#and I'm sure someone else will coin it anyway lol
girlfag-gender · 1 year
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Yandernarcet- a narcet label relating to having NPD and being a yandere, or a "yandere" narcissistic archetype. This may or may not be affected by other -dere types and user may or may not have comorbid BPD
One who uses this term might feel as though their NPD manifests through obsession, putting people on pedestals, being full of love and admiration (but possibly only for that one person or a few people), intense jealousy, and/or thoughts of others being "special" or "chosen".
[IMAGE ID: a flag with 5 even stripes colored: dark pink, medium pink, light pink, red, and black on one side, and black, red, light pink, medium pink, dark pink on the other. Through the middle, a diagonal line made up of 3 stripes colored blueish purple, dark pinkish-purple, and blueish purple separates the two sides. In the center of the diagonal line is a light purple circle with two darker, pinkish-purple hearts in the middle. Each stripe on the diagonal line is outlined in an even darker purple. /. END ID]
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roobiedo · 6 months
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Happy Solarpunk Aesthetic Week and Winter Solstice! ❄️
While we do celebrate here, we don't actually experience winter in my region, or any of the classic four seasons! The weather here is basically a coin toss between searing heat and torrential rain lol. So while I was musing over how to adapt a solarpunk aesthetic to a tropical lifestyle, I came up with this!
Lengthy explanations and chaotic ideas below:
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Disclaimer: I am not a science-y person, so I'm not sure how any of these would technically work or what materials would go into making them. Hopefully one day someone could figure it out, but I'm just having fun sharing these ideas for now :)
What works well both in harsh sunlight and heavy downpours, plus is already something that people here use everyday? Umbrellas! How cool would it be to have an umbrella that absorbs sunlight during the day, and turns it into a personal spotlight at night? Or perhaps it could absorb and store large amounts of rainwater, to be re-used later or released somewhere more useful?
My main inspiration for this is the bamboo. This plant already plays a huge role in our lives here -- culturally, economically, and from what I recently learned, ecologically too! Our region suffers from floods often, and bamboo can help to control the flow of water, for example through their roots providing a barrier against soil erosion, or their ability to store large amounts of water and release it gradually during drier seasons. (And that's just one of the many reasons why bamboos are awesome and solarpunky!) I thought it would be cool to have water stored in the 'bamboo nodes' of the umbrella shaft, which could then be detached and used individually, or as components in other tech!
I chose the Amazonian lily pad as the canopy design because 1) it looks big enough to cover a person, 2) it has a wide surface for solar panels to 'photosynthesize' energy, 3) its container-like shape looks as though it could hold rainwater like a funnel while it trickles into the shaft, and 4) it just looks really pretty! Realistically, this canopy might not be able to do everything at once, so I'm hoping for this tech to be modular and highly customizable -- as in, you could replace this 'lily pad' with something else that serves a different function! I did play around with some other designs, here they are hehe
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Hibiscus: Our national flower! Have these bad boys growing in my yard so I thought why not. Not sure what functions it would have yet... perhaps the pistil could be a sensor for gathering weather data? Or maybe the anthers are little lights? Maybe it attracts BEES???
Mushroom: Not familiar with the fungi in my area yet so I went with the classic Amanita. Though now I'm kinda regretting because! Wouldn't it be so cool and lunarpunky to design it based on a bio-luminescent mushroom, so it would make sense for the umbrella to glow in the dark? AGH missed opportunities ;;
Anyway while I was designing the umbrella I thought about giving the model a cool fit too, so tadaaa! A customizable pair of pants that can be worn as a shorts + half-skirt/sarong combo during hot weather, or extended to become a full pair of jeans during colder/rainy times! I used zippers as the connectors because they seem easy to sew on and I like the punky vibe it adds to the outfit. HOWEVER, I'm realising that might be inconvenient or way too time consuming for some people. Maybe buttons, magnets or hook-and-loop fasteners would be easier?
As for the shirt, idk that was just for fun. Maybe it changes colour/design based on the surrounding temperature?
So YEAH that was my longer-than-expected idea dump for this week! Thank you for reading <3 If you have any thoughts or ways of expanding on these ideas please please please share them with me I'm just really excited to see what people think waaaaa!!! ok bye stay hydrated
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I saw a post of yours saying you'd accept prompts for the reader character from Honeymoon, and while I don't have one yet I was wondering if while writing Honeymoon, did a particular name/coined nickname come to mind to you for the character? Or were there generally any side thoughts that came to mind like little headcanons that you couldn't get into the work?
(I know you've gotten a lot of asks about Honeymoon lately so I'm sorry if you're getting tired of getting asks about it specifically 🫠)
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Oh I never tire of it, in fact the more y’all ask the more I go from it being perhaps one of the most solitary pieces I’ve ever written to finally having a little more of a concept behind it. So it helps me start thinking up plot. >And I’d welcome all the suggestions!!<
I was captivated by the wholesome salaciousness of a next morning walk with Elvis after the wedding night and how the whole world would be invested in it,. That alone drove that fic, very isolated. If you’ve ever been to a good ole fashioned southern Baptist wedding you know the tittering blushiness of what everyone knowing “what’s gonna happen to you tonight.” So I was thinking of that but magnified by global interest and Elvis’ carefully crafted image of his perfect little lady.
First off, no, I’ve no nickname in particular, which honestly now I’m realizing that would be a lovely way to keep it a reader fic but have a little name for her. I’d want it something soft and sweet like Bunny or Buttercup, Honey Bunch, Schooby Doo or something similarly saccharine. Elvisey.
Now as for plot, much of what I might’ve done back when I wrote it has now been written by others, and written very well. So I’ve started to simmer on something else, maybe regarding the Governor’s daughter at the time he came home, except not Ann the eldest who he flirted with and maintained a friendship with, but rather a baby sister? Someone far too young when he first came back yet was star struck and dreamy over him in 1960. But Honeymoon and any of its new surrounding fics would be in the late 60’s and perhaps she ends up the bride. I’m really intrigued about exploring two things:
1. Elvis marrying a sweet little baby belle to spare her reputation after a bit of his foolin’ got her name gnarled up with his and shenagins that never did go as far as the papers say, but she’s a bit ruined all the same in her father’s circles. So perhaps outta respect for her father and the appeals of her older sister to help somehow and his almost mystically idealistic appreciation for rewarding virtue and defending the innocent, he marrys her to save her good name. And dear me, she’s so in love with him, she’d do anything for him and he’s terribly nervous that he’s not cut out for marriage but he’s trying and goodness me it is fun to play house with someone so sublime.
All this is just me spit balling.
2. I want more of Elvis actually getting commissioned as a agent or ambassador or something of that nature for once, the dear man so wanted to be of use to his country and sure, maybe his new posting isn’t what he expected without much gun fighting and need for karate kicks but his his career was lacking anyway and his helpful little wife knows this world well and is an immense help and assures him that his smile alone could bring world peace. Germany again, perhaps? Cold War shennagins? Middle East? Where would y’all like to send him?
Does this inspire any thoughts? Opinions? That’s what I’m stewing on so far though it’s not sure enough for me to have the vision for a scene I can write out.
Thank you again for asking and sorry for the way I’ve just word vomited lol.
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strqyr · 10 months
Here are some dots for you to connect: 1) Raven guards the Relic of Knowledge, but her Amity Arena bio puts emphasis on Choice 2) Ozpin says he took extra precautions when hiding the Relic of Choice (there is a fan theory that it is not at Beacon) 3) the Relics attract Grimm 4) when Yang went looking for Raven with Ruby, she found an abandoned house full of Grimm 5) in the Fairy Tale of the Indecisive King, the Relic of Choice drives the King insane with knowledge of the future
okay, so. i have many thoughts on this so apologizes beforehand if i start rambling a lot and this all goes all over the place.
anyway, starting with the vaults: i'm assuming the vaults were made by the god of light to keep the relics safe until ozma found them, and thus originally ozma was the key to all of them via the four blessings he has, and by giving one blessing to one maiden each (the wizard summoned as much of his magic as he could, and bestowed it upon four maidens), the maidens became the key to their respective blessing (winter for creation, summer for destruction, etc.)
if this is the case, then i doubt that ozpin managed to do anything to the beacon vault that would necessarily alter the vault itself, bc it's not in the realm of his magical abilities; that is to say, if it's currently not at beacon, i'm doubtful it has ever been there in the first place—unless this can be filed under "who knows what else ozpin has hid from us over the eyes" in which case, well. what i just said goes out the window lol. anyway, thanks to the haven vault, we also have some level of understanding of what "more challenging" might mean: the haven vault had a secret elevator revealed by a pocket watch inserted into a slot meant for it in a statue. so whatever ozpins means by "more challenging", it needs to go beyond additional object as a key to reveal the entrance to the area were the vault resides.
so, let's talk about choice for a moment. every chance they get, choice is, to an extent, categorized as change. humanity was given choice, the ability to use the knowledge they had gathered and to choose between the paths of light and darkness. the shallow sea is a story about humans having the choice to join the god of animals on their island, to jump into the waters below and turn into what would become faunus. ascension is about change, but the tree doesn't force anyone to ascend; afterans can ignore the call, or in some other cases they can be stopped from ascending by someone else, and whatever they become afterwards is their choice to make, by using information they gathered in their previous life.
(perhaps it's interesting then, that no matter how much knowledge the cat has, no matter how much they learn, they don't have the choice to ascend.)
ozpin gave the branwen twins a choice to accept the gift he offered in form of shapeshifting. they accepted, just like the maidens did before them. the maidens became keys to the vaults... if an object as an additional security to a vault is out of question, what's the step above that? is it another person? perhaps.... two?
it doesn't surprise me that choice pops up so much with raven; she is the maiden of knowledge, and choice is to knowledge as creation is to destruction: they're two sides of the same coin. you really can't have one without the other. but it's the weight behind it—and how the crown in the story gives a glimpse of future and how sure raven was the ozpin would fail and beacon would fall—that gives it the air of "maybe there's something more to this", and based on what we do know, the safest bet currently is that the shapeshifting came with something extra that raven and qrow probably didn't agree to (and that maybe, raven found out.)
(it would also be funny if by "more challenging" ozpin really meant "good luck getting raven to cooperate lol")
as for the location of the beacon vault... i've discussed this to much detail and i've gone between "ozpin said the tower couldn't fall and all those (now destroyed) gears could probably do something fancy if the long memory with its gears can store kinetic energy" and "tai is sus for being so vague about his reasons for not going after ruby—"i've got to... look after some things."—and staying solidly on patch no matter what" and at this... in universe it's been over a year since the fall of beacon and whoever coughsummercough is looking for the vault at beacon is not succeeding at it even after all this time, so that does maaaaaybe give more credence to the possibility that is has never been there in the first place? but if it's on patch, then it probably wasn't a secret all of team strq was aware of—and i think it's interesting how qrow says "summer secret" so... casually? like, the summer rose who never lies? which makes it sound like keeping oz-related secrets from each other was the norm for team strq and this was understood across the board and trying to fish for more information was a no-go from the start—so it being a secret tai had to keep would make sense. and if that's the case, then the old abandoned building that was probably tai and raven's old home since yang thought she could find raven there would be the prime suspect.
but really, i have no idea where the vault actually could be located at. i'm more certain that raven and qrow are extra keys to its exact location, but the vault itself could be anywhere: could be at beacon, could be on patch, or forever fall, or somewhere in the ruins of emerald forest where new students choose a relic that puts them onto teams... could be mountain glenn.
honestly, if change is central to choice, then who knows, maybe it moves around between few select locations. could be all of the above. let the vault be free to choose lmao
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johnsbleu · 4 months
hii someone asked for me for visuals of each character in hmh and tbh some people i know what they look like in my head but can't find an actor/actress that they look like but i do with some people, so here u go lmao
obviously who i picture might not be who you picture and that's totally fine! it's just who i picture in my head! if you picture someone else, let me know! i'd love to hear!
oh and also these are grown people because im a grown ass woman. i'm not gonna be like yeah i totally see sabrina carpenter as reader bc like she's 23 or something lmao i mean if you picture her, then that's cool but i don't lol anyway grown people here!
one more thing: if these people are problematic or something, do not hold it against me. i don't know half these people it's just who i picture lmao the only people i keep up with are keanu and jessica rothe.
all pics are under the cut!
ps. the last one is super controversial :/
for tess is jessica rothe. i've had her in my mind since day one of writing hmh. just everything about her is tess.
her dressed as madonna???? very tess!
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jimmy is obviously the guy who plays him in the movie and that's thomas sadoski (fun fact: he's married to amanda seyfried IRL)
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even though she's rarely in hmh right now i totally see sonoya mizuno as april (specially her from crazy rich asians) she has that perfect studious and cutesy look i see when i think of april (remember she's the one who researched the ~mysterious~ coin reader found in the beginning of hmh lmao)
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(another fun fact her and jessica rothe were in la la land together and i didn't know that until like a year after i started writing hmh)
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she's not in hmh much right now but when i think of jen, i think of arielle kebble, specially her with a bob like this. i think she's adorable! i don't know anything about her but i think she's in 911 right now??? idk i know she was in john tucker must die lmao
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i see paul reiser and olivia colman (with an american accent lmao) as reader's parents. he's in stranger things and every time he says "kiddo" im like that's reader's dad!
and remember annoying matt? yeah he looks like this in my head. idk anything about this guy but i wanna punch his face lmao when i started writing matt, i knew i needed a guy who didn't look like he was 22 or something. i needed a guy who looked older and that would make john feel threatened because he's not a kid, he's a grown adult.
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aurelio is obviously john leguizamo!
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as for amanda, aurelio's wife, (whomst i LOVE dearly in hmh) i can't think of who i would pick to play her but i see amanda being pretty short, maybe like 5'0 and being a mid sized girly with shoulder length blonde hair.
grace is a super cutesy ginger and tony is...idk just a white kid? lmao some people i don't really think about what they look like. the people that we spend the most time with in hmh have faces to their names though for sure.
and as for reader, i picture...............no one. she doesn't have a face, which is really weird. i think being the person who writes hmh it's hard for me to picture her. i picture myself sometimes because it makes it easier to describe certain scenarios (i just picture myself doing them and write it lmao) but even then i still don't look like myself (my imagination is very nice to me and it makes me very hot when i do picture myself lmao)
reader has this ability to go from cute girl next door to being super sexy and hot and i can't think of an actress (in my opinion) who really encapsulates that. all i know for reader is that she's about 5'0 tall (only comes up to john's shoulder) and she has brown hair. and clearly because of the 'peach' nickname, she has a very nice ass. probably nice boobs too because i mean who doesn't want nice boobs lmao
i remember scrolling through pinterest one day for pics for ig edits and i came across the cutest little girl and something clicked and i immediately went..."that's ronan." obviously she's going to look different than how you all picture her (and she's still a baby right now) but to me in my mind, this is totally ronan when she's like two
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bleu is the most handsomest boy, of course! here he is with chad at a showing of john wick chapter two. his name irl is bubba/burton. they ended up just calling him bubba because keanu couldn't remember the name burton. also keanu hung out with him on set of jw2 to build their bond 😭 look at his fucking pathetic little face he's so cute i love him!!!!!!!!!!!
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you guys might disagree with me but i totally see keanu reeves as john wick. like everything about him is so perfect for john. like his hair, his beard, his intense but soft brown eyes. he's the perfect person for john ;) he has the ability to play super dangerous and scary but also can be very gentle and soft. idk maybe it's just me though??? 🤭
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anyways that's just a few people! that was fun lmao
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little-peril-stories · 10 months
OC Name Meanings
Rules: Put down an OC or more and tell what their name means.
Thanks for the tag, Anna! 💜 @starlit-hopes-and-dreams
you know what time it is. time for an open tag.
When I was a kid, my parents had these physical books of baby names and their meanings. I've always liked to write and create characters, so you know I was obsessed with those books. There was one in particular I more or less just kept (at that point it was clear they were done having kids, lol). I mean, that thing was tattered. The cover came clean off. Sometimes I was using it for the stories I was writing; sometimes, I was literally just reading it like a book.
So, as you might expect, I always take great care when naming my characters. I like to choose names with deep symbolic meanings that fit their characterization.
Nope lol I literally just pick names that sound cool or that come into my head at that moment.
Let's see how I did with the crew from The Prince of Thieves / The Queen of Lies.
Sources: Baby Names | Baby Center | Nameberry, aka the first three websites that came up in my search
Breanna: noble | strong, hill | virtuous, honourable
I wanted to make her full name her something else that looks similar, but when I searched up the pronunciation, it wouldn't abbreviate to Bree, which I had very randomly decided on, so she became Breanna instead. Someone should tell TQOL Breanna that her name means "strong" — I'm sure she'll be astonished.
From TPOT: Bree saw hope and fucking grabbed it. She heard Gysborne tell her she was going to her death, and she hurled herself toward her chance at life. Bree Cooper is still clinging to that hope, and it is beautiful.
This is probably NOT going to be in the final draft of TQOL so have it here: ...but she had a voice, and she could kick her legs, and being quiet and demure and the good wife had served her well for so long, and it had worked, more or less, but today, this was a different beast, a different foe, and if she didn’t fight, then there was no one else to fight for her, was there?
William: will, desire, helmet, protection | resolute protection
Honestly, he was invented on the spot and I probably named him after Will Turner, because pirates will never not be sexy? Anyway. Can't believe one of these names is actually spot on. Yay!
No, I vow. I have already decided, long known, in fact, that I will not betray the others. Baden Hatchett will never hear the names James Wardrew, Colette Haris, or Geoffrey Marks. I will take their names and the location to whatever unmarked grave they dig for me. I will take my own name into death with me if it means it will protect the others.
James: supplanter | heel
Another generic dude name I sort of picked out of nowhere... or, more likely, I probably saw one of the countless Outlander gifs that go around and stole Jamie Fraser's name. Jamie W. does act like a heel sometimes so that works. Jk Jamie we love you!
If you want IA, then you want me. If the man you arrested goes free, unharmed, I will turn myself in, and Iustitia aecum will be no more.
Colette: victory of the people | people of victory
Her name just happened! No rhyme or reason. Glad this is what it means though, who knows what would've happened to IA if it meant the opposite.
"And then Spider… She… When the chance to do something good for people who had nothing, when that opportunity finally presented itself… That little wooden coin… It changed my life.”
Geoffrey: God peace | peace, territory, pledge | pledge of peace
No idea why I picked this name—or why, around the same time, I also had a character called Jeff (Jeffersen) in Fen & Freddie. But hey! Geoff doesn't talk much, so the whole "peace" thing kind of tracks.
Geoff wraps his arms around me, presses his face against my neck, the unkempt, wiry hairs of his beard digging into my skin, a sublime sort of torment, innocent yet lethal. “Jamie. You are my family."
Allan: little rock | handsome | cheerful
He gets the honour of being the only character to have the same name as someone from the Robin Hood stories. (Will doesn't count.) He isn't particularly cheerful and I suspect he doesn't believe he's that handsome, but at least I got to name him Allan-a-Dale.
I scrabble on the muddy ground, finding a rock the size of my fist. Although my grip is weak from the cold, I hold it up.  ... I hurl it at him, trying to hit his head and falling embarrassingly short. “You’re one of them.” I feel around for another stone, find a smaller one, throw that, too.
Baden: bather | son of bade [other websites also gave me "battle" and "humble, confident"... idk 🤔]
Honestly? “Baden Hatchett” sounded really cool and villainous. I burst into laughter when I saw that the one site said "bather." This guy…he wants to cleanse the world of crime. 😂 But really, I just named him after the place in Germany (it’s also a small community in Ontario) for no other reason than that it sounds cool.
The delinquent rat before me, though, will never wash away the stain of his crimes—the years stealing riches from the pockets of hardworking men, of luring impressionable innocents into his gang of thieves. Nor can he brush away the bruise blossoming across his jaw, nor the blood dripping down his chin from his nose.
Curtis: courteous, courtly | polite
His name just happened. Constable Lenton needed a first name for TQOL and this was it. But it makes sense—guess this is why he's always so pissed off about someone using rude language about Breanna. 🙃 Swearing’s not very courteous at all, is it?
“Enough of your miserable attitude and your filthy tongue.” Curt’s voice was sharp enough to cut. Slick with disgust. Harsh with rage. “You want to mouth off to me or Constable Hatchett or any of us and take your licks for acting like a wild animal? Fine. But there’s a lady present, and you’ll behave accordingly. Do you understand?”
Verity: truth
I just really wanted her name to abbreviate to very so I could associate Colette with Much. That's the whole story there.
Rolling my eyes, nudging her with my elbow, I say, “Pay attention. Help me assuage some of my guilt.”
“Can’t do that,” Verie says gently, and I hate her for being right. “You ought to tell him whatever it is you lied about.”
Thank you so much for this tag! It was really fun. &lt;3
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fizzingwizard · 1 year
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Today on things I IMMEDIATELY turned off, lol...
But first, props to tumblr for at least making sure we all knew about the change, not just silently adding it and making some random tumblr user release a psa. And for making it customizable/easy to disable.
I get how this could be fun. I hate blaze, but if you've got cash to burn and you really think so-and-so's video of a hamster in a party hat is the funniest thing ever, sure, it's your money, waste it how you want. Better to throw some coins to tumblr for hamsters in party hats than treat us to more mainstream ad content.
Of course, out of all the blazed posts that have ended up on my dash, very few have been hamsters-in-party-hats worthy. Most have just been stuff I didn't care about or something mildly insulting. But maybe the hamsters-in-party-hats crowd just don't have money.
Biggest concern is whether you get to consent first to someone else choosing to blaze your post. Tumblr says if someone blazes our post we'll be informed, and have the option to cancel it. It's an opt out instead of opt in. That's what bugs me. I hate opt out. I'd rather that if someone wanted to blaze my post, I had to definitively say "Yes." What if someone blazes my post and I'm in the hospital and don't see it before it's live? You CAN pull it after, which is great, but why not skip that whole song and dance by requiring people to opt in before the post can go live?
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Lol. I don't agree. But we'll see.
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Also disagree. Blazing is not the same as reblogging. I can't control what other people reblog which ends up on my dash, but I CAN choose who I follow, and if their content becomes something I'm not interested in, I can unfollow them. Only way out of Blaze is to cough up money for ad-free browsing. A while ago I tried blocking blogs that put blazed posts on my dash, but the blazed posts continued to appear. Maybe that has been fixed, I don't know.
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The sticking point really is a matter of consent. I've been on tumblr for ten years. I don't freaking remember most of what I posted back then. There's probably something embarrassing someone who really disliked me could dig up if they wanted to. If this option MUST be opt-out, then I wish at least all posts made before the change were opt-in only. If the approval process before someone is allowed to blaze your post is more robust than I anticipate, I won't mind as much though. Basically just let people have the MAIN say in whether or not their post gets blazed, instead of treating the informing of the OP like it's a courtesy.
Tumblr should keep in mind that a lot of original content here is diary-like, personal, meant for a small group of followers who feel comfortable with each other. It's not a site many people use to make their BRAND. That's ALSO one of the good things about tumblr - I don't sit around worrying about how fake everyone is like I do almost anywhere else. That's why I'm not interested in this feature. I can see it being used for good - blazing a gofundme for someone in need, for example - but I just don't want to wade through even more cringe I didn't ask for on my dash. Sigh.
Anyway, hopefully everyone who doesn't want this opts out without a hitch (for side blogs too).
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sandshadow9 · 2 years
Can you elaborate on what aspects of the WoF worldbuilding you find to be underbaked? I'm interested in your point of view(and it's been a while since I've reread them so my memory isn't the freshest lol)
Thanks for ask @aspirationatwork! To prevent this from getting too long I’ll use bullet points and try to briefly describe my thoughts on the topic. OK here we go
- The animus magic system: Its origins are a mystery, it’s limitations (if any) are vague and undefined, and its inheritance is random. Someone else (maybe on the subreddit?) pointed out that Tui had to get rid of animus magic since she had basically written herself into a corner and made it too overpowered which I think is a valid point but I’m not happy about it.
- NightWing powers: Now I enjoy mind reading/prophecy powers a lot, but these powers stick out like a sore thumb compared to the abilities of the other tribes and we never really find out how the NightWings got them.
- The aging system: Need I say more?
- The naming system: Also very creative for Tui to give the humans the same naming system.
-Size of fruits and non-dragon animals: Just overall proportions of dragons vs the environment that seems to change every so often as fits the scene.  
- MudWing breeding night: Of all the scraps of MudWing lore Tui could have given us, this is what she came up with. 
- The Scorching: the biggest event in dragon history was left vague for a very long time, and then once an explanation was offered it was lame and only provided half the answers. It might have explained why the dragons conquered the continent but not really why they then differentiated into different Tribes.
- Inconsistent characterization and character arcs: While it maybe doesn’t fall into the “world building” category, character arcs are definitely an important part of story crafting, and I don’t think I need to provide specific examples. Every WOF fan has their own.
-Overall dragon culture and society: This is probably a personal bias, but the way the different dragon tribes live and work and rule are kind of brushed over in a lot of ways. I’m not expecting Lord of the Rings level detailed world-building here, but there are certain things that just don’t hold up when you think too deeply on them. Stuff like the IceWing Circles or how currency works (is it a bartering system? Do they use coins and gold?) or how the postal system works. 
Others can feel free to add other stuff or disagree, these are just what come to mind for me. But I do want to explain that I don’t say this to be hateful of the WOF books as that would be immensely hypocritical of me, a person who actively creates fan content for the series. Some part of me loves this series obviously, or else I wouldn’t have the passion to write for it, but it's the same love for it that makes all these things stick out to me. 
I also want to take this chance to explain a comment I made in my previous post: that it is very telling that Tui was given the suggestion to write a book about dragons rather than her coming up with the idea from scratch. Anyone who has created their own original story or even an AU has probably felt the universal experience of feeling overwhelmed with the details of how the world works and the characters they are writing about. This comes from a place of love and passion for what’s being created - and I just don’t think Tui has that love for WOF. 
I am sure she had a fun time writing it, or I hope she did, but I just don’t feel the love in the story. The characters are wishy washy since she doesn’t really love them. The world building is shaky because she probably hasn’t spent years daydreaming about it and turning it over in her head.
Anyway, this post is getting long enough. I’d like to know how others feel about this, but these are just my thoughts :3
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mareenavee · 1 year
👜😴 and 💢 for the OC asks. The emojis are evolving!
YOU KNOW WHAT I cannot for the life of me find the key for this ask. I swear I tagged it. I usually do. But even scrolling through my blog has left me without a link back. Maybe the OC emojis evolved right off the website and into the ether. If you have/find the original post, link me in a comment and I'll reblog with a real answer LOL
So I'm going to make it up to you by sharing a snippet that has something to do with the general mood those emojis convey. Perhaps in this case, being tired and annoyed after having traveled somewhere?
From Chapter 19 from, of course, my fic -- The World on Our Shoulders.
“Not everything in this world is as it seems at first glance,” Teldryn said with a shrug. It was what she had said herself, sitting right in this same seat, just yesterday. “That said, I’m going after her.”
“Just be careful, Sero,” Geldis warned. Teldryn nodded and pushed his plate away. It would be best to go pack in case she did indeed manage to get a fair way toward Tel Mithryn on her own. He was ready to go in less than ten minutes, but that was enough for his plans to change drastically. In another veritable whirlwind of ash, Nyenna was already back in the Netch, looking disheveled and furious. She stalked downstairs and tried to pass him on the way to her room, but he stopped her. She set a glowing heart stone down on the table nearby and put her hands on her hips.
“What exactly,” she asked bitterly, “does one have to do in order to not to be swarmed by these ash spawn?” She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed in utter exasperation. “That and the damned ash storm!? I couldn’t see a thing but the Bulwark out there!”
“I see you’ve been…acquainted…with the ash wastes,” Teldryn said pointedly. She was fuming, face flushed and everything. “I happen to be an expert navigator of them.”
“Yes, I’m sure you are,” she said sarcastically. She gave him a disgusted glare and scooped up the heart stone she’d deposited before stalking away from him toward her room, slamming the door behind her.
“That went about as well as expected,” Geldis said with a snort.
“Give me a moment,” Teldryn sighed. He cracked his knuckles and walked over to her door. Knocked once. Then twice. Geldis only muttered under his breath and turned back to his work.
“Go away!” she said, muffled. Rude, really.
“I know someone else who can help you,” Teldryn said as evenly as he could. The door, much to his surprise, creaked open. She’d let down her hair, which frizzed wildly in every direction. She folded her arms and leveled him with an irritated stare.
“What?” she asked, still seeming a bit short-tempered.
“I’m friends with the smith in the market square. I could introduce you, and maybe he can make you a helmet or a mask or something so you can get through the ash storms more easily,” he said quickly, fully convinced she’d slam the door in his face before he finished talking. She sniffed loudly and stepped out of her room. She’d already shed the metal layer of her armor. One of her sleeves was torn straight through to her undershirt and a long, raised welt circled the exposed skin of her arm. She’d crossed paths with a netch in the storm, it seemed. He’d done that himself more than once.
“Fine,” she grumbled. “Thank you. I’m not going out of town again today, anyway.” He nodded and she closed the door on him again. It was progress. He did feel a little sorry for her troubles, though. He wondered if even the guards had tried to warn her or not. Anyone out there could have seen the signs a storm was brewing. If he’d been awake, he’d have told her, at the very least, though…from what little he could discern about her, she’d probably have gone off on her own anyway. Teldryn sat at the table nearest to her room. Geldis brought over a pot of tea for her, which he wouldn’t take any coin for, even as Teldryn tried to pay for it. In a few moments, Nyenna came out of her room, torn armor in hand, and sat down heavily next to him.
“Thanks for the tea,” she said with a small nod in his direction. Her hair was pulled back away from her face now, but it was still looking pretty wild, especially without her circlet. She was wearing a mage robe with fine teal embroidery, which suited her, he thought. Teldryn cracked the tiniest of smiles and nodded back. Oh no, he wasn’t about to let Geldis take the credit for this act of kindness. This could be part of a second attempt, maybe. He watched as she poured herself a cup, and then glanced up at him and pushed the other mug and the rest of the tea toward him.
“No problem at all,” he drawled. Geldis made an affronted sound up by the bar, but busied himself with drying dishes and mugs as he usually did, and said nothing more. Teldryn waited while she began to stitch the tear in her armor sleeve with heavy black thread. Her eyebrows knit as she concentrated. Her hands moved deftly, and he noticed other similar fixes the more she turned the armor to work on it. He sipped his own tea in relative silence, until she bit the end of her thread after tying it off, and held out the sleeve to check it.
“All set,” she said. Teldryn leaned toward her and instead of moving away from him, she showed off her handiwork. “Not bad, considering the size of the…ehm…thing that I stupidly ran underneath. I can’t believe how much damage they can do when startled!”
“The netch?” Teldryn asked with a chortle.
“Yes! Honestly, I can’t believe I forgot. To be fair, I’d never seen one before. I figured if I followed the shore I’d get to Tel Mithryn without too much trouble… and then when the ash storm hit, I didn’t even know which direction I was walking. I didn’t see the thing until it was too late. Their stings really hurt, actually,” she said, rubbing her arm as if a ghost of the previous pain had flared up. “But it didn’t continue to attack me, really, it just sort of floated further out over the water with two even larger netch.”
“You were lucky they didn’t see you as a threat. Even a raging netch calf can easily kill a man in seconds. I’ve seen it,” Teldryn said somberly.
“I’d have been fine,” Nyenna said dismissively. She folded her armor. Teldryn leaned his elbows on the table and looked at her with a wry grin. She’d said that without much confidence behind it. Just a surety, like it was fact and nothing more. Like no matter what she attempted, something would bring her through it. Perhaps even if she didn’t want that to be the case. Perhaps like some kind of legendary hero…
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leonaluv · 1 year
I think in the end Suho will choose the money anyway, because "it's the right thing to do". Can you do a brief signification of Xiumin's ideal type? He is the most mysterious one to me, as if he is gate keeping. I'm curious how different his ideal is from what he actually chooses. For sure Sehun is like a baby, in the videos that I have seen, he kind of does whatever and Suho takes responsibility, even said to Sehun in one video "it's not like you will do anything anyway" lmao
True he about that bag 💰at end of the day.
He type the short version lol someone kind , bubbly, and cute
Xiumin likes someone that puts a lot of effort into their work and life. You have to tell this type of person to stop working because they will come to work even if sick. Someone that isn't into drama and gossiping all the time. They try to avoid conflict and generally are, at least on the outside, cheerful people.
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They like to celebrate the little things in life and try their best. They can laugh at themselves and be someone that tends to smile all the time. Someone that wouldn't name-drop and the type of person to be humble. You wouldn't know about their achievements unless someone else bought them. They always like to keep the peace and are just good people. They don't do things for attention, just someone who is their person in that way. Someone with a unique style to them.
Cards: peacemaker, 5 wands reverse, 10 wands, 8 swords, optimistic
Vs the person - someone family oriented, someone that would say sleep is only for dead, they like to work. Young at heart. Child eternal, 10 of coins, and 9 swords reverse
Somewhat similar just the main issue for him is just that they can be foreign.
I watch Sehun in busted like him in that show .
He did step up for his costar a lot so he has that manly quality too. I know I said he likes o be taken care of but that was just a small part of him to.
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shabo00 · 2 years
Wow, magical girls! Madoka Magica
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You know what the world needs more of? 12 episode series. It's so nice to have a few free days and no plans and just watch something and get an entire complete story. Like 5-10 hours is the perfect runtime for my ADHD addled mind.
Anyway spoilers lol!!!!
Episode count aside, this show is weird. Not in like a heady and convoluted weird, but in a "I don't know what to think of this" weird. Super pretty from start to finish, good animation, directing, music, most things really. But really spotty writing. I'd be invested entirely in Madoka's adventures in doing nothing, then it'd give some time to another girl and I'd lose all interest. I don't CARE about Kyouko's dumb backstory, she's not interesting. Oh she eats food a lot cuz she was poor and didn't have any before? That's crazy! Sayaka is sorta interesting at least.
This is Homura and Madoka's story, the others either detract from the enjoyment or are just side characters that help build them. The story of those two is great. I love character's like Madoka, people who are, to put it in a way, selfishly selfless. For better or for worse they'll throw themselves under the bus for others at the drop of a hat, even if it's dumb, wrong, or if they were specifically told not to. Maybe it's because they value themselves so little, or value others so much more. It's a type of character I really enjoy. And Homura is pretty much the other side of the coin, jaded by what's happened to her, sure, but still willing to give it all for someone else.
The conclusion to their story is something I'm not as sure about. The whole ascension thing is iffy. Madoka becoming some omniscient, omnipresent magical girl deity cheapens the rest of the story for me honestly. And I can't properly articulate why. It's unsatisfying, but it doesn't feel like it's deliberate. I don't cheer for her when she ascends, I feel weird about it, which would be fine if it felt deliberate but it doesn't seem to be. Does the show want me to be happy for her? Sad for her? What is it trying to say? It leaves me confused.
I'll put it down to sloppy execution. The show doesn't want me to be confused about it, it wants me to be sure this was the right thing to do. That Madoka made the right choice. But it does it in a way where I can't agree. It stumbles hard, thematically, at this climax. Madoka Magica presents it's themes as it goes and then doesn't really tie it off in a good way. Not something I'd highly recommend, unless you dig the aesthetic (It's great). But, it's an interesting show and I wouldn't wish I spent my time on something else. We all know how wishes go.
*note: The incubators should have been some sort of magical entities instead of aliens with an energy crisis
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DBD episode rewatch: EP 3!!!
yadayada, autofill, no proofreading we die like Maxine
I never realized that last ep was the first time Crystal learned about the rules of who can see dead people
WAIT EDWIN SAID IT WAS DANGEROUS okay watching these recaps IS helpful bc CK literally *knew* Edwin would be in danger in the town and therefore forced to comply with him, and pressured to get it over with quickly. Fuck him.
these ghosts have a lot of issues
I bet that foot is one of Angie's crumbs
Dorian Gray
tbh for a while I thought that since the image thing is "low magic" then it must have been the wraith who cursed the tape. at sind point I abandoned that but I don't remember why...
I really think Charles likes Crystal for reals bc until this episode she had not shown interest in him and has in fact declined his advances, so when he says "your case is still our favorite" it that voice, it isn't as if he thinks she 'needs' a man, like his people-pleaser self would have given up days ago were he not the one interested. Nobody here is really giving him pressure or advice regarding Crystal like they do in some media depicting a certain comphet boy, and even if they were, Charles has thus far given no indication that his flirting is part of his fucked up mediation tactic coping mechanism. I don't really see the reasoning behind denying his feelings for Crystal even if she isn't the only one, but I do see him all smiley around her. IDK that's just where I'm at for the moment but feel free to correct me in the askbox, and I might write something more articulate later if I feels like it.
Where do I recognize the actor of this ghost woman Susan???
If Susan inherented the house, either the wife owned it or the husband had no living family. I bet these girls didn't have any grandparents whose house they could hide out at, only the aunt.
do we ever see Susan move on?
she must have saved those coins to get herself something nice. she never got to spend it the way she intended.
OH. he feels better after exploding. he had to get it all out. OH
Also, tangibility rule loredrop!! I wonder if they can touch water to wash ask the shit out. presumably so, as his ghostly body appears to retain moisture based on the contents of his skull.
Crystal is trying a very straightforward approach to clearing the air.
she assumes he'd be 'fun'. like that is a pretty specific word. Like. she's put thought into that.
Edwin doesn't want to provide third party "conjecture", as in a baseless opinion. He won't weigh in until he's *been involved* with one of them(Charles). haha okay I'm done. But he definitely IS giving an opinion, so he was lying.
Of course you're going Niko, you're cool as hell
I want to know her top three favorite public buildings to visit
I like that she compulsively grabs the colormatched coat
Does he even register the jealousy comment? All I see is his tounge in his teeth and the collar pop. We know it's red, man.
was that a howl??
she is so DONE with that joke
where'd all that wind go whenever the other two leave the library?
So Jenny "documentaries" Green is all of a sudden weirded out and scared when it's her own town.
I like that his woman outfit matches his usual outfit
HYSTERIA mention number TWO!
and she fires right back with calling him gay. I mean, she's right.
Has Niko had a crush who lined someone else before, it is she talking about her gay manga?
Die Edwin think that Niko means Crystal instead of Charles? DOES SHE MEAN THAT!?
I mean if Edwin thinks she's talking about Crystal, no wonder he was so confused. they argue a lot.
Niko is so off-task but Edwin is watching the desk LMAO
"look what happens when you get married" you're so right Maxine. Cleaning up must be so difficult.
Maxine is so frickin cute
of COURSE this is when they introduce her. Nobody just "snaps" there's always a pattern. anyways, I'm not sure what the point of this comment is lol..
Investigators are baffled. gossipers are inventing *reasons* for him to snap. the truth practically buries itself.
"It's bad for my health"
why is esther so willing to give info??
I like how Jenny cocks her head. she is LISTENING. she's curious
NO WIND. Well, no wind at the Butcher's either. weird.
MONTY. I may be aroace but I would have kissed him right then /jk
he's so fucking adorable
I wonder if the coma thing is actually true. Like up till now I have assumed that Monty's proximity to Esther counted as a 'supernatural experience' that allowed him to see ghosts, or that he could because he isn't human. But what if Esther rehabilitated him after hitting him with her car (we already know how badly she drives) because she loves birds, and that's when she took him in as a familiar? Anyways, mother issue angst writers, eat up.
I love the little hand thing he does when he counts the cats
Niko wants him to get laid so fucking badly.
she said "he could fix him"
I think she wants Monty to explain what being with a ghost is like. /half joking
bro tf you mean "enjoys ghosts"? enjoys then how? where?
Also, being a man of science and not believing astrology is so fucking funny if you're a literal ghost who knows that he'll and the grim reaper are real. for all you know some girl is making cute little star patterns to magically control you.
the LEAN
"I have a strict reputation" of being an asshole? you're supposed to be the guy who makes clients matter, what's wrong with your boyfriend knowing you can be nice?
I fuckin love the Notary <2 I'm a whore for specificity.
those handmaidens just fuckin stand there, don't they. what is their job, exactly?? Also, working in an office building on the same assignment as my sister sounds like hell, why would they agree to that.
there's something to be said about nobody knowing what to do for decades, then the pros show up with less than a 12 hr deadline.
Edwin. listen to him.
why have the people across the street not move out after hearing that fucking song every day??
they are all wearing jackets. inside their own house.
I think the glare of the glasses helps disguise the direction Brandon is looking, but it also makes the wife(who's name I forget) eyes look whited out lmao.
the older sister guarding the younger one is soo
the younger one reminds me of Prim Everdeen. also carrying that rabbit thing at age like, thirteen, is so real.
nice use of closure, showing us the bloody stuffed bunny.
the way the girls sit still before it happens
why does the music work but the TV is static?
Has Charles said that 'sit there and watch' line twice? hold on lemme rewind (get it? like a tape?)
nvm he said a different thing the first time.
Edwin tries to stop Crystal from leaving??
Did nobody see Crystal go in earlier? no Ring camera?
Tell him Crystal. your trauma is valid!
the Prim girl asks her mom to be the one to talk to Brandon
aw that stressed and scared girl
slightly different angle, you can see his eyes this time.
is the axe fake? are those lights fake? do non-psycics see the lights turn on??
her Tounge&Tails shirt!!
They are NOT shy about the gender themes in this episode!
ofc he knows The Shining as a movie.
wait the clock got left in the house and it still works but not in a ghost way like the rest of the house, but rather tells the real time? is that what's going on??
side note: I love the aesthetic choice of not showing us the mother's death sound, but giving us four seconds of her face after dying but before falling
And during the thunder, there's a weird color filter. interesting.
I'm sure y'all don't need me to explain Charles' face
why the nose wipe?
oh wait the living (well) room has symmetrical decorations
Her heart necklace kind of reminds me of the Light of Heart (I've got Thoughts on that artifact too, but those are for later)
I love all the color choices and lighting stuff in this episode!!
fish eye shots??
Ed's at the head of the table, a seat that, according to my family members, traditionally belongs to the chef. Then again, he may just as well be at the opposite end, I don't know what the difference is.
sorry for the out of order notes, I have been going back and forth a little bit.
LITTY AND KINGHAM!! the real brotp!
why did she SHUFFLE like that??
wait who told those two about the house?
it must be so hard for them, being stuck in the dark. not being able to make choices. No, YOU'RE making it about Monty.
This house is so nice wtf?? I bet their attic is furnished.
Are those degrees on the wall?
I wonder what is the significance of only Crystal hearing the Wraith? What makes her different than those two?
Hope must be the older one because she mentís graduating high school in her diary. if that is her room, that means her mom's nightstand held the acceptance letter. Her mom was protecting her. She even played dumb when her husband was holding an axe. holy fuck I will cry
eggshell line! important because parallels!
honestly they get Charles' relationship with his dad so close to comic canon in this series, even with all the changes.
ooh it's 11:11 irl rn!! make a wish!
someone better than me at face expressions explain what's going on before Brandon shoots himself bc he is unreadable to me.
it's all about control with him. they can't leave him because he wants to control them.
Is Litty wearing ballet flats??
you didn't "almost die". these two freaks damn near killed you! why did Niko never confront them about that??
what is she grabbing from the kitchen?
circle thingy again.
wait I just saw the butterfly thingy over her closet, a symbol of transformation. Also, she has a lot of striped clothing. especially blue and horizontal.
is she growing grass in a pot?? WAIT THERE'S A NIGHTLIGHT UNDER THAT TABLE aww
what is that weird skinny door?
that is an odd place for a toaster
why does the sprites' dead flower look healthier now?? it's DEAD
wait he says Bye back even though she left aww. and look at Litty's little facceee. They actualy miss her. I'm sad for them even though they are so mean :(((
doing all of what by yourself? manipulating Niko somehow? Also these two have Issues and are taking out their anger on eachother the moment any third party leaves the room. they're so siblings.
Edwin SOUNDS like he means 'what's ur deal bruh', but listen to his voice when he says "you're not yourself at all" he is worried for Charles :((
Do you think Charles ever thought about doing that to his own father?
getting yourself stuck in the loop doesn't change the result. reacting to the cycle can't break it. what the fuck. holy crap. this show is kinda heavy.
this room makes no sense. what is that random glass door? which wall could that possibly be on??
and now Crystal brings up the cat king cagey-ness. or maybe she just had an ingrained mistrust in people. fuck, I'm sad now.
yayy for getting back in track!
doesn't Charles still have the bag??
do you think the wife knew about the secret room?
most unrealistic part of this show is that the recording that creates the loop still works. the VCR or the tape should have broken after the first time it went round.
WE could lose Charles. DAMN STRAIGHT EDDIE! W E. U S. he is learning to be a team player.
that's a weirdass lamp behind Edwin
why does it Look Like That
I love how Crystal and Edwin both said "damn it" when they realized it was David. They're so in sync.
what happy thoughts do y'all think she was thinking?
David's dialogue is so fucking funny.
Also I love that Crystal has just a little but very obvious 21st century-specific vocabulary. things like body count to mean sex not killings, and fuckboy. it adds to the fact that these characters are all from different times, different cultures and have to figure out how to communicate to eachother.
OH there's another hint here about Crystal's old personality. David thinks that he being noble is boring and that she used to be fun aka like him. actually, that kinda reminds me about what Shelby said in a later episode.
Go off, Edwin!
If Brandon was moving that bigass thing every time he went in, his wife HAD to know.
wait do any of y'all SEE the actual cameras?? DID THE POLICE EVER SEE THEM!? even if they never find the room, this cameras are physical evidence of what happened. they are "confounded" that he "suddenly" did something awful? no, they didn't care to look into it! fuck them, the deaths themselves weren't witch-related so any human had the ability to find this cameras, but nobody fucking looked.
Brandon looks like he is running away from Charles.
aww Edwinnn
aww Niko
so if she already knew to get that lid as soon as she stood up, she must have already looked it up beforehand. That's cool of her.
So I originally thought that "the sitting duck" referred to the dead duck Jenny was selling in the window, but maybe it refers to Charles not interfering with the whole thing.
some ppl are sweeping the sidewalk :) how nice
what exactly IS the "die and go seek" maneuver?
no curb, but the cement planters protect the sidewalk from cars parking onto it. Both of those things probably make the sidewalk pretty well wheelchair accessible now I think about it. no searching for curb cuts, no going into the road Brevard if an obscured pathway!
though personally, I'd like to see some benches. maybe not here, as they'd get in the way of the sidewalk, but walking that far always hurts my feet.
Crystal totally checks out Monty XD
what are those posters on the tree? and that cardboard in the alley?
"I was polite, wasn't I?" "Yeah, you did good" <- ESSAY MATERIAL
phone number=reach him whenever Esther wants?
guys what does it mean when Venus is in the fifth house? I googled it once and every result was drastically different!
hey I'm thinking about the green outfit rn. if the green doesn't actualy mean emotional stability, does it mean fear? like, Niko was afraid of the house, then she was afraid of losing her friends. Mick wanted the red glass bc he was afraid of being stuck as a man.
wait the fakey shake shack sells booze?
who gives a shit what the cat king thinks
what is Esther even doing?
like she sounds so fucking surprised. if your little spy is there already why do you need to double spy on the spy?
funky perspective
what are those doors? why are there elevators in there??
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4bso1 · 9 months
Indecisiveness, my greatest weakness 😔
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Ok so my 4sure team vs. Possible contenders (originally was gonna bring my hatched happiny Egg n if I got down to her I automatically lost but uhhhh I'm not gonna do that lol also not bringing palkia aka Pal :) bc if u kill a legendary u are going to Jail sooo)
Samwise (bibarel) she was the first pokemon I caught, she and jr were besties, I literally named her samwise bc I knew she would be our rock and she would carry us n since jr can't be here I feel like she has to fill his spot (also works out bc they r both water types anyway) ✨️ [ability: simple (Stat changes are doubled) • item: mystic water (boosts water moves + belonged to free jr previously) • moves: super fang / surf / yawn / swords dance] fun fact: super fang halves hp and brine is super effective on half hp or lower targets and I am SOOOO SALTY that she CANNOT learn brine 😔😔😔
Jubilee (blissey) SHES A TANK obv. Will hopefully mostly be used for emergency healing during battle ✨️ [ability: natural cure (status conditions cured upon switch out) • item: TBH I don't rly have one for her so rn she just has a cheri berry, I might change it but idk lol • moves: soft-boiled / echoed voice / dazzling gleam / last resort]
Evil >:3 (weavile) this beast has been been raised for one (1) purpose and that is to destroy Cynthia's garchomp (but im hoping she can handle some of lucians team too ;_;) ✨️ [ability: pressure (ups enemy PP usage) • item: icicle plate (boosts ice moves) • moves: shadow claw / dark pulse / ice beam / hone claws]
Dewey (roserade) has some pretty good moves (toxic does work in the long run and grass knot hits pretty hard on most pokemon), can do work vs Bertha, won't be helpful vs aaron or flint ✨️ [ability: natural cure • item: big root (increases healing from absorb) • moves: absorb / synthesis / grass knot / toxic]
King (purugly) only recently started training him so im not sure if his friendship is maxed out BUT he knows retaliate so if I do have a casualty 😤 ✨️ [ability: thick fat (halves damage from fire and ice type moves) • item: no item yet! • moves: body slam / substitute (I also have protect and endure TMs that I can use instead?? I think having one move where he can like. Fully negate damage might be helpful?) / attract (I might replace this one OTL LMFAO)
Rolf (medicham) high dps/move combo ✨️ [ability: pure power (doubles his attack stat) • item: fist plate (boosts fighting moves) • moves: reversal / drain punch / mind reader / high jump kick]
Mystery (rapidash) fast + has kind of a type advantage, she feels like a safe bet ✨️ [ability: run away (useless in this setting lmao) • item: amulet coin (subject to change obv) • moves: fire blast / flame wheel / smart strike / flare blitz
Teeny (raichu) another high dps but with special attack type moves instead of regular (on the other hand teenys uhhhh not my fastest pokemon but its fine) [ability: static (may inflict paralyze on contact) • item: wise glasses (ups sp attack moves) • moves: charm / light screen / thunder / thunder punch]
Cupquake (quagsire) is ONLY weak to grass type moves also knows earthquake And toxic, feels like another pretty safe bet?? ✨️ [ability: water absorb (gains hp from water attacks) • item: metronome (increases damage from consecutive moves, might use a different item) • moves: mud shot / earthquake / sludge bomb / toxic]
On the flip side I can try to believe in the power of friendship and bring someone else in place of Jubilee and hope for the best?? (On the other hand: dazzling gleam can help vs Cynthia's spiritomb)
I feel like king is like. A gimmick pick, he'll mostly pay off if someone goes down and even that's kind of a long shot?? No offense to him ofc but like.. get in line lol.
Dewey and Cupquake both kno toxic and they both have high damage moves (earthquake and grass knot) given that cupquake technically has fewer weaknesses she would Probably be safer to choose? Flip side Dewey has absorb and synthesize so he should have a lil self sustaining (maybe 🥲, esp if the enemy has been hit w/ toxic he can tank a few hits w/ absorb + synthesize n then use grass knot)
I feel like. I won't be able to one shot most of these guys like they are built to not be one shot so playing slow might be the move and teeny is also set up for that a lil bit: charm to lower attack and light screen to lessen damage, thunder and thunder punch also do a lot of damage on their own.
Rolf's move combo of mind reader + high jump kick, with drain punch for poke damage + sustain is also a decent choice??
N finally Mystery is fast and has high damage, she is quite literally a one trick pony tho bc that's. P much all she is good at.... i think she and Evil >:3 could both do damage to Aaron's team, but Mystery may be able to hold her own vs. Flint's team. Then again: Cupquake would also probably be a good pick
In conclusion IDK LMAO I'm gonna go have lunch, I'm glad I typed all of this out! I'll come back later when I decide I'm gonna try to get thru all of it tonight bc haha I realized recently that I started this nuzlocke like......................2............... years... ago............. SOOOO YOU KNOWWWWW UM 😶‍🌫️🫣😅🥲🫡💀
ps. if u read all this mwah
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
I don’t know how Uno works, but here’s another Uno reverse! If I’m gonna write a backstory for Lancelot, I want to read your idea on it as well :)
okay okay you posted this already and before I read yours I want to finish mine so mhm let's go
I don't think Lancelot had any relatives the way Percival did. So just picture, like, this is where we're starting, with a lonely ten year old and nothing but his grief and loss <3
anyway so I imagine that the first few months were more than just hard. Lancelot had barely any skills whatsoever, no idea of hunting or collecting berries, no idea of how to wield any weapons, and this I'd say made his chances of surviving,,, uh, zero. He had hardly any money and definitely not the right age to be living on the road.
Which is exactly what people thought that saw him scavenging. Like, no matter how dehydrated or starved he was, he certainly did not steal even once. All he ever did was pick up things that had fallen, stuff that was definitely nothing anyone else would've eaten. But he survived, somehow, and he taught himself the skill he needed to do so. After a few months, he absolutely knew how to catch fish, how to set traps, how to wield a crossbow (that he btw definitely bought with the few coin that he could make off of like, working on farms (which I'm assuming he was able to do because, like, in medieval times it's probably not too strange to see a twelve year old working on a farm) and trading meat that he doesn't need himself)
anyway dont know how to finish that sentence right there because it got too long so let's move on lol
I'm convinced that at some point, someone took him in for at least a few months. Because this bruised and bloodied and beaten and starved boy that knocked on their door to ask for money and almost cried when asked where his parents are (you can't argue that young Lancelot wasn't emotional, ffs, even older Lancelot is still emotional lol, and like it's accurate, hell, this ten year old lost his fucking family) is definitely not suited for life in the wild.
And you can't tell me that Lancelot wasn't happy and stayed there for a while and made friends with the young boy that was just a little older than him, and who he went on to trust so much and who went on to trust him so much that Lancelot, while he's travelling, gets his letters delivered there and visits often enough to actually make it worth it.
Anyway so Lancelot definitely kept on travelling shortly after (define shortly lol) because despite kind of now having some semblance of a good future in sight, his dream and his passion and whatever trauma caused him to be so fixed on this will always be becoming a Knight, and like, no matter how sweet this family is that took him in, this now uh, let's say fifteen year old Lancelot, just cannot stay.
The rest, let's say, is quite boring. Not actually boring but boring to talk about because it's obvious what happened. His travels continued, he worked on his skills, now he actually had a chance to work for money too, the only thing that really changed was that now he also made sure to, like, care for others. Just killing some rapists and robbers and protecting townsfolk, slaying some monsters, you know the drill.
And then one day, when finally he's decided to try his luck and travel to Camelot, he slays a very specific monster, and introduces himself to a very specific servant.
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levis-hazelnut · 3 years
Kuroo x Reader Pick-up Lines
summary: you and Kuroo use pick up lines on each other just for fun, not expecting to actually form a relationship.
warning(s): a liiiiitle suggestive, but it's just the pick-up lines lol
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"(Y/N)-chan~!" a teasing voice called as you made your way to your class. Looking up, you noticed a certain bedhead and smirked upon seeing the upturn of his lips. You met him at the entrance of the classroom and he leaned against the doorway, preventing you from entering.
"Do you need something, Tetsuhoe?"
"Yes, as a matter of fact. First of all, I already told you not to call me that. And, secondly, I found this coin on my way to school. I was just wondering: if I flip it, what are my chances of getting head?" he whispered, bowing closer to you as he revealed the polished metal. Normally, something like that would make someone blush, however, you were quite different since you return the stupid pick-up line.
"Hm, I don't know. We can find that out if you would like to be Microsoft, and crash at my place."
"That wasn't too bad, but it wasn't your best. I think mine was better," Kuroo stated as he pushed himself off of the doorframe and entered the classroom as you trailed behind him, taking your seat which was conveniently in front of him. Convenient because you wouldn't have his messy excuse of hair blocking your view. "(Y/N)-chan?"
"Yes, Kuroo?" you replied, tipping your head back so you could see the male from an upside-down point of view.
"I have another one."
"Hit me."
He seemed to pause as his narrowed eyes shimmered. "Sure, but I'll do it like how I do serves - hit it from the back."
"Damn, that was actually good. Did you just think of that right now?" you asked.
"Yeah. I was going to say another one, but then you said 'hit me'... Anyway, does this mean you've fallen for me?"
You scoffed. "In your dreams, you manhoe."
"Oi, stop calling me a hoe," he said with a frown, seeming to be offended by your words.
"Sorry. Did I hurt your feelings, my poor baby?"
"'My'? Since when was I yours?"
"Since never. Don't get your hopes up. I just felt like saying--"
"(L/N)-san, Kuroo-san. Pay attention," your teacher cut you off before you faced the front. You didn't even realise that the class had started.
You were peacefully sitting at your table, listening to the information your science teacher was spewing. Unfortunately, however, you were disturbed when you felt hot breath fan your neck.
"You know, if I was an enzyme, I'd be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes."
You snorted and faced the male to flick his forehead as you muttered, "You're such a dork" under your breath.
"I'll happily be your dork."
"Shut up, Kuroo."
"Okay, fine. But I have a question..."
"What?" you sighed.
"Are you made of Copper and Tellurium because you're Cu-Te?"
"Thank you, but right now, I'm not bothered to think of a pick-up line. And you should be doing work, Smarty Pants."
"But I'm tired and bored," he whined quietly as he leaned his head against your shoulder, sighing.
"I know what we could do for fun later… We can test the spring constant of my bed."
He smirked, lifting his head off of your shoulder. "That would be very fun."
"Your voice just became husky. Do science pick up lines turn you on or something?"
"Hmm. Maybe..."
"You have 206 bones in your body. Would you like me to give you another one?"
"I'm like a Rubix cube; the more you play with me, the harder I get."
"No. You were meant to give me a science one," you told him with a small frown.
"Oh, sorry. Umm… I bet you're like calcium carbonate - if I get you wet, the reaction would be explosive."
"Uh, I actually can't think of anything now."
"Well, I'm not as tired as I was before, so let's do work--" The sound of the bell, notifying you that it was the end of the lesson, cut him off. "Oh."
"Yaku~" you called quietly as he and someone else sat in front of you.
"Yes, (L/N)-chan?"
"Can I borrow your notes, please?"
"Sure. Kuroo's not allowed, though, because he was the one that distracted you."
"Haha, okay. Thank you."
"Oi," the raven said with a scowl and began to argue with Yaku on their way out of the classroom. The only thing that caught my attention was: "(Y/N)-chan will give it to me anyway."
"Mm. I don't know about that," you said, wanting to tease him.
"Well, it's fine if you don't give it. Because the only homework I want to do is you. I just want to slam you onto my desk and do you all night."
"Keep it in your pants, Kuroo," Yaku told his captain as you all made your way out of the building. The two males had to go to the gym for volleyball practice, and you had basketball practice. "(L/N)-chan, please tell me that you won't actually fall for this idiot."
You snorted. "Of course, I won't," you told him, knowing very well that you already have. However, it isn't because of the pick-up lines and such, it's just him and who he is, no matter how flirtatious and how much of a dorky idiot he can be. Not to mention, he's very attractive.
Glancing at the raven, you noticed a glint in his eyes that you've never seen before for a split second. You soon brushed it off when he draped an arm over your shoulders and smirked.
"Trust me. I know that one day you'll fall for me."
"Even if I do, how would I know if you're serious about getting into a relationship? I'm sure that I'm not the only girl you move to."
"And how can you be so sure?"
"Because you're a flirtatious prick."
He mocked offence, putting a hand to his chest. "How rude. And if you ever do like me, tell me and I'll show you just how serious I am. And I would only be serious about getting into a relationship with you."
"... I still can't tell if you're being serious or not."
He sighed and removed his arm off of you, deciding to change the subject. "Meet me and Kenma outside of school when you're done. I don't want you to walk home alone in the dark."
"Okay. Have fun at practice!" you beamed at them.
"Wait. You're gonna drive us home, yeah?"
"What are you talking about? I don't have a license," you said, furrowing your brows.
"Oh, did it get suspended for driving all these guys crazy?"
You snorted and shook your head before you made your way to the girls' changing room.
Kuroo watched your retreating form and sighed once again before he and Yaku continued to go to the gym.
"… You were being serious earlier, weren't you?" the libero spoke up, breaking the silence. "About how you would be serious about being in a relationship with (L/N)-chan."
"Yeah," the captain grumbled in return. "I guess I'll have to forget about it and move on."
"Don't lose hope. There's still a chance that she likes you back."
"You heard her say she wouldn't fall for me."
"She could just be saying that… Anyway, wipe that gloomy expression off of your face and focus on volleyball now."
After waiting for nearly fifteen minutes at the gates of your school, you huffed and decided to go to the gym, where Kuroo and Kenma might be since they obviously weren't outside.
The lights of the gym were still on, but it was silent. There was no sound of shoes squeaking against the floor, no sound of even the quietest whisper, or bounce of a ball. You stepped into the gym and looked around to find Kuroo taking his shirt off. The muscles in his back caught your attention as you tried to tear your orbs away from him.
Your form flinched slightly when he twisted his head over his shoulder, locking his eyes with yours with a smirk before he turned back around, continuing to change as if he didn't care you were there.
A blush tinted your cheeks before you quickly turned away and proceeded to leave the gym without a word. However, fingers entrapped your wrist and another hand had closed the door of the gym. Gulping, you tilted your head a little to notice that Kuroo was extremely close to you. To the point that you felt his hot breath on your skin and his torso brushing against your back.
"I wouldn't want you to wait outside in the cold and dark," he whispered huskily, inclining his head closer to you and angling it as if he was about to kiss you, but he made no further movement.
You tried to steady your thumping heart and keep your cheeks from turning red before you spoke. "… Well, are you ready to go?" you questioned quietly, making sure to keep your eyes on his and not flicker them down to his lips that looked so soft and plump.
"I am, but there's one thing I have to do."
"Which is?"
Instead of replying, he pressed his lips against yours and cupped your face with a single hand. He was about to pull away when you hadn't responded, but then you did, entangling your fingers in his hair that was surprisingly luscious. You felt him smirk into the kiss, but when you parted, you realised that it was actually a smile. A genuine one that you have never seen before. It made you grin in return as you waited for him to say something since your brain wouldn't be able to form a sentence at the moment.
"If you go out with me, I promise I won't take you for granite," was the first thing he said.
"I hate you," you laughed and playfully rolled your eyes. " But, I will go out with you. Not because of your stupid pick-up lines, but because I do like you."
"Thank you. I like me, too."
"Kuroo," you sighed mixed with a groan. "Please, be serious, otherwise I will walk out of this gym and won't talk to you again."
"Fine, fine. I'm sorry," he smiled and cleared his throat, trying his hardest not to smirk or smile so that he looked serious. "I like you, (Y/N)-chan, and I'm very serious about getting into a relationship. If you haven't realised, I've barely spoken to girls other than you--" The teenager was cut off by your sudden laughter, so he arched a single brow in question. For some reason, he felt a little embarrassed. "Why the hell are you laughing?"
"I'm so sorry," you apologised in between laughs. "I can't take you seriously."
He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. "I hate you so much. You were the one that wanted me to be serious."
"Yeah, now I know you are. There's no need to talk to me like that again, because I already know I'll just start laughing at you."
"Remind me again why I like you."
"I think the same thing about you every day," you retorted.
"You know, I think I prefer it when you're not talking and we're kissing."
"Shut up, you jerk--" His lips collided with yours once again, but it was slightly more passionate than the previous one since he had decided to pin you against the wall.
Let's just say that you only left the gym because Kenma was wondering where you two were and had unintentionally stopped what was happening. And since they were both your bodyguards that accompanied you to your house, it made the walk awkward.
But that didn't matter since you could now claim Kuroo as yours.
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Taglist (fill out this form or send in an ask!): @rintomoj @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein @iworshipyelena @shokami @kenmaslov3r
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strawberrybabydog · 2 years
hey babydog! can u put this in discourse for me? I want some opinions on it and the term..
okay so theres LITERALLY so much wrong with this thread that it makes me cringe to be honest. this person is clearly not at all researched. i've already gone over everything in the discourse channel in the endels& server so i'll just put everything in bullet points here:
also obviously dont harass this person. idc if someone disagrees with them, or even fuck it, sends them this post or whatever i dont care just dont be a dick, i'm pretty sure they're a kid
they start this thread but claiming that delusions are inherently harmful, specifying that they always either cause you to harm yourself or other people. which just... No. there's so much nuance to the topic of delusions being inherently harmful or not that it's totally innacurate to say this. also, can we NOT spread the very false idea that delusions inherently cause harm to yourself or others? i thought we were over this stigma.
they claim that because D/As are not clinically recognized, they are Not A Thing. not only is this Not How Things Work (delusions no know limits and things exist before they're discovered, remember gravity?,) but it's also untrue, sort of! most papers which talk about delusions where, there is a mass population surveyed about their delusions, unspecified delusional misidentification syndromes pops up; like, people who could literally identify as D/As or endelic. because.... they are nonhuman or alterhuman because of their delusions.... anyways, obviously D/As are not recognized in themselves (and likely never will be) because the identity has existed on the internet for 13 months & is poorly defined and overall doesn't make sense clinically. but a person could still be treated for this delusion and it would just be filed as "delusional misidentification syndrome - bizarre/un-specified"
i am also not a fan of them saying that because of this, D/As cannot be delusions. because,... no?!! yes it's true that a lot of people who use the label are non-delusional people, but that's not really what it's coined use is and it's incredibly unfair to make the blanket statement that it's not a delusion because it doesn't make you harm yourself or others? (especially because again, this is totally false lol?)
i am begging people to stop using delusional misidentification syndrome as ammunition. just in general. please stop. they claim this doesn't fit it's diagnostic criteria but they'd be apparently surprised to learn that you literally cannot be diagnosed with delusional misidentification syndrome.... because it's an umbrella term for other diagnosable illnesses (which includes a bizarre/non-specified section! because all diagnosable delusional classifications do, obviously lol)
one of their sources literally cites sigmund freud i dont think i need to say more. also none of their sources cited have anything to do with delusions which makes complete fuckin sense because they're spreading misinformation on it. their sources are all just studying coping/defense mechanisms (minus one which is on DID)
i am not able to speak on the misinformation spread about DID, but in the endels& server, some plural folks noted that a lot of what they said about plurality there is also untrue. if someone else wants to reblog and talk about it that is absolutely welcome!
i've seen this person's former thread on this topic before, which ironically they linked and basically said the same thing. and yeah, obviously delusions ARE a clinical issue! but this is looking way too deep into it. and also somehow not looking into it at all....
i may be highly critical of D/As but this sort of feels almost malicious and that's not fair, even if they actively harm psychotic people (but i really dont think thats what this person's motives are to be anti-D/A, if they actually cared about psychotics they probably would do their research and not spread such blatant misinfo lol) i still don't believe that they deserve to be reality checked into oblivion or had their identity trying to be disproven
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