#and truly i hope that for watcher i really do
helpimstuckinafandom · 2 months
Oh boy do not go to the comments
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ozlices · 2 months
another super insulting part of the watcher situation i haven't rly seen ppl addressing much
ryan deadass saying smth like "nobody else on youtube has made tv quality content"
like... i really feel like it's important to highlight that bc not only do they obviously have no respect for their audience, but that statement shows they have no respect for their peers in the industry, either.
not to mention it is a shining example of bleeding arrogance to such a high degree, you will straight up fucking lie bc you're truly convinced you're that special when you're anything but.
there's been NUMEROUS online creators who were recognized by entertainment industry workers BECAUSE they made tv quality content & even full stop blockbuster quality content.
bo burnham started on youtube & is now one of the most wellknown & loved standup comedians of our generation, with numerous netflix specials & even a movie he wrote & directed under his belt.
the try guys, fellow ex-buzzfeed employees, had their own tv specials on food network (based off their youtube shows, btw) & a documentary made about them as well
rosanna pansino has also been on numerous food network shows both as a host & a judge
quinta brunsun, another fellow ex-buzzfeed employee, went on to create her own whole ass sitcom that has been highly praised
matpat cameo'd in the fnaf movie because of his theories & multiple other fnaf creators had small cameos through the employee of the month board easter egg
markiplier made multiple high-quality shows on youtube & is now working on a highly anticipated movie (he was also planned to cameo in the fnaf movie but couldn't due to conflicting schedules with his own movie)
hot ones got their own tv gameshow due to their popularity & they are still one of the most wellknown, beloved & respected internet shows
many short films made on youtube went on to premiere at film festivals & even in theaters
the hit horror film "talk to me" was created by youtubers rackaracka
webseries of actual fucking tv shows have also existed for literal decades
the list goes on.
to seriously think that overproduced bullshit is all you need to make "tv quality content" is not only tone-deaf, but shows they do not even know what they're talking about. many tv shows & huge blockbuster movies are made with absolutely microscopic budgets & small teams, & they still get praised & awarded for the passion, dedication, & creativity that shined brightly under those restrictions.
the blair witch project is probably the most wellknown & highly praised example of this, but it is far from the Only example
it is a whole other slap in the face, again ESPECIALLY when puppet history is one of their most popular shows, to spit in the face of internet history. to see the success of their predecessors, even ppl they fucking worked with at buzzfeed, & deny them of all their success & efforts to get where they ended up.
no, y'all are not the first people to make "tv quality content" on the internet. FAR from it. because your crap isn't even genuine "tv quality".
but you are the first ones to ever disrespect not only your audience, but your own fucking industry & your peers on this level.
& you are the first & i sorely hope the only fuckwads dumb enough to pull a stunt this fucking stupid, out of touch & utterly tone deaf.
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ashleyisartsy · 2 months
Problems (objective and personal) I'm not seeing discussed a lot w this new WatcherTV thing, in no particular order:
-Alienates people internationally who literally CANNOT GET the streaming service!
-Alienates casual fans who don't watch or want to watch all of their shows. Putting down 60 bucks a year to watch just one or two shows is kind of insane, at least for me.
-The volume of content Watcher has produced historically hasn't been enough to justify a separate streamer. I understand there's no way a small team could compete with something like Netflix, obviously, but that's what you're trying to do by putting yourself in the streamer market.
-Will this streamer be secure? What steps are in place to protect your viewers info? ESPECIALLY payment info.
-Will it be easily watchable on multiple devices? I watch YouTube videos on my phone at work 90% of the time, or at home on my TV thru my switch. Is this a browser only deal?
-What are the internet requirements for this? Believe it or not most streaming services won't run on my internet personally. I don't have any for that reason. I can watch YouTube on 360p, or on my 2-bar-reception phone data. Not everywhere has stable reliable internet.
-The suddenness and totality of the move was going to be jarring no matter what, if the idea had been introduced gradually or started as a hybrid model to test audience interest there wouldn't be nearly this amount of pushback.
-I understand the people saying "pay artists!!" Bc I am one, and I get that their quality is expensive and they have a whole company's worth of people to support. I do actually think their work is worth paying for! Everyone's is! But convincing anyone to pay for something they previously got for free is going to be a hard sell. They were still getting paid before, they're now just asking us to pay instead of the advertisers. Idk about you, but that's a way bigger hit to my pocketbook than a multimillion dollar company's bank account.
-I get that YouTube can be a really shitty place to be a creator sometimes, and that being beholden to advertisers is something they don't want to be. It's why they left Buzzfeed! They already have a patreon and merch and it's clearly not been enough for their ambitions. But shooting yourself in the foot because your running shoes are wearing out isn't going to make you a better marathon runner. They had to know that there was going to be a not small portion of their audience unwilling to make this move with them (and again, lots literally aren't able to!)
-If they had a free w/ ads option, or even did a hybrid model with whole shows behind the pay wall, or even just ran a fucking crowd funding campaign to help cover costs of new seasons of shows, any of those things could have worked. They don't even have YouTube memberships turned on, which I've personally seen many many channels do even when they already have a patreon. It really doesn't seem like they've exhausted other options, at least from an outside perspective, which is all we have as viewers!
-I get that this has been in the works for a long time, and that there probably isn't a way for them to back out now. But I hope they can find a way to make this more accessible if they want it to work at all. I truly am not wishing for their downfall, but the whole situation is an awful mess.
Idk, rant over. As a lot of you are I'm feeling very disappointed and upset with this one, and I'm not paying for it either. Hope the boys can salvage this one for their and their crew's sake. Would really hate for this to be the end.
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linkito · 1 month
What's this au that watcher/vex art was similar to? Tell me all the things? -🎀
It’s less of an au and more of just an idea for a start of something? Either way~
It begins with young Watcher-in-training Grian fleeing from the Watchers, finding refuge in a cave that draws him in with some kind of powerful magical aura. He hopes it can mask his trace.
Unfortunately for him, it’s the home of a large, monstrous vex (Scar). He’s very feral and scraggly looking, and he has some awful magic-locked cage muzzle/gag on, leaving his teeth constantly bared and preventing him from speaking. (It doesn't make him safe by any means; he still has claws and various weapons of past attackers scattered around.)
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But he’s not attacking Grian. Not yet. Not on sight. He mostly just...watches with narrowed slitted eyes, waiting for something that doesn’t seem to be coming. 
Grian is frightened, has no weapon, and he’s significantly smaller. The vex should be able to take him down easily.
So eventually they reach this sort of neutral state of neither of them moving any closer. Grian creeps along the walls and eventually, slowly, settles himself down to sit to rest his poor shaking legs. Scar stares for a moment longer, then also sits, still watching.
Grian figures maybe as long as he doesn’t provoke this beast, he’ll be safe.
(And it's true. Scar is used to people coming in here to steal and demand to make deals with him. Grian clearly didn't mean to be here though. But he's keeping a watchful eye. He doesn't trust it.)
Eventually, Grian thinks maybe the vex is asleep. So he takes this time to meditate. His real eyes close, and hee opens his Eyes to try to determine if the Watchers are on his trail yet, reaching out as far as he can to Look.
When he opens his real eyes again, Scar is directly in front of him, staring more curiously, sort of like he’s wondering if his intruder just died whilst sitting up straight.
Grian yelps and bonks his head on the wall trying to scramble backward.
But Scar also yelps (although muffled) and flails back as well.
And despite everything... Grian can’t help but laugh at that? Because why is he startled? 
Now that he’s closer, though, he can make out the Watcher’s symbol on the lock of the cage on Scar’s head. And being spiteful of anything the Watchers might do, he reaches out without even really thinking about it. 
Scar freezes.
He lets Grian touch the trap around him, but he still doesn't know for sure this isn’t an elaborate trick? Something to get close and take him down? It would have been Grian's only way of winning, truly. So Scar places a clawed hand close to Grian's neck. He's slow and soft with the touch, but it’s undeniably threatening. If Grian was going for some kind of trap here, surely he'd flinch back?
But Grian swallows nervously and tries his best to reassure the vex that he wants to help.
And, eventually, Scar removes his hand and cranes his head to help Grian look at the contraption, also baring his neck, tentatively trusting.
Grian breaks the seal and slooooowly pulls the thing off of Scar, and oh Scar is so happy.
He grins, big and toothy (full of sharp edges, but it's still so oddly charming?) and grabs Grian to spin him excitedly.
He speaks now, (and oh if his voice isn't also so charming) and he lifts Grian up, looks up at him, lips far too close. "Oooh my gosh, I swear I could kiss you right now!" he exclaims, but he doesn't, a shame, really, and instead puts Grian back down and just starts excitedly introducing himself.
In this case, Vexes have like unlimited magical potential. But they are limited by only being able to use it under the direction of someone else. (thinking like how evokers summon them and direct them) The catch is, vexes are tricky creatures. They can and will warp your instructions to their liking if you leave any room for loopholes or leeway. That’s part of the reason Scar was gagged. To prevent him from swindling you into a bad deal.
So normally Scar would do whatever he could to bend the rules and screw over his master, but he’s so overwhelmingly happy at being freed that he says to Grian, “Anything you want! It’s yours. Anything at all, no tricks, no nothing.” And he means it, too.
And that’s all I really came up with! Like I said, just a beginning.
I think Grian should ask about that kiss.
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willowrites · 2 months
REQUEST. can you do one for either sam or colby with a reader who’s a medium?
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PAIRINGS. sam x medium fem!reader
SUMMARY. sam and colby have watched a few of your videos and have been following you on instagram for quite some time. sam in particular has grown an interest in you and wanted to shoot his shot but didn’t know how. given your ability to have one foot in the afterlife and another on earth they’ve invited you to tag along for an investigation …
WARNINGS. nothing! friends to lovers, cute fluffy stuff, a little bit of kissing…
AUTHORS NOTE. i loved doing this because i’ve always dreamt of having the capabilities that mediums do !! hope u enjoyyy
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you hadn’t always known you had the ability to see and talk to people who have passed on.
you thought it was normal.
you had many imaginary friends who weren’t always imaginary. you had conversations with people who your parents couldn’t see.
there were many occurrences in which you’d see apparitions for one second and then in another, they’re gone.
it was at the age of 11 when you realized that what and who you’d see and talk to were people and things that others couldn’t see or talk to.
you started researching and asking the internet.
are ghosts real?
can i see and talk to ghosts?
what are people who can see and talk to ghosts called?
confirmation of you possibly being a medium struck your brain. you continued doing research since then and now at the age of 24, you’re categorized as a medium who can talk to people who have passed and communicate with them as well as see them.
you set up an instagram and made sure that information was somewhere on there.
bio: spirits are my best friends
after you create an instagram and put that information in there. you tried to do some investigations of your own.
your first at your own house. you caught some good activity but none people would believe. so after that, you started collaborating with other people whether it was other mediums, psychics, ghost hunters, paranormal investigators, etc.
you enjoyed working with other people and getting to know more about the afterlife and spiritual world so when you got a message from sam golbach you were more than ecstatic.
hey y/n, it’s sam from the sam and colby youtube channel. i just wanted to reach out to ask if you were ever up for a collaboration of some sort. we could go check out a haunted location and i think we’d have a lot of fun. i’ve seen some of your videos with other channels and you’re really special we’d love to have you on the channel
let me know!
holy shit.
the sam golbach. from sam and colby.
sam was someone you had admired for a long time. you first noticed him on vine and he was super funny. you’d watch both his and colby’s vines daily. when they started doing paranormal and exploration videos, you became a loyal watcher.
to @/samgolbach
hi sam! omg, i cannot believe i am reading this message right now! i would love to tag along with you guys on one of your investigations. i’ve watched all of your videos and you guys are truly something.
like i said it would be an honor just let me know where and when! 💗 much love
as you sent the message you were jumping up and down and kicking your feet back and forth.
a few days had passed and you were beginning to think they changed their minds. you started losing hope but didn’t let that bring your mood down.
as you were making yourself an afternoon snack you heard your phone ding.
Notification: Instagram
sorry for the late response we have been brainstorming a few ideas for our next videos…
you were so quick to click on the notification.
sorry for the late response we have been brainstorming a few ideas for our next videos but that is great news. is it possible for us to video chat later on so we can discuss some ideas? we just want to make sure everything is okay with you.
video chat? you thought that was insane.
you’d be video chatting with sam and colby.
oh, my fucking go-
it would also be great to see your face as we discuss plans 😆
as soon as you saw that second message you felt like collapsing.
he wanted to see your face? okay, maybe you were overreacting…
you were trying to think of what to respond with. when would you look your best? you thought.
your thinking sparked you to get ready just for the video call and you sent a message back.
to @/samgolbach:
i’ll be free by 4! definitely looking forward to it :)
he liked your message and then agreed that 4:30 would be a perfect time.
you didn’t do much to your hair or face. all you did was tame your hair like how you usually would and put on your usual makeup.
you were waiting for the time to hit 4:30. you were nervous but so very excited.
as the clock was 4:25 you got an email
no harm in seeing you early! he sent along with the link.
your heart felt like it was going to beat out of its chest.
you opened the link which directed you straight to the meeting.
you then turned your camera on and the mic off. sam and colby were already there on camera just talking to each other without the mic.
then once it made a sound that you had entered they paused and you earned an exciting smile from sam.
“y/n!” sam’s voice played through your computer speaker. “so glad to see you made it!”
“hi y/n! i’m colby!” colby sent a smile your way and waved to the camera.
“hi, nice to meet you guys!” you blushed extremely hard.
“how is your day going so far?” sam asked running a hand through his hair.
“it’s uh…well honestly it’s going great. i was a little bit nervous to meet with you guys if i’m being honest,” you replied moving your hair to the back of your neck so that it wasn't in your face.
"what? that's insane, colby and i were nervous you wouldn't be up for a collaboration!" he continued to make conversation.
"what no! im thrilled, i always watched you guys since vine and then i watched even more when you guys started doing urbanex and haunted places! you guys started doing that as i was starting to become more familiar with my capabilities." you explained. "and then when you reached out to me, my heart was beating out of my chest. it was kind of like a dream turned into reality.
"wow, that's actually super cool that you've been watching us since that long ago." colby mentioned. "we've had an eye on you since you collaborated with seth and josh!"
"yeah ever since then we've always wanted to reach out to you." sam then added giving you a soft smile. gosh, his smile was so cute.
"thats so good to hear!" you giggled.
you giggled.
"well, why don't we start chatting about where we could explore..." colby proposed. you and sam nodded, both having the rosiest cheeks.
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you and sam have exchanged several messages since your zoom call. some professional and about the collaboration, and some about your personal lives.
from @/samgolbach
can i get your number? you know for professional ghosthunting biz...
to @/samgolbach
yeah sure! for professional ghosthunting biz... :)
(xxx) xxx-xxxx sent you a message
hi its sam
to (xxx) xxx-xxxx
hi sam its y/n
from sam
hmm, glad you didn't give me a fake number
to sam
why would i give you a fake number
from sam
because maybe ur too scared to collab with us? hmm, are you?
to sam
no no, i find this kind of stuff exciting. i love learning more about the afterlife and spirits and all that other stuff.
from sam
same! honestly, its super exciting. although if I get too excited I do dumb shit...
to sam
like what? get demons stuck in your ass?
from sam
ha. ha. ha. not funny...
to sam
sorry! although i think sallie found it funny.
from sam
yeah i think she definitely enjoyed it
you couldn't help the grin that made its way onto your face.
these harmless conversations kept going on ever since you had exchanged numbers. you guys talked every day even after your collaboration was done.
he made you so much happier than you were before. you became very close friends with colby as well. them two stepping into your life brought you many other close friends that you could call family.
yours and sams conversation would go from your personal life, to favorite shows, to where you've traveled, and now to past relationships.
sam told you about his and surprisingly went into depth with it which you honestly felt happy about because that meant he trusted you.
after he was done you felt it was only right for you to share that you had only one serious relationship before and it ended pretty rough, even though you had closure, the relationship taught you a lot and not in a good way.
he responded like a gentleman saying he was surprised that no one swept a beautiful girl like you off their feet.
that comment made you blush. you blushed so much you might as well have been kicking your feet back and forth.
your response was a simple thank you because you didn't know how to flirt or move forward and frankly, you were scared.
after that, you started to form a different kind of liking toward sam. you were always looking forward to his text messages and when he didn't text back you were constantly checking your phone to see if by any chance he had.
then one day he invited you over to watch a movie; specifically the exorcist. you were super excited but a little bit nervous. you were in charge of bringing drinks while the others had another responsibility.
as you were done getting dressed you got a text from sam. you looked at it and did a double-take.
from sam 💕
hurry and get your pretty self over here!
your heart took a leap. he was constantly taking every opportunity to compliment you which is something you’re not used to.
to sam 💕
i’m going im going! i’m so excited :)
from sam 💕
i’m excited to see you
again, your body had a reaction to the text.
you hurried and packed up all the drinks in your car before starting it and heading over towards his house; well his and colby’s house.
as you were parking you noticed more cars than you thought would be parked. you started to become nervous.
how big was this watch party? who will be there? will you be the outsider?
from sam 💕
i’ll open the gate for you so you can park in the driveway
you felt relief as you turned around to pass the house once more so that you could drive inside. you saw the gate starting to open and made your way inside parking in the driveway next to another car that was there.
you shut the car off climbing out to see sam on the porch.
“so glad you’re here!” he smiles. “it’s gonna be so fun. here let me help you.” he walked towards the door to the backseat opened it and took the cooler that you had brought and set it on the ground.
“thank you for the invite.” you smiled shyly.
you two made your way up to the front of the house and as you were about to open the door he was quick to leap in front of you taking the handle in his hand and opening it for you.
“what a gentleman!” you replied walking through.
“always for you,” he said causing your face to grow hot.
“yo y/n! glad you could make it!” colby shouted walking over to you and bringing you in for a hug.
“glad i could as well.” you nodded.
“come on over this way, sam can take the drinks in the kitchen.” he waved over for you to follow him.
you followed taking in your surroundings. this isn’t your first time at their house but you’re still starting to become familiar with the environment.
colby leads you into the den area where there are a few more people. you saw familiar faces mostly from youtube. like the sturniolo triplets, jake webber, tara yummy, johnnie guilbert, larry, and a girl you’ve seen on sam and colby’s videos once before.
“guys this is y/n! she was in one of our videos a while ago and we’ve become super close friends!” he introduced you earning a wave. “y/n, this is jake, tara, johnny, larry, chris, matt, nick, and amanda. amanda is also a fellow medium!”
your heart leaped. you’d been looking for more medium or psychic friends so you could get advice or any information.
“oh my gosh! you’re a medium! so nice to meet you i’m amanda the medium haha! it’s so good to meet you.” amanda brought you in for a hug.
“it’s a pleasure! i admire you, you’ve helped me come to terms with a lot of stuff and helped me explore more about my capabilities, so thank you so much!” you gushed.
“wow that’s so good to hear i’m flattered, thank you. we have so much to talk about.” you both sat down and started chatting.
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when the movie started you were sitting next to amanda and sam. sam came to sit next to you as the movie was starting which had you extremely excited.
throughout the whole movie, you felt gentle brushes against your knee as sam would move closer which had you moving a little closer inch by inch.
when the movie came to an end the group went outside to have a quick little bonfire where you guys chatted once more.
then afterwards everyone left agreeing it was well past their bedtime fortunately leaving you and sam alone outside.
“y/n?” sam spoke up cutting the comfortable silence you two had while looking at the fire.
“yeah?” you answered.
“im really glad we’ve gotten close this past year.” he confessed.
you smiled, “i feel the same way…i definitely needed a friendship like this in my life. i don't have many close close friends like how you and i have become so close recently.”
his face held a sad smile. “im sorry about how your past relationship ended.”
“no reason to be sorry. id be sorry if i had still stayed but i know what i deserve and that's not it.” you smiled and tried to lift up the mood. “all this sad talk is gonna kill the mood!”
you jumped up and held out ur arm. “come on!”
he took your hand and smiled. you were about to let go when he held onto your hand and pulled you close to him connecting your lips in a passionate kiss.
the kiss took you by surprise so it took you a few seconds before you reciprocated the kiss.
he pushed forward getting impossibly closer to you holding on to your hips to steady you so you didn't fall from the force he out on you.
you had no choice but to hold onto the back of his neck to steady yourself as well.
a few more seconds of smooches before you both pulled away to get some air.
breathless, you had no idea what to say. you were speechless.
“ive been wanting to do that for the longest time.” sam said hands still on your hips.
“glad you finally did.” you said without thinking.
sam laughed and sighed in relief.
“sorry, i just meant..i just..i like …” you stuttered. your cheeks turning red. “fuck you know what never mind.” you hid your face in his shoulder.
“i like you y/n. i really like you.” he told you. his words bringing butterflies to your stomach.
you lifted your head up to meet his eyes. “that's what i was trying to say…” you said quietly.
“well i found your stuttering very cute.” he moved some of your hair from your shoulder.
“im glad you don't find it dumb and embarrassing.” you sheepishly say.
“i could never find you dumb or embarrassing.” he scrunches his nose up cutely. “maybe a little silly sometimes.”
“gee thanks.” you roll your eyes playfully.
“mmm and sassy. but it's okay i can handle your attitude.” he pulls you by your waist closer. “can i kiss you one more time?”
“now that you find me sassy no no.” you playfully decline.
“mhmm…okay.” he pulls you in for a kiss and you let him.
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augustinewrites · 1 year
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listening to the amurta darshan’s faculty argue over budgets is positively mind-numbing, and alhaitham can feel his brain cells dying off with each agonizing minute that ticks by. 
this is only his second meeting as the acting grand sage, but he’s already looking forward to retiring. he’s been mapping out his retirement plan for the last ten minutes, actually. he’ll move to liyue, build a house on a very, very high mountaintop, and spend his days reading from sunrise to sunset—
“acting grand sage, what are your thoughts on the matter?”
listening to petty squabbles between old men in his capacity as the scribe is one thing, but having to direct the squabbles is wholly another. 
he sits up, doing his best to shake the stupor from his mind before quickly glancing down at the notes his assistant places in front of him. 
“naphis,” he says, genuinely surprised. “you intend to relinquish your position as sage?” 
alhaitham isn’t truly listening when amurta’s (now former) sage produces an explanation. the next step is to find a solution. find a new sage. naphis’ long-winded soliloquy about ‘ushering in the new generation’ and ‘starting anew’ were simply redundant. 
he tunes back into the conversation when naphis says, “i’d like to recommend a former student of mine. tighnari.” 
alhaitham knows tighnari. would even go as far as to say he likes him. “of the avidya forest watchers, yes,” he murmurs. “i will reach out.”
he glances over at you when you shift in your seat, glancing at him with that look in your eyes. the one that tells him you have something you want to say. 
but then one of the faculty members begins a highly dramaticized account of an lab incident in pardis dhyai that “demands” the proper allocation of funds, and he sighs, realizing this will have to be addressed another time.
the next few days are busy, as the shift of power within the akademiya demands near the entirety of his attention. that, combined with his reluctance to bring work home, lead him to follow up with you a week after the amurta faculty meeting. 
“what were you going to tell me?”
“hm?” you roll onto your side to face him, eyes barely open, considering it’s two in the morning. “when?”
he feels bad for waking you, knowing you’re exhausted from a twelve hour shift at the bimarstan. but he’d been penning his letter to tighnari earlier, and couldn’t stop pondering what you’d wanted to tell him last week.
“at the meeting,” he clarifies. “you were giving me…a look.”
“i give you lots of looks,” you yawn, nudging your face further into your pillow. “you are quite handsome.”
“don’t be cute,” he mutters, hoping the darkness of the room hides his blush. “you were looking at me like you knew something i didn’t.”
you blink a few times as the memory comes back. “which time? i give you that look multiple times a day, darling.”
normally, he finds your sass to be quite a turn on. just not when it’s directed at him. “the first time.”
“when you were talking about research grants?”
“not that time,” he frowns. “but— what do you know about that?”
“nothing,” you say much too quickly, but then you lean over, cupping his chin and looking him in the eye. “but when someone so, so pretty and extremely smart submits a grant application…”
“i will set up a private channel just for your submissions,” he promises.
“i was actually talking about kaveh, but that is very much appreciated. we do need new stethoscopes.” you pat his cheek a little harder than necessary, smiling.
“wait, kaveh?” he asks. “really?”
“oh yes,” you nod. “he was talking about an affordable housing project the other night. if the akademiya could spare the funds, he could even move into one of said houses himself…”
“finally admitting you want him to leave?” 
“haitham, he used that last of that face cream i bought in fontaine and keeps moving our furniture around. i don’t just want him to leave, i need him to leave. remember when he organized your bookshelves by colour?”
oh, he remembers, trust him. “i’ll have amani pull his application for review first thing tomorrow.” 
“a most wise decision,” you hum, about to roll back around when he gently grips your arm.
 “we’re not done. i was talking about when i mentioned reaching out to tighnari.”
“oh, that look,” you blink. “he won’t accept the position.” 
his brows raise in surprise, because who in their right mind would deny the role of sage? “and you know this how?”
“because we’re friends,” you tell him matter-of-factly. “and i know he’s made a commitment to lead the forest watchers. he’s doing good work there, along withconducting his research. i doubt he’d want to be saddled with a desk job on top of that. let alone one with the akademiya.”
“okay,” he shrugs. if you say he doesn’t want the job, then he doesn’t want the job. there’s no need to delve further into the specifics. “you know the amurta faculty better than i do. who should i ask?”
this time you send him a flat look, pulling away from him and taking the duvet with you. “haitham, i’ve entertained your poor attempt at pillow talk thus far, but if you wish to continue discussing this so bad, why don’t you go find amani? i’m sure she’d love to spend the night with you.” 
he rolls his eyes, trying and failing to reclaim the duvet. “jealousy is quite the unbecoming trait, you know.” 
“go to sleep, acting grand sage.”
alhaitham shuts up, because, well, you’d titled him. that was a warning sign in itself that he’d deprived you of your sleep for long enough. but you don’t protest as he pulls you close, pressing a kiss to the back of your head, still overthinking. his mind won’t rest until he finds a solution. 
“stop overthinking it,” you mutter into your pillow. “you’ll figure something out. you always do.”
you’re right, he realizes. maybe the solution is right in front of him. 
alhaitham is halfway through reading kaveh’s application when he hears your muffled threats to his assistant right outside his door.
“move, amani. or i’ll make you!”
amani has a much better sense of self-preservation than he thought, because it’s not a second later that his office doors burst open, and you let yourself in. 
“when i told you that you’d figure it out, i didn’t mean this!” you exclaim, waving his letter in his face.
he takes your hand, pressing his lips to the back of it in an attempt to placate you, murmuring, “you don’t want to be a sage?” 
“of course i do,” you huff, snatching your hand back. “but— but i’m—”
“the logical choice,” he finishes for you, folding his hands atop his desk. “you obtained two degrees before 25, your thesis on elemental healing techniques is the gold standard, you’re the head of medical and you’re decently versed in botany.” 
“botany?” you repeat incredulously. “so maybe the neighbors are jealous of our garden and tighnari taught me how to use naku weed to make special brownies that one time–”
“they were very good brownies,” he assures you. “and you’re still an excellent candidate.”
you go off again, listing off all the reasons why it shouldn’t be you, but all that alhaitham sees is someone who is brave enough to hold their own in council meetings and even yell at the acting grand sage. you’re perfect.
even you sigh unnecessarily loud, pinching the bridge of your nose. “you’re not going to let this go, are you?”
“i don’t intend to, no.”  
you’re silent for a long minute, clenching your jaw so hard that alhaitham worries for your teeth. 
“i want to make my own hours,” you tell him firmly. “i’m not going to be tied to a desk all day.” 
that was something he could certainly get on board with himself. “fine. anything else?”
“give me the day to think on it,” you shrug, moving to sit on the edge of his desk. alhaitham slides his chair back so your knees fit between his legs. “you really think i can do this?”
“the pros of you being amurta’s sage greatly outweigh the cons, so yes.” 
you fix him with a long-suffering look. “what were the cons?”
alhaitham thought himself an intelligent man, but he very nearly opens his mouth to answer your question before realizing the answer will likely end with him sleeping on the couch tonight. he chooses to keep his mouth shut, earning himself a little kiss before you sign the contract on his desk.
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dulc3vida · 2 months
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baila conmigo
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@allyneedsasnack thank u for ur kind words! sorry it took me a while but this was my first request and i was just really nervous. i hope u like it 💕
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rafe wasn't sure why he let you drag him out all the way to the mainland but he regretted it as soon as he stepped through the door. you brought him to a restaurant that you really liked. he normally wouldn't consider it, he hated even taking his new boat for a ride around the obx, let alone to the mainland. rafe also liked being the one planning the date and didn't do well when things weren't under his control. however, he was making up for having to abruptly cancel an important date with you because of business with barry which basically meant you could do or ask him anything you want (as if you didn't already).
still, this felt more like a punishment.
the night had been going good. the restaurant was called Lola's and he was actually enjoying himself, the food, and the overall ambiance. it also didn't hurt that one margarita made you giggly and blushy, tipsy but not belligerent, just how he liked you. the night was truly going well until the lights dimmed and the music raised a bit.
"oh, i love this song." you whipped your head towards the dancefloor near the bar where no one was dancing. the vaguely familiar sound of romeo santos voice made rafes ears perk up, he knew what was coming. "come on, lets dance." you stood up, grabbing his hand and tugging. of course, it didn't work and you pouted. "pleaseee?"
"already told you, princess, i don't dance." rafe was adamant about this. dancing made him feel awkward, like he was a spectacle. you only whined a "rafeeee" and frowned more.
it felt like a punishment to have to watch you pout and beg for him to dance. it was honestly one of his only insecurities in your relationship. he was tall, handsome, rich, and the perfect guy on paper but you liked to dance and you were way better than he could ever be because it came to you naturally. the two of you had left many parties early because of arguments over him not wanting to dance with you. he couldn't help it. dancing made him feel vulnerable. it put him on display when he preferred to be the watcher.
"come on, rafe. please?" you sat yourself on his lap while he shook his head. "porque no quieres bailar conmigo? you never wanna dance with me. what are you afraid of?" you placed a hand on his chest, right over his heart.
rafe exhaled through his nose, looking away from you and looking back. "that i'll look stupid." he murmured, barely audible. it made you laugh.
"rafe, there's barely anyone here." you could tell your reaction didn't help as he dropped his hand from your waist and averted his gaze. you gently grabbed his jaw and turned him back to face you. "we're on the mainland. if you're a bad dancer then only a couple of nobodies are gonna see." you looked into his eyes, giving him those bunny eyes that he could barely resist. "please? baila conmigo?" your reasoning seemed to break down his defenses and you were placing little kisses along his neck which helped soften him a lot more. "i'll teach you, just dance with me to this one song. before its over."
you stood up and tugged his hand again, doing a few excited little bounces on your heels when his whole body followed you.
the two of you were the only people on the dancefloor. the gobo flashed streaks of blue, red, and purple onto your faces and the two of you were tipsy enough to feel like you were in a movie.
"okay, grab me like this." you grabbed one of his arms and wrapped it around your waist, giggling when he pulled you close to him. taking his other hand in yours, you smiled up at him. "follow my lead." you took one step to the side with your right foot. "right, left, right, y punta" you explained while you stepped with him. "and then you go to the other side. left, right, left, y punta." rafe nodded, following your every step. "put it together now." you swayed your hips with each step, effectively leading his. "faster." you matched the beat of imitadora by romeo santos, happy when rafe was able to keep up and didn't look completely miserable.
rafe caught you completely off guard when he spun you around in time with the music. he wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or if it was you, but he suddenly felt confident. all those years of ballroom dancing ward had subjected him to awoke in him like a sleeper agent and he was using one of his knees between your legs to guide your sways.
you only thought rafe was building his confidence while he danced with you. however when he spun you round again AND dipped you at the end of the song, you were looking at him quizzically. "i thought you didn't dance." you said, hoping he couldn't hear any jealousy in your voice.
"i don't." rafe found himself not wanting to rush off the dancefloor, so he pulled your body closer to his as obsesion by aventura started playing. "never said i can't."
your buzzed little bunny brain decided to turn it into a competition, mind racing from one thought to the next. you pulled away from him as Judy Santos sang her part of the song, sensually dancing by yourself for a bit before rafe pulled you back in. "what're you doin? m'not dancin with anyone else if that's what you're worried about."
"i'm not worried." you pulled away again, basically dancing a circle around him before going back in and leading him into a different step.
"s'that why you're tryna make me look bad? thought you were gonna teach me?" rafe dropped his head to your ear. "you're the only girl i'll ever dance with, got it?" you nodded and let out a squeal when he nipped at your neck.
"can we go now?" you look into his eyes, more attracted to him than ever and the evidence was pooling in your lacy excuse for panties.
"nah, nah. my bunny wanted to dance." His hands were now possessively gripping your ass as he realized people were watching you. "got an audience and everything. s'what you wanted right?"
"want you now..." you grabbed onto his bicep and stopped the dance all together. you saw the way he was looking at you and knew he wanted it to so you went in for the kill. "please, papi?"
the groan rafe lets out along with the pinch to your ass was your sign to grab your coat and your purse. rafe sets 300$ on the table, a gross overpayment, and follows you out. the two of you barely make it to his boat before you're sliding your dress off your shoulders and he's undoing his button down.
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tasty-littl-snack · 12 days
Truly and honestly I didn't think I could be surprised by what Watcher can produce. My first video I ever watched of them was first episode of Ghost files and that felt like a lot of work put into it, the quality production was off the roof and when I watched it on youtube I was like "how is this a youtube video this should be an independent movie".
Now two years later watching the first episodes of Travel Season the feeling is similar. I am blown away by every detail every camera angle, every choice of wide shot of beautiful city that I've never been to, but it feels like I'm there walking with them and experiencing the food even though I'm only looking at it. You can feel love and dedication to the craft that Steven and Andrew have, and that they are genuinely having fun while doing this. This isn't even a food show, not really this is a high quality travel documentary and the moments saved in pictures only add to it. The 90's style sitcom intro, the photos taken by a real camera. The respect to the culture they have not only by bringing Brittney on their travels but also having people who live there who can explain the culture to us. Truly every detail is well thought out and that's what I love about Watcher. They really bring it their all to every show they make and because of the quality we can be awed by their skills of not only comedy, but also the cinematography and how natural it all feels. "Curiosity meets comedy" really rings true in this show. Travel season encapsulates everything I love about Watcher and I hope they will last forever and make a 100 seasons of this and other stuff they want to make.
I don't think they have it in them to make a better show than this but that's the same I thought when I first watched Ghost files. I hope to have this feeling of joy for every show they produce and I will be lucky enough to see.
Unironically, this really is the quality content I've come to expect from Watcher entertainment, but my expectations are exceeded. I hope to be awed everytime for years to come.
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mayuichi · 6 months
how do you think Tighnari would deal with a crush where he walks in on this conversation? Collei says to crush “Oh please don’t think too harshly of Tighnari. I know he sounds harsh. He actually is very nice”. And crush looks so puzzled, “what? He was being harsh with me? I think he’s sweet”?
First I'm really sorry I took forever to answer you! Sickness kicks in for the past two weeks and I literally have no strength at all! But today's the day I'm going to answer it the way I think it'd be!
I hope you'll be happy and satisfied with how I made it And thank you for the little scenario you made me have about it~
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In the peaceful scenery of the forest, your best friend passionatelly talks of her studies. You know Collei for a long time now, and you're well aware that she isn't the type to have lots of days off... So when she asks if you want to hangout, how could you refuse?
You don't know as much of the Avidiya Forest as her, your knowledge on it is only about what you've heard through your friends, or when you'd get scolded by the Chief Officier himself.
Sitting in between the trees, her voice trails off, and she turns to look at you. “By the way...„ your head snaps up at her worried tone. “I know Tighnari can become somehow a tyrant when it comes to the forest but...„
You stare. Tighnari, a tyrant? It's true you aren't too close of him, but it isn't because you think badly of him. On the opposite! You find it endearing and amazing that some people are willing to take care of nature. You just don't need to see him everyday.
But when he comes by the city, he always makes a detour to come visit you. He enjoys your talks, and so do you. How could you not anyway? He brings you some sweet flowers when he stops by, and if he forgets, he apologises.
“A... tyrant?„ you question quietly, a silent chuckle escaping you. “I-.. I mean! The other day, I saw him scolding you pretty badly! I don't want you to think he enjoys doing so! He just cares both about the forest and the people!„ she corrects herself.
It's true. You came around last week and, unfortunately for you, you've done such a silly mistake! And that under the very eyes of the fennec boy. It didn't took many seconds before he helped you and took the occasion to scold your stupid behavior.
“And... That was supposed to be bad? I found it... Nice of him. I never saw him as harsh.„ you reassure her. She sighs in relief and leans closer to you. She's an idiot to think you'd see Tighnari poorly, isn't she? But you won't mention it. Instead, you let her rest her head against you and appreciate the moment.
But little do you know...
The little fennec fox man is on patrol, and overheard the conversation you just had. His cheeks flashed pink and his ears flattened on his head. Did he heard this right? Poor baby has always been anxious you'd think his duty as a Forest Watcher aren't separated from who he truly is!
He's fast to make a runaway from the crime scene, though. If you or Collei would see he eavedropped on you, he'd be dead on the spot! He reaches his tent rapidly, deciding he'd just fill some reports instead.
So when a few hours later, he hears yours and Collei's laughters ringing in his ears, he stands up to sneak to his door and watch you. Collei's about to depart and call it a day. And you'd do the same... If he would've not called for your attention.
“So... You like my scolding?„ he teases. How could he not? If he doesn't, he'll just stutter and be incapable to say a thing. But now, you're the one stuttering.
Rolling your eyes to try and ignore his words, you scoff. “As if! I just know you don't do it because you enjoy it.„ you deny, even if a part of you has to admit... You like his scolding. And he could see right through you. “Wait! How do you even know that?! Did you listened to us?!„
His eyes widen, forgetting about that fact. He clears his throat and gazes away. Now, your cheek took a pink tint, just like his. “... If you don't say I did, I won't mention to anyone you like my scolding.„
Hesitantly locking your eyes with his, a silence takes place until you take a few steps back. “I keep your secret, you keep mine... And that's a deal. Now I'll, erhh.. get going!„
You don't even let him answer you and flee. You've never felt so embarrassed before, but something in it made it so nice. You're eager for it to happen again.
Both of you have a crush on one another, and you know it. But he loves that cat and mouse play way too much, just like you, to be the one to confess first.
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/ᐠ - ˕ •マ Ⳋ mayuichi's property. do not repost, copy or translate without permission.
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 6 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 92... You have been warned...! 👌
Today's chapter has brought back some previous plot points that I and many others have been thinking about for quite some time now...!! 😌 So let's talk about it on this wonderful Christmas Eve, shall we...? 😉
Today's chapter begins with something that we knew was coming...:
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...THE FINALS...!! 😤
Mentioned all the way back in Mission 42, we learned that if Anya does bad on the finals, she will be separated from Becky (and Damian), so it is extremely important for her to do well them...!! 😲 But she isn't the only one worried about the upcoming finals...
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Of course Twilight would be stressing out about whether or not Anya will do well on the finals, but because on of certain goofy spy (last seen being already defeated in a tennis match in Mission 32), Twilight can't even cheat on the test for Anya anymore...:
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(*Sniff* I'm so glad to see Daybreak again, even it's just flashback...!! 🥹)
But since Anya did quite well in Classical Language (also mentioned in Mission 42), Twilight wants her to work on that subject and believes that she could even get a Stella for it... Then this happened:
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After Twilight lost all hope for his daughter to well on the finals, Authens show up and invite the Forgers to have some cookies!! 🍪
While at the Authens' place, we get a lot of interesting information about Authens, but the things that peaked my interest the most are that Mr. Authen taught neurology at the University that he used to work at and that him and Mrs. Authen moved back to Berlint to be close to their son and his family...!! 🤔
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I don't know if either these things about the Authens will lead to anything, but I'll still be on my guard about them... (Especially about who might be their son...! 🤔)
Moving on, Sigmund starts to help Anya with Classical Language by *GASP* using something that she loves to help her with her studies...!! 😲 (Yes, I know Twilight to tried to teach Anya using Spy Wars before, but... He didn't do it properly [as seen in Short Mission 9, which was also mentioned in today's chapter as well...! 😄]) AND IT ACTUALLY SEEMS TO BE WORKING!!! 😆
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And after some more studying, Sigmund congratulates Anya for all of her hard today:
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The Forgers prepare to leave the Authens' place and Anya says that she'll keep coming to the Authens place to study (as long as they have cookies...! 😋) But then, Sigmund asks Anya what's her main goal after becoming an Imperial Scholar, and she says...:
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(I take back being suspicious of him, at least for now...! 😌)
Anya continues her training (I mean studying) with Sigmund until she ends up looking like Solid Snake...!! 👏🤣👏🤣👏🤣
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Anya, you so crazy...!! 😂😂😂
After that, Anya heads off to school (with that permanent marker 5 o'clock shadow on her face 🤭) ready to take the finals...!! 😎 And then...:
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And that was Mission 92, a nice little on Christmas Eve that finally brought back things that haven't been brought up in while (like Daybreak...!! 😆) I loved that Anya was actually enjoying studying for once, thanks to Sigmund!! 😊 And to Twilight, I love you, but... THIS👏IS👏HOW👏YOU👏SHOULD👏HAVE👏APPROACHED👏ANYA👏WITH👏HER👏STUDIES!!!👏😤 My guy Twilight really doesn't understand children AT ALL (especially his own...!! 😌)
I truly don't think that the Authens are bad people after this chapter, but I still believe that they (particularly Sigmund) might have a dark past...!! 🤔 As for the mention of the Authens' having a son has got my theory brain a rolling...! 😵 But, my best guess of who their son could be is either he's Anya's biological father or one of the scientists that experimented on her... 👀
Anyway, I think that's all wanna say about this chapter...!! 😊 And if know me tomorrow is my favorite holiday, CHRISTMAS!! 😆 I probably won't be on Tumblr at all tomorrow, so until December 26th or the next Mission... Take care, be safe out there, be kind to one another, & HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!! 💗😆💗 SEE Y'ALL LATER!! 👋😊
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queenofthequillandink · 2 months
Controversial opinion about the Watcher streaming service, apparently: This was a really exciting announcement that everyone was so excited to shit on that y'all may end up killing Watcher altogether.
I'm going to try to be really clear about this, because I don't want to dismiss valid concerns, so here we go.
Watcher came to us and they said, "We want to make our best content for you. We don't want you to be the product we have to sell to advertisers, we want you to be an audience that we can take on the coolest journey we can make. But that takes money that we can't get from YouTube revenue." And I honestly thought this was a perfectly logical and reasonable direction to take the company so Watcher could continue to exist in its best possible form.
Are there things they could have stated more clearly? Yeah, especially that their YouTube library would still be available and what would happen to people who were already patrons of the channel.
Do I understand why people would be upset about potentially losing access to Watcher? Of course. It's an amazing company making amazing content, and not everyone can afford a streaming service. They did openly encourage password sharing, which I happen to think is very cool of them, but some people would still lose access and that sucks.
But I truly don't understand how "We want to make amazing content and keep our amazing team, and that needs a budget that YouTube just can't give us" turned into "Wahhhh give us your money, we want it all" to some people. I think it's worth remembering that Watcher is a small company with a small team, not a streaming giant looking for one more way to milk an extra cashflow opportunity.
I truly hope that Watcher making everything free on YouTube on a delay because people yelled loud enough doesn't shoot them in the foot. Because I think they make great content and I think they deserve to be paid fairly for it and pay their staff fairly for it. Content creators aren't factories; they don't have to churn free content out for you forever. If Watcher becomes untenable because Ryan, Shane, and Steven can't make good content and make enough money to live off of at the same time, it will simply vanish. And I'm sure some of the same people yelling about the streaming service will yell about that too, if it ever happens.
I don't know, I just didn't think, "We're trying to make the best possible content for you," deserved this much of an outcry.
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bedoballoons · 9 months
Genshin Men react to Their Thirsty fanart?😊
Ooooooo oh my gosh I love this!!! I hope you liked the characters I picked! If you'd like to see others just let me know! <3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Reacting to their thirsty fanarts~༺}
A/n: Slightly suggestive! A lot of characters this time because I went alittle crazy! (None of the artwork in this is mine! If you look in the reblogs the artists names are there! All credit goes to them and thank you again to that person who sourced them for me!)
(Includes: Diluc, Lyney, Albedo, Wanderer, Kazuha, Childe and Neuvillette!)
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Diluc would clear his throat, inspecting the picture while his cheeks became tinted with a light pink colour, his hand running through his firey red hair as he tried to think of what to say, settling with a safer answer. "Well...this is certainly a very amazing piece of artwork. It does however seem a bit...suggestive...flattering yes, but not very true to life. I've personally never held my claymore in that way or sat in that particular.. position. Still, I thank you respectfully for taking your time to draw me...even if it might have given others a bit to much...inspiration."
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Lyney would take one look at the picture, a smirk playing on his lips as his violet eyes clouded over with mischief and flattery, possibly even a tad bit of lust, "Seems I've caught the attention of some incredible artists, their work is truly magnifique! Hmm..., because they've drawn me so beautifully and one of the main things a magician is supposed to do is please his watchers, I'll do a little comparison between the art and myself...so you can all see it for real~" He'd tip his hat before starting to recreate the pose, arching his back slightly and winking in your direction, his finger up against his mouth as he shushed you, his other hand holding the ace of hearts just right so you could see it. Seems he enjoys the attention the fanarts give him, even to the point of hoping everyone will creat more~
(...is he wearing bottoms in this picture? Cause like I'm not gonna lie...I'm not really sure...)
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"Goodness..." Albedo would stare at the artwork of himself for a moment, trying to collect his words as even his pale skin turned cherry red. His voice would be shaky because of his flustered state and he'd mess up words whenever he glanced at the picture, but eventually he'd manage to say this,"I don't really know where t-to begin, I mean the art itself is impeccable, v-very stylised...and ehem...the artist clearly...k-knows their anatomy. I-...thank you for drawing me." He'd look away, his heart racing in his chest and his mind plagued with new thoughts like...would he actually look good in that situation...would people want to see it...should he...try it?
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Wanderer would look at the picture, his eyebrows furrowing and his mouth hanging open for a second, "W-what the hell is this?!? Why am I w-wet in it??? Perverts!" He'd clench his hands into fists, putting on quite the show as he tossed the drawing behind him and stomped away like he's just been highly offended...even though deep down, he found it slightly...appealing. To think someone actually had the nerve to draw him so scandalously...perhaps he'd have to find the artists who had done so, just to show them how wrong of a choice they'd made~
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"Oh my..." Kazuha would say, a blush spreading across his face and his calm personality faltering for just a second, before he quickly recomposed himself, scratching the back of his neck nervously as he chose the best words to say, "The art is very beautiful, I must say they've flattered me alot though...I don't truthfully look like that...not nearly as handsome. As for the marks...on the n-neck, I don't currently have any..." He'd probably mean that last sentence as a means to say he wasn't currently in a relationship, but to anyone who had heard it...they took it as a invitation to give him some~
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Childe would smile happily, leaning back against the wall with his arms crossed and his chest slightly puffed up with pride, "Comrades please, you all make me blush, the art is wonderful and in no small part because I'm in it...,but I assure you the real thing is better. I win, even in regards to myself.." He'd wink at you, leaving you captivated by his charm even though what he had said sounded silly.
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Neuvillette would look at the art for awhile, his purple hued eyes widening as he scanned it into his memory and rested his chin in his hand, his long white hair drapping over his shoulders as he wondered if someone had caught him changing, since how could they make something so accurate otherwise... "Apologies, but where did you get this again? The drawing itself is indeed very beautiful and well crafted, I believe the artist who made this should be very proud...I'm just curious how they know what I look like shirtless...and who else might know as well."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚I hope you enjoyed*⁠.⁠✧
(Open!) Taglist: @kiokiee
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moonlightspencie · 2 months
rewatched the update video, read some posts from both people who like and dislike the update, and just finished charlie’s (mo1stcr1tikal) video about watcher. here are my complete thoughts:
Video Execution
i appreciate that they seem to have consulted with a PR person, or at the very least really sat down and thought through their approach with the video.
they didn’t try to boo-hoo themselves.
they used a lot of positive “you language” for the fans (which i very much appreciate as a media and communication person myself)
they took accountability for their mistakes, and actually uttered the word “sorry”. low bar, i know, but many apology videos still somehow slip under the bar.
they very clearly put the focus on ryan and shane in the video. it sucks a bit that they probably felt they had to since much of that was probably due to the negative comments directed at steven, but it WAS a smart move. fans feel most betrayed by the two the majority connect with the most.
it. wasn’t. overproduced. (again, low bar, but it is what it is).
overall thoughts on execution? it was smart. they look uncomfortable, and whether that’s intentional or their true feelings, regardless of why they look so uncomfy, it makes it easier to watch. they don’t look pissed or smug. they look embarrassed. which, in an apology video, is a good thing. sorry to say
The Solution
i think they came up with the best alternative they could after royally fucking up with the majority of their fans.
the patreon solution… mixed feelings. i understand they don’t want to just go forward with one or the other: the patreon or the streamer. however, as ive seen some patrons say, it doesn’t make all that much sense to have both logistically. i think it’s only set up this way because they can’t go back entirely on watcher.tv now. good on them for giving a bit of a fix with the codes being sent to patrons.
i was still lost on how they weren’t “advertiser friendly”, and that’s where charlie’s video came in to affirm my suspicions. go watch his video for more information, but long story short: watcher is a GOLD MINE for advertisers. huge and loyal audience, engaging ads that make the viewer want to watch the ad, and an ever-growing channel.
on the back of the last point: how on earth were they struggling with money to begin with? it simply doesn’t make any sense. they had so many revenue streams & again, DO get sponsors and appear to be incredibly brand-friendly.
trust is still lost with most fans, and that will be hard as hell to regain. the ex-buzzfeed three-guys-on-a-couch model didn’t even work when the try guys were fucked over by their friend and brand trust was lost a little bit. and this loss of brand trust is fully on all three dudes on the couch this time
overall thoughts on the solution? it’s good for what they can do now that they obviously cannot just fully backtrack. that would arguably be a worse idea than the original idea for the streaming service itself. i think this would have worked much better and they would have retained integrity if they had done this from the beginning, and/or had a slow rollout instead of jumpscaring us like that. ghost files is supposed to spook us, not surprise paywalls.
Final Thoughts
a ton of trust was lost. the parasocial relationship that specifically shane and ryan fans had with them, that was the REASON for so much of the loyalty, is fractured, and for many it will never be the same as it was. i understand their fuck up when it came to the announcement was likely just them needing more self-awareness and a professional to guide them through it, but i still question how it got to that point where they felt like their fans would enjoy this to begin with. not to mention, again, how were they not making enough? why not try other options first?
i hope sincerely that watcher truly learns from this. that they remember their business isn’t about money or ambition (in a positive or negative way), but is built on the backs of their fans’ loyalty. without that fan loyalty, buzzfeed unsolved would have been the only thing we knew ryan and shane for. we wouldn’t have followed them to a new channel if we didn’t care about them and their work to certain degree.
it was a good apology video. genuinely. i’m glad they didn’t jump into it with a bandaid solution. i just wish they had the foresight to know their fans well enough to understand that there is NO way this would be well received by the majority. and there’s no going back on that now, obviously. what’s past is past. i hope moving forward that they gain a little self-awareness and that they gain some FAN-awareness. until/unless they start working on television and movies, they have to keep their fans happy. we are the consumer, not the employee, and it feels like they started somehow blurring those lines with the original video they posted. it felt like one of the corporate ‘training’ videos for my job when we start using a new system.
fans are important in online spaces, particularly. we provide free advertising for our favorite bloggers/youtubers/etc., and willingly give up money to support them through various streams (in watcher’s case: patreon, merch, live shows). you cannot exist as a creator online and think that you don’t need to keep your fans happy when it is your source of income. it’s simply how being a successful internet personality works, for better or worse.
good job to the watcher boys on how they went about the apology/fix. i hope things go better from here on out.
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solargeist · 3 months
btw i'm extremely normal (complete lie) about grian having to ask for food. esp when he's at his wit's end and he just wants to be treated like an adult, and he's fighting and arguing to be seen as one (which makes him seem more childish) but then he has to ask them for food.
does he have to apologize? does he wait as long as he can, in hopes that it will be long enough for them to 'move past' it without him having to apologize? does such an amount of time exist for watchers?
do they come to expect it, that when he starts yelling, he'll come back a few hours later when he's hungry? does that feed into the perception that he's a child having temper tantrums and leaving to sulk until he wants lunch?
i love evo au so much and it spins in my head all day every day. may as well let the watchers make a little nest in there. i just want you to know that we really do enjoy your au, and all the work and love you put into it. thank you so much for all of it. please take care of yourself.
yeah thats how it is !
They definitely consider his fits to be tantrums, sometimes he'll quickly get embarrassed, feeling their eyes on him, other times he'll storm out before getting into any yelling, and really hope they move past it, he can go a pretty long time without food. A Watcher's perception of time is skewed, so they don't really notice how long, but he's pretty hardheaded.
It depends on the tantrum, Grian doesn't usually have to apologize, but sometimes She'll ignore his request, and instead remind him of his words. She'll forgive him of course, right away, but he does have to learn, doesn't he ? The hard part of being a parent truly !
He really doesn't have a choice, I think this takes a toll on his own emotions, he has enough self awareness to see when he is acting like a child, but being so upset he can't stop it, its a very confusing situation to be in, especially when they can comfort him so easily after he's mad.
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iosagol · 4 months
I hate it when people put their relationship drama on the internet, it seems like such a private thing. I don't closely know the people involved, I don't know their personal lives, who am I to comment. However, the Shubble situation is so far beyond everyday relationship drama holy crow
It's wild to me how Wilbur has written countless songs discussing toxic/abusive/creepy relationships and in his songs he really seemed to condemn them (in love with an E-girl, CMWYL, Maybe I Was Boring) but then he is surprised that Shubble considers his relationship with her abuse? While he reportedly did things that the antagonists of those songs would do?
What's most painful is that I like to think everybody deserves a chance to change and grow, but Wilbur seems to want to change and grow without acknowledging the fullness of what he did.
To be fair, I know that to tell someone they have to publicly apologize to a person they deeply wronged, and they have to apologize on the internet in front of millions of watchers is a very daunting thing somehow reserved only for celebrities, an action that most of us would never ever want to do even if we know we were wrong. Discussing very personal matters online can make people even less willing to face their wrongs. Maybe it would be better if Wilbur could speak to the person he harmed one-on-one (with a few people there for protection obv) but no one has said that he has even attempted to do this. From what we know, he never reached out to Shelby asking if they could have a discussion like this. What we saw was what he gave. So.
I don't even know what's going to happen to The Sorry Boys and to Lovejoy, but I really hope that if Wilbur loses a lot of his fame and praise it will truly shock him into reevaluating Shubble's pain and his own part in that, and that he can truly become a better person.
Apart from all of this, I don't think any fanfiction writer should be ashamed for writing with C!Wilbur or enjoying Wilbur's music. He truly is a talented creator, and it's okay to admire what a skilled person has created and make good work based off of that without supporting them as a person. Pirate away if you'd like. The Harry Potter fandom gets along quite well like this. However, if anyone would feel better to not consume what he's created at all, the choice is of course yours.
Hope the community is doing alright despite the horrors going down 💛 support for Shubble 👑
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margarine-archives · 1 year
Can I request a headcanon of Dark Cacao dating a merperson who is from the licorice seas please
Merperson!Reader from the Licorice Sea with: Dark Cacao Cookie !
notes: im sorry if it seems quite short !
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- dark cacao met you when he gained time to go outside for some fresh air. He didn't know where he'd go, he simply wanted some fresh air and a place to calm down. Due to his current stress about many things (king duties), he has mindlessly walked to the near shore of the licorice sea
- usually the near shore of the sea remains empty, until he spots.. a cookie ? no, a cookie with fins perhaps. Though he wouldn't really call them a cookie ..
- thought of you as a threat at first until you've proven yourself to be innocent, claiming to only watch the snowlions from a far distance, even offering him to watch alongside you. They look quite peaceful when they aren't attacking cookies !
- he'd watch you leave into the deeper depth of the sea after some time, until you return the following day hoping to see the king once more, something about your presence alone felt.. peaceful for the ancient king, as he returns to the cacao kingdom with a clearer mind.
- dark cacao doesn't have much time to relax, nor does he have the time to go outside. He trains in the citadel and handle paperwork afterwards, so meeting each other would be a rare occurrence (hence you both enjoy your time together, talking about recent events and whatnot)
- the lonesome king grew fond of your presence overtime, he knew it was wrong, the licorice sea is known for its dangerous monsters, and to meet and to even think about dating a merperson, much so from the licorice sea, what would that say to him as the king of the dark cacao kingdom ?
- and yet a part of him didn't care, why should he ? when you're the only one that he can truly feel comfortable and let low his position as king for a while. To meet someone who sees him to be equal then their king is quite refreshing, even if the someone isn't a cookie (he doesn't care anyways !)
- 'its quite weird to grow such emotion for a merperson' he thinks, 'and yet.. they bring me back to the old days..'
- he misses his fellow ancient friends a lot, considering what had happened beforehand, he feels the same comfort and joy he used to feel with you around, except its more.. intimate than being friends
- when you two do get together, he squeezes in more time in his schedule to see you almost every day, and you both would watch snowlions together
- would prefer to keep your relationship secret, he wants to save himself in explaining why he fell for a creature from the licorice sea (also because the watchers probably wouldn't understand, or would gossip about the topic)
- caramel arrow was the only one to find out actually, and, to the king's relief, she saved him trouble in explaining after figuring out you two were together, she thinks it's very rude to question a king's personal life, even if uts questionable to some.
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