#im gonna make my cat a bed with some fleece remnants i bought from work.
im-like-if-a-girl · 9 months
kinda sorta super sucks that all my friends are off at college and I can't hang out with them whenever I want :(
#im so fucking lonely#i miss my friends#and i never had that hang out on the weekends-go to the mall-just chill and exist together friendships#it always took months of planning to get together with someone for a night#and sometimes they would cancel the day of. or worse. never even show up.#i need to do something with my life#i want to go places. experience things. but id like to do all these things with a friend.#im scared to go by myself places. strength in numbers. and im insecure#but like i said. my friends are gone.#so i normally go places with my mom or younger brother. like a loser without friends.#*(sigh)*#im gonna make my cat a bed with some fleece remnants i bought from work.#i hope she'll like it. i hope she'll use it.#i have it all planned out in my head. im gonna take a box from work and line it with stuffing and maybe some soft memory foam#and ill take the fleece and line the box and then sew and stuff a cushion and it will be all soft and warm for her.#my cat is my life.#work distracts me from my loneliness. i work so much i dont have time to think. except for at night.#at night when the reality of my situation hits me#my friends are gone for the year and i have no one.#i have my cat and my family and that should be enough but it just isnt sometimes yknow.#friends are different.#i dont have anyone to talk to besides my mom and my therapist.#id like a friend to complain to. to shoot the shit with. to talk to about life and annoyances and pleasures and work and everything#ah fuck. ive got to get to bed before i fall asleep on the couch with unbrushed teeth.#this is im-like-if-a-girl signing off for the night after using her personal tumblr as a diary. good night or good morning wherever you are.
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