#anyway boyf knew exactly what i was talking about
brindlestorm · 1 year
One of the worst things about having memory problems (for me at least) is when you have a totally mundane memory about something that somehow manage to stick with you for so long and someone says “that was never a thing”, so you spend months or years thinking it’s not real and you just made it up until someone else comes along and says “yeah I totally remember [x] thing, loved/hated that stuff growing up”.
And then suddenly you have validation that its real so you start questioning everything else people told you wasn’t real and leads to more and more anxiety as your world kind of crumbles without actually falling apart if that makes sense.
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hippienerrd · 2 years
Connor Murphy x pregnant! Reader
·Summary: when Y/N told her boyfriend about her pregnancy he left her on the spot, when Connor finds her crying he feels the need to help
·Genre: fluff
·Tw: considering abortion, weed, mentions of home abortion, mentions of attempted su*cide
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Y/N sat leaned against a wall out front of her small towns highschool, tears streaming down her cheeks as she wonders what she will do having to raise a child by herself. None of the adults in her family accepted her, much less were happy for her and her unborn child, and her boyf- EXboyfriend had left her the second he found out. She had considered getting an abortion but that was quickly shut down when she realized she didn't know about the pregnancy until she was too far along to have one legally.
(shout out the new abortion laws/s, thanks for fucking afab people like Y/N in this imagine over)
As she contemplated the logistics of tracking down a wire coat hanger and going to town, her silent tears turned to sobs, which drew the attention of her classmates who were just trying to get to their cars and go home. Embarrassed by the stairs she got Y/N pulled her knees to her chest and put her head between the 2 semi bonny joints in an effort to hide.
Connor had been in his car joint in hand, due to his car being fogged out he hadn't noticed the distraught girl mere feet away from his parking space until it had cleared out a bit. Usually Connor would over look something like this and continue his day as normal but he felt compelled to sympathize with the mystery girl despite having 0 clue what exactly was going on in her life.
Connor opened his car door receiving glares from near by students who weren't pleased by the new found skunky funky smell in the air. As he stepped out he finally heard her sniffles, the sobs had faded mostly due to embarrassment. Connor took a seat next to Y/N in a similar yet more relaxed position, his knees were in the air but not pushed near as tightly to his chest as Y/N had hers while his head tilted back against the wall and his forearms rested on his knees.
Caught of gard by the smell of everyone's favorite leafy green wafting off of him Y/N looked up to find the lanky figure that was Connor. 'Great, the dude who beat up that kid with the cast the other day' Y/N thought to herself, she also couldn't help but wonder why he was sat next to her? What did he want?
"What's your story?" Connor questioned like he was in jail trying to make conversation with his cellmate or something. His awkward and strange attempt at starting this conversation made Y/N let out a soft giggle as she wiped her tears only further smudging her makeup.
"Do you really want to know?" answering his question with a question while she looked out at the trees and clouds ahead of her. "Well im here arent I? I didn't ask just to leave you here with no one to talk to." Connor spoke still continuing the evergrowing chain of questions whilst adding a 'yes, and..' twist. Y/N paused for a second wondering if she should share her personal life with this strange boy 'what the hell, my life cant get much worse anyway' she thought.
" My boyfriend left me..." she began explaining, Connor almost walked out on that statement and he would have had he not specifically said he wouldn't just leave her, his inner monologue screaming 'if I hear one more teenage girl cry over her boyfriend im gonna be fucking sick'
(No hate to anyone struggling with that i completely understand i just think this is how Connor would feel about highschool breakups)
"He left me,, pregnant,, with his child" she continued choking back tears causing her to pause frequently in addition to the long buffer between her first statement and this one. Connor mentally redacted his prior statement, knowing the full story really does change the meaning a lot, he gave a sympathetic look to the soon to be mother but still staying quiet so she knew she had the floor and he was there to listen.
"I took the test,, 2 days ago,, and I,, I finally found the courage,,, to tell him,, today. He called me a 'whore',,, said it wasn't his,, because we used protection" Y/N sniffled and let out a soft yet harsh laugh "News flash buddy condoms don't always work,,,, especially not when you keep them in your wallet like a dumbass,, looking back that was stupid of me to let slide" her pauses grew more spaced out and her crying seemed to subside for the moment.
(One more psa then ill shut up.. I think.. Anyway when condoms are kept in warm spaces especially like in a wallet with almost constant body heat from being in a pocket and frequent friction or bending, these things can cause them to deteriorate so please watch where you, your significant other, or any sex partner you may have keep condoms, stay safe)
Y/N fidgeted with a silver ring that held red stones. "Besides he's the only person I've been with since sophomore year,,, were seniors now,, I always thought i'd marry him one day." she began choking up more on that last statement. "Im so stupid." she spoke harshly as she tore the ring from her finger and threw it across the parking lot. Connor watched the ring bounce only to stop when it hit someones car while Y/N had retreated to her home between her knees.
Once Connor was sure Y/N had finished he spoke up "Your not stupid, you said it yourself he's the dumbass, its not your fault he was stupid enough to keep his condoms in his wallet, and now you're suffering the consequences his actions, its not fair to you"
Y/N looked up at Connor as he spoke. He looked as though he had more to say but couldn't find the words so she stayed quiet and waited. "Was that a promise ring?" He asked reluctantly knowing it may be painful for her to answer. Y/N nodded. "Did he give it to you?" Y/N nodded again.
Connor paused, the words coming out of his mouth felt sappy and stupid to him, but he knew if someone had comforted him like this when he needed it,,, maybe he wouldn't have attempted suicide a few months back, he knew he had to say them wether he liked them or not. "They say a man is only as good as his word,, with a promise like that,, and the way he left you,, I don't think he was a very good man,,, you deserve better, maybe this was some weird blessing in disguise"
Y/N smiled for what felt like the first time since she found her fate on the bathroom counter in the form of 2 red lines. "You gotta name?" She asked "Connor,,, Murphy" he nervously replied "I like you Murphy" she quickly stated as she rose to her feet. Connor cracked a smile too, everything that just happened was so out of character for him and he knew it, but he couldn't quite figure out why.
"I should get going, its getting dark and I need to find a place to set up camp for tonig-" "Whadoyamean?" Conner cut her off and spoke as if all 4 words were one and it was deathly serious. "My folks arent exactly on my team right now, i don't think they'll want me home, at least not for a while" Y/N explained. "Get in your car and follow me, I have a better idea" Connor said interjecting himself into the situation for the second time.
With way too much faith in this boy she just met, she agreed and the 2 made their way to their vehicles and down the road to wherever Connor was leading them. About 8 minutes later they approached a good sized house in a mediocre neighborhood where Connor and Y/N parked alongside 3 other cars.
As they entered the house Connor yells out "im home!" giving Y/N that moment of realization, this was Connor's house??? Before Y/N could say anything a women who looked to be Connor's mom had appeared lecturing Connor on being late and making her worry but before she could finish she noticed the presences of an unfamiliar girl.
"Connor, who's this?" She asked. Knowing Connor had not yet even asked her name Y/N jumped in to save him the embarrassment of not knowing someone who he was probably going to play off as a friends name. "Hi Mrs. Murphy, im Y/N" she smiled at the girl infront of her Connor continued for Y/N though "She needs a place to stay, her family has not been too welcoming" "We don't have a guest room here Con whe-" she polity protested before Connor interrupted "my room, its here or some walmart parking lot full of crack heads mom" "...ok" she reluctantly agreed.
As we climbed the stairs and went down the hallway we passed a girl Y/N recognize as Zoe, she went to our school too. She watched us walk with a bit of shock and simply said " Use protection" which Y/N almost laughed at due to the irony of her situation. "Shuddup" connor replied in a defensive and annoyed tone, it was very different from what Y/N had been seeing.
Once in Connors room he immediately ran to his chest of drawers pulling out 2 shirts and 2 pair of sweats. He plopped one of each on the bed and said "Get changed, no way after all of that crying are you not tired, were going to bed. You can change in here, just let me know when i can come in" Connor left without another word closing the bedroom door behind him and making his way to the bathroom to change.
When Connor was finished he approached the previously shut bedroom door to see Y/N asleep on top of the blankets. His face grew hot at the sight of her wearing his clothes, she was cuter than he had realized before. Knowing he wouldn't be able to take the blankets from under her without waking her he walked to the linen closet and grabbed a fuzzy throw blanket. He stood next to his bed as he spread the blanked over top of the sleeping girl, afterwords he turned off the lights and climbed in bed next to her.
The only noise left in the room was their soft breathing and Connor's final words for the night which he spoke in a hushed whisper.
"Goodnight Y/N."
W o w this was long and full of heavy subjects but i honestly kinda love it, i think its pretty good for my first fic in 2 or 3 years. I hope any readers out there enjoyed it at least half as much. Quick reminder that my requests are open and it'd be very much appreciated if i could get some requests to help with ideas.
Peace :)
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sh1tbird-shantytown · 3 years
i’ve got a tangent, buckle up. (and yes i know this probably isn’t at all accurate. bite me.)
Steve didn’t really talk about his family. He left for home at five thirty and spent Sunday’s presumably at church with them, but he never really spoke of them. And no one really minded.
Sure, Billy had asked once or twice if he could meet someone in person. Steve would shrug his shoulders and agree to mention it. No one was very surprised when it never got brought up again. And Steve never relayed a response to his supposed offer.
No one knew what was up. Until The Mishap.
Now, Maxine Mayfield had a tough skin to break through in order to hurt her feelings. It took a lot. But something about the boy was oddly familiar in a sore way. His eyes, she’d consider, they were exactly like someone she knew. Innocent in such a guilty manner and soft even though he spoke with steel. How he stood like he had something to his name and how he only seemed to speak after thinking it through.
So, yeah, it took a lot for Max to get weepy, to get butt-hurt. People like Billy and Steve knew that, threatened to do every form of revenge in the book (although that was mostly Billy by a vast majority). Steve was kinder about it, offered her a quarter for the gum-ball machine and walked with her to calm down.
“What happened today?”
She turned the crank slowly so she could hear all the gears, “Some kid saw my low test score in history and kept making stupid jokes.”
Steve pressed his lips together, “I know that feeling all too well.”
Max looked up before opening the flap for the prize, “Really?”
He grinned, “What? You think I was this cool before puberty?” She rolled her eyes and he laughed quietly, “You just have to learn to make them feel bad about it so they stop.” Max nodded and pulled out a pink ball. “What’s this kid have going on? What’s he dress like, this town acts like there’s factions. Should be pretty easy to find him.”
Max threw the candy in her mouth and spoke around it, “Kind of dirty jeans, expensive shoes, colorful shirts.” She laughed, “He dresses similar to you actually. Isn’t that funny? He has darker hair though, and a bitch personality.” She crunched down on the gum-ball aggressively.
Steve didn’t seem to find it funny at all, in fact his face dropped, “Was his name Troy by chance?”
Max scoffed, “Yeah actually.” She grew worried when Steve still didn’t answer, “Why?”
Steve patted her shoulder and nodded at Billy over at the food counter, “I’ve got to go deal with some stuff. I’ll see you two later tonight!” he jogged out and Max noticed Billy looking a little too disappointed.
Steve did return that evening. To the Mayfield-Hargrove house with a kid towed behind him. Max couldn’t see their face as they hid behind Steve’s back, but she opened the front door before Steve even knocked anyway. Smiled and called for Billy like any other time (she always ignored Neil’s shout for who it was).
Steve crossed his arms, “Bud, you have something to say?” he looked over his shoulder and Troy peaked around hesitantly.
“Common, Stef, I don’t wanna.”
“If you can use your rotten mouth to pick on people than you can apologize too.” When Troy continued to stare at his shoes and Max stood taken aback still, Steve poked at the boy’s head. “I’ll wash your mouth out with soap, don’t think I won’t.”
Troy sighed but looked up, “You’ve been threatening that for years.” Steve narrowed his eyes but stayed silent. Max glowered until he spoke again, “I’m sorry for bullying you and your friends, that was a coward thing to do.” Steve nodded along and Max heard Billy walk up. “I promise not to say anything like that again and I hope you can accept my sincere apology.” Something about the words felt off, scripted. She almost said something until she saw a far away and similarly off-put look to Steve’s eyes. It wasn’t dishonesty, but something different. She didn’t know what, so she locked it away for another discussion.
She regarded him for a long moment, so long that Billy started tapping his foot, “I guess I can agree to that.”
Troy seemed relieved and looked back at Steve, “See? I can be nice.”
Billy stepped closer, “What’s going on?”
Steve looked a little sheepish, “I told him that if he didn’t apologize for being rude to Max than I wasn’t making dinner so,” he spread his arms out like wings, “Here we are.” Billy huffed, agreeable.
Max rose her eyebrows and smirked, “And how do you know him, Steve?”
Troy tried to bite him when Steve whacked his head, “This catastrophe is my little brother.”
Billy leaned against the doorframe, “I don’t see it.” Steve smiled at him and Troy’s eyes widened in some sort of realization.
“That’s him?” he asked pointing at Billy (who in turn looked affronted).
Steve rolled his eyes, “I’d rather have a private conversation involving that topic. Later.” Troy continued to stare, bug-eyed at Billy.
Max stepped outside, “Let’s go get ice cream.”
Troy jumped up and tugged at Steve’s reluctant arm, “Good idea! Let’s go, let’s go!”
Steve looked over at Billy, “He’s been, uh, excited to meet the best player on Hawkins’ basketball team.”
Troy made a face, “No, I’ve been waiting to meet your boyf—”
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kurt-nightcrawler · 4 years
And I figured out we’re dating in this Chili’s tonight
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Request: Mother Nature and warren have my whole ass HEART!!!!! I loved flower so much. I know you’re gonna write lil dates one day I wonder if you’ll write something of how they officially got together?? Like who asked who to be each other’s girlf/boyf . Would be so cute I know you’re busy but either way all your fics are *chefs kiss* —(I think this was from an anon!)
Blurb: Mother Nature and Warren are officially dating! They figured it out!
Warnings: some language and mentions of sex
Word Count: 7.6k
A/N: the timeline is kind of all over. This is set before Decay but I posted it way after! Anyway! Enjoy!
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Warren was on Instagram as Scott explained the plot of Fast and The Furious 7 to Jean. 
“It’s not good— but my dad loves them— mostly for the cars— but it’s supposed to be the last movie in the franchise. I think…” 
Warren rarely posted— on his story and his main page— but he looked at what his friends were up to. 
He tapped on (Y/N)’s profile icon to view her story— the highlight of his lunch period. She wasn’t around for the time being— she had mentioned a test she was retaking, which made Warren sad. He wouldn’t get to sit next to her and share whatever fruit she grew for lunch, but he also wanted her to do well and get good grades. 
(Y/N) had posted a photo of a movie poster with the caption, “OHMYGOD!! ” followed by a blue and yellow shocked face emoji and a heart-eyed emoji. The movie poster in question was for the animated Addams Family movie. 
“Is there a new Addams family movie coming out?” Warren asked. 
“Yeah, (Y/N) watched the latest trailer during class. She’s really excited about it,” Jean told him.
Warren felt himself get shaky with nerves and excitement. He could ask her to go see it with him. Just him. Not with the whole group, or Jubilee third-wheeling, or Jean and Scott with them, making out in the seat next to them. 
Am I going to ask her on a date? Is that what this is? A date? 
“You good?” Scott asked.
“What?” Warren glanced at him. “Oh, yeah… Yeah, I’m good.” 
Warren went back to his phone, pressing reply to (Y/N)’s story post about the Addams Family movie coming out. 
He started to type out a message. 
“Hey. Would you want to see this together when it comes out? We could also go out for dinner?” Warren then promptly deleted the entire message. 
No, no. That makes me sound like a lonely middle-aged mom. He thought to himself.
“I think it was fine!”
“Ah!” Warren flinched. “Did you read my mind, Jean?” 
“No…” Jean denied.
Warren frowned. 
“I was curious as to what you were doing, and you were really nervous and your thoughts are loud anyway.” 
“What?” Scott asked. 
“Warren’s trying to ask (Y/N) out on a date to the movies,” Jean explained.
“It’s not a date!” Warren tried to defend.
“When is it ever going to be a date?” Scott asked. “It wasn’t a date when she slept over in your room and you watched Phineas and Ferb and ordered pizza. It wasn’t a date when you spent three hours at the library studying together. It wasn’t a date when you spent the afternoon together and she told you her secret brownie recipe! When is it ever going to be a date?”
“I… I don’t… Those were not dates...” 
“They kind of were,” Jean admitted. “That’s what people do on dates. Scott and I do stuff like that all the time…” 
Warren blinked. 
“You’ve dated people before, right?” Scott asked him.
“I mean “date” is a loose term but, yeah…” 
 Scott decided he didn’t have time to unpack that sentence. “Okay. What did you do with them to like, spend time together, and stuff?”
“We mostly just got drunk and hooked up…” 
Scott sighed, “You sound like my brother after he got out of jail.” 
“Warren, have… you… never been on a real date before?” Jean asked.
“Well, um, I mean, my last “girlfriend” and I went to clubs and stuff in Germany, but we’d usually go with some friends…” He admitted.   
“Oh my god…” Scott mumbled.
Warren panicked. “Wait, did— Did (Y/N) think we were dating this whole time?” 
“I don’t know,” Jean shrugged.
“Everyone else thought you guys were,” Scott muttered. 
“So we’ve been dating this whole time?” 
“I mean, kind of…” 
Warren paled. He had no idea what to do. Were they dating? Were they not dating? What was he supposed to do as a boyfriend? Or not a boyfriend? 
“Just ask her, ‘what are we?’ That should clear things up.” 
Warren gawked at Scott. “What are we? That’s the cliche that makes guys run for the hills! I can’t ask her that!”
“(Y/N)’s reasonable,” Jean reminded him. “If you ask her that, she won’t run away.” 
Warren didn’t say anything back. 
“Just ask her what you were originally going to say on Instagram.”
Warren whined. 
“Do it now.” Jean advised. “Before Jubilee makes plans to see the movie with her.” 
Warren paled at the possibility of (Y/N) not being available. He quickly typed out another message and sent it. 
“Oh my god! Oh my god, I just did that! Hhhhh…” Warren quickly threw his phone on the table and refused to look at it. 
Jean chuckled and rolled her eyes, taking his phone to see if (Y/N) replied.
(Y/N) finished her test early and decided to check up on some of the plants in the attic greenhouse before her next class. 
She had been focusing on a baby caladium, making sure it had plenty of sun and water and was growing at a healthy pace. 
(Y/N) named it, Warren Worthington IV, but she told no one and would take that piece of information to the grave.  
 As she was poking Warren the Fourth’s soil to see if it needed water for the day, she felt her phone vibrate against her thigh in her pocket. 
She pulled it out to see that Warren— the Third— had replied to her Instagram story. Her eyes turned pink just by reading his name on her phone screen.  
“Do you want to see this together Friday night? We could go to Chili’s before and get dinner?”
(Y/N) read the message over at least ten times. Dinner and a movie? Was Warren asking her on a date? 
Her eyes were orange in confusion and purple due to nerves. 
She took a few minutes but finally responded with, “Yeah! There’s a showing on Friday at 9 at the theatre by the mall. Does that work?” 
Warren immediately hearted the message and said, “Yeah :)” 
(Y/N) hearted his message. Excited and a bit nervous for Friday, she left the attic and headed to her next class. 
(Y/N) ignored any work she had after class and immediately went through her closet, rummaging for clothes.
“Whatcha doing?” Ororo asked, setting her books on her bed. 
“You’ve been on plenty of not date dates,” (Y/N) began. Ororo gave her a curious look. “What would you wear?”
“Are you going out on a date?” Ororo asked. 
“Well, not exactly…” (Y/N) confessed. 
Ororo smirked as she opened her notebook and started working on an assignment, “Is it with Warren?”
“Who else would it be?” (Y/N) asked.
“I don’t know… Dylan from math class? Ruby from my yoga class? The handful of people from Bayville you’ve kissed at house parties before you even knew Warren? There are options.”
(Y/N) was not amused. 
“Are you and Warren going out on a date? Or is this a ‘we’re just hanging out… alone together… but just as friends! Because we are friends! Who like each other very romantically! But we refuse to do anything about it!’”
(Y/N) sighed. “Okay, so he didn’t explicitly say it was a date, but we’re seeing the new Addams Family movie and going to Chili’s.” 
Ororo blinked in shock, Warren asked (Y/N) to see a movie about one of her favorite franchises and go to one of her favorite go-to restaurants, and he didn’t clarify if it was a date or not? 
What a dumbass, Ororo mused, tearing herself away from her work to go on her phone.
Are you and (Y/N) going on a date?
 No response. 
Ororo went back to her homework, glancing at (Y/N) every so often to give feedback on the numerous items she pulled out of her closet. 
“Is a dress too much?” 
“Definitely,” Ororo stated without looking up. “I’ve only worn a dress twice since I came here and one I borrowed from Jubilee.” 
(Y/N) sighed and kept looking for options. Ororo’s phone screen lit up, and she quickly grabbed it, checking to see if Warren responded.
I think so???
What do you mean? “i tHiNk So” 
*not amused emoji* 
I’m not sure if we’re dating or not. We were gonna talk about it at dinner.
 “Are you and Warren dating?” Ororo asked. 
(Y/N) froze at the question, unsure what to say. “I mean… no… but like, we like each other— or I like him. I think he likes me. Sometimes I’m not really sure—”
“—(Y/N),” Ororo interrupted. “He likes you a lot. Assume this is a date.” 
“Assume— What?” (Y/N) gaped.   
Ororo looked at her phone again, seeing five text messages from Warren in panic, asking why she didn’t respond.
Calm down!
You should thank me
What did you do?...
You have to trust me… ;)
*Not amused emoji*
 Ororo left Warren on read and continued her assignment. Until someone barged into the room, unexpected.
Jubilee came in, bubbling with enthusiasm. “I heard from Jean! Oh my god, I have to help you pick out an outfit! This is huge!” 
“It’s not a date…” (Y/N) awkwardly tried to explain.
“Oh, no— it definitely is!” 
Ororo and (Y/N) were both confused. 
“We all know Warren is a little… emotionally hesitant…” Juilee carefully stated. “But like, if it was anyone else they would have literally said, “Wanna go on a date with me and see The Addams Family?” Warren’s just scared you’d say no— which you’d never do.” 
“Is he— I thought he knew I liked him?”
“He’s a guy,” Jubilee explained as she looked in (Y/N)’s closet for something she could wear. “They never know what they’re doing.”
(Y/N) sat on the floor, with more questions than answers from everything Jubilee had said.
“This would be perfect!” It was a black skater skirt. “Skirts are your best friend in times like these.” 
“Incase anything happens… Duh!” Jubilee stated it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. (Y/N) didn’t respond, causing Jubilee to groan. 
“From That 70s Show? Skirts are your best friend for sex. Zip, zip, bim, bam! You’re done, you’re dressed, you’re back to whatever you were doing. Nobody suspects a thing!” 
“Jubilee, they’re seeing a kids movie, not having sex,” Ororo told her.
“Hmm…” Jubilee crossed her arms. “You should still wear the skirt. You look really pretty in it anyway.” 
(Y/N) sat there, eyes wide and purple, mind reeling, trying to process what Jubilee said.
“We’re… We’re not going to have sex, are we? I’m not— I don’t think— I don’t even know if we’re dating or not!” 
“Hey, hey— Jubilee’s just messing around.” Ororo moved from her bed to sit next to (Y/N) and rub her back. “She’s just used to Scott and Jean’s shenanigans. Plus, Warren’s a good guy! He won’t pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to and he’s too nervous to do anything like that anyway.”
 “Warren’s like, obsessed with you, in a good way. And if he doesn’t respect your boundaries I can snap his neck for you.” Jubilee innocently smiled and batted her eyes. 
“Thanks… Do you think my soft dark green sweater would look good with the skirt?”
  “Oh my god yes!” Jubilee grabbed it out of the closet and set it on (Y/N)’s bed. “And with your Doc Martens? Goth little plant goddess vibes. I love it.”
“You think I’ll be warm enough? Should I bring a jacket?” (Y/N) checked the weather on her phone. 
“You should be fine! Besides, if you’re cold…” Jubilee smirked. “You can always cuddle with Warren in the movie theatre.” 
Ororo smiled and rolled her eyes, while (Y/N) decided to humor her, “I’ll keep it in mind.” 
Friday couldn’t come soon enough— Warren kept thinking about how (Y/N) said, “Yes.” And about what might happen, how he would bring up the question that would change everything. He was distracted during training, nervous, and lost in thought. He constantly talked about his weekend plans with some of their friends. 
Some found it annoying at first, but most had never seen Warren so passionate about something before. It was sweet.
“I dunno, I just want things to go well. But what if I make things awkward? I say or do something really stupid? What if I spill my drink all over my crotch and then it looks like I peed myself?”
“That’s not going to happen,” Ororo reassured him. 
“What if our server flirts with her?”
“Just glare at them. You’re scary enough.” 
Warren sighed, wishing time moved as fast for him as it did for Peter.
“Just be yourself and have a good time. Open doors for her, tell her she’s beautiful, if she’s cold give her your jacket, walk her back to her dorm room— things like that.” Ororo told him. “Those will make it obvious that it’s a date. Because you guys do date activities all the time, and you refuse to admit it’s a date.” 
Warren huffed at her. Ororo stuck out her tongue.  
It was Friday.
(Y/N) had been antsy in all of her classes, just wanting them to end so she could get ready for the night. 
She had her outfit picked out and ready. (Y/N) planned on light makeup— a little eyeshadow and lipgloss— and she had a small little purse packed with a few things. 
 (Y/N) started to doubt herself. “Maybe a skirt is too much… It’s dinner and a movie… Maybe I should just wear jeans…”  
She huffed as she held the skirt up to her waist. “But I wanna look cute… Screw it!” 
(Y/N) slipped the skirt and sweater on, doing a french tuck, and then started to apply makeup. She was done in under thirty minutes, and then looked over her hair in the mirror, trying to hastily pluck out leaves and shove flowers into different areas of her head and strategically place them under specific sections. 
Once (Y/N) was satisfied with how she looked, she checked the time. It was 5:30, and (Y/N) and Warren weren’t leaving until six. So she had time to just sit around and wait.
(Y/N) pulled her phone out and opened Snapchat, choosing to take at least a hundred selfies with different filters. 
Holding her phone from different angles, making different faces, posing in slightly different positions, and choosing a new filter every five photos, almost like a mini-photoshoot in the palm of her hand. Some selfies got posted to her Snapchat story, others were sent to Jubilee and Ororo, and the remainder were saved but would probably never see the light of day. She huffed and tapped through people’s Snapchat stories to kill more time.
Warren asked Jubilee for help. 
Well, he didn’t exactly ask, she just texted him, “I’m helping you get ready.” And he thanked her. 
“One of the hottest things a guy can do is have good hygiene. You, surprisingly, already have accomplished that—”
“Hey!” Warren frowned as he pulled his leather jacket out from his closet. “Did you, like, think I didn’t?”
“No! I’m just surprised you know what exfoliate means… Do you have a different jacket? That one is cute and everything, but it’s a bit much.” 
“It’s the easiest one I can get my wings out of,” Warren explained while slipping on a black shirt.
“Why? Also, do you only wear black?” Jubilee complained.
“In case (Y/N) gets cold…? Also, no, I have that one yellow sweater you made me get and some white shirts.” Warren defended.
Jubilee almost scoffed, “(Y/N)’s not going to get cold. You’re going out to eat and the movies.”
“Well, Ororo said I should give her my jacket in case she is cold.” 
“Fair enough,” Jubilee mumbled. “I was supposed to hang out with Ororo tonight… We were going to make Tiktoks and watch Wonder Woman.”
“I thought she went stargazing with Kurt?” Warren asked as he laced up his boots. 
“Yeah! And they didn’t invite me!” Jubilee flopped onto Kurt’s empty bed and huffed.
“Jubilee— I don’t think—”
“I’m a fucking delight to be around!” 
Warren’s eyes widened, “I didn’t say you weren’t.” 
“It sucks because Kurt’s got the accent, he can sword fight, he likes movies but hates Tarantino, he’s respectful, god and he’s just as hot as Ororo.” 
“Um…” Warren furrowed his brows. “Do you think, maybe— maybe uh, Ororo thinks you like Kurt?” 
Jubilee looked at him with a deadpan expression. Warren panicked, thinking he said the wrong thing. 
“I like both of them, Bird brain! It’s the fact they haven’t expressed liking me at all and probably don’t want that. Also like half of the girls at Bayville think Kurt’s hot and try to kiss him at house parties.” 
“Oh…” Warren hadn’t considered that. “Um… I uh, I had a threesome once—” 
“Oh my god! Stop!” Jubilee cringed. “I don’t wanna hear about that right now! Go get your girlfriend, and like, yawn, and stretch your arm out over her while Gomez confesses his undying love for Morticia for the millionth time.” 
“Okay, okay.” Warren grabbed his phone and wallet. “Don’t spend all night in here,” He advised, leaving Jubilee alone in his room. 
Warren sent (Y/N) a text, asking if she was ready. She said yes, and asked him to meet her in the common room area. 
Warren found her sitting in a lounge chair, talking to a student. (Y/N) turned her head and saw Warren. She got up and smiled, bid the other person goodbye, and then walked over to Warren. 
“Hey!” She greeted him. 
“Uh, hey.” Warren tried to discreetly check her out. She looked nice. “You look really nice.” 
“Oh, uh, thanks.” (Y/N)’s pink eyes shifted to a slightly purple hue. “You do too.”   
“Thanks… Are you ready to go?” 
(Y/N) nodded, “Yeah. What car are we taking?”
“Um…” Warren realized he didn’t decide on which one of Xavier’s numerous cars he was taking out for the night. Not that it mattered, but he was a bit frustrated with himself on that one. 
“I don’t know…” 
(Y/N) snickered to herself. “That’s fine. It doesn’t matter. Jubilee and I do have a rule though.” 
“What is it?” 
“Whatever car Scott and Jean took last, don’t even touch it.” 
Warren blinked, “I don’t get it.” 
(Y/N)’s eyes turned purple completely. 
“Um, uh, it’s cause um— it’s not... clean...”
“Oh…” Suddenly, everything connected in Warren’s mind.  
(Y/N) nodded, “Yeah...” 
“Scott likes the Oldsmobile rocket. Maybe we should avoid that one…”
“Yeah. Yeah…”
They picked a different car. Warren didn’t get a chance to open the door for (Y/N), but he told himself the night had only just begun, and he’d get another chance. 
 “Want me to play some music?” (Y/N) asked.
“Sure! Play whatever you want.”
“You don’t have a preference or anything…?” She questioned, while her thumb hovered over the play button of a playlist. 
“Not really… Besides, I can pick next time.” 
(Y/N)’s eyes flashed purple and she mumbled in agreement and started a playlist. 
Warren cursed internally to himself. Why would I say that? Why did I say that!? As if I’d have the privilege of going out with her again after that dumbass sentence. 
Warren made a lame attempt to change the subject. “Are you excited about the movie?”
 “Yeah! They announced the cast like a year ago, and I thought it was going to be live-action, but animation is probably better for The Addams Family. It’s supposed to be really good! Oscar Isaac is voicing Gomez—” 
“Poe from Star Wars…”
“Finn’s boyfriend?” Warren asked.
(Y/N) smiled, “Yeah, yeah. Him.” 
“I haven’t seen anything else he’s been in, but Kurt and Scott say he’s a really good actor.”
“Hmm…” I wonder if she thinks he’s hot… I mean Oscar is, but I doubt I can compete with that. 
No, no, Worthington. Remember what Jean said, “No self-deprecating thoughts.”
“Pugsley’s voiced by Finn Wolfhard. He was in Stranger Things…”
Warren nodded, he knew what Stranger Things was. He watched it with Jubilee, Kurt, and Ororo over Labor Day weekend.  
“He plays Will, right?” 
“No. Finn has curly hair…” “Dustin?...” Warren was unsure about his answer, but he knew Dustin had curly hair. 
“Mike. Eleven’s boyfriend? Black hair?” 
“Oh… Okay… I feel really stupid. I should have known that.” 
(Y/N) scoffed, “You’re fine. There’s like seven of them, and that’s not even including the adults and the characters our age.”
“Yeah, that’s true, I guess. I might rewatch it…” 
An idea came to (Y/N), “We should have like, a marathon with our friends! We could also play D&D.” 
“I never played before,” Warren admitted. 
“I haven’t either really… but I kind of know how to play… Scott’s played before! He was really into D&D before he came to Xavier’s.” 
Warren chuckled quietly, “That doesn’t surprise me.” 
“Yeah, he’s kind of a dork, but just because you play a board game doesn’t mean you’re lame.”
“Yeah— Do you see any parking spots?” Warren asked.
(Y/N) shifted in her seat, looking for an empty spot, “Yeah, right there.” 
 Warren slowed down and started to pull in. “God, I’m so bad at parking. Please don’t judge me.” 
(Y/N) laughed, “You can’t be bad as Jubilee. She tried to park at the mall and ran over a curb. We thought the tired popped off!” 
“No!” Warren gasped. 
(Y/N) nodded, “The car was fine, but Jubilee had Jean drive home.” 
Warren snickered as he put the car in park and then turned it off. 
(Y/N) got out before Warren could open the door for her. He bit his lip in frustration. 
“Oh, the sun is so pretty!” (Y/N) cooed. “I love golden hour sometimes.”
 “I don’t… What?” Warren wasn’t too sure what golden hour was. Jubilee had mentioned it before, but he never asked what it meant. 
“Come here—” (Y/N) pulled out her phone and held it horizontally. “Get in the frame and smile!” 
Warren obliged, smiling and doing an awkward peace sign. (Y/N) grinned, also doing a peace sign, with her eyes closed and tongue poking out slightly. 
“Let me see how it turned out— Oh my god! We look amazing.” She was practically gleaming as she angled the phone towards Warren so he could see the photo. 
Warren smiled. 
“Want me to send this to you?” (Y/N) asked. 
“Yeah, sure.” 
“There!” (Y/N) smiled. “I sent it.” Warren thanked her and they headed into Chili’s.  
He managed to open the door in time for (Y/N). 
“Oh…” Her eyes shifted to a slight violet hue, the nerves of is this a date or not? Coming back to her. “Thanks…” 
“You’re welcome.”  
The hostess greeted them and asked how many were in their party. 
“Two,” Warren responded. 
“Alright, follow me.” She grabbed two menus and had them follow her to a booth.
“Here you guys are. Your server will be with you soon.” 
“Oh my god, I’m really hungry…” (Y/N) unfolded her menu and buried her nose in it.
“Uh, me too…” Warren browsed his menu.
“Hi, I’m Ariana, I’ll be your server tonight! What can I get you guys started with to drink?”
“I’ll have a Coke Zero,” Warren told her.
“I’ll have a strawberry lemonade,” (Y/N) answered. 
“I’ll get those right out for you.” 
She walked off, leaving Warren and (Y/N) alone. 
“Do you know what you’re gonna get?” (Y/N) asked. She was eyeing the nachos and the chicken crispers.
“Uh… Not really…” Warren awkwardly admitted. “The fajitas look good, but that’s a lot of food.” 
“Yeah, they’re good though.” 
Their server came back with their drinks asking if they needed more time to look at the menu. She smiled and said she’d be back. 
“You’ve been here before, right?” (Y/N) asked Warren. She swore he had, but perhaps she was wrong.
“Once, with the guys. We were comforting Peter after another failed Tinder date. I think I got... nachos? I don’t remember.” 
(Y/N) chuckled to herself. “Peter needs to try another dating app.”
“He’s got like three.” 
“Oh, jeez— Jubilee almost downloaded tinder but she doesn’t need it.” 
Warren furrowed his brows, “Huh? Isn’t she into that one dude from Bayville? And Ororo?”
(Y/N) nodded and took a sip of her lemonade. 
Warren jokingly rolled his eyes. “I don’t think I’ll ever understand her.” 
Ariana came back, asking if they were ready to order. 
“Yeah, um, I’ll have the nachos with chicken,” (Y/N) told her. 
“Nachos with chicken,” Ariana repeated. “And you?” She asked Warren.
“I’ll have the Santa Fe chicken salad.”
She wrote it down on a little notepad, “Santa Fe chicken salad. Alrighty! Those will be right out.” 
“Thank you.” 
(Y/N) took another sip of her lemonade, letting it fill the silence. 
Warren was suddenly very nervous. “Um…”  “You okay?... Is there something on my face? Do I have lipstick on my teeth?” (Y/N) started to worry. 
“You don’t have any lipstick on…” Warren stated a bit dumbfounded. 
“Um, anyway, I um— I like— I want, no. Um, is this— Is this a date?” 
“Um…” (Y/N) froze up for a moment. “You asked me out.” 
“Um, yeah, if you don’t want this to be a date, it like, isn’t then, you know? I mean, I didn’t really specify.”
“I kind of thought this was a date,” (Y/N) admitted.
Kind of… That’s good— Wait. Does she not want this to be a date?
“Do you want this to be a date?” Warren asked.
“Uh, yeah. I wouldn’t mind if it was, but like, we’re just friends so if you didn’t mean for it to be a date then that’s cool. Pretend I didn’t say anything.” 
(Y/N) avoided eye contact as she drank more lemonade, her eyes fully purple.   
“No, no! Um, I do want this to be a date. I um, I really, uh, I really like you.” Warren nervously confessed.
God, I hope I die here, right now, He silently pleaded. 
“Uh, yeah… I like you too… That’s kind of why I’ve been like, hanging out with you, alone, um, a lot…” 
“Me, um— me too.” Warren awkwardly took a sip of his soda. 
“Are— are we... dating?” Warren asked.
“Uh… I guess so?” (Y/N) wasn’t too sure how to respond, but when she saw Warren’s face fall slightly she quickly changed her words. 
“I mean, I think we are. I hope so. Um—”
“—We’re dating then?” Warren asked.
“We’re dating!” 
Soon as they figured it out, Ariana came in with their food. 
“Alright, I’ve got the Sante Fe chicken salad,” She set the plate in front of Warren. “And the nachos with chicken!” She set that plate in front of (Y/N). 
“Do you guys need anything else?” 
“I think we’re good for now,” Warren told her. “Thanks, though.” 
“Let me know if you need anything!” Ariana left the couple to eat their food. 
“Oh my gosh, yours looks really good,” (Y/N) commented.  
 “You can have some if you want,” Warren offered. 
“Oh, thanks!” 
“Yeah, of course.” 
The conversation died down a bit as Warren and (Y/N) focused on their food, but Warren was internally stressing.
I have no idea what boyfriends do. Am I doing a good job right now? What if she tells Jubilee and then Jubilee murders me because so far I’m a shitty boyfriend? 
Maybe I can hold her hand while we watch The Addams Family… How do I initiate that? What if she doesn’t want to hold my hand? 
Why do I want to hold her hand?... Warren almost visibly shuddered at the feeling of love. Ew… feelings…
Warren snapped back into reality for a moment, watching (Y/N) spill a piece of chicken into her lap. 
Warren didn’t need his eyes to turn pink to show he was awestruck by her. She’s adorable… I’m so lucky to be her boyfriend…
Once they had finished, their server Ariana came back asking if they needed to-go boxes and if they wanted the check.
“Do you want it separate or together?” 
“Together,” Warren told her. (Y/N) furrowed her brows for a moment, eyes a bit orange, as Ariana left to go get the check. 
“I’m paying,” Warren stated nonchalantly as he got his card out. 
“Oh, okay.” 
Ariana came back with two to-go boxes and the check. 
Warren handed her his card and she walked away. 
(Y/N) started to put her leftover nachos in her box. Warren scooped his leftover salad into his to-go box. 
“Alright! Here’s your card and receipt,” Ariana handed those to Warren. “Do you guys need anything else?” 
“I think we’re good.” 
“Alright! Have a good night!” 
“You too!”
Warren was figuring out how much to tip. “Is like, $10 good?” 
“What?” (Y/N) asked.
“To tip…?” Warren awkwardly said.
“What’s the total?”
“Uh… $28.76.” 
“Warren, that’s like a 35% tip, right?” (Y/N) asked.
Warren shrugged. “Look, servers don’t get paid enough.” 
“You’re right.” 
Warren finished filling out his receipt, then he looked at (Y/N). “Are you ready to go?” 
“Yep! I’ll get the boxes.” (Y/N) picked hers up and reached over for Warren’s.
“No, I got it. I can carry them.” 
“No, I can carry them,” (Y/N) insisted. 
“I’m your boyfriend, let me carry them,” Warren insisted. 
(Y/N)’s heart did a flip at the fact he said, boyfriend. 
“... Fine…” She let Warren carry the to-go boxes. 
He also managed to open the door for her when they left. 
(Y/N) was still trying to process the fact they were dating. 
What’s the date? I should write it down. So I can remember for our first anniversary! 
Will we last that long?... I hope so… I really like Warren… Maybe I should tell him?
No… That’s kind of embarrassing…
“So…” (Y/N) trailed off.
“Yeah?” Warren asked, eyes on the road.
“I don’t know…” She admitted.
“Oh…” Things were starting to get awkward. Warren didn’t want things to be awkward. Awkwardness would ruin the relationship.
But Warren was bad at small talk. He was bad at socializing, period. And while he had improved, he still got nervous. He hated being nervous— scared. He didn’t want to come off as weak or vulnerable. 
But he didn’t want to come off as scary or cold-hearted either. 
It was a hard scale to balance. 
“Okay, I don’t want to be rude, but who taught you how to drive?” (Y/N) asked.
“Sean…?” Warren stated. 
(Y/N) face practically lit up in realization, “That explains a lot.”
”What do you mean?”
“You were taught how to drive by someone who originally learned how to drive on the other side of the road!”
“That— What does that have to do with my shitty parking?” Warren asked. “I drive on the “right side of the road”. 
(Y/N) laughed. 
“Look,” Warren explained. “If I’m bad at parking that’s on me. The lines caught me!” 
“Haha! Yeah.” (Y/N) laughed. “At least you don’t hit curbs like Jubilee.” 
Warren laughed, “Yeah!” 
“Come on— I want to get good seats!” Warren put the car in park and turned it off. (Y/N) and he both got out and walked towards the theatre. Along the way she (not-so) discreetly slipped her hand into Warren’s. He blushed and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. (Y/N) did her best to not grin her face off. 
Warren had to let go of (Y/N)’s hand momentarily, so he could open the door, causing her to frown a bit and her eyes to go a bit grey. 
This is a crime! I don’t want to let go of his hand!
Warren slipped his hand back into (Y/N)’s once they were inside, and her eyes went back to their “normal” pink shade. 
Warren paid for their tickets and they picked out seats in the back row. They weren’t in the center, but sitting in the back row was best due to Warren’s wings. 
“Auditorium three is on your left!” The ticket ripper told them as she ripped their tickets in half and handed them back. 
“Thanks!... Do you want any snacks?” Warren asked (Y/N) as they passed the concession stand to auditorium three. 
“Nah, I’m not hungry,” (Y/N) said. “You?”
“No, not really.” 
They walked into auditorium three and looked around for their seats. 
“Wow, it’s really crowded,” Warren observed. He was a bit nervous, folding his wings back tightly as he could. 
“Yeah, it’s opening night,” (Y/N) reminded him. “Row G is up this way.”
He was used to the stares for the most part, but he hadn’t been exposed to many kids and soccer moms outside the mansion— not that there exactly were any soccer moms at Xavier’s. 
Luckily, Warren didn’t see anyone glare at him or (Y/N). They both got into their seats without any problem. Their seats were recliners, where if you moved the arm up, you could almost be on top of each other. 
Warren thought this would be perfect for him to maybe wrap his arm around (Y/N), but he was far too nervous. Their hands were still intertwined, which was good enough for him, but Warren was trying with all his might to not have his hand get sweaty. 
That would be so embarrassing…
Once they got situated, and the movie trailers began, (Y/N)’s eyes were focused on the screen. Warren glanced at her for a moment, once the lights dimmed, but his gaze quickly flickered to the screen as to not get caught.
“That movie looks good!” (Y/N) whispered into Warren’s ear. He nodded, not exactly sure what he should respond with. 
Halfway through the film, while Gomez was saying something stupidly romantic to Morticia, Warren did something risky.
Well, not necessarily risky, but if Jubilee or Scott caught him doing it, they’d tease him relentlessly.  
Warren yawned, not very loudly, and then stretched his arm out and over (Y/N)’s shoulders. He fiddled with a leave that dangled from her head. 
His heart was racing. Oh my god, she’s going to think I’m a weirdo. Why did I do that? Who even does the yawn and stretch move anymore? Literally no one!
(Y/N)’s heart started racing when she realized what he had done, Oh my god! Oh my god… This is happening! Oh my god! Just relax, (Y/N), just relax. Be cool. Warren’s cool… he’s being effortless at this “dating” thing… 
They were both too nervous to initiate any further and decided to get reabsorbed in the plot of the movie.
As the credits rolled and the lights came back on, Warren and (Y/N) gained space between them awkwardly pretending like nothing happened. 
(Y/N) filled the awkward silence by raving about the film. 
“I loved it! I thought it was so cool, you could see all the family members in the background and like, the backstory they gave them was really creative, and just oh my god the animation style was super neat too! I liked what they did with Ophelia’s design, even though she wasn’t in it very long.”
“Who’s Ophelia?” Warren asked. 
“So she’s Morticia’s sister— they look almost the same, except Morticia is goth and Ophelia is more like me. She has flowers growing on her head and stuff— she was in the background, you probably missed her.”
“That’s cool,” Warren mused. 
“Yeah, she was more in the TV show… What did you think of the movie?” 
“Oh! I thought it was really good! I liked it. The story really, like, reaches out to modern issues and stuff…” 
“Like how everyone was rude to the Addams family because they were gothic and a little different?” (Y/N) asked as she pushed open the door. 
“Yeah. I think if the Addams were real, they’d be mutants,” Warren said as they walked out on to the parking lot.   
“Oh definitely!” (Y/N) agreed. 
Warren smiled as he fished the car keys out of his pocket, and unlocked the car. 
(Y/N) and Warren both got in the car and put on their seat belts. Warren then backed out of the parking lot and made his way onto the main road to drive back to Xavier’s. 
“So uh… Are we gonna, like, tell our friends we’re dating?” (Y/N) asked.
Warren blinked. 
“Yeah? Did you— do you not want to?” Warren felt like he had just seen someone kick a puppy.
“No!— No, I do!” (Y/N) clarified.
 “I just— I don’t know how I guess? Jubilee walked in on Jean and Scott making out in her room and then she told everyone and then Scott was all, like, super awkward about it, but then they admitted they were dating.”  
“Sounds stressful,” Warren decided. “We could just like, text the group chat?”
“Yeah,” (Y/N) shrugged. “That works.”
So… Warren and I dating
^^lol. Congrats.
Weren’t you already dating?
 (Y/N) laughed quietly to herself. 
“What’s up?” Warren asked.
“Kurt thought we were dating this whole time,” She explained.
“Oh… Oh?” 
(Y/N) nodded, “Yeah.” 
“I didn’t— I didn’t tell him anything— that like, wasn’t true. I don’t know why he thought that—”
(Y/N) giggled. “Ren, it’s fine. We’ve shared a bed before— in your guys’ room no less— he’s gonna assume stuff.” 
“Well, we’re dating now… So, it doesn’t really matter,” (Y/N) pointed out.
Warren couldn’t hide the blush on his face at the fact they were finally dating. He hoped it was too dark for (Y/N) to see it.
“Do I turn left here?” He asked.
“Yeah, then you turn into the gates.” 
Warren did so and drove around the X-Mansion, into the garage.   
“I’ll grab the food and put it in the fridge,” (Y/N) told Warren as he turned the car off. 
They both got out of the car— (Y/N) opening the back door to grab the white to-go boxes.
Warren followed her into the mansion. 
They stopped in the kitchen and (Y/N) set the boxes on the counter. “Do you see a sticky note or a pen or something? I need to mark these as ours.” 
“Uh…” Warren looked around the room before spotting a marker. “Here,” He handed it to (Y/N). She scribbled their names down and shoved the leftovers into the fridge.  
 “Now what do you wanna do?” (Y/N) asked Warren.
“Uh… we could um… like, go upstairs maybe?” 
“Do you want to?” She asked.
“I mean if you want to, yeah.” 
“Oh, um, okay.” 
Warren panicked a bit. “If you don’t we don’t have to. We can, like, just kind of chill and see what our friends are doing.” 
“No, no, it’s fine.” 
“Oh, okay.” Warren avoided awkward eye contact as they headed upstairs. 
“We could, um, go to my room…?” (Y/N) offered up. 
“Uh, yeah, that sounds good,” Warren was nervous. He wasn’t sure why— He had no reason to be. He’d been in (Y/N)’s room before. Alone. They’d also spent loads of time together alone doing “couple things” as Scott put it. 
So why was he nervous?
Warren didn’t have time to linger on the thought as he walked into (Y/N)’s room. 
It was a bit cluttered, but he wouldn’t consider it messy. With plants strewn everywhere— floor, walls, ceiling— and some books, posters, and other things you’d expect in (Y/N) and Ororo’s room. 
Ororo wasn’t there though.
“Um, I had a really fun time tonight,” (Y/N) said. Her back was facing Warren for a moment as she doted on a small potted plant. 
“Me too… um… what are you doing tomorrow?” 
“Uh, nothing? I mean Jubilee mentioned going to the skate park tomorrow to take pictures… but she didn’t really say when…” (Y/N) trailed off and turned around to face Warren. 
Their eyes met. (Y/N) stepped forward, towards him.
She glanced at his lips for a moment too long. 
Warren gulped. 
“Can I kiss you…?” (Y/N) murmured. 
Warren’s mouth gaped. “Uh, yeah.” 
(Y/N) leaned in to kiss him, her hands cupping his face. Their lips met. (Y/N) shifted her head a bit as her lips pressed onto his and kissed him. She hooked his bottom lip with her teeth, lightly biting it for a moment. Her hands grabbed the hair near the nape of his neck. 
Warren’s arms were wrapped around her waist, his hands resting on the small of her back. 
(Y/N)’s tongue snuck into his mouth, their lips still pressing together. Warren could feel her smiling. Warren had to break away, for a moment, and regain compulsion. 
(Y/N)’s eyes flashed grey for a split second. She didn’t want to stop. She had become ravenous for Warren’s lips, his tongue… for him in general. It wasn’t exactly a new feeling, but it was foreign, and she liked it.
She blinked. “Sorry, um, I didn’t mean— um, never mind.” 
Warren’s jaw was practically slack. He was speechless. He was not expecting that. At all.
“Warren?” (Y/N) asked. “Are you okay?” 
“What? Yeah, I’m fine!”Warren tried to seem chill.  “I’m fine.” 
“Oh… Well, um, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything.” (Y/N) started to worry a bit, thinking maybe she went too far and he didn’t like it.
“I’m— I’m’ not uncomfortable— uh, far from it actually— um, it was, it was really nice, actually.” Warren hoped she wouldn’t look down. 
“Oh, okay. Good.”    
“Um, it’s kind of late—“ 
“—Yeah, definitely.” (Y/N) agreed. 
“You said you were going to… Ulta?... With Jubilee tomorrow?” Warren awkwardly asked.
(Y/N) nodded. 
“Um, I should probably go then… You don’t want to oversleep or anything…” Warren mentally scolded himself for being so awkward. He was usually better than that. 
“Oh, yeah… I’ll see you tomorrow though…” (Y/N) reminded him. “We live here…” 
“Right! Right…” 
“I’m going to go to bed. Goodnight.” Warren quickly kissed (Y/N)’s cheek and headed out the door to his dorm. 
(Y/N) stood there, still processing what just happened. 
“Oh my god… Oh my god! OH MY GOD!” (Y/N) let out. 
She buried her face in her hands. “HOLY SHIT! I like— Oh my god! I did that. I kissed Warren with force and passion and with tongue!” She exclaimed. 
“I kissed my boyfriend with tongue. I cannot believe I did that! Oh my god!” 
Unbeknownst to her, Warren had heard most of her excited screams as he left her room. He was ecstatic by her enthusiasm. 
Warren went down the halls to the boys’ dormitory. Kurt wasn’t in their room, leaving Warren alone. He wanted to be alone. Alone with his thoughts for the first time in a long time. Warren wanted to lay in his bed and have the night’s events replay in his mind as he fell asleep. 
Warren was officially dating (Y/N). 
He didn’t have to assume things, dance on eggshells wondering if he was doing too much, he no longer had to wish he was her, and Warren didn’t have to admire her in secret. 
Warren wanted to text her, but he wasn’t sure what to say. He sighed, and slipped into some pajamas, and brushed his teeth, leaving his phone open. Hoping by some miracle (Y/N) would text first and he could spend the whole night overthinking what to say back. 
(Y/N) hadn’t texted him. 
Warren got under his sheets and settled into bed, lying on his back and looking up at the ceiling. 
He grabbed his phone and decided to text her. 
Warren looked at the last thing (Y/N) had sent him. It was the golden hour selfie they took together in the Chili’s parking lot. 
Warren thought he looked rather silly, but he liked the photo nonetheless. He saved it to his camera roll and turned it into his lock screen background. 
Warren couldn’t take it any longer, despite it only being a few minutes, he decided to text (Y/N). 
heyyy I thought u were going to bed *side eye emoji*
Couldn’t sleep
whatcha doing right now?
Laying in bed. not much really
lol, me too. I just finished spraying the ivy hanging above my bed and my air plant, Clark
 Warren’s heart swelled and he smiled at (Y/N) being so passionate about her plants. 
Is that the one in the llama pot?
Yea! he’s grown a lot since I got him *bug-eye emoji*
That’s good! :)
I hate to do this but I’m really tired, so I’m going to go to sleep
That’s okay!! I’m going to watch some YouTube or something to fall asleep. 
Goodnight! *kissy-face emoji with closed eyes and blush* *smiling and blushing face with closed eyes with three hearts around it*
*bug-eyed emoji* night, flower
 Warren set his phone off to the side and shifted to a more comfortable position before drifting off to sleep. 
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feel199x · 4 years
dance with me?
summary: u n ur boyf hyunjin prepare for a stage together...and come out as a couple
warnings: mild description of anxiety. 
a/n: as a dancer, one of my goals is to perform with dance line so this was SUPER self indulgent </3
 “When you said you wanted to show me a dance, this isn’t exactly what I had in my mind, Hyunjin.”
 Hyunjin gave you his signature smile, and wrapped you in his arms.
 “It would just be so cute!” he pouted, “we come out as a couple and do a stage together? It’d be the cutest thing in the world!”
 He planted a kiss on your jaw, and rested his chin in the crook of your neck, “Actually,” he looked at you and him in the mirror, “you’re the cutest thing in the world.”
 You smiled, “Now, is that a fact?”
 Hyunjin squeezed his arms even tighter around your waist and planted another kiss on your cheek, “Yes it is! You’re the definition of cute. If you look it up in the dictionary, there’s your face. No explanations needed.”
 You giggled, and Hyunjin took your hand in his and spun you around.
 “Now!” you clapped your hands, “enough flirting and show me the dance.”
 Watching Hyunjin dance, you remember why you fell in love with him. You remember watching one of his stages, and decided that you just had to see him live. And when you did, you remembered why you became an idol. For dancing, for performing. Hyunjin was an incredible performer, his body control was inhuman and he was so incredibly fluid and smooth. He could switch up his textures like it was nothing. It blew your freaking mind. Especially when he noticed you in the crowd and gave you this huge, dazzling smile. You had seen him around JYPE, and he would frequently give you a smile and compliment your dancing, but you could never say anything back. Your mind would just go on the fritz, and you’d babble something incoherent and stumble away. 
 It had taken you a while to work up the courage to talk to him, which he made very clear was something he had been waiting for. The conversation went something like this:
 “Hey, Hyunjin!”
 “Oh hi, it’s taken you long enough.”
 “What do you mean?”
 “Talking to me, you know, it’s quite rude, especially since you know I have the biggest, fattest crush on you.”
 “No, I have the fattest crush on you! Why did you just talk to me?”
  He had shrugged, smiling with his whole face, where his eyes were parallel moons in the sky, “I wanted to see how long it took you. But your time was almost up anyway, you had like, four days left.”
 You felt a flick on your forehead, bringing you back to the present. Hyunjin rolled his eyes at you, “Were you paying attention?”
 You mimicked the movements that Hyunjin was showing you, rolling your wrist and flicking it, and sweeping your leg, changing the texture of your dance like he had.
 Hyunjin crossed his arms and pouted, “How are you better than me when I’m the one that created the choreo?”
 You shrugged, smiling, “Because I’m a better dancer than you?”
 Hyunjin gaped at you, and furrowed his eyebrows. Then, he pointed his finger at you, “All right then! I challenge you to a dance competition.”
 “Aren’t we supposed to be learning a dance for a stage?” you looked at your wrist, which didn’t actually have a watch, “And isn’t in like, a week? Which- by the way- is a very ambitious goal.”
 “Are you nervous?” his voice softened, “I mean about everything?”
 “About the dancing? Actually not really, I think we’ll give a great performance,” you sighed, “I’m just a little bit afraid, I guess? We won’t be existing in our bubble anymore.”
 “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” 
 “No!” you squeezed his hand, “I want to.”
 “Are you sure?”
 You nodded, taking his already sweaty body into your arms.  You sighed, resting your head on his chest and relaxing a bit. You knew that Hyunjin was here for the long run, it wasn’t that you were afraid of. Just the fact that it was no longer private made you squirm a bit. Anyone could say anything. 
 “‘jinnie,” you murmured, burying your face in his chest, “I’m scared of what everyone will say.”
 “Hey,” he said softly, tilting up your chin, “we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. But I don’t care what they say, I love you and that’s it.”
 “I love you, Hyunjin.” 
 He hummed, “Let’s dance, yeah? That’ll get your mind off of things.”
 For the next few hours, you and Hyunjin danced until you almost hated the practice. You know you could never hate dancing, but it got pretty damn near. Hyunjin had choreographed a pretty intense dance, one where the counts switched up frequently. It didn’t take you long to memorize it, but it was another thing completely to perfect it. You were struggling with the tender section of the dance, where you stare into Hyunjin’s eyes, and the both of you watch each other complete fluid, sensual, and tender moves. You kept getting embarrassed and way too into your head. Hyunjin, on the other hand, was struggling with the touchy parts of it. It was nowhere he hadn’t laid his hands on before, but something about combining tenderness with dance seemed so intimate to him. And well, needless to say, Hyunjin was quite shy about it.
 And then, it was a week later, and both you and Hyunjin were standing on opposite sides of the stage, waiting for the queue. The both of you still hadn’t decided on how to come out about the relationship, but right now, all you were focused on was the dance. You had practiced all week, and you were ready. Your manager had given you the queue, and you were sent off with cheers from your group mates. 
 Hyunjin looked beautiful. His hair was long, and loose, slightly disheveled like he had just gotten out of bed. And just like that, the dance started. The two of you circled each other, moving fluidly like yin and yang, two wholes, but somehow completing each other. You watched him, and he watched you. Your feet dragged against the floor, and you kept your movements fluid but precise. Your mind was completely blank. It got the part Hyunjin was most nervous about, his hands on your waist, as he held tightly onto you, like you would slip through his fingers, and then he tipped and lifted you up. Your feet were pointed, and you looked like you were levitating. Your gaze was hot on Hyunjin, as his was on yours. Without thinking, you pressed your lips against his for a brief moment, less than a count, and continued on with the dance.
 When it finished, Hyunjin pulled you close and the both of you listened to the screams of approval and excitement. 
 Hyunjin was looking at you, though, with his eyes sparkling like stars were embedded into his eyes, and he was looking at you like you were his entire universe. 
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kinkymagnus · 3 years
Idk if you’ve talked about this before but?? How do you imagine twi!Malec’s first “i love you”s to go? I kinda feel like, while canon Malec had this big revelation because it was life or death, twi!Malec would have a more… quiet moment of it?? No less huge to either of them but just, less the result of being constantly under threat u kno skdhakdh it’s a scenario I love to think about. Like, how long have they been dating, does Alec Know yet, what lead up to the moment, where are they (does it end with Alec ravishing Magnus yes it does) etc etc etc it’s fun to think about 😌
i don't think i HAVE talked about this actually!!
honestly im not sure, like, you're right in the sense this is not going to be a "right after i thought you got murdered in the Mass Slaughter i hugged you and declared my love for you" revelation, and i like the idea that it's just quiet and a normal moment, like obviously it's still momentous for them personally but like.... god just like.... they're lying in bed and alec just looks down at magnus, lying there with the sunlight streaming in over him, golden eyes looking up at him with such fondness, and he just can't help but breathe out i love you
and then hes like wait (registering what he just said) and magnus is like ??!!!! and alec refuses to backtrack but he is a little panik bc he DID just confess love to his boyf--and then magnus says (quiet but sincere and with such awe and almost like he can't believe how lucky he is) i love you, too.
like it just being this.... not really a Huge Special Revelation, just a quiet morning in, just them being intimate and soft and alec just looking down at him and thinking i love you so much and he, being a himbo with no filter when it comes to magnus and compliments, just blurts that out...............Sweet
and then, ofc, alec ravishes him. like just. they're both beaming at each other like idiots and alec kisses him and it just kinda escalates from there. cue lovemaking with lots of i love yous and soft kisses....
i think it would likely be post reveal, and honestly i'm not going to even bother with a timeline because im bad at them and the canon one sucks anyway so i can't go off that. but i do think they've been dating for a while (but maybe a little shorter than an i love you would normally come, because these bitches fall fast and hard) and alec has known for a while.
personally i also like the theory that like. twi magnus is not very subtle with his magic, so alec kinda.... figures out something's up almost right away. but he just rolls with it. like, canon magnus lost control of his magic bc alec kissed him and was taking his clothes off, you think twi magnus who has only just gotten his magic back after who knows how long being totally dormant, who's just coming out of his box on multiple levels and letting the world have color again, you think that magnus has got a tight control on his magic?
i like to think it's just like. overly responsive and instinctual now, with much less tight control, so like, he's thinking about how he wants to read a book and it flies into his hands, or he's absent-mindedly humming and his pens are floating and dancing on the desk, or alec kisses him and the lights flicker or a lamp begins to float. naturally, alec notices when the candles light themselves and things float into magnus's hands while he's not paying attention, and is kinda like. huh. i guess my boyfriend has superpowers. neat
and then when magnus, scared but determined, shakily confesses everything to him one night, alec's just like. [tenderly cupping his face and/or taking his hands] magnus, sweetheart, i am so so honored that you trust me with this and i need you to know that it changes nothing about how i feel for you, and that i'm not leaving you. but also. sweetheart, darling, dearest. did you really think i didn't notice that the houseplants water themselves and you make things float and remember the first time we had sex and there was a spontaneous thunderstorm outside and your beautiful golden cat eyes were out? sweetheart,
(magnus, choked up and half between panic/disbelief and just like so much relief/love: b-beautiful?)
on the other hand, despite my love of both of these being more quiet small moments rather than dramatic revelations, i DO ALSO like dramatic reveal/dramatic love confession, like. alec walking in on magnus doing something blatantly super magical after a long series of shenanigans designed to hide his magic (they presumably haven't had sex yet bc that shit would be way too obvious) and magnus is like "I CAN EXPLAIN"
or like. drama vague angst misunderstandings they have an argument of some sort and one of blurts it out, etc. like i do LIKE the dramatic reveals/confessions but i dont know how it would go because nothing seems to quite live up to the hype if that makes sense? that i can come up with anyway.
either way........................twi malec saying i love you for the first time 🥺
i just love like. specifically twi malec like. twi magnus, who's spent so long making himself small and invisible to stay safe, who's been isolated and lonely, who's now much more shy and hesitant and scared of letting people in and being vulnerable, and twi alec, confident and loud and open and shamelessly head over heels for magnus immediately. like he really took one look at twi magnus, short neat hair and much plainer than we're used to and just. him being cute af. and went "is anyone going to love this man" and didn't wait for an answer. actually what's funnier is before he actually knew magnus he was 100 percent just like oh im going to eat him ALIVE like he literally is just like. oh he looks kinda shy but sexy, i'm gonna fuck him so good, i cannot WAIT to get this quiet pretty man to scream and beg :) im gonna give him such a good time
and it's like that dynamic they start with, with magnus just beginning to come out of his shell and heal for unrelated reasons and then alec just.... helping? with that? he's so open and confident but like. he's also soft and understanding and gentle, he doesn't push magnus too hard but he does help coax him out of his shell, does slip through those emotional walls and just. help him heal, help him feel safe and confident in himself again, help him dress how he wants again, help him be open and enjoy sex and relationships again, etc. obviously he's not completely dependent on alec, but alec came at such a good time and he's just like. exactly what magnus needs in a relationship, you know? and vice versa, too, like maybe magnus helps alec give himself more private space, let himself take breaks and just relax more, as well as be vulnerable and not just the cool party boy all the time. they really help each other out, it's a great balance and they're so supportive and good for each other
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astraltrain · 4 years
i realize i haven't talked about gorillaz hcs on here in a Fat Second so here i go. trigger warnings for uhhh abuse, trauma, suicide mention, alcohol mention, death mention, experimentation (for noodle) - this is gorillaz there's a lot. this is also SUPER LONG so i'll try and add a read more
every one of em has Trauma To The Max babey!!!! these guys have been to hell and back!!! literally in murdoc's case
cyborg could talk! she just chose not to. also murdoc realized programming her with a voice was annoying because she Looked like noodle but he couldn't make her sound exactly like her and it pissed him off. every word cyborg learned was through murdoc/2D/the book of man/various other scrap pieces of paper she found
russel n del were boyfs. fuck you
2D is the only straight member. i think this is canon actually ngl (was it ever made canon that russel n del were together?? i don't remember)
russel truly believes del was his soulmate and that he'll never find love again
every year on the anniversary of d-day 2D goes back to the place where the uncle norm's organ emporium was (which is now a greggs. i know my gorillaz lore) and just vibes for a bit
russel likes to visit graveyards and play music for the lonely spirits who don't get visitors
2D accompanied him once on one of these trips and it was wild cause 2D's like "russel russel russel are there any spirits near me" as like. all of the spirits huddle next to russel because 2D is loud and annoying. russel's like "oh yeah dee there's tons of spirits over there they really like you. why don't you sing for them" and dee's like :DD
2D is generally pretty oblivious. but. he noticed russel was really sad and missing del during phase two and wrote mr softy's balloon race to cheer him up. it was one of the nicest things russel had received in years and he cried over it for hours. what 2D Didn't know was that he'd just saved russel's life and he didn't even know it.
noodle as a ten year old didn't realize How Bad the relationship between murdoc and 2D was. obviously she'd had a really fucked up childhood so far so when murdoc would hurt 2D and 2D would laugh and play it off so as not to scare noodle, noodle was just like :DDD thinking it was all ok
it was during the time that noodle was alone in phase two after remembering her past that she was like. o h n o that was bad wasn't it
noodle met a girl in japan and lowkey fell in love with her, but they had to split so noodle could go back to kong. she wrote every planet we reach is dead for her
2D and noodle never got to properly reunite in phase three. by the time doyathing happened, 2D hadn't seen her in like seven years
murdoc is trying to be less of a terrible person now and all the other members take advantage of it. russel's like "can i get a coffee please murdoc" and murdoc goes "fuck off" but all russel has to say is "remember when you thought i'd offed myself so you replaced me with a drum machine" and murdoc's like. "how many sugars" dhdgdgdh
noodle n 2D fucking love to dance together like absolute nerds
2D is like. the awkward big brother
they are each others wingmen when picking up girls
except 2D doesn't do that as much anymore so in reality he tries to be noodle's wingman but it fails miserably because 2D Can't Do Social Interaction
the boogieman and the evangelist were murdoc's parents
all the band have really bad insomnia and nightmares so sometimes they all have sleepovers in one room and just. watch a movie and sit on their phones but they're in each other's company and that's all they need
they all have a fear of helicopters, especially noodle
russel became extremely claustrophobic after his time in north korea which was very understandable
all of them have pretty weird triggers but none of them question them. noodle starts freaking out cause 2D's eating bacon and he's like "o shit sorry i'll go to another room" they're all very respectful and it's great
the reason 2D had that bead curtain door in phase four was cause after plastic beach, he couldn't stand to be in rooms with closed doors anymore
also! more 2D angst! he didn't sing for like. a good couple years after plastic beach because Trauma Babey!! so when he had to sing again for humanz, the first time he got into the studio he just. had a complete fucking meltdown because he was so scared to sing again. eventually he managed it but he literally couldn't sing with murdoc around because he was so afraid of him
noodle sometimes does really childish stuff because obviously she had no fucking childhood and the others just let her go for it and support her if she gets embarrassed about it
noodle has killed people. lots of em. some against her will as a kid, some more recently. she has a lot of nightmares about it but unlike the rest of the band, she does Really good self care and looks after herself really well
the band sometimes go on spontaneous road trips and usually end up getting lost and taking aesthetic pictures at gas stations
noodle very rarely cries because she would have gotten into trouble for that as a kid so she bottles all her emotions up in favour of helping her family. when she started going to therapy she pretended all was well for a little while but that didn't work for very long and she completely broke down. russel was very surprised to see noodle come home that day in tears and just throw herself into his arms
noodle really likes fashion and clothes and makeup!! she likes to be Colourful and Bright
when she first arrived at kong at ten years old, she really didn't understand what was going on. none of the band spoke any japanese so she was under the impression that these people were new doctors who were going to train/test on her. she stuck to the routine she was given back in japan and was very surprised when the others didn't do the same. like small green man it's three in the afternoon why are you just up?? big bald man why are you just going to bed??? where is the tall blue man WHAT IS GOING ON
none of the band members were qualified to be parents. at all. they were all very messed up mentally and therefore noodle just kinda did what she wanted as a kid
noodle was exposed to a lot of bad shit while in kong. 2D and murdoc were not responsible at all about what they did and said around noodle so russel tried to be more responsible about that, but little noodle's just like "oh don't worry i've seen worse" and russel's like ?????
noodle was the one to rebuild cyborg out of the parts she had left from plastic beach. she did this while murdoc was in prison just to prove she could
2D has an extreme fear of cyborg, which is. obvious
noodle didn't tell 2D she was rebuilding cyborg. when he finds out he flips his shit and noodle's like. ah. maybe this was not a great idea
cyborg has now formed her own band! the rejects!
2D wears little bobby pins in his hair behind his ear which the band sometimes lowkey makes fun of him for until one day noodle asks why and he tells her it was because back on plastic beach, murdoc would sometimes be too drunk to remember to bring 2D food so he had to pick the lock and go steal some. so Yikes babey!!!!!!
writing the fall was the only thing that helped 2D cope during plastic beach. that's why there was barely any singing on it - this was HIS album, HIS voice, not murdoc's. he could do what he wanted with it. writing it was the only thing that kept him sane
noodle's the only member who hasn't tried to off herself at any point oop
they're all doing a lot better now cause they're all going to therapy yes even murdoc! yay fun happy times
russel taught noodle english and in return noodle taught him japanese. russel can now speak pretty good japanese and 2D knows like. the most basic of shit *flashbacks to the gshock interview video*
there was a while where noodle believed that literally all she was for was other people. that she was either a weapon or a guitarist and nothing more. it was only after she disappeared after phase two that she realized she could be more
she still has a scar from el mañana but she covers it up with makeup
2D and murdoc have made a pact to smoke/drink less, respectively. they also made what they called a "non suicide pact" - a pact not to off themselves, formed after 2D found murdoc shooting bullets into the ceiling in phase four
murdoc knew about the dartboard 2D had in his room that had his face on it because noodle and russel told him but he didn't really believe it until he went up into his room like "hey dents can i -" and 2D turns round and just stares at him, darts in hand fhgvhfhvf
murdoc: ....whatya doin' there dents
2D, turning back to the dartboard and throwing one straight into dartboard murdoc's eye: practicing for the real thing
hcvdhvdfhg anyway
sometimes 2D literally Cannot be around murdoc so he'll disappear for days without telling anyone cause he forgets that people worry about him oh no
murdoc says he wants to drink less alcohol cause he wants to better himself as a person but really it's because he can't drink without getting flashbacks to plastic beach
murdoc's memories of plastic beach aren't great. he was drunk out his mind most of the time so he luckily forgot a lot that comes back to haunt him in nightmares and has him waking up thinking "fuck did i really do that??" but yeah sometimes 2D just reminds him of something really awful he did and murdoc's like. a h
when ace came into gorillaz he was absolutely doing it for the paycheck. then he realized how Enormously Fucked Up these people were and was like o h n o
ace could not understand a word of 2D's english accent
ace once asked 2D why he was called that. 2D said "well my real name is stuart but murdoc calls me 2D and it stuck" and ace goes!!! that's bullshit!!! and he starts calling him stuart. he refuses to call him 2D. 2D gets so emotional over it he starts crying and ace is like "s h i t what do i do did i fuck up" but in reality dee's just glad to like. not be "2D" for once and to just be someone else
murdoc and 2D are heavily codependent on each other and it's extremely unhealthy cause obviously they're Really Bad For Each Other but. 2D's known murdoc since he was 19 and murdoc has never really left his life except for the one point before and after plastic beach. that's why when murdoc goes to prison in phase five, 2D just goes apeshit. because now 2D doesn't have the threat of murdoc constantly hanging over his head!! he's gone and 2D is free!!!! yay!!!!!!!
then he's like. o h. he's gone and i'm free. oh no
because he has no clue what to do with himself now!! his whole life revolved around murdoc and now murdoc is gone 2D's realizing "Oh No maybe our relationship WAS really unhealthy if i'm feeling this depressed now that he's gone!!!"
the now now was like. the fall part two: electric boogaloo in terms of how 2D wrote it to cope with his trauma
souk eye was like a really depressing love song
2D's lowkey a little in love with murdoc but not really in the romantic sense at all. and obviously it's not cute or reciprocated by murdoc or anything 2d.c shippers dni blease
he just. feels like murdoc's the only one who could ever love him and UGH it's so unhealthy. luckily noodle makes him go to therapy and he gets a bit better. by the time the end of phase five rolls around 2D's like >:D yeah!! i won't let you hurt me anymore murdoc!!!
then murdoc actually escapes and is rumored to be dead and the whole band just shuts down
because murdoc, like it or not (and none of them liked it), was the glue that held the band together. and fuck if it didn't fucking destroy them all a little bit, especially 2D
then murdoc showed up at their door and. 2D was the one to answer it without knowing it was murdoc. and there's noodle and also murdoc, still in his prison clothes, covered in literal shit, and the first thing he blurts out is "i listened to the album."
2D panics and slams the door in his face HCDGHGCDH
russel refuses to let murdoc inside unless he can give him one good reason to. noodle comes in through the back door and comforts her brother while he has a panic attack and murdoc's just. sitting at the door pouring his heart out to russel through the door. covered in shit. these guys need help man
eventually 2D and murdoc face each other again and oh lord. they're both crying and then murdoc apologizes and murdoc's never apologized for anything, ever, he never says he's sorry, and then they're hugging and noodle and russel are like !!!!!!!
meanwhile ace is like. can i get my paycheck. can i PLEASE get my paycheck
murdoc: here dents i got you a demon possessed yak. her name is madonna
ace, who's spent many a night listening to 2D cry and vent about murdoc and all he's done to him: surely he's not just gonna accept that and move on
russel and noodle, who know 2D far too well: oh he will. trust me he will
long story short 2D is now the proud father of a demon possessed yak named madonna
song machine is kind of like. their Big Project that they're putting together to try and bring them all closer as a family. it's kind of working but also not really. they're trying their best
they're all a good family and they have to stick together and they're messed up but they love each other!!!! that is all thank you and goodnight ladies and gentlemen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dungeons-and-sides · 5 years
Give Me One Good Honest Kiss
Hey, all, welcome to part of Virgil’s and Deceit’s backstory! It takes place about eleven months before the campaign and kinda explains why Deceit and Virgil are the way they are with each other now. Mod Sid and I (Mod Angel) wrote this together over the last month, and we hope you enjoy! 
 The title is a line from Mitski’s song “Nobody.”
Ships: (past) Anxceit
Warnings: alcohol, sympathic Deceit, mentions of torture, kissing
       Dee is honestly surprised he hadn’t ended up in a jail cell sooner. That isn’t to say he’s never been thrown in one before. No, with stealing and running and fighting since he was a kid, Dee had become fairly familiar with small town jails. What was surprising was that he hadn’t gotten himself locked up in the two months since Virgil left.
       Two months ago, Dee was planning to propose. Two months ago, Virgil Abett broke up with him. Two months ago, Virgil ran away from him as fast as he could. And Dee had gotten reckless since Virgil left. Most nights he was knocking back drink after drink in whatever tavern he stumbled into, making increasingly shady deals with untrustworthy people, and caring less and less about keeping up appearances of being even human-esque. 
       But tonight was the first time in two months his actions really caught up to him. He had been on his second shot of vodka when everything went to hell. A dwarf who Dee had stolen a considerable amount of diamonds from burst through the doors of the tavern and instantly brandished an axe. Dee convinced the human next to him to help defend him, and quickly it turned into fairly bloody bar fight. Of course, the bartender called the police, and explained it was Dee who started the whole thing. With a busted lip, clothing reeking of alcohol, and skin just every so slightly shifting to reveal scales, it was easy to pin him as the main offender. 
        Dee sits alone in the jail. They took his weapons and his gold, but the spider necklace he’s had since he was fifteen stays hung around his neck, and the purple engagement ring stays hidden in the pockets of his pants. (He carried it around with him for months waiting for the right moment. Once Virgil was gone the habit continued). The cell is cold, and the alcohol still running in his system is making it hard to keep his human form. Across his body scales shift back and forth into skin. He’s acutely aware of his chest, and he is sure his left eye is shining bright gold. Dee has never been good at keeping one form. Alcohol, adrenaline, and trying not to cry over his ex-boyfriend certainly didn’t help.
        He shuts his eyes and tries to think of nothing. It used to work when he was a kid. He could focus on the sounds around him and keep his body semi-stable. For a moment his mind is empty, and all he is aware of his is the itch of his constantly transforming skin. It doesn’t last. The room is too cold. He’s never done well with cold. He pulls his cloak around himself. Except it’s not really his cloak. It’s too long for him, and it’s a shade purple he’d never pick out for himself, and worse of all it still smells like Virgil. Virgil had left most of his clothes in the rush to get away from Dee. It would be easier if Dee only thought about their fights, the mean things they would shout at the top of their lungs, and the sight of Virgil running away from him.
        But he couldn’t just remember the bad; their 1st kiss and 30th kiss would get muddled. The nights they stayed up laughing and talking about things they’d never say to anyone else. The way Virgil would brush fingers over Dee’s scales. It hurt to think. It hurt more much to forget.
       It hurt too much, and the jail cell was too cold. 
       He needs to move on. Get a bad haircut and fuck some hot dude who he’ll never see again. He needs to be like normal people who get broken up with. But when has Dee ever been able to be normal?
       Dee lays down on hard floor, yanks the cloak even closer to him, and wills himself  to sleep. He dreams about a cottage on a hill. Inside Virgil would be humming a Panic! at the Elf song while making french toast. It is quiet and domestic. Dee has his head on Virgil’s shoulder, and they are happy and safe in a way they never got to be growing up.
       When Virgil gets shoved in the jail cell, he was surprised to see that he isn’t alone - didn’t officers try to keep criminals separated? - but when he sees who it is, he stopped short. Didn’t even notice the officer leave. Deceit is asleep, and Virgil can swear he’s smiling. Virgil hopes its a good dream - he hates what he knew he must have done to his boyf- his ex. Virgil takes off his hoodie and puts it around Dee’s shoulders, knowing that even with a cloak that Virgil is pretty sure used to be his, Dee must be cold. It is too cold in here, but hey, a half elf can stand it. Certainly, Virgil knew he could stand the cold more than Deceit can; it is a miracle he is even asleep, to be honest. All Virgil can do now is hate himself for the past, and wait for Dee to wake up. 
       An hour and a half later, Dee opens up his eyes, and for a minute Dee thinks he is either still dreaming or he has travelled backwards in time. Leaning against the wall across from him is a lankly half-elf with stupidly swoopy bangs, a band t-shirt, and ripped fishnet leggings. His shoulders feel heavier. He looks down to see Virgil’s purple patchwork hoodie hung around his shoulders.  If this was real – if Virgil had also gotten thrown in jail – Dee had not heard the officer open the gate. He and Virgil had always had a knack for accidentally running into each other. It was odd that this hadn’t happened sooner. Unless, that is, if Virgil had been purposefully hiding from him.
       “Virge?” Dee cringes at how happy his voice sounds.
       Virgil looks down at him, seemingly expressionless. He tries to be stone cold, but hates it. He wants Dee to know that he still loves him, that he didn’t mean to run for so long. Virgil was sure that Deceit hates him - why wouldn’t he? So Virgil would make Deceit think that he hates him too, to lessen the heartbreak. 
       “What are you doing here?” Dee asks, carefully.
       Virgil walks over and offers Dee a hand up. Too obvious, but whatever. I can’t not help him. Virgil thinks to himself.
       Dee tightens the hoodie around his shoulders unconsciously. Neither the hoodie nor the cloak beneath is doing much to keep him warm, but both are covered in Virgil’s scent of lavender and apples. He doesn’t trust himself to touch Virgil because he doesn’t think he’ll be able to let go of him again. But would that really be so bad? He grabs Virgil’s hand and does everything he can to stop himself from melting into the touch. 
      Fuck, Deceit was grabbing his hand. Virgil tightened his hand, never wanting to let Dee go again. Virgil pulls him up, and they both let their hands linger in one another’s grasp for a little too long. 
      Virgil lets go first, and Dee tries to reach back out, but stops himself. Letting go hurts more than the bottle that got smashed over Dee’s head earlier tonight. 
       Letting go of Deceit’s hand hurts more than the torture Virgil recently was dealing with, until tonight, anyway.
       “What are you doing here?” Dee repeats a little more aggressively and urgently. 
       “That’s not your business anymore, Deceit.” The way Virgil says his name, says the name Virgil coined for him, makes Dee physically nauseous. It’s full of poison and contempt instead of annoyance and love. 
       It hurts Virgil to talk to Dee like that, to say his full name like that. But he has to. He had to protect him - especially from the people that Virgil had just escaped from. If he could make them think that they hated each other, all the better for his ex. Virgil was doing this to protect himself and Dee. If only he could convince himself of that.
       “Besides,” Virgil continues, “it’s not like I could’ve done anything worse than you did to end up here.”
       Dee forces himself to have some of his normal confidence, “Oh please, you’re the one whose fingerprints are on every crime we did together. I did the talking. You’re the one who actually did the crime.”
      Virgil almost smiles at their old familiar banter, before remembering he doesn’t have the privilege of smiling with Deceit anymore. He knew exactly how to hurt Deceit, though, and would never want to- but he also knew he had to.
      “I’m not the one who murdered multiple people.” Virgil winced internally. Dee bares his sharp canines, “The only reason you’re still alive is because I saved your ass.” 
       ‘How many times, Dee? How many times did I fail you?’ Virgil thought, his heart breaking every moment he looked at his former boyfriend. He would never say that aloud, though. He couldn’t, not now. 
       “How long have you been waiting to tell me that lie?”
       “I don’t lie to you!” Any part of Dee’s body that was still holding on to his human form melts away revealing the truth, scales and all.
       “All you do is lie to me!” There are tears blinking out of Virgil’s eyes. He hopes Deceit wouldn’t notice. 
       “You can’t really believe that, can you?” Dee steps close enough to Virgil that he could reach out and touch him. 
       Virgil wishes he could hold Deceit, could melt into his arms once more. But he can’t, not ever again. 
       “I don’t know what to believe. I can’t trust you. I don’t even want to look at you.” Virgil couldn’t help but realize that if Dee were telling the truth, that their roles would be reversed - with him as the liar. Too bad that that wasn’t the case. This hurt too much, he couldn’t do this. He hated this. He just wants to kiss Deceit.
       “I was just trying to keep you safe,” as Dee speaks he can’t stop himself. He reaches to touch Virgil to cup his face. 
       “Stop saying that. Stop lying. For once just stop.” Virgil wishes that Deceit wouldn’t pretend to still love him. Virgil had hurt him too much. So why does he lean into Deceit’s hand? 
       They stay like that for a moment, breathing in sync, and looking into one another’s eyes.
       “Virgil,” Dee says in a much quieter voice, “I’m not lying. You are the only thing that has ever made sense to me.” Dee wants to tell Virgil how much he doesn't want their relationship to be another thing he ruins. He wants to be able to go back and fix things. To know how to love in the right way. But he can only shift his skin, not his actions.
       “I… Dee, I…” I want to tell him the truth. I want to kiss him. I want to… I want him. Virgil could soon hear nothing else. 
       “Vir-” The name is cut off by Virgil’s lips.
       Kissing each other  is uncomplicated. It’s something they know  how to do right. It’s perfectly familiar. Their mouths move together, a dance they’ve rehearsed for years and years. Virgil pulls them together, and Dee pushes them up against the bars. There’s no room between their bodies, and if Dee doesn’t think too hard he can’t tell where his forms stops and Virgil’s begins. It’s so close to how things were just two months ago. But there’s something different. Under all the sweetness there is something decaying, and neither of them can run from it. Yet they stay kissing, hoping against hope that they can make this moment last. Hoping as one that they can stay like this, until they can’t.
       “I love you,” Dee whispers against Virgil’s bottom lip. He doesn’t mean to say it. He doesn’t think about how much those three words have changed in only sixty days.
       Virgil stiffens, and his hold on Dee’s waist loosens. “Do you have to? Isn’t me leaving you enough? Why do you hate me enough to lie like that?”
       “I don’t lie to you.”
       “I can’t know that.”  Virgil can’t know. He wishes to anything that he could.
      “I’ve never lied about loving you.”
       Virgil takes his hands away from Dee but keeps their bodies close. It would be so easy to fill the gap; both of them want to. Yet neither does. 
       “Vee, let’s just start over. Let’s go back to normal.” 
       “No.” Not with you hating me while I love you more than anything. Please, stop breaking me. Virgil silently begs after the short, clipped answer he gives.
       “We’ll make it work. I’ll be better. We could be happy again!”  The weight of the engagement ring in Dee’s pocket feels three times heavier. 
       “No!” Virgil quickly lets Deceit go - why torture them both even more? Virgil doesn’t even notice the tears. 
       “Why not?” Dee’s yelling now, and he’s pretty sure he’s crying too.
       “I don’t want that anymore. I can’t want that anymore.” Not if you don’t want me too. I hurt you, you don’t want me, why are you trying so hard to convince me that you do?
       Something constricts inside Dee’s chest, “I don’t get it. Why does it matter? So I killed someone, so what? It wasn’t the first time. You didn’t care about the other times. Why now? Why is this enough to make you run away from everything we had- from me?”
       “I- I don’t know. I was scared, and I don’t want to be scared of you. I can’t love you if you frighten me.” Virgil winces at the straight lie - but he won’t tell Deceit. He won’t burden him with the knowledge of what Virgil has been going through for the last month and a half. 
      “This isn’t fair!” Hot tears are sprinting down Dee’s face, “You were supposed to be my happily ever after.”
       “...And you were supposed to be mine! You used to be mine!”
       “So what, you just want to throw away the entire life we had together?!” Deceit shouts.
       I don’t, but you do. You hate me. I miss you. Virgil winces. “I can’t love you anymore.”
       “Don’t you mean that you can’t love people like me? Murderers, monsters, and everything in between?” 
       “Stop putting words in my mouth.” Virgil stares him down.
       “Then say what you mean.” 
        Virgil doesn’t answer, and turns away from him.
       They haven’t spoken to one another in fifteen minutes, but they’re sitting on the cold ground side by side. Neither could say how they ended up there. Dee’s left knee is dangerously close to Virgil’s right. An old contact of Dee’s is supposed to bail them out in the morning, but that’s still hours away. 
       Two months ago if they had been thrown into jail together they would be cuddled together or planning their escape or kissing. Now they aren’t looking at each other, and any words spoken seem to die on the cold concrete of the cell.
       The uncomfortable quiet is worse than the cold. Deceit doesn’t have Virgil’s jacket anymore - he threw it at Virgil’s back as he walked away from their conversation.
       Dee wishes he could ask if they can travel together again. He doesn’t though because he doesn’t think Virgil would say yes. Two months ago, Dee should have asked a very different question that he didn’t know if  Virgil would say yes to. 
       Virgil wishes he could ask Deceit to stay. To be with him again. But he knows he can’t, knows that he can never be with him again after what he’s done to his boyf- to his ex-boyfriend. 
       In the morning, Virgil walks to the tavern, and Dee quickly makes his way out of the town.  
       It’s only later that they both realize that they never said goodbye.
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03milky · 5 years
boyf! junkyu
▹𝙜𝙞𝙛𝙨 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙚, 𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙤𝙬𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙨 - to the owners, if you don’t feel comfortable with your gifs in this post, please send a message !!
you and junkyu have known each other for a pretty long time
and had this really close relationship
and ofc ;)
he kinda developed feelings for you which he never expected to happen
junkyu always saw you like his best friend, almost siBling (im not trying to make this like some incest thing asksk)
it was just a plain normal day
where both of you would walk to school together
but the moment you walked out THAT door (which is just your house door)
hE saw you differently
he couldn’t describe it at all and junkyu was literally frozen which kinda confused you
“hello sir, is you there”
“HAHAHA yes, here i am. not shocked at all”
that day felt so different and he was pretty quiet
you just thought maybe he was feeling down and didn’t think much of it
ofc on the other side ;))
you, my hun have also a tiny crush on this dude
when junkyu finally accepted he had a crush on you, he told his members which was kind of the bad decision
“i have something to tell you all- don’t be shocked. i was shocked as well but yeah, don’t be shocked”
“what iS IT”
“i like y/n. don’t come and attack me, i don’t know how this happened. next to that, i don’t just like them, i love them”
the kids would become hysterical which would make junkyu just stand there, awkwardly while he watches the other scream
“i didn’t have courage to do this, now i need to have courage to confess to y/n?”
the days followed and it was quiet whenever you were around
with a few giggles then and now
it was very confusing since you’ve known them for a while and they were never quiet unless there was something on
you ofc asked bc the silence was bothering you and making it awkward between all of you
“okay, guys. what’s going on. are you planning to attack someone or??”
obviously- jaehyuk was sitting next to you
and gave up on keeping junkyu’s crush on you a secret
“he likes you”
making everyone in the room sCream once again
you sat there, bright red and same goes to junkyu
he wanted to calm everyone down by sitting down next to you and confronting you
“i like you, i really apologize if you don’t feel the same way and the behaviour of the kids”
it suddenly went quiet and you were speechless for a few minutes until you said those, 4  words, that made him happier than he already was
“i like you too”
voici the start of something beautiful
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going to arcades with this cutie would be so much fun
he’d probably keep screaming to let the stress out while playing
“i’m the winner, hah”
“you are the winner of this game but i won something bigger”
“please kyu”
“i won your love”
he might say cringy things but that won’t stop you from loving every moment of your dates
junkyu would be so adorable, he’d be holding your hand as the two of you walk
and closely listen whenever you’re talking
expect this cutie to also buy you tons of things even though you dont want him to buy it
“you deserve the tiniest things, like this, mini-stapler”
“are you-”
you’d be looking around the store and turn around to find him buying a stapler and gifting it to you
“here you go, present 4, there are a few more to come”
next to buying you random things, he’d love eating together with you
especially feeding you
“open your mouth up”
“kyu, you eat your choritos”
“no you need to eat too, you need it the most”
“alright, alright”
watching you eat would make his whole day thousands of time better 
“you look so cute when you eat”
he’d be also the type of boyfriend that would make compliments on everything that you do
you would be just sitting next to him
a smile would form on his face and he’d tell you that you look too cute
“why are you so cute”
“ahhh, my heart”
“you know, i could listen to you for hours and i won’t get bored”
to wrap this whole thing up, all dates with this sunshine are filled with love <3
yall listening to euphoria and writing this makes me want to cry
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hugs n kisses 
le dude loves skinship
and would probably give you as much hugs as he can
hugs there n there
as u know junkyu really shows his love, when he loves a person v much
the way he treats you, it’d be ................................
very loving
i can’t even describe it
he’d be so caring, my heart aches just thinking about it
with kisses, he’d be kind of shy
and just do it when you feel comfortable, same goes to him
“you are so hugable, y/n. as soft as a teddy bear”
uwu overlOAD
“uhm so are you, kyu”
pulling away from each other would actually be pretty hard to do
since yall love each other too much
which would be probs with the help of the others
“we need wikihow”
“how to pull junkyu and y/n away”
hyunseok would literally search it up and just end up looking at both of you, helpless
“it’s something that you can’t do”
“tsk, tsk. can’t relate being so in love”
so everyone- you’d be hugging all day long 
which is tiring
that’s how it is you know
HAHAHAHAHA i cringed
bless these 2 sunshines
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veri romantico
so much kisEU
jk i’ll get my ass deleted 
since your boy is an idol, it’d be pretty hard to be together
but of course when there is time to see each other, you two would meet most of the time
he’d directly pull you into a hug and tell you how much he missed you
“you can’t believe, i had a lot of fun but i really missed you, have you been doing alright?”
“of course, i’m happy you enjoyed it and i missed you a lot too”
he’d remind you that he loves you a lot
“you know, y/n. i love you, more than a lot. i don’t think there is a word for it”
my heart
ache once again 💞💓💗💖💘💕
he would make such a lovely boyfriend, je give up on this life
i’m really happy he made it into the final group and wish him a happy debut ???? idk how to word it
but i really hope that you guys enjoyed it
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sorry my doods, this the end :’( i ENJOYED WRITING IT THO AKSSK
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An AU where the squip is a cat
Jeremy Heere had always wanted a cat. For as long as he could remember, he had always wanted one; however, his mother was staunchly against cats, seeing as how she was allergic. That didn’t stop him from putting a Powerpoint together when he was twelve to try to convince his parents to get him a cat. Of course, his efforts were in vain.
Luckily, now Jeremy was sixteen, and his mother had recently divorced his father and moved out. And while that did come with some downsides, Jeremy thought of his pantsless father with some distaste, it did mean that he could now get a cat. It only took a couple weeks to brush up on his research, and only a couple more to adopt a cat. He ended up choosing one from the local animal shelter, an adult tomcat with sleek black fur and piercing, intelligent blue eyes. The lady working at the shelter had told Jeremy that this cat, Squip, had lived for a few weeks on his own after his previous owners died under unusual circumstances. Undeterred, Jeremy decided to adopt Squip anyway.
Jeremy slipped through the front door, cat crate in hand.
“Dad?” he called out. “I’m home! With the cat!”
The only answer was a grunt from the couch. Jeremy scowled. His dad was always like this, so much less of a person since his mom left.
“Oookay then”, Jeremy mumbled under his breath. He set the cat crate down and looked inside, only to see the crate sans cat, door swinging open. Jeremy started, taken aback. He panicked for a moment, wondering if he had lost his cat already. Then, he heard a yowl from in the kitchen. Jeremy bolted inside, and there was Squip, safe and sound, sitting beside the bag of cat food he had bought prior, meowing incessantly. Jeremy chuckled.
“You sure are a smart one, aren’t you?”
The next day, Jeremy came home from school with the letters “BOYF” scrawled on his backpack in permanent marker. He stormed into his room, threw his vandalized backpack on the ground, and slammed the door shut. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying hard not to cry, and whispered, “I hate this school. I really, really hate this school”.
To his surprise, Jeremy heard a soft mew come from his bed. He opened his eyes and saw Squip sitting upright on his bed, keen blue eyes watching him.
“Oh! You’re here!”
He made his way to his bed, plopped down, and started stroking Squip, who climbed into his lap. Squip purred, staring at Jeremy intensely. For some reason, Jeremy got the feeling that Squip would really understand him, that he could tell Squip anything the way he could with Michael. He gathered himself and cleared his throat awkwardly.
“School’s just really hard, y’know? I just don’t know how to be cool or anything. I barely have any friends; Michael’s pretty much my only friend, really, and just today, Rich Goranski wrote ‘BOYF RIENDS’ on our backpacks. I really hate Rich. He’s always such an ass to me. Sometimes, I wish he would just burn in hell. I just can’t take him anymore -- hey!” Suddenly, Jeremy let out a yelp as Squip leapt off of him, ran over to the door, and pawed at it.
“Oh, you want out?” Jeremy slid off the bed and opened the door. When it was just barely ajar, Squip nosed his way through the crack and slipped out. Huh, Jeremy thought, bewildered.
It was fairly late in the evening when Jeremy finally saw Squip again, long enough to worry him. He fixed some dinner for Squip, then went to spend the rest of his night on homework and go to bed. At around 3AM, Jeremy awoke with a start. He sat upright, brain muddled and confused for a few moments before he heard what woke him up. His phone was chirping incessantly, signifying that he was receiving lots of texts. Jeremy was even more confused at this point, since he never received this many texts, especially not this late. He rolled over and turned on his phone, wincing at the bright light, and squinted blearily at the screen.
From what he could make out, most of the texts were from Michael, but there were quite a few from people he never spoke with. They varied in length and eloquence, but they all shared a few things in common: they all shouted “FIRE” and “RICH” at him.
“What the hell?” Jeremy muttered to himself. At this point, the harsh light was really starting to hurt his eyes, and his sleep-muddled brain couldn’t care about anything other than going back to sleep. Jeremy turned his phone to Do Not Disturb, rolled over, and went back to sleep.
By the time later morning came around, Jeremy was convinced that what had happened was a dream. He went about his morning… business as usual and walked to school. There, he was immediately accosted by Michael.
“Dude, you didn’t reply to any of my texts!! Did you read them? Do you even know what happened??” Michael practically yelled into Jeremy’s ear.
“Huh - what?” Jeremy fished around in his pocket, fumbled for his phone, and turned it off.
“Oh, I had it on Do Not Disturb. Oh… holy shit… that wasn’t a dream!” Jeremy scrolled through his dozens of messages. “Holy shit.”
Michael exclaimed, “I know right? I mean, I’ve never liked the dude, but this… I never thought this would happen. It’s a tragedy, but I can’t help but feel weirdly relieved, right?”
Michael continued to ramble, but Jeremy had tuned him out. It was yesterday, just yesterday, that Rich had been alive and well, tormenting him as usual, hell, he had proof of that on his back. It was impossible to imagine, and Jeremy could barely comprehend it now. Rich, in the ICU, having suffered severe burns, in critical condition, his house burnt nearly to the ground in a freak fire that no one could find the cause for.
Jeremy went through the rest of the day in a trance, faintly annoyed at the gossip that was going around. Sure, he never liked Rich, but even he didn’t deserve the disrespect going around in the rumors. Rumors about how he had set the fire, it was a suicide attempt, Rich was dead, those sorts. Ones Jeremy didn’t want to believe, no matter how awful Rich was to him.
Michael had to go home early that day for a doctor’s appointment, so Jeremy’s only hope for someone to talk to was Christine in after school play rehearsal. But, of course, Christine was preoccupied talking to Jake, crying in his shoulder. It was more than enough to sour his mood significantly.
When Jeremy got home, he went straight up to his room, and sure enough, Squip was waiting for him on his bed again.
“Hey, Squip.” Jeremy said listlessly. Upon hearing his tone of voice, Squip hopped off of the bed and intertwined himself with Jeremy’s legs, purring. Jeremy stiffened, and said flatly, “I have homework. Lots of homework.” His voice cracked while he said it, and he scowled. Squip scrambled out of his way. Jeremy dragged his backpack up to his desk, rifled through it for his math homework, and pulled it out.
After about half an hour of working through trigonometric functions, Jeremy was frustrated to no end. He groaned and rested his head on the desk. He heard Squip leap softly onto his desk and nose his head aside. Jeremy picked his head up. Squip was looking intensely at the papers on his desk, eyes moving back and forth. It almost looked like he was reading them… no, he was reading them. Jeremy stared in amazement. Squip then gently pulled out Jeremy’s notes sheet from his stack of papers with his teeth and put his nose to an equation and then to an unfinished problem. It was exactly the right equation he needed! With Squip’s help, the rest of Jeremy’s homework went by like a breeze.
Since Jeremy had finished all of his homework early, Jeremy decided to call Michael. They discussed Michael’s doctor’s appointment, Rich’s fire, and video games for a while. Then, Jeremy brought up Christine.
“I really like her.”
“I know. Like you don’t practically sing about her all the time.”
“But I really, really like her. But she doesn’t notice me. At all.”
“You’ve talked to her a few times, haven’t you?”
“Yeah, but she talks to basically everyone like that!”
“I don’t think so, Jeremy.”
“Do you think she likes me back?”
“Well, no, but - “
“See? That’s just the thing! Maybe she’d talk to me more often if she wasn’t dating Jake. Yeah, I’m sure that if Jake wasn’t around, she might even like me. No, that’s impossible.” Jeremy shifted as Squip brushed past him and slipped out his door.
“Can we please not talk about Christine, Jeremy? I’m getting kinda sick of you talking about her all the time. Just wait things out, and I’m sure she’ll see how great you are. Let’s get back to Apocalypse of the Damned.”
The next day, many of the students, especially the cool kids, were out of school. Something about coping with what happened to Rich, but Jeremy knew that was all bullshit. Classes were all quiet, since the gossipers were gone. Jeremy watched around school carefully, and noticed that Jake was among the popular kids who had skipped, but he did notice that Christine was present. He realized that this meant that he would be able to talk to her in play rehearsal for once, and was filled with eager anticipation the whole day.
When rehearsal started, Jeremy immediately sat down in the seat next to Christine. “Hey”, he said, “Is Jake not here today?”
Christine glared at him. It was only now that he saw that her eyes were red and bloodshot.
“He’s at the hospital. He fell out of a window last night and broke both his legs. The doctors are saying that they might never heal right.” She promptly got up and moved to a different seat. Jeremy sank lower in his seat, disappointed with himself.
Later that day, right after school, in his room, Jeremy called Michael again, Squip in his lap.
“I think I fucked up.”
“What did you do this time?”
“Christine’s really pissed at me. I just asked where Jake was, and apparently he’s in the hospital? Fell out of a window or some shit.”
“Holy crap. And what did you do to piss her off? Did you insult him or something?”
“I don’t know! I didn’t do anything. I just asked her where he was and she told and and just left!”
“Girls, am I right? Really, things would be so much easier if you were gay. Take it from me.”
“I want Christine.”
“Yeah, I got that.”
“It just seems so impossible. I swear, I’d give anything to have her.”
“Yeah. I just want to get Christine, y’know? She’s all I want right now. Hang on, my cat wants out.” Jeremy stood up to let Squip, who had ran over to the door, out.
Michael gasped in a mock offended way. “All you want? What happened to me being your favorite person?”
Jeremy chuckled. “You still are my favorite person, and you’ll always be.”
Michael made kissing noises over the phone to him.
“Oh, shut up”, Jeremy said. “Anyway, I’ve got to start my homework and memorize some lines. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
At around five, Jeremy heard a crash outside his house. He dismissed it as one of his neighbors’ kids messing around. He went downstairs for a drink, and heard a scratching at his front door. Then, a series of thuds, as though something was hitting it repetitively. Jeremy went over to his front door and peered out the window. The first thing he saw was Squip, outside, even though he had never let him out. Then, a mess of red behind him. Jeremy fumbled with the lock, opened the door, and stepped outside.
Jeremy’s immediate reaction was to scream, a girlish shriek that pierced the relative silence. “HOLY FUCK!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS???” There, right in front of him, lay a ragged, bloodied body, still dressed in shredded wounds. A trail of blood led right to it, though it was hard to tell if the blood was from the initial injury or being dragged on the rough sidewalk. Jeremy gagged, but knelt down to inspect closer. “Holy shit… is… is that… Christine???” And indeed it was, Christine, still dressed in the clothes she had been wearing at play rehearsal. Mustering up his courage, Jeremy tentatively put two fingers to her neck, searching for a pulse. “Oh my God… is… is she dead?? Hooooly shit what do I do???”
At this moment, Squip butted his head between Jeremy’s head and the body, purring. He tilted his head up to look at Jeremy, and Jeremy could see that around his mouth and paws, the cat’s fur was soaked in blood. Jeremy stumbled backwards, then scrambled to get up. All the while, Squip was staring at him happily, almost proudly, purring. Jeremy was finally starting to connect the dots. Rich getting burned... Jake falling out the window... now Christine...“You… did you do this?” Squip purred harder, then rubbed his head on Jeremy’s leg. “Gah!! Get off of me!” Jeremy jerked his leg out, punting the cat over his neighbor’s fence, then ran inside to call the cops and animal control.
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My Boy - Peter Parker X Reader (Part 1)
A/N: I was pretty tired when I wrote this but I have pt 2 up and ready to go if you guys like it so let me know xx
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Y/n’s P.O.V
Y/N: You better have a brilliant bloody excuse when you get here Parker xx
I was staring at my phone waiting for a response outside of the restaurant, tapping my foot impatiently as I shivered.
Y/N: Seriously I’m freezing my ass off here.
I could see he was reading my texts but he wasn’t replying. He must have been busy, probably unable to answer, probably driving, probably on his way to the restaurant.
Y/N: Answer your phone asshat people are starting to think i’m that batshit crazy lady with the invisible friends. Despite what you might think its not a great look :)
I’d finally mustered up the courage to do it, after days of Ned and Michelle hyping me up, I’d actually asked Peter on a date. Well, I hadn’t exactly called it a date, I just asked if he wanted to get dinner some time, so really it was more of a friendly meeting. Don’t judge me okay, I’m not exactly confident at confessing my undying love to my best friend. It didn’t sound like a lot but bearing in mind that Peter’s idea of hanging out was studying for maths finals and playing video games, a dinner night out was a big step. 
I was starting to wish I’d stuck to video games.
I tried to call him, pressing the cool glass of my phone against my cheek and listening to the dial tone. It rang twice before going to his voicemail so I shrugged and shook my hair out of a ponytail as I walked into the diner.
Y/N:I’ve gone inside so they don’t give our reservation away. Pick up your phone dickhead xx
I wasn’t worried as I let the waitress lead me to our booth in the corner of the crowded restaurant. It was busy as usual and bustling with activity. Not Peter’s usual scene but I he knew it was my favourite and so agreed anyway
“My boyfriend’s running a little late,” I said to the server as she handed me a menu before I realized what I’d said.
Best friend? These days Peter was so confusing I didn’t know anymore, he kept blurring the lines that should keep each role in its box. Like when he’d brush his hand against mine when we walked or when his eyes lingered on my lips for slightly longer than would have been normal. Like when he tapped my nose when it crinkled from laughing or when he let me rest my head on his chest. But when he talked about other girls like Liz I didn’t know where we stood “He’s on his way, so can I wait till he comes to order?”
“Sure honey,” the waitress said with a smile “I’ll bring an extra menu when he comes”
“Thanks,” I said with a smile, waiting for her to walk away before pulling out my phone. There was still no reply from Peter.
25 minutes late. What the hell was he doing? 
Y/N: Are you okay? Where the hell are you? 
Every teenage boy in a hoodie that walked past the diner window was suddenly Peter and everytime my heart did a little flip thinking that it was him. Every time I was disappointed.
45 minutes late and I was staring at my hair trying to avoid eye contact with the waitress who kept sending sympathetic looks my way. Suddenly my split ends where the most fascinating thing in the universe. The rising nausea in my stomach forced me to call one of the others. Ned didn’t answer immediately so I tried Michelle instead.
“Hey Michelle,” I said as quietly as I could, slipping my phone to my ear and trying not to draw any attention to myself “Do you have any idea where Peter is? He was supposed to meet me to grab some food”
I heard a sigh down the phone.
“Dickhead!” she said under his breath “He had turn just once in his life once…. Yeah sorry. He left about two hours ago. I thought he was on his way to see you” 
She sounded pissed so I tried to diffuse the situation.
“Don’t worry about it. I know he’ll be here, he’s just taking his fucking time,” I tried to laugh but I just sounded choked.
“How the hell did he end up with you? Look if you need a lift home just call me back okay?’
“He’ll be here” I said “But thanks Micheele. Appreciate it.”
I hung up when I heard the sounds of footsteps again.
“Excuse me Miss,”
The waitress. Great. Fucking great.
“Mmmh?” I replied. 
53 minutes late.
“Are you sure that your boyf-”
“He’ll be here,” I said quickly “Just a few more minutes”
“Honey, are you okay you look like you could c-”
“He’ll be here!” I repeated and she had the common sense to walk away. 
Y/N:Where the fuck are you? Y/N:I know you’re getting these!
Y/N:Stop ignoring me Peter I can see you’re reading them!
Peter was over an hour and a half late at this point and I couldn’t stop my whole body from shaking and I was nervously tapping my nails on the table when the waitress came over a final time.
“Miss, somebody else has reserved this table after you, they’ll be here in a few minutes”
“I told you he’ll be here. He has to be,” My teeth were clenched and it was taking everything for me not to burst into tears.
“I understand that it’s just tha-”
“He hasn’t stood me up!” i shouted, exploding on the poor woman and gaining everybody’s attention “HE HASN’T STOOD ME UP!”
I couldn’t stop myself from crying at this point so i stood in the middle of the diner blubbering, the waitress giving me a guilty look.
“Ma’am I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
I just nodded and choked down a gulp, just wanting all of the humiliation to stop, so I grabbed my coat and headed for the door.
‘I’m sorry for wasting your time,” I said so quietly that it was barely audible as I stepped into the freezing cold of the evening.
Once I was far enough away from the general public I broke down a little more, screaming and cursing at Peter until my voice went hoarse. I tried his mobile once more, a part of me still hoping that he simply had the wrong time and couldn’t answer his phone. Unsurprisingly he didn’t pick up, so I left a voicemail.
“I don’t care where the fuck you are, or what the fuck you are doing okay, I just want to know you’re okay. I’m worried about you, May’s probably going out of her fucking mind. Just answer your phone Peter, you left me to make a fucking fool out of myself in that restaurant. I can’t show my face in there again. I don’t get it, this just isn’t like you, this isn’t like you at all. Do you even care? Just… call me be back, just please call me back…”
I considered calling Michelle to pick me up but I didn’t want her to see me like this. I was a mess, an utter hot mess. So I kept walking. 
And that’s when I fucking saw it.
I saw the red and the blue.
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lovinglohst · 6 years
I Wanna Dance With Somebody: Chapter 2- Nothing Good Ever Happens At The Mall
Story Pairings: Boyf riends, Pinkberry, RichJake
Chapter Characters: Michael Mells, Brooke Lohst, Jenna Rolan
Chapter Warnings: N/A
Story Summary: On the night of the Halloween Party, Michael is about halfway through having his infamous panic attack when Brooke comes tumbling into the bathroom, in the middle of her very own teenage angst. Michael lets her stay and the two sit in the bathtub and bond over their anger at their friends/super-mega-crushes. That’s when they get the idea to start fake dating to both get back at Jeremy and Chloe and win them over. Chaos, bonding, and gay ensue.
Authors’ Note: Chapter 2 has arrived! We hope people enjoy it! - Aly and Nik
AO3 Link
His phone was buzzing.
Even in his half-conscious state, Michael could register that. His tired mind immediately went to Jeremy, who was the only person who could possibly be texting him at such an early (ungodly) hour. Slowly and reluctantly, he pushed the thick covers away from his face and blindly reached out his hand to feel for his phone.
It was only when he finally got a hold of it that he realized he was also missing his glasses if the blurry screen was anything to go by. With a tired groan, he once again reached over to his bedside table, grabbing his glasses and slipping them on.
With his sight restored he could see that the messages were in fact not from Jeremy because, oh yeah, they weren’t friends anymore. Michael pointedly ignored the aching throb his heart made at this realization, instead choosing to focus on the two texts from an unknown number waiting patiently on his home screen (a very cringey picture of him and Jeremy from last year’s Halloween).
UNKNOWN: Morning ‘Boyfriend’ ;)
UNKNOWN: Got any plans for today?
Michael did a double take, rereading the messages a few times to be sure he wasn’t hallucinating.
What the fuck…?
ME: Who is this?
It took a few seconds before the three dots indicating the other person was typing popped up, quickly followed by a message.
UNKNOWN: It’s Brooke! Who else would be texting you that lolllllllll
UNKNOWN: Don’t tell me you have another fake girlfriend
Michael couldn’t help but smile down at the screen, remembering their scheme from the previous night. After finishing their slushies, Michael had dropped Brooke back at Jake’s so she could get her car (her mother’s, she’d told him after unlocking the dark cadillac), and then he had stumbled home to crash in his bed.
ME: I have five actually :)
BROOKE: Haha very funny
Before Michael could type out a reply assuring her that he was in fact a very funny person, there was a knock on his door followed by his mother’s soft voice. “Michael? You awake, honey?”
“Yeah!” He called back just as another text popped up on the screen.
BROOKE: So, plans???
“Hey mom? Is it cool if I have a friend over?”
The question seemed to be enough cause for his mom to open the door, poking her head inside his dimly lit room.
“Honey, you know you don’t have to ask if Jeremy can come over, right? He’s practically family at this point.”
Michael hoped the way he flinched at the name wasn’t all that visible and he quickly shook his head. “Not Jeremy, another friend.”
“Another friend?” The surprise in his mom’s voice was almost enough for him to be insulted. Then again, he himself never would have thought he’d be having anyone other than Jeremy coming to his house. Guess things had really changed.
“Yes mom, I do have those contrary to popular belief.” He replied before adding, “So can she come?”
“She?” His mom raised a brow, surprise written all over her face once more before she shook it off, “Sure, she can come over. Though you should probably get dressed first.”
“I will.” He assured her, picking up his phone and typing out a quick text.
MICHAEL: My house in an hour?
Exactly an hour later the sound of the doorbell rang through the house and Michael got out of his bed in a rush, hoping to answer the door before one of his moms could.
But Michael didn’t seem to be getting much of what he wanted the past few days, as when he’d made his way down the stairs he was greeted by the sound of his mom’s making small talk with Brooke.
“There he is! Michael, you didn’t mention that your friend was so pretty!” His Ma teased and Michael did his best to refrain from rolling his eyes.
“Girlfriend, actually.” Brooke corrected, smiling brightly at Michael who had instantly turned bright red at the comment.
“Michael didn’t mention that either.” His Mom said shooting him a look.
“I thought you were gay!” His Ma exclaimed, much more bluntly, never being one for subtleness.
Brooke seemed fairly amused by his mothers and he made a mental note to get back at her for this.
“Okay relax she’s not my girlfriend. I mean she is...but she’s not! I’m still very gay! We’re just….fake dating.” He tried to ignore how lame that sounded while his mothers stared at him in confusion.
“Fake dating? Why?” He sputtered helplessly at the question, looking over at Brooke to help him. She giggled, crossing the room to stand beside him and give his mothers a warm smile.
“Well you see, Michael is mad at Jeremy and I’m mad at my friend Chloe, so we decided to fake date to make them jealous,” She paused as if realizing she had forgotten something before adding in, “Oh, and the reason we’re mad at them is because we’re kinda in love with them, and they’re both acting like assh-I mean, jerks lately.”
Michael didn’t even bother to hide his grimace at her blunt honesty. He had never spoken to his Moms about his feelings for Jeremy. In fact, he had actually denied being in love with his best friend various times when they had questioned him.  He could already feel the anxiety inching through him but the laughter from his Ma managed to quickly calm his nerves over the whole thing.
“That’s great, good for you two!” She exclaimed, ignoring the look her wife shot her.
“Just be careful.” His Mom cautioned.
Be careful. Huh. Michael was pretty sure that being careful wasn’t exactly an option when you were fake dating Brooke Lohst but he nodded anyway to quell her concerns.
“Can we go upstairs now and pretend this horrible conversation, like, never happened?” Michael questioned, already beginning to tug on the sleeve of Brooke’s sweater, inching her towards the stairs.  
“Of course, let us know if you want any snacks.” His Mom responded, her smile sweet as always. His Ma wore a mischievous grin beside her and before she even spoke Michael was mentally facepalming.
“Yeah, or any fake-condoms!” She added in followed by laughter at her own very horrible joke. Michael hoped neither of his mothers saw his bright red face as he grabbed Brooke’s arm and led her upstairs. He pointedly ignored the sound of his Mom disciplining his Ma, who was giggling hysterically, on making improper comments in front of guests behind them.
“Your moms are awesome!” Brooke said as she plopped down on his bed, smile bright.
“They’re embarrassing.” He corrected her, although deep down he knew his moms were in fact very awesome. “So are you for the record. You didn’t need to tell them everything, especially the part about me being in love with Jeremy.”
He took a seat beside her, fixing her with a look to which she merely shrugged, “Honesty is very important. Plus, I’m pretty sure just about everybody knows you love him. Well...except maybe him.”  
“I’m not that obvious! And if honesty is so important, why don’t you tell Chloe about your feelings?” He questioned pointedly causing Brooke’s smile to drop, replaced with a playful frown.  
“So, what’s on the agenda for today?” He inquired, watching as she stood up, beginning to look around his messy room. He felt self-conscious all of a sudden, wondering anxiously if he should have tried to clean up more before she came. Jeremy never really minded the clutter, so Michael didn’t bother with cleaning.
“Well, we need to figure out what we’re doing on Monday. I mean people are going to want a story on how we got together. We should also-” She stopped in her tracks staring into the closet that she had just curiously pulled open. “Michael what is this!!!”
“What is what?” He questioned standing up and joining her in front of the closet. It was actually fairly clean, in fact most of the stuff that probably should have been in there was laying around his room. All that was in there was his clothes.
“I can not walk into school with my boyfriend wearing this stuff. I kinda assumed you had some secretly nice clothes stashed away somewhere! Not all...this!”
“Wow, I love it when you flatter me, keep going.” He quipped playfully, too amused by her distress to actually be offended by her comment.
“Michael! This is serious. All you have is a bunch of ratty hoodies and jeans! I mean, is this seriously all you wear?”
“I feel like you don’t want me to say yes...but, yes.”
Brooke groaned, closing the closet door and leaning against it as if to keep his oh-so-hideous clothes from escaping. “Okay, new agenda. We’re going to the mall. Your wardrobe needs a serious upgrade.”
“What?! Brooke, no. Last time I went to the mall, my best friend left me for a stupid floppy disk in his brain. Nothing good ever happens at the mall!” He argued, crossing his arms defiantly.
Brooke mirrored his position and tilted her head, “Michael. I will fake-break-up with you.”
“Over clothes!?” Michael questioned, laughing in disbelief. His laughter quickly died off under the heat of Brooke’s unrelenting scowl. “Are you serious?”
He sighed glancing around his room in thought, avoiding her scathing eyes. “Fine. But, if I’m going shopping then you’re learning to play video games.”
“Deal.” Brooke grinned excitedly and grabbed his arm, “This is going to be so fun!”  
Michael didn’t think he’d ever be able to look at jeans in the same way ever again. Brooke must’ve made him try on at least fifty pairs over the course of the past hour, and he wasn’t even going to mention the shirts. All of them were way too preppy for his casual tastes, and too expensive.
“You look great!” Brooke squealed, as he stared at himself in the mirror. The reflection bore no resemblance to Michael Mell, instead looking like an off-brand Jake Dillinger.
“I look like I belong in a really bad porno.” He deadpanned, watching Brooke’s face fall in the mirror.
“You look cool, which is-“
“-Exactly what I don’t want!” Michael turned to look Brooke in the eyes. “Look if this whole thing is going to work, we need to lay down some ground rules. I’m not gonna go changing myself to get people to like me. I’m not like him, I like how I am.”
Brooke considered him for a moment.
“Compromise then? You can wear hoodies or whatever, but none of those fabric scraps you call jeans.” She held out her hand to shake, and Michael took it happily. And with the compromise in place, they finally settled on a few outfits that met both of their standards. With multiple bags hanging from Michael’s arms, the two soon arrived at the food court. Brooke didn’t pause for a moment, leading him straight towards a particular eatery. As they sat in the uncomfortable metal chairs, Michael eyed the yogurt with a critical eye. He’d promised Brooke he’d try it but it just looked so… unappetizing.
“Just try it.” Brooke urged, already attacking the creamy dessert with her spoon. Michael paused, before obeying. As soon as the yogurt hit his tongue, a million bursts of flavor hit him right away. His eyes widened comically, before eagerly spooning more of the frozen dairy into his mouth.
“I can see why you like this stuff so much.” He moaned, shoveling yet another spoonful of frozen yogurt into his mouth. Brooke simply smirked triumphantly, spooning another bite into her own mouth.
“Pinkberry is, like, the greatest thing to ever exist. It beats pretty much every other frozen food or drinks.” Brooke proclaimed, ignoring the faux-scandalized gasp that escaped from his throat.
“You take that back you heathen.” He commanded, brandishing his little spoon at her threateningly. “Slushies beat this any day.”
“Never.” Brooke teased, schooling her features into a solemn frown. There was a split second of silence before the two dissolved into laughter. He didn’t know what it was about Brooke that made this so easy. The two of them were practically from different planets- different in every possible way. And yet here they were, laughing over nothing at all. As skeptical as Michael was about their ‘relationship’, he couldn’t imagine a better person to be fake-dating.
The partially muffled sound of some generic pop song that Michael couldn’t bother to remember cut through their laughter, interrupting their moment. Brooke dug a hand into her purse, pulling out her phone with ease. She glanced curiously at the screen, and her smile fell.
“What?” Michael questioned as she continued to stare at the ringing phone. Lifting himself out of the seat just enough to peek at the screen he saw Chloe’s name in big bold letters, along with a picture of her. Narrowing his eyes, he looked at Brooke’s crestfallen face with determination. “Don’t do it.”
“I know,” Brooke replied unconvincingly, still staring at the screen.
“Don’t you dare answer that phone, Brooke.” He deadpanned, watching her eyes flick up to him for a moment. “You’ll regret it if you do.”
“No buts!” He commanded, watching as she slowly lowered her eyes to the phone again. He could see it clear as day that she wasn’t going to be able to resist answering the phone. Quicker than lightning, Michael snatched the phone from her hands, sending Chloe straight to voicemail.
“Hey! Michael, what the fuck?!” The blonde demanded angrily, trying to reach across the table for her phone. Michael held the device away from her, shoving it in his hoodie pocket swiftly. “Give me my phone!”
“Not until I can trust you not to call her back!” He told her sternly, watching Brooke’s eyes narrow. “Brooke- holy fuck!”
He hadn’t been expecting her to jump across the table, catching the attention of several shoppers. She knocked him flat on the ground, her legs straddling him on either side as her hands darted for his pocket with a steely determination. He only just barely batted them away, staring up at Brooke with a resolve just as strong. She was so much better than this, and Michael wasn't going to let her lower herself back down to Chloe’s punching bag.
“Brooke will you just- fucking chill out!” He yelled, blocking her attempts to steal back her phone. “I didn’t want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice!”
His fingers found her sides rather quickly and Michael felt no remorse as he began to tickle her aggressively. A shrill shriek escaped Brooke as she reflexively began to giggle at Michael’s attacks.
“Ohmygod please stop.” Brooke finally got out between her desperate giggles, breathing heavily when Michael slowly removed his fingers. She glared at him playfully, her eyes now full of humor. “Never do that again you dick!”
“It was for your own good!” He defended, smiling at her goofily. “You’re way too good to go back to Chloe treating you like shit. We’re gonna show her that you deserve better, that she needs to be better. Or else you’re not going back.”
Brooke blinked at him in surprise, before offering him a watery smile.  
“Thanks Michael… I mean it.”
“Glad I could help! Now can you, uh, get off me please?”
The two of them laughed as Brooke pushed off of him, opting for sitting beside him on the floor, ignoring their abandoned chairs. Neither of them noticing Jenna Rolan sitting a few tables away with a shark-like grin, a phone in hand brandished like a deadly weapon.
<--- Chapter One | Chapter Three --->
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justsomebucky · 7 years
Summary: AU. Reader rushes to her ex-boyfriend’s side when he’s in an accident.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Word Count: 4,733
Warnings: language, angst, referenced car accident/motorcycle accident, hospital, doctors, injury, fluff, more angst, more fluff, drunk driving mention, nothing gory, I’m not a damn doctor okay? Shonda Rhimes taught me this shit.
A/N: This is my last submission for the lovely Erin’s ( @theassetseyeliner) writing challenge. My prompt was #28. “I got into a car crash and you’re still my emergency contact even though you’re my ex.”  Special thanks to @denialanderror and @soldatbarnes for talking me down from the ledge. Gif credit to @whump-they-it-is since tumblr is dumb and it wouldn’t show up in search even though it was perfect. Thank you!
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Phone calls are made for all sorts of reasons, even in the era of texting. They bring sad news, happy news, good news, and bad news…
There are also those sorts of calls that change your life, for better or worse. You were in a meeting with Tony Stark and Happy Hogan when you got that sort of call.
Naturally, you didn’t answer.
There were, of course, three valid reasons why you didn’t answer.
The first is that you were in the meeting and didn’t want to be disrespectful. You had just been promoted to Mr. Hogan’s team lead. It was a highly sought-after position since he was Mr. Stark’s top advisor. You weren’t sure it was exactly what you wanted to do, but it was a start.
The second reason was that you didn’t recognize the number. It was bad enough that you used caller ID to screen people you actually knew (even sometimes your family, which you were a little ashamed to admit). Why would you even bother with a total stranger?
The third was probably worst of all, but it was most applicable: you hated talking on the phone. You spent a lot of your time on a phone as it was for business purposes, so personal calls were put on the back-burner. Why call when you could text?
Why text when that person could just leave you alone, you know?
Anyway, you didn’t answer the first time. There was too much at stake during the meeting.
You had worked hard to get where you were. You’d sacrificed so much, you could finally relate to that girl in The Devil Wears Prada (though Happy and Tony were far nicer than her boss). There were missed appointments, disappointed family members at holiday gatherings, and of course the biggest hit to your life…The Breakup.
You were officially alone again, after a year-long relationship came crashing to the ground about six months ago.
The phone rang a second time when you were walking out of the boardroom with the official company timelines in your hands for the construction and completion of a new facility upstate.
You weren’t in charge of these ventures, but you had to be prepared in case Mr. Hogan became indisposed on some other project, which happened a lot at Stark Industries. If Mr. Stark ever had sudden inspiration for something, you better believe Mr. Hogan and Ms. Potts were right there with him, pulled away from everything else they were working on.
You wanted to be that person, too. You wanted the responsibility, the ‘in’ with Tony Stark…you wanted to be worthwhile to the company since you didn’t feel worthwhile anywhere else.
It wasn’t until you were in the quiet safety of your own office that you answered the call on the third attempt. Whoever it was, they were persistent.
You shrugged off your jacket, switching your phone to your other ear as you accepted the call. “Y/N speaking.”
“Hello, this is Dr. Palmer from Memorial Hospital. I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch your name?”
Memorial Hospital? What the hell?
“It’s Y/N Y/L/N. How can I help you, Dr. Palmer?”
“Ms. Y/L/N, I’ve been trying to reach you because you are listed as the emergency contact for James Barnes. You do know him?”
You froze in your seat, eyes wide as you tried to digest what she just said. That was a name you’d been trying to forget.
“Ms. Y/L/N?”
“Please,” you said softly. “Call me Y/N. Is he…is James okay?”
“I don’t typically like to discuss emergency cases over the phone. I –“
“I get it, Doctor. I’ve been through this before. I’ll be there in five minutes.”
You pressed end on the call and stood up, grabbing the jacket you’d just placed on the back of your chair to fend off the chilly air.
Mr. Hogan’s secretary Maria looked up at you as you rushed past. “Where are you going? You have another meeting in three hours!”
“I know,” you called back. “It’s an emergency. I’ll be back!”
Her confused face is the last thing you saw before the elevator doors shut.
“Yes, hi, I’m looking for Dr. Palmer?” You leaned over the information desk in the emergency room, trying not to crawl over it and find the information yourself. You didn’t want to be rude, but you were in a freakin’ hurry.
“Which one?” a nurse whose name tag read Scott Lang asked you. “There’s actually several –“
You shook your head at him. “It was a woman in the ER! She took the case for my boyf- my friend James Barnes. Can you look it up that way?”
“Sure I can.” Scott typed for a second, then furrowed his brows at the computer. “I have a Barnes here, but he’s listed as being in the morgue…oh.” He looked up at you. “I don’t think I’m supposed to tell you that.”
You reeled at his words, taking a few steps back and feeling a little faint. Your limbs felt like jelly.
Was Bucky really…gone?
“Oh wait,” Scott continued, typing again. “That said Barnabes. Sorry, my fault. James Barnes has been moved to a private room on the third floor. You could probably find Dr. Palmer there.”
“Oh my god,” you shouted, seething with anger. A few people passing by stopped to stare at you, but you couldn’t help yourself right now. “You can’t just tell people that their loved ones are dead and then say ‘my fault!’”
“Look, lady, I’m sorry. This is my first day. I screwed up, okay? Please don’t tell my supervisor, I’ve got a kid at home,” Scott pleaded. “I really am sorry.”
It took a second or two, but you managed to get your breathing under control enough to speak at a normal volume. “Fine. What is the room number?”
Your eyes narrowed slightly. “I won’t say anything, Mr. Lang. But please be a little more careful.”
Without another word, you turned on your heel and made your way to the third floor.
Nurses and doctors were rushing around, some with worry etched on their faces, and some laughing and joking with each other. How could so many different emotions be taking place in one building?
Babies were being born just as others were dying mere floors away. It was truly insane to think about.
You slowed down when you got close to his room, and as you peered in you realized no one was in there with him.
But Bucky…
He was laying there on the crisp white hospital sheets with about ten different wires and gadgets attached to him. You glanced up to the heart monitor, where the signal showed a steady, strong beat.
For that you were so very grateful.
You moved closer to the bed, careful not to disturb anything as your eyes raked over him. He had scrapes all over his face and arms, and butterfly bandages over several cuts on his chin and forehead.
“What happened to you?” you whispered, reaching out to brush a strand of his long brown hair back.
“He was in a motorcycle accident.”
Your hand recoiled as you looked up at Dr. Palmer. Either you’d been too focused on Bucky to notice her, or she was super stealthy.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N,” she said, reaching her hand out to shake yours.
You felt a little mortified at the fact that you still didn’t quite have full strength back from the little information desk episode. Your hand was clammy and shaking.
“Nice to meet you, too, Dr. Palmer.”
“Please, call me Christine.”
You nodded. “So, an accident? Is he okay?”
Christine flipped a page on the chart. “James is- “
“Bucky,” you interrupted. “He prefers to be called Bucky. It’s a, uh..it’s a nickname.”
“Bucky,” she repeated. “Okay, good to know. Bucky is asleep. We gave him some powerful painkillers after he complained of severe abdomen pain upon arriving at the ER. He’s got some lacerations, contusions, and three bruised ribs. He’s going to have limited mobility for a while. Little things like lifting heavy objects, reaching for things, and vigorous physical activities are not going to be possible until he heals a little.”
You nodded again. “But he’s okay? I mean, no permanent damage, no brain trauma, nothing like that?”
The doctor pressed her lips in a straight line while she glanced over more of the chart. “Actually, when the EMT asked him his name, he remembered, but he also got the date wrong. He thought it was six months ago.”
“Amnesia? Is it permanent?” The thought of Bucky forgetting any part of his life made you nauseated.
“It’s most likely temporary. I’ve seen it before, especially after a quick trauma like this. Could be hours, could be days…maybe more, but not likely. We’re going to have to wait until he wakes back up to determine if there’s any residual effects from a potential concussion.”
“Why would he be allowed to sleep if you thought there might be a concussion?” you asked, frowning at the doctor. “I’ve had them, and the first thing they told me was to not go to sleep.”
“And the first thing you did was?”
“Sleep,” you admitted.
Christine nodded. “The body knows how to heal itself in most cases, Y/N. We didn’t believe there was any major brain trauma when he was brought in, and his first scans showed no signs of swelling or bleeding. He had been wearing his helmet thankfully. So, we wait until he wakes up.”
“What exactly happened in the accident? In case he can’t remember but wants to know?”
“The police said a drunk driver ran a red light,” she explained. “They knocked him off his motorcycle onto the hood of their car. He’s lucky that was all. If he had landed on the pavement or been thrown elsewhere, we’d be discussing a situation way worse than this.”
“Oh my god.” Your eyes flickered back to Bucky’s sleeping form. “So with those injuries, how long will he be kept here?”
“Probably just overnight, to be honest.”
You took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as you tried to process all of this. Bucky could have died.
He could have died.
Christine started walking backwards toward the door. “I have other patients to see, but if you need me just press the call button.”
“Thank you.”
You grabbed one of the chairs from the corner and dragged it closer to the bed, sitting still for a moment while you stared at his face. The sound of him breathing with oxygen tubes up his nose was sort of weird. It reminded you of how deeply he used to sleep when he was beside you at night.
“Your hair’s longer,” you murmured, leaning forward. “And you need a shave, Buck.”
The realization that he could wake up at any second and find you here fawning over him made you a little bit uncomfortable, but when would you get another opportunity to say what you were thinking without him arguing back?
“I have no idea why you kept me on as your emergency contact. In fact, you probably forgot all about it. I don’t think you’d want me here…not after everything we said to each other. We argued about everything…money…schedules…we found a way to be angry. It wasn’t healthy.”
You sighed, shifting back in your seat a little as you let your eyes drift to the ceiling. “Maybe it’s for the best that we broke up. I only seemed to make you miserable.”
Little patterns of grey and white speckled the ceiling tiles. You hated that Bucky would wake up and the first thing he’d look at would be these ugly tiles. He should be home, safe in bed…not here.
“I know I put work first a lot. It’s dumb but…Bucky, you’re so successful, you know? You worked hard to get where you are and I didn’t want to be the one leeching from you. I wanted to establish myself…”
The whirring sound of the air being circulated was your only response.
This was actually really therapeutic for you. Maybe the two of you could have made it had you bothered to stop yelling and actually listen. You were just as much at fault about that as Bucky was.
Oh well.
“Was it worth it? I don’t know,” you answered truthfully, your voice catching a little. “I feel like the breakup made me wake up a little, you know? I feel like…it’s that old stupid saying, you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.”
Being honest and vulnerable wasn’t really your thing. That’s probably why this was easier with Bucky asleep.
“I thought that working even more hours and distracting myself would help, but it hasn’t. I still love you, after all…I loved you then. I wanted to be with you. I assumed I was doing enough, and we broke up anyway.”
Good thing he was a heavy sleeper.
“I didn’t want to lose you. It’s my fault.” Your voice had gone down to a whisper again, eyes filling with tears as you finally said it out loud. The ugly ceiling tiles blurred into one big ugly blob. You blinked a few times, causing the tears to roll from your eyes down your cheeks, where you wiped them away quickly.
No one needed to see that.
“I guess, if I had to say something to you without you knowing, it would be that I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry, too.”
Your eyes widened and you sat back up at the sound of Bucky’s soft, raspy voice. His eyes were still closed and his brow was furrowed.
“How long were you awake?” you asked, your tone more accusatory than you intended.
“Long enough.” Bucky’s blue-grey eyes struggled to open from his medicated haze. He blinked a few times, focusing on the awful wallpaper across from him, then shifted his gaze to you.
You wanted to hide from him. You felt stupid for assuming he was sleeping this whole time, stupid for revealing your deepest thoughts to the one person who should have heard them six months ago, long before the two of you ended things.
“Don’t. Don’t do that.”
“Do what?” Your leg started shaking involuntarily and you tried to shift to a more comfortable position, as if there was one. “I’m just sitting here.”
“Don’t go back in your little shell. I get that you- “
You watched with wide eyes as he grimaced in pain. “Should I get a nurse?”
Bucky turned his head slightly. “Not yet. Can I get- is there water?”
There was a little pink pitcher and plastic cup sitting on the table beside his head, so you stood up and poured a half-glass of water for him, holding it to his lips as he took a sip.
“Thank you.”
Since you were already up, maybe now was the time to exit. “They told me that you had to stay overnight, Buck, so I should probably go. I’ve got another meeting to get to, and I…” Your voice trailed off as you realized he was chuckling.
“Oh, Y/N.”
“Don’t do that. Your ribs are bruised.”
“It’s just too classic, Y/N. You running out on me for work. Give Mr. Stark my regards.”
Your mouth dropped open. “You want to do this here? Bucky, you nearly died today. I don’t want to fight.”
“Then sit down and finish telling me what you tried to when you thought I was asleep.”
The two of you had a stare down for a second, but you eventually relented, sitting back in the uncomfortable chair.
“What did you hear?” you asked again.
“That you didn’t want to lose me, and that you were sorry. But even the doctor said that I wasn’t really hurt, you know. You aren’t gonna lose me. Close call or not, I’m still kicking.”
He thought you meant lose him to death.
Well, that too, but…what a silly man.
“I didn’t mean lose you specifically today, though that would have been…let’s not even talk about that. I meant lose you back then, six months ago when we broke up. And I am sorry, by the way. I did mean that sincerely.”
Bucky looked confused. “What are you talking about? None of this makes sense…I thought I was the one who bumped my head?”
Dr. Palmer’s words about possible amnesia as a side effect of a concussion came back to you.
“Bucky, what is today’s date?”
He made a face at you. “They already asked me that in the ER. It’s May something. I was always bad with dates.”
“It’s November, Buck,” you murmured, frowning at him. “I need to find the doctor.”
Steve Rogers enveloped you in a big hug the second he laid eyes on you in the waiting room. “How’s Bucky?”
You pulled back, letting your arms fall to your sides. “He’s got some cuts and bruises…he bruised three ribs. He seems to have a concussion.”
“Wow, he got lucky,” he commented, leaning against the wall.
The two of you were standing outside the waiting room door, far enough out of earshot of Bucky’s room that you could discuss things freely.
You had to tell Steve the truth.
“The doctor said he’s got a bit of temporary amnesia.” You looked at Steve, concentrating on his bright, warm eyes to stop from crying again. “At least, they think it’s temporary.”
Steve’s face fell. “Oh, no. How long of a time frame has he forgotten?”
“Six months.”
Understanding flashed in his eyes. “So he doesn’t remember that the two of you broke up, does he?”
“No,” you whispered, looking down at your feet. “It could be from a concussion, could be from the meds they gave…a specialist is with him now.”
“How are you holding up, Y/N?”
You glanced back up at him. “I’m supposed to be back at work here in about twenty minutes. Do you think you could sit with him through dinner?”
“Sure, I don’t mind at all.”
“I’m surprised you weren’t his emergency contact.”
Steve gave you a look. “I’m not.”
When you didn’t reply, he kept talking.
“Y/N, Bucky never does anything without good reason. So that means there’s a good reason why he left you on the call list.”
“But we broke –“
“It doesn’t matter. That love doesn’t just disappear,” he told you gently, reaching up to brush an errant tear off your cheek. “He still had hope that the two of you would reconcile.”
You turned away from Steve, glancing down the hallway toward room three-ten. “Does it matter? If all we were was angry, does it matter?”
“I think it does. You both were hurt, and learning together how to be in a mature partnership. You’ve grown a lot since this, haven’t you?”
“I- I guess?”
Steve’s mouth lifted a little. “Come on. Give yourself some credit. You wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t, knowing full well that it could lead to something uncomfortable. You can’t tell that the thought of reconciling didn’t cross your mind, at least since you spoke with him?”
Well, when he put it that way…
“And Bucky’s grown, that I’m sure of,” he continued. “He’s tried to become better at listening. He’s working on himself, too.”
“That’s…that’s good.”
“It is.” Steve reached over and placed a hand on your shoulder. “He’ll remember eventually, and the two of you can talk it out at the very least. But you’re here, Y/N, and that says everything in my opinion.”
You nodded, pulling Steve in for another hug. “Why are you so smart all the time?”
“I’m just observant,” he replied, kissing the top of your head gently. He pulled back and gave you a little push down the hallway. “Now go to your meeting. We’ll be fine.”
Happy and Tony kept you longer than you expected, though Pepper was missing in action for the first half of the meeting.
When she walked in, the first thing she did was sit beside you and offer you a smile. There was something in her eyes that you’d never seen directed at you before, but you couldn’t quite place it.
“So Y/N, when do you think you can make the trip upstate?”
“The, uh…the trip?” You were confused; no one had ever mentioned you taking a work trip.
“Yes,” Happy said, sounding a little irritated. “It’s in the itinerary on your desk. I take it you never made it back to your office from your emergency?”
“I didn’t tell Maria to put it on her desk,” Pepper spoke up, pushing a file in front of you. “And she isn’t going upstate, Happy, that’s currently your job if I remember correctly. I was nosy and read over Y/N’s proposals from the beginning of the year, and I loved almost all of them. There are a few I want to get started on right away. She’d waste away on some construction site upstate.”
He looked completely baffled. “But –“
“No buts, you heard her,” Tony said, clearly enjoying himself. He grinned at Happy. “Better get packing, pal.”
Happy grumbled to himself the entire time from the chair, to the doorway, and all the way down the hall from what you could hear.
“So uh, what’s the word?”
Your eyes flitted back to Tony’s. “I’m sorry?”
“The person in the ER. He okay?”
Pepper gave you an apologetic smile. “I called to have flowers sent after Maria told me. She was worried about you. I’m really sorry, Y/N.”
You shrugged. “He’s not that bad off. Cuts and bruises, you know.”
“Oh, I know,” Tony said, glancing at Pepper.
“Tony’s been in a lot of accidents,” she told you, rubbing your back. “He seems to think he’s invincible.”
“Incredible is the word you’re looking for, darling.”
Pepper chose to ignore him. “Listen, we discussed it and we want you to take some time off. Go be with him until he’s well again.”
“But he’s…but what about –“
“Happy’s taking over the projects permanently, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Tony interrupted, pushing his glasses up his nose. “He’s going to be upstate for the remainder of the construction and development. I’m reassigning you to Pepper’s team, where your hours won’t be nearly as long because she’s a bleeding heart softy.”
What the what?
“That means I’m your new boss,” Pepper added, smirking at Tony before giving you a warm smile. “And I say take all the time you need. When you come back, we’re gonna start on some of the projects you had in mind, okay?”
Was this real life?
“Thank you.” You tried not to get too excited and emotional. “I can’t even begin to thank you both enough.”
“Actually, you can,” Tony countered, giving a little shrug. “By coming back and kicking some major ass.”
You were full-on grinning now. “That I can definitely do.”
Four hours had gone by. It had been four hours since you left Steve to sit with Bucky.
By the time you got back to the hospital, you felt like you had entered the Twilight Zone or something. Nothing was making sense, but you weren’t about to question your sudden good fortune at work.
And you weren’t about to squander this second chance they’d given you to make things right, even if it just meant repairing your friendship.
Steve was still sitting in the chair beside Bucky, though you could tell he was tired and wanted to leave.
“Go home to Nat,” you said, giving him a smile. “I’ve got this.”
He said goodnight to you both and took off, leaving you alone with your ex-boyfriend.
“So, while you were gone, a funny thing happened.” Bucky raised an eyebrow at you, as if waiting for you to guess.
You didn’t need more than one guess. With a knowing sigh, you flopped into that wonderfully uncomfortable chair once again. “Your memory came back?”
Bucky nodded. “Steve mentioned something to me that sounded familiar but not. Ever have that happen? Where you can practically feel the answer on the tip of your tongue but you aren’t quite there?”
“I guess?”
“Anyways, he brought up maybe asking Natasha to marry him. And I thought to myself, wait a minute…they just met, didn’t they? Turns out, they met about a year ago, halfway through our relationship.”
You waited for the hammer to fall.
Bucky looked down at his hands for a second. There was something in his palm, something he was turning over and over.
When he looked back up at you, he also held up the object.
It was a diamond ring.
“I’m confused,” you said, unable to tear your eyes away from the ring. “Is that for Natasha? Why do you have it?”
“Y/N, if this was truly six months ago like my brain tried to tell me, I’d have given you this by now.” He turned the ring a little so you could see it better. “They found it after the accident, still stuck in my wallet where I’ve been keeping it all this time.”
“What?” you whispered, feeling your own hands started to shake. This was all news to you.
Holy shit…what a mess.
“Yeah, I found it in this bag of my personal effects over there on the nightstand,” he said, nodding to the table where his water cup sat. “I stared at it for a minute. And after that, I remembered everything.”
Your eyes met his again, unsure of how to react.
“Say something,” he pleaded, lowering his hand and gripping the ring in his palm again.
“What do you want me to say, Bucky?” Your eyes filled with those damned tears again, something that happened more today than it had since the week you broke up. “I fucked up.”
“I fucked up, too, Y/N. We both had issues.”
You nodded, looking down while tears slipped off your chin and landed on your jeans.
“I feel like this is a second chance for us, though,” Bucky added in a softer tone. “Don’t you?”
This time when you met his gaze, and all the fight…the walls he put back up…all of it was gone. It was just Bucky, your Bucky, with a hopeful light in his eyes.
“Bucky,” you began, feeling your resolve slip a little. “We fought before. What makes you think we won’t now?”
“Maybe we just had to grow up a little.” The corner of his mouth lifted, and the hand not clutching the ring reached for yours.
You let him grasp your hand, giving his a little squeeze in return. “Maybe.”
“And you can’t tell me you didn’t miss me, Y/N. I mean, you rushed here, worried about me, and it wasn’t because we’re friends.”
“No,” you admitted, trying and failing to hide your own smile. “It wasn’t that.”
“So we try again. This time, we stop to listen to each other. This time we work things out before letting it escalate to anger and resentment. I’m guilty of it, too, and…well, if you wanted to try, I promise I’d try harder.”
“Can I ask you…why did you leave me on as your emergency contact?” You bit your lip, not sure if you wanted to know the answer.
He probably just forgot.
Bucky gave you a big smile. “You think I’d want Steve’s mug to be the first one I see after something like this?”
You rolled your eyes, smiling at his joke. Even when he was in pain, he was always trying to make someone else laugh.
His smile faded as he watched you. “No, seriously, Y/N. In a real emergency, I can’t think of anyone I’d want to be here with me more than you. And that…”
Now Bucky was blinking rapidly, trying to keep his composure. You didn’t need to hear the end of his sentence to understand his sentiment.
You stood and leaned over, giving him a gentle kiss on the lips.
That was everything.
That’s what Bucky had been about to say.
You understood, because that’s how you felt, too.
“Hold on to that ring, then,” you instructed, giving him a bright smile. “Because if we’re giving this another go, I’m not letting you get away this time.”
His eyes were mischievous again. “Did you learn how to get what you want from Tony Stark?“
“Pepper Potts, actually.”
You shut him up with another kiss.
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multifandomtrash69 · 3 years
Family don't end in blood
You could feel the movement of the car underneath you as you slept, you weren’t sure where you were currently, just that you were on a highway somewhere. You couldn’t hear any voices so you assumed that Sam was asleep. You sat up slowly and opened your eyes to look around. It was dark outside, you could make out the shapes of road signs in the darkness but that was it. You looked down at your watch and it read 12:30, Have we really only been driving for an hour? It seemed longer.
You alright back there?, you jumped a bit and then answered. Jesus don’t scare me like that!, I’m fine, Good. What were you dreaming about y/n?, you blushed slightly hoping you hadn’t said or done anything embarrassing. Nothing, It didn’t sound like nothing. Even though you couldn’t see his face you knew he was smirking. You’re an asshole Dean.
He chuckled slightly, Yeah and you’re adorable. You leaned forward and lightly slapped his arm, what was that for?. Not in front of Sam. Fine, you turned and whispered in his ear, we’ll finish this later. You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and then sat back in your seat.
Eventually you fell back asleep and woke up a few hours later when the sun came up. By this time Sam had woken up. Morning y/n. Morning Sam, hope you slept well. Eh as well as to be expected, Any idea where we’re headed?. We were planning on stopping in Colorado for a day or two to unwind, sounds good.
A couple hours later you pulled into the parking lot of a seedy looking motel. The three of you got out of the car and you and Sam waited outside while Dean paid for the room. A few minutes later he came out with the keys and you headed for the room. Once you’d settled in Sam decided he wanted to go for a walk, once he was gone you sat awkwardly on one of the beds, messing with your fingers.
You got up and walked over to get a cup of water, once you’d finished drinking it and thrown away the cup you turned to walk back towards the bed when a hand grabbed your wrist and turned you around. Now that we’re alone.. I can do this. He pulled you into a hungry kiss, when you finally pulled apart to breathe you spoke. You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that again.
Before he could respond you pulled him into another kiss, the two of you stumbled backwards and you ended up on the bed. You pulled at his shirt and he quickly took it off and threw it aside, you were about to take yours off when the sound of the door knob turning made you stop everything, He jumped off you. Dean! Your shirt.
He was fumbling to get it on and just barely succeeded about a second before Sam came in. He looked at the two of you with a confused expression, Are you guys ok? Uh.. yeah, why?. You seemed panicked a second ago. Must be your imagination Sammy, you brushed past him and walked outside to clear your head. Once you were outside you finally let out the breath you’d been holding. That was way too close, Yeah tell me about it. You turned around startled to find Dean standing behind you. We have to be more careful if we want to continue to keep this from Sam. Agreed, but we should probably head back in before he gets too suspicious. He nodded and the two of you turned and headed back into the room.
Are you sure you’re ok y/n?, I’m fine Sam. If you say so, I was just about to go get some food. You guys want anything?, I guess I'll have a burger. You want anything Dean?, I'm good. He nodded and he turned and picked up the keys off the table and headed out. Should we pick up where we left off?, You smacked him on the arm and plopped down on one of the beds. What was that for?, For thinking i could just pick back up like that! He ruined the mood Dean.
Alright but we’ll pick this up eventually. You nodded and turned the tv on, you were flipping channels until you found a movie that interested you. After a few minutes Dean came and sat next to you. Eventually you rested your head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around you. You must have fallen asleep because the next thing you remember, you woke up to the sound of voices arguing. You opened your eyes and looked over and it finally donned on you what must have happened. Sam must have come back and seen the two of you cuddling.
How could you do this to me!?. What the hell are you talking about Sammy?. You knew I was into y/n and now I come back to find this. You sat up and looked over at them, That’s enough boys!, they both turned to you surprised. y/n, i thought you were asleep, i was until you asshats woke me up. Now what's this I hear about you being into me Sam?. Uh well.. Just forget it. Don’t be embarrassed, I think you’re sweet. You could practically hear Dean tense up. But i’m in love with Dean, I have been for quite some time.
You really feel that way about me?, you could hear the surprise in his voice. You turned around to face him. I do, I can’t describe how you make me feel exactly but it just feels right. Behind you Sam cleared his throat and you turned back to face him. I do love you Sam but like a brother.
Now come here, you gestured for him to give you a hug and he did. Once you pulled apart he smiled slightly. You know I’ll always protect you y/n, of course I do. What should we do now?, we could finish watching that movie. Sure, Sam you wanna join us?. I guess what’s the movie about? I don’t know I've been asleep for most of it. You looked over at Dean silently asking for help. I think it's some kind of cowboy movie. Sounds interesting, the three of you sat down to finish watching the movie.
A couple weeks later
Are you sure you want us to meet your parents y/n? Most of the time it doesn't end well for us. Of course i’m sure Dean, you guys are the two most important people in my life right now and i want them to get the chance to get to know you both. Alright, if you’re sure then im in. Good, we’re going to their house for dinner on friday. Sounds good, Will there be pie? Yes, I told my mom to make her famous apple pie. Awesome.
Friday night
You were nervously fidgeting with your hands as you pulled up in front of your parents house. You felt a hand on your shoulder, you looked to your left and noticed Dean was staring at you. What?, nothing you’re just beautiful. You smiled to yourself and grabbed your purse, we should head inside. The three of you got out of the car and you walked up to the door, your mom must have been watching for you because she opened the door before you could ring the bell.
y/n! I'm so glad you’re here!, she looked at the boys. You two must be Sam and Dean, y/n has told me a lot about you. That’s us, Well come on in dinner is almost ready. The three of you followed her into the house and ran into your dad in the living room. There’s my little girl! He pulled you into a hug. And who are these gentlemen?. Dad, these are my friends Sam and Dean. he shook both of their hands. it’s nice to meet you boys, i hope you two are taking care of my little girl. Oh trust me sir we are, you rolled your eyes when Dean winked at you. You decided to see if your mom needed help in the kitchen so you left the boys alone with your dad.
Mom, do you need any help in here?, Sure sweetie! Can you mash the potatoes for me?. Of course I can mom. You picked up the masher and the pot of potatoes and sat down at the table, you began mashing the potatoes and you worked in silence for a few minutes until your mom finally said something. You’re very lucky y/n. You looked up at her confused, why do you say that?, to have such a kind boyfriend and good friend. Kind boyf- oh no mom sam’s not my- you were cut off by the timer on the oven going off. Oh dinners ready! Go and tell everyone sweetie.
You nodded your head and walked out into the living room. Guys, dinner’s ready, Great, I'm starving. You turned and walked back into the kitchen with the three of them following. You tried to set between your father and Dean but your mom stopped you and practically forced you to sit next to Sam. After your father said a quick prayer your mom began serving plates. When she got to you she winked at you and handed you your plate. So mom what have you and dad been up to? It’s been a few months since i’ve seen you. Nothing much honey, why haven’t we seen you in awhile?. Dad, you know I'm constantly traveling for my work.
What type of work do you do again?, you were about to answer when Dean interjected. We’re hunters. You gave him a death stare and he quickly stopped talking. Hunters? That doesn’t make any sense you can only hunt in certain seasons. Well.. we don’t exactly hunt animals. What do you hunt then dear?. You stared down at your food trying to come up with a valid excuse but couldn’t, you knew they wouldn’t handle the truth well but it was all you had.
We uh, hunt monsters. Your parents burst out laughing but quickly stopped when they realized you were serious. I'm serious mom! I've almost been killed by several demons. Her face turned pale and they both went silent. Why are you messing with the forces of evil y/n!? You know you’ll go to hell for this right?. You don’t understand why-, she cut you off when she turned to the boys. How could you bring my daughter into this sick world!?, Mom! They didn’t bring me into anything, i found them myself and i fell in love and decided to stick with them.
That’s kind of sweet, y/f/n!. She slapped his arm, y/n you never told us which one of these questionable men you’re dating. It doesn't matter you’re not going to accept them anyway. You signaled to them that you wanted to leave so they stood up and you followed suit. That’s not entirely true honey, one of them seems to be a very nice and well educated man. You were going to respond but Dean did it for you, he angrily walked over to you and pulled you into a kiss. When you pulled apart he looked right at your parents who you could clearly see were disappointed and said, does that answer your question?.
They just looked at the two of you with stunned expressions on their faces. You gave them a quick smirk and turned on your heels and walked out of the house with the boys following behind you. y/n if you leave with these evil men i can’t guarantee you’ll still have a family. You turned around to face your mom, Well then i guess you don’t have a daughter anymore. And with that you turned and got in the car. Once you were a safe distance down the road the tears finally spilled out. Before you could register what was happening the car was no longer moving, you continued crying while Sam and Dean got out of the car and talked for a minute.
Once you couldn’t hear them talking anymore you looked up confused and noticed your door was open. What’s going on Dean?, c’mon. He held out his hand and you took it. You stood up and followed him to the back door. He opened it and you climbed in, he slid in next to you and shut the door. Why are we sitting back here?, it was Sam’s idea. He thought it might help you calm down a bit to have someone sitting close to you. Once Sam had shut the passenger door he got into the driver's seat and you started moving again.
You took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down but you just started crying again. You rested your head on Dean’s shoulder and tried to regulate your breathing, you must have fallen asleep because the next thing you knew you woke up on a bed in a hotel room. You looked down and noticed an arm wrapped around you, you looked over and smiled to yourself when you noticed a sleeping Dean next to you. You snuggled closer to him and fell back asleep. You didn’t know where you would end up next but you knew as long as you had Sam and Dean with you, you’d always have a family
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cannedapricot · 7 years
Police Officer! Hwang Minhyun
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happy one month of scenarios from cannedapricot!! i can’t believe it’s been a month already! here’s a super short and hopefully sweet police officer! hwang minhyun. no one has gifed minhyun in the police uniform yet bUT IT’S OK I LOVE THIS GIF TOO
welcome to hongdae’s main police station
if you enter and head down the hallway, then turn right, you’ll be met with the sight of a couple dozen cops buzzing around the office
some interrogating sleasy looking men
some annoyed that they have to deal with the same crowd of teenagers again.
minhyun worked as a senior inspector at this very station
it wasn’t super high on the ranks but it was certainly impressive for this age (i think,,,, don’t quote me on it)
his co-workers loved calling him the emperor of the station because reALLY THAT’S WHAT HE’S LIKE
he sank back into his chair, tired eyes gazing over the hectic office
and downed his nth cup of coffee for the evening
this was a normal sight in the station
people talking in hushed tones, phones ringing, someone from thaT ONE SQUAD OF TEENAGERS THROWING UP
IT’s ok
it was worse on a friday night
or saturday early morning
minhyun was just,,,,, ready for a nap
and so without knowing, his eyes end up closing by themselves
until he was woken by junior inspector! jaehwan
“lol hyung if your that tired we could change spots-”
“as long as i’m breathing, you’re not getting promoted”
he has no idea how jaehwan even made it thus far 
“what do you need now?”
minhyun says as he sits up in his chair
“all of us thought that you were working way too hard,,,, sOOOOooOoOO WE GOT YOU A GIFT!!!”
“i’m not a thing to be given, kim jaehwan”
you said, popping into minhyun’s sight from behind jaehwan
you ignored jaehwan lol
“hi!! i’m y/n! i’ll be assisting you from now on!!!!”
“oh,,,, uh,,,, hi,,,,, are you trained?”
what are you???? a dog????
you were just looking for a job to earn some extra money while you look for a stable job
and as if it was a miracle!!!11!!111
your old friend fromm high school, kim jaehwan, rang you up and asked if you were interested in working with a good looking dude
aka him
you shot him down
“ok how about a more average looking dude”
you agreed because wow you were running out of instant noodles
and real quick too
to this day, you’re still suspicious about how jaehwan knew you needed a job
he said that he had magical powers
in reality though
he saw your snapchat story
ft. your cat and you complaining about how much your wallet was crying
and thought about how tired minhyun looked everyday
back to your awk asf meeting with your boss
“ha,,,, tr a in e d????”
cue jaehwan wiping invisible tears
“ah,,,, minhyun finally gets to relax a little *fake sobs*”
“you can leave now”
you and minhyun say at the same time
and you figured that the two of you would get along just fine
skip forward a few weeks
you and minhyun weren’t the stiff pair from two weeks ago
in fact, you two didn’t seem like just co-workers
after taking off some of the weight from minhyun’s shoulders, minhyun seemed more energetic 
instead of sitting at his desk tiredly after a day of work, he’d bring in two cups of hot coffee and meet you with a bright smile
you would return his smile of course
you and minhyun had this system were you would take most of the paper work and minhyun would take care of anything that requires him to physically be there lol
and he would return every evening with two cups of coffee and his 1000000 watt smile
also,,,, they’ve seen the way minhyun looks away from his share of the work just to stare at you
he loves how hard working you are
of course, you were adorable normally buT SOMEHOW
but uh
minhyun was hopeless with girls
his co-workers figured that out
with a helpful tip off from jaehwan lmao
they legit have a group chat dedicated to playing cupid for you two
mostly gossips though
by stroll they mean the night duties minhyun has around the block 
he takes you along with him soooooo 👀👀👀👀
you’d be lying if you said that minhyun didn’t look 10x as good under the streetlights at night
you’d also be lying if you said that you had no feelings for him
and his cute actions don’t help either
he openly complains to you whenever some drunk person throws up on the tiles he cleaned personally  h o u r s before
he looks cute whining
you didn’t think he cared as much about you as you care for him
untilll ll ll lllllll  👀 👀 👀 👀
one day
you weren’t feeling 100%
so you rang up the station and told them that you were gonna take a day off
but for some reason cough the other officers purposely didn’t say anything cough minhyun didn’t get the message
when he arrived at the station, he expected you to be at your desk (less than three meters away from his own) like you were every day
enter: panic mode
he thinks that you had enough of him and quit without telling him
minhyun gets your address from jaehwan 
who was totally ready and even had your address written down on a piece of paper
minhyun didn’t even think about it lol
he zoomed over to your place
you were just lounging on your couch, your roommate gone to work for the day
you were trying your best to not let snot flow out of your nose l ma o
while going through your phone
until you heard,
your phone dropped onto your face
wincing, you shuffle towards the door
not looking through the peephole, you open the door, still rubbing your nose lol
there stood hwang minhyun, emperor of the hongdae police station, trying his best to catch his breath
“what- minhyun? what are you doing-”
minhyun suddenly holds you in a tight ass hug
“i’m so sorry for whatever i’ve done to offend you,,,, please don’t hate me”
you’re confused™
“what are you talking about? i took a day off because i wasn’t feeling well”
 O H
W E L L   
I S N ’ T T H I S A W K W A R D
clears throat awkwardly
also releases you awkwardly
rubs neck awkwardly
“i thought that,,,, maybe i did something,,,,, and you quit the job,,,”
he said his voice getting smaller with each word
minhyun becomes mintomato 
“a-anyway,,, you said you weren’t feeling well? i guess i’ll make you some soup then.”
he pushes you aside and lets himself in
“y/n. what is this?”
“ah shit”
minhyun turns to you with the creepiest smile
you immediately ran to chuck the used tissues away
minhyun somehow digs out your rubber gloves and sanitizer in the meantime 
and starts spraying e v e r y t h i n g
makes you sit on the couch and not do anything
after he’s satisfied that everything was spotless
he turns to make you soup
so you sit on the couch, on your phone, as minhyun slaves away in the kitchen
you look over once in a while 
you saw him cutting vegetables (bOYF MATERIAL RIGHT THERE LADIES)
you also saw him ringing up the station presumably making some excuse that he couldn’t make it anymore (the co-workers know exactly what he was doing tho 👀👀)
then you saw him mucking around on his phone
seemingly like he was texting???
jaehwan perhaps
while the soup was taking it’s time obviously
he was typing out phrases in his messaging app
the contact being you
y/n i like you. date me
too straight-forward. no
y/n your honestly the most prettiest girl i’ve ever met lets go on a date
ew too cheesy. no
y/n i like you and your dumb quirks. even though your sick right now, you’re still the most adorable human being i’ve ever seen
lol too dumb. no-
“hey minhyun did you just send me a message?”
“y ea h ?”
he squeaked
you chuckle
“hey,, come here for a bit”
he shuffles over
you pull him by the collar and press a small kiss on his cheek
“i like you and your dumb clean freak self as well”
minhyun squeaks again
in happiness
“so,,,,,, are we,,,,, you know,,,,, a thing now?”
“if you want us to be”
“what excuse did you tell the station?”
you asked
“i said that my girlfriend was sick and i had to take care of her”
minhyun actually said something about his dog being sick
was he implying that you were a dog????? because minhyun doesn’t own a dog??????
you’re a trained dog now
minhyun grows red in embarassment
and he withers in it until you realize something
“um minhyun?”
“the soup,,,,, it’s boiling and spashing out,,,,,”
wow isn’t minhyun lowkey kinda ooc here. this is the shortest thing i’ve ever written at 1.6k,,,,, but it still took fo r ev er. DISCLAIMER: i have no idea about how the police work,,, everything here is from my imagination and the dramas i’ve watched sodufbvsb
in other news, wanna one has wrecked apricot, she is no longer alive. i juST WANT ONGNIEL TO BE HAPPY SOBS
in other, other news, happy one month kiddos!!! i love you all and stay healthy!! full length scenarios will be back after my exams!!! wait for me <3333
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piperemerald · 6 years
Actually (Boyf riends)
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Over his three and a half years of high school, Michael had sat through seven school plays. Three voluntarily, the rest with a little bit of bribery, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t enjoyed watching. There was something funny about how, under the right degree, the people he usually passed in the hall could shift into something else entirely.
He couldn’t do it. Not that he’d tried, it just really had never interested him. He wasn’t the kind of person who jumped into the artistic madness. Instead he was used to finding himself on the sidelines. There was nothing wrong with being the audience member. He had to remind himself of that sometimes.
Michael used to imagine his high school life as a video game. Each day was a new level and each bully, teacher, or challenge another boss to beat. That made things relatively simple. Michael could mentally lay out each day as a battle him and his best friend would strategize through, dodging most of the damage and regaining their strength through eating copious amount of chips and drinking vintage soda on weekends.
It took a long time for him to realize that video games really were unrealistic.
So now the cafeteria floor in front of him morphed into a dimly lit stage. The loud, obnoxious high schoolers around him faded into backdrops and extras. Each role in this story was uniquely quirky and the plot was too messy to critique. Here Michael was audience member, leading role, playwright, and none of these all at once.
That was what high school felt like right now.
“No, Matt Smith is not a better Doctor than David Tennant,” Christine had her hands on her hips. Energy radiated around her. Michael hadn’t quite figured out how she managed to have so much all the time.
Christine Canigula wasn’t the first thing that came to mind when one pictured a leading lady. She could step into the role of one beautifully, but the hyper bubble around her blocked out the tailored behaviors Michael observed the other girls in their high school pick up. Still, that hadn’t stopped guys from noticing her. Well, Michael was pretty sure everyone noticed her energy. He wasn’t sure if that was what boys saw in her. He’d never been sure what normal boys saw in anyone.
“I didn’t say he was better,” Michael said back to her. “I just said that I liked him more.”
“That’s basically the same thing,” Christine liked dramatics as long as they weren’t real.
Since they started hanging out, the two of them had a handful of joke arguments they liked to dig up. He wasn’t sure they’d ever had a deep conversation, but that was alright. The stage was set for a comedy, and dwelling on deep details would slow the pace.
“Well, don’t you only like Tennant because he also played Hamlet?” Michael pointed out.
“He might be God,” her voiced lowered at that, an unwavering look settling in her eyes.
“I can’t tell if you’re joking,” Michael laughed.
“She’s not,” said the love of Michael’s life. Maybe using those words to describe Jeremy was a bit extreme.
Jeremy Heere was lead, in whatever show their high school was putting on and in the story that only existed in Michael’s mind. He’d occupied this role from the moment Michael met him back when they were seven, and the second he realized he was in love with him three years ago. Jeremy was the only real friend Michael ever had. Jeremy was one of the few people that Michael would do anything for. Jeremy was a mess in the most amazing and adorable way.
Jeremy was also heterosexual and dating Christine. But, hey, no one was perfect.
“I’ve asked several times,” Jeremy kept talking. “It’s not a joke.”
Michael nodded, his expression mirroring Christine’s mock serious one, before directing his attention back to the argument.
“Hey,” he started. “I’m just saying that if he had the same writers behind him more people would recognize how great Eleven was.”
“I can’t trust your opinion on anything anymore,” Christine shook her head.
“He did drink expired soda,” Jeremy chipped in. "So that’s not exactly a bad choice.”
“That was once,” Michael said in his defense.
“That we know of,” Jeremy replied. A grin played on his lips. Michael liked it when he smiled like that, even if it was at his expense. It made him feel like they were in on some private joke.
The smile faltered for a second. Michael followed his gaze to Christine who was currently staring at a handful of kids that had been in the most recent play. Even before Jeremy and Christine started dating, the three of them had never had a click. Christine used to go from group to group, Michael only knew this because Jeremy used to watch her back when he was still pining.
Back then Michael and Jeremy were just Michael and Jeremy. Now that there was three of them it felt less like a unit and more like an alliance. Sometimes that was great. Sometimes it wasn’t.
"Um, do you wanna sit with them?” Jeremy asked his girlfriend.
“No,” Christine snapped back into focus. “I was just spacing out.”
She dropped her tray at their now usual table. Jeremy sat next to her. Neither of them acknowledged the tension around them.
“I’m gonna get a yogurt,” Michael decided.
It was awkward enough witnessing an argument, but Jeremy and Christine didn’t argue. They just quietly waited for the other one to let go of whatever was bothering them, because Christine was too nice and Jermey was too afraid of confrontation.
“You can have mine,” Christine offered.
“That’s okay,” he tried.
“No, take it,” she dropped it on his tray. “I don’t like strawberry anyway.”
“Thanks,” Michael slid into the seat across from them. Successfully trapped in the uncomfortable air.
“Did you figure out what the spring show is?” Jeremy attempted to make conversation.
“Not yet,” the gleam in Christine’s eyes was back again.
They talked about this a lot. Christine was certain that she could convince their drama teacher to tell her what play they were doing in the next term. Jermey and Michael (but mainly Jermey) listened to her schemes of how to do this. It hadn’t amounted to anything, but she said it was only a matter of time.
Michael’s questionings to Christine’s plotting were cut off by the only other person in their school half as hyper as Christine approaching their table.
“Alana, hi,” Christine greeted Alana Beck.
Michael was pretty sure every show had a character like Alana. In this one, he wasn’t sure if she was a central role or occasional comic relief. Alana was someone who cared a lot about everything and might actually care about nothing. Michael had talked to her a handful of times, but he was pretty sure that was because Alana talked to everyone.
Right now her attention reached over him to Christine and Jeremy. As oddballs and outcasts went, Michael had always figured they stood out better than he did. For Jeremy this was mainly because of his girlfriend, and for Christine it was because of the never-dampened presence she carried with her.
“I wasn’t sure if you two saw the flyers I put up,” Alana was saying.
“For the talent show thing?” Jeremy asked.
“Holiday Concert,” Alana corrected.
“Oh, sorry,” he looked embarrassed. Michael knew that look well.
“That’s fine,” her smile didn’t falter. “I was wondering if I could count on you to prepare something? After your performance in the play last month I’d be happy to wave your audition.”
"That’s nice,” Christine started. “But we’re kinda more actors than musicians.”
“But you sang a little bit in the show,” Alana probably had that response preplanned. “It’s just like that but you won’t be a character.”
“That’s not exactly the same thing,” Jeremy stated.
“I’m sure you could do it,” Alana kept going. “And everyone loves seeing you two on stage together. It’s so motivating.”
“It is?” Something passed over Christine’s face that Michael knew he was the only one to catch.
“Sure,” Jeremy said. “We’ll figure something out.”
“Really?” Alana beamed. “Thank you so much.”
Once she was gone, Christine gave Jermey a pointed look.
“What?” He asked sheepishly. “She seemed kinda desperate.”
“Well she has to deal with all the kids who think that they can drop out of school and be rappers,” Michael voiced. He couldn’t think of many things that could get him to want to hold open talent auditions at this school.
"I’m not sure,” Christine started, but then turned to Michael. “Wait, they actually think that?”
“Oh yeah,” Micheal nodded.
“I can tell her we don’t want to,” Jermey was catching on now.
“No, no, it sounds fun,” Christine said too quickly.
The conversation stayed surface level for the rest of lunch. Christine usually left five minutes early since her next class was on the other side of campus and she liked to arrive early and prepared. Michael was usually a little bit late to his class after lunch. That was probably because he wasn’t entirely sure when lunch ended. He and Jermey usually gaged that off of about when everyone else left the cafeteria.
Jeremy was waving his hand in front of his face.
“Earth to Michael,” he drew out the words.
“What?” Michael blinked at him.
“Thought so,” Jermey grinned.
“What?” Michael asked again.
“You were spacing out,” Jeremy said triumphantly.
“Okay, Jere,” Michael just shook his head. “Hey, is everything alright?”
This probably wasn’t the best time. Truth be told, Michael wasn’t sure there ever was going to be a best time. They didn’t see as much of each other as they used to, and when they did checking in on Jermey didn’t feel the way it used to.
“Yeah, everything is great,” Jermey lied. Michael didn’t call him out this time. “You stressed about finals?”
“Nope,” Michael popped the ‘p.’
“Lucky,” Jermey huffed. “You free this weekend? We haven’t played video games in a while.”
That was because Jeremy usually wasn’t free on weekends anymore, but Michael wasn’t going to make a big deal about that. Jeremy had his life, Michael had his. He wasn’t going to be the sort of friend who sulked when Jermey wasn’t around. At least, he was going to try very hard not to be that friend.
“Yeah, I think so,” Michael nodded.
“Great,” Jermey beamed.
“Doesn’t Christine get really bored when we drag her to that stuff, though?” Michael didn’t want to be the reason they got into another awkward not-fight.
“Oh, she’s gonna be studying all weekend,” Jeremy stated.
“Smart,” Micheal commented.
“Yeah,” Jeremy nodded.
“I should do that,” Michael mused.
“Me too,” Jeremy hummed.
Their eyes met.
“So noonish?” Michael asked.
“You bring soda, I’ll bring chips,” Jeremy agreed.
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