#also i'm usually not that much of a red fan but my hair is green right now and red cancels that out so i might try it
lyxchen · 11 months
Should I... should I dye my hair red next for the Crowley vibes?
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squerlly · 25 days
Fair Exchange Chapter 3
"broken people are dangerous because they know they can survive"
Alastor x (F! doe wife reader)
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The Doe----------------------------------------------------
in the kitchen preparing Alastors morning coffee, I hear Charlie talking to Angel and vaggie about the recent extermination date. poor Charlie has been stressing over how the hotel hasn't gained any residents. I pour a fresh pot of coffee into Alastors favorite "Oh deer" mug before walking upstairs to the small balcony where he sits at a small glass table. I hand him his coffee before hearing a large crash, sir pentious has come back once again. Alastor sips his coffee seeming unamused, he takes one more sip before he fazes through the floor confronting Sir Pentious.
I rush downstairs heading to the front right beside Charlie and the others, watching as Alastor drags pentious and destroys his blimp all while laughing manically. sometimes I forget Alastor has always been a sadist, enjoying the pain of others for entertainment. I get bored, but Alastor has more gruesome ways of curing it. eventually, Alastor is done having fun letting Pentious fall to the floor in front of us "Thanks for another forgettable experience" he says twirling his microphone in his hands.
"thank you... for letting your guard down!!!" he pulls a piece of Alastors coat off before Alastor grows in size, angry that his favorite coat has been ruined. a large green explosion going off as Pentious flies out of range. Alastor summons his little demon minions to repair the hotel before heading off to the tailors, me following suit. the tailor that Alastor frequents is always close to cannibal town, but also close to the Vees district.
Alastor has never been a fan of technology, so he acts like he's still in "simpler times." I still dress like I'm in the 1950s but I learned to keep up with the new age. adaptation is important for a place like hell, it is important for survival. I get by because I have an overlord husband who is filthy rich from soul contracts, but others aren't so lucky. "you didn't have to accompany me" he says opening the door, suits and spare fabrics lined on shelves "I thought it would have been nice for me to tag along" he lets out a low hum "very well..."
I browse the shop while Alastor interacts with the tailor setting my sights on a suit that looks a lot like his usual, only the suit is all black with red lining. I can almost imagine him wearing it, the black bringing out Alastors pale brown skin and the red matching his hair. my cheeks dust pink as I let my thoughts linger, but they were short-lived when I felt a cold presence behind me. I turn seeing Alastor looking at me with a curious expression.
people always say that Alastor is unreadable and mysterious, hiding behind an unfaltering smile. but he isn't as unreadable as some may think "A-are you done?... That was fast" he stares at me for what feels like a minute more before answering "Yes, let us head back" he turns on his heel and walks out the door. we exit the tailors and I notice Alastors scowling at something, there is a window with TVs and a group of demons gathered to watch what looks like a news broadcast.
of course it's none other than Vox, he figured out that Alastor has finally made a public appearance after 7 years. I follow Alastor as he makes his way back to the hotel, static emitting from him that makes my ears throb. he and Vox have had an unmatched rivalry for years now, Alastor can talk your ear off about his radio career but not as much as he complains that Vox is a "flat-faced fool" It's almost hard to believe those two used to be friends. I find it quite funny that they go back and forth like children fighting over a toy, but that's practically what it is. Alastor doesn't want to accept the fact that times changed, while Vox doesn't want to accept that radio will always be superior to video and that's what makes them clash.
We arrive back at the hotel and Alastor immediately storms upstairs to his radio tower, I know better than to disturb him until the "on air" sign on his radio tower is off. so I wait out the storm letting him have his fit until he cools off. I take this opportunity to cool off myself instead, taking a seat on a stool at the mini bar "Hey Husker, how's it been" he looks up from the glass he's cleaning and shoots me an almost unnoticeable smile "Boss is gonna kill me if he catches you talking to me." I chuckle and shake my head "he's upstairs, you're safe."
Alastor never liked it when I talked to Husk, I never knew why but I also never questioned it "You look like you need a drink" he says sliding me a small glass. I'm not one for drinking, never did it when I was alive and never really did it now "Don't worry, it's nothing strong" I lift the glass to my lips taking a small sip. he was right it wasn't strong at all it was sweet "thanks husker" he nods and goes back to cleaning the counter before Angel walks over.
"Hey whiskers, mind pouring me a little somethin' to~" Husk grumbles but slides Angel a glass. "why are ya so nice to her but not me hmm?" "probably because she's not a pain in the ass like you" I stifle a laugh, Angel was right though, why was he so nice to me "Besides she doesn't deserve it..." I look up from my glass confused "What do ya mean by that" "She doesn't deserve it, especially when she's stuck with a dipshit like Alastor" "Husk don't-" "Uhh, am I missen somethin'?"
Angel looks at me and I look back at my glass with a frown "Haven't you paid attention, it's not that hard to tell" "Well then fill me in!!" husk looks around checking if there's anyone else around "Y/n is Alastors wife, just look at the ring on her finger" Angel look at both of us in disbelief "dark and creepy is married!? to her!!! there's no way.." everything goes so silent you could hear a pen drop.
"Angel you can't tell anyone!" "My lips are sealed but... how come iv never seen ya guys act married? he called you his friend" I was about to answer but Husker beat me to it "That's because she's more like his maid than his wife, he couldn't care less about her." I couldn't even argue with him, because deep down he was right. "she's been stuck with him since before I got down here, trapped in his house." Angel throws me a look of pity, one of his hands resting on my shoulder "I'm sorry tuts..." "That's ok Angel, it's not your fault."
the moment was interrupted when Charlie and vaggie got back, Charlie plopping onto the couch "Sooo, how'd it goooo?" vaggie stood beside her with a huff "Not a single new recruit" "Yeah well, who would wanna spend their last days not fucken and fighting" the conversation was cut short after vaggie heard a knock on the door.
upon opening it the snake demon Sir Pentious was at the door, vaggie punched him before holding him at weapon point but my attention was ripped away when Alastor started descending the stairs to see the commotion, I stood from the stool abandoning my glass and heading to his side.
knowing he was pretty upset about Vox's broadcast I didn't speak to him, just simply stood there in case he needed something. I now realize that husk was double right, I'm not Alastors wife I'm just his maid. but that won't stop me from doing the only thing I'm good at. My father always told me to be good, not to talk back to my husband, to make his life easier and you'll stay in a happy marriage. if only that had worked the first time...
"oh and Alastor, our gracious facility's manager!!! you've met him before" Alastor raises a brow before speaking "Ahh yes, your the one who ruined my coat... I defiantly remember you now~." Charlie tries to get Pentious to apologize to Alastor for his coat but Alastor being the sadist he is... "Uh ho not many people have been able to take even this much off me" he says holding the torn piece of crimson fabric "It must have meant quite a lot to you" Then with a grin he burns it at his fingertips.
Charlie went on to do a few trust exercises and get everyone to introduce each other, Alastor was bored throughout the whole thing while I watched from the sides.
eventually it was time for bed, in my room I slipped on a small nightgown. it was satin with lace around the neckline, it was one of my personal favorites from Rosie's and it was very comfortable. stopping a bit above my thighs it was more on the lingerie side but its sleepwear, nobody is going to see me right?
well, that was until I heard some commotion downstairs and me being curious I stepped into my slippers to investigate. apparently Pentious was supposed to put a spy camera from Vox Tek but ended up becoming a real patron at the hotel. when everyone left Alastor destroyed the last bit of technology then turned to me, I was still half asleep with messy hair and my no-no pj's on in slippers. I definitely made a fool out of myself...
but once again he just stood there looking at me, I couldn't tell if he was judging me or not. I should be judging him on why he's still fully dressed, but then again Alastor doesn't sleep.
he snaps his fingers and a robe materializes on me, covering my cold half-exposed body then leaves, becoming a shadow and disappearing into the darkness, leaving me in the hallway. but it left me thinking that maybe, just maybe Husk might have been wrong...
new chapter and I tried to make it longer, I spent a lot of time trying to change my writing style a bit to be short and detailed so it's more immersive. I hope you guys have enjoyed this series so far but like always stay tuned! love you guys have a wonderful day/night!!!
@pooplyface1423 @strippezzz @kimmis-stuff
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sunseed-leaf · 28 days
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art dump timeee
lots of pokemon stuff i hope you like it :) this is a looooooooooong post
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Originally these were just design mashups, at least, that was the plan for my "redesigns"... but it really made me realize how little they change Red throughout the generations. hence why he looks VERY similar to his canon design, i just added some things i guess. for Blue i could go absolutely ham with things i wanted in his design since there's so much to choose from. the fang idea comes from my friend. also, these are pretty much used for an AU based off of the RG project romhack by @shima-draws (i hope tagging is okay aaa) bc i played it with my friend and we really liked it and it converted him into a pokemon fan and namelessshipper :) In the end we made our own AU based off of it because other characters got thrown into it. we're continuing the timeline in soul silver :p
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Here's a design for Leaf, she's Red's sister in my headcanon, i again went for the design mashup thing so that's why she looks like a mashup of Green and Leaf. i don't have much to say here....
Then there's some designs i can't show but it's for the reason that they are just human + trainer versions of sonic exes (not joking, i wish i was. my friend dragged them into our mini-roleplays, only two and they were Red's traveling companions and later Kris's too.)
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Then here's a redesign inspired by other Daisy designs. dunno why but i just wanted her to be pink....
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even more eepies....
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then i made some silly redesigns/design mashups for Ash and Gary
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And drew Red and Blue in alola. married dudes -w- Just in general my headcanon is that Red collects keychains, he probably has boxes worth of keychains and puts different ones on his bag every day, he even did this as a child he just didn't stop even into adulthood. Still a kid at heart with his silly keychains more headcanon rambles: Blue hates the cold but loves the warmth and Red loves the cold and hates the warmth. please put him into a freezer he can't handle the heat of alola- also yeah i know i messed up the number on Red's shirt, i learned how to draw 96 after this, i promise
And now we get to Pokemon Soul Crystal,,, which is just pokemon soul silver but with a patch that makes Lyra into Kris lol
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Here she is!! i tried incorporating some bits from Lyra and her comfy outfit is based off of Gold i swear i love Kris's design in canon, the hair is a lil funky tho so i made the pigtails a bit shorter and poofier
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then we got Silver here... again not much change, i love his design, i just wanted to add some moon details bc why not
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I'll batch these together! here's some redesigns for the OG trio for Soul Crystal
Blue is supposed to look like he's been crying (sorry Blue :C) Red just makes me think of pokepastas im sorry, once he gets off mt. silver he'll get a haircut. Leaf is just. i dunno, i don't really know how to characterize her... she cares a lot about people but she's kinda bitchy about it. tough love i guess.. I think after soul crystal is over i'll get working on an continuation of that that isn't tied to a game where she gets more of an important role so i can work on her character. Blue is wearing lots of reds/warmer tones cause why not and Red is supposed to wear lots of blues/colder tones to give a little bit of a connection i guess.
Now, here's the final drawing before i show shitpost stuff, this was drawn with a drawing tablet rather than a mouse like usual
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lines are a little funky but i like how this looks, i just need a bit more practice, i'm rusty on drawing with a pen
and now, shitpost:
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i love Cinder the Typhlosion,,,, he's so cute
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i know this is at the top of the post but i wanna put this here again and credit the idea for this: here.
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that's all, goob bye i'll go back into hibernation
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adobe-outdesign · 2 months
can you review my favorite neopet, the kau? (sorry if you already did, you know how it is with the tumblr search function)
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As you may be able to tell by their ever-so-creative name, the Kau is based on a cow, though the horns are more bull-like. (Neopets does not practice sexual dimorphism, and even gender-specific colors like Royalgirl still have horns. This is fine, as it makes them more of a fantasy creature.)
The Kau almost strays too close into "just a cow" territory, but the decision to give them stripes instead of spots adds a bit of flavor. The horns also face backwards, which isn't unheard of in certain types of bulls (see: gaur bulls) but is unusual for standard domesticated breeds
Beyond that, the body is nicely blocked out in terms of color, with darker stripes, hair, tail tip, and hooves complimenting the base color. The muzzle and ears are usually a tint of the base color, but that said I do like it when they make them a light shade of pink like on the red Kau above.
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The Kau benefited quite a bit from customization, losing the overly detailed eyelashes and generally just getting much better drawn and better shaded art. I also like the pose change, which enables you to see the body much better.
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It is also worth noting that Kau have a weird little quick wherein a small number of colours sport a bell around their necks. There's no rhyme or reason to what colours get the bell—all of them are post-customization except for faerie (shown above), yet not all post-customization colours get the bell. For the record, I rather like it—it adds a little something to the design, and customization always enables it to be removed if desired.
Favorite Colours:
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Pastel: The pastel has been a fan-favorite ever since it came out, and for good reason. The pink base color is lovely and is accented with a bit of blue in the eye and on the bell (this being one of the few lucky colours to sport one). The big thing that elevates this design for me though is the choice to change the stripes to cow-like spots, which isn't normal for pastel but makes the design extra cute. The spotted cow does the same thing in classic black-and-white, but I find the position of the spots on the face with that colour to be much more awkward.)
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Burlap: I'm of the strong opinion that burlap pets should always be at least slightly uncanny and unnerving and should stick to dull monotones, which are the main selling points for the colour to me and are what keeps it from overlapping with plushie too much. In that respect, the burlap Kau is a bad burlap pet, but a great colour for the Kau overall, if that makes sense. The extra fluff around the neck, head and legs reminds me of a highland cow, and the textures on this one are really spot-on, down the corduroy nose and blue stripes.
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Plushie: Speaking of plushie, while I think the burlap is surperior overall, I do like the plushie quite a bit as well—mostly the UC/styled version, which is absolutely adorable and has a great shape to it. I also like the subtle tan shades (though I wish there was less of a green tint to it) and the way the pink patch kind of matches the nose and ears. The converted version tries, but the big issue with it (aside from, well, Being Converted) is that it's missing the pink patch. If there wasn't room on the chest, just move it to the side or something!
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fatum679 · 2 months
Hello, sorry to brother you again, please lmk if u have enough of my rants 🤣. I wanna ask , don't you think it's somewhat crazy that due to this ridiculous a*ysmond vs. helaemond ship war, the character of Helaena Targaryen seems to have more haters among the TG than TB part of the fandom? I legit know several TB supporters/ content creators who claim Helaena deserves better and it will be cool if it turns out she has kids with someone who likes and respects her(=Aemond). Also, even TBs point out if the showrunners want to give Aemond a romantic subplot, helaemond will be a better option, since unlike a*ysmond , this relationship is a consensual one + Aemond's protectiveness and attachment to his sister appear pretty obvious... It's such a pity some Green fans diminish Hel's clairvoyance and claim it's useless and she's far less powerful seer and less interesting character than A*ys. They want A*ys' magic to be explored further, and not Hel's. Which I totally don't understand, since in GOT, we have already seen greenseers, woods witches and even Red Priests, but we still don't know much about dragon dreamers. Imo focusing on Targaryen magic in a Targaryen -centric show would be a far better idea. Also, HOTD's portrayal of Helaena could potentially be a really refeshing and original take on a magical woman. I mean unlike stereotypical sorceresses, usually dark-haired, clad in flowy, dusky gowns and dwelling in fantastic, Gothic manors, Hel looks like a sweet Princess ,but she's still blood of the dragon and a seer. I mean she doesn't need Gothic aesthetics and stuff to be "magical", since she herself is magic!
Hello! I'm glad to see your questions and glad that you are interested in my opinion 😊
The asoiaf fandom has always been toxic, no matter if you discuss books or series, there have always been wars in the fandom. Treat it like a game and don't spend a lot of energy on it.
Yes, there is a war of ships going on now. It's true, alysmond stans is the anti-Helaena and the anti-Helaemond. I don't understand why TG thinks Alys is part of the green party. Alys is not green. She has her own personal interests and goals.
Dance of the dragons is a Targaryen story, Alys is not a Targaryen, she is just a tertiary character (like Mysaria), she will not have more time.
I really want to see more of Helaena as a character, more of her magical abilities, more of her personality, more of her connection to the people of King's Landing, her family, her children, and her dragon. Rhaenyra did more action (in the book she sat on Dragonstone for the entire war), so I'm sure Helaena will have a lot of screen time.
Helaena doesn't have to be a stereotypical and banal goth girl. Comparing her to Alys is a waste of time. Helaena is beautiful, she looks like an elf and a fallen angel to girls from sagas.
Helaegon stans opposes Aemond, and they don't like all the allusions to Helaemond. I'm not anti-Aegon, but I'm anti-helaegon because there was no love between Aegon and Helaena in the show or even in the book. It was a forced marriage. Aegon had a mistress and other children. helaegon is lmao. helaegon is an abusive relationship. Abusive to Helaena. This is the reality and the truth.
“Princess Helaena was breaking her fast with her children when the Kingsguard came to her…but when asked the whereabouts of Prince Aegon, her brother and husband, she said only, “He [Aegon] is not in my bed, you may be sure. Feel free to search beneath the blankets””
“Though the good septon admits Prince Aegon was with a paramour when he was found, he insists the girl was the daughter of a wealthy trader, and well cared for besides”
“We have nothing in common”, “You [Aemond] marry her [Helaena], then”
“She's an idiot”
“I regret the disappointment you [Baela] are soon to suffer. But if you ever wish to kniw what it is to be well satisfied, all you have to do is ask”
“It isn’t so bad. Mostly he just ignores you…except sometimes when he’s drunk”.
“Think of the shame on your wife, on me” [Aegon r*p*d the Dyana who helped Helaena with her babys]
“I will find a ship and sail away, never to be found” [Aegon wanted to run away, abandon Helaena and her children]
I think Aegon always wanted to be on Rhaenyra's side. Perhaps he thought that Viserys would start to notice him and love him if he was closer to his older sister than to his other siblings. Even as a child, he was more interested in spending time with his nephews, and he did not take Alicent's words seriously until Aemond's eye was gouged out (Aemond could have died after such a wound)
“If Rhaenyra come into power you very life could be forfeit. Aemond is as well. She could move to cut off any challenge to her succession”
“Then I won’t challenge”
Aegon has a bad relationship with his mother and siblings ("She's an idiot" "He's a twat"). I think Aegon was more interested in love from Viserys and Rhaenyra than from his real family.
“My sister is the heir, not me,” he says in Eustace’s account. “What sort of brother steals his sister’s birthright?”
“He [Viserys]didn't like me”
Perhaps Aegon liked the idea of marrying Rhaenyra?
Sorry, I got a little off topic.
I agree with you, it would be great if Helaena's children were with the man she loves (Aemond). It is very sad and terrible that Helaena had to endure drunken se**ally har***ment from Aegon 🫣 😱 Poor girl 🥺 😭 I hate Aegon for this! Alicent, why did you let this happen? Helaena could have Aemond! Helaena was scared when Otto and Alicent asked her where Aegon was. She lowered her head - this is a gesture of protection. I don’t understand people who “like” Helaena and support the helaegon ship. They support abusive relationships and domestic vio**nce. It is a fact. This is anti-Helaena relationships.
#We need more Helaena in season 2!
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lilap20 · 5 months
Chapter IV : Heaven is where we meet at the foot of the Heart Tree. P.2
Part 2 updated, hope you will like
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“Go for Nymeria” huh?
But what an idea, I'm much too shy and impressed to do that kind of thing. Standing next to the Place of the Queen, which is actually empty, I take a look at the assembly. They are all dressed richly, wearing the distinct colors of their houses. My red and gold dress reveals my shoulders, its long gold lace sleeves covering my arms. She is the perfect mix of my House and Velaryon's, my hair is held in a braided bun behind my head with rubies in it like Rhaenerya.
But those who are the most impressive are the Velaryons, dressed entirely in gold, adorned with jewels like gods, they walk down the long aisle towards the table proud and arrogant. It's in these moments that I miss my uncle Daemon, he would have laughed at their pride and relaxed me. But he's not there, and I'm next to a ghost queen's place.
-We are here to celebrate the union of two individuals but also of two great Houses who have been friends for a long time. My father begins, taking his cup
I look towards the Hightower table and don't find the Queen, part of me wishes she had a bad fall down the stairs.
-May this evening be dedicated to love and…
The doors open wide, with a noise that attracts the attention of the crowd. My gaze freezes at the appearance of Prince Daemon proudly dressed in red and black, his short hair combed back with a bit of dragon's breath in it.
I want to jump and run into his arms, punch him and argue with him, and I know my sister's heart is pounding. My uncle comes forward with a mocking and jovial smile, he approaches the table and faces my father, who, with astonishment allows him to sit with us, thanks to the Gods at my side.
-Nice entrance, uncle. I greet in a low voice which makes him chuckle
The King resumes his speech, raises his cup and drinks which allows us to do the same with smiles and cheers. We all sit around, the guests talking and eating, the music dancing around us. My uncle tries to look at Rhaenyra and I know she's looking at him out of the corner of her eye. Embarrassed by their attentions, I concentrate on the crowd, looking as usual for the Nordien table.
Usually at a banquet or a big event it is always empty, but tonight it is full, Cregan's men and himself always drinking and eating a little apart from the others. As if he knew I was watching him, Cregan turned towards the royal table, met his gaze with mine and raised his cup towards me.
-This time you got noticed on your own. Taunts Daemon while drinking
I barely have time to reply before the doors open to reveal the Queen wearing green. The entire room falls silent as the Queen appears in her war colors.
It is in these moments that “Dracarys” is invoked in my head, but I must remain silent so as not to fan the destructive flame that Alicent Hightower is creating. The Queen dressed entirely in green representing nothing other than her House challenging us, the Dragons, with her head held high and proud.
I might vomit.
We all get up except Daemon who, despite his gesture, insists that I get up. I do it reluctantly, blowing so that the table can hear me and Daemon chuckles. The Queen confronts my father and I almost grab my knife and thrust it into her hand, then she sits down and we all do it.
Viserys let anyone challenge him and now everyone realizes we are divided.
The music resumes, the dances and the words too, but the table is slightly tense. I quickly drink a little of my wine trying to shift towards Daemon who is laughing.
-I never thought I would see you here, uncle.
-I wasn't going to miss my niece's wedding. Daemon smiled while drinking
-You like dramas so much. I swear with a little smile
-And not you perhaps?
I give him a sideways glance and he chuckles loudly enough for our table to glance at us, I hide my laughter by drinking some more wine. Rhaenyra looks at us, raising an eyebrow, managing to calm Daemon's mocking laughter.
-Your look doesn't change, I turn to my uncle, you still look at him just as intensely, he plays with his glass attracting the attention of the whole table, too. When is your trip to the North?
I choke on my drink, Alicent turns slightly outraged, my father and Rhaenyra raise an eyebrow.
-Daemon. I whistle
He smiles brightly, and I nudge him which makes him burst out laughing, by the Gods I'm glad he's back, I missed him. His humor, his provocations. I missed everything.
-My sister, Rhaenerya calls me, will you accompany me for a dance?
I smile, nodding, getting up at the same time as her, my eldest quickly comes to my side and takes my arm, smiling, completely ignoring the green plant next to us.
-Happy dancing Princesses. Daemon smiles
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We had barely arrived in the great hall when Rhaenyra was taken by my cousin and fiancé Leanor for the first dance. In the front row, I look at them with a little smile on my lips, they are magnificent and perfect for each other in terms of appearance.
After a few minutes, guests arrive to dance with them, the dance floor receiving again and again couples for dances, the music spinning the Ladies' dresses.
-Do you want to dance?
I jump a few steps with my hand on my chest, Cregan laughs under his breath and I roll my eyes at his mocking laughter. He holds out his hand to me and I accept with a beating heart. My smooth skin slides against his calloused hand, it is small in his and I find myself liking this contact.
Cregan takes me to the dance floor among all his guests, my sister who is dancing with Ser Harwin raises an eyebrow when our eyes meet, and I look away, turning red.
Cregan's hand slides down my back spreading goosebumps, raising the dragon fire within me, our bodies brush together as we begin to move, his two-colored gaze holding mine, our hands linked, my hand on his shoulder, his on my back.
-Your eyes are incredible Princess. He compliments in a deep voice, they fascinate me
I blush when I hear his compliment and a small, intimidated smile stretches my lips.
-I thank you, Lord. But I have to be honest with you, his hand tightens on my back crumpling my dress, your eyes are even more fascinating.
Finishing my sentence, my voice was only a whisper, Cregan remains a little shocked, his pupils dilating a little, his hand bringing me closer to him in a caress that sets my veins on fire. My breathing becomes ragged again, my right nose becomes red, our breath caresses our faces and we forget the room around us.
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POV External
The Prince, Queen, King, along with Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys, all watch as Nymeria and Cregan Stark dance as if no one is watching them.
-Princess Nymeria and the Lord of Winterfell seem to get along well? Notice Lord Corlys
-I don't know what you're talking about, Lord Corlys? Viserys retaliates by cutting his meal
Daemon chuckles as he drinks for the umpteenth time. How Viserys can be so stupid and blind? Marrying Rhaenyra to Leanor is one thing, but not seeing that there is a real attraction between the young Wolf and the People's Princess was just absurd.
She's grown so much, he thought, she seems so mature in the wolf's arms, but also very shy.
-My brother, Daemon intervenes, even if my opinion does not count, I only want the happiness of my nieces, and the young Wolf and my little Dragon have always been connected.
-We will do without your opinion Prince Daemon…
-I'm not talking to you Alicent, so don't interfere in the lives of the Princesses, you are nothing to her. Daemon growls exasperated by her
Viserys tenses in his chair, while Princess Rhaenys rolls her eyes an old smile on her face, she's agree with Daemon, but she will never say it. Lord Corlys cannot hide his smile while drinking and suspiciously watching his son talking with his date. If his son does not pull himself together he will not survive at court, everyone will look at him since he will be the husband of the heir to the throne.
-I support Prince Daemon's opinion, Princess Nymeria seems to appreciate the young Wolf just like him. Explain Lord Corlys
He glances at the King who stops eating to watch his youngest daughter dance with the most beautiful smile he had ever seen on her lips. She was happy with the young wolf, and he realizes it, she laughed with him, and he too, but he didn't want his only memory of Aemma with Rhaenyra to go far from him.
-My brother, Nymeria deserves to be happy, and King's Landing is not the place for her, she likes adventure, not court. Finishes Daemon by emptying his glass
His gaze finds Rhaenyra dancing with Ser Harwin, swallowing his bitterness he turns his eyes towards Leana his little cousin, a grin stretches his lips.
-Please excuse me.
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POV Nymeria
The cool wind blows through my hair, goosebumps rise up my back, Cregan caresses it gently, his warmth making me blush for the umpteenth time that evening.
-Your hands are warm for a man from the North. I notice smiling to myself
As soon as I say the sentence I widen my eyes, my remark is completely inappropriate and may allude to…
-Forgot what I just said.
Cregan bursts out laughing, removing his hand and I suffer this loss violently, he stops walking and I do the same standing in front of him facing his hoarse laughter.
-I like your remark Princess, whatever form it took in your head.
Oh gods, are we flirting now? My heart begins a maddening race.
-What, I swallowed, what shape did it take in your head? I ask breathlessly
Slightly shocked, Cregan frowns, approaching me a little, his mischievous gaze igniting my violet gaze.
-Are you flirting with me Princess Nymeria? -Nymeria, I swallowed in front of his gaze, just Nymeria.
The noise of the gardens, the wind in the branches of the trees, his hand caressing my ribs, all my senses activate and discover a sensation that I can describe as desire.
-Then call me Cregan, just Cregan.
Our noses brush against each other, my memory takes me back to our meeting in front of the Heart Tree, our hearts beating in unison, I avoid his gaze, his breath against my temple, his hands on my hips, I sweat I breathe and I die at the same time.
-Nymeria… Cregan whispers and I faint
I grab the back of his neck and kiss him without him even realizing it, I don't think, I slide my lips against his letting myself be carried away by my desires. Immediately Cregan takes a deep breath, he holds me against him, our mouths hungry for each other respond.
His tongue teases my lips and I open them so that our kiss becomes more passionate, his hands are everywhere, mine claw at the back of his neck, play in his hair, our breathing is heavy and damn I feel so good in his arms, so well until this noise which startles us.
-Princess Nymeria! shouts a distant voice
Cregan breaks away from me, a hand on my arm as I slowly pull myself together, he caresses my elbow as I look at him in complete wonder and fear.
-I'm sorry… I, you are running away from this kind of situation and I…
-I wanted it Princess, Cregan smiled shyly, I wanted to kiss you since our first meeting. I wanted you Princess Nymeria, from the beginning. He confesses
My heart has just stopped or it has just started again, hope, love, happiness I don't know how to put a name to the emotions that run through me.
-So why ? During your last visit did you…
-My father speaking to the King, he avoids my gaze while swallowing, his Majesty did not want to separate from you while you were all in mourning, and I understand that.
It is true that I was ten and four years old, my mother had just died, my little brother too, and my Uncle was kicked out of the court. It’s true that it wasn’t the right time for me to leave.
-And I didn't want to make a decision without talking to you first. I didn't want to force your hand…
-I will be gone, I cut him off with emotion in my voice, I will be gone with you Cregan.
Surprised and bewildered, Cregan approaches me a little further, taking my hands in his.
-Will you still speak to the King? I ask looking at our hands
I pray to the Gods of ancient Valyria that his answer is positive. Cregan has been married before, lost his wife quickly and told me he doesn't want to remarry anytime soon only here we are in this garden talking about my future and his.
-Only if you want me to talk to him about it. he responds while maintaining eye contact
-I want it Cregan, I find his eyes, I really want it.
-Then I will talk to him.
-Princess ?
Our hands linked, Cregan and I turn towards the voice and slowly I remove my hands, meeting Ser Erryck's gaze. I lower my head before looking back up at him as he looks at the two of us.
-Everything is fine ? I ask approaching him
-Blood has been shed Princess, Ser Joffrey was beaten to death in the great hall by Ser Criston Cole
My mouth drops completely open at my shock and Cregan steps forward shocked too.
-We were looking for you Princess, everywhere, the Crown Princess is about to pronounce her vows. Continue Ser Erryck
-I'll be there right away, I turn to Cregan and he nods.
When I run into the great hall, the floor is covered in food, the blood of my cousin's lover is on the same floor and on his clothes, Rhaenyra is disheveled, her white dress stained with blood , dried tears on the face.
-Sister ? I ask taking her in my arms
-By the Gods, I was so scared. She whispers
She smells of Daemon I notice, his scent is all over her. And before I even ask him a question, the Maester calls out to us.
-Let's go Princess, let's get ready for the wishes. Begins the Maester
And this is how the second royal marriage begins, in a bath of anger, unspoken, and blood. A glaring example of our family, us Targaryens. Welcome Leanor.
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silverynight · 2 years
To everyone who follows the new generation of pro heroes on social media, Dynamight has the most interesting Instagram account of them all because most of the pictures he posts are not of himself but of pro hero Deku.
He's constantly reminding his fans on Twitter and Instagram that he does this because Deku is his rival and he needs to keep an eye on him in order to surpass him.
But the photos are really interesting: Deku looks amazing and cute in every single one, most of Deku's fans take the pictures from Dynamight's account instead of Deku's because the green haired hero doesn't post too much content.
There are interesting comments under most of them:
Why is Dynamight so interested in Deku's thighs? lmao like most of the pictures are focused on that.
Must be a rivalry thing lol.
Yeah, I also take pictures of my rival's ass, you guys wouldn't understand.
OMG I'm totally stealing this one of Deku talking with a reporter. Look at his freckles, he looks so cute!
Dynamight always takes the best photos of Deku ngl.
Yeah, he always looks so pretty.
Then fans start wondering if Dynamight is outright lying to them and has other type of feelings towards the cute pro hero.
Others start shipping them after a week of debating online. Even a few pro heroes (like Red Riot and Pinky) are very supportive of the ship but others (like Shoto) are completely against it.
They're sure Dynamight knows about the ship but he doesn't make any comments about it ever, which is weird because he's insulted every single person on Twitter who dares to talk shit about pro hero Deku.
Deku, on the other hand, is not usually very active on social media, but whenever he finds people talking about the ship, he somehow thinks it means people see them as friends, something he always confirms.
So... Is Dynamight stuck in the friend zone or what? A brave fan tweets one day and it blows up because Dynamight himself quote retweets it with a SHUT UP, EXTRA! Which to most of his fans is basically a confirmation of their theories.
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gren-arlio · 7 months
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(Image made by @kirstenonic05. Huge help on this, so thank you.)
Hello, one and all, it's Gren here. Today is Witch's birthday as well as Halloween, and to celebrate such a momentous occasion for the girl who appears in oh so many of my posts, I'm gonna to do two things besides say happy birthday to her.
An in-depth look on what The Witch has committed, her devious crimes.
How to handle/deal with/tolerate her if you're a random person, or you're a special guy.
Possible prosecution of her. Keyword "Possible".
I basically became Schezo's Private Investigator for a solid few months and today, I'm here to drop it all out for the press to see. Puyo fans are gonna be in shambles tonight.
This will be a detailed tutorial on what happens if you see The Witch, how to deal with her, and what happens if she approaches you. Hope you enjoy this overly elaborate shitpost.
What IS The Witch?
For those blissfully unaware, The Witch is a wanted criminal, a young 15 year old felon who often resides in the realms of Madou Monogatari and Puyo Puyo, owned formerly by COMPILE, now by SEGA.
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(A rough draft of what the suspect looks like. Be careful. Actual draft of her from Madou Monogatari Saturn.)
She seems harmless, but that's how she gets you. Never trust teenage girls who can brew potions, I learned that the hard way.
Commonly, she's a blonde haired, blue eye teenage girl, about 5'2 (158 CM) and 99 pounds (45KG), seen with a blue robe with tints of white and red, a blue hat and some of the worst shoe game I've ever seen.
However, she has been seen in a green robe with a red amulet, a steampunk outfit, and even cosplay as either Arale Norimaki from Dr. Slump, a literal cat, and Emilia from Re:Zero. (Besides the cat one, all really good alts in Quest design wise and Puyo-N just has good designs.)
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(Video recording of The Witch cooking something malevolent)
What? Crimes?
You heard me right good folks, as the guy who has documented her misdeeds for weeks on end, (AKA I've been casually researching other games and she appears,) I have found many of her criminal acts, some worse than others, and some shit I definitely made up. Here are a few cases, some of which are somewhat stretching the definition, but it's alright:
Attempted Murder:
Most notably committed in Madou Monogatari Saturn, where whilst getting kidnapped by Incubus, she absolutely torched the man. Could claim self defense but still.
Mostly to Schezo, when you stretch the definition long enough, it can be considered verbal harassment. If you count 4Komas and Compile Club Underground Edition, visual harassment is...certainly on the table.
(Attempted) Petty Theft:
More notable in Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon, where she tries many-a-times to get Schezo's robes, even threatening assault if he didn't.
Threatened Schezo with it for his clothes in Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon, saying she'll rip them off.
You may ask, "Aren't Puyo matches assault cases?" And to that, I say...no. Usually, it's a joint agreement. The same goes for Waku Puyo, it's part of the attraction itself, the person somewhat signed up for it. However, I don't think personally trying to rip someone's clothes was part of the rules.
Most noticeable in the Tottemo Puyo Puyo Manga, where she drugged Arle with a love potion to make her fall in love with them, but it failed. Badly.
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(Not many people know this one too much, so I thought I'd show the time where the crime occurred.)
Possession/Distribution of Alcohol to and as a Minor:
In Puyo 20th Anniversary, she just so happened to have something that made our boy Klug feel a tad unwise. Apparently happened to Lagnus too in Quest, but we're unsure, since it came from a 2nd source.
(Also, I know she didn't mean to give Klug it, but...why did she have it anyways?)
Crimes Against Schezo Wegey:
Along with almost every crime here, during the run of Compile, she's committed the worst one of them all: Being a Simp.
Easily the most notable for me, In Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon, she's normal to almost everyone else (she has beef with Rulue for some reason,) but the minute Schezo is in a 2 mile radius, she "forgets" to take her normal pills.
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(Image recording of her harassing Mr. Wegey. She's just saying "it" looks super cool, leaving Schezo confused on whatever she meant, and yes. It's about his clothes.)
Second most notable (for me) is PuyoLympics, where the SECOND he takes off his robe to show the uniform he got, she starts acting a little unwise, to put it bluntly.
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(Prelude image seconds before The Witch commits her worst crime yet. Being a Simp. Also the NicoNico video I saw for this had some of the most down bad dudes ever, don't become them please)
We also must speak about her acting unwise when she saw Madou Saturn Schezo, asking to touch the man.
And how could we forget when she got possessed by Marle, who totally gave her back her Madou conscious after laying dormant for God knows how many years and began her quest of simping yet again?
Saying submit to me, saying that she doesn't know why she feels so desperate for him all of a sudden, and then prolongs the word fun? Marle was scheming that day...
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(First off, somehow I got this with both her eyes closed. Didn't expect that. Second, why does it look like Schezo is grabbing his own name box?)
We can forgive many of her crimes. But we can't forgive this crime specifically.
What Do You Do When You See The Witch?
Now, most likely, you'd want to report her to the feds, the police if you will. But her world doesn't have police somehow, and that's rough buddy. However, The Witch is a very social person, and might want to talk to you.
This will be a step by step guide on what to do if you're a normal person near The Witch or if you're Schezo. Gotta look out for everyone.
However, for all:
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The Witch is incredibly dangerous, and unless you're a relative, odds are, something malicious WILL be brewing.
Willingly going near her is dangerous as well, but if you live for danger, ignore this section.
For the Everyday Guy:
Keep your distance. The easiest thing to do, thankfully. If you don't approach her, odds are, she won't interact with you unless she wants something.
Don't own a Meteor Grimoire. She can sense that.
If she decides to go near you, do not panic, nor run yet. She has magic, you don't most likely, so unless you want a fireball or a Meteor hitting you, don't run.
Keep the talk short and brief. Prolonged exposure can be detrimental to your health in the long run.
If she asks for something, there's two ways to go around it. You can either give it to her quickly, or be the innocent victim of her next robbery/crime.
Don't try anything she gives you. Ever.
This is a split path. If she tries to take something from you, you can either choose to finally run or fight. Thankfully, she's pretty average at Puyo, so a good player can fend her off.
If everything goes well, she will leave you alone. And if you run, she probably won't chase you that much since you're just kinda a random dude to her.
For Schezo Wegey: (Or People in a Similar Scenario)
Before you even go out, don't wear cool-looking robes.
Don't own a Meteor Grimoire. She will sense that, especially if you're Schezo.
Same with the everyday man, keep your distance. If she spots you, it's absolutely over. Schezover, even.
If she spots you, everything changes now from the everyday man. She wants to approach you, she wants you...r items, or actually legit you. Don't show visible panic. Pretend she's not coming.
There's no shot you're going to be able to keep conversations short, she probably knows that you're trying to leave fast. However, try to keep your responses short enough, but not short to the point that she catches on.
If she asks for You, do NOT panic externally, which is easier said than done. Try to ask to elaborate. If she doesn't, you're fucked. If she does, give the thing to her...unless it's your clothes.
If you run, she's will very much chase you. There's several pieces of evidence for that, and unless you can run 100 meters in maybe 12 seconds, she will catch up to you with her broom. Even then, stamina issues for people, and she flies. Don't risk it unless you're absolutely confident.
This is a situation where you want her to leave first. If you noticed with some of the times Schezo gets harassed, she tended to leave first (Puyo 20th, Waku Puyo,) while in some cases, Schezo got out first (Madou Saturn, PuyoLympics but that went poorly), so try to make her leave first by doing...God know what.
If she tries to fight you, fight back. Self-defense is always good, and if you're Schezo or have a body similar to his, odds are her Meteor will hit you, but you'll survive. He's survived worse, you probably can too.
If everything goes well, you're free. Least for a little longer.
If you lose the fight, and everything else failed, FUCKING RUN. If Schezo can do it upon losing to her in Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon, you can too. Probably. Maybe.
Proof you can probably survive a Meteor:
(The Witch uses her spell...for 66 damage.)
Let's Say, Theoretically, She Gets Arrested. What Happens?
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(Old image my girlfriend made years ago. Little did we know how it'd end.)
Prosecuting her will very much be a challenge because simply put, there's no damn police in Madou/Primp. Well, good ones at least.
For you see, there ARE police in Primp or Madou as a whole. But in Quest, there's police in Intral City, the place Atari's from, but unfortunately, even in there, they don't exactly do much.
Call up Miles Edgeworth and teleport him here, then we got a shot, or even some other stupid good lawyer.
I'm no Laywer, but I think she'd go to jail for her crimes.
The Witch is a very dangerous felon. Armed and Dangerous, it's best to stay as far away as possible, especially if your name is Schezo Wegey or occasionally Arle Nadja. If you see her...well, you have the steps, or you can say fuck it and ball. Your choice.
And Now, Actual Updates:
I enjoyed writing this, it was fun. With this, I'll repeat myself from last posts.
I'll be taking a 2 week break from this. I'm experiencing minor burnout and I do need a break, I've been doing this consistently for a couple of months now.
I'll also be taking a break during Thanksgiving week, Christmas, and New Years week as well to spend time with family.
Thank you all for your support, it means an absolute ton to me and I'm grateful I have people who actually love my work. Hell, I've even made a few new friends from this, and I couldn't be any happier with the progress I made.
I began this stuff on the notion that no one will read these, but it'd be better to document these sorta things just for fun. Little did I know, a little over 35 followers later, that people would enjoy what I made and the info I share, even if some of it is... somewhat peculiar. The support I've gotten from the community is unreal, and it's genuinely appreciated that you guys care so much. Even you reading this means a lot to me.
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Thanks guys. Happy Halloween. Hope you enjoyed the show.
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moonshinemusings · 1 year
i really enjoy your headcanons! Can you pleeeaaassee do it for my baby boy Alex :,) i love the ones with Alex. Love youu!!!
Thank you, I'm really glad you like them! Here are some more of my thoughts about Alex :)
General Alex Keller headcanons (Pt.1)
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Warnings: slight mentions of canon typical violence
A/N: there are so many mentions of food in this?? I'm sorry, I just have some very specific thoughts about him lol
• I'm a firm believer this man runs hot like a furnace no matter the season. In the summer he should be suffering, but somehow he's used to the heat
• Dog person. When people say dogs look like their owners they are talking about him. He probably owns a beige labrador or a golden retriever
• He's good with most animals, but bigger ones like cows or horses kinda intimidate him. Only at first though, when he gets to spend some time with them he really enjoys their presence
• The only animals he really dislikes are birds. No specific reason, he just does
• He's somewhat an artistic soul; he likes to write song lyrics (although he can't really sing), design new tattoos for himself, try to scribble poems
• Alex loves specifically the pink cotton candy. As a kid he used to eat them often and they are still a comfort food of his
• Despite that, he likes salty and savory things over sweets
• An exception is vanilla pudding because he could eat it for the rest of his life. His second favorite is the caramel flavour
• He also looks like the average honey-mustard chicken enjoyer. With pasta. You know what, I think he LOVES any kinds of pasta
• He's also a fruit lover, his favorites are tangerines and strawberries. He totally eats his apple slices with peanut butter too
• Loves pizza even when he knows it's stereotypical. His mother used to make really good home made ones when he was younger and he never really grew out of the "I can eat a whole pizza in one sitting" phase
• Also, when he's drunk he always craves pizza, no matter where they are or how much he had to drink
• Speaking of, he can hold his tequila but weak to beer. Shots do almost nothing to him, but a few beers and he's down
• When he's drunk and gets together with Gaz and/or Soap, everyone is going to suffer from their volume and pranks. The amount of bullshit that can come out of their mouths those times is honestly impressive
• Still, he's king of respecting women tbh. If there is someone who's going to be polite and won't cross any boundaries even when in a pub shitfaced, it's him
• Alex is one of the worst when it comes to gossip because he wants to know all the tea. It's hilarious when he tells something he just heard to Farah and she already knows
• He's naturally easy-going and laidback, most know him for his friendliness as a close second to his abilities
• He's really good with kids. Alex is like the fun cousin you only meet at family gatherings, but those times he teaches you some tricks and tells the best stories you will forever remember
• He has one specific sniper rifle that he has gotten from his father at a young age. It can't usually be with him on missions because he has an assigned weapon, but when he can he takes the chance to use it on the field
• His favourite colors are green and red
• Most of his tattoos don't hold any deep meaning, only a few represent something/remind him of something/someone
• The codename Echo 3-1 is really close to his heart for some reason, if he could he'd keep it forever
• He's not a big fan of coffee, but still drinks it for the caffeine and out of habit
• He has occassional nightmares and night terrors (which soldier doesn't), but they are not as frequent as they used to be when he was younger
• Opposite of what others may believe, his hair takes like 5 minutes to style in the morning. Sometimes he puts some gel on it when it has already started to grow a little longer, but otherwise he just ruffles it and let's it do what it wants
• Some has told him before that he'd be a great leader, but Alex always denied it. He doesn't feel like he's cut out for that kind of responsibility
• He often bickers with Price, but only outside of missions. He's a pro at knowing when to take something seriously or joke about and that makes him really efficient in the field
• Alex often puts others before him, which almost cost him his life a few instances before. He doesn't think it would have been in vain though
• He loves to spend time in the nature, going on hikes, camping or hanging around the beach all day. Doesn't matter as long as he's outside
• As a kid, he tried to play football but hated it
• He used to be really good at math, but somehow as he got older he just gradually became worse
• In school he was the best at geography, communications and for a while math (as mentioned)
• He doesn't per se have a problem with flying, but would much rather travel through cars or other vehicles on the ground. They are much more comfortable, even if he likes being high up (hence his sniper position)
• When he was a kid, he didn't think about joining the army, although his father was a marine. He thought he was going to get a scholarship somewhere with his sport abilities or just land a decent place at a regular university. Turns out life had different plans, but he didn't regret it one bit
• He's totally the type to use emojis like 💀 and🧍🏻‍♀️ or the crying one when he laughs at something
• He's great at household chores and keeping the place running
• Alex can't exactly cook, but he can adjust just a few ingredients in a boxed food mix. It always turns out heavenly and no one can tell he didn't make all of it
• Deals well with horror movies but doesn't really like them
• Okay this last one if really specific and random at the same time, but he 100% eats the little chocolate roll things out of this wafer mix and no one can convince me otherwise
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2af-afterdark · 5 months
Randomly Rating the Alt (Beta?) Designs in Journey to a Nu World
Listen, I saw these and some of them made me so happy and others... I died a little inside. Someone told me these are closer to their beta designs and that would make sense given what the event is, but I'm not 100% sure. Also, I'm sure it's their beta colors with their current designs at best. Making whole new sprites to perfectly match their beta counterpart would have been an ordeal. So... for all intents and purposes, I am rating them as alternate color schemes than as beta designs. Although, I do admit that I want to make a few comments on their roles in the event at least...
Ratings below for post length and because some people may want the designs to be a surprise.
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10/10: I love him in all forms. No notes. Said it once and I will say it again though: he has Rin's silhouette. I guess it makes sense given what their relationship is, but it's uncanny.
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8/10: His pallet swap is very minor, and the purple accent is actually really cute on him. Plus, I am a fan of soft pastels and his alt colors are so gentle. Still loves money and is so very violent. Love that he had beast tamer aspects in the fight against the heroes. Love that he's always a boss. I love him.
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2/10: I love Morvay, but... they stole all of his color! There is just so much black in this design and it all sort of drowns out the overall character and makes him more muted. Also, they hid his titties and that is an unacceptable crime! Bonus points to both him and Aster though because their alt designs of aspects of the other's base color scheme (Ater's hair is the pink and purple of Morvay's jacket, Morvay's jacket is a more bright pink and black than Aster's).
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10/10: I am a simp. Kuya is there. His titties are out. His collar makes him look like a whore. I am simple. I have simple desires. Also, you know, his loyalty in this event was actually kind of interesting. He was all for working with the Demon King and even selling the rouse. Plus, he gave off the feeling of being a secretive and wise advisor when he hinted to Eiden that he knows there are worlds with alternate versions of them out there.
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3/10: His main blue hair is much better than the teal in his alt look. I do like the flower in his alt look, very appealing, but not enough to save just how... meh he is over all. I don't know. I just feel the teal is really jarring, especially given how much less it fits in with his outfit than his usual scheme.
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5/10: This is not to say I hate Yakumo's alt design. It's just... there. The only thing that changed were his clothes. I like the red and white on him. A lot. But the lack of design on his shirt or pants is kind of sad. Middling design.
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0/10: WHAT DID THEY DO TO MY BOY?????? He looks like your neighbor named Steve! THIS IS A CRIME!!! HE'S JUST SOME GUY! GIVE ME BACK MY SLUTTY PRIEST.
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-10/10: Blade... Your hair is as cute as always. The color looks as good on you as always. However... that outfit... Are you an assassin or a court jester? It's so bad. OMG, I hate it.
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8/10: You know what? I know it's just an outfit swap, but it really works on Dante. White looks really good on him and so does an open shirt. The shawl is always really nice in that blue-green color. It matches his eye and gems on his necklace. It's just very appealing overall. Also, it really let's him show off that tattoo! Which, you know, is a weakness of mine.
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5/10: I don't hate it but I don't like it. I don't know. It's not bad, just not to my tastes. Although, I giggle that he's a bard! Not an alchemist, but a BARD! That is hilarious and I cannot explain why.
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4/10: Again, kind of a meh design. I feel the yellow accents on his alt design would be better for Karu because then the eyes would match better. IDK, something about it just isn't working for me and I cannot place my finger on it. Also, we never saw Karu. I know the event was short, but... really? No Karu?
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6/10: I like him better as a blonde, personally, but the scars are so amazing on him. Plus, the darker green to match his darker hair and the little leaf designs on his jacket are just very charming. I like the design. I with they would keep the scars because they really are just amazing. Although I miss Topper...
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1000/10: NEVERMIND! He is perfect in all forms! ALL HAIL TOPPER!
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synergysilhouette · 10 months
Remaking Miraculous Ladybug (Season 1)
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Oh, boy! Here I go again. Hello, all! I'm a Miraculous Ladybug fan, though my interest in the show has waned over the years due to it's writing. The film adaptation renewed interest for me, and it made me want to rewrite the series--similar to how I rewrote X-Men: Evolution (which I recommend you check out the posts for). Originally I was just gonna make a broad overview of the changes I'd make, but I decided to make it like XME and remake every episode...Yeah, I've got my work cut out for me. Some of these changes are influenced by fans' (not just me) opinions of the show while others are influenced by my own personal thoughts and opinions. As such, in this season, there's a lot of filler, so I'm actually removing some episodes that I don't feel add much to the overall show, possibly taking anything worthwhile and adding to it a different episode. I was gonna make this more PG-13, but I decided not to in the end. I hope you still enjoy it! Please forgive me if I forget/omit any important details due to a lapse in memory of translation changes, as I usually watch the English dub. Sorry in advance!
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Ladybug & Cat Noir (Origins-Part 1)--In my remake, the way Marinette and Adrien get their Miraculous is similar to the film version instead of how the show does it, along with Adrien already being a student at the school. While Chat Noir isn't as reckless, he still keeps his light-heartedness and quips, often using his many skills as Adrien to help Ladybug with battling villains. I'd also want more equality for the cat and ladybug miraculous; in this case, if only the ladybug miraculous can purify an akuma, than only the cat miraculous can destroy the akumatized object. Sounds fair, right? Otherwise everything plays out the same. Along with this, I'd like to think their outfits are a bit more detailed; Chat Noir's black outfit is complimented with green designs, and his hair is the same color as Cat Walker's (to avoid suspicion), and Ladybug's hair has red streaks, with it later being joked about by Gabriel that she copied Nathalie.
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2. Stoneheart (Origins-Part 2)--Gabriel is shown to be more sympathetic towards Adrien, explaining that he stopped Adrien's homeschooling as a result of Gabriel becoming emotionally detached following Emelie's death. The Ladyblog is more investigative, with Alya wanting to unmask Ladybug. It's revealed that Chloe bullied Ivan because he was nice to Sabrina, and Chloe fears Sabrina leaving her for "utterly ridiculous losers." It's also revealed that Sabrina is an Agreste fan herself (both of Gabriel and Adrien), and Chloe assumes she's brownnosing, but encourages it this time.
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3. Stormy Weather--Abandons all stalkerish elements, and Chat Noir is the one to break the parasol with his cataclysm instead of using it on the billboard. I'd also probably put more depth on akumatizations from here on out so that only people with truly angry/sad/envious etc. emotions can be akumatized rather than simply saying to ignore/get rid of negative feelings. Perhaps Aurore had wanted to be a weather girl for a long time and the poll results were closer, causing her to be even more upset that she lost. Otherwise everything plays out the same.
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4. The Evillustrator--Lady Wifi being in Marinette's dream is discarded, since production-wise, her episode occurs after this one. When Nathaniel is sent to the principal's office, Marinette realizes that despite sharing classes together for some time, she's just now noticing him. Sabrina, trying to emulate Chloe, jokes at how ironic it is, given that Nathaniel has a crush on her similar to Marinette's crush on Adrien. This makes Marinette feel guilty about not paying attention to Nathaniel, as well as losing hope that Adrien would see her as more than a friend. It's revealed by Sabrina that Chloe is actually good at schoolwork when she was younger, but when her mother left, so did her interests in academics, resulting in relying on Sabrina. Chloe begins to tell off Marinette and threatens to disown Sabrina if she doesn't do what Chloe tells her to, but Adrien overhears and gives Chloe a similar ultimatum of being nicer or he'd stop being friends with her. Sabrina later begs him not to do that, and he feels guilty that he phrased it like he was trying to control her like she controls Sabrina. The Sabrina and Chloe argument doesn't happen here, with Marinette and Chloe arguing instead while Sabrina does all the work, making Marinette feel guilty about putting her own feelings before the group's. It's also revealed that part of the reason Chloe made fun of Nathaniel was because she was worried Nathaniel would be seen as Ladybug's #1 fan instead of her if she saw his work. Chat Noir doesn't flirt with Marinette, acting like Adrien. The Evillustrator more compassionate with Marinette. As the Evillustrator and Chat Noir battle, Marinette wonders if she could be akumatized from unrequited love. When he deakumatizes, Marinette decides that combined with their shared artistic talents and inspired by his passion, asks Nathaniel if he wants to go out sometime, to which he accepts. When Adrien tries to ask Marinette about her time with Chat Noir, she states that he was polite, but when she tells him the reason she's going on a date with Nathaniel, Adrien decides that he needs to be more passionate to win Ladybug's heart.
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5. Lady Wifi--Alya doesn't really believe that Chloe is Ladybug, instead suspecting Nathalie (or surmising that she's Nathalie's daughter), but believes that Chloe may be the link to finding out who Ladybug is, given that Chloe upsets enough people that they become akumatized and want to find her, resulting in protection from Ladybug and Chat Noir. While stalking Chloe for any signs of akuma-inducing events, she gets caught and is still suspended. Chloe, once again threatened by another "Ladybug superfan," manipulates Alya into converting her curiosity of Ladybug into frustration, blaming her for getting suspended, making Alya want to expose her. Once akumatized, she goes after Chloe anyway, stating that she pretty much has the heroes on speedial at this point (as well as Lady WiFi's), and embarasses her and Sabrina dressing up as Ladybug and Chat Noir. Most of the episode plays out the same, though Chat Noir narrowly prevents Alya from finding out Ladybug's identity, telling her that Ladybug is someone who doesn't go to the school. Deciding to trust him, Alya decides to turn her attention away from school suspects, and Marinette vows to tell her someday. Everything else is the same.
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6. Princess Fragrance--Marinette has to turn down a date with Nathaniel for Tikki instead of Adrien in this version. Sabrina reads Rose's note, stating that she has a crush of her own and wants to know how to tell them, then destroys it. Chloe doesn't try to flirt with Ali, being more interested in Adrien, but tries to steer Sabrina his way, reasoning that anyone she crushed on wouldn't be good enough for her (Chloe), and Ali was a good way to trade up. Nathaniel tries to reason with Princess Fragrance, saying that what she's doing was the wrong way to get someone to want to be with her, but she ignores him, saying that it worked out for him in the end. Due to Chat Noir's cat sensitivity when it comes to smell, he grows irritated by the fragrance rather than brainwashed by it, helping Ladybug defeat Princess Fragrance. Ali is rattled by Rose's akumatization, and she apologizes for trying to make him love her, and he says that they can just be friends for now.
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7. Dark Cupid--Includes the flashback from "Derision," and any Adrien-related romance subplot is removed since Marinette is with Nathaniel. Kim tells Chloe that he's had a crush on her since their bonded over "pranking" Marinette, which inspires Chloe to have him prank Alya, still not over the events of "Lady WiFi." Chloe inquires about who Sabrina's crush is, but she states that Chloe wouldn't be able to guess. Kim becomes akumatized after Alya avoids his prank and Chloe rejects him, giving him a vendetta against Alya. Pretty much everything else is the same.
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8. Pixelator--Luka is formally introduced, and it's shown that he and Juleka (who ARE twins) are Jagged Stone's children. Pixelator instead vows to use them to get revenge on Jagged Stone. The sunglasses subplot and the hat designing contest from "Mr. Pigeon" are conflated here, given that I'm not a fan of MP, with Marinette giving Jagged Stone a whole new look, which takes inspiration from Pixelator. Luka and Adrien bond as he distracts Chloe long enough to let him transform (which Luka sees). At the concert, Kitty Section makes their debut appearance, though the costumes are more professional and Rose and Ivan are not part of the group. It's also noted that Nathaniel was asked to do the concept art for Jagged Stone's next album.
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9. The Bubbler--Nathaniel and Marinette team up to make a poster of Adrien and his friends (signed by all of them), along with Marinette's scarf. While Chloe forgets a gift for Adrien, Sabrina gives one to him from both of them. Nino and Chloe are permitted to go to Adrien's mansion, but after being rudely treated by Chloe and Adrien lashing out at him (following an upsetting conversation with Gabriel) and causing him to be akumatized. More emphasis is put on Adrien's few friends, especially since Nino is realizing how severe Adrien's situation is. Gabriel also doesn't take credit for the sweater, instead tailoring a custom outfit that happens to go with it. Elements of "Simon Says" also occur here to focus on Adrien and Gabriel's dynamic.
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10. Rogercop--It plays out essentially the same, except giving more focus to Sabrina as she becomes angry with Chloe for trying to get her fired, though Chloe lies and claims the bracelet she was missing was one that Sabrina gave her and that it meant a lot to her. More hints to Sabrina's mystery crush is dropped, though not explicitly stated. Some of Roger's akumatization is also due to Alya being critical of the officers being unable to defend the city against akumatized villains, thus creating a more stressful environment that could lead to more akumatizations.
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11. Gamer--Almost identical, though Chloe is the cause of Max's akumatization rather than Marinette, given that Marinette is with Nathaniel, and Nino reveals his crush on Alya, Luka is also revealed to be a good gamer, taking Chloe's place.
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12. The Puppeteer--plays out the same.
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13. Reflekta--plays out mostly the same, but puts more emphasis on Luka and Juleka's sibling relationship and hints at a romance between Juleka and Rose.
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14. Antibug--It's revealed that Sabrina had a crush on Adrien as well, and Chloe angrily humiliates her in front of the whole school, as well as denouncing their friendship making her wish she was invisible. Most of this plays out the same, with possibly some references to self-harm, making Chloe regret her cruelty towards Sabrina, and Adrien secretly gives her a kiss on the cheek, telling her that he hopes she doesn't disappear (though stating that he didn't see her as anything more than a friend).
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15. Kung Food--It's explained that Marinette knows conversational Mandarin, but Adrien helps her with any complexities, and more emphasis is put on her Chinese heritage and history rather than it being done so quickly. Chloe is genuinely ignorant of Asian cultures, something Adrien corrects her on and she implements, as she does personal insults, not broad, racially insensitive ones. Here, Nathaniel and Marinette share the soup with her uncle, with Nathaniel happy to learn more about his girlfriend's ancestors' culture. Everything else is the same.
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16. Volpina--It's revealed that the fox miraculous Lila has is the real deal, albeit stolen, and she uses these powers to make her lies and disguises legitimate. Adrien also suspects his father of being a superhero fan and investigates the Miraculous book. Ladybug flies off the handle at Lila, this time for making unflattering lies about Ladybug. She also uses her powers to make it seem as though Adrien and Marinette have been dating behind Nathaniel's back, causing them to break up (as Marinette can't disprove Lila's illusion), resulting in them having to defeat the Illustrator as well. In the end, Lila despises Ladybug and Nathaniel despises Marinette. Lila also learns of Adrien's warning to Chloe in "Evillustrator," and since she hasn't adhered to it, makes an illusion of Adrien that severs his friendship with Chloe.
Lemme know what you thoughts! I may revise this before I do season 2.
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golbrocklovely · 1 month
What did you mean on twitter that people are inventing stuff? What stories are people spreading? I don't see any of it, but maybe I just don't know where to look?
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to anon #1, anon #2's ask is what i was referring to lol
(in the quickest of summaries, a few number of fans think Colby cheated on malia this past weekend bc of some insta story where it looks like he's cozying up to someone with red hair).
the rest of this response will be for anon #2.
first off, please don't be offended by me blocking out the link. i'm only doing that bc i don't really want to draw too many ppl's eyes to this bc i genuinely do not believe it whatsoever. the less ppl talking about this, the better.
that being said, i can understand why you might think this is showing him cheating or that that isn't her. but i need you to understand logistically: there would have to be multiple unlikely things in place for this to be real.
first off, katelyn and malia were in vegas with the boys when they had off this past weekend after filming during the week.
for colby to have cheated, he would have had to make malia stay at his house while he, sam, and katelyn went out to a restaurant to eat. and then, still stay at his house while they all went to the club.
then colby would have had to find a girl to cheat on malia with, and then FILM HIMSELF at said club where he could have easily been caught at. then on top of that, he would have had to have cheated in front of sam, his best friend, and katelyn, her best friend - and both of them would have had to be a-okay with him doing it so brazenly.
then someone would have had to film the crowd at the club, caught him in the act, and then post it without knowing. and THEN ON TOP OF THAT, colby that night literally posted a pic of malia and him from coachella, which she reposted almost immediately after he did (almost like she was right next to him when he did it).
now……………….. does that sound like an actual, legitimate possibility to you? bc it sure doesn't sound like one to me.
not only that, they are literally right by a stage, where there is most likely some form of lighting, that most likely is RED. which is probably what is being shown in the video.
and then just for added measure, malia was blonde not that long ago, and seemingly gets highlights and touches up her hair. well, when you go from blonde to brunette, you don't dye it brown and call it a day, unless you're box dyeing it yourself. if you get it professionally done, they usually put in red undertones, or dye your head copper red, so that when the brunette fades it's not a shitty grey/green color that it can sometimes look bc of the blonde. so she probably has red undertones which can make her hair appear more red.
and as someone who has naturally brunette hair that is similar to malia's color, my hair can also look reddish sometimes. it naturally has red in it, along with blonde. red and brown are close on the color wheel enough to sometimes blur into one another.
look, i don't want to come across like a bitch in this reply. and genuinely, if you believe he cheated, whatever i say isn't gonna change that. i'm just saying that there is no way i can personally believe he did. it is much easier to believe that malia was most likely near a red light, that just made her hair look redder than it appeared, rather than literally sam, colby and katelyn all conspired together to have her stay at snc's house so that colby could go out and cheat, and then somehow come back home to her and then post a pic of them from coachella while she was none the wiser. like… cmon now lol
how lowly do you have to think of katelyn and snc to think they would all be on board with him cheating on malia while she was literally in vegas with them??? i'm not saying that's how you feel, anon. but the fans that think he truly did this are sure as hell acting like this is all plausible bc katelyn's a bad friend, sam probably cheated on kat, and colby is a manwhore. even tho by that logic, then anyone that has casual sex is also unable to ever commit to anyone. so we must all be cheaters.
this is no longer scrapping the bottom of the barrel. this is digging into the earth's core to find something to shit on snc for. i'm telling you, it got quiet and everyone got bored lol
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dredgelord · 6 months
Hi! I saw you opened requests for Bg3! I would love to request a matchup if that’s possible! <3
my pronouns are she/her and I’m asexual biromantic (so any gender is fine). I’m an ESFJ and a Gemini. I have green eyes and dyed burgundy red hair. I dress with vintage/fairy grunge clothes. Long skirts and corsets are my fav type of outfit. I wear lots of rings and necklaces and love to exchange them with others.
I’m the mom friend of the group, always there for everyone and my friends say that I’m really good at comforting people. I’m also calm and responsible, I usually am the one that takes care of other people. I’m very optimistic, I always try to see the good in everything and I often put other’s needs before my own. I love making others laugh to lighten the situation. I’m not afraid to stand up for myself or for someone else but sometimes it’s hard for me to say no to things. I also dislike when someone is too serious and really can’t take a joke as I tend to use humor as my coping mechanism. I’m also very ambitious, I always try to achieve my goals.
My love languages are, receiving, physical touch and words of affirmation and giving, quality time and words of affirmation.
I absolutely love listening to music, it helps me relax and I really like reading. I also love watching horror movies even though it’s impossible to scare me. I also play Dungeons and Dragons with my friends anytime I can. also, I absolutely love musicals and I’m definitely a theatre kid.
I really hope I provided enough info, have a great day :)
Oh hi thank you so much for being my first BG3 request! Hopefully I'm not going to let you down.
So after careful consideration and thinking on your post since it's been in my inbox for the past two days, I've decide to pair you with...
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I decided to pair you up with Wyll primarly based on vibes. I have a feeling he would be attracted to your seemingly very feminine energy, from how you dress, to your more maternal tendencies of the party/friend group. He appreciates your optimism and would find you to be his light, in the darkest of times. However, while you're typically the responsible and calm one, he is more than wyll-ing (ha) to take over that role if you're in need of a break from being the "responsible one". He's overprotective of you though he's sure that you're capable of handling yourself, but he still worries, regardless. He's incredibly supportive of you and want you to know that he is, at the end of the day, your biggest fan.
Wyll is an ambitious guy as well and gives nearly everything he does his all - he respects that about you, and hopes the two of you lift each other up, and assist one another with reaching your respective ambitions.
Overall he provides a very good support system to you. On his end, if he's struggling with a decision or and doubts/thoughts of uncertainty, he's eager to run his thoughts by you in detail, struggling to make sense of whatever problem is troubling him, pacing around the room until he's finished and then prefers to cuddle with you as you give your two cents.
I think your love languages would align perfectly together, as he loves singing your praises to both others and yourself. Physical touch goes both ways, too, and finds it comforting when you touch his many, many scars. The scars themselves were painful and hold many memories, - good and bad - but your touch is cool and soothing.
I hope this was fine! Let me know what you think. Take care 💜
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solitaireships · 7 months
Miguel Headcanon Dump!
I've been bored at my internship so! Here are some hcs that I have about Miguel with the version of him that I'm dating
Divider by chachachannah
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He’s autistic, depressed, and has PTSD
One of his biggest stims is that he has is blinking repeatedly, and he’s also big on tapping his fingers on things, sometimes with his talons
Sometimes he goes non-verbal when he’s really tired or stressed. He’ll either write things out or draw things that he’s trying to convey. He usually needs a good amount of time alone after that to recharge, and napping helps him feel better
His main special interest is genetics
I’ve kinda fused his movie and comic version together for the version that I’m dating. That means that the basic spider society plotline is still there and part of his story with Piera, but also that everything from his original run was before that. He largely has his movie appearance too, but with a couple exceptions
Exception 1: He wears tinted glasses like he does in the comics. It helps him when he’s out of his costume bcs his advanced vision makes him very light sensitive
Exception 2: He has curly, red-brown hair, but he usually slicks it back to be styled like it is in the movie
Exception 3: He has spinnerets on his inner arms that produce webs. He largely uses these instead of the laser-like ones from the movie
Exception 4: His fangs are not retractable and they’re always down. This leads to him mumbling when he speaks a lot publicly, not wanting to make them obvious. When he first got them, they gave him a bit of a lisp, but he’s mostly managed to learn how to speak around them without lisping now. He does lisp a little bit still when he’s tired or upset tho
He loves to wear a lot of greens and blues. He also likes a lot of cozy stuff and does have a pair of cat slippers
My appearance hc for him that comes from neither the comics or the movie tho is that he does have body hair
Lyla was included with his apartment and Xina helped to get her set up
Xina was Gabriella’s mom, tho the two of them had split before he had replaced the other Miguel
When he stretches or yawns, sometimes his talons come out
He simultaneously has game and is bitchless. He’s complex like that
He’s a terrible driver. He doesn’t have a car and will almost always default to sitting in the passenger seat
He’s not big on PDA bcs he doesn’t want to ruin his image as a tough loner. But also he does like to hold hands with Piera <3
He likes cooking but never has time to do it, so a lot of the time he just has Lyla order takeout
He has a nice singing voice, but he doesn’t sing much anymore. When he did, it was usually him singing lullabies to Garbiella
When he first got his powers he would accidentally break things all the time because he didn’t realize how strong he was
Off of that one tho, he’s always super gentle with the people that he cares about. Lots of soft touches and little affectionate things
He’s also very protective of the people that he cares about, sometimes too much so to the point of being kind of helicopter-y. He can also become protective to the point of self destruction
He is not a morning person and will try to sleep as long as he can past his alarm before Lyla forces him out of bed. When he gets up, he’ll be grumpy and not tend to be fully awake until he gets at least a cup of coffee
One of his college boyfriends ended up becoming the 2099 version of Mysterio
He’s a big fan of cheesy action movies
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
Would you kindly do a review on the pidove line?
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I gotta admit, I'm not a huge early-route bird Pokemon person. There's typically nothing objectively wrong with them; it's just that they fall into the pikaclone issue where they're usually just Pokemon-style birds, without a whole lot going on for them in terms of visual interest or themes. They're fine, just kind of bland.
With that said though, I do like Pidove here just fine. I have a soft spot for doves, so this design does a good job capturing the charm of them (and the spaciness, judging by the 'dex entries). I love the little heart on the chest and how it parallels the pink flesh around the break, and the expression is charming and reflects its friendly personality. It's nothing spectacular, but for a pigeon Pokemon, it does its job fine.
Also, please take a moment to admire this TCG art while we're here:
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Unfortunately Tranquill has the middle-evo issue of mostly being a fusion between the pre- and post-evos. It has one or two things unique to it—the shape of the pink area, the "hair" at the back of the head—but it mostly just exists to transition between Pidove and Unfezant. It's fine, but there's nothing that would make someone like it more than the rest of the line other than minor aesthetic preferences.
Also, the deep pinkish red around the eyes is odd when you consider the line's sexual dimorphism. It makes sense if it evolves into a male Unfezant; Pidove's light pink becomes a brighter reddish shade before becoming an entire wattle. But if it's female, it gains a deeper shade of reddish-pink before abruptly loosing it again. It might've been best just to leave it the same shade as the legs so it still makes sense with either gender.
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I am only now realizing than Unfezant is a play on "unpleasant". I had always been pronouncing it oon-fezant until now, go figure.
Anyway, Unfezant is pretty decent for what it is. I like the patterns on the wings and tail in particular; having a lot of markings is not something we see on Pokemon very often, and the way they play off the shapes of the wings and tail really looks nice, especially with that tiny spot of color at the base of the tail. I also like how the faces retain the heart-shaped marking from Pidove.
The male in particular starts to gain some unique bird-of-paradise wattles, which gives it a bit more of a monster-y flair than most early birds have. I'm also always a big fan of correct sexual dimorphism, wherein instead of basing the differences on human gender binaries, they take inspiration from IRL animals (in this case, the male being extremely gaudy while the female is very plain).
Visually, though, I think I (ironically) like the female more. I like what the male is going for, but the shape of the wattles always looked weird to me; it's supposed to be skin, but it looks more like it's wearing a paper mask due the lack of any depth or texture to it. I'm also personally not a big fan of the green and pink combo—would've preferred one or the other—but they do seem to be basing it on ringneck pheasants so I'll give it a pass.
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Also, the stomach markings bother me a bit. It's weird to have such unique shaped patterns on most of the body, only to suddenly use a realistic mottled texture on the stomach; it makes the design feel disjointed. I would've expected the stomach color to be bordered by either the scallop shape on the wings or the lines on the tail.
So overall, these are some fine early-game birds; nothing ground breaking but nothing bad. Pidove has a lot of charm, Tranquill is harmless but just exists to be a transition, and Unfezant has some unique colors and markings on the males, though the females are better as a whole. This might honestly be one of my favorite early bird lines, but then again, that's not saying much.
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pigswithwings · 2 years
What is don’t hug me I’m scared?
well !! i am not the biggest fan or the person who knows the most !! but i have just watched the web series (haven't watched the television show) and i can tell you a bit!
[Very Long Explanation To Follow]
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared is a British horror web series (and now a television show, but I'll get to that later) found on YouTube starring three main characters (none of whom have an official canon name, as far as I can tell).
The three main characters include 1) a character who is (presumably) human-sized and is comprised of two large eyes, a head made of yarn or otherwise string-like substance, and is red all over. This character speaks in an incredibly monotone voice and is commonly referred to as Red Guy or Harry (unsure of the name origin). There is also 2) a green duck with a somewhat autotuned voice who wears a sort of brown blazer, usually called Duck or Duck Guy as well as 3) a yellow humanoid character with blue hair and overalls called Yellow Guy. Coming up with names is evidently a very difficult task for the fandom.
The style of DHMIS (commonly used acronym for the series) is similar to children's shows such as Sesame Street or The Muppets, utilizing puppetry, bright colours, and practical effects.
The plot of DHMIS - oh, now this is interesting. There are six episodes, each of them spanning under ten minutes but still managing to be pretty unnerving (depending on who you are). Within each episode, new "hosts" or "teachers" visit the main trio to teach them some inspired (but ultimately horrific) lessons, usually in song form as children's shows do. (The songs are especially catchy.)
You may have seen art of humanized (or not) versions of a talking clock (found in Ep. 2, often called Tony), or a talking computer (Ep. 4), or a talking notepad (Ep. 1). My personal favourite episode is the fourth one. Each episode does not start out with any intended plot; instead, you can come to expect a new terrifying adventure of sorts to start by the one minute mark.
Getting more specific with warnings - I do not reccomend watching this series if (fake but increasingly realistic-looking) gore is not your thing (the biggest example I can think of is in Ep. 5). Additionally, there are a few loud noises throughout the series but no jumpscares that I can recall. DHMIS uses practicall effects very well and I enjoy the overall aesthetic of the series, but if seeing viscera does not sound like a good Experience to you, then it may not be the show for you. I also reccomend watching with friends, if possible.
Overall, the show itself is an Experience, and the DHMIS fandom owes a recent surge of popularity to the new television show that was released on Channel 4 (unfortunately, I am not British - I don't know much about getting to the television series just yet). If you're up for it, DHMIS is one of my most recent interests and I would enjoy knowing another person also interested in it!
Take care, hope this helped :]
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