#anti enjoltaire
theriverpointace · 3 months
1, 6 and 12 for that choose violence ask game ;)
1. the character everyone gets wrong. if i hear one more person blame paris for the trojan war i cannot be held responsible for my actions. admittedly this has gotten better since i started (a) reading more and (b) interacting with the (very few) paris-lovers of tumblr <3
6. which ship fans are the most annoying? mmm that's tough. and also colored by my aromantic way of reading old literature. i really don't like enjoltaire (from les mis). i don't understand why it's so popular. but everyone else loves it!!! so much!!! please help me. (also i read enjolras as aroace bc I'M aroace, so. there is that, too. tbh i think this one's on me but still.)
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them. my friend do you even have to ask???? you KNOW the answer to this!!! it's paris of troy ofc it's paris of mother-flipping troy. and as to why ... listen if you can read paris in anything (except for frigging DICTYS u g h) and not see how silly and dumb he is ... then i am so sorry (i am choosing violence) but you must be blind!! he's just a guy!!!! he keeps getting put in Situations!! and through all of these Situations he either stays bright and cheerful and positive (like when hector insults him in the iliad) or he starts crying (like in ovid's version of the judgement in heroides 16). like that's so relatable. anyways i like how this one connects to the first one. he is unpopular bc everyone gets him wrong. listen i love hector as much as the next guy here but he is Mean To His Siblings okay. he loves his family, he would (did) die for andromache and scamandrius, but he is a Mean Brother. personally this does not detract from his charm bc i am a Mean Sister so yk. i can relate. and also i think he probably doesn't understand (or like) the reasons paris has to do anything he does. but paris does have his reasons and unlike hector i DO understand and like and appreciate those reasons. please people i love paris so much he does not deserve the hate.
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a-la-sante-du-progres · 4 months
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"At the level of my bed, there are two flaming hearts, pierced by an arrow, and down "Love for life". The unlucky one didn't face a long engagement.
Beside [...]
And then again some flaming hearts, with this inscription, peculiar in a prison "I love and I adore Mathieu Danvin. JACQUES." "
From The Last Day of Condemned Man by Hugo, this proves this author didn't believe in heteronormativity that is didn't believe everyone to be straight. We don't know his opinions in detail - although I dare to say this reference is sad but casts sympathetic light on these Jacques et Mathieu. So when we read 1)Hugo is a XIX man, 2)can imagine only heterosexuality and 3)so every one of his characters is straight and 4)there is no gay subtext, at least the 2nd sentence is false, likely 3) and 4) as well.
We also should always remember that queerness being a modern trend and every person born before 1990 being homophobic or ignorant about the existence of queerness is at best queer presentism, more often homophobic propaganda which aim to paint queer themes as a fleeting modern delusion.
(Anyway this book is extremely important to read)
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carphoegras · 1 year
I don’t ship most of these myself , but your rant/ramble posts on Les Mis ships are funny so I genuinely wanted your opinion on these 👁
1. Enjoltaire
2. Valvert
3. Enjonine
4. Marisette (or whatever Marius x Cosette was called)
5. Javonine (Javert and…Eponine 😭)
6. Marionine (A name a just guessed for Marius x Eponine because I wasn’t bothered to look it up)
7. and uhhh.. Granjonine (I think that was the name)
well hello darling! i live to entertain lol lets get into it i might have to put this under a cut because i think its obvious i have a rambling issue
Enjoltaire : a classic for good reason. they seemed really base level to me at first because i watched the movie first, but once i read the brick and really saw their dynamic i fell for them HARD. for me the beauty of this pairing is really rooted in the substance of their individual characters as opposed to like a romantic relationship. idk its so difficult for me to verbalize why i love them so much i think i just love the idea of finding common ground despite difficulties. enjolras and grantaire mirror each other in such a beautiful way that i feel the musical/movie couldn't really capture without demoting it to a puppy love grantaire/mean enjolras dynamic idk i have such an issue with some portrayals of them because i feel like they create a victim/abuser situation where there wasn't one but that's like a whole post within itself anyway i feel like im getting incoherent i love exr with every fiber of my fucking being just read the brick if you don't get it ok the movie and musical just dont do it justice and for the love of god avoid the fics written in 2012/2013 after the movie hype its all wRONGGGG (i love you george blagden but you created a twink grantaire movement) (they pull each others pigtails okay its a mutual obsession) (enjolras why don't you just ignore him baby? glutton for punishment my dear we all know if you hated him you wouldn't let him hang around) (anyway) i should make a seperate post about my exr feelings bc i could talk ab them for hours
2. Valvert: okay this is where i feel like i can be unpopular with the fandom. i fucking hate this ship. like physically, spiritually, all that. its one of those that i kinda lose respect for the person bc its literally a cop/prisoner thing. its not enemies to lovers. its not a hate love thing. javert's a fucking cop. valjean is his victim. the whole idea of people romanticizing this makes me feel so insanely icky and i think the point of the story has just gone RIGHT over some folks' heads please take a step back and think about it. neolib behavior sorry not sorry
3. Enjonine: enjolras is gay. just like, straight up in the brick enjolras is a gay man. this ship is spawned from straight girls who saw aaron tveit and use eponine as their not like other girls posterchild. just a whole bunch of hetero nonsense. same behavior as the joseph quinn enj x reader bs. honey thats a homosexual man and can we please stop reducing eponine to needing a boyfriend she needs a stable home and a goddamn therapist fucking hell
4. Marisette: okay. i LOVE THEM. i'm a cosette stan myself, and i'm a huge fan of a gooey love at first sight situation. they contrast my love for exr in the sense that they're a very easy love. their parts in the book literally make me SWOOOOOON i can put aside my beef with marius as a combeferre kin to appreciate how sweet they are
5. Javonine??: im sorry wh aht. did the snape x hermione shippers leak into the lm fandom or am i being fucking punked im not discussing this its obvious why this is wrong please tell me its obvious y'all are NASTY
6. Marionine: eh. eh. i mean, like i said with enjonine eponine's problems are not gonna be solved with a dude. i'm really not opposed to them, persay, its just that eponine's love for marius is so incredibly dependent and rooted more in her personal trauma than actual love, so i feel a little weird with them sometimes. sometimes it just gives anti cosette vibes (cough cough bc of the bullshit love triangle angle that the musical markets cough cough) so i tread very carefully with them
7. Granjonine: again what in the damn hell. i'm not dignifying this shit they could be besties but for the love of god george blagden did a number on the straight girls. STOP PROJECTING ONTO EPONINE IM GONNA LOSE MY FUCKING MIND LEAVE HER ALONE
thanks for the ask lovely, i do love rambling even though these ships are baffling lmaoooo
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My Top Posts in 2022:
Here’s my take on the Les Mis official posts about the queen’s death
WHY ARE YOU ALL SURPRISED??? They posted when the UK celebrated the Jubilee. They posted about the wedding of Harry and Meghan. They literally performed a concert at Windsor Castle for the Queen years ago!!!! They’ve posted, and done things, in support of the monarchy many times.
Like WTF were you expecting when the show is produced by grumpy, white, old, monarchy-loving British men???? Those men DO NOT CARE that the whole point of Les Mis was being anti-monarchist. Because at the end of the day, they only care about the MONEY that will line their pockets, which is exactly what the Jubilee and the wedding brought them. Money from the thousands of tourists and UK natives who were in the city those two weekends.
These people DO NOT CARE about Victor Hugo’s message when he wrote the book. They do not care about the people that died 190 years ago in attempt to make their country a better place. Just like they don’t care about the thousands of people who have suffered under the British Monarchy’s rule. These people DO NOT CARE because they are greedy MFers, who just want to have more money.
I mean, are we forgetting that this same producer literally called casting trans people in shows a fucking gimmick??? Or closed the original production in favor of the 25th because it would save him money??? Like it’s been proven time and time again that Cam Mack is an asshole, who doesn’t care about anyone other than himself and is more concerned about how he can earn himself more money.
Like yes, call them out on the posts. Remind them what the show is about. But if you don’t think it won’t happen again during Charles’s coronation or even after that, think again because it will.
67 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
“Happy” Barricade Day, everyone!!! 🇫🇷🚩🇫🇷🚩🇫🇷🚩🇫🇷🚩🇫🇷🚩🇫🇷🚩🇫🇷🚩🇫🇷🚩
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See the full post
84 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
Since we are a little less than a month out from Barricade Day, and I know that lots of people are already working on their fics, fanart, fan edits, and everything in between.
I just wanted to send out this little reminder to the people who aren’t necessarily interested or don’t really have time to create something. Please do not feel pressured into creating fanfic, fanart, fan edits, whatever for Barricade Day. If you feel most comfortable just liking, reblogging/reposting other people’s posts, that’s okay. You can participate in this fandom on those days anyway that you want to.
89 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
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I knew it was coming, especially since they started teasing a big cast change in January/February, and I tried to prepare myself for it, but no preparation was enough for how sad and painful this was/is going to be. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
98 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
It’s that time again…
It’s June 1st (where I live) meaning General Lamarque died on this day and there’s only four days to go until we all hold hands (😉😉) and cry together over our beloved boys! Can’t wait to join in the sadness!
135 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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amethyinst · 4 years
fuck it im gonna try and write a 20,000 leagues AU w captain nemo enjolras and also its exr ofc
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assholemurphy · 5 years
this might be weird but do you have any fic recommendations that are like anti clarke
It’s not weird at all! I’m always willing to give fic recs for any category and asking for anti-Clarke fics, esp in these trying times, is absolutely understandable.
Sadly, there’s only two I know of, both on ao3 because I almost never use ff.net, and I’m terrified of wattpad. I only found them because they were tagged as such, but if I come across any others while reading fics (tho I mainly read Murphamy fics, so that’s what they’d be, most likely) I’ll post links to them or try to find posts for them already on tumblr if I can.
Here’s the ones I’ve found:
I’m Taking My Time by murphysarc - Murphamy, Memori, and (past) Milphy (nothing too shippy, though) - TWs for mentions/flashbacks of rape/torture and major character death - set around S4
Because of You by ErBearG32 - Murphamy (but it’s not actually shippy so much as very close friendship), Spacekru - TWs for major character deaths (already in canon, though) - Set post S5 - (This one is extremely anti-Clarke and I absolutely love it beyond words. It’s exactly what I hope happens at the beginning of S6, though I know it’s unlikely to actually happen.)
Both fics are good and def qualify as anti-Clarke, but I haven’t found many others, even in passing, not that I can remember, anyway. Hell, I rarely write anti-Clarke stuff, myself (mainly because I write modern!AUs more than anything, so I can fix her character and make her an actual friend to Bellamy like she should have been from the beginning, but if you’ve got a prompt for one, feel free to send it my way and I’ll do my best to fill it decently).
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The Les Mis Fandom Misled Me (Storytime)
Sometimes fanon gets WAY out of hand. Let me preface this by saying that I have so much respect for fanon and headcanons. People can entirely believe whatever they'd like and I'm not going to shame you for that. That being said, let me get on with the little fact about me.
Before I got into the Les Mis fandom itself, I got into the enjoltaire fandom and I looked into a ton of ships. There's a common trend I see of referring to Jehan with they/them pronouns and I see people saying Jehan is trans a lot which is something I think most everyone has seen. When I was first getting into it, I thought Jehan was canonically trans because SO MANY people were saying so. It took me forever to realize that wasn't true in canon. That being said, I don't personally refer to Jehan as they/them nor do I think he's trans. I completely support anyone who does, but it took me so long to realize that it was just fanon.
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Friendly reminder that this Barricade Day we aren’t going to make Enjoltaire fanfics romanticizing the current situation with police brutality and we will remember that as Les Miserables fans we should all support black lives matter, Les Miserables is anti-cops and pro-revolution, so if you’re all “uwu my revolution bois” but you don’t support real life revolutionaries marching for the right to not be killed then you aren’t a true Les Miserables fan.
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transrevolutions · 4 years
enjoltaire divergent!AU where Enj is the leader of Candor and R is a factionless man who sells art for a living
-Enj is obviously very vocal about how people treat the factionless and why does factionlessness even exist, it just seems like unnecessary discrimination etc. etc., you get the point.
-Obviously most of the others don’t like this but they put up with it because well he’s a Candor and Candor are honest even when you wish they weren’t
-R chose Dauntless but dropped out after being attacked by some other initiates and has been factionless ever since
-He sells art he paints for a living, off the side of the street but a lot of it has anti-faction messaging so ofc Jeanine doesn’t like that
-He always seems to pretty much never get caught because oh he’s just one person he won’t be able to pull anything off
-Enj goes on business to the factionless as part of his work and also because he wants the factionless to get some recognition for once
-He gets lost in the sector late at night and gets cornered in an alley by some people who try and beat him up for being ‘faction trash’, but R immediately recognizes the guy he’s seen on the news and helps him
-He ends up having a really interesting conversation with Enj about what it means to have factions
-Enj finds himself in the factionless section more than is strictly necessary 
-Enj is getting bolder with his speaking and he’s blatantly criticizing the faction system and no, Jeanine does not like that at all
-R’s art is also getting a lot more wild and rebellious in turn and he’s not being as careful as he should be
-Quick fluff break- there’s one night where R convinces Enj to come with him to the train tracks late at night and shows him how to ride them cause he used to be Dauntless
-It’s there when they have their first kiss 
-Okay back on track so they both are Divergent, Enj is Erudite, Candor, and Dauntless and R is Dauntless and Erudite. This is obviously something they have to hide and R is getting pretty worried about how open Enj is being, he’s already a target
-Enj in turn is worried about R because the Erudite are this close to catching up to the secrets he paints on abandoned buildings when nobody is around
-R thinks Enj would be in less danger if they disappeared to the factionless sector together but of course Enj isn’t giving up on his work
-It’s only a matter of time before Jeanine puts the pieces together and begins to suspect Enj and check his sim results
-R doesn’t get found out because he’s factionless and not monitored as closely. But when he hears that the Candor leader has disappeared he is terrified
-So he breaks his way into the Erudite headquarters by pretending to be a researcher
-He sees Enj under a simulation and Enj attacks him under the simulation because Jeanine has figured out one that can sometimes control the Divergent and calls R so many terrible things (insert Grantaire you are incapable of willing and breathing and living and dying) and R doesn’t know Enj is under a simulation until Enj finally manages to break free 
-At this point R’ s gone, not out of the building but down the hallway because he truly thought Enj meant all those things about him and that their whole relationship was some kind of activism stunt
-Then he hears Enj screaming because he just now realized everything he’s done 
-Jeanine decides to kill Enj because the simulation can’t hold him
-Then R snaps and runs out and reveals himself and then they have the permets tu moment
-Alternatively R manages to get Enj out before Jeanine comes back and they flee the city together and go to the fringe
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Grantaire or in case asked already, Cosette?
First impression: holy cats this guy does. not. shut. up. also, I thought the fandom was exaggerating about him being extremely gay for Enjolras, but wow they really were not.
Impression now: this is one heckin well-read dude who needs a therapist and possibly anti-depressants like. yesterday. failing that he needs to come up with some better coping mechanisms, but also, I can see why his friends like having him around even though he can be annoying. It also seems to me that he’s more likely bi than strictly gay going by the brick.
Favorite moment: I don’t think there’s a single person in this fandom who wouldn’t agree that OFPD is the best moment for him tbh. It’s so brief and so brilliant: his faith and love towards Enjolras as a person raise him up to heroic self-sacrifice, to the person he always had the potential to be, and completed both his and Enjolras’ story, showing Enjolras that the personal can be as transcendent as the political
Idea for a story: I’ve seen several “teenage Grantaire and teenage Lesgles meet in the streets of Paris and begin a ridiculous friendship” fics and I love every one of them. I don’t know if I’d write one myself, just because I don’t know whether I have the ability to write a brick!canon Grantaire fully in-character
Unpopular opinion: far from being unfairly mean, Enjolras has the patience of a saint to put up with All Of That for all those years, I’d have snapped WAY sooner and under way less serious provocation
Favorite relationship: I like Enjoltaire, but only when it’s messy and complicated and kind of uncomfortable because I don’t think that, as presented in-canon, it’s a very healthy dynamic. I LOVE it when it’s a bit messed up. I find it awkward and OOC when it’s cute and fluffy (this may also double as a second Unpopular Opinion)
Favorite headcanon: I’m always a sucker for Grantaire being actually artistic, but in keeping with my understanding of his character I prefer it to be that he has a bit of skill but got bored of studying and quit, and only bothers with it when he’s in the mood or if he feels like he could stand to make a bit of money by churning something out
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daisyvie · 4 years
les miserables
my favorite female character: cosette maybe?
my favorite male character: enj and taire
my favorite book/season/etc: N/A
my favorite episode (if its a tv show): N/A
my favorite cast member: probs george blagden bc of everything he contributed to the enjoltaire fandom that we will never be able to repay him for, also anne hathaway bc 👀
my favorite ship: enjoltaire
a character I’d die defending: cosette and marius deserve more love tbh
a character I just can’t sympathize with: i can sympathize with everyone honestly?? it’s just that type of story
a character I grew to love: javert
my anti otp: i feel like i’m cool with all ships honestly FHFH but also like...valjean x javert is a lil weird to me
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thaenatos · 6 years
Broke : Buying my party's magazine so I can read political articles and stay informed of internal debates
Woke : Buying it because there's a timeline of last year's protests and I still intend to write my enjoltaire anti Macron AU
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decembersiris · 6 years
Hey Guys
So I’m sure you’ve seen a bunch of enjonine hate going around... I’ve blocked a bunch of those assholes but they keep sprouting up. I’m so tempted to make a bunch of anti enjoltaire posts because of it... Anyway, stay strong enjonine shippers! You are beautiful! You are valid! Our ship still lives even after years of hate! We won’t sink just because dipshits exist! Let them stew and burn while we sail on!
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whourfeyrac · 2 years
Can I send you some of my les mis hcs? Idk what ships you prefer or not so I don’t wanna offend by sending one of your antis without knowing lol
ahh ofc yes please send me everything!! there’s not really any ships that i don’t like tbh- enjoltaire are my current favourite :))
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That seems like a reasonable response.
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