#and also noticing the people coming into my life who reflect that growth back to me
corneater3000 · 1 year
so humbled and honored to walk through this threshold into a deathworker and to deepen and expand my carework.
making the most difficult moments in life a little easier. being there for people. studying their wisdom. doing the hard work. the scary work. the painful work. bearing witness, holding space. this is sacred work. this is holy work. there is much to be done in this world. there is so much to learn in the process.
the greatest mystery as the greatest teacher. this body, this mind, this heart a forever student. i am so small and humbled in the midst of all of this. i don’t know who i will be on the other side of this apprenticeship. i don’t know who i will be years down the line having sat at the feet of death so very many times in gratitude. in grief.
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breelandwalker · 5 months
Wolf Moon - January 24-25, 2024
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Shake off the cold and sing to the sky, witches - it's time for the Wolf Moon!
Wolf Moon
The Wolf Moon is the name given to the full moon which occurs in the month of January. The name is said to be derived from the sound of wolves howling with hunger while prey is scarce in the midst of winter. Given that we now know that wolves howl mostly for communication, my personal opinion is that people huddled in their homes during a very dark and dangerous time of year probably noticed these sounds a lot more readily with little else to occupy their time as they waited out the winter, and thus were set to worrying about ravenous beasts invading their villages and farmsteads. (It's worth noting that wolves preying on livestock was a very real concern for most people outside major cities for many centuries, so this isn't entirely unfounded.)
The name also calls to mind the howling of the wind during winter storms, or whistling around the eaves during the long cold nights. And for those of us who might not have been careful with our spending over the holidays, I might cite a tongue-in-cheek reference to the wolves being at the door when those credit card bills come due.
[For those not familiar with the phrase, to have "a wolf at the door" is a saying that refers to some imminent hardship or disaster. In modern parlance, this is usually applied to poor finances or looming bankruptcy.]
This month, the moon peaks at 12:54pm EST on January 25th, so the moon will likely appear to be full on the nights of the 24th and 25th, depending on where you are in the world.
Some North American indigenous names for the month of January and its' moon are Cold Moon (Cree), Center Moon (Assiniboine), Severe Moon (Dakota), Ice Moon (Catawba), and Spirit Moon (Ojibwe). Other names include Mantis Moon (South African origins), Quiet Moon (Celtic), and Moon After Yule (Anglo-Saxon).
What Does It Mean For Witches?
As a new year dawns, it's time for rest and reflection before we set out on the next phase of our journey. While the cold weather lingers, take some time to sit by the fire, literally or metaphorically, and take stock of where you stand, what resources are available, and what you plan to do with them.
Check in with your near-and-dear following the mad rush of the holiday season as well. Make sure that friends, family, and community members around you are doing all right. Offer support and kindness where you can, but don't overextend yourself. It's your time to recuperate too, and it is good and healthy to set boundaries which allow time and space for yourself.
What Witchy Things Can We Do?
Winter is a prime time for storytelling. Back in the days before internet or television or radio, people would often read to each other or tell tales to pass the time. Consider re-reading a favorite book that inspires you or exploring some region of folklore or mythology you've been meaning to look into. If you have children who are of an age to enjoy stories, read them some of your favorites or introduce them to something new. Share stories and discussions with your witchy circle too!
While you're at it, take a moment to examine the role that folklore and stories play in your practice. If you subscribe to a particular mythos, be it through deities or just general belief, consider which parts of it resonate the most with you and why.
Consider also the lessons of the winter season - the necessity of rest between periods of growth and activity, and the role of death, cold, and darkness in the natural cycles of life. What do these things mean to you and your practice? Are they a source of fear or fascination? Do you come alive in the winter or bundle up and wait for spring? How can you best remind yourself to pause for breath as the year goes on?
And of course, the beginning of a new year is an excellent time for goal-setting and divination. You're making resolutions for your mundane life, so make a few for your craft while you're at it, and pull out your cards or runes or pendulum for a New Year forecast on how things might go.
Happy Wolf Moon, witches! 🐺🌕
Bree's Lunar Calendar Series
Bree's Secular Celebrations Series
Wolf Moon: Full Moon in January, The Old Farmer's Almanac.
Full Moon January 2024: Discover the Wolf's Thrilling Spiritual Meaning, The Peculiar Brunette.
Moon Info - Full Moon Dates for 2024
Calendar-12 - 2024 Moon Phases
Image Source: What Is A Wolf Moon?, The Fact Site.
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rabbitholessk · 1 month
Maomao and her adaptability to situations: (spoilers ahead!!!)
Kidnapped and sold to rear palace? Uses her skills to save the high consorts and their children, even when she wants to remain unseen and not involved because she believes it will cause her trouble. She even places herself in danger (the notes attached to the flowers), to assure that she put in an effort to notify these consorts that the face powder was poisoning them and their children. Her beliefs and teachings from Luomen have had such a profound impact on her and how she views the world. As much as she wants to stay in the shadows its in her nature to want to protect and inform those who might be endangering themselves.
Kidnapped a second time? Finds the positives (maybe a little gaslighting bc lets be real that must have been terrifying) : 1) keep going and maybe she will learn how Suirei made the drug to die and come back to life 2) trapped in a chamber with poisonous bugs and snakes? have a snack 3) study the books left by the former apothecary, and learn as much as possible
Left to care for Chou-u after the Shi invasion? Put him to work. She has him help her (sometimes against her will) in the apothecary, the verdagris house, on side-quests around town and in other villages. I loved the growth particularly with this situation. She is initially annoyed (internally) by this new responsibility but over time her actions towards him reflect she's grown to care for him and sympathize with him. But I also find it interesting how she recognizes his memory loss, and his paralysis on his one side, but she still treats him as any normal kid. (This is so important!) She recognizes his weaknesses but never makes him feel weak! Even when she's away from him doing her medical training at the palace(LN 7), we see her still thinking about him and his art.
Her adaptability to making friends and relying on others: (this could be its own post, which maybe one day I will tackle.) When Maomao first enters the rear palace she gives off the impression she wishes to work, earn money, and get back home in as timley of a manner as possible. But as soon as Jinshi/Gyokuyou find out how smart and applicable she truly is- we see her flourish. It's a slow transition, and I believe she always felt she was capable but when other people, besides her father and the prostitutes see her worth she begins the slow process of blossoming. Throughout the LN's we see her thinking of Jinshi, her father, Lahan, Xiolan, Shisui, Surei, En-en (and countless others) but she thinks of these people and reflects on their strengths and what makes them sparkle. Even if she insults them verbally (or internally) we as the reader are still able to grasp just how much respect she has for these people and how she notices where they flourish.
btw I'm working my way through LN 8 rn. So I'm sure I'll have more to add later but these are just some of my thoughts and admiration for maomao
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witchbeezy · 2 years
What Are You Being Asked to Release? (Pick a Card)
Tonight, I’m sharing messages about what it is that you need to release. I pray your heart finds the messages that it needs. 
Please take a moment to ground and center yourself before choosing a pile down below. Then Scroll until you find your message. Thank you so much for reading. 
My Other Social Medias: 
Tiktok @witchbeezy
IG @witch__beezy 
Tarot Youtube Channel: WitchBeezy - YouTube
Gaming Youtube Channel: WitchBeezy Games - YouTube
Twitch: WitchBeezy - Twitch
Disclaimer: Don’t force a message to resonate if it doesn’t. Only take what resonates and leave behind what doesn’t. The messages shared here shouldn’t be taken over the advice and guidance of medical and legal professionals as well as your own discernment. 
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Pile 1
Tarot Cards- Nine of Pentacles, Strength, and 3 of Cups 
Oracle Cards- Reflection, Sweetness, and the Dog
For you, I’m seeing the Divine is asking you to release the current way in which you operate in your relationships. One of the first things that call out to me is that belief that some people hold that you are who you hang around. I feel for some of you that your capacity for growth is extremely limited to the people you hang around. I’m hearing some of the people around you fear your potential. They may sense that you have the ability to do something amazing with their life and they’re afraid. I want to clarify that this person isn’t a bad person and they don’t have poor intentions. They may even care deeply for you. This is about them and their own limitations they hold within themselves. They fear not being able to grow and discover who they are. I also want to clarify that you shouldn’t take their personal issues on yourself. Every being is responsible for their own karmic clearing. Trying to take on the Karmic clearing of another person will only drag you down. I’m actually hearing one of the best ways you can help them is to create space and grow into your potential. Seeing you do so despite the obstacles may have a positive impact on them. 
I’m also hearing an additional message that some of you are being limited because you're waiting for the support of the people around you. One of the biggest lessons I have learned in my life is to take leaps of faith despite what the people around me have to say. This is about you just trusting the call from the Divine and your Gut. Sometimes the Divine only gives us the vision, and the people around us aren’t going to see it or get it. I feel it is necessary for you to move your focus and attention away from where you’re not seeing support and recognition and start putting energy into something new so that you can attract those people who are meant to SEE you. 
I want to take a deep dive into the energy of the Dog card. This card comes from my Animal Medicine deck. You received the dog medicine. One of the things dogs are known for are their loyalty. I hear all the time people say “we don’t deserve dogs” because of how selfless and loving they are. I feel it’s important that you take this saying and apply it to yourself. Who are you being loyal to who show signs that they are undeserving of it. Notice the dog has shown up in reverse. This is telling me that it’s important that you take your loyalty back and don’t give it away without conditions and boundaries. 
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Pile 2 
Tarot Cards- Ace of Swords, Two of Cups, Three of Wands
Oracle Cards- Fear, Movement, and Coyote 
One of the first things I heard for you was fight or flight. I actually feel you guys are actually in the state of fawn. This is true if you find yourself frustrated with yourself because you feel you should be doing something, but you can’t seem to do it. I want to clarify that I’m not a medical professional, and I don’t have the power to diagnose anyone. What I’m hearing for you to release is your current mindsight surrounding what you desire or what’s in alignment for you. I personally hate when people say that “it’s about your mindset. All you have to do is change your mindset and your good.” Because I feel that saying things like that doesn’t help. Most people with self limiting mindsets most likely are already aware that their mindset about themselves is negative, and sayings like this only give them more reasons to be extremely self critical. Also sayings like this don't offer any real support. Also sayings like this don’t take into account the YEARS of conditioning someone may have received to have this type of mindset to begin with. 
One of the main reasons you have these limiting beliefs is because on a subconscious level these limiting beliefs are keeping you safe. Right now your mind is convinced that stagnation or your status quo is where you’re safest. This current life that's not in alignment with your highest self is all you’ve ever known and you’ve become accustomed to. Again I feel you know what you need to do to open a pathway for yourself. But the thought of having that thing despite how badly you desire it is terrifying to the shadow aspect of yourself. 
One of the best tools I’ve used when it comes to this is confronting these beliefs. Instead of trying to ignore these beliefs or mindsets I confront them and come face to face with them. I recommend that you write out a list of your desires, and then write out a list of the things blocking you from that. I feel writing these things out on paper represents being able to clear these blockages in your mind. Another thing that I feel is useful is to stop refocusing the way you think about your desires. Instead of seeing you trying to work to align to them or earn them. Because I feel this may be the root of your beliefs. Feeling like you’re currently not good enough for your desires and have to earn them. Try to see your desires as trying to reach you. Your desires want you, but what’s keeping them from reaching you is your feelings or beliefs of not deserving them. Your desires see this as you rejecting them. The fact that you know what you desire is proof enough that these desires are for you. I like to see ideas as living things that find us and personally seek us out. 
I want to focus on the coyote specifically because it comes from my Animal Medicine Tarot deck. The coyote animal is offering the medicine your soul needs to release this. The coyote spirit is considered the master trickster, but the thing that often falls victim to the Coyote’s tricks is the Coyote himself. You guys are the coyote that is constantly tricking yourself into believing that you’re not deserving of your desires. But the twist is that you also have the ability to trick yourself into believing that you ARE deserving of your desires. 
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Pile 3 
Tarot Cards- Page of Pentacles, Two of Pentacles, and the Tower 
Oracle Cards- Mystery, Frustration, and the Whale
When tuning into your energy I feel you guys are in the adolescent stage of trying to build something for yourself. The thing is, that I feel you are trying to build multiple different things for yourself. You’re trying to build strong and sturdy foundations when it comes to your financial, spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical aspects of your life. You might be trying to get healthy, date, and build multiple different side hustles into sustainable forms of income. Whatever, the situation is I feel what the Divine is trying to get across is that you may be trying to build too much at one time. I feel that is why the tower is here. I feel the tower is the potential result of what could happen if you don’t slow down. I feel you may be trying to build multiple different towers at once. You want all your towers to be strong and sturdy. I actually see you building and stacking your towers right next to each other. I see you being organized and having a method to build your towers, but despite your organization, because you’re building so many towers at once, you’re bound to mess up something. And when one of your towers begins to fall so will the others. 
I’m also hearing another thing you’re being asked to release is you belief that you have to be in control with everything in your life all the time. Sometimes the only way the Divine can bless us is if we let go, get out of our own way, and surrender. The analogy I like to use is if you're caught in a stream and in your state of panic you feel you have to go against the stream. Going against the stream seems safer because you don’t know where exactly the stream is going to carry you. Going against the stream will exhaust you and if you do manage to go against the stream you might find yourself facing a bear and you're too exhausted to fight it. The Divine knew this bear was there the whole time which is why this stream was trying to get you to a safe place. Take this and apply it to your personal situation. A lot of people assume that by surrendering we are giving up, but actually by surrendering to Divine will our power is actually amplified. Some people believe that they are God’s and I believe we are but we are limited by our humanness. God, Source, or whatever you choose to call it is a part of us because we come from it. It is a version of us that isn't tethered to flesh. We should trust and take strength from that version of ourselves that is limitless. 
I wanted to focus on the Whale card because it comes from my Animal Medicine Oracle deck, and I want to specifically focus on the medicine the whale brings to you to help you release what you need to release. The whale is known as the record keeper. The whale medicine helps us to unlock the codes that run deep within our DNA and our Akashic Records. The whale medicine helps us to find the best frequency or vibration that is best suited for our history. The message I’m getting from the whale is that you’re being asked to release the things that society has pressured you into believing that you need to live a fulfilling life. You’re being asked to let go so that you can tap into your truest self, your past self, and yourself at a vibrational level to truly discover what it actually is you actually need. I’m hearing from the Divine “I know you better than you think you know yourself. It’s time to discover who you truly are.”
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kidflashimpulse · 1 year
saw a post you made a while back answering an ask about YJA Bart's civvie life mirroring the comics, and i realized that comic Bart went straight into high school due to being 14 going on 15 when he came to the past, but YJA Bart was 12 going on 13, so he'd be in middle school for a little over a year first. so! an idea i thought i'd share: people mostly think he's Weird (derogatory) in middle school because that's where he goes through his biggest adjustment period. middle school is frustrating for him, but he manages. then high school happens and suddenly he's Mr Popularity bc 1) he's more used to being in school now, even if he still doesn't like it and high school is a different beast, 2) his West-Allen (and Meloni) related pretty genes have started to properly kick in (underrated Bart fact: he's supposed to be noticeably good-looking. like not just cute, but a Certified Pretty Boy. it gets brought up SO MUCH in his solo it's so funny) and he has a canon big growth spurt between 13 and 15, and 3) there's a ton of new ppl his age who have no established opinions of him the way others do. and like in the comics Bart hates the attention and keeps almost exclusively to his friends (one of my fave running gags is Bart being surrounded by people trying to get his attention and he just keeps doing what he's doing without engaging or even reacting barely at all)
omg anon…. this ask has given me the biggest smile ever because it just brings back so many memories of my first ever (drafted) fic ahhhhhhhh !!! especially because of the way it starts!! in middle school where he’s the certified weirdo!!! not that he minds it at all he’s more concerned with the whole concept of wtf even is school and how’s he supposed to be stuck in a classroom when he has more pressing issues like uh preventing an impending apocalypse?? lmfao but yes that first year/couple months is a huge adjustment period for him, at the very least in terms of school.
the thing is at least in my non-existent fic, i was really motivated to have carol and preston be the first civilians he befriended, which would be in middle school. But then I also want them (and others) to be his classmates throughout high school too! Cause u know, they’re the civilians we know that he interacts with and gets along. I don’t think the chances of that are too off because if they all live within the same district it would be reasonable to assume they’d attend the same high school? Like not the exact same class, but there r bound to be a few familiar faces. But that’s not rlly a problem for the concept that u outlined considering they’re his friends so the whole preconceived notion thing wouldn’t play much of a role in the first place (and if anything more accurately reflect the plot of how Carol befriends him and then at that point worries about popularity getting to him, like the impulse timeline was crazy fast (understandably ig)) . Also like yes, mirroring the comics he accidentally becomes quite popular lmfao but like u said it’s high school so it’s not without its totally dramatised plot issues (i could come up with way too many honestly they’re just so entertaining especially considering like how i mentioned he wants no part in it both intentionally as well as not lol) just like the impulse run!
Certified Pretty Boy huh that’s just as much as a trait to him as it is him having brown hair (which is always! suck it red hair truthers lmfao) but yes totally!! His genes have done him well and it’s obviously the reason why everyone is in love with him (looking at u Preston /j /srs)
basically, thank u for sharing your thoughts with us <3 cause it’s just so entertaining to think about all this!! I’m not even exaggerating i could come up with so many plots about his school experience i think there’s just so much room for potential and fun and it’s pretty amusing to think about. I would love to write a fic o. it specifically (side eye to that first fic lol) but unfortunately i’ve just got one brain and set of hands and can only really focus on one fic at a time 🫠 on the bright side i am planning on covering at least a little bit of his civvie life in the next chapter of AAIT (still in its really early stages so it’ll take a while, sorry) so if anyones interested in that, stay tuned lol
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ardencallaway · 2 months
Hide and Seek: Answers Part 1
So if you haven't finished Hide and Seek, READ NO FURTHER!!!
I'm going to answer the first question I've got so far in my asks. Since it gives away the ending, I'm just going to rewrite it below and hope this more tag works. Seriously, major major spoilers for the ending below. Do not read further unless you have finished!!!
"What possessed you to kill Albus?"
I'm not sure anything possessed me. However, two of the many things I wanted to try with this story (among others, but we'll focus on these for now) were:
Explore grief & give Harry Potter a fitting ending.
Now, whether I did that or not is entirely up to each reader individually. There's no right answer.
When it comes to exploring grief, it's not really about the sadness for me, exactly. I've lived a very full life in my limited years on this Earth, but I've had my fair share of loss. One thing that has always fascinated me, is the way that loss can truly heighten the way we think about life, the people and things that matter to us most. Those periods afterwards reflect what we had to such a dramatic degree.
I think part of it is the fact that it's an ending. We'll never experience our own ending, not really. We are born and then we live and live and live until we don't. But for the entire span of our lives, our own end is abstract at best, even if we know it's coming. By giving something important to us an ending (a death, a breakup, whatever it might be), it not only gives us chance to really examine all it meant, examine it in its entirety, but it also gets us a little bit closer to understanding our own mortality.
Now, could I have done it another way? Sure. But Albus' character arc felt complete to me. He went from not understanding himself, hating his family (kind of), unable to handle his own emotions, feeling like an outcast. By the end he was completely surrounded by love, support, understanding, and I think for the first time in his life he felt proud of what he had built.
Scorpius, on the other hand, I felt had experienced too much pain, loss, and hardship compared. Killing Scorpius off almost felt expected to a degree, the way he got dealt one loss after another despite being so pure. So I wanted to give him the long life. Scorpius was able to find happiness in the family around him, was able to build a life after. I don't think Albus would have been able to if he had lost Scorpius.
Next, I wanted to give Harry Potter a fitting ending. I knew before I started Chapter 1 that Harry was going to die in this story. Having him die to save someone important, in the very same way his mother saved him, felt the most fitting. By having him save Scorpius, I also wanted to show Harry's growth over the years as well. His own struggles of adulthood (fatherhood, old grudges, etc.) were all completed as well. I know it's a sad ending, that was to be expected. I'm not particular good at writing fluff or happy endings, but I might try one day. Oh and one more thing! For those of you eagle-eyed readers, you might have noticed that I strongly hinted at everyone who would die (and in what order) early on in Part One.
If you look back to Chapter 24 there is a dream sequence where Albus sees Scorpius standing among four gravestones, grieving. Albus then encounters, in order: Astoria, Craig, Himself, and Harry.
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Language, Gen X, LGBTPQRS - whatever!
Having already lived through 'ist' and 'ism' being tagged to almost everything by the millennials, my awareness of just how much our language has become diluted - When familiar terms misappropriated so as to become a catch-all, rather than being specific to origin became luminously apparent. This degeneration of a generation appears to have continued as if hereditary, with terms such as 'hatred' and 'hate speech' now having the broader translation of disagreeing by means of simply feeling offended, which, in itself, can mean all things to all people, as if, somehow, feeling offended is mandatory.
The fact that we were all born with free will and the ability to make choices seems to have been conveniently bypassed in favour of feelings towards something, or someone, and plain common sense that we would normally apply in such circumstances is bordering on non-existent nowadays. If I happen to strongly disagree with a female's perspective on something for example, then another catch-all term comes into play - 'misogyny,' and I'm somehow prejudiced against women. Utter bollocks!
I've also noticed quite starkly how nowadays it's become almost de rigueur for people to take it upon themselves to be offended on behalf of another, without realising just how patronising that can be in practice, with white, middle-class, young people engaging in a BLM march and it becomes all about them, and how they feel, when bizarrely they outnumber those who are black, as just one example. The overbearing sense of entitlement by Gen X in particular, from one point of view could be argued that it reflects a sense of freedom of expression and confidence in belief. Although conversely, there is also the perspective of this being more of an underlying insecurity in an increasingly less secure world Notice how terms such as 'crisis' and 'emergency' have become popularised so as to yet again be attributed to anything where 'situation,' or 'challenge' would otherwise suffice.
You see, going back a generation, or three, the pre-millennials were, by and large, brought up to be more robust, resilient, and stoic because pre- World War two it was almost embedded into the bloodline that nothing was handed down on a plate, there was no bank of mum and dad, parents were parents - and not 'friends' to their children: and nothing in life came easy. Now, while I'm no advocate for war, I cannot help but think that maybe another widescale war would hit the reset button. Because as things stand right now, if there was a war Gen X would be lining up to buy adult nappies off the shelves, so to speak.
It's become a very selfish world, I've noticed. A world of self-entitled, me-me's. None potentially worse than that faction of the LGBTPQR whatever movement: and more particularly the 'T' element. Now, to set out my stall from the get-go, I have absolutely nothing against trans people per se, for several years I had around 180 trams (MtF) friends who were regular visitors to my home and would come and stay for days at a time. On occasion, I've administered their hormone injections when asked and offered advice when relevant questions that would further enable and empower their journey forward were put to me.
To all intents and purposes, these were chics with dicks, and despite them all having received breast implants they were always very vocal as to still being male through bone density, pelvic shape, and muscular strength. Yet, see them in the street and you would absolutely believe that they were female in every sense. So, it came as no surprise that their comments towards what we see as Gen X, 'faux' trans, scruffy appearance wannabees, with facial growth while wearing a dress kind of gender centaurs, were less than favourable in content. Do people have the right to dress as they choose? Absolutely! It's arguably just their seemingly visual indolence that sets them apart from the 'real' trans people. So, if anyone chooses to dress like a female, good on them, just at the very least put some bloody effort into it because, generally speaking, women, for the most part, take pride in their appearance, wash their hair regularly, and don't go out looking like a WTF!
This, and other factors when it comes to Gen X heavily suggest a general malaise towards life where it's believed through learned helplessness, that self-entitlement is the magical key that opens the door to nearly everything, and in its naivety of such belief, the Gen x trans faction has created a degree of toxicity towards itself. Why? In the main because their entire world appears to be all about 'me'. Now, this is where we get down to 'brass tacks' interesting because it reverts back to language and how it's been manipulated to whatever collective narrative suits at that time, and it it doesn't fit people will soon find a way to shoehorn it in. So, people choose to 'identify' as …………
The keyword here is 'identity,' and identity is something we assume based on, for the most part anyway, the immediate environmental influences that we accept as most resonating with us as we grow through the various stages of our lives. So, as a for instance, when I was a child I clearly remember playing various roles as a doctor, fireman, soldier, and cowboy because those were the roles I identified with, largely due to television, and as I grew older my identities evolved again, and again, and again to where I am now as an older adult. However, identity does not make us who we are because identity is a construct: an idea or theory containing conceptual elements, and therefore entirely subjective because there is no empirical evidence to support it, other than it being someone's fantasy world: and based on life being a big stage in which we all play a part, the Gen X trans would be there in costume, and possibly look like something between the audition rejects of the Rocky Horror Show, and a drag queen's worst possible nightmare. Basically, the misfits.
Now, remember when I referred to the Gen X trans faction creating a "degree of toxicity towards itself"? Well, It will come as no great surprise that the reason for this is due to their mission creep to manipulate the law into believing that their concept is real. So, from that, my question is how can an entirely fictional concept ever be regarded as affording people equal rights, and the politicisation of such? Because if it does we're suddenly finding ourselves in a never-never land where the law of this country is concerned.
Let's say that tomorrow I decide to identify myself as a dwarf, and change my name by deed poll to 'Mini-Me.' Now even though I'm a little over six feet tall, as this would now be my legal identity, if anyone dared to challenge that I would be within my legal right to claim that I'm being discriminated against under the Act, and put forward an argument to say that compared to those who are far taller than me I'm dwarfed by comparison, because there is no counter-argument against that. It's an incontrovertible fact.
Okay, while I fully accept that was a random example straight off the top of my head while typing and there are far better examples of the point I'm making, you'll be intelligent enough, I hope, to envisage where I'm going with this.
There are people around the world who have paid thousands and thousands, if not their entire life savings to look like their favourite celebrity, and they'll walk, talk and adopt every possible mannerism of that person. Does it transform them into their favourite celebrity? Absolutely not.
Again, it's entirely conceptual. So, while I'm not in any way uncomfortable with people living the life they choose to live and for them to be happy with it, the message is for Gen X to check their egos and not get carried away with their delusional selves. Out of all the genuine trans people I've known, not one of them has ever made a big deal about it, would never dream of politicising it; or expecting some kind of special treatment by being trans. In fact, they are predominantly the most confident and happiest people among those I've met from all walks of life.
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deathlygristly · 4 months
I will talk to the spousal person about that literacy essay tonight at dinner.
I read a few months back through this blog and last night I saw some posts of mine from 2020, and it seems the problem of how humans think in ways that don't make sense to me has been on my mind for a few years now.
Well, of course you could say it's been on my mind my whole life, but the last few years I seem to be particularly fixated on how people sort other humans into categories and judge those categories and their borders really hard, on how so many humans seem to assume that all the other humans are either copies of themselves or copies of authorities they are rebelling against, and also the weirdness about fiction that's bubbled to the surface of the internet over the last few years.
According to the essay I reblogged earlier, maybe the last one has something to do with the other two?
Just me pondering and thinking under the cut.
Last night I was talking to the spousal person about kdramas and discussions of kdramas online and an episode of the Black Girl Seoul podcast I listened to yesterday about Gyeongseong Creature. Which I see I wrote a post when we were watching it about how people who know kdramas didn't seem to know the history it was based on, and the people who knew the history didn't seem to know kdramas.
The hosts of Black Girl Seoul (which I very much recommend subscribing to their show if you're into kdramas and you like podcasts) noticed that discrepancy even though they didn't know the history yet, so they made the effort to learn the history and got two of their college friends who aren't super into kdramas to watch it too and talk about it with them on their podcast. The hosts said they related the Korean experience under Japanese colonialism to black people here in the US and one of their friends disagreed, but it was a good friendly discussion.
I guess I'm bringing that up because I had noticed how a lack of historical knowledge hollowed out some people's perception of the show, and the podcast episode is an example of people finding that knowledge and reading it and learning it and that knowledge broadening their understanding of the show and its layers and meanings and the shared experiences of colonialism and violence and oppression across the species.
Also like I constantly bring up, when I was 9 I read every book I had access to about the Holocaust. Through that reading I learned about humans and violence and propaganda and fascism and genocide, and I guess because I was so young I just assumed it was common knowledge that everyone learned as a preteen. Just like how I was surprised that other kids couldn't read in kindergarten and I was surprised that other people online had such violent reactions to just the mention of reading. I am not immune to the human tendency to assume that others are copies of you. ;)
I told the spousal person last night that lots of times I feel like I'm a horribly ignorant person, but then sometimes I realize that actually I do know a fair bit. He said yeah, it's impossible to learn everything and of course you're always going to be ignorant of a lot, but it's possible to keep learning.
And I've been trying to do that. I've tried to read posts and comments of the people who used to think in categories and copies and who are still close enough to it to reflect on it. Like how I used to read the forum for incels who are trying to get out of incel mentality, and how I read the forum for exvangelicals. I am realizing that I cannot learn anything from people who are activated/triggered and lashing out at others and bullying them and being mean, but I can learn a lot from people who were where those people are and who are now trying to come out of it and who can reflect on their indoctrination and their growth out of that indoctrination.
I guess what I am thinking about the most now is what the author of the essay said about short form video with its emotions versus long form reading and reflection, and also the bit about students accepting whatever the teacher tells them. I've posted a fair bit over the years about being confused about why so many people seem to get their idea of how life should be from mediocre TV shows, and I didn't always realize I was repeating myself. I also found a post where I was confused about students being upset when a teacher didn't tell them what to think and gave them options. But that's how thinking and learning and experiencing goes - it's a spiral, and you keep returning to the same place but on a higher level.
Maybe it was that childhood of longform reading in the time before the internet that shaped my brain more towards reflection and ability to see the story behind the images and the words and to understand that I don't have to copy what is in the fictional stories around me.
The spousal person and I have noticed extreme anti-drug propaganda in kdramas. One we're watching now, Flex x Cop, had a scene where the female lead talked about how someone had "druggily murdered" someone. We just laughed a lot and took a pic of it for our silly kdrama screencaps folder and went on with our lives, easily understanding that it was silly propaganda. We never thought about having to accept panic about drugs as the truth or, on the other side, being all super rage-y about it and bullying anyone who watches the show and calling them a fed or whatever the kids do these days. It was just instinctual knowledge of yeah, mass media is gonna have stuff like that in it and it is what it is and you laugh and go on.
I mean, honestly, it was so instinctual that it seems like....like I don't know, maybe that pic that goes around of the adult woman and the infant that she's showing a ball to or whatever. Like I could get having to explain this to a very small child, but I feel like by the time you're able to participate extensively online you should know this. But the internet makes it clear that I'm wrong, and that plenty of teens and even adults don't really have that instinctual recognition of propaganda and its silliness and they don't have an emotional remove from it.
I guess some people get so weird about other people possibly copying what they read or see in fiction because they themselves copy what they read and see in fiction. Humans project so much.
Anyway, yeah, long post short: I grew up reading a lot, I married a dude who also read a lot, when our first apartment flooded the insurance guy had to go and do research because he'd never done anything with that many books before, our house is full of books everywhere, and the spousal person works at the library. It's kind of like reading and book literacy is the water I've been swimming in, and I didn't know that other people swam in other water. I am trying to learn what that other water is like though, so maybe one day I can understand and I can be gentle and compassionate about it while encouraging them to dip a toe into my water.
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waitingonthewind · 7 months
Out of all your characters (from games or otherwise), which one do you think is the most like you? In what ways? Was it intentional, or was it an accident you only noticed after the fact?
(Feel free to delete if it feels too personal 🙈)
@undead-potatoes aaaaaa thanks so much for the ask!!! i don't love doing self reflection (i have a hard time in identifying things about myself and often rely on other people to Tell Me Who I Am) but i love talkin about my ocs so this ended up really big
ill pop the majority of this under the cut but here take an unfinished doodle of my first attempt at a fursona in this the year 2023 bc i finally had some insight into What That Might Be for me its a leafy sea dragon bc as a kid i loved dragons and also leafy sea dragons specifically and as an adult i love fish and plants and the colour green ok basics covered here we go
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its a really tough one, especially since all my characters have huge parts of me in them (u point to one of my guys and there's a 99% chance they're queer and a 95% chance they're autistic), and the majority of my characters infect me with Their personalities and traits (speech mannerisms especially... i went about 3 years peppering the word gotcha into every other sentence bc of ollwyn. in terms of it being intentional, usually only one or two bits with each character. i try my best to give characters personality traits and interests that differ from my own, or at the very least mix and match bits and pieces.
sometimes i'll try and make characters that are so so different from me but then it backfires because it means that im far more likely to pick up that character's traits (i didn't swear at All in my whole life until i tried making a character outside my comfort zone who Did swear a lot and now fucking look at me). i also don't like doing my Research so going for interests that i don't know a lot about means i don't. know anything about them lmao.
i think it's impossible to have a character that isn't at least Somewhat like you, we draw from our own experiences and ways of seeing the world, after all. i know i put little pieces of myself into every character and it's hard to say if there's any One character that embodies me most.
almost none of my characters really look like me tho
all that being said i've narrowed down my entire list to three of note. all three are dnd or other ttrpg characters bc they're the ones that i find myself having to think most about in terms of how they Think and Feel in any given situation and over time would notice stuff about myself or about them that i didn't realise were related.
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i think these days ollwyn wins out personality wise goofy, indignant, lonely, desperate for approval, and loud. they're stubborn and enthusiastic, needs to be centre of attention but doesn't want to take the lead. they don't have many friends but latch onto those they do make. i re-realised my rat dreams because of them. i made em a bard bc i was obsessed with music as an aesthetic.
i made em a half-elf because i didn't wanna be Too out there with character creation (back when i was a terrified lil new rp-er who hadn't touched dnd before and felt i hadn't Earned anything more interesting yet). then magic and stuff happened and they got all the over-the-top design elements i was too nervous to implement initially and even that feels representative of my Own growth in being more Out There with my aesthetics and personality (i.e. completely shutting off my social filter, not toning shit down so much anymore)
oh i know i said none of my characters really look like me but i almost never draw ollwyn with their mouth fully closed and i only realised like years later that it may have been just a mild lil projection of a habit. i got big front teeth and breathing issues and i find it uncomfortable to close my lips Most of the time lmao
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my poor unfortunately named aasimar (it was 2018........ i promise...............) takes the cake when it comes to suffering the brunt of my neurodivergence and sensory issues, and represents a significant portion of the judgy parts of myself that i try not to let myself be. strong opinions, blunt, tone issues, big issues with food and touch. comes across as, and often is, very critical. the biggest difference between me and them is that they don't feel bad about those aspects of themself lol
where i spend every moment of my life either desperately concentrating on my wording so as not to come across as rude, or feeling shitty for coming across as blunt/aggressive in tone or phrasing (where 99% of the time i absolutely don't mean it that way im autistic pls im autistic if i wanna be able to get the Right words out the tone doesn't match and vice versa), corona just says what they want or what they think, and if people get offended, that's People's fault for not trying to make more of an effort to understand the way they talk.
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sal is my Top Oc Of All Time and as such takes on a lot of random aspects of myself (skin picking, fidgeting, latent anxiety, All of the visual aesthetics i Wish i could pull off, my love of birds, my tendency to Mr Burns Posture my way through life. she's also very very australian), while also inflicting things on me lmao ive learned more about my gender from the years of playing her in her rp campaign than in the rest of my entire life. a lot of her experiences and dynamics with her friends and family reflect a lot of aspects of my own
i only want good things for her and constantly put her through fucking hell
anyway they're all So Much Weirder as people than I can really put on paper and in (relatively) different ways but i just know it all stems from the Who I Am of it all
bonus shout out to beki:
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she was my homestuck fankid and first proper oc, which also meant that she was only about two steps away from a self insert. because i made her as a teenager, i feel the distance between us more each year, but im still very fond of her, in the same way i am for my teenage self. i wanna pat her head and tell her she's cool and not annoying and that her friends don't hate her and that things will be okay
i think it says a lot about me that all four of these guys fall somewhere on the aro/ace spectrum (almost in order of least to most aggressively aro/ace. ollwyn's a demiromantic greysexual, corona is demi + grey on both romantic & sexual orientations, sal's pretty much only interested in the One Guy Ever, and beki is sex repulsed, 100% aro/ace) lmao
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decatalyst7 · 10 months
The Greyish Outlook
Many sources recommend avoiding criticism and judgment, as it can cause defensiveness and hinder personal growth. This is attributed to the inherent nature of ego in humans. It is also reflected in the Scriptures, "do not judge, lest you be judged".
A vivid example can be seen at workplaces, between the boss and the employee. The boss is labeled as 'too difficult', 'never satisfied', or 'always complaining'.
Typically, punishment, chastisement, criticism, or anything that hurts the ego of the other person creates an atmosphere of eye-service or superficiality and tension between the criticizer and the one being criticized.
Aside from the output of the criticized, I believe that it also makes the criticizer accustomed to finding only faults in others.
But if we are told not to find fault or castigate others, does it mean that we shouldn't put people right when they go wrong or when they hurt us? Should we spare the rod and spoil the child? Should employers turn a blind eye to the insubordination of their employees? When we do so, are we not perceived as weak? Or timid? Whatever the answers may be, let's keep it in mind that the principle of black-and-white might not always apply. We need to consider the context and whether it's necessary to step in.
I have a personal anecdote that taught me a valuable lesson:
I had this colleague who was very bossy and didn't even know it. I feel he "didn't know it" because it is kind of natural for a man to feel powerful over a woman. You know, that's how society has made it look... Well, let's go back to the account. I've had so many encounters with him interrupting my interactions or interviews/meetings when he shouldn't, slyly taking over my presentations, and generally humiliating me in the presence of my fellow colleagues.
Someone might ask, "Did you always allow him to eat his cake and have it too?" Well, I would just sadly succumb and leave the scene, hoping that my reaction would send him a signal. But nothing changed. I didn't want to judge or criticize him. I didn't want to hurt his ego because I despised the friction it could create between him and me. As expected, I was always frustrated, suffocated, and helpless.
My other colleagues noticed the silent torture and would approach me from time to time to offer their support and encouragement, urging me to stand up and confront him. However, as they say, it is easier to provide solutions to others' problems until you find yourself in a similar situation.
I knew that I had to find a way to shun my colleague and, at the same time, avoid any form of direct confrontation. So, I decided to serve him his own meal. Someone might ask, "Do you mean retaliation and vengeance?" Oh no. Something even much better.
From that day onwards, each time he slyly took over or infiltrated my interactions, meetings and interviews or presentations. I'd also slyly reclaim my spot and my moment but with the right intention. And at that point, things began to change.
With this, I hit three birds with one stone. Firstly, I made him feel exactly how I felt (the keyword is "feel," not "know"). Secondly, I corrected him where he was wrong without criticizing or confronting him. Lastly, I made a point - I am not timid!
Personally, I've added some tint to the color, and I've come up with the understanding that "I will not criticize nor complain, neither will I intentionally hurt the ego of another, but I refuse to be made to look weak or to be intimidated."
Have you ever had any of such experience pertaining to criticism and chastisement in different areas of your life? Kindly share your stories in the comment section and let's learn from our experiences together.
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psych-zone · 1 year
11 June 2023, Sunday
12:32 pm
Hi Explorers !!!
How’s everyone doing ? … Really hope each one of you is absolutely fine. Before we together move on to explore me, you have full right to know who I am !!
I am SOMYA , a teen ager ( accurately 18.11 years ). I am done with my schooling from a renowned school St. Thomas School & right now I’m perusing with Bachelors of Arts from DU … I’m also doing Psychology Hons. side by side to attain what I need from my life & not what the life needs from me. So, I would be posting my blogs here so that they can reach up to all of you. My blog account : *Psych - Zone* defines me _ my interest for psych world. I would share on with you guys, what basically Psychology is - how important & helpful it is in this technical world : more of a depressed world.
Problems like :
Trauma Bonding
Indivisual Differences
Intrapersonal relationships & many more will be openly discussed here
All of you are humbly requested to stay connected to me via “Psych - Zone” … together we will beat all the hardships & reach to the Zenith.
All your reviews are most welcome … don’t hesitate to express what you feel about it !!!
12 June 2023, Monday
6:33 pm
Hi Potential Readers !!!
A very cherish able & benevolent Good Evening to all my readers … Through the depth of my heart that wish each one of you is healthy & fit !!!
Today we would know :
What is psychology ?!
When we hear the word Psychology … what comes to our mind is : brain - decision - mind - understanding.
Exactly ! That is what psychology is !!!!!!!
The word *Psychology* is formed out of the word *Psyche* - that means :
Your mind, your different feelings & attitudes.
# PSYCHOLOGY is the scientific study of mind & behaviour. The psychologists are actively involved in studying & understanding mental processes, brain functions & behaviour.
How Psychology Helps ??!!
Psychology helps us (people) is various dimensions … such as :
1️⃣. It explains why people act in a certain way.
2️⃣. A psychologist can help people improve their decision making.
3️⃣. It guides about the Stress Management techniques.
4️⃣. It studies the behaviour … based on past behaviour - it predicts the future behaviour pattern.
That is all for the beginning.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for connecting with The Psych - Zone
12 June 2023, Monday
9:45 pm
Hi Efficient Army !!!
Welcome back to The Psych-World … Hopefully all of you are good !!!
* Today, we will be talking about what the actual problem is … where does an awkward behaviour arise from ??!!
1️⃣ . Avoiding Discussion
# Someone exhibiting strange behaviour may not want to engage in important discussions … this leads to issues that remain unresolved.
# For avoiding these very essential discussions the person behaves awkward … to repeal people’s interest in communicating to him/her.
2️⃣. Not taking accountability
# You may find it difficult to acknowledge your mistakes or blame others for your own shortcomings.
# If you are not able to reflect your own behaviour … it will become an issue & affect your personal growth.
Other important factors are as follows :
# Refusing to apologize
# Manipulating others
# Not respecting boundaries
# Being inconsistent
* What to do if you are the problem ??!!
# Improve your mental health
# Offering heartfelt apologies
# Respecting boundaries
# Taking responsibilities
*Self - reflection can help you to answer the question : “ Am I the problem ? “
*If you notice the signs of your shortcomings … you can twist them to be your positive point.
*You can consult a therapist for mental health support.
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sa1n7 · 1 year
If it’s someone you love who’s brining you down while you’re on your journey to grow and change. It’s okay they’re not wrong.they’re also going through things it’s up to them to work on those things and not pin their negative thoughts on you. They also have their reasons but don’t let that stop you. Don’t give up. Give them time to reflect and give yourself time. Nothing said in this situation to each other will do any good. I also believed that I had to write and write to prove someone that I was changing but it doesn’t matter. That person needs time. Time to change. I need time. You don’t have to waste your words instead just become the version of you that you’ve always wanted and change things around you. Go out and have fun. It’s these little things that’ll bring changes in your life. You’ll notice it and be proud of yourself for never giving up. People will naturally see it too. I learned the hard way that I can’t expect people to believe me that I’ve changed by constantly telling them. It’s me I have to see myself change first and then people will. But it should be for yourself not others. I also cry every other night but those are my emotions were humans we feel. Cry it out but once you stop crying make sure you don’t cry for the same reason again. Love yourself first, people around will automatically love you. So don’t worry. Give that someone time and yourself. You know if you’re good then good will come back to you. You are not your mistakes and don’t let anyone make you think so. It’s okay if you love them but if they don’t respect your growth then you must also know they don’t have the right to bring you down. Love and respect are two different things. Don’t take disrespect just because you love them. There are alot of other ways to make things better. Don’t disrespect them too. Just take a step back and give it time.
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mangooolassi · 4 months
Expression of Inner Feelings
When i was younger I always noticed why some adults have little to nothing when it comes to compassion or when something exciting news comes and they just give a bland response. I always thought to myself "why do they act that way?? This is amazing" It baffles me and in my innocences I always vow to grow up and not be like them (i didnt)
But I grew to understand that (maybe but this is also my personal take) sometimes i feel this overwhelming feeling in me and the adrenaline to express it but I also feel underwhelmed when it finally gets to that point where I want too. I don't know if this is just a me thing or if this is just something most people go through.
Take this example, i see a captivating view or even something small like diving deep into a series and discovering ester eggs to better understand it yet I feel like Ive lost my capability to "geek out" and like ponder on it. all that sense of wonder that filled me 2 seconds ago died when I wanna talk about it.
I just noticed this changes in me when recently I was rewatching Dune with my partner and he was asking me questions about it and if we should watch Dune part 2. Internally I was excited at the fact that he would be interested because I wasn't sure if he was into the movie or not. He tried talking to me about it and something my old self would do is to geek out about these stuff especially to someone who means alot but I just said "watch some YouTube to understand it more" and sent a couple of links
I know ?? Its so rude but also I couldn't bring myself to be excited about it on the outside. And I feel really bad as a partner to be doing or even acting like that. I feel like I lost alot of spark, alot of things people would know me off just isn't me anymore and while I allow growth to exist this seems like the opposite of growth.
With that being said, I feel like I know what I should improve in myself this year moving forward. And realising this is really an eye opener for myself. You always wanna be a better you especially so you can reflect back and see that you did something great and you had a bomb personality.
I know I talk alot about how adulthood has wrecked me but I feel like it also brought a lot of closure and realisation that you cannot continue to be the shit person you are forever. Life happens so what ? Suck it up and make lemonade 😂
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eurusthewitch · 8 months
Life is...so strange.
For a bit of context before this story, I have been fortunate to live in the same house all my life (well, until recently) in the wonderous and natural state of Colorado (And also thankfully not in Denver...), so I have a whole lot of history with my area of town. But anyway, on with the story.
So I live in a wonderful little neighborhood which is just a giant oval with some offshoots. Now notably on the corner of one of these offshoots is a giant tree of indiscernible type, except for its seeds. Because this tree grew and dropped pods full of seeds all over the sidewalk. Constantly.
And as a wee child I loved that, they were brittle and crumbled under your finger when given the slightest bit of pressure. And that's all I knew the tree as for a long time. A source of mild amusement on my daily walks to and from school.
But time went on and I got smarter. But the tree was still there.
Eventually I learned what seeds were and came to the logical conclusion for a circa middle school aged child of "Hey, I could grow a tree!" So I scooped up a pod and took it to my backyard to plant. And I did.
But the important thing to note is that my backyard is literally at the edge of a local park. And not the kind with swings and a playground, but a place of nature with bears and mountain lions. So the soil was very rocky and not what one would expect to be suitable for tree growth. But the willpower of a small child knows no bounds.
And I was just that, a relatively small child, so I had relatively small child ideas. Such as the idea that if one seed grows one tree, then why not plant the whole pod? So with the whole pod's worth of seeds in the palm of my hand, I threw them into the soil and threw a bit of water atop them. And then, nothing.
I was a small child, so I didn't really understand the timescale it took for a tree to grow. But I waited diligently for months seeing no growth, and then I just forgot about them.
Something to note is that I have pretty severe memory loss, so as I grew up I completely forgot about those little seeds planted in my backyard. That was until recently.
Back when I was still a highschool student, I noticed a strange and uncharacteristically young grouping of trees growing just within the confines of the recently fenced off backyard. And that's when it hit me.
That was the tree, the same type that still to this day sits on that street corner. Those are the matured seeds that I had tossed so carelessly into the soil so long ago. And with a realization like that, so too comes a moment of reflection.
Having memory loss at my age - especially such a severe kind - is such an odd thing to live with. But remembering those seeds that I planted made me realize how much time has changed both my surroundings and myself. Those trees grew alongside me, and yet for most of that time of growth, I remember very little of it.
But I remember, being a naive little boy living life without a care in the world. And well, now I'm none of those things. If that little boy were to come forth into the present, I doubt he'd believe who I am...but he'd know that those trees were his. And it's odd to think that - in a way - he'd be right.
It is memory that dictates our being; it is one of the many things that differentiates people from one another. And I no longer carry the memory of that boy, so am I really him? Obviously physically yes, apart from a couple recent changes. But the physical is not what dictates who someone is.
Life is so strange...because I can see the tree grown by a boy who technically no longer exists; and yet I was that boy, with his memory of the events.
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Hello! I hope you have a nice day! Could I get a matchup for Genshin Impact?~ 
Name: 🍄 (You can nickname me as Fungi)
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: demisexual
Zodiac/MBTI: taurus, INTP
Appearance:  tall, rather slim body, dark curly hair, green-yellow eyes, chronic dark circles, soft natural makeup.
Style: Differing from hyperfeminine cottagecore to androgynous corp goth.
Personality:  For most people I'm just kind but I won't try to act overly outgoing with someone I barely know. I appear as assertive and distanced. It either clicks or not and I prefer private relationships than messing around in a large groups. I have limited social battery. My biggest flaw is probably constant overthinking and procrastination. Thinking too much and hypothesizing different outcomes of abstract things is my guilty-pleasure.
With my close ones I'm becoming very initiative, bubbly, loud, emotional, sometimes a bit crazy in a positive way. I'm also rather honest and I'm trying to support people mainly by trying to find the possible solutions for their issues (comforting back pat is a thing also). I'm focused more on understanding people's perspectives of life more than simply judging everything and everyone. I'm also rather creative individual with wide range of imagination and a very good long term memory. I'm very dedicated to my hobbies – sharing them is my love language as well as being included in someone else’s favorite activities. I guess my biggest value is my inner peace and independence. I'm rather self reflective.
Likes: meaningful conversations, people staying true to themselves, highly intelligent people + people with actual hobbies, animals, plants, spicy food, sunsets, seaside, collecting dried flowers.
Dislikes: people unwilling to think outside their comfortable patterns, lack of self improvement (or awarness at least), hot weather, excluding environments, compulsive liars, lack of space for growth
Hobbies: turning everyday objects into art, writing, medical stuff (mostly natural methods of healing or strange&outdated medical practices in the history of human civilization), writing, spirituality, questioning everything (it's pain in the ass for some people to talk with me), classic literature, philosophy, cooking & trying various foods, thanatology. 
Any extra information: I enjoy autumn and spring the most. I like old archiecture, especially graveyard architecture. My favorite song is: Hero by Lissie. 
Hello Fungi! Thank you for your request! I hope you like your matchup!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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You and Kaveh are both very creative people and that comes across in your relationship! Not only does your art bring you closer together, it's also a way you can both display your affection for each other.
All of Kaveh's designs now have something dedicated to you hidden in there somewhere. He thinks he's being subtle but after the third design incorporating symbolism from your favourite book, it's hard to not notice it.
Kaveh loves that you turn everyday things into art. He'd love to give you a random item from his house for you to customize. It's something he can use to remind him of you on a daily basis when you're not around.
A very high achiever who experiences a lot of pressure. Sometimes it gets to be too much and it's in these moments that Kaveh truely values your presence.
Those back pats may not seem like much to you, but to him, it means the world.
I can see you getting along decently with Al'Haitham, as he's a very intelligent person and you two would have some interesting conversations. Kaveh finds it difficult to not get a bit jealous when you and Al'Haitham talk too much.
But he won't say anything. You are your own person and he's in no position to tell you who you can talk to. Just expect him to be a bit more clingy afterwards.
Give him some reassurance and lots of hugs and kisses and he'll be back to normal in no time.
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jcmreynera · 1 year
Reflective Essay
Title: Overcoming the Lack of Confidence
Confidence is something that many people struggle with at some point in their lives. It can be a crippling feeling, preventing individuals from reaching their full potential. I, too, have encountered moments where a lack of confidence hindered my progress and held me back from achieving my goals. However, through self-reflection and personal growth, I have gradually learned to overcome this obstacle and regain my confidence.
As an introverted individual, I have always been more reserved and cautious in my actions and interactions. This shy nature often resulted in a lack of confidence, especially in situations that required me to step out of my comfort zone. Whether it was speaking in public, participating in a group discussion, or expressing my opinions, I would often find myself second-guessing my abilities. The fear of judgment and the pressure to meet others' expectations became overwhelming.
Reflecting upon my experiences, I realized that my lack of confidence stemmed from a combination of factors. Firstly, comparing myself to others played a significant role in eroding my self-esteem. Seeing people around me excel effortlessly in certain areas made me question my own abilities and accomplishments. Secondly, I had a persistent fear of failure. This fear of making mistakes and being judged for them caused me to doubt my own capabilities.
Recognizing the impact of my lack of confidence on various aspects of my life, I decided it was time for a change. I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement to address this issue head-on. Firstly, I made a conscious effort to stop comparing myself to others and focus on my own progress. I acknowledged that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and I should embrace mine rather than constantly measuring myself against others.
I sought out opportunities to challenge myself and overcome my fears. I volunteered to speak more frequently in public, joined clubs and activities that required teamwork, and engaged in projects that demanded creativity and innovation. Taking these steps allowed me to confront my anxieties and gradually build up my confidence. Although it was uncomfortable at times, I reminded myself that growth only occurs outside of my comfort zone.
Seeking support from loved ones also played a crucial role in my journey. Having a support network of friends and family who believed in me helped counteract my self-doubt. They provided encouragement, advice, and reminded me of my strengths when I couldn't see them myself. Surrounding myself with positive and supportive individuals was instrumental in rebuilding my confidence.
Over time, I began to notice a significant improvement in my overall confidence level. I found myself speaking up more frequently and contributing valuable insights to discussions. I started embracing my unique qualities and stopped striving for perfection. The fear of failure slowly faded away as I realized that mistakes are an integral part of the learning process.
Reflecting on my progress, I am proud of how far I have come. Overcoming my lack of confidence was not easy, but the journey has transformed me into a more self-assured and resilient individual. I now approach new challenges with enthusiasm instead of apprehension, and I am not afraid to pursue my passions or voice my opinions. This newfound confidence has opened doors to opportunities and experiences that I once thought were beyond my reach.
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