#and part of me feels compelled to bring this up in the fanfic
mutual-monsters · 1 year
Pairing: Roommate!Joe x M!Reader (agab not specified)
TW: dubcon, dark-ish/yandere themes, stalking, possessiveness, mention of masturbation (m), p in ✨ambiguous genital✨, creampie, slight praise, Joe is a major creeper
Word count: 777
A/N: A combination of two asks–
“Hi, happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you enjoy it.
If you’d like, I’d love some Joe Goldberg smut, but only if you’re comfortable with writing it, of course. Honestly any plot I’ll love, but here’s a prompt if you’d like:
M!Reader catches Joe in their house, and confronts him. Joe tries to play it off, but reader doesn’t buy it. Something along the lines of “if you want me just say it” happens and, well, one thing leads to another.”
“I am dying for a smutty Joe Goldberg x reader fanfic, maybe where they've been friends for a long time and finally Joe gets what they both want? Thanks 🙂”
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It was just supposed to be a quick trip– in and out and never seen, never heard. He just wanted to break in look around for a while and maybe take a few things make sure you were safe. It was so simplistic; be in, be around, and be out before you were back from work.
Only, he hadn’t factored in the possibility of you coming home early. 
He had already looked through the dresser and under the bed when your car pulled into the driveway, but was too preoccupied with your laundry bin to hear the faint but audible click as the deadbolt unlocked. And, consequently, he was too busy shoving a pair of underwear into his bag to hear the sound of your feet padding gently down the carpeted hall, into your room and–
“Joe?” You ask, staring in amazement at your roommate as he rifles through your things, “What the fuck are you doing in my room?”
He stops, questioning if this is real, and then briefly berating himself before turning to you with a, “It’s not what it looks like.”
“Oh, no? Then, what is it? Because it looks like you’re stealing my boxers.”
This wasn’t the first time you had caught him in here, just the first time you’d confronted him about it. You had known he had been breaking into your room, and you had definitely noticed the missing underwear, but never did you actually think you’d see him in action.
“No, no, no, no! I swear, I just– I lost a pair in the wash and I came in here to see if maybe one of mine got mixed in with yours…” He trails off.
“Joe,” You start, closing the gap between your bodies as you speak, “It’s not that I don’t understand why you would do all of this, but if you honestly wanted me, you could’ve just said something.”
He doesn’t know how to respond, still in a state of fight or flight. A long pause. You speak up again.
“These walls aren’t as thick as you think, Joe.  I know you think of me when you fuck yourself.” A beat. “And I know you do it every night.”
His face, flushed red now, burns under the scrutiny of your words. Your eyes crawl over him, waiting for him to respond.
“I know you moan to my name to yourself when you think you’re being quiet.”
“I have not by any means meant to–”
“Do you have the blue ones? With the ducks? They went missing about two weeks ago and I’d really love to have them ba–”
His lips crash into yours, too preoccupied with the concept of finally touching, holding, possessing to care about formalities. 
His hands move to fumble with your jeans, pulling them off, pushing you toward the bed. His pants, too, now, drop to the floor as you pull off your shirt, him following suit. He looks you over, fully acquainting himself with your naked form, gathering the words to say, before finally, “You are everything.”
A slight chuckle from your lips, “Maybe to you.”
“Are you sure you want this?” Parts of him still don’t believe that this could possibly be real.
“Of course.”
He pushes himself inside you, basking in the feeling, the texture of your skin, your smell. He waits a moment, lost in the feeling, before bringing himself back, compelled by your request for him to move.
He’s slow at first, acclimating to feeling. His eyes search for yours, with pupils blown out and full of adoration. He is in more than love, more than obsession, morethananywordintheEnglishlanguage and he needs you to know.
As he picks up the pace, his lips rush to your neck, desperate to mark you, to make you his, and then to your ear whispering, begging for you. 
“Tell me you love me.”
You can barely get a word in before he speaks again.
“You don’t have to mean it, just– please.”
You don’t think, you just say it. 
“I love you, Joe.”
This sets him ablaze, igniting a feral side of him.
“Again.” He demands.
And you do. “I love you”.
It’s enough for him to come undone, coating the inside of you with himself, claiming you, he tells himself. He stays in the moment, bringing you to your own edge, and then absorbing the feeling entirely. 
He thinks, to himself, while still inside you, of what he’s just done, of what you’ve just done, 
of the implications. 
He looks down at you, again into your eyes, infatuated, and says, holding back a smartass grin– “I suppose I could give you those boxers back.”
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Ngl, I'm a slut for hybrid AUs (it's probably the weeb in me). So, if you see more in the future, don't be surprised lol. This idea came to me out of nowhere but, I felt compelled to write about it because there's no such thing as too much Bunny! Jeonghan fanfic (I don't even know if Bunny! Jeonghan fanfic is out there). Apparently I can only write about Jeonghan when it's in relation to bunnies. Enjoy.
Heads up: Yoon Jeonghan x Fem! Reader, hybrid AU, slight crack honestly because hybrid AUs, friends/roommates to lovers, Jeonghan is a bunny hybrid, Reader is just a regular degular human, Jeonghan is in heat so potentially grey area when it comes to consent incase that makes you uncomfortable, oral sex (f. receiving), dirty talk, unprotected piv sex, unrealistic sex (Jeonghan still being hard after cumming), creampies and this ended up being pretty long so fair warning.
I will block you if you are minor and have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
When Vernon first introduced you to Jeonghan, you were a little taken aback. You had only met a handful of hybrids in your lifetime and, they all tended to either be cat or dog hybrids. You'd never met a bunny hybrid before. The way his black, floppy ears moved and twitched when he spoke was endlessly distracting. His fluffy tail was even moreso. It didn't help that ontop of all of that, that he was an extremely charismatic man with perhaps the cutest smile you'd ever seen.
You were in trouble.
However, you needed a roommate to help you with rent and Jeonghan was the perfect option. Luckily, he was looking for a place to live too and it was all history from there. You'd never lived with a hybrid before but, outside of the occasional unfamiliar habits here and there, Jeonghan had proven himself to be both an amazing roommate and a great friend over the past year. Which didn't exactly help your budding feelings for him. It was really only a matter of time before you developed romantic feelings for your roommate. He was kind, smart, funny, endearingly mischievous but he knew how to walk a fine line and never go too far, considerate and not to mention unfairly good-looking. To name a few reasons off the top of your head.
"Fuck," you hear Jeonghan curse from the living room, partially distracting you from the sandwich you were making for lunch. "What's wrong?" You ask, trying to split your attention as best you can between listening to him and finishing your food. "I forgot to get my stupid heat suppressants. I've been so occupied with work this week and meeting deadlines that I completely forgot to head to the pharmacy. Ugh," he responds, sounding equal parts annoyed and frustrated.
You pause from making your sandwich.
Heats are something you've heard about vaguely and understand in concept but, you haven't touched that subject with Jeonghan, or any other hybrids really. You just knew most hybrids took suppressants so they could function normally because heats can become all consuming very quickly. However, sex in general is something you avoid bringing up when it comes to Jeonghan. Least your mind wonder about what he looks like completely naked, what he feels like, the sounds he makes...
"You okay?" His question startles you out of your thoughts. You're wondering when he managed to make his way into the kitchen but, then again you weren't exactly being the most aware. "Mhm, just thinking. So, what do you plan to do?" You ask him, trying to change the topic as quickly as possible. Jeonghan really doesn't need to know about your previous thoughts of him.
"I'm going to try my best to get my hands on a few tomorrow morning because my heat is closer than I realised. I don't want to risk it," he says, running his fingers through his hair in agitation. You try not to coo at seeing his ears flop in annoyance. Grabbing a plate to place your now complete sandwich onto, you shoot him a reassuring smile. "I'm sure it'll all work out, Hannie."
Between work for Jeonghan and university for you, the two of you haven't had much time to spend together these past few days. It's a little embarrassing just how much you miss him. Vernon teasing you about it every chance he gets, sometimes with Chan chiming in. You shouldn't have told those two losers anything. They're so annoying. Regardless, you've decided to just stay home this weekend and melt into your couch while catching up on some anime and TV shows. University leaving you feeling like a shell of a human being.
It's in this state that Jeonghan finds you when he finally gets home. You're a little surprised because he's home earlier than usual but, it's a pleasant surprise nonetheless. "Hey," you greet him from your spot on the couch, comfortably cuddling one of the cushions. "Hi," he says back but, he sounds...off. Dazed or distracted maybe? You're slightly more concerned when he enters the living room and you actually see him.
His ears are laying flat against his head, his eyes slightly glassy and his cheeks dusted a light shade of pink. You get up quickly, now worried. "Hey Hannie, are you okay?" You ask, tentatively reaching out to him. "Y-Yeah. It's just- I- it's my heat. I think I took the suppressants too late for them to work," he says, squirming a little where he stands.
Well, this is definitely a problem.
"Oh um well, what can I do to help? How do you usually get through them without the suppressants?" You ask, trying to remain as neutral and helpful as possible. Jeonghan glances at your hand that's come to rest on his bicep before meeting your eyes with his glassy ones. Now you're struggling to not to squirm under his intense gaze. He looks like he wants to devour you. He seems to remember himself though and finally responds, "I haven't had a heat in years. It was pretty...intense last time which is why I eventually decided to go on the suppressants. My choices are either to sweat it out or fuck it out."
What even is your life?
"Oh uh okay. Well, I could help you get to bed and you could sweat it out there? I'll be in my room if you need me for anything," you suggest, willing yourself to ignore the heat radiating from him and the way he's looking at you right now.
"You won't come to bed with me?" This man even has the audacity to pout! While you and Jeonghan are no strangers to the occasional hug and cuddle, cuddling him in this state just feels like a disaster waiting to happen.
"No, Hannie but, you can call when you need something, okay?" You reassure him. You're completely thrown off when he pulls you into a rather intimate hug, his nose pressed against your neck.
"You smell so good. You always smell so good. Feel good too," he mutters against your skin, his breath sending shivers down your spine.
Frankly, you're reeling from all of this. Slowly you begin to untangle him from your body. "Let's get you to bed," you say with an air of finality, taking his larger hand in yours and pulling him to his room. Trying your best to completely ignore the ghost of his mouth so close to your neck and, his whines of protest as you drag him along.
This was going to be a long few days.
"I'm still in my work clothes," he says with a pout on his face when you finally sit him down on his bed. "It's so hot," he complains, already unbuttoning his dress shirt and shrugging it off.
Drawing on ever ounce of your self-control you make sure to look away, trying to give him some privacy and respect. You feel your heart pound in your ears when you hear the sound of him undoing his belt buckle next. "Hannie, what're you doing?" You ask, hoping he doesn't notice the shakiness in your voice.
"I feel hot," is all the response you get.
Eventually he seems to still.
"Is-is it okay if I turn around?" You ask him cautiously, wringing your hands together infront of yourself nervously.
He hums affirmative and, you take a moment to steel your nerves before turning to eventually face him.
You've only seen Jeonghan this undressed a handful of times. You could probably actually count the number of times on one hand. He tended to be rather modest and, having him infront of you in nothing but, his boxers was quickly overwhelming you.
It was all the more made worse by the blatant want creeping its way onto his face.
"Do you just want to stay in your b-boxers?" You ask, feeling warmth crawling its way up your face from embarrassment and completely unasked for arousal.
Jeonghan takes a second to respond to you, his eyes looking up and down your frame languidly. Licking his lips he says, "Yeah. I just feel really warm."
"Okay, well just let me know if you need anything," you say hurriedly, turning to reach for his door's handle. You're startled to feel his hand grab your opposite wrist. He wasn't joking. His hand feels like a furnace right now.
"Wait," he says, voice pitched significantly lower than a few moments ago.
You turn to face him and the air stills in your chest. If you thought he looked like he wanted to devour you earlier, the look on his face now was somehow more intense. Even in all your oblivion and denial, you'd be stupid to think his eyes showed anything but, barely constrained desire.
"Hannie what-"
"I want you. Please. It starting to hurt," he all but, groans. Your heart rate ticks up at his words. He completely shocks you yet again.
"Jeonghan, this is your heat talking. You don't want me," you try to reason with him, ignoring the sting you feel from your own words.
"That's not true. I've wanted you for months now. God, how could I not? Especially when you walk around in tiny shirts like the ones you're wearing now or, flimsy shirts that I can see your nipples through. I can smell you, you know? When you're wet, when you cum. It takes everything in me not to just barge into your room and offer my mouth or my fingers or my cock to help get you off."
Yoon Jeonghan sure has a knack for leaving you speechless. Especially when he's in his heat, it seems. All you can do is stare back at him wide-eyed, mouth agape probably looking like a fool.
"If you don't want me, that's okay. I'd never force you to do anything you don't want to but, you don't get to tell me how I feel."
He let's go of your wrist and, you feel rooted to the floor of his room. Completely unable to move.
"Jeonghan, I- I didn't know," is all you can manage to utter out and, the self-deprecating smile he gives you breaks your heart.
"How could you have? I never told you. Now I'm slowly losing my self control and, I finally find the courage to tell you how I feel. Very smart," his laugh is completely devoid of humour and without much thought, you kiss him.
Jeonghan has gone completely still against you. The kiss is brief and a little clumsy but, you hope it gets your point across.
"I want you too. I have for a really long time. Longer than I care to admit, honestly," you say once you've pulled away, cupping his handsome face in your hands.
Before you can blink, Jeonghan's mouth is on yours once again but, he doesn't hold back as much as you did. His hands grip your hips as he pulls you towards him, eagerly kissing you and already trying to lick into your mouth.
Your insides throb painfully when you feel is cock press into you, hot and heavy through the very thin materials of his boxers and your night shirt.
A gasp flies from your lips, hungrily swallowed by Jeonghan, when he begins to rut into you. One of his hands grabbing a generous handful of your ass as he helps you move against him. Your panties are starting to stick to you now, being swept up in all that is Jeonghan and the sensations he provides to your touch starved body.
His lips kiss the corner of your mouth before moving to dot kisses against your jaw until his mouth eventually reaches your neck. Your hands move to grab his biceps, fingernails slightly biting into the skin there as he makes quick work of your neck. Kissing, nibbling and sucking to his heart's content. You're sure you'll likely have bruises decorating your neck tomorrow. Abruptly he stiffens and you're worried that something is wrong. However, before you can ask him what's going on, he's dragging you onto his bed. Gently pushing you onto your back, feral eyes taking you in.
"I can smell you. You smell divine," is all he says as an explanation before pulling into another heated kiss, situating himself between your thighs.
You don't really have time to dwell on the knowledge that he can smell your arousal because his cock is thoroughly distracting you. It feels hotter than before, brushing your clit a few times as Jeonghan moves against you once again.
You're just glad the walls of your apartment are decent because the way you and Jeonghan are moaning against each other is bordering on obscene.
One of his hands begins to tug your oversized shirt up impatiently. Mildly concerned that he may rip it in his impatience, you help him tug it off and toss it onto the floor. Jeonghan's lips are around one of your hardened nipples before you can fully comprehend what's happening. His hand massaging the unoccupied breast.
Your back arches instantaneously from his ministrations, nails leaving faint pink marks in their wake on his biceps. "Hannie," you cry out, pressing your hips up to get some sort of relief for the painful, incessant throbbing between your thighs. His answering groan against your skin on serving to overwhelm you further. You're pretty sure your panties are completely ruined now.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this. Just wanna bury my face in your tits for hours or, fuck them until you're covered in my cum," he says after removing your nipple from his mouth with an obnoxious pop. You wonder if his mouth is always this filthy or this is just the heat talking. Either way, you're not exactly complaining.
"You can do whatever you want with me Hannie but, later. I need you. Please," you whine out, hips grinding up into his to emphasise your point.
"Anything. Anything for you, baby," he moans, moving to pull off your panties and shorts. Leaving you completely bare under his gaze. Not giving you the time or opportunity to feel self-conscious, he kisses his way down your stomach. Eyes watching ever minute change in your face and, ears listening for all your little noises of pleasure.
When Jeonghan first licks at your soaking slit, it's difficult to tell who moaned louder. Your eyes rolling into the back of your head and, his determined to still watch you although he finds himself dangerously close to shutting them to fully immerse himself in the pleasure of eating you out. His tongue finds your swollen clit easily, pressing brief kisses against it alongside some kitten licks. Gauging what you respond to better. Jeonghan finds his rhythm eventually, lips and chin becoming coated generously with your juices. He does have to use of his hands to keep you in place, you're squirming and arching so prettily for him but, it makes it more of a challenge to feast on you like you deserve.
One of your hands flies to his head, careful to avoid pulling on his ears, when he pushes two of his long fingers inside of you. Curling them deliciously and hitting just the right spot inside of that has you crying out and pulling on his hair.
Jeonghan is so hard he can barely think straight, his boxers soaked now in his pre-cum. He grinds his hips against his bed, searching for some kind relief. He's determined to prepare you properly to take his cock, even though his more animalistic urges whisper for him to sink into you right now and leave you thoroughly filled with his cum. Banishing those thoughts from his mind for now, he diligently licks your clit and gradually adds a third finger to stretch you out further.
Jeonghan almost cums along with you when the dam eventually breaks. Your insides grip his fingers so tightly that he can barely keep moving them, your juices gushing onto his face and hand as he desperately laps up everything he can. The grip on his hair stings now but, Jeonghan couldn't care less. He was finally getting to have you like this. He wasn't going to start complaining now. The high pitched keening noises you make only egg him on, still licking at you as your hips switch under his hand.
"H-Hannie, too much," you say hoarsely, trying to move away from his expert fingers and mouth. If Jeonghan wasn't in his heat, he'd make you cum until you were in tears but, that could always happen another time. He's in no hurry to play out every fantasy he's head involving you over the past few months. He has time.
Giving your clit one last kiss, he eases his fingers out of you. They're covered in your release and so his most of his hand. Without much deliberation, he puts them into his mouth and sucks the taste of you off of them. Moaning all the while. Your gasp at the sight forces him to lock eyes with you. Not slowing down as he watches the way your eyes zero in on his mouth before returning to his. Once seemingly satisfied with thoroughly cleaning his fingers, he removes from his mouth with an obnoxious pop. Tongue peaking out to lick your juices from his lips as well.
"You taste divine. Could eat your pussy all day," he says with a gravelly tone, looking down at with heavily lidded eyes.
"Jeonghan," you say with slight admonishment.
"What? It's true," he responds with clear amusement colouring his tone.
Before you can think to respond, your eyes betray you and glance down. His cock is straining against his boxers, a sizeable wet spot evident on them. You can't see all of him yet but, your insides clench hard at how long and thick he looks.
"Can I suck you off?" You blurt out without thinking. Feeling your face warm in embarrassment at the impulsive question.
Jeonghan seems surprised for a moment before a smug smirk spreads across his handsome face. "Maybe next time. I'd rather cum inside of you first and, I don't think I'd last very long with your pretty lips wrapped around my cock," he says, tugging his boxers off hurriedly. Shuddering as cool air hits his cock. Thoroughly distracting you and leaving all complaints you had about tasting him to die on your tongue.
Of course Yoon Jeonghan would have a pretty cock too. It's longer than it is thick and flushed an appealing looking red.
"Okay, that's fair," you respond breathlessly, fresh arousal coating your upper thighs at the sight of him. You don't think you've ever felt so empty in your life.
"Tell me if you want me to stop or if it's too much, okay? I've been doing a decent job of holding back but, I can...lose myself when I'm in heat," he says gently, positioning himself between your thighs with his cock in his hand. His eyes are almost black when he meets your gaze once again to make sure you're okay with this, he looks like he's barely holding on by a thread.
"I trust you, Hannie. I know you wouldn't hurt me but, if it becomes too much I promise I'll tell you," you respond. Reaching up to pull him into a soft kiss before laying back against his pillows to watch him. A very small, private part of you is curious to see what he's like when he loses control. Jeonghan always seems to have it all together. You wonder what he's like when he fully let's go.
He takes a deep breath before slowly pushing into you. Even with all the effort he put into stretching you out earlier, there's still a slight sting. Your hands grip his sheets tightly, moaning as he eases his way into you.
Jeonghan is almost vibrating with how much he's holding himself back from just bottoming out into you in one, quick thrust. You're so fucking tight and wet and warm. Your walls drag around his cock deliciously. However, he can see the slight discomfort in your face and body language clear as day so he tries his best to go as slowly as he can manage.
You gasp when he does eventually bottom out and you can't help the way you clench around him from the broken moan he let's out at being inside you completely. His arms come up to cage around your head, his head dropping to nuzzle against your neck as he tries his best to remain still so you can adjust, "Fuck, don't do that. I-I'll cum," he groans against the skin of your neck.
Maybe it's the desire to get back at him for all his teasing over the past few months or maybe it's the desire to see Jeonghan crumble, that motivate you to wrap your legs around his hips and pull him closer. Your arms wrapping around his back as well in the process, "Cum then. I want you to."
His cock pulses violently for a moment before you feel the warmth of being filled with his cum. The moans he let's out against your skin are high pitched and bordering on whines as his hips shallowly thrusts into you. You did have the vague understanding that hybrids tended to be more sensitive while in heat but, you didn't think he'd cum so fast. Not that you were exactly complaining. He sounded beautiful and obscene against you and, feeling him fuck his cum into you was more than enough for you to be moaning in return.
Jeonghan pants against you once his orgasm seems to run its course. Surprisingly, he's still very hard inside of you despite having cum. Perks of being a hybrid, you guess. You soothingly rub his back and untangle your legs from him. That appears to cause something inside the man to snap because the next thing you know, he's hooking your legs over your his arms. His eyes are feral as they stare down at you and you receive no warning as he begins to fuck into your harshly. The sound of your shared moans and skin slapping against skin filling his room. "You're so tight. Such a pretty pussy. Even more pretty with my cum," he groans deliriously, taking his eyes off of you to watch his cock enter you over and over and over again. While all you can do is moan and take it.
"Hannie, you feel so g-good. You're so d-deep," you cry out, your hands gripping his sheets viciously once more as his cock overwhelms you. "Yeah? You like that, baby? Gonna stuff you with my cum. Gonna fuck you full," his hips snapping even faster against you now, not giving you any chance to catch your breath.
"Fuck, fuck, f-fuck," he whines before you feel that pulse you're beginning to become familiar with once more. He spasms against you as a new wave of his cum shoots inside you. You've never felt so full. Your eyes roll into the back of your skull at the sensations. Briefly you think you may have ripped his sheets with how much you've been pulling on them but, you honestly couldn't care less. Not when your pretty bunny continues to move inside of you, his cock still impossibly hard.
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gracewritesfics · 1 year
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Genre: Fanfic, romance, sexual tension.
Pairing: Husband!Jungkook x Wife!reader
Warning: Smut but romanticized.
"C'mon, stop playing so hard to get!" Jungkook practically requests rather than command. It's been a couple days since you came with him for your honeymoon. He's clingy and demanding but you're just shy. He moves his face closer to you to kiss your lips but you turn your face and it ends up being a peck on the cheek. "Really, Y/n? Not even a kiss?"
"I'm sorry.." you scoff, "I just..!" He puts a finger on your lips and looks straight into your eyes with a piercing gaze as he's leaning towards you and you're sitting on the couch. It really makes you feel things. "Why do you keep turning away from me?" He questioned. "I don't mean to do that," you clarify. "Then what do you mean to do?" He asks. You pause for a moment at his question. "Are you really that innocent, y/n?" Your heartbeat stops and you blink your eyes several times.
"Yes I am innocent," you respond once your heart stops acting crazy, "I'm not like you."
"What do you mean? I'm not innocent?" He raised an eyebrow still piercing you with his eyes. You're confused what to say. "No, you're not." You said deliberately.
"You're too bold for saying that. You bet! You're not as innocent as you act in front of me." He teased. He was right though. You were just shy to make a move, but in your head your thoughts weren't that innocent.
"How? Can you prove that?" You mumbled. "Prove that you're not innocent? Challenge me!" He said. "Challenge you for what?" You ask. "For bringing out the side of you that you hide from me, but I know it exists." He remarks. You get a tingling sensation. He can even give you butterflies with his words.
"Okay, so what are you gonna do?" You ask in a low voice. You're lowkey excited but nervous. "I'll compel you to make a move. Just watch me!" He says and moves away from you. He turns off the room lights and switches on the star projector night lamp. He takes the music system control and puts on slow and romantic songs. He's wicked.
"Let's play a game. You just watch me, whatever I do, and if you react or flinch, in the middle, it means that you give in and you'll have to do as I say. And if you kept sitting there straight, not flinching a bit, I'll do whatever you want." He told you. You were quiet and confused but he took it as a yes for the game.
As the music played he came and sat on the table near the couch. What is he trying to do? You thought to yourself. He just sat there singing along with the song and playing with his hair. His voice was sexy and deep at the moment. He pours two glasses of whiskey and offers you one. You take it. Though you did not usually drink but you're with your husband. And you secretly want him to win the challenge. To bring out the side of you that's not shy to kiss him wildly like you want to.
He intentionally changes the song to 'Unholy.' And on the top of that he sings it. He stands up from front of you and just vibes to the song and then he starts to dance. His body moving in flow. You gulp the whiskey in your mouth. As you watch him move, it gets hard not to react. He's noticing you. Then he smirks as he does that step when he bends his thighs in a flow. Your lips are parted in awe. Your eyes are fixated at him and then he winks at you. Your heartbeats race against your chest. It's getting hard to breathe so you just sip more whiskey.
He plays 'I wanna be yours' as the next song. Danm it. Your glass is empty and he pours one more shot. He rolls up the sleeves of his full black tee-shirt, exposing his veiny arms. Your eyebrows flinch. You bite your lips and breathe heavily. He moves the table closer to the couch and leans towards you. Feel the tension.
"Secrets I have held in my heart.." he mumbled with the song being played in the background. "Are harder to hide than I thought!" You mouthed. "Maybe I just..." his lips moves to the lyrics as he moved closer to you. "Wanna be yours, I wanna be yours!" You declare rather than sing and he knew that. He was moving closer, you closed your eyes, parted your lips and waited for him to kiss you when he leaned back. He moved away. You realise this after two second as you open your eyes.
Your doe eyes looking at him, you wanted him to kiss you but he stand up and begins moving away. You're yelling NO but in your head. Finally you stop him, by holding his hand. He turns and looks at you. You don't say anything but your eyes looking up to him scream 'Kiss me!' He lets go of your hand and turns the music off. Then he moves to the bed and lays down there.
"What!?" You speak out. You get up from the couch and turn the music back on. You go and sit next to him on the bed as he lay. He acted like he was sleepy. "Hey, Koo!" you call him. "What?" He asks. "How can you sleep now?" You question. "Why? I'm really tired and sleepy." He says. He was playing games with you and you knew.
"No, you're not tired or sleepy," you said. "How can you say that? Look at me, I look so tired, I have to sleep." He uttered. You lean towards him on the bed but he turns away. You hold his arm and pull him to sit straight. You grip his sweet face in you your hands and move in to kiss when he says "Wait!" You stop. "You lost the game we were playing." He added. "I know that!" You blurted. "Yeah, so you gotta do as I say!" He spoke. "What do you want me to do?" You ask confidently, like you're ready to do just anything he says. "Seduce me!" He says, "I know you're dying to kiss me. But I won't touch you until you seduce me to a point that I get turned on!"
Your eyes flickered. Your mouth runs dry. You don't know what to do. The slow and romantic music is playing. You crawl up on the bed on your knees and sit in front of him. You're wearing a night gown over a satin nighty. You untie your night gown and let it slide off your shoulders. He's looking at you completely awestruck. You climb over his knees and sit there leaning towards him. He's bent backwards on his hands. You're all over his thighs.
"Are you turned on yet baby?" You ask. He takes a breath. It was clear from the look on his face that he was getting nervous. He bit lips. "Try harder!" He said. Ugh. He pretending to be tough but he's melting like hot candle. "Okay." You say as you move you hands towards his waist and grab the end of his tee shirt and slide it up his belly. He gulps. You pull his tee shirt off him and throw it on the floor. He slides back a little so he's supported by the pillows at back as you're on top of him.
Your hand trails across his chest and you hold his face from the other hand and finally, land your lips on his. You move your lips swiftly against his and he does the same. His hands on your waist then he slides them up to hold your neck. It's sexy. You let your tongue explore his mouth. You're not letting even air pass through. Now you're moving your lips and tongue in his mouth violently, not letting it stop. He mouths 'stop' in the middle but you keep going. He has to hold your head and pull it back to make you stop.
He lets out a deep breath and groans. "You're wilding!" He exclaimed. "You wanted to see this side of me." You say. He flips you over and now you're under him. Your heart is beating fast. He kisses your neck and you throw your head back and let out a moan. He gently kisses you all across your collarbone and then moves towards your bosom as your hands are in his hair. You say out loud his name with a series of moans and sighs. He slides down the strips of your night dress from your shoulder and down your bosom. You close your eyes tightly as he pins your hands against the pillows. His lips and tongue is like a brush and your bosom is a blank paper on which he creats art. He moves back up and kisses you on your lips. His bare chest against yours. It feels warm. But you're shy and nervous.
"Relax, babygirl. I'll be very gentle with you!" He says. Your heart is pounding. He feels that too. He covers both of you in the sheets. It's comforting. He slides your thongs down your legs and then takes off his boxers. He's hard, you can feel it in your thighs. And you're dripping.
He smoothly glides it into you, at first a little bit. "Does it hurt?" He asks. "Just a bit." You say followed by a moan. "Should I keep going?" He asks. "Of course!" You scoff. He strokes you slower at first then increases the pace. Kissing you at the same time, pinning your hands. You moan in his mouth as he continues kissing you and stroking you at the same time.
You both are tired as he finally lands on your side and you turn to face him. He lets out a sigh. As your eyes meet, you feel a tingling sensation in your stomach and chuckle. He smiles. It's beautifully awkward. You both are chuckling and giggling. You're so shy you land in his chest and hide your face.
"Wae? Why are you hiding inside my chest, it's ticklish" He speaks. "I'm shy!" You say. "Yeah, I just saw that a few minutes ago," he teased.
"That was a different version of me. Now I'm shy," You say. He hugs you softly and slides his fingers through your hair. "Okay, fine don't show me your face, I'll see it in the morning."
"Are you going to sleep now?" You ask.
"Why you want a round two?" He asks smirking. You hit him gently on his chest. He lets out a muffled laugh.
"Good night babygirl!" He says and plants a kiss on your head and wraps you in his arms. It's a good night.
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blueroyalgirl · 1 month
👔 chapter 4 🎉
Please be so serious, Alexander 😳 *personal* SENSUAL? Have we asked ourselves what the actual fuck as of late?!
Half naked selfies from bed, and a little autoerotic asphyxiation. Jesus christ on a bloody bicycle! 😫
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This feels so child-like 🥺 But he’s talking about hiding away from a whole world’s scrutinisation. And soothing himself between huge responsibilities that he doesn’t even really want to do. The way he says ‘Alex’ at the end is so pleading with exhalation.
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Absolutely despicable behaviour! Not only is it super shitty to make Alex feel like he’s less than in those moments but each parent is saying, “you are your father’s son” in this moment, not mine, and vice versa.
They have both abandoned him throughout his life. Oscar abandoned him without notice when he was a teenager and now the way Alex operates in life is informed by that abandonment, showing up in his relationships or lack thereof (and they suffer because of his fears, understandably). His mother abandons him when she puts on her president mask, and she has to put the world before him. And again when she exploits his dreams for her campaign and calls him Diaz when she’s pissed off.
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The perfect amount for someone. That kind of stillness. Being able to just breathe around someone effortlessly and not mask, or try, try, try because you’re just… good enough. Henry listened to Alex and somehow inferred his needs, and found the right words.
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I really liked this insight into how each of them see their parents, how aware of everything they are, and the biases they have.
June seems closer to Oscar and feels sidelined/let down by Ellen. She also can see much clearer when their mom exploits them, and pushes too much. Alex still feels hurt, and abandoned by his dad (rightly so), but would also just love for things to go back to normal (sans fighting). 🥺
His mom’s the president and it seems like he believes she did the best she could for the most part, knowing she had to sacrifice to get to where she is (to do good in the world, something he wants to emulate). It’s also often easier to side with/feel closer with the parent that stays (even when they disappoint you) and Ellen pushes him, helps him, something he thrives on. And like he said, Oscar has a more laid-back approach.
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I got to this part and was all overcome with, “I fucking love the way he speaks” like, THAT’S MY BFF HENRY?! 😍🥺💙
After sitting with the book in my mind for so long, and reading so much fanfic, and watching the movie so many times, and then coming back to the source, it’s just so comforting knowing their distinct voices now. When you read something for the first time you’re learning them filled with so much anticipation and that’s exciting, and then there’s also this feeling of: the comforting sound of familiar voices that warm you up, and make you laugh, stir the butterflies, make you cry, thrill you, and bring immense, insurmountable joy! ✨💕
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Tipsy, plump lips, flushed cheeks Henry hanging onto his bottle, clinging to wherever Alex is as he dances with other people.
Alex likes to show off for Henry while he watches 😇
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I washed my hands of us at the club
You made a mess of me
I pictured you with other girls in love
Then threw up on the street 😭🤮
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Alex feeds/thrives on other people’s energy.
Henry drains.
I love this moment so much. It’s so telling of how Alex feels already, even though he doesn’t seem to realise it himself. They’ve already trauma bonded, they’re already friends. He’s infatuated with him and can’t wait to talk to him at all hours of the day and night. He’s enchanted by him when he sees him for the first time in person again, compelled by him almost as he puts on a show for him, their eyes always lingering on each other. And now under the moonlight, after admiring his beauty, he just… want to be there for Henry. Absorb the weight of what sits heavy on his shoulders. Make him feel… light again. ✨
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Soft lips, soft curls. Nobody kisses like you. <3
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(Poor Henry, running away in the snow…)
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starsreminisce · 5 months
So, there are plenty of opinions and compelling arguments about whose book is next. I've reached a point where I just want to express some thoughts. I haven't made a decision because my feelings shift every time I consider it.
Personally, just knowing a new book is on the way excites me. I'm sure that even when CC3 comes out, I'll be hunting for crumbs like a broke cokehead – which brings me to my next point.
Maasverse spoilers under the cut.
The next book will be responsible for bridging ACOTAR to CC for readers who follow ACOTAR exclusively. We still have ACOTAR readers wondering if Elriel(!!!!!) will be tasked to find the 4th dread trove, despite it being revealed in CC. The ACOTAR subreddit gets asked every day about what series/book to read after ACOTAR.
There is a crucial element that SJM needed to establish in HoFaS, something that couldn't be addressed in ACOTAR. This is particularly significant, especially when she wrote two CC books consecutively. The context within Prythian needed to be set up in HoFaS before it could seamlessly progress into ACOTAR.
Prison Island/Dusk Court? Illyrian descendants? Avellan fae? All Trove items accounted for? Truth-Teller? Koschei's origins?
Gwynriel makes sense to me because they have the most tie-in to CC. This would help in segueing from Nesta in ACOSF to Truth-Teller's importance in HoFAS, continuing the story with Azriel and Gwyn. It's worth noting that Gwyn felt Aidas in ACOSF, and she is now closer to Nesta than Elain is. Additionally, her role as Merrill's researcher and her interest in the 26 worlds, coupled with her heritage from both grandparents, likely plays a part here. Notably, CC has shown an underwater civilization, which adds to the anticipation of Gwyn's storyline.
Elucien makes sense to me because who best to catch a reader up who does not know about CC than two characters who aren't directly involved with it at all.
Elain was not present when Bryce arrived. She sure as hell is not going to walk in after Rhys introduced himself. I would think that for a moment as huge as a visitor from another world would assemble all members of the IC. We have Mor’s reasoning why she might not be there. We don’t have Elain’s, especially after "doing whatever it takes for this court."
This does help set up for a tandem read where Elain and Lucien move similarly to how Chaol marks what Aelin is doing in ToD or, at best, making it similar to how the context would change if someone were to read HoSaB then ACOSF.
I also have personal reasons why I want one over the other. Elucien because I'm starving for it, but Gwynriel because the fandom has been so out of pocket about Azriel's love life, with Bryciels still being pushed despite SJM's clear reaction to the question. Do I want to suffer through another 18-24 months of half-baked fanfic-based theories that Elucien's book is like Feylin in ACOTAR? Fuck that shit.
There are still many factors to consider because we don't know how involved Bryce would be in Velaris, who all is going to be involved, how involved Azriel is going to be (is the reason we had his POV in ACOSF is because his POV will be featured in HoFaS, like the bonus chapter?), how is Truth-Teller connected to all of this, and most importantly, how CC3 will end now that we know their worlds are connected.
Even then, I still don't know if that would be enough to draw a good conclusion and we might not have long anyway before the next book is announced.
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inquisimer · 5 months
2023 writing round up
bringing back this fun little year-end writing review from last year :3 it's always so fun to look back and see what all the little pieces and all the time adds up to!
tagging if you'd like to join in: @shivunin | @rosella-writes | @fadedsweater | @exalted-dawn-drabbles | @kiastirling-fanfic | and @warpedlegacy
words posted: 109,617
additional words written: 84,453
grand total of words: 194,070
fandoms: 2 - Dragon Age & Dishonored
highest kudos: The Lie Upon Your Sleep at 20 - a bit of fluff & hurt/comfort with my healer OC Ness and Cullen
highest hit oneshot: to be seen feeling at 200 - a piece I wrote for my friend @dreadfutures as part of the DAFF Discord OC Swap. An exploration of her Mahariel as Warden-Commander and Teryn during Awakening and his life with Morrigan and Kieran in the Crossroads.
new things I tried: Writing non-canon romances! And participating in a lot more fandom exchanges.
fic I spent the most time on: hard to say, probably my unpublished Surana Lavellan rewrite! Of my published fics, I think it would be if our demons cannot dance - angst, hurt/comfort, and missing scenes for my anders rivalmance.
fic I spent the least time on: either Not Like This, a character study of Emily's guilt/regret as she flees Dunwall in D2, or I carried my own ashes to the mountain, some light hurt/comfort and fluffy friendship between Brosca & Zevran on their way back to Orzammar
favorite thing I wrote: any of my pieces with Siobhan Hawke, my Blorbo of the Year for sure. She's so different than the type of Hawke I usually play, being Red-Purple and leaning into the politicking aspect of her role in Kirkwall. I've loved exploring a Hawke who doesn't run away from Kirkwall, who stays and works within the system to make things better. And of course writing her different dynamics with Loghain and Sebastian have been both interesting and challenging for me creatively.
favorite thing(s) I read:
Things my heart used to know (things it yearns to remember) by NiriKeehan (@nirikeehan) - the gift I received as part of the DAFF Discord OC swap, an incredibly well-done piece of my OC Neria and Cullen finding common ground in their respective roles in the Inquisition
A Fool's Death and a Hard Choice by RosellaWrite (@rosella-writes) - an beautiful study of Warden Loghain leading up to and through DAI, his journey looking for Mahariel, how he meets up with Hawke, and his reunion with Morrigan & Kieran at Skyhold.
In Flame Forged Anew by Plisuu (@plisuu) - DAI as experienced by Connor Trevelyan, Templar turned mage turned Tranquil turned Herald of Andraste. He's a little fucked up by it all and this compelling story will tear you to shreds right from the start.
Dirty Little Secrets by SylvanRain (@sylvanraindrop) - DAI retold from the perspective of one of Leliana's agents, featuring the smoothest motherfucker Lavellan, lots of intrigue and spy shenanigans, and Cullen being both endearingly soft and Good At His Job
what we talk about when we talk about whalers by patho (ghostsoldier) - a collection of one shots set in and around the Knife of Dunwall DLC for Dishonored, ranging from lighthearted and funny to absolutely heart-wrenching ;-; beautifully well-done snippets that build out the in-game mechanics and lore!
writing goals for 2024: finish my Surana Lavellan rewrite up through IYHSB, which is when I've promised myself I'll start posting it again 😤 and also to finish at least one of the smut pieces that I have half-started in various drafts
new works: 21
template under the cut!
words posted:
additional words written:
grand total of words:
highest kudos:
highest hit oneshot:
new things I tried:
fic I spent the most time on:
fic I spent the least time on:
favorite thing I wrote:
favorite thing(s) I read:
writing goals for 2024:
new works:
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sweettjrose · 4 months
I really really like your writing and style of narrative (I am still reading your detective Mickey one, I am interested!), I have always wanted to write my stories and OC stuff like that , but it never turns out good.
Anyway, my question is if you any inspirations or reference when it comes to writing, and if so, what are them?
Thank you so much!!! 💕💕💕
It warms my heart so much to see so many people like my story and get invested. I always wanted to get into fanfic writing, but could never imagine seeing so many positive reactions. I worked really hard and I can't wait to share more of what I have planned for this series.
As for your question, it is a simple question, but I actually have a complicated answer lol. Because even though I am writing fanfiction, I feel like a lot of my inspiration comes from things outside of just writing such as tv shows, games, comics, movies, etc. There are so many stories that had such an impact on me like Undertale, Deltarune, Mob Psycho 100, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Gravity Falls, Pokémon Black/White, Steven Universe, Gurren Lagann, Kung Fu Panda, Bojack Horseman, The Great Mouse Detective, Beauty and the Beast (Tbh Disney movies in general), and so much more. I've always wanted to write something just as emotionally impactful and compelling as they were to me. I feel like I daydream of cool moments as well as fun story ideas but never really put them on paper. But one day, while hyper-fixated on Mickey Mouse, I couldn't take only thinking anymore and I decided to just start writing them down and that is how I got my start.
What has also helped is following other creators that have been making their own wonderful stories also based on characters in the whole "Mickey and Friends"-verse. I've been following "Everything is Blue", an incredible story that tackles the relationships that Bud Flud had before he became the Liquidator by @trishabeakens . I also love the amazing duckverse comics by @modmad that do such a brilliant job giving Magica De Spell and Gladstone Gander so much depth with beautiful illustrations. Also, my friend @skullsemi makes many terrific comics about her "The Backup Detectives" AU that explores Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Oswald, Clarabelle, and everyone in such a fun role, and even other people started to add their own take to their AU. That isn't even everyone. Just seeing so many people share their own fantastic work and take on these characters or any other characters are really big inspiration when it comes to getting the push to make my own stuff.
However, I can't talk about inspiration and references and not bring up all of the "Mickey and Friends" media that is the root of my story. The animated shorts, "The Three Musketeers", "The Three Caballeros", "The Goofy Movie", Ducktales 2017, "The Prince and the Pauper", "The Christmas Carol", the comics (Gottfredson, Barks, Rosa, Nucci, Topolino, etc.), Darkwing Duck, and just so much more have all been key references when writing my fanfiction series. Some of the inspiration is obvious such as "Mickey Mouse Outwits the Phantom Blot" for the Pilot. But it is more than that. It is also the feel that all of these stories give. What I like about all of these stories is how well they can balance a fun cartoony comedic vibe, but also have strong emotional moments. In "The Goofy Movie" you can have a musical number where people dance on cars in the same movie where two adults have a serious conversation about trust and the best way to parent a child. That is what I am trying to catch in my story. And now that I think about it a lot of the previous stuff I mentioned in the paragraph above also have a pretty similar balance. I think there is something about being able to be goofy but also sincere that speaks to me. The idea of exploring the tough parts of life, but still holding onto hope and having fun along the way. It is genuine. I want to be genuine.
I know you mentioned earlier about how you don't think you're writing is good. I haven't seen it (mostly because I don't know who you are lol), but I think you are being a bit hard on yourself. The fact that you are writing is better than doing nothing and I would say just write what you want to. Write what you enjoy and find fun. Write what gets you to actually write. Because if I could be honest, I am really writing mostly for me. This is something I've been wanting to do forever and I am having so much fun.
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mama-lazarou · 7 months
The Papa Lazarou love is spreading! Happy to announce that a fanfic has anonymously been submitted to this blog! Warning: NSFW.
Something Wicked This Way Comes 
The grin that spread across his face was chilling but there was something in those eyes – those deep, black, void-like eyes – that drew her in almost hypnotically. 
Taking hold of her wrist, he closely inspected the solitary ring slotted onto her finger. It was a silver promise ring adorned with clear gemstones, a gift from her ex-boyfriend to mark their two year anniversary. He had placed it upon her finger and then promptly cheated on her. 
She’d had enough self-respect to break up with him but that was five months ago and she just couldn't bring herself to take off the ring. If she did, she would have to face selling or donating or disposing of it in some way and it was too valuable for that. Not in material terms, but in what it represented: The past that never was and the future that should have been. 
The demonic clown, who had abruptly barged into her home and introduced himself as Papa Lazarou, manoeuvred her beside the under-cabinet lights in the kitchen so that he could see the gleaming gemstones more clearly. He was staring at the ring hungrily, though he made no move to steal it. It was as though he believed he could charm it from her with words alone. 
“Give me your ring.” He spoke in a disjointed, grating sort of way. 
With this creature standing so close to her, a maniacal grin stretching his features, she should have felt afraid. She didn’t. Truth be told, it was nice to have somebody, or something, taking such an interest in her. It shouldn’t have been possible to feel heat through the many layers of his outfit, yet she seemed to keenly sense his warmth. It had been so long since she had been close to somebody. ‘Touch-starved’ was the appropriate term, she thought. 
Although she felt strangely compelled to surrender the ring, it was the only thing that remained of her happiest relationship. It acted as a physical reminder that she had been happy once. Maybe it meant that she could find happiness again? She touched the silver band, letting her fingers run over the ridges of the gemstones, and Papa Lazarou nodded encouragingly. Then her fingertips traced over the inscription which curved around the ring in sloping script - ‘Eternally yours’. Her entrancement shattered.
“No. No, I won’t give it to you.”
His fingers tightened around her wrist and his grin darkened malevolently. She swallowed and spoke again.
“I won’t give you this ring but... perhaps I could give you something else.”
He tilted his head.
“Like what?” He rasped.
“Like this.”
Bringing her free hand up to his dark curls, she guided his face towards hers, laying a slow, deep kiss upon his lips. The grip on her wrist slackened immediately and she made use of her liberated hand, slipping it beneath the man’s leather coat to caress his waist and then drifting lower to ghost over his crotch. When she broke away, she noticed that the rouge of her lipstick had lightly stained his white lips and there was a startled look in his eye, like that of a cheetah whose prey refused to run. He didn’t know what to do when, instead of fleeing, she was actively offering something to him. 
“Do you like that?” She asked as demurely as was possible with a hand on his cock. 
He could do nothing but nod mutely and she reclaimed his lips once more while unbuttoning his fly and sliding a hand around his growing arousal. A demon in some ways, a man in others. With her eyes closed, he felt much like any other man she had been with. 
She broke the kiss once more and he remained silent, looking at her with wide eyes and slightly parted lips. Aside from pushing his hips forward, encouraging her to stroke, he did not react to her actions. 
She worked him slowly and firmly with her hand, brushing her thumb up to the tip every few strokes and, gradually, he began to breathe a little harder, still looking at her with that same startled intensity. Out of nowhere, he let out a feline growl and whirled her around. He grasped her by the waist with surprising strength and lifted her up to sit on the countertop. 
Overcome by desire for this dark entity to consume her, she helped him to hike up her dress and he slid the fabric of her underwear to one side, barely taking a single breath before he pushed himself inside of her and began to fuck her frantically, as though he feared she might change her mind at any moment. It felt strikingly good. She threw her head back and, with no regard for the neighbours, moaned loudly. 
His grip continued to tighten around her waist as he fucked her animalistically. The pleasured sounds that she made began to merge with Papa Lazarou’s intermittent snarls and she forced herself to meet his unbroken gaze. His eyes were becoming less focussed but held onto their unnerving intensity. 
To think that somebody wanted her so badly was... reassuring? It meant that she was, in some way, desirable. Perhaps she didn’t have to cling to the memory of her ex-boyfriend if she could attract the attention of new men. Maybe even other men who could fuck her like this, though she doubted anybody else could maintain such vigour. There was something other-worldly about the way Papa Lazarou made her feel and, despite never having climaxed from this kind of sex before, she sensed that he would make it happen. A coiled tension was beginning to gather in her lower stomach. He pulled her forward to adjust the angle and the sudden bust of pleasure forced a guttural “fuck yes” from her. 
“That’s it.” He urged, “That’s it, nearly there now.” 
His eyes widened impossibly, black pupils eclipsing any irises that may have been visible before and she felt herself slipping over the edge. The noise that escaped her was borderline inhuman as he crashed into her repeatedly and her body convulsed in shuddering, relentless waves. Even when the strongest contractions had passed, she remained blissfully oversensitive. 
At last, Papa Lazarou’s impassive mask fell away. He began to tremble lightly and his eyelids fluttered closed. Even in the heights of passion, she couldn’t help but admire the fan of dark eyelashes contrasting with his white-rimmed eyes. She felt a jolting swell inside of her as a single heavy breath crossed his lips, followed by a deep, abrasive growl. He pressed himself tightly against her body and unloaded surges of warmth into her, his eyes squeezed shut and his nose slightly wrinkled in an expression caught somewhere between pain and pleasure. 
When it was all over, he stepped away looking almost sheepish and quickly refastened his trousers while she stood and brushed her dress flat. He hesitated for a moment and then, wordlessly, he nodded once and turned away. 
He had already begun to saunter towards the door when she finally found her voice and called after him. With trembling fingers, she slipped off the ring and held it out to him. 
“It’s yours, if you promise to come back.”
With a slow nod, Papa Lazarou reached out to take the ring and dropped it into his pocket, where it clinked against a collection of stolen jewellery. She immediately felt lighter. 
He leaned in towards her until their faces were almost touching and his voice, though still rough, took on an unfamiliar warmth.
“You’re my wife now.”
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yeolsaintlaurent · 8 months
Yeolsaintlaurent's Blog Guidelines
About -
I am an EXO fan fiction writer and write exclusively for EXO. All of my works are exo member x fem reader. I would love to write for other gender/ gender identities, but I need time to research and improve my knowledge on how to write accordingly so as to make my work authentic
I am very very excited to be a part of the EXO fanfic writer community here on tumblr
I absolutely love the craft of writing, and am very proud of my work. I also see this blog as my way of honing my skills.
I start of a fic as a one-shot but somehow it almost always ends up as a series (I get inspired and feel compelled to flesh out the characters, the places, have multiple character arcs, etc)
Tumblr works on reblogs. So please reblog my work to support me and show me you like what you are reading. It will motivate me to churn out content regularly
I write and post on my PC. So if you are reading on your mobile, which you most probably are, the formatting may get fucked up (I know it's a pain in the ass)
My works will contain -
I mostly write fiction that includes dark themes. I will absolutely include warnings and tags before each piece.
Mental health themes
Real world problems such as corruption, climate change, war, abuse, ptsd etc. I write about them to bring awareness as well as the fact that I like incorporating realness in my fics. I do not sugarcoat issues.
That said, not all my fics will be like that. I do enjoy writing fluff, romance, and pieces that would warm your heart and/or cause butterflies in your stomach. <3
NSFW DOs : smut(duh), rough sex, group sex/ gang bangs, ddlg, obsession, stalker, degradation, cnc, mild sadism, cum play, yandere, unprotected sex, consensual somnophilia, knife play, gun play, dom-sub
Definitely not -
Member death or suicide
member x member or member x other idols
NSFW NOTs : Non-con, Scat play, age regression to minor, bestiality, gore, vore, incest, pedophilia, rape, stealthing, abo, hybrids
And that should wrap it up. Thank you so so much for taking the time to go through this post, my loves xx
♡、。・:*:·゜`*。·:*:·゜`♡、。・:*:·゜`*。·:*:·゜`♡、。・:*:· `*。゜・:*:·゜`*。·:*:·゜
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curedeity · 1 year
It’s fanfic day-
Okay so if you haven’t noticed today I went around and dropped an ask in like… most of my beyblade mutuals (and some nonmutuals I think?) inboxes and asked them for their favorite fics. If you didn’t receive an ask but wanna do this, like, go ahead? I probably was just like “oh hmmmmm idk if this person wants me in their inbox”
But! I’m also gonna take this chance and gush about some of my favorite beyblade fanfics, because I recently buckled down and actually got through a lot of the ones I wanted to. 
Gotta start with “The Previous Wielder (Is Just a Guy)” by @artisadie (or squirt1254 on ao3). The fact Sadie has not published any more fics is criminal. Like, Sadie, it’s an actual crime that you gave me this fic and then nothing more. The dynamic written between Gingka and Ryo here is so compelling, managing to merge a serious reflection with their combined goofiness. It’s just really well-written, and also pretty short for anyone who wants a quick read.
My government mandated @lady-lazagna fic is “Christmas with Kenta” (on ao3) which I think is the first one I read of hers. A lot of her fics are very good, including Wounded Pride and especially the second chapter of Metal Mayhem, but I think this is the first work of hers I read, and one that really stuck with me. I like the way it manages to handle this sort of bittersweet feeling, choosing a slightly darker route of Ryuga’s future post-canon if he stayed alive, but also bringing it this very mundane feel. I think it’s an amazing work of both characterization of a wide cast, and also masterfully balances its tone.
As for another Kenta and Ryuga bonding Christmas themed fic, we’ve got “so this is christmas (the war is over)” by @little-christmas-song (ssongpyeon on ao3). Once again, Song, this is active violence against me for this to be your only published fic. Your writing style is addictive. This fic does focus a lot more on the dynamic between Ryuga and Kenta, and is a much more mellow piece taking place further post-canon. Song has a really good understanding of language, and their writing style is honestly incredible. I really love the way it sneaks it characterization for some of its supporting cast as well, and I think it’s just a really chill read overall.
And now for another absolute legend of the ao3, we have @starfishes-and-watercolors or CallmeCloudyorVal on ao3. There’s a lot of fics of theirs I like, from their Tithi fics to Adoption AU, but after thinking for about a minute I found that I could confidently say “The Working Dead” is my favorite fic of theirs. The fic focuses on Madoka and Yuki just having conversations with each other while being absolutely stressed from work at the WBBA, and I can confidently say this fic definitely influenced a fair few headcanons I have for them. It really helped me realize just how good of a dynamic these two could have, and is a pretty fun read for me just for that. The fic is just also very funny at many parts, especially when Yuki and Madoka get the closest to murder.
Lightning round! “Temple Tetris” by DinoSohn (on ao3) is a short humorous piece about Dynamis. It gave me a good laugh, and will probably do the same for you.
“Spicy sweet potato chips” by @ladyryukyo (mademoiselle1 on ao3) is also just a quick work about Ryo that I enjoy, and it focuses on Kyoya and Ryo’s dynamic. It’s got a pretty humorous concept, and executes that humor really well. I like the mundane insanity it has.
It was hard to choose for @heybeyby (candiedshekelsss on ao3) because I really enjoyed “A Leaf-Colored Contemplation” (btw, banger title) but I gotta go with “Fallen Down Where The Dead Boys Go” (seriously wtf is up with all your titles slapping???). How could I not, I got so much lore for this fic given to me and so much fear placed into me. This is a Shogun Steel fic, and a more plot heavy one at that, but if you’ve watched Shogun Steel I can’t recommend this fic enough. It has really good narration for each character so far, and a lot of good character building as well. I am so excited for where this fic will go, and especially excited for the characterizations of Maru and Ren we’ve gotten so far, and where those will go too.
At this point I have started to forget who I’ve mentioned by now and who I haven’t. Gonna come clean and say I am writing this post ahead of time, on google docs, and I’m still getting lost.
Time for some longer multichapters!
First off, I’d like to mention “From Different Eyes” by @masterofdemise (on ao3). This fic is about Dynamis and Pluto post-canon swapping bodies, and has a lot good character building for underutilized canon characters (Elysse counts). But most of all, this fic absolutely embraces the humor of the situation, and the humor of the characters. It is constantly leaning into the absurd, and the humor is written with the characters well in mind. I could go on for a while about how humor is used in this fic, but it absolutely makes it worth the read even if you aren’t interested in Dynamis or Pluto.
“And then there were 4” by @voidix (on ao3) is likely one of the most plot-heavy beyblade fics I’ve read. It takes a lot to commit to making a plot-heavy multichapter, and the set-up and revelations so far in this fic are quite fun. It has a lot of that beyblade absurdity, and I’m glad I read it.
@andro-dino has many good fics, though I don’t think my favorite choice will surprise anyone, as I wrote a fic inspired by it! “This Body of Mine?” (on ao3) Is a short, Toby-centric fic, and I think it’s just a really sweet character study. I don’t really know what to say about it other than it’s a good read, and definitely one anyone interested in Toby’s fanon character growth should read (we are seriously giving this dude so much).
@qloof has got a lot of fics published, but the one I’m gonna choose is “King and Tithi’s Pranking Adventure” (on ao3)  I just found it genuinely funny and sweet. I hope another chapter gets written, but if not, it’s still a solid read for anyone who’s interested, and has really fun characterizations for the legendary blader cast.
“Hagane” by @mellythedork (on ao3) is also a very neat fic, I love the magic it embraces for the mfb universe, and a lot of the writing is very cool. I’d definitely encourage you to read it if you’re a Ryo fan like I am, or just want to see Doji get his shit wrecked.
For my last fic, I wanna quickly shoutout “Gesso” by Arcylic (on ao3) which without a doubt really made me interested in what Team Starbreaker dynamics could be like. It focuses on Zeo and Jack’s dynamic, and has a lot of really fun dialogue between the two. I can bet this fic started a wave of people absolutely ready to try their own hand at the starbreaker dynamic.
Now, I can’t very well let the opportunity to talk about myself just pass me by. I have 53 published beyblade fics, so you can imagine it might be a bit hard for me to choose.
I will say if you’ve watched Shogun Steel, even just a bit, and haven’t read “Stolen Pride” yet, I’d absolutely encourage you to. Since I started in this fandom, I’ve really tried to make narratives about feminism that deal with the issues of the show in an in-universe manner. “Stolen Pride” is my newest work to explicitly focus on that, and I’d love people to read it and tell me what they enjoyed and didn’t. It’s a discussion I really want to have.
“Darkness in Triplicate” is one of my longest Hikaru-centric works, and a bit of a dark read, but I think absolutely worthwhile. I have always wanted to pull off adding Hikaru into the Masters plot, and I think with this fic I finally managed to do so.
Finally, I have to mention “By the Dead of Morning/I’ll be Better for It/And then Fortified I’ll Rise” which is the Faust joins Starbreaker early AU. I put likely way too much effort into this fic, and I really hope I’m not banned from other secret santas because of it (not that I’ll promise to not do it again…). It isn’t entirely my headcanons, but I really like the writing I did for this, along with the concept itself. It’s one of my longest works yet, and the fact I pulled it off makes me so proud of myself.
If you read this far, congratulations! You’re insane! But I’m really glad you read all this, I really appreciate a lot of beyblade fic writers, and actually committing and reading all the fics I’ve wanted to was a really good time. I hope if any of the fics on this list interest you, you go and check them out! And maybe leave a comment for the author. We’ve got an honestly impressive ficwriting community for how tiny this show is, and I can’t wait to see if even more people join! Yknow… so long as they’re not the type of people I gotta use that new mute function on… BUT WE’RE BEING POSITIVE AND HEY
We got a lot of cool fics :)))
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mocha-writes · 1 year
Sun, Moon, and Star OC Meme
Tagged by: @perkeleen-lavellan 
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Isaac Hawke
Honestly, this ended up being the only motif left after assigning moon and star to my Inquisitor and Warden, but it fits a cheerful extrovert with red hair. Besides being a musician, I’ve pictured Isaac as someone who gardens--I don’t know if I’ve discussed this headcanon anywhere before or not, but I want to think that he and Merrill actually restore the gardens at the Amell estate--and the idea of sunlight as restorative and nurturing seems relevant for that. There’s also a connection with Varric’s tarot card representation (the Sun), so I think this suits Isaac rather well.
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Solomon Trevelyan
Solomon has the color scheme for this, with albinism making him unusually pale and white-haired, but thinking of the moon as a representation of mystery, cycles, and emotion, I think this fits him as well. He’s a necromancer whose magic taps into life energy itself and deals with spirits that could easily be considered demons, and his life has been marked by phases that ultimately end in a “return”: growing up in the Alienage, being adopted into his father’s family after his mother’s death, being sent to the Circle where he gradually goes from rebellious apprentice with multiple escape attempts to Senior Enchanter and person who keeps the Ostwick branch of the Libertarians afloat after news of Kinloch Hold’s near-downfall causes a decline in membership, the Circle falling just for him to end up as part of the delegation of mages at the Conclave, being Inquisitor, and finally shedding that title by disbanding the Inquisition as well as his “human” name in favor of reclaiming “Sulevin,” his birth name that he had no choice but to give up when recognized by his father, Bann Trevelyan. He’s gradually had to learn to bottle up his emotions and get better at picking his own battles just to survive, but I still picture him as someone who feels a lot, deeply, and this, combined with “dark forces aren’t necessarily evil” and “it’s never too late to reconnect,” make me think a moon motif suits him.
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Ephraim Surana
This one came to mind immediately, because I’ve had “Ephraim studied astronomy in the Circle and is fascinated by the stars” as a headcanon for long time. Thinking about stars as crucial to navigation and as ways of understanding the world, considering all of the myths and history associated with constellations both in our world and Thedas, I think this motif suits Ephraim, who I also associate with stories and history. I feel like I’ve talked about the headcanon that he loves romance novels and has written fanfic for his favorite ones a lot, but one I haven’t focused on as much is “he translated and made copies of the Eluvian manuscript that’s crucial to the plot of Witch Hunt, so there’s no stealing of the text from Ariane’s clan by Morrigan, who’d have her own copy that Ephraim shared with her during the Blight.” I want to think there was an entire “ring” of mages dedicated to ensuring access to their people’s knowledge that the Chantry tried to claim and to preserving what they might have brought with them from outside the Circle, like songs, recipes, etc. It’s not an original idea by any means (thank you Kari/October-Rosehip for having things like this in Macsen’a backstory if you see this), but the sheer concept of an “underground elven library in Kinloch Hold” compels me. To bring this back around to stars, thinking of them as omens makes me think of Ephraim as well—he’s my oldest Dragon Age OC and has been through so many changes. I’ll probably mess with his story more if I ever get to replay the series again. But one theme I want to think has been consistent with him, and one I want to keep, is “no matter what one has done, one can always decide and try to be a better person.” When I think of omens, I think of symbols, mysterious and powerful, and I think that suits the Hero of Ferelden.
Tagging: @scribbledquillz @zeesqueere @musingmycelium and anyone who wants to do this and needs an excuse. Let me enable you. There’s no obligation, as always, this was just fun and I thought I’d share
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echoeternally · 2 months
Hey, just wanted to say that I really love Bluebells are Forever and Melting Gelid Roses! I found both of them by accident years ago and would every-so often come back to check your progress. (I’m currently writing this in the middle of my 3-4th reread).
I just wanted to say thank you, you gave a lot of hope to a young gay man when he didn’t have any. So, thank you.
Hi there! Thank you very much for writing in to me!
It's delightful to learn that you stumbled across the fanfics by accident. Part of me wonders how often that happens to my readers and I haven't a clue. Very fun to consider though!
Anyway, I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed both BAF and MGR so much. Those were two very enjoyable fanfics to write and helped me expand my skills in world-building. For Pokemon fanfics, they became something very enjoyable to create, and the audience interactions were something that I don't think I can recapture with any other piece of work that I've done or perhaps ever will do.
The stories themselves feel enchanting to work on, and I love the amount that I was able to research when I was younger. I think that, because the world itself had to be built up with outside references from the franchise, that gave more creative freedoms than I had worked with previously.
Also, making many couples as gay as I wanted was great fun, lol. But, I think there was a sense of wholeness to their characterizations too, and that made their journeys more compelling for readers to follow. Plus, since the leads are gay, that allows readers to relate to them better than they're given the opportunity to do so normally.
At any rate, I've rambled enough. You're welcome for the stories, and I'm honored to hear that they gave you hope when you faced bleakness in life. I do hope that things have turned around for you, and that there are many more beautiful things in the world that can inspire hope, joy, love, and wonder in your life.
If there are now, and you're doing better, that's delightful to know, and I hope it continues to progress along nicely! But, if not, then I do want you to know that there are going to be moments that will feel overwhelming and awful, and I want you to keep in mind that they are just that: moments. Life is full of ups and downs, and that mostly remains out of our control.
However, those downs will not last, and as long as you remember to find even just the smallest joys from the ups, those are worth it. I've been to dark places before myself, but, I've come to learn as I grow that they are not permanent. Some can even teach us and help make us stronger; you don't realize the challenges you can face until you're coming out from the other side of them.
So, I wish good luck and well wishes to you, and hope that your days are better more often than not. Again, it was a pleasure to hear that my stories were able to bring a little light to your life, and that kind of response warms my heart more than you realize.
Hope you enjoy your latest re-read! And I'd like to imagine that I'll update the 3rd story this year for the series' tenth anniversary come December, but, we'll see about that. But that's neither here nor there as much; I hope you have a wonderful day/week, and please take care as well! All the best!
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absentcaryatid · 6 months
Over my clearly expressed wishes, authors have been tagged bringing a post of mine to their attention. Although this was out of my control, and despite my active pleas not to, I still apologize to the people who for many reasons would not want to be notified of a post with links to mature fanfics or other content you might seek to avoid. It is this very situation I was trying to prevent.
As a follower who keeps up with every personal post on my dash, I also know many of you are dealing with difficult things in your life and do not need to have someone trying to drag you into their quarrel with me. Again, I deeply apologize for this situation.
Apart from personal tastes, many on my fic rec list are also teachers and perhaps have now followed the mention ping to what is labeled a mature Tumblr post while on school Wi-Fi. Having retired from teaching I am aware of what scrutiny we can be put under and deliberately did not want to risk this with anyone.
Every author on the list already knows of my great admiration through reblogs on the fics directly. Some follow me or otherwise are on friendly to dear terms so have seen it without outside "help". Others are like me and don't feel it necessary to be notified over a mention so trivial.
The small happiness some authors might miss out on from not being made aware of an additional compliment is far outweighed by forcing a pinged author to have their attention drawn to a list of fanfics with content that they may actively not want to think about for many valid reasons I leave onlookers to reason out themselves.
I have also explicitly seen pleas elsewhere not to be mass tagged in posts aimed to be a positive mention and found the explanation compelling. Anybody know any socially anxious writers? It becomes a problem if unknown to me, they do not get along with someone mentioned or another aspect of the list content and then have to navigate my possible negative reaction for the author not responding to my ping with gratitude or a reblog of the post they have been included in. I thoughtfully avoid putting people in that position. My understanding is the two camps of member x member writers and reader insert authors have little overlap, then there are monster stories in the masterlist compilation too so that's a lot of people I could be stressing out.
I vehemently disagree with the idea that writers are owed a ping when spoken of positively, especially for a list of this type spanning PG to X-rated authors. This list was for the benefit of readers, and the writers themselves were never the intended audience. It certainly has never been malicious or furtive intent behind my deliberate choice not to tag people.
As a storyteller myself it has been my preference to come upon my own work in similar lists a few times through chance or following the poster and the pleasant surprise of the discovery of a kind mention was part of the joy. Others clearly feel differently, but this is an argument over a courtesy that may be extended when the circumstances are appropriate, not an absolute that has been called actively insulting to authors if I do not notify them.
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thereallivingded · 2 months
8 months
Nearly 8 months have passed since I blogged. Damn.
I apologize profusely if anyone was interested in my ramblings. I have zero excuses other than life got hard. Full time job. Which I hated profusely - not that I'm not going to be working full time again soon - tends to bring on crushing depression when I feel stuck in it. Which I did, and I was. When you are paid bi-weekly and you see that entire paycheck go to your cost of living.. well. It doesn't do good things to your psyche. Energy levels get low and all that extra you had energy for before gets used up with day to day survival. Getting out of bed. Getting to work. Feeding yourself. Cleaning your house. Squeezing in workout (a thing I do now).
It's not all bad I suppose. I've finally been able to interview for and obtain a position that will not only net me a raise but be closer to home. Hopefully, that should get me more free time to pursue the things I actually enjoy.
I'd like to say that in this time I've been able to tackle my backlog of Steam games. But. Well. BG3 happened. And I spent even more time in the game than I had in early access. It's maddening how much time I've sunk into Faerun. I have no regrets though.
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The only thing really that's kept me from finishing my campaign - as I am in Act 3 - is my computer. I haven't upgraded the beast since 2020 or 2021-ish. And it's starting to show. My mobo is acting extraordinarily peculiar. Sometimes I'll walk away from my computer to come back a couple hours later and find it stuck in bios. Super fun. The connection to the mobo gets wiggled a little and everything pops back on. Super. However, anything heavy to run - like BG3 - tends to get very crash-y.
Again. Super.
AND. Due to my financial constraints because of the job I recently left, I was completely unable to fix this. I'm hoping with the advent of the new job, getting a few paychecks in to stabilize, I can rectify the problems. Hopefully.
I started a couple of fanfics for the first time ever. I am ridiculously shy about them. My writing skills have become so sodding rusty. The stories came to me while I was playing BG3 and I was compelled to write them down. Note now, that the frequency of updates directly reflects the time I have to invest in them. So keep that in mind.
Be gentle on me here lol!
I have been able to get some gaming done. I have ceased playing Back 4 Blood, as it became no longer supported by its dev team. A sad move really. The gaming industry as a whole has become this parasitic beast. Devs work on a game for an extremely limited amount of time and abandon it the moment it becomes less lucrative than their board of directors care for.
There is a trend towards monetization of minutiae and online play in inappropriate genres, that has become an insidious infection in the game industry. It robs us of good game development. There's this mentality of more, more, now that's just slow poison to the whole beast. It makes everything very same-y and boring.
Which is why I strive at this point in my life, to not give money to the companies which I feel are most guilty of this. The only way to make these corporations listen is to hit them in the $. As such I will probably be carefully curating any games I discuss or mention on this blog from here on. My next post will likely be discussing a visual novel I've spent some time in that I equal parts enjoyed and became frustrated with. So that's in the pipeline. Until then keep to the lights lovies. <3
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gremlinaristocrat · 6 months
Outstanding Ambiguities in Almost Nowhere
I here use ‘outstanding’ both in the sense of ‘unresolved’ and ‘extremely good’; I sincerely hope we never get a definitive answer for these.
Was Hector Stein originally a human being?
I’ll lead with my favourite: we never nail down whether Hector was a person placed in a Chestromath-y crash by Anomalings, or an NPC they stitched together to play a part in someone else’s dream.
Obvious signs seem to point to ‘human’, but consider:
He’s preternaturally charismatic, compelling, larger-than-life, and yet thoroughly unimaginative; all his tricks are copied from elsewhere. Once you start seeing the parallels between him and the (other?) fictives, it’s hard to unsee.
IIRC we never hear about his pre-crash history from anyone, even though that would be an excellent potential source of slander and scuttlebutt; considering the partisanship of the authors, this silence is conspicuous, ergo suspect.
Every other character seems subject to the convention “living humans and Anomalings are referred to with a first name only; fictives get surnames (which we don’t bring up for fictives we like, unless we’re making a point of reminding you they’re fictives); Annes can have little pseudo-surnames, as a treat”. Hector is the sole (apparent?) exception.
If he was a real boy, this raises the question: what sort of person’s Shade-assigned fantasy life looks like being cast into the role of “the teacher all the schoolgirls get crushes on”? And if he wasn’t . . . has everyone on Earth spent the last few years constantly hearing about the daring revolution being headed by (a fanfic version of) (their equivalent of) Severus Snape?
(I love this one the best because literally everyone in-universe would know the answer, and the only reason it’s not clear to me is that none of the half-dozen narrators felt it was non-obvious enough to be worth mentioning. Terra Ignota vibes, amplified to and past the point of parody; 11/10, no notes.)
What exactly did Azad do to Anne Twenty-Seven? Under what circumstances?
Yes, he hurt her. Yes, he broke her heart, abandoned her, and chose her sisters over her, only to abandon them in turn. But Azad – in the chapter he spends spelling out his various crimes – is weirdly vague and reticent about the exact nature of his original sin, the snowball that started the avalanche: all we hear for sure is that ‘it involves trust’. Is he staying quiet for his sake, or for hers? Is he magnifying his evil, or minimizing it? Or is this all because it’s another thing everyone already knows, the part of the sordid story the Nowhere-to-Hides wrote across the stars, and Azad only feels the need to confirm the allegations and fill in the blanks?
We don’t know; we don’t get to know.
Was Azad actively tortured while in Twenty-Five’s custody, or ‘just’ given awful working conditions?
We see a man stooped over a desk, compelled to eternal labour and penance. We see him later, rescued and refusing to believe it, insisting this is one of Twenty-Five’s tricks. Is this paranoia born from guilt, or past experience? Grant asserts based on his condition that “Hector’s guys” must have been “doing some pretty crazy shit”, but this is never confirmed or denied.
Later still, we hear his screams as he processes what happened in the crashes. How many of these are driven by guilt from Michael’s crash, versus trauma from Twenty-Five’s? Did she really have him working full-time on translation, or did she take some time every now and then to remind him of how her wants are structured?
I think Azad (and his co-authors) left this one in on purpose. He knew this book would be read by his victims – the Annes would have been top of his mind, but literally all of his in-universe readers would be living in a world wrought by What Azad Did – and wanted to preserve ambiguity for their sake: everyone (save Twenty-Five herself) gets to read their preferred ratio of self-inflicted vs other-inflicted suffering into the monster.
What happened to Annabel?
This is so weird. Shades don’t kill. They don’t even kill animals. And during the fall of Advanced Containment, long after she was supposed to be dead, Sylvie describes her as “stable, contained”; the dead don’t need much containing. But the official story is that she was slaughtered by Anomalings when Hector first left the crashes.
I think the official story is wrong. I think she disagreed with Hector, defected from him, joined up with Sylvie’s side . . . and then her former allies rebased her, rewriting her story so she dies at the most convenient moment. But mnemopoesis preserved her contribution to the manuscript, in the form of some autobiographical chapters (written in first-person, unlike any of the Annes the authors knew better, with the jarring justification that they just had to try mimicking her unique voice and personality), a deep understanding of the games and codes used in Michael’s crash (would we really be able to learn as much as we were shown from Eleven’s wilfully neglected witchcraft, and secrets Cordelia stole from Twenty-Five?), and a pair of un-attributable comments from a [REDACTED] co-author.
. . . unless, of course, that’s exactly what Azad and his co-conspirators want me to think: another piece of anti-Stein propaganda, all the more effective because they made me put the pieces together myself. (If that’s the case, it’s the kind of trick I can feel proud about managing to fall for.)
Who was [REDACTED]?
I mean, you know my opinion. But if it wasn’t Annabel, who was it?
It wasn’t her . . . and wasn’t a fabrication . . . I like to think it was an Anne who actually managed to erase herself from the narrative. Someone who stepped from the stage, and just kept walking, refusing to re-inflict the wound, leaving the entire sorry mess behind them.
How much damage control was Hector’s faction doing behind the scenes?
For most of the story, the world and its’ population remain precariously preserved, balanced on a bed of knife-edges. But with uncanny regularity – especially when you remember this is technically a war story – nukes don’t fly, crashes don’t fail, and Named Characters don’t die.
Towards the end of the story, we find out that Hector has thrived as long as he has by – essentially – savescumming. A little after that, Anne Eleven dies tragically, nigh-simultaneously with a substantial fraction of humanity, as the dog-god of war lets himself slip. And immediately after that, Sylvie restabilizes, as he figures out how to make sure Hector’s trickery can never work again.
So . . . how many disasters was Hector quietly averting? How many of Sylvie’s more destructive tantrums did he (unwittingly?) head off? How many times did he find Advanced Containment, and then rebase away his knowledge of it to save the people trapped inside? Does he even know? Does anyone? What’s the expected lifespan of this too-brave new world now our heroes have successfully smashed the Undo button?
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mareenavee · 1 year
Counter-counter-custom ask. Let's do something a little off the beaten path. What sort of reader are you? Are you on the "read omnivorously, time and spoons allowing" bandwagon, or do you find that you gravitate towards specific things? What do you read for, when you're reading for Not Work (however defined)? Can be fanfic or original, fiction or not, or a little bit of everything <3 Optional Bonus: what do you tend to avoid, if anything (genres, tropes, styles, or in your flavor)? Same parameters as above. Optional Bonus, Extra Special Edition: What's the relationship between reading and writing for you?
Ohhh reading questions <3 Thank you, my friend. I always appreciate your custom asks. They are a joy to answer!
I am a read everything kind of person, for sure, within parameters which are parts of the next couple questions lol. I frequently have more spoons for reading than for anything else at the end of my day, and reading is still productive enough for my brain to forgive me my idleness lol. (I do loudly protest hustle culture but I have a soul-deep perhaps even genetic inability to sit still with nothing productive to do, especially now that I am feeling marginally better injury-wise than I have over the last few years.)
I like fantasy genre best of all, but do like a good sci-fi story once in a while. Sometimes creative non-fiction. Occasionally poetry collections. Infrequently contemporary. I tend not to read horror because I'm a chicken lol Well, I'm an editor, which I've mentioned a humble amount of times. Here and there, perhaps infrequently lol so reading is work, too, but it's different. When I read for just the sheer joy of reading, I'm not reading for anything except a good story. Applies to fic, too. I ask "What makes this a good story?" and "What about this is working?" "What can I forgive not working if the story itself is still compelling?" and things like that, so that I can figure that out for myself when I'm writing, which I suppose translates back to the end of this question, so I'll scoot it up here.
I believe making the time to invest in what you're reading is the greatest gift you can give yourself as a writer besides actually sitting down to write and defending your writing time. Ask yourself why story beats and characters are working for you to create an entertaining experience. If a book leaves something to be desired, allow yourself the time to be critical of why. If you seem to frequently be unable to find the story you want to read, again, be critical of how these books are falling short -- and also what elements have the most potential, even if the author didn't follow through in a way you expected. Enjoy the process anyway -- allow yourself to like books that are imperfect. This attitude translates back to your work, too. Things don't have to be perfect, especially out of the gate. Having an understanding of what you'd like to see/improve is different than expecting your first draft to be perfect. Mindset matters here, too. So enjoy books and read widely. That translates back to writing in more ways than I can explain.
I am very forgiving when I'm reading outside of work. (Those I've beta read for or have edited before will know I am gentle in my advice, but still push the author to bring out the best in their work.) I am a lot more willing to overlook glaring structural problems especially in fic if the characters are well written. I am willing to overlook a lack of characterization if the action scenes are unputdownable.
I think the only things I avoid at all costs these days are pwp fic, really and romance as a genre by itself. It's boring to me, doesn't affect me, and really doesn't bring that element of having a good story to the table generally speaking. Sometimes it does? I suppose? But at least with romance novels it's more formulaic, and I'm already bored by the premise of simply romance with nothing else outside of it and doesn't risk much from what I've been able to stomach of the years. (This doesn't mean I don't like drama with a dash of romance or stories that have threads of romance! That's different and not what I mean here.)
And pwp for me is like... well I've said this before in complete jest but it's true. Trying to get me to read it and have an opinion on it for you is like trying to defeat a Ghost Type Pokémon with a Normal type Pokémon or vice versa. It just isn't the right material and I'm not the right audience and the whole point of the thing is lost on me. (:
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