#and eddie munson gays and girlies
certifiedskywalker · 2 years
Roll to Seduce - Eddie Munson
Eddie Munson is a great Dungeon Master, but there are just some players no Master can prepare for.
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“Get you and yer Chaos Cru outta this ‘ere tavern or yer’ll taste the sharpest end of me battlin’ axe.”
“We’re not the Chaos Cru,” Mike grumbled.
“We are,” Gareth interjected, eyes snapping from Eddie and his pseudo-Irish accent to the younger boy. “Don’t start this again.”
“I just think that Knights of Terra sounds so much cooler!” Mike pressed, starting it again.
“But we’re not all Knights!” Dustin joined the fray and you saw Jeff out of the corner of your eye preparing to jump in too.
“Whatevar yer wee group’s name is-“
“It doesn’t matter, Dustin,” Mike shouted, “it’s better branding for an adventuring party!”
“-leave me tavern, NOW!” Eddie slammed a fist against the Hellfire table, but the sound did little to disrupt the rumbling shouting match. The party-name debate that you quashed with your and your character’s arrival to the campaign was fully reignited. The Chaos Cru had crumbled into the purest anarchy and, when you looked up across the table at him, you saw Eddie had resigned himself to it.
His pale face was stitched in a scowl as he waited for the right moment to intervene, to break the pointless exchange. You watched him, dark eyes flicking back and forth between the Hellfire Club members. With each rising voice, a sadness slipped onto Eddie’s lips and made your chest ache. Eventually, his gaze landed on you, and, under it, a warm shiver licked up your spine. Eddie gave you a wink, but his scowl remained fixed as the yelling grew louder.
Your heart pounded against your rib cage at the gesture, which only added to the ache in your chest. With furrowed brows, you gave Eddie a sorry but hopeful look. He shook his head, a wordless “it’s fine” to you. Though, the far-off dullness that glazed over his eyes told you otherwise. The ache turned to anger, then resolve.
Before Dustin could launch himself over the table, you stood and loudly pushed back your seat. Jeff and Gareth looked over at you while Mike continued to bicker with his friend. Yet, and despite wanting to, you did not snap at him.
Instead, you waltzed around the gaming table, fingertips trailing along the polished tabletop. Then, your hand jumped to Jeff’s shoulders, then Mike’s. The boy fell quiet then, big eyes fixed on your movements. Your eyes were fixed on Eddie.
He watched you like a hawk: leaning forward in his throne ever-so-slightly and cocking his head so that his mess of brown curls spilled over his slight shoulders. A smile pulled at your lips and you let it spread as you grew closer. When you finally stood at Eddie’s chair side, you sat on the edge of the table, careful not to peek over his Dungeon Master folder. To make a show of it, you leaned in close.
Hints of weed and smoke and leather wafted around you as you let your nose hover near Eddie’s. He was all you saw and the rest of the room, finally quiet, saw only the two of you.
“Good sir,” you started, your voice laced with your character’s accent, “you see, the Cru and I, we must stay at your lovely tavern for the night.”
Eddie grinned, only for a second, before falling back into character. “And why’s that, ye little silver tongue?”
“Well, I have stories to tell to your patrons.”
You tilted your head, careful not to bump noses with Eddie as you did. Though, you purposely lifted your left hand and let your fingers glide along his jaw. Light stubble nipped at your skin until you moved to his shoulder. Heat flooded your senses and a numbing sort of wildness guided your fingers as you skirted them along Eddie’s chest. You felt the ironed-on emblem of the Hellfire Club beneath the pads of your fingertips with the motion. 
“Stories,” you echoed at last. “Songs. You see, I’m a bard of sorts. I weave magic tales of enticement so, so alluring that every one of your customers will come back tomorrow night, eager to see me. To see the Cru, to listen. Just as you listen now.”
Eddie’s breaths fanned out against your face, one after the other at a rapid pace. His eyes flicked from yours then across your face, your lips, everywhere as long as everywhere was you. 
In his normal voice, though slightly shaken, he stammered out, “you can- you can roll for…roll to…”
“To seduce!”
You turned your head sharply to look behind you just as Eddie leaned back to look past you. Both of you found Dustin, grinning toothily at the pair of you.
“Dude!” Mike scolded, shaking his head.
As a new round of bickering started up again, you looked back at Eddie. You found his eyes already on you. Dark and wide, he drank you in once more before clearing his throat.
“It’s uh, a Charisma Check. With disadvantage.”
“Disadvantage!?” Dustin and Mike both shouted, fresh argument dropped at the Dungeon Master’s slight.
“The, the tavernkeeper is uh,” as Eddie spoke, you licked your lips that you realized were suddenly dry and pushed off the table to head back to your seat. “He’s pissed at you guys, you almost caused a scene. Hurt business, ya know.”
While the rest of the party continued to call unfair, you picked up two twenty-sided dice. In your hand, they clacked together full of potential. You looked up at Eddie and found, again, his eyes already on you. Waiting. Seeing that same potential.
You rolled and let your eyes fall to the evidence of your luck. All the air left your lungs. 
“What is it?”
You met Eddie’s gaze. “Two natural twenties.”
All at the table leaned over, weighted towards your dice by the shocked silence. Though, the second their eyes landed on the double twenties, the Chaos Cru erupted in cheer.
That merry lasted for the remainder of the game session. It lingered in an electric buzz across the table, nearly too hot to touch. A stream of molten liquid luck maybe or charged potential untapped. Whatever it was, you saw it clearest whenever Eddie met your eyes, which, until the game ended, was in instances far too rare.
“That could’ve gone better,” Mike grumbled, slinging his backpack over his shoulder.
“We didn’t know he was a necromancer,” Dustin countered, “plus, how can you say that after Y/N’s two natural twenties!? I’m still losing my shit about that!”
You listened to their conversation dwindle as the boys walked out the door, leaving you and Eddie alone in the Hellfire room. He was packing up his Dungeon Master materials in a messy rush that made you anxious just watching. In the hopes of easing it, you walked over and gathered up the folders he had already stuffed full.
“This was a great game, Eds,” you said, handing him the folders. 
He barely met your eyes as he spoke and you felt that ache in your chest return. “Did I take it too far, with the roleplaying thing? I’m sorry, if I did.”
Eddie paused in his ministrations and, finally, met your eyes. His gaze danced along your face with a softness that immediately soothed your nerves.
“No, you…you didn’t. I just…uh-”
“I wanted to get the boys to stop so we could get going with the game again.”
“-yeah, and thanks for that. I just…” he dropped the folders he took from you back on the table. With a raised brow, you watched him step closer to you. That heat returned, as did that clear glimmer in his eyes. He leaned in, careful not to bump your nose with his. 
Your heart began to pound against your rib cage again, but the beat did not add to anything except for a sudden eagerness. Weed, smoke, and leather and warmth overwhelmed you. All Eddie, all him. He was all you could and wanted to see.
“I just want to know how, how much of that was you and how much of that was-”
“It was mostly me,” you breathed, eyes searching Eddie’s, waiting for permission.
“Huh, really?” Eddie put his hands on his hips and his expression shifted in such coolness that you felt played. You pulled your head a little away, unable to keep up with his shifting expressions. He eyed you, searching, waiting, but not permission, not like you.
Losing hope, you stumbled. “I mean, yeah, really-”
Before you could finish, Eddie’s hands moved in a flash from his hips to your face. He cupped your cheeks gently but pulled you in fast and hard. His lips collided with yours in the same messy rush. He tasted soda sweet until you pushed him away softly.
He looked at you wildly, eyes glossy with fear. You quickly reassured him. 
“Slower, Eds.”
You lifted your own hands, brushed them up his chest, and curled them into fists near the collar of his Hellfire shirt. His heart pounded too, you felt it against your wrists.
“Like this.”
And you pulled him slow, tasting all that potential, feeling all that electricity and luck. How wonderful it was: like beating the odds. You did roll two natural twenties after all. With Disadvantage no less.
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derangedhermit · 1 year
Steve Harrington is Eddie Munson’s bisexual awakening. Eddie’s following Chrissy around like a puppy dog, desperate for her attention, and then BAM metaphorical football to the face, “my nose, my nose”. Steve Harrington’s stupid face and his dumb freckles that look like constellations, and his ridiculous hair that’s definitely so, so soft to touch. Eddie’s gone on him instantly.
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chronicowboy · 2 years
i need to stop getting attached to gay-coded eddies in my favourite tv shows
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steddieunderdogfics · 3 months
for challenge Monday if you still need recs! (or just a general rec. thought this was cute!)
Exit Light, Enter Night by Sharkyofthesea
Rating: Teen and Up
1,677 words, 1/1 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: Technically major character death, but he literally comes back to life immediately, tw death, basically eddie dies but steve saves him, Steddie Brainrot, steddie, i am not cpr certified, CPR, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, steve's a lifegaurd so ofc he knows cpr, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Not Canon Compliant, Eddie Munson Lives, i am a #eddielives truther, Gay Eddie Munson, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst, robin says be gay do crime, dustin is my baby boy, Fix-It, One Shot, Short One Shot, this is for all you girlies traumatized by st4 ep8, Stranger Things Spoilers, what is it like to die i don't know i just made shit up, Girl what the fuck is this, finally learned how to write in present tense, two bros chillin in hospital beds five feet apart bc they kinda gay, Hospitals, tw broken bone mention, Blood and Injury, Major Character Injury
If this is what dying is like, Eddie thinks, then I think I’m ready to die. So he lets go of his last shred of consciousness and drifts away. Except, for some reason, he doesn’t. ~~ Basically what if the group had made it to Eddie and Dustin just a little bit sooner and what if Steve could save Eddie using CPR.
Thanks for the rec!
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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queer-arsonist-horror · 7 months
i was tagged by @curlytemple who im still so flatted I'm mutuals with
Im so sorry yall this got way to long
1. 3 ships:
im all about the polycules baby
Riverdale (taking about 4 ficd cause most of the mutuals im tagging are riverdale girlies)
@hahahahawhat @greatkateweathermachine
@wolfofansbach @thejugheadparadox these r just my current favs buy like all these writers are crazy talented and I have a few of Kate's story's saved for when I have a bad day.
All of peters love interests are in a tragicy messy polycule (I limited it to one comic ship cause this isn't my main)
@bipeterparker is insane for this but it'd absolutely perfect
@thisisallthehattersfault s is probably the least explore axis of the core 4 but it's got me to obsessed over there dynamic
2. first ever ship:
ive always been into fairytales/mythology and watching labyrinth in preschool shaped me on a fundermental level. Sarah x Jareth which is delightfully dark
Anything but @viciously-witty is spectacular but
Has been the object of my obsession for 4 years now so I can't recommend it enough
If ypu don't mind reading potentially abandoned fic and maybe had a Hannibal phase I'm begging you to read @sherylholmes 's criminally underrated fic
And if u can't do unfished fics then check out @eddywoww 's new story who exclusively writes steddie and got me to stop hating Eddie Munson for people not into bdsm or Xmen wearing hellfire shirts in puplic
Tho my new ao3 account history lists https://archiveofourown.org/series/928122
Which I beated for like a week before I was homeless lol.
I used to be hella into lilith and this was a fic about her set in thr universe of the Lucifer TV show with pge triangle with her chole and Lucifer.
And cause of the rpf discourse being a thing again I have to mention my first band ship murdoc x 2d from gorillaz and the mandatory fic rec is @selkiefluff s fabulous story
Not only is it top tier smut but it has a time travelling trans character and its not even OOC which is insanse and its finished!!!
3. last song:
I've been dancing to metal and 2000s pop with my dad but now I've got my amv playlist playing @philcollinsenjoyer 's riverdale amv of Genghis Khan
It's also on their tumblr if u search amv on thier pages I can't recommend thier videos enough
4. last movie: watched bound again whcih is a masterpiece all lesbians would experience but the last new film was Chopping Mall which I found via @greatkateweathermachine 's letter box which is wonderful especially their riverdale list
5. currently reading:
what we are fighting for a radical collective manifesto edited by Frederick campagna and Emanuel campiglio
I saw David Graeber (my beloved) was included and had to borrow it. (If Ur interested into money or anthropology I can't recommend his book debt the first 500 years enough my dyke primary school tea her gave it to me to read when I way ahead in maths and i used it years later to radicalise half my econ class
6. currently watching:
rewatching mtvs faking the messiest dyke drama ever. It's definitely camp and it's kinda self aware bur it's also horrible no good. It's what the Twitter gays wished dear Evan hasten was like watch the first episode (it's only 20min) and if knowing what they are faking it's not hilarious and heart breaking stop your gonna hate the show if not you've got your new favourite trash show.
New show is season 3 of chucky which only has half a season airing cause of the strikes so I'm trying to stretch it out but I will say jennifer tilly is a delight as always.
7. currently consuming:
norco chocolate milk its 2am my last meal was went I went down to the river to read and got a blue cheese woodfire pizza
8. currently craving:
my hot tub but I'm still waiting on my pool filters its been 30c (86f) the last 4 days I've been home and I got heatstroke on Sunday on the 10min walk to the river and fainted + threw up which wasn't sexy rip
Tagging beloved mutuals
I know like 3 of you follow me on my main not this side blog but like I reblog all Ur posts here anyway so we r mutuals even if tumblr doesn't classify us that way. In my heart of hearts I know its true
Feel free to ignore or let me know if u don't want want be tagged in the future
@mothmanchronicler @gay-archie @hispanicsabrinaspellman @betty-amorous @archangelarchie @thedumbdemon @2jug2head @rozmiatacz @eastvillages
Non riverdale babes
@dragonflylady77 @cuddle---buddy @mercurysystem @every-dayiwakeup @orangerosebush @kamiyuart
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madaboutmunson · 1 year
The Drive-In - Part 4
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 5 | Links to all Parts | AO3 Link
Taglist: @2btheanswertothequestion
The speed at which Eddie moved back in his seat almost rivaled Steve's recoil from earlier.
"Shit, sorry, man. Guess I was just playing up the character" Eddie realizes he's making his voice sound a lot deeper than usual. He looks at Steve, expecting the worst. A slur, a look of disgust, an act of violence, maybe, but nothing happens. Steve simply nods at him and turns back to the movie.
Eddie honestly hadn't even realized he had put his arms around Steve. But he had definitely noticed how Steve's arms had felt around him.
That firm embrace of safety teamed with the verbal destruction of Jason Carver. Damn, if that hadn't made Eddie feel protected as fuck.
Nope. Eddie tells himself. No way. We are not going down this road again. Absolutely not! That was a phase, and that phase was over. Over!
Eddie gathers up his lunchbox quickly and takes down his hair, "So...um...yeah...thanks for saving my ass there, dude. Appreciate it."
Steve is still looking at the movie. Gods, Eddie's insides were in knots. Why wasn't he saying anything?
Eddie continues, "Look, erm, I was just scared of getting my head kicked in, dude, that's all. Here, look." Eddie grabs a small bag of weed out of his lunchbox and throws it at Steve, finally getting Steve to look at him. "On the house. You know, as a thank you," Eddie tries to give him that salesman smile and shrug.
Steve gives Eddie a sobering look of pity before picking up the baggy and tossing it back gently, "You don't need to buy my silence, Munson. I won't tell anyone."
"I wasn't...that's not..." Eddie huffs at his inability to form a sentence.
Steve dips his head to look at Eddie's face. "It's ok. I know...I mean... a few years ago, I met someone who was...you know...um...homosexual, it's fine. Don't worry about it. I promise I won't breathe a word of this to anyone"
Eddie's eyes search Steve's for a moment. Searches for a sign this was some kind of locker room joke between guys or something. But the laugh doesn't appear. He was serious. Steve thought that Eddie was...
Eddie clenches his fists and feels the anger rise in him. "I'm not fucking gay, alright?! I like girls! I was just terrified, alright?!" He gestures violently into the night, "That's why they were chasing me in the first place because I was hitting on a fucking woman, alright?" Eddie looks around frantically, "There...that one there," he points at the girl from earlier. Eddie pokes the glass so hard he's amazed his finger doesn't just go through it.
Steve gives him another pitying look.
Eddie wrinkles his nose in anger. "You know what, Harrington, if anyone in this car is fucking gay, it's you! All those years slapping other guys' asses are probably a major factor in why you didn't even notice how broad my shoulders were when you tried to ram your tongue in my ear!!"
Oh, that was it. Eddie had found it. Steve's eyes flare with annoyance, "Yeah, well, in my defense, you've got long hair, and your shoulders...your shoulders are not as broad as you think they are...could have been shoulder pads, alright?!"
"Shoulder pads?! That's fucking rich coming from the guy who must use more products in his hair than the entire cheer squad!!" Eddie barks back sharply, "Also, it's clearly not having the same effect on the girlies it did in high school. We all saw you flunk out with that group of girls at the food stalls, King Steeeeve! Post-high-school not treating you so well, is it?" Eddie mocks spitefully but almost instantly realizes it's a step too far when he looks at Steve's expression is one of pure hurt as his eyes cast down to the floor.
Why did he always take it too far?
"Get out, Munson," Steve says quietly, without even a hint of anger. Only sadness.
Eddie takes a few breaths to calm down, and his anger is quickly doused by remorse. He wants to apologize, but it might be best to leave. Then he remembers his van won't start. Maybe he could figure it out, now he didn't have to run for his life.
"Look, I'm gonna go. For what it's worth, dude, I'm sorry. What I said...that was too far. I just lost it. I don't like being called that, ok?" Eddie says genuinely, takes a last look at Steve from under his hair, and exits the car.
The walk back to his van is an almost shameful one. He regrets what he said, obviously, that look on Steve's face was stomach plummeting. Eddie didn't even envision any success for himself after high school either, not that he had any while he was in it, but more than anything, he couldn't stop thinking about his Dad.
Eddie remembers him storming into Eddie's room, grabbing him by his t-shirt collar, and lifting him off the floor. His dad's face was bright red with anger, raging at him, spittle flying out of his mouth, droplets occasionally hitting Eddie's face while he accused Eddie of a list of things.
Eddie can still hear that Click-click of the shotgun in his mind now, as clearly as the first time he heard it. His Mama pointing at his Dad.
Then as cool as ice, she'd said, "Put my son down. He didn't know no better. He's gonna go to that there Jesus summer camp, and we'll hear no more of this. Right, Eddie-bear?"
Eddie managed to swallow hard and reply, "Right, Mama. I promise it won't happen again, Dad."
"You're no son of mine," his Dad had seethed as he released him, dropping him to the floor.
His Mom did not rush to help him. She kept the barrels trained on his Dad until he closed the front door behind him.
Eddie physically shakes the memory from himself in a shudder as he opens the hood of his van to assess the damage. It didn't look like anything had been tampered with. Maybe she was just having a moment. He grabs his toolbox from the van, takes off his jackets, and begins the painstaking process of elimination.
He didn't like guys. It was just a phase. You know what? Not even a phase. It was one guy, just one! A few fumblings and kisses here and there, nothing sordid. They were just kids. They didn't know any better.
It was just...how did that counselor put it...an experiment.
When asked, Eddie had answered truthfully. He liked girls, he wanted to marry a girl and have kids, but he liked his friend too. The counselor explained that puberty could complicate your feelings and cloud your vision. The way he explained it to Eddie seemed like it made perfect sense. He was extremely close with his best friend. They had both been too shy to approach girls, but we're curious about things, so they practiced with one another. It was nothing to dwell on, a common mistake. Just forget all about it. Move on. It meant nothing.
That was so long ago, but the words might as well be embossed on Eddie's brain. He gets back to solving the problem at hand, getting this old girl up and running so he can get home.
When Eddie got in the zone, time flew past so quickly. Before he knows it, the movie ends, and soon the cars around him start to peel away. He's only got a few more things he can think of to try. He wipes his grease-covered hands on his jeans and takes out a cigarette for a well-earned break.
Eddie sits on the edge of the engine area, his feet resting on the bumper as he looks up into the night sky. At least it was a warm night. If he had to walk all the way back to the trailer park, at least he wouldn't freeze to death.
He feels his eyes pull down the now sparse line of cars. Steve's car is still here, but it doesn't look like he's in it.
Shit, what if his words had pushed Steve over the edge or something. He should probably go check on him, right?
No, definitely not. That would be a really fucking bad idea. Eddie tries his hardest to look at anything but Steve's car, but his eyes keep getting drawn back there as the guilt weighs down on him.
He rolls his eyes and groans, hopping down from the van and flicking his cigarette butt into the darkness. A quick look around couldn't hurt, and it would put his mind at ease.
As he rounds the corner to clean his hands properly and get his jackets, he nearly accidentally charges full-speed walk into someone and stumbles backward just before impact, raising his hands without looking up. "Shit, sorry. I Didn't see you there".
Eddie half hoped it might be Steve, but he wasn't that lucky.
"Damn right, you didn't! I knew you'd come back for this heap of shit," he hears Jason's voice, but before he can talk his way out of it, Jason's fist comes reeling towards his cheek. The impact sends Eddie crashing into the side of his van head first, making him drop to the floor unconscious.
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jonbernthalslut · 2 years
i’ve seen some talk about steddie being wolfstar coded or that steddie girlies were wolfstar girlies first (which is true i’m proof) but i wanna say this
i think there’s an assumption that eddie would be sirius black because the leather jacket and the hair and the music and steve is remus because of the sweaters and just the whole vibe really but hear me out
eddie munson is trailer trash. remus lupin is a mudblood. they both deeply get a lot of shit for it. eddie munson gets hunted by his entire home town for a crime he didn’t commit. remus lupin is a werewolf in a world that views him as a dangerous predator that would be better put down. they’re both on the run, constantly. eddie munson is gay in nowhere indiana in the middle of the eighties. remus lupin is gay in the wizarding world in the seventies. they both read books for fun (remus baby you would love lord of the rings). like they look different and like different things but holy fuck eddie munson is so deeply remus lupin coded. the fucking hunt the freak line??? i could hear it in remus’s voice r u fuckin kidding.
and on that note. steve harrington and sirius black. first of all, they’re both bisexual i am right. but second of all. rich boys who’s parents don’t give a fuck about them bc they’re not what they wanted them to be. boys with no parents that find these wonderful friends that become their family. boys who have to struggle so hard with figuring out who they are and that there’s nothing wrong with them. boys who look at this fucking brunette doe eyed idiot and can’t help but love him no matter what the world tries to tell them. boys that started as assholes but grow and become so much better and become heroes.
also remus lupins lycanthropy was an allegory for homosexuality in the seventies and so is eddie munsons dnd playing that led to false murder accusations. thank u they are gay goodnight
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chasityschastity · 5 months
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For my Eddie Munson girlies and gays! There’s a BARD skin available on Palia that gives off his vibes including an electric guitar and a bat on the side of the jacket! 🎸
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morgue-cheese · 2 years
great day to be a steve harrington girlie/gay
terrible day for the eddie munson girlies and gays out there
my heart goes out to each of u tn
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realityescapee01 · 2 years
Eddie Munson & Will Byers (Platonic) | Steddie mentions
Will was stunned. Starstruck to say the least. Meeting Eddie, he now understood why Dustin cannot shut up about him.
Eddie saved him. Eddie showed him it's okay.
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"It's okay. Don't be afraid, little one. I got you now." Eddie said as dramatic as he always does.
Welcoming Will into his Hellfire club and ushering the young one into a new world.
Making Will embrace who he is. The one he was hiding all these years.
Will wiped his tears from crying for the 3rd week about his almost coming out to Mike. About him not being able to express himself. He likes Mike. Romantically, definitely not in just a friend way.
He wanted to talk to someone about it. About his feelings for Mike. About his sexuality. But there is no one to talk to.
He cannot tell El. Obviously. He cannot tell his brother about it either. Even if Jonathan talked to him heart to heart back in the pizza store. He just couldn't.
He is gay and he has no one to talk to about it.
When did he know?
He always was a little girly than other boys. And he always stares at Mike. He always wanted to see Mike. To be around Mike. To talk to Mike. Have Mike look at him and smile at him.
He thought he can have Mike, but Mike is not like him. Mike likes girls. Mike likes El.
And it hurt. It hurt like hell.
Will even thought why he wasn't born a girl? Maybe then Mike would like her.
Why do boys like girls? Can't boys like other boys?
He wanted to talk to his mom about it. Ask so many questions, but he just couldn't. He had put his mom through so much by disappearing already once. He doesn't wanna burden her any more than that. Because he knows he is not 'normal.'
He knows because the world says: there are boys and girls. Boys like girls. And Girls like boys.
That's it.
Not boys like boys. Not girls like girls.
He just got back from the upside down that time, and things are starting to go back to normal, he can't just dump all of that to his mom right then.
So he kept it to himself. For years. Thinking he is the only one like that. That he is alone.
And then he met Steve and Robin. And, oh boy, Steve is so pretty. Will had to stop himself from staring too long at times. He's scared Steve would catch him and call him names or something. And also, he still likes Mike. Mike is still crush number 1. Steve can be crush number 2.
But Robin gave him some kind of hope. Robin being a lesbian. A girl liking a girl. Maybe he is the boy version of Robin. A boy liking a boy.
He doesn't know until that time about the word: gay. But now that he knows, he has a word for himself now.
But instead of finding comfort on finally having a word for what he is, he felt more alienated.
Because there, at him and El's school, the words gay, homo, queer, and faggot were thrown as an insult. With so much negativity and disgusts. He saw people like him get bullied and avoided.
Will got even more scared of telling anyone.
He is weird enough already, being lost in the upside down, presumed dead, and then come back alive. Coping with the changes he missed. He cannot take the added troubles and challenges that comes from being gay.
After a few years in California, Will's family, El and Hopper, decided to go back to Hawkins. Because they know that if ever the upside down decided to go batshit again, the safest place is with their friends who got through that shit with them before already.
Seeing Mike everyday is a delight. But a torture as well. Because Will knows Mike will never return his feelings. He knows he has to move on. And still, he knows, he'd still be there for Mike.
There are times he wanted to come out. To hell with it, whatever happens next, he didn't care. He wanted to confess his feelings to Mike.
But whenever he gets to it, he chickens out.
The moment they met up with the old gang, Dustin won't shut up about this Eddie person.
How awesome Eddie is. How cool Eddie is. Eddie this, Eddie that. But Will doesn't mind, he's happy to see Dustin this lively. He'd take all the Eddie talk any time, any day, for that.
As the school year began, finally, Will meets Eddie. Dustin immediately joining him into the D&D club they are in.
Will stared at Eddie. At Eddie's everything.
Eddie is beautiful. Eddie being himself and not giving a fuck about what people think.
The way he talks, the rings, the tattoos, the passion for D&D and any other geeky, nerdy shit. The way he smiles, laughs, and the way he is not afraid to show the world how different he is. How a freak he is.
But what made Will gravitate towards Eddie is the way Eddie looks at Steve.
Even if Will is still young, he knows that look. Because he looks at Mike the same. He knew Eddie is like him.
Will cannot explain it, but he instantly felt safe with Eddie. Maybe, maybe around this adult guy, he can be himself. Maybe he can be like Eddie. That it's possible to be gay, free, to be himself, and happy.
Eddie showed him that being gay doesn't mean automatically alone, avoided, and bullied just like the kids he goes to school with back in California. That you can be cool. You can have friends. You can be happy about it.
And soon enough, it wasn't just Dustin raving about Eddie. Will started raving about Eddie too.
He always talks to Eddie. He's always sitting next to Eddie. Enough to see how Eddie glances at Steve and throw some flirting every now and then.
And Steve was... kind of receptive to it. Steve banters back at times. Specially about their inside joke that Steve is the mom and Eddie is the dad of the babysitting gang. Dustin couldn't be happier seeing his two favorite persons get along well.
Sometimes Will wonders if Dustin knows. But he is sure, Dustin being the genius he is, that Dustin knows about Eddie being gay. With the handkerchief on his back pocket being a clear indicator.
If you know about it.
Will did some researching about stuff. About people like him. And he gets what the handky means.
The D&D night arrived and Will has a new character all setup. Eddie was glad that Will knows how to play the game already.
Eddie went on with the campaign. Recalling the previous events and then proceeding to their next event.
Everything was going well. Going smooth. Eddie sat on his throne and looked at each and everyone of his Hellfire club members.
Dustin. The little shrimp that he loves so much, remembering the shit they went through in the upsidedown. Dustin was smiling so widely and his eyes are smiling as well, almost just like slits. His cheeks so puffed from smiling. Eddie would take this anyday over the panicked look Dustin had in the upsidedown.
Mike. He might be away while the whole Eddie hunt situation went down. But he knows he's been in some shit too. Rescuing the supergirl El.
Lucas. Yes, Lucas is back. He still plays basketball but he prioritizes their game now over it. Eddie understood him. Wanting to fit in with the cool kids. Wanting to belong. He is glad Lucas now is where he truly belongs.
And then there is Will. Dustin filled him in about the thing that happened to Will when they were much younger. Eddie's heart broke when he heard about it. He experienced a few minutes, maybe hours, in the upsidedown. And it gave him nightmares for weeks. Even up until now that it's over. What more, getting stuck there longer. And as a little innocent kid! Oh heavens.
Eddie's stare at Will softened more. He was so glad the kid came back. And then Eddie thought if he had some good support from his friends after that. Eddie is sure his Dustin did. But sometimes Dustin could get sidetracked. He just hoped Will didn't feel left out or something.
Eddie hoped Will had them all to talk to about all the trauma and the hell he went through. He, an adult, needed weeks to spend with Steve and Robin to cope with the aftermath of it all. A kid like Will back then definitely needed all the ears to listen and the hugs he could get.
And then something curious happened. Eddie saw Will glance at Mike and tried to not smile so much. A little red tint crept up to his cheeks too.
'Ooohhh, what do we have here???' Eddie smiled to himself.
"Eddie?... oh, great one!" Dustin shook him out of his musings. It's his turn to move the events forward.
"Oh. Pardon, I was thinking..." Eddie refocused on their game. He would be a good Dungeon Master and give them one hell of a campaign tonight. Will Byers can wait.
The game was ended for the night. They were packing up. Eddie was still sitting on his throne, observing Will.
Eddie is sure. But is Will sure? Does anyone know? Do Dustin and the others know?
And then Mike looked back at Will saying they have to move faster so they can go to El faster. Will immediately looked away and said okay. Making himself busy on cleaning up.
'Okay. He doesn't know.' Eddie thought. As he stared at Dustin, who was just carrying on. And so does Lucas. 'They don't know. No one knows!!!' Eddie was biting his lips.
"Eddie, we'll go ahead to your van." Dustin said as he stepped out of the room.
"Hey, what???" Eddie wasn't made aware he's babysitting afterwards.
"Steve is busy. You drive us home then."
Right. He forgot. Steve did tell him to drive the kids home earlier today. Something about Steve having to talk to his parents or something.
"Alright. Onto the chariot, little ones!" Eddie hopped down from his throne.
"Oh, not again!" Mike complained. Eddie's driving makes him dizzy.
"Shh! As your mom is absent today, you gotta listen to your dad!" Eddie was holding up a finger, scolding his little kids.
Will smiled at that. Eddie looked so cute.
Eddie took the opportunity and made sure Will is the last one he had to drive home.
"Hey, Will. I gotta stop by the store, is that okay?" Eddie excused.
As they were driving, Eddie shuffled through all the things he could intro with that won't scare Will off. He wasn't sure if the kid is out to anyone. Hell, he wasn't even sure if the kid is out to himself.
But what Eddie doesn't know is that Will was also trying to figure out how to start asking the questions he wanted to ask Eddie.
They parked at the convenience store, far from the window and the entrance.
"So..." Both of them spoke at the same time.
"Oh, sorry, go ahead." Will surrendered.
"No, you first." Eddie gave way.
"Uhm... Eddie... you are... a friend of Dorothy's?" Will spoke in code.
Eddie's eyes widened because Will knows the codes. "Yes. I am... and you?" Eddie decided to jump the gun.
"...Y-Yeah. Me too."
"You gotta say it. It's different if you say it."
"I'm..." Will choked back. He only ever thinks of the word. He never really said it out loud.
Eddie was right. It's different if you say it out loud. It makes it more real.
"It's okay, Will. You have to say it. Trust me."
"I'm... I'm gay." Will finally said. Hearing himself identify himself out loud, in his own words, his own voice, hit him different.
He started crying.
He never realized how much he needed it. How much he needed to say it. To finally tell someone.
"It's okay. Don't be afraid, little one. I got you now." Eddie said as he pulled Will into a hug.
Will took a deep breath and let it out. A long, dragging breath. Eddie felt the weight of that. A very heavy weight lifting off Will's shoulders.
Eddie stayed quiet and just let Will cry on him.
Will was so thankful right now. All the tiredness of hiding caught up to him.
"I was so tired! I was so scared! I thought I was the only one! I thought I was sick! I thought I was broken! I thought there's something wrong with me!"
Will started enumerating everything he thought and felt. All his fears. All the pain he felt from pining for Mike for a long time and no one to talk to about it. All the suppressed emotions came out all at once and he couldn't do anything but cry.
Eddie was hushing and cooing him through it. A loving and comforting hand rubbing his back.
"It's okay, Will. Nothing is wrong with you. You're not broken. You're not sick."
"You're the only one who knows, Eddie."
"And I'm honored you trusted me that much." Eddie ruffled his hair. "So, what's on your mind?"
"I wanna... let everyone know. I'm tired of hiding."
"Slowly, Will the Wise. Slowly." Eddie nodded.
After that heartfelt talk, Eddie and Will got into the store. Eddie got Will his favorite ice cream. When they stepped out, they saw Jonathan pulling up with Argyle.
"Will? Why are you still out?" Jonathan asked and glanced at Eddie. The freak Eddie Munson.
What is his brother doing with Eddie? Jonathan worried. And as if Will read his mind, he immediately assured his brother.
"Hey, Eddie's just driving me home. Steve couldn't make it tonight. We just finished D&D."
"Okay... Well, you can come with us now. We're heading home."
Will nodded. "Eddie, thank you so much for tonight."
"No problem, Will the Wise." Eddie said dramatically with an old school bow.
Will laughed as they watch Eddie drive off with his van.
Jonathan was staring at Will the whole time. It was a long long while since he heard that laugh from Will. It's a long long while since he saw Will smile. Really smile. And that shine in his eyes. He missed that so much.
It's as if he's seeing the young, cute, little Will all over again. Before he got lost in the upsidedown.
Then he knew, Jonathan knew, whatever Eddie did for Will, he's gotta thank the freak.
Eddie did drive off. But not back to his home.
He pulled up in front of a beautiful house. Got out of his beat up van, obviously out of place in that neighborhood. He ran up to the door and rang the bell.
"Stevie!" Eddie piped up when Steve came to answer the door.
"Eddie? What are you doing here? Did you drive the kids home?"
Eddie laughed a little. Momma Steve is on.
"I did, don't worry. Except Will, we met Jonathan on the way."
"Okay. Come in." Steve invited him in.
Eddie had been spending nights with him. Hanging out. But mostly talking about the shit they've been through the upsidedown. Eddie needed to talk to someone. It baffled him that the kids are okay with it. Like it was nothing. But he was glad it is that way. He'd have that rather than them severely traumatized and ptsd-ing everytime.
They were drinking beer in Steve's room. They were ready to sleep. And Eddie saw Steve tidying up the bed for them to sleep in.
'Will... it's okay, you will find someone like this... like Steve. Who will accept you for who you are.'
"Eddie, come on. Let's go to sleep." Steve raised the comforter, inviting Eddie in.
"Cumming." Eddie intentionally emphasized the pronunciation.
"Eddie, ugh! I'm too sleepy for that."
"Alright, alright." Eddie trudged towards the bed.
Him and Steve are not together, no. Not yet, at least. But Eddie is feeling really good about this. He feels they can be so much more. He just has to let it all play out right.
And along the way, Eddie could show Will that it's okay. It's really okay. You don't have to be afraid.
The following days, Will was all over Eddie. Exchanging looks and smiles. And huddling alone together more often. Will was asking him all the questions he wanted to ask.
Dustin was getting jealous. He was pulling all these cute little tantrums. And Eddie pretended not to notice.
"Eddie!!!" Dustin ended up hugging Eddie's side. "What's up? What's this???" Dustin pointing to Will.
Eddie just laughed. "What is? We're just talking. I'm teaching Will."
"What are you teaching him?"
"Stuffs?!?" Dustin was so close to Eddie that they are cheek to cheek now.
"Yeah..." Will leaned in to Dustin's ear and thought it's a good time to tell Dustin. "... stuffs."
Dustin's eyes grew and he slowly leaned away from Eddie and towards Will.
"Will..." Dustin was staring intensely at Will. "... ugh! Finally!!!"
Dustin then hugged Will so tight.
"Wait, what do you mean finally?" Will worried that he might be too obvious and he just didn't know.
"I figured it out. Like, way back. I just didn't wanna push you 'out of the closet.' " Dustin whispered that other part Because he didn't wanna ruin the way Will wanted to come out.
"Oh, Dustin!" Will hugged Dustin as tight.
"Are you also... do you also... " Dustin was pointing at the handky of Eddie on his back pocket.
"... Oh! No. No, I'm not... Actually, I don't know yet."
Eddie was giggling to himself. Will is too young for those. He'd rather have him explore when he gets a little older.
"Fair enough, yeah. Right, right." Dustin was nodding as dramatic as Eddie when he nods. He was picking up a lot of things from Eddie.
Dustin and Will went back to their classes as the lunch break was over. Eddie was right. His friends are actually really good friends. Dustin is down, now the others should be next.
Eddie let Will and Dustin and Lucas off of the campaign night on Will's request. Will decided to come out to the rest.
Everyone had a different reaction. But accepting nonetheless. Supportive too. Mike was quiet. And was just nodding along with the others. It made Will nervous.
When everyone else left, Mike pulled him aside.
"Will... Hey, I'm... I figured... you... me... I'm sorry, Will. I didn't know I was hurting you."
"Y-Yeah. It's not your fault, Mike."
"... I'm sorry... I'm still here for you. I still wanna be friends with you. Like before all the shit went down. I really do. I just couldn't be... You know."
"I know."
"Yeah... so... if there's some guy, you know, you gotta tell us. We will make sure he's worth it."
Will laughed. This is good. This is really good. "I will. But not anytime soon."
"Sure thing. We're here. We're gonna screen the assholes out."
Will and Mike started laughing. Like how they were before the upsidedown. Will could imagine the boys questioning his future boyfriend.
Dustin would definitely have a spy party following the guy around. Full blown background investigation for sure. Code red. Super high priority.
Will began changing his appearance too. He always wanted to try a different hairstyle. He wanted to try different fashion. That's why he is here, with Steve and Eddie, shopping for new clothes.
Steve picking out outfits and Eddie teasing him.
"Really? Are you joking? This pants are cool." Steve holding up a pretty preppy pants.
"This. This is cool!" Eddie holding up a ripped black jeans, that looks like what he has on.
Will was just watching the two. He was wondering if Steve is bisexual. He learned from Eddie that there are people who like both boys and girls.
Honestly, Will thought it was cool. So much more options for them then.
He then saw Eddie lean on Steve, like really lean on him. Steve just wrapped his arms around Eddie's waist. And they stayed like that.
"If you are so great..." Steve looked at Eddie's eyes, then lips, then back to the eyes again. "...why don't you pick the outfits then?"
"Alright, Stevie sweetie." Eddie pouted his lips in a kissy gesture at Steve before leaning away.
Steve didn't take his hands off of Eddie's waist. He just let it slid off as Eddie walked farther away.
'Yup. I think Steve is bi.' Will walked over to Steve.
"You're gonna end up looking like Eddie if you don't speak up on what clothes you want." Steve nudged him with his arms.
"Is there a problem though? Looking like Eddie?" Will was playful.
"... No... Nothing at all." Steve said, not taking his eyes off of Eddie.
Will looked at Eddie too, prancing about in the store, picking out clothes.
They ended up with an outfit that's a mix of Steve and Eddie. Mostly like Steve but with a shirt like Eddie and accessories like Eddie.
"Now, for the hair." Steve was thinking really hard on it.
"Just let it grow out." Eddie suggested.
"No, he has to style and take care of it like this." Steve suggesting his hair style, shampoo and conditioner brands. And some gels too.
"Nay. I vote: nay! Just grow it out."
"Cut and style it."
"Grow it out."
Oh boy, this day's gonna be long. Will watched the two argue. The two kept arguing. Eddie would sometimes lean in on Steve's face, banter and then pull away. Steve would grab Eddie's jacket and act like he's tidying it up but he is really patting Eddie rather strongly and then banter back.
It was a cute little banter.
Ultimately, in the end, will got the slick back quiff hairstyle. It's good because it will look better as it grows out.
They grabbed lunch and Will is starting to have the urge to ask Eddie if he withheld some information about him and Steve. Maybe they got together?
Sure, Will knows Eddie is a little bit of a flirt, but the two were behaving very suspicious. They were so close. Eddie flinging his arm over Steve's shoulder. Steve would put his arm around Eddie's waist. Eddie would piggyback on Steve. And Steve just takes it. Carrying Eddie on his back as they walk around the shopping center.
Sometimes Eddie would come up on Steve's back, look over Steve's shoulder and then place his chin on Steve's shoulder, looking at whatever Steve was looking at.
Steve had to go excuse himself to go to the restroom. Will took the chance.
"Eddie! Did you and Steve get together?"
Eddie didn't answer. He just gave a discreet smile.
"Oh my god!" Will was ecstatic. "Really? When? Oh my god!"
"Calm down!" Eddie was holding Will down, because if not, he's sure the boy would've been jumping up and down. "Well... there was this one night this past weekend..."
Eddie looked back so fondly on that night. He began telling Will how Steve was behaving weirdly. Long story short, Steve confessed to Eddie first.
Steve told Eddie that he had been having a bi panic. In denial. And confused. But couldn't deny himself any longer. He wanted to take Eddie on dates. He wanted to have Eddie be with him.
And Steve kept rambling on until Eddie stopped him with a kiss. They started making out and it led to...
Eddie stopped himself because Will is still too young for that.
"Uhm, yeah, so that's what's up with me and Steve."
"Wow, oh my god, I can't believe it... Steve... Eddie, will I meet someone like that too? Someone to be with?"
"Oh, you will. You will." Eddie grabbed Will into a wrestling hug.
Steve came out of the restroom. Eddie looked at him and grinned. Eddie walked up to Steve's side and whispered that Will already knows.
"Oh..." Steve looked at Will. And Will just nodded. "Well, I guess, Dustin should be next to know."
"I'm sure he's gonna be all: why am I the third person to know? Why did Will and Robin get to know ahead of me? Why???" Eddie did a top-notch Dustin impression.
All three of them laughed out loud.
This day is great. This day is definitely a step towards being free for Will. He can feel change is coming for him.
He'd be free. He won't be alone. He won't be afraid anymore. He would embrace his identity and not feel sorry about it.
He will be happy.
-+-+-+ ( complete ) +-+-+-
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prettyboybyers · 2 years
This girl in the grade below me is a Eddie Munson super fan and shes said shit like
"The only good character in stranger things is eddie."
"Wills a bad character."
"Hes ugly."
"I obviously ship Mike and El, who doesn't?"
"I ship Eddie with myself."
Okay, but shes a hardcore Christian and she hates gays and shit and her whole spotify is worship playlists, like what was going through her head when she picked Eddie as her favorite?
He is fr the gay coded freak with a "devil cult"
Raelieh, girlie no.
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munsontm · 2 years
♡ + masculinity
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Send me ♡ + a word, and I’ll write a headcanon / ACCEPTING / @kinklelegacy
Much like every aspect of Eddie's life, he does it his own way, and masculinity is no exception. Obviously, he does not buy into the typical type of masculinity like the jocks etc. He hates playing and watching sports and playing the tough guy, and despite fandom's love of projecting Eddie, the mechanic, onto the world. I don't think he cares about cars that much, personally. His van is about getting him from A to B, his band to gigs, and to drug deals when necessary. I think he knows a decent amount about cars----but it's not a passion for him.
I suppose you COULD say there is considered femininity to Eddie by Hawkin's and 'normal' standards, but that comes with contexts!! Eddie, at least my version of him, paints his nails, wears eyeliner and dons a few piercings, which is considered in the 80s and sadly still now, though not as much, very much a woman's thing. But Eddie is a metalhead, and that's pretty typical attire for metalheads; the Duffers are just pussy bitches. BUT the aesthetic of POPULAR metalhead style, appearance and culture largely began with the band Judas Priest, of whom the lead singer is gay gay gay. Of course, no one knew that at the time! But Rob Halford, the singer of JP. Created that particular look after witnessing it in gay bars and gay BDSM clubs etc, and it boomed within the metal scene. The metal scene was unknowingly influenced by gay culture for a long time, much to Rob's amusement. And if you know anything about the metal scene of the 80s and beyond, it's not particularly queer or feminine friendly, the opposite. So, that aspect of Eddie would not be seen as feminine in his own circle. But outside of it? Hell yeah. It would be seen as weird and girly. But Eddie has always grinned and bore his differences to the 'normal' guys of Hawkins, much to his own personal detriment. Because he'd rather be himself and face the unkind consequences than pretend to be someone he isn't. So, whether wearing make-up and jewellery is seen as feminine or not. Eddie doesn't really care, you know? He wears it because he wants to. If someone were to ask him why he's dressed like 'a girl' he'd be likely to shrug and say it's metal; it's just part of the culture. Get with it. I don't think it will get him until some years later maybe he just likes doing it outside of being a metalhead too.
Appearances aside, there's then the personality aspect. Eddie is a solid metalhead, no doubt. But he obviously doesn't prescribe to the typical personality of one. Yeah, he's got that working-class anger. But what working class person doesn't have that? But he certainly doesn't come off as an angry meathead. He's obviously the opposite of the typical metalhead stereotype. He's sweet and kind and looks after people. He's a soft lad. And that would have gone against a lot of what masculinity was considered to be at that time. America is still experiencing the aftermath of the Vietnam war, and they've got Reagen in power. Toxic masculinity is everywhere. To Eddie, being a metalhead is largely about living your truth, living your way, and doing everything how you want it. It's hardcore to live like that in a world that actively opposes it.
Do I think Eddie could have turned out to be a toxic meathead? ABSOLUTELY. The mould for it is right there with his abusive parents and a father who forced him into crime from a young age. It would have been extremely easy for Eddie to have been someone else. And I think his saving grace is obviously uncle Wayne. I think Wayne saved Eddie from turning out like his brother (I hc Eddie's dad is Wayne's brother). We see Eddie being particularly polite and chivalrous towards Nancy and Chrissy. And you can say he simply got that from reading too much fantasy fiction about knights etc. But, I choose to believe this is something that Wayne taught him because Wayne is about the only decent fella in the Munson family, and he wanted Eddie to grow up treating women much better than his brother did his wife before she killed herself. And, well, Wayne is a bit of an old-fashioned fella too, holds doors open for ladies, offers to escort them to their cars when it's dark, and do 'tough' manual labour for them. And he's poured all of that into Eddie too. So, depending on what kind of woman you are. Eddie would make a really great boyfriend and husband.
Furthermore, I came to another conclusion that Eddie has learned a lot about gender and femininity/masculinity from reading non-conformist literature, academic and fictional. In small-town Indiana, I think reading is more or less the only way he could have found certain things out aside from visiting bars etc, in bigger cities. He would have read feminist and queer literature that would take him further from the hegemony of 80s America. Until he's pretty much at a point of not caring about many labels. Women can dress, act and do whatever they want, just like a dude can. He actively supports that and champions female friends and girlfriends. So, while Eddie does take a chivalrous attitude with women. It’s just to be a decent person. As for gender and sexuality, that's something he's had to experience for himself, and it's not been great in small-town Indiana (not until Steve.) But given all he would have learned from teaching himself and hearing other stories, Eddie is very comfortable with his sexuality and his gender as a man in general and as a man who has sex with other men. Being fucked by another dude is nothing to do with masculinity. He thinks it's pretty metal to get fucked in the ass tbqh. And he's more than aware of how terrifying it is to be anything different in a place like Hawkin's, but he does it all the same because it's his one life, and his parents ruined enough of it already. No one else is going to tell him how to exist.
So, in a long-winded and roundabout way. What I've wanted to get at is that Eddie isn't a typical dude of his time and dominant culture. He's one of the people that the dominant hegemony actively fears because he causes disruptions to their way of ruling; heterosexual reproduction and the expansion of capitalism linked to heterosexual reproduction. That's why people in Hawkin's are scared of him. The government actively pushes controlled normalcy, and Eddie ain't it. He's the freak. He's not a man; he's something else. A something else that needs to disappear from American society and not be encouraged further. But he's refused to be quiet and be what people want him to be. It's honestly pretty gnarly that he's managed to make this of himself in a place like Hawkins during the 80s. No doubt that other people in rl managed it too, but he's a great shining example.
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