#and they got it! because if canon has stopped then i say it's all puppies and rainbows from here
Ohoho....I've been rewritten by The Bastard Son & the Devil Himself. It was so good fkdhdksls truly they said poly rights.
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psychwxrdd · 4 months
drug dealer! soft! rafe being a love sick puppy
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🎀 author's note: buzzcut rafe is my favorite rafe omg 😫 yk that one song "i'm a gangster's wife to an anybody killer" i had that lyrics on my head all day and it got me inspired lol and as much as i love dark/horror themes i love soooo much soft and sweet! rafe. yeah a canon of him being a drug dealer but he still is my little princess
(not mine gif)
also besties send me requests! i'm in the mood to write today
warnings: fluff, sexual mentions in the end but no actual smut
drug dealer! rafe instantly became infatued with you, the second he first saw you. he just knew he had to have you (please i can't help but imagine him staring like that one crazy stare he does in s2 when he's with barry and hears kiara in the drain lol)
drug dealer! rafe absolutely fucking worships you. like i MEAN it. he's selling his thing and worried about his busy and can't stop thinking about you, constantly texting you under the table. he has sooooo many pictures of you, not just on his phone but in his wallet as well, it's almost compulsive: he wants needs to stare at it all the time, and everyone always mocks him for this. he doesn't care about how crazy or corny they think he is or shit, thats his girl, the love of his life, his future wife and mother of his children. he would go to hell for you.
drug dealer! rafe who spoils the shit out you, if you said you wanted a big house like this or that, in color x or y, he would buy it entirely for you, the exact way you wanted. needless to say, he would buy anything you saw in a store that had your eyes shining, no matter what it is, if it would make you happy he wouldn't think twice. also, he is obsessed with the cute things you like 🥺 like imagine him buying a sylvanian family for you, or those sanrio plushies.
drug dealer! rafe who has you on his lap at any single party him and barry goes to, he doesn't let go of you for nothing. one say overprotective other say clingy, whatever it is, he always wants you on his arms. need to go to bathroom? he is waiting on the door. need a drink? he tells barry to got get it for you both (LMAO). you're tired or sleepy? he carries you around like a bride.
drug! dealer rafe taking you home and can't stop smiling staring at you sleeping, admiring your beauty and feeling his heart race from how much he loves you, how happy it feels to have you. he puts a song you like on the radio even tho it wasn't his taste or you weren't awake to hear it. you'd wake up and he'd be caressing your hair, the minute he he saw your eyes opening he said "shh, go back to sleep princess, it's late" and you were too sleepy to answer anything. he caressed your forehead, cheeks, nose, ears. he loved to put his fingers on your dots too, you had some small ones you didn't even noticed you have, but he did.
drug dealer! rafe already has a ring on his pocket just waiting for the perfect moment to ask you to marry him. you're the only person who ever gets to see this side of him, so he would probably get emotional while doing it.
drug dealer! rafe who have a MASSIVE breeding kink, but mostly because he really dreamed of having a family with you. not just because it felt good to cum inside you and it was hot, but because he really felt something he couldn't describe at the thought of you also wanting him to be the dad of your children, to have a family with him. it made his heart euphoric, it got him acting dumb. it meant you also wanted to spend your life with him, that was his biggest turned on.
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im-a-killer-queen · 5 months
Yesterday I saw Aquaman and the lost kingdom and I fell in love with Orm again so I’m gonna leave this here.
Orm Marius x Reader
Warnings: no proof read, fem!reader, curly!hair!reader, chubby!reader.
Author note: I think I’m gonna start writing more about him, there are barely any fics of him and he deserves them.
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So i head canon that as an evolution trait under the water, no one in Atlantis has curly hair, because of the friction and all of that.
So imagine the first time Orm goes to the surface after helping Arthur.
He is walking, admiring the view, completely mesmerized when his eyes meets you.
Your hair is the first thing his eyes see, and he is curious about it, he walks towards you like he was in a trance.
He looks at your face and he swears he has never seen someone as beautiful and exotic as you.
He admires your plush thighs and tummy, your body is different from any Atlantean woman, he is used to slim bodies and looking at yours felt like looking at a work of art.
Before he knew it he was in front of you, staring at you shinny eyes.
You look around and then at him.
“E-excuse me, are you okay?” At first you were scared, now that he was close you didn’t feel that he was a threat but still, you felt a bit uncomfortable.
He suddenly comes back to reality and takes a step back.
“I apologize, didn’t want to bother you, just…” he took air, you were talking to him and your voice was more beautiful than any siren song.
“You are beautiful” he breathed out in a whisper.
He chuckles awkwardly “It’s just… I’m lost” he finally gets himself together “Im new here and just wanted to ask for your help but… it’s just…” he points at you hair.
Your hand flies there, to see if everything is okay “is there something wrong with my hair?”
“No!” You get startled “it’s… different” you frown in confusion “the form, you know…” he moves his finger in circular motions.
“My curls?” You ask?
“Yes, I’ve never seen that before”
“Really? I mean not everyone has them but…” you stop and chuckle “are you trying to flirt with me or something?”
“Flirt?” He looked like a lost puppy.
You shake your head.
“Never mind” you say “where do you want to go?”
“Anywhere I can buy a greasy cheese burger” he smiles
You chuckle.
“There is a good place in the seafront”
He nods slowly, still staring at you.
You stare back and turn you head a bit to try and make him realize he is staring.
He comes back to reality once more and he closes his eyes a bit ashamed then chuckle.
“I’m sorry… again, I just really like you hair, I really don’t want to make you uncomfortable”
“It’s okay” You laugh, he is very strange but he is polite and he just seems genuinely lost.
“I’ll show you the place”
“That would be great” he smiles.
After five minutes walking you get there, he apologized one more time during the walk and told you he was gonna stay around for a few weeks.
Once you got there you told him to give you his number.
“My… number?”
“Yes, phone number”
“I don’t have that”
“Oh” you look around not knowing what to say.
“You live in the village?” He asks.
“Yes” you smile.
“I’ll see you around then” he says determined.
“See you”
You leave him there and go back to your life.
You thought you would never see him again and it would end like a weird and funny story to tell your friends.
Little did you know that atalantis prince was completely smitten for you.
He was ready to swallow all his pride and ask Arthur for help so he doesn’t seem like a creepy weirdo again.
He knew you were his favorite thing in the surface and he was going to marry you.
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slothspaghettiwrites · 10 months
Bestie. Bestie…
The world deserves to know all about Country!BigDaddy!Ari. Bless them. Bless us. Tell us all about his rusty red truck and his bad habits and how he fucks when he’s had cheap Jack Daniels. Tell us, bestie.
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Look, I know we were just talking about Daddy and this ask is quite old, but let's talk
Big Daddy
Warnings: country/hillbilly au, female!reader(she/her), heavy daddy kink, pet names, a bit of second chance romance, smoking, drinking, explicit sexual acts, head canons because I doubt I will make this full fic to share with everyone and we were feral and unhinged on discord when this first came about.
Country!Ari is a wild one night stand that turns into so so much more when you finally leave the big city and come back home where you belong.
Ari is very blue collar, works for the county on the highway crew, owns a bit of land and lives in a double wide.
Ari was captain of the football team when you were in high school together, and he is still very popular. Most of the guys from the team still get together and play touch football on the weekends
When you come back to town, he makes it his mission to make you his for keeps. He got one taste of your perfect pussy, heard you moaning his name and calling him Daddy for one night and he was hooked.
Everyone around town teases the fuck out of him the way he follows you around like a big puppy dog. If only they knew what he was whispering in your ear 🫣
"C'mon, sugar, why are you fighting us? Such a stubborn little thing just because of something in high school? I just wanna treat you and that sweet pussy of yours right. Let me be your Daddy."
It is no surprise the first time (really this is the second time), you fuck it's during a Friday night football game. You don't even know why all it took for you to say you'd go was your mama saying "Ari goes to every home game", but you showed up.
The 1st quarter isn't even over yet, but Ari catches you a few spots over on the bleachers eating a soft pretzel with cheese and he's dragging you away to where his truck is parked far out in the field lot. It took everything in him not to lick the little bit of cheese off the corner of your mouth in front of the whole crowd.
Ari's truck is big and red and "old". It's a bit rusted out and really jacked up, but he looks regular sized next to it. The passenger side is missing the foot rail so he always has to help you climb up.
However when the tailgate is dropped, it's the perfect height for him to have you lie back while he eats your pussy like a starved man.
And does he fucking love giving you oral. Loves feeling the weight on you on his face, the muffling of his hearing with your thighs clenched around his head.
He could spend the rest of his life with your clit in his mouth and your pussy juices running down his chin.
The one thing he won't do is finger you.
At least not if he plans on fucking you. If your sweet lips are around his cock he can't stop himself from coming down your throat. He will finger you then if you want something to cum on too.
But when he has every intention of fucking all the thought outta your little baby head, Daddy only uses his mouth to get you ready for his dick.
"Let Daddy in sugar, wanna feel every inch of me in ya, don't you? Gonna treat you just right, baby, fuck you just how you need."
God taking his cock a stretch 😤 it's heavy and thick and long and so fucking pretty just like the rest of him. He loves when you get dumb on it. Loves how all it takes to get the sour outta you is Daddy's cock stuffing you full.
"Only sweet for me, ain't'cha? Only like this for Daddy."
Big Daddy is full daddy mode basically all the time. He is so sweet on you.
Anyhoo 😤😤😤😤😤😤
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arrowsperpetualcringe · 6 months
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Relationship descriptions under the cut
Kaito x Maki
Maki about Kaito: LITERALLY in love.
Kaito about Maki: "she fell in love with me?"
I don't think I gotta do much explaining here, she is canonically in love with him, and he calls her MAKI ROLL how can I not ship them? And the complete disbelief he has that he likes him.... Ough... OUGH.
Overall atmosphere: completely in love
Kaito x Shuichi
Shuichi about Kaito: Gradually fell in love with
Kaito about Shuichi: The homie he kisses goodnight
They completely trust each other. Kaito helps Shuichi improve himself in many ways, and helps him to believe in himself, and because of that Shuichi catches feelings for him. Kaito is fighting demons and the demons are bisexuality (he loves his bud, and sometimes he feels weird about it, but all the rest of the time he just can't believe how unbelievably lucky he is)
Overall atmosphere: Completely in love
Kaito x Kokichi
Kokichi about Kaito: Trusts Kaito n picks on him to be around him
Kaito about Kokichi: Slowly beginning to understand him
This hinges off what we learn about Kokichi in the trial where he dies. How he lies, not only to cause confusion but to protect himself as well. I fully believe Kokichi was trying to stop the killing game, as he says he got no joy from it in his final moments — and I think despite what they've been through Kaito believes that as well. Going more into my fanon, and my interpretation of this ship, Kokichi trusts Kaito completely. Like with his life— (he trusted him to carry out his plan despite everything after he was gone. And yeah he was "indebted" to him but c'mon) So he hangs around Kaito because— he just feels safe around him. And that's the only person who even... Tries to listen and understand him. So yeah, on Kokichi's end he's kinda pining. Hard. Kaito on the other hand doesn't necessarily push Kokichi away, but he doesn't fully understand him either. He makes attempts to though, and that enough for them. They'll work it out as they go.
Overall atmosphere: Tense.
Kaito X Rantaro
Rantaro about Kaito: thinks he's cute
Kaito about Rantaro: literally the chillest guy to be around
There's not much I have to say about this one. They're both just chill guys, and I think they should hold hands and maybe kiss a little ok
Overall atmosphere: Puppy love
Ok that's it, thanks for reading to the end byyeee
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gentrychild · 7 months
I don't think you'll have it canon to Anyone as you have a different backstory in mind, but I'm imagining Anyone AFO telling the Anyone circle his crazy backstory and them thinking he's just screwing with them while Yoichi is just like :/ in the vestige world hearing it
This is not canonical in the Anyoneverse and in any of my fics because it would wreck my AFOs. (Except maybe for the twin part. I need to see what I wrote.) However, I know exactly how the reveal would go in Anyone.
AFO: "Back in my days, we didn’t have it easy like you spoiled brats! The only minions we got was the one we spare from our daily slaughter because their powers were useless and because your brother couldn’t stop whining about how killing was bad and how he just wanted to go to pre-school!"
Izuku: *already put his let's-ignore-the-evil-white-cat playlist and has been playing with his earbuds for the past five minutes*
AFO: "And let's not even talk about having to take care of Yoichi since I was born. Some people to raise their siblings as teenagers. I started doing it five minutes after I was born."
Izuku: *head bobbing with the music*
AFO: "I didn’t even become a villain for a motive as mercantile as money. I just stumbled into it, between the moment my mother gave birth to me by the river and rats immediately tried to eat me, and the moment I had to learn to swim to escape the rats. While carrying my brother."
Izuku: *does not hear one word*
AFO: "And did I get a word of thanks for making sure my brother and I survived? No, it was always "Don't daily kill people, Big Brother!", "Could you please slow down with the slaughter, Big Brother?", "Oh, a comic book not too stained with blood!"..."
Izuku: *silently singing along the lyrics of the new All Might movie soundtrack*
Dabi, Kurogiri, Hawks and Shouto: *huddled in one side of the bar, absolutely horrified, their brains about to explode*
Nagisa, listening to them from home: "What the fuck?"
Hawks: "Shouldn't we do something after hearing this? Like put him in therapy ASAP?"
Kurogiri: "Where will you find a therapist that can undo two centuries of *waves at all that AFO is*
Dabi: "I feel that urge to go home and to apologize to my family and to cherish them."
16 year ago:
Hisashi: "I had problems with my brother back in the day so I think that, for this one, we should study ahead with the behavior training."
Inko: "I am so glad you're saying that because I kinda plurged for child-rearing-books with your credit card."
Hisashi: "Child rearing books?"
Hisashi: *promptly hides the Training Your Puppy For Dummies book behind his back*
Hisashi: "Yes, that’s definitely what I was talking about."
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alice-after-dark · 1 month
A Twist on the Standard RadioStatic
Not gonna call this a headcanon just yet, but it's a concept that has been swimming around in my brain.
Standard RadioStatic tends to go something like this: Alastor and Vox were friends, Vox caught feelings and confessed to Alastor, Alastor rejected him and fucked off for 7 years, Vox is now bitter and obsessed (insert details and personal preferences as you will).
Now while I typically think the falling out was both their faults (see this post), I have read some fascinating takes on alternative ideas to this norm and it has given me some thoughts (I am sure this is far from original, but screw you I'm having fun).
TW for abusive relationships, possessive/controlling behavior, victim blaming, and other canon-typical triggers. Contains abusive StaticMoth.
So imagine...it's Alastor who catches feelings. And he has no idea what to do with them. All he really understands is that he likes being around Vox and dislikes being away from Vox and he GREATLY dislikes anyone else showing any interest in Vox (more than one Sinner has been devoured for such a daring offense). He does not enjoy these feelings, no thank you sir. They make him confused and flustered and off balance and that is simply unacceptable. Of course this is Alastor, so he doesn't really process that what he's feeling is love. It translates more into a possessiveness in his mind. As far as he's concerned, Vox is his. What that means...best not to think too hard on it. It's hardly an issue anyways, with Vox always by his side like an excited puppy.
Until he's not.
Valentino slithers his way into the picture and this makes Alastor furious. Valentino is everything he hates; he's abusive, chauvinistic, disrespectful, and utterly full of himself. He can't stand that Vox is giving this walking shit stain the time of day. Vox learns very quickly not to bring up the moth demon around Alastor because he can fucking feel the hostility coming off Alastor in waves whenever he does (he doesn't understand why, of course. Val is perfectly charming to him. Okay, so maybe he loses his temper every once in a while every other fucking day and says some nasty things but he always apologizes...). And fuck forbid they are ever in the same vicinity. Vox has had to come between them on more than one occasion to stop a fight from breaking out. This of course only makes Alastor even more hostile because why is Vox protecting that wretched excuse for a demon? These encounters usually end with Alastor angrily taking his leave of both of them for the rest of the day. He ignores that so very loud part of his mind that protests leaving Vox alone with Valentino.
The breaking point comes when Alastor sees Vox's cracked screen for the first time.
Vox insists it was an accident, that Valentino didn't mean to. They just got into a small argument and Val can get pretty animated when he's upset and he didn't mean to shove Vox like that and it was Vox's fault anyways for continuing to push when he knew Val was mad he should have just given him space and Alastor is not listening anymore. He's heard this song and dance before. He's seen it played out before his very eyes. He will have none of it and WHY THE FUCK WILL VOX NOT JUST LET HIM KILL THIS FUCKING MOTH?!
Alastor loses his shit. He goes on a tirade about Valentino. This is not the mere hostile exchange of barbs Vox has seen between them before. This is pure unadulterated vitriol. Vox always knew that Alastor and Val didn't get along, but Alastor has never once let him see this absolute hatred he has been harboring for the moth demon. He has never seen Alastor's demeanor break like this before. He flat out demands Vox to never see Valentino again. They start to argue. Vox doesn't understand what is happening.
"Why the fuck do you think you get a say in who I'm friends with?!"
"B̃ͦͧEC̸͎ͯ̓̀Ą̨̼̠ͧ͜͝U͉̟͎̔ͩS͐E Y̢̦͂O̸͖U͗'̿ͮͪ̒̐_R͎͗̉̒Ḙ̑ M̵͔̱͂́ͭI̳N̯̲̝ͯ̄E̳̤͎ͯ̓ͬ͜!͙̪"
"I'm...what the fuck?!"
Because Vox doesn't understand what Alastor is saying. Fuck, Alastor doesn't understand what he's saying. He just wants Vox as far away from Valentino as possible and Vox is just not listening. Why won't he fucking listen?! And then it click with Alastor what he just said to Vox and the panic starts to set in and he feels vulnerable and exposed and he's not even sure why but he doesn't like it and it needs to stop now so he does what Alastors do best. He attacks the cause of those feelings.
He starts mocking Vox. Viciously. Goes for every weak point, every crack, every loose thread. He tears into him, shredding him down and spitting out the refuse. Did Vox really think he cared about him? That he was special? That he was ever anything more than a source of amusement? How fucking hilarious.
Vox attacks him and the rest is very messy history.
TLDR Alastor basically confessed in a very Alastor way because what are feelings and well fuck he's eating them, then panicked and proceeded to handle his vulnerability in a very Alastor way, Vox took what he said at face value and did not react well to being insulted, and Alastor took it as a rejection (even though he didn't entirely understand that that's what he was feeling).
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fluentmoviequoter · 5 months
I have a request for you. Deacon and reader have to pretend to be into a relationship for a undercover mission. But both of them love each other secretly and actually don't want to pretend.
This is such a good idea!! Writing this was a ton of fun. I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think!🤍
Warnings: angst, fluff, canon typical danger/action/violence, OC Andres Cabrera, references to drug trafficking, Deacon gets protective and a lil angry. I think that's all!
Word Count: 2.7k+ words
A/N: Does Metro go under cover? I don't know. But I do know that SWAT doesn't, so I brought Metro in. Also, I proofread and fixed a few errors after posting, but let me know if I missed anything!
Picture from Pinterest
The Real Us
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You fell for Deacon quickly and continue to fall deeper every day. You refuse to tell him because you are too scared to risk your personal and professional relationships. If only you knew he feels the exact same way; maybe everything would be different. Working with Deacon, seeing the good, bad, and ugly at work and in each other’s personal lives showed both of you that the other was worthy and deserving and impossible not to love. As Deacon got used to you during your probationary period, Hondo thought he was like a Doberman puppy, a vicious, lovesick combination as he follows you around while threatening everyone that comes too close. Now, you both resign yourselves to be friends and teammates, hoping it’s enough.
When Hondo yells your name attached to Deacon’s, your heart beats faster. “Hicks’ office,” Hondo finishes before he turns on his heel.
You fall into step beside Deacon, glancing at him.
“What did you do?” he teases, bumping his arm against your shoulder.
You struggle to remember to keep work first. Even if your safety wasn’t on the line, your fear of rejection keeps you from opening up completely. Likewise, Deacon is concerned you won’t want to date a superior or that you’re secretly in a relationship.
“Nothing, that I know of. Maybe Hicks found out you told Luca he could use the food in the fridge. After removing Hicks’ name,” you respond, smiling at him.
“Keep your voice down,” Deacon hisses.
“Here goes nothing,” you whisper as he opens the door for you.
Stepping into the office, you stop in front of Hicks’ desk and place your hands behind your back as Deacon joins you. Several officers from Metro are talking to Hicks and Hondo, who glances over and gestures for you to wait a minute.
“They’re going to steal one of us,” Deacon muses. “20-David won’t be the same without you.”
“Why would they take me? You’re way more experienced.”
“You’re prettier,” he says with a shrug. “Metro has a type.”
Your eyes widen as you turn to him, but you don’t get to ask what he means by that. Knowing that Deacon thinks you’re pretty, assuming he wasn’t still joking, sends a shiver down your spine.
Hondo nods at you before explaining, “Metro needs your help with a case.”
“Your Sergeant Hondo has already told us that we’re incompetent,” one of the officers adds.
“You’re the one that came to me for help,” Hondo shoots back. “They need a UC couple. Known drug trafficker Andres Cabrera is throwing a gala on his yacht, and there’s sure to be product, use, and purchasing.”
“Why not send actual UCs?” Deacon inquires.
“We’re stretched pretty thin, for one. But this also has a very high risk of getting dangerous. We’d rather have officers more prepared to deal with an ambush,” the Metro sergeant answers.
“What exactly is the purpose of the operation? I assume being under cover means we have to get firsthand proof of something,” you say.
“We need to find the leader of the trafficking operation, but we’d like to get proof of a purchase and find the hidden product if possible. The more we can get on this guy, the better. Most importantly, though, is to locate our guy. When you do, the rest of your team and my guys will be able to move in.”
You nod as Deacon agrees to join the team.
“So, for the most important question,” Hondo begins, winking at you, “what are they wearing?”
“I’m sorry,” Hicks says to you.
Sighing, you drop your shoulders. You knew when you heard gala it would be over-the-top, but you hope it’s not too bad.
Your hopes are crushed. It’s terrible. The silky fabric is tighter than you’d prefer through the waist, then flares out. On the bright side, your gun is concealed. That’s the only plus, however. Stepping out of the locker room, you nearly run into Deacon.
“Sorry. Oh,” you say, gripping Deacon's biceps to stay upright. “You look great.”
Deacon’s three-piece suit matches the color of your outfit and makes him look even more handsome and dreamy than usual.
“Are you serious? You, you look perfect. I mean, you always look beautiful, but this is- I can’t catch my breath.”
You roll your eyes and laugh, stepping back as Deacon smiles. Tugging the outfit into a slightly more comfortable position, you feel Deacon’s eyes on you.
“You look amazing,” he says genuinely. “You’ll do great.”
“Whoa!” Luca and Hondo yell when you walk out, your arm looped through Deacon’s. 
“You two clean up nice,” Hondo adds.
“Thanks,” Deacon says, shaking his head. 
“Go get your sneak on, Deac,” Luca yells as Deacon pulls you away.
Tan is driving the limo to the docks and whistles obnoxiously before opening the door for you. The attention is funny from your friends, but from strangers and drug traffickers, it won’t be as enjoyable.
“Are you two prepared to play a couple?” Tan asks as you near the coast.
“I think we can handle it. We know each other pretty well,” Deacon answers.
“And PDA?”
You shake your head at Tan, who is watching you in the rearview. It would be a last resort because one touch from Deacon might ruin you. There is no going back once you start something, especially something you so desperately need. 
“I’m going to keep you close,” Deacon whispers into your ear as you exit the limo. “Is that okay?”
You nod, smiling at him as his arm circles your shoulders, leading you to the oversized yacht.
“What do rich people do on yachts paid for by drugs?” you ask through your smile.
“Right. Because I’m the expert on that,” Deacon jokes. “Just act like we belong. Blend in.” You don’t hear him say, “As much as you can looking like that, anyway.”
Deacon’s hands are all over you. When you’re close enough to touch, Deacon tucks you under his arm against his side. Otherwise, you find yourself in his arms as you dance or linking your fingers with his as you socialize with people you will never understand. You’re like a magnet, and he can’t resist you.
“Dance with me,” Deacon says, leading you to the dance floor with a hand on your waist and his other hand in yours. “I think there’s something happening portside. Check it out and tell me what you think.”
You look over his shoulder, turning your chin toward Deacon. “You’re right. I can’t tell what they’re talking about though.”
You jerk your head down toward Deacon’s chest suddenly, and he instinctively pulls you closer.
“I think one of them was looking at me.”
Deacon spins quickly, confirming what you thought. “He’s coming over here. Your call.”
“Let me dance with him if he asks. I’ll see what I can find out.”
“I’ll be close.”
“Excuse me,” the man interrupts, looking at you as he talks to Deacon. “Mind if I cut in?”
“Not at all,” Deacon answers, though the look in his eyes says the opposite. 
The man takes one of your hands as his other finds your waist. He pulls you close, too close. Deacon held you against his chest, and it felt right and safe, but being against this man’s chest is completely different.
“My name is Andres,” he introduces himself. Your target. “And I must say, you are the prettiest woman on my yacht tonight.”
“Well, I like to dress to impress,” you reply, moving your hand on his shoulder toward his collar.
“I don’t think it’s just the dressing.”
His hand on your waist moves slowly, but it’s easy to deduce he’s reaching down and around.
“One of my friends was on your yacht last week and told me how beautiful it was, so when he got an invite I begged him to bring me.”
“That’s your friend?” Andres asks, looking at Deacon.
You turn your head, seeing Deacon with a too-tight grip on a champagne glass and a forced smile. Tipping your head to the right, you signal that you’re okay just before Andres turns so you can’t see Deacon anymore.
“Yes. His wife is one of my best friends and she offered to watch the kids so he could bring me. She gets seasick when she steps foot on a boat, so I guess he decided I was a better date option.”
“You, dear, did not need to prove it, I am sure.”
“He also told me that you might be willing to show me your operation. Like I said, I dress to impress.” You pull yourself closer, looking up at him as you flirt. It makes you sick to your stomach, but it’s necessary.
“Has your friend seen my operation?”
“No. He’s more of a buy it and move on kind of guy, but I find your product, and you, fascinating.”
“Impress you did,” he says quietly, his hands moving to their original positions. “Meet be on the top deck in ten minutes, and we can work something out. Bring your friend’s wallet and we’ll show him exactly what you’re worth.”
You nod, batting your eyelashes as he steps back. Walking toward Deacon, you shake your arms and try to lose the feeling of Andres’s hands on you. Deacon’s jaw is clenched as you walk past him. He follows you behind a pillar, his eyes boring into yours as you reach up and cup his jaw.
“He told me to meet him on the top deck in ten and bring your wallet,” you tell him.
“My wallet?”
“He wants to show you what I’m worth.”
“Trust me, I know exactly what you’re worth,” Deacon says under his breath.
You look to your left, and before Deacon can see what you’re looking at, you rise to your tiptoes and hide your face in Deacon’s neck.
“Drop your head,” you whisper.
His breath fans against your collarbone as his head dips beside yours. You circle your arms around his neck, guarding your faces from passersby. The man you saw approaching walks behind you as Deacon’s arms tighten around your waist. His touch removes the discomfort you felt after dancing with Andres. Trying not to lose yourself in the moment, you reluctantly pull away from Deacon.
“I’ll come to the deck with you,” Deacon says, his hands dropping from your sides.
“You can’t come all the way. He’ll know,” you argue. “Stay close enough to hear me?”
“I’m not letting you face down a drug lord by yourself.”
“I’ll be okay. I know I’m not alone with you nearby.”
You wander around the top deck, close to the staircase where Deacon is hiding.
“There she is,” Andres announces, spreading his arms as he approaches you. “Did you bring it?”
You flash a fake credit card and an overly flirty smile. “Yes, I did.”
“Perfect. We’ll go to my,” he brushes a finger over your cheekbone before finishing, “private area, below deck.”
His hand moves down, over your arm, and to your hip. He’s nearing your gun, and you rush to grab his wrist.
“Is that where you keep everything? Below deck?” you ask.
He looks over at an armed security guard before speaking. “Everything, yes.”
Your arm twists as he jerks his hand, pulling you close harshly.
“There you are!” Deacon exclaims as he walks onto the deck.
Andres shoves you sideways as his guard aims his gun at you.
“What’s going on?” Deacon asks.
“Something private. So maybe you should go,” Andres spits angrily.
“Maybe we should both go, yeah?” Deacon asks, raising a hand toward you. “We haven’t seen anything, we’ll stay quiet.”
“You won’t see anything. Get him out of here.”
Another guard barges onto the deck behind Deacon, and you pull your gun out of its holster, firing a shot before Deacon has time to turn around. The man groans as he hits the deck, cradling his arm against his chest. You move your gun to Andres as Deacon covers the other guard.
“You’re out of time,” Andres threatens. “More men are coming.”
“Yeah,” Deacon replies with a smile. “I know.”
A helicopter approaches, and Luca and Tan prepare to drop onto the yacht as it passes overhead.
“We got ‘em,” Luca tells Deacon. “Get back in there.”
Deacon grabs your arm gently, pulling you into the stairwell as he leads you below deck. You run into a locked door and turn toward Deacon.
“This has to be it,” you say.
He pushes against the door and freezes as footsteps descend, nearing you quickly. You look at Deacon and apologize before shoving him against the wall opposite the locked door. You pull yourself up and kiss him, deaf to the footsteps as boots scrape to a stop.
“Uh,” someone says, clearing their throat, “this is a private area, no guests are allowed on this level.”
Deacon gently pushes your hips back as you separate from him. He wraps an arm around your waist, giving an easy smile to the guard blocking the stairs.
“Sorry, man, but you know how it is,” he says.
The guard looks you up and down, ignorant of Deacon’s grip tightening on you as he rumbles, “I sure do.”
“So, we’ll just get out of your way and go back up.”
The guard raises a hand, stopping Deacon as his eyes remain on you.
“You head up, I need to ask her a few questions.”
“Not happening.”
You look at the guard and press a hand between Deacon’s shoulders. “Unless you answer a question for me first. Right, handsome?”
Deacon looks at you from the corner of his eyes, warning you not to do this.
“Any question,” you add. “And you have to tell the truth.”
“Deal,” the guard agrees quickly.
“Are there drugs in that room?”
He hesitates, then nods once.
“Move in,” Deacon says, his smile growing as you both step back.
“Don’t move,” you tell the guard. “LAPD S.W.A.T. You’re under arrest.”
The guard hesitates, then sighs and lowers his weapon before kicking it to Deacon.
“They’re always too good to be true,” he mumbles.
You hear yelling and footsteps as your team and the Metro squad enter the boat, breaking up the party. Hondo appears behind the guard with the Metro sergeant from earlier.
“This is why we chose you instead of a UC,” the sergeant says, winking at you.
“That was quite the kiss,” Hondo teases, pulling you into his side.
Deacon pulls you back into his arms as you ask, “Cameras?”
“Everywhere,” Hondo says. “There isn’t an inch of this place that isn’t covered.”
“Wish I’d known that before I went for my gun,” you mumble.
“Ready to get out of here?” Hondo asks as the guard is hauled away in handcuffs.
“Yes,” you and Deacon sigh together.
Back at S.W.A.T. HQ, you change quickly and sit in the locker room, your head in your hands as you wonder if you and Deacon should talk about the kiss. It was just for work, but it felt like more. Maybe that’s just your heart talking, though.
“Hey,” Deacon says as he enters.
You look up, smiling when you see him. “Hi.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I- why’d you do it?” Deacon asks, leaning against the lockers beside you.
You keep your eyes away from his face, knowing that if you see him you’ll tell him everything. “It seemed like the right move. We are- were pretending to be a couple, and you know, that’s what couples do. We needed an innocent reason to be there and that’s all I could think of.”
“Were we?” Deacon asks.
You pause, glancing up at him. “Were we what?”
“Pretending,” Deacon answers, turning to sit beside you. “Because that felt really real. All of it, the dancing, the kiss, the touches.”
You fall silent, looking at Deacon’s hand resting beside yours.
“Sorry,” he begins.
“I wanted it to be real,” you admit quietly.
Deacon smiles, and turns your chin toward him. Kissing him the second time is just as magical as the first. He pulls you close, uninhibited in how or why he touches you. Breathless, you pull away but keep your forehead pressed to his.
“What took us so long?” you ask.
“I was wondering the same thing. We should go on a date. One where we don’t have to run for cover or kiss just to stay alive.”
“Your kisses are pretty deadly,” you joke, “they make me breathless and make my heartbeat too fast.”
“Not funny,” Deacon says, chuckling.
“But they also make everything better,” you whisper.
Deacon smiles before kissing you again, a promise to never pretend again. After pretending not to love each other and pretending to be in a different relationship than you were, you both decide that keeping secrets and being someone you aren’t only delays what you really want. Being someone else with Deacon helped you to admit that you’re in love with the real Deacon, just as he loves the real you.
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mangekyuou · 1 year
HIIII it’s me again!!! I hope you well, it’s nice seeing you!!
I was hoping to get headcannons for Franky and Jinbei if they were dads to a girl?? Like a teenager (14-17) joins the crew and they act as like, fatherly figure?? I hope that makes sense!!
✩༄  headcanons ,  being a father figure to a teen crewmate !
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☆ — characters! . . . franky. jinbei.
☆ — cw(s)! . . . platonic. implied teen f!reader. no pronouns used. not proofread.
☆ — notes! . . . YOUR MIND !! i literally have a dad!jinbei au in my drafts because i have so many thoughts. plus im a sucker for healthy father-daughter dynamics. so when i saw this request I GOT SO EXCITED !! thank you so much for requesting this !! LOVE YOU TOO AND YOU BE SURE TO DO THE SAME AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF !! <3333
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franky has this unexplainable soft spot for children and those younger than him
so when you showed up seemingly out of nowhere, he was attached to you immediately
he is the embodiment of “i’ve only known them for a day and a half, but if anything happened to them, i would kill everyone in this room and then myself”
he is the terrible influence father
he encourages nearly everything you do
you wanna run around blasting the canons into the water just to see if they explode ?? he’s right there beside you, helping you shoot
you wanna take the brachio tank v out for a spend on the prairie ?? go ahead and take the keys. just make sure you bring it back all in one piece
he surprises you with aloha shirts so the two of you can match each other !! he even gets them personalized with your names on them and everything :,)
he will throw a fit if you don’t want to match with him at least once. he is not above giving you the silent treatment
but he can never stay mad at you long. the second you give him puppy eyes or start to cry, he gets all about it
he hates when you’re sad, it makes his heart wrench. especially if he caused it ?? he can never forgive himself
now franky is no walking bank by any means. but for you ?? he will happily go broke. whatever you want, he’ll buy it for you
those expensive clothes in the window of that shop that you were looking at ?? he’s already got them in the cart
he loves when you help him out in his workshop. whether you’re acting hands-on working on a project or just passing him the tools he needs
you always get first dibs on testing the gadgets he makes, much to the dismay of luffy, usopp, and chopper
having daughter privilege sure does have its perks
is also an embarrassing dad
he definitely wants you to do his signature pose with him. he’ll literally hold it for an embarrassingly long time…in public, until you join him and say “super!” like you mean it
you have said “dad…please stop” more times than you can count
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jinbei absolutely adores children so much. he’s already such a dad. he wants his own so bad
but with the life he’s lived up to this point, he knows it would be dangerous to bring a child into this world
that is where you, his lovely adoptive daughter, come in to add some sunshine to his life
when you first join the crew, jinbei is quite quiet. outside of his usual good mornings, good nights, and making a bit of small talk with you, he doesn’t say much
but it doesn’t take long for him to become fond of you. it starts to show when he unconsciously guards you when there is an enemy nearby
he knows you’re more than capable to take care of yourself, but he doesn’t want to take any chances
he realizes he thinks of you as a daughter after you join in on one of his meditation sessions, where you struggled to focus
watching you struggle, he gave some very helpful tips that you applied to your technique
your eyes were closed so you couldn’t see, but his eyes were wide open, looking at you with the proudest dad smile the world has ever seen
jinbei teaches you some basics in fishman karate, should you ever need them. he would be THRILLED to teach you more if you want to
he’s so happy inside being able to share his techniques with you
he becomes even more protective of you. he keeps you in his sight usually, worried that if you slip off you could be in danger
such as the one time you left his eyesight for five seconds and followed luffy off to a house rooftop and NEARLY FELL
he has never experienced such panic in his life. he was screaming, crying, a second away from throwing up
when you turned around to give him a thumbs up that you were okay, he sighed in relief. you almost gave him a heart attack that day
his heart melts when you fall asleep on his shoulder. he will not move because he does not want to wake you. he’ll stay there for hours if he has to
he likes to pick up pretty seashells and bring them back to give to you
if you ever turn any of them into a necklace or a bracelet, he’ll cry tears of joy
if you ever refer to him as your dad to other people, he’ll sob a little
he’s so precious and he loves you so much :,)
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© MANGEKYUOU — do not copy, repost, or translate my works.
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xoxoladyaz · 11 months
I'm Gonna Getcha Good
(Female Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson, Canon Divergence, Originally published on AO3)
A/N: I'm hoping to have updates for the Paramedic series and the final installment of "It Hits Different" up this weekend, but until then, enjoy part one of my series in which Stevie Harrington is just as obsessed with Eddie as he is with her!
“This is getting really sad, Harrington.”
Robin’s voice snaps Stevie out of her stupor, causing her to drop her ice cream scooper on the ground for the third time that day. Shit.
“I mean, seriously, Eddie Munson?”
“I know,” she groans, sparing one last look out into the food court. Eddie didn’t come to Starcourt all that often, but he usually parked himself next to the Jamba Juice with his friends when he did, which meant that Stephanie got to ogle him for the approximate fifteen minutes it took for him to slurp down his smoothie.
“Like, if there’s anyone out there who hates your guts more than me, it’s him,” Robin continues, disbelief coloring her words.
Stevie shut her eyes and exhaled sharply. It’s fine. She’s fine. “I know, Robin.”
“I mean, even if he was into preps, your friends made his life a living hell.” While Stevie normally enjoys listening to whatever Robin feels like rambling about – even though Robin has made it clear that she’s definitely not Stevie’s number one fan – she really, really doesn’t want to have to listen to this. “I’m just saying, maybe you should aim lower. I think Jim the janitor is looking for wife number three.”
Stevie slams her now dirty ice cream scooper into the wash bucket behind the counter with more force than she probably needed to use. Whatever, it shuts Buckley up, and when Stevie declares that she’s going to take the trash out, she doesn’t argue.
By the time Stevie is back in from her errands, Eddie and his friends are long gone.
Stevie glances up from her packed lunch – leftover pizza for the second day in the row because she hasn’t had the energy to cook anything recently and just keeps ordering takeout – to see a sheepish looking Robin Buckley sliding a cup of USS Butterscotch across the small break table towards her.
“What is this?”
“It’s a genuine ‘I’m-sorry-for-being-a-bitch’ sundae.” Robin settles into the chair across from her, still looking a little peaky. “I, uh, definitely went a bit too far yesterday, and I made you upset and I get it, I mean, I’d be upset if someone made fun of me for who I like, and I didn’t know that you really liked him but I should have known because every time he shows up you get these big puppy dog eyes and - ”
“Robin, Robin, stop!” Stevie drops her pizza and holds up her hands. Robin cuts off and flushes bright red. “It’s okay. Really. Besides, if there’s anyone who deserves it, it’s me.”
“I don’t know, Harrington,” Robin replies slowly, and there’s a glimmer in her eyes that Stevie hasn’t seen before. “You keep doing things that sort of blow my mind. I think I might even be starting to like you.”
Stevie can’t help herself from smiling, nor can she stop the snort that leaves her throat. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay? Do you want me to call a doctor?”
“Ha ha, you’re hilarious.” Robin rolls her eyes, but she offers her a small smile in return. “Seriously though, Eddie Munson? Like, have you ever even talked to him?”
“Honestly,” Stevie reaches for her sundae and starts digging in, “I didn’t really notice him until after I graduated.”
“Really?” Robin scoffs. “He’s kind of hard to miss.”
Stevie shrugs. “I don’t know, I didn’t really care about anyone outside of Tommy and Carol when I was friends with them, and then after Barb died I felt like I was barely able to care about myself.”
Robin doesn’t say anything, so Stevie pulls her gaze away from her quickly diminishing sundae and towards her coworker. “What?”
“Are you, I don’t know, are you okay?”
Stevie feels herself relax which, huh, she didn’t even know she was tense. “I think so. Graduating helped. Finally getting away from Tommy and Carol and Billy Hargrove helped. Deciding to go to cosmetology school helped. And the kids - ” Stevie breaks off with a fond laugh, “the kids help a lot too.”
“Huh.” Robin is still just sort of looking at her, and that glimmer in her eyes is brighter. “Well, I’m jealous you got out of there. I still have a year left.”
“Ehh, you’ll have a better senior year than I did,” Stevie shrugs again.
“Seeing as Billy Hargrove isn’t obsessed with me, yeah, you’re probably right.”
“Just break a plate on his head, that’ll fix that.”
Now Robin’s eyes are so wide, they’re practically popping out of her head. “What?!”
Stevie bursts into laughter and yeah, Stevie thinks she’s starting to like Robin Buckley.
“I still don’t get it.”
It’s been nine days since Stevie’s last Eddie Munson sighting and eight days since Robin and Stevie made up over some USS Butterscotch, and this time when Eddie and his friends sprawl around their usual table, Robin joins Stevie in her watching.
“Did you have some sort of awakening after watching The Breakfast Club or something?”
Stevie frowns, but she doesn’t pull her eyes away from Eddie. “What breakfast club?”
“You haven’t seen – no, you know what, I’m not going to let you change the subject this time. Why Eddie Munson?”
Eddie throws his head back, laughing wildly, and Stevie is suddenly wildly jealous that she’s not the one sitting at the table making him laugh.
“Stevie. Dingus.” Robin jabs her in the side and Stevie hisses but it’s a success, she’s paying attention to Robin now. “Why. Eddie. Munson.”
“I just – I don’t know,” Stevie sighs, rubbing her now sore ribcage, thank you Robin Buckley. “He just so alive and outgoing and real. And I dunno, I think it’s kind of sweet that he adopts all the weird loner kids at school, and I like his curly hair and his leather jacket - ”
“ – and that weird jean jacket vest thing that he always wears, and the rings on his hands, and his hands, his hands are huge and did you know that he can play the guitar because apparently he can play the guitar, I saw his friend putting up a sign for some band that he’s in - ”
“ – and he has such pretty eyes and a gorgeous smile and God his arms, have you seen his arms when he rolls his sleeves up - ”
“ – and I want to drink smoothies with him and go to the movies with him and make out in his crappy van with him and then take him home and tie him to my - ”
“STEVIE!” Robin shrieks, smacking her hand across Stevie’s mouth, and it’s loud enough to draw the attention of the sophomores passing by the shop. Robin waves along with her other hand, and they shoot the pair weird looks, but they move past.
“First of all,” Robin finally says as she drops her hands from Stevie’s mouth, “never talk to me about the disgusting sex you want to have with Eddie Munson ever again, I will have literal nightmares about what you told me.”
“But - ”
“NIGHTMARES, Harrington! And second of all, Christ, I knew you had it bad, but I didn’t know you had it that bad.”
Stevie can feel herself blushing bright, bright red. “No I don’t.”
Robin just blinks at her. “Oh, really?”
“So you’d be able to talk to him like a normal person then?”
Stevie nods even though on the inside she is screaming NO NOPE NO WAY ABSOLUTELY NOT.
“Great, because he’s coming in here.”
Apparently her flight instincts don’t kick in when fighting interdimensional monsters, but they do kick in when Eddie Munson is within talking distance, because she’s dropping onto the floor and crawling underneath the counter before she can realize that’s precisely what she’s doing.
“Uh huh. Totally normal.” Stevie glances up at Robin and yep, Robin looks about as unimpressed as her tone. “I lied, by the way. He and his friends just left the food court.”
“Blergh.” Stevie knocks her head back against the counter and sighs. Robin shows her mercy, though, and lets her sit there and recover for five minutes until the kids come charging in, wanting Stevie to let them sneak into another movie which she does because she’s a pushover. Worrying about the kids is enough to get Eddie Munson off her mind, at least for now.
If cosmetology school doesn’t end up working out, maybe Stevie should join the secret service or something because hey, she’s really good at surviving Russian torture. She can almost imagine the look on her father’s face if she added that to the resumé he continuously tailors on her behalf. Suck it, Dad.
(She might be a little high still.)
“I’d be a great secret agent,” she tells Robin, although Robin is still puking her guts up in the toilet next to her and probably isn’t listening. “Like James Bond. And Henderson could be Q!”
“Ugh,” Robin finally moans, “how do you know James Bond characters well enough to name them?”
“Uh, because my dad is obsessed with the movies, they’re, like, the only thing he watches when he’s home.”
“That sounds awful.”
“Ehh, Sean Connery is sort of hot. I like his accent.”
Robin makes a fake retching sound. “That is the worst thing you’ve ever said, ever.”
“Oh come on, are you telling me Connery doesn’t do it for you at least a little bit?”
“First of all,” Robin snorts, “he’s old enough to be my father, and second of all no, he doesn’t do it for me. I’m more of a Honey Ryder girl,” Robin sighs out, and then she falls quiet, too quiet.
“Well,” Stevie starts slowly, because she only has one shot at this, “your opinion is definitely wrong, because Solitaire is obviously the better choice.”
Robin sputters, and then she’s laughing, and Stevie tucks and rolls underneath the stall until she’s sitting across from Robin, and then they’re both laughing.
“Are you seriously arguing with the lesbian, dingus? Honey Ryder in that bikini is so fucking hot!”
“Uh, yeah, but she’s no Jane fucking Seymour, Robin!”
Russian torture definitely sucks, but Stevie emerges on the other side with Robin Buckley as a best friend, and for Robin? She’d be tortured by a million Russians.
She’s really glad Robin is there in the aftermath. She’s a good distraction, goading Stevie into more arguments about James Bond and Bond girls and other movies when they finally run out of Bond films to talk about, and having Robin’s voice fill up the silence helps, especially on those nights when she can’t fall asleep without seeing Billy Hargrove’s corpse, or seeing the look on El’s face when she finds out that the chief isn’t coming back this time.
She doesn’t miss the mall. She doesn’t miss Scoops and its shitty customers and its even shittier uniform. She doesn’t miss Robin, because they’re working at Family Video together every day now. But in those moments where she lets herself not feel guilty for missing anything at the mall – which are few and far between, because everything has been tainted by Russians and by death – she lets herself miss the time she spent watching Eddie Munson from afar.
But then one day, Dustin Henderson walks into Family Video wearing a familiar baseball-styled tee, emblazoned with a large demon, and suddenly her days of watching Eddie Munson from afar are back, and it’s all going to be totally fine.
It is not totally fine.
It is not totally fine, because now that Dustin and Mike and Lucas are in Eddie’s little club, they will not stop talking about it. More specifically, they will not stop talking about Eddie, and how cool he is, and how awesome his hair is, and did you know he’s in a band and he can play the guitar, Stevie, why don’t you play the guitarand he listens to metal music and it’s the coolest shit ever, stop telling me not to swear Stevie, you’re not my mom and Eddie’s really smart, actually, he’s just too smart for the school system and Eddie just wrote the most incredible campaign Stevie, you should have been there, and Stevie is about three seconds away from pulling her perfectly coiffed hair out of her head.
“Is this revenge?” Stevie moans, her face buried in the pile of recent returns.
“Yes, and it is so, so sweet,” Robin sings happily from behind her.
“ – was actually a lich the entire time – are you even listening?” Henderson’s outraged voice squawks from across the counter. Stevie sighs and forces herself to look over at him.
“Yeah, yeah, something about a barhop – ”
“Barkeep - ”
“ – and it turns out he was a witch the whole time?”
“ – a lich, Stevie, a lich – God, why am I even trying? Eddie was right, he said you’d never be able to appreciate the intricate world of D&D!”
Stevie feels herself gape at Dustin, because not only is apparently Dustin Henderson talking with Eddie about her, Eddie apparently doesn’t think she can appreciate D&D? Which, he’s not totally wrong, there are a lot of rules and things she doesn’t understand and she’s really bad at words, which Robin says is because she’s dyslexic, but she does actually try to understand what Dustin is talking about. It just – it makes her stomach feel icky, knowing that whatever Eddie said probably isn’t as nice as what Dustin said, and Dustin is rarely nice when he’s in one of his moods.
Robin, bless her, is apparently offended on Stevie’s behalf, and so she steps up to the plate when it becomes clear that Stevie is speechless. “Please tell Munson that he can judge other people’s capacity for decoding nonsense when he’s going to school full time and has an actual job.”
“And migraines,” Stevie adds in. “Lots of migraines.”
Dustin, at least, manages to look a little sheepish. “Sorry, Stevie. It’s just really exciting to be in Hellfire right now!”
“I know.” Stevie manages her best fond smile, even though she still feels unsettled on the inside. “I’m really happy for you, Henderson. So, how did you fight the lich?”
The thing with Dustin Henderson is if you give him an inch, he’ll take forty-thousand miles, so now Stevie is treated to an hour-long play by play after every single Hellfire session wherein Dustin praises Eddie’s genius and how hard and intense the game is and you should really give it a chance, Stevie.
“Henderson,” Stevie finally cuts him off one Saturday morning. He’s cornered her behind the counter at Family Video after instructing Mike and Lucas to pick a good movie for once in their goddamn lives. Robin abandoned her to trail after the boys (traitor), and after twenty minutes of Dustin talking about the wondrous biology of acid frogs, Stevie’s patience is wearing thin. “I love you. You’re the son I never had.”
“You’re nineteen.”
“Exactly,” she nods, “the son I never had. But if I hear another word about the many uses of an acid toad’s bowel movements - ”
“Acid frog Stevie, weren’t you listening?!”
“ – I am going to lose my mind,” Stevie finishes calmly. (Much more calmly than the situation warranted, in her opinion.)
“This is important information, Stevie!”
“Dustin, how is this possibly important information?”
The bell above the door rings, signaling a customer has entered, but Robin greets them before Stevie gets a chance to. (Not that Dustin would give her the chance to, judging by how furrowed his brow is. He only gets that annoyed little squiggle in the center of his forehead when he’s about to launch into his most passionate speeches.)
“Because these are important things to know, Stevie!”
“Okay, Dustin, I hate to break it to you, but acid frogs aren’t real.”
Dustin snorts. “That’s not true, actually, the acid frogs of Eastern Australia are an endangered species - ”
“You know that’s not what I mean, Dustin!” Stevie throws her hands up in the air. “Your fantasy acid frogs aren’t real.”
“Don’t waste your breath, Henderson,” a nice voice speaks from behind Dustin. Dustin grins at the sound and turns to face the speaker. Stevie, meanwhile, freezes in place, a shiver running up her spine. “Such truths are wasted on the unenlightened.”
Eddie Munson strolls up to the counter, dropping his hand on Dustin’s shoulder and shooting her an icy smirk. “Well, well. If it isn’t the former Queen of Hawkins High. How does it feel to be one of the common folk, your majesty?”
A pair of snorts (coming from a pair of boys in matching Hellfire shirts whose names she can’t recall) trail Eddie’s proclamation, followed by Mike’s laughter from the back of the store. Dustin, the traitor, just shoots Stevie a smug grin.
(And look, she’s not panicking, okay? She’s not. It’s just that this is the first time that she’s ever talked to Eddie Munson, at least in recent memory, and it’s already off to kind of a bad start, and honestly he’s being kind of an asshole right now but ugh she still likes him and wants this to go well, why does she care so much about wanting this to go well?
Breathe, breaths, in, out. Robin rounds the corner and shoots her a worried look, but Stevie just shakes her head. She’s turned worse situations around. She can do this.)
“I don’t think there’s anything common about you, Munson,” Stevie replies, shifting her weight forward onto her right foot so now she’s leaning forward. “But I’m doing pretty well today. Or I was, until someone,” she glances quickly at Dustin before looking back at Eddie, “decided to spend fifteen minutes teaching me the seven best uses for acid frog excrement.”
“It was disgusting,” Robin chimes in as she joins Stevie behind the counter. “And also a little bit concerning, if I’m being totally honest. Like, that’s a lot of time to spend thinking about fake frog turds.”
Eddie blinks at them once, twice, before the smirk falls off his face and he collapses forward with a groan, removing his hand from Dustin’s shoulder so he can drop his head into it instead. “Really, Henderson? Has our kind not suffered enough?”
Dustin huffs out a breath. “It’s important information!”
“And I’m truly honored that you want to share it with me. I am,” Stevie cuts him off before he can continue. “I love our mother-son bonding time.”
“I’m not your son.”
“But I think I’ll go to your father if I have any questions about DND in the future, okay?” Stevie finishes, and she can barely stop herself from grinning, especially when she starts to hear Robin choke behind her.
Dustin just looks confused now. “My father?”
“Yep.” Stevie lets herself grin now and returns her gaze to Eddie Munson, who’s looking over at her now with a confused expression on his face. “Which reminds me, what’s the difference between wizards and sorcerers again? I can never keep it straight.”
Eddie drops his hand and gapes at her. Like, his jaw is practically on the ground. He backs up, away from the store counter and spins around once to look behind him (at his friends, who are also looking equally confused) before turning back around. “I’m sorry, are you – me?”
Stevie shifts closer to him, resting her chin on her hand so she’s gazing up at him. “I don’t see any other dungeon masters around here, do you?”
“What is happening right now,” Dustin murmurs out, and it’s not quite a question or a statement.
“Go play with your friends, Henderson, Mommy and Daddy are talking.”
“I – Mommy and Daddy?!” And now Henderson is shrieking, and Mike is poking his head out from behind the stacks to shoot them a glare, and Robin is trying really hard to cover up her laugh with her cough, and Eddie? Eddie is flushed bright red and just staring at her.
“So, yeah, wizards and sorcerers. I know there’s a difference, I can just never keep them straight. And since Dustin says you know the most about DND out of anyone, I might as well take lessons from the best, huh?”
“Oh my God. Oh my GOD!” Dustin is practically shrieking, and then Robin’s running around the counter and pulling him towards Mike and Lucas, ignoring his protesting.
“I – you – what? What?!” Now it’s Eddie’s turn to squawk.
“Also, I’m really glad you came in today. I mean, it probably was for a movie because, you know, Family Video,” Stevie waves her free hand around, “but I’ve been waiting for an opportunity like this to come up.”
“An opportunity for what?” Eddie parrots back slowly.
“To flirt with you, obviously.”
“Obviously – obviously? Obviously?!”
“Yeah, obviously. I didn’t get a chance at the mall because you never came into Scoops,” and okay, she wasn’t planning on laying it all out on the line here, but Eddie’s looking increasingly like he’s two seconds away from running and she’d really prefer it if he at least believed her when he ran away, “which was annoying because our ice cream was way better than Jamba Juice anyways - ”
“ – and the kids have been talking about you non-stop for the last three months, and it really means a lot that you took them under your wing, and, I mean, I already thought you were hot - ”
“ – and judging by the handcuffs on your belt, I think it’s safe to say we have things in common outside of the kids. And I might not be like naturally interested in DND or whatever, but I’d let you be my dungeon master anytime,” she finishes with a wink and yep, she broke him. He’s frozen and flushed she really, really wants to see just how far down that blush goes.
The taller of his friends – Jeff, that’s his name – walks forward and grabs Eddie’s arm. “This isn’t some sort of joke, right?”
“Nope!” Robin calls out before sliding to a stop in front of the counter. “She’s been crushing on him for months. It’s honestly been sort of pathetic.”
“Gee, thanks Robin,” Stevie rolls her eyes. Reaching for a nearby receipt, Stevie grabs a pen and quickly scribbles her number on the back. “Here’s my number. I’m home most nights after seven and I have every other weekend free. Make sure he calls me if he’s interested,” she finishes up with a click of her pen, and then she’s passing the phone number to Jeff.
Jeff smiles at her, a small, shy sort of smile. “I will. C’mon, Munson. Let’s go before your face freezes that way."
He grabs hold of Eddie with his free hand – Eddie, who’s still flushed and staring at her – and he motions for their other friend to grab his other arm, and with that, the trio of Hellfire boys leave Family Video.
“That was the worst thing I’ve ever heard,” Mike announces as soon as the door shuts, approaching the counter with a sour look on his face.
“I didn’t know you had game like that, Stevie!” Lucas crows, laughing at the sour look on Mike’s face. Dustin, on the other hand? Dustin looks as shellshocked as Eddie did.
“You – you’re into Eddie?”
“That’s an understatement,” Robin snorts. “Seriously, though, that was intense. I thought you were going to flirt with him, not kill him.”
“What?” Stevie shoots back defensively. “He wasn’t getting that I was serious and I wanted to make sure he knew that.”
“Don’t worry, we all know it,” Mike gags, and it’s enough to set Lucas off into giggles again.
“You’re into Eddie,” Dustin repeats, and then all of a sudden he’s beaming. “You like Eddie! This is PERFECT!”
“Oh, no, no, no! Dustin!” Mike groans, but Dustin is already running out the door.
“Don’t worry, Stevie! We’ll make sure true love prevails!”
“God, do we have to?” Mike whines again, but he dutifully follows Dustin out the door. Lucas shoots Stevie another wink and laughs before following suit, and then it’s just Robin and Stevie in an otherwise empty Family Video.
“That was probably a bit much.”
“Nah,” Robin shakes her head with a laugh. “It would take a lot for anyone to be ‘too much’ for Eddie Munson. He’s into you, dingus.”
“You think so?”
Robin knocks her head against Stevie’s. “I bet you five bucks he asks you out by next Saturday.”
“You’re on.”
Three days later, Eddie Munson leaves Family Video with a wide grin on his face, and Stevie is too busy dancing around in excitement to feel too badly about her five dollars that are making a new home in Robin’s wallet.
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sofoulandfairaday · 9 months
Also got any sev ones?
If I have any Severus Snape headcanons? I think I might have to put this one under the cut bby, it's going to be loooong. Edit: it got severely out of hand, be warned this is insanely long.
BUT FIRST: this is a very long but extremely well-written meta about the Snapes' peculiar type of poverty that you should all read when you have time. Like, save it for later somewhere or whatever, but seriously. Do yourself a favour.
Some people like to headcanon Remus Lupin (!) as the Hogwarts drug dealer. Nu-uh. That's Snape. Severus, for the right price, can and will provide you with any kind of potion (assuming he can steal the ingredients from the supply closet/his fancy pureblood housemates can get him whatever he needs). See this post.
But it's not just potions. He'll write your essays for money (his prices go up as the years go by, but so does his credibility). Snape is the only reason Avery ever passed 4th year Transfiguration.
Until his 6th/7th year, when he was no longer friends with Lily and started expressing a vocal desire to join the Death Eaters, he wasn't accepted or popular in Slytherin House.
Avery and Mulciber, the only people who could be considered his friends, were still pretty classist and racist towards him and even then he only got to be part of their little circle because he knew more curses when he arrived at Hogwarts than half the kids in seventh year.
You see, he wasn't just a Halfblood (they have those in Slytherin), he was also dirt poor, and pretty rough around the edges. He wasn't refined, he swore like a sailor, he was classless, and “dirty” and had worn-out clothes and second-hand books, he was canonically ugly and twitchy as a child, and Sirius (who is still from the very elegant, very posh Black Family) describes him as a little oddball.
Never mind the suave adult Snape (who is very different in the books and in the movies, anyway). My man Eliza Doolittle-ed himself. He did a Tom Riddle.
But he was powerful enough that the hazing and bullying inside his own House stopped almost immediately when he got there. You despised Snape? Fine. You attacked Snape? Suddenly your pet cat has been poisoned and your kneecaps were jinxed backwards.
Also, Lucius Malfoy promptly singled him out, and while he was still in school (Sev's first and second year) he did what he could to shield him, and to make him just a little more credible and refined in Slytherin. Severus followed him around like a little puppy and definitely acted a bit like an errand boy for him and his friends, which is also part of the reason why Sirius calls him Lucius Malfoy's lapdog in OotP. I wouldn't say they were really friends though. He knew them, and maybe they liked him, but he wasn't their equal.
Unfortunately, the Marauders' bullying only got worse as the years went by, and Lucius had graduated by the time SWM happened (I think that and the Prank were the worst, but I also like the headcanon that they were not. That Snape put that particular memory in the Pensieve because it was the time he lost Lily, not because it was the worst time he was bullied by them. From the way he reacted to their attack, this level of viciousness was probably common. By the way, even if you dislike him as a character, if you deny that what he suffered at the hands of the Marauders was vile, I don't know what to tell you.)
I wouldn't say a good rapport with Narcissa Black - because why would a girl from the upper years hang out with a boy from the first three? - but she would be kind to him, and chat politely sometimes. She was impressed with him - the first Halfblood she had ever given the time of day to.
Do you know who wasn't (lol)? Bellatrix. Who had graduated years before and just could not understand why Narcissa and Lucius would be so fond of this little scrawny upjumped Halfblood.
With the exception of Andromeda (who doesn't know who he is) and Narcissa (who really likes him), all of the Blacks hate Snape. Regulus doesn't hate him per se but thinks him unrefined and overreaching and they also have a bit of a not-so-friendly competition going on even though they come from different years. Sirius and Bella... well, you know. (credit: @hxuse-xf-black, I think this hc is theirs)
One of my favourite headcanons is that the last Black family event Sirius ever attended was Narcissa's wedding (1976) [the last one Andy ever attended was Bellatrix's (1972)]. He was there as the bride's cousin, obviously. But but but. Snivellus Snape was also there, as the groom's best man (alongside Evan Rosier and Rodolphus Lestrange). The two almost get into a Muggle brawl, and an enraged Bellatrix is the one who has to separate them (how dare you try to ruin Cissy's big day?!). She would have happily let them kill each other on any other occasion, but that was her little (only) sister's wedding and she very violently cursed them both.
Started smoking cigarettes when he was young and never really stopped.
What tea does Snape drink?
Bad personal hygiene since he was a boy, especially in his periods of worst depression. Paradoxically, he was at his most groomed during his Death Eater years (1978-1981) because he had to deal daily with the likes of Lucius Malfoy and Rodolphus Lestrange, who might have been domestic terrorists but had standards.
Speaking of which. Bella hates him. I still have to decide how Rodolphus feels about him (Rod definitely defends him when the two of them are having a row, just to piss her off, but I don't know how he actually feels). I think they had slightly different social circles. As Sirius says, they were all - at different points in time - part of a gang of baby Death Eaters in school. But I see Bella & Rod as very close with Rabastan, and Rabastan as very close to Barty (the four of them even tortured the Longbottoms together, which means they definitely talked to each other in the very hectic days after Voldemort's downfall). In my headcanons Barty and Regulus are glued at the hip, so basically that's the five of them already.
It was a period of brilliant students for Hogwarts, nothing like Harry's time. James and Sirius were prodigies, Regulus gives me mad scientist vibes (also, he must have been knowledgeable in the Dark Arts seeing as he figured out about Voldemort's Horcruxes in no time), Barty brought home twelve O.W.L.S. (how?), and Snape was inventing curses.
The latter three were tentative allies in school, but Barty&Reg (who definitely had something going on if you know what I mean), pureblood and proper, with all of the entitlement that must have come from their bloodlines and talent, definitely were not his fans.
No one could understand his fixation with “that Mudblood” (Lily); Lucius was particularly overjoyed when he heard of their falling out. (This came back to bite him in the ass when he was the one who had to physically drag him out of his house, at Spinner's End, after she died and he was determined to rot and kill himself with alcohol.)
Cat person. But never owned any pets because he could not keep one alive. Except of course when he owned a rat... err... I mean, when Peter lived with him.
I am convinced the man took stimulants. Whatever the equivalent of wizard cocaine was (probably a potion he made himself, with minimal comedown and as little side effects on the body as he can), he took. He seems to spend his nights patrolling the corridors and his days teaching, so when does he sleep?
Extremely light sleeper anyway.
Can go without eating for a long time.
He is the personification of self-loathing.
I can see him self-harming in different ways. He denies himself the small pleasures of life, he smokes until his throat burns and his lungs hurt, and insists that he works best without protective gloves (more sensitivity or whatever) which means that his hands are covered in small cuts and stains from corrosive (possibly painful) potions.
Does whatever he can to look as little like his father as possible, whether that be growing a beard, or gaining weight, or cutting his hair.
He maintains that learning Occlumency saved his life. Legilimency is about control, and even that not-so-hidden sadistic part of him, and also the self-protection that comes from knowing your opponent's moves before they can strike. But Occlumency and the sort of meditative bliss that comes from Occluding heavily was an integral part of his transformation, and very definitely helped with the very obvious anxiety that plagued him as a boy. It's yoga + good weed at the same time. That's the feeling.
The Lily thing. Part of it was romantic but in the light I-am-thirteen-and-have-a-crush-on-my-best-friend type of way. He definitely thought he was in love with her when he was sixteen/seventeen, after they had cut ties, and that's how he explained it to Voldemort, too (and that's how Voldemort explains it to Harry - he desired her). But. Truthfully? No. After a while, and especially after her death, it wasn't about the love he felt for her, it was about the debt he owed her. She was the first person to be kind to him, and he betrayed her. Directly caused her death, and sold her to the most evil wizard in history. Whether you love someone romantically or platonically, being responsible for their death, or leaving a child as an orphan takes a toll on your psyche that's almost impossible for me to comprehend or explain. Imagine the level of guilt that he felt. She was his first friend, his first crush, his first everything. And his love for her was the love Dante felt for Beatrice, the love that moves the sun and the other stars. I hate it when they reduce it to “he just wanted to bang Harry's mom haha”.
With that being said, Snily is probably the most boring Severus ship of all.
Never planned for the future. He honestly didn't think he would survive the war; his character is pretty much doomed by the narrative, and I am convinced that the only thing that kept him going was fulfilling his promise to Dumbledore, taking down the Dark Lord. He always thought Voldemort would eventually discover he was a spy and kill him for it. And as sad as it is (and that's why I love those kinds of fanfics!) I cannot see him ever adapting to a post-Voldemort world. It would take a lot of work on himself for him to find peace and I don't think he loved himself enough for that. I don't think he wanted to live.
Also, while I love the fanfics where he eventually makes up with Harry, and they have a civil relationship, I cannot see it happening in canon.
The narrative draws very explicit parallels between Snape and Voldemort, there are so many (but not limited to): the social class they come from, their blood status, the abuse they face as children, this iconic line which is one of my favourites in the whole series: But he was home. Hogwarts was the first and best home he had known. He and Voldemort and Snape, the abandoned boys, had all found home here, the details we can infer of their relationship with Dumbledore when they were still students, the transformation they operated on themselves to become more polished, their interests (both of them invent curses and the like), the way they identify with their mothers' heritages, their dynamic is extremely interesting to me.
My headcanon is that Snape was one of the few people Voldemort actually liked (and perhaps he saw himself in), which would explain why he doesn't heed Bella's advice about him. Of course, it was a very tepid intellectual appreciation (just a tad warmer than his - very cold - expression of regret at having to kill him in the Shrieking Shack), but it was there. I think they had a teacher-student dynamic which doesn't get explored enough but was clearly there: Voldemort teaches Snape how to fly without a broom; he is reportedly the only Death Eater to whom he teaches this. I think Snape was absolutely fascinated with LV in the beginning and climbed through the ranks impressively quickly. Just as rapidly (maybe more) as purebloods Regulus Black (whose cousin was LV's right-hand woman and possible mistress) and Barty Crouch (who would have been an asset seeing his father's position). Keep in mind these guys weren't even 20 years old and had all met Voldemort personally, probably more than once. They would have been part of his inner circle.
I can see Voldemort appreciating Snape's interest in magic, especially his academic interest. I think it's especially fascinating if compared to Voldemort's relationship with Bellatrix (who was the opposite of Snape in every sense): I think someone like Voldemort would be attracted to someone like Bellatrix (rich, pure of blood, self-assured, inhabiting a world built for her, etc.) but on the other hand he would also resent her for these very things that were her prerogative, and not his. On the other hand, Snape would understand him on a personal level, he would simply get some of Voldemort's lived experiences (and personality, let's be real) in a way his other Death Eaters wouldn't. But, because he still represents his past in a way (and hasn't remade himself quite yet), Voldemort would also view him with contempt. (And a great deal of superiority, but he's like that with everyone).
Snape doesn't join the Death Eaters because of the Cause. I can see him hating Muggles and perhaps looking down on Muggle-borns, but I don't think of him as a convinced pureblood elitist in the way the Lestranges and Malfoys were. He joined for power. He wanted revenge, and he wanted to feel powerful and important in a world that would make him feel small (part of the reasoning behind Bellatrix's joining in my headcanons), which makes him much hungrier than his peers, which would make him stand out to Voldemort.
His invention of the Sectumsempra spell and its counter-curse is extremely impressive, even Bella had to recognize this when she found out, and she demanded it be taught to the younger recruits, (but really to herself).
Hates summer like no one else has ever hated summer.
Helped with Draco's conception. I headcanon that Narcissa had fertility problems (this extends, for me, to most women of the Black family) and Severus helped her and Lucius with it. (This hc isn't mine, but I love it to death.)
Any and all silly headcanons about Snape teaching sex ed, dealing with periods, etc give me life. You've all read them though, so I won't repeat them.
Worked as a potioneer for Voldemort too, perhaps alongside someone who was even better than him (older, more knowledgeable). The things he learned turned out to be super useful to him in the future.
His favourite food is fish and chips, or something equally proletarian, like beans on toast... that sort of thing.
Detested living with Pettigrew (and I hc that Voldemort did it as a form of cruel punishment: he's forced to live with - offer shelter to - the man who caused Lily's death).
Because I like angst, I really like the idea that the person he was closest with, in the entirety of the Hogwarts staff (except maybe for Dumbledore) wasn't McGonagall, it was Charity Burbage. I need more fics with an in-depth exploration of their relationship (whether it be romantic or platonic) because it has amazing potential, both for angst and fluff.
Idk how anyone can ship Snily when these two are right there
Also, she would be the second woman Severus loves that Voldemort has killed. This time it's even worse.
I doubt he could ever have had a functioning relationship with her (or any other woman, or person), because what flesh-and-blood woman could ever beat the lamented and idolised spirit of Lily Evans? She would stand no chance. Again, this makes it worse.
I'm going to stop here because this is getting embarrassing. Kudos to you if you got to the end of this.
Headcanons: James | Sirius | Remus | Lily
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steddieunderdogfics · 22 days
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is:  Capriciously_Terminal! @capriciouslyterminal has 106 fics on ao3 in the Stranger Things fandom and 105 of them are in the Steddie tag!
@mustardyellowlilac recommends the following works by Capriciously_Terminal:
Where the Sun Can't Reach
Spit Me out, You Don't Know Where I've Been
It's the Ritual of the Thing
Baby I'm Your Man (Don't Fear the Reaper)
It's as if she writes memories, rather than stories, and that makes them tangible and devastating -- @mustardyellowlilac
Below the cut, @capriciouslyterminal answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
I started writing Steddie because the characters of Steve and Eddie have such specific and human voices that I literally couldn’t get them out of my head after watching the first drop of S4. (Also I’d just gotten a new puppy who didn’t love sleeping through the night so I had plenty of time to think). The more I wrote for them the deeper I found myself in their voices and thinking about what they could do and I had to keep going until I ran out of steam.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
I love a good “Steddie interwoven into previous seasons’ canon events” story. Especially if an author makes it SO specific. I want Steve and Eddie in Starcourt. I want Eddie Munson popping up at the pumpkin patch. I want Eddie Munson in the background at Starcourt drooling. I want him to spend this whole time watching Steve’s character growth and finding it impossibly hot before getting twisted up in the horror.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
I definitely love adding Eddie Munson to canon (thinking about him and life-guard Steve Harrington is where this all began, afterall). However I think that I, as a person, am just as obsessed with The Horrors. As such adding monstrosity/new flavors of spooky to this show was my favorite thing to do.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
I can narrow it down to two! My favorite piece of Steddie fic that changed my brain chemistry has got to be fastcardotmp3’s “that’s just wasteland, baby!” (https://archiveofourown.org/works/42351597) because the scene in the lake? The genuine wonderful take on in media res apocalypse living? Dot’s talent for characterization/love? I’ll never live it down. Actually, go read everything by fastcardotmp3. Do yourself a favor. The other has to be “every mistake was made purposefully” by birthdaycandles (https://archiveofourown.org/works/41795838/chapters/104862381). It turns out I’m a sucker for excellent narration and watching Steddie/plot shenanigans from Tommy Hagan’s prickly point of view. It gave me everything I’ve ever wanted.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
I always wanted to write a When Harry Met Sally AU about Steve and Eddie meeting throughout their lives/development. I don’t know if I’ll ever pick it up again but it’s still there knocking at the back of my mind. I’ve also got like fifteen of the drabbles in i love you you dope with bits of continuation in my head too.
What is your writing process like?
In general, my writing is a very all or nothing process. It’s either going to go all day, through meals, and not stop until the idea is finished OR I’m going to be stalled completely. Generally, though, if I’m in my crazy inspired phase I’ll have an idea (specifically the beginning of something) and if that idea sticks in my head for more than a single day then I probably can’t leave it until it’s done. However, this did change with my writing i love you you dope. I decided to answer p0ck3tf0x's "100 Ways to Say I Love You" list one prompt at a time. Once a day. RIP. This led to a writing process which was more of a sit down after work and immediately write the first thing you could think of until it’s done kind of affair. I can’t recommend that style lol. It led to some pretty intense burnout by the end but I am proud of how many ideas came because of it. It showed that, through tenacity, most ideas could be something worth pursuing.
Do you have any writing quirks?
I can’t help but put first and second person pronouns in descriptions as if speaking to the reader and I’m a frequent and blatant tense shifter. It’s all over the place at times lol. I also LOVE a good stream of consciousness description, flitting from one image to another, which probably lead to these grammatical quirks and a shit ton of run-on sentences.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
Before I started writing i love you you dope I very much preferred finishing my writing before I posted it. It took ages but nothing felt worse than having to leave something unfinished because I’d lost the plot (which has happened several times).  However, part of the draw of i love you you dope was that (as a challenge) I had to write and post daily. While I learned I can write on such a grueling schedule, I can safely say after finishing it that I prefer having the time to ensure something’s to my standards. Or, at least, until I’m tired of looking at it and just want other people to see it.
Which fic are you most proud of?
If we branch outside of my Steddie work it’s a fic for a little show called Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency that I think I’ll never top. A Road Song in Quartet that Smells like a Trio is basically my novel/brain-child about my favorite rowdy vampire boys and I have to shout it out everywhere I go. However, to stick to the Steddie, I had such a great time with characterization in writing It’s the Ritual of the Thing. Some of those descriptions are still some of my best work. Or, I’d have to say, Can We Both Be Lonely If We’re Both Looking at Each Other? It’s an AU modeled after the world of The Magnus Archives Podcast and not only was I proud of the way I was able to layer monstrosity on both Eddie and Steve but I just loved the world. I actually planned out a whole main plot for the world that never saw the light of day.
How did you get the idea for Baby I'm Your Man (Don't Fear the Reaper)?
I can’t remember which came first, the title or the idea of Eddie meeting Death as played by Steve Harrington, but the song title by Blue Öyster Cult had definitely been sitting in my head for a while. The idea initially started as a Seventh Seal reference with Eddie having to challenge Death with Steve Harrington’s face to a game of basketball but that scene wasn’t working so instead we got a trip through various S4 locales and a fun Death with good hair.
When writing Spit Me out, You Don't Know Where I've Been, what was something you didn’t expect?
I honestly didn’t know if anyone would vibe with the language/story. For a fic that focused a lot on unease, offal, and how hard it would be to picture a future in a small town I was waiting for people to not touch this one with a ten foot pole. So to hear that it actually channeled people’s feelings or that it was something that people enjoyed (as opposed to just me shouting stressful things at the sky) was a big expectation dodge.
What inspired It's the Ritual of the Thing?
When I was in high school I had a friend who asked me out once, the first person to ever do so, and my first instinctual response was to genuinely ask him why he was really calling me after school. He insisted that he really did want to ask me out and for some reason that made my blood run cold. The date did not go well, obviously, but I remembered the gut punch to think someone wouldn’t want you/the desire to say no just because it frightened you for years afterwards. It felt like such an Eddie thing to feel, especially if Steve Harrington was the one to ask him out. Honestly…I poured a lot of my own worldview into Eddie Munson as I wrote him and that’s where a lot of this came from.
What was your favorite part to write from Ritual of the Thing?
I’d have to say it’s a toss up between two parts. Firstly, I’ll never get over the descriptive imagery in the beginning (I’ll never forget lines like “Suddenly it’s like he’s a Jack-O-Lantern with his mouth carved open. A candle sits on his tongue and its light is shining out of his eyes”). It was the kind of sentence I was thrilled to read after I wrote it. Secondly, I was really proud of Eddie and Robin’s conversation after Steve told her about his asking Eddie out. I loved both of their voices in that moment and the thought of Robin trying to explain how much Steve could love you even after you’d had to let him down…and her little fake nightmare discussion.
How do/did you feel writing Where the Sun Can't Reach?
On one hand it felt like I was exorcizing something because I show my class The Sandlot once a year and that means for one day I watch the scene where the kid fakes drowning to make-out with the lifeguard four times. That’s too many times. I had to process that. But I do remember that feeling of loneliness that could come with summer. That could come with wishing for a room somewhere with someone you loved when it felt impossible. I remember when the smallest of things could mean the world when you had nothing else…so in a way maybe I was exorcizing that too.
What was the most difficult part of writing Where the Sun Can't Reach?
Besides the jokey answer of reliving the aforementioned scene from The Sandlot on purpose, I’d have to say trying to accurately consider the physics/feelings of Eddie’s trip into the water. The feelings/actual consequences of hitting his head. I’m not too sure I got the details right but I remember working on it so many times that I eventually threw in the towel and went with what I had.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
I think…it’s gotta go to my lone vampire Steddie fic I Go Hungry Every Night. The whole thing’s one big treatise to Upside Down skinned vampires and food/service as a love language? And also the fact that I love vampires/monstrosity. I just went way too hard with the line: “If you asked Steve what the opposite of tracing constellations in someone’s freckles in the afterglow would be he’d say this, making shapes in the pieces of the wound they’ve given you. The one that weeps red slowly.”
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
While I wish I did, and I’m always thinking about various unfinished fics in the strangest moments of my life, I think I’m pretty knocked from my Steddie writing mojo. I love you you dope was an incredible process and I am so proud of it…but I think it cauterized my writing brain for Steddie. I’d love for people to poke around the fics I wrote and I will say that other people’s intrigue sometimes pulls my attention back to old ideas…but I do believe I’m a bit out to pasture here lol.
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
Writing Steddie was something that kept me sane during a really stressful transition from college to adulthood. These characters and all the people I got to meet/talk with in this fandom have been one of the greatest joys in my life. I’m so honored, like honestly floored, that anyone would nominate me for something like this. The thing about writing fic is that oftentimes when you start it can feel like you can’t possibly amount to what other people do. Like you’re just a little voice that doesn’t have anything special about it even when you tried so hard. But I stand as someone who felt that way and still found that people did enjoy what I wrote and if I can do it, honestly, anyone can. <3
Thank you to our author, @capriciouslyterminal, and our nominator, @mustardyellowlilac! See more of Capriciously_Terminal's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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the-ace-with-spades · 2 months
Trying to make myself write like a monkey pilot and so random bits from worldbuilding of this fic that are only mention or not even included (this is trans Bradley fic, for people who have not read it, but some bits are universal - I'm sorry for the rambling)
Merlin has a flight school in Nevada - this is where Bradley gets his commercial pilot licence, not long after he starts medical transition. Merlin runs it with his second wife, Nandini, who was the original owner and main flight instructor. They met through Slider, who got his commercial through her school, and they got two kids and their daughter had a crush on Bradley everyone in their family holds against her any time they meet for family gatherings.
Slider, by the way, retired from the Navy the same year as Mav started on the path to become a test pilot, and got a commercial and then airline pilot licence. Mav makes fun of it constantly.
Jake and Bradley (then pre-transition) talked extensively about their future life together and in Jake's mind, it was a given they would get married and have kids eventually, they'd just wait for the right timing or until they were at certain ranks/positions. Bradley did want all of it, he just never thought/imagined how it'd actually look with him as wife/mother, only vaguely with Jake as a dad and his own image completely avoided (kinda hard to explain but it's like a very blurry picture where his own figure would be even blurrier).
Bradley still wants to get married and have kids. Once the whole wife/mom bit became husband/dad thing, he's no longer uncomfortable about the topic. He knows being pregnant would be difficult because society sucks but he's pretty sure he's at the stage of confidence when he can pull it off.
Jake's mom is the nightmare mother-in-law people joke about. For real. She is terrible to all of her kids' partners, but she is especially terrible to Bradley (pre and after transition) because Jake is her little miracle baby.
Coyote joined Jake's squadron just as Bradley left the Navy, which means he met Jake in the middle of a heartbreak and well, that's basically why he's not the biggest fan of Bradley (even if sometimes it shows in ugly ways).
Bradley and Jake also had very different mindsets about their relationship during the break-up period of six years. Bradley had been a bit in denial and tried to force himself to move quickly, thinking that ever being with Jake was impossible (or you know, a fantasy only possible in his head...). Jake up until he sees Bradley, now after transition, at the Hard Deck, thought they were like magically destinated to be together and they'd meet again at some point. He dated some girls, mostly on Coyote's insistence, but he never hit it off with any woman, liked to say he was 'ruined for life' for Bradley and never stopped believing they'd find each other again despite the years apart piling on.
Mav and Ice renewed their vows and had a second wedding after Ice went into remission. Bradley was the officiant, mostly because Ice and Mav had a massive fight about whose witness he should be.
This is implied ?? but Ice's cancer went in remission because I imagine Bradley being there and Mav being there more often because of Bradley meant Ice'd go to the doctor earlier than in canon and had better chances given it was at an earlier stage when it was found. You know, a butterfly effect and all that.
Bradley and Ice spent weeks after Bradley's top surgery playing DCS, most often in the F-14 sim with Bradley in the RIO seat, sometimes with Slider providing commentary. As stated in the fic, Slider is the one to pop the idea and install the whole thing. Ice and Mav often play while goes through his oncology treatment and Ice often uses his puppy eyes to make Mav play as the RIO (rather than have two planes and Jester AIs)
Jake has a strange view on gender, which isn't necessarily bad, but it can be disheartening to Bradley, especially at the beginning. It's almost as if he doesn't see people's gender but who the people are (kinda like similar to not seeing skin colours??) which can be great when you don't want to be perceived/treated by just gender (like Bradley pre-transition) but can be ignorant if you do (like Bradley after transition). He is also terrible with labels and doesn't really believe or use them.
(A bit nsfw/tmi ??) Bradley chose his preferred type of top surgery based on the desire to keep the sensation of his nipples (buttonhole has a higher probability of keeping the feeling), mostly because it was a really sensitive part of his body, but ended up not keeping the full sensation on one side, which is always a possible outcome with any top surgeries, and after a few more months on T realized that his chest isn't really that sensitive anymore anyway. It's probably one of the very few things he misses.
I'm absolutely ecstatic because readers picked up on it, but Jake's been so jealous of Mav the whole time the fic's been going on and it'll continue until he realizes who Mav is to Bradley actually. You can only imagine how horrified he is when he realizes how terrible of a first impression he made on Mav.
While Mav is not a fan of Jake, Ice is trying to be very neutral. Objectively, he's not the biggest fan of Jake either, mostly because he's never going to be a fan of any of his baby boy's partners, but he thinks Bradley is an adult and should be able to make his own decisions. He also knows that a lot of people would have told him Mav is no good for him and it's not true at all so he's trying to trust Bradley's judgment.
someone please make me write, i just stare at the open document and change words in already written dialogues
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bisexualfemalemess · 10 months
“Rina copied pw/rini scenes”
I’ve seen this and “Gina is like the new nini.” all over my TikTok fyp from rinis and pws and it’s simply put not true. There are parallels yes, there are some with madlyn and rina too, doesn’t mean they copied but there are huge and important differences.
Gina is canonically ambitious, her mom wants her to have a successful career. Gina canonically has always wanted to make her mark. It’s not ‘copying’ nini because she’s finally found a chance to do so. It’s not copying nini that she finally got gabriella because Gina parallels gabriella more, they’ve both moved a lot in their lives and were outsides to east high. The most important difference is that gina actually made a compromise to stay. She wanted to stay in salt lake but she also wanted to become a movie star so she found a way to be with ricky, stay in salt lake and still get this incredible opportunity. Nini didn’t make a compromise.
Rina canonically parallels Troyella with the outsider to east-high and outsider to theatre trope, except rina doesn’t need couples therapy in 15 years but you grt the jist. Ricky was extremely giddy and in love with gina for the entirety of season 4 he spent around her. Ricky was so supportive of her when she took over the role of bailey, hr decorated her trailer and recited her confession back to her when he saw that she was nervous, I don’t think he ever wrote a duet with with nini for which he provided the music and she the lyrics, and then told her that he wants to hear everything she has to say or that he never forgot a thing she said. Neither pw nor rini ever had a puppy date or secret dating trope that lasted half the season. They didn’t get a rain kiss and GINA SIGNED UP FOR THE MUSICAL BECAUSE OF RICKY. He ‘had a vibe’ and she ‘had an instinct’. Even in the final two episodes, rina get backstage and onstage kisses which neither rini nor pw got. He literally practiced his “i love you” speech to gina because he wanted it to be perfect, he didn’t for nini. One very important difference and parallel is the potential moving away, Ricky was so supportive once he found out FROM GINA’S MOTHER NONETHELESS and she wanted to tell him from the beginning once they went to meet up in the dressing room. (quinn had to ruin that.) And other that nini, who had already come back when ricky told her to stay and still made a fuzz about it, Gina wanted ricky to ask her to stay and stayed without ricky asking her. Gina never told ej that he “made her feel seen, and known, and understood.” while crying hysterically before she’s about to leave him. Another very obvious and important parallel is the i love you song and once again that was handled a million times better, Ricky was saying “i love you” first. It was not a hail mary or trying to fix what’s already broken like it was when he sang itikyk for nini where he wasn’t actually able to speak out the words. Every single line in that song was how ricky felt and how rina felt about each other. Ricky was actually able to say i love you and not even that but that he was also in love with Gina and that they’re love was forever.
Stay mad that your ship sunk but don’t make-up stuff to feel better and stop saying that sofia wylie only became the main character because olivia left. Just say you don’t want black girl representation and move on. Ricky and gina are gonna adopt a bunch of puppies and get married in 10 years no matter how many times y’all say that they copied your ships scenes and that it only happened because liv left because “their love feels a lot like high school and forever after that.”
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kiyomi-uchiha777 · 8 months
sick little uchiha sister head canon
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words: 758
Gere: FLUFFFF.i guess.
Warnings: if someone is scared of grammar errors any of my work is completely off limit for you. Say if I miss any
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you were sick because of the last mission ⁃
⁃ The mission was in Amegakure ⁃
⁃ And it looks like you’re immune system don’t like the rain ⁃
⁃ It wasn’t that bad tbh it was just a cold ⁃
⁃ Or that’s what you tried to explain you’re family at least ⁃
⁃ Because for them it was like you were on the very verge of death ⁃
⁃ Itachi was the most calm one out of them all ⁃
⁃ It really was just a little cold and he knew that ⁃
⁃ But SOMEHOW didn’t bother to try and explain it the Rest because they aren’t listing to you ⁃
⁃ That put him one place lower on you’re list ⁃
⁃ Ok fair enough you once nearly lost an arm on a mission and shrugged it off ⁃
⁃ I mean literally. You shrugged and then the stitches Teared up ⁃
⁃ So them thinking you play you’re sickness down wasn’t out of character for you ⁃
⁃ BUT COME ON THAT WAS ONE TIME ⁃ ⁃ Anyway back to itachi ⁃
⁃ He buys Medicine, looks how you are and basically is you’re doctor ⁃
⁃ God forbid You’re big bro ever goes on a mission when you’re sick ⁃
⁃ But now let’s go down the rope of „is actually responsible whit you“ ⁃
⁃ So the next one on the list is ofc Shisui ⁃
⁃ Tbh Shisui actually is also a very good doctor ⁃
⁃ He even took a free day to take care of you ⁃
⁃ (He faked an injury so he could stay home) ⁃
⁃ But there needs to be a reason why he is in second place ⁃
⁃ And this is while Itachi is actually pretty strict whit you Shisui try’s to be strict but fails the second you use you’re puppy eyes ⁃
⁃ It got so bad that when it’s time to take you medicine and itachi isn’t home he needs to wear a blindfold ⁃
⁃ Just so he can bring himself to give you you’re medicine ⁃
⁃ And even then it isn’t even guaranteed ⁃
⁃ To say it in Sasuke‘s words „Damm you and you’re cuteness“ ⁃
⁃ And the 3rd place on the rope is drum roll please……… Sasuke ⁃
⁃ Yes a 16 Year old overthrown 2 adults in responsibility. ⁃
⁃ No I don’t make the rules ⁃
⁃ I technically do but my point stands ⁃
⁃ So anyway back to the Head canon so I stop fighting whit myself ⁃
⁃ The reason he is on the 3rd place also is pretty justified ⁃
⁃ Look he is your twin of course he isn’t as responsible like itachi or try’s to be like Shisui. ⁃
⁃ But he also isn’t no help at all ⁃ He is just in the (unspecial) middle (A/N: LOSER) ⁃
⁃ Also sasuke had the same Mission as you. No Idea why he didn’t get sick. ⁃
⁃ But he did annoy you about it. Stating that his immune system is stronger then yours. Just like the rest of him. ⁃
⁃ You did to punch him for that. ⁃
⁃ But because you were sick it wasn’t a really strong punch ⁃
⁃ wich led to more annoying on you’re being even more angry ⁃
⁃ You’re totally gonna hide all tomatoes in the house the second you’re healthy again ⁃
⁃ Sasuke knows quite a bit about medicine because of Sakura
⁃ Not enough to be a doctor but to help you. ⁃
⁃ (He only uses his knowledge to later on brag to you) ⁃
⁃ Time for our 4th place. Obito. ⁃
⁃ Ok ok listen. This man is a HORRIBLE doctor by any means. ⁃
⁃ But he has rin who is one of the best Medi-Nin‘s in konoha ⁃
⁃ But sadly being one of the best doctors in the villageshe is needed like all the time at the hospital ⁃
⁃ When he heard that you were sick This man RUN to you in sonic speed ⁃
⁃ And dragged everything whit him. ⁃
⁃ Kakashi,rin and his ramen included ⁃
⁃ Didn’t even notice he did ⁃
⁃ oh and he gives Kakashi 100% the fault in you being sick. ⁃
⁃ Most of the time fights whit kakashi
⁃ The only reason he isn’t on the last place ? ⁃
⁃ Rin is an awesome doctor. ⁃
⁃ And madara is WAAAAAYYYYY worse ⁃ Ok in his defense he grew up in war ⁃
⁃ In his time the only thing that allowed someone to take a break from training or fighting was death. ⁃
⁃ remember when I mentioned that you nearly lost an arm ? ⁃
⁃ Well may I show you the exact conversation that happened ⁃
⁃ “So can you still hold a kunai whit that other arm?” ⁃
⁃ “I guess I could try” ⁃
⁃ “then why are you being so that lazy and aren’t training ?” ⁃
⁃ Safe to say he isn’t allowed in you’re room when you’re in any way sick or injured ⁃
⁃ He still goes In your room tho.
⁃ He is madara. Ghost of the uchiha ! Rival of the 1st Hokage ! Nobody forbids him from seeing his favorite Grandchild ⁃
⁃ Expect itachi…………………………. ⁃
TAG: @midnightfoxglove
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your-local-hoemie · 1 year
ꕥgenshin impactꕥ boyfriend head-canons. Number 2 Liyue boogaloo~
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The first one I did got so much attention like thank you so much, I’d die for you all ^^
No I didn’t put xiao first because I was too excited to write him and no I didn’t get carried away with his scenario. Shut up.
I’m still super busy, I kid you fucking not I’ve been trying to get fired but it isn’t working for some god damn reason and I’ve had like four hours sleep in total since my last request so I apologise if this is completely incoherent, I am rapidly becoming very unhinged <33
This was just for funsies and to keep me sane so I still apologise for not get to any requests at the moment :(
Summary: Just the Liyue boys as your S/O uwu
Warnings: fluff, swearing, established relationship, gn!reader, a little suggestive (childe), not proof-read.
Characters: Xiao, Zhongli, Childe (I know he’s from that Russian place I can’t spell for the life of me but shush).
I really wanted to do baizhu but I just pulled him and I wanna go through his story so I can really get his character traits, I’ll be doing my fruity baby in the future~
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Oh my sweet baby
My boy
The man, the myth :(, the legend~
He’s the reason my standards are too high
Curse his pretty face
Absolutely oblivious before confessing
Everyone around him could tell how different he was around you
But no matter how much they mentioned it he’d just be like
“Adepti have no need for such feelings, you mortals have such foolish ideas and no respect”
Meanwhile he’s trying his best to stomach the cake you made him just because you made it for him
At first he genuinely thought you were kinda annoying lmao
Always being so nice to him and wouldn’t leave him alone
Only when you went away to Inazuma did he realise how much he grew accustomed to your strange daily rituals of bringing him qingxings that you picked yourself just to follow him around like a puppy
I actually don’t think he’d appreciate being given too much almond tofu
Even though he likes it better than any other food can you imagine being fed the same thing everyday non stop :/
Proceeded to ask his dad Zhongli for advice
He doesn’t understand why he feels all weird and tingly
Genuinely thinks it’s his karmic debt
Zhongli proceeds to be a shit and tell’s him to “find out on his own” for some kind of moral lesson or something idfk
When he accidentally brings it up with Goldet, things get fun
Well not really for him but for everyone else’s entertainment, yes
Even with exTREME reluctance he somehow gets roped into “how to express emotions 101” lessons
Has to practice having a full conversation with a scarecrow that Goldet ever so kindly dragged in for him :)
Embarrassed, Humiliated, overwhelmed
And yet still he persists for reasons unbeknownst to him
It isn’t until he overhears some rumours about a show down between the electro archon and a mortal that he realises he might like like you
That and the constant teasing and encouragement from Zhongli and Goldet
Boys distraught
First of all he can’t have feelings for someone
He’s just going to hurt you!
He has a duty to uphold!
Only after brooding to himself for a few days does he accept it
Take it slow with him please, he may be a demon killing yaksha but he’s so scared and paranoid
Red flags? Nah we colour blind here
When you get back from Inazuma it’s very clear that your patience is thin and energy being nonexistent
Fuck you tsurimi island I hope you burn
So seeing when returning to Wangsheng Inn to find the one person you’d be holding out to see after so long, not there and a letter left to you telling you to head to the top of gingyun peak
You were not happy to say the least
Thought it was another commission and almost didn’t go
Curiosity got the better tho and that’s where he awkwardly gave you his own qingxing flowers and a amusingly bad attempt at making your favourite food
Tries to hide how red he is
Seeing you cloaked in the moonlight, leaves and fireflies framing your pretty face~
Boys a mess~
He doesn’t even have to say anything, you just pull him in for a hug and after the initial shock of it he decides then and there that you’re now bound together <3
Rarely openly admits he loves you
Too scary
At least for the moment
He is a bird
So you know what that means?
Bird behaviour goobery activated~
Brings you flowers, pebbles, crystals and anything “pretty” he comes across during his day
Pda is a no unless you want him teleporting away and pouting for a good 48 hours because he got flustered
When you’re alone though he’s more open
Hand holding, forehead kisses, sometimes even cuddling if the planets align and his karma isn’t bothering him as much that day!
He’s so touch starved he just needs to get used to affection ;-;
Stalks you romantically
He just wants to keep you safe, he’s lost so much and gone through unimaginable pain
It took some time for him to be ok with you being so close to him since he’s scared of his karmic debt hurting you
Gets super red when talking about you~
“Hm? Y/N? Well they’re..um..very important to me I suppose”
Poof. he’s suddenly “needed” somewhere else
Even if it doesn’t seem like he cares too much I can assure you that he treasures you
You’ve given his life filled with pain and loss so much meaning and even though he’s bad with expressing his emotions he’ll always find some way to make sure you know how special you are to him <3
I don’t think he’d use much pet names
Either calls you by your first name/Qingxing/sweetheart/love.
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Mmm fancy gentleman
British but if British people weren’t a mistake
Sighs in being British
He’s such a gentle dude ;-;
Always pulling chairs out for you or kissing your hand while holding a door open
Don’t be mistaken though
He’s an absolute smug little shit
He just hides it very well
Teases you in the most unholy of ways only to look at you with confused innocent eyes
Impossible to be mad at istg
Sliced fruit dad™️
Teaches you how to traditionally make tea after he noticed you using tea bags
Genuinely mortified him
Likes to take you on walks around Liyue and tells you stories from his life as a archon
Speaking of which I’m 100% sure he was completely unhinged when he was younger
When he first realised he was falling for you he was the sweetest person
He’d take time to somehow “accidentally” cross paths with you and just so happened to be there if you needed help
Brings you the prettiest bouquets of flowers all personally arranged by him
He has experience to a certain degree
We all know the back story and if you don’t I’m not spoiling uwu
When he decided he had dragged it on for long enough he decided to finally confess
Surprisingly nervous
Man had to keep adjusting his collar and tie and absolutely wasn’t sweating just a little
Made casual conversation while walking with you to that big crystal tree where he kept his traumatised dog
Held both of your hands right as the sun spilled golden sunlight across the mountains and probably end up cupping your cheek with the softest smile ;-;
“I have witnessed many beauties in my time but the warmth of your smile truly is the most awe inspiring sight I ever have and ever will lay eyes upon”
Xiao gets so tired of hearing him brag about you
Even Hu Tao is wearing thin 💀
Doesn’t get jealous
He knows he has nothing to worry about between his trust for you and his not very subtle ego
Tries to be better at earning and holding money just because he wants to treat you!
Doesn’t want to give Childe the luxury of knowing his money is the cause of your happiness
Not that it necessarily is anyway
It’s just the experience of seeing how your face lights up when you try that really expensive food you always wanted or find that adorable plush you’d been eyeing up, on your bed
But of course that being said it’s truly the small things you both enjoy the most
The walks and stories
Teaching him how to be more accustomed to mortal life
He loves to hold your hands or pet your head!
Also loved it when you randomly peck his cheek or nose when he’s being adorably oblivious
Good luck to anyone who tries to hurt you btw
Man will summon his pillar so far up their ass they’d legally be a lollipop
That’s a threat I swear
If you come home hurt he’ll immediately roll his sleeve up and grab the first aid
Probably scolding you for not being careful enough but he really can’t keep the act up for long
He’s just worried ;-;
He’s lived for so long
You don’t even begin to understand how much he adores and admires you for bringing excitement and warmth back to his life~
Pet names are darling/dear/love/sweetheart/jewel.
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Someone slap him please
I love him but good god
I know deep down he’s a really nice boy and very soft very caring yes very nice 10/10 boyfriend
But you need to housetrain him
Dead ass would sit on the couch covered in blood and put his feet on the coffee table and get so confused to why you were mad 💀
Do not flirt back
Don’t even attempt it
Not unless you want to encourage him and make it 20x worse
You will nEVER live it down
Is actually very sweet though, if not a little dumb sometimes
Immediately knew he liked you the second you met
How did he go about showing he liked you?
Pestering you constantly
Buys you lots of things too
Have to literally threaten him to stop
Which ofc turns him on hardly works
There’s really no winning with him
That is until you realise you can bring the mighty Tartaglia, 11th of the Fatui Harbingers to his knees by just kissing his cheek or holding his hand
He’s so immune to his own teasing that he forgot to consider that affection is a pretty good way to get people to warm up to you
Jealous boy
Well sort of
He trusts you but he gets easily insecure under his cronchy ego front
Casually talks about the most fucked up shit and then laugh it off
Indirectly asked Zhongli for help confessing
Reluctantly Zhongli finds out your favourite food/hobbies/Ect.
Yeah help him but not Xiao, betrayer
I’m not getting salty at my own headcanons shut up
When he invited you to dinner, you already knew why
He’s not subtle
Quiet is the last thing he can do well without cracking up every now and then
Either that or it was the candlelit table surrounded by roses that had been set up for you near the harbour and a very nervous ginger waiting for you with the biggest, goofiest grin imaginable
He’d be on his very best behaviour ;)
Stares at you in the candlelight before you ask him what’s up in hopes to make the tension a little less overwhelming
“I have won countless battles but none have meant quite as much to me as winning your heart does”
Congrats on become Liyues new power couple
He’d be lying if he didn’t feel at least a little smug seeing people gawk at you both
You’re so pretty together, how can they not?
Some dude tried to hit on you one time while he was drunk
Somehow Dottore magically ended up with a new play thing
When he introduced you to his family he was so happy!!
Tonia, Teucer, and Anthon all adore you!!
He does get a little jealous though when you play house with Teucer and you tease him by purposefully refusing to be his spouse
Good job keeping that act up for too long
Has absolutely sent piles of letters to his family telling them all about you!
His parents probably know pretty much everything there is by now
Though if you have boundaries he’ll respect them :)
He loves to show his affection to you no matter where you are!
Teasing kisses, hand holding, hugging
He’ll often barge into your room and plop his head down on your lap just so you can play with his hair while he talks~
If you fall asleep then he’ll wrap you all up and cuddle you uwu
Had to decide if he should tell you about his occupation
He was so scared that you’d leave him or become scared ;-;
Sure, you and the fatui aren’t exactly on close terms but it’s different with him
When you asked to have some time to think he was terrified
Please give him hugs and reassure him when you return
He’s even seemed to calm down a little since you got together
Of course he’s still a battle crazed maniac that gets hard just off the thought of being challenged
But he’s devoting more of his time to cherishing you and spending time together <3
Gets so excited when you ask to spar him
Does the whole thing where he’ll stand behind you while he shows you how to hold his bow
All steamy and shit
Elbow him
You also have to admit his status has its plus points
You never have to worry about being in danger while on commissions or having enough mora to survive
Romantic idiots 3.0
Though you’re probably a little less unhinged
Probably not by much if you’re dating him tho~
When you’re tired or don’t have the time to deal with his neediness he’ll go full pout mode
All whiny and touchy
Give him a head pat and a kiss that lasts maybe a little longer than it should and he’ll satisfied
Expect for the times he carries you back home to enjoy your attention a little more~
Honestly a 50/50
He always makes sure to tell you how much he loves you and how much happier you’ve made his life~
If you look close enough you might even see a slight sparkle in his deep blue eyes that never used to be there <3
Pet names areeee: cutie/babe/baby/honey/droplet/spark/love
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I know xiaos was long enough to be it’s own post but let me have my silly little obsession with my silly little traumatised men!
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