#and let’s be real
zimmerdouche · 1 year
nursey: god i love your mom
dex: you’ve never met my mom?
nursey: not in person. we’re facebook friends tho
dex: what
nursey: i’m in her book club
dex: WHAT
nursey: shannon has excellent taste in literature
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6flyingosprey6 · 21 days
Who in their right mind looks at the people who made the server so memorable and thinks “Ah yes, it’s those guys that need to go!”
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lithiumcreepblog · 11 months
Y’know, I don’t think Jonathan is Argyle’s “only friend”. Argyle very much reads to me as a group hopper. His personality is so infectious and chill that I feel like he would get along with everyone. Maybe he didn’t have anyone he was super close with before Jonathan, but he certainly would have been friendly with a lot of people at school. Going off of that, Jonathan would also awkwardly tag along to the parties Argyle’s invited to because he has nothing better to do and he likes hanging out with Argyle. But turns out, everyone likes hanging out with Argyle, from the jocks to the stoners to the theatre kids to the cheerleaders. (That totally wouldn’t make Jonathan jealous, not at all) And more often than not, Jonathan is left standing alone near the door while Argyle goes and mingles around with all these different people. But he would always come back to Jonathan afterwards, making sure he’s okay and comfortable. Jonathan is not Argyle’s only friend, but he is his closest and truest friend.
(Or at least that’s how I interpret it)
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kleptotello · 2 years
There used to be a street named after Casey Jones, but they changed it because nobody crosses Casey Jones and lives.
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resetmypatientviolence · 10 months
Have you heard about pixelberrys new app Storyloom? If so what are your thoughts?
I definitely have not! I cant provide any unbiased opinions since I’m unaware but in my personal opinion, I doubt it’ll be as successful as the OG app because I highly doubt the quality of stories will be improved/recaptured. That said, while I’m choosing to NOT spend my money or time on it (why get angry at canon when fanfic is there?), it should be a general blast for people who want to check it out and enjoy stories there.
I just personally got over the new content PB was putting out & found that I was stressing over pixels so I’m not willing to engage in that again for myself. Gotta love mental illness amiright?
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peonyblossom · 10 months
boooooooo i’m gonna be busy all day today and won’t be able to play the new CoP chapter until super late tonight
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overheaven · 10 months
finally got my little freak :)
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portiaadams · 1 year
Dear television show runners:
Refusing to cater to “fan service” doesn’t make you an edgy auteur. It often makes you a hack who can’t tell a coherent, properly paced story.
Yeah, I’m always thinking about Terrance Winter but it’s Taylor Sheridan who has my ire at the moment.
The season finale of 1923 was *nonsensical*. It smacks of a writer spinning his wheels because he didn’t spent the three hours with a “Save the Cat” spreadsheet open needed to pace out this chapter of Yellowstone’s* history and therefore has no plan for season two beyond “can’t let them get home yet”.
Also if you are going to introduce titles or any other historical aspect open up Wikipedia and do some damn research.
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Real horses can’t save a mess of a plot.
*this is also an issue with Yellowstone
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icyhotness · 2 years
You know,,,I always felt very icky about the way tumblr folks were rejoicing about twitter’s demise and I couldn’t exactly articulate it until now…a lot of y’all are giggling and celebrating bc of some weird superiority complex while very real people are losing the only safe place they know of. Sex workers. Artists. Small businesses. All of them and more are losing their livelihoods bc twitter connected them in ways that other social media sites don’t. And speaking of sex workers,,the ramifications of this will be tremendous for them especially considering no other site up now allows them to do their business with such ease and accessibility as twitter. And rather than being warm and inviting, y’all are laughing and trying to keep people from coming back into here.
Idk I just find it incredibly annoying and even a bit irritating. Especially as I see posts that are essentially like haha losers, so glad that I picked this site while you picked that other site when you could just be…idk…welcoming ??? Understanding??? Or at the very least, not some callous jerk about it
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suiheisen · 1 year
i watch baseball for the side quests (ps: this baseball player also makes fruit cocktails midgame)
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captainsaltypear · 5 months
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drchucktingle · 23 days
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Across the wide world of the Tingleverse, one thing is clear: love is real 
But, for many buckaroos, their preferred kind of love has nothing to do with sex or romance. Whether asexual or just not feeling it at the moment, this collection of completely sexless tales is perfect for the desires of any readers who are looking for a non-sexual trip through the alternate timelines of Dr. Chuck Tingle.
NOT POUNDED BY ANYTHING VOL. 4 is out today as a paperback trot. six more platonic tales for your collection of no sex tinglers. LOVE IS REAL
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whump-it-like-its-hot · 9 months
So earlier in art class today, someone drew a characters hands in their pockets and mentioned that hands are really like the ultimate end boss of art, and most of us wholeheartedly agreed. So then, our teacher went ahead and free handed like a handful of hands on the board, earning a woah from a couple of students. So the one from earlier mentioned how it barely took the teacher ten seconds to do what I can’t do in three hours. And you know what he responded?
“It didn’t take me ten seconds, it took me forty years.”
And you know, that stuck with me somehow. Because yeah. Drawing a hand didn’t take him fourth years. But learning and practicing to draw a hand in ten seconds did. And I think there’s something to learn there but it’s so warm and my brain is fried so I can’t formulate the actual morale of the lesson.
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notherpuppet · 2 months
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Ball is (after)life *badum tsk* 🥁
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venussmilk · 3 months
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ik they dont have phones but u cant tell me chilchuck wouldnt go crazy on facebook reels
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mal3vol3nt · 1 month
aang haters are so insane cause you’re literally hating on happiness personified????????
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he is literally just a guy
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who is five apples tall
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and needs his sleep
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