#alternatie universe
penvisions · 7 months
garnish {masterlist}
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Pairing: Chef! Joel Miller x Bartender! Reader
Summary: Summer is a time of fun and carefree days for those who are fortunate enough to not work within the food industry. You however have found yourself back in that world and so long were the days you could spend doing nothing. Along with the shift back to a world you once left behind is the figure of Joel Miller, who is as magnetizing as he is irritating that is now a part of your daily life.
Word Count: 50k - complete
Warnings: smut piv smut, unprotected piv, dirty talk, joel miller's filthy mouth, kinda enemies to lovers?, age gap (reader is around 30 and joel is late 40's but it's up to your imagination, bby), degrading language, restaurant lingo, triggers associated with the food industry, power dynamics (due to job rankings), secret relationship, workplace relationship, pining, mutal pining, sexual tension, lingering stares, angst, hurt and comfort, stalking, unwanted attention, reader is an academic
A/N: please enjoy this self-indulgent little series!!
series teaser
main series:
chapter one || chapter two || chapter three || chapter four || chapter five || chapter six || chapter seven || chapter eight || chapter nine || chapter ten
one shots:
*in chronological order
during main series: happy hour(s) - post series one shot || not yet posted
after main series: office hours (valentine’s day one shot) || savor || out of date || i wish i never met you || zest of life
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     prega per un bel finale
uno per me                        e uno per te
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
hello! what asks have you received for injustice so far?
So far I’ve received:
Yandere Injustice!Damian Wayne w/ Dick’s Pregnant!Lover!Reader
Yandere Batfam reactions to BatSis!Reader taking either Bruce’s or Clark’s side
Yandere Injustice!Enchantress
Yandere Kory Anders/Koriand’r/Starfire w/ Batfam!Reader after Dick’s death
Yandad!Injustice!Clark Kent/Superman w/ Unwilling!Adopted!Reader going against him
Yandads Bruce’s and Clark’s reactions to Reader picking the other’s side over them
Yandere Injustice!Superman w/ Hero!Fem!Reader from alternatie universe (part 2)
(You’re all more than welcome to send in more Injustice requests or asks!)
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liliallowed · 2 months
do you ever like picture doing something unspeakable in your intrusive thoughts and then zap back to reality face palming about the alternatie universe you that never happened and how free of consequences you are? just me?
like imagine dealing with the consequences of just randomly stealing someone's phone bc you felt like a troll...
them you picture getting arrested or smt then you go back to the present like: damn. I'm 50 years older.
brain just likes picturing getting away with something it never did I guess XD.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
I Need A Gangsta
by Mcuxhp777 An alternatie universe where Jeremiah didn't fall in the vat of acid and instead ran. Ten years later, he meets a grown up Bruce and they talk it out Words: 1150, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Gotham (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Jeremiah Valeska, Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon, Alfred Pennyworth, Selina Kyle Relationships: Jeremiah Valeska/Bruce Wayne, Jeremiah Valeska & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Making Out, Love Confessions, Post-Laughing Toxin Jeremiah Valeska, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Resolved Sexual Tension, Post-Canon Fix-It via https://ift.tt/IE4nuhX
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aredugroup · 4 months
Beginning the Medical Journey: Pursuing MBBS in Nepal for a Bright Future in Healthcare
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Studying MBBS in Nepal: An Overview
Nepal has become a popular destination for Indian students aspiring to pursue MBBS degrees.For aspiring doctors seeking an affordable, high-quality medical education steeped in rich cultural tapestry, Nepal emerges as a beacon of opportunity. Pursuing MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) in Nepal has become an increasingly popular choice, particularly for Indian students, due to a multitude of factors.
Nepal has become a popular destination for Indian students who want to study MBBS abroad. 
There are several reasons for this:
The cost of studying MBBS in Nepal is much lower than in India.
The quality of medical education in Nepal is good.
The language of instruction in most medical colleges in Nepal is English.
Nepal is a beautiful country with a rich culture and history.
If you are considering studying MBBS in Nepal, here are a few things you should know:
Eligibility requirements:
You must have passed the 10+2 exam with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English as compulsory subjects.
You must have scored at least 50% marks in PCB in your 10+2 exams.
You must have qualified in NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test).
Application process:
You can apply directly to the medical colleges in Nepal or through an authorized representative.
The application process usually starts in May and closes in July.
You will need to submit your academic transcripts, NEET scorecard, passport, and other required documents.
Cost of studying MBBS in Nepal:
The tuition fees for MBBS in Nepal range from NRs 40,000 to NRs 70,000 per year.
The living expenses in Nepal are also relatively low. You can expect to spend around NRs 10,000 to NRs 15,000 per month on living expenses.
Medical colleges in Nepal:
18 medical colleges in Nepal offer MBBS programs. Some of the top medical colleges in Nepal include:
Kathmandu Medical College
Tribhuvan University Institute of Medicine
BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences
Nepal Medical College
Manipal College of Medical Sciences
Benefits of studying MBBS in Nepal:
Lower cost of education: As mentioned earlier, the cost of studying MBBS in Nepal is much lower than in India. This can be a major advantage for Indian students who come from middle-class families.
Good quality of education: The quality of medical education in Nepal is good. The medical colleges in Nepal are affiliated with reputed universities and follow international standards of medical education.
English language of instruction: The language of instruction in most medical colleges in Nepal is English. This makes it easier for Indian students to adjust to their studies.
Beautiful country: Nepal is a beautiful country with a rich culture and history. Students who study MBBS in Nepal will have the opportunity to explore the country and experience its unique culture.
Challenges of studying MBBS in Nepal:
Limited seats: The number of seats available for MBBS programs in Nepal is limited. This can make it difficult for Indian students to get admission into a good medical college.
Language barrier: While English is the language of instruction in most medical colleges, Nepali is the spoken language in Nepal. Students may face some difficulty in communicating with locals.
Accommodation: Finding good quality accommodation in Nepal can be a challenge. Students may need to share apartments or live in hostels.
Overall, studying MBBS in Nepal is a good option for Indian students who are looking for a quality medical education at an affordable cost. However, it is important to be aware of the challenges before making a decision.
In conclusion, pursuing an MBBS in Nepal presents a compelling option for students seeking a blend of quality medical education, affordability, and cultural immersion. The cost-effective tuition fees, proximity to India, and internationally recognized degrees make it an attractive alternative to pursuing medicine within India. While challenges like language barriers and potential limitations in clinical exposure exist, they can be navigated with thorough research, careful planning, and a willingness to adapt. Ultimately, embracing Nepal's unique opportunity can pave the way for a fulfilling medical career, allowing you to serve humanity while immersed in the awe-inspiring beauty of the Himalayas.
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danzameccanica · 4 years
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Con ben quattro anni di distanza dalla precedente release, i Borknagar tornano sulle scene a far parlare di sé, o meglio, a ricordare ai propri fan di essere ancora vivi e vegeti: mentre l'ultimo full-lenght fu un disco acustico, la tappa ancora precedente in cui poterli catalogare all’interno del mondo metal risale infatti al lontano 2004. Il nuovo Universal, ampiamente pubblicizzato nel web con studio report, interviste durante la registrazione, spiegazioni sul cambio di etichetta (dalla Century Media alla sempre più "norvegio-centrica" Indie Recordings), edizioni limitate e lussuose, iTunes promotionals, ecc..., pare tuttavia più fumo che arrosto. Già il "singolo" presente da un paio di mesi sul Myspace, ri(s)vela i Borknagar come un gruppo stanco e poco ispirato. “Havoc” parte a rilento -senza carica- tentando di ricalcare il mood di The Archaic Course; anche quando le parti della canzone si velocizzano e diventano più aggressive, qualche buon riff viene sepolto dalle tastiere drammatiche e dalle voci pulite che Vintersorg usa in maniera molto accondiscendente, senza orecchiabilità e senza melodie importanti. Già dal periodo del citato The Archaic Course, l'uso delle keyboards da parte dei Borknagar non fu molto significativo, anche a causa dell’assenza di un tastierista ad hoc. Le prime sperimentazioni con un membro stabile (Lazare dei Solefald) si rivelarono incisive ma poco efficaci in Quintessence (pena la produzione dell'album, veramente caotica). La perfezione sonora venne toccata in Empiricism dove il nuovo cantante (Vintersorg appunto) creò linee vocali praticamente perfette (forse merito della sua giovane, instancabile e ribollente fucina creativa), e le tastiere -per la prima volta- furono utilizzate in maniera organica (pianoforte, hammond, archi, synth di accompagnamento, ecc...). Epic seguì sulla stessa scia, ma calando fortemente di attenzione.
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Con questo nuovo Universal ci troviamo di fronte al tentativo di ri-proporre un The Archaic Course sfruttato con una produzione simile a quella dell'agglomerante e confusionario Quintessence, nonché al netto delle buone idee sul come sviluppare le parti vocali. Le chitarre pulite emergono dal nulla quasi senza motivo, creando dei fraseggi circostanziali (”Reason”, “Abrasion Tide”), mentre il muro di batteria fa a gara con quello creato dall’hammond; quei pochi riff lontani dalla banalità vengono purtroppo messi in ombra dai coretti di Vintersorg che suonano davvero patetici. L'unica traccia veramente nuova ed interessante è “For A Thousand Years To Come”, caratterizzata da ottime clean-vocals ben assimilabili ed in linea con la canzone (seppur dai toni troppo aggressivi) ma che assieme agli spompati screaming di Vintersorg diminuiscono la credibilità del brano. Altro punticino interessante quello ascrivibile alla corta “Flashflower” in cui Lazare duetta lodevolmente assieme a Vintersorg, creando dei rimandi a Neonism dei Solefald. Il sogno dura poco: “Worldwide” è ancora l'ennesimo pentolone di riff poco convincenti alternati da grossi tastieroni (tutti uguali) e dalla batteria frenetica di Kinkade. Il disco si chiuderebbe con “My Domain”, dove un'interessante partecipazione di ICS Vortex, crea un punto di contatto fra il vecchio dittico The Archaic Course/Quintessence ed i recenti Dimmu Borgir: interessante canzoncina in mid-tempos in cui le voci di Simen sono a dir poco estasianti; il brano si sviluppa ordinatamente fra intermezzi di pianoforte e intrecci di chitarre.
Il disco, dicevamo, si chiuderebbe qui, non fosse per le due bonus-track, reperibili nella versione deluxe la cui qualità li rende del tutto trascurabili: la (realmente) conclusiva “Loci” non è altro che un brutto ricalco delle sovrapposizioni vocali di “Genuine Pulse”.
L'impressione generale è quella di trovarsi di fronte ad una raccolta di b-sides composte durante le registrazioni di Epic. Mi spiace veder colare a picco una di quelle band per cui, da giovane, provavo dei tuffi al cuore: speravo -in fondo- che la sperimentazione di Origin non avesse distolto la band dalle belle melodie che erano riusciti a comporre. Mi sbagliavo! Peccato veramente!
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chez-mimich · 2 years
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“Nj Weekender Fall Edition” è la “due giorni” autunnale di Novara Jazz che si è tenuta sabato e domenica scorsi presso lo spazio “Nòva,” ricavato all’interno della gigantesca ex Caserma Passalacqua nel cuore della città e abbandonata da anni al suo destino. “Nòva”, una volta, si sarebbe chiamato “centro sociale” e del centro sociale ha tutte o quasi le caratteristiche: laboratori, biblioteca, spazi per incontri, dibattiti, proiezioni e concerti, piccolo punto ristoro; manca forse solo la politica, almeno quella tradizionalmente intesa, poi c’è tutto, persino un posteggio a pagamento (questo magari non in stile col centro sociale anni Settanta-Ottanta). Ed è qui che Mr. Corrado Beldì, Mr. Riccardo Cigolotti ed anche Mr. Enrico Bettinello, stanno cercando di compiere il miracolo, ovvero quello di smuovere i giovani, trascinandoli verso qualcosa che non sia solo lo spritz o i riti, un po’ ritriti, della movida. E così eccomi qui, a quasi sessantacinque anni, in piedi (i concerti nei centri sociali et similia, dicono si debbano seguire rigorosamente in piedi e con una birra in mano, come mi ha rammentato più d’una persona dello staff), ad ascoltare un programma di gran qualità che questa sera comprende brevi concerti, alternati a dj set di grande impatto per il pubblico più giovane, che vengono proposti in due diverse sale il che che permette, grazie alla doppio allestimento, un veloce alternarsi dei musicisti gruppi. Questo è il nuovo “format” di “NJ Weekender Fall Edition” (che lascia presumere anche una edizione primaverile o estiva…). Tocca alla straordinaria voce di Anna Bassy e ai suoi musicisti, ovvero Pietro Girardi alla chitarra, Andrea Montagner al basso, Pietro Pizzoli alla batteria, ad aprire le danze (eh sì, perché qualcuno accenna anche qualche timida oscillazione danzante). Pochi pezzi inframezzati da poche timide parole, ma la sua voce sembra nata per il canto più che per il parlato. Già ascoltata in “Universal Language” di Ganluca Petrella e dei “Cosmic Renassaince”, Anna Bassy è una cantautrice italo-nigeriana della quale sentiremo parlare (cantare) a lungo. Dopo il “dinner” in scatola (molto indovinati i box-cena-aperitivo ideati da “Atheneum”, locale per universitari poco distante), e il dj-set di Andrea Passenger, eccoci ora nel lato B di Nòva (lato B ci sta bene, vista anche la presenza di un “vynil-store”), per il concerto di Rosa Brunello che ha recentemente pubblicato il suo ultimo lavoro, “Sounds Like Freedom” per l’etichetta “Domanda Music”. Con lei Tamara Osborn dei “Collocutor” al sax baritono e al flauto, (già ospiti della passata edizione di Novara Jazz), Maurice Louca alla chitarra e alle tastiere, Marco Frattini alla batteria e percussioni. Un jazz che trascolora in una raffinata etno-music e in tanti echi di altre sonorità, raccolte in giro per il mondo e fuse meravigliosamente, senza rinunciare ad una vena di ricerca sempre vitale e alimentata dall’alternarsi di Rosa al basso elettrico e al contrabbasso. Dopo le sofisticate sonorità di Rosa Brunello, il pubblico è invitato a spostarsi ancora nella sala “storica” di Nòva per una bella iniezione di possenza sonora data dal tuonante sax di Daykoda, al secolo Andrea Gamba che, col suo quartetto stordisce a dovere (in senso positivo), chi nel jazz cerca principalmente vitalità ed energia. Un altro dj-set, quello di Lefto conclude la prima serata di “Nj Weekender Fall Edition”.
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wearepaladin · 4 years
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Minn/Alternate paths by TheZodiacLord
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In an alternatie universe, Danny suspects the ghost superhero known as Phantom might not actually be a ghost- that he might still be alive- and is determined to prove it.
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animetube · 5 years
Beyond Dragon Ball Super: Broly Vs Goku Black! Battle For Universe 7! Alternative DBS Broly Movie
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missblissy · 5 years
Request: @vanderlinderideordie  Fandom: Red Dead Redemption Genre: fanfiction, one shot. AU, ask request Characters: Original Character, Lenny Summers, Van der Linde Gang
((This was a request for some OC x Father!Lenny interactions!! Sorry this took a bit of a wait, I’ve been busy with school!!!! I hope you enjoy it!!))
It was all a bit strange. Well, honestly it was more than that. It was odd because Lenny never thought of himself as a father. He was still just a kid himself in some ways. He was still very young, but here he was. Standing before him was one of many new people to cluttered the camp. Dadi was his name. Lenny had found himself sitting by a river that flushed through camp with the person that called him Father. His own son. 
It was quiet, and a little tense. There was so much information that broke the fabrics of time. Lenny had a hard time wrapping his head around it. Honestly thinking about it gave him a bit of a headache. He shook his head slightly to usher the thoughts away.
He focused on Dadi, who was rather very quiet. He didn’t seem like someone much for words. Lenny took this moment of silence as a chance to look over the other. Dadi was tall, that was for sure, and very well built. Much more than Lenny’s own skinny arms and legs.
“I’m sorry,” The words tore Lenny from his thoughts. Dadi was sitting there with his hands folded together in his lap. He seemed troubled. He kept ringing his finger in his hands, “I feel we have made a mistake,”
Lenny raised a brow slowly, slightly confused, “A mistake?” 
“I don’t think...” Dadi paused and then clenched his hands tightly, “I don’t think it was wise to come here,” Lenny stayed quiet, waiting to hear what else he had to say, “Everyone seems upset.”
They both looked over their shoulders to the camp behind them. He wasn’t wrong. The camp was definitely crowded and confused. Lenny shook his head though. He didn’t understand much how the fabric of reality worked, but he knew what a sad and tortured kid looked like. 
“You said you had your reasons,” Lenny brought himself to gaze at the rivers slow flow of water. The sunlight reflected off it clumsy waves and Lenny had a moment were he remembered something from his childhood. He always wished his life was better, that he had a loving parent, a home, “Dutch understands. So does everyone else,” He finally said after a moment or two.
Dadi let out a huff, almost like he was a moody teen even though he was far older, “We’re from another dimension,” Whatever that meant, “We aren’t even really related,” Dadi sighed and Lenny could see pain flash across his face, “My real father is dead. The one that I knew? He’s gone, killed before I could even do anything,”
There was so much more laced in his words. Lenny could feel that Dadi wanted to talk some more, but he chooses silence instead. They both shared a deep breath. This was a lot harder then either of them expected. How does one talk to a kid from another universe from the future?
How do you say, Hi dad! I’m 25 years old and I’m from a whole other place from the future that doesn’t even happen! Let’s be friends!
Dadi’s thoughts kept swarming back and forth like a tidal wave. He was torn right down the middle. He was beyond elated to see his father again... But this wasn’t his father. This Lenny knew nothing about him, his mother, his friends or his life. This Lenny was barely 20 years old. He was older than his own fucking father!
He thought this would be an amazing adventure! He thought he’d have fun! Truth me be told, however, this wasn’t fun. It hurt. It hurt a lot. And it showed all over Dadi’s face. He kept biting at the inside of his cheek, trying to find a way to say, I’m sorry I wasted your time. I’ll leave.
Something happened at the moment that he’d never expect. Lenny put his hand on his shoulder, gave it a light squeeze and said, “I might not be the person you’ve been looking for, but just cause of that, it don’t mean we can’t still be friends,”
Maybe it was the fact that it was still Lenny, this was still his father. Maybe not the same one, but he looked and sounded the same. He even did the same thing as his own father. With a smile and a pat on his back, Lenny changed the subject, “What did you say you use to do? You said something about.. a different universe?”
“An alternatie universe,” Dadi corrcted.
“Yeah! That! Tell me more about that! And your friends!” He waved his hand over to the others. Dadi looked at them, he saw Quinn and Farah off in the distance. They looked like they were enjoying themselves more than him. Though a small part of his heart grew as he watched them laugh.
He turned back to Lenny and slowly started talking. He talked about his life, his childhood, his adventures, and sorrows. Dadi opened up much more than he thought he would. He felt a single blissful wisp of nostalgia. He felt like he was a kid fishing with his father again, minus the fishing. He missed his father so much, his mother too. He missed everyone and he wasn’t sure if he’d ever see them again.
Maybe this was the closest he’d get. There was no such power to reverse the times of the universe, there was no way to change fate without terrible consequences. That’s why they traveled time dimensions, not time itself. 
The two of them shared a handful of laughs. Dadi chuckled quietly as he listened to Lenny bost about how great Arthur and Hosea were, “I remember this one time, Arthur pulled this nasty prank on me. Just as I was about to sit down in my chair he threw actual horse shit under me! I sat right in it! That bastard laughed his ass off and ran for the hills,”
“You’re lucky!” Dadi laughed, throwing a hand slightly as he waved off their chuckles, “I can’t die!” He joked, “I get shot for fun sometimes!” He supposed having superpowers were amazing and all, just not when your friends took advantage of that.
“Really?” Lenny took on this look of amazement, “What about them?” He jabbed a fun back towards camp, “Can any of them do anything cool?”
With a nod of his head, Dadi talked about the rest of the group, “Some of them yeah, depends on who’s asking, haha,” 
“And what about me? Did I do anything special? Did I become a superhero too?”
The question wasn’t meant to hurt, but it did, “No,” Dadi remembered those days, he shook his head, “Not really. Everything was normal for a bit, we all were,” 
The mood had quickly gone from pleasant to depressing. Lenny didn’t want to sit in sorrows so he stood up and looked to his son, “We should go for a ride,” He said with a smile, “I’d like to catch up with you some more,” Catch up. This was the first day they met and Lenny was treating him as if they’ve known each other their whole lives.
Dadi felt a wave of excitement rush over him. Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all, “Sure,” He stood up from the log, “I’d love to.” 
Before the two of them could leave their spot by the river, Lenny paused and grabbed Dadi by the arm for a second, “Hey. I know I’m not your real father, and these words might not mean as much, but I think he’d be really proud of you. I’m proud of you.”
Those words meant more than the world to him. Dadi could hear a distant voice calling from his memories. Something sparked in him and he acted without thinking. He hugged Lenny, muttering a humble but quiet, “Thank you,” All of the troubled thoughts he had before washed away in one fell swoop. He felt like he had gotten a second chance like he could start over again and this time he wouldn’t make any mistakes.
As he walked off with his father, leaving camp to enjoy a ride around the county, Dadi felt as though he had finally finished a long long journey. 
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southeastasianists · 6 years
There was a limit to playing identity politics during the 14th General Elections (GE14), but it’s now too simplistic to say there’s a “new politics” where race and religion no longer matter in Malaysia. Malaysia is not totally free from elements of Bumiputraism and Islamism, yet there are diversifications and transformations of discourses and practices in political Islam. And these changes will continue to shape and be shaped by political contestations in this “new Malaysia”.
Opposition party PAS and victorious Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition party Amanah are unlikely to cooperate in the name of Islam. Although both claim to be Islamic parties, their approaches are rather different. PAS is a more Malay-oriented Islamic party with its strongholds in Kelantan and Terengganu, while Amanah is a more cosmopolitan and reformist-inclined Islamic party with a support base in the urbanised Klang Valley. Such Pas–Amanah competition might be also framed as a contestation between orthodox versus moderate Islamism, Islamism versus post-Islamism, or political Islam 1.0 versus 2.0; of course, the realities are more much more complex than these differentiations. Hence, it is a mistake to claim that Malay Muslims in the Klang Valley are less “Islamic” than those in the east coast states, just because they did not vote for PAS.
At GE14, PAS won 18 parliamentary seats while Amanah secured 11 seats. However, the “Islamic voice” in the winning PH coalition also exists in its other component parties PKR (Parti Keadilan Rakyat) and even PPBM (Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia), as there are leaders with ABIM (Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia) and IKRAM (Pertubuhan IKRAM Malaysia) background in both parties. In short, PAS is no longer the only dominant force representing political Islam in Malaysia, as it’s facing strong challenges from other political parties and also NGOs with Islamic credentials.
Many Malaysians, including Malay Muslims, voted against Najib Razak and issues such as the GST in GE14. Yet where these Malay protest votes go are configured by political orientations among Malay Muslims, depending on regions. In the southern states such as Johor, Malay nationalism is strong and PAS is not an important force. Hence the anti-Najib voters’ swinging to PH.
But in the east coast states, PAS is strong on its own. After successfully denouncing Amanah and consolidating its hardcore supporters, the party ran extensive campaigns against the GST and corruption to attract anti-Najib voters. It may be inaccurate to claim that many Malay Muslims in Kelantan and Terengganu were voting for RUU355, a parliamentary bill proposed by PAS president Hadi Awang to enhance existing Syariah laws.
In the Klang Valley, potential PAS voters are much more diverse and sophisticated than those in the east coast. Aside from the PAS hardcore, there are also supporters of Anwar Ibrahim, ABIM, Ikram, and other Islamic movements. At GE14, the PAS hardcore stayed loyal yet others, especially those from ABIM and IKRAM, ran effective campaigns for PH, lending the coalition much-needed Islamic credentials. They have successfully persuaded many former PAS voters in the Klang Valley to vote for PH.
Many observers have focused on PAS’ winning Kelantan and Terengganu states on its own, attributing its victories to religious factors and describing PAS voters as a “moral constituency”. However, such analyses often wrongly suggest Muslims who have voted for PH are less “Islamic” and less concerned about “moral issues”. Many have also taken urban Muslim supporters of PH for granted.
Take the case of Sungai Ramal (formerly Bangi), a Malay-majority urban state seat in Selangor. By exploring how PAS and PH (represented by Amanah) competed to win over pious urban Muslim voters, by offering different approaches to political Islam, its results tell us more about the transformation of political Islam in urban Malaysia.
Like Shah Alam, Bangi or to be more accurate Bandar Baru Bangi (Bangi New Town) was an urban development project under the New Economic Policy (NEP) to increase the urban Malay population. The state assembly seat of Bangi, renamed Sungai Ramal in 2018, had previously been won by PAS in 1999, 2008, and 2013. Yet it was captured by PH in 2018. The main offices of ISMA (Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia) and HTM (Hizbut Tahrir Malaysia) are located in Bangi, while many ABIM and IKRAM activists also reside in this township.
Bangi is generally seen as a “middle-class Malay Muslim” township. It’s also known as “bandar ilmu” (“knowledge town”, where UKM and KUIS are located) and “bandar fesyen” (“fashion town”, where many Muslimah boutiques and halal eateries are situated). During the GE14 campaign, some Amanah leaders also called Bangi “bandar Rahmatan lil-Alamin”—an inclusive Islamic township which is “a blessing for all”.
After the controversial redelineation exercises nationwide by the Election Commission (EC), the state constituency of Bangi not only got a new name (Sungai Ramal) but also an increase in Malay voters, from about 66% to 80%. Such demographics might have indicated a higher chance for PAS to retain the seat or perhaps enabled UMNO to wrest the seat back. However, as I have observed during the election campaign, Bangi was a battleground between PAS (represented by Nushi Mahfodz, a celebrity ustaz) and Amanah (represented by Mazwan Johar, a lawyer and ex-PAS activist), given that UMNO was not popular among many urban, educated middle-class Malay Muslims.
In order to engage with its middle class and youth members, as well as to win over support from a broader set of pious Muslims, the PAS leadership in Selangor knows its religious credentials alone are not enough. Party strategists have introduced the idea of “technocratic government” (kerajaan teknorat), running events such as “town hall” meetings featuring the party’s youth leaders from professional backgrounds. But religious issues are still central to the PAS campaign. It fielded Nushi Mahfodz, a lecturer at KUIS (Kolej Universiti Islam Selangor) and a celebrity ustaz, as an attempt to win over pious voters. PAS also had certain controls over mosques, religious schools and kindergartens across Bangi.
But there were some uncertainties and dissatisfaction among PAS supporters during GE14, and they posed challenging questions to party leaders over the campaign. According to PAS ceramah attendees I met, there were different levels of support toward the Islamist party. Some were hardcore PAS members, some were dissatisfied members considering voting for PH, while others who were unhappy with the party leadership still stayed loyal to the party. One of them used the analogy of a classroom: “the teacher might be wrong, but the textbook is always correct. We can criticise the teacher, but we can’t throw away our textbook”.
Pakatan Harapan was well aware it was not enough to campaign solely against the GST and corruption if it wanted to win over pious Muslim voters in Bangi. So it wasn’t a surprise that Amanah arranged a dialogue in Bangi during the GE14 campaign featuring Ustaz Nik Omar, the eldest son of the late Nik Aziz, the revered former PAS spiritual leader. In that dialogue, Nik Omar suggested that his father was not only fighting for the party (PAS), but also more importantly for Islam and for dakwah. For him, dakwah was an “Islamic outreach” towards the broader Muslim community and non-Muslims as well. Compared to “inward-looking” PAS, Nik Omar found PH a better platform for dakwah. In some ways, he carried the legacy of his father, emphasising the need to engage with broader societies while upholding an Islamic agenda.
But Nik Omar himself suffered a heavy defeat in Kelantan, where PAS hardcore supporters in the east coast were ideologically committed and highly loyal to the party. Yet Nik Omar played an important role in helping PH win over fence-sitter Muslim voters, especially in the Klang Valley. If Dr Mahathir Mohammad with his “Malay nationalist” outlook convinced some previously UMNO voters to switch their support to PH, Nik Omar with his “Islamic credentials” persuaded some previously PAS voters to swing their support to Harapan.
By hailing Nik Aziz as an exemplary Muslim leader in its elections campaign, Amanah emphasised social inclusiveness, working with people from all walks of life including non-Muslims. Yet, at the same time, it maintained certain conservative religious and moral viewpoints. For example, some of its leaders committed PH to not allowing cinemas and alcohol sellers in Bangi. In addition to Nik Omar, many ABIM leaders living in Bangi including its first president Razali Nawawi and fourth president Muhammad Nur Manuty also gave their support to PH candidates. A local PKR leader who ran one of the campaign offices was also from an ABIM background. The main campaign team for the Amanah candidate included youth activists from IKRAM.
As the results showed, a combined effort by Amanah, PKR, IKRAM and ABIM activists defeated the incumbent PAS candidate in this urban Malay Muslim-majority seat. The PH coalition won with 24,591 votes, with PAS securing 13,961 votes while UMNO only got 9,372 votes. As compared to the 2013 elections, there was a huge decrease in both PAS voters (dropping to 13,961 from 29,200 previously) and UMNO voters (to 9,372 from 17,362 previously). In other words, about half of previously PAS and UMNO voters swung their support over to Pakatan Harapan.
Various reasons contributing to this change of voting patterns include the possibility that a significant number of former PAS voters are also supporters of PKR, ABIM, IKRAM, and other Islamic organisations. They are pious voters who consider Islam as an important factor in their voting but they’re not loyal PAS supporters. At GE14, many of them indicated their acceptance of PH as an “Islamic alternative”. Despite that, PAS was still able to keep its 30% support base of Muslim voters in Bangi, suggesting that the Islamist party still has influence among urban Muslims in the Klang Valley. It might be premature to conclude that PAS is only a regional party with influence in the east coast and northern states.
The GE14 result reflects the enduring influence of PAS and it remains one of the key players of political Islam in Malaysia. Yet at the same time, Amanah and PKR, and to a lesser extent, PPBM, together with IKRAM and ABIM, have offered a viable “Islamic alternative” for pious Muslim voters. Over the next few years, can PAS rejuvenate or expand its support base in the Klang Valley? Can Amanah make further inroads into the east coast states?
The competition for pious Muslim voters will continue to shape and be shaped by Malaysian politics. Anwar Ibrahim recently visited his comrade Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey, while Nik Omar and some Amanah leaders have also made references to Erdogan. Some liberal Muslims have questioned the suitability of Maszlee Malik as the Minister of Education because of his perceived “Islamist” background, and he replied such critics by pointing out “being religious is not a crime”.
Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has stated his intention to revamp the federal government’s Islamic affairs bureaucracy JAKIM, leaving the room open for further competition among different Islamic groups in Malaysia. Such competition will also be configured by the engagement of Muslims from various backgrounds—from traditionalists to modernists, from secular-minded to Islamist-minded, from progressive to conservative. And there are the interactions with non-Muslim Malaysians to consider as well.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
I Need A Gangsta
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/IE4nuhX by Mcuxhp777 An alternatie universe where Jeremiah didn't fall in the vat of acid and instead ran. Ten years later, he meets a grown up Bruce and they talk it out Words: 1150, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Gotham (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Jeremiah Valeska, Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon, Alfred Pennyworth, Selina Kyle Relationships: Jeremiah Valeska/Bruce Wayne, Jeremiah Valeska & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Making Out, Love Confessions, Post-Laughing Toxin Jeremiah Valeska, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Resolved Sexual Tension, Post-Canon Fix-It read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/IE4nuhX
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mourningnight-moved · 6 years
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 I’m an avid reader. Books, fanfictions, I don’t care. As long as it’s good.
And let me tell you this one is good so far! If it was me, I would make an edit for every good fic (and I’m very picky when it comes to fics, but fortunately this fandom is full of amazing writers) I’ve read in this fandom, but sadly my muse is a bitch. So, my only hope is that she decides to inspire me sooner or later (like, yesterday I got an idea for a fic I read six months ago) I promise I’ll do a rec list to do justice to all those amazing fics
Anyway, like I was saying before, this fic has 11 chapters for now but I love it! I’m a sucker for AUs, especially Human AUs, and this one has everything you could ask in a alternatie universe fic  cough lots of angst cough.
Paradiso by @theleafpile it’s basically a Chef AU, and although the trope isn’t very popular and I was skeptical at the beginning, this fic got me hooked. Characters have a good backstory that fits perfectly in this alternative universe and some relationships are well described (like the Lucifer/Maze friendship). So what are you waiting for, go to read it!
And hopefully this will be the first of many edits! I thought that it would have been nice to do some AU related edits. I love AUs and this fandom hasn’t many (maybe it’s because the characters work well in their own universe) so it might be refreshing! What do you think guys? Is it worth a shot?
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