#and I need to start moving toward bed I gotta work tomorrow
papercorgiworld · 5 months
Christmas saviours
Blaise, Draco, Enzo, Theo and Mattheo
A bit of an angsty beginning because of some Christmas loneliness, but you need not worry our most handsome Slytherins will save Christmas Eve with fluff and kisses.
Warning: only kisses and maybe some suggestiveness
Not proofread, feedback always welcome.
I planned on finishing another fic, but ended up writing Christmas fluff. I hope you enjoy it! I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and for those who don’t celebrate Christmas, I wish you a most wonderful day.
Christmas, you loved it! Every year you celebrated with your family and created some lovely memories. Although you knew this year would be different, you were confident that also this year you would manage to create wonderful memories.
You had only recently moved to the UK and this was your first year at Hogwarts. You were definitely the odd one out. Everyone in your year already knew each other for years and then there was you: new and permanently lost in the castle. You had made some friends, but also weren’t gonna win any popularity contests any time soon.
The news that your parents had to work this Christmas made your stomach turn and your heart physically hurt. However, you were already in the Christmas spirit so you were hopeful that you could still figure something out. You consoled your parents by telling them that it would be good to spend Christmas at Hogwarts to make friends.
And that was the plan. You invited everyone you had ever talked to at Hogwarts and also everyone from your year. And you learned a lot, like some people really need to learn how to say no in a polite way and most people go home for Christmas. Now Christmas eve was only a day away, two people had confirmed they were coming and there were two people left on your list who hadn’t responded. Possibly four people would show up, worst case scenario two.
Being hopeful and in full Christmas spirit you did your shopping, preparing everything for an unforgettable Christmas eve. On your way from Hogsmeade one of your invitees came running towards you. “Hey (y/n), so glad to catch.” You smiled brightly. “Here to help me with the groceries?” Your friend smiled. “Uhm, no, but I’ll help.” You’re pleased you can let go of some of the heavy bags. “I was actually looking for you, because I got great news, my parents made it back in time after all. So, me and my brother are leaving in half an hour. I'm really sorry we gotta miss out on your Christmas dinner.” Your smile fades, but you immediately force a fake one onto your lips.
Walking into the room of requirement you finally fall apart. You watch as Hogwarts conjures the most picturesque Christmas scene you’ve ever seen. Tears softly make their way down your cheeks, but you don’t sob, you try to ignore your misery. With shaky hands you put everything you bought in its designated spot. When you kneel down to set the four small Christmas gifts you bought under the tree you finally admit to yourself that you’ll be spending tomorrow evening alone, unwrapping your own gifts. After your moment of self pity you make your way down to your dorm.
The next morning you decide that there is still hope! Though the chances are slim, there’s still a chance one of the two who haven’t responded yet will show up or maybe both. You try and find them throughout the day, but fail. Around 5 you start dressing up. Around 6 you light the candles for your grand Christmas eve party.
Your heart twists and turns as it's hurting terribly, like it would rather stop beating than suffer another minute of agonizing loneliness. You stuff your face with delicious snacks. “What was I thinking? Like someone was gonna show up. I watched too many mushy Christmas movies. Christmas is overrated anyway! I’m turning into the grinch! Uh, I’m talking to myself! I’m going insane, might as well steal everyone’s Christmas next year.” You stop ranting and grab a plate, ready to start cleaning up and go to bed at 7.
Suddenly the door opens and you stare in disbelief as Blaise Zabini walks in. “I was in the neighborhood, though I would stop by.” Like a deer caught in headlights you stand still. “Early? Aren’t I?” He looks around the empty room and continues. “If you want I can help you prepare.” You look down at your feet wondering what to say. “You look absolutely stunning, by the way.” “Thanks.” You put down the plate you were holding and manage to gather enough courage to be honest. “Everything is ready. And you’re not early. No one showed up.”
Blaise seems shocked by the news and makes his way around the table to you. “What? That’s horrible. All your effort.” His hands rest on your arms, giving you comfort. “I’ll live.” You say playing it down, but your glassy eyes betray you. “But why are you here? I expected everyone to be at their respective parties.” Blaise’s lips formed a line and you could see he was in deep thought for a second. “I am.” You looked confused at the Slytherin in front of you. “I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.” You frowned and smiled at the same time. Happy with the news but not quite sure what to think about it.
“So… what’s for dinner?” You wanna question everything he’s doing, but his excitement distracts you and you start telling him about all that you had prepared. You two have a lovely dinner together. Blaise is his most charming self as he wants nothing more than to make you forget that no one else showed up. To any outsider it would look as if you two had planned to spend Christmas together. But you kept wondering why he was here. You had to ask. “Why were you in the neighborhood?” A lot of stutters escaped a normally always easy talker, which made you question whether he was in the neighborhood at all. “There was no reason for you to be here, was there?” Realizing it was pointless to come up with excuses, he confessed. “I know I told you I wasn’t coming to your party but I have a little something and that’s why I stopped by.”
You found his choice of words odd. “A little something? Like a gift?” Blaise thought for a moment. “No, not really. Stand up for me will ya?” He got up and you did the same as he requested. He signaled you to come closer and when you still stood too far away he gently tugged your hand until your chest almost met his. He smiled a little goofy and only after a moment did you realize he was nervous. Blaise reached for something in the inner pocket of his jacket. You watch him carefully pull out a branch of mistletoe. He held in between the two of you. “I brought mistletoe.” You laughed as he stated the obvious. “Isn’t it supposed to be above the person you wish to kiss?” He nodded and reached for his wand.
Casting Levioso made the branch float above the both of you. Blaise reached for both your hands and you in return took a step closer. You were now pressed against one another. “Merry Christmas, (y/n).” He leaned in. “Merry Christmas, Blaise.” You whispered against his lips before kissing him.
The door slams open and you’re shocked to see Draco Malfoy of all people. Is he lost? He looks around smugly, one hand in his pocket and a smirk on his face. “Quiet the party, new girl.” Gesturing towards the empty room. “Trust me the atmosfeer was great until you came in.” You immediately snapped back. He simply huffed and walked towards the table examining all the different dishes. “So where are you guests?” He asked sincerely but without looking up from the food. “I guess everyone had other parties to attend. Understandable.” Your voice was so soft and defeated it made Draco look up at you worried that you might start crying any moment.
He wasn’t really good at situations like these so he quickly made his way over to the drinks. “May I?” He asked politely, gesturing to a bottle of champagne. You nodded. “But it’s probably too cheap for your taste.” Draco gave the bottle one look, shrugged, and opened it anyway. “I’ve already had expensive champagne and cheap company today. Got bored. So I decided to come here for cheap champagne and better people.” You take the glass he offers you. “I’m sorry, it’s a ‘cheap champagne and no people’ kinda party.” He takes a rather large swing from the glass and looks at you with a softness you’ve never seen before. “I’ll take you and your cheap champagne over my family’s horrible Christmas party anytime. So, will you have me as your guest?” You nod with glittering eyes. You quickly explain all the different options your table offers.
He tastes everything and overflows you with compliments. His table manners are exquisite and he even teaches you some little details of fancy dining. But most of all you spent your time laughing at all the ridiculous parties his family organizes. It helps him vent and your laugh makes him heal, like it’s all alright now that you agree it’s just as absurd as he thinks it is. After you’ve finished dining you turn to the tree and the gifts underneath. “If you still have time I’ve got four gifts under the tree. It’s just little trinkets, but to leave them unopened just feels horrible.” The Slytherin stares at you with wide eyes as you make your way to the tree to pick up one of the gifts. When you turn around with a gift in your hands he gets up from his seat in a hurry. “I can’t stay.” Is all he says as he picks up his scarf.
“Just one gift.” Your voice is almost a whisper and Draco closes his eyes for a moment. “It’s just, I have nothing for you. I come barging in, eating all the food and now gifts, while I have nothing to give-“ “You showed up! You saved my Christmas. You’re like my hero.” Draco feels like he’s going to burst with emotion at your words. He… a hero, it made him feel like a whole different person. “Truth is, (y/n) you saved me and not just my Christmas, all of me.” Only now you realize how close together you are with only the gift between you two. He looks so fragile and that’s probably why you suddenly felt the courage and need to go in for a soft kiss. He was shocked for a moment with eyes wide, but surrendered to your warmth and kissed back, his hand reaching for the back of your head to deepen the kiss.
“Will you now open a gift?” You ask again when you break the kiss. He smiles sheepishly. “Yes, anything for my princess.”
“I’m here!” You stare at energetic Berkshire as he comes through the door announcing his presence. “Might have nicked something fancy that might just save your Christmas.” He holds a bottle of expensive firewhisky up. “What are you doing here?” You asked, confused by his presence and enthusiasm. His smile softens and he puts the bottle down on the table. “I had a suspicion that the new girl’s Christmas party wasn’t going to be a great success.” You felt horrible hearing him say the obvious. He walked around the table towards you.
“I’m here to keep you company.” You huff at his offer. “I don’t need your pity. I’m sure you have plenty of other places to be.” Enzo grabs your hand as you try to turn away from him in an attempt to hide your misery. “You need my pity, this is a pitiful party.” You try to force your hand out of his grip but he has a surprisingly tight hold of you and you end up closer to him. “And also, there’s nothing for me at the other parties, because the cute new girl isn’t there.”
You look in his gentle eyes wondering if he really means it. “You want to spend Christmas eve with me?” You ask, almost afraid of the answer. He nods and an adorable smile tugs at your lips as you no longer can contain your happiness. During dinner Enzo catches you up on all the latest gossip. But after a while you get worried if people gossip this much at Hogwarts then for sure they will talk about your lame party. It’s this concern that leads you to ask for a favor. “Uhm. Enzo, about my party… could you not tell anybody. Like I can just say that I canceled it. I mean.. I really don’t want people figuring out about my lame Christmas party.”
“Can’t.” You stare at him as he swallows a bite of his desert. “If your party didn’t happen then where was I. I can’t have people thinking I was alone.” “But telling people you were at the new girl’s lame party won’t do your reputation any good either.” Enzo shakes his head and gets up from his seat opposite of you to take a seat next to you. “Darling, this is not a lame party. It’s a lovely party. We’ve got amazing decorations, delicious food, firewhisky, gifts under the tree and each other. Are you not happy?” You turn to him, feeling a bit embarrassed that you were so caught up with what people would think rather than when you think. “Of course, I was being stupid. This is a lovely Christmas, thank you Enzo.”
His smile turns cheeky. “Yeah, I kind of saved your Christmas eve. Didn’t I?” You nod and give him a kiss on the cheek. “Yes, yes you definitely saved my evening.” Enzo licks his lips in a mischievous way. “A kiss on the cheek?! That's all a guy gets for saving Christmas?” You laugh at his dramatics. You fake a scoff and get up from your seat. “Enzo, have you no shame.” Suddenly he grabs you pulling you into his lap, a giggle escaping your lips. “No.” He states and wiggles his eyebrows. “Fine.” You kiss him softly and bite his lip softly while purposely pressing your chest against his, giving him more than he bargained for. The kiss deepens and his hand slips to your thighs resting there and gently squeezing. “I definitely know some guys who’re going to be jealous when they hear about this party.” “Shut up, Enzo.” You say playfully before kissing him again.
Theodore Nott? Unbelievable? To avoid any snarky comments you decide to diss yourself before he gets the chance. “Welcome to the most boring Christmas party ever.” Theodore simply snorts at your fake enthusiasm. “Pretty sure, I just came from the world’s most boring Christmas party.” You huff. “Wow, I suck even in organising lame parties.” Theo looks around. “Pretty sure this doesn’t qualify as a party.” You narrow your eyes, how does he manage to always have the last word.
“What are you doing here, Nott?” You ask as your frustration with Theo beats the sadness over your party. “If I remember correctly you said my Christmas enthusiasm was as overrated as my academic skills.” Theodore can’t help but roll his eyes. women and their need to remember every stupid thing he says. “Sounds like me, probably was me. But clearly I’m desperate… so, do you take in strays?” Your attitude disappears as you look at him, he was in his way sincerely asking if he could stay.
“Of course. You’re very welcome.” Your voice comes out with a little more doubt than planned, but Theo takes your welcome anyway. You both sit opposite of one another. “You must be really desperate if you came to my party?” You ask softly, no snarkiness in your tone. “You must be really desperate for a guest if you let me in, after all I’ve not been my kindest self around you.” You look at the food on your plate. “I’m really desperate, since obviously no one bothered to show up aside from you. But also I can see the humor in most of the insults you throw at me.” A warm smile appears on the slytherin’s face, feeling understood and a little less bad.
For the most part your evening is filled with humorous insults and snarky comments, but as time passes your rivalry ebbs away. The conversations get more serious and Theo almost exclusively has words of endearment for you. His softness envelopes you and your Christmas joy finds its way to Theodore. After lounging on the couch for a while you pull yourself back up. “Gifts? I’ve got four and they’re all for you.” He growls gutturally. “I don’t like gifts, plus I don’t have one for you.” You frown. “Who doesn’t like gifts? You absolute weirdo.” Theo laughs at your unfiltered opinion of him. He pushes himself to sit straight and watches you pick out the first gift. You don’t see how fragile he looks as he watches your gentleness.
When you go sit next to him and joyfully present him the gift he looks in your eyes. “Come on.” You urge like an impatient child. “Fine, but me first.” You frown and purse your lips. “You said you didn’t have anything.” Out of his pocket a fumbled piece of paper appears. “It’s not something I wanted to share, but it’s Christmas right, so why not.” He nonchalantly pushes it to you, waving the paper impatiently, like he wants to be rid of it. When you take it he looks away avoiding your confused gaze. You ignore his bizarre behavior and gently unfold the paper, revealing a sketch of you: you paying attention during class, probably transfigurations.
Theo’s still looking at anything but you. You shuffle closer to him and cup his cheek, turning his face to meet yours. “You drew this? I love it. Thank you.” “You’re a bit of a distraction during class. Probably why I’ve been picking on you.” A soft laugh rolls over your lips when you hear his confession. “And how do I distract you? As you can see all I do is pay attention like a good student.” You hold the sketch up to him as proof. “You do a lot more than that, (y/n). You get me thinking.” You can’t contain your smile. “I get you thinking? How awful of me.” He hisses at your mockery, but when he closes what little space there was between the two of you, your confidence fades. “You have me thinking about doing this” His lips catch yours, he kisses you with so much passion your whole body goes crazy for him in an instant. When he finally releases you, your head feels hazy. “What’s that all about?” Theo grins, enjoying the obvious effect he has on you. “This is my Christmas spirit, I’m feeling generous.” Is all he says before he pushes you to lay on the couch and continues to kiss you with unrelenting passion.
You hear noise at the door and turn to look at it slowly open. You hold your breath, still holding the plate as Mattheo Riddle walks in. Holding flowers in one hand and a gift bag in the other. He looks at you, but you just stare quietly and then he looks around the room. “Oh, I’m too late. I’m so sorry.”
Mattheo Riddle, Slyhterin bad boy, Slytherin trouble maker, son of the dark lord, most handsome guy in your year - maybe even all of Hogwarts - show up to your lame Christmas party with flowers and apologies. Weird. You had indeed invited him, when you announced that everyone was welcome during potions class but you were pretty sure he was among the people making fun of you.
You snapped out of your thoughts, someone was here, you were in no position to be picky about who it was. “No, you’re not late.” He looks confused at the empty seats. “Then where is everyone?” You look around feeling exposed, but look back up at his questioning face. You bite your lip, trying to think of a lame excuse but finding none. “Uhm, no one showed up, except for you.” You eventually manage to say, eyes getting glassy. Mattheo makes a soft ‘oh’ sound and you quickly try to get rid of the awkward situation.
“There’s plenty of food if you wanna stay. And also four gifts for you, since you know no one showed up.” Mattheo stays silent for a few seconds. “But you don’t have to stay, this probably isn’t your ideal Christmas eve.” The slytherin simply shrugs. “It’s not like I have anything better to do and the food looks divine.” You can’t help but chuckle as the awkwardness ebbs away. “Flowers for the hostess.” He offers you the lovely winter bouquet he had been holding. A blush creeps up to your cheeks as you take them and conjure a vase.
Dining together has you feeling like you’ve known Mattheo your whole life. You’re surprised by so many things he tells you, but most of all by how easy it is to talk to him. After the desert you make your way to the couch near the Christmas tree. With the table between the two of you gone things feel different and you both fall silent. “You were actually the last person I thought would show up and yet here we are. I hope you’ve enjoyed yourself so far. Because I definitely have.”
Mattheo stares at you fondly but doesn’t say anything. “Anyways let’s start with the gifts.” As you stand up to reach for one of the gifts Mattheo pulls you down. You now sit so close that your hips are touching and he’s still holding on to your wrist. “This whole evening has been wonderful. You’re wonderful, (y/n).” It sounds like a love confession and you hold your breath. “And at the risk of ruining this evening, I would like to kiss you. Is that okay with you?” Your heart melts, you can’t believe this and no one at Hogwarts will ever believe this. You nod softly, insecure about what you’re getting yourself into.
His hand holds your cheek and you lean in as his lips reach yours, light as a feather his lips brush yours. Ever so slowly Mattheo deepens the kiss, making you go crazy with desire for more. When you lay your hand on his leg for support he sees it as a signal that you are comfortable with him and snakes an arm behind you to pull you closer. Only when the kiss ends do you realize you’re laying in his arms. “When I said let's start with the gifts I didn’t know one of the gifts was wrapped up with a tie and good looks.” You joke as you undo his already loose tie. He smirks as he watches you all comfortable and confident in his arms.
His free hand reaches for your leg urging you come sit on his lap with your legs on either side of him. He pulls you in for another tender kiss. “I did actually bring a gift for you. So if you really want to unwrap-“ You cut him off by slamming your lips into his with passion and eagerness. He complies and pulls you closer into him until there’s no space left. “And here I thought you were all innocent and cute.” Mattheo says, clearly entertained by your enthusiasm. “I’m, I’m just being a good hostess by making sure my one and only guest is having a good time.” Mattheo’s face lights up with genuine happiness. “No doubt you’re a good hostess, pretty sure you would make a wonderful girlfriend as well.”
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highvern · 7 months
adamas et aurum
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: gross domestic fluff, boyfriend mingyu
Length: ~1.7k
Note: more Drunk Goggles couple bc im beating a dead horse. idk why i do this to myself :) crying :) in :) the :) club :)
read more here
“You owe me a kiss.”
“Oh, do I?”
Mingyu huffs, face covered in sweat, backwards hat matting his hair to his skull, bare chest rose-colored from the fiery sun and swampy humidity. You’ve both spent all morning moving boxes to and fro so he’s about two seconds away from laying down on the floor for a much needed nap. When it came to heavier stuff, Mingyu insisted you stay and start unpacking the necessities so the apartment would at least be somewhat functional around all the mess. He didn’t have the heart to tell you that his shredded patience couldn’t handle any more of your help. Thank god some of the guys are coming over tomorrow to help him with the furniture.
Because of his chivalry, you’ve stayed cool in the AC, humming to the music blasting from a speaker in the kitchen as you work to make the new space a home. All the while Mingyu slaves away to lug in stuff he doesn’t remember either of you owning. 
“Boyfriend tax.”
“Ahhhh,” you nod. 
Jumping up on your toes, you deliver a cartoonishly wet smack on his lips as a thank you for his hard word.
“How’s it going?”
“Bathroom is mostly unpacked but we need to get some bins to organize under the sink. Oh! And the beds made too!” You chirp, turning back to your task of wiping out the cabinets and drawers of your new kitchen. “If you wanna wash up and lay down, I’ll order something to eat.”
“You’re the best.” he sighs, stepping into the space behind you, chest against your back, face tucked into the curve of your shoulder, hands grasping the edge of the counter on each side of your hips. 
“My man works hard, gotta take care of him.” You praise, twisting your neck to drop a kiss to his temple causing you to get a whiff of his sweat.
“Now go shower, you stink.” 
“Hey!” Mingyu objects, face moving over your shoulder so he can look at you. “I’m sorry I’ve been roleplaying as your hot shirtless mover for the last two hours. Bust my butt and this is how you thank me?”
Turning to face him, you tangle your arms around his neck, linking your hands behind his head and pulling him into a bear hug. His palms slide around the sensitive skin of your back, pulling you closer as your shirt sticks to his sweaty chest uncomfortably where you press together. But that doesn’t matter right now. Right now, you’re together, in the new apartment you share, starting the next chapter of your lives.
“Thank you, Mingyu. I love you.” You whisper into his collarbone.
“Damn right.” He mumbles, tilting his head down to drop a sweet peck to your mouth, arms giving a tight squeeze before swatting at your ass as he turns towards the bedroom.
“Boyfriend tax!” He calls over his shoulder, amusement bubbling in his voice.
Your eyes trail after him, heart swelling as it begins to fully register what you’ve done. He’s here and his name is on the lease next to yours; your matching keys hanging by the door, assigned parking spots downstairs next to each other. Mingyu just went into your shared bedroom, to take a shower in your shared bathroom, and tonight you’ll curl up beside him in your shared bed.
Wonwoo moving in with his girlfriend has been the catalyst for the much needed conversation. Mingyu had essentially been living out of your apartment for months already, only returning to his own place every few days for fresh clothes or to see his friend. When his roommate told him he was planning to move out after their lease ended in four months you simply scoffed at his distress about where to live. 
“You basically live with me anyway.” You mumbled, not thinking about what the statement implied.
“I—,” he gapes. “Are you asking me to move in with you?”
“I just mean, you already stay here so much anyway.” You grumble, suddenly feeling awkward in his hold.
“Can you just ask me nicely?” He whines. “I wanna be romanced.”
Humoring him, you slide to the floor in front of the couch you two had been draped across. Dropping to one knee, you cup your hands together in a makeshift box like you’re proposing. Your eyes round and brows raise, attempting and failing to give him an earnest expression.
“Kim Mingyu, love of my life, future father of my children, bane of my existence. Will you do me the honor of moving in with me?”
“Bain of your existence?”
“Focus.” You snap your fingers. “Will you move in with me?”
“Duh,” he beams, tackling you to the ground and snaring you in a bear hug as you squeal in delight.
Your friends had warned you about signing a lease together; that no matter how many nights Mingyu stays at your apartment (twenty three in a row is his record), when you call the same place home things will be different. And all of his bad habits won’t change just because he’s living with his girlfriend. If anything they may get worse because it's his home now too and he’s no longer a long staying guest.
You already knew that Mingyu tends to leave the seat up after using the bathroom, and will collapse with laughter if you fall in; that he insists on burying his cold feet under your butt when sitting on the couch, occasionally wiggling his toes just to piss you off; and how he will put the carton of milk back in the fridge even if there's only a drop left no matter how many threats against his person you make.
But Mingyu also sets his alarm ten minutes earlier than needed so he can hold you in bed before starting the day, basking in each others drowsy warmth before braving the world outside the sheets; he frequently insists you sit between his legs on the floor and let him dry your hair after you shower, gently combing his fingers through it, sometimes twisting the locks into messy braids or buns with his clumsy hands; how he’ll surprise you with a candle light dinner, insisting you both dress up even though your sitting at the kitchen table on a Tuesday eating reheated leftovers, just because he can.
No matter how annoying his bad habits are, the good ones are worth their weight and more in gold.
A shockingly girlish shriek shatters your daydream.
Hightailing it to the bathroom, you spot your stark naked boyfriend through the plastic of the shower liner, quivering in the corner of the stall like a leaf blowing in the wind. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Its fucking hot!” He cries, over his shoulder, trying to shield his body from the spray by curling into the tiled wall.
Heaving a sigh of relief and annoyance, you can’t help rolling your eyes as you step towards the front of the tub and twist the faucet, adjusting to a cooler temperature for him so he doesn’t have to stick his arm through the scalding rain.
“Big baby,” you grumble before heading back to the kitchen.
“I heard that!”
“You were supposed to!”
Mingyu shuffles into the bedroom, towel draped low on his waist, beads of water falling from his hair to his collarbone as he looks for the duffle bag he packed with clothes for the next few days; but the scene before him stops him in his tracks. The sun from the window casts the room in a buttery yellow, beams of light dappling your figure sprawled on the bed, mouth open slightly and hair a mess around your face. He leans a shoulder against the door frame, tired eyes full of love and mouth lifted in a gentle smile as his soulmate snores quietly a few feet away.
When you asked if he wanted to move in together, Mingyu lacked the self control needed to stop from jumping up and screeching like a kid in a candy store. The thought of living with his favorite person in the world had his heart tremble and his palms sweat. Despite all the oddities and quirks he learned about you in the past two years of dating, almost everyone warned him that you can’t really know someone till you live with them. He thinks the months before today had prepared him for the inevitable annoyances you two would face.
He’s accepted that you leave hair on the walls of the shower that eventually clog the drain, pooling water around his feet when he hops in the stall before work; how you push around takeout boxes and spoiled produce in the fridge for days instead of throwing them out; and that piles of unfolded laundry will sit on the edge of the couch for days on end until one day the planets align and you decide to re-organize your entire closet after folding the wrinkle garments.
Mingyu accepts all of those things because he also knows you like to surprise him by grabbing all the ingredients for a recipe he mentions wanting to try in passing, happily volunteering to be his sous chef and taste tester, insisting you both don the couple aprons his mom got you for Christmas; that when he isn’t feeling well you’ll scratch his back until he falls asleep with his cheek squished on your stomach while you fret over him; how you always wait up for him when he gets ready for bed, glazed eyes opening every few minutes to blink lazily, soft breath tickling the skin between his shoulder blades where your head lays only interrupted by an occasional sleepy kiss on his spine while he brushes his teeth.
His friends mentioned all the ways moving in together will change the way you see each other. But in the two years you’ve been dating, each time your relationship changed it's been for the better. When you two started hanging out on your own and he found his opinion on you shifting completely. When you admitted you liked each other and he learned you were a lot braver than he was. When you two fought for the first time and he realized that as brave as you were, you weren’t invincible. When he said he loved you for the first time by accident and discovered you were just as in this as he was. All the fights that challenged you to understand each other better, the struggles that strained your ability to take care of one another; all of it had changed your relationship but pressure makes a diamond.
A lot like the one he plans to give you when he asks if you want to change your relationship again one day.
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moonstruckme · 2 months
OOOOO I didn’t realize you wrote for steddie x R!!! Can I request your version of what would happen if reader came down with a nasty stomach bug from work and our boys tried to take care of her only to end up with it themselves? (Totally not projecting my own unfortunate current demise 🫠)
Thanks for requesting lovely! Feel better <3
cw: mentions of nausea, stomach pain, not eating due to illness
poly!Steddie x fem!reader ♡ 759 words
“Poor little lovebug.” You’ve given up on trying to deter Eddie as he sets his lips to your temple, cuddling close, but you and Steve exchange a look. 
The other boy rolls his eyes. “I’m not going to take care of both of you,” he says. You all know it��s an empty threat. “If you get yourself sick, you’re on your own.” 
“I’m helping,” Eddie argues, lips meandering down to your neck. You inhale softly as the muscles in your abdomen spasm painfully, and his hands are there in a second, pressing over the sore spot like it’s a wound he can stopper. “What’re you doing, Harrington? She doesn’t want your lame toast.” 
Steve softens. “She’s gotta eat something, though.” He looks to you, almost apologetic as he says, “It’s toast or cheerios, honey. Unless you think you can stomach something more.” 
You shake your head, snuggling into Eddie. He makes a happy sound, adjusting his position to tuck you under his chin and get you more securely in his arms. You’re sick of being sick. It’s only day one of the stomach flu several of your coworkers have said they didn’t get over for three days, and you’re well and truly fed up with it. Fed up with being nauseous and achy and alternately too hot or too cold. 
Steve had discovered upon his early-morning search that there’s not one thermometer between the three of you and has been debating going to the store to get one, but says he’s reluctant to leave you in the hands of the most inept caretaker possible (your very sweet and loving boyfriend). Eddie is ambivalent; he says you don’t need a thermometer anyway, because his lips are the best gauge there is (he keeps pressing them to your forehead and making sizzling noises, which Steve only found funny the first time but entertains you and Eddie to no end).
Eddie fully gives over to your self-indulgent tendencies in not eating, but Steve is watching you with a dissatisfied little furrow between his brows. He crouches by the bed, feeling your face with one hand and reaching for the nightstand with the other. 
“At least have some gatorade, then,” he capitulates, holding the bottle out toward you. “You’ve gotta stay hydrated.” 
You feel guilty and sit up. Eddie protests at your moving, but Steve gives you a smile as you drink. 
“You’re really a ton of help,” he snarks at Eddie, though he reaches down, carding a hand through his boyfriend’s curls. 
“I’m just succumbing to my fate.” Eddie shrugs. “I’m gonna be sick tomorrow, may as well start acting like it now.” 
“It’s not as fun as it looks,” you say between sips, then regret it. Your face heats as both boys’ expressions turn pitying. 
Eddie wraps a hand around your hip, squeezing lovingly, and Steve says, “I know, honey. You wanna nap for a while? We’ll give your stomach a chance to settle before we try with the toast again.” 
You nod and let Eddie wrestle you back down onto the mattress, pulling you snugly against him. “Think of it this way—at least soon, you’ll have a companion in your misery.” 
And by the next morning, you do. But it’s not Eddie. 
“Toast,” Eddie begs, shoving the piece of bread forward like he’s jousting with it. “C’mon, baby, just a few bites.” 
Steve groans, crossing his arms over his head. “Later,” he bargains. “I can’t do it right now.” 
Eddie looks to you desperately. “Did you finish your water?”
“Mhm.” You give the empty bottle a little shake as proof, and your boyfriend sighs in relief. 
“Good girl.” He bends over you, stamping his lips to your forehead firmly. “Thank you, sweetheart.” 
You hum and reach for his hand, but Steve grabs you, turning you around and hugging you to his chest possessively. You’re more than alright with this, nuzzling his stubble while he splays a hand on your back. 
“You know what? Fuck you, Harrington.” Eddie slaps the piece of toast on Steve’s shoulder and leaves it there. “Can’t believe you’d fucking do this to me. That better be gone when I get back.” 
“Where are you going?” Steve asks, smugness evident in his tone. 
“To get a fucking thermometer!” 
Steve’s chuckle rumbles through the both of you, and you smile against his neck. 
“You’re enjoying this way too much,” you tell him. 
“Yeah, I don’t know what you were talking about.” He kisses your cheek, his lips as warm as your skin. “This is tons of fun.”
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st-danger · 4 months
hi st im new here but ur writing is amazing and hurts my dick alot and i was wondring if u coulld write smth with free use if ur comfy 🤭🤭🤭 ty ur amazing
Mind the content, perverts.
Swiss is just starting to nod off, drifting into sleep in his dark, pleasantly cool room under a thick comforter when he hears his doorknob turn and click. Creak of the hinge that follows has him cracking open a single gold eye to see the silhouette of a ghoul who's body language looks sheepish, even in outline.
"Hey," Aeon says, telling on himself instantly with the breathy quality of his voice. He steps in and shuts the door behind him, and Swiss gropes for the light on his nightstand. He blinks against the sudden flood of light while his pupils constrict and the full picture comes into view: Aeon's wearing a thin cotton shirt, socks, and flannel pants- tented. Obviously hard. Pink cresting his cheekbones, unruly hair looking even more unkempt for how he must have been running restless hands through it. For something so vulgar, he looks so innocent. Swiss yawns and nods, sleepy.
"Yeah," he murmurs, rubbing the back of his hand against his eyes. "Go on."
Aeon almost trips over himself, stumbling into his bed.
"Thanks," he says, and Swiss can't help the small smile; how is he supposed to find that anything other than endearingly awkward? The idea of feeling anything but fondness towards the newest summon and his neediness seems insane, though he will admit to a grumble of protest while Aeon jostles the bed climbing in, pushing the blankets away from him and he's exposed to the cooler ambient air. He doesn't bother to move- stays on his side, an arm tucked under the pillow, face half-smushed against it. Doesn't even try to pull his boxers down. If Aeon wants it, well, they've agreed that's his job.
"Need it again, huh?" Swiss says, eyes drifting closed once more. He's just so sleepy. He'll fuck him tomorrow, of course, but for now Aeon is welcome to do as he pleases and Swiss will put forth no effort. Honestly, depending on how furiously Aeon's going to rut against him, he might even end up falling asleep anyway. He hears the rustle of flannel, and then feels trembling hands begin to work the waistband of his boxers down, pulling them lower until they're bunched against his thighs, exposing the cleft of his ass. He does shift to help with this part. He's a gentleman, after all. Ask anybody.
"Uh huh." Aeon's voice is as unsteady as his hands, and it takes Swiss's deep well of maturity to only chuckle a little at the tone. At how horny and out of control and worked up the little critter is. Not from anything, just the weird thrill of a new body and new sensations. Can't help himself right now. Can't stop himself from getting stiffies. Can't keep from getting all excited all the time. He's like a naughty little puppy at the moment, and nobody, Swiss included, would ever dream of dampening his enthusiasm. The press of a warm body against his back, the feeling of him hard and blood-hot against his ass is delightful even through his tiredness. "Just- hard again," Aeon breathes into the nape of his neck. "Gotta cum," he says, quieter. Bashful.
He's not sure exactly what he expected right now. Aeon's done everything from jerk off onto him, to rub off on his boot. Fuck his thighs, maybe- that's what Swiss would have guessed for right now, but Aeon seems to know Swiss wouldn't be getting up to grab any lube for that, and there's no way Aeon has the modicum of self control needed in order to tear himself away long enough to snatch it from the bathroom counter himself. It would seem, however, that Aeon's so desperate he's just going to...hump him. Like he'd done to Cumulus the day before while she read, straddling her chest so he could press his straining, red cock against her still clothed tits and rock back and forth until he finished on her just like that. She's a real sweetheart, Swiss thinks. Let him collapse on top of her after. Stroked his hair and asked if he felt better while she finished the chapter.
Swiss can't help but yawn again as Aeon's hands settle on his shoulders and he begins to thrust against him stupidly. Oh, he'll be trouble for them all when he hits his first heat, and the collective agreement is that nobody is about to tell him what that is just yet. It'll either be the same or it'll be worse (and better), but a team effort undoubtedly. Aeon's movements shift him, rocking him back and forth.
"Needed it so bad," Aeon huffs, right in his ear. "Woke up hard." It sends a pleasant shiver down Swiss's spine, but that's as much as he can give right now. Tomorrow, for sure. Not now. The slide of his cock against him is delicious, though, no denying it. "Hard for you."
"I can tell," Swiss says, nestling into his pillow further, eyes drifting shut. "Really hard, aren't you?"
"So hard," Aeon almost wheezes, curling in closer to him, hands holding ever tighter while things turn ever more frantic. "Can't help it." He lets out a nervous wisp of a laugh. "I really- can't." Aeon draws his leg up, rests his leg on top of Swiss's so he can really get some leverage now. "So hot, Swiss, you're so hot. Oh- I don't think I'm gonna last," Aeon moans.
"Take your time," Swiss says around another yawn. "Clean me up when you're done."
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Pushing the Barrier Part 2 (Eddie X Reader)
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A/N: A present for my fellow insomniacs <3. It is currently 4am and I couldn't sleep so I worked on this. Thank you guys again for all the kind words. I hope you enjoy part 2. I DO have ideas for a continuation so if you're still down so am I :)
Warnings: Stripper Eddie, unprotected sex for sure (be safe my angels), readers husband is an asshole but fluffy Eddie got her.
Word count: 3907
Tuesday night you find yourself home alone staring at the tv as you flip through the channels. You sigh before giving up, pressing the off switch, and throwing the remote against the couch. The phone startles you as its ring echoes through the empty apartment. It’s too late to be anyone else so you allow it to go to voicemail. 
*beep* “Hey honey. It’s me. I just wanted to let you know I probably won’t be home anytime soon. I swear I need a vacation! Hahaha but I wanted to tell you I love you and don’t wait up!”
You huff as you grab your coat and stomp out the front door.
“Haven’t I seen you already? Why are you keeping this thing on?”, Eddie gestures towards the glass. 
“I thought maybe you would want more time to gaze at your own reflection.”
Your laugh makes him smile. “Fair point but I’d rather spend my time looking at you.” You pull on your bottom lip with your teeth as the heat rises into to your cheeks. 
Tonight, Eddie had a bit more clothes on than usual when he was in his confinement. He was wearing his torn up blue jeans with his leather jacket over his bare chest. His guitar was on his lap but he had stopped playing when he heard your voice. He still looked as handsome as ever. 
“So, what brings you down here, Princess? Were you not going to come tomorrow?” His confident smile faltered slightly.
“My husbands at work again…” Eddie nods as his fingers strum the strings in front of him. “Hey. Why does that sound familiar?” 
He chuckles as gets up with his guitar and heads for the front of his area. Eddie knocks his knuckles against the glass and you respond as his smile widens and he takes a seat in front of the sound. His fingers move across the strings again as his soft voice carries through the room.  “Well, just look at that girl with the lights coming up in her eyes She's got to be somebody's baby She must be somebody's baby”
You sigh as you listen to him. If this is what he sounds like now you can only imagine what he’ll sound like in person. 
“She's probably somebody's only light Gonna shine tonight Yeah, she's probably somebody's baby, alright”
That lonely ache started to tug at your heart. You did belong to someone else but he never seemed to care. He didn’t appreciate you or treat you like you deserved to be treated. When you left here tonight you were going to be going home to an empty bed and that thought killed you. Eddie closed his eyes as he continued to sing and you coyly reached out to flick the switch to your right.  “I try to shut my eyes, but I can't get her out of my sight I know I'm gonna know her, but I gotta get over my fright Well, I'm just gonna walk up to her, I'm gonna talk to her tonight”
When he opened the again, he was met with your gorgeous smiling face. “That was good. I like the way you sing it. Your voice is beautiful.” His eyes drink you in from head to toe, making you feel a bit self-conscious. “I’m sorry I didn’t dress up or anything. I swear I’ll look nicer tomorrow.”
Eddie’s eyes lit up at the word “tomorrow”. “Why are you apologizing? I think you look absolutely breath taking.”
 “Please. I’m basically in my pjs.” You do a little twirl so he can see. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sweetheart, I told you. You can ask me anything.”
“Do you only wear this when you’re in there?”, you point at his clothes. 
“Kind of. I mean, I start my shift in basically what I wear out in the real world. The wardrobe decreases as the night goes on. I’m sure it’s different for the ladies here.”
“Soooo what were you doing before me that got you in just the leather jacket and jeans?”
“Well, I put the jacket on before you came in because I’m cold.”, Eddie laughs before his eyes search yours cautiously. “Are you sure this is something you want to know?”
When you nod, he continues. “The person before you was a guy. An older man I’m assuming by the sound of his voice. He said tattoos are a turn on for him which was awkward since his religion forbids getting them.” You took note of him as he spoke. How his tone and body language changed when he talked about his client. Eddie sounded almost matter of fact as if this was just something that happens. 
“We just talked but I assume by the occasional grunting there was more happening on his side of the glass then mine.” He chuckles again as he reaches forward to knock on the cube. 
“How did you fall into this line of work?”
“Need mostly.”, he sighs. “I was working 2 jobs trying to pay my rent which sucks because it made it harder for me to make gigs to play with my band.”
“I can understand that. Everything is so expensive here especially rent.”
“What about you, Princess? What do you do?”
“I’m a teacher.”
He beams over at you. “Aw, that’s nice. And the husband?”
“Good lord. Um, honestly, I’m not sure. His position carries a long title of something VP.”, you giggle. “It’s something with numbers I know that. Every time he explains it to me, I zone out. I just know it keeps him busy.” You fold your arms across your chest as you lean your side against the glass.
“I wish I could hug you.” Eddie growls as the lights above you both flash twice. “I never feel like we have enough time.”
“Time’s up, Honey!”, Mira’s voice seeps through. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” The eyes that meet yours are filled with hope. 
You smile at him as you kiss the tips of your fingers and place them against the barrier. 
“What do you mean you’re going out?” Your husband follows you around the apartment as you get ready for the evening. 
“I’m. Going. Out.” You head into the bathroom and double check your outfit. You didn’t want to seem too eager but you also wanted to look nice. The simple black short sleeve shirt you decided on was just tight enough to expose all your curves along with your blue jeans and leather-bound boots. Every time you had seen Eddie your hair was pulled up so tonight you thought you would let it flow around your shoulders. 
“Where are you going?”
“Jesus! Out with some friends. Is that a problem?!”
“No. It’s just the one night I’m actually fucking home.”
“Look, my schedule doesn’t revolve around you. I spend half my time alone up here anyway. Maybe, now you can see what it feels like.”
“Can you at least fucking change? You look like a whore.”
You pause halfway to the front door, turning to face him. “You…are a fucking asshole.”
“Why am I an asshole? Because I tell you the truth?”
“Fuck you!”, you grab your purse as you slam the door.
When you arrive at the bar, you see Eddie with his band on stage making sure everything looks good and the instruments are in tune. His smile shoots straight to your heart when sees you. He jumps off the stage, jogging over to you. 
“Hey! You’re here. Goddamn you look gorgeous.” You grin up at him but when he looks in your eyes, he can tell somethings wrong. “Are you ok?”
“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. Go get ready!”, you gently try and push him away but his feet remained planted in their place. 
Eddie reaches for your hand, guiding you up the stage and behind the curtain. Feeling him touch you sent tingles through your body. Every time his skin connected with yours in anyway it made it feel alive. 
“What happened?”
“My husband decided to pick a fight with me before I left.”
“What did he say?”
You fold your arms, looking away from his intense gaze. “He said I looked like a whore.”
Eddie exhaled an angry sigh. “Fucking dick.” His fingers reach out, grabbing your arms as he pulled them apart and away from your chest. “I think you look fantastic.” You finally look up at him, meeting his eyes. “Believe me. I would know what whores dress like.”
You giggled and his smile grew.
“Eddie, dude. We’re on in five.”, one of his bandmates passed him, patting him on the shoulder. 
“Yeah, okay.” His palm comes up to rest against your cheek. “I told you. Never enough time.”
Corroded Coffin was the first band to play and they did amazingly well. You could watch Eddie on stage all night long. Everything about him from his eyes to his hands moved differently than when he was behind that glass wall. He seemed genuinely at peace as if that’s where he belonged. His soft brown eyes would occasionally glance at you, making sure you were having a good time and enjoying the music. 
Your smile never left as you banged your head lightly to the rhythm. When they finished their set Eddie winked at you, holding up his index finger silently asking you to wait one moment while moved their instruments off the stage. 
“Hey! So, what did you think?”, he asked when he finally reappeared. 
“I love it. You guys were so good!”
“Why, thank you. I was thinkin’ we could go eat at that restaurant down the way. I mean, only if you want to.”, Eddie smiles at you nervously.
It was both adorable and refreshing to see him be nervous around you. When you two talked in the room he always displayed such confidence. To see him let that wall down and for you just made those butterflies flutter wildly in your tummy. 
You walked with him to the Chinese restaurant and shared a delicious meal together. He asked you a ton of questions about yourself. It felt nice to have someone care about you and what you had to say. You tried to do the same but you noticed pretty quickly with a lot of questions you asked he either gave you short, clipped answers or just insisted you didn’t want to hear any of that.
“I don’t want to push you. I do want to hear anything you feel like telling me. No matter what it is.”
“Naw Sweetheart, trust me. My life isn’t…It hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows.”
“Neither has mine. I mean…”
“Ah, see? You don’t want to tell me, do you?”, Eddie chuckles playfully as he runs his hand through his hair. 
You look down at your hands as you speak. “I don’t want to make you feel bad.”
“I don’t understand.”
“A lot of my storms come from my husband.”, you whisper. 
His fingers reach out for your chin, lifting your face to his as his lips tenderly meet yours. The kiss starts small at first, steadily growing as his confidence does. You pull away to catch your breath. 
“Do you want to come back to my apartment?”, Eddie asks with a tone filled with need.
When you nod, he quickly throws money on the table, grabbing your hand, and pulling you outside to hail a cab. 
You and Eddie wait silently outside the elevator of his apartment building. When the door dings open, he gestures for you to enter first. Before it can close, you hear loud cackling as a group of people pile into the elevator with you guys. You back into Eddie’s chest as he backs up towards the corner. The door finally shuts and you’re on your way up. 
Closing your eyes, a sigh leaves your lips as you feel Eddie’s hands wrap around your waist pulling you closer to him. His warm breath hits the back of your shoulder as his nose nuzzles into your neck. 
The elevator shutters open as the group in front of you piles out. You can still hear their laughter as the door close again and the elevator moves once more. Eddie’s palm glides under your top and the feel him touching your skin shoots shivers through your body. He trails gentle kisses along your neck as you reach behind you to tangle your fingers through his hair. 
You whine as the elevator stops again and Eddie releases your waist to take your hand, guiding you to his apartment. 
He watches you as your head moves from side to side, taking everything in. It was a modest studio style apartment with brick style walls. There were posters all over the place of different hair metal bands displayed with concert tickets pinned to the corners. You giggle in front of one that is just the poster by itself. 
“Are you trying to tell me you haven’t gone to see Def Leopard yet?”
Eddie slides up next to you, playfully smacking your hand that’s pointing at the frame. “Hey, ok, look. I haven’t really had time or money to go see them yet.” 
While you continue looking around, he removes his jacket and throws it on to the couch behind him. You pause by his bed, grabbing a picture frame off the bedside table. 
“Aw. Look at you. Are these your friends?”
He comes up behind you, resting his chin on your shoulder as he points to the people in the photograph. “Yup. These are my friends from high school. Steve, his girlfriend Nancy, Robin, and this little butthead is Dustin.”
“Are they here in the city?”
“No, they are back home.”
“Where is home?”
Eddie grabs the picture out of your hand, leaning over you to place it back on the table. When his arm comes back, his hand stops to grab your cheek and bring your lips to his. He lifts you up by your waist and places you down on his bed. 
“Indiana. Hawkins.”
His hair tickles your face as he leans his head forward to pull off his shirt. 
“Is that where your family is to?”
Eddie’s lips come down to meet yours as his hands roam your body. You reach down lifting off your own shirt, throwing it to the floor. You moan as his mouth leaves you to trace down your neck. He hovers over your stomach as his tongue darts out to lick your skin. 
He sits up, grabbing your feet as he takes off your boots and throws them to the ground. Leaning over you, he reaches to unbutton your jeans and you raise your hips as you help him pull them and your panties off your body. When you remove your bra, he breathes a heavy sigh as his eyes take you in. 
“Fuck. I’ve never seen anyone so beautiful before.” Eddie lays down, placing himself between your legs, spreading them wider with his palms on your thighs. “Do you know how long I’ve thought about this? Since I heard your voice.”
His fingers dipped between your folds, spreading them into a V shape. Just this feeling alone, the feeling of his fingers touching you and his breath hitting your core was enough to drive you wild. You felt your pussy clench around nothing. 
“Eddie, please.”
“Then I heard you moaning while you were touching yourself. I desperately wanted to know what you tasted like.” Your body shuttered as his tongue licked a long stripe from the bottom of your cunt up to your clit. His cheek fell against your thigh. “Oh my god. You’re so fucking sweet.”
His head leaned in as his mouth began devouring you. You whimpered as his tongue reached deep inside of you. Eddie’s hand came up to rest on your mound as his thumb pressed against your throbbing clit moving in quick circles causing you to squirm against his hold. 
You cried out when you felt his head suddenly move away from you. “I know, Princess. I just need to…” He reaches for your hand and places it between your legs. “Keep going for me.” Eddie moans when he sees you nod and slide two of your fingers into your dripping hole.
He stands up, quickly removing his jeans and boxers. You move your hand faster into your body at the sight of his hard cock, licking your tongue across your lips. When he sits back down on the bed, you sit up, and scoot your body down to meet his. Leaning your face over his lap, you spit on his tip, running your hand over it and down his length. Eddie growls as you groan, crashing your lips sloppily to his. 
He reaches between your legs, rapidly shoving his fingers into you. Your kisses turn into pants as you moan into his mouth. His eyes open, watching your face contort with pleasure as the coil in your stomach snaps and your head falls onto his shoulder as his fingers continue to pump into you. 
You lazily reach up with your hand to cup his cheek. “Fuck me. Please.”
“There are condoms in the drawer behind you.”, he whispers against your lips. “Can you grab—”
You cover his mouth with your fingertips. “I’m on the pill. Please, Eddie. I need to feel you.”
His forehead leans on yours as his cock twitches at the needy tone of your voice. “Do you trust me? I’ve been tested I swear. I’m clean.”
“Eddie,” your arms wrap around his neck. “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t trust you. Fuck. Me.”
He abruptly lifts you up and pushes you back against the bed. Your legs encircle his waist as his hand guides his dick to your entrance. Your eyes roll back as he slowly pushes himself into you. 
“Oh my god.”, you moan as his head falls beside your own. “Eddie, you feel so fucking good.”
His head gently turns and you feel his lips against your ear. “Do you remember when I was stroking my cock in front of you in the cube?” The English language seems to escape you when you feel him bottom out inside of you. “Tell me, baby. Do you remember?”
You nod as you drag your nails down his back. “I told you I was imagining my dick inside of you. Inside of your tight pussy.” The sound of him whimpering in your ear as he began thrusting his hips made your cunt flutter around him. “Fuck! This is so much better. Feeling your pussy stretch open for me.”
Eddie pumped into you harder, making your brain go fuzzy. He lifted his head to look down at your face. Your eyes were squeezed shut and your mouth was open as you breathed out moans. Every time his hips smacked yours, your eyebrows came together and your hands gripped harder to his shoulders. 
His mouth hovered over yours and he relished the feeling of your moans against his lips. “Are you almost there?” The tip of Eddie’s nose grazed yours, urging you to answer. “Tell me, Sweetheart. Are you about to cum?”
You lick your lips as your nod. His head falls to your side again. “Can you say it for me, please?” Eddie reaches his hand down to hold up your leg as he slides his cock all the way out and pushes it roughly back in.
“Fuck! Yes! I’m going to cum. Please, Eddie!”
He repeats his motions a couple more times before his hand releases you and he thrusts into you with aggressive purpose. The coil that had been steadily winding snapped for a second time and Eddie groaned as he felt your pussy cling around him as you came. His rhythm slowed as he felt you come down from that ledge. 
Your arms wrapped around his neck as your hand brushed his hair to the side. “Cum for me, baby. I want to feel you cum inside of me.” He whimpered against you as he started thrusting into you again as you continued to whisper to him. “Please, Eddie. You feel so good. You made me cum. I want you to cum to.”
His hips slowed as they sputtered and he grunted into your ear as he came inside of you. Eddie laid still on top of you as he panted into your neck. You held him to you, continuing to run your fingers through his hair. 
After a while, he rolled himself off you, disappearing into a room and coming back with a washrag. Eddie was silent as he reached between your legs and delicately cleaned you before throwing the rag into the pile of his clothes on the floor. You expected him to come lay back down but he didn’t. He remained at the edge of the bed staring off into the void. 
It broke your heart. Eddie’s face looked like it did when he was searching for you behind the glass in that room. When he was searching for a voice but was only met with himself. 
“Eddie?” You crawled over to him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. 
He turns towards you with a smile but when he spoke his voice didn’t match his face. “I know you have to leave now. Just, uh, give me a minute and I’ll walk you down.”
“Eddie, wait.” You reach to pull him back down when he tries to stand up. “Do you want me to leave?”
“Of course I don’t but… I know your husband is probably waiting for you. Shit. I know I would be if you were my wife.” His smiles slants when he finally meets your eyes. 
“I don’t have to go home yet. I’ll bet you anything my husband isn’t even there. After I leave you at the club or whatever the fuck that place is I always come home to an empty apartment. When I wake up in the morning, he isn’t there.” You feel the anger in your chest start to rise as you fend off frustrated tears. 
“So, Eddie, if you want me to leave than I will go but I assure you no one is waiting for me.”
“I don’t want you to go.” 
You reach below you and pull his covers over your body as you lay back down on your side. The mattress shifts as crawls up the bed and gets under them beside you. One of his arms slides under the pillow holding your head as the other wraps around you, pressing you against his chest. 
“I’m waiting for you. When I’m at work I think about you all day, praying your voice is the next voice I hear. Today I was nervous you wouldn’t come to my gig. I kept glancing around the bar hoping you’d appear.” His lips tenderly kiss your shoulder. “I just can’t understand how any man especially the one who has you doesn’t get how lucky he is.”
You lean your neck down to kiss the hand that’s griping yours. You were afraid to turn around and face him, knowing there was more to wait he was saying. I’m waiting for you. You knew he would always be waiting as long as you were with your husband. Your mind started to race as you laid there in his arms. 
Maybe I should have left…
@munsonsuccubus @samunson83
@tayhar811 @bibieddiesgf
@maximus2354 @nevermore66 @ajkamins
@dollalicia @secretdryrose @staandupanndscream
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But boyfriend or roomate!spencer who accidentally got into the habit of stealing your panties🫣
akj;dsg fkj;as this got a lil out of hand OOPS PLS ENJOY
perv!roomate!spencer x fem!reader, smut 18+, 1.7k words CW: masturbation, degrading, annoyed!spencer, oral (m-recieving), unprotected piv (don’t forget to wrap it up pls), he's kinda a dick at the end tbh
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This is the third week in a row that you’ve had to go out and buy more panties. You have no idea where they’re disappearing to, maybe the washer is eating them? Or the dryer? At least that’s what your roommate, Spencer, said.
It makes a little sense, especially since your washer and dryer are old as shit.
But it’s really annoying.
“Spence! I’m back!” you say as you open the door to your shared apartment. “I grabbed us some snacks for movie night tonight.”
You don’t hear him acknowledge you coming home but you don’t think anything of it. Until you walk towards your room and notice it’s propped open slightly when you remember closed it before you left.
You step in and notice some dirty laundry that was definitely in your hamper is now on the floor.
“Hey Spence? You’re here right? Did you go through my laundry?” you ask at his door.
You hear a grunt or two from Spencer’s room before he responds, “one sec, I’m cleaning my room real quick.”
You wait patiently until his door opens and he pops his head out, “what’s up?”
“Did you go through my laundry? My door was closed when I left and it looks like my hamper was gone through?”
“Oh yeah, sorry you borrowed a shirt from me last week remember? I need it for work tomorrow so I grabbed it from your hamper so I could put it in my laundry load earlier.”
“Oh right right, makes sense,” you laugh. “Is your stuff out of the wash? I gotta put one in too.”
“Yup it’s out, I finished that all an hour ago.”
“Ok great! Thanks, I’m gonna start that, when do you wanna do dinner and our movie?”
“How about an hour or two? Maybe once you’re done with your load, that way there’s no background noice for us.”
“Sounds good to me,” you smile.
Spencer smiles back at you and you turn to get your laundry started, his door closing again echos behind you as you walk back to your room down the hall. You put your headphones in and start on your laundry and chores, so you don’t notice the moaning and grunting happening in the other room.
What you do notice though, is your favorite pair of black lace panties not being in your basket like they should be. And the only person who had been in your room, and your hamper, since this morning was Spencer.
Before thinking about any kind of repercussions, you stop the washer and barge into Spencer’s room, taking off your headphones as you enter.
“Did you take my panties?” you accuse, but your voice falls when you see and hear him.
“Fuck, ah, yeah y/n, yeah,” Spencer moans as he fucks his hand. You’re silent, mouth agape as you take in his long, thick cock and his hand with a familiar piece of fabric wrapped around it. His eyes are closed when he addresses you, his hand never stopping it’s movements. “Don’t you know how to knock?” he spits out.
His eyes meet your own, “are you going to stand there and watch or-?”
You spin around. “I-I’m sorry. I-“
A deep moan interrupts your thought.
“Are you not going to stop? Do you have no shame?”
“You’re—fuck—you’re the one who barged in on me,” he says, a groan punctuating his statement.
“You stole my panties!” you huff, crossing your arms angrily.
The slick sound of his lubed up hand on his cock is making you wet, you clench your thighs together as you think about how big he was.
“Are you going to leave?”
“No I-I want my panties back.”
“Suit yourself,” he replies, you can feel the words laced with a grin. Behind you, he pumps his cock a few more times before moaning out your name and cumming in his hand, all over your panties. His bed creaks as he gets up, and you hear his footsteps move towards you.
Spencer’s arm stretches out beside you and holds out your cum covered black panties.
You turn around and are met with a smirking, and pants-less, Spencer. “Well?“ he questions, still holding your soiled panties out to you. “You wanted to wash them right?”
“You’ve been stealing my panties?”
You wait for a minute, patient for an apology that doesn’t look like it’ll come. “Are you not gonna apologize? Really?”
“Nah, I’m not sorry about it, I am annoyed that I got caught. I really thought you’d be out for longer,” he laughs to himself.
“Seriously, Spence?! You’re such a perv!”
“You’re the one who came in to my room without knocking, y/n,” he spits. “Where are your manners huh?”
You look down but Spencer grabs your chin harshly with his free hand. “Do I need to teach you some manners?”
His cock rests between the two of you, semi-hard. You clench your thighs, mouth watering.
You want this. God you want this. You wanted this shortly after Spencer agreed to lease your second bedroom when your last roommate left.
So you nod, and Spencer smiles. The smile turning into a chuckle when he drops your chin and tosses your panties into his own hamper.
“Manners, manners, manners, where to begin,” he teases. “How about, doing what you’re told? On your knees.”
You slink down onto your knees in front of him, his cock at eye level to you now.
“Good girl,” he smiles down at you.
Your palms rest on the tops of your thighs as you look up at him from your position.
“You’re a fast learner, huh?” He brushes a strand of hair behind your ear before grabbing a handful of hair and yanking your head down so your mouth drops open in a groan. “Say ah.”
You stick your tongue out and say ah as he grasps his cock with his free hand and taps it on your awaiting tongue.
And you do. Your lips wrap around his tip, tongue circling the sensitive head and you moan at the salty, perfect taste of him. You take him deeper into your warm, wet mouth and his head falls back in a groan, the hand in your hair gripping tighter as you bob on his cock.
“Fuck, yeah, just like that y/n,” he moans looking down to watch as his cock disappears in and out of your mouth. Your eyes are watering and there’s drool dripping out of the corners of your mouth as you look up at him with fucked out eyes.
You keep sucking, your tongue tracing the vein on the underside of his dick as you pull back to breathe. Your mouth comes off his cock with a pop and a trail of spit connecting you to him.
“Good girl,” he smiles as he combs a hand through your hair. “Up.”
You move to stand in front of him.
“Pants and panties off.”
You unbutton and unzip your pants, and shimmy them and your panties down your legs. He holds a hand out and you pick up and place your panties in his palm.
What you don’t expect is for him to bring them up to your own lips.
“Open,” he smirks.
And of course, you do, and he stuffs your panties in your own mouth before grabbing your wrists and bringing you towards his bed. He moves behind you, bends you over the side of his bed, pushing you down by the back of your neck. He smacks your ass, before slipping a hand between your thighs. His fingers slip through your pussy, “so wet for me.” He chuckles. “How long have you wanted this?”
So long,you try to say through your stuffed mouth. A moan starts deep in your throat when his deft fingers meet your clit. He flicks the bud back and forth, your legs quivering at his ministrations. His unoccupied hand squeezes your ass while the other shifts from your clit to your entrance and he pushes two fingers in. Another muffled groan leaves your throat as he pumps his fingers in and out and in and out.
You try and close your legs when he removes his hand but he keeps them open with his free hand. The one coated in your arousal grips his cock and strokes a few times before his tip meets your hole and he pushes in, roughly. He trusts in to the hilt, his balls slapping against your clit when he bottoms out with a groan of your name.
One hand goes back to the back of your neck and keeps you pinned in pace while he frantically pistons into you at a rough pace. “Fuckin, taking me like such a good girl huh?”
Your yes is muffled again, but you clench around him as he continues to thrust into you, the coil in your stomach tightens with every tap of his mushroom tip against that perfect spot inside of you.
He pauses, his dick pulsing in your warm sheath as he grabs a pillow and pulls your waist up slightly to place it under your hips. The new angle is too much for you. You snap, trying to cave in on yourself as Spencer continues to fuck you through your orgasm.
“You’re squeezing me so tight, y/n. So-tight,” he huffs. He reaches up to you and pulls your panties from your mouth. “Wanna hear you this time.”
Your moans and fucks are audible now and grow louder when his hand finds your clit and starts to rub tight circles into it. The sound of your wetness, skin slapping skin and your quick, hot whines are the only thing the two of you can hear.
Your second orgasm hits like a train, your legs trembling, your mouth hung open in a silent scream of his name. Spencer pulls out of you and you whine at the loss. He picks up the wet panties that were previously in your mouth and wraps them around his dick. He fucks his hand while watching your release trail down your legs. A few strokes and he’s coming undone over you, his warm cum painting your back.
“God, that was good,” he laughs walking to drop another pair of abused panties into his hamper. “‘You gonna make sure to knock next time?”
“Mhm,” you whine into his bedspread. 
You hear his footsteps leave his room and you hear the bathroom door close and the shower start, all while you still lay, bent over his bed, ass in the air, cum dripping out of your cunt.
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birgittesilverbae · 1 year
"Hey, Lilith," Shannon says softly, buffering the closing door with her palm so it doesn't slam shut behind her. "It's almost curfew, why aren't you in your room?"
Lilith raises a finger to her lips, gestures with the other hand towards Beatrice, asleep at the table, her head pillowed on her textbook.
"What're you doing?"
"I'm trying to figure out how to wake her without waking her."
Shannon closes her eyes, pinches the bridge of her nose between thumb and forefinger. "And how exactly is that supposed to work?"
"I said I was figuring it out," Lilith snaps back. Beatrice shifts in her chair and a stricken look washes across Lilith's face. "Could–" she starts, her voice soft again. She grits her teeth.
Shannon decides to take pity on her. "Grab her bag, would you?" She asks as she sweeps around the table and looks down at Beatrice. She's smaller than the teammates Shannon fireman carries during dryland training, so it should be simple. Once Shannon's worked Beatrice carefully into her arms, however, she finds her much heavier than she looks. Right, the kid rowed crew. Which probably explained the whole falling-asleep-in-the-library bit too, now that she gives it some more thought.
Lilith flits around her like a particularly angry mosquito, darting in and out of range as Shannon stands tall again with Beatrice cradled against her. Beatrice turns her face towards Shannon's collarbone, her hand gripping the front of Shannon's pullover, and Shannon doesn't need eyes on Lilith to sense the thunderhead that must be sweeping across her face. 
"Make sure you've got everything," she says, diverting Lilith's frenetic energy towards a more productive mission. 
"I'm not stupid."
"I know, I know, second in your class."
"Beatrice is a genius." Lilith radiates pride as she scoops the last of Beatrice's books into her bag. 
"Not smart enough to get herself to bed before passing out," Shannon laughs. She turns sideways to move out into the hall as Lilith holds the door for her. 
"Be careful," Lilith hisses, darting forward to put a hand between Beatrice and the doorframe, though there's already a foot of clearance.
"I've got her, Lilith."
Lilith sniffs. "I've seen enough of your attempts at doorways to know better than to entrust her safety to you."
So what if she'd all but clotheslined herself with her stick coming off the ice the week prior. "That was one time," she gripes, dropping a shoulder to knock it against Lilith's. "Now be quiet, you'll wake her."
Lilith makes an indignant noise, but Shannon sweeps on down the hall.
The dorm room's two single beds have been shoved together against one wall, their sheets tucked tight with a military precision that makes a lump form in Shannon's throat. She swallows hard, looks anywhere but the square corners as Lilith pulls back the sheets on the side furthest from the door. Shannon deposits Beatrice there and extricates her arms, then scrubs idly at the back of her neck with a hand. 
"You two need anything else?"
"No," Lilith says sharply, already kneeling at the bedside to relieve Beatrice of her slip-on shoes. "Thank you," she adds grudgingly, her voice warming a fraction of a degree. 
"Any time." Shannon jerks her chin towards Beatrice. "Tell her to come see me tomorrow, alright? She and I need to have a talk."
"About?" Lilith's tone goes ice cold.
Shannon rolls her eyes. "No need to go guard dog on me. If she's falling asleep like that before it's even hit 9PM, that raises some concerns that it's my duty to attempt to address before bringing the issue to the faculty. Alright? Now, I've gotta go let Coach D know she won't be at practice tomorrow morning. See she gets a lie in, yeah?" Lilith gives her agreement distractedly, too busy aligning Beatrice's shoes just so at the foot of her bed, and Shannon sighs. "Just, let her know I need to speak with her, okay? Have a good night, Lilith."
Shannon lingers at the door long enough to watch Lilith press a fleeting kiss to Beatrice's forehead as she pulls the sheets up to the girl's chin. Then she closes the door softly behind her and sets off for the teachers' quarters. A late night meeting with Coach Duretti is never high on her bucket list, especially when he's definitely going to harp on her about wearing track pants with her uniform top, but needs must.
She loosens her tie even further, just to really fuck with him, and sets off down the stairs.
"Lilith, did you turn my alarm off?"
Lilith tucks her toothbrush into the pocket of her cheek and leans back into the dorm room to see Beatrice scrambling out of bed, her face a mask of panic as she yanks dresser drawers open in a hasty search for her training kit. "I don't think you set it," she says awkwardly around the bristles. 
"Oh." Beatrice pauses, hoodie half over her head. "Wait. Did I fall asleep in the library again?"
Lilith shrugs. She catches her reflection in the mirror and rolls her eyes before she resumes brushing her teeth.
"Did y–" Beatrice starts from behind her. She trails off for a moment before continuing. "Did someone bring me back here?"
Lilith spits, then takes her time thoroughly rinsing her toothbrush before answering. "I don't know," she replies, tucking the brush back in the holder, her red alongside Beatrice's green. "Maybe you walked back and forgot."
"Oh," Beatrice says quietly, her brow furrowed. "Okay then." She drops to the floor and reaches for her slip-ons, but Lilith knocks her hand away with the side of her foot in passing.
"Go back to bed, Beatrice."
"Masters says you're not allowed to go again until you've talked to her, and you know she doesn't get up before nine on weekends if she doesn't have to. Go back to bed, and I'll bring up breakfast for you."
"Peaches in my oatmeal?"
Lilith's gorge rises at the mere thought of the texture monstrosity, but she nods despite herself. "Of course, Beatrice. Now go to sleep."
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bihansthot · 11 months
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I will try and write Liang’s side of this prompt tomorrow. It’s late and I want to mess around a bit with my potential new OC but I did manage to write Bi-Han’s half of this ask.
Hopefully it checks all the boxes and you lovelies enjoy it! There are mentions of childbirth but it’s vague since I’ve never gone through it or seen it in person. Also Bi-Han is forced to wait outside because it’s very uncommon for men to be let into the delivery room in China. I still think Arctika is somewhere in China so that’s what I’m going with.
Reader is gender neutral so if you wanna be mpreg with Bi-Han’s kid you totally can be.
You make a face and clutch at your stomach as the pain twists your face into a grimace. The contraction passes and you’re able to focus on the task at hand of making dumplings for your growing little family. You learned to make gyoza from your host father when you spent the summer abroad in Japan before moving to China after college to teach English. You add the finely minced garlic to the bowl of meat in front of you before mixing in a veritable mountain of thread-thin strands of cabbage into the pork and chicken mince. Traditionally gyoza was just pork but you liked the softer less greasy texture the chicken added so you opted to use both. You take your time to scoop the filling into the wrappers and begin folding them before your hit with another painful contraction, this time you call for Bi-Han. “Polar bear, your voice calls shakily for him as your fingers dig into the countertops.
“Qīn? Are you ok?” Bi-Han asks in concern as he makes his way into the kitchen to see you hunched over and grasping the counter. He tentatively rubs your shoulders and back trying to relieve your pain as realizes what’s happening. “Is it time to finally go to the hospital?” He asks, his low voice rumbling in your ear making the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end at his cold, deep voice.
“The doctor said they have to be five minutes apart and last at least 60 seconds,” these haven’t been that consistent yet.” You inform your husband, Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei.
“Tch,” he scoffs as he shifts to the side when your posture returns to easy, “at least let me help with dinner then.” Bi-Han deftly scoops up a wrapper and a spoonful of the dumpling mixture and starts making quick work of the bowl’s contents.
“Thank you Polar Bear,” the two of you fold the dumplings in a comfortable silence only lovers share broken only by the occasional mumbling Bi-Han gives to your unborn child. You gasp as harder contraction grips you and you ruin the dumpling you were working on, you whimper and wince as this one doesn’t seem to let up. When it finally lightens your met with a wet gushing sensation in between your legs and hear the tinkling of ice shards crashing to the floor as Bi-Han is close enough to freeze the deluge. You turn around to give him a sheepish look, “I guess it’s time.”
“Fuck! Fuck! I told you we should have gone when the contractions started! Now the baby is on the way!” Bi-Han panics and starts frantically running around his quarters at the Lin Kuei complex to find your overnight bag and the baby’s bag and all the other items you’ll need.
You groan in pain, “It’s all in the bedroom on my side of the bed, I packed everything up.” You shuffle your way towards the entrance to try and get your shoes on while Bi-Han gathers everything.
“Where’s the fucking baby carrier I mean the baby seat ugh the fucking car seat! Where’s the fucking car seat qīn?!” Sub-Zero scrambles out of the bedroom, the myriad of bags wrapped and strapped to his well-built body.
“In the car babe, we already put the car seat in the car along with my little donut cushion for after delivery,” you reply calmly as you pull on your faux fur coat to keep you warm in the frigid climate of Arctika.
“Right, right. Gotta drive you down to the hospital in the village at the base of the mountain.” Bi-Han breaths quickly, the stress and anxiety of the situation quickly overwhelming the usually steadfast soon-to-be father. He strides past you, whips open the door, and starts ushering you out into the frigid endless winter. He’s shaking as he buckles you into the passenger’s seat, he heaves a deep, shaky breath as he climbs into the driver's seat and you immediately wish you had a second seatbelt knowing full well the cryomancer wasn’t a good driver. Bi-Han punches the location of the hospital into the GPS before reversing too quickly out of the makeshift cobblestone driveway.
“Try not to get us killed polar bear,” you grasp your stomach again trying not to concentrate on the pain. It’s a harrowing journey with Bi-Han practically drift racing down the steep winding mountain roads and you’re shocked all the jostling hasn’t knocked the baby loose. He speeds through the narrow, cramped village streets before finally reaching the hospital.
He parks in the patient loading and unloading zones before strapping the bags to his body. He comes over to your side of the vehicle and throws the door open, with the speed and precision only an assassin could possess he makes quick work of your seatbelt before scooping you up in his arms. He kicks the door closed behind him before striding into the hospital, marching up to the desk, and turning his icy gaze towards the desk clerk. “My partner is having our baby, they’re in active labor, the contracts are exactly 5.2 mins apart and are lasting 63.25 seconds.”
You blink in his arms, utterly amazed at his ability to count and calculate your contractions on the fly like that. Another contraction pulls a deep groan from your throat as you try and stifle your desire to scream.
“Sir there are wheelchairs you can use over there while I get them checked in,” the receptionist says politely gesturing towards the bank of wheelchairs.
“Does it fucking look like I need one? I can do this all day,” Bi-Han grumps at the poor girl just trying to do her job.
You sigh, “it’s for my comfort polar bear, not yours now put me down like she said.”
Bi-Han bares his teeth and snarls reluctantly before obeying your request and walking you over to the wheelchairs and helping you get comfortable.
“Alright Mx. Zero, you’re all checked in, you’ll be in room 3c on the right, your husband can wheel you there and the nurses will take it from there.” The pleasant receptionist quips.
Bi-Han sucks in another shaky, deep breath before wheeling you into the room. He helps you into the bed and gets you situated before the group of nurses shoo him out of the room yelling at him to wait outside. Bi-Han can’t help but panic and pace back and forth, his keen ears listening in on any possible signs of distress and this goes on for hours and hours. The shaking, the jittery pacing the pounding pulse the constant pressing of his ear to the door until finally he hears a tiny coo followed by a loud cry. The cryomancer finally barges inside the delivery room and can’t help but tear up as he sees the doctor holding your newborn daughter. The doctor reluctantly allows Bi-Han to cut the umbilical cord, a practice not commonly followed in the part of the world. The doctor gently passes Bi-Han’s daughter to him and he melts, he suddenly doesn’t have a care in the world, her little smile is all he needs. She coos softly and squirms in Bi-Han’s strong, cold arms, she feels cold like him and Bi-Han is full of pride. “Look qīn, she’s here, she’s perfect,” he tenderly places the child on your chest as your arms come up to cradle her.
“She’s freezing, just like you,” you shiver as you lovingly caress her tiny chubby cheeks and put a handmade little polar bear cap on her. You cradle her to your exhausted body, “she looks like you too but her hair is the same as mine.” You give your husband a tired smile, “we’ve been waiting quite a while for you little one.” You place a gentle kiss on her forehead and let her nurse until she’s had her fill, “Bi-Han can you watch her first, I’m so tired.”
He quickly scoops the baby up and burps her the only way a seasoned big brother turned father could before cradling he close rocking her slowly back and forth, “rest qīn, you did such a good job.”
You nod off to the soft sound of Bi-Han singing to the baby, a smile gracing your lips before you slip into an exhausted sleep.
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meekahy · 1 month
Beach Bunny
hello, here's my first John Marino fic! Let me know what you think!
Requests are open :)
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John watched you as you sat on the bed with your laptop in front of you. You were working on an essay for one of your college classes. You had one of your favorite playlists playing in the background as John was on his phone. 
“Flashing back to New York City
Changing flights so you stay with me
Remember thinkin' that I got this right
And now I wish we never met
'Cause you're too hard to forget
While I'm cleanin' up your mess…” you sang along to Lie to Me by 5 Seconds of Summer. John was watching you sing as you typed your essay. He thought you had an amazing voice. You had a decent range too. However, being a singer was not what you wanted. You wanted to run your own business one day. That’s why you were writing an essay, for your business class.
You stopped singing and focused on your essay, and John went back to his phone. He loved hearing you sing. You always sang in the car, while you wrote, and while you were doing household chores. Good Girls by Beach Bunny started to play next and you groaned, it was one of your favorites. 
“I'm tired of dumb boy talk
Of getting close
You say you won't, you do
And act as though you don't
You're not a ghost
I'm not afraid of you
I started letting go
You let me know
That you were just confused
And I still think that you're cute
But I need you to remember that
Good girls don't get used,” you sang your heart out to this one with your eyes closed, feeling the lyrics. John watched you with heart eyes. He loved the sound of your voice. Once the song ended and another started, you could feel his eyes on you. Looking over, you felt a blush spread across your cheeks.
“Sorry, sometimes I get carried away when Beach Bunny is on. They’re my favorite,” you confessed shyly.
John shook his head, smiling, “I love it.”
You smiled and moved your laptop so you could jump onto his chest and hug him, abandoning your essay. John easily caught you and chuckled, wrapping his strong arms around your back. He grabbed his phone to look at something.
“Whatcha doing, Johnny?” you mumbled into his chest.
“I’m looking to see if a Beach Bunny concert is coming up,” he said.
You perked up, “Really?” You shifted your head so you could see his phone screen. You hoped and prayed that there was a concert nearby and soon.
John scrolled through the tour dates and found one in New York City, “Babe, it’s tomorrow!” He exclaimed making you jump off of him in excitement.
“Can we go? Pretty please, Johnny? Are you off tomorrow?” You rambled out all the questions that popped into your head.
“I am off tomorrow. Let me see if there are any tickets left,” John mumbled as he messed with his phone.
“So?” you asked impatiently, looking back and forth from his face to the screen.
“Tickets are $239 each. Damn. Who’s headlining?” he questioned.
“Melanie Martinez!” you exclaimed, “It’s going to be a great tour.”
“Gotcha, got the tickets babe,” John declared smiling over at you. “No shit?” you almost screamed, and he nodded. This time you did, jumping back onto his chest as you placed kisses all over his face.
John laughed before wrapping you in a bone crushing hug, kissing the top of you head.
“Happy?” He asked you quietly.
“More than happy,” you said lifting your head to look into his eyes, “Thank you, Johnny.”
“Of course, sweetheart,” John muttered lovingly.
“Now I got to find something to wear,” you yelled while leaping off of John, in route to your closet. Shuffling through your dresses, you groaned, “I gotta go get something new, I think.”
“Let’s go shopping,” John suggested.
A broad smile graced your features, you reached out your hand towards him. John has a toothy grin on his face. You loved the missing tooth, and he knew it. He gets out of bed and grabbed your hand. 
At the store, you had a few dresses laid over you arm as you both walked to the dressing room. You grabbed John’s hand and pulled him to a room and shut the door. He sat down on the chair while you hung up the dresses and put your purse down. Kicking off your shoes, you grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head with John’s eyes watching your every move. You tugged off your shorts and reached out for the first dress. It was a spaghetti strapped dress with a maroon floral print
Looking in the mirror, you turned to see the different angles of your dress, “Baby, what do you think of this one?” 
Locking eyes with him in the mirror, he smiled, “I like this one.”
You smiled back, “I’m going to try on the black one,” you stated reaching for the short sleeved dress. Slipping out of the maroon dress, you effortlessly slid on the black dress, John’s eyes never leaving your form.
“Babe?” you question.
“Black looks good on you, but I like the tank top dress,” John confessed.
“Okay, last one,” you said referring to the cheetah print body con dress. Yanking off the black dress, you watched John’s face. He was practically drooling at you. Slightly turning, you decided to put on a little show for the last dress. Letting your hips sway in your cute light pink panties, you reached for the cheetah print dress and slowly slid into it, knowing that John’s eyes were on your ass. You turned back around to see his hooded eyes slowly looking up to your face, stopping on your breasts. Your cleavage in this dress made your boobs look imaculate. 
“O-okay, this one is my favorite,” John stuttered standing up. He made his way over to you with his hands resting on your hips.
Blushing you reach up to tangle your hands into his curls, “I think it’s my favorite too.”
He leaned down and pressed a needy kiss to your lips. You deepened this kiss while letting your hands roam his arms. 
Breaking the kiss, he pulled away, “Let’s go buy this and go home,” John whispered, “got a few things I want to do with you.”
“Is that so, Johnny?” you asked with doe eyes. He nodded and sat back in the chair, giving you the cue to change back into your clothes. After changing, you bought the dress and went home to take care of a few things before bed.
The next night, you and John were standing in line for the concert. You dressed in the new cheetah print dress and John in a nice button up. You gripped his hand while your other hand held his bicep. You rested your head on his shoulder as you moved forward little by little.
However, John could feel you bouncing. You were so excited. 
“Babe, relax, you’ll see them soon enough,” he laughed.
“I’m trying, believe me,” you retorted giggling.
After making showing your tickets, you found your seats. You sat down and John’s arm wrapped around your shoulders. Talking about anything and everything, you waited. The lights suddenly dimmed and you sat up in your seat. The opening band played their set and left the stage. You both enjoyed them. Your eyes never leaving the stage, you see Lili Trifilio make her way to the middle of the stage with her guitar strapped to her shoulder. 
You quickly stood up, John following suit, as she greeted the crowd and started to play Weeds. You cheered and sang along. John nodded his head along to the music and enjoyed watching you have the time of your life. Towards the end of their set, they played Cloud 9, another one of your favorites. John enveloped you in his hands as he swayed you back and forth to the beat of the song. You were in perpetual bliss, listening to your favorite band in concert and had the love of your life wrapped around you. 
Before the last song, Painkillers, you turned around in John’s arms and gave him a big kiss.
“Thank you for this experience,” you gushed.
“Anything to see you happy, love,” John smiled. You turned around to listen to Beach Bunny’s last song, enjoying John’s presence and the atmosphere.
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whitchygaythem · 1 year
Dont eat ur gf stupid
Aisha tapped her foot in excitement as she drove her old pick up truck down the dusty dirt road. Bubbly pop music blared out of open windows and warm winds whipped her fluffy pink afro around her head. The sun had begun to set, casting the countryside in a hazy golden glow. Aisha looked over her shoulder as the song ended and the ads started, checking if she had everything she needed. Blankets? Check. The last of her closet? Check. Her backpack sat in the passenger seat next to her and the greasy, fragrant smell of lots of cheap Chinese food spilled out of the plastic bags in the back of the car. She had everything. Another ad started, just as the road turned and widened into a circular driveway in front of a well kept blue farmhouse. It stood out against the dusty green grass covering the land around it. Once she parked, Aisha jumped out of the truck, almost leaving her bags in the bed of the truck. She ran up to the porch, fumbling around for her keys in the pockets of her skirt, finally unlocking the door and pushing it open. 
"Hey Louise! I'm here!" 
Aisha rolled her bag into the living room and sank onto the couch. She heard creaking steps and she looked over at the woman walking downstairs. Aisha hopped up and ran towards Louise, nearly leaping into her arms and wrapping her in a hug, though Aisha could only reach Louise's chest, since she was a good two feet taller than her. Louise looked startled but hugged Aisha back.
"I thought you were coming tomorrow?" Aisha peeled away from the hug to look up at Louise's face. 
"I finished packing early! I wanted to move in as soon as I could." She stood on her tip toes and gently guided Louise's face down to meet her own, kissing her softly. "Do you want me to leave and come back tomorrow?" Louise shook her head, avoiding Aisha's gaze as her face flushed pink. 
"No… I missed you. So much." Louise scooped Aisha up in her arms, holding her close in a bridal carry. "It's just… I'm, um sick?..." She tucked her face in Aisha's hair, holding her tight, as if she would ever try to leave. Aisha felt her forehead. She was hot. Like really hot. 
"It must be bad, are you sure you want me to stay?" 
Louise tightened her grip around Aisha's body. "I'll be fine, please just stay here." 
"Of course Lou." Aisha kissed her forehead, smiling as she felt Louise's face flush with heat.
Louise straightened, standing to her full height, dwarfing the woman in her arms. Aisha giggled and yelled as Louise rushed her up the stairs.
"Wait wait wait, don't forget the takeout!"
Once upstairs in their bedroom, Aisha had set out the food and turned on the tv, sitting in the middle of the bed. Louise was sitting at the head of the bed. She had just barely let Aisha go, acting as if it might hurt her to have Aisha leave her arms. Louise had started tearing into her food as soon as Aisha was out of biting range, wolfing down her food like a starving predator. She worked her way through her fried rice, lo mein, dumplings and, after some sad looks and a hungry growl from her stomach, the rest of Aisha's pork wraps. Aisha watched her eat it all, wondering how she could still be eating. Eventually she did finish, and immediately tried to grab Aisha to cuddle. 
"Please?" Louise pleaded as Aisha gathered the trash off the bed.
"I'm coming back Lou! I just gotta throw this out." She half climbed back onto the bed to give Louise a peck on the cheek. 
"Can't you just leave it out in the hall?" Louise looked at her with a begging look in her eyes. "I promise I'll get it later." Aisha sighed and smiled.
"Alright babe." She dropped the greasy bag outside the doorway and plopped down on the bed. "And I assume you want to be big spoon?" Louise nodded. Aisha laid down on the bed, and Louise held her close. She wrapped one arm around Aisha's stomach and the other around her chest and one of her arms, rendering her mostly immobile. "I might take a nap ok Louise?" Aisha looked up to kiss Louise's chin. She didn't respond, only snuggling closer to her. Surrounded by warmth, Aisha began to drift off. 
She woke to a heavy, almost painful pressure over her chest. Louise was asleep, breathing in quick, shallow gasps as she tightened her grip on Aisha's arm, hard enough to leave a bruise. 
"Hey Lou?" 
"Can you, uh, loosen up? I think you're about to crush me." 
Louise jumped away from Aisha, hands up and eyes scanning for injuries. Her gaze landed on Aisha's arm. 
"Shit, sorry I'm so sorry!" She backed away, looking horrified. She had gotten dark circles under her eyes, and her face looked thinner. How could it have done that? Louise had just eaten a meal for three people, how could she look like she was starving? 
"Hey, hey Louise," Aisha grabbed Louise's hands and pulled her back to sit on the bed. "I'm alright. You didn't hurt me. But I need you to tell me what's wrong." Louise looked down at  her, eyes filling with tears.
"I'm just so hungry Aisha!" Louise choked out. "It hurts and I feel empty and food can't fix it!" Aisha reached towards Louise, climbing onto the bed to wrap Louise in a hug. 
"I'm so sorry love. I had no idea. How can I help?" I could go out to get something else for you?" 
Louise shook her head. 
"Actually, could I just… kiss you? Please?" 
Aisha smiled up at Louise. "Of course." 
Louise slammed down, crashing her lips into Aisha's, holding her face in both hands. She was voracious, barely stopping to let Aisha breathe. When she did, it was to press kisses all over her face. She lingered over Aisha's neck, and Aisha felt long teeth against her skin. Then Louise looked back at her, and Aisha saw something in her eyes. Something distinctly… inhuman. Louise held Aisha's face tight.
"Close your eyes."
She did. But she peeked.
Louise's jaw had stretched wide, and every one of her dozens of teeth were sharp, especially her canines. Louise had always been big, but now, when she was looming over her with a primal hunger in her eyes, Aisha became very aware of just how small she was. Louise glanced down and their eyes met for a second. Then she began eating. 
Louise's clawed hands kept Aisha's arms in place at her side, while she kept Aisha's head stuck in her maw. Aisha screamed and tried to kick away from Louise, but was squeezed into her throat when she swallowed. Louise never stopped swallowing after, gulping Aisha down as if she was the first thing she had eaten in months. She felt more pressure around her shoulders, then on her chest. Aisha felt a sharp pain just below her shoulder blade, then screamed out as it dragged down her back. Aisha thought her vision would go dark. Well, it was already dark. There doesn't tend to be much light inside someone's esophagus. Aisha felt herself slipping down much faster as Louise stood up and tilted her head back. Aisha felt the tight grip of Louise's throat loosen, as her head was pushed into her stomach. Her shoulders and arms followed, and after a few more resounding gulps, Aisha was sealed inside Louise's stomach. 
Shifting slimy walls ground at Aisha's body. She was surrounded by darkness and gurgling noises. 
"LOUISE LET ME OUT!" Aisha screamed. "LET ME OUT GODDAMNIT!" She kicked one of the walls surrounding her. She heard a groan of pain, somehow coming from everywhere. Aisha kept kicking as best she could with her legs being pressed up to her chest, forcing her into a fetal position. She felt a bit lightheaded. Despite being surrounded by warmth, she was hyper aware of the warmth seeping into her shirt from her cut back. "Please Lou, let me out…" 
Aisha woke up on top of the bed, a torn sheet covering her. She groaned. Her head felt fuzzy. What had happened? Then it hit her.
The spit.
The teeth 
The blood.
The hunger.
Her heart beat faster as she began to panic. But that couldn't have happened? People can't just.. swallow each other like that. It was just a nightmare. A horrible nightmare. And-and it was such a bad nightmare, she ripped the sheet while she was asleep! Yeah, that sounds right. 
Aisha stretched, reaching her arms toward the ceiling, when a line of pain shot down her back.
"AGH, Shit!" She twisted to touch her back, wincing as the tear along her back burned with fresh pain. So last night did really happen… Louise actually… ate her. "Oh holy shit… holy shiiit" Her girlfriend had eaten her. Swallowed her. Louise wasn't… human. Aisha wasn't sure what she was. 
Aisha changed out of her torn, blood stained t-shirt and showered. By the time she had walked downstairs to get some coffee, she had forgotten about Louise. That is, until she saw her sitting at the kitchen table. Louise looked up. She smiled weakly. Aisha noticed that her fangs were on display.
"Um, hi Aisha… sorry about, um, yesterday"
"What the hell happened to you? What… What are you Louise?" 
Louise sighed.
"That's a bit of a long story. You might wanna sit down."
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loudsnapdragon · 10 months
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BIG MOUTH. Explicit. 35500 words.
College is a fresh start for Steve, and he's trying to be a better person, he really is, but the attempt would be way easier if Jonathan Byers wasn't acting so butthurt all the time.
But then, maybe that's Steve's fault for following Jonathan to his bed every night, and not once, taking the chance to talk about how he really feels.
(excerpt under the cut.)
‘I’ve gotta go.’ Jonathan says, quietly, shoulders sunk down. It reminds Steve of that first time, when he dragged Jonathan from the common room; and Jonathan froze up near the end, like he was bracing himself for the punchline, even though there wasn’t one then; but now, maybe, and it's landing on Steve.
He starts getting dressed, and Steve does too, because he feels too vulnerable asking these questions without his socks on. ‘Was it the phone call thing? Like- that won’t happen again, so don’t worry.’
‘No. No, just, my little brother is visiting tomorrow. I need to tidy my room, need to meet him at the station.’ Jonathan says, staring at his bootlaces as he ties them. ‘His bus arrives pretty early.’
‘Oh. Cool.’ Steve says, annoyed that Jonathan’s lying, because they don’t have much, but they don’t lie to each other, not normally. ‘I didn’t know you had a brother.’
Jonathan nods, does up his zipper and pulls on his suede jacket. Steve sits on the bed, sheets creased and pooling by his bare knees, feeling dumb and embarrassed, but stupidly, he’s not nervous about trying again. ‘You sure you’re okay? Like, with Tommy and everything?’
Jonathan sucks in his lips, like he’s making his expression as small as possible, trying to reveal as little as he can, which only does the opposite. Steve’s not a clever guy, but he can make a guess at an expression like that. He could say goodbye, give Jonathan an easy exit, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t push, but he waits for an answer, waits to hear why Jonathan doesn’t trust him. He isn’t normally difficult like this.
‘I didn’t know you were still friends with Tommy.’ Jonathan says, eventually, carefully cool.
Steve shrugs, lets his hands fall onto the bed. ‘I mean, yeah, we hung out all the time in school. We go to the gym together, and he’s like, the only other guy from Hawkins who goes here, so it’s not like I can ignore him.’
‘What? The only other guy from Hawkins?’ Jonathan says, eyes going steely. ‘What does that make me?’
‘You’re different.’ Steve says, instantly regrets it. ‘Like, you’re different from Tommy, but it’s also like- well, we never hung out in high school, ya’ know? You were always doing your own thing.’
‘My own thing.’ Jonathan repeats, without emotion. ‘That’s what you call it?’
Steve falters, scans over Jonathan’s body before talking next, seeing the way his hand is tightly grasped around the strap of his messenger bag, his nostrils slightly flared. Out of anyone he’s ever met, Jonathan is the hardest person to read. Makes everything strange and quiet. Steve works harder, looking at Jonathan.
He skips a couple steps, maybe, but he tries to say the right thing. ‘Look, you know I’m sorry about how we were in high school.’
Jonathan snorts, ugly, takes a step towards the door. ‘You said sorry.’
‘Yeah, I did, and I mean it dude, I promise.’
‘Yeah, I remember.’ Jonathan seethes, ‘You said sorry, not Tommy, and now you guys go the gym together.’
Steve doesn’t like it, how Jonathan’s turning this into something it doesn’t have to be. Steve apologised, ages ago, a month after moving into dorms, and approximately a week prior to getting over the whole shame-of-liking-dicks conundrum. They bumped into each other at that party, and he got it all out, said everything he’d been rehearsing with Robin days before. He thought they were over this.
He’s not certain if he’s angry because; Jonathan isn’t over it, or because; Jonathan’s so hard to fucking read that he only just realised that Jonathan isn’t over it; whatever reason, he’s angry, and he doesn’t hide it.
‘I’m not Tommy’s fucking babysitter, I can’t make him say shit.’
‘Fuck- fuck…’ Jonathan stutters, going pale, because he gets embarrassed when the stutter comes back. ‘I’m not saying that.’ He pauses, arms holding his sides. ‘I just thought… I thought you weren’t like that. Not like Tommy, anymore.’
‘He’s not that bad.’
‘He is, Steve, he used to be a fucking asshole.’
‘That was high school!’ Steve says, waves his arms, annoyed and pent up. ‘I thought you were over it. You might even like him nowadays if you tried to talk to him.’
Jonathan’s jaw tenses, white veins illuminated by the light from the small lamp. ‘I’m sorry, but if you expect me to ever talk to Tommy, then you’re even dumber than I thought.’
‘Fuck you.’ Steve says, not shouting, but doing a bad job at hiding the hurt. ‘Maybe I should hang out with Tommy more, then, if I’m so dumb.’
Jonathan shakes his head, looks down, moves an inch closer to the bed, ‘no I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-’ but Steve’s not letting him get away with that.
‘I mean it- like we’re actually really similar, me and Tommy, like we listen to the same music, and he actually comes to my swim meets, and he even tries with Robin, more than you do.’ He says, hoping it stings. ‘I don’t, actually, have anything in common with you.’ He shrugs, makes a show of it.
Jonathan is at the door, tilting his head, looking at Steve like he’s shit on his shoe. ‘You’re right, we don’t have anything in common.’
‘Yeah, I’m right.’ Steve says, already losing conviction. ‘We’re not friends. We just have sex.’ And the belief disappears before he’s even finished saying it.
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papuhater · 2 years
𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 .i
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arkham riddler x fem!alternative reality!reader
good looking series? should i do a part 2? this is a pilot.
cw_villans_hero riddler_alternate reality_implied death_ooc riddler.
based on this idea: link!
overview; eddie and y/n have been together for years, since they met somewhere in between childhood, they became the other's soulmate. eddie's work with batman puts his wife on edge many times, but he calms her into believing it's just another shift, but is it?
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"honey, it's late."
"yes i know, but i need to finish this, batman needs this tomorrow."
"well, i'm sure bruce isn't right now stressing and is with selina right now."
his exasperated sigh reaches your ears just as his chair spins to look at you, eddie looks tired, he normally doesn't overwork as much with villans. y/n got closer to eddie and offered her hand for him to grab, he did, bringing it close to his face where he cuddled it. his tired face leaned towards it, acting as if he was sleeping on it
"c'mon eddie, let's get you to bed," he mumbled yes and nodded in agreement. he stood up and you guided him into the room, eddie flopped into the mattress and you sat on it, looking at him with strange fondness. suddenly you were pulled down to lay with him while being wrapped in his arms, he delivered you a short kiss and then layed his head onto you shoulder.
the sheet was very soft, your hand grabbed it and pulled it up, eddie had fallen asleep quickly, it wasn't of him to pull an all-nighter, most of the nights after 9 pm he was already in bed and ready to sleep, his face seemed in peace, the soft brown locks were straight in his forehead, you picked his glasses and left them in the nightstand, only to come back to his fully embrace.
the hug continued for a couple of hours, and eddie didn't stir, y/n fell completely asleep next to him, and the night continued safe and sound, but the ambient was broken by a phone.
eddie's phone
eddie sat up groggily and grabbed the phone, y/n didn't move from her laying position, only waking up a bit. his stance changed from relaxed to stressed and she heard some mumbles of protest, then a sigh, a very deep sigh. when he hanged up the phone, eddie got her attention
"what is it eddie?"
"i gotta go, this new villan appeared again, i got the coordinates."
"eddie, this was dangerous from the second you joined bruce's work." you started
"you accepted this as my wife, y/n!" eddie called from the closet
"yes, but can't i be worried for you?" you sat up "can't i be worried for us?"
"i'm not going to get hurt."
"you don't know that!"
"well have some faith in me!" he exclaimed matching your angry tone, there were time like this, times in which his stubbornness was a bad thing, even though it was directed to good. and it would blind him horribly, and just show him that the only way was his. soon the screams became more strong and violent.
"goddammit! you are going to die if you continue like this, you need to listen!-"
"no y/n! this is for gotham, this city needs to be protected and we have a lot of things to take care of in here-"
"and what about me?! don't you need to think of how your death would affect ME?"
he fell silent, and mumbled your name while massaging his temple, he was going to apologize but you continued
"you are right now thinking of only gotham and you are willing to give it all away! what about you?! what would be of you if there is nothing else?! you aren't aware that i love you, and you think you can just leave and i'll be okay! and i can assure you IT'S NOT!" the phone ringing stopped you mid argument, he looked at it, then at you again.
sigh "just take it." and you flopped into bed, facing into the wall
"go, we'll talk about this later."
he kept quiet, then eddie walked towards you and kissed your forehead
"i'm sorry, sweetheart."
the goodbye was silent, very silent, eddie left like a breeze, your eyes were screwed shut but they opened again when your phone rang, you quickly woke up and answered
“hello?” you heard from the other line a cough and your name, it took you sometime to recognize the voice,
eddie’s voice
“eddie! what’s wrong?-”
“y/n, listen, it was a trap, fuck, i should’ve listened to you-” he coughed a bit more
“what? what was a trap?” you asked confused
“this! th-the call!” he exclaimed, you were feeling on edge “i’m- shit, i’m gonna die, y/n.” that’s when your world dropped
“y/n, it’s too late, i’m dying” you stood up, and left the house with your phone in hand, eddie continued
“i love you, and i’m sorry i put my work over you, many times.” you never registered when your tears began falling, but it could be triggered by the sobs that racked from his throat “i’m stubborn, a-and,  everything hurts, y/n, it hurts.”
“i know, eddie, i’m going to the police station-”
“it’s too late, the fire’s consuming everything, i’ll die before bruce get’s here. listen, i love you much, and i’m sorry i’m leaving you like this, i should’ve listened to you, i’m sorry, i’m so, so so sorry you have to go through this, but the most thing that i’m sorry about is that i didn’t spend more time with you.” you were at the doorstep to the police, ready to make a mess and save him, so you could scold him for being so careless
“y/n i love you, please, don’t cry for me.”
“i love you, i’ll save you eddie-”
what you heard while going into the police was your song, the one you both loved; eddie my love. suddenly heard through the speaker a bang,  a piece of wood fell over the phone.
the police could hear your screams for him.
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lacontroller1991 · 1 year
Birthday Surprises (Gordo Stevens x F!Reader)
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Main Master List || For All Mankind Master List
Author’s Note: HAPPY MOFO BIRTHDAY TO LITERALLY THE LOVE OF MY LIFE I just had to write something for the mustached chubby bunny and because I refuse to accept the fact that he is dead, he is very much alive and will stay alive.
Warnings: Gaslighting Gordo into making him think that everyone forgot, sexual implications (18+), beer, nothing besides that
Word Count: 1.8k
Perhaps for the first time in a while, Gordo wakes before anyone, a smile on his face before he looks over to you sleeping soundly by his side. Reaching over, he gently shakes your shoulder, softly chuckling when you groan in protest, swatting away his hand. “Come on honey, get up.”
“Because…. I want you to join me for a shower.”
“Not right now Gordo, I want to sleep.” You roll back over and curl into a ball, the blankets covering most of your body except your eyes and forehead and Gordo can’t help but to feel a bit hurt. Normally, you’re quick to jolt out of bed towards the shower but you don’t, and what makes it even odder is the fact that you haven’t commented on the fact that it’s his birthday today. Shrugging his shoulders he walks to the bathroom and turns on the water, stripping and looking at himself in the mirror. He’s only just turned 49 and he doesn’t look his age. His hair is still a vibrant brown and his mustache has no traces of gray. The only thing that shows his age is maybe the creases in his forehead but past that, on a clean shaven day he could probably pass as a 39 year old. Lathering his face with shave cream, he picks up a razor and shaves his mustache. You’re probably going to miss it but it’ll grow back.
The minute the faucet turns on you’re wide awake. Normally you would’ve loved to join him for a shower, especially given the fact that today is his birthday, but for your plan to work you have to make him believe that you forgot about his birthday. Slipping out of bed, you fix the sheets and lay on top, opening a book and reading the contents, or rather trying to. The minute Gordo steps out the door you have a million things to do for his surprise party. You have to bake a cake, buy some food, prepare the patio for the party, decorate the house, shower and shave every part of your body, and then you can get Ed to grill up the steaks that you need to get.
Dragging yourself into the kitchen, you start a pot of coffee as you look around the room, trying to decide where everything is going to go. Fortunately for you, you have two helpers who are going to help you whether they like it or not.
“Morning baby. How was your shower?”
Gordo smirks a little as he pours himself some coffee while you admire him. You don’t mind when he has facial hair, but boy do you love it when he’s clean shaven spritzed with cologne. “It was good. Woulda been better with you.”
“I know, but I had to get your coffee ready before you left. Speaking of, what’s up with dressing up? Do you have a meeting today?” You can see the visible fall of Gordo’s smirk as his gears turn in his head.
“Don’t you know what today is?” Playing naive, you shake your head, turning back to the book in your hand as you take a sip of coffee.
“Should I?” You can hear Gordo’s huff of annoyance and even though you want to comfort him, you know it will ruin the surprise.
“No, never mind. Guess I gotta go.”
“Alright honey, you have a good day at work.” You press a kiss to his cheek before stalking away, leaving Gordo confused and hurt in the kitchen.
Shaking his head, he moves to the phone, calling the one person he knows will know today.
“Hey. Ed. How’s it going?”
“Gordo Stevens? Calling me? You in trouble or something?”
“No, no. I was just wondering if maybe afterwork would you and Dani wanna go grab a beer.”
“Ah sorry buddy boy, Dani and I have a conference outta town. We won’t get back until tomorrow. Is everything alright?”
“Yeah. Yeah I guess. I’ll talk to you later.” Gordo doesn’t wait for Ed to reply before he hangs up the phone in frustration. How has everyone forgotten his birthday? Unless today isn’t his birthday. Looking over to the clock on the counter he definitely sees March 26 on the clock so why is no one remembering? He supposes it’s not that big of a deal, given how he’s had 49 of them, but he did expect at least you and Ed to say something. Letting out a sigh, he grabs his keys and heads out the door, spirits disheartened.
“Did he leave yet?” Jimmy appears in your doorway as you tidy up around the room, a smile on your face.
“Yep! Just left. That gives us plenty of time to get the house ready. Go wake your brother, he’s not going to be sleeping all day.” Even though you’re not their mom, they still have respect for you. Maybe it’s because you don’t try to act like you’re their mother or maybe it’s because you make Gordo the happiest he’s ever been, but Jimmy and Danny do respect you, much to Gordo’s (and Tracy’s) surprise.
“Alright guys I brought the steak-”
“And I brought the pie, where do you want us to set them?” Dani and Ed ask from the kitchen as you whip your head to where they stand, a case of beer in your hands.
“Just set them… somewhere. Ed, the grill is out back, there should be some charcoal already.” Ed nods his head and heads for the grill, setting the steaks to the side as Dani, Tracy and Karen fixate different plates on the counters as you straighten out your dress, anxious for his reaction. Seeming to notice your anxiety, Tracy looks over at you and chuckles briefly, wiping her hands on a towel and walking over to you.
“Why are you nervous?”
You look at Tracy with brows knotted. “I’m just worried he’s going to be mad. I mean I told everyone to practically ignore him for the entire day and so I’m worried that he’s gonna get mad.”
“Dad? Mad at you? Yeah right,” Danny moves to pick some of the food off of one of the plates but Jimmy smacks his hand away, causing you and Tracy to laugh at their antics.
“Danny’s right. Gordo wouldn’t be mad at you. In fact, I think he’ll love the surprise.” Tracy lightly jousts you with her elbow before walking back over to Karen and Dani as you smile softly. When you had first started dating Gordo, you were nervous about how things would be between you and his ex, but in all honesty, you and her have become good friends, occasionally teaming up and tormenting Gordo who only groans in protest. Suddenly, Ed barges through the door, gaining the attention of everyone in the living room.
“He’s almost here, I can hear his corvette.” You turn around and gesture for everyone to hide while you grab a cold beer from the fridge and head toward the door, trying not to bite your painted lip as you wait patiently for him to walk through the door.
Gordo unlocks the door with a frown. Out of everybody he knows, his flight student is the only one to wish him a happy birthday, and Gordo attributes that to the fact that the student more than likely has a crush on him. Walking through the door, he lets out a sigh of relief when he sees you standing there, cold beer in your hand, wearing his favorite dress.
“Welcome home honey.” Gordo instantly drops his briefcase and keys before he pulls you into him, pressing a kiss to your lips and peeling the beer out of your hand.
“You sure know how to please a man.”
“I figured you’d have a long day of teaching, so I thought it would be best to be prepared.” And yet nothing about my birthday, Gordo thinks to himself bitterly as he takes a swing of the beer while you grab his hand. Leading him through the hall.
“So what’s the occasion? Why are you dressed up?” You don’t answer him as you guide him into the living room.
“Surprise!” Everybody suddenly shouts out, jumping up from their hiding spots causing Gordo to jump as well, looking at you.
“Honey, what is this?”
“It’s your surprise Birthday Party!” You drag him down for a kiss as he eagerly kisses back, heart swelling at seeing his friends and family in his living room for him. Pulling away from you, he looks down into your (E/C) eyes while trying to hold tears back. How foolish of him to think that everyone had actually forgotten.
“Did you plan all this?”
“Well, I had some help.” You gesture to everybody as Gordo looks around the room. Of course Danny and Jimmy are there, as well as Ed, Dani, Karen and Tracy. “It was hard to keep everything so secretive.”
“She had to practically bribe us,” Ed comments, slapping a hand on Gordo’s shoulder with a smile on his face. “Happy birthday buddy.”
“Happy birthday Gordo.”
“Happy birthday dad.” Everyone around him wishes him a happy birthday and Gordo hates the guilt eating inside of him. Seeming to sense his thoughts, you turn into him, placing a hand on his chest as the other wraps around his waist.
“Is everything ok?”
“Yeah. Yeah. I just thought you guys forgot,” he replies sheepishly, looking down at the beer with newfound fascination.
“(Y/N) wouldn’t let us forget.” Tracy states as Karen and Danny nod their heads in agreement causing you to blush slightly.
“Well, there’s food, drinks, you guys help yourself. I also made some cake and we do have some presents for you to open, Gordo. Ed is gonna grill up some steaks so yeah, surprise!” Gordo swears he could not feel any more love for you than he does at the moment as he watches his family grab finger foods and talk amongst themselves while you stand at his side. “I’m sorry if I led you to believe that I had forgotten about your birthday. That was definitely not what I wanted to do.”
“Hey, hey, it’s alright. This is the kindest thing someone has done for me. I definitely think it makes up for the secrecy,” Gordo comments, taking a swig from his beer as he watches you tug your bottom lip between your teeth, a mischievous glint in your eye. “What?”
Wrapping an arm around his shoulder, you reach up to him and press a kiss to the outer shell of his ear. “Once everyone is gone, I have your real present in the bedroom and believe me, you won’t forget it.” You pull away, pressing your body against his and a kiss to his lips, “Happy birthday, Gordo.”
General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid​ @himbovillain-anon​ @babblydrabbly​ @a-reader-and-a-writer​ @fairchildflag​ @infatuatedjanes
MCB Tag List:  @tavners​ @reveluving​ @violetmuses​ @lafemmeahem​ @xoxabs88xox​ @waywardlavender​ (I tagged you since I know you like Gordo, hope you don’t mind)
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torotoro0 · 2 years
⟬ Childhood Comrades ⟭
Henry Creel x Reader
•Chapter 6•
[Click this for the chapters]
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Summary: Years has passed after THAT one incident, you've finally learned to let go of the past and continue to stride towards the future, but when a certain odd ball in your place of work gets too familiar in comparison with your 'deceased' best friend, can you really move on? Word Count:1.3k
A/N: Feel free to give me suggestions for the next chap!
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Its been years since the infamous incident, Mr. Creel was accused of murdering his family, but not just murdering them normally, their eyes were said to be plucked out leaving their soggy, bloody eye-sockets empty, while his wife and daughter sadly passed, his son survived for a little while in a coma, but also sadly died not a month after.
What happened to Mr. Creel you say? Well, he was confined in a psychiatric hospital, locked away from human interaction, because it may cause him to go 'feral' they say.
It's quite sad to think that the Hawkins police department would just drop the case like its a fart in the wind.
"Ms. L/N? Ms. L/N? Are you still with us?" An interviewer waved his hands in front of me. After the incident, I felt so alone and incredibly sad by the fact that I had no one now to play with and to you know... Share my snacks, drink tea, joke with, laugh with, or even complain to them.
"Yes, yes, I'm here, sorry" I snap back waving my hand holding a folder. "So as I must REPEAT" making the last word spoken louder. "Why is it that you want to apply to this job Ms. L/N?"
" I.. I want to apply for this job because..."
The stamp's slam echoed around the room, what you may ask the job I just got hired too is?
I know it sounds bullshit, but it's what I call it, it was originally called care taking for children, but who would want to say a whole phrase if you were in a hurry?
"Nice to meet you Ms.L/N I'll be your tour guide today in the facility" A lady hurriedly shook my hand while talking fast. "H-hi thank yo-"
"No time for chit-chat missy, you'll be starting your shift tomorrow" She cuts me off; handing me a pair of white pants with a polo, coming with a black belt and shoes."Since you'll be getting a tutorial today and getting a dorm"she then pulls me along the never ending hallways of white walls.
"What dorm? I was told that I-"
"Honey, all the people here lives in this facility, they get their respective dorms with all the proper things a person would have in their house or apartment" She abruptly stops in front of a room making me bump her back.
"Ah! Here we are, this is your room darling, and here is your keys" She kisses my cheek roughly staining my face with a bright red lipstick of hers. "Change into your uniform and meet me here outside of your dorm okay baby?" She waves goodbye and hurriedly flees.
"Speaking of rowdy" I shrug as I went in the room, I was then met by a plain looking space, a nightstand next to a bed and a door leading to the bathroom, basically, the room contained all the essentials a person would need in a house, but smaller. Walls were painted off-white with flat circular lights attached to the ceiling.
"Better get started now" I chuckle as I began to undress myself.
{Time Skip}
I opened the door leading to endless hallways of white walls. "Hey there missy, Sorry I took long, gotta smack people in the ass for not workin' ya know." She nudges my arm as she laughs. "Ahaha yes.." To be honest I like energetic people, but not the 'too' energetic ones, you get it right?
"Well- let's start now yes?" She fixes her uniform, "Sur-"
"Oh! What a silly question I ask!, of course we need to start now!" snorting loudly, she begins to tour the facility.
"That's all I was told to tell you 'bout, but remember darlin' do not go in anymore rooms that I didn't mention alright?" She then leaves me in front of a door with a small window that's led to a room decorated with a rainbow on the walls.
"Don't you think its a bit too early for day dreaming?" A voice chimes in beside me. "I am not day dreaming." I roll my eyes. It has been 2 years since I applied for the job, turns out it was not a babysitting job, it was about supervising children that's getting experimented on.
At first it flabbergasted me on why would they experiment of children? Even if they have powers, isn't it bad to?
But as time would always do, My worries gradually went away, although, deep down I still have this guts to save the poor children.
"Hm? You've been staring at nothing for the past 6 minutes, you wouldn't expect a person to think that your not just day dreaming" He chuckles as if we were friends.
Before I could even answer him back the speaker interrupted. 'All staffs please proceed to your designated areas, I repeat, All staffs please proceed to your designated areas.'
"Welp, Breaks done, see you later" He waves goodbye jogging to the exit. "Never.." I mumbled; calmly walking to my area. But then I noticed a silhouette passing just not that far in front of me.
"Hm?" curiosity wonders around the cat, I followed the unknown shadow. He was fast roaming around the hallways as if he was being chased by someone, well- not me, I'm not chasing him.
He suddenly stopped and turns to my direction, and of course, I hid behind a wall. I then heard his footsteps fading away, when I turn to his direction, the person was gone. I was now just looking to empty white hallways
"Why aren't you still in your area? Lunch break is over now." A voice chimes in making me slightly jump while turning around. "Oh! Sorry Dr. Brenner, I-I was jus-"
"Its fine, Hurry now, you wouldn't want to be punished by slacking off yes?" He smiles. "Understood, I'll take my leave now." I hanged my head down as I pass him.
The day has ended in just a flash of light. The whole time I was working, I kept thinking about 'him' he was wearing the same uniforms as the others, but I didn't even see him just once during my time being in this building, was he a new recruit? Questions fled my mind when a shadow past by again.
As a very dumb person of me, I followed it once more, But this time he was walking slow, like- like he wants me to follow him. I was zoning out while following him that I didn't notice him stopping making me bump his back.
"Why are you following me?" He calmly enunciated. "I'm not" I cross my arms, brows furrowing.
"Don't lie to me, You also followed me this afternoon" He stated; back still facing. "What do you want?" He then turns to me with a stoic expression.
"I don't want anything"
"Then why do you keep following me?" He leans down to my height. [Man I just know that this guy is very, very tall]
"I.. I have never seen you in this facility before, are you new? or?" I step backwards, he was making me feel so uncomfortable now "I've been working in this hospital for years, maybe you just don't have a knack for remembering people" He lifts his chin to straighten his posture and proceeds to pass by me.
He suddenly stops and glances to his side, "I've seen you here... In fact, many, many times, How come you didn't notice a person who's been working here for a long time?" He then flees.
"rude blondie" I shrug.
"Hey there" A blonde man sits on the opposite side of the table. "Sorry for the rude first impression yesterday" He smiles.
"Yeah, me too, sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable by following you haha" I scratch my name. "Oh, don't worry I didn't feel uncomfortable, I was just wondering why would you follow me around the building." He chuckles.
"My name is Peter" He held his hand out. "Y/N" I shook his hand. "Y/N... Y/N is a very beautiful name" He was so different from yesterday, its like he was possessed now and is trying to lure me just to eat me. [I WILL NOT HEAR ANYONE OUT]
Chapter 7 will be out soon
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storiesofstratos · 7 months
Chapter 14: Sudden Sickness
After the battle, Daniel finds himself needing more recovery than he thought
Daniel tumbled down the steps of the lab, clutching his side. He tried to hide it, but the blood on his clothes was more than evident. I stood up and made my way over to his side. “Man, what happened to you out there? Who did that to you??”
I helped Daniel over to the couch, and sat down next to him as he tried to explain, “Some guy was out there, beating the hell out of another dude. He had powers, dude, he was superhuman. I didn’t know there were others outside of my family…”
“What??” Nico piped up, sitting on the other side of Daniel. “What were his powers? Is that why you’re so bloodied up?”
“Well, yeah…” Daniel removed his hand from his side. There was no wound, but there was a clear tear in his clothes and blood around the tear. “That, and he kinda stabbed me. But I don’t think all this blood is mine. I hit him pretty hard back.”
I watched as Nico patted his back. “That’s a good man.” I wasn’t gonna say it out loud, but I was pretty glad this bastard got hit just as hard for stabbing Daniel. “I uh, would probably be more freaked out, if you didn’t seem to be healed up already.”
“Ah, superhuman regeneration at work. Does me wonders sometimes. But I gotta tell you, it leaves me starving sometimes. You guys wanna go grab some pizza or somethin?” He stood up, moving over to his bag to change out of his bloody clothes. Emily definitely would ask questions if he came home with blood on his hoodie.
“Oh, yeah!” Nico piped up. “I’ll buy, I just got that check from the robotics competition I won a couple months ago.”
“Nice! This is why I love you, Nico.”
“Because I buy you food?”
“Duh. Oh, wait, where’s Leah?”
“She got a call from home, she had to leave asap.” I replied, standing up and gathering my things. “Guess it must have been somethin important.”
“Sorry lover boy. You’ll probably see her at school tomorrow anyway.”
As Nico and I turned around, assuming Daniel would follow close behind. We heard a clattering sound, and something hard hitting the floor. “Oh Danny,” Nico sighed, “Don’t be so dramatic, she’s gonna- oh my god!”
I turned to see what the fuss was about. Daniel had fallen, beads of sweat were forming on his face. LIke he’d just suddenly been hit by a huge fever. We rushed over to him to help him up. “Dude, are you okay? What happened to you?”
He let out a shaky sigh. “Fuck, I dunno. I just.. Got really light-headed all of a sudden… is it hot in here, or is it just me?” He was standing now, but he wasn’t standing steady. His legs wobbled a bit under his own weight, so I stood next to him, putting an arm around his waist to stabilize him.
“Hey, I got you. Maybe we should just get you home, yeah? Maybe this took a lot more out of you than you thought.”
“Yeah, yeah… good idea. Maybe I just need a little rest.”
We helped Daniel back to his house, only to find Emily waiting in the living room. How were we gonna explain this? We could just tell her he got sick, right? Wait, would she even believe that? He sure as hell looked sick, so at least she wouldn’t think he was faking it, right?
“Oh honey, what’s wrong?” Emily immediately rushed over, helping Daniel over toward the stairs.
“I started feeling a little light-headed while we were getting pizza… I think I just need to get some rest or somethin.”
Emily leaned in close to him, and started to speak in a hushed tone. “Mom, it’s fine, they know. We don’t need to hide it around them.”
“Oh! Good, good… Here, let’s get you up to bed, I’ll make you something to eat.”
We all helped him get settled, and I couldn’t help but feel concerned when everything was finally said and done, and Emily was gone. “So… this is a problem right?”
“Huh?” Nico blinked, confused, “Wait, why would it be a problem?”
“I’ve known Daniel since we were six years old. Do you know how many times he’s gotten sick? Zero. So to suddenly get sick, so bad that he collapses… that’s a cause for concern, I would say!”
“We don’t know if I’m sick,” Daniel chimed in. “It could just be exhaustion. I’ve never had to regenerate a wound like that, y’know? Could just be my body not being used to it. I think it’s best if we don’t freak out yet. I’ll just get some rest and, tomorrow, everything should be completely okay.”
“Okay,” I nodded, looking between Nico and Daniel. I wasn’t totally convinced. But maybe he was right, maybe I was just being paranoid. It’s not like he did the whole superhero thing often.. And I doubted he got into fights very often, especially ones that required him to use his regeneration. “I wanna look into this guy you fought. Can you tell me about him?”
“Oh, yeah, uh… let’s see… he was on the taller side, had most of his head shaved, except he had a mohawk, and that mohawk was bright, neon green. He dressed like a punk, leather jacket with spikes, combat boots, all that. Wish I’d caught his name though.”
“I’ll ask around. Maybe we can dig up some dirt on this guy, see if anyone knows who he is.”
“Sounds good. Thanks, Jack… I’m uh.. Gonna try and sleep now.”
“Sounds good Danny.” Nico gave him a hug before we left, “Call us if ya need anything.” And we were out the door.
It seemed we had some detective work to do still.
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A/N: I dunno, man, I haven't posted on tumblr in forever, and I'm most active on ao3 unfortunately. Here's the first chapter of a fic I have on there, I'm a sucker for AUs. AO3 Link.
Sandy leaned against the cushion of the car she was in, yawning as they crossed into the Mota region. Today was the day she was getting married. As a princess of Yond, it was good to form an alliance with Mota sooner rather than later.
Sandy sighed as the car rolled to a stop and her bodyguard opened the door for her. She was escorted to the front of the palace, the opulent oak doors opening before her as she steeled her nerves. She was brought to the throne room, finding a tall, black and red-furred hedgehog standing before her.
He smiled, moving toward her. “You must be the princess, it’s an honor to welcome you to Mota,” he said, his voice deep and smooth. He took her hand, pressing a kiss to the back of it.
Sandy smiled back. “Thank you for the warm welcome, Your Highness,” she said, watching him frown.
“Oh, I’m not–I’m just Prince Valen’s bodyguard, Shadow,” he said, clearing his throat as a side door opened. Shadow dropped her hand, turning to face the male squirrel that just walked in. “Your Highness,” Shadow started, briefly bowing. “The Princess of Yond is here,”
“Great,” Valen said, walking toward the pair. He wore a charcoal gray suit that matched his gray eyes with a red tie tucked into the jacket. “Let’s get this show on the road,” he continued, taking Sandy’s hand in his.
The wedding was a short affair, granted being watched by millions of people in Mota, but nonetheless quicker than Sandy expected. She guessed things were different over here. She wore a white dress with a train that had to be carried and an opaque veil to obscure her face from the numerous cameras and reporters.
Sandy knew Valen was notorious for his. . .proclivities toward the opposite gender, and she was not expecting any sort of loyalty from him in the romance department, but she at least wanted him to act like she existed. 
The return to the carriage was quiet, Sandy smiling and waving to the crowd to keep up appearances. 
Sandy checked her phone as the carriage rode off to the palace, swiping through her social media to see articles about their wedding already up. Valen glanced at her, tugging her free hand to grab Sandy’s attention.
“Your tiara is crooked,” he said, moving to fix it for her. 
Sandy nudged his shoulder with hers, mumbling a quick thanks. “So, I wasn’t really plannin’ on gettin’ married so soon once I got here,” she admitted, swallowing. “But we can make this work, right?”
“Of course,” Valen said. “Tomorrow we’ll sign our marriage certificate and go our separate ways. . .there’s a wing of the palace just for you,” he said, clearing his throat.
“Oh, that’s. . .nice,” she replied, some of her worry dissipating as she thought she would be staying in the east wing with Valen. However, there was the issue of securing an heir. Never mind the fact that Sandy was still only a princess and Valen seemed to set his sights on someone other than her.
Sandy allowed herself to be taken to the south wing of the palace, finally giving her a moment alone. She breathed, taking the tiara off her head and placing it on the vanity table tucked against the wall of the room. 
She stripped out of her dress, heading into the bathroom to shower. “Okay, you jus’ gotta get through tomorrow n then you’re home free,” she said to herself, sighing as she started the shower, and stepped inside. 
She flopped onto the bed after her shower, dressed in a large shirt and underwear. Sandy checked her phone, finding the tabloids already talking about Valen being tied down and speculating if his bachelorhood was over. She didn’t need Valen to be loyal, she just wanted what was best for her people.
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