#anatomical muscles for all
semisolidmind · 10 months
Alright your SEM gets a free pass- but also like. Dude. How you draw shoulders. Backs. A WEAKNESS I HAVE. AND NOW KIRI IS DOING IT. IM IN TROUBLE. - (lol ya don’t have to answer this I just hope you know yer art is as delicious and wonderful to enjoy and it makes my mind run like a hamster wheel)
@celestialkiri and i know what the people want.
and that's beefy demons and their wonderfully muscled backs and shoulders.
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waywardstation · 1 year
Happy WIP Wednesday! (Which I forgot about until a half hour after midnight ^^;)
Here is a segment from I Won’t Leave You Behind.
This one’s got brief description of inflicted injury for anyone who would rather avoid that.
Enjoy! Wording is apt to change.
“Well,” Ingo readjusted his position, shifting closer to get a better look at Akari’s Pokédex notes. His finger moved to point at the head of one of Akari’s observational drawings of a gabite, tapping gently on the paper.
“Notice their heads, how their lower jaws are considerably less bulky than their upper ones. While the muscles that open their jaws are surprisingly weak, their downward bite force is incredible. Every muscle in their neck is fashioned to specifically assist with this, resulting in quite a powerful steel trap for a set of jaws.”
Ingo’s finger moved down to the neck of the gabite as he talked, emphasizing his words. Akari found the information to be new and interesting to her, but she didn’t quite understand the reason for the impromptu biology lesson. Not until Ingo sat back, the campfire illuminating his side as he turned his head to her.
“Now, the design of a garchomp’s jaws improve upon this in every way, pushing power to a one-way extreme; practically all of its lower jaw strength is sacrificed for maximum downward bite force. Nothing can force its jaws open once they clamp down.”
Akari glanced up at Ingo as he continued to talk, all prior attention for the Pokédex in her hands now abandoned. The worry in his voice had completely snagged it.
“Miss Akari, I cannot imagine the force behind the bite of an alpha of the species. If we are unfortunate enough to cross tracks with that alpha tomorrow, I cannot stress it enough; above all else, stay away from its front. Do not let it catch you between its teeth. Nothing will ever get those jaws to open once they clamp down, besides the alpha itself. And alphas do not easily deviate from their one-track minds.”
( )( )( )( )( )
Rows of jagged sawteeth clamped down hard, easily perforating right through his coat, tunic, and underlayer, puncturing straight through his skin, and settling deep into his muscle - sturdy as a steel trap.
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alternis · 5 months
pros of drawing superheroes: you can design fun new costumes for them!
cons of drawing superheroes: you are going to have to learn how to draw muscles
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rxttenfish · 1 year
me: i really should practice gesture sketches more often, i feel like my poses are very stiff and i need to make them more loose
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me: hmmm, don’t think i like how this is turning out, maybe i’ll just make a simpler sketch with my typical construction method to relax and warm up
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fjordfolk · 1 day
Utilization: By his anatomical peculiarities this dog is predestinated to puffin-hunting on the steep rocks around the fjords and along the shore.
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The standard:
Neck: Clean-cut, of medium length, quite strong with a relatively well furnished collar.
Compendium comment:
The head is carried relatively low. The two last vertebrae (atlas/apsis) are shaped so that the dog can bend backwards so that the head touches the back. To do so is vital when turning in the narrow burrows. NB! This should NEVER be demonstrated the ring!
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The standard:
Ears: Triangular ears of medium size, broad at the base, carried erect and very mobile. The cartilage of the ear lobe has the faculty of being able to retract itself so that the ear folds itself and flops in a specific manner, either backwards or in right angle upwards, so as to close the auditory passage.
Compendium addition:
The ears of the Lundehund have a unique muscle that enables them to fold and close the ears when entering the burrows, thus protecting them against dirt and moisture. The turning and folding of the ears probably also is help in locating the birds.
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The standard:
Forelimbs: Moderately angulated. Forearm: Straight.
Forefeet: Oval shaped, turning slightly outwards, with at least six toes of which five must rest on the ground. Eight pads on each foot. The two inner toes, formed respectively by 3 and 2 phalanges and endowed with a ligamentary and muscular system, make the foot look solid.
Compendium addition:
Very flexible and elastic shoulder muscles. The Lundehund has joints that allow the forelimbs to extend at nearly 90 degrees from the body, but this must NEVER be demonstrated in the ring! The forefeet turn slightly outwards to give room for the extra toes.
The Norwegian Lundehund is a polydactyl. Instead of the normal 4 digits, the Lundehund normally has 6 digits, all fully formed, jointed and muscled, with tendons going up the inside of the leg, partly responsible for its wide front gait. Some specimen may have more, others less than 6 digits per foot, but less than 6 on front feet should lead to downgrading. The extra toes help the dog climbing up and down crevices in screes and cliffs.
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The standard:
Hindfeet : Oval shaped, turned slightly outwards, with at least six toes - four of which must rest on the ground. Seven pads on each foot, the one in the middle, the most important one by its size, being attached to the inner pads corresponding to the two inner toes. When the dog is standing up on a flat surface, the weight of the body must be evenly distributed on the pads.
Compendium comment:
More than 6 digits is not a fault. 5 digits are acceptable on the hind feet. The extra toes on the hind feet are normally less developed than those on the forelegs and variations from the ideal, both regarding number and placement, should not be penalized.
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The standard:
Gait/Movement: Light and elastic. An external rotary action of the forelegs and somewhat close action behind is characteristic of the breed.
Compendium comment:
In judging the movements of the Lundehund, one must consider that this dog is built to climb efficiently up and down steep cliffs and screes. The extra pads on both fore- and hind paws must then touch the surface to aid the dog in climbing. The extra toes help getting a grip, both in ascent and descent. The wide front with extra flexibility enables climbing safely up and down crevices, as the forelegs can grip at a 90 degrees angle to the body. On flat surfaces, the Lundehund will show typical rotating front movements, due to tendons and muscles from the extra digits on the inside of the legs. Hind movements are narrow.
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had sex with my daddy fwb last night and he inspires a LOT of my content soooo
warning: breeding, daddy kink, premature ejaculation (sorta??? but not really idfk)
anatomical terms: pussy/cunt
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Joel was a good fuck. An exceptional fuck, even. You never left his bed feeling underwhelmed. On an average night, your vocal cords would be shredded and raw from screaming for him. Your pussy would feel similarly worn out, but it’d be nourished by the thick load of cum pumped inside it. Your knees would buckle when you stand, having lost all muscle memory to walk in the few hours you spent as his sex doll.
But tonight, something was different.
Not worse, not by any means.
But different.
Perhaps it was your fault. You’d overwhelmed him. There’s no way he could be expected to last long in a slingshot cunt like yours. But he usually does, what happened tonight? Maybe he was just going through a dry spell, and you happened to stop by with just the right place for him to empty his achingly blue balls. Well, it couldn’t have been THAT long of a dry spell, right? When’s the last time you were over here?
You could feel him coming soon after you did, again. He tried to hold out, to his credit. He’d been slamming away to your incessant cries of “fuck! right there, right there, oh god, daddy, please right there! fuck me right there!”, and then he’d stop. Then he’d start back up, and so would you, with the “fuck! yes, yes, oh my god, so close, so close, right there, please!”
And then he’d stop.
To be fair, you were kinda rubbing it in his face with “so close”. As if he needed you to remind him.
Poor Joel. He really tried to hold on. But you were just too needy, weren’t you? You couldn’t let the old man rest. He was so embarrassed to admit it, but you’d forced his hand.
“…’m gonna cum.”
You took the news surprisingly well.
“Cum inside me! Please, Daddy, fill me up! Fill me with your cum, I want it! I want it, I want it, cum inside me!”
And in a few thrusts, he did, gritting his teeth as he sprayed his hot load all inside your spasming cunt. His whole body shivered against you, the comedown from such an intense rush. He sighed, wiped his brow, and pulled out, then rolled onto his back so you could cuddle up to his chest.
“Comfy?” He asked.
“Mhm,” you nodded, “Feels like a lot.” Curiosity got the best of you, and you slipped your hand between your legs to swipe at your hole. Two fingers splotched with white, you popped them into your mouth to taste him. Milky, a little salty, sorta tangy. Not bad.
Joel chuckled at your antics and ruffled your hair. “Yeah, I’m prolly not gonna cum again, tonight.”
“So are we done?” You asked.
“Nah, nah. We’ll just rest up for a few minutes and we’ll go again, okay?”
A few minutes passed in Joel’s arms as he chit-chatted to you about this one job where he had to redo the insulation in some old lady’s house. You weren’t really listening, until out of the blue, he said,
“Suck it.”
And in no time at all, his spit-shined cock was hard once more, digging his seed even deeper into you.
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velnna · 2 months
I'm curious to know how you mastered anatomy? I mean, look at the subtle shadows around Roy's shoulder or the details along Staeve's arms or even the ups and creases on Astarion's face, I am truly amazed and see it and it makes your art style so good but I can't understand how you do that...
I know I lack that specific little details in my own art style but idk how to comprehend it, so did you actually study anatomy? Or did you like, vibe around? Or try to feel and visualize while drawing what the body feels like?
Amazing amazing artist you are mate, love you for sharing this with us!
It's honestly just been a matter of actively trying/learning to recognise muscle groups and joints over the years (plus a lot of my biggest artstyle inspirations are HEAVY on anatomical lines and accuracy). Also, as I've mentioned a bunch of times, I've always been involved or interested in high performance sports, acrobatics in particular, which made me pay a lot of attention to people's bodies from very early on (in a purely artistic way lmao)
These days a lot of it comes intuitively, but if I'm ever struggling or need a fullbody/more dynamic pose my first step is to outline the muscles in the sketch to see if anything's out of place. To aid me in this I sometimes have écorché (skinless) references either as pictures or in 3D. This sort of thing:
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There's a lot of online resources for this as well! I personally love this one
In my head things get converted to a puzzle of sorts, kinda like what these study notes look like (not mine, artist handle in the pictures):
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And then it's a matter of weighing in how thick a character's skin is (indicator of a bunch of things including age) and what the fat-muscle ratio looks like, to decide which structural lines stay and which ones go or become less prominent.
And yes this also explains why I have so many fit/lean characters. I get a kick out of drawing muscle groups lmao
All that being said! I'm still very far from my anatomy goals haha it's a work in process for all of us. Hope this helps!
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nyctophiliq · 1 year
art student! ellie taking slutty polaroids of you !
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i was having some thoughts about art student! ellie as i was rolling through what majors the uni i applied for was letting applications in for and this popped into my silly mind.
cw for pornography, vaginal sex, groping, strap-on use, dacryphilia
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ellie who has already painted countless portraits of you sitting in the snow, in the sun, laying on the grass, reading, and any other activities you can think of. the same ellie who has sketchbooks full of you as her anatomic reference, paintings, and pencil drawings of you sleeping naked after a night of passion, hidden away in the very bottom of her school bag. but this, this was something else.
“no, no, don’t be shy baby. the camera loves you.”
her hips never stop trusting into you as she lifts up the metal box, her other hand reaching to grope the soft mound as she tries to position the camera at the right angle to take a perfect photo. you looked so cute like this, hands gripping the sheets, your legs wrapped around her waist, back arching the slightest, and eyes closed, head twitching side to side as you were nearing the edge.
you were such a needy thing, fighting her hands as she tried to position you in the prettiest way she could with her cock deep inside your pussy. you writhe so much, she can hardly keep you in your place but she only takes the picture she is going to keep in the inner pocket of her coat when you come. you still for that brief second, back lifting off the bed, the back of your palm coming to cover your eyes when the camera flashes.
but it’s not enough, there is never enough of you in ellie’s eyes and she is relentless as she chases her own high by overstimulating your already worn out walls and bundle of nerves. this once she isn’t paying attention to your needs but rather hers and all she can think of is you, you, you, your body. the way you cry that it’s enough, that you cannot take it no more, slurring your words and your weak hands try to push her off of you is just puts more onto the fire in the pits of her stomach.
ellie discards the camera your side, leaning down to hover over you with her hands gripping the sheets beside your head, keeping herself up and anchored. she takes a few ragged breaths, huffing as she tries to move despite her muscles feeling numb and pulls out of you. sweat drips from her forehead and shoulders, her whole body shining in front of your eyes before she lays next to you.
despite being out of breath, her mind still being clouded by the bliss of her orgasm she coos a few sweet thing into your ear as she covers the both of you up with a blanket, reaching for the printed polaroid from the camera on your side and showing it to you. 
“see? every color, expression, and curve of your body is perfectly embodied in this photo.”
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runningwithscizzorz · 5 months
Q: how do you draw torsos and legs? Some people say the hands are more difficult but for me it's those things, what tips would you give for those?
I also struggle with legs, way more than I ever struggled with hands. But, every problem has a solution. In this case: skeletons and naked people.
You can trace directly off of real life bodies, but a better practice is to draw your best copy of what you see, making your measuring and line confidence stronger💪
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Yeah muscle anatomy is cool, but that’s a factor AFTER learning basic skeleton structuring. Having a 3D model of a skeleton that you can manipulate helps with figuring out how the skeleton moves with muscles, but you can typically see someone’s skeleton straight through their body depending on their weight and position. Below, you can see my simplified version of what I think his skeleton is doing. You need to understand how to build a strong base to create a proper body over it.
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With enough studying of how the skeleton manipulates through the muscles, you can add your own skeleton to your drawing. Knowing each layer of biological anatomy, not just simple limb by limb drawing anatomy, brings much more weight and mass to your characters.
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Lots of simple studies to figure out how the bone fits into the muscle so that you don’t have any limbs anatomically clipping over eachother and breaking form
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For muscles, first off, just draw lots of naked people, second, use this lemon slice shape to show the weight of flesh, along with the tension of movement along the straight line of the shape. Watch all of this dudes video but specifically this one to understand more
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should a person with a penis pee after slash before sex
hi anon,
well, I suppose that depends on whether or not they needed to pee. if yes, then sure.
peeing beforehand is never a bad idea for anyone, if possible, since it would be inconvenient to suddenly realize you desperately need to pee right in the middle of sex. particularly for people with a penis, because there are muscles that essentially pinch off the bladder from the urethra during sexual arousal to make sure that there's no cross-contamination, as it were. speaking purely in terms of reproduction it's a bad idea to have pee coming out instead of semen, which is why we should all salute everyone with a dick and a piss kink who's had to furiously fight their way through millions of years of evolutionary adaption in order to chase their bliss.
as for afterward, one has to imagine that inevitably at some point after sex our hypothetical penis-owner will need to piss again, barring some unprecedented anatomical conditions. possibly you're asking if they ought to sprint straight for the toilet immediately after sex as people with vulvas are often advised to do, in which case I'm delighted to report that no one really needs to be doing that. "pee after sex" doesn't mean turning into sonic the hedgehog to get to the toilet as fast as possible the moment sex is done, it means not delaying when you feel the urge arise because it's better to flush out your urethra sooner rather than later in the hopes of preventing any bacteria from flourishing.
people with penises are generally less at risk from post-sex UTIs anyway, thanks to their longer urethras, but it sure doesn't hurt as I said, peeing at some point is pretty much inevitable. stay hydrated and nature will take it's course.
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wombywoo · 2 months
Helllo! I am always truly amazed by your art and it never fails to put me in a trance with all the extra things in the backgrounds of them too! I do wonder how you went about studying anatomy and such, it always is such a tedious task for me to focus on and learn about each muscle if I want to draw some beautifully handsome military men, you know?!
ahh thank so much! I try to add some special stuff to each piece, so I'm glad it's appreciated 🥰
as for anatomy, I haven't done that much *actual* study (don't ask me where the latissimus dorsi is 😔) I'm more of a visual learner. This can be achieved through figure drawing exercises, or just learning how to *perceive* (by this I mean--what is it you're actually seeing as opposed to what you expect to see?) Understanding proportions and weight and pose are all very important, and these come more from analyzing real-life people as opposed to a medical diagrams.
I think getting a good idea of where various muscles are is a good start, but I often find that when drawing a figure 'less is best'
an example here:
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Sometimes, *too much* anatomical detail makes a drawing look exaggerated and more like someone's peeled his skin off, lol
I lean towards a more subtle approach to musculature, choosing which areas to highlight and which to let fade into the rest of the form.
Biggest piece of advice--use references! ALWAYS! I don't care if I've been drawing for years, I almost always have a reference on hand that I constantly refer back to. It's necessary if you want to draw something realistic, or else you might just start inventing new body parts 😭
And if all else fails--just throw some hair all over it to hide the mistakes 💅
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arminreindl · 2 months
Pachycetinae: The Thick Whales
Oh look I'm way behind not only on my work with wikipedia but also in regards to summarizing it on tumblr. Good thing, three of the pages I've worked on these past few months can just be summed up in one post because they are all one family.
So Pachycetinae, at the most basic level, are basilosaurid archaeocetes, the group that famously includes Basilosaurus and Dorudon. Reason I've picked up the articles in addition to my usual croc work, basically a friend and I noticed how lacklustre many pages are and stupidly decided to start revising all of Cetacea (pray for me).
Currently theres two genera within the group. Pachycetus aka Platyosphys aka Basilotritus, which is a whole mess I will get into at the end for those interested, and Antaecetus, which I'll just call "the good one" for now. Among those are three species. Pachycetus paulsonii (or Basilotritus uheni) from continental Europe (Germany and Ukraine mostly), Pachycetus wardii (Eastern United Staates) and Antaecetus aithai (Morocco and Egypt)
Picture: Pachycetus and Antaecetus by Connor Ashbridge
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So the hallmark of Pachycetines, as the name would suggest, is the fact that their skeletons are notably denser than that of other basilosaurids. The vertebrae, the most abundant material of these whales, are described as pachyostatic and osteosclerotic. The former effecitvely means that the dense cortical bone forms thickened layers, while the latter means that the cortical bone, already forming thickened layers, is furthermore denser than in other basilosaurids with less porosities. The densitiy is increased further by how the ribs attack to the vertebrae not through sinovial articulation but through cartilage, so adding even more weight to them. Overall this is at times compared to manatees, famous for their dense skeletons.
Pictured below, the currently best preserved pachycetine fossil, an individual of the genus Antaecetus from Morocco.
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Now there are some interesting anatomical features to mention that either differ between species or just can't be compared. For example the American species of Pachycetus, P. wardii, shows a well developed innominate bone, basically the fused pelvic bones. This is curious as one would think of it as a more basal feature, with derived whales gradually reducing them. The skull is best preserved in Antaecetus and has a very narrow snout. One way to differentiate the two is by the teeth. Pachycetus has larger, more robust teeth while that of Antaecetus are way more gracile and is thought to have had a proportionally smaller skull (in addition to being smaller than Pachycetus in general).
All of this has some interesting implications for their ecology. For instance, why the hell are they so dense? Well its possible that they were shallow water animals using their weight as ballast, staying close to the ocean floor. This would definitely find some support in the types of environments they show up in, which tend to be shallow coastal waters. There are some Ukrainian localities that suggest deeper waters, but that has been interpreted as being the result of migration taking them out of their prefered habitat.
Now while pachycetines were probably powerful swimmers, their dense bones mean that they were pretty slow regardless. And to add insult to injury, they were anything but maneuverable. Remember those long transverse processes? Turns out having them extend over the majority of the vertebral body means theres very little space for muscles in between, which limits sideways movements.
From this one can guess that they weren't pursuit predators and needed to ambush their prey. What exactly that was has been inferred based on tooth wear. Basically, the teeth of Pachycetus show a lot of abrasion and wear, not dissimlar to what is seen in modern orcas that feed on sharks and rays. And low and behold, sharks are really common in the same strata that Pachycetus shows up in. Now since Antaecetus had way more gracile teeth, its thought that it probably fed on less well protected animals like squids and fish.
Below: Pachycetus/Basilotritus catching a fish by @knuppitalism-with-ue
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The relationship between pachycetines and other basilosaurids is wonky, again no thanks due to Pachycetus itself being very poorly known. Some studies have suggested that they were a very early branching off-shoot, in part due to their prominent hip bones, but in the most recent study to include them, the description of Tutcetus, they surprisingly came out as not just the most derived basilosaurids but as the immediate sister group to Neoceti, which includes all modern whales. Regardless, in both instances they seem to clade closely with Supayacetus, a small basilosaurid from Peru.
And now for the part that is the most tedious. Taxonomy and history.
Remains of pachycetines have been known for a while and were first described as early as 1873 by Russian scientists. To put into perspective how old that is. The material's history in science predates both World Wars, the collapse of the Russian Empire and even the reign of Tsar Nicholas II. Now initially the idea was to name the animal Zeuglodon rossicum, but the person doing the actual describing changed that to Zeuglodon paulsonii reasoning that it would eventually be found outside of Russia (something that aged beautifully given that Ukraine would eventually become independent).
And this is where the confusion starts to unfold. Because at the same time people unearthed pachycetine fossils in Germany too, which would come be given the name Pachycetus (thick whale) and be established as two species. Pachycetus robustus and Pachycetus humilis, both thought to be baleen whales.
Pictured below: Pierre-Joseph van Beneden who coined Pachycetus and Johann Friedrich Brandt who described Zeuglodon paulsonii. Beneden easily has the better beard.
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These latter two names however were later rejected in 1935 by Kuhn and lumped into other species, whereas Zeuglodon paulsonii was elevated to a full on new genus by Remington Kellogg in 1936. For those curious, Platyosphys means "broad loin", in combination with the species "Paulson's broad loin" to the amusement of some friends of mine.
And then people stopped caring and we have a nearly 70 year research gap. Eventually Mark D. Uhen found fossil material in the United States, but interpreted those fossils as being part of the genus Eocetus, naming them Eocetus wardii, a move that many following researchers disagreed with.
Then in 2001 a new species of Platyosphys, P. einori, was named. It's bad, moving on. More importantly, we got the works of Gol'din and Zvonok, who attempted to bring some clarity into the whole thing. To do so they rejected the name Platyosphys on account of the holotype having been lost sometime in WW2 and picked out much better fossil material to coin the genus Basilotritus ("the third king" in allusion to Basilosaurus "king lizard" and Basiloterus "the other king", isn't etymology fun?). They erected the type species Basilotritus uheni and then proclaimed Eocetus wardii to also belong into this genus, making it Basilotritus wardii.
This move was however not followed by other researchers. Gingerich and Zhouri maintained that regardless of being lost, Platyosphys is still valid and can be sufficiently diagnosed by the original drawings from the 19th and early 20th century. And to take a step further they added a new species, Platyosphys aithai (weird, why does that name sound familiar).
Then Van Vliet came and connected all these dots I've set up so far, noting that the fossils of Platyosphys are nearly identical to those of Pachycetus. This lead to the fun little thing were "paulsonii", applied first to Zeuglodon in the 1870s, takes priority over "robustus", coined just a few years later, BUT, the genus name Pachycetus easily predates Platyosphys by a good 60 years. Subsequently, the two were combined. Platyosphys paulsonii and Pachycetus robustus became Pachycetus paulsonii (simplified*). Van Vliet then deemed humilis to be some other whale and carried over Basilotritus uheni, Basilotritus wardii and Platyosphys aithai into the genus Pachycetus. *Technically Pachycetus robustus was tentatively kept as distinct only because of how poorly preserved it was, making comparisson not really possible.
Then finally in the most recent paper explicitly dealing with this group, Gingerich and Zhouri came back, killed off P. robustus for good, sunk Pachycetus uheni into Pachycetus paulsonii for good measure and decided to elevate Pachycetus aithai to genus status after finding a much better second skeleton, coining Antaecetus (after the giant of Greek myth).
And that's were we are right now. Three species in two genera, but only one of them is actually any good. So perhaps at some point in the future we might see some further revisions on that whole mess and who knows, perhaps Basilotritus makes a glorious comeback.
To conclude, sorry about the lack of images, despite the ample history theres just not much good material aside from that one Antaecetus fossil and I didn't want to include 5 different drawings in lateral view. Obligatory Wikipedia links: Pachycetinae - Wikipedia Antaecetus - Wikipedia Pachycetus - Wikipedia
Ideally Supayacetus will be the next whale I tackle, distractions and other projects not withstanding (who knows maybe I'll finally finish Quinkana)
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roseykat · 3 months
can you maybe possibly hopefully write kitty reader with other members..? I'm more curious about your thoughts on hyung line
thank you anon! Here is hyung line and I might do a maknae line at some point to follow this one up.
(these are nsfw so read with caution)
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I've mentioned Chan before with this idea but to reiterate, Chan can usually deal with her whenever she goes into heat - to a certain extent. He can tame her whenever she misbehaves such as by telling her off or setting up soft rules for her to follow - nothing harsh or drastic. But, my hard thoughts about kitty!reader and Chan are here x
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Minho is a cat magnet and just has a lot of knowledge about them, their nature, behaviour, habits and whatnot. So when he and reader first met, and after she told him about her complexes to do with her anatomy, he just instantly knew and understood. There was no judgement whatsoever.
Now, Minho is physically articulate with how to 'deal' with her especially when it comes to her heat. He can't comprehend how exhausting it is for her to go through it and tries to make it as comfortable as possible and tends to her needs as much as he can - as much as his stamina can.
At times she wants to stop, to stop cumming whenever she needs to use dildos or vibrators to satiate her primal needs. Then again, Minho knows she can't help it. This is literally how she was designed. Now if it's kitty!Minho and kitty!reader, he would have her heats covered. He'd be able to handle them every day of the week, no sweat. He gives her his seed when she wants it - breeds her when she asks for it and would never get tired.
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Changbin is a very observant person and every day that goes by, he learns something new about his kitty!reader. He discovers that she won't let others play with her tail, but when it comes to him it's fine. He knows that she likes being scratched lightly behind her ears and prefers to rest between his legs whenever they both get the chance.
Then at times, she can be so stubborn and doesn’t listen to him. Changbin notices that this is usually the case three or four days out from the first day of her heat to which he does his best track. She gets aggressive. Won't let him touch her, won't let him go near her space, becomes a bit irrational - but the second her heat hits, she’s all over Changbin.
He can keep up with her for a certain amount of time each day of the week and eventually gets worn out. But that still doesn't stop him from helping her. At the end of her heat, she's run to the ground and completely exhausted. That's when Changbin will pull out the best self-care methods such as running her hot baths, giving her massages to relieve her tired and sore muscles, feeding her well, and relaxing with her - all so she can come down from an incredibly tough week.
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Hyunjin just loves, loves, loooooves teasing his pretty kitty!reader. He thinks she’s so cute when he does something annoying to make her hiss. For instance, he knows the most sensitive parts of her body, in particular her neck and ears, so sometimes he will just come up behind her and start kissing her neck to which she can’t help but submit to the feeling and starts melting in his arms. It’s in her nature after all.
In saying that, when it comes to her heats, Hyunjin is just as annoying if not slightly sadistic about it. He finds it interesting how antsy, clingy, handsy and horny she can get during the days where she has to claw at Hyunjin to fuck her. He makes use of her being in this state by overstimulating her until she’s crying and begging him to stop even though, anatomically speaking, she needs him to continue.
Every day throughout the week, Hyunjin has new ways of subduing her primal needs. On the occasion, he will use toys to help her. But he finds that making her cum himself, whether it’s with his fingers, mouth or cock, is much more rewarding.
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My mom bought me this book for Christmas
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The Resurrectionist by EB Hudspeth, a fantasy field guide full of anatomical illustrations of monsters and cryptids.
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The musculoskeletal systems are fun to look at, but not nearly as in-depth as I would have liked. If you have more than a passing knowledge of taxonomy (or in my case, access to Wikipedia), a lot of the details fall apart under scrutiny
The harpy has four upper limbs connected to one shoulder girdle; it shouldn't have arms, only wings
The sphinx is not classified as a mammal, but is still somehow in the family Felidae with cats (and like the harpy is also drawn with only two girdles despite having six limbs. I will give the author credit for giving the sphinx a keel for the wing muscles to attach to)
It lists the Hindu deity Genesha as a cryptid, which is a no-no.
Cerberus is also explicitly not a mammal, but somehow still a canine (literally in the species Canis with wolves, dogs, and coyotes)
Both mermaids and dragons are listed as members of the order Caudata; the only extant members of Caudata are salamanders, which kinda makes sense for dragons, but not so much for mermaids (also, the author keeps playing it fast and loose with cladistics; both mermaids and dragons are in the same order despite being in different classes, and while dragons are explicitly said to be amphibians, mermaids are given the fictional class mammicthyes, which means mammal-fish. At that point, why not just call mermaids amphibians? Why make up a fake latin hybrid name?)
But what bugs me most of all is the classification of the Minotaur as its own order of mammal when in mythology it is explicitly described as a hybrid of two known species (made possible only by the cruel machinations of the divine, but still)
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To use actual taxonomical nomenclature, the minotaur's species would be B. taurus × H. sapiens (specifically B. taurus♂ × H. sapiens♀; there are, to my knowledge, no legends of H. sapiens♂ × B. taurus♀). That's how ligers, tigons, mules, zorses, pizzly bears, narlugas, etc., are described.
If I had written this book, I would have leaned more into evolutionary biology. Most land animals have four limbs because they all evolved from boney lobe-finned fish, which split off from the boneless sharks and rays millions of years earlier, so any six-limbed vertebrates would need to be descended from a fictitious category of six-finned fish which would either be an offshoot of boney fish/tetrapods (I guess they'd be hexapods, though that term refers to insect arthropods), OR a precursor to boney and cartilaginous fish that both clades split away from much earlier (it's easier to lose structures than to gain them, so it makes more sense for a six-limbed ancestor to spawn four-limbed descendants than the other way around).
Think about how different elephants are from humans, and humans are from aligators, and aligators are from penguins, and remember that they all evolved from the same ancestor tiktaalik, an amphibious fish that existed some 375 million years ago. Imagine a precursor six-limbed species and how diverse all its descendants would look after 400 million years. Save for the occasional instance of convergent evolution causing two unrelated species to independently evolve similar body plans to fill the same niche, tetrapods and hexapods would look nothing alike. There would be very little recognizable overlap between the two. A six-limbed "pegasus" would not look like a real world horse, and a six-limbed "dragon" would not look reptilian/dinosaur-ish, for much the same reason that giraffes don't look like frogs; they're just too distantly related. Bonless sharks and boney fish and whales/dolphins all have similar looking bodyplans only because their environment requires the same hydrodynamic shape, while terrstrial vertebrates are much more physically diverse.
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forestshadow-wolf · 10 months
Soap: I think centaurs are a terrible mythological creature. Anatomically... And that they're actually horror creatures
Gaz, squinting at him trying to process what he just heard: ...are you high?
Soap: I can only see two options for what a centar looks like. Option one- the typical half-man, half-horse. Remove the horse neck, replace with a human torso. That would mean you have a human head, a human neck, 2 human arms, 2 different torsos, and 4 horse legs. This gives me many questions.
Price: why am I here?
Soap: first of all, does that mean it has 2 sets of organs? If it does how does the horse-half get air to its lungs? If it doesn't where do all the organs go? Do the lungs have to be extra big to compensate for 2 torsos? Where would they go? In the human torso? Do the rest of the organs then go into the horse-half? Does that mean the rest of the organs are extra large? If it were to wear pants, how?
Price: I hate it here.
Gaz, horrified but intrigued: ..go on...
Soap, no longer paying attention: or option two- just a regular human body, but the butt is actually a horse torso. That means you have an entire human just with an extra horse body and 2 horse legs. I still have questions on the organs. And how does it pee or poop like this. Does this version need pants? How does it wear them?
Gaz: I see what you mean by horror creature, now...
Soap: oh this isn't what I meant by horror creature, though I suppose that could be part of it.
Gaz: wha-
Soap: I mean because they're always depicted to be muscular, but I can't see a way that the human half would have the ability and range of motion the build that muscle. So this leads me to believe that the fat is perhaps stored in the horse half of the centar. This would explain the defined musculature of the human half, but it also probably means that it is very lean and pale and knobly, and with too well defined musculature. If this is the case that centars would likely create a sort of uncanny valley feeling, therefore I have concluded that centaurs are horror creatures.
Gaz: 😨
Ghost, with heart eyes: ... I'm gonna marry you
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soracities · 1 year
thinking of Kafka's so called failed drawing of a horse and my theory regarding the classic "its impossible to draw a horse" dilemma is not that you can't draw a horse but that hardly anyone can truly draw a Horse because even when you have it down anatomically you've still missed the Essence of Horse, the horseness of the Horse, if you will, and this is EVERYTHING
you can draw a cat or a pigeon and absolutely capture the catness and the pigeonness of a cat and a pigeon but the horseness of a horse is so phenomenally antithetical to any and all visual representation it will never sit right ever. got the proportions perfectly rendered? faithfully captured the sheen on the coat? delineated all the sinews and muscles of this insane beast in motion? great. still not a Horse though!!!
truly i think 3 year olds are sometimes the only people who see the horse for what it is bc accurate depictions of horsenessness have nothing to do w anatomy and EVERYTHING to do w expressing the Vibe of being near these ridiculous animals. like the entire history of art flounders before the horse bc no amount of breaking them into circles and boxes will help you whatsoever these creatures are made up ENTIRELY of an utterly INCOMPREHENSIBLE marriage between mad staggering bulk and fluid motion like lets be real a static image will NOT cut it no matter how perfect we think the flank-to-belly ratio is.
im sorry but the cult of Realism has warped our minds Kafka nailed it this is precisely what a horse IS precisely !!
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i rest my case
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