#and then i want to take him and James and buy them a nice cottage where they can live happily ever after
yeah okay so my obsession with jegulus has only grown these past few days AND THEN I SAW THIS TIKTOK AND I GOT FUCKING HOOKED I'VE WATCHED IT 50 TIMES JUST TODAY
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
: Thursday 28 July 1836
6 40
11 ¾
no kiss A-‘s cousin fine morning - highish wind and F60° at 7 35 am at which hour went out - the 2 York joiners were boarding up the top of the housekeeper’s bedroom - they had not cased the beam - so stopt them and had what they had done taken down and the beam cased - not their fault - Mr. Husband himself did not like the look of the job and glad to make an alteration which has improved the look so much - about 1 or ¾ of a day’s work lost - had Charles and James Howarth putting up temporary gate at the Lodge - hanging the middle Whiskum gate that they had repaired and taking measure for new gate into the Paddock (Godley top field) - David Booth and  1man at the cellar - 4 men taking out staff for cellar under the West tower Matthew , Richard , Sam and Benjamin and Wood and Jack Green finishing putting gravel on about the pool and jobbing about there in the morning - and in the afternoon setting there biggish stone (set one there in the morning) so as to finish up at the Lowest part of the rockwork - and in the afternoon had Mark Hepworth 3 Northgate carts  (one horse cart) and my own and John Booth and Richard and Matthew and Benjamin to fill, and got all the dunghill from under the lime tree into the Paddock - Mark Hepworth got it out of the carts and Samuel Booth spread what he could - breakfast at 9 in ¾ hour - then set off to meet Dobson at Upper Place quarry at 10 - took A- with me up Pump lane as far as Barraclough cottage and then returned with her as far as Pump which made it near 11 before I got to the quarry - Dobson went with me to Little marsh shewed me where he thought the hole should be opened and I agreed - we called at the house - Mrs. widow Hall in her bed - brought to bed of a daughter - has now 6 girls and a boy - told her daughter to explained why I called and Dobson said he would speak to her - Dobson to begin the hole on Monday next - to keep a regular account Debtor and creditor - he Dobson sinks the hole for me - Hainsworth has nothing to do with it - it is between D- and me - hopes the hole will be down so as to shew the stone sufficiently for letting in 2 or 3 months - I at liberty to let the stone as I like - no way bound to Dobson - on leaving him saw Wombersley [Womersley] mending up his wall against me - long talk - mentioned that there would now be another quarry to let and I intended letting the farm with it - W- said he would bid for them both - tired of where he is Mr. Machan’s farm - pays 50 guineas a year the house in very bad repair and she will lay nothing out - 24D.W. of which 8 at the top of Beacon hill 3 a delf hill and worth nothing - the farm not worth more than £40 per annum - paid £60 at first but the stone quarry at 1/6 per yard very reasonable - looked into the hole Freeman made in Little marsh land - W- valued the stone now shewn (but it is where it is skirting out) at 3/6 per yard - shewed me into house - thought the farm worth £1500, the coal worth £20 per D.W. owned there would be £200 or £300 to lay out immediately so that as I said £1500 quite enough to give for the farm - said I would give Mrs. M- that and pay her 4 p.c. for the money if she liked -or  I would buy the coal at a reasonable prince - but what I offered Mr. Rawson was sure to offer more tho’ he did not come down with the money - talked of his buying Samuel Hall’s coal - W- did not seem to know that SH- could sell it during his life-  W. said I ought to buy the field Haigh was quarrying up to Joseph Hall’s - it would farm nicely with Joseph Hall’s - 6D.W. - all the stone got - belongs to Miss Shann of Tadcaster now living at Thorparch [Thorp Arch] - the coal would suit me - I merely said Mr. Rawson ought to buy it –
home at 12 - found Flather and Benjamin Fletcher waiting for me - had not taken David Booth to see what he wanted - preferred seeing me 1st - wanted me to promise new house and barn - which I declined - said I would do what was reasonable - get water to the place if I could, and put the place in good repair - but would promise nothing more till David Booth brought me an estimate of what was wanted and what it would cost - said however that I was satisfied with the man’s character and had no doubt of our agreeing - then with A- she went rode to Cliff hill soon after 2 and having walked with me to the Lodge I went to Mark Hepworth in the paddock - he said each cart brought 1 square yard of manure and 1 square yard = 1 ton worth 6/6 at H-x and 1/. per ton carting from there to the paddock - he would put 8 loads on a D.W. thought I was laying on about ½ that - too thin - I said I would have no more laid on than the dunghill from under the lime tree - I guessed there would be 30 loads - Mark thought 17 - It seems there were 38 loads Mark said they reckoned 3/6 per D.W. spreading - the paddock would take one man 6 Days - this manuring ought to last 2 years - H-x stuff (necessary stuff) would always force a crop but worth nothing after the 1st year - Mark would not pay anything for it for tenant-right as tillage - valued the fog at £3 tho’ I said the paddock was 4D.W. owned he had paid Hannah 50/. last year for 3D.W. of fog not ½ as good as this - would have [eaten?] it off for a week before putting on the manure, but I wanted the manure out of the way - he said it would be fit to turn into in 4 or 5 weeks from this time - I said the manure should be spread tomorrow - I should value it at 20/. per D.W. - with Wood and Jack at the pool - the Low fish leaks as much as even could near the water escape from this end about ½ way between the cistern and 1st sycamore tree - the water 6 or 8 in. lower than at 3pm yesterday - came in at 6 ¾ - dinner at 6 50 - coffee - sat talking to A- then both asleep till about 9 - then (the 20 minutes in the drawing room with my aunt )wrote all the above of today till 10 10 - note (letter) tonight from Mr. Adam - Mr. Parker from home - thinks I mistook his note of yesterday - he is in doubt about the £800 thinks Mr. Graham should get an opinion before any money is paid - will write to Mr. Turner to get an opinion -sat downstairs with A- in the north dining room from 10 till 10 40 reading the newspaper - fine but dullish day and shower between 5 and 6 - F60° now at 10 40 pm rainy night at 11 -
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Having a girl with an aesthetic w/ Shinsou, Aizawa and Bakugou
Request: Shinsou with an e-girl gf, Aizawa with a dark academia wife and Bakugou with an angelcore or cottagecore girl, please and thank you. - anonymous.
Yall, dark academia is my best friends’ and mine aesthetic and its so pleazing. Like god damn. Angelcore is amazing so soft and uwu. Do I even have to say anything fir e-girls? No, I would just do them an injustice. Love ya and sorry for the inactivity. 
warnings: none I think. 
Shinsou Hitoshi 
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-Yall match. 
-Like he wears dark brooding colors, mainly shades of purple to match his hair and maybe some greens while you on the other hand always have a black and red combo or some sort of stripped item of clothing. 
-You share beanies. 
-It has become an unspoken rule that you two will always go for beanie shopping every october. 
-Your style kinda changes according to the month. 
-Like during september you wearing mainly greys to match your sour mood bc school, during october since its spooky season you wear oranges and purples matching your boyfriend perfectly while January and December are red months. 
-Those are his favorite. 
-Red brings out the color of your lips making you look even more fearsome and badass, turning him on in the process. 
-Yes I said it, Shinsou will beg for red lipstick. 
-He’s semi worried for your hair. 
-You keep changing it and he doesn’t mind when you cut it, oh no he finds your bangs or pixie cut adorable. 
-He is worried when you change colors like you chnage clothes. 
-He liked all your phases. 
-The skank stripe and half-half ones  being his favorites but he will ask you to tone it down a bit give your hair some time to rest and regain their strength. 
-Yall paint your nails. 
-You will spend endless hours in his room just painting each others nails and doing face masks. 
-It brings out his edgy lord side, the nail polish. 
-As if the dark circles and that constant ominous look on his face doesn’t do it. 
-But you love it. 
-He looks so content when you two are just sitting there listening to trash rap songs and taking care of each other. 
-He loves it when you wear skirts with thigh highs. 
-Actually you can’t wear those anymore bc once he sees you you can’t really walk anywhere afterwards....
-He is all about your chains and chokers. 
-Like give him some he is jealous. 
-Baby really be thriving while dawning those fake silver chains. 
-If you are interested in more intracate make up he loves being your test subject and just lets you transform his face into whatever deity you want. 
-Tends to scroll through your tik tok because its full of witch toks and very very interesting cosplays and makeup stuff. 
-Somehow he found himself into anti trump tik tok and he cant get out..... then his fyp shifted to draco tok and he just gave up. 
- “Are you cheating on me with Draco Malfoy?”
- “Baby-”
- “Because I don’t blame you.” 
-Deadass has a whole folder on his laptop with couples outfits he wants to recreate at some point. 
-He’s just so wholesome. 
Aizawa Shouta 
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-He really can’t understand how he managed to get such a fashion icon of a wife. 
-I mean have you seen the way this man dresses? 
-Head empty just Aizawa with pink sweatpants.
-Yeah so he really doesn’t get it how he managed that but he isn’t complaining. 
-I mean have you seen the dark academia aesthitic. 
-It gives Maraurders vibes and we stan. 
-He loves it when you wear long coats and those scarfs.
-They make you look like such a lady and so sophisticated and he lives for it. 
-He really likes the plaid skirts and pants, makes him think that he is living with an English lady or maybe a philosophy teacher. 
-Have I mentioned how much he adores your vintage book obsession?
-Going to old bookstores together and just browsing through the poetry books or the fantsy novels has become one of his favorite past times. 
-He tries to somewhat keep up with you but he struggles. 
-He really has no fashion sense but he wants to try for you. 
- “Honey you don’t have to dress up for me! I love you just the way you are.” 
-He loves you so much like omggggg!!!!
-Rainy days have become book dates where you just snuggle up together on the couch in a large fluffy brown blanket and you both have a book in your hands reading away. 
-He loves the little expressions you make when you are reading something interesting or staright up crazy. 
-He bought you your very own round -Harry-Potter-style glasses for your birthday. 
-You had been going on and on for some months now about how you wanted to go and buy a pair but you never got around to it. 
-Being a teacher at UA and a hero is kinda hard and a busy job so we get you. 
-You were so excited when he gave them to you. 
-Um for Halloween you two went as James Potter and Sirius Black. 
-He has the hair, okay maybe he is lacking that care free and cocky attitude but visually he does a good job.
-Seeing him in that suit oh boy. 
-Really your realationship is just full of Harry Potter references since you are kinda obsessed with that Era, especially the Marauders. 
-Hizashi is lowkey jealous because he could never get AIzawa to dress nicely. 
-You are special though!!
-You are the wife
-He does what you tell him to in reality. 
-He’s kinda wrapped around your finger. 
Bakugou Katsuki
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-He gets flustered so easily.
-Like your aesthetic is so soft and angelic and compared to him people think you have a corruption kink. 
-He kinda feels bad bc when you dress like something god sent it because painfully clear how opposites you are. 
-He sees his rough edges and rude behavior more than usual and he may become self concious. 
-You will have to reassure him and remind him that this is a facade and that he knows your true evil nature. 
-You are a true menace.
-ANyone trying to fuck with your friends or your boyfriend? 
-They are getting round house kicked and yeeted out a window. 
-Back to your aesthetic. 
-Whenever he seas something pastel or colorful he wants to immediately buy it. 
-Especially pastel stuff.
-Pastel is your whole thing. 
-Pastel pinks, blues, purples, and greens. 
-He will buy anything, from a headband to a purse to a very very cute plaid skirt. 
-Kirishima and Denki are always so confused when he comes back to the common room with a few bags from womens’ clothing stores. 
-He never answers their questions of course. 
-He likes watching you make mood boards and create matching outfits. 
-Trying clothes in fornt of him is a must, a small fashion show taking place in your room every Friday night. 
-He likes to believe that you truly are an angel. 
-Your aesthetic is a combination of angelcore and cottage core so your room is split into two sides.
-One side full of plants while the other had pastel mood boards. 
-So pleasing. 
-You tried to shift him into your aesthetic once. 
-He looked so good in white and soft yellow but his mood was so so foul.
 -He had made you agree to never a) bring this up and b) try this again. 
-You have taken some photos though so not eveyrthing was lost. 
-You will never tell him that you have evidence of his cottage core moment. 
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez-mangetsu​ @bemorefiction​
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m4r13l3y · 3 years
Art of getting by
Remus lupin x reader
Warnings; angst, fluff, mentions of the war, mentions of bad coping, mentions of child abuse (Nothing explicit) This is kind pretty long I’m sorry
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(Picture not mine)
It was 1971 when he first met you, on the Hogwarts train, before three boys he’d know as his best friends came barreling in. You weren’t shy per say, but reserved and very nice
“I’m y/n” you shook his hand, “Remus lupin”
That year, when he befriended the marauders, he also befriended you. You were the first girl he didn’t hate, he didn’t think you were annoying at all, you two talked about books and as years went on you two would talk about how much you loved each other
Then in 1973 was when he realized he liked you, when you figured out he was a wolf and stayed with him in the hospital. The marauders liked you, they said you kept their moony sane.
In 1974 you two started dating, your fourth year, puppy love at its finest, you would share chocolates and letters. Hold hands in hogsmeade and walk around the school. Talk about your futures, you would always say he would do great things. You two dated for a long time, loved each other even though the adults would say you were too young to know what love was.
But in 1975 was when you had to move away. Away to America, to ilvermorny. You had to break up, it hurt him. He cried a lot, you cried a lot. He remembers seeing you leave, waving you goodbye for a long time as your parents drove away in their muggle car. He would always remember you, you were his first love.
1976 was interesting, he dated Mary McDonald. She was nice, Remus liked Mary, but Mary wasn’t you. He ended up breaking it off with her after some months, said he couldn’t with the war going on, which was true to an extent.
1977, final year at Hogwarts. He and the marauders graduated, they joined the order of the Phoenix. Remus always thought about what you’d be doing, maybe you would have also joined with them, you would have been great with them.
After halloween 1981, Sirius went to jail, Peter was dead, Lily and James were dead. Harry was left to live with his aunt and uncle
Remus was alone most of the time, busying himself with alcohol or smoking. He wanted to be busy, wanted to forget.
It was April 1984 when Dumbledore showed up at his house and told him harry was being abused at the home he stayed in.
Remus wanted to kill the Dursley’s when he heard harry say “not allowed” after asking what he wanted to eat.
April to May, Remus gave up alcohol. He wanted, he had, to be strong for harry. Needed to take care of him and teach him how to be a good man. Like how James and lily would’ve wanted
April to May, Remus heard an eerily familiar voice calling his name. It was you. “How’ve you been?” You had asked, you met harry. Harry absolutely loved you. You told him to keep in touch and when you left harry cried
He called you, invited you to a tea shop while harry was with the Weasleys. You had changed, matured a lot, but you still smiled. The smile he had always loved. And Remus figured out that he never stopped loving you or that smile
May to June you helped Remus a lot. Taking care of harry because the boy loved you. Letting Remus cry to you, you were a blessing to the pair. He asked you to move in with them
In July harry had his fourth birthday, you and Remus baked him a cake in the early hours of the morning. You invited the weasleys, they were enough to fill up the small cottage
August was when Remus asked you on a date, first one since Hogwarts. Thankfully you agreed and molly took care of harry while you two went out to eat
In September he asked you to be his girlfriend. You agreed happily. Remus never stopped loving you, he always knew that.
1985, Harry fully came out of his shell. No longer flinching when someone moved too quickly near him, drawing lovely pictures of himself, you, and Remus that said ‘ρꪖᥴ𝘬’ on top with Harry’s toddler writing. Remus’s full moons became much easier, moony wasn’t lonely. He had a pack, he knew he did, even when they weren’t with him during the nights.
1986 Christmas was pure bliss. Harry got crewnecks and toys, his very own maroon sweater that had a big ‘H’ from mrs.Weasley, Remus got a handwritten letter from harry and a necklace that was one of two cats, you had the other one. He wasn’t a big fan of cats, but he would never dare to loose or take off the necklace. You, too, got a letter from harry and a sweater from Remus.
August 1987, Harry would come back from primary school. Talk about his friends, and pester Remus on when he would marry you, then you and him would take the eight year old to the chilly park, where he would play with other kids
November 10th, 1988, 9:42 pm was when Remus proposed to you. Harry had the ring box and handed it to Remus before he kneeled, on the path you two took on your first date.
December 1988 was the wedding. Your family was there, mostly only your siblings. Harry was static, standing behind Remus the whole time with a grin. It was a small wedding, but you wouldn’t have it any other way
1989, you and Remus took harry to his parents graves in Godric’s hollow. It was a sunny day in July, James’ birthday. You three had a small picnic, remembered the lovers’ memories as Harry laughed about how his dad tried to woo Lily over and over until he finally did.
1990 was when Harry was starting to get excited for hogwarts. He wasn’t new to magic one bit, always writing to Ron about what plans he has ahead for school
In 1991 he got the letter. You two took him to Diagon Alley, buying him everything he needed for school.
In 1991 you two took him to king’s cross, Remus laying a hand on Harry’s back as they ran through the wall, you following behind with a smile. You had kneeled infront of harry, asking him over and over ‘do you have everything’ and telling him to ‘write us every week please’. He would roll his eyes playfully, but left with watery lids when you hugged him and so did Remus. You two waved goodbye, wiping any tears as he departed.
“I’d say we did a pretty good job no? Lily and James would’ve been proud of him” You turned to your Husband, “they would’ve, and I couldn’t have done it without you” Remus replied
@wonderfilworld @lilypad-55449 @emmaev @amarabln @side-blog-shit @pakukutta25 @cjholliday-blog @chronicwiggler @harry-styles-1800 @rjprofessorlupin @aayaissaa @kittykylax @ethernal-onism @kyleed24 @amourtentiaa @theweasleytwinsgirl @28cnn @xmalfoyweasleyx @goddessofmoonlightlove @jamespotterscumslut @rileybread @kayxoxkayxox @fives-cup-of-coffee @siriuslyslyslytherin @ronbrokemyheart @1800-shutup @jamespotterswifey @remugoodgirl @athenaisawhoreforremus
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Of a Witch, a Gossip, and a Library
The library on the corner of Oak and Vine was an accident. The crown didn’t bother opening libraries this far out west, so far from any of the major cities—so far that the townspeople joked to each other the king might someday forget to send his tax collectors out there, too. So Feldwidth had never had a library before.
When the local witch died a few years back, nobody quite knew what to do with her narrow corner cottage, with its living space upstairs and walls lined with shelves of witchcraft ingrediants on the single ground floor room. The witch hadn’t any children or relatives to continue living there, and nobody else claimed the space in the months after her death. The downstairs room, shelves on all four walls (even on the inside of the door!), just didn’t invite new inhabitants. No one in Feldwidth, except for the general store owner on Main, practiced a trade which required so many shelves, and no one wanted the tedious task of taking them all down.
It was Margorette Clay, who lived just outside the village and came in once a week supposedly to sell produce but mostly just to gossip, who said they ought to get themselves another witch.
“Not like you find them growing in a road ditch,” Jame Clott said irritably, because Margo was leaning against his fence. As far as he was concerned, no one who hadn’t painted that fence themselves were allowed to lean on it.
“Suppose not. Guess that’s only where you find Clotts,” Margo said, and ducked the dirty sheet that Jame had been beating out on the stone path and was about to beat out on her head. Cawing her distinctive laughter, she ran down the street, apron full of apples jostling and jumping with her loping stride.
Jame leaned over his fence to yell after her, “And they find Clays on the streets after it rains, too dumb to get back into the dirt!”
Margo’s laughter drew Catty Loose to the open doorway of her house as sure as if she’d had a ringing bell to announce new gossip. “What’s got Jame worked up?”
“Cause I said you ought to get yourselves a new witch,” Margo said, barely half-truthful as usual. “Buy an apple? They’re almost as blushing pretty as your kitling.”
Catty’s smallest daughter went red and buried herself deeper in her mother’s skirts.
Another kid, barely older, leaned against Margo’s leg and pulled her hand, nearly spilling all the apples from the apron she was holding up. “Why nother witch? What for?”
“Ah, every place ought to have one,” Margo said vaguely. “It’s the way of things. One apple for each of your kitlings, Catty, and I’ll throw two in free.”
“Margo’s right,” Catty Loose said after temple that Saturday, as the townspeople gathered in the yard to mingle and eat, her arms full of children and another two playing at her feet.
With preternatural hearing, Jame Clott turned from speaking with his husband Willem across the yard to say loudly, “Margorette Clay has never been right once in her life.”
Catty ignored him. “We ought to get a new witch. Sooner or later we’ll want one.”
“That’s crap,” Jame said, coming into the circle that surrounded Catty, which seemed to be half made up of her own children. “What’ll we want a witch for? No one’s been cursed in ages.”
“Aida Macintosh,” someone put in.
“Aida Macintosh ate the red berries by the stream. That’s not a curse so much as a punishment for stupidity.”
No one could really disagree.
“Need one for love shpells,” a tiny Loose kitling named Alfed suggested.
Jame crouched down, his face softening, to look into his small, earnest face. “Love spells are a gross affront against consent and should have been outlawed years ago,” he said gently.
Little Alfed Loose sneezed in his face.
“For getting a baby when you can’t make one yourself,” Mendy Hark said, one hand squeezing her daughter’s shoulder protectively.
Jame, wiping his face, didn’t say anything.
“So how’s one get a witch anyway?” Lukey Keening asked, continuing the conversation from several days ago without preamble, as he tended to do. He and his overly long teenage limbs were sprawled in the grass of the meadow where the families of Oak street gathered once a week for a community meal, conspicuously not helping.
The eldest Loose girl, siblings hoisted on either hip, made a thoughtful sound. “You don’t get one, I think, they get you.”
“I don’t wanna get gotten,” one child on her hip sniffled.
“That’s only bad witches that get you,” Lukey said.
Lettie sighed. “No, I mean, you don’t do something to get a witch, they come to you.”
“That’s right, girly,” Margo Clay said from her perch watching over a pot of stew on the open fire. She had not been invited. Like witches, Margo simply appeared without being fetched. “But I tell you what, you can make them know you want one.”
“How’s that?” Daff Keening asked, arms crossed over his comfortably large belly. His sudden and stout presence made his son scramble up and pretend to be busy helping Lettie wrangle several children, all of whom resembled her as nesting dolls resemble the one they fit inside.
“You make a place ready for her.” Margo’s brash tone, as ever, drew more people from their tasks to pay attention to her. “Like baiting a trap. Can’t expect a mouse to walk into your trap unless you make it look inviting.”
“What do you know about mice?” Sal Hark asked skeptically.
“They’re close relatives of hers,” Jame Clott said, unable to resist. “The better question is, what does she know about witches?”
Margo Clay was an incorrigible gossip, but people who liked gossip liked Margo, so she was listened to anyway.
Catty Loose sent Lettie  to sweep the empty store and dust the unnecessary amount of shelves. Lukey Keening tagged along to clean the small windows and help keep three small Looses in hand. The gaggle of children in and around the shop drew Jame Clott to poke his head in and see what was going on.
“Well! It looks clean, but it doesn’t look like a witch’s shop,” he declared.
“He’s right, Mama,” Lettie told her mother that evening. “I tossed out all the shriveled up herbs she had in there when I cleaned the shelves. Some of them had crumbled near into dust. But with the shelves empty it doesn’t look much like a witch’s place.”
Catty relayed this to the Macintoshes, who were eager for a replacement witch, in case anybody got cursed like Aida had last year.
“Mmhmm,” Catty said to that.
“I think the Harks have the magic books the old witch left,” Theo Macintosh said. “We can put those in there.”
Sal Hark brought the books around the shop a few days later, squinting in the sunshine at the man who was already there. “Hey, Jame. Witch showed up yet?”
Jame Clott startled back from the window he was peering through. “Nah, no witch is coming.”
Sal let out a whistle of agreement, but his smile was amused, like he thought Jame was wrong.
“Not with the shop looking that shoddy, anyway,” Jame said with a sniff. “There isn’t even a sign.”
“Blew down in a storm a few years ago, I think,” Sal said. “We know what shop it is, anyhow. Not like we’ve got shops every which way.”
“The witch wouldn’t know, since she’s new,” Jame said testily. If the whole town was going to take up Margo’s logic, they had better be consistent.
“Tell you what, then, you ought to paint a new sign. You’re the only one here who knows which end of a paintbrush goes where.”
Jame shook his head and waved goodbye. He wasn’t making a sign for an empty shop, a shop that would remain empty.
That night he saw Willem look out their kitchen window at that empty shop, something sad and wistful in his eyes, several times during their quiet dinner. Their dinners were always quiet, though they told each other about their days in detail, and debated if Margo’s pumpkins were any good at length. It was the quiet of something missing, the kind of quiet the Loose’s house down the street, full to the brim, had never known.
“Sal Hark said I should paint a sign for the witch’s shop, to make her want to come,” Jame said, surprising himself.
Willem tore his eyes away from the window and looked at him. After a moment, he smiled. “Face it, Jame, they won’t get her to come without your help.”
Jame put up the new sign next week, his back so stiff-straight that nobody dared tease him about coming round to Margo’s thinking, though several people gathered across the street to watch.
The sign was big and square and sturdy, and painted on both sides was an open tome with stylized curls of magic shooting from it. Willem held the ladder steady while he hung it up, and Jame felt almost hopeful. Through the shining little windows passersby could see the neat shop room and the witch’s small collection of spell books sitting on one of the many shelves, and it looked almost inviting.
Margo, who lived outside town, was the first one to realize someone had come to town overnight.
“Your witch is here!” she crowed, all but dancing down Oak Street in the early morning. “What did I tell you? Make it nice and she’ll come!”
“Quiet your racket,” said an irritable Jame, poking his head out his door. “Witch isn’t the word I’d use for you.”
“Wheel tracks!” she yelled at him. “Fresh wheel tracks down the road before I left my farm! Who brings a cart into town except for me and the tax collector? And the tax collector wouldn’t have set up shop in there!” She pointed one victorious finger at the corner shop where Jame’s sign swayed gently in the breeze. A rickety wooden cart was collapsed on the ground below it.
Jame opened his mouth but couldn’t think of anything to say.
Down the street, Catty Loose stuck her head out the window. “Margo, what are you whooping about? Oh my—Lettie! Lettie, find my shawl!” Her head ducked back inside, and before the last copper curl had followed it out the window, she was rushing out the front door, Lettie close on her heels.
Jame snapped his mouth shut and hurried after Margo, Catty, and Lettie, following them to the corner shop. A sleepy bundle of Loose kitlings, a couple of Keenings, a herd of Macintoshes and even a Hark or two were all heading in the same direction.
Someone had moved into the witch’s shop.
There were muddy shoe prints down the stone path, a new blue-checked curtain drawn over the window, and Margo standing triumphantly in front of the house, hands on her hips. “Didn’t I tell you! Didn’t I!”
“So you did,” said Sal Hark, “but quiet, Margo, or you’ll wake her up. She must’ve come in dead of night.”
Margo ignored him. “Well, I hope you all remember this. When I’m right, I’m right!”
Behind her, the witch’s door cracked open.
The girl who opened it was no older than Lettie Loose, and probably younger. Her face was nervous, but as she took in the crowd outside her door, it broke into a shy smile. “Oh. Hello. I didn’t expect... I’m not all set up yet. But I suppose the library can be open now if you want.”
“What?” said Margo.
“Library?” said Catty.
“I knew it,” said Jame. “You didn’t catch yourself a witch. You caught a librarian.”
Margo glared at him, apparently lost for words.
The girl looked back and forth between them. “I’m sorry?”
Margo rounded on her. “A librarian! Is that what you are? Then you have to leave. We’re waiting for a witch.”
The girl’s mouth opened and shut, her eyes big, and then she looked down and sniffed.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Jame snapped, a protectiveness in his voice so fierce that Margo took a step back from both him and the girl. He glared around him, making sure no one else was going to follow Margo’s lead, and then turned back to the girl. All anger dropped out of his face immediately, replaced by a gentle warmth. “Have you got family?”
“Not anymore,” she said. “I’m... I’ve just been taking my library around. That’s my family. I thought we could stay here, maybe, If that’s alright.”
“That’s just fine. We’ve never had a library before, we’re all real grateful you came. Come have breakfast.” He didn’t wait for an answer, already thinking of having a full kitchen, and Willem no longer staring out the window, and needing to find more eggs for breakfast, and who in town might have extra shoes to replace the worn-thin boots on her feet.
A layer of tension seemed to slough off her. She stepped out of her doorway and a few feet onto the path to follow Jame, then paused. Looking back at them, she said, “When you take a book, write the title and your name in the ledger, and return it in two weeks.”
Skipping to catch up with Jame, she grabbed his hand with an easy sort of trust. She turned her face up to him. “If it’s not for a library, why is it full of shelves? Why were there already books there? Why does it have a book sign?”
“Sometimes,” Jame said, “People think they’re waiting for one thing, but they’re really waiting for another.”
“Were you?” she asked.
He saw the moment Willem noticed them through the window, saw hope dawn in his eyes as he watched them come up the path; his husband, and a girl who looked like she needed a home.
“No,” he said. “We were waiting exactly for you.”
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lupinlongbottom · 4 years
Practically a Weasley Epilogue
Charlie Weasley x Reader
Summary: Little Kayda has finally finished her seven years at Hogwarts, much to the cheer and delight of her parents, Charlie and (Y/N). Her future is crawling near, if only her parents knew what it could possibly hold.
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: None
A/N: This is mostly centered around Charlie and his girls, I will make that clear. The reader is there, and she’s important, but I wanted to highlight their daughters, as this is an Epilogue. I hope you all enjoy their three tornadoes angels as much as I do. Enjoy!
Part 1 … Part 1.5  …  Part 2 … Part 3
The end of the school year finally came, leaving many Hogwarts students to come home for the summer holiday. For some, this was their first year at the school for young witches and wizards, eager to share their stories with their families. For others, it was their final trip from the platform, until they choose to have kids of their own to see off. Regardless, the reunion of the various families on the platform at Kings Cross was a warm one.
“Dad…” Kayda moaned, trying to wriggle herself from Charlie’s grip. No luck.
“I haven’t seen you in forever!” Charlie exclaimed, hugging his daughter tighter. “Missed your birthday, two weeks ago! Consider it a late birthday present.”
“I’m eighteen now, I don’t need to be coddled at the platform,” Kayda sighed, patting her dad’s back. After finally wriggling herself free, Kayda nodded at her friends passing by, snickering at her father’s bear hug. “You can hug me more at home.”
“I plan on it,” Charlie beamed. Coming from the other end of the platform, (Y/N) walked between two redheaded girls, identical in their freckled face, both pushing their respective carts. “I see your mum found your sisters. Why didn’t you sit with them?”
“I sat with them at the beginning of the year,” Kayda shrugged. “I offered for them to sit in my compartment, but they said they had their own friends now,” she looked up, noting the presence of her sisters and mother. “Hey, mum.”
“Kayda,” (Y/N) said, tears glistening her eyes. “I know you probably don’t want a hug right now,” Kayda gave her dad a pointed look. Charlie smirked, shrugging. “But know that I’m so proud of you.”
“What about us?” the twin wearing a Slytherin scarf retorted, eyes turned downward, almost sad.
“Yeah, aren’t you proud of me and Harper?” the other added.
“Ellie…” Charlie sighed. “You know we’re proud of you two, but Kay just finished her schooling. It’s a big deal.”
“Well we just finished our first year. Big deal all around!” Ellie exclaimed, crossing her arms. “Besides, Kayda didn’t get to do hardly any of the fun stuff we did.”
“Like what? Going into each other’s common rooms? Wearing the other’s uniforms?” Kayda laughed, mirroring her sister’s stance. “I know you two switched. Often, at that.”
“You two did what?” (Y/N) asked, glaring at her twin daughters. “Harper? Ellie?”
“Come on mum,” Ellie laughed. “You really think that we wouldn’t try it? Harper’s in Slytherin, I’m in Gryffindor. It was bound to happen.”
“Ellie!” Harper hissed. “I thought we weren’t going to tell mum and dad!”
“Did you ever get caught?” Charlie asked.
“No,” Harper admitted. “Well, I guess Kayda knew, but she’s our sister, so…”
“Nice,” Charlie said, lifting his hand up, ready to give his daughters high-fives. (Y/N) grabbed his wrist, bringing it down.
“Charlie!” (Y/N) said, glaring at her husband. “I guess it’s not the end of the world. I should’ve known the two of you would’ve pulled something like that the second we heard you two weren’t in the same House.”
“I’m sorry, mum,” Harper said, her hands gripping her cart a bit tighter. “But on the bright side, I grew to like my House a bit better, even after everyone made fun of me being a Weasley!”
“Yeah?” (Y/N) smiled, noting the way her daughter’s blue eyes lit up. She had been worried about this very thing. Not every day a Weasley gets put into Slytherin House, is it? “How so?”
“Conrad has been hanging out with me in the common room and helping me study,” Harper said, smiling lightly. “He’s been keeping the bullies away too!”
“Conrad Lee? Barnaby’s son?” Charlie asked, crossing his arms. Harper nodded. “He’s a nice kid, coming from his parents it was bound to happen,” Charlie laughed, recalling the Magizoologist and his Curse-Breaker wife, close friends of his from his time at Hogwarts. “I figured he’d look out for you.”
“He only did that because Kayda asked him to do it,” Ellie said, rolling her eyes. “Don’t know how, seeing as they snog more than talk—”
“Ellie!” Kayda exclaimed, slapping her sister’s arm. Ellie winced for just a moment, fully prepared for the slap she received. “Shut it!”
“Don’t be embarrassed, Kay,” (Y/N) laughed, the panic on Kayda’s face not fading. “Conrad’s a nice boy. His mum and dad raised him well,” she smiled, patting her daughter’s back. “You’ve always got off well with him whenever they’d come to visit. Playing around in the dirt and whatnot.”
“Isn’t he a year younger than you?” Charlie asked, eyes pointed at Kayda, crossing his arms.
“Don’t you and mum have like five years between the two of you?” Kayda retorted, mirroring his pose.
“She has a point, Charlie,” (Y/N) laughed. “Enough of this idle chatting! We have a portkey to make if we want to get back to the cottage in time,” She pushed the twin’s backs, pushing their carts forward.
“You just don’t want to be stuck chatting with the entire family,” Ellie yawned, slowing her pace.
“I talked with Harry and Ginny, James just got done with his second year,” (Y/N) scoffed. “Your father caught up with Bill and Percy with their girls, too. We’re seeing Fred and George for dinner, we’ll be chatting with them then.”
“I don’t buy it.”
The warm glow of the kitchen radiated throughout the cottage. After Charlie and (Y/N) received the news of their, rather unexpected twins, the two moved to the Romanian countryside. It was farther off from the sanctuary, so Charlie had to either Apparate or take his broom, usually he chose the latter, enjoying the quiet moments of the morning rolling through the valley from up high, wind in his hair.
“Dad, should I take the pie out of the oven?” Harper asked, staring at the light brown crust intently.
“No,” Charlie hummed, pushing his sleeves up. He continued chopping the onions. “Shut the oven door, Harpy.”
“Sorry,” Harper said, gently shutting the door. Her fingers traced over the handle for a brief moment. “Do you need any help?”
“Blimey, I thought you’d never ask,” Charlie laughed, tilting his head at the aprons hung on the wall. “Grab your apron, kiddo.”
“Mum’s soup recipe?” Harper asked, tying the red apron around her waist, enjoying the feeling. She always liked helping her father out in the kitchen, ever since she was young. Molly often noted how her knife skills outshone those of her father, bringing much pride to the girl.“I can cut the carrots—”  
“No carrots,” Charlie said, sternly.
“Right, sorry dad,” Harper giggled. “I quite like the carrots in this soup though. Mum added them whenever you were out for work…”
“Well I’m here right now,” Charlie huffed, pushing the onions into the simmering pot on the stove. “You can chop the cabbage. Speaking of your mum, is she still helping your sister pack?”
“Yeah,” Harper nodded, eyes focused on her knife. She hadn’t had much practice at school, only using the skills in Potions class. “Why are you letting her move?”
“She’s an adult,” Charlie shrugged, stirring the burbling pot. “She said that she got a job and plans on moving this summer to start it. Still hasn’t told us the job… but she said she’ll tell us tonight.”
“Aren’t you going to miss her?”
“Of course I am,” Charlie said, washing his hands. “You, on the other hand, aren’t allowed to move out. Ever.”
“Dad!” Harper giggled. “I don’t want to move anyway. I missed the dragons terribly enough when I was at school.”
“The dragons missed you too. Well, I can only imagine. Can’t speak dragon. Harriet seemed rather glum, though,” Charlie clicked, drying his hands off with a towel. “Wait until third year,” Charlie mused, crossing his arms. “Care of Magical Creatures is going to blow your mind, kiddo.”
Charlie loved all of his daughters equally, so he said, but the connection he had with Harper was undeniable. While Kayda took much after her uncles—to Charlie’s dismay—and Ellie took after her mum—to an extent, the lip on that girl was unquestionably a Weasley trait—Harper took most after Charlie. She adored creatures, dragons especially. He would take her to the sanctuary whenever she asked, from a distance, per (Y/N)’s request. She was soft-spoken, hardly the one to lead her siblings, but her heart was bigger than her mouth.
“I can’t wait!”
“Can’t wait for what?” Ellie asked, throwing herself onto one of the kitchen chairs.
“To learn something I’m genuinely interested in,” Harper said, finishing her cabbage. She silently looked at Charlie, who nodded. “I mean, I like Charms and Potions, but I have a feeling Care of Magical Creatures is going to be a good one.”
“Well, I like Herbology—”
“You like Professor Longbottom’s face,” Harper snickered, pushing the cabbage into the pot.
“I never would’ve pegged you for the Herbology type, Eleanor,” Kayda smiled, walking into the kitchen. “Smells good, dad.”
“Shove it! Both of you!” Ellie exclaimed, her face growing pink. She tapped her nails against the counter. “I-I just think he’s a good teacher, that’s all.”
“He’s married you ninny,” Kayda said, flicking Ellie’s forehead. “Or did you not pay attention to the way he stares so sappily at the Potions Professor?”
“Wait, that’s his wife?” Ellie asked, rubbing her now red forehead. “They don’t have the same last name, though!”
“It’d be confusing to have two Professor Longbottom’s, wouldn’t it?” Kayda laughed. “She uses her maiden name for teaching at school. Her last name’s still Longbottom, though.”
“How do you know?” Ellie spat, voice dripping with venom.
“I took her N.E.W.Ts level class. Hardly a big class,” Kayda shrugged. “Always willing to chat with us, especially if we’ve done well in lesson. You never would’ve stood a chance, you’re nearly twelve.”
“I know,” Ellie huffed, the realization dawning upon her.
“Charlie,” (Y/N) said, stepping into the kitchen. “Oh, everyone’s here. It’s been a while since the kitchen was this full…”
“Flower, don’t start crying again,” Charlie said, wrapping his arms around his wife. “If you start crying, I’ll start crying.”
“You two are a bunch of saps,” Kayda laughed, noting her parent’s glistening eyes.
“Yet, you came from this bunch of saps,” Charlie laughed, kissing (Y/N)’s temple. “Think about that.”
“I try not to think too deeply about it,” Kayda said, rolling her eyes, fighting back a grin. She missed her parents, no matter how disgusting their lovey-dovey nature may be. “What time are Fred and George coming?”
“Any minute now,” (Y/N) said, glancing at the clock. “Fred said they’d Floo here by six—”
“Did someone say my name?” A voice bellowed from the living room.
Kayda’s eyes lit up, a grin spreading to her face. “Uncle Fred!”
“Hey there, partner,” Fred winked, pulling his niece into a side hug. “Hi (Y/N). Hi Charlie.”
“Glad to see you still don’t pick favorites,” Charlie smiled, nodding at his brother.
“We could never, Charlie. Just because we like our little Kay-Kay better than the two of you doesn’t mean we pick favorites,” George said, entering the conversation. “Honestly, you’d think our brother would know us better.”
“No, not at all,” (Y/N) laughed. “Where’s Angelina? Or the kids?”
“Get this,” Fred moved his voice to a small whisper. “Dragon pox, the both of them.”
“Fred’s lying,” George laughed. “Mine’s at his mum’s this week,” he shrugged.
“You’re right,” Fred sighed, taking off his bright orange jacket. “Angelina wanted to spend more time with our boy now that he’s home from his first year, much like Harper and Ellie. Nearly bit my head off when I told her I was coming here tonight instead.”
“They’ll all be sorely missed,” (Y/N) hummed, glancing at the large pot on the stove. “Though, had you two told me, I wouldn’t have made so much soup—”
“You didn’t make the soup, dad did!” Ellie pointed.
“And I helped!” Harper added, crossing her arms.
“You should’ve never had more kids, mum,” Kayda laughed. “Little snitches, the both of them.”
“That’s what I’ve been saying for years,” Fred agreed, placing his arm around Kayda’s shoulder. “One and done. Angelina and I listened to it. George had no choice, poor girl broke it off with him after their little one was born—”
“Honestly, Fred? Pipe down,” George said, growing annoyed. George never liked talking about his ex-girlfriend much. They had dated for a few years before she became pregnant, but they split a year after their son was born.
“Please,” (Y/N) scoffed, trying to diffuse the situation. “You two were beyond thrilled when you found out that Charlie and I were having twins!”
“We thought you’d name them after us!” George exclaimed, falling wistfully onto a dining chair. “But then you had more girls, what a waste of perfectly good names!”
“Technically they did,” Ellie said, groaning. “I’ve hated my middle name as long as I can remember.”
“I quite like mine…” Harper said, voice growing small.
“Your name isn’t ‘Eleanor Frederica’, Harper. All my friends have normal middle names, but no,” Ellie pointed at Charlie and (Y/N). “You had to make my life hard!”
“Ellie,” (Y/N) sighed. “Middle names aren’t the end of the world. Be happy you’re named after two of the coolest people on this planet.”
“Gross,” Ellie groaned again. “If you want to name me after someone cool, take a look at James! He has a cool name! James Sirius Potter, even the sound of it makes people sigh!”
“Ellie, we love your Aunt Gin,” Charlie said, glancing down, “but we’ve never been in real favor of their children’s names. A bit heavy handed, honestly.”
“When she told us the name of little Al, we nearly passed out,” George nodded. “Next year’s going to be a fun one for him, starting school with a namesake like that.”
“Having Frederica and Georgina is the least of your worries,” Fred laughed. “At least you,” he pointed at Ellie, “you got the better of the two.”
“I prefer Harper’s name,” George quipped, “sounds cooler, more hip.”
“Can we stop talking about my children’s names?” (Y/N) said, finally growing tired of the arguing. “Ellie, sweetheart, your name is fine. Fred, George, both of the twins names are equally sweet, be grateful that Charlie agreed with the idea.”
“It’s true,” Charlie hummed. “I wanted more dragon-related names…”
“I could’ve had a dragon name?!” Harper practically screamed, forcing her voice towards her parents. “Why does Kayda get one?”
“People don’t mispronounce your name,” Kayda retorted. “Never get ‘Kayla’ Weasley? Do you?”
“Oh my God,” (Y/N) groaned. “I wanted to have a normal family dinner, now my daughters are screaming bloody murder about their names—”
“Sounds like a normal Weasley dinner if I’ve ever seen one,” Charlie said, ignoring the bickering, the loudest coming from his three daughters. “Love, you knew full well what you got yourself into almost twenty years ago.”
“Hardly gave me a moment to think about it, didn’t you?” (Y/N) smiled, glancing up at her husband. “Pulled the rug out from beneath me that day.”
“Like you weren’t expecting it,” Charlie smirked. “I told you almost a year in that I wanted to marry you. Besides, you said yes.”
“I did. I don’t regret it,” (Y/N) sighed, glancing at her beautiful daughters, now arguing with their lively uncles. “How could I regret this?”
“The soup was great Charlie,” (Y/N) said, dabbing a napkin on her lip. “Harper, you did a great job helping.”
“Thanks, mum,” Harper smiled, feeling the pride well in her chest.
“Fred? George? You two have been awfully quiet,” Charlie said, noting his brother’s unlikely silence, “what’s up?”
The twins looked to Kayda, who still had a spoon in her mouth. All of the Weasley’s eyes fell to her, watching as she fumbled with the silverware.
“Oh,” Kayda said, fumbling with her hands. “Do you think…?” She looked to her uncles, as if for permission. Fred nodded, George merely winking. “Well, I suppose,” she stood, seated at the foot of the table. “So, I’ve accepted a job—”
“We know,” Ellie sighed, twirling her spoon against the table. “You’ve only been talking about it the last month of school…”
“Eleanor,” Charlie hissed, eyeing his daughter. “Let your sister speak.
“Sorry,” Ellie lied. She hardly was sorry about anything.
“Anyway,” Kayda said, scowling at her younger sister for a moment. “So you know Zonko’s, in Hogsmeade? I’ve accepted a management position there—well, not at Zonko’s, I wouldn’t work there,” Kayda paused, flushing over her words. “I mean, I wouldn’t not work there, but I’ve been working at Fred and George’s place the last few summers and holiday breaks, a-and they’ve offered to buy out Zonko’s and—”
“Spit it out!” Ellie cut Kayda off again, growing more annoyed.
“Alright!” Kayda exclaimed, slamming her hands onto the table. “Fred and George are opening a branch of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes in Hogsmeade, in the old Zonko’s shop, and they’ve asked me to be the manager, want me to run it.”
“Kayda, that’s wonderful!” (Y/N) said, clasping her hands together. She looked to her brother in-laws. “You’ve always wanted to buy out Zonko’s, why now?”
“Well, we finally have our little prodigy out of school,” Fred looked to (Y/N). “Seeing as you lot wouldn’t let her drop out early, much like her successful uncles—”
“Who turned out to be quite the entrepreneurs despite it all…” George added.
“I wasn’t going to drop out, mum,” Kayda said, assuring her mother. “It seemed like a good time, me fresh out of school, ready to take it on.”
“So you’re running it on your own?” Charlie asked, eyeing his daughter down, a bit of hesitation in his voice. “All by yourself?”
“We’re going to let her do as much as she wants on her own, but we’re always a call away,” George said, fiddling with his spoon. “She’s already come up with at least a hundred and ten new ideas for products and marketing—”
“All based on what a student is really looking for outta jokes and tricks these days,” Fred said, cracking his knuckles. “Gotta keep the products young and hip as we can, what better way than insight and perspective from a more recent former student? Considering the market is loads of Hogwarts students on their weekends off?”
“I suppose…” Charlie mumbled, looking in his hands. “Are you going to be living on your own?”
“Dad, I’m eighteen, I think I can manage on my own, especially in Hogsmeade. I found a little apartment to lease, it’s near the shop.”
“I’m sure Conrad’s going to be moving in after next year anyway…” Harper mumbled from her mother’s side, glancing at her half-full bowl of soup. She didn’t exactly have the appetite for it, all things considered.
“He’s thinking about it,” Kayda added. “We’ve talked about it.”
“Nope,” Charlie stood up from the table, pushing his chair back. “Nope, not happening. Absolutely not.”
“Charlie…” (Y/N) sighed, pressing her hand against her husband’s forearm, her fingers tracing a recent burn.
“Nope, not happening until I sit down with the Lee’s,” Charlie said, pacing lightly. “Maybe take Conrad down to the sanctuary…”
“Dad!” Kayda cried. “My boyfriend doesn’t need an interrogation!”
“This is getting good,” Fred said, leaning into his brother’s good ear.
“Way better than what mum used to spout, Charlie’s a spittin’ image of her I reckon,” George added, leaning back in his chair, noting how red Charlie’s face was turning. The father and daughter continued to shout, much to (Y/N)’s dismay. Her head was in her hands, sighing loudly.
“See, mum? This is what happens when you let your daughter run wild with a Slytherin,” Ellie said, reaching over the long table to gain her mother’s attention. “Dad’s gone mental.”
“I’m a Slytherin!” Harper added, her cheeks growing pink. “What does that say about me?”
“You know I love you, Harper,” Ellie sighed, looking at her twin. “But Slytherin stinks. Your common room isn’t even all that neat, green is such a boring color and your Quidditch team sucks. Besides, a Weasley in Slytherin? How absurd! Half the Great Hall nearly lost their lunch at the sight!”
It wasn’t long before the entire table was up in a roaring thunder, the youngest Weasley twins were bickering—like always— Kayda and Charlie were near a dueling stance over some boy, and the eldest twins just sat back and laughed at the continued horror. (Y/N) sat idly by, truly ignorant to her wishes of a functioning family unit. How long had she waited for a moment like this? Her family back together? Surely she didn’t expect her eldest and her husband going almost as far as a duel, she also didn’t expect her youngest daring to speak the few swears she picked up at school, either.
But, deep down, (Y/N) knew this was her ideal life, the one she had dreamed of years ago. A hearty family, filled with enough personality to go around thrice the time as normal. Her daughters were intelligent, bright and full of spunk, her in-laws were closer to her than blood would allow and her husband… Godric, her husband was more than she could’ve dreamed, attentive, loving and protective of their family—even if it was a sore subject in the moment, considering the environment. (Y/N) knew that the dream life she had planned was far from her reality, but she wouldn’t change it for the world. After all,
She was a Weasley.
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
The alluring charm of Henry Cavill - Chapter 4
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Summary: Henry and Adelaide are on the road for some more challenges, some disgusting, some almost romantic. 
Henry Cavill x Adelaide Park (ofc)
Wordcount: 6k
Warnings: They’re eating weird things (no not each other), but it’s disgusting. I nearly had to vomit when I wrote it and you can thank me later for not including pictures of the certain cuisines they were eating. 
Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter
Henry can’t say many positive things about ‘The Celebrity Project’, but the fact that they edited a very decent first episode in a matter of twenty four hours, so it could air, is very impressive. It covered the days up to the late night swim. Though the swim was pulled out of context and he hated that (one of the reasons actually he didn’t want to join: reality tv is never reality) the editors made it seem like they were a couple.
Henry realized that they left out the ‘dyslexia question’ he asked her about. Why would they want to do that? Did she specifically asked for them to keep that out or do they not want people to understand her a bit better? He did realize that he had a lot more understanding for her and the way she handles interviews.
Henry walks around the cottage, hoping to find Adelaide, because he saw the new challenge on the coffee table and he can’t to do it alone. He hears her humming from the bathroom. The door is wide open and he catches her standing on a little stool so she can actually see herself in the mirror. He can’t help but smile.
Adelaide owns a huge variety of cute pajamas and today she is wearing a pink short with little avocado’s on it, with a matching shirt. ‘What are you doing?’ he asks, leaning against the doorframe.
She looks up, dots of her night creme spread over her face and flashes him a smile. After they swam in the pool, he felt the desperate need to win slowly slipping through his fingers, as if the dream of becoming James Bond was like desert sand. What was happening to him? He turns in a pile of mush whenever Adelaide is around him.
Yesterday, when the first episode would air, all the duos made dinner with each other and watched the episode together. While they were making dinner, he kept holding himself back, to not pull everything from Adelaide’s hands. It was ridiculous. He knows that she is a mature, independent woman and that she can totally manage.
‘Skin care,’ she says, as she massages in the creme. ‘What are you… here? Doing here?’
They have spend so much time together, that she grows more comfortable around him and of course she makes slip ups every now and then, but her cheeks don’t turn into a fiery red as they used to.
‘We have a challenge downstairs. Figured we should do that.’
‘Of course.’ Adelaide flicks off the light and together they walk down the stairs. She notices the stuff spread out on the table. The two empty wine glasses, the red wine that he got from the cellar and the cards to get to know one another. She takes a chip and plops on the couch. ‘What is it?’
‘Get to know cards,’ he says, trying to hide his wide smile, but he simply can’t. This is what he wanted. He wanted to get to know Adelaide and though they have become closer over the course of the days, she is a professional in not going too deep into her family life and her personal life in general. He sits close to her, her feet almost touching his thigh.
Yesterday, when they all were watching the first episode, she kicked off her sneakers and was almost hiding underneath a blanket. Her feet were warming underneath his leg. He didn’t think she noticed what she did, but as soon as she did, she started softly apologizing, but he simply shook his head and said it was okay. It was well hidden underneath the blanket and despite the warm weather, her feet were really cold.
Henry grabs her ankles and places her feet on his lap, after he poured in the wine in the glasses and gave her one. ‘Ready?’ he asks, placing his hand on her ankle.
‘I think I am.’ Adelaide looks right in his eyes, but he notices her lips pursed together.
‘If you don’t want to answer it, you don’t have to,’ he tells her. ‘Remember that, okay?’
‘Same goes…’ She carelessly gestures to him, but he got the message. Same goes for him.
‘What is your most unusual talent?’ he asks and he visibly sees her relax when she realizes that these are the types of questions. ‘Want to know mine?’ Maybe that’ll ease her mind even more if he starts.
‘Yes, please.’
‘I can do make a four leave clover with my tongue.’ He shows off the ridiculous thing and Adelaide places her hand in front of her mouth.
‘That’s so weird,’ she chuckles. ‘I can’t even do the roll thing with my tongue.’ She sticks out her tongue, almost looking crossed eyed as she tries to roll her tongue. A laugh leaves his lips. He likes it when she’s goofy with him, it shows him that she trusts him. ‘My unique talent is that I can hit a whistle tone.’ Knowing that he wants to hear it, she clears her throat, does some vocal exercises and goes from a pretty high note, all the way to a whistle tone.
‘Damn,’ he mutters out. ‘So I take it that you can sing too.’
She shrugs. ‘Hardly.’
‘Sing something for me,’ he says with a smile.
‘That wasn’t a question on the get to know me-cards.’ She takes the first one out of his hands and says: ‘Next one.’
He’ll get her to sing.
‘Next question,’ he says, getting another card of the deck. ‘Sing the first song that comes to mind.’ Henry can’t help but laugh, throwing his head back against the wall.
‘It does not say that,’ Adelaide says, snatching the card out of his hands. She frowns as she reads the question and she pouts as she realizes it does say exactly that. ‘This is just mean.’
‘I’ll go first,’ he says. The first song that comes to mind, after totally blanking for five whole seconds is the most ridiculous song he has ever thought of in his entire life and that is all thanks to his mom who played this non stop when he and his brothers were growing up.
Waterloo, I was defeated, you won the war
Waterloo, promise to love you for ever more
Henry doesn’t get further than two sentences, because he bursts out in laughter when he catches Adelaide’s eye, who is trying her hardest to not laugh at him. He never heard his voice this squeaky and shaky and hides his face in his hand. ‘I’m so sorry you had to listen to that.’
‘Why are you singing Waterloo by Abba? How is that the first song that comes to mind?’
‘It’s all my mothers fault. She used to listen to that song all the time.’
She simply cocks an eyebrow.
‘I blanked, okay and this was the first I could think of. You sing something now.’
Adelaide looks like she is trying to think of all different types of excuses, but knows deep down that she can’t get out of this.
You’re the only one that saves me when I’m alone
You’re the only love that I’ve ever known
But we turned into a flower that never grows
I was hiding like the moonlight that never shows
I should’ve told you that I loved you
One more time, one more time, one more time
She wasn’t looking at him when she sang, but after she said the last “one more time”, their eyes meet and her voice slowly fades out. She had a lovely tone, a warm, nearly hoarse singing voice.
He really does not want her to stop, but he can’t force Adelaide to sing more. The fact that she sang six beautiful sentences to him already, is something he should cherish. ‘Wow,’ he admits. ‘You have a beautiful voice.’
Adelaide doesn’t take the compliment. She simply gestures for the next question. He wants to overload her with compliments, about how she should record an album and he would buy it in a heartbeat, but he decides to listen to her and grab a new question.
‘What celebrity would you most want to sit next to on an airplane?’ he asks.
She smiles. ‘Easy: you.’
‘Me?’ Henry asks, placing his hand on his chest. ‘Why me?’
Adelaide simply shrugs, as a blush appears on her cheeks. ‘I like you.’
She likes him? The smile on his face, is inevitable.
‘But you can pick any celebrity you want,’ he says, ‘and you already know me.’
‘I know,’ she tells him, ‘but I’m not really looking to get to know someone new. I’d rather learn more about people that I already know.’
That is adorable, especially since it’s in the combination with her cheeks turning slightly pink.
‘Who would you like to sit next to on an airplane?’ she asks him.
‘You, of course. We could play some of these cards. You could maybe sing for me.’
‘Shut up,’ she chuckles.
He grins, probably like an idiot and the hidden camera’s here most likely pick up on it. ‘What’s a weird family tradition you have?’
‘Can we skip that one?’ she asks in tiny font. ‘Please?’
He actually doesn’t want to, but he simply nods, taking a sip of his wine. ‘If you joined the circus, what would your act be? I’d be a lion tamer for sure,’ he chuckles. ‘I’d love that.’
‘I could see that happen,’ she says. ‘Especially in a nice costume they always wear. I want to be one of those flexible people.’
‘A contortionist?’ he asks. ‘Why?’
‘That’s fun. Here, see this.’ She straightens her arm in front of her, holding her hand as if she’s telling you non verbally to stop. She turns her hand ninety degrees to the side, another ninety, another ninety, before she actually turned her hand a full 360 degrees.
‘No, no, no,’ he says, as he sees her hand totally twist back to normal. He takes her wrist in his hand, checking her elbow and her shoulder, to see if it’s all okay. ‘That can’t be normal.’
‘Little trick I taught myself back in the day and if you keep it up, you can still do it when you’re older.’ She nods, emphasizing that that it’s true.
‘I believe you.’ He grabs the next question card. ‘Think of a warning label for the other person.’
‘Yours would say…’ Adelaide purses her lips and says: ‘Something about: beware of the charms, because you are by far the most charming man I’ve ever met.’
Henry shouldn’t be blushing, but on the other hand: this is the nicest compliment he has gotten in years. The host of that stupid trivia game kept calling him ‘Handsome Henry with a Brain’ and it annoyed the shit out of him. Being called charming, especially by someone like Adelaide, is something he never knew he wanted this much. ‘That’s sweet, Addy. Yours would be: will kill you with her adorableness.’
She hides her face in her hands, but he is thankful that she does that, since it gives him a moment to hide his own blush.
He finds out a lot about her. She’d rather have teeth as hair, then hair as her teeth (something that he completely agrees with). If she could talk to an animal, she’d talk to a koala because they are so cute, while he would want to talk to Kal. She can’t reach her nose with her tongue, while he on the other hand can.
But he also discovers that she really must have a low tolerance when it comes to alcohol, because after just finishing her glass, she is becoming more and more tired and he watches her drifting off to sleep. He slowly lifts up her legs, so he can stand up. Her neck is craned in a weird position, and he doesn’t want her to feel that in the morning. He lifts her up and carries her to bed. When he placed her on the mattress, she immediately turns around to hug the pillows.
Henry checks the locks and turns off the lights, before he steps into the bed as well. When the room goes completely dark, he hears the soft breathing of Adelaide and he feels her fingers against his arm. He looks to the side, only to see that she is still asleep.
He smiles, before closing his eyes to fall asleep.
◎ ◎ ◎
The next morning Henry wakes up because Adelaide nudges him awake. She is all dressed  up and ready for the day. He stares at her in a lovely white dress, her short light brown hair dancing around her face. The smile on her face is infectious, because he feels one appear on his own face. ‘Good morning,’ she says. ‘I made you breakfast.’
‘You did?’ Henry sits up straight, rubs his face and says: ‘I usually make you breakfast.’
Adelaide nods. ‘I know, but I wanted to do something for you. You know… In return.’ She tells him to hurry and she nearly skips out of the room. He quickly puts on some sweatpants and socks, checking his phone in the process.
Richard: You are definitely doing everything you can to win, now do you?
Why is his agent messaging him? He barely messages him.
Henry: What do you mean?
Richard: I mean, I know you. We’ve been working together for years now. You don’t actually like her now, do you?
Henry: Well, I enjoy her company. I mean, it’s best for me to make most out of it, right?
Richard: That’s not an answer to my question. You like her?
Henry: I like being around her, yes.
Richard: Don’t go catching feelings for her now, Cavill. When you lose, who are you going to blame then?
Henry stares at his phone. Shouldn’t he catch feelings for her? Is that even what he is doing? He meant what he told his agent: he enjoys her company and likes being around her.
But he also likes her. A lot.
He quickly walks downstairs and when he is in the living room, he discovers that Adelaide knows exactly about his preferences. She made orange juice and four sandwiches for him, while she only made two for herself. He also spots some boiled eggs in the middle, some watermelon and even tofu.
‘Wow,’ he says, impressed by the amount of food and how well she actually knows him. This isn’t helping for the not catching feelings, if he even wanted to do that. ‘Really?’
He takes a seat, just like her and takes a sip of the orange juice. It’s weird, but everything always tastes better when it’s made by someone else. They eat, Henry in his own tempo, while she goes in a much slower pace, as usual.
They have established a certain routine already, a morning routine, a night routine—it’s all so domestic and it isn’t even awkward or forced.
‘I read the next challenge and we’re going on a…’ Her voice drifts off and he sees her frown, as she is moving her lips, syllable for syllable. ‘Sca-ven-ger hunt.’
Henry smiles, proud of how quickly she does it. It usually takes a bit more time. ‘That sounds like fun.’
‘Probably with a twist again,’ she says, taking a bite of tofu.
He can’t help but be amused with how she eats, almost like a hamster. She pouts her lips as she chews, staring into the space. He wonders why she eats so slowly, why she doesn’t even talk his ear off?
Was he disappointed yesterday that she did’t answer that question about a weird family tradition? Sure, but he told her himself that if she doesn’t want to answer anything, she doesn’t need to. And she felt safe enough to tell him her boundaries.
After they ate, he reads the card and he quickly gets ready for real this time. When he comes back, he sees her sitting on the couch, her posture amazing as always. He grabs the keys and he sees she actually has a brown paper bag filled with goods as she stands up.
For a few moments Henry thinks that they are just going on a trip together, no camera’s, just them. He can see it happen: going to the beach, with the snacks Adelaide packed and just enjoying the sun.
But when he opens the car door for her and sees not only the carseat and the camera’s, he realizes again he is on the Celebrity Project.
◎ ◎ ◎
They have to drive for at least an hour and it’s actually Adelaide that turns on the radio. They hear One Direction’s Best Song Ever and Henry doesn’t want to admit that he knows this song by heart and that it’s his favorite song by the former band.
He doesn’t want to sing it, but then he hears Adelaide’s beautiful voice sing: ‘Maybe it’s the way she walked.’
He can’t help but to growl out: ‘Wow!’
She opens her mouth to sing the second line, but the ‘wow’ stops her and she looks to the side. ‘Oh my, is Henry Cavill a Directioner?’
‘Please don’t call it that,’ he says, a blush appearing on his cheeks. Great, if they put this in the next episode (and they will, Henry knows for sure), the whole world will know that Henry Cavill is a Directioner.
‘This is cute,’ Adelaide laughs. ‘Tell me, who was your favorite.’
Knowing he can’t get out of this, he mumbles: ‘Harry.’
‘Niall Horan,’ she says. She places her hand on his forearm for a brief moment. ‘No need to blush, Henry. It’s quite cute.’
Adelaide continues to sing and Henry decides to just sing along, not caring anymore about his singing voice. They even sing a few ABBA songs and the song she actually sang yesterday, “I should’ve told you’’ by Fiji Blue. He had never heard of it, but he concludes that her voice is beyond beautiful and fits this type of song perfectly.
‘Our voices go well together,’ she admits, after their duet of ‘Beauty and the Beast’, the official version of Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson. ‘When you’re not singing ABBA songs, you have a nice voice.’
He pinches her in her side, causing her to squeal. ‘Careful now, Addy,’ he chuckles. ‘Otherwise I have to push you off your carseat.’
‘Mean,’ she says, rolling her eyes. ‘Maybe after this, you could participate in those shows where celebrities who aren’t singers, go on and sing songs for charity as well.’
‘Only if you are my partner,’ he says. ‘I don’t want to go alone.’
Adelaide frowns, before she nods. ‘We do work good together, don’t we?’
‘We do,’ he says.
She stares at him for a few seconds, he can see it out of the corners of his eyes. ‘Can we stop for a minute?’ she asks, pointing to a gas station. ‘I have to pee.’
He gets off the lane, parks the car and together they walk inside. A crew follows them, after they parked the car that drove behind them the entire time. Adelaide rushes to the bathroom and he goes on and buys some bottles of water and an iced coffee. The man behind the counter is pretty nice and they talk a bit about the show, but when Adelaide walks out of the bathroom, shaking her hands dry, the man completely ignores Henry. ‘Miss Adelaide Park?’ The man gets away from behind the counter, brings some paper towels for Adelaide and hands them to her. ‘I’m big fan.’
‘Oh,’ she says with a smile, drying her hands. ‘That’s sweet.’
‘I loved all your movies, but ‘Remembering High School.’ He kisses his fingers. ‘Amazing. I watch over and over.’
Henry leans against the counter and he can’t help but smile.
‘Really? What is your… favorite episode?’
‘Where you graduate. Very sweet, very beautiful and emotional. Me and girlfriend cry a lot about it.’
He wants to take a picture with Adelaide and Henry offers to take it for them. Adelaide actually stands on her tippy toes, to look a bit taller. The man is very happy to have met Adelaide and she even records a little video for the man’s girlfriend, something that Henry never thought of doing.
He did see some fan videos on YouTube of Adelaide with fans and it always warmed his heart. The way she takes her time.
Adelaide manages to tear herself away from the man and the two of them get back in the car. ‘Did he even notice that you were Superman?’ she asks.
He shakes his head. ‘I mean, I’m pretty famous, but nowhere near as famous as you are.’
‘That’s not true,’ she says, as he drives off.
For a few seconds, he places his hand on her thigh. ‘It is, Addy and you can admit it. No need to be humble about that.’
◎ ◎ ◎
Their first challenge contains eating certain cuisines from all over the world and in order to win, both of them have to take a bite of every dish. Every person has one pass, but if they don’t use it, they get even extra points.
Henry rubs his hands together, because he likes to broaden his horizon when it comes to food and this seems like an easy challenge to win. He isn’t afraid of trying out new things and he wonders what Adelaide is like with different types of cuisines.
Adelaide takes off the silver cover off the food. Instead of water running out of his mouth in anticipation, Henry nearly gags when his eyes fall on the first dish. ‘What on earth is that?’ he asks, placing his hand over his mouth.
Adelaide grabs the card and without looking away from the dish, she hands him the piece of paper says: ‘I think it’s on here. It looks like a spider.’
Henry clears his throat, before he reads the card. ‘It’s a fried tarantula and it originated from Colombia. It’s crispy on the outside, and gooey on the inside.’
Adelaide grabs one by its paw and holds it front of her, inspecting the snack.
‘They also say it tastes a bit like chicken,’ he continues. ‘Can I use my pass already? Because this is— Oh fuck, Adelaide, what are you doing?’
Full of disgust he stares at the petite woman in front of him, who actually took a bite of the most unappetizing looking snack ever. Did she actually just do that or is he hallucinating? He sure hopes it’s the latter.
However she looks up and says: ‘It does taste like chicken. You want to have a bite? It’s really not that bad.’
‘Did you actually just eat that?’ he asks, just in case he was hallucinating.
‘Yes.’ She frowns, staring at him with the biggest: are you fucking blind-face he has ever encountered in his entire life. ‘Come on, don’t be a big fat baby.’ She holds the disgusting looking fried tarantula in front of his mouth. ‘Henry, take a bite.’
‘Is it really not that bad?’ he says, as he feels vomit come up. He can’t seem to do it, because it’s… so disgusting.
‘It’s actually pretty good.’
With a scrunched up face, he opens his mouth, closes it again when he thinks about it for a while and shakes his head. ‘I can’t do it. This is disgusting.’
‘You already want to use your pass? What if the next thing is even more disgusting?��� She frowns. ‘I thought you wanted to win, Henry. Do you give up already?’
That is true. He wants to win and he keeps thinking about her holding him back, but now it’s the other way around. He holds her wrist and brings the disgusting looking snack to his mouth. Only Adelaide scares him by moving the tarantula in front of his mouth. Henry lets out a scream that is much higher than expected and he nearly tumbles backwards. She folds over as she laughs out loud. ‘You should’ve seen your face and what was that scream? You sounded like al little girl.’
‘That is really mean,’ he says, his heart pounding painfully in his throat. He watches as Adelaide places the thing on the tray again and wipes away the tears in her eyes. ‘I can’t believe you did that.’
‘I’m so sorry,’ she laughs, but she doesn’t mean it at all. ‘But I saw my moment and took it. You can’t blame me.’
He chuckles softly, because it was pretty funny and he would’ve done it the exact same thing. It takes him a few seconds, but he quickly takes a bite and chews on it, trying not to taste it.
But Adelaide was right: it does taste like chicken.
The next thing, makes her clap her hands. ‘Beondegi,’ she says with a chuckle.
‘You know this dish?’ he asks, looking at the most disgusting pile of silkworms on the plate.
‘My mom made this once.’ Her expressions falters a bit, but before he can comment on that, she says: ‘It’s not that bad, but not great either. It reminded her of home, so that’s why we ate it.’ She grabs a tiny skewer and sticks one on it, before she eats it.
‘You know no fear, now do you?’ he says, a smile appearing on his face, because he is in fact proud of her. ‘How are you such a dare devil?’
‘I can eat everything,’ Adelaide says, simply shrugging. ‘Come on, eat it.’ She sticks another one on the skewer and holds it near his lips. ‘I won’t scare you this time, I promise you.’
He takes a step closer to her and quickly eats it. Oh shit, it has no taste, but the texture makes him shiver. Henry actually doesn’t want to continue this, but she is right: he wants to win and besides, if she can eat it without blinking her eyes twice, so should he, right?
They continue to eat other disgusting things. Adelaide fed him grasshoppers that didn’t taste that bad, except for the surprising juice that came out of it. The frog legs were disgusting and they even ate some crocodile and whale. It is surprising that Adelaide continued to persuade him into eating all those disgusting things, but he has to really. She eats it without hesitation and since he doesn’t want to look like a wimp, he eats it too.
However, he does feel like he needs to throw up any second now.
They are at the last tray and Adelaide steps back when she lifts up the cover. ‘No, I’m not eating that,’ she says.
He stares at the very unappetizing snack on the tray, before he starts to laugh. ‘That’s escargot, Addy.’
‘I know that, but I’m not eating that.’
‘You ate all of that,’—he gestures at the rest of the table—‘but this you won’t eat? What is wrong with you?’
She gives him a push that brings herself out of balance and he has to catch her arms before she tumbles over. ‘Well, this is really disgusting. I mean— Henry, stop laughing.’
‘I can’t help it! You are being ridiculous.’
She grabs the tray and holds it in front of him. ‘Well, eat it first then.’
Adelaide Park, the sweet woman he has come to adore—oh no, is he falling for her?—is actually testing him right now? Is he seeing that correctly?
Henry doesn’t actually want to. ‘How about we use our pass?’
‘If you eat it,’ Adelaide says, ‘I’ll eat it too. Promise.’
He takes something off the plate and barely chews on it, before he eats it. ‘Disgusting,’ he gags.
‘You are a big baby,’ she chuckles, before she takes one off the plate and she eats it without a hitch, though she scrunches up her nose. ‘Strange texture.’
‘I can’t believe you,’ he chuckles. ‘You know no fear.’
◎ ◎ ◎
Their next challenge is not one, not two, but three dance classes. The first class is a kids dance class. henry has no idea what kind of song this is, but he feels it’s in the baby shark category. The young Italian kids continue to look over their shoulders, to stare at him, before looking over at Adelaide, who must be less intimidating to them.
After the most tiring hour of his life, Henry becomes the laughingstock of the training, because the little kids insist on him and Adelaide performing the dance. However Adelaide starts to laugh, causing the kids to burst into a fit of giggles, especially when she falls on the floor because of how hard she is laughing at his not so great performance.
After that, they have to attend a line dance class and somehow Henry is a whole lot better in that, than Adelaide is. He holds out his hand for her to take and hoists her right back up when she trips. He never would’ve thought that this was something that he would enjoy, but seeing the alternations between Adelaide’s frown and her infectious laugh, he has to admit that this is nice. The people who are teaching them the dance are friendly and someone even lends out his cowboy hat for Adelaide to wear, completing the look.
With a water bottle in their hands, they walk through the corridors to the next and thankfully final dancing class. ‘This is intense,’ Adelaide comments. ‘But you looked like quite the cowboy, mister Cavill.’
He can’t help but laugh. ‘And you fit right in with the kids. About the same height.’
She slaps his stomach and he chuckles. ‘What do you think is next?’ she asks.
‘I have no idea. Maybe tap?’
She bursts out in laughter. ‘I would pay money to see you tap dance.’
However it’s not tap dancing they are going to do (thankfully), but salsa dancing. The age ratio in this room is probably sixty plus, but these people know exactly how to move. One woman spots them and quickly stops the music. ‘Oh! Superman!’ she exclaims, but when she walks over to them, her eyes fall on Adelaide. ‘Oh my, Adelaide Park. Beautiful woman! So talented. You here for dance class?’
Adelaide nods.
The woman pulls Adelaide into a tight hug. ‘We watched your movies,’ she tells Adelaide, holding her upper arms. ‘You are fenomenale!’
Henry watches his partner starting to blush. ‘She is,’ he agrees.
‘My name is Elena.’ She ushers a man over and introduces him as her husband Gianluca. ‘I really look forward to teach you the basics.’
Elena helps him with the basics, while Gianluca is helping out Adelaide. He constantly hears Adelaide apologize for yet again stepping on the older man’s feet, but he doesn’t seem to care.
Salsa is a lot harder than he thought it would be, but Elena is an excellent teacher, who, with her sternness, teaches him exactly what to do. He continues to hear that he apparently has very stiff hips, while he genuinely thought he wasn’t that bad.
‘You know, how you do boom-boom?’ Elena says.
Boom-boom? ‘What?’
The entire room looks over to them and he notices Adelaide trying to hide a smile. Did Elena really have to yell that word out loud? ‘I do know my way around,’ he says, his throat tightening out of discomfort.
‘No hips forward and backwards, but do same thing, same power, but sideways.’
He doesn’t quite understand, but when Elena places her hands on his hips, forcing him to “sway” his hips sideways, he feels pretty uncomfortable, but when he looks over at Adelaide, those discomforts all seem to go away, when he notices her still watching and still smiling.
‘You finally get it,’ Elena says. ‘Gianluca! How did Adelaide do?’
‘Very good. Very talented.’
‘Superman,’ the older woman says, ‘you and Adelaide show us how you can do this.’
Henry’s heart starts to pound painfully fast and he figures the entire room can either see or hear it. Elena pats him on the back, as she tells him to stand in the middle of the dance room. Gianluca escorts Adelaide towards the middle. ‘Nervous?’ Elena asks him.
‘What? No, no, no,’ Henry quickly says, though it’s a lie. He is really nervous.
‘Pretty woman,’ Gianluca says. ‘Intimidating for you. I understand.’
Adelaide looks away, but he notices the smile on her face. She is amused. He holds out his hand after he wiped it dry on his jeans and she places her in his. He pulls her body closer to his, as he places his hand on her back. Her other hand she places on his bicep, as her eyes meet his.
‘Don’t just look,’ Elena says. ‘Dance!’
Dancing with her was easy and out of the corners of his eye he noticed that Adelaide had no problem dancing with Elena’s husband. She was actually a pretty good dancer from what he saw.
Just what he did with the older woman, he does that with Adelaide, but he feels the swaying of her hips underneath the palm of his hand. Henry swallows hard as he leans forward, to place his forehead against hers, her hot breath against his lips.
The older people that were all around them, dancing and laughing at them before, are now all clapping on the beat of the music, but Henry only has eyes for Adelaide Park. He feels her nails in his bicep and he has to swallow, since his throat became real dry all of the sudden.
‘Is this okay?’ he whispers, just in case, because he really doesn’t want to make her uncomfortable.
‘This is okay,’ she chuckles. ‘You’re a good dancer, Henry.’
Henry feels her body closely against his. Feeling her forehead against his, her lips so close to his… He wonders about her dating history. Her kiss on ‘Remembering High School was her first and after that she lived in the spotlights and she never dated. Well, she never publicly dated and not because she is undateable (she is a whole catch, if Henry is being completely honest), but he thinks that she has been single since the moment she came into the spotlight. Who does that many movies a year and has time to date?
However, when he thinks about it, she is becoming more and more touchy. And not in a weird, sexual harassment sort of way. More in a way as if she is looking for comfort. She slides her feet under his thigh, doesn’t pull back her legs when he places her ankles on his lap and during the night, her fingers keep grazing over his skin.
And now, her hand holds onto his tightly and he notices her fingertips disappear underneath the hem of his sleeve.
The music stops, but he does not let go. He can’t even let go. There are so many things that he want to do. Pull her even closer to his body if that’s possible, to push that strand of hair out of her face and let his thumb graze over the apple of her cheek.
Don’t go catching feelings for her now. When you lose, who are you going to blame then?
Henry clears his throat, hoping to get the words of his agent out of his head, but Adelaide must have interpreted differently, because she lets go of him, smiling quickly at him, before turning around and giving Elena a hug.
◎ ◎ ◎
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102 notes · View notes
longitudinalwaveme · 3 years
Cold As Ice
The Flash Captain Cold stars in: Cold As Ice
Dramatis Personae
Captain Cold, the pragmatic, constantly grumpy leader of the Rogues, alias Leonard Snart
Pied Piper, a Robin Hood-esque thief, alias Hartley Rathaway
Heat Wave, the dimwitted but surprisingly friendly pyromaniac, alias Mick Rory
Iris Allen, the daredevil reporter who is also the wife of Barry Allen
Mirror Master II, an extremely odd, extremely Scottish criminal, alias Evan McCulloch
Act I
(Captain Cold is onstage. Enter Heat Wave)
Heat Wave: Captain Cold! It’s so good to see ya! (Hugs Cold)  
Captain Cold: Two words, Mick: Personal. Space.
Heat Wave: Oh. Sorry, boss. I just got excited. (Releases Cold)  It’s been so long since I’ve seen you. Are you okay, buddy? Where’ve you been?
Captain Cold: Mainly, the prison infirmary. Got double pneumonia, and somethin’ called septic shock along with it, so I was in there for like a month. And then my ulcer started actin’ up again, so I was there for even longer. And THEN I had appendicitis on top of everything else. So, long story short, I was stuck in there until last week, and I only escaped two days ago.
Heat Wave: Oh, so THAT’s why I couldn’t find you!
Captain Cold: Yeah, that would probably be why. (Pause) What happened while I was out? I spent most of my time in the infirmary coughing, vomiting, or unconscious, so I wasn’t able to keep track of nothing.
Heat Wave: Well, the Trickster’s back in town, Captain Boomerang’s broken leg is healed, and your sister and the Top are in Hawaii for the fifth anniversary of their first date.
Captain Cold: WHAT? Heat Wave: Don’t worry, boss. I’m sure they’ll be back soon.
Captain Cold: That’s not what I’m worried about.
Heat Wave: Then what are you worried about? It’s not like they’re chasing tornadoes or anything.
Captain Cold: I’m worried about what that stuck-up snob might do to my baby sister when I’m not there to protect her. He thinks people like us are trash, and it would be just like him to decide that she’s not worthy of his affections and dump her. I don’t want her to get hurt like that.
(Enter Pied Piper)
Heat Wave: Boss, the Top wouldn’t do that. He’s our friend.
Captain Cold: No, he ain’t. He’s an arrogant creep who thinks he’s better than us.
Heat Wave: If you say so, boss. (Notices Piper) Boss, look who’s here! It’s the Pied Piper! I’ve been trying to find him for weeks! (To Piper) Hiya, little buddy!
Pied Piper: (Slightly surprised) Hello, Mick. It’s a pleasure to see you.
Heat Wave: How are you? Pied Piper: Homeless. Again. You see, I was going to get a nice little cottage in the suburbs somewhere, but then I ran into a very pregnant woman whose husband had just lost his job, so I had to give her some money, and then I met a poor little boy who really wanted a football, so I bought it for him, and then I stumbled upon a youth center that was about to close for lack of funds, so I gave them some money, and then I met a really nice old lady who needed an operation that she couldn’t afford, so I gave her some money, and then I heard about a flood in India, and so I had to donate some money to that cause, and then I met a family with a little girl who needed a wheelchair, so I gave her some money, and then I was broke, so I couldn’t buy the cottage.
Heat Wave: I can give you some money, little buddy.
Captain Cold: Don’t bother. He’ll just give that away, too. (To Piper) Kid, how many times do we have to go over this? You ain’t rich no more. If you don’t wanna be homeless, you have to keep some of the money you steal for  yourself.
Pied Piper: I can’t do that! I spent the first twenty years of my life in palatial luxury. If I’m going without now, it’s only fair. My family has utterly ignored the plight of the poor in this city, and if I have to be homeless to make things right, so be it!
Captain Cold: You’re crazy. (Pause) When was the last time you ate, kid? You’re so thin I can see your ribs!
Pied Piper: Um ...three days ago? I think?
Captain Cold: Three days ago? Are you tryin’ to kill yourself? You ain’t used to bein’ cold and hungry. If you keep this up, one of these days the Flash is gonna be arresting your corpse!
Heat Wave: The boss is right, little buddy. It ain’t healthy to starve yourself to help people.
Pied Piper: I wasn’t planning to not eat for three days. It just happened.
Captain Cold: Then plan better, you idiot!
Heat Wave: (pulls out granola bar) Here, little buddy.
Pied Piper: Thank you, Mick. (Takes bar, eats ravenously) Do you have more? Heat Wave: No...but I can take you to lunch with me.
Pied Piper: That would be nice….
Heat Wave: Okay! Then let’s go eat! I’ve found a really great new barbeque chicken place!
Captain Cold: And by really great, you mean “full of chicken so spicy that no normal person can eat it”.
Heat Wave: Oh, yeah. I didn’t think about that. (Pause) Okay, how about we go to Steak ‘n’ Shake? I love their sandwiches.  
Captain Cold: After three months of eating the stuff they give you in the infirmary? That’d be good. They have some great milkshakes.
Pied Piper: Right now, I’m so hungry that I could probably eat dog food. I’m happy with anything that won’t make my mouth catch on fire.
Heat Wave: Okay, then let’s go! I can’t wait to talk with you guys and catch you up on what you’ve missed while you were gone!
Act II
(Iris is onstage)
Iris: I’ll say this for being a superhero’s wife-it gets you the best stories! Unless I miss my guess, the information Animal Man gave me will get me on the front page. Why, this is the biggest government cover-up since Watergate! Just wait until Barry hears about this! He’ll be so proud! Maybe it’ll even cheer him up a bit. (Pause) Poor Barry. He just hasn’t been the same since Abra Kadabra stole his super speed. I hope Wally’s mission to get it back is successful, because he feels so bad about not being able to help people as the Flash. (Pause) Oh, well. Worrying about it won’t help, so I’ll just go back to my investigation. Watch out, bad guys-Iris Allen is on your case!
(Enter Evan McCulloch, the second Mirror Master)
Evan McCulloch: Howzitgoan, Mrs. Allen?
Iris: (Spins around) Who are you? And how did you get in here?
Evan McCulloch: My name is Evan; Evan McCulloch. As for your second question: well, I’ll give you a wee hint: it’s all done with mirrors.
Iris: With mirrors? (Pause) You’re a Mirror Master, aren’t you?
Evan McCulloch: Mirror Master? That’s a well good name, but up until now it wasnae mine.
Iris: But you can use mirrors as weapons or for transportation?
Evan McCulloch: Aye. Wasnae aware doing that came with a title.
Iris: My husband’s a superhero, and he fights a criminal named Sam Scudder, who calls himself the Mirror Master. By all appearances, you’re using his tech, but the only people who have access to any of it-besides Scudder himself, unfortunately-work for the government.
Evan McCulloch: Aye. How do ye think I got ahold of it?
Iris: You work for the government?
Evan McCulloch: Officially, nae. They’ve made it well clear that if I get lifted, they’ll deny that they had anything tae do with me.
Iris: So you’re working for the government.
Evan McCulloch: They’re paying me, aye. Ye see, in Glasgow, I had a reputation for making people's ...problems… disappear, and apparently your government decided that I’d be useful in making their problems disappear.
Iris: And I’m a problem? Evan McCulloch: Aye. Certain members of your government will be in big trouble if ye reveal what they’ve been up tae, so they told me to make sure that ye cannae tell anyone about what ye’ve found.
Iris: My husband and nephew are superheroes. If anything happens to me, you’ll answer for it.
Evan McCulloch: Calmy doony. I’m nae here tae kill ye. I’m nae saint, but I’m nae going to kill a woman, especially nae tae keep a secret that will come out anyway.
Iris: Then why are you here?
Evan McCulloch: Tae warn ye. I’m nae the only dangerous man on their payroll. They need ye silenced, so when I refused to kill ye, they sent another man.
Iris : Forgive me if I’m less than convinced that your intentions are benevolent.  
Evan McCulloch: Nae danger. But I’d still advise ye tae come with me.
Iris: I’m licensed to carry a gun. I think that I can handle myself now that I’m forewarned.
Evan McCulloch: Not against the man they’re sending. I’m nae the only one they gave well dangerous technology, ye ken?
Iris: Is that so? Then I think I’ll borrow this! (Grabs mirror and disappears)
Evan McCulloch: Jings! She’s clever, isnae she? (Shakes head) I’d better follow her. She’s brave, but she does nae ken what’s after her.
(Exit Evan)
(Pied Piper, Heat Wave, and Captain Cold are onstage)
Heat Wave: Are you feeling better, little buddy?
Pied Piper: Yes, and thank you.
Heat Wave: You’re welcome. (Pause) By the way, do you know when Golden Glider and the Top are coming back from their vacation?
Pied Piper: Wait. You didn’t hear?
Heat Wave: Hear what?
Pied Piper: The Top and Golden Glider never went on vacation. They’ve been in Central City the whole time. James even told me that he, Sam, and Mark did a heist with the Top.
Heat Wave: They’re still in Central City?
Pied Piper: It seems that way, yes.
Captain Cold: Then where’s my sister?
Pied Piper: That’s the thing: no one knows. James said that he never saw her-although he does think that the Top knows where she is.
Captain Cold: If he’s hurt her, I’ll kill him!
Pied Piper: Captain Cold, the Top worships your sister. He would never hurt her.
Captain Cold: Then where is she, and why isn’t she with him?
Heat Wave: You know, boss, just because your sister’s not in our immediate line of sight doesn’t mean that she’s in trouble. She can take care of herself. After all, up until a few years ago, we only saw her a few times a year.
Captain Cold: She wasn’t dating the Top or a member of the Rogues until a few years ago either.
Heat Wave: So, uh, why don’t you just call her if you’re that worried about her, boss?
Captain Cold: Don’t be stupid, Mick. (Long pause) Hey, I’ve got it! I can just call Lisa and make sure she’s okay!
Heat Wave: You’re so smart, boss.
Pied Piper: Wait...didn’t you just say that Mick was being stupid for suggesting that idea?
Captain Cold: We’ll talk about it later. (Pulls out phone, dials number. Pause) Lisa! Hi! It’s so good to hear from you! (Pause) I was in the prison infirmary. I had double pneumonia, septic shock, and appendicitis. Oh, and my ulcer acted up some, too. What have you been doing? (Pause) You’re doing what? Why? (Pause) He’s sick, too? What are the odds? Do you know what his problem is? Mmm-hmm. Uh-huh. Yes, I’m sure you’ll get whatever it is he needs to get better. (Pause) No, I don’t want him dead. I hate his guts, but for some mysterious reason he makes you happy, so I want him to stay alive. (Pause) Have you been feeling all right? Has anyone tried to hurt you? No? Good. (Pause) Are you sure ? (Pause) Okay, okay, I’ll stop asking. Good luck, little sis. I love you. Good-bye. (Puts phone away) My little sister’s a genius.
Heat Wave: Where’s she been?
Captain Cold: Apparently, her snob of a boyfriend is dying, and the only cure is at CCPD headquarters, so she’s posing as a police scientist named Patty Spivot in order to steal it. She’s even befriended Barry Allen! I’m so proud of her.
Heat Wave: Aww, that’s adorable! I always knew that little Lisa was one smart cookie.
(Iris appears in the background, then disappears again)
Pied Piper: So, um, now that we’ve finished eating, are we going to do something, or are we just going to go our separate ways?
Captain Cold: I’m not going to lead a heist today, if that’s what you’re asking. I’m still too far behind on recent events right now.
(Enter Evan McCulloch)
Evan McCulloch: Have any of ye seen a bonny woman with red hair around here?
Captain Cold: Who are you? And where did you come from?
Evan McCulloch: I dinnae have time for that right now! I need tae make sure that a hitman does nae kill a woman named Iris Allen!
Pied Piper: Iris Allen? The wife of the Flash?
Evan McCulloch: Aye, that’s the one.
Captain Cold: AGGH! (Collapses)
Heat Wave: Boss, what’s wrong?
Captain Cold: I ...I think it’s my ulcer. My stomach is-ARGH!-killing me!
Heat Wave: Bros befores wives of heroes, random guy! I’ve gotta get my boss to the hospital, so we can’t help you save Iris. Sorry. I’ll buy you dinner later to make up for it if you want.
Captain Cold: I’m-UGH!-fine, Heat Wave!
Heat Wave: No, you’re not, boss. You just collapsed, and you’re obviously in pain. We are going to the hospital.
Pied Piper: Can you get him to the hospital without me?
Heat Wave: Yeah. Why?
Pied Piper: Because Iris Allen is an amazing woman who definitely deserves my help.
Heat Wave: I guess I can get Captain Cold to the hospital on my own. So yeah, if you wanna go help the Flash’s wife, I guess you can.
Pied Piper: Great. (To Evan) I’ll help you.
Evan McCulloch: Ah’m glad for your help, wee man in green. Now brace yourself. Traveling through Wonderland is well tricky at first.
Pied Piper: What’s Wonderla-AAAH!
(Evan McCulloch and Pied Piper disappear)
Heat Wave: (Pulls out phone and dials) Hello? Operator? My friend needs an ambulance…
Act IV
(Enter Pied Piper and Evan McCulloch)
Pied Piper: Could you give me a little warning the next time you pull me through the Mirror Realm?
Evan McCulloch: The Mirror Realm? Is that what ye call Wonderland?
Pied Piper: No, it’s what the Mirror Master calls “Wonderland”. How did you get ahold of his  technology, anyway? And who are you?
Evan McCulloch: Evan. Evan McCulloch. I was given the tech by members of the US Government who are buried so deep in a scandal they’ll do anything tae keep it covered. They hired me tae kill Iris Allen, but I refused, so I dinnae think they’re still paying me. In fact, if I’m nae careful, they might try tae off me tae cover all their loose ends. Who are ye?
Pied Piper: I’m the Pied Piper, one of the Rogues. The other two men you saw with me are Heat Wave, another member of the group, and Captain Cold, our leader.
Evan McCulloch: Rogues?
Pied Piper: Yes. We’re a group of thieves who work together to fight the Flash.
Evan McCulloch: What sort of thieves are so concerned about each others’ health that they’ll call ambulances for each other?
Pied Piper: I don’t know. What sort of hired gun refuses to kill a target and then goes out of his way to warn her about the planned assassination?
Evan McCulloch: Point taken, laddie. I’d like tae be in a group like that. I have nae been able tae trust anyone since I left Mrs. McCulloch, and it’d be nice tae not have tae watch my back all the time, ye ken?
Pied Piper: You abandoned your wife?
Evan McCulloch: I dinnae have a wife. Mrs. McCulloch ran the orphanage where I grew up. She’s the closest thing I have tae a mother.
Pied Piper: My apologies.
Evan McCulloch: Nae danger. Ye didn’t ken.
Pied Piper: Well, if you really want to join the Rogues, you’ll probably have to ask Captain Cold. He’s the one who makes the final decisions about who becomes a member of the group. (Pause) Oh, and you’ll also have to come up with a supervillain name.
Evan McCulloch: Oh, I’ve already got one. I can be the Mirror Master.
Pied Piper: I don’t think Sam will like that. It’s bad enough that you’re using his gear. I don’t think he’d take very kindly to you taking his name, too.
Evan McCulloch: Then I’ll call myself Mirror Master II.
Pied Piper: That would probably just make him angrier.
Evan McCulloch: Well, if he makes a fuss aboot it, I’ll just punch him.
Pied Piper: (Aside) If nothing else, he’ll fit in well. (To Evan) Why don’t we talk more about potential names later?
Evan McCulloch: That would be fine, aye.
Pied Piper: Good. So where do you think Iris is going?
(Enter Iris)
Iris: Hello, Evan. Hello, Pied Piper. What are you doing here?
Pied Piper: I’m helping Evan rescue you, I think.
Iris: That’s sweet of you, Hartley, but I don’t need rescuing. Thanks to the Mirror Gun, I took out my would-be assassin, and Jay’s taking him to jail right now. Now I just need to finish writing my article, and I can put this whole mess behind me.
Pied Piper: Well, I’m very glad you’re alright, Mrs. Allen. Good luck with your expose. I’m sure it will have the high quality of all your work.
Iris: Thanks, Piper.
Evan McCulloch: (Aside) If she defeated that assassin, we’d better get oot of here before she defeats us, tae. After all, we aren’t exactly innocent ourselves. (Aloud) In that case, my work here is doon. Ta! (Evan grabs the Mirror Gun, then grabs Piper, and both disappear)
Iris: Looks like I’d better tell Barry, Wally, and Jay that the Rogues have a new member. Hmmm ...that could actually be a story all on its own! If I play my cards right, I could have two award winning stories and help defeat two separate groups of bad guys all from one investigation. This is awesome! I love it when I help my loved ones bring justice. (Pause) I should probably get back home, though. Those stories aren’t going to write themselves!
 (Exit Iris)
Act V
(Captain Cold is lying down onstage; Heat Wave is standing by him)
Heat Wave: You feeling better, boss?
Captain Cold: A little. I can’t believe that my stupid ulcer put me in the hospital twice in less than three months!
Heat Wave: Maybe it’s all the stress in your life. I’ve heard that stress makes ulcers worse, and your job is really stressful. Maybe you should take a vacation.
Captain Cold: And let the Top run the Rogues into the ground? Not a chance.
Heat Wave: It wouldn’t have to be for very long ...just a couple of days, maybe.
Captain Cold: I’m not taking a vacation, and that’s final!
Heat Wave: I guess you know best, boss. If you don’t want to take a vacation, you don’t have to.
(Enter Evan McCulloch and Pied Piper)
Pied Piper: Hello, Mick. Hello, Captain Cold.
Heat Wave: Hi, little buddy! How’d the rescue go?
Pied Piper: As it turned out, she rescued herself, so our presence turned out to be completely superfluous. That being said, I think I did find us a potential new member of the Rogues. His name is Evan McCulloch, and he wants to be part of a group that he knows will have his back.
Evan McCulloch: Howzitgoan?
Heat Wave: Hi, Evan! I’m Heat Wave, but you can call me Mick Rory. Where are you from?
Evan McCulloch: Glasgow, Scotland. The city of culture!
Heat Wave: Oh, so that’s why you sound so funny. (To Captain Cold) Can he stay, Captain Cold? Please? He’s funny sounding, and I like him.
Captain Cold: I can see that you have Mirror Master’s gear. The original is one of my best friends, and I don’t think he’d like you using his tech. That being said, my health hasn’t been great lately, so we could probably use another guy with his powers in the case of an emergency. (Pause) All right, Scostman, you’re in…...but you’re on probation until I say otherwise.
Evan McCulloch: That’s good eno for me, Captain Cold.
Captain Cold: In that case, your first job is to help me find the other Rogues. When we face the Flashes next, I want to be as well prepared as possible.
Pied Piper: Well, if everything is all right here, then I will be going. You know where to find me if you need me, and this city has a lot of people who need my help.
14 notes · View notes
inthewild-flowers · 4 years
fic masterlist!
This is a masterlist of all my fics. Most of them can be found on AO3, although there is a Tumblr Drabble section at the end.
I’ll be updating this every time I post a new fic/finish posting a multi chapter fic. Enjoy!
Weak In The Knees
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Word Count: 575
Summary: Kind of just a whole lot of Wolfstar fluff. There's dancing involved.
Other: Maybe a muggle au?? I’m not entirely sure tbh, pretty cute if I do say so myself, the title comes from the Serena Ryder song weak in the knees.
Bright Yellow Ducks
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): James Potter/Lily Evans, background Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Word Count: 2114
Summary: Lily works at a corner store, and one day the Marauders walk in on a quest for ice cream.
Other: Muggle au, I’m pretty sure it was based on a post I saw but I wrote it a few years ago so I’m honestly not sure
Earth Angel
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Word Count: 674
Summary: I love fics where Remus is just an absolute angel, so here’s my version of that. Sirius has a crush on the cute guy who works at the bakery in his neighbourhood and finally get a chance to talk to him.
Other: Remus works at a bakery au, I wrote this after reading The London Underground Book Of Love by Children_of_the_Shadows on AO3 (absolutely would recommend, it’s amazing) and it’s probably one of my favourite fics I’ve written, the title is from the song Earth Angel by The Penguins
Gilderoy Lockhart Is A Dick (But His Dickery Has Some Interesting Consequences)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, background James Potter/Lily Evans
Word Count: 2699
Summary: When Remus finds out Gilderoy is cheating on him, the next thing he has to do is find out who he's cheating with. And if that person happens to be Sirius Black, well, Remus is okay with that. Based off of the joke me and my sister have about Legend of Korra: both of Mako's girlfriends leave him for each other.
Other: Muggle au, funny, crack fic, way more sex jokes than I usually write but it fits with the whole vibe of this fic
Text Me
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Word Count: 566
Summary: Written for girlwithacrown’s finish this fic challenge. My take on the second half of “Remus is a bookstore owner and Sirius comes in looking for a book during coronavirus lockdown” (might wanna read her first half tho lol).
Other: Here is @girlwithacrown ‘s first half of the fic, and here is her collection with the other fics that people wrote for their own versions of the second half!
Padfoot Won’t Leave
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Word Count: 2453
Summary: At the end of Harry's third year, Remus and Sirius have a plan to get Harry away from the Dursleys.
Other: crack fic, I tried my best to make it funny, someone sent a post to the wolf star games 2020 discord that said that there aren't enough “Sirius makes himself at home at the Dursley’s house because there’s nothing they can do to make him leave” fics and then we as a group decided to fix that. Here’s the collection of fics we wrote for it! :)
Rooftop Ramblings
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
Word Count: 526
Summary: Aziraphale and Crowley share a cigarette on a rooftop, and wish that things could be different.
Other: pining, the whole plot is literally just pining, written for a dtiys based on this art by @whiteleyfoster
yoga (sirius’s way)
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus/Sirius
Word Count: 1043
Summary: Remus decides to start doing yoga to get some exercise during quarantine, and naturally, Sirius wants to try as well.
Other: Quarantine fic!!, domestic fluff, inspired by this art by @gaeilgelupin
two bros, going on a brocation, five feet apart cause they’re not gay
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus/Sirius
Word Count: 1927
Summary: In which Sirius takes Remus on a surprise Christmas vacation
Other: Christmas fic!!, so much fluff, :))
🎶 Remus is a swearwolf 🎶
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Ship(s): Remus/Sirius, James/Lily/Regulus
Word Count: 2694
Summary: Regulus sighed. “Come on, Sirius, let’s get you off this thing and then you’ll feel better.” They pried Sirius’s hands off the bar and helped him out of the rollercoaster, where he stood for a moment on shaky legs, clutching Regulus’s arm.“I’m going to get some mint chocolate,” he declared once his legs had regained some of their strength, “and then we’re going to the haunted house and I’m getting my revenge.”
Other: A sequel to ice ice baby by @pan-and-ready-to-stan, 90% banter, a LOT of swearing, fluff
would it kill you if we kissed
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Ship(s): Remus/Sirius
Word Count: 1741
Summary: Sirius leaned his head against the window and let his eyes flutter shut. Maybe if he slept, some of the horrible things would go away. Maybe if he slept, he would wake up to find that he was just on a normal road trip with one of his best friends. Maybe if he slept, he could forget the reason he was here at all.
Other: hurt/comfort, and also getting together!! bc I love get together fics :)
(i thought) i knew you 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Ship(s): Remus/Sirius
Word Count: 1432
Summary: Sometimes Sirius thinks that he might be okay. That maybe he’ll make it through this. He’s broken up with people before, hasn’t he? He’s been heartbroken before, and he’s always made it through. He’s survived so many things in his life that it seems silly that this would be the thing to break him.
Other: oh boy is there angst, that’s it that’s the fic just angst, there is a hopeful ending though??, there’s some super vague sort of references to self harm but it doesn’t like. happen
Got It
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Ship(s): Remus/Sirius
Word Count: 2859
Summary: Remus pushed down the butterflies in his stomach and accepted the vape when Sirius offered it, inhaling deeply and pointedly not thinking about how Sirius’s lips had been there just moments before. This was the closest Remus would ever get to kissing him. No, he told himself sternly, don’t think about that. It didn’t work. It never did.
Other: texting, fluff fluff fluffity fluff, getting together, written for marauders pride fanzine
in a cottage on a cliffside
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Word Count: 2865
Summary: “Are you cold?” Remus asked. “I’ve got another blanket somewhere…” he trailed off, looking at Sirius expectantly. Sirius shook his head.
“I’m fine.” he smiled again, then took another sip of his tea. He made the same face as before. It was adorable.
“Why are you here?” Remus asked. Sirius blinked at him.
“I wanted to see you.
Other: this was a birthday present for a friend, its fluff and a bit of pining and just generally soft :)) also a get together fic
The Year Remus Lupin Made Friends
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Word Count: 3546
Summary: James was sixteen years old, and it was summertime. Sirius and Pete were staying with him, Pete for a week, Sirius for the whole summer and hopefully every holiday after it too. James wanted to play quidditch, but the risk of being seen by muggles was too high, and his parents wouldn’t allow it. James was also very stubborn. His parents should have known to keep a closer eye on the boys, but some things can’t be helped. Here is what happened:
Other: written for a discord server secret santa. very marauders friendship focused, but also wolfstar at the end :))
In the dark and in the dusty sunlight
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Word Count: 1099
Summary: “I thought we were past such formalities, Lord Lupin.”“Indeed we are, Sirius, but it did feel right in the moment. You know,” Remus gave him an appraising look, and Sirius shivered, “you look rather like a painting, lying there like that.”“My dear Remus, we know very well that I am a work of art.”Remus laughed. “Yes, that has been well established.” He took off his hat and placed it on a table, then crossed over to the windows. “May I?” he asked, gesturing to the curtains.
yall its gay historical pining thats it thats the summary
Other: its just,,,, a period drama. thats it. I wrote a scene from a period drama just for the pining.
Multi Chapter Fics
Love At First Hot Chocolate
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, background James Potter/Lily Evans
Chapter/Word Count: 5 chapters, 5069 words
Summary: 18 year old Remus Lupin works at Starbucks. He hates it. He hates that he has to talk to people and be nice. He hates making coffee (although he doesn't mind the hot chocolate). But one day, Sirius Black walks in. For Remus, it's love at first sight. But does Sirius feel the same way?
Other: Muggle au, sort of a coffeeshop au in that they meet at a coffeeshop but otherwise it’s not it there much, fluff, might have been inspired by a post I saw a few years ago about Remus working at a coffeeshop and always getting Sirius’s name wrong?? But again, I wrote this a few years ago and don’t really remember lol
I Hope That I Don’t Fall In Love With You
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, James Potter/Lily Evans
Chapter/Word count: 2 chapters, 1431 words
Summary: James is getting married, and Sirius worries that he won't get to see his best friend anymore. One night, he vents his feelings to a cute stranger at a pub, who happens to be in a similar situation.
Other: Muggle au, title from the Tom Waits song I Hope That I Don’t Fall In Love With You
If You Want To Buy Me Flowers
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Chapter/Word Count: 3 chapters, 1499 words
Summary: Remus owns a flower shop. Sirius is breaking up with his boyfriend using flower language.
Other: Muggle au, Remus is a florist au, inspired by a post I saw about flower meanings, title from the song Two Princes by Spin Doctor
Don’t Shoot The Messenger
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, James Potter/Lily Evans, Alice (I don’t know her last name)/Frank Longbottom
Chapter/Word Count: 16 chapters, 13,192 words
Summary: Ever since his first year at Hogwarts, Remus Lupin has been exchanging messages with someone on a bathroom stall. Neither of them know who the other one is, and now that they're graduating soon, they want to find out.
Other: Muggle au, modern au, Remus isn't part of the Marauders au, a bit of texting
Love Through The Ages
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, some vague background James Potter/Lily Evans
Chapter/Word Count: 4 chapters, 2213 words
Summary: Remus finds a love letter that Sirius wrote to him two centuries previously and never sent.
Other: They’re vampires au, I guess technically muggle au??, fluff, love letters, confessions, inspired by this post by @kayvsworld
“No, Sirius, tying the stems of flowers together will NOT make a flower crown”
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Chapter/Word Count: 4/4 chapters, 4247 words
Summary: In which Sirius can’t make a flower crown, Remus thinks Sirius might be flirting, and James has no clue what’s going on.
Other: so much fluff, oblivious James, inspired by this art that I love a lot by @girlwithacrown
Hogwarts, 1993
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences (this may change, I don’t have the fic planned out at all, so it could end up with a G rating, but I’ve rated it T just to be safe)
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Chapter/Word Count: 7/? chapters, 7248 words as of October 4 2020
Summary: When Sirius escapes Azkaban and goes to Hogwarts, instead of lurking around as the Grim like a FOOL, he decides to seek help from an old friend.
Other: I don't have any warnings for this one yet, but I’ll put them in if necessary. I’ll be posting the chapters as I write them, and I’ll try to make sure it doesn’t take too long.
the doc was called halloween babeyy
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, James Potter/Lily Evans
Chapter/Word Count: 6 chapters, 1240 words
Summary: a self indulgent halloween fic with pumpkin shenanigans, meet cutes, and texting. 
“They’re battle scars,” Remus repeated. “And you can’t call him just ‘pumpkin’ anymore, his official title is the PumpKing and he requires it to be used at all times.” Remus finished carving out the last scar, and picked up the sharpie to draw the outline of a crown near the top of the pumpkin. One he was satisfied, he picked up his knife and started cutting along the lines.“In that case,” James said, “Mine’s the PumPeasant and he looks like this because of a childhood disease.”
Other: ‘tis all fluff :))
a very (in)effective seduction
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Chapter/Word Count: 10/? chapters, 9557 words
Summary: In which Sirius decides that it's time to seduce Moony. Yes, he has a list
Other: written for girlwithacrown and kidovna’s blissember chirstmas prompts! get together, fluff, etc.
Note: I will finish this eventually, but I was struggling a lot with writing it, so it may take some time. I do have it sort of planned out, and once I have the motivation to write it again it shouldn’t take too long to finish :))
dreaming of you
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, Dorcas Meadowes/Marlene McKinnon
Chapter/Word Count: 6/? chapters, 4932 words
 french bitch: I have arrived
french bitch: paris has gained a resident and he is magnificent
sweet sweet moony: paris is usually referred to as she
french bitch: HOW DARE
Jimmy: he does have a point tho
or: Sirius is in france on his study abroad year, remus is pining, and James and Peter are enjoying the chaos
Other: texting, fluff, theres eventually gonna be wolfstar and dorlene and either jily or jegulily I haven’t decided yet
You Hold The Key To My Heart
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, James Potter/Lily Evans/Regulus Black
Chapter/Word Count: 38 chapters, 26 049 words
Summary: Sirius threw himself on his bed, not caring about how he must be wrinkling his clothes. In fact, he relished the idea. At least his parents would have a reason to be angry with him today. He stayed there, thinking about soft curls and a sweet face that he barely caught a glimpse of, until the sun was shining directly through his window and James arrived to help him dress for dinner.
Or, a victorian au in which Remus is a gardener, Sirius is a dramatic rich kid, and they fall in love.
Other: I wrote this for the 2020 wolfstar games. it’s mainly fluff, but I also got to indulge my love of historical things which was amazing :D
Dan’s cute & short wolfstar fics with no plot that make them happy to write :)
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Number of works: 4
Complete: No
Works in the series:
Goodnight Moony - Remus doesn’t want to go to bed. Sirius thinks Remus should go to bed. 201 words.
Snow - It’s literally just Remus and Sirius enjoying the snow, that’s it, that’s the fic, please enjoy. 124 words.
I Just Called To Say I love You - Sirius calls Remus the night before a big exam. 174 words.
Lupin Can’t Sing - Please read the title to the tune of “lupin can’t sing, lupin can’t sing, lupin cannot sing!” from AVPS. Remus is drunk and trying really really hard at karaoke. 409 words.
Ruby Tuesday - Remus and Sirius cuddle and listen to Ruby Tuesday. It's very cute, if I do say so myself. 259 words.
HP Pride Month 2020!!
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, Lily Evans/James Potter
Number of works: 4
Complete: Yes
Other: All the fics in this series were written for @girlwithacrown ‘s HP pride month prompts, and you can find other fics written for those prompts in her collection on AO3!
Works in the series:
Coming Out - Remus and Sirius decide to tell their friends they're dating. 1035 words.
Flag - Sirius and James make unique additions to their pride flags, and at the pride parade they see two other people with matching flags. 1126 words.
Family - Sirius runs away from home. 898 words.
Healing - Remus's dog gets hurt, and the vet is way hotter than Remus was prepared for. Sirius may or may not have Ted from Schitt's Creek vibes. It was mostly unintentional. 1012 words.
Working Title: Summertime
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Ship(s): Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, James Potter/Lily Evans
Number of Works: 2
Complete: No
Works in the series:
Forgiveness & Friendship - The summer after sixth year (and The Prank, you know which one. The one with Snape. And Remus.), Sirius shows up on James's doorstep. 13 chapters, 4437 words
Mischief & Matchmaking - The marauders (+ Lily) are spending a few weeks at James’s house, and oh boy is there a lot of sexual tension there. Peter decides to do something about it. Featuring: shenanigans and three separate tropes cause why not. 17/17 chapters and 6772 words.
dan?? writing angst?? it’s more likely than you’d think
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Number of Works: 3
Complete: No
Works in the series:
stardust is easily lost - He kisses him because he loves him, because loving Sirius is a habit he’s never been able to break, not in school when he thought loving Sirius would kill him, and not now when he thinks that Sirius might kill them all. It keeps him up at night sometimes.
cascade - Teaching at Hogwarts is equal parts wonderful and miserable. He loves his students, but some days he looks at them and he sees himself, happy and carefree, with his best friends at his side. Those days are the hardest.
the death of a star - And sometimes, Sirius almost seems like his old self again. Sometimes, his mischievous grin that Remus remembers all too well will appear on his face, and he’ll lean over and whisper a snide comment in Remus’s ear, and Remus will have to try to stifle a laugh.
Other: yall this is angst, there is major character death, its A Lot, theyre also down in the Tumblr drabbles section & their titles are all variations of “angst babeyyy”
dan is a) yearning and b) obsessed with dorlene and bookstores
Rating: General Audiences and Teen and Up Audiences
Ship(s): Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes
Number of Works: 3
Complete: No
Works in the series:
1. Walking In a Winter Wonderland – As they skated, Marlene couldn’t take her eyes off of Dorcas. She knew that they were holding a conversation somehow or other––about Dorcas’s job at the bookstore, she was fairly certain––but her brain was on autopilot as she watched the lights dance across Dorcas’s face, lighting up the night like miniature stars.
2. adventures pertaining to love actually (and also shrek) – The woman shook her head solemnly, but a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. “You absolutely cannot.”They grinned at each other for a moment, then the woman’s eyes flicked up to the clock on the wall and she swore. “I’ve got to go. It was nice talking to you! And you’ll have to tell me what you think of that movie if you watch it!”“I will!” Dorcas called after her, and the woman waved as she hurried out the door.Well. She sure hoped that Love Actually was on Netflix. (note: this one is set before the first fic in the series)
3. it can't be hard to find a present right?? (wrong) – “What’cha got there?” Frank flopped into the chair beside Dorcas and took a sip of his coffee, eyeing the mess of yarn on her lap with curiosity.
“It’s not weird to make her a scarf, is it?”
“...to make who a scarf?”
“You know exactly who I’m talking about.”
Other: yeah im just being generally fluffy and self indulgent here, enjoy! :))
Tumblr Drabbles
“It’s three in the morning” - jegulus
“This is the opposite of what I told you to do!” - wolfstar
“Do you have a ride home?” - wolfstar
“Come cuddle” - wolfstar
“I am home” - dorlene
“I’m getting married? Since when were you choosing my future spouse?” - wolfstar
“Another bad date?” - jily
James and Remus being very very chaotic bros
24 hour diner au - wolfstar
they have the same favourite chair - wolfstar
Sirius loses Remus’s present (and James helps him look) – wolfstar
when she wears YOUR flannel shirt - dorlene
when you can’t choose just one snuggly blanket so you wrap up in all of them - the marauders
angst babeyyyyyyyyy - first war wolfstar
2 angst 2 babeyyyyyyyyy - poa wolfstar
angst babeyyyy 3.0 - ootp sorta wolfstar
high school/college minifest day 1: back to school - wolfstar
high school/college minifest day 2: detention - wolfstar
remus has whipped cream on his face and sirius canNOT handle it - wolfstar
hufflepuff remus who makes friends with the marauders - wolfstar
dorcas is hurt and marlene is taking care of her - dorlene
remus is a lil shit (back hugs prompt) - wolfstar
just friends booty shorts - James and sirius
night at the museum au - wolfstar and jily
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skgway · 4 years
1832 Nov., Tues. 6
8 50/..
12 1/2
Fine morning – Fahrenheit 49º at 9 20/.. a.m. – Called up to Wilson the joiner come about the library passage up and down stairs in 1/2 hour – Till 9 giving orders – Then breakfast with my father – Waited for Marian to order about flannel for waistcoats and drawers. Determined to have all ready to be off in January –
Had Washington – To have all the bills next week for wearing, mystal at Southolme etc. etc. – Just saw my aunt for a few minutes – Very kind 2 1/2 pages Letter from Miss McL– [MacLean] (Coll house aros) to say the bay on laurel leaved willows were sent off to Glasgow yesterday week with orders to be forwarded here immediately –
Off at 11 1/4 with Marian to call at the vicarage – There in 20 minutes and sat 1/2 hour with Mrs. Musgrave – Then went with Marian to Walker’s shop to order flannel etc. for things for me in readiness for being off – Hoped I really should be on route in January – Then parted with Marian –
Went to Whitley’s. Bought Hooper’s medical dictionary 25 /. [shillings] published at 28 /. [shillings] and in 50 minutes at Lidgate (at 1 1/2).  Miss W– [Walker] very glad to see me, I having said I should not go till tomorrow – Sat 1/2 hour with her and home at 2 1/2 –
Met Mr. Samuel Waterhouse junior (ætatis 17) at her gate – Stood talking a few minutes while Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood left Miss Walker – Mr. S[amuel] W[aterhouse] just came to her door to ask how she did – She said she should have me to nurse [her] now and really seemed much better and in good spirits. 
Talked of the agreeable surprise of seeing [me] but yet seemed more inclined to talk of business than love. I appeared in more than good spirits. She would think them all put on. And perhaps believe me feeling more acutely than I really did. I kissed her, but in a common way, and she did not push herself to me as yesterday and was more guarded.
She will not give me much reason now either to hope or despair. Her self possession will probably be undisturbed enough. I left her with no pleasant feeling, saying to myself, ‘Damn her. It is an arrow and perhaps a lucky escape.’ I dont think her answer will be yes.  And the more easily reconciled I am the better. Shall I dislike her by and by? At least I shall be more at liberty without her –
Fred Wilson, the joiner, and his man in the library passage at 2 1/2 – 26 or 27 inches lower than my blue room closet but determined not to be beaten with it, and went on – Dusty job to get the studding down –
Had only just managed and given orders what was to be done when James Holt came at 4 5/.. and had him till 6 – Something must be wrong that Mr. Jeremiah Rawson will not let go into their works – Probably they are stealing my coal already – Holt says I should not take less than £200 per acre but if he was in their place he would not give £250 per acre –  
Said I had at 1st asked the price between the 2 leases (£205 and £230) = £217.[pounds] 10. [shillings]. 0 [pence] but had said I should be worse to deal with now – Proposed asking £220 per acre but Holt owned the coal was worth as much now as when sold to Oates and Green and worth quite as much or more to Rawsons than to them (∴ [therefore] I ought to have £230 per acre) –
Owned too that I ought to have more for the coal at the top of the land, for it would make that at the bottom of less value. He thought they had a hundred yards plumbing dip i.e. could get with the water head a hundred yards breadth on this side and alongside the present waterhead driven by Oates and Company – Should shew Mr. J[eremiah] R– [Rawson] the coal plan – Ask him what fields he wanted and might let him Hugh grave field and the coal ungot to the north west of it and to the north east down in a straight line under the cunnery plantation down to the road but not to let him come lower down – 
Owned afterwards it would be as well not to let him come lower than the Cunnery houses, for if he got down to the brook he could throw such a quantity of water upon us – If he did not come lower down than Cunnery houses or the present Wakefield road, I might leave or fence of coal or turn the water, and not be so much injured –
Holt would meet J[eremiah] R– [Rawson] on the ground and see what he wanted – No air pit necessary for the lower bed coal, and not to sell any upper bed but by a separate agreement – Upper bed costs 6 d [pence] a score (corves) more getting than lower bed, and not being able to get it all, obliged to leave posts, makes it not work so much by £50 an acre as lower bed –
If J[eremiah] R– [Rawson] would not let Holt go into his works, I might propose either of the 2 brothers Squire or Tom Lassey of Thornhill, the former steward to Mr. Ingham of Misfield – In making the agreement to have surface measure, and the power to send down people into the works whenever I liked, and to have a clause to prevent J[eremiah] R– [Rawson] damming or turning any water back into the old works after he had got the coal (Had I not better have a bond of indemnity against this?) otherwise he might drown me in water and prevent my getting the coal below where he had been getting and had turned the water –
It was right enough that I should make no allowance for gauls or jumbles or ruttle – Great difference between drawing out at the day and pulling up thro’ a shaft – At their (Holt’s) pit on Swales moor 150 yards deep pulling costs them 18 pence a score; and ropes cost them £15 or £16 a year – One collier may be reckoned to get 25 corves a day for five days in a week – If J[eremiah] R– [Rawson] gets £100 profit per acre it will be quite enough –
Then see according to the following what to ask an acre for the coal –
Making all sufficient allowances there will come out of one square yard 5 corves, which (as J[eremiah] R– [Rawson] sells at 7 d [pence] and 8 d [pence] a corve, average at 7 1/2 d [pence] a corve –
Expense of getting 20 corves (or one score) 4 /. [shillings] to the colliers –
Banksman 1 /. [shilling] a score – wear and tear say 6 d [pence] a score, certainly enough –
Lower bed 18 inches thick – Lightcliffe bed 25 inches thick – Billy stocks paid £260 an acre 5 or 6 years ago for what he bought – This that Hinscliffe is taking must be worth as much – He will have very little to sink – 14 or 16 yards and coals worth less as nearer the surface – But not for being dry – But there is a gaul that throws up the coal near Lidgate (breaks out in the road going up the hill) and there cannot be any coal on this side that gaul near more than a daywork or 2 to get in that field next below the Smith (Hinscliffe’s) –
Speaking of Godley, wished Holt not to let it go for nothing but said I had mentioned it to Mr. Samuel Freeman – Holt said I could employ no one better – He said it was North £80 a daywork but £ a daywork was the outside – ∴ [therefore] the 20 dayworks = £2000 
Carr has been arrested several times lately – Speaking of the cottages on Godley land, Holt knows that the 4 belonging to his uncle George Holdsworth would be sold – Cost £50 each building and £40 the ground – But might be had he thinks for £ 200 – Will inquire and let me know –
Speaking of his farm, some people might buy it at 3 1/2 percent Rent £66 per anum but it would not suit him to buy land at that price – He explained the manner of working coal pits – Asked him to give me an underground plan of a pit in working and asked him to let me know when I could go down with him into one of his pits. I must understand coal-getting before I have done with it – Holts pit at Binns bottom will be ready for working in 2 months from this and I can go in at the day –
Dinner at 6 3/4 – In 1/2 hour wrote and sent at 7 35/.. 3 pages to “Dr. Belcombe York” or rather 2 pages and 3 or 4 lines to him and the rest to his wife, to be torn off and given to her, thanks for her letter and to say yes! I thought black velvet properly garni au blonde (white) would be very becoming to her –
Told him wished I could give a better account of his patient, but she was not worse on his hands, which was marvellous considering the affliction she had had on account of the sudden death of her most particular friend, the news of which had arrived the day after our leaving York – No pills last Thursday – Begged to have them next Thursday – Ask how long they are to be gone on with without interruption – She thought at 1st, but not afterwards, they gave her much physicky pain in her bowels – These last had behaved very well considering the affliction she had been in –
In fact, she believed she could not have been so well now, had she not had his advice – He is ‘in très bonne odeur’ and his patient has faith enough in him – Mr. Day has been and, I suppose, would not let her believe in her own existence without the use of his ointment but ‘ce nous est égal’ – Ask him to write a letter I can shew. Not to spare a little anxiety and to ask whatever questions he knows will be proper. ‘Indeed not say I have the good of your reputation at heart’ –
John’s son Joseph Booth came over with Scott’s head groom to bring 2 perfect horses to Mr. Thomas Dyson of Willow field – Had him (Joseph B– [Booth]) in and spoke to him – He is grown, and improved – Perhaps I shall take him with me abroad – Then writing journal of today – Had John in – He is much pleased and satisfied with his son – Talked to him about his family – To send Charlotte for my aunt, to hear her read and see her sewing so as to be able to judge what she can do and be fit for –
Then my father and Marian just gone to bed. A few minutes with my aunt – Then came back to the drawing room – Read my letter from Vere dated Turin 24 October 3 pages and ends of small sheet (Frankfort paper) – Very nice chit chat amusing letter –
And read my letter from Lady Stuart (Richmond park) enclosing Vere’s 2 last to her – A kind 1/2 sheet full and a few lines on the envelope (franked by Lord Goderich) from Lady S– [Stuart]. These letters put me in spirits. I am better without Miss W[alker] – 
11 1/2 before I had read my letters and written so far of today –
5 corves at 7 1/2 d pence = 37 1/2 d [pence] = 3 1 1/2 per square yard
One score or 20 corves = 12/6 [shillings/pence] expense of getting which = 4 /. [shillings] to the colliers. 
∴ [therefore] 12/6 - 5/6 = 7 /. [shillings] clear gain per score = 1 /. [shilling] to the banksman or per 4 square yards = ./6 [shilling/pence] wear and tear (quite enough) –
At the forgoing rate, 5 corves or 1 square yard = clear gain of 1/9 [pound/shillings], 1 score (20 corves) or 4 square yards = clear gain of 7 /. [shillings] ∴ [therefore]
1 acre or 4840 square yards = at 1/9 [pound/shillings] per square yard or 7 /. [shillings] p[e]r 4 square yards = £423. [pounds] 10. [shillings] 0 [pence]
Now Holt said this calculation would do, and that £100 clear gain per acre was enough ∴ [therefore] if I have £250 per acre J[eremiah] R– [Rawson] has a profit of 423. [pounds] 10. [shillings]. 0 [pence] – 250 = £173. [pounds] 10. [shillings] 0 [pence]
Very fine day – Went up to my room at 11 50/.. at which hour Fahrenheit 49º
[sideways in margin] Sunday 23 December 1832 vide page 231, suppose Messieurs R– [Rawson] to sell at 7 1/2 per corve or 12/6 per score and allow half for expenses, then 48040/4 or 1210 x 6 shillings x 3 d [pence] = £363 + 15. [pounds] 2. [shillings] 6 [pence] = £378. [pounds] 2. [shillings]. 6 [pence], so that paying me £230. [pounds] 10. [shillings] 0 [pence] per acre then remains to Messieurs a profit per acre of £147. [pounds] 12. [shillings] 6 [pence]
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musicallisto · 4 years
hey! how are you can i get a harry potter (marauders era) and a disney ship? i’m a straight girl i’m 5’8, i have an affinity for multiple different sports, i’m a debater i have long black curly hair, and brown eyes i’m studying to be a doctor (dermatologist) but i have an affinity for maths and history i’m a slytherin that is pretty reckless and always stands up for what i believe in and for my friends i have a fierce pride and a not so subtle hate for authority—i’m fiercely opinionated as well
I Ship You With...
James Potter (Marauders Era)
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To James, you are like a blessing in disguise. Sure, you can get a little prickly and it’s difficult to approach you, especially because you two started off on the wrong foot - what with you being in the archenemis houses, and your strong personalities clashing every so often -, but when you realize that your obstinacy and decidedness can be a strength instead of an obstacle, if only you unite your efforts, you start to get along much better.
From that point on, you become the terror of tyrants and authoritative teachers in Hogwarts. Sirius is more than happy to tag along with the two of you, especially because he has the same dislike for stiffling authority as you do. Whenever you see a person abuse of their authority to give out unjust punishments to students - and that happens often in Hogwarts, maybe they should check the backgrounds of their applicants or something -, you don’t hesitate to take action.
Remus suggests you merely report them to Dumbledore, but there’s an undeniable fun in exerting vigilante justice... and you don’t trust that your word will hold up in front of Dumbledore.
Given your love for debate, you’re likely to get into a lot of arguments with James, but that definitely doesn’t mean your relationship is tarnished. If anything, it helps you grow, and you’re in a much better mood after you win an argument. When James notices it, and how eager you are to kiss him or be affectionate when you’re in such moods, he subtly forces himself to lose a little more often... his ego suffers at first, but your smile makes it worth it.
Sirius teases him for it, wondering where James Potter’s infamous panache has gone, or if he’s finally been bested, by a Slytherin no less, but James shushes him. He’ll know when he finds someone he loves as much as James loves you.
Besides, with your fierce pride and your authoritative streak... he’s butted heads with you before in the past, when you weren’t entirely mad, just a tad irritated with him, and it was equally exhilarating and terrifying; now that he’s dating you, he’d rather not attempt the experience of pissing you off.
John Smith (Pocahontas)
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As soon as John meets you, he gets the unshakable and unexplicable feeling that you’re about to turn his whole world around. And he’s not mistaken.
You’re a force of nature, a revolutionary, a fighter for justice and equality. He never saw the error of his ways before, because no one actually challenged him. But from the first moment you meet, you’re already making more sense than all the other men in the Virignia Company. Suddenly he starts to see how flawed his world is, and how he actually has the power to change it, or at least stir things up.
Suddenly his expedition to the new world doesn’t sound as appealing to him. Suddenly he doesn’t want to embark on that boat anymore. Suddenly he understands that adventure exists everywhere, but especially in oneself, and in the most admirable people. People like you.
He also admires how you don’t let anyone push you around, in a world where everyone wants to see you fail. He protects you as much as he can with his pristine reputation as a good soldier and good man, even if your “scandals” (merely wanting to be a doctor, just like the men) end up tarnishing his image to the highborns of English society. A stupidity, if you ask him. You’re easily the best doctor he’s ever known, because you’re dedicated to your cause, and you genuinely want to help people, without ever falling silent about injustice.
With his help and money, you are able to buy a nice cottage in the countryside where you welcome your patients and the poor who have nowhere to go. Your shelves are brimming with history books and old tales, that you’ve already read a hundred times, but that John still loves listening to like the first day. That way, he can imagine those remote and fantastical lands, without actually participating in whatever foolery your government is doing.
And more than just not participating, you end up convincing most of the village with your enlightening humor and determination that all this pointless conquest is wrong... soon enough, the government will hear about this village of revolutionaries, swarming them with pamphlets and protests.
Another great job for the pair of you. You’re particularly more efficient than whoever he worked with on the ships.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
: Thursday 28 July 1836
6 40
11 ¾
- No kiss A-‘s cousin fine morning - highish wind and F60° at 7 35 am at which hour went out - the 2 York joiners were boarding up the top of the housekeeper’s bedroom - they had not cased the beam - so stopt them and had what they had done taken down and the beam cased - not their fault - Mr. Husband himself did not like the look of the job and glad to make an alteration which has improved the look so much - about 1 or ¾ of a day’s work lost - had Charles and James Howarth putting up temporary gate at the Lodge - hanging the middle Whiskum gate that they had repaired and taking measure for new gate into the Paddock (Godley top field) - David Booth and  1man at the cellar - 4 men taking out staff for cellar under the West tower Matthew , Richard , Sam and Benjamin and Wood and Jack Green finishing putting gravel on about the pool and jobbing about there in the morning - and in the afternoon setting there biggish stone (set one there in the morning) so as to finish up at the Lowest part of the rockwork - and in the afternoon had Mark Hepworth 3 Northgate carts  (one horse cart) and my own and John Booth and Richard and Matthew and Benjamin to fill, and got all the dunghill from under the lime tree into the Paddock - Mark Hepworth got it out of the carts and Samuel Booth spread what he could - breakfast at 9 in ¾ hour - then set off to meet Dobson at Upper Place quarry at 10 - took A- with me up Pump lane as far as Barraclough cottage and then returned with her as far as Pump which made it near 11 before I got to the quarry - Dobson went with me to Little marsh shewed me where he thought the hole should be opened and I agreed - we called at the house - Mrs. widow Hall in her bed - brought to bed of a daughter - has now 6 girls and a boy - told her daughter to explained why I called and Dobson said he would speak to her - Dobson to begin the hole on Monday next - to keep a regular account [D.r and c.r] - he Dobson sinks the hole for me - Hainsworth has nothing to do with it - it is between D- and me - hopes the hole will be down so as to shew the stone sufficiently for letting in 2 or 3 months - I at liberty to let the stone as I like - no way bound to Dobson - on leaving him saw Wombersley [Womersley?] mending up his wall against me - long talk - mentioned that there would now be another quarry to let and I intended letting the farm with it - W- said he would bid for them both - tired of where he is Mr. Machan’s farm - pays 50 guineas a year the house in very bad repair and she will lay nothing out - 24DW of which 8 at the top of Beacon hill 3 a delf hill and worth nothing - the farm not worth more than £40 per annum - paid £60 at first but the stone quarry at 1/6 per yard very reasonable - looked into the hole Freeman made in Little marsh land - W- valued the stone now shewn (but it is where it is skirting out) at 3/6 per yard - shewed me into house - thought the farm worth £1500, the coal worth £20 per DW owned there would be £200 or £300 to lay out immediately so that as I said £1500 quite enough to give for the farm - said I would give Mrs. M- that and pay her 4 p.c. for the money if she liked -or  I would buy the coal at a reasonable prince - but what I offered Mr. Rawson was sure to offer more tho’ he did not come down with the money - talked of his buying Samuel Hall’s coal - W- did not seem to know that SH could sell it during his life-  W. said I ought to buy the field Haigh was quarrying up to Joseph Hall’s - it would farm nicely with Joseph Hall’s - 6DW - all the stone got - belongs to Miss Shann of Tadcaster now living at Thorparch - the coal would suit me - I merely said Mr. Rawson ought to buy it –
home at 12 - found Flather and Benjamin Fletcher waiting for me - had not taken David Booth to see what he wanted - preferred seeing me 1st - wanted me to promise new house and barn - which I declined - said I would do what was reasonable - get water to the place if I could, and put the place in good repair - but would promise nothing more till David Booth brought me an estimate of what was wanted and what it would cost - said however that I was satisfied with the man’s character and had no doubt of our agreeing - then with A- she went rode to Cliff Hill soon after 2 and having walked with me to the Lodge I went to Mark Hepworth in the paddock - he said each cart brought 1 square yard of manure and 1 square yard = 1 ton worth 6/6 at H-x and 1/. per ton carting from there to the paddock - he would put 8 loads on a DW thought I was laying on about ½ that - too thin - I said I would have no more laid on than the dunghill from under the lime tree - I guessed there would be 30 loads - Mark thought 17 - It seems there were 38 loads Mark said they reckoned 3/6 per DW spreading - the paddock would take one man 6 Days - this manuring ought to last 2 years - H-x stuff (necessary stuff) would always force a crop but worth nothing after the 1st year - Mark would not pay anything for it for tenant-right as tillage - valued the fog at £3 tho’ I said the paddock was 4DW owned he had paid Hannah 50/. last year for 3DW of fog not ½ as good as this - would have [eaten?] it off for a week before putting on the manure, but I wanted the manure out of the way - he said it would be fit to turn into in 4 or 5 weeks from this time - I said the manure should be spread tomorrow - I should value it at 20/. per DW - with Wood and Jack at the pool - the Low fish leaks as much as even could near the water escape from this end about ½ way between the cistern and 1st sycamore tree - the water 6 or 8 in. lower than at 3pm yesterday - came in at 6 ¾ - dinner at 6 50 - coffee - sat talking to A- then both asleep till about 9 - then (the 20 minutes in the drawing room with my aunt )wrote all the above of today till 10 10 - note (letter) tonight from Mr. Adam - Mr. Parker from home - thinks I mistook his note of yesterday - he is in doubt about the £800 thinks Mr. Graham should get an opinion before any money is paid - will write to Mr. Turner to get an opinion -sat downstairs with A- in the north dining room from 10 till 10 40 reading the newspaper - fine but dullish day and shower between 5 and 6 - F60° now at 10 40 pm rainy night at 11 -
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penny-archer · 5 years
Cottage keys
Crowley and Az decide to u-haul like a good lesbian couple after inching forward in their relationship post-apocalypse. Also, I haven’t been able to get the South Downs cottage thing out of my head since I heard it.
ao3 link here
Sunday, St. James’s Park, two weeks after the end of the world
“What do you want to do today, angel?”
Aziraphale looked up from his book at Crowley, who was lounging beside him on the grass, propped back on his elbows and staring absently at the pond in front of them. He thought for a moment. “We could go to the Tate Modern, we haven’t been there yet,” he volunteered.
The demon pulled an exaggerated face. “Angel, you’ve been dragging me around museums and galleries and ar-bor-et-ums for days. Let’s do something exciting. Let’s steal a double decker and go for a joyride. We’ll take it back, obviously,” he added with an eye roll after catching Aziraphale’s expression.
“I think museums are exciting,” Aziraphale huffed quietly. They had been together nearly all day and night for the last two weeks. While a majority of that time—especially the first few days after Armageddon—was spent shuttered in at one or the other’s flat, in recent days they had in fact spent a fair amount of time touring around the city’s culture and arts scene. And its five star restaurants. The angel admitted to himself that perhaps it was Crowley’s turn to choose their day’s itinerary. Within reason, of course. “Very well then,” he asked graciously, “what would you like to do this afternoon?”
Crowley seemed taken aback at the question. “Oh—well—besides the bit about the bus…eh…” he scrunched up his face and trailed off uncertainly.
Aziraphale permitted himself a small sigh. “Well, since you don’t actually have a suggestion, do you have any real objection to exploring the Tate Modern? I hear they have an excellent new Huguette Caland exhibition.”
“Oh, go on, just let me think for a moment, angel. I’ll come up with something.”
“Is this what you want our lives to be like from now on?” Aziraphale asked, exasperated. “Spending all morning bickering about what to do that afternoon—for the rest of eternity? Really, my dear, the thought of it.” He frowned, staring at the ducks swimming lazily across the pond. After a moment he glanced at Crowley, only to see the demon staring back at him with one eyebrow cocked, giving him a familiar look that was half-incredulous, half-smitten. “What?” Aziraphale demanded.
“The rest of eternity?” Crowley enunciated, grinning.
“Oh—well, yes—” Aziraphale stammered as he turned a faint shade of pink. “About that. It’s just, I’ve been thinking and—well, I had been meaning to—to raise the subject of, of—” his voice faltered and his gaze dropped to his hands clasped delicately in his lap. Crowley waited, watching him with the same maddening grin. “It’s just that—I’ve decided to take a step back from the bookstore.”
Crowley’s bemused expression was quickly replaced by one of genuine confusion. He opened his mouth, but before he could speak Aziraphale pressed on. “I’m not selling it! I’m just hiring a manager to oversee the day-to-day,” he explained. “I was thinking it might be nice…to have some more free time.” He looked up, carefully meeting Crowley’s gaze. “And since we are no longer beholden to our respective offices—or rather, now that I don’t feel bound by—well, I was thinking we could, I don’t know, go somewhere. Take a trip, perhaps.” He hesitated. “Or even—something more permanent. We could…” his voice trailed off again.
“Move somewhere?” Crowley suggested, after watching the angel flounder for another minute.
“Well yes, something like that.” Aziraphale beamed. He took Crowley’s hand in both of his. “We could get a house! Well, it wouldn’t have to be a house, necessarily—and only if you wanted to. I would completely understand if—”
“Angel, hush.” Crowley stretched his other arm across to place a finger on Aziraphale’s lips, then reached back to rummage in his pocket. He leaned back on his elbows again and casually tossed something into the angel’s lap.
Aziraphale released his hand and picked up the set of keys, staring at them with wonder. “What’s this, Crowley?” he asked, inspecting them closely.
“House keys, obviously. Well, not a house exactly. More of a cottage. Cottage keys.” Crowley answered with the best attempt at nonchalance he could muster.
“Wha—Where?” Aziraphale choked. His eyebrows furled. “What?”
Now it was Crowley’s turn to look uncomfortable. He tensed, staring straight ahead. “Er, ‘s nothing really. Just a little cottage in the South Downs. I was in the area a few years ago on some business, happened to pass by this little place and saw it was for sale. I thought, well, stone wall, lovely big garden, outdated furnishings, Aziraphale would love it.” He attempted a sardonic smile and snuck a quick glance at Aziraphale, who was still speechless and staring at the keys. Feeling his cool demeanor evaporating, Crowley rambled on. “And I had a little extra cash ‘cause of that whole business with the Olympic dressage team, so I figured, why not? Couldn’t hurt to have. Bit of an impulse buy, to be honest.” Aziraphale was still looking down at the keys clutched in his hands. His expression was difficult to read. A heavy silence stretched between them for a long moment.
Crowley felt his stomach dropping out of his body. He stared ahead as he felt his heart pounding in his ears. He considered spontaneously bursting into flame. “ ‘s too much, isn’t it? Too fast. Too pastoral. Yeah, I figured. Forget I said anything.” He was contemplating the quickest way to extricate himself from this conversation and drink himself into oblivion when Aziraphale finally spoke.
“My dear, did you say years?”
Crowley raised his eyes and saw that Aziraphale was looking back at him steadily. His expression was soft and intensely serious, and his eyes were watery. “Well, just a couple...” Crowley admitted nervously. Aziraphale held his gaze and Crowley found that, however much he wanted to, he couldn’t look away.
“I love you, too,” Aziraphale said simply. And he leaned in and kissed Crowley with an urgency that made the demon’s head swim. Then he lay down beside Crowley and rested his head on the demon’s shoulder. Reflexively, Crowley put his arms around him and settled back to lie flat on the grass. They lay together quietly for another minute. Crowley could feel his heart rate returning to normal as his breathing slowed until it was in sync with Aziraphale’s.
The angel finally broke the silence. “Well, I think a trip to the South Downs this weekend is in order. I want to see this lovely big garden for myself. And as for the furnishings, well, I’ll be the judge of whether they’re outdated. Although I’m sure I’ll want to change them anyways when we move in; there’s simply no accounting for taste with some of these old country houses.” He turned his head to see the smile spreading across Crowley’s face. Beaming in response, he couldn’t resist the urge to tease the demon just a little. “But really, my dear,” he admonished, “considering you’d bought us this cottage ages ago, when on earth were you planning to mention it to me?”
“When you asked, obviously,” Crowley responded with a smirk. He leapt abruptly to his feet then turned to lend Aziraphale a hand up. “Now then, angel,” he declared, “let’s go see about this Ms. Caland.”
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swellwriting · 5 years
What do we do now? - Part Seven
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Part 7 - Bertram
A/N: THis chapter introduces a new character! he's only mentioned in the books briefly but it was fun to sort of shape his character into whatever I wanted, and I accidentally made him dumb and lovable so I hope you love him as much as I do!!!
Word Count: 2.9k   Series Masterlist /  Character concept sketch!
Bertram Aubrey lived in Hastings. Y/n and Remus had begun their journey technically where Remus’ small home was, which was located in Yorkshire. It was roughly a 2 hour and 30-minute direct drive from one place to the other. Y/n and Remus didn’t start their adventure with this place in mind though, they had gone to small towns and countrysides, spent over a week living in the car in the forest, so once they had an actual destination in mind it didn't take long to get there at all.
Hastings runs along England's southeast coast, it’s a rather nice town with a good mix of muggle and magical places alike. Specifically where Bertram lived was a seaside cottage. The cottage was small but it was probably the most ideal little home Y/n had ever seen, Remus thought it was much better in comparison to his cottage.
This cottage was on its own, a lot of grass and wildflowers surrounding it until it reached the tree line which surrounded the sides of the house. It was like a cottage out of a movie, nothing Y/n had ever pictured Bertram living in. 
The front porch was nice too, it had one of those seat swings and it was situated so if you sat on it you could look straight down the empty country road that split the forest in two and led to a large field, it’s exactly what Y/n and Remus were looking at right now as Bertram went inside to grab drinks.
“This place is amazing, really.” Y/n commented to Bertram as he came back outside handing them both bottles of soda.
“Thanks, it was my Grandma’s, I'm the only grandchild so she really had no one else to give it to. Glad she didn't sell it, it’s perfect to run my business out of.” Bertram mentioned his business for the second time since they had gotten there which prompted Remus to finally ask about it.
“What is your business, if you don't mind me asking?”
Y/n and Remus were sat side by side on the porch swing and Bertram sat directly in front of them on a chair he had pulled over. He leaned closer to them on his chair like somebody was nearby and could hear them.
“Okay, it’s ingenious really! I buy things and resell them!” He smiled like he had just said the most inventive thing in the world.
“What kind of things?” Y/n asked in a voice full of worry. She was worried that Bertram was doing something inherently stupid, and she was right.
“Simple things, potions, charmed objects, magical creatures, if it’s magic in any way you name it and I buy it and resell it!” He looked so proud as he spoke about himself.
Y/n felt worry creeping up her spine, she had thought of where this was going but she was almost worried to ask her next question. “Bertram, who do you sell these things to? Wouldn't a normal wizard just go to a store?”
“That’s the beauty of it! Wizards can go to a potions store, they can go to Diagon Alley or any other store to get what they need but Muggles? They can't apparate to Diagon Alley! Muggles can’t use the Floo Network! So I go there myself,” he paused and pointed through the open screen door to the fireplace in the living room, “got a fireplace right there, and I buy things and sell them to the Muggles for a much higher price, it’s ingenious as I said before.”
Remus sat there in silence, staring blankly at the stupid man in front of him. Y/n felt like her heart had stopped, her friend who she had known for years, a kind man with good intent was illegally selling magic items to Muggles. “Bertram, that’s illegal, the Ministry will find out it's you sooner or later, they are gonna find out and you can be sent to prison for this!”
Bertram frowned for a moment before shrugging and waving his hand in the air. “Of course I won’t, don't be so worried, you were never a worrier before! Here let me show you my stock, I just did a big haul!”
Bertram stood up walking into his house and Y/n and Remus shared a look of “what did we just walk into,” before following him.
The cottage appeared small, at the entry was a living room containing a fireplace, a couch, large windows and many different plants. Then a small kitchen, a bedroom and many bookshelves lining any wall that didn't have a window. 
Bertram walked up to the one in the living room and pulled out a book that had a bit of a shiny glimmer to the spine. When he took it out the bookshelf disappeared into the ground and a secret room was revealed.
Bertram smiled sweetly, like this was completely normal, and guided the two of them into the room. The room was lined with shelves, like a storage room, and each shelf was filled with various potions and bottles and small objects in cases. There was a brewing station in one corner of the room but it looked like it hadn’t been used in a long time and someone had set it on fire based on the burnt cauldron covered in a thick layer of dust.
He spun around waiting for their reaction. “What do you think?”
“This is a lot of stuff Bertram, like a lot of stock to have, are all these even legal for wizards to own?” Y/n asked as she walked up to a shelf and examined a few labelled potions.
“Of course, if I can buy them they must be legal to own? What kind of question is that?”
“Okay, you can buy Dragon eggs but it’s not legal to own them, especially not a Dragon,” Remus commented trying to exaggerate the example to make it make sense to Bertram but he looked dumbly at Remus as if he was speaking Parseltongue.
“Why not?”
“Bertram don't tell me you have Dragon eggs.” Y/n said as she carefully placed a potion bottle down and began to look around the room for any eggs.
“I have more creature and beast related things in the basement!” He said excitedly and rushed out of the room, almost running to the opposite side of the living room. He went to the bookshelf which had two comfy chairs sitting in front of another large window right beside it, this place was actually quite cozy.
Remus followed Y/n out of the room, he took a second to try to close the bookshelf but decided it was best to not touch anything.
Bertram grabbed a similarly shiny book and the shelf disappeared just like the last one, but this time revealed a set of stairs.
“Follow me!” He exclaimed as he yelled, “Lumos!” and continued down the stairs, his loud voice echoing in their ears. Remus and Y/n both silently lit their wands, Remus was unsure why he yelled the spell in the first place.
“You still yell when you cast spells huh?” Y/n commented and Bertram quickly replied with a nod.
 “Of course!”
When they got to the end of the stairs they were met with a large room filled with various boxes, and a table with six dragon eggs or eggs of some sort just casually atop it.
“Oh, Bertram.” Y/n said, lost for any other words.
“Isn’t it cool! I inherited this place from my grandma right, as I said before, I was her only grandkid so I got all of her money too! After she died I built the attachments, it was sad at first because I know she would be upset if I made any changes to her house, but it worked out pretty well. If she ever came back as a ghost she wouldn't even be able to tell! Then I spent my inheritance on stock and started selling it!”
“How much do you sell Dragon Eggs for?” Remus inquired as he lightly moved one to examine it.
“Those are gold mines! I spent my savings on them, I bought them all for 3 million Galleons, but I can sell them for a million galleons each which triple’s my money!”
“How many have you sold?” Remus asked again, ignoring Bertram’s incorrect math.
“None yet, but when I do I will be rich!” Bertram said with a proud look on his face and Y/n offered him an endearing smile, having no words.
Nothing could have prepared them for this. It almost would have been better if they had found Bertram just to find out he had become a death eater or had turned to be a hermit in the woods or something. They had no idea how to even process their current situation, nevermind try to explain to Bertram why what he is doing is wrong.
The small cottage, which wasn’t actually so small if you included the secret room and basement, and the back porch that connected to a dock that stretched all the way from where the cottage was on the grass and across the small beach into the water. There was also a garage that was not attached to the house but there was a stairway that led to it from the basement. Remus and Y/n did not inquire as to what he kept in there.
Currently, the two were sat on the back porch, watching as the sun slowly went down, a mirror to yesterday night that made them both act awkwardly once they realized it.
Bertram was in the storage room and had been for over an hour.
“Should we check on him?” Y/n asked as she made no move to get up from the bench they were sat on, her legs lazily hanging over Remus’.
“I think it’s better that we pretend to be blind to the whole thing. I'm sure he’s fine he's a… professional at this.”
“A professional criminal? Bertram is just an idiot.” Y/n talked in a hushed tone, her face right beside Remus’ ear.
“Do you think when Sirius and James hexed him and made his head huge that when they shrunk it back down it caused brain damage?” Remus asked and Y/n choked out a laugh, covering her mouth and trying not to look so delighted by the joke.
“Remus, don't say that.”
“It’s a serious question!”
“No, he has always been that dumb, did you hear him yell that spell earlier, he has always done that, always.”
“Well, at least he’s nice.”
“He is, he has such a kind heart. I'm sure some Muggles he’s selling these things to really need them. The others are probably lying to him to trick him, I feel so bad.”
They sat silently for a minute, thinking separately over the different things Muggles would use magic items for until Remus remembered the dragon eggs. “I like that we are just casually sitting here knowing that there are six dragon eggs downstairs.”
“They are probably just rocks.”
“I hope so, I wonder how long he’s had them.”
Their conversation was interrupted when Bertram came outside, a couple of teacups floated through the air and fell into their hands. “Tea?” He asked as if they would say no to the cups already in their hands.
The two said thank you in unison and casually examined their cups before taking a sip, Bertram didn't notice since he was staring into the forest, which was odd because the sunset, a much more interesting view, was right in front of him.
“I lost a Murtlap in my first year here, it ran into the forest there and never came back! I woke up one morning with a bite but I never saw it, at least I think it was a Murtlap bite.” Bertram spoke whatever came to his mind leaving Remus and Y/n speechless yet again, he had quite a knack for saying or doing such outrageous things that any sane person would only be able to just stand there bewildered.
“So how long are you guys staying? You could stay forever if you wanted! Really it gets lonely out here, that’s why I was hoping the dragons would hatch soon. They are worth even more money once they hatch too.”
“Do you have the equipment or spells to handle them?” Y/n asked hoping he had something to control them but Bertram shook his head.
“Nope, but I had a crup once! Accidentally slammed one of his tails in a door so he ended up looking like a normal dog! I trained him to use a human toilet so I'm sure I could train some dragons to be friendly.”
They both sat there stunned again. Bertram really was harmless, he wasn't doing anything intentionally to put him or anyone in danger. He just didn't think about things and in turn ended up putting himself, and everyone in dragon-flying distance, in danger. 
Y/n looked at Remus and smiled before answering for them both.“Sure we might stay a bit! We have nowhere else to be really.”
“Great!” Bertram yelled as he stood up and walked away with no explanation as to where he was going.
Y/n and Remus stayed on the back porch well until the sun had set and only darkness surrounded them aside from a few mismatched lanterns that magically lit themselves when it turned dark.
Y/n had fallen asleep on Remus' shoulder, her legs still laying across his lap and he didn't bother moving, he wasn't entirely sure where they were going to sleep anyways. 
When Remus found he could barely keep his eyes open any longer he decided to get up, picking up Y/n as he stood, sliding his arms underneath her knees and arms. He kicked the door open lightly with his foot to find the couch in the living room had been transfigured into a bed, or maybe it was just one of those pull-out couches.
There were a bunch of thick hand-knitted blankets terribly folded at the end of the bed that had probably been made by Bertram's grandma. There was a note and an entire box of cookies on the coffee table that had been pushed to one side of the bed, the fireplace was magically lit providing the room with a glowy warmth. Remus carefully balanced on one foot, using his other to pull a blanket down and place Y/n there. He pulled the blanket up over her and then took an extra one from the end of the bed and layered it on her feet in case she needed it.
He walked over, grabbing a cookie and shoving the entire thing in his mouth before reading the note, which thankfully wasn't a warning not to eat the cookies.
“I set the bed up just like how my grandma used to set it up for me! Don't worry the sheets and blankets are all cleaned. I'll be locked in my room all night and you won't see me until late afternoon, I'm forcing myself to get some work done. I realized I hadn't eaten dinner yet and neither had you two, so I took half of the cookies from the box, you can have the rest and whatever else you need from the kitchen, please don't eat the bananas I'm saving them to make banana bread, have you ever made banana bread?”
Everything about the letter was weird, but Remus gathered that was just because Bertram was weird. He was locked in his own room, which is not normal, he had cookies for dinner, which is also not normal but Mr. “I live on coffee, cigarettes and chocolate” wasn't going to judge him on that part. Also, the way Bertram had asked a question at the end of the letter as if Remus or Y/n would write him back or answer it immediately?
Extra weird.
Remus shoved three more cookies in his mouth as he walked over to the fridge to get a drink, inside the fridge, there were two apples on a shelf instead of inside the fruit drawer. The fruit drawer was instead filled with packages of cheese. The milk was expired and there were a few glass bottles with blue shimmering liquid inside, with no labels. Remus closed the fridge and grabbed a cup, tap water was probably his safest bet even if it had lead or straight up dirt in it.
He got into the bed, pulled Y/n against his chest and kissed her forehead gently as to not wake her. She muttered a fragment of a word in her sleep but was otherwise undisturbed.
The cottage was peaceful, no noise aside from faint animal noises in the woods, no cars or people passing by, just the fear in the back of Remus mind that he was sleeping above six dragon eggs that could hatch at any moment.
Once morning came around, the potential danger of dragons had escaped Remus mind, instead, he was awoken from his dream by someone pounding on the door yelling in panicked anger.
“Bertram! Get your ass out here now! You have to explain yourself! Bertram!”
Part 8
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isidar-mithrim · 5 years
What parents would want
Summary: Teddy is about to leave for his first year at Hogwarts, but he can’t clear his mind from an uncomfortable thought.
[Read on Ao3]
Note: I began to write this story (in Italian) more than a year ago, with the intention of posting it on September the First for a contest. I didn’t finished it in time, and it had been laying on my PC for months, until few days ago I realised this year I could give it another try ;) It’s probably not worth the wait, but I hope you’ll enjoy it anyway ^^
This story has a companion piece, ‘Features of the past’ [on Ao3]. It’s actually a sort of prequel, so I’d suggest to read it first, even if it’s not necessary ^^
What parents would want
When he got out from Grimmauld Place mantlepiece, Teddy couldn’t even brush the ash from his robes before Al clung to his legs and James jumped on his back, putting his arms so tightly around his neck he almost chocked.
“You’re here, finally!”
The way they welcomed him, you’d almost think they hadn’t seen each others in months rather than half a day. At this rate, when he’d come back for Christmas they’d follow him even to the loo.
In truth, Teddy was really pleased by their overwhelming greeting. He was feeling a bit down that morning – the last few days, actually – because he kept dwelling on a certain, uncomfortable thought, and the kids’ enthusiasm helped him to clear his mind.  
Yes, from time to time they could be a bit much – especially James – but Teddy knew how to deal with their excitement: he’d found out their greatest weakness since a long while, and he wasn’t scare to use it when the situation required it, like in that precise moment.
Teddy grabbed the two little, adorable brats and tickled them without mercy – he knocked two chairs while wrestling them, but beside that his move proved to be as effective as always, because Al e James finally let him free, begging him to stop between the laughs.
“I reckon it was well deserved” said Ginny with a warm smile, pulling him in a hug. When Teddy let go, she sighed, looking at him in the eyes. “I’m not sure I’m ready to let go the best tickler of the house.”
Teddy felt a lump in his throat at these words, knowing she meant way more than that. “You’re a good tickler too” he said sheepishly.
“But a way better Bat-Bogey Hexer” said Ginny with a wink, making him chuckle.
“Oh, I can definitely vouch for that.”
Teddy whirled when he heard Harry’s amused voice behind his back. His Godfather was holding Lily on his hip, an arm under her bum and a grin upon his face.
“Edì!” said Lily with her little happy voice, squirming in Harry’s grip to lean toward him, her stubby hands stretched in the air. “Hair!”
“Well, good morning to you too” said Teddy with glee, taking her tiny hands. “Let see, which color would you like today?”
“All the colors?!” he asked, widening his eyes in pretended awe.
“Yes!” exclaimed Lily, her eyes shining with excitement.
“I wanna see too!” yelled James, rushing forward with Al in tow.
“What a surprise” chuckled Harry, ruffling Teddy’s hair with his free hand. “Seems like you’ll have an audience.”
“Make them green!” said Al.
“But green is for Slytherins!”
“James!” scolded Harry, while Ginny glared at her son. “Do we really need to remind you that Andromeda is a Slytherin?” she asked coolly.
James searched Teddy’s gaze immediately, his eyes widened in worry. “I… I didn’t mean it like that…”
“I know you didn’t” he smiled. “But –“
“Edì, hair!”
He chuckled. “Someone is a little impatient, today.”
“Try always” grinned Ginny.
“You’ll make green?” insisted Al, and this time James only dared to roll his eyes.
“Yes, I’ll make green too” said Teddy, theatrically laying his fingers on his temples. “Be quite, now… I need to concentrate.”
The three kids looked at him with widened eyes and gaping mouths when he began uttering inexistent words with a dramatic voice. He kept speaking for a little, then he squeezed his eyes shut and colored his hair green, yellow, purple, red, pink, orange and blue again, in rapid sequence.
Al and James cheered, Harry and Ginny clapped, but as always it was Lily who had his favorite reaction: she was laughing with mirth, and Teddy felt a surge of affection toward her. She’d learned to say his name just a little while ago, and he hoped with all his might she wouldn’t forget it during their months apart.
He was tying Lily on the baby chair beside the table when his granny arrived with the trunk. Teddy knew she’d pretended she had to finish some chores just to give him a bit of time alone with the Potters, and he’d really appreciated the thought. Nonetheless, he was glad she arrived, partially because he wanted to stay with all of them during breakfast, partially because they’d waited for her to eat, and he was starving.
It wasn’t the first time the Potters used the empty house as starting point for errands in London, and Teddy had been very glad when Ginny had asked to his gran if they could meet there to have breakfast together and walk him to the station.
Despite the happy chats and Kreacher’s delicacies, though, after a while the cheerful lightheartedness he’d felt upon his arrival at Grimmauld Place faded away. He’d looked forward to that morning for weeks, sure he’d be over the moon, and for a while he felt like it, but not anymore.
He tried to keep up the facade, but he didn’t miss Harry’s mildly worried expression, nor the way he exchanged glances with his granny and Ginny.
Teddy had solemnly sworn that he’d only go to look at the photo with Harry, but for the first time he was regretting that promise.
He knew he should be grateful that Harry took a free morning for him – as if throwing him a surprise party with all the Weasley the afternoon before wasn’t already more than Teddy had expected – but he also knew that the visit to Sirius’s room often became an occasion for some deeper conversations, and he wasn’t sure he had the strength nor the words to explain what was troubling him.
As such, it was with a heavy heart that Teddy left the kitchen when Harry caught his gaze and nodded towards the ceiling.
Sirius’s room was exactly as he remembered, with its walls plastered by those weirdly motionless posters that gave it a scruffy vibe. Despite that, it’d always been clean, because Kreacher insisted to spend his free days tidying up Grimmauld Place, and he was always happy to come by to help if the Potters used the house.
The bed creaked when Harry took a sit in his usual spot, patting the space beside him. “Come and join me, will you?”
Teddy nodded and sat down, and when Harry smiled at him Teddy smiled back, hoping against hope that his godfather wouldn’t see through his pretense.
“So… ready for the great day?”
Teddy let his gaze wander on the motorcycles posters, carefully avoiding those with bikini-clad girls. He wasn’t a good liar, especially when it came to Harry.
“Yeah” he said with a shrug, trying to sound casual. He heard his godfather sighing, and he knew Harry wasn’t buying it even before he spoke.
“Are you sure? Because, well… I hope you don’t mind me saying it, but… you seem a bit down, you know?”
Teddy stayed silent, moving his eyes on a Gryffindor banners. Who knows, may be it was going to be a Gryffindor as well, as his father and his friends… or as his godfather.
Harry put a hand on his knee, squeezing it gently. “You know you can tell me if there’s something wrong, right?”
Finally, Teddy gathered the courage to nod. He felt his eyes prickling, and blinked back the tears.
“I know it’s gonna be tough to be far from home for such a long time” said Harry. “But… well, I thought you were eager to go to Hogwarts…”
“It’s not that” clarified Teddy hastily. “I mean… of course I’m going to miss you all, but…”
It was a stupid thought, the one that kept popping in his mind uninvited, and he despised himself a bit for realising it just before he had to leave, making everything harder.
“But?” prompted Harry.
Teddy looked at him chewing his lower lip, unsure of what to say. Rationally he knew Harry was going to understand – he always did – but… what if this time was different? What if he’d think it was stupid?
“Have you… have you ever thought about living in Godric’s Hollow?” he asked, wishing it’d be enough to make him understand.
Any hope that Harry might got to the heart of the problem by his own vanished when he widened his eyes, taken aback. “Well… I actually lived there for a bit, after Hogwarts, in the little house Sirius bought with his uncle Alphard’s money… I thought you remembered… You came by many times with you gran…”
Teddy swallowed, and his gaze fell upon the Marauders’ picture he cherished so much. He wondered if Sirius was already living alone, when the photo had been taken. “Yeah… yeah, I remember, but… What I meant was… have you ever thought of leaving at your parents’ house? You know, the one where… where Voldemort…”
“Oh” murmured Harry, finally getting the matter. Teddy was relieved seeing he was still serious: he’d been stupid fearing Harry was going to laugh at him when it was obvious he wasn’t ever going to, not for something like this. Now sure Harry was going to make an effort to give him a true answer, Teddy threw him a questioning glance.
“Well, I did thought about that, at the beginning” said Harry. “But… do you remember what the house looks like, right?”
Teddy nodded. It wasn’t an image so easy to forget, but he’d been glad that Harry had chose to took him there the year before, after the memorial for the tenth anniversary of the Battle. It’d been nice knowing that Harry was willing to share something like that with him as well.
“Why you didn’t fix it?”
Teddy had already wondered about it when he’d seen the state of the cottage, but he hadn’t dare to ask, fearing Harry would regret bringing him there.
“Because… well, I don’t know for sure, but it’s like… it’s like that house is the symbol of my parents’ sacrifice, somehow. Like… some sort of memorial, in a way. It didn’t feel tight to fix it, as nothing ever happened. But… may be I was wrong. May be they would have liked if I’d lived there, where I was born. After all, it’s the only place where we lived together, to my knowledge.”
He liked that too, about Harry – that when they spoke about this stuff he didn’t act like he knew everything and Teddy knew nothing.
Silence fell, and Teddy let his gaze lay upon his father’s young features. He seemed very happy at his friends’ side.
After a while Teddy threw a glance at Harry, and saw that he was staring at the picture as well.
“How do you know?” he asked him in a low voice.
Harry turned his head toward him, perplexed. “Know what?”
“What your parents would want.”
Harry closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. “I know that… that sometimes, when we have to make a choice, we wonder what would make them the proudest and what would please them the most, and that’s ok, but the truth is… we can only imagine the answer. And anyway, the answer doesn’t really matter, you know? We have to make the choices we feel rights, not the choices we think they might feel right.”
Teddy wasn’t sure he fully got that concept, but it was true that from time to time – like that morning – he did things to make his parents happy, because he wanted to believe they kept an eye on him, and he didn’t want to disappoint them.
“You don’t think they wouldn’t like if… if I’m happy were… you know…”
Teddy lowered his gaze, incapable to say it aloud, and only when Harry laid a gentle hand on his shoulder he found the will to raise his head again, looking his godfather in the eyes.
“What I know for certain,” said Harry, “is that our parents died so we could live. Nothing would make them more glad than to see us happy, even at Hogwarts or Godric’s Hollow. Especially at Hogwarts or Godric’s Hollow.”
There was truth in those words, Teddy was aware of it. And yet…
“I… I’m not sure I can do it.”
“Well… you can’t be sure until you try” said Harry with a kind smile. “And… may be at the beginning it will be a bit harder for you, I won’t lie about that, but I believe everything’s going to be fine, eventually.”
Teddy would have loved to be infected by his smile, but his lips didn’t cooperate. “What if it won’t?” he murmured.
Harry sighed. “Then you could write to me or your gran or Ginny, or you could speak to Neville, and we’ll do the best to help you.”
“You think they’d understand too?”
“Yes, I really think they would” said Harry with no hesitation. “Your gran… well, she’s your grandmother, and I’m sure she misses your mum as much as you do. And Ginny went back to Hogwarts for her last year, even if just a couple of months before she’d lost her brother Fred in the Battle.”
“Oh… I forgot.”
To his surprise, Harry grinned. “You should be really glad she can’t hear you right now, you know? The last time I told her that I forgot something as important, she glared at me and coolly said lucky you” mimicked Harry with an annoyed tone.
Teddy chuckled, and Harry playfully nudged him in the belly. “Don’t worry, my lips are sealed. But I bet that now that you remembered it, you regret talking to me rather than her” he joked, and Teddy couldn’t help but smile.
“Nah” he said, nudging him back. “You’re not too bad yourself.”
When Harry pulled him in a hug, Teddy held him tight as well.
Harry let go first, throwing a glance at his old watch.
“It’s almost time to go” he said, taking Teddy by the shoulders and looking him right into the eyes. “I’d like to give you something before we leave, but if you prefer to talk a bit with Ginny I can ask her to join you here.”
Teddy was taken aback by Harry’s word. On one hand, he’d really like to hear Ginny’s advice, but on the other he was eager to know what Harry wanted to give him, and if he had to pick between those two…
“May be… may be I could talk to her while we go to the station, or… or I could write…”
Harry chuckled, amused. “Yeah, I’m sure she’ll be happy to hear from you” he said, ruffling his hair. He then put a hand in his pocket and pulled out a folded parchment that looked pretty old.
“Is it a letter?” Teddy asked hopeful. May be his parents had written him something for the occasion?
“No, it’s not a letter.”
Teddy was a bit disappointed, but tried not to show it. It’d been a silly thought, because he knew that his parents had heard about the battle at the very last minute… of course they hadn’t had time to write him something.
“What is it, then?”
“Do you remember when I told you about the Marauders?”
“Of course!” said Teddy with renewed enthusiasm, looking at the parchment with even more curiosity. He’d never forget the day Harry brought him in the very same room to show him that picture and to share the Marauders’ story, nor he’d forget when they went in the Shrieking Shack the year before.
May be there where other pictures inside the parchment? Harry had always told him the only photograph of the four Marauders he knew of was the one in front of them, and not even Hermione managed to detach it from the wall, but may be he’d found more?
“Well… actually, there’s a thing about them I haven’t told you yet” said Harry with a warm smile. “But you must promise me it’s going to be a secret between us, at least until James will be at Hogwarts too” he added with a wink.
“I promise!” said Teddy immediately.
“See, this parchment is way more than it seems… something very useful and valuable”
Teddy watched eagerly while Harry unfolded it and tapped it with his wand.
“I solemnly swear that I’m up to no good.”
End notes: I know JKR said James probably stolen the Maps from Harry’s desk, but I can’t help thinking Teddy deserved to use it too ;) Please indulge me on that :P
Beside ‘Features of the past’, I also have another prequel in mind plus a sequel, so if you are interested you may keep an eye on the serie ;)
Last note: I swear I wrote the bit about Ginny with the first draft a year ago (even if I added the bit about ‘I forgot’ – ‘Lucky you’ later on), but if you’d like to read how the conversation might have went if Teddy had chosen to speak to Ginny rather than to Harry, you should definitely check Teddy speaks to Ginny about his parents by Floreat Castellum ^^
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lupinlongbottom · 6 years
Babysitting Blues
Remus Lupin x Reader
Summary: Remus and (Y/N) are asked to babysit Harry while Lily and James go away for the weekend. 
Prompt: Your stories are amazing!! Can i request one with remus, where him and the reader babysit little harry and it’s really fluffy and cute? And the reader is like convinced that he’d be a good dad? Thanks !! - Anon
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: mostly fluff, a little swearing, implied sex
Tag List: @knowledgeisthebomb
A/N: just wholesome moony love tbh (with a lil bit of james x lily thrown in!)
Diapers? Check. Toys? Check. Loads of sweets that Harry is to not ingest? Check.
Lily and James were headed on a weekend trip, the first one they’ve had away from Harry since he had been born. James was way more than willing to pass his only son off onto his best friend and his fiancée, just so he could spend some quality alone time with his wife. Lily, on the other hand… Of course she trusted Remus and (Y/N), she’d do anything for them, but this was her bloody son. She could hardly trust James to properly care for their son half the time. Needless to say, she was apprehensive.
“You sure you trust us? I mean, really trust us?” Remus asked, bouncing a cooing Harry on his hip. Lily tried to shove a pair of socks into their luggage, huffing.
“Of course I do,” Another grunt. “I have no doubts—Merlin, James! What did you pack in here? I can barely fit my emergency socks!” James strolled in from the kitchen.
“Stuff,” James said, taking a bite of a delicious looking green apple. “What could you possibly need emergency socks for?”
“What if she gets the socks she’s already wearing wet?” (Y/N) chimed in, arms crossed. The Potter’s had kept their cottage at a rather cool temperature, (Y/N) preferred staying warm and cozy.
Lily pointed her hand at (Y/N), looking James dead in the eye. “See? (Y/N) gets it!” Lily successfully shut the luggage, emergency socks packed squarely away. “James, I swear, if you had packed anything that’s not necessary for this trip—”
“Everything in that bag has a reason,” James rolled his eyes. “Emergency socks and all. What I packed was rather important.” He shot a smirk at Remus and leaned in to his ear, whispering something that only he could hear. Remus’ scars shone bright white under the now scarlet hue of his cheeks.
“Oi, James, was that necessary?” Remus continued to bounce Harry.
“What I said? Or what I packed?” James said, nonchalantly, taking another bite from his apple. He had just about finished it by now.
“Both!” Remus said, glancing down at Harry, who was currently grabbing the air in front of him, reaching for Lily. James smirked.
“What did he say?” Lily asked, gently grabbing Harry. A large bubble of happiness left Harry’s lips as Lily went to pepper kisses to his pudgy face.
Remus waved his hand. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.” The color had almost left his face, though the tips of his ears still shone with the brilliance of roses.
“You two should get going, yeah?” (Y/N) waved her wand, the now thin apple core in James’ hands floated away to the kitchen, a soft thunk was heard. It was the trash can.
James nodded. “We have a reservation,” He grabbed Lily’s coat from the closet and draped it over his arm. He gently tickled Harry’s nose, grin spreading across his face. “Though I’m going to miss you! Little stinker!” Harry cooed, planting a chubby hand directly on James’ face.
“It’s at that new restaurant in London, the one I had told you about.” Lily said, passing Harry to James.
“Oh! The one with that fancy ice cream you couldn’t stop gushing on and on about?” (Y/N) asked.
Lily nodded, pulling her navy blue overcoat on. “James had actually caught onto my hints for once,” A quick glance was given to James’ direction, he was flipping Harry upside down and pulling him straight back up. “Thought it’d be a nice treat—James, Harry’s going to get sick if you keep doing that—a chance for us to get away.” Lily shot James a cold glare.
“Come on Lils, Harry loves it!” James said, flipping Harry down once more, as if to prove a point.
Remus grabbed Harry from James before he could flip him down again. “You should get your coat too James, it’s cold out.” Remus said, pushing a tuft of dark hair out of the boy’s face.
James snarled. “Okay mom.”
(Y/N) chuckled at Remus’ now somewhat exasperated expression. “Chin up sweetheart,” She tucked a few fingers under Remus’ chin, pushing it up slightly. “At least he’s listening to you.”
“He’s a grown man, (Y/N). He should know when it’s the proper time to wear a coat.” Remus mumbled, turning his head away from (Y/N)’s touch.  
Lily laughed, the sickeningly sweet sound echoing throughout the hall. “Yeah, okay,” Another outburst of laughter from Lily. “You know how many times I’ve had to make him soup because he forgot his coat?”
“Three. Three times!” James exclaimed, now wearing a beige coat and old Gryffindor scarf. “Would you let it go?”
“No,” Lily smiled. “But we should get going,” Lily said, lifting the luggage up. “Don’t want to miss our dinner, right?”
“Right,” James agreed, opening the front door. “If you two need anything I think Lils left the phone number to the hotel on the counter.”
“You have a telephone?” (Y/N) asked, cocking her head to the side slightly.
Lily nodded. “To chat with my parents. Never really enjoyed the owls very much.”
“We’ll call if anything happens,” Remus nodded, still bouncing Harry. “You two should get going.”
“Tryin’ to get the house to yourself Moony?” James asked, grin crawling across his cheeks. “Just—just don’t do anything too explicit in front of the infant, would you?” James ran a hand through Harry’s hair, moving down to cup his chubby cheek.
Remus merely smiled. “Enjoy your trip.”
“Oh Harry,” Lily cooed. “Mummy’s going to miss you!” She planted a wet kiss on his forehead, directly above his brow. Harry shot her a toothless smile.
“We’ll see you in two days,” James said, leading Lily out of the house. As her red hair bounced out of view, James leaned in. “Try not to call, we’ll be rather… busy.” With a wink, the door shut tightly, leaving the couple standing alone, infant in hand.
“That extra stuff James had packed,” (Y/N) said, eyes not leaving the shut door. “They were costumes, weren’t they?”
“Yup.” Remus hummed, also staring at the door. The silence finally caught up to them, surrounding the entire house it seemed. They were all alone, left to take care of an actual human baby.
“Hey Rem,” (Y/N) sniffed, head turning towards Harry. Remus looked down at Harry, who now adorned a rather frustrated face. “I think Harry needs a change.”
“Oh—right,” Remus said, pointing his nose upwards every so slightly. “Do you know how to change a diaper?” 
(Y/N)’s eyes widened. “No. I thought you did.”
Remus shook his head. “I—well—I guess I could go try to figure it out,” He turned on his heels towards the stairs. “Can’t have you sitting in a dirty diaper, can we?” He said, words directed at Harry. Harry burbled in response.
“I’ll come,” (Y/N) followed close behind. “For morale.” 
“Charming.” Remus chuckled.
They entered the nursery, the pale blue walls were lit with the soft glow from the lamp. Remus set Harry gently down on the changing table. The fabric beneath him had dancing elephants flowing freely.
“Lily sure knows how to decorate.” (Y/N) said, thumbing through the baby books on the wooden bookshelf.
“I think it’d be fun,” Remus said, fumbling through the drawers to find a clean diaper. “Decorating a nursery, that is.”
“Getting to choose the wall paper, the stuffed animals, the crib,” Remus held a diaper up triumphantly, eyes still focused on Harry. “Buying the adorably tiny socks.”
“You’ve thought about stuff like that?” (Y/N) asked, crossing her arms.
Remus looked back at (Y/N). “Of course, doesn’t everybody?” He said, finally removing Harry’s dirty diaper. Remus gagged lightly. “What a terribly stinky diaper. Wonderful job Harry!” 
“You’re praising him?” (Y/N) said, grabbing her nose tightly, trying to block out the stench.
“Of course. He’s a baby, capable of extraordinary things in the future, endless potential, really. But, for now,” Remus threw the balled up filth into the bin next to the changing table. “A stinky diaper is at the top of his accomplishments.”
“He’s done a rather bang-up job at that.” (Y/N) said, walking closer to the changing table. Harry was kicking his legs, making it difficult for Remus to clean him properly.
Remus smiled. “Exactly.”
(Y/N) tilted her head. “He’s a really cute baby. Lily and James got awfully lucky.”
“Luck isn’t the word I’d use,” Remus said. “He’s pretty much a dead-ringer for James, just pudgier.” 
“James has a nice face,” (Y/N) announced. “Quite the looker.” 
“You do know your fiancé is standing right next to you, correct?” Remus huffed, only a tad bit annoyed.
“Indeed I do,” (Y/N) said, placing a kiss on his cheek. “Did I ever say he had a better face than you?”
“You implied it.”
“Stop pouting love,” (Y/N) placed her hand on his shoulder. “It makes your beautiful face a little less pretty.” Her hand rubbed back and forth on his blue jumper, enjoying the feeling of the woolen texture.
“I’m not pouting.” Remus said, voice small.
“Of course you’re not, sweetheart,” (Y/N) sighed. “I’m going to head back downstairs.” 
“You do that.”
“Come and find me when you’re going to stop being a big baby,” (Y/N) laughed, retreating to the living room and flopping on the couch. She hadn’t realized how comfortable the fabric felt against her skin. (Y/N) made a mental note to ask Lily where she had purchased it. A loud bang was heard from upstairs, along with a loud groan. “Sweetheart?”
No response.
A few moments later, Remus appeared in the living room, carrying a more content Harry. He set him down next to the stack of blocks near the couch.
“Everything okay?” (Y/N) chuckled, eyeing Remus up and down.
He flopped down next to her, arm falling around her shoulders. “No.”
“Did you—your jumper—change?” (Y/N) asked. He indeed was wearing a new jumper, the one previous had little blue snowflakes. The one he was currently wearing was a bright red hue, adorned with a dark maroon argyle pattern.
Remus groaned. “Yes."
“He—Merlin, (Y/N), I had no idea a baby’s bladder could get so full!” Remus said, flinging his head to the back of the couch, staring up at the ceiling
“He didn’t!” 
Remus did not reply, but purely shot (Y/N) a rather annoyed look.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” (Y/N) said with a sweet voice, holding back the laughter. She moved to fix his collar, he hadn’t pulled it through the neck hole properly in his haste to change. “But, on the bright side, everything can only get better from here, right?”
“I suppose you’re right.” Remus said, glancing down at Harry.
“Besides,” (Y/N) leaned closer to Remus’ ear. “I’ve always liked you in this color.” She hummed, pressing a soft kiss to his jaw.
He smiled, turning to look at (Y/N) once more. “I know.” His lips met hers gently, warm and inviting.
“You a little less pouty?” (Y/N) teased, nuzzling more into Remus’ side.
“Just a bit,” He admitted. “The kiss helped.”
“Need another?”
It started soft and gentle, as it was before. But, with a swift change in intensity, (Y/N) found herself clinging to Remus’ jumper rather tightly. They swayed for a moment before being interrupted by a rather happy burble from Harry. He had been playing with the blocks in front of him.
“He does look an awful lot like James, doesn’t he?” (Y/N) said, rather breathlessly. 
“But he’s got Lily’s eyes.” Remus added.
“I bet he’s never heard that one before,” (Y/N) scoffed, readjusting her collar. “He looks like he’s having fun.” 
Harry had begun to stack the blocks, or, he tried for that matter. Remus pulled his wand out and swished it gently, sending the various colored blocks flying across the room. Harry was mesmerized by the floating colors, enchanted with how they moved. His green eyes darted back and forth between the hues, as if he couldn’t decide where to focus them. Remus smiled as he flicked his wand once more, placing the blocks in a pyramid shape.
“He loved that.” (Y/N) gushed, watching little Harry play with the blocks with a feverish fury.
“I try.” Remus hummed, tilting his head onto (Y/N)’s.
“You said before,” (Y/N) started. “About decorating a nursery.” 
Remus stiffened, afraid to respond. “Yes?” He managed to croak out.
“Well, you said you’ve thought about it before,” (Y/N) picked at her fingernails. How had they gotten so dirty? “And you really seemed happy thinking about it.”
“I was.”
“Was? Are you still not?”
“I mean,” Remus removed his arm from around (Y/N), sitting up from the couch. His elbows met his knees. “It’s a nice thought, sure, but not very feasible.”
(Y/N) paused, thinking over his phrasing. “Sweetheart, I know we hadn’t talked much on the subject of children but—”
“But you don’t want any—with me, that is. I understand.” Remus finished, voice rather cold. His eyes were still focused on Harry, whom had a blue block shoved in his cheeks. A quick flick of Remus’ wand sent the block flying out.
“What?” (Y/N) asked, rather startled by Remus’ comment.
“It’s obvious, isn’t it?” Remus let out a rather sad chuckle. “You’d never want to have a child with a monster like myself. It’s not fair to you, not fair to any offspring.”
(Y/N) started laughing loudly. The sound filled the room, echoing off the walls and bounding back to Remus’ ears. She grabbed onto her stomach, as if it hurt to breathe.
“Love?” Remus asked, awfully confused.
“You really need to stop assuming things like that Mr. Lupin,” (Y/N) took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure. “You really think I wouldn’t want to have children with you?”
Remus nodded slowly.
“Then you don’t really get me at all, do you? Merlin! I’m marrying you for goodness sake!” (Y/N) flashed her engagement ring at Remus. It wasn’t much by any means, but it had represented their love and the vow they would make to one another soon enough. “Remus, I don’t care what you are, I care about who you are. I’d be pretty damn lucky to have a child with you.”
“But what if they’re—”
“Good thing they’ll have a father who can help them understand their condition, isn’t it? Regardless, that child is going to be so damn loved—by both of us—that it’ll resent us for the rest of their lives.”
Remus did not speak. He just continued to look at Harry, who had made eye contact with Remus. Harry’s head tilted slightly to the left, as if he was confused at the solemn expression drawn on Remus’ features.
“We could always adopt. There’s hundreds of wizard children waiting for a loving family to call their own,” (Y/N) sighed, noticing Remus’ unchanged expression. “You’re going to make and excellent father, Remus, wether the child be ours biologically or not. I’ve seen how caring and doting on Harry, it made me think, you know, about—”
“Our future child?” Remus finally spoke up, now fully glancing at (Y/N).
“I thought about how you’d praise them for every little thing they did, being so unbelievably proud of them and their accomplishments, even if they were lack-luster. I thought about how amazing you’d be at telling them stories, using rather unbelievable different voices for the characters. I thought about all of that, Remus,” (Y/N) shrugged, her eyes brimming with tears. “You’d make an excellent father. It just kills me to know you don’t think so too.”
“(Y/N),” Remus reached out to touch (Y/N), but let his hand fall. “I thought about those things too, I did. I just—just didn’t want to burden you with the idea of children if you didn’t want them. I want kids—more than anything, really—and I want them with you.”
“I’m glad you think so,” (Y/N) sniffled. “You got me worried for a moment there Moony.” She rubbed her eyes, wiping the stray tears away.
“I’m sorry I worried you,” Remus pulled (Y/N) in a tight embrace, holding her head close to his heart. “That was never my intention.”
“Remind me to put something about communicating better in my vows, okay?” (Y/N) joked.
“Duly noted.” Remus replied, smiling into (Y/N)’s hair.
They pulled out of the embrace and retreated back to the position they had been in before, nuzzled into each other’s sides. (Y/N) glanced back down at Harry, who was still playing quietly with the blocks.
“You know,” She hummed. “With all those costumes James packed, Harry’ll probably have a little brother or sister for us to babysit too in a few months.”
“It’ll be good practice then, wouldn’t it?” Remus said, smiling down at (Y/N).
“Excellent practice.”
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