#as if that wasnt already obvious after the first like 10
delightfuldevin · 10 months
Miraculous would be sooo much better if the show was like, half as long
#devin speaks#the amazing progress in both the characters and the story in season 5 is so annoying solely because#i know i wouldnt hate the show if it had gotten to this point faster#like yeah okay fine maybe season 1 could be stupid goofy fluff that fleshed out characters#heck maybe even season 2 as well#but i feel like all that has happened shouldve already come about by 3#i feel like there were sooooo many episodes that were *just* about marinette’s stupid antics with adrien#and nothing else#and that got old reeeeal fast#the only and i mean *ONLY* reason i still watch the show now is because ive grown too attached to these characters#and ive watched this show for too long that i cannot stop until it ends#i honestly want to make some ocs that are just the few characters i love stolen from the show so i can love them separately hdcbjsbcjsdcn#marinette and adrien’s stupid love story makes this show so unbearably annoying especially in the first few seasons#like once all the characters relationships were established they shouldve moved on and progressed the story#instead we get like a million episodes reaffirming how marinette’s friends will always be there for her failures#as if that wasnt already obvious after the first like 10#god i wish this show was shorter#gabriel getting the kwamis was the best thing that happened to the show in terms of the narrative#so much has happened since the start of season 5#i thought once ladybug started choosing more superhero allies things would pick up but god it really did take forever to pick up
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
Love you stuff man could do bendy Alice poppy nightmare chica and marinette with a ghost reader that can manipulate electronic stuff please =]
Alice,poppy,bendy,nightmare chica and marionnete/puppet x ghost reader who can interact with electronics
Eeeeee I'm very glad you enjoy my content!,of course I can!
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Alice angel
Alice has been in the studio for a very long time so It wouldnt be surprising is she came across some ghosts
However it wasnt until she saw you interacting with a faulty projector that got her interest piqued
She cant do anything to you and dosnt see you as a threat,so shes relatively passive around you
As long as you dont pop up when shes doing something important than she dosnt mind your presence
She tells pity for you after finding out you. Cant interact with anything that isn't electronic/mechanical
You can also interact with lights etc
Sometimes you both scare intruders together,whilst you flicker the lights she scares the living daylight out of them
She adores having soft moments with you
Since you can fuck around with the projectors you have alot of movie dates
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Poppy also inhabits a place where ghost sightings probally arnt irregular
After the factory is abandoned and she's freed she finds many strange things happening
Like seeing you messing around in a room full of electronics,you made a boogie bot play never gonna give you up,a old computer blue screen,and currently screwing with an old peice of machinery
You give her alot of company,considering that fact your the ghost who's stayed around her the longest and she cant risk any of the other toys due to some obvious things.
She likes to watch you mess with electrical equipment in Hope's she can find out how you can do it
You sometimes possess a inactive boogie bot to stroll with her and talk,this way it gives you a somewhat solid form
It's also the only way she can interact with you when doing things like holding hand or hugging
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Since the studio is his realm theres not a very high chance he wouldnt know about the presence of a ghost
The first time he saw you he did try to attack you,no ghosts can interact with the electronics and machinery,so why can you?
Hes very confused and watches you from a far the majority of the time
If you leave a movie playing on a discarded projector he'll watch it through
Bendy at first dosnt want to approach you as he thinks that if he grows to bond and "like" you then he will become weak
Once eventually talking to you thought it's not to bad,its just the initial meeting goes horribly
Hes very rude at the start throwing insults or trying to bring you down,like you arnt already dead🙄
But once getting past that it's all good
He dosnt need to protect you because your dead so its 1 less problem for him
He likes watching short films or horros,he cant sit still for extremly long movies,he prefers it short and action packed.
He likes giving you different things around the studio to see what you can and cant manipulate
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Nightmare chica
She trys to hunt kids and kill them,so ghosts are expected
She dosnt expect to see you messing around with CCs toys and making him cry,she hadnt even attacked yet
You dislike her apon first meeting,you played with the toys to scare the child not kill him,these animatronics were doing the opposite of what you were
After learning their intentions you mess with stuff around the house,one time accidentally waking up the parents
You eventually talk it out,but that's only after a loooonnnnngggg time of back and forth
She will ask on the odd occasion if you can help scare the kid,whether you do or not is up to you though
Will watch TV with u if theres a good program on etc
You can prank the other nightmares by controlling them to,works 9/10
If you can take on a terrifying form she will 200% ask you to scare kids with it,and to just show her in general
You both make cupcakes together and she eats them,how?🤷‍♀️
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Shes dealt with souls/ghosts before but has never seen one that can manipulate electronics
Shes very intrigued
Due to her usually calm nature you both get along amazingly
Sometimes you play a prank ok the guard and make the prize corners camera go staticy,good luck nightguard
If she finds a spare suit shell ask you if you want to possess it
You like to mess around with the lights during and show and even one time made Toy Bonnie's guitar go out of tune,the show that he played later didnt go very well
You fuck around with the night guards monitor and camera alot,sometimes even turning off the office lights
Marionette likes to give little gifts to you and even has a little corner in her box designated for you
After hours hanging out
I apologize that this is so short I wasnt a whole lot sure what to do
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sunananaa · 1 year
hii !! i love your posts !! could you make one with Chigiri / Sae when they more clingy than usually? thank youuu
this ask got me thinking a lot….
I’ve only posted smaus before so I was going to immediately assume this was supposed to be an smau too…
So it’s probably a headcanon right?? ACTUALLY DONT KNOW I’ll just do the headcanon lol my first one.
no fr i hate this, i only make smaus for a reason
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characters: chigiri hyoma + itoshi sae
prompt: gn reader!, established relationship
word count: idk will figure out later…
warnings: it’s not proofread - i hate proofreading
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“what the hell are you doing…” chigiri muttered putting his phone down on the sofa and turning around to face you.
you had been playing with his hair for at least the past 10 minutes by now and you showed no signs of stopping anytime soon.
“mmm nothing, just a bit bored” you replied combing through his red locks with your fingers.
“right…” your boyfriend said slowly narrowing his eyes at you before getting up with his phone and moving away from your touchy hands.
annoyed, you furrowed your eyebrows and came round the sofa to sit yourself next to him. he payed you no attention and carried on watching whatever was on his phone.
you shuffled closer to him so that your shoulders were touching causing him to tense up and side-eye you weirdly.
smiling back at him, you rested your head on his shoulder and let out a sigh. it had been a while since you and chigiri could hang out together, he was always busy with football while you were busy with your studies.
in all honesty, all you wanted to do was to spend more time with him.
“are you okay?” he asked genuinely to which you closed your eyes and responded with a small hum.
despite the lack of words, chigiri understood what you wanted as he rested his head on top of yours. Unbeknownst to you, a small smile gracing upon his face.
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sae’s eyes scanned around the airport, luggage in hand, looking out for a certain someone. luckily in your case he could usually hear you before seeing you.
“saee!!” you exclaimed quite loudly running up to your boyfriend engulfing him in a massive hug, the amount of force causing him to stumble back a bit.
he had just returned from spain and after being separated for about a month, all you wanted was to be in his presence. that alone was a privilege itself to you.
“how are you?” you asked looking up at him, a cheeky sheepish smile on your face. sae looked back at you, his gaze softening for a second. he opened his mouth to speak-
but of course, flashing cameras and paparazzi ruined the moment for the two of you.
sae was clearly annoyed, he broke the hug for a second, ready to give them a piece of his mind. the audacity of these people fr. but not even a second after, you had already pulled him back in again. hugging much much tighter than before.
“can we stay like this? just a for a little bit longer…” your voice was muffled being pressed against his chest and your arms around his torso tightly, your clinginess painfully obvious.
you heard your boyfriend let out a sigh before bringing his arms to wrap around your waist. though he would never admit it, he had missed you just as much as you had - heck maybe even more. who was he to say no to you?
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all right reserved © please do not copy any of my works!
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sixstepsaway · 2 years
thinking of a fic where ed and stede are in an on-going, hot and heavy sexual relationship, and after a thorough boning ed feels all loose limbed and floppy and happy and so when he sees izzy stomping around like a man possessed by the Ghost of Anger Past, he decides the obvious answer is to get izzy laid
and when he tells stede this, stede is just like, "*nose wrinkle* are you sure?" and ed is like "yes! of course! once you've had your way with me i'm boneless and relaxed and that is what izzy needs!"
but before stede can say anything more he's already decided the course of action and he's decided where the best port to Get Izzy Laid is, somewhere that's fine with gay pirates but has other options available too (just in case ed misread him, you know), and he's telling the crew to set sail and a few of them are overjoyed to be going somewhere like that but izzy looks like he's about to burst a blood vessel
and when they arrive ed has made it very clear stede is to come along and so stede follows him as he grabs izzy by the shoulders and herds him on out and off the ship, ignoring all of his complaints the whole time and yammering on about how he's too tense! he just needs to get laid!! it'll make him feel better!!
and izzy is so desperate for this Not To Happen he's even trying to make pleading eye contact with stede and stede feels so bad for him he's giving him sympathy eyes in return but ed is a man on a mission and so off they go
they sit in this shitty bar because izzy refused point blank to partake in the sex workers and izzy and ed are getting progressively more drunk and starting to argue over the table about ed's plan, and finally ed gets mad and stands up and storms off, so stede follows him
and they have this frantic, hushed discussion as ed gets more and more upset because ed just wants to help!!! he just wants izzy to feel better!! he wants izzy to have what he has but izzy seems intent on isolating him and ed just cares so damn much okay and izzy deserves to feel good too
and stede is ever so sympathetic and he suggests they go out there and tell izzy that and explain ed's reasoning and ed is horrified at the thought but stede convinces him, so they go back in and--
Izzy is being chatted up by a very, very handsome stranger.
stede doesn't think he's more handsome than ed, and ed doesn't think he's more handsome than stede, but they both see him as a 20/10 compared to their own 10/10 and this guy is all over izzy and, worse still, izzy is receptive to it
there's a smile on his face! the guy is touching his arm! izzy almost seems like he's flirting
the guy is about to sit down and then ed is just gone from stede's side and intercepting all, "You're in my seat," and the guy has to stand back up and izzy is just
because isn't this what ed wanted wasnt this the plan all along
but ed's all over izzy now and he's pulled the "Do you fucking know who I am? I'm Blackbeard," card at the hot guy who's scarpered like his ass is on fire, and izzy looks as livid as he is confused
he gets up with a grunt of needing to piss and storms out, leaving stede to sit next to ed and ask what the fuck just happened
stede's like "i thought this is what you wanted?"
"that guy? no way! you saw him! you saw his--his hands, all over izzy! i swear i saw one on his thigh. fuck that guy. taking advantage of izzy like that."
he knocks back another drink and stede just stares at him because, "i thought you wanted someone to take advantage of izzy and put their hands on his thigh?"
"well not that guy!"
"do we know that guy?"
"no, but he looked slimy."
ed looks like he has a thundercloud over his head and it takes stede a few minutes to ding the real problem.
"you know," he says, conversationally, "when you first told me you thought izzy needed to be 'fucked into a state of lethargy' and relax, i thought you meant we should do it."
ed's head shoots up, eyes lighting up, "now there's an idea."
when izzy comes back the drinks have been paid for and the table is clear. ed stands and once again herds izzy, this time apologizing for his actions earlier: he's sorry, he shouldn't have dragged izzy out like this, he knows better
izzy gets all grumbly, you know, "yeah yeah you're sorry you thought i should get fucked to feel better"
and ed's just like "no no, i'm right about that one. i'm sorry i thought the job should be outsourced, when stede and i are both right here."
izzy nearly walks right off the dock, but ed still has his hands on his shoulders, so they herd him home to their cabin just fine
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arthur-lesters-balls · 9 months
geto suguru, gojo satoru, and fatalism
im here once again with a long rant that i didnt really bother to reread. if you squint you can see it as a jujutsu kaisen 0 analysis. theres a part where i talk about geto in what can be seen as someone presenting passive suicidal thoughts, but its neither heavy nor explicitly about that so. just warning.
lately ive been thinking a lot about geto being left alone to do whatever he wanted for 10 years because gojo, the only person strong enough to defeat him, simply never tracked him down. almost as a consequence, i eventually put this together with the fact that, even though yuta was the one who did the "difficult" part of defeating geto, gojo was the one to deliver the final blow
one of the first things geto said after seeing gojo in that alley was "to think you'd be the one here at my end", but lately, i cant help but think: wasnt that actually the most obvious end? was there ever any other option of closure for them? and ive been into the idea of stsg + tragedy (as a genre) since i wrote this post, so this somehow resulted in me looking at them with some kind of lazy fatalistic lens
i really like stories where the character tries to flee from an imminent tragedy, but always goes back to the same place, because that is his fate. and, to me, this is exactly what happened with gojo when he tried to avoid killing geto. he didnt go after him, he spent 10 years standing still, believing the distance would be enough to run away from that moral duty
and then geto came back
and then geto went after gojo students. and then geto was the one who made their meeting happen. and then geto was the one who broke that barrier gojo had put up to avoid thinking about that unhealed wound. suddenly gojo was back to shinjuku, ten years ago, with geto saying that killing him or letting him go was his choice and that there would be a meaning to it
and i keep asking myself what was going on in his mind at that moment when geto appeared at jujutsu high? did he acknowledge that irony? did he acknowledge how that seemed like a bad joke being played on him? how long did it take for him to accept what that meant? was it in the classroom, after their talk, looking at the sunset and thinking about how they were actually quite similar to yuta and rika? changing the place of their conversation to the middle of the street, the same place where rika died her premature death? did he think about how they were also stuck at each other, cursed by love, and how the one who placed the curse must be the one to remove it? how, as said by the novel, the curse of geto suguru was a burden only he would be able to carry?
and this whole thing also made me think about geto. we know for a fact he thought that their friendship was over, that he wasnt someone gojo held dear anymore. we also know he thought gojo deserved to hate him, to curse him, to not take that last meeting of theirs and waste it treating him kindly so, to geto, what justified the fact that gojo never found him? i genuinely dont have a theory. im not even sure if i have a hypothesis that is in any way backed up by canon. but, what i can say almost for sure is that he never got it right. and him thinking gojo and him were best friends is proof of that
then the question thats left is: was geto ever aware of the tragic irony of his death by gojos hands? was dying by gojos hands ever a tragedy from his perspective? the way he never put up a fight against that possibility says otherwise. looking at his ideals, living a meaningless life seems a far more tragic thing for him. but wasnt that what he was doing already? doing his best for a goal he knew made no sense? whenever i think about geto saying he didnt expect gojo to be the one there at his end, i cant help but wonder: was that said in a positive way? was that a surprisingly satisfactory means to go? being killed by the person who cursed him and also the person he loved the most; to geto, was there a more meaningful death than that?
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psych-is-the-name · 1 year
This post was first uploaded to my Patreon. Please consider subscribing to get access to my original content a week before I put it on tumblr!
Not sure if anyone else will find this as interesting as I do, but this is what each of my super-long-posts look like in my files. 
first up is the first super long post i made, Bee Movie Script:
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I made versions with and without text because I thought I'd be using this as a template for future posts (i was already committed to causing pain and suffering)
shortly after this post, tumblr increased the image limit from 10 to 30. Obviously keeping in theme with meme scripts I decided to do Shrek. There's a couple of revised images in this folder that I'll get into at another time.
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now up to this point i was working in the image size of the longest image from the original "do you love the color of the sky" post. I have no idea why I decided to stick with that size for so long, but i did eventually realize I could make my images as long as i wanted. 
in comes the internet famous fic: my immortal
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this was the first time were i actually felt bad for one of my posts. (but not enough to stop)
shortly after this my tumblr account got terminated (accused of selling accounts???) and all future projects were put on hold. and when i eventually did make a new account i simply reposted my old stuff.
after about 4 months I realized I wasnt getting my old account back, so got right back to being an annoying little shit.
I played around with text format to create a zipbomb/lag file under a "readmore". and created some glitch polls when the function first got introduced.
Eventually I looped back around to my super long image posts. just in time for April 1st! and this April 1st was the 10 year anniversary of the mishapocalypse
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the statistics for this post were INSANE. in 24 hours it had reached 20k notes, and hilariously 2/3 of those were reblogs. people LOVED inflicting this on their followers. actually i should say "love" because even though it's May 22nd at the time of writing this, my mishapocalypse post is still getting notes.
and that brings us to my remake of "do you love the color of the sky" the post that originally inspired this whole reign of terror
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as some people have pointed out in the notes of this post: yes i did repaint the whole thing from scratch. the original post was so crunchy i couldnt slap text on top of it and call it a day. and while i was remaking this classic post i made some changes (apart from the obvious) I used a watercolor brush I'd just downloaded to create the clouds simply because I wanted an excuse to test it out. and the stars in the night sky were given some fun galaxy colors (the original was only black and white) 
the only nit-pick i have with this remake is that too many people genuinely enjoy scrolling though it. not enough suffering for my liking! 
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waywardgardenfury · 10 months
i (now) use arch btw
after a few months of not posting anything here, i finally managed to get arch working with awesomewm :)
initially when i tried a few months back, it was going fine until i could no longer hear audio for some reason lol. after searching for a solution i eventually gave up and retreated back to mint for the time being. after getting my infamous itch to just nuke everything and start again, i reinstalled arch and tried once again and i gotta say, its been going REALLY well.
the first time i ever attempted an install of arch (before archinstall was a thing) i somehow forgot to install a network manager and therefore couldnt really do much else. i really enjoyed setting it all up manually, but the fact that in the end i didnt really have it working was very annoying. the next time around, archinstall was there to back me up and its made everything so much easier!!! for me its broken down the barrier of entry significantly. i simply chose the desktop setup i wanted, and it chose the relevant packages. i went with a window manager rather than a full desktop environment this time around, more specifically awesomeWM. i wanted to go with something more bare-bones and configure it from the ground up so i could learn what sort of packages go into a full de. in addition people often talk about how much more efficient they find using wms, both productivity and resource wise. i see why! my entire operating system on boot uses like <500mb of ram, which is baffling that its possible. plus, the use of shortcuts of navigating around has been great.
i ended up going with awesome as nvidia has been absolutely the biggest issue with this whole process. for some reason my graphics card just HATES wayland which eliminates some options off the bat. ive had soo many issues in the past with it, so trying to use xorg is probably my best bet going forward and luckily its still a very popular choice, no shortage of resources for me. i did have a few issues setting it up on arch, as i wasnt really familiar with how to configure it at first but getting nvidia-settings it made it much easier for me for now.
pacman was an interesting change to get used to. discovering that it didnt have some packages that i have usually was interesting, but then shortly i discovered the aur and yay. it opened me up to a wide range of new packages that werent even on some of the package managers i had tried previously, like dnf and apt. in contrast to those, i found pacman and now yay much easier and incredibly fast to use. there just becomes more and more reasons to use arch every time i open it haha.
one of the things i havent got around to choosing is a file manager. having to navigate my files entirely by terminal has helped build the muscle memory of commands i didnt know before. plus may even be faster than i found previously? i may get around to setting up some aliases if i feel like i could shorten some tasks. using cli packages in terminal over graphical packages has helped me to learn git some more as well, which im sure will be useful for me in the years to come. in regards to the terminal too, im looking into switching to zsh instead of bash which i currently dont know what the difference is between shells or what they do exactly but ill find out.
i have only been using arch consistently for a few days at this point. and awesome is still pretty ugly, so the next task for me is to spice it up a bit with some theming. i dont have much, if any, experience with lua, which apparently is the language that awesome uses to write its dotfiles (also took me a minute to learn what dotfiles actually were). the last time i used lua was probably in roblox studio at like the age of 10 or something, so its been a while. i have a few articles and videos lined up that i need to watch for an introduction, so i already have an idea of where to start. with that said however, if anyone has any advice or tips send them my way!
now the obvious question for myself after this is what project am i actually going to do next? i want to actually develop software but i find it extremely intimidating. so there are a couple options for me going forward. one of the big ideas in my mind is developing a longer form game project in godot. i have developed smaller projects in the past to get used to the engine, but i want to try my hand at doing something over the course of multiple weeks. i have poor time management skills and tend to get sidetracked with other projects but i really want something i can chip away at every day for a few hours. and i think a game could be just that! plus, it gives me a creative outlet as well. i can make the music and art for that and combine a few hobbies into one.
arch & awesome has been definitely an interesting change to get used to, but it has been so fun! learning how to do everything myself has been what i have been craving and every day i regret abandoning windows less and less. i cannot sing the praises of linux and its community enough for scratching my brain in the right places! at some point i want to make a post detailing my full journey with linux, so keep an eye or two out for that.
if anyone wants to talk with me about any of this feel free to send me a message! dms are always open :)
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hyunjinspark · 2 years
When i said that you never fail to amaze me, i was NOT kidding. This chapter left me heartbroken, even though you warned us, i still wasnt prepared at all. The part that affected me the most was when felix and y/n had a fight the first time, im not even gonna lie to you, i cried… a lot,, felix is my bias and when i imagined him being upset at me my heart shattered into a million pieces. But that just proves how good of a writter you are, i can’t believe you manage to make me feel so many emotions, i think this is my first time crying while reading, but definitely not my last bcz when they had another fight in the chocolate factory i stared sobbing even harder😭 i love felix and i can understand that he might feel jealous?? But he is so inconsiderate of y/n’s feelings, i hope he’ll realize that soon ☹️ i dont want their friendship to end there, they were so perfect for eachother☹️
Ahh and yeonjun, i am literally in love with him. Hes such a good listener and he gives good advice, and the fact that he still loves his old friends even after they started ignoring him. And to be completely honest, i dont dislike hana because she is trying to get between y/n and hyun, or because of the way she treats y/n, but because of the fact that she decided to hurt not only yeonjun but also everyone around her. Yeonjun did nothing wrong, he just wanted to do what was best for him and hana should’ve understood that. I can understand why she broke up with him because long distance relationships aren’t the best, but why’d she have to ruin his friendship with the others too:( They obviously miss him a lot, or at least y/n does.
Ohh and i was so glad to hear from seungmin again, hes so cute i love his character a lot!! And the call with chan oh my god… at least now we know that hyun feels something for y/n (as if it wasn’t already obvious lmao) And i cant even imagine the way y/n would react when he tells her about the "friendly" date he prepared, he thinks she’ll hate it when in reality she’s been dying to do this with someone for so long :((
Woah i feel like I’m gonna start sobbing again everything about slwy is so perfect and you actually thought we’d hate this?? It only gets better and better 😭😭 i love you jade (please don’t break my heart again though)
so late to this, it should be a crime, but here 😙 oh im so sorry for making you cry, felix is your bias ??? ahh dont hate me hahahah. i know his character isnt at his best right now, and im sorry about that :(
yeonjun is such a great listener indeed, and hana’s decision to cut him off from the group is unfortunate and mean, because he lost many friendships for no reason, along with the girl he loved.
ah thank you for liking seungmin’s character ! hes not in it too much, but i love writing his parts. ah you’re so cute, dont cry :( thank you for loving slwy, and i love you too !!! if you read part 10… then maybe i did break your heart again so im sorry again ! 😭
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bisexualmothman-br · 1 year
Would you look at that, time for another personal top 10, today being for the 2022 contest.
Disclaimer: As i share my takes on my top 10s it should be obvious i only rank years based on the studio version of the entries (it's always the version i listen to everyday, rarely will the live performance of a song affect its placing to me).
10th 🇲🇪 Vladana - Breathe: Georgia 2023 took notes from this one, but damn did Montenegro return for a one-time bop and immediately withdraw again. Lyrics are simple so they're fun to sing along to, but girl really got herself an english dictionary (the italian bridge and chorus on the live was unnecessary but that's irrelevant for now).
9th 🇨🇭 Marius Bear - Boys Do Cry: Listen listen, i have a soft spot in my heart for calm male swiss ballads (Watergun is my 12th this year and the 2020 and 2021 top 10s will let you know my opinion on Gjon wink wink), and as much as Marius is unlikeable, i can't deny his entry fits that model and i love its message.
8th 🇦🇱 Ronela Hajati - Sekret: I have to admit 2022 was my 2nd time following a contest and with Albania revealing their entry that early i kinda have a soft spot for Sekret. It is a banger (pre-revamp, as i almost always rank albanian entries) and definitely a girlbop. Ronela our sammarinese albanian crybaby, please change your ways, i love your entry.
7th 🇱🇻 Citi Zēni - Eat Your Salad: I used to hate that song but then the more i listened the more i got its hype, i love Latvia's 2016-2023 streak so far and, as much as i wasnt expecting a qualification, it kinda stung a bit not seeing it go to the final.
6th 🇵🇹 Maro - Saudade, Saudade: We stan a portuguese sadgirl, and even the english parts were great, just overall a very good chill entry with portuguese bias added of course.
5th 🇷🇸 Konstrakta - In Corpore Sano: biti zdrava, biti zdrava, biti zdrava, biti biti biti biti zdrava, biti zdrava, biti zdrava, može može može
4th 🇲🇰 Andrea - Circles: Underrated entry alert, this definitely deserved to qualify, her voice is so strong and her song is so catchy, girl tested her limits but europe didn't listen.
3rd 🇫🇷 Alvan & Ahez - Fulenn: Diwanit Bugale pales in comparison to this, the studio version is so good and breton is such an interesting language (god help anyone who wants to learn any celtic language). Too bad the live was so jarring, that entry had so much potential but now France may be reluctant on sending more entries in languages like breton or corsican after seeing the result (even though it is such a banger).
2nd 🇱🇹 Monika Liu - Sentimentai: Lithuania and Slovenia are the only countries i didn't change at all in my first and latest 2022 rankings (Austria went from 3rd to 21st lmao) and deservedly so, i'm a sucker for the more unused languages in ESC (please Azerbaijan, send azeri already) and lithuanian was certainly top of the list to do a comeback. Sentimentai is such a classy entry and Monika is hella charismatic, 13th in the final is good by Lithuania's standards but cmon, we all know this should've been their new best result, they need a better "best result".
1st 🇸🇮 LPS - Disko: Already expressed my love for this entry on my blog but long story short THAT'S MY FAVORITE ESC ENTRY EVER I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT AND WHY THE FUCK DID IT GET LAST I LITERALLY CANT SEE WHAT WAS SO WRONG ABOUT IT TO DO WORSE THAN PIA MARIA'S VOCAL "PERFORMANCE". Cahem, yeah, we stan those boys.
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minhoranghae · 1 year
disclaimer; this is a complainer post about the fabulous. i overall enjoyed the show but im too focused on the things i did not enjoy and i would like to complain so thats all. may contain spoilers 
the fabulous was okay i give it 7/10 i liked that it was upbeat and fun but it was lacking in so many ways and a lot of these have to do with its short run of only 8 episodes not allowing the time to really dig into some of the story threads. First of all in the main plot of woomin and jieun getting back together feels very obvious that theyre going to get back together and the only real conflict hindering that is her rich boyfriend who she doesnt seem that interested in anyway... woomin and jieun both seem to need some time to deal with their feelings for each other and to think about what they actually want but there’s just no space for that to happen in the show. and once they do get back together theyre just like happy and cheery again right away after having had so much tension that should have been resolved somehow.. i think there could have been more about not wanting to ruin their already precarious friendship and the friend group.. there needs to be something to raise the stakes 
I think the secondary plots of joseph’s brand trying to take off and seonho trying to find her place as a veteran in the modelling world are more interesting than the a-plot but they tend to be put on the backburner to numerous “problem of the week episode” kind of that take up so much time and are not very high stakes. 
Minho’s character was nice but boring. it was posed as an issue that he wasnt passionate about his job and not straightforward enough about his feelings and that was “resolved” but due to the short run there wasnt really any time to see him like reflecting on this it was like he went out and took some pictures and suddenly the problem over. there wasnt all that much growth as a character because there wasnt much for him to grow. he was kind of just a guy trying his best, besides the previous breakup with jieun there’s not much he has to get over and grow from and it was kind of boring. 
also they really tried to make the presence of gay men in the industry known and they did this by having multiple stereotypically flamboyant gay characters. they were explicitly gay with interest in other men being part of their stories which is like Great canonically gay people but joseph and thierry were both such stereotypical caricatures of gay men that it feels homophobic. they both also are like... emotionally unstable. i do like that joseph’s mom is like I love my gay son! like yes to supportive family but i think the momma’s boy is also just like checking another box of the stereotype... one thing that did make me laugh was a quick bit where joseph sees a handsome man and notices his rainbow watch band and is like hmm! that was real and true ive been there and lived that 
0 notes
When You Sleep Together
Dream SMP x Reader
I've got some wholesome moments for you guys because y'all deserve to be loved :) sorry if some of these are cheesy
Rubbing his eyes sleepily as he stared at the chat of his stream, Clay sighed quietly to himself. He was longing for the sweet embrace of his comfy bed-sheets. As much as he loved his chat, he loved you and his bed more.
Blinking away the sleep, he shook his head to wake himself up. When he stopped himself from falling into his sleep-zombie stupor, he began to speak energetically to the stream once again.
Just as he was about to say something, the sound of his door opening made him stop. When he saw you peeking your head into his room, he muted his mic." Everything okay?" He asked, concern swirling in his deep-green eyes.
Your eyes narrowed a little from the brightness of his monitor," You're... still streaming?" You muttered tiredly, running a hand through your messy hair," It's 4 am... You need to come to bed before you die." You stated bluntly.
Chuckling lightly, Clay smiled at you," That's a bit of an exaggeration, dont ya think?" He grinned out before turning to his monitor," I just need to finish this building first and then I'll come to bed." He reassured.
Pouting at him, you walked over to him in his gaming chair. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders from behind and leaned your head in the crook of his neck. He stiffened up for a second but leaned into your touch, which told you just how tired he really was.
You brought your lips close to his ear," The bed's lonely without you..." You tried your best to sound cute before giving into your sluggish thoughts," and it's lowkey freezing without you next to me. You don't want me to die of hypothermia, right?"
Wheezing a little, he shook his head," Alright, alright. You've convinced me."
"Epic victory royale for me."
"Never say that again."
Groaning in defeat, you closed your laptop after saving your assignment in frustration. Rubbing your eyes tiredly, you glanced at your phone and turned it on to check the time.
2:30 a.m
"Oh f-" you already knew you were gonna get shit from Nick as soon as you stepped foot into your shared bedroom.
Quickly packing your college material away, you raced upstairs quickly and made a bee-line to your bedroom. You opened the door quietly, smirking slightly when you heard the light snores coming from your boyfriend.
He was hugging a pillow close to himself, wrapped snugly within the comfy blankets. He looked like he was in heaven.
If anything, that only made you more tired.
You tiptoe to the bed and slowly crawled into the bed, trying your best to stop the groan of satisfaction from escaping your lips as soon as the blankets consumed you. You stared at Nick's peaceful face for a second before scooting closer to him for more heat.
The pillow beneath your head was so fluffy and comfortable that you were almost instantly consumed in dream-land, not before Nick stopped you.
"Did your bitchass finally give up on that dumb assignment." He muttered tiredly, replacing the pillow he was cuddling with you.
"I have to finish it tomorrow, dumbass..." You grunted out, your eyebrow slanting downwards slightly.
"Nah, fuck you. You're staying in bed with me tomorrow." He denied your statement instantly, pulling you ever closer.
"You make a good argument, I retract my statement..."
"Fuck yea-" You stopped your celebrating quickly as soon as you remembered that your boyfriend was literally sleeping behind you.
You had been editing a video all night, and despite his begging and whining, you just wouldnt go to bed with George. So he decided that he'd stay with you in the living room, refusing to go to bed without you.
You had protested against that, claiming that he needed his beauty sleep, which he had taken great offense to. So he sat behind you, wrapping his arms around you and placing his head in the crook of your neck, whining that he wasnt going to move until you came to bed with him.
You took this as a challenge," Aight bet." And continued to edit whilst your boyfriend was hugging you from behind.
About 10 minutes into editing, you heard George's familiar snores. You knew that he'd fall asleep quick anyways, sleeping is sort of his thing.
But now, you'd finally finished your editing and want to actually go to bed. Sighing at this dilemma and obvious karma, you closed your laptop after sending the video to Dream.
You leaned into George's heat, making him stir a little." George..." you whispered to him.
There was a lazy hum in response.
"Let's go to bed..." You muttered to him.
"....You lost that opportunity about 2 hours ago." He replied back stubbornly," It's expired."
"Oh, come on." You groaned out," If I stay in bed with you tomorrow as well, will you let us go to bed?"
He was silent.
"... Deal."
"Great, let's go, let's go."
🎶💛Wilbur Soot💛🎶
"Alright, bed time. C'mon." Wilbur spoke up suddenly, making you jump from your place at your monitor.
"Wait wha-" You were interrupted as Wilbur wrapped his arms around your waist, squeezing you close to him. Your back pressed into his chest as he got you to stand up from your desk." Will, what are you-?"
"You've been editing all day. I need attention and affection." He muttered, a pout on his lips." So can we got to sleep please?" He sent you a slight grin.
"Will, this'll only take a couple of minutes." You sighed out with furrowed eyebrows.
His grin dropped," You said that an hour ago."
Your eyes widened at his words," I did?"
"You did."
"Shit." You rubbed your eyes, letting out another sigh," Jeez, I'm sorry Will... I'm an asshole." You muttered.
"Hmm.... hmmmmm thinking.... You could come to bed to sleep with me to make up for being an asshole?" He teased.
You narrowed your eyes at him playfully," you're not supposed to agree."
Laughing slightly, he wrapped his arms around you tighter," in all seriousness.... As sleepdeprived as I am, I don't want you following in my footsteps. So can we go to bed, please? I really need you in my arms right now."
You were taken aback by his confession but you could only give into his charms after he sent you a soft-eyed smile." Oh, alright."
"Thank fuck. Jesus, please never make me wait as long as you did tonight again."
"Can we go to bed now?" You whined as Eret finally finished streaming." Jeez, it's like you love your chat more than me."
Eret laughed deeply at your words and shook their head," You know that's not trueee~" he sang out cutely." You have my heart, [Y/N], don't worry."
You couldn't stop the stop the soft smile from replacing your pout, your eyes softening at her." Aww.... Ali, you're so sweet to me... and you're super cheesy." You awed out, finding their response to be genuinely adorable.
" Ali? Sheesh, and you call me cheesy. Look in the mirror, love." He teased, finally turning his monitor off and making their way over to you. She towered over you, you've always compared them to a big friendly giant who loves to cuddle.
Sending her a teasing grin and a suggestive eyebrow raise, you spread your arms open for him to hug you," Bed time?"
They grinned slightly and wrapped their arms around you securely, squeezing you tightly against his chest in a loving hug." Bed time..."
"Were you really waiting that long?" She teased, getting your messy head of [H/C] hair." Aww, if I had known that, I would've ended earlier."
You hit him playfully," You suck, loser."
"Love you too, dear."
(This one's a bit long lol.)
You let out a another yawn as you shivered lightly in the cold of the snowy area you and Techno lived in.
Your boyfriend had gone to the nether a couple of hours ago to collect wither skulls for 'decoration' but you already knew what he was scheming inside that chaotic head of his.
You've been waiting for about 5 hours in the freezing cold. Of course you've made yourself useful around the house, tending to the farm and gathering more materials overall.
Tommy helped here and there, but he was mostly gathering materials for himself.
Now you were beginning to worry for your boyfriend, he's been gone for so long.
So you decided to sit at the doorstep, a blanket wrapped around yourself and a hot cup of cocoa, refusing to fall asleep until you found out that Techno was okay.
Tommy had sat with you for an hour or so before he retired to his bed, stating," Techno's being a bitch. Not worth the time waiting for him." And then he left.
You had laughed at the teen's grumpiness towards Techno, but you didnt agree with him.
Techno was worth waiting for.
He always will be.
Taking another sip from your cocoa, you leaned your head against the door, blinking so that you're eyes wouldnt close due to fatigue and tiredness.
The steaming hot cocoa in your hands reminded you of the warm bed you share with Techno. How the fire would crackle and the smell of burning wood and berries filled the home. The blankets were huge and warm and would just consume you and Techno. How he stays up at night to read some history book and tell you about greek mythology.
"Fuck I miss him..." You muttered, your teeth chattering whic prompted you to wrap your blankets closer around you.
"Miss who?"
You jumped at the familiar voice, making you drop your hot cocoa. You looked up at the owner and your lip twitched a little," You're an asshole."
Techno raised an eyebrow down at you, taking off his pig mask to talk to you properly." HEH? What have I done??" He mumbled, silently outraged.
"Do you know how long I've been waiting here?? 5 hours, Techno!! I'm surprised I havent gotten hypothermia yet!" You exclaimed, standing from your spot on the doorstep," You even made me spill my cocoa!!"
Pouting like a child, your boyfriend narrowed his red eyes at you," How is the fact you spilled your cocoa my fault?"
You gave him a,' bitch, really?' Look and it made him reconsider his words.
"Oh wait a minute, I guess that is kinda my fault, huh? Ehhhh, its fiiiiine." He waved a hand dismissively and walked passed you to get into the house, throwing his red Cape off and then placing his items into a chest." So... you missed me, eh? I mean... I would too if I were you but... y'know."
You knew he was fishing for affection or gratitude, but you knew better than that. You were still angry at him.
"Wow, quite the ego on you." You rolled your eyes," and who said it was you that I was missing?"
Techno didnt look at you, he continued placing his items in his chest," Well.... who else would you miss?" He questioned carefully.
He turned to you, staring before shrugging," Yeah, that's pretty valid. I miss him too."
You groaned at his stubborn nature and sat down in a chair, rubbing your temples," You're such a pain." You muttered.
Techno froze at your words, finally sensing your distress. When he had finished putting his items away, he turned to your brooding form, a light frown upon his face. He walked over to you and gulped, his eyebrows furrowing with frustration. He really really wasnt one for comforting others, hes always found it hard to do so. That's what social anxiety does to you.
He placed a hand on your head, petting it lightly and awkwardly." Look.... I'm sorry."
You froze at his words and slowly looked up at him, an expectant look upon your face.
Techno took his hand from your head, prompting to cross his arms instead," I know that you were worried, I shouldve taken that into consideration. But ya need to understand that I'm strong, [Y/N]. You dont need to worry for my safety at all, I can handle myself."
You frowned a little before sighing," You know I worry because I love you." You stated simply, looking down at your shoes.
The male's cheeks heated up a little and he nodded," 'course..." he grumbled bashfully.
Lips twitching into a slight smile, you stood from your chair and grabbed both of his hands gently, intertwining his fingers with yours." Well... I'm glad you're safe... I missed you a lot."
Techno's face only reddened even further as he completely avoided eye contact with you, his palms growing sweaty but refusing to let go of your smaller and softer hands." U-uh... wanna know another reason why you shouldnt worry about me dyin'?" He's trying his best to hide the fact he was embarrassed.
You grinned slightly and leaned a little closer to him," Yeah. Tell me."
He looked deeply into your eyes, his face still flushed. He leaned a little closer to your face, his ruby-red eyes swirling with an emotion you couldnt quite put your finger on.
Your eyes flicker down to his lips as he began to speak, his hot breath hitting your own lips.
"Because Technoblade never dies."
You pulled yourself from him instantly," You just ruined the romantic moment. AGAIN." You stated simply.
He huffed out a laugh at your exclaim," Aww c'mon it was funny! Please tell me I'm funny--"
"You're not funny. I'm going to bed, bye." You then walked away from him, Techno trailed behind you with a shit-eating grin on his lips.
"You know I still have 3 canon lives left as well, right?"
"I am now choosing to no longer understand english." You replied simply.
"Ok, nerd."
"The fuck are you up so late for." It was more of a statement than a question.
You looked up at your floating boyfriend in all of his blue sweater and ram-horned glory." You're up late too, dumbass." You shot back, downing another cup of coffee.
"[Y/N]... I'm a fuckin' ghost. You think I need sleep? Use your head woman." He insulted as he floated behind you, peeking over your shoulder to see what you were up too.
You seemed to be writing something in a book, he couldnt really read it though so he leaned onto your back, leaning his chin on your shoulder. His eyes skimmed over the words and he scowled a little.
"What the hell are you s'posed to be writing." He grumbled out.
"It's just a book for the different materials Alex told me to gather." You stated simply, leaning your head against his slightly.
"Good idea. Knowin' you, your dumbass would probably forget." He hummed out," But why waste your time on this when you could be sleeping."
Frowning with furrowed eyebrows, you continued to write in the book," I mean... its Alex. I dont wanna let the guy down, he's the vice president."
"Eh... Whose Alex again? He the one with the flatty patty?"
You buried your face in your hands, holding in a laugh." You're an idiot..." You muttered out, trying to contain your laughter.
"Takes one to know one asshole." Schlatt responded, floating away from you and to your bed. He lay on top of it comfortably," OoOoOoh~ look at how comfortable this fuckin' bed looks [Y/N]~ mm yes, comfy comfy, yes very comfy."
Smiling a little, you turned to him and raised an eyebrow," You sure its comfy?"
He was silent for a moment before he nodded," trust me. You know what they call me?"
You rolled your eyes, sighing slightly,"... what do they call you..."
"The bed master."
"You fucking-" You're sentence cut off as you broke out into a laugh. Schlatt couldnt stop the slight smile from crossing over his lips at successfully cheering you up.
"This is a very comfy bed. You should try it out with me, right now." It was more of a threat than a suggestion.
"How can I trust you though?..."
"Maybe if you try the bed out for yourself you can decide whether it's comfy or not, fuckin' moron."
You stared at him with a deadpan expression before giving in," you make a valid point. You win this argument." Standing from the table, you walked over to your bed and flopped onto it next to Schlatt.
He stared down at you expectantly;" Well? Was I right or was I right?"
You moved around on the bed a little, and sighed," .....It feels like I'm lying on a fucking cloud...." you gave up.
Schlatt shot you a shit-eating grin," Right?? The bed master strikes once again." Then his smile dropped," Dont ever fuckin' question me again."
He turned a little in the bed and threw an arm over you, pulling you close to him. You stared up at him with a confused gaze, which made him roll his eyes." Gonna help you sleep." He grunted out.
"Ahhh... Okay." You snuggled a little closer to him." Thank you for existing, Schlatt."
"At least one of us are happy I exist." He deadpanned.
"Hey Schlatt? Did you fall from heaven, cause you look like you fell- wait I messed that up."you silently cursed to yourself.
"You fucking loser."
"Lemme try again... Did you fall from heaven? Cause you look like an angel."
"... That makes no fucking sense. Are you comparing me to Satan then? He was the angel that fell from heaven." He looked slightly offended." I'll have you know that I am a devoted Catholic-"
You deadpanned when he wouldnt accept the pick-up line and gave up,"... You're hot." you stated bluntly.
"I know. Goodnight."
"Fuuuuck... I'm so fucking tired chat." Alex laughed out slightly, trying his best to contain another yawn. His chat instantly began to complain to him, telling him to hurry up and end the stream then. " aww... you all care so much for me." He fake cried." I dont deserve you guys."
Likywastaken: GO SLEEP ASSHOLE
He snorted at the comment," Wow, are y'all hitting on me orrr? Hit me up." He joked teasingly, a slight grin upon his lips.
The familiar sound of,' Me perdonas' came through his headset, indicating he had received a donation.
Duh_Itz_y/n has donated $4.20
Go the fuck to bed you bitch <3
His eyes lit up at your familiar twitch name and he chuckled lightly." Y/N, my love, you have such a way with words." He stated sarcastically, ignoring how his chat started spamming your name." Thanks for the dono but you literally can just call me on discord, fucking idiot."
And just like that, his discord went off, it made him jump in his gaming chair. He covered it up with a cough and answered the call," Hola hermosa."
"Did you just fucking jump when I called you?"
He sputtered," The fuck??? No. You're tripping."
"YOU DID. You're such a pussy boy."
"Yes, I am a pussy boy because I attract all the puss-"
"Stop talking." You interrupted," Why arent you asleep Alex? I don't know if you knew this buuut, 2 am is usually the time when people should be sleeping." You stated, snarky and teasing.
"If you wanted to get me alone you shouldve just said so, babe." He stated simply, you could hear the shit-eating grin in his voice.
He heard you laugh from the other side, making his heart flutter in his chest." I wish I was there but Mexico is like hours away." You muttered.
"Why are you awake? You've been going off to me but it's late where you are too."
"It's cause I was watching your shitass stream. I'm such a dedicated girlfriend, arent I? I just love you so much." You laughed out.
"Aww, you're such a simp for me..." Alex pressed a hand to his cheek embarrassingly, mocking that he was flustered." Should I just end the stream now then. I wanna talk to you now."
"Now you're the one wanting to get me alone Hmm?"
"Yeah, at least I can admit it. Looks like you're the pussy here." He spat your words right back at you.
"End the stream."
"Yes ma'am."
"Pfft, and you say you arent a fucking bottom." You teased.
"Y/N, I am still strEAMING-"
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officalaizawa003 · 3 years
Caught in 4k (feat.Mrs Joke and Midnight)
It was late at night and Midjoke was going to check up on aizawa and hizashi. They both hadnt come to work today at all. That wasnt the worrying part tho. No one could get to them! Every text message? Left there unread. Every call? Straight to voicemail. This wasnt like them AT ALL! What had happened. Midnight and Joke were both worried as they all were suppose to go on a double date tonight. They walked to aizawa's dorm first and knocked. No response. They walked in using the key Nezu gave them. No one was there and it seemed as if no one had been there for weeks! They quickly rushed over to Mic's dorm, finger's crossed and Joke whispering prays underneath her breath. They didnt even knock and just barged in. Nothing. It also seemed as if no one had been there for weeks.
Midnight: *starts getting anxious* What if something happened to them...I cant lose them both. Ive already lost one!
Joke: Calm down Nemi! We'll find them! Besides, even if something did happen, their both strong and can handle themselves.
Midnight nodded and took a deep breath before perking up.
Midnight: Wait...dont you follow Mic on snapchat?
Joke: Yeah why?
Midnight: Check his location!
Joke without another word whipped out her phone, put in the code and opened the app. She saw that Hizashi's location was on and he was in some neighboorhood. Joke: I got his location! I'll send it to your phone and you drive!
Midnight and Joke ran out UA and hopped in the car. Joke texted Nezu that they have Hizashi's location and if to look out for any text messages she sends. Nezu saw the message and made sure he was on high alert. They pulled up to the adresses and it..wasnt what they expected. It was a nice one story house. It was sorta wide but very cute, homey, and aesthetic. Looked like...a family's house? Their were toys in the front yard that were guarded by a white picket fence. Joke and Midnight (regardless of this house) opened the gate and Midnight let her anxiousness get the best of her and banged on the door. This is what they heard
(This is all muffled-)
??: Shit! Someone's here...
???: What could someone be doing here? Its..(pauses) its 10:55 pm!
??: I dont know but stay down. After Im done answering to door, Im finishing what you started
???: Shut up!
??: Hehe..
There was shuffling and soon someone started unlocking the door. The door creaked open and their stood aizawa, drentched in sweat, without a shirt on and only some gray sweatpants on, exposing the eract!on aizawa had. He yawned and had his eyes closed as he spoke.
Aizawa: Yeah whats up?
Aizawa opened his eyes and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. He stumbled back, knocking over the coat rack that once stood by the door.
Aizawa: M-midnight?! Joke?! What are you guys doing here?! And how did you even find us!
Midnight: I asked the questions first! Where have you been?! You didnt show up to work at ALL today! Who did I just hear in the other room? WHY ARE THEIR KIDS TOYS IN THE FRONT YARD? WHY ARE YOU AT SOME FAMILY'S HOUSE?!"
Aizawa sighed and burried his face in his hands.
??: Babe are you okay?! What was that sound?
Aizawa: Oh boy...Babe! Might wanna put on some pants and come out here...were in trouble...
??: Umm Okay??
There was more shuffling as aizawa let the girls in. If aizawa thought he had a lot to explain now, he'd have more explaining to do as soon as Mic stepped out and into view...looking like this:
Tumblr media
Midnight and Joke: HIZASHI?!
Mic jumped back.
Mic: FUCK! How did they find us?!
Aizawa: I DONT KNOW! You turned off your phone before we uhh *tilts head twice* right?
Mic: I think I did...
Midnight was only getting more confused and angry at the same time. These 2 were sneaking off together to who knows where in the middle of bubble fuck alaska whatever the shit this street was called. Now their trying to act like if it was obvious that the two had just had s3x.
AIzawa: Alright let me explain...I guess its time you guys know the truth.
Mic nodded and sat down next to aizawa.
Aizawa: Truth is...we've uhh..weve been dating for 16 years...and the reason we have this sorta family house is because uh...
*Soft yawns coming from the hallway* Eri and Shinsou walked into the living room.
Shinsou: Ugh...Old man...what are you doing..? You woke me AND Eri up.
Eri: Papa Mic can you make me some warm milk and sing me a lullaby again? Please?
Mic sighed and nodded with a smile and headed off to the kitchen with her.
Aizawa: *sigh* Sorry Shinsou... this was unexpected for us too.. Try to go back to sleep. You have that exam and I dont want you failing due to lack of sleep. If your having trouble falling asleep you know where the sleeping pills are.
Shinsou nodded.
Shinsou: Alright. Good night old man. Goodnight Midnight-sensei..and whoever the lady with the cotton candy hair is next to her.
Aizawa snorted and held back his laugh.
Aizawa: Uhh anyways..I adopted shinsou a year ago after I found out that his mom was an drug addict and loved drinking wayy to much. She would also abuse him verbally and would lock him out the house during heat waves. I found him about the pass out, outside his house after trying to return his bag to him. And you already know about Eri..Luckily Mic was totally ready and willing to be a dad and the kids started loving him as much as I did. We didnt want to let anyone know we were gay since we didnt want people in our bussines. We also took the dorms so no one would suspect that we lived any where else. And me and Hizashi had the idea to just go missing for the day so we could have as much "alone time" as possible.
Midnight: Alright just one more thing...why did mic have YOUR scarf on his head...
Aizawa: I said alone time didnt I? Aizawa grabbed a pillow and put it on his lap. Midnight chuckled.
Midnight: You shouldve told us. We would have never judged. Wait..DOES THIS MEAN IM AN AUNTIE?
Aizawa: Yes...but the kids are tryin sleep! You already woke em up once.
Midnight whispered, "Sorry.." as mic walked in and spoke in english.
Mic: Baby come back to bed and finish me off!
Aizawa(in english...he learned from mic): Alright alright Im coming!
Mic smirked and blushed as he shouted from the hall: Yeah I hope you do soon!
Aizawa(in japanese): Sorry I gotta hit the hay...cya tommorow...I promise.
Midnight nodded and Joke smiled. As the door closed behind them Joke nudged Midnight
Joke: Told you!
Midnight: I guess you were right...
*metal hitting the wall coming from the house*
Joke: What was that?!
Midnight: Didnt you hear them? Their having alone time~
Joke: I still dont know what that means!
Midnight chuckled as they drove off.
Midnight: Trust me, if you stay with me for 2 more months and keep flirting like you do, you'll find out~
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hi there! Im back, tysm for doing my HC ;;/ it was super cute, i really liked Mammons and Satans!! If you dont mind if i ask for another? Hdjsks Recently, i slipped while walking home with some pals and scrapped my knee. It wasnt too bad, but it sure looked bad lmao If you can could you do HCs for the boys reacting to MC slipping and scrapping there knee while walking w them? Im sure Mammon would have a heart attack hfjd Tysm!! Keep up the good work♡
Thank you so much! I hope your knee gets better and that it wasn’t too painful! The brothers would all be panicking in their own way but I agree, Mammon would faint or something lmao.
Hope this was OK.
The Brothers with an MC who fell and scraped their knee:
-It was a miracle you managed to convince him to come out on a walk with you at all
-The man doesn’t know when to take a break from his work
-He’s more likely to accept if it’s you asking tho, he has an obvious soft spot for you
-The others call him a suck up behind his back because of it
-You were so happy that you managed to pry Lucifer away from his desk, you were basically skipping alongside him
-Long story short, you tripped over your own two feet and fell
-Luckily, your knees and palms were the only things that got a bit scruffy
-Well, actually your right knee looked as if someone tried removing your entire knee cap with a scalpel, skin and all but adrenaline was kicking in and you couldn’t feel much
-You’ve never seen Lucifer freeze the way he did then
-His mind just drew a blank
-You were about to shrug it off and call it a day, get up and continue your walk but daddy Lucifer can’t have that
-He has six younger brothers (and a younger sister at some point) he is pretty experienced when it comes to treating injuries
-You aren’t walking for the rest of the day, let me make this clear
-He will carry you back to the House of Lamentation no matter how much you protest
-In case it wasn’t obvious already, Lucifer gives off massive dad vibes and now he’s bandaging your leg while you’re laying down on his bed
-While the rest of the brothers watch the two of you from behind the door frame because they are all equally worried
-Get ready for the three hour lecture coming your way
-He’s pissed and amused at the same time tbh
-Silly human, falling over like that and hurting themselves
-Lord Diavolo forbid you try to get out of that bed, he will drag you back and make sure you stay there until your knee is better (kinky)
-He was on his merry way to the casino to blow off all of Lucifer’s money and you tagged along solely for the purpose of making sure he didn’t spend all of Lucifer’s money
-You’d both be done for if he did
-But I guess fate really had it out for you on that day since your foot slipped on....something and you tripped
-Both of your knees looked bloody and damaged as hell but you were more irritated than anything
-Mammon on the other hand did a fucking double take and almost passed out
-He screeched his lungs out
-One look at your injured knees and he was ready to drag you all the way to the human realm on foot to find you a doctor
-It was very dramatic, he cried
-You stood up to prove that you were alright because you thought he was going to have a seizure soon enough
-OK, that helped him calm down a little
-At least now he knew your legs weren’t about to get torn off and you weren’t on the verge of death
-Fuck the casino, you were going home
-Like Lucifer, don’t expect you will walk home by yourself
-He will carry you, a bit embarrassed by his initial freak out but still eyeing your wound, concerned
-As soon as you get home and the other brothers help you out because he’s shit at bandaging, he just sits in his own pool of misery and guilt
-Your poor knees wouldn’t be so jacked up if you hadn’t come along with him today
-He was so determined to make it up to you, he stayed by your bedside like a loyal puppy with a wagging tail (flashback to the animal event)
-Overall, he almost went into cardiac arrest and was too panicked to realise you were fine
-You thought he was smothering and overprotective before? Good luck for the rest of the week
-“See, this is why I don’t like going out. There’s always some normie laying on the groun- OH MY LORD DIAVOLO, MC IS THAT YOU?? ARE YOU OK?”
-You fell knees first and hurt them quiet badly but you could stand, even if the pain made you twitch a little
-This confused Levi because you looked fine even though your knees certainly didn’t
-You told him you felt alright and it wasn’t that big of a deal and he absolutely rolled with it
-But you guys still went home after that
-He said it was because you bled all over your cosplay but that’s just him being a tsundere
-Levi is usually very shy when it comes to physical contact but he firmly insisted that he help you walk home
-I mean, he knows you said you were feeling OK and maybe humans just have a lot of tolerance for injuries like that
-But he still felt it was necessary that he took you home and checked out your injuries
-He kept the mood light while disinfecting you’re wound with some help from Satan by talking about how the convention went
-High low-key relieved seeing you walk around like normal two minutes after that
-He started bitching to you about how you made him miss his the event but he didn’t mean any of it
-“Stupid normie, making me miss my favourite Ruri-chan event. You’re lucky I love you and think you’re cute....did I just say that out loud??”
-Oh dear, why would you go out for a walk in the middle of a rainstorm? What were you thinking?
-Actually, it was Satan’s idea
-He may be a demon and the prince of Wrath no less, but he is such a sappy, cheesy bastard at times
-He definitely thinks that walking and kissing in the rain is very romantic (bet he read something like that in an erotica)
-You know what’s not romantic blondie? Slipping on a very small puddle and potentially fracturing your leg
-It was just a scraped knee but you were frustrated enough to be extra
-He’s helping you up before you even have the chance to realise you fell in the first place
-Your knee was looking pretty bad so you guys went home just to avoid any further casualties
-He’s actually chuckling all the way back while you playfully glare at him because how dare he laugh at your misery?
-Date night was ruined but at least he got to take care of you
-He knew your knee must have hurt and he felt bad but he couldn’t help but giggle a bit to himself because your fall was so comical
-Ah but he does enjoy fussing over you for the rest of the night a bit too much
-You thought Mammon was melodramatic?
-Take a look at this fucking guy
-He actually screeches even louder than his brother and probably falls to his knees too (but not really because those pants were expensive)
-His screams definitely got the attention of at least 10 random passerbyers
-He’s actually on the verge of crying
-I mean, can you blame him?? Look at your beautiful knees!! They were ruined
-He felt so bad for you, he actually babied the hell out of you that day
-“Asmo, it’s fine. It’s just a scrap.”
-It was just a scrap but Asmo’s secret talent is being extra as fuck
-He totally spilled all the tea to the rest of the brothers when he got home
-And then he ushered you into his room
-Funnily enough, he’s pretty good with injuries. Not as much as Satan and Lucifer but still
-He pampered you for the next few hours but that image of your skin being all grazed like that will forever haunt him
-How can you not be so bothered by it?? He’d die if he was in your place
-I love Asmo just because of how dramatic he is
-Your shoelaces were undone and of course that meant a fun little trip to the floor of Hell’s Kitchen
-Beel didn’t notice you fell at first, he was concentrating on his food and assumed you were next to him
-But then he realised that you weren’t and for a moment he thought you disappeared or something
-Before he turned to find you laying on the floor, curled up because life was pain and you were suffering
-“Are you OK? Or are you just tired? Belphie does that a lot when he’s tired.” Or depressed one might say
-But for real, he’s good at identifying serious wounds and less serious wounds since he’s an athlete
-He can tell your knees were bleeding way more than they should have from just a simple scrap
-He slinged you over his shoulder and carried you, calmly, back home, with a burger still in his hand
-He’s actually really collective and talked to you while cleaning up your injury to take your mind off the pain
-He knows humans are a little more fragile than demons so even though he knows it’s not a big deal, he can’t help but worry
-It’s kinda hard falling around him tho because chances are, he will actually catch you even if he happens to hold something
-He’s sad if you’re sad so please don’t cry he will bandage your scraped knee do you want the last bit of his burger to make you feel better?
-Comfort hugs afterwards!
-Which is awesome because Beel gives out best hugs :)
-Ah yes, another beautiful day at RAD
-Walking alongside with your grumpy and sleepy boyfriend when a random demon bumps into you
-Wel not bumps, more like shoves you so hard you fall down and tear the fabric of your pants
-While the dude shrugs it off and speeds away
-You were a bit pissed off because rude
-But Belphie was fucking fuming
-He felt so offended on your part
-I mean, the nerve of him
-He was tired as shit but he wanted to chase after him and throw hands, possibly fill his pillow with rocks and hit him over the head with it
-He forced himself to focus on you first before hunting the moron down
-He was a bit concerned when he didn’t see you come back up after you fell
-Turns out, you scraped your knee pretty horribly and now you were bleeding all over the floor
-He’s even more quiet than usual as he helps you up and half carries you to your next class
-He starts taking care of your knee in the middle of DevilDom history he doesn’t give a flying fuck
-He’s still furious by the time he gets home and most of his brothers know to leave him be when he makes that scary ass face
-No talk to him
-He angy
-“Does your knee still hurt?”
-“A bit but it’s not-“
-“Come nap with me.”
-“Naps shall cure your pain.”
-“Nah but for real come take a nap with me.”
-Next day at school, the dude from yesterday walks by him and Belphie smashes his head against the wall
-Before walking away as if nothing happened
-I stan protective Belphie
These HCs are really bad but I love them anyway
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creweemmaeec11 · 3 years
I'm not sure what this little snippet is, but enjoy it anyway I guess aha!
It was about time the hero tried a different tactic. They were tired of waiting for the villain to do something, then showing up to stop it. This time, the hero wanted to stop the villain before anything happened in the first place.
It was genius, really, and was something the hero really should have tried a long time ago.
The only problem, was *finding* the villain in the first place.
It wasn't like the hero had a home adress.
He'd spent nearly two hours scouring the city, hopping from rooftop to rooftop with no sign of anything abnormal when he heard a faint, almost whimpering sound.
The hero was thankful they had heightened senses, otherwise they may not have heard it at all.
They used their super strength to climb up the tall building, continuing to hop a few more rooftops when they froze.
Their eyes landed on the villan. He was sitting on a slightly sloped roof, back against a brick wall where the building continued upward. Their knees where pulled taught to their chest, cape wrapped around them like a blanket to shield them from the chill of the cool night air. One arm was wrapped around their knees, holding their dagger while the other hand was wiping at their face, trying to disperse the tears- *they were crying*.
The hero suddenly felt uneasy. What were they supposed to do here? They always saw the villain as cold, heartless, emotionless but, clearly that wasnt the case. They weren't sure what to do, or even how to feel with that information.
Information they clearly weren't supposed to have, given how high up and secluded this spot was. The villain clearly wanted to be left alone.
But, they were a hero! They're job was to help people and this villain was clearly in distress! He couldnt just leave!
They jumped onto the same roof as the villain, who didnt seem to notice. They were still a good 7-10 meters away from them, but the villain was usually very intune with the environment. The hero had never been able to get even near this close to them without the villain being fully aware.
They were now close enough to use their enhanced hearing to hear the ragged breathes and rapid heartbeat of the other.
The hero took a breath.
"Beautiful night out tonight," the hero offered in a friendly, conversational tone. They were smart enough to know that directly asking what was wrong wouldnt get them anywhere.
The villains reply came in form of a violent flinch and sharp inhale of breath. Their head snapped to look at the hero, shock and... was that *fear* written all over their face?
The villain never wore a mask, much like the hero, but they did usually have a hood down over their face, so being able to see it this clearly was strange.
However, with being able to see it this clearly, the hero could see how red and puffy the area around their eyes were, their cheeks thoroughly damp with tears, their eyes red.
The villain immediately directed their dagger at the hero, scrambling backwards across the roof frantically.
The hero held their hands up, "I come in peace,"
The villain stared at them in shock for a moment, "why are you... what... how long have you been..."
Before the hero could reply, the villain shook their head, steeling their features and pushing themselves to their feet. They wiped their face and took a deep breath, grasping for some sense of composure.
"What do you want?!" They snapped, "Why are you here?!"
Their grip tightened on their dagger.
"Theres no need for that, I come in peace, I swear," the hero tried.
"As if you would ever show up just to chat," the villain hissed.
The hero surveyed the situation. Clearly, the villain, who was usually overly composed and smooth, was distressed.
The villain was doing a good job faking composure, but it was obvious in way their fret twitched, weight shifting from foot to foot, fingers flexing while their eyes darted all over the place. They were one wrong word away from taking off.
Right now, the hero was a threat, and he needed to be seen as not one.
Slowly- very slowly, so the villain could track their movements, the hero sat down on the roof, sliding themselves to sit back against the brick wall like the villan had previously. He bend a knee, resting his elbow on it as he looked out at the city. They didnt look over at the villain, trusting their super hearing to tell them if they moved.
"The view from up here is pretty breath taking," The hero commented casually.
"My favourite spots are usually around the inner city, like the tops of the big office buildings, but this spot might be even better, with the already tall building being on a hill and all."
Finially the hero dared a glance at the villain.
They were standing in the same spot, though their posture was more relaxed. They were staring at the hero with a dumbstruck look on their face.
"What are you doing?" They asked, narrowing their eyes.
"I mean, we could talk about the weather if youd rather?" The hero smirked.
The villain glanced away, seemingly considering running again.
"Come on," the hero added, "it's not like you have anything interesting going on tonight,"
"That's a rude assumption to make," The villain replied jokingly, crossing his arms and relaxing more as he glanced at his feet.
"Please, you know if you had something important going on tonight I would have been bat signaled already,"
The villain snorted at that. They gave the hero another look over, before caving and settling back down against the roof.
"Is this your way of telling me your bored? Have I not been active enough for you?"
"Thats- not what I meant," the hero sputtered, causing the villain to chuckle slightly.
The hero glanced over, watching the villain twirl his dagger in the air mindlessly. Or, well, mindedly, considering they were using their telekinesis. But it was twirling in a non threatening way, just spinning in the air like a spin top.
"That's a pretty cool trick," the hero commented.
"What? Oh-" the villain blushed, plucking the dagger out of the air like he hadn't even realized hed been doing it.
"sometimes I wish I had a cooler power," the hero started so the villain wouldnt have to explain themselves.
"Wait, really?" The villan asked, looking at the hero in shock.
"Yeah, I mean, dont get me wrong, enhanced senses and strength are certainly handy, but they arnt as cool as like flight,"
The villain hummed, fidgeting with the dagger in their hands, twirling the tip against their finger.
"Super senses also have their downsides, like when someone is trying to surprise you by baking you something, but you can smell it before you even get in the house,"
"I get the feeling theres a story there,"
"Friends tried to throw me a surprise party, I could hear them shuffling and whispering from down the hall, and I could smell the cake and such,"
"Only a hero would view not being able to be surprised as a *downside*" the villain replied, rolling their eyes.
"I guess I shouldn't complain though, it helps with being a hero a lot, without the hearing I probably wouldnt have heard you,"
Out of the corner of his eye, the hero saw the villain immediately tense, bristling slightly.
"Is that why your here? Doing this? You think I'm someone in need of saving?" They hissed.
"Partly," the hero admitted, "I dont think anyone deserves to be alone when there upset, but I'm also making sure you arent up to anything dastardly,"
"Oh yeah, I'm always doing something villainous alright, like crying on a rooftop," they replied mockingly, before realizing they were admitting to crying.
"I wont pressure you into an answer, but you know I have to ask..." the hero replied after a moment of silence.
"Theres no way-"
"Before you turn me down," the hero interjected, "consider I'm one of the few people who may actually understand, considering the uh... line of work,"
The villain stared with a blank, unreadable expression for a few moments, before huffing and looking off to the horizon again.
"Its the anniversary of something. That's the only information your getting,"
The hero hummed in response, continuing to look off into the horizon. They both stayed silent.
In the end, it was the villain who broke it.
"I need to go." They stated, standing up.
"oh really? Where are you off to?" The hero asked with genuine curiosity.
The villain shot them a baffled look, "you know I'm not going to tell you that... right?"
"Your weird, hero,"
"Why thank you," The hero joked.
"Until next time," The villain stated, before stepping backwards off the roof.
"Farewell!" The hero called.
Things were... different after that night.
Second part here!
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jjfics · 3 years
Room 19 ll 02
ship: Harry Potter x female!Reader
read part one here
summary: they finally meet the mysterious wizards after getting to know each other better that same morning
author: your bestie Jane Jack, also known as JJ
word count: 1760 (it is a bit shorter this time)
a/n: i am so so so happy some of you liked the first part so i will continue with this story. i wasnt on call this time so no news from my bff, sorry, ill ask them for a cool quote for next time though!
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“Thank you, darling. We’ll take the seats in the corner. Could you bring us two coffees and,” Potter turned to look at you and raised his eyebrows “one croissant?” You nodded shyly.
“That would be 13£, but I’ll only charge you 10, the croissant is on me,” the woman taking your order smiled. “Since you have such a pretty girlfriend” she winked.
Your cheeks flushed red as Potter pulled your waist impossibly closer to him. “I know, right?” he chuckles.
The walk to the cafe was silent, but it felt different than the trip you two had the other day. There was no need to talk. In fact, you felt as though the moment you would open your mouth you would say something stupid about what happened last night, like apologizing for taking up so much space or doing something so unprofessional. But you did not want to apologize, because you had never felt less sorry for something. There was this weird energy between the two of you. You craved the feeling of being close to him again.
The table Potter chose was very strategic. The predictable head of the group of wizards and witches who called themselves the Forsakens would choose the grandiose table in the middle of the cafe. So the corner was a shadowed place where you would not have been recognized while you could very easily observe the others.
Still, benefits are tied to come with cons and so you were forced to cuddle into each other once again on a small leather couch. His hand did not leave your waist even as you sat down. It was hard not to notice such details, like how he could not keep eye contact for long when you spoke, how your hands brushed together when you both leaned over the table to take a sip of your hot coffee. You blamed it all on the weird situation you were in. In any other circumstances, he would not have been behaving like this, for sure.
“Hey, Potter. Could I ask you something?”
“You know you don’t have to call me Potter, right?” he smiled.
“We are work colleagues,” you said, but you wished you didn’t. Because you knew very well that saying things out loud only makes them more real.
“Yeah, but I don’t call you y/ln. I never heard you say you don’t like it when I call you y/n.” You did like it, it made you feel welcomed whenever talking to him, which until this morning was very rare. But you were not going to tell him that and feed his ego even more.
“It’s acceptable, but mind you, you are on thin ice,” you pointed a finger at him and his hand shifted softly on your waist as he laughed.
“It would be acceptable for you to call me Harry too, you know? I mean, we are supposed to be dating after all. For the mission.”
“For the mission” you agreed
“So you will call me Harry?”
“I will,” you promised. The gesture of reassurance alone made his head float.
While waiting for the Forsakens to appear you found out a lot about Harry. Many things surprised you. The papers always lie to make everything more attractive to their readers, but they also leave out the small details. Like how Harry still has panic attacks, even long after the war. How he always has nightmares about all the people he cared about.
“I feel sorry knowing this now,” you tried to empathize but it wasn’t going that well. You had never been part of war before.
“You don’t have to be. Not today, at least. I had quite a pleasant dream last night.”
“Oh, did you? And what was it about then?”
"Someone hugged me. I think it was a woman; I’m not sure. I didn’t get to see her face.”
“Is that all you remember?” you persisted. It broke your heart to know that this was his idea of a good dream: nothing extraordinary, but the most mundane form of comfort.
“Yeah, that’s all. What I know is that she was there in the beginning. It felt like she always had been” his eyes were distant as he talked. “She left me, and I was once again alone.”
And it was then that it all made sense to you. He was nice to you now because there were no nightmares to haunt him through the day.
You turned to face him and got really close to his face. “I’m so sorry. For being so shitty with you the other day,” you whispered. “It was just the stress from work.”
“I know.” he smiled. “It’s alright. I let myself get carried away too. We need to cooperate for the mission.”
“So does that mean that our little argument and Ben Nelson stepping in will not be included in the letter to the Minister for Magic?” you raised your eyebrows.
“Oh I totally am not telling Hermione any of that.” he laughed. “No, that will stay between us.”
It was around 11 am that you spotted some oddly dressed people enter the already busy cafe. In the lead was a tall woman who wore black heels and a long red satin dress with robes of a darker shade draped over her shoulders. Her face was covered by a long curtain of dark curly hair.
Just behind her were two other women, both slightly shorter. Those were dressed in the same way the first one was; the colors were the only thing that varied: their fair skin was adored by greens and purples.
The two men following them were both dressed in black suits that would not make them attract much attention if it weren’t for their companions.
The dark-skinned woman who was so obviously the one making decisions pointed to the big table in the middle of the cafe and her followers seated themselves. No words were spoken as she left them and entered a door the waitress once had.
“These must be them. They fit the description perfectly,” you mumbled and Harry nodded beside you.
“The head’s name is Anika. She has connections to the waitress as her mom’s sister. Anika is muggle-born. She never told her aunt that she’s a witch but she and her gang are allowed to gather here sometimes.” Harry said in a monotone voice. What a good professor he would have been.
“I read the instructions, Harry” you rolled your eyes at him. He smiled when he heard his name come from your lips.
“‘M just making sure, y/n.”
Anika returned quite quickly and she sat down on the side with the men, facing the other women. She took out a leather notebook from her robes and put it in the middle of the table.
“Does anyone know why it’s still here?” you could faintly hear her cold voice. Everyone else around her shook their heads.
“Heajin and I did our part.” the woman dressed in purple said defensively.
“So did Aaron and I,” one of the men on Anika’s right said more calmly, almost like he was trying to prove a point.
“I don’t care about what any of you did,” she looked them one by one in the eye. “I don’t want to hear you brag about how hard the task was for you, Aaron and Heajin. You two have always found everything challenging. I would normally be more forgiving, congratulate you even. But I can’t as long as this piece of absolute rubbish hasn’t dissolved.” Anika pointed to the notebook. “Understood?” she hit the table with her palm. The others did not flinch.
All of them nodded angrily, got up, and left the cafe in a rush. But it seemed as though their boss was not done talking yet. She scoffed, annoyed at the others’ behaviors, and vanished through the door after them.
Whatever you were expecting to happen today, was not this. The short discussion you had just overheard from your corner only brought more confusion. You had expected them to be a group of foolish wizards who want to rebel. But you had never expected them to be talking about real tasks. Rethinking everything now, you came to the conclusion that the situation was serious if Hermione Granger-Weasley sent her best two Aurors (and those had been her words) on a mission personally. She considered Ron one of the best too of course, but she would never risk his life if she could help.
It would make no sense for you to follow them. They would be back here the next day. Harry took out his wallet and put 15 pounds next to his cup on the table. He intertwined your fingers with his and got up as well. “Let’s go, love,” he said loudly enough, announcing that you were leaving now too.
Harry didn’t bother to look back at the cafe but you turned your head last second to see if anyone had a weird reaction to what had just happened. And you saw it sitting there. The small leather notebook was left in the middle of the table. No one seemed to take notice of the piece of rubbish being left behind. You squeezed Harry’s hand and he stopped just as he wanted to open the door and leave. You dragged him over to the table to make it less obvious.
“Look, babe, I told you there was a stain on the tablecloth on this one,” you said sweeping your hand over it and clenched your hand around the notebook. “It’s better that we sat over there.” Harry squeezed the hand that was still in his. He got your message.
You were panting hard as you threw the hotel door open. It was quite the work-out you got from running back here. Harry was behind you, locking it right back shut. You ran to the window and pushed it hard. Your whistle could be heard for miles probably. There was no time left to worry over your owl’s whereabouts as she was there in less than a minute.
She landed on your shoulder and bit your ear softly. “Good girl, Idiv.” you petted her grey head.
“y/n.” he shouted your name. “y/n, come here please!”
“What?” you turned around.
“We need to let Hermione know everything. As soon as possible. Get a quill ready.” he rushed you.
“Shouldn’t we read the notebook first?”
“Oh sure we will but we better start writing already and send Idiv on her way to the Ministry.”
.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. tag list!
@ur-riddikulus @anyqueen008 @fuckingalohomora-bitch
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indieboysarehot · 2 years
The fight and taking things further - Nick Valensi x reader pt 8
Tonight was going to be wild. You all were going to an actual club for the first time in months and ALL of you were bound to get fucked up as that was your ultimate goal. All of you were pregaming in the tour bus before the real fun, and lemme just say, you all were….FUCKED UP ALREADY. Go figure. 
Laying on top of Nick, you giggled as he kissed your neck, mumbling a “let’s just get outta here…You look so sexy right now..” A hand lifted the hem of your shirt ever so slightly. 
“Not now, babe, the guys are gonna lose their shit!” You practically yelled, not realizing you were talking that loud. 
Everyone began to laugh their head off - Fab even beginning to cry at how hard he was laughing. It was obvious you all were…on some things, but no one really cared as you were as so set on going to the club.  It was called “Club XO” and everyone was well…looking for a little ‘xo’ action if you catch my drift.
Walking into the club on some…things was like walking into Alice in Wonderland with the lights flashing, music pounding against the walls, sweaty bodies rubbing up against each other, the smells of sweat, weed, and liquor apparent. It was disgusting, but you all loved it in that moment. It wasnt like you all didnt frequent clubs like this anyway, yknow?
“Nick…this is….crazy…” You grabbed his hand which was shaking and pulled him to the dance floor immediately. This was gonna be a loooooooooong night.
You and Nick had separated for a little while as you wanted to dance some more and he wanted to hang out in the bathroom and get a little higher to take away the anxiety he was feeling.  You knew he was having a hard time, so you didn’t want to keep him on the dance floor if he felt uncomfortable.  Letting him go, you decided to dance by yourself until someone came up to you and asked to dance. He was tall, rather pale and thin, and dressed rather interestingly; he introduced himself as Peter (hehe). 
“D’ya wanna dance?” He asked in a heavy British accent. 
You smiled and yelled a very enthusiastic ‘yeah!’ Of course you weren’t gonna turn down a chance to dance with someone! You loved doing it and he seemed kinda cool, so….
After about 10 or so minutes of dancing with him, he pulled you a little closer, his hand on your waist. You smiled and leaned in, the two of you dancing a little closer. Little did either of you know that Nick had spotted this scene as he walked back to you on the dance floor and, boy, was he pissed. So when Peter pulled you in and kissed you, Nick felt like the whole world stopped, his heart shattered, his anger rising up quickly.  When the lanky man made it up to the both of you, he tapped Peter’s shoulder to which Peter turned around to tell whoever to ‘fook off’ because he was ‘with a bird.’ Nick decked him. Hard.
“You fuckin prick! That’s my girlfriend! I swear to god, I’ll fucking—“
Peter pushed him, trying to get a punch in, but Nick was just a little too New Yorker for him and knew how to fight pretty well. He was gonna show that English prick how people dealt with things in New York. 
Next thing you knew, the two men were wrestling each other on the floor with everyone around them confused and you screaming for them to stop. The guys noticed some sort of commotion coming from the dance floor, so they decided to check it out and, upon seeing Nick was in the middle of a fight, ran to pull the two men off of each other.  
Once they tore apart the two idiot men, you ran over to Nick to reprimand him and to also make sure he wasnt too hurt. 
“What the hell, Nick!?”
“He was kissing you! Like hell was a gonna let him just fucking kiss you!”
You bit your lip and looked over at Pete who looked to be a bit of a mess as compared to Nick who probably got like one punch to his person and maybe a scratch, though his knuckles were all nasty…again. He looked about ready to either kill someone or cry…or both. 
Julian walked over to you and Nick. “Listen, we got that guy, you two just leave before like….,” he pointed to Nick, “you get yourself into more trouble.”
You grabbed your boyfriend’s hand and rushed out of the club, trying to avoid everyone who was looking in your direction.  You were embarrassed and angry and sad and confused and— you just couldn’t believe it.
When you two got the hotel, Nick had cooled off a bit and calmed down.  You on the other hand….
“Nick. I cant fucking believe you.” You stated, trying to sound assertive, but instead you just sounded sad.
“He kissed you.”
“I know, but that was a little…overkill. You really did a number on that guy. Like do you know how bad that’s gonna look on all of us?! Like…you’re gonna get into so much trouble! You do realize youre famous right?! Everyone’s gonna be talking about this tomorrow!”
“I dont care. He kissed you.”
You put your head into your hands, trying not to totally freak out. You didnt want his reputation to be ruined because of you and that was scaring the shit out of you. 
“Fuck..Nick…why’d you have to do that..?” You asked as you very softly rubbed his now dried bloody knuckles. He hissed quietly in pain. You pulled your hand away quickly, but he grabbed it back. 
“I love you, Y/N. I just…got so jealous…”
“Never again. Okay? You better not do this again, cuz I dont like jealousy.  Like, that kiss meant nothing. It was uncalled for, yes, but don’t do shit like that, please, cuz all youre gonna do is get yourself into trouble.”
Your boyfriend looked deep into your eyes and, deciding he couldn’t deal with the thought of someone else’s lips on yours, kissed you. His lips on yours were always comforting no matter what type of kiss it was - soft kisses were touching, rough kisses were hot, goofy kisses were adorable, and just….you loved his lips on yours. 
Totally forgetting half of what just occurred, you melted into his touch as he laid you down on his bed; your hands never pulled away from each other.
A sweet kiss turned into a passionate kiss and a passionate kiss turned into a rough kiss, the both of you desperate and needy for each other’s love.  Nick’s lips left yours, slowly moving down to your neck, biting and sucking a little bit to give you a couple hickeys.  He was always fond of them, loving to give them and receive them and goddammit was he going to mark you up so fucking much.  
“Oh my god—“ your breath hitched in your throat as he kissed one of the hickeys he had just given you. You felt a smirk against your skin; he was really proud of himself for his…artwork on your skin. 
“I love you, god, I fucking love you…” He whispered when he pulled away from your neck, smiling at you softly.
“I love you too…” Your hand reaching up to cup his face, rubbing his rather sharp cheekbone. He was literally just so sexy. 
Something crossed your mind: you and Nick hadn’t ever….gone all the way. Of course you’d made out with him many times, but…
“Nick, um,” You started getting really nervous. What if he laughed? What if he was like “ew”? What if—
“Babe, it’s alright, you can say whatever, really.”
“I wanna…possibly…um…actually never mind—“
“You wanna go a little further, right?” He smiled, thinking of the idea of whatever could possibly happen. 
You nodded, a little embarrassed at how he could read you so well. 
“Well…we’ve got all night and the guys are probably still partying and shit, so…” 
And with that, he kissed you again, excited and nervous for what was to come (badumching, ah puns, what a great way to lighten the mood a little more). You kissed back, and well, let’s just say neither of you got any sleep. You guys were just having a little too much fun to even want to sleep. 
Oh the lovebirds, ever so gorgeous and sweet. What could possibly happen next, you ask? Well….you’ll just have to see. 
AGAIN PSA DONT DO SUBSTANCES PLEASE THEYRE BAD. also we got a little spicy at the end, it’s like one of my first times ever writing anything like that, so please dont hate me for how bad it is. ALSO FIGHT ??????
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