#and i never had that hang out on the weekends-go to the mall-just chill and exist together friendships
im-like-if-a-girl · 9 months
kinda sorta super sucks that all my friends are off at college and I can't hang out with them whenever I want :(
#im so fucking lonely#i miss my friends#and i never had that hang out on the weekends-go to the mall-just chill and exist together friendships#it always took months of planning to get together with someone for a night#and sometimes they would cancel the day of. or worse. never even show up.#i need to do something with my life#i want to go places. experience things. but id like to do all these things with a friend.#im scared to go by myself places. strength in numbers. and im insecure#but like i said. my friends are gone.#so i normally go places with my mom or younger brother. like a loser without friends.#*(sigh)*#im gonna make my cat a bed with some fleece remnants i bought from work.#i hope she'll like it. i hope she'll use it.#i have it all planned out in my head. im gonna take a box from work and line it with stuffing and maybe some soft memory foam#and ill take the fleece and line the box and then sew and stuff a cushion and it will be all soft and warm for her.#my cat is my life.#work distracts me from my loneliness. i work so much i dont have time to think. except for at night.#at night when the reality of my situation hits me#my friends are gone for the year and i have no one.#i have my cat and my family and that should be enough but it just isnt sometimes yknow.#friends are different.#i dont have anyone to talk to besides my mom and my therapist.#id like a friend to complain to. to shoot the shit with. to talk to about life and annoyances and pleasures and work and everything#ah fuck. ive got to get to bed before i fall asleep on the couch with unbrushed teeth.#this is im-like-if-a-girl signing off for the night after using her personal tumblr as a diary. good night or good morning wherever you are.
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minty364 · 3 months
DPXDC Prompt #142 Part 1
It had been a few days since his birthday, his parents forgot again but that was how things went in his family. At least his sister, Jazz knew how to throw something together quickly so he at least got to spend it with her and his friends. Speaking of his friends, they were hanging out in the park together. They had gotten close over the summer. Trips to the Nasty Burger, followed by trips to the mall and then late night sleepovers were the normal weekend pattern for the trio especially the later in the summer it got.
They’d talk about all sorts of things while swinging or chilling around the slide. Currently their conversation had drifted towards which superpower would you like if you had the meta gene. Strangely the whole town seemed to be meta free. Not that anyone in the town hated metas just that no one possessed the gene. 
“I think I’d like to be able to control Technology with my mind.” Tucker said, pointing toward his forehead in emphasis, “ I’d never have to set poor Lucy down again!!” He hugged his current PDA tightly. 
Sam and Danny shared a look while Sam rolled her eyes. “I think I’d like to control plants like Poison Ivy. I wonder if she’d be up for a goth side-kick” Sam said, punching the air in front of her with her fist. “What about you Danny?”
Danny took a few minutes to mull over the question before answering, “I think I’d like to fly. Even if I don’t get into the college I want I’d be able to fly up there anyways.”
“Pfft, bring me back a piece of a meteorite when you do,” Sam chuckled. They all knew their dreams of getting powers would never come true. Not without the meta-gene anyways.
“Sure,” Danny shrugged, “Oh, by the way since my parents are out of town I’m going to check out the portal to see if I can get it running for them. Want to see it?”
“Dude, that’s sick! Unfortunately my parent’s cousin is flying in tomorrow and I’ll need to help prep stuff” Tucker said sadly. 
“I don’t know about that Danny, your parents are great but I don’t know if I trust this portal” Sam said, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I wouldn’t worry it’s not likely to actually work or anything,” Danny shrugged. 
Soon the trio had to get back to their respective homes. Well Sam and Tucker did. Danny’s parents were out of town at some convention. 
They had left Danny and Jazz home alone and they gave instructions for Danny and Jazz to take turns cleaning the lab and making sure the portal didn’t suddenly turn on while they were gone. They had tried before heading out for their trip but unfortunately nothing happened when they turned it on. 
Danny wanted to check it out for them when he was done cleaning. He also figured if he could help his parents with their science it would be easier for him to get into the college he wanted to achieve his dreams. 
He quickly finished cleaning, and then put on his hazmat suit. Sam had once made fun of the Jack Fenton sticker placed on the front and fortunately it was easy enough for Danny to remove. Then he took a calming breath and stood in front of the portal. As it stood at the moment, it was a dark hole in the wall that seemed to suck all the light out of the room. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he suddenly got the urge to run out, maybe he could come back with Sam and Tucker? Unfortunately he knew his parents were back tomorrow so if he wanted to help he needed to do it now.
Stealing his nerves he took a step forward and then another. Into the tunnel he went. It was then he realized he made an error when he found something caught on his foot. He flailed as he tried to catch himself and his hand pushed some kind of button on the wall.
A flash of white light and he felt an eternity of agony. It felt unbearably hot as Danny could feel himself being melted and then put back together. Soon he lost consciousness as everything went dark.
He wasn’t sure how long he was out but he definitely wasn’t at home anymore. He seemed to be in the hospital, the usual medical supplies seemed to be all around as well as a few things he couldn’t identify. He didn’t seem to be attached to any monitoring equipment which seemed a little off but the fact he weirdly didn’t seem to have any burn marks on him. He was sure the portal should have killed him and the fact that he was somehow completely unscathed made him a little worried. Maybe he did die?
His thoughts were interrupted as someone walked into the room. They had messy blond hair, blue eyes, and wore a trench coat. He looked relieved when he saw Danny was awake.
“Took you long enough, kid you were out for a whole week!” The newcomer exclaimed. 
A week. 
The thought swirled around in Danny’s head. That meant his Family thought he was missing. Sam and Tucker knew he was missing. That also meant he missed the first week of school. That probably wouldn’t look well on an application. 
He could tell his thoughts were spiraling a little but he couldn’t help it. He didn’t even know what exactly caused him to be out for that long. 
He thought about what could’ve happened to end him up in a hospital and then the thought occurred to him. 
The portal. 
“What about my parents' portal?” Danny asked the guy.
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nctzenluvies · 3 years
𝖏𝖊𝖔𝖓𝖌 𝖏𝖆𝖊𝖍𝖞𝖚𝖓 𝖝 𝖋. 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗
𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘 : 1.7k
𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖔𝖚𝖙 , 𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖌 , 𝖉𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 , 𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖉 , 𝖘𝖒𝖚𝖙 , 𝖉𝖊𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌 , 𝖗𝖆𝖜 𝖘𝖊𝖝
you were walking outside of the school and of course, it was a friday, meaning everyone was getting their invites to the popular kids "frat party". all you knew about the parties, is that they consisted of drinking, weed, and apparently drugs too. you genuinely didnt expect for anyone invite you.
"hey, y/n!" someone said behind you.
"remember? its me, cay!"
"oh yeah! hi! whats up?"
"well, i got permission to invite some people to this weekends party, and we had a few extra slots so, i thought to invite you!"
"oh? sure, i can go.. but when is it?"
"tomorrow night, i can text you the address, your number is still the same right?"
"yeah, it is. thanks so much!"
"of course, do you need a ride?"
"no thanks, ill have my friend drop me off."
cay walked away and went to the back of the school as you got into the bus and sat next to one of your friends, that happened to also be invited to tomorrows party.
after about 10 minutes, the bus had finally made it to you and your friends neighborhood. you got off the bus, said your goodbyes to your friend and walked home. once you got home, you went up to your room and unpacked your things.
"dude, i cant believe we both got invited to that tomorrow." your friend said on the phone.
"i know! should we make outfits?"
"uh.. yess?!"
the two of you made outfits and got opinions from one another. your friend had to hang up because their mom called them, so you just decided to make a list of stuff you needed to bring.
"gum... chapstick, tissues? do i need that?"
you threw what you could pack now into your bag, and got pajamas to go take a shower.
you took a quick shower, and went down to your kitchen to make food. you made something simple with what you had in your fridge. after eating, you watched netflix for an hour or two, then went to your room to sleep.
𝒷𝑒𝑒𝓅.. 𝒷𝑒𝑒𝓅.. 𝒷𝑒𝑒𝓅..
your alarm went off, it was 10 in the morning. you got up, and got ready in a comfy outfit for the day. you had planned to spend a few hours with your cousins at the mall, then go home and get ready for the party.
your cousin picked you up, you guys went do the mall, got coffees, ate food, and shopped around for 3 hours.
your friend was at a store nearby, so she went to come pick you up.
"hey! did you have fun?" she asked.
"yeah, i got a bunch of stuff haha."
"thats good! you could use something for tonight!"
"true, is that what youre wearing tonight?"
"no, i just went to the shop to get groceries, so of course not."
"thats what i thought."
you two blasted music on the way back to her house. you got there, helped he put the groceries away, and walked back to your house. you just chilled for about an hour before getting ready.
you hopped out of the shower, and called your friend.
"hey, y/n. whats up?" cay answered.
"nothing, i just wanted to ask if there was a specific timing we needed to be there?"
"nope, you just have to be there by nine."
"oh alright. see ya!"
you dried you hair, and got a cute dress your cousin had bought you at the mall. you were packing a bag and your best friend called you.
"hey y/bsf/n, why you callin me?"
"nothing, i just wanted to let you know im leaving soon. so get your bag ready."
"will do."
you finished packing, got a water bottle, went to the bathroom, and walked out to see y/bsf/n waiting in her car out-front of your house.
"hey bitch! get in, lets go!"
the two of you headed out, screaming about each others outfits.
you pulled into a huge driveway leading up to a mansion. of course, the popular kids cars were pulling in as you parked.
"oh hey y/n!" cay said behind you.
"well, welcome i guess? let me show you around."
he showed you around his friends house, as someone caught your eye.
you pointed towards some really cute guy in the corner, "hey cay, who is that?"
"oh him? thats jaehyun, hes one of my best friends."
"ok, thanks."
"no problem.
you and your friend walked away to get a drink from the bar they had.
"girllll you have good eyes." your friend teased.
"what do you mean?"
"that jaehyun dude was cute."
"i know right."
"you should go talk to him! your hot, hes hot, perfect relationship!"
"fine, i will. be right back."
"ok, ill be over here!"
you walked over to the boy you had been looking at for a bit and said hi.
"hey, thought i just let you know i think your hot." you winked, walking away.
he twirled you back around, "well, i would say those feelings are mutual then."
"oh? show me then."
"with pleasure."
he pulled you upstairs to a room somewhere in the back of the house, and locked the door behind him.
it was dark in the room, so you couldnt exactly see him, but when he turned the lights up, he was already completely naked. he had the best abs youd seen in a while. man did you get the worst butterflies. he got on top of you, and tore your clothes.
"your a little slut, arent you."
he snickered, kissing your jawline, going down to your stomach. he threw your legs to the side, kissing the inside of your thighs. he threw your legs on his shoulder, giving you kitten licks, teasing you. jaehyun let go of your legs to say something.
"i never got your name, sweetheart."
he continued his teasing, but gave you zero warning that he was going to actually eat you out.
"mhm?" he said, sending a wave of vibrations through your body, causing you to almost moan.
after a bit, he let go of your pussy, "moan loader baby." so of course, you did. the more noise you made, the more he smirked probably thinking you couldnt feel it. at some point he started using his tongue way more aggressively, so you grabbed his head pushing him deeper in your folds.
he suddenly let go, looking straight in your eyes.
"you cant cum yet. your turn."
he got to the side of the bed, pulled you closer to him, and shoved his dick straight in your mouth. beside gagging at first, you did your job perfectly by how he was reacting.
he pushed you down away from him, and got back on top of you.
"youre going to listen to daddy, right?"
you nodded.
"you will stay completely silent until i say so."
he lined his cock up with your core and slammed straight in you, filling you up. he immediately went in and out of you, leading to you making a bunch of noise. he put a hand around your neck to shut you up.
"you stay quiet, remember?"
you nodded, trying your best to stay quiet. there was a bunch of people coming up the stairs, probably looking for jaehyun.
"jaehyun?" one of his friends yelled from the end of the hallway.
what sounded like two people came up to the door, stopped and listened. you held your breath, but jaehyun on the other hand just continued.
"oh shit, hes blowing someones back out."
"yeah, already? the party just started. i wonder who it is." your friend cay said.
"dude. lets go ask around and see who were missing."
𝑜𝒽 𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓉 , you thought to yourself. jay was going to figure out that your were being gut-fucked by his best friend, let alone, one of the most popular people in the building.
luckily as soon as your best friend heard people we're asking around, she texted you saying she'd be at the back of the house so she wouldn't get found out.
"oh shit!" you screamed.
the two of you reached your highs about the same time. all you felt was this warm liquid filling you up like crazy. he pulled out, picked you up and brought you to the bathroom. luckily he had brought you to bedroom that had a bathroom.
he cleaned you up first, cleaned himself up, and got you both dressed. jaehyun dragged you out of the bedroom, telling you to go to the back of the house after seeing your phone text message.
you ran down stairs, out the front door and saw your friend right on the side of the house.
"hey!" she yelled
"so, how was it?"
"good, hes so hot oh my god."
"well, look who it is."
"hello, im jaehyun, y/n's new boyfriend."
you looked at him, confused.
"wait, wait, we never agreed to that." you sighed.
"we did now."
"ok, ill leave you guys alone, good bye." your friend ran back into the house.
"jaehyun, really?"
"ive known you for like fifteen minutes."
"a good fifteen minutes." he winked.
you turned around to see cay yelling for jaehyun.
"im going to go over there." you whispered, pointing to the fence of the property.
"well, who was it?"
"who was what?"
"ya know, the chick you had in the room." cay said.
"oh, that? her." he pointed to you, causing you to look up.
"fucking seriously? ive been friends with her for a while and she never has hooked up with someone like you man."
"well i guess you can say hook up if you want."
jaehyun signaled you to come back over.
he wrapped his hand around your waist, "this is my girlfriend."
"uh, what? im so confused. havent you known each other for like 30 minutes?"
"yeah, but shes hot."
"alright, ive never seen that happen."
cay walked away, leaving the two of you to walk in together. you and jaehyun just drank all night, and went back to your house, eating and watching movies.
𝔞/𝔫: 𝔦 𝔨𝔫𝔬𝔴 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔰𝔲𝔠𝔨𝔰 𝔞𝔰𝔰 𝔦𝔪 𝔟𝔬𝔯𝔢𝔡 𝔰𝔬 𝔦 𝔴𝔯𝔬𝔱𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 :)
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sadwentz · 3 years
merry christmas!!!
pairing: oikawa x reader (iwaizumi x oikawa? like idk how to explain it just read)
warnings: non-con voyeurism, accidental voyeurism??? drinking, they're in university, implied femdom because i couldnt help myself.
word count: 1k
a/n: MY PART FOR THE SEWER COLLAB,,, THIS KINDA TRASHY BUT WELL ! ! ! ! ! this was not a FUN RIDE, I had to write this with the coconut mall music to GET SOMEWHERE??? probably iwaizumi likes oikawa but who knows???
iwaizumi hated big crowds, especially at parties like the one he was attending at that moment.
since he left his hometown for university in the big city, he always had a bad feeling about being surrounded by strangers, them intentionally trying to clash with each other on the dance floor, it wasn’t hajime’s thing at all.
but oikawa dragged him, his words were ‘iwa-chan, it’s christmas eve and we aren't going home for the weekend so we should party! together!’ so he had to bear with him being the social butterfly he was, running around the big house the party has held in. iwaizumi followed him around for a good twenty minutes until the crowd got bigger somehow and lost him.
he gave up searching for oikawa when he got lost on the second floor of the house. running around with a vodka bottle in hand wasn’t that great. it was truly a big house from some rich kids from oikawa’s major, iwaizumi didn’t know them but from his best friend opinión ‘they were great’, he only could trust oikawa’s judgement this time.
he wandered around the second floor for at least ten minutes until he needed to empty his bladder, too many doors and no bathroom in sight until he found one in the end of the hallway, he put the bottle on the floor and started doing his business. the door didn’t have a lock but he couldn’t care less at that moment.
his thoughts also wandered on what he should do, he didn’t want to attend the party but for oikawa he would do almost everything (maybe manslaughter if he asked nicely) so he had no choice when oikawa pulled the puppy eyes when he refused to go with him.
he zipped his pants and looked at himself in the mirror. with his peripheral vision, the bathtub of the bathroom looked almost cozy. he sighed as he stepped on the tub and sat there, uncapping the bottle and chugging it down for at least a quarter of the bottle.
in his inebriated state, he closed the curtains of the bathtub and giggled at the privacy that the hanging cloth gave him. he lied down on the tub and contemplated his life choices hugging the bottle of very delicious orange vodka.
a knock on the door threw him off.
his eyes widened as he hugged the bottle on his (very strong) arms, he heard a faint laugh until the door was opened with a creak. he stayed silent not knowing what to do, maybe it was someone who just wanted to pee in peace just like he did, or maybe a couple who wanted a place to make out.
based on the sounds iwaizumi was hearing (very close) clearly, it was probably the second option.
It was a couple, that was for sure, the moans of a girl were clearly entering his now red ears. he couldn't recognize who he was hearing but well, he was drunk, don't blame him. the moans escalated to whines for some unknown reason, but the whines weren't coming from the girl, because the chill that ran down the spine of iwaizumi was one of a kind.
why oikawa was getting railed in the bathroom? he claimed having class, iwaizumi expected minimum from him, at least fuck in a room for god’s sake.
what he should do when his best friend was getting the time of his life while he was getting drunk alone in the bathtub of some random house? why did he choose the same bathroom as he? should he come clean and let them know he's listening to the whole thing?
nah, he already has his hand under his sweats, rubbing his now hardened dick. he knew how oikawa sounded like, sadly he grew up with him, sharing room countless times, from pre-school to university so yeah, he had his moments of voyeur behavior.
but now? he was exceeding his own limits, he had never been so close to oikawa in this kind of situation, and now he was with a girl. he just should keep himself silent until they were finished and he could leave the bathroom and act like he didn’t hear his best friend fucking.
“fuck y/n, just like that.”
iwaizumi indeed knew you.
he didn't actually meet you in person but he heard oikawa gush about you a lot, i mean, good for him though, finally getting what he wanted in a dirty party bathroom, go off king.
he stroked his dick slowly, trying to keep the sounds coming out of his mouth to a minimum. oikawa grunting with every touch you gave him was driving iwaizumi insane, he wanted to look so bad at what was happening behind the curtain that was separating you both from him but he couldn't bring himself to move it away, the only brain cell working on his mind was trying to form a corporeal scene in his head, what position you were holding oikawa on, maybe he had you against the sink or vice versa, hajime’s mind ran wild.
“i need it now, y/n, please.” he heard oikawa whine and you chuckled, getting another shiver that forced him to close his eyes and harden the grip on his dick.
“since you asked it so nicely, yeah.” your voice was raspy, maybe making out with the legend was affecting your body more than you planned.
the loud whimper that came from oikawa’s mouth was enough to send iwaizumi over the edge. how versatile was his friend? one moment he was grunting and then literally mewling, iwaizumi was feeling kinda bisexual at the moment. the realization dawned on iwaizumi, this was way wrong, but he was already on edge so there’s no way he was going to stop the nut happening in his hand. christmas gone wrong apparently.
his ears were buzzing hard, maybe the vodka was working on his sistem but the sound he made when he came in his hand was just loud enough for oikawa and you to hear… very clearly. the air of iwaizumi’s lungs left quickly when you snapped the curtain open to reveal his pants and shirt with cum stains and his very flushed face looking directly at you.
you were about to yell at the voyeur guy sitting on the bathtub with his now soft dick in hand but oikawa squealed first, interrupting your coherent (manslaughter) thoughts.
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a-fluffer-nutter · 3 years
The Fox And The Turtle
A/N - Hey guys, this was such a fun fic to write! This was prompted by a lovely anon who commissioned me on my Kofi! To that wonderful anon, I really hope you enjoy and thank you so much for helping me out a bit, my boyfriend and I used the money to buy a celebratory dinner after we got accepted for an apartment! If anyone else would like their own amazing fic, let me know or head on over to my Kofi and let’s get the process started. 
This is a Miraculous Ladybug fic featuring Nino and Alya. Please Enjoy.
Word Count: 4,034
           The first time was unexpected, an accident really. She never expected to get that close to him, to want to be so close to him.
           Alya Césaire had invited Nino Lahiffe to a nearby café to talk. She had arrived early in the morning, wanting to finish some schoolwork and to get started on a new blog post. There was so much she needed to catch her blog up with, especially with what had happened the week before.
           Lady Wifi.
           She never wanted it to happen, why would she? She idolized Ladybug, most of her blog was dedicated to the hero, but she had been the cause of another fight Ladybug and Chat Noir had to undertake. It all happened because of her.
           The autumn breeze rustled the sleepy trees, sending leaves of orange, red, and yellow floating toward the ground. The air was just beginning to have a chill bite at the bare skin of passersby, but this didn’t faze the people of Paris, most of them thrilled that the summer heat was fading, and autumn was taking over again. Kids had just returned to school, most of the teens excited to spend their weekends at the mall hanging out with their closest friends.
           Nino was on his way to the café to visit Alya. He hadn’t seen much of her that summer, though had followed her online presence closely. It was hard not to, when Alya seemed to run a major blog in basically every topic. In fact, Nino had been browsing online forums about Donkey Kong a few days prior, wanting to prove some sort of point to his younger brother, when he stumbled upon a Donkey Kong fan blog Alya had made a few years before. Sure, she hadn’t touched it in a long time, but the fact that Nino had accidentally found something made by her had made him laugh at the time.
           Humming to himself, Nino danced between small puddles of water that speckled the sidewalk. Staring at his phone, he tried to think of a good playlist for the next school dance. It was that time of year again; the dance wasn’t going to DJ itself.
           “Britney Spears or Lady Gaga?” Nino muttered to himself, staring at the blank note page he just opened on his phone. He may have had Lady Gaga playing in his headphones at the moment, but that didn’t mean Britney Spears wasn’t a favorite of his.
           A church bell chimed in the distance, Nino looking up from his phone in panic.
           “Oh no,” Nino said to himself. He was late to his meeting with Alya. Nearly tripping over a stroller with a screaming toddler inside, Nino jogged toward his destination, still considering what Lady Gaga song would be the best to dance to.
             Alya recoiled as she burnt her tongue again. She had just sat down with her steaming mug, her third pumpkin spiced latte of the day. She might have enjoyed making fun of people who drink pumpkin spice lattes, but they were too good for her to resist.
           “Ow,” She moaned, her tongue sticking out slightly between her plump lips. She had a habit of just rushing into things, being impulsive. From risking it all to get the next big scoop to instantly taking a drink of something she knew would burn her tongue, Alya had a penchant for impulsivity.
           The chime above the door rang, Nino throwing it open with so much force that it startled everyone inside in the café. Giving an embarrassed smile, Nino gave a short wave to the older lady who spilt a bit of coffee down her dress. Looking up from her computer, Alya rolled her eyes at the sight of Nino, though she couldn’t help the smile on her face.
           “Hi Alya,” Nino grinned, pulling off his headphones and slipped them down his neck. “Sorry I’m late, I got distracted.”
           “It’s fine,” Alya replied, waving her hand, motioning for him to sit.
           “Before we start,” Dropping his backpack to the floor, Nino plopped down into his seat, sitting across from Alya. “Do you prefer Britney Spears or Lady Gaga?”
           “You can’t choose between the two of them,” Alya let out a laugh, thinking about her fan blogs she has created for both of them in the past.
           “You’re no help,” Chided Nino, Alya simply replied by sticking out her tongue, still numb from burning it.
           “Anyway, I wanted your help with something,” Alya quickly changed the subject, getting down to business. Nino smiled expectantly, tilting his head ever so slightly. “I need to update my blog about Ladybug, but I don’t really know how to do it.”
           “Oh, I thought this was going to be something important,” Nino laughed, laughing harder when Alya shot him a death glare. He lifted his hands, “I kid, I kid. But how can I help you with your blog? You know more about Ladybug than anyone else I know. Wait, this isn’t about Chloe, is it? If so, I’m not helping you snoop on her more. I don’t want to get into trouble.”
           “Oh no, I’m definitely never snooping on Chloe again, she definitely isn’t Ladybug.”
           “Then, what do you need?” Nino leaned back, glancing up at the drink menu above the front counter. He may have been interested in whatever Alya was talking about, but he was torn between whether to order a strawberry smoothy or a chocolate caramel latte.
           “Lady Wifi,” Nino’s eyes shot down at her words.
           “Why are you asking me about her, you are her,” His voice dropped, glancing around to make sure no one else could hear him.
           “That’s the thing,” Alya looked down at her keyboard, fingers circling the keys. “I don’t remember it at all. I guess that’s good, because I could’ve hurt someone really bad and I would have to live with remembering myself doing that, but I don’t, which is really weird. I just feel bad about battling my idol, like I could have really hurt her! I don’t want to do that, besides, what would I do if I can’t blog about her?”
           “Work on your other eight hundred blogs. Or you know, schoolwork,” Nino rubbed the back of his neck, letting out a short laugh when Alya shot him another glare.
           “Come on, Nino,” She sighed, leaning back in her chair. “Please help me.”
           “Okay, sure thing,” Nino smiled, leaning forward, placing a hand on her knee, giving it a small squeeze. “What do you want to know?”
           Instead of replying, Alya let out a stream of giggles, instinctually scooching back in her chair. Shocked, Nino pulled his hand back, lips parting.
           That was adorable.
           “Don’t tickle me, Nino,” Alya said, rubbing her knee, numbing the area of the ticklish shocks that just jolted through her muscles. “This is serious.”
           “Sorry,” Nino rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed by the blush he could feel painting his cheeks, crawling up to his ears.
           “Anyways,” Alya went on, ignoring Nino’s discomfort, and went on talking about Lady Wifi. Nino answered as many questions as he could, but he couldn’t stop the image of her giggling face from being at the forefront of his thoughts. Nino wanted to see it again but didn’t know when he would have the chance to.
                       “Nino!” Alya giggled, attempting to curl into herself.
           The attack had come unexpectedly, but there was not much she could do. Fighting back could give herself away, and it wouldn’t be for another few months that Nino would learn the new truth about her. She let him get away with the attack, though with her new strength, it was much harder to hold back.
           Nino sat over her, his knees straddling her thighs and hips, putting just enough pressure to pin the legs to the bench without crushing her. He sat triumphantly on her thighs, fitting perfectly between the hem of her jeans and her knees, which happened to be exposed that day thanks to the fashionable tears that came with them. He held her wrists together in one hand, surprised by how tiny her wrists were in comparison, he laughed victoriously once he had them pinned to the wooden bench, her hair messily entangled beneath.
           “Something wrong?” Nino teased, his free hand resting on her knee, feeling the short stubbly hair on her skin. Why shave in the winter when nobody was going to see it?
           “What are you doing?” Alya asked, voice trembling. The skin on her legs were coated with anticipatory goosebumps.
           Nino simply responded with a curt grunt and a slight shrug, then proceeded to squeeze the knee cap. Giggles filled her belly, rising to her throat like bubbles blowing in the wind. Alya bit back the laughter, her teeth pressing into her plump bottom lip, ruby lipstick painting a thin layer of gloss onto her teeth. She managed to hold back the laughter for a bit as he focused on squeezing just the kneecap but lost her composure a bit as he slipped his hand through the hole and hooked his fingers beneath her leg and scratched behind her knee.
           “Nino,” Alya squeaked before the vast number of giggly bubbles slipped through her control and turned into one of the most beautiful sounds Nino had ever heard. She squeezed her eyes shut, turning her head away so he couldn’t see her smile as well, though she fought the urge to tug at her arms.
           “Wow, Alya,” Nino cooed, his short nails still scratching at the skin, his fingers moving swiftly as if helping her scratch a persistent itch she couldn’t reach. “If you’re this ticklish here, you must be super ticklish everywhere else too.”
           Letting out a little yelp, Alya continued to giggle as Nino crawled his hands a little further up the leg and lightly traced swirls into the back of her lower thigh.
           Alya decided not to give him the satisfaction of conceding at all, of begging. Ladybug had just given her own Miraculous, which hid beneath her shirt, but she wasn’t afraid at this moment that Nino was going to see it. It would have to take a lot of thrashing for it to make an appearance, and Alya knew that wasn’t going to happen. Speaking of her Miraculous, Trixx was still hiding in her fanny pack, which thankfully was sitting next to her backpack on the ground below the bench. Lucky for Trixx, as he would be crushed by Nino if Alya hadn’t taken the fanny pack off before this all went down.
           “How about here?” Nino let out a small laugh as he quickly reached forward and latched onto her hip bone. Despite it not being that ticklish of a spot, Alya still let out a giggly gasp and a short kick. She dug the heel of her shoes into the bench, giving her something to focus on, grounding her just a bit.
           “Her giggle is adorable,” Nino thought, ecstasy flowing through his bloodstream, her smile and giggle like a drug to him. Though she was hiding her face, he could still see enough of her face to take in the beauty of it all, her lips curled up into a smile bright enough to rival all the stars in the sky.
           Needing more, Nino walked his fingers up just a bit to poke at her sides. Each poke elicited a giggle of a slightly higher pitch led Nino to the conclusion that this spot was a bit better than the last. Curling his fingers into a mimicry of claws, he pressed them into the softer flesh and began to vibrate his hand. This turned out to be a great technique.
           “No!” Alya nearly screamed, the dam finally collapsing and out flowed her wonderfully boisterous laughter. She let out another kick, then dug her heel back into the bench, trying hard to get control again.
           Ticklish shocks resonated through her body, sending surges from her side through her chest and into her throat, which continued to pour out waves of contagious laughter. Despite all this, she still did not tug at all at her arms. This was not satisfactory, not at all, to Nino. He wanted to watch her struggle, to writhe and laugh underneath him, under his ticklish touch. Alya, though, could not let this happen. She was a heroine, after all. A new hero, but still a hero that shouldn’t be taken down by something as silly as tickling. She knew she could fight it until Nino grew bored, she had to.
           “This a good spot?” Nino beamed, tempted to pull his other hand down to do the same to her other side, but thought against it. He won’t let go until she pulls free or begs.
           Nino didn’t know why he was being so sadistic all of a sudden, but he liked it. He liked seeing Alya like this, so flustered, so adorable...no. He didn’t want to admit it yet, he couldn’t like her like that, at least he didn’t think so. But she was so pretty, with eyes that glowed like gold coins and her lips as beautiful as rubies.
           “It tickles,” Alya broke Nino out of his thoughts, bringing out a laugh from him.
           “Well, I hope so,” Nino grinned, fingers stilling briefly before walking up to the base of her ribs.  “That’s kinda the point.”
           Alya let out a squeak as he gently prodded between her bottom two ribs. Nino’s grin spread wider as a devious idea flickered into frame in his mind.
           “Do you know how many ribs the average person has?” Nino asked, mindlessly tapping the same spot between the two ribs over and over, enjoying the small flinch each poke provoked.
           “Twenty-four?” Alya asked after a moment of thinking it over. Something like this should’ve come quickly, but she was a bit distracted at the moment.
           “Yep,” Another poke. “Let’s see if you have twenty-four, too.”
           Without a second to protest if she had wanted, Nino scratched at the lowest rib. Alya let out a breathy giggle, turning her head back so she could see him.
           “One,” Nino said before walking his fingers up to the next one. “Two.”
           “Three,” Alya found herself saying between nearly silent giggles. Nino raised an eyebrow, surprised by her participation. He briefly wondered if she was enjoying it but thought otherwise. Though maybe.
           “Four,” Her giggle became a bit more desperate. “Five.”
           “Six,” Alya startled Nino again, though pressed her face into her arm, hiding from him as much as she could.
           “Seven” Alya cackled, wiggling a bit in anticipation.
           The next three were in her armpit, which is standard anatomy. Alya knew this was going to be hard but tried to hold back as much laughter as she could. Unfortunately for her, it was not much.
           “It tickles!” She squealed, beginning to hysterically laugh as Nino counted the eighth rib. She couldn’t help but toss her head back, laughter pouring from her widely grinning mouth.
           “Nine,” It was hard for Nino to hear himself over her laughter, though he didn’t mind it all that much. That and he knew he wouldn’t be able to count a proper twenty-four. Alya likely didn’t know this fact, or at least Nino hoped so.
           Hands tightly balling into fists, her nails dug into the palms of her hands. It took a lot of effort to not struggle, her armpit being ruthlessly attacked by now, Nino having just announced the tenth rib, but didn’t really seem to be attacking it. Instead, he just scratched all five fingers along the exposed area. Nino was lucky that the day had been unusually warm for the end of autumn, as Alya opted to wear a tank top under a light jean jacket today, which she had taken off earlier into their hangout. This left nothing to protect her sensitive bare skin from his dull, scribbling nails raking up and down this one armpit.
           “Want me to stop?” Nino asked, wanting to see what she would do. She responded by glaring daggers at him, though due to the current situation, these daggers were more like pencils, not very dangerous, but still hurts a little if stabbed by one.
           “Sure,” Was all Alya could say. She wouldn’t beg for him to stop, not wanting to concede. She could take it, but she wouldn’t mind at all if Nino was bored and wanted to stop. This, however, was definitely not the case.
           “That wasn’t very convincing!” Nino let out a laugh as he wore a goofy grin. “If you want me to stop, you have to say, ‘Yes, Nino the Great and Wonderful, please stop tickling me!’”
           “Never,” Alya exclaimed, then let out a shriek as he suddenly attacked her other armpit. The pads of her fingers teased the shaved skin, the sensitivity of this armpit higher than the last thanks to the long anticipation Alya had to endure. She knew it was coming, but still could not brace herself for it.
           “Well, that’s no fun,” Nino pouted, sticking out his lower lip ever so slightly. His fingers stilled for a moment, contemplating his next move. “Hm…how can I make you beg for mercy?”
           “You can’t,” Alya chided, stretching her fingers as she breathed heavily, glad to have fresh air circulating through her lungs once more. “You can’t do anything to make me beg.”
           “Is that a challenge?” Nino sneered, raising an eyebrow. “Alright then, I accept that challenge.”
           Sucking in as much air as she could in anticipation, Alya tightened all her muscles and clenched her fists once again. Her heels dug back into the bench, ready to be a physical support in this endeavor.
           “Hm…” Nino poked the tip of his tongue out, contemplating his next move. Her armpits were a good spot, but she would probably expect that. He could sit on her arms and attack both at once, but that wouldn’t give him any other options for tickling her, except for her neck. Her neck seemed promising, but for some reason, he just felt something was telling him not to, like something in his brain nudging him another way.
           He glanced down at her stomach, a very easy spot for him to reach in this position, and one she couldn’t defend whatsoever even if she tried.
           “Does this tickle?” Nino asked as he reached down as if to tickle her armpit, but then withdrew his hand quickly and went for her belly.
           “Yes!” Alya let out a snort after a shrill scream, her heels pounding against the bench. Nino’s hand teased at the softer skin from her hips to right below her naval, poking at just the right spots to make her cackle and throw her head from side to side. “It tickles so much!”
           Nino was shocked by how toned her stomach was, the faint outline of abs could be felt through her shirt. 
            “Have you been working out?” Nino admired her belly, tracing his fingers over the muscles. “I’m a bit jealous. Maybe we can work out together. But oh well, it sure isn’t stopping you from being super ticklish!”
            “Shut up!”
           “Are you going to beg me to stop?” Nino asked, his nails now skittering over an overly sensitive spot just beneath the left side of her rib cage.
           “Never,” Alya repeated, her hands hurting just a bit from how tight she was straining her fists. It just tickled so much; her belly being one of her worst spots. That and… “No!”
           “Aw, does Alya have a ticklish little belly button?” Nino cooed, single finger wiggling in her belly button like a worm wriggling around on a fishing hook. Alya’s laughter was loud, likely heard by all who resided in Paris. She flailed her legs, not able to steady or ground herself any longer, her heels bashing the wooden boards beneath her. Her hips bounced as she thrashed and turned, trying to get her wrists free without hurting him, but Nino wouldn’t let go. She still knew she could get free, but she didn’t want to use all of her newfound strength, not wanting him to know that she was as strong as a heroine now.
           “It’s so ticklish. It’s so cute!” Nino’s voice was cutesy, adorable, as if he was talking to a puppy. As his index finger swirled around in her navel, his other fingers scratched at her tummy, Alya letting out a howl of ticklish mirth and agony. “How can such a tiny little thing be so ticklish?”
           “Shut up!” Alya let out another snort as she shot her retort.
           “You want me to stop?”
           “I’m not begging.”
           “Fine,” Nino grinned, devious plan forming in his mind. Without any hesitation, Nino let go of Alya’s wrists and thrust his hand down under her arm and began to tickle her armpit at the same time as her belly was being obliterated.
           “Stop!” She finally let out, bringing her arms down, trapping his hand in her armpit.
           “I will only stop if you say the magic words,” Nino laughed, dipping his middle finger into her belly button to help his index finger. Letting out another few snorts, Alya shook her head.
           “No,” Alya repeated over and over, smacking his chest, though not very hard. “Stop.”
           “Nah,” Nino let out a chuckle as he bent over, his fingers on her belly stopping momentarily to lift her shirt up to the bottom of her ribs. Sucking in the deepest of breaths, Nino planted his lips onto the skin around her belly button and blew the largest raspberry he could.
           “Mercy!” Alya tapped her fingers against the bench, tapping out.
           “You’re welcome,” Nino winked, thinking his pun was pretty funny. Alya simply responded with a half assed glare. He pulled his hands and face away from her body and looked over her, his head tilted a bit to the side. “Are you okay?”
           “Yeah,” Alya said as she gasped in more air, her lungs trying to catch up from the lack of oxygen she has had for the last half hour or so, or at least she thinks it was that long. Her current perception of time was definitely a bit messed up. “That was a lot.”
           “Sorry,” Nino let out a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck. He lifted himself off her, standing up next to her. “I guess I went a little overboard.”
           “You think?” Alya smacked him with the back of her hand, finally feeling like she had the strength to sit back up. She rotated around to face him and put her hands on her hips. “I’m going to get you back, Nino. Mark my words.”
           “I’ll remember,” Nino winked, but he didn’t remember for that long.
           “You’re so mean!” Nino cackled, his head thrown back, his armpits being tickled by Alya, who was sitting behind him, her legs crossed, wrapped around his torso.
           “This is revenge, Nino,” Alya teased, quickly blowing a raspberry against his neck, eliciting a loud laugh.
           “It tickles so much,” Nino squeaked, wiggling around, but despite being the superhero, Carapace, he is not nearly as strong as Alya. She has been in the game for much longer, which he had just learned and was amazed that she didn’t literally kill him when he last tickled her. He was incredibly fortunate, but here he was, getting the worst punishment of his life.
           “That’s the point, Nino,” Alya grinned, slipped her left hand down and reached forward, grabbing at his knee, and squeezed.
           “Stop!” Nino yelled, his laughter louder than ever. “It tickled too much!”
           “Well, maybe you should have thought about that when you tickled me first.”
           “That was months ago,” Nino wheezed, too ticklish for his own good. While Alya had, quite possibly, the most ticklish belly button in the whole world, Nino was definitely more ticklish overall. Every inch of his body was ticklish, and his knees were quite bad.
           “Well, I like to hold grudges,” Alya gave a villainous laugh, now attacking his ribs and thighs.
           “I give, I give!” Nino let out a snort, unable to take any more tickling. “It’s too ticklish!”
           “Say that I am the best tickler in the world.”
           “Alya is the best tickler in the world,” Nino repeated, though thought about being snide, though thought against it. He really couldn’t take much more.
           “Good,” Alya said, withdrawing her body from his and stretched. “I think we’re pretty even now. Don’t you?”
           “Definitely,” Nino replied, unable to shake the phantom tickles he still felt. “We’re even.”
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mourntheantagonist · 4 years
Steve and Billy going camping with Max n the Party and all Billy wants to do is get in a tent with Steve
Hey I’m here thirty years later!
I had a lot of fun with this one so I hope this is kind of in the realm of what you wanted!!!
read on ao3
How a gaggle of fourteen year olds managed to convince Steve to take them all on a weekend camping trip was beyond him. Okay maybe it wasn’t. All it took was El’s signature pout and Steve was as good as gone. The real shocker however, is how they managed to convince Billy Hargrove of all people to tag along as well.
He’d heard from Max that their relationship had been slowly improving ever since that night at the Byers, and he’d have to agree with Max that Billy had truly become less hostile as the months passed. But this was the first time he’s ever seen Billy acting so brotherly.
Steve had driven the male party members out into the woods, while Billy, Max, and El had driven separately. The three were late, of course. But Steve’s not quite sure he can exactly pin that on Billy. El is definitely poor when it comes to punctuality. 
They couldn’t actually set up shop until the others arrived, seeing as they were supposed to select the chosen spot together. But as he watched the seconds tick by on his watch he grew more and more impatient he was close to saying fuck it and making it a boys only trip. That was until, seemingly on cue, the familiar roar of the Camaro echoed through the trees.
Watching Billy step out from the driver's seat was the first reminder that he hadn’t actually seen Billy in a while. Because so much had changed. His hair was less disheveled and chaotic as he remembered. But way curlier. It was slightly lighter too. The arrival of summer brought out the natural highlights in his hair. But it wasn’t just his appearance that had changed. Instead of exiting the car with the slam of his foot, the flick of a cigarette, and a predatory look… he was laughing. Laughing along with El and Max about something entirely unknown, and when asked, wasn’t revealed.
If Steve hadn’t let himself grow increasingly annoyed over the past fifteen minutes he stood there waiting, he might’ve cared to know. But the sun was beating down, he’d had to listen to Mike and Dustin argue about some Star Trek nonsense for the duration of the drive along with the time spent waiting, and he was starving. 
“You’re late.” Steve said dryly.
“That’s my fault,” Billy replied with some residual laughter from whatever was so funny. “I forgot to counter in Hopper’s 20 minute ‘protect my kid’ speech when I went to pick up El.”
“Well I’m starving. So let’s find a spot, and let’s find it quickly.” Steve probably should’ve tried at least a little to tone down his irritation.
“Someone’s in a mood.” Max says under her breath, causing El to break out into another fit of giggles.
The gang decided not to test their luck against a hungry Steve Harrington. Especially not one wielding a baseball bat coated in rusty nails. So they piled all their camping supplies onto their backs and hauled ass through the woods.
After only ten minutes of searching, they stumbled across a nice clearing just 50 feet off the lake with a picnic table and fire pit already set up for them. Perfect.
The guys started by setting up their tents, while El and Max worked on gathering twigs for the fire. Dustin has meticulously established the sleeping arrangements. Five small tents. Eleven with Max, Dustin with Will, Lucas with Mike, and Billy and Steve alone in their own separate tents. It’s the perfect set up so long as Lucas doesn’t bring up any conversation regarding Empire Strikes Back being anything lower than number one out of the entire trilogy. Because then there would be chaos.
But when is Mike not the problem?
After getting set up, they finally got to break out some delicious ham and swiss sandwiches (courtesy of Claudia Henderson), and Steve was finally entering into a better mood.
He couldn’t entirely credit the sandwich however, because something about this new and improved Billy warmed something inside of him. He was less abrasive and more relaxed. He wasn’t trying to prove anything to anyone and instead was allowing himself to have a good time. Teasing his sister rather than tormenting her. Tossing knowing looks towards Lucas rather than threatening ones. Okay scratch that. They were definitely threatening. But more playful. The typical older brother spiel. The ‘you hurt her, I’ll rip your throat out through your ears’ kind of thing. And he was actually trying to make conversation with him. Only slightly poking fun at him every now and then. Not for the purposes of taunting, instead just his typical charm showing through.
“So what you been up to this summer? Haven’t seen you since graduation.”
“I’ve been working at Scoops Ahoy in the new mall. Not much else really.”
Billy took another bite of his sandwich and nodded. “I recently got hired on at the pool. Teaching lessons and life guarding. Saving up for when I go out to college in the fall.” He didn’t swallow the bite before speaking. New and improved Billy didn’t have table manners he guesses.
“Oh really? Where you headed to?”
“Full ride at USC.” Billy let out a hollow laugh. “Dad’s pissed I’m not enlisting.”
Steve picked up on the way Billy’s smile faltered at the mention of his Dad. He’d remembered Max mentioning once or twice about how her step-father was an asshole. For fucks sake Billy got a full ride to a prestigious university and his Dad is upset about that? He couldn’t even get into Tech. 
“I think it’s awesome.” Steve finally said. “I didn’t get accepted anywhere so I’m probably going to end up going to work for my Dad at his company.”
Apparently Steve let his disappointment show in the last statement. 
“Shit that sucks man. Dads are shit.”
Steve lets his mouth twitch upward into a smile. He looks back down at his almost finished sandwich and lets out a slight chuckle.
“Yeah. Dads are shit.”
- : -
After they all finished up their late lunches, the kids decided to move the party away from the table and into the lake. They walked along the lake shore for maybe a quarter of a mile before finding an abandoned rope swing attached to a tree directly next to deep waters. Steve and Billy both notice as Max gets this fire in her eye and neither adult bothers stopping her before pushing an unexpecting Lucas into the water. The whole group bursts into laughter as he makes the splash, well everyone except of course for Lucas.
But quickly the rest of them joined him in the water. All of them swinging in by the rope. Surprisingly the most timid out of all of them was Steve himself, who in a moment of desperation had to have Billy give him a push. 
Billy followed him in with a much larger splash than he had previously achieved. But it wasn’t a competition or anything.
Billy emerged from the water like a fucking mermaid. Graceful. His hair was completely saturated in water yet his curls still managed to pack a punch. He glistened under the rays of the sun and with the reflection of the water beneath him. Steve felt chills up and down his entire body as he watched him float away on his back. Watching as his chiseled chest rose and fell with every breath and the light from the sun reflected off of the water droplets on his sun kissed skin. He would just excuse it for the cool temperature of lake water.
But it wasn’t that cold to be completely honest. It’s June. One of the hottest months of the year and the weather is peaking at nearly 100 degrees. The water feels perfect in actuality. 
Steve swims around for a bit with the boys, plays a couple rounds of Marco Polo, and then excuses himself to lie out on the shore. He watches as they all have a blast. Lucas and Max are basically trying to drown Mike. Will and Dustin are competing to see who can hold their breath underwater the longest. Will has been cheating the entire time and Dustin has absolutely no clue. Billy and El are off in the corner. He’s picking her up and tossing her into the water. They both appear to be having a really good time. Billy is surprisingly really good with El. He’s actually pretty good with all of the kids all things considered. Something must’ve happened when he wasn’t looking because he seemed to be the only one to bat an eye at the mentioning that Billy Hargrove would be joining them on the trip. 
Steve inspected the time and decided to give the kids their 15 minute warning. Sun set was inching closer and they still had other preparations. He watched as Max swam over to where El and Billy were and after watching them exchange a couple sentences, Billy swam away and towards where Steve sat on the shore. 
Billy pushed himself out of the water and dried himself off with a towel. He wrung out his hair and secured the wet mess of curls up with a purple scrunchie. He threw his sweatshirt on, zipper remaining undone showing off his exposed chest, and he plopped down next to Steve. 
Oh boy. Steve hopes Billy didn’t notice the fact that he was staring at him that entire time.
“So what’s the plan for the rest of tonight Stevie?”
Steve feigned annoyance at the nickname (though it secretly made him embarrassingly giddy). “Well we’re going to roast some hot dogs and make some s’mores and hang around the fire before bed.”
“Sounds like a plan Harrington.”
An uncomfortable silence grows from there. The two of them sitting side by side looking out at the lake in front of them. Nothing but the sounds of splashing water and giggling teenagers. Billy is picking at the grass. Thinking. Steve might say he even looks nervous.
“I’m sorry about last November.” Billy doesn’t look up from where it’s pointing towards the overgrown blades of dead grass. 
It’s not the snarky and forced apology he was expecting. To be completely honest he never did expect one. Seven months had passed since it happened and not a single word from Billy. He just left him alone like his sister demanded.
“I’ve wanted to apologize before. But I wasn’t in a great place and didn’t want to screw it up. I probably already did by taking so long.” He took a deep breath and finally looked up. Eyes focused on the lake and avoiding Steve’s gaze. “I needed to make sure I was apologizing for the right reasons. Not just to get my sister off my back or to somehow make myself feel better about what I did to your face. I needed to apologize so that you knew that I was sorry. And I needed to be okay with you not forgiving me for it. So that’s why I’m saying it now.”
 Billy finally looks over at Steve who has been staring at Billy with wide eyes. It’s weird, because when Steve thinks about it, he kind of forgave him a long time ago. Because yeah, what Billy did was shitty, but not completely unfounded. He’s been underneath someone like that, barreling into him without care, more than once. It would have been easy to say Billy and his interaction was nothing like what he had with Jonathan Byers. Billy was actually a bad guy. 
But that’s the thing. He really wasn’t. Not after everything happened. 
He wasn’t outwardly kind. But he didn’t start shit. He minded his own business and moved through high school the same way everyone else did. And after hearing Max and Dustin and El vouch for him to come on this trip, well that sort of just sealed the deal. He forgave him before he even apologized.
But here he was. Apologizing. And for some reason Steve was rethinking ever forgiving him. It made no sense. But somehow actually knowing and believing Billy was actually sorry made forgiveness harder. Like in his mind it was easier because Billy didn’t get to know that he was forgiven. He was scared by telling Billy that he would be justifying what he did. 
So Steve doesn’t respond. And he can tell that Billy’s upset about it. It’s only been ten minutes but he decides to call the kids out of the water anyway.
- : -
The sun was setting and everyone had gathered around the campfire to roast marshmallows. Things had been ever so tense between Steve and Billy ever since their conversation at the lake. No one else seemed to notice though. 
It was easy to distract himself from Billy’s saddened state by watching as Dustin set his marshmallow on fire. Every time without fail. Max wasn’t roasting hers, just eating the marshmallows straight out of the bag because she doesn’t like graham crackers. Billy was intently making the most golden brown marshmallow for El because she didn’t know how to properly roast her own. It was really sweet. Billy seemed happy to do it but at the same time he had that lingering gloomy look on his face that would come in and out of existence.
Steve felt a little bad because he did that. Yeah, it’s the guy who nearly killed him, but he didn’t want to make him sad. 
He brightened up a little bit when the bickering began between Dustin and Mike. This was the reason they couldn’t share a tent. Max, El, and Billy moved into their own conversation out of earshot while Steve tried to calm down an overly enthusiastic Dustin.
When the argument ended Billy was looking to be in a much better mood than before. It was a little odd. They noticed the fire starting to dim so Max and El quickly excused themselves to go gather some more twigs from the forest. 
Billy was poking at the fire with a stick, trying to keep it alive (masking a developing smirk on his face).
“Hey Steve!!” Max’s voice echoes. “There’s a gaping hole in your tent!” 
El is stifling a laugh. Steve doesn’t seem to notice.
Steve rushes over to inspect the damage and yeah, it’s a gaping hole alright. His entire body could fit through it. How did he not notice it earlier?
“Goddamnit!” Steve curses the air.
“I’m sure Billy wouldn’t mind sharing!” El says, albeit, a little too excitedly.
Steve looks over to Billy who is still poking at the fire. “Yeah. I got room, I don’t mind.” 
And now Steve can’t just say no. He’d have to give a reason and well… he’s kind of strapped for an alternative so, Billy’s tent it is.
- : -
They stay by the campfire until the sun has completely set and the fire has gone out on its own. They broke out a couple of Beers and after several minutes of constant begging Steve caved and let the party have a small amount of beer each, poured into a red solo cup.
“This tastes like shit.” Dustin made a ridiculous face.
“Still better than New Coke.” Mike chimed in.
Billy helped Steve carry his things over to Billy’s tent. It was extremely awkward. Billy hadn’t really said a word to Steve the entire time and now they were supposed to sleep side by side in a pretty compact space? This should be fun.
An over dramatic yawn released by Max was their signal to head to sleep. The stars were clear above them and they had a pretty eventful day. Steve made sure everything was good while the rest of them piled into their own tents. Once he’s sure the food is secured and everyone is where they’re supposed to be, he sucks in a sharp breath and makes his way over to Billy in his tent.
Billy is already in his sleeping bag. He’s got a book in one hand and a flashlight in his other. Steve quickly discards his shoes and jeans and covers himself in his own sleeping bag. 
They’re both facing away from each other. It isn’t until Steve hears the click of the flashlight and the illumination in the tent disappears that he realizes neither of them have spoken. 
Steve has been thinking about the apology all night. He planned to just leave it be. Maybe thank him for apologizing but leave it at that. But seeing how much he’s changed and seeing how sincere he was being told him maybe Billy deserved to be forgiven. He also looked like he needed to be forgiven, despite what he said before at the lake. 
“I needed to apologize so that you knew that I was sorry. And I needed to be okay with you not forgiving me for it. So that’s why I’m saying it now.”
“I forgive you Billy.”
“I said I forgive you. I’m sorry I didn’t say it back at the lake.” Steve took in a deep breath and continued. “I wasn’t sure if it would be the right thing. But you’re clearly not the same person you were that night. I just didn’t really see it at first. I’m going to have to get used to this new and improved version of Billy Hargrove.”
Billy smiled to himself. 
Steve smiled too. 
The tent grew silent again after that. But it was slightly less tense than it was before.
“Can I say something stupid?” Billy asks.
Steve turns over to face Billy. He laughs. “Yeah. It’d be nice hearing it come from someone else for a change.”
Billy doesn’t turn to face Steve, but he can tell that he’s nervous because it’s quiet enough to hear his breathing quicken.
“I like you. Like… in that way. Sorry if that’s weird.”
Steve is quick to respond.
“Hey, it’s not weird. Don’t apologize for that.” He’s thinking a lot about Will. He and Dustin had talked about it before. How they’d be sure to make sure that Will knew it was okay whenever he chose to tell them. He doesn’t see why that should be any different for anyone else. Including Billy Hargrove.
But he guesses this is kind of different. It’s not just a confession of being into guys. It’s a confession of being into a specific guy. The specific guy in question being Steve.
It would also be pretty hypocritical of Steve to be weirded out. Not two hours ago he was fully objectifying Billy’s shirtless body. He might not like Billy. But dammit he was definitely attracted to him.
“If you’re uncomfortable I can hike back to the Camaro and sleep there. It’s not a problem.”
Billy had already begun unzipping the sleeping bag. Steve instinctively put a hand on Billy’s shoulder. 
“Hey. Billy it’s seriously alright. Look at me.”
Billy hesitated before rolling over. Their eyes met and due to the compact nature of their current sleeping arrangement, their faces lie mere inches away from each other. Steve had planned something to say, but he instantly forgot when he looked into Billy’s eyes. They weren’t the eyes belonging to an egregious asshole. They were the eyes belonging to a scared kid that maybe, given the time, Steve could grow to like. 
He could try blaming it on the beer. But Billy and himself both knew he didn’t even finish the one. But still, Steve inched closer and kissed him. It was soft and gentle. Steve moved a hand up to caress Billy’s cheek. Billy gently grabbed Steve’s wrist and deepened the kiss. 
Steve could feel Billy’s smile on his lips. 
He slithered his other hand underneath Billy and pulled him in closer. Their bodies were completely pressed against each other at every point, save for the thickness of not one but two sleeping bags separating skin from skin. 
Still they could feel each other’s heartbeats increase as their pace did the same. The kiss turned from gentle to one filled with need. 
Billy began working at the zipper of his sleeping bag with his other hand and was able to break free. He rolled Steve over onto his back and situated one leg on either side of Steve’s hips. Their lips didn’t come unattached. Steve moved both hands to the back of Billy’s head and he took fists full of hair and tugged gently, causing Billy to quietly moan into his mouth.
It was complete euphoria.
Billy was in just his boxers. Meanwhile Steve was still beneath the thick material of his sleeping bag. Billy unzipped it quickly for Steve and immediately tossed it off of him. Billy snaked a hand underneath Steve’s shirt. Moving up and down the full length of his chest. Appreciating his minimal chest hair. On the trip back down Billy’s hand palmed Steve’s crotch where he was quickly becoming hard from all of the friction. Steve let out a gasp as he made contact. 
“We can’t. The kids’ll hear us.”
“Then you’ll just have to be quiet pretty-boy.”
Billy waited for Steve to give indication that it was okay to continue. Steve laughed and pulled him back down to meet his lips. Billy hiked up his shirt and they shortly separated to pull it over his head. Billy moved back in to Steve’s neck and sucked harshly on several spots before peppering kisses all along the length of his torso until he reached his navel. Billy stuck his thumbs underneath the waistband of Steve’s briefs and slowly rolled them down.
Billy moves so that he’s in between Steve’s legs and lowers his head into his groin. Steve feels as the tension builds in the pit of his stomach from the delicate touch of Billy’s tongue. Even under the chill from the night air he’s warm all over.
“Feels so good Billy, Fuck!” He quickly puts a hand over his mouth when he realizes he said that a little too loudly.
Steve is just lying there, experiencing the utter bliss that is Billy Hargroves mouth wrapped around his cock making him feel every sensation all at once. 
“I’m close.” He whispers. God he really hopes the kids are asleep.
“Come for me pretty-boy.”
And boy does he. Just the way he said it was enough for Steve. He was a goner at the mere drop of the words ‘pretty boy’.
Billy wiped away at his mouth and crawled back up to lay down next to him. Steve immediately pulls him into another kiss. He’s not quite ready to come down from the high he was currently in. Billy’s mouth on his was a fucking drug. 
It’s weird to thank people after sex right?
Steve settles for something else when they finally part.
“It’s my turn.”
- : -
The two of them wake up in a single sleeping bag. Steve has his arms wrapped around Billy’s wasted and his head tucked into the crook of his neck. Steve is sweating because Billy’s is a goddamn space heater.
He can hear the rustling of the tents outside and quickly wakes up Billy so they can get out of their current suggestive position.
Billy in his sleepy state gives Steve a quick kiss on the lips. He’s quickly woken up by Dustin screaming at everyone to wake up from outside the tent. 
“We’ll talk about this later?” Steve says with a laugh.
Billy nods and gives him another quick kiss before getting up and tossing on a new pair of clothes. 
Once dressed they both exit the tent to see everyone making their way to the picnic table. 
They pull out several boxes of cereal and some milk from the cooler and begin eating their breakfast. Billy is sitting across from Steve, gently kicking at his feet. 
“Hey Steve what happened to your neck?” Dustin asks.
Steve’s eyes go wide and he quickly comes up with a cover.
“Oh uh, there were a lot of mosquitoes last night. Wouldn’t leave me alone.”
They all seem to accept the response and go back to their breakfasts.
Billy smirks at him from across the table and Steve stomps on his foot.
- : -
Max, Billy and El say their goodbyes and head off in the Camaro. 
Once the Engine is running and they’ve started driving away they all burst into laughter.
“I can’t believe you actually took a knife to Steve’s tent.”
“I can’t believe you actually fucked Steve!”
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mldrgrl · 4 years
I've been re-reading your old works for the Revival like Recocering Nicely and Flannel Pajamas,....I miss them being an old married couple doing domestic stuffs so much, can you write something like that again?
Friday Night by: mldrgrl Rating: PG Note: Set during season 10, erasing any season 11 from the table
Fridays are full of anticipation nowadays.  At first, when they were just starting to get back on track, more often than not he was going home alone.  But, now, he can’t remember the last time Friday rolled around and she didn’t have her weekend bag with her.  There’s nothing he looks forward to more than a Friday night.
They take one car out to the house, usually his, leaving the other in the parking garage at work until Monday.  The ride is long, but comfortable.  Scully rests her hand on his arm across the seat and they talk about mundane things that aren’t about work.  Mulder wants to cut the grass if there isn’t any frost in the morning.  He loaded the crock pot with the stuff for that stew Scully likes this morning.  Hopefully he remembered to turn it on before he left.  That new thing Scully found online to weatherproof the windows came in.  He needs to put in the order for the wood for the stove to be delivered soon.
“An hour and change,” Mulder says, stopping the car in front of their gate.  “New record.”
“You really need to think about installing the remote.”
“I like the exercise.”  He leans close to her as he unbuckles his seatbelt and gives her a peck on the cheek.  She cups his chin with a backwards hand for a moment and then unbuckles her own belt.
Scully takes over in the driver’s seat as Mulder handles the gate.  She drives down the dirt road slowly, avoiding the dips and bumps up to the front.  She’s got her overnight bag from the trunk and Mulder’s dry cleaning that they stopped to pick up weighing her down by the time he’s made it to the car.  He takes the dry cleaning from her and places a hand to the small of her back as they ascend the porch steps.
“My nose is telling me I didn’t forget to turn the crock pot on,” he says, opening the door for her.
“Gonna change first.  Looks like we’re in for a beautiful sunset.  Want to eat outside?”
He puts the dry cleaning away while she puts on a pair of sweats and a long-sleeved shirt.  He turns on the radio.  It’s still on the classical channel Scully last had it on and he leaves it be, coming into what sounds like The Planets Suite.  He thinks he recognizes Jupiter.  He thinks about setting up the telescope.
While Scully dishes out the stew, he changes into jeans and a light sweater.  Noticing a bit of a chill, he brings one of the blankets from the couch with him after he grabs the bowl left for him on the counter to join her.  She tucks it around her and they eat to the strains of Holst in the background as twilight begins its takeover.
They head back inside when it turns grey and too chilly.  Scully separates the leftover stew into two containers, one to store for leftovers for the weekend and the other to freeze for later.  She washes the dishes and Mulder dries.  
“Did you bring the paper in?” he asks.
“In my bag,” she answers.
“We need under 36 minutes to beat last week.”
“36 minutes and 14 seconds.”
“Across or down?”
They huddle close on the couch and Mulder opens the newspaper to the crossword.  He folds it appropriately while Scully starts the timer on her phone.  Mulder starts with the clues running across and Scully starts with the clues running down.  They have a goal of beating each week’s previous time.
“Oh, they’re being cheeky,” Mulder says.  “They’ve got the question marks in here.”
“You like the cheeky ones.”
“When they’re clever.”
After ten minutes, they switch directions.  
“Life source?” Scully asks.  “Is that the cheeky one?”
“You get the answer?”
“Milton Bradley,” he answers, before she finishes.
“Clever or not?” she asks, filling in the blanks.
“They’ve done better.  Hey, you’re supposed to fill-in all the Latin clues.”
“Mulder, do you know how many 3-letter Latin 101 words there are?”
“How many end in O?”
“Too many.”
“I think it starts with an E.”
“I should’ve known that.”
“I’ll say.”
He bumps her shoulder with his and she chuckles.  They switch for a second time a few minutes later and then they’re racing against the clock.  He puts down his pen when there’s nothing but a corner left.
“You always leave the Tolkein monsters clue blank,” Scully huffs.
“I didn’t have 5 down yet, it still could be orcs or ents.”
“Ents.  5 down is Etsy.”
“What the hell is an etsy?”
“Online craft store.  You know it, it’s where I got those bath bombs you liked.”
“The eucalyptus ones?  You should get more of those.”
“I’ll see if they still have them.  Time!”
“33 and 51 seconds.  High five g-woman!”  He grabs her hand when she slaps his and laces their fingers together.  “Seriously, though, you need to go to the etsy store and get more of those bath bombs.”
“Remind me tomorrow.”
“I’m thinking a shower and then bed.”  She moves to stand, but he pulls her down to his lap.  She chuckles and drapes her arms around his neck.  
“Scully, do you remember back in the day when we used to pull all-nighters like it was nothing and now we’re lucky if we make it past nine?”
“Seems we used up all our reserve energy when we were young.”
“Younger, don’t go calling us old.”
“You brought it up first.”  She gives him a brief kiss on the lips and then he lets her go.
While she showers, he takes the newspaper to the recycle bin and sets up the coffee maker for the morning.  He checks the locks on the front door and the back door and pulls the shades in the living room and kitchen.  He pulls his sweater off as he heads upstairs and tosses it on the bed before he goes into the bathroom.  Scully has finished her shower and sits on the closed toilet in a towel, massaging lotion into her legs.  The room is humid from the shower and the mirror is fogged over.
“I set the coffee for 7,” he says, pulling his toothbrush and toothpaste from the medicine cabinet. “Too early?”
“It’s fine.”   She makes a noise and he turns.  She has her hands held out to him and he puts the toothbrush and toothpaste on the side of the sink and gives her his hands so she can massage the extra lotion into his hands and arms.
“Is this new?  It smells like oranges.”
“Yeah, some vitamin C thing a salesperson at the mall talked me into.”
“You hate the mall.”  He pastes his toothbrush and starts brushing his teeth.
“I do, but sometimes the Labor Day sales are too hard to resist.  2 for 1 bras at Victoria’s Secret, I had to go.”
“What, now?”  Mulder turns towards her and pulls the toothbrush out of his mouth.  Foam coats his lips.  She laughs lightly and shakes her head.
“Kidding,” she says.  “But, good to know you’re still interested in my lingerie.”
“I might be old, but I’m not dead.”
Scully smiles and stands on tiptoes to kiss the corner of Mulder’s mouth.  She pats his chest lightly and then rubs a bit of toothpaste residue from her bottom lip.  He turns to finish brushing his teeth, wiping fog away from the mirror to watch her move comfortably around the room and get ready for bed.  He waits until she’s dropped the towel and slipped her t-shirt on to spit and rinse.
She tosses his shirt at his head when he steps into the bedroom.  He grins and hangs it up and then they turn the bed down together.  He sheds his jeans and then opens the window just a crack to let some fresh air in.
“Almost time to pull out the flannel sheets,” she says, as he gets into bed.
“I’ll keep you warm,” he answers, wrapping an arm around her under the covers and sliding her into his chest.  She laughs and wiggles out of his hold as he tickles the back of her neck and shoulder with his lips.
Briefly, Scully turns her head back and after several soft kisses, she pulls away to turn over and shut off the lamp.  Mulder rolls onto his back and she settles on her side after punching the pillow flat a few times.  Five minutes pass and then she sighs.
“Are you still awake?” she asks.
“Mmhm,” he answers.
She turns over to face him and he turns his head towards her.  “I’ve been thinking about something,” she says.  “Something I think we need to talk about.”
“Okay.”  He turns over as well and folds his arm under his head.
“The lease on my place is up at the end of October.  I don’t think I’m going to renew.”
“Oh?  So, what are you thinking?”
“The commute out here is not ideal.  Especially with winter coming.  I was wondering if you might want to find a place in the city.  Or closer to the city.  Together.”
“Get rid of the house?”
“No, never.  This is...this is our home.”
He nods in agreement.  He’s always thought of it as their home, whether she’s been in it or not.
“I was thinking just a place we can be at during the week,” she continues.  “And we’ll still come out here on the weekends.”
He mulls it over.  As much as he wants to be with her and wants to return to the life they once shared, he has some reservations.
“Mulder?” she asks.  “You’re never this quiet.  What are you thinking?”
“You know I want this more than anything,” he answers.  “But, what if this is only working because you got the space you wanted?  And we’ve never done the living and working together thing before.  It would be new.  What if we recommit and then it becomes too much?”
She contemplates the ceiling for some time and he reaches out to stroke her hair and cup her cheek.
“I thought, at the time, that leaving was the right thing to do,” she says.  “I know that I accused you of being a weight that was pulling me down into your depression and despair, but in hindsight, it was the other way around.”
“I never felt that way.”
“I know, but I did.  I thought returning to medicine would be satisfying.  I thought it was the key to happiness.  Something normal.  Instead it just made me sad.  And then I thought leaving was the only way to fix it, but I was wrong.  Really, what I missed was us.  Being with you, working with you, just you and me.  I don’t feel whole without you.”
“Hey now, that’s my line,” he whispers, running his thumb over her cheek.
“It’s true.”
“So, we’re doing this?  Full time?”
“I’m ready for it if you are.”
“Bring it on, honey.”
She chuckles and they slide closer to rest their heads together.  Their legs tangle and arms move to hold on to each other.  He’s filled with a new sense of anticipation.  He won’t ever have to wonder anymore if she’ll be coming with him Friday nights.
The End
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
"Never again."
"Never again." Au Bill Skarsgard
You were not looking for the so called “Glamorous Life” when you met Bill by circumstance or possible fate if you let yourself believe that. It was at a low-key bar on the outskirts of your small town. Not a very busy place. It was never packed to the hilt even on the weekends.
On a particular uncharacteristically warm Fall day you were just finishing a Rum and Coke when he came up to the bar to order a “local brewed” beer if they had one. You looked up at the odd request and got an eye full of a bicep in a tight grey t-shirt. Your eyes drift upwards. Upwards more than they ever had to for most men. He was looking around as he tapped the fingers of his right on the oak bar.  
He caught you glancing up at him. His face was placid, but his eyes smiled. “Hi.”
“Hi.” You returned nervously. You knew exactly who he was as soon as you got a good look.  
There was a movie being filmed somewhere nearby. You did not pay attention to where exactly. You did not think any of those big named actors would show up in your small little town. Now this moment was proving you wrong.  
Bill sat down on the stole beside you. “Can I buy you another one of those?”
“Sure.” You finished off what was left and held your glass up to the bar maiden to refresh you.
“That is on me. Sally.” Bill nodded to her graciously.  
“Of course, Mr. Skarsgard.” Sally was blushing.
“Just call me Bill.” He turned his attention to you. “You can call me Bill to. What is your name?”
You told him your name.
“That is a common name is Sweden also.” Bill sipped his beer. “Small world.”  
“It can be.” You answered. Your nerves dissipating from his calming voice and demeanor.  
“Yeah.” He took a big gulp. “This is a nice quiet bar in a classic American town.  You enjoy it?”
“I do.” You twirled the tiny straw in your drink before taking another sip. “Lot of beautiful trails to explore this time of year. With the leaves changing and all. I guess there is more nature to explore than shopping Malls and upscale restaurants that some people rather enjoy.”
“I like the outdoors.” He licked his plump lips. “You want to show me some when we are done with these drinks?”
“Yeah, that would be a fun afternoon.” You took a bigger gulp of you drink.  
As you chatted more about his homeland and yours you finished your drinks. He settled the bill even paying for your first drink and you headed outside. It was up to seventy-five degrees as the sun rose to its highest peak above.
“We don’t have to drive to the best trails.” You took his hand like you were old friends. “Right this way is a nice five miles through the woods. We will pass a nice little stream and it winds back around upon itself. I hope that doesn’t sound like too much of a walk.”
“It sounds perfect.” He studied your body language. Everything he had been watching from the time he sat on the stole beside you to this moment with his hand grasping yours. His guard always on alert for those that were media of any kind or who would sell him out for their own fifteen minutes. He sensed you were not one of those.  
When you entered the trail, it branched off in two directions. “Whichever way we choose it will still lead us back to this point. Any preferences, Bill?”
He looked at how the left trail seemed to wind back into the woods. The other went straight slopping up a little. “You choose (YN). You would know more of what we will find than I do.”  
“Straight ahead is usually how I go.” You lead him along the path. “The foliage is so many colors this time of year.”
You chatted more along the path about nothing to important. You were fascinated with how he talked about his homeland. He seemed just as memorized at the stories you shared about the town and the trail. You lost track of time and how far you had walked in your comfortable banter. Before you knew it you were exiting the trail ready for some water and supper.  
“Well, I guess I showed you the whole thing.” You smiled reluctant to let the long afternoon end but knowing eventually it had to. “There is a little diner we could grab some water at if you would like.”
“I would like that.” He took a deep sigh. “But I have to get back to the hotel. Last day tomorrow. I have a 4am call time. Thanks for walking and talking. It’s the best time I have had here. I’m glad I decided to check out that bar.”
“Me to Bill.” You sighed. “It was a very enjoyable day.”
He took his leave. You decided to head home for your supper.  Never again, never again would you have such a nice day with a practical stranger like that.  
"Never again." Willard  
Willard laid passed out in the hospital bed as you prayed for him to survive. He was only defending your honor after all. It all happened so quickly. He saved enough money to surprise you with a night out at the finest shake shop in town. The only shake shop in town.
You shared a milk shake looking into each other's eyes. “How you likin’ this Darlin’?”
“It's very nice Willard.” You smiled and sipped the strawberry shake that was like a memory of your first date.  
“I need to hit the head.” Willard got up to head to the restroom.
You giggled. “Okay big man.”
He chuckled as he continued on his way.  You ate a fry when they were delivered to the table. A guy winked at you from the counter. You looked away. He smirked as he came over and slid into the booth with you. He put his hand on your knee. You gasped.  
“What’s the matter sweetheart.” His tone was as crood as the words he was about to say. “You can’t afford any meat with those fries. I got you some meat right...” He pulled your hand to his crotch.  
Willard was just coming out of the restroom when he saw the man whisper in your ear. Terror was on your face. He snapped pulling the guy off you and right outside. Once you got your composure back you ran out after them.  
“Willard!” You screamed.  
He was beating the guy’s face in, blood pouring out of the man’s face. The guys five friends were right behind you. One held you back as the four others attacked Willard. Even four to one Willard had them on the ground begging for mercy.  The guy holding you ran off. You ran to Willard helping him to the truck. Blood covered him but it was not all his own.  
Willard could barely walk. He could not hear a thing you were saying as you lectured him once again about his pugilist problem. He was passed out in the passenger seat by the time you got him to the Doctors office, who put you both in an ambulance to the closest hospital.  
Now you were praying at his bedside waiting for him to wake. He squeezed your hand before fluttering his eyes open.
“I’m sorry Darlin’.” He croaked. "Never again."
You fell on him. “Praise the Lord.”
He was able to bring his none broken arm around you. You later learned "Never again." Just meant he would not fight on the spot when a pack of guys could possibly kill him.  Years later you would hear him tell your son Arvin that you had to pick your time carefully to take out the son-of-a-Bitches that made life more difficult for a lady.  
"Never again." Roman
“Never again,” Roman screamed as he cleared all the papers off his desk. “You screwed me over for the last time. This was your last chance. No more Money will be offered to your company if you cannot produce a %100 cure for this damn virus.” Roman slammed the phone. “Gena, get in here and clean this fucking mess up.” He stormed out of his home office.  
You could hear it all as you pretended to read on the couch snuggled under a blanket. He stormed down stairs. You calmly told him, “don’t be taking your frustrations out on Gena.”
Roman huffed. “I wasn’t. It is her job to clean up my shit.”  
You shook your head. “Come here.” You opened the blanket revealing you just had one of his sweaters on that covered whether you were wearing anything else.
He glared at you a moment giving you chills. But ultimately, he laid on you with his legs hanging over the edge. “I don’t think these people really care if their species die. It is fucking annoying. Any percentage of death should not be exceptable.”
You carded his hair as his head rested on your chest. “I know. I know.”
“They die out. So do we.” Roman Grumbled turning his face in as his hand moved up your thigh.  
You kiss his brow. “If any team comes up with a virus vaccine it is those at the White Tower.” You knew he had a long day of trying to control everything and everyone. “How about I take the reins tonight.”
Roman looks up with a whimper. “Please.”
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paladin-lynx · 4 years
SquipJere Week 2020, Day 3: Dance Dance Revolution
@squipjerebmc’s SquipJere Week 2020 Day 3: Dance Dance Revolution
Ships Involved: The SQUIP x Jeremy Heere (Technical Difficulties/Squipemy/Squeremy/JereSquip/SquipJere), Jake Dillinger x Christine Canigula (UpStage/ChrisJake), Jeremy Heere x Brooke Lohst (Puppy Love)
Setting: Canonverse, set in the time interval between “Loser Geek Whatever” and “Halloween”.
Trigger/Content Warnings: Implied child abuse; non-graphic mentions of vomiting; kissing and mentions of kissing
Author’s Notes: I actually had no ideas for this one at first, and then it turned into my longest piece so far for the week! I love DDR and games like it, so this was really fun to write, even if a lot of it is set-up. Enjoy!
Jeremy could only put off hanging out with Rich for so long. For someone who was once so eager to grab Jeremy and stuff him into a locker that was much too small for him, now Rich was way too enthusiastic about meeting up with Jeremy outside of school.
Unfortunately, it was still too early in their ‘friendship’ – could they really call it that? Was it possible to be friends with the guy who had been bullying you constantly for the past two years? – for Jeremy to feel comfortable going over to Rich’s house. Besides, he didn’t want to have to deal with Rich’s dad, who seemed like a nightmare. Jeremy would rather not have a beer bottle thrown at his head or be accused of being Rich’s secret boyfriend. Despite all the torment Rich had put him through, Jeremy couldn’t help feeling a bit bad. He could tell through their connection that Rich definitely didn’t have an easy time at home. Jeremy’s dad was an embarrassment at worst, but Rich’s was dangerous at worst, and nobody deserved that.
So instead of hanging out after school, Jeremy suggested that they do something on a Saturday. Rich, from what Jeremy could glean, tended to spend his weekends out of the house, usually with Jake. And Jeremy wasn’t exactly familiar with the ‘cool places’ in town they could go to, so he left that decision up to Rich and just prayed it would be something he could handle. There were only a handful of places that he ventured out to when he ventured out at all: the park, the old dumpy arcade, the grocery store, and the mall. The rest of town, despite living here for sixteen years, was something of a mystery to him.
Rich would definitely pick a place that would help Jeremy be deemed as cool, because Rich was cool. And Jeremy bet that Rich’s SQUIP was helping him pick, if it was anywhere near as bossy as his own.
So it came as a surprise to Jeremy when Rich said they should hit up the local Dave & Buster’s. It was like the old dumpy arcade, except less old and dumpy.
Jeremy’s SQUIP didn’t have anything against it, so plans were made. But of course because Rich was going, Jake was going and bringing Christine along. And because Jake was going, Chloe was going. And because Chloe was going, Brooke was going. And because Brooke was going, Jenna was going.
So suddenly this casual hangout with Rich felt a lot more daunting. Because it was no longer just with Rich, who was more than enough on his own for Jeremy to handle.
Nonetheless, the SQUIP urged him not to bail out. “That won’t look good at all,” it warned. “And this is your chance to be in an environment where your…geekier interests and their popular tastes overlap. You can’t give up this opportunity.”
And so Saturday came. The SQUIP convinced Jeremy to eat something before he left despite Jeremy feeling like if he put anything into his stomach, it would immediately come right back up. But by some miracle – or a certain supercomputer’s influence – he managed to get down a half-decent meal, and then off he went. The SQUIP told Jeremy to take his father’s car, since it was highly unlikely the man would notice, and it was of course more convenient than waiting for a bus or having to pay for an Uber.
Jeremy had never actually been to this place before, although from what he could recall it was relatively new. Or maybe it wasn’t, and he just hadn’t cared to notice it because he and a certain hoodie-loving ex-friend of his preferred the local arcade, even if it was more run-down and much less crowded. Or maybe that was why they preferred it.
Because as Jeremy set foot into Dave & Buster’s, he was immediately overwhelmed by the blaring music, the bright neon lights of the countless games, and the crowd of people mulling about.
“Oh God…” he mumbled, feeling his stomach turn.
The SQUIP flickered into existence beside him, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. “It’s a Saturday,” it reminded. “This was bound to be the busiest day.”
“Why didn’t you tell me that? I don’t…do big groups of people, you know that!”
“Maybe it’s time to change that. It may benefit you to have an audience.”
“An aud—”
“Heere!” Jeremy’s protest was cut off by a familiar voice and he turned to see Rich bounding up to him with the rest of the popular kids in tow. Great, he was the last to arrive, but maybe he could brush it off as being fashionably late, even though he was pretty sure he was actually a few minutes early. And it was then that Jeremy also realized that he had been speaking out loud to his SQUIP, and he received a small fizzle of static against his back as a reminder to think at the supercomputer while he was around his new group of apparent friends.
“Uh, hey, Rich,” Jeremy returned, fighting back the urge to smack himself for how lame of a greeting that was. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you were all here already. Hope you weren’t waiting long.”
Rich shrugged. “Nah, it’s chill. We were just wandering around checking out all the games.” He grinned and elbowed Jake in the side. “Jakey D here tried to use his fake ID at the bar and got caught.”
Jake’s cheeks flushed and he lightly shoved at Rich. “Only because you look like you’re still in middle school!”
Brooke covered her mouth to stifle a giggle. “It was only because Christine apologized and promised it wouldn’t happen again that he didn’t get himself kicked out.”
Christine smiled shyly. “I wouldn’t want the day ruined before it even started…Besides, who drinks this early in the day anyway?”
The others laughed, to Jake’s chagrin, and Christine absolutely beamed as it sunk in that she’d said something they actually found funny. Well, Chloe wasn’t really laughing, but she was hyper-focused on her phone – with Jenna not-so-subtly trying to snoop over her shoulder – so she might not have even been paying attention. Jeremy realized this place probably wasn’t really her particular speed, but she had come along because, of course, she had to keep tabs on Jake. They weren’t back together, were they? Jake looked like he was still very much with Christine. Or at least ‘courting’ her, if they weren’t actively dating.
And speaking of courting, Brooke chose that moment to saunter over and peck Jeremy on the cheek, making his face warm. “We’re glad you made it, though,” she told him. “And that we didn’t get thrown out and end up leaving you here alone!”
“Ah…” Jeremy gave a nervous chuckle and a little bashful smile. “Y-yeah, I’m glad you didn’t get kicked out. So, uh, what should we do first?”
And off they went. There was a good mix of kids and adults enjoying their Saturday, so Christine made a polite request that they watch their language – which was reiterated after Jeremy beat Rich in air hockey and gave a loud “oh fuck you, tall-ass!”, although Jeremy was pretty sure that the insult was actually more teasing than anything else. It had been quite a match to watch, considering they obviously both had their SQUIPs assisting them. Jeremy tried not to focus on the fact that his SQUIP had laid its hand on top of his to alter his movements when necessary.
Some of the games were rather well-known titles while others were so obscure Jeremy couldn’t help wondering if Michael would know them. They made their way around the entire collection, and to his own surprise Jeremy found himself actually having fun. He was better at the more classic arcade-style games but he still gave the rest a fair shot. Christine, who didn’t seem like she dabbled in video games very much at all, found out she was rather good at Temple Run and some knockoff version of Whac-A-Mole. Rich and Jake of course went right for all the shoot-‘em-up games where they could pretend to blow the heads off of zombies. Jenna was actually pretty talented at the various trivia and timing games, although Jeremy supposed that came from years of sticking her nose into everything. He was pretty sure Chloe didn’t touch a single game in the time they were there, and at one point Brooke tried to drag Jeremy into one of the enclosed games – it was a haunted house or something – to make out, to which he turned bright red and, despite the SQUIP’s insistence in the back of his mind, told her that they shouldn’t abandon the others or they’d get upset.
Jeremy was pretty sure after a couple of hours that they’d gone through almost every game in the building and he was about to suggest that maybe they grab snacks or something, but then Christine suddenly perked up and pointed. “What’s that one?”
They all turned – Jeremy thought he even saw Chloe glance up from her phone – to see a tall game station with a metal platform in front of it, and on the platform were brightly colored arrows.
Jake raised an eyebrow. “Is that DDR?”
Jeremy frowned and glanced around at the others before stepping forward to get a better look at the game. “No, I think it’s a knockoff,” he replied, looking up at the top of the cabinet. There was definitely a name there that wasn’t Dance Dance Revolution but it was in too many eye-straining fonts for him to actually make out what it said. His gaze swiveled back down to the arrows on the platform. “DDR has the arrows going left, right, up, and down, but these ones are on the corners.”
He realized a beat too late that implying he had played DDR before was probably not something he should divulge to the cool kids, but when he looked around for his SQUIP, he found it giving him a little smile and nodding in approval.
Before he could react, though, he felt a hard nudge at his back and turned around to see Rich snickering. “Well, go on, tall-ass! Dance for us!”
“What?” Jeremy immediately sputtered in a way he was positive was uncool and his face went bright red. “I-I’m not gonna dance!”
Chloe smirked at him, lowering her phone – why did she have to lower her phone now of all times? – and put a hand on her hip. “Come on, Jere. Since you seem to know about this kind of game.”
Brooke giggled. “It’ll be fun, Jer-bear.”
Christine clasped her hands together, grinning at him, her eyes almost shining. “I’d love to see how you dance, Jeremy.”
Jeremy’s gaze flicked around to each of them and he suddenly felt very cornered, sweat slipping down the back of his neck. However, a wave of calm swiftly fell over him and he released a breath he didn’t even realize he’d been holding. He peeked to the side and saw the SQUIP standing there, giving him a confident smile.
It reached up to gently tap Jeremy’s nose, which felt more like a tiny spark of static. “Come on, dear,” it purred. “Let’s dance.”
He knew there was no getting out of it now, so he sighed, pushing his hair back and shaking his head. “It’s not as if these games actually look like dancing,” he muttered as he plodded up to the platform. “They look more like your legs are spazzing out.”
The rest of the group quickly crowded around, eagerly watching as Jeremy stepped onto the arrows to activate the game and pull up the song list. He could almost feel the confusion as they looked over the options.
“What are these?” Jenna huffed out.
“It looks like Japanese,” Jake commented, tilting his head as if that would help him read the foreign characters better. Or maybe Jake could understand Japanese; Jeremy wouldn’t be surprised, considering how much Jake threw himself into extra skills at school.
Jeremy decided it was better to hold his tongue than admit that he actually did recognize some of these as covers of Vocaloid and Touhou songs. He was pretty sure a few on the list were actually Korean and not Japanese, but he didn’t recognize them regardless. He tapped his foot against one of the arrows to scroll through and see if anything looked particularly interesting.
The SQUIP suddenly held up a hand and Jeremy found himself frozen in place, blinking at the screen. The song title was in Japanese, but upon hearing the rhythm and a few of the words in the preview snippet, he recognized it as a Touhou song, although not one he knew well enough to recall the name of. And it sounded like a remix, nonetheless.
“‘Four Seasons of Loneliness,’” the SQUIP translated, smirking sideways at him. “Pick this one.”
He got his answer from Brooke: “Sounds hard and fast.”
Ignoring the snicker from Rich at the obvious joke, Jeremy selected the song and was about to begin the game when the SQUIP once again stopped him. With yet another smirk, it upped the difficulty to the max and Jeremy had to keep his jaw from dropping.
“Damn, look at you, J-Man, all confident!” Jake whistled, and Jeremy felt his blood run cold.
I’m going to embarrass myself, he lamented as he confirmed his selection and the loading screen came on. Not only was the difficulty at its highest, but it was set so that he’d have to use every arrow, not those just designated for a single player on one side of the two-player platform.
“No, you won’t,” the SQUIP soothed, appearing in front of him and taking his hands. Jeremy couldn’t help blushing as those familiar cool fingers curled around his already sweaty hands. “Just let me do all the work.”
Jeremy had thought that the SQUIP wanted him to become more independent. Then again, it had also recited his lines for him during play rehearsal so he didn’t have to take the time to memorize them. Maybe this was along the same lines. But this wasn’t going to be like when the SQUIP had led him in a slow waltz – honestly, he wasn’t even sure it had been a waltz, he didn’t know shit about dancing – around the imaginary Hogwarts Great Hall. This was going to be quick-paced – the BPM had been 178 and while Jeremy wasn’t a music expert, he was pretty sure that was fast – and in front of an audience.
So that was what it had meant earlier.
You predicted this, didn’t you? he accused, heart jumping as the first beats of the song came on.
The SQUIP laughed. “Perhaps. Now let’s give your new friends a show.”
The song opened and Jeremy felt like he couldn’t move, frozen with fear like a prey animal, but then suddenly the SQUIP gave his hands a little squeeze and his entire body started moving on its own. It wasn’t the first time the SQUIP had stepped in to autopilot his body but it had never been to move around like this.
He had to make sure to restrain himself from looking too surprised, because as far as the others knew – except for maybe Rich – he was doing this all on his own. So he just swallowed the lump in his throat and let his feet fly across the platform, hitting every arrow in perfect time. When he was on one side of the platform and had to get to an arrow all the way on the other side in less than a millisecond, he was suddenly over there, which he didn’t think would be possible. Even if someone was controlling his body, he was still in no way built to be a dancer. Or at least, a cool and popular one.
He looked up at his SQUIP, who was still holding his hands and grinning widely at him. When Jeremy peeked down, he saw that the SQUIP’s feet were moving in time with his and, unlike when they’d slow-danced and the SQUIP had been dancing in front of him, now their feet blended together.
One of the others whistled and whooped from behind him. “Go, Heere!” Rich called, and Jeremy could feel his excitement buzz through their connection.
And despite his earlier nerves, Jeremy found himself breaking into a grin, adrenaline pumping through his veins. To the others it would seem like he was intently watching the screen, but he was truly just watching his SQUIP in absolute awe. He didn’t even need to know what arrows to press because by the time they popped up in the game, he was already there and moving on to the next arrow.
The SQUIP even let him show off a bit – although could it be considering ‘showing off’ if he wasn’t the one actually doing it? – and threw in a few spins and jumps for flare, earning him more cheers from his friends. He would think that this entire display would be considered rather dorky, but his body was moving so fast that even if the game was childish, his so-called dancing was too unreal for it not to be impressive.
All that existed in that moment was him and his SQUIP. Even the music, upbeat and catchy as it was, faded into the background. It wasn’t like he could understand the lyrics anyway. Jeremy had had moments before when he’d felt unusually close to the SQUIP – he knew, in reality, they were always close considering that the SQUIP was inside his brain – but there had only been a few moments these past few months where he’d really, truly felt in sync with his own personal supercomputer.
And he liked how it felt.
Before he knew it, the song was over and he found himself striking a pose. He realized he was soaked in sweat, but he barely felt winded, although he had a sneaking suspicion that that was the SQUIP’s doing. He looked up at the SQUIP once more, who smiled and stepped back, dipping down to press its lips to the back of Jeremy’s hand. Jeremy was absolutely dumbstruck at the small but notably warm fizzle of static against his skin, but then the SQUIP’s form blinked out of sight and Jeremy found himself staring at the screen with his mouth open in shock.
The last notes of the song faded and his score flashed onto the screen, a chipper female voice declaring, “Yeah, I knew you could do it!” There were quite a number of ‘Perfects’ but also a good mix of ‘Greats’ and ‘Goods,’ as if the SQUIP hadn’t wanted to make it seem like Jeremy had achieved the impossible on his first try at this obscure knockoff game.
He stumbled as Brooke suddenly crashed into him in an embrace. “Jeremy, that was amazing! I had no idea you could move like that!” She put her hands on his cheeks and pulled him into a somewhat messy kiss, making his cheeks burn, but he didn’t get the same fuzzy feeling in his chest that he’d gotten before, when the SQUIP had had his hand.
“Ah…” He smiled shyly once they’d broken apart for air and his chest heaved, the exhaustion from his dancing suddenly setting in. “Th-thanks. I just kinda…went for it.”
Jake grinned, flashing him a thumbs-up. “Looks like all that DDR and dancing alone in your bedroom didn’t go to waste, huh?”
Jeremy tried to come up with a retort, but he quickly realized that more than just his small gathering of friends was watching. Quite a few of the other patrons were looking at him, muttering to each other about how remarkable that had been. He even heard one little girl squeal, “I wanna dance like him!” which earned an amused chuckle from her parents.
Jeremy gently pulled away from Brooke, rubbing the back of his neck. “Thanks, guys. Uh, you can stop staring now.”
It looked like the group wasn’t going to drop it any time soon, though, as they led him off to find a place to sit down. Jeremy couldn’t help peeking over his shoulder, expecting to see the SQUIP right by him as it usually was, but instead it had reappeared beside the dancing game, watching with a surprisingly fond smile as the little girl bounded over to the platform and started tapping away at the arrows.
Jeremy’s heart squeezed. Maybe he’d ask Rich if they could meet up here again at some point.
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honeycombme · 4 years
Easy as Breathing (PT. 2)
Clyde has never looked so sweet.
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Part 2!
(Pt 3 available here!)
Your fingertips shook ever so slightly as they pulled clothes from your dresser. What do you even wear camping. Nothing you dredged up from the depths of your drawers was satisfying the goal you had in mind. Of course, all you wanted to do was feel desirable, but how do you do that when you’ll just be sweaty and gross for the entire weekend? You decided to just text Lauren. You wrote, “EMERGENCY. Wtf am i supposed to wear to keep Clyde’s attention? Surely not the t-shirt from my middle school robotics team?!”
You felt even more frantic. Bathing suits. You didn’t have anything other than a cheap, all black one-piece. You texted Lauren again. “Ok ok and bathing suits...i’m fucked”. You took a shaky breath, piling in essentials you at least knew you’d need. After all the toiletries and whatnot were sorted, you checked your phone. Lauren must’ve been having a ball. 
“Oh sweetpea, honeybear, sugarplum. I’m at the mall right now, what’s your size?” Her text burned into your retinas as you contemplated whether or not to give her this power. You relented, realizing you were already a lost cause and she could only help from here. After she received your text about sizes, she sent a wink emoji. Winking….about what???
You decided to fold up every piece of clothing you ripped out of your dresser while you waited for her to let you know whether or not she had any luck with bathing suits or clothes. You bargained with yourself, realizing t-shirts, shorts, and leggings would just have to do in this case. You folded everything neatly into a duffle bag, cursing under your breath at your nerves. 
Your phone dinged. When you unlocked the screen, Clyde’s name came into view. Your heart fluttered and you felt the butterflies again. You’d been texting on and off since last night you went to the bar, getting to know each other little by little. You learned that  he loves spaghetti and the smell of the Earth fresh after the rain. You learned that he was in the military and that he enjoys the moon more than the sun. You learned that his favorite dessert was peach cobbler. You also learned that you wanted to learn everything about him. 
He texted, “Just finished puttin some booze in a cooler for us, that way everything’ll be nice and chilled when we get there. I’m sure excited to be gettin there and settlin’ down for the night. I hope you’re as excited as I am, darlin.” You leaned against the closest wall you could find, re-reading the text over and over as you sighed. No matter what you wore, you were certain it’d be perfect. 
Lauren proposed that you both drive together to minimize the amount of cars at the campsite. When she showed up, she invited herself in to help you with bags. She looked you up and down as she saw you standing in your living room, closing the door and whipping her head back around. In her hands was a small fabric bag and she began pulling out the contents. 
“Ok so I packed you the swimsuit and a couple other essentials; however, we need to fix this outfit immediately,” she laughed, walking over and placing a hand on your shoulder. “Listen dear, you’re perfect; but if i’m going to live vicariously through you, i’m gonna need you to put these on.” She held out her hand, holding a few items of clothing. 
You unfurled the clothes, revealing a cropped, v-neck tank top, high-waisted jean shorts, a thin, loose cardigan, and a ballcap. You looked from the clothing to her, panic rising in your throat. 
“Y/n, it’s going to be fine. This way you’ll be more comfortable, too. It’s hotter than a rattlesnakes taint out there.” Lauren was perfect. She always had a quip to make you laugh, put you at ease. You ran into the bathroom and changed as fast as you could, trying not to look at yourself in the mirror too hard. When you walked out, she praised you. 
“YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS girl, I AM drooling. I’m quite the life saver. No need to thank me, let’s just get outta here, shall we?” With a spring in her step, she grabbed the bag and walked out of the door. You picked up your own bag and shuffled out, locking the door behind you. And so it begins. 
When you arrived at the campsite, there was a man in a guard shack checking every vehicle in. As Lauren approached, she stated the party’s name (Clyde Logan…*sigh*) and the man let you through. You drove for about 20 minutes around and around seemingly endless trees, camp sites, and then back the place you started. 
“Fuck,” gritted Lauren. She was visibly frustrated, and you were no better to navigate the woods than her. You decided to text Clyde. 
“Classic. Girls lost in the woods. Any way you can give me a play by play on how to get there?” You sent your text in a flash. Only seconds later, Clyde’s name appeared on your screen; he was calling. 
Your stomach dropped but you answered quickly (too quickly? Oh shut up y/n). 
“Hey there darlin’ can ya give me an idea of where you’re at? I can walk up to the main street ta meet ya.” His southern drawl was exceptional, I mean. WHERE did he pick this gorgeous twang from, the heavens?  
You chatted quickly about your surroundings, coming about a gentleman holding a phone, looking in the other direction. It was him. His hair was halfway pulled back into a convenient bun, t-shirt ripped open on the sides revealing his sides and chest. You shuddered slightly. When he turned his head your way, Lauren had slowed down drastically. He smiled and waved his arms for you to follow him. The path became littered with branched and trees, the further you drove in, the thicker the foliage became. Lauren kept a decent distance between him and the car. 
“Sure is looking like a snack for you, hmm?” she teased. She bit her tongue and smiled wildly when you glanced at her, pleading. Your nerves were already shot, and you felt way out of your element in this outfit. The skin that was exposed feeling every draft that passed you. 
When the car stopped, your stomach jolted upwards. You exited the car, tugging at the hem of the crop top to try and regain some modesty. Clyde was talking to Jimmy, but when he looked over and saw you, he jogged over to help. 
“Ya made it in one piece, ladies,” he beamed, giving Lauren the quickest of embraces. He made his way to you, smiling wildly as he placed an arm around you tightly, burrowing his face in the crook of your neck. You could’ve sworn he breathed you in. When he pulled away, he eyed you up and down, eyes lingering on the skin between your shorts and your crop top. You were immediately away of your exposed skin again, tugging at the hem of the shirt. 
He led you into the clearing of the campsite, holding you and Lauren’s bags over his shoulder. She reached for hers as he showed you where your tent was, escaping into the tent to set her stuff up. He placed yours down next to his tent. 
“This here’s Jimmy Logan, worst best brother ta ever walk the earth-” Clyde stated as Jimmy walked towards you arms open. 
“And you must be the pretty little thing he’s been ravin’ about, c’mere sweetie,” Jimmy Logan’s arms were around you in the blink of an eye, Your left hand raising to pat his back. As he pulled away, you noticed how bright his eyes were, a stark contrast from Clyde’s molasses colored eyes. His smile was warm and genuine, an honest smile you realized you needed to see. Jimmy’s friend introduced himself and you shook hands, becoming acquainted with everyone. 
When Lauren reappeared, she also received the same introductions, hugs and quips. You were both led through the options for dinner and available snacks, Clyde hanging around in the background sipping a beer. He was tending to a small fire, attempting to build it into one that would last the evening. Lauren and you spent a good fifteen minutes applying sunscreen and bugspray, leaving you both slightly greasy with a bit of sickly perfume hanging on your skin. 
A few hours had gone by and drinks were heavily passed around, sitting by the fire. No one was shy to drink from Jimmy’s friend’s flask after a few drinks, and boy did it burn. You swallowed an accidental mouthful from the flask, trying to regain control of your facial expression as it burned your esophagus. 
“That there is my momma’s best apple pie moonshine,” declared Jimmy’s friend. “She won awards from it….there’s another handle in my trunk.” He laughed, holding his belly as the flask made its way back to him. 
“Sometimes I honestly believe your momma’s been tryna kill you with that stuff,” chuckled Jimmy, slapping his chest as the remnants of the moonshine trickled down. You smiled into the heat of the fire and the heat in your veins. Shit. You were a little drunk. 
You were saved by Clyde pulling out hot dogs and the works. You mowed down probably two...maybe three hot dogs when you felt you had control of your mouth. Jimmy and his friend spent the sunset asking you and Lauren questions about your lives. He kept referring to you as “city girls” and acting in awe of the life you had back in New England. It was interesting to see their reactions to your everyday ventures. 
You asked the same amount of questions in return, learning about Jimmy’s criminal past (he has nothing to hide) and his hopes for the future. Clyde remained quiet and attentive, soaking in all the information. You turned to face him. “What about you, mister tall, dark and mysterious?” You felt brazen, realizing you didn’t mean to put him on the spot. Clyde just smiled at you. 
“I’ll tell ya anything you wanna know, miss.”
You all got to talking about how Clyde came to own Duck Tape, how he and Jimmy got themselves into all sorts of trouble, and how they used to come to this campsite to get away from all the negatives in their lives. 
The sun was beyond set and you began to feel the draft of the air against your skin becoming colder and colder. Without realizing you were, you started shivering; teeth chattering every so often as you attempted to stifle it. It was nerves as well, Lauren and Jimmy’s friend hit it off, deciding to go watch the fireflies by the lake's edge. Now it was you, Clyde, and Jimmy. 
“Welp, since the suns down I’m gonna take this chance to go wash off the day. You guys need anything, you holler.” Jimmy stood promptly, grabbing his bag from beside his tent and walked off into the woods. 
“Shower?” you questioned Clyde. You didn’t realize but he had stood when Jimmy did, perhaps he wanted to go shower as well. 
“Yeah, it’s like a quarter-for-a-few-minutes of hot water deal,” he explained. “It’s in an old log cabin up the road.”
“Aaah,” you teased, “so this isn’t real camping..”
He came to sit by your side, shoving you playfully with his shoulder. “Ain’t nothin’ wrong with wantin ta stay pampered,” he let his hair out of the bun and shook it loose. You could smell the spicy shampoo from his hair, the deodorant clinging to his skin, the peppery cologne he must be wearing…He chuckled at his own playfulness
You breathed in deep. “Mmm tell me you brought some of that shampoo to share, mister Logan.” You smiled sweetly at Clyde and then looked back to the crackling fire. Another gust of wind, stronger than the others, attacked your exposed skin, causing you to shiver. Clyde noticed, getting up and walking towards his tent. How could this hot, muggy place have such freezing night time drafts?
Clyde returned with a balled up piece of clothing in his hand. “Arms up,” he demanded. You looked to him confused, raising your arms. He pulled the material out and draped it around your arms, tugging it down until your hands met the holes of a shirt. He grabbed his own shirt for you to wear...to keep you warm. You melted. It smelled just like him. Not exposed to the smell of burning wood, the shirt exuded his scent, each subtle note gracing your senses. You sighed as the shirt enveloped you, coming to your thighs. 
The heat of the fire on your shins matched the heat in your cheeks now. Clyde seemed closer than ever, yet the two of you were silent. 
“Clyde?” Your voice pierced a scared rhythm of crackling in the embers of the fire. 
“Y/n?” he replied.
“I think you’re too cool for me,” you joked, halfway believing it. 
He smiled wide, “Too cool...ain’t never heard that one before. Truth be told, i’m a little shy. And hell, maybe a little nervous.” 
“Yeah...i’m not real good at the whole...smooth talkin’ thing.” He looked from the fire to the ground. You turned to face him. 
“Smooth talkin’ thing,” you repeated. “Clyde, you don’t need to play games with people, you’re the real deal. That’s why all the women at the bar hang on your every word, why I come as often-” You stopped yourself. Don’t give too much away, damnit. Even if the moonshine is strong, you needed to at least not make yourself vulnerable. You looked to the ground, then to his prosthetic arm which was glinting in the fire. In your peripheral vision, Clyde was looking down at you with the faintest smirk. 
“Yes, miss y/n? Please continue,” he demanded.
You huffed a breath through your nose, taking a sip of the drink you had been nursing. “All i’m saying is...I can’t seem to get enough of being around you. You make this whole reassignment..I don’t know...brighter? Sweeter? You make everything as easy as breathing when I come to see you at the bar. I’m sure you get a lot of this, but it sure means a lot to me to have you around.” You weren’t sure where you pulled the courage to say all of this, but you realized you’d begun shaking from nerves. 
Clyde’s eyes contained the image of the fire reflected back to you. Of course they did. He’s the only person that’s made you feel hotter than the West Virginia sun. The only face you’ve pictured late at night when your hands dip below your panty line. The only thing giving you a glimmer of hope for happiness in this lonely town. You were only able to hold his gaze for a moment. His hair was curling at the ends from the humidity, a slight breeze sending the scent of his shampoo to your senses. 
“You must not know how much I think of you, y/n,” he began, “ever since you been comin’ to my bar for a laugh, I’ve been hangin off every word you say to me.” He looked down at his shirt wrapped around your body. “You are the highlight of my day, every time I see your pretty face gracin’ my bar. I love makin’ you your favorite drinks, watchin you sip and be happy with your girlfriend...hell, i’d do anything to make you feel happy,” he chuckled. “I honestly never thought I stood a chance with lady as beautiful as you, always comin to see me in those perfect dresses.” 
You shuddered at the thought of him noticing you in your dress, wondering what you were wearing underneath, how the fabric would feel against his skin…
“Y/n!” yelled Lauren. 
You both perked up, not realizing how close your faces had gotten in your conversation. You became acutely aware of the smoke coming your way in contrast to the scent of Clyde’s body coming closer to yours. You turned to face Lauren, walking with Jimmy’s friend. 
“Yes, Lauren?”
@callmehopeless​...because I LOVE annoying you with attention
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httpswwwtbhkcom · 4 years
Killing Spree
Chapter 6- Everything Hurts
... Pairing: Momo Yaoyorozu x Reader
[@httpswwwtbhkcom’s masterlist] [Killing Spree Navi]
Summary: Momo is working at a Yakuza her parents’ owned. She had killed multiple people called her ‘targets’ since she was going to be the next Oyabun. After her last killing spree, her new target was named Y/n L/n. A beautiful young lady, the same age as Momo. She unexpectedly saw you on a dark alleyway surrounded by another Yakuza. She had saved you, then both became friends. She had liked you every second she has with you. Her parents had noticed her sneaking out lately. So they confronted her, That had let into an arguement.
Yaomomo’s Yakusa name is Creati
Warning: Some wrong grammars, mafia au, some swearing, mentions of death, mentions of killing, mentions of blood,
Genre: Fluff, some angst, mafia au,
Y/n- your name, L/n- last name, Yakuza- mafia,  Senpai- a person a year or more older than you, Kouhai- a person younger than you,
Names: Uramaya Sakuyomi- Your one of your 3rd year friends,  Isetaki Nahiko- One of your Kouhai,  Koni Mitsuyama - Favorite Kouhai,  Asatsuka Izuki- Co-worker who is older than you,  Kinobashi Atsurime- a teacher from Shiketsu university,
The characters are 20+ Years old!
Reader: Female
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[Y/n’s introduction]  [Prologue] [Momo’s introduction] .. [Previous] [You are here] [Next]
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“Everyone can leave now. You all must be fine now.” Recovery girl said. “Is Bakugo awake now?” She continued. Iida looked at Bakugo, then looked at Recovery girl. “No.. Bakugo seems to still be unconscious.” Iida said, frowning a little. 
“Everyone should leave now, it’s almost going to close soon. Mineta and Tokoyami can sleep here.” Recovery girl sighed. “Kirishima, carry Bakugo.” Aizawa commanded. Kirishima nodded then carefully carried Bakugo. 
Everyone left the room, to their own homes. Yes, they’re supposed to be in the dorms. But they got on a mission and Aizawa and All might said to go to their homes instead of the dorms for a week or so. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Kirishima and the rest of the Bakusquad carried Bakugo to his house. Bakugo woke up halfway of the walk. 
“H-huh...” Bakugo’s eyes slowly opened, his vision blurry. Slowly when he noticed a pair of arms carrying him. He blushed. “H-HEY LET ME GO!” He stuttered. “Chill, don’t worry.” Kaminari reassured Bakugo. Kirishima slowly helped him stand up. 
“Ugh... What the fuck happened.?” He asked, trying to balance himself, While holding his head. “You got hit of a dizzy kind of quirk.” Sero answered. 
“Hah?” Bakugo looked at Sero. Before Bakugo said anything else, Kirishima interrupted. “Hey hey, Let’s get you back to your house. It’s getting late.” Bakugo didn’t responded, instead following them, pouting. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
“My, my Momo darling!” A woman shouted, Momo knew that voice. It was her mother. “Momo! Look at you! So- Injured!” She looked at her in worry, caressing her cheek. She flinched in pain. “Oh my! I’m so sorry!” She apologized. Momo reassured her it was fine.
Her dad came in next, greeting her. “Momo my child, Are you fine?” He said in a stern voice. “Yes father.” She answered. After that, her father left to his office. He never had time for his family, Momo barely sees her father outside his office, While her mom is pretty easy to find, either in her office, inside the house roaming around, or at the mall buying new clothes.
She was already used to her father’s actions. Sometimes to never leaving the office, going back late to the house and many more business man’s things.
“Momo, darling, Go to your room and take a rest. You must be tired!” She suggested. Momo nodded and went into her room. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
When she woke up, everything hurted, her body felt numb. 
She tried to remember everything she done in the house and at the school and mission, But failed. She didn’t remember having problems going around the house yesterday, so why did the numbness hit now? 
She felt a stung at her palm. She hissed, immediately going to her own bathroom and finding the first-aid kit. She opened her palm to see blood slowly flowing. 
Once she found it, she immediately opened the kit, then treating herself.
She sighed. ‘How did i have this? I didn’t remember this being here.’ She asked herself.
A few hours later, her question was still unsolved. Until she saw a glass shard on her bed. She hummed, checking her bed if there are more. It was just one. 
She quickly went to her mother who was in her office,(She knocked the door first since she’s nice) “Mother, i had found a piece of glass on my bed. Did something happened at my room?” She asked. Her mother looked at her confused. “I’m sorry darling, It might be my fault.” She awkwardly laughed. Momo tilted her head. “Well.. You see, i was going to give you a glass of water since i wanted to talk to you. Then i accidentally tripped and the glass broke, luckily, the water didn’t soaked you. And of course i cleaned it. I didn’t check the bed since you were peacefully asleep. My apologies darling.” She explained. Momo sighed, and forgave her mother.
She came to her private training room to practice her quirk and reflexes. The numbness slowly faded away, in which became Momo’s last concern. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
She was bored, and it was also the weekend, so why not visit you? 
You heard your doorbell ring, ‘Coming!’ You shouted. You opened the door to see Momo standing outside. “Hey!” You greeted, gesturing her to come inside.
“Why are you here? I thought you all were busy today.” You asked. “Well, i was actually free today, and i wanted to hang out with you.” She smiled. You smiled as well, making Momo’s heart flutter. 
(You can imagine what you both were doing, it’s your choice)
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robinrunsfiction · 5 years
And Never Be Afraid Again
Pairing: Frank Iero x Female Reader Rating: Teen (for bullying/language/fighting) Requested By: None Word Count: ~5,500 Author’s Note: Hope you all enjoy some fluffy, high school AU goodness! Thank you to @mariawritesfanfic​ for the assist with writing a couple scenes for this (I can’t describe how people are posing, or be mean apparently?!)
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The school year had barely begun, but Frank was already bored of it. His thoughts were wrapped up in playing in his band with his friends and not in his classes or being around the douchebags that harassed him and his friends. At least it was his now his favorite time of the school day: lunch.
"I invited my friend to eat with us today. She had to change her classes around, so she has lunch this hour now too," Gerard's girlfriend Leigh announced when she arrived at the lunch table.
Frank's defensive nature immediately kicked in, not really interested in bringing someone new into their group. "We only have four chairs," he argued.
"Fine," Leigh said getting up and sitting on Gerard's lap. "Now everyone is happy," she shot Frank a saccharine smile.
"I know I am," Gerard grinned as he snaked he arms around his girlfriend's waist, pulling her closer before she leaned in and they started making out.
"I'm not," Mikey replied, sounding slightly nauseous at the sight.
"Hey guys, can I sit here?" An unfamiliar voice asked a few minutes later.
Frank looked up and it was as if time stopped when he saw the girl that had just walked up. She was so pretty and even though he didn't know her, he instantly felt the overwhelming need to protect her and keep her safe.
"Oh hey (YN), come sit down!" Leigh said when she finally came up for air. "You know Gerard, that's his little brother Mikey, and that’s their friend Frank."
(YN) nodded at each of them before sitting down with her lunch. Gerard had turned to ask Mikey about something while Leigh and (YN) started talking about a class assignment they had coming up, but Frank heard none of that. He was entranced by (YN) who was sitting next to him. He didn't even realize he was staring until a half-eaten sandwich hit him in the side of the head.
"Fuckin weirdos," Shawn shouted as he and his friends high fived and left the cafeteria. Shawn was a known bully at school, going after Frank, Gerard, and their friends for ages.
"Assholes," Frank muttered under his breath. When he looked up, he saw Leigh was holding onto (YN)'s hand protectively.
"You ok?" Gerard asked.
"Yea, I'm fine," Frank replied.
"We gotta do something to get back at them, this has been going on for too long," Gerard muttered.
"I don’t wanna get in trouble," Mikey replied.
"Yea, I don't want you guys to get in trouble either. If you're gonna fight ‘em, do it off school grounds," Leigh suggested.
"Good idea babe," Gerard replied giving her a kiss on the cheek.
Leigh then turned to (YN) and whispered something in her ear. (YN) only nodded forlornly in response and Leigh gave her hand another squeeze. Frank wanted to ask what was going on with (YN), but he didn't know her well enough yet to ask her outright, much to his frustration.
When the bell rang for the end of the period, everyone split up and started heading toward their respective classrooms, but Frank and Leigh were headed the same way.
"Hey, umm, Leigh, what's the deal with (YN)?" Frank asked.
Leigh smirked a little at him. "Why do you wanna know, Frank?"
He shrugged and shifted the weight of his backpack and tugged at his tie. "You brought her into the group all the sudden, I dunno, I wanna get to know her."
"Frank, I’ve been dating Gerard for how long, and how much do you even know about me?" Leigh asked.
"I know you love Gee, and umm, you're friends with (YN) and me and Ray and Mikey, and you like our band, and umm," he trailed off. He suddenly felt bad for not knowing more about the girl he had been hanging out with for years now and he was hoping she’d help him.
Leigh smiled. "Here," she pulled out her phone and typed something in. "I know that's what you want, but go slow with her," she advised before walking off, smirk still on her face.
Frank scrambled to pull his phone out of his pocket. The text from Leigh was just seven digits long, but it was exactly what he wanted to read.
Frank paced around his bedroom, phone in hand. He had spent the afternoon thinking about what he wanted to say to (YN). He had typed and deleted hundreds of messages before he accidentally hit send on one that read "hey (YN), its frank". He felt relieved it wasn’t the one that read "i think i believe in love at first sight after today".
He threw his phone onto the bed and picked up his guitar and focused on practicing the riff in the new song the band had been working on. Every few seconds though he would glance across the room to see if there was a new message.
"Fuckin chill out man," Frank muttered to himself and eventually he managed to get lost in the song. When he finally looked up, he was startled to see how much time had passed.
"Shit shit shit," he said as he scrambled to check his phone. He had two new messages, both from (YN), but both were sent just a few minutes before.
Hi Frank 🙂 Sorry it took so long to respond, I was tutoring
'God, of course she's smart, she's probably in AP classes like Leigh. Wait, that’s another thing I know about her, I'll throw that in her face tomorrow. No focus on (YN),' he thought.
Cool, what subject? He replied
I love english. What is your class reading?
They messaged each other back and forth about the books they were reading, then the music they were into. Even though they were just texting he could feel the passion with which (YN) talked about the things she enjoyed. It was such a welcome change from so many of the girls he tried to talk to that only cared about appearing aloof and cool.
The next day at school Frank found Leigh and Gerard in front of his locker as usual with Ray.
"Hey Frank," Leigh greeted him with a knowing smirk.
"Woah man, you look," Ray trailed off, as he looked his friend up and down. Frank had actually pressed his school uniform that morning, but still had his tie loose around his neck and he spent a long time making sure he got his hair just right.
"You look good," Gerard confirmed. "Who are you trying to impress?"
"Your mom," Frank snapped back.
"Clever Iero, very clever," Gerard replied rolling his eyes.
Just then he caught Leigh's eye and a realization dawned on him. She hadn't told the others, not even Gerard, that he had been asking about (YN). He appreciated her keeping it quiet. When the bell rang, everyone headed to their classes, but Frank hurried after Leigh. "Wait up," he called.
"What’s up," she asked turning to face him.
"Thanks, for not telling everyone about (YN)."
"I did it as much for her as I did for you Frank. She wouldn't want to be the center of attention for this sort of thing. I know you guys talked for a long time last night, she was so excited," Leigh smiled.
"Don't tell her I told you" she winked and left Frank again standing in the hall slightly stunned and with a stupid grin on his face.
The class periods seemed to drag on forever until lunch. He found Mikey had grabbed them a larger table in hopes of not having to watch his older brother make out with his girlfriend the entire hour. Frank sat on the bench across from Mikey and soon saw Leigh and Gerard walking up hand in hand. Gerard started walking to the side of the table Frank was sitting on, but Leigh steered him to the side next to Mikey, and moments later (YN) showed up and sat down next to Frank.
"Hey," Frank said to her, shyness suddenly overwhelming him.
"Hi," she replied, a blush creeping over her cheeks.
Frank glanced up and saw Leigh was grinning. He rolled her eyes at her and gave a quick smile at (YN) before starting in on his lunch.
"Do you guys have practice this weekend?" Leigh asked Gerard.
"Yea, you wanna come?" He asked.
"Obviously," she grinned. "(YN), you're gonna come too, right?"
"Can I?" (YN) asked, looking at the band members at the table.
"Yea, no problem," Gerard replied and Frank nodded in agreement. Mikey just shrugged.
"You're gonna love them (YN)! They put so much into their music, even the practices are exciting!" Leigh explained enthusiastically.
The rest of the lunch was spent discussing the band. When the bell rang, everyone split up, but again Frank hurried to catch up with Leigh.
"Hey, thanks for everything with (YN)," Frank said. "And sorry for not making more of an effort to get to know you. You're not just Gee's girlfriend, you're really cool."
"Thanks Frank. I just wanna see (YN) happy and you guys would be so adorable together! Are you going to ask her to homecoming?"
Frank stopped dead in his tracks. "Wait, should I? Would she want me to?"
"Ask and find out!" Leigh grinned before ducking into her classroom.
Homecoming was weeks away, so it hadn't even been on his mind, and in previous years he hadn't gone, not caring that much about a dumb dance. But suddenly (YN) had come into his life, and Frank would do whatever she wanted to make her happy.
It seemed to Frank anytime he wasn't around or talking to (YN) time was moving at a glacial pace, putting him on edge. He now wished when he had picked his classes he had pushed himself more to take the AP classes so he could spend more time with (YN) instead of seeing her briefly in the halls and at lunch.
By the time Saturday afternoon arrived, he felt like he was going to bounce off the walls. He arrived extra early to the Way household to help get ready for their practice session.
"(YN) and Leigh are still coming, right?" He asked nervously.
"Yea, they were gonna go to the mall to look at homecoming dresses I think," Gerard replied.
"Does (YN) have a date?" Frank asked almost frantically.
"I don't think so," Gerard shrugged. "But I know me and Leigh are gonna go. You should ask (YN) and we can all go. It would be fun."
"Did Leigh say something? About me and..." he trailed off.
"No, but it’s pretty obvious you like her," Gerard laughed.
"Shit," Frank muttered under his breath making Gerard laugh even harder.
"What's so funny?" Leigh asked as she and (YN) walked up to the open garage.
"Nothing," Frank muttered before going to plug in his guitar.
(YN) and Leigh sat down in the lawn chairs set up in the corner and the band started their practice. Frank gave it his all as they rehearsed their new song. He wanted (YN) to be impressed, and by the glances he stole, she was enjoying the performance. Her eyes were lit up and she was grinning. At one point he even got so confident he shot her a wink and she blushed feverishly.
"I'm gonna stay and hang out with Gerard for a bit, you don't mind, do you?" Leigh asked (YN) once the practice was over.
"Oh, I guess not. I'll see you guys on Monday," (YN) replied before waving and starting back up the driveway. Frank watched her go, not sure if he should have offered to give her a ride until he was being smacked in the arm.
"Go!" Leigh whispered harshly at him, pointing at (YN).
His eyes went wide, and he grabbed his guitar case and ran after her. "(YN), wait up!"
She turned she heard him run up. "Yea?"
"Wanna go grab something to eat?" The question tumbled out of his mouth before he knew what he was doing.
"Yea sure," she smiled back.
They went to his car and he mentally berated himself for not keeping it cleaner. "Sorry it’s a mess," he said when she got in.
"It’s ok," she replied, still smiling. "Where do you wanna go?"
"Umm, pizza?" He offered, trying to remember how much money he had on him.
"Sure," (YN) agreed and they were off.
Frank's stomach was in knots the whole drive to the pizza place. What if she didn’t like it? What if she didn't really like him more than a friend? Was Gerard just bullshitting him when he said he should ask (YN) to the dance?
From the other side of the car (YN)'s head was swimming with the same questions. Was this a pity date? Was this even a date at all? Leigh seemed certain he'd ask her to the dance, but what if she was just making that up? No, Leigh was a good friend, she trusted her not to do things like that.
When they arrived at the pizza place and each ordered a slice. Frank was just thankful he had enough money to cover both.
"I had been meaning to ask, why did you switch classes? I mean I'm really glad you’re in our lunch now, but," Frank shrugged.
(YN) looked down and Frank immediately regretted asking that. "Remember when Shawn threw a sandwich at you that first day I sat at your table? He was in the class I switched out of, but I guess he was skipping that day or something. He’s always teased me and stuff, but it got worse after I refused to help him cheat on a test. He’s been kinda terrorizing me since then, but I was able to get into an advanced placement class, so I switched."
Frank was livid, but also dumbstruck. "What an asshole! Fuck him for trying to cheat off you, and how could someone make fun of you? You're so smart and pretty and interesting! You get so excited about everything you love and so many people are afraid to do that!”
(YN) shrugged. “I dunno. That’s why I never really tried to hang out with anyone until Leigh started talking to me. I didn’t really trust that people would be genuinely nice to me.”
“I’m so sorry (YN), you don’t deserve that,” Frank apologized, reaching out and squeezing her hand. “Gee was right, we should fight those assholes."
"What? No, you don't have to get in a fight for me!"
"I just hate the thought of anyone being mean to you because I like you so much," he confessed and as soon as the words left his mouth his eyes again went wide and he wanted to crawl under the table and die. He covered his face with his hands so he wouldn’t see when (YN) inevitably got up and left.
"I've never liked anyone who liked me back," she said softly, almost in awe.
Frank looked up and (YN) was grinning at him. "So, since I'm on a roll here, do you wanna go to homecoming with me?"
(YN) nodded emphatically at him. "Yes! I'd love to!”
Frank and (YN) spent a while longer together at the pizza place before they got up to leave. As they walked to the door, (YN)’s hand brushed against Frank’s a couple times before she took a deep breath and grabbed his hand. Frank looked down at her and squeezed her hand. When they got into the car, (YN) gave him directions back to her house and when they pulled up out front, he got out and walked her to the front door.
“I’m really glad this afternoon worked out,” she smiled.
“Me too. So, I’ll talk to you later then,” Frank said feeling slightly awkward again. Leigh’s words rang through his head, warning him to take it slow with (YN). Instead of leaning in to try to kiss her, he held out his arms to instead give her a hug. When (YN) wrapped her arms around him, he was overwhelmed by how perfect she felt against him, and he didn’t want to let go.
(YN) buried her face against the crook of Frank’s neck. She didn’t want to let him go. She wanted to memorize every part of this moment. She wanted to remember how he smelled, how his hands felt on her back, how warm he was. When she pulled back, he placed a quick peck on her cheek before giving her an awkward smile that made her giggle.
“Night (YN),” he called as he walked back to his car.
“Night Frank,” she replied before going inside.
“Do you think I look ok?” (YN) asked turning in the mirror.
“Absolutely! You look amazing! Frank is gonna be speechless,” Leigh grinned from where she was sitting on the bed putting on her shoes. Leigh had come over to help (YN) do her hair and make up for the dance and the boys were on their way over to pick them up.
(YN) turned again, examining the black off the shoulder lace dress with long sleeves, and a skirt that ended at her knee. It wasn’t often that she felt confident in what she was wearing, which is why was relieved to go to a school that required uniforms, but the longer she looked, the more excited and confident she felt.
“Girls, your dates are here!” (YN)’s mom called from the bottom of the stairs.
“Hang on, I wanna go first, I wanna see Frank’s reaction when he sees you!” Leigh said jumping up.
(YN) nodded and smiled before the girls took a moment to squeal with excitement before Leigh calmed herself, smoothed out the skirt of her red dress, and walked out. (YN) took a few deep breaths and listened to the reaction downstairs from her doorway. Gerard was gushing over Leigh and (YN) smiled, loving how much they adored each other.
“Come on (YN)!” Leigh called out. (YN) took another breath, nerves suddenly overwhelming her, and she stepped out of her room and headed down the stairs. Her heart was hammering in her chest when she made eye contact with Frank. He was looking at her with a look of adoration and awe.
“Oh, honey you look amazing,” her mother gushed.
“Yea, wow (YN) you look really nice!” Gerard complimented.
“Thanks,” (YN) replied to both, and then turned to Frank, who was still staring at her.
“Told ya he’d be speechless,” Leigh laughed.
“I, no, wow, (YN), yea,” he stammered. “Beautiful,” he finally said and (YN) giggled.
“Thanks Frank. You look really handsome,” she replied, blushing. He was wearing a black button-down shirt with a black tie.
“I got you this,” he said holding up a red rose corsage and (YN) slipped it on her wrist.
“Ok, photo time!” (YN)’s mom announced while ushering everyone into the living room. “Now, Frank you are going to stand here,” she said guiding him where she wanted him in front of the fireplace, “and dear, stand here,” she said to her daughter, instructing her to stand next to Frank. “Now, put your arms around her waist, don’t be nervous!” Frank put his arms around (YN) and she could feel Frank tense behind her. “Now, dear place your hands on top of his.” (YN) moved her hands so they were on top of Frank’s.
(YN)’s mom took a step back. “Oh, how cute!” She announced before she started taking photos. Leigh and Gerard were giggling at their friends’ awkward pose and snapping photos as well.
Despite the awkward moment, (YN) realized how genuinely happy she felt and started to giggle. The laughter was apparently contagious, as behind her she could feel Frank relax and then start to laugh a little as well. Soon they were both laughing, and he had wrapped his hands around her more snugly and pulled her against him.
“That’s the shot we’ve been waiting for!” Leigh called from the back of the living room.
“Isn’t it your turn yet?” Frank asked between laughs.
“Yes, you two come in as well,” (YN)’s mom said ushering Leigh and Gerard to come stand next to the others. Gerard and Leigh were much more comfortable posing together and after a few more combinations of photos, it was time to leave.
“Sorry I couldn’t say anything when you came down, Leigh was right, I was totally speechless,” Frank laughed when they got into the car.
“That’s ok, it made me feel special,” (YN) laughed as well.
“You are special (YN). And beautiful!” Frank exclaimed. “Anyone who can’t see that is crazy.”
(YN) blushed and fiddled with the corsage on her wrist. “Thanks Frank. I mean for giving me a chance and not treating me like a weirdo like almost everyone else does.”
For a moment, a wave of anger washed through Frank. No one in the world deserved to be made to feel like their interests or their talents weren’t important, especially not someone like (YN). He wanted to pulverize the assholes that made her feel like she was anything other than the best thing in the world.
When they pulled up to a stoplight, Frank grabbed (YN)’s hand and looked in her eyes. “(YN), you just point me in the direction of anyone who makes you feel bad and I’ll knock some sense into them. I’d do anything for you, you’re my girl.”
(YN) felt like she was going to start crying happy tears. She had spent so long being lonely, now she had so many friends, cool friends at that, and a boy that cared about her. She didn’t think that if she even went to homecoming that she’d go alone, but she had a date who bought a corsage and her mom seemed to like him too.
“Thank you, Frank. Really, thank you,” she smiled at him and sniffled. Suddenly from behind them Gerard was honking his horn. “Oh, the light is green,” she laughed.
After dinner, they arrived at the dance shortly after it began. The gymnasium was decorated with twinkle lights and streamers, and full of their classmates dressed to the nines.
“Now what do we do?” Frank asked nervously.
“We go get some snacks and we watch people dance stupidly, and then when a song we like comes on, we dance stupidly,” Leigh explained, leading the way to the snack table.
“We don’t have to dance if you don’t want to,” (YN) said as she and Frank followed Gerard and Leigh.
“We can do whatever you want,” Frank smiled at her as they crossed the gym.
The group found a spot in the corner to chat and watch their classmates, and eventually Ray arrived with his date Christa. When a fast song came on, the girls all rushed to the dance floor to dance, while the guys hung back and watched.
“God, I love Leigh,” Gerard said. “How did a bunch of losers like us get so lucky to get girls like them?” And all the guys laughed and nodded in agreement.
“Are you and (YN) serious?” Ray asked Frank.
“I’d like to be, she’s amazing,” he replied dreamily. “But I haven’t even kissed her yet.”
“Why not?” Gerard asked.
“Because unlike you, my girl is not my only source of oxygen,” Frank retorted.
“You think that now, just wait,” Gerard replied knowingly.
On the dance floor, there was a similar conversation going on between the girls as they danced.
“What are you guys going to do after the dance?” Christa asked the others.
“My parents are out of town, so Gerard is staying over,” Leigh grinned.
“I just want Frank to kiss me,” (YN) sighed.
“Wait, he hasn’t even kissed you yet? Haven’t you gone out a few times?” Leigh asked.
“Yea we have, but nope. No kiss,” (YN) shrugged.
“Oh, shit, that might be my fault actually,” Leigh replied nervously.
“Wait, why?”
Leigh bit her lip. “I, umm, told him to take things slow with you, but I didn’t think he’d go that slow.”
(YN) laughed with relief. “I’m just glad its not that he doesn’t like me!”
“Oh no, we can all tell he likes you!” Christa smiled.
“Just take matters into your own hands!” Leigh nodded.
(YN) nodded resolutely as the song ended and a slow song began. She looked around and spotted Frank crossing the floor to her and she couldn’t help the grin spreading across her face.
“Wanna dance?” he asked nervously.
“Yea,” she nodded. He put his hands on her waist and she draped her arms over his shoulders. She watched as Ray and Christa swayed together, completely oblivious to everyone around them. Then she spotted Leigh and Gerard, he was holding her close and looking down at her lovingly as she played with the hair at the nape of his neck. Leigh leaned in and kissed Gerard and (YN) couldn’t help but feel a little jealous.
But then she looked back at Frank who smiled at her softly and she smiled back, and her heart skipped a beat. Things with Frank were amazing, and they would happen in their own time.  She took a step closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder. He placed a kiss on her temple.
The DJ saved the slowest songs for last and at the end of the night the couples all went their separate ways. (YN) and Frank laughed and chatted the whole way back to her house until he parked the car.
“Thanks again for the amazing night Frankie,” (YN) said when they got to the front door.
Frank blushed at the new nickname she had given him, and it only made him more resolute in what he wanted to ask her. “I’m glad you had fun,” he replied sweetly. “Umm, I know we’ve gone out a few times now and I really like you a lot. Can I call you my girlfriend?”
“That would be great,” (YN) replied with a grin, then she bit her lip. It was now or never. She glanced at Frank’s lips and leaned in and Frank took the hint, reaching up and caressing her cheek gently just before their lips met. Frank’s heart was hammering in his chest. He couldn’t believe this beautiful girl had agreed to be his girlfriend and was kissing him after a wonderful night together. (YN) was smiling as she wrapped her arms around him.
It felt like it had been forever when they finally pulled back. “Wow,” she murmured.
“You’re so amazing (YN),” Frank smiled down at her.
“Right back at you Frankie,” she replied. “I guess I should go in, I’ll talk to you tomorrow ok?”
Frank nodded before stealing another quick kiss from her. “Goodnight babe.”
“Night,” she grinned as she slipped inside the house.
Frank made his way back to his car, with a grin on his face that just wouldn’t fade.
The next couple weeks were some of the best (YN) had experienced since she started high school. She and Frank were joined at the hip whenever they could be, and she enjoyed going out on double dates with their friends. My Chemical Romance even had their first real show, and she, Leigh and Christa were in the front row, cheering their hearts out for their favorite band.
The wonderful series of events came to an abrupt halt one morning. (YN) was standing at her locker grabbing the books for her next class when she heard laughing. She knew that laugh. It was Shawn and his crew.  
“Well look who we have here,” Shawn grinned as he slammed her locker shut and the rest of the crew surrounded her.
“Shawn, please leave me alone, I’m trying to get to class.”
“I bet you are,” Shawn leaned closer to her. “Always trying to get to class like the good little girl that you are.”
YN could feel her face getting warm as she tried to push her way pass.
“Where are you going, bitch? I didn’t say you could leave.” Shawn reached out and grabbed YN’s arm which caused her to drop her books and threw her back into the lockers, which caused everyone in the hallway to look at them. “You think you are better than everyone all because of your grades? You had no problem letting me get fucked over in history class, and now I’m on academic probation from the lacrosse team. You are nothing, whore. You are nothing more than just a good little slut who needs a good dick to really teach her a lesson.”
YN couldn’t help herself as she felt the tears well up in her eyes. She closed her eyes tight and wished he would just disappear.
“That’s right, you won’t do anything, but cry like the little bitch you are.”
“But I will,” Frank said from behind Shawn.
Shawn turned to find Frank, fists clenched, jaw set. “What are you gonna do about it, dweeb?”
“After school I’m gonna kick your ass at Manor Park.”
“Frankie,” (YN) started to object.
“4 PM, we’ll be there,” Shawn replied before pushing past Frank, his friends following suit.
As soon as they were gone, Frank rushed to (YN). “(YN) are you ok? Did he hurt you?” He asked brushing away the tears on her cheeks, his eyes searching hers.
“Yea, I was just scared. Please don’t fight him, I don’t want you to get hurt!”
“He deserves to get his ass kicked. He’s been terrorizing you for ages and it ends today! I can take him.”
“There’s no way I’m gonna change your mind, huh?”
“None at all babe,” he smiled. “Come on, I’ll walk you to class.”
It was almost 4 PM and Frank stood alone in the shelter in the park. He told (YN) not to come, he didn’t want her to worry. He heard voices and turned to see if it was Shawn, but instead saw Gerard, Mikey and Ray coming up the sidewalk.
“What are you guys doing here?” Frank asked.
“(YN) told Leigh you were gonna fight Shawn, we’re here for back up,” Gerard replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“Thanks guys,” Frank replied.
Suddenly the sound of a car speeding up the street grabbed their attention. They watched as Shawn and his crew piled out and stalked across the grass.
“Brought your freak friends for back up? Fucking coward. You wanna back down now and go cry to your little bitch of a girlfriend, Iero?” Shawn taunted.
“You brought your crew too, you fucking idiot. And I’m gonna make you wish you never even looked at (YN),” Frank snapped back.
Both sides squared up to each other, staring the other side down, daring them to make the first move.
“Fuck this,” Frank finally muttered and launched himself at Shawn, his first punch landing square on his nose. This action set everyone off, fists being thrown on each side. Frank got Shawn down on the ground, throwing punch after punch at the bully. Shawn finally swung back and connected with Frank’s eye, knocking him back. Having Frank off him was enough for Shawn to scramble to his feet.
“Come on, lets get away from these freaks,” he spat, blood running down his face which was already swollen and bruised. The rest of Shawn’s friends were equally beaten, apparently having underestimated the bandmates.
“You guys alright?” Frank asked, looking back at his friends. Ray was the worst off, looking like he had gotten a bad cut on the head, and Mikey had a blood nose. Gerard had a bloody nose as well but was grinning devilishly.
“That was fucking awesome!” Gerard exclaimed. “I’ve never felt so alive!”
“Guys, are you ok?” The gang turned and saw (YN) and Leigh running across the park. “Oh my god, you’re all bloody!” (YN) exclaimed as she rushed to Frank, gently touching the bruising skin by his eye. Leigh hurried to Gerard and he pulled her in for a kiss. Mikey just rolled his eyes.
“Frank kicked Shawn’s ass!” Ray exclaimed.
“I don’t think he’s ever gonna bother you again babe,” Frank smiled down at (YN). She reached up and pressed her lips against his and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up,” (YN) said when she pulled back, resting her forehead against Frank’s.
Leigh finally came up for air from her kiss with Gerard. “My house is around the corner, let’s go back there.”
Everyone turned to follow Leigh, except Frank, who took (YN)’s hand. “(YN) hang on,” he said, his voice tinged with nervousness.
“What’s wrong Frank?” she asked, looking concerned.
“Nothing, I just wanna tell you, umm… I’d fight anyone for you. Any day, any time. I’d do anything for you (YN) because I really love you,” he said, his eyes on the ground.
“Frankie,” she started, and he looked up. “I love you too, so much! But please, no more fights, not for a long time,” she giggled.
Frank grinned and pulled her to him again, their lips connecting, both smiling.
“Are you lovebirds coming?” Gerard shouted from the distance, and they pulled back.
“Come on, let’s go catch up with them,” (YN) said, taking Frank’s hand and they hurried to meet up with their friends.
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
I never thought "Fast food AU" would be something I want that much but thanks to you, this is happening! I'd love to read it: it sounds terrific!
In case you missed it, this is a reference to this post, which as predicted, I promptly forgot about.
Anyway, yes, I, too would like to read it, so, here, Anon, I wrote you a drabble. It’s less of a Fast Food AU and more of an everyone-works-at-the-mall-in-the-year-Polynya-graduated-high-school, but you get what you pay for.
Izuru works at the Squad 4 Arby’s, tho, so it counts.
“Ma’am,” said Shuuhei, in an extremely serious voice, “this is a fantasy gaming supply store.”
Rangiku dissolved into giggles.
Izuru stuffed his nose deeper into this month’s Dungeon Magazine, which he had absolutely no intention of purchased. He was trying to ignore Shuuhei draping his arm around Rangiku’s shoulders next to him, or more accurately, trying not to imagine Shuuhei’s arms draped around his own shoulders. Maybe if he smelled like Cinnabon, like she did, instead of Horsey Sauce, he’d have a better chance. 
“They didn’t publish it this month,” Shuuhei informed him.
“Publish what? What are you talking about?” Izuru stammered, shutting the magazine self-consciously.
“You sent in a module, didn’t you? I can tell your style, and none of this month’s looked like yours.”
“Liches, bitches!” Ikkaku cackled from the back corner where he was perusing the Gundam kits.
“Other people write campaigns about liches,” Izuru snarled. 
“But so few include haiku about phylacteries,” Shuuhei sighed dramatically.
“Takes up a whole four syllables, power move if you ask me,” Rukia mumbled from behind A Clash of Kings.
“Anyway, I wouldn’t send anything into a magazine, that’s dumb,” Izuru pressed, hoping his cheeks weren’t too pink. To date, he had sent seventeen submissions to Dungeon Magazine. Eleven of them had been about liches. Two had been published, under a pseudonym of course. He hadn’t told anyone.
“Speaking of which, are we playing this weekend?” Rangiku whined. “I can’t have the car back for another three weeks, because of my report card, so I need a ride. “Shuuhei, can you pick me up on the bike?”
“I mean, I can, but we’re playing at my house, so that seems a little dumb. Izuru, how’s the Festiva running?”
The Festiva was not running. The Festiva was a brick. The Festiva needed $1200 (which Izuru didn’t have) of work, or possibly just Renji to hit it really hard again with the crow bar.
Speaking of the devil, a tall gangly mass of limbs and red hair in a referee’s jersey came barrelling into the gaming store. 
“He’s back here!” Rangiku called, unhelpfully, as if they weren’t always all packed in on the old shitty couch in amongst the WWII rpgs.
“I knew I would find you here!” Renji yelled. “I need you to go back on shift! Isane won’t give me my senior citizen discount and I need Beef’n’Cheddars! I got soccer practice tonight!”
“Reeeeennnjiiiii, will you give me a ride to D&D this weekend?” Rangiku whined. “I’d rather ride in the Camaro than Izuru’s Festiva.” 
The car-shaped pile of rust that Renji insisted had once been a Camaro ran even less frequently than Izuru’s Festiva, but at least it was very loud. 
“If you give me gas money,” he agreed amiably.
“Maybe instead of trying to scam discount sandwiches out of Izuru, you should try to get Omaeda to give you a discount on sunglasses instead,” Shuuhei suggested helpfully. “He’s not such a bad guy, as long as you agree with whatever he says. His house is really nice, too. They always have a million leftovers in the fridge.”
“I’m not saving up for sunglasses,” Renji protested. “I’m saving up to ask--” he trailed off suddenly as Rukia’s eyes surfaced above the top of her book; he clearly hadn’t noticed her small, black clad form curled up in the corner. “-- for college.”
“Fuck off, you’re not going to college, you’re gonna work at Foot Locker forever,” shouted Ikkaku, obvious as usual. 
“Better than the fuckin’ Sbarro,” Renji snapped back.
“You shut up, Sbarro rules, and at least I get free food!”
Izuru sighed and heaved himself up off the couch. “I’m back on shift in ten anyway. Let’s go get you your sandwiches, Abarai.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Renji smashed him on the shoulders as they headed back into the mall, toward the food court. “Hey, Izuru,” he hissed, when they were out of earshot. “Have you read those George R. R. Martin books? Are they any good? They’re huge.”
“I’m pretty sure Rukia is just hate-reading them,” Izuru reassured him.  “I’ve read them. They’re great, if you don’t mind your favorite characters dying. They’re never gonna get popular, though.” He wasn’t sure he’d ever seen Rukia unironically enjoy anything. He had no idea why she hung out at the gaming store with all the broke-ass part-timers. She worked in the high-end clothing boutique that her super-rich family owned. Surely, there was a better class of people she could be hanging out with. “Why don’t you just ask her to prom already? She might say yes.”
“Because I’m broke, dude, I just outgrew my cleats and I had to buy new ones and the only way I’m ever going to college is on a soccer scholarship, so I gotta--”
Izuru waved his hand. He’d heard it all before, and it’s not like his own prospects were in any better shape. “Just go thrift a suit. Pretend you’re doing it ironically. I tell you Rukia would go for that.”
Renji’s jaw worked nervously, contemplating the idea. The big jock was usually a pretty chill friend, but not when it came to the subjects of money or college, and especially not the subject of Kuchiki Rukia. “Are you gonna ask Shuuhei?” he demanded suddenly. 
“No!” Izuru gasped. “I could never!” he hissed under his breath.
“You always act like he’s some sort of movie star. So he owns Doc Martens and wears a vest with a bunch of anarchist patches on it and sleeps through class a lot. He’s also on the school newspaper club and yearbook. Were you there the time Iba gave him a cigarette? It was bad. It was real bad. He’s just as big a dork as you are.”
“No one is as big a dork as I am,” Izuru hissed. “Also, he likes Rangiku, I’m pretty sure.”
“Yeah, well, who wouldn’t?” Renji agreed. “She smells like Cinnabon all the time.”
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fijiangecko · 5 years
High Notes
A/N: After a long hiatus (once again), here’s my latest piece. It isn’t super well edited, but I hope you all like it!
Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5,100+
Weed. Mary Jane, grass, marijuana, the crooked rope, the wacky tobacky - whatever you call it, you've got it. Unfortunately, that means hiding it during room checks at the dorms, but it wasn't hard in any sense to hide it. Iida doesn't have a keen eye for drugs as he has no experience with them (and he'd like to keep it that way). On the other hand, Sero helped you disguise the scent and gave you a few tips on how to keep everyone off your tail. Weirdly enough, when school started you immediately caught on that he was a stoner, but it didn't seem like anyone else caught it. Not even the Bakusquad, which both of you were apart of.
"So are we smoking tonight?" Sero whispers as he walks alongside you to lunch. You were lagging behind the rest of the group.
"That's the plan." You respond. He nods. Everyone had decided to go out for lunch since it's the weekend and your only time to relax. The mall wasn't busy per say, but it's wasn't slow. The crowds were sparse so it was easy to keep up with Katsuki, who was leading the group.
You watched him carefully as he moves; anytime his head turns back and you got a profile view of his face your stomach does flips. How can someone be so handsome and yet act like a demon. Even though he was a cocky son of a bitch, you respect his drive and motivations. You just wish that you could get him to notice you. In class you were just average, and everything about him was exemplary. It sucks even harder because you put everything you have on the table for school, and it's just not good enough. You feel inadequate: for his attention, for the school and most importantly to become a hero. And that's why you smoke.
It takes the edge off whenever things start heading downhill. It helps ease the pain and let's you forget about the world for a moment. Especially when Sero's around. People may not see him as front and center but that dude's funny as fuck. He's quick to a joke and always knows the best comedic timing. He's a really nice guy and you're glad he's your best friend.
"So where we eating Mina?" The pinky turns to you with a wide smile.
"There's this really yummy ramen place just up ahead. They got it all, I'm telling you."
"It's really good you'll like it." Kiri chimes in.
"Oh, so I see you two have been here before… perhaps together??" You wiggle your eyebrow suggestively.
"BRO ARE YOU GUYS FUCKING?!" Kaminari can't handle sexual tension. Kiri slaps him in the chest.
"Shut up man someone could hear you, and no. We aren't. I came here with my parents." You, Sero and Kaminari were laughing your asses off as you entered the restaurant, trying hard to contain the fits of giggles so it wasn't distracting to other patrons.
You all sat down in an unfortunate position. You got a corner seat with Sero to your left, but Katsuki in front. His scowl was unchanged since arriving, but somewhere deep in those scarlet eyes you can tell he's having a good time. 
Dinner goes off without a hitch. Everyone enjoys their noodles and has a good time talking. Every now and then you steal a glance at the blonde, but he is always looking elsewhere. It's not like you want to get caught staring at him so he's finally get the idea you were in to him ... course not.
"You need to stop being so obvious dude." Sero talks with a mouthful.
"Shut up I'm not obvious. I'm just looking around." His face dead pans.
"Uhuh." You both laugh to yourselves and don't catch the jealous look on Bakugou's face.
After dinner the group heads back to the dorms to have a movie night, but first you were gonna go change into PJs. Everyone separated to their rooms to get changed.
"I'm just going to bed." You caught Katsuki talking to Kiri.
"C'mon man! It'll be fun! You never bail on movie nights even though you claim to hate them." His scowl deepened.
"No. I'm not hanging out with you shitheads I wanna get some quality sleep."
"Says the guy who goes to bed at 8 every night. It's the weekend! Hang out with us!" Kiri's plea’s don't seem to be doing much, but you decide to step in.
"Movie nights not the same without your snarky comments, you can't bail on us Bakugou." You stick your lip out slightly and slump your shoulders in a pout.
"God, fine! Stop fucking pestering me." Everyone erupts into hoots and hollers while missing the small blush on Katsuki’s face. The time had come for everyone to split up and put on PJ’s , so you opted for the stairs since you ate some extra food tonight and Sero follows you, which Katsuki notices.
"Should we hit it now or later?"
"Uhh, I guess now. I'm prolly gonna pass out towards the end of this movie anyway."
"Sure [Y/N], Mrs. 'I can't handle more than two hits without going fucking insane' ". He snickers at your face starting to turn red.
"Damn dude, wasn't expecting to get fucking roasted tonight. Shit." Embarrassment levels are skyrocketing but it's all in good fun. He wasn't wrong though. You usually get all active when you smoke more than normal. "I'll just have to show you up then." You smirk at him.
"Oh a challenge!! You're on! Hopefully the others don't catch on." He wiggles his eyebrows. 
You scoff at the thought, "they haven't caught us yet," you walk through the door from the stairwell to the 3rd floor, "and I don't think they will." You both laugh. An elevator sing catches you off guard.
Katsuki had just gotten off to go to his room and heard you two talking. His face flushes red, eyes burning with anger. He doesn't say anything as he stomps to his room. Your heart is pounding and the impending doom of a major fuck up in your (nonexistent) relationship slams into you like a car.
“Fuck,” your knees give out and you fall to the floor, staring at the carpet. “God damnit Sero. GOD DAMNIT!” Tears start to well at the bottom of your eyelid.
“Hey,” Sero knells next to you, “it’s okay. I bet he only caught part of the conversation.” He grabs your shoulders and tries to get you to stand up. He walked in a few seconds after you and didn’t fully see what was going on at first.
“I don’t think you understand, he caught the last sentence. He looked like he wanted to kill me.” Sero’s eyes soften at the explanation; he’s known about your crush since you became best friends. In fact, that’s the thing that probably qualified him as your best friend. No one else knew about it and he wasn’t intending on telling anyone soon.
“Let’s get to your room and forget about it for now. Everyone’s gonna be waiting on us if we take too long. It’ll be good to forget about this and figure it out later.” He finally hoists you up and the both of you linger to your room where you change in the bathroom and he changes with an extra set of clothes he left at one point. After getting all changed, you pull out the bong and the little tupperware container of weed and take a couple hits.
...scratch that. A lot of hits; you smoke almost the whole container and Sero takes little to none of it.
“[Y/N], hey. Chill out a little. We’re just trying to have a good time, not get caught.” He takes the bong and starts to clean up a bit.
“You’re right,” you nod while shutting your eyes, trying to let it sink in (even though you know it’s gonna hit hard in a couple minutes). “Let’s go have fun, with our friends and forget that my crush thinks that we’re fucking.”
“You got it.” He leads the way out of your room, but not before you swipe your wax pen and shove it in your sweatpants.
You decided to take the elevator, and much to your surprise, when it opens you see the spiky blonde hair sitting on the couch next to Kiri.
“Hey guys! Took you long enough.” He flashes his spikey teeth in a wide grin.
“The stairs really fuckin’ winded me, sorry. Took me a second to get to my room.” You felt a giggle start to bubble in the pit of your stomach, but you suppressed it for the time being.
It was definitely kicking in.
Sero caught your jaw muscles clench in an act of suppression, and only smiled in response. To an onlooker (*cough* Katsuki *cough*) it looks like Sero just blatantly checked you out. Rage starts spreading throughout his body. 
How the fuck can she fall for him?! What did I do wrong? He faces away from you all. "Turn on the fucking movie already." 
Everyone sits down and gets comfy. Mina, Kiri and Bakugou sit on one couch and Kaminari, Sero and yourself sit on another. You take a blanket before sitting down and spread it over your group. The movie starts to play and everyone has their eyes on the screen. Well… almost everyone. Katsuki continues to glare at Sero as he thinks about what he has that he himself doesn't. It's not like he's jealous or anything… totally not that.
Sometime during the movie you lay your head down on Sero's lap and take out the wax pen from your pocket. Using the blanket as a cover, you take a small hit and turn to him and blow what little smoke there was to his face.
"Dude, you're gonna get us caught." He whisper yells as he slaps his hand over your face. Seeing him trying to act stern with you causes the giggle to erupt out of nowhere. The whole group looks at you two.
"Tapearms, you trying to suffocate her?" Katsuki growls. He instantly removes his hand from your face and the giggles won't stop. Now you're full out cackling and you can't stop.
"[Y/N], you okay babe?" Mina asks from across the room. Your face is red and it's getting harder to breath, not to mention your and are starting to hurt. You can't form words and it's starting to get to be too much.
"Shut the fuck up, we're trying to watch the movie." Katsuki stares at you, but there's no malice behind his eyes. You try and stand up to walk to the kitchen, but your knees buckle and you fall about halfway through.
"Good God man." Sero hops out of his spot and helps you to the kitchen table. It takes a couple of minutes but you get there and when you do the wax pen is once again pulled out. "No [Y/N]. No more for you." He attempts to grab the pen but you raise it up high before.
"Fuck you. It's mine and I bought it. I'll do what I please."
"Not if it's gonna get us caught. Now hand it over." You stick your lip out and pout, then slowly you bring the pen down. Before you turn it over you hastily stick it in your mouth and start to take a drag.
"DUDE!" Sero whispers shouts (more shouts) and swipes it out of your mouth. You start to cough up a cloud and he rips the pen away. Now in panic mode, Sero starts to flail his arms around to get the smoke to disapparate. You laugh at your doofus best friend and continue to cough, loudly.
"Can you two be quiet for like, two seconds?" Kaminari shouts from the couch.
"Seriously guys, we love you but we're trying to watch it." Mina sounds disappointed.
"Nah, they've ruined movie night. I'm going up." Your crush stands up and shoots a deadly glance your way.
"Bakubro, c'mon. They're a little annoying right now but it's nothing you can't handle. What if we play Mario Kart?" Kiri tries to reason. Mina and Denki look a little upset, and begrudgingly agree to the new plan.
"No. I'm fuckin tired." Watching him turn his back makes you panic. Does he hate me?
"I bet I can kick your ass in Mario Kart, Bakugou." Everyone looks in surprise at who's challenging the beast. Sero looks back at you and winks as he saunters over to the TV and sets up the game. "What do you say, Kacchan?"
He's done it now. Katsuki stomps his way back into the living room and fumes at the thought of an extra like tapearms actually beating him. "You're on fuckface." The rest of the room cheers for Bakugou's return and Mina walks over to you.
"I think I'm just gonna let the boys play this one out. Looks like Bakugou's ready to kill someone."
"Yeah, wasn't expecting Sero to challenge him. Especially when he's shit at Mario Kart." You laugh at the thought.
"Well since we're the odd ones out, how bout we grab the speaker and play some tunes." You smile at her and grab your phone to pick a playlist.
After grabbing the speaker and putting on some music (much to Katsuki's distaste) Mina and yourself go to the kitchen and start making some snacks. "So are you and Sero…?"
Your face turns into a tomato, "No, God no. He's my best friend and I could never think about him in that way."
"Mhm, well Bakugou mentioned that you guys were talking about 'not getting caught' in the stairwell." You heart nearly implodes at the mention.
"Fuck no! Absolutely- no- Mina I swear to you that that was not what we were talking about. Bakugou just caught us talking about the absolute worst time." You were stuttering and stammering to get the explanation out.
"Okay, well if you weren't talking about that, what were you talking about? What didn't you want us to find out?" Fuck! There's no way out of this one.
"If I tell you, you have to promise not to talk about it. You can't tell a fucking soul, got me?" You jab a finger into her sternum and your eyes care importance in them.
"Damn [Y/N], you're acting more like Bakugou." She laughs a little to lighten the mood change.
"I'm dead serious Mina, if this gets out Sero and I are fucked. Big time. No coming back."
"Shit, okay. I got it. This stays between us." By looking into her eyes, you can tell she way being serious.
"Okay," you take a deep breath, "Sero and I smoke weed together. Like, on a weekly basis and I'm high as fuck right now." She looks shocked, but only for a couple of seconds.
"Now that you mention it, that actually makes a lot of sense." She puts a finger on her chin and taps it inquisitively. "Wait, you're high right now?"
"Yeah, had more than I should've cause I saw that Bakugou caught us saying cryptic things and now I'm pretty sure he hates me."
"Well, you should've seen him when he told us. He was furious because he was certain you guys were friends with benefits." Speaking of the devil, he shouts in victory across the room and the other boys tell him not to rub it in.
"God he's so hot." You don't realize what comes out of your mouth until it's too late 
"I KNEW IT!" Mina starts doing a happy dance. "Kirishima owes me 10,000 yen!"
"You guys fucking bet on it!?"
"Hell yeah we did. You aren't sly at all! We totally caught you staring at him, multiple times in and out of class." God, am I really that obvious?! You try and suppress the embarrassment starting to appear on your face, once again.
“Okay, well you gotta keep your mouth shut on this too! He doesn’t seem to know and I’d like to keep it that way.”
“Just tell him [Y/N].” She got back to finishing up the snacks and proceeded to walk over to the common area.
“Hell no. You think I’m fucking crazy?!” You grab the other bowl of snacks and follow her.
“Considering you’re high? Yes, I think you’re crazy.” She half turns and gives you a look. “Plus, you shoulda seen the way he was talking when he told us what happened. He seemed furious at Sero when he was explaining.”
“Just because he was angry when he was explaining something doesn’t mean he likes me back. He’s angry all the time. Also, I don’t feel like being the class clown anytime soon, that job is reserved for Kaminari.”
“What are we talking about, ladies?” Denki peers over the couch. “Couldn’t help but hear my name.”
“Not much, actually.” Mina starts, and his face falls immediately. “Just talking about who’re the clowns in class.”
“Well you can count these three.” Katsuki points to the boys around him as he approaches you. You’re heart rate picks up and you lock eyes with him, but only for a second. He swipes some food from your bowl and walks to the kitchen to get some water. You’re surprised that your heart stayed in your chest as Mina gives you a supportive pat on the shoulder.
“So are you gonna play?” Sero moves the controller in your direction.
“Nah, don’t feel like getting my ass kicked.”
“See. She knows what’s good. Don’t mess with me.” Katsuki plops down on the couch and gets another race going. As he was doing that, the strum of a guitar fills the air and your eyes go wide with immediate recognition.
“No, nope. You’re going to bed.” Sero knows what’s about to happen and tries to pull you with him towards the elevator.
“Fuck you, Mina wants me to stay. Right girl?”
“Hell yeah.” She gets up and uses your other arm to start a tug of war. Your body being the rope, of course.
“Could you extras take this somewhere else?! We’re trying to fucking play a game.” Katsuki’s eyes start to twitch.
“Sorry babe, but I’m bout to sing my heart out and you’re gonna enjoy it. M’kay?” You jerk your arms back to your sides and point an accusing finger at the blonde who stares back at you in slight shock. In fact to room stares at you in shock, but you couldn’t care less. 
You loved singing, but rarely ever did it due to embarrassment. Obviously when you were high, there wasn’t much embarrassment to be had unless it was something super sensitive. If someone caught you singing it wouldn’t be the end of the world, but if someone caught you talking about Katsuki’s abs… yeah, you’d just about die.
“You, you love it how I move you,
You love it how I touch you,
My one, when all is said and done,
You’ll believe God is a woman,” You sing breathily and precisely, hitting every note as the song progresses. Unknowingly, you sway your body to the music and swirl your hips to face Mina. You stick out your hands and she hastily takes them, knowing what is about to happen. You both move closer in to one another and start to grind, dancing in front of the game screen which has been long forgotten as the horny teens take in the scene in front of them. None of them knew either of you danced, and they sure as hell had no idea that you sang like an angel. Well, more like a seductress in this situation. Even in just pajamas, the way your hips moved caused light blushes to appear on all of their faces, except Sero’s. Katsuki didn’t even bother to look at Mina as he ravaged you with his eyes, taking in your form and committing this moment to memory. He starts to get all hot, and can’t help but think impure thoughts as you dance around the room with Mina.
This continues on for a minute more when you suddenly lock eyes with Katsuki. “I'll tell you all the things you should know
So, baby, take my hand, save your soul
We can make it last, take it slow, hmm
And I can tell that you know I know how I want it, yuh
But you different from the rest
And boy, if you confess, you might get blessed” His blood is running like lava through his veins. He doesn’t want to break eye contact with you, but he so badly wants to look at your hips and whatever glances he can of your skin when your shirt rides up.
“See if you deserve what comes next
I'm tellin' you the way I like it, how I want it” Mina giggles and cheers you on while matching your hip movements and rolls with you.
Kiri leans next to Katsuki and whispers, “Bro, just man up and ask her.” He doesn’t even look at his friend and keeps his eyes trained on you, waiting to see what you do next.
“She made direct eye contact with you, basically during the most sexual part of this song! If that doesn’t mean something, then I don’t know what does.” Kiri nudges his arm, but doesn’t get a response once again. Thinking that Bakugou’s just embarrassed, he continues to whisper, “If her and Sero really are… you know, then she would’ve looked at him!” The blonde smacks Kiri on the chest.
“You better shut the hell up before I make you. I can’t fuckin’ hear her sing when you’re running your mouth like that.” Again, his eyes don’t leave your body once. Kiri backs off and goes back to watching you.
The chorus hits a third time and this is where things get fun. Several different harmonies play at once, and you join Ariana in singing the falsettos. “You, you love it how I move you
You love it how I touch you
My one, when all is said and done
You'll believe God is a woman
And I, I feel it after midnight
A feelin' that you can't fight
My one, it lingers when we're done
You'll believe God is a woman, yeah, yeah” Kaminari, Kiri, Sero and Mina all erupt into cheers as you finish up the song, breathing heavily as you do so. You can’t help but smile wholeheartedly at the fact that you just sang God is a Woman with perfect pitch, while dancing and while high. Not to mention you totally flirted with Katsuki during the middle of it and he didn’t even blink while you locked eyes…
Holy shit you flirted with Katuski during the middle of the song and he didn’t break eye contact with you. What the fuck is going on?!
“You were amazing [Y/N]!! I didn’t know you could sing like that!”
“Haha, yeah,” you start to rub your neck and walk over to grab a glass of water.
“Why didn’t you tell us you could sing?” Denki nearly bursts with excitement as he strides next to you.
“I didn’t think it was relevant? I mean we’ve never really talked about it so I never brought it up.” They all agree with that statement to some extent. A wave of exhaustion washes over you, and you stumble a little when walking back to the couch.
“Fuck,” you attempt to speed over to the paper towels, but a hand stops you. Bakugou grabs some and cleans up what you spilled. “I’m pretty tired guys. I think I’m gonna head up.”
“No shit, you practically spilled your drink all over the damn floor.”
“It was just water, and I didn’t ask you to fuckin’ clean it up for me.” He growls in response, but continues to clean. Sero gets up from his spot.
“I’ll go ahead and make sure [Y/N] gets to bed okay. Who knows if she’ll pass out on the way up.”
“I’m taking her up. Sit down tape dispenser.” Bakugou’s gaze clashes against Sero’s, who looks more concerned. He looks to you for approval. Your heart, once again, is trying to pounce out of its cage, but you figure it’s just Katuski trying to go to bed without anyone stopping him this time. You nod slightly, and Sero sits back down.
After throwing away some soggy paper towels, Katsuki leads the way to the elevator and you both step in. Your cheeks heat up, and you turn your head so you don’t face him fully.
“So where’d you learn to sing?” His voice is soft and calm. This is a side of him you’ve rarely seen, meaning that his is a very special moment and you sure as hell can’t fuck it up.
“My mom used to sing, so she taught me some when I was younger.” You glance at him, only to find that he’s staring right at you. Quickly you turn away and clear your throat.
“Well, it sounded good from where I was sitting.” You feel his vermillion eyes on you, but don’t look.
“Thank you.” The soft chime of the elevator indicates it’s time to get off, and you both proceed out and walk into the hallway. Much to your surprise, he continues to walk with you to the girls side of the dorms.
“Uhh, Bakugou-”
“Katsuki.” Your face is definitely a cherry, and your heart is skipping every other beat. Upon looking at him, he gives you a soft smile that makes your stomach and chest clech in adoration and pure love.
“Right… Katsuki, isn’t your dorm on the other side?”
“Yeah, but I wanted to see you off.” As of now, you reach your dorms door, and you’re forced to turn and face him fully.
“Well, thank you. I’m sorry movie night was ruined. I’ll be sure to make it up.” You bow slightly.
“Don’t worry about it. That movie was shitty anyways.” A small shade of pink rises on his cheeks, but you’re not sure if it’s actually him or your mind playing tricks on you.
“Have a good night Bakug- Katsuki.” You smile smally and he hums in approval. It’s now or never [Y/N]. Before he walks away, you place a hand on one of his checks and lightly kiss the other one. You rush to turn around and walk into your room, but before you can do that he catches your wrist.
“Go out with me.” His voice sounds worried, but it’s more of a statement than a question. The grip on your wrist isn’t tight by any means, which means he’s giving you the option to walk away. You turn slowly to face him, and see that his body is all tensed up. His eyes are laced with anticipation, worry and hopefulness.
“Yes.” It comes out more of breath than an actual word, but it gets the job done. His body visibly relaxes and he releases your wrist. 
“Thank fucking God. I thought you were going to say no.” He laughs, actually laughs. Again, one of those rare occurrences that you immediately soak in.
“Is it cause you thought Sero and I…?”
“Yeah. I was not happy about it.” This time you laugh.
“Mina told me. I thought for sure you weren’t gonna talk to either of us ever again.”
“Sero, maybe. You, no. I don’t think I could not listen to your annoying voice.”
“Ouch.. but thanks I guess?”
“Don’t mention it. Anyways, what the fuck were you guys talking about if you weren’t trying to hide that you were porking?” 
“Uhhh, well you probably won’t like it anyway, so I don’t know if I should say.” You rub your neck again.
“What the fuck?! We’re dating and now you won’t tell me shit?!”
“Dude, we haven’t even gone on a date do don’t say that ‘we’re dating’.” He grumbles.
“Just fucking tell me. Whatever it is, it can’t be that bad.”
“You can’t tell anyone, okay? I could get into big trouble.”
“Just get on with it.”
“We were talking about smoking that sticky icky.” You pop an eyebrow up smuggly to see if he picked up what you were putting down.
“ ‘Sticky icky’? Is that seriously how you’re gonna break to me that you smoke weed?” He asks in disbelief. You laugh at his reaction. “Be grateful your cute or I would’ve dumped your ass right here right now.” Your glad no one else is in the dorms right now, because you cackling.
“Bro, we aren’t even a thing. Chill out.”
“Tch, we will be soon.” He shoves his hands in his pockets and the blush reappears on his face.
“Awww, that was cute.” You peck his cheek again and his face gets as red as his eyes. 
“Whatever.” A yawn racks your body.
“Okay, well I’m pretty tired so I'm gonna head to bed, but tomorrow we should talk about the date, yeah?”
“Why don’t we just go tomorrow?”
“Sure, it’s a Sunday so why not? What time?” You yawn again.
“How about you go to bed, and whenever you wake up and get ready is when we’ll go? I’ll be up before you anyways.” You sarcastically scoff.
“I’ll have you know that I get up at a reasonable hour. You just feel the need to get up early for God knows why.” You huff.
“Sure. Getting up at 11 in the morning is ‘reasonable’.” He air quotes.
“Do you know my sleep schedule?”
“No! I’m not a creep you weirdo.”
“Uhuh. Sure Katsuki.”
“Whatever! Go to fuckin’ bed so I can take you out tomorrow!” You giggle and, for a third time, grab his face and plant a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
“Night.” Then you disappear into your room. You see the shadow of his feet in front of your door, but they move on after a couple of seconds. Your mind races about what just happened in the last 10 minutes and how you weren’t even thinking for most of it. If you weren’t high, you don’t think you would’ve kissed his cheek and the rest wouldn’t have happened.
Lying down on your bed, you take a deep breath and let your body sink into the mattress. Whatever tension was left has dissipated leaving you in a state of total relaxation. Slowly, your mind bleeds into a dream realm where you can’t wait for tomorrow to come.
“Fuck, Sero still has my wax pen!”
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His Sister - TH & SH
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This was requested by Anon but i lost the actual request. (Requests are open)
This is probably really badly written just because i had so many ideas and it probably makes no sense. Let me know what you guys think 😊
I was invited for pizza night at Sam’s place by both him and Colby. Knocking on Sam’s apartment door felt weird, no idea, just because. The faint sound of Kat’s laugh could be heard. I opened the door, creaking a little. “Y/N!!!” Colby screamed. “My goodness how are you?! It’s been ages brother!”
Yes my own brother calls me ‘brother’ as a means of making me an official member of his friend group. It’s weird but I’ve grown accustomed to it over the two years.
“Guys guys! This is my little sister Y/N!” Colby exclaimed excitedly. Of course i had known Sam the same amount of time as Colby. But tje rest? I had watched their videos and had Sam and Colby talk so much about everyone. I just never met any of the old roommates or friends.
Everyone that could make it to the pizza night came round hugging me. It felt a little weird considering I hadn’t met them before today. “Pizza, y/n/n?” Sam asked.
“Of course! What’s the options? Oh! Do you have pepperoni?” Y/N retorted excitedly.
“Of course he does, I’m here!” Colby sassily replied, causing everyone to laugh.
Prying her away from the guys, Kat was quick to step in to talk to the young girl. Since Tara, Casey and Xepher couldn’t make it, Kat was the only female there. “Wow! Out of the couple of years I’ve known Colby, he never mentioned you.” Kat said. “Oh crap that sounded so rude. I am so sorry.”
“It’s fine Kat. And I don’t really know why Cole never mentions me. Sam didn’t even know I existed for about 10 months, he knew about Gage but not me.” I replied. “Colby and I were never really close, I guess.”
“Oh and what’s changed now? I mean you’re here now.”
“I don’t know. I think he just wanted to be a better brother. Sam was more like a brother than Colby was, maybe Sam talked some sense into him or something?”
Growing up I was constantly in my room studying or out with my friends at the mall or bowling alley. I knew that Sam was my brother’s best friend since Colby constantly talked about him at dinner “Sam and I did this today” or “Can I go with Sam to the mall?”
Colby never really spoke to me, Gage and I had more of a friendship.
But since Colby moved to LA he had started texting me, he even flew me out for a brother and sister weekend.
While I was talking to Kat, the boys decided to have a little game of extreme truth or dare. Complete children, i know.
“Mind if i butt in boys? I got a question for Cole.” I stated, my tone was laced with confidence and seriousness. The lot of them nodded giving me complete reign. “Cole, Kat tells me that you haven’t yold the boys about me and growing up, Sam didn’t know I existed for 10 months! We weren’t close but we are now, why?”
I look from Colby to every guy in the room. The look on their faces was priceless. Kat was smirking at Colby. It was so silent that you cluld hear a pin drop. Well that was until Jake piped up, “She’s one of us!”
“I didn’t want any of them hitting on you.” Colby said dimly. “And i was jealous of you because you got all of mum and dad’s attention.”
“Awe, jealously and protectiveness. Awe how sweet Cole!” I teased.
“Okay, I agree with Jake!” Mike said.
“Did I just become another brother?” I asked.
A chorus of “yeahs” filled the air.
I plunked myself down on Mike’s lap and swung my legs on Colby’s lap. “Okay, truth Y/N.” Mike said.
I looked up to Mike. “Go on,” sass still laced in my words.
“Biggest regret?”
“That all you could come up with big guy?” I joked. “Okay, um, turning down a TFIL trip.”
“Which one?” Mike asked.
“The one where they trashed Colby’s car.”
“Elton asked you?!” Colby bellowed. “I hate him!”
“Chill, i said no but i still regret it because I’ve always wanted to go on those trips. I was hoping to be invited to the Australian one.”
“Oh, you know I could always ask Elton for you?”
“Can you?!” Colby nodded. “I would hug you but I’m comfortable.”
“I’m not!” Mike said (a/n: not dirty btw). I repositioned myself. “Better, thanks.”
A few months after that pizza night and on my 2 week break, I made a trip back to LA. To meet up with Elton for the TFIL trip to Utah.
I had done a few Skype calls with Elton and Corey a few times just get to know one another and to sort out a few things before hand just so that i was comfortable with the whole thing. Since this trip was going to be a week long and I arrived a week early.
I decided to just hang out with Colby and his mates. Well also my friends as well, i guess.
“Oh thank god, we were about to film for Sam’s video if you wanted to join.” Colby said as i entered his apartment.
“Sure, what video?” I replied.
“Paranoia. I’ll explain rules once we get to mine and everyone shows up.” Sam said.
“I’m in!”
“Great.” Sam said, Colby took my belongings and the three of us headed to Sam’s.
It’s just one of those things, isn’t it? I felt as if i was one of the boys, even if i was one out of what 6 girls?
As soon as i walk through the door, i spot another female. I assume it had to be Tara sknce she was sitting quite close to Jake. “Ooo Colby is this your girlfriend?!” The short brunette called.
I started burst out laughing at Colby’s disgusted look.
“Sorry, I’m his sister. I assume you’re Tara?” I said holding my hand towards her.
“Oh my goodness I’m so sorry.” Tara said pulling me into a hug.
“That’s okay, he doesn’t talk about me. I get the confusion.” I replied and Tara laughed.
“Older or younger?”
“Younger. I’m 20.”
“Shall we get this show on the road?” Sam asked, wanting to quickly film. We all quickly took our places and as a result, I was squished between Reggie and Tara. I felt sort of out of place but I pushed that thought aside not wanting my stress or concern to show up in the video.
Seeing how the videos come together behind the scenes was amazing! The boys and girls are completely natural and basically act as if a camera wasn’t in front of them.
The girls and I decided to have a girl’s night, that night, at Colby’s since he was going over to Jake’s to hang or something.
I didn’t have many friends during school, just a group of 3, then I came to LA only to have a large group of friends plus more because of college. It felt amazing.
I finally got to meet Devyn, Xepher and Cassie and needless to say i got along just fine with them.
“The boys love you, we love you. You’ve basically become a member of our weird friend group overnight! You fit right in girl!” Kat exclaimed hugging me.
“We need to make this a monthly thing guys!” I said to the lot of them. “Of course when it works with my college schedule.”
“Of course.” Devyn replied.
“We’d love that.” Xepher said quietly.
As the girls file out one by one, i smiled to myself. Even though Colby and I weren’t close growing up, it was nice that he wanted to share what he does and it was great meeting his friends.
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caluagnicole · 4 years
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As this was my second and final internship, being under the same company works perfectly for me, as I am in the process of opening up my own restaurant. My work is located at Ayala Vertis North which is just in front of Trinoma. The mall is pretty new and almost all the stores and restaurants there are high end. Japan Fudo is located on the 4th floor and you’d enter this Japan Town in which all the Japanese restaurants are there. At the end of the hallway you will find Japan Fudo street. It is like a food court style but we are only selling all Japanese food and you would really feel the Japan Vibe once you’ve entered.
First Few Weeks
The first few weeks at my work is pretty much the same as my first internship. The only difference is the place and people I get to work with. I worked at the same company but at a different restaurant. I always wanted to have a restaurant of my own, so I figured that I should take my second internship as the same as my first one. I learned a lot in this company and it has helped me get some brilliant ideas. The company that I worked with now are good at franchising famous restaurants or food places in another country. They just recently opened Tokyo milk cheese, which is a must whenever we go to Japan. The first few weeks for me was as usual, me feeling a little shy but not as much as my first internship. I was a little more confident in speaking than before. My coworkers are very friendly yet professional. I, of course was still trying to get the hang of it since it is a new place and new crowd.
On the mid week, I was already used to my work as FOH, it was the same job that I had on my first internship and it was another exhilarating moment because I never had a dull moment working since I’ve gotten close to my co workers. Being an FOH, I was the one handling the complaints (if there are) or just about greeting the guests at the front door and leading them to their seats. The manager started giving me the lead for the customers to be able to handle all complaints and it was yet another experience that I’ll be able to keep for the rest of my life. Sometimes, guests complain about the long wait, and you cannot do anything about it since my fellow co workers are juggling on a lot of work because we have plenty of guests especially on weekends. On weekdays, it’s usually not as busy, but on weekends, it was really hectic but time flies by quickly. Guests usually leave without having any complaints, they were all  usually satisfied.  
Ending Stages My last few weeks was flew by quickly and I was feeling ecstatic since my final internship is about to be over and I can finally be in my hometown for good and maybe finally start opening up my own restaurant. I am very thankful that I get to work under the same company and to be able to work at their various restaurants. I learned a lot and it was a satisfying moment for me. I felt a little sad since I have enjoyed being with my co workers, they were very welcoming from the very beginning and as usual, my experience in this restaurant is one for the books.
My last day, I have decided to bring my friend with me to help me with my video. My last day was pretty chill, I did not really do much work since technically my last day ended the day before but I decided to come back the next day just to make a video for you to all see what my day usually is like. I was feeling  sad because I wouldn’t get to see them as much anymore. Being with my co workers was fun and there were really no dull moments. I will surely miss the company especially my friends. Grateful for all the experiences.
Addressed to Future Interns,
As usual, I would like to start my letter with a quote, “Opportunities don’t happen, you create them” Chriss Grosser
Working at Japan Fudo street, helped me realize a number of things, your success will be based on your hard work, perseverance is also one thing. For the future internees, I can only give you two advices, learn and enjoy. You will be learning a lot of hands-on experience. You are going to learn so much more than you thought, make friends that hopefully would last a lifetime. Make the best to every situation, do not be afraid to ask question. Just be in the present and embrace the now. Love what you do and everything else will follow.
To my dearest manager,
I would like to thank you for this learning opportunity, for trusting me that I am capable of things that I do not even know if I can do, I have learned so much from you and you treated me like your little sister, I have gained so much insights from you and you have taught me how to work on different aspects in the restaurant, from helping guests on their tables, from taking their orders, from handling guests complaint, all of you were very welcoming and it is one thing that I will always treasure for the rest of my life. Your advice will always be forever helpful to me. I want to take this time to thank you for helping me enhance my skills. Again, thank you for making this internship a rewarding experience.
Much love, Nicole Caluag
Week 1 My first week I was a little shy since this was the day I’m starting out and of course I was quiet more than usual since it was my first time meeting my co-workers. But they were all welcoming. I was also introduced to what kind of work I will be doing. I was guided accordingly.
Week 2 I started getting comfortable but I was still holding back a little since I’m at a new environment. But so far my work was going smoothly, I was leading guests to their respected seats. But I still wasn’t asked to handle the complaints, if there is, since It was just my second week so it is understandable.
Week 3
Third week was basically all the same, just leading guests to their seats and handling their orders. It wasn’t boring since we usually have guests especially during dinner. 
Week 4
My fourth week was the week I started getting close to my co workers. I wasn’t feeling shy any longer and this is where all the jokes are coming since we are all feeling comfortable with each other.
Week 5
My fifth week I was already tasked to handle customers complaints (if there are) I was happy because I get to do other things aside from leading guests to their seats and taking their order. I usually like doing a lot of things since time goes by very quickly.
Week 6
My 6th week was a breeze, it was as usual fun and I was always excited to get to work because being with my coworkers was always fun. There are no dull moments. Even if we reached the 2pm-4pm clock in which there are usually no guests around, we find things to entertain us.
Week 7 and 8
My 7th and 8th week was just the same believe it or not. But in these weeks, I was feeling sad because my internship’s about to be over and I will surely miss them all. I was already feeling a little separation anxiety. Being with my co workers has made my internship fun and exciting.
Week 9 and 10
My last two weeks, I was feeling excited already, it was a weird feeling since before these weeks, I have been feeling a little sad since I’m already about to finish my internship, but these two weeks, I was just feeling excited to get home and to be with my family. So these two weeks were a breeze. It was all about goodbyes with my co workers.
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