#also i lied about doing all of them there were couple of duplicates and a couple i didnt feel like answering 😏
ricksanchez-z420 · 2 years
for the music asks, can you answer either all of them or at least 5 of your choosing? I'm very curious 💜
queen bee wants em all she gets em all 💜🤙
(putting this all under the cut cuz its a lot 😅)
1. Song that always makes you happy
ocean man by ween for sure, its hard to be upset listening to that one
2. Song you listen to when you're sad
forget it by getter is def one of my go to feelsy songs
3. Top 5 songs of an artist of your choosing
island in the sun, say it ain't so, my name is jonas, beverly hills, sweater song
4. 3 most played songs on iTunes or Last.fm etc.
doin time by sublime, by the way by rhcp, i wanna get better by bleachers (on spotify cuz i dont have that other shit lol)
5. Favourite song right now
ive been weirdly obsessed with buried alive by terror reid lately
6. Favourite album of all time
probably sublimes self titled album if i have to pick
7. Favourite song of all time
8. Favourite artist of all time
9. A memory associated to an artist of your choosing
my dad really liked selena...he used to say she had an angelic voice. i was only 8 when she died but i remember my dad being devastated
10. Song that you feel you must always dance to
i literally dance to everything lmaooo must be a drummer thing but as long as it has a beat im groovin to it
11. First album you bought
my first album was dookie, unintentionally pissed my mom off but it was totally worth it
12. A song that reminds you of someone you love
13. A song from your childhood
gonna have to put this here for reasons
14. A song that reflects your personality
def gonna have to go with alien boy by oliver tree
15. Most hated song of all time
honestly anything by tool i cannot stand tool
16. Most overrated song
oblivion by grimes
17. Most underrated song
18. Most overrated artist
grimes 😏
19. Most underrated artist
everyone should go check out peach prc shes great her music is great
20. Favourite vocal performance
i just have to share a video for this one lol the whole thing is a ride from start to finish
21. Favourite guitar solo
i mean this 100% jack blacks solo in school of rock at the end where they perform in battle of the bands is fuckin choice dude
22. A song no one would expect you to love
i love terror jr ive been kind of following her for a while, this is a fave by her
23. A song you get stick for liking
i have a couple of lana del rey songs on my smoke playlist and i get mad shit from c137 AND morty 😒
24. A song you'd like at your funeral
i want im a believer by smash mouth blasting at my funeral (definitely joking)
pls play i miss you by blink 192 at my funeral (very much not joking)
25. Karaoke song
likely anything by sublime or weezer 😅 talking heads is fun to do too
26. Favourite summertime song
summertime by sublime 😏
27. Favourite Christmas song
oh my goood ive been waiting my whole life to share this because no one believes me but SIMPLE PLAN PUT OUT A CHRISTMAS SONG
28. An artist you used to love but don't really listen to now
im actually embarrassed to admit this but i had a very short lived obsession with limp bizkit when i was a kid 😅 lets just say i was an angry child lol
29. A cover that's better than the original
ive really been digging doja's cover of celebrity skin
30. A song that you have to crank the volume up for
i always crank my girl doja up
31. What song was top of the charts when you were born
ok so i had to look this up and the first thing i saw was everybody have fun tonight by wang chung lol
32. C.D. that's always in the car
i havent really done cds since like...2009 maybe 2010 lol
33. Which genre of music features most heavily in your collection
grunge and pop punk mostly but id say i have a pretty good mix of everything
34. Which genre(s) do you try to avoid
im not the biggest fan of most metal tbh (mort and i clash a lot when it comes to this 😅)
35. A song that is always stuck in your head
ngl this is on loop constantly in my head
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sgiandubh · 1 month
On leadership
This is a personal comment on @luhafraser's last post, where she wrote, in plain English:
'But I can't help but notice that since I joined this fandom, what we have in all the groups in this fandom are "leaders", they come and go, new ones appear, or reinvent themselves. There are people that stand out and lead others to follow their ideas and statements. It is these people that receive information, have sources, receive pics, and are fed by "anonymous" (Sorry, but a lot of things that have already appeared could only have come from someone "inside"). I know we are all adults, but there are those who know how to influence or who are led to be influencers, there are those who understand that and there are those who don't.'
Dear @luhafraser,
You wrote a couple of things with great confidence, as you usually do, and I feel I have to say something,
I have invited you already to name names, not allude to persons in your posts, as you so transparently seem to be doing right now. So yes, I felt looked upon and judged. By you (and not only you). Since Day 1. You thought I was never going to respond, well - you were wrong. The day has come and the day is now.
Dear @luhafraser, while I do immensely appreciate your real qualities (intelligence, humor, sleuthing, etc.), I am less a fan of this kind of little games, both in public and behind the scenes. My sudden apparition seems to have bothered you, with Anons asking you (June 20, 2023) if I was really a new person joining in and you denying it without taking the time to talk to me:
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This is simply not done, my dear. I have openly and transparently engaged with people since Day 1 and never lied about my own circumstances. Your answer started a flurry of speculation that kept people interested all summer long and forced me to dox myself. So kindly prove me and all the others I am not a newbie (something completely impossible to do), do it in public and own the things you post in here.
I am not a leader of anything, @luhafraser , and I have no wish to be regarded as such. Ever. I have learned, in 20 years of my high-level public service career, that being the boss corrupts and exposes. But yes, I did want to be a disruptively positive voice in what I felt to be an intimidated community. I wanted to bring more clarity and all those research skills to all of you. I wanted honesty. And I, above anything else, wanted to help. And I am sorry that people agreeing or liking what I post seems to bother you. It is not something I can help you with. It is what it is. There is a place for all our voices to be heard in here. Every single one of them.
I have no inside information on SC and never did. I have not betrayed anything that was shared with me in DMs and only posted things when adamantly asked to do so, after careful vetting and only from people I knew. However I am a hell of a bloodhound when I am set to find something and I am rather good at what I do, also in real life. I also know when to stop and will never share things that would be legally questionable. It would expose us and it is a risk simply not worth taking.
I am not here for clicks and likes. My block list is three or four times bigger than my dash. I do not care for fame, but I do care for a couple of trusted people that became real friends. It is for them and for them only that I am not giving you satisfaction and quit.
I keep my promises. I will not go anywhere. If you do not like what I write, please unfollow and block immediately - this goes for anyone that feels bothered about me being here, in any way. I have no wish to start a war with any of you - that would make Mordor glee with joy for months. But please do me and yourself a favor: if in doubt, go now. I cannot stand duplicity, never could.
I hope that sets the record straight. Believe it or not, I have no hostility towards you. Not a single ounce.
I am not expecting an answer.
[Later edit;] I am glad I doxed myself. Very glad. But that is another story.
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sleepyfan-blog · 25 days
Author’s Note: this is the second part of mer-Joth’s fic!
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel
Warnings: magical ritual, imprisonment, ask me to tag something if it bothers you
Summary: Joth wakes up post deamon-stabbing. Things go… Strangely from there.
Joth woke up to the sound of smug sorcerer chanting, and the worst headache he's had in over three hundred years. The Thousand Son who made off with Joth's own rightful sacrifice has tied him upside down to some sort of stone. Fucker left his mouth unbound, so the irritated World Eater planned on making it the damned blue badtard's problem. “HEY FUCKER! LET ME OUT OF THIS AND GIVE ME BACK MY SACRIFICE!” He also starTed to struggle against the chains binding him in place, hoping that either the links in the chain or the stone to which he'd been pinned to would give way, thrashing as much as his bindings would allow him to.
“Hmm… No. I had been stalking after that rare specimen for months in preparation for this Ritual. Then you showed up at the last moment and messily ripped it apart. Luckily for me, you kept intact the organs and bones I required for this. I and dozens of my brothers are collaborating together on this Great Work, and should we succeed, it will allow those of us who are blessed by Chaos to work with the Warp much more similarly like it is back home, rather than the ash-fired clay effort it takes to do anything more than minor tricks here and now.” The Thousand son sniffed, glaring naughtily down at Joth for a couple of moments before returning to his chanting.
The World Eater thought about that for several seconds - the greater blessings of Khorne he had earned couldn't be used in this time, on Ancient Terra for reasons Joth could only begin to guess at. The ability to go on sustained Rampages… To ensure the Blood Flowing and the collected Skulls given to the Throne…
It was almost enough to get him to purr and settle into his bonds. “... and if I promise not to interfere with your… Ritual? Will you let me free then?” He could respect another's irritation at a kill being stolen from him. Stuffy blue fuck could have led with that hours ago and saved them both the trouble. But no, stubborn bastard sorcerers refused to communicate in more than smug smirks and annoying as fuck riddles a good ninety percent of the time, trying to prove that they were so much smarter than everyone else.
At least his Primarch survived the Heresy, and had led them to greater powers, as well as the endless glory of fighting for Khorne. Away from the false light and moneyed lies of the corpse-Emperor and his throne of lies and two-faced duplicity.
The thousand son continued to chant for several minutes, the brilliant blue glow of Warpcraft steadily shining through the other's eyes, mouth and hands as he continued the task he had set himself. Fucker didn't even look in his direction in order to acknowledge that Joth had spoken.
One of his oldest and most familiar companions - Wrath - charged to the forefront of his mind, made his dual hearts sing for the preparation of battle, in spite of the deamon-poison stings that caused his body to ache fiercely all over. Joth struggled against his bindings again, feeling some of the metal begin to stretch and give way beneath his bulk and strength.
The thousand son continued to ignore him completely, his chanting in the partially air-filled cave bouncing off of the walls, creating an echo that made it seem as if dozens or even hundreds of fellow Sorcerers were chanting with him, just a beat or two off of his own chanting. The blue of warp use continued to intensity- and started to color and light the water where the other Mer sat tall, hands weaving complicated symbols over the sacrificial bones and meat laid out on the altar the fucker was sitting in front of.
The bones and meat had begun to glow as well. Moments after that, they began to move, slowly at first before gaining speed. They started to spin around and around the room, with each revolution getting faster and faster. Along with the chanting, Joth could swear that he could hear the last pained and frightened calls that the large aquatic mammal had made - had they been a warning call, to chase others away, or a desperate plea for help?
As the glowing and chanting continued to intensify, one of the larger organs suddenly splattered against a sharp rock, causing the color of the warp-crafted light to change from blue to magenta.
Oh fuck no.
Whichever of the dark powers the thousand son had been seeking to strengthen, the plea had just shifted to another, and Joth was not going to participate in a Slaaneshi ritual while tied to a big, fuck-off boulder. He could be interpreted as part of the sacrifice and that was not happening.
Joth continued to thrash and struggle against his binings, feeling the Metal continue to give way…
But the warp-light was intensifying, and the distinctive crunch of bone on stone intensified the magenta hue, prompting the Khornate Chaos Marine to triple his efforts in an attempt to escape.
The light, chanting and spinning of flesh and bone continued to intensify, weĺl-past blinking and deafening to Joth at this point, even as he'd shut his eyes, to try and preserve them.
The sound of his chains breaking was the sweetest down Joth could ever remember hearing, and he shot out of the water - feeling the electrifying buzz of active warp-energy coating his scales… Which may or may not have consequences he'll need to deal with and/or adjust to. But that was Later Joth's problem. Right now he needed to get the fuck out of here before the ritual either ended successfully.
Or… Considering this was a project led and done by The Thousand Sons… Blow up spectacularly horribly in their faces, leading to a widespread and devastating curse affliction them. But Joth had no interest in Being Cursed by an overconfident sorcerer coven.
He swum as swiftly as the twisting tunnels and partially filled watery caverns would allow him, following the scent of fresh air.
About half-way through he battled into something small, soft and warm. His deepest instincts howled Mine! Protect! Defend! As different kinds of chains began to wind around his soul, leading into your small and delicate psychic fingertips.
Having no desire nor time to explain what he was fleeing, Joth scoops you, his newly bonded human up and continues to swim at his top speed, keeping you tucked into his chest, both so that you’re as safe as he can make you be at the moment, and so that you don’t slow him down.
He does not stop when he carries you up and out of the underwater cave system that you’d been exploring. Nor does he slow down as you flail and scream - nor heed much to the confused yelling of your friends.
But since those yelling humans are important to you, they are also picked up as he continues swimming through the air as fast as he can. He air-swims for hours before gently setting you and your friends down on the soft candy beach. He curls around you protectively as a wave of magenta-tinted exhaustion hits him “Danger… in the caves.. Do not return… Little Bonded…” He croon, making sure to use the same language that you and your friends have been yelling at him the most in, his eyes closing, even as he keeps curled protectively around you.
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whentherewerebicycles · 5 months
top 10 things i cooked in 2023
this year i made 104 unique recipes (plus lots of duplicates when i liked something enough to make it multiple times). the places i went to most for recipes were feasting at home + the NYT recipes app, although i very much liked the weekday vegetarians, love and lemons, cookie & kate, nora cooks, and the foodie takes flight.
my top 10, in no particular order:
NYT ricotta pasta with roasted broccoli and crispy chickpeas (super simple but a great yummy pasta to make real quick for friends. I roasted the broccoli instead of broiling and added lots of extra lemon zest, garlic, red pepper flakes, and a tray of oven-roasted chickpeas)
moroccan vegetable tagine (i blended a bunch of recipes but the one linked was my starting point. this is the one form i like butternut squash in lol. modifications: i went heavy on all the spices but especially the cinnamon and cardamom, added chopped dried apricots to the stew for extra sweetness, and threw in a bunch of extra veggies. yum)
indian-ish nachos with cheddar, black beans and chutney (do NOT skip the multiple chutneys and sauces. it will seem like too much work you will say can't i just make one and be done with it but those sauces are where the magic lies. the great tragedy of these nachos is that i wanted to eat them for DAYS but they do not reheat well. but godddd they were good)
ottolenghi's green pancakes with lime butter (these are SO easy. great for brunch but also make delicious additions to your lunch for a couple days after. also it's a perfect way to eat a pound of spinach and feel very virtuous about it when really you just ate delicious jalapeno-y scallion pancakes. the lime butter is great but it's a lot of work so i usually just top these with some sour cream mixed with a lil bit of lime zest & lime juice)
cauliflower shawarma with spicy tahini sauce (YUM! the tahini sauce as written was too bitter for me with the cholula mixed in. i think i'd try it with sriracha next time so it was a little sweeter. i also added chickpeas yum)
roasted cauliflower daal with chickpeas (my notes say this was "OUTTA THIS WORLD DELICIOUS" but also note that it will "really clean you out GI-wise" lol. lentils always have that effect on me though so ymmv. i added bell pepper, roasted the cauliflower first, cooked the lentils most of the way soft in the rice cooker instead of on the stove, and added two chopped serrano peppers with seeds to give it a lil extra kick. i would recommend halving the recipe if you are cooking for one as there were TONS of leftovers and my GI system could not handle being cleansed that many times lol)
pasta with corn, tomatoes, "onion-bacon," and basil (this method of preparing onions really should not taste like bacon and yet it sort of does????? this was a summer recipe i made multiple times for a range of audiences and it was a hit every time. originally from the weekday vegetarians)
ottolenghi's very full roasted veggie tart (it will take you hours to make and no time at all to consume but oh my god it's so good and SUCH a satisfying way to spend a long weekend afternoon. liz and i loved this so much we had to have a serious sitdown to discuss how we would divvy up the leftovers because we felt it could seriously damage our friendship if one of us ate all of it)
bombay burritos (the little sauces and things take a long time to make but you can prep a lot of the stuff a day or two in advance and gosh these are so tasty!! the curried mashed potatoes YUM)
honorable mentions:
ottolenghi's mango soba noodles (skip the eggplant i'd do tofu or something instead)
braised tofu with basil (i made this with a veggie-loaded stir fry and topped it with a fried egg)
this carrot cake (it took forever to make but it was the best carrot cake i've ever had and the only thing i'll ever make on my bday from here on out). she also has a pumpkin cake recipe that is so good and much simpler to make (no grating required)
momofuku's ginger scallion tofu with crispy coconut rice (the recipe is for a shrimp version but we made it with tofu and it was very yummy. i made this at a friend's house and it was so good i wanted to ask to take home some of the leftovers but decided that was too rude ahaha)
and then of course i gotta give a shoutout to my #1 comfort foods this year, SHAKSHUKA (my beloved) + a caprese sandwich with balsamic glaze served on really good bread.
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invinciblerodent · 7 days
Does Iona embrace or reject the tadpole and it’s powers?
Ah, thank you for asking! ❤️ I'm about to lose my mind over this! ❤️
(Please excuse the disproportionately long rant ahead lol, I'll take any and every opportunity to ramble on about my favorite girl and Faerun's Most Unnecessarily Complicated Weasel-Woman.)
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The TL;DR short answer is kinda... neither??? Like ultimately, she rejected them, as was her intent from the beginning, but during the game, she was kind of in this limbo of neither accepting nor rejecting them for as long as possible.
Mechanically, she didn't use them (the tadpole powers, the illithid wisdom, nothing except for a couple very specific occasions- more on that later), but she also didn't quite tell the Emperor that he can take a long breath off a short staff until very, very late act 3.
Her game, it was very much one of duplicity and double-crossing. Iona, she's a very cautious woman, very cunning, and tends to be very mistrustful too: bluffing on instinct and keeping her cards so close to her chest that even she forgets what they were is a habit she had picked up through decades of lies and deceit, towards even those she considered her intimates. She likely wouldn't have trusted the Guardian even if it hadn't taken a face that resembles that of her ex-husband, but like this, save for some covert emotional turmoil on her part (thanks for that Emps), she just did not buy even a single word coming from his mouth.
(cont. under cut)
Her hiding herself behind a smiling face of a wall thick as it is tall, it... doesn't really jive well with a willingness to link minds with people I think, so she didn't make use of most of the in-game opportunities to do that.... lest the companions realize how much of what she had told them early on was just what they wanted to hear.
But, that kind of cunning and self-preservation instinct also kinda means that she doesn't like to explicitly cut off a potential escape route either, not until she knows for sure that it's a no-go: so she sort of strung the Emperor along, playing at being held back from "embracing her potential" by a typical, garden-variety fear (instead of the innate, living magic within her ringing constantly in her head at the very presence of the tadpole like a huge, screeching smoke alarm) for as long as possible.
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She toyed with the Emperor's willingness to accept that she's kind and weak and stupid (as many powerful people are willing to accept that about almost anyone), all the while she had no true intention of using the tadpole, trusting him, or of staying his ally once he ceased to be useful. But, until the very last moment, she played at a very cordial, friendly-or-even-more partnership with him- though lying to the entity literally inside her mind was not easy, this woman has deception expertise and uncanny good luck rolling for a reason lol.
I haven't hammered out the details of the precise timeline of act 3, but so far, she's been hoarding tadpoles in a small chest in camp, and I think that after the House of Hope (and the Emperor's very obvious manipulations, that no, she can trust him, she can totally trust him, honest, he's not even mad that she went to get the hammer, he's just disappointed that she doesn't trust him, sad squid face), she's going to steal away with it sometime during the night, and quietly destroy both the regular-, and the Astral-Touched tadpoles.
The Emperor is of course going to be furious (unsure yet if quietly, or VERY, VERY LOUDLY in a way that triggers a party-wide conversation once she gets back), and the jig is going to be up for sure. There will need to be a discussion (with either just Emps or everyone) that stretches all of Iona's persuasive muscles, but by that time, we'll be close enough to the endgame that neither she, nor the Emperor will have a choice but to continue relying on one another in this strained, mistrustful sort of capacity.
As for
~~The specific times she willingly used tadpole-powers~~,
(which is kind of a separate thing but indulge me please)
there are only like... four very specific instances I consider to be voluntary uses of it: three "canon" ones, and one headcanon.
Once in act 1, she used it to exert her will over the gnoll leader as sort of an experiment in cruelty, before they would have met the Guardian (it worked, and it kind of planted this seed in her mind that maybe this is something to keep in her back pocket, and not reject right away- she met Emps-as-Herric the next day, and that sent her for a spin)
Twice in act 2:
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once to reassure Wyll in front of Mizora without words, and this kind of softer use of the tadpole at Wyll's initiation was a very uncomfortably vulnerable moment for her: she participated willingly, but cut it as short as possible, and was later even annoyed with Wyll for a while for traipsing into her mind without her permission. (He could tell she wasn't happy with him, but he was polite enough to act like he couldn't- the DDR [Dance Dance Rejection] i think happened the next night.)
and another time in Ketheric's throne room, to kill the goblins (suffocation) as to not arouse suspicion in Z'rell. This was another experiment in cruelty, that, at this point, sort of strained a few relationships. (Specifically with Karlach, who is her best friend on her run, and I like to think that they got into a pretty bad fight over this.)
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And finally, the one headcanon instance in act 3, when, the morning after the graveyard scene with Astarion (after having chased each other through the empty streets, shoved each other into doorways for happy kisses, and finally shoved-dragged each other up onto the roof of the Elfsong to get some actual privacy).
Lying there together, she was struck by this incredible frustration with herself over not being able to find the words or the will to say them, and instead, she asked (or, more like, very urgently told) him to link minds with her, so she could show him exactly how she sees him, and (implicitly) also how she feels, in lieu of a verbal confession to match his own.
I mean, in my mind it's a kind of.... strange unity achieved through fulfilled love that, in my head, was foreshadowed by a lot of frustrations she has already felt with herself over not being able to get past herself, and let herself be known.
Overcoming herself, and linking with him wholly and willingly, it's almost -at the lack of a more fitting word- a mutual "penetration" of the very self: her boundary (of not being able to share herself) is pierced by them overcoming his boundary (of not being able to see himself, in both the physical and metaphysical sense).
For a moment that feels both fleeting and infinite, they're both holding, and inhabiting one another; and there, at the crack of the dawn after his metaphorical rebirth -smiling, satisfied, free, and bathed gloriously in the pink light of the rising sun that makes him look almost truly alive, with his own words ("I love you, I love this, I want it all") intertwined with her wordless love pulsing through their shared mind like a heartbeat- she can finally show him, and him alone, all that she is, and all that he means to her.
............... one of these things is not like the others i guess, lol.
........................................ so i guess, yeah, TL;DR2, she doesn't embrace them, or schnarf up any more than the one she already has, but, she IS willing to use the tadpole for casual cruelty, and/or soul-shattering moments of mutual recognition of one in the other, yeah.
...................................................................and also maybe sexy purposes.
It's probably not the most excellent idea in the world lore-wise, but it makes for such an excellent callback to the "You want to be known; to be tasted" line from Astarion's first romance scene????
I mean, the Themes????? and the Parallels??????? When that line is spoken, they don't KNOW each other at all, and are still stringing one another along with lies and deceit, but he FORESHADOWS the NOW when they DO know each other, more than anyone, to the degree that they're willing to share ALL THE DEEPEST, UGLIEST PARTS OF THEMSELVES and know that they're ACCEPTED IN THE OTHER, and they're FINDING COMFORT IN THAT MUTUAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE SELF, and in SHARING SENSATIONS AND EMOTIONS INFINITELY REFLECTED OFF ONE ANOTHER LIKE LIGHT TRAPPED IN A PRISM, come the FUCK ON, MAN
it like fucking writes itself
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ktarsims · 2 years
All About Style Backup Folders
So today, you get a funny story, but also Backup CC folders for AAS’s content for Sims3. First the links, then the story below the cut. (Priorities!) @danjaley​ gets the majority of the credit here for keeping track of things and I got all these links from her posts, but I wanted to put all the links together here.
Long story short: I just more than doubled the number of files in my AAS backup folder.
My AAS Backup Folder: http://simfileshare.net/folder/39495/ ChicVibes AAS Backup Folder: https://simfileshare.net/folder/39547/ (Hers is much better organized than mine, and has some things like patterns that mine is missing.) Danjaley’s AAS Edited historical content: https://danjaley.tumblr.com/post/625893149909352449/all-about-style-fixed-and-updated-outfits-here Danjaley’s WIP Previews for AAS content: https://danjaley.tumblr.com/tagged/allaboutstyle%20previews
And now for the funny story. 
You know how you’ll be going along in your tumblr dashboard and downloading things, re-blogging things, clicking like... and then you come across something to download that’s A LOT and you say, ‘not right now, I’ll keep this tab open and do this later’. So a week or so ago I did that with a backup folder of AAS content, after checking that I didn’t have most of it installed or in my ‘filed by creator’ folders.
This last Friday evening, I decided to download everything from that backup folder. I got perhaps a third of the way through the folder when I ran into a couple of files that wouldn’t download and instead gave error messages. So I thought I should send a note to whoever owned that folder to let them know a couple of the downloads weren’t working. I scrolled up to the top of the page and found... my own name.
It gets even better though. I spent over an hour searching for the files that I must CLEARLY have somewhere on my computer before I found them in a ‘to be installed’ folder on a backup drive. And then I had a new quandary. My backup folder on Simfileshare had about 248 files in it... but my folder on the computer had 598 files in it. UM.... ???? 
So I replaced the two files that weren’t downloading properly from my backup folder. Then I set about sorting the files into what was uploaded and what wasn’t. In the process, I found a file that had been uploaded in duplicate. (Fun fact: Simfileshare WILL let you upload two files of the exact same name to the same folder.) And I also found 3 files that were uploaded that didn’t seem to be on my computer... -_-;; At this point.. I’m like... ‘HOW did I manage to mess this up so much?’ 
C'est la vie!
So I finally got everything sorted out... the final count is 602 files, and I uploaded the rest of the AAS files I have to my backup Simfileshare folder. I have some stuff to install now... 
Edit: Apparently I lied. I found two more files somewhere else, so the final count is 604. I can’t with myself. WTH Ktar.
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natalie-k-pan · 3 years
10 Ways the Loki show Disappointed Me
part two
6) The trailer was misleading advertising. Marvel’s done it in the past with little to no backlash:
Iron Man 3 presenting the Mandarin as the ultimate foe for Tony to defeat, only to find out he’s a charlatan in a minor role.
Falcon and Winter Soldier was presented as a light-hearted buddy adventure, only to tackle darker themes about nationalism and racism. (Not saying that those themes were bad, just that the TFAWS’s trailer was not truthful to the story).
In the case of Loki, the trailer presented the plot as Loki making time-traveling shenanigans and being captured for breaking the timeline. They included the D.B Cooper clip, and the scenes of Loki in New York and as king in Asgard. These clips never show up in season 1. The D.B Cooper scene was a off-the-cuff moment, and the highly-anticipated (imo) President Loki was around for five minutes.
The trailer shows the storyline being about Loki breaking the timeline, with Mobius saying in a voiceover, “You picked up the tesseract, breaking reality. I want you to help us fix it.”
Marvel’s publicity team knew what story we would want to see from the character. And that’s not what we got: it was a mix of Loki tagging along with Sylvie to take down the Timekeepers, and detective-esque  scenes of trying to overthrow the TimeKeepers. 
It was never about Loki having an adventure, breaking the timeline, and having to fix it.
There’s a difference between having scenes that don’t make it into the final product, between not revealing enough of the story to spoil plot twists...and deliberately choosing certain scenes and quotes  to present a false version of the story.
I guess Marvel was worried that no one would watch it if they showed us the real product.
7)    Loki’s powers were wildly inconsistent, especially compared to what we’ve seen before.
In the past, we’ve seen Loki do illusions, duplication casting and in Thor 2, some very light telekinesis. After hearing of his mother’s death, he throws several pieces of furniture in into the cell walls with his mind. This is after losing the person who probably mattered most to him at the time, and feeling responsible for her death--it’s a powerful move showing his magical capabilities.
In the show, in Episode 3 we see him pull a Roomba towards himself in order to use it as a shield during a fight--pretty in-line with what we saw in the Dark World.
One episode later, an entire flipping tower is falling towards them, and he reverses it with his mind alone.
It was in the face of death, you say. Of course he was going to pull some cool new magical move.
Sure. In the face of death, I could see him jumping from throwing chairs to something heavier, like maybe a crumbling wall or a fruit stand.
He’s never done anything on that scale magically. In episode 2, he got tossed around by a (human) Alabama man. Why would he not use that move to bring the roof crumbling down if he was fighting for his life then?
So he’s got massive telepathic power when a building is falling but can’t use it in a fight against regular people.... okay?
Honestly, due to the fact that they’ve weakened him so much, and when Loki said, “I think we’re stronger than we realize”, I’m betting Season 2 will include Loki discovering the extent of his magical powers. 
 I don’t like this idea because again, it contradicts the previous canon. In Thor 1, Hogun literally calls Loki a “master of magic”. He went toe-to-toe with Thor and the Avengers and now can’t beat regular humans. A thousand+ year old being unaware of his own untapped potential doesn’t seem correct (yeah, they did that with Thor in Ragnarok, I know).
This Loki’s power levels jump up and down according to the plot, trying to make us believe that due to his spoiled past, Loki needs to apply himself to learn more about his powers.
 8)  Loki was out of character.
His lying and scheming was way too obvious. I was incredibly confused the first couple of episodes because it would be strange how he would be a pathetic buffoon  one minute and yet The only moment I was sold on his competence as a liar was episode 2 at the renaissance fair where he attempts to fool  the TVA. He was actually competent for once, but he gets caught, and goes into apologizing and sucking up 30 seconds later.   
He gets drunk when they’re on the mission on Lamentis. This didn’t make sense--when he was trying to conquer Earth, he had the opportunity to also goof off and he’s always been shown to take things seriously, with the exception of Ragnarok.                                                 
The “I’m a narcissist” scene. While Loki is the type to crave attention--in Avengers, Tony calls him a diva who wants his name plastered to the skies--it comes from a place of feeling overshadowed, never able to match his brother Thor.  Which we can see has some basis:
In Thor 1, his adopted parents raised him to hate his race,
lied to him about it,
 and when he was hanging over an wormhole, his father finally rejected him.
In Avengers, Thor tells him in  that his slights are “imagined”. 
 Thor 2, his adopted father told him his “birthright was to die”.
While it doesn’t excuse his actions in Thor and Avengers, it’s pretty clear that his family, particularly his father, have let him down.
So to make him experience character development and understand why he does what he does...the writers took him back to Asgard, and had Sif beat him up repeatedly until he admits he does terrible things because he’s a...narcissist.
It was pretty hard to watch that scene, especially because I related to Loki as someone who felt overshadowed and overlooked. He tried too hard to be what his family wanted, to show that he was “the worthy son”.
But here in the fantastic year of 2021, this show decided to throw away all of that emotional nuance away.
 9) The costumes were bad.
The brown variant jacket with its ugly orange block letters.
The guard suit on Lamentis looked like a cross between a purple sweater and a plague doctor mask. honestly makes me shuder to see it
Loki’s green-and-gold costumes are some of the most distinct, instantly recognizable outfits of the MCU. And he almost immediately loses it in the first episode. It ends being given to Sylvie, (like most of Loki’s better characteristics) and he stays in a detective skinny-tie suit instead. The costume is okay, but it lacks the flair and style he’s had previously, and he never gains it back.
10) The season finale really did showcase this show in the best way-- ig hype followed by disappointment.
For five episodes, we rushed towards the ultimate villain, the mastermind behind it all. Episode 6 was like...being handed a pack of bubble wrap, swinging your hand hard, expecting that satisfying pop! only to have it slowly putter out with a sad little sound.
First, Kang looked like he got his costume from Party City. The purple cape isn’t doing him any favors. Then, the man sat there and monologued for forty minutes, making jokes, telling us how he set the plot up, and how the multiverse worked.
 I know Marvel gets flack for there always being an CGI climactic action scene, but…they had 6 episodes leading up to the Big Bad, and for it to end that anticlimactically with a man in a Party City purple cape was a letdown. The finale had no menace, no teeth. In the words of Mobius, it was just…talkie-talkie.
All in all, this show really suffered from ignoring Loki’s past, where he would realistically be emotionally-wise, and a lack of focus on its title character’s development. Settings and costumes being better/unique would be also be nice, especially given its popularity. At the end of the day, I don’t see the character I empathized so strongly with in this show.
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tsuki-chibi · 3 years
Marichat May Day 30: Trust
This story is a sequel to my Marinette March and Adrinette April stories; I highly recommend reading those first.
You can also read this story on AO3: Cloudburst
Chloé Bourgeois just looked at her, seemingly unfazed by Licorne’s shock. Her hair was still tied back in the braid from earlier, but now some blue strands had fallen free to frame her face. Somehow, she looked older and wiser than she ever had before.
“I take it you know me. I was wondering why you were asking me about Adrien that day,” Chloé said.
“I… uh…” Licorne didn’t even know what to say.
Out of all the people who could have been underneath that hood, Chloé was probably at the very bottom of the list. Licorne actually wondered if she was dreaming. But when she blinked a couple of times, Chloé was still there. The cloak had fallen open, revealing that she had the Butterfly miraculous pinned to the collar of her shirt.
“Are you okay? You went really pale,” Griffe said, watching Licorne with concern. Fluff, who was sitting on Licorne’s shoulder, gave her a none-too-gentle pinch as a hint.
“I was just – I didn’t expect someone so young,” Licorne said, trying to pull herself together.
“I’m your age,” Chloé pointed out.
“Yeah, but my guardian… well, our last guardian… he was very old. I guess I assumed your guardian would be too,” Licorne explained.
Griffe and Chloé looked at each other for a moment.
Then Griffe said, “Chloé wasn’t the only guardian. We had another…” His expression shut down, and Licorne got the feeling that the story wasn’t a nice one. Probably something similar to what had happened to Master Fu, no doubt.
“So I’m not the guardian in your time, then,” Chloé said quietly.
“No… you’re not,” Licorne said, realizing that she had effectively backed herself into a corner on that one.
Which meant Chloé was now assuming she was either dead or had lost all her memories in the future.
Good going, Marinette.
“So you want to borrow our Ladybug miraculous,” Chloé said, crossing her arms over her chest. It was such an obvious change of subject that Licorne was tempted to call them on it but decided not to. Fabricating a story to make Chloé feel better in the moment wasn’t going to help.
“Yes, I do. And I really don’t think there’s too much concern about a miraculous crossing timelines. Right, Fluff?” Licorne said.
Fluff took a moment to answer. Finally, she said, “It can be dangerous to have two duplicate miraculous in the same timeline for too long of a time, but Licorne only needs to borrow your Ladybug miraculous for a short period of time. Plus, our Ladybug miraculous isn’t working the way it should be right now. So there shouldn’t be any danger to our time.”
“But what about our time? The Black Cat miraculous can become unsteady without the Ladybug miraculous around to balance it,” Chloé said, and Licorne realized that Chloé must have been talking to the Fluff of this world before she’d met with them.
At least that explained why Fluff hadn’t lied. Fluff must have realized that her alternate universe counterpart would’ve been honest about the dangers with a guardian. So Chloé would’ve immediately realized that Fluff had been lying, and that would’ve destroyed whatever trust Licorne had managed to build up with Griffe.
“That’s true,” Fluff said slowly. “However, it would take a while for that to happen. Longer than we’d need the miraculous for.”
“I could always use another miraculous if I had to,” Griffe said.
Chloé put her hands on her hips. “Where was that attitude the last time I asked you to put on the Dog miraculous to help me experiment?”
Griffe scoffed at her. “I’m a cat, thank you very much. I do not, and will not, use that miraculous.”
Licorne had to bite back a laugh.
“Luckily, there are half a dozen other miraculous that I could use,” Griffe went on. “Most of them aren’t as useful when it comes to dealing with demons, but they’re not terrible either. I think we would be okay.”
Chloé sighed. “I just don’t know. It’s not that I don’t want to help you, but –” She looked genuinely torn, and Licorne felt a flash of sympathy for her.
She knew exactly what it was like to be shoved into the guardian’s shoes and expected to have to make some really heavy decisions. Guilt curdled in her stomach, hot and sour, over the realization that she was the one putting Chloé into that position right now. And all over some lies, no less.
Damn Hawkmoth.
Really. Damn him to hell.
When she came to return the Ladybug miraculous, she would tell them the truth, Licorne decided. It was the only promise that she could make, and she couldn’t even say it out loud right now – but she was making it in her heart, whether they knew it or not.
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tellywoodtrash · 3 years
Hi TT,
I'm so glad that your lbs are back🥳🥳.
So much has happened in immj2 land after the vihaan track.Your lbs were the only source of immj2 for me..so when u stopped the lbs at the point where vihaan was revealed to be vansh only and he started playing mind games and revenge revenge with a clueless ridhima...Uske baad kya hua till the events in this lb I have no idea.So can you pls do a KAHANI AB TAK from the point where the lbs were on hold till now?
Hi hi!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖
Oh boy, tbh, this show is bonkers crazy and I don’t know how to sensibly explain what the fuck went down, but I shall tryyyyyyy:
Ok so we left off at Vansh telling Riddhima to murder Kabir. She obviously can’t do it coz she’s a weakass bitch (warna kab ka Vansh ko hi maar deti uske anginnath chutiyaape ke liye............) Kabir gloats about it to Vansh and also lets slip that they were in a relationship before she came into V’s life, and how he’s just not fated for love, is he. Vansh gets hella mad at this and instead of going to therapy about it like a normal person, decides ki I have to get revenge from Riddhima for this. They go on some dhaarmic vacation where he abandons her and when she finally makes her way back everyone’s like “Hein tum kaun????????????/ Vansh ki biwi toh Ahaana hai.” So basically Riddhima; whose whole identity is just being Vansh’s wife; ka account deactivate ho jaata hai, like Trump’s twitter. Siya meanwhile starts yelling in her coma for Riddhima Bhaabi, so Vansh has to let R stay. There’s some stupidass competitions and shit between her and Ahaana and R is finally like ok you know what I’ve had enough of this and leaves. Siya finally wakes tf up and tells everyone the truth. V like OHNOE!!!!!!! I’M A DUMBASS!!!!!!! (yeah, we know.) and runs behind R and stops her from leaving. R usse bhi badi buddhu and actually gets back together with this fucking crazy man and his nonsense family. Ab aata hai track where Kabir starts sending Riddhima clues about her past and R finds that her parents didn’t actually abandon her at the anaath-ashram but actually died in some accident. She finds that around the saaaaaaaaame time, teenage V was in juvie. Snooping around, snooping around, as per usual she wants to know if V’s connected to her parents. Because no one taught her ki correlation =/= causation. V plans elaborate second shaadi to keep her from snooping but Riddhima apni multitasker max hai! Manages to get through 4098340239480 shaadi rituals and also do her jasoosi, finds out he was in juvie for a car accident that killed a couple. V lies to everyone that the couple he actually killed was Kabir’s dad and aunt. Yeh sunke K ki khisak jaati hai, but then he actually overhears V and Ishani talking ki that was a lie and it was Ishani who killed Riddhima’s parents and V took the blame for her. Kabir doesn’t like being taken for a fool and is like bitch imma burn this shit to the ground now and get my girl back too. Meanwhile V is having issues with his diamond smuggly business and is like “omg I have such a dangerous line of work I can never have a family of my own.” Well, yeh khayaal thoda late aaya coz guess who’s been regularlyyyyyyyy tapping it without wrapping it??????? Yeah, this dumbass who doesn’t want kids. K ka dariya dil is like “arre waah ek se saath ek muft muft muft? I want R and baby also!” V is a pissyass bitch about R getting pregnant as if she did it all on her own with no contribution from him. Anyway, thanks to his diamond smuggling fuckery someone shoots during a family event and Ishani loses her baby. Not the best time for everyone to find out R is pregnant, and people start trying to murder her and baby. Someone keeps sending her warning letters about it tho. K keeps saving her ass and V is just like meh who cares, mereko toh bas apni padi hai. AnuMom makes a comeback here and adds to the fuckery and K is like SO HELP ME GOD, DON’T YOU HURT MY GIRL AND BABY, and she’s like “hein yeh kya ho gaya, I was literally not here for a few weeks and ladka haath se nikal gaya.” Anyway, long story short, turns out it was the random uncle (Aryan’s dad who shows up only once in 6 months) who was looking out for R and baby and saving them via warning notes. For that nek kaam, AnuMom murders the fuck outta him. Tbh by this point I stopped even keeping up with the show and someall fuckery happens with the diamonds and all, but at some point V realises ki “oh mere ko bhi chahiye apna crotch-goblin” and accepts the consequences of his non-condom wearing actions. By this point Kabir is trying to get the diamonds and the girl + baby and idk man.......... Kuch ka kuch ho jaata hai and they all end up in a forest where Kabir seems to have murdered V (but he’s saved by AnuMom who’s like FRIENDSHIP ENDED WITH KABIR, NOW VANSH IS MY BEST SON) , and is all ready to marry R but V comes outta nowhere and haathapaai ensues and this leads to V/R jumping off a cliff and hiding but he gets shot and sends Riddhima off to safety.
Now we’ve moved to Voot. V wakes up 6-7 hours later in the forest to find Angre there; Angre says R is home and sent him to come get him. V comes home to find new and improved Riddhima who is veryyyyyyy horny all the time (not unheard of with pregnancy hormones.) Meanwhile entry of sasta!Vansh who R has some deal with and she keeps doing shit like steal the diamonds for him and some khaandani rifle (they keep calling it a “SNIPER RIFLE” but it legit looks like Vasco De Gama ki gun from Andaz Apna Apna.) Dadi on the other hand has turned into this major Gangster Grandma who’s ruthless as fuck and is all about the Raisinghania naam and power and mafia business or whatever and she’s like I can’t take it how V and R are fucking up the name of the fam for their do takke ka manhoos pyaar, I want them murdered, esp. R. V finds out that sasta!V’s wife (whom he claims to have murdered) looks exactly like Riddhima and is now convinced ki yeh jo mere ghar mein hai is a duplicate, and they have kidnapped my real pregnant wife. Anyway, he’s like fine Dadi, I’ll murder R for the khaandaan. Takes her to the jungle and shoots her in front of Aryan. But V is puraana paapi who is expert in making it look like he’s murdered the love interest of the season and hiding them from the whole world, so yeah............... Keeps R in some room somewhere and interrogates her every day but she’s like OMG *I’m* your wife, dumbass. Udhar Siya’s traumatised by bhaiyya’s wife-murdering ways and is now falling for sasta!Bhaiyya and gotten a makeover and discovered teenage rebellion; while Ishani’s realized how hot her husband is and is constantly wanting to sex him. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now the non-Rrahul dude has gotten COVID irl, so I guess he’ll be off the show for a bit, and my cyuuutoooo Kabir (who’s being kept captive somewhere by Riddhima????) will finally be back? One can hope. I miss Kabir and this show is absolutely nothing without him.
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malfoymuch · 4 years
somebody else [draco malfoy]
Pairing; Ex! Draco x Reader, Harry Potter x Reader 
Genre; Angst and fluff (a bit dramatic too, honestly)
Word Count; 3k+
Request; @braelynn-j Could you do an imagine loosely based off of lyric “I don’t want your body but I hate to think about you with someone else.” By the 1975. Like maybe the reader and Draco just broke up and to get him angsty she starts canoodling with Harry and Draco gets upset and confronts her or something. Idk. Do whatever you want. You’ll make it great no matter what you do 😌💕
Summary: Draco and you had left the relationship as a “couple” on a good note. But now that you’re confirmed to be with Harry after just two weeks, Draco doesn’t understand really why he feels “lonely.” This fic is geared towards Draco, and his self-like journey to what he truly desires...
A/N: First off, thank you so much for the request, love !! I’m sorry it took a bit of time, I wanted to try and create a way for it to be more original and express the emotions that are lacked rather than the person, as they split. However, I must tell you that Draco and the reader DO NOT get back together as a couple, because I didn’t really that would be best throughout the story. I took a bit of my own little spin on the lyrics, so I apologize if this wasn’t really what you expected. 
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     His eyes dropped to the corner of the desk, noting each curve of wood and crack of the platform, including the interesting textures of the wall near it. Lately, Draco had been much more observant through his everyday life, whether it may be staring off into space or a casual conversation with a classmate. 
     Noticing the world around him, and people’s tendencies. As they lie or slither in a small insult. How they present themselves, or how they act when they are happy. The casual nose crunch, eye crinkles, the curve of one’s mouth as they express emotion. 
     It seemed Draco had lived in a completely different world. Much more keen to the world he had not been so consciously aware of. It made him set a much more barricaded version of himself, a much more attentive adaptation of himself. 
     Now, not all aspects of it were bad. But the more he noticed, the more lonely he realized he’d become. 
     Some would already say when a couple splits it gets quite lonely, perhaps even worse than it was before. The longing for them again, the regret of letting go-- of how it ended. 
     But for Draco, he didn’t quite know. It seemed that he wasn’t really knowledgeable when it came to feelings, especially ones that weren’t conveyed often. Draco’s relationship with you hadn’t even been an uproar of much, just the mutual understanding that things weren’t going well-- and that the pressure may have been overbearing at this point in time.  
     So regretting the way he let you go was out of the picture, because he felt proud that he hadn’t just snapped and screamed… but listened and gave a response when it was his time… like you taught him. 
     No. No, it had to be a different reason. 
     It had only been two weeks, and to be honest, he wasn’t in the best condition. He kept a distance from the world, a safe one. A noticeable barrier that everyone must endure, and if they managed to break it down-- they’d earned his trust. 
     He’d done it before. 
     And you passed. Without knowing, or doubtful of what was to come afterward, you did it-- knowing he needed someone. 
     So… maybe that’s what angered him, and made him feel lonely. And the rumors of you canoodling with Harry-- and moving on so quickly, made him feel more alone. Harry, he was an okay-type of lad. He wasn’t exactly the worst, but not the greatest… 
     He didn’t want to know the things you did with Harry. He didn’t care, honestly. It was the fact that since you left, it was just a presence missing, a feeling missing… perhaps reassurance? Hope? 
     A sense of belonging… 
     Draco didn’t want to get back together (or at least, that’s how he felt), he wasn’t heartbroken like the entire Hogwarts student body envisioned him-- in fact, it just gave him a new reality of how empty being a Malfoy was… how isolated he is, suffocating every corner he turned-- new faces to see, new people to meet and make an incredible impression on, more responsibility? 
     For the first time in a long while, Draco had finally felt the weight carrying him down, by everyone around him. 
     How easy it was for his family to convince him to be the new heir, molding him as if he was a piece of clay. It was only so many tries before the clay started to harden… and crack. 
     But when you came in, it was he was a fresh new canvas. A newly created, lively young boy, eager for both you and the world. It gave him a purpose, to know that someone had taken the time to appreciate him as a whole-- someone he knew that if he broke down, would piece him back together, and vice versa. 
     So, in a sense, he didn’t like the fact that Potter now had that chance. And he didn’t. And it angered him more at the mere thought that Potter might only think of you as a source of comfort for a short timespan. Who knows, maybe he did brew feelings in the last two weeks and did take it seriously?
     He wasn’t a jealous ex, or at least, he doesn’t think he is. Because he knew you were happy with Harry, and that was fine. Draco wasn’t dying to have your body next to his, but much rather, your words. 
     He had lost one of the best, major influencers in his life… it may be a bit dramatic, but he certainly thought so. So yes, he was upset. He was very much upset, to see you move on so quickly, and be happy. 
     But in the end, there was nothing he could do. He was satisfied enough the things didn’t blow up in front of his face, so that was that… wasn’t it? 
     “Draco? Are you all right, mate?” Blaise Zabini questioned, nudging his shoulder against Draco’s, making his head spike up from the desk. 
     “Did you say something? Sorry, wasn’t listening…” he mumbled back, his eyes soon trailing to the corner where you were talking to Harry and his friends, laughing and smiling brightly. 
     “I was asking you how long has it been since you’ve last eaten… you look like a ghost buddy… you should probably go get rest or head to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey can get a good look at you--” 
     “I’m perfectly fine…” Draco groaned, leaning his head back down on the desk, ignoring the spinning of his head. 
     “Mate, do you ever know how stupid you look? You look like you’re on the verge of passing out… you can’t ever keep your head up can you?” 
     “I said I’m fine… belt up,” he dragged out the vowels, placing his forehead against the cold temperature of the wood, breathing in sharply. 
     “You don’t have to be so uptight about it,” Zabini huffed, “I was just asking you a question… it’s not my fault you’re all hung up over (Y/N)--” 
     Suddenly Draco grabbed the collar of his robes, pulling him from his seat, his eyes blazing. Draco ignored the sudden pause of everyone’s movements, their attention now directly on his as his grip tightened, tugging his “friend” closer. 
     “The reason I’m like this isn’t because of (Y/N), all right? Get it through that thick skull of yours that my life doesn’t revolve around a single person, and no one does for you either. So quit being a pompous ass and hold your tongue, before I chop it off,” Draco demanded, shoving him roughing into his seat. As he did so, his eyes darted towards the classroom, and his eyes immediately stared into yours. 
     His mind felt hazy, his vision clouded as it began to lighten and see duplicates of everything. All he could vaguely see was a hand jumped out towards him, with the sound of someone calling out: “Draco!” 
     Draco woke up with a nasty pain in his lower back, groaning as a headache had also taken force. His eyes screwed shut for a good while, the sunlight blinding him momentarily, the rays shooting him down. He laid back onto the bed, cussing under his breath as he knew where he was. 
     Hogwart’s bloody hospital wing… 
     In an attempt to spring from the bed and leave before being noticed, he felt a hand resting on his, and his mouth turned dry. There, dozed off beside him on the bed… was you. 
     But why? 
     You had Harry. Harry and a bunch of other friends that you could’ve seen, spent time with, instead of being next to him. Cuddling up next to your new boy as you shared a series of laughs with, telling jokes about your past… so why were you with him? 
     An ex, his ex, laying next to him, in such a godly uncomfortable position. Your back so badly hunched over, arm under your to provide a sliver of comfort to the awkward way your body was caving. Unknowingly, his hand flipped over, holding yours, his thumb rubbing small circles on yours-- a small gesture he had always done, for both you and him. 
     “I don’t think I miss being boyfriend and girlfriend with you,” he started, not knowing what had gotten over him. One of his spurs of the moment. “Perhaps I’m saying this because I found out you were with Potter… and to be honest, I was not the happiest man in the world when I found out. But I’m happy for you-- so why do I still feel lonely?” 
     “I think… I think I’ve finally noticed just how easy the world seemed to be, with you in it. Maybe this whole time, you were a distraction? In a good way, from the world? And… and when you left… I don’t know what happened? I’ve noticed so many more things than I noticed before…? Like just how much a prick people were, and how Zabini seems to lies through his teeth until he ever so slightly flares his nose? Or how Pansy right eye crinkles more than other? I don’t know where I��m going with this…” he chuckled, his throat hoarse, but he pressed on. 
     “I don’t know what’s going with me, but maybe, after our splitting… it’s helped. And I won’t deny that I do miss you, but of course, I wouldn’t really manage to voice it out loud, though I think you’re well aware of my glances from across the classroom. You’re happy with Potter, rebound or not, I’m okay with it. Because it means that you’re glad, and that’s all I’ve ever wanted…” a sniffle came from Draco, and another laugh passed through his throat. 
     “Oh great, I’m getting all emotional… and you’re not even up, I’ve gotten so emotional it’s rather irritating. I won’t ever tell you this while you’re awake, but thank you, for everything. Another thing I did learn from all of this, is that I should probably eat, I’m starting to get frightened of myself with how bad I managed to look.” He smiled brightly, looking down at you. 
     A small smile passed through your lips as you softly giggled, and Draco’s immediately dropped. 
     “Bloody hell, you were awake? The whole time? The whole time? You didn’t bother to say anything ‘till now?” He jeered, his mind blown that he had confessed his feelings, and you heard everything. “And why are you even here? Shouldn’t you be with your boyfriend? Potter?” 
     “You know, you don’t have to be so grown-up all the time? It’s okay to tell me about these kinds of things, especially when they concern me?” You teasingly taunted, cracking your neck from your position as you raised a brow. 
     “You sound like you’ve had a sudden awakening of the world, and I don’t know if that’s exactly great… And I came here because you weren’t doing well, Harry can manage on his own.” You rolled your eyes, dismissively raising your hand in the air as you laughed. “I wanted to check up on you, and to talk to you.” 
     “There’s nothing really left to talk about,” Draco stated, shrugging. “I’ve said everything I wanted to say.” 
     “But I didn’t.” You replied smoothly, scooching over more towards Draco, taking your hand in his again. “I know we’ve ended things, and I’ve… fairly quickly went to Harry. But do know it was because he offered me emotional support, and I need to know if you have that too, Draco.” 
     Draco’s heart pounded in his chest and your words and then sank. Plummeted. 
     No. He thought. Of course, he didn’t have someone to talk to… you were that person he thought always would, and could. 
     “Of course,” Draco laughed, neglecting the brewing feeling within him, “I’ve always managed… this time will be no different.” 
     “It is different, Draco. The difference is you’ve been skipping on meals or having occasional blackouts, and honestly, I blame myself for you being like this every day,” you said, starting to tear up. Draco instantly leaned forward, wiping the small droplets. 
     “How is this your fault? We both ended it on a good note, (Y/N). Honestly, I’m amazed we did--” 
     “Draco, did you want to end the relationship?” 
     “Yes, it would’ve been best for both of us. We were having a fallout. We were slowly losing it a bit with everything going on, it was the best option--” 
     “Draco, who have you talked to, since we’ve broken up?” Draco’s mouth creased into a frown as he huffed. 
     “I’ve talked to multiple people! There’s Zabini, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle…” 
     “No, Draco. I mean who have you talked to, all of this.” You gestured to his red face and puffy eyes. “Who have you talked to, about all your emotions, Draco? Draco, do you have someone to talk to?”
     Draco’s head hanged low as he stared at the bedsheets, his eyes moving anywhere but yours. No. 
     His hand clasped yours as he stared deeply into your eyes, mouth tugging into a small smile. 
     “I’m doing okay now, (Y/N). And I will be, now that I’ve talked to you about it… though I thought you were asleep,” he ruffled your hair. “But do know, if Potter tries something I’ll duff him up a bit, y’know… as friends. One friend to another.” A small cough passed through your lips as you shook your head, your smile still growing. 
     “Well, if you ever need me, Draco. I’ll be there, especially now. Because now I need to make sure you eat.” You mocked, pinching his hand a little, shocking him as he let out a painful laugh. “Oh, knock it off, alright? I learned my lesson…” His voice dragged out, before his eyes soon lowered to his hands intertwined with yours. 
     “You should probably get back to Potter, he’ll be worried soon… visiting hours are technically over soon--” 
     “You sure are quick to try and get rid of me, aren’t you?” The question was meant to come off as a joke, however, Draco seemed startled. 
     “No! It’s not anything like that… you have your own life, and other people in it. Besides, we’re not together--” 
     “Doesn’t mean I can’t be there for you, right?” You reasoned, bending down to try and meet his eyes once more. “I may be Potter, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t there for each other. You haven’t lost me, Draco. I still care, whether we’re together or not.” The right side of Draco’s lips shifting up, tilting his head to the side as he spared you a glance. 
     “I don’t think Potter will be happy with that, I wouldn’t really be.” 
     “Who cares what Potter thinks? Or anyone else? As long as both of us know that it’s nothing like that, does it matter?” 
     “I guess not,” Draco laughed, his arms raising up as an act of surrender. “But I will not be responsible if he gets slugged out of the blue.” A surprised gasp was heard as you tackled Draco, slapping him (not harshly) on his shoulder and chest. 
     “I don’t him hurt… unless he deserved it,” you whispered the last part, barely audible. Draco’s eyes grew as he leaned a bit closer, smirking. 
     “What? What was that? I don’t think I heard you correctly,” he teased, his hands coming up to grasp your shoulders gently, leaning in. Your face flushed in embarrassment as you covered your face, shoving him away from you. 
     “Nothing! I said nothing!” 
     “Ya right,” Draco muttered, his hand tickling you to your side, making a loud gasp and a series of laughs to follow through. This continued for a few moments more before you had enough. 
     “Alright alright! I said if he deserves it you can do it…” you said frustrated, punching him in the air as you rolled off the bed and back into the little stool. 
     “I’ll make sure he deserves it first, and then make sure he knows he deserved it,” both of you laughed as he attempted to say it in his an intimidating voice. Leaning against his pillow, silence ensued as he stared at you. And the gears in his head turning again. 
     For a long time, it seemed that Draco had kept himself in the dark, hidden from most. But you were there, for him. 
     No, he didn’t miss your “couple” relationship with him. He didn’t need the hand-holding, kisses, or any real contact from your body. Not like that, at least. 
     It was just the feeling… the feeling of feeling at home, for once. The thought of knowing someone was always there, beside you, to emotionally give you support. It was in a way, a sense of belonging, not to the person, but the world. 
     There are all different types of relationships, Draco learned. Friendship can be just as powerful or more than having a spouse, because the love is still there… but maybe it’s overlooked.
     Because in the end, both relationships are founded on love, respect, and caring. 
     Being with someone as a couple and being with them now as a friend gave Draco much more insight than he could ever imagine. About his friends, the world around him, his family. He didn’t need to completely break ties with you, after it all, he would just be as he always had--
     Draco didn’t need you to come to back to him. He didn’t want to “win” you over from Potter. As he said, it was a mutual ending of the relationship… being together in that sense just wasn’t working. But it seemed to have that type of friend might last. One that was always there for each other. 
     And Draco was perfectly okay with that. He didn’t need to hold you in his arms romantically, cuddling and professing your love to each other. 
     No, he just needed a friend. 
     The thought of you with somebody else, now, was fine. 
     Because you could be with somebody else, in that type of relationship, but at the end of the day, he knew he still had you. 
     (Y/N) (L/N), both his ex and best friend. 
    And he wouldn’t have it any other way, at the end of the day. 
Hey!! Hope you enjoyed the story. For this one, I think I just really wanted to put in detail that Draco’s desire wasn’t exactly their relationship as a couple, but the relationship of feeling at ease, and at home. I wanted to express (though I think I did kind of poorly) just how important a friend could be, one you could trust, much more than simply having a significant other. It’s the mutual understanding of one another, and supporting them through everything they do. 
It also brought me to the part where couples who split can still be friends, and sometimes that type of “love” just doesn’t work, but another one can rise. In this case, Draco seemed lost and disgusted more of the fact that he had thought he lost that feeling of home, and Harry becoming (Y/N)’s new sense of a home. Where in reality, he realizes being open and confronting her opened his eyes. I didn’t want them to end up together in the end ‘cause I didn’t think it would feel right, but for them to grow by accepting that they’ve split, and Draco’s just longed for someone to understand him rather than a partner. 
I hoped you enjoyed it!! This probably has to be one of my favorite written pieces, strictly because I didn’t make them end up together in the end. And targeted Draco’s emotions in a piece rather than the reader. Thank you once again !! 
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imagine-loki · 4 years
The Slutty Webs One Weaves
Title : The Slutty Webs one Weaves
Chapter NO. 8
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki’s Asgardian wife learns women write fanfiction about him on a trip to Midgard. She’s edgy for the duration and lets him have it when they get back.
Author: lokilover9
Rating: M
Pepper returned from the lobby to an edgy Tony. "Was Hannah down there? What took you so long to answer your phone?"
"No and I was talking to someone."
"You stalled to make new friends? I worried you were dragging said witch up here in a headlock."
"Wrong. Is Loki still consoling Brianna?"
Pepper dropped a mini bomb and Tony disconcertedly sighed. "He isn't going to like this." The couple appeared at the guest room door. "Hey, Little Warrior. Feeling any better?"
She nodded.
"Badass and I wondered if you'd stick around. Maybe Daddikins can conjure Mario Kart? I miss you kicking my tushy."
Virginia's nervous smile had Loki encouraging it and once Tony had Brianna distracted, they slipped out of sight. She conveyed returning to the Tea shop, claimed Hannah resembled an old friend and asked which direction she'd gone in. The cashier said she did a double take at something in the lobby, appeared as though seeing a ghost and dashed towards the hotel exit without her purchases.
Loki's face became a storm of tumultuous emotions and she startled when a snap of his fingers conjured a book.
"Should I have said nothing?"
He cynically chuckled, scanning the title pages. "Ever thought your God in heaven found amusement in bombarding your life with fuckery, like the Norn's do mine? The arm of his celestial robe hanging high while he mockingly inspires you with a goblet of mead? 'Rise up, Homes. I'm off for a shag with Mary.'"
"All Midgardians have."
"Have all dragged their only friends into Alice's fucking wonderland where the big bad wolf keeps hounding at the door? Excuse me, I'm intertwining fairy tales."
"Probably half. Are you okay?"
"Right as rain, girlfriend. Right, found it. I haven't used this spell on a child and need the right measurement of ingredients."
She nervously stumbled over a pair of small shoes. "A 'spell???'"
"To make Brianna sleep. Shhh. I must concentrate."
She watched, dazzled, as tiny bottles appeared mid air and part of their contents emptied into his cupped palm. Moving it in a circular motion, they combined like fluid sand, glowed a soft white, then faded into transparent flakes as the book and bottles vanished.
"Calmly return to the main room with me?"
They did just as Tony blundered a turn at Mario. "I'ma gonna givva you such a smacka, you cartoon pisano."
When Brianna laughed, Loki waved his hand before her face from behind. "Forgive me, Min Lille."
Tony caught her. "What's up with the magically induced coma?"
"She's better off." Said Loki, sharper than intended.
Stark situated Little Warrior while he paced, grinding a fist into his palm. There hadn't been time to process any definitive plans to apprehend Brianna's captors and discovering the fourth incited a rage only her reciprocated love had contained. Now, his nerves were stretched to their limits, forcing him to convey more than he wanted, risk finally reaching out for help and configure one. Fast.
"Scotch, Snowflake?"
He sighed heavily and stopped. "I must keep a clear head and so should you. The secrecy and lies, the hiding, everything I've done has been to protect Brianna and yourselves since the instant she graced my life. If I'm to continue, we need to trust each other completely. No matter how disturbing my information, you will make no inquiries, tell no one and from here forth, do 'exactly' as I say. Should you veer off course, we leave for real and you'll be fighting a dangerous battle alone. You may regardless if I can't contain Thor's rage over this."
"A battle with who?"
"This will hit home, Tony. Give me your word."
"It's yours, Pepper's too, right?" She nodded. "For insurance, she can text you a pic of me in a chastity belt. Hell, send it to Jimmy Kimmel. Are we good?"
"I'd rather you signed a wager to become a goat. How much longer is your suite booked for?"
"Another ten days."
"Virginia, pack for a week please? I need your help with Brianna at a safe house. Tony, contact your pilot. You're going home."
"Alex is in Aruba celebrating his girlfriend's breast implants. 'Why' Loki?"
"Fuck." He muttered. "Because I'm certain Fury's involved in Brianna's existence and you 'don't' want him up your shit when you aren't there. He was fucking Hannah and six and half years ago, introduced her and Jillian to Viriginia at his fiftieth birthday bash."
Tony slid both hands down his face. "I..shit..whoa. How do you know that and who's Jillian?"
Pepper frantically retraced her memory. "Jillian...was she the petite brunette with doe like eyes?"
"Congratulations." Loki replied. "You've also met Brianna's Mother. It's all in her diary."
"WHAT?!?" Said the couple, shocked.
"Save your questions! If Brianna's the reason Hannah bailed, by now the evil foursome knows she's escaped and you're aware she exists. Were I Fury, I'd be gathering my accomplices for interrogation, initiating a low key search for the four of us and putting eyes on the Tower 'and' Thor, where he'll find Astrid. Please, 'help me.'"
"Okay, okay. Can you teleport me back?" Asked Stark.
"No. Fury knows I have that ability. If S.H.I.E.L.D's watching and never see you enter…"
"What the fuck? You think they're involved too?"
"Oh my god." Said Pepper.
Loki tuned them out and conjured a bag of burner phones. "Book a seat on the next flight out in any class. Delete our past conversations and cease using your phones to contact me. If Brianna awakens, have her call me on one of these. I'll be back before dawn."
"You're leaving???"
"Yes. To relocate Astrid and warn Thor. Wish me luck he doesn't break New Mexico."
Loki vanished into a portal leaving the couple aghast.
"Well Butch, we're up to our eyeballs in another shit storm. I should've ignored the flu and gone with you that night."
She cracked a tiny smile. "Before or after you fell asleep next to the toilet?"
Tony nodded, observing Brianna in her slumber. "And dreamt Buzz Lightyear brought me our duvet."
"High fevers induce hallucinations. That was me in a white pants suit."
"You sure sounded like 'Tim The Toolman Taylor.'
He was doing it again. Comedically rambling off topic to cushion the blow of a truth that rubbed him wrong from every angle.
"Tony?" Said Pepper.
"Promise no veering? I haven't trusted Nick since Steve found those weapons on the Helicarrier."
"None of us Avengers do either. I won't, he's too dangerous. With the ability to fuck us over worse than any accusations of harboring a missing child could. Virginia..this is bad. What more was in that diary?"
"It is, but we have to stay focused. A sleep deprived, frazzled Loki discovering we aren't ready, won't want to talk. I'll get our suitcases."
Tony followed. "Did you bring a warm coat? I'll bet he conjured that safehouse in the Siberian Tundra." ***** Loki first returned to their room to collect his and Brianna's things. Time was crucial, but before seeking Astrid, he needed to tune into her ring. Left on, it steadily recorded her and using a hologram, he rewound to the day he departed Asgard and quickly scanned through the mundane.
He watched her pained reaction to his note, heard hers and Frigga's spiteful words, witnessed their treatment of Thor, heard himself being defended, their following remorse and the lies conjured betwixt Mother and son. Although impressed by Frigga duplicating Astrid's ring, he wasn't in the mood for another presumed 'lecture on morality' and fast forwarded to them parting ways in Asgard.
Night after night, he saw Astrid entering Ingrid's bed chamber and once heard his Mother in law scolding a hidden Roddy from her doorway. "Doth's thou newest mistress prefer perfuming as well? Your stench giveth you away."
He'd have laughed if not for Astrid's tears, but when forwarding to the present, she wasn't sleeping at Thor's. His means of travel would remain portals and high on adrenaline, he arrived to gather her belongings and cringed at the sounds of lovemaking.
"That's it princess. Take your Kings tallywacker like a good girl."
'Norns.' Loki conjured more burner phones, blared the living room's television and Thor came running, cock at full mast. "Brilliant way to greet an intruder, dingus."
"Brother!" Thor exuberantly bellowed on approach.
Loki conjured a dagger. "Hug me naked and tallywacker gets beheaded. Where's Astrid?"
"At the Rosewood."
Loki frowned. "You let my wife, who hops realms on a fucking whim, stay at a hotel???"
Jane came rushing down the stairs in a Betty Boop robe and he arched a brow. "Hi, Loki. It's only for two nights and she offered to give us time alone."
Thor's smile faded. "I didn't hear anything in the guest bedroom. Did you bug our house?"
"Yes, brother. 'I', snagged a side job installing covert surveillance on Midgards superheroes. Spark another spliff and do cover your cock?"
Jane did with a decorative plate from the dining table. "Astrid's room number is 718."
"She won't be returning. Do not leave, answer the door, your calls, or open the blinds. I 'will be' returning, but briefly."
In a flash, he was gone and Jane looked up at Thor. "I can't call in this soon, my vacation just ended."
"Loki wasn't asking, Jane. Something's awry." ***** Astrid had risen early and after seeking ice, dropped the bucket upon discovering Loki in her room. Accustomed to wearing Midgardian attire, her blue jean leggings contoured her shape, highlighted by a white tank beneath a second of mesh knit. Her blond waves cascaded down her breasts and she looked so virginal without makeup, his loins ached.
"Hello, my lovely."
Unsure what Thor had conveyed, she hesitated approaching. "Hi. I would offer you a drink but..." She knelt to gather the cubes and hide a falling tear. "I hav..haven't any liquor."
Loki lovingly gathered her into his arms. "Astrid."
"Forgive me, Min kjærlighet." She sobbed. "I made you run when needing me most."
He kissed her lips and cheeks. "I ran for a multitude of reasons, but have left Brianna sleeping to come for you."
"You knew I was on Midgard?"
"Not until recently and you mustn't be angry with Thor for not conveying so. He stayed silent at my request, even to Jane and was oblivious to our location. You mean the world to me as does Brianna now too, but something's gone wrong and I fear you're both in danger. It would take too long to explain and there's so much I must before you meet."
"Then let's return to Asgard. Wouldn't we be safe there?"
"We can't yet."
She slowly slid from his embrace, confused. "Brianna's in danger, yet isn't with you or Thor. She's with Tony and Pepper isn't she?"
"Yes, my lovely, but you can't be angry with them either. They've been wonderful to her."
"I'm not, I'm sad again. Everyone knew about her before me. What does that say about 'us', Loki? Are we okay?"
He embraced her again. "Yes. Darling, Tony, Pepper and Thor knew of her before I did too and you knew before Jane."
"Really? Wait, Thor lied to myself and your Mother?"
"Astrid, please. He had to, they too might be in danger and Brianna will panic if I'm not there when she awakens. Come with me to a temporary location until everybody's situated?" Loki kissed her hands. "It means being shielded from Heimdall for a while. If not, Thor can..."
She hastily kissed him. "I'm not returning to Asgard without you."
Loki wanted to bed her until she wailed his name so loud, her voice cracked every window in the hotel. "Prepare thyself, my lovely. You're going underground."
While she checked out, Loki ventured to Alberta and created her a lesser version of their bedchambers in Asgard.
Astrid caressed the beds plush duvet of greens and gold. "You replicated everything."
He conjured her luggage. "I wanted you to feel at home."
She smiled. "I'll be okay, Loki. Go."
With a newfound determination, Loki returned to Thor. "I thank the Valhallas you've dressed."
"You've seen me naked before, brother."
Loki addressed Jane. "He was playing nude hide and seek in the backwoods with some maidens, late for another archery lesson. Our father sent me searching. Without appearing rude, may we please have a moment alone?"
She frowned at Thor. "I'll be in the garage inflating my bicycle tires."
Thor waited for the door to close. "You could've said we were teens. How have we been compromised?"
"Clever, brother."
"Are Brianna and Astrid safe?"
Loki nodded.
"Flying human and Virginia?"
"Not if Jane talks."
A loud growl from Thor soon had her running back inside. "Holy shit on a pogo stick!"
He was standing in the living room holding their heavy glass coffee table above his head with Loki in his face. "Throw that and it vanishes before landing."
"Then I'll break something else!"
"This is why I kept information from you! Think rationally, Thor. Your neighbors will post this all over social media. How will that benefit any of us?"
He gently placed it down. "Brother, he..a child?"
"I know, but please let me handle it my way?"
"She's your daughter. I respect that. What do you need from us?" Loki eyed Jane and Thor sighed. "Yes, you can trust her."
When he was done talking, she hurled on the carpet while Thor pondered murdering Fury.
Loki used magic to clean it up. "You have my instructions. No interfering."
"We understand, brother. Go." ***** After leaving the Savoy, Hannah had rushed to the nearest pharmacy and returned to her hotel, spitting sparks. "That lying bitch! Her little brat does have powers!" She checked out, checked into another across town and called her boyfriend. He answered from a plane on it's way to England.
"Hello, pretty lady. Did you enjoy your heart throbs play? Wish I could've come."
Hannah eyed the stolen silk tie Tom had used to bound her wrists the night before and deviously grinned. 'I don't. Hiddleston and I hooked up.' "Tom was amazing." 'With a dick that makes yours look microscopic.' "How was Mrs. Finkelsteins second facelift?"
"Useless, but she's rich. I bought you some new lingerie."
"Did you keep the receipt? I'm breaking up with you."
"Hannah, why? What will I tell my parents?"
"Life doesn't always work out as planned? Don't miss your connecting flight to Sweden. Bye."
She hung up, turned her ringer off and opened a box of black hair dye. "Now that I'm screwed, so are you 'Pepper Potts' and your billionaire boyfriend."
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jameshorton · 3 years
who: james horton (mention of his parents and his ex-girlfriend, danielle) what: it was his last year in college, in a different country and apart from everyone he cared about in astoria, james felt his fingertrips brushing close to happiness only to watch it drift away the moment he understood that danielle would become nothing more than just a mere ghost in his life when: 2003 inspiration song: here. tw: anxiey mention, death mention. 
Hopeful. It was a rainy late afternoon, day was slowly turning into night, Jackson had just passed by the door that would allow him to exit from the apartment he was sharing with James and the young man found himself exactly the way he wanted to be: alone. Unaware of Jackson’s whereabouts, something about meeting a date or other information that James didn’t really grasp, he became mostly focused on finishing the assignment in front of him. Anything that would lead him to be free the next following days to appreciate every single hour spent with Danielle the moment his light eyes would find her in the midst of the crowd at the airport. 
He was happy, too happy that he had taken his guitar out to try a few songs the night before, so happy that none of his usual monsters that would drown himself in worries and despair had visited him. It had been awhile ever since James had felt so… free. Each and every time the image of Danielle would come to surface, he found himself smiling, a burst of excitement that would shape his demeanor despite not having a crowd to appreciate his happiness. A common and, yet, brief state.
Moving himself up from the chair, scratching his back, lifting his arms up, remaining the present, acknowledging the end of his assignment a couple of minutes after. A blink of an eye and his hearing caught the phone ringing in the other room. Slow treads guided him to it, so he could finally pick up the phone. “Hello?”
Silence. Ironically, silence carries more than others assume, there are different ways to grasp silence. Usually a filler of words left unsaid, partially a shield of hurtful statements. At least, in that moment, it was. And all James needed was exactly what was offered to him for one single minute: silence. An entire minute in which seconds seemed to duplicate and time was frozen for him. He knew, the young man couldn’t understand exactly what had happened, but he already knew it wasn’t good. Then, an attempt of bringing that information out from that breathing that seemed too familiar. “Mom?”
“Oh, baby--” and that was all he needed for his heart to find its way closer to his chest, pounding stronger than usual, unable to leave him be without that desperation, urging for the following words that would lead to why his mother was patronizing him. At the same time, he wanted to disappear instead of listening to it. It felt easier to ignore what had happened that led to this call. He didn’t want to know, but he would know. 
“It’s Dani, James. She...” A pause, another silence that became the deterioration of his sanity at that particular instant. James danced around in a duality within his mind, partially he’d stare at this bright future he had been picturing lately when he would, once again, encounter Danielle, wrap his arms around her tiny figure and finally be able to kiss her lips. Pictures of showing every single place in Canberra that was part of his history now, chapters that he would gladly divide with her. 
Another part of himself painted situations that would lead to the sorrow he perceived in his mother’s tone, each one of those worse than the previous one. And yet, none of them matched reality. None of them.
“There was an attack during the full moon, she didn’t survive, James. Before they could take her to the hospital, she--” this time it wasn’t a pause. The sudden break came with tears, pain that his mother also felt for someone that had been important in James life, that gave him light and joy during his high school years and, someone that for a long time he could picture life right next to. It was a beautiful imagination of their future in unison, just as the ones imagined for the following days. Burned frames that would never turn into reality. “Mom, I...I need you to say it.”
“James?” A different tone, definitely a different voice. The one that would calm down his worries. The best friend that for a long time James tried to push away. “It's dad. I’m so so sorry, kid. She died earlier tonight. We didn’t call you before because we didn’t know how to tell you this and we hated that you’d have to hear all of this through the phone, son. We’re… really, really sorry. If you need us to be there, I’ll catch the first flight, we’ll do what we can to be there for you.” Of course his parents would do that. It was expected of caring parents that wanted nothing but his well-being. His and Malia’s. 
James heard every single word echoing inside his mind, unable to cry, to break apart while still in a phone call with his family. Cleaning stubborn tears that were sliding down his face, James cleaned his throat. “I’m heading back home.”
“Dad, I’m heading back home. I’ll check the flights and I’ll be there.”  
“I know you’re hurting but by the time you get here-- James, stay.”
A plea. “Dad, please... I need to be there, I need to say goodbye to her. It’s Danielle.” Despite the lack of sounds that would indicate he was crying, the ache was there. It was noticeable in this tone, in his attempts to find a solution that would lead him to be near her. A guilty of not being able to be there for her, to protect her from this inevitable fate.
“I know, James. But-- you won’t get here in time, son. Is there anyone there with you?” That was the first time that solitude hit differently. His teary eyes stared at the small apartment, and yet it all seemed bigger than it really was. Terrifying even. He grew weaker and all the efforts that his brain was trying to lead him into putting a wall between a painful reality and his emotions was in vain. 
Although he hated it, that’s what he did. He lied. “Jackson is here.” 
“Good, good. Okay, do you need me to stay at the phone with you? Take a deep breath. And James? Allow yourself to grief. Don’t hold it back. We’re truly sorry about everything.”
James was unaware that the ‘everything’ his father meant, informed James about how sorry they were that their son was so far from everything and everyone. Oceans apart from a situation that he didn’t want to face and yet made it all seem remotely close to a nightmare instead of a concrete situation that everyone in Astoria was going through. He felt himself holding onto the idea that in a couple of days he’d still see her. But that figurative wall  wasn’t strong enough. Seconds were all it took for each and every brick, metaphorically created within his mind, to be teared down. She is dead. They wouldn’t build anything else  in life together. The last time they had seen each other had been months ago. Was that smile in his memories exactly how it used to look like or just a mere creation of his own brain? Did he still remember her voice?  Did their last call end up with him telling her that he loved her? Because he did, he still did.
Don’t hold it back. And he didn’t.
The painful scream came out eventually, as soon as he offered his dad a response and a brief goodbye. Gravity led him down and the ground became the one thing that didn’t cause him to feel he was floating in hopelessness and grief. Closing his eyes, a turmoil of thoughts and memories would haunt him down and every single time he could catch a breath, James would remind himself of something else. Something that would never happen again, and just like that, he’d cry again. A loop of anguish, agony; for minutes that turned into hours.
There was no one there to offer him an embrace, a shoulder to cry on. In the face of common solitude, he had never felt so lonely. He had never felt so broken.
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darthspideys · 4 years
for you
hi umm can I get a poe x reader where the reader gets captured by kylo ren after spying for poe and he uses her as bait to find rey and get info on the resistance but general hux wants to take him down so he sends info to poe and the two of them help the reader escape?? and maybe a dash of kylo flirting and trying to seduce the reader and then some jealous poe? ((also i just sent this request but my internet crashed and it said try again so apologies if there are duplicates!!)
poe dameron x reader
words: 1150
You knew the risks when you accepted the mission. It was simple but dangerous, join the first order as a technician and try to get as much information out and into the hands of the resistance as you could. And don’t get caught. You’d been doing great, and you’d thought that no one even suspected you, which turned out to be horribly wrong. One second, you were working at your desk in the main hub of the Finalizer and the next second Kylo Ren himself was standing over your desk, and hoisting you into the air with a look you couldn't see because of his mask but you knew you wouldn’t like. 
The next thing you knew you were strapped into an interrogation device in a small room near the middle of the ship. You tried not to panic, as you knew that this was a possibility but fear began to bubble under your calm exterior. After what felt like forever, Ren entered the room and stood over you menacingly. “What do you want from me?” You asked. 
“You thought you were clever.” He said, “If only Commander Dameron could see you now.” 
“I’m not going to tell you anything.” You said, even though he didn’t ask. You could feel your heart beating out of your chest, but you tried not to show it.
“Oh, you will.” He said, “Tell me about the girl.”
“I don’t know who you're talking about.” You lied, knowing that he was talking about Rey, everyone at the base knew how powerful she was and how much the first order wanted to get their hands on her. 
“Do not test me!” He shouted, the room shaking a little with the force of his anger. “You do not want to know what I will do if you don’t give me the information I want.” 
You steadied yourself, “Actually I kind of do. Sounds fascinating.” 
“Taking a page out of Dameron’s book I see. You will suffer the same pain that he did then.” And the true interrogation began. By the end, you hadn’t given him any information that he wanted. 
Kylo left the room in a huff, leaving your unconscious form still strapped to the device. He passed General Hux on his way out and the redhead followed him down the hall. “Make sure there are people posted at that door at all times, I’ll get the information I need when they come for her.” 
“Yes, sir.” Hux nodded and headed back to the room. Or at least he made it look like he was headed back to coordinate the around the clock guards, in reality, he was off to his chambers to send a message to Poe Dameron about his captured spy. 
It took everything Poe had not to climb right into his X-Wing and fly off to find you. As soon as he got the message from another spy in the first order, he’d wanted to rush off and get you back but he knew that would lead to him getting captured most likely. So he waited and when he had a small plan put together he headed off to the first order ship you were being held on, and he took with him Rey and Finn as backup.
“What’s the plan?” Finn asked as the destroyer came into view. 
“Get in, get her, get out.” Poe replied, eyes locked on the ship.
“Any details to add to that?” 
“Well in between we’re probably going to have to-” Before he could finish, the entire ship shook as it was pulled toward the underbelly of the destroyer by a tractor beam. 
“Is this the plan?” Rey asked. 
Poe thought about it for a second, “Kind of.” The ship set down in the hangar and waiting were around one hundred stormtroopers. “You guys hold them off and I’m gonna go find (Y/N).” 
“You want us to take on-All of them-?” Finn’s eyes widened. 
“I mean unless you have a better idea-I’m getting her out of here no matter what so-” 
Rey put her hand on his shoulder, “We’ll do it. Just go get her.”
Poe nodded and took off running as soon as the doors opened, luckily the troops were too concerned with Finn and Rey to notice him slip off. He moved through the hallways, looking for one of the interrogation rooms, and as he did he saw more troops heading to the hangar and he knew he needed to act fast to get to you. 
After taking out a few more troopers and making it up to the next level, he finally made it to the interrogation room Hux had told him you were in. When he got the door open he saw that you were still inside, strapped into the device but alert. “(Y/N)!” He half-shouted. 
Your eyes widened, “Poe? What are you doing here?” 
He got closer and tried to find a way to get you out. “What did you think I was just going to leave you here?” 
“How did you even know what happened?” 
“Long story-I’ll tell you when we’re back on the ship.” He got the mechanism to unlock and lifted you off. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, Yeah.” You breathed, as you wrapped your arms around him and squeezed. “Thanks for coming.”
He was caught a little off guard but he returned the hug. “No problem, no man left behind.”
You pulled away and looked into his eyes, “Yeah-” Before you could even say another word you pulled him in for a kiss and he returned it, and for a pretty long time you forgot that you were in the middle of an escape from the first order. When you heard the stomping of stormtrooper boots outside the door you suddenly remembered, and you pulled away. “Let’s get out of here.” 
“Later-lets go.” 
Before he could protest, you were already out the door and headed towards the hangar. “Later.” He repeated, following after you. 
The two of you made it to the ship after facing what felt like a thousand troopers, by the time you got there Rey and Finn were just about exhausted from holding the rest off. “Now that your back can we just make a rule that we don’t do this without a plan, ever again?” 
“Noted Buddy.” 
“No, I’m serious-”
“It won’t happen again.” Poe conceded, “Just this once.” 
“Why are you smiling like that?” Finn asked, narrowing his eyes. 
“I’m just happy we completed the mission.” 
Finn looked from Poe to You a couple of times before turning to Rey. “They kissed.” He said and her eyes widened. He turned back to Poe, “You kissed.”
“What?” Both of you said at the same time. 
“How-Why would you even think that?” You asked, trying not to seem suspicious. 
“So it’s true then,” Rey said. 
“So maybe it’s true.”
“It’s about time then.” 
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lavenderek · 4 years
I love when you fix twilight. It's obviously not fix-able completely, but you make it way better. What do you think about how she calls her parents by their first names?.
i think bella’s relationships with her parents are super weird and sometimes even unhealthy. 
some of the things i’m gonna say, i’ve already said before, and they are VERY VERY LONG, but i’m gonna say them again anyway and i’ve watched jenny nicholson videos for like three days straight, so i’m gonna do it in.... a numbered list!!!! 
seriously it’s super long don’t open the readmore unless you want to look at a super long post
1. bella calls them by their first names, but only in internal narration. 
most teenagers don’t call their parents by their first names, so this is odd and distances the reader from her. i’m not sure if it’s supposed to humanize her parents?
her parents would be humanized if they were acknowledged by the role they’re supposed to be playing in bella’s life; most of her readers would be seeing her as The Typical Teenage Girl, so having her parents be seen as entities separate from her who operate as peers instead of parents is bizarre. 
furthermore, she never does this in dialogue. she only does it in internal narration. 
so is this supposed to make her seem more mature and independent? bella isn’t independent; she’s provided with all her needs by her father, including emotional needs. when edward leaves her in the second book, her father takes care of her and ultimately considers having her go back to live with her mother again, because clearly bella is in need of some parental support. put a pin in maturity, i’ll get back to that in a second. 
if it’s not to make her seem more mature, then it’s just a weird stylistic choice so that the reader knows her parents’ names, which - why? i’m sure when chief swan is talking to his friend and his friend calls him charlie, we will understand through context clues that his name is charlie. also, us knowing her parents’ names doesn’t add anything to the story. bella treats every side character as an obstacle in her life, so we gain nothing from knowing her dad’s name. 
it makes sense for her to call her stepfather phil, but she should call her parents mom and dad. 
2. bella is “super mature” 
ouch! i pricked my finger on the pin i put in maturity. yowie!
we hear a lot about how mature bella is. she condescendingly tells us that her mother is stupid and describes her father’s inability to feed himself. is this true? 
her mother got married and has begun a life with her new husband. her father is a grown-ass man who has kept himself alive for what, forty years? they never do anything particularly immature except one time stephenie meyer has her dad accidentally microwave a can of soup at some point (has he never had soup? in the whole decade since he and renee got divorced, has he been soupless the entire time?). i don’t know that fucking up a can of soup is immature so much as a mistake, but go off i guess. 
so maybe she’s not more mature than her parents, but surely she is just mature in her own right. let’s see all the mature decisions bella makes just in the two years we are present for. 
bella gets a head injury in a car accident. she resists the advice she receives from a medical professional to rest, and plans on not telling her mother about it. she’s even pissed at her dad when he tells her mom. 
bella meets edward and senses from the jump that he’s lying to her. he gives her mixed signals that make her uncomfortable. he and many people in his life talk often about how he could kill her, how much he wants to kill her, but that he is holding back. she decides that she is safe based on her own feelings (she is objectively incorrect about this, by the way, regardless of how her story ends) and chooses to date him anyway.
bella catches the attention of a man who wants to kill her specifically. she does not tell her father. instead, she insults him and runs away from home. she then runs away from the people who are assigned to protect her, because she believes she knows better than they do. 
edward breaks up with bella. i think most people after the ending of a relationship would go to their room and cry and process those feelings of sadness and abandonment. but bella’s not like other girls. she’s mature and has deep emotions. she refuses to accept the breakup and spends hours wandering around in the woods, forcing everyone in her town to go around in the night looking for her. okay. 
she gets a part-time job at some point. but so does her classmate mike, and also 55% of teenagers in her age range (when the book is set, which is in the mid-to-late 90′s). 
oh, but wait, then she withdraws all her savings and uses them to purchase and fix up a motorcycle - a thing she is specifically not allowed to do - in order to spite her ex boyfriend. at this point she has abandoned her plans to become a vampire, so there’s no reason to assume she won’t be going to college in a couple years. with what savings will she be paying the tuition? i’m sure her school counselor will understand when she explains that she spent it all on a motorcycle. 
we are told bella is very mature and stephenie meyer clearly expects us to draw this conclusion based on how bella does her chores without being asked; but when it comes to major decisions about her safety, her future, and the effect she has on others, she repeatedly makes selfish and childish decisions. she hurts her parents, her friends, and herself, a lot. she does all of this based on her own intuition.
and actually, a lot of it tracks with her being a teenager. teenagers are not adults. they biologically do not yet have the full capacity for decision-making. that’s why they’re not adults. bella is not more mature than her parents and her belief that she is is demonstrably dangerous. she really needs more discipline in her life. 
3. bella and her mom
bella is very sad in the beginning of the book. she loves her mom and sees her mom as her best friend. 
she demonstrates her closeness by: 
lying to her mom that she wants to live with her dad, because she believes renee will be happier without bella, her supposed best friend. renee does not notice that bella has lied or question this decision. 
putting off emailing or calling her mom for several days, which makes renee angry. when she finally does, she basically just lists the things she’s done and logs off. 
refusing to share information with her, including that she was injured in a car accident, because she believes renee will be upset. her dad calls renee anyway, and bella is angry and is incredibly reluctant to call her back and talk to her. 
ignoring her emails for months when she’s sad over her breakup. 
visiting her exactly one time in the whole two years spanned in the books. her mom is also never invited to come visit bella in forks. 
renee’s absence from bella’s life actually works for the plot, as she can’t interfere with bella’s duplicity, while leaving the option to add an element of guilt from afar. but it doesn’t make sense as a character decision. 
i think it would make way more sense if bella and her mother aren’t close. bella wants her mom to show interest in her life. she suggested moving in with her dad in the hopes that her mom would be like, “no, honey, stay, i’ll miss you if you go,” but renee doesn’t even question it, she just books her a ticket. 
bella checks her email immediately when she arrives, and hasn’t heard from her mom, so she sends her an email herself, to which she gets a response like, two days later. 
bella calls her mom and gets her answering machine. renee is on her honeymoon and she and her new husband are in the process of moving to another state, so bella reasons that her mom is just busy; but she is also dealing with the knowledge that she’s just not a priority for her mom. 
yeah, this is very sad and makes renee seem like an asshole, but maybe she is an asshole in this version. it would neatly remove renee from the plot, it would explain why bella is so bummed about living with her dad, and it would lay the groundwork for why bella is so gutted when she perceives edward breaking up with her as being abandoned. bella believes she is not worth staying for. 
4. bella and her dad
i don’t even know where to start with bella and her dad. he seems great to me. 
he is the chief of police.
he knows and is respected by everyone in town.
he has friends and hobbies. 
as i said before, he has fed and clothed himself his whole life - at the very least in the decade since his divorce.
...so he seems like a reasonable person and member of the community. 
he treats bella with respect and offers her privacy, but he is always available when she needs help.
he notices and tries to intervene when she’s struggling. 
he has an amicable relationship with his ex-wife and they communicate about their daughter regularly. 
he bought bella a truck and put chains on the tires so that it would be safe for her even when it’s cold and wet out. 
...so he’s clearly an involved and caring father. 
bella goes through a serious depressive episode in new moon after her breakup with edward, and her dad responds to every bit of it. 
he wants to find out why she is upset. 
he is aware of how she’s doing in school and whether or not she’s seeing her friends. 
when bella has night terrors, he jumps out of bed to comfort her. 
when jacob deliberately lashes out at her and triggers another depressive episode, he immediately steps in and calls jake’s dad. 
he is told bella is at fault, but he takes bella’s side and chooses to believe her side of the story. 
throughout her depression, he never once judges her for it. 
after what he perceives to be edward hurting bella and being a bad boyfriend (which - he is observably not wrong about that), bella’s dad is openly against bella dating him again. 
...so he cares for and advocates for bella’s emotional state. 
if bella expresses gratitude or appreciation for any of these things, it’s sort of bitter and backhanded, like “at least charlie leaves me alone.” he fucked up trying to make dinner one time, to which she responds by refusing to let him cook ever again. bella dates edward twice before eclipse, and both times she went missing and then came back injured; so chief swan tells her he doesn’t think she should be dating edward again, at which point she puts down ultimatums and threatens to leave. bella ignores his rules and requests, keeps secrets from him, and runs away from home a few times because she believes she knows better than he does. 
no matter how many times charlie proves himself, it never changes bella’s opinion of him. there’s no arc there. bella arrives thinking her father is incompetent, and she leaves thinking her father is incompetent. 
making bella disrespect her father does benefit the narrative by enabling her to be secretive and makes her feel even more isolated in her experiences. it also makes stephanie have to write about less characters. but bella being secretive and isolated just results in her being stuck in the same situation for like 75% of each book. i think it would make sense for her to want to fix things, even just a little bit. 
there’s no reason for her to disrespect charlie, so her unfounded feelings of disdain toward him are confusing and just make her look like a dick; and furthermore, not giving him a character arc just makes him a boring obstacle. he might as well just be a door that gets stuck shut whenever it rains. 
i think it would be a better idea, for character development, for bella to grow closer to her father over the course of her stay with him. i would like, at least two of the times bella disobeys him, for her to ultimately conclude that he was right and she shouldn’t have done the thing. i would like her to eventually open up to him about some things. 
she doesn’t have to share that the cullens are vampires, but of all the people in her life, who has experience with having a romantic partner with whom he envisioned a future break up with and leave them? it would make sense for her to confide in him - or at the very least, seek comfort from him. 
bella trusting her father’s judgment and showing caution dating edward again after the events of new moon would also be better for the story, and i have more thoughts about that but that’s for another post. 
and probably biggest of all, your only tenuous link to emotional acceptance and fulfillment should not be your romantic partner. that’s so weird and unhealthy. bella is a teenager who, in general throughout the books, feels unmoored and stressed out. she needs someone sturdy and reliable who she can trust to protect her, even if it’s only emotionally. this would also give bella someone to bounce her thoughts and feelings off of and reduce the monotony of the narration a little bit. 
her father is an excellent choice for that. he repeatedly demonstrates that he is in her corner, and her corner alone. (i also think vampires should be just a little bit easier to kill, so that chief swan can protect her just a tiny bit.) 
5. why
stephenie meyer has children herself and it’s so weird to me that she would write a teenager deliberately disobeying and lying to her parents and consequently placing herself and many other people in grave danger, and framing it as a good thing. she makes it clear that bella was correct in doing this. 
bella’s not the only one, either. edward allegedly sees carlisle as his father figure, but A. this was not consensual, and he is frequently unhappy that carlisle bit him and made him a vampire; and B. he often disregards or gets angry about carlisle’s advice. 
wouldn’t stephenie meyer want to know if her son was hurting, or in danger? wouldn’t she want her son to respect her? wouldn’t she want to be able to share her wisdom and help her son make safe choices?
she does make it clear in interviews that this is pretend and she doesn’t believe readers should be seeing her characters as role models; but she made her characters teenagers on purpose, and it strikes me as kind of irresponsible to act as if she assumes her young readers won’t try to identify with them. 
bella’s relationships with her parents are boring and unusual, and the older i get the more frustrating they are. they stifle the characters and make the plot repetitive and tiresome. these are relatively small changes that i think would benefit the story overall. and that’s my opinion, thanks guys
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tfw-no-tennis · 3 years
mtmte liveblog issue 33
[sees rewind cover] time to be emo
swerve giving us a nice lil recap of the wild events of slaughterhouse thus far
and then the roll call page...I love how the last one is ‘rewind?!?’
I adore that nautica has a list of in-jokes to check off 
ohhhh man I forgot that alt-lost light rewind doesn't really know skids?? bc the alt lost light never picked him up....
POOR REWIND he wakes up all elder scrolls style and then immediately autobot megatron is just There without explanation lmao this poor lil guy
love the casual gender stuff honestly
nightbeat: ayyyy rewind!! sup? what horrific slaughter happened here? spill the tea! 
hvakjdfbskdf poor rewind is going thru it jesus
nautica and riptide hvbhkjasdsfasdfn ‘are jokes not funny where you come from?’ immmmm
nautica is so cute I love her
ohhhhh I love the panel of the two lost lights going off in separate directions with the title right below 
‘I remember it well. kind of’ that's a really funny line actually hbvkdjfnasdfl
I really like how on the alt lost light, rodimus’s risky stunt with the sparkeater actually kills him - I mean I'm glad that didn't happen in the main story but that's such a cool jarring discrepancy 
ok but its inherently VERY funny that the djd like, murdered the entire lost light, but later in the story the lost lighters are obviously still around and not dead...that's so fucking funny, the djd were probably like ????????????????? what the fuck didn't we kill these guys?????? but also they were tripping so they cant be sure
isn't it brainstorm who called the djd on the alt lost light??? oof 
LOVE the continuity of the alt lost light being the place that the djd went at the end of the scavengers 2 parter wayyyy back in the beginning of s1
more horrific slaughter, as one would expect from an arc called ‘slaughterhouse’ 
jeeeesus I forgot how completely fucked up all the shit was for poor rewind 2. christ 
also the like, thematic irony of alt-chromedome refusing to erase rewind from his memory and choosing to die horribly instead....SCREAMS I cant handle it
ITS SO HORRIBLE I'm so sad. poor rewind
‘silly string’ I love riptide
nautica is so smart I lov her 
oooh skids going off on megatron is really good. I find the whole ‘cons are super anti-organic/alien life’ angle interesting, bc it like, Makes Sense that a race of robot aliens who live for millions of years wouldn't consider shorter-lived organic life to be on the same level as them, but its also like, not morally right, so the autobots are correct w/the whole ‘freedom is the right of all sentient beings’ thing...its LAYERED
rewind: ‘I'm tiny’
me, crying: yeah...
honestly I really really love the quantum duplication plot in this arc. its like, peak sci fi nonsense but it also like, Makes Sense, and is presented in a very understandable manner...plus its like, super entertaining and fun, so I just love it
love how they're perusing brainstorms lab and just stumble across a dead body. classic
aaaand the plot thickens, with the reveal that brainstorm is a decepticon????? whoaaaa
I love that twist too oh man. I cannot WAIT for the time travel arc yessss
oof nautica being in denial about brainstorm being a con :( 
I find it kinda funny that getaway is IMMEDIATELY like, punching walls and going full that-one-wack-storm-trooper-from-that-star-wars-movie abt brainstorm being a con lmao, like what's even ur beef dude
when nightbeat is all like, wait there's a Type™ for decepticon double agents? and megatron says ‘hm. have you never been approached?’ bvhjaskdfbaksfd
mannn tho, I love all the character stuff this issue...I love the panels of megatron where he looks mad and crushes brainstorms mask, bc like, he’s gotta be thinking abt the fact that the djd, his personal squad of bloodthirsty attack dogs, were the ones responsible for all of this, as well as overlords presence, and brainstorm secretly being a con....
ok rewind and megatrons interactions are fantastic
like, rewind IS the nice one, but the definition of ‘nice’ is probably a little different than it used to be due to Big Ole War 
how are they propelling themselves in space????
NOOOOOOO I'm so fucking sad, rewind 2 is literally like ‘I'm fine with being deleted from existence bc my husband and everything I knew is gone’ aughhhh
and then megatron lies and tells him that he and chromedome, on the og lost light, are ‘inseparable’ 😭😭😭 I mean I guess that's not a lie if you count cd rewatching rewinds goodbye video on loop...AUGHHH
‘let’s not drag out the goodbyes’ but rewind, what about one of the story’s themes, ‘how to say goodbye and mean it’? 
and we cut off right there for maximum suspense...
omg I love swerve like, fistbumping cyclonus in the chest, and cyclonus is just like ?
skids,,,,,maybe surprising chromedome with his not-so-dead alternate-version husband isn't the best idea...like, this isn't exactly a zero-explanation-necessary kinda situation...
I adore rewinds massive shoulder pads tbh
oh god. GODDDDD. the panels of rewind and chromedome sitting next to each other, not saying anything, and just slowly moving closer to each other while looking out at the stars....literally these gay robots invented romance, thank you very much
I'm so fucking tender guhhhhhhh
like,,,,the fact that both of them separately watched the other die horribly and could do nothing to stop it, and now they're reunited here, and they don't even need to say anything...AUGH.....
OUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm sorry I can’t. SO tender
and MANNNN I'm so so glad that rewind is back. I don't always love when characters don't stay dead but I'm completely happy w/it here for multiple reasons, like the fact that I really like rewind and chromedome’s story after this arc - like, I LOVE that they addressed the fact that rewind 2 is different from OG rewind, despite being fundamentally the same person, so he and cd cant just immediately get back together and pretend everything's fine, but also there's really only an 18 month (?i think) disparity between the 2 rewinds which is nothing compared to literal millions of years, soooo
ALSO I literally never considered this until this reread but it would've been kind of an L for rewind to die and stay dead considering that rewind and cd were The First transformers gay couple, and that's a really big deal! and I don't really consider it bury your gays bc like, rewind doesn't stay dead that long and also there are soooo many other gays, but STILL 
plus rewind and cd ended up having a lot of story left to get thru, which is awesome
also I just love rewind so I'm glad he’s back :) 
ok the fact that the suspense over brainstorm being a con still isn't resolved bc not everyone knows....spectacular tbh
don't knock the power of love, nightbeat! 
the briefcaseeeeeee
ok but I really don't remember jros explanation as to why rewind 2 and the briefcase didn't get deleted hvbhjsdkhfk I gotta go look that up again
I fucking love this scene bc this is basically the culmination of brainstorm being Completely Ominous for the entire story thus far, like, it really hit me this readthru that brainstorm was so totally sinister for like most of his screentime up until this arc...and this scene is the pinnacle, I love how everything brainstorm says is overlaid with so much tension for the reader bc of what we know now about him
like brainstorm saying ‘yes - here’s to fixing things’ is so fucking sinister even though out of context that sentence is just normal
and when atomizer basically voices what the entire audience is thinking as brainstorm opens the briefcase - ‘brainstorm, you can’t do that.’ bc yeah, what the hell, he’s opening THE briefcase, Oh Shit
AND THEN THE FINAL SHOT....brainstorm front and center looking SCARY AS HELL.... ‘I can do whatever the hell I like.’....everyone suddenly collapsed around him...the fantastic shadowy lighting...the ominously open briefcase...the clear segue Directly into the next high-concept arc....[chefs kiss] ART
seriously I love this issue so much. SO many good things. such good character stuff, really great interactions, some fantastic plot development, super creative sci-fi fun times...all around just an extremely solid and enjoyable issue, 10 outta 10
and MAN OH MAN I cannot wait to get into the elegant chaos arc, it fucking SLAPS, that arc and remain in light have always been my favs, I'm so excited to revisit it 
AND ruth bought the physical comic TPB for like issues 34-38 or something and I'm so so glad I can read that instead of braving the many split-up double page spreads on the online comic 
so yeah, cant wait!
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justjessame · 3 years
The Deal Chapter 67
The storm rolled in while Mom was still at Hilltop. A gorgeous, wonderful storm that crashed in, but we had ample warning. Judith had asked if we could move the slumber party to my house, but I shook my head and told her that Mom’s house was better, if only because I was getting updates from the community, and the people seemed happier to speak to me there, than at my house.
I knew, before Mom left, that Rosita had been harmed, which made Siddiq going with her an even better idea than we first thought. Aaron was off, without Michonne’s knowledge I knew, working with Jesus on getting into better fighting shape. A part of him still wanted to be able to recruit new people to our community. The loss of Eric, coupled with his role as a father, made him want better for us. And I had a suspicion that Jesus and Aaron were wrestling with more than just their urge to fight, if the way Aaron blushed when I asked him how his studies were coming was any indication.
Eugene was probably with Rosita, but with no word on him, I forced back worry. I wondered, as Jude and RJ and I snuggled on the couch with a book and a promise from me that I wouldn’t make the stories too scary (RJ didn’t love the scary stuff, and I couldn’t fault him for that either), if Rosita and Siddiq were going to tell Gabe about their after hours activities? I knew, from some of Negan’s share sessions, that he’d heard it too. The whispered conversations, the sidelong glances, there were moments, I thought, reading the book that RJ had picked while letting my mind wander, that Alexandria had the feeling of becoming Melrose Place.
I had no idea how much was changing outside the house that I sat in with my little sister and brother. No clue, just yet, of what darkness was slowly coming closer as the storm crashed around us. The whispers, the chill of fear, I’d grown so used to them that they were no longer a divining rod for the danger facing a loved one. It seemed constant, whether Judith was beside me or not, even during the peace that we’d managed since Negan was locked away. And so, as I felt the cold fingers of warning creep up my spine, I shook it off and ignored it because if there was one simple truth I’d learned since the beginning of all the madness so long ago, it was that there was no safety, no peace, only pockets of easiness like the eye of a storm, before the next strike of lightning and the boom of thunder followed.
I woke up in my bed, later that night, darkness still all around and had to take a few beats to remember that I wasn’t in MY bed. I was in the bed that lived in Mom’s house. One hand was on RJ’s tiny body, feeling the reassuring rise and fall of his breathing and the serenity of his warmth, but the other, which had been tucked around Judith’s body was empty. Her side of the bed was cool to the touch and I felt my fear ratchet up. We’d gone to sleep, after the storm was dying down, and both of my siblings had been curled up on either side of me.
Lying there, thinking about my next course of action, I worried that I’d lose my mind, but I heard it. I tiny squeak on the staircase, and thought that must mean that she’d gone downstairs for a drink of water. Careful to get up and not wake up RJ, I stepped out of bed and opened the door. And there, in the dim light of the half moon, stood Negan.
I wasn’t sure which one of us was more shocked. Him or me, honestly, but my eyes were wide and his were, well resigned.
“Jessi-” It was a breath, clearly he wasn’t sure how alone we were, but I noticed that he had Judith’s compass around his neck and I knew.
I shook my head and smiled at the floor. “You’re leaving.” I sounded as resigned as he looked.
“I have to know, Jessi,” he took a step toward me, but I surprised him by taking a step back. “I have to see-” he sighed. “That cage, sweetheart, it’s driving me insane.”
I snorted softly. “Even with my visits? I guess I should be happy, it took longer this time.” My eyes met his. “Go, Negan.” I started to turn back to join RJ in bed again, but his fingers on my elbow stopped me. “I’m not enough, am I?” I should have known, somewhere deep inside I probably did know, but the realization always sucks.
“It’s not that, Jessi, God it was never that.” The fingers of his other hand tilted my head up so I could face him fully. “I just- I’d ask you to go with me, but I know that-”
“I can’t,” shaking my head and whispering. “Because I have to make sure that they’re safe, Negan.”
“I know that, sweetheart, but I can’t stay here.” He sighed, his fingers brushing my skin and touching my lips. “I promise you this, Jessica Grimes, I will find you again. And we WILL be together, but first I have to find us that place.”
Another soft snort from me. “You sound like Dad,” his eyes widened at that. “That elusive safe place, utopia.” I shook my head again. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Negan.” I let my hand cover his where it was cupping my cheek. “Be safe, and-”
His lips met mine and I felt like dying. Not suicidal, not wishing for death, but actual dying. He was saying goodbye, but using his kiss to remind me that he did love me, and he truly believed that we’d end up together. Who would have guessed that Negan of all people would be so delusional about the dangers of our world?
When he pulled away his eyes were locked on mine. “This is NOT goodbye, Jessi, do you hear me.” A nod from me and then he started back down the stairs. “I do promise, and sweetheart, I plan on keeping that one.”
Judith was back beside me in bed after morning had fully dawned. I could feel the chill of her skin, and I knew that she hadn’t been in the house. I had searched, after Negan was gone, but hadn’t found her inside. I heard her sigh, and turned to face her.
“He’s gone,” I nodded. “He promised not to hurt anyone, not even if they hurt him, Jessi, but he lied.” My confusion must have been obvious. “He hurt you, didn’t he?” Oh.
“Negan,” I considered my words, having always been as truthful as possible with her. “He can’t stand being caged, Jude, so he had to go.”
“No,” she sounded so sure and calm. “He didn’t have to go. He has you, and he tells you he loves you all the time, but he just walked away.” She looked indignant and irritated. “I let him, though, and-”
“It’s ok,” I cuddled into her, knowing we had a little time before RJ was up and raring to go. “You didn’t make it worse for me, Jude.” I brushed her hair back from her face. “I let him go too.”
Trying to get through the normal morning routines and NOT worry about Negan out on his own in the wild world that he hadn’t been free in for too long to keep me comfortable about his chances, wasn’t as easy as anyone would assume. Not even with my experience and the truth of our world reminding me that nothing was guaranteed. If anything, the reality made it harder.
I couldn’t be sure that Daryl would live day to day on his own at his shabby camp by the river, and he’d been out for far longer than Negan had, and had far more experience living off the land. These were the thoughts that kept intruding as I put together RJ and Judith’s breakfast. I felt her eyes on my back, but as though we’d come to a mutual understanding, neither of us were willing to speak about it again, not now.
It doesn’t take long. Breakfast is barely finished when the first alarm is raised. And I knew, even before the first knock came, that they would come to me first. Even if I hadn’t been staying in Mom’s house, even if I wasn’t Rick Grimes’ daughter, they’d come to me, because they all knew how I felt about Negan.
Judith, a far better actress than me, offered to help search. While I swore that I had no idea that he’d escaped, or HOW he’d escaped, since I had only visited the OUTSIDE of his prison the day before, Judith got dressed and ready to go. I knew I should tell her not to go, but I also knew that even if she’d promised to shoot him the next time she saw him, he’d be safer if she found him than anyone else.
“I have to stay with RJ,” I told the suspicious eyes that were watching me as RJ wrapped himself around my knees. “I promised Mom.” Nods, but the clear look of distrust in their eyes told me more than anything else. “Why would I help him leave?” I finally snapped. “Since having him HERE means that I get to be WITH him, helping him go would be stupid, wouldn’t you think?” I reached down for RJ. “I hope you find him,” and that was true of Judith at least.
Judith did find him, but not before all hell seemed to break loose for the rest of our world. Mom returned, and everything was a flurry of news and irritation and frustration. Negan escaping was almost the least upsetting thing that could have happened.
Jesus is dead. I feel a rush of pain at the loss of a man who was far too kind for this world, even if he had brought Negan and his people to my dad’s attention. I wonder how Aaron is taking it. Since I’m getting the news from Mom, I know he must have gone to his daughter’s side. Comfort from the unconditional love of a child is unbeatable, I would know.
There’s a prisoner in Hilltop, a member new group of badness that seems to actually use the hordes to make their attacks. And not in the same way that Negan used them for guarding the Sanctuary. And Daryl, Mom mentions with a look in my eyes that tells me more than words ever could, is in charge or learning more from the prisoner. I feel a rush of fear and terror at what tactics Daryl will use to get what our people need to keep safe.
Negan’s return is almost anti-climatic. Mom, I can see, is shocked that I don’t want to go and speak to him. Questions and a suspicion in her eyes that I shake off. Offering to take RJ with me for the afternoon, since she plans on confronting the Council after what she considers their duplicity and backstabbing, she nods, but I know the conversation isn’t over.
Judith finds me, playing with RJ on my porch, and I wait to hear what she feels like sharing. Taking a seat on the top step, she watches while RJ runs around the porch trying to grab and catch the ball I was rolling around for him.
“He was coming back on his own,” she offers, and I tilt my head to show her I’m listening. “He knows I was right, Jessi, that there’s nothing out there now, not for him.” Nodding and clapping as RJ catches the ball on the first go this time, I wait for whatever else she wants to share. “He told me he promised you-”
I chuckle as my baby brother launches himself at me and tackles me onto my back. “People promise a lot of things, Jude, you know that.” I know she knew it, she’d shared Carl’s letter he wrote to her with me. “Promises mean nothing without actions.”
“And he’s back, Jessi,” I was wiggling under RJ’s attempts to tickle me into submission. “He’s back and he’s right there-” I didn’t have to look to know she was pointing at his cell. “He loves you.”
“Oh, Jude,” I sit up, holding RJ’s now squirming body as I tickle him back. “I wish that was enough.”
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