#also none of you bitches (members of sees) would talk to each other at ALL if he wasn’t there. the vibes would be rancid
thirtyskeletons · 2 months
playing through p3 again, especially with how reload has recontextualized some characters and relationships, has quickly made junpei into one of my favorite characters
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kanmom51 · 6 months
Came here for a bitch rant
Because I could and because I wanted to.
I'm going to say this.
Now that the cat is out of the bag, now that we all know that JM and JK are enlisting together, going to be joint at the hip during their 18 months of military service, all I want to say is:
I friggin' told you so!!!
I did.
I told you they are ok.
I told you not to worry, that nothing has changed between them.
I told you so.
But if you still don't believe me, please explain how these 2 young men managed to secure an enlistment together, as in going through the whole service side by side. And correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I know this is a first time this is done with an idol.
Only the two of them.
None of the other, as the ot7s will butt in to say, super close members.
If it's about either of their stability, safety, mental health (and not about how close they are and need each other), how is it that out of all of the members it's ALWAYS the two of them? How is it that RM isn't the one to go with JK? How is it not Tae or Hobi with JM (the best friend and 'soulmate' - yes, I did that)? But it's not, is it? Because it's about JM needing to be with JK and JK needing to be with JM. Period.
And if you don't see that, if you don't understand that, well, yeah, I guess either you are purposefully evading it (will talk about that one) or are just plain %$^&*.
Also, have to say this as well.
Now that we know that not seeing them over the past months together meant absolutely nothing about their relationship. This whole process and getting this approved, it takes time. If they haven't been wanting this for a long time and if they still at present didn't want this, well folks, it wouldn't be happening. They want this. They NEED this. And let me tell you something (been a lot of that going around today), knowing this is happening, them being together through this all, with the plus of Jin being around for the first 6 months, means that as far as they are concerned, I will definitely be sleeping well at night. Of course I would rather none of them had to go to the military, but this, my friends, is what we can call maximizing the best of a shit situation. I can sleep well at night knowing JM will be safe (we all worried about his safety, let's be honest) and JK, well, the thought of him without JM by his side. His anchor, his safe place, his catalyst, yeah. I was worried. And now I actually have a smile on my face. Kind of had it ever since I heard this was happening. Every single time I thought about their enlistment over the past few days and everytime I will after they enlist. They are together!!!
Yes folks, you heard this from RM.
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Thank you oh wise leader for letting us know those two share a bed. Can you please shout it out for the ones sitting in the back?
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Oops. Sorry. I forgot.
But seriously, the way the two were flustered at the end. Priceless.
So yeah, I guess that was my bratty way of telling off "oh ye of little faith"...
Will this change things up in the fandom?
Well, do you really want to get me started on that one? Not sure you do. I guess I'll suggest you brace yourself for this one...
I will start by saying that my daughters are convinced. I mean, they have kind of been getting there over the past year with JK's lives and behaviour and their interactions when we got them. But this, well yeah, this is GIGANTIC. And if you don't see it, or won't see it, then it's a you problem, not a them problem.
I'm 100% sure there will be those that continue to ot7-fy their relationship. And don't get me wrong here, I'm an ot7 gal all the way. Love all 7 of them to bits. But whoever does not and will not see that JM and JK, their connection, their relationship is just different, well they have an issue. And they will continue with this. Because for many of them to admit that JK and JM are closer with each other than with any other member, to admit that they are even the best of friends, is super problematic. Admitting that throws them straight into the boiling water. Admitting that means seeing it all. Seeing everything (the physical and emotional and sexual behaviours between the two). And doing that means two things. First, admitting that the two are together together, as in a couple, as in actually have sex with each other (to the homophobes among them that is a big no no). Second, to those who have this need to glorify the 7, and not understand that within those 7 are seven human beings with relationship that are not equal to one another. JK and Tae's relationship is unlike JK's with Hobi or JK's with RM and so forth. But more so, having a couple in the mix in their minds is possibly the beginning of the end, which is damn stupid, cause these two have been together for years now and are more ot7 than any claimed ot7 out there (you know, those claiming to be ot7 who constantly ignore or overlook Jikook interactions or for the matter of it, overlook JM, period). So, I kind of predict that won't be changing.
The spin-masters (TKKs, Yoonmin's etc.), well, they will keep on spinning. But not because they don't see it. No. But because they do!! And they need these stories and theories and plain ass stupidities to try and explain it away. The fun part about this one is seeing how every single time their story gets blown up to smithereens by facts, much of the time coming from the members themselves, but also from Bighit or others.
So, to sum it up, nothing is going to change, lol.
Well, maybe, just maybe, some of the reasonable ones out there, those that don't have their feet planted roots deep in the ground, those that do have the ability of critical thinking, they might just see it for what it is.
And if they don't well, wait till those two's travel show comes out, cause from what I'm seeing (from them - depends how it's going to be edited, but then again, how much can you edit out?), it's going to be wild.
Anyways, I do think I'll be back to post about the live, but in any case, will use this opportunity to wish all four of them a safe enlistment. May their basic training go by as fast and as easy as possible (it's going to be so cold...), and may these 18 months go by as fast as possible, but how ever fast or slow they go, I hope they keep safe and can be as happy as possible while serving their country.
I, for one, can't wait for them to come out on the other side.
See your hectic asses for Festa 2025.
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ghostlychief · 1 year
So I read your simon riley “ghost” scary dog privileges, but may I present to you……the idea of simon being the most terrifying in combat but when he goes home it’s his wife you should fear more. Looking all sweet and innocent like she could never hurt a fly because she’s so tiny, and then they see the rbf and someone flips the bitch switch. Can be whatever scenario 👀 I just thought it would be funny because that’s exactly how it is with a friend of mine and his girlfriend 😂
HELLO! This is such a funny concept to me, so it was very fun to write! I hope you enjoy what i threw together, and thank you for your request!! <3
Oneshot; Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!reader
wc: 932
warnings: none
The irony’s in life are assuming.
Because whatever force, god, or being, thought it would be funny for Simon Riley, aka “ghost,” aka one of the “scariest members of task force 141”, to finally meet his match, and fall in love with said match, were having too much fun with the precarities of his life.  
Ghost certainly has a reputation at the base, and in his world. His peers respect him, his enemies fear him (let’s be honest, his peers also fear him). He was an accomplished lieutenant, with many awards for all the brave, but terrifying work he accomplishes frequently. He earned his reputation. For the longest time, task force 141 was the most afraid of Ghost, that was, until they met you.
Everyone knows the saying that you never really find love, it finds you. For Ghost, love didn’t really find him, it more so smacked him upside the head.
You were completely removed from his world, something he was grateful for. You had a simple 9-5 job, with regular amounts of stress, but you were never in danger or putting your life on the line, something that eased Ghost’s mind when you guys first started dating. The contrast in your realities is what actually brought you closer together, finding solace within each other’s worlds that the other could not ever think to visit.
You offered him normalcy and calmness, something he only ever dreamed of obtaining. He offered you excitement and a sense of security. You always picked his brain about the technicalities of his job, always fascinated by the missions he goes on, and impressed with his combat abilities.
Besides your jobs being contrasts from one another, your personalities were also different. He was quiet, sure, and patient. You were more strong headed, impulsive, bursting with energy and assertiveness that left people intimidated of you. You guess that’s one thing you and Ghost had in common: intimidation.
You didn’t let anything slide, nor take shit from anyone, something that helped gain success throughout your academic years and the early days of your professional career.
You and Ghost made quite the pair.
When task force 141 found out Ghost had a girlfriend, they didn’t really know what to expect of you. They figured you must have had some thick skin to be able to date Ghost. However, they would never know, nor see the gentle side that Ghost practiced towards you. He was a giving, and gentle lover. Something you know is solely because of the devastating world he is subject to through his job. He wanted peace outside of work, and he provided you with a sense of that, and you did too.
The first time you met task force 141, they were shocked to find out that you were completely opposite of Ghost, both in personality and in physical features. He towered over you at his whomping height of 6’4, you barley reached his shoulders. While he held a gaze of indifference, yours was stern, eyebrows naturally furrowed, and a permanent scowl was left on your lips, until you smiled or started talking.
To put it simply, they felt a little uneasy at first, and it solidified when you opened your mouth.
“What? Are you all just going to stand there and gawk at me, or introduce yourselves?” With your hands on your hips, and a slight tilt to your head you managed to intimidate the squad 141, even though you were the least threatening person in the room, physically. Ghost snickered next to you as he watched his teammates take the blow of your statement, your presence filled up the room. Their wide-open mouths shut instantly, and they all lined up to introduce themselves. You found it hard to hide your smirk.
After your first meet and greet with the team, you found yourself spending more time with them, with Ghost of course. You would occasionally meet them at a bar for a round of drinks, or go out to dinner. Though they got more comfortable around you, you never failed to surprise them with your demeanor. Always demanding, that people respect you, specifically men.
One night you all were at the bar, celebrating the end of the week. You got a phone call from a colleague, something you didn’t appreciate on a Friday night. However, you knew it had something to do with your client, and it wasn’t your teammates fault for having to call you this late.
You took the call regardless, and the team hushed when they heard your conversation. “I don’t care what the client said. They gave us a deadline for next week, and the fact that they’re requesting the report today, a Friday night, is laughable. Tell them either accept the fact that the report will be delivered to them next week, or tell them to find someone else to do all their work for them.”
You abruptly ended the call with a sigh, and you noticed the silence around the table. The men tried to act like they were just all sipping their drinks with no thought, but you knew they were listening to your call.
“This client always tries to push up deadlines, even though in our contracts, we state the official deadline. Official, as in, cannot be changed. They’re just a bunch of idiots who think they can push me and my team around because I’m a woman leading this project.”
With a shrug, you say, “I have to stand up for myself and my team.”
Task force 141 wasn’t going to argue with that one.
hope you enjoyed! <3
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the5n00k · 5 months
An observation about TGAMM The End
Big big spoilers ahead, click away if you aren't caught up
This is also my first NEGATIVE TGAMM analysis post! Wowie! So if you don't want to see me bitch, also click off now
The End and how Molly McGee's character was disrespected
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The End is. An episode. I have many MANY thoughts about it but it would be far too long to put in one post so I'm going to explore one of my more reoccurring opinions. This episode recontextualized a lot of things but I'm going to talk about how it recontextualized Molly as a character. Most importantly as a MAIN character. A TITLE character. A character with her own past and personality and feelings. All of which this episode completely stomped all over, handed her the check, and said "figure it out"
I want to apologize to my friend who called this so SO much earlier into the series and that he had to listen to me watch this show on lethal amounts of copium. You were right but I knew neither of us wanted you to be.
Now let's get into the meat of it, shall we?
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All throughout season 1, Molly's history and relationship with the concept of friends is always treated with complete sincerity and the emotional pause it needs to sink in with the audience that she's been through it. Moving away and leaving friends is why she put so much importance on the "forever home" in the first place because she's had to leave so many people she loved. She had a rocky beginning with Scratch during the early season but quickly became on equal footing with him as they began to understand each other and their boundaries. Because she genuinely cares about him. Similarly, season 2 explores the boundaries of their friendship and shows Scratch more willing to participate in whatever Molly is doing, even begging sometimes to be included. And Molly is very patient and kind with him all throughout trying to help him regain memories of his past. And Scratch actually reciprocated a few times like helping her learn Thai and working with Libby to set her up with Ollie. They're the closest they've ever been and something I can confidently call true best friends, possibly the closest and healthiest friendship I've seen portrayed in media. Season 2 showcases how far either of them are willing to go to help each other.
Then The End happened.
Molly is the same understanding and supportive friend as she had been all season, almost to a fault. She encourages scratch to go back to his life, knowing the risks that come with it. Why did there need to be the risk of forgetting her when his spirit didn't immediately forget his living life? Don't know. Something to do with an unreleased episode although I doubt the rest of season 3 would have sweetened my opinion of this episode. Only she knew he was about to do this, she didn't talk to any of his other friends or family before he went out to Todd's house. They only found out after the fact and the next morning is when he left. None of them had any time to process that they just lost a family member, especially not Molly.
The scene where he's talking to her on the bench breaks my heart. Knowing your friend is no longer there and is replaced with this stranger. So much of this episode would have been fixed to just let him keep his memories. Considering how hard it was to pull his living memories out of his spirit, it's very likely that even the small fragments of her he remembers will slowly fade away. She had to do the one thing she never wanted to do again and repeat the same pain that's plagued her for the entire series. And it sucks! Why doesn't she get a happy ending? Hell, I'm not even convinced this was a "happy ending" for scratch since he can't remember any of the people he just spent the last two years with.
The biggest slap to the face is when Libby, Geoff, and the McGees come up behind Molly and just act like all of this is fine? They're treating scratch like this wild animal that deserved to be released into the wild because he could never fit in with society when he was PERFECTLY HAPPY with the McGees. He proudly displayed to the entire ghost world that he was an "honorary McGee" and told a ghost hunter to his face that him and Molly would do anything for each other despite their differences. Was all of that completely pointless? Because it sure feels that way. He had this entire new "life" he just completely abandoned because oh I guess I'm not really dead. Guess I better go reconnect with my childhood friend I haven't seen in person or had any meaningful conversations with in decades!!! See ya, chumps, hope you weren't attached to me or anything!
It's so disrespectful to the audience's investment in Molly and Scratch's friendship, the themes of friendship overcoming all odds and lasting forever, and Molly as a character. And to a lesser degree, it's even disrespectful to Scratch since most of the season he spent brooding over the fact that he didn't remember his past! Now he's forgotten a large portion of his "life" all over again. Now he's going to have to live with this nagging itch at the back of his mind that he's forgetting something until he manages to completely repress it too. And to rub salt in the wound, the credits don't have near sight nor mention of Molly McGee outside of a painted portrait of her and (spirit) scratch. All this does is tell me a LONG time has passed and neither of them have managed to successfully contact each other. The dream team is gone, this is a story about a girl and a ghost and none of it meant anything.
"he'll remember when he dies again!" Where does it say that
"he didn't forget, he said Moll! That means something!" The longer he spends away from the McGees and Brighton, the more likely he is to completely forget them altogether. The vague memories will eventually fade away and every "forever memory" will be worthless.
"it doesn't matter, this is Scratch's story" then why isn't it called 'scratch and the human girl'? Or 'the scratch show'? Why is Molly a title character if she's nothing but a plot device for his character development.
"Molly had to learn how to say goodbye." No she didn't. She's been doing that her entire life. She's pretty well aware of how to say goodbye. Making her relive 13 years of trauma from the other side of the vehicle doors is not a useful life skill. Pain is not necessary to grow up.
I don't care what the excuse is. This was a terrible ending for both characters and no amount of "he's happy now!" coping from both the fans and the writers is going to get me to see this any other way. If you enjoy the episode, great! I'm happy for you, there's a lot to love in the music and voice acting and breathtaking animation. But none of that could save me from this abysmal attempt at a series finale. I was so viscerally disgusting by this as a finale that I spent a good two days completely nauseous thinking about it. What a disaster. The sad part is I like the story potential! Him reuniting with Adia is what I've wanted for him all season so he could get closure. Molly and Scratch having to say goodbye is heartbreaking but understandable, a lot of shows nowadays end that way and I half expected it. But him completely forgetting the girl he owes his new lease on life to? My gosh it's just a deal breaker. It is such a cruel end for these characters and I cannot wrap my head around why they thought it was a good idea outside of cheap angst.
I wanted to like this episode and I still do. But they just did so much wrong when one thing could change and it would have completely flipped my opinion on the episode and series in general. But what do I know, I'm just a negative nancy.
Anyway idk how to end this off, justice for Molly McGee, Scratch deserved to be called Scratch McGee, kill Todd Mortenson, peace out
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dabislittlemouse · 1 year
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Chapter 1
Dabi x fem!Reader
Chapter 2 is out!
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Warnings: none at the moment. Love at the first sight. This fanfiction will contain nsfw themes, will lead to smut soon. It will be extremely slow-burn, it will contain angst and drama. Depending on my mood it won’t be updated too fast with each chapter, but I’ll try my best. This will be alternated between Dabi’s POV and your own too.
Plot: You are a new recruit to the League of Villains. Coming from a dark past, you’ll try as much as you can to change this fucked up society and get your revenge. But what happens when feelings for a certain raven haired arsonist get in the way?
Comment if you wanna be tagged in the future chapters. All characters belong to Kohei Horikoshi.
P.s the reader is extremely gorgeous and breathtaking (BECAUSE THATS HOW YOU ARE BETCH). The reader’s POV will come in the upcoming chapters.
Walking past the narrow street, Giran was eyeing the building where he was supposed to meet the new recruit. All he knew that the recruit was a girl, who Tomura Shigaraki had requested a few days ago for her to be found. Giran didn’t care what Tomura would do to her, all he wanted was the money in the end.
Finally finding the building, he almost stopped on his traces when he saw your figure walk out of it.
Damn, what a sight for sore eyes you were..
“A new female member? I’m so excited!” Toga said happily as she jumped around the place.
“I wonder what her quirk might be, since the leader specifically requested for her to be here” Spinner said.
“I bet she is awesome! No, she could be a bitch!” Twice exclaimed. All this talking and babbling around were getting into the scarred villain’s nerves. He was smoking a cigarette, leaning to the counter of the bar and a glass of whiskey in his right hand. Most of the time he just wanted to either leave or kill everyone in here, but he had to stay if he wanted to make his own ambitions a reality. Also, not that his crewmates weren’t that bad, they were just annoying.
“Why so quiet Dabi? Aren’t you excited to see who the new member will be?” Toga asked coming near him, touching his shoulder.
“Not a single bit” Dabi muttered annoyed “Now get off me you lunatic” he said as he puffed smoke from his mouth. At that moment Tomura Shigaraki entered the bar, the room immediately quieting down as he sat on the stool, getting a glass and pouring it with whiskey.
“Giran and the new recruit are on their way, Tomura Shigaraki” Kurogiri’s voice was heard. “They might take less than 45 minutes to arrive”
“Good” Shigaraki replied. Then he turned his head to look at Dabi smoking, annoyance plastering his covered face. “Do not smoke inside. Get out” he ordered.
“As if I care” Dabi replied, getting on Shigaraki’s nerves like usual and making the leader question himself why the hell has he not disintegrated this patch-work of a man yet. “I smoke wherever I want”
“Bet you won’t say the same when I disintegrate your burned face. Oh wait, you won’t even manage to say anything at all” Tomura said threateningly.
“Bet!” Dabi smirked, cigarette between his teeth as his hands lit up on hot blue flames.
“Now now, why don’t we calm down shall we?” Mr.Compress said, always so firm and mature, the most mature of them all along with Kurogiri. Dabi and Shigaraki, the strongest villains of the team and yet behaved like siblings, always picking on each other and annoying everyone. Suddenly a knock silenced everyone, as their eyes were directed towards the door.
“They’re here already?” Magne said surprised. The door opened to reveal Giran, a cigarette between his lips.
“She’s here” the only words he said. Tomura Shigaraki had his eyes glued on the door waiting for the new member to enter. It was kind of an awkward silence. Steps were heard and that’s when you entered. Wearing only a baggy hoodie which hid your beautiful body, only your plush thighs to reveal, fishnets and boots covering your legs. It felt like the bar suddenly had lack of oxygen. All eyes were glued on you, especially Dabi who earlier pretended that he didn’t give a shit. He had shared bed with many women, plenty of them who he just found them pretty enough to fuck them stupid. But you? The one who just walked in, had a beauty that could literally blind you, an unique aura that surrounded your figure.
As your enter, your eyes start wandering around to see the people that surrounded you. They went from Shigaraki to Toga, from Spinner to Twice, from Compress to Magne, to the others until....
Your eyes locked together. Dabi stared back at you with those azure orbs of his. Sudden awkwardness and tension was felt around the air as you kept looking at him. He thought you found him disgusting, shocked that a human could look like this, and he didn’t feel that surprised. Who could blame you? But there was not a single glimpse of disgust shown on your face, instead you stared in awe..and almost blushing? As Dabi kept staring back at you, kind of hungrily we might say, your cheeks started heating up and Dabi noticed that. He still couldn’t believe what he was seeing, you blushing at him. The whores he had fucked would blush because of his monster cock, that’s what he always thought.
Then he saw your nervousness and embarrassment washing your face as he smirked slightly, giving you a hint that you were giving yourself away too much. Your eyes went somewhere else, to the boss, where you decided to keep the seriousness.
“So, you are (Y/N) . To what do I owe the pleasure of finally meeting you? I really thought you wouldn’t even accept to come here” Shigaraki said in his crispy voice.
So (Y/N). Her name is (Y/N). What an angelic name to such angelic human being, Dabi thought. You were pretty yes, but you were also hot. He couldn’t contain himself, if he didn’t jerk off soon he would literally expose himself to the others. Imagine how it would feel breaking you...
“Well, first I need to see who I will be dealing with, what our goals are and what I’ll be benefiting from all of this” your soft voice said, yet it was like a voice who sounded innocent but at the same time serious and threatening. Like a little devil in angel disguise.
“Nice point” Shigaraki said. “Well, our goal as the League of Villains is to destroy this rotten society, where corrupted heroes...” and so he kept talking and talking, clarifying every question you had and giving answers. Then the conversation was finally done.
“Okay so, joining the League doesn’t sound bad. Besides, I am already being chased by the police so... at least I can give them a better reason to chase me” you smirk. Toga jumped happily around the place as she wrapped herself around your arm.
“I’m so excited that you joined! So happy! Another female in our group, how neat! We could do lots of fun stuff together with Magne, also did I tell you are so gorgeous?” little Toga kept talking and talking, until Dabi interrupted her.
“Hey crazy, you better sit your ass down and shut up. We don’t want to scare new members away do we?” Dabi said, sticking out another cigarette from the pack.
“Oh I don’t get scared that easily” he heard your voice say. “Especially not from such adorable person like her. But who might you be? You seem to be so caring about the well-being of new members?” you raised your eyebrow.
Oh yes, cocky and sarcastic, Dabi thought. That added to the flavor.
“Right now I go by Dabi. I don’t usually give a shit about new members but you seem like a kid who needs guidance” he said cockily, that shit-eating grin on his face making itself known.
“Well listen here ‘right now I go by Dabi’, I don’t think your leader would even suggest me being here if I was just a weak kid so.... don’t be surprised if I can even beat all of you here at the same time” you chuckle. Dabi sat up as he leaned closer to you, closer and closer until you started backing up. Now he could see you more clearly, that skin of yours which he felt the need to leave marks on. He noticed your blush from earlier showing up again, oh my. What a beautiful sight. He would have fun with you being around the League.
“Oh doll, you wouldn’t even dare....” he whispered as he blocked your tiny figure with one of his toned arms leaning against the wall. He heard your breath hitch, as you gulped and tried to avoid eye contact. His large hand grabbed your chin and lifted your head up.
“Do not fucking touch m-"
“Look at me...” he deeply whispered, interrupting you.
“I am looking” your meek voice said.
“No you weren’t” he said as he leaned closer. The heat radiating from your cheeks could even be felt from miles away. What the fuck is wrong with her, he thought. You looked exactly like these schoolgirls who saw their boy crushes on the hallway.
“Hey Dabi, you can be less intimidating for now and maybe just let her adjust to the new people” Mr Compress said and Dabi decided to pull away.
It took a moment for you to calm down. As you kept getting to know other members, Dabi went out and sat down in the balcony of the base. As he smoked, Magne came out too, sitting down on his right.
“Pretty, yes?” she suddenly said.
“What are you talking about” Dabi asked.
“The new member, I’ve never seen such beauty before. I bet you noticed it didn’t you..” Magne replied.
“And? Why are you telling me this?”
“Because I noticed the way you looked at each other , the way she stared at you” she said as she started litting a cigarette up.
“Yeah I did notice, what a fucking weirdo. Why did she even stare like that, I couldn’t even understand what was going on in that stupid head of hers..” he adds.
“I don’t think ‘weirdo’ is the right term to describe that kind of situation” Magne chuckled.
“Then how do ya explain that?” Dabi asked impatiently. Magne turned at him, removing the cig from her lips as she spoke.
“I bet you’ll cringe to what I’ll say to you right now, but not that I care. I’ll just tell the plain truth”
Dabi leaned closer, paying attention to what Magne was about to say, hoping that what she’d say would at least clear it up. Why did he even care for it to get cleared up in the first place? Why was he even here? Why did he-
“Ever heard of love at the first sight?” Magne said as Dabi stared at her with a dumbfounded look on his face, his eyes wide open.
Dabi bursted out laughing hysterically as Magne stared at him irritated. If his ducts weren’t burnt, for sure he’d have tears in his eyes by now.
“Oh c’mon, ya did not just tell me this Romeo and Juliet crap!”
“I most certainly did” Magne answered. “And it is not crap. It is something common that happens in people’s lives”
Dabi then came close to her face, his turquoise eyes reflected in her glasses.
“Have a look at my face and reconsider your little theory again” he said as he stood up to leave. “Even if this crap is real, it does not apply to me”
Magne let out a defeated sigh as the villain stood up and left. Deep down she hoped it was exactly as he said, just for the sake of that girl. Definitely crushing on a man like him would be like playing with fire, which in the end would get you burned and ruined forever.
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Tagging: @dynamars @kelin-is-writing @chaoticexistence @0graceundead0 @scftbunni @chxrryvibes @slayersins @natsuobby @freakyshibs
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braingutzz · 6 months
i know im late to the party and not to start an argument but the duo arc in sonic idw is very stupid and badly written.
i keep seeing people agree with this stance for different reasons (aka. LANOLIN DUMB AND DOESN'T BELIVE SILVER!!) when like- she kinda has reason not to.
i just think its way way way too forced because none of the characters are doing things that they would fucking do-
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whisper literally saw it happen- she saw him kick silver. she knows what duo did!!! and even though silver didn't know that she saw what duo did, it would be very in character to tell them anyways! he's very honest and headstrong! he's not a loser who will fold the moment someone tells him he's wrong!! HE TRIED TO KILL SONIC!!
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"it was an accident" he literally kicked you. you were already rightfully accusing him- WHY NOT BRING UP THE FACT HE KICKED YOU??
also dude his eyes literally changed colors and he gave you an ominous and obviously evil grin.
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he brought up the eye changing to whisper and not the rest of the team for some reason??????? later in the issue, whisper confides in silver. they talk about their suspicion and come to the conclusion that this is mimic! for really valid reason! now, let's move onto the next issue. SURELY they'll tell lanolin about this... right? RIGHT????
"do you have any proof?" "we will soon."
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and then the girls start fighting.
dude- JUST TALK TO EACH OTHER— lanolin, you are the leader of this newly form group. two of the members who are extremely skilled and have so much experience under their belts are telling you something. maybe don't immediately jump to defending the dude you've known for like two days??? like don't let them assault the bitch, but call a group meeting or SOMETHING.. but she's new so i can excuse that i guess. but SILVER AND WHISPER?? SAY SOMETHING!!! PLEASE!!!!
this kind of plot is genuinely so annoying it makes me want to rip my hair out. i hate this trope so much- I HATE MISCOMMUNICATION TROPES WHEN THEY'RE SO OBVIOUSLY FIXED- YOU COULD JUST SHOUT OUT ONE SENTENCE LIKE-
also one thing that could've made this infinitely times less infuriating..
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anyways i believe that's enough ranting today, i genuinely love sonic franchise so so so much. i am just annoyed by this specific trope to no ends. everything else about this comic? ive loved it! genuinely such a fun time to read, but this plot feels so aggravating and redundant. it just makes silver look like a loser who will fold at any pushback. it makes lanolin seem bossy and untrusting of her team and like she just wants to put them down. it makes whisper look incompetent and like she has no idea how to make a point or cooperate in a team. and it makes tangle... not exist, lmao.
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anyways have a nice day bye
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musubiki · 7 months
i wanna know more ab the m34th finding out lime’s relationship to the cat witch bc id be like 🧍‍♀️ if i were them just kinda pissed
UHGUHGU THIS IM NOT SUPER SOLID ON!!!!! but i will talk about what i have in my head right now!!
so much potential in every route....one route would be: they recruited him under the assumption he wanted the cat witch for some kind of revenge (because witches bad. why else would one want to look so desperately for them), and is essentially ignorant of his relationship to her. UNTIL we get to some point where for some mission/reason/other, they find out about them.
in my head i see that episode going as: another member finds and hunts down mochi (a fight she almost loses, and a good time to showcase what the m34th can really do). when lime arrives to a near-exhausted mochi backed into a corner, said guy (whoever, one of the more sadistic members) is like "Goldwood! Look, I found her! That stupid bitch of a cat witch has been hiding in the capitol all along! You wanted first dibs right? Now you can do what you want!" anyway lime dismembers this guy. legitimately cuts him off mid-sentance (literally cuts off his arm. i want a cool scene with this asshole clamoring for his life, and lime reveals for the first time to anyone in the m34th that hes vowed to the cat witch before unaliving him)
and when some other members of the m34th arrive (far after that guy is dead and lime has taken mochi away somewhere safe), they start to deduce "Huh... these clean cuts were made by one of our weapons." and slowly over the course of a few days as the investigation into their fallen comrade progresses, it becomes increasingly clear how wrong they were about lime
this also leads to a fight between lime and the other members of the m34th (whoever was on-call in the capitol at the time. SOS emergency mission, someones gone rouge). a fight mochi wasnt apart of, as it started to go down as she was still covering. also a fight that marshal, clarinette, and the squad captain all turned and sided with lime right before the fight
(it was marshals idea. lime was ready to kill every person who tried to get to mochi, but before lime could get his hands dirty, marshal swooped in with the idea of "If we erase their memories of it, we dont HAVE to kill them, and your girlfriend wont be upset with you for it.") (side note: the m34th has a memory-replacement system similar to the memory replace spell witches use. its a little more complicated as the memories can be stored and retrieved with some kind of tech something, but if you can destroy those as well then its like it never happened)
between lime, marshal, clarinette, and the squad captain who covers for all of them, this actually does end up succeeding. (another sad moment for clarinette, helping a roughed up lime limp his way home and having to watch mochi run into his arms again after she just helped save his life)
(under the same pretense they thought he was after revenge) the m34th knew where the cat witch was the whole time. they couldve easily helped him find her within weeks, but purposely kept him in the dark because they thought if he got what he wanted, he would lose motivation and wouldnt be as good a soilder (this route is better for showcasing the true power/reach/resources/spirit of the m34th)
in a subplot related to the frog witch, mochi gets summoned to the capitol palace by the king to find his missing son, the prince. none of their resources have been able to locate him, so the king figures the strongest witch is the next best bet. then their best m34th soilders (lime included) gets assigned to "watch" her during her mission under the orders of "i dont care how you feel, you arnt allowed to kill her until she finds the prince," and they have to spend the whole time pretending they hate each other and that they never met before in their lives
at the end, the prince is eventually found and mochi requests that if the m34th is going to keep watch over her, that lime be the one assigned to her since she knows him now post-mission. and lime has to pretend to be like "ah hate that cat witch, but this is for a paycheck and shes not super insufferable...so...fine." and so lime being in her guild is still in the dark to the rest of the m34th, but they DO know that he sees her at least semi-regularly with the "check-ins" (which gives birth to the "Cant believe you got seduced by a witch" things hehehe)
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Hey, um, so I'm the anon who asked about the helping the teenager in the bad situation. I wanted to tell you that I'm ok! I'm not in an abusive situation, or ever was. I'm honestly shocked that you took the time to answer that 😅 and that you were so concerned, people usually aren't. But I just wanted to tell you I'm ok, and thank you for checking in. 😊💖
Very glad and relieved to read this 😅 My apologies, I just wasn't sure. Sometimes the one or other ask makes me worry for people 😅 Okay as I promised, you get your HC's 😊
The Bad Batch Headcanons - Reacting To Abuse Of A Minor (Teen)
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Warnings: Angst/Hurt/Abuse/ Strong Language
Abuse comes in many forms. It's not just, physical/ violent or sexual, there is also verbal and psychological/mental abuse. If any of you reading this may feel like being in an abusive situation, reach out to someone around you, an adult you trust. Teachers, neighbours, other none abusive familiy members or parents of friends. Ask them to help you reach out to the proper authorities, you don't have to do this alone. There are hotlines for this kind of thing too, you can find them online. There is no need to be ashamed, it's not your fault.
Summary: For a little while now, at a store near Cid's bar, they witnessed a young teen getting treated poorly, abusiv by a parent. At one day it's just to much to ignore. Here is each batcher's reaction....
He can sense and smell the fear and the unease of that shaky, nervous kid. Never making eye contact, always ducking the head, quiet. He doesn't like what this looks like. Hunter saw new bruises when a sleeve slipped up as the kid worked in the shop. He sighs, feeling uneasy himself. How could he help? Seeing the father, who works the counter, talking down at the kid and the kid ducking like a beaten dog is too much, Hunter snaps.
"Hey asshole!"
The man is looking at him, surprised, a little angry too, but mainly surprised.
"Is this how you treat your own child?!"
Hunter leans on the ounter, both hands down, his look so piercing it could burn holes into dura-steel.
"Next time you think about raising your hand or voice against the kid, you are dealing with me"
"This is none of your bus-"
Hunter grabs the man's collar and pulls him half across the counter.
"I made it my business, if you like it or not"
He's not making empty threats, Hunter will have an eye on the situation whenever he can, even asking Cid to get involved when he can't be around. And he will keep his promise to deal with the man.
He's angry, grinding his teeth. He thinks that piece of bantha crap shouldn't even be allowed to be around kids, let alone have any. Every time he enters this shop, he feels an uncomfortable tingle under his remaining skin. Seeing that kid, with bruises, the way the kid moves like a beaten, scared dog. It makes him very uneasy.
He didn't really plan to say it out loud at first but he does.
"What kind of person beats his own kid like that?!"
The man behind the counter, the father of the kid looks up, critically. Echo can see he weighs his chances of beating him. A part of Echo hopes he tries so he has an excuse to beat that kriffin son of a bitch up.
But he doesn't.
Later that day, Echo want's to talk to the kid alone.
"Hey kid", Echo approaches the teen who looks up at him with big eyes "If you ever need a place to retreat or need any help, come to Cid's bar. You know where that is?"
The kid nods.
"Good. Now do you see that Omicron shuttle back there on the landing station?"
Another nod.
"That's my brother's and my ship. Whenever you see it and need help, that's another place you can go to"
Echo smiles softly and adds, "Don't give up on yourself kid, it's not your fault"
He can't understand at all, why anyone would hurt their kids, in what way ever. Any kind of abuse is a riddle for him. Wrecker just thinks people are supposed to love their kids and he's not wrong. Whenever Wrecker is in that shop, the father sitting behind the counter, is talking down on his kid, who's doing all the work in the shop. He saw the bruises too. The first time he didn't think much of it. Kids get in troubl sometimes. But by now he knows what's going on and it makes him sad aswell as angry.
He frowns looking down on the man behind the counter.
"Feelin' strong beatin' up your own kid?"
"You heard me", Wrecker grumbles.
The man is looking up at Wrecker, he won't pick up a fight with him, he knows that. But he wishes he would.
"Now listen you little shit! If I see any new bruises or hear about you treatin' your kid badly again, I'm coming over and the two of us will tango a little. Got that?!"
The man is not responding, just staring up at Wrecker with clenched teeth.
Wrecker looks at the kid.
"Hey kiddo, if you ever feel like gettin' out of here, go to Cid's and tell her to give you a room. Tell her Wrecker sent you, I'll pay for everything okay?"
The kid blinks, nods meekly and whispers, "Thank you, Sir"
"Nah, don't 'sir' me kid, I'm Wrecker"
Calm collected Tech may seem a little aloof sometimes, because he's constantly lost in thoughts and calculations. But he is anything but aloof. He's deeply compassionate and sympathetic.
He didn't completely miss what's going on with that kid, but the extend just hit him right now as he sees the bruises on neck and arms. Dark blue, purple and red spots. Weals in places where the child was probably beaten with a belt or similar.
Tech frowns, he's not talking to the man behind the counter, he approaches the kid right away.
"Good morning", he says, friendly with a little smile.
The answer is quiet and careful.
"May I ask how you got hurt?", he asks directly even if with a soft voice.
The kid looks up at the tall man, then to the father, back and forth.
"I fell"
The man in the backround says, "Yeah dumb kid has two left feet"
Tech shoots the man behind the couter a dark sideways glance. Before smiling softly at the kid again.
"Those are not wounds of a fall. You sure you don't want to tell me? Maybe I can help you"
A head shake and the kid hastily looks at the ground.
Tech sighs and walks over to the counter.
"You are beating your child, aren't you?" Tech asks.
"Even if so, what's it to you?"
"I don't like it"
"And what you gonna do about it huh?"
Tech sighs, "Getting myself into trouble I guess"
He picks a device from his belt and shocks the man behind the counter who hits the floor hard.
Tech looks at the startled kid.
"Sorry you had to see this"
Tech puts the device into the kids hand. He explains how to use and charge it.
"I can't do much else aside from offering you to come to Cid's and let me and my brother keep you safe. It's your decision. Until you decide, that device should keep your... father at a distance"
"My father will get his friends and come and get you", the kid warns.
Tech smiles, "That's okay, I'm not alone"
Chewing his toothpick he walks into the shop. He's not surpised to see new bruises on the kid. The man behind the counter, the father, always get's nervous when Crosshair walks in, getting super polite and friendly. Maybe it's that little something sinister that he seems to emmit, that stern, gloomy look. Always critically and quiet.
The kid doesn't dare to really look at Crosshair either. The sniper walks up to the counter, it's the first time he's speaking.
Crosshair is speaking low and snarling,"Do you wanna die an agonizing, slow death?"
The man behind the counter blinks. Looks up at the Sniper, gulping.
"No.... of course not"
"Then stop treating the kid like crap"
Crosshair's look burns into the mans face.
"Did you understand what I said?", Crosshair interrupts.
Crosshair nods, bends over the counter, coming intimidatingly close.
"Good for you. If I have to hear or see you treating the kid badly again, I'm gonna take my time treating you like you deserve. Never forget that"
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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whoredmode · 2 months
for the ask game 002 for troy
Send me one of three prompts
let’s smoke cigarettes. together.
How I feel about this character: 
i love him. when i first got into sr1 i definitely enjoyed him just fine, but over time just thinking about his role and development and his general character it really turned into a very deep love for him. he’s such an interesting character to me and he plays an important role in my canon for a reason. one of the characters i’ve enjoyed developing and using for stuff the most bc he has a unique position in the context of the story that has a lot of potential places to go, and since the actual games just kinda. ignored him. it’s fun to give him an actual role and arc.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
troyteros is the most obvious. i didn’t even intend for it to happen, but it did and now their relationship and history is super important to both his and anteros’ respective developments. i think this just goes for troy/boss in general. i think it’s a fascinating relationship even just on a surface level. as far as others, none immediately come to mind? troy’s a loner.
i’ve seen troy/johnny before and i’ll say i’m mildly intrigued by the idea but that would have to be a dynamic that would take like. decades.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
does dex and troy count? bc i could talk about their dynamic for HOURS. i love bitches who hate each other and go through hell together and still come out the other side hating. i love it so much. i love how painfully connected they are, how their dynamic is based on the cyclical nature of the relationships in sr1. it’s like they’re both aware they’re trapped in a time loop w a person they can’t stand. it’s so compelling to me. way more than it ever could be romantically, imo.
also! from my own canon. shaundi and troy. they have a minor subplot that starts in saints in hell/GooH side story where shaundi is helping troy become sober. this goes into sriv where she’s still helping him w it. i think they’d end up having a really interesting friendship all things considered. it’s a dynamic i think about A LOT!!
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
he’s an important member of the cast?? maybe more targeted towards the how the games ended up treating characters like him and dex. i guess that kinda plays into the next prompt.
ig as an actual answer to the question. i think he was more than happy to quit his job in srtt. excited even. i don’t think he ever had any friends in the SPD, and i genuinely think a lot of ppl actively disliked him. it’s why it was so easy for ultor to convince several cops to be on their payroll and work against him.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
i wish he got an actual conclusion. like he doesn’t have to appear in every game, but holy shit i hate how sr2 handles him. he should’ve had an actual confrontation w the boss, not just relegated to homie you get after completing an activity. where is their reunion? where is their conversation? there’s a million things left we deserve to see w him and the saints and we get none of it.
also a bit of a nitpick but. like i have him do in my canon, i think in sr2 if you call him for help he should be disguised or in normal clothes. like be serious. no way in hell he or the boss should be fine w him all dressed up like that while they go commit crimes
for him? troyteros. like hands down. no contest. there’s a reason they seem to get together in like all my AUs.
My crossover ship:
not really a crossover person….does santo ileso blues count as a crossover bc it features the reboot….can i count it in this case so i have an answer and say him and jimrob have a vague friendship. like the one friend he’s made in santo ileso after 10 years.
A headcanon fact:
like all my family lore for him. he’s the youngest of his family. has an older brother and sister. anteros saw a picture of his brother once and was like oh i could’ve had this bradshaw……..
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your-averagewriter · 2 years
I THINK THIS IS WHERE I REQUEST SO IVE JUST HAD AN AMAZING IDEA. So, Gerard x reader. This could go two ways. Way number 1- reader and Gerard hate each other, or way number 2- reader and Gerard are dating. So the reader is messing around with Gerard or he’s annoyed at the reader and he gets really close to the reader and the reader just moans. Like on accident they moan at him. And they’re both in shock and reader locks themselves in their room and one of the other band members comes in somehow and are like ‘it’s okay, also Gerard wants to see you’ for way number 1- Reader comes to see gerard and makes out with reader or for way 2- gerard is like ‘it’s okay, don’t be embarrassed’ and they’re just in love cutely. I hope this wasn’t confusing (but i know it was).
Summary: Gerard hates (y/n) who is Ray Toro’s sibling, after a while, they get annoyed with the constant insults and the rest so they decide to hate him back. They annoy Gerard afterwards for months, back and forth bickering until Gerard accidentally makes them moan leading to confessions from the both of them.
Enemies to lovers, Gerard Way x gender neutral!reader
Warnings: making out, smoking (cigarettes), swearing, alcohol, no smut but kinda heated
Word count: 1.9K
Long car rides are boring but not today, today I’m sat next to Gerard. One of my favourite things is to annoy him and get him riled up, it’s quite entertaining to watch. He hates me, I don’t know why because I never did anything to make him hate me. 
When they were looking for a drummer I turned up for the audition and joined the band a week later. We started rehearsals and I was nervous as shit, what if they only let me join because Ray’s my brother? I did everything I could to make the others like me, I was polite, early and did my best in rehearsals but for some reason the frontman just didn’t like me. Everytime I tried to talk to him or be his friend he’d brush me off or be rude and after a while it started to affect me because even though I didn’t want to admit it, I had developed a crush on him.
I asked the rest of the guys if they knew why he didn’t like me but none of them came up with any good ideas, a few joking ‘what if he has a crush on you’s came up from Frank. I felt my heart flutter at the thought but I tried not to get my hopes up.
So once I’d been in the band for a while and had attempted multiple times to be Gerard’s friend I decided that I wouldn’t let him keep making me feel like shit. Instead of trying to be his friend I started answering back and matching his energy. If he doesn’t want to be my friend then I don’t want to be his. It also might have been me overcompensating for liking him but we don’t talk about that part.
So on this car ride, we’re using a five seater car but there’s five of us so we’re all cramped together except from the guys in the front, Mikey’s driving and Frank’s next to him sorting out the GPS and maps. Obviously I was put next to Ray (in the middle) because we’re siblings and best friends and that leaves Gerard who was put on the other side of me.
The whole car ride was full of us bickering and arguing, I would prod his shoulder and do stupid things like that which annoy him. Everytime I saw him nodding off I would ask him if he was asleep therefore waking him up and annoying him.
“Hey, hey Gerard.” I whisper to him but he doesn’t reply. “Hey, I know you’re awake.” I say starting to prod his shoulder. 
“(y/n) leave me alone.” He says surprisingly calm. “You’ve been bothering me the entire time.”
“Yeah, well it’s not my fault you smoke in the car and are a bitch about everything.” I say talking about when I took his cigarette and threw it out the window because it smelled bad.
“I’m not a bitch.”
“Oh, you so are.” I counter him, smirking. “You’re such a bitch that you can’t even admit it.” I say laughing.
“You’re insufferable, you know that?” He asks rolling his eyes
“Only for you, baby.” I say blowing him a mocking kiss. 
Silence fills the car and I turn around to see everyone but Mikey (who’s driving) looking at us.
“What?” I ask with a chuckle then turn to look at Gerard. His arms are crossed and he’s starring out the window in silence.
“First time I’ve seen him silent in a while.” Frank jokes from the front.
“Shut up, Frankie.” Gerard says sounding very pissed off.
“Okay, everyone, there’s not long left, just leave each other alone.” Ray says trying to calm everyone down. 
I turn around to Ray and we just talk quietly for the rest of the ride. He wasn’t wrong and there was only thirty minutes till the next tour stop. 
This show is one of the biggest shows on the tour so the place we’re staying is slightly bigger and nicer. We grab our night bags, basically the bags with our pajamas. The rest of the bags will be unpacked tomorrow when either we can be bothered to do it or someone will bring them in. 
I grab mine and yawn as I walk towards the hotel we’re staying in.
Someone signs us in and we make our way up the stairs to our rooms. We each have our own room and beds but there’s a communal room attached to a kitchen.
Once everyone’s thrown their bags in their rooms they all regrouped in the lounge area. I walk in afterwards walking into the kitchen and I check the fridge for some beer. Grabbing one I walk over to where everyone’s sat and slouch on the sofa.
“Why do they keep giving us kitchens, we never use them.” I say opening the can. 
“Why don’t you invest in a cook book and cook us all some food then.” Frank says jokingly.
“Nah, not worth it.” I say resting my arm on the arm rest.
Gerard finally walks in and has to sit next to me because there are no other spaces. He pulls out a cigarette pack and lighter and starts clicking the lighter. 
“Smoke outside!” I say not wanting to inhale the smoke.
“Fine! Calm down.” He says jabbing me with his elbow and I…moan.
My eyes go wide and my hand flies to my mouth. Frank looks shocked but amused. Ray’s head is in his hand and Mikey’s already laughing. Gerard, I don’t even want to look at him.
I stand up quickly and hurry out the room heading towards my room. I lock my door behind me and stand not moving a muscle still in shock.
“What the fuck is wrong with me? Oh my god!” I mutter to myself quietly now pacing around the room, head in hands. 
I drag my hand through my hair, cringing at the memory of a few minutes ago. I feel my cheeks warming as I wonder what’s going to happen next. 
Is Gerard going to mock me? I know Frank and Mikey will. Is he gonna ignore me? Am I gonna get kicked out the band? I think that might be a bit too far but who knows.
A knock on the door disrupts my racing thoughts.
“Go away.” I say not knowing who it is.
“(y/n), it’s me, Ray, can you let me in?” He says and I groan before standing up and unlocking the door. 
I sit on the bed and cover my face with my hands.
“Hey, it’s okay.” He says sitting down next to me and placing his hand on my shoulders.
“No, it’s not! It’s so embarrassing!” I whisper shout still covering my face.
“It happens to the best of us.” Ray tries to reassure me.
“No, no it doesn’t, has that ever happened to you before?” He stays quiet. “Or anyone you know?” He stays silent. “See, it’s weird and embarrassing!”
“It’s not. Frank and Mikey aren’t even talking about it, they’ve moved on. And Gerard, he wants to see you.”
“Tell him I don’t want to.” I say finally looking at Ray.
“Just talk to him, it’ll be fine, and if it’s not we can kick Gerard out the band.” He says jokingly.
“Ugh, fine. Where is he? I’m not meeting him in the communal room.” I say scoffing at the thought of talking to him in front of the others.
“He was in his room last time I saw him.”
“Okay, I’ll go when you leave, I need to mentally prepare myself for rejection and humiliation.” I say with a sarcastic smile and thumbs up. 
He shakes his head before leaving, closing the door. I lay back on the bed and take a few deep breaths before leaving my room. The walk to his room feels like the walk to a slaughterhouse. Finally, I end up outside his door, I knock.
“It’s unlocked.” I hear him say from within so I push open the door and walk in finally looking him in the face. I shut the door behind me and wait for him to speak but he doesn’t.
“Can we just get on with the rejection and humiliation please? I have things to do.” I ask him as he stands a few steps away from me.
He leans forward quickly, pouncing on my lips. He kisses me harshly and I stand in shock before pushing him off.
“Nope, you can’t do that!” I say annoyed. “You can’t hate me and ignore me then kiss me!” He steps back away from me.
“I don’t hate you.” He says quietly.
“Yes, you do, when I joined the band I tried to talk to you and befriend you many, many times and you either ignored me or were straight up insulting! You’re just rude to me and you brush me off all the time!”
“You’re the same to me.” 
“Yeah, because I decided to not let you make me feel shitty anymore and match your energy. You’re shitty to me so I am back to you.” I say like it’s obvious, sadness and anger dripping from my voice.
“I’m sorry.” He says with a sigh. “I-I just, I knew that if I was friends with you I wouldn’t be able to stay away. I knew that I would catch feelings for you.” He pauses. “But I guess it wouldn’t have mattered because I did anyway.” He explains. “I thought you hated me aswell.” 
Silence fills the room at the unexpected confession I was definitely not ready for.
“I could never.” A small smile plays on my lips.
I grab his collar pulling him towards me. He stumbles but doesn’t fall as our lips crash together. I feel my back pressed up against the wall as his arms pin me to it, my stomach is tied in knots as I thread my hands in his hair. The bleached strands frame his face and I tug on them experimentally and Gerard moans into my mouth. Separting, I pull apart from him and smirk.
“Pay back for earlier.” I say and observe him. His cheeks are flushed red, his mouth open slightly releasing quick breaths, his eyes dreamy and loving. But he turns it on me quickly.
“I can’t believe you moaned because I elbowed you-” He says mockingly.
I interrupt him, pulling him back in and kissing him. He pulls me forward slightly, pressing our bodies against each other, warmth spreading between us. Shivers run up my spine as my head is pushed against the wall. His confidence overwhelms mine as he pushes his tongue into my mouth, swirling it around mine, my eyes flutter close and I feel my stomach jump. He tastes of coffee and cigarette smoke. I hate cigarettes but he pulls it off so well, the remnants of smoke play on my taste buds as the kiss deepens. 
He moves to stand inbetween my legs, pushing them apart, I moan at the sudden movement in between my thighs. Excitement overwhelms me and I feel my legs become weak.
“Hey guys, I came to check on how things are going.” Ray says pushing the door open. We jump apart as soon as we hear him but it’s too late anyway. He covers his eyes quickly and backs out the door. “Sorry, should’ve knocked, umm, well done though.” He says the last part in a weaker voice. He must’ve realised I liked him at some point.
I stand next to the wall still looking at Gerard. “Do you think we broke him?” Gerard asks and I just shrug before pulling him back in by his shirt.
AN: Thanks for the request, I hope you liked this @heaveaux!
Feel free to send in any requests you have, I'll make a post with all the people/shows/bands I'll write for.
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awesomegirlystuff · 1 year
Beavis and Butthead Landmarks in Vegas
Many of the places in Las Vegas shown in Beavis and Butthead Do America are no longer there, such as Stardust Lounge and Aladdin’s. But many still are. Here are some of the landmarks that I saw, that you could still see too!
Cleopatra Statue
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The Cleopatra statue was featured more prominently in the movie than any of the other landmarks. But it can be quite hard to find if you don’t know where to look. This scene takes place as Caesars Palace, but this is easy to miss if you aren’t familiar with the hotel since the sign is never shown.
This landmark is also not very well known. The staff members I asked, even showing them a photo I found off google, said they had never even seen it before. Likely, they walked right passed it as it’s easy to miss.
To find the statue, go to the main entrance of the hotel, near the buffet and right across from the gift shop (the one that sells the Caesars Palace merch). Down the first hallway you see, it’s just a few steps in. There’s a sign that says “Cleopatra’s Barge” with an arrow. 
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Treasure Island
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One of the first places Beavis and Butthead drive passed is the Treasure Island casino. This is a really cool pirate themed casino. The architecture inside is really beautiful. 
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In the movie you see a pirate ship outside the hotel. There are actually two!
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They used to do shows where the two ships battle, and the smaller one would sink. Sadly, they stopped doing pirate shows in 2018, due to new owners wanting the casino to have a more “sophisticated” atmosphere. Like, it’s a pirate themed casino, you bitch! They also replaced the famous skull sign with this really lame one;
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You can still see the original giant fibreglass skull at the neon museum. I didn’t though because the whole thing, nicknamed the “neon graveyard”, just seemed really depressing to me. 
Circus Circus
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They also drive passed the iconic, Circus Circus! This was once Vegas’ most profitable hotel, known as “Vegas’ babysitter”, because kids would be dropped off there all day.
This circus themed casino and hotel featured a full midway with carnival games, free circus acts, clown shows, trapeze shows and carnival food. Apparently they still do these shows, but none were going on when I was there.
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It’s way bigger than it looks in the movie, and is not located on the main strip (the movie kind of turns Las Vegas Blvd. and Fremont Street into one street)
There’s also the Adventuredome, which is an amusement park with rides. It closes at 6:30 on weekdays though, which is lame. What else is lame is that their gift shop doesn’t sell a single T-shirt with their iconic logo on it.
The Golden Nugget
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One of the oldest hotel’s in Vegas. It’s right on Fremont Street on the old strip. This is actually the hotel I stayed in.
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It’s a nice hotel, but it’s not that cool. It’s pretty cheap though. And if you like gambling, they do actually have live dealers for blackjack, roulette, craps etc. (hehehe craps....)
Cleopatra Ship and the Dance Floor 
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This used to be right behind the statue, but as you can see from my picture above, this area was blocked off by glass and a curtain. The door however, was unlocked, and you can still see the ship and this dance floor if you really want to. It was open not long ago, and maybe I just went at a bad time or during some construction. Maybe you’ll get luckier than me and get to see this iconic dance floor.
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Here’s what it used to look like. 
Four Queens and Las Vegas Vic
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These locations aren’t right next to each other like in the movie, but they are pretty close. They’re both on Fremont Street. 
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Las Vegas Vic is probably the most famous neon sign in Vegas, he has been in more movies than I even know. He used to be outside the Pioneer Club, which no longer exists. He also used to light up (duh), and talk. He doesn’t anymore, but I’m glad they kept this iconic sign.
Fremont Hotel and Vegas Vicky
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Fremont Hotel is, obviously, on Fremont street. Vegas Vicky was taken down from her original spot a few years ago, but you can still see her in the front lobby of the Circa hotel. On Fremont, right across from the Golden Nugget.
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Binion’s Horseshoe
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Now, it’s just called Binion’s. It’s on Fremont, across from the Golden Nugget.
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They have some cool historical photos on the walls, and a really good greasy spoon diner. 
And that is pretty much the places featured in the movie you can still see. Beside’s Hara’s, which I saw, but didn’t go in, and the Sphinx, which is at the Luxor. But I never managed to make it to the Luxor (or Excalibur, because getting around on the new strip takes insanely long)
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xiaomainlmao · 2 years
Kazutora headcannons where Kazutora and yn are buddies at school, not knowing the other is a delinquent...
warnings: violence, cuss words
Yn, that one person at school Kazutora talked to normally
it wasnt bc he was accepted for being a delinquent but bc you didn't know that the sweet guy who accompanied you during lunch was a delinquent
he has always been in this school but didnt attend it bc he was in juvie? nonsense, how can someone so nice have gone to juvie?
besides, you were too busy keeping up your own innocent act
not long ago, you ended in a fight with some "Valhalla" members. they claimed to be a new gang who'd rise to the top but they were in your alley, so things didn't end well
they were weak but they still managed to get a good hit in
so here you were, trying to hide the black skin near your elbow as you discussed your plans with Kazutora
"Tora, I'm sorry but I'll be a bit busy today so I can't hang out."
"Oh that's alright. By the way, did something happen to your elbow? You keep pulling your sleeves down..."
"Ah it's nothing hehe."
Kazutora noticed the mark and came to 2 conclusions- either you were clumsy and got hurt or someone hurt you willingly
bc there was no way you would get into a fight, you were just so nice and actually attended school
sure you didnt have too many friends but it's bc you dont like hanging out with ppl right? he never asked why tho cuz he didn't want to intrude
okay maybe you were busy almost everyday but you were probably trying to study, after all, you help him when he misses school sometimes
however, after 3 months of knowing each other, he knew he should tell you
he couldn't hide it forever, not when some ppl looked at him so weirdly
if he hid it, someone might tell you a weird rumour about him
and he definitely didn't want you to find out from someone else that he has killed someone...
"Yn, come with me after school today. I have something to tell you"
"But Tora-"
"You are not busy today. This is more important."
"I- Okay I suppose."
well that went your plan to teach those Valhalla jerks a lesson they'd remember, after all, they came to trouble you and your mates for the 6th time yesterday
You let Kazutora lead you to where he wanted to go. His earrings jingled louder than ever in these suspiciously quiet streets. The atmosphere was heavier as none of you spoke. Whatever he wants to tell you must be serious.
Eventually, you came across an abandoned arcade. The image of a headless angel added to the sinister atmosphere.
"Yn, the thing I want to tell you might come as a shock but I think you deserve to know. I'd also prefer to tell you myself why I'm not particularly liked at school, and I want to tell you myself that I am actually a-"
A familiar laugh made its way to your ears. You quickly turned around to see 2 guys approaching the arcade. The big guy was laughing loudly, a cigar in between his fingers as the silver haired guy was smirking menacingly.
Without a thought, you took off, leaving Kazutora in the middle of his sentence. In the blink of an eye, the silver head was pushed back, his hand reflexively came up to his cheeks where you just punched him.
"Looks like my prey came right to me. I was just thinking about teaching you both a lesson."
"YN-" Kazutora knew who they were, they were from Valhalla, his gang members. And you just went and punched one of them. This wouldn't end well...
"Well well, if it isn't the little "this is our area" bitch. You have some nerve coming to our area at this time."
"Let's teach 'em a lesson that they wont forget shall we?"
You tightened your wrists, ready to fight. Kazutora just stood there, astound. You knew them, and they knew you. And none of you were on good terms. But he had to come out of his shock. You were his closest friend and he won't let anyone hurt you, not even his own boss if he asked to.
"Hanemiya you are part of Valhalla! Why pick the brat's side?!"
"Get back inside, I'll be there soon and make sure Hanma takes cares of you." Tora said after he helped you fight the guys.
you both fought alongside like it was expected and didn't let the other two guys know you had no idea the other could fight
but as soon as they went inside the arcade
oh brother, the amount of confusion
"You are part of Valhalla?!"
"You are a delinquent???"
pls just talk this out together without freaking out or Kazutora will freak out even more
but at the end, he'll make sure those two guys never hurt you again
might end up asking you to join Valhalla under his division :)
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scourgethewhorehog · 2 years
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welcome to my blog my name is virus enjoy your stay
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im virus im a system member of the xenohorrors system. i made my own blog bc I have my own social life that doesn't always overlap with cujos, we don't always vibe with the same people so it gets awkward lol (but it uses my account anyways sometimes bc Tumblr doesn't have switch account on mobile -_- )
im a fucktive of scourge the hedgehog, fuck because I've lived in this house since 2010 so I was essentially scourge like 12 years ago so our body's life is more intertwined with mine than other people's. also I'm pretty detached from my source in this world bc I compartmentalize My Life seperate from fandom things, also I'm a weirdo so I find it fun lmao
im currently fixated on;
breaking bad
doctor who
this list may update and grow
please interact:
people with "contradicting" identities or "vulgar" terminology for themselves, fagdykes boygirls girlboys transvestites etc etc love you all
fellow nonhumans love you especially if are outwardly strange by human standards and struggle with human society that's cool me too
fellow plural /multiple / whatever u call yrself idc bitches esp if you n ur folks are "weird" or messy or have origins that ppl discourse against a lot, metaphysics whatever psychological stuff u came to a conclusion abt whatevers none of my business people who are seperate or parts of a whole or fragmented or just room mates in the same flesh. Ur welcome here that's chill with me as long as u are kind to others.
ppl who have unconventional belief systems in general are cool im trying to be less shy abt mine bc we are not inherently harmful fucka you
horror fans but only if they don't like burn me at the stake for having nuance for shit and also understand it's horror and bad things will happen in horror
fandom weirdos with 3738292 blorbos who self ship and make 59 crack head aus and crossovers i actually enjoy seeing stuff if u still live in 2012 Tumblr I miss that time take me back there you are so cool
people who embrace cringe actually. if you like to have a little fun with things and be a little embarrassing I think that's cool.
If you are against any of the above I just block and move on. I can't stop you but I won't understand why you're here and I don't feel like being screenshotted on reddit :/
if i don't like ur vibes and we don't really talk or i just don't trust you and feel ur circles don't really match my vibe I'll block u but no hard feelings or nuthing. if you are mean to people who were not necessarily mean first i cast liver evaporation spell on you.
i reblog posts from OP sometimes if I don't wanna reblog/like spam a stranger & sometimes just rb / like from tags— i do not check who I rb / like posts from in depth in those cases! if you wonder where I came from, hi stranger! im a stray don't worry about it. ill forget about you&your blog within a day unless I follow u.
also i cannot donate to your donation post i am poor, this is not malicious and i wish you luck. if i had money i would be in las vegas drinking mojitos with a hooker on each arm, not on tumblr.
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we are a system (multiple beings in 1 body) and too lazy 2 switch between accounts on mobile; cujo will sometimes follow from here.
@reactivedog - cujo
@cocainechips - cookie
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controlledchaosetc · 2 years
Ask game
Tell me about your favourite npccccc
Alsooo tell me about a time the party took you by surprise
(Im a playerrr if there be spoils tell me I'll eat my hat but I won't look)
Favorite NPC
So my favorite NPC is probably the hardest question to there are so many of them and I love them all, so ill just list a bunch of my favorites
So I created an NPC adventuring party to mirror everyone's characters. I dont remember exactly where the idea came from, but for a party of characters who are mostly NPCs (shady sellsman, mysterious fortuneteller, stripper clown) and morally gray, it would be funny to have an actually good traditional adventuring party to go up to each of their characters. They were just going to show up very occasionally, but my partner cried at me to have them in every arc just somewhere, you also agreed on that, so here we are XD
Sorcha Fiddlecloak is a happy go lucky trickster cleric gnome who is the head of that party. She hates when people don't like her, so she will go out of her way to have them do so. She's a direct foil to Todd, a PC who is a fiendish warlock, capitalist enjoyer, and gnome hater. She currently thinks they are friends, and will continue to annoy him for the foreseeable future.
Palen Nightvale is a werewolf blood hunter who's kinda the bitch (figuratively and literally I guess lmao) of the group. Pulled from an old character sheet of Yikes' when he was a COMPLETELY different character, she now serves as his foil by dealing with acceptance and perception issues. She ask Doesnt Like Him after Yikes messed with her a little after she misspoke on changelings. She has a whole tragic backstory and mission and stuff that the party hasn't learned yet, so I'll keep that for a separate reblog with all the spoilers lol
Roza Vova is the newest addition to that party after our newest member, @sleepyforestbeast , joined with their character, Husk! She literally only got talked to last session, but there's a WHOLE lot surrounding her after Yikes thought she was the person who tried to STEAL HIS SKIN. Thankfully, she isn't, but she's the identical triplet (there's another sister out there in the world lol) of her. The party has some suspicions of her, but that and her tragic backstory will again probably be a separate post to not give you direct spoilers XD
Anzor is the last member of the party, a human paladin of Kelemvor, and I think he narrowly beats Roza in being my favorite of the party (but I love all of them and wanted to talk about them lmao). He's the foil to Azule (the person asking the question's character actually!!), a mysterious fortuneteller and medium who's actually a fraud and also a changeling and also a necromancer. Anzor is probably the character talked to the least, or at least the one who's gotten the least info talked about him other than what you can just see. He has A LOT with him, NONE of which has been revealed in game, and he is probably the best foil imo to one of the characters, and I can't say why that is here, which again, probably going to get that in a separate reblog.
There's a lot more characters I seriously love, but I think my top two outside of the adventuring party are Gleam and Frizzle
Gleam is an elf wizard who is based on the character from the Witchlight campaign. She was given to me by my partner to have as a member of The Eclipse, the traveling circus Yikes is at. I, however, have never read Witchlight, and turned her into an exploited child star who grew up to be a mall goth. Her interactions with Yikes are immaculate, protective of him but ready to insult him at a moment's notice. I think I described it as "annoying kid next door who always annoyed you, but now he's grown up and hot now???" She also keeps having to deal with problems, the most reoccuring one is Kera, a runaway from a town that joined because she's also into the goth aesthetic, and Gleam hates kids. She's great, love her.
Frizzle is a fire genasi warlock, and an NPC from the original mini campaign that kicked off the game. She was a maid at the mansion that everything originally went down at, and for most of the game, kinda in shock and non-functional. She does not do well in extremely stressful situations, especially not in those where her closest friend at the time dies when you weren't in the room and then you get accused of his death. However, after leaving the mansion (which was set on fire) with all of her belongings gone and burned, she's hit the "ok what the fuck do I do with my life". I stumbled onto this character motivation/aspect with her, and I've really been enjoying putting that to different use. She's currently just working as a cook at the Eclipse because she has culinary experience, but she just doesn't know what she wants to do, and that's really interesting to me.
Party Took Me by Surprise
Honestly, half of the Husk has been doing has made me go "ok we're doing this now" in the best way possible XD. It's been a really great exercise in improv and doing things on the fly which I've been getting much better with!!!
Probably the biggest time I've been taken by surprise with the entire party is still just how impressed I was with how you guys did with the original mini-campaign. Many more people were intended to die, but you did a great job keeping everyone together, and only 4 people of the 12 in that house died.
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kwjinri · 2 years
hey, hey! this is a little late but i’m min (she/her, 20+) and i’m really excited to be here!!! thought it’d be fun to bring a little chaos with two-faced, aspiring announcer, baek jinri! close friends would know her as someone with a bit of a princess syndrome, while others might recognise her as the emcee for most campus events! i’ve included more info about her below the cut. if you’d like to plot, like this post and i’ll drop you a message! i’m also available on discord if you prefer it there! 
born to old money, practically has her life set out for her but she wants none of that
ever since she was a child, she knew she wanted to be an announcer and dreams of working at south korea’s biggest broadcasting companies 
there was just something about talking in front of people, using words to paint a picture, that she really enjoyed
she is majoring in broadcast journalism (for obvious reasons) and minoring in public relations (because she thinks pr is important and she’s really good at building relations, or faking it at least) 
she’s also in the broadcasting club (first club she joined in her freshman year, again, for obvious reasons), kyungwon volunteer service (only because it looks good on her resume) and the student government as the representative of the department of social sciences 
somewhere in her second year, she started up the emcee club which she is highly passionate about, that and she thought it would look good on her resume if she had started a club lol
this is why she might be a familiar face to most, because she’s seen hosting campus events (like the ongoing summer festival!)
while she is adamant to make a name for herself, she is admittedly very privileged; her parents pay for her dorm rent, which is why she doesn’t need a part-time job and can take on all these responsibilities
very career-driven, will do anything to succeed
but is also very good at putting on a fake front; most people like her when they first meet her (has more superficial friends than real friends)
believes that being two-faced will take her further because “that’s just how reality is”
is so used to getting what she wants that she can hardly take no for an answer
rather uptight when it comes to her work because she takes it very seriously (not a good team player tbh) 
struggles with opening up and talking about her feelings, is used to putting on a perfect facade and hiding her flaws 
acts like she has her shit together but really is just a girl who has many fears and worries
can be manipulative, has no qualms about using people to get what she wants
thrives on the attention, pretty much why she wants to be an announcer and why she enjoys hosting so much
flirty and is good at it too; has the tendency to make you feel important when you’re with her
fake friends; she’s friends with you because there’s something she can benefit from and vice versa? that or you’re clueless and genuinely sees her as a friend
likewise, someone she’s flirting with or going on dates with because there’s something else she wants from them 
exes? toxic relationships that ended badly; either she neglected you because of her work (which she deems more important) or a personality clash? i feel like it would be fun to have someone she really fell in love with before but screwed it up because of the way that she is
enemies to lovers/fwbs? enemies that are secretly attracted to each other? 
the handful of real friends that she has, people that know her for who she really is but somehow still accept her? (she definitely needs people she can be vulnerable with)
north wing neighbours; she really sucks at living on her own because she was a literal princess back at home so she’d need a lot of help
people that dislike her (and for good reasons lol) maybe you’ve worked with her on a project before and realised what a little bitch she can be
fellow kyungwon volunteer service members who know she only joined to look good, not because she genuinely enjoys volunteering 
people that know of her because they’ve seen her hosting for events on campus (maybe you’ve developed a little crush on her, or have always wanted to be her friend and got disappointed when you found out what she’s really like?)
a friend she often competes with, kind of like a toxic friendship that somehow gets her going? and maybe she actually likes this person but just can’t help but want to one-up them because of the way that she is
one night stands she regrets lol she’s not a good drinker and that leads to a lot of bad decisions she usually wouldn’t make when she’s sober
emcee club members! slipping in a little promo for her club lol pls join if you like having the attention on you too (or if you’re just generally good at talking/hosting)
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kissorkill15 · 5 months
New Recruit: A Sky High Fanfic
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Summary: What if Gwen tried recruiting Warren in his freshman year.
Gwen Grayson, 17 years old, student body president, wasn't who everyone thought she was. On the outside, she was a perfectly normal high school junior, but on the inside, she was secretly Sue Tenny, A.K.A Royal Pain. This was her 3rd year of recruiting villains at Sky High. She's already got 3 recruits so far.
Lash Stripe, 16 years old, a junior at Sky High, and one of Gwen's recruits. He was recruited at the beginning of freshman year. Lash only agreed because he wanted a stress reliever from all of the shit he went through, with his abusive father and a mother who had to work 24/7.
Speed West, 15 years old, a junior at Sky High, and another one of Gwen's recruits. He was recruited along with Lash at the beginning of freshman year, and while he didn't have an abusive father, he only joined because Lash was in the crew. He and Lash had built a strong relationship throughout high school.
Penny Lent, 16 years old, a junior at Sky High, and the last of Gwen's recruits. She was a cheerleader, and was recruited in the middle of her sophomore year, and while she also didn't have an abusive family member of any kind, she just wanted to have some fun. Even if anyone else found out about her being recruited alongside Gwen, she'd only get off with a slap on the wrist, because her parents are extremely rich.
Today, the 4 villains were looking for a 5th recruit. Sure, there were 4 of them already, and 4 was probably enough, but Gwen wanted more.
"But Gwen, aren't you happy with what you already have?", Penny asked.
"Of course I am, but I feel like it's not enough. I might need a 5th one."
"For what?", asked Lash. "Penny can multiply herself, Speedy can run really fast, and I can stretch out really long. And you, you can manipulate technology with your mind."
Gwen put her phone down and looked at Lash, "I know, Lash. I know we're all equally useful, but it feels like we're missing something. Something that's stronger than all 4 of us..."
In the corner, Warren Peace was just reading his copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, when he felt something splash on his head. It was a water balloon. He immediately slammed his book down to see who threw the water balloon, and saw a group of kids, snickering at him, and behind them were a whole bucket of water balloons. He wasted no time in stomping up to those assholes with an angry scowl.
"Can we help you, Peace?", one of the kids said.
"Did you throw that? And don't you dare lie to me, I see the water balloons behind you."
The kid looked behind him, and laughed when he saw the water balloons. "Oh yeah, I guess I did throw a balloon at you."
Warren grabbed the kid by the collar of his shirt. "Listen here, bitch. If you don't want me to roast you alive, I suggest you keep those stupid water balloons to yourself."
"Or what? You'll cry to your daddy? Oh wait, I forgot, your dad's in jail."
That was the tipping point. Warren erupted into a big body of fire, his entire body was engulfed in flames. Without another thought, he pounced on the kid and started smiling so evilly as the kid started screaming and crying in pain. Everyone around Warren backed away, too scared to interfere with the crazy hothead, because they knew none of them would survive.
Gwen just stared at Warren from afar, at first, she was only staring in shock, but then her mouth twisted into a big Joker smile. He's the perfect recruit, he'll make a very valuable asset to this team, thought Gwen.
Finally the fight stopped, and Warren backed away from the kid in triumph. The kid just lied there, looking helpless, and covered in burn scars and bruises.
"Nobody talks about my father.", said Warren before he walked away, taking his book with him. The hallway cleared for Warren, students quickly ran out of his way and some were clutching each other really tightly in fear.
"HE'S PERFECT!", Gwen shouted.
"Are you crazy?!", Penny exclaimed. "That's the infamous Warren Peace. The son of Barron Battle, the top supervillain, and the same person spending a quadruple life sentence with absolutely 0 chance of parole until after his 3rd life. That's who you want for a new recruit?"
"Penny, everything you said are the perfect reasons why he'd make an excellent recruit. But on top of all of that, he also has the perfect setup for a supervillain. Tragic backstory, bullied by his peers, 0 friends, and the most dangerous powers I've ever seen in my entire life.", Gwen ranted on. When she was finished, she pulled out a form from her bag, "Now all I need to do is get them to sign this form.", and she ran, searching for the dark and brooding man.
"She's gonna get herself killed.", Lash said.
"Agreed.", Speed replied.
"Double agreed.", Penny said.
All the while, Warren had just left the bathroom after a quick smoke break. He was startled out of his thoughts when he heard a woman's voice.
"You know, you really shouldn't smoke, hun. It's bad for you."
He turned around to see Gwen Grayson, smoking a cigarette, out in the hallway. What a fucking hypocrite, thought Warren.
"What do you want?", he asked, clearly not in the mood to get in another fight.
"Relax, hothead. I'm not here to fight you. I'm Gwen Grayson, student body president.", Gwen held out her hand and waited for Warren to shake it. Instead, Warren just stood there, still not in the mood.
"Warren Peace, the guy who didn't ask. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late for my next class."
As Warren turned to leave, Gwen stepped in the way, the same Joker smile on her face.
"Like I said, I'm not here to fight. I just want to offer you a deal.", said Gwen.
"Well that depends on what kind of deal it is.", replied Warren.
"Well, Peace. I've heard some pretty interesting rumors about you, saying you're going to be just like your father one day.", Gwen pulled out the form from her pocket, "Well would you like a headstart on that?"
Warren was shocked.
"I may seem all innocent and nice, but I'm secretly a high school girl from the 80's."
"Can you start at the beginning please? Because I'm so fucking confused right now."
"Very well."
So Gwen began to tell her story. "There once was a girl named Sue Tenny, that's me, my real name. She was a technopath, she could manipulate technology with her mind, it was the greatest power ever. But since technology wasn't as useful back in the day, she was written off as a science geek and thrown into the Sidekick Class. So she did everything she could to show everyone that she's not just a science geek, that her powers are actually useful. And as she did that, she started recruiting villains at the school, but sadly, when the principal found out, she was expelled. But that didn't stop Gwen. Instead, she built a very strong, very powerful, and very fabulous suit, and started facing off all of the greatest superheroes in the world, and turning them into babies with her powerful gun named The Pacifier. A beautiful gun that could turn a full grown adult into an adorable little baby. When she faced off against the Commander, she captured him and tried to do the same, but unfortunately, his strength caused the darn thing to explode..."
As Gwen kept talking, Warren just stood there. His mouth agape, and his whole face was covered in shock.
"That was you? You're Royal Pain? But The Pacifier exploded, and I thought it killed you.", said Warren.
Gwen laughed at that, she patted Warren's cheek condescendingly. "Warren, honey, that's where everyone was wrong. When The Pacifier exploded, I wasn't destroyed, I was merely turned into a baby. A kind man named Stitches took me in and raised me as his daughter, and as I grew up, I still remembered all of the things from my past life. How my useful powers weren't treated as such, how I was written off as a science geek, and how that stupid Commander nearly killed me. But now I'm back, and I was given a 2nd chance to finally defeat the Commander once and for all...and so can you, Warren Peace."
Gwen handed Warren the form.
"Just fill out this form and you'll be good to go.", and with that, she put out her cigarette and left.
Warren just stared at the form. He was being handed a chance to get revenge on the Commander on a silver platter. At first, he wasn't so sure. There was something inside him that didn't want to give in and prove everyone right, to prove all of the rumors true.
But then he remembered back to the countless times where he had been picked on for things that weren't his fault, and relentlessly bullied for shit he didn't even do. Plus, he had already given one kid a countless amount of 3rd degree burns, and basically indirectly threatened everyone who witnessed the fight.
So without another thought, he pulled out a pen and signed the form.
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