#and some of the biggest players in the dance less present
ride-thedragon · 17 days
Restyling House Velayron.
To me, they were done the most dirty in terms of costumes. Older members first because they establish the world the young ones inherited. So they set the fashion of the house.
Corlys Velayron.
For me, the thought is that Corlys is two things, wealthy and beyond the idea of Westeros. He is the sailor of the nine Voyages, the head of the richest House in Westeros. The pleasantries his title should afford are outweighed by his acclaim and place in history. He is a player in the game, but in appearance, he's beyond fairness. Extravagant jewels and patterns from trading and rich materials that scream, we all know the one thing that kept me from that throne.
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Rhaenys Targaryen Velayron
Mother is a Baratheon, a Velayron, and a Targaryen. She's also the style icon of her house. She grew up the seeming heir to the iron throne and is the wife of Lord Corlys. Her ability to play the part of reconciled Princess is only counteracted by her love of Targaryen heraldry. Or the red queen Melyes'. If she is the queen who never was, she should remind them as to why. Her house is also huge in trade. We can’t forget that this is the daughter of Jocelyn Baratheon. She doesn't choose sides, she invokes the memory of Jaehaerys' reign itself.
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Laenor Velayron
Baby Laenor
So baby Laenor doesn't have much of a place of court, but he is Corlys' heir and expected to be a man of the court. So I think he's dripped out like the heir of house Velayron but dressed for the court by Rhaenys. The combination of the best of both his parents.
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Teen Laenor.
Locs grow in 5 years, they grow a lot more than they do in thos show and I don't know why Laenor didn't have longer locs. There is this duality that he can't reconcile his sexuality and what is expected of him, but I do think this is when he decides to play the part of an eligible bachelor. Even though he's still a Velayron, he's dressing more like his mom. Big and high hair. Robes and overall Westeros peak fashion. But also pretty boy loc styles. Setting the standard for Lord Consort.
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Adult Laenor.
Okay, so this is the last part. We see Laenor in full dress once, maybe and never again. He's disillusioned from court and what is expected of him. He's dresses still like his position and represents his faction, but he longs to be somewhere he's wanted and belongs. He's isolated from his daily life and is trying his best. He's just a hollow placeholder for his former determined self. This is also the introduction of Velayron head scarves because they look cool.
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Laena Velayron Targaryen
Baby Laena.
So, like everyone else, she is the set standard like her mother and dither. She is the richest lady in Westeros. She does her hair in different styles that seem to reflect the dresses she wears, and the dresses she wears communicate her want to travel like her father. When she is presented to Viserys, it's almost a gaudy expression of the house Velayron and heir wealth. With style cues of both Rhaenys and Corlys, her outfit communicates the potential reach of this alliance and all that is at stake. But her hair is still childish, and the style stifles her.
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Teen Laena
Baddest bitch in Westeros is back with her revenge arc. Her hair has evolved but is still ever-changing with both twists that look like locs and hair styles that communicate a maturity from her. Every time you see her because eat this point you see her with Viserys and at the wedding she is looking like she's in a revenge dress. Her style is more adapted to Westeros with a love of Essos Fabrics and Patterns and corsets that look like the shipwright women of Driftmark. She is also now a dragonrider, so I think that adds to the confidence. She's also the most wanted match to have based on power along. Rider of Vhagar and the only daughter of the house Velayron. We never see her more true to her love of Driftmark. She revels in her wealth and power.
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Adult Laena.
Two things. She's pregnant and she wants to go home. She's a traveller with Daemon, so I don't think she's going out of her way to dress in King's Landing fashion. That's not the way she misses home. She misses her mom, so she has high hair, still with twists instead of locs to symbolise her missing the men and blues and robes because she's in Essos, but she's a Velayron. Big jewels like her father and mother. This is her emulating her family because she wants them, wants her children to be familiar, this is Laena missing her old self.
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Vaemond Velayron.
Uncle Vaemond is a Velayron man through and through. He'd have the smallest locs we'd see because he's on Driftmark and able to maintain it. He dresses in the colours of his house and in the fashion of Pentoshi traders. He's the most essos leaning man in Westeros you'd see outside of Dorne. He has the freedom of the second son and shows that off in his styles. He is of House Velayron and does not care to appease house Targaryen in their quests for expanding power.
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Next up, we'll follow the style narrative of the young ones
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theresattrpgforthat · 10 months
i have a character in a bitd campaign i’m running who is going to be defending a dissertation and i would love to do a different game for when that happens. do you have any recs that have the vibe of thesis defense or an interview, public speaking/presentation, etc? Thanks!
THEME: Debate Games
Hello friend. There are not a lot of debate games, but I found a few that might give you the structure for something that you can rebuild to meet your needs. Some of them even work for more than two players! I’m also going to include one game that is about duels, in case defending your thesis is more about protecting a position, and I’m going to slot in a recommendation for a game where bantering back and forth represents a pre-duel sort of duel, in case you find it’s system more to your taste.
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ANTological Theory, by Adira Slattery
ANTological Theory is a GM-less tabletop comedy game for 3-5 players, who take the roll of ant philosophers debating in the Hive. You will debate about a variety of randomly chosen topics; the nature of Food, an ant's sense of self, the importance of the Queen, and even the trolley problem. Gameplay can be fast paced, or players can spend a lot of time debating one of the random topics at their leisure. The entire rules fit on a single page, and you'll just need two six-sided dice.
This game will probably need a bit of re-working to make it about your chosen topic than to be about ants, and the rules are pretty loose as well. The bulk of the game is a list of roll-tables and a series of mirrored statements that your characters will take stances on. If you bought the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality back in 2020, you already own this game so it might be worth checking out. You can also check out the One Shot Podcast’s episode of this game to hear what a game session feels like!
Salads N’ Sandwiches: An Absurd Debate Game, by aghostofeli.
Every dish you have ever eaten was either a Salad or a Sandwich. What that means is only limited by your imagination and how well you convince everyone else. Players compete to have their arguments and rebuttals heard by a judge of their peers. The first to rack the most points wins.
This is a debate-tournament style game in which you argue about items and what category they belong in. The initial game is about sorting foods into the category of Sandwich or Salad, but you could likely replace it with any other two categories! The game is designed off of Caltrop Core, so you’ll only need d4s to play.
Meeting God on a Park Bench, by Owlsten.
Meeting God on a Park Bench is a small game about discussing things in a safe environment using card-based mechanics. This game is meant to simulate an argument, but you don’t literally have to have an argument with God. It has two roles: Attacker and Defender. You will use cards to determine what happens with each round of discussion to determine whether you will remain as Attacker and Defender, whether you move on to a new topic, state something you like about the other player, or change the topic. This is an argument game that has built-in safety tools to ensure that the disagreement stays civil, to ensure that the players behind the characters don’t feel personally attacked.
The biggest downside to this game might be the looseness of the rules. If you’re going to be defending a dissertation in an academic setting, you might want to change how some of the cards work, or add in a few extra rules to make sure the game properly simulates a defense.
A Duet of Steel, by Adrian Thorn.
Throughout your life, throughout generations of your family, throughout the various fronts of your war, you have had one great rival. Again and again you clash with them, one walking away the victor of the battle, but bearing the scars of your war. 
Whatever the setting and scope, the focus of A Duet Of Steel is the two Duelists, their climatic duels, and the aftermath of these confrontations. The Duet Of Steel is a dance of antagonism, with an ebb and flow of conflict and recovery. But it is a Duet, with the two parties playing off each other. It takes two to tango.
A Duet of Steel is a game about two rivals going head to head, but their conflict doesn’t necessarily have to be physical, which is why it might be a candidate for this kind of game. You will build your duelists, your setting, and decide what is at stake. You’ll also have to agree on a Victory Condition. You’ll then move through a timeline in which your Duelists will use a deck of playing cards to determine what you might lose or gain. The cards will also be used as modes of attack or defense, and will help you determine who wins and whether or not an opponent gets to counter. Out of all the games on this list, this game has the most concrete rules and the most well-defined play structure.
Games I Have Recommended Before
I Have The High Ground - for a duel of words where emotions are more heavily involved - and you wear capes!
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armed-ruebarb · 1 year
Hopes and Dreams for OT3
Haha, that rhymed. And yes, I know: OT2 came out less than two months ago, but let me live in delusion! Also forewarning for spoilers and a shit ton of writing
People have said it before and continue to say it: the biggest flaw in Octopath’s storytelling is the disconnect between the characters. I think the problem is that Square can’t find an equilibrium between player autonomy and consistent plot structure.
If you maximize player autonomy, you get OT1 where you can complete the vast majority of the game without a required set of characters or what have you at the cost of character interactions and proper connections. However, if you maximize plot structure, you are left with a set in stone story that, while probably better written, takes away the “traveling the continent wherever and whenever” charm of the game. It would completely ruin the vibe.
OT2 definitely improved a lot on this front. You can’t access Ku (and the Conjurer job) without Hikari’s story, you can’t reach Lostseed without Throné’s story, and you can’t reach the Arcanist island without Partitio’s boat. However, characters still lack a particular connection in their stories. Yes, the events overlap in some places, but even then nobody comments on it because there’s no guarantee that the player would understand the context. As a result, the game has to wait until the final quest to talk about all this fascinating connections hinted at throughout the story. I want to see cool shit like:
Trousseau actually saying Claude’s name at some point.
Throné and Hikari discussing their bloodline cursed by the Shadow.
Harvey bragging about the creation of the Darkling and the Roi monster.
Simeon and Mattias at least mentioning each other in their respective battles.
There are just so many missed opportunities because what if the player hasn’t even started Primrose’s story? What if they don’t even know who Roi is? How do you monitor the player’s knowledge without controlling the entire story? I thought on the matter for a while, but then it came to me. Best part is, it’s already in the game.
Think about the crossed paths. They have actual built in requirements. Not just level recommendations, which can be bypassed with a bit of grinding: legitimate requirements. This was probably only done to compensate for each story only being two chapters because none of them explicitly talk about anything beyond each character’s first chapter (Hikari and Agnea’s is a notable exception), but it has so much potential.
By placing story requirements on OT3’s chapters, it unlocks a whole new avenue of character connections. Obviously I’m not saying every chapter should have requirements, but think about it. For example, Agnea’s chapter two has no particular ties to it, so there wouldn’t be anything there, but what if she couldn’t continue her journey to Sai because of the present conflict within it, which won’t be mediated until Castti steps in, in which case Castti’s Sai chapter two would be a requirement for Agnea’s chapter four to be unlocked.
And before you go “hey, wouldn’t that spoil the locations and events for other characters’ chapters? To which I say no! Because the crossed paths did another thing where they didn’t say WHAT had to happen to unlock the second half of the story. It’s as simple as Agnea going “I was hoping to visit the place where mama used to dance, but I heard it was currently run rampant with war…”. Then come Castti chapter two you solve the issue in Sai and it’s a quick “Agnea Chapter 4 unlocked” and that’s it. Then if you’ve already done Castti’s chapter two in Sai, you don’t get Agnea’s line at all and the chapter just unlocks.
Better yet, this gives opportunities for characters to actually be IN each other’s stories. Not just travel banters. Like Castti could be present during Agnea’s chapter four. Not enough to take away from the other side characters (she also wouldn’t be a battle requirement), obviously, but enough to the point where the player is reminded that Agnea’s story is only one of many, and that others were present too. Like something as simple as Agnea thanking Castti for helping out the town, then Castti in the background of the chapter doing rounds and checking in on people (maybe you can talk to her like an NPC if she’s not in your party just like inactive members in the tavern). Then like a quick “Castti I have to go stop international superstar Dolcinea Luciel from starting a dictatorship” “okay be safe let me know if you need help” interaction.
It’s still the protagonist’s story, but the other travelers are more than just the people you fight with. They are genuinely the reason you got this far. I think Therion’s story in particular would have benefitted from this asset because not only is his story about learning to trust his companions, but he literally starts off with almost no idea where the stones are. I have a lot more examples, so only continuing reading at your own peril, but it’s stuff like:
Stormhail chapters are locked behind Ochette’s Glacis route because of the weather. Ochette gets to tag along to prison with Hikari and then play deputy with Temenos.
Partitio can’t get his department store up and running (maybe his chapter stops midway through) until Throné defeats Mother because the Blacksnake apprentices keep robbing everyone.
Osvald can’t reach Harvey’s lab until Hikari ends the underground arena because Harvey (working with Oboro) uses the dead fighters’ bodies to make creatures to protect the entry.
If they pulled this off in OT3 they could just do so much more with character connections without sacrificing the free and adventurous feeling the game is known for. I’m not sure about final chapters—maybe just tie two together like the crossed paths. I already mentioned Castti and Throné for this where maybe you have to beat Claude first. I can see connections with Agnea and Partitio (bosses consumed by desires), Temenos and Hikari (bosses LITERALLY CONSUMED by darkness) and Osvald and Ochette (Harvey made the Darkling). LET THEM TALK ABOUT IT DAMMIT!!
TLDR: If OT3 gave story prerequisites for chapters like the crossed paths, they could reach a whole new level of plot integration and development that would mostly solve the game’s issue with character interaction.
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crystalelemental · 9 months
Unit Teambuilding - Mallow
My wife and I have been watching the anime, and are about halfway through the Sun and Moon seasons, so I'm just in a mood. Nothing new happened with Mallow, she's just climbing the favoritism ladder and now I'm taking another look at her kit, and figured I'd make a whole thing of it.
General Overview Mallow is a Grass Tech from what I'm going to call the older era, when Tech meant damage dealer with higher potential but difficult conditions. You know. The ones before Lear made it so you just hit sync for a billion damage unquestioned.
Mallow's damage is respectable. As a Tech, she has up to 150% bonus damage and solid attack, making her quite impressive for general pool numbers. Her DPS is surprisingly strong, packing the already nice Power Whip, and up to 80% in natural passives, with another 30% on grid. This is some good stuff. Add in Stop Hitting Yourself 5 and AoE confusion in Teeter Dance for safety, and Mallow has some very nice positives in her corner.
The flaws, however, are just as severe. To go down the list:
Trainer Move is bad, giving only +1 Spd/Acc/crit. It's slow, has no attack boosting, and requires an MPR for self-setup.
Despite being poor, the need for accuracy means few partners exist to completely offload the support to. Even if it's bad, Mallow is required to use it to some degree.
MPR is an expensive node she wants to drop. Her grid is fairly demanding and doesn't have room for it.
Multipliers include Sun, but no attack boosting means SS Morty is terrible as support. Tech Sun setters mean no Grassy Terrain from Lyra.
Other multipliers are on foe's attack being reduced. She is single-target and very slow at it, and premiere attack debuffers tend to be specially oriented (P!Dawn, Lucian, S!Tate).
Heavily relies on Confuse, which is very short-lived if any level of Lessen is present, requiring her to reset.
Mallow feels very...mixed. Some great traits, and some points that feel very restrictive, especially in the modern meta. She hasn't received a grid expansion yet, but those are coming out at a pace best described as "glacial," so I'm not expecting it any time soon.
Move Level and EX? She's general pool, but not everyone has whale powers, and Alola is pretty cluttered in the general pool. 1/5 has a lot of good DPS multipliers naturally, so as a Power Whip damage dealer, there's at least some potential for a new player as it builds into full sync. As a result, EX is similarly optional. Unless you're playing to sync, it's not strictly necessary.
Team 1: Mallow, SS Acerola, SC Steven Mallow was one of the biggest winners of SS Acerola. Sun and Grassy Terrain alongside a partner who can buff her attack and give physical moves up next? Divine. SC Steven was generally great for physical damage dealers, but was downright exceptional for Mallow. His Buddy move was exactly the fast-acting Atk/Def debuff she had always wanted, with the Sure Hit effect removing the need for her to touch trainer move at all. Mallow finally had everything she could ever want in a composition.
Team 2: Mallow, Aaron, Masked Royal/Lodge Lillie Prior to SS Acerola, Mallow's biggest win as Aaron. As someone who buffed accuracy in addition to Atk/Crit, all on the same button, Aaron was the only one who could save Mallow some time. The comp is slow as dirt though, so Masked Royal is, I think, the best addition. Buffs speed to cap, which lets Aaron get in on attacking with Staggering 4, and his Brutal Swing comes with potential debuffs to Atk or Def or both. It's less consistent for her multipliers, but it gets the needed job done.
But I also need to push an agenda. Lodge Lillie can debuff attack of a target with each attack, and has AoE on a physical attack in Petal Blizzard. They can double DPS, to some degree. I don't think they'd do it very well, considering Aaron is also slow as dirt, but I'm just saying the potential is there, and I kinda just want the girls to have this.
Team 4: Mallow, H!Caitlin, SS N "Ah, of course, she caps her own crit so Caitlin." Actually I think Caitlin's a bad partner. Mallow really wants to avoid MPR. This is supportive Mallow. SS N's natural sync multiplier is reduced attack, and his Buddy move sucks for CS. Mallow's Trop Kick can debuff Attack reliably, up to -2 per hit, and comes with added AoE confuse that can deny the actions of sides. It doesn't really help N with literally anything else, but his on-type CS performance truly doesn't need much else than improvement on the sync.
Team 5: Mallow, Shauna, H!Acerola This is the only time in my life I'll ever mention H!Acerola. The draw here is stacking Stop Hitting Yourself 5. They do stack, and result in a very high chance of the foe hurting themselves. In addition, H!Acerola can debuff defense with each hit. Whether this set is designed for Mallow or Acerola to take priority as the damage dealer depends on what the stage is doing. Anyone with Stop Hitting Yourself 5 can stack into this, but Acerola shares the physical attack focus and packs the debuffs. So even though her moves have shaky MPR status, there's at least something to be gained. This is very not optimal though.
Final Thoughts A major problem with Mallow is that the Sun multipliers are hard to shop for. Sun setters don't come with attack debuffs, outside of Eevee Lucas, who then steals every sync anyway. There's really only one composition that gives Mallow access to all of her tools at once. Otherwise, sometimes will inevitably be missing. To compound her woes, the trainer move situation is dire. I do think that a Blue-esque expansion could help. Give her Berserker 2 on her trainer move, and suddenly you open up a few extra support options that can handle that last bit of Atk/crit just fine. But even all of that won't really save her from the need for attack debuffs, which feel bizarrely rare for physical attackers. We have plenty for special, but not that many for physical, and it's kinda weird? The best is P!Marnie, who is very locked to Steel type support. And personally? I think her utility sucks. Confuse isn't a great option, and her attack debuffs are nothing special. Also very few pairs seem to need the attack debuffs? I was looking through the list, and couldn't find many with Pecking Order or Power Posture. So it doesn't come into play that often.
I feel like Mallow just needs a couple new pairs with specific tools to really expand her options. The grid expansion can do a good deal, since her damage is fine she just needs utility. That or a really unique grid expansion.
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adeadhorse · 1 year
hi again! i definitely see your point about chase being protective over his feelings and thoughts towards zoey (only admitting it to michael and only relying on him for his support or advice in his matters of the heart.) he was not the biggest sharer by any means, and he was smart enough to mask his hopes and secrets when around classmates and friends, to blend in and be more an observer. i always understood this deeply and valued it in him.
though, i do think inconsistency began to present itself as the show progressed, for instance chase gawking at a prom dress zoey is trying on and “needing a drink of water”, and him being visibly dissatisfied or pissed off to hear of an upcoming date of zoey’s — all of this in the third season. it became a seesaw of emotion, intention, action, and reflection between the two in the most adult lens we’d seen them in at that point. at times it could get confusing, infuriating, and nerve wracking wondering what would come of it all.
i always wished i could jump through the screen and just get the two to spend some genuine time together reading one another, and then eventually seeing them come to fruition as a couple, but the unsaid subtext of passion, uncertainty, protection, denial, and delicacy shared in each beat or glance was the special sauce that charged their entire bond. i loved watching it all.
i also respect & acknowledge how zoey was presented in the beginning to be the it-girl: a friend to all, team player, confident, sporty, competitive, funny, etc.. with this character build, it makes sense for maybe less energy to be invested in her more quieter emotions and internal stream of consciousness, unless truly tapped into it by the help of her little brother or a friend. many people struggle with this reality, and it was fascinating to see our main character (chase) be falling for a guarded girl like that over the course of the show.
chase had morals and maturity, and for that he stood out against his male peers, and even among his female peers, for having clever sense of navigation for his responsibilities in his world as a student at PCA. i know he’d never be an outright manipulator or villain for his personal gain, and *truth be told, i was exhausted writing my second ask to you thanking you for replying to my first, and wanted to get it to you as soon as possible so you knew i appreciated your time, and rushed my description on chase and the show.*
i can also see how you’d envision chase struggling with chronic depression, he always gave off subtle vibes of his true self dealing with thoughts of impending doom. even though most kids kicked back and relaxed, his mind and heart were more frequently weighed down by the way he was so amazingly attuned to his environment. his character was a thrill to watch and get to know.
thank you for your response!
Definitely agree with you there. S3 ultimately feels very limited by the conventions of its genre, which is ultimately by a sitcom, plus by its double episode production - you can pretty much see the episodes dip in quality after the halfway mark. Up to that point the writers had been relatively good at not sacrificing people's characters for the sake of a joke, but that ended up happening more in the second half, the dress scene probably being the most egregious example. Because that episode is relatively close to Dance Contest which is pretty romantic, you can argue that Zoey at that point fully suspects that Chase has feelings for her and is starting to reciprocate but isn't quite ready yet (or is waiting for him to make a move), hence why she seems so chill about him basically drooling over her, but then the "arc" of both of their characters, which is Chase trying to repress her emotions and Zoey being oblivious.
Point is, I find the scenes where they act like sitcom characters rather than drama characters quite frustrating, whereas I think the sitcom scenes work in favour for couples like Quinn/Logan (but I hate enemies to lovers as a trope so it doesn't do a lot for me). I also just tend to ignore them because it's very easy for me to dismiss something as being OOC, especially when I'm writing fanfic. Then you add Zoey's limited emotional output, and the dynamic gets hard to write period - it's the main reason I never completed don't let me be the last to know. I completely agree that it would have been nice to have more episodes of them together, where their emotions are a bit more established; hell, I would have killed for something similar to the S2 hammock scene in S3. But alas, the main weakness of S3 especially compared to S2 is the romance which is also why Zoey's relationship with James is such a slap in the face.
Completely understand and hope you're feeling a bit more rested now re: the second ask. Likewise I didn't mean to come off as rude or misinterpret your meaning too much; part of my reply was fuelled by many years of discussion on multiple sites that I felt misremembered and mischaracterised him. I appreciate the discussion and feel free to send me any other ideas you have as well.
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nothieflike · 1 year
Air (2023)
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Directed by: Ben Affleck
Written by: Alex Convery
Based on: Actual events
Perhaps not surprisingly, the film this brought to mind most by way of comparison was another Ben Affleck-directed inspired-by-true-evenets movie, 2012's Argo. Both are slickly produced period pieces telling stories whose outcomes are already well established (or at least easily inferred). The trick of both movies is that in Affleck's able directorial hands, there is a genuine air of tension and suspense. Argo covers the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis and the CIA operation tasked with rescuing them. Air covers the efforts of the flagging Nike basketball shoe division in 1984 as they try to convince young Michael Jordan to sign a shoe deal with them despite his preference for Adidas. In Argo, we know the hostages will be rescued so the operation will succeed. In Air, we know the Jordans will make the deal, and yet somehow the pre-determined outcome doesn't feel foregone while watching either.
The story follows Sonny Vacarro (played portly but exquisitely by Matt Damon), who is Nike's in-house basketball ambassador. The Nike basketball division in these years is getting clobbered by Converse and Adidas and Nike's board of directors is pressuring CEO Phil Knight (played as mystifyingly complex by Ben Affleck) to focus more on their bread-and-butter business: running shoes.
Marketing Exec Rob Strasser (Jason Bateman playing Michael Bluth again only without the convenient scapegoat of, well, the rest of the Bluths) is content to stick to their old losing strategy of picking up sponsorships for a few third tier players but Sonny wants to make a hail mary run at getting projected third round pick in the draft, Michael Jordan, by eschewing the diversification angle and blowing their whole budget on the one player.
The biggest obstacle to this is that Jordan has publicly and definitively stated he has no interest in working with Nike. Sonny then spends the first half of the movie slowly convincing everyone around him, Strasser, then Knight, that the plan has merit. The second half of the movie focuses on the dance between Sonny and Michael's mother, Deloris (played with room-shattering gravitas by Viola Davis) to give Nike a fair shake. The uphill climb and Sonny's shifting, ballsy strategies to overcome each hurdle are what make the movie really shine and the scenes with Damon and Davis are electric.
Some of the details of the creation of the iconic first edition Air Jordan are featured as well including a memorable performance by Matthew Maher as in-house shoe designer Peter Moore. Chris Messina also turns in a fun, over-the-top turn as Jordan's agent, David Falk. The one somewhat mystifying inclusion in the cast is Chris Tucker as Howard White. Tucker is... fine, doing more or less his usual hyper-verbal Chris Tucker thing, but the character brings very little to the overall narrative. Marlon Wayans's brief appearance as George Raveling is more impactful to the story and feels like the kind of character that would have been merged with White in a cleaner version of the script, but I understand one of real-life Michael Jordan's stipulations to Affleck was that White (a friend of Jordan) be included as a character in the film. I guess that makes Tucker's presence a necessary mistake?
The acting is universally excellent and the script and direction work in tandem to set just the right pace to give the story room to breathe while not bogging down with unnecessary side plots or belaboring the point. Like Argo, this isn't a flashy film that will make you want to rush out to see it again or even stick with you for a long time afterward, but it's got a lot going for it. That said, a couple of minor details did irk me a little. The way Michael Jordan himself is handled in the film is a bit peculiar; he's present in the film but fleetingly and Affleck goes a long way out of his way to keep the stand-in actor's face hidden from view and he says maybe two lines. I get that de-aging or deepfake style CGI (such as with the Luke Skywalker scenes in The Mandalorian) was probably out of scope for the project, but I think I'd have preferred to just let the actor be seen. The other small gripe is there is a framing device using what I presume are some of Phil Knight's zen koan-esque business strategies as title cards. I don't know much about the real life Phil Knight but the film portrays him a bit unevenly, making him out to be both a bit of a maverick-guru as well as kind of a dippy hack. It wasn't clear if I was meant to see the title cards as sage advice responsible for the unbridled success of Nike the company or if my initial eye-rolling reaction to them was in fact correct. Either way, it was a small directorial or editorial decision that I thought added very little to the end product.
I went in thinking, "Okay, it's a free movie, it only has to be worth the couple of hours" and I walked out thinking, "That was more than just worth the time, I genuinely enjoyed that." I recommend the movie, it doesn't have anything particularly revelatory to say or an edgy take on a particular moment that matters mostly to sports fans, shoe collectors, and I guess Nike fans, but it's a well crafted film that provides great entertainment value, even if it weren't free.
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prestonmoss57 · 2 years
Mlg Puts The Pro In Pro Gaming
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symphonicmetal101 · 3 years
Brother Bonding(?) HCs
He and Mammon have a bit of a complicated relationship, in that Mammon is always getting into trouble, and Lucifer always has to get him out of it, and then takes it upon himself to scold him for getting them into trouble. However, there are times when Lucifer helps Mammon pull pranks on the other brothers, under the condition that Mammon doesn't tell anyone, otherwise he loses Goldie permanently. The pranks are well executed, and often the blame is but on Belphie or Satan instead.
We know that Lucifer is responsible for Levi's obsession with Ruri-chan and anime as a whole. Lucifer is often concerned for Levi, as he is familiar with self-doubt, and sympathizes with Levi's constant stream of it. He tries to set aside at least one day a month where he will rewatch old anime with Levi, listen to his spiels, and leave him an allowance to use however he would like. If Lucifer is too busy with paperwork, he'll invite Levi to his office and ask him about the latest games and mangas, even if he isn't listening the entire time.
Ah, this is a little more complicated. Truthfully, they don't spend much time together. However, if Satan happens to mention a book he wanted, even offhandedly, Lucifer will make sure it ends up in Satan's possession somehow, even if it's through MC. Satan notices this, and as much as he wants to hate Lucifer, those days he makes an extra effort to try and not tease or humiliate Lucifer. It's almost like a silent truce.
Yeah, yeah, Asmo paints everyone's nails. But Asmo also knows massage and aromatherapy. When Lucifer is particularly stressed, he'll take it upon himself to try and help him relax. If he has the patience, Lucifer will listen to Asmo explain the science between different scents and how they help the mind and body. Sometimes Asmo isn't sure if Lucifer is actually listens, but within three days of their chats, he finds a small package on his bed with different oils, and a note that says, "I look forward to learning what these oils can do." - Lucifer
Beel likes to cook, bake, etc. Because Lucifer is always on the go, Beel tries to come up with meals that are easy to walk around with. Lucifer is always the one Beel asks to taste test, (if Beel manages to resist eating the entire thing himself), because Lucifer will give him an honest opinion. It's rare that Lucifer has anything but praise for Beel, but on the off chance he doesn't, he'll walk him through a couple of ideas he could do to improve it, and Beel will deliver.
Note: this is also how Beel found out that Lucifer has the lowest spice tolerance out of the brothers, and he is not to mention it to anyone.
Another relationship that serves to be more complex. Lucifer often finds himself wanting to reconcile with Belphie, almost to restore the kind of relationship they had when they were angels. But when you lock someone in an attic against their will, (even if it was to protect them), they tend to hold a grudge. Again, they don't really spend time together unless Beel is present, but Lucifer tries to help Belphie in little ways, like switching his linens weekly, fluffing his pillows, making sure he actually makes it to a bed when he goes to sleep. Belphie just assumes it's Beel doing these things though, and Lucifer lets him. He hopes one day Belphie will realize how much he really does care for him.
They usually don't get along, mostly because of financial issues between them. However, when they are able to put that aside, they can actually enjoy each others company. Mammon has a lot of energy, and Levi likes video games. As a compromise, they regularly play games such as DDR or Just Dance. The whole time, they will insult each other, but lovingly.
Satan will actively look for books on finance, budgeting, business, etc. To help Mammon. He pitches it as ways to help him get rich, and they will spend hours together trying to form a business plan. While Mammon doesn't usually have the patience, for the sake of spending time with his little brother, he pushes through. Satan usually does this only after one of Mammon's bigger schemes fell through, or when Lucifer tells Mammon to stop.
These guys both model. Mammon will set aside some money and time to go spend with Asmo on clothes, accessories, etc. Mammon is just as skilled behind the camera as he is in front of it, so whenever Asmo wants to model, doesn't matter where, Mammon is ready. Sometimes when they've planned their outing with enough notice, Mammon will have saved enough money to buy something for Asmo.
Whenever Beel is cooking for himself, he usually adds a lot seasonings. Sometimes, it's in hopes that spice will slow him down. Other times it's because he really likes the food, but has almost become desensitized to the taste😥 however, when he makes these batches of food, he'll sometimes invite Mammon to join him. Mammon has an ungodly high tolerance for spice, at least when he's eating. (His stomach may or may not suffer later). Mammon sometimes foolishly challenges Beel to a speed eating contest. Beel tries to decline; he just wants to eat, and he does not want to watch Mammon give himself indigestion or heartburn, but Mammon, persistent as ever, will try and eat as many servings of Beel's food as quickly as possible. This is one of the few times Beel doesn't get mad, he just watches with mild amusemeny and concern.
Belphie and Mammon are surprisingly close, despite being complete foils of eacb other. Mammon has lots of energy, Belphie has none. Mammon likes to go out, Belphie likes to stay in. However, building forts? Hell yes, Belphie has enough energy for that. They usually build pillow and blanket forts in the observatory. Belphie will direct Mammon in how to build it for the most amount of comfort. Usually they'll just end up plugging in their headphones and listening to their own music in each other's company until they fall asleep and/or Beel joins them.
Levi introduced Satan to VR, and their relationship has taken a turn for the better since then. Satan is more interested in medical simulators and animal simulation games. Levi once made the mistake of playing Mario Kart with Satan, and his room was left in shambles, so now they only do sims to avoid the competition with other players. Satan also likes to play Among Us, as it gives him a chance to flex his detective skills. His self-control is much better with this, for whatever reason.
Levi and Asmo are constantly at odds. Not like Mammon, but Asmo cringes every time he sees the way Levi is sitting, every time he hears Levi has ruined his sleep schedule, and every time he sees him sleeping in tje goddamn bathtub. Yes, it has lots of pillows, but none of them are really good for support. He is constantly trying to get Levi to at least stretch or do yoga every once in a while, as well as sit properly in his chair. These stretching session are also when Levi starts to talk about the next cosplay he's working on, which Asmo will undoubtedly want to help with.
(Ik that its implied that Levi taught Asmo how to sew and stuff, but that hc is everywhere, otherwise I would elaborate. It's really cute though.)
Although Levi spends a lot of his time in his room, he is still the Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy. He does dedicate some time to working out, and when he does, he does it with Beel, because he knows Beel will help keep him on track. Beel is also Levi's biggest source of encouragment. Levi thanks Beel in mass quantities of food from Akuzon later, sometimes in hopes of winning something from a draw, other times as a genuine thank you.
Introvert buddies! Belphie doesn't really care for video games, Levi doesn't have the same speed as Mammon for building a pillow fort, but sometimes Belphie will ask to come into Levi's room to look at his aquarium. He finds it relaxing. They don't really talk to each other, they just enjoy each other's company. If Belphie is feeling curious or notices Levi is kind of upset, he'll start asking Levi about the different fish in his aquarium, which quickly cheers Levi up. Belphie's favourite thing about Levi though, is that he is usually awake the same time he is, helping him feel a little less lonely.
I've mentioned this before in my random hcs post, but Asmo and Satan like to study astrology together. They find it fascinating in how accurate it can be, especially since they only get to see the *real* stars, moon, sun, and planets when they're in the human realm. Asmo actually introduced it to Satan, as he used to study it in the Celestial Realm as well.
Beel is constantly coming up with new recipes, so Satan documents them all for him. He'll be a scribe, while Beel tells him exactly what he's doing the whole time. The other brothers don't know, (Beel asked to keep t a secret), but Satan has helped Beel publish 3 cookbooks already.
Satan also attends Beel's games whenever possible, and Beel has attended Satan's debate team or sometimes book club meetings whenever possible. Because Satan and Belphie are close, so are Satan and Beel.
They are constantly coming up with ways to inconvenience Lucifer, which is their main form of bonding. However, Belphie also taught Satan the constellations when they were younger, so now they will often go stargazing together. Satan doesn't remember, but he used to make up stories about the constellations, and Belphie has a written record of all of them. Sometimes, Belphie will retell the stories from memory to see if Satan recognizes it, but to no avail. Instead Satan will tell another story he has read about the stars. They tell each other stories and stargaze until they fall asleep.
Beel will do warm ups with Asmo; basic stretches, a jog, etc. They will sometimes do yoga together. However, Beel works out a lot, and sometimes his muscles get sore, so Asmo gets to work. Being around Asmo brings out the gossip girl in Beel, so while Asmo is giving him a massage, he's also getting all the tea from all the clubs that Beel is a part of. Beel is very careful with his delivery, but he trusts Asmo to never spin his words the wrong way and to use the new info for good.
Asmo has his own fashion line. He often asks Belphie to rate the comfort of his clothes, as he wants them to be fashionable, functional, and comfortable. Belphie never pulls his punches, and Asmo is grateful for the honest criticism. However, sometimes it does get on his nerves, but Belphie makes up for it later by getting Asmo new linens, often silk, because Belphie knows Asmo's preferences. Asmo always asks him where he finds it, but Belphie never answers.
Beel + Belphie
These two can bond almost over anything. However, one of their favorite things to do together is make Quetzalcoatl brain soup. Belphie stays awake long enough to remind Beel to leave some for him.
(My brain just left me here to rot apparently, I'm sorry.)
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Space Jam: A New Legacy is content to be content.
The original Space Jam was a calculated marketing exercise. Michael Jordan was the biggest sports star of the nineties, and Space Jam capitalised on Jordan’s brand potential while also allowing the athlete to refashion his own narrative into a family-friendly mythology. Space Jam packaged Jordan for a generation, smoothing the wrinkles out of his story by presenting a wholesome family man making an earnest transition from basketball to baseball.
It also helped Warner Bros. to figure out what to do with their Looney Tunes characters, which had largely laid dormant within the company’s intellectual property vaults. There had been a conscious effort to revitalised the company’s animation with shows like Tiny Toon Adventures and even Animaniacs, but those classic and beloved cartoons were a merchandising opportunity waiting to happen. So the logic of the original Space Jam was clear, it was an excuse to tie together two potentially profitable strands of intellectual property.
Space Jam itself was something of an afterthought. The movie struggles to reach its ninety-minute runtime. It often feels like the production team have to utilise every scrap of film to reach that target, with extended riffs focusing on Bill Murray and Michael Jordan on the golf course and with a lot of the improvisation from the voice cast included in the finished film. The movie’s ending comes out of nowhere, and Space Jam struggles to hit many of the basic plot beats of a scrappy sports movie.
The movie itself was immaterial to the success of Space Jam as a concept. After all, the film only grossed $250m at the global box office, enough to scrape into the end of year top ten behind The Nutty Professor and Jerry Maguire. However, the film’s real success lay in merchandising, with the film generating between $4bn and $6bn in licensing and merchandising. Key to this was the success of the six-time platinum-certified soundtrack which remains the ninth highest-grossing soundtrack of all-time.
In some to trace a lot of modern Hollywood back to the original Space Jam. So much of how companies package and release modern media feels like an extension of that approach, the reduction of the actual film itself to nothing more than “content” that exists as a larger pool of marketable material. After all, the unspoken assumption underlying AT&T’s disastrous decision to send all of their blockbusters to HBO Max was the understanding that HBO Max itself was often packaged free with company’s internet. Movies would no longer be their own things, but just perks to be packaged and sold as part of larger deals.
In the decades since the release of Space Jam, the industry has become increasingly focused on the idea of packaging and repackaging intellectual property. It has become increasingly common for films to showcase multiple intellectual properties housed at the same studios. Simple crossovers like Alien vs. Predators or The Avengers now seem positively humble when compared to the smorgasbord of brand synergy on display in projects like The Emoji Movie or Ralph Breaks the Internet.
Interestingly, as Disney have steadily securing their intellectual property portfolio with additions like Pixar and Lucasfilm and Marvel Studios and 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros. have becoming increasingly bullish about showcasing the depth and breadth of their bench. The LEGO Movie imagines a wide range of properties consolidated under one brand. Ready Player One depicted a pop culture user space lost in nostalgia for properties and trinkets. However, those movies also managed to tell their own stories, even as they grappled with the weight of brand synergy pushing down on top of them.
Space Jam: A New Legacy has no such delusions. It understands that it does not exist as a story or as a feature film. Instead, it has distilled cinema down to a content-delivery mechanism. The plot of the movie finds basketball star LeBron James sucked into the “Serververse” and forced to ally with the Looney Tunes in order to play a basketball game with the fate of the world in the balance. However, while the original Space Jam ran a brisk and unfocused ninety minutes, A New Legacy extends itself to almost two hours. There is always more content to repackage and sell, after all.
A New Legacy slathers its cynicism in nostalgia, directly appealing to a generation of audiences who have convinced themselves that Space Jam was a good movie and a beloved childhood classic. A New Legacy is built around the understanding that the original Space Jam walked so that it might run, counting on the audience’s nostalgia for the original film to excuse a lot of its indulgences. After all, it would be a betrayal of the franchise if A New Legacy wasn’t a crash and vulgar cash-in. In many ways, A New Legacy does what most sequels aspire to do, scaling the original film’s ambitions aggressively upwards.
As with the original Space Jam, there is layer of irony to distract from the film’s clear purpose. In the original Space Jam, the villainous Swackhammer planned to abduct the Looney Tunes and force them to play at his themeparks. The implication was that the characters did not want to be sold into corporate servitude, stripped of their own identity and rendered as crass tools of unchecked capitalism. The irony of Space Jam lay in the fact that the entire movie was a variant on Swackhammer’s themepark and the Looney Tunes were dancing to that theme anyway as Daffy puckers up and kisses the Warner Bros. stamp on his own ass.
In A New Legacy, a sentient algorithm – Al G. Rhythm – is cast as the movie’s primary antagonist. The film gestures broadly at a satirical criticism of the modern film industry, with Al G. Rhythm shaping and warping the future of movie-making by suggesting things like computer-generating movie stars and producing a constant array of recycled intellectual property. A New Legacy recognises the machinations of Al G. Rhythm as unsettling and horrifying, with throwaway jokes about the theft of ideas and the violation of privacy, but the villain largely serves as a smokescreen to let the movie have its cake and eat it.
After all, A New Legacy revels in Al G. Rhythm’s plans. LeBron James is turned into an animated figure and dumped into classic Looney Tunes shorts like Rabbit Season and The Rabbit of Seville. The film understands that while the audience might be afraid of the algorithm, they also yearn for it. After all, it isn’t Al G. Rhythm who structures A New Legacy so that the film spends an extended sequence touring the company’s beloved intellectual properties.
A New Legacy is really just an investors’ day presentation that celebrates the sheer amount of content that Warner Bros. own. It’s not too difficult to imagine the film screened investors before the Discovery deal, as proof of just how many viable franchising opportunities existed within the copyright of the company itself. It’s a weird and unsettling showcase, in large part because it feels like that warning from Jurassic Park. The studio were so obsessed with whether they could do a thing that they never stopped to consider whether they should.
The film’s middle section includes a whirlwind tour of the properties owned by Warner Bros. After Bugs “plays the hits” with James, the two set off on an adventure to recover the other Looney Tunes from other beloved Warner Bros. properties. Some of these advertisements make sense: Daffy and Porky are living in the world of Superman: The Animated Series, while Lola seems to have found the Wonder Woman from the Bloodlines animated films. Others make much less sense in a movie aimed at kids, like the Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote hiding in Mad Max: Fury Road or Yosemite Sam living in Casablanca.
Of course, it’s debatable how much of A New Legacy is aimed at kids, as compared to the kids of the nineties. Its target market seems to be kids in the late nineties who never grew up, because they never had to. Elmer Fudd and Sylvester are hiding out in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me. Granny and Speedy have taken refuge in the opening scenes of The Matrix. While the original Space Jam featured odd pop cultural shoutouts to things like Pulp Fiction, at least that was somewhat contemporaneous.
To be fair, there is no art driving these choices. Many of these references serve to point the audience towards established properties. It is a sentient recommendation algorithm for HBO Max and a handy way of stoking audience interest in upcoming projects like The Matrix 4 (December 2021) or Furiosa (June 2023). It is a helpful reminder that Superman: The Animated Series has been remastered in high definition to stream on HBO Max. Foghorn Leghorn even rides a dragon from Game of Thrones to remind viewers that the show is streaming on HBO Max and that there are prequels coming.
It’s all very bizarre, but also strangely lifeless. The climax of the film finds the inevitable basketball game played in front of a crowd of familiar pop culture icons drawn from a wide range of sources: King Kong, The Iron Giant, Batman ’66, The Wizard of Oz, The Mask and many more. It feels very much like a surreal power play, a company showcasing the depth of its own vaults at a turbulent time in the industry. It leads to weird moments, like Al G. Rhythm even quoting Training Day, perhaps the film’s most unlikely draw from the “Warner Bros. Intellectual Property Vault.”
The most revealing aspect of the movie is its central conflict, with Al G. Rhythm cynically manipulating LeBron’s son Dom. Dom is convinced that his father doesn’t understand him, that his father is unable to see that his skill lies in video game coding rather than old-fashioned basketball. Rhythm is able to create a schism between father and son, using Dom’s code and his anger to attack and undermine LeBron James and the Looney Tunes. It’s a very broad and very archetypal story. There are no points for realising that Dom eventually comes around to his father and accepts that Rhythm is a villain.
However, it signals an interesting shift in these sorts of narratives. Traditionally, these sorts of generational conflicts played out between fathers and sons, with fathers presented as antagonistic and sons presented as heroic. The original Star Wars saga is built around Luke Skywalker trying to wrestle and grapple with his father Darth Vader. In Superman II, the eponymous superhero is forced to confront Zod, a representative of his father’s generation and the old world. Even in Batman Begins, Bruce Wayne is set against his surrogate father figure Ra’s Al Ghul.
The metaphor driving these sorts of stories was fairly simple and straightforward. Every generation needs to come into their own and take control of their own agency within the world. Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi ends with Darth Vader dead and Luke staring out into the wider universe. Times change, and each generation has an obligation to try to create a better world than the one left to them by their parents. In the conflict between parents and children, it has generally been children who have prevailed.
However, in recent years, the trend has swung back sharply. It’s notable that the villain in Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens is an errant child who doesn’t properly respect his parents, and that Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker ends with order restored when the protagonist takes the name of the beloved heroes of the older films. Shows like Star Trek: Picard are built around the idea that kids need their older generation of parents to swoop in and tell them how to properly live their lives.
A New Legacy is an interesting illustration of this trend. The movie ends with a reconciliation between LeBron and Dom, but it is very clearly on LeBron’s terms. Dom is manipulated and misled by sinister forces, and his father has to save him while realigning his moral compass. Father knows best. It demonstrates how the underlying logic of these stories has shifted in recent years, perhaps reflecting the understanding that perhaps the older generation won’t surrender the floor gracefully.
As with Ready Player One, there’s a monstrous Peter Pan quality to A New Legacy. It is a film about how the culture doesn’t have to change. It can be recycled and repurposed forever and ever and ever. At the end of Space Jam, Michael Jordan and Bugs Bunny parted ways. There was an understanding that the two worlds existed apart from one another. However, A New Legacy ends with the collapse of these worlds into one another; the “Serververse” manifesting itself in the real world. As LeBron walks home, Bugs asks if he can move in.
Of course, with HBO Max subscription, the audience can take Bugs home anytime they want
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anntoldst0ries · 3 years
Lost in Translation
If someone told me a couple of months ago how invested I’d be in OH and the story, I would laugh at them. But here we are, isn’t life full of surprises :) 
Apologies for mistakes, if you notice any please feel free to let me know!
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC 
Word Count: 2,358
Summary: What happens when it’s just Dr Ramsey and his thoughts?
Warnings: None, just a tiny bit of angst & fluff. A lot of introspection!
After what felt like the longest shift ever, Dr Ethan Ramsey finally entered his apartment. He closed the door, leaving the whirlwind of his professional life outside.
A biscuit golden retriever jumped at him with all the might in his paws and the sore muscles of a 37-year old diagnostician almost gave up under the pressure of furry ball of fluff.
“I’m happy to see you too, buddy. But you need to go easy on me today.”
Jenner just stared at him with those big black eyes, licked his hand and went back to solving the most important problem of the day: how to cadge some real food, the one hooomans eat.
Although he was far from contemplating whether dogs have what resembles an intelligence (it was someone else’s specialty) he couldn’t help but think Jenner knows. This constantly salivating, instinct-driven creature somehow understands what it is that Ethan asked him to do and why.
“Great, Ramsey. You are going crazy, may as well admit yourself to the psychiatric ward right now. Dr Keller will be delighted to see you. And all the predators of Edenbrook will finally have a proper fodder - Ethan freaking Ramsey has officially freaked out.”
Having poured himself a decent glass of scotch, he stood in front of a giant window overlooking the bay. The waters were quiet and calm, a total contrast to the fire burning inside him after taking a long sip. There was something soothing in the almost painful feeling. 10 years ago downing a whole glass of neat scotch was way beyond his repertoire. One of the perks of being over 35, he guessed. It was scientifically proven that man’s tastebuds change drastically after reaching certain age. He had to admit, there was at least a grain of truth in this. The gold liquid was no longer just bitter and harsh; it had texture, flavour, a complexity - something he wasn’t able to appreciate before. As a doctor, he also knew that he’s got 20, maybe 25 years of this experience left - until ruthless time and ageing will blend all tastes into one.
The lights of the night danced around the spacious living room, their gold reflections creating an aura of mystery in a dimly-lit apartment. He looked around and his gaze landed on antique vase, a present Naveen brought him from Greece for his 35th birthday. It complemented tasteful interior design, expensive decorations and custom furniture perfectly.
As beautiful as they were, all these things made him feel nothing. It was almost ironic that this unquestionably beautiful property, paid for with his own blood, sweat and tears, he couldn’t possibly care less about. Right now, he could have been in some shithole in Roxbury, sipping cheap beer and it would make no difference whatsoever. Except, it would have saved him a mini fortune, which he was now spending on this goddamn penthouse in Beacon Hill. A place he never ever spent more than 4 hours at a time in.
He smirked at the thought - that’s exactly what Naveen said about his own lake house before saying goodbye to his mentee last year. Back when he thought he was going to die soon. Was it surprising? No, everyone was expecting that Ethan will one day take Naveen’s place as the best diagnostician in the world. He considered this not so much an honour, but rather a tribute to his biggest idol, his friend, his father figure. If he was to ever repay Dr Banerji for everything he’s done for him, there was only one way - he needed to be the best among the best.
They called him the best diagnostician of his generation. Although he resented the title, this label given to him by the mutual admiration society (that he had zero respect for), he was very much aware that he was exceptional at his job. Ethan never thought of this as bragging, because bragging made people vain. He liked to think of it as self-confidence, which, as it grew stronger, made him work for his patients even harder than he ever thought possible. The people whose lives he saved, they had to have confidence in him. They had to believe that he knows what he’s doing. And how could he instil a sense of confidence in them, had he not had it himself?
“You can’t give what you don’t have.” - the sentence kept echoing in his head. Tobias used to say that to him all the time, he lived by these words. It was probably the only relic of their once unbreakable (or so they stupidly thought) bond and also the only thing relating to Tobias that didn’t make him want to gag.
So Ethan accepted his role as a successor of the greatest diagnostician in the country. Because there was a mission and a responsibility behind this fate. Because there was a sense of safety in predictable realms of medicine. Also, because… it felt like kicking Tobias right in the crotch. Although he’d never admit this to anyone, least of all himself, the unwritten competition they were subject to for the past 17 years, helped him keep a laser focus on the tasks in front of him. And every time he was able to wipe the smile off Mass Kenmore’s ‘star’ handsome face, Ethan felt satisfaction.
Becoming the man he was today required a lot of changes. He got rid of all the needs of usual Everyman. First, he swept his feelings under the carpet of indifference and cynicism. Then, he learned how to live among people, but without delving into deep and ‘meaningful’ relationships. This was his bauble and he was perfectly… content with it. That is, until it hadn’t been smashed to pieces because something happened to him.
Someone happened to him.
Oh fuck.
He made a desperate attempt to try and stop the inevitable, but it was too late.
His head was instantly flooded with images, followed by ubiquitous tingles that filled his body. In his mind’s eye, a face shaped instantly, the image so vivid that he was almost blinded by it. It’s as if the person was standing right in front of him. The feeling was as mesmerising as it was painful.
Damn it. She didn’t even have to be here to do things to him. To make him see things. Smell things. Hear things. Feel things.
Ethan and The Feelings. This band rarely played together. Ethan wasn’t really a team player and The Feelings were loud, untameable and too unpredictable for the likes of him. He had to learn to tolerate them, because wherever she went, they followed.
He couldn’t rid of her presence, no matter where he was or what he did. Not that he wanted to - he just couldn’t, for the love of god, comprehend all this. Having been a king of self-control and master of his own life, it was beyond Ethan’s understanding how this woman, almost a decade younger than him, managed to turn him into… well, Jenner. He’d do anything she’d ask him to do. He was an electric ride-on, the one they buy for children. And she was holding the remote.
No, this wasn’t the most fortunate comparison. Because an electric toy was not capable of feeling things. And he was. A lot. More than he ever thought possible and more than he wanted to.
The fear of being misapprehended stopped him from telling her that sometimes he hated what she was doing to him. Not her, he could never hate her. He hated this unexplainable power she had over him and wasn’t even fully aware of. It frightened him. That she clawed his composure back so easily. That her youth, enthusiasm and energy were like a tornado to the illusionary beach he used to inhabit in his head. The force of her personality wreaked havoc on the well-oiled cogs of the machine that was once his life.
It took all the strength he had to stay away, from the day he first saw her. No, that’s not right. From the first time he felt her. Ethan’s mind was definitely against him today, because the images materialised within seconds, before he even managed to fully accept the presence of the thought.
He was sitting in his office, wondering why the hell has he agreed to help Harper with reading pages of blabber from wannabe surgeons and doctors. They were all the same and if he got a cent for every time they got under his skin, he’d be a millionaire. But Harper was an old friend and his ex, he had a lot of respect for her. She’d just been promoted to the Chief of Medicine and although she was more than capable to do the job, he understood that transition from theatre to bureaucracy was scary and challenging for her. It was the least he could do to help and certainly a task way easier than being a shoulder to cry on.
Having gone through pages of “I wanna change the world and find a cure for cancer” he almost fell asleep on his desk. Not that there was something wrong with medical research or a quest for deeper meaning of one’s career - but what he read in those applications sounded like an extract from a beauty pageant. And, frankly, when he looked at some of the photos attached to applications, he couldn’t help but think beauty pageants were a better fit for some of these people than a hospital.
“Christ, are they giving away medical degrees for free these days?” He sighed loudly, sending another handful of pages onto the pile of would-be Grey’s as he called them, because he was more than certain that majority of these people derived their idea of work in hospital from the TV series Grey’s Anatomy. All Ethan knew was that he’s never seen anything more divorced from reality, having watched one episode after all the nurses kept chirping about Dr Derek Shepherd for a whole week.
Fully prepared for yet another disappointment, he turned the front page of next file. Looking at him was a young, beautiful woman with raven hair. Her gaze was daring and gentle at the same time. Even though it was just a photo, he couldn’t shake the feeling that she looked right through him.
Things only got better as he kept going through the next pages. Her application was a riveting read, it was honest, filled with passion and well written, all without being cliche. He saw the most incredible potential, but more importantly, he felt it. She made him feel things, even though he never met her. It was all just pouring from the pages. Ethan would always remember how excited and nervous it made him feel. He almost suffered from a head-on crash with gurney whilst running to Harper’s office, because he had to make sure that she gets the residency position in the hospital. His own feelings played no role here, she simply deserved this position and he knew Dr Emery won’t even question his judgement.
And then he met her.
To be honest, he completely forgot about the interns’ induction, he’s seen so many in his life already that he couldn’t care less. The new case Diagnostics Team took onboard was occupying him completely on that day.
Looking at it now, he couldn’t help but think of one of his favourite movies, Picnic at Hanging Rock. There was this line that he always felt drawn to, but could never fully understand:
“Everything begins and ends at exactly the right time and place“
He was walking down the long corridor, when he heard Danny, one of the nurses, screaming. A minute later Ethan was on his knees, next to a woman in her 50s. He figured out quite quickly what was happening to her, but if his diagnosis was correct, he was going to need some help. Having lifted his gaze, he looked for a familiar face. But there was no one around. That’s when he remembered about the stupid intern induction.
“Damn it, where are the doctors?!” - he asked out loud.
“I’m a doctor!” - responded an unfamiliar voice. Ethan turned around and saw a young woman with black hair in fresh scrubs. He never saw her before and figured she must be one of the new interns.
“You, Rookie. Come here!” - he literally wouldn’t mind if she was an actress playing a doctor, he needed an extra pair of hands. Right here, right now. She kneeled on the patient’s left side, her sight piercing him, waiting for instructions. That’s when it hit him.
It was her.
The fate didn’t spare her - Ethan knew as well as she did that having to deal with Hemothorax on your first day was a tricky business. But she was brilliant. A little nervous, yes, but brilliant.
All she needed was a push. That’s why he picked her to pieces, leaving her confused and probably upset. She will understand one day and she will be grateful.
He said what he had to say and then he just disappeared behind the corridor. He couldn’t be around her more than necessary. Because she made him feel. And this was the last thing he needed right now. Or ever.
What the hell?
Dr Ramsey shook his head and woke up from his daydream. He felt his loyal furry companion licking his hand with a pleading gaze. Suddenly, the weight of the thoughts crushed him like a tidal wave, the feeling so intense that his legs instantly turned into Jell-O, forcing him to sit down. That’s exactly what he was afraid of. The moment he’s had a minute, he immediately gave into thoughts. That’s what she was doing to him. Every part of him wanted to take an extra shift, but common sense and medical knowledge prevailed. He needed 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, otherwise his body would give up soon, making him no use to anyone, especially not all the patients who desperately needed him.
But he was a fool to assume this was going to happen.
Tag list (please let me know if you wish to be removed, I tagged the accounts I follow and truly admire!): @terrm9 @openheart12 @openheartthot @rookie-ramsey @alwaysmychoices @brooks-eden @drethanramslay @starrystarrytrouble @justanotherrookie @caseyvalentineramsey @incorrectopenheart @heauxplesslydevoted @perriewinklenerdie
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
hii! i saw you’re a new writer and your style is frickin awesome!! could you write a tanaka x black reader who’s also a cheerleader on a lvl 4 team and it’s his first time seeing her compete?!?! please and thank you!
Tanaka Seeing His All-Star Cheerleader GF Compete For The First Time! (Fluff)
A/N: Thank you for resending this🥺🤍🤍🤍 of COURSE! Let’s go on a trip to the should-have-happened 2020 Cheerleading Worlds:
“Babe!!! I’m so excited to see you!!!” Your boyfriend exclaimed into the phone. You had to hold the phone a few centimetres away from your ear because his voice was just so loud when he was excited.
“Me too, baby. We are about to start warming up soon. Did you find a spot to sit? You’re not too far back, are you? Because you can buy a pair of binoculars-“
“NO NEED! Second row, baby.”
You gasped, surprised. “What?? But you came a bit late, didn’t you? Those seats would have been taken for hours!”
“Are you questioning the powers of your boyfriend, Y/N?! All we had to do was make our way to the front audience and before you knew it two seats just opened up—“
We. Oh, right.
You remembered that Tanaka had brought his best friend Noya to Florida with him for the Cheerleading Worlds. Being well aware of how your bf and his friend are together , you immediately understood how they were able to find two seats in the front.
“Now I get it. Nishinoya bothered the other girls so much they relocated...” You had seen it first-hand at outdoor concerts with Nishi and Tanaka. Nishinoya has become even more girl crazy since his friend got off the market, he really wanted a girlfriend so he could go on double dates with you two instead of feeling like the perpetual third wheel.
“Huh? What matters is that we got a spot, Y/N!” Called a distant voice that you knew was Noya’s.
You rolled your eyes even though they couldn’t see it.
“Babe, I’m so glad you came, you know that right? Thank you so much!!” Your heart swelled every time you thought about the fact that your man literally booked a surprise trip to Florida from Japan to see you at the biggest competition in your entire life! You found out he was here last night—in a hotel far away because they were all booked up for worlds—But, he was here nonetheless. He didn’t want to shock you at the actual competition in case it altered your mind.
“I told you I’d be there!” He said.
“Yes but I didn’t believe you!! It’s a 15-hour flight!”
“That’s exactly why I brought my Noya with me! We had a blast on the flight. I just can’t wait to see you compete!” Your boyfriend quieted then, and you could hear the smile in voice when he said, “Plus, Noya wanted to be here for [YBF/N aka Your Best Friends Name].”
Noya shouted: ‘shut up, Tanaka!” in the distance and you laughed.
This is the first time that your cheer gym has ever qualified for Worlds and when your team had been given an invitation the lot of you cried for a week straight. Your boyfriend had sent you a singing telegram in celebration. It was hilarious and you loved him for it.
“That silly crush still going strong, huh Yuu?”
There were sounds of bustling in the phone then you heard Yuu loud and clear.
“It’s not silly Y/N. I’ll tell you that for the last time!”
“Tanaka told me you just asked out the hotel receptionist last night!!!”
“Because YBF/N-chan rejects me every day! I gotta make her jealous somehow!”
You heard rustling again and and an ‘Ow!’ from Noya before your boyfriends comforting voice entered the phone speaker again.
“Babe. Don’t let Noya drag you into their drama again. I need you to focus on your cheer comp. You kill it out there. Tell them if they drop you they’re gonna hear from me and blow me a kiss if you can.”
You blushed. You felt so insanely happy every time he encouraged you because he knew you so well and he was the best at it. You literally adored the man.
After speaking a little longer, your loving goodbyes and hanging up, Tanaka left to get snacks for himself and Noya while Noya held their seats
Ryu loved junk food and he loved his girlfriend so today was a perfect day
He knew It was a great idea to surprise you in Florida for the most important day of your life because he wanted you to know that nothing was more special to him than your happiness
On the way to Worlds from the hotel, Tanaka had annoyed Yuu to no end because he had tried to empty out the gift shop in search for an after-competition present for you
Noya swatted everything out of his hands, telling him that you were not on your death bed so the ‘get well soon’ teddybear was a no no & that he’d look lame with it
Not caring but kind of listening, Tanaka settled on picking up a bouquet of yellow roses for you because that was your uniform colour and he got your favourite candy.
Noya rolled his eyes but deep down he was so happy that his best friend had found the greatest love the two of them had ever seen
Seeing Y/N and Tanaka together made Yuu actually want to feel the kind of love his best friend felt for you and stop being such a player.
He had seen how much Tanaka had changed since meeting you, and it was incredible that his high-spirited best friend even had more notches to ascend
After retrieving the snacks, Tanaka returned to the stands and handed Nishinoya’s his order
They watched about 4 other teams perform before the announcer announced your team as next!!!
Tanaka cheered so loudly like a proud father
Nishinoya like a proud uncle
Your team ran on stage and you were holding hands with your best friend while waving to the audience
when you caught sight of your buzz cut baby in the crowd you pointed to him and blew him a big kiss
He pointed to his shirt with a huge smile and you could see that he was wearing a white t-shirt with your face on it in a cheer selfie
Omg lol
Honestly, Did you expect anything less?
Tanaka’s heart soared when you pointed him out, though he would never admit it, and his cheeks were hurting from smiling so wide!!!
He had never seen you perform not once before and he couldn’t wait to see you in your element!
When the lights shut off the libero and wing spiker started chanting your name in unison and whooping like they do while watching NFL.
Tanaka’s heart was beating through his chest because he was so nervous for you! Cheerleading was nothing like volleyball— while his volleyball team had 3 sets and over an hour to win a game, his beautiful girlfriend only had 2 minutes to leave everything on the floor that’s she and her team had been practicing months for and then it was all over.
Ryūnosuke watched as your team got into position.
His eyes glued themselves to you in a dance position to the far right
Since videotaping at the Cheerleading Worlds was strictly prohibited, he had practiced not blinking staring competitions with Noya last night so he wouldn’t miss a second of your performance!
He stood on his toes as to not let you out of his sight. He wanted to see your big ponytail all the way down to your toes. The whole nine yards.
Noya tried standing on the chair but he got hissed at so he jumped back down lol
Tanaka cheered one last time when he saw you take one last deep breath
In a beat, the up-beat loud music started and you were going.
Tanaka was in awe of you and the incredible sport
Everything went so fast he was sure if he tried he’d have a heart attack from working to hard
He saw you whip your body backwards in series of difficult flips
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He watched you jump into your bases hands and get tossed so high in the air that his heart stopped
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He watched you stand tall in the air with only one guy holding you up while holding your toes beside your ear flexibly (partner stunts)
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He watched the team move into a triangle and jump all at once hearing the crowd go:
“Hit! Hit! Hit! Hit! Pull!”
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Then, he watched your team make a human pyramid! But it was so much more elaborate than the 3-person one he’d seen on tv shows:
What Tanaka expected:
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Vs. What Tanaka saw:
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Finally, he got to watch you in his favourite part: the sassy high energy dance at the end
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Tanaka was flabbergasted because he never knew you were so much of an athlete (no offence meant, that’s what most people think before they witness competitive cheerleading)
When your team finished he cheered so loudly for you and so did Nishi
The energy in the crowd was unbelievable!!!
You looked out of breath and beautiful standing in your end position
To Tanaka, Cheerleading looked harder than volleyball!
And more dangerous.
It was like watching a Cirque de Soleil performance if it was on steroids and fast forwarded.....he loved it!!!
Tanaka wanted to run on stage when your team finished but he kept his cool and waited
After the comp and award ceremony (your team didn’t place) Tanaka was the first to run and pick you up into his arms in a big bear hug
He told you how proud he was of you and squeezed you and kissed your cheek
Even though you were sad, you couldn’t help but giggle in his embrace
All of your teammates were jealous of how cute you two were and how amazing your bf was to come all the way to America just to see you
Especially when Noya handed Tanaka who handed you the beautiful yellow roses and candy he bought for you
Everyone wished they had a boyfriend like yours as you took cute pictures together (some with Ryu kissing your cheek, giving you a piggy back, and the two of you kissing)
All pic credits go to Nishinoya who takes it way too seriously but you love him anyway
Tanaka explained to you how awesome you guys did and it literally made you forget about your loss and just smile
It was important you were happy because that meant you could enjoy the rest of the Florida trip with your best boy !!
Even Noya had a pretty great happily ever after on this trip because YBF/N was so impressed by the shirt he made with her face on it.
Go big or go home was definitely your bf’s best friend’s speciality and your best friend actually agreed to go on a date with him after seeing it
Ryu gave his Libero a thumbs up before leaning down to kiss you
He held you lovingly in his strong arms
All in all, you were ecstatic to have your man at your competition and Ryu was even happier than you to be there.
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Helloaasaa, Aaaa request are open (excited dance) or please, our goddess, could you do? Yami's Fluff Alphabet (๑ ♡ ⌓ ♡ ๑)
Sure I can do that :) Sorry I took so long on this request! It took quite a while to make! I hope you enjoy this Sweet Anon!
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Activities (What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?):
The sky's the limit with Atem and he'll do damn near anything with his S/O in his free time! But his favorite activity hands down with his S/O is dueling as one would expect. Nothing makes Atem happier than dueling with or beside his S/O!
Beauty (What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?):
Physically Atem's favorite feature about his S/O is their eyes. They never lie to him and he can see right down to his S/O's soul. Personality wise Atem loves his S/O's tenacity and toughness and admires it to the point of flat-out simping! He thinks it's gorgeous when his fabulous man or woman goes off on someone and doesn't take shit from anyone, not even him!
Comfort (How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?):
Atem's first extinct is to ask his S/O what's wrong but he's smart enough to know that it only makes things worse. Instead he'll immediately rush to his S/O's side and start holding them, not even speaking unless he deems it necessary. Actions speak louder than words after all. If Atem's S/O is having a panic attack, he immediately knows what to do since he has many friends who suffer from anxiety.
Dreams (How do they picture their future with their s/o?):
This is something that Atem won't think about unless you ask. He prefers to live in the present and is just trying to get through what's happening right at the moment. Not to say that Atem doesn't picture a future with you at all but he just doesn't see the utter importance of it.
Equal (Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?):
Atem likes to think that he's the dominant one in the relationship when in actuality, it's a pretty even split. But there are times when Atem will have to give or take more and vice versa which he has no issue with.
Fight (Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?):
Fights with Atem are definitely gonna happen whether you want them to or not. Atem has pride for days and he can be a total prick at times so he needs someone who doesn't hesitate to put him in his place. Atem's way of fighting is playing the long game. He will NOT back down and he WILL push your buttons to the max! Atem isn't as merciless as he once was so he is definitely willing to forgive his S/O unless the fight was about something severe. In that case, Atem is gonna need some time before he can even think about making up with his S/O.
Gratitude (How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?):
Atem may seem like a brat but he's eternally grateful for everything that his S/O does for him and is fully aware of said things. Atem hates being taken for granted and he wouldn't dare dream of doing the same to his S/O!
Honesty (Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?):
Atem is pretty reserved so yes he does have secrets. He especially has a lot of skeleton booty in the closet but that's probably the only thing that he'll share with his S/O.....if they ask. Atem's reserved nature comes with one that values privacy. He keeps his cards close to his chest and finds it quite fun to be mysterious and hard to figure out.
Inspiration (Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?):
Atem has definitely changed since getting with his S/O! One of the main ways is that he's learned to pick his battles and to sometimes accept the loss and move on. Atem's commitment and trust issues have also been overcome and he's become more grounded and less fickle as a result.
Jealousy (Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?):
As hypocritical as it may seem, yes Atem does get jealous and he can be childish when dealing with it. Being the former player that he was before getting with his S/O, he's no fool when it comes to how other people can be when it comes to relationships. Game recognize game! If you can't avoid the person that Atem is jealous of, then he'll make your relationship known using PDA that he normally wouldn't do. Under normal circumstances, Atem will make his jealousy known and if you call him out on his hypocrisy, prepare yourself for an argument! A jealous pharaoh is not a good pharaoh!
Kiss (Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?):
Of course Atem is a good kisser! He's had lots of practice over the past 5000+ years after all! His first kiss with his S/O was romantic and passionate and it happened in the rain which made for an excellent atmosphere!
Love Confession (How would they confess to their s/o?):
Atem would talk to you in private and he would just be honest and upfront about how he feels before asking you out on a date. Short, sweet, and to the point!
Marriage (Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?):
Atem acts like he doesn't wanna get married but he does. Deep down inside, he truly does. He just denies it because of past heartbreak. Once Atem knows for certain that he wants to marry you (which will definitely take a few years), he'll propose to you in front of thousands of people after he wins a big dueling tournament and of course the crowd (and the paparazzi) will go wild! Your marriage with Atem will be one hell of an adventure and it'll have many ups and downs but it'll all be worth it in the end because Atem will treat you like the King/Queen you are!
Nicknames (What do they call their s/o?):
Atem's most common nickname for his S/O is "My King/Queen". Atem will also shorten your name if he can to make things more personal between you two. Other nicknames Atem likes to use will be Honey, Darling, and Sweetheart.
On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?):
Atem's behavior when he's in love starts to change pretty quickly so it's obvious to people who know him. He changes his phone and computer wallpaper to a picture of you, he has your number in his phone as " My King/Queen", and he's 100% loyal to you! No flirting with other people and he rejects any and all offers for dates/flings. Atem's love language is Acts Of Service so he expresses his feelings by doing things for his S/O and sacrificing his time to do said things. To him, actions speak louder than words and he wants to make his feelings for you as clear as possible.
PDA (Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?):
Atem is very upfront about the relationship but only in a subtle way. He doesn't like drawing unneccesary attention to himself and he doesn't wanna embarrass his S/O either. Atem will only share info about his S/O if they want him to. He prefers to be more verbal when it comes to PDA. His physical affection in public isn't much but it speaks volumes. The most he'll do is wrap his arms around you and give you lingering kisses on your cheek and neck. Hugs and kisses are only reserved for hellos and goodbyes.
Quirk (Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.):
Being 5,000+ years old gives Atem a lot of intelligence so if you wanna know things about various times in history, he's got your back! He also knows lots of random trivia and is very good at game shows like Who Wants To Be A Millionaire!
Romance (How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?):
Atem is definitely a romantic guy and he'll pull out all the stops to make his S/O happy! He's pretty cliche when it comes to romance. Candlelit dinners, roses, walks on the beach, the works! Atem tries to be creative but in the end, the tried and true methods work for him much better!
Support (Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?):
Move over Tea! Atem's the #1 cheerleader in this bitch! Whatever your goals are, he'll support you and make sure you achieve them no matter how long it takes! He believes in you to the fullest and he wants you to be the best version of yourself!
Thrill (Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?):
Atem lives for the thrill! Without it, your relationship with him is doomed. Atem gets bored easily so he's always looking for ways to spice things up between you two and he would appreciate it if you do the same as well. Variety is the spice of life and Atem wants to live it to the fullest with his S/O!
Understanding (How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?):
Atem tries to know his partner the best he can but there are times when he'll fall short and misunderstandings will be had. This is where communication comes in. As long as you explain yourself to Atem, he'll be quite empathetic and understanding, especially if he's been through the same thing himself.
Value (How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?):
Atem's relationship with his S/O definitely means a lot to him but that doesn't mean he's willing to give up everything he's ever known to be with you. Yes Atem will give up his player days and be 100% faithful to you but that's the biggest change you'll get. Atem's not giving up anything else that makes him happy. Your relationship is worth a lot to him but he's not an idiot and tries to balance things as much as possible so his priorities are kept straight.
Wild Card (A random Fluff Headcanon.):
Atem likes it when he and his S/O wear similar or even matching clothing. Especially if it's spiky and/or leather-based! He wants his S/O to always look good!
XOXO (Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?):
Atem loves affection especially in private! You'll definitely be getting many kisses and cuddles from him! Atem prefers physical over verbal affection but he'll deliver the latter just as well. He knows how to lay on the charm and make his S/O feel like the most important person in the world with the sweet words flowing out of his mouth!
Yearning (How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?):
If Atem has to be away from you for a long period of time, he'll definitely miss you but he's not gonna die without you. He'll keep in steady contact with you but he won't smother you either. Atem respects his S/O's space and doesn't want them to feel that way.
Zeal (Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?):
It may not seem like it but Atem is a true ride or die kind of guy! He'll do anything for the sake of your relationship and for your sake in general! To give an example of what kind of lengths Atem would go to for you, if you're ever down on your luck in any kind of way, he'll literally give you his entire savings account if it would save you from financial ruin! That's just how loyal Atem is to you! Just don't take it for granted or you'll regret it!
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yayeetsonny · 4 years
Family~Krashlyn x Baby Reader
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Prompt: Baby r is super short (shorter than Crystal lol), she is super close with Ali and Ash, they are like parents to her since her home life isn't great and her actual parents suck ass. She’s bummed about a father daughter dance and tries to hide it but Ash and Ali get her to spill. Ash saves the day
Requested By: Anonymous 
TW: Mentions of Neglect, verbal and emotional abuse and Anxiety. Brief depictions Verbal/emotional and brief physical abuse.
I have always been jealous of kids whose parents are actually decent human beings. Jealous of those who have a good relationship with their parents and their mom and dad are actually nice to them and care about them. My parents are all about themselves, they never make time for me and I’m pretty sure if they had it their way they would have abandon me years ago. The only reason they haven’t is because of their precious “Image” They are some pretty powerful people in the business world and they don’t want their reputations ruined by any bad publicity. They see me as secondary to their company, and they are always leaving me alone in the house for long stretches of time. On the off chance they are home they make a point to tell me how pathetic I am and how I’m useless or worth nothing. They admonish me for my grades in school even when I’m doing really well and they call my social anxiety “ridiculous” and tell me I need to “get over it.” 
My life isn’t all bad though. I have made a pretty good name for myself, I’m a pro soccer player in the NWSL for the Orlando Pride and I play on the National team. Even at the tender age of 15, I have been afforded all these amazing opportunities and I have several college scholarships waiting for me. It’s amazing, and I have some of the best people in the world supporting me and my dreams. My Pride teammates of course and my national teammates as well, they’ve all be my anchors through everything but 2 people have always stood out above the rest. My teammates and ‘moms’ Ali Krieger and Ashlyn Harris. They are my biggest role models and the parents I’ve always wanted. I would not be where I am without them. I don’t speak very much around anyone but them but everyone else understands and doesn’t push me to talk.
Speaking of those two I’m currently smooshed in a Krashlyn sandwich as I make my way onto the field for Pride practice.
“Hey shorty! Good to see you!” Ash said 
“Hey baby girl, How was school?” Ali asked 
“Hey guys, good to see you too. School was okay.” I said once they pulled away
“Just okay? Why’s that?” 
They looked at me concerned. They both knew about my social anxiety and how sometimes school was really hard for me. I only shrugged in return.
“Come on Y/N, what is it?” 
They got me to move over to a bench and sit in between them.
I once again only shrugged.
“Please tell us?”
I let out a tired sigh but knew I could trust them with anything.
“ My anxiety was getting in the way of a lot today.” I said, suddenly finding my shoes very interesting. 
Ali put her finger under my chin and gently lifted my head so we’d make eye contact.
“What have we talked about when it comes to your anxiety?”
“That it doesn’t define me and that it’s okay if I have hard days sometimes.” I mumbled
“And what else?” Ashlyn chimed in
“And that I can always talk to you guys about it and that I don’t need to be ashamed of it. I know, I just don’t want you guys to think I’m weak or-”
“Hey, no. Don’t do that to yourself.”
“We know not everyday is going to be happy, full of sunshine and rainbows. That doesn’t make you any less strong and it most certainly doesn’t make you weak.”
“Thanks guys. I needed that reminder.” I said wiping the tear that had started to fall.
“We’ll always be here to let you know just how great you are.” Ashlyn smiled softly at me
“You ready to practice or do you need a minute?”
“I’m ready.”
I stood up, shook out any extra nerves and Ali leaned down to kiss me on the head.
“You know, kid… you’re really short.” She laughed
“I know.” I giggled
“I’m pretty sure you’re shorter than Crystal.” Ashlyn chuckled
“No way!” 
“Yeah I think so! She’s what… 5’0 feet even? How tall are you?”
“4’9 and 1/2” I mumbled
“Oh man! You are short.” 
“It’s not funny!”
I pouted at them as they continued to laugh at me but after a moment I smiled and joined in.
“Okay, okay. Time to get to work kids.” Ali said
“Yes mom” Ash and I said
We made our way to the center of the field where the rest of our teammates were. Alex Morgan and Carson Pickett among them.
“Hey, Krashlyn! Mini Krashlyn!” Carson Pickett said, excitedly running up and giving us all a hug.
“Hi.” I said 
“Hey guys! Hey mini K, how you been?” Alex asked coming up and also giving us hugs.
The Pride and national team all called me “Mini Krashlyn” or “Mini K” because they know how close I am with Ash and Ali and they consider us “America’s cutest family.” It’s a little silly but mostly really cute.
I waved and gave her a thumbs up.
She smiled at me softly in return
We were interrupted by coach telling us to get to work.
“Alright ladies! Let’s go, you know the drill. Warm up and then get on the line!” 
I rolled my eyes at the thought of doing suicides or sprints first but did as told. After we warmed up I got on the line in between Alex and Ali. Ashlyn was on Alex’s other side and our other teammates filled the rest of the line.
“You ready, kid?” Alex asked
I nodded and smiled in return.
Coach Skinner blew his whistle and we were off. We started out with sprints and then moved to suicides. By the end everyone was panting and trying to catch their breath. Well everyone except for Marta, she looked barley winded.
I just shook my head at her.
She shrugged in return, smirking at me. After a quick water break we moved onto drills. We went through, passing, defending and shooting drills and then a scrimmage before coach called it a day. We said good bye to our teammates before Ash and Ali gave me a ride home.
“You did good today, kid.” 
The ride to my house was in relatively comfortable silence with just the radio softly playing in the background but no one seemed to mind. Once they pulled up and stopped at the curb I got out and grabbed my stuff from the back.
“Bye guys. I’ll see you tomorrow. Thanks for the ride.”
“Y/N, wait.” Ash stopped me before I could go any further 
“Are you sure, you don’t wanna just spend the night at our place?”
I had told them that my parents were out of town and they knew what that meant. They tried to let me handle things how I saw fit but since I was only 15 they worried about me being alone for too long and sometimes convinced me to stay with them for a few days. 
“Yeah, I’m sure. Thanks for the offer though. My parents should be home tonight.”
“Are you sure? They don’t seem to commit to being home on time and we-”
“Ash I’m good. I promise. See you tomorrow.” I cut her off
I could tell they were conflicted about leaving me here but I gave them the best reassuring smile I could and they let it go.
“See you tomorrow, Y/N. We love you.”
“I love you guys too.”
I closed the car door, they waited for me to unlock my door before driving off. When I got inside I dropped my bag on the floor and sunk down next to it. My parents were actually coming home today and I wasn’t really looking forward to seeing them. 
I knew I needed to clean the house a little bit, so after sitting for a while longer I got up and got to cleaning. After a couple hours everything seemed to be the way they liked it, spotless. So I deemed it done and went to put away the supplies. As I was doing that I heard the front door open and rushed to finish putting everything away. I then made sure I looked “presentable” and made my way to the front of the house.
“Hi, mom. Hi dad. How was your trip?” I said as I came face to face with them for the first time in 2 weeks.
“Is the house clean?” My father asked completely ignoring what I said
“Yes sir.”
“It better be.”
My mom did little to even acknowledge my presence, only going as far to hand me her luggage and point upstairs. She then followed my father as he inspected my cleaning job. I rolled my eyes but brought her bag up anyways. I would have taken my dad’s too but he hates when I touch his stuff.
“Y/N M/N L/N!” dad yelled from wherever there were in the house. Oh man, he sounds really mad.
I went downstairs, and after searching for a minute I found them in the guest room.
“Yes sir?”
“What is this?” He asked sharply, showing me his hand that had a white glove with dust on it.
“Dust, sir.” 
“And why is there dust in this room?” His voice was dangerously low.
“I-I’m sorry sir, I did the best that I could.”
“Yeah, well your best isn’t good enough! You worthless waste of space. Clean the whole house again!”
“The whole house? But sir it’s just a little dust, I can-”
I didn’t get to finish because I felt a stinging sensation in my cheek and only after did I realize he had slapped me. I was dumbfounded, he had never done that before, he’d only ever yell at me and break the occasional vase but I never thought he’d actually hit me.
“Don’t ever talk to me like that again.” He growled 
I didn’t realize that I started crying.
“Stop crying before I give you something to really cry about.”
I stood there, stunned. I knew my parents were awful but I never thought either of them would put their hands on me. I wasn’t sure what to do, I wanted to call Ash and Ali but decided against it because I knew that they would most likely want to kill my father for this. I really wish my parents loved me. 
I did what my father said and cleaned the whole house again but this time I paid extra attention to the guest room and when it was finished I decided to go to bed. I could have eaten dinner but I was too exhausted to even try.
The next day…
At school I stayed more to myself than usual and made no real effort to talk to anyone. I was just walking to my next class when a very cheery girl, who looked to be a senior came up to me and in a cheery voice said
“Hey! The father daughter dance is next week on Friday night, don’t miss out!” 
She then handed me a flyer and all but, skipped away. I stood there for a moment wondering how someone could be so… happy, then I looked at the flyer and it read
“Spring Father-Daughter Dance! Next Friday, the 18th at 7! Don’t miss it!” 
I just scoffed at the idea of attending it with my dad, there was no way he would take me or even consider it. I just crumpled up the flyer and shoved it in my bag. Stupid dance, stupid flyer. 
I carried on with the rest of my day continuing to keep to myself. As much as I hated to admit it; I really wanted to go to the dance. I always wondered what a father-daughter dance was like and wish more than anything my dad actually carried enough to go. I knew that would never happen so I just continued to sulk about it until the school day was over.
When I got home I wasn’t surprised to find that my parents were gone, again and they wouldn’t be back for awhile. So I decided to call Ashlyn and Ali. Ali picked up on the first ring.
“Hi Ali, um- well, m-my parents left and they won’t be back for a-awhile and I was wondering if I could stay with you guys? I know we normally just have dinner together on Tuesdays but I just thought that w-we could-”
“Y/N! It’s okay, yes of course you can stay with us. We’ll be there in 15 minutes.” She said cutting off my rambling.
“Okay, thank you.” 
I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
“Of course Y/N. See you soon.”
“See you.”
After we hung up I went to go pack a bag and I couldn’t help but have a bounce in my step as I did. The 15 minutes flew by and before I knew it I was meeting Ash and Ali out front and they were putting my bag in the car.
“You, okay?” Ashlyn asked coming around and giving me a hug
“Yeah. I’m okay.”
“How was school?” Ali asked as I got in the car.”
At the mention of school I went silent. I had forgotten about the sour mood it had put me in but now I remembered why and became sad all over again. 
“I asked you how school was?” Ali turned off the car and turned around in her seat.
“Oh, it was fine.” I said trying not to look at either of them.
“Are you sure? You seem upset about it.” Ash said
“Yeah I’m sure. Nothing upsetting me today!” I said hoping they would believe me.
Ashlyn PRO//
Ali and I shared a worried glance as we watched Y/N avoid our eyes. We knew something was bothering her but didn’t want to push, so we just let it go and see if she would tell us on her own. The drive back to our house was quiet and not in a good way. I really hoped Y/N would open up to us soon, I hated when things got awkward between her, Ali and I.
When we got back to the house Y/N got out, without a word, got her stuff and headed to the garage, waiting for us to open it to let her in. After Ali and I once again shared a worried glance we opened it so she could go in and she did, presumably disappearing to the guest room.
“Do you have any Idea what could be bothering her?” 
“Not a clue.”
“Do you think her anxiety is acting up?”
“No… Well maybe but we just talked about that yesterday. She knows she doesn’t have to hide that from us.”
“Hmm… I’m sure she’ll tell us when she’s ready.”
We talked for a few more minutes before heading inside. We decided to leave Y/N be and get started on dinner. After we were done we called her into the dinning room and we sat down to eat. We knew school was possibly a sensitive topic but since she said it was “fine” we decided to ask about her day anyway.
“So… learn anything new in school?”
“W-we learned about fossils.” She mumbled
“That’s cool! Anything exciting happen?”
She once again looked uncomfortable and I started to think this may have been a bad idea.
“N-nope. Nothing.” 
“Y/N are you sure you’re okay?” I asked
“Ash…” Ali said, putting her hand on my arm.
“What? I just want make sure she’s okay.”
“I’m fine. School was fine.”
“Why do you seem so bothered every time we ask about it then?” 
“I don’t know.”
She looked down at her shoes and I knew her facade was starting to waver. I didn’t want to push but I was starting to become really concerned.
“Hey… What is it?”
“It’s no big deal.”
“Anything bothering you is a big deal.”
“I’m fine.” She said but her voice cracked, giving away how she really felt
“We all know that’s not true. Y/N, please talk to us. It’s okay.” 
“There’s a father-daughter dance next Friday.” She said quietly 
“Oh, babe. Why didn’t you tell us?”
“Because it’s stupid. Not like I have a dad to go with anyways.” She said angrily 
“Hey, no… It’s not stupid, not if it was bothering you and you want to go. Do you?”
“Yeah but it doesn’t matter. My dad would never willingly go.” 
“I’m sorry he treats you so poorly it’s not fair.” I paused for a moment before coming up with an idea. I decided to keep it a secret for now and tell Ali later when Y/N goes to bed.
“It is what it is.” She mumbled
“Well, what if we had a movie night to cheer you up?” I said
“Thanks guys, but I think I’m just gonna go to bed. May I be excused?”
“Sure, kiddo.”
We smiled sympathetically at her as she made her way to the guest room. As soon as the door shut I turned to Ali with a big grin on my face.
“I have an idea, but we have to keep it a secret from Y/N.”
“Okay? What is it?”
“We hold our own dance right here. On the same night as the father daughter one!”
“Ash, that’s brilliant!”
“i know, but shhh, we can’t let her know.”
“When did she say it was?”
“Next Friday.”
“Perfect. I have some calls to make.”
After talked more about the plan, we agreed to call all of our teammates, from both the Pride and the national team. I started with Alex since she was on both teams.
“Hey Al?” 
“Hi Ash, what’s up?”
“Well, I’m planning a dance for Y/N. With Ali’s help of course. It’s next week on Friday night. She’s bummed about the father-daughter dance at school and I thought we could throw a better one to cheer her up.”
“Ash that’s so thoughtful. Do you need help with decorations and that kind of stuff?”
“That would be great, yeah.”
“I’m on it and I’ll text everyone and tell them not to spill the beans.”
“Thanks Al.”
“Anytime. Ahhh, she’s gonna love it.” She squealed 
“I hope so. Bye Alex.” I chuckled
“Bye Ash.”
The plan was in motion and I couldn’t be more excited. We just had to keep it a secret for a week. That couldn’t be that hard.
It was very hard.
We had contacted everyone from both teams and the majority of them said they could make it, some were flying in a few days early, to come visit us and to say Y/N was confused and suspicious was an understatement. She had almost caught me talking about it on the phone several times but I convinced her it was something else. But when players started showing up she grew even more suspicious.
Hey Y/N, good to see ya!” Tobin said as she and Christen made their way into our house.
“You not happy to see us?” She teased
“No, I am b-but Ash said no one was coming to visit.” she said turning to me, narrowing her eyes.
“Well we decided to surprise you, surprise!” Chris said
“So... You, Tobin, kelley, Emily, Lindsey, and Alyssa all decided to surprise me?”
“Hmmm. Well thanks for coming. I’ve missed you guys.”
“We missed you too!”
The next few days flew by and by Friday everything was set to be perfect. Ali took Y/N out for the day so we could set everything up. Our Orlando Pride teammates, along with the national teammates who had flown in early were helping. Everyone else would be landing in a couple hours.
“Ash where should we hang this banner?” Christen asked, holding up the “mommy-daughter dance” banner we made.
“Right over there, above the fountain.” I said.
We were planning to have it in the backyard so everyone could fit into the space. We compiled a playlist of songs that Y/N loved along with a few that were about a mother and daughter so that we could have to special dance they had at the father-daughter dances. We also strung up some twinkly lights and made sure the yard would be as lit up as possible. While this was mostly my idea Ali and the others really helped me put everything together and I was grateful for all their help.
Ali and I agreed that I would dance with Y/N first and then she would.
“Ash, When are the others supposed to get here?”
“By 5:00. Why?”
“Ali says Y/N wants to come home now.” Alex said
“Shit. What time is it?”
“Okay, that’s not too bad. But how are we gonna hide all of this?” I gestured to all the decorations and food that was set up.
“I have no idea.”
“Oooo I know!” Tobin said
“What do you got, T?”
“I’ll just convince her to play Mario Cart with me, distract her from looking at the yard, and give you, Ali and everyone else enough time to get ready.”
“That’s perfect! But what about you?”
“Oh, don’t worry. I have a perfect outfit already lined up and it’ll only take me 5 minutes to change.”
“Jeans and a T-shirt huh?”
Alex and I chuckled. Of course, classic Tobin.
Time continued to fly by and before I knew it, Y/N and Ali were home and Tobin whisked her away to play video games.
“Wow Ash, this is amazing.” Ali marveled at our handy work.
“Thanks babe, you think she’ll like it?”
“She’ll love it.” She kissed me gently.
5:00 o’clock came around and everyone else started to arrive. Tobin did a good job of keeping Y/N away from the commotion and I told everyone to come in through the side gate.
“You did good, Harris” Megan said, patting me on the back.
“Thanks, Pinoe.”
Everyone started to get ready, taking turns in the bathroom or our room. Ali and I the last to get ready. When I was sure everyone was good, and everything was set I texted Tobin letting her know it was go time.
“Okay everyone! Thank you for coming! Y/N will be out here any minute so get ready to surprise her.”
Everyone left through the side gate to wait until I gave them the signal to come in and I stood right in the middle of the yard, waiting for Tobin to bring out Y/N. I heard the door to the yard open and adjusted my bow tie when I noticed it was crooked.
“Okay kid, don’t peek yet okay?” I heard Tobin say.
“Tobyyy... where are we going?”
“Just one second... Okay open!”
When she did, the look on Y/N’s face was one that I would never forget. Her eyes sparkled as took everything in and when she saw me standing there, she started to tear up. She really started to cry when she saw the banner we made.
“Mommy-daughter dance. Ash... You did this for me?”
“Of course kiddo. I wanted you to have a special night tonight, even if it meant you didn’t go to the dance at your school.”
“This is so much better, thank you!”
She ran to me and jumped in my arms. I caught her with ease and spun her around, peppering her face with kisses as she giggled.
“Anything for you baby girl.”
“Where’s Ali?”
“She is here, that’s actually the other part of the suprise. Ali! Guys!” I called out to them.
Everyone walked through the gate, Y/N gasping as they did.
“Oh my god. Guys?! What are you all doing here?”
“Well... we know this is a mommy-daughter dance but we wanted to be here for your special night.”
“Thank you!”
“We wouldn’t miss this for the world.” Alex said softly
I was overflowing with emotions, I had never felt so loved in my life. I hugged everyone and thanked them for coming before finally getting to Ali. She smiled at me with tears in her eyes and opened her arms, which I quickly ran into.
Ali... how can I thank you?”
“Save a dance for me?” She giggled
“Of course.”
“As much as I would love to chat with you, I think someone is waiting for you on the dance floor.” She said pointing at Ash. I looked back at her hesitant to leave.
“I don’t mind at all. Go have fun, we’ll dance soon.”
“Thank you mama, I love you.” I said before kissing her on the cheek and running off to dance with Ashlyn. That was the first time I had ever called her mama but I thought it was a fitting title and her and Ash are the parents I’ve always wanted
I joined Ash on the dance floor and she signaled to someone to change the song to a slow one. She smiled down at me as she took my hands in hers. Our height difference made it so I was definitely going to be stepping on her toes but she didn’t seem to mind.
“Thank you for all of this, mommy. I was so bummed about missing the other dance but I couldn’t be happier.” I said softly. I saw suprise cross her face at the new name I had given her but she embraced it without hesitation.
“I’m so glad, little one. Your mama and I love you so much. We always will.”
“I love you both more than I’ll ever be able to explain. You guys are the parents I’ve always wanted and the family I’ve always needed.” I said getting emotional.
“Family. Always.”
Sorry for any mistakes - N
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fictionliv-ing · 4 years
Akatsuki in College
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First year art major with a minor in sculpture. That guy in the back of the class who seems like he does nothing but laze around. He’s actually really talented and aces every single class he’s in. Spends majority of his time in the sculpting room, so much that his friends have to come in and bring him food, just to make sure he eats well. It comes as no surprise to other art majors to see freshman Tobi skip into the sculpting room to bring Deidara an entire meal and multiple bottles of water. Most of his sculptures resemble woodland creatures, his personal favorites being birds and spiders. Sometimes like to set them on fire in the quadrangle for no reason at all.
When he’s not working on a sculpture for class, he can be found in the dorms where he’s probably animatedly debating with his roommate Sasori over the true meaning of art. Sometimes their arguments get so boisterous and explosive that their neighbor Pein has to poke his head in and yell at them to shut up. He secretly admires Sasori’s robots, anyway.
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Postgraduate chemical engineering major with a minor in robotics. A silent worker. Slouches in his seat a lot, so even if he’s seated in the front row, no one realizes that he’s in their class until two months into the semester. One of the smartest kids in class, but not the easiest to work with because he scares everyone else away; definitely not a team player. One of the handful of graduate students that chose to dorm on campus because he’d hate to waste time commuting home everyday. Likes to make little robot prototypes for future projects in his spare time. Has had to stop himself from slipping some poison into Deidara’s drink about 328742374 times- but in his defense, it’s not his fault that the kid believes in all the wrong views of art.
Doesn’t really have time to socialize, but he does have time to spy on his long-time enemy, university researcher and biochemistry professor Orochimaru. He will never forget the day Orochimaru gave him the only B+ he’s ever gotten in his life. Unforgiveable. Despite being rather antisocial, he’s taken a liking to his neighbor’s friend Itachi, but maybe that’s because Itachi once proved Orochimaru wrong during one of the latter’s special classes in research ethics.
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Third year philosophy major. Campus heartthrob. Always gets teased by his friends, Hidan and Kisame, for being so popular with the ladies, even though he’d rather just study quietly in the library. Occasionally gets dragged out by Kisame to go shopping for sports equipment, or Hidan, who wants to party.
Incredibly smart and analytical. Is always at the top of every class. Gives the best presentations, writes perfect papers, fully immerses himself in lectures- professors light up when they see Itachi walk into their classroom. Has everyone wrapped around his finger, though he never abuses it. Very kind and respectful. Is the type to quietly help others out, always patiently explaining confusing concepts to his classmates and catching nearby strangers when they clumsily trip over their own feet. The only one in his friend group that doesn’t stay at the dorms; he goes home after class every day (to the disappointment of his many fangirls) and spends his evenings helping his brother with his math homework.
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Postgraduate sports science major. Founder of the campus swimming team. He’s big and bulky and likes to coach the swim team sometimes. The freshmen are all scared of him, but he’s the reason why they end up so great. While he’s not coaching the younger students, he’s catching up on his readings, writing his papers, and convincing Itachi to accompany him in buying new swimming trunks.
Likes talking to his roommate Pein and hearing about his microbiology ideas, and is somehow always able to make a connection with his own field of study. Occasionally comes up with research topics that they can work on together, but never actually pushes through with them because of Pein’s busy schedule. Sometimes falls victim to Hidan’s shirtless horny dancing during parties, and has to help Itachi drag Hidan home.
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Third year theology major. Not the biggest fan of studying; he’s honestly surprised to have made it this far just by borrowing notes and copying off of his classmates here and there. He’s taking theology because he wants a better understanding of the deities that rule this earth and to find someone in this universe to look up to and worship. Despite the stereotypical ‘good boy’ standard that comes with being a theology major, Hidan isn’t shy about defying the stereotype. He’s everyone’s dealer and is that guy on campus who’ll have a thermos full of alcohol instead of water. Has incredibly high alcohol tolerance, though it doesn’t take him much to start acting crazy. Always present at every party. Takes “the party don’t start ‘till I walk in” phrase quite literally. If you think you’re having fun at a party, you haven’t partied with Hidan yet. “Yet” because you’re bound to at some point.
Likes to drag Itachi around to parties because he knows that Itachi’s not the drinking type, so Hidan can rely on him to drive him home safely. Teases Itachi for being popular with the ladies and goes out of his way to steal his friend’s fangirls for himself. Likes to take off his shirt randomly (he claims it’s a flirting technique.), much to Itachi and Kisame’s dismay, but Hidan’s never shy about it because his self confidence is that high.
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Former finance professor. He retired years ago, but he contributed so much to the university’s finance department that he often gets invited to hold classes and lectures. Reluctantly goes to give talks to lesser minds. Would rather be balancing his books at home instead. Still invests in stocks and bonds and that kind of shit, he’s all about making money. Wants to be buried with his money when he dies (like, with the money inside his coffin, and not just in the ground with him- he specified it in his will). Never got married, because they didn’t allow him to marry his bank account.
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Postgraduate microbiology major. Dorms with Kisame, who talks a lot about the inner workings of sports science (it actually helps him look at his field of study in a different perspective so he doesn’t mind Kisame’s blabbering). Focuses his papers on cloning and stuff like that because he wants to successfully clone humans one day. Doesn’t know why….he just finds it cool.
Close friends with Nagato and Konan, though he spends most of his time in the library or in his dorm room, always studying. Konan and Nagato like to drop by sometimes to bring food and convince him to take a break. Lives right next door to Deidara and Sasori who argue a lot, so he ends up leaving his room just to yell at them to shut up. Pein values his study time like no other- he just wants to master everything and successfully prove that his brain is better than everyone else’s.
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Postgraduate design major. The living embodiment of “Aestheticism is the only thing worth pursuing.” Has a very strong grunge aesthetic, her closet is a combination of black, grey, navy, and maroon. Likes to color her hair a lot; some days she’ll be a redhead, then the next week, she’ll have hair the color of the sky on a rainy day. Because of this, she’s developed an extensive haircare routine, so her hair is always healthy. Dorms with Nagato, as they’ve been close friends since time immemorial, and often gets mistaken for being his girlfriend. Their neighbor Hidan likes to tease them about being sexually active together, and her only response is to blush madly and hit the side of his head hard enough to make him shut up.
Spends her time creating pieces to add to her portfolio and attending art workshops. At one point, she meets Deidara and is immediately intrigued by his sculptures. He invites her to visit the sculpting room and encourages her to try her hand at the medium. She discovers she doesn’t care much for stone and marble, but has fun working with malleable pieces of clay. This sparks her interest in origami and paper art. Nagato now comes home to a dorm full of paper cranes and paper butterflies.
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Postgraduate philosophy major with a minor in world history. He likes to think about the rights and wrongs and many faces of the world. Befriends Itachi after meeting at a lecture and have been keeping in touch since then, talking about the flaws of this world. At some point, Itachi starts asking him for feedback on his papers and he becomes Itachi’s mentor. The Reason why Itachi is absolutely slaying his classes is because he gets advice from Nagato on how to improve his papers and make them So Good that his professors give him nothing less than an A.
Is roommates with Konan, who has been his best friend ever since they were small and adorable (he still thinks she’s small and adorable, though he would never admit that out loud.). Grunts in indifference and looks away whenever Hidan teases him and Konan about being together, and it’s only thanks to his long, red hair that his burning ears stay hidden. Always has shit to say about that kid during his weekly get-togethers with Konan and Tobi.
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Freshman psychology major. He decided to study psychology for fun and enrolled after getting his masters in management, which is why he’s older than all of his classmates. Doesn’t stop him from acting younger than his actual age, though. Likes to follow Deidara around (Deidara has a theory that Tobi only enrolled in psychology to learn how to effectively annoy people.) and marvel at his art.
Shares a dorm with Hidan, whose reactions are really funny, so Tobi makes sure to play lost and lots of pranks on his roomie. Always forgets that Hidan can get quite explosive when angered, and ends up having to run away from his roommate’s airborne kitchen knives. Befriends Nagato, and in extension, Konan as well. They like to spend Friday nights out together, usually at a chill bar, where they drink more than the appropriate amount of sake and complain about their neighbors, Deidara, Hidan, and Sasori (Kisame’s good, Kisame’s nice, they say.).
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
2 tales from the Soul society (bleach)
2 Tales from the soul society
1. The best laid plans
Ichigo hummed to himself as he finished cleaning up the one story house he and Reniji had recently gotten. After getting married the pair had decided to move to the soul society full time, a move that was helped by the fact that Ichigo's bratty ways had recently gotten worse and there was only so many time one could expect to get away with hanging annoying kids by the back of their undies from trees before the law would have to get involved. Still they had a nice place, and Reniji while not at the best possible job, was raking in enough cash for them to live comfortably, all things considered it could of been worse. It also gave the happy pair time to indulge in a shared kink: diaper and age play. Make no mistake, while Ichigo whined and pointed out over and over again just HOW cute Reniji would look in diapers, the red head maintained that Ichigo was the baby of the house. Plus while Ichigo was a good little boy wife (Reniji's pet name for the chore bitch) he didn't wanna shatter his image of alpha male in the house hold by having Ichigo clean his poopie cheeks. It was Friday night and Reniji for a change didn't have to work in the morning and had texted Ichigo as the chore boy finished up what he wanted to do. Ichigo had a impish grin on his face as he texted back, having already decided mentally it was gonna be a daddy and me night, but told Reniji that he just wanted to relax and watch movies, and asked him to get some and some take out on his way home for work. Knowing it wouldn't take his 'daddy' too long to pick some movies and get some food (Fast food really WAS fast food in the soul society, anther point in it's favor) Ichigo made his way to the bathroom closet and dug out his enema kit.
Daddy was a firm believer that while he didn't always enjoy the smell, all big babies like his cutie pie Ichigo should be more then willing to make LOTS of 'presents' for their daddies. Ironically when they had first started all of this, it had been Ichigo who was less then a fan of poopie diapers and enemas. These days however, filling himself up and fighting to hold it in before soiling himself like a big dumb baby was so orgasmic there was 50/50 chance the big baby would cream the front of his diapers while loading the back. The tricky part in all of this was that Reniji thought plastic diapers were wasteful, and so Ichigo would have to somehow get his diapers pinned on and plastic pants tugged over them without letting out the water and sludge from his butt once he took the plug out. of course, only daddy thought that was still a hard struggle, but Ichigo had taken up some 'training' so to speak and while it wasn't always a sure fire thing, he had a high success rate. and had dealt with the clean up involved with his failures. It might of helped if it wasn't for the fact that Ichigo insisted on filling the bag to the brim, and oils and soaps to ensure all sorts of delightful cramps. Still it was a labor of love and he didn't think twice as he mixed his little brew up and shook the bag, before hanging it on the shower rod.
He had of course, already stripped naked, his hairless body a result of shaving and grooming and his modest manhood was twitching and awaiting the fun as he lubed up the suggestively shaped nozzle with one hand while working in a lubed up finger or two in and out of his rosebud to make this go as smooth as possible. Mindful that there WAS a time limit here, he forced the nozzle in hard and fast and almost lost it right there, hunched over the bathroom sink and letting out a soft "Oh daddy!" Somehow he managed to keep his load in and gasping softly he opened the valve on the bag, filling his insides with the hot mixture and whimpering as he rubbed his growing belly. "oh fuck..oh fuck..I'm getting pregnant with a mud baby just fer daddy Reniji." Ichigo coo'ed stupidly at his reflection, his eyes going dim as his hornless took him over. Somehow he manged NOT to give in and jack off, eve if his cock head was dripping a almost steady level of pre which meant he had to keep dabbing at it with a wad of tissue. The bag filled him quick enough and Ichigo giggled, rubbing his belly a few times and savoring the cramps with his eyes closed, before moving onto the next stage of operation: present for daddy.
The terrycloth diapers Reniji got Ichigo were slightly stained, there were some things that all the elbow grease in the world just couldn't get out and Reniji insisted that Ichigo wasn't getting new diapers till the old one's were too worn out to use/too filthy to keep using. 'hehehehe two birds one stone!' the big baby giggled, having gotten them and the large diaper pins ready before stuffing his guts. pre powdered and everything, Ichigo tugged the nozzle out and willed his hole to close as he plopped back onto the diapers, tugging them up and getting the pins in. Ideally he'd like to say this present for daddy to see happen, but his tummy was cramping and gurgling, so Ichigo would have to take what he could get. Moaning softly and his tummy sloshing, Ichigo went for the cherry on the cake so to speak, tugging up a pair of plastic pants he'd claimed to have lost but had been working on in secret. working to stitch onto the back of the clear pants in jet black 'poo poo pants'. 'Daddies gonna squeal when he see's dat!' Ichigo thought proudly. he toyed with getting a diaper shirt on, but between the size of his tummy and the diaper butt, he'd of had to struggle and it would of popped open when he bent over anyways. He could of slid a top on at least but figured fuck it, lots of babies ran around in just their diapers and it wouldn't be like Reniji wasn't gonna be washing him soon anyways. decision made, Ichigo toddled towards the hallway in from of the front door and turned around,bracing himself on a small table for key's and the like and waited, his butt facing the door and listening for the sound of daddies keys.
Reniji was having a good day, and actually was looking forward to a nice lazy night. he didn't wanna tell Ichigo and break the little cuties heart, but he semi needed a break from wiping the big babies butt. truthfully he would of maybe liked to go out for drinks, but had just picked up a bottle of sake along with some stir fry and picked out a action comedy. He'd also run into two of their old friends, Toshiro and Kenpachi (though with Kenpachi, friend might of been pushing it..) and they had semi invited themself over for a few drinks. 'I'm sure Ichigo won't mind company for a little bit.' Reniji thought, listing to the other two captain's argue over who drink more behind. "Guys, for the record, Unless you wanna go and get your own bottles, take it easy." Reniji called playfully over his shoulder, then slid the key's into the lock. they might of lived in a ok neighborhood but Reniji still didn't want someone just waltzing in.
Hearing the key's in the lock Ichigo gave a Cheshire grin and mentally giggled, while in a soft voice went "it's showtime~" and relaxed his control, letting out a massive wet fart and then more.. as he heard Reniji start to speak up."Hi sweetie I'm home! hope you don't mind but I ran into some friends...of..ours.." Reniji said before his voiced dropped off, and he facepalmed. Looking over his shoulder, and helpless to stop the torment of sludge that was escaping out of his bottom, Ichigo saw Toshiro looking at him amused till the smell hit him, then the platinum blond was holding his nose and waving a hand, and Kenpachi who just broke out into loud laughter. Blushing big time time and shaking, Ichigo gave a weak little wave and a soft "Oh..uh...Hiiii..." "nice huggies poo poo pants!" Toshiro grumbled, still holding his nose and Kenpachi just laughed harder. "-sigh-.. can you guys give me a few, apparently I have to put the baby down to bed..or at least change him." Reniji said, going from annoyed to smirking. "DADDY!"
2. Anger leads to bad choices
Ichigo hummed softly, he was once again cleaning the house, and it had a been a few week's since the disaster that had been the so called lazy night. Toshiro and Kenpachi had agreed to keep it to themselves, but mostly because who would believe them? Reniji had been a little bit less then pleased with Ichigo for fibbing, but Ichigo had gotten away with just having to go to bed in the spare room (AKA his nursery) without a diaper change and listen to the adults have fun. Still some babies never learn their lesson, so while Ichigo was shaking his hips and singing a few of his favorite pop songs from the human world, he was wearing thinner set of diapers and plastic pant's, that puffed out the back of his diaper shirt and poked out the leg holes. it was a pale blue diaper shirt with a big yellow star on the front, though the star was currently hidden by the black apron Ichigo was wearing while he dusted. the apron was a basic black and held extra wipes and a spare duster, as well as the music player that the big baby was listening to as he rocked that jam. He was currently in the living room, and had opened the curtains to let some sunlight in under the impression that the kids on the block were still away at some semi form of a summer camp, a assumption that would prove to be VERY wrong.
It was Kul who first noticed the sight of the big baby dancing in plain sight, and he'd crept across the lawn of Mean mister Ichigo, who was prone to yell at kids to stay off the awn and give them wedgies if they didn't listen. the reason why he kept kids away became clear as the close Kul got, the clearer it was the block grump was a silly big baby. Kul was small for his age and had a shaved head, but despite his tiny size he was somewhat known as the block tough guy and a semi hero to bullying victims. so naturally, seeing the biggest bully of them al was just a big dumb baby, he couldn't keep it to himself and waved over anther boy, Toji. "What is it?" Toji asked, raising a eyebrow as Kul put a finger to his lips. "And are you crazy? this is grumpy pants yard!" Toji added, lowering his voice to a hiss. Kul just grinned and pointed at the window, and Toji paused and then broke into a grin. "No friggen way.." "Go spread the word." Ku said.
Ichigo somehow missed the gathering of fan's outside the window, at least till he was wrapping up the final song on his play list and was paying the duster like it was a guitar. As the music faded and he dropped down to one knee, he opened his eyes wide as the sound of laughter and clapping filled his ears. Looking back at him, pointing and laughing, were all the kids on the block, and more, as apparently news of his little show had gotten out. they were pointing and laughing and chants for a encore broke out. His face turning Crimson Ichigo went to jump up but the padding had gotten damp from a combination of a wetting or two and the sweat he had worked up and instead he stumbled and plopped on his puffy butt instead. Naturally this only made the kids laugh harder, and some of them were taking pictures now as tears started to fill the big babies eyes. "Stop it! stop it!" Ichigo whined and pounded his fists on the floor, trying to glare at them and scare them away. Instead they giggled and d'awwed, and he heard at east one kid comment the big baby was having a tantrum. "I'll show you a tantrum!" Ichigo growled, and rolling onto his hands and knees, he crawled over quick towards the couch and used it to get to his feet, as the hoot's of laughter turned into sounds of worry. "I'm coming out then and giving you all wedgies so hard you'll be tasting your undies for a week! No! a MONTH!" he vowed, and on his way out the door shut the curtains. waddling out the door he never once paused to think about the fact he was STILL dressed like a big baby, or that he hadn't grabbed his keys when Reniji had installed automatic looking doors.
the kids had started to scatter as the front door flew open and Ichigo darted out onto the lawn, eyes filled with fury as he scanned the gathered crowd. "All right! who's fi-" he started, when he heard the sound of the door clicking shut. such had been the force when he'd opened it it had banged off of the wall and bounced back closed, and the loud click was the lock sliding into pace. "-st..Oh shit.." Ichigo whimpered. "pffft..did you just lock yourself out, diaper baby?" Kul asked, in a loud voice. "I..uh..Noo! I just.." Ichigo whined. "Well, if you're NOT stuck out here in your thick diapie wipies, go back inside baby man." Toji called. the other kids gained back their nerve as Ichigo's  anger was replaced with a trembling bottom lip, and he turned back, waddling towards the door, and letting out a LOUD fart. "Ah geez, the BABY is gonna crap himself..Now I DO hope he can get back inside!" a little girl called out. "S-Shut up! no I'm not!" Ichigo whined, even as anther fart erupted out of his backside. He tugged at the door handle once, twice and then a third time and sniffled, as the laughter grew. "awww poor baby Ichigo locked him poor widdle self out! he'll have to wait till daddies home to wet him in~" "Oh man,m he's gonna smell like a sewer by then!" "Yeah, sorry BABY butt, but while i have a little brother, your butt's WAY to big for his diapers!" as the taunts came faster and faster, Ichigo felt tears sliding down his cheeks and sludge flood into the back of his diapers. "STOP BEING SO MEAN TO WIDDLE ME!" he bawled, sinking to his knees and bawling for daddy. "..ah geez.. ok guys I think he's had enough.." kul said, coming over and holding a nose, but patting the big babies head. "there there, your big brothers and sisters will look after you." Kul said with a smile. Ichigo, just whimpered and sucked his thumb and the crotch snap of his diaper shirt popped opened.
The last thing Reniji expected to see as he came into view of his house was Ichigo of all people, surrounded by kids from around the block and clapping his hands and giggling happily. He was naked save for what looked like a rubber sheet that have been mangled into a somewhat passable diaper and his eyes were basically bank as he coo'ed and giggled, calling the kids around him big brother and big sister. '..this is going to be a interesting story.' Reniji thought, and strolled up.
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wocfics · 4 years
Broken Record
Min Yoongi Series
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Arranged Marriage Series
MYG x Poc Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 1k+
An entire hour and he only looked at you once, if that’s what you could even call it. His cat shaped eyes, glanced over you, as if judging your appearance before we went back to looking down at the table with his arms crossed over his chest. Almost like he was annoyed or something. He was hard to read, so you couldn’t really tell if he was actually listening or if he just got annoyed because of your presence. Either way, it was rude as fuck. Just because he was part of the biggest boy group, he didn’t have the right to treat you this way. 
Min Yoongi, Suga of BTS, was now your husband but he wasn’t putting in any effort so far and you two had been in this room for quite some time. You stayed quiet, only nodding your head when spoken to, which he didn’t see because he was too busy looking over the paperwork, like he was avoiding your very existence. After signing the few documents, you stood up, adjusting your black corduroy skirt and black turtleneck sweater and grabbed your folder before heading out of the room with the others that were present in the room with the both of you. After speaking with your lawyer privately, you waited by the elevator, tapping away at your phone with light pink manicured fingernails. 
Being the owner of a record store wasn’t exactly the best decision you made but it did bring in money. Some people still used record players and even most of the young generation. You had always loved music, especially old music. A record store was always a dream of yours and although you struggled in the beginning, it was all worth it in the end. It was actually Manager Sejin that came to you with the arranged marriage offer. He was a good customer of yours, loved your store and saw how hard you worked everyday and rambled about your love for your passion. You didn’t care about fame, but you did care about at least meeting someone, especially in South Korea. 
You weren’t the skinniest girl, that was for sure. You had an hourglass shape but by no means were you on the thin side, which was probably why it was hard for you to date. You lived in Korea for 5 years, always bought clothes online since most stores didn’t fit you and because of your african american background, you always did your own hair. Right now your hair was straight, medium brown with dark roots. You only had it that way because of the winter and it would last. You weren’t too heavy, a little gut that you were working on but your overall appearance seemed intimidating to most men. If you weren’t small enough for them, you either became a friend or they just never spoke to you again after having a one night stand.
Your bust was slightly bigger than average and your hips weren’t too wide but wide enough. Your medium to light brown skin always had a glow to it though, nothing bothered you and every time someone gave you a disapproving look, you would pretend that you wouldn’t see it. 
Standing by the elevator, you could see Yoongi walking out of the corner of your eye, in the opposite direction of you. Raising a brow, you noticed Manager Seijin approaching with a smile. “He still has some work he wants to work on in the studio if you’re okay with that, he’ll meet you at the apartment later on tonight. He insisted he go back so..” He shrugged and you smiled with a nod. “No problem. Thank you.” You bowed and made your way down the elevator and out to the car that was to drop you off. 
It wasn’t really an apartment but more like a townhome, gated but still in its own little town. You figured the other wives were living here as well and wondered how they were adjusting. Friends weren’t always a thing with you, they came and went but you wondered if the other women would become your permanent friends. All of you were in this arranged marriage anyways. 
Yoongi definitely wasn’t going to ruin your mood for the rest of the day so you keep yourself occupied, setting up your record player in the bedroom and putting on something upbeat so you could dance around while putting your things away. You cleaned as you went, and even lit a few candles so it would smell less like a new apartment and more like a home. He probably was busy and just didn’t have time for you to introduce yourself, it was understandable. 
Once your things were put away, you showered, wrapped up your hair and changed into a comfy two piece pajama pant set, black and yellow shorts, a tank top and long robe to match. You cooked bulgogi and even made enough for Yoongi as well. Placing his in a container and set it on the counter, you figured he’d warm it up when he got home. You ate your portion, alone, and cleaned up before sitting on the couch to watch some t.v while making sure that your new employee closed up the store properly. 
It had almost been 8 hours since the meeting and it was getting dark, and there was still no Yoongi, you sighed heavily, walking over to the window and peeking out. No sign of a car or him walking around. You know you didn’t do anything wrong, yet you felt like you did. Maybe you should have spoken up and said something to him. Maybe you weren’t his type. Rolling your eyes, you shook those thoughts away and walked upstairs and into the bedroom after blowing out the candles you lit earlier. 
The bed was huge, bigger than the one you had previously owned when you lived right above your record store. Everything there was in one room so having the extra space was nice. You remembered you had to exchange numbers with Yoongi so you sent him a quick text, in English, asking if he was coming home. It showed that it was delivered but not read. Tossing your phone on the nightstand, you turned over and quickly drifted off to sleep. 
You woke up rather early the next morning, glancing at your phone that read 7:45 am, and with no returned text messages or phone calls. You saw that the text was still unread and you rolled over to seeing nobody there. Sitting up, you noticed the bathroom door was opened so he had to be here. 
Standing up from the bed, you put on your robe and made your way down the stairs and into the living room, seeing Yoongi’s golden locks peeking from under a blanket on the couch. WAS HE FOR REAL?! He slept on the couch, to avoid sleeping in the bed. Maybe he didn’t want to wake you? It had to be that. He probably got back late and didn’t want to disturb your sleep. Going back upstairs to get ready for the day, you dressed in an oversized black sweater, denim blue jeans and kept your black socks on while doing your makeup, something simple and brushing out your hair. 
Walking back down the stairs with a jacket in your hand, you saw him sitting up, his back facing you while he rubbed his eyes and yawned. “Good morning.” You spoke in English, knowing that he knew but all he did was look at you over his shoulder, turn back around and stood up to fold the blanket he was using.
Rude. Rude as hell. Tossing your jacket on the back of the couch, you walked into the kitchen, seeing that the container was empty and in the sink. Well, at least he ate. You thought while cleaning it out and placing it on the drying rack. “I said, good morning. Yoongi.” You said his name this time and he deeply sighed before looking at you again while walking past you and up the stairs. 
An hour later when he came down, fully dressed with one air pod in his ear, talking on the phone in a conference call with the boys. “She doesn’t even know Korean. She made food last night, it was pretty good though, but I’m not teaching her Korean just because we’re married...Taehyung you like your wife and so does Hobi...I don’t have to like her...no she’s not ugly but that’s besides the point. They found me some Koreaboo that probably only likes me because of BTS. This is a set up…” He rambled while you cooked, almost burning the eggs after hearing what he was saying. He didn’t know you knew Korean which meant he wasn’t listening in the first place and a Koreaboo? How insulting. 
Humming to yourself, you finished the omelets and side of toast and poured both of you cups of coffee. “Breakfast.” You said slowly to him, smiling. He rolled his eyes and hung up with the guys after telling them that you think he didn’t know much English. He sat down, eating slowly and sipping his coffee. You leaned back in your seat, watching him and shook your head while giggling. His eyes darted up at you and he tilted his head to the side in confusion. 
You cleared your throat, finishing your food and waited for him to finish his, cleaning the dishes once again and went over to grab your jacket. “I think we should go grocery shopping, I only bought enough for the Bulgogi last night. I’m glad you thought it was good, maybe I can try other dishes that you like and don’t worry about teaching me Korean. Clearly I already know it. Ready to go?” You said all of this while putting on your shoes and zipping up your coat, turning to face him.
His mouth was slightly agape while staring at you, as if you had just said the most horrifying thing he ever heard. His face was flushed red with embarrassment and he quickly shut his mouth, slowly putting on his coat. He didn’t say anything, just waiting for you to walk out so he could follow behind. You smiled and walked out of the door. That shut him up. 
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