#and who sucks a whole lot. That said I know very well that the reason people are so obsessed with Louis cutting all ties with his old labels
rrahuntersblog · 20 hours
The reason(s) I’m anti-Danneel
Hello all!
This is actually my first official anti-Danneel post as opposed to reblogging an anti post or responding to anons who somehow found me.
First, a note: some of what I'm posting are reposts from other now defunct/deactivated Tumblrs that I was able--thanks to the Wayback Machine and/or Tumblr preserving the reblogs with information--so whenever possible, I will credit the original authors. It's because of them that I was able to find out all the crap Danneel had done and the evidence.
If it's a "Jensen said this", don't ask me where precisely, because there are way too many cons, panels, interviews. Just trust that Jensen did say it, okay?
Now... to begin with the biggest crime to lay at Danneel's feet: Abuse.
So I'm going to preface this with a content warning/trigger warning. If you are bothered by description of abuse, even emotional abuse, I advise you to skip. I will not be held responsible for how upsetting this might get. You've been warned.
Now to begin! Here's the issues I've noticed (and others). Hat tip to @taraslittlecorner (now defunct/deactivated) for the original post that I was thankfully able to find on the Wayback Machine.
I'll add a cut here because it's going to get long!
Public Humiliation:
Jensen eating gummy bears. This post was made as a public stab at Jensen for the amount of gummy bears he was eating. It was a stab at not only his eating habits/weight, but it was also a stab at him being greedy or gluttonous.
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Jensen on the carousel. Another stab at Jensen about his weight.
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The whole AD house tour is full of stabs at Jensen. She takes a swipe at everything from him not wanting to change the children’s diapers, not cleaning the toilets, not cooking, and not being able to organize or clean behind himself. (There’s a lot of sketchy things in that video as well.) She even made fun of him for being proud of his side of the closet for being tidy.
Jensen didn't cry at the birth of his children. Yet another attempt at making an important, emotional moment in Jensen’s life about her, as well making Jensen seem as if he is emotionless and detached from his family and children, and she’s the one that’s so sensitive.
The FBBC interview. Now, that interviewer sucked ass too, let’s not kid ourselves, that was one of the worst interviews I’ve ever seen in my life. Elta continually trying to make Jensen look lazy, saying that he didn’t smell good, saying that she was pregnant knowing it made him uncomfortable. All of this was with one goal, to humiliate him.
The gaslighting hairdresser. You will never convince me Elta put this woman up to posting this photoshopped, off guard, horrible pic of Jensen and herself, as well as disclosing the location of his family in order to make it look as if she’s been there the whole time when really she’s not. Jensen is very self conscious about his appearance, and this showed him in a bad light, again to humiliate him and make him look like a slob. (That seems to be her MO.)
(These are just the ones we’re all familiar with, but if you guys send more receipts you want to add to this I’d be glad to add them to it as a receipt collection.)
2. Controlling: This is another all day topic. Seriously, we could talk all day about how one can be considered controlling in a relationship, and Elta is no different. The biggest and most public thing that we can see is her constant control over his Social Media.
Now, we know good and damn well that she’s also doing this to hold up to her facade of a “happily married couple”, but it’s also a way of controlling his interactions with other women, (originally he was never allowed to follow women on Social Media; something that has recently changed since The Boys and Big Sky has happened), and to keep track of who he’s talking to and what he’s doing.
Access to one’s cellphone, email address, and other social media is almost as good as attaching a GPS onto a person. If she access his cloud, she can access everything from text messages he’s sent to his most recent emails to his employers.
I have some proof but it will take time to document all of them.
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**For those SPN buffs out there. You will also notice that Dean got a whole lot less action between the sheets and with female guest stars after his wedding to Elta, and that’s not a coincidence.**
Jealousy, or extreme jealousy in Elta’s case, can also be the mark of an abuser. The NEED to maintain that state of control, and if he get’s attached to another woman that is paying him better attention, he may try and break things off with her.
3. Isolation: If you’ve noticed Jensen hardly sees his family anymore. He used to speak of his family often, now it’s rare that he’s ever seen with them. They usually have to come to Dallas Con just to see him, and the only actual evidence we have of Elta being there with them all in years is a sketchy ass post on Instagram of Thanksgiving a few years back. Jensen did take his dad, brother, and brother-in law to the Nascar event he recently attended. Other than that, there has been little to no evidence of contact with his family at all as the years progressed, and it’s gotten worse as the years pass of that “marriage.”
He also seems to have shorted his circle of friends to people she gets along with. Marcus, Steve, etc. And even on “vacations” it’s surrounded by her little group of mooching family members and friends: New Orleans, she brought her brother and mother, as well as Steve Carlson and Marcus. Marcus even attended the trip to Cali when they went to the Golden Globes after party.
If you really take time and look, he’s rarely seen with anyone that ELTA doesn’t get along with, or are friends with. He doesn’t even hang out with Jared outside of Canada like he used too, and that should raise suspicious eyebrows alone.
4. Hypersensitivity:
We’ve seen this in the countless attacks Elta, as well as her friends, feel the need to do to SPN fans, or anyone that questions the legitimacy of anything she does or post. I don’t have all of these anymore on hand, but will add the links if I can find them. She’s called fans “fat whores”, anti joker face used to have the receipts, they went on for a while. You don’t have to dig very deep to find this stuff people.
She’s even had Clif write long ass post in order to make it looks as if she’s been so targeted when she just really brings all this shit on herself. She feels threatened because somewhere deep down, she knows she’s doing wrong. You know how the old saying goes, the guilty dog barks? Well, Elta barks a lot.
Even Jensen can get a little defensive when they attack her at cons and to his face. He knows that if he doesn’t defend her, or trys to stand up for himself there will be repercussions. “I don’t tell my wife what to do. I’m not stupid, or suicidal.”
5. Unexplained injury, or weight-loss: Since about 2018, Jensen has progressively lost weight. To the point that the FBBC instagram page even removed the photo I used in this example because people were commenting on Jensen’s weightloss. They try to explain it away in marathon training, but we all know that’s not the case. The constant attacks she’s made against his weight are starting to show.
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Every time Jensen has to quarantine with her he starts to look like death warmed over, weight drop, sickly looking skin color, (which is also a sign of malnutrition), and that dead look we can’t get seem to forget. Then we get him back to work, and it’s almost an immediate improvement.
Then there is the chunk that’s missing out of his nose now because of a nose injury that kept being explained in different instances at the same event as to how he even got it. It first appeared a day after the FBBC family reunion event that took place in May of 2018 in a post made by Elta of Jensen playing with the kids, and people thought it was just a breathe right strip.
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If you look closely, you can even see that his eyes looked to be blacked, as if he’d somehow broken his nose.Once he got ot an event for Elta’s Limbo Jewelry line launch in NYC, he kept changing the story as to how he got said injury. First he told fans that he’d hurt it by hitting a pool wall while playing with his kids. Then he said he’d dropped a keg on it. Well, if you’ve ever worked for a bar or been around kegs you know those things are heavy, and that story is a blatant lie.
If it were Elta with the injury, and she kept changing the story as to how she got it, there would have been questions asked; but since Jensen is a man it was never looked into.
Take all these for what you will guys! It’s only my observations and opinions! You may not agree, but I know you all can agree that if Jensen were female, this conversation would have happened a LONG time ago.
Men can be victims of domestic abuse/violence, and the evidence is there! I’m sure there is more, and if you send it to me via submission, even if you want to keep quiet and not put your handle on there I will add the evidence to this post.
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heisenberg-simp257 · 9 months
I saw the Requests open so, yeahhhhh
The 4 lords (separate) with a crush!reader who's, yes have a crush on
Who's really, really, really, oblivious, like a lot, that they can't even take one small Hint,
And the 4 lords (separate) Finally confessed, The confession took 4 hours to understand the reader.
Thank you for reading!
I think I understand! Hope you enjoy! 💖 Sorry if it's wrong anywhere!
The Four Lords with an Oblivious Crush!Reader
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Alcina Dimitrescu
-When it comes to having a crush on someone, Alcina is usually very patient. She's not one to get giddy or overly excited, but she does feel a sense of pleasantness when around her crush. That being said, it's very hard for said person to realize her fondness because she is very subtle about it.
-Especially when that someone is as oblivious as you are.
-You don't recognize anything as flirtatious, which upsets her because Alcina always believes that her subtle hints were brilliantly thought out, and then you don't even see it. She tends to sulk a bit afterwards, and you have to pry her on why. Which sucks because Alcina gives up on telling you the exact reason.
-Her daughters try to help in any way they can because their mother has ranted about your oblivious behavior to them, but even those three can't get through to you. They won't tell you about Alcina's feelings out of respect, but they sure as hell give hints.
-One day she can't take it anymore and prepares some wine to tell you about how she feels. Knowing Alcina, it was very dramatic and a lot of words were used. But still, to anyone else, it would have been very straightforward. Except for you, who kept thinking she was talking about friendship.
-It only took four grueling hours for you to get what she was talking about.
-You confessed that you never realized what she was trying to get across and apologized profusely for it. She was a bit strained during this whole exchange but was relieved that it was over and you returned her feelings for you. Now you'll recognize all her gestures were coming from love.
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Donna Beneviento (and Angie)
-Donna is extremely shy when it comes to having a crush on someone and it all stems back to her insecurities. She never feels like she's good enough for someone to love, but Donna is trying to push herself to express her feelings to that person she likes. But she is very very subtle about it, which doesn't help anyone.
-Especially you, who can never recognize a hint.
-And it's not always your fault because Donna isn't even the best at giving hints. Everything she does would be considered friendly, even by a person who isn't as oblivious as you. She would make you things, fix things for you, and make you all this tea. You interpret it a lot differently than how she's trying to display it as. Every time after, she would go to her room and just stare out the window.
-Angie is way more upfront about the whole situation, but the funny part is that she never brings up Donna's feelings. The doll just gets angry at you for "not getting it", which you don't understand in the slightest. Donna has to come and apologize with a red and flustered face.
-It takes Donna literal months before she realizes that this isn't going to work and she needs to just make the first move, which honestly scares her even more. She just wants to do it fast like ripping off a band-aid. It would be just Donna's luck that she would have to explain herself over and over again because you didn't understand what she was trying to say (due to her mumbling and your obliviousness).
-Four hours later and she's an emotional puddle on the floor.
-You were embarrassed for her and yourself as well for not noticing her advances (which weren't too much to be honest). Now you both were being kind of awkward as you tried to explain your own feelings for her. Each time she does something for you now, you pay extra close attention to it because you want her to know you understand now.
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Salvatore Moreau
-Moreau is a big bundle of love when it comes to having a crush on somebody. Not only that, but he gets a crush quite easily. All it takes is a smile or a laugh before his attention is just on you. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and he's not one to give up when it comes to giving signs. Moreau is oddly patient which is good because it's going to take him a while to get the message across.
-You were a very oblivious person when it came to things like this.
-However, sometimes Moreau doesn't even realize that you didn't understand what his little gestures meant. He's so excited to give you more affection that he didn't know it went over your head. In your eyes, he was just being really nice to you since adjusting to life in this area had been hard. You didn't even realize that his affections go much farther than that.
-Eventually though, Moreau recognizes that his gestures aren't doing anything. He isn't stupid no matter what Heisenberg says. He starts to realize that he's going to have to take another approach. Unlike the other lords, he doesn't get nervous or embarrassed when it comes to things like this.
-It was easy for him to sit with you and explain his growing feelings outright. Moreau was direct and concise, probably adding more words than needed, but he was just that kind of guy. He thought was easily getting the point across and that it was going to end well. Moreau didn't expect you to be as dense as you are, no offense.
-It took him a whopping four hours for you to realize his crush.
-At this point, he was beyond exhausted yet relieved that you finally knew. You felt a little embarrassed that he had to explain all this just for you to understand how he feels. With that in mind, you were a little flustered as well. But you were grateful. Now, things can have a more special meaning.
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Karl Heisenberg
-If Moreau is a ball of love, then Heisenberg is a vacant field of isolation. He's never had a "crush" on anyone or he might just crush himself. To him, love is a weakness that needs to be eradicated. And perhaps that view of thinking stems from the fact that he didn't know or understand any form of real love. But when he gets a crush on you, he's in for a ride.
-Because you are the densest and most oblivious person he knows, and it kills him.
-Heisenberg didn't know how to give hints about how he feels towards you because he's never experienced this before. To be honest, your obliviousness was most likely also due to his inexperience. Still, it gets him frustrated that his little acts of kindness go unnoticed because that's just how Heisenberg is when it comes to things not going his way.
-The more this goes on, the more Heisenberg fears that he will have to speak up about it otherwise it was going to drive him nuts. He can't handle his emotions very well, so sometimes his aggression is directed from his inability to handle how he feels about you. He'll also self-isolate which also gives you the wrong impression. But it's the sit down with him that's kind of scary for you.
-Because of the obliviousness, he has to sit with you face to face in order to get the message across. Not only that, but you have no clue what he's about to discuss with you because you never recognized the signs he was giving. Frankly, it was because he also didn't hand out many signs. Heisenberg was stubborn, stuttering, and overall nervous as he told you how he felt. Which also didn't work in his favor.
-This led to four hours of him having to repeat and explain himself.
-He thought his face was going to melt from how hot it was. Congratulations, you have finally broken Lord Heisenberg's walls and turned him into a puddle of mush. He sincerely hopes you return the feelings for him otherwise he will just combust and probably smush himself under a piece of scrap metal. You were probably just as flushed as he was about the realization, promising to be better about it from now on. Give him a hug and he will explode.
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prettynice8 · 6 months
Kinkmas Day 5: Degradation
Pairings: Dabi x male reader
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This guy
Warnings: kissing, swearing, begging, pretty mean Dabi, sex, anal, little foreplay, creampie, Degradation DUH
Word count: 1137
You were never really a part of The League of Villains; you just like to hang out at the base because the people are fun, and hot so that helps. You don't really feel either way about heroes too strongly. Right back to the hot thing, take your pick, you would fuck Twice, Dabi, Shigaraki, or Compress. On the other hand maybe you should be here.
You were just walking along the hallways until you happened to bump into crispy bacon himself, Dabi.
"Watch where you're going dumbass." He sneered coldly.
"You're the one who bumped into me" You replied, much more calmly than him because it really isn't that big of a deal.
"Bull shit." He exclaimed, still quite angry for no reason.
"Whatever." You said, done with his weird hyper masculinity thing. You try to walk right by him, but he stops you by holding tightly onto your arm and pushes you into the wall, his arms blocking both directions.
"Pinning me to the wall, cliche much." You said sassily. "I mean we might as well be in the omega verse with how fan fiction that was." His anger grew to a cartoony amount after your comment. He puts a harsh grip on your shoulders as he looks down at you, being much larger.
"The fuck does that even mean?" He asked coldly.
"It's like wolf people but also not because they are human but also absolutely but also not at all but also like they have heat cycles and sometimes ears and a tail but not always and sometimes it's used for already existing fandoms. It's weird as fuck but when done right it is pretty hot." You answered(?), your face remaining straight the whole time while his contorts into one of confusion.
It's dead silent for a while until you hear Dabi burst out into laughter. You follow suit, realizing how fucking crazy fan fiction can be sometimes. During his outburst he lets go of you, though one arm remains on your shoulder for support, you do the same with him, though it looks a lot goofier on your end sense he is so much taller than you.
"You're fucking with me." He said, his laughter dying off. Before you can even think you replied with,
"I wish." Your face goes blank, realizing what you just said. You look at Dabi for his response and... he burst out laughing once again, and you follow up. Once you're sure he thought this whole thing was a joke he picks you up and flings you over his shoulder.
Your face is stunned, and you don't know how to react, I mean you could kick and scream, but you honestly don't care that much in which to put that much energy into that, also your kind of sort of but not really crush has you potato sacked so like fun.
"You wouldn't do anything, you fucking skank." He degraded, then spanked your ass.
He leads you to his room and plops you right on to his bed. He takes his shirt off, revealing his muscular abs. He lays down on top of you and begins to kiss you, in which you immediately return.
The kiss gets passionate very quickly, his tongue already exploring your mouth. He knows how easily and quickly you give, though he's still going to give you shit for it.
"Fucking bitch in heat, I can already feel your pre though your pants." He said, he puts his knee on your crotch, rubbing it on your clothed dick, making you have short little moans of pleasure, but you still need more.
"I bet you want the real deal, wanting the dick of someone you hardly know." He said.
"Come on Dabi, we know each other enough." You joked, a cheeky smile on your face. He shuts you up by tearing off your clothes, within an instant leaving you completely naked.
He sucks on your erect nipples, licking and biting the left one while simultaneously rubbing the other. Your moans are getting louder now, but your lower body still craves more attention.
"Please start now Dabi, dear god I can't take it." You begged.
"Slut, I bet you've done this with every guy here." He said, the very thought he put into his head made him angry. "Bitch"
Though he still answers your prayers, putting his fingers into your ass. You moan loudly though it doesn't last very long though because right after he takes his pants off.
His large schlong is big but mainly girthy, and the kinky bastard has some burned off skin stapled to it.
"Jesus fucking Christ how painful was that?" You asked, needing this question to be answered. He laughs,
"Dear god you have no idea." He answered, you answer by kissing him.
"Poor baby," you said, mostly genuine, he's surprised by your response and replies himself by putting his dick up your ass.
It takes a while for him to get all the way due to your tight ass and his girthy cock. You just want it to be over, it's pretty painful. He kisses you to calm you down, which does work. When he's finally all the way in he slowly pumps his hips into you.
His pace is awfully slow, and his movements are quite gentle. He stays at this pace for a long period of time, until finally speeding up. Your noises get louder almost instantly after his speed increases.
"You would like that wouldn't you. I bet a little whore like you likes it rough." He said, his degradation is getting more and more aggressive. You're beginning to like it degrading more as well, did you just discover a new kink, crazy.
His thrusts are quite uncontrolled but fast, almost like he hasn't had much experience. It probably would be hard to find someone because not only is he a super villain, but he also has horrible burn scars all over him.
He puts your legs up into a mating press, making you officially a moaning mess. In which he also lifts your ass up enough for him to spank you sharply.
"I knew you liked it rough, fucking bitch." He said.
Climax is on the brink, building and building until... he stops. Anger and confusion are evident on your face, you're about to scream at him when,
"Wanna cum, then beg slut." He stated, movements still completely still as you writhe under him, wanting to chase your release.
"Please, Dear God Dabi please, I need your hot cum inside me." You begged.
That's all he needs to rapidly thrust in you again, you cum all over yours and his chest. He follows suit, filling you up. Right after he falls asleep, you do the same quickly after, his breath lulling you to rest.
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hornystiel · 1 year
chipped coin
1,6k, mature (i guess), early seasons destiel
so jackles and ida @chapeldean reminded me about the whole 'dean in cas' coat' thing and i wrote this in one go.
Dean’s rummaging in the pockets of the trench coat he’s currently borrowing from Cas in chance to find something like, you know, change, like what normal people are carrying with them in their pockets. 
Cas appears to be some kind of bird who likes shiny things, because his pockets have everything but the money Dean needs to buy himself a can of soda at 3 am from the vending machine outside of their motel room. Their room. 
Jesus, when did it become two rooms and not for Dean and Sam even, but for Dean and Cas, and Sam. Well, it’s not always like that, sometimes they still stay in one room because everything's packed and they don’t have any spare money or a working credit card with them. Except why the fuck Cas even needs to stay with them at night? And sleep in Dean’s bed. He’s a fucking angel, he doesn’t even need sleep. 
Not that Dean minds. Not really. 
Shiny rocks, a piece of glass (not sharp, thankfully), a cap from a beer Dean likes and tried to give to Cas a few times, some kind of a keychain in the shape of a cat? It’s cute though. Still no money.
Dean’s getting cold because he only slipped into Cas’ coat and currently wears only that, boots, and his batman boxers he managed to win from under Cas who was blissfully zoned out after fucking him into the creaky bed they share today. But once Dean took the coat and put it on, the look on Cas’ face became nothing but predatory. Dean’s sure if he lingered for a bit before leaving - they’d be having round two right now. 
Dean’s ass is still sensitive and he still feels, well, Cas’ come leaking out of him a bit. That should really be very gross, Dean’s sure he should feel gross. 
He doesn’t and that’s kind of concerning. 
He touches the bite mark on his neck and feels his cheeks heating up, even in the chilly parking lot. 
Castiel was intense the minute he appeared in Dean’s life, but Dean didn’t really think he would be so into marking him in every way possible. Although, the handprint on his shoulder should have given him some ideas. Dean coughs a little, trying to will his brain to stop translating the direct feed of Cas sucking hickeys on his hips half an hour before.
Right. He’s still thirsty, that was the reason he left the room in the first place. Not to contemplate. 
They are just fucking. Just fucking, just sharing a room, just talking for hours about everything and nothing, just grabbing a bite in shitty diners when Cas pops up out of nowhere right when Dean thinks it would be nice to make him try this new weird-looking pie and see that adorable frown make an appearance again, the apocalypse fuckery hanging somewhere in the background for once. 
Dean digs faster, in an attempt to overrun his own thoughts. How deep are those pockets? Finally something circle-shaped is in his hands and he brings it to the neon light to the left of him to see what it is. 
It’s the coin, a piece of it chipped a little, a tiny hole piercing it close to the ridge. 
Dean remembers this coin. 
He was boredly playing with all the change he had on him during their pitstop in one of the bars on their way to another state, Cas sitting on the opposite end of a small booth, looking ragged. Rebel angels have tough days. 
Dean noticed this coin and said Hey, look. This one is like you. Castiel squinted at the coin and mumbled Useless and broken? Dean huffed and went Not like the others and still kicking. 
He placed it in Cas’ hand and said that this one is for good luck. Castiel frowned but took it. 
Dean thought he threw it away or lost it a long time ago. But it’s still here. In Dean’s palm again. An angel who wields the destinies of the whole civilisations is carrying a chipped coin for good luck given to him by a hick human. 
Suddenly he isn’t really thirsty anymore. 
He puts everything back into the pockets and quickly goes back to their room. 
Cas is still sprawled on the bed (more and more human things in his arsenal, one day he’ll use this arsenal of adorable/annoying lethal quirks to kill Dean dead), but once Dean closes the door, he sits up and looks at Dean. 
Forget the pain in his ass, Dean wants to ride this ruffled creature into the sunset of a better future. 
“Dean, I advise you to take the coat off, because I’m not sure I can control myself when you are wearing it and I know you must be tired.”
“Aw, for a possessive bastard you’re such a gentleman.” Dean chuckles and without taking the trench coat off climbs on top of Cas’ naked thighs. “What, afraid you’ll fuck the Righteous Man too good he goes out of commission?” 
Castiel growls and tugs Dean closer, crushing their mouths together, hands roaming all over his body as if they were separated for a decade instead of thirty minutes tops. 
“It’s just…the more traces of me you have on yourself, the more I…” Cas hides his face in Dean’s shoulder, his movements slowing but not losing intensity, a hand crawling to the handprint, hidden under the coat. 
“Tell me.” Dean’s lost all of his brain cells on the way here, he wants to hear how much he breaks Cas’ restraint, he wants to know the moment Cas started thinking of this coat as a part of him, he wants to know whether it’s the first time Cas even feels this way and if so he doesn’t want to share this knowledge with anybody else. Man, they are both possessive as fuck. 
“I want to keep you to myself,” Cas whispers, unsure, and Dean moans, slowly grinding into him, starting to pull the coat off his shoulders, but Cas stops his hands. Holy fucking shit.  
“You were mine to rebuild, mine to bring back to life, mine to protect,” Cas lifts his gaze to Dean and strokes his jaw. “Now you’re mine to love.” 
If Dean ever wondered what the perfect example of “fuck around and find out” looks like in real life - well. He’s experiencing it now. 
“Shut up,” he tells Cas because he isn’t ready to start fucking crying during the most mindblowing kinky sex he isn’t even fully having right now. 
Cas opens his mouth to argue and probably tell him more insane shit that will rewire Dean’s mindframe forever and ever, so he shuts him up himself with kisses. After they’re finally done making out, Cas, the stubborn bastard, opens his mouth again.
“Was what I said wrong? You asked me to tell you.” 
“No, it’s just…” How can he even begin to explain everything that’s happening in his brain right now? That Cas just voiced Dean’s own feelings he’s too afraid to even start rationalizing in his own mind? Let alone talking about them. The thought that Cas doesn’t know what he’s talking about doesn’t even cross his mind. He knows they both feel the same and both are greatly inexperienced in just being in love. Cas being an angel, Dean being a hunter and both of them being fuckups. 
“You are thinking too much. I don’t require your answer, Dean, that’s not why I said it.” Cas touches his neck, shoulders, stomach, thighs. Feather-light strokes of his long fingers relax Dean gradually. “Just let me take care of you sometimes.”
 And Dean lets. 
The coat stays on, like a wall, shielding what they have from the rest of the world. Dean imagines that it’s Cas’ wings that envelop him and keep him safe. 
They take it slow this time, Dean rocking on top of Cas like he has all the time in the world, Cas’ hands are firm but still gentle, supporting him when he gets tired. He’s so beautiful underneath him, all black unruly hair, dark stubble and eyes only for Dean. 
Dean kisses him and kisses and kisses until his lips get numb and scratchy from all the licking and biting. 
Cas talks to him, quiet and intimate, and, dammit, Dean ends up crying after all. But he feels so, so much lighter, he feels like there’s light streaming from all the scars on his body. 
When they are cleaned up, Dean digs in the pockets of Cas’ coat again, Cas curiously watching from the bed, clad in boxers and Dean's t-shirt. Dean kinda gets why Cas jumped him when he walked in in his trench coat earlier. The t-shirt…is doing things to him too. 
He finds the coin again, takes it, threads a thick rope through the tiny hole in it and tugs the ends. Then goes to Cas and motions for him to bow his head. 
Cas looks puzzled for a second and then a tiny warm smile spreads on his face when he thumbs the improvised amulet on his neck. 
“Just uh. For it not to get lost in your giant ass pockets.” Dean’s scratching his head and fidgeting like a dumbass. 
“Thank you Dean,” Cas catches Dean’s restless hands in his and just holds them, “Thank you for taking care of it.” 
Thank you for taking care of me.
One day Dean will say it back outloud. 
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zedleaked · 7 months
What is your opinion on drv3 chapter 2... or just kirumi and ryoma's story/dynamic?
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[Lyrics from: 'Julie vs. Robot Julie' by ARTHUR]
I'm probably biased but OUGHGHFGH CHAPTER 2........
It's a running thing with me but I tend to really like the chapter 2s in each game,,, probably cause they involve characters I like [i.e: Mondo, Chihiro, Fuyuhiko, Ryoma, etc.]
[read more if you want to read my rant bc I wrote more than I usually do]
From the very start Ryoma was really interesting to me, especially in chapter one when he offered himself as a sacrifice to stop the time limit,, It was nice to see him slowly get better and try to find a reason to live... but uh... we eventually get to see what happens...
Kirumi on the other hand didn't really catch my eye as much, well I mean her design goes hard but for me, she faded into the background a lot...
Also holy shit this chapter probably has one of the best body discoveries in the series. The chill I felt when Ryoma's body just fucking appeared in the piranha tank and seeing it shortly get torn apart really made an impression on me. It was obvious that something was going to go wrong during the magic show but that was still so shocking to me. Out of all the games, V3 is definitely the one that made me audibly go: "NO!💥💥💥!!!!!" the most
It kinda makes me wish that Himiko and Ryoma had more of a connection before his death or at least had Himiko acknowledge his death more... not only did someone die in her show that was supposed to distract everyone from the killing,, but it was someone who was actually pretty nice to her... But also to be fair Himiko represses her grief a lot, only really letting it out during chapter 3. I dunno I just want the depressed mage and the depressed tennis pro to be besties, is that too much to wish for? <//3
The trial was pretty alright,, to be honest, I was a little annoyed at Himiko for still sticking to her magic shtick even after someone fucking died but I think that was made up for when Kirumi got accused. Oh boy, I said Kirumi didn't catch my attention earlier but this trial made me like her so much. The manipulative shit she says during the trial activated my brain cells, she was willing to deceive the people she'd been surviving with to try and essentially save the country...
It feels like a more personal version of the trolley cart problem: Would you fight alongside these 13 people you've gotten to know and survive with, with the slim chance that you might escape? Or would you take the risk and purposely kill all of them to fulfill your duty and save a whole country? It's debatable if what Kirumi did was really 'selfless' or not. It made her really interesting to me.
And finally... oh my god, Ryoma, man.... The reveal that his motive video was empty and that he had no one to live for broke my heart so badly <//3 poor guy has gone through too much. The fact that he gave up like that, offering himself up to Kirumi is so... RGHARGHR!!!! 💥💥💥,, PLEASE.........
Even though I really wanted Ryoma to survive, I thought that chapter 2 was a depressing but fitting end for him. Like it really sucks bad that he wasn't able to find a reason to live but not everyone can have a good ending unfortunately... I just want to grab him and shake him around GRUGAHRGHH 💥💥💥
so uh in short: me likey chapter 2 I go insane every time I think about it.................
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watchyourbuck · 9 months
Oh god okay here we go
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Why must I go into heavy detail you ask? Well, I am actually unable to shut up so here it is them 10 TOP “there’s no chance this is a straight friendship” MOMENTS
“You can have my back any day” aka the enemies to lovers speedrun. The immediate feeling we’re supposed to get from the screen is jealousy. Buck is jealous of the new recruit because he’s hot, a medic, a veteran, whatever. I’ll give it to you children, he WAS jealous. But then they go on call and they get into immediate danger bc 911 is a drama and then Eddie’s very keen on being Buck’s partner. Nothing queer til then right? WRONG. Eddie’s line is pretty normal but the way Buck reacts isn’t. I have had my fair share of “huh this person I didn’t like is actually cool” moments but nEVER have I once sucked in a breath, forgot how to blink, rushed in my words OR stared at said person like I’d like for them to be my lover. Three points to Gayfindor.
“Is your son REALLY the reason you don’t date?” This line and the dialogue that follows makes absolutely no sense from the non-queer glass. Alright he asks bc he wants to know why two girls practically launched themselves at him and he declined (such a kind offer lmao) but… why are you standing so close? Why do you bump shoulders with him as you walk? Most importantly, what the FUCK does Eddie’s smirk mean after “they’re not my type either… not anymore.” Idk about you guys but when I’m not on the market I’m actually not in it 😀 and I don’t go around looking at my best friend like I’d consider fucking her (I’m actually kinda yikes about that thought bc she’s like my sister). Bottom line is: if you’re willing to fuck your best friend, there’s attraction. That scenes oozes attraction and I’d be willing to white glove challenge a body language reader.
The Tsunami. YES okay, there are far many moments in between but I also need to make this a somewhat readable list so here we go. We’re gonna pretend for a hot second Buck wants to save his best friend’s son, and not the child that he considers his own bc I’m tired. Let’s skip to the far end of this (be GrAtEfuL I’m skipping the whole sacrifice that this episode entailed. Buck was willing to die, to never sit down again if it meant looking for Chris [& the utter fear he has to face Eddie]. It’s a lot). Now, I do not OWN a child (thank god) but if I did, I wouldn’t be particularly comfortable with a simple friend from work taking care of them. They could be my very best friend from work and I’d still feel a little icky -at least nervous- about it. Yet Eddie not only takes Christopher back A F T E R the tsunami (Chris could’ve died and Eddie is nothing short of apprehensive), but he says ‘there’s no one I trust with my son more than you’. Um. Not his wife. Not his family (CHRIS’ family), not Abuela, not Tia Pepa. Buck. Who he… just met? Surely it isn’t bc he’s uncle buck… I don’t believe even Maddie has said that to Buck, where he’s actually, yknow, UNCLE BUCK. Co-parenting is not something done between a parent and a friend, and I know this shit bc my mom raised me with a few of her friends and guys,,, she never said that to any of them. Also Chris is practically never seen with anyone else from the 188firefam alone.
The Kitchen Scene™️. I have gone on rants about this before but truth be told THIS is the scene that conveys the MOST canonically sexual tension between them. We can joke about it all y’all want but this scene is unhinged. I don’t think Oliver and Ryan were aware that they should’ve been friends in this scene. The way the conversation shifts from apologetic sad puppy eyes to “you’re throwing your punches at the wrong guy” to I CAN TAKE YOU (???) you can what? “Oh you think?” “Oh I know” HELLO? Pls don’t even get me started on how Buck approaches Eddie, the way he’s puffy-chested, his hand on his belt, eyeing him up and down, nearly biting his lip, cocky grin,,,,, explain to me in hetero. I’m waiting😐 guys c’mon exPLAIN IT TO ME IN HETERO. The way Eddie glances to the side bc where’s Chris? And h o w he sips his beer right after, smirking, tiLTING His head. I’m sorry this is not straight in any way. I’m sorry you’re gonna have to accept this.
Clipboard Buck. Alright u got me!!! This one’s a lil silly, but so is my life, so it’s fair game. Clipboard Buck is annoying as fuck, he’s so fucking annoying. The entire firefam picks up on this, no one wants to be around,,,, except Eddie. You could argue that it’s bc he likes him as a friend and he’s just indulging …. 👁️👄👁️ sure but he also hides from Interim Captain Han soooo anyway what’s fun about this is how willing Eddie is to comply with everything he says. He’s basically twirling his hair, kicking his feet, smiling & blushing and “check!” 🧍🏽‍♀️ buck is kinky (that is canon e.g the ring cutter) and he gets high on authority and Eddie does backflips to meet his kinks. Exhibit 5 complete.
The Lawsuit Arc acka the first divorce era😔✊🏼. This one makes me rage a little bit because I get really upset at Buck for acting recklessly. Like baby let yourself HEAL. Anyway,,,, onto what brings us here 🥷🏼. It’s canon that the entire team is mad at Buck, they don’t really wanna bump into him, can’t really speak to him,,, but Eddie? Eddie’s filled with wrath. I cannot stress enough the fact that he uses Chris as an excuse “do you even know how much he misses you? how could you! you’re not here”. The way he expresses himself, and we’re choosing to ignore the fact that he HIMSELF misses Buck,, that’s how you talk to someone who has a responsibility with the child, not the fun coworker that randomly shows up @ your house with pizza every once in a while. “I couldn’t even call you to bail me out of jail”. He’s so u p s e t that for the first time they know each other he can’t rely on Buck when he’s hurting and in danger. And pls for the love of Jesus Christ my lord & savior don’t tell me that it’s a 118 thing bc he calls Ronda Rousey to come pick him up 🎅🏻 that grocery store scene is.. interesting.
Eddie Underground. Alright we’re getting serious now guys,,, might as well put on your thinking caps on this one. We all know the story, this isn’t a latest ep recap soooo The wAY Buck’s the ONLY ONE who desperately calls Eddie’s name when he’s fallen underground, amidst the heavy rain and dirt. Listen to me: he starts digging with his hands. With his bare hands I tell you!!!! 😩 Bobby has to physically pull him back as he cries on his lap. Buck is a smart man, he wouldn’t do something that’s completely illogic, he knows he can’t dig him out but he’s so desperate. His voice breaks, he can’t breathe, he becomes impulsive, reckless, impatient. Do I need to remind y’all the reason he wasn’t the one getting strapped to go underground??? “You’re not going down there. So we can have two cut off ropes?” Everyone knows he’s willing to sacrifice his integrity for Eddie bc his life doesn’t make sense without him. “We’ll get him back for you”
The Shooting + “I’ve made u my son’s dad lol”. When Eddie gets shot the world freezes for Buck. He’s left standing there, staring as Eddie’s blood splatters on him. He has to be tackled down. Even then, he’s unable to move, to breathe. He just looks as he bleeds out, and theN he snaps back into reality, bracing himself to go under the truck (foregoing his own trauma - I’ve said this before) and preparing for the amount of strength it’s gonna take to pull him under it. He screams at him to hold on, and later when he manages to pull him inside the truck he tells him he needs him to hang on. He rips his uniform open, he cries and screams,,, then Eddie wakes up, and he asks BUCK if HES okay. Bc he saw blood :( also as @butraura pointed out, he can’t die if Buck’s dying bc what about Chris? He only lets himself drift off when he knows Buck’s okay. Then we got The Will Reveal™️ also so unhinged. “You knew I wouldn’t turn it down” right what is this guys??? That was a year ago. He added him to his will A yEaR aGo. Idk about y’all but I haven’t added my friends to my will😀 also Buck’s the one who tells Chris ??? (I’m being very brief on this subject). Also “Because, Evan” shut up🧎🏽‍♀️
& 10. The Lightning Strike + “She sees me”. I’m doing these together bc I haven’t watched this episodes yet but I’m an addict so I’ve spoiled myself to the brim. The way Eddie screams Buck’s name, the way he saves him, “do more” h e l l o ?? The absolute PAIN in Eddie’s eyes, “you died Buck” “3 minutes and 17 seconds”, “his humor hasn’t changed” & the fact that he listens to Buck on his super genius math theory. And then Buck goes and says “I feel like Natalia sees me” ok. I mean my feelings mean nothing but Eddie’s face ??? That’s a man that knows he’s waited too long.
I rest my case. I’m missing a lot of scenes (like a lot omg Abby comes back, Buck under the Truck, Buck vomiting blood, the Taylor Arc) & y’all can argue in the comments about them, or add shit or try to dismantle mine, honestly the floor is yours idc wHat u do, just know you won’t convince me otherwise 🤸🏽these two are in love & that’s pretty much that on THAT. PERIOD.
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suzukiblu · 9 months
👉👈 do you have any more of the dubcon ( ;3c dubKON lol) tim//kon thing with the pining kon?
. . . I actually am not even sure what fic you're referencing so maaaaaybe I have written too many fics, lol.
But like, here's an excerpt from something that at least fits that definition?
Superboy fucking hates Gotham.
Well, not necessarily Gotham, but definitely the Riddler and probably Poison Ivy and, like . . . whoever the fuck else decided to set up a goddamn murder-box puzzle room and lock him in it with a drugged-out-of-his-mind Robin and the worst set of instructions ever.
And especially he hates the fact that apparently the whole damn mess was fucking livestreamed.
"This sucks," he mutters under his breath. Robin stares at him from the other side of the briefing table in the middle of the Batcave, because of course Superboy's first time in the Batcave would only happen because he'd fucked up. Like–of course it would.
"I sexually assaulted you in a supervillain deathtrap in front of the entire internet," Robin says very, very carefully. "And we only survived the experience because said deathtrap had faulty wiring. And that . . . 'sucks'?"
"I mean, very much so, yes," Superboy says. Honestly he's more annoyed about the deathtrap than anything else. Like, he tried really hard to solve that stupid puzzle of Riddler's and it's really annoying that he apparently got it wrong. Which–okay, he was pretty distracted at the time because drugged-up Robin had refused to settle for a handy and had basically bullied him into going down on him, but still. That asshole Riddler and his lame-ass bowler hat had been very fucking clear about how said drugs weren't gonna wear off without Robin getting off and how they'd had very limited time to solve his stupid puzzle in, so Superboy had just kinda tried to . . . multitask it, basically. He'd let out-of-his-mind Robin shove him down and fuck his mouth and just kept his hands on the floor so he could use his TTK a little easier and tried to solve the stupid puzzle with it, just in case Robin wasn't gonna snap out of it fast enough.
It'd very literally been a puzzle, for whatever reason–like one of those weird abstract-looking 3D ones–and probably would've been a lot easier to figure out if he'd actually been able to see it as opposed to having to rely on his TTK feeling it out while the whole thing was all wired up to the table on the opposite side of the deathtrap room, but apparently it hadn't even fucking mattered anyway because of whatever that one fucked up bit in the wiring had been. So like . . . Superboy basically violated a guy he barely knows and already had weird feelings about for no fucking reason whatsoever.
So yeah. This definitely sucks.
"I called you a whore," Robin says, his face absolutely expressionless. Superboy makes a face at him more to be contrary than anything else. "Multiple times. You asked me to stop yanking your hair so hard and I called you a mouthy bitch. And then I yanked your hair harder."
"I mean, I know, I was there," Superboy says, raising an eyebrow at him. And also, like, those are accurate assessments of his character, so . . .
"I made you get down on your knees and shoved my dick in your mouth," Robin stresses, his jaw going tight. "Which was livestreamed and is now on the internet. Where it will never go away. Ever. And anyone who feels like it can just go and google it."
"They probably shouldn't, I'm assuming that'd count as underage porn," Superboy says with a shrug. "At least, I'm not eighteen yet, dunno about you. Actually I'm like . . . two, max. Probably not even that. Although I dunno, I was sixteen-ish when I got out of Cadmus, maybe I do count as eighteen by now? Technically?"
Robin gets up and goes over to the trash can by the computer and throws up in it. Superboy . . . blinks.
"Uh," he says. "You okay, man?"
"No," Robin says. Then he throws up in the trash can again.
Awkward, Superboy thinks, trying not to wince.
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cummin-n-cryin · 1 year
could we get like a floyd version of the jade camping trip? like similar themes but just floyd?
~Thank you for your request!
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The Camping Trip - Part 2
Floyd Leech x gn!reader
Tw: Dubcon, Nsfw, drugging/aphrodisiac, yandere???, reader gets injured, there's blood, lemme know if I missed anything!
Wordcount: 6,423
Side Note: OMG I'm so sry for taking forever to write things! I ended up getting into a really bad writing slump but I'm feeling a lot better now and I'm gonna try writing a whole lot more. Sry if this sucks!
You had been wanting to spend some time alone.
The craziness of NRC was slowly getting to you and you just really needed a break. It took you awhile to rack your brain for ideas on how exactly you could take such a break. It wasn't until you had listened to Ruggie tell you about the plants and herbs he likes to collect from the mountains that you suddenly came up with an idea.
There was only one problem with your idea.
Headmage Crowley.
"I will not allow you to go camping in the woods all by yourself!" Crowley said with a huff. You crossed your arms looking annoyed at the masked man, "Why not? I'm perfectly capable of surviving out there! Or are you just upset that you won't have someone to do all your work for you for a week?"
Crowley huffed in annoyance, his feathers seemingly ruffled. "I'm sure you are very capable and I am not at all upset!" Crowley said defensively. "I just cannot allow you to go out on your own. You are magicless and what if you hurt yourself? Ah! I feel faint just imagining all the terrible things that could happen to you out there!" Crowley said while dramatically leaning back in his chair.
You sighed as you decided it'd be better to just leave at this point. "At least take one person with you!" Crowley yelled as you shut the door to his office.
Well, he didn't say you couldn't go on your camping trip. Though, while you hate to admit it, the Headmage was kind of right. What if you did get hurt? How would you get help? Yeah, you have your phone but who knows if anyone will actually answer in time or if the reception will even work out there.
You slowly made your way back to Ramshackle. On the way you thought of who you should bring with you.
Obviously, you weren't bringing Ace, Deuce or Grim. Those three are partly the reason you need a break in the first place!
Sebek wasn't a bad choice but you'd rather not listen to him ramble on about Malleus. After thinking of a couple more people, you eventually decided on either Jack or Ruggie.
Ruggie was good for his knowledge on the mountain plants and cooking but Leona almost always has Ruggie running around doing things for him so, he probably wouldn't agree to go with you.
Jack, on the other hand, seemed like a much better option. He's strong and reliable and unlike some people, he wouldn't do anything stupid.
You're quickly thrown out of your thoughts when you accidently walk into someone. You quickly try to apologize only to be interrupted by a loud drawn out, "Shrimpy~!"
He hugged you tightly, a bit too tightly. "Ha- Floyd," you wheeze out. Floyd laughed a bit before releasing you, "So, what's got ya so distracted, hm?"
You question whether you should really tell him but quickly decide there's no real harm in telling him the truth. With a sigh, you tell him how you convinced Crowley to let you go camping out in the woods for a week however, you have to bring at least one person with you.
"Ooooh sounds fun~ Who do you plan on bringing with you?" Floyd asks with a lazy smile on his lips. You take a moment to think, "Well, I'm thinking of bringing Jack-"
"Jack?" Floyd interrupts sounding surprised.
"Uh, yeah Jack," you say cautiously. Floyd suddenly grabs your shoulders, "No bring me! I wanna go, I wanna go! You gotta bring me with you!" he bursts out.
Out of all the people you could bring, Floyd was definitely on the lower end of the list.
Ever since that one time you met him in alchemy class, you've tried your best to avoid him but when you really think about it, out of everyone, he's the one most likely to just up and leave if he gets bored enough and well, Crowley can't make a fuss because technically you did bring someone with you. He didn't mention anything about that person actually staying with you.
So, it was decided. "Yeah, I guess you can come along then."
"Yay!" Floyd says with a large grin on his face. "Oh, I gotta go tell Azul," he suddenly says before running off. "Bye, bye shrimpy!" He waved while running to what you assumed was the direction of the Mostro Lounge.
You shook your head, "What a weirdo."
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Walking in the woods with Floyd was quite the troublesome experience. He'd frequently say he was too tired of carrying his stuff and just give it to you to carry while he ran off somewhere, or he'd try dragging you somewhere off the path with him to go and explore whatever it is that caught his eye.
It was annoying to repeatedly tell Floyd that he can go exploring later after you two have set up the camp.
When you eventually found a good spot to set up you let out a sigh of relief. Finally, you can relax.
Except Floyd has run off again leaving you to set up the camp all by yourself. It's kind of nice to see Floyd so excited to run around and explore but he could at least help you a little bit!
As you're busy regretting your decision to bring Floyd with you, you hear a rustling noise and what sounds like footsteps behind you. Oh great, Floyd's come back to bother you again. Instead of turning to greet him, you try to focus on hammering the stupid tent into the ground.
But something feels off.
You grow nervous. Floyd would have said something dumb by now. You turn around only to see...
Looking around, you found you were completely alone. You walked around the area trying to see if Floyd was nearby but no matter where you looked you didn't see any trace of him.
You started to question if it was even Floyd at all. It could've just been an animal, would've been some heavy footsteps for an animal though. Or it was Floyd and you just didn't hear him run off back into the woods?
Deciding that figuring this out wasn't worth your time, you turn to go back to the tents. That is until you suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder.
"AHHH!" you screamed before quickly turning around to hit whatever just grabbed your shoulder.
"Ahaha!" Floyd laughed as he quickly caught your hand.
"Shrimpy, what's got you so riled up, huh?" he asked while leaning close to your face. You quickly pulled your arm out of his grip, "Floyd! Don't scare me like that."
He laughed, "Sorry shrimpy but I got you a gift~" he said while holding his "gift" up for you to see.
"Put that down!" you yell.
Floyd pouts, "Awww, shrimpy doesn't like my gift?" he says while the rabbit he's holding tries to escape his grip. "No, I don't! Put them back where you found them!"
With a sigh, Floyd relents and drops the poor rabbit watching it run off into the woods. You go back to working on the tents as Floyd either watches you work or runs off somewhere again.
Once the tents are finished you look up to the sky. You got plenty of daylight left to mess around and you tell Floyd. With a sharp-toothed grin, Floyd grabs your hand and runs off into the woods with you.
Floyd shows you some of the cool things he found while you were busy. Mostly it's stuff he thinks would be cool to climb or interesting looking plants before he suddenly darts off in a random direction.
You try to follow him but he's fast and you quickly lose track of him. You keep running in the direction you thought he went only to stumble upon a lake.
Looking around, you don't see him anywhere nearby. You kick rocks around as you follow the edge of the lake. It's a nice view that's for sure.
Bending down, you pick up a small rock. It has a semi smooth surface and you decide out of boredom to throw it into the lake. The small splashing noise is satisfying to hear but then you hear a much louder splashing sound coming from somewhere in the lake.
You turn to look at where you think the splashing noise is coming from only to get drenched in water.
A loud boisterous laugh echoes in your ears as you try to get the lake water out of your eyes. You look down to see Floyd in his merform. He's still giggling as you look down at him in irritation. While it's not the first time you've seen him in his more eel-like form, it's still a bit of a surprise whenever you do get to see it.
"Hehehe~ I got you a better gift this time shrimpy," Floyd says holding up a fairly large fish. "And what do you expect me to do with it?" you ask while hesitantly touching the fish to see if it was still alive.
He looks at you blankly, "Uhh, cook it?" You huff a laugh, "You want me to cook it after you left me to set up the entire camp by myself?" Floyd grins up at you, "Ah, shrimpy you're not mad at me, are you?"
"Maybe I am," you say as you turn to leave. You hear him flounder for something to say before feeling a hand grab the back of your shirt. You're pulled backwards and you thrash around as the cold water seeps through your clothes. You feel Floyd's chest pressing into your back as he hugs you tightly.
"Let me go, the water's cold!" you yell as you thrash around in his grip. His grip only tightens in response, "Aha~ shrimpy, if you keep moving around so much, I might just drag you to the deepest part of this lake and leave you there."
His threat made you still your movement. It became oddly quiet after that and in the silence you became very aware of not only the sounds of the water around you but of how Floyd was holding you.
You became far too aware of the feeling of his chest pressing into your back each time he breathed. You could feel his arms just slightly loosen around you, seemingly knowing that you had no plans of escaping any time soon. You weren't sure why of all times now he had to get all touchy with you and if you could complain you would, but you don't.
While Floyd seemed to be having a good time holding you in his arms, you just wanted to get it over with. You were only growing colder and in his eel form he didn't produce much body heat.
Suddenly, he moves his head near yours. You can feel his breath ghost over your ear as he whispers from behind you, "You're so small shrimpy~"
You let out an annoyed sigh, "Pretty much everyone's small compared to you Floyd." He lets out a light laugh in response as he finally lets you go.
You quickly crawl out of the cold water. Looking back, you see Floyd gazing up at the sky seemingly lost in thought. "I'm heading back to camp. Have fun doing whatever you're doing," you say before leaving.
Thankfully, it's not too long of a walk before you end up back at the camp. You go into your tent and quickly change your clothes.
You don't sit around and wait for Floyd, instead you busy yourself with making a campfire and fixing up things around the camp.
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It's not until the sun begins to set that you see Floyd again.
"Shrimpy!" you hear Floyd yell. You turn and see him running up to you with a fish in his hand. You recognize it as his "gift" to you or maybe it's a different fish, you can't really tell.
Floyd surprisingly helps to cook the fish with very little fuss or complaint. While you both wait for the fish to cook, you snack on random things you brought with you and Floyd ends up pulling out a couple books from his backpack.
"Ugh, Jade kept botherin' me with these stupid books," Floyd says, briefly opening the books only to toss them on the ground next to him. Curiously looking over at the books, you see that they're nothing too special, just some basic hiking safety books along with some books about flora and fauna.
"You know, they are useful," you say before gazing back at the campfire. "Are they?" he asks, picking one of the books off the ground and flipping through the pages.
You grow quiet as you get lost in your thoughts.
"Ow!" you yell as something hits your back. You turn to see Floyd had thrown the book at you. Before you say anything, Floyd asks, "Are you trying to bore me?" he looks at you blankly, making it hard to tell what he's feeling.
You aren't sure what to say. He isn't wrong. You did invite him because you knew that out of everyone he's the one who would ditch you the fastest if he got bored enough but were you really going to tell him that? Maybe telling him that would be a good idea? Maybe he'd finally go away so you can actually relax for once.
"Yeah, I was hoping you'd eventually go away so I could relax." you didn't intend to sound so harsh but you felt it was kind of justified considering his behavior so far.
Floyd doesn't respond, instead he stares at the fire. You slowly grow concerned at his lack of a response. Did you make him upset? Was he mad at you?
You become more worried as each second passes and when he stands up you almost believe that he was about to make his threat at the lake a reality.
"Alright," Floyd says before walking off.
"Wha- Where are you going?" you ask confused. "I'm leaving so you can relax," he responds simply before disappearing into the woods.
You make no move to stop him. He didn't appear to be upset or angry at least. You then look up gazing at the stars above you before looking back into the direction he walked off. You know he's capable of defending himself but still...
You couldn't help but worry a little bit about him.
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Two days pass and still there's no sign of Floyd.
You're glad that you can finally spend time by yourself but you're also worried about where Floyd had gone. You hope that he just went back to NRC but you can never be sure with someone like him.
It doesn't help that only yesterday you found out just how bad the reception was out here. Which was only made worse when it started to rain. Thankfully, it was just a light drizzle but still, you'd have to be much more careful walking around and exploring now that everything was wet.
Wandering around the woods after it had rained was nice. The smell of the tree's wet bark along with the other plant life was strong and the wind was crisp. It was refreshing.
You end up walking on a particularly thin trail. It wasn't hard to navigate but considering that to your left there was a steep drop off, you'd have to be careful walking. You wouldn't die by any means but it'd be quite the tumble if you did fall down. With all the rocks and trees around you could really hurt yourself.
Trying your best to be careful, you take slow and cautious steps. Out of everything, the leaves on the ground were currently your worst enemy. You've already slipped a few times from those damn wet leaves. It seems no matter how careful you are these leaves were planning your demise.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard crunching sounds near you. Looking around, you don't see anything. You quickly assume it was probably just an animal or something. Shaking your head, you go back to walking.
It feels like your heart just stopped beating.
You're breath is caught in your throat and you can feel your hair standing on end.
You feel a pair of hands resting on your shoulders.
Suddenly, the hands harshly grip you and before you can turn around or react, they roughly shove you to the left.
You roll down the steep slope of the mountain. As you roll down, just briefly, you swear you could see something blue.
Desperately, you try to grab onto anything around you to stop yourself from tumbling. Your fingers dig into the ground yet it does little to stop you. You panic as you quickly lose your sense of direction.
Colliding roughly into a rock, you wheeze as your breath is harshly knocked out of you. You try to regain your breathing only to find it extremely painful to do so. The right side of your ribs throb painfully with each little breath you take. You attempt to move your body but you find that the only thing you can move without being in pain is your left arm. Carefully, you touch your ribs and shakily move your hand to your eyes, you see blood.
You grunt as you place your arm back on the ground. You decide it's best to stop moving at all as with each movement you just feel worse and worse. You briefly close your eyes.
Each time you open your eyes you find it more and more difficult to do so. You can hear the sound of crunching leaves nearby and as the darkness consumes your vision, you swear you see a glimpse of familiar turquoise hair.
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You wake sluggishly.
As you slowly open your eyes, you almost instantly recognize your surroundings. You're in your tent. But, how?
You try to sit up only to feel a searing pain in your ribs. Okay, well you're definitely not getting up any time soon.
Carefully, you try to observe what parts of you that you can. You find that your arms are covered in bandages. You make an attempt to observe the rest of your body and through a bit of slight painful maneuvering, you finally get the blanket off of you. Much like your arms, your legs have bandages on them as well and of course your ribs have been wrapped in bandages.
Unfortunately, you also discover that apart from the blanket covering you, the only other thing covering you was your underwear.
You gently place the blanket back over yourself. You wanted to thank whoever had helped you but couldn't they have at least put your shirt back on?
You wonder if the person who helped you was someone you knew or not. There's a lot of people who go wandering around the woods so who knows, it could be a random passerby or it could be someone from the college. Well, whoever it may be they seem to be quite experienced in wrapping injuries.
The pain in your ribs knocks you out of your thoughts and you wonder if the person who helped you will come back or not. You let out a shaky sigh and decide to rest up a bit more.
Closing your eyes you slowly fall asleep.
You feel like you just closed your eyes as you suddenly wake again.
The crunching of leaves can be heard outside your tent. You grow nervous as you hear the footsteps approach your tent.
You're suddenly blinded by the bright light from outside. You rub your eyes and you finally see the person who helped you.
"Goddamn it," you grumble out.
"Wakey, wakey little shrimpy~" Floyd says, peering down at your disheveled form.
He approaches you, kneeling down next to you he shoves a bowl of... something in your face. It appears to be some kind of soup. You look up questioningly at Floyd, all he does is smile at you as you cautiously grab the bowl.
You won't lie, the soup does smell quite good but knowing Floyd, you can't ever trust him with these kinds of things.
"What is it?" you ask as you imagine all the terrible things he could have put in this mysterious soup.
"Soup!" he responds simply, still giving you the same bright smile. You roll your eyes, "Yeah I can see that but what kind of soup is it?" Floyd shrugs, "I dunno. I just put a bunch of good stuff in it."
Of course. You sigh and place the bowl next to you; you'll eat it later...
"Oh! I need to check your injuries now," Floyd says before trying to pull the blanket off of you. "Hey!" you yell as you try to pull it back on you. Floyd grabs the blanket while giving you an annoyed look, "Let me see."
You can't keep pulling the blanket towards you as your rib starts throbbing in pain. You're embarrassed to let him see you in your underwear but you'd rather not be in pain so, you finally relent and let him pull the blanket off of you.
Floyd's face is blank as he looks over the bandages. He touches here and there, occasionally causing you to hiss in pain. When he gets to your ribs, he seems to really take his time.
You almost feel like he's caressing your ribs with the way he seems to be so slowly running his fingers over the bandages. You don't say anything as you just want to get it over with but when his hand slowly makes its way from your ribs to your stomach, you can't hold your tongue.
"Your hands are cold," you grumble. Floyd quickly moves his hand back to your ribs, "Aha~ sorry shrimpy."
"Are you done touching me?" you ask annoyed. Floyd pouts, "Aww, I thought for a moment shrimpy liked me touching them like this."
You feel your face heat up at his words, "Wha- No I don't! Why are you even touching my ribs so much for, huh?!"
Floyd looks at you irritated, "I was just tryin' to see if it was broken!"
You huff a laugh, "Oh sure~ Was it really for no other reason?" you say tauntingly.
You see a light blush settle on his cheeks as he looks away from you. You hate to admit it but he honestly looks kind of cute when he's flustered. It almost makes you forget that this man likes to beat people up for fun.
"Well thanks for bandaging me I guess," you mutter. His mood quickly changes, "Oh, I didn't fix you up," he says nonchalantly.
"Then who-"Anyway!" Floyd interrupts you. "Seems like you're fine." He stands up, "Make sure to eat your soup, it'll make ya feel better!" he says before leaving your tent.
You're at a loss for words but decide that you don't actually care all that much. Whatever, he can keep his secrets. You're way too tired and in pain to care about it.
Looking over, you see the bowl of soup. It looks okay and it smells okay so.. it can't be that bad, right?
Against your better judgement you take a sip.
Oh! It actually tastes good?
It kind of tastes like a regular chicken soup, just a little more... earthy? There's definitely a couple of ingredients you don't recognize but, it tastes good so you won't complain.
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When you awake the next day you feel much better.
Though you do feel a bit hot but it could just be the weather. At least you're able to breathe a bit easier and you can move a bit more but you're still careful not to move too much.
You remember that Floyd had to change your bandages last night. Dark purple and blue bruises were scattered around your body along with scrapes and cuts from your fall.
Your torso however, was quite a sight. The skin on the right side of your rib cage looked almost black and if you didn't know any better, you'd think your rib was broken or shattered. Thankfully, Floyd reassured you that as far as he can tell it's only the worst bruise you've probably ever had in your entire life.
Looking down at your newer bandages you can see how rushed they look compared to when you first woke up. If he really was telling the truth about someone else wrapping you up then...
You sigh to yourself. It's not that important, you're alive and getting better, that's what matters. Though you still wished he'd give you a shirt or at least something else other than the blanket to cover yourself with.
Thinking back to Floyd, you grow a bit worried about him. So far, he has only entered your tent to give you soup to eat and the occasional random snack. What you were really concerned about was how he seemed to be growing more and more nervous around you. He would often glance to the side or clench and unclench his hands, it worried you to see him like this.
It was dusk when Floyd walked into your tent with a bag of snacks in hand, he handed them to you. You thanked him before asking, "Floyd, are you alright?"
He paused for a moment before laughing, "Aww~ Is shrimpy worried about me? Don't worry about me I'm okay~"
"Your hands are shaking," you say pointedly. Indeed, his hands were shaking. You see his eyes widen briefly, "Ah- Well, we're going back to the college tomorrow."
Oh, you didn't even realize so many days had passed. So much for a relaxing trip. At least your injury will take some time to fully heal so, hopefully you'll get a small break.
"That doesn't explain why you seem so nervous," you say. Floyd's fingers twitch and he seems to bite his lip. He finally sighs before sitting down next to you. After a brief moment of silence, he giggles, "I want you."
"What?" you ask stunned.
You grow nervous as he continues, "Ever since I met you that one time in alchemy class, I've been thinking about you so much. I always see you hanging out with Crab and Mackerel and I just- I wanna squeeze 'em so bad aha~"
He puts his head in his hands, "I really like spending time with you even if we're not really doing anything interesting. I just feel so happy being around you~"
Floyd sighs as he looks up to the roof of the tent, "For a long time I couldn't figure out why I was like this around ya. I had a couple of ideas but when we were at the lake, I finally realized..."
He turns and looks at you with a sickly sweet smile and dark hooded eyes, "I'm in love with you."
You're at a loss for words.
"It's okay shrimpy, you don't gotta say nothin', it doesn't matter much anyway," he laughs.
You're confused and even more so when you realize just how warm your skin feels. Floyd nears you and your breath catches in your throat.
He reaches out and gingerly touches your shoulder. His touch is as light as a feather yet it sends your mind spiraling and you shudder. Unsure of what to do, you tightly grab his arm.
You're stuck between wanting to push him away and wanting to bring him closer. Deep down you know you should push him away but you also want to place his hand against your heated skin, to lean forward and brush your lips against his.
"What are you doing to me?" you whisper breathlessly as you gaze into his mismatched eyes. Floyd laughs, "Hmm, I dunno~ Maybe this?"
He carefully moves his hand from your shoulder and with a gentleness you didn't think he was capable of, he lightly grips your jaw. He leans towards you; you can feel his breath ghost over your lips before he finally kisses you. Anything left of your resolve shatters as you desperately kiss him back. His lips are soft against your own but you want more, so much more.
Much to your dismay, he pulls away only to roughly push you down forcing you to lay back on the ground. You wheeze a bit as your rib throbs in pain from the sudden movement.
"Sorry shrimpy. I'll try to be more careful," he says before leaning towards you again but he doesn't kiss you, instead, you feel his breath against your ear as he whispers, "I can't make any promises though~" His voice sends a shiver down your spine and you can't tell whether it's from anticipation or fear.
Floyd quickly kisses you again, much rougher this time. You run your hands through his soft turquoise locks as you pull him closer to you. You gingerly open your lips and he greedily accepts your invitation, shoving his tongue into your mouth.
It's strange, you don't know why you feel so strongly for him all of a sudden. All you've ever felt towards him was annoyance.
Annoyance at how loud he was, at how he would change moods at the bat of an eye, and annoyance at how he would always try to interact with you.
Whenever you crossed paths with him he would always try to touch you in some way whether it be trying to hold your hand, hug you, or just glide his fingers across your shoulder in passing while inviting you to come visit him at the Mostro Lounge.
"I got a special seat saved just for you shrimpy~" he'd say while giving you a wink. It annoyed you greatly back then. Though, you'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't feel something for him.
You'd always push the feeling away, never wanting to acknowledge even the slightest possibility that maybe, just maybe, you were slowly falling in love with him.
But now?
Pulling away from the kiss you look at him.
A light blush has settled on Floyd's face, his hair and clothes are disheveled, his lips are wet and his mismatched eyes gaze back at you questioningly. Your heart lurches in your chest at the sight and you can't stop yourself from speaking.
"I love you Floyd," you whisper.
Perhaps it was the heat that was slowly taking over your mind or perhaps it was something else that made the words spill from your mouth so easily but it felt like the truth when you said it.
Floyd's eyes widen, "Really?" You let out a light laugh as you place your hand against his cheek, "Yeah, really."
He looks off to the side nervously, "So, I didn't need to drug your soup then?"
For a moment you snap out of your lustful haze, "What?"
He suddenly grabs your face forcing you to look at him, "Forget it shrimpy. It's not important. Just focus on me." Your mind goes blank as he quickly kisses you again.
The kiss is brief and as he pulls away you reach out to pull him back but he pushes your hands away as he sits up. You realize why as he grabs the bottom of his shirt and pulls it up and off of him.
Your heart races in your chest and you can feel your face grow hotter as you openly stare at his body. It's easy for you to forget just how well defined his body is as the loose-fitting clothing he regularly wears easily conceals his physique.
You take in a shaky breath as his hand caresses your cheek before gently moving down to your neck. His fingers lightly graze your collar bone before resting there. You can't tell exactly what he's thinking but he seems almost... hesitant to continue. You decide to try and help him out.
Carefully, you reach out and grasp the hem of his pants, lightly tugging them down. Floyd lets out a breathless laugh, "Gettin' impatient, huh shrimpy? That's okay, so am I~" He grabs his pants and pulls them down. You can see his arousal practically begging to be let out of his boxers.
Before he can even think of trying to stop you, you quickly slip your hand into his boxers. Floyd gasps and almost falls on top of you as you lightly squeeze his semi-hard cock.
"Ah! You're so mean shrimpy~!" he whines out as your hand lightly squeezes around his girth. You gently stroke him, feeling his cock throb in your hand as he becomes more aroused. He hisses, biting his bottom lip as he tries to stop himself from thrusting into your hand. His eyes close and his breaths grow heavy as you continue to touch him.
Suddenly he pulls your hand off of him. You recoil thinking that perhaps you went too far if the annoyed expression on his face was anything to go by. You then gasp in surprise as he grabs your underwear and tries to tear it off of you. Embarrassed, you try to close your legs but Floyd tightly grips your thighs forcing your legs open.
Almost instantly, his annoyed expression is replaced with a lazy smirk as he gazes down at you. You feel his fingers graze your entrance, "Do ya really want me that bad shrimpy~?" he asks.
You hold your breath as you feel him push a finger into you. "Y-yes," you moan out as you feel him add another finger. He scissors your insides and you groan for more. He merely laughs at your desperation as he leans over you. You can feel his chest press against yours as he places gentle kisses against your neck. He's so close, so close to giving you what you want. His fingers aren't enough and you tell him as much.
He sighs, "Okaaay~ Just for you," he says as he pulls his fingers out of your slick hole.
Reaching down, he grasps his cock. He strokes himself, spreading your slick/slickness/wetness(?) across his length before lining himself up with your entrance. You both moan as his cock finally slips inside you. The feeling of your wet hot walls being stretched to accommodate his cock made your eyes roll.
Slowly, he thrusts into you trying his best not to hurt you. Each movement making his cock sink deeper and deeper inside you. He presses featherlight kisses against your neck, occasionally nipping your skin with his sharp teeth. You wrap your legs around his waist in an attempt to get more comfortable.
With your desperate moans encouraging him to continue, it doesn't take too long for you to hit the base of his shaft. Still, Floyd is careful. Slowly thrusting in and out of you as you moan at the feeling of his thick cock filling you up with each agonizingly slow thrust.
While you're glad he's trying to make sure you're comfortable, you're slowly growing impatient. You sharply thrust your hips into his to show him as much and he suddenly stills. He looks down at you with a knowing grin. "Ha~ You should be more careful shrimpy. I might not be able to hold myself back~" he warns.
"Unless, that's what you want?" he asks, licking his lips as he gazes at you with a strange look in his eyes. "Maybe I do," you whisper as you pull him towards you and kiss him, lightly biting his lip.
He pulls away from the kiss with a soft laugh and his grip on you suddenly tightens. Almost instantly, Floyd wraps his arms around you, tightly pulling you into his chest. It almost feels as if you're being constricted.
You feel him breathing against your neck as his hips snap into you, you loudly cry out as he begins a brutal pace. Your nails dig into his back and your legs tighten around his waist pulling him deeper inside you. The feeling of being practically crushed against Floyd as he thrusted into you, like it was the last time he'd ever fuck you, made your head spin.
As he continued to ram himself into you, pleasure wasn't the only thing you felt. A slow throbbing pain was slowly building in the right side of your ribs.
His harsh thrusts and the way he was squeezing you so tightly against himself was greatly irritating to your badly bruised ribs.
"Floyd-" you gasp out as the pain intensifies, digging your nails even deeper into his back to try and get his attention. He doesn't seem to notice, far too focused on the feeling of your warm walls squeezing around him.
Despite the growing pain, you can feel yourself nearing your climax. Pain and pleasure becoming blurred in your mind as Floyd continues his bruising pace.
You feel tears in your eyes as you tighten around his cock and after a few more particularly harsh thrusts, you cum. You cry out as you reach your climax and your legs tighten around Floyd as you arch your back into him.
Floyd's breathing is shaky and his thrusts quickly become uneven as you squeeze around him. You can tell he's nearing his own end and just when you're glad he'll finally let you go he suddenly bites you... hard.
Your mouth hangs open in a silent scream as his sharp teeth sink into the flesh of your shoulder. He lets out a deep guttural moan as he finally spills inside you.
Hot tears run down your face as you try to push him off of you, the pain becoming far too much for you. Floyd pulls away from your shoulder, shakily holding himself up. You watch as he licks your blood from his lips.
He gently cups your cheek with his hand, thumbing away your tears, he leans down and places a delicate kiss upon your lips. You can taste your blood.
As he pulls away he looks down at you with a large grin, "You're so cute shrimpy and you taste so nice too~" You only mumble in response, closing your eyes.
You're far too exhausted to entertain him in conversation. Being basically crushed by him and then being bitten like that wasn't something you were quite prepared for.
Floyd lets out an annoyed sigh, "Fine, you can sleep but when you wake up again you better be ready for me~♡"
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AITA for not defending an ex-friend when people called her a slut?
I (20 f) fell out with my best friend and roommate M (20 f) at the end of sophomore year of college. reason we fell out isn't the main subject of this post but I think it's relevant so I'll try and keep it as brief as possible.
For context I'm Black attending a VERY white school. Frenshman year I was the only black girl in my building and this was just post-covid so student groups were pretty dead. So first trimester most of my college friends were the girls from my floor including M (white) and S (20f, asian american). It was very isolating tbh, esp bc I experienced a lot of microaggressions, but the girls I befriended were pretty good at sharing my outrage and letting me confide in them.
The worst incident was when at a party, a guy (G, white) made some very racist comments towards me and in general (said the n-word a few times). I admit I escalated it by engaging w him and the whole thing got out of hand, a lot of people saw, and he got a reputation as a racist. Afterwards, he was always rude to me, blaming me for egging him on while drunk and just constantly making disrespectful comments about me and my 'attitude' where i could hear. no one ever said anything to his face but were supportive of me after the fact - S was always particularly supportive and said she could relate.
I was generally fine with avoiding G esp in sophomore year when we moved out. I lived with M and another friend (P) and it went pretty well. We were asked in like November if we would renew our lease, and though M and I wanted to the third friend didn't, so we began to think of replacements, and S was looking for a place.
Thing is, while S and I were still on good terms I felt like she was being a bit secretive w me. She'd often come over and talk privately w M and I got the gist she was seeing someone and didn't want me to know. I shook it off as us growing apart and the fact I'd gotten more involved in Black student groups and hadn't hung around with our dorm friends as much, but then in Jan, as we were planning to sign the new lease, I found out she was dating G. Tbh at this point we weren't even close friends that I felt a strong personal betrayal, but more so I was mad at them both for not telling me while making plans for us to live together. They knew I was uncomfortable around G and wouldn't want to live w his gf, esp without knowing. It felt like they were almost purposefully going behind my back.
I didn't do anything at the time, just slowly backed out of the lease renewal and made other arrangements. I stopped hanging out with S almost completely and was just cordial w her and took a big step back from M and our dorm friends.
The other relevant bit of context here is M had a boyfriend (T, 20 m) who was in our freshman dorm and very close to our year one friends (lived with them sophomore year and now junior year too). She broke up w him in Feb, which led to a lot of her friendships w our dorm friends (her only friends really) to deteriorate a bit, esp as she was no longer super comfy hanging around where he was. this especially became an issue in the spring trimester bc she got a new boyfriend over the break, a friend from her classes T hadn't liked.
So, M kept pressuring me to hang out w her and our dorm friends a lot more, which inevitably meant seeing S and now G, who they'd all decided they were cool being around when I distanced myself. I told her why i didn't want to and I didn't want to see G again but she promised he had 'changed' and wouldn't say anything to me. eventually I folded and went out w them all once and it honestly sucked. M completely abandoned me to be w her other friends, G didn't say anything but kept glaring at me the whole time, and I felt very out of place. afterwards I told M i was sorry, I know she felt awkward around her ex without me, but I wouldn't do that again.
She left it till like the end of the year then there was a big dinner she really wanted to go to that T would be at (her bf was not invited), w all our dorm friends. I kept saying I wouldn't go, but then she told me she checked w the hosts and confirmed (and promised) G wouldn't be coming. I said okay but asked we sit next to each other and made it clear how I felt around S etc, and she agreed and promised we would. Long story short G was there, I wound up next to S and across from him snickering at me the whole time, with her on the other end of the table. I texted M about it, she said it was 'fine' and I was imagining it and to try and enjoy the gathering.. yeah no. I dipped before desert, she chased me outside asking what was up and I explained why i was upset, she said i can't expect her to be there for me the whole night and she's allowed to 'have a good night without my drama,' i said racism wasn't drama and she literally dragged me along to deal with her drama, nevermind my comfort, and that she was an incredibly selfish friend for putting me in this position. I left, she wound up crying with everyone comforting her, everyone there (M included) went off at me for being an unsupportive friend/dredging up year old drama with G/overall making everything about race, I cut them all off and moved my stuff into my girlfriend's place a week after all this and didn't speak to anyone since.
which is pretty much all the backstory (longer than the main bit, sorry), that gets us to the actual AITA situation. Junior year starts, I'm at a welcome back party w some other friends and i'm vaguely aware my old dorm friends (including S and G) are also here, but it's a huge party and i'm w my very supportive friends who ik will back me if anything happens so i dont really care. eventually M arrives w her bf, gives me an awkward look but doesn't say anything to me.
Then at some point, I'm upstairs using the bathroom and I hear the girls from our dorm group speaking to M in the hallway. Apparently it came out over summer she'd hooked up w her new boyfriend before she ended things with T and they were all pissed at her (esp for her playing the victim w her ex). I tried to stay in the bathroom until the conversation ended but someone was pounding on the door and I wound up having to get out and waddle past them awkwardly to get back downstairs. When I got out one of the girls was calling M a slut and other names and while i tried to avoid it I accidentally made eye contact with M, who was super upset and crying. I kinda just shrugged and went downstairs.
Later that night i got a long ass message from her new bf about how he knows I'm upset with her but it wasn't fair for me to just leave her in that situation, and that it was petty and selfish of me (esp bc I'm usually the person calling out this shit). I spoke to my gf, and she said she understands why i did nothing but also that it's never okay for people to call someone a slut. I agree with that 100% and in any other case i might have tried to diffuse the situation (like if it was safe and I thought I could). I've told a couple friends who think I did nothing wrong and it wasn't fair to expect me to say smth when she never said/did anything to defend me and that she had it coming, but my mom told me I should've done the kind thing and not stoop to their level and it's made me feel really bad. I think I might be TA bc i could have stood up for her without anything bad happening to me beyond being in an uncomfortable convo, and also bc it kinda felt good seeing her friends turn on her? Like she threw me under the bus to be in their good books and defend them and they dropped her ass anyway, and if I acted from a vengeful place then thats asshole-y of me. but also no one in this story has apologised to me once and as my friend says its not fair to rely on black ppl to fix racist white ppls mess.
so, AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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freakshowtwopointoh · 6 months
Marie ducks out of the gala, praying that no one will try to stop her. She can feel Cate's eyes on her, Emma's eyes, Jordan's eyes.
Did they tell the others about their past? Did they even care? The way they treated her in Brink's office, it was like they had no memory of her. Then the club, Luke, outside the crimefighting building, the interview... a collection of charged and confusing conversations. Never a confirmation that they even remembered her, but there was so much emotion in everything they said to her.
Maybe they thought she didn't remember...
But she remembers. She remembers everything. The games they'd play, the secrets they'd shared, the late-night playstation tournaments...
Her first crush, her first kiss. Of course she hadn't forgotten, how could she.
But she moved away. And then her life became a horror movie. And even if she'd been allowed to contact anyone, what do you say to your best friend after you've done the unimaginable?
So when she walked in and saw them at the desk for Brink's office, what was she supposed to say?
"Remember me, I'm the weird kid you were friends with until she moved away and vanished, who kissed you in her sister's princess tent in the backyard? Also, I found out I'm a supe and my schedule's fucked."
Yeah, no. That doesn't really work. So she played a bit dumb. But now... she sees Jordan leaning up against the side of the building, watching her.
She sucked in a breath through her teeth.
"I'm not in the mood, Jordan. You can attack me in the morning." She rolled her eyes, and attempted to walk away.
"I'm surprised you can walk straight, with everyone's tongue lodged up your ass."
"You don't know shit about me anymore, Li, so shut the fuck up." And she tried to keep walking away.
"So you do remember me." God fucking dammit. "And I do know you, and I know your type. Brown-noser. One-upper. Mommy and Daddy's perfect little hero." The words stopped her in her tracks. She spun on her heel.
"Yeah, well that's definitely not me. Because my parents are dead. Because I killed them." The words fell from her lips before she could stop them.
"Bullshit." They say, but they don't sound like they mean it.
"That answers a whole lot of your questions, now doesn't it?" She snapped. "Questions that I could've fucking answered, if you'd ever bothered to ask. It was just a few months after I moved. I... I had my first period, my mom came in and.... and the blood sliced right through her neck. Dad came in, same deal. Annab-" Her voice broke. She took a deep breath. "After that, I was sent to a facility called Red River. I didn't really have the option to email or anything for.... awhile. Happy now?" She was ready to storm off, but Jordan placed something cold in her hand. A flask.
"I always thought you just... forgot about me. And when I saw your name in the pile of incoming students, it wasn't hard to invent all sorts of reasons why you'd lie to me. And then... well..."
"Shit got complicated real fast." She said simply, after swallowing a gulp of the lukewarm rum in their flask. "I.... wasn't sure what to say when I saw you in the office that first day."
"You're telling me! I'd spent like 5 years being pissed at you and missing you at the same time, then all of a sudden you waltz into my office, demanding I un-reject you from his class, and at that point, I still didn't even know what your powers were." They laugh.
Marie looked at them, taking in their straight bob, their big brown eyes, their chiming laugh. God, she'd missed them so much. She'd missed her best friend more than she even understood until this very moment. They missed out on so much - so many late night chats and lazy weekends and... her eyes flicked to their lips. And before she's even registered what she's doing, her hand is on Jordan's cheek and she's pulling them in, and kissing them. Pouring years of pining, missing, loving, hating, everything, into this kiss under the moonlight.
When they pull away, there's a look she can't read in their eyes.
"I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't that." They said. And then their hands are on her hips and they're kissing again and everything is magical and beautiful and perfect and there are no words needed. And then someone coughs behind them.
"Uh, guys? I fucked up." Andre and Cate are standing there awkwardly.
~ au idea by @mariejordans
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I keep coming back to one question: does Izzy know how cruel he's been to Ed?
In s1e3-s1e4, we're shown that Izzy has made a habit out of controlling Ed's perception of situations, demeaning and insulting him to the crew and monitoring his social interactions to isolate him from everyone except Izzy himself, and insulting Ed to his face in order to make him think he needs Izzy around. Ed is clearly desperate for human connection, but Izzy shuts down any topic that isn't an Izzy-Approved Blackbeard Topic, not letting him talk to him about what he's excited about. Izzy is frequently shown lying to Ed in order to get what he wants out of a situation. His behavior is manipulative and controlling from the start, and it only gets worse once Stede enters Ed's life and Izzy tries to pressure Ed into killing him, going as far as to attempt to kill Stede in front of Ed after Ed's told him explicitly to back off. If we're being charitable, we can say Izzy doesn't know how much pain he's causing Ed because he's too focused on trying to "protect" his lifestyle and control Ed's behaviors, so he never really thinks much about Ed's feelings - but, even then, he says in s1e6 he knows Ed "adores" Stede, so he has to know how much killing him will hurt Ed!
And in s1e10, the way he talks to Ed genuinely still gives me goosebumps. He tells Ed he's better off dead than behaving the way he is, painting his nails and writing songs and telling everyone to call him Ed. Izzy goads Ed into reacting with violence by refusing to back down and continuing to mock and berate him, and reacts with glee when Ed chokes him, laughing at Ed's horror once he gets him to respond with violence.
As Izzy himself tells us on his deathbed, the reason for this behavior is clear: he felt like he needed Blackbeard. But how much did he understand what he was doing?
Given how Izzy tends to shut Ed down when he's talking about topics Izzy doesn't think are important, I like to hope Izzy doesn't actually know Ed very well at all. I like this interpretation becasue it makes it a lot easier for his s2 arc to sit well with me.
Because if Izzy really understands how much violence is a trigger for Ed, then his actions in s1e10 move from simply cruel to downright despicable. He would be actively using Ed's trauma response to get what he wants. Izzy's behavior is manipulative, but I like to think he doesn't understand how deeply he's really hurting Ed, because that makes it easier to stomach.
I think it's clear that, even on his deathbed, Izzy doesn't seem to really get it. He admits he's been awful to Ed, saying he "fed your darkness." But he's spent the whole season understating his role in triggering Ed's self-destructive spiral and misunderstanding what caused some of Ed's reactions (like saying Ed shot him because Izzy said he loved him, which is just not what happened).
Izzy says he understands Ed, and I think we're meant to understand he doesn't know jackshit about Ed. Even if Izzy really meant to do everything he did out of "love" for Ed, it wasn't about wanting Ed to be happy, it was about controlling him.
Izzy is, I think, at his most sympathetic when he has absolutely zero emotional awareness. I find his s2 arc much easier to be satisfied with when I assume Izzy still has no idea how much he hurt Ed, because although that still sucks and it makes Izzy seem like a controlling, abusive parent who wanted to ""protect"" Ed and deeply hurt him in the process, it at least doesn't mean Izzy knowingly and willingly took advantage of Ed's trauma when he was in a deeply vulnerable place. It's a lot easier to sympathize with Izzy when you assume he knows as little about Ed as it's possible for him to.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
I think Modern AUs of Beauty and the Beast need to lean harder on the "since the morning that we came to this poor provincial town" line
Belle came from something that is not a small, economically shaky rural town! There are a few possibilities, but I choose to understand it as Belle being a City Girl, because I think I can make it funny.
This is a City Girl who moved here, and looks Generically Pretty, because she's just Different from the others (that's why she's the most beautiful girl in town). It's not necessarily that she is prettier, but small towns tend to have limited options, and a new look is an interesting one.
She reads so many books because she never got agribusiness classes in high school, so she isn't set up for small town life in terms of actually getting a job locally, and she tends to avoid other people and hide in her books because it's easier than people. Everyone reads into this as her being kind of stuck-up and snotty because she looks down on the locals.
Her dad is some Weird City Man Who Lost His Tenure For Blowing Up The Science Wing, so he's now the eccentric who had to move to Nowhere, Middle Of for the sake of getting away from a whole lot of Crap regarding his reputation.
The local dudes who all peaked in high school are joshing for a chance at Belle, because she's the Hot City Girl. They do all think she's weird as hell because she's got Political Opinions And Uses The Wrong Slang, and are very much of the opinion that there is a certain level of crazy that can be excused by being hot enough.
Cue "Dad gets lost, gotta go find him, agree to stay in the cursed castle because, well, gotta save Dad! And curses are a pretty extenuating circumstance to 'weird guy wants me to stay with him indefinitely,' especially since isn't asking for sex or housework while living with him, so... whatever. I still have a phone and Dad knows to call the cops if I miss a check-in."
Also in regards to the various servants, there are cult rumors. These days, live-in staff are a lot less common. Nobody's seen anyone from The Big House in ages, but the building still accepts food deliveries and puts out trash for collection, so someone must be there, so the only reasonable take on why they're out of contact is cult.
From the perspective of the town... she falls for that weird rich dude who lives in the foothills and has what seems to be a cult, which for the peaked in high school crew is very "Okay. You weren't that hot anyway, bitch."
The 'magic mirror shows that Belle is trapped by a monster' is actually just people going "aw shit, new girl got sucked into the cult, should we go check on her?" Her dad keeps saying that she's fine and hasn't said anything is really wrong, but everyone insists that she's lying because it's all Cult Bullshit.
After that whole mess is over, with the Beast and crew once again human and Belle clearly annoyed and reading the riot act to both the townsfolk and Adam, showing she's not fallen for any brainwash-y bullshit, she was just a pissed-off girl who decided "I can bully him into being a better person," which is probably a bad decision, but she's a grown-ass woman, so...
The cops are no longer trying to kidnap her back from the local rich eccentric (as opposed to the local poor eccentric, of which there are several, including Belle's dad).
The townsfolk decide by and large that this was probably for the best because Belle's apparently broken the cult situation? Somehow? And people from the big house in the hills are finally visiting town and proving they're alive again, so that's good.
It was never a cult, they just couldn't show their faces when the faces were furniture.
This turned into a bit more 'massive misunderstanding' with a heavy dollop of accidental Hallmark movie, but hey, we got there in the end. We all know I love a good genre mashup, and a romcom on one side with a horror on the other is basically how Disney did it, right?
Also I've been bingeing a lot of SNL and the actress I've got in my mind for this is Ego Nwodim.
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a-random-weeb · 8 months
BSD men x reader sick headcannons
im sick as well as my friend so fml I'm writing this
Warnings: le sick, this is kind of self indulgent in a way but at the same time your sick so... you have the right while your sick.
Autre warnings: this is my first fic, it's probably gonna suck ;-;
also soup is the food of the gods in this for some reason
•he bursts out laughing at first, making fun of you (in a friendly way)
•Once he's done with his laughing fit, he does (try to) take care of you
•ok he's not the worst at taking care of people, but I feel like the worst part would be him making fun of you
•he won't let you go to work/school (if you're a student like in highschool pretend you're older), just because he's laughing at you, doesn't mean he doesn't care.
•he'd cuddle you, then end up getting sick, then you take care if him and cuddle him, then you get sick and so on until one of you realizes you can't cuddle (aka you, and he complains. This is the same for Nikolai)
•he pisses you off, but he loves you
"how did you get sick?!" He laughs as he hands you a bowl of soup, as you lie in the silky sheets of your shared bed with the worst cold of your life. You shoot him a glare as you take the soup in your shaking hands, making sure not to drop it.
"I already told you, my coworker got me sick!" You begin to eat your soup, frustrated and pissed. He plants a kiss on your forehead
"I'll call your work and tell them you're taking the day off!" He skips to the other room. You lie there, thankful for your lovely boyfriend.
(I don't simp for dazai so it was hard to write for him. This is my first fanfic EVER, be quiet. I only put dazai at the top for a friend.)
•He's easy to anger, so when you get sick, he knows you probably did something stupid to get yourself sick.
•Unlike Dazai, he's a good cook, but still he makes you soup, and angrily holds it out to you.
•he takes care of you, but acts angry the whole time. I say acts, but he really is angry, but he also cares about you. But is still angry.
•he's not Bakugou level angry, he's still calm(ish)
•he does verbally abuse you the whole time though.
•But it's not actually abuse. I feel like he just calls you dumbass and idiot.
•he's very forceful with everything he does ("eat! Or I'll force feed you!") ←(this is my fav head cannon for him, he would)
•He cuddles you, but somehow this man does not get sick, until he does, then you take care of him, but he doesn't let you touch him while taking care of him so the same thing that happened with dazai doesn't happen with you. There will be no cycle.
•He also buys you a lot of expensive medicine
•you piss him off, but so does everything
"You idiot! How the hell did you get yourself sick?!" He hands the bowl soup to you.
"I was playing in the rain with a cat." You give him an innocent look as he shoots you a glare.
"Why?! You knew it would get you sick!"
"but... there was puddles... and a cat who liked water..."
Chuuya facepalms. "Seriously?!" He sighs, calming himself down. He sits next to you on the bed as you eat your soup. He's rich, and I feel like you begged him to buy a tv for he bedroom. You guys watch my hero academia. Even though I said he cuddles you while sick, I don't think he'd actually unless you cling to him, then he'll let you sometimes. But he just sits on the other side of the bed as you watch anime together, and pass out in eachothers presence.
(I cringed at this one, it wasn't as good as I hoped. I made him a tiny bit ooc too ;-; idk I feel like it's good for a first time.)
✧.𖥔 ݁ ˖𖦹⭒°。⋆✧˖°.✧˖°.✧˖.𖥔 ݁ ˖𖦹⭒°。⋆°.✧˖°.✧˖°..𖥔 ݁ ˖𖦹⭒°。⋆
•He's nicer than the rest of them
•He's the only decently normal one of the boys.
•he makes you soup and blah blah blah
•He doesn't cuddle you, he has common sense
•You don't want to get him sick either, so....
•He buys you medicine, he knows the best kinds
(I couldn't think of a scenario. Sorry)
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
•Has no idea what to do
•He thinks you're gonna die so he makes this whole dramatic speech
•All you have is a common cold 😭
•after he figures out you're not gonna die, he asks what he can do
•He goes to the store to buy you medicine
•He doesn't know what else to do
•you tell him it's fine and all you need is a few days off of work
•He feels too bad, so he goes on one of those weird websites
•Next thing you know he comes in a skateboard and circling around you, chanting these weird, demonic words 😭
•"Wa bubu shaaaaaa qut epeu turu!"
"Aku wth are you doing?!"
"Curing your sick"
𓍢ִ໋✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚♡✧˖°~∆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚𓍢ִ໋✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚♡✧˖°~∆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚𓍢ִ໋
I too lazy to write for anyone else, this is a quick drabble and my first fanfic. I hope you liked it!
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
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Horny time
♡ poorly done NSFW hc ♡
König aka our zaddy for the night
Tw: miserable attempt at being smutty and NSFW, foul foul language, MINORS DNI, sexual themes
A/N: never have i being one to write nsfw, it took only one(1) tall austrian himbo to turn me into a whore. DISCLAIMER: I don't write smut and everything i have written here comes from very embarrassing google researches and poor sexual imagination so if it sucks, i know im sorry it is what it is. @bloodlst has gave me the final push to attempt at being horny on main ANYWAY ENJOY
Keep in mind that this is all coming from my asexual ass and my very little sex knowledge
The horrors I had to learn about to be accurate in this are not yet known to humankind
Anyways let's start by saying that könig, despite his usual attitude, is quite surprising when it comes to make love
I can't really decide how horny he would be
Like I don't see him being over the top horny but he does likes to have sex(?)
Like it's not being horny it's about what he feels when he's doing it with someone he loves
You as a whole are a turn on for him
Like not in his always with his willy saying hi all the time
He just really likes you know?
He's utterly enamoured with you so you don't really need much to get him going
He definitely enjoys some playful flirt or teasing
not to be like a whore on main but just saying 👀 those hands? He really really knows how to use them
He has learned the secret knowledge that is not about speed but about the movements and how you work it
One could think that because of his job his hands are rough but they're actually kinda soft
Years of fidgeting with anything he finds at hand reach has make his fingers quite dexterous in movements
For some reason I picture him always on his knees when either doing a hand job, fingering or anything that has to do with hands
He likes to have a clear vision of you and your reactions
He quite literally is a menace with those hands both in and outside missions
I know everyone thinks of him as a gentle and lovely cinnamon roll
And he is, he definitely is
But he gets way out of character during the deed
He's…he's a lot, like a lot lot. But worth every bit of it
Just so you have an idea, he feels the most beautiful when he's making love to you and it's something he truly enjoys
I know I've already said but still
It's not just about the pleasure or the orgasms, it's about every new part he can discover of you and how much closer to you he feels after it
He definitely puts his whole heart and königussy in it
Doesn't really likes to be rough perse but he is very dominant in certain way
Even in his everyday life he leans more in the soft dom part
Although being shy it's not a submissive type of shy but more like a really and utterly in love shy
Is very different from just his awkward normal self who let's other people boss him around
I feel like he would be the type of lover who you can trust enough to let him guide you and be the one taking the lead
He's just so gentle you don't even feel like he's the dominant one in the relationship
Like the line between being dom or sub with him gets really blurry cause he seems to know when he should be more or less dominant
But back at him being a menace in bed
He loves, absolutely adores the foreplay
To him is even more fun and fulfilling than the sex itself
He likes to build up the moment, to takes his time and make every part of your body feel special
He's very selfless, it may sound cliché and corny but all he really cares about is making you feel as good as possible
That's all he needs to feel satisfied
Definitely has a thing for overstimulating you into fucking oblivion
He has his ways to make you feel everything everywhere is honestly quite impressive how well he ends up knowing your body and where and what to do to get a reaction
About reactions this man secretly loves to fuck in front of a mirror or in front somewhere he can see both of you
Not in a Patrick Bateman type of shit (that feels more like a ghost thing tbh DON'T COME AT ME. I LOVE HIM BUT HE WOULD BE AN ABSOLUTE MENACE WHEN FUCKING)
He wants you to see what he sees which is the most perfect and beautiful human being ever
He has that lovestruck smile while looking at you through the mirror
Guys guys
He's very open about trying any position you may find more comfortable or fun but his absolute favourite are you riding on top of him or hitting it from behind
Don't know how it's called but once he tries the one where you have to put your legs on his shoulders this man is gonna lose his marbles
He's always checking if you're doing good but doesn't ask like "Am I HUrtinG you?" "ArE yOu OkAY"
No. No. No, okay?
We're talking about our very smexy King
He has this raspy and soft tone of voice when talking during sex
"Do you like it like this dear?" "Use your words liebling, I need you to tell me what feels good"
His voice hitches and sometimes breaks from how much he's trying to control himself too
Not a big fan of calling you names tho, it just doesn't feels right even if you say you're okay with it
Maybe I'm biased but I do think he takes his time in making you come first even if it means taking a little extra time
This man can't fucking stand still for the life of him, what makes you think he would get tired or not last long?
The aftercare? Amazing, not even just good or great nono, plain amazing
Focuses a lot on cuddles even tho, as I said, he's not super rough while having sex so the cuddles are just a nice extra time together to talk or just relax
Definitely falls asleep holding you close but not before making sure you drink some water
Somehow manages to always wake up before you so don't be surprised if you find him making snacks for the both of you while running a bath
He always makes sure both of you are fine and relaxed
Always uses a lot of words of affirmation to remind you how much he loves you and how great it was and as I said in my other hc he never says things he doesn't mean so
He enjoys eating you out like everything about it it's particularly satisfying to him and honestly it ends up being to you too
The way you brush your fingers through his hair while he is down, how he can grab firmly your ass and hips and listening to you enjoying it and asking for more drives him crazy
I don't think he masturbates that much, to him sex is not a like need like i said but more like a intimate and lovely moment between him and his partner
He doesn't sees the point in touching himself tbh
Like I said everything about you is perfection to him
He gets the most turned on when watching you getting dressed or just doing stuff like skincare ecc
There's something deeply arousing in you taking care of yourself to him
For some reason I don't think he would mind you tying him up
He trusts you enough and you make him feel the most safe so if you want from time to time to take control and do something different he's all about it
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icequeenbae · 1 month
Boy Next Door (m) Ch.4 (fin) | BBH
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Neighbor AU, slow burn, hurt/comfort, fluff, smut
Warnings: Baek being the neighbor we’re all dreaming of, harassment (nothing graphic), some altercations, a bit of body image/ insecurity, MC sucks at relationships, explicit content, unprotected sex
Word Count: ~18.5k (total), 3.7k (pt.4)
Summary: Your neighbor Baekhyun has been a pleasant acquaintance since you moved into your current apartment almost a year ago. Could he also be… a perfect match?
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Chapter Masterlist: Pt. 1 > Pt. 2 > Pt. 3 > Pt. 4 (fin)
Author’s note: Yesss, the time has come for the final part of the series to drop~ This is more on the fluffy side tbh, but I hope you find it to be a pleasant ending to this mini-series. As usual, please don't be shy to leave feedback in any way you prefer, I track all of your replies/ reblogs/ asks ❤️ And thank you for giving so much love to my stories, I do appreciate that a lot!!
Tags: @bbh-net  @k-vanity  @ksmutsociety @lavnderluv @cupreoussyzygy @byunbaek-hyun-04 @blue-rainydays
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‘I can’t believe you didn’t tell me earlier!!’
Yuki was over for girl’s night, and this time, she wasn’t the only one gushing about her prosperous sex life.
‘I was waiting for test results.’
‘Huh? Test results?’
You realized that you’d just spilled all the beans you didn’t intend to spill.
‘Uh- we didn’t exactly- you know?’
‘What?’ She asked suspiciously, probably not even imagining that you could get so careless.
‘Well…’ You swirled your hand around abstractly.
‘I don’t know what that means- Wait. No, you didn’t!?’ Judging by her lit-up eyes, she guessed right. ‘You little hoe!!’
‘Look who’s talking.’
‘Yes, I’m talking. And I want to know everything. Starting with the result of that test, actually. You stupid hoe.’
Sighing, you rolled your eyes.
‘It’s negative. Thankfully… But it was really stupid of me, I know.’
‘Well, did he at least pull out on time? It’s not a safe option, but the timing is somewhat important…’
‘He did. Although he said, he’s never had sex without condoms.’
‘Damn. I should change what I said to ‘you lucky hoe’! I hope you took that test properly.’
You nodded. That was the first time you had to march into a pharmacy to get pregnancy tests. And you had no clue about how to choose out of the dozens of available options. The only reason you were able to ask for help was that you wore a mask – to save you some face, literally.
But that landed you with a few options and some instructions to follow. You had also gotten your period after your two-day sexcapade with Baekhyun, so you were pretty sure you were lucky this time. But you were still concerned with the long-term options. Something you’d left for the future discussion with your physician.
There were other things on your mind right now.
‘Actually, there’s something else that’s been bothering me.’ You mentioned reluctantly. ‘We haven’t… made it official. I mean- he hasn’t asked me yet. Is that… indicative of anything?’
The thought was bugging you daily.
The words ‘Would you be my girlfriend?’ or anything of the sort, had never left your neighbor’s mouth. And you were the one who shamelessly got drunk, ended up in his bed, made him sleep in it with you, and then… Weren’t you so very eager to jump into having sex with him?
Not to mention that you’d stayed at his place for two whole days, Sunday being filled by more domestic delights, and… Even more sex. It seemed like Baekhyun was focused on you and completely insatiable. You couldn’t remember doing it more than once or twice a day, so you were stunned as you realized you had gone four times. His stamina was surprisingly remarkable.
It was a relief that you had to eventually leave his apartment, for you had to work on Monday. As you ran a bath at your place, you realized how sore and exhausted you were. The fact that just a couple days prior, you got shitfaced was probably a contributing factor, but also, the amount of physical activity was very unusual for your body. Though this was a great type of exhaustion, and you had the deepest sleep that night.
But now, almost two weeks later, you were pretty anxious about how your relationship was progressing. Relaying all of the basics to your friend and asking for her opinion was supposed to make you feel better; however, she shared your concerns.
‘This is weird. So, he had time to sex you up multiple times but not ask you a simple question?’ She frowned. ‘You know how it is here, Y/N… You’re not official until you say the words.’
You knew. And that wasn’t even the only cause for your uncertainty.
‘It’s not only that, but… We haven’t really hung out since.’ You mumbled, expecting a big reaction from your friend.
‘What?! Is the bastard ghosting you??’ She rose from her seat, looking ready to burst into his apartment and give him a piece of her mind.
‘No, he um- he had to go to some distant town for a work assignment. He told me that there might not be any internet connection since they would be on some military base or something like that. He said it would last a bit over a week, and then he’ll visit his family for a few days and get in touch with me from there.’
‘So, has he?’
‘So far… No.’ You admitted.
Yuki huffed, her eyebrows knitting together angrily.
‘Yah. That seems fishy as hell. Why wouldn’t he at least send you a text? Who disappears after having someone over for the entire weekend of fucking??’
‘We weren’t doing it the entire weekend…’ You mumbled, feeling your cheeks heat up again.
‘Come on! He didn’t ask you to be his girlfriend, disappeared on a ‘mission’ that sounds unrealistic, and hasn’t gotten back to you for almost two weeks? Wow, was I wrong about him.’
You scratched your temple, exhaling hopelessly. She just voiced everything that you thought to yourself. You kept giving him the benefit of the doubt in your head, but she was right. It was too odd for someone to vanish into thin air like this right after what had happened between the two of you. This was the hard truth, and it hit your softest, most vulnerable spot. Your heart.
‘I guess so,’ you muttered, voice a bit scratchy with the inevitable tears you held back. ‘What do I even do now, Yu? I like him a lot, which is precisely why I didn’t want to start anything…’
‘First of all, stop crying. If he decided to do this on purpose, he is a dickhead. And doesn’t even deserve to call you his girlfriend.’
She reached out her hands to wipe the stray tears off your cheeks.
‘Second… You need to grow some balls, Y/N. Don’t let people take you for granted or make you feel less than you are!’ She said in a serious tone. ‘I’ve told you this before: you shouldn’t retreat to your shell when someone attacks. You’re strong, beautiful, and an amazing person, capable of giving them hell if you need to!’
Snorting at Yuki’s passionate speech straight out of some girl power drama, you shook your head.
‘Yes, you are! Stop feeling sorry. If someone hurts you – don’t let them. I don’t mean Baekhyun exclusively. You know you’ve been in various situations lately where defending yourself was vital. Stop being a good, cautious girl who gets into her own head before saying anything. Act the way you want, and if someone is offended – it’s their problem. I’ve seen you speak your mind before, and it was damn powerful. That’s why it’s time that you do it for you.’
It wasn’t hard to guess what she was referring to. You’d been keen on staying collected on the outside and hid your emotions fairly well. You’d never let your struggles show, even when you were going through a difficult time at your previous job. You preferred crying in the restroom during lunch break to letting anyone know.  You didn’t want to deal with that. Sad or angry, you processed every thought before opening your mouth and saying something, just because you knew how hot-tempered you could become if you didn’t keep your tongue in check.
However, you did let it slip sometimes, mostly when someone hurt the people you love, as opposed to you. A couple years ago, you had to pick Yuki up from a random party she was stuck at, and there was a guy who made unwanted moves on her. As you arrived at the scene, you had to search the entire house for her until you walked into the kitchen, where the bloke was trying to kiss her while she was shoving him away. You vaguely recalled what you did… grabbing his shoulder to turn him around, kneeing him in the balls without hesitation. Yuki later shared that she sobered up as she heard you swearing excessively at him. You told him everything on your mind, and he was scared to talk back. Apparently, you looked like a force of nature back then.
And although this wasn’t the first time you’d done something like this, it was mostly reserved for someone else. But now that you were contemplating your life… You found that you might’ve been missing the point all along.
‘Actually… You have a point, Yu.’
Your best friend blinked, surprised by your response. She’d been trying to get through to you many times before, and now you finally listened?
‘Why should I always be the one to swallow my pride or feel uncomfortable? I’ve always been a good girl, and where did it get me?’ You wiped your face dry. ‘I’m not gonna do a one-eighty and become a crazy bitch now, but it’s time to let go. I won’t try to reach him or wait for him at the door. If he was one of the bastards who thought I was too boring to have a relationship with, well… Fuck him then. I’m done with feeling bad about myself.’
‘Yay! That’s what I’m saying. You go, girl!’
‘I’m sure I’ll get over him in no time. Yes, we’re neighbors; it’s gonna be awkward. But why should I be the one worried about it? I’ll be sure to let him know I don’t give a shit about him and his stunts if I ever see him again.’
‘That’s the spirit, Y/N-ah! Gosh, this calls for a celebration. Where’s the champagne I brought last time?’
‘I hoped you’d ask. In the fridge.’ You chuckled.
‘Coming right up,’ she winked, already headed to the cupboard to get the glasses.
Friday rolled in, having you overcome the struggles of getting work done while having your head elsewhere. Your office hours were so long and miserable that you were dead set on doing your house chores and then going straight to bed tonight. Just to sleep in tomorrow, wake up completely free for the day, and order from your favorite restaurant and chill. If anyone deserved a feast, it was definitely you! Rewarding yourself for getting through the week and spending five minutes not thinking about your personal life was a great achievement in your book. Maybe not great, but a triumph.
Walking up to the entrance, you saw a tall figure there.
It didn’t seem familiar until you were a ten-second walk away. Then you realized – it was that woman. That one who broke into Baekhyun’s apartment while you were there. And the one who called him up about having dinner together at his place.
Your first instinct was to turn around and sneak through another entry point. You hated confrontation, especially in case you didn’t initiate it. At this time, all you wanted was a quiet evening, and it was about to be ruined.
Your pride, however, didn’t allow you to back down. Suddenly, your conversation with Yuki replayed in your mind. She was right; you shouldn’t let anyone treat you that way or make you feel any less. And if you had to withstand a pointless attack, you could simply fire back. With that in mind, you reached the gate.
‘You!’ The voice made you sigh and brace yourself before turning around. ‘It is you! I’ve seen you before.’
‘Congrats,’ you shrugged, ready to walk away.
She grabbed your forearm.
‘Are you going to Baekhyun again?’
‘I find it unlikely that my destination is any of your business. Let go of me.’
She gritted her teeth, squeezing your arm painfully.
‘Listen, whore. I’ve been working on him for months, and as soon as I’ve made progress, you swing by and think you’re-’
‘No, you listen, bitch.’ You ripped out of her grasp, completely fed up with this. ‘I don’t care if you think you’re entitled to have him. But let me tell you this. I live on the thirteenth floor, so if I see you there again, I’m calling the police. Stop creeping around my house and get a life.’
‘Is everything alright?’ You turned to the security, who most likely caught your exchange in front of the gates on CC TV and decided to come check it out.
‘Yes,’ you nodded, pressing your code in and pushing through the entrance. ‘This person is blacklisted on our building, check under Byun Baekhyun. And please make sure she doesn’t sneak in and cause more trouble.’
‘Of course.’ The guard made sure the door was appropriately locked after you.
The woman, whose name you still didn’t know, shouted profanities at your back as you walked away.
You hated confrontation, but this felt good.
Later this evening, you gladly told your best friend about it.
‘Damn, you should’ve called me as soon as you got home! This is so cool,’ she yelled as you relayed the story.
‘I wanted to clean up first. You know we talk for hours… I'm glad I did; I’m sure I’d have zero energy if I had to do it now. I’m already in bed and so sleepy.’
As if to emphasize your point, you let out a loud yawn.
‘How graceful. I am in bed too, but I wish I could see her face when you… Is there a way to get my hands on the security footage?? I’d flirt with your guards just to have a chance to see that!’
You heard someone grumble in the background.
‘I’m sure you’d love to see that footage just as much as me, Seokie,’ she teased.
‘Ew, don’t tell me you’re in bed with Hoseok right now!’
‘What if I am? Jealous?’ She asked, and you rolled your eyes.
‘Sure. I hate you lovebirds.’
‘He’s been eavesdropping on your story about that bitch you put in her place, and he looks impressed.’
‘You go, Y/N-ah!’ You heard Hoseok shout.
‘Thanks,’ you giggled, feeling at ease. ‘That’s at least one source of frustration off my shoulders.’
‘Aw, you’re still upset about that bastard going MIA on you?’
‘I’m trying not to think about it. But… Baekhyun’s either been offline everywhere or has blocked me. I just keep thinking… If it’s the former, what if something happened?’’
‘Oh ,Y/N. I hate that you’re this kind. Next time you see him, tell him off just like his stalker.’
‘I guess,’ you agreed weakly. ‘Anyways, tomorrow is a new day, and I have great plans, so I need to sleep now.’
‘By great plans you mean ordering food and wearing pajamas all day?’
‘You know me so well! Don’t bother coming over, I’m not gonna share. It’s a me-day.’
‘Ugh, what a hoe.’
‘I’m hanging up.’
You put your phone away, giggling at her goodbye growl. She always knew when to tease you to make you relax, and it was one of the reasons you considered her a great friend.
She was always there to back you up and listen to your whining, if needed. At least when you went back to being alone again, you weren’t completely alone.
You danced eagerly to the door, ready to pick up your order. It was afternoon, and you were hungrier than a wolf. The delivery guy had just sent you a picture of your package, so you were to simply get it at your doorstep. Which was how you preferred it – living alone as a woman could be slightly creepy, so all contacts with strangers were to be avoided. Your apartment building had great security, but… better safe than sorry.
Thinking all that, you opened the door without checking if the coast was clear. Since you were already crouched to get the package off the floor, you instantly saw a pair of legs in front of you. Male legs. Someone was standing right outside of your door.
You quickly glanced up, meeting the chocolate eyes.
And then grabbed the doorknob, trying to shut the door. But a swift foot in the doorway prevented you from doing so.
‘Whoa, wait a second, Y/N-ah!’
You still wouldn’t budge, so Baekhyun continued.
‘I know what it must’ve looked like, but let me explain. Please, Y/N. I know I fucked up.’
He tried stealing a glance at your face through the crack on the door, but you turned away.
‘Why should I listen to a single word you say?’
‘Don’t you want to know what really happened?’
Trying to make up your mind, you looked down at the package in your other hand.
‘I’ll need five minutes tops to set the table.’ You announced, letting go of the doorknob and allowing him to follow you inside. ‘Be done till then, I don’t wanna spoil my healthy appetite.’
You said that while walking towards the kitchen to get your food out. Baekhyun put something suspicious on the floor and stepped into the kitchen silently.
Expecting him to start the explanation, you huffed.
‘Your time is going to be up before you know it!’
‘I’m sorry.’ He said, voice heavy with guilt. ‘I’m sorry if I made you upset. I know we agreed that I’d stay in touch, and I didn’t. But I promise you I didn’t disappear on purpose.’
You began taking out containers of food from your delivery.
‘My phone was handed in the entire assignment because that base wouldn’t allow any devices inside but our pre-approved laptops. I was planning to text you as soon as I arrived at my family home because when I received my phone back it was dead.’
Listening to him talk, you avoided looking his way. You wanted to process his words without any additional… distractions. It was time to be rational; meeting his warm, guilty gaze again would cost you half of your battle spirit.
‘I left it to charge as soon as I got home, but…’
He made a big, almost theatrical pause.
‘But?’ You nudged, wishing to know the truth.
‘I don’t know how to say this… Uh- Siwoo wanted to take a picture of something outside just to be playful and accidentally dropped it out the window.’
It was your turn to pause. Was he kidding you with that story?? You couldn’t believe he was trying to blame all of this on a child.
Your thoughts must’ve displayed clearly on your face, so he fished his phone out of his back pocket.
It was brand new. It was evident that the model was upgraded, and the color was different, too.
‘I restored the photos from the cloud, I can show you the picture he too—’
The shiny new device was proof enough for you, and you weren’t willing to have him provide you with further evidence of his innocence. Nevertheless, you wanted to make sure he was genuine in his apology.
‘Why couldn’t you at least call our building and ask them to give me a message?’
He stood there, stupefied, for what seemed like an eternity before his expression turned into a sheepish grin.
‘I could’ve… done that?’ He mumbled, scratching the back of his head.
Clearly, the thought had never crossed his mind.
You rolled your eyes and turned to the kitchen counter. The table was set, and you only needed to get the plates. The prettier ones were reserved for the rare occasions when you had guests, so you had to reach for them.
‘Y/N…’ Baekhyun whined, sounding uncharacteristically childish in his desperation. ‘I also brought you an ‘I’m sorry’ present…’
Hearing this made you snap.
‘Why would you do that? It’s not like we’re dating!’
He was taken aback by your words.
‘What do you mean we’re not?’ He asked, completely bewildered. ‘Are you seeing someone else?’
‘No, but-’ It was your turn to mumble. ‘You never asked me…’
Baekhyun looked at you as if you were crazy. Then, his frown transformed into something else.
‘Oh god, Y/N…’ He sighed, leaning on the counter behind you with one hand. ‘I thought it was obvious. I was serious about you from the very beginning, but if you want me to say it, I will say it.’
You waited for him to finish.
‘Please be informed that I’ve considered you my girlfriend this entire time. And I know I fucked up, so… are you gonna break up with me?’
‘I’m debating it,’ you responded gruffly.
‘Y/N-ah,’ He pressed, still hovering over you while his arm inched closer and closer to your frame. ‘I’ll do anything you want to make it up to you.’
Taking in his hopeful eyes, you pointed to the kitchen cabinet.
‘I need plates.’
Following the direction of your index finger, Baekhyun looked up. He reached over you, almost hugging you with one arm, and gave you what you wanted.
‘Thank you.’
He perked up, a question in his eyes. ‘What now?’
Although you were still grumpy, your heart was beginning to warm up to him. So easily.
‘Go sit at the table. I’m hungry.’
Baekhyun’s chocolate orbs instantly lit up.
‘Does it mean you forgive me?’
The hopefulness of his tone made your façade crack.
‘You’ve mentioned a goodie bag?’ You squinted at the huge paper bag he left at the door, just to avoid crumbling right in front of him.
Baekhyun smiled cheekily.
‘It’s all yours. Babe.’
You ignored the term of endearment, turning your back on him to hide your warming cheeks.
‘Get yourself another set of chopst—’
Your boyfriend gave you an abrupt back hug.
‘I really missed you, Y/N-ie.’ He whispered in your ear, nearly busting your eardrum with a kiss. ‘Also, my entire family wants to meet you…’
‘What?? Already?’
‘Mhm. And here you were, thinking we weren’t even dating,’ he snickered. ‘Once I got you, I’m not letting you go.’
‘You are,’ you huffed. ‘Otherwise, you’re standing between me and food. And I got an appetite, you know?’
‘I know.’ His smile tickled your neck pleasantly. ‘It’s one of the many things I love about you.’
It was impossible to turn into mush faster than you did.
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A/N: Okaaaay, we're done with another mini-series!!! Congrats to you and I haha Thank you for following this story till the end <3 And a huge thank you to all of my lovely readers that left their comments to each installment of the series! Ily 💕
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maxphilippa · 6 months
Nickel and Balloon's arc and why you may be wrong about it, and why you are wrong about Suitcase and Nickel as well.
Nickel didn't trust Balloon because Balloon was a dick on s1 (something that the fandom forgets so fucking much), and of course he wouldn't trust Balloon being a part of the alliance either since Baseball (Nickel's best friend) and Suitcase (Nickel's ally/Baseball's closest friend) were part of it. "But Nickel didn't care about Suitcase-" he did, Adam himself did say he did care for her, but he strongly lacks emotional intelligence to truly get her. So of course, he didn't want to risk it, even if he does believe that Balloon wants to change, he doesn't want Suitcase to get involved with the guy.
Although Nickel doesn't want Balloon near and is an asshole towards the guy, I think that all of you kind of also forget that at one point on s2, Nickel did say that he thought that Balloon wanting to change was something good, but that he still didn't want to be associated with the guy. Which is, yes, shitty on his behalf, but it makes sense character wise. It's a case of "it's great that you want to be a better person, but i don't want to be near you even so", which is something most people felt at one point of their life.
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Adding to this behaviour of his, again, it wasn't just because "Nickel is a dick without excuses", protecting his loved ones (his alliance) is. Kind of his whole thing. You know. He cares about them but sucks at showing it (this includes how he treated Baseball, looking at you all), he has the thought that if he's on control of a situation, no one will get hurt. He sucks at communication. Hell, it's even said on the series, he is afraid of change and also about accountability. ACCOUNTABILITY.
So yes, the way he treated Balloon isn't justified, even Nickel says it himself, but he has his reasons as to why he acted like that. But I think that you guys also need to remember some more important stuff as well. Nickel wasn't like this because he fully wanted to, but his behaviour towards Balloon was also constantly justified by Baseball.
And so here's the main question that troubles everybody so fucking much it's stupid.
"Why did Nickel change his mind on Balloon on s3 like that? It doesn't make sense"
The reason as to why Nickel actually gave himself a chance to know Balloon properly is because of two very important factors. So I know that some of you might not be familiar with the official II comics, but the first reason is in one of the comics actually.
Especifically on the Letters Comic.
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The plot of the comic is Balloon writing letters to those who he wronged/had a bad relationship with, and this includes pretty much all of the S1 cast (excluding the ones that are still on S2). And guess what, Nickel gets a letter as well.
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There isn't a canon outcome as to what Nickel did with the letter. We don't know if he threw it away or took a look at it. But to me, I think that he did took a look at it. I will explain why later on in this post.
The second reason as to why Nickel's behaviour with Balloon changed on S3 was because, Baseball wasn't there to try to justify Nickel's hatred towards Balloon. In fact, what he got instead was Box, and we know that Box is like, Nickel's best friend on s3. What Box does is basically telling Nickel to get his shit together, stop holding onto stupid grudges and do it for the team.
And he does! And mind you, that was on the first episode of season 3! He decided to put away his petty feelings so the team could work, which pretty much already tells you that meanwhile early s3 Nickel has as much snark as S2 Nickel does, he actually recognizes when it's time to play on the game and when it's time to be petty. He's more of an nuisance towards Balloon on the first ep all things considered, but it seems that unlike S2, Balloon has grown a lot of confidence as well, and isn't sad at Nickel's comments, but rather calls him out on them. And even IF Nickel didn't exactly like to side with Balloon, as the eps went by, despite Box was the main reason as to why they were hanging out, Nickel was actually experiencing Balloon's change. He didn't want to be involved on s2 because BB told him that his distaste was justified (and that ended up messing everything for the Grand Alliance), but now he's "forced" to accept and know the guy because Box told him it was the best for the team. On early s3 they tease eachother, yes, but their relationship seems to be better than before.
As well, it wasn't out of nowhere either way, since Balloon does imply that both Nickel and him hanged around just to mess with Yinyang back at the Hotel.
That's my main reason as to why I think that Nickel DID read the letter in fact, but still had very complicated feelings towards Balloon, because in his mind, to him, Balloon was the reason as to why Suitcase, someone who Nickel really got attached to (even if you can't believe it), "betrayed" him. But we know that's not true. But at the end of the day they do end up hanging around well.
"But Max, why did they end up having a fall again? Aren't they supposed to be healthy?"
First of all there is a reason, second of all, oh my god conflict won't fucking kill you. You see. Nickel SUCKS at communication. He can't let out his feelings as much as he would like to do so, because he's scared of getting hurt and such. So yes, Nickel and Balloon were good friends there, but the down fall was necessary for them in order to ACTUALLY be a healthy friendship. The problem is that Nickel doesn't get that he fucked up a lot more than he thought and that he is the problem.
He still thinks that Suitcase left his side because of Balloon and of course that hurts- but he feels so bad about the way he treated Suitcase as well, even if he's not fully aware of why he feels like that. So that's why the conflict HAD to exist. You can't just expect them to be okay like nothing without talking about S2 properly, it doesn't work like that. Yes, they both care about eachother, but they STILL had to talk about it.
Now, on the yet, most controversial scene when it comes to Nickel's arc: Clover's therapy.
Some people say that Nickel didn't have to just be talked like that and that they expected more, but dare I say, that's exactly what he needed. To talk properly about his feelings. It's like you guys didn't catch up on that. Nickel's thing is being overprotective over those he loves, and seeing the things that might harm said loved ones or himself as threats that he needs to get rid off in order to be okay, and that he is afraid of change. Nickel knew he messed things up, but he still kept on thinking that Balloon was the one that made Suitcase betray him, when that's not really true.
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He needed the talk to realize that it was truly his fault. Please take note at the way he looks to the side once he realizes it. It wasn't just a recent thought, it was always there, but he was scared of it coming true. Clover's talk made him open up properly about it and Clover also says it, "but don't you want to?" and then he says "mhm, maybe", but he really does want to, which is why he changes so much on Ep 16.
So before you say that Nickel didn't regret what he did and that he only did because of Clover: how can you be so wrong about something.
And, oh.
Oh, episode 16.
It treated them so well.
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What Nickel says here is that he was scared of falling in Balloon's tricks, he was scared of being manipulated. Again. It wasn't out of nowhere. The way he treated Balloon WASN'T out of nowhere.
Is it justified? No. Does II or Nickel himself ever say that it is? No. The series as a whole is telling you that it was awful of him, characters do call out Nickel on his shit behaviour (even if you think they don't, they do, calling out isn't always strong words, sometimes calling out acts as feedback. as pointing things out. of course he also gets called out in the other way on the series, but PLEASE don't say that he didn't get called out because of his actions, he quite literally died because of them), Nickel HIMSELF recognizes that he was awful to Balloon and he is okay with the possibility of Balloon not wanting to forgive him either way.
But they ended up talking things out in the end. They ended up okay, because Balloon can genuinely see that Nickel wants to change. The walls he put are gone. He can see how genuine the guy wants to be.
"But Balloon shouldn't forgive Nickel, not after all the pain he caused to him"
Listen. Both of them commited mistakes. Balloon recognizes that he wasn't a good person back then and wanted to change things. Nickel finally got that and Nickel also showed Balloon that he does mean well. People that had complicated relationships CAN work things out, crazy I know, and I'm saying this as someone who had beef with their now best friend over similar stuff. We apologized and now we're close. It happens.
Balloon really cares about Nickel. And Nickel really cares about Balloon.
And Nickel is okay with Balloon winning because that's his friend now. Nickel changed for the good. And it makes sese character wise.
Nickel regrets what he did to Suitcase and Balloon as a whole. And Balloon and him are best friends now.
So, no, Balloon and Nickel aren't a toxic relationship, much less a problematic ship given all of the circumnstances, and saying that they are is missing on the whole arc they went through. They were complicated and they both had their reasons at the end of the day. No, Nickel wasn't purposefully an asshole to Suitcase, he was seeking to protect her, but ruined everything on the process. Yes, Baseball and Nickel needed to be separated in order to grow because they weren't healthy to eachother. Yes, the Nickel and Balloon arc had to go as long as it did in order for it to end properly, and it's not even done yet, Baseball and Suitcase are still waiting. Yes, Nickel meant good with the things he did. No, it doesn't justify any of the things he did. And, finally, the Grand Alliance arc is well executed, just because it's complicated it doesn't mean it's bad.
And those are statements that can coexist.
Thank you for reading. :]
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