#anyways i hope you enjoyed :D
that-angry-noldo · 2 years
The Wind in the Leaves
[There once was a bird, Treebeard remembers.]
Now, it wasn't some... ordinary bird. It hadn't have wings nor feathers. It had long legs and long hands, and a patch of long golden fur on it's head. But it would sing, and it didn't hurt his trees, and it would listen to the whisper of the winds in the oak's leaves and to worms minding their business in the soil, so Treebeard didn't mind it.
Treebeard learned later that the bird wasn't alone, and it's species were called Eldar, and that other Ents already encountered them; but Treebeard paid it no mind, for Eldar rarely wandered in his forests, and rarely hurt his trees, and sang merry songs, and laughed, and their laughter was the one of the spring streams, of the shiny stars, of the worryless birds.
And these birds loved his forest, and they loved his trees, and they would wander off to the most surprising parts of his lands, and then they would get lost, and then they would find their way back - always tracking their steps, always consulting the stars, yet never listening to the forest itself.
It's almost like they were deaf.
It's almost like that practicular bird knew it was deaf.
Yes, that's how the story goes.
There once was a bird, Treebeard remembers. Golden hair crowned with the silver circlet, eyes looking around with questioning curiosity, head tilted on it's shoulder, like it was listening.
Like it could actually hear.
There once was a bird, Treebeard remembers. He also remembers that he loved that bird.
The bird would come and sit, listening to the whispers of wind, to the mumbling of worms, to the murmur of leaves; it would close it's eyes, and at one point, Treebeard wasn't that sure it couldn't actually understand.
He never reached out to the bird, always eyeing it from the distance, wondering in silence.
Sometimes, the bird would feel his gaze and startle, but it was young and inexperienced, and it could never find him. Sometimes, Treebeard almost wished the bird found him, seen him, heard him.
But then, the bird disappeared.
It was a dark time, time of smoke, screams and fire, time of orcs and axes, time of blood and anger. Many trees died. Many birds burned.
Treebeard never left his forest, healing what could be helped, growing what could be planted, mourning what was lost forever. He never forgot about the bird.
(Sometimes, he felt the urgent need to find it, to make sure it's okay, because the bird was his, and he had to protect it.
But the bird was gone.
Sometimes, Treebeard would forget it wasn't a bird at all.)
And one day, the bird showed up, and Treebeard wanted to reach to it, to hold it close, and so did the forest, and trees whispered in concern, and birds stopped chirping for a moment.
The bird changed.
It was thin and weary, and it's hands laid weakly on it's chest, and it's gaze was tired, and Treebeard could feel the smoke and the fire, and he almost moved, almost reached-
"There you are, Findarato."
Treebeard never heard the bird speak before.
The other bird was harsh and tall, and had silver hair, waved into a single braid. It smelled of horse sweat and hound howls.
Treebeard remained still. This Elda wasn't a bird. It will never be.
"You know, me and Curvo were getting really worried about you. You shouldn't disappear this sudden."
"Oh. I-"
'I guess I don't care,' the leaves sing, hopping onto bird's thoughts. 'I guess you were worried for wrong reasons,' branches suggest, reaching to the bird.
"- I guess I just wanted to get some break, you know? I also- I think I told Edrahil and Orodreth were I was going, didn't I?"
The silver-haired snorted. "Yeah, you did. Edrahil said 'tree stuff' and refused to elaborate. Care to explain, Ingo?"
"I- uh-"
"Not really," the trees suggest, and the trees never lie. The bird groaned, shook its head.
"I- you know how you talk to anilmals, Tyelko?"
"Doesn't explain tree stuff, cousin."
"I just. I used to come here before the- before the- Bragollach and. Stuff," the bird exhaled, closing it's eyes. "Kind of. Listening to trees. Resting."
"Listening to what, cousin?"
"Please, Tyelko, I'm tired. I just wanted some time alone."
"Are you saying your people struggle with their everyday life and you, their king, just wandered elsewhere from your direct obligations? Listening to- for Morgoth's sake, Finrod, trees can't talk! "
"Rude," whispered the old birch, and Treebeard couldn't agree more.
"It's not like they won't survive a day without me," the bird said uncertainly. "Please, Tyelko. I'm just... really, really tired."
The silence fell between them. Silver-haired eyed the bird cautiously, and then sat beside it.
"You can always come to me and Curvo, you know."
"I- yes. I know. I just... I hadn't visited this place in eight years already. I... I can take you with me next time? Maybe?"
"Hell no," hissed the green ivy, and the Ent closed his eyes in the agreement.
More silence.
"What- What do the trees talk about?"
"Oh!" the bird perked up and smiled. "They say-"
"Tell him he's a dwarf."
"- they talk about the weather, and about the winds, and also gossip about the birds nesting in their branches - it's pretty interesting, actually, bird drama is the best drama - and... honestly, sometimes they describe the winter and the snow in the way that makes me want to lay down and hibernate for a solid tree month - and oh! They also talk about squirells hiding their food and not managing to find it later, it's hilarious, and-"
The bird can understand, Treebeard thinks, and he can't help but feel a bit proud.
The silver-haired thinks, and then snorts.
"Very funny, cousin, but trees don't talk."
"They do!"
"Whatever helps you to sleep at night, Findarato. Stop behaving like a goddamn child."
"I- just leave, Tyelkormo. Please."
The bird didn't come the day after.
Or the week after, the month after, the year after.
It's nest remained empty. It fell to time pretty quickly, gave in to merciless rains and winds and snows.
And when he saw his kin again, they talked and they talked and they talked; and he heard of the nightingale princess and the one-handed man; and he heard the tale of Finrod and Sauron, and he stood still, and the forest mourned with him.
There once was a bird, Treebeard remembers.
He shooks his head and continues walking.
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themisterhip · 1 year
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I get brat vibes from 1998 Vash  (≧∇≦)/
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spearxwind · 3 months
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Here's another concept for Broken Horizon - a dragon pilot saddle! Ft. Alex as the model (and Riptide as the pilot, even if you can't see his face)
Modern saddles were jointly developed by dragons and humans post-war to make dragon riding safer and flying more precise, as regular reins and voice commands quickly became obsolete.
In these saddles the control sticks on the pilot's seat transmit inputs to the steering modules, which are then interpreted into nerve impulses for the dragon to follow. However they are not hard commands, and the dragon can still choose to ignore the impulses for any reason. This means that the dragon and the pilot must have an incredibly strong trust bond for the best performance.
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sneez · 5 months
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my lord of autism
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sirazaroff · 9 months
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@evilrwbyfan breakfast is on the house today
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c-hrona · 10 months
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Or tfw you touch grass for the first time in your life, and it makes you so sappy that you can't help it but pray for a brigther future.
If, in said future, there's also your best friend, well, who are you to not hope a little more?
Little comic without any kind of expectations and is showing I did to try the 8 page zine layout and it does work!!! I will do more of these because it was fun as heck and really made me happy to do it!
If you want to print it and have a physical copy, you can find the file on my Ko-fi for free!
Here some photos of my own little prints, tried both the A3 and A4 format and they are so cute! **
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adrift-in-thyme · 3 months
Happy belated birthday @luna-lovegreat !!! Here’s the Sky fluff I promised!
So sorry this took me awhile to finish!
“Just how strong is the bond between a loftwing and a Skyloftian?”
Sky has been asked that question quite often since plummeting to the surface. Even more so after he ventured from his timeline. He never truly knows how to reply. How can he explain their relationship? How can he put into words the utter exhilaration of soaring atop your loftwing?
From what he has observed, people usually place platonic love — and especially the platonic love between human and beast — somewhere beneath both romantic and familial, as though it is an inferior thing. As though it can never reach the same heights and depths as the others. The same precious worth. But Sky knows differently.
The love a loftwing and their rider share is like nothing else. As priceless and unbreakable as a diamond.
So, when, finally, a portal spits the heroes out in his era, Sky is overjoyed.
He can see Sun for the first time in forever, wrap her in his loving arms, hold her close and breathe her in, and whisper everything he’s wanted to tell her all these long months. He can see his friends, his family, the place that will always be his home, no matter how far he travels or what monsters he battles.
And —
He separates from Sun, runs to Lofty as the bird lands in a rush of wind and feathers. A grin splits his face and it feels good to smile after everything, so, so good…
— and he can reunite with his loftwing.
“Wow!” Wind gasps, mouth agape. “So, that’s a loftwing?”
“Close that mouth of yours before you swallow a bug,” Twilight teases, setting a hand on the sailor’s shoulder. His lips quirk up in a smile. “He’s beautiful, Sky.”
Lofty preens beneath the praise, ruffling his feathers and throwing back his head. Sun chuckles, and Sky sends her a grin.
“He is, isn’t he?” He sighs, leaning his forehead against Lofty’s beak. The next words leave his lips in a whisper meant only for the glorious animal before him…though if the beautiful woman standing close beside him hears he won’t mind. “I missed you so much, Lofty.”
A low trill emanates from the bird.
“He has missed you too,” Sun murmurs. “I’ve taken him out for a few flights to keep his wings limber. But you know he truly flies for no one except you.” She cocks her head, a grin on her lips. “You should take him out for a flight.”
He turns to her, a question in his eyes. It’s been so long, after all. He feels as though he hardly has enough time to catch up with them both. Much less Gaepora and Groose and everyone else….
“Are you sure, Zel?”
Sun nods and the breeze lifts her golden locks. “Go on, sleepyhead. We’ll have all the time in the world to spend together once you get back.”
Sky breathes in deep.
That’s right. They have time now. For the first time in a while, they have time.
He raises his eyes to Lofty’s, excitement alighting in his chest.
“You wanna go for a flight, Lofty?”
Feathers fly as the bird straightens, shaking himself out. His proud cry reverberates around the space.
Sky leans over, presses a kiss to Sun’s lips. And then, surrounded by the echoes of oohs and awws and ews that sound from his brothers, he climbs atop the loftwing’s back and is off.
The sky is a brilliant blue today. And while it’s always a brilliant blue in Skyloft – has been since he was born – Sky can still appreciate its splendor.
Even the brightest, most joyful heavenly display in another Hyrule cannot measure up to the plush clouds and soaring ceruleans of his home. And as Lofty climbs higher and higher, he feels a wide grin stretch his lips.
It is wonderful to be home.
He had known that he missed it – this little island full of vibrancy and life. The longing had eaten at him during the long nights and dogged at his steps through their arduous journey. But he supposes he had suppressed it to an extent — denied it even — if only to keep going. If only to keep from crumbling beneath the fear that always captures him when he sets foot on firm, grounded earth.
The fear that he will never again take to the skies.
But now as Lofty turns his grand body in a barrel roll and his sailcloth lifts and the wind sings in his ears and fills his nostrils with exhilarating freshness, those dark feelings are miles away.
Lofty pauses abruptly at the tail end of the trick. Then, he dives, plunging downward so suddenly that Sky’s stomach plummets along with him. His grin grows wider even as the brisk air steals any moisture from his mouth. He’ll be choking later, more than likely. But he is used to it by now.
A dry throat is a small price to pay.
Lofty shoots up, goes down again. Another pointed spin takes out a drifting octo. Sky’s echoing whoop turns to almost giddy laughter.
“Having fun, sleepyhead?” Someone calls from his right. Sky looks up just in time to catch sight of Sun streaking towards him. Her loftwing flips upside down as they soar over his head. Her delicate fingers reach for his and for a split second, the world seems to slow.
“Sorry,” she says as their fingers brush in the ghost of a caress, “I couldn’t resist joining you.”
Lofty lets out an eager call of welcome and Sky smiles.
“I’m glad you did, Zelda.”
She smiles and the world seems to grow a little brighter.
It always does when she’s around…
“How about a race, then?” She inclines her head toward the minuscule forms standing on the edge of Skyloft. “They’ve already cast bets.”
Sky chuckles. “All in favor of you, I’m sure.”
She doesn’t reply. But her smile grows just a touch larger, a hint of mischief in it.
Sky shakes his head.
He’ll admit it hurts a little to be betrayed by his brothers in such a way. They’re right though.
The only person who could ever beat him in a fair race was Sun.
“Alright.” His grin is more fierce now, teeth bared in playful determination. “You’re on!”
Yes, he thinks as they streak toward the designated finish line, the tips of their loftwings’ wings just touching, the bond between a loftwing and their partner is strong. As strong as the love he feels for Zelda. As strong as the love he feels for his brothers.
His family.
And maybe in it’s own way…even stronger.
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seyaryminamoto · 2 months
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Fic-to-Art #39: Gladiator's ELEVENTH Anniversary! (+ BONUS: Fic-to-Art #36...)
And here we are! March 26th arrived and I did not forget about it, but I paid for my ambitious madness with my wrist and forearm. Somehow, I finished my intended pieces on time, but I do not advise that you ever try to make 9 artworks in 3 days. No, sir. Bad life decisions, that's what that was... but this fic, as anyone knows, moves me to do things I never thought possible, starting with writing the fic itself!
It's really crazy every time it hits me that I've been doing this for as long as I have. It's been a complicated, chaotic journey, with its many ups and downs, but ultimately, it has been our journey. For some people, this is just one more fic in the pile: for me, it's been the best adventure of my life so far. Everyone who has ever been touched by Gladiator, who has ever cherished this story, who's looking forward to the big conclusion, who wants to see how the chaotic war is going to end... you're all part of this crazy adventure along with me, and I can only thank you for joining me.
This year, I had no time to make as big a project as I usually go for. Thus, I did a sort of free-for-all edition of Fic-to-Art over at Patreon and challenged myself to draw as many scenes as I could, out of their suggestions. I even sprinkled in a few scenes I impulsively wanted to draw because I loved writing them or because I look forward to writing them... and this is the result!
In order, the scenes are as follow:
Sokka combing Azula's hair, a common occurrence throughout the story.
Azula watching over a convalescing Sokka in the Chase of Jeong Jeong arc.
The outcome of Sokka's final battle in the Superior Gladiator League, namely a moment where Sokka and Azula more or less gave away their relationship's true nature to the public by raising their hands towards each other...
And now, spoiler territory! Some were by my choice, some by Patreon requests:
An important moment shortly after Sokka and Azula reunite.
Azula confronting her father, with a LOT of backup.
Xin Long's long-awaited freedom.
The aftermath of the final battle.
The full-blown confirmation of their relationship to the general Fire Nation populace.
Sokka, Azula and Hotaru's first night together
And the big final one is ACTUALLY Fic-to-Art #36 but hahaha woops I didn't post it here on time because it was super hard to finish since I had a LOT of things going on... but here it is now! :'D it's a glimpse VERY far into the future of this fic's timeline!
Alright, that should be enough talking and explaining. Some things are vague, some things aren't, but ultimately I really hope you guys will be looking forward to the scenes you haven't seen yet, and to Gladiator's eventual outcome.
So now... with all this being said and done, I'm gonna go take a trip down memory lane and watch my Tenth Anniversary video once more! Feel free to do the same thing if you'd like to commemorate the fic, I think it's a good way to experience Gladiator all over again, hahaha.
Thank you if you read all this, and if you read all THAT: 5 million word landmark, here we come! Thanks for hanging out with me across ELEVEN years of Gladiator!
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eatyourmaker · 2 months
I hear "Ignacio fire elemental" and my ears IMMEDIATELY perk up -- would you uh. Mind talking about that? :3
Also the idea of the cultists' vices overtaking them to the point it begins to physically change them is REALLY fuckin cool I just want to say that
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Phase 1: Normal Ignacio. Grumpy old man.
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Phase 2: his hair flares up a bit. You might hear a faint crackling noise reminiscent of fire
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Phase 3: his hair is visibly fiery. It emits heat, and if he doesn't like you you will get burned. And he doesn't like most people so uh— stay back
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Phase 4: His hair is now a roaring flame, and he himself is on fire. His hair emits light and heat. His eyes, and inside of his mouth glow. He hardly ever feels anything strong enough to reach this stage
More facts about this hc:
As you can see, this is mostly a power fueled by emotion
In his human form Ignacio can be burned by any fire that is not his own
he can't be burned by his own elemental fire
he could in theory control what he burns and what he doesn't with his own fire, but!!! He hasn't done that yet, and probably won't have the patience to, so he resorts to matches and tries not to flare up too often
this ability makes him run hot. He is so goddamn hot. All the time. The only reason he wears his shit long sleeved is to cover his burns
speaking of his burns!!! Holy fuck does it hurt if he reaches phase 4 right now— he can't burn himself with his own fire, but that skin is very sensitive to heat, and it. HURTS.
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gomzdrawfr · 9 months
alrighty....angst Ghoap comic ahead, you've been warned :]
cw: angst, depiction of mental health (spiraling and breaking down)
ଘ(੭ ᐛ )━⁺˚⋆。°✩ reblogs are appreciated
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:3c notes below (feel free to skip)
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majorproblems77 · 2 months
Sacred Realm updated which means im actually so excited to be making this omg
Hi there Sacred Realm fans! :D
It is I, the one who makes the analysis posts on various comics on the internet. (With permission course) Because I love doing them and they bring me joy.
If you are unaware of what Sacred Realm is, it's a Legend of Zelda AU about a new Link who gets a little medallion that makes him a badass, also it can hold the spirits of heroes from across the realms (Including my fave boy ever okay)
Before I begin, I'll get the important stuff done, This is done with permission from @zelda-the-sacred-realm, and all art from the comics belongs to the comic artist. Please do me a favour and go and check it out because it's a wonderful comic and extremely well-drawn and written.
Now, grab some popcorn, and a drink and please enjoy me rambling about a comic that I enjoy so much. :D
Lets begin!
First, some sass
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Damn, possessed Link got a mouth on him. Low key I love him, he looks like he could go for round two like right now. Wouldn't be surprised if he went for the hero of time next.
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My eyebrows shot up at this.
Time KNOW's
let me repeat that
(More on this later)
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He knows he knows he knows he knows he knows
I can hear the mocking voice of Link while he is saying this. Time has experience with this particular entity before.
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Okay, so here is when it gets interesting.
Possessed Link or this entity I suppose, referring to Time and in turn Hylians as 'Your Race' Tells me a couple of things.
This thing in the medallion isn't a Hylian spirit. So as much and as fun as a dark link theory is, I dont think it could be.
Time arguing that we're not perfect, again referring to Hylians sounds very much like an "I'm speaking with a god speech"
I present my theory on what is in the medallion.
An extra spirit, a god of some description, from the spirit realm. Out to get revenge on Hylians.
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Time has been to the spirit realm, in his games. (I am under the assumption that those still occur in this canon please do correct me if I'm wrong here.)
I'm convinced that this thing in the medallion is a deity of some kind because of the eye colour. I can't get over it.
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This style of blue, with no pupils.
We've seen it before.
On Hylia.
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From Chapter 2 fate PT2
And here is the first time we see it on Link for comparison, With Sky's alongside him for comparison for what Hylian eyes look like.
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From Chapter 2 Fate PT3
The colour isn't exact so it can't be Hylia herself I dont think, but, i believe that there is a spirit trying to escape the sacred realm and is using Link to do it.
Okay, enough of my conspiracy theories moving on!
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Link you gotta wake up!
Sky thinks so, I love the coloured speech bubble, what a good idea.
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You know those scenes in video games when you're fighting off something that's trying to possess you and you have that ominous-sounding echo that seems to reverberate through your head. But is also muffled at the same time?
(If I find a game example I'll link it)
This. Put that noise you think off over this.
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These five panels tell so much when it comes to how much effort Link has to go through to fight off the medallion possession. I wonder if its going to be easier or harder for him to fight it off as he gains spirits in the medallion.
You can really feel his struggle and I just love it. The visual storytelling is incredible in this comic and I will fan girl about it all day because I just love it so much
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I'm thinking he says this to gauge just how bad this possession is. time seems like the guy who would, especially as he already seems to know what this is.
I wonder if he really is the hero of realms?
Yes, Time. Yes, he is.
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The face he dosent remember any time he's possessed by the medallion is a little worrying.
Makes me think that could be used later.
Like, Link dosent remember fighting this ice comet now. What if he fights an enemy while possessed, breaks the possession then has to relearn how to defeat it because as possessed link he's not gained any information.
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Man Link is a cinnamon roll sometimes and I love him dearly okay.
Alrighty, thats me finished with my rambling. Thank you so much for sticking with me through this! And thanks again to @zelda-the-sacred-realm for the permission to do these i really appreciate it.
Please please go and check out the rest of the comic if you haven't it's amazing :D
Thats me finished for this chapter, so I'll be headed out!
Hope you have a wonderful day! :D
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happi-tree · 7 months
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⚔️👑 shield and scepter 👑⚔️
Howdy, y'all! So my wonderful mutual @raemeh did this really cool fanart of my royalty Swiftli au (the fic for which can be found here), and I had some little design ideas about them in my wips, so I thought I'd post the two of them here! Thank you so much to everyone who's enjoyed it <333
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whereismyhat5678 · 6 months
Wanted to doodle with some gray colors. Like make em’ feel dark- and I did this when I made the background grey since I thought it’d fit 🤷‍♀️
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Peppino’s that are frustrated, I think the palette works well :] Also really like the white tank and hat how I turned them a nice grayish brownish cream color(?) I think it looks nice
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spearxwind · 8 months
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✦ Tfw your killer AI gets himself stuck in fucking orbit, somehow still manages to be a nuisance ✦
I've had this idea in mind for a few years and finally drew it, but since I've missed doing actual comic pages and I really wanted to start messing with more creative paneling I thought I'd use it as an excuse to experiment instead of just doing a little strip like usual >:] so enjoy this shitpost in 4k ultra HD edition
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honeycollectswhump · 8 months
you think i actually care about you? cute.
with pet whumpee who started to truly love whumper and believed whumper loved them too
Love and Worship
CW: pet whump, dehumanization, cigarette burns
There is a certain kind of satisfaction linked to spending one’s evening alone in the big hall, surrounded by nothing but gold and jewels, resting on only the softest cushions while occasionally being fed grapes by servants with shaking hands. Others may call it a dream; Mireille calls it a well-deserved daily life.
Everything is beautiful, just as it is supposed to be. The furniture is spotless, having been meticulously cleaned the second Mireille leaves the room, each gem is polished like the morning sun. The servants –about a dozen– wear only the finest clothes, which are almost as expensive and certainly prettier than anything they deserve. 
But what they deserve doesn’t matter, and who cares about the message trying to be sent, when the domestics look like they were taken from the streets? 
This, the big hall, the rooms, every single floor is art. They are a stage for only the finest performers, and sometimes that means having to clothe simple actors in garments more expensive than their life is worth.
It’s a price Mireille is more than willing to pay. Money is never an issue and of course, they don’t outshine her.
Mireille leans back, letting her long black hair drape over the backrest, and takes a drag from the cigarette held loosely in her hand. She looks like a painting, like the pride and joy of a knowledgeable collector. Every single movement is deliberately elegant in a way that has been taught to her since childhood. A woman like her is worth her weight in gold.
Smoking is just another habit she picked up along the way. It’s part of a perfectly curated image, the mysterious lady, the untouchable femme fatale. A calculated show, one that Mireille cannot go without and the thought of abandoning it makes her hands shake, even though she’d rather die than admit it.
Decidedly, she stops that train of thought before any conclusions could be drawn that would be unbecoming for a lady of her calibre. 
Mireille draws in a deep breath through her cigarette and blows the smoke in the air, watching it drift lazily through the hall. Right next to her, her ashtray kneels on the floor, waiting patiently. 
Out of all of her purchases, he’s her favourite. He is undoubtedly beautiful, about as fine as a diamond, with golden hair and shining blue eyes. But then again, Mireille paid good money for his looks. His beauty is not a compliment, it’s the majority of his worth. She would not be satisfied with anything less than perfection.
Her adoration for her companion-decor goes further than his beauty and the entertainment he brings into her life though. There is something about this particular item that her other servants lack, whose fondness for her doesn’t go beyond an innate, natural sense of loyalty.
Her ashtray worships her. Mireille doesn’t need to hear him say it (and it’s not like he was made to speak in the first place). She can simply tell by the way he looks at her with nothing but pure reverence in his eyes. He offers himself up with eagerness and wears the burns like compliments on his skin. 
It’s intoxicating. 
All of her life, men and women alike have adored her, but this is a different, addicting kind of love. Without a doubt, she is the centre of his universe and Mireille would not have it any other way.
The cigarette is nearly burned to the end. After one last drag, she turns her attention towards her ashtray, pondering how she is going to leave a mark this time. There is so much to choose from, although the little round scars are beginning to pile up. It’s a game for her and a blessing for him. 
“Give me your tongue, won’t you?” Mireille purrs and the ashtray complies immediately, of course. He straightens, eager to have received a command –both mindless puppet and loyal mutt–, and holds out his tongue for her. The thought of disobeying her order would never even cross his mind. 
Something about the way he offers up such a vulnerable part of himself without hesitation gives Mireille a rush every single time. She presses the still-glowing cigarette end into the soft but marred flesh. It should cause a visceral reaction, even after the scar tissue must have numbed the nerve ends.
Her servants would whimper and cry in his place. They wouldn’t know what to do with themselves, shaking in anticipation and fear of the pain. Instead, her ashtray barely shudders and keeps his body rigid and still until she is done.
Only then does he lift his eyes to her face, searching for her satisfaction. Just being allowed to look at her is reward enough for her ashtray, and his eyes shimmer with devotion. When she graces him with a smile, he vibrates with excitement and joy. 
She lifts her hand to his head and pets him and the ashtray all but presses into her touch, content with a job well done. That’s the difference between her servants and her ashtray. He is looking forward to getting burned by her, there is nothing in the whole wide world that he’d rather do.
“You really are enjoying this, huh? Do you actually think I care about you? That’s so cute.” Mireille smiles.
And her stupid little ashtray just melts under a touch he thinks speaks of mutual affection.
taglist: @whumpsday, @2in1whump, @sodacreampuff, @webbo0 let me know if you want to be added or removed :)
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desceros · 2 months
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@fidgetyfawn hi hi so i thought i'd go and give you a very brief tumblr beginner/early intermediate guide since i've also seen some other people around here that may find it useful!!
i'm going to assume you know little to nothing, and this post is good both for people who are just looking to find cool art/fic/whatever, or for people looking to post their own art/fic.
click on the readmore here and i'll give you a bit of a walkthrough for how to get things set up and how to start interacting with people, as well as some basic etiquette!
THIS IS A VERY LONG POST!! pro tip: if you're on desktop, you can use the J key to skip down a post and the K key to skip up. youre welcome
so first things first, when you log in, the first thing you'll see is your dashboard. this is where posts from people you follow will appear.
dashboard management
i can't remember if this is the default or not, but i highly recommend you change your dashboard (almost typed dachshund ATD counter: 1) to chronological order. you can do this by clicking settings on the left, then dashboard (ATD counter: 2) on the right.
personally, i uncheck the 'shorten longer posts' option since it cuts things too short, and further down you'll see the option that says 'best stuff first'. turn that shit off. you'll miss a lot of posts from people you follow if you have it on. actually, everything on that preferences section can get turned off. tumblr is designed to be more curated, and those are all options the staff added trying to emulate things like twitter. they suck. turn em off.
how to find blogs to follow
so now that you've got your dash set up, it's time to get some shit showing up!! you've already started off right by following me, so i can see you know how to do that much. but in case this post breaches containment, i'll put some tips here for people:
if you see people out in the wild that you like who link their tumblrs, go check em out. see if you like what they post. if so, you can follow them. this will put their posts on your dashboard, and they'll get a notification that you've followed if they have those turned on.
once you find someone you like, check out who they're reblogging from. go check out those blogs. see who they're reblogging. go check out those blogs. search for things that you're interested in, and click on the people posting into those tags (more on this later). eventually, you'll be following lots of people who post things that you like, and now you can start really curating your own posting experience.
some people will have a DNI (do not interact) linked somewhere. if they do, it's considered good etiquette to give it a look and make sure you're not gonna step on toes. some people will have a "blank blogs"/"ageless blogs dni" on theirs, or say they'll block you if you're a blank/ageless blog. this is because a lot of bots will have a blank tumblr, so it's a good idea to make some text posts or something saying IM REAL I PROMISE and you can have "i'm an adult"/"18+"/"(your actual age if you're comfortable with it)"/"(an approximation of your age, e.g. 20s, if you arent)" before you get too in the weeds on following people.
sidebar, once you're blocked, it's a bit tacky to go find that person on other platforms or go on anon and ask why they blocked you. just move on and don't take it personally.
how to post shit
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these are the buttons that let you post new shit. when you make a new post, you'll get the post editor popping up. it's actually pretty cool, hot take, but here are the important things to know:
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put your post in the spot. i'm using the text post one here since i post either fanfic or nattering. you can add links to stuff, change formatting, font colors, all that. i'm not gonna get too into the weeds on that since this is a beginner guide, but there are other guides on how to do it slash you should fuck around with it a bit yourself. i will, however, show you the details of the "post now" button
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post now: posts now
add to queue: tumblr has a function where it will automatically post things in your queue. you can find it in your blog detail page, which you get to via account>[click on your blog name]>queue on the right. you can change how many per day go there. a lot of people will have a cutesy queue tag (eg "i love queue" or something punny like that) so your followers will know if it's a queued post or a regular one. this is cute, but not necessary
save as draft: if you want to keep a post for later but not publish it yet, you can save it as a draft. it's in the same place as your queue, but these will stay there until you post it yourself. i do this a lot for posts that i want to keep for their information, or to save art to post for when i'm trying to break up an ocean of asks. very cool feature
post privately: this will make it so that only you can see the post. just a warning though that anything that goes online will be seen by Someone, so i wouldn't put like. deep dark secrets or your ssn here or something. (<- does not use this feature at all hahaha)
schedule: you can have the post drop on a certain time on a certain day. fun for flashbanging yourself later, or reminding yourself of something, etc.
if you put something in your post, it will be "searchable" on tumblr. that means if you have a post saying "i hate tmnt rise" then people who look for "tmnt rise" may be able to see your post. just a heads up. you can make your blog not show up in search results, but if you're someone looking to be found (e.g. a writer trying to post, or someone trying to make friends, etc.) i dont recommend you turn that on. just be aware that if you post things talking shit, you might get some people trolling you. just block them and move on.
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if you click into a post, this thing will pop up. this will allow you to add a picture, a gif, a link, an audio file, a video file, a poll, or a readmore break (shortens the post like i did with this one to make it less intrusive on someone's dashboard).
etiquette note: if your post is going to be on the long side, Especially if it's a text post (for me this is around the 650-700 word mark), put it under a readmore. it's really annoying on mobile to scroll through a bunch of text. also, if you're going to post nsfw (which i will remind you, WILL show up in the public tags!) either have some kind of nsfw tag, put it under a readmore, or both.
on the bottom of your post, you will see the option to tag your posts. some people don't use the tag function at all. i use it religiously. tagging serves two functions: organizing your blog, and sharing your content.
on your blog, you can search posts by tag. this is the best way to search your tumblr, which has a notoriously terrible search function. if you ever want to confidently be able to find things again, tag them something you'll remember. i have a list here of tags i use as an example for some ideas.
secondly, tumblr has a function where you can see what everyone is posting under a certain phrase. you can find this by typing a phrase into the "search tumblr" bar in the upper right. this will largely be posts that are tagged by that thing, or have tags that contain that phrase. (e.g. if you search "tmnt" you will find posts that are tagged "tmnt" but also some that are tagged "donnie tmnt"). this is how you can find new people to find, and fun art to reblog, etc. search for things you're interested in, then go through the tag and find who looks cool.
you'll also find that some people (<- me) will "talk" in the tags. the op of the post Can See These!!! so don't say anything that's rude or that you wouldn't want them to see!!! but this is a holdover of tumblr etiquette from years ago when it was considered rude to reblog art, let's say, and put your thoughts about something in the reblog as its own reblog. the old school of thought is that it disrupted the "aesthetic" of the post, so you'll see a lot of people put their commentary in the tags instead. it's not as obtrusive, but everyone can still see it. there's a joke that your tags will "pass peer review" if someone screenshots them and puts them on the post while reblogging, but that's usually something you'll see on particularly funny posts or creative posts or that sort of thing.
reblogs vs reposts
you will come across people who have "no reposts" or "don't repost my art" in their description or on their blog or on their art. there's a lot of confusion for new tumblr people on what that means.
reposting means that you are downloading the art/fic/whatever, then using the upload function and creating your own original post.
reblogging is when you take the post that the person made, and clicking on the reblog button (third one here):
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reposting things is BAD because it does not give the op original credit and it makes it look like you created the thing. reblogging is GOOD because it shares art/writing/etc with the people who are following you, and encourages community. the double arrows are what keep community alive!!
on that note, likes are functionally useless. that little heart there does nothing for artist engagement. while there is a tumblr algorithm, it's terrible, doesn't really work, and! we've already turned ours off in the beginning, remember? most people will have done this. liking a post doesn't put it on your blog, it doesn't make it so that you can find it later, it doesn't boost the op's engagement. likes do the two things and only the two things:
op knows you saw the post
tumblr puts it into one giant unsearchable pile of things you've liked
that's it! so if you like a post, consider reblogging it. add that fun commentary in the tags we talked about! this is a really good way to make someone's day.
etiquette note; you'll sometimes see people who say "no spam likes". this means that they don't like it when people go through their blog and just hit like on the latest posts over and over and over. it clogs up the notification feed and makes it harder to see the engagement that actually Means something, e.g. reblogs, mentions, replies, etc. i personally don't have an issue with it since you can filter those out if you're looking for something, but if someone asks you not to do it, don't do it. also, if you do it and suddenly find that you're blocked even if you've not done anything wrong, that might be why. some people just don't like it shrug.
how to make friends
tumblr is a social media site, and while it's possible to have a great time on your own just reblogging pretty art and great fics onto your page, a lot of the joy comes from participating in community.
there's a good post here i reblogged the other day for some details, but here are some basic things for a beginner to know:
you can send messages to blogs you like called "asks". you'll find the link to it on the left of the follow button on someone's blog, and a lot of people will have changed the wording. for example, mine is called "request a song." you can send people messages, anonymously if you wish, and tumblr will let you know when the person has answered your message. they may do so publicly (which i always do!), so make sure not to put anything there you wouldn't be okay with all of their followers seeing. don't be rude. but it's the best way to start talking with someone. and most people are very excited to get messages like this!! so don't be intimidated!!
there is a dm system. most people aren't going to have it available except to people they're following, and it has a bit more of an intimate feel than an ask. personally, i only use this function for my mutuals (people whom i follow who are also following me), and i'd be willing to bet that's a common mood about it.
replies: just like you did with the post you started, you can reply to text posts. the op will see it, and you can start talking about a post without having it appear on your blog. it's a nice way to communicate without clogging up your dash/blog, and you did so perfectly!
reblogs: we already went over this, but you can also just reblog posts. the person from whom you reblog will see what you say, and op will see what you say. etiquette here is not to reblog posts if someone asks you not to, and to tag longer posts as "long post" so people on mobile who have that limited don't have to scroll as long
talk to people! be friendly! ask them about their day. if it's an author, tell them your favorite part of their last fic. ask what the inspiration was for this part or that part. i get people sending me songs in that remind them of character moments, and that's fun! draw art of your favorite scene, then tag the author in it! (to tag people, use the @ symbol, then type their username, e.g. @desceros tags me).
find people that are posting the things that you like, follow them, reblog from them, send in asks off anon when they reblog little games asking for them, just. you know. be social. that post i linked has some good ideas if you need help.
if you're coming from ao3, go to the author's profile page. a lot of us have our tumblrs linked there. go to their tumblr. follow them. send in asks about their fics. you'll often find fun fanart, or wips, or that kind of thing!
anyway i think that answered all the questions you had, but you can ask if there's something specific you were looking for i didn't touch. hope this helps!! C:
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