#and lots more
arceespinkgun · 2 years
Someday I really want some of the most obvious possible MLM ships from the 80s cartoon to be confirmed in other media. Like, IDW has a lot of same-gender romances, but they were all really strange choices... I mean, they literally had Ironhide say he loves Optimus but they didn’t go with IronOp (which would’ve been a very obvious option based on the cartoon), fans have joked about Megatron and Soundwave secretly having a thing for decades and that’s never been canon in any media, and we don’t have canon WheelRatch from any media even though Wheeljack and Ratchet were co-parents in the 80s cartoon, and the MP Inferno toy has a special platform just so he can cradle Red Alert in his arms like in the 80s cartoon, but that’s not canon anywhere either... and of course, Tracks/Raoul not being canon anywhere is the biggest crime lol 
Whereas I don’t know who wanted Prowl and Tarantulas to have a baby in IDW! XD
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vouxq · 27 days
My new brainrot ship is literally not as famous (basically me crying over the fact that I have no fanfictions and in order to do that, someone has to write or I have to take up the pen and do it myself.) ehem... Constantine x Madam Z
I'm no person that can whip up a good fanfic in seconds.
My followers and mutuals will now witness a descent to madness (/j) because I need my toxic/doomed yuri ship to sail.
Wlw tropes are already full of angst, nothing changes with more being added /jk /lh
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when you want to talk about much more while you’re talking about Rebecca.. you're doing amazing, sweetie. 💙
cr. IG @udonthavlemons
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elilelibeli · 15 days
Ele Mood-board :) <3
go to pinterest and make yourself a moodboard, whatever that means to you.
@bellaxisworld thankuuuu <3 love the angel moodboard it is so so cute the teacups are adorable!!
all my Pinterest has are pics of Ruby Cruz but we move on from that
even though I don’t think this is still quite right, the party sheep makes it worth it!
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wow second tag in a span of 10 minutes wow, who do u think u are ele! but i only interacted here with you guys so here we go again: @a-pine-cone @missmoonfrost @moonymiel @myriadparacosm + everyone else cause as a Pinterest sl@t i wanna see y’alls boards
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peithopathos · 23 days
Wargal!Halt AU Open-Edit Worldbuilding Document
I was bored at work so I decided to expand upon the Wargal!Halt AU. Adding more details to changed characters, what Halt's disappearance actually means to the Ranger Corps, the wargal-turning artifact, and some worldbuilding surrounding Morgarath and the Mountains of Rain and Night.
Also, if you want to make suggestions, changes, or additions the document is open-edit for anyone who wants to world build with the AU.
[This doc does not account for the Royal Ranger]
Here is the link for anyone interested
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standupcomedyhistorian · 11 months
🎶 White Woman....a White Woman's Instagram 🎶
In case you missed it, I'm now on Instagram AND Threads! 👀
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You can follow me @standupcomedyhistorian on both platforms, and keep it here for more comedy fun! ✌🏼
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pleafyistired · 1 year
i think i lost the context to this woops :(
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sirompp · 5 months
hi. i made some images.
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feel free to take them and use for whatever you may need them for. no credit required
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fattylime · 1 year
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a study i did because i realized idk how to draw environments at all LMAO
a few people have asked, so this is a now a print <3
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 21 days
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License to Kitty.
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caffeinatedopossum · 1 year
Me when I remember something I said ages ago that was wrong or my values no longer align with
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tariah23 · 21 days
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White people are miserable, racist losers period. They’ve even been getting mad at Japanese people for correcting them about Yasuke as well.
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stil-lindigo · 2 months
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lead balloon (the tumblr post that saved me)
if this comic resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you donated to this palestinian family's escape fund.
no creative notes because this isn't that kind of comic.
I know I don’t owe any of you anything but I still felt compelled to write about my long term absence. And I feel far enough away from the dangerous spot I was in to be able to make this comic. I have a therapist now, and she agreed that making this could be a very cathartic gesture, and the start of properly leaving these thoughts behind me. I am still, at seemingly random times, blindsided by fleeting desires to kill myself. They’re always passing urges, but it’s disarming, and uncomfortable. I worry sometimes that my brain’s spent so long thinking only about suicide that it’s forgotten how to think about anything else. Like, now that I've opened that door for myself, I'll never be able to fully shut it again. But I’m trying my best to encourage my mind in other directions. We'll see how that goes.
I am still donating all proceeds from my store to Palestinian causes. So far, I've donated over $15K, not including donations coming from my own pocket or the fundraising streams which jointly raised around $10K. In the time since I made my initial post about where this money would be going, the focus has shifted from aid organisations to directly donating to escape funds.
If you'd like to do the same, you can look at Operation Olive Branch, which hosts hundreds of Palestinian escape funds or donate to Safebow, which has helped facilitate the safe crossing and securing of important medical procedures for over 150 at-risk palestinians since the beginning of the genocide.
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thepixelatedcactus · 7 months
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flying the original character artist flag with pride
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catmask · 8 months
does anyone have like an anti aesthetic. like something you look at and can recognize as a complete fashion/interior design/artistic movement and understand it but it makes you shudder seeing it. i am not talking like “its morally bad” “its poorly structured” like just sheerly devoid of joy for you actually invites a repulse response.
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Sorry, but having Zuko actually fight back against Ozai during their Agni Kai is just wrong. He was a child, only 13 at the time, afraid to fight his own father and was mutilated as punishment, because Ozai saw Zuko's begging and unwillingness to fight as unforgiveable weakness.
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The Angi Kai isn't meant to be a showcase of Zuko's fighting potential (that's what the Zhao fight is for), but to show the utter cruelty of Ozai.
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