#and he frames it as him having ‘business to attend to… like drinking coffee I don’t really want’
daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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Marvel Spotlight (1971) #28
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heich0e · 6 months
yuuji calls sukuna a lot.
it's almost like second nature to him now, muscle memory even, so many years since getting his first cellphone; any time he finds himself idle, maybe on his walk home after his part-time job, or on a break between his college classes, he picks up his phone and dials his older brother without thinking. they never talk about anything of importance—maybe just what yuuji did that day, or some gossip he overheard, or what the two of them should have that night for dinner—but he still makes the call.
sukuna always acts annoyed when he answers, greeting him with a characteristically terse 'yeah, what?' that yuuji never pays any mind to. but he still answers the call—at least most of the time—and that simple truth speaks volumes in and of itself.
sukuna's phone rings at a few minutes past 1am, and his little brother's name lights up the caller ID.
"yeah, what?" sukuna snaps groggily, holding his phone up to his ear. he'd passed out on the couch soon after he got home from work, a half-drunk and now room temperature can of beer left abandoned on the table in front of his spread knees. yuuji's babbling starts as soon as the call connects and his brother greets him, and it takes sukuna a moment to make sense of him.
"—'n now i can't finder!"
"the hell are you talking about, dumbass?" the elder of the two grumbles, scrubbing a hand across his face. his brother's voice is panicked and hard to understand.
"we got spliddup at the bar, 'n now i dunno where she is anymore—"
"don't know where who is? fuck, are you hammered?" sukuna complains, sitting himself upright on the sofa as he wipes sleep from the corner of his eyes, suddenly a bit more awake than he was when the phone first rang.
yuuji says your name with a croaking, worried voice, and sukuna sighs exasperatedly. he stares down pensively at the can of beer he forgot to drink on the coffee table, then his eyes flicker to a framed photo hanging on the wall across the room—the glass smudged, frame slightly crooked, and photograph sun-bleached from the years it's spent hanging there.
"just..." he grunts as he pushes himself up to his feet, "fuckin' send me the address and stay where you are, idiot."
it's not hard to find his little brother once he arrives to the address yuuji sent him—especially since the youngest itadori brother is waiting (as promised) right by the entrance of the familiar bar near the university campus where both you and yuuji attend classes. it's still busy for so late in the night, but the clubs are closed now and little bars like this are the only places still open. sukuna's not even sure what the difference is anyway, because the lights here are still dim and the music is loud and there are still people dancing off to one side of the establishment, so the distinction between the two seems tenuous if not entirely negligible. but as someone who's spent his fair share of nights in bars just like (and including) this one, he's usually not really one to complain.
but tonight's different.
yuuji is teetering a bit when his brother arrives—an unusual sight, considering he's usually pretty good at holding his liquor.
"shit, how much did you drink?" are the first words out of sukuna's mouth when he approaches.
the youngest itadori's cheeks are flushed as pink as his hair, and he grimaces in the wake of the eldest's question—he's always been a terrible liar, especially when it comes to his brother, so he doesn't even bother trying to deny it. sukuna doesn't wait for a response in any case, turning his head towards the thick of the crowd and letting his eyes scan through it.
he doesn't see you.
"where'd you see her last?" he asks, leaning towards his brother to be heard over the music.
"by the bar!" yuuji replies, raising his own voice to overcome the bass. "she said she was getting one last drink, but she never came back to the table."
yuuji's lip wobbles a bit as he concludes his sentence, but he sucks it quickly into his mouth and catches it between his teeth.
"and you looked for her?" sukuna asks again.
"all over," yuuji nods, letting his lip slip out from between the bite of his incisors to reply. "fushiguro's doing another lap. nobara's checking the bathrooms."
sukuna ruffles a hand through his hair, suddenly realizing it's probably a mess from his rudely-interrupted slumber. "maybe she just left or somethin'."
"she wouldn't do that, you know that," yuuji says firmly. there's an insistence burning behind his eyes as he looks to his older brother, and it's the most sober he's seemed all night.
sukuna rolls his eyes, even though he knows yuuji's right—you'd never leave on your own, much less without so much as a goodbye. the two of you have been joined at the hip for long enough he's almost surprised that yuuji wasn't able to find you with some weird telepathic form of echolocation. he swings an arm up over his little brother's shoulders pushing him down a little just to tease him, before using his grip to tug him towards the crowd.
"you track down that little sea urchin friend of yours and i'll take a look around. meet me back here in ten minutes or text me if you find that little pest, alright?"
the bar is harder to navigate the further in sukuna travels from the entrance, the bodies pressing closer together with every step he takes away from fresh night air. he's pissed off, but that's not out of character for him. he's more pissed off than he usually is, considering not even an hour before he'd been peacefully sleeping at home, and now he's glaring at some drunk college kid who just almost spilled their beer on him.
"move," he hisses through his teeth at the wide-eyed kid whose life he can practically see flashing through his eyes as he shoulders past him. sukuna would be lying if he said the look didn't improve his mood at least marginally.
as sukuna weaves through the bodies in the bar, his eyes don't stop looking for you. it's almost startling how quickly he can rule people out—how definitively he can say that someone is or isn't you with just a passing glance. he starts to doubt himself as he reaches the far corner of the bar and begins to round back towards the entrance, an annoying, grating irritation in the back of his mind. worry, maybe, if he were the type.
then he sees you.
just the faintest glimpse of your profile, caught behind the shoulder of the man who has you backed into a corner by a pillar, hidden mostly away from the crowd—at least as hidden as anyone can be in a place like this.
sukuna feels his lip curling into a furious sneer as he takes a step towards you—people move out of his path wordlessly as he trudges over to that dark corner where you're tucked away.
it's only when he gets a bit closer that he's able to read the lines of your body properly. you're teetering, just like yuuji had been—the two of you had probably enabled each other in your intoxication that night like the stupid kids sukuna knows you both to be. but you're also distinctly uncomfortable, pressed up against the wall as if to put as much distance between you and the man hovering over you as you possibly can. your eyes glance off to the side, like you're searching uselessly for an escape.
instead, they meet his.
"sukuna," you gasp out in surprise, and the man you're speaking to glances over his shoulder in confusion. he seems annoyed, and a bit nervous, when he spots the man (taller, and broader than he is) standing behind him with a scowl.
sukuna hears the relief in your voice when you say his name. reads it behind your glassy eyes.
"what are you doing here?" you ask, reaching out towards him clumsily.
the man in front of you puts a hand on your waist—possibly to steady you, more likely to stop you—and it makes sukuna see red.
"hands off," sukuna snaps, wrapping a hand around your upper arm and tugging you into his side away from the creep.
"who's this? you said you don't have a boyfriend," the kid asks you, jutting a thumb towards sukuna accusatorially.
you mumble something quietly in reply about him being yuuji's brother, tucking yourself a bit closer to sukuna as you say it.
"your brother?" he asks as his eyes squint in confusion, having clearly only caught part of your explanation. "you're ditching me for your brother?"
sukuna's anger flares again at the entitlement this little brat has the nerve to display so flagrantly. the older man's hand slips down to your waist on instinct, and then lower still to the curve of your ass, making a show of how his big hand grips into the flesh beneath it. you squeak quietly at the contact, turning and hiding your burning face against sukuna's chest. he keeps his hand right where it is.
the stranger's eyes widen at the inappropriate display before him and sukuna leans in close with a vicious, almost manic grin.
"we're very close."
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icallhimjoey · 2 years
I SQUEALED at Like A Poem, it made me fall in love with Joseph more (is that even possible?!) Will you continue the story soon?
who am i to not bring the people what they want Wordcount: 2.3K ----------
Like A Poem
part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
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Joe was sat in one of the armchairs by the window, one ankle crossed over his knee, his spread wide. He held open a book with one hand, strong fingers, as he was writing things down in a little notebook he held on his lap with the other. His tongue was curled up in his focus where it softly caressed the left side of his top lip.
Without saying anything, you placed down a steaming mug of coffee, black, as you learned Joe liked it, on the side table next to him. Nothing fancy, just a brew from the machine in the breakroom you weren't technically allowed to serve to customers. But he had sat there for an hour, reading and writing, and you liked his quiet company.
Joe's eyes found you once he finished whatever he was scribbling and gave you a polite tightlipped smile by ways of saying thanks for the drink. From any other person it would’ve felt insincere, but Joe’s eyes were warm when he looked at you. He hadn't asked for anything to drink, but he didn't need to.
He had been deep in his concentration, doing important research, Joe would always call it.
The first time his behind had found the plush seat of the armchair, it had been busy in the shop as a little group of tourists had found your store and had come in to mainly marvel at the stacks of shelves. You didn’t have the time to pay him any mind, but Joe hadn’t come all the way to the store just for you be too busy to attend to him.
"Tell me if I'm in the way and I'll go," he had called over to you before sitting down and opening a book. He had spent over two hours reading there that day, and from then on, sometimes he would just come in and use your bookstore as if it were a library, occasionally buying the book he’d been reading to take home.
And you had told him, "There's more books and better seats to be sat in at actual libraries, where you don’t need to pay to take the books home, you know?" But Joe had been quick to disagree, casually listing several reasons why he thought your bookstore was a cut above any public London library.
"They don't serve such good coffee there."
"The ambience won't be right for my research."
"There's other people there."
That last one had made you laugh.
"Fun way to hint at bankruptcy, love that for me."  
It was Sunday and Joe had come in a little after you had opened your doors. Sitting in the window as he was just now, you knew the bastard had dressed to fit the scene. Dark. Academic. Mysterious, if he didn't smile. It was a very handsome sight, and you were sure if people were to walk past and look into the window, they could mistake him for decoration. All he was missing was a rounded pair of glasses perched up on his nose, but he fit in fine without them too.
You wondered if you could sneak a pic.
It had been a few months since Joe had made his way back into your store after your first meeting. When you had opened your doors at 10 that next morning, flipping the sign at the door to 'open' before unlocking, Joe had already been waiting outside.
"Good morning," you had said as a smile tugged at the corners of your mouth. You'd stalked directly over to the till and were about to ring Joe up for his copy of Blindness, successfully this time, when he stopped you.
"Do you mind if I have a look around?" Joe had said, already looking, hands tucked deep into his pockets, eyes trailing down a bookshelf with his head cocked to the side to read the spines.
"Of course," you had felt stupid for rushing. "Take your time, let me know if you need anything."
And then you had continued opening up shop. The A frame found it's spot back out front on the pavement, and displays were checked and straightened if needed.
It hadn't taken long for a stack of books to pile up in Joe's arms, and when you saw him trying to climb up one of the wooden ladders that gave access to the higher shelves above, you had kindly taken them from him to place them by the till alongside his copy of Blindness.
You remembered how the air in the shop had felt thick then. But you were sure it was just because you kept forgetting to breathe properly. Joseph Quinn was in your shop, and he was looking at all of your things. You had cursed yourself mentally for not knowing how dusty it really was up where he was pulling books from shelves to read the blurbs on the backs of them.
When the door had opened and another customer had walked in, you were surprised at your mixture of feelings. Don't intrude this moment, can't you see Joseph Quinn is attentively taking his time picking out books to take home? Whilst, at the same time the giddy thought, oh my God, a potential new customer! crossed your mind.
So of course, you had smiled at the customer warmly. The woman would've never been able to tell part of you didn't want her there.
"Good morning, how can I help you?"
When you had finished collecting books for the woman's son's reading list for school, Joe had made it over to the other side of your store, two more books in hand. You'd wished your new customer a nice day as she left, and then had taken a look at the selection of books Joe had already picked out. You remember being surprised by the wide range of genre.
"I'm usually great at working out what someone's like from what books they enjoy," you had started. Joe hadn't looked up at you at all, his eyes going over a lower shelf now, but you could see him smile.
"But this is kind of all over the place." you had inhaled sharply and had shaken your head, almost annoyed that your skill had seemed to falter.
"Not to challenge you any further but, I’ll add The Alchemist and Neuromancer to my purchase." Joe had placed them down in front of you as he had read out the titles. You furrowed your brow at them, trying to somehow decipher the additions.
You couldn't.
"Did you find everything you were looking for?" you hadn't liked the way you automatically fell into your customer-service-voice.
"I did, thank you," Joe had copied your tone, mocking you slightly, and it made you huff out a laugh.
As you scanned each barcode, Joe had explained that he was getting most of the books as gifts for family members, friends. It explained the miss-matched choice of literature. And when you held Blindness, he had commented that that one was just for him and it had made you grin.
"Can't wait for you to finish it, you'll find it's better than the film."
You'd made eyes at him, and it had tickled him into laughter. It was a sly dig, but also a hint at wanting to see him again, even if it was just to hear his thoughts on the novel.
"I'll warn you though," you slipped the books into a brown paper bag.
"The style of writing takes some getting used to, and there's not much character development, but it's gorgeously captivating." you spun the bag so the handle was facing Joe. "Thought-provoking. You'll see." And then you'd leant your arms wide on the counter, hanging into your shoulders, smiling at Joe through pursed lips.
Joe had paid, had thanked you, and had left.
Mentally you'd cursed at yourself for not having the balls to have snuck a bookmark into his bag with your number on. But maybe that would've been too forward. Joe knew where he could find you now, so all you could really do was hope he'd come back at some point in the future.
And Joe had come back. Quicker than you had thought he would. It was only the next day, the third day in a row of seeing him, when he had come in just before you were about to close. You had just tipped a full mug of tea over yourself, and were using a rag to feverishly blot it out of your white top when the bell from the door had startled you. It was Joe, and he seemed in a rush. He hadn't let go of the door-handle and just hovered in the entrance, his weight mostly on the leg that had stepped the furthest into your store. You had seen other people behind him, waiting for him out on the pavement.
"You were right. It was better than the film."
You had just stared at him, frozen in place, rag pressed up against your wet chest. Stunned.
You weren't sure what Joe had meant when he pointed a finger at you with one eye closed before turning on his heel and rushing out, waving at you through the window as he walked past it, his friends joining him in his step. You were sure about something else, though, and you remembered what your next thought had been...
I think I love him.
And now you watched Joe work from your spot behind the counter, enjoying a sip of your own coffee, just taking in the sight of him. Oh, how you wanted to be able to just sit down in the chair opposite him and bury yourself in a good novel as well. To be closer to him. You were sure your knees would almost touch if you did. You’d just be in each other’s silence, no other sounds filling the air other than your breathing, the occasional turning of a page and the scribbling noise of his pen to the paper. “It’s rude to stare,” Joe suddenly said, turning a page in his book, not even looking at you. You felt it was a way to signal he didn’t mind a chat, happy for some distraction after having been left to his own devices since he’d gotten in.
“What are you doing research on?” you asked, genuinely interested. Joe had small illegible handwriting, you couldn’t for the life of you read what he’d been writing down. Not with the distance between the two of you, anyway.
“Top secret.” Joe said, after taking a sip of coffee and pursing his lips as he swallowed which turned to a smile when he looked at you.
“How intriguing.” You left a silence, hoping it would coax Joe to fill it. It worked.
“I honestly can’t say,”
“From the books you’ve gathered, it must be a period piece,” you observed. You saw Joe’s eyes wander to the hardbacks he had plucked from your shelves and he showed a little concern at your first guess being correct.
“If you please could adjust your handwriting to be a little larger so I would actually be able to read those notes, you won’t get another question out of me,” you held both hands up in defense.
It made Joe close his notebook and put it down completely now.  
“What’s it to you?” Joe narrowed his eyes at you suspiciously, his lips pursed still, trying to hide his smile. He put his coffee mug to his mouth, which helped.
“Just showing some polite interest in the man that’s been hogging a seat in my store for the past hour and a half,”
You didn’t tell him you’d just finished watching all episodes of the mini series Catherine The Great, just because it featured Joe.
“How kind of you, but I’m afraid I’m not at liberty to reveal anything.” He said, eyes crinkling at the corners because he was in love with you, as it so happened. Not that he was planning on saying anything or revealing that the sole reason he didn’t do his research online, like all other sensible actors, was because of you.
Joe finished his coffee and checked his phone for the time. A small gasp escaped his lips, his eyes big as he quickly got up. For a second you saw him contemplate something, turning to grab his notebook and then eyes on the books he’d been reading. He seemed late for something, time forgotten as it had slipped away from him.
“I’ll get those,” you left your spot behind the counter, moving to collect the books and place them back on the shelves where Joe had picked them up earlier.
“Sorry, I won’t make such a mess next time.”
It was hardly a mess. Joe didn’t move from where he stood, forcing you to get a little too close for comfort when reaching over. Joe smelled the perfume on your skin as the air fanned past him.
“That’s okay,” you said, collecting the books and making your way back to where you’d been standing.
“I’ve just- I’ve got a, thing,” Joe explained as he stalked towards the exit, not really revealing anything. That was okay, he didn’t owe you an explanation.
“Can you leave those out for me?” Joe said quickly before opening the door. “So I won’t have to search for them again tomorrow?”
You grinned, but were fast to let out a deep sigh.
“Library.” you pointedly said, giving him a look that made him laugh in defeat. But you left the books neatly stacked on a ledge, making sure Joe could see that yes, you would leave the books out for him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Joe said it like you were old friends, his head bent down slightly as he spoke before opening the door behind him and stepping out.
And you counted your blessings, happy Joe had found safety and comfort in your little space instead of following your advice and finding a much more convenient way to get the information he needed.     part three
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w2beastars · 6 months
Beast Complex: The Deer and the Wolf
(Warning: This is a VERY self-indulgent fanfic, read at own risk)
He was a red deer at the beginning of his fifties. He had a slim build and fair face that made him look younger than he actually was. The square-framed pince-nez glasses he was wearing helped making him look like an animal of a certain age. He was dressed in a black suit, appropriate due to the funeral he had to host only four days ago.
The CEO of the Horns conglomerate tapped the table with a finger while feeling anxious. Louis was unsure if accepting the offer of a cup of coffee to catch up with her was such a good idea. They hadn't seen each other in years, and they didn't part on good terms. Or at least, not exactly good, but perhaps not bad either. But he had been so surprised to see her attend the cremating ceremony, he had probably not been thinking straight.
Louis took a glance around the coffee shop. Several animals had gathered here to chat. He saw a orange cat with a cell phone of a sort similar to the kind Louis had used when he was a teenager. Louis was glad that phones had made a comeback, he had never been thrilled about the lenses you could put into your eyes, it felt... wrong and intrusive. But perhaps new technology always felt threatening when you had reach a certain age.
Louis then spotted an empty table with a half-filled tea cup and an empty glass. There was a straw in the glass, the end of it had been chewed on.
It made the deer recall something. Something that made him blush.
Louis blinked and turned his attention toward a grey wolf with brown fur. She was dressed in a dark-blue blazer that was open, revealing a white shirt. Her fur was curly. She seemed like she was out of breath, as if she had been running, but she wore high heels.
Louis smiled, more out of a sense of being polite than actually being happy to see her. "Juno, it's good to see you again."
"I'm very sorry, there was a small crisis at the studio. One of the models had accused the tiger who took the photos of looking at her funny. I swear, bunny models are gonna be the death of me..." Juno took a seat at the other end of Louis' table. "Iced strawberry latte, please." She said to the hyena who worked as waiter in the café.
"I would like another coffee." Louis said. He looked at Juno. "So... you seem to be in good health."
"I am."
"Time sure flies by."
"Sure does."
"I should have tried to stay in touch-"
"We have both been busy." Juno said this despite knowing that was not the reason they hadn't talked in years.
There was an awkward pause. Neither the wolf or the deer knew what to say. But after they got their drinks, Juno decided to take the initiative. She recalled that she usually had to when it came to matters with Louis.
"I was not sure if showing up to the funeral was a good idea or not. The article said only family and close friends were invited-"
"I would say you belong in the second category."
Juno raised an eyebrow. "Do I?"
Louis shrugged. "As far as I'm concerned." He sighed and smiled awkwardly. "I appreciate that you came."
Juno took a big sip of her latte. "Your daughter sure didn't. She was rude."
"Only because she thought you were a nosey stranger. I'm surprised Marie didn't recognize you. She wears one of your dresses for parties."
Juno smirked. "Then your daughter has good taste."
Louis rolled his eyes and made a small laugh. "Well, aren't you modest..."
Juno did her best not to wag her tail, it was not proper for a wolf her age to do so in public. Then, she looked serious. "I'm very sorry. Well, for what happened to her. To Azuki."
Louis' face changed into a grave expression. "Well... that makes two of us." Louis sighed before placing his cup against his lips.
Juno emptied her cup. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if what she was about to ask was too intrusive. But she had to know. "Did you... love your wife?"
Louis blinked. He coughed, almost spitting out the coffee. He had forgotten how direct this wolf could be. Juno looked at Louis, waiting for an answer. Louis decided to clean his classes to win some time.
"Well..." Louis cleared his throat. "I should just answer yes, that would be the appropriate response, but... it's not that simple. Azuki was very frank, she told me our marriage was about what was best for the Horns Conglomerate. We had a daughter, but that does not necessarily make a couple closer. But we grew to care a great deal for each other. Calling it friendship is not a fitting description, she was not my friend, she was... my companion." Louis smiled. "She knew me so well, she understood me. And now that she is gone... it is as if I lost a small part of myself." Louis sighed, then noticed he was shedding a tear.
He looked at Juno. The wolf started crying as well. And what she said... took him completely by surprise.
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Juno yelled, exposing all of her fangs while slamming a fist against the table.
Louis almost lept from his chair. He pushed his classes closer to his eyes as he looked confused. "Excuse me?"
Juno growled, not giving a damn about tact in public space. "Our last night together, when I left that train... the one thing that made me keep calm, the one thing that stopped me from bawling my eyes out and yell at you and kick you in the groin... was knowing you would never be happy with that bimbo!"
Louis was baffled. Then angry. "Hey, that's my wife you are talking abo-"
"I could handle you not being mine because I could comfort myself with you being unsatisfied and unhappy with that pipsqueak! And now you are telling me that you actually miss her?!"
"I... I'm sorry, are you saying that I have hurt your feelings by caring for a female I was married to for thirty years?!"
"Yes, dammit!" Juno stood up and glared at the middle-aged deer. "You owe me me to at least having been a tiny bit miserable with her!"
Louis felt as if he was about to explode as he stood up as well. "You selfish... you childish... you self-centered... you egotistical..." He dropped his glasses as he yelled at the female wolf. "YOU HAVEN'T CHANGED AT ALL, HAVE YOU?!"
For a moment they just glared at each other. The other animals at the coffee-house had stopped talking and eating and instead looked at the heated argument that had started in the middle of the room. The orange cat picked up their phone, wondering if calling the police was necessary
And then, Juno started to giggle, covering her mouth.
Louis narrowed his eyes. "What? What's so funny?"
Juno snorted. "You still look like a little kid when you get all worked up!"
Louis heart was pounding. He was utterly confused. He blushed.
And then he grabbed Juno by the collar of her blazer and kissed her. The wolf was startled, but then hugged the deer and returned the kiss.
Everyone in the coffee-shop looked completely petrified except for the cat who filmed the dramatic scene with their phone.
Then... Louis regained his sanity. He pushed Juno away, resulting in her tripping because of her high heels. "WHAT ON EARTH AM I DOING!? I JUST BURRIED MY WIFE LESS THAN A WEEK AGO! YOU DAMN WOLVES, YOU MAKE ME LOSE MY MIND!" And then he stormed out of the room.
Juno giggled as she sat on the floor. "Wow..."
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chaeinedup · 10 months
We meet AGAIN
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You and Beomgyu are finally on speaking terms again. Not that you guys ever actually fight, you just yell at one another until someone makes a good point. Which him showing concern for you and your feelings was more than enough. But as you said nothing was going to happen. You take the word "crush" very lightly.
Wooyoung on the other end was fighting for his life trying to make Yeonjun see something was up. It's surprising how oblivious he can be. In his head no one ever sees him that way, but statistics say other wise. So the plan, the very simple plan that Wooyoung made up and dragged Changbin into, was to make you two reunite. There's no way in hell this could go sideways.
It's yet again 6pm, what day?? how would you know, they're all the same, they start to blend together. But if there's a way of knowing is the type of clients. So far it's been the usual students who come for the cheap coffee and your indifference for how long they stay, and the truck drivers who stop to have a not so homy meal. But a meal nonetheless.
And that's exactly when you spotted three guys making their way in laughing, you knew your death sentence was approaching. As they scanned the place to choose where to sit, Beomgyu was giving you the nastiest look ever.
"See what did ?"
"What the fuck?? I didn't do anything!! Maybe he's here cause he liked to see you in this uniform. Red really is your colour.", you said sarcasticly.
"Shut up."
Clearly he wasn't the biggest fan of what was going down. He got up knowing his fate and you knowing yours. Lily gave you a slight smile, hinting at what she was thinking. She looked at the cherries and back at you. You couldn't hold your smile and decided to throw her the cleaning rag as a "stop it".
It's not like miraculously your attraction for Yeonjun went away, but you for sure knew it wouldn't be welcome, by Beomgyu at least. You know he loves you and you love him as well, you respect him so if you could avoid looking at Yeonjun that way... then you will... try your very best.
"Hey, earth calls y/n??!!"
"Stop waving your hand, I can see you. What's the order?"
"Three milkshakes, two vanilla, one chocolate."
"Work your magic girl."
You look back startled by Jeongin's sudden appearance.
"So two are in my favor and one is against me? are the odds in my favor?"
You have no intentions of pissing off your best friend again, so after saying those words you gave him a playful smile to ease his mind.
As you were making the drinks you had all eyes on you. Wooyoung was trying his very best to try and see you making their order while annoying Changbin for not staying still.
Yeonjun was on his phone completely unaware of the entire situation. You couldn't help but notice his outfit. A black stripped button up shirt with some grey shorts, and the literal cherry on top, black framed glasses. He wasn't wearing them before so you know it was a stylistic choice.
You got so deep in your thoughts Jeongin had to intervine.
"So are you done ooor...?"
"Yeah Beomgyu can go serve them."
"He went to the bathroom."
"Okay so you take them."
"Strictly kitchen duty sorry, and Lily has other tables to attend to. Tough luck my friend."
You knew he was doing this on purpose, some kind of mind game to see how much self control you actually had. You decide to be a big girl and serve them I mean just how hard could it be ?? You do this every day.
But not every day you have clients like Wooyoung, masking your life harder.
"Y/n right?! I just have a question! So which one of us do you think is the cutest?"
You almost dropped your tray. You love a good straight foward sincere person, but not when they put you on the spot like this.
"All three of you are very cute. Why the question?"
"Then how come Yeonjun always gets two cherries?"
"That's a great question! That I would love to answer if I wasn't so busy. Now if you'll excuse me. Enjoy your drinks!"
You practically ran out of there, fearing Wooyoung's sharp observations would disrupt your "cool and composed" façade. He knew you were lying through your pearly white teeth, the place was dead. Yeonjun tried to reason with him explaining they might have work to do in the back, while Changbin just outflat told him he was being annoying.
He was going to get to the bottom of this, either you wanted it or not. He was on a mission, a quest and he was going to need to do some digging. Task A - stir shit up.
Before leaving he made sure to give you a napkin with his number and a little note.
"Text me when you can, it's important :D."
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[Taglist: @suzirumas ]
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depressedbagpipe · 1 year
"Blackbird to Robin, do you copy?" (Billy Russo x ofc)
Chapter three
Words: 5286 Warnings: coffee i guess (me knowing just too much of it, btw go drink some water instead), billy being a little mafia-ish, owen being a lil shit, harper knowing too much, dana being a bit of a pain in the ass, A/N: this took way too longer than originally expected, so thank you for waiting <3 life's been getting a bit busier yet I'm learning how to manage my time better, fingers crossed that i know how to do that haha. btw i completely made up the name of the coffee shop so if it turns out it's a real place, let me know cause i don't want to be sued xd Taglist: @badasseddy, @noortsshift, @britishbassett
Series Masterlist Previous chapter &lt;;> Next chapter
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Chapter three
‘Two cappuccinos for table three, please.’
‘What’s the deal with cappuccinos, anyways?’ I said while grabbing two clean mugs, and quickly putting them on the coffee machine behind me.
‘Guess you’re good at them,’ Harper winked at me as she grabbed a clean rug and dried her hands with it.
‘No, but seriously, I like cappuccinos too but like, last time I prepared thirty in a little over an hour. I mean, is that healthy? And this is coming from someone who loves coffee!’
Harper laughed at my antics. ‘It’s a nice brewage! People just like cappuccinos,’ she shrugged, disappearing through the door and into the kitchen shortly after.
‘If they only liked tipping better…’ I mumbled.
‘I heard that!’ Harper shouted from the other room.
‘Damn it.’
My hands moved automatically as I prepared the drinks, carefully decorating the foamed milk on the mug and making sure not to spill anything as I took them to the couple sitting by the door of the café.
They barely acknowledged me when I set their cappuccinos on the table, giving a short nod in my general direction without taking their eyes off each other.
Rolling my eyes, I walked back to the counter, noticing that no new customers were waiting to be attended to. I sighed deeply, looking around the bar, busying myself with cleaning anything in sight, if only to have an excuse to avoid Billy’s dark frame on the corner, directly facing me as he pretended to read a book.
His Americano had definitely gone cold long ago, but he still took careful sips, his tongue occasionally making an appearance to lick the remains on his lips. It was a true sight to behold, but every time my eyes darted to him, his were already fixed on me. He had a sixth sense of knowing when someone was looking at him.
Harper had even complimented his eyes, which would only inflate his ego more.
‘What?’ she had asked after noticing the glare I sent her. ‘Your boyfriend’s cute.’
‘He’s not my boyfriend,’
‘Well, he certainly keeps looking your way,’ the older woman winked at me.
‘Yeah, that’s not it at all,’
‘Whatever rows your boat,’ she only laughed at me as she kept counting the money at the register, making me sigh deeply.
I absolutely adored Harper. She had taken me in the second I came stumbling into her café, wet from the sudden downpour and in heavy need of a job. Despite having no experience brewing coffee, she had thrown all reason out the window and given me a safe place beside her, becoming pretty much my sole source of income. Many hours had been spent between those four cozy wooden walls, hundreds of steaming mugs passed along, and thousands of faces asking for a drink before going on with their lives. And despite the stress and the neverending shifts, and the too-sassy personality of its owner, HarpBrews Coffee had become my second home.
My phone pinged in my pocket. Discreetly grabbing it, I peered at Owen’s message, stating he would soon be walking through the door. I took a deep breath checking the hour on the big grandfather clock on the side of the café. The afternoon rush hour had already ended, yet a few customers still came for their boost drinks before heading out to the Friday nightlife they loved so much. Unfortunately for me, I still had a few papers to write, and a late shift to cover, all while the exhaustion of having slept four hours was starting to take a toll on my body. 
Putting my phone away, I caught Billy’s eyes on me again. He was slowly turning the book's page, not even bothering to pretend he hadn’t been caught. I raised my eyebrow at him but didn’t say anything. Only when he leaned his head to the side I finally walked up to him.
‘Doesn’t your butt hurt?’ I asked, grabbing his empty mug. ‘You’ve been sitting there for three hours without moving.’
‘It’s been three hours already? Wow, time does fly when you’re having fun,’ he smirked, checking his expensive wristwatch and widening his eyes.
‘You’re hilarious. You should audition for the circus, I heard they’re running out of clowns,’ I said with a shake of my head.
Billy put down his book. ‘Amazing wordplay, ten out of ten,’ he clapped slowly, but the mischief in his eyes didn’t leave.
‘Can I get you anything else?’ I asked him, hoping not to hear his comeback.
‘What’s your specialty?’
‘Cappuccinos, apparently.’
‘Sure, let’s see what the fuzz is all about,’ he said, leaning back again on his chair and picking up the book.
I sighed, walking back to the bar and preparing, yet again, his own cappuccino.
‘Please, don’t spit in it.’
‘I wouldn’t dream of it, Mr. Russo,’ I called back, making sure to keep a smile on my face after noticing the many heads that turned my way. 
I internally groaned, already knowing some of them would be leaving immediately, their tips long forgotten.
Only when I grabbed the cocoa powder I stopped my hands. I held the plastic template in between shaky fingers, debating whether or not Billy deserved some cocoa design on his foam. A small part of my brain was slapping itself at my childish resentment, but an even bigger part was slapping the other for even doubting. It was Harper coming back from the kitchen and seeing me with the cocoa in my hands that made me move, carefully sprinkling the powder on the mug until it took the shape of the open book of the template. 
‘He reads too?’ she whispered when I passed her by, setting the mug on a tray, together with a clean spoon and a napkin.
My stomach grumbled right as I picked it up, the realization of not having eaten anything in a while finally catching up to me. I looked over at Billy, who hadn’t eaten anything either, but this time it did seem he was too preoccupied with his book. I glanced at the small counter displaying Harper’s baking, and with another sigh, I picked up a vanilla cookie and placed it on a small plate, bringing everything to Billy.
He raised his eyebrows once I approached his table, setting everything before him.
For the first time since I met him, he seemed genuinely surprised. 
‘Oh, thank you, Dana, you didn’t have to,’ he set the book on the other edge of the table, eyeing the latte art on his cappuccino.
I shrugged. ‘Yeah, well, you must be hungry. It’s on the house, by the way.’
Nobody said anything else, for the small bell by the door rang, and Owen’s smile greeted me as soon as I turned my head to face the sound.
‘Waddup?’ he took me in his embrace, hugging my waist tightly for a few seconds before removing his arms. He barely moved away, regardless.
‘Hey, what took you so long?’ I asked him, motioning with my head to sit on one of the empty tables nearby the counter.
Owen unloaded his bag on the table, pulled out his laptop and phone, and took a seat as he adjusted his dirty blond fringe that fell unceremoniously over his eyes after taking his beanie off.
‘Sorry about that, Mrs. Russell was on a rant about the newest councilmen appointment and we pretended to be interested in it so she would forget about last week’s assignment.’
‘You didn’t turn it in?’
‘I didn’t do it,’ he said with a shrug, laughing it off.
I shook my head at the boy, remaining silent as the coffee machine whistled behind me, brewing yet more coffee despite the late hour.
‘Latte macchiato for me, please, if I take more caffeine I’ll dig a hole in the floor from buzzing,’ Owen called, his fingers already typing on his laptop.
I laughed at his comment, knowing how many energy drinks he was capable of ingesting over a day. 
‘You sure your heart can bear more of it?’ I asked him, placing our coffees down on the table.
‘It can now that you’re here,’ he winked at me, his eyes focusing once again on the screen before him.
Rolling my eyes, I went into the back of the café to retrieve my bag, ignoring the chime of the bell at the front door.
‘Harper, I’m on my break!’ 
‘Okey dokey!’
Harper’s chirping voice was heard at the bar, welcoming whoever had nothing better to do than having a coffee so late in the evening.
I quickly unknotted my apron and hung it on its respective hanger, pulling my hair out of its bun and pulling my sweater over my shoulders, knowing the lack of movement would become a problem later.
Walking out of the kitchen, I was shocked when I saw Frank Castle sitting down next to Billy, talking in hushed voices. I didn’t fail to notice the third person sitting with them, worried concentration drawn on her beautiful face. 
I walked in hurried steps back to Owen, who was sipping on his coffee completely unaware of the rising tension on the table behind him. His back was to them, allowing me to slide on the opposite seat, getting a clear view of the three adults. 
The sound the chair made when I dragged it back caught the attention of the two ex-marines, who quickly glanced up at me. I waved inadvertently at Frank, still awkward in his presence, but he returned the gesture by silently nodding his head at me.
The moment ended as soon as Harper returned to their table with steaming mugs for the two newcomers, the little party returning to their hushed conversation as if they had been going at it for hours and not just a few minutes.
I shrugged and sat down.
‘Everything okay?’ Owen asked, his eyebrows drawn in concern at me.
I shook my head, not wanting to talk.
‘Yeah, just tired.’
‘Well, I hope you’re not too tired for this because I have no idea where to start and you’re the only one I trust enough to partner up with.’
‘Always the charmer, Owen,’ I sighed, opening a new tab on my laptop, and quickly typing down the topic of our latest academic torture.
‘Don’t get me wrong, I love working with you. But I love pissing Malcolm off even more.’
‘You guys did one project together weeks ago, you surely can’t keep the feud up.’
‘He’s an asshole. It’s his fault we failed.’
‘And now he’ll hate you forever after selling him out.’
‘He deserved it.’
‘Really rough strategy.’
‘Well, I’ll have my lawyer call his lawyer.’
‘You’re your own lawyer, Owen, this is why we’re doing this in the first place.’
Owen took a few seconds to reply, his fingers stopping over the keys while he arched one eyebrow at me. ‘Someone’s moody.’
I sighed once again, already feeling a faint thump appear at the back of my head. ‘Look, I don’t wanna mess the project up, and I barely got any sleep last night, so please, can we just… concentrate on this? So we don’t have to pull another last-minute all-nighter the day before the due date?’ 
My pleading seemed effective, for Owen raised his hands in the air and apologized before returning to the task at hand.
‘Alright, alright. Look, on the way here I read a few articles that could be helpful.’
‘Cool, text me the link, and I’ll give them a quick look.’
‘Not so fast, loca,’ he laughed to himself. ‘You gotta do something for me first.’
‘Wow, not five minutes in and you’re already blackmailing me? New record.’
I was staring at him through heavy lids, knowing his plans usually ended in disaster.
‘This one’s good, I promise.’
‘Spit it out, then.’
‘I text you the articles, and you go on a date with me tomorrow.’
The sweet taste of my mocha latte turned suddenly bitter. Loud coughs left my mouth as the liquid burned my lungs. From the rim of my eyes, I saw Billy and Frank’s eyes on me, their posture tense, ready to pounce. I shook my head, only I didn’t know who it was meant for.
‘What the actual fuck, Owen?’ I managed to ask between coughs. 
He glanced up innocently as if we had been talking about clouds.
‘What? ‘
‘You can’t be serious.’
‘I am. I’ve been meaning to ask you out for a while now but it never seemed appropriate.’
Owen was now stirring his beverage a little too nonchalantly, but the little tick in his fingers made the spoon tremble ever so slightly.
‘And you think now is appropriate?’
My voice was a little hoarse, and my throat burned slightly, but I was determined to put the boy in his place.
‘It was a joke, Dana, you don’t have to be so defensive all the time!’ he brought the screen down and rested his elbows on the table, staring into my eyes. ‘Look, maybe this wasn’t the right way to ask you out, but I promise, I’m not kidding. We work well together, and you’re pretty hot, and I think we could make a nice couple if you’d give me chance.’
I stared at him for a while, scanning his face, looking for any indication that he wasn’t being genuine. I found none.
‘Look, Owen…’ I wanted to reply, but he cut me to it.
‘Just one date. If it goes well, we’ll see what we do from then. If it goes wrong, I won’t bother you again,’ he raised his hands again. His body moved as if he were trying to appease a looming beast. His eyes, though, held a confidence I had barely seen before.
‘Just one. After we’re done with the project,’ I added as soon as his lips broke in a giant smile. They quivered slightly at the afterthought but nodded his head fervently regardless.
‘Will you send me the links now?’
‘On it.’
We mostly worked in silence after that, only breaking it to share a few comments here and there. Harper had thankfully filled in, going as far as allowing me to double my break so we could get some work done.
‘Alright, so I’ll keep researching this and you write the rest?’ Owen confirmed.
I nodded. ‘Yeah, it honestly won’t take me long. On Monday we can meet up again and go over the next point,’ I said, rubbing my eyes.
The little mascara I had applied in the morning had certainly worn off during the day, but I didn’t care. I was too exhausted, and I still had another hour to fill.
‘Sounds great. You going out later? Jeremy said he was throwing a party,’
‘I don’t think I’ll be alive by then,’ I said in a low voice, closing down my books and putting everything away in my bag. 
‘Honestly, I don’t know how you do it.’
‘Me either.’
‘I’ll text you tomorrow. If the summaries aren’t on the shared file in the evening, feel free to call and scream at me despite my future hangover,’ Owen said with a short hug.
‘Will probably do,’ I answered back as he waved and left, the café almost too silent with his absence.
Only the small party of three refused to leave their seats.
‘Everything alright over here? Can I get you guys anything?’ I asked them, knotting my apron behind my back with practiced expertise, and pulling my hair up once again despite the strain in my arms.
‘I could use an espresso,’ Frank said, looking at me with somewhat of a smile.
‘Me too, I’m in for a long night,’ the woman replied with a kinder tone, giving me a wide smile.
‘Dana, this is Karen Page, one of the best lawyers in town and a close friend of ours,’ Billy spoke up.
Realization dawned on me as I stared at the woman, my eyes widening.
‘Oh, my gosh, I’m a huge fan of your work,’ I shook her outstretched hand a little too enthusiastically, but she didn’t seem to care.
‘Thank you, I’ve heard a lot about you too,’ she grinned.
She stood out, sitting in front of both men, with kind eyes and sweetness of manner, despite knowing how deadly she could be in her field. She truly was someone I admired dearly and had quickly become one of my main motivators to become a lawyer. 
Going back to the bar to prepare their orders, Harper tapped me on the shoulder.
‘You’re seriously gonna date the lanky kid over that greek god?’ she whispered while she untied her apron.
I rolled my eyes at her. ‘Yeah.’
‘Did you bump your head this morning?’ she rested her hands on her waist.
‘I’m perfectly fine, thank you,’ I wasn’t looking at her anymore. ‘That greek god over there is old enough to be my father.’ 
‘But he isn’t, is he?’ she wiggled her eyebrows. ‘How am I the oldest here? You should be out having fun on a Friday night with the fine specimen that has been eyeing you the entire evening, yet you’re closing down the café,’ she threw her hands in the air, her voice a little louder.
I shushed her, noticing Billy’s eyes on us for a few seconds. 
‘Yeah, well, I’m trying to be a responsible adult,’ I shrugged, pouring the hot espresso onto two smaller mugs.
‘Hell, I’m a responsible adult and still go out,’ Harper waited for me at the bar as I brought the mugs back to Billy’s table.
‘Thank you so much, Dana!’ Karen grinned appreciatively at me, quickly bringing the mug to her lips.
‘Careful, it’s still a bit hot.’
‘It’s perfect, thank you,’ she winked at me, making me chuckle softly at her before returning to Harper’s side.
‘Look, I just want you to have fun once in a while,’ Harper went back at it. 
I looked down at my feet, wishing to escape the lecture she was about to give.
‘I know, and trust me, I do have fun,’ I said.
We were no longer whispering, but the place was too deserted for us to care.
‘Reading at home is not the kind of fun I’m talking about,’ she sent me a pointed glance.
‘Well, I’m happy being by myself, Harper. I don’t need as much social interaction as everyone seems to think I do,’ I sighed, busying myself with cleaning the coffee machine, somehow knowing no one else would be ordering anything else for the rest of my shift.
‘Dana, I know your life hasn’t been easy these past years but you still deserve to be young and have fun. Hell, I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but maybe going out on a date with Owen isn’t a bad idea. At least you’ll talk with someone your age for once,’
‘Hey, I talk to people my age all the time,’ I defended myself.
‘Your classmates don’t count. I mean friends, Dana, actual friends. Not just colleagues, or neighbors, or even me.’
‘I know, I know. You’re happy. I just worry about you, that’s all.’
‘Well, don’t. I promise there is nothing to worry about. Now off you go, I know your secret man is waiting for you,’ I gently pushed her out of the way in the direction of the main door.
Harper smiled almost shyly at me, some color going to her cheeks.
‘Alright, I’m leaving. The kitchen’s clean, all that is left is the main part,’ she said, zipping up her coat. She let her hair down, making her look even younger, and matching her lively personality. ‘Don’t burn the place down while I’m gone.’
She opened the door, not without turning the Open sign backward to show the Closed written on the other side.
‘Won’t do,’ I was basically pushing her away. At least one of us would be having fun tonight.
‘Oh, and tomorrow don’t bother coming, I’m giving you the day off. You know where the check is!’
She turned and ran to the other side of the street, expertly avoiding the cars and walking with a happy strut.
I sighed, almost relieved at her absence, basking in the silence of the café despite the still low conversation taking place at the far end. Closing the door and drawing the curtains, I walked back to the kitchen, grabbed the cleaning supplies, and walked to the front yet again.
Billy caught my actions, walking to me as I started wiping the tables and bringing the chairs on top to wipe the floor.
‘You closing already?’ he asked me directly.
The sudden sound almost startled me. Hearing him address me after hours of nonexistent conversation had left my skin bare. The pounding in my head seemed to diminish slightly.
I shook my head. ‘I’m just cleaning out. I still got another thirty minutes, you can finish whatever you guys are doing.’
He nodded unconvinced, yet walked back to his table.
My body moved automatically, my mind blank and my eyes laced with exhaustion. I noticed Billy’s table full of papers and binders, with Karen scribbling down every so often. Some part of me wondered what they were working on, but then I remembered. The less I knew the better.
Shaking my head, I did a once-over, checking everything was clean and back to its respective place. With only ten minutes to go, I whisked my phone off my pocket, mindlessly scrolling through Twitter, and wishing time would pass by faster.
‘Hi,’ Karen suddenly spoke before me. I jumped a bit in my place, not expecting to find the woman with her and Frank’s empty mugs on the counter. ‘Sorry for scaring you, I just wanted to bring you these. The coffee was amazing, by the way, the best I’ve ever had,’ she smiled at me.
I grinned back at her. ‘Aw, thank you. You don’t have to lie, though, there’s better coffee out there,’ I said, quickly washing the mugs and leaving them to dry.
She shook her head. ‘No, really, it was amazing. From now on I know where to get my daily dose,’ she winked again, her good humor instantly lifting my mood. 
‘Well, we’ll be waiting with open arms,’ I laughed softly, immediately liking the idea of seeing her around.
For a split second I wondered how she could be friends with someone like Frank and Billy, but then again, how could I be friends with someone like Harper?
‘Well, I don’t know if Billy told you, but I’m also working on your case,’ she slid her hand over mine, her warm fingers wrapping around my hand and squeezing in sweet comfort. ‘Whatever you need, you can come to me, alright?’ she looked deeply into my eyes.
I froze, not expecting her forwardness, but nodded in appreciation nonetheless.
‘Thank you, Karen.’
I didn’t know what else to say, but thankfully Frank came to my aid. Or rather, Karen’s.
He slid a hand over her waist, the lightbulb suddenly going on over my head.
‘Really good coffee, Dana.’ 
He nodded at me, always the same short bow of his head. I’d like to think it was our way of greeting each other, even though I knew I wouldn’t be seeing him again once all this was over.
‘Thank you, Frank.’
‘We should get going,’ Billy finally spoke. 
I noticed their now empty table was shining, the strong bleach smell coming from the only corner I hadn’t been able to clean due to it being occupied by them. Billy was now placing the dirty rag on the sink.
‘You cleaned it?’ I asked incredulously.
He simply shrugged. ‘It’s the least I could do. I’ve been sitting there the whole time.’
I shook my head in disbelief, opting for grabbing my things. I picked the envelope under the kitchenware cabinet, Harper’s preferred spot to hide my paycheck in case we were ever robbed. I looked at the three green bills, deflating a little despite knowing it wouldn’t be much, but I still put on a smile and raised my head, noticing the three pairs of eyes on me. 
‘You can leave already, I’m just gonna head back one second,’ I said, putting the envelope on the counter and heading to the small room we used to keep our stuff while we worked. Putting on my coat, grabbing my bag, and making sure the lights at the back were off, I returned to the three adults waiting for me.
It felt weird. I wasn’t technically friends with either of them, but the way they all stood protectively in front of me as if I were some defenseless little girl –which I technically was, almost make me long for a stronger friendship. Both men were intimidating enough, clad in dark attire and harsh demeanors, and Karen, despite her softer features, was still a force to be reckoned with. I could only aspire to become half the lawyer she was, and with the three of them in their expensive clothing, with real jobs and real lives, I was brought once again to the reality of the situation.
With a small sigh, I followed them to the door, making sure to close the establishment behind me, suddenly the prospect of going home to the peace I desperately needed broke by the realization of having Billy with me.
‘Well, gentlemen, I better be going,’ Karen said out loud. ‘Dana, it was a pleasure to meet you. I know we’ll be seeing each other soon,’ she brought me into her arms, another unexpected comforting gesture from her. 
Her presence was calming, which I thoroughly appreciated.
‘You too, Karen,’ I grinned at her.
‘I’ll walk you,’ Frank offered. His voice was still deep, and despite his offering, it almost felt like he grumbled his words.
But Karen paid no attention, sending him a warm smile, and interlocked her arm with his.
‘Goodnight, guys. Billy, behave,’ Karen glared at Billy, eliciting another chuckle from me. 
I nodded at Frank before he could, and despite catching him off-guard, he reciprocated the movement, and the two turned the other way and left, Karen laughing loudly at whatever Frank had said.
I stared at the two, warmth filling my heart at the thought of them being together. They sure made some odd couple, but there was no denying the sparkle that filled both of their eyes when they looked at each other. It felt nice, knowing even Frank had someone who could bring the sun into his dangerous life.
Billy coughed beside me, effectively snapping me from my daydream.
‘Ready to go?’
His hand on my back guided me toward his car, thankfully parked not far away from the entrance. He opened the door for me again, his eyes looking around the dark street, before walking around and getting into the driver’s seat. 
I hissed at a particularly big thump of my skull, massaging my temples hoping the growing headache would go away.
‘You okay?’ Billy asked, briefly looking at me before returning his eyes to the road.
‘Just some tension. Hopefully, I’ll get some sleep tonight.’
I noticed the way his leg pushed the pedal a bit more, the speed of the car increasing. 
‘Then let’s get you to bed,’ he answered.
‘I wanna have dinner first, though.’
He bit his lip. ‘I may have ordered something for us already. It should be ready once we get there.’
I widened my eyes. ‘Billy, you didn’t have to.’
‘You got me a cookie earlier, this is my way of saying thanks.’
‘You can’t compare a cookie to a full dinner.’
He shrugged his shoulders. ‘For someone with a headache, you sure wanna fight.’
I scoffed, despite the truth in his words. I simply leaned back on the seat and closed my eyes. I felt the passing lights on my eyelids, but the soft roaring of the engine and the silence surrounding us helped calm my racing thoughts.
It was shortly after that Billy was parking the car, the sudden halt making me open my eyes. 
‘We’re here,’ Billy announced but made no move. ‘Am I gonna have to carry you upstairs too?’
With that, I quickly unbuckled myself, almost jumping out of the car and closing the door loudly. I wanted to believe that the warmth in my cheeks was only due to the exhaustion, and not at the thought of Billy carrying me in his arms. 
He followed me into the building, crashing into my back when I stopped abruptly right before the stairs at the sight of the old man with the nastiest scowl.
I winced. 
‘Mr. Morrison, a pleasure to see you!’ I drew a wide smile on my lips, praying that he would leave soon.
‘Miss Jones, you’re late. It’s almost Saturday,’ he glanced at his wristwatch, an almost hungry smile on his face. ‘A few more minutes and I’d have to evict you.’
I knew that’s exactly what he wanted, but I kept in my remarks. ‘And, as promised, here’s the week’s payment,’ I grabbed the envelope, opening it to grab the right amount, and noticing the fourth bill right away. 
I furrowed my eyebrows, knowing Harper hadn’t given it to me.
‘And who’s the rich kid behind you? You know you’re not allowed to bring anybody in without my permission!’ he was fuming. The old man descended the steps, taking the money from my trembling fingers without looking away from Billy.
‘I’m Billy Russo,’ he introduced himself. He didn’t make an effort to extend his hand for Mr. Morrison to shake, though. 
The old man paled instantly. His eyes widened at Billy, who sent him a harsh glare while Mr. Morrison found the right words to say.
‘Oh, it certainly is a pleasure, Mr. Russo,’ he immediately hid the money in his pocket and proceeded to adjust his shirt. ‘What can we humbly offer you on this fine night, Mr. Russo?’
‘Well, I believe you’re exploiting some of the residents in this building complex. I know rent prices went up last month, but nearly not enough to completely leave them with no income,’ he continued.
I was left speechless. I hadn’t told Billy about my ongoing feud for my rent, but as always, Billy seemed to know everything about me and my life. It only reminded me how little I knew of him. 
‘Oh, well, you see, Mr. Russo, Miss Jones here…’ but Billy cut him off.
‘Here, take this,’ Billy grabbed a sealed envelope from a pocket inside his expensive jacket. ‘And if you happen to bother Miss Jones again, I’ll make sure the finest lawyers of New York City know about the many irregularities that take place here.’
He looked at him with that stoic yet fierce glare, the same look he had used with me in the interrogation room just twenty-four hours before. It felt like a lifetime, and it once again showed the many sides to Billy Russo that I wasn’t aware of.
Mr. Morrison only shook in his place, taking the envelope with shaky hands and lowering his head, moving aside to let Billy walk by and up the stairs.
I followed after him, too stunned to say anything at first, but with too many questions swirling around.
‘Did you extort him?’
‘I bought him.’
‘Did you leave the hundred dollar bill on my envelope at the café?’
‘Just a tip.’
Silence, once again. We reached the door to my apartment, heavy silence following us into the dark entrance.
‘What were you reading earlier?’
‘The Picture of Dorian Gray.’
‘How fitting.’
Next chapter
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poll-ventures · 1 year
Perdition 1.2
< >
Six quarters dropped from my hand into the guitar case, thumping quietly as they fell onto the velvet inlay. The noise drew the old man out of his song.
He opened his eyes, looking at me and smiling, nodding graciously. “Thank you, sir.” His voice was slow and deliberate, a well tuned and powerful instrument that he used with care. The spell of the song was broken, a reverie lost.
“It’s no issue,” I said, looking at all the money I had in the world lying in the bottom of a dirty guitar case. “It’s the least I could do.”
He took a moment to think, looking down at his guitar. He brought his hand away from the neck, and the strings rang with open harmonics as he lightly brushed them.
His other hand muted the strings at the bowl. He silently stared down at his gnarled hands, calluses, warts and cuts worn into the varicose vein fabric of his light, near translucent skin. Finally, he said “No.”
I hesitated near the entrance of the White Picket Trench, my hand halfway to the pull bar. “What?” I asked.
He saw my hesitation. “Don’t let me keep you, son. Just an old man’s ramblings.” He slipped on a pair of fingerless gloves, carefully avoiding eye contact.
I shook my head. “I enjoy ramblings. What did you mean?”
He smiled, turning to face me as his arm rested on the body of the guitar. “Well, all I meant by ‘no’ was… No, that was not the least you could do.” He seemed almost flustered, embarrassed. “Many people do less. A few do more. Some do worse.” His eyes moved away from mine again.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” I said. “I hate that you have to be out here alone during weather like this, or, at all really.”
He shook his head. “It’s not all that bad. You get used to it. Plenty scraps of nice to be found,” he mused. “‘Specially in places like this.” He smiled, moving the guitar carefully off his lap to rest vertically against the side of the building. “Tell you what. I’ll buy you a drink, and then you’ll get to hear all the real ramblings of an old man, but out of the cold, and with a coffee in your hand.”
“Sounds good.” I nodded, watching him scoop up the quarters slowly, slipping them carefully into his coat pocket. The strings hummed with the satisfaction of his practiced, gentle touch as he clicked the clasps closed. He stood, his case held at his hip from a handle. I held the door open for him, which he thanked me for, then stepped into the Trench.
The White Picket Trench was a cafe and bar infused with nostalgia for something I would never know. Military uniforms in all shades of a camouflage rainbow lined the walls, some adorned with medals, others enshrined within a glass frame next to pictures of the men who’d worn them. 
The 50’s diner aesthetic of the interior was accented with photos of uniformed men in groups, smiling, grimacing, embracing, sometimes signed, sometimes ripped. The outfits ranged from a vintage World War One coat to a crisp yet dust stained Desert Storm uniform.
The customers weren’t much different. The half dozen people in the Trench besides the old man and I were in uniform as well. It was an even split between the high-visibility orange of a hunting jacket and the business casual of the office worker types.
Behind the counter, a tall woman wore a kitchen smock over a large hoodie and jeans. ‘WPT’ was printed in a faded white font, matching the logo on the door.
The old man made his way to the front counter, carefully laying his case across the chairs to his left as he sat down. One of the men in hunter’s gear sitting further down the counter grimaced and turned to look away from us.
As I sat down next to the old man, I watched the man flag down the barista, quietly speaking to her as he pointedly avoided looking at us. His friend nodded, annoyed.
I could imagine what he was saying. Dick.
The waitress listened patiently, then nodded and walked away silently, attending to the group of business casuals sitting at a table on the other side of the cafe.
The old man clacked the quarters onto the lacquered wooden counter, counting out four, keeping the other two in his pocket, He flipped the quarters, checking each of their states.
“Do you collect coins?” I ventured awkwardly.
“As many as I can, yes,” he smiled. 
Oh, duh. “I’m sorry, that was dumb. I meant the coin itself, you checked the, uh,” I stammered. 
“Yes, the year and the state of the coin,” he finished. “I like to check for time travelers.”
I smiled, turning to fully face him in the spinning chair, arms resting on the counter. “You think I’m a time traveler?” 
“Doesn’t hurt to check, does it?” He smiled again, slipping the ridged edge of a quarter under his nail, then spinning it on the countertop. “I figure if someone’s from the future or the past, they might just overlook swapping their pocket change.” The quarter landed tails up, a metal eagle proudly staring up at us.
“I probably would. I’d make a bad time traveler,” I said. He was working something out from his pocket. “What’s that?” I asked.
“A sign,” he said. He finally pulled out his wallet, and unzipped a small, secret inner pocket. He shook the leather bifold until a small dime bounced onto the countertop. I caught it, slapping it against the wood. 
Removing my hand, I looked closely at the dime. It was normal, save for the year carved out of the metal. It read 1612. “Huh,” I said, sliding it back to him.
“What do you make of that?” He asked, looking down at the thin coin.
I looked at it again, shaking my head. “Sixteen-twelve. That’s before…Well, before America even existed.” It was dirty, but not ancient. I bit my lip, still staring at the dime. Then I turned to him. “Misprint, I’d guess.”
“That,” he said smiling, “Or it’s a dime from a time traveler.” He looked proud.
“Could be,” I said. “If that’s true, then we’re sitting in front of something older than…” I looked around the cafe, at the jingoistic memorabilia. “Than all of this, I guess.”
He nodded, holding out his finger in a ‘wait’ gesture as he slipped the dime back into the secret pocket. “Now, you’re more right about that than you know,” he said.
“About what?”
“Being right in front of something older than,” he gestured with an all consuming spread of his arms. “All this,” he finished. 
“You can’t be that old,” I said. He scowled, and I raised my eyebrows. “Oh. You mean Old Hill?” I asked. “I know this town’s pretty old, and this cafe has been bought and sold a few times even in my year here.”
“Yes,” He nodded, scowl fading. “But more than that. All of it,” he gestured again. “Old Hill is old, yes, but the land, the mountain… Much older.”
He paused, and I wanted to fill the silence, but he seemed to be taking the time to consider his words. I held back, looking to our right at the two hunters who still seemed to be carefully ignoring us. 
The barista was busy putting on a fresh pot of coffee. Her hair was in a loose bun, and the curly brown strands that had found their way free of the hair tie were burned into a halo by the warm light of the low yellow bulbs.
“Old Hill is a shithole on stilts,” the old man said abruptly. The suddenness and finality of the statement caught me off guard, and I turned back to face him. He was straight faced, seeming dead serious. 
“The true beauty of this place is in the nature,” he said, sliding the four quarters on the wood idly as he spoke. “The woods you walk past on your way to work, the ever-present mountain on the horizon. The stuff we carve into to make little places like this.” Again, he looked around the Trench, then to me.
He had stopped, waiting for me to speak. “You make it sound like you hate this place. Isn’t it, Old Hill as a whole, but the Trench especially, respectable?” I cleared my throat awkwardly, feeling like I was in 10th grade debate class. “It serves as a testament to our history.”
“Our? Who’s our?” He got up, stretching slowly as he did so. I watched him walk to the wall and point at a picture of a young man, smiling as wide as he could with a fresh buzzcut. “That’s my pops,” he explained. I nodded, noting the resemblance. “I was eleven when he got drafted. Seventy-two, seventy-three, something like that.” He sat back down, breathing a little heavier.
“So, it’s literally your history. Your father’s,” I said.
“Sure,” he nodded, taking a second to catch his breath. “God, I’m old. Anyway, yes, that’s my Dad.” Looking back to the picture, he tapped the side of his head. “Keep in mind, I gave that picture to that young lady behind the counter. I told her it was safer here than in my wallet, and she agreed. It’s the only piece of him we have anymore. He was a P.O.W., they think. Never found his way back home,” he said.
“God, I’m sorry,” I said, almost wanting to hug him.
“All good. Old wound, scabbed over. I was a youngin’. That's just what our nation does with young men." He cleared his throat. "This is what I mean, though. Human lives are short, very short sometimes, and while little towns like Old Hill can serve as testament to us, and our history… Well, again, the mountains,” he said pointing west, “Are a testament to themself.” He sighed. “Sorry, I’m sure I sound like an old broken record.”
“No,” I shook my head. “Please, continue. It’s clear this means a lot to you.”
“It does,” he said, nodding. He stacked the quarters, making a small tower. “The mountains are old. Older than this state, older than America, older than us having brains to think they’re old. We may ski on its bluffs, build condos on her foot hills, skate on her frozen lakes, but,” he held his finger out again. “But. She’s been here longer than us, and we need to respect that.”
“Our people seem to have a problem with that,” I said.
“That’s the scary part, yes.” He paused, again taking time to consider his words. “The same thing that can end a World War… Well, she wouldn’t stand a chance. We have the capacity to destroy that mountain, and the rest of this world’s natural beauty with it.”
“Nobody would nuke a town like this,” I said. “There’s nothing important here.”
“No, son.” He stared silently up at the wall of empty uniforms. “They already did.” 
“What do you mean?”
“The mines, even ‘fore my time. People--usually men, but women and boys too--delved deep into the mountain, took her veins for profit. Many good men died in those pits, more died outside of them from their time within. First for the coal, then the gold, then the metals for both World Wars.”
He sighed. “Now we’ve got empty hills. Nothing left worth killing ourselves to get. So we turn into a ski town, a condo town, a cafe town. If it were profitable, young man, I fully believe this town would be nuked without a second’s thought.”
It was uncomfortably true. Writing the essay for my professor’s contest had familiarized me with the old reports of mining accidents, and the much less accidental lynchings and riots that scarred Old Hill’s past. 
The various booms and busts had left the residents tired, reticent, and drained. It had been exhausting and depressing to read through, so I couldn’t imagine it was much better to live through. “You’re right,” I said. I wished he wasn’t.
“I wish I wasn’t,” he said. I smiled, and he returned it, nodding. 
Behind us, the door opened with a soft ding, admitting an older woman who walked speedily to the very back of the cafe. She looked much the same as the old man, wearing an old dirty coat and a thick sweater underneath. “That's my cue.” He smiled, patting me on the back. He slid fifty cents my way and stood, gathering his case. 
“Thank you for talking, sir,” I said. He shook my hand firmly, smiling.
“Call me Jones,” he said, still gripping my hand.
“Parker,” I said, squeezing him back.
His smile widened. “Good name,” he said. Then he nodded, headed to the back of the cafe, waving to the woman as he approached her. She smiled brightly as she saw him, standing to hug him.
They held each other tightly for a moment, then sat down and started talking. The barista visited them briefly, depositing two sliced sandwiches on their table, taking a few quarters from Jones, and then approached me.
“What can I get you?” she asked. Her voice was pleasantly deep, and she stared down at her hands as she spoke, pouring a small cup of steaming coffee for one of the office workers.
I cleared my throat and asked, “What can fifty cents get me?” 
She smiled, the first one I’d seen on her that looked real, and looked up to me. “Anything on the menu.” I looked up at the stylized chalkboard menu, and noted the annoyingly high prices. Three fifty for a small hot chocolate? “It’s on me, don’t worry,” she said.
“Um. Okay,” I stuttered. “Why?”
She looked over at Jones, who was intermittently talking with the woman across from him and taking large bites of his sandwich. “You saved me from him. Least I can do,” she laughed lightly, a high-pitched scratchy squeak.
“He’s not that bad,” I said. “He seems pretty nice.”
“Yeah, he’s not that awful bad. But every morning for a year? I tend to hear a lot of the same stories.”
“Oh. I can see how that’d get grating,” I said.
“Not so grating as… Sad,” she said. “He talks a lot about this guy, Bobby. He’s long gone, all he’s got left of him is the ‘gee-tar’. And the stories.” She glanced down, demure. “So, who are you to him?”
“Nobody,” I said quickly. “Well, a stranger. I don’t know him.”
“Damn,” she swore quietly, turning back to me. “I was hoping you were his son or something.”
“Nope. Sorry,” I said.
“Hey, nothing to apologize for. At least he has people to talk to other than me. I’m a bad listener when there’s other folks in the shop, as you can probably tell. Anyway,” she shook her head. “Whaddya you want?”
“Uh, coffee’s fine, I guess.”
“You guess, huh? Well, that’s no good.” She spoke fast, almost inaudible under her breath. 
“Huh?” I asked. 
“How do you take it?” She said without missing a beat. She turned around to grab a pot of coffee.
“Two sugars is good. Thanks a lot, uh…” I looked for a name tag as she turned back to me with the pot, but couldn’t find one.
She poured quickly into a small mug, then ripped two sugars open, pouring them at the same time into the coffee and mixing them rapidly. “They didn’t give me one,” she said, realizing what I was looking for. 
“No? No name tag? Why not?”
“Boss lady said this position goes through too many workers for her to remember their names. Easier for her to call me Front Desk Girl, or just girl. Even though I’m not a girl. Doesn’t help that I change my name all the time, either. Pretty good title, though… Or don’t you think?” 
Oh. She, or rather, he… They placed the cup in front of me, then slid the two quarters into their hand and walked away to tend to Jones and his friend.
I watched them place the two quarters I’d given them onto Jones’ table, then take their dirty plates and step away. Jones smiled toward me, waving with the quarters in his hand. I raised my hand, then sipped the coffee. It tasted like shit.
I grimaced, and turned to face the counter again, eyes slipping between bottles of different flavored additions and beans. The barista dried the barely dirty sandwich dishes, then stepped up to the hunters to take their payment.
They stuffed the coins and bills she--, they had handed them into their pockets, then stepped slowly out the door, still grimacing at Jones. Good riddance.
I sipped on the coffee idly, pretty sure I knew who I was here for now. They’d mentioned the changing of their names, and the way Jack and Sam were confused about their name…
This person was probably Lena. Or, some other name, yet the same person. I’d been expecting to have to wait for their shift to start, to look for a name tag, but no. I’d been lucky enough to see them as soon as I walked in. 
Well, perhaps it was too soon to call it luck. Jack and Sam had said they were a bit of a helper, perhaps a bit overbearing. I could tell that already, just having talked to them for a minute. Maybe I was too quick to judge. I took another sip of my coffee, and closed my eyes.
The coffee still tasted like shit. It did taste like something, though. I could savor the bitter taste on my tongue, feel the grit of the undissolved sugar grind against the roof of my mouth. It wasn’t enjoyable, but it was something rather than nothing, and I was here, and I was alive.
I breathed in through my nose and held it. Right now, I was on the brink of homelessness. I was flat broke. I was tired out of my mind, I hadn’t slept right in a week, and I was contemplating asking someone I barely knew for help. 
You’ve been through worse. You’ll be through better too. And when you're through, there’ll still be shitty coffee to drink.
I sunk my free hand into my coat jacket, feeling the solid weight of my flip phone in my palm. It was still cold from the wind, and my cheap pair of plastic headphones were wrapped loosely around it. I squeezed it, feeling the loop of the headphones bind tightly, the buttons on its glass face clicking in. It was dead. The buttons did nothing.
I had spent my last bit of money to pay for my phone bill, just in case Noel or her dad needed to reach me when I was away. Those two and my Professor were the only ones with my phone number. None of my friends had it, and my family had blocked it.
“You awake over there?” asked a familiar voice. 
I opened my eyes, nodding. “Wish I wasn’t.”
“Pretty damn early, yeah. But I’m used to that. You, however…” They smirked, leaning on the edge of the counter as they talked to me.
“Yeah, no. The coffee will help with that, though. Thanks again,” I said.
“No problem. Wasn’t free, though.” Their smirk widened.
I took a long sip of my coffee, staring at them over the rim of the mug. Their smirk cracked into a full smile, revealing a crooked set of coffee-stained teeth. My lips curled into a cautious smile, unbidden. I lowered my eyebrows, set my jaw, and put on my best ‘B movie spy’ impression.
“Name your price,” I said mysteriously, with a slight raise of one eyebrow. 
Their smile exploded into a full grin, unstoppably erupting into a giggle. “Jesus,” they said through the laughter. They stepped back, face brightly lit by the low, warm lights as they brushed the free curls of hair behind their ears. “Don’t say it like that, it makes it sound like I poisoned your drink.” They took a breath, then put both arms on the countertop, leaning against it as they bent over the cups and pots on their side of the bar, still quietly laughing.
“What then?” I asked seriously, dropping the facade.
Their face straightened, and they stepped back once more, placing their hands on their hips as they stared right into my eyes. “If you’re not his son, then who are you?” They let the words hang in the air, the quiet bustle of the cafe behind them seeming distant.
“Tell me your story, Parker. The whole truth, or I’ll know. I want to know how and why you made your way to Old Hill.” They paused, taking me in, unblinking. “I know you’re not local. It’s just something about you. You don’t fit. How are you close to being homeless when your family is rich?”
How the hell did they know that?
“You have to tell me. It’s pretty much a rule. You accepted a gift, and now you owe me. Plus, I’m bored.” Their hands finally fell from their hips, gesturing in a shrug before dropping back down to their legs.
“How do you know my name? That I’m without home?” I said, alarmed.
They smiled, shaking their head. “Without home, Jesus. You are certainly cultured. Definitely not  local.” They shrugged. “It’s just a thing I’m good at. I pick up on that kinda stuff. Also, Jones told me your name. Duh,” they finished.
I eyed them suspiciously. “Still, I don’t owe you. You said yourself, I listened to his story for you, Lena, so as far as I’m concerned, we’re in equal graces. This is my choice,” I said. Their smile had returned, widened, and they nodded, lowering their head and waving their hand at me.
“Touché,” they conceded. “It’s your choice. I’d still like to hear your story though. Your type doesn’t come through here much, if at all.” They paused, holding out a hand to shake. ”And it’s Levi, right now, thank you.”
I shook their hand, draining the cup of coffee. I stared at the dregs of the grounds and sugar, swishing them into different patterns, and thought carefully.
What do you do?
< >
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will-you-pick-me · 1 year
running in at rapid speeds, slamming my hands down on the table i know next to NOTHING and im here to make EVERYONE worse, this looks so so so fun, count me IN The character's so far as so so so fun, Mikey may or may not be a favorite already (turning into a tomboy monster girl just for him i want him carnally maybe) and the way ur doing this sounds sooooo so fun! I would personally love to know more about....hmmm....... How like, active in terms of social gatherings and the like are they all? And how likely would they be to drag some poor unfortunate soul into their bs? (Asking this for all the less than sociable ppl out there, they would not meet me unless they found me outside once in a blue moon and dragged my ass somewhere to chat, it will only be then they realize they've picked up an over-excited chihuahua of a person that only gets social interaction once every friday the 13th on a blood moon)
jhgadfkjslkdss omg I'm so happy that you're so excited for this! As for your question...
Mikey can fake being social if he has to, but in reality, he's actually very selective about who he lets into his inner circle, and the only people he's really close with are his gang members. He's not exactly an introvert, per se, because he does absolutely have an around average social metre, it's more so that his street smarts came with a side of trust issues. So if he can avoid going, he probably will, but Y/N is always an exception - if you want to be there, he'll be there with you.
Ulrich is steeped in the unspoken rules of higher class social gatherings to the point that it's second nature, and in the case of the types of social gatherings he attends, he might actually be likely to lecture you on misbehaving. An "overexcited chihuahua" does not a good plus-one to a business dinner party make. He'll have to make sure you won't disgrace him in front of all the other corporates - perhaps a pretty choker that disguises a shock collar will keep you in line?
Zachniphael is familiar with the older rules of social etiquette, aware of modern versions but not the most fluent. They'd much rather stay at home with you and drink tea, or hot coco if you prefer. They also have a lovely little silver coffee press, if that's your speed, though if you're already energetic they might hesitate to give you that. Perhaps chamomile tea, to calm your nerves? When was the last time you had a good sleep anyways, my little biscuit?
Jessica loves to socialize, especially if she senses fellow nerds around, but she won't drag you into it if it's not your cup of tea. Though she will be a little disappointed if you routinely dismiss her interests - sharing time bonding over hobbies is an important part of a relationship! It hurts if you don't put forward that effort.
Jack is the most socially hyper one so far, and you might have your work cut out for you trying to keep him from jumping directly onto the snack table if there is one, especially if it has those little boards of the fancy thin-sliced meats. It just smells way too good for him to resist! He'll do his best to behave after a gentle scolding, though - or not so gentle, depending on what you want the endgame to be ;)
Narrator isn't very practiced, socially, due to being trapped in the void, and really his only frame of reference for how to act is watching you. This can cause just as many problems as it can solve, because while being similar can help people get along, being too similar can lead to you disliking someone for al the same reasons one might dislike themselves. You'll have to be careful that you don't teach him anything bad by your example.
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truglori · 3 years
Game Night...
(Heads I win...Tails you lose)
Synopsis: Game night at Erik’s crib with a twist...
Pairing: Erik Stevens x Plus size OC
Warning: Language, Smutt
A.N- Inspiration was this picture
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It was Game Night at Erik’s. He held them every other Saturday night and it was starting to become a ritual for Kaila to attend within the last month. When being surrounded by coworkers ,who became good friends, food, drinks, and music how could anyone turn down a time like this. Along with his beautiful luxurious bachelor’s pad Erik made a pretty good host.
Everything from wings with different flavors, a meat and cheese board, warm soft cinnamon pretzel bites, chicken and beef quesadillas, as well as different chocolates and chilled high class wine ,that Kaila wasn’t used to, had covered his antique walnut wooden dining table. Like she thought, he was a great host who had great taste and wasn’t cheap at all.
Standing in front of the miniature buffet with an empty plate Kaila was indecisive on what to get and how much. Still fresh to the friend group she was conscious on how much she ate in front of people that she wasn’t really comfortable with yet. Out of the six times she’s been here this was only her second time eating with them after getting pressured by her cubicle buddy ,Celina, telling her to make a plate before everything was gone.
Hearing the chatter coming from the livingroom, Kaila decided on a few slices of the quesadillas instead of the wings. She didn’t want to look like a pig knowing that she would try to suck the sauce off of her fingers afterwards. Filling up her red plastic cup with the cool wine she headed back into the huge living area. Spotting her purse and coat she sat in her spot and cuddled up with her belongings.
“See I told you, the food is good.” Celina smiled while sipping on her wine. She brought a hand to her hair stroking the box braids and giggled.
Kaila noticed that she had three cups prior so she knew that she was starting to become loose.
Laughing with her, Kaila shook her head and dug into her finger food. Looking at the small group she wondered how she was able to fit in with them. The group consisted of three women and three guys, Erik including as one of them. Every single person in their clique was extremely attractive and in shape. Her body type did not belong at all. There was always rumors going around the office about them setting up date nights to throw orgy parties. At least that’s what people assumed because they were so tight and never invited anyone else.
But Kaila had to take a chance and ask, since her desk buddy was a part of the famous group. So one day she asked Celina if it was true only to earn one of the most hysterical laughs in her face. She shut it down immediately and informed her the reason behind their closeness was because they all trained and got hired for their jobs at the exact same time and have been inseparable since.
Celina thought it was funny and invited her out so she could see that she wasn’t lying. Kaila refused the first few times but gave in after Celina had another one of their members, Leah, tag team against her insisting that she’d come. Kaila wasn’t an extrovert at all. Her regular day included work, talking on the phone with her baby sister who was away for college, and tv time with her cat, Snuggles.But she wanted to change that so she made Game Night at Erik’s a part of her weekend routines.
“Y’all mufuckas ready to get this bitch started.” Erik walked in finally making his presence known after being upstairs for half an hour. He was changed out of his work attire into something more relaxed. Nike grey sweats, a crisp white tshirt with his gold chains falling over it, and his Nike slides to match. His dreads were out of the braids that he only kept in while he was at work, now they were wild and free.
Kaila took in his frame. She watched as his muscles flexed from the slightest movements. Twisting open his personal bottle of Hennessy, she watched him take a long swig and shaking his head at the taste afterwards. She did a short giggle when she seen him hiss making his gold canines show. When Erik’s eyes turn to her direction she quickly averted her gaze to everyone else praying that she didn’t get caught staring.
This crush that she had for him was starting to be too much. At first she thought it would go away once she would find out that his body and personality didn’t mix but it became worst when she started to hang out with them. Erik was nothing like how she thought of him to be. Before hand she for sure figured him out as a smug and arrogant jerk but he was the total opposite. He was such a gentleman, sweet, and a charmer when it came to the ladies.
The littlest things he did like hold the door for her, or making sure that she wasn’t the last one going into a building whenever they went out for lunch to grab coffee. Kaila was falling for all of it. But after hanging out with them for so long Kaila noticed a few things about him. Yes, Erik was a sweetheart but he had a rough edge to him. When the drinks were in his system Erik liked to talk his shit, and he was nasty with it too. Of course all of the girls in the group would openly let him know that he could fuck if he wanted to. All except Kaila, she would never make a statement as bold as that no matter how much alcohol she had.
“About time nigga. The hell was you doing back there?” One of the guys, Tyler asked sitting in between Leah’s legs on the floor.
“My shit, my business bitch ass nigga.” Erik retorted playfully. He walked in front of his coffee table sitting in his chair. On the table had a display of all types of games. He sorted through them taking his time.
“Erik hurry up and pick a gamee.” Celina whined as she still sipped.
Glancing up he eyed everyone briefly. “The fuck is it, rush Erik night or sumn shit. Y’all niggas know without this y’all wouldn’t have shit else to do so calm the fuck down for I throw all y’all ass out.” He laughed drinking out his bottle.
“Hold up I didn’t say shit. I hope that’s not for everyone.” The thick dark skin girl who’s name was Keisha came in and sat down. Kaila thought she was the prettiest.
“Nah not you Keisha, you know you my boo.” He smirked.
She giggled doing the “period” motion with her hand. Kaila smiled sitting her plate on the floor beside her making a mental reminder to throw it away before she leaves.
Erik cleared his throat picking up a box. “Aight I got one. Do or Drink!” Sitting the other games to the side he placed the box in the middle.
Groanes and curses came from the other people. Kaila faced them amused with their reaction wondering what was wrong with the game he chosed.
“No Erik you always pick this game.” Leah flopped her hands to the side of her.
“Yeah I don’t like this one bae. You be making everybody drink and get drunk while playing this. Can we play something else.” Keisha sighed picking up her glass.
“No y’all only get drunk cause y’all mufuckas don’t know how to drink or hold ya liquor. Besides she ain’t never played this with us yet.” He spoke sorting the cards.
All of the attention went towards Kaila. Trying her best to shrink in her side of the couch she felt her cheeks heat up. Kaila hated when she was put on the spotlight in front of everybody. Bringing her cup to her mouth she sipped some hoping to calm her nerves.
“Kaila you ain’t never played this with us?” Troy asked.
Shaking her head she smiled timidly. “No but I guess I will tonight.”
“Kaila the game is real simple, all you have to do is draw a card, read it aloud so that everyone can hear you and you can either choose to do what it says or drink instead. Don’t worry about all that extra shit. Got it?” Erik asked her shuffling the deck.
“Yeah I got it.” She answered softly.
When he eyed her up and down part of her had to clenched her thighs to keep the wetness she felt down there from damping her panties and the other part wanted to run away from his gaze. The way he looked with his dreads covering his eyes was so enticing and it had her excited. Something she haven’t felt with a man in almost two years.
There was an order on how the rotation went. It was Celina, Keisha, Troy, Tyler, Leah, Erik, and lastly Kaila. She was okay with going last just to see how the game was to be played. It was easy to catch on to after the first few turns. Some of the draws that Kaila picked up were to risky for her so she had to drink for not doing them. Because she didn’t drink hard liquor Erik allowed her to take shots of the wine but for everyone else it was either tequila or some of his Hennessy. She was definitely starting to feel warm from the drinking she’s been doing.
Now it was going on the second round and it was Leah’s go,she had to draw a card. “Okay it says let the group go through your phones photo gallery for 60 seconds. Do this or take two shots?” She threw her card down looking for the shot glass.
Erik jumped up from his seat. “Unh uh hand it over. You passed the last time. Gimme your fuckin phone.” He chuckled walking near her.
Kaila laughed watching Leah try to keep her phone away from him but failed due to his tall and bulky stature taking it clean straight out of her hands. He held the IPhone to her face unlocking it and went to her gallery. Erik’s eyes went from entertained to lustful within seconds. Sucking in his bottom lip he glanced back at Leah.
“Damn girl. Yo shit pretty as fuck.” His low voice crept throughout the room. His eyes traveled down to her covered area.
Kaila, knowing what he was referring to, felt herself get jealous and turned on at the same time. She wanted him to look at her like that and speak to her the same way but she was to shy to say anything.
“Nigga let me see.” Tyler hopped up standing next to him. His mouth dropping when he saw whatever that was on the screen. “Damn Leah.”
Rolling her eyes Leah snatched her phone from their view. “Okay y’all niggas not bout to be fantasizing over my pussy.” She sat back on her end of the couch.
Erik shook his head walking to his chair. Picking up a card he read silently before trying to pick a new one. Celina sat up when she saw him and called him out.
“Uh Erik you never skip cards. What you doing baby boy?” She sat on the edge.
Erik smack his lips. “Nah not that one. Plus it’s my shit I could do whatever I want.” He spoke lowly going to the next card.
Keisha got up walking over to him. “No let me see the card because I ain’t never seen you skip one a day since I met you.” She tried picking it up but Erik snatched it away.
“Chill Keisha, watch out.” He grabbed her wrist lightly.
Keisha laughed. “Boy stop playing with me and let me see.”
Distracted by her going back and forth with him Erik wasn’t aware of Celina sneaking around the other side of him and successfully grabbing the card. She ran behind the couch and read it.
“Let’s see why Stevens was act like a pussy.” She slurred her words. “It’s says motorboat the person to the right of you for 15 seconds, even if they don’t have boobs. Do this or take three shots?”
Everyone looked to the right of him. Sitting at the end of the couch left only one person, Kaila. For the second time that night all eyes was on her. She wished that she could find a hole to crawl in and just die but that wasn’t possible for her. Hearing Celina read the card had her wishing that she would have just left it alone when he skipped the first time. She was embarrassed but she didn’t know if it was because the card dared him to put his face in her titties or that he wanted to skip the turn.
“Celina sit your drunk ass down and just leave the card alone.” Leah grabbed her arm and pulled her down.
“Oops sorry.” She burped putting the card back.
There was silence for a few minutes. For almost the whole night Kaila skipped her turn or declined when someone had to do something to her causing them to lose. She didn’t want to be the party pooper of the hour so she spoke up.
“You can do it if you want.” Her voice coming out lightly. Avoiding the stares from the others her eyes stayed on Erik’s.
His brows lifted up surprised. “Look don’t let Celina’s drunk ass pressure you into something you not down for Kaila.” The way he said her name made her squirm and Erik peeped it himself.
“She wasn’t but if you don’t want to I get it-“ She stopped her sentence when he stood up from his chair.
His body was now in front of hers. Kaila couldn’t help quickly glancing at the print that stuck out through his sweats. The feeling of his hand under her chin tilted it up startled her a bit.
“You wanna do this out here or we can go somewhere private? It’s up to you.”
The room was now quiet as everyone watched the two under the influence and yet still drinking from their cups. Kaila nodded as she stood up signaling that she would rather do it somewhere not in front of them. Stepping to the side she went in front of him and felt his hand on the small of her back.
“Don’t take longer than 15 seconds.” Celina laughed sticking her tongue out when they briefly looked back at her.
Kaila looked around aimlessly as Erik led her down his dark hallway. The only thing that could be seen was the faint wall art from the infrequent lightening outside that came through his windows due to the rainstorm they were going to have tonight. The closer they were to their destination the more the butterflies in Kaila’s stomach start to appear one by one.
“Here we are.” Erik pushed a tall black door opened revealing his master bedroom.
Kaila didn’t stop her eyes from wondering as she looked around. The theme color to his room was black and red. His king sized bed was placed in the middle with a Versace Medusa logo cover resting on top. Laying on the ground next to it was a large black and gold Persian rug. But what caught her attention was the wide mirror that was over his bed.
“You have a nice room Erik.” She sent him a light smile standing in the middle of the floor.
Erik closed his door with the weight of his body. He smirked watching her stand there timidly barely keeping eye contact with him. Erik knew that Kaila had some sort of crush on him but he never said anything about it because he didn’t want to embarrass her. She was always shy around him but was okay with talking to everyone else in the group. Erik couldn’t stand that shit. Watching her round face give her sweet smile to Troy and Tyler always made him jealous. He wanted to be the one to put it on her face but could never get the chance with her always running away from him.
Before she became a part of their group Erik already noticed Kaila around the office. The curve of her wide hips and thickness of her thighs that she would cover up lured him into her. There would be days when she wasn’t wearing her turtleneck and he could finally get a peak at her smooth and chocolate double D’s along with a whiff of her perfume. Erik’s mouth would began to salvitate as he became curious wondering how they would taste. Now he had the chance.
“Thank you. I appreciate that baby.” He chuckled walking to stand in front of her.
Kaila’s eyes averted down at the new pet name. Looking back up, his russet eyes met her chestnut colored ones. His teeth held the full bottom flesh between them. The moment she inhaled for the first time with their closeness Kaila smelled his cologne that sent signals down to her vagina. She could feel the sticky wetness that he was created and he hadn’t even touch her. Her chest rose and fell as her breath hiked up.
“So you ready? It’s only 15 seconds.” The sound of his deep voice had her doing kegals on an imaginary dick.
“Yeah let’s do this.”
The sudden movements of his hands going up to her breast spooked her. Wearing an off the shoulder ribbed dark grey long sleeve tub top Kaila was able to feel his fingertips against her skin. She did a soft moan from the contact hoping that he didn’t hear.
“Big ass fucking titties.” Erik spoke out loud not caring if she heard him or not.
He began to grope them. Bringing his hands to the cuff of them he played with her breast. Lifting them up and down. All of a sudden he was like a kid in a candy store. Kaila could feel her nipples harden on his hands, that frequently rubbed against them. She bit her lip.
Erik smirked watching her get aroused in front of him. He could feel the pebbles turning into rocks from his touch and when he saw her suck on her bottom lip his dick jumped. Wasting no time he lifted her breast up and dove straight in face first. With the combination or her soft titties and her scent Erik’s dick started to get rock hard. He knew then that he now wanted to add titty fucking to the list of nasty shit he wanted to do to her.
“Mm.” Kaila tried her best hide her moan. She didn’t want him to think she was a prude for moaning at something as little as this. It was all a part of a game for goodness sake, but she couldn’t help it. Reaching up she gripped his dreads holding on to him while he moved his head side to side.
The fifteen seconds was long and over with but he was still down there. What was only supposed to be a quick playful motorboat session turned into love bites and delicate sucks. Erik took his time placing a kiss on to each breast. Tracing his tongue over them and then giving a soft suck. He could hear her trying to suppress her moans, but he was working for them and wanted to hear them clearly.
Reaching behind her he slid his hands around her thick waist and then traveled down to her ass. Gripping her cheeks roughly through her leggings he pulled her body into his pressing her down on his thick and solid member. Still continuing his sucks on her breast he groaned hearing her give in.
“Erikk.” Kaila felt the flutters in her stomach and her toes curl when she felt his package bump her area.
“Hmm?” He was now moving up to her exposed neck never losening his grip on her ass.
“The game.” Her words came out as a whine.
“Fuck it. You can’t tell me you not tryna let me fuck right now. Letting me suck on you and shit. I know you wet as fuck down there.” The confidence he spoke with had her dripping even more.
Kaila brought her hands up to his biceps. She turned her head to give him more space to kiss. Squeals left her mouth every time he would grip her cheeks separating them. Kaila wanted to submit badly but was still undecided as she worried about the others listening to what could happen in this room.
Erik pulled away from her seeing that she was hesitant. That’s when an idea popped into his head. His dick was too hard for him to leave without feeling any type of warmth. Going into his nightstand he found the coin and flipped it before walking back to her.
“Alright I have this coin here that’ll decide on what I can receive from you. Since you’re so worried about that dumb ass game out there. We can play our own.”
Kaila’s knitted with confusion but she was curious.
“What type of game?” Her soft voice asked.
Erik licked his lips as she watched hers move. He tugged on her lower lip with his thumb and index finger before showing her the coin and handing it to her.
“If it flips on head I get some pussy and if it flips on tails I get some head. You down?” Stepping in her space he bent his head kissing on her neck. She was so soft to him and it was hard for him to stop.
Kaila observed the gold naughty coin. She never tried anything like this in her 24 years of living. It was new and exciting and with Erik being the person behind it tempting her, she wanted to give it a chance.
“Okay. You flip?” She handed the coin back rubbing her sweaty palms up and down her black leggings.
Taking the coin he strolled over to his bed. Sitting on the edge of it he patted the space next to it offering her a seat. Kaila worked up the nerve to walk over from the liquid courage that she was feeling from the wine. It was making her feel frisky and horny all in one. She sat next to him and smiled sheepishly.
Erik leaned back and smirked. He wrapped an arm behind her as he got ready to flip the coin. “Heads I win...Tails you lose.” He chuckled as she understood the double meaning.
He tossed it up just a few feet above them and caught it quickly with the same hand.
“Hold your hand out.” He demanded and placed the coin flat on her palm. There was a pause for a few seconds before he lifted his hand. It landed on tails.
“Hope you know how to suck some dick.” He reached his hand behind her smacking her ass.
Kaila got up and stood in front of him. Rolling her eyes at his cockiness she pulled her braids up into a bun wrapping them around to keep them out of the way. She pushed him back causing him to lean on his elbows. Getting on her knees he started to rock his leg side to side. Tugging at his sweats she pulled them down along with his briefs making his semi-hard long and girthy length pop out. From the size alone Kaila got intimidated know that if he knew how to work with it he would make her go crazy.
Erik pulled on the hem of his shirt hiking it up to show his abs. He reached down grabbing the base of his dick whirling it back and forth. “I don’t wanna feel no teeth. You hear me?” His command coming out crystal clear.
Nodding her head Kaila leaned forward giving him a gentle kiss. The thick mushroom tip felt good against her lips. She hasn’t been with a man in almost two years so she wasn’t sure if she still had it. But tonight she would find out knowing that Erik would have no problem letting her know.
Getting her mouth wet she let a long sting of saliva drip on to his length. Sticking out her tongue she ran it against the sides wetting his stick up before taking him into her mouth whole. Erik was a challenge so she wasn’t going to get him down in one fit. She’d have to work her way down. She let him slide in and out of her mouth twirling her head when she would reach his tip. Taking one of her free hands she stroked his shaft while shoving her other hand in her leggings rubbing her clit. The feeling of having a dick grow in her mouth made Kaila’s pussy drip and nipples hard.
Looking up she watched as Erik kept his eyes on her. His jaws tightening from her locked jaw that she had on him. The ‘gawking’ sound coming from her made his balls jump. Erik’s eyes now became low as he reached for her braids unraveling the bun and created a ponytail with his fist.
“That’s how you sucking Daddy dick?” He asked surprise as he now sat up leaning on his free hand watching her perform her work of art.
When she felt him hit the back of her throat she answered him on purpose so that he could feel the vibrations. “Mmhm.”
“Ahh SHIT!” Erik threw his head back feeling how her throat had clenched around him. Kaila surprise the fuck out of him. He never expected a head monster behind that quiet little desktop bookworm facade she had put on, but everyone know that they be the main freaks.
She was sucking his shit sloppy just the way he liked it. Her tight warm jaws had his heads in the clouds. Kaila’s head game was starting to get so good Erik felt like he had to do or say something to throw her off.
“Let Daddy slut this muthafucking throat out....gah damnn.” Standing up he lifted his crisp white shirt up to his mouth tucking it in between his teeth. Grabbing her braids and making a ponytail with one hand he cupped her chin with the other as he fucked her throat.
When the spit began to run down her chin and hit her top it reminded Erik of her big chocolate melons that he wanted to fall asleep on. He had got to feel them now he wanted to see them.
“Pull them big ass fuckin titties out.” He spoke with his shirt still clenched in his teeth making his dimples show.
Kaila heard comply to his orders. She pulled the top down and her strapless bra up and began to play with her nipples for him. Using the spit that dripped on her chest she rubbed it on her pebbles as her mouth became wetter with her arousal. She brought a hand back into her pants and tweaked her nub.
Erik watched her play with herself knowing that head wasn’t the only thing he was trying to get from her for the night. If she could suck dick this good he only imagine what that pussy was feeling like.
“Mouth to fuckin good to not try and fuck. You gon give me sum pussy after?” His hips still stroking in her mouth. Kaila tried to push him out by his thighs but he pushed her hands away. “Move them fuckin hands and answer my question.”
Closing her eyes trying to breathe through her nose she nodded her head. Erik smirked as he pulled out of her mouth. Dick standing up and dripping with her saliva.
“Get yo ass on this bed.” He took off his shirt and stepped out of his sweats and underwear leaving him in his naked glory.
Kaila got on the bed, kicking of her shoes she laid on her back looking at herself in his mirror that was above them before she felt him pulling at her leggings. She squealed from the quick action lifting up to help him get them off. The moment the air touched her thighs she grew self conscious of her appearance. Erik noticed when he opened her thighs climbing between them.
“Instead of being worried bout how thick these thighs are you should be worried about how you gon take this dick.” He leaned up and tapped his heavy meat on her covered clit.
“Ooh.” Out of reaction Kaila moaned and shut her thighs closed.
Erik grabbing them and pushing them back to their previous position. “Unh uh. Open ya fuckin legs. I know you got some good warm wet ass pussy. I can feel the heat coming off that muthafucka and I ain’t pull ya panties to the side yet.”
His dirty talk was making her pussy throb. Kaila wanted to feel that heavy dick split her open even if she cried right after. Erik spoke with big dick energy because he know he had big dick to deliver.
“I want some dick.” Her shy hushed words coming out. Kaila didn’t usually speak like this but Erik brought it out of her.
He smirked and grabbed her the back of her thighs and lifted them up pushing them on her stomach. “Oh you gon get this dick, but I wanna eat this pussy first.”
Without warning he bent his head down between her thighs. Using his teeth he dragged her panties to the side. Kaila jump feeling his breath on her lower lips. She started to brace herself when she felt a long lick go up and down her slick coated slit. Taking his hand he used it to separate her meaty flesh. Her natural juices sticking to the sides
Erik groaned biting his lip. “Mm I know you be making niggas drown in this shit.” He watched her hole open and closed as he spoke to it.
Spitting on her clit he went straight to sucking on it. Erik had to stop her legs from snapping on his head. He used the all the upper strength he had to hold her thick thighs down all the while never letting up on her clit. Keeping his mouth around her he flicked the bud repeatedly. Her juices started to drip out already soaking his beard. The smell of her sex made his dick jump with anticipation. He was ready to feel her in some type of way. Bringing his tongue down he began to tongue fuck her tight hole. She clenched down on him as he slid in and out of her walls. Using his thumb he rubbed her clit adding to her pleasure
“Ohh fuuckk....I’m about to cum babyy.” Kaila covered her mouth to try and lower her whining moans but the way he stuck his tongue in her made it impossible.
“Let that shit out.” Smacking her inner thigh he went back sucking her clit. Erik felt how tight she was on his tongue. He knew he had to open her up a bit to get her ready for his dick. He took two fingers and slowly worked them into her.
Kaila lifted her hips to meet his strokes as she felt herself come undone on his fingers. The suction he was applying on her clit brought tears to her eyes. Her legs shook already giving out. Erik lifted up bringing his fingers to his mouth sucking her essence.
“I’ll have game night every day just to get up in this pussy.” He rubbed his tip against her clit. Using her natural lubricant he made himself slick enough and sat at her tight opening. Erik lifted her thighs back to as far as they were able to go and used the weight of his hips and thrusted inside of her.
“Ahh FUCK!! Gah damn. Wait a minute.” He pulled out instantly and closed his eyes. He chuckled lowly shaking his head. “You got me fucked up if you think I’m not beatin this shit down.” He gripped Kaila’s thighs pulling her to the edge of the bed. He had her at an angle and was standing up.
Kaila squeaked. “Erik wait don’t go too deep-“ She was cut off feeling him sink inside of her. Her arms flailing over as she gripped his sheet. Mouth ajar and formed into a silent ‘o’ as she felt herself getting stretched open to max she’s ever been.
Erik wasn’t playing when he said he was going to beat her pussy up. The size or weight of her body didn’t stand a chance to him. He was in beast mode as he drilled her shit in. Kaila’s cry’s and moans fell on deaf ears as he was hitting her spot. No matter how much pushing at his chest she did, it didn’t change the pace or motion he was going in. She had already came on his dick two times but that didn’t mean anything to him.
Kaila whimpered as she brought her hands to his hips to try and stop him. “Daddyyy please l-I can’t.” She brought a hand up to her mouth and bit on her knuckles.
Erik ignored her knowing that she was only speaking because of the sensitivity of her pussy started to probably grow higher the more he stroked her out. The minute he felt her pussy wrapped around his dick Erik got stuck. Her warm and gushy walls clenching him every time he tried to pull out. There was no way she wanted him out of this pussy.
“Move ya fucking hand and take some dick.” He barked as his dreads hung over his eyes and chain swung low. He pulled out tapping on her clit only to slide back in deeper this time.
“Unh..okayy.” She cried frustrated that she couldn’t run
He had her thick frame bended up like a pretzel. Looking between their bodies that was starting to sweat up, Erik watched the way he slid in and out of her. Her coat attached on to his dick. The way he could see her pussy throb around him. But the way she would involuntarily clenched her walls around him when he would pull out only leaving his tip in had her flipping Erik’s crazy switch.
Erik wanted to laugh when he saw the tremble in her lower lip and her tears coming out the corner of her eyes. He was giving her that good dick and he loved watching her get ruined in front of his face. Leaning over her he started to suck her nipples while his stroke never faltered.
Glancing up at the cieling Kaila watched him stroke deep inside of her in the mirror. The rotation of his hips along with his slight curve he had on his dick was sending her to another dimension. He was digging so deep inside of her it had her mind making up scenarios of having a family with him. It was the way he stroked her and fed on her nipples at the same time that had her seeing stars on his wall.
Kaila gripped his dreads. She moaned and whimpered with panted breaths. She couldn’t control the level of her voice. When his strokes were short and fast she’d moan but when he started tapping at her bottom her toes would curl and she’d whimpered and shake underneath him. Kaila didn’t have a clue when she would be able to find another person to hit it the way he did or if there would be another at all.
“Ohh daddy....you so deep in my pussy.” Her sexy moans in his ear had Erik ready to bust. He lifted from her tittes and gave her a nasty kiss. Tongue and all. Kaila moaned and clenched down onto him. Erik’s fingers dug into her skin and sucked on her lip.
“You gon let me nut in this tight ass pussy?” He whispered in her neck.
Kaila shook her head yes willing to agree with anything while he was laying that pipe on her. “Cum in me daddy.”
Erik wanted to hold off but the pussy was hitting too good. He stood back up and stroked until he bottomed out inside her. He’d always get his best nuts when he would go deep. Tucking his lip into his mouth his deep long strokes started to slow feeling his balls tightened. Erik closed his eyes when she gripped his meat and pulling his seed right out of him.
“Fuck!” He groaned and continued to stroke his nut out until he was empty. He pulled out of her with her cream coating his member.
His dick was still hard. Kaila was laying in the same position. Her thighs sore and unable to close from staying open that long. Sitting up she rested on her palms to observe him. Erik’s eyes was glued to her pussy before taking his hand and rubbing her clit.
“I can’t stay out this shit.” He licked his lips.
Kaila shyly smiled as she was about to speak when she heard laughing on the other side of the door.
“Now y’all niggas know them 15 seconds been up.” Celina stated loudly before laughing along with the others.
Her hand covered her mouth as embarrassment clouded her face. She pushed his hand away.
“See Erik I told you.” Kaila whined getting up.
“Wait,where you going?” He asked stepping in front of her.
“I’m going back to the game.”
“We not done here yet. Now come flip this coin to see what you could get. This head...or... this dick.”
Please excuse any mistakes!
(Going to have to edit this later)
@supersizemeplz @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @hearteyes-for-killmonger @curls-and-crosses @killmonger-dolan @killmongerkink @migosis @raysunshine78 @alookintohersoul @popcorn803 @just-juicee-blog @mllover260 @kimmyblckswan2 @koriiii @tchallasbabymama @toniilaney @marvelmaree @mia-faith @adreamsublime @queen-b1 @mcdesij @vintage-pvssy @viewsfromrose @ceeverse @smuttywriter @harleycativy @callmemckenzieee @theblulife @bvssmob @everything-is-awesomesauce @xoxomyaah @19jammmy @tchallas-ikumkani-wam @suburbanblackhoe @allhailqueennel @admirehermind @themeirajay @asaanime @bellanay @skylahb @toni9 @iambabyharry @kiabialia @youlovetkay @lahuttor @kehlaniswifee @childishgambinaax @readingaddict1290 @sociallyawkward18 @iamching07 @sourbabynaee @unholyxcumbucket @ladymac82 @efonteno @xsweetdellzx @shalynn-m
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theweightofjake · 3 years
Smoke & Paradise
HI Guys,
My name is Bre and I am Jake's lane pedal to the floor :)
Big, big, BIG shoutout to @ageofsewingmachine for always reading through things for me. She is so sweet and is AMAZING at writing please go take a look at her fics!!
This is my first ever fanfiction/smut. I hope you enjoy and please give me honest feedback on it.. PS. This is not my picture. I don't remember where I found it.
Tumblr media
Best to listen to Friends by Chase Atlantic while reading ;)
Warnings: SMUT, Alcohol, Drugs.
Word Count: 3K
The party was typical and boring. The same group was here almost every weekend. The same music, the same bodies dancing, the same hooded eyes looking around watching people lose themselves in the drugs, sex and booze. I was in the basement sitting on the couch with a joint in hand. I just wanted to get out of my head. Things at work and at home had been particularly stressful and I didn't care to engage in any conversations with the people I grew up with.
In fact, I was trying to forget a particular person that I have known forever. Maybe even knew a little too long. I've known him since we were 13. He grew his hair out over the years. Dark brown tressels that laid across his shoulder blades. Soft tan skin, dark brown eyes that consumed whatever dared to look into them. His smile, bright and perfect. His lips made it hard to look past when he turned them into that signature smirk. Did I mention his name is even luring? Jake. Jake Kiszka.
I couldn't get him off my mind. It had been weeks since the last time we actually spoke. We had been avoiding each other. We hooked up a few times. My friends had warned me as if I didn't already know how big of a player he was. But I still couldn't ignore the fact that he was so different around me than anyone else. I had heard stories from other girls that he never stayed around, or that he got what he needed and left. He doesn't talk to anyone for too long. Except for me, of course. We had been sneaking around for a while. The thrill of it was almost too much. Ditching our friends, parties, and events our town had held that everyone would always attend. It was more than sex though, We had spent several nights under the stars in the next town over to avoid any confrontation from those who knew us. We wanted it to be private. We didn't need anyone in our business ruining our fun. Whatever this thing was, it was ours and ours alone.
Eventually our luck ran out and my friends happened to be out at the same coffee shop we decided to stop at before one of our special star gazing nights. They had tried to convince me to go home with them. They told me I shouldn't be hanging out with him. That he was disgusting and a womanizer who has slept with more than half of our town. I didn't know if these things were true or not but I didn't care. I knew a different side to Jake. I didn't want to tell them that he had been framed as this monster man whore of a guy. I wanted him all to myself. So I did what I thought was right, I didn't defend him. I stayed silent while they went off on the both of us. I just agreed and left with them.
I can't describe to you the hurt look on Jake's face as we left. Nobody else could see it but me. He had a great poker face that you wouldn't be able to crack unless you knew him like I did. I knew I had fucked up and I wanted to run back and tell him I was sorry, but again I was selfish and kept it inside. When I got home, I tried to call Jake but there was no answer. I sent hundreds of texts, voicemails. I even went to his house one day only to be met with him slamming the door in my face as soon as he saw it was me. I had hurt him like no other had. Everyone thought he was heartless and couldn't be bothered. They were wrong. I had hurt him. I had fucked up way worse than he had ever even thought about doing to someone. And I knew I couldn't recover from that. No matter how badly I wanted to.
So here I was stuck at this party trying to drown my sorrows in my drink of choice and a fat blunt in my hand. I pressed the rim of the drink to my lips again and downed the rest of it. I grimaced at the burn going down my throat but quickly replaced it with a new burning sensation of smoke filling my lungs. I held it in as long as I could hoping it would just wave all my thoughts of Jake away into a dark abyss for the night.
I got up only to refill my cup and to grab another blunt from my purse. I sat back in my spot on the couch and repeated the process until I was sure I was faded out of my mind. I couldn't remember how I got there. I was suddenly in Jake's room. He was standing against the door frame, hands crossed smirking at me with his features being illuminated by the string lights hung in his room. He was in just a t-shirt and grey sweats that hung low on his hips. I couldn't feel my legs or my hands. I was nervous and confused, I looked down at my lap to see I was sitting on the edge of his bed in one of his shirts and my panties. How did I end up here?
I looked back up to where Jake was standing only to find him in front of me, a dark shade of obsidian taking over his hooded eyes. I knew that look all too well. I bit my lip and inhaled knowing what was to come next. He pushes me back on the bed roughly and puts his lips on mine, hungrily kissing me while crawling over me. Both his hands were on either side of my head. My hands instantly went to his sides, sliding down until I found the bottom of his shirt. I pulled it up so I could feel his soft skin. I ran my hands all over his sides and back gripping anything and everything I possibly could leaving light scratches in their wake.
As we continued, the kisses grew sloppy and needy. Our breaths were ragged and slow. He pulled away with a hum and stood up again to take off his shirt. My eyes never left his body. He smirked and came crawling back over me this time running his hands up my legs to my thighs and over my hips to slip his hands into my (his) shirt, He pushed it up rubbing at the exposed skin. His hands felt like heaven on my body. I whimpered as his calloused fingertips came in contact with my chest. I bit my lip and pulled him into a hungry wet kiss. I wrapped my fingers into his hair on the back of his neck and pulled roughly only to receive a gasp in return, I snuck my tongue into his mouth as quickly as I could and began my battle for dominance, knowing that if I were to succeed, it wouldn't last for long. He was Jake Kiszka after all. He was never the one not in control. But tonight I wanted to be, at least a few moments.
I pushed him over and straddled his hips taking off my (his) shirt. His dark eyes slowly made his way over every inch of my body. I shivered and smiled watching him as his eyes finally met mine. I bit my lip and ran my hands over his chest and i let my nails gently dig into his skin on the way down. He sucked in a breath and let out little whimpers as my hands neared where the top of his sweatpants met his happy trail. I watched as he waited patiently to see what my next move was. I couldn't help but tease him a little longer as I pulled his sweats down just enough to begin to reveal his growing hard on. I began to kiss his neck down to his chest, sucking and leaving hickies in every spot I possibly could. Usually we agreed for no visible marks, but right now I couldn't care less. I wanted no craved for everyone to know he was mine and that I was more than proud to call him so. We never made anything official because we both knew who we belonged to. Secretly i think we both knew that the day would come that we would be ripped apart in one way or another. We just couldn't bare to have a messy break up.
His breath hitched as I was sucking his skin slowly making my way down. As I crawled down to be level with his growing member, he tucked my hair behind my ear and moved the rest to one side of my head to be able to watch as I slowly pulled down his sweats past his thighs. I bit my lip at the sight as his dick sprang up and hit his stomach. It was so perfect. So pretty like everything else about him. He was perfect. He wasn't the biggest guy around, but he knew exactly how to use it and it was too good. I slowly bent down and started kissing the tip while gently pumping him in my small hand. I was rubbing his thigh with my free hand watching him. He gasped as soon as my mouth took him in. I slowly started bobbing my head on him trying to make sure everything was lubricated and felt as good as possible. He gripped my hair in his hand roughly as he tried not to thrust up into my mouth. He knew I had a sensitive gag reflex, but he also knew that I aimed to please in everything I do. Especially if it was for Jacob Kiszka. I was a willing slave for him. As was Jake a slave for me. We were both hooked beyond reason.
As I sped up my actions his breathing became labored and I knew he was close to the whimpers that were coming out of his mouth. I smiled up at him, keeping eye contact as I took him all the way to the base. His tip hit the back of my throat as I hummed to create the perfect vibrations to edge him closer to release. “Fuck babe! Just like that, please do it again..” He growled. It sent chills down my spine and there I was so eager to please. I did it again a few more times and before I knew it he was coming undone on my tongue. I swallowed greedily wishing there was more. I whimpered at the sweet taste of him. I could never get enough. He gently pulled me off of him and pulled me up to him in a heated kiss. He swiped his tongue across my bottom lip begging for entry as I teased him and kept the kiss simply yet slow. He groaned and grabbed my hips, flipping us over.
He began to take off my panties and I grabbed his hands causing him to look up at me confused. “What if they hear us? You know I am not as quiet as you.” I asked. He smirked and pulled me into a deep passionate kiss, one that we really haven't shared before. I put my fingers in his hair and we stayed kissing for a few moments. When we finally pulled away to catch our breath, I looked up at him feeling drunk off of his lips. “I don't fucking care who hears or sees us anymore. I fucking want you. I need you. I’m tired of sharing. You’re mine. Understood, darling?” he practically growled at the last part. I bit my lip looking into his eyes seeing as they got impossibly darker yet somehow they were so sweet and soft.
He was being extremely vulnerable with me right now and I couldn't help but want to capture these moments to keep in my memory forever. When I could finally find the right words that I wanted to say I replied with “I don't want anyone else, Jake. I am all yours. Do you hear me?” I put my hands on his cheeks gently, swiping my thumb across his bottom lip and then across his cheek bone. The smile he gave me was softer than any that I have ever seen. It was so genuine that I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips. I kissed him once sweetly and he kissed me back pulling me closer again gently rubbing my hips. He pulled my underwear down slowly and began to teasingly run his hands all over my thighs. His fingertips grazed my core a few times, never touching the spot I needed him to. I whimpered and spread my legs wider and wrapped them around his hips in an attempt to pull him closer.
He began to kiss my neck sucking gently leaving his own marks on my body. I moaned at the feeling of his soft lips on my skin. The more marks and feather light touches he left on my body the hotter and wetter I got. I pulled one of his hands down to my core and let him swipe his fingers through my folds. I shivered and he let out a quiet groan. “Is this all for me? You’re dripping honey.” He said. I nodded my head and replied “All for you, daddy. No one else can make me feel like you do.” His eyes flicked up to mine and he responded by gently pushing two fingers into my entrance and curling them slowly reveling in the feeling of me dripping before him. I was under his control and he felt powerful. “Say it again, Y/N. Tell me who makes you this wet and whose pussy this is.” I moaned and squirmed underneath him as he kept curling his fingers inside me faster and then slower. “Oh shit, Jake! You do. It’s yours. All yours. Fuck Jake, Just like that. Please don't stop.” I grabbed his wrist to keep it in place as he began to use his thumb to rub my clit. My hips bucked up uncontrollably each time he would roll over the soft bud. I was getting closer to falling over the edge.
I couldn't help how animalistic and desperate my moans were becoming as he slowly helped push me to the edge. Just as I was about to cum he kissed me deep, swiping his tongue against mine and sucking harshly as his fingers began to play their own solo against my g spot. I gasped against his lips and then everything went white. I could have sworn that I died, but then as soon as I came to, I was sitting on a couch with my eyes too blurry to focus on reality.
When my eyes came back into focus I realized that I was still siting on the couch at the same stupid party. I was staring at someone sitting in the corner across the room from me. It was Jake. Beer in his hand as he watched me intently. He looked as hungry as I felt. I suddenly felt my cheeks heat up and I looked around the room to see what time it was. As I checked my phone I realized a few hours had passed and suddenly I was very hyper aware of the pool in my panties and the eyes that were still glued to me.
I had come, untouched as I was in the middle of my best high yet, while sitting on the same couch as I was trying to forget Jake.. I was sweaty and biting at my lips. I looked back up to see Jake stand up and make his way over to me with a small smirk on his lips. He held his hand out to me, “Let’s go, you can change into my clothes when we go to my place.” I blushed realizing that I must have given myself away whether it was me moaning his name aloud, or convulsing through my orgasm. I took his hand gratefully and let him lead me through the party and out of the house to his car. He took me back to his house and gave me a change of clothes. We spent the rest of the night making up for lost time and just drinking each other in.
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wonlouvre · 3 years
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pairing: doctor!wonwoo x lawyer!female oc genre: modern royalty, arranged marriage, fluff and future angst word count: 3.2k WARNINGS: ANGST, VIOLENCE, GUNS
a/n: we are nearing the end guys :( and i promise, it’s a HAPPY ENDING! but for now we have to face the angst, i’m so sorry. disclaimer!! as i have said from the previous parts, i am not well-versed with investigations and court procedures. PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG. thank you very much!! please enjoy this new part and hit my ask box with what you think of it <3
nine: grief | masterlist
Wonwoo has had difficult times in his life and he has managed to overcome them all. Growing up in the public eye, fulfilling duties decreed to him even before he became a teen, a break-up, excelling both academically and physically and most of all, loving himself for who he is. He knows his parents did everything in their power and love to make it a little easier for him. They are the reasons he kept going and going. 
But his heart can’t seem to carry this overwhelming heaviness. 
His parents wanted to end the engagement immediately. It was an argument, an angry one. His mother had her ears closed even before he could speak meanwhile his father’s closed lips already said it all. Of course, he was defensive. He understands his parents concern for their citizens, but nothing is final until a verdict is reached. He has to come back to Jung and Sam and he has to come back to you. Surely enough, when he stepped out of the doors of his home, he had chosen love over duty. 
It’s just that he didn’t know that you had different plans. 
“Where’s the pretty lady?” Sam asks out of the blue while he plays with the new toys Wonwoo brought for the kids at the welfare.
He has been visiting them frequently, at least four times a week in between his hospital schedule. Especially after you decided that he should distance himself from you, he has been in and out of here because the boys are one of the only reasons he’s here other than you. He’s hoping you only meant a break if that’s what you wanted. Because he’d give it to you with as much distance as you want just come back to him. Come back to him because he doesn’t and can’t let you go. 
“She’s a bit busy now,” he tries to make up an excuse and Sam raises his sparkling eyes at his face, probably searching for some truth in his lie. 
“You look different when she’s around,” the young boy says and goes back to his toys. 
Wonwoo’s ears perk and his brows knit in question. “What do you mean?”
“Jung thinks I don’t see it, but his face,” Sam explains and gestures to his tiny yet swelling cheeks. “It changes because of this girl here that I think he’s crushing.”
Wonwoo can’t help the growing smile on his face. “Jung has a crush?”
“Yes.” Sam bobs his head cutely. “You’re just like Jung with the pretty lady around.”
“How about now?” He asks the observant boy who purses his tiny lips before narrowing his eyes at him. 
“You look a little sad.”
Wonwoo didn’t need to ask who’s the pretty lady Sam was talking about because to him, you’re the only pretty lady in his life (second to his mother of course even though she’s angry at him at the moment). He tried to not make it obvious. He doesn’t want anyone to see him that the controversy and your father’s arrest is breaking the two of you apart. He can’t let them see him falling apart for that matter because he wants you to see him confident and strong. 
He doesn’t want to further fuel your doubts and fears. If he can’t support you closely, he’ll do his best to support you even from afar.
That’s why life for him continued. He goes to work, attends to his patients and co-workers needs, he eats, he exercises and he even entertains drinking with Soonyoung despite having to take care of him because of how fast he gets drunk. 
It’s an ineffective distraction because he misses you terribly. He misses going to your office just to take you away from your computer, he misses driving around town with you in the passenger seat and listening to your stories, he misses sleeping over at your apartment after a tiring day shift, he misses your warm and welcoming embrace, he misses your shy and soft kisses against his lips, cheeks, nose, forehead, neck and everywhere else.  
Did he tell you he misses you?
He sends you messages every day. He doesn’t call and he doesn’t wait for a reply. He just wants you to know that he’s here whenever you’re ready. Jeongyeon is kind enough to keep him in the loop, but the updates are very minimal because she’s still your subject and she doesn’t want to hurt you any further. 
For a moment, Wonwoo was afraid to take the leap. But when you asked him if he still wants to marry you which could be equivalent to you ending things, he had to. If you stay or not, he had to say it with all his heart. You had to know because he was sure that whatever it is his whole being is feeling, it’s only for you. 
“I love you.”
Your heart drops at his confession, making you sob to the palm of your hands. He can’t do this to you right now. It’s already hard and painful. You want to be selfish, but it would be wrong to let him suffer with you when he has been nothing but kind and honest. 
“You’re not your father, Y/N,” he promises and holds your hands down. “Please look at me.”
You shake your head, sniffling. You want to scream you love him too. But the words are nothing but a lump at the back of your throat. You continue shedding your tears and the sight breaks Wonwoo’s heart. 
“It’s okay.” He lifts your head up by your cheeks. He wipes your tears away even though it’s futile. He wishes to share with your anguish, but he also respects the desires of your heart. 
His smile was small when he leans down and briefly presses a kiss to your trembling lips. You accept it, fearing it might be the last. You also listen to his last words before he leaves with his bag and coat because it also might be the last time you’ll ever hear them.
“I love you.”
The rain patters on the roof of the car when Wonwoo’s words echoed inside your head. Just the thought of what had transpired the last few days brings tears to your eyes. You haven’t seen him since that night and the longing is unbearable. You wish to hear his voice, feel his touch against you or just see him. But you can’t and you have to persevere through it because you owe justice and accountability to your people.   
You haven’t spoken to your mother even if you tried. She’s just tired, so tired you can’t bring a word out of her. You try to be understanding and a little more patient. After all, getting over a betrayal doesn’t happen overnight. That’s why you continued working even though almost every client you have has backed down and declined your services. Nonetheless, you still go to your office every day as if everything is okay. You drink your coffee, you run over your files and even do a little organizing and disposing here and there. 
Your father’s first trial is today and you’re on your way to speak to him at his detention center. This is the first time you’ll see him aside from the television and newspapers. You’ve been crying ever since he got taken away. You can’t help it. You already know the truth and there’s no blinding away from it. But you want to hear from your father, whom you thought you have known all your life. You want his truth and maybe find some closure. 
When you arrive at the parking lot, the rain has ceased and little by little the temperature is rising again. You really wish things were different. Something in you wishes that this is a set-up. You wish that your father was innocent and only being framed. But there is a bigger something that’s telling you to throw away those wishful thoughts because it’s wrong. 
You ask yourself, am I angry at my father? while walking to the entrance leading to the visitor’s area. I should be, right? You argue because your family name and career is tarnished. Your upcoming marriage is no different which is most likely to be over. 
“Hi my darling,” The King, stripped from his expensive suit, greets you with his usual smile.
The glass between you and your father is clear enough to see that he doesn’t look good. Your father used to look every day ready with his suit on and slick back hair. But right now, he doesn’t. Tears well up in your eyes but you hold it in. It will take a long time to get used to seeing him like this. It will take a painfully long one.
Maybe you’re not angry. Maybe you’re just hurting.
“Hi dad,” you greet back. “How are you?”
The old man smiles and warms his thighs with his hands while looking around the small room. “I’m okay.”
You nod and the cold silence engulfs the room. 
“I’m sorry darling,” he finally says and hearing those words made you burst into tears. He sees you crying and this is the first time he can’t reach his hand out to wipe the tears away. “I’m really sorry that your father’s greed has left you and your mother a wound that might never heal.”
Greed. The news, the Royal Police, the prosecution and everyone else were talking about this. They’re still talking about this. It’s scandalous, it’s controversial. It’s unbelievable too. How could the head and protector of the kingdom do this? 
How could your father do this?
“Dad,” you sob. “Dad.”
“I know,” he tells you. “I know.”
“Please tell me they’re lying,” you begged, your voice shaking.
“I cannot betray you any further, my darling,” he sadly says. “I have to set you all free from my lies.”
You harshly rub your fingers against your eyes, trying to dry the tears that won’t stop from falling. “Who’s Kim Mingyu?”
The alarming buzz! blasts, indicating that your time’s up. You’re quick to your feet and hold your sweating palm against the glass. Your father mirrors your action but it didn’t last long because he was being handcuffed again. 
“Remember,” he says, struggling a little against the two uniformed men. “You are your own person, my darling.” 
Maybe you’re not hurting. Maybe you’re grieving because you just lost your father. 
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You know who Kim Mingyu is. You already knew before you could even ask your father. You just wanted to know how your father met him and entangled himself with such a man. What led him to fall for his lies and money that he could trade every ounce of dignity and integrity in his being? Something of that sort. 
Kim Mingyu’s mining business was proposed to the Secretary of the Trade and Industry Department. A mining business that will have children go underground for long agonizing hours. At first, they were immediately rejected knowing that there’s an obvious and strict law disallowing foreigners to the kingdom’s mineral resources. Much more the exploitation of young children. But, Mingyu was ambitious and a sniper to every man's weakness. It didn’t take long for the Secretary of the Trade and Industry to bite. It was easily followed by the Secretary of the Justice Department and your father. They all, among many others, eventually fell for his trap. Everything worked out for Kim Mingyu. 
Your hip is against the hood of the car as you watched the prison guards surround the vehicle your father will ride to the court. Everyone is on high alert. Well, they should be. No one else is more high profile than a criminal king. It’s only the first trial but you’re already more than aware of how things will turn out in the end. 
You clutch the lifebuoy pendant of the necklace you’re wearing, nervous and trying to keep everything together.
You could leave now, but the time and opportunity to see your father is running out. This prison is the only place you could linger just to see him, even for a short while. You won’t be able to follow him at court because Seungkwan advised you not to. Which you understand. This whole case involving your father is already causing a media frenzy so staying away is the smart thing to do. 
As you wait, your phone suddenly rings with an unknown number flashed on the screen. You blink, wondering who could it be at this hour. After a beat of hesitation, you answered and held the phone against your ear. 
“Ah, Princess Y/N. How’s the King doing?”
You’re not that forgetful to not recognize this voice. “Mr. Kim, how did you get my number?”
“That’s not important right now,” he dodges the question. “What’s important is what I am about to tell you.”
“What do you want from me?” You say with gritted teeth and from your peripheral you can see the guards scramble. Your father is about to come out.
You can hear him scoff. “I don’t want anything from you, Your Highness. But listen…”
Your heart starts to beat faster. It’s a hard visual but your father is nearing the exit. Your bottom lip is starting to hurt from how hard you’re biting it and the few seconds of pause and suspense that Mingyu’s giving you is not helping at all. 
“Listen you sick---” He cuts you off and your blood runs cold.
“I’m going to kill your father.”
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What is the fondest memory that you have of your father? 
They’re too many to count and every memory with him, small and big, will always mean everything to you. But as an example, it would be the day you finally took oath as a lawyer. He didn’t tell you, but he, together with your mother, was secretly present at the venue. He told you beforehand that they shouldn’t go because he didn’t want the people to make you uncomfortable and steal the spotlight. You ignored his lame excuse of fame and told him that he can do whatever he wants. 
But he was really there. Tears brimming on his eyes together with pride beaming on his heart. Your mother had to calm him down because he got a little out of control, almost screaming with all his chest at the venue that you’re his daughter. 
You only found out when you hopped on the car and they’re inside with a small cake, flowers and party hats on, shouting loud congratulations and surprise simultaneously. 
Your father was always there. Your parents were. 
You remember those when you ran and pushed your way against the guards blocking your father’s view. You were frantic as you screamed at them to get your father back inside. You fought with all your strength and thrashed against their hold just to reach your father. When you slipped away from them, you ran again, fast. 
You did your best to not get caught. You just have to be close to your dad and push him back inside. You just have to be close to him. You just have to protect him.
You have to be there for him. 
“Please stop!” You shout when another guard takes hold of your waist, locking you to the ground. “You have to bring my father back inside!”
“You’re Highness, please calm down!” The guard shouts back and you fight against him. When he didn’t let you go, you stomped the heel of your shoe on his feet, making him fall in pain. 
“Dad!” You call when you’re finally nearing him. His head lifts up at the sound of your voice and searches for you among the sea of men. “Please! You have to take him back inside! I received a call from Kim Ming---”
It was searingly fast. Your whole body collapses on the sweltering concrete before you could reach your father and when his eyes finally find you, you are already swimming in the pool of your blood.  
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“It’s always good to see you Mrs. Wang,” Wonwoo compliments the old lady who’s starting to frequent the emergency room. “But not in this manner.”
The old lady gives him a cheeky grin and pinches one of his cheeks. If Wonwoo doesn’t know any better, she’s doing this to not get scolded any further. 
“Your blood sugar is high and I don’t think your granddaughter appreciates her grandma endangering her own life,” he lightly scolds her, if that’s how he can put it. He’s still a doctor after all. “She loves you and she wants you to be healthy when she walks down the aisle in the future.”
Mrs. Wang gives him a silent nod at the mention of her granddaughter, promising that she won’t disobey anymore. That relieves Wonwoo, his lips lifting in a smile. He signs her clearance and hands it back to the nurse. After a few more instructions, he takes his leave and walks back to the information desk. 
He takes one of the patients charts to read. The phone rings and the nurse in charge immediately picks it up and answers. At first, Wonwoo didn’t bother looking up from the paper because emergency calls happen every three seconds. But when there was an eerie silence amidst the loud and busy room, his curiosity made his head tilt up only to get surprised at the widened eyes the nurse was giving him. 
He was about to ask what’s wrong but when he heard the sound of the siren nearing, he ignores his suspicions and runs to the entrance. 
The ambulance parks at a safe distance and the paramedics get out. They move quickly to get the patient out and when they see him, their mouth falls open but no words come out.
Wonwoo didn’t notice so he proceeded to ask, “How’s the patient?”
Soonyoung almost tripped on his feet as he tried to get a hold of his friend. He takes his arms and tries to pull him away from the ambulance he’s about to open. Wonwoo is starting to get irritated at the bizarre and disconcerting feeling that’s starting to settle in the emergency room.
Wonwoo knocks him off with a glare. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Wonwoo, please,” Soonyoung begs with an unsteady voice, clinging to his friend. 
“Female, late twenties, two gunshot wounds,” one of the paramedics finally yet carefully reports while the other opens the doors of the ambulance. “It’s Her Highness, Princess Y/N.”
Wonwoo roughly removes his friends hand from his arm to step closer to the ambulance and when he sees your lifeless body, he didn’t waste any more time and helped the paramedics move the stretcher out. Soonyoung can see his friend’s hands shaking as he takes hold of the bloodied gurney. He knows he has to stop him right now. 
“Baby,” Wonwoo calls as he runs and wheels you inside. You can’t hear him, but he has to try. He observes proper protocol of transferring you to the bed of the emergency room before applying more pressure to your wounds. You have lost a lot of blood already and it’s not helping Wonwoo that he can’t see your eyes.
“Please, please, please,” Wonwoo whispers as he removes all the obstructions on your body and when his eyes catch the necklace he gave around your neck, his legs grow weak and removing it from you made his tears fall.
“Baby, please,” he pleads. “Open your eyes, hmm?”
Soonyoung steps in together with the doctor who will perform the surgery and take everything from here. He slowly pulls his friend away from your body. Wonwoo didn’t protest anymore, there’s nothing in him left to do so. Your blood is in his hands, in his white coat, it’s everywhere. 
This is not the distance Wonwoo wanted. 
He can’t be apart from you forever.
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millers-planet · 3 years
The Vice and the Virtue - Part One
Pairing: Helmut Zemo x GN!Reader (later established as F following more parts)
A/N: i appreciate you guys so much for how quickly you blew up the sneak peak i did. it really motivated me to writing this
POV: Reader
Warnings: Fluff. Use of "Y/N". Angst?
Words: 2.3k
Description: How does one live a life of virtue when past vices begin arising after a successful jailbreak with untied ends?
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It was terrifying as I watched my home be stripped of everything it knew, it was as if with every furniture upturned or removed, a piece of me was taken with it. It was the couch, the tables, the side-tables, the food from the fridge, everything. By this point, it wasn't our home anymore, it was the home. Everything was out of my control, I had no say in what the strangers robbed me of for their 'investigation'.
I was questioned for days about what he did, about why he did it, and if I was an accomplice. Fingers were pointed at me without any real reason behind them. I didn't even know what they were talking about, he simply told me it was a business trip or some family thing-- I don't remember but I wish I did. If I had, I might've been able to save myself the hassle of convincing everyone else that.
Zemo always wanted and always was isolated and by himself. While he had friends, or contacts as he called it, he preferred to be lonesome. By lonesome, that means either in a crowded place with no one with him, or at the house with me. It was something odd to get used to, but I never wanted to trade a day with him for a day with some people who call me their friend, only to turn around and talk bad on me.
Now, I'd trade all my days for just one more with him.
With the sun having just set and the aroma of freshly brewed tea filling the air, it became a good day. Until I saw on the news of a jailbreak that just occurred, several prisoners being injured and one-- a highly dangerous prisoner (as the news described it)--escaping. I saw that it was in Germany and I believed for just a second that it could've been him.
I was fortunate enough just to keep the home, after a few months of it being held hostage from me. With every night I slept here, the more desolate I began to feel, for I can't dare try and show my face to the world. I'm too afraid people will talk and say that I'm "the one who dated the man who destroyed the Avengers". Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but something doesn't feel right if I go out without him or if I just go out in general. It feels as if I've been under house arrest or exiled from the public for years.
It was another simple night, a warm one just cool enough to keep the windows open. I love hearing the sounds of the crickets outside the large bedroom windows accompanied by the occasional whispering the leaves made when wind made them rustle. The moonlight gazed perfectly onto the door, illuminating a path outward if I had to get up at some point; which I usually did because sleeping soundly was no longer an option. Though, I was almost asleep until the large hum of the garage being opened startled me.
Quickly, I turned on the bedroom lights and walked into the large, open main room that had stairs leading to the garage. I flicked on the lights and saw the shadow of a figure grow as it climbed to the top, the breath staying stagnant in my lungs. Should I grab a weapon? Should I find an escape route? All of these life-determining questions crossed my mind until I could comprehend who really was climbing the steps.
His eyes scanned the room, as if he was a child lost in the store looking for their parent, until his eyes finally met mine. All of his concerned features dropped into something softer, something kinder, something I never saw from him before. “Wha- Why are you here?” The ends of my mouth rose into the biggest smile I could possible create, without even realizing it.
“Didn’t I tell you I’d be back?” His strides were wide and swift as he made his way to me, cupping my face into his gentle hands and pressed a kiss to my lips. A kiss I have never felt before, it had a different feeling behind it, a different motive…
…He missed me.
I placed my hand over the one that laid carefully on my face, taking in every bit of him. I forgot how small wrinkles came down from the corners of his eyes, or how his cheeks curved in slightly. I forgot how when his features softened and when he gazed into me, my legs felt weak and butterflies filled my stomach. I forgot how much he loved me.
He pressed the smallest kiss to my forehead and looked back down to me. "I have some people for you to meet. We have guests." I didn't know what he meant until two large men came up the same steps. The small bubble of comfort and renewal was broken when Zemo's attention drifted from me and onto them. Despite those few moments being a few measly seconds, it felt longer than the years past.
The two men grew tense and one of them shouted, "Zemo who the hell is this?" Almost instinctively, as the two strangers approached me, he placed his arm in front of me. "So you're telling me not only are you rich, but you had a girl waiting for you the whole time?"
"You could say that, but I never asked her to wait or stay." He looked to me and the corners of his mouth rose ever-so-slightly. "Y/N, this is Sam Wilson and James Barnes, or Bucky." The metal-armed man raised his flesh hand when his name was called, almost like taking attendance.
I passed out cups of tea and coffee for the three men and sat down on the couch next to Zemo, trying to comprehend what the three of them were telling me. "Then after we realized that neither Sam or I really knew how to handle or hunt the super soldier serum, we decided to contact the one guy who does."
I looked at them clueless for a second, "but didn't Zemo frame you for assassinating a king? And cause the Avengers to break up?" Zemo looked at me and nodded, with a look that essentially said 'really? you had to bring that up?'
"Yes, yes the man did." The other man, Sam, was now talking. "After that, Tin Man over here decided to break Zemo out of jail, which I had no part in. Frankly, I still don't see why we need him." Bucky just stared at Sam from the metal remark. They looked like they were good friends but argued like a couple with marital problems.
The three of them went back and forth about what to do next, throwing out different names and places. I pulled my knees up to my chest and placed my drink down on the chestnut side-table next to me, remembering the way policemen ripped open the table and threw it around, the scuffs on the sides to prove it. The tugs they made on the drawers tugged on me as-well, making me lean my head against Zemo's shoulder. After all this time, he still kept his muscles, but to be fair he also had a lot of time on his hands the past few years.
Suddenly, a yawn escaped my mouth and I tried to stifle it. His attention quickly shifted to me and put the conversation at a pause. "If you would like, we can go to bed," the words made my heart simply explode. It was a simple action that I didn't even notice I missed so much, it had been so long that the idea of sleeping with someone else feels so foreign. Although, it's a humbly welcomed foreign experience.
I nodded quickly and stood up, realizing I should probably be a good host and give the two guests a place to sleep. "If you guys want to follow me, I can show you to your rooms." I led them down the hallway, trying to keep my feet of the floor as much as I could because it felt like ice. I don't remember the last time I was down here, I didn't really have a reason to. Opening two doors, I turned to face them, "here are your rooms. Bathroom is first on the left." Bucky smiled and nodded quietly.
Sam, on the other hand, went and said, "so is there a breakfast in bed option or will we have to go out there to a chef?" Bucky rammed his metal elbow into Sam's stomach and glared at him.
"Thank you, Y/N. And please ignore Birdy over here."
As I began to walk away from them I heard a quiet exchange of cursing. Looking back, the two were pushing each other and fighting to get towards the bathroom. Bucky eventually pushed Sam against the opposite wall, then ran into the bathroom, with a subtle click of the lock. Sam locked eyes with me, nodded his head down and shuffled into his room like a dog with his tail between his legs.
"Those two are quite the duo," I murmured softly as I pushed open the bedroom door. I fully expected to see Zemo passed out from his endeavor from earlier, but it was a welcomed surprise when I saw him and the same look of bliss spread on his face as he sat on the end of the bed, having just changed into a simple t-shirt and sweatpants. Those same quick strides closed the gap between us, but this time he was softer and slower, as if he wanted to make up for lost time.
Starting at the bottom of my earlobe, his fingers traced my jaw, his eyes following them and scanning each and every one of my features. The way he stared and touched me reflected how touch-starved he really was all this time, turns out we were in the same boat but different countries. His gentle hand flowed from my ear, along my jaw, and when it reached my chin, he cusped my cheek. I leaned in nearly automatically into the touch, finally making eye contact when he looked at me.
With a small movement, he pressed a loving kiss to my forehead. "I never thought I'd be able to see you again. Or do that. Or do this," his other hand reached my cheek and brought me in for a kiss on my lips that was full of longing. "Or do this," he nudged my thighs and I jumped into his arms, now truly aware of what I was missing these past few years. Zemo set me down in the bed and got in next to me. "Or do this," he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in gently, holding me as tightly as he could without suffocating me.
Laying on his chest, I took in everything and couldn't imagine how I went so long without him. It felt like night and day. For so long I was living in the dark, completely isolated from the outside world and anything that could possibly hurt me anymore. Once he returned, he turned on the lights, he brought me back into the sunlight. I know he just got home but it feels like everything is back where it's supposed to be, like nothing ever changed. Somehow, with his return, the bed also feels softer.
"Why did you wait?" His sudden question caught me off guard. "I mean, I cannot say how excited I was to see you--but why didn't you move on?" I looked up and saw a confused expression, with his eyebrows furrowed together and lips pressed.
I didn't know how to answer him, how do I express everything I've felt these past years? How do I accurately tell him that after seeing my home destroyed and ransacked, the only thing I could think or do was to picture rebuilding it?
"When you were arrested, men came and took everything. They destroyed the house and didn't leave a single thing unturned. It was months before I could step back into the house and I think almost two years before I could begin the process of restoring it." I could feel his breathing slow down and become deeper, reminding me to pull myself together. "When I could finally put the pieces of the home back together, it didn't feel the same, because you weren't there. I wanted to try and go out but it wasn't right to go into the open world without you.
So, I waited. After watching strangers destroy the things I loved, and the things I had so many memories of, I could only think to fix it all and rebuild it all. But, I couldn't do that without you. I needed you. I need you."
With one movement, he changed our positioning so his face was now over mine, leaning over me. "What did I do to deserve you, meine geliebte," he spoke softly and pressed one final kiss to me and whispered with a smile, "shall we go to sleep now?" I nodded slowly and watched him get up to turn off the lights.
When we were sleeping, or when he was sleeping, all I could think to be was wide awake. Last time, he left suddenly during the day and promised to come home, I didn't know that previous night that he'd be disappearing from me. So, while he was in bed with his arm draped around my waist, holding me close and occasionally moving his arm to pull me closer, I was remembering every single thing.
I savored the way the sheets felt hotter than usual with him being home. I savored the way his breath against the back of my neck made me ticklish. I savored the way he moved his thumb in circles against my skin every few minutes, even when he was asleep. I made sure to remember how his heavy arms made it more difficult to breath. I couldn't bare to forget any of these things, so when he leaves again, I'll remember.
But right now, he's home.
He's back at our home.
part two
get tagged - masterlist
tags: @blondekel77 @mysticdeerpolice @dexthtoyounglings @anthrogothic @darlinloves @hollmarch
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aereres · 3 years
Loving You Is Easier Than I Had Expected - Matthew Tkachuk | Rock Band AU
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Summary: Being one of the most popular rock band’s personal assistant was never easy: between rushing through traffic, running around, and listening to music, Chordback was part of Deborah Miller’s day-to-day life. As if her schedule wasn’t already busy enough, the band’s drummer - Matthew Tkachuk - stumbles into her life like a tornado, unexpectedly turning her world upside down. 
A/N: Oh. My. God. This fic has truly become my baby. No Joke. I’ve worked on this for almost a month and I’m so proud of what it came out to be. Hope you enjoy it!
Word Count: 18,4k (damn)
Warnings: swearing (lots of it), anxiety, fighting, cockiness (also lots of it), drinking and partying, physical fights, wounds, blood, perverts, bad relationships with families, angst, mostly fluff
Chordback needed her. More than anything.
The thought made its way into Deborah’s head as she watched the band sluggishly walk around their shared penthouse, bags under their eyes as they scrambled for their luggage and important belongings. They moved without a care in the world, as if their schedule wasn’t packed with things to do, and she didn’t need to be a genius to realize that they had partied too hard the previous night.
“Move out of the way,” Noah muttered Johnny’s way, pushing past him with his suitcase in hand. “Deb, when’s the flight?”
“The flight isn’t the problem,” she stated, holding back a sigh as Elias came out of the bathroom with toothpaste still painting the side of his lips. “There’s a reason why you decided to fly privately,”
“Then why are we rushing?” Johnny said matter-of-factly, shaking his head sassily while he closed his own bass case.
“Because you have places to be after the flight,” the only woman in the house finally let her sigh out, pushing past the men to clean the white remnants off of Elias’ face, ignoring the smug smirk on his face. “Where’s Matthew, now?”
The room fell silent for a moment as she prayed - for anyone up there - that Matthew hadn’t fallen back asleep just when they needed to leave. His frame pushed past the threshold of his bedroom soon after his name was called, his signature drumsticks in hand as a relieved sigh left Deborah’s parted lips when their eyes met.
His phone was pressed to his ear, eyes far too awake for the early morning hour that made her wonder if he had gone to sleep the night before or just stayed up until sunset rolled around. His eyebrows were furrowed, the look she saw just so often painting wrinkles on his forehead as he stayed in silence.
“Taryn, I don’t have time for this right now. I’ll call you later,” the words were rushed, his voice dark and sporting a tip of annoyance before he pressed the red button on the screen. The phone was discarded in the back pocket of his jeans a second later, his eyes finding Deborah’s and making her realize she had been staring, pushing her back into action.
“Are we ready?” She asked, loud enough for everyone to hear. All she got as responses were a few grumbles, followed by the familiar sounds of the luggage the band carried around way too often moving through the penthouse.
The ride to the airport was spent in silence, a few moans and groans leaving the guys’ lips whenever something would be too loud or, in general, too exaggerated. Going through security was just as boring, with Deborah being able to share just a few hushed words with Jean - the band’s manager - before Elias or Noah would shut the two of them down.
“I told them not to drink too much,” Jean muttered under her breath, taking a look at the way Johnny’s eyes had closed. “God, is this what being a mother feels like?”
The older woman looked exasperated as she frantically walked around the boarding area, restraining herself from giving the tired men another lecture about partying like animals and how it affects their public image.
With her arms folded over her chest, Debby watched over the guys slightly older than her. She was still wondering why Matthew was carrying himself better than the rest of his friends, but it was the look on his face that truly left her curious.
His gaze was fixated on his phone, fingers tapping quickly as the wrinkles on his forehead stayed in their place. She was staring. Again. Frustrated with her own self, Deborah turned around to face the floor-to-ceiling windows of the airport, the early sun illuminating the world before your eyes.
She felt peaceful, mind clearing from the stress of the morning right before the flight attendants led her and the band towards the private jet. The luxury of its insides were nothing new to the personal assistant, and it was the same for the inappropriate glances the captain had been sending her way ever since she had started the job.
Noah dropped on one of the leather seats, eyes closing as he shut the world out, Johnny following his actions. Elias and Matthew settled in the seats opposite them, giving Deborah a clear view of the drummer’s features even from your position in the far back.
“We should get there on time,” Jean sighed, gracefully settling down next to the young woman just as the captain started to walk away. His eyes met Deborah’s one last time, a chill running up her spine when he sent her an unwanted wink, as he always used to.
To say she felt uncomfortable was an understatement.
With her heart beating loudly against her chest, she let her fingers play with the bottom of her shirt, eyes trained in front of herself. That man needs to take a hint, was all Deborah could think, so focused on blocking out the rest of the world she didn’t even notice Matthew’s eyes on her.
He had been glancing her way curiously ever since he’d noticed her body stiffen, right when she had walked inside the plane and greeted the conductor. Her demeanor had changed, and he wanted to know why.
He stayed in his seat, though. He watched from the distance, let his eyes trail over her features until she relaxed and hoped she wouldn’t notice. Because that’s what he’s always done: admire her from far away.
“Listen, why can’t you just shut the fuck up and get in there?” Noah hissed, the heated conversation between him and Elias taking place inside the control room of the studio in New York. “You’ve argued about this track ever since I put it down- thank you, sweetheart,”
He grabbed the coffee Deborah handed him with a thankful smile, the flirty nickname not even impressing her anymore as she silently sat down on the closest couch.
“Dude, this track doesn’t represent us!” Elias said, pushing his sheet music around angrily before citing the words of the song. “Oh, why can’t I have you, sweet love of mine? Are you joking, Noah?! These lyrics are pop bullshit. New album is not gonna work if we write shit like this,”
The lead blew out a heavy sigh, fists turning into balls at his sides as his eyes closed. “Actually, you know what? I need to get some air,” was all Elias mumbled, pushing past his best friend with nothing but anger painting his features. Deborah was about to run after him to make sure everything was okay, but Noah’s hand dismissed her attempt.
“Let him go, he needs to cool off,”
The singer didn’t seem too pleased with his friend’s shenanigans, turning to face the empty booth in front of his eyes as another sigh turned his body stiff. Fights had occurred before: Deborah wasn’t new to arguments about where the group was going to eat, or even fights because of girls; but things had started to become too tense, too complicated between the four men.
“Chucky, your turn,” Noah mumbled, snapping the only woman in the room out of her trance to see Matthew walk past her, drumsticks in hand.
He was silent as he sat down in front of the drum set, pushing the pair of headphones over his nest of curls. His tattooed arms were in full display as he gave Noah a thumbs up, a cocky smile painting his lips. Matthew was the living description of a rock star, and Debby couldn’t keep her eyes off of him.
The drummer’s eyes closed as the music started playing in his ears, his drumsticks making a quick turn between his fingers before he began doing what he loved the most. Watching him play had Deborah mesmerized: the way he attentively looked in front of himself to catch Noah’s reactions, or just the movements of his hands as he gave his everything into the performance, even if his only audience were her and Noah.
Deborah was lost in his gaze, his light, stormy eyes making her heart skip a beat. The sounds coming from him came to a halt before she knew it, a satisfied smirk coating his lips as he waited for Noah’s judgment.
It was silent for a few seconds, heavy breathing coming from the singer as he revived the moment and the melody in his head. “Jesus, Matt,” he breathed into the speaker, trying to muffle the shock in his features by batting his eyelids. “You got it perfect on the first time, damn,”
Matthew’s smirk grew bigger, taking its usual cocky mark as he stood up and finally noticed the assistant. When he strutted back inside the control room to grab his belongings, he snickered at her mesmerized gaze.
“Close your mouth before you catch flies, honey,” was all he said, cocking his brow as his smug smile still sat on his lips. The remark had Deborah’s face turn into a scowl, his cocky words engraving themselves in her mind as he walked away.
She bit her lip as she turned back around to face Noah, trying to push Matthew and his cockiness out of her head, with no success. The lead, on the other hand, looked in distress: he was hunched over the console, clearly in his own head as silence engulfed the two of them in a stressful hug.
“Tell me you know how to play the guitar,” he mumbled, rubbing his tired eyes as he turned around to face Deborah. “Or at least how to book a place for us in a bar, tonight,”
“I can do the latter,” she sighed, knowing that Noah’s plans to finish the song would need to involve a night out, alcohol, and girls willing to drool all over Elias’ charm.
“And please, come out with us, Deb,” he continued. ��Jean doesn’t want things to go too wild, so we might need you to keep us on track,”
She held back a sigh. Her plans for a relaxing night at the hotel had been crushed. Again. Though a night by herself looked way better than a packed club, Deborah’s job was calling, and she couldn’t refuse.
“Alright, I’ll be there,” she said, taking her phone out of her bag to start the search for the night’s location. “I’ll text you the details,”
“Drinks are on us,”
Debby’s ears felt like they were going to bleed soon, and the headache was making her head throb so hard she was hoping not to faint in the middle of the most popular club in New York.
The VIP area was everything she had expected it to be: leather couches that probably cost more than her apartment back in Calgary, enough drinks to make an army drunk, and the entire female population of the city. What could she say? It was Chordback worthy.
Elias’ cheeks were tinted a dark shade of red, eyes gleaming even in the darkness of the club as he held two blondes close to his body. The smirk Deborah knew so well was painting his lips - the one he reserved for flirting purposes only - as she watched him charm another set of girls in his hotel bed.
He was the second oldest in the band, but it hadn’t taken the assistant years to realize his maturity level wasn’t what every girl on the internet expected it to be. Clad in his tight, pitch-black skinny jeans and shirt - not exactly what people would expect a rock star to dress like -, he knew how to attract girls.
Noah had tried to convince him to record his guitar solo the moment their drinks were placed in front of them, but he had ended up with no success when the guitarist had left the table mid-conversation to go dance. The lead’s patience was running low, and Debby was sure his night wasn’t going to turn out as good as he had thought it would.
If that wasn’t enough, she felt stared at. Everywhere she went, a pair of eyes was following her. Debby would turn around to find scowls coloring the groupies’ faces, their orbs giving her disgusted once-overs whenever she’d go as far as to grasp Noah’s arm to avoid falling over, or even lean close enough to ask where Matthew had gone. She had never liked being the center of attention, hence why she had decided to work behind the scenes.
By the time midnight hit, though, she had had enough. The day had been tiring, the club was anything but enjoyable, and the glaring had gone from bearable to annoyingly uncomfortable. Almost stomping her way towards the couch, Debby’s arms folded over her own chest as she stood before Matthew Tkachuk’s relaxed body.
“Okay, I’m done with this bullshit,” she yelled loudly enough to be heard over the thumping bass of the music. “Do I have something on my face?”
Matthew’s smirk paired with his arched eyebrows did its job at making the younger girl feel embarrassed. In some ways, it sent her back to the days in high school, where the popular girls only needed one of their disgusted glances to make her shut herr mouth and feel embarrassed.
Deborah ignored his expression, waiting for a response as a girl sat next to him - so close she was almost straddling his lap. “No? Why would you think that?”
“Because everyone is staring at me as if I have shit smeared all over my face,”
The words snatched a chuckle out of his system, tongue wetting his lips as he gave Debby’s body a once-over. “They think you’re a new one. One of them,”
Her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to unravel his riddle, but nothing seemed to make sense in her mind. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“They think you’re a new groupie, that you’re stealing their place,”
“I’m not a fucking groupie,” she said, confusion clear in her features as she watched him sling his arm over the girl at his side. “I’ve been your PA for two years now!”
All Matthew did was shrug, smirking as he watched the look of annoyance spread over the personal assistant’s face. She was done. She wanted to leave the busy club behind with all the nasty glares and go back to the hotel to sleep.
Skimming past sweaty bodies, she reached Noah’s side after a few minutes. She had expected him to be having fun, but his features were still sporting a bothered scowl. “Noah!”
His attention snapped towards her in a second, his eyes boring into Deborah’s as he waited for her to speak up. “I’m heading to the hotel, I can’t stand this club anymore,”
A small nod was all she got in response, her eyes falling among the crowd to see Johnny making out with a smaller brunette, his hair sticking all over the place. Glancing towards the side of the room, she found Elias sitting on the couch, enjoying the sloppy kisses being spread all over his neck by the two blondes from earlier. Matthew, on the other hand, was still sitting on the couch - this time without his companion - his light orbs focused on Noah and their assistant.
“Can you please keep an eye on the rest of the guys?” She asked Noah, looking up at him as she waited for his response. He gave you a curt nod. “And don’t stay out too late,”
She left the club soon after, strutting out of the packed room with relief. Debby still felt eyes on herself, but not the ones of the rabid fans that had hated her since the moment she had stepped inside the room. Matthew’s eyes.
They watched her walk away, ignoring the pair of manicured hands touching his arm to catch his attention. He had been the reason why everyone was looking at her, and it wasn’t hard to tell. Yet, she was oblivious.
They had thought Deborah was a groupie because of the way he looked at her, because what his eyes held whenever he’d let himself glance her way wasn’t just curiosity. It was fondness, hunger, a cocktail of emotions that he had been trying to avoid for his own sake.
But, that time, he had lost at his own game.
“What the hell were you thinking?!”
Jean’s voice was sharp, so shrill it sent bolts of pain through Deborah’s temples. She had watched the scene unfold in front of your eyes, starting with the unexpected awakening in the middle of the night, ending with all the band members getting lectured by their agent.
The woman in her forties looked like she was about to tug her dark hair off of her scalp, an angry look on her face as she looked at the men sitting in front of her. “Jean, calm down. It was just a fight,”
“Don’t tell me to calm down, boy!” Jean pointed her finger sharply at his face, nostrils flaring. “Just a fight, Elias?! It’s all over the internet!”
Guilt washed over Debby as she took in Noah’s beat-up face, including his cut lip and purplish left eye; Matthew, next to him, wasn’t doing any better. She was supposed to be there, to keep an eye on the guys.
Jean had woken her up in a rush an hour after coming back to the hotel, mumbling under her breath as she dragged Deborah to her personal room. Chordback was already sitting on the edge of her bed, their eyes cast on the floor as the assistant noticed their bruises and cuts.
“I hate to say this, Elias, but you’ve been causing problems for the past month,” Jean sighed, rubbing her forehead with the palm of her hand as her tired eyes focused on the landscape out of the hotel’s window. “First the schedule, then Noah’s song, now whatever happened at the club,”
She let another sigh slip past her lips before her voice took a gentler tone. “John, what happened?”
There was a beat before the bass player spoke, and Deborah took a moment to examine his face. He was by far the one that hadn’t been affected by the fight, at all. “I- uh… I don’t know,”
The assistant had to refrain from holding back a sigh herself, her tense body language catching Elias’ eye. “Why are we the only ones getting lectured? Deborah was supposed to stay with us,”
“This is not about Debby,” Jean stated harshly, sending him a glare. “She wasn’t getting paid to follow you at the club, and she had every right to leave when she felt like it. John, keep going,”
“I said I don’t know anything,”
The curly-haired man sighed, his head lifting upwards just then to let his eyes meet the wall briefly. “I was talking with a girl, people started yelling, and I heard Elias talking shit about Noah’s song”
Deborah’s stomach filled with an unknown feeling when he mentioned a girl, sending her head in a spiral to ask herself what the hell was she experiencing. That wasn’t supposed to happen.
“And I just couldn’t take it,” Matthew stopped, his fingers ghosting over the cuts on his knuckles. “Man, that’s a heartfelt song and you went around to talk shit about it to strangers,”
Elias kept his mouth shut, jaw clenching as his friend continued talking. “Noah and Johnny also came in, but just in time to separate us,”
“Then what happened to your face, Noah?” Jean asked, concern evident in her voice.
“I- uh… I was seeing red,” Matthew mumbled, silence filling the room soon after the words left his mouth. Deborah was left to look at a desperate Jean - clearly close to having a mental breakdown - and hope things would get better by the time morning would roll in.
Her mind, though, couldn’t focus on anything but Matthew. He looked beaten up, both physically and mentally; he looked like he was holding so much on his shoulders, so much pressure she wanted to relieve him of.
“Matthew, John,” Jean sighed, looking behind his shoulders at the two men briefly. “You can go get some sleep. You too, Debby,”
She had never shuffled out of a room that quickly in her entire life, the tension being so overwhelming she needed a breath of fresh air. Johnny and Matthew were silent as they stepped out of the room, a physical and emotional distance separating them as they parted ways.
The moment was awkward, Matthew turning around just in time to see his friend shut the door of his room behind himself, a sigh leaving his lips. His eyes met Deborah’s for a quick second, a wave of shame flowing through them.
In some way, she felt like part of that shame was directed at herself too: his snarky, cocky words were still impressed in her mind, but she could see his regret. She wished her heartbeat hadn’t started picking up, but looking in his eyes, she couldn’t help it.
He was asking for forgiveness, and who was she to not give it to him? He was the only person she couldn’t stop thinking about day and night, anyway, for some reason.
“Come with me,” Deborah whispered, her voice shallower than she had thought it would be as her hand caught his. He didn’t ask questions when she opened her room’s door, he didn’t speak a word as she led him towards the en-suite bathroom, and he didn’t run away when she made him sit on the edge of the bathtub.
More silence settled between the two of them as Debby grabbed the first-aid kit the hotel supplied, wetting a cotton ball with disinfectant before letting her hand grab Matthew’s again.
There was a soft hiss when she first let the material touch his bloody skin, his jaw clenching as he closed his eyes. “I feel like a monster,”
His words made the woman’s heart clench, her stomach turning into jelly. “You’re not a monster, Matthew,”
“I hit my best friend because I couldn’t hold myself back,” he breathed out, voice unexpectedly shaky as he kept his gaze on the tile floor. “I’m a monster,”
Deborah sighed, letting her fingers grasp his chin so he could lift his head up. Their eyes met as she prepared another cotton ball, ready to clean the cut on his bottom lip as they let silence fill the room.
Cradling his head in her hands, Debby took a few minutes to wipe some dried blood off his skin. Matthew was tired, she could tell from the way his eyes were struggling to stay open, but regret was keeping him up, keeping his brain active.
She let herself gaze at him for a small moment before patting his shoulder. “Get some sleep, Matt,” she whispered. “Really,”
He nodded gingerly, following her towards her door. “Thank you, Deb,”
“Don’t worry about it,”
He took a moment to admire her, letting one of his hands gently push a strand of stray hair out of her face. Her body heated up, heart rate quickening as she watched him leave silently, a small smile on his lips.
In a trance, Deborah went back to bed, sleep not on her agenda anymore. Her mind kept repeating the moment she had had with Matthew, every single second of it, and it felt new, unexpected.
Matthew Tkachuk was making her feel things she had never felt before, and everything was so unknown to her.
That night, Deborah struggled to fall back asleep.
“You’re gonna catch a cold,”
The evening air was making Deborah’s hair flow around herself, her eyes focusing on the sunset before turning around to meet Matthew’s. A small smile formed on her lips, her arms folding over her chest. “Nah, my body won’t betray me like that,”
The chuckle that left his lips was enough to push the butterflies in her stomach back to life. His body reached Debby’s side as he focused too on the setting sun disappearing behind the New York skyscrapers.
“Truly the best time of the day,” she mumbled under her breath. “Sunsets are just so beautiful,”
Matthew sent a quick glance her way. “But the night,” was all he said, voice holding a tone of fondness as he looked in front of himself. “The night is just so beautiful,”
“The night is lonely,” the assistant pointed.
“The night is peaceful,” he corrected her, the smile on his lips so tender it made her melt. “Everyone goes to sleep at night, and it gives you time to think,”
There was a beat of silence as she took in his words, heart racing as she unconsciously scooted closer to him. The question was risky. It rushed through Deborah’s lips, and her eyes almost closed in fear of rejection. “What do you think about? At night, I mean,”
“I think about good memories,” his answer was quick, no sign of discomfort on his face. “About my childhood, or people I miss,”
He glanced her way with a smile on his lips, the air from the top of the building making his curls move slightly. “And what do you think about? At night, I mean,”
“Life, I guess,”
There was a nod from his side, his eyes turning back to focus on the landscape as another round of silence filled the distance between the two of them. Deborah’s mind started to think about his words, pushing her away from reality as she tried to keep herself at bait. You weren’t his type, and what about Taryn?
The identity of Taryn was still unknown to the girl, but something was telling her she was eventually going to find out. She was so into her own world that she barely registered the soft material of Matthew’s leather jacket slipping onto her shoulders, his eyes glancing her way.
His body leaned against the railing of the terrace, slipping unbelievably closer to hers as the two of them admired each other. “God, Deborah,” he whispered, letting one of his hands graze over her cheekbone. Her heart was beating out of her chest so loudly she feared he could hear it, his palm slowly cupping her cheek as he let his eyes admire her. “I wish I could have met you earlier,”
His lips were extremely close to Debby’s, so close she barely even paid attention to what he had said. As the words registered, she opened her mouth to ask for an explanation, but the ringing of his phone interrupted the moment.
His eyelids shut in annoyance as he slipped the device out of his back pocket, answering as soon as he could. “I’ll be down in a sec,”
He was off the railing before he even ended the call, leaving Deborah on her own on the terrace of the building that hosted Chordback’s recording label. He turned around just when she called his name, voice strained by the sudden end of just what had been about to happen.
“Your jacket, Matt,” she pointed, starting to shrug it off just so she could hand it back to him. His hand rose in the air, putting her movements to a halt.
“Keep it,” he said, smiling gingerly before opening the door to head back inside the warmth of the building. “It looks better on you anyway,”
“I wanna do it again,” Johnny said from the booth, looking at Noah as he strummed lightly his bass. “I fucked up the last part,”
From her spot on the smallest - and most uncomfortable - couch she had ever seen, Deborah watched Noah nod his head, pressing a few buttons on the console. The bass player’s head started bobbing when the music started filling his headphones, eyes almost closing as he started playing his melody.
Her tired eyes fell down on her phone, the brightness of its screen almost making her curse out. It was well past midnight, and Deborah’s day had been more than busy: the boys had to record a podcast episode with a famous producer, and she hadn’t even had a moment to settle down at the studio before a call from Jean pushed her up on her feet and around New York.
Her head was pounding, but she wasn’t allowed to leave the studio until the band decided to finish their session and go back to the hotel, so she sat in silence next to Matthew. He was silent too, glancing in front of himself as the faint sound of Johnny’s bass sent him in a trance.
As Debby’s eyes struggled to stay open, she stretched her back, holding back a moan when she felt just how tense her muscles were. Her movements snapped Matt out of his daydreaming, his orbs finding hers in the dimly lit studio as she settled back into her initial place.
“You okay?” He asked, voice uncharacteristically soft as he kept his gaze trained on the assistant.
“Just tired,” was all she said, pushing out a sigh as she folded her arms over her chest. Who turned on the AC, for fuck’s sake?
“Johnny prefers working in the cold,” Matthew murmured, almost reading her thoughts. “You want me to turn off the AC?”
Deborah shook her head, trying to hide a veil of shock at his unexpected words, kindness spilling out of them like a fountain. “No, no. It’s fine, don’t worry,”
Though she had been trying as hard as she could to keep herself awake, her body found itself scooting closer to Matthew’s, his warmth making her eyelids finally close. Debby’s head dropped to his shoulder, finally letting her relax for the first time of the day. A content sigh left her lips.
Matthew’s heart was beating out of his chest, emotions he had felt just once making him shiver. One of his arms wrapped itself around the girl’s waist, holding her close and hoping the moment would never end.
She was so close, so soft in his hold he never wanted to let go.
So he closed his eyes, putting his world to a stop just so he could hold her for a little more, just so he could imagine what it would feel like to be hers.
He was woken up after what felt like hours, Noah’s smirk being the first thing he saw after the midnight nap. Deborah’s head was on his chest, eyes closed and a relaxed smile painting her lips as she peacefully slept.
“And then I’m the obvious one,” Noah joked, referring to all the chirps he had gotten for always looking smitten, when he liked someone. “Should I be waiting for a love song from you?”
“Shut the fuck up, man,” Matthew hissed, a smile forming on his lips even after the chirps. “What time is it?”
“One a.m.”
“Damn,” Matthew sighed, rubbing his eyes before looking down at Debby again. “I’ll wake her up. Just wait outside for us,”
“Don’t fuck on the couch,” Noah joked, making Matthew roll his eyes. The lead shut the door behind him and Johnny, leaving Deborah and the man able to make her heart skip a beat on their own.
Matt took a moment to admire her peaceful state, one of his calloused hands cupping her cheek before pushing a strand of hair out of her face. The movements had Deborah stirring, her eyes slowly opening just to see - and feel - Matthew close to her.
With her cheeks burning, she pushed herself off of him, an awkward chuckle leaving her parted lips. “I’m, uh- I’m sorry,” Debby stuttered, running a hand through her hair. “How long was I out for?”
“An hour, maybe?”
She looked down at her phone to check the time, nodding her head when she saw the digits at the top of the screen. “Everyone is done?”
“They’re waiting outside,” he said, voice tender as he watched her rise to her feet. With a nod, Deborah grabbed her purse and let her eyes meet with his. She didn’t know what to say, so the two of them were left in silence before she muttered something and left the room in a rush, heart beating quickly against her rib cage.
By the time Debby reached the rest of the group outside - Elias still missing in action -, she was faced with grins. Nobody talked, though, and by the time she shut the hotel door behind herself, she was a nervous mess.
What the fuck had just happened?
The last morning in New York was sunny. Deborah’s sunglasses barely could do their job as she sat between the band on the outside of the overpriced café they loved. The slight breeze was bringing the first few hints of summer in the busy air of the city, and the woman enjoyed her last moment in the Big Apple by taking a sip of the warm drink sitting in front of her.
It was the first time Chordback actually sat down together after the fight between Noah and Elias, and it felt refreshing. Johnny and Matthew - who was sitting beside her - were talking, just like the old times, and Elias was taking a moment to admire the city. Noah, on the other hand, wasn’t paying much attention to his background: his eyes were focused on his phone, a smile that Debby could only refer to as smitten painting his lips.
“So, what are the plans for the day, hun?” Elias caught the assistant’s attention, the pet name making her chuckle.
“Hun? Oh my God,” she giggled, pushing the conversation behind herself before opening her mouth again. “We gotta catch the flight back to Calgary and then you’re free,”
A whistle came from Johnny, happy chuckles filling their surroundings. “A day off? Wow,”
“No partying, though,” Deborah warned, pointing a finger Elias’ way, who shrugged innocently. The moment was short-lived, being interrupted by a younger fan asking for a picture. The guys all put on a smile, rising to their feet and getting in position. Noah took more time than necessary to put down his phone, but eventually joined his friends and greeted the girl, who looked like she was about to faint.
By the time the photo was taken, the girl was running off to her family holding back happy tears. The band members sat back in their places to finish their breakfast, silence thickening at the table.
Deborah’s eyes met Matthew’s, remembering what had happened during the band’s last studio session, her cheeks heating up. There hadn’t been any moments where the two of them could discuss not only the cuddling, but also the time when she had helped him clean his wounds up after the fight at the club, and Debby was feeling torn.
She didn’t know why, but in some way she didn’t want to discuss the events. She thought it was ridiculous that she couldn’t figure out what she was feeling, what Matthew was doing to her. Debby couldn’t figure out her own feelings, and figuring his out was more difficult than she had expected.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the devil himself, pushing her back to reality with his voice. “Hanifin, what the hell are you doing with that phone?” Matt teased, his signature smirk painting his lips.
“I, uh-” the lead stuttered, finally putting his device on top of the table as he looked up at the assistant and his friends. “I was just sending a text,”
“Just one?” Johnny chirped, chuckling when Noah’s cheeks turned a dark shade of red. “I think he’s hiding something from us, guys,”
“I sent the demo of ‘As Long As I’m With You’ to the person it’s written about,”
There was a beat of silence as Elias, Matthew, and Johnny all took in their lead’s words. “‘As Long As I’m With You’ as in the song we fought over?” Elias asked, voice filled with surprise as he waited for a response. Noah just nodded, biting back a smile as his eyes met with Matthew’s.
“Chucky knew,” he mumbled. “That’s why he punched you in the face when you talked shit about it,”
“Oh! That’s what he meant with ‘heartfelt’,” Elias laughed, shaking his head before breathing out a guilty sigh. “I’m sorry, man. Should have just kept my mouth shut,”
“I told you, it’s fine,” Noah said, his eyes glancing down towards his phone when the screen lit up, the guys finally finishing their breakfast.
“What’s her name, man?”
“Aleena,” just the mention of her name made the lead smile. “She’s back in Calgary,”
“And you didn’t tell us?!” Matt exclaimed, dramatically holding a hand to his chest. “This one hurts, man,”
“Did she like it?” Elias asked.
“The demo? She loved it,” Noah chuckled, cheeks turning uncharacteristically red. He gulped down his coffee, eyes glancing Deborah’s way as he stood up. “Ready to go?”
And by the time they reached the airport, the band was back as if the fights, bickering, and internal annoyance hadn’t happened. She had always been surprised at how strong their bond actually was that she found herself hurting when the thoughts of them possibly separating even crossed her mind.
The wait at the gate was not as long as the one from weeks prior, the private plane already waiting for everyone by the time they had gone through security. Deborah had to repress a groan when she realized the pilot was going to greet her, just like every time.
His dark eyes were on her before she could even walk inside the aircraft, the edges of his mouth turning upwards into a creepy smirk as he shook Johnny’s hand. It felt like a routine: Debby would greet the two kind flight assistants, share a knowing look with them before sticking her hand out to shake the pilot’s. The wink he sent her way wasn’t new, and neither was his hand squeezing her waist before he walked back to his seat.
Her eyes portrayed the usual emptiness they always did after entering the plane, and Matthew was quick to notice. That time, though, he knew why she turned the world off as soon as they’d board. He had been guessing Deborah was afraid of heights, or that flying made her sick, but he would have never guessed it was because of the pilot.
He elbowed Noah without even thinking, his eyes still glancing the assistant’s way as his best friend hissed. “What the fuck, Chucky?!”
“We need to talk,”
Noah sent Matthew a confused glare, eyebrows scrunched together as he followed the drummer’s gaze. He looked at Deborah, then back at his bandmate with a look of confusion still coloring his face. “Well, talk, then,”
“Later,” Matthew mumbled. “We’ll talk when we land, this needs to stay private,”
Noah nodded his head, trying to ignore his friend’s weird manners before pushing his earbuds back in. Matthew, on the other hand, stared at the girl a few seats away. Anger made his skin boil as he thought about the man that had harassed her. If the fucker hadn’t been driving the plane she was on, he would have already been dead.
The newfound protectiveness sent a thrill of shock through his spine, but he ignored it. Deborah didn’t deserve it, and the man was going to regret every single glance he had sent her way. You don’t mess with a Tkachuk, Matthew thought. The man was going to pay.
The city of Calgary held something Deborah couldn’t quite place. In her eyes, it looked like home.
Home, though, was back in Arizona - the complete opposite of what Calgary is. With the hot sun burning your shoulders almost the entire year and the endless summers, Arizona was the place Debby went back to just for her family. She had always preferred the cold, after all.
Thanksgiving was around the corner, the Canadian air was starting to thicken with the winter cold, and home was calling. And she was single, again. It wasn’t because of her parents - they truly knew she was one to put work before anything else -, but rather the rest of her family.
Deborah had grown up knowing that her father’s side of the family was ruthless when it came to getting back home alone, and it had been bothering her ever since she had first moved out. The snarky remarks coming from her aunt and her husband had always been following Deborah around the walls of her childhood home and, no matter how hard she tried to push them away, she just couldn’t.
And, God. She hated it so much.
In some way, it made the woman want to spend the holiday on her own, away from the prying eyes of her relatives and away from the stress they caused. But she loved her family too much, and leaving them behind wasn’t an option.
When Deborah walked inside the band’s penthouse, she was met with unexpected silence. The entry hall was tidy, the guys’ respective coats hanging one next to the other; the kitchen was clean, plates and cups stored in their designated cupboard; the living room, on the other hand, wasn’t empty.
Matthew was sitting on one of the two couches, a notepad in his hands as he looked out of the window. His eyes were glancing at the gray clouds painting the sky, covering the first few rays of sunlight of the morning.
“Good morning,”
Her voice seemed to shake him out of his trance, body snapping around to meet her eyes as she slowly pushed her coat down her shoulders. “‘Morning, D,”
“Where are the guys?”
“Still sleeping,” Matthew mumbled, watching Debby’s every move as she let her purse sit on one of the kitchen stools. She made her way towards the couch, sitting down next to him as she tried to ignore the tension rising between the two of them, just like it always did.
The trip to New York had seemed to make a big difference in what their friendship - if you could even call it that - was, even if anything barely happened. Seeing him play, falling asleep on his shoulder, taking care of him after the fight - in some way, it all made a difference, and Debby was sure Matthew could tell, too.
That night she had fallen asleep in the car and he carried her to her hotel room? The tea he had brought her that one morning when she was feeling sick? And the talk. The sunset talk.
He didn’t seem to notice the way her heart beat for him and him only, he was so oblivious it made Deborah frustrated.
“How are you doing?” He asked, the soft thud of his notepad hitting the floor making the assistant bat her eyelashes and bringing her back to reality.
“I’m okay,” she admitted, running a hand through her hair as her eyes focused on him. “Just thinking about Thanksgiving,”
He chuckled. “You going back home?”
“I mean, I probably should head back to Arizona,” she sighed, shaking her head before opening her mouth again. “I’m just not ready to have the ‘oh, why can’t a pretty girl like you find a good man to marry?’ talk again,”
“Oh, God,” the man in front of her chuckled. “Been there,”
“What about you? Are you going home?”
There was a beat before his voice darkened, eyes glazing with something Deborah couldn’t quite place as his hand toyed with the hem of his shirt. “No,”
He let his answer linger in the air, the penthouse turning silent again as he stared ahead of himself. From Debby’s spot next to him, it seemed like he was in his thoughts, his lips pushed in a straight line as he let the emptiness of the house hit the two of them.
Another beat. “My family and I are not too close,”
“Oh,” she murmured, eyebrows furrowing as she let her eyes focus on something else other than his face. He looked saddened, in some kind of way, but mainly pissed. “So, uh- spending it with anyone special?”
“Oh no,” his tense jaw slowly turned back to normal as he repressed a chuckle. “I’m single,”
Then who the hell was Taryn?
He seemed to catch on to Deborah’s confused gaze, an eyebrow cocking as he looked at her. “What?”
“Nothing,” her cheeks heated up, embarrassment making her heartbeat quicken as shee looked at her fingers. The look on his face spurred the woman on, her voice becoming shallow as she spoke. “I just- I heard you talking to a girl named Taryn, so I just kind of assumed-”
His laughter interrupted her, waking up the mass of butterflies in her stomach just when his head lulled back against the couch’s headrest. “Oh my God,” he laughed, holding his stomach before looking back at her. “Taryn is my sister,”
Deborah erupted in a fit of laughter too, shaking her head before letting it lean against his shoulder. “I’m so sorry, I don’t even know why I thought that,”
“Don’t worry,” he chuckled. “Some groupies went as far as to call her to tell her to leave me alone,”
The confession made her eyebrows scrunch. Girls did that to him?
Silence settled back between the two of them as Debby’s eyes focused on the city starting to wake up outside the window. The thought that crossed her mind felt wrong from the moment she even tried to phrase it. But there’s nothing worse than spending Thanksgiving on your own, was all her heart could say.
She glanced quickly at Matthew, who was scribbling something on his notepad. The light redness painting his cheeks had her heart clenching with longing, her hands tingling, begging to run through his messy curls. He was truly breathtaking, Deborah couldn’t get enough of him.
“Come to Arizona with me,” the words were rushed, unexpected. They had her surprised when they left her own mouth, and Matthew’s shock was evident as he turned his head around to glance her way.
“Spending Thanksgiving on your own fucking sucks,” Debby pointed out. “And I won’t let you experience that on my watch,”
He laughed, shaking his head before letting their eyes meet. “I don’t want to intrude,”
“You would never intrude,” the woman said, voice gentle as she restrained herself from cradling his cheek. “And my mom has been begging to meet you guys ever since I started working for you,”
That confession made a laugh ripple out of his lips, the sound making her body feel alive. “So? Yes or no?”
There was a moment where he let his gaze meet Debby’s, his fondness hugging her warmly as she momentarily forgot how to speak.
“Only if the tickets are on me,”
She frowned jokingly, biting her lip to hide a smile before speaking. “We’re set,”
“Oh my God, I missed you so much,” Deborah’s mother wept as she left her arms around her daughter’s frame, the crispy wind of Thanksgiving Eve making the afternoon air unexpectedly chilly. “I told you, you should come home more often,”
Debby chuckled at her comment, pushing herself away from her mother to introduce Matthew - her boss and her date. She was fucked. “Mom, this is Matthew. He’s the drummer of the band I work for,”
“It’s so nice to meet you, Mrs. Miller. Thank you for having me,”
From the smile on her mother’s lips, Deborah knew she was sold. The older woman had never been one for tattoos, but Debby had caught her admiring Matthew’s full sleeves from the moment he had crossed her vision; he had helped his date carry her luggage, and she was sure her mom had also noticed that, hence why she was smiling at him as if he had just proposed to her only daughter.
“Come in already, guys. Grandma has just arrived, too,” she mumbled, waving a hand in the air as a signal for the two to get inside.
The sight of her sitting on the couch, eyes focused on knitting made Deborah almost tear up. Grandma was home. Her voice shook the elder out of her trance, her body slowly rising to its feet to embrace Deborah in a longing hug. “Oh, Peaches,” the nickname still held all the memories from her childhood, and her arms circling the assistant made her feel at peace. “I missed you,”
“I missed you, too, grandma,” Debby sniffled, pulling away to introduce Matt to her, too. Her grandmother’s eyes were curious as they scanned him, probably blocking out her granddaughter’s introduction to focus on him instead.
“Where are you from, son?” Her phrase - especially the name she gave Matthew, who was almost twice her height - had the youngest woman in the household repressing a giggle. Matthew, on the other hand, grew quite nervous.
“I was uh- born in Arizona, but grew up in St. Louis,”
The grandmother gave a curt nod, sitting back down on the couch and motioning for Debby to sit down next to her. Her mother joined the room with quick steps, her hand finding Matthew’s shoulder to push his eyes off of the woman that stole his breath away every passing day.
“Deb, I figured Matthew could stay in the basement? Would it be okay?”
The man in question nodded, a smile forming on his lips as he thanked Debby’s mother. He was led towards the stairs before she knew it, a reassuring smile being sent her way before she was left on her own with her grandma.
“He seems nice,” the older woman mumbled, eyes still focused on the hat she was making. “You said he plays the drums?”
“Yes, he’s great,”
There was a beat of silence before she looked up at her granddaughter, eyebrows wiggling jokingly. “You together?”
Deborah’s cheeks heated up, her head shaking quickly soon after as her eyes focused on her lap. There wasn’t a response from her grandmother, who silently went back to her previous tasks and letting her think.
What the hell were the two of them even doing?! Matthew was practically her boss, if something went wrong, she’d probably get fired, for God’s sake. Deborah’s life was literally walking on a thread: one wrong decision and she would be done.
No more working for Chordback, no more traveling with the band. No more Matt.
And she couldn’t let that happen. Her heart was beating for the drummer, and there was nothing she could do about it.
Whatever was going to happen during the holidays, she was hoping it wasn’t going to end everything between her and Matt before it even started. She wasn’t going to let that happen.
She felt like her happy ending might have been closer than she had thought.
The morning after Matthew and Deborah’s arrival was busier than the latter had expected. The loud noises coming from the kitchen woke her up from her deep, peaceful slumber, and by the time she made it downstairs, the house was in full swing.
Her mother and grandma were zooming around the family home, rushing around with pots and pans, not a care in the world when it came to waking up the rest of the household. Her father, on the other hand, was sitting at the kitchen island, a comical look of exasperation painting wrinkles on his face.
The stairs leading towards the basement weren’t empty either: a quite shocked - and still sleepy - Matt stood right on the last step, watching the net of nerves Deborah’s family had created unfold in front of his eyes.
“Well, good-fucking-morning,” the woman giggled, turning around just in time to catch him chuckle, his body clad in an old band tee and a pair of plaid pants she had never seen him wear. His arm lifted itself up in the air, hand signaling her to come closer before he could wrap the limb around her body, his relaxing scent filling her nostrils.
“Good morning,” he hummed, voice still hoarse after the multiple hours of sleep. “Looks pretty chaotic in here,”
“And you haven’t seen Christmas,” Debby giggled, the sound of his laughter making her heart skip a beat. “Dad’s having breakfast, I’m sure he won’t mind if we join,”
The curls on top of Matthew’s head bobbed along with his nod as he followed her towards the main source of sound - and chaos - in the household. Deborah translated her father’s grumble into what she could only guess was a ‘good morning’, and took it upon herself to make coffee for her and Matt.
Debby longingly watched him talk to her father as she waited for the warm beverage to get ready, realizing that with each day passing, she was falling for him even more. It was a shock to her, if she had to be honest. She was falling deeply in love with someone she hadn’t even shared a kiss with, but God, she was more than smitten.
The beeping of the coffee machine shocked her out of your lovesick trance, Deborah’s eyelashes batting a few times before she grabbed their mugs and headed towards the island.
“Yeah, the Oilers are definitely having a good season,” Matthew agreed to whatever her father had said. “Leafs have been doing pretty well too,”
“You’re right, son,”
“What are you talking about?” Debby asked, a smile on her lips as she sat next to Matthew.
“Hockey,” her father said, tipping his head back to finish his dark coffee. “Matthew told me his brother plays for the Senators,”
The girl’s eyes widened, searching for Matthew’s face. “Really?”
“Yeah,” he chuckled, eyes not moving from his coffee until he changed the conversation, leaving her utterly in the dark about his family situation. Deborah thought it was funny that just a few minutes prior, she was thinking she was falling in love with the man sitting beside her, when in reality she knew just a few things about his life. “So, uh- should I wear anything specific today?”
“Just something slightly elegant, mom doesn’t care too much,” she said, smiling when he nodded his head.
“Should I wear a tie?”
“Oh, God,”
“Hey, I brought one with me just in case!” He said, a hint of joking in his tone as he sipped on his coffee. “Ties are cool,”
“I’ve never seen you wear one in your life, Matt,” Deborah giggled. “And I’ve been working with you for two years,”
“Maybe I wear them in my free time, how could you know that?”
She laughed, shaking her head as the world came to a halt around them. It was just her and Matthew, joking in the kitchen at half-past-eight in the morning, voices still hoarse as they sipped on their coffee. Debby’s brain could only think that, maybe, she could get used to it.
By the time dinner rolled around, she felt nervous. She watched herself twirl one last time in front of her mirror, the flowered dress she was wearing moving with her as she breathed out a sigh.
Another Thanksgiving. Debby was secretly hoping it would be better than all the other holidays, and something in her was telling her it was going to be the best Thanksgiving of her life. Because Matthew came along.
Closing her childhood bedroom door behind herself, Deborah heard the familiar voices of her relatives coming from the first floor, her aunt’s shrill tone standing taller than the rest.
“And who’s the new addition to the family?”
Debby’s eyes widened, a muttered curse leaving her lips as she sprinted down the stairs, all the attention being lifted onto her when she almost fell face first in the middle of the living room.
“Debs! Happy Thanksgiving!”
The greetings were all quickly sent her way, followed by hugs and small talk as she greeted the new guests. Deborah’s aunt, though, didn’t take long before going back to Matthew, a mischievous look on her face as she gave him a once-over.
“Back to you, darling. New addition to the family? We haven’t met yet,”
“I’m Matthew,” Debby’s - well... - date said, a charming smile that would be able to make millions of girls swoon painting his lips. Your aunt’s hand moved in the air, spurring his presentation on in an embarrassing way. “I’m uh- I’m Deborah’s boyfriend,”
The silence that filled the room only highlighted the assistant’s shock even more. Matthew Tkachuk literally had told her entire family he was her boyfriend. What the actual fuck.
“Oh my God! And you weren’t gonna tell me, Debs?!”
Her aunt pulled her in a bone crushing hug, hopefully not noticing the panic evident on her features. “Finally! I thought you were going to stay single forever!”
Deborah pushed out a fake giggle, looking up at Matthew with confusion in her eyes. What she got in return was a wink, the smile on her fake-boyfriend’s lips spurring her to keep the act going.
“Dinner is served, everyone!”
Debby had to refrain herself from pushing out a sigh of relief, her hand lacing with Matthew’s as she tapped her mother’s shoulder. “I gotta talk to Matt, we will be back in a second, I swear,”
Without waiting for a response, Deborah pushed past the people surrounding them before reaching the closest bathroom, locking the door behind the two of them. “Matthew, what the hell are we doing?”
The chuckle that left his lips made her eyebrows furrow, arms wrapping over her chest. “This is no joke! Now my entire family thinks we’re together!”
“Let’s just act like we are, then,” he pointed, shoulders shrugging as he let his fingertips play with the edge of her dress. “You look beautiful, by the way,”
Ignoring the way her cheeks heated up and her heart started racing, Debby pushed him down to sit on the edge of the bathtub. “God, why did you do that?”
“You said you didn’t wanna face the usual nosy questions, I helped with that,” Matthew smirked, his hands inching higher until they ended up holding her waist. “All we need to do is act as if we’re in love, and that’s not hard,”
Normally, Deborah wouldn’t have paid much attention to his last remark, seeing how easy it had been for Noah to fake a relationship for PR once, but his tone held something. She couldn’t quite place it, but it made it sound like the words had a deeper meaning. On the other hand, he was right: acting like she was in love with him would be easier than expected, because she looked at him as if he hung the stars in the sky, and she couldn’t deny it.
Deborah smiled at the genius in front of her, though, taking one last look at his glacial eyes before letting their hands slip together.
“I knew you were trouble, Matthew Tkachuk,” but God, she loved him for it.
Dinner went better than expected, and for the first time in years, Thanksgiving brought a smile to Deborah’s lips. Was it because Matthew was by her side? She didn’t know. What she did know, though, was how good his arms around her felt, how addicting his lips on her cheek and temple were.
By the time her relatives left her house, Deborah was still buzzing. She had drunk a glass of wine, but she wasn’t buzzed on alcohol. She was buzzed on Matthew’s attention.
The two of them stood by her parents as they waved her aunt’s white car goodbye, his strong arm wrapped around her waist as he smiled oh so tenderly.
“Dad and I are heading to sleep,” Deborah’s mother mumbled. “We can take care of the dishes tomorrow morning,”
“Alright,” was all the daughter said. “I’ll be upstairs in a few,”
Matthew wished her mother goodnight, tugging Debby along inside the household as soon as the older woman reached the top of the stairs. His eyes filled with their familiar glimmer Debby knew too well, a smile forming on her lips as he twirled her in his arms. “We should get into acting,”
“Totally,” she giggled, her arms wrapping themselves around his neck as their eyes stayed in contact. “We slayed it,”
“I knew we would,” he admitted, head so close to hers his breath fanned over her nose. “Loving you is easier than I had expected, Deborah,”
The words were unexpected, but they engraved themselves in the woman’s mind as soon as her brain recepted them. The butterflies in her stomach were making every single muscle in her body tingle, and when one of Matthew’s hands cupped her cheek, Deborah feared her legs would give up on her.
His scent invaded her senses the second he came closer, his lips ghosting over hers as the newfound moment became sweet, tender. “Can I kiss you?”
The sudden ring of his phone snatched them out of their trance, Deborah’s lungs inhaling sharply after what felt like hours. The two of them separated, her cheeks feeling warmer than normal as she watched him look at the screen with what she could only call annoyance.
The device was vibrating in his hand, but he looked like he was contemplating on whether picking up the call or not. The screen read ‘Dad’, and the grimace on his face was what made Debby’s heart clench.
“You should take it,” the words left her mouth before she could even stop them.
“I probably should,” was all he mumbled, sending her a quick look before letting his eyes focus back on the device. Just as he swiped right, Debby pushed herself to the tip of her toes, pressing a swift, lingering kiss on his cheek.
“Goodnight, Matthew,”
As she made her way up the stairs and towards her room, Deborah let her cold fingertips graze the spot where his hand had rested, right on her cheek. She felt like a teenager in love again, a frustrated one, though.
Though they had almost had their first kiss together twice, something had always been in the way. First Noah, then Matthew’s father. Why was everyone keeping her from kissing him?
She wanted nothing more than to wrap her arms around him again and let their lips meet, but the universe had been thinking otherwise for what felt like ages. As Debby sat on her bed - still too happy to give up on all the newfound emotions -, she wondered what his lips would taste like, what it would feel like to be his.
After another moment of thinking, she forgot about everyone and everything and rushed down the stairs. The first floor was empty, but the lights in the basement were still casting shade over the stairs, inviting her to step closer.
As she rushed down that smaller flight of stairs too, Debby wondered if it was the right time to do it. To finally live her life a little. She swung the door open, Matthew’s light eyes rushing up from his dark phone screen to her face, a look of shock evident in them.
He sprung to his feet and caught her right before she could fall in his arms. She took a second to wrap her arms around his neck, letting their lips meet in the sweetest kiss she’d ever experienced.
His lips felt softer than clouds, so gentle against hers she thought she could faint; his arms - tight around her waist - were keeping Deborah close to his body, their warmth familiar. Everything about the moment was perfect, from the way their bodies fit together, to the way she started to struggle for breath.
They parted ways just when they couldn’t take it anymore, their foreheads meeting tenderly as they caught their breaths. “Wow,” the breathed exclamation made Debby giggle, Matthew’s plush lips painting with a smile as he admired her. “That was-”
“That was fucking awesome,” she finished his line, giggling at how childish she sounded. With a shake of her head, she let herself untangle from him, her body missing his warmth. “I uh- I probably should go to sleep,”
Deborah’s gaze was stuck on her feet, rising to meet his eyes just when his thumb and pointer finger lifted up her chin. There was a second before he leaned down to give the woman one last sweet kiss, his lips tenderly moving against hers before parting again.
“Good night, Debby,”
Deborah wrapped her cardigan tighter around herself as she leaned on the railing of the balcony overlooking her garden, watching the sunset longingly. The silence surrounding her was peaceful, and she felt relaxed, happy to be free for one last day.
“You’re gonna catch a cold, again,”
Debby turned around to face Matthew with a smile on her lips, jokingly rolling her eyes as he wrapped an arm around her. “I’m pretty sure colds don’t work like that,”
He chuckled, turning around to face the setting sun too. A feeling of déjà vu sent shivers down the woman’s spine, even if she knew that it wasn’t just a sensation: her and Matthew had experienced the sunset together before, it wasn’t just a feeling.
“Thank you for letting me come along,” he mumbled, a hand soothingly playing with her hair as he looked at the sky. “Your family is great,”
His words held a small hint of sadness, so subtle yet present enough to let Debby catch onto it. A part of her wanted to know what caused this sadness every time someone’s family was mentioned, the other wanted to let him take his time, talk about it whenever he was ready.
She had never been too patient in her entire life: as a kid, she’d stay awake during Christmas Eve’s night just to wake up as soon as the sun rose to open presents; as a teenager, she felt frustrated whenever she’d have to wait months to see her favorite artists in concerts. It was something she had always hated, but was never able to control.
For Matthew, though, Deborah was willing to wait.
“You know, I haven’t really had a Thanksgiving like this ever since I was sixteen,” he admitted, voice taking a gravelly tone as he avoided her eyes. “Ever since uh- the band grew famous, I guess,”
Debby watched his features take a bitter tone as he kept his gaze focused on the orange landscape. “You don’t have to talk about it, if you don’t feel like it, Matt,”
“Someone needs to know,” he sighed, shrugging gingerly before glancing her way. “The guys know I’m not close with my family, but they don’t know why. I trust you, and I want you to know,”
Panic set Deborah’s body on fire as she realized she was the first person to know about his family situation. He trusted her.
“My dad played hockey professionally for almost twenty years, it was in my blood to follow after his footsteps,” he started, interrupting her inner panicked conversation. “I was on skates before I could even walk, had a stick in my hand before I learned how to write, skated behind a puck before I even made friends. He thought it was in my blood.
“But, fuck, when I first saw a drum set at the age of five and heard my first rock song a few days later, I couldn’t care less about hockey and what my dad wanted. I started playing at a friend’s house: his sister owned a drum kit and let me use it twice a week, and music made me happy in a way hockey couldn’t,” Matthew admitted. “I played behind everyone’s backs just so they wouldn’t get disappointed in me. I’d go to hockey practice and work my ass off to make my father happy, then I’d get on my bike and ride to my friend’s neighborhood to play the drums.
“I took music during High School, and my teacher saw me play. He wanted me to join the school’s band, but I needed my parents’ signatures for that, and I didn’t want them to know. Eventually, he accidentally told them I should have pursued my dreams and that night was a fucking mess,” he sighed. “My mom, she- she didn’t mind, she was proud of me. She was happy I was doing what I really wanted to do, even if it was behind their backs. My dad, on the other hand, was pissed that his firstborn son wasn’t following his father’s footsteps. He had never been one for music,”
Debby let one of her hands slip into his, squeezing his palm gently to send him a non-verbal message of comfort. He was safe to speak, with her. “You know, I was his pride and joy growing up. He saw me playing ever since I was a child, and when he lost all hope in me when he learned about me playing the drums, it hurt. He loves my brother and sister because they do what he did, my brother even plays professionally like his old man. I was the disappointment of the family, in his eyes.
“I barely even remember how Chordback got together, but we got famous quickly, and I moved out as soon as possible. I wanted to enjoy my life without being under his disappointed glares, you know?” He sighed, shaking his head slightly. “Now I barely go home, and my mom hates it,”
There was a moment of silence as Deborah took in his story, shock filling her body as she breathed out shakily. “Matthew, I’m so sorry-”
“Don’t be,” he chuckled, shrugging as he let his eyes meet hers. “Mine isn’t a sob story,”
“So, he called?” She asked, remembering Matthew’s father had called a few nights prior.
“He wished me a happy Thanksgiving. Mumbled the usual bullshit about the fact that they miss me, that I should go home to at least see my mother,” he sighed. “Same stuff Taryn said over the phone a few months ago,”
Debby bit her lip, watching his tense body as he ran a hand through his hair. She didn’t know what to say. She had never expected him to have a story like that: he always looked fine, not a worry in his eyes as he went along with the flow. Yet, so much was hidden behind the barrier that kept the world away from his fragile heart.
Debby did the only thing that seemed to make sense in her mind, which was wrap him in a hug. He didn’t reciprocate the embrace for a second, but when his arms wrapped around her waist and his head dropped to the crook of her neck, she knew he needed it.
He needed someone to stabilize him for a second, to silently tell him everything was going to be alright, even if he felt like life was not okay.
She held him until he let go of her, because she remembered her grandma’s words: you never know how much someone needs a hug, so don’t let go until they do.
And by the time the two of them went back to watch the sunset, the future looked clearer.
Life went back in full swing the moment Debby set foot in Calgary, Matthew by her side. Her phone rang with a call from Jean when the two of them went to pick up their bags at the airport, and the overwhelming nerves that came with working in the music industry made their way back in her system.
Days went by before she knew it, her head living in a limbo where all that mattered was her job. And Matthew.
Thanksgiving night couldn’t leave Debby’s head, and she didn’t want it to. She found herself thinking about it at night, alone in her cold bed as she begged for some rest, but her mind always thought otherwise.
Seeing Matt at work wasn’t easy either: her hands tingled, wanting to touch him; her lips begged to be kissed again, and she couldn’t just take it anymore. Staying away from him was what she was bound to do with her job, but all she wanted was to be his.
But it almost seemed like he didn’t reciprocate the feeling. There was distance, a lack of communication that was needed between the two of them. How could she figure out what the two of them were, if he didn’t talk to her? That was what Debby kept asking herself.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a familiar hand on her shoulder, Noah’s eyes the first thing Deborah saw after daydreaming. “We’re boarding,”
“Alright,” she nodded her head, inhaling sharply before rolling her suitcase behind herself. The band was headed to New York again, and her and Jean were coming along for the ride, as per usual.
Growing up, traveling was something Debby had always wished to do, especially when she had reached her teen years. Taking the opportunity to become Chordback’s PA meant that she would have been traveling non-stop, and she had been ecstatic when she landed the job.
Looking back at it, Deborah’s happiness was still there, and saying she loved her job was an understatement. Did she wish for a break every once in a while - even from traveling? Yes, but the music industry never went to sleep.
Debby followed the band towards the plane, her eyes focusing on the sunny sky until the back of a familiar hand ghosted over hers. She looked up to see Matthew’s side profile, a trail of warmth filling her chest when his skin brushed hers, the sleeves of their coats hiding the motions from everyone else surrounding them.
Shivers rushed down her spine as the cold wind pushed her hair out of her face and, eventually, Matthew left her side, her high hopes of seeing any kind of emotion from him slowly lowering. Debby walked up the few small stairs that led inside the jet, shock stopping her right on the last step.
The woman that was greeting the team was smiling widely, her brunette hair pulled into a tight bun as she sported the sharpest uniform Debby had ever seen. She looked beautiful, confidence spilling out of her body as she shook the personal assistant’s hand.
“I’ll be your new pilot,”
A smile broke out on Deborah’s face, so wide she was scared it might get stuck there. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,”
By the time she reached her spot next to Jean, she felt quite confused, though. Why had the pilot been fired? Debby was sure nobody had caught onto the way he had been acting with her and how uncomfortable he had her feeling, so why was he gone?
Jean seemed to read her mind. “Matthew fired the old pilot right before Thanksgiving,” she whispered as she touched up her signature red lipstick. “He said the guy was a perv to the flight assistants,”
Deborah nodded her head along, eyes meeting with Matthew’s. She knew he had been listening to her conversation with Jean all along by the smug look on his face. “Yeah Jean, I also beat him up. Just thought you should know,”
The lipstick in her hand almost fell to the floor, a smudge of red painting the corner of her mouth as her eyes widened. “You what?!”
“I gave him his last paycheck to make him keep his mouth shut, don’t worry,”
“Matthew, that’s even worse!” She screeched, hands shaking as she searched through her purse to find her phone. “Oh my God-”
“The guy deserved it, Jean,” Matthew continued, voice becoming serious. “He was harassing the assistants and- and Deborah,”
The attention inside the plane shifted towards the woman in question, her heart beating out of her chest as an infinite amount of questions rushed through her mind. How did he notice? Had it been that obvious?
“Debby, is it true?” Jean said in a whisper, shock evident in her voice as her eyes stayed on the assistant’s features.
“I-I mean,” she stuttered, shrugging slightly. “It wasn’t anything too big, but it sure was creepy,”
“You could have told me sooner,” the manager said, her warm hand resting on Deborah’s forearm in a reassuring manner. “I would have tried to fire him as soon as possible,”
Debby gave her another shrug before shutting up, not wanting to discuss the matter any further. She felt embarrassed enough to let a man do that to her and not react, but when Matthew - the man she had more than a crush on - found out about the entire situation? She had never been more embarrassed.
She popped her earbuds in and watched the land fly past her from her window, hoping that everyone would forget about the matter by the time they landed. It wasn’t the case, though.
It was almost night by the time the band arrived in New York, to say Debby was more than tired to reciprocate the kind smiles coming from the hotel clerks was an understatement. Her room card was handed to her after just a few minutes, and the thought of crashing on a bed almost had her yawning.
Matthew walked past her, sending a small smile her way before the doors of his elevator closed. She had been successful at blocking any thought regarding the flight, but the questions still kept her curious, even in her tired state.
Deborah headed towards her room, catching one last glimpse of the drummer disappearing behind her neighboring door. She blew out a sigh, getting inside her room and letting her suitcase fall to the floor, ready to slip into comfortable clothing and get in bed.
With the covers up to her chin, though, her eyes just couldn’t close. Debby found herself staring out the floor-to-ceiling windows, the city still awake at the ungodly hour, just like her.
As pathetic as it sounded, she wanted nothing more than to know how Matthew had found out, or even why he had taken it upon himself to fire the pilot. Why had he been so selfless?
The questions kept her awake, and all she wanted was just to sleep. She knew, though, that her body wouldn’t rest until her mind shut down, too.
She pushed the covers away, slipping a pair of slippers on and leaving the room sluggishly, eyes tired. As Deborah stopped in front of Matthew’s door, she felt suddenly awake. Nerves started to make her anxious, and she had to push herself to knock before she could rush back to her room with her tail between her legs.
There was a second before the door opened, Matthew looking quite tired too as he ran a hand through his messy hair. “Deb?”
“How did you find out?”
From the look on his face, Debby knew she didn’t need to elaborate her words, to explain what she really wanted to know.
“Come in,” was all he mumbled, opening the door wider for her. She followed his instruction, entering the room that looked the exact copy of hers before sitting down on the corner of his bed.
There was a moment of silence as he stood in front of her, tattooed arms folding over his chest as he bit his bottom lip. For a second, Deborah’s body lit up on fire, craving to feel his lips pressing against hers. She came back to reality and cooled down when she remembered why she was in his room. She needed answers.
“I uh- I noticed you always disassociated when we boarded the plane,” Matthew started, the look on his face turning serious when his eyes met with hers. “And at first I thought you were just scared of heights or something, but it didn’t make any sense,
“Then the other week I boarded the plane behind you and that motherfucker started hitting on you,” his voice became darker, a hint of protectiveness in his tone Debby had never found before making her hands tremble. “And it was clear you weren’t reciprocating,”
“You didn’t need to do that for me, you know?”
“I wanted to,” he admitted. “I couldn’t stand seeing you like that. I have a sister, and I wouldn’t be able to be at peace with myself if I knew something like that was happening to her and didn’t do anything to keep her safe, and same applies to you,”
Deborah tried not to acknowledge the warmth inside her chest as her eyes fell to her lap, a sigh leaving her lips. “It wasn’t worth it, Matthew. If people find out you hurt him, there will be chaos,”
“Everything I do for you is worth it, Debby,” he whispered, pushing her chin upwards so their eyes could meet, his orbs laced with fondness. “Even if it means I’ll have to punch a perv and ruin my career. Why can’t you understand that?”
The woman shook her head, repressing a small smile before sighing again.
“I need you to be safe, Deborah,” he whispered, voice as tender as a cloud as he spoke to her. “I wouldn’t forgive myself if something happened to you without me even noticing,”
The words had tears well up in her eyes, but she fought the urge to let them streak down her face. Nobody had ever cared that much about her, and she felt full of something she couldn’t quite place. Love? Fondness?
“Promise me you’ll stay safe,” he asked, voice shallow as he cupped her cheek.
“I promise,”
His body inched closer to hers, the only thing separating the two of them being a thin layer of air. His lips fell on Deborah’s after a second, sweetly carefree as she got lost in his scent, his presence.
He was kissing her. She felt more than confused from all the times she felt like he had been avoiding her, but he was kissing her, and she ignored any red flag she could have possibly thought about.
Debby wished to never let go, but her body reminded her that she was more than tired by making her legs give out on her, her embarrassed laugh ending the kiss. “I’m uh- I’m exhausted from today, I should probably go to sleep,”
Matthew nodded, a silent smile painting his slightly swollen lips as he pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Of course you will,”
Tomorrow was quite eventful, though. Deborah woke up late, the sound of her alarm not being loud enough to wake her from her deep slumber; she stumbled around her room to get dressed up, sending a quick text to the band to tell them she was going to be late to breakfast, receiving a string of messages explaining they were going to wait for her.
When she left her room, Debby was still half asleep. She registered the voices of the guys, and she registered Matthew’s soft smile, but she went on autopilot when she followed the boys towards the breakfast spot.
Her rough, real awakening happened in front of the café, where an unfamiliar girl was waiting for them - or, at least, Noah. She was tall, hair a beautiful shade of blond as a breathtaking smile painted her lips, directed to Noah and Noah only. It looked like she only had eyes for him, and from the way the lead didn’t shy away from her attention, Debby realized who she really was. Aleena.
There was a brief moment where they hugged, sharing a laugh as Noah bent down to press a kiss on her cheek before turning around to face Deborah and the rest of the band. As the assistant looked around in pure shock, she noticed that Johnny, Matthew and Elias all shared her same expression.
“Guys, this is Aleena,” Noah said, holding back laughter at the looks on their faces. “She’ll be joining us for breakfast, I hope this isn’t a problem,”
“Uh, no! Not at all!” Debby exclaimed, pushing herself out of her trance to shake the girl’s hand. “I’m Deborah, the band’s personal assistant,”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Aleena said, a gentle smile on her lips. The few minutes that followed the encounter were spent with introductions, a thin layer of shock still coating the air as everyone got inside the café to place their orders.
“Damn,” Matthew whispered from behind Debby, chuckling as they queued behind other people. “I wasn’t expecting him to introduce her this soon,”
“Me neither,” the assistant admitted, looking at him with a smile. “She’s nice, though,”
He nodded, agreeing with her as she moved forward, repeating her order in her head. “You think they’re going public?” Deborah asked, checking her phone for the time before looking back up, waiting for an answer.
“I think Jean is in the dark about this as much as we were,” Matt mumbled, letting his hands rest on her shoulders subconsciously, her heart skipping a beat at his touch. “So I think he has to tell her first,”
Debby nodded her head, a smile forming on her lips when she came face-to-face with the barista. She placed her order calmly, reaching for her wallet when the moment to pay arrived.
“I’ve got it,”
Matthew placed his order and paid for the both of them, not even giving the assistant enough time to fight and pay for her own stuff. “Well, thank you, then,” she said, jokingly rolling her eyes as they grabbed their drink and headed for their table, the drummer sitting next to her after a few seconds.
He had talked to her, paid for her drink, touched her shoulder. At that point, Debby was asking herself where they really were standing. There were moments when she felt like a stranger to him, when he barely even sent a smile her way; other times - mostly behind closed doors -, it felt like she was his, but just when it was needed, not always.
The empty table became quite crowded after everyone sat down with their breakfast. “So, new album and tour this year, boys,” Elias smirked, taking a sip of his coffee. “Missed that shit,”
“Album drops in a month, so you’ve still got some time to put some final touches,” Deborah pointed out. “Then tour is in a couple of months,”
A few nods came from around the table, her eyes settling on Aleena as she silently sipped on what Deborah could only guess was a latte. “Are you coming along, Aleena?”
The new addition seemed to be shocked by Debby’s question, almost choking on her drink as she opened her mouth to speak. “I uh- we haven’t really talked about it, yet,” she said, looking up at Noah with so much admiration it made the assistant’s heart clench.
Debby nodded, smiling her way before sipping her drink, a hint of jealousy of what the couple had sending shivers down her spine. Breakfast went faster than she had expected as she found herself talking to Noah’s girlfriend with the group and enjoying her company, and by the time they left the place, Deborah was sad to leave Aleena behind.
The band needed to get to the studio to discuss the upcoming release and tour, though, and the group and Aleena had to part ways.
“I think we should celebrate,” Elias pointed out, leaning on his chair with his arm behind his head. “Have a few drinks, go to a club,”
“We haven’t even released the news, Elias,” Jean sighed, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Why not, though? We could just have a party before everything gets released, just us,”
Jean spit out a laugh at the ‘just us’, making the guitarist scowl jokingly. “Back to the album. It’s done, then?”
“Almost,” Noah corrected. “We could pull an all-nighter tonight and just finish it,”
Matthew nodded, followed by Johnny and Elias. Everything seemed to be on board, and Deborah felt happy. The band was back to normal: the fights had come to a halt, they were about to release their newest - and best, by far - album, and they were going on tour again.
One thing was holding back her happiness, though, and it was confusion.
What the hell was happening with Matthew?
The walk from the café to the studio had been enough to send her in a spiral of thoughts, finally realizing that what was going on between the two of them wasn’t quite right. For some reason, she wanted nothing more but to know where she stood in his life, if she mattered or if she was just another groupie.
Bitterness filled her mouth as she found him staring, embarrassment making her feel numb. It had taken her so long to realize that he was playing a game, and she felt stupid.
Debby lifted herself up from her chair, grabbing her purse. “I’ll head out to take a breather,”
And when he didn’t even spare her a glance, she knew she needed to figure out what was really happening between the two of them.
Deborah wasn’t another fucking groupie, that she was sure of.
“Alright, we’re almost done, guys,” Noah mumbled, eyes cast on the laptop sitting in front of him as Johnny stood behind him, arms folded over his chest.
“Final touches?” Elias popped from the bathroom, still drying his hands with a paper towel.
“Yeah,” Matt murmured. The drummer was sitting on the couch right in front of Deborah’s, a look she couldn’t quite read painting his features.
The all-nighter the guys had pulled had been going on for hours, and she was quite tired. The moon was peeking over a thick set of curtains, wishing to get her attention by painting a white streak inside the studio. Her head was pounding, but she wanted to assist to the start of Chordback’s new era. Sleep wasn’t on her schedule, at least until the band finally was done.
The late hour was taking a toll on everyone, but even through their almost bloodshot eyes, Debby could tell the guys were more awake than they had ever been. The air felt exciting, and she felt like she had nothing to lose.
“And we’re done,”
Noah’s words had the entire room in silence, even the rustling of the wind outside came to a halt when he spoke. Debby’s heart raced, a smile forming on her lips as she looked up at the lead, nothing but respect in her eyes.
“Holy fucking shit-” Elias whisper-yelled, running a hand through his messy hair before breaking the silence with a shocked laugh. “Holy shit-”
“We’re done!” Johnny exclaimed, his voice louder than his bandmate’s.
“Fuck yes,” Matthew smirked, throwing a fist in the air in celebration before pulling Noah in a hug. “We did it, man,”
Deborah congratulated the boys, hugging each one of them like a proud little sister before she got to Matthew, her heart clenching. Where the hell did she stand? “Good job, Matt,” she smiled awkwardly, leaning in to give him a quick side hug.
“Should we pop a bottle open?” Elias asked, his frame hunched over the minibar. When he rose back to his full height, he was holding a bottle of champagne, his familiar smirk keeping the left corner of his mouth up.
“Hell yes!” Noah chuckled, looking around to find some flutes only to find himself helpless: there weren’t glasses to celebrate with. Debby didn’t need him to even send a glance her way, her hands already gathering her stuff.
“Debby, can we-”
“I’ll go get someone for you,” she said to the lead, slinging her purse over her shoulder. “I was heading out anyway,”
“Already? Darling, this is the best part and you’re leaving,” Elias said, voice holding the flirty tone that she knew he couldn’t even control.
“I’m sure we can celebrate when the dates will be released,” Deborah winked his way, opening the door and stopping right before she could walk inside the fancy hallway. She turned around, facing all of them before pointing a finger their way. “Don’t do anything stupid,”
“Yes, ma’am,” was the only answer she could hear as she stepped out of the room, reaching the closest desk where Maria - the kind receptionist she grew to be friends with - was smiling, not a trace of tiredness in her dark eyes.
“Maria, can you please send some flutes to Chordback’s studio?” She asked, slipping her coat on just as some footsteps started to sound behind her. “They just finished their album,”
“Of course. Heading out?”
“Yes,” she sighed, stopping in her tracks just when she heard a familiar voice calling her name.
“Deborah, wait,”
Matthew was rushing down the hallway, hair stuck in an unusual nest as he sported a confused look. Another sigh left Debby’s lips, her eyelids closing as she turned around to face him. “What, Matthew?”
“What’s up with you? Did I do something wrong?”
“What do you mean what’s up with me?”
“You’ve been acting weird, today,” he pointed out. “You were okay this morning, and then you gave me the cold shoulder the entire day. Really, what the hell have I done?”
“What the fuck are we doing, Matt?”
His eyebrows furrowed as he received a question, instead of an answer. His mouth opened but closed again, only to leave the woman with silence. She took it upon herself to keep the conversation going. “Because our points of view are clearly not the same,”
“What are you talking about, sweetheart?”
The pet name made Deborah flinch, her heart doing a forbidden cartwheel as she cursed herself for even feeling that way during an argument. “I’m talking about the fact that we kissed on Thanksgiving, you protected me from that fucking asshole of a pilot, asked me to promise to be safe, and I still don’t know whether you want this to happen or not!” The words came out louder than she had expected, but she didn’t care. She was exasperated and she needed to know. “And, for God’s sake, don’t call me sweetheart,”
Deborah was faced with another moment of silence, Matthew’s face taking an expression she couldn’t quite read. She had never heard silence that loud, and his lack of words was enough to answer every single question of hers.
“I don’t have time for your silence, I’m heading out,” Debby spat out, clutching her bag closer before muttering her next words. “I’ll see you tomorrow,”
When she had first thought about confronting Matthew, she thought it wasn’t going to affect her. But by the time she left the tall skyscraper, remembering the conversation the two of them had had on its top at sunset, she couldn’t tell if the wetness on her face was formed by the rain or the tears.
She felt empty, even if the argument was for the best. She had done nothing to deserve to get played by a man like Matthew - rich, with nothing to lose - and she knew her worth. But God, did it hurt.
Deborah’s hopes had been over the roof from the start, but he had just led her on, like men like him do with groupies. He needed to figure out what he felt and where he wanted things to go, because she already knew where she stood about that.
Noah and Aleena were happy, so happy. They looked like they were fitted perfectly for each other. Naively, she had thought she and Matthew could have been the same.
But clearly, a happy ending in her love life still wasn’t planned.
“Okay, so Rolling Stones interview on the fifth?” She asked Jean, eyes stuck on her laptop as she scrolled through Chordback’s schedule. “The day after the album release? Wow,”
“Yeah, they were begging us to be the first ones to get an interview,” Jean sighed, sipping on her coffee before looking down at her own papers. “Then we have a few more interviews,”
“And all the radio interviews during-”
“Flowers for Deborah?”
The words had the assistant frowning in confusion, her eyes turning up to see a delivery man standing on the doorway of the meeting room. He held a large bouquet of flowers, the composition looking lovely even from the distance.
Debby rose from her chair with uncertainty clear in her features, grabbing the bouquet from his larger hands. “You sure it’s for Deborah? I haven’t received flowers ever since graduation,”
The man chuckled, the smile not quite reaching his eyes as he checked his watch, probably in a rush. “100% sure. Have a nice day, ma’am,”
He was out of eyesight before she could even thank him - or ask him to check again -, her eyes focusing on the gift in her hands as the room filled with silence. Who the hell could have sent her flowers? A small whistle brought the woman back to reality, making her turn around to face Jean. “Secret admirer?”
Was it her ex? “I didn’t even know I had one,”
Deborah’s fingers caressed the delicate petals until something sharp came in contact with her skin. The small piece of paper was looking up at her as if it was begging to be read, her heart hammering as she let her fingertips graze over it.
I know this isn’t much, but it is the start. - M
“Oh my God,” she muttered under your breath, sighing loudly. Matthew?
And he didn’t lie in the note: with each and every passing day, gifts were waiting for Debby at her hotel door, at the recording label, even in her bathroom. She had received multiple bouquets of flowers, a cute tote bag she had seen on a specific Etsy store and mumbled about for weeks, skincare products she still was missing, and what the hell?
Every single present was paired with a message written in Matthew’s chicken scratch, his words meaningful even through paper, and what the fuck was happening?!
Jean would strangle out a laugh every time she’d see a new gift waiting for Deborah, muttering about the fact that not even her ex-husband was as passionate about forgiveness after cheating as Matthew was. Though she looked completely fine on the outside, Debby didn’t know how to feel.
In some ways, she felt childish for even arguing with him: he was a busy man, he didn’t have time for relationships. At the same time, though, she felt like she deserved more than to be played like a game, like she was nothing more than a stranger to him.
Certainly, getting spoiled by the man she almost yelled at really didn’t help with making Deborah feel like what she did was right, especially since it looked like he was trying his everything to get one last chance.
“Are you ever going to forgive this poor secret admirer?” Jean asked, eyes not even leaving her paper as Debby sat in front of her, miserably looking at the pins she had just received. The pastel-colored items she had liked on Instagram just a few days prior felt cold in the assistant’s hands, and it wasn’t the first time she’d started questioning her life choices. “He looks like he’s desperately trying to win you back,”
“And he is,” Deborah sighed, burying her face in her hands before looking up at the ceiling. “I feel like it was stupid of me to start a fight, you know?”
“Why don’t you just talk to him, then?” In some ways, the assistant was thankful Jean didn’t know Matthew was the main character of the conversation.
“Because I’m scared he’ll hate me,”
The woman laughed loudly, making Deborah turn as small as an ant right in front of her. “Open your eyes, will you, girl? The man is whipped. A man who doesn’t know a woman’s worth wouldn’t chase or wait for her,”
Her words engraved themselves in Debby’s mind, their truth so candid she couldn’t even question it. She remembered what her grandma had told her after her first big heartbreak: there’s plenty of fish in the sea, but Deborah knew her gran’s advice wouldn’t apply with Matthew’s situation.
“I just- I don’t know what to do,”
“Has he been good to you? Has he treated you well?” Jean asked, her eyes boring into Debby’s when she nodded her head. “Then don’t think and do whatever your heart tells you to do,”
The assistant watched her for a swift second, lifting herself up from her chair and grabbing her purse. “I’m heading off,”
“Use protection!” Jean yelled behind her, a laugh leaving her lips before she mumbled under her breath. “God, when did I start being so poetic?”
With her heart hammering against her rib cage, Debby rushed through the busy streets of New York, meeting Matthew being the only thought on her mind. To her luck, the hotel the band was staying in was not too far away from their studio, and by the time she opened her room door to get rid of her coat, she wasn’t too exhausted.
She was confused, though. Sitting right under her feet was a piece of paper, the writing so familiar. She grabbed it from the floor, skimming through the words before realization struck her like lightning.
It was a song.
Matthew had written her a song.
Tears welled up in Deborah’s eyes as she read, hands shaking as she bit her lip. She couldn’t let him go.
It was a love song, the words so gentle and heart-clenching. Admiration, love, and passion were spilling out of them in waves Deborah wasn’t ready to let go of yet, so she read it another time. And then another, and another, and another.
She walked out of the room with tears streaming down her face - not caring if other guests saw her in the meantime - still holding the notebook page in her hand. As she faced his door, something inside her seemed to turn on: nervousness.
What if he wasn’t at the hotel? What if her silence had made him give up?
All her questions got an answer when Matthew opened the door, a tired look on his face. His hair was a mess, and he didn’t look like his normal self, like Matthew.
“You wrote me a song?”
The drummer sighed, opening the door wider to let the woman in. “I uh- I started writing it a few months ago, when everything started, you know-”
His room was dark, but Debby could make out his half-packed suitcase, his clothes sitting messily all over the floor. The thought made its way in her head, but it seemed so out of character for Matthew that she couldn’t even believe it was real. The whole conversation about the song dropped. “You- are you leaving?”
“I have no reason to stay here,” he sighed, running a hand through his tousled hair before slightly cleaning up. “Album is done, and we have a few weeks before our first interview. Also, I kind of grasped the two of us are actually done, so I really didn’t have a purpose here,”
His lonely words had Deborah’s heart clenching, her smaller hand clutching his as she turned around to face him. “I love you,” she breathed out shakily, the three-worded sentence she had been thinking about for months finally slipping out of her parted lips. “I love you so much, and I fucked up,”
Matthew looked shocked as he took in her words, eyes slowly widening. “Deb-”
“I know it’s too soon, you don’t have to say it back, but I felt like you should have known,” she said, breathing out a sigh of relief as a weight she didn’t know she was holding was pushed off her shoulders. “You’re a busy man, relationships probably aren’t what you want at the moment, and it wasn’t my place to get pissed off,”
“I love you, Deborah,” he admitted. “I wasn’t kidding when I said that loving you was easier than I had expected,”
Another set of tears had her eyes burning, her hand intertwining with his as she looked up at him. “I’ve never been good with words, or emotions, and that’s why there was miscommunication between us,”
“Fuck-” Deborah closed her eyes, guilt rushing through her. “I’m fucking awful, this is all my fault,”
“Hey, it was bound to happen, at some point. To be honest, I probably should have made it clear that I loved you a long time ago, I don’t know what was holding me back,” Matthew said, gently cradling her face. “But we’re here now, and we’re fine,”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, emotions spilling from her words as she watched him through her teary gaze. “I’m so sorry,”
“I don’t want you to be,” he murmured back, letting his thumbs brush a few tears away. There was a beat as his warm breath fanned over her features, her eyes focusing on his stormy ones as silence settled between them. She was in his arms, the two of them were okay. “Debby?”
“I want the world to know how much you mean to me,” he whispered in her ear, his voice sending shivers down her spine. “I want to make you mine,”
“Say the words, Matt,” Deborah murmured, arms wrapping around his neck as her lips ghosted his. “Say the words and I’ll be yours,”
There was a beat, a long one, before Matthew let his lips brush hers in a gentle - but desperate - kiss. The drummer’s hands were everywhere as the two of them kissed, not a worry in the world as her back hit the soft comforter of the room’s bed.
“Be mine, Deborah,” Matthew breathed out when his lips left hers, his orbs maintaining eye contact. “I’ll find a way to give you my world,”
She bit her lip, smiling as she watched the man in front of her - the man she loved - offer her his love with just the power of his words.
“You already do, Matt,” Debby whispered, bringing him closer to press another kiss to his slightly-swollen lips. “I’m yours,”
“Why the fuck am I nervous? I’m not even going on stage,” Deborah mumbled, words coming out rushed as she stood outside the green room with Aleena, her friend’s laughter filling her ears.
“They’ve been doing this for years, hun. They’re probably not even nervous themselves,” Noah’s girlfriend said, voice gentle as her arm wrapped around Debby’s. “And we both know they’re going to kill it,”
“That’s true,” the personal assistant nodded her head, taking a sip of her water just as the door of the room opened, Chordback coming out looking as mesmerizing as ever. They were a mess of tattoos and pearly white smiles, ready to take on the first stage of the tour and make the crowd go wild.
Noah, in his old-school-love fashion, wrapped Aleena in his arms, owning a little squeal as he lifted her off the floor. “Put me down, idiot!”
Elias and Johnny, too busy talking to each other about their improvised solos, didn’t even glance Deborah’s way, heading towards the stage by following the staff. Matthew, on the other hand, took a moment to let his eyes focus on his girl.
“You look beautiful,” he said, voice low as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Debby’s sundress clung to her body the way she knew he loved, and the smile on his face was enough to make the butterflies in her stomach start their never-ending dance.
“You don’t look too bad yourself,” she giggled, taking his hand and leading him towards the side of the stage, where everyone was standing. The other band that was opening the concert was still going strong, the crowd enjoying the background music as they waited for Chordback to start their tour with a bang.
The last few notes of a song she had heard many times before owned claps and screams from the public, a few whistles also shaking the arena. Debby stood next to Aleena as she smiled, the feeling of hearing the public again making the assistant’s legs almost give up on her.
She had started her job when the band was already almost at the end of their second tour, and it had been a chaotic way to start her first job in the music industry. She hadn’t been able to get to know the band members, and she hadn’t been able to enjoy even a bit of traveling.
That time, though, it was different. She was there as Chordback’s personal assistant, but also as Matthew’s girlfriend. The experience itself was going to be new, unexpected.
“Good luck,” she told Matt just as the opening band started to leave the stage. Debby leaned up on the tip of her toes, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“I don’t need that,” he smirked, winking down at her before kissing her again, this time passionately. “I already have my lucky charm with me,”
Deborah shook her head, pushing out a giggle as he backed off, tugging the drumsticks from his back pocket. “Cheesy, Matthew,”
“What do you expect from me?”
As the stage grew dark, the band entered the stage, filling their designed spots just as a few yells and cheers filled the air. The first sound came from Matthew’s drumsticks, and the place lit up as the opening song started, the song that had brought the newest album to the top of the charts: Aleena’s song.
Matthew smiled Deborah’s way gingerly as he started to play, her heart skipping a beat. As she watched him play, she couldn’t exactly tell why all the fondness inside her body seemed to come out just then. It felt strange.
Though after a few moments of wondering, she realized what it really was. Proudness. Deborah was proud of the little kid that snuck out of the house to practice the drums in a house five blocks away, she was proud of the teenager that followed his dreams even when his father was disappointed in him. She was proud of Matthew and the man he had become.
She was proud of him, and she loved him, more than she loved herself.
Matthew was her home, her safe place. He was a part of the life she was hoping to bring along in the future, and he was the person she wanted to wake up next to every morning.
Back at her childhood home during Thanksgiving, he had said that loving her was easier than he had expected.
He hadn’t realized, though, that loving him was the easiest part of Deborah’s life. A part that she was willing to carry with her for the rest of her life.
Taglist: @thirstyybitch​ @bellaguarneri​ @boqvistsbabe​ @trashforbarzal​ @tonguetiedstan​ @keithseabrook27​ @heatherawoowoo​ @tysonsjosty​ ​
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jj-babebank · 3 years
Camp Willowdale / JJ Maybank AU / PART 6
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Synopsis: Camp Willowdale is buzzing with new campers. It’s Caroline Windsor’s first year as a camp counsellor after attending the camp as a camper for ten years. Little does she know that this year Willowdale Lake is going to be a little different from what she is used to it being…
Warnings: future chapters may include curse words, mentions of drugs, mentions of alcohol, mentions of sexual activities, mentions of death.
Pairings: JJ Maybank x fem OC Part 1 ; Part 2 ; Part 3 ; Part 4; Part 5 ;
Part 6 -
49 days of camp left
“The thing I don’t understand is,” said JJ, taking a sip of his coffee several days later at breakfast, “How is everyone so chill about all of this?”
“Yeah, everyone except for us,” said Caroline.
“And Topper,” mumbled Sarah.
Her three friends all looked up at her, eyes wide.
“What?” she looked back at them, eyes equally as wide in confusion, “Why’d you think he’s been moping around camp, face looking like a slapped ass?”
“Sarah, why didn’t you say anything at the campfire?” Caroline asked angrily.
“Um, I did,” defended Sarah.
“Um, no you didn’t,” clapped back JJ, getting visibly annoyed.
John B nodded and mumbled quietly, “They’re right, you didn’t…”
“Not now, John B,” snapped Sarah at him, turning towards her other friends, “What do you mean I didn’t?”
“When we asked you about what Topper said, you literally said ‘oh nothing of importance, he doesn’t care about the bitch either’ and then you went back to glaring at those girls goggling at John B,” said JJ.
Sarah scoffed, “I was only glaring because they refuse to listen to me and only do whatever he says,”
“That’s beside the point, Sarah,” sighed JJ, “If you weren’t too busy doing that, perhaps you’d have mentioned that Topper doesn’t buy the whole boyfriend story either, which could mean that we’ve got an ally amongst all of these lunatics!”
“Sorry,” Sarah shrugged, “I guess I just got distracted,”
Caroline shook her head sighing, “Anyway, it’s almost 9,” she looked at JJ, “What’s on our schedule for today?”
“Funny you ask,” JJ responded, “We’ve actually got swimming until 11, which means the kids have swimming until 11 and we can just chill by the lake,” he wiggled his eyebrows, “If you know what I mean,”
In the days since camp began, the whole Madison thing had died down and since there was no new occurrences and, well, no new leads, Caroline and JJ decided to put their primary focus on their teens. They’d made a small rule that every time their schedule indicated that they’ve got an activity where their physical participation is not directly required, Caroline would sneak some whiskey in their thermoses and they would quietly drink it in secret, just to spice up their day.
So far Caroline was doing a pretty good job at hiding her crush on JJ, which was somehow becoming bigger by the day. For some reason everything that JJ did was attractive. Whether it was him running, or teaching the boys how to tie a noose, or eating (pretty messily) his food, or not to mention swimming practice when he was required to get naked – Caroline could just stare at him all day. She was somewhat happy about their newfound tradition of taking over some of their daily tasks while tipsy because the alcohol was somewhat helping her seem more confident and less shy.
Caroline tied her long brunette hair in a Dutch braid and smeared the tiniest bit of mascara on her lashes, just to seem effortlessly pretty, of course. She adjusted the straps of her swimsuit and grabbed her and JJ’s prefilled thermoses before heading out to meet the boy and their group in front of the camper’s cabin.
“There she is,” said JJ, unable to hide his excitement, “We ready to go?”
The campers all agreed and they made their way down towards the lake, where Caroline and JJ sat at one of the benches while their campers hurried into the water.
“Now, now, Teens 2,” said JJ after them, not too bothered about sounding strict, “Usually our timetable says swimming, but since we’re all grown ups here, we can all do whatever we want, as long as we don’t go too far away from me and Carrie’s eyesight, alright?”
Everyone agreed and JJ sat back down next to Caroline, who handed him his thermos.
“I’ve gotta give it to you, Maybank,” she said, taking a sip of the spicy liquor in her flask, “You’ve got a way with kids,”
JJ smiled down at her, taking a sip too, “I mean they’re hardly kids, C,” he said, “Besides, I try my best, I wouldn’t want to embarrass myself in front of you,”
That blush that Caroline was all too familiar with crept back onto her cheeks, “In front of me?” she repeated, surprised.
“Yeah,” nodded JJ as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, “I don’t see any other pretty girls around here,”
Caroline looked in the opposite direction, too shy to look at JJ, as she took another rather large sip of her drink, “JJ…”
“What? Can’t a guy give you a compliment?” he smirked, “Hey, come on now, we’re in this together, besides… your mom did say -”
Just as Caroline was about to turn towards JJ with a panicked look in her eyes, fearing what exactly her mom had said to him, two of their campers began screaming their names, diverting both of their attentions.
“Carrie! JJ! You’ve gotta come see this!”
JJ shot up, helping Caroline up as well, as they ran towards the dock. Bobby and Eli, the two campers who had called out for them, were hastily swimming back to shore.
“What is it?” Caroline asked, worry filling up her nerves.
“We found something dope!” said Eli, reaching the dock, “But we can’t reach it without you guys’ help,”
“What did you find?” asked JJ.
“That,” Bobby pointed in the direction they’d just swam from. There, a good distance away, in the middle of the body of water, stood an abandoned-looking stilt house.
“The old lake house,” JJ and Caroline said in unison.
“That’s just an old building, it’s been there forever and there’s literally nothing in it,” explained JJ, his nerves calming down after the initial jump scare, “Trust me, we’ve looked,”
Bobby rolled his eyes, “Oh, come on, you can’t be serious,” he moaned, “That place looks wicked!”
“Yeah, if you watch a lot of horror movies,” said Caroline, “JJ’s right, there’s nothing in there. I’ve been numerous times, it looks way cooler in your imagination, believe me. Reality is underwhelming,”
Eli crossed his arms, “If it’s so underwhelming why don’t you wanna take us there?”
JJ sighed, “Eli, taking you there would require taking the boats, which we’re not allowed to do unless it’s on our schedule, which it’s not, and if we take you there, we’d have to take everyone there, and -”
“Take everyone where?” came Jennie, another one of their campers’, voice suddenly.
“Yeah, JJ,” more campers gathered around the dock, “Where are you taking us?”
JJ and Caroline sighed in defeat as they shared a defeated look, making Bobby and Eli high five in victory.
“Change of plans, kids,” said JJ finally, giving in, “Swimming’s cancelled, looks like we’re going to be learning how to row today,”
“You sure about this?” JJ grabbed Caroline’s hand as she was stepping off the boat and onto the back deck of the abandoned stilt house.
Caroline turned towards him and gave him a reassuring smile, “It’ll be just like the old days,” she said, her tone sounding promising.
JJ followed her onto the deck and they helped their campers tie their little boats on the deck’s cleats.
“Looks like y’all were really paying attention during our noose tying workshop,” JJ said proudly as he double-checked that all the boats were securely tied, “I’m gonna make sure to bring that up to Miss P and we might have a shot of winning at the Will-all-hail banquet,”
Caroline snorted at the name, “So tacky…”
“Come on guys, follow me and Carrie and watch your steps,” JJ signaled, catching everyone’s attention, “This place is crazy old so be careful! One wrong step and you may end up in the water,”
Carefully, the group entered the old creaky building. It was all too familiar to Caroline and JJ, the smell of mold and condensation hitting their nostrils as the single dusty dark room they had secretly lurked into numerous times as kids presented itself in front of them. Part of Caroline had always secretly wished for the old lake house to serve as a passageway to a parallel universe, or to hold some great big secret, or even to be inhabited by the not-so-friendly ghost of whoever built it back in the day, however unsurprisingly, nothing seemed out of the ordinary yet again. The room was empty, other than the numerous spider webs which decorated almost every corner and crease.
“There you go,” Caroline said, turning to leave, “Nothing to see here,”
JJ agreed, “As always, underwhelming and empty,”
“If it’s so empty,” spoke one of the campers, “then what’s that?” the teenager pointed in the direction of where there was once a door leading towards the front deck.
Everyone’s heads turned in that direction and sure enough, on one of the old nails sticking out of the door frame, was hung a piece of red fabric, barely noticeable from the inside, let alone from where the shore to camp was.
“Stand back,” said Caroline, slowly stepping forward towards the fabric. She peeped her head through the door hole cautiously, checking if there was anyone on the front deck, holding her breath as she did so. She breathed out in relief once she saw that the coast was clear and analyzed the fabric, “Hey, J, can you come over?”
JJ, half-impressed, half-paralyzed, snapped back to reality as he walked over to the girl who now looked so brave in his eyes, mentally slapping himself for not being a man and volunteering to go instead of her.
“Why does this look familiar?” Caroline said once JJ came over to piece of clothing. It turned out to be a dress.
JJ shrugged, pulling at the material and taking a sniff, “Whoever’s it is was here recently,” he said, “Smell of perfume is fresh,” he sniffed again, “And super strong,” he scrunched his nose, a look of disgust on his face.
Caroline took a sniff too, “Yeah, that smell is so familiar, but where from…” she sniffed again, closing her eyes in an attempt to figure out where she recognized the scent from.
“Probably one of the girls from your cabin,” concluded JJ, “I’d put my money on Jenna Kinley, she seems like the type to sneak around,”
Caroline smirked, “Sounds about right, she was probably up here sneaking around with Barry, I hear her talking about him all the time,” she unhooked the dress from the nail, “I’ll bring it back to her, she must think she’s lost it,”
JJ nodded and they led the campers out of the stilt house and onto shore again. Caroline tucked the dress in her bag along with her thermos and waited until after everyone’s daily activities were over to meet Sarah by the showers and tell her about her and JJ’s scandalous little discovery. Ever since they’d arrived at Camp Willowdale and had their phones taken away for the rest of the summer, the only source of news and gossip was whatever was happening around camp, and since it wasn’t all that much, every little bit of spice counted.
“So how was archery?” she asked Sarah as she folded her underwear and turned the water in her shower on.
Sarah followed in after her, not bothering on going into a neighboring shower stall. They had developed his habit of showering together about three days into camp, with Sarah seemingly having separation anxiety and insisting that “they’ve both got the same bits and pieces” and that how “any guy would be lucky to be in the position Caroline is in,”.
The blonde groaned as she squeezed some of her purple shampoo in her palm, foaming it up and working it into her hair, “Horrible,” she said, “How do you see me with a bow and arrows?”
“Do you really want me to answer that question?” teased Caroline, mirroring Sarah’s actions and washing her hair.
“Whatever, C,” Sarah rolled her eyes, “How was your swim date with your boyfriend?”
“Okay, first of all, he’s not my boyfriend,” said Caroline earning a smug look from Sarah, “And second, you’ll never guess what we found,”
“Oooh, is it the incessant lust you have for each other?” teased Sarah.
“No, it’s better,” said Caroline, ignoring her friend’s words, “We went to the old lake house and we may or may not have found what we believe to be Jenna’s dress just hanging there,” Sarah’s eyes widened at her words, “Yeah, we assume she’s sneaking around with Barry, how fucking scandalous is that?”
“Shut up!” gasped Sarah.
Caroline nodded excitedly, “Right? She’s been yapping about him nonstop and we just put two and two together,”
“Who’d have thought… little miss perfect and Barry,” scoffed Sarah, “D’you have the dress? It’ll be so embarrassing once you give it back to her, I can picture her face already,”
“You bet I do, it’s in my bag,” said Caroline, “Must’ve done the deed recently, it still reeks of her,” she scrunched her nose at the thought of the horrible smell.
Sarah raised an eyebrow, “What’re you pulling that face for? Does she smell that bad?”
Caroline shook her head, “It’s her perfume,” she explained, “Smells like what I imagine Miss P’s underwear drawer smelling like,”
Sarah scoffed, “Now you’ve got me intrigued,” she quickly rinsed her hair and body off, hurrying for her towel, “Where’d you say this dress was?”
Caroline nodded her head in the direction of her bag, “Somewhere in my bag,” she said, “But I’m being serious – you’ve been warned,”
As she continued rinsing her hair, Sarah dove her hand into Caroline’s bag, searching for the dress in question. When she finally felt it in her hand, she pulled the piece of clothing out pressing it against her nose to take a sniff. Her eyes widened in horror as realization consumed her.
“Carrie…” she mumbled not loud enough for her friend to look up, “Carrie, this isn’t Jenna’s dress,” she spoke louder.
This time, Caroline looked up at Sarah with a look of confusion in her eyes.
“The perfume you’re talking about,” said Sarah, “It’s Guerlain Shalimar, I’d recognize it anywhere,”
“Your point being…?”
“This perfume doesn’t belong to Jenna,” Sarah turned to look at Caroline, her eyes still wide in horror, “It’s Madison’s,”
A/N: chapter 6 is upppp!! I hope you like it!! let me know what you think and if you want to be added in the tag list for future chapters, tell me!! xxx
tags: @k-k0129 ; @hayleyy-l ; @marvellover04
Part 7 here
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dinosaurtsukki · 3 years
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[ flu season in E minor ]
pairing: fyodor dostoevsky x gn!reader
word count: 2.2k words
contains: uni!au, sigma and nikolai as your bff’s, gn!reader, music student!fyodor, fyodor being a bit of a brat while he’s sick, slight pining/crushing, idk just fluffy shit
summary: you and fyodor are both in the university theater club but you rarely ever see him except for when you’re picking up the musical compositions he makes for the play. this time, however, you come over to his apartment to find him sick with the flu
a/n: uhhh this is kind of a trainwreck cause i was literally just ‘omg uni!au fyodor sickfic’ and then went with it :P
“don’t forget to drink your vitamin c guys! flu season is already here and if you’re down with the flu please don’t come in and spread your germs everywhere,” sigma instructed at the ending of the cast meeting. even though he sounded snappy while saying it, you could tell he meant well. two of your actors in the theatre club had already come down with the flu and with showtime coming up soon, everyone was understandably extra careful.
“y/n, one last thing,” sigma called you over as everyone prepared to leave.
“in case you were going to ask, yes, i took my vitamins already,” you teased skipping over to where he was.
“not funny,” sigma rolled his eyes. “i was wondering if you could follow up with fyodor on the music for the next scene? he doesn’t respond at all to any non-physical communication, i already left him ten messages.” 
“ooh, another visit to the phantom of the opera’s apartment,” nikolai popped up right at your shoulder.
“seriously? you guys call him that?” sigma raised a disappointed eyebrow at you two.
“well he’s mysterious and makes music in a theatre.” 
“i feel like you should actually watch phantom of the opera before making that claim,” you told him. “also sure,” you shrugged nonchalantly to hide your obvious excitement. “i have time to drop by.” 
even though he’s a part of the theatre club, fyodor dostoevsky was pretty much an enigma to the rest of the members. his contributions to the club activities were mainly in the form of the musical compositions he created for the plays. however, because he was always busy practicing for upcoming recitals apart from his music classes, fyodor rarely ever attended rehearsals. 
but on the off-chance that he did drop by in a rehearsal to discuss with sigma or attend a cast meeting, you’d spend the entire time just... admiring him. everything from the calm and articulate way he spoke to messy way his hair framed his face. and on that day when fyodor decided to demonstrate the music by playing it himself on his cello, you realized you were head over heels for this man.
and so you, practically jumped at every chance you got to pick up sheet music or recordings from fyodor’s apartment. you already set the expectation that you wouldn’t be around for long. and you were right about that... usually.
“fyodor? hello?” you knocked on the door for what was probably the fifth time already. it was freezing cold outside and you were desperate to get in. pressing your ear against the door, you heard a weak voice say ‘come in. door’s open’ and then tentatively, you unlocked the door.
whenever you saw fyodor, he was always wearing a clean, button-up shirt and slacks since he was also at orchestra practice. so of course, it was a complete shock to you to come into his apartment to find fyodor dressed in bright red pajamas with a mickey mouse logo on the center of his shirt with a colorful patchwork quilt thrown across his shoulders. not to mention, he was seated in his couch with sheet music and tissues strewn around him. 
upon closer look, you could tell from his sunken eyes and slightly red nose that flu season had struck fyodor. 
“oh, y/n, it’s you,” he sniffled as you hesitated near the door. “come in. it’s cold out.” 
“are you alright?” you asked, approaching fyodor. because you had gotten the flu a bit earlier that month, you weren’t too concerned about catching it again. “you look, well, sick.” 
“just a cold,” fyodor waved his hand. “anyway, did sigma send you for something?” 
“he’s asking for a follow-up with the music for the new scene,” you remembered. 
“oh, that...”  fyodor nodded, frowning as he searched the sheet music scattered around him. “i’m sure it’s around here somewhere and... i forgot to do it.” fyodor sighed at the realization. “don’t worry. i’ll just whip something up real quick,” he sniffed before picking up a blank piece of sheet music.
“well you don’t have to right now. fyodor, you’re sick. you should get some rest before working,” you sat down on the couch as fyodor bent over the coffee table with a pencil ready. “i mean, no offense but i doubt you can come up with anything in your current state.”
“nonsense, y/n,” fyodor scoffed and began to scribble something on the page. “i am a trained classical musician. composing is merely second-nature to someone like myself. why, i’m sure i have a melody coming along right--” 
“you just wrote the letter g on the corner of the page and then started drawing random squiggles.” 
fyodor looked down at his squiggled-over sheet music with a completely deadpan expression and stared at it for a good ten seconds. “i thought it was a g-clef,” he whispered to himself.
“do you... want me to help you to your room?” you asked softly. fyodor sniffed.
“yes please.”
when you headed out to his apartment earlier that morning, you didn’t expect to be taking care of a sick fyodor for the rest of the afternoon. for someone who always looked put-together and composed, fyodor was terrible at taking care of himself. even after coming down with the flu a few days ago, he still insisted on practicing the cello in his apartment. and, judging by the empty cans in the sink, you could tell that all he was eating was instant soup.
and, sick fyodor was kind of... whiny. it took a lot of convincing on your part for him to agree not to work on the compositions in bed, or practice his bowing. he complained about his pillows ‘not being plump enough’ and that his socks didn’t match (because he didn’t do the laundry). 
“i don’t think i’ll even be able to sleep at this rate, y/n. my head is spinning but i’m not nearly tired enough to sleep. maybe i’ll drift off for just a bit but it won’t be that restful,” fyodor said, laying down on his not-plump pillows before he was out like a light five minutes after.
“drift off for just a bit, huh?” you chuckle slightly to yourself as you watch him. fyodor was curled up on his side, hugging one of the pillows with his blanket wrapped tightly around him. 
you were definitely in a strange situation being in your crush’s house while he was sick in bed. there wasn’t really a need for you to stay; you could just leave some medicine on the nightstand and a note with instructions.
“mmm... key needs to be in e minor,” fyodor mumbled in his sleep before turning over on his side. you bit back a laugh for fear of waking him up. 
‘what the heck? i’ll stay and make him some actual soup,’  you ultimately decided.
fyodor woke up to the smell of something delicious cooking, and that was something he rarely woke up to. aside from the fact that he could actually smell out of his currently unclogged nose, fyodor felt much better than he had been in a while. 
‘y/n must still be here,’ was his next thought after waking up. and he must admit, that was very reassuring to know. fyodor didn’t have the best constitution and whenever flu season rolled around, he expected being sick for a length of time. 
after wrapping the blanket around himself, fyodor curiously crept into the kitchen to find you standing over at the stove, stirring something in a pot while humming to yourself. there was a bag of groceries on the counter too. ‘did they... buy me food?’ 
he coughed slightly to get your attention.
“oh, fyodor. you’re up,” you turned around, smiling at him. “how are you feeling?”
“a bit... better,” he confessed, fully aware that he said all those things about not being asleep before embarrassingly falling asleep for two hours. 
“great! soup’s going to be ready in a few minutes. if you freeze it you’ll have enough for a few days,” you added. “also bought some oranges. they should be good for you.” 
“you... don’t really have to do this you know?” fyodor ended up blurting out, except it sounded a bit harsh. “i mean, i’m sure you went through all the trouble.” 
“don’t worry about it,” you waved him off. “you’ve been working really hard so i get that you don’t think of yourself much. let me do this one thing for you as a friend,” you smiled.
“also, i’m genuinely concerned at the amount of canned soup you’ve been consuming.” 
“canned soup isn’t that bad for you,” fyodor insisted. 
“yeah, and i’m sure you enjoy that metallic aftertaste quite a lot,” you quipped. fyodor opened his mouth to retort something before closing it abruptly. the knowing smirk on your face only made him glance away. instead, he busied himself with retrieving the clean bowls, luckily there were two left, from the dishrack and setting them on the table. you were humming again while you turned off the stove before serving the soup.
“chicken noodle soup, huh?” fyodor couldn’t help but chuckle.
“a classic,” you shrugged with a smile. “it’s a secret family recipe too so it’s bound to get you to feel better.” 
“you’re making it up, aren’t you?” 
“yeah, i got it off the internet,” you giggled. fyodor chuckled and took a sip of the soup. it was deliciously hot and flavorful and best of all, the soup didn’t have a metallic aftertaste.
“after eating, you can take some of medicine that i bought in case you have a headache or body pain, as long as you didn’t take any four hours before.”
“what?” fyodor blinked at you.
“you know, don’t take the medicine within four hours of each other,” you explained slowly. “also it’s better that you drink some now that you’ve eaten.” 
fyodor not-so vaguely recalled all those times he drank medicine on an empty stomach and feeling even more sick after. “i... was not aware of that,” he admitted. you sighed with your eyes closed.
“i’m amazed you’re still alive.” 
“so, flu season struck the phantom of the opera, huh?” nikolai sighed after you told him about your weekend.
“yeah,” you nodded, remembering the sight of fyodor on the couch dressed in his pajamas with a blanket wrapped around him. that was going to be burned in your mind for a long time. “he’s... kind of terrible at taking care of himself.” 
“that’s fyodor for you,” sigma added. the three of you had arrived at the backstage area of the theatre early and were busying yourselves with sorting through the various props that you had. “you know, one time he even went to a recital with a 39-degree fever. practically collapsed when he was off-stage.”
“i’ll one-up that story,” nikolai practically sprang off the box he was sitting on. “okay, so there was this one time i came over to fyodor’s’apartment while he was sick and he was so delirious he--”
“you guys do know that it’s rude to talk about people when they’re not there.”
the three of you practically spun around at the same time to find fyodor leaning against the doorframe of the backstage entrance with his arms crossed. he was looking way better than last time you saw him.
“fyodor,” sigma blinked, clearly stunned. “you’re... you’re here.”
“you’re alive!” nikolai cried dramatically, skipping over to fyodor and flinging his arms around fyodor who showed obvious discomfort. 
“of course i am,” he scoffed. “thanks in part to y/n.”
hearing that made your face flush a bit. “i-it was nothing,” you stammered, dodging nikolai’s curious stare. 
“anyway, i finished the compositions for the next scene,” fyodor strode forward, handing sigma a folder of sheet music and a flash drive. “let me know if it’s to your liking.”
“thank you. i’ve been having director’s block with that one. this should help,” sigma sighed gratefully. “i’ll give it a listen if you don’t mind.” and before you could say anything else, he scurried out to the stage area.
“and i’m going to leave for some arbitrary reason just so you two would have some alone time,” nikolai snickered at the indignant expression on your face before leaving you and fyodor alone backstage.
“oh, nikolai. always... funny,” you laughed nervously. 
“indeed,” fyodor nodded. “i only have the vaguest idea of what’s been going on during rehearsals. i should probably come around more often.”
“oh, we understand that you’re busy and all. but you’ve already been helping a lot with composing the music so don’t sweat it if you feel like you haven’t been active,” you said.
“well, that’s not the only reason i want to come around more often,” fyodor’s eyes flickered up to meet yours and you felt your face heat up again. god, it was so much easier to talk to to him and joke around when he was sick with the flu.
“in any case, i’m glad you feel better now,” you cleared your throat. “i hope the soup helped.”
“it did. i was sad to see it run out,” fyodor chuckled. and before you could even consider what it was you were going to say, you went and blurted out: 
“i could make it for you again.”
“oh?” fyodor’s eyebrows flew up and a smirk played on his lips.
“i-if you want to of course,” you stammered. 
“i’d like that,” fyodor smiled, much to your surprise. “if you could update me on rehearsals and the play we’re doing, that would be great. how does friday sound?”
“friday sounds great.”
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
taglist (check out my post for details on being part of my taglist): @waitforitillwritemywayout @atsumusdomain​​ @laure-chan @goodfoodxoxoxo ​ @guardianangelswings @ah-kaashi @amberalisa​ @whootwhoot​ @liz-multifandom-hotel​​ @kac-chowsballs​​ @violentfarewll @fyoyacanruinmylifethanks
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
Steal My Girl (jaehyun x you)
a/n : Am I posting too much Jaehyun fic? Anyways it is February and I associate him with February (despite there are other members having Feb as their bday too! miannnn)
warning : none :D safe to read for all age! drink moderately and be responsible
“Hey um sorry to bother you,” Mark pops his head into your room.
You turn your head to look at him, eyebrows rising to ask him why.
Mark scratches his neck and you pause the music jamming into your ears. You drag your earphone down and ask the “troubled” man on your door frame.
“Umm Jaehyun is drunk again, and he called me to pick him up.” Mark explains slowly, you nod and wait for him to continue, “Are you busy?”
You glance at the clock, it’s almost nine and tomorrow is Saturday. You don’t really have anything coming soon, you finished your work for this week already.
“Nope not busy, why?” You finally tackle Mark down to the big question mark you had in your head.
Jaehyun is drunk and yeah what does Mark needs?
“You know I still cannot drive, and Johnny is on the party too drunk. Taeyong has passed out since his first cup and I don’t know who else can I ask help for.”
You smirk and shake your head, what a silly request!
However, Mark is still your cousin and Jaehyun is the man you treasure.
“Funny how Jaehyun called you instead of me! Did he forget you cannot drive yet.” You stand up to change your clothes and Mark doesn’t need a second order to change too.
“You’re sitting beside me! I am not dealing with the drunk men!” You put on a jacket and grab the key, wallet, and phone.
You made it to the party house, Mark quickly fetching his three drunk brothers and you just stay back. You’re not coming in.
The last man to enter the car is Jaehyun. You did not know how Mark made the three big men sit on the back compartment of your car, but here we are!
“Woaah we’re suddenly in a car! Who called the cab? Why is the service so nice…” Taeyong blurs off laughs and words, “Even the driver is pretty!”
You roll your eyes, why would Tae drinks if he knows he is this bad with alcohol.
“Hey she’s (y/n)! Dummy… keep quiet Yong, or else you’ll puke.” Johnny pushes Taeyong’s head to the other side. Well Taeyong needs to sit between the two men and he’s already leaning to Johnny.
“Ah it’s you sweetie! Sorry for going out again without you…” Jaehyun reaches for your shoulder from the back seat. You’re used to this, even though you two are dating, you don’t always join him on his parties.
“Driving her boyfriend home safely, check!” Jaehyun giggles in his unconscious state.
“Bae, help me with this calculus homework!!” Jaehyun once knocked on your apartment you share with Mark. He barged in one evening after you and Mark finished dinner, in a messy hair and crumpled math paper.
You nicely offered him dinner and brought him to sit on the dining table. Mark served him snacks and water, while you calmly taught him how to work on the problems. Step by step, well while reviewing too, since he was on the same class as you.
After working on the homework and Jaehyun could answer ten sets of question by himself, you let him go.
“Thanks girl! You’re the perfect lover!”
Teaching and tutoring your boyfriend? Check!
 “Babe, sorry to disturb you again…” Jaehyun’s voice appears softer and you know he is going to ask you a favor with this tone.
You glance from your homework, sparing only an eyebrow to him and he grins “I lost some buttons on the way home.” He shows you his button up shirt that lost three buttons.
You raise your brow, “Did you fight?”
He scratches his pink hair, “Well, someone mocked Doyoung and Taeyong, so I taught them some lessons.”
Only then did you notice, he has a small bruise on his face and a ripped lip.
You quickly stand up and grab his cheeks, checking for any other scratches on his pretty face. Jaehyun giggles when he sees your worried face.
You pick up the first aid kit and sit down on the sofa with Jaehyun by your side. “You should stop fist fighting sweetie, you don’t want to end up in the police office. I don’t have enough money to bail you out.” You roll your eyes and laugh, trying to make him laugh too.
Jaehyun smirks, “Haha yeah I know that, but you will find a way.”
You press on his scar and he winces, “Stop playing around.” You snap at him.
After taking care and bandaging his wounds, you finish your homework while Jaehyun sits on the sofa compressing his body.
You clean up your stuffs and finally walk to take your sewing kit, “Do you still have your buttons?”
He shakes his head, “Gone.”
You smirk, “Sorry, the only one I have are these,” you show him a set of cute pink buttons.
Jaehyun’s mouth drop, “You want me to wear that?”
You frown, “Well you lost your buttons. That is your button up, you go buy your own buttons.”
He sighs, “Fine…”
You smile secretly, “I’ll fix it later, wash this first.” You toss it to him and he lazily walks to the laundry basket and bring his dirty laundries with him to the washing room.
He goes back to the room with a happier face, saying he met Doyoung and Taeyong doing their laundries and got treated to some coffee. You just nod and the night goes on.
Only on the next morning did Jaehyun greets you with a spin and a kiss.
“When did you fix my shirt? Gosh thanks! You really are a perfect girl! Love you!!” he kisses you happily and you just nod your head.
Well, he slept early last night and you nicely sew his three buttons back with a normal button. You have them, you just want to tease him.
“Taking care of boyfriend and sewing clothes, check!”
 “Sorry I am late!” Jaehyun appears wet under the rain, and you just shake your head at the boy who is stranding in the front porch of your college building drenched in rain water.
“Forgot your umbrella again?” you calmly lead him into your college hall. Well, he promised to attend the exhibition with you, but here he is drenched in rain.
“I lend it to an old lady, she was stuck in the supermarket and I passed by.” He tries his best to squeeze the water out of his shirt.
You dig into your bag and toss him your sweater, “Lucky I brought your sweater. Go change, at least you won’t fall sick.”
His pants are wonderfully wet, but that guy managed to half dry it on the toilet.
“Secretly has a back up for boyfie, check!” Jaehyun grins to himself.
The list goes on, the number of incidental and accidental moments pile up. But always whatever happen, you always have a solution for him. With your calm personality, you just shake your head in disbelieve and like magic, you are able to give him a solution.
“Yow Jae, tell us how are you still surviving college at this rate?” Johnny asks his friend on a Saturday boys night.
Jaehyun looks away from the TV screen and spare a glance on his friend, “Survive? What do you mean?”
Doyoung groans at his slow wit, “That slow wit, fights, constant good scores despite you sleeping in class, and many more drunk nights.”
Taeyong has already shifted his attention too from the screen to the young man in pink hair.
“Share the secret please!” Yuta chimes in.
Jaehyun thinks for awhile, trying to answer all the questions proposed to him suddenly.
“Um… I think I survived and still live today because of (Y/n).” he shrugs his shoulder.
The four men groan and sigh, “RIGHT! How can we forget your super girlfriend!”
“You’re right (y/n) is the one who takes care of me! It’s like any problem I have… she has the solution.” Jaehyun realizes.
Doyoung lets out a huff, “Where can we get one?”
“I lowkey want to steal her when she picks us up on the club at night!” Johnny winks, which earns a pout from Jaehyun
“I want her more when Jaehyun said she sew his clothes at night when he lost three buttons. Gosh Jaehyun you’re really pampered, she does everything for you!” Taeyong punches Jaehyun’s shoulder playfully.
Jaehyun stays silent, his friends’ words coming in and out of his ear like that, but his head is slowly playing all of the memories and times he asked for your help and you’re always there. You always leave everything behind and help him, but has he done the same thing for you? Doubt.
“Aigo she is perfect! Can I just steal her? I believe I can be a better man,” Yuta laughs, and the other men laugh too but that earns him a loud smack on the head from Jaehyun.
“CALM DOWN! MY HEAD! YOU PUNCHED ME FULL POWER!” Yuta rubs his pounding head and sees fire in Jaehyun’s eyes
“No one is stealing her! She is mine, and fyi you cannot find anyone else like her in this world.” Jaehyun smiles with proud, “She is one of a kind, and if you find someone else like her, she belongs to me.”
lol wouldn’t this be cool if there is a tiktok trend for this? 
“helping boyfie do calculus,check!”
“helping boyfie sew buttons? check!”
byee author is just out of her mind
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