#as a way to show the audience how completely overwhelming it all is for will
cy-prian · 6 months
one thing i love is how attentive will is to james. every time james is in the room, it's like will laser-focuses on the guy. he pays so much attention to the little details, james' micro-expressions.
but at the end of dark heir, there's none of that. will doesn't notice if james' lips are quirking, doesn't notice if james looks and sounds genuine. doesn't notice how james is parroting his every command.
he's so caught up in how it feels to finally, finally, have someone on his side, someone who knows the truth and still chooses to stand by him, to believe in him and the person he could be.
that he just. doesn't see it. doesn't see it at all when any other time, he probably would have. he doesn't see it, and when he finally does, it's too late.
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sayuri-of-the-valley · 9 months
On how Crowley and Aziraphale felt during the kiss (but mainly Crowley here):
Ok so first, the main idea for this huge meta is that a LOT of us noticed how the music from the kiss scene is similar to the nebula one, right?
Second, a lot of us also correctly noticed the parallels between the kiss and how it was to taste food for the first time for Aziraphale: bc of his reactions, the hand on lips, the similar way MS acted both scenes, the little inhale etc. So how was it for Crowley?
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Aziraphale's reaction to the kiss is practically a puzzle to solve on its own, so it's fun to analyse it, but basically, in a few words, Aziraphale kissed Crowley and he discovered he was physically starving for him, longing for him, yearning for him, for his kiss, and he had no idea. Just like with the ox. And now he needs to gorge himself in him but he can't. Great amazing heartbreaking chef's kiss someone give MS an Emmy.
But there's already so much amazing meta out there about Aziraphale x Ox ribs x The Kiss that I want to focus on Crowley here, and on the music.
So back to the music. The song in "Before the Beginning" and the song that plays during The Kiss (I Forgive You + Don't Bother) are so similar. They're not *exactly* the same, but they're totally reminiscent of each other. The viewer is immediately reminded of those chords that played in the opening scene. It's no coincidence that the fandom was talking about this fact only minutes after first watching those final fifteen minutes. This is an obvious intentional choice for storytelling reasons (David Arnold is a genius).
I have no expertise whatsoever when it comes to music, so I asked our friend @otsanda to see if that made sense and not only it does and she explained it, but she also uncovered so much more hidden meaning in all of it (musicians are amazing), so check out her meta about the music that not only serves as evidence to what I'm proposing here but it also has so much more juicy information in it 💖.
Back to the point: WHY thought? Why choose a similar song? Why intentionally COMPOSE a similar song for that moment?
Hear me out. WHAT IF, by reminding the audience of the creation of the nebula, they meant to convey to us that, for Crowley, kissing Aziraphale gave him the same feeling that creating his stars did?
THAT'S what the music is telling us. THAT'S why it makes us remember "Before the Beginning". It may sound cheesy, but Crowley may have literally seen stars when he kissed Aziraphale. He couldn't react accordingly (just like Aziraphale couldn't), bc it was an overwhelming and extremely sad moment (the music is also telling us that) for both of them. They knew it was ending . They were both having a moment of huge revelation that was fated to not come to completion. Crowley was right, it was too late.
It makes sense to show Crowley's feelings through the music, bc he was the one who started the kiss, and also he was wearing sunglasses in that scene, it's different from a character like Aziraphale that has all his million expressions for everyone to see at all times. And they've been doing this ever since s1 with the Queen songs that play in his car or in the background.
So my point is: the same song being used there makes me wonder if kissing Aziraphale finally gave him what he lost. His purpose. What Aziraphale was trying to give back to him by taking him back to heaven. There's no need for Heaven. Just kiss him, Aziraphale, and there he'll find the stars you want to give back to him. There you will one day see that smile on his face you saw Before The Beginning. Neil Gaiman and David Arnold I am in your walls 😭
This is what may lead us to see this happiness in Crowley again (not the action of kissing itself, of course, but what it represents to their relationship, them being together, them being an Us).
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As @otsanda said: from the music we can interpret that that moment was a Revelation for them. Almost a religious experience. Crowley found his purpose again. What he'd been missing the whole season (or even his whole life since the Fall, but we've seen him especially depressed this season).
I'm not even getting into the poetry of how one can interpret the parallel to the angel's reaction to the kiss as carnal, and the demon's as religious; that would be another whole essay but let's just agree that it's incredibly beautiful. (Let me be clear that I mean here Aziraphale's reaction is carnal specifically for Crowley, and Crowley's is religious specifically for Aziraphale, not religious as in "worshipping god")
"Do you ever wonder what's the point?" Crowley asked in s2e1. The point, for him, is Aziraphale (if you've seen The Good Place you know what I mean). I hope he figured this out with that kiss, even as heartbreaking as it was. Even if it was a (temporary) separation kiss. (I hope Aziraphale figures this out with time too, that he's more than enough to make Crowley happy, that Crowley doesn't need Heaven, or stars, that Crowley needs him.)
Maybe that's why Crowley didn't leave and kept waiting outside until the very last moment.
Aziraphale and Crowley both bit the apple at the end of s2. There's no turning back from that Knowledge now.
Edit: I just have to add here this brilliant colour analysis of the nebula scene by @halemerry. And it's pointed out that during the nebula formation there's a moment when it looks like two people embracing. And the fact that a similar song is used in the actual Kiss scene I just... I have no words
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tarotwithavi · 11 months
You from the eyes of your future lover/future spouse
Read part 1 here
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How to choose a pile?
Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Kindly ask your spirit guides to show you the right pile for yourself and then open your eyes. Whichever pile catches your attention is the right pile for you.
For my female audience , I'll be using she/her pronouns in this post.
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Customize your own reading
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Pile 1
When I'm with her, I feel an overwhelming sense of strength and confidence, as if I could conquer any challenge that comes my way. She embodies everything that brings me joy and fulfillment. Being in her presence makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world because I have her by my side. Her mere existence has the power to make my wildest dreams a reality. Not only does she inspire me to reach for the stars, but she also motivates me to become a better version of myself. Her influence pushes me to strive for greatness in all aspects of life. Just knowing that she is there for me, supporting me, and believing in me, helps me heal wounds that were never caused by her. Her presence alone has a transformative effect on my well-being, bringing me solace and restoration. If her love were poison, I would willingly drink it without hesitation or remorse. Such is the depth of my devotion and the extent to which I value her affection. I yearn to be of assistance to her, to be a reliable pillar she can lean on. I aspire to be her rock, her unwavering support, providing comfort and strength whenever she needs it. Being with her fills me with an indescribable sense of empowerment and joy. She is my beacon of happiness, encouraging me to strive for greatness and inspiring me to become the best version of myself. Her love and presence heal me in ways I never thought possible, and I am eager to reciprocate by being her steadfast support and ally.
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Pile 2
Describing her is a challenging task, for she possesses a depth that transcends the confines of ordinary words. She carries an aura that attracts wealth and prosperity wherever she ventures, as if they were faithful companions by her side. From a distance, she appears strong and bold, yet I sense a vulnerable little girl hiding within her, fearful of the harshness this world can wield. She has distanced herself from those around her, for nobody has truly comprehended her essence. No one has made an earnest effort to unravel the intricate puzzle of her being. My deepest desire is to be the one who unravels that enigma, the person who embraces the challenge of understanding her complexities. I yearn to discover every missing piece and gently place it in its rightful position, completing the beautiful picture that is her. I want to penetrate the walls she has built, to listen to her unspoken fears and insecurities, and to offer solace and understanding. By becoming the person who comprehends her deepest self, I hope to bridge the gap between her and the world that often fails to perceive her true nature. I want to be the companion who supports her unconditionally, providing comfort and encouragement as she navigates through life's labyrinth. It is my aspiration to create an environment where she can fully express herself, knowing that she is truly seen, heard, and appreciated.
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Pile 3
The moment our eyes met, I was immediately captivated by her essence, as if an invisible force had bound my heart to hers. Prior to meeting her, I had been skeptical of love at first sight, dismissing it as a mere romantic notion. However, in her presence, all doubts were washed away by the sheer brilliance of her beauty. She has bewitched me completely, leaving no room for retreat. Even if her allure leads to my demise, I would embrace it willingly, for the privilege of experiencing her presence outweighs any consequences. Her presence has an intoxicating effect on me, causing me to lose my composure in the most enchanting way. It is as if she holds the power to unravel the layers of my soul, igniting a fire within me that I cannot control. My hands yearn to touch her, to explore every corner of her body, as if searching for an uncharted territory that only she possesses. Every flaw she may perceive within herself, I view as perfect imperfections, enhancing her unique beauty and making her all the more irresistible. Words fail to fully express the depth of my admiration for her. She is a work of art, a masterpiece without blemish in my eyes. I am eager to shower her with praise, to extol every facet of her being, and to make her feel cherished beyond measure. In her presence, I find myself stripped of pretenses and laid bare, drawn to her like a moth to a flame. It is an indescribable sensation, this all-consuming affection, where reason and logic are overshadowed by an overwhelming desire to be closer to her. She has become the center of my universe, a gravitational force pulling me toward her. To love her is to lose myself willingly, surrendering to the magnetic power she holds over me.
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foreingersgod · 2 months
Hi, I just read the Caitlin Clark x tennis reader. Would you possibly do a Caitlin Clark x volleyball reader, where the reader is more femme. Something along the lines of maybe reader plays for Texas vb and wins the championship.. sorry for the poor wording. Keep up ur amazing work!!
i would love too! again, i apologize for any inaccuracies in how i wrote the volleyball aspect of this, i’ve never played before so bare with me ! <3
Championship . CC
pairing: caitlin clark x reader
synopsis: caitlin supports you during your big win
you had been working your ass off this season. it was your senior year at the college you attended and your last year playing volleyball with your team, you were very overwhelmed to say the least. there were so many nights spent on the court late at night, trying to perfect every move and every technique. you desperately wanted to take your team to the championship and win this title for them.
so you pushed yourself to your limits, still trying to maintain your grades and personal life. caitlin, your girlfriend, was incredibly understanding of course. she knew what it was like to want to win so bad, so bad that it felt like you were going to lose your mind. but she kept you grounded. you had always been there for her with basketball, and she wanted to show you that same appreciation for your dreams.
she attended every single game, often making the trip with you for away games. she’d bring flowers for you on occasion for your big wins, and she’d tend to bruises on your knees from diving and scrapes on your arms. she was so incredibly good to you.
you were lucky to have someone who understood the stress of the game and how it felt to struggle with wanting to win and not let down your team.
your hard work had paid off this season, though. thanks to your team, your coach, your family and friends, and especially caitlin. you led your team to victory and you were now heading to the final game in the champions ship. of course, your training remained intensive up until the game, stretching you thin.
the night before your game, caitlin made sure to treat you to a small night in to help you relax. she set up a movie and dinner, tended to your aching shoulders, completely shifting all of her attention to you. when you had woke up the next morning to get ready for the big day, she had even helped you get ready to help keep your mind at ease.
“you know i can braid my own hair, right?” you were finishing up your makeup, putting on some mascara and the lip gloss cait had gotten you for your anniversary a while back. caitlin had walked into the bathroom, offering to do your hair for you so you didn’t have to worry about it.
“yea i know, but i want to do it for you this time” she smiled at you through the mirror “like my way of sending you good luck, then you’ll know i’m always with you even on the court”
“that’s so sweet, cait” you turned around, pecking her on the cheek “just don’t do it too tight, please”
so there she stood, towering over behind you, twisting the 3 strands of your hair into a braid. her tongue sticking out slightly as she stayed focused on getting it perfect, just how you liked it. when she was finished, she proudly showed it off to you. you thanked her again before changing into your uniform and grabbing your bag.
once you arrived to the court for the championship, you and caitlin walked down to the locker room so she could give you a quick pep talk and a final kiss goodbye. “you’re going to absolutely kill it, babe, good luck!”
˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗
after ages of waiting in the locker room; getting warmed up, strategizing with your team, talking with your coach, it was finally time to head onto the court. you could hear the entire audience cheering as the announcers called on each one of your teammates, the anticipation for the game sat thick in the air.
the game started off well, everyone was quick on their feet, prepared for the opponent’s next move. you were probably having one of the best games in your career and you could just about feel that trophy in your hands. you had managed to hold a lead for the majority of the game, but within the last few minutes it tied, all boiling down to one last play.
you held your breathe as your teammate served the ball, watching as it sailed over the net. you stood ready, feet planted, heart racing, and determined more than you had ever been. the ball bounced back and forth over the net before eventually hurdling your way. your muscles tensed, eyes glued to the ball. you leapt, body a blur of motion, hand connecting with the ball in a perfect spike. Time seemed to halt as the ball soared over the net, bypassing the outstretched arms of the opposing team. the crowd erupted into cheers as you all watched the ball land on their court. you had scored the final point.
your team immediately surrounded you, lifting you up and cheering your name. there were so many tears and so many hugs as you all cherished the win of your last game together.
once the excitement died down with your team, you noticed caitlin on the side, making her way over to you. you smiled so big your cheeks hurt, running over to her as fast as you could. caitlin scooped you up into her arms, spinning you around from how fast you ran into her. your head buried itself into the side of her neck as you cried tears of joy, her arms squeezing you tight.
“i’m so fucking proud of you baby” she whispered in your ear, praising you gently and setting you back down on your feet “the best fucking player out there, hands down”
“thanks, cait” you beamed, pulling her back into another hug. “i can’t believe it”
“i can! you’ve been working your ass off for four years to get to this point! you deserve it more than anyone, YN” she said, watching how you bounced with excitement.
you and caitlin celebrated a little bit more on the court before you had to spilt to go talk to your friends and family, she waited patiently for you, observing how happy you looked taking pictures with the trophy and talking to your friends. it was such a rewarding sight to see, she was the most proud a girlfriend could be.
even when you had both arrived home, still buzzing with the post-win high. she showered you with praise and attention, making sure you knew how happy she was for you.
cait made you feel so special, no matter how sad the loss or how big the win. you were so privileged to have her at your side, supporting you through such an amazing collegiate career.
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secretmellowblog · 10 months
I hope tumblr doesn’t die because No other social media site is as good for long, thoughtful, nuanced analyses of media. Yeah tumblr is also full of dumb shallow hot takes and shitposts, but you can make dumb shallow hot takes and shitposts anywhere —-there are no other popular social media sites that let you easily format and share long essays on the media you enjoy, and then have conversations around those long essays.
Fandom on all the other big social websites just seems so utterly …shallow. And it’s not because people on other websites aren’t thoughtful or don’t have deep things to say, but because these sites’ formats do not allow for any kind of long nuanced conversations.
Tiktok? Things have to be crammed into a super short video with an attention grabbing headline, and you can’t hyperlink sources. Instagram? Everything has to be in an image format with strict limits on length, and nothing will be shown to your followers anyway because of how Instagram’s algorithm works, and also no hyperlinks. Twitter? Strict character limits, and if you split it into threads it means someone can retweet a part of your essay completely out of context, and also very little freedom with formatting.
It frustrates me so much. If I go into the Tumblr Les Mis fandom I’ll find really compelling long essays on the original novel (including essays being written for the ongoing book club) on the story’s historical context, or the parallels between different characters and their narrative foils, or the way the politics were defanged for certain adaptations, or the way Victor Hugo’s personal life and failings affected the novel. But on tiktok I’ll get the same five shallow stale jokes from 2013 over and over, or maybe the same “DID U KNO THAT IN THE MUSICAL JAVERT AND VALJEAN SING THE SAME LEITMOTIF” style of basic Intro To Les Mis 101 For Babies media analysis (which is what Tiktok considers deep media analysis), or stale “LOL JAVERT ACTS GAY” style jokes as if we’re living in the early 2000s and calling a character gay is still a funny punchline. And it’s impossible to have any kind of deeper thoughtful discussions than “DID U KNOW <x Kool Fact>” or “lol <shallow observational joke>” on tiktok because the platform just isn’t built for building niche communities around in depth conversations. it’s built to churn out bland generic content for as wide an audience as possible, which means pointing out a small detail like an Easter egg and calling it “cool” is deep media analysis, because you cant have longer more in depth conversations without alienating people. And I hate it. Bc like, it’s not because there aren’t smart clever thoughtful people on Tiktok— there are—it’s because Tiktok isn’t built for these conversations, and anyone who wants to have them has to really fight against the things the website encourages or prioritizes!
Or like, if I go into the LOTR fandom on Tumblr, I’ll find tons of extremely long analysis and fanfic, and analysis of queer readings of the story. On Instagram people will still shriek in terror if you suggest the characters are gay, and most of the popular lotr posts are stale memes recycled from like 2007. There’s really no room for thoughtful media analysis, and even if you did create it, instagram’s algorithm would make sure no one saw your post anyway.
And everyone’s going to say “the algorithm shows you what you’ve seen before so maybe it’s your fault ~” or whatever but i do look for things I want! I do! “The algorithm” doesn’t know me or what I want or value or care about beyond this meaningless surface level.
The only thing that was worthwhile about these sites was the great visual art people were creating, but now the websites are overwhelmed with meaningless soulless machine-generated AI glurge, and it sucks. It just really, really sucks.
I’m honestly confused about why people don’t use tumblr….There’s no character limits! You have freedom with post formatting, and can insert images throughout textposts to illustrate specific points you’re making beneath the paragraphs where they’re necessary! You can add hyperlinks, linking to your sources! People can reblog your entire essay and share it, and then add on with commentary that then becomes part of a larger conversation! People can find your stuff through the tagging system! Reblogging means posts stay in circulation for years instead of being dead 30 minutes after they’re uploaded! If you want to have genuinely interesting text conversations about a piece of media, there really isn’t a better social media website for it anywhere.
To be clear, I’m definitely not saying Tumblr media analysis is *always* clever and thoughtful or etc etc. there are shitposts and nonsense here too (plenty of which I’ve created lol.) I’m saying that Tumblr gives people the tools for in-depth insightful analysis to happen. Whether people choose to do it or not is their own decision XD. But the reason lengthy in-depth conversations and book clubs are even possible here is because Tumblr is built for allowing these conversations to happen, in a way other sites simply aren’t.
It’d really suck if it died, because it’d be a huge blow to…being able to easily find long insightful in-depth media analysis written by fans. I currently don’t think there’s anything that could replace it.
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httpknjoon · 1 year
what a week! | the a-listers finale
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plot | Get ready. This is the busiest, craziest, and most intriguing week ever in your fandom with you coming back to the Hollywood scene with a bang, causing more tweets, more memes, and maybe drama about you and Jin.
words | 4.8k (oh my god)
genres | humor/crack, fluff, angst, actors!au
pairing | actor!jin x famous!reader
note | usernames used in the fic are all fictional. (more note at the end) have fun reading!
main masterlist | drabble series
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Hollywood Superstar YN to Make Comeback on Her Saturday Night Live Hosting Debut This December 2
‘From The Other Side’ actress and producer, YN will host NBC’s Emmy-winning live comedy show, Saturday Night Live for the first time this Saturday after her hiatus last year.
It was announced through social media today that the Oscar-nominated actress will make her hosting debut on the show this coming Saturday.
Along with YN, Indonesian singer-songwriter NIKI will also be having her SNL debut as the musical guest of the night.
It is worth mentioning that this will be YN's comeback in front of the cameras after taking an unexpected break in April 2022. She pulled out from projects with other big personalities from Hollywood such as Chris Evans and director, Wes Anderson. 
Fans were instantly delighted by the news and expressed their joy over Twitter, with YN’s name being listed on worldwide trends almost immediately after the announcement. 
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@/YNUpdates: YN is set to make an appearance on The Tonight Show this coming Wednesday.
Not even an hour after the announcement of your appearance on the live television show, your appearance on Jimmy Fallon’s show was also reported. You also acknowledge your SNL gig by sharing the post on your Instagram Stories. To say your fans were excited was an understatement.
@/l0verynjin: and this is a live show!! We’ll be seeing her on skits again!
@/ynflowerkid: with NIKI as the musical guest???? my two worlds are coming together
Everyone– the fans and the press– truly hyped up the upcoming show, prompting even the general audience to be aware. Some critics shared that you might be able to bring high ratings for the show because of your large and active fanbase. Success was already expected for you and the show.
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“Everyone, please welcome, YN!”
You enter through the big blue curtains, wearing a classy Gianni Versace Couture black long bell-sleeve dress from the 90s. You were looking like complete royalty with the matching diamond necklace and earrings you wore as you had your hair in a sleek low bun. The audience welcomed you with cheers and you cannot help but be surprised by everyone’s reaction.
“Oh, wow…” you mumbled, Turning your eyes from the audience to the host.
“Wow, right? That’s a lot of love.” Jimmy said, which you nodded at.
“Yeah, this is a little overwhelming… in a good way,” you said which made everyone laugh. Before you turned and waved to the viewers again, “Hi, everyone!”
They began cheering in response. You giggled with their enthusiasm. 
“This is what you get for suddenly taking a break last year!” Jimmy said, using a stern, sarcastic tone.
You chuckled with that, “This is actually great! Maybe I should take unexpected hiatus every once in a while–”
“No, no, no.” Jimmy cut you off, more worried, holding your hand that rests on his table. You two instantly laughed. “We missed you a lot!”
“So… you’ll be hosting Saturday Night Live for this week…” he began.
“Yes. Yes, I am.” you nod as you shifted in your seat.
“How was it? How does it feel?”
“Oh, it feels really awesome! I’ve been wanting to host for a long time now since I loved the show ever since I was little. And I was really nervous at first when I showed up there. But everyone has been pretty nice and so talented. Everyone works so fast.” you shared, making the viewers laugh. “I’m not kidding! I was with the cast and Lorne Michaels in his office. Then, they asked me if I have any sketch ideas. After I shared mine, everyone just started to pitch like a hundred sketches and I was just sitting there, watching everyone collaborate. It’s amazing to see.”
“Yeah, that’s how it goes in the show.” Jimmy agreed. “It’s the best crew up there. The writers, the cast, the makeup and hair crew.”
“They are all wonderful,” you added.
“Yes. And you are going to be fantastic this weekend. Knock ‘em dead in Studio 8H. We’ll be watching.” he clapped and the audience cheered. Your lips form into a smile as you felt relief growing in your chest. 
Jimmy continued as the applause lies low, “The last time you were here, we were talking about your then-upcoming film, From The Other Side. And now, you got nominations for it and even won a BAFTA’s Best Actress last February! Congratulation on that. You deserve it.”
Everyone clapped while you smiled, “Thank you.”
“And your director, Emerald Fennell, read your speech for you. In which you state that she made you make that speech hours before the ceremony?!”
“Ah, yes.” you chortled. “I wasn’t expecting to win that night. I mean, the lineup of other nominees for that category that night was really incredible. So I didn’t bother to write anything. But Em really pushed me to send something. She always believed in me and knew that I have a chance in winning that award. So I just texted her anything I could think of and said I love Brandon Fraser.”
The conclusion at the end made Jimmy and the audience laugh.
“I mean, who doesn’t?” the host backed you up. “Then, Academy Awards came by March and everyone was expecting you’ll show up. But during the red carpet event, you posted this…”
Jimmy showed a snapshot of you playing the piano. You grinned, “I did. I’ve been learning to play the piano since last year and I know my supporters are waiting for me. So I just showed them I’m at home so they won’t wait up.”
“That’s nice and you were really good with the piano.” Jimmy compliments. “But can we talk about your hiatus?”
You pause and nod. Now, this is the part Hailey gave you a heads-up on. You were aware that your unanticipated break will be talked about tonight. Your manager gave you a guide on how the show and host will discuss everything in order. 
Jimmy, on the flip side, was told earlier by his producers that he can ask about it. Admittedly, he was confused and worried if you knew that you were going to be interviewed about your break since everyone knows you have been private for the past couple of years. He doesn’t want to cause any discomfort to his guests. When he confirmed that you agreed with the topic of tonight’s interview, he agreed to discuss it with guide questions from his writers.
“Yeah, sure.”
The tension was rising in the room at the moment you replied. It was dead silent. But what made it lighter was when the production crew chose to play things off by setting the spotlight just on you two, making it seem like an interrogation scene. It made everyone laugh, even you and Jimmy.
“So… people were saying you took a break last year because of a lot of things.” the host spoke, emphasizing the word.
“Oh, yeah. I heard about it.” you raised an eyebrow. “How about let’s play a game of true or false with those headline rumors?”
The audience cheered with excitement. This is a rare time a big celebrity would debunk or confirm news about them personally.
“Okay, okay. Let's start with this one…” Jimmy reads, “True or false. YN, are you planning to retire from acting really soon?”
“False, Jimmy! I’m hosting SNL this week for goodness’ sake,” you answered dramatically. The host laughed.
“She’s hosting SNL this week, people!” he repeated, looking at the camera. “How about this one? YN, true or false, did you move away from the country and lived in South Korea for a year?”
You grinned, “Partially true.”
“Explain yourself, YN.”
“Okay, the only thing that was right in that rumor is that I did move.” you teased everyone. “And no, I am not telling where.”
“Understood. Okay, let’s move to another one… oooh, this is the most controversial yet.” Jimmy laughed as he looked at you. “True or false, you took an unexpected hiatus because you got into a bad heartbreak.”
The audience’s reaction was all ‘ooh’ in a curious and a little worried way. Like they just saw someone sprinkling salt on someone’s wound. You took your time before answering,
“False,” you replied, shaking your head. “Definitely untrue. I think everyone just knows it when I’m in a relationship.”
“No, I don’t think we do, YN.” Jimmy rebutted, making the viewers laugh as they relate too. With years of everyone romantically connecting you and Jin, they just cannot tell if you two are romantically together or not. The host continued, “But are you not really dating anyone right now?”
“Oh, I’m not. I’m not dating anyone right now…” your voice trailed off as you make a side eye at the audience. They showed their disapproval with that by playfully booing, and you giggled.
He copied your tone and action as he asked, “But is there anyone you’ve been seeing currently or…”
“I don’t know, Jimmy…” you sighed, shaking your head. You acted disappointed in a very obvious way.  “It’s really hard to find someone to date when you’re married. I mean, I think it’s a crime to go out with someone while–”
Big gasps. Everyone in the room– excluding you– gasped at the same time that it was audible. Their eyes were wide, a few have their hands on their chests, and someone screeched in surprise at what you said.
“Wait, what?” Jimmy asked as soon as he picked up what you just said.
“What?” you looked around the room, acting like you didn’t just say something of a big deal. “Oh, yeah. I’m married, you guys!”
Breaking the silence, the band played the drums as you showed off the wedding ring on your finger, hiding below the bell sleeve of your dress. Not just a wedding band, but a blinding engagement ring also sat on top of it. 
“Oh my god! Congratulations!” Jimmy stood up from his swivel chair and walked up to you. You stood up and you shared a hug. He whispered, “Congratulations!”
“This is wonderful!” he added, as he holds both of your arms.
You laughed as you nodded, “I know!”
Everyone laughed while applauding at the fact you are now married. Jimmy hugged you again before walking back to his spot. You can feel your cheeks hurt from how long you have been smiling throughout the interview. But you love it. You love that you finally shared the news with the public.
“When did you get married?” the host asked.
“Two years ago! It was in 2021, Jimmy!” you replied happily and you heard another series of reactions in surprise.
“What?!” Jimmy’s lips gaped. “You were already married when you went here last time?”
You nodded with chuckles, “Yes. My husband and I chose to be pretty private about the whole process. We value enjoying the first couple of years of our marriage without the whole attention of everyone. But now, we decided to share it with you, guys finally!”
“This is really great, YN. Thank you so much for coming to the show.” Jimmy smiled and you can feel that he was genuine. Jimmy turned to the camera again, “YN. Ladies and gentlemen! We’ll be right back.”
The camera still caught you waving to everyone before it cuts to the commercial. With this kind of news, it was expected how everyone will react. Showbiz websites and accounts began writing their articles. Your fans were expressing their emotions and surprise.
@/ynisthatgirl: the fuck you’re telling me yn been married since 2021
@/YNUpdates: Congratulations to our main girl and the lucky guy! 🥰🥰🥰
@/YNJINUpdates: 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️
Replying to @/YNJINUpdates
- @/versaceisyn: what’s with the candles
– @/walkingonsunshine: i think we all know what’re the candles for
@/frannycatfood: but who is the husband though 👀
@/ynilysm: i just woke up…
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Linked with you revealing your marital status is the identity of your husband. Everyone began taking their bets on who is your mystery spouse. Of course, topping the list is your three-time co-star and always rumored lover, JIN. One of the most memorable stories in the YNJIN fandom is when you two flew to South Korea with friends back in 2021.
@/outtahere: ur telling me ynjin prolly got married in seoul two years ago?
Then, the theory about you having a secret partner was brought up. Ever since the lockdowns, some people have believed that you are possibly dating someone who is not in Hollywood. They claimed that someone is a successful, private, and young entrepreneur.
It’s no secret that there are people and solo fans who think that you and Jin are only doing the whole ‘dating or not dating’ bit for attention and to keep your names floating on social media and articles. It helped you two become household names in Hollywood, other than your works. You two were everywhere online with your fans making edits, sharing their thoughts, and posting every picture of you. Although accidentally, the general public was always aware of what was going on with you.
And what’s going on with your always rumored lover, you might be wondering. 
Jin is still inactive on social media. His last online update was promoting the final episode of his limited series on HBO, which was a couple of months ago. But he had public appearances since the premiere. Two appearances to be specific.
Friday, almost two days after you announced your marriage and fans made their theories about your husband’s identity. Of course, the number of people who believed that Jin is your spouse was high. They were hoping to see Jin around New York since you will be doing SNL there for the weekend and they will take it as confirmation. But in lieu, he was seen walking out of a coffee shop in LA, where he was kinda hoarded by the press during the morning. He was alone as he tried to make his way to his car.
One of the camera guys cannot help but ask, “Did you know YN is married?”
“I did. She is one of my friends in the industry. Of course, I knew.” he answered simply, not bothering to look at the cameras. He just focused his eyes on the pathway to make sure he won’t stumble because of the press crowding around him.
“Any thoughts about it?” another one asked.
“I’m happy for her. She deserves happiness above all.”
His lips can be seen forming into a small smile as he replied. He finally got to the driver’s seat of his car. Before he hopped in, he answered one last question.
“Any hints about her husband?”
“Nice guy. A little childish sometimes but he makes good jokes.” he chuckled before driving away.
The video was uploaded by the paparazzi on the same day. Jin trended worldwide as fans expressed their thoughts about it.
@/1800JIN: i cannot believe how fast things are going rn this is crazy
@/YNJINUpdates: the first stage of grief is denial. so no, i don’t believe anything that is happening.
@/puhleaseynjin: idk what to feel rn but great to know that jin knows about her marriage after all
Replying to @/puhleaseynjin
- @/livelaughyn: yeah it means they really do trust each other 🙁
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And Saturday came. Since you were all over the news the whole week, your name was mentioned during the cold open. Hearing the people’s excitement as you prepare backstage made you breathe a little better. The intro began and the band began playing.
“Thirty seconds left, hon.” one of the staff members, who waits with you behind the door, whispered. “Good luck.”
You smiled at her, “Thank you. Donna.”
And as soon as you send that, you heard the announcer saying:
“Ladies and gentlemen, tonight’s host, YN!”
That’s your cue. Someone opened the door for you, you walked out and everyone sees you in a black blazer mini dress and strappy pumps. Standing in the middle of the stage, you cannot really see the audience properly because of the light pointed at you. Still, you put on a smile and tried to shake off the twisting feeling in your stomach. You jived to the melody and paused when it stopped. The audience was clapping the whole time.
“Thank you! Thank you very much. I am so happy to be finally here on the SNL stage for the very first time!” you began and they cheered once again. “And it’s great to be here, in front of everyone again, after ghosting y’all for almost two years!” waves of laughter erupt. “ Now, some of you may be heard of me from my first movie when I was 9, Little Miss Sunshine–” people cheered.  “Or my most recent film, From The Other Side. Or maybe you just heard a piece of certain news about me…” you winked.
“So in case you’re living under a rock, three days ago, I surprised everyone by announcing that I got married–” the audience erupted with claps and cheers. “–last 2021 to an actual person that nobody knows about.” you rolled your eyes, making everyone laugh.
“And every cast member here has been asking me this past few days: how did you got married? Where did you get married? Who’s the lucky guy? And you know what, let me just go give him a call–”
The audience screamed in excitement. You tapped on your dress’s pockets, searching for your phone. SNL cast member Kenan Thompson got on stage, handing you your phone.
“Hey, YN. You left your phone in the makeup chair.”
“Oh, thanks, Kenan.”
“And since I was the one who found it… can you please tell me who is your husband?” he said it in an excited kid way that made everyone cackle.
You tsked before shaking your head, “Oh, Keenan–”
A series of knocks were heard. A familiar tune from your past suspense movie played in the background. The audience laughed as you and Keenan looked at each other with wide eyes. You slipped your phone into your pocket and began acting alert like a spy.
“Does someone really knocks on that door?” you asked in the serious tone of your old character.
He shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t know. You were the last one who went from there.” 
The audience laughed and another knock was heard.
“Lemme go check on that.” Kenan was about to walk to the door but you stopped him.
“What if it’s The Creator?” you asked, referencing the antagonist.
“Who the hell is that? The only creator here is Lorne Michaels.” Kenan quipped, receiving laughs from everyone, before walking to the door.
You waited on the stage and the camera focused on Kenan, who peeked through the door instead of opening it directly. He was teasing. Then, he looked back to you, to the camera, and back to whoever was on the other side of the door. He was grinning. Everyone was wondering what was going on. It was just pure silence. And as he walked down the small set of steps, he spoke:
“Oh, YN! Someone is looking for you!”
You raised an eyebrow, “Who is it–”
Then suddenly the door just opens, showing a man in a dark casual suit and a bouquet of white tulips in his hands. He uttered,
“Hi, I’m actually looking for my wife–” 
Jin was cut off by screams from the audience. He bit his inner cheek to stop himself from smiling. But everyone can notice the corner of his lips forming into a smile. In live shows like this, the actor would usually wait for the intense audience response to die down for a few seconds. But the reactions are not getting smaller, so Jin resumed.
“She told me she’s going here tonight.”
“Oh, I’m here! I’m here! I’m the wife!”
You raised your hand with a proud grin on your face and Jin had to walk down with a bouquet in his hand. The audience laughed as the band plays a wedding march. Your husband laughs too. When you two stood next to each other in the middle of the stage, Keenan introduced you two:
“Everyone, please welcome, for the first time ever as a married couple, YN and Jin!”
The audience clapped, cheered, and somebody even whistled. He softly placed his hand on the small of your back before you turned to him. Your hand caresses his cheek as you two lean closer to each other. For the first time ever, you and Jin shared a kiss in front of the public. Everyone cheered louder. Pulling away, you two smiled slowly as you gazed into each other’s eyes. You noticed the slight tint of red growing on his cheeks and ears. It reminded you of so many moments in your relationship. It was like you got lost in the moment for a second before you turn to the camera.
“We got a great show tonight! Stick around. NIKI is here! We’ll be right back!”
The camera pans away as you wrapped your arms around Jin’s neck, pulling him in for a kiss again, while he holds your waist. 
You did a total of eight skits, two of which were pretaped. Your husband made another appearance during the show. He played a character with Michael Che, Colin Jost, and Mikey Day during the Weekend Update segment, playing as paparazzi who never did their job right. Jin had a line that was so ironic, it made the audience laugh and react from their seats.
“Yeah, last week, I heard that very beautiful actress got married…”
Michael asked, in character, amidst the giggles, “Who? What’s her name?”
“I think he’s talking about Scarlett Johansson.” Mikey chimed in, making Colin Jost smile, who replies, “No, I don’t think he’s not.”
“Oh, yeah. I forgot she already married that comedy guy three years ago.” Mikey replied, making Jost shake his head as he blush.
Jin finally answered, “It’s YN! You know, the one who posts cat pics all over the internet, won the BAFTA Best Actress this year, has been doing movies since she was nine, wrote songs with–”
“Okay, okay, Frank. I think everyone already knows who YN is.” Mikey cuts him off, making everyone laugh. “Why are you bringing her up by the way? Do you got any snaps from her wedding?”
“Ah, yes. I do!” Jin replied almost immediately as he acts clicking on his camera. The audience squealed, elated to catch a glimpse of whatever he was going to share. The TV screens in the studio glitched, causing confusion to the viewers. “Oh, I think my camera’s broken.”
“Let me see.” Mikey, in character, acted desperate as he reached for the camera. He checked and clicked on it before turning to Jin, “The memory card is not here, man!”
The bit ended with them arguing. NIKI performed two songs for the night. For the closing of the show, you had a graphic shirt on with pants. 
“Thank you so much to NIKI!” you began, turning to the singer beside you. You clapped along with the audience.  “To Lorne, to the amazing cast and studio crew…. And to my lovely husband,” everyone, including the cast members, cooed. You looked back at him who was standing in line with the cast members. He smiled as he saw your eyes sparkling with joy. You looked back to the front.
“Thank you so much, everyone!”
After the show, you and Jin were photographed together, walking hand in hand, as you enter the afterparty venue. As usual, you were wearing something Versace. You stun everyone with a light-reflecting metallic sparkly mini dress. It literally reflects with the flashes of the cameras pointed at you and your husband. You matched it with silver strappy heels and a small metallic Prada tote bag.
“Congrats, YN!”
You stopped in your tracks and turned your head when you heard that voice. Turning around, you spotted Greg in line with other paparazzi.
“Thanks, Greg!” you winked and Jin also waves at him.
You also posted a photo a day after.
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YN and JIN are married *Apparently For Almost Two Years Now*
It’s been a busy week for the whole YNJIN fandom this week! 
Just last week’s Saturday, it was announced that YN will be hosting the second show for SNL’s season 49. More than a year after her last public appearance and hiatus.  It was later followed by the actress-songwriter appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, in which she talked about her BAFTA win and cleverly announced her marriage. Although she didn’t disclose who’s the lucky guy, happiness was evident on her face as she replied to Jimmy’s questions. The fans were taken in surprise by the news, showering her with lovely congratulatory messages.
And just tonight, during her monologue as the show’s host, YN finally revealed who it was. Surprise, surprise! Joining her on the SNL stage is her longtime rumored lover, JIN. The ‘Still Alive’ actor showed up on stage unexpectedly, causing a loud reaction from the live viewers. SNL cast member Kenan Thompson, who was also in the bit for YN’s monologue, officially introduced the two as husband and wife. The couple shared a liplock to seal the news.
According to the shared statement of the A-lister couple’s publicists, YN and JIN were wed in an intimate ceremony two years ago, last November 2021, in their shared residence in Massachusetts. 
It was unclear where or when YN and JIN got engaged or began dating. But all we know was the two initially met for the production of their first movie, Cornelia Street, back in 2016. It was a hit, mainly due to the lead actors’ powerful chemistry, and birthed many supporters for the duo. But the rumors about their relationship began in 2018 when the two were seen hanging out often. 
The two never confirmed anything and trolled everyone about it. Even reaching the point where they became Instagram official. YNJIN even made a joke about buzzes about them breaking up when they posted a clip about it before. The two got crazier rumors over the years: living together, cheating (and breaking up again), and the actress writing love songs based on her relationship with JIN.
YN, 28, has previously dated other known names in the industry such as Jordan Fisher, Kim Taehyung, and Niall Horan. Meanwhile, JIN, 31,  was more private with his past relationships. But he was formerly linked to model Lee Sung Kyung and briefly to Selena Gomez. The wedded A-listers have worked together in a total of three films: Cornelia Street, Maybe Yes Maybe No, and Lonely People.
We are probably late but… Best wishes to Hollywood’s favorite couple!
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It was a big event in both social media and celebrity newsrooms. People shared their reactions online and even talked about you two in their real-life conversations. A lot of people made memes about the whole thing. The reveal of your husband was called iconic in one of the articles written. The number of edits, pictures, and just any type of content flooding all commonly used social media sites is crazy.
@/YNJINUpdates: YNJIN officially confirms marriage during SNL appearance 💚
@/IMMANEEDSP4CE: ynjin hard launching their relationship on snl is not in my 2023 bingo card
@/KellyDelaCruz: I just lost fifty dollars to my sister because of this whole thing!
@/bellisimayn: the whole fandom right now:
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@/tanginuhynjin4ever: we never got any dating confirmation but it’s all worth it!! 💗💗
Replying to @/tanginuhynjin4ever
- @/0283ynjinfan: TOTALLY WORTH IT
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Two days, after you publicized your marriage, it was Jin’s birthday. As to keep up with the tradition, you posted a simple greeting on Instagram. You literally just greeted them but you added some photos.
The first pic was taken during your trip together months before the reveal.
The second image is your hand, showing off the engagement ring, while Jin can be seen in the background grinning.
Then, on the third slide, a polaroid picture of you and Jin. It was taken through a selfie. You were grinning as Jin plants a smooch on your cheek. Unbeknownst to everyone, it was taken during your first wedding back in November 2021, in your then-newly bought home in Massachusetts.
And for the fourth one, Jin was seen carrying two babies, both heads turned away from the camera, on each arm. He was sat on a familiar couch with Francheskat resting beside him.
In the last slide, a screenshot of your conversation from a year ago. You did not put any context so the fans are left to think about it.
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author's note | that's it, folks! that's the end. oh my god, I didn't expect the love this series got. writing this series always brought me joy and it honestly brought me back here in tumblr. thank you so much for all the love you sent out for the a-listers. i truly appreciate everything. as always, my asks are open for questions about the whole series. also, if you have questions for the a-listers, feel free to send 'em. I'll be responding in a few days. also, just want to let y'all know, i'm planning for a spinoff. thank you so much, loves. 💕✨
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sky-high-standards · 10 months
Hi, i saw your requests open and i've been thinking what i should request but an idea came up to me.
What about singer reader x yandere fans? I think is a great idea.
Ah apart from that, what's ur favorite song?
Yandere!!Fans x Singer reader
Thank you so much for requesting and my favorite song is currently either the Daddy issues remix or Everything I wanted.
Yep I decided to redo this thing and I may make it a reverse harem
No one expected you to blow up you took the industry by storm your humble beginning and charming persona first got you a small fan base on TikTok then you only got more and more popular and here you are now sitting pretty on a talk show the bright lights blinding you as the host looks at you eagerly itching to start this interview.
Welcome back everyone today we have hit idol Y/n S/n here with us
The crowd roared when they heard your name thousands of people here just for you their beloved idol.
Host: So y/n what's it like to have such success so quick and young.
Y/n: it's pretty overwhelming that's for sure but I have my adoring and loyal fans supporting me.
You said and smiled at the audience and that sent them over the edge your fans were always quite insane lively but they meant well they got you your success in the first place who are you to complain but idol life was tough enough and you weren't exactly thrilled to see your Instagram filled with desperate fans begging for your attention everyday some even threatening to commit suicide if you didn't reply.
And the things they'd throw on stage when you performed were sometimes sweet like a teddy bear or roses and other times not so sweet the day you were preforming and got hit in the face with a dildo is a day you'll never forget...you still shudder st the memory.
And the amount of secret getaway houses you own are concerningly high since an extra persistent can always manges to follow you home no matter how many detours and lane switches you take.
No one said being famous was easy and all fans act like this right?
It's totally normal that they worship you like a God and it's totally normal to know jars of your sweat and used pads are being sold for millions on the dark and what celebrity doesn't have a dab try to kidnap them twice a week.
And you'd think you'd have your bodyguards preventing most of these things but unfortunately they're fans too and it's common to find your bodyguards being a little too close and going through your dirty laundry...
But unbelievably enough there were certain fans that stood out among the rest in the worst ways possible these fans will do anything and I mean anything for your acknowledgment oh you have an extra mean troll sending nasty comments no less then a day later they send an apology and they've mysteriously gone missing you signed an undeserving fans merch? they were immediately talked down and beaten up for it.
Completely normal fans ☺️
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YOI-meta: Viktor's apparent insensitive reaction to Yuuri's love confession & what it might mean
There are several ways to read Viktor's comment on Yuuri's love confession depending on the level of his knowledge of the Japanese language and culture at this point in the series. While his words seem insensitive and blunt at first glance, plausible explanations for the choice the creators made here align rather with Viktor's character and the concept of the show than Viktor only caring about Yuuri's appearance in one of the most significant moments of their relationship.
So let's break this down!
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1. Language barriers
The press conference of the Japanese Skating Federation, where the skaters participating in the Grand Prix Series present their season theme, is broadcasted on Japanese TV for a Japanese audience. Hence, Yuuri speaks Japanese in this scene. By now, Viktor has been living in Japan for about 5-6 months, and while he possibly knows enough Japanese to get along on his own and communicate with Yuuri's family about basics like food or the weather, complex speeches are probably still beyond his abilities.
Besides Russian, Viktor speaks English and French, so we can assume he has a knack for languages. But whereas Cyrillic and Latin characters have some resemblances, Japanese has three different types of characters (hiragana, katakana, and kanji), and these differ vastly from Western scripts. Beginners spend a hell lot of time learning these in addition to vocabulary and grammar. It's not a stretch to assume that Viktor understood parts of Yuuri's speech but not enough to connect the dots. Like "here, Yuuri presents his season theme which is about love... Oh, I heard my name! He's talking about me now! ... Was that something about a gold medal and Grand Prix Final? That's my Yuuri! He's so fierce! I love this! But ugh, he really needs a new tie! That hideous thing doesn't fit his new image at all!"
2. Utter shock
That face...
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Looking at this scene, Viktor is either completely shocked because he didn't see this coming or trying hard to understand Yuuri's speech. While in my personal headcanon, language barriers keep him from understanding the speech, a person who is described as a genius and already speaks three languages might be able to follow the speech after living in the country for several months (I'm not sure about this though, but some people learn at lightspeed once they start obsessing over a subject). In this case, his reaction is a coping mechanism due to overwhelm. So far, Yuuri has said a few sweet things that showed Viktor how much he matters to Yuuri, but this is a whole new dimension of expressing affection, especially coming from someone so reluctant to voice their feelings. And while Viktor undeniably has been hoping for Yuuri to love him back, seeing his love confessing his feelings live on national TV is quite something to process.
Which leads me to...
3. Viktor doesn't take Yuuri's love confession seriously
This interpretation falls into the category of "Did we watch the same anime?" and I will briefly explain why using some past instances of Viktor's reaction to Yuuri using love language:
Episode 2 "I want to eat katsudon with you!":
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Episode 3 "I'm going to become a super tasty katsudon. Please watch me!":
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Episode 4 "I want you to stay who you are":
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We see the occasional confusion, which is attributed to the fact that Viktoir is still familiarising himself with Yuuri's unique way of expressing his feelings and desires. However, in all these scenes, Viktor is genuinely happy that he means so much to Yuuri. Although Viktor can be insensitive at times, he never mocks Yuuri, which speaks volumes about his character. Not even when Yuuri says things like "Katsudon is my eros!" It's not in his personality. So far, throughout the series, Viktor has helped Yuuri become more confident and express his feelings. As soon as he understands Yuuri's speech and has processed the meaning, he would burst with happiness because Yuuri loves him back and pride because of how confident Yuuri became. But mocking Yuuri for his necktie when he just expressed the full dimension of his feelings? Just nope. He's not JJ.
Bonus: Viktor's reactions after episode 5 (the pattern continues)
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4. The necktie is a metaphor
This interpretation came up in a Twitter discussion with @maetae2288 (kudos to her for bringing this up!) and it can coexist with interpretations 1 and 2. If you tell a story that needed to be condensed to 12 short episodes, you don't waste precious air time on throwaway lines.
For this interpretation, I would like to refer to Tumbleweed's translation errors master post. It's a super long post, so I quote the relevant part:
「 初めて自分から繋ぎとめたいと思った人、それがヴィクトルです 」 [...]'For the first time in my life, there’s a person I want to hold on to. That person is Victor.’ Also, while I think this word choice is the best choice, 'hold on to’ doesn’t quite get all the connotations of 繋ぎとめたい across. Tsunagi tomeru is composed of two words, tsunagi = bind and tomeru = stop. It means tying the subject to something and stopping it from going away. Since he added 自分から, 'from/by himself’ in front of it, it infers Victor being the first person Yuuri wants to reach out to and bond with, and with those bonds, bind them together so that they would never part.
I highly recommend reading the full post if you're interested in the linguistic nuances of translations from Japanese to English regarding Yuri!!!.
In his speech, Yuuri voices his desire to form an inseparable bond with Viktor (it's quite a lot like "stay by my side and never leave" if you think about it, although he uses a different vocabulary). Bonds are often symbolised by a knot. In this sense, the necktie comment would refer to the new bond Yuuri and Viktor will form henceforth.
It's unclear when Viktor learns Japanese love language and dating culture (you can read my post on Japanese dating culture in YOI here). In episode 9, Viktor correctly identifies Yuuri's (accidental) marriage proposal, but when did he brief himself on these things? In fact, he uses love language as early as episode 3 ("I love katsudon"), but was he aware of this? Whether or not he is, it's beyond doubt that the creators knew what they were doing when they gave him this line. In this light, his necktie comment suggests that he understood Yuuri's kokuhaku very well and gave a unique response that refers to their future bond and is true to his character. This is top-notch storytelling.
To sum this up, whether Viktor understood Yuuri at once and responded accordingly, or this line foreshadows that he will understand somewhere between episodes 5 and 6, his comment implies that they will start dating soon after. And we see the result in episode 6.
If you enjoy my meta posts, please consider giving my blog a follow or checking out my works on AO3(link in bio). You will find the results of my meta musings in there!
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nightgoodomens · 4 months
Ok so here are my thoughts about the other stuff that happened yesterday because there’s 60 asks in my inbox and it feels a little mean to not acknowledge them. But because there’s 60 and it would take me 3 months to answer, I’m just going to give you my thoughts after you gave me yours instead of answering each ask separately.
As usual - don’t click ‘keep reading’ if you don’t want PR and relationship talk. These are my personal takes, I’m not saying they’re correct.
GT and DT
What happened yesterday was probably the most blatant PR they could have went for and it was so obvious and over the top that instead of making me go “aww” it made me go “when is the new project?”
There is a lot of power in subtlety. It feels real, soft, loveable. That’s what real couples do. They don’t have the need to promote their relationship to gain something out of it. But starting with DT name dropping GT during interviews, then the day of BAFTAs starting with paid for articles about the wife of the host, about things that happened many years ago, just to have an excuse to write about her, and then screaming omg cameras let’s kiss right in front of them - it’s insincere. It’s a show. Things like that happen for a reason. It’s the most basic PR move.
My guesses are;
> GT wants to come back to acting or basically have some sort of project so DT used the moment to bring attention to her. Helped her start off again. Remember also The Way was released today, just one day after BAFTAs.
> Or perhaps it was basically DT thinking you know what, I want to share this special day with the wife and the husband - so he had the articles written about GT and did the kiss, and then did the sketch and met with MS in the audience - he knew articles will be written about this too.
It will be verified soon enough - if GT announces anything that will be the reason for all the promo lately. If not - my guess is the other reason.
It’s quite clever really because DT gave her general visibility and then he made a whole show with Michael in a room with some of the best directors, producers, actors, castings… Look at us and how fantastic we are together! (Give DT and MS jobs together! 😂)
Well, also, he didn’t need to choose a plus one between GT and MS, clever bastard 😂 He had both with him on such an important night for him.
We all joke about what happened yesterday and how inseparable MS and DT are but this really was DT ensuring the spotlight is on his wife and his husband that night and they’re a significant part of his night. They’re both really important to him in whatever way you choose to believe. This is the two people he wanted to share the night with.
Media knows. Have you noticed there were a few close ups of Michael and nobody else? Not even GT, and definitely not AL.
AL and MS
Uh oh are we ready for this conversation.
I watched the Red Carpet. I think there are two problems - MS has checked out a long time ago, and AL has no idea what to do with herself but she wants *fame* and to meet celebrities.
I saw MS on a red carpet with someone he actually adores. It was a striking difference. That was DT. That was MS who showed off his partner, laughed, chatted, giggled, made him feel at ease, made sure the attention was on the slightly overwhelmed and excited DT, steered him a little. His arm around him was strong. He was there for him completely.
There’s none of that with AL.
I think what makes the awkwardness even worse is that she wants to be a supermodel but she’s actually too self conscious for cameras. She doesn’t know how to pose, she’s stiff, she doesn’t know if to open her mouth or not - she doesn’t have the confidence to just smile and be herself because what she worries the most about is the final product. So every time it comes out like there’s nothing between the ears. Like a puppet.
There’s actually quite a simple comparison - DT and GT on the same day. As far as I’m aware GT finds red carpets stressful and usually avoids them - but what did DT do? He kept on talking and making her laugh so she’d relax and so they got a few good shots. But that’s people who clearly share sympathy and respect for each other.
Now the elephant in the room - AL not being in the sketch.
I’m waiting for some beautiful excuse so I won’t be surprised we will get it but my guesses are;
> The simplest one - BAFTAs said VIP only. GT probably only got the line because she’s the host’s wife and so AL had no chance just being a partner of MS.
> Cheekier one - It was David’s night and like I said before, he wanted his people in it. AL isn’t one of them. He knows she’s not really MS’s either. We know GT/AL wife thing is bullshit.
> Honestly, maybe even Michael said he doesn’t want her. This is the man who’s been showing left and right he is not happy so…
> Well, anyway, let’s say this - I think if they wanted her to be in it, she would had been in it.
I will admit - damn that was cold and I’m not surprised she’s slightly lashing out today.
But you know what, I’m happy. I’m happy that David has a video with Michael to celebrate his BAFTAs. That he didn’t need to “give in” at any point. This was his night, he slayed it, he has fantastic memories for the rest of his life.
And the reviews have been fantastic so I see a return for him in the future.
And freaking hell I hope there are tv shows and movies being written for MS/DT as we speak.
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dsireland86 · 7 months
There is Beauty in the Pain
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*** Warnings: Language, angst,
Summary: Noah and Sophie find each other in the most unprecedented circumstances. Whether it's the Universe, fate, destiny, or pure luck, they can't deny that their souls were simply meant to be
TAGS: @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @missduffsblog
If you want to be added to the tag list let me know :)
She was the beauty in the darkness surrounding me; the force pulling me into the light. Buried in the corner of the massive sea of people, her blue hoodie stood out in the blackness, and from every spot on the stage, I noticed her.The red lights danced as I did my best to tune out everything that unsettled me when it came to performing in front of large crowds like this, but when they were as alive and loud as they were tonight, I didn't have to try very hard. She was my biggest distraction, though. Each time I looked her way, she was focused on me, moving to the music and smiling; the embodiment of happiness, a happiness for some unknown reason, I longed to be a part of. My stomach flipped inside me when I spotted her sweet face, feeling the pull in my gut from the way her whole face seemed to beam from her smile.
Fuck. That smile was going to be the death of my heart.
No matter how hard I tried to push through what she was doing to me, the emotions I was experiencing flowed through my veins like a drug that gave me the perfect high. I was drawn to her like a magnet by reasons unknown, and the more I tried to rationalize those reasons, the stronger they became. But memories from my past crept in, quickly stealing my joy. I didn't want to involve myself with girls and relationships right now. A long time ago I did that and it ended up almost destroying me and worse, the band. So, I decided to keep my back to the crowd for a bit, moving across the stage to avoid looking out and seeing the only face I was interested in looking at, the one that was slowly eating away at my defenses. I drew my energy from the adrenaline and excitement of the crowd, using it as fuel to the fire the guys and I started over ten years ago; it was my life. 
Tonight was the last show of our eight-week tour, luckily ending in L.A.; home. I loved performing, I loved touring, but damn I was exhausted and I knew the guys were too. We were ready for a few months off before heading to Europe for another six-week tour, and I was so looking forward to the time off. I didn't enjoy Interacting with the audience as much as I should as a front man, but a little was important during the show. Most of the time I felt like I sucked at it, but if I did, the fans never acted like it. They always responded with so much enthusiasm that at times it was a little overwhelming.
As I blocked the glow of the lights with my hand, looking out and grinning at all the faces I noticed her again. She'd moved closer, now out of the corner, and for the first time, we made direct eye contact. I saw how the corners of her mouth turned up and made her whole face brighten. She let out a loud scream while throwing her hands up in the air, completely taken away by our music. I had no idea why seeing her so happy made me smile, but it did and I was so caught up in her that I lost my focus and forgot what line I was on in the song, causing myself to mess up the entire last verse. I started laughing as the fans continued singing the words I'd missed, guiding me back on track to finish out the rest of the song. Thankfully it was the last before the encore.
Once over, I jogged off the stage for our four minute break, before ending the show with the last remaining song that was a crowd pleaser. I was soaked with sweat and my throat was dry. As soon as water was in sight, I snatched a bottle and guzzled it completely without stopping for a breath, feeling much better after. I shook my head, flinging beads of sweat everywhere.
"Dude, gross," Nicholas groaned. I chuckled as he walked past me. "Use a towel," throwing one at my chest. It felt good to wipe the sweat off, feeling the cool air hit my hot skin.
"You okay?" he asked, finishing his own bottle of water. Once he was through, he took my trash and threw them in the nearest trash can.
"Yeah, I'm good."
"You sure? Fucking up lyrics isn't your thing.” 
I reassured him with a quick nod, wiping the back of my neck.
"I got distracted, that's all." I wasn't about to admit the truth to him.
"Well that's obvious. Over what?"
I shook my head, trying to get rid of the slight ringing in my left ear.
"Noah! What the hell," Jolly's voice boomed, coming over to me. "What happened? You missed the whole last line."
 "What happened?" Folio asked, coming into the conversation a few minutes too late. He cracked open a beer once his water was out. 
"You didn't hear him miss the entire last line?"
Folio shook his head. "Nope, I was in my own little world, man. Zoned out."
"Jolly, I'm sorry. I got distracted." He was starting to give me a complex.
Grinning, Jolly softly laughed, playfully punching me in the shoulder. "I'm just giving you a hard time. Relax."
I half smiled, running the towel over my hair before tossing it into the dirty towel bin.
"You keep saying you were distracted," Nicholas reminded me. "You gonna say over what?"
I huffed, adjusting my belt pack on the back of my pants. I wasn't about to tell them I fucked up lyrics because of a girl. They'd never let me live it down.
"So many people in the crowd, dude. It's a lot, that's all." 
Nick stared at me, his eyes narrowing. "Yeah, I'm not buying," shaking his head. "Spill it." He shifted his weight to the other leg, locking his hands together in front of his bass.
I started chuckling at how good he was at reading me.
"There's nothing to spill, Nick. I'm just tired and ready to finish this tour," I assured him, trying to hide the truth anyway. 
"Noah, don't lie. You have that weird look on your face again." 
"What look,” I laughed, raising my eyebrows. I glanced over at Folio and Jolly and they seemed to be waiting for my answer too. I scoffed. 
"That look, right there,” Nick pointed out, twirling his finger in circles toward me. 
I rolled my eyes and groaned.There was no escaping Nick and his relentless prying, When he wanted an answer to something, he wouldn't stop until he got it.
Sighing, I took a seat on a stool, thinking of how I would best explain what was going on with me without sounding like a stupid, lovesick teenager. There was no way I could convey the feeling that girl was giving me each time I looked at her in a way they'd understand. Hell, I wasn't sure I even understood it myself. All I knew was that the feeling I got just thinking about her and her pretty face, as if my heart had fallen into the pit of my stomach and flipped itself over and over, wouldn't go away.
My eyes darted between the three of them. Jolly had pulled his hair back, showing off his strong Swedish facial features, Folio was chugging the remainder of his beer and Nick, well Nick just stared at me. These three were my friends and I knew I could trust them to understand.
"Shit, okay, fuck it. But promise me you'll hear me out first before you say anything?" Each of them gave me their word, but I still felt like I was going to regret this.
"So, there's this girl in the crowd wearing a blue hoodie and she and I have been exchanging looks and smiles half the night. She's really pretty and there's just something about her that's got me hooked." I wouldn't look at them, worried they were about to start throwing punches.
"You said she's wearing a blue hoodie?" Nick finally asked, easing my fear.
"Yeah, blue hoodie, brown hair pulled up in a messy bun. She's close to the front right side of the barrier."
He thought for a minute but then grinned. "I know who you're talking about. She was watching me the whole time we played "Take Me First". She is really pretty. I got a smile out of her too."
"So this chick's got you so worked up and making you forget lyrics? Wow, that's the first time that’s happened in a long time." Jolly was right. It had been a long time since a girl held my interest like this. 
Shrugging my shoulders and standing to my feet, I fixed my belt pack once more, slipping one ear piece back in. It was almost time to go back on. "Look, I can't explain it guys. I'm not saying or implying anything. I just like looking at her and the pull she has on me is something I've never felt. Not even with Sarah."
The guys looked at me, Jolly giving me a sympathetic stare. I shook my head at him. "Don't man, it's okay; really. I'm good." I shot him a quick smile. Nick and Folio nodded, knowing that what happened all those years ago with a girl I thought I was going to marry still haunted me at times.
"I'm not saying I want to marry this girl, I'm just saying there's something about her that's got me a little flustered. I've been trying to give it up, but the feeling just won’t let go."
There was a sad sort of silence hanging around and It was starting to get depressing. "Okay, fuck this shit," slapping my hands together. "It's encore time. Let's get this shit over so we can go home and enjoy a few months off." Everyone agreed.
Folio came up to me, twirling his sticks between his fingers. "You said she was pretty, but is she hot? Because this whole thing is pointless if she isn't hot." 
His face was so serious I couldn't help but chuckle. I couldn't leave him hanging. "Yeah I think she is. She's beautiful." 
That was enough for him to back up, cheesing like a kid at Christmas. Folio had a thing for women who were easy on the eyes and a lot of the time they had a thing for him too. Bryan met us at the entrance to the stage, waiting to take as many last song pictures of us and the crowd he could.
"Fuck yeah baby, let's goooo! De-fucking-throne!" Folio unleashed his devil horns and crazy rock face to Bryan who snapped a few pictures, while releasing his wild ass cackle before taking off toward his drums. 
"I'm going to look for her again. Maybe I can wrangle another smile from her," Nick teased, giving me a quick pat on the back as he walked by. "Are you planning on fighting me for her attention, Ruffilo?" He smiled and shrugged 
Jolly came up from behind and stood beside me. "Ready?" he asked, looking out onto the stage. Looking over at him, I nodded with a grin. "Ready as I'll ever be," I answered. He turned to me and smiled. "Let's go meet God then my friend," and walked out to the stage to take his place with me right behind him.
It was a deep, eerie blue that soon turned into a bleeding bright red when I started the infamous chant that became a ritual at every show. The loud waves of shouts and screams pierced my ears, making me have to reposition my in-ear piece while continuing to ramp up the crowd. In between the darkness and the light, her face flashed between the colors. The expression she wore said she’d never seen this before, but she followed along, repeating the chant with me over and over. I walked to the edge of the stage, looking down at her, watching how the excitement spread across her face like fire and reached her eyes. It sent electrifying chills up my spine that only enticed the feelings I was having  for her. As Jolly and Folio began playing the entire middle floor of the venue turned into a raging, screaming mosh pit.  
She didn't look like a mosh pit kind of girl, so I was glad to see her safely at the front of the barrier, holding on to it as the crowds behind her pushed and shoved. I adjusted myself from the growing pressure beneath my pants that was giving away the inappropriate thoughts I was having about this girl and leaned back, releasing the frustration in a long, single growl. I pulled my strength from my diaphragm, breathing in and out the way I'd been trained taking pride in the fact that I'd managed to go the whole tour without losing my voice. 
Once the song was in full swing, I became engulfed by overwhelming energy and excitement. Without reasoning, I jumped down to the lower floor, belting out the words while touching and grabbing at all the outstretched hands of fans who were screaming and begging for my attention. Following Ash as he led me through, I smiled at them and did my best to touch every hand I could without being pulled in or tripping over my own feet. It was such insane energy that I didn't even notice where I had stopped until I looked up and was met with the smile and eyes that had been holding me captive all night.I paused, taking a second to focus on her face and enjoy the feeling I got from her that went straight from my heart to my dick, making it twitch, I grinned, huffing a slight laugh in between lyrics when her cheeks turned a slight shade of red. Without thinking, I reached over and slid the tips of my fingers across her soft cheek, absorbing the intensity from just the single touch of her skin. My heart pounded. I was so fucking turned on by her and I knew my face gave it away, but I didn't care; not right now. Especially when she pressed her cheek harder into my fingers. Moving the mic away from my mouth, thankful it was near the end of the song, the two of us just stood there staring at one another as if trying to commit to memory all the little things about each other’s faces that we could, That's when the idea of meeting with her crossed my mind and how easy it would be to bring her to the green room.
Ash tugged on my arm indicating I needed to get back on stage, but before I could go, she grabbed me by the wrist, making my head snap back and look at her. Her hand slipped into mine and we both squeezed the other's at the same time, smiling. She giggled, and I winked at her as we released our grips until our fingers were the only thing holding us together. The longer we held on to each other, the harder I felt the need for her grow. That strong magnetic pull in her eyes came back, encouraging me to bring her hand to my lips and kiss the tops of her knuckles. She gasped, hand flying up over her mouth. I suddenly felt like I had won the round with her. I shot off like a bullet, back on to the stage, and finished the song with a massive bang. That was it; the end of the tour.
I met the guys behind the stage, listening to the applause that continued to grow. We went.back out as the lights came on and the ending song played, waving good-bye, tossing things out into the crowd, and soaking up all the appreciation and love. Squatting down, I reached out to her stretching out as far as I could to grab her hand. Climbing the metal barricade, she did the same and when she took my hand it felt like time had just stopped. Our gaze on one another was fixed, neither one of us moving or saying a word. What was happening between us had never happened to me before and from the expression on her face, it was the same for her. She never made an attempt to move away or scream and freak out like the other girls were doing around her; she just held my hand and stared. Jolly nudged me, letting me know we had to go, and reluctantly let go of her hand. But I motioned for her to stay where she was, hoping she understood even though she shook her head. I nodded and kept my eyes on her, running off stage and grabbing a security guard and instructed him to bring her back to the green room.
A hard knot formed in the pit of my stomach, making me nauseous. I was pacing the floor, fidgeting, and trying not to wonder what was taking them so long.
"You need to relax, Noah."
I glared at Nicholas who was busy drawing on a napkin at the table in the corner.
The door flew open and my head jerked around, but I was disappointed when I saw it was only Matt.
"The was the fucking shit you guys! You were awesome,” he congratulated us. The others were appreciative and thrilled, but I just grumbled and went back to pacing nervously. Matt  looked from me, to the others, and then back to me. "What's wrong? What happened?" taking a can of Dr. Pepper from the fridge and cracking it open.
"Noah may or may not have done something a little stupid," Nicholas told him.
"Stupid as in that one time when Folio went skinny-dipping in twenty-five-degree weather in Colorado?" Matt teased, giving Folio a playful grin.
"Hey to be fair I was really drunk that night. I don't even remember the reason why I did that, now that I think about it."
"Because some girl told you she'd make out with you if you did. Of course she was lying." Jolly reasoned, throwing a grape in his mouth.
"Oh, shit yeah. Now I remember. She had a boyfriend didn't she?"
"Yeah she did, and that mother fucker was pissed at you when you climbed out of the pool, ass naked and shivering."
The room ignited in laughter that even I couldn't resist laughing as I recalled that night so long ago. That was during the van years when Sarah and I were still together; right before I asked her to marry me.
A knock came from the door and it slowly opened. The guard walked in, but he was alone and from the look on his face I knew the news he was about to give me wasn't what I wanted to hear. "I couldn't find her. I went to where you told me, searched for the blue hoodie, but had no luck. I even went on stage and looked down into the crowd. Sorry, Noah." I gave a small smile and thanked him. The guard left, closing the door behind him. Suddenly my hear felt like it had just dived off a cliff and splatter on the ground. Matt looked around the room, utterly confused. "Uh, what the hell did I just miss?" Groaning, I started searching for my hoodie, desperately  needing some air.
"There was this girl in the crowd that Noah kind of got attached to. He sent the security guard out to look for her and bring her back here, but I'm guessing she left already."
Matt's mouth fell open. "Really, Noah?"
I ignored him, wondering where in the hell my hoodie was.
"Well it's probably a good thing she couldn't be found. Probably would have ended horribly anyway. Either way, sorry man." I knew he meant for his apology to sound sincere, but it really didn't
"Where is my fucking hoodie!" I yelled, no longer able to control my frustration. I didn’t want to think about her anymore and was failing at my attempt to do so. I had an unnatural craving for her now, maybe because I knew I couldn’t have her. Grumbling again, I continued my search.
"Oh my bad, brother," Folio apologized, pulling my black sweatshirt out from underneath him and handing it to me. I took it, and threw it on, eager to get out of there and into the night air.
"Well, anyway, there is a small local bar not far from here that offered us its space for our small post tour celebration. The owner asked only for a small fee so everyone is heading that way." The guys all got up and started getting their stuff together, while I headed toward the door.
"Noah," Matt called. I turned and looked at him. "Don't do anything stupid." I didn't answer, only turned back around and walked out the door, heading towards the back entrance. "I'll text you the address of the bar," Matt yelled after me. “Remember, she’s probably not worth it!”
Matt's words lingered in the back of my mind as I walked away from the venue. My mind refused to let up on the grip it had on her. What would make her leave like she did? Did the things that went on between us not mean the same to her the way they meant to me? Matt was right; it all probably would have ended horribly, and maybe she wasn’t worth it. Or maybe he was wrong. Either way I wouldn't forget her face, her smile, the intense feelings my body felt each time I looked at her. I wouldn't forget how soft her skin felt, the excitement in her eyes when she looked at me, the way she made me hard just by her presence. Shoving my hands deep into the pockets of my hoodie, I hung my head feeling completely and utterly low. I made my way into the bright city lights, hoping to forget about the face that would haunt me for a long time.
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
As someone with a noncon fetish, I was repulsed by how Angel’s sexual abuse, assault, and trauma were handled in episode 4. It was heavily sexualized, yet we're supposed to believe that Vivziepop is handling all this in a “careful, serious” way, despite the blatantly obvious fact that she and Raphielle are sexualizing what Angel’s experiencing.
I don’t know if Vivziepop genuinely believes she’s exploring sexual trauma in a “respectful” way or if she’s too afraid of admitting she has a noncon fetish, but either way, she failed to explore this subject matter seriously. What makes this situation worse is that she didn’t warn her audience about the rape scenes at the beginning of the episode or before the series began, and unless you saw the leaks, you were completely blindsided by the sexual assault montage.
Some people, including SA victims, were triggered by the sexual abuse scenes of Angel, feeling extremely overwhelmed and distraught because of it. However, fans are only listening to the SA victims, who approve of the scenes because they despise criticism so much that they’ll invalidate or insult the SA victims’ trauma to defend Vivziepop.
All of this could’ve been prevented if Vivziepop properly warned her audience about the scenes of rape, abuse, and other dark subjects in her Hazbin Hotel. People still would’ve criticized her fetishization, but at least they would’ve known there was going to be triggering material in her show.
Exactly. If she'd had enough decency and empathy to say ahead of time, "Hey fandom, heads up, there's some potentially triggering stuff in episode four." Instead, she made sex jokes about it. Instead, she was responding to whether it had a trigger warning with "Um, I don't know, maybe, I guess..." and belittling survivors on Threads.
Of course, if she had any decency, she wouldn't have let the resident Angel Dust rape fetishist storyboard it and she definitely wouldn't have slipped multiple references to his fetish works into the episode.
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barb-l · 6 months
Isn't a writer question but was curious; How does wenclair different from other ships you've enjoyed?
Is it solely due to having been a lifelong Wednesday Addams fan, or is it specifically the Netflix's Addams world that you find intriguing?
I ask mainly because I recall you once saying that your wenclair comics--specifically the Next Gen Au I believe--are written and made with a lot of intention in regards to dialog and the discussions had between characters.
Is this due to a greater insight into the characters or simply a mark of growth in writing comprehension?
I like to think I put as much thought in all ships I've been hyperfixated on tbh. Wenclair isn't even the one I've been obsessed with the longest. So far it's actually Trimberly, for which and I was hyperfixated with for like 3 years.
But yeah ok I get ur point lol The intensity this time feels different, I suppose.
I think it's a mix of both being a long time Wednesday Addams fan and how cute of a ship Wenclair is both in concept and the canon execution of their dynamics.
As some of you are aware, I've been a fan of The Addams for a while now. All incarnations of them are great in their own way, but one of the many reasons why the animated 2019 movie is my favorite is because it didn't give Wednesday a bland ass male love interest. I don't think the B/W series did it(because Wed was like six in that) but the 90's movies, musical, and netflix series for some reason found it necessary to give Wednesday male love interests so painfully boring and i hate it. This isn't even about making Wednesday attracted to boys. I personally headcanon her bi, as the ol' stereotype that all grumpy/angsty female characters must be lesbian isn't my cup of tea, and also because I like to think all Addamses just don't give a shit about gender when it comes to romance. I woulda been fine with her getting a boyfriend so long as they're not boring af and goddddd canon incarnations still haven't delivered. Joel was sweet but he was too much of a wimp, not even Gomez is that pathetic. Lucas' thing with Wednesday was just portrayed in such an icky way in the musical that I couldn't finish watching by the time their sexually charged duet came on, and don't even get me started on the boys Netflix gave her. I expected better of Gough and Millar...(unless the blandness was on purpose like it was with Lana Lang--)
Anyways, because of all said canon love interests, I've been desperate for Wednesday to have a love interest that is both not painfully het or boring for once. Crossover shipping with Lydia Deetz from Beetlejuice the Musical was fun but was ultimately a very niche fandom. I could only draw and write for an audience of twenty or so people for so long. Parker from the animated movie would've been great, but the cop out with her mom dating Fester just made it too weird for me to be fully on board with the ship.
So when Enid Sinclair was introduced as a character I was absolutely ecstatic. On paper alone she already seemed great. She has a very distinct appearance (even if her "design" was inspired by Harlequin and it shows) that goes so well when she stands next to Wednesday, whether it's in the actual show, fan arts, or even in official merch. Her being Wednesday's complete opposite in so many ways makes her being paired with Wednesday so dang interesting too.
And I don't just mean aesthetic or personality wise. I'm talking about how one of Wednesday's struggle stems from having too much smothering love from her family as someone who gets overwhelmed too easily, and Enid's loneliness and insecurity coming from her own family's lack of love and attention where it matters most. Or how Wednesday's just girl who, deep inside worries about being an actual cruel monster like the very bigots she hates, while Enid is a supposed beast who resents herself for only being a scared little girl. Even the fact that Wednesday is an older sister to a soft-hearted younger brother while Enid is the youngest daughter to a bunch of rough-housing older brothers feels very on purpose.
Everything about Enid feels deliberate. Like she IS supposed to be paired with Wednesday, platonically or romantically. She's the best person to stand beside Wednesday as a character because they have enough differences and similarities to have interesting conflicts but also significant character growths sparked by each other. She's not bland or boring like the canon love interests because even without her attachment to Wednesday, Enid is still such a compelling character. The mere fact that she's as popular as she is despite an eight-episode series being her debut in a franchise that's been iconic to generations is already pretty amazing, and only a character as impressive deserves to smooch somebody as iconic as Wednesday Addams.
And their on screen chemistry is just *chef's kiss*
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anothercrypticnerd · 2 years
I’ve connected the dots
The Warrior Nun writers has the BIGGEST brain and big dick energy i’ve ever known in the history of TV Shows
In this essay i will
We know that 7.87 seconds on earth equals 107 minutes in the other realms
7.87 seconds = 6,420 seconds
1 second = 815.7 seconds
1 day = 815.7 days
Michael was in the other realm for 14 or 15 years
Let’s just go with the median and say 14.5 years
Now if we do the math, 14.5 years in the other realms is roughly 6.5 days on earth
Why is this important?
Numbers have a lot of symbolism and meanings in the bible, and some of the most significant numbers are 1, 3, 6, 7, and 12
God created Man on the 6th day, and rest/finished on the 7th day
7 is the number of God, which signifies perfection and completion.
That is why the number 6 is often refers to or related to man, humanity and it’s weakness, imperfection, and sin
Michael was sent back to earth on the 6th day after he went through the arc
With a plan on how to kill Adriel and packed with enough divinium to overwhelmed Adriel’s ability to heal (which can kill a warrior nun too btw)
And they kinda forgot to factor Lilith as a possible obstacle
Heck they don’t even think about possible obstacle, they don’t even have a plan B
What if it doesn’t work? They’ll both be dead and Adriel gets the Halo, What then?
The stakes are too high for them to fail, but they didn’t even think about backup plan
Because of Reya
Ava has been rejecting this plan from the beginning and has been trying to figure out another way to defeat Adriel
They even had a reasonable plan to immobilize Adriel and lock him away again, for good this time, but No, Reya “showed” her that this is the only way
And so they went through with the plan, which fails almost immediately (maybe if they can place the crown then they’ll succeed, idk), and failed again later
If Michael and Reya are number 6, the number of Man, the imperfection, then Beatrice is number 7, the number of God, Perfection, Completion
The symbolism is there
Mankind falls into temptation and sin, thus breaking their relationship with God, banished from the garden of Eden (to die)
Ava left Beatrice and the other Sisters, falls into Adriel’s trap, almost led humanity to it’s doom
Then only after Ava reunited with Beatrice, a servant of God, she’s finally able to kill Adriel, saved the world, completed the mission
Also, it’s been hinted multiple times that Ava alluded to Jesus, so it’s reasonable to expect that she’ll be back in 3 days
Now here’s the interesting part for Avatrice
Remember the math from the beginning?
3 days = 6.7 years
Ava is 19 at the start of season 1 when she died, and probably only a few months has passed since then, so she’s most likely still be 19
That means she’ll be 25 or 26 when she came back
The minimum age of being a nun is 18, with a postulancy time of at least 2 years max before one can take a novitiate that last for 1 or 2 years.
After completing the novitiate, one may take a temporary vows that last for a minimum of 3 and maximum of 6 years, and only after that, one can request to take a permanent vows or renew the temporary vows
Beatrice graduated from a boarding school in Switzerland, which means she graduated at 18 at the very least, and if she joins the OCS immediately after graduating at 18, she will be 22 when she finished her novitiate and take her temporary vows
Beatrice leaving the order implied that she hasn’t taken the permanent vow, and with her tasked to train the new recruits implied that she’s been in the convent for a few years to be able to reach that level of seniority
So, assuming she hasn’t renew the temporary vows, and it lasted for a minimum of 3 years, then Beatrice is around 25 or 26 of age
They will be the same age when Ava returns y’all
All of the above things i mentioned is very big brain of them because :
1. Beating the blasphemy allegations, if this show gains the attention of a broader audience, there’s a chance that some religious Karens demand to cancel the show for blasphemy or something
2. Beating the age gap allegations, homophobes will find something to hate, nothing new here, now they can’t complain if they pork in season 3
3. Beating the Beatrice breaks the vow and betrays God allegations, like, No, she didn’t, she just doesn’t renew the vow
And it’s very big dick of them to not only making Avatrice canon, but to also make a storyline about how the very foundation of the most powerful religious institution in the world is built on a lie, like bruh
Now we need season 3 to happen for real, because there’s still a lot of things to unravel
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fangirlxwritesx67 · 5 months
Just Like A Kiss
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a follow up story to Texas Peach 1700 words, Jensen Ackles x Jared Padalecki Author's note at the end
Jared flinched.
At the last moment, before their lips met, he flinched and turned away.
Jensen knew he would, of course. Because you don't kiss your best friend and costar in front of a crowd of adoring fangirls. Because the joke was too close to the truth. 
In real life, it had all played out in a minute, but in Jensen's memory, the moments lingered, time slowing and stretching around the two of them.
"...same with a kiss," Jensen had answered an audience question, adding a little smirk as he pointed. Convention crowds ate up that swagger. 
"Prove it." Jared hadn't seemed to be paying attention, fidgeting with his fingers to demonstrate a taco crumbling. But he was completely focused, suddenly, as he turned to Jensen, their gazes locked together. Mischief glinted in Jared's eyes, sparkling in their green-gold-grey depths. His pupils were wide with a familiar look of adoration and desire.
Jared's heart must've been beating out of his chest because Jensen could feel his pulse quiver in the air between them, or maybe that was his own blood pounding through his veins. 
Emotion hit, flooding down a well-worn path in his mind. The longing for Jared was almost overwhelming, the pull to hold him, to have more than he had ever dared in public. All these years, and the feeling hadn't weakened, no less compelling for being familiar.
His eyes flicked down to Jared's mouth, pouted out in an exaggerated pucker. He wet his own lips, quick and shallow, thinking about Jared's tongue meeting his own, about all the places that mouth had been. Their bodies drew together, each of them leaning to the right, arms already lifting for an easy embrace. Jared's body he knew almost as well as his own, moving in sync without speaking.  
As the gap closed between them, their hands brushed against each other and Jensen felt the touch like a spark.Anger flared in his chest and his jaw clenched. Why couldn't he have what he wanted, have Jared and kiss him, whenever and wherever, not caring who saw or knew? 
Their eyes met again, and that's when Jared flinched. 
The noise of the crowd, clapping and cheering, rushed back in as Jared gave a sassy hair flip and turned, away from Jensen, back to the people watching. 
It should be me. I should be the one by your side, I should be the one that people see with you. You should be mine.
Jensen knew he couldn't reveal what he was feeling. He felt exposed, suddenly keenly aware of the gaze of so many eyes fixed on him, and cast around for a distraction. A wide easy smile and the fans moved right along from the missed kiss. 
Jensen hadn't realized he was holding his breath, and sucked in air as he settled back in his chair. He kept the smile pasted on his face as he adjusted his seating. From the corner of his eye, even as he played to the audience, he noticed Jared pass a hand over his face, a subtle gesture giving him time to gather himself. The way he shifted in his chair, leaning back and tangling his legs, was a sure sign to Jensen that he was retreating. 
Both of them knew the moment had left them vulnerable, their secret feelings just a little too easy to glimpse. 
I wish I could show the world how much I care for you. Jensen sighed. 
Instead they turned, shoulder to shoulder in wordless agreement, and they slipped back into the protection afforded by their public roles. The Handsome and Sunshine Show, Jensen had seen the tag on social media. It was a performance just as sure as any TV episode, but they had practice at it. The two of them were a good pair, he thought, as he let himself be carried along by the comforting rhythm of their stage interactions.
Jensen couldn't stop himself from returning to that moment in his mind, even as he and Jared completed their day of work at the convention. They had done this many times before, signed the autographs, walked through the photo ops, and the work came easily. He was able to focus on the people in front of him and almost – almost — forgot that Jared owed him a kiss. 
Afterwards, they went out to dinner with a few of the cast, Rob and Ruth, Rich, Alex, and others. They were old friends, and they knew the truth of Jensen and Jared's relationship. In this company, they could relax a little more. 
Still, even a private room at a restaurant could instantly turn public if they were spotted by a fan. The two of them kept their touches under the table, Jared running teasing long fingers up the inseam of Jensen's jeans until Jensen stopped him with a firm hand on his upper thigh. They laced their fingers together under the open placket of Jared's plaid shirt as they enjoyed their food and drinks.
More than once, Jensen found himself looking longingly at Jared's mouth as he laughed and talked, always the life of the party. Jared's heavy eyelids when he caught him staring left no doubt that he, too, was looking forward to the moment they would be alone together.
The close, cautious affection carried them through their goodbyes and into the elevator. There were no kisses behind closed doors, not when they could open on a new floor at any moment and anyone could see them. But Jensen couldn't stand to have any more distance between him and his boy. With a possessive hand on the back of his neck, he pulled Jared in close, ready to whisper in his ear. With Jared's hair tickling his cheek, he couldn't find any words to say, just held him like that as they breathed together.
When they reached their floor, Jensen shifted to an arm around Jared's shoulders as they exited the elevator. The two of them walked in silence, their steps in sync, to their shared suite.
Once inside, Jensen busied himself with the latch, the lock, the deadbolt, before turning to face Jared. 
He was waiting, a teasing grin on his face that turned to pouty lips, a blown kiss. 
"I'm gonna need you to finish what you started." Jensen heard the rough edge of desire undercut the direction in his own voice.  
Jared's eyes widened, flashed, and he leaned down eagerly. Their lips met, dry and gentle, for a long kiss. Every bit of it was familiar, Jared's head tilt, his little sigh, the pressure of their mouths, their bodies together. 
The second kiss was deeper, Jensen nudging at Jared's lips with his tongue, Jared parting them easily, welcoming him eagerly in. Jensen wrapped his arms tighter around Jared, one around his shoulders, the other around his waist, pulling him closer.
The second kiss turned into the third kiss without them ever breaking apart, and then shattered into countless more kisses. Jensen's lower hand slipped into Jared's plaid shirt, up under his t-shirt, until he could palm skin. His touch slid across the cut of his hip bone, fingers seeking that dip in the hollow of Jared's back, right above the curve of his peachy ass. 
"So hot," he murmured against Jared's lips, and he must've heard him, because he pulled back just enough that their eyes could meet. Jensen's hand had been resting on the back of Jared's neck and he moved with a caress to cup his cheek, thumb tracing the soft short hair along his jawline, up and over to the dimples visible through his beard. 
The two of them paused for a beat like that, forehead to forehead, arms wrapped around one another, chests rising and falling together. Jensen never got tired of being this close to his lover, looking up to see every sparkling color in his eyes, feeling every breath across his lips. The moment stretched, swelled, to include everything he had wanted in that second on stage earlier in this day, holding his world in his arms.
"Jared," the beloved name fell from his lips, ripe and heavy with desire. 
"Please," was all Jared said, but his wide lust-blown eyes, his flushed cheeks, his parted lips spoke volumes, the truth writ large across his handsome face. Jensen had seen glimpses, all day, but this was the first time they were alone for Jared to bare his response, the two of them stripping down to the truth between them. 
They had already had reunion sex the night before, clothes hastily thrown off in their eagerness to come together. They had slow sleepy bedtime sex, naked under the sheets before falling asleep in one another’s arms. And they had a moment in the shower this morning, no less good for being rushed.
This was something different. This was the connection that had sparked on stage, that had pulled thin, finally coming back together. Everything they couldn't show the public was laid bare. 
This time, they were stripping down to their very souls. The burden of keeping up appearances, of their public stories, fell to the wayside in the face of their truth. The long days apart, the lonely nights, melted away under their touches. 
With every touch, Jensen asked, Do you still want me just as much?
To every question, Jared answered, Yes.
The fragile bubble of their shared desire encompassed their entire world, no space for anything but the two of them. Much like the moment earlier, on stage, time became meaningless, measured in heartbeats rather than minutes. Only this time, instead of pulling away, Jared came to Jensen, unflinching in his intention, every kiss a promise fulfilled. 
Their caresses were weighted with the knowledge that life would pull them apart again soon, but for now, they could not hear the clock ticking down. For now, they only existed in this room, in this bed, together. Jensen heard only Jared's panting moans, his whispered words of love and need. 
Blood rushed in his ears and with every beat, his heart said, mine, mine, mine.
Jared answered back yours, yours, yours with every kiss. 
*** Author's Note: First off a huge thanks to @there-must-be-a-lock who jumped in to pre-read for me! Thanks for keeping friendship and fandom alive between us. I know it's been a while since I've written. I still have ideas that are waiting for stories. Thanks for reading, both in the past and now.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
It’s not a Protestant work ethic
That other post is hella long, so I’ll make this a new one.
The reason some barriers to entry—but not insurmountable ones—are desirable is because they make people behave better.
Basically, when a space is completely open, whether in a literal technical sense or in a cultural sense, it means that it’s likely to be overwhelmed with new people who don’t understand the local ways at any moment. Youtube comments are not only full of assholes having wrong political opinions but also people who just fundamentally don’t understand the video they’re looking at. I’ll get people going “I don’t remember this clip from the show” about a fanvid.
Human communities do not thrive in a fishbowl.
Tumblr fandom is all out in public, pretty much, since the site doesn’t really have privacy controls. Yet using Tumblr is such a labyrinthine process of figuring out the social landscape that it chases off the less dedicated. As a consequence, Tumblr feels very different from other sites, and people who like this particular culture tend to stay here.
Even though we’re in public, we feel a certain sense of intimacy, like we have some idea what sorts of people are listening. It’s closer to hanging out with your classmates or people from a club than to standing on a stage.
When you make a space too easy to get into, it turns into an “educate the newbies” space 24/7 with no room left for people who want to do something else. Poorly-thought-out “maximum inclusiveness” ends up excluding a lot of people, and they’re often the people who form the backbone of a community. Such an easily-accessed space also often turns into a place for drive-by rudeness from people who don’t actually care about the topic at hand.
Complete openness is very bad, actually.
This is not saying “You should have to work harder because work is moral”. This is saying “You don’t have default access to me.”
If you want to join my community or be my friend, it takes at least a little work because that is how social things and reality function.
AO3 is somewhat opaque if you don’t know the kind of fandom it was built by. That wasn’t intentional. To us/them it looked like the default and obvious way to do things. But to make it far more “accessible” would be to tell its core audience it’s for clueless outsiders and not for them.
The problem with algorithms, aside from the fact that they’re currently used for corporate evil, is that they replace the social connections that normally allow one access to a subculture. Trying to automate social ties and offload them to technology does not work.
An algorithmically-driven experience of fandom is one where there are Content Creators and Audience.
AO3, oldschool fic fandom, and any subculture I would want to spend time in are places where many peers share with many peers.
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finelinevogue · 1 year
I feel his first solo stadium show in Glasgow would be so perfect to include !! When he couldn’t believe the audience and the fact that he was in a stadium was sooo special like when he walked out … and the ‘This is my first stadium, I really like it’ bit :(
So excited to see what you do with this story 🫶
MY FIRST LOT:DOC ASK YAY!!! thank you 💖
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The screen was black with nothing but the sounds of thousands of fans singing Bohemian Rhapsody. Then ‘Glasgow, 2022’ came up on the screen.
The screen then cut to a group of fans standing behind a metal barricade at the front row of the kitchen pod.
“It’s Glasgow baby!” The fans screamed, waving their hands and one even shook their rainbow flag they hoped Harry would collect later.
“Love on tour night one!”
The screen then cut to inside the dressing rooms, Harry putting down his phone to talk to you.
“Hey baby.” Harry smiled at you through the dressing room mirror. You were in the background doing some pre-show chores, until you heard the chanting in the distance and had to stop what you were doing to take a moment with him.
“Y’hear them, H? They’re all for you.” You told him, referring to all of the people you could hear screaming outside.
Harry: She said; ‘This is your moment, H. It’s yours.’
Harry: She said; ‘This is your moment, H. It’s yours.’
The next few clips of footage were from backstage.
The next few clips of footage were from backstage.
“Hi.” Harry smiled and waved when he caught sight of the camera. Normally he would frown and shy away from the cameras, but because he knew this was for his documentary.
The camera followed Harry as he walked from the changing room to the kitchen, where Sarah was. Harry held the door open for the cameraman, but didn’t acknowledge he was there so it was candid content.
“Hello ladies!” Harry greeted the women in the room, who were creating dinner for everyone.
“Hello Harry.” “Hi darling.” The ladies responded.
“Have you seen my Y/N?” He asked, unclipping the little clip on the top of his head to readjust it and pin back some fallen hair.
“Went to check on the cameras for tonight, I think they said.”
Harry: Y/N has a habit of telling me she’s in one place and then ending up in a completely different place. It’s a running joke now, actually.
Y/N: It’s not on purpose. He just doesn’t quite understand how skippy I am!
“This way?” Harry pointed up some stairs where he could see a door up top.
He continued to walk up the stairs, skipping the top few by taking two at a time.
“Baby, c’mon.” He waited for you, holding out a hand for you to grab before he opened the door to the special viewing box.
Harry and you were filmed walking to the front of the viewing box, the wrap around glass windows allowing you to see across the whole stadium. Harry cupped one hand over his mouth to feign his shock, whilst the other was still tightly enclosed against yours.
The camera zoomed in on your interlocked hands, capturing the moment where Harry squeezed yours an extra bit. The fans would later go crazy for those 2 seconds of footage.
Jeff: You could see in that moment, he was thinking: ‘I’ve made it.’ My eyes were tearing up, actually.
Mitch: It was a big moment for him in his touring career and I could tell that he was glad to have Y/N there with him, y’know?
Y/N: Oh. How did I feel in that moment? God, um. Overwhelmed!
Harry: I mean, seeing the thousands of people there for you. Like, each one had bought a ticket because they enjoy my company or enjoy my music. It’s actually impossible to wrap my head around even now.
Y/N: I think when Sushi began to play, that’s when it all became real.
The documentary then went to a black screen and noted: 10 minutes later.
Sushi started to play in the background, little bursts of images and videos flickered on and off the screen. It showed tiny clips of the crowds screaming, another one panning across the stage over the band and a final one of Harry pacing back and forth backstage.
Then the part of Sushi where Harry runs on stage started and the crowd went absolutely mental.
“GREEN EYES, FRIED RICE, I COULD COOK AN EGG ON YOU.” The crowd bellowed, Harry smiling and laughing to himself mid-song as he took in what it sounded like for a stadium to sing your songs back to you.
Harry: That first line of Sushi i’ll never forget, yeah.
Pauli: Getting to be a party of that, yeah it was pretty cool. Harry’s to thank for that.
Anne: I remember Y/N face-timing me during Sushi and I couldn’t even hear H. The crowd was so loud that my phone was only picking up their singing.
Gemma: Yeah, mum and I were both crying from home!
Jeff: And H said…
“This is my first stadium show and I really like it.”
Y/N: That was the moment I knew.
Mitch: I think everyone kind of knew from that point on.
Harry: I was home.
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