#and like I know it was wrong of me to yell (am gonna apologize for that)
chaifootsteps · 2 days
some reassuring comments under that Forced Positivity video:
I swear to god if Apology Tour is just Blitzø apologizing to his innocent little owl boyfriend I’m gonna lose it
I really don't like how much of a hypocrite Stolas was in this scene, and i REALLLYYYY hope that it was an intentional scene of him being hypocritical and not the writers genuinely trying to make us think he's in the right here.
on my hands and knees begging that this scene was an intentional character flaw on stolas' part that they will have him work through in future episodes, bc ong there is no way they just completely forgot abt every single character interaction stolas and blitzo have had until this point and sure stolas was secretly craving a relationship, but only the viewer was let in on the secret and he never talked to blitzo at all about being more than hook-up buddies. blitzo was completely valid with all the points he made in the argument and if they try to make him feel sorry or apologize to stolas I will be so mad …
I'm glad you addressed Stolas' gaslighting efforts with Blitzo. It was always about sex as far as Blitzo was concerned. Blitzo wasn't around for or made privy to Stolas' revelations that he was exploiting Blitzo for sex. It's like Stolas just expects Blitzo to inherently know how he is feeling, when Stolas is very forward when it's about sex, but closed off when it isn't.
I really really choose to believe this is an intentional character flaw, Stolas is sort of short sighted and emotional, I think he'll realize. He'll probably realize. Please. Please let him realize. i love him way too much for them to make him this stupid and then act like he's right. please. i didn't even consider they might do that.
This is why I’m aggravated by people who are on Stolas’s side after the argument. People forget that all the emotional/sympathetic moments that we (the audience) have seen from Stolas in season 2 have not been seen by Blitz— Blitz has only seen the horny, disrespectful, unserious Stolas that we also knew him as in season 1 before Ozzie’s. Stolas has NEVER taken Blitz seriously, so how was Blitz expected to all of a sudden believe that Stolas had real romantic feelings for him?? I know it’s because Blitz has low self worth and doesn’t believe anyone could love him, but it’s also because Stolas has only treated him as a sexual object up until this point. I am going to be so upset if the show treats this as if Blitz was in the wrong for yelling at Stolas
feel bad for that second to last person honestly - like Stolas absolutely was stupid before this point but in the first season it was framed as a flaw and in the second it was the blink and you miss it text exchange they used to address Ozzie's with where he couldn't tell what Blitzo was upset about after just being told
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What this reply roundup feels like to me.
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mitahanvittua · 3 months
jesus christ i lost my temper today at this one individual from my university 😭😭
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pxtched · 5 months
𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
╰ Miguel ohara one shot(?), fluff and tiny bit of angst
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You can tell Miguel was having a rough week, You haven’t seen him come out of his office for hours. Who ever visit’s pays the bite and get yelled at. You sighed as you see another spider person run out of the office.
You quickly come in the office, You weren’t afraid of him. You were his lover for Christ sake! You walk towards him, webbing up to his platform so you can be next to him.
Miguel almost assumed it was another newbie walking inside so he was about to throw a desk at them but once he recognized your scent, His shoulders relaxes a bit.
“What’s wrong? You been in a terrible mood all week, You sure you don’t need a break?” you ask him, worried for him. He sighs and tells you “I’m fine, I just want to get this done with as quick as I can, I’ll be home tonight. I promise.” Without even looking at you.
You nodded, “I’ll be making dinner” you tell him. Then you left his office and went back to your shared apartment. You cleaned up, made dinner and only served your plate as you put the leftovers in the fridge with the others. You knew he wouldn’t come, it would slip out of his mind.
But, you can’t get mad at him. This past week has been tough, Anomalies back and forward causing him to stress out late at night and early in the morning all day. Then dealing with new people, god it gets tiring for him.
He wishes that he can just go home to you and take a break like he deserves, but this week says otherwise.
As his lover, you have to help him out. What other way is to help him relive his stress?
The next day, you walk to him in his office. Miguel quickly apologizes “I’m sorry, I know I promised but I—“ you quickly shush him up and put your hand on his back. “It’s okay, i understand. Miguel, let’s come home now.” You spoke softly in his ear.
Miguel sighed out of relief but remember about the stuff to do “I would love too but—“ “don’t worry about that now, Take a break miggy..” You ask him, trying to convince him.
You can see Miguel thinking, but he shakes his head. You forgot how stubborn he can be. “Mi amor, lo siento but i can’t. I have to make sure that this is done and…” Miguel was going back and forward in his mind, the stress wasn’t helping him.
You noticed this immediately and calmed him down “Hey, Hey. Look at me, It’s okay. Everything is gonna be alright, don’t think about it too much.” Miguel looks at you with glossy eyes as his breathing calms.
Miguel gulps as some tears fell out of his eyes, you wipe them off and smile at him “It’s gonna be okay, I’m here, I understand that you can’t come home. don’t stress about it okay? I don’t want to see my Boyfriend be stressed out and overwhelmed. You matter too you know?” You tell him with a smile on your face.
Miguel smiles and rested his forehead on yours as he close his eyes, making the tears he swore to hold back slip out. “Thank you, so much. How am I so lucky to have you?” He says as he pulls you for an embrace. “you don’t need to thank me, this is what I’m supposed to do. As your lover” you tell him as you hug him back.
“I’ll be home okay? I’ll make dinner, even if you don’t come I’ll still make them for you. Always” you tell him and leave to go home. Miguel watched you leave with a smile on his face.
Later the same day, You were at home just watching TV to ease your boredom. You then hear the door opening and it’s Miguel, He looks tired but so relieved to be back home.
He examines everything, he smells the cooked food you made for you both. His plate was still hot, looks like you just made it.
“Miguel!” You smile and go up to him to give him an embrace he so desperately needed. He embraced you back nuzzling his head in your neck, smelling your shampoo and conditioner.
You give him a few kisses all around his face, every small kiss you gave him means everything to him “You hungry?” You ask him as you pulled away to walk to the table, he nodded and followed you. “What did you make for dinner today?” He asked as he watched you uncover the plate that was in tinfoil and handed to him.
“This! also I made some arepa’s for the side” you exclaimed happily, Miguel study’s your face. He misses being home, he misses the comforting feeling of being in home with you. He smiled and take the plate from you.
He sits down on the couch, with the plate in his hands. You went back to your spot the couch, while he was gone you were just watching a random show on the tv, he didn’t mind. He just missed you. He missed home.
He puts his head on your shoulder, and just smiles. “I love you so much.” You look at him and kiss his forehead “I love you more Miguel.”
At night, he was out cold. You smile at the big man snoring slightly as he slept with you, you give him a kiss on the nose mumbling a “goodnight” then cuddling him and slowly fall asleep.
A/N: i feel like this man would be out COLD once he gets on the bed, literally wrapped in blankets as he gets the rest he deserves.
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thestoryofusstan · 5 days
clarisse x reader where y/n had been noticing clarisse like getting distant( like not holding her hand for more then 4 seconds just small stuff that only y/n notices😭) and then the day percy breaks her spear she's mad and y/n trys calming her down but clarisse just yells at her about how clingy she is and to leave her alone and basically she regrets it and apologizes multiple times and after like a week y/n forgives her and it's cute (I NEEDDDD THE PLAYING HARD TO GET PLS I HATE WHEN SHE FORGIVES HER EASILY)
I Miss You, I'm Sorry
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pairing: clarisse x apollo!reader
summary: clarisse is distant and cold, and y/n is officially done.
warnings: none?? i don't think?
you'd been with clarisse for around three years now. at first, a lot of people were confused. clarisse was, essentially, one big ball of anger, and you were a ball of sunshine. after a while, though, it made sense. you balanced each other out. plus, clarisse was a lot softer with you.
but recently, clarisse had been acting different. ever since percy jackson came to camp, actually. she was a lot more angry. and perhaps it was because you'd welcomed him to camp and generally tried to be nice to him. you couldn't help it, he reminded you of your brother, who had a mortal dad and stayed at home with your mom.
when you'd sneak to the ares table during meals, she'd hardly acknowledge you. when you tried to hold her hand, she'd let you, for all of six seconds. you weren't sure why. you hadn't done anything to personally anger her, had you?
you must have. because even as the two of you got ready for capture the flag, she ignored you.
"hey, claire?" you said, turning to her. you were just about the only one she let give her a nickname, and you'd settled on claire. "can you help me with my armor? i think it's crooked."
"you can do it yourself, i'm sure."
you frowned. she'd usually jump at the opportunity to help you- to touch you, to breathe the same air as you.
what did you do wrong?
you had one of your siblings fix it for you.
luke had outrun you with the flag when you heard a scream from the beach. you recognized it.
"clarisse!" you shouted, bolting towards the sound.
when you got there, you saw clarisse sitting before percy, her broken spear between them.
you ran to her side and helped her up as the other team began celebrating their win.
"claire, i am so sorry about your spear. we-- i can fix it! or i can have one of the athena kids do it! someone should know how, right? probably. yeah, we'll have them fix it, and it'll be-"
"can you just leave me alone?" clarisse snapped.
you froze. pulled your hands away, and retreated into yourself.
"oh," you said, clearing your throat.
"gods, you're just so clingy! i just need five minutes of peace."
that's when she seemed to realize she hurt your feelings. she sighed, her face softening, "y/n-"
"i'm gonna go."
"i didn't mean it like that-"
"yeah. i'm sure you didn't."
you crossed your arms as you walked away, resisting the urge to cry.
during dinner that night, clarisse came up to the apollo table.
"y/n?" she asked.
you kept pushing the food around your plate, ignoring her.
"y/n." she repeated.
she sighed.
"i'm sorry, i didn't mean it-"
without saying anything, you stood up and walked off.
clarisse didn't follow.
you were sitting by the lake, your feet in the water. you heard someone come from behind, and you knew who it was.
you sighed.
“y/n..” she started.
“i’m not talking to you,” you stated. you crossed your arms and kicked your feet in the water.
“please, i’m sorry—“
“i don’t care. you really hurt my feelings, clarisse. you could’ve just told me you want space instead of acting like you hate me.”
“i don’t—“
“just go, clarisse.”
she sighed and didn’t fight you anymore.
clarisse had done what you asked for the past few days. she didn’t come up to you or try to apologize.
you were getting ready for bed, braiding your younger sister’s hair, when someone knocked on the cabin door.
assuming it was some late night check, you sighed.
“i’ll get it.”
you walked over to the door and opened it, and clarisse was standing there.
you didn’t even let her speak before you shut the door.
“who was that?” lee asked.
“no one,” you shrugged, sitting back on the bed and resuming the braids.
“why don’t you just talk to her?” percy asked you. you offered to help him train with the water as best as you could.
“because. i usually do, but she’s been rude to me for a few weeks now. i just wanna makes sure she knows i won’t put up with it.”
percy shrugged, “makes sense, i guess.”
even though you had a poker face around clarisse, it did make you sad every time you shut her down or pushed her away.
you just wanted your girlfriend back.
after dinner, you really just wanted to go to your cabin and sleep. however, when you opened the door, a bunch of candles were lit.
“what the—“
clarisse was standing next to your bed with a bouquet of flowers. they were your favorites— hibiscus. they didn’t grow anywhere near long island, so she must have gotten a demeter kid to get her some.
“i’m sorry, y/n. i shouldn’t have snapped at you. i just.. i’ve worked my whole life at camp to be recognized by my dad, and percy gets all this fame and glory in a few weeks. it’s not an excuse, but i just.. wanted to explain myself,” she said, extending the flowers toward you.
you kept your arms crossed.
“i want to be around you all the time. i didn’t mean to act like i don’t wanna be with you, because i do. i mean.. besides, who else is able to calm me down?”
and that made you laugh, “nobody,” you took the flowers. “thank you for the flowers. no one’s ever gotten me these.”
she shrugged, “i figured it was about time you got your favorite flowers.”
you smiled and quickly turned to her.
“so.. we’re good?”
“we’re good,” you nod and plant your lips on hers.
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127tyong · 5 months
2 Baddies
Pairing: Jaehyun X Reader
Genre: Smut, jealous Jaehyun, car sex
Warnings: he's kinda aggressive idk
Word Count: 789
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“No, it’s not like that!” You yelled at Jaehyun for the millionth time. “I swear to God! He’s your fucking friend anyways!” You tried to reason with Jaehyun, to no avail. After leaving a house party with your boyfriend, Jaehyun, you quickly realized how angry Jaehyun truly was that night. You spent most of your night talking to Johnny, which had apparently made Jaehyun jealous.
At this point, Jaehyun just kept tapping the steering wheel. Despite his urge to scream, he was able to keep his mouth shut, but was unable to keep his foot off the gas, the speedometer number climbing. 70, 80, then 90. At least it was nearly 12 am, so there was no one else on the highway, but you were sure he would’ve just swerved past everyone anyways.
“Jesus Christ, Jaehyun! What, do you not even want me to talk to Johnny! He’s your best friend, and what, you don’t even trust him?” You clutched onto the arm rest, palms sweating, scared Jaehyun wouldn’t even be able to see anything ahead of him.
Jaehyun jerked the steering wheel right, entering the emergency lane, slamming on the brakes and putting the gear to “park”. You were stuck with Jaehyun, God knows where, in his sports car on the shoulder of the highway. You watched as his chest fell, as he let out a breath he was holding for the entire night. 
“You know I love you, right?”
You grabbed his hand, trying to calm him down. “Of course I do, I love you too…”
“Johnny likes you, it’s so fucking obvious!” He punched the dashboard, indenting his hand. “And I hate that you can’t see it.”
“He’s your best friend, so I assumed-”
“Of course you just assumed.” Jaehyun sighed, rubbing his temples. “God, you don’t get it. Do you not see how he looks at you?”
“No, of course I didn’t, because you’re overreacting!”
And that’s all it took to set Jaehyun off. He pulled you into the back seat, his eyes furious. 
“Wait,” You held your hands up. “On the highway? What if-”
“No one’s gonna see as long as you don’t let them.” He began to rip off all your clothes while kissing you, while you pushed him off.
“Jae, talk to me…” But he didn’t listen to you, his lips instantly crashing onto yours, his tongue swirling around your mouth.
He took off his belt and wrapped it around your wrists, making makeshift handcuffs. “Baby… Fuck, I love you so much.” He pushed his dick inside you, feeling the warmth you gave him. Deep down, Jaehyun knew you weren’t in the wrong, but the anger made him horny in a way he couldn’t ignore, so he played into it. He knew Johnny would never make a move on you, afterall, he already told Johnny about the ring he had made for you, but his jealousy always got the better of him. “You’re so fucking tight baby…”
Jaehyun’s dick really always made your problems go away. You let that man do whatever he wanted to do with your body. “Jaehyun, please…” You whined, your back arching at the feeling of the insane amount of pleasure he brought you.
“Don’t worry, I’ll keep going until you cum.” Jaehyun cupped your cheek and began kissing you as he thrusted. 
You rolled your eyes. “What a sweet talker.” Suddenly the bright lights of a car’s high beams blinded you.
Jaehyun pushed you down and laid on top of you until the car passed, his dick still inside you, and you managed to slip the belt off your wrists. You wrapped your arms around his neck while he sat up.
“What was that about you trying to make me cum?” You laughed.
Jaehyun didn’t know why that sentence pissed him off, especially since he knew he made you cum all the time, but he wasn’t just pretending to be mad anymore. He genuinely wanted to fuck you until you begged him for forgiveness. And that he did.
He wrapped a hand around your throat and slammed his dick as deep as he could, until he could feel your cervix. “What was that? Hm? Wanna repeat what you just said, you fucking whore?”
“Jae, I-” You tried to apologize but Jaehyun was fucking you so hard that you couldn’t even talk. Your womb was already starting to become sore, but you knew you two would be fucking all night.
“Oh my God, your pussy just feels so good…” Jaehyun groaned. “I’m gonna cum.”
You felt the warmth grow in your stomach. Jaehyun pulled out and got into the front seat. Driving home, you felt his cum leak onto the leather seats until he pulled into the garage.
(incomplete but might finish if enough people want)
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fluentmoviequoter · 2 months
Cop Meet Cop
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!reader ; platonic Deacon Kay x reader
Summary: When your best friend, Deacon Kay, finds out that you're dating a cop, he wants to know everything. Introducing him to Tim Bradford is easier said than done.
Warnings: fluff! Tim's a little grumpy but we love him. cop show inception
Word Count: 2.6k+ words
Masterlist Directory | Tim Bradford Masterlist | S.W.A.T. Masterlist
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Deacon yells your name before you even see him. S.W.A.T. HQ has become your home away from home, and your home away from Deacon’s home. As you walk in today, you’re greeted by Deacon’s excited greeting and a tight hug.
“It’s been too long,” Deacon says as he steps back.
“I saw you yesterday,” you remind him.
Deacon rolls his eyes before asking, “Is it wrong to miss my best friend?”
Your eyes widen as your smile grows, and Deacon regrets reminding you that you’re his best friend. You know, of course, he’s been your best friend for as long as you can remember, but you like hearing the acknowledgement in his own words.
“Adopted Kay,” Hondo greets when he sees you.
“Still funny,” you deadpan.
Since Hondo found out you and Deacon grew up next door to each other and have been inseparable since you could walk, he’s taken to referring to you as Deacon’s adopted sister, or his preferred sister from another mister. You don’t mind; Deacon is the best “brother” you’ve ever had (including any blood relatives you may or may not have).
“You ask her yet, Deac?” Hondo inquires.
“Ask me what?” you interject.
“The mayor is treating all of us and our families to dinner at La Boucherie,” Deacon explains. “You’re family, so I wanted to extend the invitation to you.”
“That’s thousands of dollars for that many people!”
“Why you should go when it’s free,” Hondo says with a smile and a shrug.
“When is it?” you ask Deacon.
“Next Friday,” he and Hondo answer.
You purse your lips as you think. Next Friday, you have plans with your boyfriend. The boyfriend that Deacon knows nothing about.
“I actually have a date next Friday,” you admit slowly. “Maybe we could reschedule.”
“Whoa, whoa,” Hondo interrupts, raising his hands toward you.
“A what?” Deacon yells.
“I was going to tell you,” you promise.
“This doesn’t seem like my business, so I’m gonna go,” Hondo says. He stops by your shoulder with his back to Deacon to whisper, “Fill me in later.”
You push him away before looking at Deacon. The apology in your eyes is enough to calm him, but innumerable questions are running through his mind.
“How long?” he asks first.
“A few months.” Deacon takes a deep breath, wondering why you didn’t tell him sooner. “How’d you meet?”
“It’s embarrassing,” you mumble.
“More embarrassing than when you fell off my bike because you weren’t tall enough to reach the pedals?”
“Why would you bring that up? Deacon, look, I trust you, don’t doubt that. I was worried that the relationship wouldn’t work out; he’s so different than anyone I have ever dated. If it fell apart after a few dates, I didn’t want to… push it on you or anything, I guess.”
“I am here for you, no matter what.”
“Thank you. We-“
“Doesn’t mean I don’t want to interrogate you. My house after work.”
“Okay. Be careful today, Deac.”
“What’s his name?”
“Whose name?” you ask as you walk away.
Deacon grumbles as you round the corner. He has a lot of information to find out tonight, and he hopes you’re more forthcoming in private. It’s been a while since he scared away a guy who wasn’t good enough for you, and he hasn’t had to deal with Lila dating yet, but S.W.A.T. operations and defending your honor can’t be that different.
After you leave Deacon, your phone buzzes with a text from the man you were just talking about. You smile as you read the short message but turn down his invitation to hang out later. As you pass a police cruiser on your way to your car, you have an idea. Maybe asking your boyfriend to meet Deacon would make everything easier. Hopefully it ends differently than junior prom.
Your afternoon flies by in a storm of nervousness and excitement. If Deacon expresses any interest in meeting your boyfriend, you will jump on the opportunity. Although, you know it will take some convincing to get your boyfriend to agree. You’re imagining his reaction as you knock on Deacon’s door, lost in thought.
“Lose your key?” Deacon asks as he opens the door.
Annie waves from the kitchen, and you give her a quick hug. Deacon shakes his head at your blatant betrayal and favoritism, and Annie reminds him that she doesn’t bring up past embarrassments and injuries like Deacon does.
“That’s what friends do,” he argues.
“Best friends, right, Deac?” you ask, batting your lashes.
“Did she tell you about her boyfriend?” Deacon asks Annie.
“Boyfriend?! Since when?” Annie turns to you with wide eyes, and you glare at Deacon across the countertop.
“Start asking questions,” you say with a sigh.
“What’s his name?” Deacon repeats.
“How’d you meet?” Annie asks.
“Um, he’s a cop,” you explain. “And we met while he was on patrol.”
Deacon falls silent as he considers every cop he has ever met. You don’t know half of them, at the least, yet Deacon still runs through a mental list. His search for one worthy of your time or attention comes up empty. While he thinks, Annie continues asking you questions.
“No, he’s not on patrol anymore,” you say to Annie. It snaps Deacon out of his thoughts as he realizes he’s analyzing the wrong officers.
“If he’s not patrol,” Deacon begins before trailing off.
“Metro Sergeant,” you say softly.
“Metro. Metro?” Deacon repeats. “Not at our station.”
“What makes you so sure?” you challenge.
“Because I know you, and you wouldn’t go for any of them.”
“David,” Annie chides.
“No, he’s right,” you admit. “He works at a different station, in a different division. But, if you want to meet him, I can ask.”
“Of course, I want to meet him! You’re not giving me answers and I need to vet him.”
“You’re talking like a cop.”
“You’re dating a cop!”
“Look, Deacon, my boyfriend is… he can be hesitant and standoffish. I’ll ask, but I can’t guarantee that he’ll agree.”
“They’re both police officers, so at least they’ll have something to bond over other than you,” Annie whispers as Deacon leans against the counter.
“If I don’t like him,” Deacon begins.
“You don’t like anyone I date.”
“If I don’t like him or he’s not good enough for you, I will tell you.”
“I know. You care, even if you show it by bringing up the time I asked to hold your keys to feel more grown up.”
“That’s adorable,” Annie murmurs.
“Ask him, please,” Deacon requests. “And let me know what he says. As long as you’re happy, I’ll give him a chance.”
After your conversation with Deacon and Annie, you try to find the perfect opportunity to ask Tim. If he says no, you’ll just tell Deacon the truth. But then Deacon will get suspicious and will try to… You close your eyes and take a deep breath to keep your thoughts from spiraling.
When you open your eyes, you blink quickly at the sight before you. Your boyfriend is standing in the doorway with his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed. He raises his brows, and you know it’s his invitation for you to speak.
“Hi, Tim,” you say.
You nod and interlace your fingers together before tapping your joined hands against your chin. Tim tilts his head to the side as he tries to decipher what is making you nervous.
“Do you want to come to my house for dinner this weekend?” you ask.
“Not until you tell me why.”
“Tim,” you groan. “Okay, just let me tell you all of it before you say no, okay?”
Tim nods once and you step closer to him.
“I want you to meet my best friend, and I thought having you both over for dinner would be the best chance to do that. He, um, my friend is a S.W.A.T. sergeant in the LAPD.”
“Is that all?” Tim asks.
“I don’t think-“
“Look, he’s been my best friend for my entire life. We grew up next door to each other and have stayed friends for all these years, so he means a lot to me. And I know you’ve met a ton of S.W.A.T. officers and some of them are really stuck up, but you haven’t met him. Please just think about meeting my friend, not another cop, before you decide.”
Your plea was intended to convince Tim, but it only makes him more hesitant. His concerns don’t come from your friend being in law enforcement, but from the idea that it is a man who knows you and what you deserve very well. Probably knows you better than Tim does. Plus, Tim is not a fan of socializing and making more friends, for the most part.
“If you don’t want to, I get it,” you add.
It only takes another moment for you to wear Tim down; you murmur, “Please?”
“Fine. Tell me when,” he agrees with a sigh.
You bounce in place before throwing your arms over Tim’s shoulders to hug him. He sighs again before pulling you close and kissing your forehead.
“I promise it will be fun,” you say.
Tim raises his brows, and you take it as a challenge.
On the day of your dinner with Tim and Deacon, you spend the day at home. You clean, cook, and do anything else you can think of to keep your mind off how the evening could go wrong. Being nervous that they won’t get along isn’t a completely unfounded idea, but you don’t know why it is bothering you. As dinner is nearing completion, someone opens your door, and because both men have keys, you’re not sure who it is until Deacon says your name.
“Kitchen,” you call.
Deacon steps in with a dish in his hands. He sets it down and you recognize it as Annie’s baking and your favorite dessert.
“Oh, thank you! And thank Annie!” you say before hugging Deacon.
“Sorry I’m early, I got off work after a call and wanted to see if you need any help,” he explains.
“No apologies necessary. If you can check the pot on the stove, I’m going to grab something from the pantry, and I’ll be right back.”
When you return, Deacon is looking at you with a smile.
“What?” you ask, running your hands over your outfit to remove any nonexistent wrinkles.
“I know you said I’ve never met the boyfriend, but are you sure?” Deacon asks.
You don’t have a chance to answer before someone knocks. Tim usually lets himself in, but you’re sure the sight of another car parked outside is what deterred him. As you walk to the door, you take a deep breath and hope for a nice evening.
“Hi,” you greet.
“Hey,” Tim replies with a smile. “These are for you.”
He passes you a bouquet of flowers wrapped in cellophane and a gift bag before he closes the door behind him. You run a finger over one of the petals and smile.
“What is this?” you ask while looking at the bag. “A bribe?”
Tim’s lips quirk up as he murmurs, “Something like that.”
“Alright, uh, come on in.”
“You don’t have to be nervous,” Tim whispers.
He lays a hand on your back, and it helps to calm your nerves, at least until you see Deacon standing by the table and watching you.
“Deacon, this is my boyfriend, Tim Bradford. Tim, this is my best friend, Deacon Kay,” you introduce.
Tim removes his hand from your back to shake Deacon’s hand, and you watch them nervously. You invite them to take seats and you move into the kitchen to gather a few items. The quiet is unsettling, and you need to do something to eliminate the awkwardness.
“Deacon asked how we met,” you say as you lower into the chair between them. “I was out walking one night, and this guy was following me. After making a bunch of random turns and going in a circle, he was still behind me, so I called the police. Tim was the responding officer.”
“Who was the guy?” Deacon asks.
You look at Tim, who shakes his head before answering, “He and his teenage daughter live around here and were out for a walk together. He was distracted looking at his phone and answering work emails and ended up following the wrong woman around the neighborhood.”
Deacon shakes his head and smiles. “I tell her all the time that her youthful good looks are going to get her in trouble.”
“Oh, no, it gets better,” Tim continues. “When he did see her while we were questioning him, he asked her out!”
Deacon tilts his head back and laughs, while Tim chuckles, and though it’s at your expense, you’re glad they’re able to laugh about something together. You notice Tim glance between you and Deacon a few times; unknown to you, he’s wondering if you ever had a thing for your neighbor and best friend, Deacon.
“I’m glad the most frightening event of my life is so humorous,” you joke.
“Hey, that’s not even the weirdest call I had that month,” Tim offers.
“It’s not just me, right?” Deacon asks. “People are getting crazier?”
“Oh, absolutely. My last boot and I got called to a psychic studio in Hollywood, and the girl admitted she was making stuff up, but revealed the location of a missing person. She was more concerned with the condition of her $900 crystal ball and flirting with me though.”
“Hollywood calls are always more interesting,” Deacon agrees. “We raided an illegal poker club and everyone inside was dressed as assassinated presidents and their widows. Bloody clothes and all.”
“Oh, that beats anything I’ve got,” Tim concedes. “Metro doesn’t get as many calls as patrol cops, but I know they’re going to be good.”
You lean back in your seat and smile, glad to see the most important men in your life getting along. They start talking about how anyone will flirt with cops to get out of trouble, and you chuckle at their excited discussion of the weirdest things people have said.
“Luckily, your friend over here didn’t flirt with me until after,” Tim says. He winks at you as you roll your eyes.
“You asked me out,” you remind him.
“Not my fault you’re cute,” Tim murmurs.
“Oh, you think she’s cute when she’s being followed. Have you seen her when she-“
You cover your ears and look down, regretting bringing them into your house at the same time. Deacon reminding you of your worst moments is one thing, but telling your boyfriend is different. They’re both lucky you love them. Tim wraps his fingers around your arm to pull your hand away from your hand, while Deacon does the same with the other.
“All good things,” Deacon promises.
“I’m going to tell Annie that you’re being mean to me,” you threaten. Tim fails to conceal his smile, and you add, “And Angela.”
“I’m not apologizing,” Tim responds.
“Doesn’t do much good anyway,” Deacon adds.
“Why did I agree to this?” you ask yourself.
“Because you thought we could bond over being cops. You were wrong, we’re going to bond over you.”
“Careful,” Tim warns. “She won’t invite you to the wedding.”
You look up quickly, your eyes wide as they search Tim’s face. He and Deacon begin laughing at your reaction, and you stand silently before walking to the kitchen. Annie’s dessert will be your only source of comfort it seems; more so when Deacon and Tim walk in with half-hearted apologies. You love them, you remind yourself. When Deacon hugs you before leaving, and Tim pulls you into a kiss after, you forget all about the previous teasing.
“Wait,” you say, pushing Tim back. “What’s in the bag?”
“It’s a picture of Kojo. A failsafe apology if dinner didn’t go well.”
You smile before kissing Tim again. Everyone knows that this dinner wasn’t the last, and when you get a text from Annie asking how it went, you invite her to the next one.
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bitchimasnake-sss · 7 months
"i thought you got possessed-" ft. luffy!
ft. luffy x fem!reader
set-up: you're pms-ing and he is such a dumbass. but that doesn't mean he isn't out here being the bestest boy ever. (please excuse his dumbassery, he was dropped on his head as a child)
warnings: none! very wholesome lol
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- please dont get confused, this man has no idea how periods work - like how is it humanly possible for you to bleed and then stay alive and kicking? seems made up tbh - one eventful evening (before you both started dating), you and nami had to sit him down and give him a long-ass biology lesson, explaining what the whole phenomenon is, what pms-ing is and yada-yada - before this, he firmly believed that every once a while a demon possessed you all (and he saw absolutely no issue with that, what a fucking icon) "ohhh" he's laughing, "so that's what it is? i thought you guys like got possessed" "excuse me?" nami's on the verge to hit him in the head again and you're wondering if the constant hits are the reason luffy's braincells are (half) dead "i see, i see. i get it now" - he lied, he still doesn't quite get it - but its fine - so, it is just another random tuesday and (post-dating) you know syou love luffy. but holy shit, if he yelled "YN DOLPHIN!! LOOK LOOK A DOLPHIN! SUGEEEEEE" and giggled again, you might yell at him. you really do love him but if he stole your food one more time, you're convinced you might smack him too. "luffy" your voice was unusually low, devoid of any warmth, "stop that." "whatt" he whined, grinning afterwards as he scooped up more food from your plate "luffy. i said STOP IT." your voice rose higher and silence hung uncomfortably over the dinner table - luffy just looks at you dumbfounded - the way you're fisting your hand on the table and looking at him has the crew afraid that youre gonna murder the captain in cold blood - well, i mean ur considering the possibility too, so, you mumble a half-ass apology and return back to your room to be alone - lying against the soft sheets, you can smell the citrus detergent and oh boy, now you feel guilty - i mean god, that's luffy, that was nothing out of the ordinary for him. why did you yell at him? fuck, are you a horrible girlfriend?? - oh boy, now the tears are welling up too - "yn?" luffy whispers as he slips into the room, closing the door behind him and now you're really crying - i mean look at him, why did you yell at him? - "im so sorry, i don't know why i yelled at you, that was so shitty of me-" "hey, it's okay" he's hugging you tight, "you did nothing wrong, i can be a little bit dumb sometimes. i should have not taken your food" "what? no, i am not mad about that. i, i dunno-" you sniff, "maybe i'm just pms-ing?" "huh??" - took a while for him to remember but now that you've jogged up his memory, he looks so guilty, so, he spends the entire evening apologizing and offering you food, he even promises that he wouldn't point out dolphins every time he sees them (you had to reassure him that he can continue doing that)
- but now onwards, this lovely himbo tries to keep in check what he's saying, often giving you a lingering look as if asking "this is fine right?"
- but now you've got your personal defender!! - ussop made a joke and you're not laughing (because it wasn't that funny tbh) and luffy is ready to smack ussop and tell him to "not annoy" you. zoro is being dumb and luffy can see it on your face that he's pissing you off lowkey, so, he will actually tell zoro to not be a dick - mf just starts picking up fights left and right for your sake and now you have to give him another long ass lesson to make it stop - ps: he does not stop. - this man turns into a chihuahua, anything bothering you must be struck down. - very, very observant from now on too. he needs to make sure you're feeling good - also asked sanji to make your favourite desert - he just loves you so much and wants you to be as comfortable as possible (still doesn't know how female anatomy works though-)
a/n: omg i luv him such a dumbass
zoro's link <3 sanji's link <3
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Too Hot To Argue
summary: dean’s mad you were reckless during a hunt, but your lips just look so damn kissable!
paring: dean winchester x female reader
rating: R for language
word count: 1.1k
warnings: just funny fluff really, language, talk of sex, mention of death/injury
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The ride back home to the bunker was awkward to say the least. Dean was furious at you, but you didn’t understand why. You had saved his life a mere two hours ago! He should be grateful!
“Want any music?” Sam asked, hoping to break the tension. He turned on the radio but Dean instantly shut it off.
“No music,” he grumbled, Sam rolling his eyes and letting out a frustrated huff.
“You understand this is fucking stupid, right?” Sam laughed a little.
“Thank you!” you chipped in.
“Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts their fucking pie holes!” Dean exclaimed, his grip on the wheel tightening with anger.
“It’s cake hole, dumbass,” you muttered.
“What’d you say?” Dean whipped his head around as Sam reached for the wheel.
“Eyes on the road, this shotgun is precious cargo!” Sam exclaimed.
“Y/n what you did was stupid and dangerous.” Dean turned back around and focused on the road. “You will sit back there quietly and really think about just how fucking stupid it was.”
“Stupid?” you scoffed. “Fuck you, Dean, I just saved your life and this is how you repay me?”
“I said shut your god damn mouth before I stop the fucking car and make you walk home!” he shouted.
You didn’t dare say anything else. You knew he was bluffing, but he was furious; so there was a small possibility he’d stop the car and walk home himself just to get away from you.
Sam awkwardly glanced at you in the rear view mirror, a compassionate look behind his stoic face. Every so often, Dean looked at you through the same mirror, just to be sure you were still alive and your stupid move back there hadn’t gotten you killed.
When Dean parked Baby in the garage and you all stepped out, he gripped your upper arm gently and pulled you with him to your shared bedroom.
“If you wanted to have angry sex, all you had to do was ask.” You smirked, but your expression changed when you saw his face. He was still angry. Furious, outraged, all the synonyms.
“Y/n I am so unbelievably mad at you right now stop trying to weasel out of having this very serious fight!”
“No!” He pointed a finger at you. “What you did back there was stupid, reckless, and downright idiotic! You could’ve been killed trying to stop me from getting barely injured!”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m not gonna apologize, Dean. What I did was make a quick decision about risking my own life to save yours. I didn’t even end up getting hurt for fucks sake! Calm down!”
“You don’t even see what you did was wrong!” he yelled. He put his hands in front of him and tried emphasizing his point. “You could’ve fucking died back there and it would’ve been my fucking fault!”
“No, if I died it would’ve been one-hundred-percent my own fault, Dean. You know that.”
“Yeah, I know that now, but if things had gone differently you know damn well I would’ve blamed myself!” he said, his voice still raised and his hands in front of his chest, his palms facing you.
“Can you stop doing that with your fucking hands, please?” you exclaimed with anger.
“The hell are you talking about? I’m not doing anything with my hands?”
You gripped both of his wrists and brought his hands about six inches forward, colliding them with your boobs. His angered expression instantly became one of pure shock.
“When you put your hands like that all I can think about is what you’re doing right now,” you told him. You shoved his hands off of your chest. “Put them behind your back or something.”
He put his hands behind his back, “That’s not fair,” he scoffed.
“Why not?”
“Well cause when you pout your lips all angrily all I can think about is this!” He bent down and kissed you, pulling back after a moment. “Now keep those gorgeous lips between your teeth or something so I can stay mad at you!” You did as he asked and sucked your lips in to form a thin line.
“Your lips are kissable too you know,” you said, distorted due to the fact you couldn’t use your lips properly. “You have to do this too!”
He mirrored your expression and sucked his lips in. “Stop sticking your chest out!”
“I’m not!”
“Yes you are! Whenever you’re angry you puff out your chest and it makes your tits look incredible so just turn around so I can’t see them!”
You rolled your eyes and turned around. “Happy?” you scoffed.
“No, I’m still fucking mad at you!” he exclaimed.
“Yeah, this isn’t working for me cause now all I can think of is you fucking me from behind. Turn around and keep yelling at me for being a good person and saving your god damn life!”
He turned around, “You were being stupid, Y/n and you know that!” There was a moment of silence.
“You know your hands are now brushing my ass?” you asked quietly.
“Yeah, I know.” He smiled to himself. “God, we’re both idiots, aren’t we?”
“You’re just realizing this now?” you laughed a little. “We really are stupid though. I mean here we are fighting because I was reckless, and we’re so hot for each other we have to argue back-to-back?”
“Ah-ha! So you admit you were being reckless!” Dean said, you rolled your eyes.
“Yes, Dean and I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being reckless, but I am not sorry for risking my life to save you.”
“Dean, if you had gotten killed and I could’ve saved you, I would've never forgiven myself. I would die for you any day of the week, you know that.”
“Can I turn around now?”
“You sure you want to? You’re still touching my ass,” you chuckled.
Dean turned around as you did the same. He pulled you into his chest and wrapped his arms around you tightly.
“I love you so much, Y/n,” he mumbled.
“I love you so much, too.” You smiled and wrapped your arms around his torso. “You can put your hands a little lower, Dean I know you want to.” He didn’t waste a second and moved his hands to rest on your ass.
“You’re incredible, Y/n. Thanks for putting up with all my stupidity over the years.”
“You too, Dean. Thanks for mirroring my stupidity enough so I don’t feel like a complete idiot.”
“You’re very welcome.”
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2targirlxo · 10 months
brothers best friend
lando norris x fewtrell!reader
In which the internet and lando’s best friend find out about his relationship
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y/n pov
fuck lando answer the phone. i spoke out calling my boyfriend. my name had been trending on twitter. i don’t even know how they found out about me and him. i haven’t even told my brother yet and now he’s going to find out through twitter. sure i posted lando on my instagram a couple times but i had told all my friends it was a guy back in london. i felt like screaming. lando and i both wanted our relationship to be private seeing as his career as a formula one driver was taking off and i wasn’t in the public eye. i open twitter again to see they have pictures of us on the beach, kissing on his yacht, and us in the club. how am i supposed to explain this to max???
five minutes later there is a knock on my monaco apartment door. i hoped it was lando. i hoped that he would come here to comfort me and tell me that it was okay. i opened the door and became face to face with my older brother.
“what the fuck is wrong with you y/n” he spoke. pushing past me to enter my house. “my best friend???” i tried to speak but words to defend myself didn’t come out. “i’m sorry” i said looking anyway but him. “i’m gonna kill him” max said angry. “max calm down its not that big of a deal” i said trying to calm him down. “not that big of a deal? it’s the biggest deal every y/n, you’re my little sister and he’s my best friend. it’s wrong.” he yelled. he was overreacting, how could this possibly be a bad thing?
“max stop. why don’t you want me to be happy?” i said. i thought i was going to be sick, this is to much to handle right now. “of course i want you to be happy y/n, but why him?” just as max stopped speaking my phone started ringing. it was lando. i immediately picked up the call
“y/n i’m outside you’re door. let me in” he sound serious. i practically ran to the door to let him in. max was still standing in my kitchen. the second i opened the door lando pulled me into a warm hug, whispering apologies into my hair. “lando what the fuck” max yelled from behind us. “max please let me explain.” lando begged walking closer to max. “save it, i cant believe you two.” max spoke in a disappointed tone. max grabbed his keys and began to walk to the door as i begged him to stay to here my explanation. but he continued walking and left, slamming the door.
i turned to lando and immediately broke down in tears. lando comforted me when no one else would. “its going to be okay. okay? he’ll come around.” he spoke softly, still holding me while i cried.
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talaok · 11 months
Hey. I have an idea for pedro and reader
The reader's ex calls her in the middle of the night begging her back to him and the reader gets out the bedroom trying not to wake pedro up and avoid any fight but he wakes up and gets jealous and angry
Jealous Pedro is my own personal curse lol, I genuinely don’t get why you like him. But for you? Anything babes. Also, happy ending won in the poll, but thanks to an anon I've decided to write both endings bc I'm an asshole
warnings: jealousy, angst
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Oh fuck please not again.
Your phone buzzed on the nightstand, and you didn’t even need to look at the caller to know who it was.
Only one person would call you at 4:45 am. the same one that had been flooding you with texts and calls for a week now.
You had been ignoring him, telling yourself that “It’s just a phase” and “it’ll pass”, but god, had you been wrong.
You and Jason had broken up two years ago now, and casually, just when you had finally made your relationship with Pedro public, he felt the need to connect with you again.
That's not how Jason had always been, he was once caring and fun and everything you needed... until he wasn't.
He hadn't taken your breaking up with him well, and you tried to be understanding of it, god knows you had been in the same position too once or twice, your heart broken, your mind confused- but then when after two months he'd still call you crying, you decided to give him a little tough love by texting him something that could be summarized in "I know you're hurt but this is getting kind of ridiculous at this point" and by blocking him.
Somewhere after that, for some godforsaken reason, you had decided to unblock him, and to really show off your decision-making skills, you even answered the phone when he had called you last week, finding him in tears, begging for a second chance.
If you were anyone to judge, this call wasn't gonna be much different, but this story had to end at one point, and as you got up from the bed, sneaking out of the room as Pedro breathed soft snores into the air, you decided the time had come.
"Jason?" you whispered, tiptoeing to the living room.
"baby? Oh my god it's really you, I've been trying to call you"
"yeah I saw" you stated, not short of sarcasm
"Oh t-that's ok, you were busy I jus-"
"no Jason I wasn't busy, this is inappropriate"
"Wha-what are you talking about baby, I love you" 
there went the tears again
"Jason I'm sorry alright, but I don't, I have a boyfriend, I'm happy"
"no you don't understand babe I can't live without you, I love you more than life y/n, more than anything... I- I need you"
"Jason we broke up a long time ago. It's over. It has been for a while now"
"you don't mean that baby, we love each other, remember how good we were together? I know you do"
"stop calling me baby and stop calling me in general Jason. I don't love you and I don't want to get back together" Your voice raised to a whispery-yell as you got more frustrated.
"Why are you whispering- Is he there? Let me talk to him"
"why would I do that? What would you even want to tell him?"
"I'm sure I can make him understand, man to man y'konw-"
"oh shut up" you rolled your eyes "Jason stop calling me"
"but bab-"
"No. No buts, it's over. we're never getting back together. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to sleep, and I suggest you do the same"
"y/n please- I love you, I need you I-"
"goodnight Jason. Don't call me again" You didn't give him time to finish as you hung up, throwing your phone on the couch and closing your eyes as you took a very well-deserved deep breath.
Fuck this shit man.
"Who was it?"
You jumped on your feet, a shiver of fear running down your spine as you turned towards the ominous voice.
"Pedro-" you sighed, taking in his sleep-filled expression.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" he apologized, with a soft chuckle "Who were you talking to?"
"uh- don't worry, it was no one"
"I don't think it was no one if you got up at 4 in the morning to answer, did something happen?"
"no-no nothing like that, it's stupid, don't worry"
He frowned as he studied your expression, clearly confused at your secrecy.
"Who was it?"
Your eyes focused behind him at the glimpse of your room the opened door granted.
Everything was fine just 10 minutes ago...
"It was Jason"
Pedro paused a moment, taken aback by your answer
"Jason as in your ex-boyfriend Jason?" he asked "And why exactly was Jason calling you in the middle of the night?"
"it's not what you think" 
This was why you didn't want him to know.
He had a history with unfaithfulness, the woman before you had cheated on him multiple times and left him hurt and bruised, and it was hard for him to fully trust you - or anyone for that matter- after that.
you didn't want him to close off again, you trusted each other, and you feared this would have given him a reason to get back to old habits.
"It's not? 'cause it sure looks like it"
"no, let me explain-" you got closer to him.
"I'm so fucking stupid" he huffed, not listening to you 
"no you're not, just-listen to me" you said, putting a hand on his chest in an attempt to calm him down
He watched you, hurt and anger in his eyes, but he took a breath, nodding as he grumbled a "fine"
"He's been calling me for a while-"
"is that supposed to make me feel better?"
"Baby, let me talk" you reminded him, and he gave you another non-enthusiastic nod "He's been calling me since I made our relationship public, saying that he wants to get back with me and that he loves me..." you paused, glancing at the way he tightened his fists by his side "and I've been ignoring him because-" your lips turned into a soft smile as you reached for his hand "...well because I've got you, and I don't want anybody else in the world except you"
You intertwined your fingers with his and brought his hand up to your mouth to leave a quick kiss on it.
"and the only reason why I answered tonight is because I was sick of it, and I wanted to tell him once and for all that we're done because I love you, and only you Pedro" You stood on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek "I promise"
You saw the way your words affected him.
And as much as he tried to fight it, you were always the only one able to calm him down, even when his worst fear came to life. Because he loved you, but most importantly... he trusted you.
"are you telling the truth?" he finally asked, as if in his mind he wasn't praying for you to be doing just that.
He didn't want to lose you, he couldn't.
"I am baby. I swear" 
His eyes left yours for a second as he took a deep breath
"why didn't you tell me? I would have done something, I would have gone have a talk with that asshole"
You let out a small laugh
"yeah, a talk" you teased, raising your eyebrows "And besides it didn't matter, it was just a stupid thing not worth your time"
he took your other hand in his, shaking his head
"if he, or anybody else, does this again you tell me, ok?" 
As much as you wanted to joke about how many crazy exes he believed you had, you decided this wasn't the time.
"ok" you smiled "I promise"
"good" he nodded, bending down to ghost your lips "Now let's go to bed so I can remind you of a few things I'm sure I'm better at than Jason"
__ __ __
or... (angst with no happy ending)
__ __ __
"It's not what you think"
"It's not? 'cause it sure looks like it"
"It was just a phone call Pedro, just let me explain"
"A phone call with your ex-boyfriend"
"yes, exactly my ex-boyfriend"
"This is unbelievable," he huffed, passing a hand through his hair in a frustrated gesture "I fucking trusted you. You made me trust you, and then... then you go screw that fucking asshole behind my back"
"I'm not screwing anybody"
"sure you aren't" he turned to walk away, but you grabbed his arm.
"Listen to me"
"To what? more lies?" he snapped 
"No Pedro I can explain if you just let me talk"
"I don't need an explanation, I know exactly what's going on, just- leave me, I'll go"
"Just like that?" you questioned "You don't even wanna hear me out for a second? You so easily lose all the trust you had in me?"
"Can you blame me?" 
"This is ridiculous, I've answered the phone to tell him to stop calling, that's the only reason why! I'm not cheating on you" you spoke, your tone getting louder "And the fact that you came to that conclusion so quickly is fucking insulting"
"right" he snickered "so you answered the phone at four in the morning to tell him to stop calling, very believable y/n" he shook his head "and to think you're a fucking actress"
"fuck you Pedro" you spat out "You know what? I deserve someone who trusts me, who lets me fucking speak and explain myself, not someone who at the first mistake throws me out like trash"
"And I deserve someone who's not a cheater. Guess we both deserve better"
"I guess we do"
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sturniolos-blog · 4 months
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Babysitter - Matthew Sturniolo x Y/n Oneshot
warnings - fluff, kissing, swearing,
also read ‼️‼️: name change on the daughter just because this fic is not where y/n is the biological mother, but i am going to keep estrella and mailo for when y/n and matt are biological parents.
I wake up to my phone blaring from a call, contact name says ‘The dad of the kid i start babysitting’
Hoping i’m not late i check the time, it’s only 7:40, my job wasn’t supposed to start till 11.
I pick up the phone, “Hello?” I asked in the most not tired voice possible.
“Hey, uh this is y/n right?” Matt asks.
"Yeah, you're Mr.Sturniolo right?"
Matt chuckles, "Please call me Matt, i'm not old."
"Of course, Matt. So what's up?” I rub my eyes and get out of bed as i keep my phone against my ear.
“I’m sorry this is such late notice but do you think you would be able to get here before eight?” He asks.
I let out a small sigh.
“Okay that’s okay i can just be late-”
“Wait what? No! Sorry i’m trying to find a shirt to wear.” I laugh in embarrassment.
“Oh okay great, see you at eight?” Matt confirms.
“See you at eight.” I hang up the phone.
I ended up picking grey cargo pants with a plain white sweatshirt.
I walked up to the given address, nice ass house by the way. I walk up to the font door and knock, the door opens and it reveals a brown haired man, bright blue eyes and stubble on his cheeks, covering his jaw, he was wearing black jeans and a black t shirt. He looked like he was really young so i thought there was no way he could be a whole ass dad
I look at the number again, it said 434.
“Sorry, i might have the wrong ho-” The man cuts me off.
“Wait you’re y/n?” He asks, sort of in disbelief, looking me up and down.
“Yeah, uh- babysitting?” I laugh.
“Oh okay, i’m sorry you look young.” He says, opening the door for me to walk in as i do so.
“Says the teenager.” I joke.
He looks down and laughs, “You’re totally right. Flora!? Come down here please!” Matt yells, a little girl that looks almost exactly like Matt runs down the stairs.
“What did I say about running down the stairs?” Matt scolds as the little girl, presumably Flora hugs his leg.
She had brown fluffy hair that went all the way down to her belly button.
She had blue eyes and was milk white like Matt.
“Sorry daddy.” She hugs his leg as he ruffles her hair.
“I’m gonna ignore it just because we have a guest and daddys running late. This is y/n, she will be hanging out with you for the day while daddy works.” He tells her, i give a small wave and she smiles at me but continues holding onto his leg.
“She’s usually shy at first, actually she might be shy the whole time, she gave my last babysitter a really hard time so i’m so sorry if today is trouble, and what time is it?” He glances at the clock, “Shit. I mean- Flora don’t say that word i really gotta-”
“Okay, Matt you can go, i’m sure we will be fine.” I smile.
Matt takes a break, “Uhm- Right, right. I’m so sorry, y/n. I really didn’t think they were gonna call me in this early-” I cut matt off as he apologizes again.
“Matt seriously, it’s fine. I don’t mind at all. Go ahead.” I laugh.
���Right, right. Okay,” Matt bends down and puts his arms out for Flora, she wraps her arms around his neck.
“Okay, daddy will see you later okay? Love you baby.” He kisses her cheek and quickly leaves the house.
Flora walked towards the window, watching Matt pull out of the driveway.
“It must be hard when dad leaves.” I start, “I know what that’s like, it must hurt, huh?” I ask.
She just nods and stares at the now empty driveway with just my car now.
“Daddy said I was born really early, while he was still in school. But then Mama left so he said he had to quit.” She says, her voice quiet.
“Yeah, it must be tough. How old are you, Flora?” I ask her.
She puts up a five on one hand and a three on the other.
“eight years old? Wow!” I fake gasp.
“So when do you start highschool? Next year maybe?” I ask her, she looks at me and giggles but shakes her head.
“Nooooo!” Flora drags out.
“Really? So you’re already in highschool?” I ask as she giggles some more.
“No silly! I’m in 3rd grade!” She says.
“Oh no way!” I laugh too.
I look at our two drawings.
“What is that?” Flora points to mine.
I hesitate for a second, “I thought we were drawing dogs..”
“We were supposed too. But that’s not a dog.” She shakes her head, almost disappointed.
I gasp, “Okay one more round, now let’s do cats.”
Matt’s Pov
I walk inside and take my jacket off. Sighing as i rub my forehead. Expecting the house to be trashed and the babysitter to be gone, (that’s happened before) but instead I hear laughs and giggles come from the kitchen.
“That’s not a cat!” I hear Flora yell.
“I promise it is!” I hear Y/n speak now.
I hear Flora giggle at Y/n’s response.
I walk into the kitchen and look at a bunch of papers and crayons scattered everywhere on the kitchen table.
Flora looks up first, “Daddy!” She yells, running up and hugging me.
“Hey baby!” I smile, leaning down and kissing her head while hugging her.
She hugs me tightly before letting go.
“I had lots of fun daddy!” Flora yells.
“That’s great! why don’t you go play while i talk to y/n?” I suggest.
“Okay.” She sighs before running to her play room.
Y/n smiles at me as she starts to put away the crayons. She was actually really pretty.
“So how’d today go?” I ask her, helping her clean up the papers.
“It was great actually, i think she likes me but im not gonna jinx it.” She laughs.
“she seems like she loves you.” I smile, “Does that mean you’ll stick around?” I half joke, half serious.
She looks up at me, stopping her movements. “Of course, i’m not going anywhere.” She continues to put the crayons away as she finishes.
“See you saturday, Mr. Sturniolo.” She says, saying bye to flora before leaving.
1 month later
9:35pm sunday
I was cleaning up after i made dinner for alora and i, Matt had a party for influencers to go to. I didn’t mind staying longer, in fact i liked it. Made me feel less lonely.
I put Flora asleep about an hour ago, she insisted to wait up for matt but i stroked her hair a little and she fell right asleep.
Honestly i had a fat crush on matt, he was 25, and im 23, thats perfect, he is a beautiful man anyway.
I was in the kitchen when i heard the front door open. I was wiping down the counters and i see Matt.
“Hey, how was your night?” I asked him.
He nodded and put his keys down on the table, “it was good.. good..” He trails off, “what about you?” He asks as he watches my movements as i wipe the counters.
“It was great. Flora is asleep now, i told her that if she went to bed you’d be here to see her in the morning.” I smile at him as he continues staring at me, i throw the now dirty paper towel away.
“Okay, so i made pasta which i put in a container for you, it’s in the fridge, and i also packed Floras lunch for school tomorrow because i figured you would be too tired to pack it.” I told him, he just stared at me.
“Are you okay matt?” I asked him.
He clears his throat and looks down, fiddling with his fingers, “Um, yeah yeah, of course. thank you so much you do a lot and have done a lot this past month, so thank you for that.”
“I mean of course, i love flora and y- i love taking care of her.” I catch myself.
“Right.” Matt nods, looking around the room in awkwardness, which has never happened before.
“Yeah, right so i’m gonna go now.” I smile.
“Or maybe you don’t have too…” Matt trails off, i give him a confused look, but he walks up to me, and gets real close. “You should stay..” Matt breathes out, he got so close to where his lips were almost hovering over mine.
“I can..” I swallow harshly and nod. “I can stay..” I whisper.
“Good.” He mutters before he leans in and kisses me, it catches me by surprise but i immediately kiss back, my hands going around his neck as his go around my waist.
He hums into the kiss and bites my lip, making me let out a soft gasp and matt takes his chance in sticking his tongue in my mouth. I moan against his lips as he presses me against the counter.
“Daddy?” We pull away from the kiss to see flora.
i know this is such a bad ending but this is probably the last i’m posting till the weekend so i just wanted to get it done because i feel bad for like disappointing you guys.
taglist: @sturniolosmind
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aohisworld · 21 days
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ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ when the world picks on Aohi, she crumbles gently, and Ri-ki’s there to put her back together, piece by piece.
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ nishimura ri-ki x addedmember!oc. mentions of poly!ot7 x addedmember!oc, contains. cringe writing, angst (as always).
| : ̗̀➛ MINTIE’s NOTES: a little self-indulgent because I feel like poopoo honestly 😞 I apologize if this mini- drabble? fic? Is short, I really barely have any time to write to my pieces, and I can only offer you guys these small little fics 😭
| : ̗̀➛ WARNING! How I write ENHYPEN is not meant to portray the idols irl, this is my au and I write this for fun.
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✧. ┊    No one’s a stranger to the familiar feeling of coming back down from a successful peak, the sudden feeling of clouded thoughts or the slow burn-out of your sociality or productivity being a familiar dull sting to your body and mind.
And sometimes you can’t understand just why you have to burn out, and with that comes along frustrations, anger, the tantrums inside your mind when nothing goes your way when you’ve already had a bad day.
Aohi’s world dulls to grey for a little while, the exhausting schedule and the upcoming recording for memorabilia took a lot out of her.
All she wanted was to sleep, maybe for a week straight, if she could, she’d hibernate like a bear. Aohi knows she can’t though, engenes would miss her too much.
Despite her frustrations with the slightly wrong tones or the wrong words being sung out, she trudges on, continuing to work, to rewrite, to practice.
She’s repaid by the loss of her voice, and recording’s been pulled back a week later due to the sudden situation. Aohi sits in her seat speechless when her manager explains it on the way to the studio.
“But then, why am I going if I’m being put on vocal rest?” Aohi’s voice croaks out. In a comical way, she sounded like a Justin Bieber when he was in his teens, cracking and going airy from time to time.
“I didn’t want you to come in either, but the studio was insistent on it,” Aohi groans, despite how hurtful it was on her throat. “Trust me, I tried to fight for a day off, all I could do was move your session to a later time tomorrow.”
“I can’t even do anything at the studio, the whole point of a vocal rest is so I could rest!”
“First off, stop yelling, don’t use your voice-“ Her manager looked up at the rear view mirror, shooting her a glance that told Aohi to fix her attitude.
"Second, just get through this recording, it'll be over before you know it.."
Aohi just rolled her eyes, feeling already irked that she had to come in today. Aohi stared out the window as she ended up tuning out her manager’s voice and locking herself inside her mind.
There wasn’t much to do for her especially when she had a sore throat, even if she could, Aohi doubts her current health would even be able to keep up with anything.
“Aohi, let’s go.” Her manager could be heard unbuckling her seatbelt, Aohi following. Aohi grabbed her phone and opened her car door, squinting at the bright sun.
Her instant response to the sudden rays was to put up her hoodie, entering the studio.
“Batsy!” Sunoo chirps, reaching for the girl before any of the other guys could call for her, and with her call, Aohi gravitates towards Sunoo, his arms taking her in like a cuddly bear.
“I missed you..” Aohi mumbled into his clothes, and Sunoo just hums and kisses her forehead, “gonna keep with the PDA or are we actually recording?” Xiulin amusingly spoke from behind the two.
And it would’ve been funny, if Aohi hadn’t hissed back at her. “Unnie, respectfully shut up.” Aohi replied with a hoarse voice, and Sunoo was taken aback by her sudden reply. Xiulin must’ve been as well, looking at Aohi with widened eyes.
Aohi’s furrowed brows seemed to soften after realizing the stunned faces across the room, and she sighs, pulling away from Sunoo.
“Sorry, unnie… i just… don’t feel well.” Aohi walks into the studio booth trying to rubbing her temple with a frown. Xiulin was still waiting out her aftershock as she just watched her dongsaeng walk away.
“What’s her problem?” Ri-ki pointed his thumb at Aohi inside the booth, looking towards the boys who looked equally confused. “I know manager-nim said she wasn’t feeling well… but she’s never snapped at me like that before.” Xiulin frowns at the booth door, rubbing at her neck in discomfort.
“It’s okay noona, I’m sure Aohi just didn’t feel up to the teasing, you know how she is..” Jungwon tries to ease Xiulin’s feelings, patting the older girl’s back to comfort her.
“We’ll talk to her, don’t worry.” Sunoo added, giving Xiulin a gentle and reassuring smile as the group trailed into the booth.
Aohi sat in one of the couches, trying keep to herself, quietly playing on her phone. The boys looked to each other, trying to figure out how to approach the girl without already irking her more than she already was.
“Heeseung-ssi, Xiulin-ssi, we can record your lines now.” One of the producers called the eldest of the hyung and maknae line to come in, and Xiulin glanced at Aohi, who glances at her and Heeseung.
Aohi quickly darts her gaze back onto her phone as she tries to focus on her games, trying to get the day to go by faster.
Xiulin sighs, looking towards Heeseung who was already waiting by the booth, he mouths to her as if to tell her, that the boys will handle it while they’re gone, and not to worry too much.
Jay decides to make a move towards Aohi, sitting beside her with caution. Aohi squirms at the sudden dip in the couch, but refuses to look up anyway.
“Batsy.. look at me, baby..” Jay encouraged, his hands gently reaching for her tense ones. “You want to tell me what’s wrong?.. we just want to help, Aohi, baby.” Aohi feels rather suffocated in Jay’s hold, and she knows he doesn’t mean to cage her in, but she feels like she can’t breathe.
Aohi shakes her head, trying to pull away from his hold, and Jay’s eyebrow twitches, his first indication that something was worse than just annoyance or tiredness. She mumbled something that Jay couldn’t decipher, he leans even closer.
Jay knew that even if Aohi was annoyed, she’d never turn down any of his hugs, even going as far to tell him that he’s the best at cuddling besides Ri-ki.
“Look at me, Batsy.” Jay reaches for her face, his gentle fingers barely touching her cheeks when Aohi slaps them away. “I told you to leave me alone!” Aohi’s voice croaks loudly, and Jake stands up from his spot in the room.
Her hand reaches to push Jay away, who seemed hurt at the way Aohi raises her voice at him. Despite being scolded by Aohi before, it never sounded worse like it did at this moment.
Aohi’s hand is stopped by Jake’s hand around her wrist, and her attention’s turned from Jay to Jake, trying to pull her wrist away from him.
“Let go!”
“Aohi, that’s enough! We’re just trying to help you!” Jake holds her tighter, and Aohi squeezes her eyes tight, letting out a sob. “I don’t want your help!” Aohi stands up from her spot, shoving Jake away.
Jake toppled over a few instruments, hissing at the impact. “Hyung!” Jungwon and Sunghoon quickly stood up, rushing to Jake’s side. Aohi’s breath hitches, and she sniffles, glancing around, Sunoo and Ri-ki looking at her with disbelief.
Aohi could feel her heart beating with intensity as she only looks for her only escape, running out of the room to the front door.
She has no idea where to run, but her legs certainly aren’t stopping, Aohi doesn’t register which way she goes, turning all sorts of corners, and the sun blinding her.
Soon enough, her body stops running, and Aohi has no clue where she is, she sits on a random bench, the area seemed deserted, some patches of weed growing through the brick path she ran down on.
Aohi brings her legs up on the bench, and she remembers that she’s left her phone at the studio with everyone else, and the air doesn’t do much to calm her.
She digs her face into her knees, and she could feel the familiar sting of tears in her eyes and she squeals into her knees, as if angry that she’s crying.
Aohi has no idea why she’s been so upset lately, maybe she needed to be alone for a while, or maybe Aohi felt like the world hasn’t been so nice to her lately. She’s tired, so tired.
Aohi just wanted to rest for a little while, and she can’t do that when her company wants her to go to these recordings despite putting her on vocal rest.
Aohi can’t afford to go home right now either, for one, she has no clue where she is and Aohi knows that she needs a ride to even get back to the apartments.
She only whimpers, and lets herself cry into her arms, pitiful sobs leaving like a lullaby from her lips. Aohi’s back shakes as her sobs continue, and she realizes that she can’t even stop herself or quiet herself.
And in an ironic way, the world sends a somewhat comforting breeze to her side, despite being certainly mean to her the couple of days, Aohi takes the breeze with gusto, sniffling as she’s blanketed with the wind.
Aohi cries her pretty little heart out in a deserted part of this random park, and she cries and cries until her eyes tire out, Aohi can feel the creeping tiredness loom over her as her eyes don’t fight the urge to close, to get sleep.
She just lets it happen as her eyes blanket her vision with darkness, and she sniffles once more, the need to sleep heavy and she doesn’t fight.
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The sun’s starting to come down, and Aohi can barely register the muffled call of her name. Aohi could feel the approaching headache from dehydration, obviously from crying her eyes out the previous hours, but she looks up anyway.
“Aohi.. wake up, damn it..” Ri-ki curses, and he sits beside her balled figure on the bench, he runs his hands through his hair, sighing out of worry and concern.
“nini…” Aohi mumbled out, and her voice is still coarse, maybe even worse than it was the last time Ri-ki heard it. Ri-ki stops himself from softening at the nickname she calls him, one that she got from other fan accounts on Twitter, thinking it was adorable.
“Do you know how fucking worried we were?…” Ri-ki breathlessly spoke, and he gently placed a hand on her cheek, his eyebrows furrowed. Aohi whimpered, digging her cheek into his palm anyway.
“I’m sorry, nini…” Ri-ki curses under his breath, and he takes off his jacket, placing it over Aohi’s body, he felt the alarming heat of her body on his palm, he stands up from the bench and takes his arms under Aohi’s knees and supporting her back.
He lifts her up with a huff, carrying Aohi bridal style. “Don’t think just because you’re sick means you’re off the hook for running like that.” Ri-ki walks down the familiar path, the sun was going down and soon enough, he won’t be able to see the path out of the deserted park.
“You worried the fuck out of everyone… Jay and Jake were out in the cold for hours, you left your phone so we couldn’t even…” Ri-ki blinked his tears away, the worry and the thought that something could’ve happened to Aohi overwhelming him.
“We couldn’t track you down, and who knows where the hell you could’ve gone?…” Aohi, despite being too tired out of her mind and sleepy, felt guilty anyways, she felt stupid for running then, and she still felt stupid now.
“I don’t know what I would’ve done if I couldn’t find you… hell, what would we tell the engenes? you hate disappointing them..” Ri-ki grits his teeth, it takes a little while for them to regroup with the others, and Ri-ki had gone silent from walking for a bit and he finally walks out to a familiar path, seeing the boys and Xiulin waiting anxiously by the van.
“You found her!" Heeseung sighed in relief, jogging up to the two, Aohi seemed to knock out on the walk, and Heeseung reaches to check on her.
"She's burning.." Heeseung curses, and he walks to the van and opens the door, "Let's get her home before she gets worse." Sunoo agrees, nodding as he climbs into the vehicle, helping Ri-ki climb in with Aohi in his hold.
"Careful.. she's going to bump her head.." Sunoo whispers, placing his hands on her head, looking at Aohi with worry in his eyes.
The boys and Xiulin are silently driven home by their staff, and they all apologize to the staff member for keeping them waiting as Ri-ki, bowed, before walking up to the apartment.
"Ri-ki-yah.. I can carry her.." Sunghoon offered from beside him, and he shakes his head, just continuing to walk up to their dormitory, which Jungwon opens for the youngest.
"Wait! You should bring her to our dorm, I can't take care of her from your dorms.." Xiulin voiced, and the boys turn to her, "Noona, don't worry about it, I'm sure you're tired, me and the hyungs will take care of her." Ri-ki shoots their eldest girl a reassuring look, and Xiulin can't help but sigh.
"But-" Jay shakes his head, asking Xiulin not to fight them on it, "You can trust us, Xiu, don't worry." Xiulin softly frowns, but she couldn't go up against seven boys, even if she wanted to.
"Okay, just.. make sure she gets some rest..." Xiulin reaches over and places a small kiss on Aohi's burning forehead, a quiet goodbye as she recovers in the boys' dorms.
The boys and Xiulin part from the stairs, and Aohi's brought into the boys' dorms, they all have separate rooms now, the countless complaints from singer to manager had worked, and given them some sort of privacy.
Ri-ki makes a quick move to place her onto his bed, tucking her with record-breaking speed, trying to keep her warm, feeling Aohi shiver all throughout the car ride.
Despite his worry, he still feels sour about earlier, knowing Aohi wasn't feeling well, and her mood was not best, did not excuse the fact that she ran off, and for hours they couldn't find her.
"I'll go grab a rag for her fever.." Sunoo whispers from beside Ri-ki, patting the youngest's back in comfort before leaving the room. The rest of the boys seemed to follow after Sunoo, quiet excuses pouring from all of their lips.
"We'll get dinner started, make her some food.." Jay and Jungwon walked out together, and Sunghoon runs his hand through his face, "We'll give you some space.." Heeseung pulls Sunghoon with him, who seems hesitant to leave Aohi's side.
"How could you be so reckless, batsy?" Ri-ki whispered, his tone scolding. For once, he was babying Aohi without any complaint. Well, not that she could anyway. "I thought something had happened to you.. and I wouldn't of been there..."
Ri-ki sat by her side for a while, he repositioned to the ground, gently rubbing his thumb against Aohi's palm. A calming gesture for both of them. He quietly watches Aohi's sleeping figure, and despite the underlying cringe from him, feeling creepy for watching her, he couldn't help but worry, truly.
"...I would've lost it.. batsy, I need you," Ri-ki whispers, and it seems like every time they were by themselves, he starts to speak in Japanese, like he's at his most vulnerable with her. "I need you like water, my love.." He continues his sentence, hoping she'll awake for a little bit.
Like a miracle, Aohi twitches from her sleep, and she lets out a quiet groan, her eyes fluttering from her nap, and she's faced with the familiar ceiling of Ri-ki's room. She calls for him with a broken voice.
"Nini..." And Ri-ki makes a move, sitting up on his knees to coo at her silently, "I'm here, lovely.." He feels Aohi's hand squeeze his, and he feels himself relax. Ri-ki is relieved, comforted by Aohi's presence.
"Why.. would you go look for me..?" Aohi croaks from her spot, looking at Ri-ki with a hurt expression, and he's almost confused on why she would ask such a question. "Why wouldn't we?.." Ri-ki tilts his head, his thumb makes comforting swipes at the back of Aohi's hand.
"You could've gotten sick.. stupid.." Aohi tries to flick up at Ri-ki's forehead, and he shakes his head, making her drop her hand. "I don't care about getting sick, I care about finding you." He replies, and Aohi sighs, turning her head from Ri-ki to the wall.
"I hate when you say stuff like that.." Aohi whispers, and Ri-ki is confused, sure, his words would fluster the girl, but her? Hating such words from him when she was as affectionate as him?
"Why? You and I both know it's true," Ri-ki responds, and Aohi makes a move to almost throw a slight action of defiance. "And that's what I hate about it, I hate that you're willing to break your back as long as I'm with you.."
"And it's the same for the other boys, and I love that you love me so much," Ri-ki listens, despite his dislike for where the conversation was heading, "and I love you all the same, if not more, but I hate that you'd disregard your own well-being for me.. I wish I wasn't that important to you.. any of you."
"How could you say that?" Ri-ki asks, standing up from his spot and sitting on the bed, and Aohi sits up from her spot, "Ri-ki, how could I not? Hell, you gave me your jacket even when you knew it was cold.."
"You're always bending over backwards for me, and I wish you'd be a little more concerned with yourself." Aohi looks towards him and Ri-ki furrows his eyebrows. "You're the same way."
Aohi stays silent, "It's the way I am.." Aohi fiddles with her fingers, looking down at her lap. "And so what? You think we should just take and take, and you get nothing in return for yourself?" Ri-ki assumes, and Aohi looks to argue, to deny, but words don't come out of her mouth.
Ri-ki waits for a reply from Aohi and when she doesn't seem to speak, he continues. "What's the point of us dating you if we'll just be selfish while you break like this?" Aohi still doesn't reply, and she knows there's nothing she could say to fix her words, and what she meant.
"Are we even your boyfriends that way?" Aohi finally moves from her spot, "Of course you are! I just don't want you to be so consumed with being with me that you just.." Aohi brings her hands to her face, "It feels like you have to take care of me all of the time, and I'm just.."
"I don't want any of you to help me because it's not your job, I should be able to do this myself!" Aohi sobbed, and Ri-ki feels angrier than before.
“if you didn’t want any of us to help you when you’re crumbling like this then why are you still dating us?!” Ri-ki yells, and it’s the first time in a while that Aohi had heard him so loud.
Aohi blinks at him and for once she’s surprised of the way Ri-ki stared at her with angry tears. Ri-ki was angry at her.
“Are you angry at me?…” She whispers, and Aohi doesn’t miss the way her voice quivers as she asks this to Ri-ki who turns away from her.
“You don’t know how much it hurts when we see you like this… when I see you like this.” Ri-ki sobbed, his fists grab at his hair, and Aohi makes a move to stop him, knowing it’ll hurt.
“I feel like the worst fucking boyfriend when I see you fall apart like dust and I can’t help you.”
Aohi doesn’t say a word more, unable to reply. Her tears cascaded down her cheeks and she pulls Ri-ki into her arms. “I’m sorry.” She repeats like a mantra.
And it seems like Ri-ki breaks alongside Aohi, and she starts to think that maybe the world was a little too cruel on both of them, or maybe she was being too cruel on him, on all of them.
how could she fix this now?
"I'm sorry nini... I didn't mean to make you feel like that.. I just... feel awful and I've been too cruel.." Aohi holds Ri-ki tightly, and she could feel her hoodie starts to dampen with the boy's tears.
"I'm so sorry... I feel like the worst girlfriend to you... you don't even know nini.." Aohi hugs Ri-ki like she could never let go, and she knows she would never.
"Then help me know, I want to, let me understand, let me help.." Ri-ki begged from her, and Aohi feels worse than she already did.
Aohi places a gentle kiss on his forehead, continuing her apologies. Ri-ki seems to cry for forever he felt like, he just couldn't stop, and his fingers had gone red from how tightly he held Aohi in his arms.
"You don't deserve such a cruel girl like me.." She whispers, lifting Ri-ki's face, wiping at the streaks on his cheeks, and with a quiet voice, Ri-ki speaks, "I want you anyway, I'll always want to be with you, even if you don't."
"How did I score someone like you, hm, nini?" Aohi laughed through her own tears. "I don't know, but you're never getting rid of me." Ri-ki replies, before taking Aohi's cheeks in his hands and laying a gentle kiss on her lips.
The two's lips intertwined like perfect puzzle pieces, Aohi's hand reaching to cup Ri-ki's in a warmth he'll never deny. Aohi thinks that she could never get used to how warm Ri-ki's lips were, always comforting her in ways she could never do herself.
The two pull away, and Aohi almost chases after Ri-ki, already missing him so close to her.
"...I love you, so much." Aohi spoke after a while, using her hoodie sleeve to wipe at her nose, and Ri-ki laughs, grabbing a tissue from his bedside, "Don't wipe it on your hoodie, batsy.."
"I really do love you though, you know that right?" Ri-ki smiles, and nods, wiping at Aohi's tears. "aigoo... you big baby.." Ri-ki kisses at her nose, and Aohi squeals at the ticklish feeling.
"You cried too! I'm not the only big baby!" Aohi retorts, gently slapping Ri-ki's shoulder, the two continued to giggle for a little before they quiet down, the only evidence of their silly behaviour being their smiles.
"Don't ever be scared to crumble, we'll be here to pick you back up... just like you are for us.." Ri-ki hugs her tightly one more time, and Aohi's never felt as loved as she was with the boys, and it makes her realize how much she could never actually live without these boys.
"So.. how does soup sound?"
"Sounds lovely, nini."
"Good, you're going to have to apologize to Jay-hyung and Jake-hyung, they've been sulking since this afternoon." - "Oh... about that.."
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accio-sriracha · 5 months
Choosing isn't an option.
A quick Jegulus drabble I wrote while waiting to start work, enjoy <33
Regulus stood, facing his boyfriend, anger flaring through him.
"Reg-" James started. He held up a hand,
"Don't. Please just don't."
"I'm sorry." James continued anyways, "You know I didn't mean it like that. I swear I never would have-"
"I don't know anything, James! I thought you would have understood! But you didn't. You yelled at me!"
"I know, and I am so sorry-"
"I just- I need some space right now, okay?" Reg whispered, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
James' breath hitched, he and Regulus never needed space from each other, they always worked things out by talking it through.
"Reg?" He whispered, his voice breaking.
He looked away, "Please just go."
James could feel his heart shattering, he didn't care to pick up the pieces, leaving them at his boyfriend's feet as he left the room.
"James?" Remus called when James walked right past them in the common room, "What's wrong?"
James didn't stop, he wasn't sure he could bring himself to put on a smile. He continued up the stairs and to their dorm. Footsteps followed quickly behind him.
"Prongs?" It was Peter's voice now, "Are you okay?"
He shook his head, curling up under his covers. Sirius immediatley climbed in next to him, wordlessly holding him.
"I fucked everything up." James whispered, "I'm sorry, Padfoot, I-" He broke off, a choked sob escaping him as he finally let himself cry.
Sirius shushed him, gently pulling his shoulder to turn him around, "You don't have to apologize, it's okay. We'll fix it. Whatever it is, we'll fix it." He murmured.
Remus sat on the foot of his bed, Peter on the floor beside him. Both of them watched as Sirius did his best to comfort James.
"It's Reg." He finally got the words out, "I- I fucked up with Regulus."
Sirius' eyes went wide for a second. James could see the hesitation on his face.
Regulus was his brother, his flesh and blood, the one Sirius had given everything up to protect his whole life. And James was his best friend, his chosen family, the one he'd left everything behind to stay with.
He couldn't chose between them. And James wouldn't let him.
"Please go find him." James whispered, "Make sure he's okay. I- I hurt him really bad."
"Did you-" He cleared his throat and sat up a little, "Did you hit him?"
James jumped up, "No! Merlin, no! You know I could never! I just- I yelled at him. It was stupid, I know that. It wasn't even a big deal, I shouldn't have gotten so upset, and I tried to apologize but-"
"Hey, it's okay." Sirius pulled him into another hug, "I know you'd never hit him, I just had to ask. We're gonna fix this, I promise."
James nodded, brushing away his tears with his sleeve.
"We'll stay here with him. Go find your brother." Remus told Sirius.
Sirius gave him one last squeeze before leaving the room. James turned to Remus and Peter after the door shut behind him.
"If we break up-" He started Peter cut him off,
"Don't even think like that, Prongs." He reached up to place a hand over his own, "You're going to be fine. You know that."
"Yeah, but if we do." He insisted, "What will happen with Pads?"
"Sirius will figure it out." Remus told him, "You know he isn't willing to lose either of you."
"Was this a mistake?" James looked at their hands, "I'm making him chose between me and his brother. What if we argue again? What happens when he has to chose a side?"
"It won't come to that." Peter insisted, "You and Regulus aren't like that. Neither of you would do that to him, no matter how angry you are at each other."
"And what happens if we do anyways?"
"We'll figure it out together." Remus smiled softly, "But I don't think one little fight is going to put your entire relationship at stake."
"Really?" James asked. Remus nodded,
"Really. Think of all the times you and Pads have faught over the years, and you still love him don't you?"
"Yeah but that's different." James muttered.
"Why?" Remus asked.
"Because he's like a brother to me. I know he's not going anywhere. I'm too scared to lose Reg, I-" He trailed off, shaking his head, "I love him more than anything. I can't imagine my world without him, you know? Like the moment he entered my life I just- I just knew. I was born to love him. I just wish I could explain to him how much he means to me. Sirius is my brother, it doesn't matter how many times I fuck up, he'll always be there at the end of the day, just like I would for him. But with Reg I'm so terrified of messing up I end up pushing him away. I got scared and lashed out and now I might lose him and-" He tried to slow his breathing, Peter squeezed his hand,
"Regulus is your family now, James. We can all see it. He's not going anywhere either."
James nodded, "Yeah... I really hope so. Thanks guys."
A noise from the doorway caught their attention and they all turned to find Regulus and Sirius standing there. Regulus was wiping tears from his eyes.
"He was coming up to find you." Sirius explained, "I ran into him in the hall just outside of the portrait hole."
"Reg." James whispered. He didn't know what to say, he had no idea how much Regulus had heard.
"Did you really mean it?" Regulus asked, "You love me?"
James nodded, "I meant every word."
They stared at each other for a moment longer before James stood, walking over to take both of his hands,
"I'm sorry, Regulus. You have no idea how much the idea of hurting you is killing me. I'm sorry I lashed out earlier... I was just- I was so scared of losing you. You aren't something I can ever live without." He took a deep breath, "I'm in love with you, Reg. With every piece of me. And I never want to let you go."
"I love you too." Regulus whispered, there was a soft smile on his face, "I'm sorry I pushed you away, and that I made you mad in the first place. I should have just talked it out with you Ike we always do."
James shook his head, "It's okay."
"We're okay, right?" Reg asked. James nodded,
"Yeah, we're okay."
He pulled Regulus into a tight embrace, glancing at Sirius over his shoulder,
"Promise me you'll never let me hurt him?" He whispered. Sirius nodded,
"I promise, Prongs."
"Good. Because choosing between us isn't an option."
Regulus laughed and tucked his face into James' neck, "Merlin, you'd be lucky if you figured out a way to shake us both off."
"I love you." James whispered again, kissing the top of Regulus' head. Regulus hummed,
"I love you too, Jamie."
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crepuscularious · 7 months
theres something that gets me inspired by songs lmao
ofc, by the title its inspired by ne-yo's mad which is trending in tiktok and is giving me so much memories LMADKDJALD
sorry if my miguel isnt really canon lol, i just think he'd be more open and shit with his s/o than his co-workers lol
miguel x reader angst to fluff (duhh)
"i dont wanna go to bed (mad at you)"
arguments with miguel are... something
the both of you are stubborn, you dont want to loose the fight but he just wants to understand the whole story (which is impossible with his spanish accents)
"i've told you a thousand times, i was out late because of work! you know how i have to be in certain places in certain plans as spiderman!" miguel exclaims, youve heard this before...
"and i said, that's not what lyla told me, miguel! why cant you just tell me the truth!?" you replied, almost yelling at your significant other.
"why can't you just believe me? besides, you aren't my mom, i don't have to tell you about my whereabouts every time." he says and you start to give him the look
"excuse me!? so me wanting to know where my boyfriend is possessive now? what, i can't care whether or not you're safe?"you replied
"you know the consequences of dating me, (y/n). if you cant handle that then maybe we shouldnt have even met" he said which was supposed to be in a jokingly matter, but he looks at you and his heart just shatters
the look of hurt and unease plastered on your face, you look down staring at the floor. trying to hide those glossy eyes, tears begging to be released...
"i- wait-" miguel tries to stop you but you were already on the way to your shared room with your boyfriend.
"why did he say such words, is he starting to regret asking me out? am i not enough? was i the one wrong in the argument?" thoughts that circled around your head as you silently cried, hugging the pillow and hiding your sobs.
you didn't know what to do, you were starting to slightly panic. whats gonna happen next, whats he going to do to you, are you two gonna brea-
"mi vida" a voice behind the door says "can i come in, please?"
no, say no. dont give in
"mhm" you hummed silently, but enough for miguel to hear. he opens the door, seeing you in a fetus position like a baby made his heart beat a little bit too much. he goes to your side of the bed and tucks the stray hair hiding your crying face behind your ear
"lo siento, mi amor... i never and will never, mean any of the words i had said. i love you too much, and i dont regret a thing. ever since the day we met, today and forever, amor." he says as he kisses your forehead and apologizes non-stop
"forgive me, please? i cant sleep knowing you're mad at me"
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AITA for reporting two 18+ blogs for being condescending towards minors?
I (17f) like to look at nsfw but never interact with the blogs except to look because I’m almost 18 and because I can’t search google because my parents are christen and will ground me anyway I was looking at blog and saw they had reblogged a post with someone asking if another person was 18 and they replied they weren’t and apologized as they didn’t read the pinned post throughly enough and would block and instead of thanking them the blogger yelled at them saying they should obviously know the account was 18+ and that they should know better for their safety and their own which rubbed me to wrong way for 1 how the fuck is it for our safety? If we’re seeking out this content we obviously want it and 2 why get mad at the person after they said they would bock you? So after I went to the account and reported it for both spam and 18+ content and both went through then I scrolled away but then reported the blog who reblogged because they made a post saying to put your age in your bio dumb fucks which I thought was rude and reported them two, I don’t regret doing this and am only asking because this is the first time I’ve done this and don’t want to make it a pattern if it’s wrong
additional info as well: I have alway been bothered by blogs who get extremely made at minors for looking at their stuff, I’m ok with bloggers blocking and being upset what I’m not ok with is them acting like minors are disgusting devils for looking at there stuff and shaming blogs who want their privacy by saying 18+ instead of an age range and I have to see this when every I want to look at 18+ content because I can’t search google and I’ve tried using incognito mode but my parents still found out and punished me heavily so this is the only way I can do it since I can search specific sfw things and find 18+ content also don’t tell me not to look as these blogs I’m gonna do it anyway and the blogs were not posting there own nsfw just things from anime so I’m not looking at them as well as I don’t get off to them while I do get aroused,I don’t do anything about it I just like the feeling and what I mean by my parents punishing me heavily just know this is me finally feeling safe enough to do this
What are these acronyms?
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teag-writes · 5 months
Teachers Pet
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guess who's back!! me!! yay!! umm another request from my pookie bear @etherealhozier so thank her for this one! (also apologies for the unoriginal ass title, i couldnt think of anything else so yeah!!)
cw: age gap (20 sumthing years idk i cant do math!), pet names, thigh riding, cumming on leg (yum), i think thats it!!
You knew from a small age you wanted to catch “bad guys” for a living. Which is why immediately after you graduated high school, you had already enrolled in one of the criminal behavioural classes at the college you attended, as one of your main classes.  
After about a month of being at your university, you had settled in quite nicely as you got to know all of your teachers and other classmates. Now the love for criminal activity and all things crime being the main reason you were attending college, you promised yourself that you wouldn’t let anything get in your way. 
Until you saw him. Dr. Reid, or more formally known as the FBI agent turned professor, was the one who taught you and everyone else all about the interesting subject. He was tall, slender and had dark hair, and even darker eyes like he was hiding something. The way he talked so passionately about his life in the BAU made your stomach swirl. 
You knew this was completely wrong, having a crush on a man who was at least in his mid 40s, while you were in your early 20s. It almost disgusted you, the things you thought of letting him do to you, bending you over and smack-
“(Y/n). Are you paying attention?” A stern but quiet voice interrupted your daydreams as you looked at the man in front of you. 
“Yes sir. Sorry.” You said embarrassed. If he could read minds, you’d sure as hell be in a lot of trouble. 
He pursed his lips at you, forming a smile and giving you a nod and continued teaching. You groaned quietly, knowing this would be a long semester. 
After class, you’d packed your things up and were about to head off to your dorm for study time, when you were halted by a call of your name. 
“(Y/n). Can I speak to you for a moment?” Your professor had caught you red handed and you knew you were done for as you walked over to his desk, after he shut the door. 
“Your attention span has been decreasing lately. Is everything at home okay? Anyone bothering you?” He seemed genuinely concerned for you as he asked you. 
“No sir. Everything’s fine. I’m just… it’s hard to pay attention in class.” Your tone slipped out more seductive than it should’ve and you knew damn well what you were doing was wrong, but you couldn’t care less. Spencer swallowed harshly, his Adam’s apple bobbing slightly as you spoke to him. 
“Oh? Why’s that (y/n)? I’m not boring you, am I?” He said with a raspy laugh that made your stomach flip. 
“No, not at all sir. If anything,” you said looking him up and down. “It’s quite the opposite.” 
You were so nervous with what you were doing right now that you felt like throwing up. You took a step closer to the man in front of you and looked at him. 
“No. Stop.” He whispered out. “This is utterly inappropriate and so, so wrong.” He stopped you in your tracks and you started at him with embarrassment and guilt. 
“Shit, I’m… I’m gonna go.” You quickly grabbed your things and rushed out the door, Spencer yelling after you but you didn’t turn back. 
That night in your dorm, you couldn’t stop thinking about what happened as you got so frustrated with yourself. But within a few seconds, an idea popped into your head. If he really wanted you, you’d have to make him show you. And that’s exactly what you were going to do. 
The next day for class, you’d almost forgotten about what had happened when you remembered your plan. Make him want you. You thought to yourself if this was really what you wanted to do, yet you went through with the plan. You jumped out of your current skirt and replaced it with another, shorter, smaller one as you did the same with your shirt. You popped open the first few buttons and let your hair fall loosely over your shoulders, and decided to go with a dark red lipstick, with well as a pair of heels as you walked to class. 
Everyone had their eyes on you. Teachers, students, hell, everyone was gawking at you in awe. Whispers of shock fled peoples mouths as you walked into class and took a seat. You sat front row, as you always do, and waited for class to begin. The moment Spencer walked in, you stopped breathing, remembering that this was all for him. 
“Good morning class…” Spencer trailed off of his sentence as he saw you, and let out a choked cough.  “Pardon me, I must’ve had something in my throat. Please take out your notebooks, we will be talking notes today.” The whole entire time Spencer was speaking, he didn’t take his eyes off you once. And that continued throughout the whole lesson. 
By the time class was done, everyone had made their way out as you remained last again, trying to pack up quickly when an angry seeming voice halted you once again. 
“(Y/n). We need to talk.” Spencer didn’t seem impressed at all, but that only filled you with more lust. You gave him a warm, innocent smile and sat back down as he closed his door again. 
“Is something wrong, Dr?” You batted your eyelashes at Spencer and you hated every second of it, but you needed him. 
“Don’t call me that.” He had a furious look on his face, as he stepped closer towards you. “What’s going on with you today? The makeup and clothes, I mean.” 
You playfully spoke back to him as he asked you a question. “I don’t know what you mean.”
He groaned as you spoke to him, tipping his head back slightly. “Don’t play dumb with me, (y/n). You know what you’re doing.” 
He lunged forward to you and grabbed your wrist, hard but not too hard. 
“Is it working, Dr?” You purred back at him, and that only made things worse as he gently put his hand around your neck. 
“Yes. Yes it is, (y/n). Your little “whore” getup makes me sick. God, you don’t know what you do to me.” He said growling back at you. As he continued his grip on your neck, another hand made its way down to your legs and stopped at your heat. 
“Fucking soaked. Bet you’ve thought about this hm? Me pinning you against this wall and fucking you raw?” 
You moaned at his harsh, lustful words as he continued circling your clit through your panties. His grip tightened when you didn’t answer, making you squeal loudly. 
“Answer me. Have you thought about this, (y/n)? 
“Yes.” Was all you managed to breathe out. 
“Atta girl.” He praised you as he let go of your neck, sitting back down his desk chair. You stared at him with confusion, not knowing what to do. 
“C’mere.” He patted his thigh and motioned you to come sit on his lap. You immediately complied, straddling yourself right over his bulge, making you gasp. 
“If you want this so bad, you’ll get off on my thigh while I grade these papers.” He cooed gently at you, moving the hair out of your face. The angry man that was there seconds ago, was now gone. You whimpered at his command, as you knew you were going to have to work for it. 
“I know baby, I know. You’ll be okay.” He praised softly, as he leaned in for a kiss. You let his tongue swipe yours, as his teeth grazed your bottom lip, making you moan. He pulled apart from the kiss and you groaned at the loss of contact. 
“I know you wanted me to fuck you, but there’s consequences when you come into my office dressed like that. I’m being nice and at least letting you get off, hm? Such a good girl.” 
You couldn’t even be mad at him, his sweet tone had taken complete control over you. You started moving your hips against his leg, slowly and painfully, eliciting a moan from your lips that only made him twitch under you. You slowly started to speed up your movements, already feeling your muscles spasm over his cock. His hands made their way from the papers on his desk to your hips, moving them expertly against his leg. He saw that you were getting tired, so he naturally bucked his leg repeatedly into your wet cunt. 
The familiar coil in your stomach began to break apart and you came tortuously hard on his leg with a loud moan, not caring if anyone heard. He bucked his leg into you again, riding you through your orgasm as you let out sweet little whimpers. 
“Shh shh, I’ve got you baby. It’s okay. Good girl.” All the little praises he mumbled to you made you needy enough to come again, but you couldn’t. Instead, you sit there with your head on his shoulder, all fucked out because of him. 
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