#and i couldn't have created sideblogs like everyone
bluehandprint · 5 months
Okay so apparently this blog is 9 yo today 🎉
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navybrat817 · 11 months
Waiting a Little Longer
Pairing: Best Friend!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: Bucky promises you an explanation, even if he can't give it to you right away. Word Count: 1.3k Warnings: Light angst, tension, friends reconnecting, unrequited feelings (or so you think), slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (yep, he's a warning) A/N: More Dreamboat and Butterfly from my Reconnect AU! ❤️ Beta read by @whisperlullaby, but any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You should've gone back down to greet everyone immediately after you changed out of your bathing suit. Instead, you sat beside the bed to watch the rain again. You weren't sure how long you stayed on the floor, but you knew you were hiding at that point. Why?
Probably because I'll scream at Steve for not waiting two more minutes so Bucky and I could talk. And then I'd have to tell him why I screamed when it's not his fault to begin with.
"Why didn't you ask me to dance, Bucky?" you whispered into the quiet room. You would've accepted in a heartbeat, but he didn't know that.
Did he think I'd turn him down if he asked?
What if it was a fear of rejection? If he had feelings for you and didn't tell you, it would be easy to blame him for keeping quiet. Whether he did or not, it fell on your shoulders, too, for not speaking up sooner. Maybe things would've immediately ended with him and Dot. Maybe it wouldn't have made a difference.
Why is it so difficult to say "I love you"? Is vulnerability so much worse than uncertainty?
There was a long knock on the door followed by two quick taps. Bucky. It was his signature knock for you. In your mind, it was a silly thing that made you special.
"Come in."
The door slowly opened. "Hey," Bucky said. You imagined he was trying to spot you. "Are you sitting by the bed?"
Of course, he knows.
"You caught me," you answered, making no move to get up.
"The gang brought food and I think they're eager to see you."
"Okay. I'll be right down," you said before you realized Bucky walked around the bed to join you. His hair was still disheveled from the nap and the light from the lamp created a soft glow in his eyes. You doubted he had any idea how beautiful he was.
I should tell him.
"Are you alright?" he asked as he eased closer and took a seat beside you on the floor.
"Yeah. You know you don't need to worry about me," you assured him, feeling a bit dramatic for staring off into nothing in your room while everyone was downstairs waiting.
"Well, I do," he said.
"There's no need to," you said as he moved closer to you.
He offered for you to cuddle with him earlier, held you when you fell asleep in his arms, and now sat so close his arm and leg touched yours. It was as if personal space meant nothing to him. It was never a problem with you two in the past. Was he trying to get back in your orbit? Recreate the friendship the two of you used to have?
You refused to look deeper into his affection.
"You sure you're alright?" he asked.
"I guess I'm just a little disappointed," you admitted.
"Why is that?" he asked.
"Because we were having a good talk," you answered. And there were many things left unsaid.
"Fuck Steve," Bucky said with complete sincerity.
You swung your head toward him, not expecting those words. After a moment, you giggled and nudged his shoulder when he chuckled. "Seriously. Fuck Steve."
Your eyes swept over his profile when he laughed again, tempting you to lean into him. He said you were born to fly. Maybe he was the flame that led you to him. Not as a moth, but a butterfly. You couldn't get too close or you'd burn like you had before. He wasn't the one who set you on fire though.
You did that all on your own.
"I do owe you an explanation," he said after a moment, shifting to face you more. "But I can't give it to you right this second."
You tried not to let disappointment seep in when you saw the regret in his eyes. "Why not?" You asked, your voice barely rising above a whisper.
"I don't want to say what I need to say and then send you downstairs to our friends," he said, reaching over to take your hand. He let out a breath when you didn't pull away. "Because if it goes well and we can really start again, I want to be a little selfish and keep you to myself."
Keep me and don't let me go.
"And if it doesn't go the way you want?"
Or the way I want.
You didn't want to be pessimistic. Not when you were just out of reach of getting the closure you needed. There was, however, the need to be realistic. Maybe his expectations wouldn't align with yours. Or maybe his explanation would leave you hollow instead of full.
Which was exactly why you wanted answers so you could stop with the "what if" scenarios.
He intertwined your fingers and it was hard to ignore how natural it felt. "Then we'll figure out the next step so we have a good week."
"Okay," you agreed. You could handle that, as much as you wished you could discuss it then and there. "But I want you to tell me the truth and not what you think I want to hear," you added. It was a respectable thing to do.
"Am I allowed to ask for the same in return?"
"I think that's fair."
"Thank you," he said, his thumb running along your fingers as you tried to ignore how your heart began to race. "For everything."
"I didn't do anything."
"Yeah, you did. You agreed to come here after I was a bad friend to you."
"Bucky, you-"
He held up a hand to stop you. "Let me just say this before we go downstairs, okay? Don't say I wasn't a bad friend because I was. I wasn't there for you, Butterfly," he said, a crack in his voice as he squeezed your hand. "You said it yourself that I wasn't a constant anymore and I'm the reason for that. It didn't matter that I was dating Dot. I should've reached out more and I'm so sorry."
I matter to him.
"You already apologized and I forgive you, Dreamboat," you said, wanting nothing more than to comfort him. You didn't realize the distance had eaten away at him so much, even after he said earlier that he missed you. "Do you think I'm going to hold a grudge because of some distance?"
You weren't the type of person to leave him hurting. Holding it against him would do more harm than good as it would disempower you. Like ice on a wound, it would only numb the pain for a short time without healing it.
"There never should've been distance between us in the first place," he said, keeping your hand in his as he pushed himself off the floor. "I want us on the same page again."
"Let's make sure we're reading the same book," you said with an encouraging smile as he helped you to your feet. "That would be a start."
"I think that's fair," Bucky smiled sweetly.
"Hey, you two!" Sam yelled up the stairs. "Food's getting cold."
"Be right down!" Bucky yelled, wincing when his voice echoed. "Sorry. I should've covered your ears."
"Yes. How dare you not do that?" you teased before he placed his hands over your ears. "Well, now I can't hear anything."
He laughed and dropped his hands to pull you into a hug. Your brain flickered on and off as you inhaled his scent. Your bed was so close. All you had to do was pull him to it.
No. Even if he wanted that, I'm not rushing it.
"I will give you that explanation," he promised.
"I know you will."
And you wouldn't allow anyone to interrupt that conversation.
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Just a little longer... Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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lil-lost-mind · 4 months
(This is a bit of a along post about my general experience in the qsmp fandom, both good and bad, and it does mention xenophobia but not direct experiences)
I'm happy to see people here being so nice and reminding that we(Brazilians) are welcome here
I was really hesitant about interacting with fandom at first, I actually was there the Brazilians arrived because suddenly tazercraft live appeared for me on YouTube, I joined for a moment but didn't stay long, but I did look about it later. Because Brazilians youtubers/streamers are on a server with a bunch of people from other countries? I was curious about what this would lead to
Didn't regret it, but since then, I was a bit scared of interacting on fandom. Some comments on clips were fine. But then I started using tumblr because of a friend's recommendation, I kept a look on what was happening on lore on general but didn't really interact on fandom. Hence why I created this blog, and also why it took me so long to link this blog to my main one
Because, well, if I got hate for any reason, it would only be a sideblog that I only posted about qsmp. I could just delete it or just ignore them
I am by nature a person who is very shy to talk about my interests, it might have nothing wrong about it but I'm shy, I'm the type of person who goes on asks box on anon because is too shy, even if I'm not doing anything wrong there's this fear of judgemeent.
In the light of the recent events, I am once again reminded that's why I don't use or plan to use Twitter, but still I couldn't avoid but feel... scared in a way, I don't think anyone would like to be treated that way. And even a bit ashamed of saying that I'm brazilian. Ashamed might not be the right word, but there's this feeling wich is similar, and while I'm proud of being a brazilian, I just... maybe invalidate is a more fitting word, it's just feels like my culture is unimportant compared to others.
And this is what it seems, in my understanding, what looks like suffering from xenophobia is, but I imagine it's worse suffering it directly ofc, and ironically, I don't think I ever felt like that for those reasons before. And while I can't talk about how it feels when suffering from it directly, I feel bad for the people who had to go through it(not only Brazilians). Nobody should feel ashamed of their culture or ethnicity
Ofc tumblr isn't free of people like that. After all, no social media will be free from intolerance. But it feels like it's harder to see it. But I can't emphasize enough how it makes me happy to see so many people saying their blog is a safe place for us. After seeing this stuff, it makes things better, for me, at least. It reminds me that my culture isn't less important than any other
And qsmp brought something beautiful, the unity of communities. Because even with those bad things happening, it's not the only thing in fandom, it happens, and any fandom has this, unfortunately. But I love to see every time someone talks about their culture, facts about their languages, to see people motivated in learning new languages. It's beautiful and makes me happy each time
I don't regret making myself part of the fandom, the opposite, really, I've met creators that I would have never without the qsmp. I've met amazing people there, I've found incredible artists and writers. I've had fun
I've found the motivation to learn new languages again, more passion to draw
And I'm thankful to everyone there who is incredibly nice and so made me more comfortable interacting here, even if they will probably never know
So despite everything, I think it was worth it
Was worth reading character analysis and theories, enjoying stories, seeing fanart and animatics, learning new language facts and about other cultures. Was worth seeing people being happy
Again, I'm very thankful for all the people who made me, and I'm going to assume a lot of other people who needed to hear that, comfortable and validate here, I can't express how much this made me happy, I hope everyone coming from twitter have a good time here<3
And a very big and sincere "VAI TOMAR NO CU" to any xenophobic and racist person
I know very few people will see this, or even read everything, but I had to say this somewhere, so yeah, I'm rambling on tumblr again:D
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sharkboyandlavalieb · 5 months
(I'm currently nursing a nasty hangover and am feeling emotional so please accept this and remember me as I was in my better days)
I have so many thanks...too many thanks actually for everyone that follows this sideblog. I've had it for YEARS, but never spent much time socializing with the fandom until the recent boom. I was immediately welcomed from so many people and it means a lot. ❤️
A huge thank you to my unhinged discord buds who listen to my ramblings, give advice/critique on graphics and gave rise to my ultimate 'ron is a grower' headcanon (we have pics for proof). you're all amazing @basilone @almost-a-class-act @cody-helix02 @currahee @latibvles @gorgeousundertow & so many others that I'm blanking on your urls 💗
Biggest appreciation to @snarkyliebgott for always sifting through my nonsense and responding with kindness and equal nonsense (i.e.: what would put easy company in a coma first). They're the first person I felt truly connected to in the fandom. I feel like I could write gibberish and they'd completely understand. I'll always support my georgian sugar plum peach!! ✨
@ronald-speirs - I think you were the first person to interact with my red cross graphic (the first thing I've made for this fandom since 2019) and you've been a wonderful friend ever since. Our convos (no matter how short) make me laugh every single time. You, your edits and screencaps are A GIFT!
@saturnwisteria - for always being on my dash and in my notes on both this account and my personal! I hope we can have more interactions in the new year!!
@mutantmanifesto - not only is your artwork breathtaking and amazing, but you yourself are amazing and so friendly to talk to. I get so excited when I see a new mention cause it means you've fed us another masterpiece we are not worthy of.
@ewipandora - I couldn't forget you on here!!! We just became mutuals this month but I already feel like we've been following each other all year! (your webgott kink post had me weak, thanks again for that bread)
@historyl3sbian - I really thought I was already following you and realized a few days ago I WAS A FOOL! Your text posts make me laugh every. single. time I never get tired of seeing them. Thank you again for letting me use them as inspo for my own unhinged creations. Keep being groovy ;)
also @mercurygray for creating this holiday positivity train and giving me the idea to make this post. It's what jolly ol' saint luz would of wanted.
xoxo - sharkboyandlavalieb
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rgbstatic · 2 years
I'm trying to do something, maybe closure for myself or maybe curiosity and it might seem silly but for the last three hours i've deep dived into the depths of tumblr, google, and even the wayback machine.
I'm trying to pinpoint the exact timeline of the evolution of shipping bursonas on tumblr, and trust me I've been lurking the sootbur/sootcest/wilcest tags for ages.
But there are some things where i was not fully present for or happened so behind the scenes that I didn't notice. I started creating content and talking about sootbur with friends in fall of 2021, which is an important period for the history of sootbur on this site.
But, to my knowledge, the earliest posts available on tumblr that I can find come from April 2021 by tumblr user yailea, though there's a small group of ppl who interacted back then so someone else may have had the first post, but basically the first post I can find on any blog on tumblr under any tag related to sootbur/sootcest/wilcest is that one.
Spring of 2021 seems to be the start of shipping any bursonas together. Surprisingly, Phantombur and Ghostbur were one of the most popular ships it seems, evidenced by tumblr user sootcest, with the dsmpburs close behind. It's in this sort of era that the shampoo isle joke happened, that a lot of the memes were created.
The timelines moves into Summer 2021 where posting of sootbur was still common, just slow moving. There were only about 40 fics on ao3 at this time under the Wilbur Soot/Wilbur Soot tag. It's fall that gets interesting.
There's a huge sootbur boom in fall. Fanfictions skyrocket, art is posted, and a bunch of blogs and sideblogs are made specifically for this niche section of the fandom, and things are going well.
Winter hits, and something happens. I've seen some of this go down with my own eyes, I've heard it from others, and you can still see evidence of it in countless abandoned and ghost blogs.
Sootbur was found out by some blogs with larger followings, blogs that deemed it as some gross ship where everyone who was involved in the community were problematic, and there were blogs who would vocally voice distain and let their followers do the rest, or who would say things so often that people stopped making content.
Content stopped almost entirely by January. Anyone who continued making content made secret sideblogs or alts all together that couldn't be traced to main. Some people were scared of being harassed, others straight up just were scared out of the tag. Blogs that stopped posting content would continue to lurk in the tag, to like things, but they stopped reblogging or commenting or making content of their own.
And this is still felt in the community to this day. Ghost blogs, blogs of people where their last posts were just, happy shipping content, making silly jokes. Blogs that deactivated, content lost in its entirety.
It's like looking at a ghost town and it makes me incredibly sad going through the tag. I talked earlier this week about wishing their was more phantombur content in the sootbur tag, only to find that it was quite a big thing in the first days of sootbur, but its lost because the people that made content for it left.
And yes there's naturally people who drifted away, but there is this invisible nuke that left this place a barren wasteland of lurkers and dead blogs and for what? Shipping characters together that aren't problematic in any way?
It's... sad, it's scary, it's a ghost town.
I wish that they were still here and made content and that they could have fun again. I wish someone could tell them that they made memes that still stick around and made content that predicted outcomes of certain things and that stuff changed since they left and more people are making art and talking about it and that its okay now.
I dunno. I'm just trying to find the history on it and its just. Smth bad happened here and I can only find remnants of it. I've found the radiation and the death but I am looking for the metaphorical nuke.
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All right. I’ll throw you another bone. =) So…Do you think that Dr. Strange and Beauty will ever get engaged and such? Does she want kids or no? What inspired you to create her specifically? I have several different characters for various plots and purposes. Though I also test out new ones periodically to see what sticks. Do you have other characters?
I'm so grateful for these questions, although I think a couple of the answers will surprise you. Going to put them under the cut, so only people really interested will take a gander.
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Doctor Strange and Beauty? *sighs* At this point I can't even imagine it.🥺You may have noticed we've been far less active for some time now. Partly due to Stephen Mun pursuing their career path as a doctor, taking their boards, etc. But coinciding with that, we seem to have lost some vital magic between our characters since something happened back in October with a third blogger. The incident prompted Stephen Mun to announce that they would be open to other romance threads, and to completely isolate ours. And in all honestly, I'm starting to feel like Beauty barely exists in 'his' world anymore.💔Frankly, I'm rather blue about this--and this chance to speak of it aloud helps, so thank you.
I can say the Beauty feels like he's her Soulmate, and if they were to stay together, she hasn't given up hope of convincing him that he'd be an amazing father. She comes from a big family, she's naturally a nurturer due in part to that, and she wants to have children some day. In her mind and heart, Stephen is the first man she's ever dreamed of making a family with. Poor dear.
I started roleplaying with doctorstrangeaskblog well before covid, and Beauty's motivations then are consistent with now. She saw this amazing, wise, essentially lonely and sad, but good man (who happened to be a Hero), who simply couldn't see for himself all the good that he brings to the world. Who was skittish and truly didn't believe he was worthy of unconditional love. Her mission became to convince him otherwise, and to love him and support him however he would (very gradually) allow.
I've had two other roleplay characters. A Healer from Kamar-Taj named Tess, with a sad backstory (isn't that how everyone comes there? in her case, her fiance died in a plane crash when The Blip happened, and soon after, she had a miscarriage and spiraled into depression). She found new purpose in the Mystic Arts, and observing the Sorcerer Supreme (a different Stephen) from afar, she developed quite a crush. That RP eventually petered out (my disappointment).
I was also involved in an RP with someone who created a completely fictional character, with Benedict Cumberbatch as the face claim. That one didn't last very long, and that blogger is now inactive. However, their relationship is the basis of my (stalled) romantic, erotic WIP Scarlett and the Professor (available on my sideblog, @wide-eyedscottishlass), so that I'm forever grateful for the inspiration that roleplay provided.
Going forward, I would adore a chance to RP with a Defender Stephen, and would likely adapt my Tess to fit in such a storyline.
Thank you so much for asking about these things. It feels really good--and catharic--to talk about them!
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icyowl · 10 months
Hello again! It’s me: the anon who asked that question about “Quiet Eyes”. I’ve been visiting your blog a lot lately (I hope that doesn’t sound weird lol 😓) bc I really like the posts you reboot or write that have writing tips/prompts. Writing is one of this things that I both hate and love 😩 but going through your blog tends to reignite my passion for it! Anyways, I wanted to ask: what got you into writing and if I could be 🌺 Hibiscus anon?
I'm so happy you like the prompts! I always worry when I post or reblog stuff not related to fanfic because I feel like I should have sideblogs with dedicated themes like most people do rather than post fanfic/prompts/art/photography all in one chaotic place. Then again I share stuff mostly so I can go back through my own blog at a later date and it's all in one place, so, whatever I guess haha.
I'm so happy I ignite your passion! I gotta say, if you don't have a love/hate relationship with writing, you're not a writer. Like I hate how slow I write and that my ideas are usually just the same tropes with different characters and my WIPs constantly plague me and I don't know how clear my writing comes across to others and and and. . .
But I love how I can make anything I want by writing and I love how it can make people feel and I love how much work I put into making my writing better and so on, so yeah, I love and hate writing too!
Info-dumping below the cut haha
I got into writing when I was about 10 because I've always had a really active imagination and my dreams have always been very imaginative so I started by writing them down so I wouldn't forget them because some of them were pretty neat. Then I was like "I gotta add this to it, and this, and that" and that became my first word doc. Then I got really into the warrior cats series and created a storyline with my own characters, which I think had like 20-30 original characters and got to about 60 pages single-spaced on word, so that was my first fanfic!
Then writing became an outlet for the shows I got really into. I think bleach was one of the first?? One look at Renji and I was gone haha! I'd get little crushes on the characters and couldn't talk to anybody about it because my family and everyone at school made fun of me for watching anime, so I wrote to get it out of my system in a private way, and now I've evolved into having tropes I like and having (countless) WIPS and I've made a blog I'm proud of! I even recently discovered I kinda like a bit of whump, which has become its own journey since a lot of people think its weird and gross (I'm not even that bad, I only like cute whumpee-caretaker stuff, so).
Early on I came up with the philosophy that writing was like a superpower. If I write well enough, I can make people imagine and feel anything I want. I can make people fly and fall in love and never age and go to war and find peace. It's still pretty much just a creative outlet and a way I can put myself into the stories and with the characters I like so much, but I share my stuff in case anyone else would like to read them too.
Don't get discouraged. Write for yourself, not for others. Write what you want and when you want simply because you want to. When you don't want to write, then don't. That's why I don't really do requests and only post a new fic once in a while. It also means that I still write even when I don't get the number of likes or comments or reblogs I would like or anticipated. How much or how little interaction my blog or fics get isn't why I write, so it doesn't affect me that much. Sure I'd like to have 1000 followers and get asks like this every day, but I'm happy with what I've got. I hope you can be, too!
P.S. Just know that I'm saving this ask to remind myself that I have a positive influence on people for when I don't feel very motivated, so thank you for this
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
Hiiii!, this is an idea I got thanks to a TikTok video that said "Imagine a parallel world where real people are characters from anime, videogames, etc. And your favorite character creates fanfics and fanarts about you." I can't help but imagine Fisher writing on Tumblr about the s/o lol.
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Holy shit Holy Shit HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT-
Sally as a Selfshipper-
[CW: self depreciation, unreality]
>When he first sees S/O, he could swear a chorus of angels had begun to sing and had swept him right off his feet. He couldn't take his eye off of S/O for a few minutes, absolutely and undeniably smitten, before he realized what just happened and felt pretty embarrassed about it. He knows he can't set his standards for a romantic partner very high, but they should at least be real… right?
>Denial about his feelings/ 'I just think (media) is neat' ➡ Bargaining/ 'I'll just look up the wiki pages and articles about the show. Saving a few images won't hurt, right?' ➡ Depression/Anger/ 'God, I'm really in love with some pixels I am such a loser.' ➡ Gradual Acceptance/'Everyone thinks I'm a weirdo anyway this might as well happen' pipeline
>I'd bet he'd be a lurker in the selfship and f/o tags for a long time, liking a bunch of imagine posts and images of S/O but leaving his page pretty bare besides the necessary info to interact with certain blogs. He resisted posting his own content until his feelings for S/O grew too big to keep in, and he knew people in the selfshipping community would understand what he was going through.
>When posting those dreaded first few gushes didn't kill him instantly, he started posting a few times a week, and all of his content is so goddamn romantic! Lots of pining under screenshots he took of S/O, sappy poetry/songs, painstakingly selected playlists, some personally-tailored imagines and a few cute little doodles on lined paper that he did his best on and was feeling brave enough to post (because he was thinking of S/O encouraging him 💘)
>And then he would have a venty (occasionally horny) sideblog that is technically unlinked to his main but he's not good at hiding it and everyone in the community is like 'oh yeah thats his side blog we didnt think it was a secret??' Reblogs lots of angst/comfort fics, quotes about the universe and love that isn't meant to be, "At least my fictional bf/gf thinks I'm cute" posts, etc.
>Might eventually make one or two selfship friends that he DMs, but definitely has some silent mutuals that pop up in his notes.
>Has sent in a few anonymous requests to fic writers that he will not admit to. He doesn't use sign-offs, but you can always guess he requested them because he's the first to like them. His emoji use and the way he types gives him away, too.
>Says he's fine sharing S/O because he doesn't want to be 'that guy,' but he is 'that guy' and quietly blocks the selfship tags of people that also F/O them.
>Nobody IRL can know ever know about his selfshipping or his crush on S/O EVER (but his friends have a feeling. And eyes.)
>Has one (1) self-insert that is just him but without the prosthetic and mental illness and trauma (and maybe a little taller than his IRL self)
>Consumes S/Os media regularly, but prefers to do so alone so he can stare, swoon and longingly sigh in private.
>Chronic (occasionally maladaptive) f/o daydreamer
>"I'm not ''''In looooove~''''' with [media]/[S/O]!" (Said while shoving a mountain of merch into his closet)
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laurensxox · 2 years
Hello! Just an Announcement! 💙
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Also pinned in my sideblogs (@allensimpsforcorpse | @geosallen)
Good day/evening, everyone!
Just an Announcement concerning my activity in this account and future writings and art under the cut!
It's your choice if you wish to know why I've been inactive regarding my content, what I plan to do next, and my new account or not, this is for people who were curious why I haven't written or drawn the content I promised ^^
REASON why I have been inactive with posting content
To be honest, there really isn't any important or big reason why I have stopped posting or completing my promised tasks (stories, arts...), the clearest reason I can think of is I got overwhelmed with everything. A burn out, really.
I had those continuous days and months of being very motivated to write requests and update my own fanfics, it was a very good timeline for me. My confidence was off the roof and I was very inspired and motivated to post everything I think of and been requested.
Eventually, at some point, I started feeling like I couldn't write anymore. I've been doing it for days straight and I suddenly had a huge writer's block that wouldn't go away for so long. Not to mention, I keep getting sick and having personal issues. All that added up together wasn't good for my mental health.
Recently, I thought I can go back to writing (The Birthday Event in my Corpse blog) but turns out, I was not. Thankfully, there wasn't much requests that came in from it, that was the very first time I was happy I was ignored 😂
Tldr; The reason I stopped posting is because I got overwhelmed by non-existent expectations from followers and I had a sever burn out which caused me to dtop writing for a long time.
What do I PLAN to do next?
This account doesn't really feel comfortable to me anymore. Nothing specifically happened to it but the sight of this account and my constantly reminds me of my burn out stage and honestly, I couldn't stand it much.
It does have its good memories, I met a lot of amazing people through this account and they made logging into this account a lot more comfortable but as of now, I really couldn't do it much longer.
So as of now, my main plan to create a new account! And write stories and drawing for myself first until I'm more comfortable before accepting requests again. The new account is already made which leads to the last point of this post.
My new account is @allens-underground-lair (couldn't tag it for some reason) and if you want to follow me there or not is up to you, I wouldn't be upset if you don't because I understand that I'm not really a active creator and I don't really follow creators who are not active either.
It's not complete yet! The navigation isn't done yet and I haven't really posted anything yet but I'll soon start shitposting in it so if you wanna see me just be a total menace and simping 24/7, you'll see it there soon 😂😂
So that's all I wanna say! That new account will have a lot of fandoms in it as I don't plan to make new side blogs anymore, it'll all be there... mashed together... in one mixing pot of a blog 😂
I'm not sure if I will delete this blog (and the sideblogs) or just keep it as an Archived for the content already posted here but for now, I'll keep it up for archiving reasons and for the event I signed up in using this account, or rather my sideblog.
See you or not see you there, I hope you have a great month of May and thank you for being here! 💙💙
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arkhxmknight · 2 years
tagged by @krysalla and @citrinesparkles thank you for thinking of me <3 <3
1. why did you choose your url?
i wanted something jason related (as per usual) for this reader insert blog and zo (affectionate) gave me ideas that lead to this one.
2. any side blogs? 
this is the side blog to my dc blog lol
3. how long have you been on Tumblr? 
this blog has been up for nearly 3 years, but i probably made my first blog at 15.
4. do you have a queue tag?
nope! i just rawdog it 😜
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? 
wanted to keep my dc comics blog neat but continue supporting fic writers, so i created this sideblog specifically for that purpose. (and knowingly posting my own work for that many people to see was scary.)
6. why did you choose your icon? 
i made my header myself since i couldn't find anything i liked and figured i might as well make the icon, too. they’re a package deal!
7. why did you choose your header? 
i was drooling over this nick robles artwork of jason and i wanted a new theme. 2 + 2 = 4.
8. what’s your post with the most notes? 
if i had to guess, i’d say it was ‘strategic withdrawal’ —it’s the ✨one bed ✨ trope so that checks out.
9. how many mutuals do you have? 
not sure, but a kiss to each!
10. how many followers do you have? 
around 370. i appreciate you all hanging around!
11. how many people are you following? 
12. have you ever made a shitpost? 
on this blog? no, unless you don't like my writing lmfaoo
13. how often do you use tumblr each day? 
oof, way more than i should. at the very least an hour probably
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
 no, i’m just here for a good time ✌️
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? 
if you have to guilt people into caring...they probably don't. but i do think that if you have a platform, no matter how small, it would be helpful to amplify voices and issues that need to be heard. doesn’t have to be those specific posts…
16. do you like tag games?
yes, and i like being tagged, even if it takes me forever to get to them!
17. do you like asks games? 
yes! is that something you guys would be down for? because it takes two…
18. which of your tumblr mutuals do you think is famous?
they all are in my eyes. 🤩
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
 when all your mutuals are sexy and talented, whats not to love? 
20. no pressure tags:
 i believe everyone i’d think to tag has been, so if you’re reading this and you would like to participate, you’re officially tagged! 
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mostweakhamlets · 4 years
wait what happened with @/top-crowley-central? i tried to find info but i couldn't find anything
there are blogs like @switch-crowley-central that have screenshot examples of what’s happened, but tbh I don’t think they’d make much sense to someone who doesn’t know the context/saw the events play out. I’ll try to provide the context/greater picture 
I’ll put everything under a cut because it will be long, and I’d like to warn everyone that there is discussion about child grooming
> this t-c-c made their blog and posted headcanons about top Crowley (which I won’t go into here, but the top/bottom discussion and headcanons have been spoken out about because they are insensitive and offensive) 
> a lot of people (to my knowledge) block her because of this content/openly fetishizing gay (and trans) men in the good omens tag and it was an awful shift from seeing content that is knowledgable and sensitive 
> some blogs try explaining to her why her content is offensive in the past few months, but she refuses to accept it and dodges any accusations that she’s being offensive 
> blogs then realize that she’s sharing smutty work with minors (whom she knows are minors) including: sharing explicit fic and explicit headcanons. There seems to be other engagement with them (which isn’t inherently bad)
> people call her out on sharing porn with minors because that’s kinda illegal and largely icky and she refuses to accept responsibility, makes excuses, etc. though now I think minors have been blocked from that blog (but no way of knowing if she’s interacting with them outside that sideblog) 
> people (including the minors or barely legal people) have jumped to defend her, have blocked blogs that have called her out. Other mutuals have reached out to others to better understand the situations, but some of them (to my knowledge) have stated that they’re scared/nervous to upset her by pointing out what she’s done wrong, which raises a lot of red flags to me
Right now, it seems like the internet is talking a lot about child grooming and interacting with minors since Shane Dawson, one of the biggest YouTubers, has been again accused (rightfully so) of interacting inappropriately with minors and ultimately grooming his young audience. I think it’s appropriate that we hold fandom creators to the same standards whenever they behave out of line. 
People have spoken out over the years about how the internet really fucked with them as a minor because they were exposed to explicit content, but they never realized it until they were able to reflect on it as a minor. They were exposed to that content by: YouTubers and older fandom creators. I literally saw a post last year that said something along the lines of, “what made college students think that it was okay to message me on Tumblr when I was 14″ with people chiming in about their own experiences. I think that a huge problem is that people don’t see smutty fanfic as porn bc it’s “fandom talk” or we’re led to believe that it’s “better” than porn because there’s emotional relationships involved? 
The main problem that comes with this behavior is: minors begin to normalize sexual conversation/interactions between them and adults. That can lead to further grooming or abuse. I’m not saying that t-c-c deliberately groomed children, but I think that she is playing a very large role in making teenagers on the internet very vulnerable
It’s sickening to read accounts from these people, and I really hope that they’ve all found peace/are in a better place. I really just want inappropriate behavior with children to stop in fandom spaces. It’s overlooked so often, but I do think that we’re entering a new age where we’re starting to create terms for things that weren’t seen 15 years ago. And I’m happy about that.  
TLDR: T-C-C behaved appallingly with minors, didn’t own up to it, and has really not been held accountable for any of her behavior. Her friends continue to defend her, and she blissfully ignores anyone trying to bring her behavior to her attention/cites her “anxiety” or “you’re bully a cis woman on the internet because tumblr hates cis people” to get out of facing any consequences. 
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Hi- you wrote the Refuge AU, right? Sorry, I couldn't find the blog for it and was wondering what happened to it... (also it's very well written, btw!!)
Nonny, I’ve tried to answer this four times already and I still don’t know how to put it the best way, so I’m sorry if this comes off rude or harsh or mean or dumb or something.
I did write the Refuge AU. It did have a blog. A side blog. From my main blog.
I deleted the sideblog.
I haven’t been in the best of places recently. I’ve been doing really well at hiding it- I think- but that’s the truth.
Since I’ve been so down, I’ve done a lot of introspection, and as I’ve done so... I’ve started to associate the Refuge AU with the ‘bad’. And I know, logically, that it has nothing to do with all the shit that was going down, but...
So I stopped updating the AU, and I tried to ignore the side blog but every time I opened my blog list it was always there and I always felt gross even though I knew that there was no reason for me to be feeling so bad about something I created, something I poured DAYS of my life into-
And it got to be too much. I deleted it.
I’m sorry.
I’ve still got all of the fic part of it in a google doc, and if you look now, you’ll find that there’s an empty blog at @refuge-au
It’s not a side blog.
I’m going to mess around with permissions on the google doc, and then I’m going to post a link on the blog tagged above. Everyone will be able to access the google doc. Everyone will be able to read the entirety of the fic/arg easily and in order and right there.
Once the link is posted, I don’t think I’m gonna go on that blog for a while. I don’t know if I’m ever going to continue the Refuge AU- and I’m sorry for that too.
I’m just...
I guess.
I know this wasn’t the answer you were looking for. I’m glad that you like the story. I’ve always liked telling stories. I’m sorry that this one isn’t going to get the ending that it, or it’s readers, deserve.
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whitetrashjj · 6 years
Hi! So i wanted to ask this on your Jordan sideblog but I couldn't find it sorry :(. I wanted to know what you think about Jordan never meeting anyone in his life until now because I mean, for a kid to only have contact with their parents, wouldn't that be kind of harmful in some way? I've been wondering about this since the finale because it's an interesting situation. Would this lead to anxiety of some kind or affect his way of communicating? (Sorry I just love psychology and Jordan Green) 💖
I’m so glad someone asked this because it’s something I’ve been thinking about myself and I think a lot of the fandom has too.
So we’ll start with the obvious parallels between what happened with Octavia and Jordan. Raised in relative isolation with only family as company.
“How is someone raised beneath the floor not a total basket case?”
“Who say’s I’m not?”
And well, love her or hate her, I think we can all agree O’s got some issues... So obviously we have to wonder is Jordan going to be the same, but I think we have to see the differences in their situations. Octavia was raised in isolation because she was wrong, she was illegal, she had to hide and be alone while everyone else got to live their lives around her. Obviously this creates a different level of psychological trauma than just being raised alone. Jordan was simply raised in isolation because that’s the way it was. He wasn’t being excluded or cast out from society, so I think that creates a different environment. Also,
“It’s because he loves you.”
Would any one question that Monty and Harper would have been the most loving and supportive parents? So I think that would have really grounded him and helped him be a well adjusted person. Also even though he was being raised in isolation he wasn’t completely isolated from people, if that makes sense? He was told stories of all these people in his parent lives, like Madi was, to the point where he feels he knows them and trusts them, like they are family really. So although he has not met anyone other than his family he still has that outside connection of people.
We’ve already seen Jordan being a little socially awkward, which is expected.
“I’ve never met anyone before, clearly I suck at it.”
And I’m thinking, hoping, that is explored further in six. Just little things, that maybe add some comic relief. Like having no personal space boundaries or always sharing way to much personal info. But this is all whimsical stuff, not serious psychological damage. 
In the end it depends if JRoth wants to take that route, or simply say he had enough good enough parents that he is perfectly well adjusted. I mean already he seems a little more stable the Octavia was in the beginning. Where Octavia was angry at everyone, and wanted to be reckless and experience life. Jordan seems happy to finally meet Bellamy and Clarke, but he does not seem like this is something he is mad that he had been deprived of. 
Realistically, I think yes in some ways being raised the way he did would have some sort of negative effect (in some aspects I don’t like that marper did that, but I also understand why they did), but also having a life of love, peace and happiness most likely reduced the major effects of that. In the show, it’s going to be a creative and storyline driven choice, on how much they are going to explore any psychological effects of that.
Either way I love Jordan and his parents and always will.
also my jordan sideblog is here @fyeahjordangreen :)
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hopeintheashes · 3 years
blog game!
I wasn't actually tagged by anyone, but I saw @ashavahishta's post and thought, hey, I'd like to answer those! Hopefully that's okay. :-)
1. Why did you choose your url? It was late 2010/early 2011 and I was staring down the account creation page on livejournal, trying to think of something that evoked not giving up no matter how bad things got (read: how depressed I was/had been), the rebirth of a phoenix, and the general feel of the hurt/comfort I was writing and reading. I tried out a bunch of combinations of words until I found one that I liked that hadn't been taken by someone else, and voila! My online identity for the past decade+.
2. Any side blogs? Actual sideblogs? No. Separate accounts for separate purposes? Yes.
3. How long have you been on Tumblr? The archive page says March 2013!
4. Do you have a queue tag? No, I don't use the queue feature often enough to warrant it.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place? Everyone was leaving LJ for tumblr/AO3 and I followed them! The archive page suggests I was particularly excited about the Doctor Who stuff I found here.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp? I went searching for a photo of Frank Iero and this one took my breath away.
7. Why did you choose your header? No particular reason; it's either one of the default options with this theme or I searched for "woods with fog" or something, I don't remember.
8. What’s your post with the most notes? Most notes: the School of Rock reunion video that I linked because I wanted to yell about it and couldn't find it already posted on here anywhere (1630 notes). Most for something I actually created: with every small disaster (69 notes).
9. How many mutuals do you have? A handful? Like, more than 5, fewer than 10?
10. How many followers do you have? 108, but I haven't gone through and deleted bots lately, so who knows.
11. How many people do you follow? 40
12. Have you ever made a shitpost? No, very much not my thing.
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day? I'm scared to find out. More than I would admit out loud.
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? No
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? Instantly oppositional.
16. Do you like tag games? Usually! Except for the actual tagging part ("will I be tagged?" "can I do it without being tagged?" "should I tag someone else or is that weird??"). That's nervewracking.
17. Do you like ask games? I've only had my asks open for a couple of months, but I'm really enjoying them, yes! I am super curious about who the anons are, though. :-)
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous? What's the threshold for that? I think a couple of them are, but I don't know!
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual? I think you're all very cool, but no.
tagging @renecdote and @buckupbuttercup; @youthbookreview and @katofrafters, I have no idea if this is your kind of thing but I figured I'd give it a try!
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