#and immediately gaia screams RUN
atiny-piratequeen · 1 year
holy fucking shit im glad you guys are all okay (everyone is okay right) im sorry that happened to you guys
It was fucking terrifying but also kinda funny im ngl
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
SOLDIER Vlogging Shenanigans pt. 23
[The video starts with immediate, muffled screaming in the background. There's a thumb over the lens, but it's clear that the person filming is running]
"Holy—!" Cloud's swear is muffled by glass breaking.
[The camera pans around in a blur, focusing on an outright belligerent scene. Genesis is being held down by six men, one of which is Kunsel, who's sitting on his chest while learning colorful swear words]
"HOW DARE HE!" The commander screeches, thrashing and pulling. "I'M GONNA KILL HIM! I'M GONNA STRANGLE HIM WITH HIS OWN HAIR!"
[The camera then pans to Angeal, who's consoling a crying Zack and pointing an accusatory finger in the opposite direction]
"And you know what else, Sephiroth? You are a disgusting, depraved, insufferable man." Angeal pulls a sniffling Zack closer. "I'm ashamed to even be in your presence. Ashamed."
[The camera pans back to Genesis on the ground, who's now trying to crawl forward while simultaneously being pulled back by Kunsel and the other SOLDIERS]
[The camera turns and points to an unbothered Sephiroth. He's sitting on a swivel chair, smug-faced and swirling a wine glass as he reads a book]
[Cloud turns the camera around to film himself. He stares wide-eyed into the lens, grimacing. Director Lazard is seen walking through the door behind him]
[Cloud zooms the camera in on him. Lazard assesses the chaos, mouth agape]
"What on Gaia's good soil happened in here!?"
[Cloud huffs, then pans the camera back to himself]
"Mario Kart."
[He ends the video]
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diviner-alva · 2 years
12/30 - The way they care for each other
Okay boys this is one of my favorites. I think the video with the title speaks for itself BUT I WILL TALK ABOUT A FEW THINGS ANYWAY (proceeds to talk about all the things).
I know the first thing is... Tekotteh who only looks like a big man if he make others look small. I just thought it was nice of Kotallo to defend her honor in front of him even though she doesn't need it, she also doesn't seem so bothered of him doing so. Next we have my favorite moment, after Tekotteh calls him a cripple she immediately goes for the cannon like that was the last straw for her, omg why are they already so protective what instinct is this? Her urgency is what confirms at least to me that she also kinda blew that wall up for him. Also her calling Tekotteh a jerk only happens after you talk with Kotallo at the base about his past, I made a few test runs and all of them have confirmed this so far.
Other similar moment to this is if you choose to kill Regalla, she will glance Kotallo's way AND NOT ONLY THAT BUT HER SAYING "After all that you've done" GODDAMNIT MY BRAIN TRANSLATES THAT TO "After all that you've done to him" because I am crazed for them don't listen to me. Plus we have her running immediately towards Kotallo at the Kulrut even though he wasn't Regalla's target and everyone was screaming at Aloy "get to the chief!" when she was on the way to the throne room.
Next we have them at the Zenith Lab, I think him assuming she's worrying (and she is) and saying "I'll be fine" is the most adorable thing ever, plus how her voice sounds like when she is looking for the parts for his arm (I'll tell ya folks I barely hear her sound like that, the only other time was at the start of the game when she was looking for a GAIA backup, tho that one sounded more desperate for obvious reasons). BUT THEN HER "Something wrong?" IS SO SOFT I JUST GOT 7 CAVITIES FROM ALL THE FLUFF JESUS CHRIST (also wtf he sounded exactly the same as he always sounds and yet she was able to tell he was a little off, like mam you paying a lot of attention to this man to notice something so subtle).
Then I just think it's also cute the first thing she asks him after he returns to the grove is how he's feeling after being back to the tribe, this probably to know if he's uncomfortable? If he's having any problems because she knows what it feels like.
NOW ON KOTALLO'S END, those greetings man... he knows she's capable and yet he asks how she's doing if she's fine to be careful to be safe LIKE, BRO. And then the longing after GEMINI and What was lost he starts with the "I was wondering when you'd return" "Finally you've returned", do I can hardly blame him, I imagine how dreadful he might have felt after the long ours after GEMINI.
And finally, we have a few moments that Aloy shows she doesn't want to lose him, the one about "if I live it will be in victory" is before GEMINI, she doesn't sound afraid but I wanted to include this anyway. Later we have her voice literally cracking with even the thought of losing Kotallo, her voice is twice as high and with much more emotion compared to how she speaks the other names. We then have her body language again at the thought of losing him and Alva, she shakes her head viciously while staring at the floor, but then her voice is soft and I might be just crazy but she sound afraid of the thought.
NOW ACTUALLY FINALLY BCS I'M AN IDIOT AND PUT THE TRIMMED VIDEOS IN THE WRONG PLACE. But I just think they care for each other a lot and hers "I'm glad all this brought us together" she shifts on her feet and looks down before staring him in the eye, was she building her resolve to say that or am I just on crack?
Anyway those are the chapter for today boys, sorry if it's late. And omg that was a long one.
<- Previous post "11/30 - The way she always has time for him"
-> Next up "13/30 - The way he wants her by his side"
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If not for my friends of many years over at @unig33k-blog, my loved ones who gave me an ear and put up with my shenanigans, my coworkers and mentors who helped answer questions I never could figure how to address, and my new acquaintances in so many Discord servers, I would never have had the courage to make one rash, brave decision and welcomed the truth about myself.
If it weren't for Tumblr, Gaia Online, my first serious girlfriend (and good friend to this day), and two of my ex-boyfriends, I never would have learned the vocabulary that would help me discover that truth.
If it weren't for the overwhelming support I had from my friends and from trusted family members, I would never have come out as nonbinary and transfem. I would never have decided that it was better to tell my dad and my sisters that I was transitioning than to keep them in the dark.
My VTuber character is a woman who revels in the comfort of the shadow, but the author of this post? She wants to be in the light, even when it's scary to do so - when being open, out, and unabashed can get me harassed, driven to suicide, or murdered.
I was in the closet to my family at large for 15 years. A few days prior to this post going live, I came out on Instagram and Facebook. While my sisters are unsure how to process that information, I was informed by one of my brothers-in-law that my immediate family is supportive of my transitioning. I am still trying to process that acceptance.
I don't know what will happen from here. I'm scared of the future, but I am done with running away.
I'm running towards what I fear. Screaming. While wielding a tire hammer and counterbashing those who bring harm to my queer, trans, and gender-nonconforming siblings.
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creators-novel · 1 year
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Castor sleepily pokes around in some bushes trying to find anything that even remotely resembles a crystal, “(This mission…is just getting silly.)”
Indigo excitedly climbs up a tree and happily chants, “Yeet yeet yeeeeeeeet!” as she does. “Careful, dear.”, Selena calls, keeping a very close eye on her rambunctious daughter.
           “(Wait a minute-)”, Castor thinks, “(Can this suit pick up on energy signatures?) …ehh- suit? Pick up familiar energy signatures from the crystals?” The suit responds accordingly, and it reveals on a holographic screen that there are two Gaia Crystals nearby, both in the same location. Indigo and Selena look over and catch a glimpse of the hologram as Castor is about to head that way. Indigo runs up and catches him by the sleeve.
“Don’t go over there, there’s an evil thingy!”
Selena walks up, “I’ve always felt suspicious energy from that area… But if there are crystals over there… then we’ll take the risk. Indigo, stay close to me please.” Indigo clings to her mother’s skirt as they carry on.
           After following the set path, they soon come to a part of a forest that feels… off. The three notices in the distance what looks like an old cave sealed shut and covered in runes. Selena points forward, “That’s it, right there.” “It looks like a tomb”, Castor observes. Indigo clings tighter onto her mother, “It’s full of baaad energies. Mommy told me to stay away and never touch it.”
They carefully and slowly get closer to this tomb, and they see that embedded in it are the two crystals. “Finally.”, Castor steps forward to retrieve the gems but as he does, he begins to notice old signs scattered about the area.
“Stay Away”
“Monster Within”
Castor tilts his head, confused, “What…?” He does some investigating and finds only more signs, the sheer number of warnings becomes dizzying to look at.
“He will make the World turn Black”
“This World Will Fall”
“He is the Void.”
“He must stay here for Eternity”
           At that moment, Castor realizes what his dream was about, it was a premonition, another warning!
Selena gingerly puts a hand on Castor’s shoulder, “Castor? Are you ok?”
“…I get why you told her never to come here-“
Just then, the group hears a “CRASH” behind them. They whip around and see what can be described as a robotic version of Castor, with menacing, glowing red eyes.
“Mommy…? What is that?”
“Is that- me-?”
The bot ignores them and does a quick scan of the area, immediately locking onto the two crystals. It rushes towards them, nearly knocking over Exisite in the process, then tries to pull the gems out via false telekinesis. “WAIT! NO!”, Exisite counters with his own power, but this does little to stop the automaton as it ZAPS him with a field of electricity, pushing him into the ground. It grabs the crystals, but just as it’s about to fly away, the tomb illuminates with purple light. “Ugh-! SELENA!”, Exisite shouts, “Get Indigo and RUN!” “Ok!”, Selena does just that. “Nooo! Exisyyyyyy!!!”, Indigo cries as she’s pulled away from the scene. Exisite grabs a walkie-talkie from his belt and calls, “Delta! Delta, come in!”
           Back at the base, Delta, a young tech prodigy who had been staying with the team, and who sees Castor as a mighty warrior for justice, picks up his walkie and asks, “Delta here! What’s your status, Castor?”
“Is DarkClaw there!?”
Hearing his name, DarkClaw gets up and says into the walkie, “Yeah fam, what’s up?”
“We might have a problem-! This metal-me took off with two of the crystals. But the real problem is that it released something it shouldn’t have!!”
           The door to the tomb opens, and a grotesque, purple glow emanates from within as demonic cries can be heard, as if erupting from the depths of the underworld itself. DarkClaw and Delta hear the chaos from their walkie.
“Wh-What is that?! Should we go check it out?”
The shining light is like a beacon and the cacophonous screams start to garner attention from all over. Heroes, villains, and civilians alike watch as this entropy spills into their lands.
“It’s too dangerous.”, Exisite says breathlessly as he hides behind a tree.
“Then run, man!”, DarkClaw barks as he takes the walkie from Delta.
“I can’t do that- I gotta stop this somehow.”
“Castor Kurai, I order you to return home immediately!”
“Castor?”, Delta asks to confirm he’s still there.
           Just then, Nave, a vigilante and old friend (slash rival) of DarkClaw and Ex appears to figure out just what exactly is happening here. Realizing this fight will be easier with two people, Exisite stands his ground. He whispers into his walkie, “No. I can’t afford to run now.”
           As if on cue, a suspicious man steps out from the tomb as the erratic energy clears up. Everything he wears is black: his hood, his long sinister coat; his face can hardly be seen, other than his deathly, orange eyes. He stretches and yawns as if he was awoken from a very long nap, and the first thing he sees is Nave approaching him as he asks, “And just who might you be?”
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mutedbishop · 2 years
The sudden change in environment was suffocating.
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       Stepping out from the door of the Queen's dimensional gates to the cold, ruined world on its other side, tender form carefully lowers to the sands beneath. Frozen still in step, hand slowly reaches for the knife holster strapped around the upper arms, and violet hues scan what could be seen of the dark, storm-swept realm around her.        Silence. Utter silence, save for the whirring winds of Chaos's storms, rushing through the air and seeping through the ground like the black ichor veins of a tainted celestial she stood upon. Silence hearkened the worst of the dangers. A calm to welcome the tide of chaos to follow.        Three knives slip free from each arm holster, pinched between curled fingers. Pulling the trim of her hood low over her head and holding herself close together, a slow breath is drawn of the tainted, corrupted air, and her first steps are taken...                                                       Into Sempira.
       Once, this was a populous world, just the same as Gaia. She remembered it well during her stay, imprisoned within its depths all those hundreds of years ago, for hundreds of years thus. Once, a world inhabited by travelers of the sea who came upon a bridge to carry them hither and welcome them to a world they may make their own. And what spires of magic and technology they made of it, prosperous to the billions that inhabited it over the thousands of years.        Then, as though eons had passed between visits, it was a world twisted and changed by Chaos until it was an unshapely thing. A shell caved out to host and hold its very own destroyer alongside the myriad of other threats that could endanger the stars above. Did they still linger, deep below? Or were they, too, devoured by their creator?         But, as all things inevitably must, all was made to heel and brought to its end, and aught that remains of it now is an empty husk of shadow and c o r r u p t i o n.        Corruption. The taint of Chaos Magic. A familiar sensation that runs through the body, infecting it with its tempting presence and stealing the mind and soul ( the very winds that brushed past her and whistled, beholding the screams of b i l l i o n s ) for its own. She hears, but she does not listen, pushing forwards into the dense, black winds.        This world was desolate, ruined and broken beyond repair, but it was not devoid of life. A growl carries in the wind not far from her, just beyond the field of her vision, but it was there. Golden orbs peer through the bleak shadows, watching and following her every step. Stalking, but neither advancing to nor retreating from her distance. A perfect dualism in their steps, maintaining a perfect distance just beyond the veil of Chaos.
       She knows those eyes, and knows immediately that she is surrounded. The eyes of the Corrupted, twisted by Chaos's influence. Mindless mimickers and doppelgangers, following the every movement. Once, she commanded them. But she is no longer worthy. The pinched knives are brought to the side and thrown outwards in a clean, concise circle, embedding into the sand and binding the shadowy silhouette to the weapon's own, preventing them from following her further. But others surely will, and her steps hasten and tread into the sandy ground in tandem with the myriad of others at her sides and behind her.         Broken. So very broken. The land and sky peels back the further forwards she travels, cracked and broken into the black nothingness of infinity, drowning away anything within its grasp. It stretches beyond her, past a sandy dune she stands atop. Eyes peer forwards and down to the slope descending, knowing what awaited below. A moment of pause is spent, a slow breath is drawn. Listening, quietly, to the slow slosh of water upon the shore, staining it black.         Down she ascends the last vestiges of the material plane, leaving behind the shell of her own skin with it ( peeled off of her form to leave in its wake the ethereal shape of the soul, itself. )
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                                                 Down.                                                                                                                        Down.                                                                          Down.
       ...Until gentle step is set upon the still waters, sending a ring of disturbance outwards into infinity. A greeting met in kind. Expanse contracts and extends well beyond the world behind her, and aught of it was no more as she was pulled into the domain. Naught remained now but she and the still and silent Sea.                                                       The Abyss.
       One would imagine Chaos’s influence would instill maddening fear, hysteria, and insanity. But it was a cold emptiness that froze the cables of ones very soul, diluting every sensation, depriving one of every emotion. A loneliness filling out every open space with its embrace so that its temptations were made all the sweeter. Or perhaps this was her own punishment. The reminder of who she was. Ethereal digits run across each other, flecks of glittery particles drifting down into the water she stood upon like the cosmic dust of planets.         Towards her, a ring of disturbance is sent upon the water, crashing against the cranium of her own mind and bearing with it, that all too familiar chill. She is frozen in place, for she dare not look forwards. Prideful Ophelia, who has seen and had a hand in the downfall of whole civilizations, was but an insignificant grain of sand standing upon the ocean’s depths, now. Here and now, she could be swept aside, erased from the flow of time, or returned to her basest instincts on no more than a whim.                                    Speak the intention. Never question. Never doubt. 
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                                                    “ Flesh of my flesh.                                                      Blood of my blood.                                                  You... who is bound in it.                                            I am come.. to renew our deal. ”
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mca-attack21 · 3 years
Damsel in Distress part I
This is a two part Arthur Pendragon x Reader based on the season two episode four of the show. Enjoy! Also you can find more of my writing here: Masterlist
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Merlin woke up to a feeling of foreboding. There was something in the air that made his stomach turn with dread. As he prepared to go wake his clotpole of a master, he tried to push this feeling out of the forefront of his mind. But even as he made it down to the kitchen there was this sense of apprehension in the air. He hoped that he would run into you somewhere in the halls and that you would be able to set his mind at ease. He however was not so fortunate.
Instead, he trudged onward, setting Arthur’s food down and opening his curtains before declaring a half-hearted, “Rise and Shine” before quickly gathering some of his clothes to be washed. Arthur didn’t even have time to come up with a jest before Merlin was out of the door. Merlin busied himself, quickly polishing Arthur’s armor and completing other daily chores. He mentally prepared himself to deal with the prince as returned to his door.
“Ah, there you are, I was beginning to think you were avoiding your duties. And what’s this?” he asked, watching as Merlin laid everything out, “You’re actually doing your job for once? Are you feeling alright?” Arthur joked.
His smile soon turned to a frown as Merlin ignored his comments. He shrugged it off and allowed Merlin to help him dress and put on his armor. While Arthur was looking over some papers on his table he noticed that Merlin had already made his bed and was starting to take the dishes from the table.
“Merlin, clearly something is upsetting you,” Arthur pointed out.
“It’s nothing sire, do you need anything else?” Merlin asked with his back against the door.
“No, that will be all,” Arthur dismissed, sending a concerned glance towards his friend as he exited.
Merlin took leave and went back to his chambers to help Gaius. He tried to occupy his mind, but nothing he did seemed to ease that burning pit in his stomach. Something had happened, was happening, or was about to happen, he could feel it.
Somewhat abruptly, he decided that he needed to see you. He went to seek out Morgana, as you were filling in for Gwen while she was taking care of her brother. He knew that wherever Morgana was, you wouldn’t be far away.
It was in his search that he saw a few of the knights rushing for an audience with the king. Something had happened. Merlin followed at a close distance and listened in.
“As you know Sire Morgana, her maid, and a few knights rode for a pilgrimage to her father’s grave early this morning. They were meant to be back by now, but there is no word or sign of them. That was until one of the patrols came across one of the knight’s horses. I am afraid something went wrong..”
“Send men out immediately. Arthur, you will lead the search, do whatever you must to bring her home,” the King ordered concerned for his young ward.
“Of course father,” Arthur answered before hastily making an exit. Merlin was right on his heels, and left to prepare their horses.
The mercenaries had both you and Morgana in a tent with a guard posted right outside the doors. The two of you had come up with a plan, it was risky at best. However you were both aware of the fact that the further away from Camelot you traveled, the less likely you were to ever see it again.
“Are you ready for this?” Morgana asked, preparing herself.
“As ready as I’ll ever be”
She was about to step forward when you grabbed her arm, “No matter what happens, I want you to take any opportunity you get. Don’t worry about me. Promise.”
“There is no way I’m leaving without you.”
“Morgana, you have to promise me. I cannot bear the risk otherwise.”
“I promise, but only as long as you promise me the same. We take any opportunity we get.”
With that, the plan was in motion. Morgana demanded that she be allowed to bathe and you both were escorted to the river by two of the men. You took the distraction of her undressing to manage to disarm one of the men and tossed Morgana the sword just in time for her to take out the other. The two of you started running back towards the castle, but there was another mercenary that intercepted you. Being as you were the one with the sword you opted to fight him, thankful for the many hours you had spent training with Arthur when you were younger. Morgana turned back to help you.
“Go, I will be right behind you!” you shouted, watching her hesitate, “Morgana go! Now!”
She turned and ran only looking back when she heard your scream in the distance. She quickly picked up her pace again and ran without looking back. She pushed through the aching in her muscles until she was faced with a crossbow aimed at her face. Relief filling her features as soon as she saw its holder.
“Where’s Y/n?” Arthur asked immediately.
Morgana merely shook her head and Arthur turned before his face could give him away. Merlin pushed down his own feelings and went to Morgana to make sure she was okay and offer her water and food. They set off immediately for the castle and soon came the reunion between Uther and Morgana. She begged him to send out another search party for you, after all you had saved her life.
“I am not going to waste the time and resources on a servant girl who has most likely already been executed as she provides no worth to the mercenaries without you,” he explained to Morgana. The words cut Arthur deeper than any sword ever had.
“Please, there is still a chance. Arthur?” she turned towards him hoping he would take her side.
“I’m sorry Morgana, father is right” Arthur managed before turning and exiting a very angry Merlin on his heels.
“How could you say that? How could you possibly agree with him after everything that you and Y/n have been through? I knew you were a clotpole, but this, this is unforgivable!” Merlin all but shouted.
“Merlin Shut Up!” Arthur raised his volume before regaining his composure as he entered his chambers, “Of course I don’t agree with father, but there was no point in making a scene about it. We will pack and leave at first light. We will find her, one way or another.”
Merlin was speechless for a moment, before uttering an apology for overreacting before. He was then quick to leave and make the preparations for the next day as it was already early night.
The next morning he was surprised to see that Arthur had managed to not only wake himself up, but dress himself. He was looking over maps as Merlin entered. Soon the two of them were off on their quest to save the damsel in distress. The rode for the better part of the day before coming to a caves that were inhabited by wilddeoren. As they made it through the other side Arthur let out a breath he hadn’t even known he was holding, “I can’t believe the Gaia berries actually worked.”
“Hold up, you mean to tell me that you didn’t know that they would work before you lead us in a cave with giant flesh eating rats!”
“I mean not for sure, I heard stories, but I figured we’d find out one way or another.”
“Now you tell me?! Oh! Oh, what's that wilddeoren eating? It's all right. It's just Merlin. You trying to get us both killed?”
“I'm sorry. I shouldn't've risked your life like that,” Arthur said a new hint of seriousness in his voice.
“I didn’t realize that even the great Arthur Pendragon could fall victim to the blindness of love,” Merlin joked.
“What in the world are you going on about?
“Your feelings for Y/n. Why can’t you admit that you like her? I mean you are risking your life and even your father’s wrath just for a one in a hundred chance of rescuing her.
Arthur scoffed rolling his eyes, “She is just a friend, I’d do the same for you. In fact I seem to remember disobeying my father before in order to get you an antidote when you decided to get a few days off my drinking out of a poisoned chalice.”
“That was different and you know it. Besides, anyone who has ever seen the two of you together can pick up on it. Why is it so hard to admit you like her? It’s only me, just say it,” Merlin encouraged.
“I can't! How can I admit that I think about her all the time. Or that...I care about her more than anyone. How can I admit that...I don't know what I'll do if any harm comes to her?” Arthur confessed struggling to keep his emotion in check.
“Why can't you?”
“Because nothing can ever happen between us! To admit my feelings knowing that...hurts too much.”
“Who's to say nothing can happen?”
“My father won't let me rescue a servant. Do you honestly believe he'd let me marry one?”
“You want to marry Y/n?”
“No! I mean maybe someday...I...I don't know...Regardless, it's all talk, and that's all it can ever be.”
“When you're King, you can change that. If she feels the same way, she would wait for you.”
“I can't expect her to do that, it’s not fair to her. Besides, we don’t even know if she’s alive,” he said regretting the words even as they left his mouth because they caused his stomach to drop.
“I’m sure she’s fine Arthur. She knows that you’ll come for her and that hope will keep her alive.”
The words seemed to offer Arthur some comfort, “Come on. We've got a long trek ahead. Oh, and Merlin...if you dare tell anyone about this, I promise I will make your life a living hell.”
“You mean more than you do now?” Merlin joked, earning a playful smack from his friend.
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neuroweird · 2 years
PAIRINGS: Kotallo x Aloy CONTENT: post-Horizon Forbidden West, Aloy definitely has PTSD, panic attack, flashback, kotallo without his body paint, tattoo tracing, comfort/angst WARNINGS: HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST SPOILERS, mentions character deaths, contextual violence, discusses trauma RATING: Teen and Up (for now) WORD COUNT: 4.2k DESCRIPTION: In a violent nightmare, he was thrown off a mountain and into the mist, another friend dying just out of Aloy's reach. But when she wakes she does not know him, standing across the room from her, bare of paint. She is haunted by the visage of another, who threatened her atop a snowy mountain, where fear and grief took root in her. How could she not recognize him, the warrior who gave the rest of his life to her? She would know him and let no ghost confuse her again.
Aloy feels the absence of her friends most starkly when she is alone at the base. It's rare for Beta to leave the premises but she's getting braver, and feeling safer, and she had been excited when Zo arranged for them to visit Plainsong together. She knows her sister is in good hands.
Even though Gaia's presence is a comfort in and of itself, it cannot replace a person. Despite their lengthy conversations since recovering her from the Zeniths, something has been lingering in the back of Aloy's mind.
What Tilda thought she could do.
She thought she could remedy her biggest regret, renew her chance with Elisabet. Tilda was just like the other Zeniths, selfish and cruel, prepared to wait centuries for Aloy's will to break and accept her companionship out of desperate loneliness. Tilda didn't see a person. Tilda saw a blank slate.
She is not Aloy. She is Elisabet remade.
She is a means to an end. She is a replacement. She is a tool. She isn't even the only tool.
(Anger rises in her belly over the injustice done to Beta, whose treatment gives words to the feelings Aloy could not define. Dehumanized. Depersonalized. Objectified.)
A key. A curse. A threat.
The weight of an entire planet on her shoulders. One she has only seen on a hologram.
She knows Gaia misses Elisabet.
She knows Tilda missed Elisabet.
She knows they are not the same.
Gaia made her out of love for the world, the love Elisabet imbued in her code. It was not selfish, it was selfless, it was desperate and hopeful.
I am their daughter, she reminds herself. But how many times could she do that until it didn't feel like a balm on an unhealing burn?
Tilda had the very thing she wanted at her fingertips, but Beta was a project to her just like the others. A plaything. Temporarily novel. Immediately disposable as soon as Tilda had found and coveted the more desirable model. Aloy was something Tilda could alter to her liking and manipulate into the ghost of her former lover. A plaything.
She was never a person.
Outcast, Anointed, Clone, Saviour, Champion.
To make matters worse, she keeps having nightmares. Some are memories, some are her imagination running wild. The cage over the Sun Ring with Helis goading her beyond its bars, in the flooded chasms of the Hades Proving Lab with Erik and the Spectres hunting her, a vast unending whiteness of VR Dissociation that Beta had described, a soulless white-metal room with a single window looking out at the stars.
She watches Rost die, she watches Varl die, she watches Vala, Ersa and Ourea die, all of them warping together into one monstrous form. She hears them whisper and cry, shout and choke, and is left deafened by their silence.
The dreams usually stop there, with silence, with the wound of their absence, with her heart pounding and a cry in her throat. 
But it keeps going, and she watches her friends dying just out of reach, and she the perpetual survivor. Erend caught in an explosion, Alva drowned in a surging flood, Zo choked by the Blight, Kotallo thrown from a mountain.
She wakes up screaming, unable to breathe from smoke water sickness altitude, dizzy and disoriented. Her ears are ringing and her throat is raw. Her chest burns, and it feels like her heart will kick its way out of her ribs as she wrenches herself up from her bed. She blindly grabs her spear and the nearest bow, the most basic armour. Dragging in air, in air, in air, out, in, in, in—
Go! Faster! Get out!
“Aloy,” Gaia's voice cuts through her, making her jump. “Your vitals indicate that you are experiencing a panic attack. I can guide you through some exercises—”
“I can't breathe!” Aloy bites out, on her feet as soon as she gets some footwear on. “I need some air!”
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write-orflight · 3 years
Galileo: Chapter 8
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**Gif Not Mine**
Prev -  Next
Pairings: SpencerXReader, enemies to friends to lovers trope
Rating: M
Words: 2.1K
Warnings:  None, just painfully fluff.
Summary:  Y/N  is an astronomer with her head constantly in the stars. But when a   serial killer is threatening NASA’s top scientists, she is left in the   protective custody of a man who’s gravitational pull threatens to pull   her back down to earth. 
A.N: Unedited. Well guys we’re here. I kinda really like how I ended this chapter so IF I do write an Epilogue it’ll be very very small. So for that reason I’m closing the taglist for Galileo. Thank you all for coming on this journey with me. Check out my other fics if you haven’t. And shoot me an inbox saying what you think! much love, Cia.
                                Chapter 8: Pluto 
Life with Spencer wasn’t easier but it sure was better. 
It had been about 9 months now since the two of you started dating and you knew it would be rough. The two of you traveled a lot for work so it was a lot of missed calls, texts, and video chats in the beginning but now you’d say the two of you got a grip on what you both wanted which was each other. Around month 6, Spencer asks you to move in with him. At first you say no, and you keep saying no until around month 8 when Spencer gets shot on the job and you take care of him and just never leave. Not that he was complaining, it was what he’s wanted since Month 2. 
You met the team officially and without impending danger around month 2 as well. Emily and Derek who you already knew through the investigation welcomed you back with open arms and tequila shots at the bar you met them at. JJ took a while to warm up to you which you completely understood from how you left but she warmed up to you when she realized just how much you loved Spencer and how much you regretted pushing him away. 
You and Penelope Garcia got along like a house on fire which everyone expected the two genius women to. Though her sunny, social disposition and your quiet, mellow one didn’t mix on paper pretty soon you guys were trading baked goods and having sleepovers. It was nice, you never had girl friends you could be yourself around but you found that in them. 
Spencer was still Spencer. 
In some ways, he was still the man you met in the observatory of your job, and in some ways he was very different. He was definitely a lot more touchy than you thought he’d be, seemingly unable to be in the same room as you without touching you in some way. Not that that was unwelcome, you loved him all the same. He was still that nerdy guy who whenever he read something or found out something new about your field he’d call you up and immediately to tell you about it. And you would sit and listen intently, never having the heart to tell him it was something you already knew. You liked to hear him talk anyway. 
You still found out a couple of things too. One being that Spencer gets extremely jealous and you found this out around Month 7 of your relationship, your first official fight. He had come to surprise you at work and you were helping the new Doctor hired on the Terra-Mora project get acclimated with the space. You didn’t think anything of the guy other than he was overly friendly but when Spencer came in and saw the fairly attractive man lingering a hand on your back he became livid. 
The car ride home was awkward because you could tell something was up with Spencer though he wasn’t saying anything. “What’s wrong?” You asked. 
“Nothing, bunny.” He says, you can’t help the smile that crosses  your face at the nickname but you knew there was something wrong. 
“Okay so there has to be something up. So out with it.” 
He’s silent for a moment. “How’s working with Dr. Sutton?” 
“Landon?” You ask. He gives you a look when you refer to the man by first name but you choose to ignore it.  “It’s fine. He’s better at math and he’s been nice.” 
“Bet he has.” Spencer mutters under his breath. 
“Ok, what is that?” You ask. 
“Why did you just call him Landon just now?” 
“His name is Landon….?” 
“Every person you work with you refer to as Doctor, you even refer to yourself as Dr. L/N when talking about work.” He points out. “In fact, the only other person you didn’t do that for was Jonathan, who you had feelings for. So why is he ‘Landon’?” 
“He asked me to call him Landon.” You shrug. “You almost sound jealous, Spence.” You can’t help the small chuckle that leaves you when you say it because it was ridiculous to even think about. You loved Spencer. You couldn’t imagine your life without him or even fathom wanting anyone but him but when you saw the look he gave you back when you said it you knew that was exactly the case. 
“You wanna tell me what this is actually about now?” You question. 
“Why didn’t you say I was your boyfriend?” He whispers. 
“What?” You say, confused. You park the car in front of your apartment and turn fully towards Spencer.   
“You didn’t say I was your boyfriend, you called him Landon…” 
“Baby, I didn’t even realize I didn’t do that.” You say, looking into his eyes. “If I did it’s because everyone knows who you are.” You say, cupping the side of his face with one of your hands, he instantly leans into the touch. “My genius boyfriend, who works for the FBI and saved my life. I talk about you constantly because I am happy and proud to be yours. That you still took a chance on me even though I pushed you away and treated you like shit in the beginning. I am never trying to hide you and you have no reason to be jealous because I don’t see anyone else when I’m with you, ok?” You say, Spencer smiles and leans over the center console to kiss you and just like every time Spencer kisses you, you contemplate the likelihood that the earth could stop its rotation because it seemed that the world stood still every time you were together like this.When you pulled away, you leaned your forehead against Spencers for a second, catching your breath. 
“Plus you really have no reason to be jealous.” You add. “Me and Landon spent most of the morning talking about our boyfriends.” 
Spencer looks at you with a wide eyed expression. “You mean, he’s--” 
“Yup.” You cut off. Getting out of the car, Spencer follows you. “You should get jealous more though. It’s kinda hot.” You shrug. Spencer rolls his eyes at you. 
     On your one year anniversary, you go to your first date spot which was the Planetarium. You rolled your eyes at the time when Spencer suggested the date saying that you’d both just end up annoying the tour guide. In the end, you ended up with a 16  year old named Anna, who had the same twinkle in her eye when she talked about Space that you had as a child. You ended up shushing Spencer every now and again so you could listen to the young girl tell you about the planets you both knew so much about. At the end of the tour, you told her who you were and that if she wanted an internship at NASA after high school to give you a call. She smiled excitedly at you and hugged you, which you returned before apologizing profusely for hugging you. When you and Spencer were walking to get food after that he asked the question. 
“Do you want kids?” He says. 
“Whoa!” You laugh. “Big ask for a first date.” 
“I’m sorry, you were just so cute with the tour guide that--It’ll come up eventually is all.” 
“I do want kids someday.” You say, smiling at the man. “I never thought it was in the cards for me but I would love kids someday. What about you?” 
“I never thought it was in the cards for me either but I like the idea of having a family.” He says, reaching for your hand. You smile at him again and the topic never comes back up. 
You guys head to the Planetarium again and Anna is still working there, finishing up her senior year. She lets you guys venture around without a guide this time and you and Spencer just sit in the auditorium alone, talking softly at the fake constellations that pass by. 
After, you ask if you guys can skip dinner to go to the observatory just to see if you can get a peak at Gaia tonight as the sky seemed pretty clear. Spencer smiles and obliges you as the two of you head over to your job. The night security guard just nods at the two of you as you walk in, having come accustomed to your late nights and Spencer accompanying you. 
Spencer sits a ways while you set everything up, booting up your computer and positioning your telescope. The two of you settle into a comfortable silence as you often did around each other. You felt slightly bad, it was your anniversary and Spencer was indulging you just like always. He was really way too good for you. You look up at him and smile, which he instantly returns before you turn your attention to the telescope. 
That’s when you see it. 
Fully visible from earth for the first time in what could have been a millennium. 
You scream out of happiness and Spencer looks up at you raising a brow as you run for your tape recorder.  Gesturing for him to come look. He looks into the telescope as you type into your computer for a second, making sure your telescope was taking the pictures you needed, before speaking into your recorder. 
“This is Dr. Y/N L/N. I am accompanied by Dr. Spencer Reid. The date is April 12th 2014. For the first time ever Planet KXSY-1029 or Alias Gaia is Fully visible from earth!” You turn off the recorder and jump into your boyfriend’s arms. He instantly catches you and spins you around before kissing you fully on your lips. You moan into his mouth slightly as his tongue meets yours but eventually he pulls away but he is still lifting you fully. 
“Do you realize how big tonight is? This is probably the only time anyone in centuries will be able to see her until we actually start human trials and it’s the only time it’ll probably ever be visible from earth and WE were here for it! This is amazing! This night cannot get bette--” 
“Marry me.” Spencer says, looking into your eyes. 
Your eyes widen, as Spencer sets you down on the ground. “What?” You ask. 
“I was going to ask at dinner.” He says pulling a ring out of his jacket pocket and getting down on one knee. You feel tears welling in your eyes. 
“I ruined your whole plan.” You say. 
“No! No, you didn’t. Because seeing you react to seeing Gaia just now reminded me exactly why I wanted to marry you.” Spencer says, grabbing your hands. “Did you know the greek goddess Gaia in creating the earth, gave humans four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. And Zeus, fearing their power, split them in half and that’s where the soulmates come from?” He asks, you shake your head and more tears fall as he rubs small circles with his thumb on the back of your hand. “Y/N, you are the single most caring, passionate, amazing person I know. And if I could go back and change anything about how we met and when we met, I wouldn’t. If I could take away your hurt and tragedy, I would but I feel like everything I’ve ever done, everything that’s ever happened to me, was designed to lead me to you. Meeting you, loving you was the first time in my life I felt truly like myself, like I was half a person until meeting you made me whole again.” He tears up as he looks you in the eyes. “So, Y/N… Will you marry me? Please.” He adds softly. 
You nod fast, tears falling more than they were before as you give him a wet smile. “Yes, Spencer! Of course!” You laugh as Spencer smiles up at you as he slides the ring onto your finger. He gets up and kisses you passionately, hands cradling your face. When you pull apart, he hugs you tightly. You breathe in his scent and look behind him at the images of Gaia on your screens. You thought back to the story Spencer had just told you about soulmates and how before you met Spencer you were just going through the motions of life, feeling incomplete and never knowing what was missing. You seemed to have everything you wanted. Your dream job and life. It wasn’t until being with Spencer you realized what was missing. That he was missing.   
In the end, you were just two halves. 
Made whole by Gaia.  
Taglist: @lokislilslut​ @spencerreidslove​ @evelyncade @ceeellewrites​ @diesinspanishbcimhispanic​ @eevee0722​ @fiftyshadesof-reid​ @cielo1984​ @differentkettleoffishalltogether​ @criminalmindzjunkie​ @bbygirlq2020​ @quillanpie​ @themanwiththreephds​ @itshatertatertotblog​ @bihoeofmanyfandoms​ @baby-i-am-fireproof​ @graciehams​ @no-honey-no​ @capricornmashmallow​ @itsarayofsunshine​ @big-galaxy-chaos​ @findmedontlooseme​ @justanothetfangirl​ @chelseyjoyce​ @starlight-boo​ @artzic​
@sizzlingclamturtlesludge​ @spencerreidlivesrentfreeinmyhead​ @avaryjillian​ @sadassflatass​   @seashantiesforthots
@bauhousewife​ @anotherr-fine-mess @literaturely-a-mess @piggyinapickle
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The Ones Never Forgotten- Regulus Black x OC
Regulus Black x Cecelia Potter
Description: It’s the anniversary of James and Lily’s deaths and Cecelia refuses to leave the house. That is, until Regulus finally gets in, determined to make her feel better.
Word Count: Word Count: 2.1k
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Regulus woke to an empty bed. He couldn’t hear anything in the bathroom nor the kitchen, so those options were out of the question. The car keys were still on the nightstand, so she hadn’t gone out, and he radio wasn’t playing in the living room, so he ruled that out as well. He didn’t need to see the date to know why his wife was nowhere to be seen. It was October 31, 1984. Exactly three years since Cecelia’s brother and sister-in-law James and Lily Potter died. She had been healing with his help, but obviously the holiday was still a sore subject for her. Regulus sat up and glanced at her nightstand. Her glasses were still there. He frowned, remembering why she needed glasses in the first place.
It was only a week after James, Lily, Peter and twelve others died and Sirius was charged and sent to Azkaban for the crimes. Cecelia hadn’t left her office except to use the bathroom. It was obvious that she hadn’t eaten or slept since the incident. Regulus thought this was just her way of mourning, she’d come out and talk to him when she was ready. He decided not to push her. That ended up being one of the worst decisions he could make.
He arrived home after running some errands to hear loud crashing and screaming coming from upstairs. The bags he was holding fell to the ground immediately and he sprinted upstairs, yelling Cecelia’s name. Taking a moment to gather his bearings, he realized two things: 1. The noise was coming from her office, and 2. The screams weren’t of pain, but of anguish. He banged on the door and called her name again, but there was no response. Taking a deep breath, he took a few steps back and kicked down the locked door.
To say the room was a wreck was an understatement. The bookshelf had been knocked over and books were lying everywhere. Her desk had been cleared off and the objects that previously sat on it were scattered on the floor haphazardly. Her desk chair was knocked over and the few small potted plants she had by the window were shattered with soil everywhere. There was a couch she had in there for when she didn’t feel like making the trip to their room after a late night, but now it had been flipped and the cushions and pillows were all over the room.
The girl in question was half sitting up and half laying in the middle of the room, leaning against one of the couch cushions on the floor. Her hands were over her eyes and she was shaking violently as she cried. Regulus had been told that there was a high chance that she would snap, but he hadn’t anticipated it being so violent. Carefully, he stepped over a photo album that was opened and lying face up. It was his and Cecelia’s wedding photo. All of the marauders had been in the wedding. Sirius was his best man, and James, Remus and Peter were his groomsmen. Lily was her maid of honor while Violetta, Gaia and Madeline were her bridesmaids. He remembered his older brother playfully bragging that this was the second wedding he’d been in in which he was the best man.
Regulus finally mustered up his courage and carefully took a seat by his wife. He didn’t say anything, just rubbed her back soothingly as she continued to sob. Her sobs eventually turned into quiet whimpers and she shifted. He stopped his movements and took his hand off her back, watching cautiously as she slowly removed her hands from her face and revealed her heavily bloodshot eyes. Regulus had no idea what to say, so he didn’t say anything and let his actions do the talking. His arms wrapped around her and he pulled her into his lap, rocking her back and forth. She clung to him for dear life, and they stayed like that for hours while he calmed her down.
He had no idea what happened in that room while he was gone, but Cecelia ended up needing glasses. He waited in the ophthalmologists office patiently while she got her eyes checked and her glasses fitted. When she walked back out, he had to do a double take. She looked exactly like James just with longer hair. He didn’t say anything about it though, and that was for the best.
Regulus later found out from her therapist that it was her guilt that consumed her. Since she ended up heeding Regulus’s warning and not going, she wasn’t able them and her nephew wouldn’t be an orphan right now. She was punishing herself for her brother and sister-in-law’s deaths despite the fact that there was nothing that she could do. Either way, she wouldn’t have been able to get to his house in time, even if she used Floo Powder or apparated.
It took a long time for her to come to terms with that, but she had begun doing better. Regulus believed that she would be able to function 100%normally in no time, and he was incredibly proud of her progress. Not a day went by that he didn’t let her know how much he loved her and just how proud he was of her. That didn't stop her from becoming gloomy around this time of year, and no one blamed her when she snapped at someone when they mentioned James, Lily or Harry.
Cecelia wasn’t violent in her grieving anymore, she was just somber. She just sat on the couch in her office and stared out the window. Or she’d look through photo albums and run her fingers over the pictures of her, her brother, and Madeline. He didn’t mind giving her the space she needed, they learned boundaries over the years. Around this time, the only thing he pushed on her was to eat, even if it was only a little bit.
Madeline came over for a quick visit. She and Cecelia hadn’t talked since the funeral, Cecelia just couldn’t face her with the guilt in her conscience. They talked for an hour in her office before Madeline made her leave. Regulus knocked on her door not long after her sister left. He had a plan, but he wouldn’t tell her what it was yet.
“Come in,” he heard her faintly call. He opened the door fully dressed, holding her jacket as well as a pair of her flats at her.
“Let’s go. I want to take you somewhere,” he said simply. She was visibly confused by his instructions, but put her shoes on and stood. Regulus helped her into her coat then took her hand. He opened the car door for her and closed it once she was in.
“We need to make a quick stop first,” he explained as he put on his seatbelt.
“Where are we going Reg? I really don’t feel like being in public,” she said with a tired sigh. She wasn’t dressed sloppily, but she surely wasn’t ready for strangers of the public to see her. He smiled a bit as he pulled out of their driveway and drove down the winding road.
“We won’t be for long. We just need to stop at the store.” Cecelia continued to question him, but he wouldn’t budge on the whereabouts of their final destination. She begrudgingly sat in the car while she waited for him to get whatever he needed from the store. When he got back into the car, he still wouldn’t say anything. He’d put the bags in the trunk so she couldn’t see what was in them.
Finally, they pulled up somewhere that Cecelia recognized immediately. Godric’s Hollow, the place where James and Lily were buried.
“What is this Regulus?” She looked at him with hesitancy. He took her hand and placed a kiss on the back of it before he opened his door.
“Just trust me, love,” was all he said before getting out. He helped her get out then grabbed the bags from the trunk. She followed him inside with slow steps, mentally preparing for where they were headed. Sure enough, not even five minutes later, they were in front of the grave of James and Lily Potter. She frowned at the state of it. It had gotten quite dirty and the abundance of flowers that had been placed on it when it was first put there had wilted and died.
While she focused on that, Regulus got to work. At the store he bought shower brushes, soap and a bucket that he filled with water using a simple spell. He also bought a few flower saplings as well as a small bag of soil, gardening tools and a watering can that he also filled with water. She faced him when he tapped her shoulder, then gasped as she realized what he had planned.
“Ready to get to work?” He asked, holding up the brushes. And so, the two got to work. First, they scrubbed all the grime, moss and dirt away. Cecelia read and reread the engraving at the bottom of the gravestone a few times. “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” Regulus didn’t let her think about that, instead opting to nudge her before continuing to work.
Next, they got to work planting the saplings around the stone. They were Lilies, which made Cecelia almost cry. Regulus dug the holes and she placed the saplings in them. She patted the ground around it to even it out then he watered it.
The grave ironically seemed much livelier. It was therapeutic. Not only to her, but to Regulus as well. It seemed as if they were both making peace with what happened. Of course it wouldn’t erase the past or change it, but it was a nice way to remember the lives lost that day. The two of them packed up quickly then stood back to admire their handiwork.Regulus’s hand found hers as their eyes stayed glued to the names.
“You know, when you lose someone you love, you learn not to live without them, but to live with the love they left behind for you. James and Lily may not physically be here, but I just know that they’re still here, watching you with proud smiles on their faces, As long as there’s a memory of them, there’s no true loss,” he spoke gently, finally looking at her. Cecelia’s eyes welled up in tears and she leaned her head on his shoulder.
“I know. It still hurts sometimes,” he continued. “And it’s okay to hurt. There’s no set time for someone to stop mourning. My brother used to tell me that grief was just love. ‘It’s all the love you want to give to that person, but physically can’t anymore,’” he quoted.
“Since when was Sirius ever poetic?” Cecelia joked gently, the two of them laughing despite both of them noticing the crack in her voice.
“Well your mother was very poetic about things. Maybe he picked it up from her.” It wouldn’t surprise her, Euphemia loved finding beauty in everything. It was a trait Madeline picked up, but she just couldn’t. Cecelia relied on her brain while her twin relied on emotions. She never complained, it’s gotten her pretty far in life.
“Maybe,” she repeated. Regulus kissed the top of her head and let go of her head to wrap his arms around her in a hug. They stayed facing the grave as they hugged. They stayed like that for a long time, long enough for their legs to get tired so they sat down.
The sun had gone down by the time they decided to pack up and go. They stopped to grab food from a small cafe they visited almost every Saturday to grab dinner before heading home. They went to bed at 11:00 p.m. but neither of them slept. Instead, they just stared at each other talking mindlessly. Regulus’s fingers ran through her hair lazily, and she could tell he was getting tired just as she had. Her fingers traced over his chest meticulously yet still had no definite shape.
“Thank you for doing this Reg. Their grave looks just as happy as they were,” she finally mumbled. Her tone wasn’t one of sadness, but more of exhaustion. He understood, Regulus always understood.
“It’s no problem. I think we’ve found ourselves a new Halloween tradition.” Though her eyes were now closed and she was on the edge of sleep, Cecelia still smiled at his words.
“I think you’re right.”
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themurphyzone · 3 years
Pinky Unleashed AU
Ok this AU is going to be a little off the walls and weird but at the same time it involves werewolf!Pinky and an epic adventure so...yeah 
So I’ve never actually played Sonic Unleashed myself, but I adore the story and especially Sonic and Chip’s friendship. And also the werehog is just very floofy. So while the AU follows the story of the Earth’s continents splitting apart and having to go on a quest to put the world together again, some changes will be made to the basics to make it flow for a narrative.  
1. The mice travel to a giant structure in space that’s been launched by NASA, one that’s been reported to wield a great power. Though Brain doesn’t know what kind of power it holds, he hopes it will help him conquer the world. Pinky is just excited to be in space. And unbeknownst to them, Snowball had the same idea to use NASA’s structure, though they don’t realize it until Snowball activates the security system and makes sure all defenses are targeted towards the mice so he can sneak into the control room undisturbed, though he also plants an order for them to bring him at least one of the mice alive, and it doesn’t matter which one. 
Brain evades the robots and lasers trying to kill him, but gets separated from Pinky in the process. Brain winds up on the observation deck, where he gets a clear view of Earth in all its majesty. 
Meanwhile, Pinky is captured by the robots and brought to Snowball. Pinky struggles, but he’s placed into the middle of a force field and is unable to escape. There’s pain shooting through his body and he’s screaming for Brain, but Brain can’t hear him. 
Snowball activates a powerful laser, and it shoots towards earth, splitting all seven landmasses apart and exposing the Earth’s molten core. An enormous dark, primordial entity emerges and dissipates all over the broken world. 
2. Brain witnesses the destruction of the world, and he’s horrified that the power he’d been seeking would cause such widespread mayhem. He starts screaming for Pinky, because they have to leave immediately and figure out how they can put the planet back together. 
3. Part of the dark entity’s energy latches onto Pinky, painfully transforming into him into a dark, wolf-like creature. Disoriented by his new size, Pinky goes berserk, but he traps himself in an escape pod, and Snowball launches him out of the structure and down to earth. Snowball leaves immediately to enact the next phase of his plan. 
4. Alone on the structure, Brain finds the control room. But it’s far too late. There’s nobody else. Heartbroken by the destruction of his world, and the planet as well, Brain can only stumble back to his ship in a daze. He has enough strength to guide the spaceship onto a course back to earth, but he���s forced to set it on autopilot when he can’t see anything through his tears. All he can do is rest his head on the steering wheel and cry. 
5. Pinky has a rough landing in the escape pod. There he meets a rabbit-fairy-chihuahua thing, who freaks out and thinks Pinky’s gonna eat him. Pinky reassures him that he’s not, and the fairy comes out of hiding. It doesn’t take long before they’re fast friends. 
6. Believing Pinky to be dead, Brain tries to at least restore the world for him. However, it’s an enormous task, and Brain doesn’t know where to start. 
7. In Italy, Brain runs into werewolf!Pinky and doesn’t recognize him, since he believes Pinky’s dead at this point. Brain can’t help but nuzzle into soft fur, one that’s oddly familiar though he can’t place it. Pinky is stunned at first, but before he can wrap his arms around Brain in a hug, Brain realizes what he’s doing and shoves Pinky away from him. 
He can’t believe he just showed vulnerability to a stranger. 
Brain runs away, and Pinky tries to go after him, but he’s too hurt by Brain not recognizing him. 
8. Later that night, after the danger passes from Dark Gaia’s minions for the time being and daybreak is nearly upon them, Brain breaks down all over again. But this time, Pinky hugs him with enormous, clawed paws. Brain leans into the touch, and when the sun rises, Pinky transforms back.
“Hi, Brain,” Pinky says, much to Brain’s relief and joy and anger. 
9. Chip gives Brain a KitKat as a friendship present. 
10. Thanks to Brain’s research, they discover there are seven temples, one on each continent. Pinky and Brain make it their goal to visit every temple so they can put the world back together. Chip agrees to help them too, hoping to regain his memories. 
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raitrolling · 2 years
A Recovery (part 2)
(Read part 1 here)
Nancor awoke with a start, lurching forward and immediately regretting it as all the aches and pains from a couple hours ago hit him at once. His sudden movement startled the nurse next to him, who was about to start treating his swollen eye. 
The two exclaimed at the exact same time, and the nurse almost dropped what was in her hands.
The last thing Nancor could recall was being picked up and carried by someone… Someone very cold, and a quick glance around the room reveals that someone was nowhere to be found. But now he was lying in a bed (A hospital, presumably? Or perhaps a temporary shelter?), shirtless and lacking his bandana, with no idea where he was.
“Sir, can you please lie back down? You’ll injure yourself further.” 
Nancor turns his head to finally acknowledge the nurse, a jadeblood wearing a grey uniform. “M. Piroxi” is listed on her nametag, alongside the acronym ‘NMCU’. He makes the conscious effort to not look into her eyes, fearing what he may see if his psiionics were to activate.
“Oh- Ah- I apologise, um-” He tries to get any sort of words out, but his brain cannot decide on asking about Lonnen, telling her about the vision, or asking where is he and what happened, that all that comes out is a series of stutters. 
“Please.” The nurse lightly touches his shoulder (avoiding making contact with any of his many bruises. Some parts of his upper body seem to have more bruises than unsullied skin), causing Nancor to pause and then finally lie back down. She then continues,
“We found you collapsed in the forest, and was retrieved by a member of Special Operations alongside your lusus. Investigations would like to ask a few questions once you’re more rested, but for now there’s no need to worry.” She sounds reassuring, but slightly hesitant, unaware of if the troll she is talking to should be trusted.
The mention of a lusus doesn’t strike Nancor as being odd (his lusus does tend to follow after him on occasion), but the word ‘investigation’ causes him to shudder, a frightened chirp escaping from his mouth. If he had been hooked up to a patient monitor it certainly would have started beeping from his heart rate spiking. There’s- There’s no way he’s back at that Fleet base, right? It’s probably not another interrogation, but- If he has to see her again, if he has to see that thing again…
“I- I can’t. Not again. I might see it again. I might- It could be everywhere- I don’t know how to stop it- I-” He reaches up to cover his eyes with his hands, shaking, unblinking.
The nurse stares with concern as Nancor continues to babble on about the thing. Anyone else would have dismissed him as mad, but those belonging to Gaia knew exactly what he was talking about. Words that would fill them with dread.
Nancor’s dreams that night - and the nights that followed - were restless, scenes of blurry shapes and colours, an indescribable feeling of dread, flickering between states of unconsciousness and consciousness, always waking drenched in sweat and with the desire to scream. He couldn’t, no sound would leave his mouth whenever he tried.
It took a few long nights of little rest before Nancor felt he would be capable enough to answer questions for the investigation, perhaps longer than what the organisation was hoping for. The troll interviewing him gave a quick run-down of where he is - Gaia, not the Fleet, Gaia - and what they were looking for. The confirmation that this wasn’t a Fleet interrogation helped put his mind at ease, and for a moment he almost seemed like his usual self. He could talk about why he first entered the forest with little difficulty, only choking up when he mentioned Lonnen and how his friend is in danger. Other questions he didn’t know the answer to and apologised for, feeling somewhat calmer now that the threat of violence wasn’t hanging over his head. But no matter what, he could not answer anything about what he had seen following his arrest. Not without his thoughts and words spiralling into complete and utter madness-induced despair. He could try to write it down, but the quick scrawlings would turn into pages upon pages of black. 
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aimeelouart · 3 years
Wrote a bit of an alternate take on chapter one of Saving Subject C because I was daydreaming about it during work.
The kid was panicking, which didn’t make sense to Genesis given that it was panic over them not being bothered by his wanton property destruction. He couldn’t see the kid’s face directly, but he could guess well enough by the expressions on Angeal and Sephiroth’s faces. Angeal looked concerned in his muted ‘crowd control’ way—the expression he wore when something bad was happening but he didn’t want to alarm the civilians. Sephiroth was a bit harder to read, but when he met Genesis’s eyes and tilted his chin, it was clear what he was plotting.
Genesis nodded back, preparing himself as he watched the kid start to shake as if he’d been thrown out into a snowstorm without a coat. The boy’s breath hiccuped in his throat like a stifled whimper when Sephiroth reached his hand a little further toward him, heart hammering as loud as a drum in their enhanced ears.
Sephiroth smiled at the kid, the expression carefully practiced and a little strained under the circumstances⁠—not that the boy was in any state to notice. “There’s nothing to fear. Nothing at all. Come to me.”
Genesis grimaced slightly at the phrasing. Sephiroth always did fall back on hyperformality when under pressure.
As planned, the kid immediately retreated from Sephiroth, evidently forgetting that this put him closer to Genesis. Somehow, the frantic pace of his heart managed to pick up. It had to be something absurd by now, perhaps over 200 beats per minute, though no one had the attention to spare calculating it outright. Genesis felt a pang of concern that was echoed verbally by Angeal.
“His pulse is way too fast. I hate to say it, but maybe we should—”
“Not unless there's no other option, Angeal,” Genesis said, watching carefully for any sign the kid was cognizant enough to listen. There was nothing. “Earning his trust is going to be impossible if we keep putting him to sleep at the slightest inconvenience.”
Angeal frowned but nodded reluctantly, falling silent and watching as Sephiroth continued to drive the panicked little blond back inch by careful inch into Genesis’s waiting hands. Genesis waited until the boy was practically tucked under his arm to actually lay a hand on his heaving back.
Easy now, he thought, humming gently as the kid went absolutely still beneath his palm. The blond’s expression must have been something to see, based on the way Angeal inhaled sharply. “There we go, good bo⁠—”
The kid moved. Like a SOLDIER First. Like a demon. An impossibly dexterous twist that, had Genesis been even a hair less prepared for it, would have left him gripping nothing but the kid’s shirt.
But Genesis was prepared. He moved as well⁠—not quite as fluidly, but he had the size to make up for it. With both of them out from under the bed entirely, he caught the kid in a grapple and wrestled him (with no little difficulty) into a secure hold. Like a wild little cub, the boy thrashed and growled and snapped and, when he finally realized he wasn’t going to be able to force his way free, howled in anger and panic.
“Shh, shh, shh,” Genesis soothed, lifting his chin out of the way of a furious headbutt. This was, he realized, not the best way to handle this, but it was too late now. “It’s alright. Everything is alright. No one is going to hurt you, sweetheart.” Not that the boy was going to believe that any time soon⁠, considering the horrific patchwork of scars that covered his skin, but Genesis would just have to repeat it until he realized it was true.
The kid screamed outright when Sephiroth and Angeal approached, wrenching so hard that Genesis nearly lost his grip. “Shit,” he grunted. There was no way the blond hadn’t pulled something in his arm with that level of force. “No, both of you leave,” he said to the other two without looking at them. “Go out in the hall and close the door behind you.”
They didn’t argue. The boy’s heartbeat calmed marginally when the door shut, but he didn’t stop fighting. Genesis doubted anything short of full unconsciousness would have stopped him from fighting. He was giving it everything he had⁠—admirable but unsustainable, especially when Sephiroth, the source of his terror, was out of sight and nothing else was happening to fuel his adrenaline. He was going to crash soon enough. Genesis resecured his grip and settled in to wait.
The boy kept it up for a truly impressive length of time. Ten minutes at full intensity, then another ten trying to use more cunning means to squirm free, then ten more yanking ineffectually against his grip out of sheer stubbornness. Genesis felt his admiration grow by the minute. Kiddo had the kind of stubborn fire that he couldn’t help but respect, even in such a small package.
Inevitably, though, the kid’s body gave out. He finally went still, panting like he’d just finished running a marathon. Slowly, each muscle relaxed, trembling slightly from the strain. His head dipped forward, breath and heartbeat calming into something merely agitated instead of panicked.
“There we are,” Genesis said. “See? It’s alright, no one is going to hurt you.”
“Yeah?” kid said in a scratchy, exhausted voice. “Let go of me, then.”
Genesis laughed. “Cute. No, I don’t think so. I have the strangest feeling you would prefer to hurl yourself bodily through a window than sit still and talk like a grown-up, so I think we shall be sitting here for a little while longer.”
“Oh, fuck you!” the kid snapped, fighting against him briefly. “I don’t owe you a goddamn thing!”
“No?” Genesis asked thoughtfully. “Hm, I suppose you don’t. After all, you had everything handled just fine with all that wanton property destruction and complete lack of climate-appropriate gear.”
“...you think you’re being charitable, don’t you?” the kid asked, voice dripping with scorn. “I didn’t ask for your help and I don’t want it! Let me go!”
“Alright,” Genesis said agreeably. One of his legs was starting to go numb. “Who shall I call to come pick you up, then, hmm?”
The kid hissed in a breath. “You⁠—ugh. Gaia.” Tellingly, he fell into a disgusted silence.
“What’s that? No one? Well, what a situation this is. It would be quite irresponsible of me to send you out into the savage world without adult supervision, little arsonist. Whatever shall we do?”
“Every word out of your mouth makes me want to punch you directly in the teeth,” the kid said, which sounded very much like defeat to Genesis. He smiled.
“How about this: I let you go and stay between you and the window, my friends stay outside the door, and you can go wherever makes you most comfortable in this room while we talk like civilized adults. Is that agreeable?”
The kid was silent for a long, long moment. Finally, he exhaled sharply and the line of his shoulders relaxed. “Motherfucker. Alright, fine.”
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alecmagnuslwb · 3 years
As the World Falls Down
Read on AO3
They’re holding hands when the world starts to fall.
One moment they’re happy twining their fingers together leaning against the bar and the next Traci behind the bar is screaming ripping her hands into the flesh of a costumer a few seats away. The other customers start to scramble while John and Zee jump into action.
It doesn’t take long for them to realize it’s the screens. They get Traci under control trapped in the back room when a costumer walks in unknowing of what’s just happened, he takes one look up at the tv behind them and he’s gone. Zatanna destroys their phones and the set before he’s even begun leaping over the bar at them.
They move fast portaling to anywhere they can, picking up survivors and trying desperately to get them somewhere safe. Weeks, months pass. Beloved heroes fall, unexpected heroes rise. Safe places become unsafe at a rate faster than they can keep up with.
Hearing about the garden in Gotham is a godsend. Poison Ivy becomes their biggest ally welcoming in everyone they find who’s just trying to survive.
They’re holding hands when Doctor Fate finds them and gives them a way out, a safe haven just for people like them. The strongest magic must survive he reasons with them, but they stay strong a united front. They’re not leaving, they’re not running away. This is their fight.
They’re holding hands when they hear the news about Diana, and then again when they hear the news about Clark. Losing Clark feels like the end of hope, like maybe there is no winning a war like this.
So they just hold each other’s hands a little tighter trying to seem strong, trying to seem like they both still see a future in this world.
The more people they save though, the more they believe the lie they tell themselves.
“Are you certain you don’t wish to stay for a few days?” Ivy says handing off the latest survivors John and Zatanna have brought to her to Harley for the tour.
Zatanna sighs fixing her ponytail and looking over her shoulder at John trading a box of thin mints he managed to find out there for a carton of cigarettes. She smiles, some things never change. She doesn’t even try to slyly comment about his smoking habit anymore, every day they step outside is a risk of death anymore, a few cigarettes are pretty much guaranteed not going to be the thing that kills him.
“Not tonight,” she says with a shake of her head grateful and a little sad. Ivy looks at her sadly, but holds her arms open, Zatanna stepping forward into the embrace easily. She never expected they’d be such good friends.
“Be safe out there my friend,” she says before pulling back. She opens her palm producing a small carnation plucking it from her hand and slipping it behind Zatanna’s ear.
“Buying my girl flowers?” John says as he walks over slipping the carton of cigarettes into his inner pocket. “Flirting with my girl yet again, Ive’s.”
Ivy shakes her head fondly producing another flower and pinning it to John’s lapel.
“There, even now,” she says. She steps back grabbing one of each of their hands squeezing them once before dropping them. “Gaia knows I’m not flirting with you, John.”
John and Zatanna chuckle as she glides away, far in the distance Harley waves shouting out a goodbye to them. John takes her hand.
“Ready luv?” he asks and she nods, bringing up a hand and drawing a portal in front of them. They step through hand in hand into the study of the House of Mystery.
The house isn’t what it once was.
No longer does it travel from place to place and its size has at least been cut in half, more like down to a third. They’re not sure if it’s the lack of magicians left, the general weariness of the world or the fact that it no longer has to accompany a host of their friends, but this is all there is now. A study, a bedroom and a kitchen are all that remains. It’s the closest to a physical standing home they’ll probably ever have again.
John presses a kiss to her head and slips away tossing his jacket onto the back of the elaborate deep red couch. He falls down onto it wearily rubbing at the back of his neck. It’s quiet in here, too quiet because they can hear the sounds of the anti-lifers groaning outside. The magical barrier they’re combined strengths set up a few hundred yards away from the house never falls, but the sound barrier Zatanna placed on it only lasts so long.
She closes her eyes focusing her energy on the barrier outside. “Teiuq eht esion,” she says and silence falls around them. She can’t do anything about the view, well she could but it feels like magic wasted when they’ve got curtains that work just fine, but the noise she can do something about.
She takes off her own jacket throwing it on top of John’s as she rounds the couch and settles beside him, his hand still rubbing at the back of his neck. She moves to her knees shooing his hand away and replacing it with her own her fingers working slowly into the muscles there.
John groans pleased as her fingers continue to move.
“Better?” she whispers and he nods turning his head and smiling at her. Her hand slips from his neck and she settles down close to him.
“We should do another sweep of San Francisco tomorrow, check in on Bobo, see if he’s found anyone else,” he sighs falling back into the couch pushing his sleeves up to his elbows. The action draws her attention to a long cut sliding up the length of his outer forearm the blood dried around it.
Zatanna’s heart stops for a moment. She grabs his arm inspecting it closer her eyes going a little wide. No, it can’t be. She can’t lose him. The touch has him tilting his head back her way and he notices the look in her eyes immediately.
“It was the fence,” he says reaching out his other arm, bringing his hand to the side of her face holding her gently. “It was just the fence when I was pulling those last two kids through earlier, that’s all.”
Zatanna starts to breathe again. She touches the end of the of the cut and drags her finger along it a spark of magic trailing along with her finger healing the cut and cleaning the blood away as she goes.
She strokes at the clean unmarred skin. One day a close call scratch isn’t going to be easily healed.
“I’m okay,” he says softly pulling her in close wrapping his arms around her. “We’re okay.”
Saving people gives her back some of that lost hope. The garden and the way Ivy and Harley, especially the usually exuberant Harley, always welcome her in gives her back some of that hope. And being here in the remnants of the house that her silly ass boyfriend won in a poker game that’s still standing despite everything that’s tried to take it down with his arms wrapped around her gives her hope.
And hope, even if it’s only in little flashes, is a hard thing to come by in their new world, so they hold hands as the world outside tries to make something more out of what little remains.  
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inmyownlaine · 3 years
Cages: John Murphy x OC Fanfiction
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SPOILERS: If you have not finished the series proceed with caution!
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1664
Chapter: Two
Summary: After falling asleep, Aerie wakes up to a foreign source of light. The sudden disturbance of peace causes underlying issues to come to the surface. Murphy steps in, making matters worse.
Aerie didn’t remember falling asleep. Murphy was rolled up in a ball, turned away from her. She rubbed her eyes carefully, trying her best to keep the sand out. It was still dark, the sun nowhere in sight.
She loved mornings like these. The ones where it seemed like everything was asleep, even the earth itself. Where she could disconnect from reality and imagine herself in another universe. Aerie could encounter a million mornings like this and still feel the same exact way: completely at peace.
Aerie began to stretch out, her back craned with her chest pushing towards the stars. As she tilted her neck back, preparing to loosen the cramped muscles, a sudden flash of light exploded against the indigo sky. She straightened herself immediately, leaning forwards and scrambling to her knees.
She was no astronomer. She wouldn’t even consider herself knowledgeable about space. But she knew enough to reasonably conclude that this was no shooting star. It’s lasting glow remained in the sky as it slowly traveled to the ground, dipping and diving over the uneven terrain.
It was something foreign. Maybe even magic.
Eyes wide with horror and mouth clamped with fear, she nudged Murphy awake.. He groaned aloud and flopped on his back, sticking his arms straight up in the air. “What?” he grumbled, sounding eerily similar to a moody teenager.
Aerie didn’t even have to reply. Through closed eyelids, Murphy saw the incoming brightness. He threw his arm over his face, providing very little shade from the beam. “Aerie?” he yelled, almost as if he expected her to have any answers.
Of course, she didn’t. Rooted to her spot, she squinted in the light’s direction, curiosity taking over her better instincts. Though she had never seen anything like this, it felt familiar to her. As if she had experienced this herself.
“What are you doing?” Murphy’s arm latched onto her forearm, tugging with enough force to move her a couple inches in the sand. It was then she realized how dire the situation was, clambering to her feet and retreating with Murphy back to the huts.
The commotion caused the rest of the group to come outside. They were clearly feeling the same way as Aerie: frightened, yet curious. Just as things were feeling safe, another freak phenomenon had to ruin what they were building.
“What’s going on?” Raven questioned, ponytail swinging from side to side as she frantically tried to look at everyone at once.
“Run!” Clarke replied, ignoring Raven completely and entering survival mode.
They had only gotten to the edge of the sand when the light stopped above the sea foam. It levitated before slowly descending to the ground. Everyone stopped, clinging onto one another for support. If this was going to end in war, they were going to fight it together.
The beam started to dissipate, resembling that of a tamed firework. Sparkles of gold and yellow swirled in a cylindrical pattern before finally coming together to form a silhouette. They started disappearing at the top, moving downwards as a body took its place. First a mop of curly brown hair, then a dark pair of eyes, warm enough to thaw the heart of any villain, outsider, or wrongdoer.
Aerie watched in awe as a man with a white robe stood in front of them, seemingly calm and inquisitive. It was a look she didn’t get to see much. He was always worried about protecting his friends and being the perfect leader. It was nice, for a change, to see him in a state of tranquility. No matter how anyone felt about his newfound beliefs.
“Bellamy,” Octavia whispered, face contorting into disbelief and sadness. Echo took a step towards him, but stopped herself after the first one.
He gave a small smile, nodding in her direction. It had been a long time since any of them had seen Bellamy. Aerie could sense the tension radiating from Clarke. The last time she was with Bellamy, she tried to kill him. Aerie questioned why he would return to a group of people that was so hostile towards him.
“Why did you come back?” Echo asked.
“Now you can’t transcend,” Aerie added. She knew that he wanted it more than anything. She remembered the look in his eyes when she left him last. It was full of hope that had been drained from his body long ago. Aerie was one of few that decided not to take that away from him.
“You can’t,” he corrected, hands folded patiently in front of his stomach. “You were saved by grace. But I believed.”
“So, what? You’re going to come here and rub it in our face?” Clarke retorted, arms crossed across her chest.
Bellamy wasn’t fazed. Instead, he stared at her deeply with his dark brown eyes. Lips pursed together calmly, studying the nature of a person that had lost everything. He knew it wasn’t personal.
“Madi is fine.”
Clarke’s lower lip began to tremble as she fell backwards, grabbing onto Murphy’s shoulder. He placed his arm around her lower back, eyes wide with surprise. Carefully, Murphy lowered Clarke to the ground as tears fell from her eyes.
“In fact, I would say she’s thriving. No more war. No more fear. It’s the perfect place for her.”
Aerie knew Clarke disagreed. The perfect place for Madi, in Clarke’s eyes, was with her. Yetshe couldn’t afford to be selfish. Madi didn’t have a life on Earth. There were no children for her to socialize with. There was nothing to help her grow. She would be the only human her age in a world of terror.
“And I forgive you,” Bellamy spoke, nodding towards Clarke.
“I don’t need your forgiveness,” she spat, the corners of her mouth pulling down towards her chin. “If anything, you are the one that needs redemption. I lost everything because of you. Everything!”
The birds scattered from the trees as she wailed aloud. Everyone standing had a story to tell. No one’s life was easy. But Clarke’s seemed to trump them all.
Aerie lost her parents in seconds, along with most of Skaikru when the Ark fell from orbit. She still wasn’t over it, and never truly would be, but at least her father wasn’t floated. And at least her partner wasn’t murdered. And at least her mother’s body wasn’t stolen. And at least she was able to transcend. The atrocities continued on for Clarke Griffin.
“Whether you do or don’t, just know you have it.”
“Out of all the things I want to have,” Clarke scoffed, “your good graces are not on my list.”
With that, she pushed herself off the sand and headed towards the forest line. Bellamy’s fingertips pulled towards her, but the rest of him remained. Raven chased after Clarke, calling her name as they disappeared into the trees. Silence fell as the rest of the group shared awkward glances with one another.
“Why are you here?” Echo finally asked. The sockets of her eyes were flushed pink, holding back a flurry of emotions. She made it perfectly clear how upset she was with Bellamy the first week Skaikru spent together. She couldn’t believe how he could betray the people loved.
But beneath all that rage, she was mostly hurt. Hurt that he chose faith over her. That she wasn’t his main priority in a world where everything was uncertain. In a time where everyone needed each other to get through. She felt used.
“I have unfinished business,” he stated simply. Bellamy’s head dropped, but beneath hooded lids, his eyes fixated on Aerie. Octavia noticed this immediately, a cackle escaping her lips.
“Of course,” she jaunted, throwing her hands in the air. “You came for your savior. Not your sister. Not your girlfriend. Her.”
Aerie scoffed in response, insulted by the obvious venom Octavia was spitting. She had every right to feel upset, but not at Aerie’s expense.
A tear trickled down Echo’s cheek as she bit the inside of her cheek. Fearing loss of control, she spun around and ran to her hut. Bellamy’s mouth opened, a silent battle raging in his head. He wasn’t allowed to love. It made him weak. It clouded his judgement.
It didn’t matter. The door slammed behind her, shutting him out for the time being.
“Save it, big brother,” Octavia grumbled.
“Knock it off, Octavia,” Murphy spoke up. It caused Aerie to tense up. She forgot he was standing beside her. Come to think of it, she forgot there was a whole crowd of people watching the dramatic scene.
“What? My own brother comes back to earth and instead of wanting to see me, he wants Aerie.”
“Well if I were Bellamy I would probably avoid you, too,” Murphy countered. “Who was the one that supported Clarke’s decision?”
She charged at him, but Levitt wrapped his arms around her torso, pulling her back as she yelled profanities at Murphy. He wasn’t the least bit fazed. Instead, he stood in front of her, arms crossed defiantly across his chest. Octavia continued to kick around in an attempt to free herself.
“Are you done yet?” Murphy asked, unamused.
Octavia let out a blood-curdling scream. It was something she had gotten particularly good at after becoming Bloodreina. There were a lot of awful events that spawned from that moment in time, but she did learn how to let out a gruesome battle cry.
Indra stepped in between the two, signalling for Gaia to help Levitt take her away. She did so immediately, trying to comfort her in the process. “It doesn’t matter!” Octavia yelled. “Bellamy died a long time ago! He died!”
Bellamy’s face scrunched together, an expression of anguish easy to see. He didn’t let it linger, relaxing his muscles quickly before addressing Aerie. “Is there somewhere we can go? To talk?”
“Yeah,” Aerie answered, already leading the way. Bellamy trailed behind, leaving the others to gossip among themselves.
“You and I have a lot to discuss.”
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Hiding-your-face hug for Rowaelin please
Little but cute. This is heavily influenced by where I was raised so know that where I come from we call everyone uncle and aunt if they are family friend’s since your childhood. That does not mean they are family, it’s just a type of nickname. Meaning their kids are also not your cousins! Enjoy!!
Matchmaking dances
Aelin loved her nonna’s birthday parties.
Technically, nonna wasn’t her grandmother, but she had been in Aelin’s life since birth. Aelin’s parents were best friends with nonna’s kids, and so Aelin had been raised with her around. Her father, Rhoe, used to tell Aelin stories of his childhood. Stories of meeting her mom, Evalin, and her sister, Adelpha, when they were still kids. Stories with Viktor and Amidala, nonna’s kids, and Gavriel, Cal and Marion.
Rhoe and Evalin were the first to get married, followed then by Gavriel and Adelpha. Cal and Marion married a few years later, and in the mean time Viktor had married a woman named Gaia and Amidala married  her college boyfriend, Quinn.
They had been friends since their childhoods, and when they all got married and had their own kids, they were raised together too.
Aelin’s whole childhood had been filled with memories of Elide, Aedion, Fenrys and Rowan. They had all lived near each other, but spent most of their free time in nonna’s house. Her childhood had been filled with days spent in the family estate’s garden, the house in the outskirts of the city. All five of them running around the house, almost breaking old vases and sculptures. Days spent inside the library whenever it was raining, just quietly reading or talking. Days spent at the infirmary with aunt Marion tending to their cuts and bruises, and nights spent camping on the backyard, jumping over the fire, counting the stars. All those years playing and growing together could never be forgotten by her.
The parties, however, were the best. The whole family and family friends would come together and they would celebrate from sunrise to sunrise. Aelin remembered playing tag with Elide and Fenrys. Remembered playing pranks on the adults with Aedion. Remembered grumbling every time nonna forced her and Rowan to dance. It had happened since both could walk, and it had grew extremely uncomfortable when both had the age to realize that nonna was trying to pair them up. They complained every time after that, although as they grew even older, both waited excitedly for the dancing part.
They were absolutely horrendous dancing, making up their own steps and butchering the original choreography.
Aelin barely had a memory that didn’t involve at least one of them, and she smiled whenever she thought of it.
As they grew old and moved away from the estate, the only time they really all visited at the same time was during big celebrations. Since she had opted to stay in Orynth and study art with her grand uncle Orlon, Aelin was the one that always managed to go back home and see everyone. Aedion had opted to stay in Orynth too, the two cousins sharing an apartment off campus. Elide had gone to Perranth, so she did come back but only on holidays and birthdays. To her nonna’s eternal sadness, Fen and Rowan had gone off to Doranelle, meaning that their visits were usually made by a video chat for the past three and a half years.
“Happy birthday, nonna!” Aelin said, smiling at the silver headed woman.
“A hundred and twenty seven, right?” Aedion said, and nonna hit him with a towel.
“Eighty, you little brat.” Nonna narrowed her eyes at Aedion, but he just laughed it off. “That’s why your cousin was my favorite.”
“We all know you always loved me more.” Aedion hummed, walking by her and giving her a peck on the cheek. “Is uncle Rhoe here?”
“In the back.” Nonna called and Aedion nodded, going to find Aelin’s dad.
“How is eighty, nonna?” Aelin asked softly, hugging the woman.
“Tiring. I’m sure that if I were to run after you and Rowan again to stop both from shaving off Fenrys’s dog, I’d break a hip.”
Aelin’s cheeks heated, but she smiled nonetheless. “That was once.”
“The two of you.” Nonna laughed, hugging Aelin’s side and walking her to the back. “All five were little devils, but the combination of you and Rowan alone was enough to bring this house down if you weren’t supervised.”
“It really was.” Aelin heard a sweet voice coming from the backyard, Elide walking in their direction with a devilish smile on her face. She wore a small wrap summer dress like Aelin, but instead of red, hers was purple. “It is good that Rowan didn’t go to college with Ace. I can only imagine the catastrophe.”
“You’re such a—“ Aelin said, mouthing bitch.
“I’m not stupid, Aelin Galathynius.” Nonna pestered, making sure to let Aelin know that her attempt of not cursing in front of elders had failed, and Elide cackled. “I need to speak to Aed’s mom. I’ll tell Adelpha you said hi, Aelin.”
“Thanks.” Aelin said, walking up to Elide and giving her friend a hug.
“Don’t get into trouble the two of you.”
“We would never!” Elide shouted back, but the smile she gave Aelin promised the contrary. “We have a surprise to nonna.”
“Yes, we.” Aelin turned back at the voice, smiling at her aunt Amidala and her uncle Quinn. “My Fenrys called yesterday. He and Rowan are coming today to celebrate nonna’s birthday. Viktor and Gaia are ecstatic to see their son again.”
Aelin turned around to see her father and mother talking to Viktor and Gaia. As if they could feel her stare, both turned to her and smiled. Uncle Viktor was usually serious, reserving his smiles. Aunt Gaia, though, was always a happy presence. With her silver hair and blue eyes, the woman looked like a goddess. Rowan looked so much like both of them. He had his mother’s hair and smile, but his father’s eyes, face and seriousness. Aelin smiled back and waved at them.
“When?” She turned back to Amidala and Quinn. “I haven’t seen the two in ages.”
Aelin was beyond excited because of it. She had only talked to Ro and Fen through phone and postcards, and she couldn’t wait to see both in person again. For the next few hours, Aelin spent most of her time with Elide and Aed, all three sitting on the grass and laughing while retelling their childhood stories. They all held some sort of cocktail drink that uncle Gavriel had made them, and it was good enough that Aelin didn’t question what was inside, just asked for more when she emptied her glass. Morning ended and the afternoon sun was burning up. Aelin knew she should get up and put on some sunscreen if she didn’t want her face peppered with even more freckles, but she was feeling so calm and comfortable that she couldn’t bring herself to do so.
Coming back to nonna’s house with one of her friends always made her feel like this. She was twenty two, but sitting on the grass, laughing with Aed and Elide, she felt as if she was seven again. It was the greatest nostalgic feeling she could ever imagine.
“And then Aelin fell in the lake with Rowan.” Aedion was retelling the time both she and Rowan fell from a tree straight into the river nearby. Aedion was laughing so much he was doubling over, almost no sound coming out anymore. Aelin didn’t know if Elide was laughing at the story or at Aedion.
“Why is it always the stories where Rowan and I get fucked up that you all decide to tell?” Aelin grumbled, but she couldn’t help but laugh and smile too.
“Because you and Rowan had a penchant for trouble like no one else I have ever seen, that’s why.” Aelin heard a voice coming from behind her, and even before she could turn around, a huge smile was already on her lips. Standing there, a lot more taller than she remembered, was Fenrys.
“Oh my God!” Aelin screamed, standing up and tossing herself at Fenrys. He laughed and hugged her back, extending another arm for Elide who had also ran in his direction. “You’re back!”
“And for good this time.” Fenrys said and Aelin took a step back to stare up at him. Fen winked at her and Elide. “Ro and I decided to take the last semester in Orynth.”
“Rowan and Aelin in the same college. This will be a sight to behold.” Aedion said, getting up from his spot on the grass. He smiled at Fenrys, both sharing a hug. “Good to see you, Fen.”
Fenrys was going to reply something but Aelin interrupted him. “Where’s Rowan?”
Fenrys pointed a finger to a huge man with a silver head standing near her dad and uncles. “He’s—“
Aelin didn’t even stop to hear what he was gonna say next, tossing her sandals on the grass and running on Rowan’s direction. “Ro!”
Rowan’s head immediately snapped to her, a wide smile on his lips. He was talking something with his dad, but he fully turned to Aelin and took a few steps on her direction. Aelin threw herself at Rowan, her face hiding in his chest. His arms came around her, crushing her with the same force she was crushing him. Aelin’s feet weren’t touching the ground, Rowan holding her up by the hug.
“Oh my god, Ace.” He said, and although her face was against his chest, she could hear his smile. “I haven’t seen you in forever. I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too.” She tried to say, but the words sounded muffled by his chest. He laughed, and she did too while drawing back her face and looking up at him. “Hi.”
“Hi.” He said softly.
“So,” they both broke their staring and turned to nonna standing a few feet away. Everyone was smiling at them, but nonna had be biggest smile of them all. “When are you two going to dance?”
@in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jlinez @courtofjurdan @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @ladywitchling @lexflame @sleeping-and-books @annejulianneh111 @perseusannabeth @linshryver @mu-si-ca-l @camilamartinezdunne @dank-queen7 @minaidss @starborn-faerie-queen @booksofthemoon @abookishfreak @faerie-queen-fireheart @maastrash @morganofthewildfire @queen-of-glass 
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