#and a new psychiatrist
constantcrisis19 · 1 year
Hey! I've been following your stuff for awhile and I am obsessed! Keep up the good work and I look forward to the next time you post!
Also, I was wondering if you could write a fic where Will is sick and the reader playing nurse and just giving this man some much needed TLC.
Tender Love And Care
Will Graham x GN S/O
AN: Not sure if this is exactly what you had in mind when you requested this, but I hope that you enjoy it! Thanks so much for your prompt, I had fun writing this!
Word Count: 1,965
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The last week had been a test of your patience, between Chilton claiming to have the infamous Chesapeake Ripper in his care, the death of one of his nurses, Chilton’s theory being disproved, the court case, Dr. Gideon’s escape from an armored transfer vehicle and now all the media attention, it was like a fucking circus.
At this point, you were running on nothing but copious amounts of caffeine and pure will power.
You tiredly shuffled into the already packed briefing room, feeling not unlike a zombie as you maneuvered through the crowd, muttering half-hearted apologies as you mindlessly bumped into some of the other equally exhausted agents on your way to the front of the group.
You had just gotten settled, having saved your most recent cup of coffee from being knocked out of your hand by a wayward elbow more times than you could count, when Jack Crawford finally entered the room, the crowd easily parting for him like he was a shark moving through a school of fish.
“Alright, listen up people.” He began when he came to a halt in front of a series of white boards, every single one of them covered entirely in case notes about, not only the Chesapeake Ripper’s greatest hits, but also Gideon’s own confirmed kills. 
You knew every scrap of information, every little detail, every picture and notation on those fucking boards because you’d spent every waking hour over the past week adding to the steadily growing collection and meticulously studying every inch of data, like if you stared at it hard enough, then all the answers would suddenly come to you.
But alas, your job was rarely so easy.
“Our fugitive is Abel Gideon. Transplant surgeon. Convicted in the first degree in the murders of his wife and her family.” Jack stated to the room at large, his voice rough and tone serious, demanding nothing less than everyone’s full attention.
Though, even despite Jack’s commanding presence, you found your gaze wandering.
You lifted your cup of coffee up to your lips, taking a substantial gulp of the cooling beverage as your eyes scanned over the room, almost choking on your mouthful as you did a sudden double take when you spotted the man rumored to be Jack’s breadwinner.
“He’d been institutionalized at the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, where he killed a nurse and claimed to be the Chesapeake Ripper.” Jack continued his speech in the background as your gaze raked over the dark-haired man’s figure, your head tilted in blatant curiosity as you watched him.
He was hunched over against the wall, as if he were trying to make himself as small as possible, the man horribly pale and dripping sweat, his curly hair plastered to his head and neck. He was also shaking as if he were freezing cold, which was a cause for concern since the usually comfortable room was actually a bit stuffy because of all the people packed inside, each tremor that wracked his frame looking almost painful.
Your brows furrowed with thinly veiled concern as you tried to meet his gaze, his bright blue eyes glassy as they nonsensically darted about the room, almost as if he were tracking something that no one else could see. 
You glanced around to see if anyone else had picked up on the man’s odd behavior, but either no one noticed or they just didn't care because they were all dutifully facing the front of the room, fully focused on what Jack was saying.
“Dr Gideon escaped this morning after killing three people. He is armed and dangerous. He is believed to be at large.” Jack’s voice became muted as you gave up on keeping up with the briefing altogether in favor of scrutinizing Jack's prized consultant. 
You knew that his name was Will Graham, that he was a special agent and he had a truly insane clearance rate, but anything else about the man was shrouded in mystery. Though, the lack of general knowledge about the man didn’t exactly stop the rumor mill from theorizing about his personal life, if anything it only encouraged the more chatty agents.
You took a peek at Jack to make sure that he was none the wiser to your distracted state before beginning to slowly move through the group of agents, working your way over to the fringes of the crowd and towards the wall that the man was inelegantly slouched against.
You earned a few nasty looks when you had to impatiently nudge at anyone who wasn’t shifting out of your way fast enough, and it wasn’t long before you had reached your destination. 
You stopped about a foot away from Will, not wanting to make him feel cornered, but he didn’t seem to register your arrival, his eyes still wildly shooting around the room. You frowned, reaching out with the intention of maybe grabbing his shoulder or nudging him, but you hesitated halfway through the motion.
Your gaze briefly scanned over the other occupants in the room to make sure that everyone was still paying attention to Jack and was none the wiser to what you were up to, before you tried to get Will’s attention,  whispering just loud enough for Will alone to hear. “Excuse me? Mr. Graham?”
The man still showed no signs of having heard you, his gaze still worryingly distant, and you watched the man tremble and mutter unintelligibly under his breath for a short moment before taking a deep breath and resolutely moving your hovering hand, closing the distance between the two of you and lightly resting your palm on his shoulder.
“Uh, Will? You’re Will, right?” You asked quietly as you squeezed the twitching muscles beneath your hand, trying to rub out some of the obvious tension there. Will violently flinched at the gentle pressure, causing your hand to slide a little further up than you had intended, your fingers brushing across the delicate skin of his neck. 
Your eyes widened when you felt the sheer amount of heat exuding off the man, but you didn’t have a lot of time to linger on the fact that he was worryingly feverish because then Will was blinking rapidly, his hazy gaze clearing as his pale blue eyes darted over to you, settling somewhere near your forehead before darting away just as quickly.
“I- yeah. Yes. Did you need something?” He muttered as he removed his glasses and rubbed his hands over his damp face, sounding a bit dazed and confused, and you felt your gaze soften at the tangible exhaustion in his voice. 
“Well, no, not really. I was just wondering if you were feeling okay? You don’t look too good.” You stated with a weak shrug, scrutinizing every little expression that passed over his face as you spoke. Now that you knew what to look for, it was glaringly apparent that he was horribly sick, if his flushed cheeks, copious amount of sweat, disorientation and fatigue were any indication. 
"I'm fine." Will said unconvincingly, your lips pressing into a thin line as you watched him fumble with his jacket, trembling hands delving into one of the pockets and clumsily rummaging around for a few seconds before emerging with a bottle of what looked like over the counter pain medication.
The pills inside rattled as his shaking hands attempted to get the cap off, Will giving a low, frustrated curse that sounded a touch too desperate when he couldn't manage to successfully open the child lock.
After watching him needlessly struggle for a few seconds, you stepped closer, moving further into his personal space before reaching out to cover his unsteady hands with your own. Will froze, his eyes snapping up from your joined hands to your face, finally looking directly at you for the first time since you’d approached him.
You carefully coaxed his hands away from the stubborn bottle and twisted the cap open for him, tapping three of the chalky, white pills out into your palm before tipping them into the man’s unsteady hand. Will just stared down at the pills resting in the middle of his palm for a long moment, several different emotions flashing across his face so fast that you couldn’t keep up.
“Here. You look like you need it more than me.” You said, regaining his attention before you held your half full cup of coffee out to the man, assuming that the lack of something to wash the medication down with was what was causing the delay.
Will shoved the bottle back into his pocket before warily reaching out to take the offering, like if he moved too quickly, that the coffee cup would bite him or something. You couldn’t help the small smile that spread across your lips at the man’s odd behavior, Will pausing with the cup resting against his mouth when he noticed your amusement.
“What?” He asked a little defensively, but you didn’t take his tone to heart, merely shaking your head as he popped the pills into his mouth. The action was followed by a mouthful of the now cold coffee, the man grimacing as he swallowed before handing the cup back.
“Nothing.” You replied as you rested your back against the wall next to Will, your lips pursing when a thought that you couldn’t ignore came to mind. “You’re very sick. Any chance that you could take a day off to rest up?” You asked, thoroughly unsurprised when Will whipped his head around to shoot you an incredulous look in response.
“I wish.” Will grumbled bitterly as his features hardened into something alarmingly close to resentment, the venom dripping from his words catching you off guard.
“Yeah, I figured, but it was worth a shot.” You shrugged in easy agreement in an attempt to dissipate some of the tension that had descended over the two of you and you hid a smile behind your coffee cup when Will let out a breath as he realized that you were under no delusions about how fucking annoyingly stubborn Jack could get. 
Nothing short of Will being on his deathbed would make Jack bench his best agent during such a high-profile case, no matter how ill Will was. 
“Guess that means I’ll be seeing you around then?” You mused, the man looking startled by the question for a moment before his eyes narrowed, his calculating gaze scrutinizing you for what felt like forever, before he found whatever he had been looking for and the tight line of his shoulders eased.
“Yeah.” He replied as his shoulders slumped, like he was buckling under the weight of the world. You tilted your head at him, eyes flicking over his side profile before you offered him your coffee again. This time, the man didn’t hesitate to take it, sipping at the contents as you both watched Jack wrap up the briefing. 
“Well, I look forward to working with you.” You stated with a genuine smile, pushing off the wall and letting him keep the rest of your coffee since you could just go get more whereas Will would most likely be at Jack's beck and call for the foreseeable future.
He looked a little lost for a moment, as if surprised by your kindness, before he pulled himself together enough to respond. “Likewise.” 
You gave him an encouraging nod and a wide grin before turning on your heel, filling out of the room with the rest of the group once you were all dismissed in order to get back to your desk and go about your usual duties, completely unaware of the way that Will’s keen gaze followed you as you went, his hand clutched around the cup of coffee you gave him.
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latinokokonoi · 5 months
when zoro and luffy’s twelve-month-old adopted daughter enters the stage where she begins to learn how to walk, they hold her hands for her to take her first steps. as soon as they let her palms go, she slips and her butt falls onto the wooden floor. it makes luffy immediately burst out his roaring laughs, his stomach hurting and body collapsing.
he keeps on cackling until he realizes he’s unintentionally being too loud and sees his daughter looking at him with startled, shocked, watery eyes, leading to a crying toddler.
“wait! what happened?! what’s wrong?!” luffy asks and sits up, stretching both arms to grasp the little girl and hold her close against his chest.
“she thinks you were being mean to her,” zoro firmly responds, a small smile coming out of him.
“whaaaaaattttt?!!!!! i don’t want to be mean to her!” luffy pouts at his still-sobbing daughter, so he pats her back as an attempt to calm her down, just like what chopper taught him, and it rapidly works, resulting in only small sniffles starting to come out of her.
“attagirl! no more tears! i’m so sorry for being a meanie! will you forgive your silly daddy?!” luffy coos to the baby girl with the high-pitched baby talk he solely uses for her. he rubs his nose against her cheek, picking her up and swinging her into the air each time a new giggle comes out of her.
“see?! now she doesn’t hate me anymore!” luffy brags to zoro, smooching and pretending to bite their daughter’s face, which is one of his favorite things in the world to do with her and it’s making nonstop laughters come out of her small body.
zoro will never imagine living without his adorable, precious little family.
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Deadass y'all in my dream last night, s5 was split into two half seasons, and we learned at the midway point that Mike was supposed to marry El as some contrived way to save her and defeat Vecna that doesn't make a lot of sense lmao but my dream was the mid-season interview between Finn, Millie, and Noah and Millie kept asking Finn, "So Mike knows he can save El by marrying her. Then why doesn't he? WHY DOESN'T HE??" and Finn kept looking into the camera like he was on the office and shrugging and doing this weirdass smile and Noah just sat there with his hands folded over his mouth like a disappointed parent. 😭 😭 💀
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
The trans experience of getting lucky with a new primary care provider who doesn't care about your transness or transition so long as you're getting the proper care
Manifesting this for every trans person because I finally felt like a normal human being going to a doctor
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wishful-seeker · 22 days
The only doctors that have my respect are ones that continue treatment even if they don't know why it works.
For example i have chronic nausea and vomiting. I throw up everyday, multiple times a day. My stomach doctor has no idea why and nausea meds DO NOT TOUCH IT. Went to the er for it and they gave me meds that coat my stomach. Its used for stomach ulcers, but for some reason it stopped my nausea and vomiting completely. Its resolved now as long as i take this.
I tell my stomach doctor this and he makes it a regular prescription of mine. He says he doesn't know why its helping but he "will never stop trying to make me better." (🥺) and if it works thats all that matters.
I also told him about the dietitian that tried to make me diet without ever seeing or speaking to me during a time where if i followed their advice id be in the hospital because i was constantly vomiting and they told me to eat LESS. When i called the dietitian to file a complaint for putting me in danger they lied and said my stomach doctor told me to diet, even though in the past he has specifically told me not to diet because of my issues, and i have physical proof it wasn't him. They then started denying my calls. Told all of this to my stomach doctor and he said he would personally call them and tell them not to do that ever again.
He says hes sorry he's been unable to help my health very much, but he says its not from a lack of trying, this is when he said the quote above about never giving up on me. This leads me to talk about how most doctors treat me horribly, and i've come to seriously hate every doctor i know besides him and my pain doctor. Ive had countless doctors see me once or twice, not know what to do, than refuse to ever see me again and give me no referls or guide for what to do next. I explain that when doctors don't know how to fix me, they get angry AT ME and are incredibly rude to me. I also told him that the urologist literally said he didn't care i was vomiting everyday. Stomach doc thinks all of this is horrible and a ridiculous way to treat a patient. Says something like "doctors are weirdos, when we can't figure out whats wrong it frustrates us, but thats no reason to treat you this way."
I've known this doc since i was 14, he removed my gallbladder after 2 years of undiagnosed severe abdominal pain and i figured out what was wrong. And this dude treats me like fucking FAMILY. When he comes into the room he shakes my dads and, and instead of shaking my hand he gently puts his hand on my shoulder and gives it a little squeeze. When he went to leave the room he shook my dads hand, i held out my hand for a handshake, which he gave, but he was aiming to give me a hug! And he gave me one!
Lastly, i have a heat sock i have to bring everywhere. Its rice in a sock that i heat in the microwave. I literally need it on my knees 24/7. Because of this is gets a little burnt and what used to be a white sock is now a very dirty looking brown. Its not actually dirty but it looks gross. Doc says something like "i know what to get you for your birthday! A new sock, because that one is gross." Lmaoooo
I really love this dude and you will probably never hear me say that about another doctor ever.
He listens to me, respects me, and ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT ME. I have never met a doctor that genuinely cared for me as a person, not a patient. My pain doctor cares, but he doesn't know me well or treat me like im his niece or something. This dude legit treats me like a member of his family, which i can tell you thats every disabled persons dream: a doctor who actually cares about them.
This dude is the goat.
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o-phreneticum · 23 days
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I still haven’t decided on NEO’s design
I also forgot to add wings (as always)
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distort-opia · 30 days
Never stop psychoanalyzing that clown
He can't get you behind the glass
it's fine
Hahaha yeah you're so right. It's not like he's ever escaped his enclosure and my hubris will absolutely not be my downfall
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the-forest-library · 2 months
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okay I viewed an apartment today and the landlord is a private person and she was really nice and she really liked me and I liked her and the apartment is AWESOME AND CHEAP and I’m supposed to call her tomorrow to give her a definite yes or no BUT I AM SO EXCITED I WANNA SKIP THE NIGHT AND JUST HAVE IT BE TOMORROW AND AAAAHHHH NEW APARTMENT!!!!
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Best Tom Ewell movies and performances:
1. The Seven Year Itch - Billy Wilder (1955)
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seaweedstarshine · 6 months
This part of The Crimson Horror novelization lives rent free in my mind:
‘I could materialise the TARDIS around her on stage!’ cried the Doctor. ‘No—’ he concluded bitterly. ‘Too conspicuous. Blow pipe?’ ‘What?’ ‘Use a blow pipe dart to knock her out. Just for a bit. Long enough to get her back here. Strong cuppa. Two rounds of toast. Gentle interrogation…’ ‘Right,’ I sighed. ‘Or—’ ‘Befriend her as a child! Easy! I can nip back in the TARDIS, make a huge impression on her when she’s just a nipper then reappear in her life and then it’ll be all bunting out, hail the conquering Doctor, all that. It’s worked before!’
He liked the results on Amy, so he tried it on Kazran Sardick, until causing lasting childhood trauma is one of his go-to solutions for easy compliance! That's my eleven. My eldritch horror.
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art-is-art-is-art · 6 months
I got terribly depressed today. Spent a couple hours thinking that my life is utterly hopeless and there's no chance to get better, and that nobody ever really loved me and never will. Suicide seems to be the best solution, but I'll continue living and that will be so agonising that I'll be sure that death would have been a better alternative. In other words, today I felt worse than usual. Maybe that's because I've been sleeping too little lately. 3-4 hours a night. It's very unusual too. I was too agitated to sleep. Maybe I'll sleep tonight and the next day will be a little better. Some day the loudest thought is "You have to start planning your suicide if you don't want the unnecessary pain to become more unbearable with every year"
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bbreaddog · 7 months
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The garage door was still open
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pastafossa · 1 year
I don't understand how people do this, how do I do this without the headphones to block noise, you just sit and concentrate on your task even though your clothes are noisy and the light is too loud??? You don't hear the furnace the neighbor is fixing 5 houses down??? You ignore the leaves on the street, each rustle needing to be catalogued by your brain as if they are visiting dignitaries and you are security tasked with knowing their location at all times in case of hostiles??? You don't do that???
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morrigan-sims · 8 months
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Been flying through making poses today, and here's one of my favorites so far...
(if you're thinking "Morri, is that another "suitor tucking Fallon's hair behind her ear" pose?" then the answer would be yes. Sorry.)
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miafi · 2 months
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