#and i never watched reviews cause i knew i wanted to read the books at some point but never got the time
nomattertheoceans · 4 months
Now that I finished reading the Percy Jackson books (well, at least up to The Last Olympian anyway), it's finally time for me to watch all the rage reviews that trash on the movie adaptation and honestly I have been waiting to do that for years lmaoooooo
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 10 days
Honestly if you could , how would you rate your yandere cooking for Darling (notably the yandere set 2). Like who would be at the tier having the most divine cooking , very talented to mediocre but still try hard for their darling to being banned from entering the kitchen forever cause of fire hazard from frying an egg?? (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
Also do you mind if i become 🐧 anon??
Yandere men and their cooking
I'll be answering this and my last ask, then i'll go write my last 3 yanderes, then opening inbox again! I'm still sick unfortunately, so it'll take some time.
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Liam is a good cook! He definitely prepares the meanest lunch meals out there. Househusband material, he literally has to feed himself by living through his wage and the money his parents give him, so he might as well enjoy! So rest assured he will feed you homely foods that you'll enjoy.
Fav food to cook: pepper beef on rice (quick, efficient, and tastes good!)
YAN! BULLY: 2/10
Eh.. Uno is pampered a lot. What he can probably only make is a scrambled egg, and that's on accident cuz he broke the yolk and mixed it to say "it's intentional". So, unfortunately, you have to cook, or a personal chef. Nothing in between. Unless you're okay with eggs everyday, every time to eat.
Fav food to cook: eggs. (That's the only thing he can cook)
Rose definitely cooks the best stuff out there. He's been living by himself for a long, long time so he had time to read cook books, and he definitely watches Hell's Kitchen in his free time. So, expect food for the gods when he cooks for you.
Fav food to cook: Low and slow stew and soups. Meaty, hearty, and pairs well with rice (Full of love, affection, and time.)
Aeron is basic when it comes to cooking. He basically only cooks to make sure it's edible, non poisonous, and fulfilling. If he had a choice really, he would just do eat fruits and veggies raw. And when he does cook for you, unfortunately it's not anything remarkable. JUST LIE THOUGH AND SAY IT TASTES GOOD.
Fav food to cook: none... (It's a hassle)
YAN! PLAYER: 10/10
Surprised? He's blessed by the gods. How can this man be awful at cooking? Sure, he would prefer to not cook anything at all, but Amor would be extremely good at it despite not really cooking much because of his blessings. He would be really happy to cook for you though. Anything you want will be miraculously made close to perfection if it's not perfect already.
Fav food to cook: Any of your favorite foods gourmet style (he loves to spoil you while boasting about his... Ill-gotten skills)
Acheron knew how to follow instructions, so food is above average at most. As long as the recipe was good, and reviews are nice, then you know you are in good hands. Acheron will cook you food from your favorite cookbooks, so please, don't be shy and send him a link, or gift him a book. He'll be more than happy to cook for you.
Fav food to cook: The simple recipe ones (less chance of messing up the flavor)
"No. I will not do something like cook."
Alpheus is a great cook actually, but he never really enjoyed it. He usually does the cooking when Ignatius comes to his home to hang out or teach him how to adapt socially. But, he'll be happy cooking for you.
Fav food to cook: squid ink pasta, and margarita pizza (sharing food for when you or Ignatius eat with him)
"What is... Cooking?"
Orion is one of those grill dads. Most of the time it's seafood too. But you can guarantee that it will be the most delicious grilled seafood you'll eat. Other meats? Meh... It's more or less okay. His specialty lies by the sea. He will not be opposed in cooking land or sky meat though, just say the word.
Fav food to cook: grilled oysters with cheese or caviar, and lobster with butter baste (best tasting food with low effort)
YAN! KING: 0/10
"A king doesn't cook."
YAN! GOD: 4/10
Well, Liviticus can't cook unless it's very simple like rice and eggs, or like... Ramen. Basically only 1-3 stepped cooking. Cuz essentially, with him being a god, he can just summon the food from thin air. So like, he's your automatic food dispenser. If you want to teach him though, then he would love to.
Fav food to cook: Ramen (Technically not cooking)
Yuta, of course, knows how to cook and he cooks well. Surprisingly, he's into baking. And that's his mastery. He just doesn't have time to cook or bake at all due to being a prosecutor. But if you ask him to, then he will gladly bake or cook for you.
Fav food to make: macarons (time consuming, delicate, and needs his full attention that can distract him from his job and reality)
So ranking from basically perfect to definitely not
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monimccoythings · 1 year
Classy Turtle
Okay, here’s part 2. Second parts were never good but I was dying to make this one. Just the mental image of it. Been watching the critics reviews of this glorious movie and every single one I’ve read are just terrible reviews of movies the audience absolutely adored (it’s the freaking Super Mario Movie, it doesn’t have to be the new Godfather) And those people who want to cancel Bowser, the villain of the Mario saga, for acting like a villain and singing a villain song that slaps? Are they okay? Don’t they get the basic concepts of villainy?
Previous Parts: 1
Next Parts: 3,4,5
tags: @loveforfandomsstuff​ @harpy-space​
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You kept coming back to the palace to visit whenever you had the time. You really enjoyed spending time with your new friends and learning more about the Mushroom Kingdom. It’s like everyday there was some new adventure!
You also met the famous fearless Toad who had accompanied Peach and Mario throughout their dangerous journey to the Kong Kingdom and were lucky enough to eat one of his even more famous meals. You weren’t sure you had tasted something so divine in your entire life, goddamn it, Toad, drop the secret recipe book.
But if there was also a not entirely malicious ulterior motive for your visits, it would probably be your endearing wittle piano playing turtle that on his free time commited war crimes. It’s not like you were obsessed (liar), you just found yourself completely enamoured by the concept of some tiny musical tot that spoke highly of himself in a high pitched voice.
You were no fool. You knew he was dangerous and that given the chance, he would commit all those atrocities again. But he was SO LITTLE AND CUTE NOW. You just have to be careful with your gushing. The least you wanted is to cause the literal Third World War over a turtle.
It became an habit of yours to bring some gifts for everyone of your friends whenever you came to visit, and that included him, be it a tiny chair from an old house, a Ken doll, that always ended with his head chewed off, some lettuce (or whatever this turtle ate)...
Presenting him your offerings always was a tricky task. Peach and the bros had kindly drawn a perimeter around his cage that was called the “no-no zone”. Anyone that dared to cross that line, would meet their untimely end at the hands of a flame with the burning power of some kid using an aerosol flamethrower. Maybe it was a bit dramatic but he nearly burnt part of your hair last time so better not risk it, as he was an amgery firey boi. Unfortunately for him, you had put your wicked mind to use and had developed a system that didn’t put your hair or any part of your body in danger of suffering third degree burns. You called it “The Salad Tongs Solution”.
You had decided to use them instead of sticking to the classic put them in while he sleeps. Next time you tried to put a blankie over him when he slept he got scared so badly he went inside his shell and started spinning against the walls of the cages like some deadly top toy. Never again. Poor baby needed his beauty sleep.
So today, you were bringing in a special gift. After some rumaging through your old toys, you found some old tuxedo from one onf your dolls, you didn’t remember which one. But hey, maybe he would like this one?
Welp, he didn’t. As much as Mario would have loved to see him in it, nope, this turtle had expensive tastes and apparently this old tuxedo wasn’t up to his standards. Awww, classy turtle. The high pitched voice just made his rant look like an angry smurf that swore like a sailor. It was so adorable, you were not even bothered he didn’t like it. “It’s okay sweet baby!” You cooed to him. 
Bowser was bewildered at your audacity, your nerve! How dare you not praise him like the feared warlord he is! This will not stand! He will get out, and when he gets out the world shall get a taste of his revenge! You will bow to him in reverence! You will- oh, there you go again, looking at him with that dopey smile and those adoring eyes. Disgusting. Embarrassing. He is NOT a cutie patootie, thank you very much. He is KING OF THE KOOPAS, the strongest and baddest there is! That’s why you should look at him adoringly! Not because he is burger shaped!
A couple of days later Luigi sent a message with a photo attached to the groupchat. Opening it was the best decision in your life: there he was, your little buddy dressed in the tuxedo with the most disgruntled face he could make and being held with the salad tongs. A warm feeling spread through your chest, and for the rest of the day a huge smile was plastered on your face. He was such a dapper little gentleman.
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hb-writes · 6 months
Just a Joke
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Summary: When Mia gets hungry and tries to make herself dinner, her clumsy nature gets the best of her causing Edward and Esme to step in.
Characters: Esme Cullen, Edward Cullen, Bella Swan & Mia Cullen (OC)
Request (from anon): Hello! For June requests how about, “Don’t worry, I got this.” & “Come on, take my hand.” For Twilight pretty please 💜
Content Warnings: N/A
Twilight Masterlist
Please take a moment to tell me what y'all think! Reviews and comments are always appreciated. 😌❤️
Mia glanced up from her book as her stomach rumbled, the sound audible to her, and likely to her brother, but not to her brother’s girlfriend settled at the other end of the couch.
They had been sitting there on the couches in near silence ever since school let out, devouring their respective books for hours as Edward practiced piano in the next room over. Since the rest of Mia’s siblings left for Denali straight from the school parking lot, they’d been left entirely undisturbed. It was a rare gift, that, and Bella hadn’t pulled her eyes from the book since settling, completely absorbed in the pages before her.
Edward probably should have been with the others in Denali. He needed to hunt just as much as the rest of them, but he’d elected to stay behind, something he was doing more and more often these days—trading his lengthier hunting trips with the others for short stints that allowed him to remain only borderline satiated, but far closer to home. 
Mia loved her brother, and there was a time when being apart for any significant portion of time had been difficult, but she wasn’t entirely certain if Edward’s near-constant presence these days was a gift or not, though she supposed it divided her parents’ attention a bit. The presence of Bella gave her parents someone else to fuss over, too. 
Esme had gone out shortly after they arrived home, giving the kids their space as she often did, but Mia knew she would return soon. Carlisle would be back from his shift at the hospital any time now, too, and Mia was certain it was only a matter of time before the parents descended, soliciting their opinions on dinner, ready for the rare opportunity to cook for two rather than one.
Mia couldn’t remember the last time they’d let her cook anything for herself, so rare was it that they gave up the opportunity to dote. The opportunity to engage in something so entirely human as cooking. Mia liked to joke that she'd never survive on her own since they let her do so little in the kitchen. It wasn't far from the truth.
Mia watched Bella for a moment, trying to decide whether or not to interrupt the girl's reading, the only sound between them Edward's piano and another rumble of Mia's stomach.
“Bella,” Mia whispered, nudging the girl with her foot when the whispering didn’t provide any result other than a shift in Edward’s playing to something quieter and slower in tempo. 
Mia rolled her eyes, glaring at her brother through the wall for his nosiness. 
“Hmm?” Bella asked after a moment, finally pulling her eyes from the book as she finished her paragraph. She blinked as if she'd forgotten where she was. As if by pulling her eyes from the words on the page she was suddenly somewhere else entirely.
“Are you hungry?” Mia asked.
Bella glanced back to the book for a moment before meeting Mia’s eye, a grimace on her lips. “Starved, actually.”
Mia nodded, standing up from the couch and depositing her blanket and book. “Then I’ll make us something.” 
Mia strode across the floor and through the next room where Edward had already stood to meet her.
“What do you want?” he asked. “I’ll make it.” 
Mia waved her brother off. “I can cook for myself, Edward.” 
Edward raised an eyebrow. "Since when?"
"Since I can," she answered, pushing him out of her path. “Don’t worry, I got this.” 
Edward followed after her. He was poised to argue, poised to insist that his sister take up his offer, but Bella cleared her throat from the threshold of the living room, giving him a pointed look. 
“Leave her alone, Edward.” 
“Yeah, Edward, leave me alone,” Mia echoed, throwing a smirk at him as she then gave a grateful smile to Bella. Edward raised his hands in surrender and Mia turned away, practically skipping to the kitchen.  
Mia skid to a halt as she entered the pristine kitchen. The cabinets and refrigerator were fully stocked, or as fully stocked as the family ever dared to be considering it was only Mia who ever actually ate anything. She was feeling snacky, uncertain that she had enough patience in her to cook an entire meal when her stomach already felt so empty, but she diligently looked to the paper where Esme had already planned the meals for the week anyway. Spinach lasagna—one of Mia’s favorites—was next on the docket, but that would take well over an hour to prepare and cook.
As hungry as she was, Mia wouldn't last that long, and yet she strived to make a point.
She was capable of cooking for herself.
Capable of following a simple recipe.
Mia moved around the kitchen, pulling one of the cookbooks out as she headed to her favorite cabinet—the snack cabinet—grateful that there was still something satisfying and snacky left there, some healthy version of a chip that Mia had come to like at a certain point because it wasn’t as if her family was going to allow actual junk food into the house.
She poured out a portion into a bowl before walking to the living room where Edward and Bella were seated on the couch, in a vaguely respectful position, though Mia hadn’t missed the flush of Bella’s cheeks and the awkward positioning.
She had given them plenty of notice, walking with purpose and making certain that her steps were able to be heard. 
“Appetizer,” Mia announced as she set the bowl on the coffee table before walking back to the kitchen.
Mindlessly snacking on her own bowl of pseudo-chips, Mia flipped through the book and found the lasagna recipe. She had seen the process probably hundreds of times, settled at the counter while she watched her mother or father or one of her siblings putting the meal together for her. 
There were times when her family went through the process of making the pasta by hand. There were times when the noodles came from a box. Mia knew without a thought that she would be doing the latter. 
Wiping the chip dust on her hands off on her jeans, Mia moved around the room, pulling out the necessary ingredients. The noodles, the sauce ingredients, the cheeses, the spinach. Mia mixed the ricotta mixture together and started the sauce on the stove before she started searching the cabinets for the glass baking dish. 
She searched the bottom row of cabinets twice before deciding it wasn't in its usual spot. Biting her lip, Mia surveyed the upper cabinets. Two cabinets in, she spotted the dish on the top shelf, clearly put away by one of her brothers.
Mia reached out for it, but it was just out of reach even when she leaned on the counter, lifting up onto the tips of her toes. She could get a good grip on it if she got up on the counter, but Mia knew better. She was clumsy and it wasn't safe and she had no interest in visiting her father in the emergency room on a Friday afternoon.
So Mia refrained, instead pulling a pair of tongs from one of the nearby drawers. She just needed to pull it down a few inches and then she could catch it in her other hand.
Mia set about it, standing on the tips of her toes once again for a little extra height. She reached out, setting her tongs around the glass handle of the dish. She eased the dish towards the edge, all of her focus there until she heard the gentle click of the door to her left.
She pulled her eyes from the dish to see her mother standing there, back from running her errands in town. 
Mia flinched as dish tipped from the shelf. She let out a scream as the glass shattered around her upon impact, shards littering the floor at her feet.
Edward was there in the doorway less than a second later, soon enough to witness Mia’s fear shift to annoyance as she cursed under her breath. 
“Come on, take my hand,” Esme said softly, extending a hand to guide her daughter safely through the field of glass littering the kitchen floor. “We'll clean this up and Edward will get you another dish so you can finish cooking,” she said, nodding at Edward and then to the cabinets. 
“It smells delicious,” Esme told Mia as she gathered her daughter to her side, an arm around her shoulders. 
Edward was unable to stop himself from snorting as he crossed the room, easily stepping around the glass. He was sure it smelled fine to a human, but to him…and to his mother…whatever his sister was putting together smelled nothing less than abhorrent.
“Yeah, maybe if you like dirt,” he said, earning a sharp glance from Esme by way of reprimand. 
"Ah, yes. Of course." Mia pulled out of her mother's hold. “Because you prefer the entrancing scent of blood. I can step on a piece of glass if that would be—”
Mia stretched a bare foot out towards the glass, barely making it within a few inches before a pair of deceptively strong arms lifted her from the floor.
“Hey! Put me down!” Mia complained as she hung draped over Esme’s shoulder. It looked ridiculous, the woman holding the teenaged girl in such a position when she was barely five and a half feet tall.
"Please?" Mia added, but Esme made no effort to let her down.
“Not in my kitchen,” Esme answered as she carried Mia to the edge of the room. "You’re officially banned."
“Mom, it was just a joke, I swear,” Mia said, her arms gesturing to accompany her words even as she dangled upside down. “Look, Edward’s even laughing.” 
Esme twisted to glance at her son, and the look she gave alone wiped a bit of the smirk from Edward's face.
He wasn't laughing at his sister's "joke." Truth be told, Edward hadn’t found it particularly funny either, but he couldn’t help but chuckle at the image of Esme swinging his sister over her shoulder and carrying her around. Even as Esme looked at him, the grin on his face grew once again. He couldn't help it, but then he met Esme's eye once again.
As Edward’s face sobered a bit further, Esme lowered Mia to the floor in front of her. 
“Well, you’ll both have to excuse me for not finding the notion of my daughter slicing herself open very funny,” she said, frowning at her daughter and then at Edward. “I don’t believe your father would find it very funny either.” 
“I know, I know.” Mia sighed, forcing herself to take a breath before she gave a proper response. Even if it was only a joke, she knew her parents could be testy about that sort of thing, her father especially. “I’m sorry. There’s really no need to revoke kitchen privileges. I promise I wasn’t actually going to—”
“Maybe it’s for the best, Mia,” Edward interrupted from where he now stood at the counter, his nose wrinkling as he hovered over the lasagna components. “This really does smell like—”
Esme opened her mouth to interrupt—to chastise, but she simply rose an eyebrow at him instead. 
“It was just a joke,” Edward answered. 
“Not a very funny one,” Mia answered. 
“Alright,” Esme said, stepping back in front of Mia, meeting both her and Edward’s eyes in turn before continuing. “That’s enough. Both of you take your jokes and get out of my kitchen.” 
Mia was poised to complain…poised to continue making her case for being allowed to stay and finish up her dinner, but Edward was too quick and too strong, and he swept his sister up in his arms before she could say another word. 
Esme only rolled her eyes fondly as Edward carried a complaining Mia away. While the sound of children arguing may have frayed the patience of some mothers, Esme found she didn’t mind the sound of Edward and Mia teasing. Just as she didn't mind the opportunity to finish putting together dinner for Mia and Bella. 
Even if Edward was right. 
The lasagna did smell like dirt.
Twilight Masterlist
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thatkidofwarandpeace · 2 months
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I really don't ever post here but went for Live at the Chapel last night, John Robins was host, and lineup included
Janine Harouni, Sharon Wanjohi, Tim Key, and John Kearns headlined
Unfortunately Ive only heard of the John(s) and Tim but an overall great night of laughs. Anyone whose seen my blog knows my obsession with Tim Key so it was so surreal seeing him in person that he was a real grown man and not a tiny gremlin on my screen. I was working myself into a sheer state of panic when I saw him leave the church and cross the street to the pub but knew if I didn't try and talk to him that I'll beat myself up over it.
Also cause I've followed his work as much as I can from a tiny island a long haul flight away from the UK, so I've read his books, listened to his late night poetry, religiously watched no more jockeys, bought live stream tickets, you get the gist. So, I kinda knew what he would be like on stage, grumpy, demanding, arrogant, all in the best funny ways of course! But seeing it live was so different. He was hilarious and everything I wanted live. it did mean that I was very intimidated to approach him after but he was so lovely and kind.
I didn't know what to expect of John Kearns because I really didn't enjoy him on cats does countdown but he was hilarious. He mentioned Sam Campbell in a gag and I lost my shit. John Robins was an excellent host as well. Writing this post makes me realise that I could never be a comedy reviewer because all I want to say is - I laughed.
Unfortunately I don't really have much to add for Sharon and Janine though both good, solid gags, I fear I was too consumed by Tim key obsession :"(
10/10 now trying to get in waiting list for Bristol comedy garden of day with Simon Amstell, Tim Key, Sam Campbell, Kiri Pritchard-McLean
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spectres-fulcrum · 4 months
Now I have to jump from 1777 to ca. 333 BC cause apparently Netflix has an Alexander The Great half seriously acted/half docu series coming out Wednesday and Alexander the Great was my Thing sophomore year of high school(The trailer is EVERYTHING). They better do his relationship with Hephaestion right(queerly)
They were VERY in love and very obviously. Idk why it's a debate after anyone reads how Alexander reacted to Hephaestion's death(There's more but I can't remember atm)
We had an unit on ATG in World History and I wanted to google something in whatever documentary we were watching(I think it was Alexander and Hephaestion making an offering to Achilles and Patroclus) and it led me to finding out there was speculations Alex and Phai were queer and a thing and me just recently realizing I liked girls along with boys was really like. Obsessed.
That's me though. I find out things are queer and I get obsessed. I love non queer stuff too and get obsessed but. It's just like my new AmRev phase was ignited by the Hamilton-Laurens letters that are sus as fuck. Sus as fuck as I'm like yet to find a reasonable het explanation as to why Laurens was encouraging Hammie to find a wife as a cure for his devotion to Laurens.
Under the cut is more me unlocking more memories
Of course, I watched the 2004 Alexander, with Colin Farrell and Jared Leto. They are still my celebrity conspiracy theory of they fell in love during filming and had an on and off thing for a few years and it crashed and burned(That's a very very very long essay spanning several albums because Jared Leto is still clearly extremely fucked up by it see: Never Not Love You but also Love These Days). The Babylon balcony scene was gorgeous! And I loved the flashback to Aristotle teaching all the boys. And we at least got Princess Barsine-Stateira even if we didn't get the rest of the family. For books I think The Conqueror's Wife was my favorite as I loved writing from Drypetis' pov(Hephaestion's wife, Darius' daughter. I headcanoned Bagoas as her best friend though and they were all very poly and friends besides Roxana. I was probably too mean to Roxana looking back) and she was a narrator for that book. I remember reading it on a trip down to the German Christmas market. My teacher always splurged for coach buses so it was an extra nice bus ride read. That was senior year though, when it came out. I still had nook back then, not kindle.
I think our ATG unit coincided with state testing week which is part of why we watched a documentary because my history teacher knew we'd be frazzled and classes were all messed up with that week. not that it matters but it's also is like. Placing things.
Looking at the character list on IMDB(assuming it's legit) I'm like some of these people I need reminders but I'm also like Memnon! (There was an AlexPhai fic where Memnon kidnapped Phai and they grew fond of each other) Ptolemy! Queen Stateira! Hephaestion! And once I gave it some thought I was like X and Y were Phillip's generation and didn't Z kill Darius?
Yep. I need to do some review tomorrow though. God it's gonna feel good. Honestly the trailer was so exciting I was like Alexander! Phillip's death! Darius! Darius with Stateira! IS THAT SISYGAMBIS!?!?!?!?!? (IDK but I'm gonna freak if we get Sisygambis. What if we get precious little Ochus? Drypetis? Bagoas? Please at least give us the canon queer kiss with Bagoas)
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rruhlreviews · 3 months
Film Review - IT Parts 1 & 2 (2017 and 2019)
I have not read the book IT or watched the older movie adaptation, so my only point of reference for this story is the two films from 2017 and 2019. I suppose I should preface this review by saying I wasn’t a huge fan. In general, I’m not a horror movie watcher, despite writing horror and reading it. There’s something about the visual aspect that takes it to a different level from the written word, where the fear feels more imaginary because it really is all in your imagination; you can’t see it or hear it. Horror is a genre, like romance, in which personal boundaries and tastes play the utmost role in one’s enjoyment of a story. I’m not a fan of stories that involve kids getting hurt, so this was never going to be for me. The Shining was different, maybe because it was more focused on the adults and Danny was never hurt too bad. The casual ableism and homophobia, especially in Part 2, left a bad taste in my mouth with the escaped mental hospital killer and “bury your gays” tropes. Anyway, while this movie was not for me, clearly it was for a lot of people given the blockbuster success. I’ll say right away that Stephen King’s name was a significant player in the success of IT. He's such a well-known horror author that someone brand new to the genre is likely to pick up something by him first, and longtime fans are going to eat up anything that comes out with his name on it. Let’s focus on the story, though. In a character driven story, it is the strength of the characters and the compelling dynamics and motivations between them that turn IT into a popular tale.
People love an underdog story. The group call themselves “The Losers,” and you can’t get more underdog than that. In this unbelievable world with alien fear entities, the characters’ motivations are touching and perfect in their simplicity. Someone wants to know what happened with his little brother’s disappearance. Someone wants to escape her abusive father. Someone has hidden romantic feelings for someone else. I remember when IT Part 2 came out, I had a friend who was obsessed with the characters, specifically Richie and Eddie. They don’t get a happy ending, but there’s enough potential there to capture an audience’s imagination, especially an audience that wants to see more LGBT+ characters; 2019 wasn’t a long time ago, but still in 2024, there aren’t a lot to choose from. Catharsis is an appealing emotion for an audience to crave, and has been for all of human history. Tragedy is one of the oldest artforms, going all the way back to Ancient Greece, progressing through Shakespeare, and coming to our modern emotionally motivated genres. For an example on this timeline closer to IT, there’s Ray Bradbury’s Something Wicked This Way Comes with the unsettling circus that preyed on a fear of aging. Compared to First Blood, IT has a pretty simple perspective on the good vs. evil theme, and it works wonderfully for the story being told. IT shows that you can have a book or movie with very popular, very old plot types and themes and still make it unique and appealing.
Even more basic than anything else mentioned before, down to the roots of the horror genre: IT is about people who want to confront a fear. The 21st century has been characterized by widespread anxiety. Economic downturns, climate crisis, wars across the world, censorship, backwards movement in human rights, and an entire plague. An audience seeks a safe environment to process fear and see it defeated in a tangible sense. The different ways Pennywise manifests in the film reflect our cultural fears: disease, hate crimes, loss of loved ones that we felt should have been preventable. And yes, the less abstract and existential ones like spiders and clowns. IT permeates our pop culture. I knew who Pennywise was long before delving into the movies. I wonder, were clowns a big fear before IT, or did it cause a surge in clown related fears? Does anyone remember the weird scary clown incidents from 2016?
There’s something interesting to be said about horror movies, which contain characters who are meant to be so grotesque and avoided at all costs, being turned into cute consumer goods. I was at the mall today and saw two different stores with displays with backpacks, shirts, and plushies of horror movie baddies like Jason, Chucky, and Pennywise. If you go online, you can find hundreds of results for smut with these creepy villains in less than one second. I am not shy to say I’m a monster enjoyer, but I can’t say I personally get the appeal of some of these more gruesome things like Pennywise. I never watched a horror movie like IT before and I don’t intend to again. I’m content with tamer shows like The Twilight Zone, and my Halloween decorations include classic monsters like skeletons, ghosts, and vampires. This all being said, I salute those with an interest in the creepy clowns and dolls and demons that I avoid, just like I’m sure there are others who like visceral horror but shy from the gothic tales and psychological thrills I prefer. Maybe preference doesn’t have to have an explanation. There doesn’t have to be deep literary analysis or audience psychology to study— “I just think it’s neat” is reason enough to enjoy a character or story! The horror genre is so varied, and it’s a wonderful thing. There’s a story for every fear that anyone is trying to confront, a story to excite anyone’s macabre fancies, and a special villain for every villain lover.
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mywingsareonwheels · 9 months
It's funny how much interpretations can vary. I saw another post where someone felt Lewis was too soft on Thursday by showing us what happened and therefore making us know that how it played out wasn't quite as bad as what Morse was probably imagining.
Although I disagree with you re: Thursday, I sympathize with the mixed feelings. I think there's a few factors with Endeavour which will influence how you feel about it. There's people who will know Morse through the books, people who know him from Inspector Morse, and then fans like me who were introduced to him as the young man in Endeavour. Fans of each of these versions seem to have wanted different things, and I reckon the problem Lewis ran into was trying to make everybody happy.
Like me for instance, I honestly feel he would've been better off pretending Inspector Morse didn't exist because then he wouldn't have been limited to twisting the story towards it and could take Morse and the other characters in a more organic direction. Endeavour might be a prequel, but it was made in such a different era of television, and I think it's ok for it to do something new. However, fans of Inspector Morse hoping to see how he became his older self would be disappointed if he did that. While watching the series I read old reviews from when each season aired and was surprised by the number of people impatient for the Thursday plotline to end to make way for McNutt. Then you have someone like Shaun Evans who read the books but didn't see the show, and that's perhaps why his interpretation of Morse and his future was darker.
At the same time that openness of how the character can be perceived is part of the joy and does allow you to get more out of what the ending means.
I actually really liked what they did with Thursday and how they connected it to Big Pete because I felt it went along with the recurring theme throughout the series that no matter how much these characters want to do good, as policemen they are still part of a messed up system causing harm, and they're not immune to protecting their own over doing what's right for the public they serve. That includes Morse. The whole tragedy of Big Pete and Blenheim Vale is an indictment of the police and remains so.
My takeaway regarding the Morse/Thursday ending is that it wasn't so much about Thursday being a bad person and Morse regretting the relationship because of it, as it was him being confronted with the reality that he had put him on a pedestal. He needed to let go of his naivety. I don't agree with the above point that Lewis was too soft on Thursday, but I do find it interesting that there is a distinction between Morse's perspective and ours. We saw parts of Thursday he didn't and we saw parts of Morse which Thursday didn't. They never truly knew each other because of being suppressed 20th century British men, and maybe that's the real tragedy of Endeavour.
Nonetheless, Morse still credits him with being the best mentor and loves him enough to protect him and his family. I think that's why he ultimately feels he has to close himself up. Because getting too close to the Thursdays put him in a position where he had to compromise his principles and couldn't get justice for Jakes, Big Pete, and the others. THAT'S what really hurt him imo. I also feel like the connection to Inspector Morse can work in that IM is him opening himself back up and Lewis bringing back a side of him which had been missing. I like the idea of Morse being a character constantly learning and changing.
Sorry, I didn't mean for this to turn into a whole essay. lmao
Hee, never apologies for writing a thoughtful essay about "Endeavour". :D
And yeah, as you say you and I don't fully agree about the show (esp. Thursday) but I found your thoughts so interesting and I really enjoyed reading them! Thank you. :)
Also that's a darn good point about Shaun. I've only read a couple of the books and I've seen I think about 1/3 of Inspector Morse (I mean, I watched a bit when I was a kid (I was 9 when it first started) but never got into it fully until I'd seen Endeavour and am meaning to catch up on more v soon), and Thaw's Morse is definitely different from Dexter's original Morse. So... yeah, it makes sense that Shaun had a different trajectory from the one I'm more familiar with. :) (And, well, then you have Roger who likes to play as much drama and emotional intensity as possible, so... ;-) )
Morse constantly learning and changing: yes, definitely. I like that. :D
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arson-09 · 7 days
Oh my God, I meant to send that previous ask as an anon 💀💀 I've been exposed as Rhysta Stan. Let's hope the antis don't come and doxx me/j
Anyway, I'll be honest. I've never read ACOTAR, I just heard the concept and thought it was cool and read some reviews to see whether I should buy it but like- it doesn't appeal to me ig- but I really loved the concepts of the characters and was so disappointed when they didn't align with my interests.
(I also like Rhysta solely for the dynamics and concepts too so oops, I'm sorry if I don't understand the true depth of it)
Do you think I should like acc give ACOTAR a chance to read, though???
Oh no😭
You don’t have to ‘understand’ the true depth of something or have read its source material to like it :D I actually didn’t read the books before i decided to become an acotar blog/ a Tamlin fan. I had watched CariCanRead make these plot summary videos on youtube (which are really good btw if you don’t want to read the books!) because i knew they were really popular but i was eh to read them myself. I just kind of said wow everyone hates Tamlin for some reason, i’m going to like him cause i think he’s cool. Then the urge to really dive in and analyze his character took hold and i read them which lead me coming up with too many au ideas and mini essays about my opinions lmao.
Now, whether or not to give acotar a try is kinda hard. If you know you’re probably not going to like it just don’t waste your time. While i like some of the characters and yap about them a lot here, i personally dislike how the books are written and find them lacking. But if you want to be a hater or just want to learn more about the characters from the technical source material, go ahead! I always recommend borrowing books from the library or getting them secondhand if your not sure you will like it. Cause books have kinda gotten expensive (at least here in the US i obviously dont know where your from) And once again i have yapped quite a bit😭🫶🏻
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rottinghouseplants · 5 months
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Violet's face lit up as she carefully studied the scouting board, eagerly searching for the next badge she could earn. Her father, Francisco, couldn't help but smile at the sight of his daughter's newfound enthusiasm for scouting. It was a refreshing change to see her so excited and motivated.
"Wow, you're really taking this seriously, huh?" Francisco remarked, admiring Violet's dedication.
"Of course, Daddy! I can't wait to earn my next badge and show everyone what I'm capable of," Violet replied, determination evident in her voice. As she carefully reviewed the requirements for each badge, Violet's mind was buzzing with excitement. She could already imagine herself proudly wearing the badge and showing it off to her friends and family. With each new badge she earned, Violet felt like a completely different person. She was no longer content with staying cooped up in the house, she wanted to explore and challenge herself. And her passion for scouting only continued to grow.
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Violet was determined to earn every single scout badge possible. She spent every spare moment pushing herself to the limit, reading books way beyond her years and giving away her cherished toys to those in need. Her dedication to the scouts was evident in her thirst for knowledge and her selflessness. As she ventured into the great outdoors, she absorbed every little detail, soaking up the sights, sounds, and smells of nature. Her father, Francisco, could only watch in awe as she achieved one badge after another. He was truly so proud of her.
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Francisco's work at FutureSims Labs had resumed shortly after Violet's birth. And Francisco had surprisingly navigated being a single father and working a full time job without too many roadblocks. And even though, his coworkers viewed him differently, due to the strangeness and impossibility of his daughter's birth, he still loved his job and remained there. He had even gotten a promotion after the Head of Research and Development found out about his part in the Strangerville events. Despite the demands of his new role as a UFOlogist, he threw himself into his career with vigor. He often sacrificed time with Violet, but justified it by reminding himself of her own hobbies and interests. As Francisco walked through the doors of FutureSims Labs, the hum of machinery and chatter of his coworkers filled his ears. He greeted his colleagues with a smile, eager to get started for the day. But with each passing moment, Francisco felt a twinge of guilt in the pit of his stomach. He knew he was missing out on precious moments with Violet, but he couldn't tear himself away from his work. And as much as he hated to admit it, he also enjoyed the thrill of solving mysteries and uncovering secrets. He never could have predicted the explosive situation that awaited him at home.
Francisco pushed open the creaky door of his cramped trailer, his heart racing with anticipation. "Violet, I'm home!" He called out, expecting to see his daughter sitting at the dining room table as she always did. But to his surprise, she was nowhere to be seen. "Violet?" He called again, his voice echoing off the empty walls. His chest tightened with worry, a knot forming in his stomach.
He sprinted up the narrow staircase, his steps heavy and frantic. Bursting into his daughter's room, he found her hunched over her scout board, tears streaming down her face. She was tearing off pictures and notes, her sobs muffled by her shaking hands. "What's going on, Violet?" Francisco asked, his voice gentle but urgent as he wrapped his arms around her trembling form. He needed to know what was causing her so much pain. "What's wrong?"
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Violet's sobs echoed through the room, tears pouring down her face. She couldn't understand why she didn't fit in, why some of her fellow scouts looked at her so strangely, and made cruel comments as they passed by. Francisco's embrace was comforting, but it couldn't silence the thoughts that tormented her. "What's wrong with me? Why am I so ugly?" she cried, her voice cracking with pain. Her father's gentle smile did little to soothe her. She gazed into his eyes, searching for answers, but all she saw was a reflection of her own confusion and insecurity.
"Sweetheart, you're not ugly at all," he said, his voice laced with sadness. "You're beautiful. There's nothing wrong with you." Violet's heart clenched at his words. She wanted to believe him, but the mirror told a different story. She couldn't escape the harsh reality of her appearance, no matter how much her father tried to convince her otherwise.
"But I don't want to be different," she wailed, her hands flailing helplessly. "I want to be normal." Francisco's expression grew pained, and he took a deep breath before continuing.
"Violet, I'm going to tell you the truth. I've been keeping this from you, waiting for the right time to tell you. But you're old enough now." He paused, his eyes searching hers for understanding. "You're not entirely human, Violet. Your mother...she wasn't from Earth." Violet's mind reeled at his words, unable to comprehend the truth behind them. Her mother, not from Earth? It was too much to take in. She collapsed into her father's arms, seeking comfort and understanding in his embrace.
"But...how? Why?" she sobbed, her tears soaking into his shirt.
Francisco held her tightly, his voice trembling with emotion. "I don't know all the details, Violet. It's all a blur. But I remember waking up from a strange dream, and now I know it wasn't a dream at all. I believe I was abducted, and you...you were the best gift they could have left me with."
Violet's heart swelled with a mixture of confusion and wonder. She had always felt different, but she never could have imagined this. She looked up at her father, her eyes filled with questions. "What does this mean? Will I always be different?"
Francisco's gaze softened as he looked at his daughter, his voice filled with love and pride. "Yes, Violet. You will always be different, but that's what makes you so amazing. You have a strength and resilience that most people could only dream of. And your mother...wherever she is, I know she would be so proud of you." As Violet processed her father's words, she couldn't help but still feel angry and upset. She was no longer just a girl struggling to fit in, she was a powerful and unique being, with a mother from a world beyond her wildest imagination. And she knew, deep in her heart, that she was loved and cherished by her father, no matter what. However, it wouldn't make the road ahead of her any easier.
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alittlefrenchtree · 5 months
Hi! I'm really curious about this cause I've seen similar opinions online and I love reading stuff like this! It makes me understand myself better and makes me understand why I like things more. You can call me Curious Anon, lol, cause I'll send 2nd and 3rd ask but you wrote this when someone asked you if Taylor's acting was good and part of your reply was: "I met him with Alex, so let’s start with Alex. Unlike many, I was more pulled in and hooked by his performance than I was with Nick’s one. (Not saying Taylor’s better than Nick (nor the other way around), let me finish)". How were you hooked more by Taylor's performance as Alex than Nick's as Henry's? Could you please elaborate on your first viewing experience with RWRB a d how you came across it?
Hi there, Curious Anon ☺️
Again, thank you for taking interest in my opinions and giving me opportunities to ramble some more 💜 I really appreciate it!
How were you hooked more by Taylor's performance as Alex than Nick's as Henry’s?
It’s hard to define how, to be honest. I can give lines of thoughts but I’m not sure how much each played in the part.
Part of this is actually related to being hooked first by Alex himself as a character, so it’s hard to tell how much is thanks to the character himself and how much is about Taylor’s work. I guess it’s also because it’s very much a story from Alex’s POV and you have to wait a bit to have a close look at Henry.
About the performances themselves, and I’m going to try to not elaborate too much on that because the answer will overlap the ones for your second ask, but the general idea is:
I knew nothing about both of them before watching the movie. Have never seen a second of any of their work nor of videos as themselves so I knew nothing nothing about them. So there was no "oh that’s not Alex, that’s Taylor" moment nor "that’s Nick and definitely not Henry right there" moment per se. That being said, Alex was just Alex from start to finish. I was just watching a real person, organically existing on my screen. 
For Henry… There were some scenes, during my first watch of a movie, when my feeling was closer to "I’m watching an actor act" than "I’m watching a real person experiencing life". A bit like seeing the ropes I guess. In my eyes, it doesn’t mean it’s a bad performance or that one is better than the other. And again, I have reviewed and nuanced many aspects of this opinion since then, it really doesn't mean anything at all anymore. Nick’s people don’t come for my throat just yet please 🙏 I’ll elaborate more on Henry and Nick in the next ask. Click here to read me gush about Nick.
Could you please elaborate on your first viewing experience with RWRB a d how you came across it?
There are some elements of answer here.
Like said, romcoms aren’t really my thing but I had a good time. I thought it was flawed but refreshing and cute. Most of all, I’m happy it exists and is successful for all the reasons that queer people deserve good, light, silly and positive stories for entertainment. 
Honestly I didn’t expect to post that much about it and certainly didn’t know I would still be talking about it months later and harassing prime video for a sequel announcement. And to be honest, I’ve read the book only once and didn’t watch the movie that often. I’ve already spent more time reading fan fictions about it that consuming the source materials. It’s a weird kind of addiction, actually 😂 I’m not sure how much or in which directions you wanted me to elaborate on that point, but I was like "I like it ok" but kept going back to it because I wanted more soft fun and more funny softness from them (and for them).
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artfullypoetic · 2 years
Perfect [One-Shot, Completed]
Title: Perfect
Summary: Sasuke finds himself faced with the opportunity to travel back in time once again. Where will he go? What will he see? Fluffy SasuSakuSara one-shot written for SasuSaku Month 2022! Prompt: time travel
Disclaimer: I do not own nor did I create Naruto. This was created solely for entertainment purposes.
Rating: General Audiences
FF.net Link | AO3 Link - Reviews are greatly appreciated!
Sasuke leaned back against the bark of the tree in which he was currently perched. A sudden fatigue overwhelmed him and he was sure that if he allowed his eyes to close, his body would slip from the branches. He pinched the bridge of his nose and inhaled sharply, willing the quick thumping of his heart to steady. But despite his best efforts, the familiar sting behind his eyes continued to grow.
Below him and past the thick branches of the oak tree, was a home that he knew so well yet never allowed himself to feel welcome in. Through the window, he watched the even breathing of a sleeping child— his child. His heart lurched when she tossed and turned.
Though Sarada was now eleven years old, the Sarada before him was only a few months shy of turning six. As he watched her, he yearned to open his arms to her, to tell her that her Papa was here and that there was no need to question his love for her. But even in this vulnerable state, Sasuke knew the dangers of disrupting the past. He was not one to toy with fate but when given the opportunity to travel back in time, he no longer had the willpower to resist. 
Sasuke and Boruto had just returned from their journey back to Konoha and with Urashiki defeated and Naruto’s life saved, he could finally relax. But there was one thing that bothered him—one thing that he had to see for himself. Just this once, he thought, he will allow himself to indulge in his own selfish desires just this once. 
And so he traveled back in time, not to change the past or protect the future. This time he was here in this timeline so he could see the life he left behind when he embarked on his world-saving mission. For once, he wanted to see the things he was only able to hear about and hoped he could picture as vividly.
Sasuke sat up straighter when he saw Sarada stir awake. He watched as the small child slid out of her bed and out the door. He followed her with his eyes, watching her movements through the windows and praying that she wouldn’t move out of his sight. 
He realized then that she was heading to Sakura’s bedroom—actually, his and Sakura’s bedroom—where his wife was currently sitting against the headboard with a book, reading in the dim light. He watched silently as little Sarada climbed into the bed and rested her head on her mother’s lap. Sakura smiled, so gentle and soft, and ran her fingers through her daughter’s black hair. 
Concentrating, Sasuke could make out the sound of Sakura’s humming through the open window. He couldn’t stop the smile that played at his lips as the scene before him caused warmth to spread throughout his chest. But underneath the comfort he felt as he witnessed the tender moment between his wife and daughter, was the ever-growing guilt and sadness that seemed to plague him constantly. 
He imagined himself there beside them. He imagined his past self giving up his mission completely—world be damned—so that he could spend every waking moment with his family. It was too late for him to change the past but the vivid images in his head brought him a sort of comfort. A fleeting sense of solace, but he welcomed it nonetheless.
“Mama, do you think Papa will come home tomorrow?”
The small voice was barely audible but Sasuke’s acute ears caught every word. At the sound, the tightness in his chest returned and he gripped the fabric of his cloak with a tense fist.
“Maybe, but I don’t think so,” Sakura answered. Her tone was gentle but he could hear the hint of sadness beneath her words. 
Silence followed for several long beats until Sarada finally spoke again, her voice barely above a whisper, “How can I be sure that Papa loves me when he’s so far away?”
Sasuke’s breath caught at her question and he fought back a choke in order to not give his position away. The tightness in his chest was painful now, cloaking him in a dull ache. He pushed it away, telling himself that there was no use in feeling this guilt when there was nothing he could do to change it. But for once, he wasn’t strong enough.
“Sarada, remember when I had to leave on that mission last month and you had to stay with Aunt Ino?”
“Yes, you were gone for a long time.”
Sakura chuckled, “Yes, I was, wasn’t I?” She placed her book down and turned her full attention on his daughter who now sat upright beside her. “Did you stop loving me just because I wasn’t there?”
“No, Mama! Of course not!”
“Exactly,” Sakura cupped Sarada’s cheek with one hand and tucked loose strands of black hair behind her ear with the other. “The same goes for your Papa. Just because he can’t see us doesn’t mean his love is any weaker. If anything, your Papa’s love for you grows stronger everyday and that’s what protects him when he’s on his mission.”
“I protect him?” Sarada’s eyes widened. 
“Of course you do. Papa does his best to protect the village because he loves you and that love keeps him focused on his goals so he can always win his fights.”
“Is Papa the strongest Shinobi?”
“Of course he is!” Sakura raised a fist in the air, “We Uchiha are the strongest and you should always be proud that he is your Papa.”
“Papa is cool,” Sarada laughed as she lied back down on her mother’s lap, her small hands tugging the comforter to her chin.
“You bet he is. Make sure you tell him that next time you see him.”
With a final nod, the little girl fell asleep again as Sakura continued to run her fingers through her hair and hum a soft lullaby. 
As he watched the scene unfold, Sasuke let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. He owed Sakura again, it seems. He’ll have to add that to the growing list of things he needed to thank her for when he got home. Home, he thought. It was time for him to go home, not to this past home in front of him but back to the present where his wife and daughter were likely still anxiously waiting for him to return. 
With a final glance into the window, he committed the moment to his memory as he hopped from branch to branch and away from the past images of his family. The pace of his heart began to quicken once again as he reached the clearing in the forest where he would finally be able to reactivate his time travel device. 
Despite the guilt that continued to threaten him, his heart was full—full with the love he had and the love he received. As he set his destination to the present, he smiled. It didn’t matter what happened in the past. Yes, he made mistakes and yes, he wished he could do things differently. But despite it all, he had people who loved him unconditionally: a wife who selflessly cared for him and a daughter who revered him. 
And so Sasuke set forth and headed to the present, his chest aching at the thought of reuniting with his family. As long as they were there and they were safe, he thought, everything will always be okay. Everything will always be perfect. 
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thealmightyemprex · 1 year
Disney VHS review Treasure Island
So I have a fondness for old home media formats and have a bunch of Disney movies on VHS ,thought it would be fun to let my mutuals pick which ones I watch .And to answer your question ,I am watching these specific films on VHS ,cause it legit adds to the nostalgic feel
Requested by @ariel-seagull-wings our first film is :Treasure Island
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The plot of this 1950 film is Jim Hawkins (Bobby Driscoll ) comes into a poessesion of a Treasure Map ,and joins an expedition lead by the foolish Squire Trelawney (Walter Fitzgerald ) who hires a one legged sea cook named Long John Silver (Robert Newton ) who becomes fast friends with Jim…..Not knowing Silver is a trecherous pirate
So withthese VHS reviews I wanna talk about my personal relationship with these films,talk about my nostalgia for them …..Yeah this one I dont have any .I hsve nostalgia for the book which I read twice as a kid and funnily enough ,I have nostalgia for two other Disney film versions :Muppet Trasure Island (Which I shall review next month ) and Trasure Planet (Which I reviewed not long ago ). I knew of the film,the trailer was a bonus feature on the Treasure Planet DVD ,but I could never find it ,untl say about 2010 I think when I found the VHS at aflea market ….And the first time I tried watching I fell asleep cause I was tired and just never tried rewatching this VHS ..It wasnt till Disney+ that I finally saw the film in full a few years ago
Now this is a very important film ,being Disney's first totally live action film ,the sucess of this film ,lead to more adventure films shot in England then eventually to a big budget adventure film with 20000 LEagues Under The Sea which solidified Disney as maker of live action films as well as animation .Its also highly influential as Robert Newtons take on Long John Silver is SO iconic ,pirate talk we use now is just an impression of Newton.This film is certainly a classic…But for me its just missing something
My feelings of the film is it is a good adventure movie but its missing a spark . I think Byron Haskin (Later Director of War of the Worlds ) does a competent job directing ,the action scenes are decent , and the supporting actors do their job ,I especially like Ralph Truman as traitorous pirate George Merry (Also Patrick Troughton is a pirate here but you have to keep your eyes out for him cause he is basically an extra ) .However its kind of just a good movie ,I wouldnt even say its the best film based on the book cause it leaves out a bunch of good stuff (Poor Billy Bones ,Doctor Livsey,Captain Smollet and Blind Pew just feel kind of there.They even cut Pews death scene ) .I think the film became a classic beause the two central performances are really damn good .The central performances /central relationship is so good it elevates it
Now we get to the requestees questions,sopics they specifically want me to cover
1.Bob Driscoll and Robert Newton's performances as Jim Hawkins and Long John Silver , and their contrast with the side actors/characters
Bobby Driscoll I think is a great Jim Hawkins.Yes he is the solo American in a British cast but its not too distracting and Hawkins is kind oof a view point character ,but I think he nails the role ,I compare him to the two other straight adaptations of the book I have seen the 34 film where Jackie Cooper played Jim and the 1990 film where Christain Bale played Jim .Where I thought Cooper was too overthe top naïve and Bale too damn serious,Driscoll is how I see Jim ,a bit naive but a smart and brave kid .My favborite scene in the film is when he has to shoot Mr Hands , cause the look on his face shows both fear for his own life (If I dont shoot this guy he will kill me ) and the fear of can he pull the trigger (Do I have it in me to take a mans life ).Also while I like other takes on the Jim and Silver relationship ,I lkike the conflict in this version which is ,is the friendship real,I am micxed on the ending but I do like the moment where Jim is prepared to be shot but Silver cant do it (Though Muppets did it better )
Robert Newton is not a favorite actor of mine ....But Hot DAMN is he MAGNIFICENT here .He almost carries the movie .While Tim Curry is my favorite Silver ,Robert Newton is hands down the BEST .A key to Silver is he is a villain you just LOVE ,and boy is Newton a lovable rogue .You know he could stab you but at the sametime you wanna hear him tell you tales of his adventures .Im not surprised Newton reprised the role a few times cause he is excellent,he nealrly carries the movie and his performance is so gooo it elevates the film.ANd up to the end I love how ambiguious he is ,you dont know if he really cares for Jim or is just using him .Definately one of the best live action villains Disney has ever had
I think the problem with the supporting cast is they just feel like they are playing parts ......While Newton is embodying a character, I feel like there is a history to him before and after the film . All the other characters feel one note ,though they play those notes well .Trelawney is a blowhardt,Livsey is a nice smart guy,Smollet is stern,Hands is brutal,George Merry is rebelious ,Ben Gunn is kooky .They all are good,I especially like Geoffrey Keen as Hands ,Ralph Truman as George Merry and Walter Fitzgerald as Trelawney ......Ive jus seen other takes where some of these characters are better
2.The passing of the movie in the context of being a 1950 production
I think its very good in its time. I honestly think it is a very good adventure film ,and I see why it was a hit
Its legacy among Disney live actions films, and why it doesn't have a bigger following like 20 000 Leagues Under the Sea, Mary Poppins or Bedknobs and Broomsticks
In comaprison to those films,its not as grand.It has a great villain,good story ,fine action and there is some emotion .....But there is no SIGNATURE scene.This is a very dry talky film ,with one GREAT character . With the three you mention you get many great setpieces (Kirk Douglas and James Mason fight a Giant Squid ,Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke singing in a cartoon environment , Angela Lansbury on a broom stick leading an army of armor against Nazis ,etc )as well as great charcters and stories .When I think of Disney I think of my favorite scenes
OVerall,I want to stress ,I reccomend it ,it is a very good movie,I enjoyed it watching it and by Thunder ,Newton is amazing as well as Driscoll ....But I dont love it ,and I wish I loved it
@ariel-seagull-wings @goodanswerfoxmonster @princesssarisa@the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @filmcityworld1
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Dave Gorman - "America Unchained" (2006)
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Another long review of a Britcom book I recently read, so be prepared to see lots of words below:
A few months back, I decided to watch Dave Gorman's "Are You Dave Gorman" TV standup special, which aired in 2001, cause I heard it was a super-influential piece of comedy history that had such a batshit crazy premise I couldn't possibly pass it up. And turns out I didn't just enjoy it, I loved it so much that I immediately went, "I'm gonna have to check out everything else this guy has done." (I of course knew him from Taskmaster first, but his performance there wasn't nearly as entertaining as his other work).
This takes me to "America Unchained," his 2006 nonfiction book and documentary film. When browsing his site for inspiration on what project I should check out next, my rationale was, I'm an American, he did a project where he drove across America without purchasing anything from chain businesses/corporations. It was a no-brainer.
To quickly sum up the book's synopsis: Dave initially toured America in the mid-2000s, which he found to be a miserable, depressive experience. Bouncing from chain hotel to chain hotel in major cities, the constant homogeny of places he was visiting felt nauseating. To make up for this, he set out to take a proper trip through America on his own terms, by purchasing a car in California and traveling all the way to the other side of the country, without touching a single chain business. Along the way, he had his friend Stef behind the camera filming a documentary about the journey, before she dropped out halfway through due to a bad back. She was notably replaced by Andy Devonshire, who you may recognize as one of the Andys on Taskmaster. (Dave described Andy in the book as being a really busy man... in 2006. Just imagine how much busier he is now!)
About 500 pages later, I can confidently say that I loved the hell out of this book, and it gave me the strong feelings of euphoria near the end that "Are You Dave Gorman" gave me when I finished watching it. Just like that aforementioned project, "America Unchained" was a gigantic undertaking that cost lots of money, and the inspiration behind it was purely out of passion, rather than trying to get something out of it with an audience in mind.
I remember listening to Dave's appearance on the "Comedian's Comedian" podcast, where he complained that lots of large scale projects-turned-standup shows he'd seen were solely created out of a need to make something entertaining. The reason why Are You Dave Gorman worked so well, and why America Unchained also succeeds, is because the audience knows he started working on these projects because he already wanted to do them for himself. The fact Dave wanted to drive the length of America without using a chain business out of personal hubris and not because he wanted to make a specific audience happy makes the journey much easier to become invested in.
Back to the actual content of the book, though. On every page, I truly could feel the intense emotions running through Dave's head while driving through the country. As one would expect, the largest obstacle he had was finding gas stations that weren't owned by corporations. I was shocked at how lucky they got, even though their luck wasn't necessarily bountiful. Every time the journey would hit a wall, like their car breaking down several times, or the constant fear of running out of fuel, the way Dave would describe his feelings and desperation to finish the project made it hard to put the book down.
In one passage I'll never forget, Dave, a known vegetarian, was so distressed by the departure of his camerawoman Stef halfway through the project that he gave up hope, and forced himself to binge-eat meat from McDonalds and Wendy’s until he vomited, both out of disgust for the project seemingly failing and him actually hating the taste of meat. So yeah, for lack of a better term, shit got real.
But one thing I loved the most about this book was the way Dave had a genuine curiosity about the lives of strangers. Something I really liked about Are You Dave Gorman was how he didn't treat the many Dave Gormans he met purely as statistics to reach a goal, but also asked them questions about their personal lives, and gave the audience insight into who they were as people, rather than seeing them as faceless strangers. This time, he described American business owners who had their backs against the wall, existing within a sea of corporations and chained businesses. He spoke to people who survived hardships, and those who were still dealing with the harsh reality of being an independent business in this late-stage capitalistic world. In some cases, like Taylor's Fountain in Oregon (an ice cream/dessert restaurant so beautifully described I wish I could live there forever), he encountered Mom and Pop businesses on their very last legs. Oh, and the book is extremely funny too.
I won't spoil the rest of the journey though if you want to pick the book up, or watch the documentary for yourself. I just finished watching the documentary version an hour or so ago, and while I very much enjoyed it, the whole thing definitely paled into comparison with the written version. They cut out two of my favorite passages in the book: one where Dave breathtakingly ranted against the craziness of the Mormon religion while staying in Salt Lake City (including a tour of the LDS church with an actual Mormon), and another describing the rollercoaster of emotions he felt when a lovely shop owner was revealed to be an extreme homophobe. It sort of felt like watching a film adaptation of a novel you love, only in this case the novel was an expansion of the film.
Because I usually can't sit still after consuming something I enjoy, I went on Dave's website to see what he had on there, and I also had the urge to write to him. He had an email form on his website, and I typed out an entire message telling him about how much I loved the book, only to get an error message when hitting submit. I guess the form doesn't work anymore, which was a shame, but I saved the message anyway.
Hello Dave,
I recently finished reading your 2006 book "America Unchained" (and watched the documentary afterwards), and I wanted to say I loved it so much. I'm currently living in [redacted US state], so it was super fascinating to see a British comedian I enjoy trek across the country in the manner that you did. The book was super well-written, and I greatly admired the passion you had for this project. I'm also curious if you've bothered to check in on some of these businesses since the documentary and book were completed? I was relieved to see the Dog Bark Park in Idaho was still open and thriving, but perhaps lots of these unchained businesses didn't survive past the late-2000s recession. The entire project seems like an undertaking that can't possibly be accomplished today, considering how difficult it was 17 years ago.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I loved both versions of "America Unchained," and I'm looking forward to checking out your other works when I get around to them!
Maybe I'll reach out to him on Twitter if I'm feeling brave. Honestly, if this book showed me one thing, it's that a giant bed-and-breakfast shaped like a beagle exists in Idaho, and I'm making it my life's mission to stay there before I die.
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noveltyreads · 1 year
Seoulmates by Susan Lee Book Review
ARC kindly provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review
If you need a happiness boost, you have to read Seoulmates.
I absolutely devoured this book from start to finish. It was light, fluffy, absolutely readable and I found myself falling deeper and deeper in love with it with every page. It had everything I wanted: a summer romance, friends to lovers, angsty teenage main character and soft, actor love interest who honestly just needed a hug. This book has been on my to-watch list of 2022 and when I managed to get the ARC of it on NetGalley, I practically screamed in delight. 
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Seoulmates follows main character Hannah whose boyfriend just broke up with her, claiming they have nothing in common. When Hannah's childhood best friend, and now up and coming K-Drama actor, Jacob Kim comes back from South Korea, Hannah uses his knowledge to aid her in getting Nate to be with her again. What Hannah leaves out of the equation is her developing feelings for Jacob as they uncover what really went wrong that caused a rift in their friendship previously. 
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This book is told in two perspectives: Hannah's and Jacob's. I think this worked perfectly with the story and it allowed us to get further glimpses into their characters including their vulnerabilities and their desire, ultimately, to be loved. Hannah was trying to fit in with her American friends thinking that in order to do that, she needed to shut out the Korean part of her Korean-American identity. This in turn made Nate and his friends drift away from her, making the very thing Hannah was shunning out the thing that set her apart from the others. You could see the toll this took on Hannah and how underneath that angsty girl facade, there was a girl who just felt scared, sad and vulnerable. I could see how she just wanted to feel okay again and how she felt like in order to do that, she needed to prove herself worthy of Nate's affections. In the end, I'm glad she developed on her self-worth and self-esteem, realising that maybe things would never have worked out with him to begin with. 
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Jacob on the other hand was seemingly living a dazzled life in South Korea but the truth was far from it. He was an actor in a popular new K-Drama show which just got renewed for a second season. After a PR disaster, his management tells him to take a holiday while they deal with the problem. Jacob and his mum and sister decide to head back to San Diego for the first time in years. While Jacob questions his future on a TV show with restrictive rules on what he can and can't do, he starts to feel a little bit stressed from the pressure his manager and co-star put on him, telling him he's not good enough at his job. Eager to take a break, Jacob tries getting as far away from the spotlight as possible with the company telling him not to bring any attention to himself. Jacob's internal struggle was with being good enough for other people and you could see this conflict between what he loved doing (acting) and the expectations others had on him to be up to par. 
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I loved how both character's flaws were really shown in this book and I think that's why I found I could relate to the characters as much as I did. Hannah was angsty but you could see how much she cared especially with how she wanted to become an immunologist to help people with allergic reactions after seeing how it affected someone she knew. While she tried hiding it on the inside, you could see past the facade and I liked how the book dealt with breaking down those shields Hannah put up around herself. Jacob was slightly more transparent in my opinion, but I loved seeing how gentle he was with Hannah and his compassionate and warm nature. 
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On top of the characterisation, I really liked the family dynamics between the Cho's and the Kim's. I love books with family at heart and great banter and it makes me so happy when said family dynamics also come with home-made food and cooking. This book made me hungry for Korean food so my recommendation is to have a few snacks on hand while reading this. 
All in all, this book made me happy, with cute, relatable characters and deep themes. Minus, the vomiting scene at the start, this book, to me, is close to five stars. 
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the-cat-chat · 27 days
April 27, 2024
Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
After a stint in a mental institution, former teacher Pat Solitano moves back in with his parents and tries to reconcile with his ex-wife. Things get more challenging when Pat meets Tiffany, a mysterious girl with problems of her own.
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Warning: Review may contain spoilers. Read at your own risk.
JayBell: The only thing I knew about this movie before watching it was that Jennifer Lawrence won an Oscar for it and also tripped up the stairs while going onstage. Because I remember that happening, and the fact that it was 10+ years ago makes me want to cry cause it makes me feel old.
I like that this movie showcases a rather unconventional love story between two verrrrry imperfect people. It feels more unique and interesting as a result. And it's true, having severe psychological issues doesn't make you immune to falling in love. Their characters are so troubled, but they kind of bond over being troubled if that makes sense. They are dysfunctional separately and maybe slightly less dysfunctional together.
I have nothing but good things to say about the performances, Jennifer Lawrence especially. Bradley Cooper portrayed an extremely intense character, and his level of desperation and denial had me on edge in the beginning of the movie.
Now I don't think this movie makes it into my favorites for several reasons.
Some elements of the plot feel disconnected from the others. For example, their individual psychological issues (especially Bradley Cooper's character's) is kind of dropped from the story? The explorations of their psychological issues appears significant in the beginning of the movie, but isn't given that same treatment all the way through. Similarly, some family conflicts feel unresolved as does the whole married friends situation.
It's also a little crazy how absolutely no one in Bradley Cooper's family confronts him about how unhealthy his former relationship with his ex was (except briefly from JLaw). He's obsessed with getting her back, but his parents never ask him why he wants her back after the affair? I get that they may be reticent to bring it up directly, but they never even hint or imply that his former relationship was an undesirable one. I would have appreciated at least an attempt to talk to him about it, even if the conversation is shut down.
In the end, I appreciate a different kind of love story with complex characters and good acting, even if I didn't end up loving the movie as a whole.
Rating: 6/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: I have to start by saying I don’t typically rewatch movies a lot- but when this came out so many years ago, I loved it and it ever couple months or years we’d give it a rewatch. So it was TIMEEEEE!
Now is it a little cringe 12 years later?? Uh yeah. The iPod thing really messed me up. They don’t even make iPods anymore. 😢 And does it feel more overwhelming nowadays?? Yes. For sure. And am I more aware how the father and family is way more messed up than I first realized. Yes. But that all is really what makes it a good movie- the actors do such a good job at portraying not only mental illness but also life, and how mental illness affects family dynamics and relationships and how when you love someone that has mental illness you have to go through it with them ( unlike his stooopid cheater wife) Is it absolutely 10/10 perfect??? Noooo - but neither is real life so hey- I think it’s still preetttty good.
^ special shout out to his manic 3am rant about books. I felt that. (And the look on Robert De Niro’s face).
Rating: 6/10 Cats 🐈
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