situation. When did things get so complicated, he wondered briefly before chuckling at his thoughts ironically. His life had never been simple. But even so, he would keep fighting. Because that’s what his mom would want, and that's what his family and friends would want.
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Birthday Girl
So...I got wasted Sunday (my birthday) and I left this draft unfinished cause I fell asleep in the middle of writing it. Here I am, rewriting this because...oof. I fixed it. Here’s a little self-indulgent present for me and you guys.
Shouta Aizawa x Fem!Reader (who is also on the chubby side)
Content: fluff, body positivity, bondage, oral (receiving), praise kink, riding
Forgive me if it slips into a gray area of self-insert, only slightly. 
The apartment was dark. No surprise there. Shouta must have been out on late night patrol again. Figures. You shuffled off your blazer, kicked off your shoes, and dumped your bag on the couch. You turned on the light to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Inwardly groaning, you made up your mind not to bother making dinner for one unless it was easy. Cooking involved effort, and after the day you’ve had, that was the last thing on your mind. You scoured the fridge for something to eat before you passed out only to remember some off-handed comments you overhead your co-workers say. 
‘I know Eraserhead’s just an underground hero, but can you imagine dating a pro and looking like that?’ 
‘I wonder if Eraserhead has a fat fetish. Maybe that’s what it is?’
You grabbed a salad and slammed the fridge door closed. You didn’t bother grabbing any dressing or shredded cheese. It just made you feel more awful just thinking about food. Unfortunately, you needed to eat. The lettuce and spinach leaves were tossed into a salad bowl that was carried to a lonely dinner table. Your fork angrily dug into the vegetables before popping them in your mouth. The motion of chewing made you imagine a cow chewing cud. Your fork clattered as it bounced off the table and you buried your face in your hands. Tears began to prickle the corners of your eyes when you heard the front door open. 
Shouta shambled into the apartment carrying a large pink box under his arm. You quickly dried your eyes to pretend nothing was wrong. It didn’t take him long to figure you out. He bent down and picked up the fork you tossed. 
“Lose your temper with unruly kale?” He asked. 
Your laugh was bitter coming out of your mouth. “Spinach, actually.” 
Shouta looked over your plate. “Looks awfully plain. Are you feeling alright? Do you have a stomach ache or something?” 
“No, it’s just...I thought I should have something lighter and I wasn’t in the mood to make anything else,” you answered. 
“I can order take out. It’s late, but there’s a couple of places open all night. We could--”
“No, Shouta, it’s fine. Really.”
Shouta gave you a look. You’d seen it before when his students were about to get a verbal smackdown. You knew he didn’t buy it, it was only a matter of time before he said anything. If you didn’t act quickly, you were about to face his wrath. Or worse, an interrogation. Your eyes shifted to the box tucked under his arm. Perfect for changing the subject. 
“What’s in the box?” You asked. 
“Your birthday present?” Shouta’s brows shot upwards. “Don’t tell me you forgot your own birthday.” 
“It’s been...one of those days, you know?” 
He left the box in front of you while he walked into the kitchen to get himself a drink. You bit your lip as you looked at the box. Shouta returned to the small dining room with a couple of beers in hand. He handed one to you and sat down in the opposite chair. 
“Aren’t you going to open it?” He asked, taking a sip. 
“Oh. Right.” 
You gingerly eased the lid off and put it somewhere else. Rose-festooned tissue paper lay inside, forcing you to peel it away. You felt blood rush to your face. You’d seen this on display before in a window store, but didn’t think to see it in person. A lace and velvet lingerie set in rose. You’d been eye-balling it for weeks, but never had the guts to buy it. A lingering thought crossed your mind. 
“Is it too much? Is it not what you wanted?” 
“No,” you shook your head. “It’s just that, I don’t think I'll be able to fit in it.”
“You could try it on and see?” 
“I don’t think it’ll work. I’m...too big.” You mumbled.
“Who told you that?” 
“Let’s just drop it,” you picked up the box to put away only to have Shouta grab your arm. 
His grasp was neither hard nor too rough, but it did give you a pause. Shouta pulled you into his lap. 
“Tell me, what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Asked Shouta. 
You bit your bottom lip and hugged the box to your chest. You looked down at your lap until Shouta pinched your chin between his thumb and forefinger. He didn’t allow you to look away. 
“Last chance before I do something you might regret,” said Shouta. 
“Would you, would you still date me if I was skinny?” 
Shouta’s brows furrowed. “What that hell is that supposed to mean?” 
“Are you dating me because I’m bigger than other girls?” You asked more precisely this time. 
“Are you implying that I'm treating you like a fetish?” 
Shouta moved with fluid motion lifting you up and putting you on his shoulder. Your birthday gift fell to the floor, discarded as you were carried off like a sack of potatoes. Shouta carried you down the hall, kicked open the bedroom door, and threw you unto the bed. 
“S-Shouta,” you whimpered. 
His capture weapon was already binding your wrists together. Shouta looked down at you with that stern face which always made you shudder. 
“You think that I love and care about you because I have some sort of fetish? Who have you been talking to?” 
“You can’t blame me? You’re a pro-hero. Shouldn’t you be with someone more...physically fit?” 
“Since when I have cared what other people think? Do you think I'm to listen to anyone who holds ridiculous standards for pro’s?” 
Shouta buttoned your blouse and unzipped your skirt, easing the garment down your legs. Next, your leggings and with them your panties. Shouta discarded not only some of your clothes, but removed parts of his costume until all that was left were his pants now slung low on his hips. The mattress dipped under his weight as he climbed on top of you. Shouta peppered your thick thighs with kisses and edged ever so close inside them. His teeth nibbled your flesh, making you dig your heels into the bed. Hands roamed your body and left finger-shaped bruises and trails of fire across your skin. You couldn’t do anything like push him away because despite that Shouta’s attention was elsewhere, the capture weapon stayed. Your blouse was left open to expose your black bra and chest for his viewing pleasure. 
Shouta pulled your legs apart and kissed his way up your inner thighs. You squirmed as he lips suckled your skin and left hickies. Purple splotches decorated your legs. Shouta gave your slit a tentative lick before looking up squarely into your eyes. 
“I’m going to make you feel so good, you’re going to forget those stupid opinions.” 
Shouta dove between your legs and lapped at your cunt. The bindings still held good no matter how much you squirmed and shuddered. Shouta wasn’t simply eating you out, he was fucking you with his tongue. His fingers stretched you open while his tongue explored and licked your clit. Shouta suckled on it as he pumped his fingers with fast, deep strokes. Pleasure spiraled down your spine until your eyes clamped shut. You whimpered aloud and gasped as you coated Shouta’s mouth with your cream. When he raised his head after licking you clean, you could still see his mouth dripping with you essence. Shouta licked it off his lips. 
The capture weapon loosened, freeing your wrists. Freedom, however, didn’t last long. In a whirlwind, your bodies switched places. Shouta had you sit briefly on his stomach while he inched his pants down the rest of the way. His protruding cock rested against your ass. He grabbed your hips and pulled you over his thick erect member. 
“Go on, enjoy yourself, birthday girl.”
You slowly impaled yourself on him with Shouta’s help. You shed the rest of your clothes and moved your hips. Shouta lay there and let you do what you wanted. He held your hips, kissed you, and rubbed your clit. 
“I don’t give a fuck about what other people, you look fucking hot riding me. All of these extra curves just give me more to grab unto.” With that, each hand of Shouta’s grabbed a handful of your ass. 
You continued to grind against him. Sweat beaded down your back and the side of your face. Your (color) clung to your face as you rode him. Shouta gave you a smug look watching you take your pleasure from him. 
“That’s right. Fuck yourself on my cock. You want it bad, don’t you, birthday girl?” 
“YES!” You moaned. 
“Take all the time in the world. You look so good riding me like that.”
You slammed down on him faster, then faster still. You closed yourself as you relished in the feeling of Shouta’s rigid cock pushing inside of you. Your walls clamping down on him. He let go of cheek to play with your clit. Shouta rubbed you in time to your hips moving rapidly against his. You were chasing a high and weren’t going to stop. 
“S-Sho...Shouta,” you groaned his name. You were in misery and in ecstasy at the same time. 
Shouta snapped his hips upwards, meeting you thrust for thrust. Skin slapped against skin. All you could smell in the air was sweat and sex. White heat coursed down your back to the base of your spine. Your eyes fluttered open just for Shouta to see them roll into the back of your head. You couldn’t help sticking your tongue out as you grunted and groaned. Your inner walls clamped down on him and spasmed. Shouta wasn’t far behind. He left a bruising grip on your hips as he pumped you full. Only once you two had finished catching your breaths did Shouta carefully pull out. Cum spilled all over your inner thighs and the hem of his pants. 
“S-Sorry,” you whimpered. 
“Don’t be.” 
Shouta cleaned you up, ordered food, and ordered you to stay in bed. He boxed up your present and fished the receipt out from his pocket. 
“What’s this for?” You asked as he handed it to you. 
“What do you think? You can return or exchange it if you don’t like it.” 
You thought for a moment then noticed how much he spent. Shouta wasn’t the type of person to pay that much for one thing and he certainly wouldn't spend it on a frivolous thing like lingerie. It would be a damn shame not to enjoy it yourself. 
“Nah. I changed my mind.” You handed back the receipt. “Maybe one of these days I’ll model it for you.”
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hannahshattuck · 4 years
A Birthday Getaway
Pairing: Bi!TJ Hammond x Reader
A/N: My first prompt for helping @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ clean out the archive. I teared up when I came across this prompt. The B&B is an actual place in West Virginia and I would love to visit. Send in an ask or DM to be part of my taglist. Enjoy! This is gender neutral although if there is a slipup please let me know.
Warnings: angst, slight smut (blowjob), curing, mention of drugs and alcohol, mention of suicide, TJ deserves all the love in the world, 
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TJ has always had a hard time finding love. The deep, meaningful connection of love. With being the gay son to a president and having his life mistakes being plastered for all to see, TJ has had many people use his unwanted fame for their own gain. Well that was until he met you.
You were the most kind and selfless person he’s met. He ran into you, literally ran into you, when he was stumbling out of his club. You helped him get to his home and stayed with him until he was fully sober. He cried in your arms when he realized that even though you knew who he was you didn’t take advantage of him in his inebriated state. You two exchanged information and you were the one he called when he needed a savior or someone to talk to so he didn’t make a mistake. After about two years of being friends, TJ confessed that he had feelings for you through tears streaming down his cheeks. That night was spent making love with tears from both of you. 
TJ didn’t celebrate his birthday when he was on his own. He usually spent his birthdays high, drunk, with a hook up, or all the above. This would be the first birthday you spent with him as a couple. You reserved a suit at the Hillbrook Inn and Spa in Charles Town, West Virginia for the two of you for his birthday. You reserved a whole week that way the two of you could relax without feeling rushed. You decided to surprise him with it before the club opened. You worked with him at said club mainly taking care of stuff behind the scenes. 
You walked in and saw TJ stocking up the alcohol behind the bar. Even though his parents believed that owning a club would be detrimental to his recovery, you’ve seen first hand how well he’s been doing.
You leaned on your elbows on the bar, “Hey sweet thang. How’s set up going?” 
TJ turned around and lit up when he saw you, “Hey baby! It’s going good. We’re running low on a few things but we’ll be good for tonight. I made a list so we can make an order tomorrow.” He leaned over and gave you a quick kiss on the lips.
“Well, you’re gonna have to give the list to someone else because tomorrow morning we’re heading to a B&B in West Virginia for a week for your birthday.” You smiled.
TJ’s jaw dropped, “What?”
“You. Me. Birthday trip. West Virginia.” You could see tears well up in TJ’s eyes and knew in that moment this is the first time anyone has done something like this for him. “Oh baby.” You grabbed his hand. He laid his head down on the arm you weren’t holding and cried. You ran you fingers through his soft, fluffy hair and just let him get his emotions out.
TJ sniffled as his cries subsided, “Really? Just the two of us?” It broke your heart to see how doubtful he was. To know how many people took advantage of him. To know that he most likely didn’t get the love he deserves. To know how many times he’s been ‘just another hook up’.
“Yeah baby boy. Just the two of us.” Your thumb rubbed the back of his hand in comfort. He looked at you and then a teary smile spread across his face. He jumped over the bar and pulled you into a tight hug. You laughed and hugged him tight as well.
“Hey, T. We open in 15.” One of the bouncers yelled across the club. TJ gave him a thumbs up as an acknowledgement. TJ grabbed both sides of your face and pulled you in for a big kiss. You smiled into the kiss knowing this would be the best birthday for him.
The next morning you two got up bright and made the 5 hour drip from D.C. to West Virginia. You drove and let TJ sleep since he had a late night. He woke up as you pulled into the entrance of the B&B. 
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TJ gasped, “It’s so pretty.” You giggled as he acted like a little kid in wonder. He probably didn’t get to act like a kid when he was a kid but you didn’t mind. You found a parking spot and got out. He got out as well, jaw still dropped at the sheer beauty of the place. You started to grab yours and TJ’s bags when he snapped out of his wonderment.
“Nooo! Let me grab them!” TJ ran around the car. “You drove! I can get them!” You laughed as he grabbed the two duffle bags out of your hands and swung them over his shoulders. “Let’s go!” He grabbed your hand and dragged you over to the front entrance. You two checked in, got your room, and chilled for a bit before exploring the place.
The day of his birthday he woke up with his dick in your mouth. His hand flew to your hair and tangled his fingers, “Fuck babe.” You kept going until he warned you, “I’m gonna cum.” You doubled down your efforst until he released into your mouth, “Fuck. That’s a way to wake up.”
You swallowed and kissed up his naked chest, “ Happy birthday, baby boy.” A kiss to his lips progressed into a slow make out session. “Today is all about you so we can do whatever you’d like.”
“Does that mean we can stay in bed all day?” TJ smirked.
You giggled and kissed his nose, “If you absolutely wanted to.”
He shook his head, “Nah. I just wanted to know what you would say.”
You playfully slapped his chest and rolled your eyes. You got off him and headed to the shower. “You gonna join me, birthday boy?” TJ scrambled out of bed so fast he felt out of bed. You giggled. He stood and took a step but fell again because you left his boxers around his ankles. You doubled over in laughter as he kicked them off and ran to you carrying you the rest of the way into the shower. 
After a wonderful day of exploring, sex, lunch, more exploring, presentation of gifts, and a wonderful dinner at a nice restaurant you had one last surprise for him. He called the club to make sure everything was running smoothly and you took that moment to set up the bathroom. 
A bubble bath. Candles lit throughout the entire space. Bubbly apple juice because he’s done so well to stay sober and didn’t want to ruin that. Good smelling soaps. Soft towels and warm, fluffy robes. You make sure the water was hot but not scalding and walked out the bathroom just as he hung up.
“Everything is good at the club. What’s on the itinerary now?” TJ walked over to you. You just smiled and grabbed his hand dragging him to the bathroom. He gasped. His eyes took in everything around him as you silently began to strip him. Once he was naked you helped him in the tub and started to wash his body from outside the tub. 
Once his body was cleaned you took off your clothes and climbed in behind him. You got his hair wet and started washing it. Taking your time to run your fingers through his ultra soft hair. He was quiet the whole time but you noticed silent tears streaming down his face when he leaned back against you. You didn’t bring it to attention but instead continued your movements. You grabbed the plastic cup you set aside and started rinsing his hair. After all the soap was out of his hair you wrapped your arms around his shoulder and held him while he cried.
The two of sat there with you placing kisses in his hair and whispering affirmations. Just letting him know you were proud of the choices he made to change his path. How proud you were even though he was dealt a bad hand. How proud you were of in with the success of the club. How proud you were of him in general.
The water started to get cold so you gently sat him up and got out before you helped him out. With your frame wrapped up in one of the robes, you grabbed the other and wrapped it around his tying it at his waist. You grabbed one of the towels and wiped his face of tears and dried his hair. You giggled a bit because of his hair sticking out in many directions which made him smile. You walked him over to the bed, pulled the blankets back, and pulled him into bed with you. TJ laid on your chest as you cuddled him nails scratching against his scalp. 
“That’s the first time anyone has be gently with me. It wasn’t sexual. It’s wasn’t for drugs. It was just-” He trailed off not knowing how to describe it.
“I know baby.” And you did. You’ve seen the aftermath of what non-gentle touches have caused.
“Sometimes I wonder how different my life would be if I didn’t fuck up so much. Maybe my parents and Dougie would be proud of me. Maybe my mistakes wouldn’t be broadcasted for everyone to judge. Maybe if my suicide attempts worked people might say nice things about me.”
That last phrase set you off, “Thomas James Hammond,” you sat up pulling him up with you, “You know how I feel about you talking like that. I know how sucky life was to you. I’ve been with you through a lot of it. But there are people who are proud of you. Hell, I’m so damn proud of you there are no words in any language that can describe the feeling. You’ve managed to push through the worst life has thrown at you and come out on top. I love you so damn much it hurts every single time you doubt your accomplishments. I know none of what I said will change your mind overnight but I will keep telling you everything and anything until the end of time.” You lifted his head to look at you, “I love you so, so much Thomas James.”
You pulled him into a teary kiss. When you pulled back you saw a small smile grace his face. “There’s that smile I love so much.” That caused a bigger smile. You kissed his nose and he scrunched his face. You pulled him to lay back down and cuddled him close. You laced your fingers with his and laid in silence. After a few more silent moments, TJ looked up at you.
“Thank you making this the best birthday.”
Tags: @patzammit​ @sherlocksmanwatson​ @katiew1973​ @bugsbucky​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​
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relv07 · 3 years
Your gift is late in typical me fashion, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!! You’re such an incredible person and I feel so lucky to have gotten to know you over the last few months. I hope the holiday season has been treating you well <3
thanks so much to @noragamisecretsantas for running this event!!!
Title: once promised, twice tied
Summary:  Yato and Yukine may have missed Hiyori's birthday, but they're certainly not about to miss her half birthday. 
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28382691
“You idiot, you’re going to wake her up!”
“It’s not my fault! You tripped me—”
Ominous thumping and furious whispers at 4 AM would be ample cause for concern for most teenage girls, particularly if the sounds were coming from the direction of her bedroom window. A year ago, Hiyori might have screamed. Now, however, she simply allowed herself a small moment to stare at her dark ceiling and remind herself that suplexing the inevitably tracksuit-clad intruder would probably wake up her parents.
She turned on her bedside lamp and squinted towards her window. Yato had frozen like a deer in the sudden light, one leg in and one out of her window, his shoulders dusted with snow. Yukine was kneeling on the ground, seemingly in the middle of picking up some brightly wrapped packages that had probably been the source of the thumping. Both gave her sheepish smiles.
“...hi, Hiyori,” said Yukine, his voice cracking. Neither he nor Yato moved, as if doing so might incur her wrath.
“Yato,” Hiyori said slowly, sitting up and addressing the likely mastermind of the scheme as if he were a small child. He flinched under her gaze. “It is four in the morning. And,” she added, eyeing the packages on the ground with a hint of wariness, “Christmas was three days ago.”
“I know that,” Yato protested, still straddling her windowsill. His muscles were tensed, like he was debating making a run for it. “We didn’t mean to wake you, it was supposed to be a surprise!”
“What was supposed to be a surprise?” Hiyori brought her legs over to the side of her bed and shivered as cold air hit her skin. “Come in and shut the window, okay? It’s cold out.”
Yato and Yukine exchanged a look before Yato let out a sigh and swung his leg over the sill, shutting the window behind him. Yukine awkwardly stood up beside him, shifting from leg to leg. She noticed that he had removed his shoes by the window to avoid tracking snow inside, and she smiled to herself. Even when they broke into her room in the middle of the night, it was hard to stay mad at them.
“Your birthday was in June, and we missed it, so we thought…” Yukine trailed off, his cheeks turning pink. He shoved his hands into his pockets and ducked his head.
Yato finished the thought with a broad smile. “Happy half birthday, Hiyori!”
Scratch that, it was impossible to stay mad at them. “You didn’t need to do anything. My birthday isn’t that big a deal—”
“We know,” Yukine interrupted her, finally managing to meet her eyes from under the brim of his winter hat. “We figured you wouldn’t want to make a big deal of it, so we were just going to drop off some stuff. We really didn’t mean to wake you.”
“We’ll just leave the gifts here, and you can go back to sleep,” Yato promised. “It’ll be like we were never here.”
So they said, but neither made a move to leave, instead looking at her with matching pairs of puppy dog eyes. Hiyori couldn’t help but smile, her heart suddenly feeling very full. As much as Yato and Yukine bickered, sometimes they were very much alike. “Well,” She pretended to think, placing a finger on her chin. “Since you’re already here, and I’m awake, do you want to watch me open your gifts?”
Both Yato and Yukine’s faces brightened immediately, and she giggled. “Okay, what should I open first?”
“Oh! Before you open anything…” Yato picked up one of the boxes, white with a pink bow on it, and then paused. “Close your eyes first.”
Hiyori obeyed, and after a moment she heard the unmistakable sound of a match being struck, followed by a muttered curse.
“Careful, you’re going to set her house on fire!” Yukine hissed, and Hiyori resisted the urge to open her eyes. Yato may be destructive, but she figured that if anyone could handle his destructive tendencies, it would be Yukine.
“Okay, you can open them now!”
She opened her eyes to find Yato kneeling in front of her, holding a cupcake. It was frosted white and had three little sugar flowers pressed into it, along with a single lit candle. Yato smiled at her, and the flicker of the flame was reflected in his eyes. “Make a wish.”
Her heart was racing, but Hiyori huffed a small laugh. “No charge for this one?”
“Nah,” Yato grinned. “This one’s on the house. Birthday special.”
She screwed her eyes shut. She wasn’t quite sure if gods could hear wishes even if they were thought instead of said, and the thought of Yato hearing what she wished for was embarrassing. But, then again, Hiyori had already told Yato her heart’s dearest wish, many times now. She figured once more couldn’t hurt.
I want to be together forever.
She blew out the candle and opened her eyes to the sound of Yukine clapping. She smiled at him, then noticed that Yato was staring at her, his mouth slightly agape and his cheeks flushed. Hiyori felt a flash of heat on her own cheeks. He had definitely heard her.
But Yukine hadn’t noticed, so he plucked the candle out of the cake. “We made it yesterday. Daikoku helped with the baking, but Yato is weirdly good at decorating cakes.”
“I used to work in a bakery,” Yato supplied. His cheeks were still pink as he offered her the cupcake. “Here, give it a try!”
Hiyori carefully took a bite. It was delicious—vanilla with a sort of whipped cream in the center. It was sweet and light, and made all the better for knowing that Yato and Yukine had made it for her. She beamed at them. “It’s really good! You should try some.”
Yato looked tempted, but Yukine knocked him in the head with his fist. “No thanks, Hiyori. We made it for you.”
“Right, right.” Yato clapped his hands together. “Presents!”
Yukine brought three small packages over, each wrapped in bright red paper— probably leftover Christmas wrappings, not that Hiyori minded. Yato picked up a rectangular package and handed it to Hiyori, who gently set her cupcake on the nightstand. “This one’s from me,” he said proudly. The sparkle in his eye made her a bit apprehensive, but she carefully unwrapped the gift. Inside was a small box that contained a light pink hand-made omamori, complete with a little crown embroidered near the top. While the gift seemed more than a little self-congratulatory—Yukine’s eyeroll showed what he thought of it—it was actually quite beautiful, silk and embroidered with gold thread. She wondered what he had written for the prayer inside.
When she lifted her face to meet his eyes, his expression was oddly muted, but there was sincerity in his gaze. “So I can protect you, even when I’m far away.”
Why did it seem like he was trying to tell her something? She clasped the omamori between her palms; laced her fingers together in prayer. “Thank you, Yato. Just don’t go too far away, okay?”
Don’t go where I can’t follow, she thought. Either of you.
Yukine coughed pointedly and picked up the biggest gift of the three. “Okay, my turn!”
Hiyori accepted it with a hint of reluctance. Yukine worked so hard, and she felt bad thinking that he had spent any money on her. “Yukine-kun, you didn’t have to get me anything.”
“It’s okay,” Yukine said brightly, taking a seat next to Yato and leaning against the nightstand. “You’ve done so much for me...for both of us. I wanted to get you something in return.”
Hiyori smiled at him fondly, thinking of the angry teenage boy she had met a bit over a year ago now. He had come such a long way. All of them had.
“It’s nothing special,” Yukine added hastily as she began to unwrap the gift. “It’s just, um, I noticed you needed a new one.”
It was an eggshell-blue planner with an embossed bird on the cover. Yukine scratched his neck, embarrassed. “I figured you could use it, yknow, to write down memories. So you don’t forg—so you have something to look back on. I hope you like it.”
“I love it,” Hiyori said, fighting the lump in her throat as she clutched the planner to her chest and gave Yukine a soft smile. “And you’re right, I did need a new one. This one is perfect. Thank you, Yukine-kun.”
Yukine smiled back, before letting out a yelp as Yato grabbed him in a headlock and ruffled his hair. “Aww, Yukine-kun, you’re so thoughtful!”
“Let go of me, you asshole! You stink!”
“I do not! I smell great! I took a bath last night—”
“What did you bathe in, your own sweat?!”
Hiyori laughed, but disguised it as a cough when Yato sent her a wounded look. “Hiyori, you don’t think I stink, do you?”
“Um,” said Hiyori. How she felt about Yato’s smell was a subject to be avoided at all costs. “Yukine-kun, what’s the last package?”
“Oh yeah!” Yukine, freed from the headlock, glanced around and frowned. “Huh. Where did it go?”
“Beats me,” Yato said nonchalantly. Yukine immediately glared at him.
“After all that, you’re not going to give it to her?!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about—”
“He spent so much time agonizing over it,” Yukine informed Hiyori. “He wanted to make you something special, and—”
Yato grabbed Yukine’s head and covered his mouth with his hand. “Don’t tell her that, you little sh— ow! He bit me!”
“Well, don’t give it to her if you don’t want to,” Yukine grumbled as Yato cradled his injured hand protectively to his chest. “Just don’t come whining about it to me later.”
“Oh!” Yato said, ignoring his hafuri. “We didn’t sing happy birthday.”
Yukine looked mortified and Yato was nearly off-key in his excitement, but Hiyori thought it was the best rendition of the birthday song she had ever heard.
A little while later found Yukine snoring softly, slumped against the nightstand. Yato removed his jacket and covered him with it as a makeshift blanket. Yukine mumbled something in his sleep, and Yato’s gaze softened. Hiyori couldn’t help but smile as she watched the two; their relationship was so special, and so meaningful for both of them. They looked for all the world like brothers, or maybe even father and son.
“This was his idea,” Yato said quietly, eyes still on Yukine. “He thought it would be nice to do something simple so you wouldn’t get overwhelmed or anything. He spent all day worrying about the cake and everything.”
“This was wonderful, Yato,” said Hiyori, kneeling on the floor beside him. “Really. It was very sweet of you both.”
Yato grinned at her, but the smile faded as he began to fiddle with something in his pocket. “Um. I do have something else to give you, but—”
“You don’t have to do anything else,” Hiyori assured him. “This was more than enough.”
“No,” Yato insisted. “I...I want to give this to you. I just, um, got embarrassed.”
With that, he removed the package from his pocket— square, and very small. He held it out to her, blue eyes bright. “Happy birthday.”
Hiyori’s breath hitched when she opened the gift. Inside the box, lying on a bed of velvet, was a simple gold ring. It was thin and delicate, with a small white stone set in the middle. Hiyori felt suddenly very dizzy. Yato had jokingly proposed marriage before, but this… “Yato…”
“It’s not an engagement ring or anything,” Yato clarified, but he was blushing again. “I just wanted you to have a reminder of me—of us. It’s...a promise. That I won’t run away anymore.”
The room was very warm all of a sudden, and something in Hiyori’s chest tightened as she stared down at the ring. Yato had made this, Yukine said. Yato had spent time forging this ring for her, as a promise for the future— a future they’d share.
Yato had begun to jiggle his leg out of anxiety as Hiyori examined the ring, and by the time she finally looked at him he looked downright terrified. “Okay,” she said simply.
“What?” Yato said, confused, but Hiyori just leaned in and gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek. When she drew back, his face was bright red, and she was sure hers was too. Nonetheless, she slipped the ring on her finger and smiled at him. “I’ll hold you to it.”
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suwya · 3 years
Till the Stars Had Run Away - Chapter 4
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Summary: Killian Jones was a voyager. Actually, he was many things, or at least he had been - a lieutenant, a brother, a loving boyfriend - until everything had turned upside down and his life had hit an all time low. So, he gave up. Aboard his spaceship he abandoned Arcadia, his planet, navigating the stars and other solar systems in search of... well, he still didn't know what he was searching for, but his rule was "never remain in the same place longer than necessary."
Rating: M
Prologue; Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
A/N: Thank you @thisonesatellite​ for being the best beta I could ever ask for . And thank to all of you who are reading this.
Chapter 4 . .
But I, being poor, 
have only my dreams; 
I have spread my dreams 
under your feet; 
tread softly because 
you tread on my dreams.
(W. B. Yeats)
Days passed quietly. Emma and Henry went back to their usual mother-son relationship sooner than Killian had expected and he enjoyed all the domestic moments with them. Especially at night. Not that he didn’t care about the boy, Henry was always a ray of sunshine, and Killian felt he was starting to bond with him deeper than he could have ever imagined. But at night, after Henry had gone to sleep, Emma always spent some time in the main cabin, sitting next to Killian: sometimes just staring silently at the starry sky, other times listening to him explaining all the different constellations they passed through, even though Killian wasn’t sure whether she was interested in his knowledge, or she was too well-mannered to stop his blathering. 
Emma Swan. This beautiful and somehow mysterious woman had invaded his life and had fascinated him since their very first meeting. 
More exactly, she had tormented his nights and thoughts from that moment on. A bittersweet obsession that had accompanied him for years. He had almost convinced himself that he was over her, during his reckless years with his friend Robin. But that wasn't entirely true, and he couldn't lie to himself. She used to appear in his dreams when he least expected and left a hollowing feeling in his soul for the rest of the following days whenever it happened as if he wasn’t entirely complete without her.
The night he had found her again, thanks to Henry, his heart had skipped a beat and he had known he was in trouble. But it was a cross he was willing to bear. It was not only a physical attraction he felt towards her, even though he couldn’t fool himself, she was a very good-looking woman; but he was also determined to discover every single detail of what she was, no matter the effort. From that moment on, he cherished every minute, every second spent with her.
When they finally arrived at their destination, permission to land on the new planet was easily granted. Nevertheless, the day was coming to an end and they decided it was better to sleep inside the ship in the hangar than to find an available place to spend the night. 
The next morning, from one of the lockers in the entrance of the spaceship, Killian retrieved the package that he needed to trade in exchange for the item he had to recover for his client.
It was still early and Killian was surprised to see Henry coming out of his cabin, still wearing pajamas. “Are you already going?” The boy asked him, trying to suppress a yawn.
“Aye, but I will be back soon.” He assured the lad.
Henry threw a glance at the closed door behind him and stepped closed to Killian. “Mom is still in the shower. May I ask you a favor?” He whispered, conspiratorial. 
Killian made a great effort not to linger on the thought of a naked Emma under the shower jet, he breathed deeply and concentrated on the boy in front of him. “Sure, lad.”
“Today is my mom’s birthday.”
“Is it, now?” Killian was both surprised and amused by this piece of information.
“Yes. We have this tradition, my mom and I,” the boy explained. “When it's my birthday she tries to celebrate it with a cake... or something… It's not always a big thing, I remember once we just had a couple of biscuits with frozen spicy cream on them.” After a small pause, he added, “mom doesn't want to make me worry, but I can see she’s in some kind of trouble. I’d like to make a little celebration for her this time. But she won't let me wander around an unknown planet all by myself.”
Killian nodded in understatement. “You want me to purchase something sweet for your mother.” 
“I know you have your job to do, but if it's not much of a problem, could you look for something?” He asked hopefully.
“Not a problem. At all.” 
Henry's grin widened. “Of course mom doesn’t have to know anything about it. And we are going to need a name!” 
“Come again?” Killian couldn’t follow the boy’s thoughts.
Henry extended a hand to shake with the man in front of him “Operation Candlelight is on!” He exclaimed. 
Killian chuckled and retrieved his hand just in time to see Emma appearing from another door, fully dressed for the day.
She was wearing a pair of stretched dark blue jeans and a thin white v-neck blouse with a skinny light brown leather vest over it. Her hair was still damped and Killian had to swallow a groan when his eyes followed a drop of water running down her cleavage. 
“Oh, Henry, you’re already awake.” She said surprised.
“I was just saying to your boy…” Killian came in help to a puzzled Henry, who wasn’t so quick in thinking of a good excuse why he was already out of bed. “I've heard there's a fair in town.” 
He turned to Henry “Maybe you and your mother could have a look while I’m attending my duties.” And then back to Emma “What do you say, Swan?”
The boy looked hesitantly at his mother. 
"I think it's a good idea," she agreed and was rewarded by a big grin on Henry's face.
.    The trade went smoothly as predicted, which gave Killian enough time to deal with the assignment that Henry had sent him on.
Finding something sweet to celebrate was more difficult than expected, it took him a few rounds through narrow streets and alleys and after asking a few passers-by for information, he finally found something that in his opinion could serve as dessert. But the hardest part was to discern the right thing to buy as Emma's present. Henry hadn’t mentioned anything about a gift, but Killian thought it could be the right excuse to surprise her.
The problem was that he had no clue what she would like. 
Killian tried to think about the time the two of them had spent together. All right, maybe it wasn’t the best idea to linger on the memories of their first encounter. And maybe it wasn’t good either to think about their second one. But since Henry entered his life things had changed. When the boy was in the same room with them, she seemed more relaxed, more condescending, less closed up inside her inner barriers. Killian would say she even seemed happier. 
And the moments shared at night in his cabin had been... well, some had been carefree and others had been intense, very intense. In the short amount of days they’d spent together, Killian had already revealed to Emma too much information about his past, something he had never done before with anyone, not even his best friend Robin. And that was alarming. He knew he had a soft spot for her, but to which extent? 
Bloody Hell, man, you’re so screwed-up! He said to himself. That Lady Swan is going to be the death of you. Killian sighed and passed a hand through his hair as if that simple gesture could be enough to clear up his mind. Swan. He thought and realized that he never asked her why she chose exactly this surname while changing her identity. He assumed that it had to mean something of significance to her. And there it was: the perfect idea for a gift.
When he went back on his spaceship it was already late evening and he found his guests sitting at the table in the entrance playing hologram chess. 
“Who's winning?” He asked, securing the locks of the main gate.
“Henry is a much better player than I am,” Emma admitted.
Killian took a seat next to her and whispered something in her ear. After that Emma studied the board. “Oh. That's an interesting move,” she exclaimed carrying out what Killian had just suggested.
“It's not fair. That's cheating.” Henry complained. 
“Come on, lad, your mother is at an evident disadvantage. Let me give her some advice.” But when Henry made an unsure face, “just this time?” Killian added winking at the boy.
“Ok...but only this once.” Henry surrendered.
Emma looked at them perplexed, sensing that something was brewing between them, but didn't ask for further explanations.
Dinner passed by telling how their days had gone. It was clear that Henry had enjoyed the fair quite a lot, especially some storytelling he’d had the opportunity to attend. “Have you ever been to the NTH-Confederates planets, Killian?”
The NTH-Confederates planets belonged to a very far galaxy and they were shrouded in layers of fabulous legends. Killian had always had problems discerning the truth from the myth, but he knew the large hand of The Industry had touched them somehow, and they had succumbed to it, dark times awaited those planets. “I've heard about them but never had the luck to land over there. From what I know, it's a very different place now than what it was in its glorious days.”
“This man, he told us of so many fantastic creatures he saw!”
“I wouldn't believe every word the storyteller said, kid. They are just stories.” Emma tried to rationalize.
“Yeah. I suppose. But it would be cool if a place like that actually existed.”
“One can always dream about marvelous lands and wish they exist, right? Talking about dreams and wishes…” but Killian didn’t finish his sentence, he stood up from the table and went to rummage in some of the kitchenette lockers. When he turned to face his guests, he was holding a sort of a brown whole cupcake with colorful cream and a single lighted candle on top. He deposited it in front of an astonished Emma with a grin on his face, and he sat down again on his chair. “Sorry, it was the only sweet food I’ve found on this planet.” He said apologetically.
“Killian...?” Emma started to say, but Henry was faster: “It's perfect!” The boy was wearing a matching grin to the man in front of her. 
“How...? What does it mean?” Was the only thing she was able to put into words.
“Well, some fleeting rumor told me that today is some sort of anniversary. Correct me if I’m wrong.” Killian explained. Before she could answer him, he lifted a hand to stop her.  “Before blowing out the candle, don't forget to make a wish!”
She looked up at her son, then at Killian for a brief moment, then she closed her eyes. When she opened them again there was resolution and something Killian identified as hope in them. She blew out and the candle went off.
Cheers and applause rang out. Henry was glowing, hugging his mother fiercely, while Killian smacked his forehead, as if he was suddenly remembering something, and then he retrieved a little package from one of his pockets. He offered it to a puzzled Emma. 
She extricated herself from her son's arms and took the wrapped item Killian was giving to her. “What is this?” She asked cautiously. 
“Customarily, a surprise is part of the fun of gift-giving.” He answered smiling. “Open it.” He urged her. 
Opening the paper wrapping Emma found a small dark swan pendant made of polished meteorite rock.  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered with shiny eyes, close to tears.
Later that night, Killian was resting on his hammock with his arms behind his head. The door opened and closed and Emma entered his cabin as she had always done the last few nights while they were flying. But tonight was a bit different. He wasn't sitting at the controls, but already lying on his bed.
She approached him with a serious look.
“Everything alright, Swan?” He asked as she stepped closer biting her lower lip.
She seemed to consider the situation for a few seconds before climbing into the hammock and lying next to him: her head on his chest and an arm resting across his torso. “Thank you.” She spoke so quietly that Killian wasn’t even sure he had heard correctly.
He didn’t know how to react, he felt paralyzed. But when it seemed she was feeling comfortable with the proximity, he put his left arm around her back and released a breath he didn't know he was holding.
They spent a few moments like that, neither of them wanted to break the spell of silence. Killian’s mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. Of all the questions he would have liked to make her, to help him solve the puzzle this incredible woman represented, one came out of his mouth without really thinking about it “What happened the day we met? I mean after I left.”
She kept quiet for a few minutes, and he began to believe that she was in no mood to speak, but then she started with a soft voice almost audible: “Just after you left the room, that man, Neal Cassidy, he entered declaring that it was his right to… you know. He just wanted the reward money. I haven’t heard from him since. He’s probably not interested in his son at all. He just used me for his benefits.”
Killian clenched his jaw; if he had that Cassidy guy in front of him right now he would have punched him in the face. “Did he hurt you?” He asked, trying to control his rage.
“Well, I wasn’t exactly an expert in that matter, given that I was raised in strict privacy and all.” She sighed. “I knew I had to relax, but my mind wasn’t on the same path as my good intentions. So I’m not sure it was entirely his fault.”
“Son of a bitch.” Killian couldn't repress a curse. 
“If it makes you feel any better, that wasn’t even the worst day of my life.” She stated. “The night you found me on the shore… I was so furious with you. I went back to the Palace to talk with my lawyers, to see if I could banish you from the planet, or put you in jail, or something like that. But it was late and I didn’t find anyone in their office. What I did find were some papers about me, ready to be signed. You were right. The King and Queen of New-Tolemac wanted full authority on my child, they weren’t interested in me or my future.” 
“I should apologize for the horrible things I said to you that night.”
“Don’t. At least you were the only one who never lied to me.” Her gaze seemed lost in the memory of those days. “I also found a document, an old one. I discovered I was adopted, or rather, I was sold. My real parents gave me away when I was only a few days old. They probably needed some money and they used me, as so many others did.”
After a small pause, she added: “Henry is the only person in my life that cares about me for who I am.”
“I never intended to use you.” Killian assured, but he soon corrected himself: “All right, maybe I did. But that was before meeting you.”
She seemed to ponder her next words. “I know. This is why I told your name to my son when he first asked me about his father.” 
“If there's anything I can do for you…” She had told him the night Henry entered his life. 
But Killian dismissed her with a wave of his hand. “No problem.”
“Thank you for bringing him home.” Her tone was genuinely thankful.
“It was the right thing to do.” And when she didn't reply he felt it was the moment to say goodbye. 
He started stepping back but suddenly stopped and turned around facing her again. “Uh... now that I think about it. There is a thing you could do for me.” He tilted his head arching an inquiring eyebrow. “I have one question,” he said, emphasizing his words lifting one of his fingers, “why does your boy believe that I'm his father?” 
At those words, she lifted her gaze to look straight into his eyes. “I wanted Henry to believe his father was a good man.” Emma had answered, staring at him with sincerity before entering her house and closing the door behind her. 
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