#and i’ll only bang one or two of your guests
eiightysixbaby · 8 months
i love it loud
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word count: 6.5k+
pairing: rockstar!eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: you get invited to corroded coffin’s halloween party with your best friend chrissy. you don’t anticipate on having much fun, but that changes when you meet eddie…
cw: 18+ ONLY - SMUT. alcohol consumption, a rogue billy tries to hit on reader, use of petnames, use of y/n (like maybe a few times), oral (f receiving), fingering (f), unprotected p in v - he pulls out tho!, brief description of reader’s costume but no mention of body type/etc.
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You didn’t want to go to this party. Not really. Your best friend had insisted you come with her, because arriving alone would, in her words, be social suicide. Being invited to Corroded Coffin’s Halloween party was a big deal, she’d said, even though you know she was only invited because she’s been going out with the drummer. Of course he’s going to invite his girlfriend.
You hadn’t even had a plan for a costume, and with only a couple day’s notice you didn’t have the time to prepare something good. The stores were all picked over as far as Halloween costumes go, and so you went with the most basic, half-assed option you could’ve possibly selected.
You’re dressed as a cat.
It feels silly, it feels low-effort and stupid and basic, but here you are with your fluffy tail and soft felt ears, black high heels and whiskers painted on your face. A pink nose to top it all off. You did think you looked good, you had to admit, but it definitely wasn’t the costume you would’ve preferred. You awkwardly adjust your stockings as you step up to the front door of the large house, feeling horrendously out of place.
You glance at Chrissy beside you, her hippie costume bright and colorful - an extreme contrast to your all black attire.
“Okay, just texted Gareth that we’re here,” she says, slipping her phone into her bag. “Don’t look so thrilled,” she says sarcastically, pouting at you.
“Sorry I’m not exactly excited to be at a party where I know no one,” you say.
“You know me and Gareth,” she replies, looking at you like she’s confused.
“I barely know Gareth. And don’t act like the two of you won’t be running off to bang the second you get a chance,” you smile at her, knocking shoulders playfully.
“Listen… his friend Eddie, the lead singer, is super hot. Maybe you’ll get more than you bargained for tonight.”
“I don’t know, Chris. There’s going to be a million girls at this party, do I really want to be another notch on some rockstar’s belt?” you ponder.
She doesn’t get the chance to respond before the front door is swinging open in front of you. The figure on the other side is… Peter Criss. More like, Gareth dressed as Peter Criss. Fully outfitted in leather and silver studs, hair spray painted black with white and black cat makeup on his face. You laugh a little as you take him in, and he shoots you a teasing glare.
“Hey ladies,” he greets, pulling Chrissy in for a quick kiss. “Y/N, I’m so glad you decided to come.”
“You know Chris always gets what she wants,” you reply with a laugh, and he laughs with you, agreeing.
He steps to the side, ushering you both into the large foyer of the house. It’s decked out in Halloween decor; bats on the walls, fake cobwebs, hairy toy spiders with light-up red eyes. There’s orange and purple string lights hung about, and you’re honestly impressed with the detail. The house is clean, aside from the stray cup or plate left behind from the current party guests, and the decorations are carefully placed.
“Holy shit, you guys really did it up for the party,” you say, eyes wandering to every corner.
“Oh yeah, that’s all Eddie. He loves Halloween. It was his idea for us to dress like KISS,” Gareth says with a playful eye roll.
“Don’t complain, you look so good in that outfit…” Chrissy says, trailing a finger down his chest.
“I’ll have to give you the official house tour,” he says to your friend. “You coming too?” he asks you, but you shake your head.
“Think I’ll get myself a drink,” you say, sticking out your thumb in the direction of the kitchen.
“Sounds good. There’s stuff on the counter and a bar out back by the pool, you can go wherever you’d like,” Gareth says with a smile, and it’s genuine. “Make yourself at home, say hey if you see the other guys around! You can’t miss ‘em, they’ll be dressed like me,” he adds, and you laugh, waving them off as Chrissy tells you to text her if you need anything at all.
You wander into the open kitchen, pleased with the selection of liquor that awaits you. If you’re going to be spending the night alone, you might as well get pleasantly drunk, you think to yourself. People are scattered throughout the room, talking with their circles of friends and acquaintances. There’s a couple different punch bowls filled with various concoctions, each one labeled with the contents. You take your pick of the poison, scooping the liquid up with a ladle and filling your cup.
You scrunch your face as you take the first sip, lips pursing as you adjust to the bite of the alcohol. You glance around the kitchen, taking note of even more decorations as you slink into a corner alone. They seem to fill the whole house, seeping into the living room and the dining room, any area that you can see. Gareth had said it was all Eddie’s doing, and you find yourself growing more curious about the man in question. You really didn’t know anything about Corroded Coffin, didn’t care much to do any research, you only knew what Chrissy told you.
You know that Grant, the rhythm guitarist, has rich parents, and that his dad bought the house for the band to live in while they’re recording their album. Chrissy always says Grant’s the nerdiest of the bunch, insanely smart and very friendly. You know that Jeff, the bassist, is apparently a sweetheart, a bit shy but would give you the shirt off of his back, and you know that Eddie…. well, you know that he’s supposedly “super hot”. Other than that, you’re drawing a blank. Chrissy hasn’t said much about him at all, now that you really consider it. Maybe he’s an introvert and doesn’t come around often, or maybe he’s a complete dick. He is a rockstar, after all. And there’s plenty of pretty women in his house right now, so… you can gather a few assumptions, to say the least.
You don’t get much more time to ponder the subject before you hear loud, raucous laughter coming in through the sliding doors to the backyard. Two figures stumble in, but in the dim light you can’t get a good look right away.
“I was made for lovin’ you baaaabyyyyyy!” a voice booms, and you don’t need more confirmation that it comes from another member of the band.
“How many times are you gonna sing that tonight?” the other voice counters, and you finally see two unfamiliar men walking towards the kitchen, dressed like other members of KISS.
The annoyed voice comes from the stand-in Gene Simmons of the evening, a frizzy black wig on his head and the signature makeup on his face, making him stand out. He sticks his tongue out obnoxiously at the other man, eliciting a laugh from him. Your eyes flit over, then, to the taller figure. Your attention is immediately grabbed — he’s intriguing right away and you aren’t quite sure why. Tall, slim, with a head of shaggy hair that diminishes his need for a wig for the costume. He’s dressed like Paul Stanley, a black star around his eye, surrounded by a face otherwise full of white makeup. He’s not wearing a shirt, at all, just a thick black studded collar around his neck and leather pants. Chunky heeled boots are on his feet, making him appear taller than just about everyone else in the room.
And if he’s dressed like the singer of KISS, then you can only assume this is Eddie. The singer of Corroded Coffin.
“Oh fuck off, Jeff. Have a little fun! It’s Hallo-fucking-ween, dude,” presumably-Eddie says, leaning into Jeff’s space.
“Sorry my idea of fun isn’t listening to your drunk ass sing KISS songs, Ed,” Jeff says, and the nickname gives you confirmation that this is, in fact, your guy.
Eddie just so happens to look up in that moment, his eyes falling upon yours unintentionally. He smiles at you, genuinely smiles at you, all while playfully rolling his eyes at Jeff’s comment. You giggle into your plastic cup, feeling like the two of you are the only people in the room for a moment. He gives you a teeny little wave, the slightest wiggle of his fingers, and you feel your heart rate increase as you return it. What is wrong with you? You were going to blame the alcohol, for the time being.
The moment is gone as soon as it came, Eddie’s attention getting redirected. You watch in fascination as they pour drinks for themselves, easily greeting the other partygoers who come up to them, eager to talk to the hosts. There’s a swarm of girls around Eddie in thirty seconds flat, and your heart deflates, much to your own dismay. Why should it bother you? He doesn’t even know you, and you don’t know him. Chrissy’s implication that you might hit it off with Eddie tonight is letting you get too in your own head, you decide, trying to shake it off.
You scoff, watching as a girl dressed like a devil leans on the counter into Eddie’s space, pressing her breasts together as much as she can. Her fake fangs are exposed as she laughs too loud at something he says, her bright red lipstick accentuating her mouth. You want to internally criticize her and her basic costume, before you’re reminded of your imitation of the most basic furry friend to ever grace Halloween.
As if on cue, someone comes up behind you and yanks on your tail, making you jump. Your drink sloshes over the rim of the cup at the sudden motion, splashing against the front of your outfit. You spin on your heel, met with the face of an unfamiliar man, which really isn’t saying much since almost every face here is unfamiliar.
“Can I help you?” you snark, flattening your lips in a straight line.
“Woah, calm down, pussy cat. Don’t have to bring the claws out,” the man says, smirking at you as if he has genuinely no clue why you’re bothered.
He reaches one arm out, flattening his palm against the wall behind you and leaning his weight on it, towering over you. He smells like cigarettes and booze, and you watch as his tongue pokes out to wet his lips.
“If you don’t mind,” you snap. “I really need to go wash the liquor out of my costume. Asshole,” you mutter the last part, ready to make your exit when the stranger grabs your arm.
“Going so soon? I thought we’d make friends,” he smiles at you, blue eyes piercing down at you as you grow wildly more uncomfortable.
“I’ll pass,” you emphasize, stomping the heel of your boot down onto his foot.
He yelps in pain, releasing your arm and allowing you to speed-walk out of the crowded kitchen. You can see various pairs of eyes on you as you scurry out, and you can hear your victim cursing you out through the bass coming through the stereo.
You high-tail it out the back door, heels clicking aggressively on pavement as you push through more people surrounding the pool. You finally stop to calm yourself down when you find a lull in the crowds, a spot where you can be relatively alone. You silently thank yourself that the stranger didn’t follow you, but what you didn’t realize is that someone else had.
You exhale, bringing your drink to your lips and taking a swig. Your now-wet top clings to your skin, aggravating you, but the last thing you want to do is wander back into the house in search of the bathroom.
“H-hey, um, are you alright?” a voice rings out directly behind you.
You jolt just slightly, not expecting company. Turning to face the other person, your eyes first land on those big, black platform boots. Eddie had followed you. Your gaze trails up his figure, leather pants and studded belt and bare torso, until you meet his eyes for the second time this evening.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” he says, “I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I saw what happened in there and, uh, to be honest I don’t even know why we keep inviting Hargrove to these things—” Eddie rambles, as if Hargrove is a familiar name to you, as if he’s nervous to be around you — like he isn’t the star-studded host of this party.
“I’m okay,” you reply, cutting off his sentence, smirking a little. “Thanks for checking on me.”
“Oh, yeah, of course. I know these parties can get crazy, but… I always want to make sure everyone’s safe,” he says, his gaze softening as he says the last part. “I’m Eddie, by the way,” he introduces, holding out a hand for you to shake.
You immediately notice the big, silver rings adorning many of his fingers, your eyes lingering on them for maybe a second too long before you remember he’s waiting for you. You extend a hand, grasping his and shaking it.
“Y/N,” you reply. “I, uh, I’m here with Chrissy.”
“Oh, you’re Cunningham’s friend!?” he asks, lighting up at that. Excited as he says it as if you’re the celebrity here, not him.
You nod, smiling at him now.
“Damn, and she already ditched you to go screw Gareth, I’m assuming?” he jokes, and you laugh, feeling lighter by the second. Forgetting your less-than-pleasant encounter from moments ago.
“Yeah, how’d you know?” you say sarcastically, smiling wider when he snorts.
There’s a pause, you can feel him staring at you as you take another sip of alcohol. “Well, I’m a little offended she didn’t tell me that she had such a beautiful friend,” he says, and you feel your cheeks grow warm at his forwardness.
You duck your head, avoiding his eyes as your face scrunches in a shy smile. “Ah, there’s the rockstar charm,” you say, loving the sound of his laugh that comes in response.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he playfully asks, cocking his head as he leans forward to meet your gaze.
“How many other girls have you used that line on tonight?” you counter, playful but keeping a safe distance.
“Ouch, sweetheart. You really take me for that much of a player?” he stumbles back, clutching his chest as if he’s been wounded. Your eyes linger maybe too long on the tattoos littering his torso, the slight smattering of hair on his pale skin.
“Well, you are parading around your own party shirtless. Seems like a tool move to me,” you smirk, finishing off your drink with one last sip.
“Darling, you’re dressed like a cat. I don’t think you can come for my costume right now,” he flashes his perfect teeth at you, unable to contain his smile at your banter.
There’s a moment of silence, you staring out across the yard at the bright lights of the city down below, stretching vast and far. Then he speaks up again.
“I mean it. I think you’re really beautiful.”
“Thank you. You’re very pretty,” you say honestly, letting yourself give in to his flirtations.
“Is it the makeup? Am I gonna have to wear this every time I see you now?”
You giggle. “Every time? Are there going to be more times, mister rockstar?”
“I mean, I’d love to take the time to get to know you outside of a party setting, if that’s okay with you,” he smiles bashfully, and you can only assume he’s blushing under all of that makeup.
“Yeah. I think that’s okay with me,” you reply.
Conversation flows easily with Eddie, the less-than- pleasant encounter with the stranger and the spilled alcohol on your shirt long forgotten. He tells you about his life before the band started to make it big, how he always dreamed of being a rockstar. He shyly told you about how he used to parade around his home as a kid, playing his little guitar and singing songs he made up until his uncle was begging him to quiet down and go to bed.
You confess that you really didn’t know much about the band, other than things Chrissy had told you, and you apologize although he tells you it’s absolutely not necessary.
You both end up sitting in the grass side-by-side, talking so much you don’t even remember making the choice to sit, it just happened. There’s a lull in the conversation, his eyes searching yours before glancing down to your lips. He moves just slightly closer, his breath hitting your face with each exhale. You feel yours catch in your throat, anticipating his next move.
You don’t get the chance to see what that move is before the girl in the devil costume from the kitchen approaches. She instantly has her hands on Eddie, grabbing his arm with a red-gloved hand and pulling him to stand. “Eddieeee, come on! You have to come play spin the bottle with us!” she pleads, her voice too whiny to not be part of an act.
“I- uh,” he stumbles, looking at you with an emotion you can’t place.
The girl moves to stand in front of him, putting her hands on his chest now, starting to push him backwards. “Come on, it’s no fun if you don’t play,” she continues, her shrill voice grating in your ears.
You don’t like how close she’s getting, how unafraid she is to be touchy with him. Who even is she? Are they friends? Are they more than friends? She’s pushing him further away from you by the second, not once acknowledging your presence. You scoff, looking to the side, avoiding Eddie’s gaze.
Before Eddie can really do anything, he’s being shoved fully away from you. You don’t see the way he desperately looks to you for an out, simply bothered by the fact that this girl won’t leave him alone.
You wonder if you were right, if he called you beautiful just like he calls every other girl beautiful. You didn’t want to believe it, but, he’s about to go play a game with a bunch of drunk people where the whole point is to kiss each other, so. It’s not looking great for you.
You’d be lying, though, if you said your curiosity wasn’t peaked. You find yourself bored watching partygoers splash around in the pool, and you can’t shove down your internal need to find out what mister rockstar and the devil girl are up to inside. Your feet are carrying you before you can decide against it, leading you back inside, back through the kitchen where you pour yourself another drink, and then to the living room where you find a large group sat in a circle.
You hang back, just slightly, not wanting to make it too obvious that you’re watching the game, even though you aren’t the only one who came to spectate. To be completely honest, the first few spins you witness aren’t very exciting. You don’t know any of these people, so what should it matter to you if they kiss? You’re about to step away when the circle erupts with various ‘Ooooh’s and whistles.
“Come on, Eddie! You gotta do it!” a now very drunk Jeff screams.
To your absolute horror, Eddie had spun the bottle, only for it to land on the little bitch whose name you still don’t know in the devil costume. Eddie looks at the girl, who is very clearly eagerly awaiting a kiss from the singer of Corroded Coffin, but then he looks up at you.
You didn’t think he’d realized you were there, didn’t think he saw you lurking, but he looked at you too pointedly for it to have been an accident.
You swallow, suddenly feeling awkward amongst the silence of the room. Everyone’s watching Eddie, expecting him to get his kiss over with and move on. He stands finally, stepping forward. You almost want to look away, not interested in watching him lock lips with someone that isn’t you. But you can’t look away, not when he bypasses the anonymous girl and heads right for you.
“Um, I’m right here!” she says, her tone snarky and honestly annoying enough to make you want to slap her.
“Yeah, well I’m not kissing you, Tina,” Eddie says. “Spin the bottle. What are we, fourteen?” he asks, eyes still locked on you as he stands merely a step away now.
Your heart thumps in your chest, every bit of your nervous system attuned to him. Your mouth hangs slightly open, not knowing what to do or what to say.
He steps even closer, closing the distance between you. “I want to kiss you, that okay?” he murmurs, letting one hand rest so gently on your waist.
You want to laugh in Tina’s face. You want to point and laugh and rub it in, but that wouldn’t be the appropriate response here. You need to kiss Eddie, sooner rather than later.
You just nod, a smile playing on your lips. He leans his face closer to yours, hovering by your ear to whisper, “I’m sorry, about her. She’s… a friend of a friend who always ends up at our parties. Trust me, I have no interest there.”
The reassurance really isn’t necessary, you barely know Eddie after all, but it’s extremely appreciated. You feel your heart flutter a little, smug and satisfied all in one. And then his lips are on yours, not giving a damn who’s watching, not a care in the world for what anyone might say.
His lips are soft, warm against yours and the way he cradles the back of your head in his hands makes you weak at the knees. Your noses brush before you pull away, and the two of you giggle in unison like you just shared some exciting secret with each other.
Tina is dumbfounded where she sits on the carpet, watching you. You swear steam would be coming out of her ears if this was a cartoon. You give her a little wave and an all-too-fake smile before Eddie grabs your hand to lead you away.
Not a single word is spoken as he pulls you out of the living room, you’re silent until you reach the stairs to go up to the second floor.
“So you really don’t have history with Tina?” you playfully ask, pressing the issue just to be a pain, and he groans.
“Ugh, god, no. Like I said, she always ends up at these things and she’s all over me. But the funny part is, we went to high school together. She bullied the crap outta me,” he explains, and you can’t help but laugh. “Spread some nasty rumors on social media…” he shakes his head, smirking at the thought now.
“Of course,” you roll your eyes, “Now where are you taking me, rockstar?” you grab his waist once you’ve reached the top of the stairs, pulling him closer to you.
“To my room, because there’s no way I can handle any more interruptions tonight,” he says, his hands finding your hips, pressing his forehead to yours for a moment.
Another kiss is ghosted over your lips, open-mouthed and teasing, leaving you chasing after him when he pulls away and starts to walk down the hallway. He opens the dark wood door, gesturing for you to enter first.
The second he’s inside with you, his mouth is on yours, your back pressed to the wall as his hands grip your waist. He fumbles with the light switch behind you, providing a dim glow throughout the room. He wastes no time slipping his tongue past your lips, licking inside of your mouth and groaning when your tongue meets his. Your noses brush and you’re sure his makeup is getting smeared on your face, or vice-versa, and the thought makes you smile into the kiss. His lips work their way down to your jaw, nipping and mouthing at the skin before residing on your neck, sucking till it stings.
You hiss, arching your back into him, hands grabbing at his bare shoulders as your nails dig into the skin.
“Shit, sweetheart,” Eddie breathes, hands grabbing your face as he brings you in for another heated kiss.
He starts to walk backwards, guiding you with him towards his bed. His boots are kicked off of his feet carelessly, and you toe off your heels in tandem. He reaches the mattress, falling back onto it and scooting backwards until he’s fully on the bed. You follow his lead, straddling his lap and letting your hands roam his bare chest. He watches you like you’re an ethereal being, eyes big and round and completely full of desire. His hands wrap around to grab your ass beneath the fabric of your skirt, filling his open palms with the soft flesh and squeezing.
Your hands waste no time in finding their way to the zipper of his pants, tugging it down after undoing the button.
“Need these off, Ed,” you say, sounding more whiny than you’d wanted. Your face gets hot at the smirk he gives you in return.
“Oh, so we’re desperate now, huh?” he says, the cocky rockstar demeanor coming out in full-swing. It makes you embarrassingly flustered, your cunt throbbing for him.
All you can do is nod, your hand trailing over the bulge that waits for you beneath fabric.
“Fuck,” he curses under his breath, starting to shimmy his pants down his thighs.
You remove yourself from his lap, letting him undress — your mouth practically watering when his cock springs free and smacks against his stomach. He’s fully naked for you now, given that he already wasn’t wearing a shirt. All that’s left is the studded choker around his neck, and it makes you drool.
“Like what you see, baby?” he asks, a smug little grin on his face as he watches the way you take in his entire body.
You already noticed the tattoos on his chest and arms, but now you’re noticing the ones on his thighs. He’s unreal, so unfairly gorgeous and captivating. He’s perfectly sculpted, a sharp V carved into his pelvis that simply leads your eyes down a path to his perfect cock. It’s big — long and not too thick, veiny with a pink, leaking tip. He must catch your intrigued expression, because he laughs, a devious little sound that tells you he can’t have any pure intentions.
“Why don’t you lay down so I can get you ready to take this cock?” he purrs, slender fingers stroking up and down one side of your body.
You shudder at his touch, moving to lay down on his bed. You pull your shirt off before you do, leaving your black, lacy bra on display for the man beside you. Your tits rest perfectly in it, and Eddie’s sure to get an eyeful. His hands gently hold your hips once you’re situated comfortably, partially laying down with your back propped against his many fluffy pillows. He leans down, letting his lips graze over your jaw, your cheek, your nose, before finally pressing to your mouth. He brings one hand up, pulling your cat-ear headband off of your head, deciding it can’t be very comfortable to have on for hours at a time. It makes you breathe a little laugh into the kiss, remembering how silly you must look with your painted on whiskers and nose.
He doesn’t give you much time to dwell on it, his mouth pulling off of yours and starting to travel down your neck. He kisses your shoulders, your collarbone, sucking on the most sensitive bits of skin and making you whine as you wriggle beneath him. He finds his way down to your breasts, hands sliding your bra straps down your shoulders as you arch your back for him, giving him room to unhook the clasp that sits at your spine. His lips immediately attach to one of your pert nipples, sucking and swirling his tongue around the small bud. One of his large hands cups your other breast, the cold silver of the rings on his fingers a sharp contrast to your searing skin.
He switches after a moment, sucking the opposite nipple into his warm, wet mouth. Something akin to a growl leaves his mouth when your fingers tangle in his hair and tug, and it spurs you on to keep going. His lips unlatch themselves from your breast, his mouth moving down down down, trailing kisses everywhere it goes. Your cunt throbs when his mouth approaches the waistband of your tight little skirt, his eager hands hooking beneath the fabric and beginning to yank it down, along with your underwear.
He peppers kisses lower and lower on your body, his mouth following close behind the clothes that he pulls off of you, covering every inch of skin as it’s exposed to him. He discards everything onto the floor, definitely tearing your stockings in the process of ripping them off of you. Your mind is a blur as he hastily attaches his lips to your clit, slipping one finger inside of you with complete ease. You weren’t expecting all of the stimulation so suddenly, your body writhing on the mattress as he sucks your sensitive clit into his mouth.
“More, Eddie, need more,” you pant, knowing you’re probably being greedy but knowing all the same that he won’t deny you what you want.
He hums against your cunt, immediately adding a second finger inside of you. He curls the digits, collecting your sticky wetness and groaning at the filthy noises that his movements make. Your hands tug harder on his hair as you throw your head back onto the pillows, cursing at how good he feels. Going in, you had no idea how tonight would play out, but you certainly didn’t expect to be hooking up with the frontman of Corroded Coffin. Your head spins at the thought of how many other people would probably die to be in your position right now, and it only makes you more turned on.
“Want one more, baby? Need to make sure you can take my fingers before you take my cock,” he purrs, smirking up at you.
“Yeah, please, I can take it,” you reassure him, and he slips a third finger in.
His fingers are thick, no doubt about it, and they stretch you so deliciously you feel like you could cry. The silk sheets beneath you feel cold against your skin, easing the heat that floods your entire body. You grip them with one hand, the other still in Eddie’s hair as he flicks his tongue back and forth over your clit in the perfect rhythm. He doesn’t dare change his pace, not with the way you’re moaning his name like a siren song, drawing him more and more into you.
You’re rapidly approaching your release, that much he knows, and he wants to send you free-falling over that edge. The way you suck his fingers right in practically makes him drool, he can’t get enough. Loud, shrill moans of his name leave your mouth as he curls his fingers into that perfect soft spot inside of you, and Eddie couldn’t care less if the whole damn house can hear you.
“Gonna cum, Eddie, ohmygod—” you’re cut off mid-sentence, the air stolen from your lungs as you come undone for him.
You squeeze around his fingers, soaking him as your body trembles. He pulls them out of you, slowly bringing them to his lips, making sure your eyes are on him. He sucks the digits clean of your juices, humming contently around them. You ache for him, your body desperate to have him even though it’s only been seconds since he’d been pleasuring you.
He moves to hover over you, reattaching his lips to yours in a heated kiss. It’s somehow gentle and rough at the same time, a weird but enticing juxtaposition. He tastes like you and it drives you crazy as your mouths clash together, all teeth and tongues.
“Fuck, baby, hold on. Let me get a condom,” Eddie says, nearly breathless as he pulls away.
“No— want you to fuck me raw,” you mewl, reaching out to stop him as he goes to stand.
“Baby…” he says, looking at you with uncertainty. He never goes without a condom, and certainly doesn’t want you to feel pressured to forgo one.
“Please, Eddie. Just pull out,” you plead with him, and you honestly can’t believe your nerve right now. Begging the famous rockstar you just met to fuck you raw, as if you have all of this power over him. What you don’t know is that Eddie already wants to give you anything you ask for.
“Okay, alright, sweetheart. Whatever you want,” he says, leaning down to kiss your forehead before positioning himself on top of you.
He lines his cock up with your entrance, and you can feel the way you throb for him. You know you’re even more soaked than before, and you hardly worry about whether or not he’ll fit.
“You ready?” he asks sincerely. Big brown eyes searching yours for your approval.
“Mhm,” you hum, letting your eyes flutter closed when you feel him start to press in.
Moans leave each of your mouths in unison as he sinks inside inch by inch. Your nails dig in to the skin on his back, dragging down when he bottoms out inside of you. He hisses, breathing heavy as he tries to gain some composure. You feel so good around him, too good, and it takes all of his focus to not bust immediately.
“Please move, need you to move,” you whine, looking up at him with your big, pleading eyes.
He nods, “Okay, baby. Gonna give it to you so good, yeah?”
He starts thrusting, slowly at first, dragging his cock almost fully out of you before rutting back in. The air is forced from your lungs, your mouth open in a silent moan. His movements stay slow like that for a little while, giving you the friction you need but still teasing. Moans leave your lips as he slowly pushes himself all the way in, letting you fully feel the way he stretches your walls to fit him.
He starts to speed up then, setting a steady pace as he fucks into you harder. He does it so well, filling you to the brim and making you clench around him. You can feel every vein and ridge on his cock, the pleasure making your body erupt in goosebumps.
“Shit, feel so fucking good, sweetheart,” Eddie pants, his hips smacking against yours roughly. “Wanna try something different?” he asks, waiting for your approval which comes without hesitation.
He pulls out of you, making you wince slightly. He stands at the side of the bed, coaxing you to move towards him. You oblige, scooting right to the edge of the mattress. Strong hands grip your legs, hoisting your feet up onto his shoulders, exposing you perfectly to him. You feel more vulnerable like this, and it makes you antsy as you wait for him to slide back in. When he does, you see stars. The angle is perfect, his cock hitting spots it couldn’t before. You watch as he throws his head back, the muscles in his neck prominent as he clenches his jaw, a guttural groan escaping him.
“You’re so damn beautiful, so fucking gorgeous,” he says, looking back down at you with sincere eyes. “How’d I get the most perfect girl on the planet?”
And then he bends down, your legs still hooked over his shoulders, your body practically folded in half now. You nearly scream out his name, the lewd sounds of his balls slapping against your skin filling the space. He leans down to kiss you, his lips and firm against yours, muffling your pretty noises. He pulls away, letting out a smug little chuckle at the way you instantly moan for him, noticing the tears pricking in the corner of your eyes.
“Gonna cry for me, baby? My cock feels so good you’re gonna cry about it?” he teases, watching your brow furrow in concentration as you get closer and closer to release.
“You’re very — fuck — very fucking modest,” you choke out, trying and failing to bite back your whimpers.
He laughs again, burying his face in the crook of your neck. “You know you fucking love it,” he murmurs, teeth biting at your earlobe before he pulls away. “I can tell you love it, cause you’re suckin’ me in like you were made for me.”
You let out a whine at his words, pinching your eyes shut in pure ecstasy as he continues to split you open. “Fuck, Eddie, don’t stop,” you plead, your body jolting with every harsh thrust he gives you.
He grunts as he fucks you faster, watching in awe as your tits bounce on your chest. He can feel how soaked you are for him, can see your cream pooling around the base of him when he sheathes himself fully inside.
“You gonna cum for me again, sweetheart?” he rasps, leaning down to kiss along your jawline.
All you can get out is a wobbly “Uh-huh,” nodding your head to the best of your ability. His fingers dig in to the meat of your thighs, a dull ache from his harsh grip barely noticeable in the back of your mind. One hand moves from its spot on your leg to reach down and play with your clit, the pad of his thumb rubbing quick circles over it.
Your back arches off the mattress, your legs shaking as you cry out his name. A few more deep thrusts and you’re plummeting over the edge for the second time tonight, your cunt tensing up around him over and over. The way your walls flutter around his cock brings him dangerously close to release, and he pulls his cock out quickly before he’s pumping it in his fist. All it takes is a few strokes before ropes of his cum are covering your body, splattering over your bare chest and stomach.
You let your legs drop from his shoulders, aching as you stretch them out. You feel like you’re made of rubber, limbs wobbly as your feet drop to the floor.
“Holy shit,” is all you can say, staring up at his ceiling as he chuckles at you from the side of the bed.
“You’re so damn perfect,” he says, shaking his head with a sweet little smile. He stretches, muscles flexing as he raises his arms to the ceiling, cocking an eyebrow at you when he catches you staring.
“Says you…” you reply, pulling the sheets up to hide your face, suddenly shy.
“Let me get you cleaned up, yeah?” he asks, holding out his arm for you, pulling you up when you take his hand.
When you step out of the shower with him, after your body has been cleaned and every inch of your skin has been kissed by his soft mouth, he gives you his big clothes to put on. You change and brush your hair, letting his hands hold your waist as he tries to invade your space to kiss you even more. You can’t help but admire his face, even more gorgeous now that his Halloween makeup is washed down the drain.
You both shuffle out of the bedroom carefully afterwards, trying to gauge how much the party has died down, only to be met with a laugh from the opposite end of the hallway.
Your head shoots up, seeing Gareth and Chrissy stepping out of his room, looking wildly similar to you and Eddie; costumes off, makeup off, a few extra hickeys on Gareth’s neck. Chrissy’s mouth hangs open, her eyes flitting from you to Eddie and back again.
“I told you!!” she shouts, giggling before Gareth takes her hand, pulling her down the stairs with him.
You try to bite back a smile, heat creeping up to your face.
“What exactly did she tell you, sweetheart?” Eddie smirks down at you, pulling your body to his. His cocky expression gives you the hint that he already has an idea.
“Shut up, rockstar.”
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Hiii love 🩷
Could you please make a reader X Tommy, where you take care of Charlie and he slowly falls in love with the reader. At first he denies it but after sometime he can’t take it anymore !! Fluff and happy ending please
Love your writing by the way ⭐️🩷
Hey Lovelie! Thank you so much for this request and the lovely comment , I’d gladly do this for you!
Italics: flashback.
Summery: request above
[Y/N]: Your name
[L/N]: Last name.
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Word count: 2,516
Thomas Shelby. The name of the man that you have loved for the past two years. The man you knew would change your life the moment you set foot into his office for an interview to be a live in maid for his young son, charlie.
The blood pumped through your veins, making your head feel like it would burst at any point. You sent an application to Thomas Shelby secretary for the job but you did not expect to get an answer. So when you got a reply asking for an interview less then three days later, the shock that you were in was explainable.
You knock on the door, waiting to hear the voice of the man you were secretly afraid of.
“ come in” the voice vibrates through the atmosphere
You turn the old doorknob then push the door open, gliding your body through the door. The sound of the door creaking made Tommy lift his head up from his paperwork.
The feeling of your world stops as you make eye contact for the first time with the man with the eyes that could kill.
One month into the job
Thomas smiles slightly and takes off his jacket just as Francis rushes over to him.
“Good evening mr Shelby, dinner should be served soon” the middle aged woman explained, taking Thomas jacket gently.
Thomas doesn’t say a word, taking a cigarette out of his pouch from his trouser pocket. He looks towards Francis, lighting the cigarette.
“Where’s my son?” He questioned curiously.
Before tommys maid could respond, Charlie rushes around the corner from the main room “ daddy” he squeals, running towards Tommy.
Thomas kneels down “ Charlie, my boy” he catches Charlie as he jumps into his arms, Thomas stands up with Charlie in his arms.
Soon after, [Y/N] rushes around the corner with a face that can only be described as anxious. Her face was shiny most likely from running after the young boy.
“I am so sorry mr Shelby, i tried to stop him. I know you don’t like to be disrupted after work. I promise, I’ll make sure it won’t happen tomorrow” she rambles, clearly nervous that Thomas would be mad.
“No need to apologise, make sure that he is calm before he goes to bed, don’t want him to be cranky tomorrow” Thomas smirks slightly and gives Charlie over to [Y/N].
She nodded and quickly walks away, Charlie on his hip. Unknowingly, to [Y/N] mr Shelby was watching her with curiosity plaguing his mind.
Three months into the job.
Charlie had gone missing. Someone had taken him when Tommy was distracted with the guests, during a work event, he hadn’t noticed his young son being carried out through the door by a woman that passed as a maid.
Three hours had passed since [Y/N] had seen the young boy, she was nervously pacing the house, biting her already broken and fragile nails. An anxious trait she’s had since she was a young girl.
The sound of the front door rattling invaded the already chaotic atmosphere of the manor. The banging of doors signalled that Tommy was in his “beast mode”. This is when Tommy is on a mission and if you get in his way, you’ll most likely land with a bullet between your eyes. However, that hadn’t stopped The young maid. [Y/N] opened the door of Charlie’s room and begins to rush her sore feet towards the grand stairs.
“ mr Shelby” she calls out “ oh mr Shelby, is young Charlie been found” she asks, her voice full of worry.
[Y/N] stops her running when she sees the distressed young boy in his father’s arms, nearly making herself fall from the suddenness of the movement.
“ Francis take Charles” Thomas orders sternly, passing him over to his only trusted maid from that moment on.
The older maid nods and takes Charlie, taking the toddler upstairs. The air is so brittle, from the tension, it could snap. If it doesn’t, [Y/N] might. No one speaks, what is there to say?. [Y/N] could feel the fear in her chest waiting to take over her. Perhaps it was only there to protect her but there really isn’t any danger to be protected from. It sits there like an angry ball, propelling [Y/N] towards an anxiety she doesn’t need.
“ where were you miss [L/N]” Tommy questions, accusation filling his voice. His eyes could kill anyone. Those eyes are ocean-strong, swimming with warm sun-lit currents.
[Y/N] gulps, her throat feeling as if it was closing in on it self. Her mouth parts slightly but no words come out. Eventually, words were able to escape.
“ I’m so sorry mr Shelby, I looked away from him for one second, he wanted me to get his toy horse that he dropped, I gave him to another woman, she was dressed in a maids uniform” she explains, her eyes filling with unreleased tears.
Tommy sighs, watching as the young maid clearly showing signs of distress.
“ go back to work” the older man states, passing Charlie back over to [Y/N].
The young maid immediately takes Charlie into her arms, using one of her hands to wipe under her eyes “ of course mr Shelby” she nods.
As [Y/N] walks away, Tommy speaks up again “ have you had dinner miss [L/N]”.
“ no I have not mr.Shelby” [Y/N] replies, turning back around by the stairs, Charlie playing with her short hair.
Tommy nods “ after you put Charlie to bed, come to the kitchen, there will be food there for you” the older man announces, walking down the corridor towards the door leading to the kitchen.
As the months pass, Tommy and [Y/N] work relationship shifted, everybody can see it has except for the pair in question.
However, Tommy wouldn’t admit it. He still feels like he is in love with his deceased wife grace, he can’t get himself to move on. On the other hand, [Y/N] knew of her feelings towards her boss, who wouldn’t? Especially when you boss looks like Thomas fucking Shelby.
Present day
Over the past years that [Y/N] has worked for Tommy, she had gotten close to the women of the Shelby family, mainly polly. When [Y/N] wasn’t working, she was with polly.
Today was one of those days. Today, [Y/N] was helping polly with the books at the Shelby company betting shop. Tommy had given her the next few days off since she had worked for two weeks straight since Charlie was poorly with a fever.
“ fucking men” Polly grumbles, slamming down the book full of incorrect numbers and calculations.
[Y/N] chuckles from across the room as she corrects Arthur’s calculations “ men never cease to amaze you, do they pol?” She raises an eyebrow.
Polly lights her cigarette, taking a long inhale of the hazardous smoke “we are working our asses off whilst the men sit on theirs at the pub, getting god knows how drunk” the middled aged women rants, pointing to the door.
Polly smirks as she stands up “ come on, let’s go” Polly encourages, grabbing her purse.
[Y/N] frowns, dropping her pencil “ where are you going lol?” She asks confused but her eyes full of wonder at what Polly was planning.
“ I know a woman who knows a woman, she told me that the ladies of small heath are going out on strike, by the factories” Polly places her deep red hat on her curly brown hair as she raises an eyebrow at [Y/N].
The younger woman laughs “ you can’t be serious pol, Tommy would have your head” she warns.
“ not if he won’t find me” Polly puts her coat on.
[Y/N] bites her lip, she was conflicted. Her brain turns and twists as she argues with herself internally but eventually, only one side of her could win.
[Y/N] nods “ fuck em” she stands up “ I worked two weeks with his sick child and nothing but a thanks and a few days off work” [Y/N] rants, grabbing her coat.
Polly watches “ that’s my girl”.
Once the two woman get their stuff together, they walk out of the betting shop, Polly placing her sunglasses on her face, the women ignoring the men outside of the betting shop.
[Y/N] chuckles as she links her arm with pollys as they walk together towards the factories to join the woman of small heath.
The garrison pub
The Shelby men sat inside of their private corner room, celebrating Arthur’s recent news of Linda’s pregnancy. What they didn’t expect was another member of the blinders to come in and announce the women’s strike.
Tommy was about to make a speech when the door opens. A young man taking off his cap quickly catches his breath.
“ I’m sorry to disturb you mr Shelby, but I’ve just got word that mrs gray and miss [L/N} have walked out of the shop, claiming that they are striking for women’s rights in the work place” he explains.
Tommy raises an eyebrow, Arthur immediately standing up “ they what?” His drunken voice ripples through the small private room and into the main area of the pub.
Tommy holds his hand out to his brother “ now brother, this will be sorted” he stands up and grabs his cap, immediately following the younger member out of the pub, and towards where his aunt and his maid were currently causing chaos.
The Factories
The sound of the women cheering and chanting blocked the ability for [Y/N] ears to identity the sound of Tommy’s feet but as soon as his hand wrapped its self around her arm, she knew who it was and she knew she was in deep trouble.
Tommy’s breath sends goosebumps down her back as he leans down to speak into her ear “ come with me. Now” his voice quiet but clearly filled with demand.
[Y/N] didn’t say anything, her feet moving themselves in the direction that Tommy was guiding her. As they get further and further away from the other women, the noise of the chaos was slowly fading out.
“ Tommy, tommy please listen” [Y/N] began to protest but Tommy quickly cuts in.
“ what were you thinking [Y/N]. Do you know what this can do to the company” he states, letting go of her arm.
“ it’s not that serious tommy, me and pol weren’t protesting we were just watching” [Y/N] defends herself.
Tommy was about to respond when the sound of the police invading the strike, and women screaming as they get arrested. [Y/N] gasps as she gets shoved onto the floor, the wet gravel of small heaths pavements make contact with her hands. Small but painful cuts develop on her palms.
“ watch it” tommy yells at the woman that shoved [Y/N], clearly trying to run from the police.
“ I’m okay” [Y/N] reassures Tommy as she gently grabs his hand and stands up, Tommy patting down her dress since it had got mudded by the mud puddle on the path.
“ let’s go” Tommy grabs her hand and begins to pace to the garrison, away from the chaos. [Y/N]’s cheeks rise in temperature when she realises that tommys warm hand had engulfed her own. This is the kind of blushing that shows her soul, a compliment to the eyes and having a delicate sweetness within. It shows a connection, it shows that the smile and shyness comes from deep emotions. Her blush is beautiful and something real.
The garrison pub.
The pub was quiet, the occasionally laugh or the occasional cough fills the deadly silence since the moment Tommy stormed out of the pub to find [Y/N].
Tommy guides [Y/N] towards the small corner room, his hand hovering on the small of her back, however the heat still penetrates through her dress and onto her skin.
[Y/N] smiles as she walks into the room, taking her coat off slowly “ thank you Tommy” she graciously sits on one of the seats, placing her purse onto the table.
Tommy watches her as he sits at his usual seat, once again taking a cigarette from his metal holder “ would you like a drink?” He asks gruffly.
“ no thank you, I don’t drink” [Y/N] admits.
Thomas raises an eyebrow “ don’t drink ey, what maid of mine doesn’t drink” he teases.
“ the maid that looks after your infant son” she jokes back.
Thomas lights the cigarette “ my son likes you miss [L/N]” he admits, raising an eyebrow.
[Y/N] smiles, looking down at her dress skirt for a few seconds before looking up towards Tommy. She had the kind of eyes that reach out to Tommy, much like a baby reaching out with open arms, clearly signaling what she wants.
“ do you have a husband miss [L/N]” Tommy takes a long inhale of the hazardous smoke for what seems like the hundredth time that day.
“ please, call me [Y/N], and no I don’t have a husband nor a partner” she admits, her bottom lip sucking in between her teeth every so slowly. Tommy immediately looking down at the movement. Her lips were as good as her eyes in painting a picture of her emotion.
“ come here” Tommy whispers, placing the cigarette into the ash tray, just in time for [ Y/N] to arrive infront of Tommy.
The older man, places his hands onto her hips gently,his thumbs rubbing her in a rhythm, the smoke from the cigarette slowly evaporating between the two.
[Y/N] places her hands onto tommys shoulders “ this is inappropriate Tommy” she whispers, her voice as delicate as silk.
“ everything in my life is inappropriate” tommy points out, gently pulling [Y/N} into his lap, their eyes making close contact for the first time.
They both saw fire within each others eyes, she moved so close Tommy could feel her lips gliding over his own “ one time” she whispers “ one time is alright” she tries to reassure herself.
As soon as those four words left her mouth, Tommy connects their lips, in this kiss there was a sweetness of passion, a million loving thoughts condensed into a moment. [Y/N]’s heart skips a beat, as their lips glide together, making their own secret music. This kiss dissolves and releases any doubt within [Y/N]’s mind.
Tommys mouth parts ever so slightly, his tongue teasing then parting her own lips, wanting to savour her sweetness. A soft moan escapes her as she tastes Tommy in return.
Feeling as though she was burning in overwhelming passion, [Y/N] ripped her mouth away. Both gasping for air. Tommy presses his forehead against hers as [Y/N] runs her fingers through the hair at the back of his neck.
After a few minutes, Tommy lifts his head, placing his hand on her cheek. A slient communication passes through them. They both knew love was their sun, night and day.
They knew they were each others saviours.
A/N: hey again!
So sorry this took so long, my life has been extremely hectic but I’ve finished it and I hope you like it.
Please leave, a like, comment, reblog. All is appreciated so much! ❤️
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mysunshinetemptress · 4 months
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I’ll crawl home to her
Alessia Russo x singer!reader
Warnings: robbed vows from fluffy fluff
You were sat in your studio sighing as the blank page in-front of you began taunting you, the hours seemed to tick by. The clocks ticking metronome played in your head as you cursed yourself for not bing able to think of words that described the feelings swirling around your stomach and for a moment you thought would words ever be able to describe the feeling you had for your soon to be wife.
Alessia Russo was a girl you had known for many years and loved for many more and come 2 pm tomorrow you would be able to love forever and a day. Alessia had begged and begged for you both to incorporate vows into the ceremony and you stupidly thought that being a singer/songwriter it would come naturally to you yet here you were six hours until your mother would be banging on your door to get you up and ready and no vows had made their way on to the blank page.
You threw the pencil across the room before resting your head in your hands, your fingers tapping to the beat of the clock before looking up and sighing, the clock seemed to beat a second faster then usual and you shook your head as you tried to regain your focus on the task at hand only the little voice in the back of your head wouldn't shut up and you found yourself picking up your guitar tapping your foot in time to the clock you began strumming different chords trying to figure out the tune to whatever vision was filling your head. Slowly you moved from the guitar to the mixing table in your small home studio and began lining everything up before heading back over to your guitar picking it up and laying down the base chords for the song that had began playing in your head.
You were now stood at the top of the alter talking to Gio and Luca as they took up their roles of being your best men, being an only child and one of divorce left you lonely as a child, that was until a certain half Italian blonde footballer socked a ball right at your head and suddenly you had two brothers like you once wished for and a girl who found you at one of your darkest moments in life and some how showed you the light. You felt your breath hitch as the opening chords for hear comes the bride began on the organ as you turned finally looking at the many guests that had arrived, Alessia's side so full they seemed to spill into your side but you couldn't help but smile at your now mutual friends Mary sending you a thumbs up mouthing you've got this sat beside the rest of the lioness squad as you waved at all of them laughing as they waved excitedly back, before you turned to see Ella walking down the aisle smiling at her softly before your eyes were pulled to the blonde girl walking down behind her. Your eyes pricked with tears as you felt your lower lip wobble emotions began taking over as you felt to pairs of hands grab your should squeezing them. Your eyesight began to cloud with tears as Alessia approached pulling your hands to your face you tried desperately to wipe the falling tears stopping when you felt a soft hand grab your cheek, shaking your head you relaxed as Alessia pulled you into her body your head falling into the crook of her neck "Oh amore mia" you tried shaking your head softly kissing her neck as you pulled your head back from her "Im ok, I'm ok, sorry your just so gorgeous and I can't believe I'm marrying you but please promise me if this is a dream you won't wake me up." Alessia laughed stroking her thumb over your cheek "Its not a dream amore but I promise." you let out a breath turning to look at your guests "Sorry, but if you were marrying someone as amazing as her you would cry too" the church erupted in laughter, Alessia squeezing your hand softly as you nodded to the priest to begin.
You had both spent the ceremony hands locked together constantly sending soft squeezes here and there allowing the other to know you where ok. "Now the couple will read out their wedding vows." Alessia looked back at Ella as she passed her the card sighing she realised your hand before starting to speak "Y/n, amore mia, I promised you all those many years ago to be your guiding light in the darkness, here in-front of our friends and family I vow that to you again for you are the luce della mia vita when we were younger you told me give me your hand and i'll give you forever and today I vow to hold on to that hand forever and a day, quanto sono fortunato a chiamarti mia.” You felt your eyes prick with tears once more “oh Tesoro mia.” You let out a small sorry shaking your head before grabbing her hand “my Less, without you I am nothing and with you I am some how more then myself, I love you more then any metaphor can ever express, today is the day we get to start forever and although I can not promise you forever I can promise you that when death does take my hand, I will hold you with the other and promise to find you in every lifetime after” Alessia couldn’t help but let out a soft whimper trying not to cry “Do you Alessia Mia Teresa Russo take Y/n Y/L/n to be your lawfully wedded wife.” Alessia smiled happily at you “I do.” “And Y/n Y/m Y/l/n do you take Alessia Mia Teresa Russo to be your lawfully wedded wife” you pulled Alessia impossibly closer “I do.” The priest laughed at the excitement across both your faces “well then by the power vested in me you may now kiss your wife.” Pulling her face towards yours you spun Alessia dipping her lightly before passionately kissing her “ti amoe amore mia.”
You smiled looking around the sold out stadium as sweat caused your hear to stick to your forehead before strumming the guitar walking up to the microphone “Hi Wembly.” The crowd seemed to roar louder than before “I got one more song if you have time.” Once again they cheered as you strung out a few chords turning to look at the royal box “so for those of you who don’t know, I’m married.” You held up your left hand showing off your engagement and wedding rings “yep exactly.” You laughed at the cheers “to the most incredible woman, La mia luce guida.” You smiled at the royal box “hi mia ragazza dagli occhi azzurri.” You strummed the opening chords of the song you were about to play “at our wedding we wrote vows to one another and I’m only admitting this now but, I wrote mine the night before.” The crowd let out a laugh as you felt your cheeks redden “I couldn’t find the words to express how much I love her then, my girl I mean she’s my guiding light through my darkest days and so.” You looked back at the royal box smiling “so I procrastinated and I wrote this song that very night too and I’m going to play it for you here tonight for the first time.” The crowd let out a roar as you smiled eyes squinting as you searched for Alessia “words still aren’t enough to properly describe how much I love you but one thing I have told you before, that I speak about in this song is that not even death will be able to keep me from you in this life and all the rest to come I’m yours.” You smiled as you caught sight of your friends and family in the box, Alessia’s teammates shaking her gently at your words as she held her arms wrapped around your mum who from where you were standing both looked to be crying “so lessi .” You began strumming lightly again as your band began to count themselves in “no grave can hold my body down I’ll crawl home to you.” With that your band began playing and you sang the song you had written the night you had written your vows and all over again Alessia fell in love with you.
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twice-inamillion · 4 months
The Company
Light smut and Story Building
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Chapter 7
1,360 Words
(You take Jennie’s opinion into consideration and look for a reliable flight attendant. Some important decisions are made for the future of the company and a possible recruitment of someone special.) 
A few days have passed since you and Jennie fucked for the first time. The morning after, Jennie complained of soreness from your length and how wide you stretched her, “Daddy, I don’t think I’m going to be able to walk correctly for the next few days. Is it okay if I take a day or two off?”
You smile at Jennie and smack her ass, “Sure. You can tell your members you have a stomach bug, and I’ll let the coach know the group will take a break from practice.
“Thanks, Daddy,” giving you a hug. 
The first thing she did after recuperating was text you early in the morning, “Daddy, I’m all better now. How about going another round?”
You message her back, “It’s 6 in the morning, and you’re thinking about sex?”
“Yes, these past two days, I couldn’t think about anything besides your big cock stretching my small pussy.”
“Okay, how about tonight?”
“Actually, I’m outside your door, hehe”
You roll your eyes, get up from bed, walk towards the door, and check the screen, “Daddy, open up.” Jennie immediately lunges herself at you after you open the door, “Daddy, I missed you!”
“I missed you too, but you’re up so early.”
“It’s the only time I can sneak out without the members noticing.”
You smirk at her and say, “You’re a bad girl. Daddy needs to punish you for sneaking out.”
Jennie smiles, and your comment, “Daddy needs to punish me with his big cock. He should fuck me roughly and pump me with cum.”
You don’t even respond and instead, pick her up, walk towards the guest room, and toss her onto the bed. 
The two of you fuck until eight in the morning, showering together and having a light breakfast. “What are you reading there?”
“Just some resumes. I just purchased an airplane and am now looking for a flight attendant. These are some resumes I got sent over by one of my assistants.”
Jennie looks over your shoulder at the various applicants' pictures, “Oh, she looks pretty,” she says as she gets one of the applications. 
“You think so?”
“Yeah, you can see it in her eyes.”
“Hmm… you might be right.”
“What about hiring Jisoo’s sister? She’s about to graduate from flight attendant school.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah, she’s really pretty. With her pale white skin and nice body, she might be your type.”
“Do you have a picture of her?”
Jennie pulls out her phone and scrolls through her photo album of Jisoo with her sister, “Here, take a look.”
“Wow, she's beautiful.”
“Right? You should hire her. Did you know that many flight attendants struggle to find work because it's a competitive field?”
“No, I didn’t know. Maybe I’ll let one of my assistants contact her.”
“I’ll ask Jisoo about it and let you know.”
“Sir, Bang Si-hyuk replied back.”
“What did he say?”
“He said that he accepts your offer and is more than happy to partner with us.”
“Good, get the paperwork ready so we can have a final meeting. Also, tell him that I want to invest in his boy group, the one with the seven members.”
“Yes, I’ll get right on it.”
“What about Park Jin-young?”
He replied too, but asked for a bit more funding.”
“How much does he want?”
“About ten or fifteen percent more.”
“Haha, that man is greedy.”
“He is, sir; what do you want me to reply?”
“Tell him that I’ll accept, but I want the full transfer of his upcoming girl group to our site and any other female trainee in the future. I’ll send you more information.
“Thank you, sir.”
A few weeks went by since Jennie mentioned Jisoo’s sister, the flight attendant. After giving it some thought, you considered her opinion and asked one of your hiring assistants to look into hiring Jisoo’s sister. Luckily, she was easy to get in touch with after getting the information from Jennie. 
“Hello, my name is Kim Ji-Yoon. I’ll be your flight hostess starting today,” she said as she bowed.
“Nice to meet you. Take a seat.”
Ji-yoon takes the seat across from you, and IU goes over the contract. “You will be a salaried worker. Here is the amount of money the company is offering,” sliding the piece of paper towards her.
Ji-yoon opened it, and her eyes widened. “Are you sure? This is a lot of money, much more than what they pay someone who’s working in the business for years.”
You respond, “Yes, I want to ensure you are rewarded nicely and expect your utmost discretion. You’re also Jisoo’s older sister, so I wanted to do something nice.”
“Thank you so much. I will do my best not to disappoint you.”
“I’m sure you won’t. Also, our first trip is going to be in a couple of days, so I hope you’re ready.”
“That's great, sir; where will we be going?”
“We will be landing in Japan shortly, sir.”
“Thank you, Ji-Yoon.”
“Would you like to drink?”
“I’m fine, thank you, though.”
“My pleasure,” she said, and she made her way to the attendant area on the plane. 
You watch as she walks down the passage, her nice-length skirt giving you a glaze at her toned thighs, “Damn, what a view.” 
The purpose of today is to visit and hopefully recruit a potential trainee after getting a couple of letters of recommendation from a dance studio. The head choreographer linked the company's recruitment account to multiple videos of their student. She praised her students' stage performance and talent, suggesting that someone visit and see them in person. 
The recruiters watched the videos were attached and gave you an idea of what to focus on after watching. You watch each video multiple times and can’t help but be amazed by her beauty and elegance. The way she performs is something that many people can imitate unless they’re a natural. 
After settling down at your hotel, you get in contact with the head choreographer and let them know that you will be arriving later that day. She thanks you for visiting and the opportunity to see one of her students. 
You arrived at the location before opening and were given a studio tour. Walking around, see the pictures of all the trainees, “Is this one her?” as you point at the photo. 
“Yes, that’s her.”
“Okay, nice to know.”
“She’ll be coming to the studio in about twenty minutes.”
“You seem nervous.”
“I am. She’s been with us for so long; we know that she can do much more out there.”
“You seem to care for her a lot.”
“Yes, which is why I emailed the company so you can see for yourselves.”
The person arrives twenty minutes later and sets their bag before entering the changing room. They come out in sweats and t-shirts and walk toward the center of the room before playing the starting the music. You hear the song begin, focusing on their dance movements and expressions.
You watch her dance to various types of music, but the one that caught your attention was when she danced ballet. The way she presented herself and moved with such elegance was heartwarming. You know that you needed to recruit her at all costs. 
The music stops, and you slowly walk out of the office and greet both the choreographer and the dancer. “That was amazing. Great job.”
The dancer bows, “Thank you so much for your compliment.”
“No, no, you deserve it.”
You see her get shy and play with her fingers from the attention. The choreographer steps in and says, as she points at you, “This is the person I told you about. He’s from Olympus Entertainment and came to see you perform.” 
She bows and says, “Thank you for visiting us. I’m Myoui Mina. It's nice to meet you.”  
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nosesitter · 10 months
Help, I’m stuck!
| Father in law!Joel Miller
3.9k words
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a/n: let me real quickly clarify no I don’t wanna fuck my FIL I just wanna fuck Joel Miller, this came to me in a completely different way but I added another idea in and made this! I hope y’all love it cause as I post I’ll be writing an add on cause FIL Joel was something I didn’t know I needed. It’s niche but someone has to write it, also PLS let me know if you want anything specific I love writing blurbs for people 🫶🏻 not even Joel miller I love hot characters, masked men, mean men, thot men, BIG BURLY HAIRY MEN!! Joel will talk more next part I just could only get him in at the end
⚠️: Father in law!Joel Miller, reader has an onlyfans, no Sarah but Joel does have a grown son, age gap not specified for reader but Joel is 55, no outbreak, it’s definitely dub/con, mentions of alcohol and drugs(don’t do any without me), recorded sex, small anal and food play?(it’s just a line you’d probably glaze right over it), f masterbation, unprotected pinv, toys, creampie, use of sweet pet names 🫶🏻and then the word slut is tossed around a couple times, reader can fit in a dryer lmfaooo never thought I’d type that
“The whole ‘stuck inside the dryer’ that could be fun.”
Two years ago you started an only fans. Your husband loved the idea of it. Hyping you up, filming the content, giving you ideas. He loved coming home seeing you dressed up, camera ready to record the homemade videos, it made him insane, causing him to go hard and give it his all only to throw in the towel after your wet cunt milks him of his release 30 minutes after hitting record. It became a full time job for you. Once you started it was hard to stop, pulling one orgasm out of you opened a Pandora’s box of animalistic lust, in the past you’ve been called a nymphomaniac. It was a blessing and a curse to be so horny all the time. After videos with him you would let him rest, kissing him goodnight then heading to the guest room to make solo content. Your trusty pink vibrator and thick realistic dildo helping you reach your climax 5 more times before you call it a night then head to bed to edit and post the content.
Your husbands words ring through your ears as he opens a bottle of wine for you. ‘Stuck in the dryer’ it was simple really, trying to think why you’ve never thought of it before. Tonight you’re having dinner with your father in law, Joel Miller. The grumpiest old man you’ve ever met. In the two years you’ve been married you’ve seen him smile a few times, once when the two of you met, another at your engagement, and then the night of your wedding as you were leaving for your honeymoon, very quickly he grabbed your hand and pulled you into a big hug ‘welcome to the family’ he whispered when he pulled back a drunken smirk was plastered on his face. there was something about the whole interaction that sent a shiver down you spine. After the honeymoon he was over, a lot. Finding things around the new house to fix. Always mumbling to himself;
‘them new contractors don’t know what they’re doin’
Walker entertained his dads need to be helpful and useful and so did you. So to return the favors you’ve banged out dinner and dessert for the man. As you’re setting the table there’s a loud knock at the door. Walker grabs the door and smiles big when he sees his father pulling him into a manly hug, both of them patting each others back three times. “Welcome in dad! Yeah, she’s in the kitchen just finished up.” You can hear Joel’s voice ask for you, maybe it was the sip of wine you just had but hearing his voice made your legs… buckle.
His boots stepping across the hardwood floor, crossing the threshold into the dining room. Standing next to the set table, one hand on your hip the other holding your generously full glass of wine. This has to be the biggest smile you’ve ever seen on Joel’s face.
“Hello there sweetness ,you do all this for me?” Pulling you into a side hug his big warm arm going around your waist. tightly. yours going around his shoulder as you rest your head on him for a brief second. You pull back but his one arm lingers around you a little while longer.
“Well we just wanted to say thank you for working so hard to help fix up the place.” He sets the 6 pack he brought with him on the table grabbing one of the bottles and twisting off the cap and wrapping his lips around taking a big gulp. There’s a sudden dryness in your throat and you swear you can hear yourself gulp when he pulls the bottle away and runs his tongue across his bottom lip to gather the excess.
“Let’s eat, honey I’m hungry!” Walker says and the three of y’all sit down and begin to eat. One thing about Joel is that he’s a vocal eater, meaning he will moan and groan if the food is good. He loves your cooking, says it’s just like his ma’s even brought his brother Tommy over for him to have some too. You’re surprised he’s not here either. So when Joel stabs his fork into the baked chicken you were making earlier it comes as music to your ears when he lets out a throaty growl. Legs crossing even tighter now causing you to reach for your glass of wine.
When everyone finishes with dinner you head back into the kitchen to grab Joel’s favorite, your mixed berry pie. Quick on your heels is your husband. As you’re closing the oven he comes behind you wrapping his arms around your waist pressing kisses into the side of your neck. “Mm I keep imagining you on your knees inside the dryer.” He mumbles into your ear his breathy whisper making you giggle from its ticklish feel. He presses himself into the back of your ass the dress you’re wearing is already thin enough so you can practically feel the outline of him on your skin. Grabbing the pie again you quickly get out the kitchen and back to Joel.
“Everything all good, sweetness?” Joel asks seeing your chest and face red from your husbands advances.
“Oh it’s nothing just talking with Walker about the dryer, we might get a new one.” Walking back out the kitchen Walker points his beer at his father exclaiming.
“No need to fix this one dad, we’re just gon’ replace it.” He tells him and Joel just holds his hands up as you’re cutting him a slice of pie. Your hand raises to stop him from scarfing it down so you can add the whip cream on it. You shake the bottle and you can feel the eyes of both miller men on you as you shake a little too hard causing some to spray out. The spurts of cream landing on your chest and falling onto your hand.
The whole scene comical for your husband but absolutely stunning for Joel. You just laugh while your fingers gather the white cream off your chest and into your mouth. He’s looking up at your while he sits in the chair completely dumbfounded by the scene in front of him. He prays he doesn’t need to get anytime soon because the both of y’all will see his complete hard on for his daughter in law.
“Well dig in Joel, it’s your favorite!”
It’s midnight by the time you finish cleaning up. the bottle of red wine sitting empty in the recycling bin and your husband on the couch barely awake. You wake him up and lead him into the bedroom, getting him under the covers and pressing a kiss against his lips before he whispers goodnight and a quick love you. You head into the bathroom and strip yourself of your dress, bra, and panties. Then head into the guest room grabbing your camera and putting it on the tripod set up in the corner. Laying back in the bed you start slow at first. Hand slowly trailing down your chest, ghosting lightly over the swell of your breasts. Squeezing your tits together, thumbs rubbing over your hardening nipples. Your head whips around as you begin to think about your husband and how you love to sit on his face, the feeling of his mustache on your clit. Trying to work yourself up more you think about something else, maybe about how he fucked you on the back patio, him laying on the chaise while your hands hold onto the arms rests. His hips rutting into you while you hover over him.
As your hands reaches your clit like a flash of lightning there’s a brief imagine of Joel. when he was cleaning the gutters, it had been raining for weeks and it was so humid that when he came over within 10 minutes he had stripped himself of his flannel and under shirt. Standing on a ladder one leg bent the other straight as his hands were above his head, the humidity causing beads of sweat to trail down his tan broad arms and causing his gray wife beater to blacken. The whole scene made you rush back inside, heading into the kitchen to try to forget by making him fresh squeezed lemonade.
Your hand pulls away with guilt but theres a gush that comes from you, putting your hand back between your legs your fingers gather the arousal that pours out of you. Sitting up you grab your dildo from the bedside table and begin again. Tapping the head of it against your clit the teasing causing you to moan. One hand holds the dildo while the other spreads yourself back for the camera your fingers opening up into a ‘v’ as you rub the side of the dildo along your exposed cunt. Gathering your wetness so you can slip in the thick fake cock. The dildo has more girth than your husband. His dick was long but it just didn’t give you the stretch you wanted. Pushing the tip in you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding as you slowly push more in. A couple seconds pass and you can feel the toy bottom out inside you stretching you out perfectly while also lightly bushing against your cervix.
Slowly you begin to move it getting used to the stretch. To edge yourself on, your fingers go to your nipples tweaking and rubbing your arousal over them causing the air to hit the wetness sending a chill through you. Your hand goes for your neck lightly pressing yourself into the bed, then another flash of Joel with his thick hand wrapped around the whole bottle. it was tiny in his big ruggedly hands. There’s a loud moan that escapes your throat and your hand holding the dildo between your legs begins to thrust faster. Now you can’t help but think of him as the sound of your gushing cunt gets louder, it’s fucking pornographic. Another image of him and it’s when your husband surprised you with a hot tub and you found Joel in it when y’all came from your honeymoon. He was red with embarrassment even though he asked his son if he could use it. You remember him getting out, water dripping down his salt and pepper covered chest the heavy drops falling off his body and his swim trunks getting stuck to his big thighs, the outline of his cock was far bigger than your husbands.
A very loud moan comes from your mouth one last time and you’re looking between your legs at the arousal squirting out of you. Your head tosses back into the pillows as your hips go crazy bucking up and into the bed. Pulling the dildo out of you and winching at the emptiness you now feel. Your shame is coating the bed and running down your arm. you swing your legs that feel like noodles over the bed and head into the bathroom to wash off the thoughts of your very hot father in law.
There’s a bubbling nervousness in the pit of your stomach as you set up the scene. Camera set up on the tripod, the laundry room cleaned up to look like it’s never been used, and the pillow you set inside the dryer for you to bend over on. You decided to dress up for the part wearing a tight see through tank top, shorts that a too small your ass is hanging out no doubt but the real kicker is that you’re not wearing any underwear so when your bent inside the dryer they ride up causing your whole vagina to be exposed to camera view. Knee high socks and a pair of converse. it’s about 10 minutes to 12 so you decide to loosen up by smoking a little before your husband comes home for lunch.
Heading home baby see you soon!
Walker doesn’t work too far away so you finish up the joint you rolled and head back inside to your place in the dryer. You can hear his truck pull up, the engine dies and the driver door closes, your phones dings a couple more time but you don’t check it. Quickly you press record and get on your knees and head first into the dryer.
The front door opens and you begin.
“Help, I’m stuck!” You shout out before he could get out a hello causing his rushing footsteps to come past the dining room and into the laundry room. You can feel his presence behind you but what you didn’t expect is the catcall whistle that came with it.
“I got stuck in the dryer, please help me!” You plead with him wiggling your ass around, your hungry cunt wrapping itself around the crotch of your tight shorts. His hand comes down and slaps your ass hard you’re thrown off by the force he gives you but he must really like this idea since he suggested it. A deep growl comes from his throat and you can hear him getting on his knees right behind you.
“Just get me out please!” Pretending to plead with him. Walker usually talks but he’s quiet today you think nothing of it. He presses himself against you feeling the cold buckle on his belt on the back of your thighs. The roughness of his jeans as he grinds himself into you. You move forward slightly but his hands grab your hips holding you in place as he continues to grind into you.
One of your hands try to go for his belt behind you but he’s quick to slap it away. He leans back on his knees and pushes you more into the dryer ass hiked up higher. He begins to pull your shorts down to your knees and slowly trails his fingers back up your exposed legs back to your ache between your legs. “If you’re going to eat me out move the camera closer.” Breaking character for a moment you tell him and then you hear shuffling and then the sound of your tripod being picked up and set closer to the dryer.
His left hand spreading your cheeks apart the other has his finger ghosting lightly over your entrance. Suddenly there’s a harsh feeling of Walker spitting right where his finger begs to be. His middle finger pushes inside and begins twirling around inside of you. The sound of wetness and his finger pushing deep into you makes you moan out loud the echo of it escaping the dryer. Still having your cheeks spread he adds another finger this time, his ring finger. The force his hand is giving you gets faster and faster then he starts to make a come here motion with his fingers. The stretch of his two fingers alone have you white knuckling the pillow. Then his lips press a light but wet kiss to the other hole that’s getting no attention. The feeling of his mustache right on you pubic bone makes you giggle a little then his lips lower and you can feel the prickly sides of his cheeks against you. He forgot to shave this morning. You like when Walker lets his little facial hair grow out. His beard is patchy just like his fathers but you love the look. His fingers curve inside of you again and suddenly you’re about to cum.
“Fuck baby, I’m so close!” Panting out. The force from his hand gets faster and harder causing your body to shake as he begins to pound his hand into you. One of your hands goes behind you to grab his wrist. His other hand grabs your arm and holds you tightly there as your body begins to convulse violently. With your hand back behind you, you can feel your orgasm approach, well you can definitely feel it. You start squirting again the feeling of your orgasm shooting at walkers clothes. He’ll have to change before he can leave. Your arm still being held in place while his other hand begins to grab at his belt buckle. The sound of the zipper going down, then his tip slides right between your folds. Back arches from the contact you want more.
“Please fuck me.” You beg, ass wiggling around trying to find his dick so it can just slip right in but he stops you with his big hand giving each of your cheeks a few slaps. Your free hand goes behind you to stop the spanking but he’s quick to grab it and hold it with your other hand. You can feel his bare dick twitch behind you, just dying to be inside of you like a compass pointing right into your cunt. Before he pushes himself inside of you his fingers grab at the wedding ring right on your finger sliding it off and hearing the metal hit the top of the dryer. Confused but you decide to not ruin the moment with a simple question.
His fingers grab at his base to straighten his cock out and almost immediately upon penetration you know this isn’t Walker. Your head turns slightly to look behind you and you can see the recognizable green flannel that belongs to your father in law, lower part of it soaked with your arousal. His big broad hand holding both your arms back, veins poking out of his flushed red neck. His bottom lip sits between his teeth, his eyes catching you staring right at him.
“Poor little housewife, begging for her father in laws cock.” As much as you want to push him away, scream, fight, and cry for your husband your eyes just roll right back as he bottoms out inside of you. He’s the perfect size, the perfect girth, he’s perfect right inside of you and he knows it too. His free hand goes for the tripod taking the camera right off and moving it closer to his dick that’s moving slowly all the way out then slowly all the way back in.
Your mind isn’t thinking about where your husband is or how he might be standing at the door watching the whole scene happen before him instead you’re thinking about every vein you can feel on his cock, how stuffed you feel, how his balls slap right up against you, the mound of black and white pubic hair he has and how ticklish it feels grinding against you. The whole situation is fucked, how can you even go back to your husbands skinny dick? How can you ever look in your father in law in the eye after this? There’s a hard slap at your ass followed by Joel’s hand grabbing the skin at your hips.
“Such a good little slut.”
The coil in your lower stomach feels hot to the touch, your body smushed into the dryer the metal indenting into your skin. Your knees get closer together causing your pussy’s grip on Joel to get tighter around him. His hand lets go of both of yours as his thrusts get sloppier, he’s going to cum inside of you.
“Uh uh baby, you’re gon’ take this and you’re gon’ love it.” Both your hands try to push yourself out the dryer but joel just raises one of his legs to kneel beside you blocking your body from moving anymore from him. As much as you don’t want this your hand can’t help but wonder to your clit. Joel’s notices this and puts his hand over yours, your two small fingers and his two big ones rubbing all over your clit. The pressure is so much that you squirt again, your climax is grotesquely satisfying, tears begin to flow out your eyes as Joel moans very loudly, he sounds like he hasn’t had an orgasm in years and you just let the beast out the cage.
Following your release Joel gives you one last thrust practically shoving his cock inside your cervix, spraying hot cum all inside of you it feels like you’re full, so full of Joel’s cum. Body shaking around him milking him of everything he can give you. His thrusts get slower but you’re pressing back into him hard just chasing the high of being stretched full. His hand that’s still on yours slaps your clit and you’re coming again in an instant. He laughs at your desperate body as he looks down at his cock to see the white ring on cream sitting around base of him. Slowly he pulls out, his body goes limp and he lays against the washer right beside you.
Finally out the dryer you catch your breath and look at the red light blinking on your camera. You stop it the video and it saves it. A big part of you wants to delete this and curse at Joel for taking advantage of you like that, a small sluttier piece of you wants to watch it again while you suck joel clean. You just set the camera to the side, not deleting it yet. You and Joel just look each other in the eye while he begins to put his dirty dick back in his pants. he zips up and then gets up groaning like the old man he is in the process.
“You better get cleaned up, don’t want my boy to see his slut wife with his dads cum in her.” You sit on the floor at his feet just watching him grab his bag of tools and leave. Your phone dings and you wonder if it’s Walker telling you to move out cause he saw the whole scene.
Got fucking pulled over I was too excited to head home and fuck you! :(((
Just gonna head back to work :( hungry and horny see you tonight baby
While you look at those texts, one pops up sent 30 minutes ago from Joel
Hey darling I’m gonna head over and check out that dryer for ya, see you soon!
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jihyoruri · 1 year
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— WOW : kim chaewon x reader
warnings: swearing
chaewon always promised herself that she’d date someone older than her, she just wasn’t the type to go for someone that was younger than her.
that was before she met you, you were one of wonyoung and yujin group members, you were just a year older than yujin and two years older than wonyoung.
when she watched the eleven music video, she thought that you were so cute, like the way she thinks wonyoung or yunjin are cute, you just had this girly glow to you.
well at least she thought you had this girly glow to you.
that was until she went to go visit the ive dorm with sakura and yena.
when she knocked on the door, she was surprised when it wasn’t s wonyoung or yunjin that opened the door.
instead it was you.
but instead that cute girl with the bow that she saw in the music video, it was a girl with a plain black t-shirt, silver lock chain and one of those “no peaking” sweat pants that she always sees eunchae in.
her eyes go wide, as she watches your eyes trail between the three girls.
she thinks you’re gonna say something, but instead, you open the door wider and nod your head towards the inside of the dorm.
yena takes the hint, and walks into the dorm, sakura following close after.
but chaewon stands there for a while.
“are gonna come in or….”
she snaps out of her trance when she hears your voice. “oh my gosh her voice is so deep, it doesn’t sound like that in the songs.”
“oh, sorry.” she says flustered and rushes in.
the girls look at you as you close the door.
“um, jin and young are not here right now.” you say as you walk towards them. “but they’ll be here soon, so you could just chill out if you want.” you say nonchalantly.
sakura smiles at you. “thank you.”
“um, yea, sorry i’ll be right back, you guys can sit over there if you want.” you say as you start to walk towards a hallway.
chaewon was guessing that lead to your rooms.
the three of them went to sit where you told them, flinching when they heard a loud yell.
“HYUNSEO, I SWEAR TO- STOP TOUCHING MY SHIT.” they heard you yell, following leeseo’s loud laugh.
“YOU’RE LAUGHING ?!” sakura put her face in her hands and yena covers her hand over her mouth to stop her laughter.
“listen you little shit-” they hear your voice go quieter. “you’re so lucky we have guest, or i would eat you alive.”
is it bad that chaewon found that a little attractive ?
they hear a door shut and footsteps getting closer to where they’re sitting.
“sorry about that.” you say, as you blow your bangs out your face. “just had to handle something.”
“oh, no worries.” yena laughed. “where are the other girls ?” she asks.
“well, hyunseo was in my room, but she’s in hers now, gaul unnie is sleeping, and rei and jiwoo are watching a movie.” you say as you sit in the couch across from them.
chaewon watches you, as you throw your head back and you brush your hair back, your hair now messy.
“i hate kids.”
sakura laughs. “you’re a kid.”
“i’m 18 thank you very much.”
“i still consider that a kid.”
you narrow your eyes at her, chaewon watches as you slowly slide your tongue over your teeth, a small smile spreading over your lips.
sakura and yena starts talking to each other about age, but all chaewon can do is stare at you.
she watches as you play with you chain, staring at the ground.
it was like you felt her eyes on you.
you slowly lift your eyes from the ground, all the way to chaewons eyes, making eye contact with her.
she expects you to break the eye contact, but you don’t you just stare right at her, she took notice that your hair was still messy.
she breaks the eye contact, feeling flustered under your gaze.
she takes a glance at you, only to see you quietly laughing to yourself.
can she say wow again?
“are you just gonna stare at me, or are you gonna come over here and talk to me ?” you ask.
chaewon stares at you in shock, she hasn’t had someone younger than her talk to her like that.
she slowly gets up from her seat and walks over to you.
you look up at her, and then you look at the spot beside you.
she takes the hint and sits beside you.
“hi.” she says quietly.
“hello, chaewon unnie.”
she looks at you. “um, I like your necklace.” she says awkwardly.
you laugh lowly at her awkwardness, throwing your head back again.
“thank you, rei got it for me.”
she stares at you, as you start to play with your necklace again.
you’re so…
chase atlantic coded is what yunjin would say.
you guys snap you heads at the door as you hear the door unlock, revealing yujin and wonyoung.
“unnie !” wonyoung yells, as she runs towards the three girls, yunjin following close after.
chaewon smiles at them, as they go to hug her.
she looks at you, only to see you looking at your phone.
she look up at her and she turns away quickly.
you stand up, and walks towards yujin, you whisper something in her ear and tug on her hair playfully.
she looks at you in shock and playfully pushes your shoulder.
you start to walk towards your room. “i’m gonna go check on hyunseo.”
“okay.” wonyoung replies before going back to talking to sakura.
you turn around, catching chaewon’s eyes again, you wink at her, before you head towards leeseo’s room.
chaewon feels like her face is on fire, she turns her head, only to see sakura smirking at her.
✰ i might make this into a mini series of just little scenarios with these two (you could also request little scenarios that you want written about them too)
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panda-writes-kpop · 5 months
bang it on me, shatter (fem! reader, vampire au)
a/n: happy yooh day! this is a 2yoo fic but shush it's fine :) this one's especially for my girls and gays - y'know who you are <3 fun fact: I rewrote this fic three times, which means I have plenty of material if people are interested in a sequel.
tw: fem!reader (gay vampires rule!!!), vampires, blood, alcohol, drunk!reader, like one suggestive comment, reader has a hangover, implied death and gore. (can you tell I watched wwdits before I wrote this)
summary: gay vampires, that's the plot. you have your share of dirty little secrets, the biggest being that your two lovers are murderous vampires. luckily for them, you don't give a shit!
♡ Masterlist ♡
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Quiet. Calm. Serene. Peaceful.
You preferred your nights to be all of those things. Although living with vampires could get chaotic, most nights were spent cuddled between your two lovers. Yoohyeon would wrap an arm around your waist while attempting to organize matters for the next few days. Dami, on the other hand, would place a hand on your thigh while reading a book or going through some records.
Tonight, however, would not be one of those nights.
You couldn’t even make it into the library before Dami’s familiar, Kazuha, storms into your room.
“Ma’am, your presence is requested in the front foyer. We have guests.” She plays with her hair for a moment before you rise from your armchair.
“Guests or guests?” You softly ask before brushing past Kazuha to grab an outfit for the night.
You pause before grabbing your second most formal outfit.
I’m less attached to this one if blood gets on it.
“Tell Ms. Lee and Ms. Kim I’ll be down after I get dressed.” You wave off Kazuha, who bows before leaving. 
“Make sure to have formal wear arranged for you and the rest of the staff. It’s going to be a special night.”
You lightly play with your hair as you quickly descend the stairs. It’s been a while since you’ve had guests - the girls usually went out and hunted when they were hungry. You could guess that they’d either gotten lazy or lucky with their food.
Given the surprise of the five women in front of you when you came to greet them, you went with luck.
“Good evening, ladies,” You pause before bowing, “what brings you to our humble estate?”
One of the ladies, a taller girl with black hair, answers.
“We needed shelter for the night. A bad storm rolled through and left us stranded.”
Definitely lucky.
“I welcome weary travelers. I can lead you to some spare bedrooms so you can change before dinner.” You calmly say before turning on your heel and heading to your left.
You hear five sets of feet follow behind as you point out some of the rooms.
“If you need anything before you get called for dinner, there are servants floating around to help.” You direct a few nearby servants to usher the girls into their rooms.
The servants are well-trained as sneaky hands find papers and treasures before five doors slam in harmony. 
You quickly collect the important documents and grab a few jewels for the familiars before you head to the study.
“Kazuha, Yunjin,” You call out to the two women in front of the study, “take these and put them on your outfits tonight.”
“We can’t-“ Kazuha says before Yunjin snatches half of the jewels for herself.
“Speak for yourself, Zuha, and thank you.” Yunjin stuffs the jewels in her pocket, “they’re waiting inside for you.”
“Thank you.” Kazuha mumbles before gently grabbing her half of the treasure from you.
They both step aside as the doors in front of you open to reveal the study with the two occupants you were expecting.
Yoohyeon smiles as she spots you first.
“Did you find anything important, my dear?” She asks before you hand her two sets of papers. 
“Only the best for my favorite people.” You press a soft kiss to her face before she pulls you in for a quick kiss on the lips.
“A seamstress and a musician… it seems we do have a crew of merry fellows.” Yoohyeon says as she skims the paper.
“No hunters?” Dami asks before you sit next to her and hand her one of the papers.
“One, but she doesn’t have any notable achievements or accolades. Could be a front since the other two don’t have any listed occupations or skills.” You toss the papers aside before grabbing Dami’s arm. 
“Anything interesting?”
“Same story as the rest - family history in vampiric hunting, traveling with weapons, but you’re right, darling, everything else is spotless.” Dami grabs her book with one hand before setting aside the other paper.
You tidy up the desk in front of you before Dami grabs your hand.
“You look nice,” She quickly eyes you before going back to your book, “but hopefully you won’t mind that outfit getting a bit messy.”
The servants are in a flurry to finish the final preparations for dinner - dinner for one human and two vampires was easy enough, but six humans and two vampires? That’d be enough to drive any chef mad, especially on a couple hours’ notice.
You had to keep up appearances, for now, so eight meals would have to do.
That way, everyone had leftovers for a few days.
You take a seat on the small, simple chair that sits in-between the two grandest chairs that always were in the dining room as five more sit on the other side of the long table. A beautiful, silky red tablecloth sits on the grand table as dishes appear on the table as servants rush to and from the kitchen. 
After the feast is set out, everyone scampers away except for Kazuha and Yunjin. Yunjin is holding a bottle of red wine, dressed in her finest, as Kazuha holds a bottle of “red wine” in a beautiful black dress with the new addition of a shiny golden necklace. Both girls sit on the short end of the table, far away from the door on the other side.
The first people through the grand mahogany doors are the guests, all five of them at once. You’re able to profile each of the girls - their travel documents were enough to go off of. JiU, the taller, black-hair seamstress, takes a seat at the leftmost section of the table. Next to her was SuA - one of the two girls who didn’t have any occupational description, but her light-brown hair sits gently on her shoulders in radiant curls. The girl in the middle - Handong, the hunter - sits confidently in the middle. Her eyes challenge yours as you, as innocently as possible, toss the paperwork towards her.
“They fell out of your coats when you were rushed into your rooms,” is the bare bones excuse you give.
“It’s alright.” The red-haired girl, Siyeon, offers you a smooth smile before grabbing the papers and redistributing them. The Songbird, the girl whose voice could calm anyone from a mile away.
The last girl is completely silent, but the pink-hair shines bright in the dark, moody room. Gahyeon, the second girl with so little information with her name, doesn’t sit until SuA sends her a pointed glare. Gahyeon immediately falls into her chair with a sharp thud.
Their eyes follow you up and down, like an animal hunting their prey. They’re trained killers, but not better killers than the two women you live with. These five girls have killed with knives or guns or poison, but they haven’t ripped apart another human with their bare hands. Safe to say, it would be a bloody, violent night.
Dinner was quiet and much less brutal than you were expecting. The five girls had a brilliant spread in front of them, enough to momentarily distract them from their goal. A meal is a way to anyone’s heart, but it also pushes their mind into a state of comfort.
Enough for them to not notice the extra liquid that was mixed with the wine. Not anything that would kill them, but enough to disarm them for a while.
You had plenty of wine - the less you remembered about tonight, the better. You weren’t black-out drink, but there was a noticeable flush on your face.
“Dear, I think it’s best if you rest for a while, hm?” Yoohyeon’s gentle hand on your right shoulder makes you look into her eyes.
“Wine’s good.” You mumble into your glass that Dami snatches from your hand. “You’re don't know how to have fun.”
“We can have fun later-“ Yoohyeon teases as you giggle.
“Yoohyeon, you flirt~” You try to smack her shoulder, but you miss it completely.
“We’ll talk in the morning, love, you need rest.” Dami sets your glass aside before helping you out of the chair. “You don’t need to remember what’s about to happen, but just in case, you should be far away. Yunjin, Kazuha!”
“Miss Lee,” Kazuha answers as she and Yunjin approach, “How can we help?”
“Take her upstairs, but not to the bedroom. You should be able to get her to the farther rooms in the east wing... preferably the one that’s the least dusty, if possible.”
“Got it.” Yunjin says as she places one of your arms on her shoulder.
Kazuha does the same with your other arm, and with one drunken foot in front of the other, you make your way to the east wing in order to rest.
The next time you regain consciousness, it’s completely dark outside. You’re sober, but the killer headache tells you that you had a bit too much fun last night. Luckily, a gentle hand combs through your hair as someone else places a glass of water and some acetaminophen next to your night stand.
“How do you feel?” Dami calmly asks as Yoohyeon cuddles into your side.
“ ‘m tired.” You mumble into your pillow - perhaps suffocating yourself would be more pleasurable than this headache?
Dami pulls the pillow back a few centimeters for your comfort (and safety, but she doesn’t know that).
Yoohyeon lightly grabs your sides before trying to erase the nonexistent space between you two.
“Yes, Yooh?”
“I love you~” She sings into your ear as you roll around and look her in the eyes.
“Is the kitchen a mess?” You deadpan as she nervously laughs.
“Would you be mad if I said yes?” Yoohyeon gives you a guilty smile before looking at Dami for help.
“We’re cleaning it up because we gave the servants a few days off. They put in a lot of last minute work that they deserve to be respected and paid for.” Dami explains as you lightly hit Yoohyeon’s shoulder.
“Ow.” She grumbles as you flick her shoulder again. “Can’t believe I let you disrespect me.”
“Move over, I want Dami to sit next to me.” You ask with as much sweetness you can muster as Yoohyeon reluctantly scoots over.
You move as well, but not before taking the medicine and a healthy sip of water.
You lightly pat the blanket as Dami takes a seat next to you. She gently grabs your hand while continuing to comb through your hair with the other.
Somehow, you managed to find your slice of heaven among beasts, the worst of the worst, but you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
Not when they’d live and die for you and for your honor.
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tim-shii · 1 year
an aunt, a grandpa and a minecraft kid
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a/n: finals are done and school is almost finished i can finally krill myself! *break shackles* anyways this is pure word vomit over a poor attempt at found family w the stellaron hunters :hides: AND HELLO :DD
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[ work hours ] 
“stop sulking. time is ticking.” kafka’s voice echoes throughout the empty corridor once she felt your presence. her heels clack along the metal floor of the ship, only to stop when a projection appeared in front of her. you groaned at her words. “easy for you to say. i got held up by two trailblazers after leaving wolfie to go here. seriously, what am i? a stellaron hunter or an overpaid teensitter?” kafka lets out an amused sigh at your antics. 
“23:47:15 system time. very punctual, kafka.” a glitchy, robotic voice spoke, in which you rolled your eyes out. “can’t say the same for you, y/n.”
“i don’t answer to a child.” 
“enough.” kafka’s voice was stern with a hint of mirth. “y/n, why don’t you.. entertain our guests from the astral express for a little while silverwolf and i look for the stellaron.” 
“i’m only gonna agree because the guy in green is cute.” you turned away with a wave. grinning ear to ear, already anticipating the little dance with the infamous cloud-piercer.
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[ babysitting hours ] 
“kill me now.”
“i can’t do that. if i kill you, that means i’ll be left alone with them.” blade shrugs off your complaint, focusing completely on his phone as he answers a message from kafka. you look at him with judgment in your eyes. internally berating him for looking like a very suspicious criminal wearing a black beanie with black tinted glasses that he probably stole from one of the blind mice. 
it's one of the days where you guys don't have any work to do. you planned to just stay in bed and sleep the whole day but a certain gamer brat decided to drag you out of the comforts of your bed and instead make you stand watch over her while she plays a rigged game in an old arcade. seems like your plans are ruined now. clearly.
"but we've been here for nine hours! who even spends nine hours on a claw machine?!" you bang your head in the arcade machine beside him.
"kafka's right. you do sulk a lot." blade hums. 
"shut up, old man."
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[ the doc is in ]
"greetings, patients. your beloved doctor has arrived." the trio collectively sigh as you enter the infirmary. 
they just got back from a mission. from what you heard, the mission was a success. however, with what you're seeing now, you'd conclude that the mission was a.. partial success. silverwolf has gashes all over her legs and arms. kafka is laying down, completely fatigued. and blade is bleeding, cuts all over his arms, probably from his own sword. 
"are you guys.. feeling better?" you mused with a light grin. you stifled a laugh when you heard blade groan from the left side of the room. you walked towards silverwolf first and started to patch her up. 
soft sighs and the whirs of the air conditioner were the only thing audible in the room. it was clear that all of them were tired. so as the greatest doctor ever, it is your duty to make sure they'll be able to rest easily and without any pain. 
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[ the rich aunt and her favorite child ]
"how does this look?"
"... it looks the same as the last one."
if you think spending nine hours in an arcade with silverwolf is bad, clearly past you hasn't been informed of almost a twelve hour shopping spree with kafka. in general, it doesn't sound bad. i mean, a shopping spree with a very fashionable stellaron hunter? sounds like a dream. yeah, that was what you thought too. until twelve hours has passed and you're still in the coats section. 
"you have bad eyes, we should get that checked." kafka tuts, frowning at you with the coat still on her hold. you gape at her accusation. "it's the same black one. all coats you try on are black. how am i supposed to know the difference?"
"through the material of the coat." she walks away to the cashier, silently urging you to push the cart of coats on her wake.
"i'm not really a fabric person!"
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likes and reblogs are appreciated! masterlist
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jeonstellate · 4 months
timestamp: stark
it’s 11:33 am when you make chan an offer he can’t refuse.
๑彡 bang chan x gender neutral!reader
๑彡 slice of life!au, stranger!au — little fluff(?)
๑彡 paragraph format — 0.9K words
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[gif’s full credit belongs solely to its owner]
๑彡 oh? what’s this? a kpop-related post after two months? unbelievable. (in all seriousness, i’ll try to get back to this side as soon as i get my muse back here o7 for now, please enjoy!)
๑彡 if there are any stay-mcu/iron man enthusiasts out there, this one’s for y’all *insert dancing emoji*
You were having the time of your life.
It was not your first time visiting Disney California Adventure nor Disneyland, but the excitement you felt was still as intense as the first time. Perhaps it was because there were huge gaps between your visits. Or because there was really just something in the Disney air that never failed to make you giddy.
Whatever the case was, you always looked forward to your Disney trips. And this was no different.
Since your visits were far apart, there was always something new in the parks whenever you visit again. Regardless of your attachment to the media that inspired the new attractions, you were always excited to explore the new additions.
For this visit in particular, you were extra hyped. Not only was there a new land of attractions, the area in question was also inspired by a media that you were very familiar with.
Avengers Campus.
You wouldn’t call yourself a Marvel fan — nor a Marvel Cinematic Universe fanatic. If anything, you were just someone who watched enough of their releases to develop attachments to their characters.
Most people head straight to Radiator Springs Racers once the rope dropped. But you? You were dead-set on spending your early hours exploring Avengers Campus. So you did.
Two rides in, your feet brought you back in front of the Avengers Headquarters.
And there, right in front of the Avengers’ logo on the wall, was Iron Man — taking photos with visitors.
Frankly, you had no plans on paying Disney photographers to take your photos. For one, you didn’t research how much their services were. Second, you figured you would succumb to capitalism in other ways (read: churros and Dole whip), so it’d be best if you’d only spend your money there.
Yet, still, you found yourself lining up to take photos with Iron Man.
The line wasn’t terribly long, but you knew it’d be a thirty-minute wait at least. After all, it wasn’t just a photo-op — it was also a quick meet-and-greet. Thankfully, you were in no rush, so you didn’t mind the wait.
You let your mind wander to pass time. You observed different people interact with Iron Man as their turn came and passed. You scrolled through your phone, switching applications mindlessly.
Amidst your thoughts about which continuity Disneyland’s Iron Man existed in, you caught the cast member beside you talking to another guest. "—Mr. Stark has a meeting to attend to soon, but he’d be back after."
It didn’t take you that long to piece what that in-character response must’ve meant, especially if the other guest walked away upon hearing them.
"Excuse me," you turned the cast member’s attention toward you, "can you hold my place for a second?" As an afterthought, you quickly added: "I’ll be back. I promise."
You jogged after the other guest before you could change your mind.
Really, there was absolutely no need for you to do this. As you heard the cast member say, there would be other opportunities to meet Iron Man throughout the day.
Yet, somehow, you felt strongly compelled to. Like you were supposed to.
"Excuse me," you called your fellow guest’s attention. You flashed him a small smile, "Hi."
"Hello," he greeted back after halting to hear you out. He reciprocated your gesture with one that almost blinded you, "Can I help you?"
"Are you still interested in taking a picture with Iron Man?"
"I am," he affirmed.
"Do you wanna take it with me?" You blurted out your objective for coming to him, before he could say anything else. "I mean," you backtracked as soon as you processed how strange you must’ve sounded, "I saw some people take group photos and then solo ones; so you’re up for it, we can split the cost or something."
Frankly, you didn’t exactly thought this whole thing through. You were operating on impulse. You were going with the flow — even if you weren’t exactly sure where it was leading you to.
"That’s actually not a bad idea." You didn’t even know where that proposition came from. It just spilled out your mouth without going through your brain first. Nevertheless, it seemed to have done its job. "I’d actually take you up on that, if you don’t mind."
You smiled wider, "Great!" You turned back and started leading him to where you came. "I’m [first name], by the way."
"Nice to meet you, [first name]. I’m Chan."
You and Chan waited out the rest of the line chatting. You conversed about the most trivial things — from the other attractions you were planning on visiting to your theories on how Disneyland’s Iron Man’s voice actually sounded similar to Robert Downey, Jr.’s. You even talked about how you spent the earlier part of the morning. And what you thought of what Marvel did to their cinematic characters.
By the end, when everything had been said and done, you and Chan parted ways with a way to keep in touch and a picture of each other saved in your respective camera rolls.
Albeit you were initially reluctant to succumb to another bait of capitalism, you didn’t mind the price you paid for the set of photos that included a cute candid of you and Chan with Iron Man.
(Years later, when your fates have entwined more permanently, you saw that same picture framed in Chan’s apartment. “It’s my favorite,” he told you after claiming your waist in a back hug.)
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nokacchan · 2 years
Here i am~ so the first idea was inspired by this video (I'll link it below if you want to see it's worth it i promise) and i was thinking of a dad!chan with his kid(s) and the parent/mom!reader like.. not very focused 💀
The rest is up to you eheh bbye ofc you are free to ignore it maybe you don't like it I'll love u anyway
The video! https://www.instagram.com/reel/CkmxDmorqyx/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Variety Show With Dad!Chan
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pairing : bang chan x fem!reader
genre : fluff , dad!chan, attempt at humor (I would rate myself -1/10)
w.c 0.6
📎rei’s notes : I hope this is good enough >-< a special request for my bestie inki <3 😤
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“Okay, be safe and behave well, alright? Don’t give your dad a hard time”
Your kids hugged your leg before running back to your husband’s side.
“We will! We love you mummy! Bye-bye!”, your older son spoke as he got into the car. Chan buckled your two sons in their respective safety car seats.
Chan quickly made his way to your side after closing the car door. He looked at you with a smile on his face. You cupped his cheek as he looked down at you. “Make sure you drive safely”, you reminded him. He nodded while laying his hand against your hand that was on his face. He kissed your palm before leaning to leave a peck against your lips then your forehead.
“I will. Make sure you take your time to rest up. I’ll pick up your favourite later for dinner”, he replied.
You nodded your head, pulling your hand back to your side. “Okay…you need to go now before you’re late for the shoot”. Chan let out a chuckle, pecking your lips once more before running to his car. “Love you!!!~”, Chan yelled, making a smile appear on your face. 
“Love you too chris! Come back home soon!”, you waved goodbye as your husband and children drove off to their awaited distination.
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Chan was invited to be part of a variety show which focused on Korean actors/idols who are fathers, doing challenges with their child(ren)s. In Chan’s case, he was required to bake some bakery goods with his children.
Initially he was a bit worried about exposing his children to the media but then you reassured him that it was alright. After all, your children did love watching the variety show that he was invited to be part of.
“Why is the camera so big? Can we see space through that?”, your older son pointed to the cameraman holding the camera near him. It made the staff there burst into laughter.
Your son only blinked blankly before helping Chan to shape the dough. Your younger son was making a mess which made Chan panicked. Noah, who was only 1 years old, only let out a cute laugh, unbothered by the mess he had made.
“OH NAURRR NOAH!!..your mom is going to kill me”, Chan pulled the bag of flour away from your son.
*cue chan’s cries*
“Dad? Why would mom kill you? Doesn’t she love you?”, your older son, wolfy blurted out. Chan looked at wolfy then Noah then back to the camera. “Help me”, he mouthed to the camera. Chan knew he was for sure going to get memed so badly after this episode went live. The fandom wasn’t going to let dad!chan panicking and running away without memeing him first.
After an hour, Chan managed to get himself together. The cookies he made with his children may not look tasty but it was sure edible. “Just add sprinkles and you can barely taste the burnt part”, Wolfy talked to the camera. Chan covered his face in embarrassment.
“We should have uncle felix as a guest star for this episode. He makes better cookies than dad”, Wolfy added on which made everyone in the room burst into laughter.
“WOLFY! SHH”, Chan covered wolfy’s noisy mouth. Noah giggled, making grabby hands to pull his older brother’s hair. “Wooo-fi!!”, Noah called out. Wolfy hugged Noah who sat on the baby chair with a cookie in one hand.
“Yes Wolfy?”
“Please wash my hair when we get back. I think Noah sprinkled cookie crumbs on my hair”
Chan looked at Wolfy and Noah -_-’
“Yes son”
Let’s just say that Chan fell asleep almost immediately after he got home with his kids. That was probably the last variety show he was going to accept to be part of, if it involves cooking/baking.
The End.
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Good Graces
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AN: Cos Seb's latest looks have us all in a chokehold, but I'm too old to imagine him as my dad's best friend - so ex's best friend it is!
Beta'd by @sgt-seabass
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Moodboard and banner by me
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Relationship: Ex's best friend Bucky Barnes x MILF Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
CW: Flirting, Lust at first sight, Explicit sexual content (vaginal fingering, jerking, unprotected PinV sex (reader is on BC)), Secret sex.
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When Lee, your ex-husband, had asked if he could bring a new friend with him to the twins party you inwardly rolled your eyes. He said it was for moral support - he was worried about judgemental looks and remarks from all your (his) old friends - but part of you thought he just wanted to show off his latest barbie doll. 
He may have cheated on you with Layla from his office, but you’d heard through the grapevine that it hadn’t lasted one month past your divorce. No doubt he’d found someone new. Young. Skinny. No stretch marks and no fupa. Fuck him.
However, for the twin’s sake you decided to be the bigger person and had agreed that it would be fine. Hopefully, with all the other folk coming, adults and kids, you’d be able to avoid him and his ‘friend’.
You were still running around like a headless chicken when he arrived. The garden was decorated, the bouncy castle was inflated (which your kids were currently testing out with a few of their friends who’d arrived early), but you were still bringing all the food outside to the table. 
Your dad had offered to man the grill, and was currently prodding coals with more intensity than you thought it needed, but it was keeping him out your hair. You loved your dad, and he loved you, but sometimes he was hard work. Not as hard work as Lee.
The gate hinges squealed and then the wood banged against the gate post as the closer swung it shut.
“Hey, darlin’.”
Lee stood, looking slightly awkward and slightly sweaty, two badly wrapped gifts in his arms. Hopefully he’d bought something from the list you sent him, unlike at Christmas.
You put on your best ‘guest welcoming’ smile.
“Hi Lee. Glad you could make it. The twins will be glad to see you.” You turned toward the bouncy castle.
“Cassie, Isaac, your father’s here.”
Your kids shouted with joy and jumped off the inflatable, and ran towards Lee.
He knelt and managed to put the presents down before the two barrelled into him. In moments like this you found it hard to still be angry with him. He might have been a useless husband and not always the best father, but he did love his kids.
You looked around, realising you didn’t see a stranger’s face, and wondered where his friend was. You were about to ask him about his mysterious guest when the gate opened again.
The breath froze in your lungs as the man pulled off his sunglasses. Tall, lean, brunet, a slight scruffy beard going to grey in places, with aquamarine eyes and laughter lines at their corners. His hair was slightly on the long side, curling up at the nape of his neck. Navy pants, a navy t-shirt and a navy suit jacket. It should have looked over the top for a kids birthday party, but somehow it didn’t.
He walked towards you, a smile on his face, hand outstretched.
“Hey, you must be Mrs Bodecker. I’m Bucky. Bucky Barnes. Lee’s friend.”
Your nose screwed up a bit as he spoke.
“Please don’t call me that. I’ve only kept the name so the kids don’t get confused.”
He chuckled, not offended by your response in the least.
“Understandable, but I thought it might be a bit…” he looked you up and down, “... presumptuous to call you by your first name straight off.”
Call me whatever you want… and I’ll do whatever you want…
You tried to get your dirty mind under control. It was your kids' party for god’s sake. You must be more touch starved than you thought. Sex had never been high on your agenda; it had never been the mind-blowing, toe-curling experience your romance novels had made it out to be. But you hadn’t been totally adverse to it with Lee, especially at the beginning of your relationship.
However, this friend of his, Bucky, looked like sin on legs; like one of the hero’s from the cover of said romance novels. Just looking at him you wanted to throw caution to the wind, get a bit wild and a bit selfish.
“So, Bucky introduced himself to ya, darlin’?”
For once you were actually grateful to Lee. His reappearance by your side pulled you out of your erotic daydream.
“Lee, please. I’m not your darlin’ anymore.”
He dropped his head, chagrined, and you tried to ignore the brief quirk of Bucky’s plump pink lips.
“Sorry, force o’ habit. What do you need me to do?”
“Can you and Bucky keep an eye on the bouncy castle? There’s a couple of chairs set up. Just make sure the kids don’t have shoes on, or loose jewellery, and no more than 10 at a time.”
Bucky smiled at you over Lee’s shoulder.
“I’m sure we can manage that, eh bud?”
You smiled back. “Thanks.”
You made a quick escape then, darting back inside to get more food and also get yourself a cold drink. You were just putting the now empty glass on the draining board when your friend, and neighbour, Gabi, came in through the French doors.
“Who the heck is that hot guy with Lee?”
“He’s called Bucky. Apparently he’s a new friend. Gotta say, not the type of friend I was expecting Lee to bring, but I’m not disappointed.”
Turning, you opened the fridge and pulled out a bag of grapes. Gabi was grinning at you as you pulled each one off the stem and placed them on a platter.
“I’ll say! He’s rather yummy looking.”
“Gabs, you’re married!”
She plucked a grape off the platter and popped it in her mouth.
“Yeah, but I’m not dead. I can window shop. No harm in it. You on the other hand…” She looked at you with a sly smile and waggled her eyebrows.
“No. One, it’s the twins’ party. Two, I only met the man five minutes ago, and three I don’t need a man.”
Gabi rolled her eyes as you counted off your reasons on your fingers.
“I’m not telling you to jump him under the piñata. But you could get his number. And I’m not saying to start a relationship with him. I’m just saying that he looks like he knows how to please a woman.” She looked out of your kitchen and across the garden to where Bucky and Lee were organising the kids on the bouncy castle. “Look at those fingers! And I’ve noticed already that his tongue keeps trying to escape his mouth. Just think what he could do with those!”
“Not helping!”
“Pssshh, I’m helping plenty. Woman to woman- do it! You need a good dicking down. You deserve a good dicking down.”
You glared at her and she grinned, before throwing up her hands.
“Okay, okay. I won’t say another word on the subject.” She mimed zipping her lips and throwing away the key and you could help but laugh.
“Come on, you perv.” You nudged your shoulder against hers. “Let’s get the rest of this food outside so my dad can start his slow but steady pace on the grill. Hopefully the fruit kebabs will keep the kids happy until the hotdogs are cooked.”
For the most part you managed to get on with the party, pandering to all the kids present, and ignored your unexpected, and distracting guest. It was difficult though, because somehow your ears had honed in on Bucky’s deep, syrupy voice, and everytime his melodious laughter rang out across your garden you found yourself looking toward him. And to make matters worse, when you did, his gaze seemed to lock with yours. He’d smile at you, eyes sparkling with mischief, and something more intimate that you were trying to ignore. Which was hard when he tipped back his head to swig from his beer bottle and a drop somehow escaped his lips and ran down his jaw, then down the firm column of his neck to disappear into the opening of his shirt.  How you managed not to launch yourself across the grass and lick the errant rivulet up, you weren’t sure.
When it became time for the cake, you brought out the split MineCraft/Star Wars confection that your friend Jackie had made and placed it on the table in front of the excited children. It was then that you realised that you’d left your box of matches inside, but before you could turn around to get them, a lighter appeared in front of your eyes.
You met Bucky’s grin, and smiled back without thinking, before ducking your head down and away, returning your attention to the task at hand. Or at least trying to.
When the party wound down, you were glad that some of your close friends and family stayed back to help tidy up. Isaac and Cassie ran up to their rooms with some of the other remaining kids, intent on playing with their new toys and you tried not to think of the mess in their rooms you’d have to tidy up tomorrow. At your request Lee started to deflate the castle. He wasn’t a bad man overall, but you’d just not been right for each other.
Gabi was taking down the decorations and chatting to your dad, while he cleared up the grill paraphernalia, as you started to carry the empty and part-empty food platters inside. Taking a moment for yourself, you rested your hands on the counter top, letting it take your weight. Your eyes closed, and you let your head drop, taking in a few deep breaths.
“How are you doing? Need any help in here?”
You jumped and turned around at the sound of Bucky’s voice. Somehow he’d almost completely snuck up on you and now was breathtakingly close. “I…um… just having a breather. It’s been a pretty full-on day.”
He took a step forward, and you had to tilt your head up to continue looking at his face. His very handsome face. “Bet you have a lot of those, sweetheart. When did you last do anything for yourself? I really can’t believe that Lee cheated on you. If you were my wife I don’t think I could have kept my hands off you. He’s my friend, but he’s an idiot.”
You snorted and then covered your mouth with your hand. “I plead the fifth. And do you go around flirting with all your friend’s ex-wives?”
His eyes roamed over you, unashamed and blatant. “Only those that could be categorised as ‘MILFs’ and I’ve only met one of those…”
“Smooth, Mr Barnes.”
His tongue slipped out from between his lips and ran over the lower one, and you couldn’t draw your eyes away. “Is it working?”
“Is what working?” You shifted an inch closer, your hand resting on the blue suit jacket he was wearing, feeling the smoothness of the fabric.
“Me trying to get into your good graces?”
“Is that what you call it?”
“You could call it something else, if you want.” His head lowered, his intentions telegraphed, giving you time to move your own away. 
“I do want…”  Your voice was low and soft as you instead raised your head to meet his lips.
There was no finesse. There was just unashamed want, like a starving man facing his last meal. You fisted the lapels of his jacket as your mouth opened under his. You drank in his kiss and returned it with fervour. You were drunk on him, drunk on lust and could feel heat pooling in your abdomen, a feeling so strange to you, due to its previous rarity.
Part of your brain kicked in enough to realise that should anyone come up towards the house from the garden, or the kids come downstairs, you would be caught in a rather compromising situation. But you didn’t want to stop. 
Instead, you stepped away from the counter, using your body weight to gently steer Bucky backward toward your pantry. 
You released his lips and jacket long enough to open the door to the small walk in cupboard before stepping in and dragging Bucky after you. His lips fell back to your neck and you could feel his smile as he pulled the door shut behind himself. Your fingers tangled into his hair as he kissed your throat, the hair of his beard tickling you. Lee had never had facial hair, so it had been a very long time since you’d experienced the feeling.
All thoughts of Lee were pushed from your mind as your back was pressed up against the shelves, the cans and jars stored on them juddering slightly. Bucky’s hands roamed your body over your sensible dress. When his thumbs brushed over your nipples you gasped and arched your back. You heard Bucky chuckle, and then groan as your hips pressed up against his, his erection obvious through his pants.
You wrapped your arms around his waist, under his jacket and started to pull his shirt out of his pants. You needed to feel him, get your hands on his flesh. There were no words between you, just gasps and moans of pleasure as you pushed the soft cotton up to curl your fingers into his back as he unbuttoned the top half of your dress. 
Your hands returned to Bucky’s hair again as he ducked his head to suckle each breast in turn through the lace of your bra, the stiff fabric creating an almost painful friction against your peaked nipples as it was soaked by his tongue.
His hands, in contrast, were pulling up the hem of your dress, stroking over your bare thighs to cup at your sodden core. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been so aroused. You were aware that you moaned his name as he’d touched you, because he sucked at your breast even harder. His deft fingers stroked you over panties until you were pleading breathily in his ear. When he finally pulled the damp cotton to the side and slid a finger inside you, you swear you had a small orgasm, from the way your body trembled and the breath was pulled from your lungs.
Bucky pumped his digit into you a few times before returning his lips to yours. You wondered why, but then he pressed a second finger into you and you cried out into his mouth and he swallowed the noise. You tugged the hair at the nape of his neck and he growled before pumping his wrist harder and curling his fingers inside you.
“Come on, sweetheart. I know you can give it to me. I just know you're gonna cum so beautifully. You fucking deserve it. That’s it, baby, that’s it.”
He muttered against your lips and cheek as you kissed and nipped his beard, but when he felt your legs tremble, and heard your breath hitch, he kissed you deeply again as you came. Later, you were glad that he had. 
You heard the noises you made in your own ears, squeaks and mewls, as your body surrendered to a little known pleasure. Your head spun as you drew in breath through your nose and your grip on his hair tightened even further. Bucky’s fingers continued to stroke you, albeit more softly as he guided you through the aftershocks, and you felt the world come back to you, although your legs felt like jelly and your mind felt all floaty and light.
Slowly, Bucky withdrew his fingers from the clutch of your body, leaving your aching and empty. You whimpered, but Bucky shushed you gently, rubbing his nose against yours. 
He then leant back and, in the crack of light coming from under the door, you saw him raise his fingers to his mouth and slowly suck on them in turn. When he moaned you felt your pussy clench, imagining that he was making that noise tasting your essence from the source. And, despite the fact that you’d just had the most mind-numbing orgasm you could remember, you wanted more from him. 
You wanted everything.
You practically yanked his fingers from his mouth, bringing them to your own and licking up them, before smashing your lips to his in another feral, needy kiss. Bucky pressed you harder against the shelves, but you ignored the discomfort as the wood dug into your spine; you were more intent on reaching your goal. Your hands went to the fly of his pants as Bucky pulled your dress right up with one hand and massaged one of your breasts with the other.
Your right hand slid into his briefs, a smug sensation filling you when you felt the wetness of his precum on the waistband. The feeling was short lived though, overtaken by a combination of shock and some trepidation when you felt how big he was. Your fingers didn’t meet around his girth, but it didn’t deter you. You stroked up his length, wanting to give him back at least a portion of the pleasure he had given to you.
You touched and devoured each other, but eventually you both became impatient. Bucky lifted your right leg and hitched it over his hip, taking his cock from your hand and pressing towards you. You shuddered with pleasure when he slid his tip through your folds, coating himself in your arousal. 
Winding your arms around his neck you braced yourself as he slid home, rocking into you with more care than you’d anticipated. Your eyes rolled back and your eyelids fluttered as you gave yourself over to feeling. Feeling him stretch you wide. Feeling him fill you like you’d never felt before. A gasp left you as he got as close as he could, and then stilled. You could hear his breath in your ear, breaths that let you know he was collecting himself.
“You feel more amazing than I thought. Fuck. Gripping me so tight, I don’t know how I haven’t cum yet.”
You clenched at his words and he groaned at the sensation.
“Can I fuck you, sweetheart? I fucking need it, and I think you do to. I wanna fuck you until you see stars, until all you can say is my name. I want to swallow your cries again, and again.”
You couldn’t speak, just nodded your head against his neck and bit down on your lower lip as he canted his hips back, dragging his cock through your spasming walls before firmly thrusting back in. You sucked in a deep breath through your nose, trying to hold on to your sanity as Bucky fucked into you again. But your sanity slipped away moment by moment as he upped his pace. 
When his hands came round you and under your ass to lift you up properly, so you could wrap both legs around his waist, your brain was a puddle. 
Now he’d lifted you Bucky had more leverage, thrusting into you harder and faster. Jars clinked against each other, packets of seasoning fell over and a can jumped off the shelf and rolled across the floor. You ignored it. 
In fact, you barely noticed it, nearly all of your focus on the way Bucky was making you feel.
The way your skin tingled all over. The way he kept swapping between kissing you with ferocity and burying his face in your neck. The way his fingers gripped your ass, no doubt leaving bruises. And the way his cock was moving in you just right. Touching all the right spots. The spots you hadn’t thought you had.
There was a gradual tightening within you, an incremental build up, and you knew, just knew, that this impending orgasm would make the one you’d had only minutes ago seem pathetic in comparison. Bucky thrust into you like a man possessed and you swapped one hand to grip the shelf above your head for stability, rocking your hips against his in a wild dance.
Your body froze when you came, every tendon and muscle stretched out tight as electricity danced across all your nerve endings. Your blood was rushing in your ears and stars danced on the backs of your eyelids; you’d never felt anything like this.
“Sweetheart, oh god, I’m so close. Where should I cum?” 
You forced your brain to tune in enough to answer him, despite the delicious aftershocks shooting through your body.
“‘M on the pill…”
You’d barely finished answering before Bucky burrowed his head into your neck to muffle his shouts of ecstasy as he pumped you full of his cum. You clung onto him, coming down from your high as he recovered from his own. All was silent for a few minutes, other than the sounds of your combined breathing. Slowly he lowered your legs to the floor, and you moaned as he slipped from you and you felt his cum trickle down your thigh. You reached behind you, pulling a few sheets from the paper towel roll and used it to clean yourself up a bit, before neatening your dishevelled appearance. You weren’t sure what to say to Bucky, now that reality was creeping back in, but he picked up on your reticence.
“Hey.” He cupped your cheek and tilted your head up to face him. The low light threw shadows over his face, but you could still make out his questioning expression. “Are you okay? Please don’t say you regret that, because I don’t. Not one bit.” 
“No. It’s just… um… well I don’t really do this. Like ever.”
“Do you mean two orgasms back to back, or having sex with a virtual stranger in your pantry?” 
You giggled at the absurdity of it all. “Both!”
Bucky shifted closer again, pulling you against him. “Well next time, maybe we can try a bed and I can try for three. How does that sound?”
“It sounds perfect. But first we gotta sneak outta here first without the kids, or Lee, noticing.”
“That’s second. First, I gotta kiss you again.”
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Tag list: @christywantspizza @jobean12-blog @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky @tuiccim @yarnforbrains @sidepartskinnyjeans @flordeamatista @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll @goldylions @luxeavenger @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @chemtrails-club @seitmai @talia-rumlow @poppunksnowwhite
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aveegrex · 2 years
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Confessing your feelings to the heartbroken clown.
pairing: Buggy x f!reader genre: hurt to comfort, friends to lovers implied word count: 0,8k cw: quite a few various slurs (self-deprecation on Buggy's side), lots of swearing, alcohol mentions, anxiety attack, Shanks slander
author's note: Buggy has this sad anxious clown kid vibe that is too close to my heart to not explore it. I initially planned it as a longer form, but then it felt like if I didn't stop the scene, it would get worse. Might do a part 2 on that though.
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“F-fuck” - Buggy swore, his forehead pressed to the cold bathroom mirror. He’s been standing like this for a solid twenty minutes, fresh gloves straining on his knuckles as he gripped the sink. 
He should be outside, with his crew and all the guests who put aside all their quarrels and grudges to come here and celebrate his birthday. He should be the life of the party now, flashing in his motley suit, soiling the deck with enough booze to drown a whale, dancing with all the broads and gents whose voices were now muffled by a flimsy bathroom door. 
Yet he’s inside, hiding again, counting his breath over and over again in his weak attempts to push away the anxious sting in his heart. Rage churning in his stomach, raising higher and higher to his throat, stinging cold in his fingertips, the disgusting feeling of his shirt sticking to the sweaty back - all making his vision blurry. 
How fucking dare he do that again? 
Didn’t he take enough from him already? 
Buggy raised his eyes to his own reflection, brows knitted in despair. “Fucking A. - an exhale followed by a scowl to himself almost making him vomit. - I’d choose red hair over a red honker too, heh”
A treacherous tear made its way through the caked up white powder, leaving behind a black trail to his chin. Buggy hated this wimp shit, hated how fucking less of everything he was compared to the one-handed scoundrel. This ginger fuck would never have a full on sissy fit over his romantic prospect. He’d never hide from his own party in a bathroom that reeked of piss of all places. He’d never see his crush asked out right before his eyes, because that’s what Buggy was here for. 
Eyes screwed shut, Buggy’s head ducked deeper, the sink outward crying for help under his grasp. Five more minutes, he should get his pussy act together in five minutes, man up and go get an alcohol poisoning of his life. Maybe he’ll get hammered enough for his love neurons to die off. He’ll think of that when blowing candles. 
Two shy knocks woke him up. “Occupied!” - he hissed, accentuating his point by a loud bang on the door. 
“Buggy, you alright? - fuck no, not now, NOT YOU. - You need a doctor or something?”
He straightened up in an instant, the sink now out of danger as he tried to slick his hair back. That’s bad, that’s really bad. Why the fuck would you be here? Shanksy too drunk to get his dick wet or what? 
“No, I’m, -uhh, I-I’m fine, sweetheart. - like he himself would believe that, yeah. - No need to worry, go have fun”
He frantically smudged the black giveaway of his demise, fixing the face that only you seemed to notice missing from the soiree. A soft thump startling him, his hand jolting and smearing his lipstick to the cheek. “Buggy. - your voice was closer now, which explained the thump. - It’s either you out or me in. Quit bullshitting me, sweetheart”. 
Fuck, you really are stubborn at all the wrong times. He chuckled at that, airy laugh not reaching his eyes, and released a shallow breath. Five, four, three, two, one - aaaand we’re live. 
“You won’t believe it, this piece of wood dared to jam right on my special day! - the door opened to the sequel of Buggy’s hell. - Hope I’ll find a new ship in the gift pile”
“Buggy. - your voice too stern to reciprocate a joke. - Open up”
He blinks and flaps the door back and forth at that, his head tilted as he looks at you. “Did the red-head drop you in booze or something, missy? I’m out already, keep up with the news”
“Buggy” - your eyes trained on him. 
“What? I mean really, I’m out and about, safe and sound, gonna be back there soon clapping around”
“Let’s go! He’ll miss ya and the world doesn’t need another hooker - pirate cub just because he was lonely-...”
“BUGGY” - “WHAT??!!!”
“I said no”
He gulped at that, ceasing the mouth trash effective immediately. “What? - his voice too small to fit a man his size.
“I declined” - you pleaded, looking up again to finally find him staring back. 
Buggy’s eyes narrowed, his trash bin of a brain trying to figure out if he was hearing the worst white lie. “But … why?” - he cringed, as your hands landed on his forearms. 
You smiled at that, lone tear running down your cheek mirroring his past one. Buggy just stood there, dumbfounded, his inquiry honest in any possible way. He felt the soft squeeze of your hands, felt his heart breaking its way out of his chest. He watched you quickly wipe the tear away and trapped the breath in as your hands reached his shoulders. 
And he was grateful for the semi-hug when he heard your answer, his knees threatening to give up any second. 
“Because he’s not you, sweetheart”
MDNI, reblogs are welcome, and remember - you do sometimes get what you want
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© 2022 AVEEGREX, all rights reserved. reposting and copying my works without my consent is forbidden.
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breitzbachbea · 5 months
I'm With Him And This Is Real Life, Honey
Thank you all for your enthusiastic responses! This is a Spamano One-Shot which I originally wrote for the dearest @someone-you-do-not-know, as part of my Rake Courtship AU, vaguely set in the Regency or preceding Georgian era.
If you want some general backstory for this AU or read another piece of unbearable Spamano longing and Lovino never getting what he deserves, partially because he won't allow it to himself - here is another One-Shot set in the same AU.
Summary for this One-Shot: After Antonio's and Michele's wedding has been crashed by Michele's former suitor, Lovino urges Antonio to go after his former fiancé and Lovi's cousin, if only because if Michele's father Salvatore finds him first, there will be bloodshed. They find Harry and Michele, sadly just in time to witness their elopement wedding, which will complicate things further. This is the night after that Lovino spends in an inn room with Antonio. I also made a little playlist for Spamano and Sicire in the AU, if you'd like to listen to "Would you be so kind" whilst reading Lovino's suffering.
Here's the fic - enjoy!
It was a quiet night. No wind that howled, no rain that pounded. They were the only guests at the inn – It wasn’t shabby enough that they all had to share a single room, vermin not included, and not classy enough to carry gossip to where it shouldn’t be. Not that Lovino had ever been in an inn. People of a certain class always stayed with one of their own, that was what mansions were for. Everything about this was so beneath him.
But now he wished he had simply bitten the bullet instead of drawing the line and insisting on separate rooms. He’d rather have shared a room with these two sources of his malcontent than having to listen to their bed creak through the walls. Already a pillow over his head and he could still hear the creak of wood and the slap of skin on skin.
“I’m not sharing a room with you two knobheads! I don’t care, I’ll pay for it myself!” He had protested an hour earlier or so. “I’ve had enough of you as is, for all I care I never need to see either of you for the rest of my life, but a night’ll do! I’ve been a witness against my will to your we-” He had stopped himself, suddenly aware that there was no need to bellow details about the place. No need to blow their cover
“Well, kind of you to give us the privacy,” Michele had replied and there seemed to be genuine surprise in his voice. Of course, overshadowed by how pleased he and his lover had seemed by the implications.
He didn’t even end up paying for it, but his cousin’s rotten lover. Not that Lovino had much money on him, as he had left in a hurry, but Antonio hadn’t been allowed to pay either. Simply thinking of the entire charade made him want to retch again.
Michele had taken Antonio’s hands and looked him in the eyes when he said: “You’ve already done far too much for me to ever repay it. Please, Antonio, don’t make my debt any greater. I’ve caused you enough hurt as is, let me be the bigger person now.”
Bigger person, his ass. A bigger person would put their money where their mouth is and not fuck his new husband within earshot of his old fiancé.
Christ alive, why was that stupid candle still burning. The light it produced wasn’t much, but he could see Antonio clear enough as he laid next to him in bed.
Because of course his luck was just so that there was no more than one bed in each room. At least Antonio wasn’t talking to him. He had rarely spent a moment in silence with him ever since his father had asked to spend time with him and Michele.
Antonio was mute now, as he stared at the ceiling. He had his arms crossed over his chest, stripped to his undergarments and shirt like Lovino, who could see dark curly hair peak out at the top of his shirt. In his sculpted face – Lovino still couldn’t believe his cousin had chosen to bang someone who’s face looked like an entire carriage accident over this – the brows were slightly knitted and the full lips had a hint of a pout.
He couldn’t imagine how Antonio felt, but wouldn’t want to switch places with him. A twinge of guilt came over him to have dragged him into this whole affair. What concern should it be to Antonio if the man he was betrothed to ran off with someone else and incurred the wrath of his monstrous father? He was no longer Michele’s fiancé and was not obligated to care for him anymore. And yet he did.
There was another twinge and it took Lovino a moment to realize it was jealousy. Underneath fondness for Antonio’s selfless nature, it was jealousy that it had all been wasted on Michele. His stupid cousin got betrothed to a sweet, hot, rich, important guy and then he blew it, he would have deserved it so much more than Michele. He deserved to be fawned over and cherished and spoiled rotten, he deserved to have a husband who was as kind and doting and hot as Antonio. Instead he was relegated to be the best man and agony aunt, the company that Michele couldn’t be and now he was in bed with the hottest man he’d ever seen and wasn’t even allowed to touch him. Relegated to hear his cousin screw his lover in a second-rate inn and hiding underneath the pillow as not to hear the muted throes of passion...
He could see the hairs on Antonio’s strong arms. He realized he’d been staring at Antonio the entire time and felt his face burn up.
In that moment, he could hear something that sounded like a pent-up moan from the other side, followed by some laughter.  
Antonio’s eyes squeezed shut for a moment, face scrunched up in discomfort. He sighed through his nose as he relaxed and his eyes opened again.
Great, now he could even hear them suck face in the silence. Antonio’s own expression turned from displeased to awkward – and he turned to Lovino, who felt panic well up in his stomach and fan out to his limbs.
“What the fuck are you looking at me for?!” he asked him and buried his face in the mattress, hoping it would swallow him. He could still hear the damn bed creak. “It’s not my fault!”
“S-Sorry …” Antonio apologised. Great. Simply great. He could hear Antonio clear his throat.
He tried to visualize what was going on in the other room, in the hopes that his rotten cousin and his troll of a lover would be enough to exorcise his feelings of desire. Sadly, whenever he tried, his mind too soon drifted off and kept the steamy fantasy with a tanner body underneath his own fingertips, full lips ghosting over his own body, rough but gentle hands gripping his hips, his own fingers running through wild, curly hair -
Lovino screamed into the mattress. “I’ll kill him, I’ll kill him tonight, and if I don’t I hope his dad strings him up by his own entrails, he deserves it,” he muttered into it.
“Are you alright, Lovino?” Antonio asked and Lovino considered biting himself through the entire bed and then the floor to escape the situation.
He lifted his face but didn’t face Antonio. “These two have not a bone of shame in their entire body,” he said as he stared into the dark, since Antonio’s body blocked most light of the candle in this position. “We should just have bid Michele good riddance and washed our hands of the entire thing. He’s clearly enjoying himself as is, that ungrateful bastard.”
Oh god, as if the universe itself wanted to mock Lovino, he could hear the sounds on the other side increase in frequency. He gritted his teeth.
“I mean …” Antonio sighed again. “It was the right thing to do, Lovino. It’s not always easy to do the right thing, but still you do it.” He could hear the smile in his voice. “And I guess it is their wedding night …”
Something almost slipped Lovino’s lips, but he bit it back. There was no need to tell Antonio what he had seen the night before Antonio was supposed to marry. No need to increase his suffering.
“You’re being a saint about this,” Lovino said. “If I was you, I would have walked already. To do it with you around … aren’t you mad?” He’d be mad if he was Antonio. To be betrothed to someone who doesn’t want you, have that fiancé kidnapped at your wedding day and run after them only to barge in on their elopement wedding … If he was Antonio, he’d curse everyone he ever met. Lovino included – after all, he had spurred him on to run after Michele.
“I mean …” Another sigh, this time more of an angry snort. “I would prefer to not have heard it, but … what is done is done. Pretending that it isn’t wouldn’t change much, I can fool myself. I don’t need Michele for this.”
Lovino’s brows furrowed while the rest of his features softened. I wouldn’t have fooled you, he thought. Maybe he should have run to him the night before the wedding. To hell with Michele and his secrets, Antonio would have deserved the truth.
The noises from the other side had stopped. At least that torture was over. Lovino turned on his back and clutched the pillow against his chest instead. “You are a saint,” he said. “Michele doesn’t know what he’s missing.” He didn’t dare look at Antonio. “And I’m the fucking Virgin Mary for putting up with all of it!”
Antonio laughed. “Yes you are. Thank you, Lovino. I appreciate it and I’m sure that Michele does so, too.”
He snorted. “Psht. Yeah, sure.”
“When you get married, I’ll be your best man, yes? To pay back all you gave me.”
Lovino’s heart sank into his guts. “Yeah, sure.”
Antonio put the candle out. “Good night, Lovino.”
Lovino stared into the dark. He could hear indistinct murmurs from the other room between the lovers. “Good night … Antonio.”
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kiasnocturnality · 1 year
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✩⋆゚𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 / 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: a birthday present for my bestie @edenspetals ♡ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: NSFW content, MDNI, smut, exhibitionism, daddy kink, petnames 'bunnyslut, birthday girl, baby girl, darling'
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. * ⋆ . ·  . TAKESHI
When Takeshi had dressed you up for your birthday, you had been thrilled at the beautiful pink dress he had bought you. It was exactly to your tastes and had a faint floral print to the fabric that caught the light in brighter lighting, shimmering slightly. 
Now, however, in the dimness of the bathroom, the pattern was invisible and the skirt was bunched up around your waist to make room for a particular kitsune who had planned out every event for today but claimed that he just couldn’t wait to give you this particular present. Your back was trapped against the counter and one of your thighs was propped over his shoulder, a hand on your hip helping to balance your other shaky leg. 
Your hands reached down to stroke past his long ears that were flattened back so that you could tangle your fingers in his long red and white hair, holding it in a makeshift ponytail away from his face and trying to comb his curtain bangs back too. 
“Take…” You panted out, earning a quiet moan from him that vibrated through your slick and sensitive folds, “Hurry, everyone’s going to notice if we’re gone for too long.” You were right and he knew it: if the birthday girl and the host, her lover, were gone for too long, it would certainly raise suspicions. Yet, he only seemed spurred on by the idea and beyond the chatter of people outside, you could hear the lewd noises of him lapping up your arousal and messily suckling on your clit, panting and moaning between your thighs as though he were the one about to come and not you. “Take!” You tried to warn him but your tone came out closer to a whine. 
“If you’re so bothered at the thought of getting caught, why are you so wet, hm?” He quizzed with a smirk on his lips, shiny with your arousal and with his lipstick smeared messily around them from where he had all but pounced on you the moment the lock turned shut. Wanting to shut up his teasing and get him to make you come, you pushed his face further into your pussy and began to rock your hips against his tongue, hastily chasing your release before anyone could realise what the two of you were doing right in the middle of your party. 
“Come on, bunnyslut…” He was purring between your legs now and you wondered how on earth it was possible for someone whose tails were all but wagging while he purred to be the one dominating you and not the other way around. “This is all for you, one of many presents I’ve got for you today… Gonna have you walking around with soaked panties…” He murmured seductively against your pussy, “Unless you want to give me a little present too, hm, birthday girl?” He teased, “Give me your panties, walk around all your friends with nothing on under this pretty, pretty dress.” The thought of something so dirty paired with how his lips latched around your clit finally pushed you over the edge and you trembled as you came onto his tongue, feeling him lap up all you could give him while your hands in his hair and your leg over his shoulder pressed into his back. 
He rose to his feet and rearranged the skirt of your dress, picking up a cloth to damp and dab at your face with before cleaning himself up, a hand caressing your hip while he looked past you to his reflection and wiped off his smudged lipstick. Luckily for him, the flowing fabric of his clothes was enough to hide his arousal. When the two of you looked more presentable, he playfully pecked your lips before turning you to the door with a pat on your bottom, sending you outside with soaked and sticky panties. 
“Off you go, my darling, talk to your guests. I’ll come out in a few minutes~” 
Oh he was going to be the death of you…
. * ⋆ . ·  . APHAELEON
Aphaeleon had already spoiled you absolutely rotten today. He’d taken you into the nearby city for some sightseeing, more shopping than you could carry alone and to a high-end restaurant for some of your favourite food. By the time you got back to your shared home, you were more than sure that the day was over when the angel guided you to your bedroom. However, there was a box laid upon your pillow that hadn’t been there that morning. 
Aphae’s curls tickled the side of your face when he leaned down over you to whisper in your ear: “I’m going to step outside for a few minutes. Make daddy happy and put that on, won’t you?” His hand smoothed over the top of your head before he stepped outside and you pulled the satin ribbon on the box to find a pink set of lingerie inside. When he came back inside upon hearing your call, it was without his blazer, with a loosened tie and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, human disguise dropped to reveal a multitude of cotton-like wings and gleaming halos. 
And so you found yourself being pushed into the mattress, already having lost count of how many orgasms you had had and yet despite the overstimulation you wanted more, more, more. The soft caress of his wings against your lace-clad skin contrasted the harsh thrusts of his cock into your used hole, already dripping with your own arousal and his cum. 
“Close again?” His voice asked lowly by your ear, lips briefly pressing to your heated cheek, “Why don’t you beg for me, babygirl? Beg daddy to make you come again? So pretty when you come for me…” He shuddered at the way your walls fluttered around his cock stretching you out. 
“Pl-ease?” Your voice came out brokenly, “W’na feel good… make you f’ good, please? Daddy please?” Oh how Aphaeleon loved wrapping you around his little finger with one simple word, fucking you into submission and overstimulation. His body completely covered your smaller one when he leaned down over you to trap your body between him and the mattress as you came again. 
But he wouldn’t be done until your birthday was over…
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admrlthundrbolt · 5 months
Under The Graveyard (Petyr x Chubby Reader)
Having practically raised your younger brother Nick, you were always interested in meeting his friends. Though when you meet his literal savior, you can't help but be curious.
Hey guys, I'm back at it again. I recently rewatched this movie and remembered how much I loved Petyr. His lack of fanfiction is an upset to the monster lover community. Anyways I hope you enjoy.
Nick sighed heavily as he balanced the phone between his ear and shoulder. “I already told you, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to meet them. They are vampires after all.”
You sassily copied his tone. “And I think I should. For God’s sake one of them kept you from dying.” A sudden hiss comes from his side of the phone. You winced in sympathy. “Sorry buddy, I forget about the new quirks. Anywho, I always want to be a part of your life.”
Slumping against a nearby wall, he rubbed at his temple. “I want you to, I just worry about you around them.”
You suddenly pepped up. “Then it’s settled. I’ll be over tomorrow night. I can’t wait to meet everyone.”
Nick gaped down at the phone. You had a way of always doing what you thought was best for him. But this time he really thought you were making a mistake. Shaking his head, he decided that the important thing was to get over to the other’s place. He needed to set some ground rules and talk to his sire.
The house was filled with yelling and clatters. Viago faced the camera crew. “It seems Nick's sister is coming over.” Another bang sounded through the hall, causing him to wring his hands together. “Deacon is unhappy with Nick's decision to bring another ‘off limits' human into the house.”
The two men suddenly floated into the room, tumbling over one another in the process. They batted at each other and threw insults back and forth.
“It isn't your place to make the rules. You’re just a baby.” Deacon was basically frothing at the mouth. It wasn’t fair that Nick always got his way. He was the new fledgling, so he was last in the pecking order.
“But she's family. Besides you guys love Stu, so what's to say you won’t like her too.” He flung his hands into the air in exasperation.
This caused Deacon to pause. Stu was a great addition to their group. Even if he did come with the disappointment of Nick. "I’ll see when she gets here.” Then he stormed away to his room.
Viago clapped his hands together excitedly. “Perfect, I'll let Vladislav know when he gets home. You just need to let Petyr know.” He gave the documentary crew a nervous glance and left the room.
Petyr wasn’t a stranger to other beings having a hard time with him. They thought that his age made him this monster. That was why he found Nick refreshing. He didn't treat him differently than his other housemates. So when he came down to ask for a favor, he had to admit he was interested.
“So you know how Stu is great and all?” Pausing he watched the older vampire. Continuing only after a nod was given. “ Well my sister is coming over and I don’t want her to get eaten either.”
Petyr stared at him with confusion. This would be another off limits human. Perhaps he picked a weak fledgling.
“I know. I told her not to come, but she insisted. Something about meeting my new friends and savior.”
This made him all the more interested in what the boy had to say. He was 8000 years old, but he may still have a bit of an ego.
“So do you think you can let her meet you and live?” He winced as he waited for his sire to shriek in his face. Though his scrunched posture relaxed when the older vampire only nodded.
The night had come. Viago had dressed for guest as usual, surprisingly so had Deacon. They had told Petyr that he would be fetched after the other introductions were made. Even though you seemed excited to meet them, they knew that he was in a league of his own. It wasn’t every day you came into contact with a vampire that old.
Vlad rolled his eyes as his dandy roommate fussed over pillows on the couch. This was a one time incident. They would reassure the sister that Nick was in good hands and she would leave happy. Simple as that.
At least that was the idea. When Nick brought you in you were the epitome of warm and comforting.
“Now boys I know you don’t eat in the conventional way, but I did think of a different gift. “ You pulled a large spray bottle from you bag. “This is a homemade fabric cleaner, it especially works well on stubborn blood stains. And don’t worry about the ingredients, Nicky told me what to avoid.”
This made Viago particularly excited. He hurried over to you and asked all about the fine details. Nick joined the other two vampires as you shared cleaning secrets.
“Are you sure she’s not actually your mother?” Vlad elbowed the fledgling .
He shook his head, but had a smile on her face. “She might as well be. We have a pretty big age gap, but when my parents died she took me in. No questions ask, just said she wouldn't have it any other way.”
This made Deacon shift uneasily. He had been planning to seduce you. If he couldn't eat you, then the best revenge would be to fuck you. But seeing the kind of person you were, it was making him second guess it.
You both rejoined the group. “Now that the gift is out of the way.” You put your hand out to the other two men. “I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you.”
Viago gave them an encouraging nod from behind you. It seemed you had already won him over. Vlad sighed and put his hand out. Your grip was much stronger than he would have expected.
“Tell me human. What has given you such strong hands.”
Your smile brightened at the comment. “I’m a substitute teacher and librarian at the local primary school. I guess you could say that wrestling kids into their seats most days keeps you strong.”
He too gave an approving nod towards you. If you could keep the demons that were small children in line. You must be a formidable foe.
Turning to the last member of the group, you found that his hand was already extended. Placing yours into it, you were surprised when he shifted it and brought your knuckles to his lips. “I can’t believe that Nick was hiding such a voluptuous beauty from us.”
Another surprise, but noticing the sneer Nick threw his way. You thought that this must be the Deacon he complained about so much. “As nice as the compliment is. I have a feeling that this is a disingenuous attempt just to get under Nicky's skin.” You pat his shocked face and grabbed your brother's hand. “I think that one more introduction is in order.”
He nodded and lead you to the basement door.
The rest of the vampires looked on in differing levels of shock. Until Viago broke the silence. “She is quite interesting.”
The anticipation and excitement you had for encountering such an ancient being was making your heart race. You hadn’t blinked an eye at Nick revealing his condition to you. Your dream of being a librarian, at a young age, has always left you with a curious and creative mind. Thus legends and lore was an early interest for you. So it wasn’t an odd thing at how you were drawn to Petyr. And it seemed the feeling was mutual.
When his eyes laid on your form, he was taken aback. He had a hunger alight in him that he hadn’t felt in centuries. Your soft plush body was one that belonged in an oil painting. He would proudly hang it above the fireplace and admire it for hours.
Putting out a hand, to becon you over, he was bewildered when you took it in your own. You shook it with a bashful look on your flushed full face.
“I wanted to thank you for taking care of my little Nicky here. I don’t know what I would do if he wasn’t in my life. Is there anything I can do to ever repay you?”
In all his years on earth, he wasn’t sure he had ever had a more frustrating experience. His voice had escaped him some centuries ago. Now was the time he despised this fact the most. He wanted to speak sweet words to you. Tell you that for such an enchantress, he would hand you the world on a platter. For now though, he could only shake his head and give you what was hopefully a reassuring smile.
You deflated a bit, but perked back up as you looked around. “Let me tidy up the place. To be honest, this place is almost as messy as Nicky's room is secondary school.” You were already organizing things and picking up random bones.
He couldn't stop the purr of delight that rumbled in his chest. This was just what he needed to brighten his undead life.
Before coming across the group of vampires, you would have never guess this was what they would be like. You would have thought that it was more like a dark supernatural novel. Where as it was more like wrangling your usual young group of students. Still it was such a fun addition to your life.
The time you spent with Petyr was always the highlight of any visit. Some would think that communication would be am issue. But working with non-verbal children in the past made it easier than anticipated.
The conversation you had were never stilted or awkward. You filled the silence, while he would gesture and make slightly garbled noises. Still the pleasantness of the time you spent together was wonderful.
His life was the best it had been in years. Your company breathed a new joy into his undead life. If you shone brighter or were any warmer, he would worry that he would burn in your mere presence.
He had considered using your brother to invite you over. But there was no need, you came willingly and often. Their group welcomed you in with no qualms. Even taking you out on the town every so often. It was a time they wanted to give you to relax and let loose. He found it highly amusing when you would make your way down and ramble about whatever came to your mind. He even got Nick and Deacon to move a couch to the basement. So you would be comfortable if you couldn't make it home after a night out. Though it seemed more often than not you would end up spending the weekend on the basement couch.
Then an unfortunate series of events caused you to become a permanent resident of the house.
It was early one morning. You had fallen asleep on your usual couch in the basement. Until the sound of glass breaking startled you awake. Jolting up, you squinted into the dark room. Everything was still and quiet. Then a mumbling follow by a crunch came from the only window in the room.
Eyes darting around, they finally found a bone on the floor. In this moment you couldn't have been more thankful that Petyr wanted to keep a few around. Gripping it tightly in your shaking hands, you positioned yourself next to his coffin. Taking in a deep shaky breath, you noticed a shadow blocking the first trickles of morning light filtering through. This made your pulse skyrocket. Steeling yourself, you shifted your hands into a better position and charged.
The fight that ensued was more of a jumble of limbs and grunting. Then he got the upper hand. Pinning you to the ground, he slowly pressed a wooden stake into your chest. But it seemed he hadn't been at this for long, he pierced your lung rather that the heart.
In a moment of agony you called out to Petyr. He heard the pained cry and burst from his crypt. Screeching at the sight before him, he ripped the head from the man’s shoulders. Taking you into his arms, he began to weap.
You placed a trembling hand to his face. “Stay away from the light.” It came out in a quiet garble.
He shook his head and bellowed for the other vampires to come help. Even in your most desperate times you were still concerned for others.
As everyone rushed to your side, you felt your eyes close.
The camera zooms in on a blurry image, after a bit of fiddling it focuses. You and Petyr are in chairs placed next to one another. Your hands are linked and you smile, showing your newly acquired fangs.
“So it’s official, we’re together.” Glancing over at him, your smile softened.
He was already looking at you with a gentle expression. Giving your hand a squeeze, he relaxed into his seat.
Getting up from your chair, you pulled him along with you. “Now if you’ll excuse us, we’ve got some coffin shoping to do.”
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taintedevesayori · 16 days
Sayo's Route: Dark Fate - Dark Prologue
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Sayo's Route Masterlist
-Shin is dragging Yui through the hallway of the Tsukinami mansion
Yui: Where is Sayo?! What have you done with her?
Shin: I’m taking you to her right now. It’s easier to explain things only once. 
Yui: I see…
-Carla is waiting outside the guest room Sayo is in. She’s still banging on the door
Shin: I’m surprised she hasn’t broken the door down yet. 
Carla: Haah…Not for a lack of trying. 
Shin: Settle down! We’re coming in, so move away from the door. 
Sayo: …!
-When the door opens, Sayo’s eyes widen when she sees Yui. Yui rushes to her side
Sayo: Yui…! You were caught too…?
Yui: Yes…I’m sorry, Sayo…This happened to you because of me…
Sayo: Don’t be. I was the one who told you to run. 
-Sayo turns to glare at Carla and Shin
Sayo: What the hell do you two want with us?
Carla: You do not need to know the specifics. All you need to know is that you belong to us now. It is pointless to escape and those vampires will not be coming to rescue you. 
Yui: W-What…?
Sayo: Excuse me? You expect me to go along with this?
Yui: E-Exactly…! I can’t just accept that!
Carla: It seems some training is necessary…
-Carla grabs Yui, dragging her from the room
Sayo: Yui!
-She moves to go after them, but Shin stops her
Shin: Not so fast. Nii-san put me in charge of you. Your little friend belongs to him now, so you can’t go and intervene. 
Sayo: Tch…
Shin: I expected you to talk back since you tried to fight us earlier, but we both thought she would be obedient considering how those vampires toy with her…That’s probably why Nii-san wants to train her immediately. I should do the same since you didn’t immediately obey as well, you know.
-Sayo sits down, crossing her arms over her chest as she glares at him
Shin: We know plenty about that one, but we only discovered you by chance. Seems like those vampires you lived with showed up to look for you at the manor we took you both from. So? Why were you living with them? Were you prey, just like her?
Sayo: If you don’t know, I don’t have to tell you, now do I?
Shin: You won’t say? What’s the point in keeping quiet unless there’s something you want to hide? I’ll bet you were just like her. You’re lucky your death rid you of that vampire stench that clung to you or I would have dropped you in the lake or something to get rid of it. 
Sayo: Oh, good for me…I won’t tell you because I don’t owe a kidnapper any explanation. 
Shin: Che…So that’s how you’re going to be?
-Mertz suddenly enters the room
Mertz: Shin-sama…
Shin: What do you want? Can’t you see I’m busy?
Mertz: I have information on that girl. I thought you might be interested in it. 
Shin: Oh? Guess I’ll find out whether you like it or not. 
Sayo: Hmph…
Mertz: She was a potential bride to the Sakamaki family. She was living with them for about a year before she disappeared. The vampires who were looking for her are the Mukami brothers. She is dating one of them. He brought her back after she disappeared and she is now living with them. I was unable to find out the details, but it seems she is important to some plan Karlheinz is working on. 
Shin: Oh? You were unfortunate enough to be a bride for those vampires? My guess is Karlheinz is using her because she’s half Founder. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the one who put the seal on her in the first place. 
Merz: You are very clever, Shin-sama. I imagine you are correct.
Shin: Is that all? 
Merz: The only other thing I could find out is that she was not very…well, cooperative. She rarely allowed them to drink her blood and would try to fight back if they attempted to force her. 
Shin: Considering she pulled a knife on me and Nii-san, I can’t say I’m surprised. 
Sayo: Speaking of my knife, where is it?
Shin: Oh, this?
-He pulls it out of his pocket, holding it up. She jumps up, trying to take it from him
Sayo: Give it back…! 
Shin: Not gonna happen. Don’t want you trying to stab us in our sleep. Not that you could kill us. I don’t get it. You deny those guys but then go off and date a different vampire? And from the stench of those ones, they weren’t even purebloods.
Sayo: What does it matter to you?
Shin: Che…! When I ask you a question, I want an answer.
Sayo: Heh…Well, I’m not always going to give one, so get used to it. 
Merz: Shin-sama…it was love, perhaps? I imagine that is the only reason a girl like this would willingly stay with a vampire. 
Sayo: Tch…Shut the hell up! You’re just some random guy who showed up, so don’t act like you know me. 
Shin: If you don’t have anything more to report, get out of my sight, will ya?!
Merz: …! Y-Yes, Shin-sama…
-Merz leaves
Shin: Heh…Ahaha! So you loved him? A non pure blooded vampire, the lowest of the low? Even if you are a halfbreed, you do have Founder’s blood in your veins. You should have more respect for yourself than that.
-She glares at him 
Sayo: Oh, self respect, is that really your problem? So you’re saying I should drop him and be with someone like you instead? 
-He stops, looking her up and down before smirking
Shin: Heh…That’s exactly what I’m saying. You can’t escape here, so just forget about that guy. Nii-san put me in charge of you anyway, so think of me as his replacement. 
Sayo: Hmph…As if. I don’t go around replacing the people I care about. 
Shin: Che…You say that now, but I’ll make you give up on that guy before you know it. 
Sayo: Not likely. Don’t waste your time. 
-Shin grabs her, pinning her against the wall. She attempts to struggle, but is unable to get out of his grip
Shin: Give it up. A halfbreed will never be stronger than me. I may not be stronger than Nii-san because he’s the king of us Founders, but I am a close second. It’s pointless to fight against me. 
Sayo: When I first moved there, the Sakamakis said it was pointless to fight against them too, but I did it anyway. And guess what? As a human, I was still able to defy them. Even if I was still a human, I would still try to fight back against you. I’m not the type to just lie down and take it. 
-Shin grabs her hair, pulling her head back
Sayo: Ouch…!
-She reaches back to try to stop him
Shin: That’s right, it hurts. This will be a painful experience for you if you don’t learn some obedience. I don’t mind being sweet to you if you learn to live wrapped around my finger. 
Sayo: Like hell…!
-Shin yanks her hair, pulling her head back even further before biting her neck
Sayo: Ngh!
Shin: Nn….Haah….I was hoping your death might have cleansed your blood, but it’s disgusting after all…
Sayo: Then here’s an idea…stop drinking it.
Shin: Nn…If only that were an option…Your blood is corrupted because of those vampires…Phew…We have to cleanse it by sucking out the poison. 
Sayo: Is that part of your big secret plan?
Shin: Hehe…It is. But I’m not telling you anymore than that. 
-He takes a step back before grabbing her chin, pulling her face up closer to his
Shin: I don’t hate those defiant eyes of yours…but I can tell your boyfriend’s fangs have given you pleasure. I look forward to the day you’ll be writhing underneath me as I suck your blood, your eyes filled with guilt as you cry out for more. 
-Her cheeks flush bright red
Sayo: There’s no way in hell!
Shin: Hehe…Don’t be so sure. I don’t need to train you to behave. I’ll break you instead. Before long, you’ll forget all about your boyfriend. 
-All she does is glare
Shin: This is your room. Like Nii-san said earlier, don’t bother with trying to escape. You can’t leave this mansion. I’ll be back soon. 
-Shin leaves the room
Sayo: That bastard…!
-Shin goes to meet with Carla
Shin: Nii-san, how did it go? 
Carla: She will require some training…and her blood will require immense cleansing. It is thoroughly tainted. 
Shin: Well…we guessed as much from her scent. 
Carla: What about the other woman? 
Shin: Her death didn’t do anything about her tainted blood, so she’ll need to be cleansed as well. 
Carla: Mertz reported to me as well what he found out about her background. I can’t imagine she’ll be very cooperative. Will you be able to handle her? 
Shin: Of course. Don’t worry, you can leave her to me. She’s stubborn, but I found a way to get under her skin. It’ll only be a matter of time before she submits to me…and it should be amusing in the meantime. 
Carla: Don’t play around too much. You mustn’t forget our goal. 
Shin: I won’t forget. But it will be worth it to get her to submit. She may be a halfbreed, but at least we’ll have a female Founder.  
Carla: I suppose…Do what you want, then. 
Shin: I will.
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