#and also maybe gender dysphoria????
i-maybe-exist · 2 years
sometimes you rewatch lore and think “oh that was really good!!! i loved my acting, i think i embodied this character really well”
and then sometimes you rewatch lore and think “wow thats cringe”
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I wish I could be agender the way Murderbot is agender. Right down to the lack of biological sexual characteristics. So agender that the term agender comes with too much associated gender to accurately apply. You know what I mean?
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mamawasatesttube · 2 months
heres how t4t timkon can still win.
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homosexualcitron · 5 months
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how about you look at them because they are very cute
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
I think we can absolutely criticize how gender dysphoria is viewed and defined, but sometimes, I think people can swing too far in the other direction to say that gender dysphoria doesn't exist at all, or that anybody who claims to have gender dysphoria simply have internalized transphobia. I really don't think this is helpful to trans people who are dysphoric, and it really puts us in a shameful position wherein our feelings are deemed proof of being problematic or transphobic.
I absolutely don't think dysphoria is required whatsoever to be trans - I hope my blog has made this position clear. I just hate the way dysphoria is understood by cis doctors and medical professionals, who typically do not talk to or try to understand their dysphoric patients. I don't think the solution is to blame dysphoric trans people, though (or non-dysphoric trans people!). We didn't ask for the state of transphobic healthcare. We need to put the blame where it lies - with biased professionals who don't want to accurately understand dysphoria and how it can overlap with trans identity and the transphobic society many of us live in.
#trans#transgender#lgbt#lgbtq#ftm#mtf#nonbinary#transphobia#transphobia tw#dysphoria tw#i just wish people would be nuanced and maybe more compassionate about this#because this (like most other healthcare and mental wellness topics) are so fucking complex and nuanced#dysphoria is just as complex as any other healthcare need and i wish more people (doctors especially) actually understood that#because doctors seem to get when i say that depression has ruined my life because they understand depression a *tad* bit more...#...but when i talk about dysphoria and say it *destroyed* me? i'm suddenly a lab rat and they refuse to understand how i feel and why#also saying gender dysphoria isn't real isn't something only non-dysphoric trans people say...#...in fact i think they understand more about dysphoria than some cis people do...#...and i full-heartedly would support a trans person no matter what their dysphoria does or does not look like...#...because dysphoria is highly contextual and does not present the same and doesn't have to be present for someone to be trans...#...it's just that in my experience as a dysphoric trans person i've found that people aren't suddenly more supportive of me...#...and i really want to change how we talk about transness and dysphoria#i don't want to talk about non-dysphoric trans people like i know what it's like because that isn't my story...#...but i want to make it CLEAR that i will always want them in my trans spaces and that we *need* them in our community
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bunn-iiii · 1 year
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Show Pony is a Barbie <3
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I’m in one of those very pred moods… I’m just really tired of this weak human body. I want to have claws and talons and fangs I can use to take what I want from any human I decide to prey upon. Sometimes, if I close my eyes and focus on my body, I can almost feel myself changing into something better…
I want to express my love with my teeth in their flesh. I want to taste blood and feel their weak limbs struggle in vain. I want to be assured of my supremacy over them but still give them all of my devotion and attention with the sharp parts of my body.
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skrunksthatwunk · 4 months
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peregrinethegryphon · 14 days
Hey so did anyone else grow up absolutely dreading that thing where teachers would pair kids up to take care of a doll? 'Cause just the idea of me pretending to be married with a kid made me want to throw up back then and it still does now. Thankfully they never made me do that, I probably would have had a full meltdown if they did.
Anyway, is this a form of dysphoria??
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genderwip · 4 months
I have given up on gender I am.just non binary because like how am I sometimes agender and sometimes genderfluid
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gothic-chicanery · 2 months
I love getting myself into situations. My college’s theater is doing a duet roulette thing where you sign up and get assigned a random duet and find out who is singing the duet with you the night of the performance. And I signed up bc I like chaos and also attention and there was a bit where you could indicate your voice range and I said like oh I used to be an alto but I haven’t really sang since going on T so I’m not really sure what it’s like now.
Folks, they gave me a soprano part.
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curls-cat · 8 months
havin some imposter syndrome abt my gender
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magical-xirl-4 · 10 months
the way that i truly am just non-binary still... idk, surprises me? like, i forget that i am, so i have to remind myself that while i am trans, i'm not a man. at the same time, i'm not a woman. i'm just floating out as something else. something totally new.
but that's why it's so hard for me to affirm myself. there is no exact language to describe me that truly encapsulates my experiences. there's very little representation about what it means to be non-binary. it's why i think about it so much, it's why i fixate on it.
the world is extremely binary, and it's influence over my thoughts is still very strong, despite my gender identity.
it can be lonely. it can be confusing.
my bodily dysphoria is so strong but my social dysphoria is ten fold. to a vast majority of people they will never see me as non-binary no matter how many times i say it, and that haunts me.
i know not everyone will be able to instantly see me as my true self wherever i go and whoever i talk to, but the two binary genders are something that we are innately trained to recognise.
if a person recognises me as 1 or 2 and never 3 instantly, it feels. wrong.
why can't you see me as that? no matter how hard i try; why?
maybe HRT and top surgery will get me there, maybe, hopefully, one day. i want to be seen as androgynous, ambigious, first and foremost. someone who perfectly toes the line of masculinity and femininity. i feel like i am that as a person already but i just want people to be able to see that as soon as they see me.
but ultimately what i truly want is reformation of society. i want- no, need, trans acceptance, and abolishment of gender roles and heteropatriarchy. it's the only way i'll ever be able to thrive and feel comfortable. it's easy for you to people to see man and woman, but i wish it were different. i wish it were more that that.
i still haven't changed my name legally, or moved away from my family, so i'd say i'm in the worst of it. i'm just barely getting enough air to breathe. when i change my name, when i move out, when i go on HRT and get top surgery i will feel better.
but those systems put in place to hold up cisheteronormativity will still exist. i'm not sure how i will feel once i'm up to that point. i'll definitely have more air to breathe. but i can't even picture it right now. i'm still looking up from the well. why do i still have to endure more darkness once i'm fully free to be me?
i really hope for a day where that well won't exist and we'll be able to be on equal level a plain and open field. where we'll get to sit next to each other in the warm gaze of the sun, feeling loved, safe, protected and cared for. where we don't have to fight to exist and feel like ourselves. no conflict, no fighting, no hardship. just ourselves and the purity of it.
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taibobo · 9 months
i have spent over half my life suffering in silence with the only places i’ve been able to openly speak about my disorder being pro-ed forums and social media communities as a preteen. these communities form because there are no healthy alternatives because having an ed is so stigmatized by wider society and even by those who champion the importance of mental health as being something that is even too taboo to speak about plainly.
like why do you guys think places like myproana or skinny gossip or th!nspo tumblr or edtwt exist. it’s because all of you foster so much fucking hate for a loud minority of MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE mind you and think that them suffering for your own comfort is a better option than allowing them a place to speak about their struggles and feelings without automatically assuming that their intrusive thoughts are equal to their morals or actual feelings. maybe you are all the hateful evil people actually and not mentally ill teenage girls on tiktok who have only felt a sense of belonging and community with fatphobes because you isolated them. sorry!
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I- uh- heheh….
Sometimes… you just gotta stick your comfort character in a pretty outfit, to get rid of all your troubles.
They’re at an awards show and won a fashion award and also had to show off one of the things he made-
Bonus (ft. Shinya progressively getting more and more infatuated with their spouse <3):
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(And maybe also getting slowly more drunk as the awards show progresses- much to the amusement of their friends-)
You can pry genderfluid Tsunagu out of my cold dead hands- /lh
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miodiodavinci · 1 year
(head in hands) man.
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