#and as soon as my mom would allow hair dye i went pink
needylittlegirl · 3 months
grease changed my entire cellular structure . i wanted to be a pink lady so bad ,, til death do us part, think pink !!
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Domestic December Day 17
A 3a.m. conversation (or lack thereof) between Quinn and Terzo is going to have consequences.
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AO3 Link for this blurb and the rest
SFW, mentions of underage weed use
Ages → Quinn, 16ish; Terzo, 19ish.
        Quinn left the couch and padded into Terzo’s bedroom, shaking him until he woke up. “What? What’s the matter?” he mumbled sleepily. “I can’t sleep.” “How long has it been?” “I dunno. Hours?” He looked at his bedside clock. “It’s been fifteen fucking minutes.” “If someone hits themselves and it hurts, are they strong or weak?” “What?” “Well, are they strong because their blows hurt, or are they weak because they felt pain?” “What the fuck, Quinn?” “Don’t you ever think about this kind of stuff?” “Not particularly. Please go to sleep.” “My brain’s going too fast.” “No more weed for you, you can’t handle it.” “You only let me have two puffs, it wore off forever ago.” “Ugh,” he groaned. “More weed next time then. A nice indica to make you go the fuck to sleep.” He rolled away from her, pulling a pillow over his head. She flopped onto the bed beside him. “Quinn, go back to the couch. Your parents only agree to you staying over because you sleep on the couch.” “But I can’t sleep.” “Fuck. Fine. But only until you feel sleepy.”
        She settled into a more comfortable position, laying opposite to him, her head at the footboard. “What’s it like having your own rooms?” “Peaceful, usually.” He said grumpily, propping himself up a bit with a pillow. “Honestly though? It’s great not having to deal with Nihil’s bullshit. I can do my own thing.” “I asked mom and dad about moving into the Siblings dorms when I turn seventeen.” “I bet that went over like a ton of bricks.” “Ehh, mixed reactions, but we all agreed that seventeen or eighteen is when I’d likely have gone to college or university anyways. And this is more supervised than that. I’m literally still in the same building.” Terzo laughed a little. “Your parents are protective, but not too overbearing. I think they’ll let it happen.” “Guess we’ll find out. They won’t let me dye my hair pink, and that’s smaller than moving out.” “Hm.” His response was distant. “Are you sleepy yet?” “Not really.” “Well, I’m falling asleep. Go back to the couch, watch TV or read or something. Make yourself a glass of warm milk.” He pushed her with his foot. “Can I read your Ministry training books?” “If it means you leave me alone to sleep, yes. They’ll probably make you fall asleep too.”
        Quinn left his room, closing the door behind her. She turned on the small lamp, looking at the books on the table. The gold foil of one book caught her attention, and she picked it up. “The Art of Summoning,” she murmured to herself, flipping through the pages. Curling up on the couch under the lamp, she read the table of contents more thoroughly, looking for the section about ghouls. She’d often thought about whether or not there was a way to transfer the contract her father had with Celeste to herself. Thumbing through the pages, she ended up on one about imps and glamour magic, eyes automatically skimming the words. Imps can be summoned for minor tasks, such as being messengers, household chores, or even enchanting small objects with simple spells. An example of these spells would be minor glamour spells, allowing the bearer of the item to change something small about their appearance at will. The cost for these exchanges is often low, but must be negotiated before any tasks or enchantments are completed for the safety of the summoner. One must be mindful of loopholes and wording, though imps are less trickster-like than more powerful entities. The summoning spell looked simple enough, and she’d seen her father do things like this dozens of times at least. Quinn’s eyes drifted to Terzo’s bedroom door. He typically slept like the dead, and if she was quiet… No one would ever need to know. They’d figure it out soon enough, but she could lie about how it happened. Her fingers toyed with the ring on her finger, a gift from her parents on her birthday. Being able to change her hair colour on a whim would be fantastic, and doing it this way would mean her parents' arguments against dyeing her hair wouldn’t matter anymore. She bit her lip, wondering what she could offer in exchange. Maybe imps liked snacks? There was leftover pasta from supper in the fridge. The only way to find out would be to summon one, if the price was too high she could just send it back…
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imaginesforjohnnydepp · 2 months
young sidney #2 (sidney's first interview)
june 2005
"from the adventures of sharkboy and lavagirl in theaters next friday, please welcome sidney depp!" there was a lot more people than she expected, it was so loud! she quickly refocused on jay leno, who extended his hand and shook it as she sat down, and after a minute the applause died down. she wasn't expecting the lights to be this bright, it always seemed more dim when she would watch at home. "look at you! you've gotten so tall! the last time i saw you, you came up to my knees!"
it is true; just a few months shy of her thirteenth birthday, sidney towered over most of the boys in her grade and she's already taller than taylor and cayden, her costars. "just eating all of my vegetables i guess." the audience laughed at that, although she couldn't tell if they were laughing to be nice or if they genuinely thought she was funny. "i see, i see. how old are you now, fourteen?" "no, i'll be thirteen in september," she responded.
"thirteen. gosh, the last time you were here, it was 1995 and you were asleep on your dad's lap, right on this very couch. do you remember that?" sidney could barely remember what she had for breakfast this morning; she just shook her head as the audience laughed (apparently they remembered like it happened this afternoon) so jay recounted the tale to those who didn't know the story: her dad was in this very studio during an appearance to promote nick of time. johnny was trying to get sidney to take a nap but she was not going down, even though he knew she was tired, her body just hadn't gotten the message.
her dad said leaving her alone with kate would make the situation worse, and no one else backstage had any experience with children, so he had no choice but to scoop her up with her blanket and snack and take her with him onto the stage as the show was just coming back from commercial break, and it was only then that she was (finally) able to go to sleep.
now the topic was finally back to sidney. "was it a wig or did you really dye your hair pink?" "they actually dyed my hair, and it took an entire day. by the end of it, i was like "i'm never doing this again." the audience laughed again, seeming to actually find it funny. as the segment went on, sidney found herself becoming more comfortable as leno asked her everything under the sun: her hobbies which sidney admitted her love of reading, the type of music she likes to listen with her friends ("destiny's child, britney spears, mariah carey."), and finally school and her plans for the summer.
"school's not so bad, and i get straight a's, so i'm not too bad. the only thing i hate is waking up so early but now that it's summer, i can just sleep in, but i still have to complete my reading list which is fine." sidney only has two more books before she's free, not that she minds. "and then after the press tour i'm just gonna spend the rest of the summer with my dad, so i'm pretty excited about that." her dad would be getting ready for his own press tour for charlie and the chocolate factory, so she and her brother and sister would try to squeeze in as much time as possible with him.
soon, sidney's segment was over and they cut to commercial break with jay promising to be back with the musical guest. "...and clear!" someone yelled from off stage. "how do you feel now? was i too much?" "no, no, you were fine. it's just a lot to take in." throughout her interview, sidney had to remind herself to block out the noise and just focus on leno. "it's so much brighter than when i watch at home."
leno laughed, patting her on her back. "trust me, to start to get used it, which is something you'll learn to do too. you'll be fine." sidney walked off backstage where her mom was waiting for her. sidney was hungry and tired at this point so they went through burger king drive thru before going back to their hotel. she was allowed to watch one episode of that's so raven while she ate and then go to bed; the premiere was tomorrow as well as additional press. she couldn't wait for it to be over so she could enjoy the rest of her summer.
"i don't know how dad does this for a month straight for every movie. for a month straight." the episode was almost over, so sidney made the transition of getting ready for bed: texting her friends good night and putting her phone on the charger and turning back the covers on the bed. "that's because your dad loves what he does, and he has to feed his kids, and if you're serious about acting, you're going to have to get used to not sleeping in your own bed for periods at a time. just think of it as an extended field trip. you get to travel, meet new people."
as her mom turned off the light, she said, "just one more day and you're done and you can have the rest of the summer." and that's what she's hanging on for. just one more day.
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honey-dewey · 3 years
Dye Day Disasters Part Two
Pairing: Shane ‘Dio’ Morrissey/Reader
Word Count: 1,594
Warnings: Mentions of spicy times, but nothing explicit. 
Permanent Taglist: @phoenixhalliwell @star-wars-hell
Three months after you and Dio dye your hair for the first time, he makes a deal with you. You can go with him when he visits his sister if he gets to pick your next hair color. I’m sure that won’t be a decision you regret, right? (Spoiler alert, it isn’t.)
A/N: This is a shameless continuation of a story I posted yesterday, Dye Day Disasters. I have no shame and apparently no self control either. Oops. 
You sighed, kicking your feet and waiting. You’d never been good at waiting, but with Dio, waiting patiently got you rewarded, so you were willing to sit by the door and simply wait.
Dio had gone out to the store for dyes and other stuff, and you and him had struck a bargain before he had left. You were both headed out to visit his sister, and he agreed that he’d take you with him for the visit if and only if he got to pick your hair color this time around. You’d relented. In the months since Dio had dyed your hair the first time, you’d gone through plenty of colors, your favorite still being the deep teal with blue streaks that made you look like a mermaid. But now, the fate of your hair was in Dio’s hands.
The door opened, and you eagerly jumped up, seeing Dio walk in with the bag of goodies. “Were you waiting on the floor for me?”
“No!” You lied, hugging Dio tightly. “C’mon, we’re gonna be late.”
Dio smiled, putting the bag down. “Calm down darling. Everly knows we’ll probably be late.”
You pouted. “We won’t be late!”
Grabbing your hands, Dio leaned in close. “Oh really? Because you do get a reward for sitting pretty while I was gone.”
So you were definitely going to be late. Dio rewarded you while you both showered, staying in until the water ran freezing. After that, you had to take care in covering the budding bruises Dio left all over your skin. Yeah, definitely going to be late.
And you were. Thankfully, not by much. Everly, who you’d only met once or twice, was eager to see you, happily hugging you and smiling when you winced at her tight embrace. “Oh honey,” she said. “Did Dio ruin you last night?”
“This morning,” you admitted sheepishly. “I’m gonna get even with him, I swear.”
Everly laughed. “Well, come in!”
You followed her through her house, Dio behind you. Everly chatted to you both, leading you into the garage, which was set up like a one man salon.
“This is where I do most of my work,” she said. “And if I’m not wrong, Dio texted me and told me we’d be using it.”
Dio nodded. “Just dyeing,” he said. “Nothing ridiculous.”
Everly groaned overdramatically. “Fine,” she said. “But, and do remind me to show off the photos, you looked so fun with bubblegum pink hair. Who’s first?”
Dio pointed to you. “They need bleach.”
You grinned. “Yeah. Learned that one the hard way. I was orange for a while when we tried to go from yellow to red.”
“That’s just basic color theory,” Everly said, pointing to the chair. “Sit. What color are we doing?”
Dio pulled Everly aside and showed her the dye, and she eagerly nodded. “Oh that’ll look so good!” She said happily, turning back to you. “But definitely bleach first, to make it pop.”
Still in the dark about your hair color, you said a silent goodbye to the slightly faded navy blue color you had now while Everly pulled a towel that was already bleach stained across your shoulders. “So,” she said, grabbing a bottle of bleach and measuring a decent amount into a bowl. “How goes it baby brother?”
Rolling his eyes at the baby brother comment, Dio began to tell Everly about life. You added bits when he missed something or said something wrong, but you mostly just listened as Everly bleached your hair.
Finally, once you were fairly certain you were going to fall asleep, Everly put the bleach bowl down and nodded. “Alrighty,” she said. “C’mon up now. I gotta fix all of that.” She gestured in Dio’s general direction and you suppressed a smile. “And it might take a while.”
You stood and Dio took your place, shedding his jacket and watching Everly in the mirror. “Have you talked to Brynn recently?”
Everly shrugged. “Yeah. She was here a few weeks ago,” she said, shaking out a cape and pulling it over Dio’s shoulders. “She’s doing well. We went dress shopping.”
Dio nodded, putting his chin to his chest when Everly pushed his head down. “That’s good,” he said.
“Yeah,” Everly agreed. “Oh, and Viv says hi. I saw her yesterday. She was disappointed she couldn’t see you.”
“She lives down the street from me,” Dio said. “She can literally walk to my apartment and visit.”
Everly laughed. “You know Viv. She won’t do it.”
Dio rolled his eyes, and you smiled. Sometimes you forgot how well Dio got along with his sisters.
“Okay baby bro,” Everly said, ruffling Dio’s hair once she was done, in her words, neatening him up. “Hop up. It ain’t your turn anymore.”
She didn’t make Dio get up, mostly because you and him didn’t need to swap places yet. Instead, she sat you in front of a sink and rinsed the bleach away, humming. “So,” she said, looking down at you. “When’s he gonna propose?”
You heard Dio drop something, and you almost knocked your head on the side of the sink in shock. “What?”
Everly laughed. “You two have been together for ages,” she said. “And when I mentioned I was seeing Dio, mom made me promise to ask when you two were getting married.”
“Everly, I will stab you with something,” Dio said, sounding strained.
“And we have not been together for ages,” you added. “It’s been two years.”
Everly rolled her eyes. “You’ve known each other for almost five though,” she said.
“Still not getting married!” You said, and Everly smiled.
“Okay, okay, I’m just the messenger,” she said, wrapping your head in a towel. “Dio. Up.”
Dio stood, sitting where you’d just been while you took his place. Everly dried your hair, asking Dio to turn some music on while she worked. He did, hooking her phone up to an aux cord and immediately flinching at her selection of music. “ABBA? Really?”
“Excuse you!” Everly said over the hair dryer. “ABBA is excellent!”
Dio said nothing, and out of the corner of your eye, you could see him tapping his foot along to the music.
“Finally, the fun part,” Everly said eagerly, turning the chair around so you couldn’t see yourself in the mirror. “Dio, wanna help?”
Dio eagerly got up, standing on your left while Everly took your right.
“Is it gonna be half-and-half again?” You asked. Dio shushed you, putting on gloves and beginning to carefully section your hair. So that was a yes.
Everly mixed the colors behind you, handing Dio a bowl and smiling. “Here we go.”
Between Everly and Dio, the process was much quicker than it was at home. Everly was done first, and began to prep Dio’s black dye while he finished up his side of your head.
Finally, when your hair was entirely coated in dye, you stood so Dio could sit. You tried to sneak a peek in the mirror exactly once, and found yourself unsuccessful and completely deterred from doing it again. Unsuccessful because Everly had put a black towel around your head and deterred because Dio pinched your thigh really hard. “No peeking.”
You pouted, making a very dignified face at Dio and humming along to ‘Killer Queen’ while Everly worked black dye into Dio’s hair.
Finally, he joined you, and you pouted in his direction.
“You pinched me!”
Dio smiled. “Would you like me to kiss it better?”
Your pout disappeared. “Can I pinch you back?”
Sighing, Dio bared his arm, and you pinched the sensitive skin on the inside of his elbow. He didn’t even flinch.
“You’re both dorks!” Everly said from across the room.
You smiled, standing up and plopping back down on Dio’s lap, leaning against his chest. He immediately accommodated for you, shifting so you’d both be comfortable.
“Yeah, dorks,” Everly decided, sitting in her chair and swinging around slowly. She held up her phone. “Say hi to Viv.”
You both waved to the phone, and Everly sent the video. “Alright. Forty five minutes. Are y’all in the mood for a movie?”
The answer was yes, mostly because Everly put on Corpse Bride. It was one of Dio’s favorites, so you two stayed cuddled up and watched the first half of the movie. When Everly’s timer went off, you reluctantly stood and stretched, sitting at the sink again and damn near falling asleep as she rinsed the excess dye out.
After a very lengthy blow dry session where Dio was adamant you still couldn’t look, you were allowed to turn around.
“Oh my god,” you breathed, finally seeing your hair. “Dio, I love it!”
Dio smiled. “I knew you would.”
Your hair, which had been navy at the start of this ordeal, was now split between baby blue and a paler pink, reminding you of cotton candy.
Everly grinned. “He picked well. I have to say, not everyone can pull these colors off.”
After that, Dio’s hair was washed and dried, and Everly made good on her promise to send you home with Polaroids of Dio with highlighter pink hair. You waved goodbye, promising to come back soon.
“Did you have fun today?” Dio asked as you two got in the car to go home.
“Yeah,” you said, yawning. “I’m exhausted though.”
Dio smiled. “Get some rest. And thank you for trusting me.”
You leaned back, cradling your head between the car seat and the door. “Wasn’t any question about it Dio,” you said softly. “I’ll always trust you.”
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Sun Touched Zuko AU!!
Tag list @chaoticidiott @mypureessence @fae-tales-personal
This won't be a soulmate AU but it will be Zukka for sure.
Zuko was born sick, so sick in fact that he was going to die. His mother prayed to Agni that he would live, prayed that the sun spirit would save her first born son. In the gardens she held him up to the Setting sun pleading. The suns rays caught in the amber stone on top of the alter set for worship and moved to Zuko's eyes. His hair changed from solid black to a golden blonde, he opened eyes and began to cry. He was touched by the Sun and lived.
Ursa couldnt have been more happy, her son was alive. "My little sunshine" she whispered with tears rolling down her cheeks as she held him close and rocked him in her arms.
When Ozai saw his son's golden hair he demanded that it be dyed black, but was willing to compromise when Ursa suggested they wait until he turns 5 so that the dyes don't harm him.
The first time they dyed his hair he asked his mom why, his bright molten eyes looking at her with confusion "because your father wants you to feel safer my sunshine, people will stare at you with that bright shining hair of yours"
"Oh, okay" was his only response that day. He never questioned it anymore when they touched up his roots weekly.
After his mother left him he felt alone in the world, his dad still staining his golden hair each week with more and more ink. All the while berating him when he couldnt control his fire well. Even with being touched by the spirit and having powerful fire he couldnt manage to control it, couldnt understand how to. Until master Piandou taught him swords and he applied his teachings to his fire.
The first time he used his swords to control the fire Piandou was more than impressed "Prince Zuko! That was amazing!"
"Thank you Master, thinking of the swords as an extension helped me control the flames better" his smile soon faded when his father appeared
"Yes, great work Zuko, I am pleased to see you have learned how to control your flames, however mixing these arts in this fashion is unacceptable. Come with me"
After that he wasn't allowed back at Piandou's unless he was accompanied by either his father, or an advisor to make sure he practiced correctly.
On the day of his fated Agni Kai Zuko had just gotten his roots retouched before entering the war meeting. When his father burnt him for speaking out of term his tears felt like lava running down his cheeks. He could smell the fresh dye burning and it hurt his lungs.
His Uncle immediately took him under his wing when he was banished "Zuko, my star," his Uncle pleaded when they were at the western airtemple "i need to dress your wound, the sun spirit would not want you to lose your eye"
Zuko reluctantly let his Uncle clean and dress his wound several times on their travels until it healed and scarred over. When it finally healed over Iroh smiled "there you go sunshine" he said as he wiped the tears forming in Zuko's good eye away "do not cry Prince Zuko, you are safe"
He still dyed his roots every week to uphold his place as prince. He did not know that his golden hair was his own symbol or royalty, that the sun chose him. Sure he knew the sun saved him, but he could not understand that it was because he was chosen.
When he arrived at the South pole and discovered the Avatar, he felt a breath of relief wash over him. He was going home, but he heavily underestimated the Avatar's abilities and lost him.
Soon he started a cat and mouse game with the monk and his two southern water tribe friends. After the northpole he slacked on dying his hair, not because he didnt want to, he simply didn't have the resources to do so. So his roots started to grow in gold.
"Well your looking golden Zuzu" Azula's voice startled Zuko when he walked into the hut they were staying in.
"Azula, what are you doing here" he glared at his younger sister
"You know, im my country. We greet one another before asking questions" she responded coldly "i was just passing through"
"To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit Princess Azula?" Iroh piped into the conversation
"No wonder you two click, always so quick and to the point. Father sent me, family is suddenly very important to him." She turned her head to look out the window "father regrets your banishment. He wants you home"
Zuko was frozen in place "father regrets?"
"I can see you need time to think this through, ill be by to collect you in the morning" Azula smiled softly before a flash of worry flashed on her face for a split second as she walked out the door.
When Azula's true intentions were revealed Zuko and Iroh managed to flee from her and her soldiers. When they stopped at the river to cut their hair Zuko looked at Iroh when he watched the inky hair fall into the river "your gold hair will conceal your identity fairly well my nephew"
"Yeah, it'll hide me pretty well" nobody had seen Zuko with his golden hair before. He hadnt seen his hair fully gold since age five.
On their travels his hair grew fairly fast now that it wasnt being dyed so often. It would catch the eye of several earth kindom citizens when he passed through towns. When he and Iroh were sitting against a building with a hat in front of them a young woman approached them and slipped a few gold pieces in "I know this might sound creepy, and I'm only asking this because I cannot resist. But may I kiss your hair sir? You can say no, I won't take my money back."
Zuko flushed a light shade of pink and scratched the back of his head "uhm, s-sure?" He mumbled out and leaned his head towards her. She placed a tender almost motherly kiss to the top of his head.
"Oh, your hair is so beautiful sir, it's like a million rays of sun. I wish you luck, i can only spare a little but if you'd take these small meals Im sure they'd help you" she said while offering two wrapped meals
They accepted and thanked her with small bows "what a nice young lady, huh?" Iroh said and nudged Zuko's arm
"Yeah, she was very nice"
When Zuko and Iroh found Azula and Aang battling in an abandoned earth town Azula pointed out his hair "wow Zuzu! You look just like a star! Where'd all that ink go?" When the fight ended and Iroh was injured Zukos cheeks felt like magma was pouring from his eyes.
"Zuko, I can hel-" Katara approached them
"LEAVE!" Zuko cried out, turning to Katara with golden tears running down his face.
While on the Ferry to Ba Sing Se Zuko was angry, not angry at anyone or anything in particular, he was just angry. "Hey" the voice of a man at his right side broke his brooding "names Jet"
"Lee" Zuko muttered out how cover name
"Yknow Lee, I hear the captain is eating like a king while we're stuck eating all his left overs" he paused "want to help me... liberate some food rations?"
It didn't take much to convince Zuko to join him. They liberated the food quickly without getting caught. Zuko found himself wandering the the front of the lower deck, leaning on the railing. "You know, as soon as I saw your scar, I knew exactly who you were" he paused as he approached Zuko "youre a refugee, like me. Thing is though, I've never seen hair like yours, let along your eyes."
Jet reached out and brushed Zuko's hair out of his face. "The freedom fighters could use a starlight like you, what do you say?"
Zuko smacked Jets hand away gently "thanks, but no thanks, you don't want me on your team, trust me"
In Ba Sing Se Iroh and Zuko made a life for themselves. They managed to have their own tea shop and apartment. Things were doing great, until Zuko went after the Avatar's bison, mind you he went there originally to take the bison captive, but when he saw that the creature was hurt he sheathed his swords and removed his mask, letting his golden hair free as he approached the bison "hey buddy, are you okay?" His voice was much softer than usual "oh no, here let me help you, this is going to hurt and I'm sorry, but I need to pull out this thorn" he talked to him the whole time he was pulling out thorns, gently rubbing the fur near it to sooth him.
When he pulled all of the thorns out he took out his swords "alright buddy, dont worry about the swords, im going to use them to cut you out of these chains, shhh its okay, you're okay" he continued to talk him through each of the six shackles "there we go big guy, now you need to get out of here, go find your friends- ah! Hey!" Appa knocked him over and gave him a thanks with a big sloppy dog like lick across his torso and face before taking off.
"You did well my nephew" Zuko shot up at his uncle's voice
"Uncle?" His startled voice wavered
"Now lets get you out of here and back home." And that they did.
When they made it back to their apartment Zuko felt dizzy, he held his head in his hand "I dont feel good" he managed to get out before collapsing and breaking a vase
"Zuko!" Iroh shouted as he rushed to his nephew to make sure he didnt hurt himself on any broken glass.
In his Angst coma Sokka heard his mother singing
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me Happy! When skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you, so please don't hide my sunshine away"
His sisters voice mocked his hair "youre hair makes you look like a dandelion, a weed can't take the throne!" Her cackling filled his ears.
There was a blinding light and a woman appeared with flowing gold hair and bright fire eyes "my dear star, why do you let yourself hurt so much?"
"I don't, who are you?"
"I'm Agni my dear, you do know I chose you right?"
"You are special my dear, your mother made sure to get my attention and I am so glad she did" the woman spoke as she placed her hand on his cheek. Filling him with the image of her reaching out to kiss his eyes as a baby. "You are meant for great things little star." Her voice faded as she herself did
He soon woke from his coma with a fresh breath. Taking charge in making sure his Uncle's tea shop did well, and helping him where he could. However Azula soon found them and summoned them to the palace under the guise of serving tea to the king. Things didnt end well and Zuko was thrown into a cave beneath the City with Katara.
"Why would they throw you in here!" Her angry and hurt voice filled his ears as he tried not to make her feel more uncomfortable by staying as far from her as possible.
when she mentioned her mother he turned around and spoke "thats something we have in common"
"My mother was my only source of safety... she was the only one who defended me against my sister and my father. And one day my father was ordered to... do something terrible and my mother protected me somehow, I dont know what happened but when I was half awake she told me goodbye and when I fully woke up she was gone."
When they were separated and Azula had Iroh trapped she approached "Zuko, nows your chance to come home. Help me defeat the avatar and you can come home. Without inking your hair. Isnt this what you've always wanted? You'll have your honor back, you'll have fathers love back"
And despite all he had gone through he still chose the path of returning to his father. When he did return his father wanted to dye his hair but Azula spoke up against it "father, if I may. Zuko's hair is a symbol of the fire goddess Agni, if he were to take the thrown it'd be best to show that she has chosen him"
"Yes, that is true. Alright, off with you two"
Reuniting with Mai wasnt smooth, she confessed to him that her and Ty Lee connected and while he was saddened he just smiled "I'm glad you two are with eachother, you work well"
On the day of Black sun, with the information he had learned from Iroh and armed with the fact that his father was practically powerless without his bending. He approached him.
"Zuko, what are you doing here?"
"Im here to tell the truth"
Ozai let out a snort "telling the truth during an eclipse?" He waved off his gaurds "what do you have to say"
"First of all, Azula lied to you, she was the one who shot down the avatar"
"What?! Why would she lie about that?"
"Because the avatars not dead, he's probably leading this invasion right now"
"Get out! Get out if you know what's good for you!"
"Thats another thing, I'm not taking orders from you anymore"
"You will obey me or face the consequences!" As Ozai stood Zuko drew his dual swords and took a stance
"Think again. I am going to speak my mind and you are going to listen"
He went on to question his father "you knew Agni chose me as a child and that was the reason my hair turned gold. You knew this and yet you hid that from the world, you darkened my hair for years, and you have the gull to tell me I was lucky to be born. You! The tyrannical leader set out to destroy the world. you! My own father challenged me to an Agni Kai just for speaking out of term, how could you possibly justify a duel with a child!"
"It was to teach you respect!"
"It was cruel and it was wrong"
"Then you have learned nothing!"
"No! I've learned everything, and I've had to do most of it on my own" he paused "Growing up we were taught that the war was our nations way of spread joy, what an incredible lie that was, the other nations don't love us, they fear us, and they are right to fear us, we've brought the world to an era of hate and suffering, now we need to fill it with one of peace and joy"
"Your uncle has gotten to you hasnt he" Ozai laughed
"Yes, he has, and I've come to another decision, im going to join the avatar, and im going to help him take you down."
After announcing this he turned to leave but stayed to learn about what happened to his mother
"She's alive?" He said in a soft voice as a single golden tear rolled down his cheek
"Perhaps," Ozai paused "now i see that banishment is far too small of a punishment for treason" he said as he gathered lightning and shot it at Zuko who quickly redirected it right back at him before escaping.
After finding that Iroh had broken out of prison Zuko fled the firenation in a small war ballon and followed the Avatar's Sky bison to the western air temples. Their first encounter didn't go so well and he managed to burn Toph's feet but after helping them defeat the assassin and managing to form his words more properly and giving a genuine apology to Toph he was on the team.
Some time after joining and managing to break Sokka's dad, Suki and Chit Sang out of prison they were all sitting around the fire. "So.. uhm Zuko" Aang started
Zuko turned to look at him "yeah?"
"I have to ask, pretty bunch nobody in the firenation has golden blonde hair right?" Zuko absentmindedly ran his fingers through his hair at the question
"Yeah, and when you were first chasing us your hair was black, whats up with that?" Sokka added
"Oh, uh, well my hair was always dyed black because my father doesn't like my gold hair..." he paused "when I was born, I was sick, so sick that my parents thought I was going to die. But my mother pleaded with Agni to spare me, she took me to the sun worship alter in the palace gardens at sunset and held me up, pleading. When the last ray of light from Agni, my hair turned golden and I began to cry. So, in a sense the sun gave me my life"
"Like Yue!" Sokka piped up
"Like who?"
"Princess Yue! She was born sick just like you, and the moon spirit saved her. Well, she's the moon spirit now"
"Woah woah wait, is this the girlfriend you said turned into the moon?"
"Well, just don't go falling for Zuko now, dont want to have your first boyfriend turn into the sun" Suki teased him
"Hey, at least I'd have a full set of spirit lovers"
Zuko's face turned beet red and the group laughed at him. Over the next few weeks of them being in close quarters Zuko found that he was growing feelings for the water tribe boy. Anytime he'd look at him he felt his stomach do a flip. But he didnt have time to think about his feelings.
Even though the sun touched prince tried not to think about Sokka on the mission with Katara, he couldn't help it. When they were returning Katara piped up "I know you like him" she paused to watch his surprised face "its okay you know, its fine if you like him. I dont have like you to let my brother like you. I may be cold to you but im not a monster like your father" she tied off the sentence by staring off "and besides, if Agni chose you, I think you would be safe for Sokka"
When they got back he heard sokka shout "You're back! Thank La youre safe!" Turning to Katara he expected to see Sokka running to hug his sister. Instead he was tackled to the ground with a hug from Sokka "how did it go Katara?" He asked from the ground while quite literally snuggling into Zuko with this hug that was still very much happening.
"I found him, and he was just so pathetic, i couldnt kill him"
Sokka then stood up and helped Zuko to his feet and placed a quick sneaky kiss to his cheek before moving to hug his sister, leaving Zuko frozen in confusion. He remained frozen until Suki came up to him "he's trying to confess silently, he's weird like that, corner him later if you want to hear an actual confession"
He however didn't manage to corner the now seemingly overly flirty blue boy until they were at ember Island. It wasnt until just before bed when Sokka was walking past Zuko's bedroom door. He reached out grabbed Sokka's shirt and yanked him into the room before slamming the door shut and pinning him to it. "What are you doing?"
"Wh-what do you mean? You're the one who dragged me into your room, what are you doing?"
"Dont play dumb with me Sokka, you've been flirting with me since I got back from my trip with your sist-"
"Actually ive been flirting with you since the temples, you just didn't notice until I kissed you"
"You mean until you missed"
Zuko smirked "you missed" he mumbled before leaning closer "you went for a kiss but you missed"
They ended up spending the night sharing a room and a bed. When the morning sun peaked through the windows Zuko curled back into sokka who in turn pulled him closer. Both refusing to wake up until Katara knocked on the door and opened it "breakfast is ready, if you two love birds want some warm food you better hury and I better not see any hickeys"
"Ugh! Katara we just cuddled!" Sokka said as he burried his face in Zuko's hair.
Katara simply laughed "alright, but still, hury up."
When the day of the comet came and Zuko had to separate from Sokka he saw the worry in his blue eyes "Ive got this Sokka, Agnj chose me remembe, besides, I've got Katara with me and she's powerful" he placed a quick kiss to Sokka's lips "go take down those ships, and I'll see you by the timd the sun rises tomorrow."
And he was right, even though he was shot with lightning and Sokka broke his leg they both came out of the battle alive and together. When Zuko woke up to find Sokka curled up against him he smiled and let out a soft breath of pink fire. Relief.
"Woah, do that again" Sokka's groggy 'just woke up' voice rumbled against his shoulder
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you, do you mean this?" He let out another breath of fire, this time a pale purple
"I didn't know you could do other colors of fire"
"Well, I couldn't until I went to the sunwarriors, Agni spoke to me there"
After Zuko's Coronation the firenation began righting their wrongs. It was a long struggle for sure. However two years into his reign with Sokka having practically moved in he found that he would soon have a partner to help him through these struggles.
The day had only just begun but Sokka was dragging Zuko to the turtleduck pond where they often sat together to simply relax. Sokka seemed a little antsy this time though "what's wrong Sokka?"
"Uhm, well, I have something I need to ask you," he paused and reached into his pocket while sinkning down to one knee. Zuko's breath caught in his throat as he saw Sokka pull out a betrothal becklace, the band was made with a fine red silk and the center piece was gold with a carving of a sun with a wave inside of it. "Zuko," he took a shaky breath "you've been by my side for two years now, you've held my hand through war and peace, quite literally, and you've done so while loving me whole heartedly. I can't imagine my life without you in it." Zuko could feel golden tears threatening to fall fram his molten eyes "Zuko, will you marry me?"
"Yes!" He heard himself responding before he could even think "Agni, yes Sokka, of course I'll marry you!"
Sokka moved from his kneeling position to lifting Zuko up into a kiss, holding him right under his rear. Zuko held his face in his hands as he pressed his lips to Sokka's as he was lifted up quite unceremoniously.
Once he was set down Sokka helped him put on the betrothal necklace. He reached up to touch the Golden pendant and smiled up at Sokka with gold tears falling down his cheeks.
Their marraige was held not long after, joining the southern water tribe and the firenation in a strong Union with a mixed culture wedding blues, silvers, reds and golds filled the wedding and reception as well as suns and moons.
Agni smiled down on the wedding that day, her chosen sunshine found his moon.
Yue smiled on them that night as they stood on the balcony holding one another. The boy who protected her finally found his light.
>Woo boy that was a long one! I sure hope you enjoyed it!<
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ninjakasuga · 3 years
Sonally Celebration Week, Year 3, Day 2: Mystery
Day two has come for the celebration of one of the best furry OTP’s ever~. @gojira007 ‘s celebration blog @boundforfreedomsonsal of Sonic and Sally continues and here’s my second entry. Enjoy all~
Sonsally Week, Year Three!!
Day 02: Mystery
Foreword: This episode is still set in the Archie-Verse depicted in my fics of last year and day one’s story. This one is set some years after the fall of Eggman, when peaceful times finally settled on Mobius for the first time in ages. Of course, peace doesn’t always equate to ‘easy’, especially when babysitting two spirited scamps.
“Sonia, Manic- WHERE THE FREAKING BLEEP ARE YOU?!!” Shouted an irate, and clearly frustrated blue hedgehog as his right eye twitched something horribly. Standing in the town-square of the rebuilt Knothole Village, his gaze shifting back and forth from the trees, and the various huts of the quiet village. While mostly destroyed during one of Dr. Eggman’s devastating attacks; the entire village was rebuilt as it was during the war era of fighting the original Robotnik. With a few Eggman era buildings kept, and one or two new additions. Knothole was mainly a tribute to the village that sheltered the survivors of the fall of the original Mobotropolis, and became home of the resistance that would become the Freedom Fighters. Mostly a standing all-may-come museum to pay homage to the place that started as a Royal Retreat/shelter, but became so much more. A few of the huts were still livable, home away from home for certain members of the Freedom Fighters who occasionally would return to Knothole with their families to celebrate and remember those days.
Today, it was host to a game of hide and seek, giving the two instigators of the game a plethora of hiding places. One that was driving the elder brother of Sonia and Manic Hedgehog, one Sonic the Hedgehog, former hero of Mobius, crazy!
After tapping his foot rapidly for a scant few seconds, Sonic cupped his hands together again and shouted as loudly as he could manage. “MANIC! SONIA! FOR BLEEPING FRACK’S SAKE YOU BETTER GET YOUR BUTTS OUT WHERE I CAN SEE EM’! AIN’T FUNNY NO MORE!” It really wasn’t, Sonic nor his lovely wife, had agreed to hide and seek, but his two younger siblings opted to begin a game without anyone’s consent.
A voice soon called to him, followed by familiar footsteps. “Is there a reason you’re using frack and bleep? Is that a new sibling code of some sort Sonic?”
Speaking of lovely wife’s, there she was. Turning to face his wife, Sonic shrugged with a sheepish expression. “It was censor myself or risk using words I don’t think Mom nor Dad would care for two nine-year-olds to repeat.”
“That is probably for the best.” Agreed Sally, with a tired sigh as a hand went to her rounded stomach. She wasn’t far enough along in her own pregnancy; her movements were not hampered; but the extra weight of the two passengers in her belly was sapping her energy. “Whew, I’ve just been walking but I feel ready to kick back.”
Concerned, Sonic walked over and touched her shoulder. “All the more reason I’m not too happy they started this ‘game’ when I made it clear you can’t be as play-happy as usual because you’re pregnant.”
Shaking her head, Sally reached over to place her hand over his, giving an assuring squeeze as she managed a smile. “They’re just kids, it’s alright Sonic. They probably just want to get some last playtime with us before I’m truly an invalid.”
Sonic had to admit she had a point but his ire was not fully dissolved. “Maybe, but this is still too much. Even Mom n’ Dad told em’ to not get carried away.”
Smirking, Sally lifted an eyebrow as she glanced at her husband. “Sonic, they’re ‘your’ siblings. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. There seems to be an innate sass-o-meter in your family. Pushing buttons seems to be something of a religious doctrine.”
Opening his mouth to counter, Sonic slowly shut it, frowning deeply. “... Fair nuff, but I still say you’ve rubbed off on them if we’re going for sass influence.”
“ME?!” Sputtered Sally, an incredulous frown, forming over her face. Beautiful blue, eyes narrowing almost dangerously. “How pray tell, do I count as a bad influence toward Manic or Sonia?”
Smirking widely as he got her goat, Sonic yanked the chain more, counting off with his fingers. “Well again, you’re the Queen of Sass and not just the Kingdom. When you gotta be right, you will argue til’ the cows come home. Plus you’re good at being playful when you want something, Manny’s baby-of-the-family routine is killer thanks to watching you. N’ Sonia’s all about emulating her Sis-in-law’s fancy mannerisms, and silver tongue. Just the other day she was in trouble and convinced Mom to let her off the hook light with a buncha big words she got from you.”
Almost mirroring Sonic, Sally opened her mouth, then closed it as she thought better of it. “...Touche’, but that doesn’t excuse the bad habits you’ve given them love-of-my-life.”
Laughing, Sonic gave her a big, if careful hug. Letting her have that one as, one it was true, and two, he knew jerking her around too much with hormones a-flame was a bad idea. “Of course, of course, but they also picked up on my coolness factor.”
“Truly…” Replied Sally in a dull, drawl that spoke volumes of how little she believed that. “I just hope our own bundles give us something of a break compared to these two. I can see why your parents are all-too-eager for us to babysit when we can.”
“Knowing us, they’ll drive us insane cuz they’ll be just like us in ways, but we’ll love em’ anyway.” Sonic mused, placing a hand to her belly and leaning in to kiss her gently. Sighing in a content manner, Sally melted into the kiss and hug, feeling a bit of the weight of impending motherhood ease off her shoulders to a degree.
Almost as if on cue, a duo of childish voices are heard uttering, “Eeeew gross!”
Instantly, both Sally and Sonic broke the kiss, angled their heads upward, and pointed as they both cried out in triumphant unison. “AH-HA! THERE YOU TWO SCAMPS ARE!”
“Aw crude!” Muttered Manic, as he and his sister clung to one of the large tree branches, quite a ways up that was connected to one of the tree house type huts.
“Well we gave them the ghost for a good twenty-minutes I’d say we won.” Stated Sonia in a rather faux-haughty manner. The more purple-blue of the two, whipped back her-pink hair? Wait, Sonia was blonde! Plus some of her fur looked more magenta-purple now?
In fact, why was Manic’s fur and quills more of a green-ish tinge than the light-blue they should be? Not to mention that punk-esque quill style... Eyes narrowing, Sonic let go of Sally, zipped into the hollowed out large tree with a hut built around the base. With the same speed, he charged up the ladder within the hollowed out tree, allowing him to come out at the point where the tree-house hut was, and lean out where the landing gave way to a natural, thick tree branch. 
“Oh no, you two did not!”
Putting on the best coy, innocent face he could, Manic twiddled his fingers together in a playful manner. “What’re you talking about Big-Bro?”
“Seriously Sonic, you need to use clear, concise words.” Snickered Sonia.
“You both dyed your hair and fur!” Sonic pointed between each sibling. “Mom’s gonna have kittens!” Growled their elder brother as his mind swam with images of a none-too-pleased Bernadette Hedgehog glaring at her son and daughter-in-law.
Arms crossed, Sally tapped her foot, in a manner not unlike her husband. “You two sneaks lost us to go and do the dye-jobs yourself didn’t you?”
“Maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe.” Both twins chorused.
Sighing Sally frowned more. “Manic, Sonia, you do realize your Mother and Father are going to tan the crap out of your hides. They both told you, neither of you could have such radical dye jobs until you were fifteen, thirteen at the earliest if you both proved responsible enough! Plus, Manic, sweetie, why are you intent on making yourself look like Scourge?!”
“Hey!” Manic cried indignantly, a pout forming on his lips. “I just like the color, it’s not my fault Sonic’s scrub of a doppelganger had the same color-job! It screams ‘me’! Plus I don’t have sharp teeth or those evil eyes like he does, plus my quills are cooler lookin!”
“I’ll give you that li’ bro, on the being cooler looking thing, but dam-er dang it!” Sonic grabbed his own head-quills, mussing them up some in frustration. “Urgh Mom n’ Dad ain’t gonna let us watch you two ever again if you pull crap like this again!”
“He’s right.” Sighed Sally, rather dramatically. “We’ll be seen as so irresponsible they will forbid us from ever seeing you again!” She put a hand to her heart, and the other against her head. Truly, piling on the dramatic flair. “They may even question if we’re fit to be parents ourselves and have our babies taken from us.”
While Sonia rolled her eyes, Manic’s went wide as panic took over his earlier nonchalant attitude. “R-really?! We don’t want that!”
“Manny, bro she’s trying to guilt us!”
“Well it’s working! I didn’t wanna get them in that deep of trouble!”
“Manic she’s the QUEEN!! Mom and Dad can’t do jack to her!” His (slighty) older twin argued, seeing her partner-in-crime was about to fold.
“Wanna bet?” Sonic crossed his arms, smirking fully as he saw the sliver of doubt in the two’s eyes. “Mom can be scary when she wants and Dad, Dad is aaaaaaaaaall about the ‘subtle, quiet big stick’ kind of approach.”
Now even Sonia was doubting if they’d gone too far, especially as it pertained to how much trouble this might land her and Manic. Maybe she underestimated her ability to talk her way out of trouble. “M-Maaaybe we got a little carried away?”
“You sure did you two scamps, now if you come with me down the tree, we might ‘might’ convince Mom and Dad to let you both stay the night, and we can wash out the dyes and treat your fur so they never notice.”
Nodding as they both climbed fast, but still safely across the branch to Sonic. The two younger hedgehogs cling onto his legs. “We give, we give!!”
“Smart choice!” Laughed Sally from the ground, smiling at the won tag-team victory of talking the kids into doing their bidding. “If you two behave onward, there might be my special ice cream sundaes after supper.”
Maybe handling kids wouldn’t be so hard after all? Sally thought before speaking aloud to them. “Cross my heart!”
“N’ you know Sal’s promises are good as gold.” Quipped Sonic as he guided the two once they stood up towards the ladder down to ground level. “Also, expect to help do some chores as further punishment for this stunt.”
“What?! Oh come on big brother-!”
“Nope, nada, don’t even try to talk me down Sonia!” Sonic cut her off as he coaxed first Manic, then Sonia to climb down the ladder. “Sal’s gotta take it easy and I need help doing this and that.”
“But you guys got a staff at the castle to do stuff!” Pipped Manic, his voice echoing through the hollow tree.
“It keeps us honest to do our own chores.” Quipped Sonic, watching them both get halfway before he started down the ladder himself. “Plus if you want us to keep quiet about the dye-thing-.”
“Oh fine!” Both younger hedgehogs huffed, giving up arguing.
“Being a big brother has its perks.” Chuckled Sonic to himself as he made his way down. Maybe in a few years, Sally and he could return the favor and foist their own kids on Manic and Sonia to babysit. Oh the payback will be sweet!
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no6secretsanta · 3 years
No.6 - Children of the Sea
Happy Holidays and an awesome New Year, @aoicanvas! I really hope you enjoy this fic! It’s me, @glorifiedscapegoat, and I’m really excited to share this with you. The concept I had kept giving me ideas, so I found myself just writing and writing for a while, and before I knew it the word count was as high as it was. I hope that’s all right!
“The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” — Jacques Cousteau
“Here’s your turbo,” Safu declared, sitting down opposite Shion at the booth. They were at their favorite café on the other side of Kronos, perched at one of the large window-seats overlooking the bay.
It was one of Shion’s favorite places, simply for its amazing view of the ocean. The sapphire blue waves lapped against the edge of the pier, the shush-shush sound of the ocean sending comforting prickles down his spine. During the early morning hours, the sunlight glistened across the smooth surface, the pale blue sky streaked with pale pinks and vibrant oranges.
“Oh,” Shion said in surprise as Safu slid the green foam cup across the table toward him. “Thank you. I ordered a decaf, though.”
“I canceled it. You looked like you could use the caffeine.”
Shion exhaled through his nose, knowing it wouldn’t do him any good to argue.  He thanked Safu, popped back the heat-saver from the plastic cover, then took a hesitant sip of the coffee. Safu had doused it with enough creamer and granulated sugar to keep the bitter bite of the espresso from stinging his tongue, but Shion could still feel the caffeine buzzing through him.
“Speaking of caffeine,” Safu said, taking a sip of her own coffee. Having been friends for as long as they had, Shion knew that Safu took her coffee as black as the night sky in the middle of the city, devoid of stars due to the constant streaks of artificial lighting. Shion’s nose wrinkled just thinking about it. He’d never been able to get past the bitterness of the coffee beans. “You might want to bring one to go once you finish that one. Don’t you have the new wave of summer interns starting today?”
Shion exhaled, all traces of his previous good mood fluttering out the door. “Don’t remind me.”
Summers were a difficult time for the West Block Aquarium and, more importantly, its staff. Kronos was a buzzing tourist town, and the summer months brought about college students, wealthy benefactors, and worst of all, summer interns.
“Poor thing,” Safu remarked, taking another sip of her coffee. “Well, maybe it won’t be so bad. Who knows? The interns this year could be… delightful.”
They both shuddered in unison. Shion and Safu had been friends since they were little—Grade 1, to be exact, after Safu got in trouble for punching two boys in the face who called Shion “girly” for his pretty white hair—and both had gone on to pursue careers where interns came and went through a constant revolving door.
Though Shion had obtained full-time employment as a pseudo marine biologist at the West Block Aquarium, Safu had went on to pursue a medical degree working alongside children. Her talent rested with biology (of the mammalian variety, not the aquatic), but despite the clear differences in their professions, Shion and Safu shared one similar headache: summer interns.
“So, how’s your mom doing?” Safu asked.
“She’s all right,” Shion replied. “Just getting ready for the summer rush. Tourists and all that.”
“She’s a saint.” Safu lifted her coffee cup with a solemn expression. “I don’t know how I would have gotten through my undergraduate without the croissants she sent in her care packages.”
Shion huffed out a laugh and took another sip of his coffee. He could already feel the caffeine working its way through his veins.
He allowed a bit of silence to fall around him, the only reprieve he’d get today. As soon as he left for work in an hour, his day would be consumed with learning the group dynamic in this summer’s early wave of interns, squeezing work in between answering questions for the flood of customers arriving for the first day of the summer season, and banging his head against the glass walls of the tanks he was in charge of maintaining.
Shion felt something soft rest on top of his head. He glanced up to see Safu tapping her fingers against his temple, softly going, “pomf” to herself.
He leaned back out of reach, fighting back a smile. “What are you doing?”
“Trying to figure out where I can purchase a brush strong enough to tame that mop of yours.” Safu took her hand back, flashing a smile. “It’s such a pretty color, and it’s a shame it just sticks up all over the place.”
“Well, it’s not my fault. I spend most of the time in the water. It’s hard to find a shampoo that can handle all that water damage.”
“Damage?” Safu reached out again and patted Shion on the top of the head. “This isn’t damage. You are the only person alive who can spend seventy-five percent of their life in water and come out with hair this soft.”
“Stop it,” Shion said, but it was light-hearted. His hair had always been a point of conflict in his life. Since the moment he was born—sporting snowy hair and bright ruby eyes—Shion had always fought off rude stares and invasive questions. His mother had helped him construct several convincing lies to help discourage people from continuing to pester him. These lies had ranged from childhood illness in Grades 1 through 4, and then expensive dye jobs during his time as a teenager. Shion had never liked the thought of dyeing his hair, but lying to folks that his bizarre hair and eye color were the results of a bottle of Manic Panic and colored contacts kept them from prying and discovering the truth.
Though, even if Shion did break down and tell people the truth—that his father was a merperson who’d seduced his human mother years ago before splitting without a trace, leaving her with a hybrid son whose hair and eyes and ability to breathe underwater were his only connection to his heritage—he doubted anyone would ever believe him.
Except for Safu.
When Shion finally broke down and told Safu the truth, she’d taken the information with a smile. Coming to terms that there were other creatures dwelling in her world came simply. Safu remarked that new species were being discovered all the time. Of course it made sense that there could be merpeople. The ocean hadn’t been completely explored, after all.
Sometimes Shion wondered why a relationship with Safu had never occurred to him. She was a beautiful girl, and always had been; petite with straight brown hair that fell to her shoulders (she’d let it grow out in recent years), dark eyes that saw everything, and a friendly smile that invited people to let their guard down. More than that, Safu was amazingly kind… to the people she liked. She never judged anyone unless they gave her a reason to assume they were judging her, and she was fiercely protective of her friends.
When they were teenagers, Safu had expressed feelings for Shion that he hadn’t been able to reciprocate. Maybe it was because Safu was accustomed to rejection, or maybe it was because she was just a wonderful, loving person, but Shion’s gentle apology in his inability to return her feelings hadn’t stopped her from remaining his best friend.
And when Shion came staggering home one night and called her, squealing with excitement that he’d found someone like him—someone from the sea—Safu had squealed and gushed with him.
Shion shook the thought away before he could dwell on it. Remembering the summers he spent between the ages of sixteen and nineteen were painful for him. He’d formed a romance with a boy from the sea, a boy Shion could picture himself spending the rest of his life with, and then, without explanation or reason, he’d simply vanished into thin air. Zip. Poof. Gone. As if he’d never been there in the first place.
"Hey, Shion. Earth to Shion.”
He looked up. “Huh?”
Safu took one look at his face, and instantly, she knew. “Thinking about Nezumi again?”
Hearing his name sent a knife through Shion’s heart. “No,” he said, but the lie was pointless. He’d never been any good at telling lies to Safu.
Safu clicked her tongue. When Nezumi stopped showing up at the beach, Safu had been furious. She ranted and raved for months about him, furious that he could break Shion’s heart like that. When the next summer came and he still didn’t show up, Safu’s anger cooled into concern. When another year passed, she and Shion mutually agreed that something awful must have happened to Nezumi and tried to mourn.
“Do you want to talk about it,” she said gently, “or change the subject?”
“Change the subject, please.”
“Of course.” Safu took a deep breath, composing her thoughts, and then she said, somewhat loudly, “Well, it won’t be so bad, right? How long do summer internships last at the aquarium, again?”
“Three months,” Shion said, grateful for the change in topic. He took all the pent-up feelings he still had toward Nezumi, even now, and shoved them to the side. If they festered there and turned into a cancerous tumor, he’d deal with it when that time came.
“Ugh, lucky. Our internships last six months.”
“Aren’t all of your interns medical students, though?” Shion stole a brief glance out the window. He wondered if he would catch a familiar flash of black and silver, and then promptly scolded himself for daring to hope.
“Yes, and most of them are lovely. But then you have those ones.” Safu rolled her eyes, and Shion instantly knew which ones she meant.
The children of wealthy parents whose only major contribution to the field was that they spent a lot of money and therefore expected that their children could sail through the program without any effort. Shion had dealt with plenty of those types, too, working at the aquarium. Wealthy donors often assumed a nice dosage of cash would land their children a high-paying, low-effort job once they finished their degree program. Shion lost count of the number of arguments he and other coworkers had had with interns whose ultimate defense was the phrase: “Do you have any idea who my parents are?”
"Maybe this year will be different,” Shion said, not at all confident. He’d been working full-time at the West Block Aquarium for two years, since he turned twenty-two, and not once had a summer internship term been “different”.
“It could be,” Safu replied solemnly. She and Shion shared a mutual nod, and then smiled.
With traffic, it was a forty-minute drive across downtown Kronos, and another three minutes to find a halfway decent parking space in front of the West Block Aquarium that didn’t result in Shion needing to sprint across the parking lot like a lunatic in order to clock in on time.
Shion smoothed his hands through his hair, pressing the tangled locks down against his skull. They bounced back up as he dropped his hands to his sides, and he gave up trying to look presentable.
His white hair, no matter how smooth or messy it was, always attracted attention from the college interns the aquarium employed. Most of them thankfully assumed it was just a dye job—an expensive, extremely thorough dye job, but a dye job nonetheless—but it elicited more than a few stares every year.
Shion scanned his ID badge at the employee entrance and ducked inside. He let the heavy metal door bang shut behind him, sighing as he stepped into the foyer of the employee lounge, cooled by the strong air conditioning unit Rikiga had installed. He tossed his empty coffee cup into the trash can, briefly considering using the Keurig to make himself another cup.
"Hey, Shion.”
Shion turned and spotted his coworker, Yamase, sitting at one of the little brown tables. He clutched a travel mug of tea—Yamase never liked drinking coffee, remarking that no matter how much creamer and sugar he doused it with, he could still taste the “disgusting bean water”—and he looked utterly exhausted.
Shion’s stomach plummeted. “Interns?”
“Interns,” Yamase agreed bitterly.
Shion huffed out a breath and went to the Keurig. “Please tell me there’s at least a few halfway decent ones.”
He prided himself on being an optimist—it was one of his best qualities, according to his mom, Safu, and everyone else he’d ever talked to, and Shion was pretty certain it was the primary reason Rikiga had given him the job in the first place—but something about summer interns made even someone with Shion’s extensive threshold for patience eager for the workday to end.
“Rikiga’s already deep into his cup,” Yamase explained, rolling his eyes. “Big surprise. Anyway, I’ve only met the first few, and supposedly, we’ve got two others starting tomorrow.”
“So, what exactly are we dealing with?” Shion popped a K-cup into the machine and hit brew. He shoved a paper cup beneath the dispenser and listened to the whir of the machine as the water heated up.
Yamase took a deep sip of his tea. “Well, there’s a girl who’s just started her second year at the community college who thinks she wants to go into marine biology. Kudos and all that, but she’s already expecting that we’ll hire her once she graduates since she’s interning with us.”
“Oh, dear.”
“Yeah,” Yamase groaned. “You know how that’s gonna go. I wonder if we’ll have the parents down here again. You remember that?”
Shion shuddered. “How could I forget?” He could still hear the shrill sound of the woman’s voice as she shrieked at Rikiga in the lobby about why he’d rejected her daughter’s application for full-time employment after she’d “slaved away all summer at this dirty, stinking place, and for what?” Never mind that Shion had found her in the employee lounge multiple times during her shift, sneaking alcohol and trying to steal merchandise from the gift shop when she thought no one was looking.
“Maybe she’ll be a good fit,” Shion said, a little too hopefully.
“She bounces when she talks,” Yamase said drily.
"Excuse me?”
“Like full on hops on her heels.” Yamase gave a small demonstration, bouncing twice in his chair before widening his eyes and giving Shion a blank, dead stare. “She also talks like this.” He raised his voice up at the end, almost as if he were asking a question. “With an upward inflection at the end of it. As if she has no idea what she’s doing here.”
“That is so creepy,” Shion shuddered. “Please stop.”
“You think that’s creepy. Try listening to her do it.” Yamase sighed and took a deep gulp from his travel mug. “The lights are definitely on, but no one’s been home for years.”
Shion pinched the bridge of his nose. Wonderful. Just what the aquarium needed. He plucked his cup from the Keurig and dumped a healthy heaping of sugar and creamer packets into the cup.
“The new hire for the gift shop’s hot, though,” Yamase said.
Shion raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
“Don’t worry—he’s our age,” Yamase assured. “I checked. Not in college, as far as I can tell. Just looking for some extra cash at a part-time job or something. And you know I’m not really into guys, but dang, something about this guy just… I don’t know. Just wait until you see him.” Yamase exhaled. “It’s his eyes, man.”
Shion huffed out a laugh and took a sip of his coffee. After the turbo Safu had ordered for him, it felt watered down and weak, but Shion savored the buzz of caffeine.
“He must be something, then,” Shion said, “if you’ve noticed him.”
“You have no idea. You’re single, right? Maybe you have a shot.”
Shion clicked his tongue. “You sound like Safu.”
"Well, maybe you should start listening to us!” Yamase tipped his head back and finished off the last of his tea. “Maybe we should strong-arm your mother into it. I’m sure that’d make you start looking.”
Shion couldn’t help but smile. He’d tried dating during his undergraduate, and it hadn’t worked. All the men he went out with made snide comments about his hair— “Do the carpets match the drapes? Ha ha, just kidding. Unless…?”—or thought his fascination with sea life bordered on obsessive. Shion wouldn’t have felt comfortable letting them know the truth: that his “obsession” with sea life stemmed from the fact that he came from the same place.
And besides, none of them had made him feel the way Nezumi had.
Not only did Nezumi come from the ocean—Shion could picture the black and blue scales on his long, elegant tail perfectly, like obsidian and sapphires, and his beautiful silver eyes, like the edge of a blade in the sunlight—he never thought Shion’s ramblings were bizarre. He laughed at him, sure, but it was good-natured and beautiful, like the chiming of bells. He could swim faster and deeper than Shion, and he brought him pretty shells and oysters containing pearls from the bottom of the sea where Shion couldn’t swim without raising more than a few eyebrows.
During their summer interactions as teenagers, Shion had never been able to convince Nezumi to come onto the shore. He knew it was possible—his own father had done it years ago—but whenever he asked, Nezumi quickly changed the subject.
Shion’s heart ached, his eyes stinging. The last time he saw Nezumi, they had been eighteen years old. He could still feel the brush of Nezumi’s lips against his own, tasting of saltwater. Shion could have kissed him forever.
Shion quickly shook the thoughts away. He couldn’t afford to get caught up on thoughts of Nezumi anymore. He needed to focus on the new interns and aquarium employees.
Yamase rose and rinsed his travel mug in the sink. The dark blue of his janitor’s uniform stood out against the stark gray walls of the employee lounge. “Well, count yourself lucky you don’t have to deal with most of the interns. You spend most of your time in Number Six. I’m the one who’s gotta spend the whole day trapped in the gift shop.”
Shion cracked a smile. Number Six was the main tank in the direct center of the aquarium, the first major exhibit available as soon as customers walked through the door. Shion’s primary job was to jump into the tank every couple of hours, toss smelt and other dead things at the bigger fish, ensure that the pH levels were safe, and make sure the sand tigers didn’t bully the nurse sharks. Shion never would have pegged sharks to have some weird social hierarchy, but it was there. He’d lost count of the times he’d had to chase away the sand tiger with the blunt snout (who he’d affectionally nicknamed Snubby) from the large nurse shark (Nurse Anne) with the chunk bitten out of her dorsal fin.
Number Six was also known to Yamase and the other janitors as the BFT: the Big Fucking Tank. Shion didn’t like calling it that, but he supposed when the janitors spent most of their shift spraying Windex on the glass and wiping away fingerprints and saliva—seriously, did little kids lick everything?—it made sense they would come to hate it.
The majority of the interns and summer hires started out as cashiers in the gift shop. During his dips in Number Six, Shion could spot the little alcove through the glass, watching as the interns in their bright green tee-shirts displaying the West Block Aquarium logo fumbled through each transaction.
“I wonder if the wannabee marine biologist will try to jump in the tank with you,” Yamase said, eyeing Shion in his periphery. “She doesn’t seem thrilled about the idea of starting as a cashier.”
“They all start out as cashiers,” Shion replied, taking another sip of his coffee. It had already begun to go cold. “She shouldn’t expect special treatment. Retail work can be humbling.”
"Is it twisted that I love watching the rich kids get screamed at by entitled jerks?” Yamase’s dark eyes flashed as he turned to face Shion. “Like, I know retail’s rough and all, but some of these kids are so fucking bratty, and seeing the looks on their faces when they realize that no one cares about how much money they have just warms my heart.”
Shion shook his head. “You’re awful,” he said, but he couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face.
“Yup, and you’re equally as awful. I know you enjoy it, too.” Yamase put his travel mug back into the cupboard where the rest of the employees kept their spare mugs. “Well, I need to get out there and make sure the place is ready for opening. Finish up your coffee. You’re gonna need it. You know they’re probably gonna ask about the hair.”
“And the eyes,” Shion sighed. “They always do.”
“You could dye it.”
“Safu would literally kill me.”
Yamase rolled his eyes. “She might, but wouldn’t it be better than dealing with another wave of ‘wait, they let marine biologists dye their hair? Can you wear contacts underwater? Duuuuude.’”
Shion fought back a shudder. Too many times he’d had to deflect questions surrounding his odd hair color and the piercing shade of his irises. Albinism was a rare trait in humans, and Shion’s skin wasn’t nearly pale enough to pass for it. The odd red marking on his skin—scaled, if people looked close enough, which Shion never let anyone do—definitely shattered the illusion. Shion had hoped people would have a bit of common decency and not ask such invasive questions, but he was often disappointed. Almost every summer, someone cornered him in the break room and demanded to know why his hair was so white, what made his eyes red, how many bleaches did it take to achieve that color, did people think he was less professional because he looked like he was cosplaying all the time?
Sometimes Shion wondered if he should joke that he was a merman. Well, half a merman, anyway.
As soon as the thought crossed his mind, he could hear Nezumi’s voice snap, “Child of the Sea! Not merman. That’s a human word.” His mood instantly darkened, and Shion shook his head.
“Child of the Sea” was the preferred term in the underwater community, or so Shion had been told. Only human beings used words like “mermaid” and “merman”. Despite the wave of sorrow that Shion felt whenever the thought of Nezumi came rushing back, he couldn’t help the small flicker of warmth that kindled itself in his heart.
“Well,” Yamase sighed. “I’m heading back. Rip the Band-Aid off.”
“All right.”
“See you in a few,” Yamase replied with a wave, ducking out into the hallway. “Good luck!”
Shion exhaled and took another sip of his cool coffee. Summer interns. At least he had a reprieve from them when he dove into the tank. He took a few moments to sip his coffee, reveling in the silence he knew would soon be broken. Ah, well. It was only eight-thirty in the morning. Seven o’clock would come soon enough.
Shion finished his coffee, pulled on his white lab coat, and trotted out to the main foyer. The West Block Aquarium opened at ten o’clock on the dot—despite his active drinking and usual forgetfulness, Rikiga was oddly punctual—and the first hour would be spent preparing for the shift and greeting the interns and summer help.
Shion plastered a big smile on his face and tried to be positive. Summer interns were frustrating, but he had to remember that he was once in their shoes, too. Several years ago, he’d been a bright-eyed intern working at this same aquarium. Ignoring his obvious one-up over the other interns—primarily the fact that he could breathe underwater (secretly, of course) and understood ocean life in a way that astounded his professors and quickly moved him through his undergraduate degree with flying colors—he’d enjoyed working alongside other interns.
As he hurried toward the main foyer, stationed direction in front of Number Six, he couldn’t help but marvel at the decorations welcoming the new wave of summer customers. Bright plastic statues of sea lions and talking starfish lined the floors, gesturing toward the hallways and announcing exhibits. Neat signs with fun facts and information about the exhibit inhabitants sat in front of glass cages, and the sound of rushing water sounded like music to Shion’s ears.
Shion trotted almost everywhere. His colleagues joked that he was always in a hurry. Shion didn’t know if it was because he moved faster in the water than on land, even without the function of a tail, but he couldn’t help it. He jogged everywhere he went: meetings, feedings, the break room. Sometimes he worried he looked ridiculous—a young man in a white lab coat with obviously dyed hair (ha) jogging like a toddler through the aquarium—but if he did, no one commented one way or the other about it.
The four-story tank, illuminated with bright LED lights at the base and on each conjoining floor, wrapping upward in a slanted ramp like a makeshift spiral staircase, rose into view as Shion stepped out into the main exhibit. The brightly-colored tropical fish swam lazily through the teal water, their dark eyes staring blankly out at Shion as he approached the two individuals standing near the door, awaiting his arrival.
Shion swallowed the wave of frustration that surged inside him, caging it behind his clenched teeth as he kept the smile plastered on his face His colleagues had left him to deal with the new interns on his own.
Ha ha, funny.
As he approached the two interns—a young woman with vibrant pink hair (clearly a dye job, and a rather inexpensive one, at that, if the blond roots at the top were any indication) and a young man with dark hair yanked back into a ponytail, both dressed in the bright green West Block Aquarium staff shirt—the girl broke away from the tank and came sprinting up toward Shion.
“Oh, hi!” she shrieked, her voice piercing through the vacant walls of the aquarium. It carried, so sharp and sudden that Shion felt as if a knife had been drilled into his ear.
He flinched—the other intern did, too—and jerked to a halt.
“You must be Shion, right? Mr. Rikiga mentioned you’d be stopping by!” The girl clapped her hands, as if the idea of meeting Shion was too exciting to be contained inside her little body. “I’m so excited to be working with you! My name’s Miyamoto Emi, but my friends call me Emi-chan. Oh, darn, can I call you Shion, or is that too informal? Gosh, this is so exciting!”
Shion gawked down at the girl, unsure of what to say. She looked about twenty years old, short in a way that was noticeable even to someone like Shion. He wasn’t very tall, himself—he rose to a respectable five-feet-seven-inches—and this girl rose to the middle of his chest. She tipped her head back to look into his face, her dark brown eyes wide with excitement, and yep, there was the bouncing Yamase had mentioned. With each syllable that left her mouth, she rose an inch off the ground and then came down hard on her heels. She wore a pair of black flip-flops (definitely not regulation, according to the employee handbook, which Rikiga definitely didn’t enforce), and the rubber soles thumped rhythmically on the solid tile floor.
“Mr. Rikiga said you were a marine biologist,” Emi went on. “That must be so exciting. I’ve wanted to be a marine biologist since I was a little girl. I’ve always loved turtles, and I just wanna be able to work with them. Oh, wow!” Her eyes widened further—how was that possible?—and she stared at Shion’s white hair.
His stomach plummeted.
“Your hair—” she said, a shriek building in her throat. Shion could see it. Her shoulders quaked beneath the force of it, her whole body unable to contain the sheer joy that came from seeing Shion’s pristine white hair coupled with his lab coat. “Where do you get your hair done? Do you do it yourself? My friend Mariko did my hair”—she grabbed a lock of her own pink hair and shoved it toward Shion—“but it doesn’t look nearly as good as yours does!”
“Um, thank you.” Shion gave her a wobbly smile. This was a new development. Sometimes the interns were cold and stand-offish, and sometimes they were uninterested in the position.
This, however? This was new.
Shion felt his head spinning as he tried to focus on the girl bouncing in front of him. He glanced over her shoulder, seeking out the second intern. The young man was staring at Emi as if she’d just exploded and scattered across the foyer in an array of glitter. His hair framed his face, long and pulled into a high ponytail. He had a narrow, pale face, and Shion wondered briefly if this was the young man Yamase had mentioned back in the break room. He squinted over Emi’s head—where did she get the energy to keep bouncing like this?—examining the young man’s face to see what about him Yamase had been so taken by.
The young man was tall and thin, his hair a dark shade of black that Shion suspected would look blue in certain lighting. Even with the fluorescent bulbs in the aquarium itself, he could pick out the few pale gray strands and blue bits that made the young man’s hair beautiful rather than plain. His skin was far too pale for the lime-green of the staff shirt, and it made him look sickly and washed out.
He lifted his head to give Shion a look that clearly read ‘Poor you’, and Shion managed to get a good look at his eyes.
It’s his eyes, man.
Two bright silver coins stared back at Shion, narrowed in a way that Shion recognized as someone trying to figure out where they recognized someone from. His stomach twisted. Flecks of blue and white danced behind a pale of solid silver glass, shifting depending on his mood. When he was happy, they were vibrant and luminous. When he was aggravated, they darkened like the sky over a stormy sea. Shion had seen them in almost every variant, and he stood there, dumbstruck, as the young man stared into his face, too—taking in his bright red irises, the red marking wrapped around his throat, and his vibrant white hair—and finally, finally recognized him.
His jaw dropped. It was an almost comical look, but he managed to make it look beautiful. He unfolded his arms from across his chest, letting them fall limply at his sides.
“Shion?” he said.
His voice. His voice. Shion could still hear it in his memories. The peals of laughter, the shouts whenever they argued, the gentle songs he sang. All of it came flooding back in a crushing wave that made Shion feel as if he were drowning. His lungs were designed to pull oxygen both on land and beneath the surface. Shion would never know how it felt to drown in earnest—but standing across from Nezumi, the boy he’d fallen in love with in his youth, the boy who’d claimed his first kiss, the boy who’d left one day and never come back, Shion wondered if this was how it felt to have all the air knocked out of him once and for all.
Emi’s bright smile never left her face, but her eyes widened. “Oh, my gosh. Do you know two each other?” She looked over her shoulder at the young man—at Nezumi—and clapped her hands. “That’s so exciting!”
“Um,” Shion said, taking a trembling step backward. The room around him crushed inward, the air tight and thick. He swallowed once, finding it difficult to breathe. “Yes, um…”
Nezumi’s shocked expression shifted into concern, and Shion felt himself edging toward a full-on breakdown. Shards of glass punched through his stomach, heat and pain radiating through each pulse point in his body until it was all he could feel. He couldn’t sense the solid tiles beneath his feet or the air conditioner churning above his head. His vision tunneled, blocking out everything except the young man standing in front of him—standing! On legs!—in his ridiculous staff tee shirt and his khaki pants, looking every bit like the beautiful, otherworldly creature he was once he stepped into the ocean.
“Ah, w-well,” Shion managed, the words heavy as stones on his tongue. “W-welcome to the West Block Aquarium. So nice to be working with you both. Um, I have to, ah, feed the fish in the BFT now. Ah, I mean, in Number Six. The big tank behind you. Yup, that’s Number Six. I’m sure Mr. Rikiga will tell you all about it as part of the tour.”
“Shion,” Nezumi said, and his voice was equally as wobbly. He took a step forward, and panic surged through Shion’s body like an injection of ice water.
”Goodbye!” Shion spun on his heel and fled back toward the break room. There was an elevator in the far back, reserved for employee usage and available for disabled customers, and if Shion input the code into the panel, it would go to the floor linking to the observatory room for Number Six. It wasn’t available to the public, reserved for marine biologists like Shion to record the pH balances of the tank and the weights of each animal.
His shoes smacked against the tile as he hurried toward the hallway leading to the elevator. The twisting halls that stretched past the rooms dedicated to shells and the horseshoe crab touch tank—popular with the children and high school customers—and Shion rounded them quickly, searching desperately for the signs leading to the elevator.
“Shion, wait!”
Shion whirled and saw Nezumi hurrying up the ramp toward him. He stumbled a bit as he ran, as if he’d been sitting down for a long time and his legs hadn’t quite adjusted to movement. The fluorescent lights caught against the strands of his hair, and the lime green of the staff shirt clashed horribly with his khaki pants and pale skin.
He looked ridiculous. He looked amazing. He looked—
“You’re alive,” Shion said, his voice sounding stupid in his ears.
Nezumi stumbled to a stop a few steps in front of him. He was wearing heavy black combat boots (completely against regulation, since the soles weren’t non-marking), and one pant leg of his cargo pants was tucked in while the other hung frustratingly loose around his ankle. “Yeah,” he said, sounding equally as stupid and just as wonderful as Shion remembered. “Yeah, I’m alive.”
“But—” Shion fumbled for something, anything, and came up short. “You—you vanished! You stopped coming to the beach.”
Nezumi winced. “I know.”
The prickles of cold were replaced with agitation that dug like thorns in his body. “I waited for you,” he said, low and harsh. “Every day for months. Years. And you—you never came back.”
Nezumi flinched back as if Shion had ripped one of the decorative plywood sea turtles off the wall and chucked it at him. “I know,” he murmured. “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?” Shion barked out a laugh. “Five years of no contact—nothing—and now you show up here, at my work, to tell me you’re sorry?”
“I didn’t know you worked here,” Nezumi said.
“Then why are you here? You sure as hell can’t be a university student!”
Nezumi’s silver eyes flashed in the vibrant LED lights. “I’ve never heard you swear before,” he murmured wondrously, as if it was the most amazing thing in the world.
“Don’t change the subject!” Shion growled. “Where the hell do you get off just—”
“I wanted to come back,” Nezumi interjected. He didn’t raise his voice (which only aggravated Shion further), and he kept his hands at his side. Shion couldn’t help staring at each of his long, elegant fingers, remembering how they felt running over his cheek or brushing through his hair while they swam.
“Then why didn’t you?” Shion’s heart pounded in his chest, blood rushing through his ears. “You kissed me, said goodnight, and then you just vanished. For five years, Nezumi.”
“I didn’t mean to,” Nezumi said, raising his voice just a little. Shion could hear it in his voice that he was struggling not to yell, that he didn’t really have the right to yell. “Something happened, and as much as you meant to me, I couldn’t just—”
Those words stabbed through Shion’s chest like arrows. It’d taken Nezumi three years—three long, painful years—to finally say the words I love you. Shion hadn’t held it against him. Nezumi didn’t express his feelings through words. He translated them in his actions. Shion felt his love in the way he found ways to maintain physical contact when they were together. He felt Nezumi’s love each time Nezumi brought him pretty shells from the deeper parts of the ocean floor.
Shion knew how much he meant to Nezumi. And as angry as he was at Nezumi’s unexpected disappearance, the fact that he was here now must have meant something.
Shion opened his mouth to speak—to say what, he didn’t know—and Emi came trotting down the hallway, huffing and puffing as if it’d taken all her energy to catch up with them.
“There—,” she gasped dramatically, doubling over and pressing her hand against her chest. “There you two are! Why did you run away?”
Nezumi glanced over at her, and Shion took the opportunity to escape. “It’s nothing. Nezumi’s an old friend” —he didn’t miss the way Nezumi flinched— “and things were… well, it’s complicated. But this isn’t the place for it.”
Emi’s dark brown eyes widened. “Ooh?” She looked at Shion, then at Nezumi, and then back. She clapped her hands together. “What’s this? A secret romance?”
“The hell?” Nezumi muttered, despite everything.
“Emi,” Shion said firmly, “now is neither the time nor the place. Now,” he added, looking at the clock suspended from the wall. “I believe you two are due for orientation. Mr. Rikiga will be expecting you.”
“Ooh, you’re right! We don’t wanna be late!” Emi spun on her heel and reached out for Nezumi’s wrist. “Come on, uh, Nezumi, was it? Weird. We’re gonna be late!”
Nezumi withdrew his wrist from Emi’s reach and turned to look at Shion. “I’m out at noon,” he said carefully. Shion’s shoulders shot to his ears, the words slicing through him like a bullet. “Can we talk then?”
“I’m not free until after the aquarium closes,” Shion replied. He didn’t know why he said it, but it wouldn’t do him any good to lie. Nezumi would probably figure out his schedule soon enough anyway.
“That’s fine. How about I meet you here after work?” Nezumi lowered his voice so that Emi, already skipping back toward the main foyer, wouldn’t overhear. “I get it if you tell me to fuck off, but… I’d like to explain myself.”
“All right,” Shion mumbled. “I’ll meet you outside the employee entrance at seven-thirty.”
“I’ll be here,” Nezumi said. There was so much strength and conviction in his voice that Shion couldn’t help but meet his eye. The fluorescent lights caught in his irises as he repeated, slower, “I will be here, Shion.”
“Sure,” Shion whispered, and he watched as Nezumi turned and headed back toward the foyer. He seemed to stumble a bit, but even that seemed inhumanly graceful. Shion’s heart ached as he watched him leave.
Eventually, his duties as a dedicated marine biologist convinced him to seek out the elevator, punch in the code to the Number Six observatory floor, and strip out of his lab coat, button-down, and slacks in favor of his West Block Aquarium scuba suit. Dark blue with lime green accents, it was Shion’s least favorite piece of work equipment, simply for its pointlessness. He was a Child of the Sea—at least fifty percent of him was—and scuba gear was wasted on someone who could breathe underwater.
But he couldn’t exactly drop into the forty-foot tank without his gear in front of tourists.
Shion struggled into his scuba suit, his heart hammering a thousand miles a minute. His hands shook as he zipped up his wetsuit, fumbling with the useless air tank (he could breathe underwater, damn it, but the tourists and the interns and his boss couldn’t know that) and all the tubes in their proper place to pump oxygen uselessly into his lungs.
Shion sat on the edge of the top level of Number Six, his vision blurring red and gray. His bright yellow swim fins felt ridiculous and artificial—even though Shion had never been able to grow a tail of his own, his legs more than strong enough to propel him through the water—and his whole body buzzed with anxiety. He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself in a way that proved to be completely ineffective, and then he tumbled backward into Number Six.
Sinking down into the depths, Shion let the cold water collapse around him and smother the heat of embarrassment and anger and relief that churned inside him. He sank downward through a small school of colorful fish and past Trudgealong (a withered sea turtle with a no-nonsense attitude), squeezing his eyes closed behind the useless face mask and trying to breathe.
Nezumi’s shocked face flashed behind his closed eyelids. His voice echoed in Shion’s skull like a pissed off bee, and no matter how hard Shion fought it, he couldn’t help but remember how it had felt to sink beneath the waves with Nezumi guiding him by the wrist, propelling them both along the coral reefs much more quickly than Shion could move on his own.
Shion shook away the thoughts and focused on eying the occupants of Number Six and taking mental notes on their overall health.
For the most part, the fish and assorted sharks looked decent. Shion could sense the increased buzz of excitement radiating from them; he couldn’t “speak to fish”, and Nezumi had confirmed that no Child of the Sea could. He could, however, sense when they were comfortable or agitated.
The fish in Number Six enjoyed the summer rush far more than the staff at the West Block Aquarium did. Snubby, for example, seemed to enjoy preening in front of children who remarked on his crooked teeth and blunt nose with loud shouts to their parents and pointing fingers. These were Snubby’s point of pride, and he swam quickly around the tank to ensure everyone got a good look. If Snubby were a human or a Child of the Sea, Shion felt the two of them wouldn’t get along very well. Fortunately, for both of them, Snubby couldn’t talk.
Beneath the cool saltwater, the red marking wrapped around Shion’s body chilled. These were the only “scales” Shion had on his body, and something about being in the water gave them a more aquatic appearance. The otherwise smooth red marking bristled and slotted with patterns, and if Shion ran his bare finger over it, it would feel bumpy and slick. The vibrant color made him wonder if this would be the color his tale would be if he could grow one in water. Sometimes he disliked not being able to grow one the way Nezumi and other Children of the Sea could, but Nezumi had never made him feel bad for it. In fact, Nezumi claimed, based on the stories he’d been told, Shion was lucky. The tradeoff for most Children of the Sea was that while they could grow tails in water, their legs were weak on land. Some of the most graceful Children of the Sea turned into complete klutzes on the surface.
As a teenager, Shion had laughed himself sick at the prospect of beautiful, elegant Nezumi being reduced to a tripping mess on the land. He often wondered if that was why Nezumi would never come up on land. Nezumi was a proud creature, and Shion often wondered if his pride could survive face-planting on the sand.
But now Nezumi was on land.
Shion shook his head. Don’t think about it right now.
Shion bit down on the breathing apparatus stuffed in his mouth. Something deep inside him made him glance down to the foyer through the clear, teal water. Through the glass several floors down, Shion could see Emi and Nezumi standing in front of Rikiga. Shion watched his boss lazily drift his hand through the air, giving them both the same spiel he gave each intern at the beginning of their first shift. Emi continued to bounce on the balls of her feet, looking ready to explode into a thousand pieces. And Nezumi…
Nezumi looked up into the tank. His eyes met Shion’s, even several stories down, and he lifted his hand to wave at him.
Shion didn’t know what compelled him, but he lifted his gloved hand and waved back.
At fifteen past seven, when the aquarium had officially closed and the majority of the staff had clocked out and gone home, Shion stood outside the employee entrance, arms wrapped around himself in a desperate attempt to keep from falling apart.
Seven-thirty. Nezumi had promised to come back to the aquarium at seven-thirty and meet Shion at the employee entrance.
Shion eyed the cars zipping down the street on the opposite end of the empty parking lot. The West Block Aquarium emptied out pretty quick after the doors closed. None of the staff were eager to pull extra hours, and Rikiga didn’t offer overtime. Shion was an exception—the only one on Rikiga’s staff who was salary—and if Rikiga happened to spot his car still in the lot, it wouldn’t have raised any eyebrows.
He leaned back against the brick wall, the warm stones heating the fabric of his lab coat. He didn’t know why he bothered wearing it. Shion spent most of his time submerged in the tanks, but the lab coat made him feel normal. Human. He didn’t mind being a hybrid, not at all, but it was lonely not having someone like him to confide in.
Shion flexed his fingers. He still remembered the day he and Nezumi met. Shion had been walking down the beach—because what else was a gainfully unemployed sixteen-year-old to do on a sunny summer day in a bustling tourist town—and growing anxious amidst the screaming toddlers and indifferent mothers in their floppy sunhats, Shion had sought out a place where he could dive underwater and go missing for a bit.
Diving under the waves and vanishing, however, wouldn’t work with an audience. People stared at him because of his weird hair (even in a tourist town where teenagers dyeing their hair ridiculous colors was well within the norm), and if he went underwater and didn’t resurface, he’d have the Coast Guard called on him in no time.
Climbing the rocks clustered on the left side of the beach and walking another mile from the main beach, Shion sought out a strip of soft white beach where he could sprint in and vanish. The broken pier attached to the boardwalk (abandoned for months after a nasty embezzling scandal leaked to the press) rose into view, and Shion’s mood brightened.
He ducked beneath the pier, preparing to slip beneath the waves—and lo and behold, tangled in a net and cursing up a storm had been Nezumi.
A fisherman’s net had tangled around him as he skimmed the bottom of the water, and Nezumi had managed to break the net from the boat (rightfully confusing the fishermen in the process, who must have assumed they’d wrangled a shark), but the tight coils had knotted around his fins. Unwilling to be a sitting duck for a bigger predator (believe it or not, Children of the Sea were not the top of the food chain), Nezumi had desperately sought a strip of beach where he could safely work on pulling the net off his tail.
Immediately springing into action, Shion had deftly untangled the knots, whispering to Nezumi that he’d have him free in no time. His mind buzzed with excitement—someone like him was sitting right there—but it didn’t feel like an appropriate time to gush.
Nezumi, who’d growled at Shion when he first approached, went painfully still. His silver eyes, so beautiful and unlike anything Shion had ever seen before, watched each movement of his hands as he worked the net carefully off his fins. Shion fought his own urges to brush his fingers against the dark black and blue scales, jealous and enamored of something he should have had but didn’t, and after a few minutes of careful working, he tossed the vicious net aside and said, brightly, “There! You’re free.”
“Much obliged,” Nezumi muttered, and then, before Shion could blink, Nezumi’s hand wrapped around his wrist and yanked him into the water.
The shock of the cool ocean made Shion gasp; that had probably been Nezumi’s intention. With a few powerful flicks of his tail, Nezumi propelled them away from the shore, banking downward into the deeper ends of the shallows.
“You saved me, human,” Nezumi’s voice purred in his ear, sending goosebumps skittering down his bare arms. “So, I suppose it’s only fair to reward you.”
Drowning is a reward? Shion had thought. He’d opened his mouth to tell Nezumi that drowning wouldn’t work on him, that he wasn’t human—and Nezumi’s mouth closed over his own.
Shion’s eyes widened. Nezumi’s mouth was cool, but his soft lips sent waves of warmth through each nerve ending in Shion’s body. His eyes slid shut, the gentle shifts of the ocean waves rustling above his head. Tendrils of Nezumi’s long, dark hair brushed against his cheeks. Shion fought the urge to reach his hands out and brush his fingers through it, wondering at how soft it would feel.
An eternity later, Nezumi drew back, his arms still wrapped around Shion’s shoulders. Shion swallowed a mouthful of seawater and opened his eyes.
Nezumi’s silver eyes hovered a few inches in front of his own. He looked down at Shion—still alive, still staring at him in wonder—and a muscle in his jaw twitched. “You…” he said slowly. “You’re not drowning.”
“I am not.”
“You’re… like me?”
"Yeah. Well, half, anyway.”
“Oh,” Nezumi said, and that had been the beginning of it all.
From the moment Shion laid eyes on Nezumi, he’d known there was something different about him. Not just because he had a tail and looked like a god, but because he wasn’t like anyone else Shion had ever met in his life.
Nezumi had a vicious sense of humor. Nezumi was sarcastic and cold. He mocked Shion and poked fun at his wetsuit—black with bright red accents, because it made him feel at least somewhat attractive and it was comfortable—and he never understood how Shion could enjoy walking around on land when there was a whole ocean to explore.
But there was so much more to Nezumi than his sarcasm. He loved listening to stories. His laugh sounded like bells. He sang songs when he and Shion were alone, and he knocked Safu off her surfboard as a joke until she kicked him in the shoulder and tried to wrestle him underwater, both of them shrieking with laughter.
He lifted his head, startled from his memories, and spotted Nezumi hurrying across the parking lot.
It was strange, seeing him with a pair of legs rather than a long black tail, but at least he’d changed out of the vibrant green tee-shirt Rikiga insisted his staff members wear to be more visible. Shion had never been more grateful than the day he’d been given permission to wear whatever he wanted as long as he wore a lab coat over it during work hours. As the son of Rikiga’s good friend (Crush, Safu insisted, and Shion gallantly ignored her), Shion received something akin to “special treatment” from Rikiga, though he never asked for it.
He was still wearing the cargo pants and black boots he’d been wearing earlier, but in place of the tee shirt was a black leather jacket that Shion had to admit looked stunning on him. It mixed well with his long, dark hair and piercing eyes; it was a wonder that he’d made it to the aquarium at all. How did he get through each day without a horde of people swarming around him?
Shion looked down at his cell phone. The screen flashed its white numbers, announcing seven-twenty-five. Shion’s heart skipped a bit, and he tried to compose himself as Nezumi trotted up beside him.
“You’re early,” he said softly.
“Didn’t want to risk being late,” Nezumi replied. “You don’t deserve that.”
Shion huffed through his nose. “Let’s go inside. We can talk there.”
“OK,” Nezumi mumbled.
Shion let them in the employee entrance. He shut the door behind them, then made a bee line for the elevator leading up to the observatory room near Number Six.
“Where are you going?” Nezumi called after him.
“Let’s go to Number Six,” Shion called back. “It’ll be easier to talk if we don’t worry about people walking in on us.”
“The aquarium’s closed, though.” Nezumi caught up to him rather quickly. He strode beside Shion, his long legs easily keeping pace with Shion’s brisk stride. “Who’d walk in?”
"Well, hopefully, no one. But you never know what employees have left things behind. So it’d be better not to be talking about… things where people could overhear.”
“Good point,” Nezumi murmured.
The elevator ride up to the observatory room was silent and awkward. Shion shifted from one foot to the other, and Nezumi lingered on the far end of the little room to give him space. Shion could feel those piercing silver eyes sliding toward him, then quickly darting away when Shion tried to look back. It sent prickles through his body, and he clenched his fists to focus on something else.
When the elevator dinged and signaled their arrival at the observatory, Nezumi stepped out of the room and half-jogged across the tile floor and toward the top of the tank. The lights had been dimmed, only a few bulbs bright and illuminating the dome. Nezumi quickly unzipped the black leather jacket and tossed it casually to the floor, revealing a long-sleeved yellow shirt beneath it.
“Nezumi?” Shion asked.
Nezumi didn’t answer. He shucked off his shirt, and beneath it he wore a black sleeveless shirt that Shion suspected was meant to keep him from being bare-chested in the water.
“Um,” Shion said, feeling his face heating up. “What exactly are you doing?”
"Proof,” Nezumi called over his shoulder. He swooped down to undo his black boots, kicking them off into the corner beside Number Six’s main pool.
“Proof of what?” Shion asked, but Nezumi didn’t answer. He unbuttoned his pants, and Shion quickly looked away. His face burned, and only when he heard the sound of water splashing did he turn back.
Nezumi popped back up, grabbing the side of the tank and folding his arms on top of it. He rested his chin on his wrists and looked up at Shion. His silver eyes (exactly as Shion remembered, even years later) glittered in the fluorescent lights. His hair was still in a ponytail, several strands falling down over where his ears would be.
“Just wanted to make sure you knew it was really me,” Nezumi said, and with a flick of his tail, he sent a few droplets of water raining down over Shion’s head.
His tail.
Shion’s heart stopped. When Shion met Nezumi, the first thing he’d noticed (after the eyes) had been his tail. Unlike the bright blues and greens of Disney and childhood picture books, Nezumi’s tale was dark black and flecked with deep blue. The fins were wider and longer at the base, almost lace-like and elegant. Beneath the surface of the water, Shion couldn’t seen what they looked like at the hips (he was still wearing the lime green West Block Aquarium staff tee shirt, which didn’t suit him at all), but from his memory, he knew that the scales melded into flesh around his navel.
Shion crouched beside the tank, his stomach tightening. “Why now?”
Nezumi’s tail sank back below the surface of the water. Shion could see it swaying idly back and forth, the way a human might churn their feet lazily to keep themselves afloat in calm seas.
Shion knew Nezumi’s tail would be cold if he touched it. So would his skin. Nezumi was always cold. Not his personality, but—all right, sometimes his personality, too, but mostly his skin and tail were cool whenever Shion touched them. Even years later, he could remember the way it felt to smooth his hand over Nezumi’s hip, counting the blue scales peppered throughout. Nezumi’s tail reminded him of obsidian, black at first glance, with flecks of gray and purple and blue when it moved and the light shifted across it.
Nezumi’s eyes lowered to the floor between them. A harsh silence fell around them, punctuated only by the buzzing of the lights overhead and the glug-glug of the industrial-sized water filter.
“I didn’t mean to disappear for so long,” Nezumi explained, and his voice held so much conviction that Shion didn’t doubt him.
“You said that.”
“When I went back, something… happened.”
Shion raised an eyebrow.
Nezumi’s fingers wove into his damp bangs, which were so long they fell over his left eye, and gave them a yank. Shion’s heart clenched; he recognized it as an old habit Nezumi had when they were teenagers, something he did when he was nervous or uncomfortable. His nails were still pale and long, neat despite the distinct lack of access to quality salon service beneath the ocean’s waves.
“A human found the town where I lived,” he said quietly. “Under the ocean. When I wasn’t visiting you at the beach.”
Shion felt something clamp around his heart.
He knew what it meant if humans discovered the existence of the Children of the Sea. Humans, as much as Shion might have liked to believe otherwise, couldn’t stand knowing that there were resources they hadn’t been able to exploit. And the existence of merpeople would be a scientific miracle—enough that some greedy bastard would utilize it to try and earn millions.
“What happened?” Shion whispered. He hadn’t recalled seeing any breaking news headlines about merpeople; he definitely would have seen something like that, unless the government came swooping in to silence it.
Nezumi’s tail twitched under the water, clearly agitated. “Instead of running to the news,” he said through his teeth, “this idiot decided to try and capture one of us and bring them to the shore as evidence. Needless to say, the rest of us didn’t take kindly to that.”
“I’d imagine not.”
“But what we didn’t count on,” Nezumi said, his voice lowering, “was the oil.” He rested his hand flat on the water’s surface, letting it bounce gently beneath the water and then lifting it back up. “He emptied a container of oil into the water—not sure where he got it—and lit a match. I didn’t know it was that flammable.”
Shion listened as Nezumi explained how the flames had burned the Children of the Sea, who were unaccustomed to the sensation due to their inexperience with burning things. The oil doused them and made them sink below, unable to swim and avoid the flames. The water didn’t seem to stop it, the sticky substance creating an odd shield that didn’t mix well with the water, keeping the two materials separate from each other.
His heart ached at the thought of all the Children of the Sea who had suffered—according to Nezumi’s whispered story, the whole town had gone down in flames. A decent chunk of them had managed to escape, Nezumi included, but the majority of them…
The majority of them had burned to death.
“I’m sorry,” Shion whispered as Nezumi lapsed into uncomfortable silence. “Oh, Nezumi, I’m so sorry.”
“I was so angry,” Nezumi replied. “When I woke up and realized what had happened, I was so angry I couldn’t think of anything else. I was hurt. I was scared. And I couldn’t think of anything except how much I hated humans.”
Shion frowned. Nezumi’s dislike for humans wasn’t new to him. And fortunately, Nezumi had never spat Shion’s half-human heritage in his face. If anything, he seemed as fascinated by Shion’s legs as Shion was about his tail. The only difference was that Nezumi could have had a pair of his own—he stubbornly chose not to—and Shion had never been able to pop a tail no matter how many (embarrassing) times he’d attempted.
“When I woke up, I didn’t know where I was,” Nezumi went on. “All I knew was that my back hurt and everyone else I knew was dead. For a while things were just… bad. I couldn’t move, and when I tried, it just made me realize that there was a chance I was going to die, too, and I hated it. After a while, I could move, and I just left.”
“Left?” Shion echoed.
“I couldn’t stand being there,” Nezumi said under his breath. “Everywhere I looked I could see all the people I knew, and then I remembered that because of one greedy fucking human, they were gone. We took him down with us—Sasori, I think, yanked him off the boat and drowned him—but it didn’t feel like enough. It didn’t matter that he was dead, too. It didn’t matter that, miraculously, I’d survived whatever the hell he did to us. It just didn’t matter.”
Shion swallowed the lump in his throat. His eyes stung.
“I wanted to come back,” Nezumi went on, his voice painfully soft. Shion had to strain to hear him. “I wanted to at least tell you why I was going. But every time I thought about going back to that place, something just made me leave. It’s not an excuse, and I know it’s not a good enough reason to make you think that I just abandoned you, but I couldn’t—couldn’t get past the anger. I hated everyone. I hated myself. I was so angry, and there was no coming back from it. And I didn’t…” He waved his hands, agitated, the words slipping away from him. He huffed and said, “I didn’t want to take it out on you. It’s so fucking stupid, but I didn’t want to shout at you and blame you, and I was so angry with humans that I knew I would. If I saw you then, I’d only see the human part of you and blame you for things you had nothing to do with. That’s not fair. I know it’s not. And I’m not asking you to forgive me. I wouldn’t forgive me, either.”
“Then why come back?” Shion whispered. He’d moved forward, almost like an instinct, and sat at the edge of the tank, a few inches from Nezumi’s face. “Why come back at all?”
“Because I missed you,” Nezumi whispered back, as strong and as sure as if he’d simply stated the color of the morning sky. “I missed you. When the anger cooled, you were all I could think about. I had no way of knowing if you were even still here, or if you’d even want to see me after I just left, but if there was a chance, I wanted to take it.”
Shion’s throat tightened. He swallowed around the lump that had lodged there and ordered himself not to cry. He was angry. He was supposed to be angry. And yet, beneath the anger was wave after wave of relief that Nezumi was alive.
“So… the aquarium?”
Nezumi shrugged. “It seemed like a good job for a Child of the Sea. I filled out the application and they called me back. I didn’t know you were working here. But once I got a job and… established myself here, I wanted to find you.”
“Established yourself?”
“I wanted a way to prove to you that I wanted to stay. If you told me to fuck off and never wanted to see me again, I would understand. But I wanted a way to prove to you that I intend to stay this time.”
Shion’s hands tightened around the lip of the tank. Emotions whirled inside him like a tsunami, and he felt as if he was caught in the middle of it, unable to surface. Stinging tears prickled at the backs of his eyes, and he forced back the urge to cry. Once he started, he knew he’d never stop. He scraped the back of his hand beneath his eyes, widening them just a bit to keep from crying.
He was still angry. Of course he was. But he couldn’t imagine how badly it hurt. He couldn’t imagine what he would have done if his mother’s bakery burnt down, with her and Safu and everyone else he knew trapped inside.
He took a deep breath, feeling it catching inside his chest around the ball of anger and sorrow and raw fucking hope that’d nestled within.
"Where are you staying?” Shion murmured.
Nezumi perked up, but kept his voice steady as he answered, “A motel down on Seventh Street. By the boardwalk. You remember.”
“I do.” Shion pressed his lips together. “It’s not too far from my house. What’s your schedule?”
"I’m off tomorrow, but I think I’m working open to close on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The old man says hours will pick up some time, but he wasn’t specific.”
“Do you have a car?”
“Can’t drive,” Nezumi answered, much too quickly, and Shion couldn’t help the laugh that cracked out of his throat. “I can barely walk—don’t laugh at me. This is serious.”
“I’m not laughing at you,” Shion said, but his lips were tugging upward at the corners. He had to admit, despite everything that’d happened, it was pretty fucking funny. Nezumi—elegant, perfect, beautiful, wonderful Nezumi, whose every movement was the physical definition of grace—was clumsy on the land.
“Yes, you are,” Nezumi groused, but when Shion stole a glance up into his face, he was smiling, too.
God, his smile.
Even after all these years, he was still as beautiful as the day Shion met him.
“Well,” Shion said, and dammit, if his voice wobbled, Nezumi better not comment on it. “The boardwalk’s on my way to the aquarium, and if you’re working about the same schedule as me, I wouldn’t mind picking you up and bringing you home.”
Nezumi’s eyes widened.
“I’m not ready to forgive you just yet,” Shion explained. “You really hurt me. I understand why you left, but I wish you had just… I don’t know, said something to me so I didn’t think you were dead. I know that might be petty of me, given what happened, and I’m sorry for that.”
“It’s not petty,” Nezumi assured. “I was an asshole.”
“Yeah, but you almost died.” Shion exhaled through his nose. “And I missed you, too.”
Nezumi laughed; it crackled a bit at the edges, and Shion couldn’t help it. He leaned forward, his arms reaching out—and miraculously, Nezumi reached back. Shion slid his arms around Nezumi’s shoulders and rested his forehead against the crook of Nezumi’s neck. He smelled like sea salt and an odd floral scent Shion had never been able to identify but could always remember. Despite being half fish, Nezumi never smelled like anything Shion would have expected.
Nezumi’s arms tightened around his shoulders and squeezed back. “I really did miss you,” he murmured against the top of Shion’s head.
“I missed you, too,” Shion said, and it was true. As angry and hurt as he was with Nezumi’s sudden disappearance, nothing about that had changed. “I’m not ready to go back to the way things were, and I can’t promise that I will be…”
“That’s fine,” Nezumi assured, burying his face in Shion’s hair. “I’m just glad to be here, in whatever way you’ll have me.”
This was more emotion and honesty than Shion had ever gotten out of Nezumi about his feelings, and it felt as if a sudden, burning heat had cracked through the darkness in his heart. His memories of his summers spent as a teenager came flooding back to him, and all at once, he was back on the beach, stretched out on a scratchy beach blanket with Nezumi’s arms wrapped around him. His tail rested over Shion’s legs, comfortingly cool in the midsummer heat, and heavy in a way that reminded Shion of a weighted blanket.
Nothing about it was perfect. Shion knew this. The frustration and pain wouldn’t disappear overnight, and just because Nezumi apologized didn’t mean he was free and clear of blame. But for a few moments, wrapped in his arms, Shion understood that at least he was back and they could work through it together.
He sighed, pressed himself against Nezumi’s cool, solid body, and reveled in the realization that yes, he was back. He was back, and he wanted to be here. The shush-shush of the water in Number Six fell around them, creating a comfortable mimicry of the waves that’d collapsed over Shion’s head the day Nezumi hauled him into the ocean and tried to drown him. Shion closed his eyes, tightened his grip on Nezumi’s shoulders, and for the first time in years, could finally breathe.
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kazimakuwabara · 4 years
Summary: A reuquest sent into me that I wanted to try:  Usopp impressing Sanji with his baking skills? Maybe include the line: “baking is just edible chemistry.” (can be taken as light Sanuso or at the least Sanji & Usopp friendship and support)
"What are you doing?" Sanji asked, his voice a mixture of exhaustion, bewilderment, and aggravation, not yet approaching anger.
Not yet.
Usopp, frozen like a rabbit caught in the sights of a fox, stared at Sanji holding a small spatula, the tool just hovering over a cake. Flour was on the floor, on Usopp's face, and in his hair. The sugar bowl was spilled over, and an egg was smashed on the ground near the fridge. Sanji, fished out a cigarette, and plopped it in his mouth, hurrying to light it while he tried not to get angry, but oh, he was getting awfully close to-
He froze.
On the counter, just beneath Usopp's trembling hand, was the most marvelous cake he had ever seen.
(The Most beautiful Buttercream cakes you could ever see)
It was half done. Base layer of the cake was white, and Usopp was delicately sculpting yellow and orange buttercream flowers into the side of the cake. Layering them on top in globs, before somehow shaping them into a blooming flower. Two other piping bags, filled with green and pink buttercream were set aside, and Sanji let the cigarette fall from his mouth so he could ask in a reverent breath, "What will you do with the green and pink bags?"
Usopp slowly, carefully, catiously---relaxed, eyes full of doubt, suspicion, and anxiety. He flicked his eyes down to Sanji's leg, and then back up to Sanji, who was walking forward, his eyes only on Usopp's cake.
"Green... for leaves, and the pink is for a big rose for the top. I thought about... putting dewdrops on the petals... but I don't... I couldn't find any blue... for... for the buttercream," Usopp answered carefully.
"I ran out of the dye drops when I made Nami's birthday cake," Sanji admitted. He had made her an ocean. A cake with rolling waves, and dusted in gold glitter. He had been proud. That cake was nothing, compared to Usopp's half-finished masterpiece.
Sanji turned to his pantry, and disappeared before reappearing with a head of red cabbage. With a dismissive wave, he muttered, "Keep working. I'll make you blue dye."
Usopp watched Sanji chop the head of cabbage, waiting for the other shoe to drop. But Sanji made no movement towards him. Neither leg nor voice was raised. For now... Usopp was alive, and seemingly given permission to continue with his project.
He turned back to his task of shaping flowers into the cake.
With nervous energy, Usopp created his pristine flowers. Sanji was saying nothing. Not asking about how Usopp broke into the fridge, or why he was doing what he was doing. The kitchen was silent.
After thirty or so minutes, Usopp went back to his work, consumed by his edible art project.
Sanji in the meantime sent the cabbage to boil, and after twenty or so minutes strained the cabbage. He set it aside for later. He could make stirfry tomorrow, perhaps, or sneak it into an omelet. No... maybe the stirfry was best. Sanji could decide later. With the purple water, he poured it carefully into a pan, and slowly began to reduce it. A task that should take him at least forty-five minutes.
In that time, he would sneak looks at Usopp's hands. The sniper, with the gentlest of touches, was shaping a yellow petal, curling it gently as if it was naturally blooming. He worked slowly, and quietly, his face focused on his task completely. Sanji was in awe. Why in the world, had Usopp never baked a cake before? Sanji hoped, sincerely hoped, he hadn't chased Usopp out and away from the kitchen, but Sanji couldn't recall the sniper ever asking to bake something.
To Sanji's knowledge, Usopp hadn't shown any interest in baking before.
Well, maybe eating the baked goods, but not making them.
When the purple cabbage liquid had reduced enough, Sanji poured it into a bowl and added a tablespoon of baking soda. He stirred it slowly, and the concoction bubbled slightly, and then... the deep purple liquid shifted into a rich deep blue. Smiling, he picked up the bowl and brought it over to Usopp. The whole method had taken Sanji almost two hours... and in that time Usopp had completed his cake.
The cake was a garden. A living mound of yellow and orange flowers, with a big pink rose on top, bloomed and curling delicately on the top.
Sanji offered the bowl to Usopp, "Natural blue dye. It may... weaken your buttercream a little, so don't use a lot,"
Usopp startled, looking up at Sanji. He had forgotten the cook was there. He nodded numbly, and took the bowl. Dipping his spoon in the blue dye, he transferred it to his white buttercream and stirred, creating a very gentle blue. He pulled a chopstick from the counter, already lightly coated in various colors, and gently added light blue dew drops to his flower.
Sixteen total and he was done.
Gawking, the pair stood over the cake and Sanji let out a shaky breath, "How?"
Usopp shrugged, shrinking into himself. For once, a lie didn't spring to his lips. He seemed at a loss for how to answer.
"Usopp... this... this is beautiful. How did you learn to do this?" Sanji asked again. He was beyond exhausted, and now that the cake was completed, he remembered he had come in here to start preparing meat for dinner tomorrow, and then prepping breakfast for the crew. He peaked out the door, the sky already begining to grow pale.
He'd have to change the menu today in order to feed everyone on time.
He looked at the cake. It made him emotional in a way that only truly marvelous food could.
This beautiful cake was worth changing his menu.
"How?" Sanji asked again, and then an excitable, "Why?"
Usopp, twiddled his messy fingers, "Mom used to make cakes. For fun. And she was pretty good. We always made one together... and went all out on her birthday. I... I kept up the tradition. Even after she was..." Usopp shrugged a shoulder again, sealing his mouth shut.
Sanji looked at Usopp, a frown set on his face, "We've been on the sea for years."
Usopp nodded, "Yeah."
"And you get up, in the dead of night, and do this? Alone?"
"Yup," Usopp murmured popping the 'p,' loudly.
"What do you do with the cake?" Sanji asked looking back at Usopp's new creation. It had to be three-layered. It was a hearty cake.
"Eat it in a private place, before anyone knows," Usopp mutters again, and then laughs, "Always makes me super sick."
Sanji is hugging Usopp before he is aware he wants to. Usopp hesitates, but then clings to him. Sanji, spotless, clings to the dirty young man in his arms, Usopp's strong arms somehow foreign to the Usopp in Sanji's mind's eye. In his head, Usopp is still small, still scared and unsure, and still needing protection. This Usopp is stronger now, and surer of himself, he really doesn't need to be coddled. But Sanji squeezes him, thinks of the years Usopp had spent alone, sneakily making a cake to honor his mother, and thinks Usopp could still use a little protecting.
Or at least some support.
"Ask. Any time you want to bake... just.... just ask! It can't interrupt our mealtimes, but I'm not going to stop you from doing a family tradition," Sanji says, voice thick.
Usopp trembles against Sanji a little, and nods his head. The, 'thanks,' he mutters is very faint and weak, but Sanji hears it.
They push away from each other, and Sanji looks at the cake, so Usopp can hide his tears. He's seen Usopp cry before, but knows Usopp would appreciate him not looking now.
Usopp clears his throat and picks up a knife, and Sanji gasps as Usopp cuts into the cake.
Usopp laughs at Sanji's horror, "It can't last forever, let's eat up."
Sanji sighs, knowing Usopp is right, but still... he's a little sad to see the cake cut so soon. It should be displayed for longer, or allowed to set up in the fridge. He shakes his head with regret as Usopp offers him a slice. Sanji takes the extended cake and then asks, "Are you sure I can have a piece?"
Usopp cuts himself a slice, toppling it gently on the plate. A flower smooshes, and Sanji mourns again. Usopp smiles, "Your hard work deserves a reward! Besides... I'd like to hear what you think. I've had to guess at the measurements, but this is just like figuring out gunpowder ratios..."
Sanji snorts, "Ah, so baking is just edible chemistry to you?"
Usopp grins, his eyes still brimmed with unshed tears. He waggles his eyebrows and adds, "Most of my ammo is just edible chemistry."
They share a quiet laugh.
Sanji takes a bite. It is plain vanilla, and a little denser than he likes, but it is decent. Good, even. With some coaching in flavor, Usopp could make his cake taste as exceptional as it looks. He smiles, "...Maybe next year I could help you change the flavor. Lemon? Or even rose and saffron to go with your theme..."
Usopp blushes, "You'd... you'd like to do this again with me?"
Sanji nods, taking another bite, scooping up a half bloomed yellow rose on his fork. He examines the piece before grinning back at the sniper, "If you'll let me."
Usopp puffed up his chest, "Why the great Captain Usopp, famous Pâtissier amongst the beautiful mermaids in all the sea, would be glad to have you along!" He took an exaggerated bite of his cake, and added, "It's easier to eat a cake between two people anyway."
Sanji swallows his chunk, a gentle gaze landing on Usopp's face, "You don't want to share this cake with the crew?"
Some of Usopp's bravado deflates, and his hand trembles a little as he takes another bite, "N-Not... not this year."
Sanji nods, and runs a hand over Usopp's back. He lets them have peace for another few minutes. Sanji keeps his hand on Usopp's back the whole time.
When Sanji's piece of cake is gone, he picks up a dishtowel and swats it at Usopp's face, "Clean my kitchen up! I'll work on the cake. it better be sparkling by the time I finish my half."
"But! But-"
Sanji leveled a glare at Usopp, "You messed it up, you clean it! And chop, chop! Or Luffy's gonna know who to be mad at when breakfast is delayed!"
Usopp jumped up, and rushed for the utility closet, tripping over his feet in his hurry. Sanji snickered and turned back to the cake. Picking up the spatula Usopp had used to shape a gently sloping leaf, Sanji tries to turn it upwards. He ruins it as soon as he touches it. 
He shook his head, marveling at Usopp's skill again.
Usopp was an artist.
Usopp cried out as he spilled half a bucket of water on the floor.
He was lucky this cake was so astounding, or he'd be a dead artist for the dreadful state of Sanji's kitchen!
"You better not scratch my floors!" Sanji growled in warning, stabbing another piece of cake.
He feels a little bit of pleasure from Usopp's worried whimper.
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ferociousqueak · 4 years
may I get flower prompt Daffodil for Hannah please?
I know it’s taken a bit to put this together, but I finally have something for you :D Thank you for the prompt, and I hope you like it!
Also on AO3!
Daffodil: A new beginning
The two years that passed between the first call and the second had felt more like twenty. It had been like a pocket dimension, not apart from but beside her main reality. While Hannah had noticed some grays starting to glisten in her hair after the Battle of the Citadel, a shock of white now streaked her hair, a constant reminder of what Alchera had taken from her.
Not that she hadn’t known at least some of what happened after the attack. Right when she’d started to put her life back together, her eyes and ears on the inside of Cerberus had broadsided her with the news: Alli was alive. That archeologist had helped those terrorists to recover her daughter’s burned and broken body, and they proceeded to do unspeakable abominations to her.
“Han, I can hear you grinding your teeth from here, and I’m several mass relays away,” Dess’s voice called Hannah back to the present.
She shook her head to clear her thoughts. “Sorry, sweetheart. I was just . . . Alli’s remanded herself to the Alliance. She’s under house arrest while a tribunal figures out whether to indict her for treason.”
“So when do you plan to go see her?” Dess’s voice was carefully even, but Hannah heard the question all the same. Are you going to see her?
“I . . . don’t know.” Hannah untwisted her hair and let it fall over her shoulder so she could run her fingers through it. “What if . . . what if it’s not really her? What if she’s a clone? Or worse, what if she’s not all there anymore? What if Cerberus did something to her to make her easier to control, emptied her out? What if she’s . . . not Alli, anymore?”
Dess hummed as she considered. “But what if it is her?” she said at last.
Hannah nodded. “You’re right. I’ll leave first thing in the morning.”
Hannah had been part of the Alliance Navy her entire adult life, and still, the brick wall walking her down the hall to the brig, his face gently lit by the haptic interface of the datapad he held, was a rare specimen. The tattoos, the muscles, the yellowing bruises and pale pink, healing scars across his face. She wondered briefly if those were Alli’s handiwork, but dismissed the idea. However bulky this marine was, Alli could take him down using only her feet if she really wanted to, and it would be a while before he could walk upright again.
“I’m glad you’re here, Ma’am,” the walking mountain—Lieutenant Vega, that was his name—said as they progressed toward Alli’s cell. “The commander has been pretty antsy since she arrived.”
That sounded like Alli. A wave of nausea overtook Hannah, and she had to place a hand on Vega’s substantial arm to pause for a moment.
“I guess it’s been a while since you’ve been on Earth, huh,” he said, his demeanor more casual than Hannah was used to. “If you need to use the head, it’s just around the corner on the right. I’ll wait here.”
She nodded and walked stiffly in the direction he’d pointed. By the time she pushed open the door, she was sure she wouldn’t need to make use of the facilities, but she’d take the time to collect herself all the same.
Running a paper towel under cool water, she pressed the compress against the back of her neck and closed her eyes. As she leaned over the counter, Hannah wondered if Vega had just been trying to be delicate. Was it obvious how nervous she was to see her daughter—her dead daughter, no less—for the first time in more than two years, knowing what she did about how Alli had become not-dead again?
Part of Hannah wanted to run to Alli, hold her as tightly as her body would allow, never let her go again. The other part was terrified of what she would find when she looked into Alli’s eyes. No one goes from death to life unaffected by the transition.
Taking a final deep breath, Hannah tossed the now-warming compress and returned to Vega, her hands only shaking slightly. No time like the present.
They walked the rest of the way to Alli’s quarters in silence, not that Hannah had said much at all up to this point. She was saving all her words for her daughter.
Finally, they came to a stop in front of what Hannah could surmise was her daughter’s door. “You ready?” Vega asked, his hand hovering above the red lock.
“Yes, thank you, Lieutenant,” Hannah nodded. “I’m ready.”
The door hissed open and Vega walked inside ahead of Hannah. “Commander Shepard, you have a visitor. Captain Hannah Shepard.”
Whatever opinion Hannah had been forming of Vega, his insistence on referring to Alli by her rank had permanently endeared him to her. He saluted, and Hannah returned it, dismissing him. The door closed behind him, and Hannah finally brought herself to look at the woman standing in front of her.
For a moment, it felt like she was looking in a mirror of herself from twenty years ago. Alli had let her hair go back to its vibrant red—or perhaps she just hadn’t had a moment to dye it black again. She had the same straight posture from the years of training Sana had given her, her shoulders square and her knees loose. Light scars criss-crossed her jaw and cheeks—those were new . . . and glowing? And her eyes. They were determined and curious and pleading all at once.
There was no mistake.
“Alli.” Though barely a whisper, Hannah’s voice broke as the tears welled and spilled freely.
It was a blur after that. Alli rushing across the room and sobbing into Hannah’s shoulder. Hannah hardly able to breathe as she held the child she feared she’d never see again. Tear-soaked sorry’s and pleas for Hannah to believe her.
Hannah stroked Alli’s hair and breathed deep, taking in her scent the way she had when Alli was a baby. It was a different smell now—standard-issue shampoo, sweat, and a hint of sweet pea blossoms, the same subtle perfume she’d always worn. She shuddered to think what Alli had been through, what she’d seen waking up lassoed to Cerberus’s whims. No amount of shushing or cradling would heal anything Alli had been through in the last months and years, and Hannah felt helpless to soothe her.
“Tell me everything, Starshine,” Hannah said instead.
And Alli did. The destruction of the SR-1. Lazarus Station. The missing colonists and the Collectors. The battle at the Galactic Core. Project Rho and the three hundred thousand batarians. Hannah had heard some of it from scant intelligence reports and her moles in Cerberus itself, but nothing like what Alli described.
“They want to try me as a war criminal,” Alli said as she swiped at the tears that had started to dry, her voice deflated and overworked. “But I swear, Mom, I did everything I could. It was either the colonists or the rest of the galaxy. Not both.”
Hannah squeezed Alli’s hands. “I know, Starshine. I know.”
A flash of anger came into Alli’s eyes and she began to pace the small room. “The Hegemony has had it out for me ever since Torfan. What they can’t seem to get into their thick, wrinkly heads is that I’m trying to save them too.”
Hannah sat at the edge of the bed and let Alli work off some of her energy. Alli never had been one to take a breath and calm down. She was like a hurricane—once she’d started there was no stopping her. All anyone could do was let her burn herself out.
“This Harbinger,” Hannah said instead. “Did they say how long we have?”
Alli crossed her arms and shook her head. “Of course not. But it’ll be sooner rather than later. And the more time I’m sitting in the brig waiting for this stupid tribunal to figure out which platter they want to serve my head on to the batarians, the less time we’re out there hardening our defenses and comm buoys and supply lines.”
“What about your team?” Hannah prodded. Alli had always inspired such trust and loyalty from the people she led. If any one of them took some initiative, they might be able to make progress where Alli couldn’t right now.
She let out a long breath, like the oxygen escaping a compromised air lock, and dropped next to Hannah, leaning forward with her elbows resting on her knees. “I honestly don’t know. Tali went back to the Fleet, and even if I was on the outside, I doubt I’d have much communication with her. Miranda and Jacob disappeared almost as soon as we landed to get away from The Illusive Man and his goons. Everyone else pretty much scattered, and I don’t really have a way to communicate with them. I’m sure the Alliance even has this conversation bugged.”
Hannah hummed. Alli was probably right about that. “What about Garrus? Do you think he still has contacts in C-Sec?”
“If his dad still worked there, then maybe.” Alli’s eyes lit up. “Yes! Dess could help him! Do you think she would pull some strings?”
Hannah bit her lip and slowly shook her head. “She’s volunteering on Taetrus, Starshine. She hasn’t been to the Citadel in months.”
Her brows knit together in apology. “Oh, Mom, I didn’t know. How are you holding up?”
Hannah shrugged and swallowed whatever emotion threaten to rise in her throat. “We’re not talking about me.” She reached over and placed her hand behind Alli’s head, pulling her close to kiss her forehead. “We’ll figure something out. I’m just so happy to see you, Starshine.”
“Oh, come on, Mom,” Alli said, a tone of embarrassment in her voice that belied her leaning into the affection. “You’re going to start crying again if you keep that up.”
Hannah chuckled. “Believe me, I’m not done crying over you. Now. Speaking of Garrus.”
“Mother, please,” Alli said, pulling away from Hannah this time. “I’m not a teenager anymore.”
“I met him at your . . . before.” Hannah still couldn’t bring herself to say funeral. “He seems like a good sort. A little confused, but earnest. I think he was taken with you.”
“I’m not talking about this with you.” Alli stood and paced toward the small desk by the window, color starting to creep up her cheeks. “And whatever you do, don’t . . . speculate with Dess, okay? She’ll probably threaten to break his mandibles if he hurts me or whatever.”
“So, there is something going on!”
Hannah put up her hands in surrender. “All right, all right. I won’t pry. I promise.”
Alli turned around again, her shoulders visibly relaxing. “Thanks. I’ve got enough on my plate. I don’t need . . . distractions.”
Before Hannah could respond, the door to the room opened and Vega stood with all his hulk on the other side with an apologetic look in his eyes. “Time’s up, Ma’am.”
Hannah nodded. “Thank you, Lieutenant. Just one more minute, please.”
He nodded and stepped aside, leaving the door open. Hannah stood and walked the few steps to Alli, putting her arms around her daughter one more time.
“Sometimes the important things look like distractions when you’re not paying attention,” she said lowly in Alli’s ear. “We have some very hard times ahead of us. So pay attention.”
Alli returned the embrace and buried her face in Hannah’s shoulder. “Thanks, Mom. I will.”
Hannah did an admirable job, if she did think so herself, of not falling apart as she left Alli’s room. For as dark as the future looked, a dizzying lightness had overtaken Hannah.
She had Alli back.
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thenovelartist · 5 years
Disruptor Designer and her Model, day 30
30. Paris
Marinette couldn’t hold off telling her fans the special news for too long. Her stomach was growing a little faster than usual, considering she held twins, and she was a petite woman who would show her pregnancy belly soon enough.
So, when she and Adrien sat down to record the video announcement, they only hoped it would go over okay. After all, while they chose to focus on the good notes, they did get a fair share of hate from some crazed fans when it was revealed they were married.
However, just as that reveal, this reveal went over pretty well.
“#Catbug is trending,” Adrien informed her with no shortage of amusement.
“Our kids,” he said through a smirk.
Marinette couldn’t help but giggle. “Oh, your dad’s going to LOVE that.”
“Well, my dad isn’t getting near the kids, so who cares? Tom will get a kick out of it, though.”
Marinette smirked, though her heart hurt for Adrien. His dad should be a part of it, but after their lack of communication and a tense accidental meeting, she doubted either man was going to take the step to repair their relationship. “He will. That’s going to be amusing when we tell him. He was thrilled enough as is to learn he was going to be a grandpa.”
As expected, Tom did find it amusing when they told him. Of course, this meant Sabine and Marinette were relegated to listening about ‘Catbugs’ for the rest of the night.
“He’s going to be a good father,” Sabine had whispered to Marinette.
“He is,” Marinette responded, watching as Adrien and her father interreacted. “I know it. He’s already got the dad jokes down.”
Halfway through her pregnancy, Ladybug was forced to announce that she’d be going down to two videos permanently because she was going to be a mom and now had less time to spend on making videos. Adrien was proud of her even though she had a hormone-influenced meltdown over it.
“It’s for the better, bug,” he cooed. “You should take it easy for now instead of stressing yourself out over getting three videos out.”
Marinette didn’t answer. She was busy crying in his shirt over irrational things. But Adrien was there supporting her and soothing her, no matter how stupid she sounded.
When they learned what genders the twins were, they decided to withhold the information from their fans for a little while. They of course had individual reveals for her parents as well as Alya and Nino. But withholding the surprise from their fans allowed them time to plan out a gender reveal video.
Marinette had came up with a blast of an idea. They had two white onesies and two opaque, plastic containers that were filled with a clothing dye. Adrien and Marinette each held a onesie, a black “Catbug #1” written on Adrien’s and a “Catbug #2” written on Marinette’s. They each dipped the onesie into each vat of dye, holding them there a moment to absorb the color before Marinette counted to three and they each pulled up a pink onesie.
“It’s going to be exciting,” Adrien commented as they were cleaning up the mess from the video. “Seems like we’re going to have two more little ladybugs running around the house.”
“They’ll probably love being called your ladybugs,” Marinette said, rubbing her swollen belly. “But they’d probably love being called your kittens, too. They’re yours, after all. They’re likely to inherit your sense of humor.”
Adrien could only chuckle. “I hope so. My humor and your good looks would be the perfect pairing.”
“What about your good looks, M Model?”
“Mine are overrated,” he dismissed with a wave. “They better look like you.”
“Nuh-uh,” she said. “They better look like you.”
The duo looked at each other for a while, each wearing a smile.
“Well,” Adrien said. “May the strongest genes not be mine.”
Marinette only chuckled. “Dork.”
Months later, when the catbugs were born, Marinette and Adrien wanted to keep as low of a profile as possible for the time being. To just have a moment to be a happy, new family without a social media presence.
Their hair was black like Marinette’s but their eyes were green as Adrien’s.
They were okay with that tie.
Eventually, when they were ready to reveal Emilie and Louise a couple months later, Adrien and Marinette put them in their little, numbered “Catbug” onesies and black kitty hats with embroidered ladybugs Marinette had made and took pictures to share.
Catbug trended on social media for a couple days after that.
It was difficult, but Marinette was immensely grateful to be self-employed. She could run her channel and business around being a mother. And then the bonus of Adrien being self-employed at home, too, meant that they could pass the girls back and forth so Marinette could film in peace and then Adrien had time to make phone calls.
On top of that, Tom and Sabine were very needy grandparents who wanted to see the twin catbugs as much as they could. Marinette wasn’t surprised by it, but it was a blessing in disguise. Having such eager babysitters allowed Marinette and Adrien to either have date nights or nights out alone or with friends. Because as much as Marinette loved and adored her husband, they did work together and occasionally needed a bit of time apart from each other to keep their sanity.
It wasn’t easy, but there were times Marinette would call it “practically perfect.”
“Do you realize,” Marinette said one night when they were curled up in bed. The girls were in their cribs and thankfully asleep for the time being. “That we’re together and have two amazing little girls all because you gave me a pep-talk?”
Adrien was silent. “It’s funny to think about that,” Adrien said. “How one accidental meeting changed everything.”
“It’s because of you I came back to Paris a changed woman who didn’t give up on her dream.”
Adrien shifted, rolling over so he could curl her against his chest. “I can’t even imagine Paris without you, now, my lady. My love.”
Marinette grinned, happily snuggling against her husband. “I love you. You’re the best friend, husband, and father I could ever have asked for.”
She felt him press a kiss to her head. “I love you, too, my wonderful ladybug. I love you so much.”
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atinytokki · 4 years
No thank you for letting me reach out and answering! I have so many questions, but first, what are your top 3 funny moments from your series so far? (🤓 anon)
Sorry it took me forever to answer this! I low-key had to read the entire thing to remember what I even wrote, not to mention there aren’t really that many... but here you go!
3) Mingi just wants food (Zero to One Ch. 12)
// His nose twitched in response to the mouth-watering aroma of gloriously seasoned meat drifting through the air. San’s giggle sounded somewhere nearby.
“Now he’s back.”
Mingi screwed open his bleary eyes, which had been sealed tight, and pouted at San in confusion. Something heavy on top of him was preventing him from reaching his hand out for the food. Seonghwa’s head leaned into Mingi’s peripherals next to San, shaking with amusement. “You put too many blankets on him, San.” A glance down at the stack of furs and fleeces confirmed this and Mingi returned his gaze to San expectantly.
San reeled in a fake swoon before leaning in. “Don’t look at me like that, Mingi. How do you feel?” Mingi decided to let San’s antics pass and opened his mouth to answer the question, but found his voice to be missing. A mutilated sound escaped and threw him into a coughing fit from its hoarseness. Seonghwa moved in to pat his back and mutter at him to just relax before relinquishing the steaming bowl of beef stew with a spoonful aimed at Mingi’s mouth. A heavenly warmth radiated through his insides as he obediently opened up and consumed his bite of food. It tickled his heart and spread a smile on his face. //
In the midst of an action packed final two chapters of the second instalment, I allowed for a slight break in the tension by following a hungry, awakening Mingi and his preoccupation with his stomach ;)
2) Mom!Hwa (One to All Ch. 1)
// “Seonghwa! Wooyoung keeps splashing me!” Seonghwa rolled his eyes fondly at San’s complaint and yelled back, “Ask him nicely to stop it!” Switching seamlessly to the task at hand, he led Hongjoong over to the hole in the ground they had exhumed the treasure chest from. //
And later...
// “Watch this!” Yunho yelled down before throwing himself off the side and hurtling into the water below. Hongjoong and Seonghwa both gasped and ran towards the water. “Is he alright?” Seonghwa was fighting the stream to get to where Yunho disappeared. “Is the water deep enough?”
“It’s great!” Yunho surfaced and flapped his arms around like an excited puppy. “You should try it!” He scurried out of the water and back over to the rocks that led to the overhang. San was preparing to jump, pounding his chest and shaking out his limbs as if it would give him more confidence. “Come on already,” Yeosang mumbled and gave a quick shove to the younger boy’s back. San shrieked as he tumbled down, but righted himself to land safely underwater and then popped up with a massive smile on his face.
“Please be careful,” Seonghwa cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled up to the younger boys before taking a cautious step back and chewing on his lip. “Why don’t we join them?” Hongjoong giggled and went to get a boost onto the rocks from Jongho. “No thank you,” Seonghwa’s glare followed him up the cliffside and he crossed his arms defiantly. “I’m quite alright down here where it’s safe.”
He watched anxiously from below as all the others converged on their leader, picking him up despite his complaints and preparing to hurl him off the side and into the deep blue pool below. //
I was aiming more for a sweet sentiment than a funny one, but hopefully it’s in character enough to give you a chuckle. The scene serves as the beginning of the whimsical and carefree time the boys spend on the island which is, of course, cut short too soon.
1) The prank (All to Zero Ch. 7)
// “Shh!” Wooyoung attempted to silence San’s giggles without waking Yeosang. It had been San’s idea to secretly dye Yeosang’s hair an even more prominent shade of pink than he was currently sporting, but Wooyoung had been more than willing to aid him, believing his cabinmate to be responsible for colouring his own hair purple a few days before. He held Yeosang still as he snored softly, San doing the job and now painstakingly rinsing his victim’s head. “Who shall we say it was when he discovers it?” Wooyoung suddenly whispered. “Yunho!” San had an answer at the ready. “But does Yunho know how to dye hair?” San shrugged in response. “Yeosang won’t question it. Hand me the towel now.” //
The scene goes on for much longer, so I won’t include all of it. The main purpose here was to give the boys a bonding activity, create some context for their changing hair colours, and develop Wooyoung’s character but I have to say this one is my favourite so far. Yeosang’s complete cluelessness about the event lasts well into the next volume, despite everyone else on the ship knowing who is responsible.
Thanks for asking (and reading, if you made it this far) and happy new year!!
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artistlove17 · 5 years
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This was my Nana at my second birthday party!
She and my Papaw bought me a new swingset that year.
My mom gave me some old pictures the other day on my 21st birthday from my 2nd birthday party, so this picture of my Nana is 19 years old... that's wild.
I've been thinking a lot about my Nana and my Papaw and my mom. And I realized that most of the people around my age act the way they do (fucking crazy) because of their parents and the environment they were raised in. Most of them had parents who either wouldn't allow them to do things (or couldn't afford it) or the opposite, where they forced their kids to play a sport or like a certain thing. (The amount of fathers I've seen get pissed off when their boys don't want to hunt deer or play football... I cannot tell you! Extreme Christian men are fucking bonkers about their children not being exactly how they want them...)
And it occurred to me that I actually didn't really have to deal with that. Not to any extreme level anyway...
I've seen a friend cry and scream and have several mental breakdowns because her dad would steal her journals and read them and told her that as long as she lived under his roof she wouldn't keep any secrets from him. He told her that reading was a waste of her time and money and refused to let her mom buy her the books she wanted. He told her that art and writing were also a waste of her time and practically beat it into her head that all she would ever amount to was a housewife who stayed at home raising babies and caring for a manchild/husband.
And he absolutely hated my guts because I tried my DAMNDEST to get her out of that mindset and to get her to see that she could be or do whatever she wanted (she WANTED to teach elementary school). (It all ended up with us falling out and her reverting back to being his little puppet and following every order he spit at her.) And so he ended up forcing her to go to college on a small grant and a student loan... but made her take the nursing program. Which she ended up failing out of almost immediately because nursing programs are extremely competitive and she was an average student with barely passing grades. (Not trying to make fun of her, but the standards compared to her actual grades were EXTREMELY unrealistic, even she knew it. But her father insisted.)
She ended up dropping out, marrying a criminal (also one of the ugliest dudes I've ever seen, like no joke.. his creepy eyes make me nauseated) and had a baby with him. Now she's constantly back and forth from "I love him, we're a happy little family, I'm a stay at home mom!" and "I hate men, both parents need a job, I can raise my child by myself!"
It just kind of eats at me because while we were friends I could see her finally getting away from her dad and the shit he was constantly shoving her way. But as soon as we stopped being friends... it just seemed like she gave up. And I don't blame myself or anything like that (after all, you can't help someone who refuses to believe they need help)... but it was just crazy to watch it all happen and to think about it now with a new outlook and probably a good bit more maturity.
While we were friends she was more open and out there and we could go hang out with the "weird kids" and party in our own way (usually at the arcade like the nerds we were). We would paint together and make friendship books together and just have fun as kids should... but then I moved away and watching her social media was like watching someone take a leap off a cliff. She even tried to steal my fiance and my friends from me amidst all of this insanity... just out of spite and jealousy that I got away and she stayed trapped in her own personal hell...
And one day it was like her dad finally got into her head. She started hanging out with people we used to hate. She started giving out blowjobs like candy on Halloween (to the point that guys were asking her for blowjobs for their 18th birthdays). She was constantly partying and drinking and doing who knows what kind of drugs. She got married to a guy she met while he was on the run from the police and they ended up having a baby and she became a stay at home mom. (Which she tried her hardest to pretend was fine by her in the beginning, but later had a meltdown over it and got a job again).
She gave up everything she said she wanted to do. Every dream she ever had. And became exactly the person her father was always telling her she would end up being.
Watching all of this happen and seeing how she ended up... was is so fucking surreal to me. It's just so... fucked up.
I surely didn't have the BEST childhood and I plan to raise any children I might have in the future very differently than how I was raised. But I did have a mother and an amazing set of grandparents who made sure I could do whatever I dreamt of.
When I decided I wanted to try out for basketball, my mom signed me up and made sure I went to every practice and game when I made the team. (Though I only played for 3 years before getting bored of it.)
When I wanted to play Tball as a toddler, mom signed me up and made sure there was always someone to take me to my games.
When I started dancing and doing cheerleading my grandparents paid for everything I needed and took me to and from every event and cheer camp.
When my Uncle started learning the guitar they bought me a small one to practice on. When he later started learning the keyboard, they bought me one of those too. I wanted to learn everything he did.
My mom let me get a couple of piercings and dye my hair crazy colors and wear whatever I wanted (except for when it was WAY too revealing for my age, then I was only allowed to wear it inside the house.) She allowed me the freedom to pick things out for myself and make myself look however I wanted. My Nana actually put hot pink streaks in my hair when I was 8 and I loved having colored hair after that...
And during the periods that I didn't want to be active... they let me do that too. They bought me notebook after notebook and sketchbook after sketchbook. They let me write and draw and sing and dance to my hearts fucking content. My Nana kept a wall in her house covered in my art. She loved that I was an artist and made sure to always support me.
My papaw even bought me my own pair of roller skates because for literally 5 years straight the only thing I wanted to do on the weekends was go to the movie theater.. and the skating rink! He and my Nana let me roller skate THROUGH THE HOUSE so I could practice without being in front of everyone. And then they'd take me to the skating rink and let me skate for hours. And now that I think about it... it's kind of crazy that they just let me skate in circles for hours by myself and never once tried to force me to make friends or talk to other kids. As long as I was happy and content, they didn't care.
They supported me and loved me no matter what I wanted to do and I honestly feel like that's why I don't just sit back and follow orders. I don't just do whatever someone tells me to do (unlike so many people around me who I've seen try SO hard to fit their parents expectations, only to fail almost every time.)
I did feel that pressure a little bit. Everyone expected me to do good in school and go off to college (because I was always good in school and made good grades, so it became an expectation). And I think that's why it hit me so bad to quit college... because I felt like I was letting everyone down. But then my mom reminded me that she gave up college so she could keep me and that college really isn't for everyone (even people who are good at school).
My Papaw supported my choice (I could tell he was a little unhappy) but he never voiced that he was in any way disappointed in me. He believes that since I earned my scholarship by myself, then I get to decide what to do with it... which includes not using it.
My Nana fully supported my decision. She thought similar to my Papaw, that I had earned that scholarship on my own and so I got to decide what happened with it. She was also one of the only people who really knew how mentally and emotionally fucked up I was while trying to attend college and fully supported me leaving that stress behind if it made me happy to do so.
I've seen kids fall apart because they never had people like this in their lives. They were never allowed to be themselves or just enjoy whatever it was they liked. They were constantly pushed and pushed until they finally went over the edge.
And that's really fucked up.
And I'm really thankful for my mom and grandparents who always allowed me to be myself and make decisions for myself.
I'm really thankful to have been allowed to be me (at least for the most part). 💛
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karakat2005 · 6 years
I was bored so I decided to write about how Nikki was a flower scout.
Nikki grabbed her backpack and walked toward the front door. The bus was here to take her to camp.
“Bye mom!” She shouted happily.
“Yeah, bye, ok, I don’t care.” Her mom said back. Nikki walked outside, slamming the door and running to the bus in excitement. She got on the bus and took a seat next to another girl.
“Hello!” Nikki said happily.
“Hiiii there. I’m Sammy.” The other girl told her.
“I’m Nikki!” Nikki said.
“Ooooh, I like your hair and your eyes. How’d you get them those colors?” Sammy said, pointing to Nikki’s sea green hair and rose colored eyes.
Nikki hesitated. “Oh, my mom paid money for expensive dye and surgery that I’m not even sure was allowed but it’s whatever.” She said, not knowing any other way to phrase it.
“So is your mom rich!?” Sammy asked. Nikki sighed.
“You could say that. She’s a huge asshole though.”
The bus fell silent. Nikki felt every other girl looking at her.
“Did I- nevermind I’m sorry.” Nikki said. Conversations resumed.
“A flower scout doesn’t use naughty language. Haven’t you read the guide book?” Nikki shook her head.
“Oh, get on that, asap.” Sammy told her.
“Ok, noted. I think I’m gonna take a nap for now.” Nikki said, falling asleep too fast to hear any response.
She woke up as the bus came to a stop and girls started exiting. Nikki waited for an opening in the crowd and slipped in, walking toward the open door. When she stepped outside, she immediately stepped out of the crowd and rolled around in the grass like a dog. Multiple girls pointed at her and had a variety of responses.
“Ew, what is she doing?”
“Doesn’t she realize that’ll get her clothes dirty?”
“She’s gross.”
Other girls snickered.
Nikki stopped rolling around and stood up, brushing dirt off the front of her. She joined the crowd.
“Welcome, ladies!” She heard an adult voice call out. “I hope you are all excited to be camping here this summer!”
Many girls cheered from the crowd. Nikki grumbled. This wasn’t a campsite, it was too… clean.
“Ladies, calm down. My name is Penelope, but you all can call me Miss Priss.” The woman said.
“Hello, Miss Priss!” All the other girls said simultaneously.
“Now, there are three other girls I would like you to meet. This is my niece, Sasha, and her friends, Tabii and Erin. These girls volunteered to be here early and help the camp. If you have a question, ask them first.” Miss Priss told the girls.
“Form a single file line so you can get your uniforms.” Sasha said. Uniforms? No one told Nikki there would be uniforms. She sighed and got in line.
After Nikki got her uniform, she went straight to the bathroom so she could try it on. Surprisingly, no other girl was changing in the bathroom. She put on her uniform and looked in a mirror. It had a white shirt, the collar and sleeves laced with pink, a fancy red plaid skirt, and a pretty little purple sash.
She hated it.
She hated every last bit of it and wanted to burn it. She didn’t want to go out dressed in this stupid, feminine little outfit. So she stood there, her head buried in her arms, which laid on the counter, crying. She knew someone would have to go to the bathroom soon. She knew someone would open the door and find her crying there. So she wiped her face nice and good and left the bathroom.
She found Sasha standing outside, tapping her foot with her arms crossed.
“There you are, you little dirt lover. Let’s get you to your cabin.” Nikki figured Sasha was trying to insult her by calling her a dirt lover, but she didn’t care. She followed Sasha to the cabin she was assigned to, and found herself at a building that looked nothing like a cabin.
She walked inside and found out that this so-called ‘cabin’ offered each girl a private room, had a bathroom, and even had a mini fridge in the entry room, which also had a couch and small tv. Nikki turned to Sasha and wanted very badly to slap that stupid little smug off her face.
“This isn’t camping!” Nikki exclaimed. Sasha rolled her eyes and put her hand on Nikki’s shoulder.
“Well duh! A girl can’t be expected to spend a summer in the cruel outdoors! It just isn’t natural!”
“Yeah but-”
“Nikki, shut up!”
Nikki fell silent.
“I’m supposed to know every girl’s name that signs up for this camp. Now go set your stuff down and let’s head to the snack bar!” Sasha said.
Nikki yeeted her backpack onto the couch and followed Sasha to what seemed to be a mess hall.
“I know. Great, isn’t it?” Sasha exclaimed, sounding more like a statement than a question. Nikki hesitantly nodded, not wanting Sasha to get mad.
“Wait here. I’ll be right back.” Sasha said, walking into another room. Nikki sat down at a table and drummed her fingers. She hated this place. It was way too girly for her. Sasha came back, holding a donut.
“Here. Take it.” She said, holding it out in front of Nikki with a straight face. Nikki grabbed it and stuffed it into her mouth. She looked over at Sasha, who looked utterly disgusted.
“Hank ou.” Nikki said with her mouth filled with donut.
“Ew, Nikki, learn how to eat like a lady.” Sasha said, looking away so she wouldn’t have to see Nikki eating. Nikki stood up and rushed off to her cabin.
About a month passed with Sasha constantly bothering Nikki for not being lady-like. Nikki pretended to not care, but she finally snapped.
The girls were outside at the pool, because they never dared to go into the lake. Nikki was in the water, swimming around. Sasha was laying on one of those chairs that you could push down. Nikki got out of the water and shook herself off like a dog, spraying many girls with water.
“Nikki! Stop that! You’re getting me all wet!” Sasha shouted, standing up and grabbing a towel. “I swear you can’t do anything right around here!”
Nikki sighed and walked over to her.
“What do you want!?” Sasha asked her.
NIkki slapped her, hard, across the face.
Everyone stopped as Sasha stumbled back, bleeding. Nikki had a cold expression on her face, not seeming to care about what she just did.
“I’ve had to put up with you for a month. Others, longer. Be glad I hit you and nothing else yet. Be glad that when this is done I’m not coming back. Because you are in for a lot of pain.” She said flatly, picking Sasha up by the collar of her shirt and throwing her back down.
“Agh! Damn!” Sasha yelled, rubbing the back of her head and slowly getting back up. She threw her fist at Nikki, only for her to grab it and twist it back. Sasha cried out in pain and Nikki let go as a group of girls pushed her down. Nikki kicked her legs, trying to get them off, but it didn’t help. Nikki exhaled, tears in her eyes as one girl grabbed her arms and jerked them up.
Nikki made a loud whining sound, which confused the girls. They murmured words of confusion. Nikki barked and screeched and made animal-like growls until someone stuck a sock in her mouth. But it was too late for them, as responses from the wildlife were heard and wolves ran onto the campgrounds. The girls screamed and let go of Nikki, who fell to the ground.
Nikki stood up and ran off, the wolves following her. She ran to the woods, where she sat against a tree. She started crying. A wolf nuzzled up against her and she leaned against him. He whined. She whined back. She was glad she left those prissy little girls. She was glad she snapped, otherwise she'd have to spend more time with them. Nikki smiled. Maybe next year she would sign up for a different camp. Like the one across the lake.
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firesoulstuff · 6 years
Oooh! You know I've gotta ask for flashbacks with a Snart ship. Either Captain Canary or Goldenvibe? (Or Goldenatom, if you feel like it... Lisa/Ray has so much potential.)
(Sorry, I just LOVE Goldenatom and all the potential they have!)
Also I am going to apologize in advance for the absolute trash that I am for 2000′s era country music. This fic is 100% based on the Chuck Wicks song Stealing Cinderella. You do not need to know the song to read this, but if you would like to listen to it here is a link.
One Hell of a Thief
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15814818
Ray Palmer is no stranger to feeling nervous.
He’s felt nervous plenty of times throughout his life. His first science fair, his first day of college, the day he officially signed the paperwork that started Palmer Tech, and a countless number of times since joining The Legends. But nothing compares to this. Of all the risks he’s taken as a Legend, of all the potentially dangerous situations he’s rushed head first into without a second thought, none of them are as frightening as this one.
Gulping down his fear he raises his fist to knock, but before he can so much as touch the door it slides open, revealing a bewildered looking Leonard Snart.
“Uh…” he stammers, unsure of how to explain his presence just outside the other man’s bedroom.
“Whatever you need Raymond, I’ll be back in a few minutes, Sara wants me help her sort out something from the last mission.” Snart explains, pushing past him so that he can move down the hall.
“But,” Ray finds himself stammering out before he can think better of it, as well as chasing the other man down the hall. “I… I kind of need to talk to you about something.”
“Is Lisa ok?” He asks, though he appears to be only mildly concerned. Lisa joined The Legends just over a year ago and the two of them have been together almost since the beginning, a relationship the older Snart sibling has made clear he isn’t thrilled about.
Ray is pretty sure it’s all just a part of his cold act; pretty sure.
That doesn’t make this any less nerve wracking.
“Yeah, Lisa, Lisa’s fine.” He stops to clear his throat, and while he’s sure his friend has noticed his unease it doesn’t stop him from waving him off.
“Then like I said, I’ll be right back. Make yourself comfortable.”
With that said he turns back towards the direction of Sara’s room, and so with the nerves settling in even deeper Ray heads back for the room they just left.
He considers not going inside, he has almost never been in Snart’s room and never once without the other man present. He’s terrified of accidently touching the wrong thing or something like that, but then again he is equally afraid of looking like a fool sitting on the floor of the hall for who knows how long. So it’s with a deep breath that he enters through the still open door, his movements stiff as though he’s expecting Snart to materialize and demand to know what he is doing in his room.
The room is clean; of course, because where Lisa is more than content to allow her laundry to pool over her floor her brother doesn’t have so much as a sock littering his space. The desk is a little more overrun, but it’s organized, and his bed is neatly made.
Though, there is something on the bed.
Approaching against his better judgment, and glancing twice back over his shoulder to be sure that Snart hasn’t returned yet, Ray notices that the object is a pocket photo album, and it’s open.
The picture is of a little girl, who he soon recognizes as Lisa, and it brings a smile to his face.
She can’t be any older than three, and she’s beaming at the camera with a toothy grin that spreads all the way to her rosy cheeks, her long hair failing in tight curls along her shoulders and a cheap Cinderella dress hanging off her tiny frame.
The next picture is also of Lisa, though a little older this time, and standing next to a pink My Little Pony bike that probably could’ve fallen apart right under her. He thumbs through the album, smiling at each new picture of Lisa as it’s revealed. There are quite a few of her in pajamas, some smiling and some looking rather annoyed. There’s one where she has an empty popsicle stick in her hand and blue dye smeared all over her face.
“She really is something, isn’t she?”
Ray nearly jumps at the sound of Snart’s voice, and he turns around with every intention of apologizing profusely, but when he sees the amused smirk on the other man’s face he calms, realizing that he hasn’t overstepped.
“Yeah,” he agrees, chuckling as he thumbs through to the next page of the album and it shows him an image of his beloved girlfriend at probably the age of twenty and posing with what he can only assume is her first motorcycle. “She is quite a woman.”
He regrets the words the moment they’re out of his mouth, his eyes settling on a now very unamused Snart. He hadn’t meant the words like that, in any sort of suggestive way that is. He isn’t sure if he can recover from something like this, especially not once Snart comes into the room, pace a touch more slow and sauntering than usual.
He doesn’t say anything, doesn’t dare to so much as breath as his girlfriend’s older brother comes and plucks the photo album from his hands, flipping carefully through it.
“Mom liked taking pictures,” he says eventually, almost like he were discussing the weather and not the pieces of his past that he usually keeps under lock and key.
“Of course, she didn’t take any of these.”
Ray nods; he knows that, Lisa’s told him. Their mom left when she was only two, she hardly remembers her at all.
“After she left…” Snart continues, like he knows he doesn’t have to explain any of this, but he’s going to anyway, because he wants to, and suddenly Ray realizes that his friend knows exactly why it is that he’s here.
“Dear old dad went off the deep end, and got rid of most of her pictures.” He continues, and Ray listens attentively. Lisa’s already told him this before, but with it now coming from Leonard, it’s just as important that he pay attention.
“The ones he didn’t destroy were the ones that had long been stored away, they were before Lisa was born. As she got older she wanted pictures too, so she asked me to take some.
He shouldn’t be doing this.
That was all he could think as he walked into Lisa’s room with mom’s old camera. Dad will lose it if he catches them, and he’ll pay the price, but…
“Lenny!” Lisa’s impatient whine came from her room. “Come on! Take my picture!”
He had to smile at the sight of her as he rounded the corner, standing excitedly in the middle of her floor in her new Halloween costume. She’d insisted on going as Cinderella this year and she, apparently, needed it documented.
“Ok, ok,” he gave into her, like he always did and still does. “But you better smile, cause we only have enough film for one picture.”
She had given him the biggest smile she could that day, and he was trying to bring that out of her again.
“Come on Lisa,” He prompted her, picking her bike up and doing his best to get it standing on it’s own. “You can’t give up yet.”
“Can too,” she muttered, still on the ground. “It’s a dumb bike anyway.”
He frowned, she wasn’t wrong.
This was the first time dad has gone to jail since she was a baby. She’s been miserable all week and him and grandpa have tried everything to bring her out of it, including getting her a bike.
Ok, it isn’t a new bike, but they can’t exactly afford a new bike while trying to get dad out of jail.
“Come on,” he tried again, “When you’re bigger you’ll want to see a picture of the first day you tried riding a bike.
She glanced at him curiously, and he was nearly sure she would just blow him off again, but she didn’t. She got to her feet with a huff and posed for the picture.
Leonard beams as he flips through the album, remembering all the pictures he and his grandfather took of Lisa when she was little, until he finally comes across his favorite, stuck in the middle of the album, and stops Raymond from turning the page.
“Where did you learn this?” He asked, though he wasn’t sure he really wanted an answer. Lisa was only nine, it wasn’t like a boy could’ve taught her how to dance while he was away in Juvie, but it wasn’t like grandpa was exactly in walking shape much during these days, never mind dancing.
Of course, his sister only giggled at him and adjusted his hold on her waist, which for the record he had to stoop low to reach but she didn’t seem to notice.
“Rosa taught me, she takes lessons.”
Ah yes, that explained so much.
So, after accepting that his fourth grade sister had apparently learned to ballroom dance from one of her friends, he kept his mouth shut and allowed her to “correct” his form.
He wasn’t planning on going to his prom, for the record. He couldn’t have cared less about it if he tried, but Lisa wanted him to go. As soon as she found the crumpled flyer sticking out of his backpack she’d been relentlessly pestering him about going. So, here he stood in the living room, wearing grandpa’s old suit while Lisa had her best dress left over from last Easter, insistent that they look the part while she “taught” him how to dance.
He should’ve known grandpa would bring out the camera.
“I can see her doing that,” Ray chuckles after Snart finishes his story behind the picture, “Lisa spending her recess as a kid learning how to ballroom dance.”
Snart rolls his eyes, but he also laughs a genuine laugh, one Ray doesn’t think he’s ever heard before.
That’s when it sets in; that Snart really does know why he’s here, and for some reason he has decided not to kill him.
He must sense this revelation, because in a very un-Snart-like and yet still somehow extremely Snart-like fashion his friend clasps him on the shoulder and holds his gaze for a moment.
“You’ll take care of her?” He asks, and Ray nods, fully aware that his expression is nothing short of pleading but he doesn’t care.
Snart smirks at that, and then looks past him.
“I know you’re out there train wreck,” he calls, and so Ray turns around, bewildered, while the door opens and Lisa comes rushing in.
A part of him is hurt, because he had wanted the proposal to be a surprise and he had hoped he could at least get Snart’s blessing without his girlfriend finding out. But of course she found out, Leonard Snart raised her after all. Besides, he can’t really be hurt, not when he’s watching her rush her brother in a grateful hug. He has to smile, his fingers still lingering on the now discarded photo album.
“If he gives me a hard time, I can’t blame the fella.
I’m the one whose stealing Cinderella.”
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sorenmarie87 · 7 years
In The Middle of The Ride (4/?)
Word Count -  2,752
Warnings - Author’s own poetry being used in the story.  Student/Teacher relationship.  Accusations of someone being a lesbian.    All grammar mistakes are my own - so if something seems off, please let me know.  Also if you read this and want to see where the story goes, send me an ask and I’ll tag you :)
Tagging - @lovetusk @dragongirl420 @mirajanefairytailmage
Over the next two days, Ryuichi made some drastic changes.  Her long flowing dark brown hair had been cut to the base of her neck and her parents allowed her to dye her hair copper red.
“You actually cut your hair,” Lucy said while petting the younger girls hair, “I can’t believe you did that.”
“It’s not that big of a deal Luce,” Ryuichi replied while swatting the older girl away.
“So did your parents do it or did you go someplace to do it?” Lucy asked curiously.
“I did it… I know it looks a bit uneven but I think I did a good job on it…”
“Hey what are doing on Saturday?” Lucy asked changing the subject.
“I’m not sure…why do you ask?” Ryuichi asked very confused.
“The school’s having a dance or something like that…I don’t know if I’m allowed to go but I can ask if I could come over and help with your outfit and everything else,” Lucy replied as they walked off to first period.
Ryuichi yawned as she went into study hall.  ‘God today is going to be so boring, I can tell’ Will ran into the cafeteria.  He was breathing heavily and his face was flushed from running to the school.  He walked over to the table where the study hall monitor was and gave him the pink slip he had gotten from the office.  The teacher wrote something down on his notepad and Will took his seat.  He glanced over to Ryuichi who had been writing something in her notebook and smiled to himself.  The bell rang and Will jumped up as soon as he heard it.  A small giggle came from Ryuichi as one of books fell on the cafeteria floor.
"Ryuichi you dropped this," Will held out the small book to her and his hand brushed against hers for a split second and they both turned red.
"Umm thanks Will," She replied nervously.
"Just remember no fights, you don’t want to blacken your record any more than it already is," Will said shifting his book bag.  A couple periods went by and Ryuichi threw down her bag next to her locker.  Both Will and Lucy came up to her and she sighed.
"God! Could things get any worse?" Ryuichi asked pulling her notebook out from her locker.
"Nothing can be as bad as that New Year’s Eve party," Lucy said as Ryuichi started laughing.
"Can I ask?" Will asked curiously.
"Are you sure you want to?" Lucy said chuckling to herself.
"Imagine your relatives drunk and then they decide to start acting out scenes from The Rocky Horror Picture Show," Ryuichi said while suppressing a laugh.
"Seeing Ryu’s dad in women’s clothes was really disturbing," Lucy said while laughing hard, ”It was like watching my dad in drag…” A guy who knew Lucy passed by them and smiled at her.  Both Will and Ryuichi watched by and then turned their attention to Lucy.
”Why was it like watching your dad in drag?” Will asked trying to bring Lucy into the conversation.  His question went unanswered as Lucy continued to stare at the guy who had smiled at her, and was currently opening his locker.
"What made it worse was that was one of my mom’s old outfits," Ryuichi said to Will chuckling mildly.
The bell rang and all the students scattered in the hallway.  Ryuichi glanced around the hallways, seeing familiar faces and some she really didn’t care for.  Lucy and Will said goodbye to Ryuichi, well Lucy didn’t say goodbye, more like she left to stalk the mysterious boy.  Ryuichi shook her head and walked into her English class.  She took her usual seat next to an upperclassman with brown hair and eyes, one of whom she didn’t quite know.
"Doesn’t Mr. Renart look good today?" He asked Ryuichi very curiously.
"He looks fine," Ryuichi replied with thoughts racing in her head.  Mr. Renart was a decent teacher. She thought it was weird because she always hated male teachers… and Mr. Renart and Mr. Parker were the only two she could even stand.   There was something about male teachers that made her uneasy.  Mr. Renart’s assignment for today was to write a poem and read it to the class by the end of the period.  Ryuichi was still working when the others started reading their poems.
"Ms. Madison, would you read your poem to the class?"  He asked while glancing around the room.
"Sure Mr. Renart," Ryuichi replied while clearing her throat," my poem is called ‘A Broken Doll’
Just like a new toy in a shop,
You took interest in me.
At first you ignored me,
Looking at the other dolls.
Each one had their own imperfections,
But you looked past all that.
Sure the doll had its own faults,
But over time,
He helped this broken doll,
Become whole again.
Class went by quickly and students came out of the classrooms.  Ryuichi thought she had put everything back into her bag but she noticed she had forgotten her notebook on the desk.  She had doubled back to the classroom but noticed the door was closed.  ‘I swear it was just open a few seconds ago.’  She didn’t want to walk into the abandoned room at that particular moment, call it a sixth sense, so instead she stood on her tiptoes and glanced through the door window.  ‘Oh my god! It’s the one guy from language, but who’s the other guy?  That’s Mr. Renart wow… I never would’ve pictured something weird like that happening at this school.’ She quickly ducked down and listened to her heart beating frantically, she hoped she wasn’t breathing too loudly.
The door slowly creaked open as both of them exited the room.  Ryuichi hid behind the door, staying as quiet as she could.  Both of them exited at the same time and stood there for a few seconds in silence.  Ryuichi took a peek from the side of the door and she was speechless.  Her eyes widen when she realized what they had been doing.
"Mr. Starr, I would just like to say your tutoring sessions are really paying off," Mr. Renart said to the younger man before nuzzling his neck.
"Same time tomorrow Mr. Renart?" Jamie asked with a slight twinkle in his eyes.
"Sounds perfect Jamie," He replied while caressing his cheek,” you don’t have to call me Mr. Renart after school hours.  It’d be all right if you called me Mark."
"All right Mr.--- I mean Mark," Jamie replied before participating a full-blown make out session as his reward for improvement.  Ryuichi waited for them to leave before she got up.  ‘I’ll just get it tomorrow’ Her knees popped as soon as she stood up.  She clutched onto her book bag and walked down the abandoned hallway.  Ryuichi silently thought to herself about that had just passed before leaving the empty school building.  After passing the geometry room, she noticed another couple still at the school, making it not quite as empty as she had once thought.
"Oh my god! What is she still doing here?" Lucy asked, pushing the guy away from her.  She opened the room door and looked at Ryuichi like she had done something wrong.
" I...I’m sorry Lucy... I was only passing by.  I had no idea you were still here," Ryuichi said apologetically.
"It’s okay Ryu, I’m still grounded and this is the only way I could see Lindsey," Lucy mumbled and looked towards the mysterious boy from earlier, Lindsey.
"Okay so are you coming to my house still or..." Ryuichi trailed off and glanced at Lindsey, he was tall and tanned with sandy blonde hair that was tasselled in every direction.  She noticed he had a nice smile, she would also later find out he had a “stellar tongue” too.  Compliments of Lucy obviously…
"Hello, seems you found us out,” Lindsey spoke in a slightly Americanized Aussie accent." Oh well," he said and winked at Ryuichi.
"Um,” Ryuichi stuttered and looked to Lucy.
"Gotta go babe," She said to her boyfriend and gave him a quick peck on the lips, which quickly turned into a full game of tonsil hockey.  Ryuichi looked away embarrassed and coughed to get their attention.
"See ya," Lucy said as she separated herself from Lindsey and grabbed Ryuichi then walked from the room.  They walked to the entrance of the school in silence and saw Lucy’s dad stomping up the stairs.
"Young lady! Where were you!" He shouted causing them to jump," Ryuichi your mother called worried about you two!"
"We were just asking a teacher…” Lucy tried to lie but her dad caught on.
"Who were you sneaking off to see this time Lucille?"
"Lindsey but…"She tried to argue while Ryuichi stayed silent.
"Lindsey! I didn’t raise my daughter to be no carpet muncher!"
"Dad, Lindsey’s not-"
"I don’t want to hear it!"
"If I were a lesbian I’d be proud dad! Too bad Lindsey’s a boy huh!"  Lucy shouted at her father who was struck dumb.
Her father was currently opening and closing his mouth trying to say something but only accomplished looking like a fish, much to Ryuichi’s amusement.  Lucy only rolled her eyes and started to walk with Ryuichi to her house.
"I can’t believe him!" Lucy yelled while walking down the street.
"Well you can’t blame him," Ryuichi said shaking her head," Lindsey is usually a girl’s name."
"Yeah, but you knew he was going to say something," Lucy said frustrated, "You know how he is Ryu.  Even if he knew Lindsey was boy he would have made a nancy-boy comment."
"So how was school for you?" Ryuichi asked changing the subject.
"Same old, same old. You?" Lucy asked as they walked up the steps.
"Freaky, you’re the second couple I caught in a classroom," she mumbled.
"Really now?" Lucy asked curious," you gotta spill, now tell!"
“You well… I don’t know..."
"Who! Tell me!" Lucy demanded though she should’ve been begging.
"You know Jamie Starr?" She started hesitantly.
"Yes, he’s a friend of Lindsey’s."
"He and Mr. Renart were kissing in the English room!!"
"No way! Go Jamie!" Lucy cheered.
"I think they would get in a lot of trouble if someone else found out."
"I know that’s why it’s a secret!" Lucy winked at Ryuichi and entered the kitchen.
Both girls sat down at the table still gossiping about everything.  Ryuichi’s mom slid a plate in front of each girl.  Both of them contained a big pile of curly fries and a huge hamburger.
"Bon appetit ya’ll," Elizabeth said then when went back into the other room.  Both girls grabbed their plates and went up to Ryuichi’s room.
"Where was your mom born again?" Lucy asked while holding her stomach.
"I think she was born in Florida or somewhere," Ryuichi answered while her dad passed by her room," Hey dad, can you come here for a minute?"
"What is it?" He asked holding his sketchbook.
"We were wondering where mom was born," Ryuichi asked while Lucy nodded in reassurance.
"Well girls... Elizabeth was born in Arkansas," He replied while going back to his studio.
At the same moment, they both started laughing as a bright orange blur ran into the house.  Ryuichi opened the vent as Lucy played around on her computer.
"Leilani, what’s wrong?" Elizabeth asked handing the other woman a tissue.
"Luke and I had a fight, at first he was complaining about Lucy and claiming she was a lesbian,” She replied blowing her nose," then we got into this fight over how he wanted his potatoes."
"I'm not a lesbian!"  Lucy yelled through the vent in anger causing Elizabeth and Leilani to jump.
"Whoa calm down Luce," Ryuichi said to the angered girl.
"I was wondering if Lucy could spend a few days here until Luke gets over his temper tantrum." Leilani asked
"Yeah that’d be alright," Elizabeth replied, "I’m sure Ryuichi won’t mind sharing her room with Lucy"
"Thanks." Leilani replied as Ryuichi’s mom walked her outside.  Both girls were silent for a couple of seconds until a noise came from her computer and both girls rushed over to the computer.
Off-Duty Ninja: Ryu?? Luce?? Either of you there?
For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee!: Yeah we’re both here what’s up?
Off-Duty Ninja: Beside dad going mental over here nothing much, what about you two?
For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee!: I was just doing something on the computer and we’re trying to plan Ryu’s outfit for the dance on Saturday.
Off-Duty Ninja: Ahh so she is going.  Cordy asked me to go with her
For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee!: I can’t believe she asked you to go with her. I always knew she had a thing for you.  I may go just to spite dad
Off-Duty Ninja: I would, Lindsey is a nice guy and I only know him by reputation.
For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee!: Thanks Lucas  *hugs* (Lucy)
Off-Duty Ninja: Besides you’re the oldest and if dad keeps giving you crap, I’m sure Aunt Elizabeth wouldn’t mind you staying there for a while.
For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee!: Mom asked her if I could stay here until he calmed down.  I still can’t believe he thinks I’m a lesbian...
Off-Duty Ninja: He’ll get over it, are you sure Ryu’s there?
For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee!: I’m here you dorkwad I’m just thinking about something (Ryuichi) She’s thinking about Will (Lucy)
Off-Duty Ninja: What is he her boyfriend or something?
For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee!: She wishes! (Lucy) Shut up Lucille! (Ryuichi)
Off-Duty Ninja: Maybe I’ll meet him tomorrow night or something.  Ahh sorry to run guys but I have to go, see ya’ll tomorrow
For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee!:  Bye Lucas
"Don’t you think you should ask Lindsey to go with you to the dance?" Ryuichi asked rustling around in her closet.
"Oh yeah," Lucy replied while picking up the phone.  She quickly dialed his phone number and waited for him to pick up.  After a few minutes, she hung up the phone and started dancing around the room as she went," Oh yeah he said yes!"
"Do you have anything to wear for the dance?" Ryuichi asked shutting down the computer.
"I’m pretty sure I can come up with something," Lucy answered with a devious grin on her face.  Both girls had watched TV and talked until they fell asleep.  Ryuichi woke up very startled.  She pushed back her hair with both of her hands and looked to the floor.  ‘What if something goes wrong tonight?  I don’t want anyone to ruin this for me’ Ryuichi rolled off her bed as she headed over to where her computer was set up.  She let everything boot up and sighed to herself.  ‘Who in their right mind would be on this late? Other than myself of course…’
Just a pirate chasing booty: Hello
For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee!: um... hi?
Just a pirate chasing booty: You don’t know whom I am do you?
For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee!:  No idea really.
Just a pirate chasing booty: okay I don’t want to start with the guessing games so I’ll just say it’s me Will
For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee!: I would’ve never guessed , are you obsessed with pirates or something?
Just a pirate chasing booty: Perhaps... So are you going to the school dance tomorrow?
For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee!: Yeah I don’t really have anything else to do
Just a pirate chasing booty: Same here maybe I’ll see you there
For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee!: That would be great.
Just a pirate chasing booty: Sorry to make this short, but I am going to bed now
For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee!: Well bye, see you tomorrow
"Ryu, what are you doing up?" Lucy asked rubbing her eyes and yawned.
"I couldn't sleep"
"Okay do you need to sneak off and suck someone’s blood or something?"
"I'm not a bloody vampire..."
"No just a bloody insomniac..." Lucy muttered before rolling over to sleep.
Ryuichi finally fell asleep but soon jolted back up when she heard her mom yelling for her from downstairs.
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misssparklyprincess · 7 years
Distance Relationship
Word Count: 2096
Produce 101
Contestant: Woo Jinyoung
Author: I cried during ep 8 T~T my small pink boy, and i couldn’t come up with a good title name so…
I sighed looking at my phone. ‘Should I text him?’ You thought. It’s right now 11 pm there. As I was in deep thoughts I heard my phone buzz. I quickly grabbed my phone as I saw his name pop up on my screen.  
{Jinyoung} : Are you awake?   {Me} : Yes.. Why are you awake?? you should be sleeping silly.   Secretly I was really happy he texted me even though he needs his sleep for the show. {Jinyoung} : ahhh~ I was thinking about you. {Me} : cheesy haha {Jinyoung} : I know you like it   {Jinyoung} : When are you coming back to Korea?? {Me} : I don’t know, as soon as My parents allow me to go {Jinyoung} : aigoo~ okey dokey I’ll call you soon okay?   {Me} : ok~ go to sleep cutie {Jinyoung} : wish you could kiss me goodnight T^T {Me} : soon I promise xx 
I was so annoyed at the fact that my dad got transferred to some Newspaper company called ’Newspaper name’. Like why not give him a job in Japan so I could stay in South-Korea. I shut down my phone and went back to my homework. It was so frustrating that my parents forced me to with them to ‘Y/C’ for I don’t know how long. It doesn’t make sense. 'Wish they let me enter SOPA there gadh’ I ruffled my brown hair. “skip homework” I murmured under breath, I grabbed my laptop to watch some random K-drama I started last week.   I guess you could say I continued my boring ass life here in 'Y/C’.  
How I wished my parents would come up to me and say “ Y/N you got accepted into SOPA” or “We decided you can go back to Korea” but they would never do that so the only thing I can do is save money for an airplane ticket.  
I worked my ass off everyday at some stupid supermarket, probably the worst place on earth. I didn’t spend any money unless I got some from my parents, everything for moving back to Korea. 'Woah it’s a lot more then I expected’ I thought looking at my bank account. Never thought I would reach €1500. I decided to work a couple more months so I won’t die there. There were days where I thought I might as well quit and stop chasing my dream. Every time I had those thoughts, my boyfriend Jinyoung, would motivate me again. His 'I miss you’ 'I love you’ and 'I wanna see your beautiful face’ kept me holding onto my dream.
{4 Months later}  
By now I had over €2500 and I wasn’t complaining at all. “Mom I wanted to talk about something” I sat down in one of the chairs in her office. Maybe not the best time right now, but I couldn’t care at all. My future is important too. “What’s the matter honey?” She put down her pen and looked me straight in the eyes, making me extra nervous.   "W-well I had made some plans..exactly Ehm I saved lots of money to go back to Korea” I looked everywhere but my mom. I heard her sigh, scratching the back of her neck. "We talked about this remember?” She used that tone when she isn’t agreeing to something. I felt my heart sink to my feet, 'Game over’ I thought. "We moved here as a family and you’re part of this family so you’re staying. Besides where are you gonna sleep? At your useless rapper boyfriends house, who probably still lives with his parents? You know Y/N, break up with that boy, and i’ll introduce you to Edward. The son of my boss” she grabbed a book from the shelves. “He’s not useless” my voice broke. “And I wasn’t planning to stay at his house but at Shanna’s house, she offered me to stay there” I wiped my tears away.   
“I’m saying no to this, maybe your dad thinks differently about this.“ She opened her book "you can leave now”  
I quickly grabbed my phone to text Jinyoung. {Me} : guess I’m staying here forever T_T {Jinyoung} : They still hate me do they? {Me} : you could say that yes… {Jinyoung} : Wish I could change their opinions about me ≥o≤ {Me} : more like my mom, she wants me to date the rich son of her boss   {Jinyoung} : Well tell him you’re taken or else I’ll beat his ass hehehe 
I laughed at his reply, such silly boy I thought. Sliding my phone in my pocket, biting my nail from nervousness. I hesitated to talk to my dad, but I still did. My feet felt so heavy as I walked over to my dad’s office. I knocked 3 times before entering.  
“Can I talk to you dad?” I closed the door behind me. “I don’t know can you?” My dad joked sitting up straight, mentioning for me to sit down. I explained to him, what I’ve been doing the past months and how much money I saved. At first he didn’t look quit happy, but as soon as he saw my broken face, his expression changed a bit. He said that if it’s really my dream to go back, that I should chase it. I was relieved he thought about it this way. He supported my relationship with Jinyoung more than my mom did. Probably because Jinyoung is a rapper with an chill vibe and not some nerd who wants to spent his whole life sitting behind a desk.  
{Me}: guess what? {Jinyoung} : what’s up cutie~ {Me} : My dad agreed to me moving back to Korea~ {Jinyoung} : Oh my gadh are you serious?? That’s great!!! {Me} : I know right, I can’t wait!! {Jinyoung} : Waoh I’m crying huehue   {Me} : Ahh don’t, you’re making me cry {Jinyoung} : I can’t help it, you just made my day ;) I fell asleep after calling Jinyoung for hours.  
{1 week later}
I couldn’t thank my dad enough, he paid my airplane ticket and gave me extra money. I was so nervous, first time flying alone, going my back to Korea. I hugged my mom really tight, “I’m gonna miss you” she whispered in my ear, “It’s okay” I wiped away some tears, that were streaming down my red cheeks. “Promise us, that you’ll call us as soon as you land okay?” My dad informed me for the 100th time. “Yes dad” I hugged him.   Holding tight on my passport and tickets I walked over to the security. I shouted one last 'I love you’ and went of.
{12 hours later}  
I felt horrible after the flight, I felt like fainting. My knees are so weak and I still have to carry my suitcase. I called my parents when I got my suitcase. I walked over to the gates, looking for Jinyoung. 'ah I can’t find him, how frustrating!’ I sighed. I felt two arms sneak around my waist, making me jump. I turned around, to be greeted by a pink haired boy. “Woah y-your hair” I stuttered, touching his hair. “Not even saying hello or hugging me back” he laughed, “ah right” I hugged him really tight. “I missed you a lot” I whispered in his chest. “I missed you too, my princess” patting my head. I kept looking at his hair, it looked so fluffy. I reached for his hair again, slightly touching it. “That amused?” He giggled. “Why did you dye you hair?” Walking hand in hand towards Starbucks. “ah~ there is no reason to be honest”  He grabbed his wallet.   “It suits you, this makes you the cutest rapper” I smiled at him, he on the other hand looked quite annoyed at my comment. I know he doesn’t like to be called cute but I couldn’t help it. 
“Welcome at Starbucks, can I take your order?” The adorable girl behind the counter asked.   “Yes can I get 2 medium iced caramel macchiato.” Jinyoung said handed her the money.   “Am I really the cutest rapper?” He pouted handing me my coffee.   “Yes I’m gonna call you smoll pink bean” I laughed hitting his arm lightly, not hurting him. Jinyoung kept pouting, he grabbed my suitcase and walked off, leaving me dumbfounded. I guess he must be upset, running after him. I could pass him with my short legs and stood in front of him. He just looked at me, surprised I could keep up with him. I panted sipping my drink before speaking. “Yah oppa~” making my voice a bit higher than usual. “Don’t ignore me please” I whined, blinking my eyes cutely. He looked down at me smiling a bit, knowing he can’t resist my big E/C eyes.   “ahh you drive me crazy” grabbing my hand, swinging it as we walked towards the exit.
I missed this, the warm weather, lost of people and my boyfriend. I forgot how soft his hand are, how cute he can smile, the way he smelled. “Can you stop staring please, it freaks me out” I blushed, embarrassed at my own action, I quickly apologized.   “Y/N” I looked his direction, without noticing his lips landed on mine. They were so soft, I felt butterflies in my stomach, my cheeks glowing by now. His lips moving against mine was like magic, his arms sneak around my waist, as mine held onto his shirt. I pulled away, looking at my feet, with my hands on my beet red cheeks. I could say that this was the best day of my life. Being back in my home country, being with my amazing boyfriend, I mean what else can I wish for?
{Couple weeks later}  
I got accepted into SOPA, reunited with my friends and family. I got a job at a bubble tea store, I live with my aunt and I talk to my parents basically everyday. Jinyoung and my best friend Jihoon both did audition for Produce 101, and got accepted to be on the show. Unfortunately I can’t see them till they get eliminated or till the show ends with them in the top 11. Supporting Jinyoung and Jihoon as much as I could. Showing up at all the shows, and if I was lucky I could get backstage.   Jihoon got ranked 1st for 4 weeks in a row, sadly for Jinyoung his skills didn’t get noticed at all. The highest rank he could get was 40. Korean citizens should vote for talented not the visual. I sighed watching episode 7. “Woah he is such a sweetheart helping other trainees, how am I still alive” clutching my heart. Texting him was no use, Mnet forbid the use of cell phones. My aunt sat beside me, handing me a bottle of cold water.
“See it in this aspect, his company will notice him more than before you know. He may not be in the top 11 but he does get more attention” she patted my back. I know that, but he deserves the best, I started to doubt what my mom said. Was she right? Is he really useless? Will I ever proof my mom she was wrong? Why do Koreans want good looking Idols and not rappers? What’s wrong with these people? Stan talent for god’s sakes.
As long as Jihoon is in the top 11 I’m satisfied. And I will love my boyfriend no matter what, even when he doesn’t debut. My mom is wrong he is pure talent and she unfortunately can’t see that.   I laughed at my own changing thoughts, I’m so confusing sometimes. I watched his fancam a million times, he looked amazing, his rap is so strong it just blows me away.  
Let’s say I fell in love with an pink fluff ball named Woo Jinyoung.
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