#anyway. that’ll be sometime eventually
skyward-children · 1 year
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…and Lanayru Sand Sea in general
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witchofinterest · 1 year
i think martha wayne should have been CEO. Thomas was already a doctor and a philanthropist, and philanthropist is the only thing she’s credited as. so yeah, i think martha should have been the ceo.
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desafinado · 1 year
Hello! I really love your writings, they're lighthearted and interesting to read. I also love your characterization for the characters! Would it also be alright for me to request some fluffy domestic headcanons for Alhaitham or Kamisato Ayato with their s/o as their wife? Thank you and have a nice day! <3 <3 <3
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 happily ever afters (?)
°。⋆ alhaitham, ayato x reader (separately)
°。⋆ sickening fluff, nicknames/pet names galore, suggestive (omg)
note: hi hi! thank you so much for your support and feedback !!! as for your request, why not both! hope this satisfies your domestic/fluffy desires !! also… i like framing marriages as happy endings with a question mark, because i think that pretty much encapsulates my perspective on it. you hope it is a happy one and you’ll strive to make it such, but you’re never gonna be certain of it.
(alhaitham, ayato) | (zhongli, diluc, kazuha)
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alhaitham ♡
i’m desperately thinking malewife, and i will bc these are my hcs so damn it.
he didn’t completely quit his job, but if you work as well… expect him to be babying you just the tiniest bit.
he made a promise to take care of you so he very much will.
cooking breakfast/dinner when he notices you coming home a bit more tired.
buying groceries (most importantly, your favorite snacks) while he's out.
leaving little notes around the house whenever he has to leave for work (whether it be a few hours or days).
you can also expect him to rant more nonchalantly, aka welcome the inner sanctum of his thoughts he must repress in front of higher ups in order to be “polite”.
“i mean what kind of buffoonery must you partake in to even have that idea? the mental gymnastics you must do in order to get from point a to point b is-” “dear, breathe and drink this tea for a second.”
in turn, you’re also often the one to keep him in and check and remind him of his own needs (whether it be emotional or purely basic like eating and sleeping).
in relation to this, you’ve implemented cuddle breaks where if you feel he’s going too far and in too deep, you can drag him into a cuddle session for an hour.
he’s usually silent the whole time, but you can see the clear progression from him grumbling about it to melting into your arms.
also they rarely ever last for just an hour and sometimes it might even escalate (suggestive yes) if he's feeling particularly clingy.
lets address the elephant in the room, alhaitham has been touch-starved for most of his life, so you coming in and giving him all the affection (with no question or judgment whatsoever) is the best thing that has happened to him.
his little smile when you hug him from behind or leave a kiss on his forehead.
anyways, back on track, most people don’t even realize you two are married but you both don’t really care either. it's just funny to hear/see their reactions.
“dinner with someone you're calling your beloved? yeah sure, that’ll be interesting” “you can disrespect me, but i will [redacted] if you so much as think about disrespecting them.”
living individual lives doesn’t stop either of you from being particularly clingy though… whether it be you storming into alhaitham’s office demanding for him to just hold you tight or alhaitham skipping work to have you kiss all his stress away.
you’re both pretty upfront about your emotions, because you don’t want to lose anything to miscommunication… (even if sometimes, it might be a bit embarrassing)
at the end of the day, you two are married… and he couldn’t have asked for a better partner to lay himself vulnerable to.
how can you say no when his eyes are practically speaking for his heart; a vision of longing and yearning so crystal clear. you’re running a hand through his hair, and as every second passes he only leans in to your touch. he looks up at you for a second, debating whether or not he interrupt the comfortable silence; he eventually looks back down, but you’re not one to ignore that and brush it off.
“my love, what is the matter?”
another moment passes before he finally gathers the courage to say the words trapped in his throat.
“i know we’ve been over it, but i can’t believe i’m yours… and you’re mine. i’m just thankful, is all. i hope i can always be the one you can rely on, as you are to me.”
a minor blush dusts his cheeks as you giggle softly at his flustered state. it wasn’t unusual, but it certainly made you feel happy, being able to fluster the stoic and pragmatic alhaitham.
“and you are, my love. celestia could send rains of fire and stampedes of thunder, and i would only ever run to you. i’ve entrusted my soul to yours, whether you know it or not, and you’re not getting rid of me so easily.”
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ayato ♡
lord kamisato, this. lord kamisato, that. he does not care, he will take time out of schedule specifically for you and only you.
because no one could compare to the way you call his name, when you wake up first thing in the morning, your voice still groggy, or while you’re both walking in the garden and you spot a beautiful flower.
you specifically request him not to make you any food though, because there's a 20% it will be inedible (the chances are low, but never zero)
instead, he’ll order your favorite pastries and have them delivered every morning in time for breakfast.
once he leaves for work, you both are very reluctant to let go… as if you’re not gonna sneak into his office every hour or so.
having you sat on his lap, arms around your waist while he’s going over documents.
if he has some plans that require him to be out and about, he takes every chance to sneak away and have a secret little moment or two with you.
this only escalates during festivals when his stress levels reach new heights. you steal him away, so you both can actually enjoy the festival the way everyone else is.
hearing him quietly chuckling feels as though you’ve been welcomed into an eternal paradise that only you two know of.
on the rare occasion that you don’t see him the entire day, you change or do things around the house to it feel more like a home for the both of you
ayato’s been complaining about back pain? you spend the day searching for a pillow that fixes that (worse comes to worse, there’ll be a new mattress when he comes home…)
the walls feel a bit bare and drab? you’ll just frame and hang up some of your favorite memories together.
you’ll also often find yourself experimenting with new boba recipes and having him try them all when he comes home; because of this pastime of yours, his favorite milk tea flavor has gone through a variety of changes.
anyways, when he does come home from work, you very much try to leave it outside (unless he truly needs to get things off his chest by venting).
he just wants to spend an evening with you watching a movie, having homemade dinner, or simply cuddling in bed.
the rest of the world fades into obscurity whenever you’re holding him close, face snuggled into his chest.
you’re just whispering compliments and words of comfort, because archons know he doesn’t hear it enough (/srs i feel like he gets used to the courteous praises coming from his colleagues and such for doing a good job, but you telling him how pretty his face is, is simply unmatched)
to hell it be damned, he fought for his marriage to you and he will fight everyday to protect the home you’ve both built together.
“in the kitchen!”
your voice makes itself known as ayato is quick to rush to the kitchen to see what you’re up to. there’s some flour scattered on the counter and floor as well as some unwashed dishes in the sink, and you’re in the middle of it all, giving him an awkward smile.
“i was just trying a new recipe and tried making pearls, i’m sorry about the mess…”
you laugh awkwardly as he only moves faster towards you. the moment he reaches you, he takes both your hands, soft and still covered in flour.
“i’m sure it turned out great. your hard work clearly shows.” he chuckles, bringing a hand up to your face stroking your cheeks. “i think… it’s missing a personal touch though. would you mind?” he closes the gap between you both, his lips barely grazing yours, waiting for your confirmation.
“indeed it does. i’ve missed you… a lot.”
your lips eventually find his and you can’t help the smile that creeps on to your face. its moments like these that you cherish and keep in your heart; these memories of him that belong to you forever more.
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requests are open!! please do not repost on other sites.
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ceilidho · 6 months
Going rabid in my enclosure thinking about coworker Johnny saying shit like “wonder if you’re tighter then your substitute at home” and “I think your pretty kitty just needs to be played with, that’ll warm you up to me real quick”
I’ve been mainly writing weird behavioural stuff he does, but you know he also makes crass, vile comments like that to you. I’m torn as to whether he thinks it’s fine because he sees the two of you as a couple (eventually at least, or maybe he’s delusional enough to think you already are) or whether he knows it’s wrong but does it anyway to provoke.
When you rebuff him one too many times, he definitely makes some kind of snarky comment about needing your pussy played with or about you being pent up. Says you just need a good fuck to sort you out. He’ll also pretend he’s saying it out of kindness too - like you’re obviously grumpy and upset at work because you have a coworker harassing you, but Johnny acts like this is just your default state instead of acknowledging that he’s the cause of it.
He’ll come up behind you sometimes when you don’t see him coming and just squeeze your shoulders like he’s giving you a massage, ignoring if you happen to tense up. Ducks his head and whispers into your ear that you’ve been making the customers uncomfortable, and maybe he could take you to the back room to loosen you up a bit. Maybe your day a little better. No one will notice if the two of you dip away for a bit, and besides, management won’t mind one bit if you come back perky and cheerful after a good orgasm or two.
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turtleblogatlast · 1 month
Leo having the hardest time as a kid trying to figure out how you’re supposed to get in a hammock because it keeps turning over when he gets on it- writing prompt
Sometimes, little Mikey has nightmares. When he does, one of two things happens.
Either he goes out on his own to find a family member that’ll let him into their bed, or his cries draw them to him instead.
Right now, it’s the latter. He’d fallen out of his hammock in his sleep, the fear of his nightmare making him toss and turn until his “bed” couldn’t quite hold him. Dazed and on the ground, he hears a pitter patter of feet racing toward his room.
“Mikey!” Leo gasps, running up to his little brother. “What happened, bad dream?”
“Leooooo!” Mikey cries, reaching up to an immediate hug.
He’s babbling too much for Leo to understand him, but Leo nods along anyway. “Shh, shh, don’t worry, Mikey! Leo’s here! C’mon let’s get you back to your bed thing-y.”
Despite being small himself, Leo does his best to hold Mikey in his arms and try to maneuver onto the hammock…
Onto for the thing to flip and send them both onto their faces.
“Oof-“ Leo shakes his head, looking guiltily over at Mikey. “Oh, geez, sorry Mikey-!”
He’s cut off by little giggles coming from the Mikey-shaped pile on the ground. Mikey pulls himself up with a smile, “You- you’re so bad at getting into ham-ucks!”
“Wha- no I don’t!”
Mikey just laughs, his nightmare forgotten as Leo sputters in indignation next to him. Leo’s next attempt goes about the same way, so eventually they camp out on the floor.
Mikey goes to sleep with a toothy grin, huddled up to his blue and bruised brother who can’t help but smile himself.
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 4 months
I keep picturing this:
(Not yet bf!)John going short of ballistic with genuine worry when you refuse to hold hands.
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Okay, obviously this needs context.
So, John tags along with you to the V&A. Now, being a proper gentleman, he first takes you out for coffee and a bite before you slowly make your way to the museum in South Kensington. After all, it’s one of those rare sunny and warm London spring days and you could do with some Vitamin D.
No, not Vitamin Daddy. What was that?
ANYWAY! As soon as you enter, you fall into the habit of wandering about without any regard whatsoever for your companion. It’s not a conscious decision, of course, but sometimes you need to turn your brain off and enjoy art while protected by your personal bubble.
When you’re in the Cast Courts, you feel a hand on your shoulder. It takes every ounce of self-control not to let the scream tickling the back of your throat escape, which would definitely break the amiable peacefulness of the museum.
“There you are! Do you have any bloody idea how worried I was?” John’s lightly panting, eyes wide and pupils dilated with a frenzy that leaves you wondering about the cause of it. “I let you out of my sight for one second and you have me run around the entire museum looking for you.”
“Well, you kinda invited yourself,” you mumble under your breath, masking the way you flinch with a step back.
“Nah, Y/N.” His fingers dig painfully into your cheeks as he grabs your face and forces you to look at him. “You’re a big girl so use your words. Go on. You know how.”
“Y- You wanted to come with. Invited yourself.”
“I guess that’ll have to do for a proper sentence.” He lets go and extends a bear-like hand. “Before you wander off again with that silly little head of yours.”
“Hand. Now.”
“I wasn’t asking,” John growls, forcefully entwining his fingers with yours. The grip on them is firm, iron-like. Fully aware you won’t be able to escape.
You slowly walk about the space like that for a few moments. Eventually, you find the courage to defy the seething rage you feel emanating from him.
“I… I’m sorry, John.” You’re not afraid of his mood, but it’s rather the guilt that sinks its claws into you which evokes tears in your eyes.
He stops in his tracks, lets go of your hand, and turns around so fast it’s like he’s trying to evade a bullet. Within seconds, he has you wrapped up in his arms, his fingers running through your hair in an effort to console you. “Hey, don’t cry. I’m not mad with you, just a little annoyed you don’t account for me and worried about what might happen when you’re alone. I know you’re a capable girl, Y/N, but I still care about your well-being too.”
The back rubs help soothe the storm of tears welling up inside you, waiting to come thundering out. Nevertheless, the kiss on the top of your head calms it. “How about we grab a coffee, hm? Maybe get something to eat too. My treat.”
He holds you at arm’s length, checking your expression while lovingly wiping the tears rolling down your cheeks away. “Does that sound good?”
You nod. You inhale and exhale deeply, feeling silly for acting like a child at your grown age. “I’m sorry you had to see that. And for me not telling you where I was.”
“Shh, ‘s alright, love.” While normally he wouldn’t allow himself to do it since you’re not official yet and he doesn’t know whether you reciprocate his feelings or not, he kisses your forehead and the tip of your nose. “Let’s go to the café. Don’t let go of my hand.”
And you don’t.
(Might make this imagine into a proper scene for my dad’s best friend!John Price story. It’s in the works, btw! I’m currently gathering inspiration and writing bits like the above here and there, organically creating the tale, so to say.😉)
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aanoia · 9 months
rip james potter I believe he would’ve loved taylor swift and for some reason I associate him specifically with London Boy so can you write something w that plsss I love ur writing
YES james would be a swiftie and everyone knows it. I rly hope I did this justice bc there are so so many lyrics, t swizzle makes it so difficult sometimes
London Boy
James Potter x reader words; 2255 song; London Boy by T Swizzle warnings; none rly, js a douchy Ravenclaw my masterlist Remus is Elvis, James is Taylor, Sirius is Lana. PROVE ME WRONG. u cant. anyway, i tried making pancakes for breakfast (at 1pm) and it did not go well. I used three pans and burned multiple pancakes but oh well if you love a song, the marauders, and my writing, request a song fic and your wish shall be my command. HAVE FUN
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(I've used this gif so many times and idec)
(We can go driving in, on my scooter)
(Ah, you know, just 'round London)
I love my hometown
As much as Motown, I love SoCal
And you know I love Springsteen
Faded blue jeans, Tennessee whiskey
Transfering from Ilvermorny to Hogwarts was quite a difficult thing to do. The culture shock, the stares, the comments on your accent, everything. It was so much different and dare I say, maybe even better. But that’s mostly because every pretty girl and cute boy you saw had such a dreamy accent you fell in love on the spot.
But something happened, I heard him laughing
I saw the dimples first and then I heard the accent
I abruptly stopped walking as the most beautiful sound on Earth filled my ears.
“Y/n?” My new friend and roommate, Lily, asked.
“Who is making that sound?” I asked, peaking around the corner. His bright smile and adorable dimples made my heart speed up as Lily looked over my shoulder and scoffed.
“He’s not worth it, Y/n. That’s James Potter, he's a total dick.” She said, pulling me back  but I froze again as his voice filled my ears. I looked at Lily with an open mouthed smile and she shook her head at me, fighting off a small smile of her own and grabbing my arm, dragging me away.
They say home is where the heart is
But that's not where mine lives
“Oh, how the tables have turned.” Sirius joked as Y/n sauntered away, her usual smirk still on her face despite being rejected for the thousandth time. 
James threw a piece of toast at his face, “Shut it, Pads.”
“I don’t understand.” Remus started. “You obviously like her, why do you keep saying no?”
“He likes the attention, duh.” Peter spoke up with a teasing smile. James rolled his eyes but didn’t deny it.
“Maybe it is a little nice to finally receive the same attention I used to give out, but is that so wrong?” He asked and Remus shook his head.
“Well, I think it is. It wore down on you, Prongs. And you know it. Eventually, it started to hurt you a lot, who says that’ll be different for her?”
You know I love a London boy
I enjoy walking Camden Market in the afternoon
“I’m actually really glad I finally said yes.” James said as we sat in the Three Broomsticks.
I snorted, “Me too. We Americans know how to date, alright. With me, you’ll have the time of your life.”
He likes my American smile
Like a child when our eyes meet
Darling, I fancy you
I smiled widely as I made eye contact with James from across the classroom. He blushed and winked, before scribbling down on a piece of parchment, balling it up and throwing it to me. I unfolded the paper and smiled at the writing. Wanna go out? Yes ☐, Yes ☐ I laughed quietly and wrote down my answer, throwing it back and almost hitting another student in the head.
He frowned at my answer and I winked back, making him shake his head with a silent laugh. 
Nope ☑
Took me back to Highgate
Met all of his best mates
“I will beat you, silly American.” Sirius seethed, scanning the chess board as I sat, smirking widely. 
“Nah, you won’t, Brit.”
“Y/n, you should really give me your notes for Potions, I fell asleep.” Peter said with a sheepish smile and I motioned towards my bag, not taking my eyes off the board.
“I finished the book.” Remus said, coming into the common room. “Thank you for letting me borrow it, Y/n. It was a truly amazing book, and your annotations made it even better.” He said, setting the book on my bag and I gave him a thumbs up.
My smirk grew as I met Sirius’ eyes.
He shook his head, “Don’t you dare.” I opened my mouth. “Y/n, don’t say it. Don’t do i-”
“Checkmate.” He groaned in annoyance and flipped the board. I giggled as I picked up the pieces, proud of my win. Little did I know James watched me with a fond smile as he witnessed me interact so greatly with the people that meant most to him. Next stop, his parents.
So I guess all the rumors are true
You know I love a London boy
Boy, I fancy you, ooh
“Hello, dears. Come on in.” James’ mother said with a warm smile and I nodded, stepping into her cozy home with a smile.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am.” I said kindly and she waved me off.
“Please, the pleasure is all mine. When I found out my little Jamesie finally got himself a girlfriend I was ecstatic!” She giggled and James groaned.
And now I love high tea
Stories from Uni and the West End
You can find me in the pub
We are watchin' rugby with his school friends
“No, no, no- ahh damnit.” I groaned, the Quidditch team I rooted for losing the game in anger as Sirius cheered.
“Yes! Take that, Miss America!” Sirius boasted and I rolled my eyes, shoving his shoulder roughly.
“You’re an ass, Black.” I said with a smile so he knew I was joking.
Show me a grey sky, a rainy cab ride
Babes, don't threaten me with a good time
“Let’s dance.” I said, standing up from the ground and brushing myself off before offering my hand to James.
“In the rain?” He asked, his eyebrows raised.
I nodded, “Yes. In the rain.”
James laughed and shook his head before taking my hand and lifting himself up. “May I have this dance, m’lady?”
“Why of course, kind sir.”
They say home is where the heart is
But God, I love the English (THE BEST PART OF THIS SONG)
“You guys, I’m gonna be so for real with y’all here, I will never get tired of hearing your voices.” I said seriously and everyone burst out laughing. I shrugged, “I’m serious-” I pointed at Sirius who opened his mouth to make a joke. “Don’t even think about it. But, if I could listen to you guys 24/7 I would, other than Sirius of course. His voice makes me wanna stab my ears with a butter knife.”
“You’re mean.” Sirius pouted and James placed a big kiss on my cheek with a proud smile.
“That’s my girl.” He said proudly.
You know I love a London boy
I enjoy nights in Brixton, Shoreditch in the afternoon
He likes my American smile
Like a child when our eyes meet
Darling, I fancy you
“Dude.” I said to James as we laid on our stomachs in the common room, the fire crackling next to us.
“Dude.” He responded, a lazy smile on his lips.
“I like, hm, how do you English put it?” I feigned thinking for a second and gasped. “Ah yes, I like, fancy you or something.”
“Or something?” He asked.
“Mhm.” I hummed.
He lifted up on his elbows, resting his chin in his hand. “Well, I like, fancy you or something, too.”
Took me back to Highgate
Met all of his best mates
So I guess all the rumors are true
You know I love a London boy
Boy, I fancy you
“Do you miss Ilvermorny?” James asked quietly as we cuddled on his bed, the only sound being Sirius’ soft snores.
“Sometimes. I miss my friends mostly.” I told him and he hummed.
“If you had the opportunity to go back, would you? Like completely move back and start attending Ilvermorny again.”
I thought about it for a second before shaking my head, despite James not being able to see it, “No. I wouldn’t. There’s this boy here-”
James laughed quietly, “Oh really?”
“Tell me about him.”
“Well, he’s super super cute and his voice is music to my ears, I’m telling you. He’s also super good at Quidditch and because of that he's got thunder thighs and thick thighs save lives.” He laughed, trying to muffle it so his friends didn’t wake up. “He’s just amazing. So I wouldn’t want to leave him, or any of the new friends I’ve made.”
So please show me Hackney
Doesn't have to be Louis V up on Bond Street
Just wanna be with you
Wanna be with you
“Uh, excuse me, why are you bothering my girlfriend?” James asked, wrapping his arm around my waist and I deflated, instantly feeling comfort.
The Ravenclaw boy in front of us scratched the back of his neck, “Sorry. Didn’t know you guys were dating, though, Y/n, you could do much better than this Gryffindor slug.” He shrugged and James tensed.
“You littl-”
“James.” I said, placing my hand on his arm. “He’s not worth it, take a chill pill.” 
“Yeah, that’s right. Listen to your little bitch.” The Ravenclaw said, turning around and walking back to his snickering friends. 
I pulled my wand out quickly and muttered a quick spell at his back, causing him to fly forward, knocking over him and his friends who all groaned in pain on the floor. I looked up with a smirk and made eye contact with Professor McGonagall, my smile dropped. She glanced at the knocked over boys and then back at me, winking and walking away as if she didn’t see a thing.
Stick with me, I'm your queen
Like a Tennessee Stella McCartney on the Heath
Just wanna be with you (wanna be with you)
Wanna be with you (oh)
“Now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for.” Dumbledore said with a smile on the stage. “The Yule King and Queen.” He opened the envelope slowly, dragging it out as long as he could. His smile widened as he read the winners. “James Potter and Y/n L/n, except, Y/n is our King and James is our Queen.” The students laughed loudly as James and I high fived, planning it all along.
We walked onto the stage and got our crowns before bowing dramatically to the crowd who chanted our names, hands in the air. Dumbledore shook his head in amusement, his own laughs falling from his lips.
“Oh, children.” He muttered, walking off the stage.
'Cause you know I love a London boy
I enjoy walking Soho, drinking in the afternoon (yeah)
He likes my American smile
Like a child when our eyes meet
Darling, I fancy you (you)
“Are you ready?” James asked, mounting his broom and giving me his signature smile.
I shook my head, “Nope. I don’t trust you one bit, James. You’re gonna kill me, I’ve seen how you fly.” I said, taking a step away from the broom.
James held out his hand, “Come on, don’t be a wuss.” I sighed and got on the broom behind him, immediately wrapping my arms tightly around his waist. He laughed and flew up in the air. “This is something I could get used to.” He said and I could hear his smile.
“Me too.”
Took me back to Highgate
Met all of his best mates
So I guess all the rumors are true (yeah)
You know I love a London boy (oh)
Boy (oh), I fancy you (I fancy you)
“So, James, will you marry me?” I said on my knee and James snorted.
“You’re such a dork.” He teased and also got down on one knee, pulling a small box from his pocket.
“No shit, you copycat.” I said with a smile as he opened the box to reveal a beautiful ruby ring.
“Y/n, I’ll marry you if you marry me.” He said and I nodded.
“It’s a deal then.” 
So please show me Hackney
Doesn't have to be Louis V up on Bond Street
Just wanna be with you
(Boy, boy, I fancy you, oh whoa, oh, oh)
“Hello, Harry.” I whispered quietly to my newborn, gently brushing the little bit of hair he had out of his face.
“You two are so beautiful.” James said from my side, admiring his son. 
“He’s gonna be British.” I said with a smile and James snorted. “I’ve always wanted a little British baby.”
“You are so weird.” 
I kissed James, “You love me.”
“I do.”
Stick with me, I'm your queen
Like a Tennessee Stella McCartney on the Heath
Just wanna be with you
(Wanna be with you)
(I fancy you, yeah, I fancy you)
“Bye, Harry! Have fun!” I yelled out, pushing down my tears as eleven year old Harry boarded the Hogwarts express for the first time. “Be safe!” I sighed as the train took off and spun the ring on my finger.
“I hope those twins let him help with pranks. You know I slipped them the map.” James said from beside me and I looked at him with wide eyes.
“You what?”
He nodded proudly, “Yep. I slipped the Marauders map into George's bag. Or was it Fred? You know, I really have no clue with those two.”
I snorted and patted his shoulder, turning around to walk out of the platform, but yelped as I was pulled back. James turned me around and planted a fat kiss on my lips, a smile evident on his face.
He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine, “Let’s have another kid.”
I snorted, “Two of you are enough, I don’t need a third.”
“That sounded like a yes.”
“It sounded like a no.”
It apparently was a yes.
Ooh wooh ooh
taglist (if u wanna be added comment);
@loving-and-dreaming @1lellykins @poetrypirate
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
So I have like, over 5 requests sitting in my drafts but it’s whatever
I’ll get to them eventually
But I wanna write kinda and it looks like I’m having a panic attack and my organs feel like they’re vibrating but it’s probably because I ate really quickly and am really excited. My friends probably think I’m a spaz but they’ve probably known that for a long time
Kenny, Butters, and Cartman x reader who really needs to calm Tf down and is super hyperactive at times
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• Kenny at first tries going with it, he doesn’t know where this burst of energy came from but he’s vibing with it
• He loves seeing this energy in you (at first) because you seem so happy and like you’re alive again
• He’s pretty confused on where the energy came from tho especially because you said you felt like a slug earlier. Maybe it’s from the monster you had earlier and it just kicked in?
• But after you suppress an excited scream for the 3rd time and say your organs feel like they’re vibrating is when he starts getting really concerned
• Kenny checks your pulse because he’s thinking you’re having some kind of stroke or a heart attack or some kinda manic episode
• Turns out you’re just really excited for some reason? I mean you did drink a monster and a lot of soda
• But yeah either way it turns out your heart rate is really high, so that’s kinda bad 💀
• He’s definitely rubbing your back and telling you to breathe because you’re like, this close 🤏 to hyperventilating
• You literally feel like you’re vibrating and you’re talking a mile a minute, Kenny loves seeing that twinkle in your eyes when you get excited but Jesus Christ you need to calm down
• He tries talking in a soothing voice to see if that helps with calming you down, and it actually does a little bit
• He also tried getting you to take melatonin gummies to see if that’ll counteract… what ever the fuck you have going on inside you
• Eventually after pacing around the room for 5 minutes you tired yourself out
• Then y’all took a nap together <333
• “You feelin’ better hun? Your organs don’t still feel like they’re vibrating, do they?”
• Now when he sees you drinking monster he doesn’t let you have more than half of it >:(
• He knows how to calm you down tho, and it’s pretty dang useful sometimes
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• Butters didn't exactly go with it, but he's happy you look alive again!
• After 10 minutes he started getting really concerned tho, you won't stop wheezing whenever something even MINORLY funny happens
• He isn't someone who drinks energy drinks or even soda very often because he wasn't allowed to as a kid, so he has a bit of a habit to say you shouldn't drink that kinda stuff as often as you do
• He probably lectures you saying you shouldn't drinking so much caffeine with your size and age
• Definitely makes you do breathing exercises and makes you drink a lot of water
• He also asks you if you take any medications that make you get like this and what you normally do when you get all... concerningly hyperactive
• He was pretty disappointed in you when you said that you straight up raw dog whatever's happening and probably stay up the whole night
• Probably makes you take some kind of sleep medicine like NyQuil or something
• Butters is ready to do anything to help you calm down, ranging from cuddling to taking naps with you to staying up all night with you
• He hates staying up tho, he gets really cranky and kinda whiny
• "Mmmmm, darling- how about you sleep? Please sleep with me, pretty please?"
• He probably tries to give you a massage to see if that'll help
• In all honesty, the moment you stop talking he's probably knocking out
• Poor guy, he tried tiring you out but he only tired himself out. He tries so hard :<
• He probably does calm you down a good amount, you just can't really sleep
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• Probably jokingly calls you a spaz all the time now
• Cartman isn't too interested or concerned, he just lets you tire yourself out because he's too lazy to try
• But he's ready to rub your back and cuddle with you once you start getting really tired :)
• It's not that he doesn't care, he just doesn't think it's that serious if you're just really energetic
• Definitely keeps reminding you to breathe once you start talking because you talk so fast you lose your breath
• Probably chucks a water bottle at you and threatens you (light heartedly) to drink it
• He also probably makes a couple of innuendos about tiring you out with sex or something but he's just joking about it to get you flustered
• If anything, he kinda likes when you get like this because you pay a lot of attention to him, and we all know he's an attention whore
• Eric probably gets a little anoyed tho
• He definitely doesn't let you drink monster anymore or else he's gonna start complaining a lot
• He loves you, he really does but he just can't deal with you being energetic
• He's so tired
• Probably forces you to take a nap with him and says he'll make brownies with you or something if you shut up
Literally completely gave up with this
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marsgod · 2 years
| Info you need!
When RSA has a crush~
tbh i just really hate how empty my blog is:P
Warnings; Neige’s simpful behavior, i have actually not made it that far but i love em so imma do it
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NEIGE thinks he’s being discreet, he really does, and is very surprised when anyone thinks he has a crush (“omg they’re so observant i have to step it up”, in which, it only becomes worse)
NEIGE, in my not so humble opinion cus obviously i’m right, is the exact type to give 36 bouquets and counting with sweet little notes tied to them with ribbons on them and thinks you don’t know he has a crush
You smile at him in passing? NEIGE is internally screaming with a dopey grin for the rest of the day,
god help your phone if you ever actually reciprocate cus that’s the day he hugs you with no intention of letting you go but also spams magicam and all of his friends
you’re phone is overheated and the notifications will not stop, but hey! you got a cute boyfriend that’ll be attached to your hip indefinitely!
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CHE’NYA would be an unbearable little shit, he’s more discreet than Neige and for a short little while you have a frienemy type thing going?
you hate him(friendly) because he keeps spooking the crap out of you but he tells funny jokes(sometimes) and Che’nya.. does whatever Che’nya wants
anyways, his main focus is now you and he will just appear and scare the crap outta you bc why tf not and he’s bored
idk what to add nothing really changes, he eventually just stops trying to hide that he has a crush and says “i love you”
firmly believe that CHE’NYA would be the boyfriend/or just friend where you try to do anything with (for example, baking) and he will attempt to turn it into some kind of war just because he can
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© belongs to marsgod do not plagarize , repost , or use as your own
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I made another FunnyBunny interaction because there’s a lot of people that like it and I think their dynamic is cute. I’m putting a break here cause it’s longer and more philosophical and fluffy.
Look Out the Window
Pomni: So this is it, huh? Your room. It’s very uh… I guess… simple?
Jax: Yeah. Not a lot to it. For the longest time I didn’t know what sort of things I wanted in here. Caine can make tons of stuff, but I wanted something that would actually help me relax. So that’s why I sprung for a window.
*Jax leans on the sill of a window, looking out at the pink-red sunset*
Pomni: A window. So you can see the tiny, fake world we live in.
Jax: Yup. It gives me some degree of comfort, y’know?
Pomni: How?
Jax: Hm?
Pomni: How does seeing this stupid little world we’re all stuck in make you happy? It makes me feel worse.
Jax: *long pause* Yeah. I get it. But… Think about it for a minute. The Amazing Digital Circus… You ever hear about the Law of Entropy?
Pomni: What?
Jax: I heard about it… uh… well, sometime before all this, I heard about it. Basically it’s the reason why things don’t last. *counting off on his fingers* People, places, stories, ideas, eventually it’ll all just go away. And that’s especially true with computer stuff.
Pomni: So what?
Jax: All it takes for a computer to stop working is time. There’s all these little doodads inside it that are pushed and pushed hard every time it gets used, and eventually *finger snap* one of em messes up. This makes another doodad mess up, and then another, and another, until it all falls down. Look outside.
*Pomni looks outside. It’s bright and mostly cloudless like always.*
Jax: To keep that world running, plus all of us, plus whatever Caine wants to dream up, with no hiccups 24/7 hasta take one beast of a computer. Full of doodads. All being pushed and pushed nonstop. Sure, doodads can get fixed. Until too many of ‘em break at once. Then the whole thing comes apart and everything here…
Pomni: So… you’re saying…
Jax: That one day this’ll all stop. Probably not today. Or tomorrow. Or next month. Or next year. But it’ll all end. That’s why I like this window. I can see everything that hasta be kept running, and know that time is gonna run out for it eventually. Then we can go home, wherever that is.
Pomni: I… I wish I could believe all that so easy.
Jax: *shrugs* Well, it’s either that or there’s a butt-ton of redundant systems that’ll outlast time itself and we’ll be stuck here for a nonillion years. *sits on his bed* Whichever you wanna believe. C’mere, you can see the sunset better from my bed. *pats the comforter*
Pomni: Uh… what do-?
Jax: Don’t make it weird Pompom. Just sit with me for a bit.
*Pomni hesitates but sits with him*
Pomni: …It is a pretty sunset. Even if it is fake.
Jax: Think about how much raytracing you’d need to keep it going. Can’t be good for the computer.
*Pomni sits for a while before gently laying her head on Jax’s shoulder.*
—Personally I don’t believeJax was in IT, but he probably read a lot of sci-fi in college LOL anyway bye —
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illfoandillfie · 1 year
pretty please can I have a (smutty) ~1969 roger x reader blurb where they’re both students and reader is trying to convince roger to actually study for some dentistry exams (since we know he didn’t really bother much with that LMAO)
could maybe go down the ‘roger would rather have sex so reader uses that to motivate him to study’ route? or just whatever comes to your mind really, I love everything you write ❤️
btw no worries if you’re not able to / don’t want to, my imagination has got me this far haha (or I’ll just read curtains for the 50th time 💀)
oh this was a fun prompt! hope you like it as much as curtains 😜
“Mesial. Front surface of a tooth. Distal is the back surface.” You mumbled to yourself, double checking your notes to make sure you were correct. A sudden knock interrupted your revision. The familiar beat against the door told you exactly who it would be (even his knocks had rhythm) but all the same you were a little surprised that Roger had come to your dorm room.   “You should be studying.” you said once you’d let him in, though you softened the words with a quick kiss.  “I was trying to, but then I thought some hands-on research would probably help it all make better sense.” As he spoke, Roger turned and wrapped his arms around your waste, pulling your hips to his and leaving you with no doubt what sort of research he meant.   You didn’t want to encourage his behaviour, but it was hard to resist as he kissed you properly.   It took a moment to clear your mind of his lips and everything they were capable of, but you somehow found the power to break the kiss, though you let him keep hold of your hips for now “We need to study, Rog.”  “Pfft, I’m thinking of changing courses anyway.”  “I know but you should still do some study for this exam in case you can’t get into a new course straight away. Failing would be really bad. You can stay here though and study with me. We can quiz each other!”  Roger raised an eyebrow flirtatiously.  “Not that,” you laughed, perfectly used to (and very grateful for) your boyfriend’s libido.  “You know there’s this theory that sex can boost brain performance. Maybe if we fucked it’d help me focus on dentistry.”  You rolled your eyes and Roger poked his tongue out as a comeback.  “It wouldn’t just be for me though. You’d get a brain boost too.” Before you say anything about his attempts at seduction Roger continued, “Besides, I’ve tried studying. Nothing’s sticking. I think the only way I’m likely to remember any of it is if it’s written on a pair of tits.”  You frowned, his disheartened tone and self-depreciating words a cause for concern, though you tried to keep your response lighthearted, “Surely that’ll just distract you in the exam with thoughts of tits.” When Roger didn’t perk up you decided to change tact, rubbing one palm along Roger’s shoulder and collarbone. “Hey, you’ve got this Rog. You know you’re actually really smart. It’s a bit annoying really.”  “Not about dentistry I’m not. I look at my notes and it’s like trying to read fucking Chinese or something.”  “That’s just you’re messy handwriting. But,” you hummed in thought for a moment, “I suppose I might be able to help.”  Roger’s tightened his hold on your hips as you removed your hands but he didn’t complain as you drew your shirt over your head, revealing your braless chest to him.   “R-really?” His hands slid along your sides but paused before his got very far.   You shrugged and walked backwards towards your bed, “Worth a shot, isn’t it?  His eyes darted from your face to your breasts and back again, though his gaze eventually settled on your chest as he nodded his agreement, “Can’t hurt.”  You giggled and told him to grab a pen out of your pencil case and the notes you’d been looking through earlier.   Roger was quick to collect the items and quicker to start scrawling notes along your breasts in thick black marker as you read them out to him. Each note was followed by his mouth on your skin – sometimes soft kisses between your breasts and up to the base of your throat, sometimes little nips over words you’d emphasised, and sometimes sucking your nipple into the warmth of his mouth.  
At first you giggled but after enough notes and enough attention, you were breathing harder, nearly moaning at his attention. It was a little surprising just how horny you were getting, definitely much wetter than when he’d first arrived. Roger had always been a fan of your tits and you always enjoyed it when he’d touched them but usually you were very turned on before he got your top off. This instance just showed how capable he was of pleasuring you. You’d not had any intention of fucking him when you’d opened the door, but now you were contemplating all the other places he could be kissing, thinking about how hard he probably was, and your resolve to study was rapidly crumbling.   “What next?” he asked softly, pressing another soft kiss to your sternum.  You glanced at the notes, trying to make sense of them.  “Love?”  “Oh fuck it, get your pants off” you let the notes drop to the floor, needing your hands free to get the rest of your own clothes off.  "What happened to studying?” Roger asked cheekily, already working on his fly.  “You need a reward for doing so well.”  “What if all you can think about during the exam is my mouth and cock?”  “I’m willing to take that risk.”  Roger laughed as he settled between your spread thighs, but his lips found yours as he finally sank into you, muffling your moan.  
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q-talations · 1 year
How to Eat Life LN Chapter 1-1 Translation
#1 / Horizontal Falling Down
Oh, I kill so many beetles and insects every night. And now I’m to be killed by the hawk. So this is what it feels like. Oh, I can’t stand this. I’ll stop eating insects, and starve to death. No, Hawk will kill me before that happens.                                                                       ── Miyazawa Kenji, "The Nighthawk’s Star"
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#1-1_otogiri_tobi / Why do flowers bloom?
“Otogiri...” The teacher with black glasses called him out in front of the gate. Otogiri Tobi only gave him a glare and passed by. The teacher groaned “Otogiri...” again. 
“That teacher sure is stubborn.” The backpack giggles.
“Well, that’s his job.” Tobi whispers in reply.
That teacher has given Tobi countless counsellings since the start of the school year. He’s not a homeroom teacher in Tobi’s classes nor does he teach in any of his classes, and Tobi has no idea of his name. 
“You can’t use this bag! Why are you wearing these boots? Your bangs are covering your eyebrows!” Baku mocks. “What are schools really for.. Are they trying to fit humans in the same containers?” Tobi walks into the school building, ignoring Baku. He changed his boots in the locker.
“Tobi, do you still remember? That teacher was always trying to get on your case about your hair every morning, so he... Well, it’s been over a year since-”
“I forgot.”
Tobi walked inside Class 3 of the 2nd year. He sits on the 3rd row beside the window. He placed Baku on the desk and sat down. Tobi then laid on Baku.
“Gonna sleep through classes? You sure are free, since you’ve got no one to talk to. Why not make a friend or two?
“Baku, shut up...”
“Hey watch yourself, Tobi, you’re gonna get recognized as a freak that always talks to himself.”
“I-” Tobi continues the sentence with the slightest voice he can possibly make. “......am not talking in a volume others will notice.”
“It’s not so bad letting them hear you, maybe that’ll make them wanna talk to you!”
“It’s just annoying.”
“Huuuh. You’re the type of person that thinks being antisocial and having no friends is cool?
“Yes. You definitely do. Tobi, you know what they call these types of people? Narcissists.”
“Sure sure, go on.”
“Consider it done, I get bored when zipped anyways.”
“Just a heads up, If you think I’ll eventually shut up if you keep yourself silent, then you’re in the wrong!”
Baku continues to giggle.
“Never forget. I will never shut up as long as you’re alive. We’re in the same boat. We are one together.”
I won’t. Tobi counters in his mind. I will never forget it.
“...... Well, sometimes I do think about ‘What will happen if you get burned into ashes?’”
“Oi, I can hear you!”
“...You’re mishearing.”
“Well, I guess this is what happens without ears.”
“So what exactly happened to my hearing?”
“I don’t know...”
“So cold. Such a coldhearted person you are. My heart is reaching subzero. I’m freezing.”
Then just freeze. Tobi whispered in his mind. It’d be adding fuel to the fire if I say it out loud. It’s best to ignore Baku’s jokes. I understand this the most. But I can’t resist reacting. I need more training.
“......Training for what?!”
Tobi is a fast eater. He empties the lunch plate in seconds....well, minutes. But he munches down everything but bread like he’s teleporting food into his stomach, then leaves the classroom in an instant with the bread. When there's no bread, he just leaves empty-handed. 
“Tobi, w-wait a moment!” The homeroom teacher tried to call after Tobi in the beginning, but now it seems like he’s used to being ignored. 
There’s bread today. And they’re butter rolls at that. 
Tobi carried Baku up and ran down the halls. 
“Tobi, you sure do like butter rolls, don’t you?” 
“What? I don’t-” 
“Liar. You walked too briskly, it’s obvious.” 
“It’s not like I dislike them, but I don’t really have many preferences...”
There’s no one in the halls. Everyone else is still having their meal. Knowing that, Tobi keeps his voice down.
“Tobiiii. You’ve always liked bread over rice right”
“It’s whatever...”
“You like fish over meat!”
“Seriously, whatever...”
“What about Kinako* and An*?” *Kinako is soybean flour and An is sweet bean paste. They’re often put in sweets in Asian/Japanese culture.
“...Well, that was a rapid answer.
“I’m not good with powders.”
“I feel you. Wait, how could I possibly relate? What do you think I am? I am a backpack! I haven’t had any of them before!"
“I don’t know.......”
“You don’t have to say it like that. We’re partners right. right? .......What kind of partners are we?”
“That I genuinely don’t know.......”
“Bad company, we are. A rotten relationship we are in. Yup.”
“That might be correct.” 
“Why is our bond rotten? There must be a better way to call it!”
“You said it yourself.”
“Then correct me! Tell me I’m wrong! I’m lonely!”
”So you’re lonely......”
“Just a tiny bit.”
Tobi walked towards the courtyard. The sun is shining today. There’s a lawn, benches, and a garden and such, so it’s quite popular during recess. But no one else is here yet. Emptiness overflows in the yard.
“You’re gonna do it again, right?” Baku asks in a tone of dismay.
Tobi grabbed onto the exposed pipe on the school building walls. Or the pipe fittings, to be clear.
Stepping on pipes and grabbing on the grooves on the wall, Tobi climbed up to the roof.
“Jeez, You know what they say... Fools and smoke* like uhm... yeah.”  *Fools and smoke rise to high places is a Japanese idiom to ridicule fools.
Tobi doesn’t pay any mind to the teasing from Baku at all. He reached the roof of the 3-story building in a blink of an eye, “not bad” he feels. Today, he didn't miss a single step or lose his grip; it might have been his best run yet. Perfect even.
You can also reach the roof from the inside of the building, but the gates are locked. It’s probably locked to prevent danger and crimes.
Climbing is the only other way if you don’t have the keys.
There’s no one else than Tobi who'd go this far just to get on the roof. Tobi is the only one.
The rooftop is flat. It’s just concrete. There’s a low-rising wall around the edges. Pretty sure they’re called parapets.
Tobi placed the bag beside him and leaned on the parapets. He takes out the butter rolls from the plastic packaging. He took a bite with his eyes closed.
“How is it?”
“......It’s alright, just like every ordinary bread”
“Just say it’s delicious already. Stop lying to yourself.”
“Aahh, it's so yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy... simply delicious!”
“The way I say it makes it weird... probably shouldn’t repeat it so many times.”
“As I said, It’s just alright...”
“Hot dog buns or butter rolls?”
“Butter rolls-”
“See. Told’ya.”
“What, what are you gloating for...?
“Do I really need to explain?”
Tobi glanced at the sky after taking a few bites of the bun. He started looking at the schoolyard right after as he got bored immediately.
Tobi's school is U-shaped, and the courtyard sits in the hollow part. Tobi is sitting on the roof of the special classroom building, facing the homeroom building. The 3rd year's classrooms are on the 1st floor, the 2nd year on the 2nd floor, and so on and so forth.
Lunchtime ends with the chime ringing. Students begin to leave the classrooms as recess starts.
About a tenth or less of the students have weird creatures perched on their heads or shoulders from time to time.
Tobi doesn’t react to their existence when he sees them.
For instance, take a look at the group of 3 girls walking in the halls on the 2nd floor. Tobi can’t remember their name, but he’s pretty sure they’re in the same class. 
One of them, the girl in the middle, has a little bat, or a flying squirrel-like creature grabbing onto her back. 
There is a possibility that she is a fan of the weird creature so much she brings it to school,
 but it’s not the first time Tobi witnessed the creature. He also saw it in the classroom. Or rather, that creature is on her back at all times. 
But somehow, no one talks about it. Not the teacher nor the classmates. 
The girl doesn’t seem like she acknowledges the existence of that living thing on her back even. 
“Weird.” Tobi murmured.
“Wha?” Baku replies in an instant. “What exactly is weird?”
“It’s nothing really”
“It sure was something. You said something is weird. I HEARD it loud and clear. So. WHAT is weird?
“....... Well if you wanna know so badly, it’s you.”
“How am I weird?!”
“Are you not aware?”
“Hey, you!”
Tobi looks down on the courtyard. It wasn’t Baku that shouted at him.
He spots a man in a jumpsuit. It’s the janitor of the school.
Tobi pointed at himself and the janitor shouted “Yeah you!”.
“Why would I shout at anyone else? You’re the only one up there!” 
“Uhh...... well, I guess.”
“You won't guess......!”
He looks younger than most teachers here. It may just be how he looks, but he is always smiling and looks needlessly affectionate. He always greets Tobi when he sees him, and Tobi always ignores him but he’s yet to stop.
“Hey, Otogiri, you do know that the rooftop is off-limits, right!? Actually, I've seen you up there a lot recently. How on Earth did you get up there!? The door is supposed to be locked! Just to be safe, I want to know if you happen to own a pair of spare keys?” 
“I don’t know about any spare keys”
“Right! You’re in big trouble if you copied a key or something on your own! Anyways, just get down here right this moment!”
“Shall I jump down?”
“W-WHAT!? N-NO! DEFINITELY NO! Ugh, I’ll come up there, you just wait for me! I have thousands of questions to ask you too, so just stay there!”
The janitor ran towards the building. He’s probably going to borrow a key from the office and get up here through the stairs. 
“Whatcha gonna do now Tobi?” Baku asks while trying his best not to laugh. 
“What am I gonna do?” Tobi picks up Baku. “I’m not waiting. It’s a hassle anyways.”
“Yeah right.”
“I kinda like it here.......”
Tobi walked across the parapets with a big sigh. It takes him just about a few seconds to climb down from the roof. Tobi is long gone by the time the janitor reaches the rooftop.
Tobi was called into the office after class by his homeroom teacher, Harimoto, who chewed him out. Tobi ignored practically everything Harimoto said, going in one ear and out the other, and understanding none of it. He didn't pay attention to the lecture.
“Otogiri, are you still listening?” Harimoto confirms with him every few minutes. Tobi only replied with “Yes”, and “I am” when he asks.
Harimoto usually wears a red tracksuit when there are no formal events. His short hair is set back and fixed with hair wax, just like a hedgehog*, with his name being Harimoto, so he gets called a hedgehog, or a friendlier nickname, “Harry” behind his back. *hedgehogs in Japanese are called Harinezumi.
“I don’t really want to be an annoying teacher, but you know, Otogiri, there are rules in society you have to obey. At least, at least──”
It was already half past four when they left the office.
“Tsk!” Baku blurted annoyingly. “That Harry bastard talks way too much. I got tired of being shut!”
“Don’t call him Harry...”
Tobi quickly walked out of the school. There’s nothing for Tobi to rush for, but he has a habit of not walking leisurely. He either walks with big steps or he walks fast. 
“Are you racewalking?”
Tobi slows down right before the gates after Baku’s roast.
“......this is mildly infuriating.”
“You’re always so impatient, how about you try and live a more relaxing life?”
“.......this is annoying.”
Tobi glanced at his watch. Takes about 15 minutes to reach the facility on foot. It closes in less than an hour. There are only about 40 minutes of free time thanks to Harimoto. Takes about 20 minutes by bus to get near where Tobi used to live.
“Tsk. Can’t make it today.”
Tobi, in a fit of pique, sees the school gate.
It’s a little less than two meters tall. It’s a cakewalk for Tobi to claw up, but he doesn’t feel like using his hands today. Tobi kicks the tiled gate and jumps on it.
Tobi cheered for a bit subconsciously. He successfully climbed up the gates without hands as planned. He did it.
“Tobi... There are rules in society you have to obey~!” Baku quotes Harimoto mockingly. Tobi tried to talk back but forgot what he wanted to say.
There’s a girl on the other side of the gate. She stared at Tobi.
She has a well-groomed face, shortens her long hair up with double buns, and is someone Tobi recognizes. 
Rather, she’s in the same grade as Tobi.
Surprisingly for Tobi, he remembers her name. It’s quite a distinctive name, so it stayed in his mind after seeing it once.
Her last name is Shiratama.
Her first name is also somewhat unique. “Dragon’s descendant”, read Ryuuko. 
Ryuuko seemed surprised as she blinked rapidly. 
Even Tobi is surprised. What is Shiratama doing here? There’s no one else near the gates. Tobi assumed everyone had already left. Didn’t expect to see someone. And it’s a girl from the same class, of all people. 
Tobi took a deep breath, with his lip pursed. 
What should I do? 
Baku zipped himself. Tobi felt deeply from his heart: This is the time you should say something like you always do...! A tease, boring chatters, unfunny jokes, please, anything. It’s not like Tobi is the only one that can hear Baku!
Why is Shiratama also keeping her mouth shut...
This is awkward.
It’s also the first time Tobi took a good look at her. Her clear facial features were always under his impression of her, but her facial features weren’t oddly huge. They weren’t strangely small either. It’s just amazingly well-shaped. Not a single snore. I feel like I can look at it all day without getting bored. Really goes to show how perfectly shaped she is.
Not necessarily because of that, but they stared at each other.
Tobi couldn’t look away, as she looked back at him.
He felt very embarrassed. Somehow he just couldn’t turn away.
What is this?
Why are we wasting time on this?
It was at this moment someone else shouted at them. It’s that janitor.
“Get off the gates! Wait, it’s you again Otogiri......!”
The anger of the janitor makes him look like a demon unleashed. Tobi looks at him. The janitor is swinging a broom.
The janitor bursts into anger as Tobi apologizes. 
“Didn’t Harimoto just scold you?! Yet you don’t seem sorry at all!"
“I did apologize...”
Tobi jumped down from the gates. The janitor seemed ready to chase him, so he ran away immediately.
There wasn’t anyone on their tail when he looked back again, so he stopped running.
“That janitor sure is annoying......”
“You’re definitely on his watchlist now, heh.” Baku continues to giggle. Tobi gave him a stare. “Give me a break...”
“How about you tell him to give you a break?”
“How do I word that...”
“Right. For instance: Please forgive this pathetic, forsaken middle schooler, who is trying his best to become normal...! Not bad right?”
“I don’t think I’m pathetic...”
“Well, I do think a lone wolf is pretty pathetic, heh, it’s just a way of saying anyways~”
“But, I’m not alone, at all.”
“I have a brother.”
When Tobi brings up his brother, Baku usually keeps his mouth shut. Baku never met his brother before. He met Tobi when they were already separated.
Tobi looks at his watch, it’s a quarter to five. As long as he gets back to the facility before 5:30, it should be fine, so he decided to take a little detour.
A detour for Tobi is nothing too fancy: he simply walks a little longer and a little further than he needs to. He tries his best not to spend money at all. He doesn’t have that much money to spend anyways.
The facility Tobi is in gives a middle schooler 3000¥ every month. He’s not sure if it’s a big amount or not. But it takes him 440¥ just to take a round-trip bus.
Money disappears in an instant. Tobi wants to save it for the right moment, so he is trying his best not to waste a single yen.
Because of this, Tobi has never been to a donut or fast food restaurant. He even avoids convenience stores because he fears being roped into wasting his money on useless items. 
He likes to walk. 
Baku is there to talk to when there are no people around them.
At the very least, he’s not bored.
“Well, I’m the one bored.”
Sometimes Baku says something as if he can read Tobi’s heart.
“I just get carried around by you anyways”
“Shall I throw you?”
“Do not throw me, even if it’s an accident.”
“It’ll be fun to fly.”
“Wait a second. Getting thrown is not flying at all. Your name means to fly* for god's sake! Look up a dictionary next time. Actually, look it up right now. It doesn’t say anything about getting thrown when you look up to fly!” *Tobi's name in Japanese literally means "to fly"
Tobi crossed from street to road. He ventures into streets he thinks he’s never been to before. But it seems like it was just another road he knew. Tobi has been all over the places near the school. There isn’t a street Tobi has yet been to.
The middle school Tobi is in is located in a town called Ourai, and the facility Tobi lives in is in the Asakawa town right beside it.
There’s a river called Asakawa in the town, as the name suggests. The river is wide and shallow except when it’s raining.
“For real though, Tobi... Don’t you think it’s a lazy name? They named this place Asakawa because there’s a ‘shallow river*’...” *Asakawa in Japanese means shallow river.
“It’s easy to recognize that way though.”
“You know... there’s something called ambiance...”
Tobi walked on the Asakawa river banks, carrying the backpack that wouldn’t shut up about the atmosphere.
There’s a “village” of tents on the lower path of the river bank. But there are not many camping tents, more like little huts made of recycled material. The Asakawa Den, as people call it. Den, hive, whatever suits the gathering.
The kids in Asakawa are taught to not go near this tent village.
Teachers from grade school, middle school, and even workers from the facility tell them it’s dangerous. Tobi has not been to The Asakawa Den before. He simply takes a view from above at best.
It doesn’t seem like a scary place anyways.
The people in The Asakawa Den are mostly made up of the lower class. Some aren’t even well-dressed. But there are still decent people.
Tobi once walked past this place at night, and he saw people in the den gathered upon a fireplace they set up. He isn’t sure how they live their lives, but he heard people talking happily. It seems like they were preparing meals together, and enjoyed their conversation as they ate. 
Tobi isn’t very good at dealing with people having a good time.
He likes to watch them from a distance, he just dislikes hanging out with them.
“Tobi, you sure are an introvert. Wouldn’t it be nice if you fix that?”
“It’s not like that...”
“I just get really tired when hanging out with people.”
“Humans are social animals, no matter if you get tired or whatever. It’s not possible to live all alone. You gotta learn to have a little patience.”
“Baku is being really serious...”
“I sure am a great backpack that can give proper advice when I feel like it!”
“Whatever you say...”
Asakawa River flows south. Tobi turned his back on the setting sun and walked across the bridge.
The sidewalk is empty compared to the crowded driveway. He climbed up the bridge walls in a heap.
“Not again, Tobi...”
Baku says in dismay. Tobi continues to walk on the walls.
He can feel the wind better up here. When Tobi sways around, Baku always exaggerates by making “uoooh...!” noises.
“I won’t fall over!”
“Sure. Don’t be as cocky as the King of Spades! Wait, do you even know the idiom?”
“I’m not that stupid... And I’m not being cocky at all...”
“You know? You’re taking it high as you get used to the height. It’s dangerous to get used to something. People that think they’re alright are exactly the people that always get into problems.”
“Why is Baku being this cautious...”
“Being cautious has been a part of me since I was born.”
“Since you were born...”
“No, It’s nothing. I’m just wondering how you were born...”
“Huhh? Isn’t that y──……” Baku growled as he thought about it.  
Tobi vividly remembers the man. The one-eyed man with a top hat. That man placed the bag in front of Tobi. But Baku doesn't seem to understand what happened before he started talking.
Tobi stops and faces toward the river. As Tobi sat down on the parapet, he was struck by the feeling that both shoes were about to come off, having lost their place to step on.
“Hey, Tobi. You look like someone that’s about to jump.”
“I’m not gonna jump. It’s just a river down there, and I can swim anyways. “
“But, as the name Asakawa suggests, It’s a shallow river.”
“It’s fine.”
“Just be careful.”
Tobi shakes his body while he replies to Baku. Baku screams.
“Oooooooooii!!!” “I JUST said to be CAREFUL......!!!”
“Trust me, I’m not gonna fall.”
“Who knows?! That's exactly the kind of thing that catches you off guard!!!”
“I’m not being careless. I did it on purpose.”
“Oh. Purpose. On... purpose. Don’t do it on purpose. Don’t. Do. Not. Ever.”
“Didn’t expect you to use those words......”
“I ain’t faking it. That’s enough. Just stop being a jerk and let’s go home.”
“Time’s almost up anyway.”
“You’re not wrong...”
“You don’t wanna go back there?”
Tobi avoided the question by pretending he didn’t hear Baku.
Baku giggles again.
“I understand it’s impossible to like that kind of facility.”
“I don’t feel anything about it...”
“Other people there call the facility "home" eventually for whatever reason, but you’ve never said that once. You never viewed the facility as your home, right, it’s impossible for you to think that way.”
Tobi shakes his legs. He was looking down with his back rounded when he knew it. He doesn't feel like stretching his back, and he can’t look forward or up even.
“It’s not the facility’s problem... It just──”
“It just doesn’t fit me at all.”
“Huh. What exactly doesn’t fit you?”
“So, you don’t like people.”
“It’s not like I hate them...They just don’t fit me. As I said earlier.”
“You’re such a pain in the ass”
“Shut up”
“By the way,”
“Did you notice?”
“Huh?  What?”
“Look at that place”
Tobi looked up.
Peeked left and right.
There’s someone within a meter of Tobi, of course, not on the walls, but there’s a girl standing right on the sidewalk.
The girl is in the same uniform as Tobi’s school. She has a well-groomed face and shortens her long hair up with double buns.
Strange things happen.
Something like this happened before. ‘Before’, more like, an hour ago.
Shiratama Ryuuko stares at Tobi. She doesn’t mean to be wide-eyed, but her eyes look as if she’s trying to clutch Tobi firmly.
Tobi was once scolded by the teacher in the facility to look others in the eye when talking. He did exactly as the teacher said. But somehow the teacher stopped looking him in the eyes. The teacher started looking at his nose and mouth.
It's kinda awkward to look someone directly in the eye.
Tobi has read about cats disliking eye contact with humans from a book in the facility. An unkind stare is a sign of hostility, most of the time.
But Shiratama Ryuuko is only observing Tobi. Is the one called "Tobi" so unusual? She’s trying to find out more about what Tobi looks like, and what kind of ecology it has. It’s obvious from her gaze.
What is up with this person?
She was there back in school.
She’s here again.
Is it just a coincidence? Can't say it's totally impossible, but it sure is strange. Bizarre.
To be honest, it’s rather scary.
Tobi wants to run away. If he had not been sitting on the walls, he might’ve already started running without looking aside. That’s right. Let’s run. Just stand up and run, on the walls or not, just run. He can immediately escape if he wanted to. Why is Tobi not running away? He doesn’t get it either. Just like what happened back at the school gate. He somehow can’t move away from her eyes when Shiratama stares at him.
“Uh” As Tobi speaks, “Otogiri-kun” Shiratama also called his name.
Tobi unconsciously nodded.
“.......Eh?  What?”
“Do you, know about me?”
Shiratama asks Tobi while staring at him. She hasn’t blinked. Won’t her eyes get dry or hurt at all...He was irresistibly curious about such things.
“I... Kno──w about...... you.”You’re Shiratama-san, right? We’re in the same class...Shiratama, Ryuuko.”
“So you’re awake. The existence of mine.”
Shiratama finally blinked once or two.
Then she lifted her chin a bit, squinted both eyes, and raised both ends of her lips slightly.
“Whew, I thought you don’t have any interest in others.”
“Well, you’re not exactly wrong.”
“Sooo... you don’t?
She rolled her eyes and pursed her mouth this time. When her expression changed, it was like Shiratama became a whole other person, yet she was still herself.
“Then how did you know my name?”
“You see...... Your name is pretty special...”
“Yeah... Thanks to the name combination of Shiratama and Ryuuko, I get that a lot.” “But, Otogiri-kun has a name just as rare as mine, if not, rarer”
“I guess......Well──”
Baku giggles yet again.
“And by rare, I mean, you talking to your friends at school is pretty rare, too, isn't it? heheheh.”
We’re not friends. Tobi was about to retort in a flash. But he knows Baku is purposely teasing him. And he can’t be angry at a backpack in front of Shiratama.
“Yeah, I know my name isn’t that common aswe──”
Tobi suddenly noticed something strange.
Shiratama isn’t looking at him. Tobi is looking at her, but Shiratama’s eyes are not on him. What is she looking at?
She’s staring at the backpack on Tobi’s left shoulder. Shiratama is staring at Baku.
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“......Tobi, what now?”
Baku questioned in suspicion.
Tobi didn't reply, but instead repositioned Baku on his back, pulled him closer to his body, and held him close.
“It's, not a... common... name... I mean... uh...? hmm......? What's... what's wrong?”
Shiratama isn’t responding at all. She’s simply staring at Baku.
Baku also began to fret.
“W-what is with this woman? It can’t be that......”
“You know?”
Shiratama started talking again, but she was still staring at Baku.
“I wanted to talk to Otogiri-kun so bad, so I waited for you”
“You...... waited”
Tobi failed to understand what she was talking about for a moment. Recalling it all over again, he understands now.
“Ah...... You’re talking about what happened back at the gates?”
Shiratama nods without looking at Tobi.
“But, I just followed you after seeing Haizaki-san being angry and chasing after you.”
“The Janitor of our school”
“So that’s his name. Haizaki......”
Haizaki-san never misses a chance to greet everyone, and is always available for a chat. He’s a very friendly guy.”
It’s whatever to Tobi. His name, his personality. Whatever.
He’s more interested in why she waited for him. Why did she go all the way to follow Tobi? What is it that she wants to talk about? And she is still staring at Baku. He’s starting to care more about that.
“──So...... Shiratama-san, do you need something from me, or......?
It’s impossible to wait or follow me all the way here without wanting anything.”
Shiratama finally looked at Tobi instead of Baku and smiled.
Tobi fell flat on his face. He just couldn't help but look down. There’s nothing to look down on. Tobi glanced upwards and took a peek at Shiratama.
Shiratama raised her hand and pointed at something.
“So about that back-”
“Ba ku”
Shiratama shook her head in reply.
“Back? Baku? It’s a duffle bag so...... B-A-G? Sooo, Bag is correct?”
“Uh...... ah, I’m not that good at, English.......”
Tobi started calling Baku his current name, all because Baku said he’s a Backpack.
It’s been a good while, and he can’t remember much detail. Pretty sure Tobi asked him ‘What are you’ and Baku replied ‘I’m Backpack’. Or it might’ve been, ‘I’m the great Backpack-sama’. Anyways, the word ‘Backpack’ is a bit too long and hard to pronounce, so Tobi just nicknamed him Baku in short.
“......It’s my Baku, no, uh──backpack......It’s my bag. So, uh.... is anything wrong with my backp- well, no, Baku....... ugh. Is anything wrong with my duffle bag......?”
“Otogiri-kun often talks with that bag right?”
“With my bag──”
Tobi almost fell down the bridge.
“W-w-with my bag? Me? T-t-talk-talks, huh? What? Why? I... don’t talk with him... that much.......?”
“Are you good at ventriloquy?”
Shiratama posed an odd question nonchalantly.
Tobi tried out ventriloquism in spite.
Wait. It’s impossible. To be honest, this is crazy. Why is Tobi suddenly trying ventriloquism, which it’s something he’s never done before? He can’t do it anyways. It’s not something he needed to try doing right now.
“.......No, not at all. I’ve never done ventriloquism before.”
“So in that case, where is that voice talking to Otogiri-kun from ?”
“The...... voice──”
“Oi, Tobi...”
Baku whispers to him.
“Seems like she can hear me clearly. ...... She knows I'm talking to you.”
“THAT voice”
Shiratama nodded her head.
“Correct! I know you’re talking to him!”
Seriously? Tobi didn’t just think so.
He muttered out loud.
Shiratama stood straight, and her full-blown smile fills the entirety of her clear face as if she were decorated with colorful flowers.
Translated by Q-talations
Find us on other socials: https://linktr.ee/qtalations
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lucidmagic · 2 years
I’ve been watching art restoration/crafting/blacksmith videos on Youtube lately and now I have a cute Donna and Phyto!Reader AU.
Donna is a Doll maker/art restoration Youtuber with a decent sized following (not in the millions but definitely has five to six figures in the community). No one has heard her voice (she uses a voice filter or just captions), seen her face, or even know where she is from. But she’s popular because her work is fantastic and it is clear she is knowledgeable (also because she has swoon-worthy hands, and sapphics love her-- she’s flattered but flustered when she learns of this). People have also noticed she has a favorite doll (Angie) and it has become a game with her and her followers-- a ‘where’s Angie’ in every new video. Angie plushies are a staple in Donna’s fan shop.
Anyway, Phyto’s Guide Reader is working at the botanical gardens in the city and does their research. Sometimes in the lab, they relax with Donna’s videos which often has nice music and ASMR sounds. A dear fan and subscriber for years and they often comment on Donna’s videos, to which Donna has recognized the username whenever she gets a notification and has replied on multiple occasions. Reader is also known in the community to give facts about the types of wood/plant based stuff Donna uses and gives recommendations/techniques for them. Donna has implemented some of these facts/techniques in some videos.
Eventually, through some plot I don’t care to think too hard on, the two DM one another over something relating to both of their fields and it starts an online friendship. Over the course of months and years. Reader sometimes sends sample woods to Donna to feature in her next project and Donna sends little knickknacks of scraps from her labors.
Then one day, months/years later, Donna sends a DM and is like ‘you work at this place right?’ and Reader is like ‘yeah???’ and Donna responds with ‘I mayyyyy be in the area for business related things’ and of course the Reader is like ‘o-O’
Parasocial crush in town???? Holy fuck, act cool, be cool.
A few DMs later, they agree to meet. Because honestly, if either of them were serial killers and targeting the other, there has to be easier ways than stringing someone along for years, you know?
Anyways, the day of the botanical gardens meeting comes and both are nervous as hell. And they finally set eyes on one another (’how will I recognize you?’ Donna: ‘if you see a pale-ass woman and think damn she must be mentally-ill, that’ll be me.')
They both immediately think:
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*parasocial crush increases by 9000%*
They’re a bit giddy meeting each other and it‘s slightly awkward for a moment, but quickly they shake it off. Reader gives Donna a tour of the gardens and Donna takes the Reader to lunch and they just... talk.... and just click.
Eventually, Donna has to return home, numbers are exchanged, but she makes sure to visit again in the future. And again. And again.... and again....
. . .
A few years later, Donna uploads a regular video, her loyal subscriber base has grown naturally, and Angie is still her page’s mascot. Privately, the Reader and her got over their tip-toeing and started dating. Everything is normal... until...
“Wait... is Donna wearing an engagement ring?”
“holy fuck someone knows her face”
“When’s the wedding?????”
“the lesbians are QUAKING”
“Fiance reveal?”
“When the fuck did this happen???”
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jeanbie · 1 year
i loved ur modern porco teen hcs !! can you please do a part 2?
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⏤ some more pock headcanons for you ^^ think i'm running out of teenage headcanons, maybe next time i'll graduate him to uni level :P enjoy anyway! thank u for sending me this!! part one here!
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porco really likes junji ito artwork and for christmas, annie didn’t know what to get him so she got him an art collection book of his stuff which kinda set him off
he really likes sci-fi books
constantly changes his music taste but he never downloads any music nor does he have any playlists - he just listens to whatever the day gives him through pre-made playlists and radios
he started liking his lifeguard job significantly more when he got promoted from baby pool duty to adult free swim (hot chicks)
but i think porco actually really likes kids, he likes how honest they are and how much fun they have with anything they have
he’s quite easily led by what he hears and reads online so eventually he made the commitment to just erase majority of his social medias - all he uses now are instagram, snapchat, bereal and he cut down on his reddit usage (congrats pock)
he hates reading the news
he’s still kinda pursuing design engineering (uni is just around the corner) but he’s still got that interest in aviation - he thinks he might look into aviation engineering or aerospace engineering or something like that
he can still handle his drinking quite well - zeke is older and says that’ll come in handy when pock goes to uni
he always picks the skin around his fingers when he feels anxious, which seems to be a lot these days
and he gets nervous rashes over his chest sometimes
he likes rock climbing and bouldering in his spare time, and took it up with reiner when he confessed he didn’t really wanna do it alone
he’s more of a dog person than a cat person and is that guy who always wants to sit with the dog at the party or wants to stroke the dog that’s walking across the road
thinks that burger king is better than kfc and will die on that hill (and he’s dying there alone)
always wishes he had a younger brother like zeke and eren
he loves eren a lot and likes to indulge in eren’s interests sometimes to try and imagine what it could have been like if his mom had pushed out a third one after porco
really wants tattoos but he gets bored of things too quickly and he thinks he’ll end up hating all of them
only types with two fingers on a keyboard (he’s so me)
likes jazzy, soul ballads 
one time, he thought he had a crush on pieck, and they danced together at prom and they discovered that porco is a pretty good dancer
wants his hair to look like john wick some day
he’s afraid of mice and rodents
wants to travel outside of his hometown for uni but is always afraid that one day he might not be close with his friends back home anymore and that makes him really sad
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seriousbrat · 4 months
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Falls the Shadow, chapter 9 Read on Ao3
THE DARKEST DAYS, a multi-part, canon-compliant series spanning from 1975-1981, covering the events of the First Wizarding War. Follows Lily, Sev, and the Marauders through their final years at Hogwarts to the end of the war, as friendships are put to the test and the Wizarding World crumbles around them... READ FROM THE BEGINNING
CHAPTER 9: Best Served Cold --------------------------------------------
Lily pulls away, looking at him worriedly. “Don’t do anything.”
“I won’t if he doesn’t,” James says shortly. “But if you ask me it’s time you stopped defending him. What’ll happen if we’re out there fighting for the Order and he—” But he falters as a fresh wave of tears overcome Lily. “Oh, bloody hell, Lily, I’m sorry— I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s not your fault,” Lily says miserably. “I’m so stupid. You’re right, I— I just wish I could let go of it… I wish I could just stop feeling sorry for him…”
James heaves a sigh. “Look, there’s no… shame in being a good person, Lily. If things were different… but they’re not, are they? This is what the world’s like, isn’t it, it’s cruel and awful and sometimes being too… too kind’s got no place in it. Not right now, anyway.”
Lily nods, closing her eyes. “You’re right. I’ll… get past it, eventually. Sorry I’m so mopey lately, I don’t know what’s got into me.” She shakes her head, eyes still closed. “Don’t worry about me.”
“You might as well ask me to drop dead,” James says cheerfully. “Come on, you— I know something that’ll cheer you up.”
Lily grins at him, despite herself. “Really? That’s what you’re thinking of right now?”
“What?” he says innocently. “I was only going to suggest a mug of hot chocolate in the kitchens. Not my fault you’ve got such a dirty mind, Evans.”
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bumblingbriars · 5 days
I don't often do this, but I feel like I should start being more open about my ocs lol. Might help with my cringe culture conditioning.
Anyway, here are my BB ocs (so far!)
(Picrew link)
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🎶 Luna Elise Fitzgerald
Birthdate is February 20th, 1955. 16 in her first appearance in fic, 43 by BB2K.
Face Claim: Lorna Luft (That is her in Grease 2, which released just 2 years after TBB)
Occupation: Music Teacher
Gender/Sexuality: Cis Female, Straight
Five Key Traits: Gentle, Organized, Loud, Loyal, Positive
Three Fun Facts
Has perfect pitch. Since her ambitions used to be rather humble, she saved it for parties and her students. She can also play quite a few instruments due to this, though prefers the piano.
Loves wearing sun hats, as her mother has a huge collection of them. It makes her feel close to her as they live cities apart. She has quite a few, including one or two from her mother's collection.
Loves to bake more than cook--she tends to stress bake as a consequence. Loves baking cakes the most--her favorite to bake is chocolate forest and cheesecake.
Name Origins: In universe her name is due to her deceased father, who was a literature professor and studier of mythologies. He loved the olden works of Virgil, and found the name Luna in his work Georgics. He and Luna’s mom loved this name a lot and gave it to her. There’s also a secret reason, but that’ll be revealed hehe. for irl, I thought it’d be neat for her to have a fantasical name like Elwood does. Her last name comes from the jazz singer, Ella Fitzgerald.
Love Interest: Elwood J. Blues
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📚 Gretchen "Etta" Sophia Carter
Birthdate is May 25th, 1956. Her first "appearance" would put her at 24 as she's sort of in tbb, but her first real appearance is at 34.
Face Claim: Jessica Harper (that's an image of her in 1990, the year Etta and Jake met)
Occupation: Author, freelance editor (mainly for magazines and novels). Previously an English tutor and diner cook.
Gender/Sexuality: Cis Female, Bisexual
Five Key Traits: Understanding, Passionate, Ambitious, Articulate, and Humble
Three Fun Facts
Has been writing a poetry/short fiction mixed book on and off for years. It's her true passion, to write books... perhaps she'll be able to publish it soon.
Very well read. Originally wanted to be a professor at Columbia, but ultimately decided against it as getting her bachelors was hard for several reasons. She debates sometimes whether or not it was the right decision.
Loves to cook after writing. Finds it calming and endearing as she loves learning new recipes and loves making people happy through food. It's the easiest thing for her. Due to this, she used to be a cook at a diner in her younger years before doing freelance.
Name Origins: In universe, she's named after her maternal grandmother who was a famous actress. It wasn't out of the best intentions, but that's all I'll say for now. She gave herself the nickname Etta as she disliked the name Gretchen and felt it didn't fit her vibe at all--though she does respect her grandma. She does at least like the meaning though. In irl, she's named after two singers: Gretchen Parlato, and Betty Carter. Etta James actually wasn't the inspiration for her nickname, I just felt it'd fit her. It just came as a plus lol. Also, her original last name was actually Jones, but then I found out there was an actual Etta Jones (a jazz singer, too!) so I had to change it lol.
Love Interest: Jake E. Blues
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⭐ Katerina "Kat, Kitty" Anita Carter
Birthdate is November 18th, 1990. She's 15 1/2 in her first appearance (Summer 2006 is when the fic takes place)
Face Claim: Erm... (I find finding face claims for fan kids extremely hard, plus there's a lot of specifics to me that make narrowing down a face claim difficult. All I can really say is that she looks a lot more like her dad, with only a few of Etta's genes surviving the war. It's what Etta would prefer, anyway)
Occupation: Student, eventual Blues Brothers member
Gender/Sexuality: Cis Female, Bisexual
Five Key Traits: Passionate, Witty, Outspoken, Caring, and Courageous
Three Fun Facts:
On top of her love for the blues, she also loves punk and rock. Secret love for 2000s musicians too lol (like Britney Spears or Avril Lavigne)
Has a huge sweet tooth, inherited from her mother. Combined with a hard time brushing her teeth equals quite a few cavities in the past. Can't stop won't stop lol. She does get better at brushing with time, god bless
Was reading at college level by sixth grade. If she wasn't so shit at math, she probably would've been placed in advanced courses...
Name Origins: In universe, I'm keeping it just a bit of a mystery as to how Kat's name was workshopped as it’ll be revealed later. I can say her mother, Gretchen, really loved Anna Karenina. However, she didn’t want her name to be a full on reference to the book. Katerina was born! This isn’t a spoiler cause it’s subtly revealed in the first chapter lol, but her middle name, Anita, is from Anita O'day. Irl, tbh I really liked how Katerina sounded, plus I love characters that have long fancy names but prefer nicknames (thus, Kat). plus, I wanted the name to have Kat in it somewhere so she could eventually get the nickname "Kitty” (no bearing on my own nickname, I'm not projecting that hard) as many blues and jazz singers get that nickname. As mentioned in her mother's profile, her last name comes from Betty Carter.
Love Interest: Heh... wouldn't you like to know (it's a secret! No it's not Buster btw ew)
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🖊️ Georgia "G, George" Louise Smith
Birthdate is June 18th, 1988. 17, nearly 18 in her first appearance
Face Claim: Erm... (She's not a fankid however since I can't find a fc for Kat, I decided to let Georgia be faceless as well)
Occupation: Student, eventually band/social media manager
Gender/Sexuality: Cis Female, queer/sapphic leaning
Five Key Traits: Organized, Shy, Polite, Calm, and Optimistic
Three Fun Facts
A big lover of boy bands. Collects posters and memorabilia. Never grows out of this, either--she'd be insane over Backstreet Boys coming back for example. She also heavily prefers 2000s musicians and Y2K culture. Jokingly debates with Kat about whether or not tbb are a boy band (Kat insists on being included despite not being a boy)
Despite being older, she views Kat as the older sister in their sisterhood. While more responsible, Kat is much more leader-oriented and outspoken than her. She's even taller than Kat by several inches but due to Kat's loud personality she's always felt small compared to her. She's a little envious of this.
Due to being entrenched in current trends, she also keeps up-to-date with social media and has a small following. Uses Myspace a lot, will eventually have at least two accounts on almost every social media. One personal, one tbb business
Name Origins: In universe, Georgia wasn't named by her parents. Instead she was named by the nurse who found her, as she was abandoned at a hospital. Smith is more or less a common last name she was assigned, as the nurse didn't want to become too attached to her </3 Unlike the other ladies on this list, irl Georgia wasn't named after any particular singer. She's instead named after a song, the famous "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" due to Kat's perceived influence on her (also "Georgia on My Mind" by Ray Charles is a plus) And yes, this will be mentioned/joked upon... eventually.
Love Interest: Only God knows atp
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