#andy hurley x reader fluff
suulponk · 2 years
Hai! I've decided to start a bandom writing blog!! :]
I'll write for any member of Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance and Cobra Starship! I do X Readers (any gender, but i prefer to write gn or male). I also do member x member. I do any genre!
When requesting specify the person, reader pronouns (if applicable), genre and any specific ideas you have! I will not do anything that could be deemed "proship" (incest, pedophilia, noncon/cnc, zoophilia [including furries]) and if you were going to request something along those lines please block me!
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mychemicalbarrett · 3 months
mychemicalbarrett's masterlist
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Gerard Way:
Mikey Way:
Nothing yet!
Frank Iero:
Ray Toro:
Nothing yet!
Pete Wentz:
Patrick Stump:
Nothing yet!
Joe Trohman:
Nothing yet!
Andy Hurley:
William Beckett:
Nothing yet!
Ryan Ross:
Nothing yet!
Dallon Weekes:
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A Little Less Talking - Andy Hurley x Reader
Request: I have a request and a question. First off, could you do an Andy x reader, but themed around the “A Little Less Sixteen Candles...” MV?
Warnings: vampires, blood, violence
Word count: 5 008 (I’m not even sorry)
It was a beautiful, clear night, the stars were sparkling mysteriously against the fabric of the sky and the moon was shining brightly enough for your walking figure to cast a faint shadow on the ground. None the less you felt uncomfortable. Something about the night felt wrong, causing you to shiver. You felt watched, as if hundreds of eyes were following your every move, as if claws were scratching over the hard stone of the old street, as if muscles tensed, preparing creatures to shoot out of their hiding any moment now.
With a sigh of relief you reached the black car and quickly slid into the passenger seat. The man behind the steering wheel glanced at you with raised eyebrows. Soft, ginger locks fell into his eyes, a pair of fragile glasses rested on his nose, and a piercing below his lower lip reflected a beam of light from the street lamps.
“Anything,” he asked expectantly, but your posture gave away that your trip to that shop had been unsuccessful.
“The guy wasn’t even real,” you scoffed, buckling in your belt, trying not to look at the man too long. Andy had been your friend for a long time, and together you had been through thick and thin, and now, right in the middle of the biggest vampire invasion America had ever seen, was hardly the right time to confess to him that your feelings for him reached far beyond simple friendship.
“But I thought-“
“He was fake, okay? I’ve seen fortune tellers and magicians before, and this dude is at best a wanna-be,” you exclaimed, rubbing your eyes in annoyance, “he- he didn’t even have any sage! I mean, come on!”
“Then we need to try the pharmacies again,” Andy mumbled, turning on the motor of the car.
“Or Patrick can find something else to substitute the stuff,” you suggested.
Andy nodded in agreement and pulled out into the street, but both of knew that a substitute would by far not have the same effect as the original ingredient.
Your eyes watched the bright moon that seemed to follow you on your way home while you thought back to the last weeks.
Patrick, Joe, Andy, and you had just come to a city, which had been overrun by vampires not too long ago. As hunters you had immediately gone to work, and it would have almost costed your neck. Going into a fight with too little information about your enemy was dangerous, as that night had proved to all of you. Had it not been for Pete, you might be vampires now too. He had saved you in the last second, what had surprised all of you enormously, considering he was a vampire himself. After his intervention he had been gone as quickly as he had appeared.
You, being the one with the best instinct for finding information, had started searching for him the next day, and eventually found the dark haired vampire in an old factory building. He had not expected you to find him, but seemed harmless, at least not aggressive towards you, and soon he told you his story.
He had been turned into a vampire by the leader of the Dandies gang, and was seeking revenge. Since the Dandies were the biggest vampire group in the city, you decided to work together, something all of you would profit from. Patrick had created a special drink for Pete, to slow down his not yet complete transformation, and to satisfy Pete’s thirst for human blood. Now after several weeks your stocks of some of the rarer ingredients were running out, so you and Andy had tried to find some place to refill the stocks. Usually everything you needed was easily found by fortune tellers or magicians who had an at least decent understanding of Herbology, but it seemed that there was no such person in this town, only a guy who had not even known what thorn apple was.
When you finally arrived at the abandoned factory in which you had put up camp, you climbed out of the car and shuffled to the huge door, and unlocked it, holding it open for Andy and you to slip inside the old building. The even rhythm of low blows of wooden sticks against targets was sounding from one corner of the hall, telling you that Pete was, once again, taking out his anger at some of the dummies Joe had found for training two weeks back.
Joe himself was seated on a worn down couch, lazily plucking the stings of his unplugged electric guitar, and Patrick was sitting at the desk close to the kitchen, a small lamp shining orange light at the notebook he was scribbling into.
At the sound of the door closing, his head shot up, expectant eyes meeting your tired ones.
“Total disaster,” Andy answered the unspoken question in Patrick’s eyes before you could.
With a disappointed sigh Patrick slumped back in his chair.
“Told you so.”
The strange sound of wood booming into dummies had stopped, and Pete stepped out of the shadows. He had dark circles under his eyes, more so than usually, the sleeves of his black and white striped shirt had been pushed up to his elbows, and a few sweaty strands of hair fell into his eyes.
“Back to the pharmacies then,” Joe asked, looking up from his guitar, and all of you nodded in defeat.
For a while the five of you stood, or in Patrick’s and Joe’s case sat, around in silence until you finally spoke up.
“I think I’m gonna go to bed, guys,” you let them know. “I’m super tired.”
They all nodded understandingly as you strode through the big hall, towards the stairs that led up to the second floor where a bunch of mattresses with blankets and old pillows acted as your beds.
Quickly you dressed into some shorts and an old t-shirt, which most likely belonged to one of your friends, and slipped under the slightly scratchy, wooly blanket that belonged to you.
Closing your from tiredness burning eyes, you listened to the sounds of the old building. Wind howled past the dusty windows, an owl was screeching not too far away, and in the distance you heard cars chasing down the highway, oblivious to the war that was going on in this city. The quiet voices of your four companions sounded up the stairs. You relaxed at the sound, knowing they were close by, that you were not alone.
You had almost fallen asleep, when the quiet steps of someone walking up the stairs pulled you out of the cozy sleepiness. Blinking through the dark you recognized the silhouette of Andy approaching the mattresses.
His voice was so quiet that you barely heard it.
A smile spread over Andy’s face, one that you could not see due to the lack of light.
“Just wondering if you were still awake,” he explained, now talking a bit louder.
“Yeah, just so,” you giggled, feeling heat creep into your cheeks, causing a comfortable warmth around your heart.
“Don’t give up on this thing,” Andy motioned around the room, but mostly referring to your failed mission of finding the last few ingredients for Pete’s potion, “we’re gonna make it somehow.”
You nodded, but remembered that Andy could not see you in the dark.
“I hope so,” you admitted, your voice quiet.
There was shuffling in the dark, most likely Andy changing into his short for the night. He never bothered wearing a shirt to sleeping anyway.
“I just wonder if I wasn’t persistent enough,” you confessed as Andy sat down on his mattress.
You thought back to the dimly lit shop you had been standing in only about an hour ago. There had been all sorts of crystals but most of the combinations had made no sense to you. The skull on the table had obviously been made out of plastic, and the candles had been electric.
“Don’t, don’t do that to yourself,” Andy whispered.
He pushed his mattress until it was right next to yours, and lay down, facing you in the dark.
“You had a hard night, and we can always go back to that shop to ask again.”
You nodded quietly, your breath hitching in your throat at the realization how close Andy was now to you. But he was right, you could always go back there, and you really had had a shitty night. It had started out with an ambush by a few vampires while you had been observing the Dandies, then you had almost been killed by some overenthusiastic wanna-be Dandy, and right before your unsuccessful trip to the shop, Andy and you had run into a very human group of muggers that had not been very impressed by the splashes of holy water you had given them. Instead you had ended up with a deep cut on your left arm that had been cared for by Andy before you had driven off to the shop.
You took a deep breath, and snuggled into your pillow, wishing it was Andy. As if he had heard your thoughts, he reached out a hand, and placed it on your shoulder. As tired and sleepy as you were, your heart still shot up into your throat.
When you did not pull away or shake him off, Andy scooted closer, until he could wrap his arms around you. Protectively he pulled you into his bare chest, allowing you to snuggle close against him. His warmth and the familiar smell engulfed you, making you feel safer than you had felt in a long time, and even though your heart was still beating in a quick pace, you closed your eyes, and placed a hand next to your face against Andy’s inked up chest. A smile tucked at his lips when he felt you relax into his embrace, and he lazily drew small circles into your back until your breathing had turned deep and calm, and he was sure you had fallen asleep.
If it had been up to Andy, he would have stayed like this forever, preferably even longer. For weeks, months, (or was it years?) he had imagined holding you like this, and even though he had no clue where he had taken the courage from to actually initiate this, he was glad he had done it. Not for one second you had seemed to be opposed to his presence, and this gave him hope that you might one day requite his feelings.
When you woke up the next morning, the sun beams danced through the old windows, and tickled your nose playfully. Remembering how you had fallen asleep last night, you smiled to yourself, and lazily turned around wanting to greet Andy, but the mattress next to you was empty and cold. Still sleepy, you sat up and looked around. Neither Joe nor Patrick were on their mattresses and Pete’s box in which he always slept was open. For several seconds you sat quietly in your bed, trying to hear if one of the boys was around, but the building was quiet. There were no sounds of fight practice, pen scribbling, guitar string pulling, cooking or eating; only the increased sounds of the city during the day.
Slightly concerned you got up and climbed down the stairs into the hall. No one was there. You strode over to the kitchen counter on which you found a note. Patrick’s handwriting had never been the neatest, but the scrawniness of this note showed you that it had been written in a hurry.
“Got a call, we’ll be back by morning!”
You blinked a few times before your eyes wandered to the clock by the stove. It was way past noon. Something must have happened. They were never late.
You felt panic rise in your chest, but immediately forced yourself to fight it down. Panicking would help nobody. As quickly as your feet allowed, you raced back up the stairs, and threw on your clothes, before you equipped yourself with every weapon you could find, that would not draw too much attention to you.
You were just about to leave the factory, when your eyes fell on a few grey balls that were resting on a table in the very back of the room. It had been a thing Joe had worked on for the past days, a sort of grenade only that it did not explode to harm humans, but to harm vampires. His many tests in the training area had caused Pete to almost go on a rampage, since he absolutely did not like the steamed up holy water and the intense smell of garlic that filled the building every time Joe threw one of his inventions to test them. You had been eager to try them out, but Joe had insisted that they were not ready yet. He said they might be unstable, might blow up to early, or too late, so you should not take them into real fights yet, but now, that you were all on your own, you had to take all the help you could get.
Quickly you stuffed the two dozen grey, tennis ball sized weapons into a backpack, then you hurried out into the streets.
As expected, the black car, in which Andy and you had been driving around yesterday, was gone. Questioningly you looked up and down the street, before you decided to start your journey into the direction of the center of the town.
Your shoes hit the pavement in an even pace as you walked down street after street, checking every car you saw, searching for the familiar black one. Heavy clouds pushed in front of the sun, dimming the light, and the nervousness crept back into you. You had to find your friends, you had to find Andy. But what if something had happened to them? What if the Dandies had gotten their hands on them?
You quickly pushed the thought out of your mind, and instead focused on checking the cars again, but your steps involuntarily sped up none the less. You had just rounded the next corner, when suddenly something seemed off.
At first you could not exactly tell what it was, but then you saw the strange dent in a car parked on the other side of the junction. From there you spied broken glass on the road, several dark spots on the asphalt that suspiciously resembled dried blood, and when your eyes continued wandering down the road, you spied a wooden stake laying in the gutter, a stake like your group used to train with, one like the ones Pete had thrown at the dummies yesterday night.
A fight had taken place here; that much was obvious to you. And you hardly doubted that your friends had not been involved.
Right next to you, an elderly woman just walked out the house. Taking the opportunity you called for her, hoping to get some information about what happened here.
“Oh, there was a big fight here tonight,” she told you knowingly, obviously happy to have found someone to share gossip with. “You know, gangs or something. There’ve been many gangs around lately.”
“What kind of gangs,” you asked, feeling your heart beating nervously against your ribcage.
“Oh, some black folks were there, some guys with spiky hair and some with coats, canes and white hats. Oh, and these boys!”
Your heart sunk at her description. ‘These boys’ were definitely your friends, and the group she had described wearing hats and carrying canes were most likely the Dandies.
“What happened then,” you questioned, wiping your sweaty hands at your jeans.
“There was lots of screaming. The fight was quiet brutal,” she nodded thoughtfully, wetting her old lips with the tip of her tongue, “and then the police turned up, and arrested them all.”
“The police,” you wondered.
“Yes, the police. Arrested the whole lot, I think.”
You could literally feel the wheels in your head working. The police station was not very far from here, and of one thing you were certain: the police was definitely infiltrated by the Dandies.
“Thank you,” you mumbled, still deep in thought when you turned away.
“Feel free to come over anytime if you want to know more,” the old lady shouted after you while you started sprinting down the street, closer and closer to the police station.
Out of breath, beads of sweat building on your forehead, you crotched down behind some trash cans. Carefully you glanced out from behind your hideout watching the entrance of the station. How far could you get before the vampires would notice you were a hunter? There did not seem to be many policemen around, and you were pretty certain that those who entered and left the building were no vampires, simply due to the fact that while clouds were covering most of the sky, the persistent beams of the sun still occasionally found their way to the ground.
You put down the backpack and stuffed as many of Joe’s weapons into the pockets of your trousers and your coat as possible. The rest of the balls got stuffed into the outside pockets of the backpack, so you could easily reach for them.
Taking one last deep breath, and trying to tame your hair a little, you got up from the floor behind the trashcans, and casually strode towards the entrance of the police station.
Much to your surprise, you were not stopped by anyone, so you pushed open the heavy, wooden door, and entered the inside of the station, just as the first drops of rain started falling onto the pavement outside. Looking around, you spotted a counter, behind which a young police woman had taken place. A quick glance to her mouth later you knew she was just a human, so you walked over, and put on a friendly but apologetic smile.
“How may I help you,” she asked, looking up to you.
“Hi,” you greeted. As long as you could do things the official way, you would, but if necessary, you were ready to break the one or the other law to get your friends to safety. “I think some of my friends got arrested yesterday, and I was wondering if I could visit them, or pay a bail or anything?”
The woman nodded. “What are their names?”
“Andrew Hurley, Joeseph Trohman, Peter Wentz and Patrick Stump,” you answered, watching her flip through a book until her searching eyes came to a stop on a few names.
“Yes, they have been brought in tonight, but-“
“It’s okay, I’ll show you where they are.”
A hand got placed on your shoulder, and you whipped around, staring into the face of a policeman, a policeman with milky white eyes, and a lower lip that got dented in slightly by too long canine teeth.
You immediately tensed up, but allowed the man to lead you down a corridor anyway. The further you got moved into the building, the more policemen you spotted, and much to your concern there were increasingly many vampires with them.
Your weak hand slipped into your pocket, and you felt for one of the balls, just to be ready, in case you needed to be. And all of a sudden you spotted a sparkling ring with many keys, loosely tucked into the back-pocket of a vampire you would walk by in a second. Without the time to think much about the plan that suddenly materialized in your head, you skillfully slipped your free hand around the keys, muffling their jangle, and pulled them out of the vampire’s back pocket. Much to your surprise they were not fixed on a chain; and nobody seemed to have noticed your little theft.
This was easier than expected. Pete really had been right when he had told you about how arrogant these vampires were, they were arrogant enough to believe that no one would dare breaking into their fortress that they had hidden inside the police station.
Before you even knew it, the policeman came to a rest, his hand still on your shoulder.
“Here we are,” he grinned.
Behind the bars of an arrest cell, your four friends looked up at you. Pete was sitting on the floor, his head leaning against the wall, his eyes closed. Joe and Patrick sat on a bench, shoulder at shoulder, and Andy was standing, leaning against the outside wall.
Four pairs of eyes widened at the sight of you, and they all jumped up in surprise.
“Are you guys okay?”
Pete nodded quickly, and Joe and Patrick did too.
“Got a little scratch here,” Patrick mentioned, tilting his head, allowing you to spot the two red spots at the sight of his neck; bite marks.
“We’ll fix that up later,” you promised him with a comforting smile, even though your heart sunk a little. But with the experience and help from Pete, you hoped you were able to get Patrick patched up as good as possible.
The only one in the cell, who had not yet answered, was Andy. Your eyes flickered to the red head who had a soft smile on his face.
His smile broadened slightly when your eyes met his, and even though this was definitely not the right time, your heart skipped a beat.
“I’m fine,” he whispered, his soft voice sending shivers down your spine.
“You done?”
The harsh voice of the vampire behind you reminded you of his presence again.
“Could we… could we please have a moment to ourselves,” you asked, turning around to face him.
He scoffed.
“Enough chitter-chatter,” he growled, his hand shooting forwards, and closing around your upper arm, yanking you away from the cell. “Time’s over.”
You had waited for this the entire time, so you were prepared when you got pulled back. With a swift motion you pulled out one of the balls Joe had built, and threw it on the floor. A crack signaled you that the weapon had been activated, and immediately thick, white fog spread into the air, smelling of hot garlic. Pete quickly covered his nose while the policeman coughed and staggered away from you. Making sure he would leave you alone for a little longer, you grabbed one of the stacks that had been hidden underneath your jacket, and skillfully threw it with as much force as you could summon. Knowing the stack had hit its target, the chest of the vampire, you turned around before he even sunk to his feet, and pulled out the ring with the keys that you had snatched from the other guard.
“Hurry up,” Joe mumbled as you tried out key after key, none matching the lock on their cell.
“Come on, come on,” you whispered, you fingers shaking with nerves. “Oh come ON!”
“Shshsh, calm down,” Andy cooed sweetly.
You had your forehead pressed against the bars, while your fingers tried out key after key. Andy had leant against the bars as well, his warm skin a strange contrast to the cold of the metal.
“Watch out!”
Pete’s warning was just in time for you to spin around and ram one of your stacks into the chest of a vampire which had fought its way through the still thick fog. You barely noticed how the enemy sunk to its feet, just like the first one had done seconds ago, you had already turned back to the lock.
Your heart was beating so hard that it almost hurt, breathing was difficult with so much water in the air, not to mention the stinging sensation of the garlic, and you almost felt like you were going to faint any second from all the stress, when suddenly one of the keys easily glided into the lock.
“Got it,” you cheered, quickly unlocking the door, and pulling the keys off before letting your friends step out.
“Which way,” Joe asked, looking up and down the corridor, but only being met with white fog.
“I came from there,” you explained, ready to get going back into the direction you had come from when you suddenly heard the drumming of feet on the cement floor.
Without any more talking, the others turned around, and started running the opposite direction. Andy had grabbed your hand, and pulled you after him mercilessly. Soon you had escaped the cloud that the steam bomb had caused, so hoping it would slow down your persecutors, you grabbed a second one from your pocket, and threw it behind your back, hearing the hot steam escaping its vessel again.
Patrick pointed to a couple of doors that had toilet signs on them. Pete and Joe immediately pushed through the door, cheering when they discovered a small window that lead out into the street.
“We can get out through here,” Pete announced, coughing again from the garlic steam that had not only affected the guards but him as well. Luckily Patrick still seemed unaffected by it.
“You go on, I’ll make sure to keep them away,” you told Andy, pushing him away from you towards the bathroom, turning back to face the corridor that was covered with fog.
“I’m not leaving you,” Andy protested, grabbing your hand again.
“Go on,” you shouted at him, grabbing another steam bomb in the one, and another stack in the other hand.
“No, (y/n), I’m not-“
“Piss off!”
From beyond the fog you heard the booming of heavy boots thumping closer and closer, accompanied with coughing and sneezing, whines and curses.
“(y/n), listen, I-“
“Andy for fuck’s sake!”
“I love you, okay? I love you! And I need you to know that because-“
“Guys, where are you, we’re outside already,” Joe’s voice sounded over the approaching turmoil.
“A little less talking, a little more running,” you hissed at Andy, turning to the bathroom and pushing him in before you.
Insisting you should go first, he helped you up to the window still from which you threw a last steam bomb into the bathroom before jumping out into the street. Andy followed in less than a second.
“Come on!”
Andy grabbed your hand again, and together you followed Joe, Patrick and Pete down a few streets.
“There it is,” Patrick cheered, quickly unlocking the car in front of which he had stopped.
Quickly he jumped into the driver’s seat, Joe and Pete somehow so busy getting into the car that they managed to squeeze into the passenger seat together, and Andy and you scrambled into the back.
You had not even pulled the door close, when Patrick already sped off, causing the door to slam shut and you to fall sideways on Andy, who quickly wrapped his arms around you.
For a few minutes there was a tense silence in the car until Patrick turned to the highway. And suddenly Pete started laughing. Breathless laughter of relief escaped his throat while he was squeezed between the car door and Joe.
Then realization hit you, too. You made it. You made it. You had broken out your friends, you were safe. You were safe, and on your way out of this town, at least for now. You were safe.
Joe, Patrick, Andy and you joined Pete’s laughter until all of you were out of breath. Patrick wiped away some tears of laughter while he raced down the highway, out of the city, heading straight for the horizon, and Andy had his face buried in your neck, his hot breath causing your skin to tingle, while his arms were still tightly holding onto you.
When your fits of laughter had died down, and Pete and Joe somehow managed to find a good position to sit in the passenger seat together, you were still cuddled against Andy’s body, lying diagonally across the back seat.
For the past few minutes three words had been tumbling around in the back of your mind, and now that the adrenaline from the chase was starting to subside, you had finally time to concentrate on these words.
Andy had sat up slightly, his back resting against the car door, his head leaning against the window.
Lifting your head up from his chest, you looked up at him, finding him already staring at you.
A smirk etched itself onto your face as you sat up a little, and scooted closer to Andy’s face.
“Guess what,” you whispered, your face so close to Andy’s that you could feel the heat his skin was radiating.
His blue-grey eyes darted from your eyes too your lips and back, hopeful yet with an underlying fear of the words with which you might destroy the dream that had become so much more tangible since last night.
“I love you too.”
His eyes sparked up and a smile as pure and honest as you had never seen it before stretched over his face before he quickly leant forward, pressing his hot lips eagerly against yours, making sure you were really there, really feeling the same for him, and you did. One of his hands tangled in your hair, pulling you indefinitely closer to him, while your finger twisted into his shirt.
Joe and Pete had secretly watched the interaction from the front, and gave each other an approving nod before giving the two of you as much privacy as the car allowed. The three in the front had known it would only be a matter of time until either you or Andy would break and confess their feelings.
So while the rain that had started when you had entered the police station, picked up and streamed down heavily against the wind shield, Patrick confidentially steered the car towards a still unknown future. In the back, Andy and you shared sweet kisses, some more passionate and demanding than others, as if trying to make up for lost time, desperate to make each other understand just how much you really needed them.
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thepatricktreestump · 7 years
So Close: Andy Hurley fanfiction
Y/N: Sorry for all the smut lately, like I said, I’ve got a heck ton of smut requests in the box!!! Just going in order and trying my best to crank them out for y’all! Also I’m sorry this took such a long time. I love you guys! xoxo
Anonymous said: Could you please write an Andy Hurley smut where he's feeling extremely insecure because no matter what he does because he can't get the reader to cum. So he goes out of his way to show the reader how good he really is ;), but some real fluffiness at the end with cuddles. Female reader please. Thank you! I love your blog.
*female reader smut
Cup of coffee on the table, dressed in comfy clothes, scrolling through the social media on your phone, your thoughts lingered elsewhere. It was a Friday morning, you had a day off work, and you planned on spending it lounging around the apartment, listening to some music from one of your favorite chill playlists, hopefully just relaxing and unwinding for the weekend. Your boyfriend Andy was out at the gym for the morning which meant you were left alone, enjoying a nice warm shower alone, making homemade coffee just the way you liked it, however unable to concentrate. Last night was the first night you and your boyfriend had sex together, and although it was amazing, it wasn’t quite the way you had both expected. After almost an hour of teasing and kisses and fingering and eating you out and then fucking you, he couldn’t get you to cum. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to. Hell, you were trying so hard, but for some reason you couldn’t. And the two of you, although pushing the fact aside and deciding to make out before falling asleep in each other’s arms, couldn’t quite seem to figure out who was to be held responsible. It wasn’t horrible, you loved every second of it, but you could tell he was somewhat disappointed, unsure whether it was in himself or you.
He opened up the door, probably home from his daily work out, and jolted you awake from your thoughts. “Hey babe,” you plastered on a smile. “How’d it go?”
“Great,” he grinned, walking over to you and giving you a hug.
“Ew you’re all gross and sweaty,” you joked.
“I can make you all gross and sweaty too,” he smirked. “If you’d like that.”
“Yeah?” you raised an eyebrow.
“Definitely,” he chuckled. “Come here, baby.”
“If you say so,” you grin, kissing him on the lips, watching as he dropped his sports bag on the floor to wrap his arms around your waist. His tongue slipped into your mouth, your hands sliding down his chest, subconsciously tracing the outline of his tattoos. His fingers crawled underneath your t-shirt, moving higher and higher, breaking the kiss to tug it up off your head before reconnecting your lips, his hands gravitating towards your breasts, slipping his hands under your bra and massaging them softly.
“Andy,” you moaned his name and he squeezed harder, his thumbs brushing across your nipples as your hands trailed down to the waistband of his shorts, tugging them down his legs and grazing your fingers over his crotch. He was growing hard already. You wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him closer to you, pressing his body against yours, and he tossed off your bra, pressing his hands against your back and sliding his tongue against yours. You tugged down his underwear and he slid off your panties and sweats in one swift motion, making you gasp. Noticing you were both naked now, he smirked, pulling away from the kiss and his lips curling into a smile.
“Are you hot and sweaty now?” he chuckled. “Come on, I think we could both use a shower.”
“More,” you begged, pulling his head back closer to yours for a kiss. “I want more.”
“I have to go to the studio soon baby,” he shook his head but you stared up at him with pleading eyes. “Well I guess we have some time, I mean…” You bit your lower lip and softened your expression, knowing he was going to give in right away. “You know what? Fuck it.” He kissed you again, this time with twice as much ferocity, picking you up and setting you on the couch underneath him, his erection brushing up against your stomach, only turning both of you on even more.
“Let me on top,” you whispered, and he nodded slowly, flipping over so you were laying on top of him, trailing kisses from his chest down lower until you placed your lips at his cock, licking from down to up, positioning your hands at his hips as you took him into your mouth, watching him start to shake underneath you as your tongue circled around his head.
“Dammit baby,” he groaned, slowly grabbing fistfuls of your hair and sinking deeper into your mouth, your tongue sliding up and down his shaft. “You’re so good.” You bobbed your head several times before pulling away, licking your lips and crawling back on top of him, taken by surprise when he started to flip you over again so you were on the bottom.
“Shit,” you mumbled, his mouth on your neck as he reached two fingers down to brush past your folds, sliding past your wetness and fingering you for a moment before drawing them out and sucking on them, closing his eyes.
“You’re so sweet and tight, baby,” he sighed. “And so fucking wet. I’d love to get inside you right now.”
“Then do it,” you urged. “I want to feel you.”
“You sure?” he raised an eyebrow. “You don’t want me to finger you nice and slow first?”
“I want you to fuck me,” you begged. “I need you inside me.”
“Say no more,” he smirked, pushing into you and watching as a moan escaped your mouth. “You like that, huh?”
“I fucking love it,” you responded, pulling him even deeper before he began to thrust into you at a slow pace, sighs and moans spilling from your mouth. “Oh fuck, Andy.”
“Come on baby,” he urged, starting to go quicker. “You going to cum for me?”
You nodded your head, trying to catch your breath as he thrust into you, and you tried to cum, you were close, but you couldn’t seem to do it. “Fuck,” you bit down on your lower lip, rolling your hips up to meet his every time, but still not able to quite get there.
“I’m almost there,” he panted out, still sliding in and out of you. “Come on, sweetheart.”
“I’m trying,” you barely whispered, cheeks reddening as he quickened his pace and came, making you gasp, but still unable to orgasm. After a couple more minutes of fucking you, he finally gave up, pulling out and closing his eyes. You swallowed uncomfortably as he wrapped you in his arms. You laid there in silence for a couple moments before Andy took a deep breath.
“Am I doing something wrong?” he murmured.
“What?” you softened your eyes. “No, no, baby, you’re not doing anything wrong.”
“I don’t know,” he mumbled. “I just want to make you feel good.”
“You do,” you insisted, looking up at him. “I love you. I love everything about you, especially the sex. Okay?”
“Yeah,” he nodded slowly. “I just want to get you to orgasm.”
“It’s fine,” you reassured. “We’ll get there, it just takes time.”
“Okay,” he gave a defeated sigh. “Um, I think I’m going to go take a shower.”
“You want me to join?” you suggested, but he shook his head.
“I have to be at the studio in ten minutes,” he argued, unwrapping his arms from around you and getting up off the couch, scooping up his clothes and handing you yours. “It’s fine, it’s got to be quick.”
“Oh, okay,” you replied, staring at him for a moment before sliding on your underwear. “Uh, have fun.” When Andy left for the studio, you sat home and tried to think it over. What were you doing wrong? It wasn’t like you hadn’t been able to cum before. You closed your eyes, embarrassed at your failure, and let out a low sigh. Maybe you were right, it just took time.
And while it did take time, you had no idea how much time it would take. It seemed like no matter what happened, you couldn’t cum to save your life when having sex with Andy. He tried eating you out after coming home from the studio, fucking you again later that night, and even the next night, and then fingering you before a show… No matter what he did, it seemed like nothing worked. While you blamed yourself, he blamed himself. You tried your hardest and he was giving you plenty of chances, but you just couldn’t, and you didn’t know why. You even went as far as Googling ways to help you orgasm, and Andy even suggested maybe buying a vibrator or something, but you decided against it. You kept saying it just took time, that you’d get there eventually, but you started to doubt yourself. Maybe you just didn’t have the chemistry you thought you did with Andy. It wasn’t like you didn’t enjoy the sex you had with him, you fucking loved it. You just didn’t know how to finish. And you hated it. It made you embarrassed and guilty, and Andy couldn’t help but feel like it was his fault, no matter how many times you reassured him it wasn’t.
It was couple days later, a large handful of failed attempts come and go, when you were kissing Andy in bed. His shirt was off and so was yours, and you were ready, you had a feeling like this would be the time, that for sure you’d be able to orgasm, but as soon as his lips trailed down your neck, he pulled back, closing his eyes tight and then exhaling slowly, climbing up off of you. “D-did I do something wrong?” you stammered. “I’m sorry.”
“No,” he shook his head. “I just, um, I don’t know.”
“Andy-” you tried to grab his arm but he shrugged it off, sitting on his side of the bed and burying his face in his arms. “Baby, it’s not your fault. Come on, please. Let’s try again.”
“I don’t know,” he whispered.
“Is it me?” you dared to ask but he instantly shook his head.
“No, it’s not you,” he reassured. “It’s me.”
“That’s not true,” you argued but he just sighed. There were several moments of silence before he slid back underneath the blankets. You tried slipping your arms around his waist but he shook his head and you recoiled your hands, frowning at the way he didn’t want you to touch him. So you slept on your two separate sides of the bed, both of you guilt ridden and confused and exhausted, unable to sleep but not wanting to disturb the uncomfortable silence either, afraid you’d fuck things up even more than they already were.
The next morning you noticed Andy softly snoring beside you, and you decided to wrap your arms around him, kissing his back softly. “Good morning,” he chuckled, turning over and kissing you on the lips. “Look, I’m sorry about yesterday.”
“It’s fine,” you answered. “Don’t worry about it.”
“I um, I’m going to go get some breakfast with Pete,” he explained. “I’ll be back in a couple hours. That okay?”
“Yeah, no problem,” you gave a light smile. “I’ll just take a shower and fix up a bowl of cereal. Maybe we can watch Game of Thrones when you come home. I know it’s your favorite.”
“That sounds great,” he nodded. “Don’t start without me.”
“I won’t,” you rolled your eyes, giving him a kiss on the cheek before he rolled out of bed and you closed your eyes, going back to sleep. When you woke up, it was to your phone going off. You yawned, lazily sitting up in bed and grabbing your phone, reading Andy’s name on the screen before picking up. “Hello?” There was nothing. “Hey.” A muffle of voices.
“Yeah, but I don’t know if that would work,” Andy’s distant voice was talking. He probably butt-dialed you. It happened occasionally, usually when his phone was in his pocket and he forgot to turn it off or something.
“Hey Andy,” you laughed, in an attempt to see whether or not he was just stalling. The muffle of voices continued and you shook your head, about to hang up, when something caught your ear.
“Maybe you just don’t fuck her good enough,” a voice suggested. You froze. Did you hear that right?
“Come on Pete,” Andy scoffed. “You know I do.” You swallowed uncomfortably before moving the phone closer to your ear.
“Yeah but I don’t know,” you could practically envision Pete shrugging before taking a sip of his coffee. “What if you’re doing something she doesn’t like?”
“Well I’m sure y/n would tell me,” he replied. “Uh, right?”
They were talking about you. Did Andy set this up? Is that why he and Pete were having breakfast this morning? So they could talk about his sex life? You groaned, almost wishing to hang up the phone, somewhat disappointed that Andy would even stoop down to this level. Then again, you’d probably do the exact same thing in his situation. Pete was practically a sex expert at this point, seeing how many girls he’s gone through in the past couple of months, and you did have to admit, something went wrong along the lines of your relationship with Andy. Maybe Pete had some good advice. You didn’t really know what to think. You reeled yourself back into the situation, deciding to listen in for a little while before hanging up. “Maybe you should try dirty talk,” Pete decided.
“We already do that,” Andy sighed.
“I’m pretty sure you don’t,” Pete chuckled.
“Well we communicate and stuff,” Andy argued. “Sexually.”
“Have you ever called her a slut?” Pete inquired.
“What? No!” Andy instantly retorted. “I would never!”
“I don’t know, some girls like it,” Pete insisted. “They think it’s hot.”
“But she’s not a slut,” Andy protested. You blushed at the thought of him even contemplating the idea. Andy was always so sweet and kind despite his intimidating physical appearance. But perhaps Pete was right. Andy was being too nice and slow in the bedroom, taking too much care, being a little over cautious. Maybe if he just let a little loose, got sort of rough, forgot about the whole gentle thing… I mean, you couldn’t even recall a time that Andy left a hickey on you or scratch marks.
“I know,” Pete groaned. “It’s just a thing I guess.”
You closed your eyes tight, almost unable to keep listening to them go back and forth. “Hey what time is it?” you heard Andy wonder, and you inhaled a sharp breath, knowing he was most likely taking his phone out of his pocket. “Oh shit.”
“Oh shit what?” Pete asked.
“I think I accidentally called y/n,” Andy hissed.
“What do you mean?” Pete laughed. “You fucking butt-dialed her?”
“I think so,” Andy gulped.
“Well put it to your ear! See if she’s listening!” Pete urged. Your heart raced just thinking of what was about to happen. “Uh, hello? Y/n?” You stayed silent. “You there?” No response. “Huh.” He hung up and you exhaled, a huge weight taken off your chest. Maybe he thought it was just a glitch or something. You decided to play it off if he ever asked.
You decided to clear your head, making yourself a bowl of cereal, watching the morning news, taking a warm shower, and then putting on some music, laying down on the couch and scrolling through some old photos on your phone. They were mostly just silly little selfies you took when you were bored, a couple adorable ones of Andy when he wasn’t looking, priceless snapshots of some dinner dates and vacations you had gone on with him, as well as the handful of pictures you managed to get when you went to his shows. That’s when the door swung open and you looked back, shutting off you phone. “Hey there,” you smiled. “How’d breakfast go with Pete?”
“Uh, it was okay,” he nodded nervously.
“Something bothering you?” you inquired, noticing he way his eyes shifted uncomfortably away from yours.
“Nothing,” he reassured.
“You want to watch some Game of Thrones?” you raised an eyebrow, hoping to help relieve the tension in the air.
“Yeah,” he nodded eagerly, relaxing his shoulders and putting a smile on his face. “That sounds great.”
Both of you ended up cuddling on the couch underneath a blanket, binge watching an entire season all day, only getting up to eat ice cream and sandwiches from the kitchen or to go use the bathroom. Occasionally you’d give each other a light kiss on the cheek or lips, or he’d tickle your side teasingly, or even play with your hair as both of your eyes were fixed on the screen. You were starting the next season when Andy’s lips found your neck, and you pretended not to notice, keeping your eyes focused on the screen. His tongue slid against your skin and you shivered, still trying to ignore him but his hands gripped your hips, and shifted you onto his lap, and you could feel the hard on underneath his shorts. “Andy,” you whispered his name in a low voice. “Come on, we’re watching the show.”
“Hmm?” he hummed against your skin, lips trailing down your neck, sucking hard and probably leaving marks. He had never done something like this before, and you could tell this entire persona was new, the whole dominant side, especially by the way he gripped your hips and began to rock his erection back and forth against your ass.
“Fuck,” you let out a moan as he dug his fingernails into your hips, tilting your head up to let it fall on his shoulder.
“You like that?” he mumbled.
“I love it,” you nodded, taking a deep breath before rearranging yourself on his lap so that you were facing him, and he smirked before you placed your lips on his. He slipped his tongue into your mouth, your core pressing down onto his erection with each rock of your hips, and he began to slide his hands up your back, breaking the kiss only a moment in order to toss it to the ground, then unhooking your bra as well.
“Lay down on the couch for me,” he instructed. You did as told and he stood up from the couch, undressing himself as you tossed the blanket aside and laid down, eyeing him and biting down on your lower lip before he got on top of you, kissing you again and leaving hickeys all over your neck and breasts and stomach, surprising you at his reckless pace and aggressive movements. You liked this new side of him. It was different. He violently tugged down your pants and then your panties, the rough actions making you gasp, and he gave a sly smile, eyes flickering up to you before his tongue slid past your folds, making you moan. He had never been this strong or wild when handling your body before. You loved it.
“I’m close,” you warned as you neared your climax, him still eating you out. “God, that feels so good. Shit.” You were about to orgasm when he pulled away, and you widened your eyes, watching as he chuckled softly.
“You really think I’d let you go that easy?” he wondered.
“I was so close,” you insisted. “Honest. For the first time I think I could’ve-”
“Oh I know,” he reassured. “But if you’re going to finally orgasm for me, it better be around my cock.”
“Fuck Andy,” you closed your eyes as he crawled on top of you again. “You’re so hot like this.”
“Look who’s talking,” he reminded and you blushed, watching as he lined himself up with your entrance. He pushed in and both of you let out a moan, and he began to thrust into you, going just as rough and reckless as he had been before. His hands were everywhere, tight grip of his hands, breathy noises spilling from between his lips, lust filled eyes connecting with yours. When you came, both of you moaned each other’s names, his orgasm following yours, and you both fought to catch your breath, resulting in two sweaty bodies tangled together underneath a blanket, clothes on the floor, the episode still playing in the background. “God, that was… fucking amazing.”
“Hell yeah it was,” you breathed, heart still racing.
“I guess that’s all it took, huh?” Andy laughed, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing tight before placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Just a little bit of roughness and an episode of Game of Thrones,” you joked. “Perfect recipe for a female orgasm.”
“I guess,” he burst into chuckles. “Fuck, I love you.”
“I love you too,” you whispered.
“I wasn’t um, I wasn’t too rough. Was I?” he asked, worried eyes looking into yours.
“Not at all,” you giggled, pressing your lips to his for a short kiss. “You could never do anything to hurt me. And even if you could, I know you’d never even think about it.”
“You up for another night like this sometime?” he offered.
“Absolutely,” you grinned. “Except, uh, I think we might have to restart the episode.”
“Yeah,” Andy laughed. “I don’t think I was a little distracted.”
“A little?” you raised your eyebrows teasingly.
“Come on, babe,” he rolled his eyes. “You know you always steal all my attention.”
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jammydodger3579 · 7 years
Secretly Flirting
Patrick Stump X Reader
Request: ‘1: “Are you flirting with me?” but could you make it so that the two were flirting, then making out and Pete or Joe walks in?’ (I got two requests so I put them together)
Warnings: Nothing really, just sweet adorable fluff.
A/N: Yea, so I got two requests for this, so I decided to put them together. Hope you don’t mind. Gif not mine.
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You were with the band, watching them practice for Rock In Rio. Every now and then, Patricks bright blue eyes would fall on yours. You two haven’t told anyone that you’re together, but you were already close, so whenever you guys “flirted” (as Pete would put it) it didn’t seem unusual.
The boys called it a night and went back to their hotel, except for you and Patrick. You helped him pack up until you both collapsed on the nearby couch.
“You liked watching us?” Patrick said, breaking the comfortable silence.
“Like always. Although, it’s seemed like you kept getting distracted by my awesomeness” You flicked you hair behind you, causing Patrick to chuckle at how adorable you were.
“I’ll have to admit that yes, you are quite awesome. And very cute” He looked at you and smiled.
You gasped. “Patrick Martin Stump! Are you complementing me?” You smiled cheekily
Patrick then gasped himself. “Y/N M/N L/N! Are you flirting with me?” You giggled and push your lips to his. He smiled through the kiss before saying “I’m going to take that as a yes?”
“No, I’m not flirting with you, I’m making out with you”
“I don’t mind that” Patrick pulled you onto his lap and started to pepper your face with kisses.
“Hey, 'Trick, are you busy- Jesus, okay. Yes, yes you are busy.. umm…” Pete stood at the door awkwardly. You and Patrick broke away and you couldn’t help but smile at how adorable Patrick looked when he was embarrassed.
“Oh ah Pete. Hey” Patrick started.
“Don’t worry.. you don’t owe me an explanation.You two were bound to happen soon. I was just surprised it’s been this long..”
“We actually, we’ve been together for a couple months now..” You said.
“Okay, well I won’t keep you guys apart for long.. Patrick, I’ll text you soon” And with that, Pete left, closing the door behind him.
You smiled and resumed you position on Patricks lap and started kissing his neck, causing his breathing to start to speed up.
“Can’t you wait till we get back to the hotel? Or are you to eager?” Patrick said, putting his hands on your lap.
“Nope, and yep” You mumbled against his neck.
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emmalosthermind · 7 years
A Patrick imagine for youuuuuuuuuu
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robinrunsfiction · 4 years
how about some more andy hurley x ready fluff?
Pairing: Andy Hurley x Gender Neutral ReaderRating: GeneralRequested By: AnonWord Count: ~800Author’s Note: Fluff, dogs, Andy, I mean this fic is so sweet, it might rot your teeth!
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From the second you opened your eyes, you were absolutely buzzing with excitement. Today was the day, the big day, the day you had been looking forward to for all your life. You hurried out of bed, rushing through your morning routine, and into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. Soon you heard footsteps behind you and you turned around to find your half asleep boyfriend Andy.
“Andy! Today’s the day!” You said bouncing happily.
“I know, I’m excited too,” he smiled and reached for a mug of coffee.
“How soon can we go?”
“They don’t open until 10,” he replied leaning against the counter. You let yourself get distracted by the tattoos covering his body. You’d seen them countless times, but they always distracted you.
“But that’s two hours away!” You said snapping back to attention when you glanced at the clock behind him.
“Wanna go get breakfast first?”
You scrunched your face up in thought. “Yea, I guess so, although I may be too excited to eat.”
Andy laughed and placed a kiss on your nose. “I’ll go get dressed,” he said getting up and heading back to the bedroom.
After a delicious breakfast at your favorite vegan cafe, you finally got to your destination of the day. Andy had to hold your hand to keep you from running inside.
“Hello! Welcome to the Multnomah County Humane Society! How can I help you today?” The woman at the front desk asked.
“I’m here to get a dog!” You exclaimed, childlike delight in your voice.
“Excellent! Have you filled out the paperwork yet?”
“Yes and it was sent over yesterday.”
“Oh, you’re (YN) right? Everyone was very interested to meet you,” she smiled. “People are usually excited to adopt a new pet, but your application was a delight to read!”
Andy laughed lightly behind you.
“What?” You asked looking back at him. “She’s not wrong.”
“You’re just cute,” he said as the woman called for a volunteer to come get you to show you back to the adoptable pets.
When you were in the back, you felt tears welling up at the sight of the dogs waiting for their forever home.
“Were you thinking about a big dog or a small dog? Boy or girl? Puppy or senior?” The volunteer asked.
“Are there any dogs that have special needs or might not get adopted for some reason?” You asked.
“Yes actually,” he said leading the way to a pen with a small brown dog with big ears. “This little guy is Curry and as you can see, he only has three legs, which sadly means most people pass him up.”
“Can I meet him?” You asked. The volunteer nodded and picked the small dog up and led the way to a room where you, Andy and Curry could get to know each other and see if he would be a good fit.
“Hey buddy,” you cooed at the dog who wagged his tail so happily, his whole body started to wiggle. “Oh my god, Andy, how could we not take him home?”
“I know,” Andy said with a grin as he scratched behind the dog’s ears.
“Oh Curry, I’ve been waiting for you my whole life and you didn’t even know it! You’re gonna love your new home! I just moved in too and it’s the best, I promise you!” You said to the dog and Andy laughed with a warm smile. 
When you left the humane shelter, you stopped off at the store to pick up a few items specifically for Curry, although you had purchased most things once you received word your application had been approved.
When you got home, you watched with absolute delight as Curry explored his new home, sniffing everything, tail wagging happily. You’d always wanted a dog, but due to allergies, you couldn’t have one growing up, and when you moved out, you couldn’t find an apartment that would allow pets. Then you met Andy and after about a year of dating, he asked you to move in with him and shortly after you asked if you could get a dog. He was enthusiastic about getting one and then it was only a matter of time. 
“Are you finally happy?” Andy asked, sneaking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“Mmhmm,” you nodded, resting your head back against his shoulder.
“We’re like a little family now,” he said and you could have sworn you felt his heart beating in his chest. “So maybe we make it official?”
“What do you mean?” You asked, turning around to face him. Then you noticed something in his hand.
“Will you marry me?” He asked with such sincerity you thought you might start to cry on the spot.
“Yes!” You grinned, throwing your arms around him as Curry barked happily at your feet. “This really is the best day ever!”
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Dec 01
Words: 575
Maybe you should have trusted your guts more than the weather forecast. While the news had announced that there would be sunshine and mild temperatures, the truth was far from that. Icy snowflakes now blew into your face and frosty wind tangled in your hair, making the tips of your ears turn numb and red. You tried to pull the collar of your shirt further up your neck, but your jacket did not help much to keep you warm, because of the beautiful, but sadly not very wind-resistant collar, that just fluttered helplessly in the wind.
You dug your hands into the pockets of your coat and lifted your eyes from the floor, trying to spy your boyfriend Andy through the blowing snowflakes. Just in that second a familiar voice called your name. Surprised you spun around and almost bumped into the drummer. His extensively tattoo covered arms were hidden in a soft jacket, around his neck hung his red and yellow Gryffindor scarf which he had bought at his stay in London, during which he had used his spare time to visit the Harry Potter Studios.
“You must be freezing,” he exclaimed worriedly. His eyes wandered over your red ears to the collar of your coat.
“Don’t you say,” you mumbled and leant over to quickly peak his lips. “How about we get ourselves into the café?”
You wanted to pull away, but Andy had already wrapped his scarf around your neck, making sure it covered the gap that your coat had created, successfully blocking out the wind. You looked at him with wide eyes and found him grinning at you contently. Lovingly he kissed the tip of your nose before he pulled one layer of the scarf so far up your face, that it covered just covered your nose, making breathing a lot more enjoyable all of a sudden. You smiled, just then remembering that he could not see it. The scarf smelled like Andy. You could have found no way to describe his scent, except that there was a hint of cinnamon and Jasmin in there. It was a strange combination, but it always reminded you of him, which was probably the main reason for baked goods with cinnamon having turned into your favorites since you two started dating.
Andy kissed your forehead and reached for his wooly hat, pulling it off his head and instead placing it on yours. He made sure your freezing ears were covered, then he sent another smile at you, which made your heart skip a beat and your insides all fuzzy and warm. You hoped he would never lose this effect on you.
“Aren’t you gonna be cold now,” you wondered.
With a chuckle Andy grabbed your gloved hands and took them in his, bringing them to his lips for two quick kisses against the soft black fleece.
“We were going to go into the café, weren’t we,” he reminded you, “I just love seeing you in my clothes too much to resist the temptation.”
You giggled and nodded, taking the arm your boyfriend now offered you.
“Lead the way, Sir,” you joked, making him break into a fit of laughter, a truly magical sound to your now warming up ears.
“Aye-aye, Captain,” he answered and together you walked into the direction of the cozy café which you had chosen for your date, all while the wind carried thousands of tiny snowflakes across the darkening sky.
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Dec 24
Words: 1 941 Prompt from  @fanficy-prompts
You leant back against the counter of the empty coffee shop, adjusting the black apron which was tied around your waist. It was Christmas Eve, and since you were the only employee of the small coffee shop who did not have any big Christmas dinner plans, you had been given the last shift of the day, which tied you to the cozy, but now lonely shop until midnight. Then you could close up, and go home. Your family lived half way across the country, and this year there had not been enough money left for you to fly over for the holidays, so you had decided to stay here.
You wondered why you were even longing to go back home after this shift. What was waiting there for you except the halfheartedly decorated Christmas tree, and the now cold Chinese take-out from lunch? Your bed, with soft, cozy but cold blankets, no one to keep them warm while you were at work, no one to welcome you home, not even a cat who would cuddle with you when you sat down, or a fish who would completely ignore you. But the way it was, the flat was as empty as this shop, but less decorated. Well, Christmas this year officially sucked.
None the less, you automatically put on your customer smile and turned towards the door as you heard the bell ring. The artificial smile was immediately replaced by a real one though once you recognized the red-brown hair, and the icy gray eyes of one of your favorite regulars.
“Merry Christmas,” you smiled as Andy walked over to the counter, “The usual?”
He nodded, and strode over to a table in the corner next to the window. You furrowed your brows. Usually the tattooed drummer was quiet but cheerful, and always up for a little chat. Today seemed different though, and remembering that it was not the normal Christmas Eve tradition to go to a coffee shop, mind on your own, made you understand him better. After all you had not been in the best of moods either before he entered. And you could not expect to have the same effect on him as he had on you, considering you had grown quite fond of the man.
You prepared two cups of cappuccino with almond milk, one for him, one for you, and emptied a bag of vegan Christmas cookies that were on sale, onto a small plate before stepping out from behind the counter, and strode over to him.
Andy looked up, his gaze softening as he saw you, and even a smile tucking at his lips when you sat down opposite him. You pushed his cup over to him, and placed the plate with the cookies in the middle between the two of you.
“On the house,” you winked, making him finally smile properly.
The coffee shop was dimly lit, mostly relying on the many candles that were spread over the tables and the atmospheric lighting across the counter.
“Sooo…” you dragged out the word, looking at Andy who took a sip from his coffee, “what brings you here?”
He sighed quietly and shrugged.
“Family dinner spontaneously got canceled because my dad broke his ankle, and I got nowhere to be really,” he answered.
“So you decide to go to a coffee shop of all places,” you asked, raising your eyebrows at him.
“I was lonely,” he defended, “and I was kind of hoping you would be the cursed one to do this shift.”
You smiled at his confession which had made him look away in embarrassment.
“Since I got no Christmas party to attend to either, and sitting here with you is a lot better than sitting at home on my own, I doubt this shift is really cursed,” you joked, before quickly taking a sip of your hot beverage as well, hoping to play over the fact that you had been a lot more confident with your words than you felt. It had not been a lie, no, not at all, but usually you were not one to say these things out loud.
Andy did not seem to mind, because he only smiled softly.
With him as company time passed quickly, and the conversation you were having made you almost forget how sad your empty apartment would seem when you returned home. He was the only customer over the entire evening, the city seemed like a ghost town, not a single person walked past the shop windows, and only one car sped down the road with howling motor. It felt like the two of you were in your own little, private bubble, surrounded by the warm glow of candles, and the rich smell of ground coffee with cinnamon. There was lots of laughing, jokes, funny stories, sometimes even the one or the other shared painful memory, but tonight it seemed alright, tonight it was okay to share these things, to talk more than usual, to open up to one another, to lay bare your hearts.
Honestly you had no recollection when, how or why Andy had taken hold of your hand, but it did not matter. His tattooed hands were wrapped around your cold fingers, and it felt like your skin was sucking up every last drop of his warmth that was possible. Your chin was resting in your free hand, supported by your elbow resting against the table, and Andy was leaning over the table as well. Only a few inches were between your faces, and your talking had died down to a whisper, which slowly subsided after hours, leaving you to stare at each other.
You had never looked into anyone’s eyes for as long as you were looking into Andy’s now. Every detail of his face seemed to burn itself permanently into your memory, and if you had not been in love with the drummer before he entered the shop this evening, you sure as hell were now. Sometimes you had to remind yourself that breathing was an, admittedly annoying, but necessary thing to do, too engulfed were you by Andy’s eyes, which seemed to see right through you, into the bottom of your soul.
You did not know what to think of this, but then again you were not properly thinking at all anyway. It felt like you were hypnotized by the man in front of you, and all you really could think of, was how beautiful and kind he was, and how lucky you were that you did not have to spend Christmas Eve entirely on you own.
Your trance was rudely interrupted by the small alarm clock on the counter that signaled the end of your shift.
“Seems like you made it,” Andy grinned, suddenly sitting back, drawing his hands away from yours, which left them colder than before.
“Seems like it,” you nodded, and got up.
“Want me to help you clean up,” he offered, but you shook your head.
“It’s fine, there’s not much left to do,” you explained while picking up the cups and the now empty plate, carrying everything behind the counter.
You somehow had expected Andy to leave, maybe say good night, or even hug you, but instead he waited patiently while you cleaned the dishes and the coffee machine. He even grabbed a towel and insisted on whipping the counter clean.
Once you were finished with all the cleaning and preparing the shop for opening in the morning, you grabbed your coat, and joined Andy at the door, where he had waited.
“Are you going home now,” Andy asked, holding the door open for you as you stepped outside, pulling your keys to the shop out of your pocket.
“Not much else to do, is there?”
With experienced fingers you looked the door.
You really did not want to return home. After having spent so much time with Andy, the empty flat seemed to repel you more than it had at the beginning of the evening. Did you really want to go back to the cold Chinese take-out, the halfheartedly decorated Christmas tree, the cold blankets? Secretly you hoped Andy would ask to join you home, to do something together, so you would not have to go home. Should you ask him to come home with you, invite him for another coffee, maybe tea or mulled wine? You were certain you would even face the embarrassment of rejection just to be sure you had tried everything possible. Your thoughts were interrupted by Andy.
“Anyone waiting for you,” he asked.
The question surprised you. You were sure you had mentioned that you were alone, without partner or any kind of family. Quickly you shook your head, wondering what he was up to.
A small smile spread over Andy’s face as he continued talking.
“Good,” he whispered as he stepped a little closer to you, taking your hands in his.
They were warm, just like you remembered them from when you had sat inside. His fingers were gentle as they closed around yours tenderly, not at all holding on too tightly. Your own hands responded without much consent of your brain, intertwining with his.
You wanted to say something, tell Andy how much you had enjoyed tonight, how thankful you were for his company, how much it meant to you that he had come to see you, but your voice failed you, no words coming out of your mouth.
Andy’s eyes were fixed on yours, and he seemed to sense your sudden muteness, but only smiled a little, shaking his head.
You were not sure who had leant in, maybe both of you at the same time, but suddenly Andy and you were kissing underneath the lamp post in front of the coffee shop. It was slow and gentle, careful, almost scared, but so perfect, so warm and loving, and you felt like all the sadness of having to go back to your flat was melting away, all the worries were suddenly just gone. Andy was kissing you, and holding your hands, and it felt like this was all you had ever wanted.
When you broke away, cheeks and lips red, rigid breath from excitement, and eyes closed, you gently leant your forehead against Andy’s, not yet willing to give up the warmth and comfort he was radiating.
“Come back to my place,” he whispered, and you could tell he was nervous.
A smile tucked at your lips, and you nodded against his forehead.
“’d love to,” you answered, finally opening your eyes and meeting Andy’s grey ones, that shone with such happiness, that it warmed you all over again.
“Then let’s go,” he decided, letting go of your one hand so you could walk side by side.
You adjusted your grip on his fingers, shoving your now free hand into your coat pocket. Andy smiled and did the same, before he lead you down the street, past windows with Christmas decorations and past the square where a fir tree had been decorated extensively.
Quietly you sighed in contentment, and rested your head against Andy’s shoulder. The long day had exhausted you, and now that you even had someone by your side, tiredness started to spread through your body. You were glad to have taken the night shift for Christmas Eve, you realized; otherwise Andy and you would never have ended up here, together. You closed your eyes, allowing your feet to carry you blindly, and trusting Andy to safely lead the way. This Christmas had not at all been as lonely and sad as you had expected it to be.
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‘Fake’ Date - Andy Hurley x Reader
Request: Any chance at getting more Andy? I feel bad for asking
Warnings: some being hit on by an asshole
Word count: 3 084
“It’s an emergency!”
You had barely picked up the phone, when your friend Andy shared this obviously important message with you. Immediately you were on high alert, making your way to the hallway to put on shoes and grab the car keys so you could get to him as fast as possible.
“Calm down, what happened, where are you,” you tried to ask as calmly as possible while slipping into your shoes.
“I need a date,” he answered.
“What?” You stopped mid-motion and dropped your free hand to your side.
“I need a date for this award show tomorrow and-“
“No one’s dying,” you made sure, having been prepared for the worst.
“No, why… why should anyone be dying,” Andy was at least as confused as you.
“You said it was an emergency,” you answered, slowly getting out of your shoes again.
“Yeah, well, you see,” suddenly he was stuttering. “We have this award show tomorrow and Pete just called me, telling me we are all required to bring a date.”
“Oh,” you mumbled, not sure yet where this conversation was going.
“Now you see, Pete and Joe and Patrick all are married and now I am left alone…”
“Oh man,” you sighed. “I know what you mean… let me think… I could call Jessica. You know Jessica, right? I’m sure she’d accompany you tomorrow. Or Lisa? She’s a cute girl, you’d look great together.”
“Wait, what are you-“ Andy still seemed really confused. “No, I actually wanted to ask if you will go there with me.”
For the second time within a minute you stopped dead in your tracks. Your glance wandered to the mirror you were standing in front of. Disheveled hair, dark circles under your eyes from not enough sleep, baggy sweatpants and an oversized shirt.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” you answered slowly.
“I mean, not as a real date, more like a… pretend date? Like we pretend to be together but it’s no real date,” Andy tried to explain, having misunderstood you.
It hurt a little, the way he was suggesting to take you there as a fake date, like it was so impossible to ever date you. On the other hand, maybe it was. He was a successful, handsome musician while you stood here in front of your mirror with greasy hair, smelling off the lasagna you had just eaten. And he was so much better than you in basically everything he did, so much kinder, more gentle, more patient, smarter… the list went on and on, so you could hardly be blamed for the tiny crush you had developed for your friend over time… yeah ‘tiny’.
“I mean, I’d love to go and fool the media,” you answered hesitant. “But don’t you want to go with someone who has more… optical appeal?”
“But I want to go with you and hey! you do have tons of optical appeal,” he protested.
“You should see me right now,” you chuckled, finally looking away from your reflection.
“Do you think I look attractive right now,” Andy asked laughing. “I am sweaty and stinky from the gym!”
“Uh, sexy,” you joked, making him laugh even harder.
“I’ll make sure to work out the next time before I see you, so you can get a deliciously sweaty hug. Yum yum yum,” he giggled.
“Ugh, that’s disgusting,” you complained.
He continued laughing for a bit before returning back to the reason for the call.
“So I’ll pick you up tomorrow at six pm,” he asked.
“Yeah, yeah, sure,” you answered, suddenly feeling nervous.
Andy was punctual when he picked you up the next evening. He looked sharp in his black suit and styled hair. You had spent the entire afternoon getting ready. You had showered, washed your hair, lost almost your sanity over styling it, and finally chosen something elegant and formfitting to wear as Andy’s ‘date’.
If you had not been too busy admiring the way the jacket hugged Andy’s shoulders, you might have noticed that he sucked in a breath when he saw you. He gulped hard, knowing that his attention would not at all be focused on the award presentation this evening as long as you were around.
He helped you into the car and he drove off to Pete’s house where a limousine would pick up the Fall Out Boy members and their partners.
“Maybe we should establish some rules for tonight, since we’re now ‘dating’ and stuff,” Andy suggested, keeping his eyes on the traffic.
“That sounds good, any ideas,” you asked.
“Uhm,” he set the blinker and turned left. “We keep our hands above the waist when touching each other…”
You giggled.
“Uhm, and it’s okay if I kiss you?”
The question made your heart speed up and you felt a little sick from excitement at his question.
“Would you usually kiss your date at an award show,” you asked back.
“Yeah, I mean, pecks on the cheeks, shoulder… lips?” He answered, feeling a blush creeping into his cheeks that you luckily did not notice.
“Well, then there’s your answer,” you decided. “What’s our story? How long have we been together already, how did we meet?”
“We’ve been together for about four months, I’d say. And we can just stick as close to the truth as possible, we met through Pete, became friends and then started dating,” Andy suggested.
“Sounds fine with me,” you agreed.
The rest of the drive to was spent in silence.
At Pete’s place the others were waiting already. Andy quickly told everyone about you being his fake date for the night and everyone laughed at the idea.
“What would be so bad about taking a good friend,” Patrick wondered, being the only one who was confused about the plan Andy had made.
“It’s weird to take a friend,” Pete explained, “and everyone will assume they are dating anyway when they show up together.”
“And the invitation explicitly said to bring a partner,” Joe added and Andy nodded along.
From the moment on you got out of the limousine in front of the hall where the award show would take place, you had to play your roll. Andy had immediately wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you close into his chest. He only left your side when he had to take a few pictures with the other band members and for a short interview, but quickly returned to your side afterwards.
Your head was buzzing. There were so many famous people around, some of which you knew, like Tyler and Josh from Twenty One Pilots, and Brendon from Panic! at the Disco, but also people you only knew from pictures. Andy introduced you to many people, producers, bosses of labels, other drummers and journalists he knew, all the while keeping his arms tightly wrapped around your waist. Occasionally he kissed your shoulder or your cheek, each time making you tense up and your skin burn. You always turned your head to him after that, catching his eyes, smiling shyly. He gave you an encouraging grin and pulled you a little closer.
Soon all the persons present were asked to take their seats. Andy knew where you were seated and guided you down the aisle. When you reached the row you were seated in there was a little built-up since some people seemed to take longer to find their seats.
“Well if this isn’t my man Hurley,” a deep voice behind you suddenly stated.
Andy and you turned around to a tall man, whose eyes, instead of being focused on Andy since he seemed to know him, were scanning you.
“And who is this angel at your side?”
You could feel Andy tensing up next to you and you had to admit that even though the man in front of you had barely spoken two sentences, you found him unsympathetic. You did not like the way his eyes were wandering over you as if you were some kind of prey that he could take home with him.
“Oh, Jason,” Andy’s voice was hard and knowing him as well as you did, you could tell he was hoping for the man to be gone as quickly as possible. “This is (y/n), my partner.”
Again his arm snuck around you, holding you close and you could feel him puff out his chest a little, making him seem bigger, but he was still at least a head smaller than this Jason.
“Partner, haven’t you grown up, Hurley-boy,” Jason laughed, a deep, evil laugh, that made you want to run. He turned to you. “If he’s starting to bore you, sweetheart, you can always come to me, you know?”
You hated the way he way he was talking to you and your breath was shaky when you responded with surprisingly solid voice.
“If I am anyone’s sweetheart, I am his,” you nodded to Andy, “And he’s all the company I’d ever wish for.”
From the corner of your eye you could see Andy smile triumphantly while Jason looked like you had punched him in the face, which you kind of had, verbally. You felt a warm hand being placed under your chin and Andy turned you to face him, capturing your lips in a quick, sweet kiss that knocked all the air out of you. You were able to hold in the gasp at the sensation of Andy’s mouth against yours, a feeling you had dreamt of for a while now and he did it so casually, not having the faintest idea what it did to your heart.
Luckily the built-up seemed to become undone in just that moment and Andy and you were able to slip into your seats between Pete and Joe, far away from wherever Jason was going.
“Who was that,” you whispered, leaning close to Andy’s ear.
“Don’t worry about him, he’s a jerk,” he told you, turning his head and placing a quick kiss on your forehead. “He stole my girl once, seems to think he can do this with every one of my relationships.”
For a moment it sounded to you as if he had forgotten that you were not really his date, but you did not mind. It made the illusion so much easier. At the same time you could not help but picking up on all the tiny details that had changed now that you were pretending to be a couple. He seemed to stay in constant contact with you, be it holding your hand, hugging you, guiding you on his arm or pulling you into him. He took every opportunity he got to kiss you, tiny pecks here and there, on your hand, your shoulder, your cheek. He gently caressed your side when he was holding you, his eyes lingered on your body the entire time and he just made you feel so special, so wanted.
The presentation began, there was lots of talking, lots of applause, many people you had never heard of, and all the time you noticed Andy watching you. You were halfway done with the show when he even rested his hand on your knee, the warmth of his palm seeping through the fabric of your clothes.
The evening passed in a blur, sadly the boys won nothing, but Andy did not seem to mind. As it was tradition, everyone was invited to the after party. You were hesitant to go, but Andy insisted to take you there, and eventually you gave in.
The party was held at some famous person’s house. The building was crowded with celebrities and their partners. Since you were too shy to go to talk to some people yourself you stayed with Andy, who seemed to prefer that anyway. You listened to the conversation between him and Josh about drum sets and drummers, not really being able to contribute much, but you loved watching Andy talk about something that inspired him. After Josh, Brendon walked over and the three of you talked for some time, while you started to grow tired. The evening had been exciting and especially the constant butterflies in your stomach from being so close to Andy were exhausting.
You did not really know how, but suddenly you found yourself alone in the middle of the living room. Andy had quickly announced he needed the bathroom and Brendon had left to talk to someone else. Suddenly a deep voice at your side tore you out of your thoughts.
“Has he left you standing here, sweetheart,” Jason asked and you could feel the tiny hairs on your arms standing up.
“Still not your sweetheart,” you hissed and turned away from him, hoping to spot a familiar face around you, someone you could talk to.
“Hey, I’m just being nice here, sweetheart,” he insisted, his voice very close to your ear all the sudden.
“I appreciate that, but I’m really not in the mood to talk to you right now. Have a nice evening,” you announced, hoping to get rid of him.
“Listen,” suddenly he placed a hand on your shoulder and turned you back around to him. “What is your problem? I’m just polite and you are not interested in me.”
“Being polite does not give you the permission to claim me as your company,” you told him, pulling away from him. He reeked of alcohol, still no justification or excuse for his shitty behavior.
“What is it about him, that you like, hm? The pussy doesn’t even drink like a real man. Probably isn’t even man enough to satisfy you properly, hm? I can show you what it means to be fu -“
“He is the kindest human I have ever met and I love him, okay? And just for the record,” you knew you were stretching the boundaries here, but you were pretending to be Andy’s significant other, “the sex is really good, thank you.”
You had made sure to talk quietly enough for only Jason to hear it and you knew you had gotten yourself into loads of trouble when you saw the look in his eyes.
“Well a dog who’s only been fed with garbage doesn’t know what a steak tastes like,” he growled, closing his hand around your upper arm, “but how about I show you.”
“No! Thanks,” this time you spoke up, loud. You shoved the man away from you as good as possible and hectically began looking for help when just in that moment a hand closed around Jason’s wrist.
“Let go.”
Andy’s voice was low and calm, a thousand times more dangerous than Jason’s could ever be.
The tall man’s grip around your arm loosened and you quickly pulled away, rubbing the hurting skin.
“We’re leaving,” Andy stated, his voice still low, scaring you so much worse than Jason had. Andy quickly wrapped his arm around your waist again, pulling you into him, and led you to the door, outside into the cool air of the evening.
Once you were a safe distance away from the house he stopped and turned to you, the anger gone and replaced with worry.
“Are you okay, did he hurt you,” he asked, his eyes scanning your body for injuries he might not have spotted yet.
“I’m fine, just words,” you assured him. “I am so sorry, I caused trouble-“
“Sorry? There is nothing you have to be sorry for,” Andy stepped forward cupping your face gently in his hands, “I am sorry, I should not have left you alone, I should have known he would be there.”
“No buts, okay, this was not your fault and you did everything correctly,” he told you. He pressed his forehead against yours, staring into your eyes for a moment.
“Let’s get a taxi home, shall we?”
He pulled away and dialed a number with his mobile, talking to another person for a moment. He named the address and hung up again.
For a while you stood in silence.
“Thank you for taking me along tonight,” you quietly said. “I really enjoyed it, well, apart from this last encounter.”
Andy giggled, a sound you always loved to hear. “Well, I’m glad you liked it, I had loads of fun too.” He tilted his head and looked at you. “Next time again?”
“Next time again,” you laughed.
There was silence once more until Andy spoke again.
“I just didn’t hold back tonight, you know,” his voice was quiet, as if you were not supposed to hear what he was saying while you were waiting here in the dark, at the side of a road.
“What do you mean,” you asked curiously.
“Just… I did all the things I always want to do when I see you and tonight I could. It showed me what it would be like to be with you and… you’re constantly on my mind and I know that we are friends and friends are not supposed to fall in love but… do you think you would go on a date with me?”
You felt fuzzy at the words he spoke, the butterflies erupting in your stomach again. You turned to him, placing a hand under his chin.
“Tonight was just a faint picture of what it would be like if we were together,” you told him and watched him furrow his brows. “Because it would be far less of this,” you gently pecked his lips like he had pecked yours earlier this evening, “and a lot more of this.”
This time you kissed him again, a lot more passionate though. Demandingly you moved your lips against his, relishing the moment of his surprise before both of his arms wrapped around you and he kissed back eagerly, quickly taking the lead of the kiss. You gently ran your fingers through his styled hair, messing it up a little, but Andy did not seem to care. He just kissed you harder, making your head spin.
You wanted to continue kissing him like that forever, but you were interrupted by the two headlights of the cab that stopped next to you.
“Let’s get you home,” Andy whispered against your lips.
“Will you stay,” you asked. “With me, at home.”
A wicked smile tucked at the corner of his lips.
“It would be cheaper,” he told you.
You giggled and playfully punched his shoulder, drawing away from him and climbing into the back of the car.
“Ugh, stop being a jerk or you’ll have to sleep on the floor!”
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Beach Campfire - Andy Hurley x Reader
Summary: Any chance at something fluffy with Andy? We need more of him!! A/N: YES
Word count: 2 121
When Andy had asked you to join him and his friends for a late campfire at the beach you had been uncertain. Yes, Andy was your friend and all his friends from the band seemed pretty nice, but you hardly knew them or their partners. Additionally to that, you were a shy person, not the one who would easily start a conversation. It took him almost twenty minutes until you finally gave in to his whining and agreed to join the group. If you could have chosen between the meeting with all the other people or a campfire alone, you would have definitely chosen the campfire alone, with Andy of course. You liked Andy. He was your friend. He was smart and funny. Talented. Caring. Loving. Adorable. Cute. Beautiful. Hot. Hell, if you could choose, you would choose to be more than friends with him, although you never admitted that to anyone, most of the time not even to yourself. Objectively you probably would even have a chance with him. He was always a flirt, intenting to make you blush, tickling you or poking your side, whenever you were not paying attention. Actually he even tried to encourage you to flirt back, without making it too obvious, of course, but you never noticed. Too caught up were you in the idea that someone as amazing as Andy would never like you in that way. Your shyness and the rejections from your past probably did not help either. So while you tried to keep a good friendship with Andy, thinking it could never turn into more, he desperately tried to do exactly that.
It was a hot day, even though it was only spring the temperatures were shooting through the roof. You had spent most of the day inside, keeping the roller shutter down and the house cool. You had been shopping in the morning and noticed how hot it was going to get. Sure the hot weather was a welcome change to the freezing temperatures from a few weeks ago, but it was supposed to be spring, not midsummer, right?
You had just finished packing your bag with vegan marshmallows and chocolate, some lemonade and a big blanket, when there was a honking outside your door. Quickly you took a look at yourself in the mirror. The light blue shorts and the bright red tank top made you look like summer instantly. You sighed quietly as you slipped into your shoes and grabbed the bag.
Outside Andy was waiting for you already. His window was lowered, music played through the speakers and he had his head poked outside.
“You ready?” He pushed his sunglasses into his hair before getting out of the car to give you a hug.
“I think so, yeah,” you smiled. There was no need for him to know that in fact you were terribly anxious to meet three of his friends and their partners.
“Great,” he smiled back at you and helped you put your bag in the trunk.
The ride took a little more than an hour, but the last miles were only small roads so Andy had to drive extra careful and slow. The music was gently playing in the background, as gentle as thrash-metal can be. Andy and you were discussing everything that came to mind, mostly catching up with each other, about everything that had happened since you had last seen each other. And you really were catching up on everything, after all you had been separated only for three days. You leant back in the soft car seat, relaxing in the hot wind in your hair, the familiar sound of the radio that always made you think of Andy and shot a sideway glance at him every now and then. His hair was shorter and darker than when you had met him for the first time. Now he wore a beard, ginger hair mixing with the first strands of grey. His blue eyes were fixed on the street as he carefully stirred the wheel. You sighed quietly again, it seemed to be s specialty of yours, and focused back on how Andy told you about what had happened in the supermarket the other day.
The first two cars you saw after more than twenty minutes were parked at the end of the street, if you could still call it that.
“Oh, Joe and Patrick must be here already,” Andy commented and pulled up next to the cars. He turned off the motor but hesitated to get out. “They’re all really cool people,” he assured you. “Patrick is really shy himself, so he knows how you feel and the rest of the guys really don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, so they’ll probably do everything to make you feel at home.”
So you had not been as good at hiding your uneasiness as you had thought. Wait- when had Andy placed his hand at your knee?
You looked up into the blue eyes of the drummer and forced a smile.
“I just want you to have a good time,” you answered. “And if that includes me being there, then so be it.”
A soft smile spread over Andy’s face and he patted your knee.
“I’m with you all the time, okay?”
You nodded. “Yup.”
“Then let’s get started!”
Andy jumped out of the car and grabbed not only the bag he had brought, but also yours.
“That’s what I do weight lifting for,” he kept insisting.
You giggled and followed him down the small path to the beach. Not far from where you stepped out of the bushes, a group of people had collected already. You recognized Joe with his fuzzy hair immediately.
“Hey guys!” Andy drew the attention of his bandmates on you, as you walked closer. From here you also recognized Patrick, for once without his hat, and Joe’s and Patrick’s wives. They welcomed you with hugs and cheers, offering you to sit down around the arrangement of wood they had prepared. You almost ended up between Marie, Joe’s wife, and Patrick, which made you feel incredibly uncomfortable at the mere thought of it, but Andy came to your rescue and pulled you to his side, making sure you sat closer to him than Joe, who sat at you other side.
After some minutes of friendly banter, to which you mostly listened, Pete and his companion appeared as well, proudly carrying the grill lighters you had been waiting for.
The sun was setting as a big, red glowing ball and the sky turned into a watercolor painting of red, pink and orange. The water of the sea was calm and reflected the light of the sinking sun as thousands of tiny diamonds that blinded everyone who was trying to look at it. Gentle waves washed up on the beach, wetting the fine, white sand. The cracking of the fire had an almost hypnotizing effect on you while at the same time you tried to follow the conversation that was going on around you. The smell of burning wood and salt filled the air, making your head spin.
Andy almost performed a dance of joy when he found out you had brought vegan sweets just for him. When he settled back down, he sat so close to you that your shoulders were touching and after some time of internal debating, you rested your head against him.
The colors of the sky faded into a deep, dark blue and stars started blooming in the night. The hot air of the day cooled down to a comfortable temperature and got heavy with dew that settled on the sand, the blankets you were sitting on and your clothes.
By now you had no idea why you had been so anxious earlier. The six people you barely knew were incredibly nice, they talked about the most unusual topics, but it was fun. Most of the time you were just listening, but you also had the courage to add something, if you felt the need. You loved it, whenever Andy spoke. By now he had his arm wrapped around you, pulling you more into him. When he spoke, his body vibrated with his voice, which sounded so different when you heard it with your ear pressed against his chest.
The last light of the day had faded when Pete suddenly suggested a walk along the beach.
“But someone should look after the fire,” Patrick added.
“I can do that,” Joe offered, but sounded hesitant.
“It’s okay, Joe,” you suddenly spoke up to your own surprise, “You go on that walk, I’m gonna stay here.”
“Really?” Joe looked at you with wide eyes. “That’s nice of you, thank you!”
You smiled at how happy he was to be able to go along with the others.
“I’m gonna keep you company,” Andy decided, tightening his embrace around your shoulder.
“Great, so that’s settled,” Pete cheered and jumped up. “Let’s go!”
Soon the voices of the other six died in the distance, only rarely a cry of surprise cutting through the calm when someone stepped into the water. The sound of crashing waves and cracking fire created a vacuum in your mind in which nothing mattered but the man at your side. You felt him draw small patters into your skin where your tank top had ridden up. You felt completely peaceful, sleepy, but not really tired. These moments seemed like a painting or one of these perfect picture collages that you saw in the media. You watched tiny sparks fly up to the sky where they blend in with the stars and disappeared.
“I’m really glad you came with me,” Andy mumbled, his chest again vibrating against your ear.
“I’m really glad, too,” you admitted, smiling at the sound of his voice.
His body kept you warm from the now chilly breeze that blew from the sea.
There were a few more moments of silence before Andy softly moved. He lifted his head that had been resting against yours and guided his hand to your chin, making you look up to him. The light of the dying fire spread an orange glow on his face, making shadows of his beard dance over his mouth. The other side of his face lay in the dark, barely illuminated by the stars in the sky above you.
And suddenly his mouth was on yours. His lips were hot and soft, his beard prickly and slightly scratchy against your skin. But it was perfect. It was everything you had wanted for the last… what, three years? You carefully answered the kiss, a part of your mind trying to make you believe this was a dream. But no dream could be this good. You had dreamt of this before and never had it felt even slightly as perfect as right now. You hesitated, not sure if you should keep going, but Andy made the decision for you, pulling you closer to him, deepening the kiss slightly. He tasted of lemonade and marshmallow. You wrapped your hand in his hair, coiling it around your fingers. You tried to process what was happening, but failed; it was too much. His hair was so soft and warm, his hand on your back rough, yet caring, his kisses so sweet and deep.
“Hey lovebirds, we’re back,” Pete’s voice ripped you out of the perfect moment, making you jump away from each other like two high schoolers who had been discovered making out. But even before you could miss Andy’s body so close to yours, his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you back to him.
“Seems like you got your girl,” Joe smirked knowingly, plopping down on one of the blankets.
“Was about time,” Pete sighted.
“Wait, you are no couple?” Eliza raised her eyebrows.
“They sure seemed like one,” Marie added.
Patrick laughed quietly. “I think it’s safe to say they are now.”
“Yeah, I think so,” Andy grinned. “What do you think?” He glanced at you, his eyes already trailing down to your lips again.
“I agree,” you smiled, his glance not going unnoticed by you.
“Fantastic! Now, that the goal of the evening is achieved, who wants more marshmallows?” Pete’s enthusiasm seemed barely stoppable this evening.
“We need a new fire for that though,” Joe remarked.
“As good as done, we still got loads of wood and tons of marshmallows,” Patrick declared proudly.
While the others started piling new wood onto the almost burnt out fire, you cuddled back against Andy’s shoulder. You felt him place a soft kiss against your hair before he gently rested his on yours. You could basically feel Andy’s smile when he whispered: “I’ve been waiting for this since forever.”
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Requests are Closed! (List of not yet posted Requests)
Drabbles Masterlist
My Chemical Romance (*=DD AU)
Genre: friendship-fluff Paring: none, trans!male!Reader Word Count: 1 110 Summary: You’re hyperaware of your surroundings, and Frank demonstrates that you don’t always have to be
The Five of Us Are Pissed Off
WARNING: TRANSPHOBIA Genre: idk what to call this: somewhat serious, but you have friends who help Paring: none, trans!male!Reader Word Count: 1 205 Summary: The host of a tv-show keeps misgendering you, and your bandmates won’t take any of that shit
Adopted + Part Two
Genre: Hurt / Comfort, I guess? Paring: Parents!Frerand + Child!Reader Word Count: 1 560 (part one) + 1 502 (part two) Summary: Gerard and Frank decide to adopt you, but even with just 4 years old, your past makes it hard for them to get through to you
Lunch Break
Genre: Crack AU: yes, High School AU Paring: none Word Count: 845 Summary: Banter with High School MCR
Ray Toro Masterlist
Gerard Way Masterlist
Mikey Way Masterlist
Frank Iero Masterlist
Fall Out Boy
Patrick Stump Masterlist
Joe Trohman Masterlist
Pete Wentz Masterlist
Andy Hurley Masterlist
Panic! at the Disco
Ryan Ross Masterlist
Brendon Urie Masterlist
Nicole Row Masterlist
Dallon Weekes Masterlist
I Don’t Know How But They Found Me
Dallon Weekes Masterlist
Ryan Seaman Masterlist
The Umbrella Academy Masterlist
Genre: Crack / Fluff Paring: Hayley x Reader feat. platonicly MCR, FOB and P!atD Word Count: 1 203 Summary: the bands are trying to get you to join them on tour; little do they know you already have someone to go on tour with
Backstage Confessions
Genre: Fluff Paring: Lynz x fem!bassist!Reader Word Count: 1 448 Summary: You’re admiting Lynz, who invited your band to join her band on tour, but she has a confession to make
Not Straight
Genre: Fluff AU: yes, College AU Paring: Lynz x fem!Reader Word Count: 1 340 Summary: You’re studying together with your friend (crush!) Lynz, when she has a surprising confession to make
Feeling Something
WARNING: INTENTIONS AND MENTIONS OF SELf-HARM! Genre: Hurt / Comfort Paring: Josh Dun x Reader Word Count:  1 538 Summary: Your desire desire to just feel something is overwhelmingly strong, but instead of going down the route of self-destruction, you call Josh for help
Shed in the Desert
Genre: Fluff AU: yes, Danger Days Paring: Cherri Cola x Reader Word Count: 1 518 Summary: You surprise Cherri with some treats after your latest trip
Genre: Fluff Paring: Tylor Joseph x Reader Word Count: 2 293 Summary: Josh has wants to introduce you to his friend Tyler, but you’re far more interested in the lead singer of the band Josh just joined.
The Gray City
Genre: Angst / Fluff Pairings: Ryan Ross x Reader Wordcount: ≈ 20 000 Chapters: 5 Summary: New York, 1934: Working in a strip club as a dancer is not how (y/n) imagined life, but she managed so far. Yet the new band’s guitarist, and an unmoral deal she is being pushed into turn her life around, and not for the better.
  Advent Calendar 2018
Genre: Fluff (occationally some angst) Pairings: Andy Hurley x Reader, Mikey Way x Reader, Pete Wentz x Reader, Frank Iero x Reader, Patrick Stump x Reader, Ray Toro x Reader, Joe Trohman x Reader, Gerard Way x Reader, Taylor Joseph x Reader, Nicole Row x Reader, Josh Dun x Reader, Spencer Smith x Reader, Ryan Seaman x Reader, Brendon Urie x Reader, Jon Walker x Reader, Dallon Weekes x Reader, Ryan Ross x Reader Chapters: 25 Summary: 25 winter- / Christmas-themed drabbles
Advent Calendar 2020 (unfinished)
Genre: Fluff (occationally with some Angst) Pairings: Dallon Weekes x Reader, Ryan Seaman x Reader, Cherri Cola x Reader, Gerard Way x Reader, Mikey Way x Reader, Patrick Stump x Reader, Ray Toro x Reader Chapters: 7 (so far) Summary: winter- / Christmas-themed drabbles
His Smile Will Keep You Safe
Genre: Angst / Fluff Pairing: Ryan Seaman x Reader Word Count:  ≈ 60 000 Chapters: 16 Summary: You join the band iDKHOW on tour as their offical photographer. If only it weren’t for your ex-boyfriend who is also part of the crew and tries to win you back against your wish! But luckily there is the band’s drummer Ryan, who seems to be just the person you never knew you needed in your life.
 Killjoys Never Die
Genre: enemies to lovers; angst to fluff, hurt/ comfort Pairing: Fun Ghoul x fem!Reader Word Count ≈ 52 000 Summary: Killjoys feared nothing and no one. Only you. After having lost your crew, the Fabulous Killjoys, you roam the Zones, experimenting with a new type of mask, the Zombie Masks, which could bring people back from the dead. But even years after your friends’ deaths, you are still tormented by the unresolved feelings you once harboured for Fun Ghoul. Until a clash with a Zombie DRAC turns your whole world upside down and you suddenly get a second chance.
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On Set - Andy Hurley x Reader
Requested on Wattpad Word count: 1 666
“The camera man said I’m shining,” Andy told you as he stepped over to where you were sitting under a tree.
“Did he now,” you asked, a smug grin on your face, “you look fine to me.”
You got up anyway and walked Andy over to where you kept your case with make-up, reaching for the shade of powder Andy needed. You were the make-up artist for Fall Out Boy, had been since their return with ‘Save Rock and Roll’. It was your job to let the boys look good on camera or on stage. Be it make-up or hairspray, after years of working in this job, you knew all the little quirks and tricks when it came to style their hair or perfect their skin tone.
You stepped closer to Andy and dipped one of the powder puffs into the powder. With one hand you protected Andy’s beard from stray powder while with the other you gently dipped over his forehead and cheeks. You let your hand rest a moment longer against his skin, and smiled gently as he blinked down on you.
“Are you sure you wanna tell the boys,” you asked, when you finally pulled away and dusted off the puff.
“(Y/n), we’re together now for almost four years, I think it’s time we tell them,” Andy replied, placing his warm hand on the small of your back.
You nodded, he was right, of course he was. You were just nervous.
You had met Andy for the first time when they were shooting the material for the Youngblood Chronicles. You had liked him immediately. Something about the dark haired, tattooed musician had drawn you in from the first moment on.  For Andy it had been different. He had felt like he had been hit by a lightning and he knew that no matter what, he had to get to know you better.
But since both of you were very reserved people, it had taken almost an entire year of touring until he asked you out. For some reason none of the other band members knew about it. In the beginning it had been because you did not want to make them feel uncomfortable. You were going wherever the band went. Every show, every interview, festival, photoshoot, you were always present. What if they did not like one of the crew had gotten into a relationship with their drummer? So you kept it to yourself. It was a game of cat and mouse, especially on tour, and it was fun for a while, but over the last time it had gotten exhausting for both of you. So Andy had suggested to finally telling them. Your relationship was stable enough, even if they would criticize you. Of course you hoped that would not happen, but you were prepared for the worst, just to be save. For a while you had contemplated inviting the other three band members for dinner and telling them there, but then the shoot of the video of ‘Hold Me Tight Or Don’t’ came up and you decided that this was the perfect opportunity.
“I mean, if you want to tell them another time…” Andy offered, but you shook your head.
“No, I really think it’s time,” you told him with a smile.
He smiled back encouragingly. You would have loved to kiss him right there on the spot, but there were too many people all around, so you just stared at him a moment longer.
You were torn out of your romantic moment by someone shouting for you.
“(Y/n), Patrick’s gotten sick again,” one of the assistance producers called.
“That’s me,” you gestured over to where the voice had come from.
Andy nodded and you grabbed your case to see where Patrick was. Of course only someone so headstrong and stupidly idealistic as Patrick would continue shooting a video while being severely ill.
You found him sitting on some steps, still slightly shaky and cold sweat on his forehead. A few people were standing around him, but they gave him enough space to breath. Someone was holding a cup of water for him.
“You sure you don’t want to continue shooting sometime else,” you asked quietly a few minutes later.
Most people had gone back to work leaving Patrick and you alone.
“It’s just a few more shots, we’re almost done,” Patrick assured you.
His voice was weak and you could tell he was exhausted. When the director came over to ask if Patrick was ready, he nodded.
“Just e few moments, make-up,” you told the man who nodded and turned back to the other people.
Quickly you dipped away the little drops of sweat on Patrick’s forehead and dusted powder over his skin. It was really a miracle how much this little make up changed his appearance. He almost looked healthy like that. You readjusted his hat as well, making sure no stray hairs were dangling into his eyes and sent him off again, still thinking it would be better if he finished filming some time else.
You retreated back to where you had sat before; placing your case with make-up, brushes, puffs and hairsprays next to you under the grass while you watched the dancers perform and the film crew work. When you had seen the dancers’ make up for the first time, you had been amazed by the simplicity, yet complexity and elegance of the masks. You had admired the different designs that all had their own magic, yet belonged together. You wondered if there were classes where you could learn this special kind of make-up, not that you would ever really have to use it, but you loved learning new things.
Patrick had been right. The last takes did not take long to shoot and soon the director announced the end of the day. He thanked all the people who had participated and helped and performed. It was the usual talk, nothing you had not heard a hundred times before. It was exciting and thrilling the when you heard it for the first time, something that made you feel special, like you were part of something extraordinary. And you were, but over time, in your case years, you got used to that.
Pete also spoke a few words, thanked the crew and the other participating artists. After that, everyone started packing their things. The dancers left, the camera team started to wrap their equipment in soft blankets, the lighting crew turned off the spotlights. You grabbed your case and headed over to where the band had started to unplug the cables that led to their instruments.
When Andy saw you, he shot you a quick smile and stopped working on his drum set that he was taking apart. He waved you over, then stood up and cleared his voice.
“Guys, guys, wait a moment, I’d like to say something,” he announced, making the band- and crewmembers stop in their tracks.
You were standing a few meters away, not feeling confident enough to step closer to Andy. You felt like that would have seemed clingy, or arrogant.
“What’s up,” Pete asked, running a hand through his longish brown hair so it would not fall into his face.
“Ahm, actually it’s nothing major,” Andy told them, “I just thought it was about time I, we, let you know that (Y/n) and I have been dating for a while now. Just so you know.”
The way he said it made it seem so unspectacular that you wondered why you had ever worried about it.
The other crew members shrugged, some shouted a ‘congratulation’ over to you or Andy, one patted your shoulder with a smile as he walked past you, already back to working.
But the crew members were not who you were worried about, it was the band. You heard a breathless laughter from Patrick, and a forced groan from Joe.
“I told you, I told you, I told you,” Patrick cheered, almost having forgotten how sick he was. “I told you they had a thing for each other.”
Triumphantly he pocked Joe in the chest, who lifted his hands up in defeat.
“Okay, okay, next Indian take out is on me,” he gave in.
“You were running bets on us,” Andy asked incredulously, mirroring exactly what you were thinking.
“They were,” Pete jumped in, “I didn’t have to, ‘cause I knew it was true.”
He winked over to you and you poked your tongue out at him, making him laugh.
“Anyway, I’m really happy for you,” he continued, earning agreeing hums from both Patrick and Joe, “Just take good care of each other, we need both of you.”
You nodded, feeling relieved that the band reacted so positively on the news. Well, not really news since they seemed to have known all along.
Andy mumbled a quick thanks to his friends, then he turned around to you and hugged you, pressing you close against his body. You smiled and reached to cup his cheek in your hand, pulling him in for a quick kiss. You could feel him breath against your skin before he smiled against your lips.
“Now I can do this whenever I feel like it,” he whispered, making you laugh. “I’ll finish packing up here and then we’ll meet in the parking lot?”
“I thought we could go out for dinner, celebrating the end of shooting,” Pete suggested.
“Without me,” Patrick immediately said, “I need to get home asap, take some meds, sleep, get better.”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” Pete agreed, knowing his best friend was very ill, “What about you, Joe, Andy, (Y/n)?”
“I’m in,” Joe shrugged, “in case you know a place that’s still open at this time.”
Andy shot you a glance, as you were still wrapped in his arms.
“Yeah, I think we’re in,” he agreed.
“Great,” Pete cheered.
You helped the guys finish packing, already curious to hear how Joe and Patrick had ended up betting over Indian take-out over dinner.
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Self-Determination - Andy Hurley x Reader
Request: More Andy? You write so well for him!!
Warnings: fight with parents
Word count: 1 854
“You aren’t – no - hey, you aren’t even listening!”
You were so angry, so angry that your voice almost broke. You wanted to scream and shout and tell your parents who wrong they were, that they knew nothing about the people you were surrounding yourself with.
“He is bad influence, (y/n),” your mother said, her voice forced to stay quiet, “We told you before.”
“You’re telling me things based on assumption-“
“He is a drunk-“
“He doesn’t dri-“
“takes drugs-“
“he has never taken-“
“and all these tattooes!”
“Dad has tattoos!”
“Don’t you speak up against your mother like that,” your dad boomed.
Hot, angry tears shot to your eyes.
“You can’t tell me who I can see,” you screamed.
It was not the first time you had this discussion, but it felt different this time. Your parents had been so happy for you, when you told them you had a boyfriend, a guy from your college class. His name was Andy and after having been in love with him for ages, you were more than excited when he had asked you out. It did not take long for the both of you to realize that what you had was more than the average college relationship. It was a tension between the two of you that drew you together. It was the way you knew what the other one was thinking, how you could perfectly read each other. It was more than a romantic relationship, Andy had become your best friend over time, and you his. You had taken things slowly, given each other time to get used to this new development in your lives, and if anything, it had strengthened your relationship, which proved valuable when your parents met him for the first time.
You did not know what they had expected, but it was obvious, that Andy, with his long hair, his tattoos and straight edge attitude did not fit their expectations at all. After what must have been the most awkward family dinner ever, your parents told you to break things up with him. You had refused for a good week, until you had not been able to stand the psycho terror anymore and had told Andy. He immediately found a solution, and a few hours later, your parents and the whole neighborhood witnessed the most impressive ‘I knew you were bad for me, my parents were right all along, you cheated on me the whole time’- fight the city had ever seen. Your mother had consoled you for hours, while you were crying your eyes out on the couch in the living room, trying not to laugh because you would have never believed that the fake fight Andy and you had prepared was so convincing. Even a few neighbors asked you if you were alright the days afterwards.
You continued seeing Andy in secret, during lectures and breaks and at parties. You were careful, you did not even tell your friends about it, since you were scared they might let something slip, and you made up boring conversations that you noted down in your diary, not sure if your mother was reading it. What you did not think about, were the conversations you were having with Andy over Apps on your phone. You had changed his name to Christine, not even added an emoji, and since you carried your phone with you all the time you had believed it was safe. But when you had been to the bathroom to take a shower just a few minutes ago, your mother had had the impudence to sneak into your room and check the phone. Of course it was locked, but the most recent message by Andy that had just come in, gave everything away, leading to the fight you were having with your parents now.
“I’m over eighteen, what do you want to do? It’s not illegal,” you tried to convince your parents. They did not have to like Andy, they should only accept that what you had was special.
“As long as you live under my roof-“ your dad shouted.
“Then I’ll move out,” you answered, already on your way to your room.
“The hell you will,” your mother cried, grabbing your arm, but you ripped away.
“Don’t touch me, you have no right,” you hissed, ignoring the tears that ran down your cheeks. You loved your parents. Why did they have to be so stupid? Why could they not realize that Andy meant the world to you? You had been in love before, you had been in relationships before. But none had been even close to being as intense as this one. You had never believed in soulmates or the one true love, but with Andy… You needed to get away, leave this house, leave for a while and talk to Andy, let him calm you down.
“Hey, young- where are you going?” Your father had jumped up and followed you to your room where you slammed the door in his face.
You ignored their shouts and banging after you had locked the door. You would run away. You had no idea for how long, but at least for a couple of day. What would you need? You quickly took your backpack that you used for college and threw your wallet in there after checking if you had enough cash, your id, your driver’s license and your credit card. Two shirts and some sweatpants followed, then a hoodie, socks and underwear. Luckily your room was connected to a small bathroom only you did use, so you quickly grabbed your toothbrush, a small towel and some shampoo as well. You did a quick check, only noticing the charger for your mobile that you needed, and decided that you were finished packing; your backpack was full anyway.
Your parents were still banging loudly against the door and honestly it scared you a little, but you pressed the contact to Andy’s phone anyway.
“Hello, and good evening at the-“ his voice sounded from the other side, imitating a ringmaster.
“Can you come pick me up,” you interrupted him.
“I’ll be there in a minute,” and he had hung up.
There was no doubt that he had heard by the sound of your voice that something was very wrong.
You took a look at the clock, trying to guess how long it would take him to get there. He did not live far away, so after a few minutes, you got up from your bad, grabbed your bag, and faced the door that was still being shouted at by your parents.
Taking a deep breath, you unlocked the door, and walked outside, pushing past the two of them without taking a look. They followed you, screaming to know where you were going and what you were doing with the backpack. You ignored them, grabbing the house keys from the bowl next to the door and stepped outside into the cool evening air just as Andy’s car was halting in front of the house.
You tried not to run, but still walked over as quickly as possible, sliding into the passenger seat. You parents were shouting and crying and overall behaving like two upset toddlers as you fastened your seatbelt.
“Drive,” you mumbled to Andy, and he did not hesitate for a moment to press the gas pedal.
You just stared at your knee, and later at Andy’s hand that he had placed there. The warmth of his palm seeped through your jeans and gave some comfort. When you looked up after a while, you realized that you did not recognize the landscape.
“Where are we going,” you asked, your voice sounding tired.
“Wherever you wanna go,” Andy answered, gently squeezing your knee.
“I just… My parents found out we were still together and… shit hit the fan. They screamed and said- “ you felt yourself choke up, but continued talking while tears started running down your face once more. “They wanted me to break up with you and- I could never do that and I love them, I love them so much, but they have to respect my choices and I love you, I love you so fucking much and –“ you continued rambling, trying to explain how much he meant to you, how you could not even imagine what breathing would feel like without him by your side.
Andy pulled at the side of the road and bent over to you as good as possible wrapping you in his muscular arms. You let yourself be engulfed by the warmth his body offered; his breathing and the soft hair that tickled your face calming you down.
“I just had to get out of there,” you whimpered. “Thank you for picking me up.”
“Of course, I was prepared for something like this, love,” he whispered.
He waited until you had calmed down, then he pulled away and pressed his lips against yours, but you turned your head away.
“I’m all salty and snotty from crying,” you mumbled embarrassed, but Andy just chuckled, putting a hand at the side of your face and turning your head back to face him.
“But still very kissable,” he smirked.
You smiled a little at that and he leant in again, kissing your hot lips, ignoring the drying tears. You never knew how it was possible, but Andy seemed to calm you down immediately. His presence was addicting, and his touch like a drug to you.
After he had kissed your tears and pain away, he sat up straight again.
“So, where do you wanna go,” he asked.
“Where do you wanna go,” you asked in return, curiously.
“Well, I was thinking Mexico, or Florida,” he suggested.
“Are you serious,” you wondered.
“Sure, we should get away for a while, take some time off, just for the two of us, somewhere where we don’t need to worry about anyone blabbing about us to your parents,” he grinned, obviously looking forward to this.
“What about college, what about your stuff, don’t you need clothes and money,” you asked, although the idea to just drive south as far as the road went, without worrying about anything sounded really tempting.
“College can wait, we’re both good students, we can learn that stuff in no time, or we just take a whole year and do it next year. And as I said, I was expecting this sort of, so there is an emergency bag on the backseat,” he gestured behind him and sure enough there was a big bag resting behind his seat.
“In that case,” you could feel the smile spread over your face, “how about Florida?”
“Florida it is then,” Andy grinned, “Come on, put your bag behind your seat. CDs are in the glove compartment.”
You threw your backpack behind your seat and chose a CD that you popped into the CD player of the car. Andy quickly leant over to kiss you again before he pulled back into the street to the first riffs of a guitar, and sped down the road heading south, heading towards a better future.
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