#and seeing how simple the gymnast performances are
colorisbyshe · 10 months
LeBron James' athlete, young son had a heart attack yesterday and it really just illuminated how fatphobia doesn't just hurt fat people.
Like, a lot people were blaming the vaccine because... why else would a fit teenager have a heart attack? To be clear--I know a lot of these people would be blaming the vaccine even if he was hospitalized because, idk, he went skydiving and his parachute didn't deploy. They'd blame the vaccine if he lit himself on fire. I know that.
But a lot of people who //wouldn't// blame the vaccine were also baffled and looking for explanations as to why an athlete so young could have a heart attack.
What people don't understand is a lot of "wellness" and "fitness" culture is fucking kill yourself. The pursuit of thinness, athletic ability, and obvious muscle tone is dangerous and can be lethal. A lot of it involves starving yourself, dehydrating yourself, and then pushing your body past its limit. People try to min-max their physical form and end up destroying it.
And I know this isn't specifically about fatness but I think there's a massive issue where people see someone with some flab on their stomach and feel comfortable saying "Oh, you're gonna die young, put down the cheeseburgers" as if a. having fat on your body is a consequence of bad choices and isn't just... some people's natural state and b. making a 'bad choice' (that would harm literally no one else) makes it okay to predict and mock someone's death.
But we cheer on young people, often EXTREMELY young people (a lot of sports have people peaking as teenagers, in their early or mid 20s) working themselves to death, permanent injury, or brain damage. And we can sometimes recognize that's happening--a celebrity with a too prominent rib cage or too hollow a face--but when muscle is involved, we assume that's a sign of good health.
When most muscle that prominent is a sign of extreme dehydration, extremely taxing diets where people starve all day and then have three course dinners, and likely dysmorphia and disordered thinking and/or eating.
A lot of sports--and not just the full contact sports that we associate with injury like football or wrestling--are extremely dangerous. But people would rather demonize fat people for just existing, not even knowing what choices did OR DID NOT come into play, than like... investigate why we need young people pushing themselves so fucking hard to throw and catch a ball.
To be clear, this is me both saying leave fat people alone AND hey... maybe we need more protections for athletes. This is me saying the same culture that is used to punish fat people is killing non-fat people as well (or at least putting them on the brink of death).
We need to change our understanding of wellness and fitness. Both in the sense that we need to stop demonizing people for being "unwell" or "unfit" (whatever the fuck that might mean) but also to stop promoting actually unhealthy things to reach the VENEER of wellness and fitness. A lot of people into fitness and wellness are at infinitely higher risk for health problems than fat people and are often actively encouraged to continue this dangerous behaviour.
Athletes who can dribble a ball real well but are having heart attacks at 18 are not well. They are deeply unwell. And we need to pull back, as a culture, on using them for entertainment if this is the cost.
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It started as it will end, with a garden with this post -> link
"Stuntman / Stuntwoman / Stuntperson: a person employed to take an actor's place in performing dangerous stunts on purpose"
Day 12 : “Funnier my way” - Good Omens, Gymnast/StuntPerson AU
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Aziraphale *angry*: You're being silly! Hurting yourself like this...
Crowley *pouty*: Naaah. Stunt person, that's what I am!
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Aziraphale: Well, Dear, it is dangerous. *sigh*
Crowley: *sigh loudly* It's not if you're doing it professionaly. And I am. Very professional. Me.
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Aziraphale: ...
Crowley: ...
Aziraphale *kindly*: Does it still hurt?
Crowley *softly*: ...Yeah. Still hurts. But doing it my way is funnier, Angel.
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Don't forget to 💕/ reblog ;-)
Personal challenge: a simple sketch each day
Goal: forcing me to keep things simple - inking, shading, just a few sashes of colour
Improvement pursued: to get the movement, the emotion, finding how to add depth, learning how to leave things barely finished
Max time allowed: 2 hours instead of 8-20 on my previous projects - well, 2 hours for the complete sketch, then 1 more hour for editing their lovely quotes - AND drawing the Minisnake!Crowley.
Today's theme chosen by me: Well, this time it definitely feels like it's the theme that HAS CHOSEN me. I was scrolling on Tumblr and found this old "Gymnast Vs Stuntwoman" video I have already seen on YouTube months ago. But my GO-rotten brain made me think "WOAAA this is splendid AziraCrow Arrangement's vibes, doesn't it'". Aaaand... Voilà.
Trivia: when I started this Challenge, I wasn't very comfortable with Aziraphale soft curves - partly because I always tried to draw unrealistic bodies and "healthy" (whatever that means) silhouettes, and partly because it reminds me of my own bigger roundnesses and I can't stop feeling ashamed about it. But now I like to draw realistic Aziraphale more and more, sometimes plushy, sometimes a little bit more muscular (you'll see it in my future Ice Skating Tribute). It is a long road for me, but I like it a little more each day .
Trivia2: I love so much their wings tattoos. And I am particularly proud of the winged-sword because when I imagined it, it only took 10 minutes doing it. I am having so much fun in this Challenge, because I don't have time to think or hesitate. It's very refreshing for an indecisive and perfectionist artist like me.
How did it start? I reblogged here but my brain didn't want to stop...
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"Hey, Good Omens Fam, listen, listen.
Is it just my Good-Omens-rotting brain speaking, or there is some Aziraphale/Crowley's Arrangement vibes here?
Feels like a kind of funny Fem!AU to me...
Aziraphale: If I may? *performs their gymnastic routine with a perfect sense of timing, beautiful and powerful, everything is neat, calculated, an rightful Angel in disguise with their sculptural body and their lovely blond curls*
Crowley: My turn. *performs the exact same gymnastic routine with an almost-perfect sense of timing, failling clumsy and weirdly sensual, everything seems chaotic but it IS (?) calculated, an bloody Demon in disguise with their messy gestures and their red disheveled long hair*
Aziraphale: ...
Crowley: WOT? Job done!
Aziraphale, *sincerely concerned* : Mate, didn't you just hurt yourself on this last jump?
Crowley, *blushing*: Ha! No way. I am a professional. Very professional, me.
Aziraphale: ... ... .... *raise eyebrows*
Crowley, *blushing A LOT*: ...Yeah. Still hurts. But my way is funnier, Angel.
Aziraphale: Oh dear. 🥺🙄😌"
And YES, the stuntwoman dit it ON PURPOSE - almost of it. See for yourself, they are so lovely, having so much fun together.
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salty-an-disco · 4 months
feel free to use this ask to talk about hero?? or contrarian or per chance both :? mayhaps about their hobbies?
*bounces excitedly*
(this is in the context of a general post-leaving the construct AU where the world is relatively modern)
I feel like Hero would get into carving. He really likes the movement of knife to wood, finds it relaxing, and likes getting to see a simple piece of wood slowly transform into a recognizable shape. Maybe not all that recognizable, at first, but he’s still getting the joy of creation! I think he’d especially enjoy carving all kinds of animals. He never saw any animals before, and now not only does he get to see them, he can try to replicate their shape! (I specifically made him take a carving knife in that crows cabin on my fic cuz of that; he took it for Hunted, at first, but Hunted will let him keep it after seeing how much he enjoys carving)
Contrarian would try out all kinds of things once outside, that’s for sure. They’d go bowling, try rollerblading, juggling, magic tricks, and just all kinds of stunts just to see what it’s like (Cold often tags along too, those two are a dynamic duo to me). As for what sticks, though, I think they’d really take to spray painting and performative dancing. I also hc them as really athletic and flexible, despite not having much in terms of physical strength, so I can also seem them taking gymnastics classes then dropping it once they get bored and trying something else.
As for both you say? OwO
Hero frequently goes along with whatever Contrarian’s into atm (it gives him a chance to try new things, and more time with Contrarian! win-win!), and even ends up taking to some of the things they try. I can see him really enjoying bowling too, actually. And everytime Contrarian sees some animal-themed object (mugs, toys, other wooden carvings, etc) he takes a photo to send it/show it to Hero. Hero has a whole collection of animal-themed mugs that are all a gift from Contra. Contra also keeps all of Hero’s carvings on a display shelf; Hero asked them to at least pu away his very first ones, but Contrarian insists it’s important for an artist to display all their stepping stones with pride (also, it kinda looks like a penis, and they find that hilarious).
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irlwakko · 2 months
OKAY my thoughts on the punishments that Mal gave all of the alters in Total Drama All Stars! Because @fraudulent-cheese asked and I've been waiting YEARS for someone to ask me about my theories!
(Disclaimer: I know the writers probably didn't put this much thought into this. I know that I'm being one of Those Total Drama fans and I categorically Don't Care because I have so much fun thinking about this.)
The reason I use the word "punishments" first of all is that 1. I need an easy name to call them to group them all together and 2. I do genuinely believe these are punishments Mal gives the alters as revenge for forcing him into dormancy. Because I ALSO think that Mal scaled them to how much he hated/blamed that particular alter.
(As an aside, there's a LOT to be said about Mal spending a formative period of time in juvie and then modeling his punishment for the alters after a jail, as Manitoba says. I wish we knew more about Mal's time in juvie so I could talk about this more.)
The first person we see is Mike, who's just all alone surrounded by (it seems like) miles and miles of nothingness. And I think his punishment is the worst, but we'll circle back to him.
Chester's punishment is really obvious: he's stuck selling skateboards because it's a symbol of the youth nowadays, which he absolutely hates. There's also something to be said for the fact that Chester's working a retail job, wherein you have to be constantly standing, and we know Mal took away Chester's mobility aid (which he had in the innerworld in Season 4 and did not have in Season 5). He probably didn't think Chester was capable of escape, but also put him in a position where he'd eventually become so physically incapacitated that he COULDN'T escape.
And ALSO, to skip ahead a little (sorry I have a lot of thoughts on this), Mal knew that even if everyone began to escape, Chester's legs would give out long before they reached the tower (which requires five people to enter). Mal was counting on the assumption that the others would leave Chester behind once he became unable to walk (more on this later!)
Second up is Svetlana, and though I don't know why Mal picked fish, I know why he picked butter: simple, because Svetlana's a gymnast. You can't do gymnastics if your hands are covered in butter. Being unable to do gymnastics would not only physically incapacitate her but also completely demoralize her. More than the physical impediment, the hopelessness of the situation would keep her from escape. I also think the reason he kept Svetlana under such close surveillance (the ears everywhere) was because he knew he might need physical control of her in the future (which we see when he forces her to co-front in order to fight off Alejandro).
Third is Vito, and Vito is my FAVORITE of these because his "punishment" isn't a punishment at all. It plays to all of his strengths! We already know that Vito loves attention; he would love to perform. Secondly, it's obvious by his reaction to his own joke that he REALLY enjoys cheesy jokes. Third-- and this is where I go from reaching to REALLY reaching, but bear with me-- in a very literal sense, Mal chose Vito as the mouthpiece through which he can speak to the rest of the system (the puppet is the only way we see Mal communicate with the alters, outside of the mirror he uses to talk to Mike, and only once).
Also, on rewatching the full scene to write this post, I wanna say two things I noticed: first, Vito seems... not all that surprised that the puppet can talk. He does clarify that he "didn't say nothin'" after puppet-Mal starts to talk, but he's mostly startled that it flew into the air and caught on fire. Everyone screams in terror when the puppet starts talking except Vito. Maybe Mal communicated more with Vito than we saw on camera. Mal must sleep, but we never see him sleeping, so it could totally happen then (<- completely delusional). And second, especially compared to everyone else, Vito doesn't seem all that enthusiastic. His exact words are "Woah, uh, sure" (in comparison to Chester's "I'm with ya", Svetlana's "hoorah!", and Manitoba's "took ya long enough"). It seems like he mostly just follows along because that's where his "audience" is going and also because he wants to find the club district.
So finally Manitoba! It seems like, besides Mal, Manitoba's the alter who feels the most animosity towards Mike, so it's understandable that he'd give Manitoba the job of destroying Mike's dreams (besides the fact Manitoba has lasso skills, I also think any other alter would probably refuse.) (Also, I think Manitoba's the gatekeeper/dreamkeeper/etc. of the system, so he'd be the one with easiest access to the dreams, but all the reasons I think THAT is a different essay for a different day.)
Also, like Vito, Manitoba's "punishment" actually plays to his strengths instead of to his dislikes and weaknesses, so like Vito, I think Mal doesn't feel too much hatred towards Manitoba either. Also understandable! Because it seems like Manitoba has a lot of the same criticisms of the system's inner workings as Mal does.
So what ARE the criticisms Mal has? They show through at the very start and very end of the journey-- how Mal punishes Mike, and how Mal sets up the guard tower.
(By the way, just for the record, I HATE the reset button. But for this post, let's accept the reset button as canon fact.)
The system has been Mike's coping mechanism and support system for as long as Mike can remember. And as much as Mike hates to admit it pre-season-5, he DOES need them. In Season 4, he got through situations that would've been impossible for him to navigate without Vito and beat challenges that would've been impossible to surmount without Svetlana and Manitoba (and he loves Chester too, even if he isn't always the most outwardly useful). That's not even to mention the emotional support (as shown by Svetlana's "Mike is the best" pep talk in Season 5) that he probably received from them over the years as well. As much as he hated them, they're so important to him.
The worst possible punishment Mal can inflict is cutting off all of his access to that support system.
To be fair, he did this to all the other alters too. But for Mike, it was the only thing he did. He felt that taking Mike away from the alters on its own would be enough to incapacitate and demoralize him. And he probably knew that it would prove a point-- you need them. You need us. And now it's too late.
But keep this in mind-- when Mal went into dormancy, he left behind a system that was constantly fighting amongst itself for control, that couldn't agree on anything (except for getting rid of him), and was bickering every time they interacted. So this is the lens that Mal constructs his prison with.
He doesn't count on the system working together! What he hopes for is that, even if one of them managed to escape, they 1. wouldn't bother looking for the others and would try to do everything themselves, which would leave them shut out of the tower, and 2. even once they did realize they needed to gather up everyone else, they would be too distracted by infighting to actually do anything to take him down.
And that's probably what season 4 Mike-- the Mike that Mal knew-- would've tried to do. He wasn't counting on the fact that the system would now be working towards functional multiplicity by the time he came out of dormancy! And it caused them to defeat him much sooner than he would've anticipated.
(Quick note: I know integration =/= death in DID, but I used the term "kill" here in some places because I feel like that's how Mal would view it. Literally none of this has anything to do with accurate DID because Total Drama is so so inaccurate and the absolute worst.)
Also, here's a theory I like: I don't think Mal would've just built a self-destruct button on his own life. He wouldn't build a button capable of killing him and then put it in a place where someone else could access it, even if the chances (in his mind) of them accessing it would be really remote. So I think the button was set up in such a way that whoever pressed it would become the core. It wasn't truly intended to be used by anyone except Mal. It was a final failsafe measure. Even if the system managed to work together long enough to free each other, reach the tower, and ascend the stairs, Mal was hoping that-- upon realizing that this button could give any of them the life they so desperately wanted as of pre-Season-4, and that if anyone but them pressed it, it would kill them-- the alters would return to squabbling, fighting for their lives, for long enough for Mal to intercede and ultimately take control. Just like Mal never counted on them working towards functional multiplicity, he also never counted on them being able to agree upon integration.
Why didn't Mal just press the button at the first opportunity? I don't know. Dramatic villainous timing? Lingering feelings of affection for the other alters? Perchance.
Anyway. I know TDAS is a horribly written season in literally every other aspect, and also that the writers probably didn't put THIS level of thought into things, but I read too deep into Total Drama as a hobby so I will be putting this much thought into it forever and ever and ever. :)
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so-this-is-hell · 5 months
What type of roles do each of the deadly sins have? (By roles i mean job applications just to be clear)
Ok so note this part is where shit is a little fucky because I’m trying to iron out the sins but I have NOTES
Lulu is essentially the overseer of hell and the ultimate judge of things, usually you do NOT want to be presented before Lucifer because it means you fucked up so badly that not even Minos wants to judge you. This is added with their ringleader aesthetic and more trickster way of performing magic, they are the ultimate power in hell and will let you know.
Being the secondary power of hell, the original prisoner of the place and one who can navigate the abyss. Leviathan dips her toes in a lot of things but she’s mostly the head of weaponry and magic, as her body is essentially covered in knives. Because of this she’s the knife thrower or more finesse performer.
Being literally named Money, he’s the economy. He runs banks, treasuries and entertainment in hell. If you see commercials in hell, it’s because of mammon. He’s mostly the buffoonery in circus (clowns, jesters, mimes), and thus he has a soft spot for clowns and jesters.
He also creates Homunculi, which takes the form of weirdly sentient robots or flesh golemns that follow orders.
The sleepy genius is the head of hospitals and technology, she’s the reason why there’s smart phones in hell. Granted she often has to update hell to human’s standards and gets some things wrong, which is why the internet is fucking horrendous half the time in hell… but like that’s a torture for sinners so win win? She’s also the contortionist and gymnast, considering she was born before the invention of wheel chairs she knows how to move herself around without her chair.
The gluttony demon is the head of food, nothing too thrilling. Farms, food factories, and party houses where people can indulge as much as they like on empty calories and empty serotonin. Beelzebub is the acrobat and trapeze artist and often hosts parties in hell, mostly to keep the peace among the sins and try to bridge gaps.
The Strong man of the circus and the head of transportation, he mostly oversees trains and gates and such and works with leviathan to keep gates of hell regulated. He and his wife Babel are also the creators of the species of imps, thus imps are considered a bit more revered in wrath. His ring also has fight pits and mines for coal to run the trains so yeah.
Asmodeus (spoken as one person as the job is considered for one person)
The animal tamer and breeder of hell, his job is simple. He makes potions, breed demons, make new types of demons, run the nightclubs and bars, and oversee the more feral type of demons. He also oversees political marriages, although he finds marriage dumb as hell. He’s also the one who oversees succubi, one of the only species of demon who commonly still go to earth without being summoned.
Since she’s Lucifer’s kid and the future ringmaster, her parent has made her the carnival barker of sorts. She runs limbo with Minos and Charon, overseeing souls and sorting them while also overseeing demon contracts with mortals and even making deals herself. She’s the sin that everyone considers the weakest one, since she’s the sin of betrayal and she happens to be less eager to murder than the others. But don’t let that fool you, she is still feared in hell… just not AS much.
Overall they are all rulers with their own set of retainers, armies and such.
Hell they are more akin to emperors while right under them are often 3 kings who do things to keep their stations running. Example being asmodeus has a king who can turn off the fertility of people whenever.
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sketchfanda · 11 months
Chestnut Stud across the Multiverse: Lost Phone
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Tracer paced herself as she commenced her early morning jog through the currently quiet streets of Satan City, any few passers by or locals out and about turning heads her way as she ran by. Really who could blame them with how hot she looked and her quite daring ensemble which out her petite yet toned athletic frame on display. But most,especially thst sweet,glorious, juicy jiggling booty of hers out here for all to see, truly it was a work of art. The sun making her sweating skin have a glistening sheen as the currently off duty scpd officer was feelin her adrenaline pumping, rushing though her veins and nerves as she passed through the city park. The scent of freshly cut grass lingering in the air before she paused,running in the spot as she noticed Something gleaming in the sunlight on the greenery as she bent over to pick it up. Quirking a brow behind her amber goggle shades as she found the mysterious item was a smartphone. Seems someone lost their cell, unlucky fellow, as she placed it in. A pocket of her shorts and finished her run, returning to the simple quaint apartment she shared with her girlfriend Emily who greeted her as she came in closing the door behind her. “Hey Lena,nice run this morning?”
Tracer shrugged her shoulders as she took off her headphones for her workout music run,placing them on the counter as she followed by fishing out the phone. Placing it on the coffee table as she began to do some post run stretches. Emily looking between the book she was reading and the sight before her as her lover casuall displayed her gymnastic quality flexibility. “Went about usual ‘til I got to the park and found this. Might drop it to the lost and found so the owner can come looking for it…” Emily simply nodded, purring as she sipped her coffee mug, looking back and forth between her reading material snd the wonderful view of her girlfriend’s backside. Those wonderful back muscles flexing and that meaty set of buns contained I thin those tight shorts. Especislly when she performed a splits, massaging her legs as she swayed back and forth. Humping and grinding her groin against the smooth floor while the freckled ginger babe tilted her head at the phone on the table. Curiousity overtaking her as she picked it up to examine it, looking it over as she found it was a simple press and swipe to unlock it. Perhaps something in its contents might give a clue about its owner, what harm in helping out her girlfriend right? The contacts list was certainly a puzzle, that was for sure. No.18,Bulma,chichi? Just among the few names that came to mind and they were on a list dubbed “Booty Calls”? Was the owner some sort of Casanova gigolo? Her curiosity continued to make her browse through the contents on this cell as she decided to check the gallery for any pictures or videos that might give more hints to this unknown fellow as she noticed they were separated into numerous folders. A few them entitled “For the Ladies’ only”, “Regulars”,”18′s surprises”, it made Emily all the more puzzled and curious all at once as she tapped the first folder. Eyes widening and jaw about to drop at the sigh before her, thumb swiping through the pictures before her.
““Oh my god, Lena you’ve to see this? I think this phone belongs to a guy and he’s got it loaded with dick pics…and this fellow is BIG!!” The ginger cutie quipped,eyes dazzling with a twinkle of Pervy mischief. Lena rolling her eyes at her other half being so casual in blatantly invading someone’s privacy. Even if Emily did seem so adorable being such a minx, omly for her girlfriend to hold the phone toward her and present the screen to her. ““Look at this,it’s like before and after,here he is relaxed and here he is when he’s all erect and hard…” she spoke with excitement as Lena widened her eyes in shock. Lifting her shades up to get a better look as she saw Emily hadn’t been kidding. None of their dildos had thst kind of length and girth on them, biting her lip as her face blushed. How did this guy find any kind of underwear to contain such a slab of meat? She couldn’t help but make her crotch hump and ground against the floor,her cameltoe rubbing thriugh her shorts against the delicious friction. Almost as if visualising and simulating what it’s be like to do the same against such a dick. No calling it just a dick didn’t seem right, this was definitely more of a cock. She’s met and locked eyes with her lover as they seemed to start having some silent, telepathic competition. Getting up from her splits as she sat beside her on the couch, the couple looked at the cellphone screen together and began to browse the folders thst clewrly had naughty pictures or videos. If this guy had pictures displaying snd showing off that prime piece of manhood, what else was on there?
“Bloody hell, I think I know that guy…” as she and Emily saw the owner of that titanic cock, some sort of shortstack but Herculean muscles fellow. Visible from head to toe,he wasn’t what you’d call overly macho handsome or a total pretty boy Prince but he sure as hell wasn’t ugly. And the women in the pictures and videos with him certainly weren’t complaining, not with how lustfully they deepthroated his cock or the expressions they wore along with the sounds they made as they outright mated with the guy. It was quite a variety some of which were threesomes and more, with a hot as hell blue eyed blonde babe showing up regularly and frequently throughout. Then it hit tracer where she knew him from, he was thst rookie cop in the department who was making his way up the ranks. They say he was super human,able to subdue and handle felons with just his own bare hands and what the deuce?! Some of the women in these pictures were fellow officers!! But wasn’t he married? Seems wifey didn’t mind at all and she could see why, the guy was a machine. As she and Emily shared another look, rubbing their thighs together as they felt arousal flowing down, all warm and sticky. Once more seemingly having a telepathic conversation as they grinned and shared a quick little kiss. Emily accessing the camera mode as she set it to switch between pictures and videos as her lover stood before her doing a little stretch to warm up and a sexy little dance. Her back to her as she bent her spine and stretched her arms above her head.
“Alright luv,let’s make a surprise for handsome….” The ginger cutie quipped sensually as Tracer looked over her shoulder with a saucy wink and smile. Daintily kicking off her shoes, thumbs hooking the waistband of her shirts as she shook and tweaked her ass at the camera. Those twin globes jiggling and shaking as they clapped like erotic thunder. Lowering her shorts to expose her ass, as she gave her fingers a sloppy lick and delivered a swift left to a cheek. Hissing at the delicious sting before she went and took her shorts off completely. Sticking her booty out towards her voyeuristic camera woman as her slit was exposed, her arousal glistening. Following uo as she removed  and threw her tanktop aside and turned around to present herself fully exposed. Hands running uo along her body as she began to caress and play with herself, showing off her flexibility as she did a standing splits and woild turn to shake her ass more than once. Emily snapping pictures or recording this striptease as the pair giggled, Lena licking her lips as she took the camera, blowing a kiss at the lens before she turned it around to show Emily on the couch. The freckled redhead babe giggling, unable to help herself stay calm at the naughty thing she was about to do. As she lifted up and pulled off her sweater, followed by unclipping her bra, shedding it to expose her freckled kissed perky tits. Jiggling them playfully as she got up from her seat, swaying her hips as she removed her jeans, panties and all. Doing sexy poses as she she blew kisses at the camera, twirling around to show off her own thicc, juicy curvy form as she displayed meat in all the right places. Before laying back onto the couch as she recline to spread her legs. Bending her knees as she presented her anal pucker and her gushing slit, fingers prying the netherlips to show off the most pink piece of heaven.
Tracer moved closer with the camera as she set it to selfie mode,turning it around as she sat beside her lover. Who wasted no time in caressing her pussy, moaning as she teased and prodded the sensitive pleasure spot. “Mm just look at this love. You got my girlfriend here all wet for your cock and she hasn’t even met you…” Lena sensually teased, as she and Emily shared a sloppy erotic kiss, adding plenty of tongue for their amateur camera show before eher ginger lover took the camera to aim it at her pussy in turn. The bootylicious officer moaning deepthroated gasps and cries of passion as she played with herself. “Aaahn if You wouldn’t mind doing for us what You do all the women in your gallery…” the pair paused in their erotic session as they heard knocking on their apartment door, milt hitting pause on the video as they went to check through the spy hole who was interrupting them just when they were really hitting their stride. Emily looked first before looking at her lover with giddy surprise as she made her have a look see herself. There in the other side was the blonde and their compact stud who owned the cell phone. Though in some of the pics and vids he did have hair but thst was neither here or there,as Tracer opened the door enough for her and Emily to poke their heads through as the former spoke. ““Hey,what’s gong on? What can I do ya for?” The blonde with him quirked a brow as she seemed to notice their perspiration and blushes. All the while the shortstack fellow rubbed the back of his head nervously.
““Hey Uhm Lena right? It’s me Krillin,we work in the same precinct? Listen I kind of lost my phone and 18, Uhm that’s my wife here…” he spoke, gesturing to the blonde bombshell. So she was this no.18? And she not omly liked him sleeping around with other women but sometimes did them together with him? That just made their pussies so damn wet. Their naughty erotically hazed minds visualising the short king naked easily given their earlier voyeurism through the contents of his phone earlier. Seeing him up close and in person, he looked even better than his pictures implied. As he finished what he was saying, getting their attention again. ““She’d checked a tracking app earlier and it says it was here. So do you have it?” The couple looking at each other before they grinned and popped their heads back inside. Opening the door fully to allow Krillin and 18 to come on inside. Taking in the view and the decor as Lena spoke in response.
““Oh wouldn’t you know it? I think we got it right here. But see we have to be sure it’s yours so we need just one bit o proof to confirm you’re the owner alright.” Before Krillin could enquire what it was,he and 18 heard the door shut, turning to see Tracer and Emily naked as the day they were born. Saucy sensual smiles on their faces as tracer leaned against the door seductively while her lover dangled and waved the phone, taking delight in krillin’s aghast response, looking so cute with his eyes bugged out and his jaw looking ready to fall off and hi the floor. 18 on the other hand grinned a minx like smile of her own clewrly liking where this was going and what the implications were here as she fished out her own smart phone. Both her and Emily accessing the cameras  as Lena walked over with a predatory gleam in her eyes, leaning close to the shortstack fellow. At 5′4′’ to his 5′1′’ their height difference was a mere 3 inches as she draped her arms around his shoulders, face leaning in close to his, their lips inches apart. “I’m going to need to see that cock of yours..” soon as she said thst,she seized the advantage from his shock as she pressed her. Outh to his,catching him in a liplock. Emily purring as she licked her lips at seeing her girlfriend do Something so thrilling and taboo while 18 undid the buckle and fly of her own jeans, sliding down past the waistband to caress her own pussy. Icy blue eyes looking with voyeuristic intent as she watched Tracer’s tongue invade her man’s mouth, her hand sliding down along his shirt to grope and rub his crotch. The tomboy law girl purring as she could feel the prize contained within, as Krillin glanced at his wife with a silent plea.
“Now now Krillin only natural to go with the flow, give them the proof they asked for..” Krillin’s expression became deadpan at his wife’s teasing remark because of course this was happening. Sighing as he began to unbuckle and drop his pants, boxers and all, Emily and Lena gasping with sensual delight as they saw that gifted cock in the open, in all its lengthy,girthy flesh and blood glory. Despite his mood, his shaft began twitching and rising to soon stand so firm and erect, you could hammer nails into solid wood with it. Tracer purring as she got his shirt off of him and now had him as naked as she and Emily were, sloppily making out with the short king, tongues dancing as she grasped and began to stroke his fuckrod. Kissing her way down along that wonderfully sculpted physique of his, thinking to herself how did his uniform or clothes contain such a body before as she was soon kneeling on the floor, face level with that cock in her hand. Taking the plunge as she began to assault that shaft with kisses from head to base, not even leaving his smooth golfball sized gonads untouched. Licking,sucking and blowing on his meat as she took it into her mouth, making herself nearly suffocate in trying to see how much deepthroat she could achieve. Emily and 18 licking their lips as they played with themselves,watching Krillin groan and Tracer’s booty wiggle and shake. The blonde cyborg bombshell prepping and propping her phone on a counter as she let it continue to record, stripping herself naked and throwing her clothes aside as she went on over and around Emily. Getting behind her as she wrapped her arms around her waist, making the ginger beaut gasp with surprise and delight as 18 pulled her closer to her,their bodies pressing together as the deadly beauty captured her lips in a kiss. Reminding Emily of her presence in Krillin’s little porno collection on her phone was there for a reason as she gladly began to return the sloppy kiss, making out with her as their lovers got sexually acquainted.
Did they ever of course as the walls of the apartment soon filled with the echoing cries of Lena’s howls and moans of orgasmic passion and the slapping of skin on skin. “Ohh blimey yes!! Oh fuck me,right there!! Harder you stallion!!”Among such words whenever she could get her brain working to say some actual words and sentences as Krillin had her on her hands and knees as he fucked her doggy style. His cock jackhammering into her pussy as his hips pistoned away like a well oiled machine. The former monk turned law man’s primal switch flipped as Tracer’s lust was too good to resist. Eyes glued to her jiggling ass, an ass that’d been the source of much gossip and locker room talk. Unable to help himself as he suddenly withdrew his shaft, Lena pouting at feeling her pussy empty before a look of shock and surprise as she felt him penetrate her asshole!! Gasping as she came so hard, her pussy squirted like a geyser before she soon felt the momentum take her along,a look of ecstasy anf fucked stupid bliss forming on her face. “Oh god yes!! My ass!! you’re fucking my ass!! Dont stop fuck it,fuck my pussy!! my mouth!! it’s all yours luv!! fuck me hard then fuck Emily!!” She barked and howled as Krillin obliged her,pumping in and out of her donut hole before suddenly switching back to her pussy then vice versa. 18 and Emily keeping themselves occupied as they sat on the floor, pussies pressed together in a lewd kiss. Scissoring intensely as they watched their lovers go at it like animals in the heat of mating season. Emily soon having her turn as she rode Krllin cowgirl style, unable to stop her hips from moving as her pussy was invaded by the length and girth of his cock. Tracer and 18 on either side of her as 18 made out with her husband while Tracer played with her girlfriend’s tits and made out with her. The ginger cutie amazed and overwhelmed she was managing to stay concious taking such a massive shaft compared to the sort of toys she and Lena used on each other. The couple switching out or going 2 on 1 or 3 on 1 if 18 got in the mix whenever Krillin came and he didn’t cum easy enough. Oh no the man was a stamina machine and damn how long could he stay hard for? It was unreal as it was thrilling!!
Seconds became minutes which passed on their way to hours as Tracer found herself pinned on her own couch in a mating press, Krillin folding her like an accordion as he plowed and piledrove into her hungry,horny pussy. To Lena scissoring her lover as Emily’s head hung off the edge of the couch, taking a powerful facefucking from their new best sex friend to often having one sit on his face and the other riding his cock. Often times Tracer especially loved when he’d fuck her ass, making her booty cheeks jiggle and his the rush of his balls smacking her clit, especially when she’d be made to eat out either Emily or 18 especially when their pussies oozed with excess of Krillin’s jizz. The pair uncaring how much time passed, the high noon sun shining as they felt their final climax hit, slits and assholes overflowing with spunk as they joined 18 in delivering a triple team blowjob to Krillin, who sat on the couch like a king which to the cyborg babe wasn’t far off the mark. The compact stud shuddering and groaning as he came,his load erupting as he showered the horny couple and his wife with a healthy coating of his seed. Their faces and tits painted and their mouths catching their favourite treat as he went limp, his cock entering its relaxed state as Tracer and Emily got on the couch and sat between him. Sandwiching him and hugging him,planting idle butterfly kisses on his person as 18 picked up his and her phones. Ending the stream and placing them safely down,looking at the afterglow scene before her. “I’m just going to hit a shower,feel free to join me because we know that’s just round 1...and this isn’t going to be just a one time thing...” the deadly beauty quipped, Lena and Emily grinning with erotic delight. Who knew their day would go so well from the former finding a simple,single lost phone just this morning?
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fumikomiyasaki · 8 months
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Name: Erena Ryūjin
Based on: Monkey D. Luffy
𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿: Non-Binary (She/they)
𝗔𝗴𝗲: 18
𝗕𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆: 26th of March
𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻: Aries
𝗛𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁: 153 cm
𝗘𝘆𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿: bright blue
𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿: Black with Orange gradient
𝗗𝗼𝗿𝗺: Nakaumi
School: @deaths-academy-of-combat​
𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿: second year
𝗖𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀: 2-A
𝗢𝗰𝗰𝘂𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: Dorm Leader
𝗖𝗹𝘂𝗯: Gymnastics
𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝘂𝗯𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁: Mixed Martial Arts
Homeland: Unknown (kinda drifted across many sea cities)
Sexuality: Asexual Demiromantic
Weapons: Her stretchy arms most of the times but if she is really force to have a weapon... she results to a simple sword.
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𝗗𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱: ambidexterous
𝗙𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱: Meat on the bone, Kebab, just in general anything meat
𝗟𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱: Its hard to find something she doesn't eat
Likes: the seas, adventures, meeting new people, being known, her straw hat,
𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘀: swimming ( she can't), unnecessary violence, seagulls,
𝗛𝗼𝗯𝗯𝘆:  Keeping a photobook, tending to ships, photography in general,
𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀: stretching herself inhumanly so, convincing people of her ideas, getting into trouble, kleptomancy
Erena as a young girl didn't really have a home... she actually did have parents but got kidnapped by pirates a long time ago... yet despite that, watching them from where she was trapped she was fascinated by what they all did... they wanted to sell her to someone who can have her a as a child worker for a scheme but she broke up in a more unconventional way... however she was still lost on what to do and so tried just to survive with what she had... becoming a poor street thief who tried to get by where she could... however one day this landed her into trouble with a circus, where she got caught sneaking in without paying to see the show and the head clown wanted her to work off her debt... this is where she met Slice... working with him for a while and finding out about her unique magic, which made her a great performer for the circus for a short while with how much she can stretch her arms... however she never wanted to stay a performer... and Slice knew that too... both didn't really have a choice in the end. The town they stayed in got attacked but in the commotion they met Shanaya... who saved them both out of this situation and after Slice lost his mentor in the commotion... both decided to be mentored by her and go along with her for a while... untill eventually they started their dorm.
Erena is despite the hardships very optimistic and always smiling... its hard to get her down, but if she is angry you know something went wrong... Some people would call her reckless when she calls herself moreso fearless... even her confidence is hard to get down, she has no hesitation to walk up to a stranger and strike up a conversation. Its why she became such a good leader of the dorm cause she strikes in first and tries to face any situation headon...
Unique Magic:
A Devils Taste
Similar to her inspiration she can just stretch all of her limbs very long.
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catboy-bride · 1 year
my ada wong headcannon masterlist
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warning - this is kinda long and yes it will be going all over the place, small tw for a vague mention of self-harm
also please feel free to add any of your ada hcs, i wanna hear them !!
general stuff
mtf trans
even though "ada wong" was initially a pseudonym (something she used actually pre-transition), she pretty much considers it her real name at this point
she's originally from hong kong but spend a fair amount of time in mainland china as well as a few countries in the former soviet union as a teen
speaks several languages besides english but is most fluent in mandarin chinese, cantonese, russian, polish, spanish, french, and japanese
things about her that make me want to scream and cry
she has very specific methods she uses to ground herself in order to keep her composure
tensing every muscle one at a time from her jaw to her feet, and if interrupted it can make her lash out 
she pinches herself to force herself to focus
she avoids certain foods that she associates with her life before abandoning her original identity
she also just avoids eating things that she didn't make out of a general paranoia of being poisoned
double or even triple checks that her weapons are on her person as well as their functionality due to a past slip-up
paranoid of wiretaps/people having hidden microphones and obsessively searches people (usually leon) which she often does under the guise of initiating romantic interactions
repeats the same phrase in every language she knows as another way to ground herself and it can again make her lash out if she is interrupted
over time she's trained herself out of showing any emotion which leads to really unhealthy was of emotional release that typically involve indirect forms of self harm
she was really upset by luis' death, as she had grown to see him as a friend and even possibly as a lover, but had to disguise her feelings to avoid showing weakness to krauser and wesker
in fact she very seriously thought about going to desprate measures in order to save luis through the use of one of the virus samples she had collected, but decided against it because she knew how wrong and twisted reanimated human life could be
she's saved leon more times than he or even the audience knows, even on smaller missions, if she learns that leon is out doing government work, she will (directly or indirectly) keep an eye on him to make sure he's okay
no matter how much time has passed, she still can't fully explain why she saved leon the first time in 1998
other tidbits :3
ada was a gymnast from early childhood into her teen years
part of the reason she dresses in a very hyper-feminine (specifically in re2 and re4) was to curb dysphoria, even to the point of being impractical, although overtime she learns how to make the outfits practical (ie; the blade hidden in her heel in damnation)
learned how to play violin, flute, and piano when she was younger but only really remembers how to play piano
she is a very giggly (but emotionally unpredictable)
her ideal date would be either going to a very fancy opera/orchestra performance or a very simple home movie night
she's only genuinely ever really let her guard down around leon and to a slightly lesser degree luis
she's been "romantic" with many people but has only really had a few intimate relationships, those being with wesker, leon, and luis
wesker was absolutely smitten with her for a while and she very much used that to her advantage
she's a vers top c:
ik this is more of a leon hc but she was leon's first
she enjoys classical music but sometimes listens to shitty 90s/2000s emo/rock because it reminds her of leon
she cannot stand certain textures of fabric
a lot of her clothing is custom made because it's hard to find clothes that are cute and practical that also use fabrics with palatable textures
in re2 she clocked the shit out of leon even before seeing that he was binding so she kept trying to drop hints that she was also trans but since leon is a little bit bad at picking up on implicit tone she eventually had to just straight up tell him
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lemme-just-oops · 1 year
Aah hello!
I love your prompts and I wanted to ask about how would the sorcerers react to an MC who is a professional ballerina!
Alpheratz: He says he will drop by to see your performances if he has the time. He always finds the time. But he does not really like dances and music, as he was only able to hear one genre his entire life. What you do is up to you and he recognized the effort that goes into it.
Arcturus: He wants to watch you prepare and he may try a few moved too, because they look elegant and simple. When he discovers that it takes more energy and muscles than he has, he admires you even more and states it. But that foes not stop him from trying to join your choreography once in a while. But it is so irregular, he barely manages.
Pollux: As a musical kid, he likes dances. He likes dancing. But he does not like his tendency to break a few legs when he tries to do that. So, as a responsible sorcerer, he watches and cheers for you whenever he can! Some of your movements frighten him, because he can count how many times he would have failed trying that.
Sirius: He says he does not like plays, and yet he watches every single one. Always gets the best seat as well! When you ask him why,he says that it simply is interesting to overhear what those "rich folks" talk about to feel more prestine and powerful. And because he likes to spill champagne over those who make rude comments about the performers, just because he can.
Spica: He learnt ballet privately, but he knows how strict the staff can be regarding basically everything in your life. So, he does worry about you sometimes. But when you assure him that you are fine, he believes you. And he is ready to help you in any way he can. Whether this may be training with you, introducing you to a few influential people or buying tickets; possibly all of them.
Vega: He does gymnastics, you do ballet. Only that he does gymnastics as a hobby and you are set to expectations. To him it can be bothersome to watch your performances, because everything in the building tends to be loud. And since you'll be preparing for your performance, he would sit in his seat alone and might feel lonely. But he will try to attend a few, at least. Maybe with Spica, because he is the only other sane person he knows.
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jiinjiinjarra · 1 year
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BTS // BTS Live HYYH (花樣年華) on Stage: Epilogue // Program Book // 2016 // Pt.1
Scan Cr. jiinjiinjarra (me)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
🐹: 179 cm
🐰: 178 cm
🐹: 63 kg
🐰: 66 kg
🐹: 2.3 cm - 2.6 cm
🐰: 1.8 cm - 2.0 cm
🐹: 18 cm
🐰: 19 cm
🐹: 265 mm
🐰: 270 mm
01. User Manual part.2
🐹: If you see me, scream. Then you will see me really surprised.
🐰: Feed me good food and make me laugh
02. Your favourite fragrance
🐹: Blueberry smell
🐰: Simple soap smell. Whether or not it smells like perfume, it has a smell that anyone can call soap smell
03. Words that I made to represent me
🐹: MHGW (The Most Handsome (and eating-like) Guy in the World
🐰: Sentimental Vocal Kook
01. Describe your appearance.
🐹: I am good-looking. I mean I have high sell-esteem, which makes me look more handsome.
🐰: Without makeup, my eyes look really kind. I have a big nose and small mouth. (But the combination is not that bad.) 
02. Distinction of BTS concerts?
🐹: If you come to BTS concert, you have no time to stay in your seat. We have to move, but audiences have to move. It's a perfect opportunity for those who want to lose weight.
🐰: The reason that our concert is special is because there is always something to show for our audience. If you want to know what they are, find yourself. In addition, each member has all different characteristics, so when we talk or perform on stage, enjoyed by fans you can see different attractive points.
03. How do you recover physically and mentally after a concert?
🐹: Sleep and eat. Basic needs of humanity.
🐰: I try not to forget the loud fans' cheers that I've just beard. This gives me power. And steep! 
04. During a concert. who has the best match with you?
🐹: Every member. We giggle at each other when we see someone doing the choreography wrong.
🐰: Honestly speaking, when we do perform with all BTS members, we are perfectly matched. I still feel nervous and have more to learn. So, I have to focus on developing myself rather than thinking about best matches with other members.
05. In the last concert. I appreciated that (A) (B)!
🐹: A: Rap Monster / B: making me laugh with the wrong choreography
🐰: I felt really grateful for our members' hard efforts. The best performance cannot be made with only one person. Looking at every member working so hard gave me power.
06. In the last concert. (A) was really awesome for (B)!
🐹: A: BTS / B: communicating with fans
🐰: Jimin and J-hope showed really cool gestures on stage. They looked awesome. They are my source of passion.
07. What do you want to show to fans in this concert?
🐹: Sexy Seokjin
🐰: I want to sing sentimental songs without background music. 
08. What if you could be another member during a concert? 08-1. Who would you want to be? 08-2. What would you want to do?
🐹: Jimin. I want to do a sexy dance.
🐰: J-hope and Jimin. They can freestyle songs, so I envy them. I want to freestyle along with songs. I envy them especially on stage. 
09. If you could choose the concert venue. where would you want to perform?
🐹: Olympic Gymnastics Arena (Korea)
🐰: Dorm stadium! A really big dorm stadium. I can imagine the loud cheering voices of our fans and shining A.R.M.Y Bombs on the stadium.
10. What impression do you want to give to fans about this concert?
🐹: It is a concert where we are excited to talk with fans.
🐰: I want this concert to be remembered forever and remind them of the power that we had when we debuted. Of course, I am performing really hard, but I think I lost the feeling that I had had for "No More Dream". I will do my best more.
11. If you could book tickets by yourself, which seat sections would you pick?
🐹: Standing ticket. You cannot enjoy the concert in full sitting still. (I won't buy the ticket. I have applied for college courses online and I found myself to be really unlucky.)
🐰: I've never done that before and I don't know how to do it. I don't know about seat sections either. However, I wouldn't choose the standing section. Ha ha ha. 
12. What do you want to do most after the end of the concert?
🐹: Good sleep
🐰: Shower with warm water! It's so nice. It reminds me of the concert. 
13. What is the biggest difference from your first concert?
🐹: I don't think about what I should do on stage anymore. I think I know how to relax and enjoy the performance.
🐰: I feel relaxed more, but not enough. I got better, but it's such a fine line.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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There was a note in Sumire’s locker. A simple folded up sheet of paper with the writing types upon it. Given it was the final weeks of the school year and for third years at Shujin, it was quite the find to have in there. If the redhead opened it, she would find words there.
[You don’t know me but I am a fellow 3rd year. I have admired you over the course of the school years and felt too... nervous and unsure to come forth during them. However, as the year is coming to an end, I would like to speak with you. You’re a beautiful and talented gymnast  and student. I have always admired your performances when I was able to see them too.
While I understand this may be an odd message and perhaps something you may be weary of... It would mean a lot to me if you could meet me on the roof of the school after school.
Thank you.]
How odd... Would Sumire go to see whom this mysterious admirer was?
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fabiochampioraro · 2 years
I’ve watched a couple of the Russian internal comps lately and lowkey I feel bad for Lala because they hype her so much but at every routine she looks so scared and apparently at every comp she’s crying and getting ripped to shreds by v*ner and her coaches and she is definitely losing any spark she has, it’s very obvious
Lala reminds me a lot of Soldatova, perhaps even more pumped up right now since there aren't any competitive Averinas or a Yana that wins everything in front of her. But unfortunately for her this peak moment cannot be exploited outside of Russia and I am afraid that it will fade in a short time, and if at the moment there are no seniors able to compete I instead see rivals in the junior department that from next year they might give you a hard time.
Soldatova in 2016 was 18 years old, physically exceptional, doing things that no one else did and was at the peak of her preparation. With the Olympic Games coming up and Yana's participation not taken for granted, she had prepared herself as if she were going to face the Olympics. So she was at the top of her ability. But after pushing so hard to reach that state of form, from 2017 onwards she began to have a series of physical problems, sometimes small, sometimes big, that made her condition a perpetual seesaw. Unfortunately, if you base your performance on the purely technical performance of the elements, when your body yields even slightly and instead of doing 10 rotations you only do 5, if instead of doing a combined turn you do a simple turn, etc. Your score-level performance drops very, very easily. It is the reason why the Averina have been so long-lived, because in addition to the sector of physical skills they had an infinite reserve of tool skills, which allowed them to be competitive despite being half routes and could not perform certain elements. Lala can't handle these rhythms as a first gymnast. It's one thing to do these bd performances once a month for an internal tournament where you compete alone, it's another to be first gymnast, go around the world every 15 days for tiring competitions and compete with athletes from all over. the world (who are currently experiencing more than you) and expect to do these exercises continuously. The result is: I split in 6 months. And if Lala can't rely on her as her strength, she doesn't have many other elements to draw from. She is fast but not dynamic, she is elegant but not musical, she is classical but not original, she is young but not very young.
And she psychologically she is much more fragile than she looks. If pressured to bring home an important result, as a first gymnast, with all the Russian eyes on her and expectations high, I don't know how much and how much she could hold up.
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risukadarlin · 2 years
[crazy circus] vol 6: fred - track fourteen
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14; the five circus members...
[00:02] Bravo!
I never thought your powers would become this strong.
I’m in awe.
What you just saw…
…was the secret you stumbled upon.
It was a shock, wasn’t it?
Seeing the people you had just been engaging with elsewhere fast asleep in that tent.
But they weren’t dead.
Don’t worry.
They just… had their souls removed.
All the members of the Alec Circus Group had powers.
When I learnt that, I joined the group as their manager and secretly split their souls and their bodies.
I placed their souls in those dolls, instead.
In other words, the people seeing guests off at the gate were dolls containing human souls.
People with powers eventually rot their bodies and crumble to dust with their powers.
But I had an idea.
If their bodies weren’t human ones, would they be able to avoid death?
And with that, I succeeded in creating people with powers who wouldn’t die as a result of their abilities.
That is how the Alec Circus Group…
How my Circus of Puppets came to be.
I knew you wouldn’t understand if I explained it to you like this.
I’ll put it in more simple terms.
I wanted to create a world where people with powers could live without their abilities twisting their bodies - could live like normal humans.
But what?
Yes, that’s right.
The five members that you saw in the circus aren’t here.
They’re merely puppets who can’t move without my powers.
I say puppets but… They can live according to their own will.
Ah, but they can’t have children.
They’re dolls, after all.
The most dolls can do is sleep with their partners.
Those boys…
There was one thing they weren’t allowed to do.
That was…
…to upset me.
If a puppet master begins to hate the dolls he has made, he will find it much harder to control their strings, don’t you think?
That’s what happened to them.
They made me hate them. 
Now they don’t function normally.
They wanted to kill other people and themselves.
They wanted to destroy everything.
They even lost the ability to overcome the curses placed on them in their previous life…
A lot of interesting things happened to them.
They became crazed, so I returned their souls to their bodies and kicked them out of the circus.
[04:20] Do you want to know why I hated them?
They all…
All five of them…
…fell in love with you.
I say that but you don’t remember, do you?
That’s exactly what I intended.
I erased your memories of them when I threw them out of the circus.
First was Alec, the Beast Tamer.
Then, the Aerial Acrobats, Kei and Kii.
Then, the Gymnast, Gaku.
And finally, the Pierrot, Sena.
Whenever I threw one out, I removed all memory of them from the minds of the remaining members and from yours too and started again from the moment you joined the circus.
It was hard work.
Their names don’t mean anything to you, do they?
Ah, but…
It’s likely your body remembers anything significant that happened to you during your time with them.
For example, you may fear the roar of an animal, no matter how small.
Standing in a slightly high place may cause you to worry about falling.
There may be some moments like that.
Hmm… You’re right.
Even I find it unnerving how normal it is for me to describe everything I have done thus far.
I was guilty at first, I see.
But I couldn’t stop the jealousy I felt.
What are the members I kicked out doing now?
I don’t know.
They have nothing to do with us anymore, so I don’t care.
We can still carry out shows without performers, after all.
This is a Circus of Dreams.
I just need to show the audience a Dream.
But they should still be alive, no longer in danger of their own powers.
Thanks to you, they all learnt how to control their abilities.
Part of our power is leading people to understand and control their own powers.
If people see themselves succeed in a dream time and time again, then they will succeed in real life too, won’t they?
I think it’s something like that.
I too tried to help the members who were struggling while awake to refresh themselves in their dreams.
Most of them refused to open their hearts to me so it didn’t go very well.
You used your powers without even knowing and they soon opened their hearts to you and accepted you, leading to them finally learning how to use their own abilities.
Watching the puppet show between you and them…
It was heart-warming.
[08:20] You held out a helping hand to them whenever they wished for it.
Watching you like that…
It made me want to keep you to myself more and more.
No matter how much they loved you, I couldn’t bring myself to allow it.
It’s partially thanks to me that they were no longer suffering!
I should be allowed to want something in return!
If they know how to control their powers, they can live and feel as a normal human would.
They can die as a normal human.
But… I can’t do that.
I only have you.
What’s wrong with wanting to own the one thing I desire?
Throwing them out means I can finally be alone with you.
Being alone together meant that you finally fell in love with me.
No one will get in our way now.
We can live alone in our own world.
Isn’t that right?
You promised you would be by my side forever.
You promised, didn’t you?
You did?
I’m glad.
What’s wrong?
You’re right.
You learnt a lot just now.
You must be struggling to process it all.
You should go and get some fresh air.
You really do love going on walks.
Yes, take your time.
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chaitalitrivedi · 2 months
Hymenoplasty: Reasons to Consider and Methods of Performing
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Women see various physiological and psychological changes throughout their lives. From menstruation to childbirth to menopause, they see it all. Losing their hymen is one of the situations they have to manage. This condition can occur for various reasons. Also, it is common for women to be completely unaware of how and when their hymen broke. If a woman wishes to repair her broken hymen, then hymenoplasty is a surgery to reconstruct or restore one’s ruptured hymen.
There can be many reasons for the hymen to rupture and reasons why one is willing to restore their hymen by getting hymenoplasty. To get the answer to these questions, we talked with a notable gynecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi. She has shared her valuable insights on this topic in this blog. Continue reading to learn.
How does the Hymen Rupture?
Typically, the hymen has some elasticity. However, some women lack that elasticity, and their hymen tears apart. There can be many reasons one’s hymen is pulled apart, such as:
First sexual encounter
Strenuous activities such as gymnastics, horseback riding, and cycling
Trauma or falls on the vaginal area
When tampons are inserted
Specific medical examinations can also lead to its breakdown
Why do People Prefer Hymenoplasty?
There can be various reasons for a woman to get a hymenoplasty. Some of the reasons are given below:
1. Religious Reasons: This is one of the most common reasons women get a hymenoplasty. In some countries and particular religions, a woman is expected to stay virgin before marriage. If she fails, she may have to face social consequences. Therefore, getting hymenoplasty is the only way out for them.
2. Hymen Related Injuries: Sexual activities or specific exercises can lead to a rupture in the hymen, which may further any infection or a different complication.
What are the Methods of Performing Hymenoplasty?
The entire process takes 45-60 minutes and consists of different steps. The surgery is performed under IV sedation or general anaesthesia. During the surgery, the gynecologist will repair the hymen using the three methods:
Connecting the torn edges using a dissolvable thread.
Placing an artificial membrane in the vagina as a fake hymen. Since this hymen doesn’t have a blood supply, blood capsules can be placed with it.
The doctors remove a flap from the vaginal lining used to develop a functional hymen with blood supply.
Hymen restoration is a choice made by an individual. It is a simple procedure with less downtime. The best part about this surgery is that one can return to their routine work 2-3 days after the procedure.
If one wishes to get a hymenoplasty and is looking for a cosmetic gynaecologist in Juhu, one can contact Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital. She is skilled in performing varied gynaecological procedures. It involves hysterectomy, endometriosis, monsplasty, vaginoplasty, labiaplasty, and hymenoplasty. As a female gynecologist, she also offers a variety of non-surgical vaginal tightening techniques, skin tag removal, and skin brightening as cosmetic procedures for genital rejuvenation. Pay a visit to Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital to consult Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi, to learn more.
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zerocksout · 2 months
Waiting for my food to cook so let's blab a bit about Dancing Through Space.
Andromeda is a Sun based model that was repurposed for Star Co to be a singer/dancer for a fancy dinner and show place called Stardust Theater. Her casing is black with red, white, blue and yellow stardust specks on a full bodied LED casing (this inhibits her ability to feel, though. Her finger pads and rays are the most sensitive parts of her body). She has a half set of rays that are plum and rosé colored with matching eyes. Her halo (is supposed to be gold but I accidentally colored it wrong ....) she starts at 6 feet tall, 7 with the rays.
Titan is a Moon based model remodeled solely for security and mechanical/engineering work to help with stage production repairs/set up and to protect Andromeda. He is a broader built model, more human like in stature compared to the skinner models of a celestial bot. He's black and gold half and half with matching eyes.
Andromeda is more emotional intelligent. Kind. Resourceful. While she's programmed to dance and sign, she prefers to dance. She is outfitted to know all kinds of dance. She's able to use aerial silks for performances and has gymnastics knowledge. Her favorite type of dance is ballet and 'winging it'. She's an extrovert with anxiety.
Titan is more intellectually inclined by scientific and engineering means. Most of what he learned is built up on the basic knowledge he was outfitted with. His emotional matrix is very stunted and has difficulty processing emotions outside of simple 'happy', 'sad' and 'angry". He's an introvert with the emotional range of a teaspoon.
What's been discovered so far according to the SL:
Andi and Titan were close. She sees her as family. He sees her as a crush. Titan never said shit and won't say shit at all and acts all cold for 5 years.
Andi went to main dimension because she wants a friend and meets KC and Eclipse. (Saved Eclipse's tail from angy Sun)
KC tried to put the rizz on Andi but she thought he was being friendly. KC gives her an enchanted flower
Titan and Andi get into a argument and he gets jelly and crushes the flower
Andi gets angry and sad, tells Titan about himself and leaves back into the portal, middle finger
Titan was about to confess but doesn't get the chance...
Andi is now sad. Very sad
I don't know how to get rid of the poll on my phone -- but I have rough art down below of what I have made so far.
Clothes aren't my forte but visuals help...
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nschoolofdance · 3 months
2024 March
March 2023
La Crescent Fine Arts Center
Friday, May 10 – Rehearsal
Saturday, May 11 – Recital (Shows at 10am, 12:30pm and 3pm)
Ticket Sales - $15/each
Purchasing info will come in a separate email
The recital is right around the corner and the studio is buzzing with new choreography.  The dancers are doing awesome, and many classes have already finished their spring routines.  I cannot even begin to tell you how hard everyone has been working and getting so much accomplished!!  Awesome job!!    
Recital T-shirt and Digital Download - Please fill out the form located in your class BAND APP for recital t-shirts and our recital digital download.  $45 has been added to your account, this includes a recital opening number t-shirt and a digital download of the recital dances.  The digital download will be sent via email with password access.  The digital download will include all recital dances.
Father Daughter Dance (Moms and sons are welcome too!) – BEGINS March 15! This is a short dance performed at each show.  We have approximately 5-6 rehearsals.  All ages are welcome.  If dad is unavailable a stand in would be wonderful (uncle/grandpa/brother/cousin/mom). $30 per couple/Adult – T-shirt included.
**To register please use the link located in your class BAND APP.
BAND APP – Please check frequently for updated videos of choreography and class specific news.  If you do not have band app link for your dancers class please let me know ASAP.
SCHEDULES INCLUDED – Studio Pictures (April 1-2), In-Studio Rehearsals (May 6-7), Spring Rehearsal (May 10), and Show Assignments (May 11).
Stay Informed:
BAND APP – location for all studio/class specific info and signups
facebook - Nicole Wiczek  
facebook - Nicole’s School of Dance
Studio Account - Please check your account and make sure you are up to date. A $20 late fee is applied to all past due account after the 10th of each month.
Attendance - With the recital right around the corner we want our dancers to look their best and be well prepared.  Please make every effort to attend every class so we do not fall behind.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Hair - Please make sure your dancer is attending class with their hair pulled out of their face.  Also, best to put in a few extra hair ties in their dance bag.  Dancers cannot concentrate and learn proper technique when you have hair in their face.
Personal care - If you have a dancer in level one and above, please tuck a stick of deodorant into their dance bag.  
Recreational Class Dress Rehearsal – March 11-17
Please come with full costume (no performance tights), hair and makeup for an in-studio dress rehearsal.  This is a great time to practice hair and makeup before pictures and answer any questions.
Costumes - Please make sure your costume is labeled and hung up in the back of the closet.  If you have a tutu it will need to be hung upside down to keep it fluffy.  
Performance Accessories - If you have not purchased your dancer’s performance tights please do so ASAP to guarantee delivery by picture dates.
Makeup – Pink/Browns work best but should be matched to the dancer’s skin tone.  They will need eye shadow, mascara, eye liner, blush, lip stick and base powder is great to cover any flaws and makeup mishaps.  Stage makeup should be applied darker than makeup you would wear for a night out.
 ***For studio pictures makeup should be applied lighter than stage makeup!
Tiny Tot Makeup – Please keep makeup simple for this age group.  Pinks work wonderful.  You should only need eyeshadow, blush and lipstick.
Remember makeup is used so we can see facial expression of the dancers on stage.  Dancers not wearing makeup get lost under the bright lights.
Makeup instructional videos
1-3 – Trilogy Dance Competition
11-17 – In Studio Dress Rehearsal
15 – Father Daughter Dance Begins
17 – Competition Team Dinner
22-24 – Ovation Dance Competition
25-31 – No Dance Spring Break
1-2 – Studio Pictures
12-15 – Starz Dance Competition
25-29 – Inferno Dance Competition
TBD – Father Daughter Dance
6-7 – In Studio Rehearsal
8 – NSD Competition Auditions
10 – Stage Rehearsal (4-8pm)
11 – Recital (10am, 12:30pm, 3pm)
12 – Competition Banquet (4:30-7:30pm)
13 – 2024-2025 Registration
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