#anyway like i said i will DIE ON THE HILL of this friendship
kradogsrats · 1 year
The portrait dominated the room, still set on an easel until it could be framed and hung. It would no doubt be copied hundreds of times, into miniatures and engravings, to immortalize the royal family in the hearts of Katolis. For now, it mostly just made moving around the space awkward—the paint on it was barely dry, and it still smelled slightly of turpentine.
"You look so happy together," Lissa said. The artist had captured the ease with which Sarai stood beside King Harrow, the way they turned toward each other even as they looked in the same direction. She smiled, correcting herself. "You are so happy together."
Sarai laughed. "I don't know—I think we look a little stiff. Harrow hates standing still for these, and it shows. And I don't think she got my nose right." She scrunched up her nose, as if comparing it unfavorably with the one in the portrait.
Lissa looked at her. "How were you able to—how did you find it in you to move on, after Callum's father?"
She suddenly remembered she was speaking to the queen and flushed, looking away. Sarai had a way of putting her at ease—King Harrow would always be King Harrow, but Queen Sarai frequently slipped into being just Sarai. "That was too bold, forgive me. You don't have to answer."
"No, it's fine," Sarai protested. She hesitated for a moment, but the pause was thoughtful, rather than uncomfortable. "I loved him completely. I still do. I was a wreck, when he passed—I certainly wasn't setting out to find a new partner, after."
She studied the portrait, her eyes on Callum's small, serious face. "But I knew I wanted Callum to have a second parent, if anything ever happened to me. I knew I wanted more children. I suppose I just... left myself open to love."
Her face softened. "And love found me. It has a way of doing that."
Lissa remembered the dizzying rush of falling for a man with quicksilver eyes and magic sparking in his beckoning hand—how the course of her life had been irrevocably altered from what she'd always planned it to be. How it had been worth it. How it would never be worth it.
"It certainly does," she said.
"Why do you ask? Are you thinking about finding someone?" Sarai grinned mischievously. "Should I comb the Crownguard for particularly dashing individuals to send your way?"
"If you start trying to set me up with a Crownguard, I will teach Callum every Del Barian drinking song I know," Lissa threatened. She looked sidelong at Sarai, trying to keep a straight face.
Sarai cracked first, her face contorting with mirth before she burst into laughter. "You're not serious."
"I am absolutely serious," Lissa said, laughing as well. "I'll start with the bawdiest ones, just try me."
A tentative cry came from the other room, followed by a louder, more emphatic wail. Sarai sighed. "Someone's hungry."
"Or soiled, or gassy, or—," Lissa ticked the possibilities off on her fingers, smiling.
"No, that's the hungry cry. I'd know it anywhere." She pulled Lissa into a quick hug, kissing her cheek, then began to edge around the painting toward the nursery door. "Go home. I'll see you tomorrow. This thing should be out of the way, by then."
"That'll be a relief."
"And Lissa?" Sarai poked her head back around the portrait. "Maybe think a bit about staying open to love? For me?"
She retreated again before Lissa could respond—off to tend little Ezran, who was now crying with gusto. Lissa looked at the portrait again and sighed. The perfect family.
"I'll try," she murmured.
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starpirateee · 2 months
Hi! Could I request some Paul+Ted friendship that's not NOT romance... basically Paul find Ted crying in a bathroom stall and they chat and it's angsty and all that good stuff. Love your writing btw!
BTW Ted has HORENDOUS self-esteem and I will die in that hill.
You can absolutely suggest that! Do you mind if I use this as a continuation to the time loop prompt? I could make that really angsty...
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"I wanna go back. I- fuck- I can't take this shit anymore!"
Ted's desperate attempt to keep himself in check had backfired drastically. Paul had known from the moment he confronted him that he looked like he was going to have a breakdown... And that had been proven all but true when he'd returned from his lunch break early and heard sobbing coming from behind Ted's office door.
After a moment of hesitation, and a check to confirm that nobody was following him, he knocked on the office door carefully, not wanting to startle him too badly.
"Christ-" Ted's breath hitched when his train of thought was so violently interrupted, and he tried for a moment to pretend like that hadn't scared him shitless. He took a breath, trying for all it was worth to sound even slightly normal. "Wh-what?" He asked, not noticing the way his voice shook.
Hand rested up against the door, Paul sighed softly. "It's just me, Ted."
"... Paul?"
"Yeah. It's just me. Can I come in?"
If Paul was asking that, he probably knew what kind of state he was in. Hell, he'd probably heard most of it anyway, who knows how long he'd been at it?
The panic had caused a tremor in his hands. In some kind of attempt to stop it, he pushed them both into the front of his hair and let his fingers graze through the strands that were trying to remain part of the gathering.
Don't do it. Don't you fucking do it. You're gonna make yourself sound like a madman, Ted. Don't let him in, don't-
"S-sure. Door's open."
Paul pushed his way through, and immediately saw what this state had done to Ted. He was on the ground, pressed up against his desk and hiding his face in his arms. His hair was uncharacteristically unkempt. Sure, Ted wasn't exactly known for keeping his hair neat, but there was so much of it out of the hair tie he normally used that there may as well not have been a hair tie at all.
He closed the door behind him, even though he knew there wasn't enough people in the office for it to matter.
Upon hearing that, Ted's gaze shot up, eyes wide and glistening, face streaked with tears. He tried to compose himself, but quickly realised that he was too far gone to care. Besides, Paul was probably here because he'd heard what was going on, there was no point in trying to hide it now.
"Ted, uh-" Paul hadn't come in with any kind of plan here. This was just plain concern talking, a need to see if there was anything he could do. Are you okay was the wrong question. He was so far from okay that it was almost astounding.
"What happened?"
As Paul chalked up a list of possibilities in his head, Ted tried to chalk up whether telling him straight out would be the right way to go. It was an insane demand, and there was no way Paul would believe him in any capacity. It's been Thursday for the past two and a half months... Yeah, that sounded stupid. And while there was a part of him that did want to be assured that it'd be fine, that he could move on even if it took time, he wasn't going to find himself admitting-
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Huh? What... What d'you mean, 'what"?"
"You just said-"
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
He'd said that out loud. He'd said that out loud. So much for not wanting Paul to think he was crazy... He couldn't even trust himself to say anything without his mind getting away from him!
It didn't matter. Paul knew now, and he couldn't exactly take it back...
So, he nodded. Better for him to walk out now and forget he ever asked. Better for him not to think he was losing his mind. Better if he said nothing.
But he stayed. Brow drawn, completely silent... He was waiting for something. An explanation, probably. Ted heaved a sigh and forced himself to think about his every word.
"It's- uh- yeah. It's been Thursday for- for weeks. The same Thursday. Yesterday." He motioned for Paul to take a seat somewhere; the way he was just standing there was starting to get intimidating.
With a shrug, Paul walked over and sat against the other side of the desk, to put a little space between them. He leaned back against it, and glanced over at Ted. "I don't think I understand..."
Ted sighed. That made two of them. "I don't- I don't know, okay? Every time I woke up, it- it was the fucking same. Same day, with the same people and the same fucking conversations… I had this whole- I had everything worked out, and now suddenly-"
"It's Friday..?" Paul offered, with a genuine air of sympathy about him.
Ted nodded. "Couldn't have said it better myself. Yeah. It- it's Friday. I thought I'd be glad it was all over, y'know? That things would stop being the same, but it feels like shit, Paul." He reached up to pull out his now redundant hair tie, and scrubbed his hand over his face to collect the loose tears still threatening to fall.
Paul didn't really know, nor did he think he'd understand, but Ted was messed up over it, and he thought he owed it to him to at least make an effort. "So, what, you woke up in the same day?"
"Every day. No matter what I did."
"How long for?"
"Stopped keeping track a couple weeks in. Today's just... It's a lot, y'know? Thought I'd be fine..."
Paul shifted ever so slightly closer. Ted was absently twisting his hair tie into various different knots, pulling them out, and then then doing the exact same thing all over again. He'd never seen him this anxious over anything before, it was a strange enough sight on just that. Ted was brash, confident, reckless... The man sitting five feet away from him was shaking, lost, and barely able to string a sentence together without stammering.
There was a part of Paul looking to investigate, to get to the bottom of whatever was playing on his mind. The rest of him knew that spirals like this spiked the nerves, left a guy helpless. Ted probably didn't even know how to explain what was going on in his head, let alone what had apparently happened yesterday.
So, he stopped himself asking too many questions.
"I wanna go back. I know what that sounds like... But I don't fucking care anymore, I wanna go back." A sob racked his chest and he ended up gasping for breath. He found the strength to look at Paul, his eyes wide and frightened. "Saturday's coming. I don't know how I'm gonna cope when I don't even have to come to this shit hole! At least today I could pretend things were normal!"
Paul shuffled so he was facing Ted properly. The latter did the same, feeling a strange sense of being understood here. He didn't even know what it was, but Paul seemed to have understood at least some of that sentiment.
"How are you for the movies tomorrow?"
Paul's question threw him right off guard. He blinked, stared at Paul, then blinked again. "Huh?"
"Would.... Would having some kinda plan make this whole thing any better?"
Yes, goddamnit, I need something normal and set, because I've got two days of this shit and I don't wanna lose my mind before I come back on Monday...
"I dunno.... Uh, maybe?" Then he tried to scoff, tried to gain a semblance of himself. "What, you asking me on a date to the movies, Matthews?"
"Not a date. But... Yeah. It doesn't matter what's on, we could just... Watch for the sake of watching, y'know?"
"... I'll be there."
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gryffinwall · 1 year
The Five Hills I'd Die on for Girl Meets World
Soooo, it’s been a minute since I’ve written anything. I fully intended to get this up on the blog at least a month ago, but you know how it goes. This has been sitting in my drafts for quite some time, so without further ado, I present to you the five hills I will die on when it comes to Girl Meets World. In (mostly) no particular order:
Lucas picked Maya originally
I’ve written about this in the past, so I won’t spend a ton of time rehashing everything. But to this day, I am fully, completely sure that Lucas originally picked Maya in Upstate. Go back and watch that scene with the perspective that he was going to pick Maya, and then watch it again with the perspective of him picking Riley. See which one tracks and which one doesn’t. It was Maya, 100%. If nothing else, that smirky, flirty expression Lucas has on his face when Maya grabs his shirt is a dead giveaway. That is not the face you make when you’re about to reject a girl for her best friend.
Of all the hills on the list, this is THE hill I will die on if I could only pick one, that’s how strongly I believe it.
Riley & Farkle were endgame
The above may be my number one hill, but this entry isn’t too far behind. I know I’m not alone in believing that had the show been renewed, even for one more season, we would have seen a development in the Riley-Farkle relationship. Throughout the show, and especially in the third season, we see Riley and Farkle have a deep connection, a much deeper one than she has with Lucas (and deeper than what Farkle has with Smackle. Yeah, I said it!). They truly, deeply, genuinely love each other, and based on what we saw in the third season, it looked like the writers were setting it up for them to develop romantic feelings as they got older. In Boy Meets World, Topanga’s dad admits he used to be scared that he’d find Topanga in the basement (i.e., making out) with Shawn but realizes it was Cory he should have been afraid of all along. My hunch is that we would have gotten a similar callback had the show gotten renewed.
There are also some fascinating parallels between Topanga and Farkle, and I’m totally sold on the argument that he is the Topanga of GMW, not Lucas. But that’s another topic for another day.
The girls’ friendship was actually kind of toxic
We can all agree that the Rilaya friendship was one of the best parts of the show. They loved each other, supported each other, and would do anything to help the other out or spare their feelings. However, they each did something to the other that was ended up being pretty hurtful.
Riley, of course, is largely at fault for getting Maya to believe that her (Maya) growing up, maturing, and wanting to be a bit more responsible was somehow a bad thing, something that needed to be “fixed.” Maya was finally embracing hope and taking herself more seriously…and Riley put a quick stop to that because it “wasn’t her.” Oof. It ended up reverting Maya to her season 1 self, which is not a place Maya really wanted to be.
Maya, meanwhile, was the co-founding member of the Riley Committee, which sheltered Riley from life’s harsh realities and disappointments to the point that her growth was stunted. Despite Riley being a smart girl living in New York City, she apparently had no idea about war, poverty, homelessness, famine, etc. Maya and the others made sure her feelings were protected – they didn’t tell her about Pluto losing its status as a planet because they knew she’d get upset - but it resulted in Riley being immature and naïve to the point of being ignorant. Not a good look.
Neither girl had malicious intent; in fact, they both thought they were in the right to say and do the things they said and did. They would never do anything to intentionally hurt the other, but it ended up happening anyway. I would have loved to have seen this get addressed on the show, but alas, it wasn’t meant to be.
Girl Meets Belief is a super interesting insight into all dynamics of the core four’s relationships
Full disclosure, the original draft for this post ended up being significantly longer than it is currently, and it’s all because of this hill. It made me realize that I want to write a separate post about it, simply because I find said insights so fascinating. So I won’t go into too much detail right here and now. All you need to know is that I think this is a crucial episode to the series since it explores the relationships between our main four so perfectly. We see every iteration of the characters paired up together, and we see why every dynamic works the way it works. Idk, I’m kind of obsessed with it, and I will have more on that soon.
The story wasn’t finished
My last hill, and it’s a big one: I don’t think the story was finished. And not in the sense that it got cancelled somewhat unexpectedly; I mean that I personally think had the show gotten renewed, we would have seen some of the stories from season 3 come back in a future season. I wholly believe we were going to come back to the “Maya became Riley” story and find out that she, in fact, did not become Riley, that Riley was wrong about all of this, and that it was a simple case of Maya growing up. And that while Riley has undoubtedly been a significant influence on her, Maya did all the work herself to become a better person.
I also believe it was going to get revealed that Riley and Lucas didn’t act like a couple for a reason. They were going to learn the important lesson that perception of a thing doesn’t make it so, particularly when feelings are involved. In other words, they were going to find out that their sweet seventh grade crushes didn’t translate to genuine love between two teenagers – and that’s okay! Their lack of chemistry and lack of seeming like an actual couple, to me, was a pretty big hint that there was something more going on beyond “bad writing” and Disney channel restrictions. A shame we’ll never know for sure, but this is my gut feeling on the matter.
And there you have it! If you have any hills you’d die on, send them my way, I want to hear them. Hope you all had or are having a wonderful holiday season, and cheers to 2023!
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I decided to add a part 2 to this post about how Mike and El broke up in Lenora. I just finished my season 4 rewatch and I am now also convinced that this love triangle is resolved by the time they get to Hawkins. I think the first part of my theory has a stronger likelihood of being right. But I'm just going to build myself another little hill to die on because that 2 day time jump leaves so many questions and everything is so ambiguous. So my theory is this - Mike and El break up while they are fighting in Lenora. The link above goes into the proof of this. But I think Mike explained to El that he's gay and loves Will. I think they argued about this but not in the same way they were arguing in the part of the scene we actually saw. I think El was just confused and maybe feeling a little betrayed by both Mike and Will for not telling her sooner. So El goes off to the lab not just because she fought with Mike and feels like she needs to be a superhero again, but her one friend in Lenora (Will) was holding something back from her. She feels alone. She makes an emotional decision to go back to the lab. We see that. Everything with Angela and her arrest made her feel vulnerable and her fight with Mike on top of it didn't help. She reacts to what Owens is saying based off of how she's feeling. Which is why it takes her a few days to think about this situation. While she's in the lab I think she realized she made some mistakes too. She lied to Will about her relationship with Mike and it hurt him, and she lied to Mike about what was going on in Lenora. I think it's clear when they reunite that they are all happy to see each other.
Meanwhile, Mike and Will are on their road trip. Mike brings up his fight with El a few times and Will completely misunderstands what Mike is saying. He doesn't think he has a chance with Mike because El's been making it sound like everything is perfect with them. But Mike isn't actually implying anything romantic with El. Nothing about what he says is in anyway indicative of him wanting to be her boyfriend or him loving her. When he says "if I had just said that thing maybe she would have taken me with her" I don't think he means it in a romantic way. I think they fought and he feels guilty and he wishes he had stressed to her that he does love her (platonically) so that she wasn't alone. He's upset because he doesn't think he has a place in her life if he's not her boyfriend and Will completely misses this. He's also feeling guilty about the way he handled everything. I also think during this road trip Mike and Will reconnected their friendship like they said they wanted to back in Lenora. They didn't only have 3 or 4 conversations about El and then not talk. It was a long trip. They were in the car for days. I think they caught up about their lives and talked about school. And I think it's very likely Mike still had his flirty attitude he had back in Lenora. This seems to be their dynamic now. So there had to have been times during this trip where Will thought "wait, does he?". I don't think they got into too much about their relationship just danced around it. There are too many people in the car and they are in a stressful situation. So I think they mainly just caught up here. Jumping past the painting revel because I've talked about that endlessly (Basically Mike knows Will was talking about himself and is happy about it). When the group reunites Mike and El don't even attempt to make that reunion romantic. It's a platonic reunion. The thing that sticks out is this - El and Will have a more emotional reunion. We see this season (and it's heavily implied) that Will and El got pretty close and this is important for later. Their relationship means a lot to both of them. So we get to the pizza place and El and Mike are talking. I love how ambiguous all of this is. Like there are 4 possibilities here that make a lot of sense. But the one I'm going with here is that Mike and El are trying to establish a friendship and they both know it. El starts to say something and gets a little annoyed at Mike for interrupting because she spent the past few days in the lab and I think she came to a better understanding about what he was trying to tell her and wanted to let him know. She's serious here when she tells him she missed him. But they still have some things about their relationship that they need to talk about hence her tone. Mike starts talking about their conversation in Lenora and says "I guess what I'm trying to say is..." I am positive at this point there is nothing romantic happening here. There is nothing about this conversation that suggests it. I think it's the same response people have always had about Mike and El where they assume their interactions must be romantic. But the conversation isn't, which is why I think it's about them trying to establish a friendship and why they both start with "I missed you". After their fight and break up this was important to establish.
And further proof of this. When Argyle interrupts neither of them is bothered by it. It would have been so easy for one of them to just ask him to give them a minute. They don't. They don't mind the interruption because they both know where they stand. They do still need to talk a bit but they understand they are broken up and the reason why and they are both fine with it. So the rest of this conversation can wait. Instead we have them actually goofing around with each other as friends. And again, neither of them are bothered by this. We don't see Mike and El acting like this toward each other. The only time Mike tried to do this was with the singing in S3 and El told him to stop. But that doesn't happen here. They are friends now and it's a good thing. They can mess around with Argyle and it's ok. I don't think Will believes this scene is romantic when he's watching them. I mean how could you? lol It's such a friendship moment. I think he misses his friend. Him and Mike were so close and they grew apart a bit in S3. They haven't goofed around like this in a while. I think he also feels like he's just separate from everyone and can't join in because he's different. So then there is the "I love you" monologue and again I won't go too much into this part because I have so many times. But I just want to say that I haven't seen this episode since it originally aired and I was shocked by how short this moment is. It's like 10 seconds long. And Mike is so clearly trying to get her to rally and fight. That's the whole point of this. He's rambling. Mike's face during this scene could either read as him forcing himself to say something or him just flat out panicking because he's realizing he has nothing to say. So he resorts to saying what they last had a conversation about. Him and El don't have bonding moments to bring up and that would have been painfully clear here. He already felt like they weren't friends and now he's faced with that reality. And I don't think Will looks upset because of what Mike's saying to El. I think he already thought they were in love and nothing Mike said was all that shocking. Will's upset already before Mike talks. He's scared for El. This situation is tense. And I don't think it was about what Mike said. But I do think one thing is clear to Will here and maybe he didn't realize it in the moment. But the way Mike talks to El is radically different than the way Mike talks to him. What Mike says is so superficial compared to what Mike told Will in the shed. Mike has a lot more emotional depth with Will and this is the first time Will actually gets to see that comparison. So what happened after this? I'm about to fill in some blanks here, so get ready.
El probably woke up and explained what went on in the mind fight. She's probably worried about Max. Again, I think Mike and El are both clear on where they stand at this point. She also heard Will encouraging Mike to say something so I think she gets what he was trying to do here. He was telling her he loved her platonically but the only time she actually looks annoyed is when he tells her she can fly. It makes her angry. He still only sees her as a superhero. It's a problem they still have to address. I do think at this point she is exasperated with both Mike and Will though. I like this motel gate theory. I think it makes a lot of sense. After all of this drama, El was soaked and exhausted (they all were exhausted) and it was late. They think the drama in Hawkins for the most part has passed so they aren't feeling as rushed to get back there. It makes sense they would have stopped to get some sleep for a few hours. And I think this is where things came out. Because I can see Will trying to keep his distance from Mike and El and neither of them letting him. And I think El is tired of this drama and may have gone to talk to him about it. Because I don't think she likes being in the middle of this. I think El and Will got into a fight. Their behavior when they get back to Hawkins is so distant. I will get into this in a bit. El and Will getting into a fight over the fact that they both kept things from each other when they thought they were so close makes sense to me. El lied about how perfect her relationship with Mike was and it hurt him, Will hid his feelings because he didn't want to hurt her. I think she'd be upset he did this. He was hurting and didn't tell her and she probably went on and on about Mike not knowing how much pain she caused him. I think this would be upsetting for her to learn. I don't think this is a serious fight. They will make up soon. But I think El at this point tells him that Mike and her broke up. I think it's also plausible that they stopped somewhere twice because it was a 2 day trip and it was already late this first time. But at some point after this Mike and El talk about Brenner a bit. So Will knows they are broken up and him and El aren't really talking and Mike notices this and checks in with Will about it. I think at this point the two of them are now in a position to actually talk about their relationship and get together. And I think everyone in the Cali gang basically knows but doesn't know for sure exactly.
Now once the show picks up after the 2 days what we see is them driving into Hawkins. I don't think the way they are sitting in this car means anything. They seem to just be scattered in the back of the van and it doesn't mean they sat like that for 2 days. I'm sure they moved around a bit. But when we see them everything is serious because they are realizing the extent of the damage in Hawkins. Everything is awful and it's the reason I think we don't see Mike and Will acting like a couple. There is a lot going on. And I like the idea of contrasting their relationship with Mike and El again. Where those two inserted their romantic relationship into every damn thing and caused drama with their friend group and got into a fight about their relationship in the middle of a tense situation about Billy. Mike and Will don't act like this. They don't need constant reassurance from each other so when shit is going down they don't need to insert their relationship into it. I think the fact that they are both still insecure about their identities plays into this too. Because they won't be all over each other in front of people, at least not until they get more comfortable and this didn't happen in the span of 2 days. So they are together but they are focused on fixing the problem in Hawkins. When they get to the hospital a few noteworthy things happen. Mike makes a beeline straight for Will when Lucas makes space for him on El's other side. Not that out of the ordinary, Mike and Will have personally space issues. But if you take into account how much both of them were spazzing at their close proximity this season, the fact that they no longer do this sticks out. Mike also puts himself between Will and El. They are fighting. El rests her head on Mike's shoulder platonically and Will notices. He isn't upset about this. And he's been upset watching those two all season. But now it's not bothering him. At the cabin they are all quiet when they are cleaning. Again, I don't think Mike and Will will act coupley in front of people for a bit, especially El. But El rolls her eyes at them. And I think this is more directed at Will than at Mike. Because Will has to ask Mike if she talked to him. He could have done this himself. They got pretty close so why didn't he check in? Because they are fighting. So he asks Mike about her. Mike rolls his eyes a bit too. He's on Will's side in this fight. He also initiates contact here. Once when he unnecessarily walks closer to Will and once on the couch when he puts his hand on his shoulder. Neither of them are resistant or spazz during these moments. It's not their first moment of physical contact. They are both comfortable with it in a way we haven't seen in a while. Will also confides in Mike easily. I thing we've seen in the past but he was all about ripping the band-aid off. He's not doing that here. He's bringing them closer. Moving forward to next season, I think it will probably open into a pretty chaotic scene if Will is getting Vecna'd. I'm not positive this is happening because Vecna is seriously injured and I'm not sure he can do this at the moment to anyone. And Will doesn't see any of his fears either. He's not shown the same type of image where he's trying to escape from a room and the door is blocked that everyone else sees. There is no Mike and his friends/family mocking him for being gay the way we saw Lucas being disappointed in Max. I think this is more along the lines of Will's powers manifesting which is why it seems similar - the clouds and everyone freezing behind him. Henry, El, and Kali all have similarities with their powers. So I think Will is seeing into the future. But I think this will cause some chaos because he looks like he's in a trance and they are panicking. Mike will have a hard time keeping his emotions in check in either case. And I think Will won't mind him protecting him (he never has before). And I think it will quickly be obvious to the group around them that they are together.
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sixstepsaway · 2 years
I swear I said this in another meta but my read on Stede being rude af to Izzy is THIS was his gay panic moment
which is why he didn't have one re: Ed either on the beach nor with Mary, because he's already been there, done that and coped via being a BITCH to Izzy
now, this doesn't mean Izzy's response (being pissed off like whoa, especially considering class and power dynamics) is wrong, not at all
i just want you to imagine for a moment being Stede Bonnet, facing down his first real pirate that isn't one of his kindergarten crew he reads to at night, staring at this leather clad, sexy motherfucker with a sword pointing at his chest having just signed his name sexily into his now-torn shirt
and realizing in a moment of Deep Clarity that he is a homosexual
he bests him, prods his face from Very Close and then skitters away into the woods with a declaration that he'd rather enjoyed himself actually!
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That is a man that is Aroused. The jury rests.
So after he spends a little time processing that maybe his desire to run away to be amongst sweaty, muscular men on a ship might have been fuelled by something more than a lust for adventure (or, at least, not just for adventure, if you catch my ocean tide) he decides the best way to handle this is by pretending to hate the guy!
Izzy never told him his name, he only signed it into his shirt ala Zorro
(ETA: i have been corrected he does introduce himself, but I stand by the next paragraphs regardless lmao)
The obvious answer for anyone that isn't Stede Bonnet is to pretend he doesn't know it.
Instead he unwittingly admits he paid attention to the name signed into him by just... swapping two letters.
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Stede is very intelligent but he's not super bright and that's a hill I'll die on tbh. He thinks an insult is "I paid full attention to you signing your name into my shirt to expose my chest to your equally gay eyes, but I'm going to swap the letters so you think I don't care" and I just love that
and the way he continues to be nothing but a bitch to Izzy fully reinforces in my mind that it was lust at first sight and he had no idea how to handle that, whereas with Ed he was attracted but they immediately got along so he filed it away as Friendship+™, just gals being pals, and was blown away when he realized it was Love™ because he'd finally digested Lust For Men and now had to accept Romance For Men and tbh that one wasn't as hard as the first round
and so when Ed kissed him he was like "nice, yes, I will take a moment to process finally Kissing Men and, more than that, kissing Ed, the man of my dreams who I didn't pretend was named Ted or Kevin or something" rather than "ASDFJKGFKKSKDD IM G A Y???"
anyway that's my take thanks for listening to me dig myself ever further into the gentlehands hole of doomed ships
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trashywormeateroffics · 10 months
The right universe.
Summary: After Y/N's life turns upside down, she's full of grief. Somehow, one day, she manages to travel to the MCU, where she meets her favorite characters, including a certain god who seems willing to establish a friendship with her. Suddenly she's enwrapped in this new world, where everything she loved in a screen is now reality. How will she react? Will she be able to deal with the ghosts that haunt her? Or will she let them consume her? Will she be open to accept the love she is offered? Read to find out!
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Category: F/M.
Relationships: Loki/reader.
Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James “Bucky” Barnes, Vision (Marvel), Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, other minor appearances of other characters but these are the main ones, Pepper Potts, Loki (Marvel).
Additional tags: Loki/reader - Freeform, Avenger Loki (Marvel), Loki & Tony Stark Friendship, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluffyfest, Slow Burn, Friends to lovers, Mutual Pining, Pining a lot because we love to suffer, Domestic Avengers, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark is a parental figure, Natasha Romanov Is a Good Bro, Everyone is a good bro, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, y/n, After Infinity War but no one died and the purple bitch was defeated, Missions, Y/N is a universe traveler, Grief, Therapy, Protective Loki (Marvel), Loki in love.
Chapter 55: The dagger of death.
“Guys, this might sound very stupid but… has any of you watched Lucifer the tv show?”
Everyone stayed silent and she took that as a no.
“What does that have to do with anything?” Natasha asked.
“I might have a plan.”
“What kind of plan?” Steve asked.
“I'm gonna tell it to you and you're gonna think I'm insane but then you're going to realize that it's actually brilliant.”
“Okay, Y/L/N. Spill it.”
“We use a ship to go to Nidavellir. There we forge the dagger of death, then we come back here, and here comes the tricky part.” She said, raising her index finger. “One of us has to die.”
“What?!” Everyone exclaimed, alarmed.
“Just temporarily!” She said, raising her hands in defense.
“Y/N, what the hell are you talking about?”
“There's an episode of Lucifer where he has to retrieve something from hell, and so he dies by someone shocking him and then someone bringing back in the same way.”
“Are you insane? No, let me rephrase that. You are insane.” Wanda told her.
“I knew you would say that, but it's the only way. This is a world threatening event, Thanos like.”
“Y/N, what's your plan? Who even dies?” Steve asked her, unbelieving.
“That's the thing…” Everyone narrowed their eyes. “I do.”
“No way in hell. No pun intended.” Tony said.
“Y/N, you are not killing yourself.” Loki told her firmly.
“Loki, I love you and I hear you, but I'm going to do it.” He looked at her and he knew she would do it anyway. So he thought of the next best idea.
“Fine, then I will go with you.”
“Guys! No one is dying.” Tony said, but Y/N and Loki were not listening.
“Listen, everyone, Steve.” She began, looking at him. “If anyone has a better plan, then we execute it, but no one seems to have something better so… this is it.”
“Y/N, what if you guys die? What if you don't come back?” Wanda asked her, frowning.
“We will come back, it will work. Guys, you've pulled off crazier things, I've seen you do it.” She told them trying to sound encouraging, but the mood had turned grim.
“Alright,” Steve said, “Y/N is right. It's our only way.”
“Thank you, Steve.”
“Just… we need to be careful. We can't afford to lose our resident lunatic.”
“Hey!” She slapped his arm.
And so they began planning the details and preparing themselves for the next war.
After the meeting, Thor, Loki and Y/N headed to New Asgard, where they were to meet Valkyrie and ask her to borrow her ship.
“Your Princes!” She said as soon as they got out of the quinjet. “And my favorite not mortal.”
“Val!” Y/N exclaimed and went to hug her. The other one just patted her head like a dog, not used to physical affection but still in need of it.
“My Queen,” Thor bowed his head, “we come to ask you a favor.”
“Ask away.” She told him as she had her arm wrapped around Y/N's shoulders. “Just no sexual favors please, I've run out of those.”
“What? No.” Y/N told her, frowning. “We need to borrow your ship.”
“My ship? What for?”
“A war is coming and we must go to Nidavellir to forge a deadly weapon.” Loki told her, very seriously. Valkyrie laughed loudly.
“A war? Against who?”
“My sister.”
“So, she's evil and wants to kill you?” Valkyrie asked after Y/N told her the whole story. “Geez, wonder why that sounds familiar…” She said looking at the both Asgardian brothers.
“Yeah, pretty much.” Y/N said, her lips in a tight line.
“And your plan is to forge the dagger of death in Nidavellir and then die temporarily to go to hell and convince Hela, the person who caused Ragnarok and is just as evil, or even more, as your sister, to enchant it?”
“Y-yeah.” She nodded. “In my defense, I watch a lot of tv.”
The warrior laughed and shook her head. Then she looked at Y/N and saw that she was serious, so she shrugged.
“You are insane but… what's another life threatening plan gonna do? Actually kill me?”
“Yes!” Y/N exclaimed, lifting her fists in the air, knowing that she had been convinced.
“But… I am coming with you. You are gonna need someone who knows how to drive my ship properly, not like these two brutes.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Excuse you?” The both brothers said at the same time, making the two women laugh. After the laughter died down and everyone sobered up Thor spoke up.
“Then it is settled. Us four will go to Nidavellir.”
“Are you sure about this?” Natasha asked her, worry etched onto her face.
“I am Nat, this is our only way.”
“Just… be careful, alright? Don't do anything stupid.”
“I probably will but… nothing too stupid.” She said, making the redhead laugh.
“Lady Y/N, let's go!” Thor called from the ship.
Everyone gathered at the garden of the compound to say goodbye to the two Asgardian brothers, Y/N and Valkyrie as they were to be headed to Nidavellir.
“Kid! Be careful.”
“Yes Tony, I will be. I'm going to space, how cool is that?!” She whisper-yelled and the billionaire let out a loud laugh.
“Very cool.” He told her, still smiling. Then he squeezed her shoulders and gave her a nod.
“Darling, we must go.”
“Right. Well everyone, I'll be back. Let's hope.” She crossed her fingers and everyone looked at her disapprovingly.
“Y/N!” Steve scolded.
“I'm joking. Jesus!” She held up her hands. “Alright, bye!”
“Bye!” Everyone waved their hands as she got on the ship and until it disappeared into the sky they didn't stop.
“Alright, one minute for the jump.” Valkyrie said, making Y/N's stomach turn.
Yes, she had traveled universes and fought bad guys and had been kidnapped, but she had never traveled to space. Would she puke her guts out? Would her head explode?
“Darling,” she looked at Loki. “Are you alright?”
“Peachy. Great. Yes.” He looked amused.
“Are you nervous?”
“Ha!” She laughed exaggeratedly. “I'm not.”
They stayed in silence for a moment, but when the jump began, Y/N grabbed Loki's hands tightly. He didn't say anything, but smiled as he tightened his grip on her hand.
When it came into view, everyone gasped. Recovered from its former destruction by the hand of the titan, Nidavellir had once again risen from the ashes. Now not only dwarves lived there but beings from all the realms, beings who worked and lived there, helping their leader, Eitri.
Thor, Valkyrie, Loki and Y/N got out of the ship and approached him.
“Thor!” He exclaimed with joy, as everyone did when they saw the blond Asgardian.
“Eitri! How have you been?”
“Better, better. And you?”
“Great!” Thor bellowed in his usual positive Thor fashion.
“So, what brings you here? Don't tell me you need another hammer!”
“No, no. We need to forge something else.”
“Like what?”
“A dagger of death.” Y/N joined the conversation, finally leaving her spot next to Valkyrie and Loki and walking forward to face the dwarf.
“A dagger of death?” He asked her, frowning.
“Yes. A dagger of death.”
“That is impossible, I cannot help you.”
“Why not?”
“Odin forbade us from creating any weapon that could kill the gods… so Hela would never be able to use it.”
“Eitri,” Thor began, “I understand what you are saying, but Odin is gone and so is Hela.”
“Still, I cannot break an oath.”
“Not even if the universe depended on it?”
“Not even if the universe depended on it.”
Y/N huffed.
“Listen sir, we are gonna get that dagger, whether you want us to or not.”
“I beg your pardon, young lady?”
“The name is Astrid Freyjadottir.” Eitri widened his eyes.
“Astrid Freyjadottir, you are a legend.”
Y/N looked at Loki frowning and he shrugged, communicating with her without words. She looked at the dwarf and stood straight.
“Yes? Well, if I am such a legend, give us the dagger. Please.” She said the last word as an afterthought.
“No, I am the daughter of the völva and I command you to forge the dagger of death. Right now.” She told him firmly. Eitri sighed and bowed his head.
“As you wish.”
“We got it!” Y/N jumped up and down as they got into the ship. Loki smiled at her giddiness.
“You did, Astrid of Asgard.” She began to feel herself grow hot from embarrassment.
“I- We all did.”
“Right, not mortal. Whatever you say.” Valkyrie told her as she settled herself on the captain's seat.
“Alright, my friends! Let's go back!”
“Alright, part two of the plan.” Steve said, hesitant. “You… die.” He told Y/N and Loki.
“Yeah!” She said. “Let's do this!” Loki looked at her, horrified.
“Let's not get too excited.” Natasha told her, almost in a scolding manner.
“Alright,” Steve began again, “let's go over it one more time.”
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stellaluna33 · 2 years
Do you think the Chronicles of Narnia are sexist? I've heard people argue both ways. (If you don't want to answer this of course feel free to completely ignore it. But your post about Aravis and assault and so forth made me want to know what your opinion on this was.
Oof. Haha! So... keep in mind that I am really REALLY not an expert, and am no Lewis scholar, so this is just my opinion. However, I have read most if not all of his books as well as some of his letters, as well as done some study of his life, so... With that in mind, my answer would be: it's complicated? Haha! I'll start out by saying this: Lewis was definitely a man of his time. He was born in the late 19th century and spent much of his life in male-dominated academic circles, and with that came certain assumptions (very widely held at the time!) about the way the world and gender roles worked. A lot of those assumptions would now be considered "outdated," to put it generously. But here's the thing, though: C.S. Lewis's views evolved throughout his life. As he interacted with more Actual Women, especially through his friendship with Joy Davidman (who would later become his wife), he rethought a lot of things, and you can really see the difference between his earlier books and his later ones. Even within the Chronicles of Narnia series itself you can see this shift happening! You go from Susan and Lucy being categorically forbidden to partake in the battle in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (I still roll my eyes at that part, haha) to Jill being very definitely involved (as well as being The Best at tracking and stealth) in The Last Battle. Did he get it perfect all the time? No. But he TRIED, and was humble enough to admit when he'd been wrong and ADAPT. And, you know what? I'm going to give him credit for that. That's far better than a lot of people do, even nowadays.
But one area in which I will emphatically answer "No!" to is in the case of Susan. I still remember the first time I ever heard the take that Susan was "condemned" because of, I don't know, being interested in "sexual maturity" or something, and it was an interview/talk with J.K. Rowling, actually (YEARS ago). I remember being just FLOORED and absolutely bewildered because I had NEVER gotten that impression AT ALL. The one comment in the book about Susan being only interested in "nylons and invitations" (or something?) was from the character Jill, who is a young teenage girl who's a bit of a tomboy (I know that's an outdated expression; just roll with it!) and scornful of that sort of thing. But that's not WHY she couldn't come back to Narnia! It's because Susan didn't want to. It has nothing to do with being "sexually mature" or being interested in femininity, it's that she's so obsessed with LOOKING like a grown-up that she doesn't want to believe that Narnia was real. And this has nothing to do with her being a woman because this is how C.S. Lewis talked about HIMSELF. In his autobiographical book, Surprised By Joy, he talks about going through a long phase where he was too embarrassed to read Fairy Tales and acted scornful about them because he was so anxious to avoid anything that might be seen as "childish." What's that quote of his? "Someday you'll be old enough to enjoy Fairy Tales again." This was about himself, and it was about Susan too. Because that's another thing: Susan's story wasn't over yet! She wasn't on the train with the rest of them when it crashed, so she didn't die! And Lewis himself, in a letter written to a fan, said that he expected and hoped that Susan WOULD find her way back to Narnia again! That it might take her a while to get there (as it did with Lewis himself), but she would. I will die on this hill. Haha! Anyway, that's my long, convoluted answer, as best as I can give it. 😊
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virginpornstar · 7 months
Gay Friendships Die At 30
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Once my gay best friends turn 30 the friendship is over. Doesn't matter if we've been friends for 5 years or 15+ years. Gays want to start acting different and doing immature shit we weren't even doing in our 20s. I'd rather be former friends than fake friends. So once the fake shady immature bullshit starts, I gotta exit. Well make them exit my life.
The reason this friendship ended is so stupid, and I knew it was stupid from the beginning, but I can't repair things with someone on a mission to want to destroy them.
So my BFF (well former BFF now) and I were planning to meetup in LA. I was going to already be in California anyway or a work trip, and I wanted to go to LA anyway. I had a bad experience in LA last year, and I wanted a do-over. Plus I really wanted a picture with the Hollywood sign since I didn't get one last year.
My BFF was going to be in LA because he was flying to Asia with friends for his bday trip. Which I chose not to go on since I've never really had any interest in going to Asia. Plus the trip was originally supposed to be to Europe, but he randomly changed it. I was excited to go to Europe with him, since we had originally planned to go in 2020, but Covid happened. Plus I ended up going to Europe with another friend earlier this year, and had an amazing time.
Granted I never told him I was going to Europe until after I landed there. Which was shady and passive aggressive on my part. There's been a lot of shady and passive aggressive things over the recent years, which I'm sure slowly contributed to the demise of the friendship. It's like on Insecure when Molly and Issa fell out. It didn't just suddenly happen, but a gradual buildup. I'm definitely Molly and he's Issa.
Since we were both going to be in Cali at the same time, it made sense to be there together. Even though he basically told me I was inconveniencing him with hotel costs since he was planning to spend his first night there with some random guy he was talking to there, and then then the next night with his friends that were coming.
Granted...I don't even share hotel rooms with friends when I travel. The last friend I ever shared a hotel room with was him last year. When I travel with my other friends we get our own rooms. I prefer to have my own space. My job has me spoiled with my own hotel rooms, and when I travel I just prefer to have my own room. Plus I'm a slut. I love to be able to have a guy over whenever I feel like it.
Both of us were financialy strapped, and had put off booking a room as long as possible. I had sent him a suggestion the day before I left, but he said not to book it now. He was going to look the next day. Well I was already in Cali the next day, and was starting to get anxious about not having my next hotel booked since I had to be out of my work hotel Monday.
After I woke up from my nap, I saw he'd texted me that he booked a room at a hotel by the airport. I was immediately annoyed, because I don't stay by the airport. Usually airports are so far from everything, and everything I wanted to do in LA was in the Hollywood/West Hollywood/Beverly Hills area.
Granted LA is so big, that the airport isn't even that far or inconvenient, since everything is far an inconvenient in LA. I was looking at a hotel in Koreatown, since the places I'd originally wanted in WeHo/Beverly Hills were too expensive/taken now.
So I was like whatever. I wanted to book my own room anyway since I wanted the Hotels.com/HIlton points that I'm trying to upgrade my status before the year is up. Plus when he said he booked a room already the message said "if you're interested". I interpreted that as I have the option to still book my own room.
I tried to call him for clarity, but we were on different times. So I just booked a room at the same hotel for 2 beds to be safe.
Then when he woke up he told me he'd gotten that room for his friends, and he could get us a different room at the same hotel for the same price. I told him I already booked us a room.
Then he asked the price. It was nearly $400 for 2 nights, but the double bed room was more expensive than had I just reserved a single bed room.
Then he got pissed at me because I had already booked the room and it was more expensive than whatever random site he was using. I didn't want to use the site he was using, because I'm already loyal to Hotels.com, and also it's sketchy. It like shows you pictures of a room based on how much you're willing to spend, and you pick the one that looks best, and then it tells you the details of the hotel afterwards. WTF.
Also I wanted the room in my name since I'm already in Cali and would most likely be at the hotel before him anyway. I want to be able to just get there and check in, and not have to wait for someone else to get in my room. So that's easier if it's just in my name anyway.
Then he was pissed because he didn't want to pay more to stay at the same hotel where he could get a cheaper rate, and I wasn't willing to cancel because I already booked/paid for it, and I wanted my points to upgrade my status before the year is up.
Then he got booked that I booked something else when he booked something, but he'd already told me he just booked that for his friends earlier. Then I explain that I wanted to book something ASAP since I'm already in Cali and prices are going up each day we don't have something booked. Plus he booked something at a hotel without even asking me first. I was going along to get along, by just going for the same hotel, since there were cheaper hotels in other parts of LA.
Then he said I was "acting like a bitch, but what else would he expect" for saying the "if you're interested" leaves the door open for me to book my own room. Which is my preference. Then he says "girl fuck you" to me after I say I'm not being a bitch since I went with whatever hotel he picked to book a room.
I said "if I was acting like a bitch than I would've booked the cheaper room with one bed" but instead I paid extra to make sure there were 2 beds for both of us.
Then the next morning he texts me with a fake ass apology saying he was half asleep, and was mad because he thought I'd booked a room at a different hotel in another part of LA.
WTF. You clearly complained about the price of the room I booked at the same hotel you already booked a room.
He apologized for calling me a bitch, and then quoted neNe "well I said acting like a bitch".
I sent him a meme of Molly from Insecure looking annoyed. He then doubled down on being half asleep and claimed he reread the messages. Hence his apology.
WTF. You were mad about the price. It was very explicitly clear that I had booked a room at the same hotel, and also calling me a bitch and saying "fuck you" to me was a ridiculous response for this trivial situation.
So I was annoyed his apology didn't even match what was said. Like don't say you misinterpreted what I said, when you very clearly were upset about having to spend more money at the same hotel. I don't like bullshit apologies. Honestly I don't like apologies in general. I'm a Scorpio. I'm not going to forgive you regardless, so I'd rather you just not fuck up in the first place.
So then I say that he wasn't arguing about me booking at a differnt hotel, and he was mad about me booking a more expensive price at the same hotel. Granted I don't even know if he made sure to make sure he was booking rooms with multiple beds, or just going for the cheapest price, which would've been a room with one bed. I only think he apologized because of realizing he may not have booked a room with 2 beds, and had just gone for the cheaper price.
I didn't even want to keep this argument going. But I also wasn't accepting an apology that wasn't real. Like apologize for what happened, not make up some bullshit when the texts clearly say otherwise. He kept trying to say he was sleepy and thought I booked somewhere else on the other side of LA, when the words he texted me never mentioned any of that. No one is about to gaslight me into some bullshit.
Also don't tell me you "reread" the messages, yet what your saying was never mentioned in any of the messages. So I wasn't backing down, and he kept defending his lie. then he had the audacity to say all he's apologizing for is ccalling me a bitch, and then said if I think he's such a liar than we don't even gotta link".
That was the dealbreaker for me. We didn't talk for 2 weeks after that. That is some bullshit I don't play with. Like you're my best friend of 5 years, we haven't seen each other in 5 months, and we've talked about going to LA together for years. So you're going to just essentially abandon me in LA by myself, since he had his other friends he was traveling with coming, because he refuses to apologize for the bullshit he caused and the fucked up things he said to me.
I'm an only child, so I don't mind being on my own. I actually do better that way. Thankfully I had an amazing time in LA. Both nights I met local guys that showed me a great time. I had more fun in these 2 days in LA, than I had last year when I was in LA for 2 weeks.
I did everything I wanted to do in LA. I got the pics I wanted, and when sight seeing to see the places I'd not gotten to see. I went on dates, got dick, went bar hopping in WeHo, and even went to the dispensary. I had an incredible time in LA. Regardless of my BFF abandoning me.
But I still find it incredibly fucked up that he'd even be that childish to rather we both be in the same city at the same hotel but not speaking, because he refused to apologize for what he actually said to me.
Also that's such bum nigga shit to cause an argument to get out of paying for room. Granted I already paid for it, and got my wish of my own room with one bed, so I didn't care. But this is exactly why most gay friendships end due to trips. The broke friend causes all the problems, and then the friendship is over.
But I also am pissed because i knew this was a dumb argument from the beginning. I knew that. I was willing to move on, but I also wanted the apology to be genuine and not some made up bullshit. Even re-reading the texts now this whole thing is so stupid. Yet I'm not letting someone talk to me crazy, and then refuse to apologize for acting ridiculous.
He's an egotistical Leo, and I feel like after he moved to Florida and got his own friend group. he feels like he's Regina George now. In our friendship he was always the Nicole to my Paris. Guys have literally called him my "ugly friend" to his face. Now I never viewed him as my ugly friend. He has no problem getting niggas, but I was always the more social media famous of the 2 of us.
I feel like he's even more big headed thinking he's queen b now because he's "in charge of the girls" of his friendgroup. That ain't me, never been me, and I'm not afraid to be all by myself. I don't even do friend groups, because I am a selfish bitch and don't give a fuck when people hate me. I can't fake anything to get along with a group.
Which is why I fell out with my ex BFF of 16 years. His new friends didn't like me so he chose them over me. Once he had a huge 30th bday, and invited all of his friends from all over the country, but didn't invite or tell me about the party, when I had just taken him out to lunch for his bday the week before, then I was done. We're clearly not friends if you're not inviting me to your big milestone events you planned celebrating yourself, and then not even having the respect to tell me. I had to find out on social media. WTF. That's so childish, and high school. We're in our 30s. We weren't even doing fake shit like that in high school or our 20s. Yeah...I just saw the best option was to end the friendship.
Now with this. I didn't want to end the friendship. After 2 weeks of not talking I sent him the mughshot I found of Zimbabwe. He's the only person that I could talk to about Zimbabwe that would understand. I'd already given up on expecting my BFF to take accountability or genuinely apologize for what he really said. I was just ready to sweep it under the rug and move on. We'd already not spoken in 2 weeks, and we'd both been on multiple trips. We'd missed out on so much of each other's lives already, and LA has passed.
But he refused to move on. He said he's not ready to talk to me until we revisit our previous argument. WTF. It's been 2 full weeks...I don't even care anymore.
Then I say "I'm not sure what's left to revisit. You started unnecessary drama, refused to apologize for what you actually said, and then didn't want t hangout with each other in LA and we didn't...
Then he says "yeah I'm cool on you. So I was petty and responded with "k" and then blocked him everywhere.
I'm over it. LIke I'm not waiting for a 30 year old man to decide when he's ready to be my friend again, when this drama was caused by him.
I was rude and inconsiderate. I knew his financial limitations, and didn't care because I wanted to book my own room for my own benefits.
Still I don't think that warranted being called a "bitch" or having him say "fuck you" to me, on top of saying he didn't even want to see each other while in LA. That's the part that really pissed me off, because I would've never said that to my best friend. Like petty drama over money isn't going to make me want to not see you while we're in the same fucking city and haven't seen each other in 5 months. Then being in the same hotel at the same time, and not speaking. Like we both still had each other's locations and were in the same fucking hotel at the same time.
It's so stupid and petty, and we both decided to escalate the drama instead of neutralizing it. Well I feel like I tried to neutralize it. I said early on that I don't want to dwell on this drama, but I'd rather if he's going to apologize to apologize for what he actually said.
I hate liars more than anything. You're not going to lie and say you're mad over a reason which literally had nothing to do with anything you said the night before. Read the fucking texts. The whole convo was in text. Right there. You're clearly mad because you didn't want to pay more when you could pay less. Don't make up some bullshit saying you thought I booked somewhere else, and then keep doubling down on the lie.
He is being a Lying Leo. That's a fact. He's clearly lying. It's there in print. That gaslighting me bullshit is what really set me off. Like all you had to do was apologize for the truth, instead of continuing to perpetuate a lie. Then this could've all been avoided.
Then we're not getting that time in LA back. it's not like we can just go fly across the country again next week. Like to miss out on that time together that we aren't going to get back, over this dumb shit also really pisses me off. Like I would've never said I don't want to see you while in LA. Especially not over this dumb shit.
Then the fact that weeks have gone by, and I'm sending you messages and want to move on and talk like normal, and he's continuing to want to stay in this negative space and keep having the same damn argument.
Like you're still not telling the truth or taking accountability. Then on top of that LA is gone. We didn't see or speak to each other, despite being in the same hotel in the same city. There's no point still arguing over a trip that not only passed, but we both had other trips since then. Like it's the past.
All I wanted was to have my best friend back to gossip about more dead gays in Atlanta, and to talk about my ex that's been in jail for months.
Instead he wants to keep having this same dumb argument, and i'm over it. Again. I refuse to wait for a 30 year old man to decide when he wants to be my friend again. Especially when he's mad about the drama he started.
I don't give a fuck how mad you are...don't disrespect me by calling me a "bitch" or saying "fuck you" to me, and then saying you don't even want to see me while we're in the same city. I have blocked many gays for flaking on plans with me.
I don't think the disrespect I received was warranted with this petty drama, and then the fact you'd be fine just leaving me alone in LA because you knew you had other friends coming was fucked up. On top of refusing to move the fuck on when weeks have passed.
Yeah. Friendship over. This is so immature and stupid, but gays don't mature with age. Yet another of my closest gay friendships has died.
I'm also probably less motivated to salvage the friendship because I've been fucking this guy he really likes behind his back for months.
I really am a terrible friend. That's always been my biggest fear with gay friendships was having my friend fuck my man behind my back. 2 of my exes tried to fuck my BFF to get back at me, and he valued our friendship enough to resist.
Yet I was weak. Maybe not weak because it involved not temptation, as much as giving into dark urges to self sabotage. 2023 has been my year of chaos. Choosing chaos any chance I get. Blowing everything in my life up, and then finding order amongst the pieces.
I have no choice but to take accountability for my own actions in the demise the closest friendship I've had for the past 5 years. I'm still devastated things ended this way, or that I made the choices I made. I really thought he'd be my best man at my wedding...if that ever happens.
Yet that's the Scorpio way. We can't keep a friend...
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Gus Gus!! I can't remember if I asked you this or if we've discussed it but I'd love to know or re-learn it again lol.
What's your favorite movie and why? It can be any medium, live action or animated! *but bonus points if it's animated jk hehe...maybe lol*
I'll do you one better, I'll tell you all of my favourite animated movies because honestly I can't pick only one AND SORRY I TOOK TOO LONG TO ANSWER I went completely nuts with this btw.
The Tigger Movie
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This movie, this fucking movie, because of this movie and Winnie Pooh in general I love the found family trope. That need of Tigger to find his family, all the others jumping in to help him and then trying to cheer him up, and then him realizing that his family has been there right in front of him all this time, his relationships with Roo and Rabbit mean everything to me, the acting and animation YOU COULD FEEL TIGGER'S SORROW, Tigger is my favourite character and this movie fucked me up emotionally and I love it so much.
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Lilo and Stitch
OHANA MEANS FAMILY. FAMILY MEANS NOBODY GETS LEFT BEHIND OR FORGOTTEN. It has aliens, complex but loving family dynamics (with found famiy mixed into it), great fucking music (I knew all the dances) and it's beautiful. I've watched every single bit of media related to Lilo and Stitch, every movie and the tv series, and I love it all, but the first movie is so very special to me. The movie kinda grew up with me in a way, because when I was younger I related a lot with Lilo, but then I started relating so much with Nani, mostly because I'm the oldest sibling. Also Jumba and Pleakley are married I will die on this hill.
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The Iron Giant
He wanted to be like Superman and he WAS he really was. I haven't seen this movie in a while now, I should rewatch it, but the friendship the kid and the robot had is something beautiful, and just all the humanity and care and love he experienced, he showed all of that way more than most of the humans from that movie. IT'S ART.
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Ice Age
The first one specifically, the second one is really cool too but the others are kinda meh to me. Anyway I had this movie on vhs and I watched it so so many times, I know most of the movie by heart. And hey we have a beautiful found damily dynamic yet again!!! How Manny, Sid and Diego's friendship and companionship evolves as the movie progresses is awesome, Sid is fucking hilarious, Manny is a mood, I had a bit of a crush on Diego I'll be honest, and you really feel for all of them. And Scrat is Scrat, an absolute delight to witness.
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The Spongebob movie (the first one ever created)
Just like with Ice Age, I know basically all the dialogue all the songs, I would watch this again and again with my little brother (this time on cd) it never gets old man. No thoughts only SpongeBob.
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Over the Hedge
I have the soundtrack for this movie in my playlist, enough said. THIS MOVIE IS EVERYTHING, AND AGAIN FOUND FUCKING FAMILY. I'm realising with this list that I like that trope more than I thought, idk what that says about me. Hammy is my favourite guy, he's my little guy he can do no wrong whatsoever. And Stella the skunk is the character ever we love her in this house.
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Shrek (the whole fucking saga)
There's no need for explanation here. Might be one of the best animated movie saga out there let's be honest here. AGAIN I have seen these movies so many times I know everything about them but I still enjoy the absolute fuck out of them.
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Aardman Animations
Chicken Run, Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, Flushed Away, The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!...AMAZING FILMS ALL OF THEM. I know not ALL of them are stop motion/claymation, some are computer animated, but because of these movies (and Laika's of course) my love for this animation medium began, and I could not be more thankful for that.
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Monster House
My love for horror increased 100% after this movie, it's funny, it's spooky, it gets sad as hell, it has a great plot twist???? What more do you need.
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Coraline and Kubo and the Two Strings are my favourites from Laika, but all their other movies are gems as well. Coraline, I don't know if I can completely express why I like it, it's a classic and it's so ingrained in myself after so many years, I can't not love it. Kubo and the Two Strings is a movie I watched much recently, last year I think, and I love it so much, the way it's animated is absolutely stunning it's a beautiful piece of art (much like all of Laika's work) and the story and characters are so lovely. Like I said before, seeing Laika's animations, seeing how much work and love is put into these films made me love stop motion so much and inspired me to become an animator.
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Meet the Robinsons
THIS MOVIE MAKES ME SOB UNCONTROLLABLY. That part when Lewis sees his bio mom leave him at the orphanage???? The ending???? The message???? FUCK AHHHH. I'm a mess every time I watch this movie. Everything about it is, lovely oh so lovely, the characters we meet, the story, how we put the pieces of the puzzle together as the story goes, Goob kills me man (also he's literally me for real) I just, this movie means a lot to me. "Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." Reading that and hearing the ending song absolutely DESTROYS ME.
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HONORARY MENTIONS (that everyone should check out btw)
Emperor's New Groove and Kronk's New Groove, Road to el Dorado, Treasure Planet, Monsters Inc, Ponyo (and every other Studio Ghibli movie), Song of the Sea (and all other movies made by Cartoon Saloon because they are top tier, absolutely incredible movies), Megamind, The Lego Batman Movie, Manuelita (argentinian animated movie), every fricking 90s/00s Scooby Doo animated movie, Chicken Little, Brother Bear (the first one, the second one is kinda meh to me personally), Sword in the Stone, Klaus, Bolt, Spiderman into/across the spider-verse movies, Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio, Fantastic Mr. Fox and Isle of Dogs.
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Ranking Yugioh’s Main Girls on Hairstyle Plausibility
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Because I already roasted the main boys, let’s not let people assume I have a bias toward either gender. Rest assured if you’re a YGO character and your hair is dumb, you’re getting roasted for it, male, female or otherwise.
Also notice how I said “main girls” and not “love interests.” That’s because ASUKA IS NOT JUDAI’S LOVE INTEREST. I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL.
Maybe it’s different for Alexis and Jaden but I don’t know them, I know Asuka and Judai and while she may have been implied to have a crush on him, he had no interest in her and is canonically with Yubel by the end of the series. You’re absolutely allowed to ship them, I ship a lot of non-canon stuff, but it is non-canon. I don’t like regulating Asuka to “love interest” just because she’s a girl and interacts with Judai. Anyways, speaking of-
1 Asuka
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Shockingly, Asuka’s hair is completely normal. I had a flimsy argument for Judai but this time I really can’t find anything to criticise. The colour is basically light brown and it’s shaped like actual hair you might see on a person. I have to say, Asuka’s hair is pretty flawless.
Now if only the same could be said about her character in Arc V-
2 Aoi
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Okay so… I’ve actually got nothing on Aoi. She looks so normal I can’t even find her among the crowd, unless she’s in her Blue Angel form. In which case I just look for the flying blue bananas.
3 Anzu
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A perfect design: as bland and boring as she is. Actually, no, if you wanted to be completely accurate, her hair should be shaped like the word “friendship.” That or Yami’s muscles. Like girl, did you think about anything else all series? You had over 200 episodes worth of chances to have an actual personality, some characters get half as much and have far more depth. Anzu’s entire presence in the series could be replaced by a sexy leg lamp with a button that plays friendship speeches and nothing would’ve changed.
4 Aki
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Oh gosh… okay, you can do this. You roasted your beloved Judai no problem. Aki should be no trouble. *deep breath*
Your hair is the same as the roses you grow, soft and vibrant and beautiful. No thorns could ever take away from that. You light up the earth with your beauty.
…wait dammit that’s flirting.
Um… wait… no I can totally do this. Uh… long front parts of hair unreal? Y-yeah, unrealistic. An unattainable beauty…
Okay, I did it. Moving on.
5 Kotori
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Ooh a salad! What do you mean that’s your hair? That’s the leafiest thing I’ve ever seen. No wonder that weird farmer wanted you to advertise salads. I can’t tell the difference between you two either.
6 Romin
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Okay, it takes skill to dye that much hair. I’m not even mad, that’s impressive.
Huh? What do you mean that’s her natural hair colour?! Okay, I take it back. This hair is the most impossible ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. Though still not as bad as-
7 Yuzu
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What is THIS?! You’re named after a yellow fruit yet there’s not a speck of yellow on you?! YOU HAVE BROUGHT SHAME UPON YOUR FRUIT SISTERS!
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schumiatspa · 5 months
No I wasn't the other anons, but I could be! I mean YES sincaraz exho, but it s not confirmed, from what I gathered...
Anyway, oh if I could write decently I'd give it a tryabut I can't, English is not even my language. But maybe someone will pick the ideas!
Oh and now that you said Luca and Jannik are actualy meant to practice together that opens so many new possibilities!
"your man is really going tough on me, you're sure everything is OK?"
"yeah, yeah... It's probably because he wants to push you, take it as a compliment."
"he gives the the *glare* though..."
"mayyyyybe he's still a bit worked up but it'll pass, I promise. I hope so!"
"you hope so?!"
Also loved the idea that carlitos went ahead of himself and told Luca before speaking with Jannik hahaha ha he really seems like the person who acts first and thinks later.
"baby I promise he won't tell anyone! I mean, he never spoke about myself and he was the first to know."
"you just had to bring that up didn't you?"
All in good spirits I would think.
"I only want you. Always."
- 🇪🇦🇮🇹🇮🇹
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Here I am again!! I'll answer both of them in one go, because at this point it's probably simpler this way ahsnsksj
The jealousy theme seems to be a continuing theme in Carlitos' life and our conversations, and I have a couple of things to add on that (under the cut because this is probably gonna get long ajshsksj)👀
I'll start off by saying that THIS DIALOGUE TOO IS SO ON POINT. "You just had to bring that uo didn't you" - "sorry" ASJSKSSK i definitely can picture them!! Obviously all in good spirits, Jannik would never get mad at Carlitos for something like this and even if he did, Carlitos has a couple of powerful aces up his sleeve that can get him forgiven ajjsksksk
AND I READ THAT FIC (shocking, I know) and I LOVED IT (even more shocking, I know). When I read it I was wondering if Jannik would actually be up for a ploy like that, because he didn't really strike me as the type, but the more time passes the more convinced I get that Jannik is not as angelic as we think lmao AND that he can be a very jealous person (I know that I sound boring but I'll die on this hill), so a reverse version of that fic with Carlitos being the one to make Jannik jealous would work!! And Luchino, with all the history and the ifs and maybes, means added drama, so... why not?
BUT THIS GETS ME TO THE INTERESTING (I hope) PART OF MY ANSWER, which is what is going on in Alicante (or well, what was going on there in the past week). So some days ago I found an interesting article in an italian newspaper about Jannik's training in Alicante that featured a small interview to Francesco Passaro (another young italian player who was there to train with Jannik and that you've probably seen on Jannik's Insta a couple of days ago) and to OUR DEAR LUCHINO. This article offered me two important pieces of information:
Luchino left Alicante earlier than planned because he twisted his ankle and decided to come back to his hometown in Italy, so that's why we never had any content about him and we didn't see him training with Jannik (which is such a shame for so many reasons!!). Well it's not breaking news at this point, because - again- I'm so late, but at the time it was since no content about him in Alicante was coming up lol
Luca said (and here I quote):"Jannik and I have always got along, we are friends. Nowadays, since we speak the same language and I have spent some time with him, I feel closer to him than to Carlos Alcaraz".
SO!! WE HAVE UPDATES!! WE HAVE LUCA SAYING THAT HE AND JANNIK ARE FRIENDS!! THAT HE PREFERS JANNIK OVER CARLITOS NOW!! This is gold. This interview is more than I hoped for when I wrote that post about Luca and Carlitos that started all of this. But at the same time it kinda destroys all of our theories aksjsksjs From how I see it, there are two possible scenarios here:
It's the truth, so the ship (relationship or friendship, you decide) between Carlitos or Luca has kind of sunk, so Luca is definitely not harboring feelings for Carlitos anymore. BUT at this point I could already imagine a scenario where Luca doesn't get injured, stays in Alicante and Jannik, after finding out that Carlitos and his childhood friend have drifted apart, try to get them to talk again (not jealousy involved this time, he just tries to do something nice for his new friend and his bf)
Luca is kind of lying, things are worse than we expected and he is still hopelessly in love with Carlitos, so he said that to make Carlitos jealous (or in general he said it "bitterly" - not in a bad/malicious way tho, because I absolutely can't think of my baby boy trying to make Jannik and Carlitos break up, but that would definitely spicy things up aksjksks).
You know, the possibilities we have here are endless. AND TO MAKE IT EVEN MORE INTERESTING (and it's the last thing I'm gonna say here because this is getting long) there is a video that I'd like to point out to you. You've probably already have seen this, but it's Carlitos celebrating the winning goal of the annual JFC academy football match with Flavio Cobolli, yet another italian player (he played Luca in the Next Gen Finals and lost btw lol), the actual italian player Carlitos trained with this week (aside from Jannik of course). Soooo Carlitos jumping into his arms during the match? The same match that Jannik didn't partecipate in (but he could have, if he had wanted to)? THIS could get interesting too. This calls for other theories. This calls for Carlitos and Jannik making each other jealous with the help of Flavio and Luca without realising the other is doing the same thing (a scheme that might lead to Flavio and Luca falling in love with each other too? This is a complete random crackship I've just come up with, BUT WHY NOT?). This calls for Jannik pining so hard and bugging Luca about it. This opens the door to so many possibilities I won't list here because my head is starting to spin, but!!
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nettleshuttle · 1 year
Ask meme: Yusei.
yusei it is!
my fav thing about them: definitely his backstory. i love how we get a protagonist that’s already entangled in a net of complex relationships with different people, whom we get to encounter throughout the series and gradually get to know what was actually going on between them. i miss that a lot for protags such as jaden or yuma, all of whose interesting relations are established within the show and who seem to have little to no history of their own to explore and wonder about. besides, cheesy and run-off-the-mill as it may be, yusei’s talk about how every card is unique, precious and worth treasuring is really heartwarming and it’s great to see him putting all these strays to good use and properly appreciating them.
least favorite thing about them: actually, i find yusei to be quite boring personality-wise. i’m halfway through 5ds and he still hasn’t shown any more interesting characteristics. i get that it’s nice how caring and determined he is, but i’d like to see some flaws of his, some less ordinary and predictable reactions and/or developments. i feel like the great backstory is partially going to waste because he’s so standardly fixed as a character. also, maybe the following episodes will prove me wrong, but i see little room for development in him, which is kinda sad — or at least, he’s far inferior in this aspect than even the yuma or jaden i have already mentioned.
favorite line: not a single line, but i live for the two prison duels where he uses other people’s decks/cards to beat the shit out of the arrogant bullies that his opponents are. i remember i started this short arc being rather indifferent and left it so emotional about him it was actually funny.
brOTP: jack. i totally see them as exes, but either way their reconstructed friendship is a great thing to follow throughout the series. they have wildly different approaches to many things, but respect each other and get along anyway — their mutual backstory is very well-constructed and with a suitable pinch of bitterness where necessary.
OTP: akiza! i feel like i wrote that a hundred times already, but i’m dying to see more of the trust and care that has built up between them. yusei being a far healthier replacement of divine for aki is the best development ever, while it’s obvious he’s worthy of that assurance. the date episode was so precious too,,
nOTP: i used to like his ship with jack a lot, but now it just doesn’t appeal to me anymore, i guess? for once, their canon romantic relationships with akiza and carly are just far better. in terms of actual notp i’d put sherry because she’s a lesbian and i’m gonna die on that hill (also they make far cooler friends, c’mon).
random headcannon: yusei always has trouble building his decks because, no matter how responsible his duelists thinking is, he just wants to put every single card he has in there — it feels so wrong for him to leave anyone out. similarly, i feel like he’d love to exchange decks with others for a single game, even people he doesn’t really know: if his instinct finds someone trustworthy, he can borrow them his deck without fear. he’d really like to get to know new people this way and see how they use his cards too; exchanging decks with closer ones, like akiza or crow would be quite special too. he’d dislike using power decks though, like jack’s (or, hypothetically, stuff like ddds, blue eyes etc) — it’s not that he doubts using them requires as much skill, but he doesn’t find it nice to use such archetypes, that’s it. in a modern au, i’d totally see him enrolling in small tournaments all the time, testing the most obscure card sets imaginable and trying to make all of them as good as possible. by the same token, he’d avoid meta stuff in this au — not his cup of tea.
unpopular opinion: i guess what i said about his personality counts as rather unpopular? oh, and i just find it ultimately stupid that when he faces ghost and the meklords, who totally trash all synchro decks, he still thinks about using synchro without synchro summoning instead of just?? idk?? building a non-synchro deck?? i’m not saying he should switch to some fusion or whatever, but there are viable decks that don’t even rely on ed cards. why make shit so difficult for yourself and wonder why you’re still on the losing position. i get that it has to align with the plot, this being a synchro-themed part and all, but it’s just so stupid i can’t get over it — the creators should have never maneuvered themselves into a corner like that.
song i associate with them: cohen’s heart with no companion (this will always be a ryo bakura song in my head, but i’ve also thought it somehow fits yusei’s vibe, though in a very different way) and, contrastingly, probably born for this (the score). btw i’m an enjoyer of sappy romantic shit in context of his ship with akiza, so walking the wire (imagine dragons).
favorite picture: i like his regular design a lot so seeing him whenever is great, but a shout out to this edgy boy right here:
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rereadanon · 1 year
tag game tuesday thursday: fandom edition! ✨
thanks for the tags, friends @celestialmickey, @gallawitchxx, & @michellemisfit! I need something to absolutely keep me from my responsibilities and that is not sarcasm!
your name: Anna
your age: I was born in the 1980's baby
your first fandom(s): Shameless
your current fandom(s): Shameless
how did you first get into fandom? I saw a Buzzfeed about best tv proposals which immediately led me to YouTube which led me to begin a full binge of Shameless on Netflix right before the pandemic. Then the Pandy started and oh my goodness I needed some new coping mechanisms and I had finished my binge but I needed MORE IAN AND MICKEY so I googled fanfic and read and read. Then I stalked some tumblrs and I finally broke down and made one on 8/17/2021 and here I am!
how long have you been engaging with fandom spaces? like I just said 😇
how often do you read fanfics? As much as possible, but at least every night in bed
top 3 characters from your current fandom(s): Mickey Milkovich, Ian Gallagher, and Sandy Milkovich
have you ever written a fic for a fandom? if so, shout it out! Yes, yes, my lil ficlet Friday bbs AO3 I definitely promise more in the future!
have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? if so, drop a link! No, but I want to!
share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about: Look, Mickey and Sandy, and probably Tami are really serious about their RuPaul's Drag Race watch dates. Ian is not allowed! Also, Mickey loves Megan Thee Stallion I will die on these hills baby!
you’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? LOOK AT THESE SLUTS THEY ARE SO HOT FOR EACH OTHER and that's it, if they aren't convinced, then they are a lost cause and not worth my precious breath!
and finally, what does fandom mean to you? oh buddyyyyy, well like I mentioned above, I came into this during the pandemic. I was working the biggest med-surg floor at a city hospital and I was exposed very early on (luckily I stayed negative). Anyways, my anxiety was absolutely bonkers, as was my anger (no hazard pay but records profits for the healthcare industry?!). So fic became so so special and meaningful to me, which led me to all these new friends that I feel like I have no reason but to be myself around and they are all so supportive and encouraging and we can talk about smut and its totally normal and they feed my brain regularly with words and art and gifs and headcanons and FRIENDSHIP and omggggg I love you all so so so so much!!!!!!!!!!
I will refrain from tagging since it's late late late but if you read this, I am giving you a virtual and consensual hug and know that you are amazing and strong and wonderful and your feelings and headcanons are valid!
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millhavenn · 1 year
Reddit repost 2—Stranger Things subreddit.
There was a post about them yesterday, but it got locked because people decided to make it about a ship war rather than an appreciation of how great their friendship is.
Really looking forward to seeing them actually work together in season 5, because both should have pretty major roles hopefully. Will understands Vecna like no one else does, and I think that’s going to be key to beating him. And with both Mike’s girlfriend and best friend being important to the fight, there’s no way that Mike can’t be involved.
Hoping we can get a scene with Will being honest with Mike about how he feels, because his character deserves it. There’s a zero percent chance that Mike would be anything other than accepting of him, and Noah Schnapp would no doubt crush the scene, like he did with the van scene in season 4.
The van scene was one of my top 3 favourite scenes this season, because whilst heartbreaking, it perfectly displayed how strong their friendship is. The way Will was able to know how Mike was hurting, put his own feelings aside to recognise how important El was to Mike, and capture how important Mike was to both El and himself was beautiful. He knew how much it hurt him to see Mike in love with El, but he helped his best friend anyway. Unrequited love is hard, but Will powers through it.
Edit: Ok I didn’t plan on writing this much, it kinda just happened.
Yeah I was in that posts comment section. It is part of the reason why I made this. I wanted to see what exactly caused people to react in such a negative way.
I still don’t know what caused it. But this post is doing incredibly well, and I am glad. It is a very small step to bringing back some sort of calm to this community! Lol
I agree with everything you said. I am hoping and praying that a coming out scene is written into the script for season 5. After everything he has gone through, Will deserves the relief, comfort, and safety that comes with sharing your true identity to the people that will love you unconditionally.
A Mike + Will duo/partnership in season 5 would be AMAZING. I need to see them fucking up a bunch of demo(gorgon/bat/dog)s side-by-side. The two of them saving the world together (or helping to) would be a beautiful way to bring their storylines to a close—they both get their revenge on those that had caused them, and the people they love, pain.
It does not matter if it is platonic or romantic—the final blow should be theirs and I will die on this hill !!
I think the negative reactions come as a result of any perceived implication that their relationship is romantic; as whilst majority of fans are relatively positive towards their friendship, the common consensus around here is that it’s just that, a friendship. And whilst I personally agree with that judgement, the constant desire to turn any mention of their friendship into a ship war is tiring.
Seeing Mike get his hands dirty to defend El and Will from some monsters would be a sight to behold, and it’d be cool to see Mike confront Vecna similar to when he tried to take on Billy in the sauna in season 3.
In regards to the “final blow”, I’m about 99% sure this will still technically go to Eleven. But I don’t think it’ll be as simple as El holding out her hand and screaming whilst everyone cheers her on. There’ll be multiple layers to the fight, which is where the rest of the kids, and the adults will come into it.
That is really sad to me, but yoy are right. Hopefully that mob (sort of) mindset changes. I feel that I would be able to have many lovely discussions (such as this one) with users here if implications of romance were not taken so personal.
And the above applies to both sides.
For anybody wondering, my post is not alluding to a specific dynamic in regards to Mike and Will. Users have been lovely thus far of sharing their own interpretation of their dynamic in a mature, and quite beautiful, way. It makes me happy, and I hope it stays this way, even if for a little longer.
Is that wishful thinking?
Yes!! I say Mike Wheeler should be given a chainsaw in season 5. Nancy/Will teaching him how to shoot a gun would be great, as well. There is a lot of potential in season 5, if they choose to go the apocalyptic route, really.
Oh yeah, definitely. I am sure a bunch of powerless teenagers would not stand a chance against powerful entities, such as Vecna and the Mind Flayer, on their own.
That was a joke on my part, but it would be funny if Will just, like, walks up while Vecna is at his weakest, and hits him on the head with a random chair. Imagine going through all of that evil planning, nearly winning in your attempt to control the world, only to die by a random gay kid. I would cry
You definitely do see a similar mindset with other aspects of show. Whenever there’s a post celebrating Mike and El’s love for each other, you’ll usually find someone going out of their way to tell everyone how “fake” or “toxic” they are together. Like I get that Reddit is a platform for sharing opinions, but sometimes I wonder would it not be easier to just downvote and keep scrolling, rather than offering a factually incorrect assessment? Same thing here for when people suggest Mike has been a bad friend to Will.
Maybe just a healthy dose of optimism.
Honestly as long as we get a decent scene with Will standing up to Vecna, I’ll be happy. The poor kid has spent the past two seasons in the back seat.
TLDR: I agree with you big time, and that should be a mindset everybody has!
It most definitely would be.
I feel that there are people who do want to have proper discussions with others of differing opinions, hence why they do not downvote and move on, but it has become clear that it is not something which is possible in the subreddit. Regardless of your preference towards Mikes relationship with Eleven, or Mikes relationship with Will, you are going to receive an immature response. It is best to ignore.
There is a minority in this situation that does deserve more support than what they are currently being given, however, this does not make them innocent—I would know. I have started and partook in many arguments myself, and now that I look back on them, it was stupid of me to replicate the way I was mistreated onto other people.
Everybody in this subreddit needs to learn how to have a proper discussion before ever considering confronting another individual about their opinion. No one is ever right, and if that cannot be accepted, it takes a simple downvote and scroll to continue with the day.
Mileven, Byler, it is not as big of a deal as people here make it out to be—enjoy your ships in peace, and let others enjoy their ships in peace, too!
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ibijau · 1 year
five things you never get tired of writing
was tagged by @jaggededges123
tagging @veraverorum @silliam-hill @fortune-maiden and whoever else feels like it bc tumblr won’t let me tag half the people I want to mention¯\_(ツ)_/¯
1. Mutually ‘unrequited’ feelings
I just think it’s fun?? I love having characters say something is revealing and be misunderstood? I love characters trying to hide?? I love love LOVE characters fearing to ruin their friendship and valuing that more than the risk of saying something that would change things?? It’s also so fun when one of the characters overcorrects to hide their love and ends up cold and distant, thus feeding the other’s impression of unrequited feelings... it’s just delicious.
2. Crack taken seriously
Well, anyway it’s apparently something I do frequently, though I don’t usually realise it until someone says that in the comments. But I do enjoy coming up with a weird setting/trope and then trying to be realistic about it. It’s a fun excuse for researching stuff, which I always like. And anyway, it just naturally happens to me. I’m an overthinker, so I will end up distracted by details and by trying to figure out how stuff works (like that recent hanahaki au where I kinda had to cut down a bunch of stuff because I kept going on tangents trying to explain details of the sickness that weren’t really relevant to the story in the end)
3.Secrets (and the catharsis of being able to share them)
Might be a bit general there lol. I think every character should have something they don’t want others to know, it really drives the story! It makes for fun dialogues, especially if the character is desperate for his secret to be shared, and equally terrified of revealing it. It’s also super fun to try and decide who would notice something is up and who wouldn’t, who would try to force the secret out and who would respect that silence... and then of course the catharsis of no longer having to keep that secret? The mortifying ordeal of being known by someone, and being accepted and loved anyway? (bc I’m weak and I rarely write things going wrong of course lol)
4. Trust
Both its presence and its absence. Either case leads to fun stories. I like characters who trust no one. I like characters who only trust one person, but don’t make a big show of it so that the other person might not even realise that they have been trusted that way. Characters who trust easily are also fun! And then it’s always fun to decide how that would inform their choices, their reactions, what might change their capacity for trust...
5. Happy endings
Full respect to sad endings! They can be excellent! But if I write a story, it’s because I love the characters, and so I need the story to feel like it ends well for someone I care about. With this said, my definition of happy ending might not be yours. I’ve written stories I counted as happy endings because people got to die alongside the person they liked best, or because they felt their death was bringing significant good. I am particularly weak to lovers separating because being together would compromise the change they want to bring to the world, and I count that as a happy ending because it was their choice to do so, and the love remains even apart. I guess more than just happy, I need endings to be hopeful... Though I am definitely a sucker for ‘typical’ happy endings as well! I just want the characters to either be happy, or feel like their life meant something
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thetwelfthcrow · 11 months
this is going to be long, i'm so sorry in advance.
i think it would be a shame for both him and f1 if we never got to experience what lando could do with a competitive car (i know with how sochi ended, it's usually used to shit on him. but until it all went wrong - mostly down to strategy - lando was pulling a gap to one of F1's greatest in tricky conditions. that drive was a masterclass until the rain got harder (information lando wasn't given in advance), and i will die on the hill that was an IMPRESSIVE drive.)
anyway, top teams.
ferrari - car seems to be backsliding in competitiveness, unfortunately. also just as incompetent as mclaren, if not more so, when it comes to strategies. i think it would be easier to luck into some podiums, maybe even get that well deserved first win, but i don't think the overwhelming majority of the grid could actually reach their full potential with ferrari (we cry for charles on a regular basis in my household).
mercedes - NO. i would not even wish for the drivers i dislike to have to be teammates with george. also i either think they would kill each other, or we'd get lando back in one of those imposter syndrome "i fuck everything up and am not good enough for f1" mental health crises. like tall troll is obsessed with flexing his accomplishments in a top car and comparing to accomplishments lando, who has never had anything more than a midfield car, has earned to prove he's "better" or whatever. idek how lewis has the patience to work with that man, but godspeed to him. (sorry if u like george)
-aston martin. feels weird to consider them a top team after last year. i frankly think fernando won't retire until all of the 2019 rookies have at this rate, and strolls seat is safe as long as lawrence is around (there's also some beef from lando's junior career as well as george's where lawrence vetoed them from being able to take competitive prema seats. george even criticized them in the media when lance competed in f2 for essentially allowing lawrence to influence the outcome via politics - there were several times lance was given um … unnecessary team orders during his junior days that many drivers didn't agree with. anyway, the blocking from prema is believed to be why lando hasn't been particularly fond of lance since they've been in f1 either. have a feeling all of the lawrence stroll blocking younger drivers' successes to try to … idk, make his son who was already in f1 at that point … look better probably put a huge red flag on his team for most young drivers).
-finally, red bull. agree with basically all of your reasonings. i don't necessarily think being teammates would automatically change lando and max's friendship. lando is still friends with basically most teammates he's had all the way since his junior days, and as long as he doesn't feel they've sabotaged him in any way, max seems to get on extremely well with all of his f1 teammates. however, they're both so competitive that if anything did happen on track, idk some things could be said spur of the moment or anything. this is one teammate pairing i think would either go EXTREMELY well or HORRIBLY bad, no in-between.
i also keep thinking back to that interview alex gave discussing his entire career until now. he basically discussed how you go over the data with engineers and see all of these things max is doing with that car and you're wondering why you can't replicate it. and idk if given some of his past struggles, if a situation like that would even be good for lando after he has kind of found some confidence in himself and his abilities? because i am a huge fan of both, but i do think when it comes to max especially in red bull, he's just in like a talent tier of his own atm.
idk i guess all of this to say i do think red bull would probably be the best option if he did switch teams (i also think they have more of a fun, easygoing environment that would match his personality well compared to some of the stifling corporate vibes ferrari and merc can give at times), but idk. even that has some potential to go very wrong in some ways.
never apologise for long messages, i love reading this like a newspaper.
[context, my tags in the poll 'would you like to see lando at red bull']
sochi was mad impressive! i think everyone will remember that as being fucking impressive for lando and his emotions and his 'no!' was super understandable. his team should've been more clear and also stricter. lando could not foresee what the rain would do and his team failed him there massively. just like lewis said, he also didn't want to pit but his team forced him. so, yes, i fully blame lando-not-winning-sochi on mclaren.
other teams
ferrari - i agree wholeheartedly. the car is decent enough to be up high (not, like, championship-wise, but certainly winning-races wise). the team makes more mistakes than they should. it's embarrassing how they're behaving like a team new to f1 with the choices they're making and the communication they're lacking. i do not see lando driving for ferrari, somehow. just. doesn't match. but at the same time, kimi also didn't necessarily match at ferrari so, who knows.
mercedes - LMAO I DID NOT EXPECT THIS HATRED TOWARD GEORGE but it is welcome here. everyone is welcome to criticise all drivers including the ones i like. that's your opinion! lucky for you, i also do not like politically correct princess russel, so i agree with your sentiment. but, also, i think lando could serve massive cunt at mercedes if he can stay above george. which would be hilarious. imagine being mercedes' golden boy and then be fucking sent to hell by this other british lad with a million times more charisma who actually is naturally liked by other drivers instead of people faking smiles all around. but yes, i do not think mercedes with george can be a healthy team for lando unless they're treating lando right and put george in his place. i doubt he'll accept that though. i'm conflicted.
aston martin - same, i do not trust the legalities on that car ? but also good for them i guess? i did not know the backstory of lawrence's influence but i'm sad to say i'm not surprised. i do not like lawrence's place and i hope sooner rather than later lance tells his dad 'actually, f1 not for me' bc it'll do the sport a whole lot good. i hope alonso's 117 points versus lance's 37 points will remain a wake up call that lance-can't-look-in-his-mirrors stroll is actually not as much world championship material as lawrence might hope he is. i do not hate lance! for the record! i just hate lawrence. would not wish anyone to go to lawrence's aston martin f1 team unless they are someone like fernando with an already steady career. because team wise, they do not seem to make many mistakes? so that's pretty steady.
red bull - yeah, same. i think they're more likely to go extremely well than horribly bad these days, to be honest. we've seen max talk about how he's grown as a teammate and become a better teammate now than he was alongside daniel, so i think in that sense he'll be very nice next to lando. i think it'd be a great opportunity and we know how badly helmut and christian have wanted (and probably still want) lando to be in that rbr. i also think max will be cold when he feels wronged, so that's not cool. and red bull is known to be quite ruthless in the sense that if you don't do well, you're out before you know it. i trust lando to do well, once he's found his way. just needs time to adjust. i think, out of all teams above mclaren (and excluding alpine), that red bull would be lando's best option. but yeah! as you said, max is incredibly talented and finds things to do with whatever red bull is under his ass and he can fuck it to another universe. to compare yourself to that will only get you down. so, you know, i hope max and whoever else at red bull will be able to give lando the confidence that whatever he does is good and he doesn't have to be max 2.0. ideally, i'd love for lando to go to red bull in max's last year, so he doesn't have to compete with max but instead max can tutor him to take over after he leaves. that way, he can learn all from max and grow however is best for him without feeling like he has to be better.
thanks for discussing this with me anon! i loved reading your thoughts and learned a lot <3
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