#and then the meds kick in
tangledinink · 7 months
I relate to the
“I have things to do, better take my medication”
“but I need to eat”
“Okay no medicine”
“but things to do-“
loop SO MUCH
I typically just eat right before I take medicine- that doesn’t solve having to cook but you can always just make ramen or get microwaveable meals
I dunno why I sent this- it probably won’t help much- uhh-
yeah no i feel that. = 3 = I try to do that but;;; idk! i feel! bad about only eating dumb microwave meals and stuff. like. i worry about it not being very healthy or financially wise and shit like that, y'know? and then i'll like. be awake in the dead of night trying to fall asleep and be like.
omg.... you know what would be so good...? soup.... i would love to make soup i haven't made soup in forever it's FALL WEATHER i should make SOUP ugh it would be so fantastic i should do that i'll make soup...
but then the morning comes and it's like... ah... well... the desire for soup still somewhat persists, but....
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actual-changeling · 9 months
i'm going insane over the few years in-between seasons we did not get to see, especially crowley and his glasses.
they have a PLACE. he puts them there as soon as he enters, he feels so comfortable in the bookshop by now he doesn't even need to get drunk first or wait a while. just. immediately takes them off. bares his soul to aziraphale. let's him see.
how did we get here??? how many hours did he spend with aziraphale, just growing more and more relaxed around him, trusting him. trusting that he won't abuse his vulnerability, hell, at that point aziraphale probably cherishes it. yellow IS his favorite colour, after all. crowley's yellow, to be precise.
and the statue he places them on - was that aziraphale asking him to put them somewhere safe after crowley accidentally sat on them or dropped them? maybe it started out as a careless 'i'm just throwing them there i dont give a fuck' and then just. happened again. and again. until suddenly it was *his* spot.
aziraphale has gotten so used to seeing his eyes it will kill him when crowley stops taking his glasses off around him, seeing only his own reflection instead mutual affection.
do you think he will forget the exact colour of his eyes in heaven? do you think he will try to remember the shade and be unsure if it's correct, trying to find the right memories but never being confident that this one is right?
six thousand years and suddenly all he wants is to be able to look into crowley's eyes again.
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kirbyofthestars · 1 year
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monstertsunami · 8 months
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my beautiful schizophrenic wife
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hanafubukki · 3 months
These cute special smiles they make during the “perfect” moments in lessons always makes me happy.
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I find them all adorable. The wide fanged smile of Lilia and Malleus. The little smirk by Silver. The very precious sebek!! I want to squish sebek!!
And a bonus:
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Lilia and his devious smile 😈💚
(I like the tiny fang we see)
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localapparently · 5 months
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hit with the sudden urge to draw happy han sooyoung
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teaboot · 2 years
Still not Christian but *gestures vaguely around to the six churches within five blocks of my house* Why is it always about Jesus' Suffering and God's Sacrifice? Where is Mary? Where is the one pure-hearted woman whose reward for goodness and virtue was to have her baby boy tortured and killed as a warning? Do you think Mary the Virgin, Mary the Mother, Mary the human ever regretted being good enough to earn attention of her God? Do you think she ever quietly, privately, resented her faith? Cursed her fate to be raised on a pedestal, carved into history as beautiful, weeping, covered in gold, cradling the body of her child? How would she feel today, to step into a church and see above the pulpit, larger than life, the glossy painted likeness of her boy, thin and bleeding, looking to the heavens to a Father who would not spare him?
Was it terrible for Mary? Did she hate her God, in the end? Or did she stand tall to the last breath, a reluctant but obedient witness, faithful despite everything?
Was as she ever torn between her faith and her heart? Her love and her fear? The choice between loss or betrayal?
It would be terrible if she was in torment, but would be terrible if she wasn't.
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wigglebox · 8 months
It’s really not that hard to understand how Destiel is canon despite not having Dean verbally textually concretely saying “I love you” back, which is what most people who only consume media on a surface level understand.
You have a jigsaw puzzle. Let’s say there’s 327 pieces. One by one you put it together with some bright spots where you get a bunch of them in a row and some more complicated spots where it took you longer than you wanted and the picture made it difficult to match up the pieces.
After awhile, you get 326 of them in, even tho your dog almost ate the 326th piece and it’s a little chewed up but whatever. It’s passable.
But, you realize you can’t find that 327th piece. It’s somewhere — it’s gotta be somewhere. You can see the hole where it belongs. You see it’s shape in it’s empty space, you see how many curves it has and how many sticky-out bits it has to connect perfectly with the rest of the puzzle.
However that final piece is still missing.
You look up and down, come up with theories about where it could possibly be (did the dog eat it? Did the manufacturers just screw up and there was a glitch in processing? Was it your own fault you lost it and it’s somewhere super obvious?).
But despite you being unable to find it, you’ve stared at that empty space for so long it’s almost like it is already filled because the shape is so clearly outlined. It’s the final piece and even if it’s not there, the rest of the picture is, and, the empty space is so well defined that there is no QUESTION that’s where the missing piece should go.
So Destiel is canon because the rest of the puzzle was filled in through years and years of subtext, text, basic narrative structure, romantic tropes, queer coding, etc etc.
The one piece that’s still missing is Dean saying three words but you don’t know where that piece is, aka, we don’t know why he wasn’t allowed to say it back. But we know that’s what has to be said. There won’t be a refusal of reciprocation because if that was the case we would have gotten it when the show was airing because there’s no harm from executives perspectives in denying queer feelings. They’d probably prefer it.
Dean’s missing words is the one single puzzle piece that’s missing right now. And we are all still searching for it but that doesn’t mean that it’s clearly defined space isn’t already there outlining exactly what could only fit right. There.
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whumpacabra · 24 days
ah, the classic “character has been impaled and pinned to a wall or the floor”
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Stobin Appreciation Week 2023 by @dailystobin!!!
Day 4 : songs/lyrics/poems 🤍
spongebob // The Beatrice Letters, Lemony Snicket // A little life, Hanya Yanagihara // Ribs, Lorde // Normal People, Sally Rooney // Frog and Toad, Arnold Lobel // Stuck with me, The Neighborhood // Just Kids, Patti Smith // (pic) Troy and Abed (quo.) Winnie the Pooh by @/catbandits // Ryan O’Connell // Written on the body, Jeanette Winterson // Trista Mateer // Smoke Signals, Phoebe Bridgers // Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides, Anne Carson
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tibli · 2 months
that one post talking about how op doesnt like the deux face situation is till pissing me off bc like. i keep seeing people in the reblogs like 'oh, i was rooting for them but i didnt realize they couldnt breathe or eat' and its like no!!!!!! that's not true!!!!! i dont know if the op of that post was just misinformed or deliberately lying but its SO frustrating to see people take it at face value. but i dont really have a right to be mad because i do that too sometimes! like im not mad at the people taking it at face value per se, because its not hard to believe that a deformed animal might be suffering, but in the case of deux face shes actually doing well, all things considered!!
She can get herself up from a standing position just fine! she just has trouble maintaining a stand so the family is working on building her leg muscles up. and she breathes fine, too! the only thing different is that she breathes through both noses at the same time. And she can also eat without issue! She is bottle fed for the time being, but the only reason she can't nurse is because of the standing issue, NOT because of any structural problems with her mouth!
Obviously we can't always know when an animal is in pain, but I think in this case there's absolutely nothing wrong with the family doing their best to fight for her. I don't think it's just a 'clout' thing either, because they have explicitly stated they're not allowing visitors or the media because they don't want her welfare to be impacted by that! there's this idea that people raising animals for products (meat, leather, milk, fur, etc) don't care about them, but when it comes to personal family farms thats usually as far from the truth as you can get. i urge you guys to look into the situation for yourselves
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holy SHIT put jonathan “if i have to let my undead wife fuck me into vampirism than as god is my witness i absolutely will” harker in the wife guy hall of fame and give bram stoker a medal of achievement in deranged horniness for this which i think amidst all the weird eroticized terror scenes and all the insane shit about body fluids and penetration is the first thing in this victorian novel i am well and truly shocked to find there. this is…….. SO hot, ESPECIALLY coming immediately after the most explicitly and specifically christian passage in the book thus far, i am genuinely amazed. everyone’s talking about god’s will and judgment day and sacred wafers and jonathan’s taking all this in and deciding: i choose fucking my damned wife into undead eternity. THAT is fucking ROMANCE!!!!!!!!
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actual-changeling · 6 months
i feel like all my meta posts just clicked and solved a puzzle in my brain. however i am also currently upping my sleep med dosage so if any of this sounds like the incoherent rambles of a mad man it's cause i am. incoherent and insane and rambling that is. (not a man)
but i have to write this post since i had a lightbulb realization moment.
because the thing is, besties, that aziraphale is a fucking horrible liar. he gets nervous and fidgety, he stutters, you can SEE him sweating anxiety. just look at him in the bookshop when the archangels inquire about their not-so-little 25 lazarii miracle.
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his best "lies" are when he is actually telling the truth but twisted. he has never been a good liar (see job) and that has not changed in six thousand years. all smiles directed at archangels are visibly wrong, his discomfort is tangible.
whenever he panics it is written across his face clear as day, including, and this is the important bit, when he is talking to the metatron.
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now, you are wondering why exactly that matters, and the point is something we have all talked and thought about for ages but my brain just. formed some new neural pathways.
because he is a terrible liar, he is horrible at hiding his emotions.
but you know who isn't?
unless you know him, it is very hard to read his facial expressions with his glasses on. he can turn his emotions "off", he can put a wall in front of them and by extension around himself.
i talked about it more in this post, so for background info have a look at it (if you want to)
it's crowley's thing yet there is one moment, one, glorious moment in which aziraphale executes it perfectly. and that moment mirrors crowley putting on his glasses, it is aziraphale attempting to hide away all of his feelings and thoughts so no one can tell what he is really thinking.
the parallels besties. the fucking parallels.
what really sells it to me is that last comparison because it matches too well to not be intentional. honestly, after the sink story i think every little thing in this show is done on purpose and with attention to detail, so.
the empty look, the heartbreak, the pain - the realization. this is it. i am not walking away from this unharmed but i am walking away. or rather into the loneliness, the absence of the person i love.
for aziraphale also the realization that the world is about the get fucked and he is not.
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after that we have the inhale of courage. taking a deep breath to calm yourself, to find your way back to your body. a kind of preparation we have all done at one point or another.
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the mask slides into place. or at least you want it to slide into place, you are trying to fucking jam it into the spot you need it to be but sometimes it's like trying to push the square peg through the round hole.
it's a disconnect, it's putting up a physical and emotional wall. crowley does it to hide away from aziraphale.
aziraphale does it hide from heaven and the metatron, yes, but he does it to hide from himself. at his core, aziraphale compartmentalizes. he is so fucking good at cognitive dissonance it's scary, and that's what happens here.
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he knows, he KNOWS, that he needs to lock up his feelings or he won't be able to get into that fucking lift and do what he thinks he needs to do.
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and so he walks away from crowley just like crowley walked away from him, copying him and doing exactly what he has seen him do a thousand times: putting up wall after wall after wall. ripping out every sprout of vulnerability before it can bloom.
except that he stopped doing it after the no-pocalypse, and that is why it hurts so fucking badly when he puts his glasses back on.
he is not ripping out a sprout, he is uprooting an entire fucking tree
aziraphale cannot hide behind sunglasses by crowley so he hides underneath an angelic persona, the person he thinks he should be, needs to be, and the problem is that whenever he slips into that role, it becomes him.
getting crowley to take off his glasses again is going to be a herculean task and the same goes for getting aziraphale to drop his act. they're one and the same in shape and origin and purpose but they are not indestructible.
because listen. all of this is painful and it hurts. it really is.
the fun part, however, is the fact that we know exactly what it takes to destroy that barrier, we have seen it happen to crowley before.
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my point is that we are missing the parallel for said destruction.
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isbergillustration · 9 months
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Sword Maintenance Is Not Their Main Skill
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pokipeachi · 2 years
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bridge to the turnabout forbidden hospital scene
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I did drink yesterday, and I did make doodle.
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They are boring. 👍✨️
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